#fyi I’m still not over it and I never will be 😭
meowzfordayz · 5 months
hashira accidentally touch your chest
Author’s Note: pls and ty enjoy this tidbit of crack-fluff. 😆💖
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hashira accidentally touch your chest
Hashira x Reader
Word Count: ~1,600
CW: explicit language, Fem!Reader, mild sexual content
Suggestion Fulfilled: Can we get all hashira accidently touch y/n's breast
Fyi, “chest” means boob. I was just worried Tumblr would block this post from tags if I included “boob” in the title lmao. 😉
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Shocked 😳😖
“I apologize, [y/n]-san, it won’t happen again!”
Gyomei’s nearly in tears, he feels so terribly 😞
“These things happen!” you promptly assure him, “Besides, you technically won the bout.”
No need to mention that he always wins when training together 🥲
“I cannot accept such a tainted victory.”
“Himejima-san, though I appreciate your concern and respect, there’s truly no issue.”
Meanwhile, Gyomei’s rethinking his entire Breathing Style to ensure he never accidentally touches anyone’s boob(s) again 💀 
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In cold disbelief 😐😐😐
If you don’t say anything, then he won’t say anything
Alternatively, if you do say something, then Obanai will immediately curl up into a ball and die
Spends the rest of his day recalling the fleeting warmth of your breast
He swears his hand doesn’t even get cold, so affected by the heat of your bosom
Your boob must be ✨magical✨
“Iguro-san,” you call out gently, noting his dazed stare, his dinner untouched while he sits crossed legged, “Is something on your mind?”
“No.” 😐😐😐
Well okay then 🙃
“About what happened earlier…”
🫨🫨🫨 <— Obanai is FREAKING OUT
“… Iguro-san, I didn’t mind.”
And then you stand up, take your dishes, and leave
Good luck finding Obanai tomorrow 🫡 (the poor man’s been pleasantly overwhelmed)
He’ll avoid you for eternity now 😌 (not really, but at least until he can breathe around you again)
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She giggles 🤭
“Oh my! [y/n]-san, I didn’t mean to touch you so intimately!” 😅
“No worries, it happens.”
Your face may or may not be burning up a storm, but that’s okay!
Mitsuri’s blushing too
A lot 😳
“I hope I didn’t hurt you?!”
Because like, What if I gripped too hard?! 😭
She’s well aware of her own strength
“You barely brushed me, Kanroji-san. I promise!”
She grins, relief evident as she bumps her elbow against yours
“Don’t tell anyone, okay? I would be so embarrassed!!!”
“Kanroji-san, our secret is safe with me.”
I wish it would happen again… <— lowkey both of you thinking the same thing 🤪
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As a medical personnel (among other roles), Shinobu accidentally (or even on purpose, depending on where you’re wounded) touching your boob isn’t entirely unreasonable nor unrealistic
Obviously it would be nicer if she was caressing you out of love and affection 😔
And not methodically cleansing then bandaging claw marks that just so happened to cross over your chest 😒
“You should make a full recovery,” she’s all business, “The demon avoided your nipple and didn’t puncture deep enough to affect the functionality of your breast,” fortunately, you’re too exhausted to be embarrassed by her bluntness, “It has a nice shape. I’m glad you survived.”
Now you’re kinda embarrassed
More so preening, really 🤭
It’s like when a doctor randomly compliments the rhythm of your heart or some other characteristic from a mainly professional POV, but you’re still caught off guard because who tf compliments someone’s kidneys or bowels movements or?????
In your pain hazed delusion, you briefly contemplate somehow getting your other boob injured too… gotta make sure you’re matching in (nice) shape, y’know? 😌
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Kyojuro can be discreet, albeit more so for your sake than his
“Pardon my slip, are you okay?” <— how he actually reacts, because he isn’t entirely lacking in social awareness and decorum 😆
“Oh,” you don’t mean to squeak, but it can’t be helped when the most handsome man you’ve ever known just casually grazed your boob, “I’m fine! Totally fine! Haha!” 🫨😵‍💫🫠
You’ve gotta be more convincing than that, or Kyojuro will never forgive himself 😕
He’s a lil oblivious when it comes to physical attraction
Not like, infantly so, but given this particular circumstance?
He doesn’t realize you’re flustered; he assumes you’re mortified 😖
“You sound decidedly less than fine.”
He’s softer now, worried about startling you 🥺
“I was surprised! But don’t worry! I’m not worried!”
Okaaay, but he’s worried 🥲
“Is there any way I could make amends for my indiscretion?”
Not only is he handsome, but he is such a gentleman 😭😍
“Rengoku-san, there are no amends to be made, I promise. I’m not mad, nor do I feel unhappy or unsafe. I forgive you.”
Your regaining of the ability to speak in complete sentences greatly reassures him 😮‍💨😁
“Ah. Well. I am grateful for your kindness and understanding. It will not happen again.”
Hold up 🧐
Why does she seem… she seems… disappointed? Should I have said it will happen again??
You’ve suddenly given Kyojuro something quite pleasant to ponder 🤔
After all, he isn’t entirely oblivious 😉
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“Are you going to apologize?” Sanemi demands
“For what?” you screech
“For touching my hand with your boob!”
Your eyes roll, “Oh fuck off!”
“I didn’t ask to touch you,” he grunts
“I wouldn’t have given you permission anyway,” you retort 😒
Arms crossing over his bare chest, Sanemi scoffs, “Well I didn’t give mine either!”
“You’re ridiculous. It was an accident.”
You seem genuinely pissed 😬
Sanemi rethinks his approach
“You know I’m joking, right?” 😅
“Nooo,” your sarcasm cuts deep, “I thought you were flirting.” 😐
Uh 😀
Well 😃
Shit 😄
“Fuck you!” 
When in doubt, curse ‘em out 💀
You scowl, confusion lingering as your blood boils, “Fuck you!”
“I said it first.” 🙄
You stalk away, fed up with his antics
#man child #sort of #romantically inept is more like it
As tends to happen with epiphanies, yours doesn’t hit until you’re almost asleep
Best believe Shinazugawa Sanemi is about to have a Lesson 101 in flirting asap 😤😎
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(assuming you’re older, like, mentor age to Muichiro)
Neither of you make a fuss about it
It’s like accidentally calling your teacher mom 😬
Or grabbing a random person’s hand in the supermarket thinking they’re your parent 🫣
Embarrassing, but not a huge deal — unless you make it one
There’re those three seconds of slow motion Uhh and What just happened and Oops 🫠
And then time speeds up to normal again, you have a quick conversation with your eyes (gosh forbid you speak and bring the unspoken into reality 💀), and it’s over
^^ Alternatively, if Muichiro initiates a conversation to clear the air, then you’re able to have a mature and concise chat that is respectfully and patiently resolved
Embarrassing/accidental encounters are part of growing up
As long as they can be navigated ~safely, there shouldn’t be any lasting harm
⚠️I also want to emphasize that I am talking solely on inarguably accidental/one time incidences⚠️
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Giyuu’s hand is stuck 🫣
Only for like, a fleeting second
But omg 😭
He was already embarrassed, and now he’s triply embarrassed 🫠🫠🫠
“... Tomioka-san?”
You won’t lie; you aren’t especially bothered 🤭
But it is a compromising position to be caught in; Giyuu lowkey crushing you, one of his palms clearly cupping your boob 😬
#wrestling #or something #so maybe this isn’t super realistic #forgive me
You’re about to repeat his name when he finally springs to life, immediately rolling off you, standing abruptly, about to literally sprint away
And then he remembers his manners 🙃
He offers you a hand
His other hand; his boob hand is currently tucked away in his haori
He’s never washing it again
#closet perv
“Thanks,” you smile faintly, accepting his assistance as you lift yourself from the ground
You hope he can’t hear your heartbeat 💓
He definitely can 😶
But can you hear his?
“I don’t think we should train together anymore.”
Giyuu is swift and harsh with his solutions
Your question comes out stiffer than intended
He hesitates, unable to interpret the fear in your tone — the longing
“I always beat you,” he explains lamely, “Don’t you get tired of losing?”
You scoff cheerfully, grinning now as you squeeze his hand
Fuck, we were still holding hands?! <— Giyuu is in shambles 😳
“I could never lose!” you declare, feelings brimming in your throat, spilling onto your tongue, “Not when I’m with you.”
Then we should absolutely stop training together would be the responsible reaction
Attachments are the most dangerous game for a Hashira to play 😕
Instead, Giyuu’s rendered speechless, unable to shake his hand from yours
“Well alright then,” he mutters, stomach churning as he narrowly avoids the warmth in your gaze
In fact, you swear he squeezes back 💓
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“You have three wives.” 🙄
Sputtering, Tengen shrieks, “I already have plenty of breasts to touch!” 
“Tengen,” you glare, not one to back down as you jab a finger into his own chest, “You touched my boob.” 😒
Much better 😌
“I don’t know what they see in you,” you scoff (you’re also lying, you can see plenty🤭), “They’re gorgeous… and you freak out when you accidentally touch a boob.” 💀
Tengen is 100% pouting now
“I don’t freak out when I touch their boobs,” he huffs
“Well aren’t they lucky.” 😐
“You could be lucky too!”
Tengen starts running 
You give chase
Tengen runs faster
Tengen runs faster and faster
You give up
*insert gasping for air here*
Oh well, you’ll have to visit their estate sometime this week 🙃
You’re sure to get an answer from Hina, Makio, and Suma ☺️
And you can’t wait to see more of Tengen 😏😋
Sorry, sometimes the horny just happens 🥴
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Russian Roulette
Pairing | Mitch Rapp x reader
Summary | Assassin!reader won’t talk. mitch knows just what to do to fix that Warnings | Sexual content, 18+, gun play, fear play, degradation, cnc (barely), breeding, face fucking, crying, edging, light praise, choking, brat taming, deep throating, Words | 8k Notes | Here it is folks! The long awaited russian roulette fic😌 I do plan to edit this again and republish it in the future but I’m happy with it for now. Enjoy!! (p.s. I’m more likely to post stuff that isn’t completely perfect in my eyes (even tho it’s literally still good lmao) if I have positive reinforcement😭 just an fyi if y’all want more💀) Ao3 link | <3 Masterlist
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It was supposed to be a simple mission. One you’ve done hundreds of times by now.
Seduce the target, then kill the target.
Every mission, your boss gives you a name, picture, location, and time. That’s how you found yourself at a hotel bar, wearing a skimpy dress and strappy heels, waiting for Mitch Rapp.
You’re excited for this one. Usually the men are either old perverts or young, inexperienced, and cocky. But every once in a while there'd be a man who’d challenge you. A man who made the game exciting. And Mitch seems like that kind of man.
You sipped your drink and looked around the bar. Finally you saw him walk in. He went to the opposite side of the bar and ordered a drink. When he looked up, he caught your eyes. You didn’t look away and just gave him a small smile. His face was emotionless but you didn’t let that deter you. You leaned forward with your elbows on the bar, pushing your breasts together, and watched as his eyes followed the movement. When his drink was set in front of him, he grabbed it then started walking toward you, making you laugh internally. Men are so easy.
“Hi.” You said, setting your drink down after he sat next to you.
“Hi.” His voice definitely matches his face.
“I’m Evelyn.” You lied.
“Dylan.” He lied as well. Your targets were rarely smart enough to use a fake name, usually too focused on your tits and the promise of a good fuck instead.
“Do you live around here?” You asked, twirling a piece of hair around your finger.
“No. I’m here on business.” He took a sip of his drink and looked you up and down, this time spending more time on your legs.
“Oh me too. Well, business and then a little vacation time before I have to go back.” Which was another lie. You never stay anywhere right after a mission. “Although I do have time for some fun before I have to work.” You gave him a small smirk and crossed your legs, making your dress ride up your thigh.
“Oh yeah? How much time?”
“Probably a couple hours. My boss is flexible.” Lie. He hates when you’re late. But you’re horny and, target or not, there’s a hot man in front of you. He can wait a little longer than planned.
“What do you say, Dylan? Wanna keep me company for a few hours?” You set your hand on his thigh lightly. When you started sliding it up, he grabbed your wrist, his fingers completely encircling it. Probably to keep you from finding a concealed weapon.
“You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.” He said lowly.
“I think I have a pretty good idea.” You bit your lip, looking up at him through your eyelashes. “C’mon, let’s have some fun.” You leaned your face closer to his and felt his grip on your wrist tighten.
“I promise I’ll be a good girl.” You whispered, breath fanning against his lips. His eyes roamed your face for a few seconds before suddenly using his grip to pull you from your seat, over to the elevator. You’re thankful your purse was already on your shoulder because you definitely wouldn’t have remembered to grab it… And you definitely need it to finish the mission. Not that you can’t kill someone without a gun, it’s just easier.
You entered the elevator and he pushed the button for his floor. When the doors closed he slammed your back against the wall and pressed his lips to yours, making you moan in surprise. His hands gripped your waist tightly and yours went to his hair. He kissed you passionately, his tongue fighting for dominance with yours. When he rolled his hips into you, you pulled back with a gasp. He was quick to move to your neck, pressing kisses and leaving hickeys along the sides. You moaned again and his hand snaked down your leg then up your dress on the outside of your thigh.
“Oh my god!”
You both pulled away quickly. An older lady stood outside the elevator with her mouth open in shock. You hadn’t even heard the elevator ding. Mitch checked the floor number then swiftly exited, pulling you behind him.
“Sorry.” You gave the lady a sheepish smile as you walked past her. You entered his room quickly and he slammed you against the wall again. When his lips met yours, you started trying to push his jacket off his shoulders. He obliged then pulled back to take his shirt off.
You were too horny to think about what the proper reply should be when someone has scars like this. Maybe that’s what gave you away.
He pulled your purse off your shoulder and threw it on the dresser next to you. You internally cringed when it landed with a really loud thump, seeing as your phone and gun are both in it.
He kissed you again and started sliding both of his hands up the outside of your thighs, this time making sure to pull your dress up. He placed his leg between yours and you stifled a moan. When he bit your lip, you gave in, starting to grind on his thigh. His hands reached your hips and he gripped them tightly, forcing you to continue rocking against him.
Mitch moved to your neck again, leaving more hickeys and occasionally biting the sensitive skin. He reached your collar bones and continued down your chest but pulled back when he reached your dress. He looked at you with dark eyes then placed his hand on your neck. You gasped and started rutting against him harder.
He leaned his head down next to yours, putting his mouth by your ear, then whispered, “Who are you?”
“W-what?” You didn’t register the question, still focusing on grinding against him. He leaned back to look at you and tightened his hand on your neck, making you release a choked moan.
“Who the fuck are you?” Your hips stuttered to a stop. Shit. They never figure it out until there’s a gun to their head. Maybe he means something else. “Who do you work for?” He said, harsher this time.
Okay so he definitely doesn’t mean something else. Fuck. He slammed your head against the wall and you winced.
“I- I don’t know what you’re talking about. Dylan, you’re scaring me.” You said quietly.
“Don’t fucking lie to me!” He growled. He tightened his grip, and even pushed on your windpipe, making you claw at his hand, trying to remove it.
“You’re hurting me.” You whimpered, feeling tears pool in your eyes from the lack of oxygen. “Dylan, please.” You gasped, letting the tears fall- all of it adding to your performance. His grip loosened and your chest heaved, trying to take in as much air as possible. Finally you caught your breath and then made your move- it’s too risky to stay in this position when you don’t know what he’s capable of.
You punched him in the nose and he stumbled back, clearly surprised. You ran the couple of steps to reach for your purse but were yanked back by your hair until you landed on the ground in front of him, his gun aimed at your head.
“Who are you?” He asked again, his voice harsher now.
There are three ways you can play this. Accept your fate, continue with the act and hope you fool him, or fight and finish the assignment. In reality, there was only one option because of your ego.
“Honestly I’m surprised you figured it out so soon. Most of them don’t until they’re already dead.” You smirked, looking up at him. “Although the few that do figure it out usually are smart enough to try and get their dick wet before doing anything.” His face remained emotionless and it only spurred you on.
“What gave me away?” You started taking off your heels, preparing for a fight or a quick escape. “C’mon Mitch,” You continued when he didn’t reply, “I gotta know how to improve for my next job.”
“Who are you?” You kept looking up at him and moved onto your knees, not giving him an answer. Suddenly, his gun hit your temple, the force making you fall onto your hip. You brought your hand up to feel the injury, no blood at least but it’ll definitely bruise.
“Fucking, dick! What was that for?”
“It’s going to get a whole lot worse for you if you don’t start answering my questions.”
“What are you gonna do? Shoot me?” He cocked the gun and held it closer to your head making you chuckle. “You won’t do that.”
“Why’s that?” He deadpanned.
“Because your dick’s still hard.” You whispered, placing a hand on his bulge, waiting for him to remove it. He looked you up and down and you could only imagine what you look like right now. Because based on what you can feel, your dress is dangerously low on your chest and high on your thighs, and not to mention the number of hickeys you probably have. He put his gun in the waistband of his pants behind him and you smirked triumphantly.
Mitch crouched in front of you and you tried to plan how you could grab either his gun off him or your own. One hand fisted your hair and roughly pulled your head back, making you gasp.
“I’m going to ask you again. And I’m going to keep asking and hurting you more and more until you finally tell me.”
“Who are you?” You kept your mouth shut and stared at him. He removed his hand from your hair to land a swift punch on your cheek before grabbing it again. The dull throbbing hurt like hell but you kept your poker face.
“Who do you work for?” When you didn’t answer, he punched you twice this time. You could taste the blood in your mouth and you debated spitting it in his face.
“You’re wasting your time. You might as well just kill me.” You wiped off some blood you felt dripping on the corner of your mouth. “I’ve been trained to endure every type of torture in the book.” He examined you again but this time you grew nervous under his gaze. Finally he hummed and stood up.
“You’re right. I’m going about this all wrong.”
“What?” You barely got the word out before he grabbed your hair again, lifting you off the floor and throwing you onto the bed. “What the hell are you doing??” You scrambled backwards to the head of the bed when he started moving toward you.
“Luckiky for you, I know a type of torture that’s not in the book. Take your dress off.”
“W- no!” He sighed and got on the bed, grabbing your ankles and pulling you until you laid on your back. Mitch grabbed the hem of your dress and ripped it in half easily. You wanted to be angry with him so badly… but the horny part of your brain is outweighing any logic right now.
He pulled the shreds of fabric off your body until you were left in just underwear- foregoing a bra earlier because of the dress’s low back.
Mitch straddled your hips and placed a hand on your neck, leaning down so his nose brushed yours. You closed your eyes, waiting, but you only felt his breath fan against your lips as he chuckled.
“You’re lucky I don’t just kill you right now.” He rasped. His hand moved up to grip your cheeks, forcing your lips into a pout. “What do you say when I’m being so generous?”
Fuck you. Is what you wanted to say.
“Thank you…” You muttered, looking at the wall next to you. You assumed Mitch was satisfied because he released your face and sat up. He dragged his nails down your ribs and you hissed at the sting. Finally he reached your underwear.
“Such a fucking slut.” He mumbled under his breath and you bit your tongue. “No bra and this pathetic excuse for underwear? Baby, you’re just asking for it aren’t you?” He cooed. You wanted to beat the patronizing tone right out of him, but you couldn’t help the reaction you actually had. He smirked when he noticed you clenching your thighs together beneath him.
Mitch grabbed your underwear and ripped it in half, a lot easier than your dress. He removed the fabric and you started squirming under him. His hands held your hips still and his thumb brushed across your mound, teasing you. You bucked your hips and whined.
“Oh I’m sorry. Did you want something?” You glared at him and his smirk returned.
“You know, if you don’t know how to please a woman you can just say that. You don’t have to drag it out and stall.” His smirk immediately turned into a scowl and he raised his hand to hit you again but froze when he heard an unfamiliar phone go off. He got off you and you started to sit up but he grabbed his gun, pointing it at you.
You rolled your eyes at the command. He grabbed your purse from the dresser and walked back over to the bed, gun still aimed at you.
“That’s my boss probably wondering where I am.” You said when the ringing stopped.
“I thought you said he’s flexible.”
“I lied.”
The ringing started again and he pulled the phone out of your purse. He looked at the unknown number then to you.
“You’re going to answer and you’re going to lie. Otherwise it’s a bullet in your head. Understand?” You nodded and he answered the phone, putting it on speaker.
“What’s taking so long?” He snapped.
“I’m just wrapping up. I’ll be in tomorrow instead of tonight… This guy was a lot more trained than you said.”
“You better not have slept with him again-“
“That literally happened one time and I still finished the assignment. How many more times are you going to bring it up?” You asked, very annoyed and wanting to get back to Mitch. Speaking of him, you looked up at him and saw his eyebrows were raised. You just rolled your eyes and flipped him off.
“Don’t be late.” The call abruptly ended and you found yourself wondering why you had covered for him. You’re not afraid to die… but it was almost instinctual to lie to your boss and that scared you. Because if Mitch had the power to make you do that… what else could he make you do?
You cleared your throat and looked up at him. He tossed your phone on the floor then continued digging through your purse. He pulled out your revolver and smirked.
“Yeah I bet you’ll think it’s really cute when one of those bullets goes through dick-“
“Watch your fucking mouth. That’s your final warning.”
“Or what?” You challenged him. He set your gun on the bed behind him and kneeled over your hips again.
“Open.” You kept your mouth shut as tight as possible and he sighed. Mitch grabbed your cheeks and forced your jaw down then slid his gun into your mouth. You gagged at the taste and tried to get away from it but he was practically holding your head down. When you gagged again, this time it was because he shoved it further into your mouth. You felt tears well up in your eyes, then fall down your temples.
“Poor baby, crying over a few inches. How do you think you’re going to take my cock if you can’t even take this, hm?” You attempted to whine around the gun but it just sounded like a garbled moan. Mitch fucked his gun in and out of your mouth slowly and you continued to squirm under him.
“Careful, baby. One wrong move and I could accidentally pull the trigger. We don’t want that now do we?” You whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut, your body going stiff.
“There you go.” He purred. You continued gagging and crying, just wanting to be done with this part already.
“Take it.” He uttered softly. After a few more long seconds he removed it, a trail of saliva connecting the barrel and your lips. You coughed and tried to catch your breath, then looked up at him through your lashes, your lips were slightly parted as you panted.
He reached up and placed a hand on your cheek. You tried not to read into it when you leaned your head against his palm. His thumb wiped the remainder of your tears, then moved down to trace your lips. He just barely put his thumb in your mouth when you closed your lips around it and sucked lightly. You swirled your tongue around his finger, then opened your lips slightly. He removed his thumb, dragging your bottom lip down on the way out.
Your thighs were squeezed together and you bucked your hips before you could stop yourself. He chuckled and removed his hand from your face, groping your breasts instead. You gasped when he pinched your nipples and then winced when he tugged even harder.
“Ow.” You mumbled. He ignored you and did it again. “You know, you don’t have to be so rough with it. It feels perfectly fine when you do it lighter.”
“Oh I know. But here’s the thing,” He leaned down in front of your face, “I’m not trying to make you feel good, and I especially don’t care if it feels good or not.” He glanced at your lips, then leaned back up.
“I’m going to keep hurting you. And if your slutty little head can’t tell the difference, that’s not my fault.” He shrugged and you pouted.
“There’s not even a small part of you that wants to make me feel good?” You looked up at him through your lashes. His hands grabbed your waist, his thumbs rubbing circles on your stomach.
“You know, usually when someone tries to kill me… that’s not a very good incentive for me to pleasure them.” You just rolled your eyes.
“But I understand why you’re confused, baby.” His tone was dripping with condescension. “Because we both know you’re not leaving here alive and yet, I’d bet you’re all too willing and eager to please me.” You scoffed and he raised his eyebrows, as if to say am I wrong?
“Tough luck.” You snickered, feeling his grip tighten on your waist. “I’m a pillow princess. So I’m perfectly content right here.” You smirked and tilted your head slightly from its place on the pillows, as if to give him a physical example of just how content you are. He gripped your neck in one hand, the other holding himself up on the bed next to your shoulder while he leaned over you.
“That may be true, but even as a pillow princess I can tell you’d do just about anything for some praise.” You felt your cheeks heat up at that. There’s no way you’re this easy to read…?
“Please.” You scoffed. “I wasn’t loved enough by my daddy and now I’ll do anything a man asks in bed? Is that it?” You said sarcastically.
“No I don’t think it’s that.” Mitch tilted his head, studying you. “I think, being a female assassin, you rarely get the recognition and praise that you deserve. So you crave it in other forms.” You swallowed, your neck moving under his palm.
“What is this, a fucking therapy session?” You spat, growing uncomfortable under his gaze.
“No.” He smirked. “I’m just having some fun by getting under your skin.”
“Or are you just stalling cause you’ve never been with a woman before?” You flashed an innocent smile as his hand tightened on your neck. “Or is it that you can’t get it up? There’s nothing to be ashamed of, Mitch. Impotence isn’t uncommon.” You feigned seriousness, almost laughing at his expression.
Eventually though, he just chuckled darkly and your stomach dropped a little. He grabbed your ripped underwear and shoved it in your mouth. You looked at him with wide eyes, but before you could do anything, his hand was leaving your neck and sliding down your stomach. He reached your leg and traced over your hip bone, not going down any farther. You tried to spread your legs under him but you barely moved.
Mitch leaned up then settled between your legs on his knees. He grabbed your hips roughly and dragged his nails down your thighs, touching you just about everywhere except where you actually wanted him to.
You whined, squirming and opening your legs wider. Finally, his fingers ghosted over your clit, making you instantly buck your hips into his hand. To retaliate, he slapped your clit, hard, and shot you a warning look. You choked on a gasp at the sting but it faded quickly.
His fingers lightly dragged down your clit to your folds, then back up to start again. You were just about to rip the underwear from your mouth and tell him to hurry up when a finger entered you. You let out a muffled moan and closed your eyes, tilting your head back. He curled his finger inside you over and over again until you were bucking your hips against his hand. He inserted another finger and you let out another relieved moan.
This continued for a few minutes until you felt yourself nearing the edge. His palm pressed down against your clit, adding even more stimulation. Your hips were rocking against his hand and your eyes closed as you were about to come. He pulled his hand away suddenly, making you whine loudly.
“Ready for some torture?” Mitch smirked and you pouted around the makeshift gag. His fingers entered you, picking up where they left off. You fisted the sheets in both hands and arched your back slightly as you got close again. He stopped and you cried out as you came down from the edge for a second time.
“You gonna answer me now?” He looked at you with a dark glint in his eyes. He wasn’t really asking since he didn’t remove the gag to let you speak. “That’s fine. I have all night.” He curled his fingers inside of you and picked up the speed, making you release a muffled moan. He edged you a few more times- after the fourth time you started losing count- and you were so desperate that you were on the verge of tears.
You tried talking around the underwear in your mouth but it just came out as incoherent, muffled sounds. He removed it and you didn’t waste a second before begging.
“Please- I want…” You cut off with a sharp inhale when a third finger entered you, “I want to come. Please make me come.” He was silent for a moment and then he removed his fingers, sucking your arousal off of them quickly.
“How about this?” He picked up your gun and took out the bullets, leaving one in, and then spun the cylinder. “I’m going to shoot this four times,” he leaned over on his elbow, aiming the gun at your temple, “and if you’re still alive by the end of it, then you can come.” You choked on a gasp and his fingers brushed your entrance again.
“If you’re not alive by the end of it…” He leaned down so his nose almost brushed yours, “Well, I’m still going to fuck you.” He whispered with a dark look in his eyes that made you shiver. He inserted his fingers again and you whimpered at the intrusion.
“Ready?” He smirked, cocking the gun. You shook your head and furrowed your brows.
“N-no, I don’t-“ You flinched when he pulled the trigger, the click deafening right next to your ear because of the sudden fear you got hit with. You shuddered and squeezed your eyes shut.
“One.” He rasped. You whimpered and shook your head more.
“M-Mitch, I-I don’t wanna…” You gasped out.
“Why not, baby?” He worked his fingers inside you faster now. “I thought you wanted to come?” And the thing is… you do. You want to come so fucking badly. The gun aimed at your head is only adding to the growing knot of arousal in your stomach. But you watched him load the gun. And you have every reason to believe that he truly doesn’t care whether he fucks you before or after he kills you. While the thought makes you clench around his fingers, you’d rather be alive for that.
“Just three more, princess. I know you can take it. You wanna come right?” The saccharinity in his voice was quickly taking down all of your defenses. You nodded hesitantly, still shaking out of fear and arousal. He pulled the trigger again, the sound making you release a choked sob.
“Two more.” You felt tears welling in your eyes quickly. You’ve dabbled with fear play as a kink in the past, but it was never anything like this. He inserted a fourth finger and you whimpered at the stretch, but didn’t tell him to stop.
“You deserve this, princess.” His fingers contrasted the gentleness in his tone. “Maybe I should just fire all six rounds.” You moaned through a cry, feeling too overwhelmed emotionally and physically. “Cause we both know your holes are all you’re good for. At least when you’re dead you won’t be able to talk.” He fired the third shot and you felt the tears start to fall.
“Poor thing. Are you scared?” He cooed softly and you nodded with a whimper. “Little girls like you shouldn’t be carrying weapons around. It makes it too easy for just anyone to turn the tables and have you at the other end.” The way he reprimanded you was infantilizing. And you hated the fact that you don’t hate it…
“I-I’m sorry.” You whimpered, not sure what else to say.
“You’re so fucking pathetic. Look at you, humping my hand.” You didn’t even realize you were doing that. “Even with a gun to your head you’re still only thinking with your cunt. That’s why you’re a shitty assassin.” He whispered the last part bitterly.
“Dumb little whores like you aren’t cut out for this, you know why? Because you’d rather fuck your target than finish the assignment.” He ground the palm of his hand down hard on your clit, making you moan. “Say it, princess. Say ‘I’m a dumb whore who only thinks with my cunt.’” You whined loudly in protest, but he pressed the gun hard into your temple, reminding you of your position right now.
“I-“ You cut off with a choked sob, “I’m a…” You squeezed your eyes shut, embarrassed.
“Open your eyes, baby. Open your eyes and look at me.” You complied. “There you go. Now keep looking at me and say it. Don’t make me tell you again or one more shot will turn into two.”
“I’m a- a dumb whore who only thinks with my- with my cunt.” You whispered and Mitch looked satisfied.
“You ready to come?” You whimpered and nodded eagerly, thinking he’d let you come before firing the last shot. “Then just one more, baby.” Your stomach dropped and you felt the fear come back, full force. The coil in your stomach was about as tight as it could get and you tried to come before he could have a chance to fire another round, but your body would not obey you.
“Ready?” You choked on a sob and shook your head. “Oh come on, don’t be such a little bitch about it. Do you want to come or not?”
“Yes!” You cried.
“Then beg.” He said and you paused.
“Beg me to shoot you so you can finally come, humping my hand like a fucking bitch in heat.” He growled, his fingers somehow going faster. You stared at him with wide eyes and slightly parted lips.
“Go on, baby.”
“Please…” You mumbled.
“Remember what I said would happen if I had to tell you again?” You swallowed, giving him a small nod.
“Please s-shoot me…” You whimpered, eyeing the gun. He raised his eyebrows so you continued, “so you can finally make me come.”
“Good girl.” He smirked, grinding his palm harder against your clit, bringing you impossibly closer to the edge. He fired the gun and you froze, then let out a heavy breath.
“Can- can I come now please?” You all but sobbed in relief.
“Go ahead, princess. Keep humping my hand just like that… good girl. Grind on it, baby. Make yourself cum.” He set the gun on the bed then wrapped his hand around your throat, pressing on the sides hard enough to make you light headed. You gripped his bicep and squeezed your eyes shut. Finally the knot inside you snapped and your back arched as your head tilted back, pushing your throat into his hand. Your other hand reached up to grab the wrist of the hand on your neck. You didn’t try to pull him away, you just needed something to ground yourself.
As you came down from your orgasm, your body sagged into the bed. Your eyes were closed as you panted, trying to catch your breath. He pulled his fingers from you then took his ring and pinky fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean and groaning at the taste. He placed his pointer and middle fingers in your already open mouth and you moaned, leaning forward to take them deeper.
“Who do you work for?” He asked softly, removing his fingers and using his other hand to cup your cheek. The tenderness of his touch and his voice distracted you from the weight of the question.
“Piece of shit.” You mumbled sleepily, leaning into his hand. “Hate him.” You sighed and closed your eyes that were growing heavier the longer you tried to keep them open.
“Why does he want me dead?” He brushed his thumb against your cheek, his other hand moving some hair behind your ear.
“You’re being so sweet. Dunno why anyone would want that.” You pouted, opening your eyes to look at him. He gave you a soft smile, but his eyes showed his confusion. “I didn’t wanna kill you. Dunno why… just had a feeling I guess.” You returned his smile then closed your eyes again.
“I’m not done with you yet, princess. Don’t go falling asleep on me now.” He chuckled, his breath fanning against your lips. “Remember what I said? I’m fucking you whether you’re alive or not.”
“Alive doesn’t mean conscious.” You smiled mischievously, not opening your eyes.
“Alright then. If you don’t want to be conscious when I fuck your face and then your cunt, then by all means. Go ahead and sleep. Makes no difference to me.” You could practically hear his smirk, and yet… you still took the bait. You opened your eyes and glared at him.
“Fine. I guess I’ll be conscious.” You huffed dramatically, rolling your eyes. You did your best to suppress a giggle.
“I’m honored.” His faux seriousness is what made you break out into a fit of laughter. He didn’t really laugh with you, but he smiled so you counted that as a win.
“Alright get it over with.” You settled into your spot on the bed and opened your mouth with a glint in your eyes.
“You’re such a pillow princess.” He muttered, shaking his head with an amused smile.
“Hey! Don’t say it like it’s a bad thing. I’m proud to be a pillow princess.” You grinned and he just scoffed.
“Yeah, okay.” He laid down on the spot next to you, one hand resting on his stomach and the other behind his head. “Sorry, princess but you’re gonna have to do some of the work. I’ve been on top the whole time.”
“So what I’m hearing is… you want to bottom? I mean I’m down for that but I don’t think we have the right materials, unless you’re hiding a strap somewhere.” You smirked, sitting up.
“Cute. Remember what happened last time you didn’t watch your mouth?” You flushed at the memory.
“How are you gonna fuck my face if you gag me with my underwear again?”
“I’m really starting to reconsider accepting your decision to stay conscious.” You gaped at him.
“You wound me, Mitch.” You put a hand over your heart dramatically.
“I’m going to wound you if you don’t hurry up.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“You know, you telling me to hurry up makes me want to do the opposite.” You crossed your arms and he huffed.
“You’re a brat too. Anyone ever tell you that?”
“Yeah actually. It usually goes hand in hand with the whole pillow princess thing.” You condescended him and he raised his eyebrows.
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes then looked up at you through his lashes. “Please suck my cock, baby. You wanna make me feel good right? Wanna prove that you really are a good girl? Cause I’m aching for you, princess. I know you can make me feel so fucking good.” He all but whined and you faltered. That was not what you were expecting at all. You figured you’d get another sarcastic reply, not- not that. You settled between his legs on your knees.
“I want to state for the record that I am doing this because I want to, not because you told me to.” You started unbuttoning his pants and you glanced up when he didn’t reply. He had a satisfied smirk on his stupid, pretty face. You just glared at him and kept working on taking his pants off. When you removed his black briefs you were mesmerized as his cock slapped against his stomach, big and red and did you mention he was big??
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“I would but you threw my phone somewhere so…” You reached out to touch him but he grabbed your wrist.
“Take them off all the way.” You huffed but did what he said then reached for him again, he didn’t stop you this time. It looked even bigger in your hand and you could see the vein on the bottom and the precum surfacing at the tip. You leaned down and licked the clear bead, moaning at the taste and then laying down on your stomach between his legs.
You looked up at him and god what a sight. The veins in his arm behind his head are bulging and you could see the veins in the hand resting on his stomach. His pupils were blown wide and he had a light blush on his face.
“C’mon, princess. We don’t have all night.” You ignored him and continued trailing your gaze over his body. You wanted to kiss all of the moles littering his face. Your hand reached up and you brushed your fingers down his happy trail until you reached the base of his cock. You grasped it and looked up at him before starting to move your hand.
His eyes fluttering was the only indication that he even felt anything, so you decided to do more. You put the tip in your mouth and lightly sucked and then swirled your tongue around it, your hand still pumping him. He muttered a ‘fuck’ and you wanted more.
You took him deeper into your mouth, until your lips met your hand, then went back up, still keeping your mouth on him. You looked up at him and when you met his eyes he groaned. He tangled a hand in your hair but didn’t push you yet.
“That’s it. Fuck- good girl. No hands, baby. Just your mouth.” You removed your hand and continued bobbing your head up and down his length. He started taking control, moving you further down each time. When you gagged and tried to pull back is when he lost all control.
His other hand joined your hair and he didn’t even move your head. He just held you still and bucked up into your mouth at a punishing pace. Each time he thrusted in, you were nearly all the way down, but not fully. His thrusting came to an abrupt stop when he buried his cock as far as your throat would allow.
“Fuck- Relax your throat, princess. C’mon, take me all the way in.” You did your best to relax and he pushed inside until you gagged around him and tried moving off him. His grip didn’t loosen and you clawed at his thighs, feeling your airways start to burn from lack of oxygen. When he finally let you pull back, you took a huge breath in and coughed. Mitch was stroking your hair and you looked up at him with tears in your eyes.
“Ready for more?” You glanced at his cock again and nodded, licking your lips. He eased your mouth back over him and started with slow thrusts. He moved your head up and down his length, the slow place allowing you to concentrate on breathing and not gagging.
“You’re just the perfect little fuck toy for my cock, aren’t you?” You moaned around him and he started to speed up. “Just a fleshlight for me to use however I want. Fuck- you were made for this.” He grunted. His hips started to meet your mouth every time he pushed you down.
“Fuck- take it, princess.” He groaned when you choked around him. He held you down until your lips were at the base of his cock, paying no mind to your struggling. Your hands gripped his thighs again, nails digging into the skin. Even though he was holding you flush against his hips, he was still thrusting into your mouth slightly.
Finally he released you, a trail of spit connecting your lips and his cock. One of his hands fell to his side, the other brushing the tears of your face.
“Come here.” He muttered, pulling your body up his. He kissed you slowly, nails dragging down your back, making you groan. He rolled both of you over until he was on top of you, never breaking the kiss.
“I’m gonna fuck you now.” He rasped. You nodded your head, eager for him to start. “Condom?” He took his cock in his hand, rubbing the tip against your opening and your clit.
“Don’t have one. I’m on the pill though.” You breathed, bucking your hips into him. He connected his lips to yours again, this time faster and more eager. He pressed the tip against your opening, pushing in the tiniest amount. When he finally breached your walls you gasped. Obviously you knew he was big… but it’s a whole other story when he’s actually inside you.
He slowly slid his length into you, your legs being pushed up to his hips the closer he got. When his hips were flush against yours, your chest started heaving as you tried to relax around him.
“Fuck,” You whimpered, grabbing his bicep in one hand and the sheets in the other, “oh my god. You’re so fucking big.” You gasped out. He furrowed his brows and opened his mouth in a silent moan. Mitch grabbed your thigh and pushed it up higher, the new angle making you whimper.
“Oh fuck- your little cunt is so tight around me.” He groaned, finally starting to pull back slowly. He dragged his length out of you until only the tip was inside, then snapped his hips forward quickly. The force pushed you up the bed slightly but he continued that rhythm.
“Fuck- please go faster.” You whined, dragging your nails down his back and making him groan. His thrusts sped up slightly, the sound of his hips hitting yours was resonating through the room, along with your moans. His mouth attached to your neck as he bit and sucked the skin everywhere he could reach. You put a hand in his hair and pulled on it hard. To retaliate, his hand wrapped around your neck, squeezing the sides and making your head feel lighter.
Mitch kissed you again briefly, then pulled out. You whimpered at the empty feeling but he quickly grabbed your hips and flipped you onto your stomach. He pulled you onto your knees then pressed down on your upper back, making you arch even further. His cock entered you again and you let out a loud moan at the sudden thrust. His pace picked up quickly and you fisted the sheets near your head and squeezed your eyes shut. His hand left your back to grab your hips, using the leverage to thrust harder and faster.
He landed a sharp slap on your ass and you cried out from the sudden sting. He leaned over you and brushed the hair on your face behind your ear. His thrusts never ceased as his lips brushed your ear.
“You take my cock so fucking well, baby.” He said through a moan. Your breath hitched and you felt his words add to the growing warmth in your belly. “It’s like you were made for me. Made to be my little cock sleeve.” Mitch grabbed your hair and pulled your head back, making you gasp. His other hand wrapped around your throat, pushing your head back slightly. The harshness of his thrusts coupled with the sting on your scalp and the floaty feeling from his hand on your neck was driving you closer to the edge.
No matter how much you hated your boss or your job… you couldn’t help but feel glad that you didn’t quit yet. Because this was probably the best fuck of your life. Sure, most of the other men you’ve been with couldn’t please a woman to save their life- literally and metaphorically- but there’s just something different about him. About the way that he’s rough and soft at the same time. Not just in his actions but in his words too. It’s almost like he had a fucking manual for all of your kinks and turn ons.
“Where do you want me to come?” He whispered, lips grazing your ear. And fuck- you clenched around him, making him moan lowly.
“Inside.” You whispered breathily. His grip on your neck tightened and he cursed under his breath.
“Yeah? You want me to fill you up?” He put all his weight on the arm holding your throat, then released your hair and moved his hand down to start rubbing your clit.
“Please.” You whined, clenching down on him again.
“Such a fucking slut- wanting a stranger to come inside you.” You whimpered at that because… even though it doesn’t feel like it, he still is a stranger. “What if I knock you up, huh? I guess it won’t matter either way since, like I said, you’re not leaving here alive.” His thrusts got harder and faster and he was panting next to your head.
“Please, I-“ You cut off with a choked sob, getting closer to your release with every thrust. “I wanna live. Wanna be your cock sleeve.” Despite you being 90% sure this was all roleplay, there was still some truth to your words.
“Begging for your life and all you have to offer are your holes?” Your breath hitched and his words just added to the growing knot in your stomach. “I might consider that. But it depends… are you offering all your holes?”
“Yes!” You said through a moan. “Yes- all of them.” He chuckled darkly. “Please, I- I need to come.” You cried, feeling yourself nearing the edge.
“Go ahead, baby. Come and I’ll fill you up, okay?” He rasped, his hand rubbing your clit faster. Your body obeyed his command and you cried out when your orgasm hit. You heard him curse under his breath and felt as he fucked into you faster. You buried your face in the bed, muffling your loud moans. His hips stilled and you felt hot come paint your walls. You let out a loud whine as his hips just barely bucked against you, trying to bury himself deeper.
After both of you stilling and just panting for a few seconds, you lifted your face from the bed so you could breathe better and he moved off of you so he was kneeling. Mitch slowly dragged his cock out and you clenched at the emptiness. You felt his come drip out of you, down your clit, and he groaned loudly. He rubbed the head of his cock on you, spreading his come around, and you hissed at how sensitive you were. He moved to lay beside you and you dropped down from your knees on your stomach.
“You don’t seem like the type to cuddle after sex.” You chuckled and the corners of his lips turned up.
“You’d be surprised. But we aren’t exactly cuddling right now.”
“Well what’s stopping you?” You smirked and he rolled his eyes before pulling you to lay partially on top of him.
“Better?” He raised his brows and you laughed quietly.
“Much.” You said, laying your head on his chest. His fingertips lightly dragged up and down your arm and you traced the moles and freckles on his chest. What now? You thought. He’s not actually going to kill you… is he? “Are you actually gonna kill me?” You mumbled against his chest.
“I don’t know…” He sighed. “No. But I can’t just let you go.” He was silent for a moment before continuing. “I think I should bring you to my superiors and let them decide what to do with you.”
“Your superiors? That doesn’t sound ominous at all.” You laughed, feeling his chest vibrate as he chuckled quietly. “What are they like mob bosses or something?” You said teasingly.
“More like a former navy seal and director of the CIA.”
“The C-“ You lifted yourself off his chest to look at him. “CIA? You work for the CIA??” Your voice rose in shock and he raised his brows, amused by your reaction.
“Oh my god- I almost killed someone from the CIA. That would’ve been so bad.” You put a hand over your mouth and stared at him with wide eyes. “You didn’t even get close to killing me.” He chuckled.
“Only because I didn’t want to. I totally could’ve killed you.” He just smirked at you but you were too hung up on the fact that your boss basically sent you on a suicide mission. If not suicide, then life in jail.
“That bastard! He sent me to kill an agent of the US government and didn’t even fucking tell me.” You seethed before calmly stating, “I’m gonna kill him.”
“Don’t kill him.” He chuckled. “Actually it depends. Who is he?” You told him the name and his eyebrows raised before he let out a small laugh.
“What?” You asked, confused.
“That’s the guy we’ve been after right now. We’re actually really close too.”
“Oh... What’d he do?” You asked.
“He’s a terrorist.” He deadpanned and your whole expression dropped.
“Oh shit.” You breathed. “Okay well now I definitely want to kill him.” You shrugged. “After I get paid though.���
“But you didn’t kill me.”
“That’s what’s funny about it though. It’d be even more ironic if you were the one to kill him.” Suddenly, you realized that you, an assassin, are talking to an agent of the US government about killing someone. “Are you gonna arrest me?” You asked nervously and he let out a small chuckle.
“I don’t think I can even do that… but no.” You sighed in relief. “Plus, what good is a fuck toy if it’s in jail?” He smirked and you felt your cheeks heat up.
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techs-goggles9902 · 2 months
Can you do at Tech lives fan-fic (like if Tech is CX-2)??
CX-2 is all that remains
Warnings: prosthetic stuff, mentions of blood and stuff, contact lenses 💀 scars and stuff, bacta usage, memory issues (ik nothing super bad but what if you had a fear of contacts??) TBB SPOILERS
Word count: 1457 (WHOA I WENT OVERBOARD)
A/N: IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG ANON. I genuinely love the bad batch but I HATE WRITING THEM SOMETIMES 😭 I feel like I’m butchering their characters. But I gotchuuuuu!!! Lmk if I should continue this.
Requests are open! See Masterlist for details!!!!
IMPORTANT NOTE: some of this was supposed to be italicized but my copy and pasting removes it, so some of this stuff are their thoughts. Just an FYI
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“You recognized it, too,” Hunter whispers to Crosshair as the group hurries up the rocks.
”I did. You said he died on Eriadu,” the sniper replies in a low mumble.
“He did… Wrecker watched him fall.”
”Well, obviously he survived. Next move?”
”Follow through with the plan, Cross. I’ll have Echo double back and take us down there.”
”But… it’s him?”
Hunter pauses. When he speaks, his voice cracks, “Tech’s alive. And with the Empire.”
Tech - no, CX-2! He had to get used to that - needs to get out of the water, and fast. The current pulls at him as he grips a narrow rock beneath the surface.
His helmet can only keep him alive for so long, he needs air sooner rather than later.
This isn’t ideal. The cybernetics will never last if their circuits are drenched.
His slender fingers lose their grip on the rock. One, two, three. The Shadow loses his grip entirely, his gloves ripped apart at the seams as the sharp ridges cut into the calloused flesh of his fingers.
The current throws him back into another rock, his backpack absorbing most of the impact.
There, he thinks as the water starts to seep into his body suit, I just need to make it to that ledge and my odds of survival increase significantly.
He feels his cybernetics digging into the tender flesh of his legs. The part where the river meets land was so close, yet so far. Reaching out a bloody hand, his shredded fingers are met with rough sediment.
”Echo, Rex, please. It’s him! I feel it,” Hunter says, trying to keep Echo from making the jump into hyperspace.
“Hunter, what if it’s n-”
”Rex, your buddy isn’t coming after us. He let us go. There’s no risk in going down there,” Crosshair cuts in. Echo and Rex glance at each other.
Rex, Echo’s expression says, what if…
Echo, Rex’s body language reads, you said it yourself. He’s gone.
You didn’t give up on me.
Rex’s gaze softens. “Fine. You have ten minutes.”
Hunter lets out a breath, clasping Rex’s shoulder. He says, “I owe you.”
”You owe me a lot, Sarge.”
Echo lands the ship just off the riverbank but is still hidden in the trees in case Wolffe changes his mind. The ramp opens with a soft hiss and plants itself on the rocks with a gentle thud. The river laps against the rocks like white noise, the water running down the cliff adds to the effect.
And there, lying on the rocks, still half in the water, lies the Shadow. Barely conscious and panting, his bloodied fingers groping the sediment.
“Maker… Gregor, get the med kit!” Echo yells back into the ship as Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker trip over themselves to get down to the riverbank.
“Shit… Hunter, is he…” Wrecker asks in a low tone, kneeling down beside the semiconscious clone.
“His heart’s beating,” the sergeant replies.
“Damn… Wrecker, can you get him on the ship? Gently?” Echo asks, leaning down to check the assassin’s pulse.
“I got him.” Wrecker slowly turns the clone onto his back and snakes an arm beneath his knees and back. “I gotcha, I gotcha…”
CX-2 feels himself being lifted up off the ground, his helmet removed, his head resting on someone’s shoulder plate. He hears voices calling out to him, hands lowering him down onto something somewhat comfortable. A bunk?
His armor taken off his wet bodysuit, said bodysuit is either peeled or cut away from his body.
“Cybernetics aren’t the best quality… just a pawn in Hemlock’s game,” a gruff voice says.
“Oh, Tech…” a softer voice says.
“I told you that you should’ve taken medic training,” a different voice comments. A scoff follows.
“Stow it, Cross.” Cross… that seems so familiar to CX-2. All the voices do, even the soft, feminine one. A warm liquid oozes out of where prosthetics meet flesh. Blood.
“Shit, Gregor, hand me the gauze,” He knows this voice…
“Echo, keep pressure. I’m getting him bacta,” Echo… warm hands trail down his body, checking for further injuries.
“Crap… these prosthetics are absolute trash, I should know. Not even connected properly… Tech, if you were awake to see this mess…” the voice, Echo, scoffs. CX-2 hears a smile in his voice.
“Are…are they as good as yours?” CX-2 hears his own voice ask that. He doesn’t know why he said that. In fact, his mouth moved on its own accord. All sounds around him cease and everything’s quiet except the soft hum of the ship.
“I… no, sorry, bud…mine are cooler,” Echo responds. CX-2 feels a subtle smile tugging at his own lips. Why? These are the enemy. Someone tends to his mangled hands, cleaning them and wrapping them tenderly.
“Tech…” CX-2 hears that name being called over and over again. Whispered in his ear. Murmured into his forehead as soft lips make contact with the scarred skin. Breathed into his hands as someone holds them gently.
His eyes open, just for a moment, meeting the gaze of five pairs of brown eyes. “Tech is gone,” he says. “CX-2 is all that remains…” He’s out like a light a second later.
Hunter’s heart felt like it was stabbed, trampled, cut out of his chest, and thrown out onto a rock to die. Tech is gone… the words echo through his mind all the way back to Pabu. This wasn’t the reunion he had in mind when he realized the Shadow was actually his little brother.
Crosshair doesn’t know how to feel. He abandoned his squad, his family, for the Empire. Is this karma, he thought.
Nonsense, Tech’s voice whispers in his head, this has nothing to do with you. The rational explanation is that the Empire succeeded in turning me into an assassin where they failed to turn you. Do not blame yourself, Crosshair. There was nothing you could do to stop this.
But I could’ve known, Crosshair’s voice whispers back to Tech’s, we would’ve been at Tantiss together.
And how could you possibly have known that, Cross?
Wrecker just tries to keep Omega away from their unconscious brother. “He needs his rest, Meg.”
“I won’t leave until he wakes up,” the blonde replies, crossing her arms. “I’m not bothering him, anyway.”
Wrecker sighs, placing a hand on her scrawny shoulder. He mutters, “Tech’s always been the one to take care of us… it’s weird that we’re taking care of him.”
“I know… what did he mean by ‘Tech’s gone’?”
“I… I don’t know. Cross said the Empire erases their previous lives while they turn them into… this. He’ll pull through and we’ll be losing to him in dejarik in no time.”
Echo was confused. Tech had just asked him about his cybernetics, meaning he did in fact remember them, at least somewhat. He stares out the viewport in the cockpit, his fingers picking at his scomp link. Tech always hated when he did that.
The next time CX-2 resurfaces, he’s staring up at a - wooden? - ceiling, definitely not a ship’s. A house? Hut? Cabin? He groans, lifting a hand up to pinch the scarred bridge of his nose. His face was littered with thick, ragged scars. Ever since Eriadu.
He looks at his hand in surprise as he sees its bandage has been changed recently. Where is he? CX-2 sits up slowly, orienting himself as he goes. The room is warm, small but not small enough that you feel claustrophobic. A window is above the bed he’s currently lying on, soft light filtering through the translucent curtains. He strains his neck to peer out of it.
He gets off the bed, looking down at his prosthetics, which start just below the knee. They’re sturdier as he stands and they don’t restrict his movement like they used to. They’re… comfortable.
He quietly - as quiet as you can get with two durasteel feet - leaves the room, examining the hallway. A kitchen is down the hall, so he heads there. Wincing, he looks around the corner to see if anyone’s there.
There is.
“C’mere, Tech,” the sniper says, gesturing to the seat at the island beside him. CX-2 hobbles over to it, taking a seat silently.
“I’m not the brother you remember,” he rasps, looking out the window.
“No shit… no goggles?”
“Hemlock thought I should wear contacts so the goggles don’t break out on a mission.”
Crosshair hums in response.
“Why did you come back?”
The sniper takes a moment to respond, “Couldn’t leave you behind.”
It’s CX-2’s - no, Tech’s - turn to hum in response. He feels Crosshair leaning against him slightly.
“You’re not who you used to be, but we’ll get there. Right?”
Crosshair scoffs, “Good to have you back.”
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Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @hellhound5925 @dangraccoon @skellymom
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evan4ever · 10 months
Vegas, Baby
Part 11
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Warnings: negative perception of Emma Roberts so if that bothers you, you may want to steer clear of this one 😅
a/n: I’m so shocked by the amount of love this series is getting 😭 I honestly didn’t expect to make more than 3 parts and here I am making part ELEVEN LIKE WHAT?!!! You guys are amazing 🙈😩 JUST AN FYI I know Emma would never be this way, I literally love her sm but it fits the storyline and narrative so just go with it okkk😅
Part 10 here
The week was awkward. It was full of tension and discomfort on both ends after having sex the week before. Neither of you knew what you honestly felt or didn’t feel and neither of you were ready to dive into that conversation yet. Hormones? Maybe. Stubbornness? Absolutely.
You still spent the week looking at the different jobs that LA had, as well as apartments. You weren’t sure what the sex meant or if it meant anything at all. At this point, you knew you had feelings for him, and it scared you because this was never supposed to happen — you both made that clear in Vegas. It shouldn’t change just because you brought a life into the world together, right? It didn’t make sense. It just didn’t seem right.
And Evan gave no other hints that he was feeling the same. Besides the one kiss you shared and the sex last week, he was hot and cold. One minute he’d always be attempting to touch you whether it be a hand grab, a hug, forehead kiss, even times where he’d hold your waist whenever he was next to you or moving behind you. He’d always be feeling you somehow. Then other times, he’d seem cold and distant, like he didn’t want to be around you. He was careful not to start another fight, quick to apologize if he’d snap at all or say something that wasn’t the nicest.
You didn’t understand and you didn’t know how to go about it. Do you just come forth with your honest feelings? Or do you find a job and move out so he can have his space back without telling him a single thing? Nothing felt right.
“Do you want to join me?” You blinked a few times looking up at Evan who stood at the door zipping his light jacket up. Your mind was elsewhere that you completely missed what he had said, being so tired from the sleepless nights you’d been getting and almost not even seeing him enter the living room, where you were sat rocking Joey. He raised his eyebrows slightly in wonder.
“Sorry I didn’t even hear what you said..” You cleared your throat shooting him an apologetic smile. He let out a light chuckle and walked into the living room, taking a seat on the coffee table in front of you, resting his arms on his thighs to hold him up while facing you.
“I said that I was going to head down to the studio and talk about an upcoming project I’ll be in, get a head start before being thrown back in next week. Was wondering if you’d like to come. You know, maybe get out of the house? We’ve been pretty cooped up.” He let out another small short laugh, you nodding in response.
“I honestly would love that” you sighed lightly at the thought of getting out and about. “But I’m not sure if we should take Joey out yet, you know with Covid and all the other viruses?” You questioned, furrowing your brows.
“Most still wear masks here. You don’t have to but that hopefully might put your mind at some ease? I’d really like to take you out and show you around a bit, let you meet some people. Sarah will be there, you know she’ll be all over Joey” you both giggled lightly, “might give you a small break?”
You knew he was right and that you would have to take short out of the house at some point, it just made you nervous. Finally you sucked in a deep breath and gave him another nod to which he replied with a wide grin and carefully took Joey from your arms.
“I’ll get him changed while you get yourself ready.” He insisted and you smile gratefully, turning and making your way to your room to change. You internally thanked yourself for deciding to shower today since lately showers were nonexistent. You just needed to put on some presentable clothes and do a quick makeup look.
You chose a simple outfit, slipping on some Jean shorts and throwing your sweatshirt over a cropped tank top and some sandals. It felt weird to be wearing shorts in December, but that’s LA living. It was a bit chilly for the area today, so a sweatshirt sufficed just fine. You threw on some light makeup, foundation contour concealer and some mascara. When you looked at yourself in the mirror, you felt like a human again. Your hair fell naturally down your back, your few freckles stood out, and it was like a breath of fresh air.
You quickly grabbed your bag and made your way to the car where Evan already had himself and Joey buckled in, sliding into the passenger seat and buckling your own seatbelt. You glanced at Evan feeling his eyes on you and shot him a quick half smile to which he sent you a wide one in return.
“You’re glowing” he stated, looking back to the window and backing out of the driveway and onto the road. You pressed your lips together at his statement, feeling butterflies erupt within your tummy, but couldn’t bring yourself to say anything more than a quick and quiet “thanks”.
The drive felt long, realizing how big LA really was and his current studio he would be at for his next project all the way across town. Though the ride was full of Evan explaining to you what every nearly every place and building you passed was. It was second nature to him, but as soon as he told you what things were, you forgot. It would take awhile to learn your way around this large city. Though you enjoyed the lightheartedness during the drive, full of light laughter and terrible jokes that you both would make. It felt good, normal even. For a moment you forgot all your previous stresses and you savored the time it would last.
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Once you arrived, Evan parked in a garage and shut the car off getting out and undoing the car seat to stick it into the convenient stroller that it could attach to, so you wouldn’t have to disturb your sleeping baby. You swung your bag over your shoulder while Evan put the diaper backpack on, you smiling wide at the site of him.
“You look like a total dad” you joked, him laughing in response.
“Good thing I am one now, suits me well don’t you think?” He asked as you followed beside him, nodding dramatically.
“Oh yeah, it’s definitely your style. Own it” you giggled, him shoulder bumping you gently as you teased him. You took in your surrounding, never seeing a parking garage this big or nice. It was shocking, really. And Evan quickly took note of your amazement.
“Some are even nicer. And others not nearly.” You looked at him when he spoke, your eyebrows raising high. He glanced at you and smiled again before looking back at where he was going, leading you to an elevator that took you down to the sidewalks of the outside, busy world. You walked about half a block before entering a large red building that looked like it could be brand new, following him closely down a few halls before entering through a door that led to a large open space.
You looked around in awe, noticing quick that they’re recording studios where many movies are shot, specifically action packed movies with lots of stunts. You were amazed, having only ever seen them on the videos you’d watch here and there when you came across them. You never expected to enter one firsthand.
“Evan!!” Your attention shifted when you heard a familiar woman, looking ahead of you both as Sarah herself came jogging over, immediately taking Evan into her arms, him hugging her back tightly. “I’m so glad you could make it!” She grinned, pulling back from the hug before turning her attention to you. “Oh y/n, you look fantastic! I’m so happy you decided to join us!” She then pulled you to her tightly, taking you by surprise. You giggled lightly, returning the warm hug, happy that this experience was much brighter than the last. When she pulled back from you, her eyes flickered down to Joey and she let out a small gasp, grinning at you again. “And you brought the little one! Oh my” she gasped again as she bent down so she could see him, careful not to wake him, “he’s just beautiful.”
You gleamed at her words, your heart feeling full of joy. “I think so too” Evan said, your eyes meeting his that were already on you, a proud smile on his face which you quickly returned. It made you happy that he was so proud of being a dad and proud of his son. You felt the same, but you couldn’t explain how it made you feel seeing it in your baby’s father. It was exhilarating.
“Please come join us!! We’re going over and getting our scripts now. I’m so excited for you to see what this industry is all about.” Sarah gleamed at you.
“I’m excited to get to.” You nodded in complete honesty. You always wondered what being an actor was all about and now you’d get to witness for yourself.
“Evan! Nice to see you!” An older man greeted Evan with a handshake and the man hug thing that guys did. You recognized the man but couldn’t quite put your finger on it.
“Happy to be here. Uh, Ryan, this is y/n. Y/n this is Ryan Murphy, he’s the writer, director and producer of American Horror Story, Dahmer, and many other great films.” Evan nodded, your eyes widening in realization. You were a fan, sure, but you never really got to know the faces behind the shows you watched. You usually only knew their names and Ryan Murphy was one of them.
“It’s great to meet you, y/n. Evans told me quite a bit about you.” Ryan nodded, shaking your hand.
“Wow it’s… really great to meet you too. I’m a fan of your work.” You admitted, your cheeks lighting up as a typical fans would. He gleamed down at you and gave you a firm nod of appreciation before looking back at Evan.
“Well how is fatherhood treating you? You look great!” You stood next to the two men as they caught up, your eyes wandering around the large open room and skimming over the many faces that filled it. You didn’t recognize many people, any really, but you loved the idea of being in a room full of actors and getting to see what they do.
“Do you act at all?” Your attention was brought back to Ryan who was looking at you again, your mouth falling open at his question and eyes widening.
“Oh no” you shook your head, “no I’ve never acted before. Well unless you count theatre arts in high school. I took a few years of that but that was a long time ago. It was fun but where I’m from there’s no opportunities so it never crossed my mind again after graduating and..” you cleared your throat realizing you were rambling and pressed your lips into a tight, embarrassed smile. “No, I don’t.”
“Ah theatre arts is where it all starts!” He rhymes, your eyebrows shooting up and nodding along with him, eyes flickering to Evan who stood with a pleased smile on his face. “Would love to see what you got sometime. Everyone can act, just a matter of finding the right people.”
You were awestruck at his request, clearing your throat again and simply nodding in agreement, at a loss of words.
“Great! We’ll set that up sometime. Anyways, Evan, your script is being held by Damien back there you are free to grab it and take home with you today. Until then, feel out the set and talk to your peers. Get to know each other!” Ryan called back as he walked away leaving you with Evan alone. You blinked a few times, unbelieving that all of this is even real.
“He loves discovering new talent.” You looked at Evan as he pressed his own lips into a smile. “Found me and helped me get to where I am. I owe him a lot.”
You smiled lightly at his honesty, admiring him in this moment.
“It could be fun.” You tilted your head in confusion, your eyebrows narrowing a bit encouraging him to elaborate. “If you got yourself a career in acting with his help. It might be fun. Endless opportunities here. Maybe consider it?”
“I don’t know if I could get past the stage fright” you laughed nervously, biting ahold of your bottom lip. You were honest, you never considered acting considering where you lived. In high school, theatre was a favorite class of yours. You dreamed of being an actor one day, but that dream faded after you graduated and were hit with reality. And, you were incredibly awkward and nervous around large crowds.
“You get used to it. Believe me. I’m still awkward to this day” he chuckled, resting his hand on the small of your back as he moved you along with him. You allowed him to lead you considering you had no idea what to do or where to go, leading you to a man who held a large pile of papers in his hand. Damien, you presumed.
“Hey man. Nice to see you” the man greeted Evan before shuffling through the papers and pulling out a paper clipped group of multiple pages and handing it over to him, Evan taking it with a thank you before turning back to you.
“What’s this movie, or series, about?” You asked curiously. Evan just shrugged.
“I didn’t get much info on it yet. Just one scene that I read through and decided to take. I’ll let you know once I go through these” he held up his stack with a quick raise of eyebrows. You chuckled and nodded.
“Do you apply for parts anymore? Or usually get offered them?”
“They’re mostly offered to me at this point. Perks of playing multiple roles over the years, I guess” he shrugs, giving you a small goofy smile that made your heart melt. You opened your mouth to reply, but quickly was cut off by a new female voice.
“Well hey stranger, or I suppose we can call you daddy now.” Both you and Evan turn to face the new voice, your eyebrows raising when you recognized the woman immediately.
Emma Roberts.
You were a fan of her work. You grew up watching her on movies and TV shows. You stood completely shocked as you faced her now. Evan, on the other hand, gave her a tight smile and a nod of the head. She walked up and wrapped her arms around him in a hug, one of his arms giving her a quick hug back.
“Um well, my son can definitely call me that but anyone else calling me it would be weird.” He chuckled, awkwardly scratching the back of his head as his eyes flicker over to you before back to her. She took a small step back while the smile never leaving her lips. You only stood, feeling more awkward as each second passed by.
“Come on, it’s not like I hadn’t called you it before silly” Emma giggles, nudging his shoulder with her hand. He clears his throat and looks at you again.
“Uh Emma, this is y/n. Y/n… Emma Roberts.” He nods. You gaze at him a moment before looking at Emma. Her eyes were on him not meeting yours, not even acknowledging you.
“It’s nice to meet you Emma, I’ve been a fan for a long time—
“So you’re a dad now!!” She cuts you off talking to Evan enthusiastically. Your eyebrows furrow together feeling a bit disrespected, but your head quickly recollected the memory of the few pictures you had seen on them together a few years back. You had forgotten they dated. For awhile, if you remembered correctly. But obviously you didn’t give any time of your day to a celebrity couple; you never did. “How does that feel? Isn’t it just an amazing feeling? I remember the day my baby was born. Really, there’s no feeling like it.”
Evan glanced at you again apologetically at her cutting you off before looking back to her. “Yeah. Yeah it’s really great. And y/n is just an amazing mother. It came so naturally to her.”
Your cheeks heated up at his words feeling like he was trying to bring you into the conversation all while you silently begged him not to. You didn’t want to be forced into a conversation with someone who had no interest in talking to you.
“Mm. That’s great.” Emma’s own lips pressed together tightly as she now glanced your way before back at Evan. “I love being a mama. It was like my calling. Ugh! We should catch up. Let our little ones meet? What do you say?”
Your eyebrows shot up. This was definitely something that needed, or should, be talked about together — just you and Evan. You only stared at him waiting for his reply while silently hoping he’d respectfully decline until further notice.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah sure, I suppose. That would be nice, right y/n?” His eyes glanced back at you waiting for your own reply. Your lips pressed together tightly in a newfound annoyance, before forcing them into a smile and giving him a quick, aggravated nod.
He once again smiled apologetically, before Emma grabbed his shoulders and pulled him into her for a hug. You took another step back and crossed your arms over your chest.
He had every right to take Joey where he wanted and to let him meet whoever he wanted him to, but it would’ve been nice to have it discussed with you a little first. Especially with Joey only being weeks old, you weren’t too comfortable with it.
“Well, perfect!! I’ll text you where to meet and when. I know this perfect spot! It’ll be a great place for us to catch up. It’s small, so smaller the party better.” You catch her side eye at you before quickly looking back to Evan. At this point, you were over this conversation.
You grabbed ahold of the stroller and turned away from them, walking out of the large room and into a hallway. You weren’t sure where you were going, but you felt like you needed some air so you were going to find some.
You followed a few signs that eventually let you to an exit, walking out of the large but crowded building and instantly taking in a deep breath of the fresh, hot, air. You didn’t realize the way you’d been holding your breath in their, or the way that Evan’s interaction with Emma had made you feel. Claustrophobic? Uncomfortable? You weren’t sure and couldn’t pinpoint the right word but you knew it was an ill-intended feeling that you didn’t like.
You had no right to be territorial of Evan. He wasn’t your boyfriend. A friend who you happened to have a kid with that was letting you stay at his place. And occasionally had sex. That was all. Whatever that is.
You finally found your way to Evan’s vehicle, after what felt like hours. You leaned against it and checked on Joey, smiling at his sleeping self. He was such an easy baby, you thanked the heavens for it. So… laid back.
You covered him back up just as you heard Evan’s rather panicky voice call out to you. You looked up and watched him jog his way to you, stopping before you and resting his hands on his thighs to catch his breath. Your eyes narrowed slightly, confused.
He glanced at you with an unreadable expression. “What? Serious? You just took off! You don’t do that here! Not… not in Cali. This isn’t your small town anymore y/n, there’s a lot of bad people and bad situations that could happen and you’re a woman by yourself with a small child! You can’t.. you just..” he shook his head as he went over words in his head. “Just wait for me. Let me come with you.”
You blinked a few times, unsure whether to feel flattered or annoyed.
“I was tired of listening to Emma completely bypass me every way she possibly could, so I came to the car.” You shrugged nonchalantly, his head rolling with his eyes.
“Come on she wasn’t..” he shook his head, trailing off. He knew she was, but obviously wanted to make the situation better.
“You should definitely meet up with her.” You gave him a tight smile. He just looked at you confused, now.
“Well yeah, I told her we would—“
“Just you. You and Joey.” You smiled down at the covered seat before back to him. He was still utterly confused, not picking up your interior meaning. “She wants to reconnect, Evan. She doesn’t want me there. So if you’re interested in mending…things… with her. Go. I’m not gonna stop you?” You shrugged again.
You definitely weren’t being honest, you hated the thought of it. A but passive aggressive, but you weren’t going to stand in the way if it’s what he wanted it. It would give you a push to get yourself together and leave. It might be what you needed.
Evans mouth opened to say something but closed quickly. He was speechless, and that only confirmed your questions. You gave him another nod before opening the back door and placing the car seat back in. Evan slowly took the stroller and folded it, placing it in the back before glancing at you, watching you finish with Joey before meeting his eyes. You both stood on opposite sides of the vehicle, silent, staring.
You gave him a small smile before getting into the passenger seat, your eyes immediately beginning to water. You quickly placed your sunglasses on and buckled yourself in, turning your head towards the window to avoid Evan noticing the silent tears.
It felt like your chest was closing in. Evan wanted to mend things with Emma, his ex, whom he was with for years. You couldn’t blame him but damn, it fucking hurt. You wanted to think that maybe you were jumping the gun, putting words or thoughts into Evans mouth and head for him, that he didn’t actually feel this way and you were just assuming. But assuming the worst keeps you from getting too disappointed. And, if it wasn’t how he felt, he wouldn’t denied it or fought against it; encouraged you to come. That he wanted you to be there. But he didn’t say anything, didn’t object. Only stated as he put two and two together, obviously fond of the idea.
It hurt.
You could see Evan glance at you occasionally on the ride home; but never saying anything. You weren’t sure if he noticed the tears or change in demeanor. And you weren’t going to ask.
So you sat in silence next to him, quickly getting yourself and Joey out when he parked in his garage and making your way to your room, stopping at the fridge for the bottle and closing your door behind you.
You laid on your bed silently, admiring your baby as you fed him. His every little detail; small button nose, fuzzy dark hair, wide dark eyes like Evan’s. He was your proudest part of life. You barely got to enjoy him yet and he was everything you needed already.
But your mind kept wandering to the life you could have with Evan, as a family. A real, complete family, with another kid or two. Somewhere in the suburbs, riding skateboards and drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. It was the perfect picture, and that made everything hurt even more. It was fake, unreal, delusional. Evan didn’t want that? You weren’t sure if he ever wanted to settle down. Maybe he liked the new feeling every few months, and you made him have to tie down a bit. Could he resent you?
He helped. This was a two way street, he had just as much to do with making a baby as you did. So he could blame himself if he needed someone to blame. You just wished he’d tell you whether he wanted to have this life, be a dad, or not, so you could walk away easier than what he’s been making it.
Tags: @demxnicprxncess @quicksilversg1rl l @evanpetersfav @kylespencersvocalcords @evanpetersmood @totta69 @ava1262 @1109oo @laynna-mcknight @jjamesstar @yes-divine-ruler @littledreamybeth @bxbyalixo @mraes @prettywhenwedie @officially-em @liltimmytimx @a-s-h-t-o-n
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moshpitgamma · 6 months
i NEED queen barb x fem reader PLEASEEEE
Fallin’ For You||🎸Barb x Fem! Reader
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Warnings: Mild Cussing, IT’S LONG😭😭
FYI: f/f= fav food, f/c=fav color, f/b=fav band, f/d=favorite drink
You were a f/c troll that was feisty and stubborn. You were into all tastes of music, but rock really fascinated you the most. So when your brother ran into your room to tell you he managed to get two tickets to see f/b, you were ecstatic as hell. Choosing an outfit was always your worst enemy. It usually ended with you bothering your brother about your outfit and asking if it’s too much or if it doesn’t have enough. But tonight you really put your all into it and got some pretty good results. (You can pick one here or choose one yourself idm☺️)
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“B/N I’M DONE” you yelled from your room. You didn’t get a response but you heard muffled stomps headed towards your room. And there stood your brother in his best f/b attire. “Damn didn’t know the living mob could dress” he jokingly said while trying to hold his giggles in as he saw the almost visible irritation mark coming up on your forehead. “Alright jackass not to much” you said not wanting to have a whole sibling fight before the best concert of your life. “We better get going before we be late n/n” your brother said walking towards the door to leave. “Alright I’m coming” you said following the other still irritated by the teasing he did on your outfit.
You have been up and dancing for about a good 2 hours and you were getting dehydrated from sweating and your throat was dry from all the constant yelling you were doing. So you decided to go get a drink. You told your brother where you were going and he gave you a $50 bill. “Why so much? I’m just going to get a f/d” you questioned your brother. “Damn n/n I’m hungry, that’s why you lil nosy” he said out of breath from all of the dancing, but still in a snarky way. “OK, shit I was just asking” you shot back while walking away from y’all seats, after he told you what he wanted from the concession stand.
Since it was crowded in the area you were in, you were squeezing past people saying occasional excuse me’s and sorry’s, but when you were almost out the horde, someone bumped into you and made you knock someone and their nachos. “OH CRAP, I’m so sorry are you ok?” You asked the stranger who still was on the ground after the harsh push. “Shit I just bought those you bastard” the mystery person yelled back as you (tried) to help her off the ground. “HEY! I’m not a bastard” you yelled back, getting irritated at the arrogant person in front of you. Once she was fully up she looked at who knocked her over and all of her snarky comebacks she had instantly left her mind. Before she could respond, you beat her to it.
“Even tho you was an ass to me you could’ve at least let me explain what happened” you said a little calmer than before but you noticed she started to stare. She was staring at you for about 3 minutes before you tried to get her attention again. “Yoooo are you good? Do you have a concussion?” You asked a lil panicked as you rushed to check her clothes and head for any injuries or damage.
While you were checking her clothes and head she couldn’t help but get the smell of your self intoxicating scent. Whiskey and chocolate was all she smelled and for some reason it left her with a wave of neediness and the need to know you. She still didn’t notice she was staring until she felt a sharp sting on her hand. “OW what the hell” she shrieked rubbing her stinging hand. “FINALLY! You had me worried over here. Thought you blacked out on me”you said while sighing a sigh of relief. All she could muster up was a “yea I’m good.” Barb never felt this way towards anyone before so she was kinda weirded out from how she was acting. “Well I just wanted to say sorry again and if I could buy you another thing of nachos to make up for your last batch” you offered feeling a different sensation in your stomach.
Once she heard your offer she couldn’t help but accept and for some reason she tried to strike up a conversation while you guys were waiting in line. “Sooo you like f/b?” She asked assuming you were here because of the merch you were wearing. “Yea I LOVE f/b. They just have a way of making how I feel come to life through music you know” you said smiling a soft and barely unnoticeable smile. Barb caught on to the tiny smile and flushed a little and felt her face get hot. “Barb” she said earning a confused “huh” from you. “Barb” she said again “it’s my name” she said in a confirming voice to dissipate the confusion you had. “Oh, my name is y/n”you said in a confident tone as you saw how she blushed at the sound of your name. Before she could respond you were already ordering y’all’s order. “Hi can I get a f/d, f/f, and nachos.” “I like extra jalapeños on my nachos” Barb threw in so the cashier could know.
You were astonished at how many jalapeños Barb had on her nachos. “Your mouth is going to burn like hell” you said in an amazed voice. When she heard you in an astonished tone she wanted to prove you wrong instantly. So she betted that if she could finish her nachos without a drink and succeed, you would have to give her your number. You never backed down from a challenge so you agreed and you had to admit she was cute so it was a win-win either way.
After 15 minutes Barb managed to eat all of her nachos without a drink and successfully won the bet. “Told you short stuff. I told you I could do it.” She said pridefully with a little flirtiness in her voice. Once you heard the little nickname she gave you, a blush appeared on you f/c cheeks. She saw the blush and mentally gave herself and her ego a high five. “I guess a bet is a bet” you said while pulling out a napkin and a pen. Barb was confused about what you were doing, until she remembered what was her reward for winning the bet. Now she was the one blushing, taking the napkin with your name and number on it. “I’m glad I ran into you Barb” you said before kissing her cheek and walking away. Little did you know when you were finally out of sight, she was already texting you and gushing over the kiss you gave her on the cheek like a little kid.
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kimtaesss · 1 year
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Summary: your ex boyfriend from 2 years ago has returned. Despite wanting to avoid him at all cost it’s impossible when you both share the same friend group. To make things worse, he has come back with a girlfriend.
Pairing: Taehyung x reader ; Yoongi x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, exes to (?), exes au
Warnings: starting with a flashback (again 😭); honestly this chapter is mostly flashbacks of how their relationship was before; y/n being a simp for Taehyung and Taehyung only; y/n is just a sad bitch tbh; a bit of Jimin’s and Yoongi’s perspective and yeah! Oh! Just a little fyi some phrase are repetitive cause they kind of share the same brain 🙄. Mini reunion between Taehyung and y/n at the end of the chapter ( but not really). Next chapter you’ll see the reunion of y/n and Taehyung!
Authors note: honestly I’m not really satisfied but I am? Let me know if I should rewrite this chapter tbh 😭 Also its 6 in the morning so if there’s some typos let’s just ignore that. I’m pretty sure I got them all though so fingers crossed.
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Chapters: m.list | 01 | 02 | …..
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"I-I don't think I can make it across" You yell as you pay attention to the ground. You're too scared to pay attention to anything else, even the voice of your boyfriend.
You've always been a homebody, you hated being outside, and being adventurous. Well, you didn't have that growing up, so you guess that added onto your lack of courage. And maybe deep down you wanted to try new things, but again, you had no one to share that with.
But Taehyung, your boyfriend, is trying to stop that cycle. He wants you explore the world, and not just with anyone, with him.
"It's okay! I got you" Taehyung yells back but with a more soft tone. He wants you to feel comfortable enough to take a risk. But he also needed you to hear him. He wants to make sure you know that he's got you, no matter what.
"No! You just- you go ahead and have fun. I can just stay back and wait for you" You move your hands all over the place, almost like you're shaking off water. And that was a dumb mistake, as you clumsily began to lose control.
You were standing on top of a rock, and you're not exactly the lightest human being. You're also not very coordinated, so you tend to fall a lot. But Taehyung still managed to convince you to do this, you're still not even sure what this is.
You trust Taehyung. Just as much as you love him. So, you didn't think you'd be feeling scared to the point where you feel dizzy. But here you are, feeling exactly that.
He never did respond to you. Technically, you did tell him to leave so you shouldn't feel mad or disappointed. But, you guess deep down you wanted him to fight for you.
Yup! You're being dramatic again. You definitely need to grow the fuck up.
"Ahhh" you scream as you kick your legs, and move your arms like some crazy person. You felt arms on your waist, and you could have sworn that you were about to get kidnap.
That was until you heard that deep voice, with an adorable laugh. Immediately you felt as ease. He didn't leave you. He didn't.
"You came back!"
"I never left. I'd never leave you"
Those words. It made you feel seen. It made you feel important. You almost wanted to cry, knowing that you have someone who is willing to put with you. It sounds silly, and you know it. But sometimes it's nice to know you're needed or wanted.
That day ended up with you both falling into the water. Well, actually Taehyung pushed you to fall on your own, but you dragged him down with you.
"I'm so going to be sick tomorrow" you laugh as you continue to splash water and throw some towards Taehyung.
"It's okay! That just means that I can cuddle you all night, and never leave your side"
"Gosh. You're so clingy sometimes" You say, even though you love when he acts clingy. It just means he’s not tired of you yet.
He laughs and carries the biggest smile you've ever seen on anyone. The way his eyes were shining, and staring directly at yours. Your heart beat kept rising, you could literally feel your heart beat out your chest. You were head over heels for Taehyung. You were happy knowing that you had found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.
"I am. I really am"
You continued to stay in the water for hours, just laughing and playing silly little games. He had brought back the happiness you were so desperately were trying to find.
You were beginning to realize how life is so beautiful when you share it with someone.
Who knew dreams can turn into nightmares?
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"Hey, y/n. It's me Taehyung"
Did you hear that correctly? Was your ex-boyfriend really on the phone? It didn't make sense, like at all. Still in shock, the phone slid down your hands, and fell onto the ground. You were in complete shock. This was most definitely not something you had planned happening. You're almost one hundred percent sure, that Taehyung also didn't have this planned.
"Hello? Y/n?!"
Taehyung tried to yell loud enough for you to hear him. He knew that the phone had slipped out of your hands, well because you were quite predictable when it came to reactions. But the yelling couldn't knock you back to your senses. Maybe it was the fact that this did not feel real, this felt more like a dream.
However, it was a dream you wanted to wake out of. This wasn't what you wanted nor needed right now. You were about to go outside and have your friends either hype you up, or maybe make some dumb comment that made you laugh. Either way, you'd take it. But now things took a drastic turn. Your hear a knock on the door, and shivers ran down your back. Immediately, you regained yourself, well sort of. You technically were now more aware of your surroundings, but your mind still felt foggy, and shaky.
"Are you going to show us the dress or not?! I can't promise I'll be nice, but I promise to tell you the truth!" The whine in his voice, yup! It's Jimin. Even though, you technically regained your senses, your mouth felt like it was glued shut. You couldn't let a single word slip out of your mouth.
"Okay! You leave me no choice but to come in there and see you butt naked! Is that what you want?"
Still no reply from you. You were once again in a frozen state, and all the effort to escape this mess was undone. You hear a loud noise, and you instantly knew that Jimin was in fact trying to break in. He didn't know about your current situation, but why was the idea of having him in the room with you making you more nervous? Is it because things could end horrible, and the whole birthday dinner would be ruined or... could it be something else? You just didn't know.
"Dude..what are you doing?" A new voice appeared and you could really differentiate who was who. Your mind was still stuck on the voice that you heard a couple of minutes ago. His beautiful deep voice, you missed it. You missed him.
"Trying to open the door. Duh?" Jimin was questioning Yoongi, rather than actually making a comment. He had that sarcastic tone, like he was answering a dumb child.
Usually you'd laugh to that. Or at least crack a small smile, but it seems like the things that are suppose to make you happy, only make you more sad.
"Why don't you just use the key?" Yoongi spewed back. He was also carrying that sarcasm with him. You just knew they were going to argue about this for days. These two, as much as they loved each-other, they are too petty at times.
At times it feels like Yoongi and Jimin are the exact same person. The only difference was, Jimin had no boundaries and Yoongi at least attempts to be respectful. Although he also has his few bad moments, and ideas.
"There's a key?" A smack was heard and that again brought you closer to your senses but not completely. Why did he say your name like that? And why couldn't you stop thinking about it? You wanted to do nothing but cry. For days, weeks, months or fuck it, years. You wanted to release the very few emotions you've tried to hold back.
"Y/n! Please help! Yoongi just hit me in the back of the head" Jimin continued to plead for your help.
"Yeah, well maybe stop being a dumbass and you won't be smacked" Yoongi's hot breathe, and extreme close proximity to Jimin's ear, lead to Jimin's outburst.
"Snitch" Jimin attempted, again, the key word was attempted to whisper. But if you heard it and there was a door in between you. Then, Yoongi was already planning Jimin's funeral.
You know. You know you're being ridiculous. You're 23 years old, and you're locked up in your room, crying for an ex boyfriend. And it hits you even more knowing that Taehyung hasn't cried for you, or had break downs while he was working like you.
You know that no matter how you're feeling, Taehyung was happy. He beat you. It's not like it was ever a competition, but you know that feeling when you see your ex boyfriend move on, and he seems to be doing better in life than you? It's almost like you were never needed, and instead you were setting him back.
You make yourself believe that you were the problem, even if you weren't. Of course, you had your moments, but who knows. Maybe, you're making yourself a saint, and were actually the reason behind the break up.
God. Some days, you just want to climb onto the highest mountains and just jump right off them. You doubt the pain would ever amount to the one you're currently feeling.
No. You need to get your shit together, and snap out of it. He has moved on, so it shouldn't be hard for you to do the same. But it's just a bit harder when you weren't the one who gave up, the distance never took away the love you had for him. It only increased it.
No. You shake your head, as you try to shake off those thoughts that keep haunting you. It's time to focus on your present self, and the dress that is attempting to cover your flaws. As it turns out the first time you "figured it out" , you had your dress inside out. Luckily there was no one with you, because that was truly just a brain fart moment.
"I-I'm going. I just need to figure out the straps" your voice was a little too squeaky. It was making your entire body cringe. And you hate it. You hate that your voice was tiny; you hate that you're acting like a child when they don't get what they want.
Even when you attempt to fix the straps on the dress, you're moving like a sloth. But you manage to do it, and you couldn't be more sad. It's just... it's too hard for you to act like everything was fine.
See, Taehyung was your go to person. He was the first person that made you feel comfortable in your body. He was the first person who would go out of his way, and drop you off food at work. He was the first person who could read your mind. He knew you. He exposed you to things you've always wanted but never had the guts to try on your own.
And trying on a dress was one of them. You never enjoyed putting on tight clothes. Not unless you were around Taehyung. It's not like you depended on him for a lot of things, and you probably sound like some desperate women who always need a man’s approval. And you don't and aren't.
But Taehyung let you take your time, and never pushed you to do or be someone you aren't. He would always reassure you, take pictures of you, and made sure you are able to appreciate yourself in them.
"Bitch you're slow as fuck! Hurry up!" Jimin's throwing a tantrum again. You hear the stomping and the knocking on the door, and it managed to crack a little smile on your face.
You walked towards the door, not even caring to take a look in the mirror again. Of course, you were afraid of breaking down, because let's face it you were an insecure person. It hit you even more, knowing that Taehyung was going to see you in this very dress.
Your hand grabs the door knob and twists it a little before you actually open the door. You take a deep breathe before you eventually open the door, and let your two stupid friends walk in.
The looks on their faces, made you feel some type of way. You weren't sure if you should be more insecure or if you should be over the moon. It definitely made you more self aware.
"Is it that bad? Or do I look bad?" You're roaming your hands all over your body, almost like you're fixing it up. Even though it's clearly ironed and nothing needs to be adjusted. You're just a nervous mess right now. They're too quiet.
"Oh. My. God. Let's fuck!" Jimin said that with no hesitation. It made you choke the very air, you depended on to live. Your throat was becoming dry, as you continue to cough.
"That's- I was not excepting that comment." You're not sure if you should take that compliment too serious. Well, you know that you and Jimin will never fuck. He just likes to play a lot. But still, you guess you meant if you were even attractive enough to do you know…that.
"Dude! You are so going to make Taehyung's girl jealous" Jimin let's just about anything slip out of his mouth. He even allowed Yoongi to punch him. Not that Yoongi ever needed permission, but he sure did not put up a fight.
"Do you ever just think before you speak? This isn't about Taehyung or his girl. This is about y/n! Which by the way, you look... gorgeous."
"Thanks Yoongi. It really means a lot" You sway your body, as you took in that compliment. Yoongi does compliment you, but it's on rare occasions. And usually you have to ask him, but today, he took the initiative. So you guess, you guess you look decent.
"I'm sorry y/n. I know you are your own person. I just- I didn't think. You look amazing, really! I mean I'd marry you, you know... if I was into you."
Yoongi gives Jimin a "what the fuck" look. But you just end up snorting and laughing like a maniac. Now, they are both giving you a "what the fuck" look.
Now there's tears streaming down your face. You were sad, but those tears weren't sad tears. They were more like, you're grateful to have two friends, who despite being idiots. Are always supporting you, and making sure you feel somewhat comfortable.
"I'm so sorry! Did I make you cry?" Jimin's panic mode, looks like a mother losing a child in a store. It's just hilarious seeing him all stressed out and worried.
"Nice going, dick head" Yoongi says as he rolls his eyes. He was so over Jimin and his stupid comments. He really just wanted to slap tape on his mouth and hope that would shut him up.
"At least I get head"
But Jimin just continued.
"Oh gosh. I'm leaving this conversation"  You continue snorting as you walk to the kitchen. You needed a drink or maybe some pills to calm the arising headache you're getting from being in their presence.
"Can you bring back wine, while you're at it" Jimin shouts, as if your apartment wasn't small and had thin walls. He holds a mischievous smile, and you are shivering from the very thought of it. Jimin when he's drunk, is not the best influence.
And you drunk? Well... you're definitely a follower.
You just hope you can wake up for work tomorrow. Or you guess today. You needed a distraction before the stupid birthday dinner. Well, it's not actually stupid. Taehyung is.
Taehyung. How you wish you could turn back time.
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Jimin ended up passing out after only one glass of wine. He probably had some earlier, he usually lasted longer than that. As for Yoongi? He was taking pictures of you, and attempting to guide you.
"I think it might be better if you... I don't know, put your leg forward? That's hot. Right?"
"I don't know" you shrug to emphasize your confusion. "You're supposed to tell me that" you laugh, as you see him constantly squint and attempt to find your angle. He is trying his best, and that's all you could ever really ask of him.
You continue to move around, or pose in a way, that doesn't look like you have back problems. Or shows just how poorly you can walk in heels, and apparently standing in heels is also a huge struggle for you.
You almost want to give up. In fact, you should. You know that keeping those photos in your camera roll, will be for no reason. You'll never have the courage to truly admire the details, without having something bad to say about them. And if by chance, you happen to look through your camera roll, you'll wake up with puffy eyes and stuffy nose.
"I mean... you look good" Yoongi hesitated for a while to make a comment, which lead him to stutter. You can see the instant regret and embarrassment all over his face. He even curses under his breathe, clearly ready to leave out the very door he snuck into earlier.
"Thanks" You simply reply, as a small smile plasters on your face. It felt forced but at the same time, you know you wanted to smile. He seemed... somewhat genuine about it. Still, his effort definitely lighten your mood.
"Anyway, I should...probably go" he points behind to Jimin and then the door. "He's drunk and I have work tomorrow. Or I guess today?" He freezes realizing how bad he fucked up. Yoongi takes a while to fall asleep, and now looking at the clock, he knows he'll end up showing up to work, without any sleep. He sighs as if had been holding his breathe in for a couple of hours. He's dreading leaving, knowing that he'll have to leave straight to work.
You understand that in so many ways. In fact, you're debating yourself if you should call out of work. It's not for any particular reason. Okay, you're lying again. It's the pain and shame in showing up in a place, that held so many memories.
Taehyung always felt like you're other half. Literally and figuratively. He was always with you, whether that be in mind or standing right beside you. He would always go with you to work and pick you up, just so you don't encounter some creep. Taehyung was half of your heart. He shared this bond with you, that at times it felt like you were seeing your exact reflection.
But when he left. In a way, he left with your heart and identity. You had no idea who you were without him. Maybe, that's why you decided to not reply back to him on the phone. You were unsure of how to respond to him, without remembering all those memories and words that were floating around your heart. You're afraid of admitting that the man you were talking to, or ignoring was not your Taehyung. It was just a different version of a man you used to or…still love.
God. How did you go from work to missing Taehyung? Your mind sure likes to play games with you. Yoongi is the one standing in front of you. Showing you just how much he cares. You should have the decency of keeping him in your thoughts rather than Taehyung, who is no where around.
"Thank you" You blurt out of nowhere. You kind of scared yourself, to be honest. You weren’t exactly sure where that came from.
Yoongi placed Jimin over his shoulders, grunting as he attempts to keep a good hold on him. But once he hears your voice again, knowing you were deep in thought, he turns around. Or attempts to have a better view of you, just as you of him.
"Don't. Thank Jimin, it was all his idea"
"I will. But I'm thanking you right now"
"Why?" Yoongi questions, clearly taken a back by your hard stance on thanking him.
"You made me forget about him. You made me think of me. I didn't think that was possible, even if it was just for a spilt second"
"You're an amazing person, you should think of yourself more often. Plus, it was you who made it possible"
"What?" You snort as you lean onto the wall behind you. "How? How did I make it possible?" You question him as if there was no possible answer to your question. Deep down you felt like there wasn't.
But he sure finds ways to surprise you. It made you feel all giddy inside, knowing that you still had someone who went above and beyond to make you feel like a little kid again. He made you feel... well, you're not sure if you can accurately describe it. But it sure felt nice.
"It's just easy to compliment and make someone feel special when they already are" he turns back around, as your eyebrows furrow. You were trying to take in his words, and the meaning behind them. It felt like he sprinkled your open wounds, with fairy dust. And the wounds were slowly closing.
He gives you one final look back. "Good night y/n"
"Good night" you whisper as the door slammed closed.
Instantly your body was sliding down the wall. As your brain was rebooting itself, and your tears were streaming down your face. You could feel everything and nothing all at once.
You're special? Like you?
Maybe just to him. Maybe he was just being a good friend, and managed to say the right words. Even when the right words felt wrong, especially the way it took your breathe away.
You stare in front of you. You stare at the broken glass that was left from earlier or yesterday. The glass that was holding up, the picture of you and your supposed soulmate.
And just like the glass, you were scattered on the floor. You were fragile enough to break with one sentence. You were broken enough to understand that no matter how much love and praise you get from others, you'd flip everything, and rain on your own parade. You loved yourself enough to hear those praises, but hated yourself to the point of turning those praises into pain.
Because if you were so damn special you wouldn't be in the place you were in. And he wouldn't be in the arms of someone else.
Even if he called you. Even if he contacted you first. You were always going to be his second option.
He managed to move on. without you.
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"Jimin wake up" Yoongi rocks Jimin's lifeless body, well it felt that way anyways. Jimin was passed out. He's not even sure how he managed to do that, especially after only one damn drink.
"Mmm later" Jimin managed to slip out of his mouth, but it still sounded a bit slurred. Thankfully, Yoongi can speak hung over Jimin.
But just like Yoongi can understand Jimin, he knew the only way Jimin would wake up is if someone threw cold water to his face. Well, that or a slap. And because it was Jin's birthday dinner today, Jimin could not have any marks on his face.
After a couple of buckets of water thrown at Jimin's face, Jimin managed to wake up. A little bit too much for Yoongi's liking, seeing as Jimin can not shut up.
"I just know it's going to be super awkward, and I'm going to bust out laughing because of it. Like it's already weird enough that's Taehyung is going, but he had to bring some girl he just started dating. Like does he even think of y/n and her feelings like-"
"If you say like one more time, I'm going to strangle you to death" Yoongi interrupted as his head was starting to hurt from Jimin's constant blabbering. He knew that he had good intentions, but it's 10 in the morning, and honestly speaking, just the idea of seeing Taehyung is making him annoyed.
He's also a bit disappointed. He used to be close to Taehyung, but then he had to pull this little stunt.
He still remembers how Y/n had been knocking at his door at 3 in the morning. Her mascara was splattered all over her face. Her eyes were black, almost like she had been in a boxing match and lost, bad. The way her hair was sticking out, and clinging onto the corners of her face from her constant crying.
She looked so out of it. It hurt. It hurt to know that he couldn't protect her, even if he couldn't do anything to prevent her from feeling that heartache.
And the worst part was that Taehyung went mute when it came to explaining why he dumped her.
"Hello?! Are you even listening to me? God. I need a new fucking roommate, I'm amazing to talk to" Jimin didn't pay attention to Yoongi, and the way his face immediately changed.
"Sorry. What did you say?" Yoongi didn't even recognize himself. His tone, his voice. He felt and sounded so weak.
"Dude. Did you just apologize to me?" He points to himself as he stares behind him, in case he missed someone's presence.
This only annoyed Yoongi. He was always annoyed, and he hated it. For once, he wanted to feel okay. He wanted to stop this rage he carries with him. He wanted to feel nothing.
"Yeah? It's no big deal" His annoyance carried throughout his voice. He almost wanted to cry, because of how overwhelmed he felt.
How he hated emotions.
"It is if it's coming from you! You never apologize. Not even when you dropped food on my bed" 
"I guess" Yoongi shrugs, as his eyes roll back. It was his way to disguise the tears that wanted to pounce out his eyes. Even that expression felt like too much, but it was just this strong feeling, that he couldn't describe it differently.
Why was he acting like this? He should just act tough, be the man he's suppose to be. Or whatever his father used to say.
"What's wrong?" Jimin questioned, after feeling that tension between him and Yoongi. He wanted nothing more than to hear Yoongi's truth. But he knew that won't happen any time soon or ever.
But he cared. He cared so much that it physically hurt him to see Yoongi like this. And he knew why, or at least deep down he had a feeling.
It was the same reason as his. He missed his old friend. He missed laughing at the same movie, because you guys could never agree on one, and resort to one you watched ages ago.
It was a comfort movie. It was. Until it wasn't.
"Nothing" he shrugs it off. "What's wrong with you?" Yoongi's throws back the question. But he could guess the answer that was going to slip out of Jimin's mouth. It would be the same as his.
Knew it.
They both stayed quiet. They were used to this, the silence. It was different before, but that was a different time. It was a time where the trio were together, where the trio would do everything together.
See, when Taehyung left and dumped y/n, in a way he also dumped his friends. At least Jimin and Yoongi. They never got an explanation either, so the pain and anger y/n feels, they feel twice as much.
They knew him longer than y/n, but still he didn't act like he did.
And they try to hide it. They try to hide the fact that Taehyung broke their hearts too. Taehyung was their glue in a way. He was the one to convince Yoongi to be a bit more out there and enjoy life. And he helped Jimin understand when it's necessary to act like an adult.
He was the perfect person to put Jimin and Yoongi in their place. The only difference was they both didn't mind it. And when he left. It was difficult for them to help or guide the other one out.
"I missed him" Yoongi wanted to blurt out. He wanted to shout. Taehyung was like his little brother, and when he lost him because he did lose him. He just wasn't ever himself.
But he chose to stay quiet. As did Jimin.
They simply gave each-other a knowing look, as their eyes began to reflect their inner pain. One smile and they went their separate ways.
Sometimes it was better to leave than stay.
Maybe they had more common with Taehyung than they thought.
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You woke up with the biggest headache and you knew it was a foreshadow for todays event.
You didn't want to get up. You didn't want to see him, even though you've been waiting for this exact moment since he left.
You even typed up a couple of messages to send to Taehyung  before you eventually read them over and deleted them.
You wanted to know what he was going to say, and honestly speaking you would have sent them but you were afraid that it would be at a bad time. Or his girlfriend would see it and blame him or you for it.
You just didn't want to jeopardize Jin's birthday. And maybe you were afraid of the answer you'd get. Maybe it was a mix of both.
Sometimes you wonder if he's the same person.
Has anything changed? Well, apart from coming back and with a partner.
Has he dyed his hair the color he has always wanted? A lighter brown. Although the color sounds plain and quite common, Taehyung loved it. He said he found warmth in that color. He felt it every-time he would see that exact color in your eyes.
Has he been taking the writing courses he was saving up for? He used to walk around the streets holding your hand, showing you places, and making sure to bring a pen and notebook with him. He would bring you a pair as well. That way, you could write down what you saw, and your way of seeing the world compared to his. He wanted to learn a side of you, that only you can see. He wanted to make sure to learn and appreciate your vision.
Has he saved enough money for a car? You remember as you took bus rides to your dates, he would pick up pennies, nickels, dimes, and a couple of buttons because he couldn't see very well at night; and place them in his pocket. At first you were confused but then one day you asked him, and from that day forward, you both got to understand each-other in ways you never thought you could.
"Every-time I see a penny, nickel, or dimes on the ground, I have to pick them up. I know it sounds crazy, and I'm probably thinking too big, but I'm saving them up for two things."
And that's when you would butt in and ask him a very original question, "what are the two things?"
"Well they both involve you. Can you guess what it is?" Taehyung would always throw back a question to you, because he knew you'd get impatient and he found your annoyed face to be the cutest thing to ever exist.
"Come on! Just tell me! You know I suck at guessing. I'll probably just say something dumb too"
And as you went on with your whining, he would stare at you with pure adoration. Almost like he were looking at a cute puppy. He couldn't get enough of you. He didn't care if you or anyone else thought he was being extra or sappy, he just wanted to admire you every day.
"Well... okay! One is for a car"
"A car?"
He nods his head. "Yes! A car." He continues to admire your face, the features on your face were so perfect.
"That's great! I have a couple of coins that I can give you! It's not a lot but it's a step closer to reaching your goal. But wait, you said it involves me. How?"
"Well… honestly, I just want to be able to take you on dates without having to embarrass you. I know dating someone who uses a bus as a transportation isn't cool, so.. yeah."
"Woah. Slow your roll there buddy. Do you really think I care if you do or don't have a car?"
"No, I know you don't but I care. I mean I just- I see couples, where the guy picks them up in their own car, and takes them out and stuff. And all I can offer you is a bus ticket." He scoffs. "I want to give you what you deserve"
"Taehyung you've given me more than what I deserve. I mean I have you, and I clearly do not deserve you. And I didn't date you because of what you do or don't have. I'm with you because I know your heart, and I know that if I'm ever feeling down, you'd be there besides me, holding and making me feel better"
You can't see it because you're talking with so much speed and emotion. But something flipped in Taehyung's heart. He felt this urge to get on his knees and ask you right there to be his forever. He felt this urge to let you know, that if anyone doesn't deserve anyone, it's him. He didn't deserve you.
He didn't.
"You do all this without a car. You do all this without asking for anything back, even though I know I have a lot to repay you but-"
Your mouth was shut with a kiss. Taehyung had been hearing every single word that came out of your mouth, and each one touched his heart. He felt like he won a lottery, finding someone like you. And he knew that if he were to ever have to let you go, it would be one of the most excruciating pain he's ever felt.
You shake your head as you try to snap out of that memory. You don't even want to think of a time where you felt like you were going to be together for a long time.
You didn't even get to hear his second choice, if he were to save enough money.
It didn't matter anyways, and it shouldn't. It's been two years, so these random memories and past feelings should have been out of your system a long time ago.
You take a quick glance in the mirror, and get up with speed. You decided that today was it. Today was going to be the last day you cry and think of Taehyung. Because if you don't, you'll grow up old and sad.
And it feels stupid when you think of it. But maybe then you would convince yourself to let go. After all, today isn't your day, it's Jin's.
That old man is getting older and you need to appreciate his friendship and your other friends, before time passes by and you lose them too.
You've clearly been distant from them for a while now. You stopped going out with them, and meeting up with them in general. You always seem to use work as an excuse, and of course they never commented on it but they knew. They knew you were just drowning in your sadness.
But like you said, today was the last day. You're going to be more productive now. You'll fold your blankets, and fix up your bed. Maybe even clean your room a bit, since it looks like a tornado hit.
Your life was starting again today.
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It only took a couple of hours, but you managed to clean your whole apartment, and just thinking about it makes you want to tear up. You thought for sure, you'd give up half way through cleaning, like you always do.
But for some reason, you didn't today. You accomplished something on your own, with no help. And it made you feel proud? happy? Maybe both. Because for the first time, you didn't rely on someone, and maybe you're over exaggerating, but for once you didn't care.
You were trying to let your emotions be valid.
Of course. You’re worse than today’s weather. You kept changing your mind. Because just like that, your happiness turned into nervousness.
You took a quick glance at the clock on your wall and it was time for you to get ready. You suddenly feel a slap to your face, as you're wanting nothing more then to call your two friends over.
So much for being independent and not needing to rely on someone anymore.
You walk towards the kitchen table, because you remember that was the last time you had your phone. And unknowingly form a pout, when you realize that your phone was indeed not anywhere near the kitchen area.
You sigh as you scan all over the rooms, under the couches, and even cross your fingers for someone to text or call you. But your phone is drier than a desert. And that was no where near an exaggeration, because it was the truth. its your fault though, you never answer peoples text or calls.
A knock on the door was heard, and you just knew that Jimin was behind that door. You also knew that he probably brought extra clothes, like some tights that would look "sexy" on you. Because Jimin likes to think that tights go with everything. And he also just has a weird obsession with tights if you really think about it.  
Or worse, he's brought an even sluttier dress, because he just thinks that if you wear something slutty, you're automatically not sad anymore.
To be honest, the logic is there. Just not when it involves someone as insecure as you.
You also don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing your shocked face as you open the door, so instead you yell, "the door is open come in!" And continue searching for your damn stupid phone.
You decide to go back and check the kitchen one more time, and funny enough it's sitting right where you first had left it. You really need to get your eyes check, it's started to getting embarrassing.
As the door opens, you look through your messages and see one message from Taehyung. You debate if you should open it as your finger is placed right on top of the message. But instead choose to place your phone down on the counter and shut it off.
"I would have thought that the second time was going to work. I guess that’s why they say the third times the charm"
That voice. That bad humor. That deep awkward laugh. That feeling in your heart, when you think of  him.
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taglist: @bjoriis @btsbangers @kimxhanbin131 @got7usernames @gotjimin13 @laylasbunbunny @rjsmochii @jhopeshopee @taeriffic @shydestinyyouth @tarahardcore @bloodline1632 @turnthepageandbeburnt @starbtslove @whoa-jo @starlight-night0 @taebangtanbabe
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thedoover-if · 11 months
IM SORRY😭 to be fair id never forgive cheating but in games i usually always let it slide so i really wanted to have a ro where it feels very vulnerable to not only move on but also allow oneself to fall in love AGAIN... i think itll be a very interesting dynamic to explore (and i love drama LOL love when authors rip my heart to shreds and then stomp on the pieces too)
fyi youll be able to be hesitant, fearful or whatever OR you can cheat with them, not caring for their current partner and be like rory from gilmore girls where she's like "dean was mine first" (iykyk!!!!)
added a little snippet of a potential scene ive got planned with MC on 'the ex' ro route. call it a little taster LOL (under the cut)
(fyi its from the pov of an MC who still involuntarily feels something for the ex)
“don’t do that,” you spit, gaze slowly travelling down your ex-spouse’s frame. they’re seated on the opposite side of the living room, on the same exact sofa they used to occupy – be it during game nights, movie nights, or simply weekends spent quietly enjoying each other’s company. it felt like the perfect fit. they were the unique key to your lock. the gentle notes on your sometimes out of pitch days… until the music abruptly came to a halt, never to be played again. and ever since that day, three years ago, your life has been muted – dulled even. “do what?” they tilt their face up, and for a moment you’re transferred back in time. but you snap yourself out of it just as quickly; you refuse to go down that path again. although you’re stood a few metres away, you’re able to make out a shapely outline – it's you – on the otherwise empty page of the sketchbook propped on their lap. “you’re drawing me – I don’t want you to draw me.” “why can’t I? you look beautiful.” the stupidly crooked smile creeping upon their features is like a stab to the heart, and those last three words shove the knife straight through your body. just like that, your lungs implode – you’re in too deep. a tsunami of emotions rips open every old wound you nurtured close so carefully over the past months. the hours spent in therapy, flushed down the drain by a sweet compliment. soured by the wrong person. “because that’s what you did when you were with them. when I see you doing this, it makes me think about every night you lied.” your throat grows tight, your vision blurs, and yet you continue, “every night you spent with [redacted] while I was right here… waiting.” for seemingly the first time, you notice sun rays peeking through your beige curtains. it’s almost like the sun has sensed the devastation ongoing in the pit of your stomach, and so with each passing second of your skin soaking up the warm orange beams, the grey clouds inside your head clear more and more. it takes one large breath to relax the tightness of your vocal cords, before you’re able to force a sound out. “you really hurt me [redacted]…” as soon as a look of regret takes over [redacted]’s otherwise painfully gorgeous face, a small flame of hope lights up in your body – one you didn’t grant permission. it’s soothing… and familiar, yet you starve that spark and let it die. “you drawing me like that – it hurts because you know I’ll like it… and that’s not fair, [redacted]” you whisper, before standing tall, a surge of determination coursing through your veins, “I’m not going to let you do this to me again.”
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liauditore · 9 months
Pssst if you’re still doing the shipping bingo, how would team rancher/solidaritek fill your bingo board?
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ok but.. real talk i think ranchers is like. my number two "I actually ship this no strings or footnotes attached" ship right after ethubs.
I am usually not one to be moved by ships that are just "they are fun and healthy together and love eachother" but oh GOD the ranchers. See I think the thing is they just.. make sense for eachother even if you don't expect it until the point they realise they're soulmates.
Jimmy's situation has been talked about to hell and back at this point but Tango is also very out of his element in the life series. He says himself that pvp is not his specialty and he doesn't have the time or resources to make his skill set shine. So he ends up either somewhat ignored or outcasted for most of the games. (<-- fyi fun fact this is where the whole 'mech pilot tango' idea came from lol. i feel like he'd have a dva-style mech outside of the life series)
In particular i LOVE his relationship with team BEST and I NEED desperately to talk abt it more. the way he's constantly talked over by his own teammates, intimidated, asked to sacrifice his own lives for their sake, "tango's Easy", etc. etc.
‘Cause inside, nothing’s fine It should be clear to prying eyes But I won’t let the feelings See the light So tell me, why should I even try? I’m frozen away in time
(Koala, Will Stetson)
They both have this habit of hiding their own insecurities behind a facade of boisterousness, but no matter how much either of them puff out their chests and raise their voices, their message of "please take me seriously" never seems to get through.
The Ranchers are just.. two losers against the world. and they inspire confidence within the other that they can't find in themselves. and yes the world forces them apart but you can Feel that influence they've had on one another in the background.
Guess I went and caved I wonder, is there another way? Because I want to believe That one day I’ll be okay So now, I’ll give it another try I can finally see with a clearer mind Even if the bumps in the road Might try to stop me, Still it’ll be alright Keeping it inside Isn’t clearing up the sky So you tighten your hand in mine Following the light like a cute Koala Laughing in stride
Plus I, uh... Unhinged but I have this thing with the life smp where there's this running theme throughout the story about how it doesn't really matter who wins or who dies first.
Because for every epic battle and every tear-jerking death there was fun and laughter and stupid, trivial drama before and in between and those little moments may not be as memorable or written down in history but they're what makes the series enjoyable. Yes, we're all gonna die, but isn't it cool that we laughed with eachother and made dumb jokes and adopted a frog and said "I love you" on the way there?
j-just like real life. life smp. evangelion moment im sorry
Though both of us will die one day Though this life is useless anyway When you’re here by my side, you make me feel like it’ll be okay And yet we laughed despite it all At this life which has no meaning at all Two lonely and broken souls leaning on each other’s sides I’m glad that you’re you, that I’m me, and for us two I’m kinda glad that you’re evil too When the day starts anew, hope I spend it with you I’m glad that I fell in love with you
(I'm Glad You're Evil Too, Rachie/Anthong translyrics)
The Ranchers epitomize that.
They are doomed. They both know this, I think. Neither of them can fight, they're left begging for scraps by session 2, no one on the server takes either of them seriously and they lost a life literally like 10 minutes into the first episode.
But they built a home together, raised livestock, stood up for eachother. and they were happy together.
and isn't that what really matters?
and neither of them are even aware of how much they really meant to the other one. the game ends. tango tells jimmy to go home. go. they certainly don't break up to the extent of Some Other Pairings In This Series but i like to think tango distances himself, thinking jimmy would be happier with his friends and not stuck with him. jimmy thinks the same. but they still wave hi and call eachother rancher and now they're running a salad restaurant together or something i guess.
It's just.. everything that gets the two of them condemned and made fun of in their other relationships is what's Celebrated in theirs. They can just be themselves, mistakes and silliness and imperfections at all, with no pressure to perform amazing feats and make amazing stuff and I think that's great.
um yeah i like ranchers.
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enid-rhees · 10 months
Alright, so idk if you've already written something like this. But imagine either reader or Enid (or both >:D) are on a run with Tara, Glenn, and ofc their bff, Carl.
They decide to split up (pairs of two), and Enid is with reader, savaging a section of an abandoned mall, when they come across a ✨special✨ store in the mall...;)
They find lingerie, sex toys, all the good stuff. Ofc, they get all hyped up about it and are like kids in a candy store once they enter. It's cute tho, even though they're just horny lil' shits 🫶
Later on, they come back with a bag full of sex toys n' lingerie, (with some other useful stuff to the community ofc)
When they get I'm the back of the van with Carl, reader is sitting between Enid and him right? Anddd silly ass, clumsy mf-ing reader is holding the bag of ✨special items✨ in her lap. Tara's crazy ass (lovingly) is driving, and drives over a few potholes, causing reader to almost drop the bag, but Carl notices what's inside (he'd been curious since Enid and reader got in the van) and teases them the whole way back 😭✋ (he's such a lil' prick sometimes 💀)
Anyway, I hope this makes sense! Apologies if it's too much :)🫶
i’ve done something similar but reader or Carl were not involved! but i will gladly do this again :D hope u enjoy 🩷
warnings: sex toys, sexual conversations, no actual smut though :)
a/n: hope you all enjoy! requests are back open! if you’d like to request, just read pinned for rules 🫶🏻 and fyi, this is after the six year time-skip.
“wait! Tara, there’s a mall like- five minutes away from here. we have to go.” Enid said from the backseat, but moved out of her seat to lean into the middle of Tara and Glenn.
“Enid!” Glenn hissed, “sit down and put your seatbelt back on.” she gave him a glare before sighing dramatically and falling back down next to you, sliding her seatbelt back on.
even in the apocalypse, Glenn was still strict about car safety, especially with Enid though. you couldn’t blame him of course, that’s his daughter. his excuse always cracked you up, “i was a pizza delivery guy! i had to drive carefully to protect the pizzas!”
you laughed and wrapped your arm over her shoulder when she sat back down. “what’s so good about that mall?” you questioned. “have you never been to it?! it’s huge! we could probably find so much stuff there.”
shaking your head, you replied, “i didn’t grow up around here. i’m pretty sure my old house is like three states away from here.” you chuckled.
“oh my god, i have to show you around it then. Tara, turn right now. we need to check out this mall.” Tara nodded and turned into the parking lot of the mall.
Enid immediately got out when the car stopped, pulling you out with her. “Enid, if you rip your girlfriends arm off i will not be the one telling Rick.” Glenn warned.
“Y/N is fineeee. lets go!” she took your hand in hers and ran towards the entrance. she threw the door open and pulled you inside. Carl came out from the other side of the car, running to catch up with you guys. 
“do you think there’s a GameStop in here?” he asked Enid. “…i think there’s one in the upper level.” Enid responded after a few seconds of silence.
“don’t forget we’re here to look for supplies.” Glenn said from behind you all. “you can look around but remember why we’re actually here. and please keep an eye out for walkers. they could be anywhere in here.”
Enid took you further into the building, keeping a tight grip on you. whenever you were on runs, Enid kept you close to her at all times, no matter what the situation was.
“this place is huge.” you breathed out, turning around as you walked to admire everything. it had been so long since you’ve seen a mall, and this one was way bigger than the one by your old house, hundreds of miles away.
Enid nodded excitedly, “i used to love going here. c’mon! i wanna see my favorite store.” she started to run, which pulled you with her as her grip on your hand didn’t let up.
the two of you ran down the first floor, giggling like children. “it’s here!” she exclaimed, stopping in front of it.
“i should’ve known,” you laughed with a shake of your head as you stared up at the Hot Topic sign above you. she pulled you inside and you started to look around.
“we can totally take these blades, yeah?” you asked, spinning the display case of pocket knives. “go for it. you might have to break the glass, though. they keep them locked in there.”
you nodded, “okay. back up.”
Enid backed away as you hit your elbow into the glass, watching it shatter down and hit the floor. you carefully started to put every knife into your bag.
“that was like…” Enid started, “really hot, by the way.” you laughed out loud and swung your bag over your shoulder. “do you know how to not be horny like… ever?”
she shook her head, “with you as my girlfriend? no.”
you started to walk up the broken escalator, looking around for more stores to scavenge for. “oh my god.” Enid mumbled.
you turned around, “what? oh-” the two of you stared at the sign with huge letters.
Sex Shop.
Enid took your hand and pulled you inside without another word. you slowly turned to her, “are we… actually doing this?” you asked.
“if you want…” Enid trailed off. “i-i mean we don’t-“
you walked over to one of the displays, breaking the glass once more. “okay, you have to stop doing that if you don’t want me to take you right here in this store.”
you didn’t respond as you grabbed onto a box, turning it over so she could see the front. Enid almost choked on her own spit, “is that a strap-on?!” you smiled, “yep. and we’re bringing it home.”
an almost devilish smile made its way to Enid’s lips as she started to look through each product as well.
at this point, you two started to throw anything you could find into an old shopping bag from behind the counter.
you pushed the back door open, pulling out your knife out and keeping it raised. flicking the light on, your eyes widened.
“Enid.” you called out.
she came running, “what’s wrong?” you continued to stare at the racks and racks of lingerie until she finally looked over at it too. “oh.” she spoke in surprise.
you walked over to a rack, pulling out a light pink set. “the things i’d do to see you in this.” you told her. her face flushed red, “okay but i need to pick one for you too.”
Enid walked to the opposite rack, flipping through the clothes on the hanger. “oh… this is so you.”
you turned around. the lingerie set she was holding was dark blue. “and with that strap-on… the things i’ll do to you.” Enid told you, smirking when you squeezed your thighs together.
“girls!” Tara yelled, “i don’t know where the fuck you guys are, but meet us downstairs. we’re going to the car.”
yours and Enid’s eyes both widened. “we can’t let her see us walk out of here.” Enid whispered. you shoved your items into the bag and peeked outside. you were able to see Tara’s head disappear as she walked down the escalator.
“she went downstairs.” you told her. Enid nodded and you both walked out the back room and out of the store. as you walked down the escalator, you tried your best to push all the items down further into the bag.
everyone was waiting by the door when you got downstairs. when they saw you, they started to head for the car. the two of you caught up to them and you got into the middle seat; Enid and Carl beside you.
Tara took off and you held the bag close to you. out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Carl trying to see what was in the bag. you held it tighter.
suddenly, Tara sped over a pothole, causing you to almost drop the bag. “sorry!”
and then another one.
the bag opened slightly, and you heard Carl gasp. you turned to him, and he had his hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh. you him a pleading look.
“you can’t be serious.” he whispered. “shut up!” you hissed back. “don’t look.”
“how am i not supposed to?! it’s right there!”
“what are you kids arguing about?” Glenn questioned, looking behind him. you slapped both arms over the bag, “nothing! just talking about comics.”
Glenn eyed you suspiciously before turning around, looking back down at his map.
you looked at Carl again, “you’re so dead,” you whispered.
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hollywoodsargeant · 1 year
But the real question is what are your favourite Logan pictures because I’m quickly becoming a Logan girly too and I need some pics to add to my worryingly large collection of Oscar pics
every time i get this question i answer with different pictures SO. i’m gonna do pictures of him i have in my actual favorites album this time though bc Yeah
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i actually put this one in every “favorite logan pics” post. because it’s. Yeah. helloooo it still makes me crazy i’m sorry. the reasons are all things i do not care to list
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would not be complete without at least one (1) new york pic. all the new york pics are good. hi to my icon. and my discord pfp is a fucking Different new york pic 😭😭
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his smile in this one ☹️☹️ bye
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STILL my laptop lockscreen + chrome tab background. i actually love this victory pose too like he’s kind of a loser but i loveeee. Him. really good
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i cried over this once. like recently too. Next
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yeah i can’t not include a fish picture fyi i like the fish pictures. all of them. if you have any pictures of logan with fish pls forward them to me i’m into that. and bonus fishing rod picture bc that little bit of stomach still KILLS ME DEAD
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i actually lost it in a bar in the middle of a midwest emo band set to this selfie and it’s a shame i will never overcome. really good. i have a separate album on my phone just for his selfies BYE.
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this has been on my home screen for MONTHS and i showed it to a coworker once who told me i have to marry him. anyways i think he is hot and sexy
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FINALLY. i decided that This volleyball shoot is entirely to blame for my logan obsession like this has to have been the inciting incident. it is SO fucking over. Thank You
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gurugirl · 10 months
my top five harrys:
2. wolfrry 🥹 he’s so precious yet daddy love everything about him and it’s lhh so of course he’s to die for 🥹 i was hooked on him since the beginning and he’s so endearing and protective. He feels like something that i need to hang up on display at an art gallery.
2. con artist harryyyyy, yes i know i’ve put two 2s and that’s cheating but i couldn’t pick one over the other and this harry au means so so so so so so so so so so so so much to me. he’s everything i need and more. and the dynamic you created between the two characters is so vividly enthralling. I was hooked and still hooked for this au. it means so much to me, truly. One of the most underrated fics out there and deserves all the recognition because truthfully it’s one of the best harry fics out there.
3. cop harry! on my fucking hands and knees willing to do any and everything for this man. never need a man more than i need him. more than the roof over my head and the food in my fridge. i’ll trade in my soul to have him.
4. psychopath harry, he’s so hot 🤭 i may be insane but i would help him escape out of prison and he can murder me after for all i care, i’ll still say thank you on my dying breath. and once i’m dead i’ll be in my grave thinking “10/10 would recommend. no regrets, would do it again”
5. stepfuckingdadtheebestharry THIS MAN RIGHT HEREEEEEE!!!! he would’ve been my top first choice because his smugness, charm, dominance, the way he fucks?? hello what’s not to love? this man is the epitome of my dreams. AND WHEN HES SOFT? UGH HES COMING FOR MY THROAT!! I would love nothing more than this man but realistically i wouldn’t want him fucking my mom so he’s fifth.
honorable mentions: arrangement harry my beloved, ghost harry (i actually really love this harry so much but like you’re dead bro soooo 😭), long weekend harry he’s mean but sweet and that combo gets my legs open 🫡, mcc harry KIDNAP ME NEXT PLEASEEEE, priestrry i’m not religious but i’ll get on my knees for him, professor harry the ultimate fantasy, AND THAT ONE HARRY FIC MY MIND IS BLANKING ON THE TITLE BUT MC MEETS HIM AT A PARTY AND SHES A VIRGIN BUT HE TAKES CARE OF HER AND TEACHES HER HOW TO FUCK THAT HARRY OWNED MY HEART AND PUSSY WHEN I READ THAT FIC! I WOULD KILL TO HAVE HIM!!!
OH MY GOD? This is so detailed and thorough and you literally listed like 2/3 of my masterlist 😂 (well maybe not quite but damn!)
YESSS! So I see you. I get you, babe. You like 'em a little mean and dark and... well... that's why I have some of those Harrys in my masterlist because there's just something about the darker Harrys.
And you have bfd Harry at #1! I’m posting a 7k+ check-in for bfd tomorrow 👀 just fyi.
But ALSO - ahhhhh! The Con Artist Harry 🥰 Love that you have him on the list. One of my faves too and thank you so much for telling me your thoughts on that fic. Makes me so happy.
Love this list! And all the honorable mentions 😂 The last fic you mentioned is called Sex Ed With Harry - and god I haven't thought about that one in forever.
Thank you so much for this 🥰
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Sorry I got too excited and sent the request for Xiao for new event without seeing the time frame, please delete it and I apologize for that.
Also, can I ask what timezone your using for that event if your still willing to take my request by then? 😭
I’m in the United States! Honestly, I’ll make an announcement Saturday morning when I wake up to send in your submissions -- it’ll be open for a whole week and I’ll let people know when submissions are over 
I’ll be writing as many as I can for the rest of the month once they come in - so it’s likely I’ll get through most of the submitted requests but never all of them 
(also - this event is based on tea readings, not drink ordering just fyi)
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rosenallies · 1 year
Dammit, I was writing this thinking it wasn’t going to be that long and then it got progressively longer 😣 I guess this sort of a prompt, because I got the idea off a prompt list. Don’t remember which list but it was like “You’re just realizing I have a crush on you?” Anyway here’s my OTP stargazing (you’ll get your smut soon enough 😂) FYI in my mind they’ve been dating for about 8 months at this point
Natalie is such an outdoor girlie 🤪 she loves learning about different plants and insects and then trying to find those the next time she goes on camping trip. Jane is no where near as into that aspect as Nat, but they too love the great outdoors. They’re a little nature couple 🥺 that also really enjoys being indoors due to things like ac and the internet. When Nat first gets back from New York, where she obviously didn’t have a ton of access to nature, she goes camping like once a month for a full year. Now, coming up on 3 years post Columbia, she brought that down to once every few months. But Jane, who is always so attentive and can tell when Nat needs it, will suggest an impromptu hike or in this case stargazing. Their stargazing spot is only an hours drive from their apartment(I don’t know Vancouvers geography and I’m not looking it up lmao, we’re going to go with just some miscellaneous big hill). When they get there, Nat is chatting about work when she finally gets a good look over at Jane. She thinks she knows her partner pretty well seeing as they grew up together and all that lol so she can immediately tell that they are extremely tired. They’d been dealing with several new additions to the museum causing them to stay late everyday (as someone who for a very short period of time wanted to be a curator, and talked to one who worked at a museum in Philly, staying late for them can mean 3am😭) but they did it anyway since they knew Nat needed this. Her dads most recent fall, which left him with a broken wrist, was still causing her extreme anxiety weeks later. They convinced her to go out with them and ofc Synth helped, otherwise Natalie would have gone straight back to her parents house after work like she’d been doing for weeks. They finally get to the spot, set up their blanket and just look up at the sky. Jane brought their telescope, which was a pretty expensive gift from one of their friends, but they just decided to lay next to each other instead. After a few minutes of Nat just pointing out the stars she thinks she can see and Jane trying not to doze off, Nat turns over and says she loves them and that she realizing she was in love with them broke her heart because she never thought they’d love her in that way. Sharing what’s on their minds is something that Nat’s parents taught both of them so they could have healthy communication 😭 Jane kind of scoffs and is like that’d never happen.
(A little poorly written dialogue to make this earlier to write and understand 🫣)
Natalie: “What wouldn’t?”
Jane: “That I wouldn’t love you. In any way. Because I’ve loved you in every way, more than humanly possible since we were kids.”
Nat is a gaping like a fish at this point: “But you never showed interest in me in that way. Not until I embarrassed myself by sobbing in the rain about you not wanting me.”
Jane laughs, lovingly, in her face: “Are you telling me you’re just now realizing that I’ve always been in love with you?”
Cue the Nat waterworks. Jane just coos and giggles at her reaction while pulling Nat to lay on their chest. To them, Nat is perfect and as far as they could tell she’s the only person on the planet that they could love in that way.
Stop this is so cute I feel like I should just hand this au over to u 😭😭 ur doing it more justice than me
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princeizuku · 2 years
Alive Shade of Green
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ok so a few months ago I remember reading a 3 part Deku x reader fic called “Alive Shade of Green”, but I don’t remember who wrote it. It had this exact pic of Izuku as the cover, but it was as a gif fyi. It was literally the BEST Izuku fic I have EVER read like no joke, I re-read it everyday like 30 times. It was SO underrated too, so I would definitely recommend if the author didn’t delete it 💔 Or at least I think they deleted it, cuz a while ago I went to my liked posts to read it again and it was gone. I never found it again :( If anyone knows anything about this fic please lmk, I’m still not over it 😭
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changbins-smile · 2 years
Thyme x Gorya Short Fic
I’m sick of the lack of Thyme Gorya fanfiction so I did a thing 😭 so sorry for any grammar/spelling errors
Just an FYI- Her brother was crashing in the living room, binging anything and everything he could find since it was a Friday night.
“What are you thinking about?” She questioned softly, rolling over in bed and switching the phone to rest on her right ear.
It was the same phone he pressed into her hands earlier today, his expression both defiant and pleading at her initial refusal to accept it.
He had yet to answer her question.
“Thyme?” Her heart seemed to react on its own, fluttering at his whispered name in the darkness of her room.
“You,” he rasped. His voice was raw, like his mind hadn’t fully decided to answer her before his lips formed the confession.
Something warm and unfamiliar spread through her stomach and the flutters in her heart took flight.
“What-what about me?”
“You like Ren.”
It wasn’t a question and it filled her with anxiety.
Why would he say that? Why in this moment? Why in that voice? Was he trying to say he’d step back?
She didn’t-
She didn’t know what she felt for Ren anymore, but he never gave her this dizzying, frustrating, vibrant feeling that pulsed through her when she was with Thyme.
“You like Ren,” he interrupted, “but I can’t be the bigger person here Gorya, at least not yet.” He exhaled a shaky breath and continued.
“I want to be a better person. For you, for me, for everyone I care about. You make me need to be better. Someone you would be proud to have standing by your side. I’ve been selfish my entire life and I don’t want to be that way anymore. I’ll do everything in my power to be selfless in everything that I do. But,” she closed her eyes when he paused, “but not with this. Not with you. I don’t know if that makes me a terrible person or a terrible friend, but I won’t give you up. Not to him or anyone else. This is the only thing I can’t be selfless with. Because if being the bigger person means losing you, then I can’t be that person.”
Her breathing was erratic, unable to control itself in the face of his honesty.
“Thyme,” his name was almost a plea. The anxiety that filled her earlier was replaced with a frantic need to see him, to feel his hands engulf hers.
Or maybe she needed to hit him. For giving her emotional whiplash, for being an idiot, for making her fall deeper into this big, scary, unknown feeling that’s threatening to change her life to it’s very core.
She wasn’t sure why she needed to see him, all she knew was that she just wanted to be with him in this moment.
“Hmmm?” He hummed.
“I hate you,” she sniffed, “I hate you so so much.”
He chuckled softly. “I kno-“
“Don’t,” it was her turn to interrupt, “don’t give me up. I need you to keep being selfish with this. Please.”
Her confession shocked them then both- what it implied, the weight it carried- and the lingering silence grew heavy.
“I’m coming to see you,” His abrupt response was followed by the sounds of movement and rustling clothes.
“What?” She scrambled to sit upright, her heart pounding in excitement and fear, “now? You can’t!” Her whispered yell still seemed too loud for her quiet, sleeping home.
“I’m already out the house.”
“Thyme, you idiot, go back inside.”
He didn’t respond but she heard the distinct sound of a car door slamming
“Thyme I swear to god if you show up here I will murder you!”
That was how the midnight moon remembered them, childish and bickering.....and already so in love, though neither seemed to realize it yet.
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ihatebnha · 2 years
(fwbHitoshi anon) WAIT THEN I APOLOGIZE AGAIN FOR ASSUMING WRONG and i also wanted to add i always love to see w/e takes you have on that purple pos bc it’s just,,🤌🤌🤌 to me he’s a txtbook type 5 personality and as much as i love to hear your interpretations of him i equally hate that i identify w a lot of them,, i’m ✨embarrassing✨ what can i say🤷‍♀️
also wtf don’t apologize for adding!! like i said that idea’s been living in my tiny ass brain rent-free and i love to see sme else’s take on it!! honestly his emotionally constipated ass would get himself 6 ft under in a situationship that fool just… ik he hates himself enough to suddenly find himself in shit like that i love it
NO BESTIE DON'T APOLOGIZE IT'S OKAY bc i meant it when i said i never mention it!!!!! also i'm kinda laughing bc u say u like my opinions on him but i absolutely don't think he's a "pos" AT ALL😭😭😭 and when u say you identify with him, too, i'm like, "oh good!!!" because in my head, even tho he's a mess, he's still super kind LOOOOOL
(and fyi i have no idea what the textbook personalities are tbh jsdnfksdkl bye)
anyway tho UR SO KIND TO SAY THAT U DON'T MIND ME ADDING ON!! sometimes if i don't im afraid my answer will. suck. but at the same time i dont want to overshadow YOUR ideas either, if that makes sense??? which btw ur welcome to send me what u had in mind too because i LOVED the idea... hence why i wanted to contribute so badly...
BUT YEAH!!!! situationship is thee perfect word for it, it's like. he wants to be alone but suddenly he's concerned about where you're going at night and whether ur staying over and it's like AHHHHHH... tbh i love it too ksjdfalks BYE FR.🙈🙈🙈
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