#fuck christians
I hate how Christianity basically took Jewish mythology, Roman and middle eastern traditions and celebrations and made up their whole book about it and then get outraged when you call them out on that.
Like yeah Samantha, your cannibal hippie god was born in spring, you celebrate it in December because that's when Saturnalia is. He wasn't crucified in spring either, but in around November. And it's called Easter after the middle eastern goddess of fertility who's symbol are rabbits.
I hate Christianity for a lot of things, but the appropriation of other holidays is just beyond me.
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To all of you who thought Rage Against The Machine was good until they went against conservative politics... What machine did you think they were raging against, a fuckin printer? A coffee maker perhaps? I'm physically and mentally unable to take you all seriously.
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official-lorie-smith · 8 months
Hi I am a normal straight person amen hallelujah Jesus yummy
May God be with you <3
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ingridb1148 · 1 year
christians are groomers.
Keep your children safe…keep christians as far away from them as you can.
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samijami · 8 months
Lmfao both @official-lorie-smith and @steve-bannon-official have 5 followers, meanwhile @the-official-jk-rowling has like 87
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fionatheicicle · 2 years
To my mother: Bitch, you’re religion is not a universal truth, people are not fucking born with it, they have to be taught it and choose to believe it. Your so called god requires you to proselytize the religion with no proof other than a book which the original followers of say that it shouldn’t be taken literally. I fucking hate you for your religiosity and your attempts to force other to follow that garbage. I hate you for the harm you did to me and others in your religious zeal. I hate you for choosing a fake god over your own kin. I hate you for choosing to be blind instead of seeing this shit for what it is. Finally i hate you for actually believing that i and other lgbtqia+ people deserve hell. Fuck you. When i leave it will be the last you hear of me. I fucking hate you. When I’m gone you will never hear from me again you piece of shit.
No I’m not ok. But i will be. Just needed to vent.
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supernatural--girl · 2 years
I dont get religion at all but i understand one thing.
Christians are the worst.
They call us fags, they make camps to pray the gay away, they say they dont support the homosexual lifestyle but their is no such thing as a homosexual lifestyle they want us to be baby machines, they take away abortions and other things for babys they wont deal with, they hate woman and they hate actually being nice to everyone and they spread judgment every moment they get.
I hate christians, i hope they all go to hell they so desperately despise.
Maybe then they can understand what they do the everyone who isn't straight, cis, Christian, white and a man.
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enormous-moose · 2 years
I haven't done one of these in a while and I have a lot of new followers so here's the rub. If you don't want to hear Christian bashing then skip the post. I get "not all Christians" "don't judge people" yadda yadda yadda. Whatever. Fair warning you've been warned. If you go farther you can't say I didn't warn you because that's exactly what I did and am continuing to do right here. See. WARNING. Unfollow me I don't give two shits. I am venting about what happened today and I am going to use some harsh ass fucking language! My mood waxes and wanes as the moon. My heart is torn between Fenrir and Tyr and sometimes Fenrir's unbridled rage and aggression towards those who oppress is what speaks to me on an emotional level. I'm not looking for someone to spread my posts I'm not looking for people to agree with my posts. I'm just fucking pissed off at some Bible fuckers and I'm going to get nasty!
With that said. Anyone stayed up until this point let's have some fun!
I tried... Gods help me I tried. But the signs are what do it for me. The assumption that they know what is happening deafens their ears and dulls their minds. Approaching a girl in a parking lot at a planned parenthood who you don't know to tell her she shouldn't commit murder is fucking trash and I hope your God judges you as harshly as you judged her! I hope your God fucking aborts your ass you limp dicked vagina mouthed poor excuse for a fucking skeleton bag!
To All these people who are posting the anti-christian videos because Christians are going nuts again (and fucking Thor on Prozac! one thing you can always count on is a Midwestern Bible wanged nutcase giving you a good show to post.)
I fucking love you!
The Christians in my town are not any different and if I have to continue to drive by that crowd of Jesus ass sniffers every morning I go to work I'm going to lose my shit. "God hates f**s" "hell is real" "repent" oh and my favorite "abortion stops a beating heart." Looks Hitler should have been aborted and you can't tell me every politician doesn't love the fact their mistresses have access to get that regular booty call aborted.
I am pro-Choice! Give the power back to the child bearing individuals whose bodies you claim. If it's not my body it's not my fucking business. If it's not my medical chart I don't give two shits.
I wouldnt want someone stopping me from getting any cancer treatment if I would ever need it. You know some tumors have more function than a fucking aborted fetus. This isn't about the fetus. If it was you'd make adoptions hella cheap, you'd make medical care for the pregnant women fucking free and the cost to give birth to th child would be fucking free, you would give fucking more rights to the fucking mother and take fucking rights away from sexually active men. You would make fucking sure than any time a sperm left a fucking nut it was accounted for because that sperm has more life in it than a fucking egg.
(fuck you and your "God")
Seriously these people have no job other than to harass innocent people seeking medical help and guess what most of them are fucking old white dudes and Karens.
Damn I hate Christians!
I'm not saying curse them... But if you join in my ritual tonight seeking "advice" on these netherspawn Christ pounders i know my gods wouldn't reject your offering.
No on second thought fucking curse their asses! You can't curse them with stupidity that's already accomplished but fucking curse them with a sign that shows the world what they are. Make them known so no one is tricked.
Also genital warts. They really need genital warts.
And syphilis
And may there be no medical treatment facility within reach other than a planned parenthood that can help them.
Ahhhhhh feels so good to get that off my chest. 😌
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sataniccapitalist · 2 years
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konoriart · 2 years
Fuck this shit. Fuck Republicans and Christians that allowed this fucking bullshit to pass. My body us my own and you fucking shitheads have NO RIGHT to make me do what you want with it. Get those fucking dipshit conservative Supreme Court shitheads out, get Republicans not for pro choice out, get anyone who supports this shit into a situation where their bodily autonomy is taken out of their hands and see how they like it.
This is just going to ignite their over inflated egos and same sex marriage, the lgbtq+ community as a whole, how women fucking dress, etc are next to be overturned. So imo, anyone who voted pro life, unfollow me, you're not welcome here. You don't understand why Roe V Wade was so important and you don't give a shit to learn, obviously. So fuck off my page.
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Hi, I saw your post in the #anti christianity tag. I am interested what you think of Christianity in general.
Hmm... Let me answer that question with a story.
I was sexually assaulted by my uncle. I went to church some time after that. The priest said that if a man rapes a woman she will go to hell and he will go to heaven. Why? Because if the man, even on his death bed suddenly regrets his decision he will go to heaven, because he forgave himself for his deed and that means he loves himself and therefore has love in his heart. But if the girl will not forgive him she will go to hell, because she has hate in her heart, and no one with hate in their hearts will go to heaven.
I was horrified. I could never forgive my abuser. I knew I will hate that man with all my heart for the rest of my days (I never told anyone about it, because who would believe a guy?). I remember thinking "This can't be right" and so I did something that no Christan in my family has ever done before - I took the bible and read it. Sure enough, it was correct. More over, if the law hasn't changed I should MARRY him and marry no one else ever, because I would not be a virgin. I also have pierced ears, which is also a sin, I wear gold, eat seafood regularly, wear mixed fabric, play ball games, I shaved my beard once, I don't worship my physically abusive parents, which are all sins. The Bible also speaks of abortion twice as a punishment and all the cruel ways that you can and you should treat a person, how much you're allowed to beat your slaves, how god sent a bear to kill a few children for making fun of a bald man, how he punished a fallen angel for wanting to grant us wisdom, how he tortured his only son to appease himself and all the genocides and sacrifice to appease such cruel, heartless, murderous, blood-thirsty deity.
So it turns out I'm not atheist. I'm actively anti-theist. Particularly anti-christian. If someone tells me they're a Christian I immediately think of them as a bad person, because no good person would believe in such cruelty and insanity. And if they do something nice they do it not because they're Christan, but despite being Christan. But as they say, hate the belief, not the believer.
I think Jews are chill though, I never had a Jew knock on my door forcing me to convert to their evil cult of cannibalistic hippie demi-god only to start calling me slurs when they see my rainbow flag. They are the good ones.
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To all the Americans involved in blind nationalism, remember that you live in a country where a good portion of your lawmakers think that a woman should appreciate getting raped, and think that carrying the child will be a good opportunity for them, but think that gay people adopting kids will be a danger to them. To all of you that blindly stand for the pledge of allegiance, fuck you.
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intersex-idiots · 2 years
anon is back on! i expect to have multiple "kys sysmedicalist"s, "omggg ur a baby killer evil child hater evil monster wahhhh"s, fakeclaiming, maybe some death threats for us being very anti two very specific religions that we were forced into that will not be named for our safety on this deity forsaken app(if you're really curious you can check tags), shit that doesn't make any sense, and maybe a few "you hate women" if y'all're feeling bold today
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official-lorie-smith · 8 months
Hell yeah I’m in a same sex relationship
Because I be having the same sex with your mom every night!
I'm sure my mother is not interested in you.
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ingridb1148 · 2 years
i've received no less than 20 rape and/or death threats since SCROTUS overturned roe v wade.
i say bring it. i double dog dare you inbred right wing shit bag domestic terrorist pussy motherfuckers.
pistol grip pump on my lap at all times.
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Every day I learn more about the Christian church and every day I hate them more and more
I did not grow up in a particularly religious household but I did grow up in a very Christian one, and a pretty insular one at that. I know the five pillars of Islam from religious education at my Christian school, but until recent years I have known absolutely nothing about Judaism.
I knew that there were conspiracies about Jews that both caused and were used to excuse the horrors of the holocaust, and I was not so naive to think they were confined to Germany or the axis powers. But I did naively believe things had improved marginally in the years since.
I had never even heard the belief that Jews have horns until I read the experiences of people my age having that thrown in their faces. It’s disgusting. Everything described in the last post I reblogged is disgusting.
Every good thing done by an active Christian is poisoned by their proselytising. Because they do do good things, but none of it is out of genuine care for people. They run food banks and anti-addiction services and homeless shelters. Things that are necessary and in English speaking countries almost impossible to access otherwise. But they only do so at best to have a captive audience for preaching at, and at worst to hold those essentials hostage dependant on conforming to their beliefs. None of that is actual charity.
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