intersex-idiots · 3 months
"Humans need sex to stay alive" bestie i am going to run you over with a car
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intersex-idiots · 3 months
This is your reminder that OSDDID and systems cannot form without trauma, endogenic systems are not a real thing. If you do not have trauma, then you do not have a system.
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intersex-idiots · 3 months
i wish simply plural let you edit which individual friend could see which individual alter. cause like, i have most of our close friends listed as trusted friends, but sometimes some of us want to be hidden from a few of them and not others without going private or removing these people as trusted friends
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intersex-idiots · 3 months
me: i don’t want to see jellyfish so i will blacklist the tag #jellyfish
people with no common sense: je11yf1sh, je11¥fi5h, j*llyf*sh, je//ÿf!sh, j3ï||yf¡sh, gel lee fisk
result: cannot account for the sheer amount of possible ways to alter the word jellyfish
conclusion: i have to see jellyfish now.
Once again, tumblr is not tiktok, tag properly.
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intersex-idiots · 3 months
having a uterus SUCKS man bc all day you'll be feeling the "hey bestie check your pants 😃 check it right now 😃 you might be getting your period 😃 hey bestie i think youre bleeding 😃" and then when you check if you got your period and your body is like WRONG ❌️ its The Slime
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intersex-idiots · 4 months
lgbt cassette tapes
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intersex-idiots · 4 months
OCD isn’t always:
“If you don’t do the thing your family will die”
Sometimes it’s:
“If you don’t do the thing, bad things will happen”
“What bad things?”
“Bad things. Very bad things”
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intersex-idiots · 4 months
1. hyperfixate on system
2. start to categorize system and take notes
3. become dissociated and blurry for __ hours
4. repeat steps 1 thru 3 until desired results
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intersex-idiots · 4 months
I had a dream recently that I was getting all of my ingredients ready to make a delicious vegetable soup while the broth was being warmed on the stove on low. When I came back, there were TWO small capybaras in my soup pot bathing in the broth. In the dream, I was infuriated. But it’s a very cute image and someone should draw it.
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intersex-idiots · 4 months
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This is what trans men are talking about when we say we feel alienated from queer communities.
Patriarchy affects us all (yes, even cis men) and simply existing as a man is not an oppressive act.
Trans men and afab nonbinary people have the highest suicide attempt rates of any group in the trans community, and shit like this is part of the reason why.
Transmasculine people often feel that they need to hate their own masculinity in order to be accepted in feminist spaces - that they'll only be accepted if they contort themselves into 'soft femme-aligned nonbinary afab'.
And if they do present masc or medically transition, they often compensate with self-hatred and guilt. There are so many trans guys out there who have internalized the ideas that they're "class traitors" because they aren't women, who feel intense guilt over their attraction to women that they never felt before coming out, who are constantly terrified of being seen as a predator.
This particular example is pretty extreme, but the "kill all men includes trans men" "masculinity is disgusting and femininity is beautiful" "women are better than men" "ewww gross man" stuff is still very prevalent in feminist circles (especially among cis women).
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intersex-idiots · 4 months
Not many people talk about how deep emotional neglect hurts you.
I’m afraid to want things. I’m afraid to ask for help. I’m afraid to tell someone something if they seem in a bad mood. I can’t process when someone is nice to me. I can’t handle rejection, but my brain literally short circuits if someone gives me a compliment to the point where sometimes the rejection is better.
There are lots of overlap with emotional abuse, but emotional neglect hurts just as much. And it’s even worse that it usually goes undetected, so a lot of people can’t tell they’re being neglected until it’s too late.
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intersex-idiots · 4 months
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Why is the banner for r/ftm set on some forbidden alien planet
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intersex-idiots · 4 months
Am I wet? Am I on my period? Did I pee my pants?- next on wtf is going on down there.
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intersex-idiots · 4 months
seeing ppl on this website unironically put shit in their bio like "i'm very weary of transmascs" or "i only follow transmascs who actively deny transandrophobia" like yeah bro you're totally not transphobic you're definitely not regurgitating radfem gender essentalism at all
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intersex-idiots · 5 months
alright fuck it reblog this I'm curious to see how fast it gets flagged
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intersex-idiots · 5 months
did you know that if you're about to suggest a disabled person do something or another to cure their disability, there's a feature everyone possesses but i'm sure you're unaware of it. it's this funny little thing called shutting the fuck up. hope this helps!!!!! :D
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intersex-idiots · 5 months
Giving pwNPD supply is not always bad
First off, what is supply?
Supply is the material ( compliments, attention, praise, + etc ) that fuel an NPD person with energy, motivation, and an overall good-mood. The amount of Narc-supply that separate NPD people need varies between person to person, and each tend to have their own favorite type of Narc-supply that boosts them even more than other types. 
Now, it's a thing on the internet to say don't give pwNPD supply. But, is it really that bad? if you give a pwNPD, it could bring their mood up drastically, and what harm does it do to you? We are people too, giving us attention, praise, compliments, etc, is free for you and can easily make our day. It doesn't have to be big, a simple "hey I like how you look!" or even a reaction over the internet can do it for some pwNPD! We're people too, our brains just need a little more to keep us going sometimes. 
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