#for.. y’know.. foreshadowing
adamarks · 7 months
Lucius’s “a little man died in my lap” line gets less weird when you realize the shortest member of the crew died in Ed’s lap :/
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juyeonszn · 6 months
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PAIRING ji changmin x f!reader
GENRES smut ﹒angst ﹒fluff
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, best friends to lovers, numerous mentions of the female orgasm, ji changmin is a bit of a manwhore, mentions of alcohol, insane tension my b, intense making out x2, oral (m! and f! receiving), multiple orgasms, couch sex but missionary, unprotected sex (wrap before u fucking tap -_-), creampie, changmin is lowkey very whipped and very pussy drunk in this, also forewarning for every fic in this collab— there is lots of foreshadowing and references to the other fics since they all fall within the same timeline/universe!
SUMMARY you know, when you told your girl friends that you’d never finished before, you were expecting it to blow over like no big deal. what you weren’t expecting was for it to spiral into a whole other mess.
MORE i hope u jichang lovers are strapped in and ready for this… kinda went crazy with it 😭😭 um anyway?? first fic of the black out or back out collab?? crazy!! this fic actually ruined me. it used up all my brain power so if every other one sucks u can’t blame me!! it’s the law!! also, i’d like to take a moment to wish my boyz a very happy 6th anniversary <3 so so proud of all they’ve accomplished these past 6 years and i can’t wait to see what they do in the next 6. in this deobi shit 4L frfr 🙏🙏
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri @deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @vernyangel
TAGLIST @millksea
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“No fucking way.”
You blink at Soyeon. It wasn’t that hard to believe. In fact, it was pretty easy to believe. You set down the bowl of popcorn on your lap and nod slowly.
“Uh, yeah. Yes fucking way,” a nervous laugh escapes your lips. “I’ve had to fake it with every guy I’ve ever been with. I don’t know what it is. Maybe something’s wrong with me.”
Men were… incompetent at certain things. And apparently your pleasure was one of those. Every dude you’ve ever slept with failed to make you finish. It was at the point that you felt that you were the problem. It would be understandable if it had been a couple guys, but every single one? Your luck had to be complete ass.
The only reason the topic had been brought up was because Soyeon had mentioned something about her last fling during your movie night. She was talking about how that had been the best sex she's ever had and it spurred you into making your confession. The last guy you’d been with had probably been the worst.
“Never?” Jiwon’s jaw drops, elbows resting on her knees. “How are you still alive, girl? How do you get your fix?”
“My hand, my vibrator, my pillow sometimes,” you shrug, picking at a loose thread on your blanket. “I’ve learned to make do with my situation, I guess. If I can’t get it elsewhere, I’ll just do it myself, y’know?”
Your girl friends look at you with pouts on their lips, as if they were the ones experiencing your misfortunes. You hadn’t even expected it to be such a big deal. You’d thought this was a normal, common occurrence. Boys usually sucked at things when it came to girls. But they all took this as a personal hit, like you were a fallen soldier in battle.
Perhaps the female orgasm was far more important than you assumed it to be.
“Considering who your best friend is, you’d think you were getting good dick left and right,” Dahyun snorts into her glass of wine. “This is actually kinda insane.”
You guess she had a point, despite you both leading very different lives. Changmin, your best friend, was known as one of the many heartthrobs on campus. He was in a fraternity, played on the school’s baseball team, and he even played with other things. Namely the hearts of practically every other girl at your university.
You’d think it would bother you to be so close to a man who couldn’t give less of a fuck about those of the same sex as you. But for some reason, you couldn’t find it in you to care. It’s not like he was bragging about the bitches he bagged on a regular basis. Though you were his best friend, he understood boundaries. He knew what was appropriate to talk about with you and respected that.
Your friends laugh at her observation, but drop the conversation after that, resuming the movie you were watching. However, it’s not that easy for you.
You can’t stop wondering if something really *is wrong with you. Why was it that everyone and their mom was capable of finishing and you weren’t? It was more unlikely that every single man you’ve been with sexually was that mediocre. Were you really that unlucky?
It bothers you so much that you find yourself still thinking about it well into the following week.
With the start of the new semester, came the adjustment of new classes. Even though you were a Communications major, you made the grave mistake of taking Lifespan Growth and Development with Changmin for the extra credit. He was an Early Childhood Education major, so it was a requirement for him, but not for you. (Honestly, he only forced you to take it with him so you had at least one lecture together. He was afraid your friendship might start to fade if you didn’t see each other often.)
Imagine how horrified you felt when your professor began to talk about babies and their circadian rhythm, but the only thing in your head was the fact that you’d never orgasmed because of a man. You felt like you were going crazy at this point. Really, the thought should’ve been long forgotten by now. But you couldn’t help yourself from dwelling on it, especially after your friends made jokes at your expense.
As you’re walking out of the lecture hall side by side with Changmin, you keep your focus on the ground, your hearing going in and out. His voice is staticy, your brain only registering words here and there. You’re a little pissed off that this has become such an issue.
He notices your lack of response and stops walking, eyebrows furrowed. You pause in your tracks along with him. “Are you good? You’ve been spacing out all morning.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you shake your head as if that would rid of these stupid thoughts. “I’m just a little tired, I guess. I haven’t been getting much sleep.”
“Well, you better fix that. We’re expecting this weekend’s party to be one of the bigger ones this semester. Juyeon’s passing those fliers around like it’s his job,” Changmin purses his lips with a snort, ruffling your hair. “I need my beer pong partner to be in tip-top shape.”
You scratch the back of your neck. Half of you was kind of hesitant to go to this weekend’s TBZ party considering that was where you met the dude who started this whole downward spiral. He made an offhand comment about seeing you again, but you were actually hoping that would never happen. And with your fortune, the probability of running into him was pretty high.
“You see…“ You begin, but Changmin interrupts you with a distressed groan before you can continue.
“Don’t tell me you’re thinking of flaking,” his arms fall to his sides as his head tips back dramatically. “Y/N, I really need you there. How else am I gonna smoke everyone? I need— I mean we need to keep our title.”
Sometimes you wish Ji Changmin took anything else as seriously as he takes beer pong. You suppose it came with being a fraternity brother or something. They all drank alcohol like it was fucking water. You’re still sort of surprised none of them (Sunwoo) has gotten alcohol poisoning yet.
“I’m just… trying to avoid someone. And they’ll probably be there.” You sigh, fiddling with your fingers. Your best friend gives you an unreadable look that flashes across his face only for a moment.
“Tell me who it is. I’ll make sure they’re not allowed in. I’d much rather have you there than some rando who’s bugging you.” He says, shoving his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants.
“That’s really unne—“
“Yo, Changmin! Aren’t you going with us to Cobie’s?”
You both turn towards the sudden intrusion, the voice belonging to Eric Sohn. He’s around 50 feet away from where you’re standing, joined by Kim Sunwoo and Ju Haknyeon. Changmin yells out his answer and spins back to you, an apologetic smile on his face. Somehow, you’re a little grateful for the interruption.
“We’ll finish this later, okay?” He nods at you, heading backwards in their direction. “You’re going, Y/N.”
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You really should’ve listened to your instincts when they told you to skip out on the party.
You’re well aware that every attendee was crucial for the TBZ boys and their stupid rivalry with the KAT girls. So maybe you understood why Changmin needed you there so badly, aside from the obvious beer pong thing. However, you were starting to regret showing up.
First of all, Ji Changmin was nowhere to be found. Second of all, Jeon Soyeon was hounding you all night about the secret you so idiotically shared with your gal pals.
She was dead set on finding you a solution. (Basically, she was scanning the crowd of partygoers for a suitable man to satisfy your overdue needs. And she was proving devastatingly unsuccessful.)
You were too anxious to drink, also. Your feet were bouncing from where you sat on the couch, and your fingers couldn’t stop fidgeting. The antsiness was getting annoying at this point and you were hoping your knight in shining armor (Ji Changmin) revealed himself soon. Lest he wanted to lose out on his beloved beer pong partner.
It appears that your years of honing in on your manifestation powers have finally come to fruition when you spot Younghoon and Juyeon hauling the beer pong table into the living room. Where one of those tables are stationed, you know you’re guaranteed to find your best friend. The shorter of the two gentle giants cups his hands around his mouth and announces the first round of tonight’s tournament.
You stand from your seat, grabbing the opportunity to break free of Soyeon’s efforts to pimp you out. You’re ready to confirm you and Changmin’s spot in the tournament, when you see that you’ve already been beaten to it. It takes absolutely everything in you not to let your jaw drop and your eyes to tear up.
Some girl who happens to be in your Lifespan Growth and Dev class (you think her name is Iseul) is draped over Changmin’s arm, signing them up for the first round. He doesn’t look like he wants to, but makes no effort to refuse her.
You don’t know why it irks you. It shouldn’t irk you.
You’ve never cared about who he spends his free time with in the past. It’s been so easy for you to let his behavior slide, brushing it under the rug like it was no biggie. But this time, you care a whole lot. You chalk it up to the fact that he was seemingly replacing you as his beer pong partner, even though that was the entire reason why he wanted you to come to the party.
Yeah. That’s why.
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips just as Hyunjae passes by, no doubtedly heading to the beer pong table. You catch the sleeve of his polo and force him to halt in his steps. You’re not even sure why the hell he’s wearing a polo in the first place, his outfit embodying the stereotypical frat boy perfectly. This looked nothing like his usual wardrobe.
“Oh, hey Y/N, what’s up?” He smiles that award-winning Hyunjae smile, the one that manages to charm every girl in the room every single time he pulls it out. He brings the brim of his red solo cup up to his lips and finishes whatever’s left in it with one swig. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“Do you wanna be my beer pong partner?” Okay, well now you’ve said it so there’s no going back.
His eyebrow shoots up in a mixture of shock and pleasant surprise. “Me? You’re not gonna ask Changmin?”
“He’s…” Your eyes flitter over to where he stands with Iseul(?), Hyunjae’s following. No. You’re okay. This isn’t getting to your head at all. Everything’s cool and peachy. “He’s too preoccupied.”
Hyunjae chooses not to say anything, instead nudging you over to the opposite end of the table. Changmin’s eyes widen when he sees the two of you, even having the audacity to look scandalized. God, maybe that was his biggest fault. He was so entitled.
So, it was just fine for him to bail on you in favor of some girl he didn’t even know, but the second you talk to one of his frat brothers, it’s off the table? What a fucking hypocrite. The whole ordeal was actually beginning to get on your nerves now. All you wanted to do was win this stupid beer pong game to show him that he’ll never find a partner as good as you.
Woah. Holy shit, Y/N. You need to dial it back a bit with the possessiveness. That was a lot, especially for you.
Juyeon narrows his eyes at you and then glances over to Changmin, the cogs turning in his head slowly. You’re not sure if that’s because he’s so used to seeing you both on the same side of the beer pong table, or because his vision was so shitty. Either way, it has you cowering behind Hyunjae a little as he dips the ping pong ball into the cup of water in the center.
“Okay, you know the rules. Let’s have a healthy, friendly game,” Younghoon says, tapping the table with a smile. “No playing dirty. I’m looking at you, Hyunjae.”
The brunette raises his hands in surrender, doing a quick bout of rock, paper, scissors with Changmin to determine which team went first. He wins with a quirk of his lips, sauntering back over to you. After rolling his neck around and popping his fingers, he tosses the ball right into Changmin and Iseul’s center cup.
You hate to admit it, but Hyunjae’s actually pretty good at this. You’ve never really paid attention to anyone else’s beer pong skills considering you’ve only ever played with Changmin as your partner. Who knows, maybe you’ll switch over permanently after this. At least, you might if he keeps up whatever it is that he’s doing.
Your best friend’s jaw tightens as he grabs the red solo cup, chugging what’s inside. He huffs and takes his turn, nearly missing with the way the ball circles around the rim. He sighs in relief at the same time you grimace. You still hadn’t had anything to drink all night and starting with fucking beer was probably the worst idea.
The game probably would’ve been a bit more competitive had Iseul been decent at beer pong, but she sucked. So Hyunjae and yourself always kept your lead by one cup or more. Karma is a dish best served cold, or however the saying goes. And karma certainly presented itself in the form of Ji Changmin’s first ever TBZ beer pong tournament loss.
Hyunjae high fives you with a cheesy grin, lacing your fingers together and shaking them around. He presses a kiss to your temple and guides you away from the table as Juyeon and Younghoon clear it for the second round. It wasn’t odd for any of the TBZ boys to show you affection since you were like a sister to most of them, but this felt… kind of weird. You can’t pinpoint exactly why, but it made you feel off.
“You’re my secret weapon,” he laughs, hands burying into the pockets of his khaki shorts. “I’m gonna steal you as my partner permanently.”
As much as you joked around in your head, the truth of the matter was that you could never actually replace Changmin. In spite of him acting like a complete dumbass tonight, he was still your best friend. Not even the biggest of fights would change that fact.
Before you can dismiss him, Changmin is stalking over to you with a slight scowl. His nostrils flare a bit as he asks, “Can we talk?”
You barely nod and then he’s fisting the material of your top at the small of your back, urging you away from the living room. Your feet keep tripping over themselves while you attempt to match his pace but he’s too determined to reach his destination in mind to even notice. No one even bats an eye as you get ushered to your demise.
You’re coaxed into a nearby bathroom without a word, your best friend standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest. Because you hadn’t seen him a majority of the night, you hadn’t gotten the chance to get a good look at him. He was wearing a long sleeve striped polo and some baggy jeans, which probably would look basic on anyone else. But this is Ji Changmin. Girls flocked after him for a reason.
“Why would you play with Hyunjae? You know the type of guy he is. Now he thinks he has a shot with you or something.” As soon as he opens his mouth, you remember the type of guy he is.
“What does it matter to you? You were too busy giggling with your flavor of the week. Of course I wasn’t gonna wait around for you.” You bite back, mirroring his stance.
“Flavor of the—?” His eyebrows scrunch together in confusion and then everything settles in. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” you laugh humorlessly. “Don’t act all hypocritical with me, Changmin. I can’t believe I even came to this fucking party for you when you didn’t even bother giving me the same energy. Best friend, my ass.”
A scoff brushes past your lips and you turn to exit the bathroom, but he grabs your wrist. His grip isn’t too harsh, but it’s tight enough to stop you from going anywhere. “Wait. Don’t leave.”
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.” Your eyes flick back and forth between his and the fingers wrapped around your forearm. And you know, you really should’ve predicted what would happen after that. The nature of your words were provocative in their own right, not to mention the tension brewing in the midst of your argument.
From one second to the next, Changmin’s mouth is on your own, your back pressed to the bathroom door. His hands are everywhere and nowhere all at once; digging into your sides, running through your hair, caressing your face. You feel insane. Your head feels empty, no coherent thoughts running through it as his lips move against yours.
They migrate along your jaw and down your neck, nipping and sucking wherever they feel fit. Everything is moving way too fast for you to comprehend what’s happening. His lips feel so good on your skin, you’re having trouble finding the strength in you to stop him. But you know you have to. This was your best friend, for god’s sake. And besides, you didn’t want to deal with the disappointment you’ve faced time and time again when it came to men. You couldn’t handle feeling that way toward him.
Your palm presses against his chest and you try your hardest to ignore the sensation of his heart thumping beneath it. Your eyes squeeze shut as you push him off of you gently. Not expecting the sudden disruption, he stumbles backwards slightly. He’s a little dazed, like he, too, has not a single thought in that brain of his.
“I can’t— we can’t—“ You’re breathless, heaving up and down as if you’d just ran a damn marathon. “I have to go.”
You don’t give Changmin any freedom to react, escaping the bathroom exasperated. There’s too much going through your mind to search for Soyeon, leaving the party as quickly as you can. The moment your foot steps out of the front door, it’s like you’re given some clarity. The fresh air feels cool on your warm skin while you take the walk back to your apartment, not in the mood to sit in a stuffy car with anyone else. You needed to think clearly and vulnerably, and someone being there would just hinder that.
But first, you had to figure out where to go from here.
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It’s been a couple days since the last TBZ party and you were still avoiding Ji Changmin like he was the plague.
You were definitely wishful thinking when you decided to just ignore things until you had class together. And even then, you were planning on pretending like nothing even happened. Fucking up your friendship with him was something you couldn’t stand emotionally. Or physically. It would be akin to the pain of having your heart ripped straight from your chest.
Meeting Changmin when you did was almost like a blessing in disguise. His attitude about life was exactly what you needed coming into university. You were shy and scared of your new surroundings. You had no friends, you were far from your family, and your imposter syndrome was through the roof. But then he swooped in and made everything better somehow. As much as it was a snooze fest, you’ll eternally be a little bit grateful for sharing that First Year Seminar class with him.
Deep down, a piece of you has always belonged to Changmin. From that first day of freshman year to now, you’ve always held him to a different standard than everyone else. You liked to believe it was because he was your best friend, the one person who sought you out even when it felt like no one ever would. And until very recently, you kept trying to convince yourself that was the case.
If you slept together that might be worse. What if he ended up like every other guy you’ve landed in bed with? What if he couldn’t satisfy you? It would make it even more strained. You didn’t want to end up like every other girl who’s vied for his heart and failed miserably. He wasn’t a relationship person.
Falling for him alone would complicate everything. If he didn’t feel the same, it would be weird between you and your friendship would never go back to normal. Yet as you lay here, body bundled in your comforter and drowning in one of the many sweatshirts he’s left over at your apartment, scrolling through his feed, you realize that there’s no return from this point. Now that you’ve contemplated the idea, you’re too far in.
You know, the universe had funny ways of rewarding you. (Or rather, punishing you.)
There’s a knock at your front door. You’re not entirely sure who it could be since you weren’t expecting anyone, but one glance through the peephole and it’s all over for you. You consider stepping away, running and cowering in your bedroom until he disappears so you can go back to dissimulating that your entire life wasn’t crumbling to your feet.
“Y/N, I know you’re in there. Open up, please, we need to talk.”
You curse under your breath but unlock the door anyway, maneuvering so he can come inside with ease. Changmin stares at you with an unreadable expression for a minute, vision raking over your figure. Maybe you’re imagining it, but it’s something similar to how men have looked at you before, like they were undressing you with their eyes. That’s when you remember that you were wearing his sweatshirt.
Without pants underneath…
The wind knocks out of him in an instant, something primal coming over him when his gaze lands on you in his clothing. He knows he shouldn’t think about you the way he does. He shouldn’t think of how pretty you are when your pen is caught in your teeth, attempting to make sense of whatever your professor was talking about. He shouldn’t think of the way your cheeks flush when you’ve had too much alcohol at one of the TBZ parties. He shouldn’t think of kissing you, or pressing up against you like a dog in heat. He shouldn’t be thinking of the kiss you shared Friday night.
You’re his best friend, the one person in the world who has ever understood him. The one who’s always glued to his side even when he may be in the wrong. Why would he ever want something different? How could he ask for more when he should be thankful for what he was already given?
“Why are you pushing me away? Why are you ignoring me?” Is what he finally asks after the silence has become unbearable.
“Changmin,” you swallow thickly, hesitative with what you say next. “Friends don’t kiss— we don’t kiss.”
He takes a step forward, and then another, and then another until he’s only arms’ length from you. “But, we could.”
You release a shuddery breath, reaching out to stop him from coming any closer. “P-Please. We can’t do this— I can’t do this.”
“Why not?” He pushes. He knows he’s tiptoeing the edge of something else. There’s a fine line between what you have now, and what he’s wanted for so long. It’s always been a matter of if you wanted that too. “Is it because you just don’t want to?”
You’re not even sure how to respond to him. Of course you want this. It isn’t that you don’t want him. You’re more scared than anything. You’re scared of becoming just another victim of Ji Changmin’s charms, of giving into him and it leading to another let down. Your resistance is evident on your face, and you’re not all that taken aback when he sighs.
“I’ve wanted you since that first day of First Year Seminar, Y/N. No one has ever compared to you and no one ever will,” he confesses, a hand coming up to cup your cheek. “I sleep with random girls to get you off my mind, to forget that I’m pretty fucking in love with my best friend.”
Then it all clicks.
It’s like you’ve come to the biggest realization of your life, an epiphany striking you suddenly with the weight of a freight train. It all trickles into place, the reason why you’ve never enjoyed yourself during sex. The reason why you’ve never finished at the hands of any man you’ve been with intimately.
None of them were Ji Changmin. None of them were the best friend that your heart has belonged to since your freshman year.
You press your lips to his without any warning, nearly colliding into him with the force of your impatience. He reciprocates immediately, fingers tangling in your hair and holding you closer than physically possible. You tilt your head to deepen the kiss, tongue dragging along his lower lip. Years of repressed longing and pining find themselves surfacing in this one kiss.
Changmin’s hands travel to your waist, burrowing into the fabric of his sweatshirt as he yanks you toward the couch. He falls to a sitting position when the backs of his knees hit the edge, your knees resting on either side of his lap. You don’t break apart once, not even to gasp for air as he grinds you down onto him. Through the material of his cargos you can feel him. He’s just as throbbing as you are, your core pulsing with a need unlike any other.
His fingers reach for the hem of the sweatshirt and that’s when you pause him, your nerves getting the best of you. He frowns. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just,” admitting this a second time isn’t easier. “I’ve never— nobody’s ever made me… you know…”
The corners of his lips curl up, thumbs rubbing the backs of your thighs. “You’ve never came before, baby?”
Your breathing stutters in your chest, the smugness of his voice sending shockwaves through your body. You should’ve fully expected him to be a master at pillowtalk, what with the whole Sex-God persona and all that jazz, but it still catches you off guard. You shake your head shyly, arms hooked around his neck. His mouth attaches to the spot behind your ear, sucking the skin tenderly.
“I’ll make sure you’re ruined for anyone else,” his voice is no louder than a whisper, but sounds deafening to the cotton stuffing the place where your brain should be. “I’ll make you feel so good, you won’t think twice about who you belong to.”
A small whine emits from your throat, hips gyrating themselves onto his crotch. He bucks up into you instinctively, keeping you still on his lap. The sheer possessiveness of his tone is driving you up the wall. That seemed to be something you had in common with each other. You’re lightheaded, too many layers of clothing blocking the space between you. Changmin connects your lips again, sliding his hands beneath the sweatshirt so his fingers can hook into the waistband of your panties.
He helps you out of them and your top, baring your entire body to him. The way his cock twitches makes him feel like a goddamn teenager. You paw at the zipper of his pants as he pulls off his t-shirt, tugging the cargos down his legs so you can kneel between them. If he thought he wasn’t going to last before, he’s certain of it now. He wraps your hair around his fist in a makeshift ponytail, watching you with hooded eyes as you kiss his tip.
“You look so gorgeous like this,” his voice is wavering, his composure drifting off.
That encourages you to take him into the wet heat of your mouth, tongue twirling around the tip. You run it along his slit, tasting the precum that had formed there. His head falls back onto the sofa cushions, jerking his hand back a bit and tugging your hair just enough for it to sting. You moan around his dick, the pain providing more pleasure than its intended purpose.
He bucks up into your mouth yet again, his length gliding down your throat. Not prepared for the intrusion, you gag, pulling off of his cock with a string of saliva bridging your lips to the tip. Tears prick at your eyes for a second, and then you’re going back in.
This time you manage to relax your throat, fitting more than you could prior. Changmin’s eyes are half lidded, not once daring to look anywhere that wasn’t you. The sight of you so eager to please, so desperate to reward him in spite of you being the one who’s never orgasmed before, was clouding his thinking.
The image of you on your knees, sucking him off like your life depended on it, would be burned into his brain for the rest of his life. (Not that he minded. You lived there practically rent free, anyways.)
Your attention stays on the tip of his cock, tongue repeatedly alternating with dragging under the head and the slit on top. He could die happily, actually, the fear that he may never have you in this way finally dissipating into thin air. Want could only take a man so far.
He doesn’t stay sentimental for very long, remembering that you were currently between his legs and the inner monologue could wait for later. Though, he makes the grave mistake of making direct eye contact with you and it’s game over after that point.
Changmin finishes with a groan, his cum painting your chest with milky white ropes. He cups both sides of your face, bringing you up to kiss you messily. He doesn’t care that he can taste himself in your mouth, nipping your bottom lip to pry it open. The two of you swap spots, with him now on the floor and you on the couch. He pushes up your knees, spreading them to gain access to your cunt, glistening with your slick.
He presses a soft kiss to your clit, glancing up at you through his lashes to gauge your reaction. He not only had a reputation to defend, but he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was going to be the first man to make you cum. But it wasn’t sufficient to just fuck you, he needed to do more than that. He needed to flood your senses and show you exactly what you’ve been missing out on.
His tongue circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves, his ring and middle fingers going counter-clockwise on your entrance. He can hear the laboring of your breathing, the sharp exhale through your nostrils when he experimentally slides one of them inside of you. He starts to pump it slowly, building up the pace until he adds the other finger, curling them.
You whine when Changmin’s lips envelope your clit, suckling like a man starved. His fingers south don’t halt their assault, the palm of his other hand flattening on your lower stomach. You reach down to card through his hair, clutching the strands for support. He groans against your pussy, the vibrations contributing to the knot growing tighter in your abdomen.
He switches his tongue and fingers a moment later, lapping at your hole and swiping at your clit in a close ovular pattern with his thumb. You’re dizzy, lids fluttering shut and back arching off the cushions in a weak attempt to minimize the space between you. Changmin pins down your hips with his forearm, continuing making out with your cunt.
He flips the stimulation once more, mouth on your clit and fingers buried deep inside of you in an instant. He keeps his eyes on you, focused on every scrunch of your face and slacking of your jaw. The sudden difference in sensations has a loud moan ripping from your vocal cords, that knot coming undone almost too quickly for it being your first time in this position. You feel his lips turn up in a smile, like he’s proud of himself for doing the impossible.
Changmin pulls back slightly, his fingers still working you down from your peak. When he thinks you’ve calmed, he’s up and kissing you, petting your hair gently. “You did so well for me, baby.”
“I’ve made myself cum so many times before, but never like that— holy shit, Changmin…” You’re a little stunned and he finds it cute, despite you both being in such a compromising situation.
“I need you to give me one more, is that okay?” He lays you on your back, hovering over you. “I wanna see your pretty face when you cum on my cock.”
You pull him down for another kiss, pecking the side of his neck with a hum. “Want you to fill me up, too.”
The groan that leaves him is guttural, his forehead falling onto your collarbone. Dreams really do come true. He hikes up one of your legs, lining himself up with you. He guides his cock into you and watches you for any moves of discomfort. A whimper bubbles past as he slips in, bottoming out smoothly. Half of you still couldn’t believe this was happening. No fucking way was Ji Changmin on top of you right now, dick compressed in your cunt to the hilt.
He holds your knee to your chest as he begins to thrust his hips, driving his cock deep from the get go. Each motion jostles you further up the sofa, but you’re too gone to care. Your eyes have started to roll to the back of your head and you already feel that pressure rising in the pit of your stomach.
At this rate, you’re not sure you’ll last very long. You’re still extremely sensitive from your first orgasm and Changmin’s plowing into you like he might never get the chance to do it again.
“You’re so— fuck— you’re so tight, baby… Squeezing me in like you don’t wanna let me go,” he rasps, trailing open mouthed kisses along your jaw and carrying them down your jugular.
You moan something about how deep he is, about how you can feel him everywhere. It’s too much. It’s not enough. And despite him giving you everything he has to offer, you crave more. You’re yearning for more.
Something in you snaps and you’re cradling his face in your hands. “Love you so much, Changmin. Wanna be with you forever.”
His eyes widen at your off-kilter confession, but he doesn’t cease once. If anything, his speed increases as he kisses you passionately, noses bumping but so far on the spectrum from the others. This one is more emotional, more meaningful. It’s not long before he’s spilling into you, moaning against your lips. You follow closely behind, your second orgasm cresting like a tidal wave.
You stay like that for a minute, both of you soaking it all in. Your chests meet in the middle with each breath you take.
Changmin pulls out of you carefully, laying so you can rest comfortably on top of him. A smile inches across his feature, like he was on the inside of a joke you weren’t. You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Nothing, it’s just,” he brushes some of your hair from your forehead to leave a smooch there. “I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you how I felt for a while now. I just wanted to assure that you wouldn’t scream in my face and run the opposite direction. But you went ahead and beat me to it.”
“You meant what you said about the other girls?” You nibble at the skin of your cheek, nervous. “You slept with them to distract yourself from me? Even Iseul?”
He nods, albeit a little shamefully. “Not my proudest moment, I’ll say. I could’ve gone about it a million other ways. But yeah, I didn’t want to ruin what we had. I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you just because I couldn’t get my feelings in check.”
“You’re stupid,” you laugh, cuddling further into him. “It’s a good thing I’m kind of into that.”
“Kind of?” He quirks a brow at you. “I don’t know, you were saying something about loving me so much and wanting to be with me forever earlier…”
You smack his chest playfully. “Shut up. That was a moment of weakness or whatever.”
“It’s okay,” he smiles at you fondly, as if you were the reason that the sun shone so brightly. “I love you, too. And I wouldn’t mind being with you forever.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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y’know what we’ve all been focusing on Crowley having had his pre fall memories altered but the saddest possible interpretation of “looking where the furniture isn’t” is that it’s foreshadowing and if Aziraphale gets Book of Lifed, their lives are so intricately intertwined that Crowley would spend his days trying to figure out why his life feels like an epistolary history where one side of the conversation has been burnt to ash
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xob1tchs · 1 year
wait a ethan x reader but the reader is chad and mindys sister or cousin or smth ik it’s really vague sorry 😭
trust me i
fem!reader x ethan landry
warnings; short smut, oral (f receiving), kissing, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, mentions of killing chad & mindy, foreshadowing that Ethan was ghost face, unedited so spelling and grammar errors!
a/n; title inspo 😸 and idk if u wanted smut or not but that’s what I know to write like “the best” even if I’m not the greatest, but i hope u enjoy nonetheless!
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Your back is aching form the position you’re in, and the porcelain sink below you makes your ass hurt, but who are you to complain when your legs are over broad shoulders and Ethan landry has his head between your thighs, while a frat party rages on below the pair of you.
You find yourself whining, hips grinding against his hungry mouth, toes curling in your boots. The noises he’s making are obscene, slurping and sucking at your folds, swallowing down the sweet goo leaking from your core. His tongue is working you like a hungry beast, perfect nose pressed right against your clit, abusing the aching bud with a never ending stream of pressure.
Your eyes begin to roll back in your head when he slips a finger in, and you have to tangle your own in his curly hair, tugging him away from you with a frustrated groan “Don’t make me cum yet, y’know how I want it” he flashes you a wicked grin at the bold words, lips swollen and red, slick making them shine like a gloss, that’s covered his nose and trailed down his chin — actually dripping off to stain the collar of his graphic tee.
He rises from the ground, even taller than he normally is with the way you’re leant back, and so so pretty like this. With his hair sweaty and sticking to his forehead with the heat of your arousal, and the icky frat house, cheeks flushed and eyes all shiny. The shirt he’s decided to wear is also doing him immense favors, some sort of comic book strip, but it looks as if it could be a size too small, and stops just above the button of his jeans; hugging his biceps tightly around the hem of the short sleeves, stretching over his wide chest.
“I don’t like it when you stare at me like that” he cock a brows, hands slipping under your dress,groping at the meaty skin of your hips, before his fingers loop in your absolutely ruined lace panties, and he tugs them down your legs – not so slyly slipping them into his back pocket.
Your pout up at him, legs spreading widely, teasing him with the view up your skirt “how am I staring at you?” you bat your lashes innocently, excitement filling your chest when his fingers begin undoing his belt, slowly dragging his zipper down; flashing you a view of his raging hard-on, beneath the fabric of red Calvin Klein boxers.
His fingers slip past the silver elastic band, and he groans, eyebrows creasing as he tugs his cock out for you to admire. He wraps his fist around the base, squeezing, head falling back in the process, before he tugs languidly — precum dribbling down the length, smearing when it meets his movements. You bite your bottom lip, eyes watching in wonder, drool pooling in the back of your throat that makes you swallow thickly.
“you stare at me like- like you want to eat me”
“well maybe i do” you smile, like butter wouldn’t melt, watching the his fist tightens at your words.
When his cock is thoroughly coated with his precum, shiny and incredibly hard, his makes haste in shuffling forward, pressing the head right against your entrance; stretching you open with ease, choking at the way your pussy wraps around the most sensitive part of his lenth, wallowing in the wetness and warmth.
“Y’know chad and Mindy will kill you – we need to be quick” he looks from the view between yours legs to your face, hand creeping up your body until it wraps around your throat, applying slight pressure before his hips jut forward and his cock plunged into you at once, pulling a surprised gasp from you; that he swallows down when he tugs you forward, lips smashing into yours in favor.
“Mhm, or maybe I’ll kill Mindy and chad before they ever find out” he breathes into your mouth, and even with his cock stuffed deep inside of you, abusing your cunt with every hard thrust you still hear the words clear as day – your eyes jump open and you let out a cry of pleasure, heart seizing in your chest at the implications behind his words. There was no way Ethan could be a ghostface.
At least that’s what you tell yourself when you cream on his cock, body shaking in pleasure, mind muddled with him and only him.
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indieyuugure · 11 days
In regards to what happens to Leo stitches.
I know you mentioned it doesn’t scar his shell, but what if the stitches left a small ridge? Just kind of absorbed into the keratin of his shell. When Donnie’s examining it he noticed it to which Leo’s response is “Hey, if that’s all that I’m walking away from with a fight from Shredder, that’s not too bad!”
But, then, y’know, the invasion happens. 👀
I’m just a sucker for foreshadowing. Haha!
Hm…that’s a pretty interesting idea 🤔
I guess the biggest thing is I don’t want to end the story with them having any kind of visible marks or scars really, though I’ll definitely consider that! I quite like the idea
(lol, same! Foreshadowing my beloved 💕)
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buggachat · 2 years
is adrien a sentimonster in this au? could you say (i mean if he is, that could affect your au alot and you might not want to say anything about the future) there were no hints so far but y’know there are so many questions yet to be answered and well, i have a million and one
Basically, it'll never come up in the comic. I started it before Season 4 and before the theory really gained any legitimate traction, so whether or not he's a sentimonster isn't incorporated into the story at all.
Personally, I am a 100% believer in sentiadrien and kind of of the opinion that Adrien being a sentimonster is core to the story of Miraculous Ladybug, because it's probably what kicked off the entire magical events of the series (i.e. why his mom used the peacock, aka why she got sick, aka why gabriel became hawkmoth, etc etc). So like, do I personally think he's a sentimonster in my AU? Probably, yeah. I mean, I don't have any reason to go out of my way to change the circumstances of Emilie's demise.
But again, it's totally irrelevant to the comic, and I don't have any plans on foreshadowing/implying/hinting at it, so if any readers don't like the theory, feel free to headcanon him as totally 100% human. He's not officially anything in my comic unless I actually put it in the text, and I'm not going to do that, so... you know. Interpret it however you'd like!
It's also worth mentioning that if Adrien or Marinette knew that he was a sentimonster, it would definitely affect the story/how I've been writing them... so if he is one, nobody knows it and they'll never find out... so... lol
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grunklestanofficial · 3 months
Sooo some assorted thoughts I have about the update, spoilers for both the main website  and the section you have to search for below
-In Wally’s updated character description it’s stated that he’s the one who came up with Homewarming as a holiday, so why exactly did the radio play focus on him not knowing how to celebrate it?
-Very interesting choice for the owner of the website to identify themselves as “W” when that’s, y’know, what Wally’s name starts with.
-Man they really got these guys advertising cigarettes and 1970s drugs huh? I wonder if the characters actually remember doing these commercial speeches in their day to day lives. -I feel like a major part of the existential horror eventually is going to involve the neighbor’s relatives- specifically, that they exist in media outside the show but not the show itself. Like they are not making puppets for all of Howdy’s relatives. How would you feel knowing you do have family, but they’re not as “real” as you?
-So, a major part of Eddie’s Very Bad Homewarming Party is him being surrounded by all the toys from the Wishlist catalog- him being in a “Toy Land” which thanks to Wally’s solo has some real “you’re stuck in a fae realm” parallels. Possibly foreshadowing that Eddie’s a human that came to Home somehow?
-Ngl I don’t think Sally told people not to bother Eddie to be nice, that is some deliberate fucking with him. I think she might know that Eddie doesn’t completely “belong” there, to explain why she’s so hostile to him.
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steviewashere · 3 months
Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies
Rating: General CW: Grieving/Mourning, Referenced Character Death Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Married Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington Takes Care of Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson has Anxiety (could be considered anxiety here), Eddie Munson Loves Steve Harrington, False Promises, Lying as a Form of Comfort, Foreshadowing (Because all of my steddielovemonth fics are connected)
For the @steddielovemonth prompt: "Love is taking care of the other person when they're having a bad day, they don't have to be sick just need some love."
Eddie was back in bed for the sixth time today. His limbs like lead. Heart in his stomach. Head pounding, yet the pain made him nearly numb. Nothing and yet everything mattered right now. But he just couldn’t keep standing up.
There was a presence lingering in the doorway of the bedroom. He knew who it was. His darling Steve. Hovering, but not really doing that, just checking in and checking out and growing past concerned into new territory that didn’t even have a word. Part of Steve is screaming to nurture, Eddie’s sure, but he knows that he told Steve to go away. So his presence is stood between worlds, one where Eddie was, and the living room where the rest of the world kept moving. Except, this is their house. And they’ve been married for years. And maybe Eddie’s back to the door is too similar to the first few hangouts after his discharge in 1986.
Maybe he isn’t overreacting, though.
It’s the fourth day of this nothingness. Of sitting up on the mattress, curled into himself, wearing the same clothes. Of not eating and barely going to the bathroom and drinking water because Steve forced him to. Of mourning the loss of Wayne.
He doesn’t know what to do with himself. He’s rotting in his bedroom. Hasn’t cried. Isn’t sure if he can. In his chest is absence, and with that his ability to produce tears seems to have wandered.
He flips over on the bed. Door now visible to him. And sure enough, Steve is there. Outlined by the hallway light. Hair floppy in his face, rumpled pajamas glued to his body, glasses crooked to his nose. He slides a hand from under the blanket, pats Steve’s spot, and lets his palm linger between their pillows.
Steve shuffles in, sits hesitantly on the edge of the mattress, and carefully maneuvers himself under their shared blanket. Turning to be face to face with Eddie, but not nose to nose. Before he can say anything, Eddie places his palm on Steve’s cheek, fingers tangled with the hair around his ear. He’s gotten grayer over the years and his hair is thinner and the same style as it’s been since he was a teen, but his body is softer and gently touched by wrinkles. He’s got the wrinkles that matter—the smile lines, the crows feet, the lines on his forehead from a combination of good surprise and endearing excitement. His own hand wraps around Eddie’s wrist. Fingers loose, just encircling. Eddie wonders if Steve thinks he’s soft, too.
“You don’t have to ask permission to come in here to lay in bed, y’know that?” Eddie croaks. He hasn’t really spoken either. It’s as if grief has cosmically shifted him. And maybe it has. It did to Lucas when he almost lost Max. It did to his dad when his mom died all those many years ago. He doesn’t like this new version of himself.
“Told me to go, so I went,” Steve whispers back. He shrugs, lifting only one shoulder, the blanket subtly brushing his clothes. “Wanted to give you what you needed. And if space was that, then I was gonna give, Eds.”
It’s barely anything, he realizes, to be treated that way. To just be given something so quickly and so easily. To have somebody who’s lenient. He tears up. His palm presses into Steve’s skin, he goes pliant with it, willingly letting Eddie manhandle him. Eddie’s breath shutters. Is this what makes me cry? “Think you’re too good for me, Steve,” he breathes. Because, though he doesn’t really want to acknowledge that insecurity, it’s true. “You’re too good for me and my bullshit right now. I don’t understand you.”
“You’re grieving, Eds,” Steve shoots. Piercing Eddie’s heart with a silver bullet.
“But aren’t you, too?” Eddie shuffles in closer. Their breaths mingle between them. He closes his eyes. Steve’s are so shiny and big and lost and concerned. He aches with everything he’s got. He aches at the idea that Steve has to even deal with his bad breath right now, has to handle this weird episode, has to just take care and be careful. “I know you are,” he mutters, “I heard you crying last night.”
Steve swallows harshly, uneasily. “I was,” he murmurs, “Was looking at our photo albums when I couldn’t sleep. Wayne was really good with Carmen. Made me—I wondered if maybe sending Carmen to Robin and Vickie’s was a good idea. What if she’s mourning Wayne, too?” He presses his thumb into Eddie’s pulse point. “But I wanted to make sure you were okay first. You had him in your life for so long. He was your dad, Eds. Carmen barely remembers her granddad.” Which is, also, unfortunately true. Their daughter won’t remember Wayne. She’ll see photos later in her life and wonder who that stranger is.
A stranger.
There’s a few moments of silence that lull between them. Tense and bubbling. If Eddie placed his ear on the pane of the bedroom window, he’d hear the bustling of cars and people and sirens. The crickets and the grass. All of the world just casually strolling, meanwhile in the world he’s created, he’s rooted to his spot. And he knows that this won’t be the last time he’ll be in this weird world between worlds.
“I’m frightened,” Eddie confesses. The words bursting from him.
“Of what?” Steve asks, his voice quiet and innocent and genuine. And Eddie can’t take it any longer. He pries his eyes open. Tears are already streaming down his face when he does. And he knows he’s a wreck. That his hair is untamed and his stomach is loudly growling and his hands shake. He knows he stinks and that his eyes are both too emotional and dull. Knows how miserable he must seem. And yet, he’s still alive in the face of it all. And so is Steve. This won’t be the last time he’ll be here, he knows. “Of what, Eds?” Steve gently prods.
Eddie takes a gasping, choking breath. The words tumble. “Of losing,” he says first. “Of doing this again and again and again. Our daughter being fifteen or twenty or twenty-three and I still act like I’m six years old and lost my mama. Of—Of the world and its noise when all I want is silence and darkness and my blanket, like I was when I first moved in with Wayne. I’m—“ He takes another heaving breath. Steve’s other palm goes to his chest, pushing softly into his skin. But he ignores it. He can’t even pretend to focus on it right now.
He continues, “I’m frightened that one day I’ll wake up and—One day I’ll wake up to you not with me. With either your brain somewhere else or your body limp and cold. Or I’ll wake up and Robin will be standing over me with tears on her face and her knees knocking into the side table and that’s how I’ll know. 
“I am so afraid that I’ll be back here. But I know that I’m going to. But it’s going to be when you won’t. When you’re gone from me. When you’re either just a bunch of memories. Or you’re a—“ His next breath seizes his throat, makes him tighten his grasp on Steve. Harsh enough to leave indents of fingernails. Steve doesn’t even wince. Just looks straight on. “Don’t be a stranger,” Eddie whimpers. “Please, Steve, promise me you’ll never be a stranger. And that you won’t go without me and that—That I have so much time with you.”
“Eddie, I can’t—“
“Lie to me,” Eddie gasps. “Lie to me. Promise to me by lying. I don’t care. Just—“
Steve brings the hand from Eddie’s chest to his chin. Lifting Eddie’s face to keep their eyes locked. And with every emotion under the sun, Eddie soaks up all that Steve gives, he swears, “I promise that you have so much time left beside me. I promise that I will always know you. That I will always be here. To hold you, to comfort you, to exist with you. I promise, Eddie.” He gives a nod. The same one that he did in the Upside Down. But his eyes don’t say goodbye. They say hello. “I promise you have me,” he whispers.
Eddie nods slowly against his pillow. Deep breaths. His hands still shaking and his stomach empty. “Okay,” he mutters. “Okay, Stevie. Okay.”
He’s brought into Steve’s warmth. His face pillowed in his chest. Arms wrapped around him like a heavier blanket than the one he’s already got. Legs tangled with his. Chin digging into the back of his head. The angle in which he has to arch to fit pains him. Aging sucks. Aging is horrifying. Though, it’s sort of wonderful that after all this time, Steve is just as steadfast, if not more.
“What can I do right now, Eds?” Steve asks, “To take care of you, other than make promises?”
Eddie hums. “Just hold me right now. I missed you too much.”
“Baby,” Steve sighs. “I was just in the living room, you know that.”
“I missed you,” he whispers. “Please stay here. That’s all I need.”
Instead of more words, Steve squeezes them tighter.
Later, they’ll sit in bed. And he will be forced to eat toast and drink water. They’ll watch reruns of Golden Girls. Robin’ll call and talk about the many art projects that their daughter is doing at her home. And for the first time in four days, Eddie will smile at the chaos.
For now, he soaks up the sunlight warmth radiating from Steve.
💕—————💕 If you haven't read my day 26 fic, "In the Fire of the Sun", this fic comes before that one. This is pure foreshadow, sorry. Also apologies for breaking everybody's hearts (either maybe on this one or on the other one I mentioned.) Excited for the last prompt tomorrow, it'll be sweet, I promise (and no, I'm not lying).
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hitlikehammers · 4 months
just the facts
rating: t ♥️ cw: Lady Applejack's enduring awesomeness ♥️ tags: established relationship, rockstar!eddie, teacher!steve, rockstar husbands, steddie in their 20s, erica sinclair, steve and eddie stay local until the entire party is safely graduated, slice of life, softness, canon fact: erica coins term 'dumpster fire' for the ages, SCOOPS TROOP FOR LIFE 🍦🍨
for @steddielovemonth day fifteen: Love is Co-Parenting (@shares-a-vest)
still the boys who grow into the husbands in je ne regrette rien but let’s roll back to the early 90s ♥️
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“So, Stanford?”
She raises a brow around the straw in her mouth when Steve speaks and god: she’s grown up so fucking much, but that look, when Eddie glances back to the table as he listens in to their conversation: that look’s the first time he encountered the formidable half-elf a fucking lifetime ago when he was an asshole and she schooled him from the start—he should have been better prepared for the emotional whirlwind to come, at least, from there; or if nothing else, more mindful of the foreshadowing.
And he thought himself some masterful storyteller, Jesus fuck: he was both cocky and naive.
“When I go to law school it’s gonna be on the east coast, so,” she slurps noisily, unbothered, around the ice in the glass; “cover both bases.”
“Take the country by storm,” Steve nods with that warm grin that melts liquid in Eddie’s chest, every time, every day, never stopping: “very you.”
“Can’t run until I’m 35 which,” Erica shrugs, but then she flips her hair and shoots that grin that holds all the fucking secrets: “America without Erica is a travesty,” she’s got her thumb and forefinger pinched as she emphasizes the syllables hard, then snorts so derisively she might as well be the originator of the term; maybe, like, in a past life or something.
“I could run right this minute and do better than what’s there now,” she rolls her eyes and snaps her wrist decisively before stating, y’know, the obvious:
“Just the facts.”
Eddie catches Steve’s lips curl down, brow furrow as he words something out and he’s so fucking gorgeous, he’s so goddamn precious, and Eddie’s heart just kinda flip-flops around to watch him like this, relaxed and soft and happy and proud and a little bit piqued by the innocuous, and they all worked damn hard to get here, but, like.
Here is incredible.
“He just got into office in January,” Steve points out, and Eddie grins as he gathers their orders and arranges on the tray for balance, loves how he wasn’t even worried for what his partner was mulling over with the crinkle in his brow, didn’t even pause to think it was something bad and that’s such a…a new normal and Eddie wants to leap into the air and whoop for the joy of it, but: kinda got his hands full.
Maybe later.
“Plenty of time to impress me, and fail to,” Erica’s scoffing in reply before she huffs: “considering the dumpster fires that preceded him.”
“The what fires?” Steve asks, eyes so big, so fucking pretty.
“I said what I said,” Erica leans back in her chair, crossing her arms and…it’s so comfortable. It’s so innocent, the whole scene, the three of them here, and Eddie loves this, he loves them, he’s just…
It’s a life he never imagined, y’know? It’s a reality he didn’t even factor in when spinning the wheel of possibility in his head, and yes, okay, they went through hell for it, he almost died for it, but he found a family in it; he found the love of his life in it—on balance there’s no fucking question as to where he landed so far toward the good that ‘good’ seems kinda insultingly inadequate as a descriptor at all.
He needs to think up a better word, for sure.
“M’lady,” Eddie bows as he unloads the tray when he gets back to the table, presenting Erica’s five-scoop tower of ice cream with a flourish: “many effusive congratulations to you,” he settles the bowl in front of her and leans to drum his fingers on the cap with the floofy tassel they’d badgered her to bring for photos; “on to new adventures far afoot,” Eddie continues, unloading Steve’s banana split—a true treat more for Eddie to watch him eat than for Steve to taste himself, because fucking hell—and then his own hot-fudge sundae with whipped cream topped higher than the fucking glass, before he plops down next to Steve, the pair of them side-by-side across from Erica in the booth as he grins at her, because shit: he’s fucking proud, too:
“The denizens of Palo Alto will stand in awe of your grandeur,” he gestures with extra grandiosity with his spoon before he grabs the cherry, glances around for safety before offering it straight to Steve’s mouth, pulling the stem out teasingly when Steve bites and hiding the full stretch of his smile behind a big shovel-full of chocolatey-flakes on the whip.
And he and Steve are quiet, but don’t really dive in because they’re watching, waiting: Erica rolls her eyes at their antics, even if they were subtle, and goes for a bite herself, and okay, moment of truth—
Her eyes speak for her again, then, but to get very, very big as she stills, then slowly takes the spoon from her mouth and pins them with a stare:
“This is,” her mouth works around a whole lot of silence as she stares at her perfect quintuple-scoop array, because it’s all one flavor. And it’s all a flavor she mostly ragged on for being annoyingly on-brand that first summer, Eddie’s heard the stories, but still asked for extra samples of it every goddamn time, to when he and Steve had both been talked more than once to drive out to the nearest location and ‘fulfill the contract’ sworn that fateful July, a task that got more difficult every year as the chain thinned its numbers, until there weren’t any on this side of the state, then none on this side of the border, then just: none in the Midwest, period, and Erica?
She could try to hide it all she wanted, but she was sad. Because that girl had a favorite. And this, here?
Fucking U.S.S. Butterscotch? Hell yeah, it is.
“Called in a favor,” which Steve probably means to sound like he leveraged Eddie’s currently less-than-moderate celebrity or something, but what actually means he charmed the minimum wage high schooler in Portland, because Scoops Ahoy was out West now, and only had about 10 locations left—but he’d convinced the kid to let him buy a whole gallon, paid a premium for cold storage shipping, and then bribed the owner here with ample documentation of proper product preservation and transfer prior to sale, plus a couple crisp Benjamins, to convince the guy to sell it for one day, only to Steve and his guests—given it was a licensed product the parlor wasn’t a retailer for. The favor was the real power behind what passed for the Harrington charm for all those years and it was simply genuine and full-bodied Steve: charming, god yes, charming as fuck but good and kind and earnest and determined, pushy and snarky but more often wielded for the benefit of others than for himself—not to mention persuasive with those puppy-dog eyes.
Because, like, fuck: all these years and Eddie’s still weak for those goddamn eyes.
He lets himself stare at Steve and just, take him in for a little while until Steve feels his gaze—doesn’t take long, they’re aware of each other as a default mods—and lifts those impossible eyes for Eddie to drown in and feel warm inside his veins when they light up for the smile Steve flashes his way.
Fuck, but Eddie loves him.
“When are you coming to visit, then?” Erica breaks the spell; licks her spoon clean before aiming it at them pointedly. They glance at each other—she kinda means the world to them, they’ve grown close with her especially once all the other kids skedaddled, and Eddie thinks he’s not…he’s not surprised, and he thinks he knew she’d want them to visit. He thinks Steve knew that, too.
But he knows, like he knows his own heartbeat and Steve’s even better: Eddie knows Steve feels just as warm and touched and like, fucking moved a little by how she treats it like a given.
“When do you want us there?” Steve asks and yeah, he’s smooth about it, composed and shit, but Eddie knows his voice inside-out and backward. He can hear the emotion stayed back underneath.
“When are you planning to move?”
They don’t even really pause at the way she knows without them saying; she’s the only person who hasn’t outright suggested they get the fuck out of Hawkins, finally. Kinda like they never had to say they were staying until all of their family was accounted for and on their way in the world, safe and sound and whole.
“Nothing’s in stone, yet,” Steve offers, poking Eddie’s foot under the table.
“But you’re looking,” Erica, again, already knows; doesn’t pose it as a question.
“Yeah,” Eddie smiles down at his sundae, and links his hand with Steve between them on the seat; “we’re thinking Chi-town,” because that’s been the front-runner for a while, now, of the cities they’ve considered. Because it doesn’t even have to be forever, they don’t have to commit to a place and never leave—because the only forever-thing in all of this, in anything, is them. Just Steve and Eddie, them two: together.
Wherever they end up.
“Mmm,” Erica considers before scooping another spoon of mostly-butterscotch swirl: “I can see that.”
“You can, can you?” Steve volleys with a smirk, and she lets him goad her into laying out how she knows them, how she sees them, because…it’s maybe strange but then maybe not but it’s always felt special, with her. Maybe because she’s grown up more than any of them, for Steve and Eddie to watch. Maybe because she’s so goddamn smart, that her observations come out near-unchallengable.
Maybe because they both know she loves them, and she knows they love her, and it’s never been…awkward, like it had been in spots with the shitheads over time. It was just understood.
“Big but not huge,” Erica ticks off the reasons for her assessment; “music scene’s decent,” she nods to Eddie, who nods back gracious; “good schools,” she leans to Steve, and yep, that was a huge factor, whether Steve could love his job; “liberal…ish,” she eyes them, and how close they sit, meaningfully before tacking on: “familiar weather.”
Steve huffs a little laugh and Eddie just beams at her: not a single thing wrong there. She’s got them dead to rights, and he kinda loves that about her; so much.
“Semester ends first week of December,” she focuses back on her bowl and speaks with authority, like whatever she’s proposing isn’t a suggestion, just a notice: “if you guys are still here,” she shakes the full spoon in her hand and raises an eyebrow: “I expect ice cream.”
Steve just nods as she pops the spoonful in her mouth whole-on.
“Scoops Troop for life,” he agrees and Eddie perks, always ready when that label pops up.
“Plus honorary trooper,” he chimes in, and Erika grins around her spoon a little as Steve leans close and can’t kiss him here, but Eddie knows well what it means to feel Steve’s breath against the line of his neck like he’s jest stretching past him, like it could be innocent as Steve murmurs low—
And can feel the heat rise in his cheeks, and the flutter in his chest, because…because he’s in love, goddamnit, and it’s been one of the most incredible surprises to learn that he can love so big, and get love so big back in kind, that the feeling never fades, he can always feel weightless and boneless and overwhelmed in the best of ways for just this man near to him, just the pitch of his voice and the promise of his breath on Eddie’s skin.
“You’re cute,” Erika says, the judgement in her tone tempered low as her lips still quirk; “and this is delicious,” she points her spoon again at the remaining ice cream and the tiny puddle it’s melting between the remaining scoops. “So I’ll allow it,” she nods to their pressed-together shoulders and goes back to eating, but never loses the tiny grin and he and Steve both know how much that means, from her.
“But if you’re already there,” she continues when she starts collecting the saucer bits at the base of the bowl: “Chicago’s a decent layover spot, probably,” she shrugs; “but still, here or there,” and she pauses with intention before narrowing her eyes with intention:
“Ice cream.”
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tag list (comment to be added): @pearynice @hbyrde36 @slashify @finntheehumaneater @wxrmland @dreamwatch @perseus-notjackson
divider credit here
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frodo-with-glasses · 5 months
More Reading Thoughts: A Conspiracy Unmasked
Ohohoho here we go >:-D
Merry like “hmm, I can tell something’s fishy about this, but we’ll have to talk about it later”
The Brandybucks being described as “virtually a small independent country” is GreatTM X-D
“…as a matter of fact, [the Bucklanders] were not very different from the other hobbits of the Four Farthings. Except in one point: they were fond of boats, and some of them could swim.”
Aww, Sam’s already getting a bit homesick :-(
Frodo: “I mean we already ate, but we could eat again.” Merry: “Say no more, fam”
Frodo seeing Bilbo’s things in the new house and being “sharply reminded” of him :-C Hello it is once again Crying About Frodo and Bilbo O’Clock
“Which order shall we go in? Eldest first or quickest first? You’ll be last either way, Master Peregrin.” HAHAHA GETTIM FRODO
And Merry like “excuuuuse me, you should know by now that I’m better at planning and logistics than that; there are THREE tubs >8-D”
And Pippin splashing Frodo with the bath water 🤣 This whole section is so stinkin’ CUTE
I, too, cannot properly dry my hair until I am out of the steam in the bathroom. Frodo is the most relatable ever.
Merry has such dad energy 🤣 “You’d better clean up your mess, Pippin, before you get any supper!”
The squabbling over the mushrooms haha
Ooooohh The Talk is here
It honestly makes so much sense that Pippin is the one talking when Frodo refuses to. Frodo is trying to keep secrets, and Pippin has zero filter.
Also Merry reading Frodo like a book is SO GOOD
“You are miserable, because you don’t know how to say good-bye. You meant to leave the Shire, of course. But danger has come on you sooner than you expected, and now you are making up your mind to go at once. And you don’t want to. We are very sorry for you.”
I can’t wait to draw this part
“You do not understand! You must go—and therefore we must, too. Merry and I are coming with you. Sam is an excellent fellow, and would jump down a dragon’s throat to save you, if he did not trip over his own feet; but you will need more than one companion in your dangerous adventure.” Awww, Pippin!!
Also the foreshadowing, wow
Hahaha Merry presenting Sam like “TA-DA! Our chief spy!!”
Sam: “Gandalf did say to take someone you could trust, sir!” Frodo: “But I can’t trust anyone, apparently!” Sam: :-C
Oh oh oh it’s this part…!!
“It all depends on what you want. You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter end. And you can trust us to keep any secret of yours - closer than you can keep it yourself. But you cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone, and go off without a word. We are your friends, Frodo. Anyway: there it is. We know most of what Gandalf has told you. We know a good deal about the Ring. We are horribly afraid - but we are coming with you; or following you like hounds.”
That’s true friendship right there
Frodo like “I am NEVER trusting that you are actually asleep ever again” 🤣
“Three cheers for Captain Frodo and Company!” I’m going to melt 🥹
Merry once again being the G.O.A.T. by having the ponies prepared
“It seems to have been a very efficient conspiracy.” HECK YEAH IT WAS
I love that Fatty has barely talked through the whole chapter except to blurt “NOT THE OLD FOREST” at the very end
Merry continues to have Dad Energy by breaking up the almost-argument between Pippin and Fatty
Oooof the dream about the Sea…
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revlischarm · 1 year
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The other various outfits of Morro in Noodle Shop Ghost. Took me ages to finish this, but I’m happy with how it turned out!!
More info on the specific outfit details under the cut!
- This outfit is Morro’s pajamas from the start of the series to current.
- The moons are both to represent y’know, nighttime, but also as a way of foreshadowing the Macaque connection in the later seasons.
- Morro let’s their hair down when they sleep
- The shirt text says “Great Sage Equal to Heaven” I think I hope I’m not fluent in other languages so I really pray that I got that correct. The shirt references Morro’s love of JTTW, and the character of Wukong within the book
- Morro uses face masks when he sleeps. Hey, if they have to have skin again, they wanna take care of it. Ish.
Work Uniform
- The outfit changes between seasons since Morro gets new looks, but the constants of it are the jacket and the gloves.
- Morro swaps out the hand wraps because he feels more sanitary wearing gloves. And because I feel like it would make people unsure about him handling food.
- Occasionally Morro will throw on other pants? But idk I wasn’t sure what to go with so I just did their final design clothing.
“Take Responsibility” episode
- Finally have a name for that fan episode I mentioned where Morro has a crisis!! Takes place in season 1. Thank you @randomcrapstories !!!!
- The only thing that’s different about the outfit here is the addition of the jacket, which I still haven’t decided if I want it to be a gift from MK and Mei, or Morro just straight up stole it. Still, it shows us the base design for the jacket as it appears later in the series!!
Theatre Outfit
- During the in-between point of season 3 and 4, Morro actually starts helping out Macaque with his theatre! Morro’s a stagehand; they do a lot of the special effects and such.
- This outfit is mainly just me putting Morro in cool looking clothes hehe
- It’s identical to Mac’s outfit in most ways! I changed the shoes tho, and the colors. And the patterns on the robe and sleeves are different too!
- Eyeliner because it’s fancy
Shadow Travel
- I’ve mentioned before how Morro is learning shadow magic from Macaque; the basics that Morro knows are kinda just like. Being able to hide inside of shadows, manipulating them on walls and stuff, and also those shadow portals.
- Macaque has a shadow form, and so does Morro. But this isn’t a clone form or anything, that will be its own design. This is just for like…idk. Shrouded in shadows and whatnot.
- I highlighted the two most important features of Morro in this au: the eyelashes and the scar. The scar is its own important thing; the eyelashes are just a style choice on my end.
Season 3 Lantern City Outfit
- This outfit is for that episode in season 3 with the third ring!!
- The jacket makes an appearance once again! Except now Morro has personalized it much more. Patches and pins and stuff.
- The gloves Morro has on were made by Sandy; Sandy didn’t want Morro to get cold lol.
- And ofc Morro’s markings on full display since they weren’t able to cover them in season 3
Uhhh I think that’s everything. I’m gonna do another one of these for Morro’s scrapped/bonus designs at some point too. So look forward to that!
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tmntxthings · 1 year
Heart to Heart
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author’s note: finally got around to this writing idea <3 thank you to everyone who commented/responded, I decided to make it a short multi part, maybe 3 in total who knows!
warnings: first meeting, female reader, foreshadowing, flashbacks, angst, fluff, cursing, cute meet? both pov’s
part two
You didn’t think you could keep on pretending any longer. Why had you let it get this far? Maybe you were falling back down the rabbit hole. You had thought you were smarter than this. Wiser. You’d been through too much already. Cheaters, gaslighters, manipulators, and most of all liars. You were done with liars. You swallowed as you took one last look in the mirror.
You couldn’t help yourself. When it came to him, you just, ended up dressing to the nines. You wanted to look good. You still wanted to impress him. Even though your plan today was to draw a line in the sand.
You and Leo first met on a rainy night in the dead of summer. The rain was such a sweet reprieve from the sweltering heat that had beat down on you that entire day. You had been working that day, your shift to bus the tables at Mike Toney’s Pizzeria. The a/c could hardly keep up with the weather and you were sweating underneath your clothes. Your shift lasted until 11:00 that night and as you called out your goodbyes to the boss you realized it was pouring.
You pressed on, stepping out of the doors underneath the tiny overhead covering. “Alright!! Just make it to the bus stop and you’re home free!!” You hyped yourself up, jumping slightly and throwing your hood on that you wore underneath your uniform. Looking back on it now, wearing a hoodie all day hadn’t been such a bad idea! You took off in the rain. The sidewalk wasn’t as slippery as you were expecting so you upped it a notch. All that was missing was some music, you’d kill for your airpods right about now! Like most days you had forgotten them on your nightstand.
Rainy night music, where you were the main character running through puddles on an all important mission: don’t miss the bus. Victory was yours as you skidded to a halt and sliding onto the bus bench that was thankfully covered. No bus in sight! You were taking in full gulps, trying to restock on some oxygen. You were so in the moment that you didn’t realize you weren’t alone on that bench. Dark green eyes was the first thing you noticed. He seemed just as soaked as you, blue jersey a bit darker from the rain pelting his shoulders. “Ahem!” You coughed realizing you were staring, and he was staring, and the two of you were staring!
You quickly whipped your head the other way, giving a side eye to see he had done the same. His hand going to his neck rubbing there for a moment before he side eyed you too! Immediately your eyes darted away, shit you were lacking tonight! It must be the lack of oxygen, you took in one last big gulp of air. “Were you being chased by a mut- something??” He asked aloud, you turned to see he wasn’t looking at you. He was staring out across the street, perhaps glancing to where you had ran from. “Ah well, the rain,” you said letting your hand rise and fall.
“Right, heh, right!” He nodded, chuckling to himself because he should’ve seen that one coming. “Were you being chased? Y’know by something?” You parroted back his question. And you just had to ask! He seemed surprised that you were partaking in the conversation. Maybe like he thought that would’ve been the end. So you were completely thrown when the stranger smirked and turned to you fully, “Why yes, yes I was chased here. I’m taking a quick break before they catch up to me!” He snickered to himself and it had to be some kind of private joke. He didn’t seem too worried about his so called pursuers though, so you smiled too.
“And here I thought you were just a regular bus rider like myself!” You took in his appearance again. There was something about him that made you want to keep the conversation going. “Far from regular, I’d put myself up there with the champions,” at this he was pointing a thumb towards the name on the back of his jersey. “Ham-ato?” You sounded out, it didn’t ring any bells but then again you weren’t a basketball fan. “Don’t know him? Agh for-shame! He’s the real deal.” He clutched his chest dramatically as if not knowing the name physically hurt him. His theatrics pulled another chuckle from you, “Yeah sorry not into hoops, though—“
“But have you ever played basketball before??” He interrupted you quickly. “Yeah when I was in like middle school. I had an okay arm, but I was better at volleyball!” This was what you had been going to say earlier. “Ooohh v-ball? I’ve heard of it, don’t think I’ve had the chance to rule at it yet.” This guy! You watched his smug face for a moment with a look of really? Did you just say that? First you could tell he had never played because no one called it v-ball. “That’s a crying shame, cause volleyball is where its at.” You shrugged. “Well well, got any courts around? Teach me the ropes and I’ll dominate!” It was so random. You’d never met anyone this excited before. Or perhaps this cocky either!
You gave him an incredulous look. “Uh” then you gestured down to the work uniform you were wearing. “Oh nice you work at Mikey Toney’s! My little brother’s favorite.” He nodded, totally missing the point. “Yeah and I just got off, there’s no way I’m playing a game in this.” He looked like he wanted to say chicken, but thankfully he held back. And no sooner had you declined the offer at hanging out with some random stranger on a rainy Thursday night, the bus finally pulled up. “Guess I’ll have to get those lessons another time then!” He said standing up, so did you. Your eyebrows came together, this guy sure is forward! This was New York afterall, the chances of seeing him again were slim to none.
“Sure! Next time it’s a deal!” You laughed shaking your head as you boarded the bus. Scanning your pass and taking a window seat near the back. You pulled down your hoodie, shaking your out hair slightly. Then you looked out the window and saw he was still out there, standing by the bench, still staring. You remembered his little icebreaker, how he had been chased there. He put a hand up, and though he was just a stranger that you had exchanged a few words with, your hand rose of it’s own accord. Waving goodbye. You watched as his figure disappeared from view, you turned facing the front. You sure were tired, it had been a long day. But spontaneous things like that, somehow made you feel lighter. You closed your eyes, thinking you never got his name.
You totally missed the three shadows running past the bus.
[ Leo’s pov. ]
When she had flung herself onto the bus bench he had been daydreaming. Leo blinked and his eyes were wide as he took her in. But he couldn’t seem to focus on anything other than your face. The dark blue hood was loose over your head. Wisps of your hair were sticking out and some pressed against your skin from the rain. You were dragging in air like your life depended on it. Which yeah duh it did. He had hardly blinked, soaking in a human who willingly sat next to him. Not bothered by it in the slightest.
So when you felt his stare, and then reciprocated, he was in a full on trance. Your eyes were even more interesting to look at. You didn’t just have one color, but a range of shades. He’d never seen such a thing up so close, without seeing disgust, without fear. (That is if you don’t count April, and in Leo’s defense she wears glasses so meh!) The sound of your cough had him snapping out of it, immediately he turned away. Shit! Smooth Leon, smooth! Humans don’t ogle. Just relax, and say something to break this god awful silence!
“Were you being chased by a mut- something??” Double shit! He almost said mutants! Fucking shit Leo, you are cracking like a egg. Get it together! Does she know already?! Am I doomed!?
“Ah well, the rain,” He felt the invisible weight on his shoulders release. Of course she doesn’t know. He wasn’t a mutant after all. No he was human now and he chuckled to himself. His hand going up to remind himself that he was wearing that necklace. And yep, underneath his jersey he felt the cloaking ‘brooch’ or now called chain. Donnie sure had some great ideas, and when they weren’t straight up failures, they sure could be fun! He couldn’t wait to go out in the daytime. This test run during the night, had been just what he needed. It worked exactly like Sunita’s! Now all Leo had to do was figure out how to throw off his brothers. “Were you being chased? Y’know by something?” It drew him out of his thoughts. Really he had thought the human wasn’t going to talk. He was used to one-sided conversations, especially with New Yorker strangers. Maybe he had just needed this handy dandy necklace!
Leo smirked, deciding to go with the truth for once. It’d be fun. Your reaction was bound to be entertaining. Plus he had a few more moments to spare. “Why yes, yes I was chased here. I’m taking a quick break before they catch up to me!” It was true. His brothers were probably a block or two away. He’d sat down just a few minutes before you did. Donnie sure did want his necklace back. ‘Leo it’s not ready’ ‘Leo you can’t do that’ ‘Leo stop touching it’ ‘Bla bla bla’ Leo almost rolled his eyes then and there remembering all Dee’s nagging.
The conversation continued again much to Leo’s surprise. You were responsive and your facial expression enthralled him. As long as you continued to give him attention he’d readily spout out nonsense. And he was given just the opportunity to not only say his favorite word: champion. But also show off his jersey. Hell yeah custom made. And he about flew out of his seat as he teased you for not knowing his last name. He was pretty sure no one in the Hamato Clan had ever been a basketball player. But it was still fun to see you try and rack your brain. Then you did the unspeakable. You weren’t into b-ball?!? -“but have you ever played basketball before??” He had to hold onto his poor heart. Which again it felt so much more squishy and soft than he was used to. So you had played, he found himself liking that fact about you. And it didn’t stop there, you knew of another sport, one he’d seen in passing, heard of, but never tried himself. Basketball was his one true love when it came to sports.
But if it came down to it, he’d try anything if it entailed a competition. And Leo figured the best way to try and compete with you would be on your own turf. “Well well, got any courts around? Teach me the ropes and I’ll dominate!” He had to refrain from flexing, it was almost so natural. It was how he goaded his siblings into such competition, but he held back. He watched as you gave him a loaded stare, to which you then waved down at your clothes. Mike Toney’s Pizzeria! “Oh nice you work at Mike Toney’s! My little brother’s favorite” Leo smiled but as he thought of Mikey he remembered the whole game of chase that was still underway. You explained to him further what you meant.
Ahhh, chicken! She doesn’t want to face the almighty sport champion! How’d she know?? Is my blue ninja turtle self shining through? Leo felt for the necklace one more time. “Guess I’ll have to get those lessons another time then!” The bus had perfect timing. He had to start booking it real soon and he’d rather not run off into the night with you still around. Though Leo had been having some fun chatting with you. Truly humans were so unpredictable! It was his last ditch effort, maybe he’d run into you again. He hadn’t expected you to make it a deal. So now he was hoping for the chance to see you again. He watched you leave. His first human interaction, (besides April..) his first stranger interaction, he amended. It felt like he had just always known April.
He was trying to remember your face as he raised his hand to wave. But it froze as he watched you pull your hood down, and in what felt like slow motion you ran your fingers through the tresses that had been hidden to him before. He swallowed, you sure had pretty hair. Or maybe you were just pretty. Yeah it was probably that. But why was he just noticing now as the bright lights from inside the bus faded. He watched the light reflect off your skin, dim, and then you became a shadow. He saw the outline of your hand raised, waving a goodbye as well before the taillights of the bus was all he could see. His hand lowered and he stood there blinking for a few dazed moments. Leo moved out from under the covered area, welcoming the rain as he smiled up at the dark sky. “What are the chances huh? Supreme Pizza you watching up there??” He was met with more rain, and no parting clouds to see an awe inspiring view of a full moon.
There was no moon out tonight. “LEO!” Donnie raged, and it was the only heads up he needed. He was running again, fiddling with the necklace clasp. He’d come up with some plan. Fake losing the necklace, act like he didn’t have it. And come sneak out once more, this time with more stealth! Hopefully Donnie hadn’t put some tracking device on this already, he’d have to find out. “Man Dee! You put a tracker doohickey on this one?? How ya finding me so fast?” Leo called over his shoulder and Donnie growled.
Flanking the rooftops on either side of the street were Mikey and Raph. So Donnie really did have everyone chasing after him! Maybe this could be a new team building exercise. “No Leo, not the necklace, but on you.”
“Now give me back my cloaking brooch!! NOW!!” Missiles were firing as Leo finally undid the necklace. It was a miracle he could do so while in a full on sprint. His true form shifted back into view and Leo clenched the chain in his left fist as he pulled out an odachi with his right, slashing for a portal and shooting a wink at his enraged twin. “Buhbyeee~~” he cackled. Watching as everyone lunged for the portal. He wondered how the turtle pile felt without him as they all fell short to the pavement.
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rashoumon-homo · 2 months
Y’know, the idea of swapping out a corpse to fake a death in bsd is not actually a new one.
Back in the perfect crime arc when Mushitaro was working with Fyodor, there was a whole thing where he took a random corpse and attached a mask of the person Ranpo and Poe were looking for on it, then threw it off the roof to fake his death.
Obviously this event didn’t use Fyodor’s ability, and was completely manual, but it makes me wonder. Could it have been foreshadowing? Better yet, was the perfect crime arc idea Fyodor’s? At the time, they were both working together in the Rats in the House of the Dead so it’s not too hard to believe. I kind of thought that particular plot point was convoluted but it makes way more sense if that’s just Fyodor’s M.O.
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prince-kallisto · 8 months
Sooooo I was just messing around with Grim on my homepage and this is something he can say. Thought you might be interested in it 😭
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😭oh my goodness! Y’know, in hindsight, Grim accidentally foreshadows A LOT of what’s gonna happen to him in the end game. Like in the prologue, he constantly talks about how he’ll be the most powerful mage of all time, how he’s gonna make everyone cower before his strength, how monsters admire dragons. Like, it sounded cute at the time, but Grim really WILL turn into a dragon the size of the Thorn Fairy 😭😭😭
Thanks for sending me this, Grim and his future fate will never not make me cry 😭😭😭😭💞💞💞💞 He doesn’t even know ittttttt 😭
TWST is cruel though for all this foreshadowing in his dialogue tho 🤣
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sepublic · 1 year
My eerie theory is that the Titan Trappers are Collector(The Species) descendants.
It would explain their appearances somewhat.
I jus wannts to share it w/ u nothing else.
...Hold on-
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The Collector and Tarak have similar eyes, and it wouldn’t be so shocking if other Collectors’ had different color combinations, corresponding to those we see in the Trappers...!
After all, they had to come from somewhere, right? Mayhaps a dead Titan from a previous generation long before the Collectors arrived... But then there’s the question of this enormous Titan Trapper we see, who seems to have been the first and, if his size isn’t exaggerated for artistic purposes, must’ve been enormous;
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Did he and some Collectors, y’know... leading to the Titan Trappers, with Bill coming from one of the first generations? Or was the Trapper created by the Collectors? Given the similarities between witches and Titan Trappers, are they just the same species? JBO did release an in-universe poem a while back, written by a witch speculating on the origin of their species. Despite imploring King’s father for an answer, they get nothing, as usual. This could indicate the writers plan to touch up on this soon (that or it’s an unlived concept due to the shortening, so may as well share it here if nowhere).
It’d be interesting if demons were born of the Titans, and witches descended from Titan Trappers, born of the Collectors! After all, Hooty does create a distinction when mentioning that bipedal demons can also perform magic like witches, which suggests bile is more of a witch thing. And they say Titan magic cancels out that of the Collectors’... Is the magic of glyphs that of the Titans, and the magic of the bile from the Collectors, whom witches inherited this feature from? Quick I need an X-day for the Collector, stat-
Of course, we don’t see glyphs or the presence of the isles really do anything to counteract witches’ magic. Unless their magic used to be Collector-level, but over generations they evolved and acclimated to the Titan’s, which weakened it over time to our mortal scale. That’d be interesting, if demons started off using glyphs, and the switch to bile was introduced by witches, who probably had kids with demons, which led to the bipedal variants.
That’d be interesting, if Collector magic basically overtook that of the Titans’ through their descendants, creating a posthumous victory of sorts? Or not, since witches and demons naturally co-exist, possibly representing reconciliation in future generations as is foreshadowed with King and our Collector.
Since Luz’s glyphs are framed as a solution and work around to stuff like Eda’s curse, which is itself Collector magic, that could be rather symbolic... Esp since glyphs can bypass the coven bindings, which are likely Collector-derived too! The author of that ‘Unauthorized History of the Boiling Isles’ book speculated witches evolved magic from exposure to the Titan, but in reality they probably didn’t evolve to use the Titan’s, but instead worked from another source entirely! The reintroduction of glyphs might serve as a way for the Titans to live on past the Collectors’ genocide, as does the survival of King!
Also, our poem from JBO speculates that witches came from the eyes of King’s dad. And since we last ended off here, with the Collector...
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Who knows? We might get some lore on the origins of witches after all (as well as Grimwalkers for Hunter, directly below), with the Collector able to explain how his disc was imprisoned in the skull! Maybe...
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mymainwastoocluttered · 4 months
Hi! Hope you are having a good day! Since you have been more than vocal about the whole Yuu being irrelevant to the plot thing, I have a fun(?) question for you.
On a scale of 0 (Not happening) to 10 (Very likely) how hopeful are you that Yuu will actually do something in whatever comes after Book 7? Assuming that the monster from the tutorial is an overblotted Grim, it would be pretty weird to leave Yuu out of the chapter that centers around Grim. Since y’know Yuu and Grim are one student and Yuu is kind of Grim’s only family.
Personally I’m sitting at “my expectations are below the ocean floor.”
I'm sitting next to you below the ocean floor 😅
I mean, I'm hoping Yuu becomes the protagonist they're supposed to be, but honestly? I think the ones actually doing shit will be Ace and Deuce, since they're the closest to Grim after Yuu.
Besides, there is a very easy way to get Yuu away from the story: Grim overblots because Yuu went back to their world, basically "abandoning" him. Very convenient, eh? Specially since Yuu has been thinking about returning home a lot lately (which is funny because we have no evidence that it's even possible, really, Crowley has done nothing but play around with government money, but Yuu suddenly started thinking about it lately, so I'm counting as foreshadowing)
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