#fishing hat tho
sprucinator3000 · 10 months
Freeform is lowkey super fun to draw on here’s some metal gears
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master-muffinn · 2 months
One piece Incorrect quotes
Odd/weird conversations i had in my life but in ‘One piece theme’ (reader is female)
Me: *writing to my sister about embarrassing stuff but releasing that it isn't my sister i writing to* Um…who are you? And are you a girl or a boy?
Franky: I’m a unicorn with a penis! 🦄✨
*Sitting and playing cards on a big rock with some friends*
Me: *needed to fart and was able to make it small and soundless* 
Chopper: Ew it stings! 
Usopp: *sniff sniff* Ew it does! Who farted!?
Me: *Having a mentally panic attack*
Luffy: It wasn't me!
Chopper: Not me either!
Usopp: Sure it wasn't! 
Zoro: It was probably Sanji! We all know he smells shit!
*guys start an argument*
Luffy: Guys maybe it was y/n who farted?
Sanji: NO! Are you sTuPiD? Girls DON’T fart!
Me: *Nodding*
*The guys continued fighting while y/n acting like nothing*
Kidd: You have a small penis.
Me: Sorry, a rat stole my penis the day i was born, i haven’t found it since then.
Kidd: Oh…uhh…I didn't expect that response…WELL, if i see a rat with an larger penis than it should have, i’ll let you know! 
Me: It’s ok. I have learnt to live without it, i don’t need it anymore.
Sanji: Did you know? You are beautiful in photos! Cuter than a mermaid! 
Me: Are you comparing me to a fish?
Usopp: Y/n if all the people in the world were to disappear except you and me-
Luffy: Me too, Usopp!!
Me: …🤨
Nami: What are you working with?
Me: I’m a dairy farmer. I got 19 jersey cows. 
Nami: Oh nice! Are you working tomorrow?
Me: I'm working 365 days a year! 😉 
Me: What were you planning? 😂
Nami: …
Me: But I can make some time. No problem!
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐮𝐦 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝
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lavenoon · 10 months
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EHEHE YES THE FACE IS SO GOOD I love that the face is a hit I laughed so much doodling it too
in fact.
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bald party hat Eclipse
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witch-sweets · 22 days
Ive been thinking about the ahuw au lately so I fishi-fied my silly hat game OCs (and their level concepts)!
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Starting off with Harriet (Credit to @randomeggart for creating this redesign because she used to to look a LOT different when i originally drew her) her level is mostly the same but instead of the building actually being an underwater casino its hidden inside of a shipwreck off the coast of the AU's version of the metro other than that and a few mechic changes her chapter isn't that different
Alright now I know I haven't been sharing her lore over here and it did change behind the scenes so bear with me but...
Submechanophobia creature
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Luminous Labs is VERY different now due to it being an underwater facility
Instead of it being the eerie type of abandoned where everything in too clean and well kept the entire facility is flooded and covered in sealife
All the electricity is down so it's incredibly dark and your not alone
Syis lore has changed slightly for this au as well
Instead of pretending to be nice and well meaning at first she goes straight in for the attack
The water damaging her circuts is driving her crazier than she already was and now she could care less about welcoming her test subjects or keeping them alive
She just wants what's on inside of them for her experiments
So how do you avoid the feral robots that's hunting you down? BY (temporarily) BLINDING HER!
early in the first level you find a flashlight that can be used to scare off and stun Syi
Her camera is always in nightvision mode because of how dark the facility is so any intense flash of light will force her camera to switch to normal vision and then switch back to nightvision again and since she's water damaged it takes longer than it would normally
Basically it's resident evil you have to solve puzzles to open doors while evading a evil robot who wants to harvest your organs for unethical science
So silly
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magicalgrimm · 1 year
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Actual footage of me over explaining my ocs to my bewildered friends.
Art by @alanituriel-blog
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lukaherehelp · 6 months
So yeah, I'm back from the birthday with all of this in my hands because I have no self control lfjskdjal
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and for anyone interested in photocards and stuff
Fuma, my most beloved, welcome home 💛✨💛✨💛
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elibeeline · 11 months
Currently looking very queer in this outfit
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Adventurecore - Karl Heisenberg (for the aesthetics ask game)
🌍Adventurecore🌎 ~ If you could take your F/O anywhere in real life, where would you take them?
OH OH so there's a little pond and wooded area I went to a lot as a kid and it's a super important place to me! I've only shown it to two people who aren't blood family (but are basically family bc we're so close) so!!!
I'd love to take him there cuz we could go fishing, walk the paths I know by heart, then go get Slushees and watch the sunset!! I think he'd have fun, plus nature dates are always fun.
,,,,,another answer would be going to an arcade and causing absolute chaos >:)
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layalu · 2 years
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donning the thinking cap
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nightsky-edits · 1 year
GODSPEED on work, I work in a restaurant and I was only supposed to work opening shift today but it was so god-awfully busy (another restaurant in the area that was supposed to be open wasn't able to open so we got a fair chunk of their traffic) that I ended up closing too and even with that we *barely* made it through. the holidays are evil I think
The thing is we arent even busy like i work at a gas station (i truely love this job ngl) and like weve gotten no customers but like the annoyance of having to stand at work for 8 hours straight basically for no reason cause like five to ten people come in is hell truely. What i wouldnt do for like atleast one break day to recuperate. My manager is so nice and ik this is cause im the only person who can do second shift right now cause were so short staffed but like five straight days of this is like insane.
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My friend is getting really into bucket hats so my new favorite hobby is to go “oh my grandfather has one of those” whenever she shows one off
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tinderfishboy · 2 years
making a confusing weird cowboy au worked last time i shld do that again
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incorrectbatfam · 8 months
On the subject of Damian and the axolotl, I feel like people do send him pictures of animals and stuff and he gives a rating, idk tho
Stranger: I thought you'd like to know that Lacey had her puppies. *sends a pic*
Damian: For once, a mother who should be proud. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a derpy cat pic* This is my cat Momo, short for Movie-Theater Mozzarella-Sticks. He just turned 3 and likes to eat pillow feathers.
Damian: Truly the cat of all time. 10/10.
Stranger: I think I saw Krypto the Superdog on my way to work. *sends blurry video of Krypto flying*
Damian: There goes Metropolis's hero. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a pic of a lizard in a pointy hat* This is King Gizzard, my lizard, as a wizard for Halloween.
Damian: I would give him all my candy. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a video of their parrot*
The parrot: Polly loves crackers and Damian.
Damian: Tell Polly I love her too. 10/10.
Stranger: Bruh there are so many gophers at Gotham U. *sends pic of gophers chilling in the quad*
Damian: 10/10. Good for them, living their best life.
Stranger: Do fish count? If so here's Bubbles. *sends video of a goldfish*
Damian: They absolutely do. 10/10.
Stranger: I went to my aunt's farm and got to ride the horses. Meet Dash. *sends Instagram story with a horse*
Damian: A fine specimen. 10/10.
Stranger: Opinions on this stingray? *sends scuba diving footage*
Damian: Superb. 10/10.
Stranger: I found a worm. What should I name him? *sends pic*
Damian: He looks like a Kevin. 10/10.
Stranger: This is me and my stepdad with the hens we've been raising. *sends pic*
Damian: What lovely ladies. 10/10.
Stranger: I went to a butterfly garden today. *sends video of a butterfly landing on their hand*
Damian: Stunning. 10/10.
Stranger: I just got back from a safari. *sends album of savannah herds*
Damian: Next time take me with you. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a Ratatouille GIF*
Damian: Don't tell my family but I'm training my rats to do the same. 10/10 by the way.
Stranger: This is Herbie, our class bunny. *sends a pic with the teacher fumbling in the background*
Damian: He looks more intelligent than your teacher. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends pic* Got bored and bought a frog. I'm naming him Toad.
Damian: I hope your life is as dull as ever. 10/10.
Stranger: Tzu Tzu keeps leaving her laundry everywhere. *sends video of a snake shedding its skin*
Damian: You're her assistant. Do your job. 10/10.
Stranger: I finally got a hamster!! *sends video*
Damian: Now treat them like royalty and get yourself some tubing. 10/10.
Stranger: Ideas for decorating my hermit crab's shell? For context his name is Juan and he likes the color yellow. *sends pic*
Damian: I suggest black and gold. 10/10.
Stranger: I saw a turtle on my morning walk. *sends a pic*
Damian: Ethereal. 10/10.
Bruce: *sends a family photo*
Damian: *blocks and reports*
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starshipdecay · 1 month
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Toon Zelda redesigns! I've never been fond of the Toon Zelda design, and these girls deserve some individuality. Design notes and rambles below the cut :D
(time to turn the proper grammar off i aint capitalizing all this. warning: i am verbose)
first up, tmc zelda!
shes the one most like toon zelda, since i felt like the vibes fit the *most* (though not a lot). also, with her place on the timeline, i could justify a lot of bits, like the wings and the cape
the cape! obvs it comes from the toon zelda base design, but also it involves skyloftian fashion! i take the timeline as a challenge, and i once saw a take somewhere that the skyloftians all wear their family crests (most often birds lol) on their person. zelda here (and link too) do just that, wearing their family crests on little caplets. on the back is, of course the royal crest
i went very cutesy princess for her. tmc has such a *whimsical* vibe that i feel is very. muted? by the fact its stuck with the toon style. so i wanted to put in that vibe here. also her sprites make it look like her skirt is super poofy, so how could i not?
curly hair: i wanted something interesting, and most zeldas have straight hair. so! adds to the cuteness
i didnt draw it so well but she (and link) both have very sleepy expressions. zelda especially just has a sleepy expression in her sprite, its quite adorable.
shes not as decked out as other princesses, cuz i see tmc taking place before the royal family really starts to get *royal* as we see it. shes still of course got a tiara and some embroidery tho.
Tetra! her base design isnt all that changed from the original. her name is a fun hc of mine tho. i think "von Hyrule" sounds better as a surname than just "hyrule". shes not zelda, but shes still a descendant.
(WW) princess z (as i call her)
I went more oot zelda vibes for her, since she would be closer, temporally, to oot. i also went very warm, since ive never seen the flood as a *warm* endeavor.
shes got the shoulder danglies, as most zeldas have shoulder armor of some kind. the danglies instead of actual armor are supposed to kind of evoke a royal sea captain kind of vibe.
shes ghostly, with a fish-eyed stare. shes been dead and gone for a long time. shes also a bit taller and a few years older than tetra (as of ww). shes just some spectre the king saw in tetra, not at all a close match
tetra, being smaller than princess z, doesnt fit into the clothes. the dress is too big for her (as is in canon gd that skirt is WAY too long for her), the coat is baggy. the role of a princess *literally* does not fit her.
the ribbons! theyre my replacement for the wings, and they represent the wind in the game! since its represented by white lines, the ribbons are a perfect symbolic match. (also, a note, tetras hair is shorter and coarser than princess z's)
i mostly bullshitted the blue panel but the vague idea i gave it was 'a hope for the triforce to give good fortunes to the people' (pictured as dots, mostly behind her arms)
Pirate Queen Tetra
ph! about a year has passed, and tetra has really grown into her own! as well as literally grown!
shes still tetra, pirate and captain, but shes incorporated that royal heritage into her identity: quite literally! she made piecemeal of the original outfit (what was left of it anyway after the fight), and added bits and pieces to her new life.
she also takes full advantage of said heritage to call herself pirate queen. its great for branding. whos gonna say she CANT go by pirate queen?
the seagull feather is from Aryll. only crew member tetra wears a trinket from (who can say no to that ball of sunshine! certainly not tetra)
not many notes. yall can see whats there. (also she still wears her hair in a bun, its just in a low bun (you can almost see it) when she wears her hat)
st zelda!
first note is: shes not a princess! shes an heiress of the company tetra had made and left behind. hence her title of Lady zelda. ("new hyrule" rly just like-- the ending of ww was *literally* that hyrule is dead and thats okay. how did they miss that :sob emoji:) also calling her Lady Zelda fits with the train vibes
shes in a 1880s style bustle dress because 1) i am OBSESSED with bustle dresses. i love them. so much. 2) the more historical vibe works really well with trains! also a lot of the other outfits in the game have late victorian vibes, so shes certainly not out of place.
her hat (and gloves): any proper lady has a hat on when going about town, however, when she gets body snatched, she pulled out her hatpin to use (ineffectively) as a weapon (she IS tetras great-great-granddaughter), causing her to lose her hat *and* hairdo.
shes still got the hatpin in her ghost form, too. she uses it to threaten people for funsies
Ribbons! on the topic of hairdo, her ribbons! visually tying her to tetras design, the ribbons here instead take on the image of train tracks, with her pin (on the left side) evoking a train engine. the pin also makes her look rich and girly. when her hair comes undone, this makes the ribbons all loose, like how the train tracks disappear in game. (the hat also kinda connects her to tetra)
thanks for reading :D i hope you liked reading this as much as i liked typing it
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ashxketchum · 4 months
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Let's break this down one by one ~
This is such a good Sora fit I don't even know how to explain how very much OG Sora this is, the pink tones of the overall sporty outfit perfectly capture all levels of her personality. To top it off she's sharing flower themed cream sandwiches with Piyomon AAAHHH the subtle reference okay merch team you can take a w. Not to mention Sora is perfectly matching with Taichi and the fruit in her sandwich is orange stoooopppp itttt!!!!!
TAICHI OMG who is dressing this boy because that's the most he's ever jocked as a 11 year old. The sweatshirt, cargo pants, matching wristband and the sense to put his goggles down, he is winning the sporty casual fashion show for sure. And of course him and Agumon are enjoying some chicken popcorn, love how they weren't even subtle with the packaging art we all know Japan's favourite fried chicken brand anyway 🤣
Yamato. YAMATO. Y A M A T O. You're 11 can you tone down the cool guy heartthrob behaviour for a minute because I am losing my mind THE DOGTAG CHAIN IM GONNA SCREEAAAMMM ACTUALLY I AM SCREAAAMING AAAAHHHHHHH. He looks so good, there is absolutely no wrong element in his entire outfit, everything is perfectly paired up, a fashionista is among us. The little thumbs up over the onigiri that Gabumon is offering him?? Is he telling Gabumon that he's okay with having one and Gabumon can have the rest because that's the sweet, protective, kind, caring baby he is at heart???🥹🥹🥹The blue and green gradient in the background tho?? Mimato math is mathing bestiesss 🤣
Takeru is just a lil guy, but such a perfect lil guy!!! I like how his outfit has the similar green shade as his anime outfit but they still chose to gave him a new beanie instead which doesn't really match the colour tone of the rest of the fit but it's Takeru so we know that he can pull any hat off and that's what he does!!! Him and Patamon sharing burgers, okay mood, but why is he looking so surprised? I need to know what happened, did he spill some sauce on his overalls? Was the burger too hot to bite? WHAT HAPPENED TAKERU????? 😢
Jou, I see you paired up the plaid pants with a nice long, muted, warm toned jacket BUT I SEE THAT PURPLE SHIRT POKING IN FROM INSIDE and excuse me sir but why that purple with the plaid 😭 I need to see a version where Jou isn't wearing the jacket so I can make an informed rating on this outfit but may I add that in the full merch pic he has paired this look with green and white sneakers...I cannot defend you I am sorry Jou, please try brown loafers next time 😭 But outfit aside, Jou eating a taiyaki with Gomamon is lowkey funny I just know that Gomamon cracked a Marching Fishes joke at least once.
Koushiro...I will not go into detail but I will say it's cute that you have a sweater with a little K on it, it's also very cute that there is a splash of orange in your outfit, who's attention are you vying for it isn't subtle at all bby boy and I am grateful you matched your shoes to your sweater even if the socks are definitely a choice and that blue with orange is also definitely another choice. Good to see your are making choices. I like that him and Tentomon are sharing dango, it's always nice to see Koushiro's fondness towards Japanese traditional snacks hinted at in some way.
MIMI. QUEEN. SLAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY!!!! YOU NEVER EVER MISS MY SWEET BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL. The pastel tones matched with the grey stockings for contrast, that beret and the fuzzy hem boots, you just know she shops at Takashimaya and Isetan and anything below it will just not do 👏🏻 Plus Sora and Mimi are wearing the same tones, which probably means that they pre-planned the outfits together, cuties!!! Also Crepe is such a Mimi™️ choice of dessert but I always get teary eyes when I see Palmon mimic Mimi's gestures, there is just so much love and admiration between them for each other, pure childish wonder 💚 And the crepe even has a cutesy character face on it, which kinda looks like Monzaemon, though I can't be sure but if it is then another win for a subtle reference. Not to mention both Yamato and Mimi look like they've dressed in a more cool and elegant style than the rest like they might be on their way to a date THE MIMAT MATH IS MATHING YALLL!!!
Hikari looks super cute, I think there isn't much official art of her in casual clothing for OG stuff so it's nice to see her in a more cutesy fit suited to her age. The hairband matching the cardigan is such a nice touch!! I can't recall any other casual outfit for OG design Hikari except the War Game and Memorial Party dress, so I think this would be the first time we see Hikari with a hairband and it just looks adorable. Of course she is sharing an ice cream with Tailmon, it's kinda their brand now but like Takeru she's making a surprised expression, perhaps she wasn't expecting Tailmon to offer her a bite of her ice cream?
To conclude, this is probably the best OG artwork we've gotten since Idk maybe the Rainy Day stationery series. This will be sold in advance at the Kamio Store booth at Anime Japan 2024. No other details were mentioned, but the event booth sale feels like a pre-sale before the goods become available more widely at other outlets, hopefully, at some stores that international fans have access too as well.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
Ayushi out.
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