#finding inspiration
theeccentricraven · 10 days
Five things I like about writing
Thank you @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag!
Rules: Title says it all 💜
I love to follow in the footsteps of my favorite authors. I've read so many good books in my life. I admire how authors put a lot of hard work and effort into the writing. I love how their stories impacted me. I want to do the same.
I love making my quirky ideas come to life. My mind is constantly brewing ideas. What if this? What if that? How about this? How about that? My mind is storming with so many ideas, I need to get them down. I love seeing those ideas on paper.
I love expressing emotions and pain. I've gone through a lot of pain in my life. My characters go through painful experiences as I did. I like to get deep into their emotions. It helps me heal and persevere.
I like to come up with imaginative settings. I've created worlds after thinking, "I've seen some cool worlds in other fantasy and sci-fi, but I haven't seen this yet." I create places that I would love to visit. I often create places I wish were real. Even when writing in our contemporary world, I like to find ways to use the setting. I like to imagine amazing events happening in ordinary places. The setting is like a character.
I like doing a project that's worth doing. Even if I write 300,000 words of trash, it's still worth it. I've made something. I've accomplished something. I'm a creator holding my creation. I am spending my time on something that requires a lot of brains, perspiration, and determination. I am keeping the craft of writing alive in our generation. I inspire myself. I hope to inspire others.
Tagging (No Pressure): @selenekallanwriter @americanfemcel @melpomene-grey @talesofsorrowandofruin @faeriecinna @tildeathiwillwrite @ad-wills and anyone who wants to join!
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flittermouseart · 5 months
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People love to ask artists about the source of their inspiration. The answer varies from artist to artist. For me, inspiration comes in bite-sized pieces from all sorts of places!
One of my favourite places to find a creative spark is out in the forest. I’m not really a hiker so much as a “wanderer” — there are so many interesting nooks and crannies in the woods! I could spend all afternoon poking around the same spot. A neat bug with bright colours might become a tiny faery painting. Some exposed roots knotted together in an interesting way might be the starting point for a lacey pattern on a medieval gown. Sometimes just a particularly shiny rock will inspire a new colour palette!
I’ve never really gotten the knack of taking awesome photographs, so I’m almost always carrying a tiny sketchbook on my wanders. I enjoy painting, but my favourite form of art has always been sketching and doodling with a good, old-fashioned pen!
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kneecaps-the-marauder · 3 months
Ive written words
They didn't mean anything, I locked them in a drawer, I hid them away. But the redundant things in life never go away. Even if you go to the dentist you still have to brush your teeth in the morning.
The things that make life exciting are hidden among the tall grass.
A thousand words and only one sentence had meaning.
keep writing.
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coruscantiscribbler · 7 months
This is one of those questions that I want to ask a lot of authors, because I curious how many answers will be the same (if any)
The the basic premise is Do You Control Fic or Does it Control You?
What I mean by this is broken down into a few sub questions
Do watch a show or read a book & fic ideas just pop into your head?
Are you watching/reading something and you are unsatisfied with the plot, but love the characters, therefore, set out to fix it?
Do you intend to write fic from the start, so you go in search of inspiration
Have you ever completely lost interest in the canon, but still love the characters/fic (therefore, no longer revisit the original source of the fic?
As is usual, this is just a guide. Answer any which way you would like - long answers are always welcome!
As to the first question -- absolutely. But the ideas that a book or a show spawn are usually related to the characters. I want to delve deeper, learn more about them than (usually) a show has given me. Novelist have more of an advantage since -- apart from the cost of paper there are fewer limits on what you can explore unlike in television where costs are a very large concern. If a writer is fairly proficient then the plot will be well realized, but they may have left out significant things about a character. That was certainly the case with Kallus in Star Wars Rebels and what first drew me to the character.
There was one instance where the plot ie the ending was so egregiously bad that I ended up writing a 147 page fan fic to give a proper ending for my Commander Shepard in Mass Effect. Dear sweet baby Jesus, did they fuck up the ending of that third game. And if you fail to stick the landing then no matter how good the journey it will always leave a bad taste in the mouth of viewers and reader and players and they won't go back. It also damages the creator's reputation becuase readers, viewers, players are going to be suspicious of ever trusting that writer (or game company) again.
Since writing is my profession I don't go looking for outside things to find inspiration. the gods know I have enough idea, probably too many to finish in this lifetime, but sometimes there will be something that so inspires or interests, or outrages me that I have to write fanfic. As if the case of Mass Effect and Star Wars has always been a place where I love to play. Because as I've stated -- Star Wars is why I write. It was my inspiration to change careers.
I suppose in someways I have lost interest in Mass Effect (though I am doing a very desultory replay of the first game. I still love my Commander Shepard, but I'm less of a fanatic about that game. Though I do have one more fanfic idea I'd like write about the clone of Shepard and Zaeed Massani.
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alphaflyer · 2 years
Fic & Music
So @mitch-pell asked people to share at least 5 songs they’ve either created a work from, plan to create a work from, or hope to create a work from. Consider yourself tagged if you’d like to play!
Well, first of all, I have written a ton of stories that have been inspired by some piece of music or other - sometimes the inspiration has come from a line or a couple of words, at other times a song has helped me find the mood I was looking for, or given me the inspiration for a title. So here’s but a sample, because otherwise we’d be here forever... 
The Andorian Incident
This is one of my very first fics, in the Star Trek:Voyager fandom, and my first attempt to write capital-P Plot - specifically, a B-grade, Western-infused adventure frolic. I'd become intrigued by Joan Baez’ cover of Dylan’s ballad, “Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts” and its odd assortment of characters. And so I went about constructing a plot that didn’t follow that of the song, but drew on elements of it (”Lily was a princess...”; “Then everyone commenced to do what they were doin' before he turned their heads;” “Rosemary... was lookin' to do just one good deed before she died”, that sort of thing). I listened to the song for the several weeks it took me to construct and write the thing; it still conjures up the story when it pops up on my playlist.
Locust Wind
This was going to be the sequel to one of my most popular fics, “Second Mouse”, an Avengers/007 crossover. I’d envisioned it as a totally hoaky caper thing (working title: “The Curse of the Elephant Star”), but this was just post-Captain America: Winter Soldier and I just couldn’t find the frivolous mood I needed. I was driving home from work when U-2′s “Rattle and Hum” came up on my iPod, with that line: “On the Locust Wind comes a rattle and hum...” And boom, everything changed. By the time I got home, I knew I had my title, a link to the emergence of Hydra from TWS like locusts about to devour the world, and most importantly, an underlying mood - of dread, and impending doom. I tossed what I’d already written (except for a couple of paragraphs I managed to repurpose, and started to write...
Rain on the Scarecrow
In some fannish exchange or other @bettybackintheday had suggested that John Mellencamp wrote “Clint-ish” music, and I agreed. Then we started to get the first teasers for Age of Ultron, and that mysterious farm was at the centre of everyone’s speculation. So based on the pretty dark and elegiac mood of “Rain on the Scarecrow”, I concocted my own ideas of what it might mean. Of course none of that came to pass - but I still maintain we’d have been better off if Marvel had used my version...  :P
Diamonds and Rust
Another Joan Baez song, and something i KNEW would be a title for a fic some day! I love that image, but also how can you listen to these lines and NOT think of comics!Clint Barton and comics!Kate Bishop:
As I remember your eyes Were bluer than robin's eggs "My poetry was lousy, " you said Where are you calling from? A booth in the Midwest...
We both know what memories can bring They bring diamonds and rust
Well you burst on the scene Already a legend The unwashed phenomenon The original vagabond ... Yes the girl on the half-shell Could keep you unharmed
Now I see you standing With brown leaves falling around And snow in your hair...
So, yeah. Had to be done (as a tag to the Fraction series.)
The Western Shore
Well, how could I listen to Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” screeching through Thor: Ragnarok, see that ship of Asgardians looking for a new home, and *not* think of what would happen to them if they were to land in the US under Trump’s immigration policies? Exactly. This is that story.
So that’s a short sampling of my musical inspirations. Feel free to shoot me an ask if you want to know more!
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spinejackel · 11 months
What are dead man walking tornadoes? :O
it’s a multi-vortex tornado. i dont remember the tribe it originates from (i think it was cherokee), but there’s a native american legend…? saying? that goes “if you see a man in a tornado, you are about to die.”
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the most infamous shot of a dead man walking tornado hit jarrell, texas in 1997
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it did so much damage to the town it caused the scale that tornados are measured by, the fijita scale, undergo revisions, and it made anchoring buildings in the tornado alley region pretty much mandatory. (it took the entire town off the map. only those who had taken shelter outside of the town or in underground bunkers survived.)
two more examples of dead man walking tornadoes looking like a person are a tornado from 2011 that hit cullman, alabama
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and a tornado from 1975 that hit xenia, ohio
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edit: it has been brought to my attention that the native american “legend” part of this post was a rumor spread by a documentary.
i have been asked to remove it, but i believe in letting my errors stand because i’m not perfect. i make mistakes
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mebssann · 3 months
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Hair routine and rituals
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renthony · 1 year
Your personal triggers and squicks do not get to determine what kind of art other people make.
People make shit. It's what we do. We make shit to explore, to inspire, to explain, to understand, but also to cope, to process, to educate, to warn, to go, "hey, wouldn't that be fucked up? Wild, right?"
Yes, sure, there are things that should be handled with care if they are used at all. But plenty more things are subjective. Some things are just not going to be to your tastes. So go find something that is to your tastes and stop worrying so much about what other people are doing and trying to dictate universal moral precepts about art based on your personal triggers and squicks.
I find possession stories super fucking triggering if I encounter them without warning, especially if they function as a sexual abuse metaphor. I'm not over here campaigning for every horror artist to stop writing possession stories because they make me feel shaky and dissociated. I just check Does The Dog Die before watching certain genres, and I have my husband or roommate preview anything I think might upset me so they can give me more detail. And if I genuinely don't think I can't handle it, I don't watch it. It's that simple.
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wiw3 · 2 months
A Warm Feeling, If A Bit False
I've got a nasty habit. It's thinking. As pretentious as that sounds let me explain myself before I lose half of my friends to the idea that I could be "too into myself". In any case, I'm being a little selfish, advocating for myself, but to others, I'd be rationalizing being a piece of shit for not wanting to help a friend.
The conversation to have over it's pointless, but drawing upon all of my experience with myself, as with anything in life, it's a bit of a gray area. A friend needs help, but I don't have it in the tank. It's an extremely-metatextual type of need, and we're desperately-close to breaking through the barrier of "saying the quiet part out loud" --as it were. I know why I don't have it in the tank. I can't recall what this person's done for me in the time since I've known them to deserve this kind of help for free. I noticed whilst whinging this out that I really need inspiration for more art of my own. If I'm not helping people or doing good, I'd better be doing *something* with my time worth a damn to someone. So I write.
It might not be what anybody wants to hear, but it's one of the many reasons I do it, in addition to being bad at it (Entirely not fishing. Ignore the thought. This is how I feel about my art, and it makes me better, I'd like to think. I'll rest when I'm dead. I keep typing more and more here; back to the orientation, lockjaw.) I write because I have to. It's the best way I've found to cope with reality.
No faith plugs the hole, no substance, no person, no commodity, no war, no strife, no love comes close. I want to be good at it, more than anything. So I'm going to fail early and often. Let's fall on our face, and let it be beautiful in how flawed it is. Let's be that type of gauche Americanized Kintsugi where inspiration is taken from everywhere, but we're all just the same bowl.
It's nonsensical, but is making sense so good anymore when it comes to how we think? Logic is desperately-important when we interact, more than anything, as society can and will wear yours away if you let it, though I'll cede that it can be hard to protect. That's what makes it worth doubling down for--
It doesn't matter. In any case, the weather was beautiful today, and daylight-savings allowed me to see more of it, since the sun shined longer.
As one last pretentious note, let your own sun shine longer today.
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esotericfaery · 2 months
Isn't it odd; ironic even, that we're tossed aside (dismissed) by people when we build boundaries? In ancient times, people with thick boundaries were respected.
Nowadays, the masses, including many in the so-called "spiritual community", value lack of boundaries, trampling each others grass and flowers, and then complaining when called out on their inappropriate, rude behaviours.
There's nothing raw, as this hasn't happened recently to me.
But it makes me think of the word autodidact.
It has no purpose, at least now.
It seems as if, rather than make us appear to be interesting people to get to know, it often makes us seem inherently standoffish to others, even when, like me, you're friendly and like making new friends.
I can barely stand the word.
I've always, even if feeling a bit of envy when someone has a skill or talent I don't, only been interested in teaching myself, rather than having to take a course. I will be doing at least one course / certification in Astrology, but that's mostly so I can say I'm certified, and cause I might learn a few extra things.
People seem as if they're attempting to live in a vacuum - they want to move into new info, and results, now-now-now, without taking the time and putting in the effort. A vacuum state is about travel to a different state of existence, and not the nuance, the meat of experiences themselves.
We never learn alone. We learn with our ancestors within, and with the people who make the books or instructional videos / audios we study.
And so the word "autodidact", produces a sneer from me.
Don't dismiss book-lovers and the like as pretentious. That makes you rude.
Try to be inspired by those more skilled and talented than you currently are.
I am.
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lgbtlunaverse · 3 months
There's a version of the "don't go grocery shopping while hungry" rule specifically for writers where you should never under any circumstances be allowed to touch your draft within 3 hours of reading a really good story. Because sometimes when you read something great your head goes "fuck this is so much better than my stuff I should make that more like THIS instead!" Look at me. That's the devil talking and you should close the document NOW.
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damasquedman · 8 months
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150151 · 1 year
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i think about elvira and her butch everyday
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pen-of-gabriel · 1 year
i'm grateful for your cruelty,
for it gives birth to beautiful creations,
whose eyes are filled with woe.
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ryssbelle · 15 days
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Drew a bunch of Marinettes in a bunch of different artists styles it was a lot of fun!!
Artists who's styles I mimicked: @buggachat @hamsternamedmarinette @ladybeug @sabertoothwalrus and @anna-scribbles all epic artists 🤟😎
#my art#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous ladybug#miraculous fanart#style mimic#sorry for the @s btw#yall should go follow those artists if you dont already also#this was sort of inspired by a post the three artists on the top row made#i think they all got together and drew with one another#which is really cool#but i was genuinely confused because i mimic styles a lot#and ive seen others do it too so i was just like#wow they really know each others styles really well#until i thought about it and read their posts some more#style mimicking is really freaking fun and i think its really good practice#and a good way to explore other ways of doing things#like you really have to learn new techniques and get out of your comfort zone#also anna scribbles i could not find a recent pic of marinette in her main outfit#so thats the only marinette i drew in different clothes cuz i couldnt find a more recent ref of you drawing it#anna scribble marinette has privileges thats the others dont#but ye#i also threw my own style in there as a frame of reference to what me draw like#ive drawn marinette before just not in a loooong while#sabertooth walrus was the hardest for me to mimic cuz they have a broad range in their style#so its like which sabertooth do i wanna be in this pic#Buggachat has such a distinct style thats very clean and consistent which is amazing so they were easy#being easy or hard arent bad things either it also has to do with like styles meeting up with one another#buggachats and mine arent too too different in some shapes and aspects#so yeah itd be easier plus they drew marinette like 3 sec ago so i have more recent of a ref#as opposed to sabertooth who i have a recent ref of ladybug but not marinette so we got two diff styles in one
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astravis · 5 months
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@ecto-implosion has been SO fun and I'm happy to reveal the little comic I made for it! Endless thanks to my fabulous partner @anguishedlurker for writing such an excellent fic for this :D
You can read it on AO3 here :D (There's some bonus doodles here too!)
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