#fics days
visionsofmagic · 1 year
𓇻 day 3 of  fic days [masterlist] 𓇻
◜  attention. [simon “ghost” riley x f!reader]   ◞  
― video game: call of duty: modern warfare II
― summary: being the medic of force 141 has its consequences; draw attention of lieutenant, ghost as they say.
― wc: 2.2k
― warnings&tags: fluff, angsty (a little bit), kissing, touching, masked!ghost, confession, no using of y/n. enjoy <3
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  famous soldier of force 141; simon riley, ghost as they said. a man who you should not try to make a conversation with. he was a soldier – he acted like a soldier, not having specific emotions rather than all stillness, acting unhuman mostly; not eating, not talking. indeed you knew him more than others in the building. being medic of force 141 has give you a chance to get further knowledge about the team since you looked each of them one by one when they needed any treatment after a tough mission after captain price picked you as personal medic of the team, trusting you truly, seeing you like a part of it already.
you has spent nearly a year with each of them, especially soap who were like a friend of yours rather than a soldier who just came to you for medical support. he showed his face whenever he found some free times between his mission with the force 141. he and captain price were there for you whenever you needed to calm yourself down because it was a hard job to be doctor for soldiers since they needed mental treatments too. but you were giving it to them because even if you didn’t know every mission particularly, you knew what they did to accomplish their mission. 
so, yes, you were like their safe place to calm themselves down; having a few fun conversation that help them clear their minds from the mission they just came from, or simply getting needed treatment to their wounds. 
it was all easy job after you got used to it even if it had its own difficult sides. the job you had in there was good for you because you knew you were doing something – good. every person in the world needed to feel – good and healthy for you. pain was a nasty thing, tingle on people’s skins to make them weak for a moment but with your help, they were getting more powerful than before after the treatment section. you always had a smile on your pretty face, you always had that delicate side of you whenever you saw how broken your patients were in that particular moments. you both had a good soul and a good heart – not so rare, not nowadays. you didn’t do the job for the money, no, you were doing it for others’ good – to make them feel well. 
ghost knew that well. ghost saw this. with the sparkles on your eyes, especially those whenever you saw him in your medical room, he knew how you found it amusing to heal them. ghost didn’t know if you had a specific fond of him, no, he believed that you would never – he would never find a place on your mind, soul or heart – he believed he didn’t deserve it. you had a pure soul and having him in there would cause it to get – dirty, darker, worse. that was what ghost thought – and you knew it because as you believed, you got knowledge of him thanks to every visit he had. 
in your first times, ghost didn’t trust you. he didn’t come for simple wounds which he could heal by themselves even if the team wanted him to come to your medical room as soap confessed later. he only came when he needed a real medical supply. even in those times, he didn’t speak at all, just answering you questions directly and shortly. 
with time, after he finally paid attention to your presence, getting know you better as you did about him in return, he began to talk more than before. he even began to show his masked face, always masked, in your room, to get simple treatments like a bandage on his arm or hand. he was professional. his injuries didn’t happen so often, so, whenever he came to you, you felt both excitement to see him again finally and sadness because you didn’t like to see him in pain even if he hid it every time. 
there was something in your heart that made you feel closer to him, not any other person from the team or the building at all – only him. some of your co-workers asked how you could treat a man like ghost who was acting like a real ghost and you always held the real answer to yourself; he is not only ghost for me, he is also simon riley, a man who was broken and needed all of your love.
you both liked ghost and simon riley. simon riley. it created a weird feeling on your chest whenever you called him with his name, real name, not believing how you achieved this closeness with him in the first place because it looked impossible – but now, after knowing that you got lieutenant’s attention, you found it as a miracle.
as ghost’s liking on you became visible each time you had spent, you couldn’t believe it but he was determined to show it to you.
beginning with simple gestures like nodding his head to yours whenever you met in corridors, elevators or stairs, making you blush, feeling so hot and excited in those times, he started to show how you got his attention. you didn’t know what made him acknowledge you but sure, you liked it. you liked it so much that you wanted to leave your room only to see him like few seconds that would last on your mind more than that.
then, he began to have simple conversation with you such as ‘how are you today’ that turned to simple jokes like ‘did clumsy soap visited you today too?’. you found their relationship cute and good. having gossip with soap about ghost made you laugh every time ghost mentioned soap’s names. you could see how ghost’s eyes traveled around your face when you laughed, chuckled or simply smiled. he found it amusing, as he said later in a romantic day you had, so rare but priceless.
after those cute but limited times, he began to come to your room because of having wounds that needed to be healed and wanting to see you. the bond you shared was growing thanks to the closeness you got slowly but strongly. 
you realized that ghost wanted to become more than friends, as you thought you were and ghost approved. his little and shy touches in the first that were so delicate enough to make you question if he really touched you or not at all. your hands, fingers and hair were the first few places his skin touched gently, making you have a red colored face and pink cheeks with tickling skin. in return, you started to touch his arms, hands and knees rather than the places you touched to heal. that touches turned to confident ones as he looked pleased by them, giving you permission to touch.
lastly, the whole situation turned into something more – more than a friendship when he finally knocked your door before leaving for a mission that held great danger as your co-workers and captain price informed you to prepare yourself more than ever for all cases.
having fear on your heart, you waited ‘till night – probably 1 a.m., for ghost’s arrival. he told you he would come before going to mission after he got his supplies ready. traveling around the room, you prayed for his safety and rest of the team as well but mostly his – because you had a sensitive feeling for him in your heart which you denied ‘till that day, but finally accepted its presence since it grew into something you could not avoid no more.
ghost’s masked face finally showed itself, helping you to calm down immediately as you rushed towards his massive and bigger body to give a big hug by using both of your arms, hugging him from the neck as you stood on tiptoes to reach him.
his arms found your waist and back immediately, holding you so close and still. you heard his heavy breaths on your ear, feeling them on your neck and hair. you closed your eyes to feel him closer, tightening your grip on his neck. “simon –“ you sighed, not ready to leave him. not yet.
“I know,” he said in return. always understanding you without needing further information, “but don’t worry, everything will be okay.”
leaving his neck, putting both of your palms on this chest he had thick armors on but you could feel his fast beating heart which he would say how his heart was beating like that only because of you and your touches later. “don’t jump into danger.”
he held your cheek with his right hand while his left one stayed on your back, pushing your small body to him more, not getting enough of it. you couldn’t see his face but when he spoke, you knew he was smiling under the mask, playful to make you calm down more about the mission, “danger should not jump to me.”
hitting his arm a little, you smiled too.
spending a certain time on his arms while touching his masked face and arms as he touched your body with the same willingness, you left him there to get something from your table.
“here,” you picked the necklace that only had a black stone which was untouched. “it is something I found in my childhood years, beside a river.” you stood in front of ghost while showing it to him with a sad but proud smile on your face, “I thought how beautiful it looked in that day, not looking like every other stones in that river, but having its own beauty.” you took his hand, opening his palm to leave the necklace into his big palm while he was watching you carefully. “I like to look at it whenever I feel fear, sadness or stressed. it reminds me that wonderful day and I also find it amusing that the stone is untouched yet so beautiful in its own way.”
closing his palm which had the necklace now, you looked up to see his brown and dark colored eyes, “keep it and whenever you feel fear or something like that, look at it. remember the most beautiful thing on your life. it will give you strength.”
he looked at the stone for a while before caressing your cheek and asking, “why are you giving me this? what if you feel fear again?”
putting your cheek more into his palm, smiling, you replied, “because now I have my own beauty, right in front of me, with a beating warm heart.”
closing your eyes, not wanting to see more because of feeling a little fear about whether he felt the same way as you do or not. ghost stood silent and unmoved for a while before moving his hand which has began to touch your face gently contrary to all his massiveness.
with a heart beat, you opened your eyes and the moment you opened it, you saw how ghost opened his mask ‘till it reached to his nose, reveal half of his face and his lips that looked so good – so touchable.
when you thought about how you wanted to feel them on your lips firstly and then all over your body, ghost acted like he read your thoughts, kissing you deeply by pushing you to him by your neck he gripped.
feeling the hotness of his lips, going from his to yours, you almost left a high pitched growl sound which made ghost to go further, holding you from both of your neck and back, crashing your body to his huge one, he deepened the kiss like it could go any deeper.
holding his cheeks with your hands, you could feel both the fabric of his mask and his skin which made you feel so wonderful – finally you could feel him this closely. it was another miracle for sure.
“simon –“ you moaned his name, not having enough breath now.
he left your lips freely, letting you space to breath in and out with a exploding heavy chest. your mind was all gone but you could see the little smile on his lips that were visible for you finally.
“simon –“ you said again, getting the last remaining of your brain’s functions, “what’s this mean –“
he cut you, “it means that,” he said, looking at to you with such a great intensivity, “you said how I should look at this stone and think about the most beautiful thing on my life. then, whenever I feel down, I will look at it to think about you.” he kissed you one more time but short this time. “you are the only one thing in my life that is beautiful.”
“oh, simon –“ you said, kissing him couple of times while feeling lots of explosions in your heart that were effects of his confession. “I love you.”
simon let a wider smile, “I know.” then, it all went like that; simon kissing you passionately, you letting him do whatever he want. after that night, after he got back from the mission, your bond turned into something you could not predicted before. you two had your own beauty like that stone had – even more than its beauty and it always stayed on ghost’s neck, bringing you everywhere he went only to come into your arms in the end.
the end. 🦋
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thatbuddie · 2 months
people telling you they reread your fic is the biggest compliment you could ever receive. there are thousands of stories out there begging to be found, to be explored, but your story meant so much to someone that they came back to it eagerly, they went over every word again. to love is to return and loving a fic is rereading it. thank you to all readers and rereaders <3333
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shining-just-4-u · 6 months
u ever read a fanfic so good that you want. fanfic of the fanfic
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inferno-ontherocks · 10 months
What it looks like: I've abandoned my fic
What's actually happening: It consumes my thoughts every single day. The urge to write gets stronger but my putty brain just. won't. let. it. happen.
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nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol* moon’s stuck in a time loop. do you have extra ammo? this won’t be enough. nasa employee: enough for…what? astronaut: *finding extra clip of ammo, pocketing it, and getting back on the rocket-ship* don’t worry about it!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop. nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *emerging from supply closet with a space harpoon, getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut:   oh hey u guys are back early astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: what?  nasa employee: how did you know what i was going to say?  astronaut: *punching in key pad code for base evacuation signal, getting back on the rocket-ship* i told you…moon’s stuck in a time loop. *red warning lights begin flashing*
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *rifling thru bookshelf of operating instructions, selecting one that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: moon’s stuck in a time loop. hey, do you have anything to eat? i’m starving. *opens random drawer, finds nothing, closes it* nasa employee: a time loo- uh, we don’t have food in here…we can’t…eat in the control room, only the break-room. astronaut: *sighs* nasa employee:…my lunch is in like 10 minutes, though, and if my lunch is actually STILL THERE and not STOLEN, AGAIN, i can share it with yo- astronaut: nah, that’s ok…no time. *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* or…too much time. but thanks, anyway. OK, bye! *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: you’re…welcome? wait, a TIME LOOP?!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: yup. nasa employee: …?  astronaut: *sitting down next to nasa employee* so…do you ever like…wonder what the meaning of life is? the secrets of the universe? nasa employee: aren’t you supposed to be ON the MOON?! *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: hey, what the hell is that? astronaut: that’s the code red override klaxon. moon’s stuck in a time loop. oh, and there’s an explosion imminent. But don’t worry, we can deal with that tomorrow. So, you have any siblings? *pulls beer out of space suit, cracks tab* want a drink?
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: do you know frank in IT? nasa employee: what?  astronaut: do you know frank, who works in IT?  nasa employee: yeah, but why are you guys back so early?  astronaut: moon’s stuck in a time loop. call frank, tell him there’s a virus in the security patch and the system’s compromised. then get the hell out of the base.  nasa employee: wait what? what? where are you guys going?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* back to the moon. it’s stuck in a time loop. call frank!  nasa employee: *picks up phone* ugh, straight to voicemail. i wonder wha- *alarm begins blaring*
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: *grim silence* nasa employee: i said, you guys are back early…hey, what are you…?  astronaut: *randomly opening drawers until they find a pair of scissors and some duct tape, getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop. *sticks head back out the door of the rocket-ship* by the way, if you go to the break-room in exactly 2 minutes and 45 seconds, you’ll catch the person who’s been stealing your lunches for the past two weeks. nasa employee: what?! WHO IS IT?! *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: *running for the break-room* FUCK!!!!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *sits down, sighs, pulls a beer out from their spacesuit* moon’s stuck in a time loop. nasa employee: …ok, and? hang on, how did you get a beer? you can’t have that in here. astronaut: what do you know about project floyd? nasa employee: I mean, the usual amount? i’m not really on the project anymore, why?  *alarm begins blaring*  astronaut: COME WITH ME TO THE ROCKET-SHIP, we don’t have ti-
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: yeah. moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *loading a pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop. see you tomorrow. maybe. nasa employee: WHAT?!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what?  astronaut: *sighs, rubs hands over face, and loads pistol, before getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop. and, uh…you should call your mother like you’ve been meaning to. and tell her you’re not actually mad and that you will come to dinner tonight. you’re gonna be hungry. nasa employee: wait, what? WHAT?? how do you know my mom?! why am i gonna be - *alarm begins blaring* 
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what? astronaut: *grabbing two pistols, an extra box of ammo, a pair of scissors, some duct tape, a space harpoon, and a booklet of operating instructions that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” starting to get back on the rocket-ship, but dropping everything with a horrendous clatter* FUCK! goddamn moon’s stuck in a time loop. *alarm begins blaring*
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back early  astronaut: moon's stuck in a time loop.  nasa employee: what? also, hey, where’d you get that duffel bag? astronaut: *grabbing two pistols, an extra box of ammo, a pair of scissors, some duct tape, a space harpoon, and a booklet of operating instructions that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” shoving them into the bag, and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop.
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back earl-  astronaut: *grabs nasa employee and kisses them passionately*  nasa employee: what? WHAT?! astronaut: *loading a single pistol and getting back on the rocket-ship* moon’s stuck in a time loop, sweetheart.  nasa employee: what?!? astronaut: a time loop!!! i love you!!! get out of the base!!! stay alive!!! nasa employee: *presses fingers to lips, confused but intrigued, as alarm begins blaring* 
nasa employee:…. nasa employee:… nasa employee: ho hum what a regular day at the office *alarm begins blaring* nasa employee: what the hell is that?!
nasa employee: oh hey u guys are back earl-  astronaut: *grabs nasa employee and kisses them passionately*  nasa employee: what? what?! WHAT!?!? also, hey, where’d you get that duffel bag? astronaut: *grabbing two pistols, an extra box of ammo, a pair of scissors, some duct tape, a space harpoon, and a booklet of operating instructions that says “AIRLOCK MANUAL OVERRIDE INSTRUCTIONS,” shoving them into the bag, then cupping nasa employee’s cheek with free hand* moon’s stuck in a time loop. nasa employee: the moon’s stuck in a what?! astronaut: a time loop, sweetheart, but we don’t have much time ourselves, so you have to listen to me RIGHT now nasa employee: *faintly* …“sweetheart”?! astronaut: in 2 minutes and a few seconds, you need to go into the break-room and find frank. nasa employee: wait, frank from IT? astronaut: yes. nasa employee: how do you know he’s gonna be in the break-room? i can’t just call him at his desk right now? astronaut: how do i know this?! because, one, time loop, ok? and…also…because…heismaybetheguywhohasbeenstealingyourlunchfortwoweeks nasa employee: that BASTARD i KNEW it astronaut: BUT THAT’S NOT WHAT’S IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW. hey! listen to me! go in there, catch him red-handed with your burrito, and tell him lunch is on you FOREVER if he goes RIGHT NOW and checks the last security patch - because there’s a virus and the whole system’s compromised. then you need to get the hell out of this base, ok? nasa employee: …ok. ok. and…and what about you? astronaut: *cocking pistol and getting back into rocket-ship with duffel bag* me? i’m gonna shoot for the moon.
nasa employee: so, how many loops in total? astronaut: i mean, it was hard to keep track. somewhere around six months, if i had to guess. nasa employee: damn. astronaut: yeah. nasa employee: and in those six MONTHS, the best zinger you came up with was “shoot for the moon”? astronaut: hey, you know what, i had some other stuff on my mind! nasa employee: i mean, i guess. it sounded like you found time to flirt with me each time. astronaut: yeah, like i said. other stuff on my mind. *they look at each other, blush, and look away* astronaut: sooooooo. you’re sure your mom is cool with me coming over for dinner? nasa employee: can’t make the day any weirder. plus, i owe you for ratting out frank, right? astronaut: he did help us save the world; we can’t be too mad at him. nasa employee: you’ve had a little while to get over it, i might need some more time. and it wasn’t even your food! astronaut: ok, that’s fair. what if i buy you lunch to make up for it? nasa employee: hmm, when? astronaut: tomorrow? nasa employee: well, i’ll have left overs from my mom, and you might too if you play your cards right. day after tomorrow? astronaut: honestly, anytime is good for me.
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astralpenguin · 1 year
self care is writing a fic that you’re literally the sole target audience for
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chiptrillino-art · 2 months
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(ID in ALT Text)
its uh titts out monday (i think) In case you don't know, there is this really entertaining and spicy fic @ranilla-bean wrote named Nip It in the Bud.
zuko sure wasn't subtle and sokka an absolute gentleman.
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ash-and-starlight · 11 months
The world needs more Yue and Zuko friendship, I squeal just thinking abt the parallels. They deserve a life changing field trip together and if u have abt ideas I’m all ears 👀
Hiii anon this ask fermented in my inbox and in my brain for so long,, so take this??? Post canon yue lives/no war au arts?? Anyway aside from the Parallels and their political position & their duty before hoes grindset I think they could learn a lot from each other. With zuko learning the gift of patience & diplomacy from yue & Yue learning that allowing yourself to feel anger and speaking up can actually be Good.
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anyway hypothetical life changing trip outcome: zuko takes an intro gender studies class and yue says fuck
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(oh and also must not forget the crush on sokka)
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north-noire · 5 months
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perhaps catching up a bit wouldn't hurt?
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
𓇻 day 1 of fic days [masterlist] 𓇻
◜ pretty eyes. [heimdall x f!reader]  ◞
― video game: god of war: ragnarok
― summary: imagine y/n saying “that’s it. yes, this is perfect. you just keep looking at me with those pretty eyes. don’t take your eyes off of me.” to heimdall.
― wc: 1.6k
― warnings&tags: fluff, touching, some mature scenes but not smut, short. minors dni, please. it contains exposed scene even if it is not smut. enjoy <3
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   heimdall was never a god who could be humiliated so easily, especially from a mortal like you, no, he could not but you were different for him because you were always tease him, make jokes on him that meant just for fun while trusting that he saw you as a friend. you always thought your way out of these teases since he would literally kill you if he wanted to so badly but instead, he wanted you to live. he wanted you to live and tease him all you want which he would probably get angry anyway but at the end of the day, he would smile to himself while thinking about you and your teases. he likes you. so much even he can't understand how this kind of strong impact you have on him from the beginning until now.
sitting on one of the columns that were around an ancient place which contained magic on it. while heimdall was looking for a certain magic that was traveling on the place, you were sitting there and chuckling his stupidity whenever he found nothing. it wasn't that he didn't try enough, it just that he wasn't thinking really. but, it wasn't your business either. you just came here because after finishing the mission, heimdall would bring you to the only place you wanted to visit for such a long time; a cave that had full of different stones in it. these stones had different colors from red to blue, naturally, giving a magnificent view to the eyes. an aesir friend of yours told you about the cave long ago and heimdall promised to take you there since it wasn't visible for your sight because you were just a mortal and the cave destined for gods and goddess to find it in the first place.
after hearing your friend's joyful voice while telling how beautiful the cave was, you couldn't help but have a curiosity which caused you to talk about it with heimdall 'till he got bored and decided to take you to that place as he said but you knew how he too wanted to visit the place, making you happy. he wouldn't say this aloud though and you didn't need to hear it to know.
"finally!" heimdall shouted to himself, holding a ring that held the magic on it that all-father wanted.
with widened eyes and smile, you shouted as well, "well done handsome!" this was the nickname heimdall loved to hear. "now, can we go?"
he nodded, looking up and opening his arms for you. you could use the ledges on ttje surface of column you were on that helped for you to climb on the first place butt while looking at his cute face, opened arms that ready catch you, a smirk on his face because of your blushed face, and purple eyes that you are in love with.
smiling, you jumped without hesitation. his arms catch you as your arms hugged his neck and your legs his waist, taking deep breaths while feeling excited and joyful. it was fun.
giving breath to his neck, you felt his arms tighten around your back, holding you still. he liked this position too. you knew it. "heimdall," you said, looking at his face that was close because of pulling back from his neck. "you really want to visit the place, right? I don't want to push you into something you don't want."
holding you with one arm, he took your chin with other, caressing it, "no one can make me something I don't want to."
rolling your eyes, you said, "stop being a cocky one and say it honestly."
looking at other side for a minute, he turned to you again, "fine." he then put you down but holding your waist still, making your bodies connect each other, "I just want to make you happy. so, if this will make you happy, I will do it. is that the answer you wanted to hear, huh, dummy?"
smiling to him, you kissed his cheeks, getting out of his arms, you said, "it certainly is!" beginning to walk, you added while holding his hand on yours for make him follow you, "c'mon! we need to go before night comes!"
° ° °
"I can't believe it!" you said, hands on the waist, looking directly at the darkness of the cave you were inside with heimdall behind you, following silently. there was only a lighter on your hand that showed your way. nothing more. not any stones that had magnificent lights. just a cave in darkness and normal stones. "she said it supposed to be in here. are we missing something?"
heimdall shrugged, turning other sides to see stones closer, "well, it doesn't look like to shine any time soon sunshine. she probably gave the wrong one or it doesn't exist anymore."
"I see." you said, not hiding saddness in your voice. you really had thought that this place will something you remember until the day you die. it could be the only spot you would never forget even but no, it was all emptiness.
you turned to heimdall, who said he got bored already and believing that he wanted to take you out because you were feeling sad to be in here as he felt and as you knew.
then, you saw it. the most beautiful thing that bring light to the cave, giving a perfect view. it was something you saw every day, every night but you didn't see it like this; as the only light you had. only light you wanted to hold onto; heimdall's purple glowing eyes.
heimdall who was reading your mind had widened eyes now with pitched breaths because of both reading your thoughts about him and feeling the love that radiate from your body.
you couldn't think about anything but his eyes that only light on the cave after you closed the lighter on your hand.
approaching to him slowly, you felt hot and sweet. his eyes that were moving faster than before directed to your face. he was curious about your next moves since they didn't appear on your mind. you were acting without thinking, using all of your instincts came naturally while looking at him.
"heimdall -" it sounded like you were sitting in a room, on your knees, holding hands, and praying his name. it sounded so - hot, as heimdall thought.
touching his face, you closed the gap between your faces, feeling his hot breaths on your face as he looked down to look at your eyes.
"so beautiful." this was the only thing your mind could think of. he looked so beautiful, he looked so magical and you thought how your hand would burn if you touched him.
"no," he said, taking your hand on his, putting it to his cheek, "don't stop touching me." your hand began to burn like hell, not in reality but you could feel it on your heart, "even if it burns."
"heimdall -" he felt it again; desperate. desperate for you to touch him in everywhere. caressing his cheek, you began to talk as your mind came to its senses, starting to work again. "I wanted to came here because I have a word to say. She said the cave gave her confidence and I thought I would get the same. I don't know if it worked on me but I wanna say anyway because when I saw your eyes like this," you touched his cheek, "I realized how much I loved them to look at me like this. With this cave's darkness, I can clearly see the sparkles on them. And I know very well this sparkles only there for me. right?"
he nodded, not having encourage to speak aloud. he wondered where you would go from here. 
"I am not good with words, either you are. I want to show it. I want to show my love to you." 
you took your hand from his cheek. beginning to open your upper top 'till it shows your breasts slightly. heimdall who was too stunned to speak just stood there, looking at your chest with a red face now, lightening the cave's darkness with his own purple eyes.
then, you took his hand, putting it right on your chest, close to where your heart stayed under the skin.
you wanted him to feel fast and excited heart beats that were going to explode soon enough thanks to heimdall's warm hand on the skin. it wasn't the closest touch you shared but it was so - delicate and it had meaning. it meant love.
"I love you heimdall." you finally said it. "I love the way you look at me and sometimes I just think about only them." he looked at your eyes, directly, deep into your soul. and words came out of your mouth like they waited for an eternity to finally get free. “that’s it. yes, this is perfect. you just keep looking at me with those pretty eyes. don’t take your eyes off of me.”  you smiled, "never." you pointed the cave, "I don't need these stones' lights to give me a magnificent view. no. I already have 'em."
then, using final pieces of your bravery, you held heimdall's cheeks, getting closer, and connecting your lips together.
as his hot breaths mixed with yours, heart to heart, body to body, feeling so warm and wonderful, you smiled into the kiss while his began to move so good on yours. he was a good kisser. he was making you dizzy with only his kiss. ugh, this man, you thought to yourself - he was going to be your death.
"no, dear," he broke the kiss only for a second, "I will be the life of you."
then, he began to kiss you again, so passionate, so deep and so lovely. yes, he was probably already your life.
 the end. 💌
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plumadesatada · 2 years
just remembered a fic on AO3 (or more likely LJ because it had that distinct late 00's experimental vibe) that appeared double-spaced oddly, in that some paragraphs would be spaced normally and others would have double or even triple spaces in between. it was about one half of the otp getting over the other's death (or coma, can't remember which), so all the comments were about how poignant the use of visual spacing was as a means to convey all the emotional holes in the character's life.
and then the author replied like... *giggle* guys it's NOT double spaced. try selecting the whole text
and we were all like "no WAY"
but we selected the text, and yes!!!
the "holes" in the story? they were actually lines and actions from the dead/coma character's ghost, rendered invisible to the eye by the simple trick of coloring the text the exact same as the background, revealed by nothing more than a click and a drag of the mouse
a story about the profound loneliness of losing your the partner of your life and having to make do without them, without anything to fill the holes they'd left behind, suddenly became a story about the profound helplessness of seeing someone you love suffer from your absence while you are right there, unable to do anything about it, unable to communicate that you love them enough to suffer unseen and unheard with them, just to keep them company they'll never know about
it was then that I truly realized how *superior* the digital medium is to plain printed paper, how the medium and the format can add to a story.
I think about that fic about once a year. I wish I could find it again
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retrogradedreaming · 2 years
“Ao3 needs an algorithm” no it doesn’t, part of the ao3 experience is scrolling through pages of cursed content looking for the one fic you want to read until you get distracted by a summary so cursed that it completely derails your entire search
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bluegiragi · 4 months
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patience and indulgence.
early access + nsfw on patreon
(hey i drew this comic in collaboration with the very talented author prettyunhinged, who wrote an amazing fic to go along with it!!! please leave a comment and kudos if u read it, it's so perfect >.< but also do look at the tags first lmao )
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zosanbrainrot · 4 months
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fanarts for the cute fic by Hazel_Athena where Sanji gets turned into a cat and Zoro is very much a cat person
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lastbluetardis · 11 months
After everyone freaked out over AO3 being down, I hope folks have come to the realization that *authors* are the ones keeping y’all so entertained that the idea of not having your favorite fic to read on demand sent you into a frenzy.
So, y’know, maybe drop a comment on your favorite fic to let the author know you appreciate them and their work 🙂
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saradika-graphics · 4 months
— valentine’s day 💌💕
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