#extremely disagree with that caption
phas3d · 5 months
Annoying Habits || Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: none
contains :: draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire, blaise zabini
summary :: annoying ass things they do because at the end of the day they're teenage boys and are bound to be insufferable in some way possible (i do all of these exact things as a woman)
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DRACO MALFOY pauses movies every 5 minutes
After watching the movie for about an hour, you and Draco have only made it 15 minutes into the film. Why? Because despite it being the introduction, Draco found himself criticizing and questioning every single thing possible.
Right when the movie started and showed the main character, Draco slapped the pause button and asked, "Who is that?" only for you to sigh and unpause the film because you knew fully well the movie would tell you themselves.
"I'm Enola Holmes and-" said the character through the screen, proving you right, but she was rudely cut off by Draco slapping the pause button yet again.
"I don't like that name." he says, "Doesn't sound British enough. Sounds like an American trying to make up a British name. You know, I really hate when Americans try to make content based around Britain because-" blah blah blah as he starts to begin his 5 minute long rant about whatever that fuck he was talking about.
You didn't even utter a word back, knowing that if you responded he would only argue more. Even though you were not disagreeing with Draco, he still found himself ranting to the air.
Ironically, although Draco loves to over-explain and question things, he has refused to join the speech and debate team because he views them all as losers. But, you knew deep down that he would wipe all of them clean if he wanted to.
"That's why Americans should stick to American films." He says, finally ending his rant. He unpauses the movie, allowing the character to only move for 5 seconds before he pauses it again.
"The outfits don't look very accurate. I doubt they actually dressed like that back in that time era. Wait what time period is this movie in?" He says as he whips out his phone, beginning to research whether or not the film's costume design is accurate.
This continues on for the entire film. Never once does this man shut his mouth. It's better if you just watch the film on your own at this point.
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TOM RIDDLE full volume for everything
Everyone thinks that Tom loves silence and peace, but that's actually the farthest thing from the truth. He only prefers silence because he finds everyone else's voice extremely annoying. If he could, he would make all of Hogwarts mute just so he could enjoy not hearing some annoying 2nd year ranting or the boring lectures.
When you went to his dorm for the first time, you were instantly overwhelmed by all of the noise and lights. It was as if you entered an emo Cocomelon video in real life. Although his room was colored in calm cool colors, the audio was the opposite.
His computer was playing some classical music at full volume. His TV was playing Breaking Bad at full blast with captions that took up almost half of the screen. His phone was connected to a speaker that was blasting an audiobook of some king and had the voice of an old 90 year old man. Despite all of this noise, he was still humming a random tune and tapping his fingers.
Although now you're used to it, it's almost impossible to visit him at times. Of course he'll turn down everything and turn off certain things when you ask. But some days he can't be bothered to accommodate for you,
"Tom, can you please turn off your audiobook?" You ask as you struggled to read the textbook in your lap.
"Why? Do you not like it?" He asks while doing some random task.
"No no, I don't care about it. But it's just a bit distracting. I can handle the music and the TV and your humming but the audiobook is throwing me off from studying."
Tom rolled his eyes and sighed, he had so much sass in him that no one else got to see besides you. You see his eye roll and instantly want to smack him because of his sore attitude.
"Come on, you're not even listening to it!" You say defensively as he squints his eyes at you, obviously upset by what you said. Tom was exactly like a cat, sassy and judgy despite being the weird one.
With a painfully slow pace, Tom walks to the speaker that's playing the audiobook. You are relieved, it was pretty rare for Tom to actually listen to your requests.
But, to your dismay, Tom's finger presses the "+" button, making the speaker even louder than before as he goes to sit back in his chair and continue his task. You groan loudly as he smirks to himself due to his petty actions.
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MATTHEO RIDDLE flexes in every mirror in sight
Mattheo always made sure to treat you right by taking you out on nice dates every once in a while. He spoiled you rotten and you couldn't be more appreciative of it. You always had a reason to get dolled up and wear cute outfits.
But the one con that came with this was the inability to have alone time to get dolled up. Although Mattheo didn't know a thing about makeup or hair care, he always stayed with you to watch your process. I use the word, "watch" extremely lightly since he comes for one reason only.
And that's to flex in every single mirror you own. You can't escape it. He will flex and he will gawk at himself no matter the time or place. You thought he was doing this to impress you, but he wasn't. If he's being honest, he forgot you were even using the mirror due to how focussed he was on getting the perfect angle for his muscles to pop out.
Using a vanity? He's flexing to himself in the background as you do your makeup. He's showing off his legs and back muscles. Every time he found a good angle, he would whistle to himself and hype himself up.
Using the bathroom mirror? He's flexing his arms and shoulders, making sure he knows the best pose for his next mirror selfie. He doesn't care that you're doing your hair, he will tell you to move and hog the mirror to flex.
Using a hand held mirror? Well, I hope you brought two because he will take your mirror and check out his jawline and cheekbones. Even if you need it desperately, he won't listen and instead make out of pocket jokes, TOWARDS HIMSELF.
"God, you're so lucky" He says as he smirks to himself, winking in the mirror. "If I was a girl, I would shoot up a whole nursing home just to fuck myself."
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THEODORE NOTT looks like he's held captive in every picture
Theo and you have this joke that he's completely whipped for you, because it's true. Anything you want, you get instantly. Anything you don't like, he'll fix instantly. He's so down bad for you that there's a joke in your friend group that you beat it into his head to worship you.
The joke became even more solidified when one day you posted a picture with Theo and it looked as if Theo just got yelled at by his mom. So, Theo took this joke and ran to the edge of the Earth with it.
Now, his favorite thing to do is to feed into it. Every time the two of you take photos, he always looks guilty and sad in it. He makes sure to frown extra hard and make his eyes water. He hangs his head lower and makes sure to look as if he's as miserable as possible.
"Theo!!" You shouted as you looked at the photos your camera roll. You and Theo just went to a fancy restaurant with friends to celebrate their birthday.
As you swiped through the photos, you saw Theo frowning and teary-eyed in every photo. You're not even sure how he managed to do that. You groaned as Theo walked into the room with a huge smile on his face, knowing exactly why you called me.
"If you look miserable in another photo again I'm literally gonna punch you," You say as you shove your phone into his, allowing himself to see the photos of you two.
He chuckled and smirked at you. "You know I could never be miserable with you." He gives you a small peck on the cheek and walks away, as if he solved any of the issues.
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LORENZO BERKSHIRE dances to anything with no precautions
You were used to Lorenzo's random antics by now but one thing you could never get used to was his obsession with dancing to anything he hears. At first it was cute and reasonable. He danced to the music in stores, danced to random street performers, or the sound of the microwave beeping and begging to be opened.
But, his dancing has no limits. No matter the time or place, he will dance if there's a beat. And his dance skills are extremely below average, probably a D- if you're being honest. Although he could find a beat in anything, his body did not move to that beat no matter how hard he tried.
Once again, he got the urge to dance. But this time, to the sounds of your sniffling as you two finished watching "Everything Everywhere, All at Once". You could relate to almost every character and the inspiring message of pushing forward despite everything made you break down in an ugly cry.
As you sobbed into your 10th tissue, your choked breathes became a pattern. And although Lorenzo was comforting you and hated the sight of you crying, his body moved on his own.
He began to dance to you sobs as you started to cry even harder, hoping that it would make him stop. But it only made him dance harder.
Instantly, every feeling you felt towards the movie was gone as you watched your boyfriend do Fortnite dances extremely off-tempo and off-beat from your sobbing.
"L-Lorenzo" You said, trying to speak as you let out a soft chuckle at his horrible dance moves. "Lorenzo!!" You shouted as he stopped dancing and pouted.
"What?" he said with sass laced in his tone, as if he was in the right for dancing while his partner sobbed.
"Don't "what" me! I'm crying! Comfort me!" You say as you throw one of your snot filled tissues at him, making him scream as if you threw a grenade at him.
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read more here! :D
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ghostr0tz · 3 months
please please share your vox neurodivergent headcanons
*smacks the top of his head* this bad boy can fit SO many problems and disorders in him.
but before we start i do want to say i am saying this all as personal headcanons as someone with my own laundry list of issues. Okay lets go:
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HEAVYYYYY on Autism. Has a VERY strict routine he sticks to and gets sooo fucking irritated when it gets interrupted. The only except is if its a Vee and its something Important to them (he still gets petty about it though). It mostly revolves around work.
He's extremely sensory seeking, and constantly fidgetting and stimming. He paces. A LOT.
Vox is very touchy to friends but will kill a stranger for bumping into him. Constantly touching Val's fluff and Velvette's nicer-feeling clothes.
LOVES compression . Makes Val lay on him all the time. He's like a personal weighted blanket. His body being partially mechanical makes his under-sensitive to stimuli. Hard for him to really process pain and managing it.
VERY opinionated and vindictive about his thoughts and takes. Takes it very personal if you disagree and will try SO hard to yell at you to see how he's right.
The Vees are constantly getting in debates that concern anyone around them but they all love it. They all fucking love arguing.
Special Interest in technology (new AND old), movies and shows (constantly rewatching classics), and biology. Does not let anyone get a SINGLE word in unless its questions when he's infodumping.
Probably has ADHD too. Talkative as shit when he feels hyperactive. Has such a strict routine with himself because he knows if he doesn't stick to it he WILL go insane and become a bit of a #disaster.
Medicated? Yes!!!! Remembers to take his medication? Also yes but ONLY because he's set so many alarms and reminds for himself.
He Has So Many Alarms For Everything. It drives the other Vees insane how his phone seems to go off every. other. fucking. minute.
Hard to keep Vox's attention on things and is constantly cycling through content like his life depends on it. Always has SOMETHING playing near him unless he's really overwhelmed from the day.
It doesn't take a whole lot to make him go nonverbal, usually plays captions on his face or has a speech assistant on his phone that sounds like him.
This bitch is SOOO Bipolar coded though. He's disinterested in a lot of life and usually in a depressive swing. His swings of mania are VERY bad and chaotic though (Stayed Gone is such a good mania portrayal . TO ME).
Alastor very much triggers his mania and psychosis probably before their split and very CLEARLY afterwards.
Also probably on the schizospectrum. Probably Schizoaffective?
Hallucinates when he's having mania swings and psychotic symptoms. Has some pretty bad delusions too about his power and status and definitely had them BEFORE he was an overlord. has delusions about his relationships too. (probably did NOT help when he and Al were on good terms. probably played a role in their split)
Also his glitches feel like tics to me and its important i say that or ill explode. He masks them pretty well in public and has gotten used to playing them off. But the Vees have gotten used to him accidentlly smackign them while ticcing.
okay i think thats it for now. hope you enjoyed my rambles :0 !
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months
The issue is that you’re always giving Katara the bare minimum of her culture. In your AUs, she can’t have both a betrothal necklace and hair loopies - she either has to have one or the other. I couldn’t even tell that it was Katara in your Lee and Kya AU. I thought it was Jin.
I think it’s wrong to assume that anyone who has an issue with your Fire Nation Katara AUs are automatically jealous and bitter Zutara antis. Even having read all the context, your portrayal of Katara in the Hunters AU along with the caption makes me uncomfortable as a woc.
I know it seems like I'm always putting Katara, in specific, in an uncomfortable position. Maybe I am.
I love to explore what situations like those—being forced to hide who you are, always a foreigner, holding on to a single remnant of your identity (and doesn't that sound like Zuko?)—do to a character. I don't always get it right, but I don't think there is a right way to do it.
These are extremely sensitive subjects, I know, and they are important to me, too.
It is never my intention to make anyone feel uncomfortable with what I think or how I decide to express it. I'm genuinely sorry if I made you feel that way.
I love these fictional cultures. I love these characters. And I don't want to "give Katara the bare minimum of her culture", but putting her in a position, within the AU, where she is forced to have only said bare minimum has consequences that I feel compelled to explore. Not only with Katara, but also with Zuko, with Aang, with Iroh, with Sokka... They are all different characters and react to these issues differently, and that's so interesting to think about.
The Southern Water Tribe culture is dying. Katara's culture is dying, and my stories' intention is not to finish the kill—I want to see how, despite every single obstacle thrown in its way, Katara's culture survives. And if I have to let her keep only her necklace to do so, then so be it.
On the other hand, I never thought of you as an anti, nor was it my intention to treat you, or any other anon, like one. You have been nothing but respectful so far (am I right to assume you're the one who asked about Katara's cultural identity in the first place?), and I would be a hypocrite to demand said respect without giving it in return.
Antis are rude. Antis are spiteful. Antis mention colonizers and woc and domestic abuse without caring or knowing about what they're talking about. Antis tear you down to feel better about themselves.
I refuse to treat anyone like an anti unless they give me reasons to do so.
You are not an anti. You are a person who has legitimate concerns about how I tackle sensitive issues in my AUs and artwork. You disagree with me, and you state your reasons for doing so, because these themes are important to you, personally.
I don't expect anyone to readily agree with me on anything. My opinion is my own, with all the conflict and trouble it may bring me. But it is mine, and I will defend it. However, I'm also self aware enough to recognize when I'm wrong, and when I'm treading on dangerous ground.
Someone once told me I'm as neutral as a wall. They meant it as an insult, but I guess they're right.
Judging everyone for the actions of a few is not really my thing. I have only come across one single anti so far (fortunately). I'm not about to get on the defensive and start attacking everyone. Unless they deserve it.
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ben-marco · 4 months
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This is Legion's recent TikTok post about HC-DID, a term coined by a prolific predator.
They are responding to a post by someone else saying that it can be dangerous to openly label yourself as a complex system online, that HC-DID is not a clinical term, and that you do not owe anyone any information about your system and its origins.
To most people, these sentiments are entirely reasonable. It can be dangerous to be open about your system origins online when you have been through extreme and organized abuse, and it can be dangerous to openly use the HC-DID label when HC-DID has (unfortunately) become almost synonymous with RAMCOA itself. The original poster is correct that HC-DID is not a clinical or diagnostic term. And they are absolutely correct that you do not owe anyone any information about your system origins.
However, to Legion, who presents themself as a professional resource / authority on RAMCOA, these sentiments are "abuser propaganda" meant to "silence" people who use the HC-DID label. Again, HC-DID was coined by a predator who is known to have groomed and abused multiple teenagers.
Isn't it extraordinary that basic Internet safety logic is being smeared as "abuser propaganda" by someone who claims to be an authority on RAMCOA and DID? Isn't it interesting that Legion is accusing someone of spreading "abuser propaganda" just to turn around and defend the use of a label that was coined by an abuser?
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This is the caption for the TikTok. "Dangerous rhetoric" and "anti-scientific stances"? Really, Legion? You mean like the shit misinformation you peddle every day and include in all your RAMCOA "resources"?
What exactly about "Hey, maybe don't tell the entire internet you're HC-DID, it isn't a clinical term and you're putting yourself in danger, and no one needs to know anyways" is dangerous? What about that statement is anti-scientific?
You know what's dangerous? Spreading RAMCOA and DID misinformation to an audience of young people. You know what's anti-scientific? Using a label that was coined by an online predator and then claiming that said label is in any way a clinical or diagnostic label.
Stop using DID and RAMCOA as content for your social media pages just because you want clout. Stop co-opting other survivors' stories as your own. Stop with the misinformation and stop with the reactionary kneejerk accusations that everyone who disagrees with you is somehow an abuser or spreading "abuser propaganda."
Maybe I should make a TikTok, right guys? Because on TikTok you don't have to cite sources or do any due diligence to make sure that what you are saying is accurate. All you have to do is tilt your head and side-eye a shaking camera.
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riverstixxelf · 2 months
I love the SPN fandom but honestly it’s so stressful sometimes 😭
For example earlier today I googled “Misha Collins girlfriend” because I heard a rumor that he has a girlfriend, I couldn’t find much besides stuff talking about Vicky so I scrolled down and saw a tumblr post saying something about Misha being attracted to men (which I don’t necessarily disagree with, but I don’t want to tell another person what they are) and women so I clicked on it and it was a huge post (like, a couple paragraphs) talking about some strange things. I don’t remember exactly but at one point the user brought up the “fact” that Misha makes jokes about women and sex?? As in making jokes at the expense of women… and I was like… are we talking about the same Misha here? He DOES make jokes about sex but I don’t recall him ever making jokes at the expense of women. Only thing I can think of is that one story about one of his earlier acting jobs and he didn’t know the “no tongue rule” but that was mostly at the expense of himself. Then I scrolled and found another post that was pretty disturbing…
Someone had screenshotted a regular instagram caption that Jensen posted just talking about how he just got done traveling, he wanted to take a nap, something like that—nothing sexual about the post at all or anything that would suggest that—and someone captioned it with something talking about him and Misha rubbing their [babymakers] together??? I audibly laughed out loud because wtf 😭😭
I don’t want to shame Jenmish shippers (I say Jenmish because Cockles is just a… very interesting name), even though I think it’s the slightest bit strange to be shipping real people… but again I never want to put anyone down for anything because I myself have said some stuff about Jensen and Misha that might suggest something between them.
Another thing is just the amount of hate for various cast members. Mostly the hate I see is for Jared and Misha; J2 fans who hate Misha, Jenmish fans who hate Jared, etc. There’s a lot of love in this fandom but ohmygOD there’s so much hate too. I guess that’s true for any fandom, but it’s so tiring sometimes.
Also, in this fandom, you’ll get hounded for any opinion you have. If you don’t like destiel, you’re homophobic. If you do like destiel, you’re also homophobic for some reason because queer bating or whatever… for the record i’d like to state that I am a proud destiel shipper just fyi. But I see so many people take it to the extreme, make little things into big things or something along those lines. Same thing with cockles shippers I was talking about earlier. I feel like I have a pretty neutral viewpoint on stuff regarding destiel; I see most things how they are, and I make my assumptions based on CANON things. I don’t say “Dean and Cas are definitely fucking”, I say “Dean and Cas love eachother but they cant express it, because Cas wasn’t even sure what love was and Dean’s highest ideal of love is family, which is why he says Cas is like a brother to him”. Now, if you don’t agree with me, guess what… that’s okay! If you don’t think destiel exists, that’s a valid point, and i’m not gonna dox you just because you have a different opinion than me. Because that’s just it, it’s an OPINION.
I could get into Sam haters and Dean haters and stuff… but I’m tired. Actually, you know what, screw it. I WILL GET INTO IT!!!
I’ve had a few experiences with Dean haters especially, and most of the time they just ADORE Sam and thinks he’s done nothing wrong. Let me clarify that I don’t hate Sam- like- at all. Then again, Dean haters who happen to be Sam stans have warped my view on Sam a little, but I won’t let that get in my way of honest judgment.
Sam. has. done. bad. stuff. DEAN. has. done. bad. stuff. Please don’t compare their trauma, they both have their own issues, one isn’t better than the other.
I might be biased because I relate to Dean so much (like a crazy amount it’s not even funny…), but for the millionth time in a row I DO NOT HATE SAM. I saw someone saying how Dean was the cause of almost every single world-ending event that happened in SPN… like honey no. Another person replied to their comment listing all of the world-ending events… and guess what… Sam was the cause of most of them!! Does that make him a hate-worthy character? No!!
I don’t know what point i’m trying to make here. I just think there’s so much in-fighting within the SPN fandom and as much as I love being in the fandom sometimes you just gotta have a break from all the drama. If you made it this far… go outside or something don’t pay attention to me i’m chronically online.
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hoghtastic · 6 months
I think the nun costume stories are from different days.
I have no idea if this counts as off topic but I wish the one fan account that went offline a year ago was still active during a time like this. The one with the funny content. Often a lil cheeky. I think she/he left because of Mexico and the politicians. She/he didn't pander to Alex like others. No fan account was like hers or his? I really have to say there are great fan accounts, whether they like his gf or not, but I think there are also really bad ones that are borderline cheap. One of them is particularly inferior to the others. 
At first I was confused because I thought the funny account was back under a new name, but at some point I realized that the content was just much worse. Maybe she just wanted to copy the other account's style? The original account never sexualized Alex as much. Then I knew OK, it had to be someone else. I was a little disappointed not gonna lie. I was a bit shocked at how much information I got when I briefly asked what others thought about the account I’m referring to. 
Supposedly it was already a topic on the old blog. She's into private information about Alex and sticks with people who can give her private videos. I heard that she gets really excited when Alex's parents or others see her stories, supposedly she thinks that Alex watches all of her stories with a fake account. About that I wasn’t as surprised, you notice very strongly that she desperately desires acknowledgment and likes from Alex and his gf for her comments and captions but masks it as support. She likes his family’s comments under Alex gf’s comments and tries to involve in everything Alex. But her captions and comments for Alex are borderline obsessed. You could think Alex is a god and not a human being when you see her comments. But again, many of her comments are aimed at her hoping or thinking that he and others of his people see her stories. 
She is the type of fan account that likes to allude to hate towards his gf in her captions in order to portray herself as a true fan. She also gets attached to better fan accounts, actually a really REALLY good fan account that has good content, seems to be close to her. It's crazy how extreme some fans see Alex. He’s only human. Seriously, I would also like to watch private videos but this kind of worship is delusional.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, anon. 😊 I believe that, as long as there will be celebrities, there will always be the extreme fans who put them on a pedestal, to whom they can do no wrong. However, it's important to understand that they're only human, like the rest of us, who happen to have made some career choices which gave them more exposition. However, they still have their flaws and are far from perfect. And this is why I disagree with the "censorship culture" I've seen on some Alex fanpages, especially since he started dating Johanne, where people were called out and deemed "not true supporters" if they dared criticize him and/or her. Not everything they do is bad, obviously, but they're not perfect either, and if people would like to comment on it, as long as they keep being respectful, they should be allowed to do so.
About the private videos, I believe they're private for a reason. Most of the time, they belong to people who are not public figures, and therefore such content should never be downloaded nor shared among fanpages. If not illegal, it's at the very least morally wrong. And even if people don't straightforwardly share it, just "hinting" at having them and/or knowing private info, to make themselves look more important or "better fanpages" is just childish and a desperate need for attention, in my opinion. (It reminds me of those irritating kids in elementary school, "Ooh I know this and that, but I won't tell you! Haha! 😜". Like, either share it (knowing it's stolen, private content and therefore you shouldn't be doing it) or just shut up and keep it to yourself. 😆)
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darkleysgarden · 2 years
Obey Me 25 Days of Ficmas 2022 Day 4: Christmas Cards
Pair: Lucifer and brothers
First was the pictures.
How could anyone mess up pictures?
His brother's must be extremely incompetent.
It's really not that hard. All you do is stand and smile!
Belphie and Satan weren't smiling in any of the photos. They either stared or glared into the camera each photo.
Mammon and Asmo went completely overboard! If they were supposed to just stand there they would come up with highly obnoxious poses that drew all the attention to them! At least they smiled. Maybe they wouldn't be too noticeable?
Leviathan blinked or was looking away most photos. There were a couple that were okay, but he just looked extremely depressed. He looked as if he hated every second of his life that led up to taking those photos.
Beel, oh sweet little Beel, did the best. Sure, there were a couple blinks, he accidentally wasn't looking on occasions, but that was normal. If only all of his brother's could perform like this. Even if Beel's smile provided no teeth, that was alright. Hell, Lucifer's smile was no teeth as well.
Lucifer will admit that he looked a bit dead in some photos. But, he did stand and smile every picture. At least he wasn't bad about it.
Lucifer scoured through the photos, inspecting every last one.
Eventually he did land on three that would work. They were definitely not the best. Yet, he, Beel, and Levi were looking in all of them, decent enough smiles. Satan and Belphie werent outright glaring, which was the best they did. And Mammon and Asmo still were too overboard. But, that was normal for them and didn't heavily ruin the photos.
Another problem came with buying them.
There were so many websites to choose from. Most were complete scams.
Who charges 5,000 grimm for Christmas cards!?
Sure, he was rich and that made no dent in his money, but he wasn't giving that company satisfaction.
He did find one at a normal price that provided decent formatting.
After thinking too much about a caption, he landed on something simple.
The caption read, 'Another year of fun and joy has passed, thank you for celebrating with us. We hope to share upcoming years with you. Merry Christmas. Sincerely Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Belphegor.'
The caption held many complaints. Asmodeus and Levi claimed that it sounded 'old and stuffy'. Satan said that he disagreed with the notion and wanted his name removed.
Lucifer ignored all of those complaints. He bought the red, white, and green cards anyway.
Once they arrived he was pissed. The cards were terrible quality. The photos were blurry and the card could be easily ripped.
In his anger he left a strongly worded review to the company. Then, he bought new ones, a bit more expensive this time.
He got a head start, so the cards would arrive early enough anyway. Lucifer was still upset anyway.
The cards did finally get there, and in good quality this time.
Added onto his workload, he divided the cards into envelopes, titling them and adding small additional notes for the individual. Once the large stack was complete, he mailed them out.
Their family also gained many Christmas cards. They received them from Diavolo and Barbatos, the Purgatory Hall, and from other colleagues or friends. Lucifer hung them up around the door frame of the dining room. They blended in with their many holiday decorations.
Sure, Lucifer despised the idea of demon's celebrating Christmas at first, but it grew on him.
Christmas has, over the years, turned into a secular holiday. Therefore, it wasn't as weird for them to celebrate.
The biggest reason that he accepted it was because everyone enjoyed it.
His brother's loved it and Diavolo was beyond ecstatic about the holiday. The entire Devildom became decorated because of the prince.
Christmas Cards were a big part that he enjoyed.
He'd said that his brothers ruined the card. Yet, it felt more genuine this way. All of their personalities and quirks showed up in pictures. Whether eccentric or depressing.
Lucifer loved the cards. They were of his family, after all.
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oswednesday · 1 year
Gotta say hard disagree w your take on people’s attitudes and the ‘snack-free’ option… hyper/extreme food allergies/sensitivities exist in people, hard stop. It’s not an area of the disabled community spoken about widely, but it’s there.
People w allergies navigate the world as it shows up for them; many of them well into their 30’s and 40’s. They’re perfectly aware of how little the world thinks of their ‘disability,’ and how disgusted people can become when accommodations are requested.
People w allergies could benefit from a theatre where things could potentially be a bit better/safer for them. Designated food-free areas already exist in businesses worldwide for safety purposes. Why not give a sequestered area of enjoyment to those who actively need it, and who don’t usually get it elsewhere?
theres absolutely no way you could enforce in a theatre setting that unless you were patting people down before entering, even then its a space where food is prepped, theres always a risk when entering spaces that have food, even if the threatre was food free someone would bring in like something with peanuts in it cause its what they want to eat while watching a movie and then youre inhaling peanut dust even in areas that are roped off as food free because of how air is circulated in these spaces, such is life? like obvi there are limits you cant smoke inside anymore, you can smoke on little designated areas outside, but people are still going to smoke, you cant whip out a grill in there but people will bring in their own box of whatever the fuck regardless of the rules
also i dont know what you mean by 30s and 40s allergies are a life long thing do you mean they have little control over their spaces in like a child sort of way? either way like yeah when youre in public sometimes there will be food youre allergic to, its not the same thing as the lack of captions or the lack of support headphones would cover
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mysticdragon3md3 · 7 months
Anyone ever look at your OCs and just comment "false"? Like...what???? I don't understand.😵‍💫❔️❔️❔️❔️❔️
Someone recently commented "false" to my drawing of my OCs, where my only caption (besides my drawing techniques) was "They're married." WHAT DOES THAT "FALSE" MEAN??????????????
They're my OCs. I made their backstories. If i want to say they're married, then they are. That's the truth.
In general fandom, i mostly believe in the "death of the author" and that audience interpretation can be more personally important to each interpreter's individual psychological growth.
But i always thought OCs were regarded as a more personal expression. Is it wrong for me to separate big IPs/pro artists from OCs/small artists in that way? I'm sure a lot of authors/artists who get their big break, are still expressing something very personal to them. But because they get a lot of exposure and a lot of eyes on their art/stories, there are lots of people who use their art/stories as a springboard into their own meditations. Hence, headcanons superimposed upon pre-existing stories/art.
Still, it's REALLY WEIRD to have someone else impose their headcanons onto my extremely personal Original Characters. These characters are so personal to me, that I haven't told anyone about them, for YEARS. Even my caption to my art of them, was just a minimal, 2 sentence description. I'm too embarrassed to expose anything more about my extremely personal OCs.
Do people do this often? Just go to posts about someone else's completely original characters, and make up their own headcanons? Is this a thing????????????? I mean, I just drew 2 dragons. I suppose if someone saw some kind of symbols, emotions, archetypes, or relationship dynamics within my drawing, and those tropes clashed with their personal preferences in tropes, then they might disagree with the comment "false". But still, it's so strange!!! Imposing your own trope/archetype preferences onto my extremely personal expression of my trope/archetype preferences, feels like someone saying I'm wrong for having my personal preferences in tropes/archetypes. It's just very weird.
Then again, the person who commented false, has a screenname that means "randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely." So maybe they were just typing meaningless stuff.
I really hope they're not one of those trolls, who comment intentionally-hostile things, just to get a reaction. 1) I too have psych problems, so I feel sorry for you, buddy. Hang in there. Every day is a chance to improve. 2) If this is attention-seeking or a cry for help, I can report to Tumblr staff to get you help. It wouldn't be the first time. 3) Any revelations or growth someone has in reaction to a provocation, is not attributed to the provoker. In Final Fantasy VII, it always really bothered me that Sephiroth tried to claim praise for Cloud's growth, because Sephiroth created the pain that Cloud had to grow from. To me, that type of "tough love" BS is just an excuse that abusers use to justify their abuse. I don't like it when shit-stirrers try to claim their actions were righteous and good, because someone else had the Strength to react to them productively. The person who harms others isn't the cause of that Strength! That's something the reactor already had in them! It's just pure luck, when an abuser's "tough love" happens to hit someone that chooses to use it to spark their growth. Abuse towards others isn't an always-guaranteed method to create growth or Strength in others. Abuse just as often breaks down other people or causes them to become toxic and harmful towards others instead. It's just more poison and regrets in the world. So if anything good comes from my reactions to provocative, hostile comments, that's on me; not on someone trying to cause trouble or get attention.
Anyway, this was a very weird experience.
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trmpt · 8 months
“In the view of many extremely online, spiritually unwell conservatives, Carson’s brutal death was a form of karmic justice. You see, the young man had advocated for safe injection sites after losing friends to opioid overdoses. And he dedicated his adult life to working on various left-wing causes, above all the promotion of recycling and environmentally friendly approaches to dealing with solid waste. And his girlfriend had advocated for police abolition. Therefore, Carson had reaped what he’d sowed. The far-right provocateur Mike Cernovich disseminated a surveillance video of Carson’s death, beneath the caption, “Hey bro just like chill out bro I’m on your side bro go attack the magats bro bro bro noooooo.” Other conservatives turned photos of Carson’s dead body into memes about the perils of wokeness.”
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talbottoresnick · 8 months
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Willis Reading Response by Joyce
From the reading, one photograph that impressed me was an image showing a black woman’s nude body. Here is a quote from the reading: “One might almost say that the black woman was imagined without a head: The body is all that counts, a body offered to man’s pleasure, an extremely simplified idea in which beauty is exclusively seen as underlining the erogenous zones of breasts and buttocks. The curves are abundant, the back is sumptuous, and the hips are magnificently shaped, while adolescent breasts blossom out on a superb, exciting bust.” The author suggests that in the nineteenth century white photographers were keen on taking pictures of nude black women. The African women in the images were not seen as a whole person, but rather the photographers only cared about the women’s curved body and the sexual indication behind their bodies. African women, in this sense, were objectified. They became an object that white males gazed at, rather than a subjective human being.
The image I found that resonates with the image from the reading is an advertising photograph by a brand called Neiwai. Neiwai is a famous, new-emerging Chinese brand that sells bras and underwear. This image is part of their Women’s Day advertising campaign that was released earlier this year. The Chinese caption on the images translates as “I long to be seen, but I hate to be gazed at.” I think this image perfectly contrasts with the image from the reading. Today, as feminism becomes more and more prevalent, more and more women start to break the stereotype, turning themselves from an object that belongs and submits to men to a strong independent subject that only listens to and lives for themselves.
As a woman myself, I am surprised to see how black women were seen as objects in the nineteenth century. At the same time, I am glad to find an image in the twenty-first century that completely disagrees with the nineteenth century idea. It is good that women today can escape (or at least trying to escape) men’s gaze.
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gerardyay · 1 year
Assignment 3 commentary
Prompt: I got the idea for this prompt of saving water from a local (Limbang) contest. Which I felt was a good prompt as the audience, requirements and platform is laid out for me to fulfil such that I am able to keep a focused goal for this infographic.
What i picked out for the requirements from the contest:
Digital and physical print
Audience is for the youth
Water saving tips and reasons to save water has to be included.
Design process:
I first went to research as much as possible for the topic at hand as the first step to further ensure the feasibility of making this infographic. Which eventually came to these 3 main points:
Why save water?
Projected increase in demand
Climate change uncertainty
Save money
Limitations of our 4 taps (Because we always learnt in school why they are so good, thus showing the limitations would show the reason as to why saving water is important)
Desalination is expensive and energy demanding
Water catchment are affected by climate
Import affected by climate and trade agreements
Newater is too clean (lacks natural minerals often found in tap/river water, hence more often used for industries)
Water saving tips people might not know of (Because i felt that majority of singaporeans know the basic : use cup when brushing teeth/ or use waste water to water plants)
Free water kits are avaliable for anyone who wants them (offered by PUB)
Looking for water efficiency labels
Using a smart water meter app that tracks your water usage. (Although this is only present in certain regions, it does create a early signal for the others who might not know of such an application)
With these three main points, I started to design the overall layout of the infographic
When designing, I tried to incorporate a main visual hook to the infographic as seen in some of these drafts:
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Main visual hook is a cat trying to drink small amounts of water
Rejected because although a cat is cute, some might disagree with whether it has any relation to the topic.
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Main visual hook is a kitchen setup that has a tap either overflowing or leaking.
However all these landscape designs are rejected as I go back to the lessons I've learnt from previous assignment in making things too complicated. Having too much visuals might also distract away from the points I wanted to make. Furthermore, as my informations are in different groups, having them be together whilst having readability and a sense of flow would be extremely difficult to execute due to the lack of space.
I then look around the internet for examples, and seeing as how most of them follow a portrait format, I decided to experiment with that instead. And found that my information flows better under a portrait then landscape format.
The next thing was having a colour scheme. I use blue as the main hue as
Water is blue
Blue is a cool colour which conveys the calm emotion that i wanted to convey. As I felt that although water is a privilege, for the underprivileged there are more important issues to worry about as well as the fact that the government has been making alot of actions to mitigate our water crisis. Thus, I only wanted to remind people that we should not be complacent about our water rather than urge or demand people that saving water is of the utmost urgency right now.
I then used a colour scheme website coolers.co, to easily help create a colour scheme around the blue hue. Resulting in this:
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with neutral hue white to help bring contrast.
Giving rise to these icons below:
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After creating these icons, I started adding the accompanying captions:
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The fonts I used for body is Arial Rounded MT Bold as they have a round shape to them similar to water.
The fonts used for Title/sub title is Bebas Neue Regular (Title) as they attract the most attentio.
And after creating these caption I stumbled upon the issue that I do not have enough space.
Even after moving to a portrait format, I still have an issue of a hook.
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I tried mitigating the issue with the blue background as well as the tap above. But these methods did not seem to do the trick for me.
I thus went back to researching layouts from internet examples, but what i've seem to see was that most of them do not really have a hook as well. Those that do, however have very little information.
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I thus, decided to compromise on the hook by placing the background of the Merlion spewing water. And changing the title to be more inquisitive that calls out to the reader rather than a passive question of "why we should save water". I thus hinge the hook on the title and the Merlion. Creating this work for the critique session.
Concept and Execution:
Saving water with WHY + HOW
Keeping in mind for print
Reason for why and how is listed
Using the computer screen for judgment at 100%
Omitting the use of other dialects and incorporating tech elements (QR code) to increase engagement.
Through the critique I realised that my execution was not the best. And certain information that I did not know of was raised during our tutorial session.
Main points:
When printing, there needs to be ample space around the corners in case the printer does not print accurately
There's too much information, thus some things can be reduced
QR code best to limit to one
Left align words instead of central align
Water usage icon looks like "use your phone to scan" icon instead rather than showing an app that can track your water usage
Delete "which are unreliable" in the import point
You can determine whether a size is appropriate for print by printing or putting it up on a screen
"Water demand" as its is a projected data with just a statement by PUB, it is not as useful an information.
Lack of a visual hook
Use typography
Preamble with "singapore uses 430 million..." can be utilised more in touch with the title by having a bigger font size
All the points from the linkedin thing
The background shader for the subtitles are unnecessary
I agree with all the critique points.
And through the critique I realised that I really had too much information. And that the information that I thought would be essential were actually not as important.
I thus tackled this problem first as it would create a lot of space for the other critique to be applied.
As 'Why should we save water' and 'limitations of the 4 taps' serves the same purpose, I decided to remove 'why should we save water' as the points made were not as impactful and the data by PUB was not concrete.
I also decided the remove the Free water kit as the application to track your water usage is much more new and relevant than the water kit.
I also forgot about the use of typography admittedly when doing the infographic. Which I then incorporated express the information as it was too long and complicated to express in purely numbers or charts.
I also tried to increase the font size of every single words used as the current size I use for the smallest words is 12 pts. And when projected on the screen, I could read out the words but only because I could make out the rough shape of the letters.
Thus changes to the icons are as such:
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With the information reduced, I had more space and tried experimenting with landscape format again to incorporate a visual hook.
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However, with the size requirement of the fonts for the other information, I find it hard to group them together in a way that allows readers to understand the flow of the information.
I thus, reverted back to portrait format.
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I enlarged the tap to take up 1/3 of the space to serve as the visual hook. Coupled with the title, these two elements take up about half of the page.
Following the points from the critique plus the linkedin thing,
1.) I have finally have a visual hook that is represent the core topic
(turning off tap - to save water. Transparent - create a sense of not being there, thus - 'we are not saving water' message)
2.) One unified illustration style of solid icons
3.) 2 fonts used.
4.) Blue as the colour scheme and reasoning as explained above.
5.) Most important insights are selected
6.) Typography used to visualise complicated concepts
7.) hiearchy is establised with placements and different font sizes and colour
8.) Pattern is build through colour and type treatment where the point is the darker navy blue whereas, explanation in the body are white
9.) Reasoning for fonts selected as explained above.
Overall, there was alot to improve on from the original and the most important takeaway I feel, is that the difference in designing for print and digital are the most common mistakes made and is important to keep in mind the font size and edges when printing. The physical limitations of the printer as well as the reader are important aspects that make or break the design.
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alfonzone · 1 year
hey man, you prolly didn't mean anything by it, but keep in mind if a post has "men dni" on it you shouldn't really interact with it as a man. you rb'd only one post of a woman in lingerie with that in the caption so it was prolly a slipup 👍🏼 apologies if this comes across rude, i just wanted to point it out in case you didn't spot it 😺 if you didn't know though, dni = do not interact
hey 👋🏼
It did come across extremely rude and it's something that you could have dm me about instead of coming off this way. That being said, I appreciate you caring enough about the said content or post to reach out. I did see the men dni text and I knew exactly what it meant, however it was in my drafts and I forgot to delete it and instead reblogged it. I don't apologize for that though. It happened.
I honestly contemplated on deleting this ask and just go on about my night because 1. You don't tell me what I can or cannot reblog. Regardless of what says. Especially with your attitude. I don't know your history with men nor do I care, but I apologize if you have been mistreated by them, HOWEVER, you have no right to treat me as you see/perceive them and think I'm just going to let you interact with me in that manner. More importantly, 2. I don't need your energy in my life. 3. I don't care what you have to say about stating the obvious of common decency, "if it says that then.." I DON'T CARE— BLOCK ME if I interact with it and you disagree with my practice, keep it to yourself. Unless you're the op then just block me so I don't see you again.
Plus, I reblogged it as for some of my mutuals whom I know are lesbians or bi. I know they would have loved to see the pretty post and interacted with it or followed, etc.
Next time take the L on the reblog and block me so I won't ever see you in my dash again. I'm treating this ask as the OP sent me this.
That being said, I deleted the post because as much as an asshole I just came off as, I still like to think that I'm only being a jerk because you came off so ugly with that ask so carry on with your life — take care of yourself, anon.
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
Character Tgs NOTE: The following is a list of female character TGs i've done that no one else except for a few people have done, this is also a full-list of them to be exact despite the meme only having 10 characters on it.
Lee's female form (Critters 2)
Sarah Sanderson (Hocus Pocus).
Elvira (Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark)
Lydia Deitz (Beetlejuice)
Xena (Xenaverse).
Mina Harker (Bram Stoker's Dracula)
Lilly Munster (The Munsters/Mockingbird Lane).
Lady Van Tassell (Sleepy Hollow). In addition to doing a couple of She-Hessian tgs I did a Lady Van Tassell one that got itself a sequel involving my character becoming the Hessian Horseman.
May Day (A View To A Kill). Yeah, i'm definitely the first person to do TGs of someone into Grace Jones. I did one of someone turning into May-Day, Katrina and yes into Grace herself.
Katrina (Vamp)
Rynn (Drakan: The Ancient's Gates).
Selene (Underworld series)
Edna Turnblad (Hairspray). Considering Edna is played by a man in the musical and also in the movie as a nod to Divine who played her in the 1988 movie, i'm surprised nobody else has tackled doing Edna as a TG before. Especially since weight gain stories are quite popular on here.
Santanico Pandemonium (From Dusk Till Dawn). I've seen two Salma Hayek tgs by others mostly into Salma herself - I did a Salma Hayek tg as well, but not into Santanico which is a shame because she's one of the most iconic female characters in horror history and after quite a while of waiting to do one, I worked on one of my own.
Maleficent (Maleficent). I've seen a few Angelina Jolie tgs but one of them was a caption and the other was into Lara Croft, so I decided to change that with my little tg of someone into Maleficent from the Disney movie of the same name - I was influenced by the Snickers "You're Not You When You're Hungry" campaign and the commercials to do that since the commercials have had tgs of some kind in them - both female to male and male to female.
Carrie White (Carrie). I'm definitely the first to go a TG of someone into a Stephen King character. No one has done a Carrie related TG before? That's surprising. Because I figured that at least someone would have done one based on Carrie considering well…let's face it, a lot of us can relate to the character and all.
Annie Wilkes (Misery). It's kind of funny to me how most people when doing TGs usually go for the younger and more attractive actresses as subjects to tg into or into singers like Katy Perry or Lady Gaga and yet there is one actresses who should have at least a couple of TGs by now - and that actresses is Kathy Bates. Especially of someone into Annie Wilkes from Misery. Unlike most Stephen King novels or movies based on them, Misery has no supernatural elements and the main villain isn't a creature of the night but rather someone very real that could exist in real life as well, because there are people out there - there are lots of obsessed fanbases out there who are a little bit scrambled in the head when it comes to their sanity - take Team CoCo for instance, talk about holding a grudge - they still hate Jay Leno even to this day even though he did nothing wrong and still think of O'Brien as the poor victim, and also the Russell Brand fanbase and how they worship Russell like he's a demigod and call you out if you argue with them or disagree with anything he says. Annie Wilkes is no big bad monster from the depths of a dark hell-like dimension, she's pretty much someone who could exist in real life. I'm the first to do TGs of someone into Kathy Bates and characters she's played including ones into Annie - which is extremely surprising. It's surprising and shocking no one has done an Annie Wilkes tg before considering stalking and stalkers in general are both very real.
Lillith (Bordello Of Blood). Following the Lee tg I did, I decided to do a TG that had characters from the movie in it making an appearance at the end and that's what I did with my TG of someone into Lillith from Bordello Of Blood, in part 3 of my 'Hexed' story saga there is a tg of someone into Angie Everhart - I plan on doing a full Angie Everhart tg soon along with continuing the Angelina Jolie one I have been working on as well.
Julie Walker (Return Of The Living Dead III). I had been meaning to do a zombie related TG for a while to coincide with the 'zombie craze', so I did a tg of someone turning into Julie from the third Return Of The Living Dead movie. Of course I also intend on continuing on my 'Attack Of The Zombie Minionettes' TG which is going to be a tf/tg story combo paying homage to zombie movies and From Dusk Till Dawn as well as poking fun of the popularity of the Minions (yes, those Minions) and how some people really seem to hate them - the Minionettes are female anthro Minions. I plan on doing the Trash tg as well.
Irena (Cat People 1982)
Akasha (Queen Of The Damned)
Jun/Unknown (Tekken Tag and Tekken Tag 2).
Akivasha (Kull The Conqueror). I'm definitely the first to do a Tia Carrere tg of some kind considering no one else has done one, I planned on doing a TG of someone into Cassandra but that never fell through, so I decided to do Akivasha from Kull The Conqueror instead and yes - in part 5 of the Hexed storyline there is a TG into Tia Carrere, and there is a full on Tia Carrere tg I've also written (I plan on doing the sequel involving my character becoming Christopher Walken).
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1, 12, 15, 25 for Finch!
Long and mild? NSFW? Not really, like on a level of dick drawings in bathrooms kind of NSFW.
What’s the lie your character says most often?
Cop-out answer: "I'm not a people person" lol
A more interesting answer: "Don't worry about me."  Finch does very much want to be worried about; they want to be loved and missed and thought of.
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
Ok, context: so at some point while Jensen was out on a mission, he sent Finch a picture of some spilled fast food on the sidewalk, like a foil-wrapped half eaten burrito, that looked vaguely phallic-shaped and captioned it "found your dick lol".  Finch replied with "Oh shit that's where I dropped it.  Grab it for me, will you?" as a joke.  
Jensen, in the most annoying older brother way possible, literally brought it back with him in a plastic bag and tossed it into Finley's lap when he got back home, prompting them to screech at the ridiculousness and also vague grossness of even sealed food garbage.  
Since then, any time any of them get foil-wrapped food, Jensen will crunch it up into a dick shape and hand it to Finch.  Without fail, they end up on the floor wheezing.  
Jensen's foil sculpting has slowly become better to the point that he will occasionally take  absurd artistic liberties, which only makes Finley laugh even harder.  
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
So in contrast to everyone's favorite Secret-Self-Loathing trope, Finch is a lot gentler to themselves when they're alone.  They self-deprecate less, they don't police their own behavior, they actually take fairly good care of themselves.  
Finch's "jobs" during and post WRH is.  Complicated, so I'll just stick with generally "in public" around people they don't consider friends.  Finley doesn't especially seem to give a shit about strangers; they ignore them for the most part, but internally, their self-image and general demeanor are harshly critical, for a myriad of reasons.  While after leaving UAAE their mental health improves drastically, they are still not friendly and will default to being kind of mean if they feel like someone's bugging them purposefully, or does something disagreeable. 
They also struggle very much with being looked at: a few times in WRH it's mentioned that they were uncomfortable with eyes on them.  Even though they aren't making eye *contact*, they still hate being stared at, and it's extremely draining.  If they're at the store and nobody is paying attention to them, they can navigate being around strangers with just "typical" levels of extra spoon/energy drain, but if they're Looked At as in for interviews, introductions, stopped by passersby, then they rapidly tire and may stim more dramatically, sometimes with their full body or close to it.  The scene where Jensen thanks them for finding the hellebore in his shoulder, and the fight at Sardonyx kind of capture this, though Finch is especially aggravated in the latter given the literal physical threat.
Among friends: Finch is more considerate with their favorite people, and eventually they get to a point where they feel they can joke with Malik and Pritchard, but they're not often openly affectionate with them; they show closeness via references and CONSTANT jokes. 
Jensen, and eventually a little bit Rey, recieve a very rare degree of trust and affection from Finley.  Those two are the only people Finch will really let hug them, or that they themselves will hug--excepting if they feel they need to reach out to a distressed friend.  Finch is extremely relaxed around Jensen in particular, similar to how they behave when alone.  
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
Oh boy!  This is a fun question.  Finch got really, really into color hex codes after discovering them in a middle school art class.  Do not ask them what color something is unless you are prepared for a DEEP DIVE.  They also like sewing and computerized weaving and knitting machines--and by extension can tell you Too Much about a particular piece of fabric.  (it is not plot relevant, as specified, so I have not researched these, please don't ask me about them, I do not know SHIT lmfao)
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alinastarvko · 5 years
#Hot Take but it's extremely discouraging (at least for me) seeing post that are literally ONLY screencaps no editing no nothing#with a caption like this and they have over 1k notes and it's just#very sad because creators actually take the time to make things that are beautiful and take time#we really try to give the best content we're constantly trying to come up with original ideas just to see posts with a screencap#and a shitty caption have way more notes than original content#same goes with gifsets and the following opinion may change the way you see me or think of me as a bad or stuck up person but i must say it#I've seen gifsets that are blurry af there is absolutely no editing in other words is not aesthetically pleasing or whatever#you wanna call it and i do get that every editor started the same i really do i look back at my first creations and i cringe#but none of them have more than 100 notes yet i see some that IN MY PERSONAL OPINION are kinda ugly#and it makes upset because i try to make pretty things i have mutuals that are extremely talented but they don't get the recognition???#meanwhile some ugly af post has so many more notes and stuff#and this is not me complaining about MY notes no it's just that i feel like that is a slap across the face for people who spend hours#trying to make the best content they can#ok rant over sorry about this#if you agree or disagree feel free to send me an ask and we can talk about it#idk if this makes sense or not i just needed to get it out of my system I'm really fed up sorry#pepaus talks
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