#does make me curious about whether there are some survivors in there
Danny 'I don't do weird' Pink frustrates me as a character, because I'm honestly not sure whether he was supposed to have an arc or not.
His primary role is as a foil for Clara's arc and, in aid of that, as a mirror to the Doctor. A solider with survivor's guilt and a man of action who can't stand by when people need help etc., in some ways he and the Doctor have a lot in common, but he's also a very grounded and circumspect personality versus the Doctor's being fantastical and adventurous. Danny isn't curious and doesn't want to pursue new things or experiences, instead he wants to be fully present with and grateful for what he already has. The Doctor is incorrigibly curious and always interested in new things.
Danny is someone who desires nothing more than an ordinary life, and looks for beauty and satisfaction in the normal things and people around him. He wants his world to be small and quiet, he values the mundane things others might take for granted. He's normal, patient, dependable, simple, honest, etc. His reaction to trauma hasn't been to disavow the things which lead him to that event, or to seek out stimulation to avoid thinking about it, it's to be thoughtful and cautious and somewhat rigid so he can always apply the mindset and skills he retained from before he was traumatised.
He's very firm and unbending in his worldview and in his self-image. He doesn't seem to ever reassess people once he's decided what he thinks of them. He's not unreasonable or unwilling to compromise, he is in fact maybe too reasonable, but he is implastic. He's extremely even-tempered except for around his identity as a soldier, which he's prickly about, but still pretty quick to let it go as long as he's not being deliberately antagonised.
So anyway Danny represents this other path, and this opposite response to the horror of war and making a catastrophic mistake, but he never learns, he never grows and he and Clara are never much on the same wavelength about anything. He's supposed to be stability, the things she 'should' want, the 'person she's supposed to like', the safe choice, the presentable life which Clara feels like she has to have. He's orderly and ordinary and that's what she wants from him. She has to control her image, her future, and her options.
And their simple relationship, once it exists, functions well as the contrast to her complicated and tumultuous relationship with the Doctor while the companion power dynamic is being dismantled and rebuilt so they can be emotional equals. But like, the set up is confusingly executed.
Listen- they have zero chemistry, they have nothing to talk about and have to resort to talking about work, every conversation goes instantly off the rails, they rub each other the wrong way, there is never any reason for them to keep reconciling and trying again to connect. Like. You are not hitting it off! and keep offending each other bc you're not compatible! Quit!!
Clara is forcing it, that makes complete sense with what she's going through, she's trying to take control of her life and her emotions, trying to prove to herself she's not pining for the Doctor and at the mercy of his whims for her life to be full and complete. She doesn't want to need him or to be dependant on him. She doesn't want to be the heartbroken sadsack whom he abandoned at Christmas or who will take whatever scraps he'll throw her. She wants to control his position in her life and control how she feels about him. Hence her assigning him a specific day and confining their adventures on her own terms. She's trying to keep the Doctor compartmentalised. Having an Appropriate Human Relationship means she's successfully put the Doctor in his box (lol) and neutralised the chaotic power of her feelings for him. I mean, obviously not, but that's what she tells herself.
But what is Danny doing? Why does he keep pursuing this when it's so clearly not a good match?
Again in Listen, and much more so The Caretaker, Danny illustrates that he does not know who Clara is, he's wildly wrong about her and what she's like, and he's very high handed about it as well. He's convinced that the Doctor is taking advantage of her, that the Doctor is domineering in their relationship, that she is not a person who wants to be put into challenging or dangerous positions, that the Doctor is pushing her to takes risks and become a leader where that's not her nature. None of this is true. Clara was always a decisive, assertive, strongly driven person who seeks out new experiences and naturally assumes a leadership role any time that's necessary; she relishes being challenged and facing the unknown. Her blow up with the Doctor wasn't about him 'pushing her too far', it was about him failing to support her when she needed him and condescending to her as a human rather than treating her with the intimacy and equity their bond and history together demands. It's personal and it's about their emotional relationship. It's not about making hard choices, it's about having to make hard choices without her partner being honest with and emotionally available to her.
Clara was always an adventurous person, willing to be spontaneous as long as it's on her terms, and excited by the prospect of authority and responsibility. The danger and challenge isn't an unfortunate side effect or a risk she has to take to see amazing sights, it's part of the appeal. She lied to Danny by omission when she said she went off in the box to 'see wonders', not just because the real reason is that she's in love with Doctor, but also because she doesn't just want to be a tourist. She wants to get involved and save people, she wants things to sometimes go pear shaped. She enjoys and craves that part of it too.
Danny is also wildly wrong about the Doctor, but this is understandable and would be fine except that he's never corrected? He never learns better? What's the point?
In Death in Heaven Danny goes out still wrong about the Doctor, still condemning him cruelly and unfairly while knowing nothing about him. He had a point with his original rant, there was actual insight there, but it's buried in assumptions and bitterness and then Danny keeps tripling down on the assumption. The one which doesn't understand that the very thing he's shitting on the Doctor for (being willing to lead and make hard choices which must be made in order to save people) is something the Doctor has in common with Clara. And always has. The Doctor didn't change her or push her into that, that's who she's always been.
What is the point of Danny calling him a blood-soaked general and mocking him, calling him an officer as a pejorative again, and again because the Doctor is trying to save the planet. Like, memory check, that's what Danny is mad about. The Doctor doing everything in his power to save literal billions of lives. Doing it for no reason, out of altruism. Doing it while always trying very hard not to fight or kill anyone.
I don't understand how we're meant to find Danny sympathetic in that moment, because he comes off like a complete dickhead. And it's all the more frustrating because in the intervening episodes Danny has been eminently reasonable. As I've discussed before, we're exhaustively shown that Danny is 100% okay with what Clara claims is going on, that he doesn't want to get in the way of her friendship with the Doctor, that if it really were only the relationship she's pretending it is, there would be no conflict. He's the one who encourages her to make up with him after Kill the Moon! He tells her to go on travelling and it's fine!
Even when he discovers she's been lying to him and cavorting with the Doctor behind his back (again despite him telling her it was fine!), he's calm and repeats for the millionth time that all he wants from her is honesty. The truth. Which is the one thing she can't give him because Clara knows their relationship is built on the lie. The truth is, as Moffatt said, that Danny never stood a chance. There is a conflict between the two relationships and she's always going to choose the Doctor.
And that does come out, she gives the whole speech to Danny, not knowing it's him, finally being honest. And he seems unsurprised by it, which makes sense because on some level he definitely always knew ('do you love him?' 'no' 'really sick of the lies'), but then nothing comes of it. Clara just soldiers on and he allows her to pretend. He goes off on the Doctor, but not in a way he actually deserves at all, and just sweeps her confession under the carpet. Letting her get away with it again. True to form, I guess! he always did. But shouldn't we make progress?
And it's like... I hate that he dies on that note. It feels like he dies in denial. I guess you could argue it contributes to his decision to not come back, but that feels like a disservice to the character. Saving the kid is important to Danny, it allows him to atone but he didn't need to change or grow to accomplish that and it doesn't provide closure to his actual role in the narrative, which was as Clara's foil. Clara is off the hook, free to go on lying to herself about their relationship. It's not addressed in Last Christmas, either, it's only hinted at.
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chamerionwrites · 11 months
i’m curious as to whether your “live and let live” approach to non-normative behavior applies to those whose ‘kinks’ arguably cause material harm to themselves and others. i’m talking here about people who produce written or drawn CSAM, people openly fetishize rape in spaces full of abuse survivors, bdsm guys who get off on hitting women, and the like. are we to ignore them on the grounds that all parties involved gave consent? anyone who’s ever been in an abusive relationship can tell you that consent does not imply the absence of coercive dynamics, and all human behaviors, including sexuality, are influenced by & capable of upholding oppressive societal power structures. i suppose i’m just confused considering it’s generally accepted in leftist circles that we should critique and self-reflect upon the ways that our behaviors and interpersonal interactions are influenced by the society that we live in, but kinks are frequently treated as simple personal quirks—as if they exist in a vacuum.
This is frankly a very accusatory and passive-aggressive ask to drop into a complete stranger's inbox so I can only assume something I posted upset you, even though you haven't given me further context on what that might be. Are you "curious," or are you looking for a target to work out your discomfort or anxiety or frustrations around this topic? Because while I'm genuinely willing to have this discussion with you, I'm not optimistic that it will be a productive one if (my impression from the general tone here) you're solely looking for a fight.
That said, maybe I'm reading you wrong! Or maybe I'm reading real frustration and anxiety over some understandably fraught topics, but the curiosity and confusion are sincere. I'm not trying to dunk on you here; I'm just not interested in being a chew toy, and tone can be tricky on the internet.
What I will say for now is this: I need two hands to count the people I personally know (offline. that I know of.) who have been raped. I live in a country that locks away nearly 1% of its population in a prison system where rape is so endemic - and societally recognized as such - that it's the punchline to shitty jokes. Arguably rape is normal - or at least, the systems and attitudes that perpetuate it are normal. Which of course does not and could never make it moral, and which is exactly why I object to conflating normality with morality.
If someone is harming others the problem is that they are harming others, regardless of how normative or not their actions may be. "Nobody else is doing it," is not in itself an ethical condemnation, any more than "Everybody else is doing it," is an ethical defense. In fact, "normalcy" and respectability and the social power derived from upholding the status quo are frequently among the best weapons and shields of abusers.
Weirdness is not violence. Violence is violence, and frequently it's entirely "normal" (common, unremarkable, systemic) in everything but the minds and words of people who NEED it to be other and aberrant, lest they have to reckon with the radical social changes it would take to solve it.
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doctor-milfi · 2 years
Scully Was Not a Victim
Let's see how many of you unfollow me after this... which is fine. But let me say, I've made my bones, kids bc I watched the show in its first run and probably about 20 times through since, so I was there and I experienced it as a woman of the nineties which means something different whether you want to acknowledge it or whether you want to stay comfortably ensconced in the dewy bliss and ignorance of your youth.
These posts that harken how Dana Scully has been done so dirty by CC and how she has been victimized in so many different ways rub me sooooo wrong. Ok... why? Because she was the "victim" of kidnappings/abductions/etc, etc etc??? Because she had a mysterious and potentially incurable illness? Because she got pregnant and had a challenging pregnancy? Because she was a single mother for a while? Because she worked a challenging job while she didn't know where the alleged father of her child was? Because she was a literary device moving an engaging plot forward at a breakneck pace? Alright. . .
Well, if we want to claim misogyny, then we would have to say that is not true since Mulder was also kidnapped (Tunguska/ Terma), abducted (Within/Without), given illnesses (that black oil stuff?), and that other arc where he is the subject of the Cancer Man's experimentation (Biogenesis/ The Sixth Extinction). He doesn't go through a pregnancy, but he certainly does suffer during Scully's abduction. . . so, I am pretty confident in stating that the X-Files and CC are an equal opportunity angst employer.
((And don't even get me started on y'all who want to make Mulder into a dummy with your silly incorrect quote posts of him being stupid like he wasn't an Oxford educated psychologist/profiler who was literally correct every single time on the series. but I digress. . . ))
So, I guess I am curious if people are just triggered in a vicarious trauma way by Scully's experiences, which is valid, or if they are genuinely convicted in stating that she was unfairly targeted by the writers and producers of the series, because I do not believe this is true.
I also believe it is disingenuous to her character to reduce her to a victim mentality.
She's a motherfucken survivor.
Everything anyone throws down and she's like, "challenge, accepted."
LIKE. WHAT??? She fights like hell to conceive, carry, and bear her child, and then she makes the most difficult and agonizing decision a mother can make- not because it is easy or convenient but because she thinks it will help him be safe and happy in his own life. How much strength do you think that has to take??? And if you haven't had children of your own, you don't get to comment. Yeah. I said that.
Furthermore, Scully has on so many occasions sacrificed her own happiness and safety for the better of the X Files, for the greater good of the truth. That is pretty much what American Heroism is built on. And heroes are a complex mix, if you look at any of them. They are kind and savage and sad and they long for things they can never have so that the greater good can be served.
At the end of it, maybe on some days Scully was a victim.
So fucking what?
We are all more than one thing.
Read that again.
We are all more than one thing. We are weak and strong and happy and sad and we love and we hate and we are completely warped mixes of contradictions. But this is why we love Scully. She is more than just a victim. She is so many things. She is all the things and if you reduce her to just one then you lack the ability to think and you don't deserve her.
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lotus-mirage · 9 months
Trigun Stampede Episode 9 Liveblog
Ah back to the pianos. Although this might be an organ, I'm not sure if it's hooked up to the pipe-looking things behind it
Oh Knives also got help from SEEDS people. ...I thought they were in contact with all the other survivors? I wonder what happened here.
"production" "cut [the plants] off from a higher dimension" so "they can't maintain their bodies" Are they extra/multi-dimensional beings? Am I understanding that right? Huh.
that withered effect is actually horrifying, okay.
and the harvest is even worse
okay. okay ethics aside. I don't think this is a good long-term plan???? Like. Does this group have the tech to clone more Plants? Can they run that tech without power from the Plants they just killed?
Wait so this group also knows that Knives is a Plant? I'm surprised they're not using him for resources too.
Vash walks in in the middle of this??? Wow that's some timing.
okay tense scene but I still cannot take "Millions Knives" seriously as a name.
Wow and he actually kept using guns after that? I guess Vash doesn't seem to have much spite, but honestly even so I would have expected him to avoid them.
...I don't think that's the same gun, but it looks similar enough in shape that I'm considering it
I don't think 'once' is enough to warrant asking 'how many times.' Even if you count her initially taking Vash in, a) how would Knives know that b) that still doesn't warrant asking 'how many times'
Big glowing ball of purple energy. Hmm. I'd consider this a little late in the game to introduce something higher-fantasy (at least visually) to a show that's mostly been sci-fi, but okay.
Okay 'gate' is no longer requiring capitalization. And may or may not be a black hole.
I did not expect Knives to cut off his arm! I honestly thought it was going to be something kinda more mundane! ...why, though?
But. But if they're still around. Are they just in hiding?? Why?? The whole 'lost technology' thing makes this so weird, because that means that they're kind of just sitting on the knowledge. And also presumably the Plants that were on the ship, too? Ethics aside, those also count as life-saving resources in a place that is in desperate need of that. Or if they're that close to where Knives had been, maybe he stole them already?
Well. Given the worms in the next shot I presume he'll know about them soon regardless.
Okay. Okay I had thought 'oh maybe they just live longer,' but I thought that'd be strange because... why would that be the case? Technology again? Genetic tampering???
I will say 150 years fits what I was thinking more than like. 40.
Okay yeah I didn't think that going in and out of cryosleep was an option. Do they like, automate it? That seems dangerous.
Yes, just. Light a cigarette over the very rare and extremely limited foliage, Roberto. Great plan.
actually huh do they like normally synthesize nicotine on this planet? that'd make some sense.
Okay before Vash answers the question of whether or not he can make up with Knives, my prediction is "no but actually yes." In that logically he doesn't think so but emotionally he does. And he's probably going to go with his emotions every time he sees a potential opportunity.
"third of the seven circles" yeah, okay. we're doing dante's inferno now.
Oh wait I was curious and went to google it. Dante's inferno has nine circles. Nevermind. In case it is relevant somehow anyway, wikipedia says the third circle is for gluttony, where sinners are punished in "an icy mud".
Googled it an heaven is also supposed to have nine circles. This tangent was probably wholly irrelevant lol.
What are these blink during Zazie's dialogue? They're interesting and I don't think we've seen them used like this before, but they're also throwing me off.
Oh more lore! Neat. (although. how and why does Zazie know this??)
Wait. Was the crash the twins caused the same as the one that people initially arrived on the planet in? It's only been 150 years??
...why are all of these plants red, actually? Haven't they established that's an unhealthy color for them? I thought Knives would try to take care of them a bit better?
Oh okay this is not an unfounded question. Nice.
End notes:
Okay yeah again nothing really to say here! I guess we're out of Vash's main flashback, but there's probably gonna be a bit more about what he's been up to in the meantime. I am really curious as to why Roberto and Meryl seem to have been moved from one location to another, though. I'd assume they'd be mostly irrelevant to Knives' group?
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haysprite · 11 months
apparently in the description of the legion comic issue 4. it says that Susie had a crush, and I am hoping that it's not one of the legion members (espically Julie or Frank). (if Julie ends up being that crush I will be very upset and a little happy at the same time because I relate to Susie a lot and I view her to be a sapphic so seeing her canonically be a sapphic makes me very happy but if her crush ends up being Julie it'll make me very upset because I never liked "the gay person has a crush on their best friend but it's clearly obvious that it's one-sided" because it reminds me of the time I had a crush on my best friend and it was so painfully to me that those feelings I had for her will never be returned the same way I liked her so seeing a character who brings me lots of comfort going through something similar to what I went through makes me sad) (if Frank ends up being her crush then I will be very disappointed because I don't like the idea of it and I view them to have a sibling like relationship so yeah). i highly dought her crush is joey because there was nothing that implied Susie and joey hang out together (you know without Frank and Julie) unless we get to see the two interact with each other alone but overall i just hope it's a new character we get to see in the comics because that would sound way more interesting.
(i'm so sorry that this is very long)
I'm gonna be so fr with you Anon, the description has me lowkey nervous as hell for her issue fdsljljkfds. I'm sure it'll be fine, but hmggmdslkj there are soooo many ways it could go south tbh, they just have to play with the idea in interesting and creative way ig.
From the way I'm reading it, I have a suspicion that it will be on somebody within the Legion? Just from the way its written n everything, but obviously they could still surprise me here. I'm gonna guess Joey probs (which I personally wouldn't mind since I enjoy the ship, I HC her as biromantic), since for all we know they could expand upon their relationship a LOT within the comic! They did cause some trouble together in Julie's Tome as well (causing those car accidents together n shit), so who knows! We still don't know as much about them as Frank and Julie, so I don't wanna assume anything quite yet, so for all we know they could be really close considering they most likely knew each other pre-Frank. Also they'd defo be/get close if they're both in The Legion together. Julie would be interesting as well if they play their cards right, but it'd defo end in a one-sided crush since Julie's with Frank, and I just don't think it'd fit well within their story. I personally HC that Susie had a small crush on her growing up, but it never led to anything (obv) and fizzled after a while, which Susie never really minded. (I personally enjoy stories like this, since it does remind me of myself and my relationships a lot, so it'd be nice to see something positive in this regard ig? idk if that makes sense but jlfdsldjk yeah). If it turns out to be Frank, I will be putting my copy down, drive over to my work, and lay down on a rollercoaster track /neg (/nsrs),,, I highly doubt it'll be him tho cause nahhh lame :o) I also HC them to have a sibling like relationship, as well as the fact that it'd be weird considering her BEST FRIEND is literally dating him kjlfdsjlkfdsjlkfds IDKKKK,,,
What I'm most curious about, though, is whether or not it'll be Pre or Post Fog? Considering its mentioning a first kill, I'm assuming Post Fog, since their first kill was the janitor (unless they retcon this, which I'm PRAYING they don't, which I'll discuss another time). So this could very well lean into a Survivor being involved or somethin, which I'm also not really keen on, since idklkjfdskjfds I'm just not a big fan of the idea of Killers falling in love with Survivors and vice versa, its just not for me. Somewhat befriending in an obscure way, sure, but not anything more than that. So unless this happens Pre Fog, which I wouldn't mind whatsoever, I'm just leaning towards Joey at this point, since I fee like he'd probably be the best choice here.
ALSO I'm curious if we'll get any like, sexuality confirmations as well??? Idk cause they could VERY much so hint at something, or even outright confirm it, which I'll v much stick to canon in this regard since I 100% respect confirmed shit like this! I personally think they're all Bi (shhhh I'm mpsec myself, let me have this) , but who knowsssss :3
IDK at this point I don't wanna assume anything, I'll just wait and see what happens! I'm sure we'll probably be able to figure it out as each Issue comes out as well, since they could easily build something up on the sides! I'm just excited to see where these comics take these characters, since honestly after reading all the descriptions, I'm a lot more excited and intrigued to see what they'll do! Joey's esp, since holy shit that has me PONDERING, I'm so fuckin curious to learn more about him <3 Also Julie comic <3333 I will 100% be reviewing all of them (with spoiler warnings, dw, I'm not an asshole), but not until I've reread them a few times so I can fully gather my thoughts! I'll post live reactions on Twitter, but I'll save my "deep thoughts" n shit for after I've fully thought it through! I'm gonna become the most annoying mf around when these drop istg
(Also don't ever apologize for long asks lol, I love readin em and it gives me things to think about giggle)
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nox-artemis · 2 years
I've been thinking about this a lot and I've come to the conclusion that the reason all the jokes about SA the berserk community makes bother me so much is because they are literally always at the expense of the victim. The crux of the Donovan jokes is basically that guts was sexually assaulted, he is male, and the person who assaulted him is a stereotypically huge black man, and that's funny because it emasculates him. And this made me think, is it even possible to make jokes about SA that aren't at the expense of the victim? And I'm not sure it is. I was curious as to whether you had thoughts about this/what your opinion about it was.
Oof anon you keep reminding me of why I don't like the majority of this fandom.
The thing about SA jokes and other forms of dark humor is... don't do it.
Just - please don't. Not unless you know what you're doing.
This isn't directed at you, anon. Just a general statement because a lot of people who attempt this are either just a) edge-lords and/or b) lazy. I assure you that there are still plenty of Berserk fans who constitute as category A.
The thing about dark humor is that - and I'm not a comedian by any means - the whole punchline of these jokes is suppose to highlight how messed up and uncomfortable the topic of the joke in a way that's not condoning the existence of these atrocities. The humor is suppose to expose the dark recesses of the human condition.
I think the way to correctly pull this humor off is identifying the target: you don't make fun of the victim(s), you make fun of the systems and institutions that make these awful atrocities happen. In the case of SA, the target of the joke should be r*pe culture, not r*pe victims. And of course if you're good at humor you wouldn't have to explain the joke. It just lands.
But if you're from the point of view of not empathizing with these situations, then your humor is most likely going to be the lazy, surface level make-fun-of-victims-or-people's-identities-and-then-follow-up-with-demands-of-laughter sort of humor (i.e. "It was a joke. Laugh dammit!" or "oh looks like I triggered a bunch of snowflakes! 😂😂😂").
And a boy howdy geek culture has a loooooooooot of these types of people because now we must acknowledge how so many corners of geek culture are deeply r*cist, s*xist, able1st, h-phobic, t-phobic and are just full of unpleasant people that make you think of that one scene from The Social Network movie: people don't like you not because you're a nerd (or that you're hard for people to understand because you're so much smarter), it's because you're just an asshole. And you're not funny. (Why do nerds want to be funny so badly???)
And yeah it's high time to admit - and I'm not sure if there been much discussion of this but I'll say it anyway - that the Berserk fandom has an antiblackness problem. Maybe not as bad as some other fandoms but it's definitely there, whether it's fans making SA jokes that are solely talking about Donavan being a stereotypical black male predator OR how I've seen fans who are vehemently opposed to the idea of Casca being black African inspired (yup I've seen it).
So yeah anon. you're definitely not the only one who's noticed this. The thing that's extra bothersome about those jokes is that they're often being made by the same fans who constantly (if not disingenuously) defend the depiction of SA in the series - 99% of it being male-on-female, mind you - with, "but Miura depicts male-on-male SA too!" Not only do a lot of these fans use this type of humor to be antiblack but also h-phobic, as you've reminded me also (e.g. the r*pe/SA Guts and Griffith endured wasn't bad because it was abuse, it's bad because they were "emasculated").
And yeah: they do it with the Qliphoth scene between Guts and Slan too. In both situations it's the classic "only caring about male victims of abuse when a) a woman we don't like/find attractive does it and/or b) to diss female survivors.
The funny about Berserk itself is that it does not utilize dark humor when executing funny moments. It seems to rely more on slapstick and dry sarcastic humor to lighten the mood. That's something to take away.
Sorry if it came off as a ramble/rant, anon. It bugs me too and again, one of many reasons why I keep my love for Berserk quarantined from a lot of other fans.
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tasmiq · 1 year
Jumu'ah Khuthbah: 13 January 2023
I am left marveling how this far into our post-COVID reunion path with Shaykh Taner and Anne (our spiritual mother), that certain lessons are sinking in, only now! This is with regards to living with Allah now, the theme of this journey into our hearts. From Gauteng, they related:
#1. What often humbles us in relation to Allah the most high, is where He says, "Remember me, and I will remember you!" However, Shaykh Taner pointed out something that I had only subconsciously submitted to, as to the merits of Zikr as repeated remembrance!
Its role in making us Ulul Albab (people of understanding and mature discernment that enact Divine intelligence) drawing on both Zikr and the Qur'an's hikmah (wisdom), Subhana'Allah! At a time that we've been empowered with; Zikr (repeated remembrance), Wird (musical invocation to Allah), Positivity Prayers and a Qur'an translation that touches our hearts, Ya Shakur (Divine gratitude)!
#2. Those who master the essence of every issue in the Qur’an are known as Ulul Albab and one of the strongest characteristics of such souls is that they delve into Zikr as repeated remembrance.
One of the most prominent characteristics of Ulul Albab is remembrance or Dzikir. Almost all the verses about Ulul Albab are connected with this word Dzikir. The meaning of Dzikir in the context of Ulul Albab is explained by one of the Ayah of the Quran as to remember him while standing, while sitting, even while lying down.
#3. Human intelligence is an outcome of guided intelligence where we need to be cognisant of Allah's signs. We become Ulul Albab, when we can control the essence of every problem in life that we face, with repeated remembrance of Allah as the opening in my consciousness. Thereafter, it remains complete connection to the Qur’an, so that we follow its injunctions willingly, as pointed out by Shaykh Taner.
Human intelligence is agile and can adapt to any situation turning adversity into blessings. It does not happen naturally as some like to think it is actually with divine guidance that human intelligence continues to grow.
#4. What are the qualities of the Ulul Albab that we should strive for?
i. Ability to constantly relate, remember and stay motivated in our purpose as Allah's vicegerants, manifest in the actioning of our responsibilities.
ii. Awareness of our existence with our strengths and weaknesses.
iii. Ability to deal with personal and social problems.
iv. Ability to relate to the environment.
v. Ability to foster your Abbu's "futures thinking" but with positivity as conceived by our Tariqa, including thinking about the hereafter.
#5. Shaykh Taner proclaimed that Allah wants to communicate and is communicating with us all the time. You cannot be anywhere but with Allah as the light of the heavens and the earth. Ultimately, what manifests in our actions depends on whether we choose Allah's way or our nafs' (ego's) way.
The other haq (truth) is that Allah tests us, as manifest in your accident survivor Ammu, we come to realise that we're totally dependent on Him. We are not slaves of Allah as the conventional translation of 'abd says, rather we're Khalifa (vicegerants) of Allah. As Ulul Albab, we have to remain curious as perpetual students of Allah, to our last living moments in this world.
This brings us to convey Divine gratitude for our longest holiday yet with your Nana and Nanu (maternal grandfolks). Alhamdulillah for needed honesty where your Ammu's positive spirit was again lauded along with our Shaykh Taner, but this time miraculously by your Nana! Positivity in me infused by your Abbu, who correctly points to Shaykh Taner as its source.
Shukran Ya Allah for the emancipation experienced through positivity, and Bismillah as we enter Grade 1, independently ...
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gaycey-sketchit · 2 years
(Gary anon) Pretty much Gary [for Blue], Barry and Gladion are the main survivors. And even then, Gladion is really the only one who was treated the best during his series. Gary had to endure OS writing and Barry was outshine by Paul. (We can only hope T-tar wasn't here for just Articuno fodder) Heh, until Gary's story with Goh is finished [and there's no surprise 3v3/6v6 with them], that remains to be N/A. I have hope but of course, there's no promises. That's up
(Part 2) to the writers. (All those promos before his return talking about his and Ash's relationship, calling him his "biggest" rival [even Paul was referred to as "nemesis"], apparently still battling and training, didn't join the PWC cause it's "too crowded". Please don't let that be for naught) This sub-section of the fandom has always had in-fighting; though I think after DP and ESPECIALLY XY, it's harder NOT to be dragged into something. Sometimes I have to wonder
(Part 3) if Ash was ever retired, would that cause some of the wars to cease or make them 10 times worse. (It's why I wouldn't want any Ash ship being canon. Ship elitism ruins so much freedom and civility) His thing about teamwork has me curious, but at least his earlier words and actions in previous episodes is slowly being pieced together.
(Part 4) (Plus Quillon was implied to have similar problems too, which he learned and drilled that into Gary and Goh. I reckon will see a smile out of him soon) I guess we'll see some more G-max forms soon. (Though the leaks spoiled it for me, someone made a connection about most of Ash's Fire-types being abandoned and Gengar, and THAT could be what the title means) If "think about your partners' condition" is anything to go by, that should tell what to expect from Paul.
(Part 5) (I just need to know who's facing Ash and Iris or who's facing Leon to figure out my predictions. We also might see another fully-evolved starter from said leaked matchup) The hint is that it's one we haven't seen in Journeys yet. (In other news, Rica apparently sung the English Pokemon theme in a collab this week; you can still hear the "Satoshi" in her voice even there. xD)
Yeah. I hear the Kalos rivals (minus Calem) exist in XY, and though I have no idea how they were handled there except knowing Serena and Shauna get shipped a fair bit, they were handled so poorly in the games themselves it'd be hard to do worse.
Yeah, hopefully Tyranitar will get some redemption later! Either through Project Mew stuff or us getting that Ash vs Gary battle we've been hoping for.
I guess we'll see what happens, yeah. Here's hoping.
I had a feeling the conflict had gotten worse in recent years, even if shippers have always been at each other's throats (which is the case in most fandoms) and people have argued about if Ash is a good trainer and protagonist for a long time. It really does feel like there's been a gradual increase in conflict and tension that reached its absolute worst during Journeys, though I have to wonder if the pandemic had an impact on that, what with lockdown having people online more because nobody could go anywhere and a general rise in stress.
I feel like whether or not Ash hypothetically departing from the series would make some of the wars cease or make them worse would depend on the protagonist that took his place. If the next protagonist was say, Goh... it'd be divisive, to put it mildly.
Oh yes, ship elitism my beloathed. Watching hardcore PokeShippers and AmourShippers argue over which ship has more canon validation is exhausting. (I was always fond of the former, it was baby's first OTP, but I don't want any Ash ship to become canon ever and I don't care about my ships having any canon validation whatsoever.)
Yeah, it's interesting. Love what Project Mew is doing for the development of the characters involved.
Oh, more G-max forms? Interesting.
Oh, that makes sense, yeah!
Yeah, apparently he's gotten at least a little bit better if he's calling Pokemon "partners" and thinking about their conditions.
Yeah, I've been contemplating potential matchups (and I have ones I'd like to see in mind) but I'm mostly curious to see what happens!
Yeah! Hopefully Gary gets to gigantamax his Blastoise (or Hatterene since that's an option now) at some point, I still want to see that.
Awesome! Love that. Love that she did that, that's so cool.
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animegenork · 2 years
I have a lot of thoughts about the Danganronpa V3 ending and a lot of them are conflicting lol
I'm just gonna put a cut here so I can ramble as long as I want
I had read about the big boy twist at the end, and I was like, "lol ok," but seeing the way it was brought up in the game is,,,,it kinda irks me. I mean I find it kinda hard to believe that any teenager worth their salt would be like "yeah lol I'll go kill people". It kinda gives Danganronpa fans a bad rap, like just because I enjoy the games doesn't mean I want to participate in a killing game myself (that would scare the shit out of me).
Obviously, that would explain some things, but it doesn't explain everything. Rantaro's "first killing game" would be explained for sure, but it does seem odd that Kaito's illness was just kinda explained away as "oh yeah I added that for suspense".
Rantaro: Honestly his death still hurts a little bit, I mean Ultimate Survivor dies first? Okay, sure. Haha. Irony. But Rantaro left that video to himself and said "win no matter what," but that implies something bigger at stake than a fucking reality TV show. I'm also curious what the rule about the last two standing implies. He wasn't allowed to say it, but surely it couldn't have been "oh yeah you just get to do this fuckery again". I feel like it's a much different conspiracy. Especially if Rantaro supposedly wanted this killing game.
Kaito: Kaito mentions that he remembers having a clean bill of health when he did testing for his astronaut training. Whether those memories are fabricated or not (how much can you fabricate, exactly?????), it should be a little suspicious that he's sick in the game. What kind of reality TV show has that as a twist when nobody knows for the longest time? Sure, they could've shown the footage, but Tsumugi made it sound like Keebo was the audience's viewpoint, so they wouldn't have known either. They were experiencing everything in real time like the players are. So... what the hell? There's gotta be something there.
I'm also confused about the beginning. Kaede and Shuichi had memories regarding being taken before being brought to the Ultimate Academy, but those get sorta shoved aside and we all forget about it. I find it hard to believe that one wakes up confused in a school, then gets new outfits, then goes "OMG I'M ON THE SHOW." It would take you a much shorter time to realize if you were actually a fan of the series. I honestly think a lot of it is bullshit. I think it's more likely that they were accidentally given mostly all-encompassing amnesia. But I'll elaborate on that in a sec.
Tsumugi seems relatively smart, but she fucks up a lot for a killing game mastermind. Junko broke the rules, yes, but she did it late in the game, and in total retaliation for actions Kyoko took. Tsumugi did so way too early to consider it all "fair," and it was just because she thought it would be boring to follow through on the Monokuma-mauling threat. That seems really fishy to me. Why give Rantaro that map in the first place, anyway? You show him the hidden room, but not the hidden passage? That seems like it breaks the rules a bit, considering. I'm suspicious. She seems like she'll break the rules whenever the hell she wants just because she's in charge. Not even the Junko AI did that, because everyone stuck to the rules.
I'm no neurologist or neuroscientist, but I'm also iffy on how you can fabricate so many memories. The overwriting makes sense on a basic level, but just how much can one trick the brain into remembering? At least some of it has to be true,,,,right? I'm not sure the brain is so weak that we can just create new people out of nothing. I dunno. I didn't really want to believe Makoto (the Naegi one, not the kid in V3) would do anything like the Gofer Project--he's too much of a hope nut to ONLY send teenagers--but I'd rather accept that then the whole reality TV show business. Plus, how exactly does one fake the people you care about? Kaito's grandparents and DICE seem a little too real to be fabricated, and I'm sure whoever was in the other motive videos is a little too real, too. (Rip Ryoma.)
Theoretically, I sort of like what they did with this game. The mechanics at the end got fun as we sorta took on the POVs of others besides Shuichi, and letting the mini-games run out of time was funny, too. The idea of saying "FUCK YOUR HOPE AND DESPAIR" also was amusing to me because eventually, you get a little tired of the clichés, even if they are closely interwoven into Danganronpa as a whole. It made me a little sad, too, but it was kinda cool to see someone like Shuichi, who sort of invokes Makoto and Hajime otherwise, say, "NO. YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU." I mean, come ON! Quiet guy said "fuck this shit, I'm out" and I'm gonna support it.
In the end, I kind of like what they were trying to say about fiction and reality, especially at the very very end. Perhaps it was sort of a shoutout to everyone who loves the franchise so much (and maybe a pat on the head warning us not to take it all TOO seriously), but it was certainly a new way to kind of do it.
I just read a really interesting take on all this on Reddit (because naturally I stopped typing for a while to frantically Google), and frankly, I think I'd rather believe that this game is in the same universe. I'm not sure how directly they're connected (the Reddit take I saw was actually HELLA interesting and said that it's closely connected to the D3 anime). Junko was a pretty damn good liar, and Tsumugi could just as conceivably make up a ton of shit to cause despair, but considering how bad of a mastermind she is, I would believe that she made up a lot more. She doesn't seem to have boundaries, whereas Junko has a sort of weird sense of them. (But at least she doesn't confuse the shit out of me.)
I didn't know Kodaka even confirmed she was lying, but if she was, it makes some things make a lot more sense. And I think I will forever be caught on the fact that they give us this big plot twist and then have Shuichi at the end be like, "I THINK SHE WAS LYING." Why would you do that? Why the hell would you unravel everything you just destroyed me with? Unless I wasn't supposed to take it as fact in the first place, there is no narrative reason for it.
So for the most part, I do genuinely like the game. It's a frustrating one, that's for sure, but I don't know if I can say I hate it because of that. Things that frustrate my line of thinking tend to be more fun anyway. If anything, the whole "53 seasons" thing (which, come on, unless you're the Simpsons, that's not a thing that happens) (also, why would "hope" lead to another killing game? the only reason that happens in Goodbye Despair is because revenge/Izuru doing the funny guy thing and D3 was Kazuo being brainwashed, soooooo) almost gave the opening to make games that go with those titles. Monokuma seemed to suggest that everything was all games and anime until about the 10th one, and it wouldn't be the first time he broke the fourth wall.
Anyway, rip Rantaro and Kaito and the rest, thank God I finished this game, I guess it's time to cry. I think I'll always believe a little bit that these games are in the same universe because my brain hurts from all this, but also because I honestly can't imagine something more messed up than a high school girl orchestrating an apocalypse (and yes, I consider 53 seasons of a killing game reality show during times of world peace to be a little more messed up). Also, easier to swallow.
The Reddit take I mentioned that I'm gonna start believing for my own sanity
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red-doll-face · 3 years
Hi! Can you write some headcannons for Doctor, Nemesis, annnd Oni or Pyramid Head reacting to a survivor purposely sandbagging their s/o in a trial? Whether or not s/o decides to do something about it is up to you! Love your work btw 💜
Lmao getting sand bagged in dbd is kind of funny not gonna lie, had a trickster once who face camped a nea for sand bagging me, I miss him a lot Thanks ! I appreciate it 💖🥰😍😘😳
Dbd Killers x gn s/o getting sandbagged
Herman ‘The Doctor’ Carter
Sort of pauses, curious. His mouth in a permanent smile, it's hard to know what he’s thinking. He won’t hit you, simply moving past you and continuing to the survivor that sandbagged you.
Corners them and shocks them over and over, essentially torturing them into madness.
Does not let you watch but you may relish in the screams. Makes sure they are dead before you.
Does hope you survive the trial, if you're close he’ll let you out but if you're not he will gently hook you. A hand to soothe on your cheek.
Will not shock you after that, taking it sort of easy but just know; you're prey just the same to him, even more fun to chase than your useless little teammates.
Nemesis T-Type ‘The Nemesis’
If someone pushes you in front of him, he catches you awkwardly, luckily his instinct to focus on one person at a time kicking in.
He makes sure you're okay, setting you down and making after the person who decided to push his s/o in a trial in his face in the hopes that he would hit you instead.
Runs them down like a semi truck, roaring, brutally stomping and battering.
To Nemesis, this is his way of showing loyalty, dedication. Surely you know he will do whatever it takes to protect you, keep you safe.
Lets you watch him kill and maim your teammates and lets you go, no one but you escapes this trial.
Kazan ‘The Oni’ Yamaoka
One of your little friends has betrayed you, honestly feels bad, finds it so naive of you to not expect it.
He gives you a glance, Kazan will take vengeance for you today, bashing them over the head with his club, unfortunate that he is still tied to the rules.
He hooks them, let’s you see it, reveling in your nod of approval. Watches them die with you, quality time with you.
Thoroughly enjoyed the process, more than he thought he would, happy to kill for you and show you why he is worthy of your attention.
Let’s you go, can’t wait for one of your idiotic teammates to try that again.
Pyramid Head ‘The Executioner’
No personal feelings in it for him, he’s been given a job and by god he will do it. Hits you, a little sad to hear your cry of pain.
Will however, leave you alone, chase them down and make them pay, give them a punishment for being so greedy, selfish.
Lucky for him, it’s his job to give out such punishments.
Will not let you watch as they die and if he finds you afterwards, he will chase to down and hook, takes no pleasure in it.
Happy to see if you get out, stand and watch dutifully as you run out the exit.
Thanks for requesting ! I’m happy to be receive them and writing them again, 💖💖💖
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traumatictouch · 3 years
why tomura reads like a sexual abuse survivor
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ive noticed that a lot of survivors - including me - easily read tomura as a csa survivor. ive decided to try to put these impressions into words, mostly for myself, but also for anyone curious as to why he’s so frequently read this way, or why i personally write him as such. i will mostly be elaborating on the reoccurring sexual assault imagery and csa survivor traits tomura exhibits.
triggering themes ahead, including discussed child sexual abuse, incest (sibling and pseudo), trauma and its effects, and sexual assault imagery (from the bnha manga itself). also spoilers for the most recent manga arc.
(disclaimer: i realize symptoms of trauma are pretty much common all across the board, and depression also comes with a lot of these behaviors - but there are some that crop up more commonly in cases of sexual abuse (especially from a young age) than in others. csa survivors also frequently end up with depression, too, so that doesn't necessarily take away from it.)
i’ll start with the cover above. the hands touching him here are much more expressive than the ones he usually wears. it's also framed in a way where you can't see the ends/cap things very well, and they don't appear so symmetrical, making them feel much more like real, living hands grabbing him.
there's also the fact that his face is exposed, which is something we had rarely seen him do willingly at this point in the manga, and even when he had he was still covered up with a hoodie or completely alone. the way he's covering half his face gives off the impression that he's not okay with the way he's exposed.
all of that, plus the obvious distress tomura is in, gives this very glaring assault vibes.
also, the hands on his head are clearly someone's actual, living hands as well. my guess is afo, especially since they seem to be petting him, which is reoccurring imagery between tomura and afo.
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tomura's total lack of privacy
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there's a clear lack of boundaries between tomura and the adults in his life. most of the spaces that seem to belong to tomura (the bar - he feels safe enough there to take Father off, and his room) are accompanied by cameras and audio transmissions from afo. he has no privacy, and doesn't even seem bothered by this fact.
he also doesn't seem to set boundaries with other people in general. toga can hold a knife to his neck, spinner can grab him and yell in his face, the doctor can shout over his earpiece, dabi (or anyone, really) can say whatever rude or callous things he wants to him… really the only time i can think of that even comes close was when mr. compress made a joke about working with overhaul and tomura said "hey, not funny."
he seems to kinda just let whatever happen to him. earlier in the series, tomura seemed to rely on kurogiri to notice when he needed space and step in for him rather than ask for it himself. that's a pretty telltale sign of someone who's had their needs and boundaries violated (or even punished) for a long time.
Tomuras over-attachment to afo and his praise/affection
obviously afo groomed tomura whether it involved sexual abuse or not, but it is something that could have easily lended itself to that as well. early in the series, tomura clearly highly valued afos opinion of him, and seemed to strive to please and repay him for his kindness. these are feelings afo incited in him on purpose and did, canonically, take advantage of to turn tomura into a villain and pawn - who's to say he didn't use it for other purposes, too?
it's also the kind of thing survivors tend to latch onto to cope with their abuse. it can be easier to think of the event as being affection, returning a favor, and/or special treatment, than to think of it as abuse. tomura looked up to afo so much that it's possible he could have considered (or been convinced) that it was special that someone as great as afo wanted to do something so intimate with him.
also, if this is really tomura realizing his sensei isn't as special and powerful as he'd been led to believe, then his reaction being to cover up while looking angry might, well… be a reaction to feeling used.
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Tomura & older men
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there's not a lot of people besides afo that tomura seems very quickly, openly… invested in. there are two major ones i can think of, and they are both 1. older men, and 2. mentor figures (even if not to tomura.)
the most obvious of the two is aizawa, who tomura has seemed pretty fond of since his first appearance and, even in the most recent chapters, can't seem to help but think about how cool aizawa is. aizawa isn't a mentor to tomura, obviously, but he is a teacher and tomura knows this. (and seems impressed by the way he tries to protect the students in his care--something afo very specifically does not do for tomura.)
the second, and perhaps less obvious to most, is Stain. i wrote up a whole post trying (trying.) to explain the way tomura seemed interested in him, and you can see a bit more about that and how tomura was hoping he'd be a mentor to him here.
in other words, tomura has shown reoccurring interest in older men, who are mentors, that he does not show for anyone else.
early sexual abuse can influence a person's attractions. survivors tend to be drawn to what is familiar, even if it hurt, and so it's pretty common for them to be attracted to and/or desire a relationship with those who resemble their abuser(s).
and afo is an older man who is a mentor to tomura (and others.)
immaturity (& age regression)
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tomura, in early canon, is often described by characters in-universe as being childish, especially in regards to how he processes his emotions. (i don't really like to conflate these things with "age" or "being childish" - but the way the manga itself presents these qualities is clearly intended to give tomura a immature/childish vibe.)
tomura's emotional processing, simple motivations, fixation with video games, toys littering his room, and need for close caregiving (kurogiri) all give off the impression that he's had trouble developing the way he "”should”" have--kind of like he didn't really move on at all.
this sort of stunted development tends to occur in people with childhood trauma, especially csa survivors. ptsd at its core is the brain getting "stuck" in the moment of trauma, so if the trauma occurred as a child, then one's development is somewhat halted there, especially in areas of emotional processing, because the brain and body have to dedicate so much energy to just trying to cope and survive. it's pretty common for csa survivors to have trouble coping with and controlling their emotions.
relatedly: i have no real way to confirm this right now, but i’ve heard that during the mla arc, while tomura was kind of going in and out of flashbacks, he started switching to using “boku” - a self pronoun for young boys - as opposed to his usual “ore”). ive since had to wonder if this is a reoccurring state for tomura - it might partly explain why he keeps his toys around despite never showing interest in them on-screen, and has such close supervision from kurogiri.
again, age regression can go for any kind of childhood trauma, but seems very common in child sexual abuse survivors in particular.
Lack of hygiene (esp oral)
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look at how tomura's teeth are drawn compared to even another villains. dabis teeth are straight and clean, whereas tomura's have holes and chips, and tend to be drawn uneven with wobbly lines, like they're covered in plaque.
not caring for one's hygiene is common for people with depression too - but failure to care for teeth also frequently crops up in survivors of sexual abuse, due to an aversion to things touching or being inside their mouth, because it can remind them of the abuse.
in a similar vein, tomura's hair looks unwashed and greasy to me, especially when it gets long. it sort of gathers in clumps and appears heavy. survivors may avoid taking showers because they aren't comfortable removing their clothes for long periods of time, or because the abuse occurred in proximity to bathing. (which is a convenient time for parental figures to groom and abuse their children, since it already involves them being naked and the parent touching them closely.)
in general, there just seems to be something off about tomura's relationship with his body. maybe it's the way he barely bats an eye at major injuries, doesn't care for his hygiene, self-injures, and didn't mind undergoing a surgery that altered its shape and function pretty heavily--but i get the impression that tomura sees his body as just a tool more than anything.
which, if someone grew up having their body regarded as nothing but a means of pleasure, kind of makes sense.
his clothing
im not sure if this has the same “connotations” (for lack of a better word) for flat chested people, but tomura always wearing a lowcut shirt that shows off a fair amount of his chest, but covering the rest of himself head to toe--including his face--feels significant to me. as well as the way he covers up even more (his hoodie) when he’s stressed. the hands, too--being covered up seems to be calming for him.
the placement of the hands afo gave him
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you can't tell me little tenko placed these hands where they are by himself. the ones on his chest aren’t even from his family or meant to resemble them - they’re additional hands afo gave him to wear. pretty weird place for “afo”’s hands to go...
I feel like theres a little bit something to tomura frequently having his clothes ripped off during fights
not that it's particularly uncommon for bnha characters to get their clothes a bit shredded during fights, but i can't help but feel like there's something to tomura getting torn down to nothing but his pants twice, with both battles heavily involving tomura's traumas, including the ones related to afo. the vs mla arc with how tomura met afo and how he turned him into what he is today, then the war arc where the methods afo used to control and abuse tomura (the hands) are brought back again--and afo repeatedly takes tomura's bodily autonomy away from him.
AFO's predatory behaviors
tomuras own behavior aside, All For One himself has some behaviors and imagery that gives off very predatory vibes. i’ll start with Ragdoll…
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most people theorize that she was going to be turned into a nomu, but there are two important things here. ragdoll was found 1. alive, and 2. naked. all nomu are made from corpses - if afo had time to take her quirk and undress her, he certainly had time to kill her, especially since three days had passed since she was kidnapped. (and, what benefit would there be to making a nomu out of a quirkless hero?)
her dazed state is also curious - we've never been told taking or giving quirks has a side effect like this, and i would think itd at least wear off after three days…
there's also not actually a lot to suggest she was submerged in one of the tanks (that i know of); in the full body image, she doesn't seem to be soaking wet or anything. there's no water dripping off her. there's just a bit of liquid on her face and neck, which could merely be sweat, or… other fluids.
this next part is more debatable due to it being more dubiously canon (although My Hero: One’s Justice has been known to basically spoil villain related lore before it appears in the manga) - but he has some dialogue that makes him sound... pretty fuckin enthusiastic about sexual violence.
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and time and time again, afo has been... very creepy and obsessive about his brother. who happens to look an awful lot like tomura, and is vaguely connected to nana as a user of OFA, and we know how far afo would go to spite both of them.
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The "wow this is pretty much confirmed now" page
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i always thought i was just projecting when i read tomura as a csa survivor - until i saw this page, which was so viscerally uncomfortable that it made me nauseous. it definitely made me decide i wasn't just reading into things that weren't there. that's not exactly to say this panel 100% confirmed it (though it certainly did in my mind, personally) -- but the imagery here can't not be deliberate.
tomura is literally shirtless and bent over before afo, and sure, afos not completely standing behind him, but that's partially because his lower half is inside of tomura. and from our previous example of afo taking over tomura's body…
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i wish i could find the translation i first saw - this is the viz translation, which is notoriously horrible - but the one i read felt much more along the lines of "i saved you, so i get to do what i want with your body."
that is a line of logic that could have EASILY applied to their earlier relationship. the way afo saved tenko was very much on the forefront of tomura's mind early in the series, possibly either an idea he clung onto to justify the abuse he experienced from afo, or something afo personally reminded him of frequently.
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also… part of afos body is definitely wrapped around tomura's upper thigh, and in certain panels seems to be emanating from between his legs.
speaking of, tomura's stance is also notable to me. compared to the panel where tomura first realized afo was taking control of him, where his knees are pretty straight on or outwards in a powerful balanced brace, in these panels his knees seem to be bending in towards his body, like he wants to squeeze his legs shut. huh.
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i touched on this before, but it's interesting to me that what finally let afo fully take control of tomura's body, was having a hand (one afo very specifically used to control and abuse tomura into doing what he wanted) placed upon his body without permission.
so, all in all, afo is "inside" tomura's body, using it for his own means, against tomura's wishes.
what else does that sound like? no wonder deku feels like tomura needs help, despite everything...
again, this isn't to say that csa is definitely the cause of these things, just that tomura does have an abundance of behaviors and imagery that could easily be read that way.
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Once you write for Baal, I'll request her with Mona and Kazuha with the god of fate.
Like the usual
I also added Thoma per your other inquiry!
tags: m!reader/Baal, m!reader/Mona, m!reader/Kazuha, m!reader/Thoma, God!Reader, Khaenri'ah spoilers, Inazuma archon quest spoilers, just spoilers in general.
Khaenri’ah wouldn’t have had any survivors if it hadn’t been for a particular man that seemed unfazed by the battlefield the once prosperous nation of humanity became. Neither Khaenri’ahn nor from Celestia, simply an outlander. Despite showing great fighting prowess and strategic skill, Khaenri’ah had still fallen under the watchful gaze of the man. Of course, this was just a legend, a small rumour only known by the most curious of historians or academics. And even then, it’s debated. With the legacy of Khaenri’ah long gone, all that was left was anecdotal evidence.
-Divinity, humanity, both pale in comparison to eternity. You were nothing more than something in her way. Much like the rest of Khaenri’ah as a whole. To her you were nothing more than inferior. And she didn’t stop to take the time to investigate like Morax had nor did she take the time to recognise the marks of stars like Barbatos.
-Her ideals quickly shattered when she realised Divine Punishment means nothing when faced by another of her status. A divine being capable of braving the lightning’s glow. Too prideful to admit her defeat she proved to be quite a thorn in your side during the war. But even one whose ideal is closest unto Heaven cannot compete with the one who controlled Fate.
-Baal has all but forgotten the faraway God, too focused on her own ideals, too focused on herself in the present day to remember such an aimless point in time. In a closed off nation tucked away on the sea, talk of your presence in Teyvat went unheard by the Raiden Shogun.
The 100th vision hunt decree ceremony was commemorative. The Goddess turned to face the crowd of onlookers, violet eyes narrowing at an almost familiar face standing towards the back. You lifted your head to her, flashing the Shogun a smile before pulling the notebook from the black and gold cloak. Almost too quickly her attention turned back to the man kneeling at the foot of the statue. Her 100th vision.
Baal lifted her hand, summoning the pyro vision to her and despite the blond’s attempts at keeping his vision they were futile as it soared through the air towards the Goddess. You almost dropped your pen when Aether pushed by you, using his newfound electro abilities as a boost to snatch the vision. An interesting but not surprising turn of events that was scrawled into the notebook.
You watched as she brought her blade up to strike an unconscious Aether. The taller blond managed to get his binds off, throwing the polearm that she then deflected. The blowback caused Aether and Paimon to go flying backwards into the blond. As they ran off she gave the order to seize them under the decree, turning back to look up at the statue. That was your cue to leave, the work had been done for now.
When Baal turned to look back at the crowd she got the glimpse of that cloak that seemed to come back to haunt her departing from the crowd.
-Ah the great astrologist Mona. One who believes fate cannot be changed nor reversed, merely accepted. How funny an outlook. Though you’d never tell her that, she is for all that she’s worth, a wonderful astrologist. But that was the thing with mortal magicians, even they could get things such as fate wrong.
-She tried only once to glimpse into the mysterious stranger’s destiny. But when one has no destiny, what does she see? The threads of fate themselves have barred her vision into him. To her he is an uncertain piece in what should be absolute certainty.
-This however just makes her curious to know more. She thinks she’s being sneaky as she follows you around to try and garner more information. But Mondstadt isn’t all that big and her hat is very telling.
You narrowed your eyes at the telltale sign of somebody watching you, you lifted your head to look around but there were no more stares than the usual ones that came with being a stranger in a small nation. You did notice, however, a very familiar witch occupying herself with the fruit stand. Could she even afford that? Probably not. You bowed your head to Flora, tucking the windwheel aster behind your ear as you made off.
Mona put the apple back, waiting a few moments before she followed you down the cobblestone path. This was the problem with magicians in every world, always far too curious for their own good. You turned a corner to try and get her off your tail, you had far too much work to do to deal with her nosing around. She was smart, though. You had to give her that as you pressed your back against the wall of the alleyway, waiting for her to go by.
“I just have a question!” Mona popped her head into the alleyway, figures you wouldn’t be able to escape her. Mona looked around before stepping into the alleyway. “You are not from this world and sand clouds my vision every time I try to view your true nature. I am merely intrigued by this turn of events.” She put her hands on her hips, green eyes trying to discern something about you. She was certainly blunt, at least she knew what she wanted at the end of the day.
Her stare was intense as she tried to see through you, but whenever she looked too hard she found herself attempting to shake off invisible strings. You merely offered her a smile, what’s the point in lying to somebody you may not ever see again? “I’m a record keeper of sorts. You have impressive skill, Mona.” The compliment had her smirking, praise would be her undoing. But it at least changed the subject. What a fascinating woman.
-Unsurprisingly or perhaps surprisingly you met him while he fled from the Raiden Shogun’s forces. As in he ran directly into you and nearly dropped the dead vision he was still clutching in his hand. Interesting isn’t it? What a simple change of cloak can do to conceal one’s identity. Always intervening whether or not you should, that seemed to be the staple when it came to Teyvat.
-You did not spend much time with Kazuha beyond that. His path was his to walk and you would not meddle further. Though you knew that he knew, somebody as observant as he would be able to tell, wouldn’t he?
-That was a while ago though. Now you once more found yourself face to face with Kaedehara Kazuha. Or well, less face to face and more in the same area.
“I hope you can afford all these mercs!” Beidou called as she and her crew rushed into battle against the Shogun’s forces. Far enough away to not involve yourself, but close enough to listen to the resulting conversations. You jotted things down, whatever seemed important in the moment, minor details you may forget, a rough draft, if one will.
Kazuha lifted his head after greeting Gorou, eyes scanning the rocks jutting out of the nearby sea on the beach that had become a location of endless bloodshed. And for a moment, he faltered, red eyes widening before narrowing. He should have expected this. You always seemed to be where big things happened. “Kazuha, watch out!” Beidou warned and Kazuha snapped out of it, returning to the battle.
The rain began to start and you safely tucked your notebook away as you watched the rest of the battle. Ultimately Sara called back her forces when Kokomi showed up, the Shogun’s army quickly retreating from the bloody battlefield to rethink their strategy. You held your hand up, rain soaking through your glove. The battlefield cleared itself of most soldiers, Gorou, Beidou, Kazuha, two soldiers, and Aether remained to talk to one another.
Kazuha turned, looking over his shoulder and back at the sea around him. He wondered if you’d come, help like you had helped him back then. He lifted a bandaged hand, no doubt the same hand you had once given him bandages to cover the injury from clasping a dying vision. In turn you gave him a wave. All these people whose lives you have impacted in some way or another. Small things here and there. You wondered how much he knew of your deeds.
“State your business here!”
“Oh- he’s a friend! He’s with us.” Aether interrupted the teahouse lady before she could say anything else. The woman huffed but conceded, allowing you to move past her and towards Aether and the taller blond from the ceremony. The teahouse door was opened and you stepped inside with them, pulling your notebook out to take notes. “Thoma, Ayaka this is… Well he doesn’t have a name.” Aether turned his head to look at you and you merely shrugged.
“You may refer to me as the Recordkeeper. Ha, that’s kind of like the Doctor.. I’ll have to write that down.” You make a note in the front of your notebook. Ayaka, Thoma, and Paimon look confused but Aether understood the reference. At least. “I’m merely here to listen. Pretend I’m not here, yes?” And with reassurance from your traveler friend, they did just that. You noted their plans, their ideals, where they’d go. It was all fascinating. A resistance against a God. The last time that happened…
You shook the thoughts, that was then, this is now. You cannot get involved again. Ayaka stood to leave, saying her goodbyes. Aether was gone next, a promise to meet again. That left you with Thoma. “Are you sure you don’t have a name? I feel a job title shouldn’t be a name.” He joked, leaning on his elbows as he watched you write into your notebook. Your pen stopped against the pages, the edge of the D growing thicker. “At least, I think that’s your job, right?”
You looked up from your book, setting the pen down against the pages. He was curious to say the least, despite everything that happened earlier. “I suppose it is my job, yes. I keep records. And I’m known by many names Fate Weaver, the Recordkeeper, God of Fate, I believe I’ve also been referred to as the God of Time once.. That’d be incorrect though.” For a moment something unrecognisable passes through his green eyes before his smile is back on his face.
“How about we call you (Name)? That way you don’t have to admit what and who you really are everywhere you go.”
“(Name)? Hm.. Very well.”
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sazandorable · 4 years
About moderating and banning content on AO3!
Okay so! I haven’t had the spoons to do this for a while but I cracked and ranted about it on twitter which is... not... conducive to long rants, so!
This is a h u g e discussion part of the l o n g history that led to the creation of AO3, which older, more informed, and more articulate people have talked about at length and can be found around if you look (I reblog some of it in my AO3 and fandom history tags for the curious). So I won’t go into that here, nor into the practical reasons why it’s not even possible to put that system in place anyway.
Arbitrarily, or the purpose of this post, because it’s the biggest topic I’ve seen brought up lately, I’ll be talking about fic depicting underage characters in se*ual situations, but honestly I could hold the exact same conversation on literally any controversial content.
This is about why you, specifically, if you are a content creator and especially if you are marginalised and especially if you are queer and especially especially if you are sensitive to fiction depicting certain things... do not, actually, want a banning system on AO3.
What? Of course we do. There’s a lot of p*do shit on AO3 and p*do shit is gross. No one should condone that, wtf? It would be easy to do — just periodically delete the entire Underage tag!
What will happen if that is done is that people will re-upload and continue to write it, they’ll just stop tagging and you will run into it with zero warning nor ability to filter it out. Again, this is not a theoretical — we know this is what happens. When I was a teen, adult content (all adult content) was not allowed on FF.NET; it was everywhere regardless, and without tags. The exact same thing happened on tumblr when adult content was banned as well. It’s not a matter of “staff not handling it well” — it just doesn’t work.
To keep safe the people who need to be able to exclude that tag, that tag needs to exist and be used.
Well, shucks. A reporting system then?
A reporting system would operate in one of two ways:
-an algorithm, which would delete a lot of stuff we wouldn’t want it to delete.
-humans, which is... the bigger problem.
An algorithm sounds great. We do want it to delete everything.
Okay. What about the daddy k*nk fics between consenting adult characters? What about the fics featuring characters that are children in the canon but are adults in the fic? What about the fics about teenagers exploring their se*uality together, written by adults about the experiences they remember having or wish they could have had? What about the thousands of SasuNaru and Drarry and other shounen and YA fics that will get written, by teens or by people who remember being teens? What about the se*ually explicit fic written by teens who are se*ually active in real life? What about the fics about CSA as trauma, about healing from it? What about the fics written by survivors of CSA to cope about their trauma? What about the fics that clearly show that it’s evil and traumatic? What about the super dark, harrowing, but beautiful and artistic that I’m glad I read even though it fucked me up for days? What about the ones that were really shitty but also horribly hot?
Well, some of these are still not okay, but maybe some might be. It depends on how it’s written. We’ll have humans moderating content and deciding, then.
The thing is, I don’t know which of the things I just listed were okay for you to be depicted in fiction and which were too much. Odds are I don’t agree with you. Odds are if I asked 10 people randomly picked off the street, not everyone would agree.
Odds are, even if AO3 arbitrarily decided on which of those are allowed and which are not, you would not agree with their choice, and you would still be unhappy with the decision. (Or you would be happy, but your friends wouldn’t.)
Odds are, different AO3 content moderators might not agree on whether a given fic qualifies or not — is it artistic enough? Does it show enough that these actions are evil and wrong? Can the author prove they’re a teenager? Can the author prove they are a CSA victim? Can the author prove that this is to help them cope with their trauma? The author seem to be functioning alright, they mustn’t really be traumatised!
You know what I mean! There’s absolute, objectively gross shit out there that is not artistic and should not be published.
I agree that there’s vile stuff out there that makes me sick and that I think is very clearly just ped*philic trash. But there is no way to, 1) stop those from getting published anyway, 2) take those down and preserve the safety of everything else.
If we start forbidding some things, there’s two ways to go about it.
One single, clear, arbitrary rule — for instance, absolutely no adult content featuring characters under 18 (leaving aside the fact that this would not even work for the reason cited above). So we lose all the stuff from teenagers, all the coming of age stories about adolescence, all the stuff from CSA survivors; people who need to write it can’t publish it anymore, and people who need to read it can’t anymore either (and as a cool bonus, they’re told it’s wrong and made to feel bad about it). Depending on whether the rules applies to characters that are under 18 in the canon, we lose entire fandoms.
Or, subjective moderation by humans, according to what they estimate to be gross.
Let’s assume all moderators can agree on what’s gross or not.
If there is a system in place to ban some underage works because “gross shit”, then that means other gross stuff can be taken down on account of being gross and harmful.
Yeah! Gross stuff should be taken down! Come on, surely everyone agrees on what’s gross and harmful.
But the problem is.
Here is a list of things I have seen — with my eyes seen — called harmful to be depicted in fiction:
Mental illness
Non-negotiated k*nk, but healthy k*nk is ok
Spanking k*nk
BDSM where the woman is a bottom, but woman top is ok
Healthy depictions of BDSM
Unhealthy depictions of BDSM
Queer people doing bad things
Abusive relationships
Rival/Enemies to lovers
Redemption stories
A happy relationship between a 17 yo and an 18 yo
A happy relationship between a 20 yo and a 60 yo
A happy relationship between a boss and their employee, or a college teacher and a student
A happy relationship between a 14 yo boy and an older teenage boy, because that’s reminiscent of older men preying on younger gay boys IRL
Se*ual content featuring a character whose age is unclear in canon and some people headcanon them as being underage, some as being a young adult
Loving, consensual fluff between characters that are evil villains, because it romanticises them and their actions
Dark content shipping female characters
Fluffy content shipping female characters, because it’s misogynistic to act like lesbians are only soft all the time
Consensual s*x featuring a canonically asexual character, because it implies that all aces can and should still have se*
Fics about the same canonically asexual character hating s*x, because that erases the experience of s*x-positive aces
Shipping a character who is perceived by some fans as queer-coded with a character of a different s*x
The tendency to ship a black character with white characters
Fluffy drunk s*x, because that’s not actually consensual
Sleep s*x, because that’s not actually consensual
Trans characters not experiencing dysphoria, because that idealises the trans experience
Consensual s*x between adults that are not married
LGBT+ content, because kids shouldn’t see that.
I guarantee you: you, I, and 10 random people plucked from the street will not agree on what, in that list, is and isn’t okay to publish and consume fiction of.
So why should your taste be the one followed? Why should it be the taste of mods you don’t know? Why should anyone get to dictate? What if the mods think your OTP is gross and your NOTP is fine?
This is the slippery slope argument.
Yes, it is the slippery slope argument. Because we know it happens. Because we’ve been there, because I’ve seen it happen myself twice already and I’m not even thirty. Because we know people do complain loudly about all of these things.
And because the second there is a banning system in place, assholes will use the system to abuse it and get stuff they just don’t like taken down using the “it is gross” argument, and one day you’ll wake up and the beautiful fic that helped you come to terms with your abuse/trauma/identity/orientation/k*nk for feet will be taken down and wonderful vulnerable creative people will have been harassed out of fandom because they argued with 1 person who didn’t like their foot k*nk fic that happened to also feature, for instance, a CSA trauma backstory.
Again: not exaggerating. Not theoretical. It happens, we know it happens, AO3 was created literally because it happens.
I still fucking hate that stuff.
That is completely fine and normal. No one likes everything. Me too! Most of the dark stuff is niche and the creators know only few people will like it the same way they do.
(For the record, I get grossed out and triggered by fics about an asexual character who does not like s*x having s*x with their partner to make them happy. Deep in my gut everything screams that that’s fucked up, terrifying and harmful, how can people write that. But I recognise that there are people who love and need that, and I leave those people and their content alone.
OTOH, I read a lot of otherwise dark shit and I enjoy it in the same way I enjoyed, say, Hannibal, in the same way some people enjoy true crime documentaries, horror movies or r*pe fantasy k*nk. It helps me explore stuff that I like to see in fiction, in a safe, controlled way. I’m also asexual, 90% s*x-repulsed IRL, and, obviously, I would never abuse a child. For that matter, I wouldn’t kill and eat people, either, nor would I do 90% of the tamer k*nky stuff I read.
Of course, Hannibal was fucked up and lots of people probably think Hannibal was gross and should not have been aired — but as exemplified by the fact that it was created, aired and watched, lots of people thought it was fine, interesting and even fun to watch.)
You can and should curate your experience and protect yourself. The AO3 website now allows you to exclude certain tags, and people have developed tools to help with that such as plugins that save your filters or hide fics that contain certain words.
But no, it isn’t going to, and it shouldn’t, get banned.
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gh0st-patr0l · 3 years
So about a week back, I made a post about Karl Jacobs (a bit of a passive aggressive one, I’ll admit, but I think it was justified), complaining that a lot of the ‘criticism’ I see about Karl is actually rather insensitive towards his ADHD. I got a lot of responses to that post, and the most common sources of confusion I saw were:
People not understanding what I was saying they should avoid being judgmental of, or-
People who didn’t know that Karl had ADHD or didn’t understand which behaviors were caused by it.
First of all, Karl has confirmed that he has ADHD.
Tumblr media
(NOTE: Yes, I know he said ADD. ADD and ADHD used to be categorized as separate disorders, but in the most recent edition of the DSM, it was decided that they are both simply subtypes of the same disorder- ADHD is the correct technical term. ADD is still sometimes used as shorthand by some practitioners to diagnose primarily-inattentive ADHD, but it's a bit outdated.)
Secondly, that original post made me realize that a lot of people who may be well-meaning may genuinely not fully understand ADHD and its symptoms as well as they want to or think they might. If you aren’t aware, Karl isn’t the only one in the DSMP with ADHD- to my understanding, both Technoblade and Dream have confirmed that they have it as well. So, I thought it would be helpful to put together a comprehensive crash-course on ADHD symptoms and how they effect people’s behavior!
Now, before we go further, I want to address something- as I said earlier, I saw some people unsure of whether certain behaviors are ADHD or “just his personality”. I feel the need to point this out above the read more so people will see it. To answer this question, as someone with ADHD;
A lot of times, it’s both. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder, meaning that it’s caused by the way your brain developed from birth. A lot of the symptoms and effects of ADHD are extremely influential towards the way we think, act, and behave, to the point where “symptoms” and “normal behavior” really don’t have a clean differentiation. This is why it’s technically classified as a ‘disorder’, instead of an illness. While certain aspects of it can require treatment, the condition itself as a whole is not something to be mitigated or eliminated- it’s a part of who we are as a person. This is also why sometimes, even if you don’t have ADHD, you’ll look at certain specific behaviors or experiences and go “Oh, but I do that too!”. A lot of ADHD ‘symptoms’ are just a bunch of normal traits or behaviors, but in combination with each other and some actually problematic aspects, form the appearance of the disorder.
So, what are you allowed to nitpick about it? Well, there’s no real ‘authority’ on this, and even if there was it certainly wouldn’t be me. But if you want my opinion? Nothing.
See, here’s the thing- what I was trying to say when I made that post was not that you can’t be critical of Karl. If you want to say something about his Actions, his Ideals, or the content he creates- sure, go for it, that’s fair. I will agree that there are some very valid and constructive points to be made. But when you post ‘criticism’ about the way he speaks, his interests or preoccupations, his personal behaviors? That’s not criticism. That’s just judging someone.
And you’re allowed to think that stuff! Nobody can control what annoys or bothers them. It doesn’t necessarily make you a bad person. But you don’t need to be vocal about it. You can keep your mean thoughts to yourself. And if you do make posts or communities or whatever about judging someone for things they can’t change about themselves, don’t call it “criticism” or try to morally justify it. It’s not productive or righteous, it’s just rude. Nothing else.
Anyway. Back to Education!
The following will be a descriptive list of visible ADHD behaviors, using Karl’s behavior as examples.
I feel the need to add a disclaimer here- I am not a mental health professional. However! I have ADHD myself, I have taken some psychology courses and done a Lot of research into this stuff, and I’m the daughter of a therapist with access to a DSM. While I’m not an expert, I’d like to think I’m fairly well versed and knowledgeable on at least ADHD. (That being said, if by chance anyone who Is a professional sees this post and notices mistakes, by all means let me know and I’ll fix it!!)
You’re here for the behaviors more than the science, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Known in the past as Attention Deficit Disorder). Despite its name, the root problem of ADHD is not in the person’s ability to pay attention, but their brain’s capability to manage itself. In simple terms, people with ADHD have a lot less control over what their brain does and wants. This results in some behavioral differences along with some personal challenges, namely a difficulty with attentiveness and self-discipline.
Now, onto the symptoms!
This is perhaps the most visible and pervasive of the ADHD symptoms, hence why it’s the namesake. Inattention is a lack of focus and an inability to stay present and occupied with certain tasks or thoughts.
Because ADHD impairs self-management of the brain, people with it have an extremely hard time directing themselves anywhere but where their brain instinctively wants to go. This results in inattentiveness and the easiness of distraction that is often mocked or stereotyped for people with ADHD.
Here are some examples of how Karl can sometimes display his inattentiveness;
When he has an idea that he seems passionate about, only to drop it or switch to something totally different without warning soon after (either forgetting or getting bored of his original idea).
When he sets out to do something like a build, works on it for a short amount of time, and then immediately gives up or gets someone else to do it.
When someone else is talking and he totally zones out. (NOTE: While I wont make a whole section for it because it’s not easily observable, maladaptive (constant and intrusive) daydreaming is a common ADHD symptom as well!)
It’s important to remember that the whole problem with ADHD is that we can’t control when or what we focus on. When someone with ADHD zones out during a conversation or activity, it doesn’t mean they’re doing it on purpose, and they likely don’t mean any offense! We often are trying our best to listen or participate, but our brain just wont cooperate.
However, inattention is not the only way ADHD effects our focus. There’s also what’s called hyperfocus or hyperfixation, which is when we are so absorbed into a single subject, task, or idea that it is extremely difficult to get us to think about or do anything else. This is usually because our brains have found something that is getting those satisfaction chemicals flowing, and it’s clinging to that with everything it’s got.
People with ADHD will often experience brief periods of hyperfocus. Think of how Karl talks about spending hours straight working on a build or project without eating or drinking, or how he’ll sit down to play a game with someone and end up going six hours without even noticing.
There are also hyperfixations, where someone with ADHD becomes extremely preoccupied with a certain subject, topic, etc. for a period of time. These can be short term- personally, my hyperfixation can sometimes change as quickly as a couple weeks at a time. However, it can also be long term. Karl has been obsessed with Survivor since the second grade- not to mention his memorabilia, rambling, and constant references to Kingdom Hearts.
This is a BIG one for Karl. I should clarify; ‘stimming’ is not a technical term, and in professional situations these behaviors are just referred to as Hyperactivity. However, I personally like the term stimming much more and find it far more accurate to what the behaviors actually are, so I’ll be using that instead for this post.
If you’re not already familiar, ‘stimming’ (derived from ‘stimulation’) is an unofficial term used to describe consistent and abnormal patterns of physical and vocal behavior typically expressed by people with ADHD and ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). This includes things that people usually call fidgets or tics.
(NOTE: There are differences in how people with those two disorders stim. This post will explain stimming specifically from an ADHD perspective! ASD stimming is caused by very different factors and presents itself in much different ways. Do your own research if you’re curious!) 
There are two major observable forms of stimming- physical and vocal. Karl expresses both VERY often! I’ll use examples for each type;
Physical Stims: Flapping his hands/arms, jumping up and down when he’s excited, twisting around into odd positions in his chair, throwing, hitting, or tapping things, standing up and pacing around when he’s hyped up or laughing, twisting his rings, etc.
Vocal Stims: When he gets excited and repeats a certain phrase incessantly (Think any variation of “I’m popping off”), making certain repetitive noises while he’s focused on something or bored (”la la la”, the meow-noises, the weird heart-beat noise, etc.), singing or humming, tongue clicking.
It should be noted here that it’s pretty common for people with ADHD to get “stuck” on certain phrases or noises, and be unable to stop repeating them (reminiscent of echolalia, a symptom of ASD, but not the same thing). Think of how Karl might sometimes keep making a weird noise for an extended period of time even though it’s not that funny, or that one time he was physically struggling to keep himself from singing the Bakugan theme. These repetitions are completely impulsive and trust me, we usually know how annoying it is while we’re doing it, but we physically cannot stop.
ADHD stims are caused by the fact that the barrier between our brain and body is much weaker than a normal person’s. Because of this, most ADHD stims are actually very positive expressions of joy, excitement, or enthusiasm! Y’know how when you get excited, you feel like you wanna jump or dance? The ‘hyperactivity’ of ADHD is basically just that, but we don’t have the self-control to Not do it.
Stims can be caused by negative feelings like overstimulation, but in ADHD this is not nearly as common. Usually, the most negative reason we’ll stim is when we’re bored- in that case, our brain isn’t getting the Constant Stimulation that it naturally wants, so stimming is a way to make our own.
Whatever the cause, stimming is natural and impulsive. While different people experience it to varying degrees, those who regularly stim typically have little to no control over it. Suppressing stims is very hard and very frustrating to do.
Besides that, like I said- ADHD stims are often an expression of joy, excitement, or enthusiasm. They’re a beautiful thing that shouldn’t be seen as shameful or annoying!
ADHD is a disorder which causes a lack of self-control. Naturally, this means that people with ADHD are inherently reckless, impulsive, and struggle with a lack of self-discipline that they cannot fix.
Of course, people with ADHD do still have some level of self-control, and they are still responsible for conscious, long-term behavioral patterns and decisions. However, in regards to most things, they are much, much less capable of controlling themselves than an average neurotypical person is.
These are some examples of how this will often present itself in Karl;
Excessive rambling, dragging on a joke or conversation when it could and should probably have been dropped, etc.
Speaking over or interrupting other people (NOTE: As someone with ADHD- THIS IS ALMOST ALWAYS UNINTENTIONAL. I know it can seem rude or annoying but I promise, 90% of the time if someone with ADHD talks over you, they either didn’t realize or physically couldn’t help it. Please try to be patient!)
Lack of awareness towards social cues (NOTE: Unlike ASD, in which the person is incapable of/has problems fully understanding social cues, ADHD results in a lack of awareness. For whatever reason, we’re often just not paying close enough attention to pick up on things like body language, tone of speech, and facial expression as well as we would normally.)
Indecisiveness and overthinking
Bluntness, lack of subtlety
Unintentional dismissiveness, accidentally ignoring things/people (NOTE: Again, this behavior is purely accidental. In this case, it’s usually just the person genuinely not hearing or processing things.)
Making noises, speaking, joking, etc. at inappropriate times
There’s probably more, but I think you get the idea by now. A lot of the time, behavior which results from ADHD can be seen as rude, lazy, dismissive, or otherwise intentionally harmful. In reality, we just aren’t wired to navigate common social interaction with grace.
In Karl’s case, he’s clearly an incredibly sweet, empathetic, and kind-hearted person, if the various close friends who have talked about him are to be believed. Just because he talks over people or makes a poorly timed joke, that doesn’t mean he meant any harm. 
I think that’s about it for how much I wanted to point out! You can do more research if you’re curious, but I feel like this post should be enough to tell you what to keep in mind and be understanding about when talking about/making judgements on Karl, and other people with ADHD.
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scaramouche-bully · 3 years
i hope this isn't rude to ask, but why do you write dark content topics like noncon and abuse? i'm a s/a and abuse survivor who had no problem with these things before my trauma but afterwards i became angry at people who made such content. now i'm trying to remember that people have different reasons for writing these things and i've been asking writers what their thoughts are. i've been following you for a while and i know you're kind and not ill intentioned in your writing, so i was wondering what your views are. this isn't meant to be hateful at all and i am just curious and want to understand. if this makes you uncomfortable feel free to delete it!
Hello anon,
Don't worry, this isn't rude to ask at all. I respect that you want to understand and this is from curiosity rather than being hateful (which I don't take your ask as such) and that you remember that there's a person behind the work. To be honest, I don't really know how to answer your question so I might go on a tangent. I hope you don't take my words as fact or my entire thought process but I just want to say:
I don't support rape or abuse. I don't want anyone to think that just because I write it, I fantasize about it or condone it in any way. I don't. I'm not trying to offend or make anyone angry, that's why I tag everything twice and add a read more. It's your choice whether to believe me or not, I just ask that you don't harass me under those assumptions.
To put it bluntly, it's just writing to me. When you see people write or do something really obscure or relating to dark content, you're completely right to assume it's because they're interested in those topics. But that's not necessarily the same for everything and everyone. I can't speak on the behalf of every single writer out there but personally, it's just something to explore from an omniscient point of view. I'm not going to bullshit you or sugarcoat my words, I'm not a survivor and the harassment and abuse that I have suffered aren't traumatic to me. That's why I can think that way and it's not because I have any ill-intent or I'm trying to undermine or pretend that those issues aren't serious. They are. Personally, I would get very upset as well because, in my mind, someone is taking something very personal and traumatic and doing what? Writing about it with fictional characters that they want to fuck? It feels insulting in a way. Naturally, I have no idea what you feel but that's how I would react.
But it's similar to any murder/mafia au or even yandere. Does that mean I like killing people or obsessive behaviour? No, absolutely not. When I write a character or direct a movie and someone is shooting someone, does that mean I'm into violence or condone guns? No, that was not the intention at all. We can say it's "not the same thing" and you're totally valid to think that way. But for me, it is. I'm not pretending as if murder or abuse doesn't exist or it's something to want. When it's in shows or books, no one really bats an eye to that. Maybe it's the stigma with fanfic authors that we're all 13-year old quotev writers/readers (I used to be one so I'm really just making fun of myself here) that we rightfully assume it's because we like those topics or we fantasize about being in those situations. Because why else would I want to read or write about x reader fics with those topics?
You don't need me to tell you that it's reasonable to be angry at people that make dark content. I myself, don't really like dark content that much either. I don't daydream about being used and I don't like feeling upset. Which I guess doesn't make sense especially for the type of fics I write. But when I actually write, there's a major disconnect between fiction and reality and I understand that it's not like that for everyone else. Writers pov compared to a reader's pov I feel is very different. I can be a selfish person and write this way because I've never been through it. But it's never from a place of disrespect and I apologize if it feels that way but I can't control what you feel. All I ask is that you read the tags and determine whether or not you want to associate with it. To me, it's just words on a paper and action queues I'm giving to imaginary characters. I'm not fantasizing about anything, I don't even like sex that much. I just think it's something to write that I feel like doing. For example, I don't care for Venti at all. He's cute I guess but I don't want to fuck him. But I still write for him and how I write makes it seem as if I actually look at Venti that way. I don't, it's just writing. I guess it's the same question as to why do you write in general. Because it's fun? I wouldn't really call it "fun" and more of a hobby that I like to do. This doesn't really make sense since people that do anything as a hobby naturally assume they have a passion or like it. In a sense, it's kind of like this: You enjoy drawing but if someone asked you to draw a monster, yes you could do it because you like to draw but it's not like you're putting your heart or deep emotional thoughts into it. It's just a drawing of a monster. You've never had an experience with a monster (in a fictional sense) so there's nothing for you to be traumatized with. There might be some aspects, spikes or tentacles, that make you uncomfortable, sure. And people can find deeper meanings in your work and make assumptions when there isn't, to you it's just an image.
I know this is an incredibly shitty way to explain why I write dark content because it sounds like I don't care or I think abuse/noncon subjects don't matter because it's "just words on a paper". I get it, in movies when the protagonist is abused or has been a survivor of rape and that doesn't go anywhere. That it's just a way for the movie to pity the main character or to explain why they act a certain way, it feels cheap and manufactured and I hate it. But I always believe that as long as you aren't doing anything illegal or endangering yourself + others, I don't care what you do. When I see topics that I personally find disgusting or don't like, I just move on. They aren't hurting me in any way and they're allowed to write what they want to write. I know that isn't the same for everyone and that kind of thinking is very romanticized but I like to think that I'm smart enough to know when that thinking breaks or isn't acceptable.
Sorry that I keep drawing comparisons, it's just how I like to explain things and it's easier for me to explain my thoughts that way. My writing is like a snow globe. Sure it has some real connotations with the snow that comes from nature, but it's not real snow. It's an overly pretty, dream-like world, that can never be cold and doesn't show how awful living with a lot of snow does to you. People that have never seen snow, they'll love it because it doesn't remind them of actual snow since they've never experienced it. But I have, I live in NA. Except I understand that it's just a snow globe. Sure it might make someone uncomfortable for any reason, but it doesn't for me and at the end of the day, it's just an object to me. You can take that as a very selfish way of thinking but I'm not going to throw my snowglobe in the trash just because someone doesn't like it. I know for a fact that anything I write isn't meant to trigger or make anyone upset, I write it because I want to explore those topics. I don't think it's hot, I don't think it's okay, and I don't condone it in real life. But it's just writing to me, it's just fiction, it's a way for me to explore those topics in a way that I am comfortable. If you don't like it and it triggers you, that is completely okay and understandable, but that wasn't my intention and I'm not going to stop.
I hope that answers your question and gives you a bit of insight into my views. I know my way of thinking isn't for everyone and you're allowed to disagree with it. Dark content is a very thin line that a lot of people aren't comfortable with and I acknowledge that. I don't even like dark content that much but I'm not going to stop writing about it. I'll tag everything, crop away topics that trigger people, and to be honest, I don't find myself writing about dark content ever unless an anon asks for it. But if you don't like me or disagree with what I've said, the block button is right there.
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starilicious · 3 years
der lagi lekin (hunter x force-user!gn! reader + ep. 8 fix-it)
》 summary: tbb episode 8 fix-it featuring a force-user reader who used to be a jedi. reader is a part of tbb and in a relationship with hunter, but the squad–nor hunter–knows that reader is a force-user. (disclaimer: all of this was written before episode 9 was released! see a/n for an explanation ^_^) (another disclaimer: if you want just the hunter x reader comfort, please let me know and i'll finish it up and post it!)
》 word count: ~8k (yeah, it's a lot LOL)
click here to read on AO3
》 warnings: in-universe swearing, mental breakdown, some slight sensory overloads, pretty mild panic attack, light canon-typical violence, angst + some comfort, survivor's guilt from surviving order 66, no use of y/n, slightly plot heavy because i got way too carried away in writing (whoops?) [if i should add more warnings, please let me know!]
》 spoilers: major ones for tbb episode 8 "reunion"
》 a/n: okay look, i gotta confess: this wasn’t supposed to be an episode 8 fix-it. really. i’m actually glad cad bane won because we get to see that the clones don’t always win every fight... i think it makes for a better and more complex story. anyway, i started out writing just reader and hunter comfort after episode 8 ended. but i’m weak for omega because she reminds me so much of my younger siblings and i ended up writing a wholeass fix-it to save her (even tho cad bane is a downright badass). i kind of liked what i did with building up the plot so much that i might continue this story of force-user!reader with tbb. but that’s a tangent we can deal with later. if you would like a part two with the hunter x reader comfort this was originally intended to be, let me know!
as i said in the summary, i wrote all of this before episode 9 came out–just be aware of that. because it’s so long, it took me a while to edit, which is why i’m posting after ep. 9 was released. but without further ado, i hope you like it! <33
》 misc. notes:
• title of the fic is from the hindi song "der lagi lekin" from the film zindagi na milegi dobara. i linked the song in blue and linked the english translations in green in case you're curious! it's not necessary to listen or understand the song, but i thought it went well with the fic :)
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“Everybody get down!” Wrecker yells. You and the squad immediately do as he instructs, diving towards the ground and covering your head. Stars, I hope this works.
The charges the six of you placed around the gigantic cone that surrounds the core cylinder explodes in a deafening blast. You curl into the tightest ball you can manage, breathing so hard that the HUD inside your helmet temporarily fogs up. Metal shards of the explosion rain down on you hard.
For a moment, it seems like nothing happened. But then you hear the telltale, ear-grinding creak of the durasteel and the squad is roughly catapulted forward from the force of the cone beginning to fall down.
You struggle to stand up as you lurch this way and that, trying to regain your balance and stabilize as Tech calls out, “Hold on!”
You quickly glance at the rest of the Bad Batch, trying to see if any of them were hurt. Other than the absolutely terrified look on Omega’s face, all is well considering the circumstances. The metal groans and begins its descent, taking your feeling of being grounded with it. The weightlessness is uncomfortably familiar to say the least, but you ignore it as the six of you scramble to hold on to the side of the cone. You certainly did your fair share of acrobatics back in the war, but feeling it hum around you...it’s too much. It’s too much. You elect to push it back into the depths of your brain. But it doesn’t leave.
It never really does.
Omega’s anxious whimpers come in faintly through your thick helmet and you whip around, frantically trying to find where she is. But before you can find her, the cone lands vertically on its head and the force is so violent that your stable hold on the durasteel is broken. Panicked, you quickly fire a grappling hook towards the ledge where you were previously hanging on. The hook catches and you stop abruptly, the jerky movement almost wrenching your arm out of its socket.
You look down to see Omega falling from someone’s grip and into Hunter’s arms. You can barely tell where anyone is thanks to the lack of light and the incessant motion.
The cone begins to topple onto its side and suddenly, your wire snaps from the tension. You let out a scream of surprise as you plummet downwards, wind rushing past your helmet. ForceIdon’twanttodieohmyMakerohno–
But you never hit the ground, instead being flung sideways as the cone tears into two. On trained instinct, you tuck yourself into a ball to try and roll in order to break your fall instead of using it. That time is long gone.
You land with a sickening thud and hiss in pain as your back hits the metal hard. You hear something crack, but whether it is your armor or something internal, you have absolutely no idea, and don’t have time to check before you black out.
You jolt awake, a sound making its way into your consciousness. Finally, the damn place stopped moving. You take a few minutes to try and relieve the painful pressure in your chest, reaching up to rip your helmet off because you can’t breathe, you can’t breathe.
You tilt your head back as you struggle to take in air and let the adrenaline subside. You hear voices in the distance and you strain your ears to pick up on the sound as you quickly check yourself over. As far as you can tell, nothing major is broken, and at this point, that is all that matters. Though, your head is pounding, and for more reasons than one
“–nter.. port side... what… status?”
You can’t tell who is speaking, the message too far away for you to hear. But the bits and pieces are enough for you to know that it’s someone from the Bad Batch and that you weren’t unconscious for long. You stand up and dust yourself off before slowly walking to where you believe the origin of the sound is.
“–engine… got company.” A blaster sound and then an explosion rings through the quiet.
Your eyes widen and you quickly pick up the pace, getting your blaster ready as you pick your way through the sharp metal that is jutting out from the ground.
You click on your wrist comm. “Echo, you there?” A faint crackle before his voice comes through, but the signal is scratchy. You frown in frustration.
“–are you? Hunter is... port side,” Echo says and you smack your commlink to try and get the electronics to work, but it’s no use. The device is broken, most likely from the fall, you deduce.
“Meet… Marauder.”
You don’t bother to answer, knowing Echo would probably not even be able to hear what you had to say anyway. Without a signal booster or repeater, there’s no way you can get your transmission across the channel frequency.
It takes a few minutes, but you eventually find the night sky of Bracca blinking down at you at the end of the ripped off cone. You run out to find that you’re in the middle of where the cone broke in half. Okay, new plan. I need to find Hunter. Hunter will know what to do.
You scan your surroundings. The HUD isn’t picking up on any lifeforms near you, and you realize with sinking dread that you have no more options. Whichever piece you climbed through to get to your squadmates, it would take too long for you to search for them since you don’t know their coordinates and your comm isn’t working. Frankly, the Empire–Crosshair–would find you first. You have to use it.
You have to use the Force.
A wave of nausea overcomes you at the mere thought of it and you sway. In an attempt to ground yourself, you tear off your helmet to breathe some fresh air and end up keeling over as the bile rises in your throat. Nothing comes out. You can’t tell if that’s a positive or not.
You could have saved them. Someone. Anyone.
It itches at you in the back of your head, wishing to be let out of its cage. But you can’t. You can’t do it. What’s the use anyway? All you would be doing is saving yourself. The choice of surviving it all has haunted you ever since. Your head pounds in agony.
You saw it happen. You could have helped them. And you ran like a coward. Only ever concerned about yourself.
You inhale sharply as the scene flashes before your eyes, clones shooting at you and the other Jedi. The blaster fire. The confusion. The screams.
How pathetic.
The last statement, an echo of Crosshair’s words, bounces around in your brain. You clutch your head as you let out a heartbroken sob, knee deep in the dirt and metal and grief. Tears create clean tracks down your face as you finally break down, the flood of emotions bursting the dam open. At this point, you don’t know if the emotions are yours or the ones you previously felt through the Force, all of them swirling and blending into one. The bottled up anguish merged together when you attempted to cut yourself off from the Force after the clones–your friends–attacked.
The pain of their death is perhaps the worst of all. Horror courses through you as you finally process your friends and mentors dying around the galaxy, their deaths, their distress, their fear reverberating heavily throughout the Force. Each one cripples you further as you once again struggle to breathe.
It feels like light years pass when you finally calm down to a practically numb state of being. The scenes stop replaying behind your closed eyelids and the echoing shrieks die down to a faint, hollow whisper. You’re suddenly exhausted, limbs heavy and energy sapped. It was almost relieving to finally let the Force once again flow through your body, your nerves lightly tingling with potential despite how tired you feel. You collapse onto the ground and try to recenter yourself.
But despite finally acknowledging the loss, it doesn’t feel right. You didn’t get to say goodbye. You hadn’t been able to even think about them, much less honor them, too focused on going on the run to concentrate on anything beyond the next day’s survival. Even once you joined the Bad Batch, you were paranoid about their chips, about your friends turning on you at any moment. You were always extremely reluctant to engage in the Force, even at the worst of times.
With a start, you realize that you don’t need to worry about your squadmates. Their inhibitor chips are now gone. You… you are safe.
You let out a shocked laugh as it sinks in. A glimmer of hope, of peace. I’m safe.
You sit up then, criss-crossing your legs as you survey the broken landscape of Bracca. Despite the planet being a graveyard, you feel lucidly alive. Perhaps something died in you, that wretched day. But something else, slowly but surely, began growing in its place. It’s meek, but it’s there.
You let out a breath and close your eyes, reaching for the Force like it’s an old friend. It accepts your invitation with hesitation, joining hands with you as if you did not try beating it to death for days on end. You sink into the gentle lapping waves of the Force, extending into it and widening your scope.
There’s something that lurks beneath the surface, in the deep. Dark and sinister and so utterly painful. It calls to you, quiet and low. Enticing. Tempting. And something in you knows that it’s the reason for your previous life’s demise.
But you can feel Hunter’s–and Omega’s, you realize–presence near you in the Force. Even with your relatively damaged connection to the Force after Order 66, the Bad Batch’s Force auras were something you could always hone in on. You let yourself direct your focus to the duo, letting their emotions be your beacon to the acceptance of the Light side of the Force.
In a split second, you decide to not dive deeper into the Force. This isn’t the place nor the time to discover what is prowling in the endless yawning of the Force, to discover why everything happened. So you direct your concentration to the beings on the planet, feeling and breathing your way through the Life Force.
You freeze. There’s something here. No… someone. Your eyebrows furrow as you divert your attention away from your friends and other organisms to the peculiar source. Something about this person strikes you as familiar.
Your eyes snap open and you gasp. I’m not alone. A Force-sensitive. Someone survived. Giddy beyond belief, you snatch up your helmet and begin trekking your way across the wreckage in the opposite direction of Hunter and Omega before pausing. Whoever this person is doesn’t know about your presence on the planet.
And despite the fear you felt emanating off of them in the Force, you somehow knew they were safe, at least for now. And they would remain so if you have anything to say about it. Maker forbid anything that jeopardizes this person’s fragile safety. After all, you know best what it’s like to constantly flee scene after scene.
Staying away is the best thing to do. I’ll come back for you, whoever you are.
You double back and make quick work of getting across the debris as you focus your concentration on Hunter’s and Omega’s Force signatures. As you get closer to the port side, you hear Omega’s high voice. Through your HUD, you can see her small form. You grin. She disappears then, and on closer inspection, you figure she jumped through some broken cargo doors.
The entrance she and Hunter took is too high for you to jump up to, even with the aid of the Force. Combined with your wariness of probe droids, you decide to take a different route from the right side, climbing up the broken ship. The slick oil mixed with the water still present on the metal makes for a difficult trek, and you slip more times than you would like to admit.
Hunter’s gruff voice floats up towards you and you scramble the last few meters to the edge of a hole in the ceiling before pausing. The Force is itching at the back of your head. Something’s wrong.
You peek over the edge of the giant slab of durasteel that created the hole to see bodies in white armor littered everywhere–clones, you realize. Your heart pangs in sadness at the sight.
Slightly to your right, a blue figure and a techno-service droid stand in front of a ship and a frightened Omega stands behind a defensive Hunter. Your mouth drops open. Kriff.
Cad Bane.
A memory from near the beginning of the war hits you in full force. You and Anakin had taken some time on Coruscant to catch up with each other after you passed your trials and were promoted to Jedi Knight. He told you about a mission where he had to stop a bounty hunter who successfully stole a Jedi holocron. You remember how surprised you were when you heard the bitter disgust in Anakin’s voice. The ruthlessly cunning bounty hunter not only threatened to kill Ahsoka, but he murdered Master Ropal.
Judging by the looks of it, Hunter doesn’t know who he is. If the Anakin Skywalker had a difficult time with Cad Bane, there is no way in sithhell Hunter can take him on, even with his enhanced senses. Frankly, you seriously doubt you can either, especially with how rusty your Force skills are now. And that means this isn’t going to end well.
You watch carefully as you tune into the conversation.
“Ain’t you smart?” Bane smirks. “The kid’s got it all figured it out.”
“You’re in trouble now!” the droid exclaims, pointing at Hunter and Omega. You grit your teeth in annoyance.
“Who hired you?” Hunter asks. Stalling. Not a bad move, Hunter.
“Son,” Bane sighs, already done with the brief conversation. “That’s confidential information. Now hand her over.”
Omega stays behind Hunter, taking a knee as Hunter walks forward protectively. You bristle. How am I supposed to help from up here?
“She’s not going anywhere.”
Your eyes drift over the scene in a panic and you take in the fallen clones again. An idea pops into your head. It is desperate, but at this point, you don’t have much of a choice.
Bane mimics Hunter’s movement, walking forward and putting a hand near his belt. The tension is as thick as duracrete.
“That’s unfortunate… for you.”
You grab the long barrel piece from your belt, fitting it over your blaster hurriedly as the showdown begins. Out of the corner of your eye, you see them staring each other down and you can’t help but roll your eyes. Men.
During the war, Crosshair helped you re-engineer your weapon so you could put together various pieces in the field to make a blaster gun that loosely resembled his own sniper. Seeing the clones reminded you of him. A wave of sadness washes over you, but you shake your head. Now is not the time.
You screw on the telescopic sight and set up your makeshift sniper. You peer through the viewfinder and find Bane’s chest. Your finger tenses over the trigger.
You let yourself sink deep into the Force, let it guide your actions. Inhale. Exhale. I can do this. As you relax, the mellow warmth you missed so dearly washes over you, gently eroding the torment in your mind and heart, guiding your focus to the here and now. Trust in the Force.
You fire two bolts straight into your target the same exact moment Bane and Hunter shoot each other. Hunter’s shot hits the droid, breaking off its leg. Bane’s shot hits directly in Hunter’s chest, as yours did Bane. Both men immediately fall backwards and slam into the ground.
“My booster!” Oh. So not a leg. Got it.
Kriff kriff kriff. You jump down nimbly from your hiding spot in the ceiling and immediately sprint towards the duo. Is he dead? You would unapologetically release sithhell on Bane if he killed the man you love.
Omega panics as she tries to wake Hunter up, continuously calling his name before taking a glimpse of her surroundings. Before you can react, she grabs her bow and pulls it taut, aiming at you. She looks petrified.
“Whoa! Omega, it’s me!” you exclaim, holding your hands up in surrender. She takes a moment to actually look at you before sagging in relief. Suddenly, the droid comes speeding out of nowhere and Omega shoots, the energy bolt whizzing past your waist and straight into the droid before it can attack you from behind.
The shot rings true and the grumpy robot falls. You turn around to grab at its exposed parts under its head and yank them out to make sure it can’t power on again.
“Thanks, Omega. I owe you one,” you say and Omega gives you a proud smile.
You place a comforting hand on her shoulder before kneeling down to shake Hunter awake, but it doesn’t work. You take a moment to analyse Hunter’s Life Force. It’s a bit dimmer, but it’s constant, meaning he’s out cold and doesn’t have the life draining out of him. You let out a sigh of relief. He’s alive. You glance back to see Bane still not moving. Good.
“What’re we gonna do?” Omega whispers as you both peer down at Hunter. His armor is smoking from Bane’s blaster shot and you exhale through your teeth, trying to come up with a plan. You slip off a glove to check Hunter’s pulse–it’s strong. You don’t want to leave Omega alone, even if Bane is unconscious, but you aren’t sure you have a choice.
“Well we can’t carry him to safety, neither of us are strong enough for that,” you think aloud, gears churning in your head. You would have to wait for help, even if you were sitting ducks.
Briefly, you entertain the thought of taking Bane’s ship. The only problem is you don’t know what trackers or other gadgets are in there–it’s too costly of a risk and a price you weren’t willing to pay. You sigh, resigned.
“Omega, you try to comm the others and see if you can wake Hunter up. I’m going to go inside this guy’s ship and see if I can find something that can help us. We have to get out of here before the bounty hunter wakes up,” you instruct and Omega nods, youthful determination flooding back into her eyes.
You leave her to it, walking cautiously towards Bane’s ship. You look down at him. His armor is smoking in two places from the shots you fired. Based on what you see, he’s still unconscious, and his Life Force reflects the same conclusion. How long that would remain, you don’t know. Which means you need to work fast.
You board the ship while you remove the sniper attachments from your blaster and clip them back onto your belt. You keep your guard up as you look around. No droids. Guess that techno-service droid is his one and only.
In an effort to slowly re-familiarize yourself with the Force, you send out a quick pulse through it to see if there are any lifeforms aboard the ship, relaxing when you find none. You rummage through all the cabinets that you discover, looking high and low as you try to locate something of use. The secret compartment in the cockpit proves to be the fruitful reward to your search. With a wave of your hand, you unlock it with ease. Bingo.
Credits. Bags of them. And they’re unmarked creds, which make your score even better. Hopefully, it would be enough to pay off your debt to Cid and give the Havoc Marauder some much-needed upgrades.
Usually, you would feel bad about stealing from someone, but considering this was a bounty hunter – Cad Bane, no less – you figure you can risk treading the grey area of your moral code.
You grab as many bags as you’re able, stuffing them inside your backpack and clipping the rest onto your belt. At this moment, you’re incredibly grateful to Tech and Echo for designing a sturdy utility belt that fits you well. The standard ones were for clones and you definitely were not a clone.
You exit the cockpit and head to the second level of the ship to see if there’s anything else you can find. A stack of crates sits in the corner across from what you assume to be a prison. You scrunch your nose in disgust as you open one to find medical supplies. Bacta patches and gel, vitapaste, rations, water, gloves, sanitary napkins–it was all there. Delighted, you close the crate and click the repulsor to make it levitate. Oh how you love technology.
You turn around and walk back up the stairs to leave the ship. You freeze at the exit ramp. You have got to be karking kidding me.
“Sorry lil’ lady.”
Cad Bane stuns Omega in front of your eyes before rounding on you and immediately fires. In a desperate attempt to save yourself, you throw your hands up and the honeyed power of the Force rushes through every fibre of your being. The blaster bolts slow down to a snail-like crawl and your eyes widen. How did I…?
Never mind how you argue with yourself. Time to get out of here!
You tiptoe around each bolt, the effort of keeping them in stasis becoming more difficult with each passing moment. You grit your teeth as your arms shake, but you keep going until you are finally off the ramp. You lower your arms and the energy hits the inside of the ship, spazzing out the blinking controls inside.
Bane turns to you in surprise, astonished at how you’re suddenly in front of him. You don’t give him the luxury of processing the event and immediately punch him in the face with as much strength as you can muster. Bane pitches backwards and collapses onto the ground, just as he did the first time. You grab your stun blaster and shoot him as extra assurance. You really did not want this to repeat again. Hopefully he never wakes up with a memory of what I just did...
“Now stay down,” you mutter to a knocked out Bane, cradling your now injured hand. You have no idea how Wrecker ever does this because wow your hand is killing you.
You have to say, you’re pretty proud of yourself for being able to render him unconscious not once, but two times. You wish you could tell Anakin–the thought saddens you. He’s probably dead too.
With that vividly cheery thought, you stagger back from the ramp in exhaustion, weary from the sudden surge of the Force still ebbing and coursing through your body.
None of the Bad Batch knew you used to be a Jedi–not even Hunter. It was something only a few of your closest Jedi friends and the Jedi Council knew about.
But after what happened today, with Rex helping your squadmates get their inhibitor chips out, with you finally letting the Force in… maybe it is time to tell them. The secrecy wouldn’t be needed anymore now that you were sure you were safe around your friends. But clearly, the universe wanted to throw a nasty vibroblade in your plans by knocking Hunter and Omega unconscious and having the best kriffing bounty hunter in the galaxy be hot on your heels.
You take a few seconds to get your breath back and regain your mental energy. You aren’t out of the woods yet. You run inside Bane’s ship to grab the crate of medical supplies before sprinting back out towards Hunter and Omega.
You lean down and pat Omega’s cheek gently, trying to wake her up, but she’s out cold. Why is everyone around me unconscious? Frankly, you’re equally amused and terrified by the situation laid out in front of you.
You sigh, looking around to see if you can find some cover. There’s a giant sheet of durasteel to your left, big enough to act as a barrier in case trouble comes knocking. You bend down and pick Omega up before placing her down cautiously, leaning her small body against the metal. You repeat the action with the crate you found.
The third time proves to be much more difficult. Hunter certainly isn’t as muscular as Wrecker, but he sure as sithhell isn’t as light as Omega. You tap your foot nervously, trying to figure out a way for you to lift him. Yes, you could use the Force, but you don’t want to alert the other Force-sensitive on the planet. If they knew about your existence, it could put them in danger, and that was the last thing you wanted.
Giving up, you place your hands underneath Hunter’s armpits and effectively drag him all the way over, propping him up as you did Omega. You cringe at the sound of his armor grating the floor. There are sure to be dirty scuff marks on it now. Sorry Hunter.
Just as you’re about to sit down next to him, heaving deep breaths from the exertion, you pause. A warning is practically blaring in the Force and you tense, urgently trying to figure out the cause.
“Not again,” you mumble under your breath. You can’t handle any more action today. With Hunter and Omega both down, and your extreme fatigue from engaging in the Force, you don’t know how much of a fight you can put up. Not to mention you never trained as a soldier. There was a reason why you left the military planning strategies to the Bad Batch.
You hold your blaster close to your chest as you scan the environment. Bane is immobile and so is the dismantled techno-service droid. So what’s wrong?
Ten nerve-wracking seconds pass before you get your answer. Clone voices waft up to your hiding spot and you bite your cheek in frustration as your head continues to pound. Your headache still hasn’t stopped.
There is no way you can fight them all off, especially if Crosshair is with them. They are too far away for you to get a read on how many there are, and frankly, you’re much too scared to even peek around the durasteel to count.
One of Tech’s previous statements floats through your mind. About three attack shuttles worth.
You can feel your heart thumping wildly in your chest, blood rushing through your ears as anxiety ties your stomach into knots. I can’t do this, I can’t do this, Ican’tdothis.
You take deep breaths, doing your best to clear your mind and focus. You had to do this. There is no other option other than surrendering or dying. No, damnit, you would go down fighting until the Life Force left you.
You peer just past the edge of the metal to see at least twenty clones heading your way. Certainly not ideal, but you bide your time. If you started shooting now, you couldn’t use the element of surprise to your advantage and they would easily overwhelm you. But once they’re close enough, you hope you can at least take a couple out before having to resort to using the Force. It isn’t ideal, but it’s all you have.
Honestly, you don’t know if you could get out of this one alive, much less protect Hunter and Omega too. Maker help me.
It throws you off when they finally come into sight–you see how plain the clones’ armor looked without paint. You never really noticed it before since you were always running for your life in those circumstances. But now that you think about it, you are so used to seeing bright blue or green or yellow that the alabaster white just seems so… odd.
“Looks like a big fight happened here.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. All these men are dead.”
You whip your body around the metal and immediately begin shooting as fast as you can pull the trigger, trying to make every shot count. The troopers hesitate for just a moment, most likely due to their surprise of you being there. But that second is all you need.
You take out the three men closest to you before jumping back behind the metal as their barrage of fire rains down on you. You do your best to shoot back and manage to take out one more clone, but they’re beginning to gain too much ground too fast. I can do this. I have to do this.
As far as you can tell, Crosshair isn’t with the clones attacking you, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t set up shop somewhere nearby, waiting to shoot you.
You shudder. It’s a chilling thought.
You grab one of your last detonators from your belt and hurl it as far as you can. The rapid beeping rises quickly in pitch before the charge explodes. Anguished cries reverberate throughout the area, and you briefly feel sorry for having to take such drastic measures as you feel their Force signatures dim swiftly. But you don’t have a choice.
Peeking around the corner, you count around eight to ten clones down. Not bad considering the circumstances.
You continue shooting as much as you can but now the troopers are much too close for comfort and you’re feeling overwhelmed. The durasteel you are using for cover isn’t meant to take this kind of damage, and the integrity of your shield is quickly waning as told by the constant creaks and groans. You don’t know what to do. Will we make it?
In your haste of shooting first and panicking later, you don’t notice Hunter groaning, finally waking up. And before you have time to even glance at him, the familiar hum of the Havoc Marauder and its lights shine down on you. Your sag in relief. Looks like Omega was able to comm them after all. Never before have you been so glad to see the beat-up hunk of junk. (You would never say that to Tech though–the Marauder is his baby, his pride and joy.)
Echo, Wrecker, and Tech all race off the ship, guns ablazing. Wrecker and Tech stand guard, serving as cover fire while Echo bends down to help you out.
“Hunter, wake up!” Echo hisses and smacks his helmet lightly. Hunter mumbles in pain as he starts to move, trying to look around as his HUD boots back up. Seriously? Now you wake up? you think sarcastically. But you’re much more relieved at the fact that he has actually woken up.
“What happened? Where’s Omega?” Wrecker bellows, worried.
“She’s right here, I’ve got her!” you shout back at the same time Echo says, “He was shot in the chest plate.”
You pocket your blaster and gather the young girl in your arms with every last bit of strength you have left. You aren’t strong enough to hold her in one arm and shoot with the other. That is much more up Wrecker’s alley.
“We have to get him on board!” Tech exclaims as he helps Echo support Hunter. You pick Omega up in both arms and bolt for the ship as fast as you can while yelling at Tech to grab the crate of supplies.
“Incoming!” Wrecker calls out as a fresh wave of troopers advance towards the six of you. You grunt as you deposit Omega in a chair near the controls before pulling out your blaster and helping Wrecker shoot down the men racing towards you.
“Got him. Tech, fly us out of here!” Echo commands while Wrecker makes a gesture for them to get on the ship faster. Hunter stumbles as he does his best to upright himself.
“Go go go!” Wrecker exclaims. Tech shoves the crate next to Omega’s seat and makes a beeline for the cockpit as you continue shooting, moving to the side to make space for Echo and Hunter to come on board. Wrecker quickly climbs in right after them and the ramp closes shut.
Tech immediately pilots the Havoc Marauder up and away from the scene. You vaguely hear the sound of blaster fire hitting the bottom of the ship while you drop your blaster on the ground and wrench Hunter’s helmet off in a panic. You take his face in your hands as you scan him quickly, trying to figure out if he’s hurt or not.
Hunter bats your hands away. “He... he took Omega,” he says and you shake your head. Wrecker pipes up from behind you to respond.
“Who? Crosshair?”
“The bounty hunter,” Hunter mutters as he rubs a hand over his face. Before Wrecker can answer again, you step in.
“No, he didn’t. I took him down. And no, he’s not dead,” you tack on quickly when you see Echo open his mouth. Echo shakes his head fondly and you just grin at him.
“She’s right here,” Echo says instead, pointing to Omega’s sleeping figure. Hunter turns in surprise to see that his brother is indeed telling the truth.
“How...?” Hunter’s voice trails off. Echo and Wrecker look at you expectantly, and Hunter follows suit. You sigh and take off your helmet, setting it down on the ledge next to the controls. You don’t look at them.
“It’s a long story.”
You don’t have a chance to elaborate any further because Tech walks in, interrupting the conversation.
“I’ve made the jump to hyperspace. There was a cruiser in the atmosphere, but I was able to quietly go past them by disguising our ship as a bounty hunter’s. They didn’t interfere. I put in the coordinates for Ord Mantell. I estimate our time of arrival to be five hours and thirty two minutes,” Tech reports and Hunter nods while you voice your thanks.
“Looks like we got time!” Wrecker says cheerily, pulling out an extra chair. Tech looks to you in confusion.
“Did I miss something significant?” Tech asks, concerned about the information he did not receive as he adjusts his goggles. You shake your head but now, all eyes are back on you.
“She was just about to tell us how she saved Omega,” Hunter supplies helpfully and Tech nods in understanding. He grabs a chair as well and sits down, interested in hearing what you have to say.
You look around the room, realizing you can’t get out of it. You are exhausted and just want to sleep but based on the looks you are getting from the boys, there is no way you can leave without giving a sufficient answer.
You sit down on a chair in between Omega and Echo and begin explaining.
“When the cone fell, it separated. I got knocked out when I hit the ground, but I don’t think I broke anything,” you quickly reassure as Tech grabs a datapad to scan your vitals.
“After I came to, I tried comming Echo, but my commlink was broken – I could only hear bits and pieces of what he said. There were some voices near me so I just followed them and–” you pause, not sure if you should tell them what happened. What you experienced, what you found out. “–I saw Hunter and Omega. The ledge I found was way too high for me to jump to, so I climbed up the side of the wreckage to see them and the bounty hunter facing off,” you say, choosing to leave the detail out. It was too personal. You still needed time.
All of them are listening intently, hanging on to every word you’re saying. Hunter’s gaze on you is heavy and loaded with questions. Tech is still tapping away on the datapad, but you know you have his full attention. Multitasking may not be possible for regular humans, but it definitely was for Tech.
“When I saw the bounty hunter, I knew Hunter wasn’t going to win,” you mumble sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. Hunter winces at your statement and you rush to explain why.
“Hunter, you have to trust that I genuinely don’t doubt your abilities. You are much more of a soldier than I will ever be. But this bounty hunter is one of the best, if not the best in the entire galaxy. He’s gone against the Jedi, and won. Based on what Anakin told me at the beginning of the war, Cad Bane is ruthless. He tortured Master Ropal and killed him. Believe it or not, I think he tried to abduct Chancellor Palpatine. Even Anakin had a difficult time fighting him.”
A tense quiet settles over you all as you mentally revisit your conversation with Anakin, and later with Ahsoka. She told you how it was one of the first times she was genuinely afraid that she was going to die, or at least get hurt very severely.
Echo’s rough voice shakes you out of your reverie. “How do–did you know General Skywalker?” he asks, clearly confused at how you referred to him on a first-name basis. You mentally facepalm yourself. How did I forget he served as part of the 501st? You feel incredibly stupid.
You could make up a lie, of course, but it wouldn’t be worth it. Hunter’s enhanced senses and Tech’s vitals scan could probably pick up on your biological signs, not to mention you would feel terribly guilty about not being honest. I promised myself I would tell them…
You blow out a nervous breath, deciding to at least give them something. They deserved that much.
“I’m–well, I was a Jedi,” you admit, staring down at your feet. You can’t bring yourself to look at them, feeling almost… ashamed.
The boys are shocked into silence and you cringe. There was probably a much better way for you to say that, but now it was out there. Yet the pressure that had been weighing down on you since you let the Force back in didn’t lessen.
“What?” Wrecker questions, thrown completely for a loop. “You’re a Jedi?”
Before you can answer, Tech pipes up. “When I reviewed your medical data, there was no note about an elevated midi-chlorian count or any sort of connection to the Force. Additionally, there is no documentation of you serving as a General or a Commander during the war in the Republic military records. How were you a Jedi? And why aren’t you one now? You used past tense in your sentence,” Tech adjusts his goggles as he attempts to register this new information that conflicted with his previous knowledge.
You sigh, drumming your fingers on your thigh. “I left the Jedi Order before the war ended. I promise I’ll explain everything in detail later, but for now, you have to understand that I’m just a Force-user. I trained as a Jedi, but I’m not a Jedi, not anymore,” you clarify, lifting your head up to make eye contact with each of them.
“Aw man, that’s so cool. You have to show us your cool mind tricks sometime!” Wrecker smiles and you agree to his request. It warms your heart to see him so excited.
“It makes sense. You must have seen the regs turn on the Jedi but didn’t know why. When you started traveling with us, you didn’t know if we would turn on you too, even though we’re not regs,” Hunter realizes, and you nod in affirmation. You’re secretly relieved by the fact that he doesn’t seem angry, just… just thoughtful.
“And then when I saw what happened to Crosshair, I knew I couldn’t risk ever telling any of you. But when Rex told us about the chips…” you trail off.
Echo picks up your sentence quickly. “You figured out you would be safe with us if we got our chips removed. No wonder you were so insistent on following what Rex said.”
You smile at the last part, a bit embarrassed. He wasn’t wrong. You were probably even more insistent than Rex was on telling them to get their inhibitor chips out. Better to be safe than sorry you told them. Though at the time, you hadn’t even thought about how removing their chips would impact you and your abilities. You were too focused on keeping the Force out of your body to entertain that thought.
Wrecker suddenly gets up and gathers you in a bone-crushing hug. “Well you don’t have to worry now! We got those stupid chips out of our heads, which means I promise we won’t kill you!” he says cheerfully and you can’t help but laugh as you hug him back, the knot in your chest beginning to unravel. You could always count on Wrecker’s wonderfully big heart to raise your spirits.
“You’re right, big guy. It’s honestly a relief. One less thing I have to worry about.”
Wrecker lets go of you and you pick up where you left off. “As I was saying, Cad Bane isn’t a bounty hunter we can take lightly. Crosshair helped me re-engineer my blaster to turn it into a pseudo sniper with attachable parts during the war. Because I was so high up, I could get a clear shot of Bane. From that vantage point, I shot him at the same time Hunter and Bane shot each other.”
Echo’s mouth drops open. “Damn.”
“What I didn’t expect was for Hunter to be rendered completely unconscious. So I told Omega to try to comm you guys while I went on Bane’s ship to see if I could find anything. And I did.” You pull off your backpack and dump out the contents. Bags of credits come tumbling out. You unhook the few bags on your belt and toss them into the pile.
“Bane had a secret compartment with a lot of credits. So I took them and that crate I yelled at Tech to get,” you explain as you reach into the bag to show off the Imperial credits.
Tech’s eyes widen as he lifts up a bag to inspect it. “I will have to calculate how much you took and mark it in the inventory, but based on my initial deduction, this may be enough for us to upgrade the Marauder and provide sustenance for at least a few months.”
“Nice one!” Wrecker compliments and you grin in response. “What’s in the crate?” he asks, walking over to lift up the top.
“Medical supplies. We barely had any left so I figured I might as well take that too,” you shrug as Hunter gets up to join Wrecker to peer at the contents.
“What happened after that? You said you told Omega to comm the others, which means she was awake. Did she get hurt while I was out? Is that why you look so exhausted?” Hunter inquires, astute as ever.
You bite your lower lip. “When I was getting off his ship with the goods, he had woken up again. Before I could do anything, he stunned Omega and then immediately shot at me,” you pause, wondering if you should elaborate on how you got out of the situation. You decide to come clean on this part.
“I… I don’t know how, but I was able to stop the blaster bolts and keep them – and Bane – in stasis with the Force. The problem was that it took a lot out of me. After not really using the Force for so long, my energy reserves were pretty much gone,” you sigh, absentmindedly rubbing your arms. Your muscles are still sore from the event.
“After that, I punched him and knocked him out again. I dragged you and Omega away from the ship so that I could protect you, and I ended up using that giant piece of durasteel as cover to fight off those clones. Then you guys came and rescued us and that’s that,” you finish, suddenly fatigued from the conversation. You slump back into your chair, perfect posture be damned.
“Wow,” is all Echo says, surprised by your strength. It took some serious stamina to be able to withstand so much for so long. Echo remembered seeing Commander Tano and General Skywalker be exhausted after some especially intense missions where they constantly had to use the Force.
“Yeah,” you mutter, massaging your dominant hand. It is still throbbing from the mean hook you threw at Bane. You don’t have any regrets. You glance at Omega’s sleeping figure and soften. The things I would do for this girl.
“Looks like I taught you well!” Wrecker laughs and you smile. When you first met the Bad Batch, Wrecker took it upon himself to teach you basic self-defense and how to overtake an opponent intelligently. Even though you already learned how to fight as part of your Jedi and military training, you couldn’t say no to him when he looked so excited. But it paid off because he’s right. Wrecker did teach you well.
“You did. You basically saved my ass out there with your amazing teaching skills,” you chuckle, glancing down at your hand. You think you’ll probably have to cover it in bacta gel to speed up the healing process before having yet another realization. (You seem to be having a lot of those today.)
I can just Force-heal. Before, you couldn’t Force-heal because it would look suspicious if something healed too fast. But now that they know, you don’t have to solely depend on medical supplies anymore.
Tech, as always, is right on cue. “Is your hand alright? For you to render Bane unconscious must have been no easy feat. Not to mention that according to the medscan I just took, you have a mild concussion, most likely due to your fall. I can run a medical diagnostic test to start and then run more specific tests to combat your pain...” Tech mutters the last part to himself, brain running light years faster than his mouth as his fingers fly over the datapad.
You debate it for a moment before nodding. “That would be great, Tech–thanks. But right now, I’m exhausted, so I’m going to go and crash in my bunk. Wake me up if I need to punch someone again,” you joke before shuffling away from your squadmates. You ruffle Omega’s hair affectionately as you pass by her and pick up your blaster from the ground before climbing down the ladder. You don’t notice Hunter’s troubled gaze or how his Force signature sours a bit as you leave.
You quickly clean up and throw on some bacta patches on a few nasty bruises. You sit down on your bed and pull the privacy curtain before deciding to open up your secret compartment next to your mattress. You stare down at the objects, the only things you have left as a reminder of the past. You reach down for one of them, about to touch it when you stop.
You shake your head and shut the drawer. Deciding to finally, finally hit the hay, you’re out like a light as soon as your head hits the pillow. Dealing with the Force and healing yourself could be done later. Not even your constant pain and crippling worry about your family friends could keep you up any longer.
please consider reblogging! it really helps me and is super encouraging ^_^
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