#didnt proofread so hope this is fine
gabyun · 4 months
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⋆ ˚。⋆ ୨୧ he likes me, he likes me not. - n.riki
pairing - niki x fem! reader
genre - highschool! au , bestfriends to lovers , fluffy fluff, teenage love, awkwardness in some parts, amusement park date
warnings - none besides like a few swear words😭 AND ITS VERY CHEESY
summary - you and niki hangout consistently, multiple times a week. the air started to feel different between you two, but both of you just tried to ignore it. niki, unfortunately wasn’t able to ignore it so easily. he felt butterflies from such little things you would do, little things you would say. he lately had a fuzzy feeling around you, but he just kept telling himself ` i don’t like her, we’re just too close. i don’t like her, i don’t like her, i don’t like her. or do i? `
wc - 2.7k
a/n - ahh this is my first time even writing something like this, i hope its not cringe or anything and i hope it doesnt seem way too rushed. i’ve been wanting to write stuff for awhile now and i finally had the chance to so i hope this came out good 😽 lmk if theres anything i should keep in mind for the next one !! i also finished this at like 2am so its not entirely proofread but definitely give me advice 🙏(also this entire time ive been listening to ur so pretty by the wasia project so this is like the background song of this story.)
you and riki were inseparable. firstly, you guys had almost every class together so it truly added onto the fact that you both were rarely seen without each other. secondly, you both lived on the same street since second grade meaning you two walked home together everyday. so, obviously people had speculated that there was something between you both. but, you guys consistently turned the idea down. it was now last period, english class. you guys inevitably sat beside each other. " hey niki " you began. "hm? whats up?" he perked up after having his head laying down on his desk. "do you wanna stop at the convenience store before we head home? im kinda hungry and both of our parents dont get home until 6pm." you asked. "hell yeah i do!" he looked up at you excitedly. "but you have to pay this time. i didnt bring any money" "ugh, fine" you sulked. "y/n i literally payed last time." you shot him a dirty look. "fine. but dont get $30 worth of snacks like that one time." "yeah yeah whatever.."
the bell rang, and it was time to go home. you and niki excitedly walked to the convenience store you both previously mentioned. you walked up to the door, opening it and jokingly saying "ladies first" to niki. "tch" he said sassily, rolling his eyes. the door chimed whilst being opened, and the employee greeted you both. you guys walked around the snack isle, the brightly coloured drinks illuminating certain sections of the store. one in particular caught your eye, so you walked over and grabbed it "i cant believe you dont like milkis." you said. "there are way better drinks y/n. " "yeah? like what." you challenged him. "um, anything besides milkis?" he sarcastically smiled. you walked over toward the icecream bin, selecting your favourite one. "niki, u want ice cream? they have ur favourite." you reached in deeper to grab it. "yeah sure. thatll be nice on a day like this" "ugh, i don’t want winter to come.. it’ll be so cold!" you shuttered. "you’ll survive y/n" niki sighed. you walked up to the checkout counter with niki, placing your items down. "that’ll be $14!" the older, but sweet looking woman said. "thats much less then last time." you pulled out your wallet, giving her the money. you both walked out, and you sat down on the concrete steps next to the store windows. niki followed, sitting right next to you. you never noticed before, but he smells good. like a mix of shampoo and some sort of cologne. you never knew he wore cologne. you guys simultaneously unwrapped the ice cream together, and started indulging in the sweet snack. "this is so good!" you said. "i bet mines better." niki remarked. "let me try yours." he put his ice cream in-front of your mouth, and let you take a bite. "mmh.. its alright.. niki i just think my tastes are better then yours" you shrugged playfully. your relationship was always playful. you guys were constantly teasing each other, and it felt good. it felt good to be so close to someone. as you guys continued, he looked over at you. the lights of the convenience store lit up the back of your body as the sun started setting earlier due to it getting slightly colder, making your hair glisten. he never noticed how pretty your hair looked under the bright lights. you both finished up, starting to get ready to finish your walk home. as you guys cleaned up, you looked over toward his face. you giggled, reaching your hand towards his mouth. "you’ve always been such a messy eater." his eyes widened, a hint of pink slightly covering his cheeks. "i-i can clean my own face.." "oh. sorry niki." you trailed off, confused. this wasn’t your first time cleaning off his face yet to him it felt different. he felt an unusual feeling, his heart fluttered and his stomach felt warm as his face did too. throughout this whole interaction, the convenience store lady observed quietly through the window. "i miss my high school years." she sighed.
late summer turned into fall, and fall turned into winter. nikis feelings just kept getting harder and harder to ignore. niki was in the change room after gym class with his friends. "are you sure you dont have feelings for y/n?" his friend jay asked. he hesitated momentarily. "yes. i am sure.. why are you asking..?" he questioned, worriedly. "so you wont care if i ask her to go out with me?" niki looked shocked by his comment. "you dont even know her.. why would you wanna ask her out." he said, annoyed. "niki, she is really beautiful. im sure theres a lot of other guys who would love to get a chance with her." his other friend heeseung added. "still! y/n doesnt need to be dating shitty guys like you. she deserves someone who will treat her right.. especially not you guys." he huffed, even more annoyed. "and i dont like her." jay and heeseung shrugged in defeat. "or do you?" jay added. "i dont.." niki trailed off, thinking about it more. "whatever you say, buddy." heeseung said, sarcastically. niki finished changing quickly, grabbing his bag and leaving for his next class. once the door shut, jay and heeseung and a few other boys began talking "he definitely has feelings for her." "yeah, 100%" "i don’t doubt that" "its getting extremely obvious" "mhm"
he stood outside your house, waiting for you to come out so you both could get headed to school. he oddly felt nervous. you opened the door, and waved, cutely. you were wearing a scarf, as niki was also. you both had big puffy jackets. you walked towards him. "lets go! i dont wanna be late again." he took in your beauty. "mhm" he answered, quietly. as you were walking, you offered him your other earphone. you guys had similar music tastes. ‘somethin stupid’ by frank sintara had begun to play. "i love this song." you said, softly. "yeah. it is really nice." he breathed out air, the cold made it look like smoke. you opened your pocket mirror, adjusting your hair. "do i look good? i had such a bad hair day yesterday." niki turned to you, not surprised by your question, but hes never truly seen you that way before. hes always known you’re pretty, but he never actually felt that way. "you look beautiful. you are beautiful." he said. "w-what?" you said, completely taken aback. he’s obviously complimented you before, but about your looks more specifically? this time, it really sounded like he meant it. you looked away from your pocket mirror, facing him. he looked at you with a twinkle in his eyes. you both stood there for a couple seconds more. "n-nothing.. forget i even said anything." he looked down at his feet. you could practically feel his embarrassment radiating off of him. you guys continued walking, listening to your shared playlist. a couple minutes go by and you began to speak. "thank you, niki." "hm?" "thank you. for calling me beautiful." you looked down at your feet, smiling. "oh.. don’t worry about it." he rubbed the back of his neck. both of your feelings were becoming more and more apparent as the days went on.
you were laying in bed, reading your favourite book with a comforting lamp on. you were under your fluffy blanket, and your curtains flowed softly as your window was the slightest bit open. you felt the buzz go off on your phone sitting next to you.
riks : omg y/n
you : omg niki
riks : remember that amusement park we mentioned wanting to go to for awhile?
you : yes ofc i remember?!?
you : NO WAY FR??
you : is that even a question.
riks : alr alr IM SO EXCITED
you : ME TOO
you shut off ur phone, kicking around in your bed out of excitement. you and nikis parents would always take you guys to amusement parks or fairs when you were little. you guys haven’t gone in quite a while, so this was gonna be fun, but also nostalgic. big rides were always your favourite thing, but he hated them. he was always so scared to go on them, so this time you were absolutely determined to make him go on one with you.
around a week passes by, and its time to get ready to go to the amusement park with niki. it was still pretty cold, so you had to take that into account. the park was opening back up for some sort of winter event, apparently it was supposed to be really pretty. you’re getting ready, styling your hair and doing your makeup. usually, you dont put that much makeup on. but this time, without even realizing, you were doing alot more. you put some really pretty eyeglitter on, using waterproof mascara so your eyelashes hold better, just overall doing stuff you wouldnt usually do on a day to day basis. "wait.. why am i so worried about how i look, its just niki." you told yourself. just niki. as you were continuing to get ready, you were getting increasingly nervous. "this isnt a date y/n, this isnt a date. you have nothing to be worried about. its just a regular hangout with your bestfriend." you kept telling yourself. you put your jacket on, and you also grabbed a fuzzy scarf. little did you know, niki was telling himself the same things in the mirror as he tried to lessen the sweat on his palms.
you and niki arrive at the amusement park. it was beautiful lit, even though it wasn’t late the lights of all the fun rides illuminated the place wonderfully. you and niki looked at each other and smiled brightly, bringing back tons of memories. niki ran over to the bumper cars, and you followed. it was always his favourite thing to do. you hopped in the car of your choice and niki went in the one beside you. the game started, and you tried your best to hit niki as hard as you possibly could, whipping him forward practically giving him whiplash. you were basically pissing yourself laughing as he gave you the nastiest look. it took him a few tries but he finally ended up beside you once again and repeatedly rammed into you. you guys went 2 more rounds before becoming tired and finally leaving the bumper car area. you both adjusted yourselves, but niki noticed your shoelace was untied. "y/n, hang on." he knelt down in-front of you, and began tying your shoelaces with his slender fingers. "i could’ve done it myself but thank you niki" he looked up at you, smiling and nodding. you ruffled his hair and he shot up. "hey!! i spent a while trying to make my hair look good.." you laughed at him, continuing to look for other things to do. one of those water gun games caught your eye. "niki look! we used to always try and win plushies on that." his head swung toward you, immediately challenging you to see who could score higher. you both were trying your hardest, and you obviously won. he sighed in defeat. the employee handed you this adorable hamster plushie. you looked at it, smiling. "niki you kinda look like a hamster when you’re sulking." you put the hamster up to his face to compare, jokingly. "tch, yeah yeah whatever y/n" he said. "niki, you should have it. it looks like you anyways, and you’ll be reminded of me everytime you look at it." you shot him a joking wink. he took the plushie as you said he should. some time passes by, and you guys already ate and drank stuff, went on the carrousel and all of the basics and its been a few hours. the sun was starting to set, and the lights of the park continued to get brighter. "niki. we need to go on a big ride." niki looked at you for a split second, as if you just told him his pet died. "um absolutely not?" he answered. "niki pleaaaaaase" you clung onto his arm, pretty close to his face. "cmonnn just this once?" you blinked at him. he was looking directly at you, but no words were escaping his mouth. "f-fine.." he looked away, with a tinge of pink covering his ears. you were unable to tell if he was blushing or if he was cold. "i never thought you’d actually agree. this is like the best day ever?!" you grabbed nikis arm, and rushed into the line of one of the relatively larger rides, but not too large so niki wouldn’t be too terrified. after a bit you guys got seated beside eachother, and the employee pulled the over the shoulder restraint on you guys. you could tell niki was obviously nervous. "y/n i cant believe you made me do this. i actually despise you right now." "im sorry!!! only this once okay, i’ve always wanted to go on one with yo-" your sentence was cut short as the ride began, making a loud noise. "y/n i cant believe this." niki panicked. you giggled slightly as the ride made its way up to the highest point. you put your hand out for niki to hold, and he grabbed it immediately. after a few more seconds of comforting him the ride reached its highest point. after the it holding for a few seconds, it let go and your free hand went up. niki squeezed tighter and screamed loud. "Y/N L/N I DONT KNOW WHY I AGREED TO THIS" "I DONT KNOW EITHER" you yelled back. after around a minute, the ride came to its final stop.
you got off smiling and happy, whereas niki came off completely disheveled. it was a funny scene, you looked like a joyful golden retriever puppy and he looked like a grumpy black cat. you looked back at him and noticed his messy appearance. "sooo, how was it." you asked curiously, fixing his jacket along with his scarf. "never again." his eyes met your face. "it couldnt have been that bad." you reached your arms up, fixing his fluffy hair. you smiled at him whilst he stared into your face, unable to think of anything besides you.
it turned late, and it was 10 minutes left on the clock before the beautiful fireworks started. you guys found a decent place to stand, and you were both snacking on a pretzel. you witnessed multiple couples walking by, and thinking about how you wouldn’t be so opposed to being in a relationship. "gosh, theres so many couples here today." "theres couples here constantly." he added. "okay, but still. they’re all so lovey-dovey." "i guess so." you guys continued talking and the fire work show started, beginning with a few small ones. you both looked up in sync, mesmerized by the bright colours. twinkling eyes, niki looked over at you. it took him a while to take it in, but at this very moment his feelings truly solidified and he wasn’t so unsure anymore. it was forever since you spent a day together at your favourite childhood place, and now its the place where he recognizes how much he likes you. "y/n?" he says your name. "mhm.. whats up..?" you say slowly, completely and utterly enthralled by the fireworks growing in size. "i-i.." he trailed off, still facing the fireworks but his head facing you. "i think i like you." a huge firework exploded. "no, i do like you." it took you a moment to process. you turned towards him in shock. "i hope this doesn’t ruin anything, i cherish our friendship and i don’t ever want to lose yo-" you cut him off, grabbing his face. "you could never lose me. i like you too, dummy." you gave him a quick peck as another firework exploded. it felt like there were mini fireworks exploding in both of your hearts.
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violentnewmarley · 10 months
“It’s always been you”
Bill Kaulitz (2009) x fem!reader <3 (Fluff)
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I’m not a real writer and my grammar is bad so ignore that please (didn’t proofread lol) 😙 also I wasn’t super sure if this is a fluff or angst oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️
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• When you and Bill go to a club a few things happen that may lead to you becoming more than just friends… 😝
You and Bill kaulitz had been “just friends” for a while, both knowing you wanted more but neither of you making a first move. this dynamic made situations awkward at times, both of you would do small things in attempt to make eachother jealous, but this time bill had had enough…😟
You and bill decided to go clubbing, there was nothing better to do, plus all the party’s on tour had been boring so why not go out for the night.
you dont know how or when it had happend but eventually you and bill ended up splitting apart to do your own things, you had already looked around a bit unsucsessful to find him. so You make your way to the dance floor, hoping to spot bill.
Finally you Find bill, He was giggling with some random girl, faces only a few inches apart with his arm rested agaist the wall. "what the fuck." You thought to yourself- why would he be flirting with another girl? sure you were ¨just friends¨ but Bill literally brought you there.
Without thinking you grab the hand of the nearest guy, dancing with him suggestively. You turn to look back at Bill, hoping to had made him jealous. you meet his gaze from across the dance floor, his stare disclosed jealousy, clearly not even trying to hide it.
You send him a smirk (HELP IDK💀) as you contined dancing with the man for a few more songs, actively looking back over at bill to make sure he didnt get to comfortable with anyone else. But at some point you lost track of where he was and got tired of dancing, deciding to go and get a drink at the bar intstead.
on your way to the bar you see none other than bill, laughing with now two other girls. (Damn😓) all you wanted was for this night to be over, you were so tired of putting all of your energy into someone who couldn’t care less.
You strut your way over to him, cutting off the conversation he was engaged in.
¨Bill i want to go back to the hotel¨
He turns around to face you, rolling his eyes (think passive aggressive🥰) ¨why don’t ask you ask that other guy?¨
¨can you not do this here please? i just want to go home.¨
The car ride back to the hotel was painfully silent. You felt bad for dancing with that guy. Bill was flirting with other girls sure, but could you really be upset at him? its not like hes your boyfriend.
After what felt like forever you finaly got back to the hotel. Bill decided to go to gustavs room to get away from you. Without Bill there didn’t seem like much to do. So you took a shower to clean up, followed by going on the balcony to think and smoke a cigarette.
your thoughts get interupted by knocks on the door
¨come in¨
You weren’t sure if you wanted it to be Bill or not- but of course it was. His eye makeup seemed to be smudged as if he had been crying- still looking undeniably gorgeous though.
he slides open the screen door, standing in front of you and placing his hand on the railing beside you. You could feel the tension as Bill looked down at you, so you kept your head down to avoid eye contact.
¨y/n im sorry... i dont know why i was flirting with those girls- i guess i just wanted to make you jealous or something.¨
¨why would you want to make me jealous Bill?¨ you knew the answer, but you wanted to hear him say it, plus- you didn’t think he had the balls to really do.
¨because...¨ you could hear the hestation in his voice. you finally pick up your head, no longer staring down at the cement. his face was slowly iching closer to yours with each word he spoke. ¨because im in love with you.¨
¨its always been you y/n, i knew it was since the first moment i laid my eyes on you.¨
You and Bill had both wasted so much time leading to this moment, but you didn’t want to waste anymore. your hands met his jaw, and you took a second looking into his soft brown eyes asking for permission, earning a nod in response.
you take a deep breath and kiss him gently, Bills lips were soft and tender. his kiss made you feel complete, unlike any other one before.
Bill quickly takes control by deepening the kiss and wrapping his hand around your waist, the other still rested on the railing.
¨i love you Bill¨ you mumble, you can feel him smirking at your words. He pulls from the kiss, bringing his lips down to your ear, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine.
¨should we take this inside?¨
Part 2??!…
y’all I’m sorry if this is cringe wtv… the part 2 would be a smut so lmk if you would like one😝 and ty to lo for helping me out with ideas and stuff again luv u babes 🥰 <333
💟 @fishinaband @nyxwritesshit @bbvoxstar @mikalame
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sofs16 · 7 months
perceval shark
charles! fake photographer x singer!reader
HEY! i know that may sound alarming as he is a fake but its quite silly… i think… im about to write it so enjoy <3
— just finished writing; not proofread at all
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liked by charles_jpg, and 10,484,393 others
yn.yln hi friends! im currently looking for a photographer to join me on tour for the next month since my cousin (usual photographer) got injured and can’t travel:( send me a message or email in my bio and ill send more deets:) thanks a lot!!! 💌
view all 2,484,393 comments
ynsphoto will she acc reply to like millions of people tho 😭
⤷ yn.yln i really am trying but my instagram dms are glitching now 🫠 my team and i have replied to most of the emails tho:))
july 31, 2023
— mail app, you’ve got 16,483 inbox!
From: Charles Perceval >
To: Yn Yln >
July 31, 2023 at 4:18
Hello, Yn!
If you are still in need of a photographer, I would love to help out!
Though I have no real experience aside from taking pictures of my friends, I have a large passion for music as you do.
I hope to hear from you:)
P.S Here is a link to some of my work. Have a good day:)
All the best,
Charles Perceval
To: Charles Perceval >
From: Yn Yln >
Subject: reply asap pls :))
July 31, 2023 at 11:01
Hey, Charles!
I’ve really spent quite a while being mesmerized at your photos and I would loveeee if you could come with us on tour this month!!
The notice is quite short but the schedule would be August 4 to August 28 with us circling Europe. Let me know if there’s any issues and we could work around it:)
Hope to hear from you as well.
All the love,
Yn Yln 🤍
To: Yn Yln
From: Charles Perceval
July 31 at 16:22
Hello, Yn!
I am so glad! There may be a minor issue but could maybe we could talk about it on Instagram.
Would that be alright?:)
All the best,
Charles Perceval
charles_jpg • Instagram
12 Followers • 83 Posts
Following you since 2017
yn 💌
i must say, the 12 followers and private account is very sketchy, perceval 🤷🏻‍♀️
Charles Perceval
Hello Yn! Why are you judging me on my followers 😂
im just saying i hope you dont rob me when we meet in real life 😔
Charles Perceval
Thank you for the trust in me. But I would not do that to you😁
yn 💌
sigh.. i guess it’s my fault if i end up dead in a ditch… ANYWAYS!
are you free to meet tomorrow 😁
Charles Perceval
Where exactly?
Where are you now?
Charles Perceval
you’re.. in a spa?
Charles Perceval
No! Spa, Belgium
that one was NOT on me! But perfect the first stop there is actually Belgium! I can go there if it’s not a problem for you?
Charles Perceval
It is no problem for me:)
Charles, don’t take this personally or rudely, but how old are you?
Charles Perceval
26 This October
alright! just making sure youre not an old man😁
Charles Perceval
Aw, thank you.
my manager will send more details, thanks charles and see you tomorrow:)
Follow Requests
f1babes + 5,383,292 others
yn.yln has requested to follow you. 1m
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liked by charles_jpg, and 8,018,382 others
yn.yln i may look fine but i have been hiccuping for the last 2 hours i fret i am getting a six pack
view all 1,198,292 comments
ynsbabe i bet if u turned it to a sing, it’d be a bop
⤷ yn.yln too emotional to turn it into a song
august 2, 2023
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liked by 2,483 others
yn.updated yn.yln just landed in Belgium where she will be performing for the first time this Friday!
view all 318 comments
liviesyn streets say she went to dinner with a guy 💔😭😭😭😭😭😭
⤷ ynsday chill. she can have guy friends
⤷ author not this one 😅
august 2, 2023
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liked by oliviarodrighoe, and 16 others
view all 10 comments
oliviarodrighoe cant believ u didnt know charles leclerc THATS SO SO SUTPID IM LAUGJGING
⤷lauflaufey if he said leclerc would you have known anyway😭
⤷ ynshit 🙂
⤷ oliviarodrighoe how did you even find out
⤷ ynshit HE TOLD ME BCUZ HE’S LIKE A SHIT LIAR (thank you very much)
reneewrap did you hire him anyways
⤷ oliviarodrighoe HAHAHAHAHAHA
⤷ ynshit fuck you
⤷oliviarodrighoe or…
⤷ ynshit STOP
august 3, 2023
yn.yln has requested to follow you. 4d
confirmed | decline
— instagram notification!
• yn.yln has followed charles_jpg and charles_leclerc!
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liked by yn, lando.jpg, and 7 others
charles.jpg Thank you, Lewis for the camera 😘
view all 10 comments
lewis.jpg Anytime mate! yn yes, thank you lewis hamilton
[liked by charles.jpg]
august 3, 2023
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liked by 10,483 others
ynswife what do you MEAN yn followed charles leclerc on his main AND jpg acc which NO ONE ELSE BUT THE GRID AND HIS FAMILY FOLLOWS. view all 3,485 comments
ynsferrari bro has been liking all of yns posts since 2015 with that acc 😭😭😭😭
august 3, 2023
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tagged: charles_leclerc liked by charles_leclerc, and 14,393,292 others
yn.yln belgium 🤍 got a special guy with us too
view all 3,696,607 comments
charles_leclerc Sooo excited for this month! ⤷ yn.yln bring it on, perceval;)
maxverstappen1 🎉
taylorswift Gorgeous! ⤷ yn.yln i told u guys that song was abt me
august 3, 2023
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tagged: yn.yln liked by yn.yln, and 2,293,596 others
charles_leclerc London 😎📷
view all 583,797 comments
yn.yln youre so talented, perceval:,) you make me like my smile
⤷charles_leclerc Haha thank you, ynn. You have an pretty smile to begin with! ⤷ lestappen1661 I can hear the church bells
charles1166 no because the way charles always captures her best moments like the happiness in the first slide and how she’s literally a star on the 2nd 😭
august 6, 2023
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liked by 3,282 others
FERR4RI.YLN “you make my like my smile” “you have a pretty smile to begin with” OH ITS OVER FOR US
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ylnleclerc MOM AND DAD
august 6, 2023
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tagged: charles_leclerc
liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, and 7,383,494 others
yn.yln my turn to jpg 🤭
view all 3,585,922 comments
charles_leclerc Loving the first slide ❤️
⤷ yn.yln thanks!
oliviarodrgio ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹❣️❤️💗💟😘
⤷ yn.yln fuck off. f1rraris yn sitting with charles on the plane😭 his whipped smile😭 them eating together😭 the heart emoji😭
august 8, 2023
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liked by 18,493 others
yn.updated yn sings unreleased song “slut” at monaco soundcheck today?!?! some lyrics :
• “got love struck, went straight to my head”
• “and if they call me a slut you know if might be worth it for once”
• “everyone wants him that was my crime”
• “i break down then he’s pulling me in. in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman”
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chleclercs bye. august 10, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 9,193,492 others
yn.yln monacoooo!!! thanks for being so kind to me and charles:,)
august 10, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 11,737,292 others
yn.yln a day in shark lerklerk’s life
view all 4,697,922 comments
lewishamilton shark lerklerk
⤷ maxverstappen1 shark lerklerk
⤷ fernandoalo_oficial shark lerklerk
⤷ pierregasly shark lerklerk
⤷ landonorris shark lerklerk
charles_leclerc 🤦‍♂️
⤷ yn.yln💆🏼‍♀️
cru3lsumma entering gf yn time.
august 11, 2023
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liked by oliviarodrighoe, and 8 others
ynshit this isnt funny im ac down bad. ITS BEEN LIKE 10 DAYS
view all 6 comments
oliviarodrighoe MATCHMAKER ERA 🙋‍♀️
august 11, 2023
sharkie !!❤️
sharkie! wana dinner 2nite 🎉
sharkie !!❤️
Of course! Where should I pick you up? :)
my my what a gentleman
at the hotel we’re staying in🤷🏻‍♀️
sharkie !!❤️
see you:)
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liked by 11 others
ynshit HE LET ME EAT IN HIS CAR. …… 🙂
view all 32 comments
laufey oh she’s whipped! oliviarodrighoe LALALALALALAL HELLO?
august 11, 2023
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charlec11 the random an posting no caption is so bf
yn.yln wait. why do i look snatched here.
⤷ charles_leclerc You most certainly are ;)
⤷ f1111zoom HOLD TH E PHONEZ
august 15, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 15,393,393 others
yn.yln little ep out now:)
august 22, 2023
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charles_leclerc Might as well be worth it for once❤️
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yn.yln thanks for the last pic, love 🧘‍♀️
⤷ charles_leclerc you could always come to the pasdock😘
august 25, 2023
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catscidr · 4 months
I think we have all seen the "Argenti thinks the Reader is Idrila" stuff on here. But what if the reader actually is Idrila? So I wanted to request Argenti/Idrila!Reader (gn or afab reader) headcanons or a oneshot where Idrila, who has taken on a mortal identity after [Insert tragic event here], and meets Argenti. They develop feelings for each other, Argenti finds out she is Idrila, they end up dating. (Maybe or maybe not in that specific order) I thought maybe after protecting her followers from Nanook she disappeared to ensure Nanook doesn't target them anymore? That part isn't as important so feel free to add whatever backstory you think fits^^ Thank you in advance, I really like your writing!
NONNIE omg im booting up star rail rn to stare at him lovingly. also i changed the scenario a smidge so reader is her own person while also being idrila? if that makes sense......?? yeah. also bc otherwise id be writing ten thousand words n i didnt want ur ask to grow dusty in my inbox d(;∀;d) but tysm for the prompt i couldn’t stop thinking about it ueue. also hey gang peep me trying to make my blog look more coherent n nicer looking. am i doin it ⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝⸝ cw: a smidge of amnesia and soulmate trope (it’s not that bad, trust), fluff, love at first sight (does that even count in this scenario....), argenti and reader are dancing around the topic a lot bc argenti is a gentleman and doesn’t want to pressure her to talk. blurbs to set up the plot + a fic after them hehe. not proofread, writer’s block is killing me  includes: fem reader (he refers to reader as "my lady"), argenti, natasha, luocha is kinda there wc: 2,3k
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-ˋˏ You’d go to Natasha’s clinic at least once every other day because you always had the worst migraines. To the point where you almost got beat up by a Flamespawn one time when you were clearing out calyxes (thankfully there was a Silvermane guard patrolling the area, otherwise you would’ve been charred). The doctor always says the same thing; “Stop looking for fights so often”, “Let your body rest”, “I can’t prescribe you antibiotics”, and your favorite, “Stop slamming my door open I can’t do anything about your headaches”. She was a good friend, but whenever she repeated how she couldn’t be of any help to your predicament, you’d wish you could just take that glass vial hanging from her outfit and chuck it far, far away out of spite. 
-ˋˏ Obviously it wasn’t her fault- she'd done everything she could. Natasha even had you undergo the Underworld’s equivalent of an MRI scan because of how frequently you would visit her, insisting that something was wrong. The symptoms consisted of forgetting important things too often, feeling a foreign buzz in your limbs and brain, having a sudden burst of elemental energy come out of your attacks and a myriad of benign but annoying, irritating signs that something was up with you. 
-ˋˏ It became more of a chore than anything to leave your room. Some days you felt fine, but then when you’d go out again and beat up wave after wave of enemies in Caverns of Corrosion you would keel over, clutching your head while vague images of what could only be described as a fever dream ran through your mind. 
-ˋˏ You decided to leave the Underworld for some time- considering your absence like some sort of “vacation”. You heard of a wandering doctor (and merchant, apparently) by the name of Luocha and, from the people that crossed paths with him, it seemed like he was extraordinary at his job. A trek to the Xianzhou Luofu would be a long one, but after weighing your options you thought you’d give it a try (it was worth it if it meant you’d stop waking up at ungodly hours, holding your head in your hands while hoping, praying that the pain stops.) 
-ˋˏ You (somehow) made your way to the Xianzhou Luofu from Jarilo-VI. As competent as you were however, being stranded on a foreign planet with no map nor local to guide you was... a challenge. In retrospect, maybe you should’ve gotten in contact with that Luocha doctor and had him come to Belobog instead of you going to him since, well, he was a traveling merchant. Going from planet to planet is what he does (you assume). 
If you had read up more on general information about the Luofu you would have been aware of how many enemies were roaming around the docking area. But you didn’t. So, unbeknownst to you, a rogue mara-struck soldier was on your tail, trying to sneak up to you to snag the goods you hid in your bag (which were basically just different types of painkillers and sustenance that bodes well on an upset stomach. He doesn’t know that though.) 
Your head was throbbing; ever since you set foot on the planet, your physical health had slowly dropped down to levels you wouldn’t be enduring if it wasn’t for the promise of a competent doctor once you get to the main city. Painkillers weren’t working, your feet hurt and to make matters worse, you felt the familiar lack of something in your head. It was so bad to the point where you had to have a tangible mark somewhere to remind you that you did, in fact, just take something for your headache and if you took two more painkillers, your body wouldn’t agree with your decision. It was a struggle even remembering what you did five minutes ago, no way were you going to be in top shape, beating up every enemy crossing your way. 
Clouds began covering the bright sun, casting shadows over the desolate, geometric area. You huff, irritated that, from the looks of it, you won’t be able to find a cozy place to set up camp. Though sleeping on a ground made of primarily iron and steel was considerably less nerve-wracking than sleeping on the mushy, cold, dirty ground of Jarilo-VI. So, with a pout aimed at no one in particular, you find some place that you deemed decent enough to set your humble tent. It wasn’t often that adventurers slept outside of safe zones, however with your condition you couldn’t afford to miss out on some rest and possibly get even more lost than you already are. 
You set your heavy backpack down, rolling your shoulders to soothe the ache in your muscles from carrying something so bulky. As you ruffle through your belongings, you open a bottled soda and take a swift gulp, sighing contentedly at the pleasant taste on your tongue. Now that you were sat and could rest your bones (until you started setting up your tent, at least), your ears were able to pick up on some not-so-distant footsteps. 
There’s no time for you to react; the mara-struck soldier that had been following you lunges at you, aiming for your bag. Your eyes widen and you open your mouth to yell, but before any sound can leave your mouth, a long, red and gold spear pierces the ground between you and the rabid man, making you yelp in surprise. You scurry as far back as you can in your current state; however, the soldier doesn’t have time to take advantage of your weakened stature. The owner of the spear lodges himself before your shaking figure and the mara-struck, yanking his spear out of the ground with impressive elegance, and summons an array of thorny vines to catch your assailant. 
It takes little to no effort for the seasoned fighter to take down the mara-struck as he swings his weapon, swiftly knocking the blunt end on the soldier’s plexus, knocking the wind out of him. A strangled scream leaves his throat as he scampers away, leaving your belongings safe with you and the strange red-haired man. He lowers his spear, careful to keep the sharp edge far from you, and turns around to face you properly. His brows raise a smidge for a split second before he composes himself and bows before you, the action short and curt.  
“It would have been a shame to lose a beauty such as yourself,” he says smoothly, straightening his back to look down at you with a warm smile. He stretches his hand out, a polite offer to help you stand up, as he continues speaking. “My name is Argenti, I belong to the Knights of Beauty. What might you be doing so far away from civilization, dear...?” he trails off, waiting for you to introduce yourself. 
You were in a state of shock, your mind still processing what had happened in such a short amount of time, that you failed to notice the lack of pain at the back of your head. As you meekly tell him your name, you hold onto his hand to help yourself up- as soon as his armored glove comes in contact with your hand something flashes in your mind; too quick to allow you to think about it too much, or to recognize what you saw for a millisecond. 
“So far away from civilization... do you know how to get to the city?” you ask as you feel a glimmer of hope spark in you. His words were refreshing, probably the best thing someone has ever said to you in the past month. He nods, reaching into his pocket to fish out a blue handkerchief embroidered with a delicate gold trim. Argenti hands it over to you and you gratefully take it, blotting the sweat and... dust off of your face. 
“I have made my way around the Luofu for long enough to show someone the way,” he says kindly. “Besides, even if I didn’t, I would still offer to accompany you through your trek. It is my duty as a Knight of Beauty, for I must uphold chivalry and distinguished manners, in the name of the Goddess guiding me.” His words resonate within you, making you beam, nodding in understanding. 
Your reaction doesn’t go unnoticed by the knight. As you hand his handkerchief back, he smiles at you and gestures to your bag. “What brings you so far from your homeworld, my lady?” Argenti asks gently, though a glimmer of doubt swirls in his sparkling, verdant eyes. The question makes you pause, a memory flashing in your mind too suddenly for you to know what it meant. Although, from what you could tell, you knew you could trust him with what troubled you somehow. 
“Ah, it’s a long story,” you start sheepishly, “I’ve been having these incredibly painful migraines recently. And sometimes I feel like my memory is fading too quickly for what would be considered normal,” you say, trailing off slightly at the end. “I’m looking for a healer, a doctor by the name of Luocha...?” 
Somehow, the doctor was currently the least of your worries. You’d never felt so refreshed before, at least not that you could remember; simply being in Argenti’s presence seemed to be enough to make your aches disappear like a starskiff smoothly gliding through a cloudless sky. 
“I’ve seen the man only a handful of times,” Argenti mutters aloud, pulling you out of your thoughts. “I can do my best to guide you to him, but if I may... you don’t seem to be injured?” the knight says, his voice trailing off into a questioning tone despite the observation. You shake your head, wondering how you should explain your predicament to the man. 
“Like I said, it’s a long story,” you say again, shrugging sheepishly. You wondered if you should even go into the nitty gritty- he could always just be making small talk to help you get comfortable or something. Sensing your unease, he changes the spotlight to him instead. 
“There’s no need to delve into details if you wish to keep them secret,” he says with a kind smile, bending down to take ahold of your hand- gently pressing a chaste kiss on the back of your hand. Red flushes your ears immediately, words caught in your throat at the sight of his hair cascading over his shoulders, a beautiful contrast from the gold and silver armor glittering in what was left of the sunlight. 
“As for myself, like I mentioned earlier, I am a Knight of Beauty. I’m on a quest to find my dear Goddess Idrila once more, for I need to pay my respects to them after they saved me from a particularly grim fate.” His words echoed in your mind, your brows knitting together as you felt what could only be described as a cold bucket of water being dunked on your head. “I-Idrila?” you parrot, your voice coming out as a choked noise. Argenti perks up, the hand that had been softly holding onto yours now holding it with a firmer grip, his other hand joining it. 
“Yes, Idrila. Have you ever heard of them? Or...” he trails off, looking deep into your eyes expectantly, almost as if he knew something you didn’t. His eyes seemed to suck you in, bringing a comfortable wave of warmth over you, making you yearn for something. 
“I...” you begin, your gaze falling down to look at your feet. As you thought long and hard about what you wanted to say, what you tried to remember, you slowly look over to his spear, lying flat on the ground- long forgotten since the fight earlier. As if a lightbulb went off above your head, you perk up just as he did, and look at him, beaming. The words were caught in your throat; there was so much you wanted to say, to declare, to do in this moment of clarity, but with how fast your mind was running to catch you up on the current events of your life it was a struggle. 
“Argenti,” you murmur, the name rolling off your tongue smoothly, as you realized seeing the traveling merchant was no longer required. Though the road might have been arduous, and you may have almost lost your mind in the process, being with Argenti suddenly made everything make sense. That’s why your migraines mysteriously disappeared as soon as you were in the knight’s presence, that’s why you had gaps in your memory, that’s why you were freakishly powerful... at convenient times.  
Everything clicked into place. 
The both of you share a pregnant pause, eyes locked together as the world seemed to come to a stop around you. If it were possible, you’re sure there would be delicate, silky rose petals floating around your figures, suspended in the air. You glance down at his lips, and for the first time, make a decision with a clear head. 
His lips felt smooth against yours, the faint taste of vanilla mixed with roses transferring to your own lips. The kiss almost felt like it could be the result of a symbiotic relationship; now that you had Argenti, or at least had him by your side once again, you didn’t think you’d be able to continue on without him. 
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emi-thirteensgf · 4 months
Short MC being able to pick the brothers up.
#_ gn!reader, short!mc, fluff, bad writing nd probably ooc, not proofread .. so a lot of spelling errors probably
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asking wont go well, he will absoulutely say no at first but with puppy eyes and a bit of begging, he says yes
and he doesnt think you can pick him up but he was very wrong
you pick him up with ease— not only that your able to walk around carrying him
if you look really closely you can see a light blush cover his cheeks
then he insints that you put him down
"Pleaseee Lucifer?? Only for a second!" You say while giving him puppy dog eyes, you've been asking him for a few minutes now but he wont budge.
He lets out a sigh before finally saying, "Fine, if you even can." He gives you a smug smirk— you were rather short and although you had a little muscle to you, theres no way you could pick him up.. which that thought was immediatley proven wrong once you picked him up, bridal style.
"Told you I could do it." You say while looking at him smile, knowing that you proved him wrong and for him.. he was honestly taken by surprise, he doesnt get caught off gaurd a lot— almost never but this was surprising and if you look really closely you can see a light pink blush adorning his cheeks.
"Put me down." He says looking at you sternly, he doesn't like this one bit. Yes he does, dont think he'll admit it though. Lets hope you know to never do this infront of anybody else espcially not his brothers or Lord Diavolo, it won't end well for you.
"No." You say giving him a grin.
he was joking around that your short and poking fun at your height
which led you to say that you could pick him up
he laughed and doubted you could but next second hes not on the ground anymore and now being carried briday style by his human
poor boy is now a flustered mess
You and Mammon were hanging out in his room and he started poking fun at your height, "Hey, I bet that I could pick you up!" You declare while crossing your arms.
He laughed, he didn't think you could— I mean your a human and your also quite short, theres no way you could but next thing he knew was that hes know swept off the ground being carried, bridal style by you.
His face was now burning red, doing anything to make sure you won't see his embarrased face— he did not think you could do that, wait don't put him down yet!
"A-ay! Ya dont have to put me down, I mean ya are obviously enjoying it so .. just keep doin' it." Now don't be surprised that when you guys are alone he'll be making you carry him.
You laugh, "Okay.. okay"
he also was poking fun at your height, he found it funny that you were so short
though after he said that hes now being carried, bridal style by you!
you might've broke him..
You both were hanging out in his room, planning as TSL marathon before he asked a question that also seemed to be a way to make fun of your height.. jokingly, "..Are humans always as short as you?" He asks— laughing at himself because he found it funny how your so short.
You glare at him but you have an idea in my mind to catch him off gaurd.. so you pick him up, bridal style! He's immediatley shocked and turns red.
"A-AHH?!! U.. UHM!" He can't even form a sentence, hes flustered and just spluttering nonsense as he covers his face with his hands. He forgot what he was even gonnna say— if you don't put him down soon he's sure he'll faint.
You giggle— hearing your giggle definetly broke him now.. oops!
for him it wasnt like you were asking him or anything, it was accidental but its something that'll keep him up tonight..
in short he fell of a ladder and you caught him, bridal style
he didnt think you could carry him but it was definetly flustering
Satan was in the library like usual, he was using a ladder to reach a book that peaked his interest— not noticing that you came into the library because you were looking for him.
While trying to find the book that caught his interest he lost his balance and fell .. off the ladder which was slightly embarrsing but he glad no one was there. He was expecting to hit the ground but instead of the hard ground he felt warm arms.
He looked up and realized it was you .. and you were now carrying him. "You okay Satan?" You ask in a worried voice.
"Yes.. thank you" He says— he expected that you would put him down but you didn't. This was unexpected, he didnt think you'd be able to carry him but he couldn't say he didn't enjoy this a little. A lot
He had a soft blush covering his cheeks as you finally put him down and give him a smile, it was definetly an expierence that he might just have to make happen again.
nothing much happened to lead to it, you just asked to pick him and obviously he agreed!
he adores that his little human is so strong
expect to carry him more often! he'll make you carry him at any place and anywhere but he find its funny to do its infront of his brothers
though you are gonna have to carry the shopping bags on his shopping sprees now..
"Hey Asmo, can I pick you up?" You ask him, you just wanted to see if you could— although you were certian you could, you kinda just wanted to
"Hm? Awh of course sweetie!" He smiles as you pick him up, he also didn't doubt you could I mean he's seen examples of your strength before and even if you couldnt it doesnt matter! I mean he'd love to pick you up too
With his answer you immediatley pick him up and to no surprise you could, "Hehe, didn't know my little human was so strong~" He says, while wrapping his arms around your neck giving you a kiss
Now he asks you to carry him a lot, infront of anyone this man has no shame. He'll also make you carry his shopping bags just let him know if your tired though and he'll just make one of his brothers carry them!
he was honestly shocked you could carry him
he enjoyed it though and asked for you to do it more often
as long as its not hurting you though!
he also starts inviting you to the gym with him
Beel was up at midnight searching for snacks again but theres this one cabinet that he can't reach— which Lucifer did purposely to stop him from eating everything they had. You were still awake because you couldn't fall alseep so you heard Beel in the kitchen. Knowing it was him you went there, you wanted to see him and you were hungry anyway.
"Oh hey MC" He says with a smile, it seemed like he was troubled so you asked what was wrong. "Lucifer made it to where I can't reach this cabinet.. and im hungry."
Sounds like something Lucifer would do. "Do you need some help?" You ask— which made him curious, you were rather short.. so it confused him. "Hm?" You didn't get a concrete answer but you knew he would go an a rampage soon if he didn't have food.. and you'd feel bad if you didn't help him.
So you lift him up so he can grab what he needs. Which shocked him but he grabbed the food so you put him down— he was happy he got his food that he immediatley started eating. "Thank you.. but uhm.." He was shocked you could pick him up but enjoyed it.
"Yeah?" You asked with a soft smile, so he could feel more comfortable saying what he wanted to say. "Could.. you carry me more often?" He asks, you giggle "Yeah of course." That made him really happy as he finished his food.
But prepare for the long scolding from Lucifer in the morning.
he was probably the lightest out of all brothers or one of the lightest so its not really shocking you could carry him
basically you had to carry him from the living room to your room
dont be surprised if you cant get him off of you now
"Belphiee" You were now trying to get him off of you, the both of you were in the living room and he has now fallen asleep in your lap while his arms were around your waist but you wanted to go back to your room— but he was not budging.
"Shushh.. im trying to sleep." Welp.. he was obviously not gonna get up on his own so you had to pick him up.
His eyes were wide for a second as he now wrapped his arms around your neck but now he was smirking at you with a teasing grin.
"What?" You ask, hes been tiring enough already what now..? "Wow.. carrying me to your room? Straightfoward." He says
"Shut up." You say with a small laugh. Once you got your room you two quickly fell asleep. Now expect him to be asking to be carried more often, or well demanding..
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#_ DAMN that took wayy longer than i thought, sorry for the lazy writing on some of them ..
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charlewiss-writes · 2 years
make damn sure / charles leclerc
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day 19: wonder (part of one-word november prompts!)
word count: 1.5k.
pairing: bff!charles x reader
summary: being the hopeless romantic that you are, you've been dreaming about your special other your whole life. you're talking to your best friend pierre about the dream guy. what if you already knew him?
author's note: not proofread, so for sure many errors lmao. hope its still understandable (? also, im sorry for the delay! will try to have day 20 ready soon but its one prompt i really like so i dont want it to be short :( ill see what i can do! thanks for sticking with me through almost 20 days already!!
since being childhood friends, charles, pierre and you were inseparable. going to school together, joining them on their karting days, them joining you in your school plays. you were always there for eachother, without doubt. so when things started to get complicated at your house and you decided to move, they were 100% in. and that's how you ended now, two years after living with them, in the couch while talking to the frenchman.
"don't you wonder sometimes?" you had started the conversation, voice dry after hours without saying a word. it went like that sometimes, all too busy with their stuff: sometimes, even though you lived with two other people, thanks to their jobs, it seemed like you lived on your own. pierre straightened himself a little on his seat and turned his body towards you, so he could look into your eyes as he said "about?".
immediately regretting your decision to bring this topic to the table, you tried to back off. "well of course you don't, you already have a girlfriend" jokingly, you said. that only seemed to interest the boy in front of you more, being one that didnt like to leave things unresolved. "what are you talking about?". after knowing you for so long, they already knew you were a hopeless romantic at heart, but still, it made you nervous to talk about it out loud, being aware that it could seem ridiculous to others. "promise you won't laugh about it".
"when did I laugh to you?" he said, tilting his eyebrowns like you were telling him something unbeliavable. but you two, having the brother-sister relationship that you had, knew that he was blantantly lying as he always made fun of you, as you made fun of him too. seeing your glare, he laughed before saying. "fine, I won't, i promise". still, you took a bit of time before actually telling him what had been on your mind all day. "I don't know, I started to think about how everyone has met their significant other but I can't seem to find them".
"what if you did already? you know plenty of people".
you fully laughed at him, with no means to offend the frenchman. it truly seemed hilarious to you that he would believe that. "I think I would have realised if a certain person with all the qualities that I look for passed in front of me, pierre. I'm not dumb".
"you sure?"
and if look could kill, you would've been charged for murder. "you're being awfully mean to me today, pierre".
"it's cause you're so blind sometimes, like you purposely don't want to see". he looked pissed off now, and the change between his playful tone and this much colder one threw you off. "see what?" you asked.
"the way he looks at you".
it was a common discusion betweet you two, ever since you realized that you didn't love both boys the same. and although yeah, you cheered for their wins and stood through their hard times the same, the smile that adorned your face was different when you were greeted at the other side by the grin of a certain monegasque, who you also lived with. but for you, he was completely off limits. and you were okay with that, with being alone on the sidelines cheering for him, not expecting anything else from him. "oh shut up. you know we're just friends".
"if telling yourself that lets you sleep at night, go ahead. but you have to know that its okay to fall in love. if it goes wrong, i'm sure we can figure it out: you won't lose us. but what if it goes right and you're wasting your time? won't you like to know?".
"know what?".
the voice of a certain someone startled you. it wasn't like you didn't know he was in the house, but after a few hours asleep you had forgotten about him at all, otherwise you wouldn't be talking about this topic in the middle of the house. "know why she likes to talk about deep topics when we should be asleep" he quickly managed to answer, and even though it wasn't a lie, it felt wrong to lie to charles like that. "but why don't you two continue with the chat, eh?, i'm sure charles as more answers than i,he's smarter after all". the monegasque laughed at that and punched his arm in his way out, while he entered the room and started to get comfortable in the same couch that you were sat in.
"i love talking about deep topics, why don't you ever talk to me about it?" he sounded genuinely hurt, like the fact that you preferred to talk about certain stuff with pierre over him really bothered the ferrari driver. "thought you were asleep, charles". and it wasn't a lie.
"don't you trust me?"
"don't be silly, cha. I didn't want to bother you, that's all"
"you could never bother me".
after a few moments in silence, where he directed his eyes towards the ceiling instead of looking at you, he said, softly this time, like he truly didn't want to wake pierre up with his tone. "pierre's right. we need to talk. i want your opinion about something". at that, you clearly became more interested in whatever charles had to say. it had been a while since you two really talked, since he was always away, and when he wasn't, you were the one with the busy schedule. "it's really really really complicated, but i think i like a girl, and i don't know how to talk to her about it".
ah, that's it. that's your worse nightmare coming true, once again.
obviously, being the pretty boy that charles was, always so well manered and the perfect boyfriend that a mother could ask for his child, it wasn't the first time that he had a partner. but as the time went on, you knew he was getting more serious about the whole dating thing, and it scared you to think about him settling in for someone lese. someone that wasn't you. so, after all the years that passed, it still hurt quite a bit to hear him talk about other people in the same way you wished to be talked about.
after a few minutes where you didn't say anything, too stunned to actually answer him, you started to get self concious. obviously, he for sure saw how your face dropped when he told you that. would he realize that you had feelings for him all this time? would he feel betrayed? after all, he thought that you were only his friend, and thats why he was telling you this in the first place.
"you don't get it, do you?"
you furrowed your browns, now confused at what he was implying with that last sentence. "what do i have to get?".
he laughed about it and took your hands into his, to gently brush your fingers over your palm. "i'm talking about you, silly".
"what do you mean? why?".
his deep greenish blue eyes looked straight at yours, and it was impossible to pull away from his gaze. he softly started to answer your question. at least the one you had told him about, since your brain was already a mess with all the questions you had for him. since when? how didn't you see it before? did pierre knew about this? was that why he always talked to you about it?
"cause i've been in love with you for my whole life, more or less. i was just too scared to ruin things between us, but pierre talked me into it. said our friendship is bigger than anything that life could throw at us. and im confident we can work things out, you know? we have known eachother for so long. i know you like the palm of my hand. and you know me the same. please, don't tell me you didn't think about it, at least once, y/n".
you smiled, knowing about the endless times you had fallen asleep to the thought of you two together. wondering exactly this, if you could ever work out. how, each time, pierre and you talked about what you were looking for, you were, knowing or not, describing the boy that was in front of you, looking lovingly into your eyes. "i think about it all the time, cha".
"and why didn't you say anything before?" he reached for your face, gently caressing it with his right hand. "cause we're both dumb, i guess. but i think it's for the better, no? we've grown so much. we know how to make this work"..
"i'm gonna make damn sure, love".
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mitsuristoleme · 3 months
Ayo it's me !
SO uhhh
Damn that's my first time requesting something and I'm actually nervous, so it's about that nightmare thing I talked about, so maybe I thought you could write something (like anything it can be very short), IF you can write for Choso (if you don't i get it) comforting reader after a very realistic nightmare and reader is still scared after waking up because it was basically taking place in that same room and still feels like they're in the nightmare (I don't know if it's clear, but basically waking up still scared and having trouble calming down and feeling reassured because what if it's real)
Rereading this I'm realizing it's confusing, but hopefully with that post you answered to you understand a bit ;; and if you don't write for Choso maybe you can do it with any other (adult) JJK character, I'd be fine with it!
hihi! sorry this took so long D:
i really hope i managed to write what you described
this is my first time writing choso (and anything nightmare related in general) so forgive me if he’s ooc😭😭 and im also sorry this is a bit short, ive been pretty swamped with finals
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cw: nothing particularly??? reader has a nightmare, no pronouns used, not proofread
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you shot up in bed scrambling for your glasses, your blanket pooling around your knees as cursed energy rushed to your raised fists, ready to fight.
“sweetheart?” came a rumbling voice from next to you, making you flinch.
“hey, hey, its just me. just choso. whats wrong honey?” your boyfriend’s words were followed by a warm hand gently tugging you back into a sleeping position.
he pulled your face into his chest, careful to not smoosh your glasses, a soothing hand running across your back.
you nodded, letting yourself fall limp in his hold, trusting choso enough to take care of any threat.
“you wanna talk about it baby?” he asked, as he leant back to look at you in the dim lighting provided by the barely cracked open door of the bathroom.
“not really.”
he hummed, gently taking your glasses off to rest them on the dresser on his side of the bed, switching on the lamp while he was at it.
“the light make you feel safer?”
you could tell he wanted to say something else, but you really didnt want to talk about the horror plaguing your dreams.
your bedroom was supposed to be your sanctuary and the stupid nightmare had ruined every ounce of safety you felt in your bed.
you tugged your boyfriend closer, hand reaching up to tangle in his hair, that he’d started letting down from his ponytails while slept.
he draped his arms around your waist protectively, something he did often, especially in public (you’d come to learn that he was incredibly protective of people he held close to his heart)
“i gotchu,” he mumbled into your hair.
you sighed shakily against the crook of his neck, a few tears escaping your eyes as the adrenaline wore off.
before you could register the loss of his warm hands from your waist, his thumb was gently wiping away the tears from your face and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
he held your face, thumbs catching the wetness as it fell, kissing you gently, and staying there until you stopped crying.
“cmere,” he said, rolling you over his chest to his side of the bed, further away from the door, “no facing the door tonight, ‘kay? we’ll keep the lamp on so its less scary for you, yeah sweetheart? and if you still cant fall asleep, ill stay up with you.”
you began to protest, but he cut you off.
“aht, aht. i dont need to sleep, and even if i did you’re more important. so shush and cuddle me.”
you smiled softly at him, making your way into his waiting arms.
“thank you choso.”
“anytime, love.”
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please dont repost or copy my work without my permission
reblogs and comments are always appreciated!
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dividers by @/cafekitsune
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heartssatoru · 11 months
hi hi hello!! how are you? <3
i just wanted to say that i really enjoy your writings! :3
i appreciate the effort you put in this and if you had 1 fan, it would be me. if you had 10 000, i would be one of them and if you had none, ill be dead. <3
also i’ve got a request but feel free to ignore this, its reader x sukuna (omg i cant get enough of him🤭) where we got a cat and we really love it. we always make time for it and spend lots of nights just playing or cuddling if the cats wants so, but one day sukuna starts feeling needy and touch starved so i wonder what he would do?😩
also maybe angst? the cat dies and we lose all motivation but you don’t have to include this..
but yeah, feel totally free to ignore this or change it. thank you! <33
Broo its been a bit, im sorry about this being late. Especially to all the other requesters! I'm lacking motivation right now so take this for now. Thank you for the request!! <33 I didnt know what gender you wanted to the cat to be so I made it a girl I hope thats fine lol😭 and thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate it💕💕 I decided the cat lives, but if you want an angst ver lmk and ill do one!!
Warning: not proofread!
You had gotten a cat cause you wanted one for a long time. Sukuna didnt care at first, but he grew annoyed with her.
He'd ignore her all the time. Refusung to look at her. Sometimes he'd give the cat a glare every now and then.
He finds her annoying. And hates when you say shes your child, cmon now. Not to mention how she steals you from him.
Hes about to force you to sit on his lap or something, but instead the cat is the one sleeping in your lap while you pet her.
No way he's gonna stoop THAT low and be jealous of a cat. He absolutely refuses too.
Ever since that damn cat came along though, you guys hardly ever spend time. Its always with the cat. And he likes being alone with you.
He wouldn't mind if your attention wasn't ALWAYS on the cat. You'll be spending time together and then the damn cat comes and your smothering her in kisses.
You were trying to teach sukuna how to hold her (forcefully) but when you tried handing him her, he gave her a look of disgust and took his hands away.
You almost dropped her, which sukuna chuckled at. But luckily you didn't.
Another thing he hated was how she would always try and eat his food, even foods that had stuff that wasn't good for cats.
Hes done with her, but since he knows you care for her a lot he decides to give her another chance.
You were laying on sukunas lap as he played with your hair. Well, until the devil woke up from her slumber and jumped onto the bed.
He expected you to be respectful for once and not get off from his lap, but you did. And your attention went back to her.
"Did I say you could get up from my lap?" You hear sukunas voice as your petting her. Her fur went up for a split second.
"Aw come on-" you were about to say before being cut off by sukuna "that doesn't answer my question, brat. Did I say you could?"
Your still petting her, you rolled your eyes. Still petting her. Until you feel his hands around you waist. Easily yanking you back into his lap.
He glares at the cat, who is now trying to 'save' you from him. (She fails)
Now his arms are wrapped around your waist. His face nuzzled in your neck. "Damn cat" he mumbles from your neck.
You couldn't even escape cause of how tight his grip was. You both see the cat walking on the bed over to you guys
"Aww! Come here" you pat the empty space left next to you "seriously?" he scoffs. His arms still tightly wrapped around your waist.
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kichikichiko · 1 year
Accepting the loss of your animal companion
A/N: hey everyone! I originally wanted to make this as animal friendly ad possible (meaning u could put in animal you want while u read) but there are so many different types of pets ranging for furry creatures or those who shed skin so it was so hard my bad :((
The Tighnari part of this headcanon is for all but written specifically for @hitomisuzuya , Suzu I hope you know that youre not alone and you should never ever put the blame of loosing Frank on yourself. Was never your fault and never will be. ALSO IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE A HORSE SO PLS EVERYONE EXCUSE ME 😭
Anyways enjoy reading everyone!!
Tighnari, Kazuha and Thoma (seperate) x gen neutral! Reader, loss of a pet, comfort, fluff, headcanon, Cat for Kazuha, Dog for Thoma and horse for Tighnari, Tighnari was mostly targeted at Suzu, sort of proofread
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Tighnari ▪︎ verdant strider
Tighnari and you decided to visit mondstadt one day
Mainly because windblume was coming up and Collei wanted to see Amber again
The 3 of you had such a blast! It has been a while since the 2 of you have visited other nations so this was a well deserved break
Drank together, ate different dishes the city of freedom had to offer together, and made new friends
One day you met the calvary captain of the knights of favonuis while Tighnari was talking to Albedo
The conversation between the 2 of you shifted from work to animals to his title as the calvary captain
"Most of our horses have been taken in by Grandmaster Varka for his expedition however we still have around a few left here in the city just in case we need them" the captain started, "would you like to see them?"
You hesitated, a part of you didnt want to at all. You were afraid you'd break down and start remembering the past
But a part of you also wanted to, you longed to see another horse again
You longed to appreciate the way they strut, the way their mane flows when they jump, the way they look at you when you were getting ready for another competition together
Although their expression was overall the same, when you have a bond with a horse especially a strong one, their emotions as well as yours felt like they were connected
But youve avoided them like the plague
Regretfully, you said yes anyways
Your heart has won against your mind this time around
After a while the sun was about to go down and everyone was getting ready to call it a day
Tighnari and you left Collei with Amber so you both made your way to the inn youre staying at
The walk home was silent and you were staring down at your feet, and you seemed to be in a daze,
You gaze was empty, and there wasnt any hint of sparkle in your eyes
Tighnari noticed something was off so he asked
"Hey are you alright?"
"What? Oh. Uh yeah Im fine" you nodded half heartedly after his sudden question taking you off your train of thoughts
The fox stopped on his track and held your hand
"No something is off, you never look up when youre upset. Tell me whats wrong sunflower, Im here for you"
Your back was still facing him, but he could see your shoulders starting to shake, and you trying to muffle up sobs
You hated crying about this especially in public
You didnt want to remember
Never again
His ears perked up and swiftly he pulled you in for a hug
Before he got the chance to say something, you started
"Horses... I miss my horse Nari. I fucking miss him so much" you started, choking up sobs
"I miss him everyday and when I saw the horses before with Kaeya one of them looked like him and..."
You hid your face in his chest as your sobs started getting louder by the minute
"One of them looked exactly like him. I can't I regret that I wasnt able to save him Nari, Im such a bad companion. I could have done more, I could have SAVED him but I-"
"Hey! (Name)! Thats not true" he cutted you off before you finished your sentence, you were having an episode and it broke him to see you like this
Gently, he took your chin and made you face him
"He would never blame you for what happened. It was out of your control, he is your companion. He would have never placed the blame on you sunflower. It all happened too fast, please believe me when I say this, its not your fault"
You couldnt help but let more tears fall out
Yes you were still upset you lost your dearest companion
But you were also happy to hear those words come out of his mouth
You both stood in the middle of the road hugging for a while, waiting until you calmed down.
You knew it wasnt your fault that your beloved horse was gone, but Tighnari was right
He was always right
Your companion would never have blamed you for what happened to him
You wanted to be around horses again
But realise that the first step to finally be around them comfortably was to be able to accept and heal
And Tighnari will be with you every step of the way
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KAZUHA ▪︎ Scarlet Leaves Pursue Wild Waves
You were with Kazuha relaxing together outside enjoying the fresh air
The sun was out bright in Liyue so you both decided to take a stroll before setting out to the sea again on the crux
At some point during your stroll a cat came to you and meowed
You stopped on your feet and looked down to see the cat starting to rub on you affectionatley
You of course bent down to give em some pets
Kazuha realised you werent on his side anymore and looked behind to see you gazing sotfly at the cat while playing with it
He cant help but think you looked cute
He walked towards you and bent down to the same level as you and watched you play with the cat
You broke the silence after a while
"I use to have a cat" still not breaking your gaze away from the cat
Kazuha looked up at you "oh really?"
"Mmhm, (gender) was beautiful, had lushious (colour) fur, ears so cute you could bite em off and eyes that when you stare at them for long enough, you could find yourself falling in love with (gender) again" subconsciously smiling when you said that
You missed your cat truly
They were your best friend
The ronin hesitated for a bit, not sure if he should ask the question that came up on his head
Without him asking you knew what was on his mind
"(Name) passed away not long ago. I was very sad. In fact, I would be lying if I said Ive healed completely" you chuckled, finally looking up at Kazuha smiling a bit
You didnt want to think about negative thoughts when talking about your beloved cat
Because you'd just have a breakdown
Besides, you knew (name) was at peace anyways now
Kazuha stared at you for a while before smiling "Im sure (name) is resting well now, and if (name) was still here Im sure (gender)'d would love all the different places youre seeing right now on your journey"
You laughed "oh almost, I dont think (gender)'d like Sumeru's desert, (name) would make it visibly clear how much (gender)'d hate it"
You both played with the stray cat for another 5 minutes while talking about your cat until the stray finally left
Kazuha would like to raise a kitten with you
So you both could make new memories together
And for him to see the bond grow between you and their future kitten
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Thoma ▪︎ Protector from afar
Everytime you both went out together there was one time you'd miss playing with the stray dogs and cats out
Especially stray dogs
You have special attention to them
Whenever Thoma was knitting something for the stray cats you'd request he made one for the dogs as well
Whenever he was going out to feed the dogs and cats you'd always remind him to feed the dogs as well
You loved being around them and they seem to as well
He was in awe with how much bond and trust was between you and the dogs
Its almost as if you have one yourself
He had brought up wanting to raise a puppy with ypu, or adopt one of the stray dogs
But everytime he asked youd politely decline saying you werent interested
He was confused and shocked obviously
I mean you clearly loved the stray dogs so why didnt you want to adopt one?
He had to find out
You were getting ready for bed one night looking at the mirror while brushing your hair when he asked you laying on a futon (youre visiting him)
"Hey love, Ive been meaning to ask you something"
He only continued when you hummed, curious to what he wanted to ask
"Oh its just, I wanna know why you keep rejecting the offer of raising a puppy together or adopting one of the stray dogs. I mean you have such a tight bond with the dogs and you seem to favour them.. I must admit I was a little shocked when you rejected. Oh but Im not forcing you to say yes to my suggestion, if you dont wanna then thats fine its just-" he stopped talking when he saw you facing him
Your face was a little hesitant and your brows were furrowed a bit.
He could tell you were debating wheather or not you wanna tell him
"Oh but if you dont wanna tell me thats okay too love" kinda panicked a bit worried if he asked you a personal question 😭
You chuckled reassuring him it was alright
"No no Thoma its not that, its just.." you trailed off again trying to find the right words
"Im sorry for rejecting your suggestion for raising a puppy together, I think its a wonderful idea but im not ready."
He was about to say something before you continued "I had a dog once (gender) was a (breed of dog), and I named em (name)" you smiled at him, but one thing he noticed was that your smile didnt reach your eyes
"I lost (name) a few (weeks/months/years) ago. Ive been wanting to adopt another dog after (name)... but I just cant. I feel like Im replacing (gender)"
Thoma was mentally kicking and punching himself rn
How could he be so stupid
Of course this was obviously the reason why you rejected his suggestion
He wanted to apologise for asking but he knew you'd bash him and tell him not to apologise
Instead, he decided to get up from the futon and place a kiss on your forehead "could you... tell me more about (name)?"
You smiled and nodded
He always knew how to make you smile
Maybe one day when youre ready, you'll both raise a puppy together like a family
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wooahaes · 1 year
call on me
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pairing: non-idol!dino x fem!reader
word count: ~0.6k
warnings: vent fic p much: reader feeling kinda unloved by her family via forgotten plans. no proofreading, intentional lowercase.
daisy’s notes: yeah these feelings didnt go away like i hoped they would haha so ig take this
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chan always picked up on the second ring. tonight, this was just as true as ever, and you were thanking the universe for it.
“hey,” he had said, and you could hear the way he was smiling in his voice alone, “i thought you were meeting up with your family.”
“they forgot.”
chan said nothing for a moment, and then you heard a slow intake of air. “they... forgot?”
you sat alone in your apartment, dressed nicely and makeup done because you liked looking presentable for these kinds of things. it was a celebration, wasn’t it? it wasn’t even your idea. and yet things weren’t set in stone, so maybe you should have just... waited before you did any of it. now it all felt like a waste, and you stood up to start cleaning yourself up.
“how did they forget?” he sounded more upset than you did at this point.
you didn’t know. truthfully, you wished you did. “it’s not a big deal--”
“it is!” he said, and you could practically see the way his brows furrowed together. “it is. you told me you weren’t looking forward to it, but you were, weren’t you?”
you turned your phone to speaker, setting it on the bathroom counter once you arrived. you started getting your supplies out to wipe away your makeup, “not really. it was my family’s idea. it feels rude to forget. we didn’t even make reservations so thankfully it’s not serious, but...”
chan grew quiet. you could practically hear the gears turning in his mind. “so... you’re free tonight?”
you paused. “yes?”
“i’ll be there in half an hour,” he said. “either we can stay in and cook or order takeout, or we can go out. tonight’s about you, okay? i want to spoil you.”
you let out a long sigh, “but we already celebrated, and you’re supposed to go out with your friends--”
“then we’ll celebrate again!” he genuinely sounded happier than you did. “you’re graduating. i’m proud of you. i’ll just tell them that i can’t make it--”
“channie, you don’t have to cancel plans with your friends.”
“it’s fine,” he insisted. “you’re upset. it’s my job as your boyfriend to come take care of you. i’ll go next time.” you could hear the sound of him pulling open his closet door. “do you want to stay in? or should i take you somewhere nice?” he didn’t give you a moment to reply, “ah--never mind, i’ll prepare for both... just decide what you want, okay? i’ll see you soon.”
chan hung up there, leaving you standing alone in your bathroom in your silent apartment. you stared at yourself in the mirror for a moment, reaching up to fix where your eyeliner had smudged while crying earlier (thankful that waterproof makeup existed, and that you’d opted for it this time on a whim). as much as you wanted to just cozy up to your boyfriend while on the couch, you weren’t sure you could stomach sitting at home any longer. even if it was just somewhere casual, maybe getting out would help you feel better...
but if nothing else, you were sure chan would make everything okay. that was his superpower, he’d told you.
“so just call on me,” he had said that day, wiping away your tears, “and i’ll make you smile again.“
the kiss he greeted you with that night was sweeter than any dessert you’d share with him. and you were so, so thankful for the people that mattered in your life.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​ @wonuziex​ @synthetickitsune​
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
You Don't Have to Miss Me
Pairing - Reaper x reader
Warnings - none! angsty, but fluffy, but angsty lol (i also didnt proofread this at all lol, so if there are some funky bits, i really dont care lmaooooo)
Word Count - 1,954
Notes - i have been loving overwatch and then this hottie appeared and i was like... dangit. now i have to write for him smh. this is 7 pages on google docs lmaooo. im not the biggest fan of this one, but i thought i would just put it here for funsies lol. enjoy and have a good day and stay hydrated!! <333
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Gabriel woke up, completely exhausted. Nothing new. At least he had those few moments of sleep that made him forget about the pain. Even if it was only a couple of hours, it was bliss. But it still didn't make up for the times he would wake up with nothing but pain surging through his body.
He quickly got out of bed, trying to make himself busy before he thought too much about the pain. That was difficult though, especially considering just how bad it hurt. He was in agony. It's like he was going insane. He just wanted it to stop.
Gabriel jumped feeling his cat rub on his leg, hoping to get some attention. Gabriel leaned down with a small smile, petting it on the head. “I'll feed you soon, Grimm.”
Grimm mewed with curiosity as Gabriel walked to the bathroom immediately greeted by his tired face. The icing on the cake. On top of feeling like shit, he looked like shit too. Just great.
He was quickly pulled from his mind as he felt Grimm’s soft fur back on his legs. “Grimm, no kitties in the bathroom.” He held Grimm from under his arms, the fat thing going ragdoll mode just to annoy Gabriel. “Shoo, out.” Gabriel pushed Grimm’s chubby butt away from the bathroom and slammed the door, sad and lonely meows quickly following.
Gabriel just stared at himself in the mirror for a moment before taking a deep breath. He needed to take a goddamn shower. He already looked and felt like shit, he didn't want to smell like it on top of that.
Ignoring the sad meows from the other side of the door, Gabriel let the water from the shower cover his whole body. Nice and warm. Today was going to be a long day, best to start it off good.
His nice shower was quickly interrupted, however, when he heard his phone ring. Usually, he would ignore that sort of thing, but when he peeked his head out of the shower, he saw your name plastered on his screen.
He cursed under his breath and jumped out of his shower, wiping his hands dry enough to at least answer the call.
“Reaper! That you?!” He put you on speaker and could hear that you were in the middle of battle, gunshots and explosions going off in the background.
“Y-Yeah. What’s up?” He jumped back in the shower, washing the soap out of his hair.
“Are you in the shower right now? OH SHIT!” He heard a couple of gunshots in the background and then silence.
“Are you oka-”
“You still there, Reaper?”
“Yeah, I'm still here.” He quickly ended his shower and wrapped a towel around his lower half.
“Are you nearby at all?” You sounded out of breath.
“Nearby as in…”
“We’re in Spain right now. I was wondering if you-”
Gabriel laughed, drying off his hair. “Sorry, sweetheart. I'm at home in America right now. There is no way in hell I'm rushing my ass over to Spain in the next five minutes. Call someone else.”
“Ugh! You’re no help, you know that?!” You took cover and reloaded your gun. “EAT MY BULLETS YOU PIECE OF SHIT!! I'll call you later, Reaper. I should be back tomorrow morning. Oh… and about the other night-”
“I don't want to talk about it.” Gabriel put his finger over the hang up button, tempted to press it.
“Don't hang up, Reaper. I just wanted to-”
Gabriel hung up quickly. He didn't want to talk about the other night, nor did he want to hear about it.
— — —
“What an asshole!” You reloaded your gun and went haywire on the other team.
“Is everything alright?” Widowmaker ran up to you and quickly grabbed your hand helping you off of the ground.
“I'm fine. Just a little pissed, that’s all.” You couldn't help but talk through gritted teeth. You were on edge right now.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Widowmaker watched your back and you watched hers. Thank god you had her on your side.
“I mean… I do… but he asked if we could keep it on the downlow, so I don't think I can.”
“He? You didn't tell me this was about a guy!” Widowmaker’s eyes went shiny, ready for you to spill everything.
“Oh, shut up, Widow, it's not like that.” You rolled your eyes, giggling a bit.
“Sure it's not.” Her tone was mocking, but it didn't stop you from laughing a bit. “So, who is he? Is he handsome? Does he have muscles?”
“Not telling. Yes. Yes.” You quickly ran through her questions, keeping your eyes on the other team.
“Do I know him?”
“I'm not telling you that.”
Widow rolled her eyes and you both heard a loud, “FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!”, which meant it was time for you both to get out of there.
“Come on, y/n! Just tell me!”
“He would kill me if I did that!” You both hurdled over a bus and held the back of your heads for cover.
“I got it!” You heard loud music and looked up to find Lucio, who threw you a thumbs up. Quickly after his attack, there was cheering from the rest of your team.
You won. Thank god.
Maybe that would finally get Widowmaker to stop asking questions.
— — —
“Sooooo,” DVA walked over to you, taking a long sip from some fruit punch. “I heard you were uh… you know… with a guy?”
You nearly choked on your food that you got from the little celebration table for winning. Of course Widowmaker had to blab about this. You knew you should’ve kept your mouth shut.
“Look, DVA, it doesn't really matter, okay? Where’d you get the punch?” You tried to change the subject, but of course that wouldn't work for DVA.
“So, who is he? Is he a dirtbag? I hope he’s treating you well!” She put her hands on her hips dramatically and you shook your head, standing up to leave.
“It doesn't matter, DVA. And yes! He’s treating me fine, thank you!”
“But Widowmaker said you were pretty pissed at him.” DVA checked her nails and you froze. How much did Widowmaker say?
“What are you two talking about?” Widowmaker appeared, grabbing herself something sweet off of the table full of food.
“Oh nothing,” you walked over, nonchalantly taking some food for yourself. “Just that you're spilling the news to everyone about a guy that I'm friendly with.”
Widowmaker’s face turned a dark shade of red. “I-I'm sorry. I just thought-”
You giggled and patted her on the shoulder. “I'm joking Widow. But seriously,” your tone got low, getting close to her ear. “Tell one more person and you’re gonna get it.”
Widowmaker laughed nervously, but you gave her another reassuring pat. “You can't blame me for wanting to know about the mystery man, y/n.”
“I know, I know it's just-” You were quickly interrupted by your ringtone. “Sorry, Widow, I gotta-” You looked down at the name and your face went bright red. “I-I gotta go! Eat an extra cake for me, okay?!”
Why did Reaper have to call you now?
“Hello?” You found a small closet to hide in for the time being, far enough from the celebration. “Reaper?”
“Hey… uh…” Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck. “Are you busy?”
“No… I mean… we just won, so we’re kinda celebrating,” you scooted an old mop to the side, sitting on the ground. “But I'm not busy. I can talk.”
“Oh, congrats.”
“O-Oh! Thanks, Reaper! So… uh… what did you want to talk about?” Your voice was soft, trying not to attract any attention if anyone walked by.
“Uhm… you know what… nevermind. It doesn't really matter. Celebrate your accomplishment. You deserve it. See you tomorrow, alright?” Gabriel went to press the hang up button, but you stopped him.
“Wait… Reaper… what’s up?”
“I'm sorry.”
“Sorry? Why are you sorry?”
“Just,” Reaper sighed. “About the other night. I know we haven't seen each other in a while. I shouldn't have-”
“Gabe… I mean, Reaper. You don't have to apologize. Really. I just-” You were quickly interrupted by a knock on the door. “I have to go. We can talk tomorrow. Promise.”
“Wait, I-” You hung up the phone, leaving Reaper’s house in complete silence.
— — —
Gabriel woke up to the feeling of Grimm’s cold paws on his face. “Dude,” he sat up, his voice tired. “Who the heck let you in here? Did I leave my door open last night?”
Grimm mewed at him sweetly and ran his tail under Gabriel’s chin. He looked around the room, subconsciously petting Grimm. Something was off. Different. His door was open and so was his closet. Did he just forget to close everything the night before? Was he that tired?
Grimm jumped off the bed with a loud meow and quickly ran down the stairs. He was acting weird too. Was Gabriel just that tired?
He just remembers getting off of the phone with you and then…
Gabriel quickly jumped out of bed, slipping on some sweatpants, and ran downstairs, immediately greeted by the smell of eggs and bacon. He slid to the kitchen, pulling out his guns pointing them at… you?
“Woah! Put those down, Reaper!” You ran up and moved his guns down with a giggle. “Sorry! I didn't want to wake you up!”
Gabriel sighed with relief and leaned against a nearby counter. “I knew something was off in the house.”
You smiled and handed him a plate of breakfast. “I'm just glad you didn't shoot me.”
“Me too.” Gabriel chuckled softly and took his breakfast with a soft thank you.
“I'm not mad by the way, Gabe.” Your voice was low, your eyes glued to the window in his kitchen.
“You're not?”
You shook your head and turned your gaze to Gabriel. “We just… needed to talk. Maybe not that loudly,” you chuckled and took a long sip from your coffee. “But we talked, didn't we?”
“I guess… I just… I didn't want to yell at you like that.” Gabriel got flashbacks of a couple nights ago. You were just coming to visit. It had been years. You ended up talking… and then yelling… and then screaming. Some of it felt good, and some of it didn't. Some of it he meant to say, and most of it, he didn't. He knew you cared about him… he just didn't want to get attached. He didn't want to be a burden to you. He just… wanted you to be happy. And he didn't think that being around him would make that happen.
“And I didn't want to yell at you like that either, Reaper. I just… I care about you.”
“But you shouldn't.” Reaper could feel tears in his eyes that he quickly tried to cover. He couldn't cry. He wouldn't.
You walked up and cupped his cheek, smiling into his eyes. Something about seeing him without the mask made you feel special. Hell, maybe you were.
“Gabe, I-”
He couldn't help it. Those cute eyes. That sweet smile. Your soft touch. He cupped both sides of your face and leaned down to your level, pressing his lips to yours. You quickly sank in, throwing your arms around the back of his neck, pulling him closer.
He couldn't help but still love you. Even after you and Soldier left him. Even after he left you. He couldn't help but want you back in his life. He loved you. He loved you so much.
You pulled away, running your fingers through his soft, but messy hair. “Gabe. I miss you.”
“You don't have to miss me anymore.”
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dokoni-mo · 1 year
okay so imagine
Reader teaching William how to play CoD Zombies or Left 4 Dead because he wants to get closer to reader and its totally not like he felt left out or anything (he’s definitely not suffering from having no attention definitely not) . Sitting in the living room with the lights off during the night the coffee table is filled with snacks and drinks and the big screen is playing one of those choices. Reader is sitting in his lap while his arms are wrapped around reader, controller in both of their hands and the game is going. Micheal being away for the weekend and reader and William just having fun playing the console and eating snacks till the ass crack of dawn.
Mr Krabs anon although you are the newest and freshest anon I am already in love with you /p
please take this as a token of my gratitude
warnings: swearing, established relationship, age-gap relationship (reader is 20 will is pushing 40), willy in general, mushy gushy, fluff, kisses, cuddles pet names, also i made the technology more time-period accurate i hope you dont mind <333 also i didnt proofread like at all LOL
William never thought that he showed his age too much. Not around you, at the very least. He considered himself to be up-to-date on the times. But, as he watched you hook up your new gaming console to his TV, he couldn't help but be confused.
Even though you didn't seem to care, William couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He had tried to set it up for you when you came over. You were his bunny. It was his job to take care of things for you. Even though he hadn't seen much technology like the console before, he figured it couldn't be that hard. He was a very skilled engineer and mechanic. He made dozens of highly-intelligent robots in his lifetime. One little Atari shouldn't be too hard.
William had struggled with the device for what seemed like hours as you watched him from the couch. You had offered several times to take over and set it up, but he refused each time. Goddamn it. He was going to figure this out. But did they have to make everything so confusing? Not even the manual was much help. William tried and tried again to no avail, his frustration growing with each failed attempt. He was probably teaching you so many new English swears you had never hard before, too. Not a very good look, William.
After his 8th failed attempt and a rather loud and obnoxiously British bloody hell, you had giggled and slid off the couch, pushing him out of the way as you took over the set-up. William felt bad that he had to make you do all the work. You were his sweet bunny, you shouldn't have to lift a finger around him. And after you went to all this trouble? To come up with a little date for the two of you? And buy all these snacks? On your dime too. Silly bunny, you should've asked William for some cash. He would've happily given it to you.
But, you were a determined person. He knew this. It was one of the many reasons he loved you.
The Atari was more of your generation, anyway.
Fine. You win this time, little one.
But don't think you're gonna get away with much else.
"Are you sure you don't need any help, love?" William asked as he watched you from the couch.
Your back was turned to him while you were hooking all the wires together, but you could hear how you snorted out one of your cute little laughs.
"No, thank you," you responded with a hint of sarcasm, glancing over your shoulder to the older man, "I'm already almost done."
"Yes, really."
"You figured it out rather quickly, hm? Good job, bunny."
William heard you giggle again as you turned the console on, picking up the scattered games from off the floor as you turned back to him, "And I thought you were the tech-expert here."
"No need to get smart with me, little one."
You shot a smile up to the brit as you pushed some of the snacks out of the way, placing the games in an array so that he could see all of them.
"You get to pick out the game, since this was my idea." You explained to him, making him smile a little down at you. Sweet bunny. Always so thoughtful.
Scanning his grey eyes over all your games, William had to admit. None of them seemed that appealing to him. Nor very familiar. William was never really a fan of video games. Perhaps he was just old-fashioned, but he thought it was better for people to get entertainment outside of their own homes, with something that was real. Or, selfishly, at one of his restaurants. But, when you called him during the week and proposed this little idea of yours, he found it hard to say no. He found it hard to say no to you in general, but he found this especially hard.
You had just talked about it so excitedly. His relationship with you was still very much a secret. The Brit only got to see you on the weekends, and that's if you weren't swamped with your college courses. He couldn't take you on real dates like he wanted to as well. He had to get creative sometimes. And this was your way of being creative about it. Your way of showing him that you appreciated all of his efforts. Aside from your love, of course. So, even though William didn't really like it, he'd put up with it.
For you.
He'd do anything to see you smile. He knew this. Besides, even if he was bored by the games, he was just happy to have you close to him. Have you to himself. Hold you. Cuddle you. Kiss you. Touch you.
You were the real treat here.
"This one seems alright." He eventually said, touching one of the games you laid out, "I heard Evan talking about it once."
"Ooo," you hummed, "That's a good one!"
William watched as you waddled on your knees back over to the console and put the game inside. Once it was shut and the opening screen flashed on the TV, you waddled back over to the couch with the controller in your hands. William leaned his back against the plush cushions and spread his thighs further apart, giving you space to sit in between them. You took the seat happily, draping your legs over one of his own and leaning your back against his chest. Instinctively, William snaked his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him, pressing a few chaste kisses to your cheek and jaw.
What a good bunny you were. You were so cute when you cuddled with him. He loved it when you were close. If only he could keep you like this forever.
"So you've never used one of these before?" You asked, your little fingers gliding over the controller to set a game up for you and him.
"No, never." Mr. Afton responded.
"You should get some for your diner. The kids would love it."
William let out a hum, pressing another kiss to your jaw, "Children are destructive, love. That would be expensive to replace them all the time, yeah?"
"I guess," you said.
Oh, how cute you were.
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kazoohaa · 1 year
Hi! I hope you're doing well :) Is it alright if I could request for comfort headcanons with Artem Wing? My thesis defense didn't go well and I'd really appreciate headcanons with this specific setting. Thank you so much in advance! 🤲❤
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— notes. im so sorry to everyone whose request i havent done yet, school's been stressful for the past few months but i Finally Have Some Time !!! (i didnt proofread please bear with me)
— details. artem wing x gn!reader. fluff.
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the moment artem noticed that you were acting a little more down than usual, it immediately sparked worry in him.
his mind instantly starts theorising on all the possibilities of what could’ve dampened your mood. was it someone from work? was it the cases piling up? was it a friend? was it himself?
he didn’t want to make assumptions so rashly, and he knew that the best way to get to the bottom of it was to actually address it himself, and ask you. (he’s very worried if it’s him. he’ll be sure to make it up to you if so—)
but artem couldn’t find a good time to bring it up without possibly making things awkward or making you feel uncomfortable with a straightforward question. he was constantly weighing his options in his mind, because as much as he didn’t like to see you like this, he also didn’t know when was a good time to mention it.
so instead, he tries showing his concern through subtle actions instead — the next day, he’d bring a lunchbox for you, filled with food that he had cooked for you himself, dropping it off at your desk while you were working so that you wouldn’t have to do go buy takeout at lunch break. he’d also use the coffee machine in his office to brew a mug of your favourite kind; if you’re not a coffee person, he’ll simply make your preferred warm beverage at his home and bring it to work in a thermos.
he also left a sticky note on the little lunchbox. he knows it could be rather cheesy of him, but he hopes that some small handwritten reminders of encouragement would at least lighten your mood a little bit.
after work, he’d accompany you home, staying at your place for a little longer before he went back to his. (even though the two of you are already in a relationship, you haven’t gotten to moving in together yet.)
the two of you sat idly on the couch, artem wrapping his arms around you while you stared at the tv screen without actually paying much attention to whatever was going on in the show that was playing.
the two of you were silent, but it was a comfortable kind of silence. artem eventually decided to speak up. “something has... been on your mind recently. are you alright?”
“ohh, so this is the reason behind your actions today!” you couldn’t help but briefly smile for a moment at the realisation. becoming rather embarrassed that he hadn’t been able to bring up the question until now, he simply nodded in response.
he made sure that you knew that it would be absolutely fine if you didn’t want to talk to him. if you do want to talk about what’s made you feel down, he’s willing to lend an ear.
no matter what you prefer, artem will keep you in his embrace gently while he listens to you speak, or he’ll talk about some other miscellaneous things and happenings to keep your mind off of what’s been making you feel bad. he knows that it isn’t much, but you have a silent reminder that he’s always there for you, no matter what.
his plans of eventually returning to his home have changed; it feels better to spend this time cuddling you while the only sound that fills the otherwise silent house is the chattering of the people on the tv, and the murmurs between you and him.
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baby-xemnas · 11 months
Considering LawBepo, who do you think made the actual first move that lead to the having their first time? I really have a hard time figuring out since Bepo is rather shy and insecure but I don't think Law would be pushy about it. I see him more at the type of guy who will patiently wait.
I KNOW RIGHT they are troublesome. okay imma ramble
i hope it makes sense i dont proofread my word vomit
neither is overtly sexual but they are so openly physically affectionate as friends - which is initiated equally by both - i almost said that bepo is the one that initiates it most of the time but its not true - law leaning on bepo has to happen with bepo already seating/lying somewhere and law coming around and being like yep this is my place excuse me /uses him as a cushion/ (i cant picture bepo being like /pats his own lap/ sit down captain :) - thats too forward!!!/
all this really helps in answering this question because we can imagine they habitually keep close to each other (i like the headcanon i saw that bepo as a kid had to tone down his mink-typical garchu-affection that he was too clingy when law first found him - i cant imagine baby law being too welcoming of it - he is a tiny brat full of hurt and he doesnt know bepo that well yet - that took some getting used to for sure.
But i dont think it took that long because as they literally met by law protecting bepo that pretty much established what their roles are for each other - law cant protect bepo by pushing him away now can he? - i picture law getting more used to bepo as a person, hugs included - he would grow to appreciate them even more in time.
Them being all over each other being Just How They ARE (accepted by both each other and the crew) is so great and in my head as we see them in the story they already have an established couple relationship, basically married for years so their first time ideally happened when they were teens. I think law wasnt a virgin by that point, scary as he is he mustve let sm1 jump him even just to satisfy his curiosity - and he Was a horny teen so kudos, bepo was because he:
1) just assumed he needs to find a female bear and there werent any minks in their travels so he just settled to never fucking and accepted it (not that i dont think he wouldnt be able to find sm1, he would, he is a handsome charming boy, i think it was his choice/assumption of what he SHOULD do, he didnt consider humans)
2) he has law in his life! his head is full of law and his other friends who give him all the attention he needs. for the physical part of it he can get by its fine its not a pressing issue
anyway there is always a precedent right, a random boner or a boys talk - something that puts a thought in their head - and its a realization that Yes this is my most important person, and this is not such a bad idea....but it has to be law, i agree that he is the type to test the waters and wait, and for bepo he would wait forever - but he also has to help bepo with this and be the one to take the fall and brave the embarassment and possible rejection. They both had to marinate on whether or not that line should be crossed - for a long time - it is always thinking about the other - if you are willing, it doesnt guarantee the other person is.
Law had to go through some hell having to come up with how to approach bepo and be as clear as he can be (because it cant be just their usual! - which is a lot - they are such special deeply friends and family to each other) but do it in a way that wouldnt push bepo to accept him, law who is aware of bepo's loyalty and willingness to do anything for him. It has to be bepo's (oh god) genuine desire to have law be a lover to him as well.
BUT THING IS - his question is met with bepo's insecurity and thats easy. thats a familiar ground. Bepo is not insecure as a person but he is insecure when it comes to law (especially when he was younger) because he wants to be the best for law. So of course he would want to be more than friends with law..but is he good enough? what about law's reputation if the crew finds out? bepo doesnt want to cause trouble for him!
law: holy shit thats the least of my problems i love you
getting to the point part 2 ramble tendency
why i love them having their first as teens is that because they mustve been dumb and cute and awkward and too excited and bepo wanted to run away multiple times cuz its TOO MUCH that he gets to be with law in this capacity and aaaaaaa
but its good because they care abt each other so much and are willing to tolerate awkwardness and fight their own self consciousness for the sake of THIS thing that they have between each other. the thing that they had for years and this layer of physicality being simply a pretty logical continuation of it
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noodles-n-soba · 1 year
How they'd spend old years eve with you
Modern AU!
Characters: Cyno, Heizou, Itto, Kazuha, Razor, Zhongli
CW: A lil nsfw at Heizou, didnt proofread!
A/N: Happy new year guys (well, in 11 minutes..) I hope y'all had a great year and I hope I could've made a lot of you better with my headcanons and fanfics. It's been a rough year for me too, but I still found a way to turn my battles into creativity. Stay safe :)
You've been looking forward to spending this special day with Cyno..!
Throughout the year he been be all serious about business, never really having time to relax.. But now that it was old years eve, he could finally let out a sigh and relax on the couch.
It was his idea to start the night with a game of TCG, which you had started on.. But still, you weren't as good as him..
Playing cards for almost half an hour, since you were that desperate to win, you didn't realize it was already around 5 pm..
"Oh! We should prepare a meal for ourselves.." You mentioned.. Looking at the cards in your hands, you were so close to winning.. You actually wanted to continue the game.
Since you both weren't in the mood to invite anyone, you had the house all to your own... So, while you played another card, you two conversed about whatever you were going to cook.
 Finally bringing down one of his character cards, you had a mighty fine idea of dinner.. Well, he just mentioned a nice rice dish would've been okay with him, but of course.. You had to go extraordinary since it was old years eve..!
So, inspired you dropped your hand if cards, notifying Cyno you'd start cooking so you could be done by 6 pm.. He observed your cards, letting you know you could've won if you continued playing..
Cooking together with Cyno is a must... He can cook like a God. After you had explained your entire cooking plan, he proceeded to do his part with such precision.. You were almost afraid his vegetables would taste thousand times better-.. Like, come on.. Your prepared meat had to match the flavor..
As expected! The dish was AMAZING. Watching  game shows on TV while enjoying your meal together in peace was all you could've wished for!
He brought up a few jokes, but they were so bad.. Jeez..
After dinner you cleaned up and decided to lay on the couch, your head resting on his chest and continued to watch TV till it was almost time for the countdown..
Without any words he gazed at you, seeing the sparkle in your eye was way better than any firework.. But still...
"You want to watch outside?" The excitement was ginormous as you sat up straight, but not before you exchanged an I love you.
Looking out of the window, being comforted by each other's warmth, you shared your new years resolutions.. Staying with him till death separated you. Well, how cheesy, as a thousand sparks appeared in the sky, he told you he thought about the exact same thing.
Within a second it seemed like the night had suddenly turned into day, the amount of fireworks that were sent flying into the sky.. 00:00..
You wished each other a happy new year, smooching each other and smiling.. It wasnt that much, but the thought behind it meant a lot more to you two
Heizou (A little nsfw-)
You two have been together for 3 years now, and every year you insisted on sitting with him, some good tunes blasting from the radio and some snacks on the table while you crack cases with him..
The first time you decided you wanted to do this on old years eve, he had been very confused.. Though, he didn't see the problem with it..
Now, you've become a reliable helper, even if it was one day a year.. It was fun too? You saw it as a kind of game, gluing all the clues together, marking important words who nobody noticed, laying connections..!
"Now, (Y/n)  do you see all these patterns? I think we've come closer to sewing all these parts together..?" Heizou shoved a file towards you, your eyes scanning the sentences quickly as you underlined another detail which seemed important.
The excitement in your doing and eyes always hyped him up, happy that someone close to him shared his passion in some way..
"Here! You can figure it out better this way." You smiled at him, handing back the paper as you took a sip of water. You had to stay sober so you could crack cases-
"Mhmm... Oh gee? I overlooked that.. How come?" His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, indexfinger and thumb caressing his chin as his eyes observed the paper.
"We got a culprit!" He eventually notified, his smug grin appearing again. You cheered happily, already standing up to get the champagne because.. You had to celebrate of course.
"Hey? (Y/n), are you spicing it up with Heizou or something!?" You looked at the person down the stairs.. Right, you had guests over. You forgot.
"Not really, we were working on a case, but we're done now.." You ran down the stairs, standing next to Itto.. Who invited him again- Well whatever.
"So, that's cleared now?" Kazuha smiled, appearing next to Itto. You nodded and gazed at the clock..  You were busy for two hours..! No wonder they got suspicious.. Well, you had half an hour left until it was 12 o'clock.
"It is, thanks to my amazing s/o, I cleared another hard case." Heizou's arm snaked around your waist, pressing a soft kiss on your cheek. "I also hope you're not done with the 2nd bottle of champagne." He added, walking past them with your hand in his, his thumb sensually caressing your hand.
"No worries, Kuki and me kept them under controll." Seeing Gorou laying on the couch, Kuki watching TV and Scaramouche.. Whatever doing on the floor, you squinted..
".. So laid back.." You whispered, Heizou grinned and pushed the neck of the bottle in your hands.
"Lets pop it open outside.. Just shake it a little.. Move up and down with your hands you know.." The way he stared in your eyes nearly made you pass out, the fact you could feel his breath tickle your lips too..-
"Bro's! They're gonna pop open another one! Cmon we gotta see this.." Itto waved with his hands, taking Scaramouche's hat in his hands for absolutely no reason, waiting for the three of them to come along.
"Ugh.  Give that back.." Scaramouche groaned, slowly awakening from his slumber. Gorou finally opened his eyes too.. Rubbing his own forehead and blinked a few times as Kuki already stood on both her feet.
Heizou and you seemed too indulged (?!?!) With each other as the rest followed to the garden, it seemed like they were pretty much all drunk.. Even Kuki who was pushing so hard to walk straight, they all tripped over their feet in some way.
"Whatcha say.. This one's for us, we run to the bedroom, lock the door and end this year with a really good bang?" Heizou whispered in your ear, your cheeks flamed slightly, your undeniable smile visible for him.
They all chanted, waiting for you to shake the bottle and make the champagne pour out.. Your hands tightened around the neck, staring at Heizou as you shook it around.
"..." He carefully looked at your hands, the grin on his face returned.. The bottle shot open as the champagne poured out. The crowd went absolutely wild..! Praise the almighty (Y/n) for popping a motherfucking bottle..-
Anyways, Heizou quickly took the bottle out of your hands to take a few gluttonous sips. Surprised you stood there, what the hell were you supposed to do wi-
He grasped your jaw, pulled you closer and kissed you, pouring the liquid in your mouth. Eyes wide open you drank, at this rate every body screamed out of excitement.. This was why you could determine they were drunk- You would never hear them shout like this.. Except for Itto..
They were absolutely howling, Heizou somehow distracting them in a way you could sneak past them all, back into the house
"You're gonna see something else exploding tonight.. I'll give you a happy new year in advance.." He smoothly notified, you chuckled as you pulled him with you up the stairs.
So, in advance, you knew he was the king of stupid ideas.. And it has been a tradition that you would light fireworks with the gang and you, being the S/O of the boss.
As always, Itto was way too excited to wait till it was old years eve. So, about one and a half days before it was legally allowed to be shooting fireworks, he was already looking through all the fireworks he was going to shoot off that day
You were just observing with arms crossed, sighing deeply as he rattled on about all the cool plans he had. You shook your head in disagreement, but kept your words to yourself.
"Hey hey! C'mon c'mon… (Y/n), please.. This one's so cool! You've gotta look at this, I'm surprised we still got these from past year? Thought we used it alllll up.." He held the funmakers in his hands, you blinked a few times.
"Nuh uh Itto. We're not doing it.. It's a day or some till new year's, can't you wait a little bit..?" You noticed how his smile turned into a slight frown, his cheek rounding up as he gave you puppy eyes.
"Pretty pleaaase.. Just one…!" He begged, you closed your eyes and hummed softly. "Okay. Just one."
He cheered, rushing outside already without a single hesitation. You slowly followed him, seeing he was already outside crouching and setting up everything.
His hands searched around on his body, trying to find something. He stood up and sighed deeply.
"Baby." Itto turned around, his eyes sparkling. "You forgot this." You threw the lighter at him, he caught it and gave you a close eyed smile.
"Thank you!" You chuckled, leaning against the doorframe.
"(Y/n), you know you're out in the open.. Is that really that handy.." Startled you looked over to the side, seeing Kuki walking over to you together with the rest of the squad. You hid your face in the scarf you were wearing.
"… Ah, well.. Itto just took a full sprint towards the front door.. Didn't even have time to stop him or anything. What's the chance of him getting caught.. Right.." Your sentence ended with a tone of doubt, realizing it was Itto.. He would get caught so easily.
"Itto, might wanna get to the back.. Don’t you?" You nudged over to your house, he backed off from the firework, holding his arm in front of you as he fixed his hair with his other free hand.
"Nah! We should be fine, cops ain't got nothing on me..!-" He got interrupted by a load bang, you flinched slightly as the rocked soared up through the sky. Your eyes followed it, the bang making Itto roar loudly in excitement.
"LET'S GOOO!" He raised his fists up in the air, nearly hitting one of his gang members.
"Boss! What're we doing today?" They chanted, you gazed at Kuki and whispered you probably had to make some preparations for old year's eve. She nodded and walked back inside with you.. You two decided to prepare some food and drinks, since they would be staying over tonight
"Are you looking forward to new year's, (Y/n)?" You sighed deeply, looking over to her with a tired look on your face. "Kinda worried.. It involves Itto. Simply that.." You responded, staring at the glasses Kuki placed on top of the kitchen counter. "Hmm, I understand. He can get himself into trouble quite frequently and he's really reckless." Kuki quickly wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer to her, you sighed deeply and leaned in for a few seconds.. Backing off again soon, since you had a lot to prepare for the night!
You couldn't really stop him from drinking anything, he was going wild-
He also made you sit on his lap and kept you close,  his arm wrapped around your waist. You were simply thinking about the fact that you were surprised Itto didn’t get caught by the cops, slowly relaxing in his arms.
Smooching you every 30 seconds, he simply got lost in your sweet smell, being so damn clingy the entire evening.
Before you knew he threw you over his shoulder, pointing to the door, almost tripping over. "Let's go light some fireworks again..?!" Itto cheered, his fist being raised up in the air.
"… You're not lighting up anything.." Kuki mumbled as you all marched over to the door.
The days towards the end of the year had been really peaceful..!
You had celebrated Christmas together with all your friends, but you and Kazu promised each other to spend the last day of the year with each other.
Happy he was home for one day, you wanted to do nothing else but be really close to him. You were used to him being gone for long periods of time since he liked traveling that much.. Vid calling you wasn't really enough, but if you ever had the chance to go with him.. You took it. And he loved showing you around the world.
But now that he decided to stay home, your face nuzzled into his chest as the Christmas tree still stood in the corner of the room, comfy lights decorating the room.
Normally he wouldn't be a fan of alcohol, but... He wanted to drink with you, for once.. Since it was almost new years..- (AAH)
Sadly enough you didn't get him so drunk that he would let out small hiccups, muttering cute things under his breath, but it was also a reliever that he was kinda sober so he could experience the last few seconds of the year with you.
While you two finished a bottle, you talked all about your favorite moments.. Bringing back up the summer vacation where you traveled together with him to some country outside Japan, though your memory failed to retrieve the location.. But you did remember what kinda stuff you did there..~
Both of your cheeks had a pink dust brushed over them, feeling the warmth in the room raise, Kazuha recommended going outside where it was a lot cooler.
So, you stood up, still holding the glass with beverage inside in your hands as you walked over to the front door with careful steps.
Before you could open it, Kazuha had already caught up with you and opened it for you like the gentleman he was..
You already smelled the gunpowder, indicating people had already started sending fireworks up in the air.. With a deep sigh you smiled and crossed your arms.. Noticing sparks in the air once in a while.
"I know we both prefer peaceful.. So here.." Kazuha closed the door behind him, pulling out two sparklers. You blinked surprised as you saw the particles flying off, but slowly took one and chuckled.
"Its way more quiet.." And with that he finally stood next to you, watching both your sparklers slowly burning up.. Seeing different colors like green and red appear in the sky once a while.. He lived for such sights, and he would kill to make sure you were next to him on these beautiful moments.
"Hey, (Y/n). I've got a few things to mention before we step into this new year just around the corner." He begun, staring straight into your eyes. You hummed loud and clear, quickly checking the time on your phone.. How was it already 23:48.. Time flied..
His sparkler died out first, so he placed it on the floor for him to pick it up later.. And wrapped an arm around you. You scooted closer without hesitation, looking up to observe his lively eyes.
Then he started telling you about how he loved you, how much he adored you, how every bit of you was perfect.. Just.. 5 minutes filled with lavish praise?
Taken by shock you gazed at him, a little stunned by his decision to say all this to you right now.. As the amount of fireworks being shot in the air slowly increased by each minute, you hugged him tight.. A smile formed on your face for the hundredth time that day.
As the two of you stood there in silence, the clock had 3 minutes left before it would tick into the new year, Kazu slowly let go and cupped your cheeks in his hands.
"(Y/n). You're amazing, you know that..?" He stared right into your soul, his gentle gaze was pain softening, your entire body turning into pudding and your mind blanking out for a second.. How could he be so enchanting..!
"Kazuha.. I love y-.." You couldn't even finish your sentence or he already kissed you, thousands of fireworks flying up in the air resulting in the sky changing all sorts of colors.. You knew that if someone had made a picture it would've been the most perfect shot ever.
He let go, eyes never taken off you even though all the action happened in the sky.
"I love you too, (Y/n).. Happy new year.." He hugged you tight, caressing your back really slow.. Your reaction was to rapidly wrap your hands around him too, your face buried in his chest.
"Hey hey? You two flirts. Won't you look at this?" Your body flinched, turning your head to see a phone held in front of your face.
"Oh, Heizou? Scaramouche?" Kazuha brought out with an heartwarming smile on his face. Scaramouche simply crossed his arms and hid his face in his scarf.
"So there was someone who made a pic..?" You said surprised, Heizou closed one eye and he stuck out his tongue.
You had already warned him for all the loud sounds he'd hear in the city, but he still wanted to enjoy some outside time with you.
It was a cold winter, you had your arm hooked through Razor's as the two of you slowly observed everything.
Even though Christmas had already passed, the lighting still hung in the air.. People excitingly ran around, still getting their last minute fireworks for tonight.
"Isn't it pretty.. All the lights, the sounds of the city being so lively..? Getting served delicious food." You happily hopped around while Razor silently looked around. He held you closer to him.
"As long as you have fun.. Its okay." He replied, growling softly. You sighed and gently ruffled his hairs, pressing a smooch on his cheek.
"I'm having a lot of fun, but it'd feel better if you were enjoying it too!" You hugged his arm tightly, he looked at you.. Tilting his head a bit afterwards.
"I.. Try." You chuckled softly, standing still out of nowhere and turned your body towards him.
He seemed a little surprised, but turned to you too, staring right in your eyes. You cupped his cheeks in your hands, your thumb softly caressing his soft skin. "Let's forget all formalities, all awkwardness.. Let's have fun."
People rushed past you, hands intertwined with each other so you wouldn’t lose each other. It softly started to rain, you looked up to the sky and smiled. "Hey? It's starting to rain?" You notified, Razor shortly sniffed.. Feeling the atmosphere changing to something more comfy for him.
"Am.. Glad." He removed his bangs out of his eyesight, giving you another short stare, a soft smile appearing on his face.
You passed a few food stands that were placed out in the city, enjoying everything that was granted to you tonight.. As long as you were together, it would be fine.
"You know what's the best part of new years Razor?" You started softly, he squeezed your hands lightly as he hummed. "The fireworks. They're loud, but so incredibly colorful and beautiful.." He blinked a few times, eyebrows slightly furrowed. "Is it?" He replied, you nodded excited.
He closed his eyes, placing his indexfinger and thumb under his chin. "There's.. A nice spot.." He whispered in your ear, his eyes slightly glittering.
And so, Razor led you to a place you never really visited, running past tons of trees and bushes. You completely trusted him, knowing he knew the forest like his back pocket. When he noticed your speed was slowly decreasing, he stopped running and turned around to you.
"You.. Okay?" He asked, you panted and nodded. He squinted slightly, not fully believing you.
".. Here." He turned his back towards you, kneeling down a bit and held out his arms on the side. "Jump." His hands gestured for you to climb on his back, you gasped.
"R-Razor..! No nee-" "(Y/n), no worry.. Time is almost 00:00. We can make it.. On time." His hair waved along with the wind, you gulped nervously and jumped on his back.
He easily ran, like you were weighting nothing, towards the spot he was thinking off..
Finally, after minutes, he stopped.. You opened your eyes again, only to see the two of you standing on top of some kind of hill.
The moment he placed you down, the fireworks already started going up in the air, surprised and stunned you slowly found balance on your feet, looking up to the sky..
"Woah.." You brought out, being unable to find any words. The colors filled the sky, Razor was just as surprised as you were.
"Beautiful.." He grinned pleased, his grin grew wider as he chuckled. Your mouth was slightly open, completely concentrating on the colors in the sky..
"(Y/n).." You turned your head to him, he hugged you tightly. Your eyes widened, but you softly readjusted to him which resulted in you wrapping your arms around him.
"Thank you for making my year a lot better.." You laughed happily.. Your life couldn’t get any better.
Old years eve with Zhongli is next level peaceful.
The two of you always evaluate the day, what happened at work.. But on new years eve you discuss what life decisions you two will make in the new year.
Living in a beautiful house with a balcony, the two of you sit across each other, each a glass of wine, having a direct view on the sky.
"I'm the happiest man alive, to witness this together with you.  The end of an eventful year.." His eyes seemed to light up, you took another small sip of wine as you smiled.
"I am grateful to sit here with you. So much tried breaking us down, fortunately, it wasn't strong enough." The wind blew slightly, making you shiver shortly.
"Cold?" He already started taking off his coat as you raised your hand to deny the cold, till you coughed lightly. "Don't worry, here.. Take this.." He stood up and walked towards you, making sure his coat covered up your body.
"A lot warmer..  Isn't it?" He took his time walking back to his spot, his hands still on your shoulders.
"Something the matter?" You looked up, seeing his sharp jawline.. He shook his head, bangs loosely moving along. "Not much, simply time ticking as I think about a lot. There is so much we still need to do." He sighed deeply as you reached out for his cheek.
Surprised he looked down towards you once your hand cupped his cheek. "We still got a lot of time, no need to stress yourself with it.." You smiled kindly, warming his heart up all again in this chilly weather.
"... I love you (Y/n)." He pressed his lips against yours and let go soonly after, he checked his watch.. Fixing his sleeves while he slowly walked back to his chair. You observed his back muscles and bit on your lower lip.
The way his tight blouse revealed his toned body, the belt around his waist exposing how small it was.. Yet himself being so tall.. Towering over you whenever you stood next to him..
He poured another glass for the both of you while staring straight into your eyes once a while. "It's getting late. Almost New year.. What are our wishes?" He begun, handing you over your glass. He sat down with his own afterwards.
With your lips slightly parted, you seeped air through your teeth as you stared to the sky, soon to be filled with colors.
"Finding a solid job that is..?" It sounded more like your personal new years resolution, though it was necessary to mention, it wasn't something that you could really reach together.
"Don't worry, I'll help you sort that out." Zhongli's comforting voice reassured you, another sigh escaped your lips.
"I'd like to.. Move away from the apartment. The balcony is very nice, but it isn't really.. My dream house." You eventually brought out, your glazy eyes finally recapturing their sharpness as you made eye contact with your man. "Understandable. Let's try doing that before next year ends." He placed his hand on top of yours, he got a nervous laugh out of you by doing simply this.
"That's a big goal ain't it?" "And I'm sure we'll fulfill it, no worries (Y/n)." He said, taking another sip of wine. You did the same, feeling your head spinning slightly.. You couldn't really recall how many bottles the two of you had finished, but it was fun to just.. Talk and drink something with your S/O.
"It's almost 00:00. I want you to know that once we enter this new year, I will still love you nonetheless, and my love has never decreased.. I hope we can stay like this, (Y/n), forever." A short twinkle appeared in his eyes, another laugh shook loose from you.
"I love you too Zhongli, please stay at my side.. And don't leave." He stood up, slowly retreating his hands back from yours and held them behind his back. He looked up to the sky, his jawline clearly visible. Once again your heart throbbed.
You eventually did the same, his arm being raised as an invitation for you to come closer, so you did. The moment you reached his chest, he wrapped his arm around you.. Breathing in and out deeply once.
"What would I ever do without you.. Hm?"
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akirameta84 · 1 year
idk when or if ill finish this and ive had a habit of sharing my unfinished wip fics lately so heres the sequel to the werewolf au oneshot i wrote (and that i also shared the first part of months before i finished and posted it to ao3 lol)
id say its a bit under halfway done? idk. it follows directly after the last oneshot and may be confusing without it. and its an unfinished fic so you wont be missing anything if you just wait for it to eventually be finished and published (even if it might be a year rip)
but yeah. this is the first half or so wip of "Howling Harassment" sequel to the kubosai werewolf oneshot "Lycanthropic Liasons"
has not been edited or proofread obviously cause its not even done
its 5.3k words, and warning for vomiting mentions. if you want to skip the mini scene where kusuo is sick (he doesnt puke in the scene but talks about having done so) ive bolded the start and end of it. you wont be missing any plot details with it, but this wip preview does end shortly after it with just a paragraph so if you plan to skip that scene you can just stop reading at the first bolded part and be fine
enjoy i guess
also my italics didnt copy over so :shrug: place them where you think they go
Kusuo had been enjoying a very nice nap, relaxing peacefully and soaking in some warm sunshine, when the feeling of something wet dripping onto him slowly roused him from his slumber.
He blearily opened one eye but then immediately snapped both open when he caught sight of the tan wolf, shockingly with a normal looking chin, leaning over him and drooling all over his face. Recoiling and lurching to his paws in the same beat, he stumbled a good few meters away from Nendou, standing tensely in the grass.
They were right outside the makeshift and, honestly, poorly constructed hideout of Kaidou and Aren’s, and Kusuo had thought that if he took a nap outside he could both enjoy the sun on his fur and separate himself from Nendou, since the idiot would likely be enthralled by Kaidou and Aren attempting to play card games with paws.
Apparently Kusuo had been very very wrong. He sat down hard into the dirt and reached a back leg to scratch painfully at his head, like it would help get all the saliva off of him even though he knew it wouldn’t.
Nendou had been staring at him the whole time until a deep bark from the hideout entrance sounded, calling his attention. Aren’s deep purple and very furry but scarred head stuck out from the door made of blankets and glared at Nendou, having heard Kusuo’s mental distress. Nendou whimpered but strutted over to the entrance and headed inside.
In regards to the werewolf telepathy, since they were unsure if Nendou could hear them, attempting verbal communication without the ability to speak words was necessary to try and talk to the idiot who had also found himself lycanthropic by unknown means. At least they knew where he was now and Kusuo could fix any problems his disappearance has started to cause.
Kusuo was slightly worried as well that, due to the fact that he was missing all of the last week, Nendou couldn’t turn back like Kaidou and Aren had at first. Kusuo had been able to teach them by just instructing them through how he usually activated his shape-shifting, and it had thankfully done the trick.
He was still hoping that Nendou could hear their trains of thought even if they were blocked from his. He’d shown no signs of it, but this was Nendou. He could be hearing everything and not give a single clue.
Either way, it was still absolutely bizarre to have someone (Or up to three someones) reading his mind for a change, even if the fact that he didn’t have to bother with proper communication as much was pleasant.
‘It’s still bizarre to me that you’ve heard all of our thoughts up to now from when you met us, Kusuo.’
Yeah. That was fair. Kusuo lifted his head and gazed at the darkening sky that was many shades of orange and pink as the sun gradually lowered into the horizon. It was rather pretty and almost soothing to stare at. It’d been decently bright and blue when he’d gone to sleep, so he’d gotten a good few hours in.
That was good. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to sleep once he went back home and dealt with what would be waiting for him. There was no way his brother had already gone from England to Japan in under twelve hours, even if their mom calling about limiter issues was fairly serious, but he’d still get harassed via television video call from his brother and either wait in dread for his brother to fly over or just teleport himself and get it over with.
Both sucked.
‘I think you’re over reacting. Surely your brother didn’t literally create something that turns people into werewolves. That sounds impossible. To be fair, so does being born an esper, but still.’
‘…B-but how else did it get…created?’
Kaidou was very bad at hiding his excitement at the concept of a mad scientist making something like lycanthropy, even if he posed his question as.
And also how he wondered if Kusuo’s brother could make him into a vampire instead, because when he watched a movie series called- ‘Hey stop stop sto-’
Kusuo snorted but obliged and cut that train of thought off, standing up and padding over to the hideout entrance.
Regardless, the answer was very much no to Kaidou, there really was no other potential source, and yes to Aren. Kuusuke was most certainly behind this and Kusuo was either going to make him fix it or commit fratricide.
‘…Can you…m-maybe-’
‘If he makes a cure I’m not letting you stay like this, Kaidou.’
Kusuo arrived at the blanket covering and stepped inside right on cue to see Kaidou’s best attempt at a canine frown and puppy eyes…the latter of which was quite a lot more effective in a literal dog form than it normally was for the boy seated on a pillow in the very corner of the hideout, front paws splayed over a bunch of cards on the carpeted ground in front of him.
He looked away before the eyes could take effect. He was getting far too soft and was not about to consider willingly keeping one of his friends a goddamn werewolf when he could reverse it.
When. Not if. Kusuo kept making sure he left no room for doubt in his mind. That way it would be easier to kill Kuusuke if he failed to make a totally guaranteed cure.
Aren was padding back over to the light blue wolf, a sulking Nendou in tow, and though Kusuo’s thoughts had already spelled out for the two of them that he was about to go home and get the confrontation or whatever over with, he still had one more pressing issue to attempt to solve beforehand.
‘Nendou,’ He projected outwards, staring at him as if it would help get his message across, taking a few more steps on the frankly uncomfortably textured carpet.
To his slight shock, the tan wolf spun his head around so quickly he feared Nendou would break his neck (A familiar sight, Nendou did that far too much, even if it had less of an impact without the…mildly disturbing human face), tongue lolling out of his mouth as he watched Kusuo expectantly.
Aren and Kaidou looked up, intrigued, their minds similarly surprised that Nendou could hear their minds just fine.
…Could he? There was a chance that had been Kusuo’s own inherent telepathy as it was hard to tell the two versions apart, unlike the ease at which he could separate the lycanthropic ability and his own shape-shifting.
If it was his own and the idiot couldn’t hear Kaidou or Aren that wasn’t that much of an issue. Kusuo was the one who needed to help him turn back, after all.
(Considering the fact that Nendou didn’t visibly react to any of Kusuo’s ambient thoughts about that, actually, Nendou was not connected to the werewolf telepathy. He can only hear projected thoughts from Kusuo’s. Kaidou seemed utterly fascinated by that, while Aren was just mildly annoyed at how it was so complicated. Kusuo was in agreement with his boyfriend, and not just because of that status).
Nendou’s head tilted after the good few moments of staring, and Kusuo realized he should probably elaborate on why he got his attention before he was licked or pounced on again.
‘Do you want me to show you how to turn back tomorrow?’
He almost offered to do it right now but remembered, bitterly, that they were all stuck like this for a good while longer thanks to the moon cycle.
To his surprise, Nendou responded by shaking his head no, slobber flailing from his tongue as he did so. He heard Kaidou yelp as a drop landing in his eye, according to his thoughts.
That was…not the expected or desired answer at all. Kusuo wished he could just ask why straight up, but he would just go through the options instead.
Aren had sat down facing the two of them, even though Nendou was still turned away from Kusuo and looking back with his head, face far too amused to be anything but smug.
‘I bet he’s going to already know how to-’
‘You’re jumping ahead in the narrative, shut up.’
‘…I’m what?’
Kusuo firmly decided to ignore him. Kaidou could probably use some help putting all the playing cards away, he not so subtly thought of but didn’t directly project as he looked over and saw the small wolf in question pushing around the cards with his paws to try and get them all in a small stack again.
Aren just rolled his eyes but turned away to assist, and Kusuo gave his attention back to the ever still and rapt Nendou.
Seriously, he kind of wished that Nendou had lost interest in their one-sided conversation during the decently sized breaks in it. That would be less creepy.
‘Are you saying no because you already know how?’ He asked next, using purely his own deductive reasoning and nothing else.
‘You are really something special, babe.’
Kusuo shifted in place, annoyed, as Nendou nodded. There was no bothering with asking why the fuck he had stayed like this a week when there wouldn’t be a reply. He just huffed out a breath of air and asked one last question.
‘Will you please turn back and be human again by tomorrow?’
Nendou unflinchingly nodded at the downright angry tone of Kusuo’s, finally spinning around fulling and raising a front paw up, curling it and uncurling it awkwardly.
Was that supposed to be a thumbs up? Probably. He could only guess that it was because the idiot tended to give so many of those normally.
Kusuo nodded to himself and walked away, putting as much space between him and Nendou as he could in the small hideout, ending up next to the other two slightly less idiotic wolves.
‘Slightly!? It’s more than just slightly!’
Aren just chortled.
‘Do you want help getting home before I go, Kaidou? I can teleport you and then make your family perceive you as human if they happen to see you before you’re able to change back. And, of course, make your disappearance today nonexistent.’
There was a worrying hesitation before Kaidou replied, his snout twisting awkwardly as if he were trying to bite at his lip, and he paused in gently nudging a few cards to the side and merging them with the growing stack. Kusuo used his telekinesis to grab them all and order them neatly into a stack, floating them straight into the box.
Kaidou blinked at him, startled but grateful, but refocused his mind quickly.
‘A-actually I want to. Uh…t-tell them. I don’t want to hide it forever and it would just be…easier. To tell them.’
Huh. Kusuo had heard Kaidou’s mind dance on that possibility, but it had been thought about so little that he hadn’t expected the boy to actually decide on that course of action in the end.
‘…I hope it goes well, then. Do you still want help getting home right now or will you wait?’
‘I’ll w-wait with Aren. Get some nerves out. And go home when we’re back.’
‘Very well.’
Kaidou and Aren had taken to keeping spare clothes in the hideout, so that plan would work just fine for them. Kusuo had no need, he could just teleport freely around those two since his secret wasn’t secret between them. And, in all honesty…it felt nice to have have a friend closer than Aiura or Toritsuka know, as well as someone even closer but not family.
But for now he also was definitely not telling any other friends. Not until he was ready to actually do it on his own terms for once.
Kusuo turned around and walked towards the exit of the hideout despite not needing to in order to head home, but it somehow felt more polite to leave this way and then teleport.
‘I’ll see you guys tomorrow, then.’
Kaidou and Aren seemed baffled that he’d said farewell which was rather fair since he never gave those or said hello much at all, but responded in kind themselves.
Before he could make it all the way out, though, footsteps sprinted towards him, and he didn’t have much time to react before Aren shoved his face against Kusuo’s, rubbing them together like he was a cat instead of a wolf.
Aren’s expression was far too innocent afterwards as he drew back and somehow grinned, and Kusuo rolled his eyes and turned away, keeping his body but most importantly his stupid tail with a mind of its own still as warmth bloomed in his chest, grateful his face couldn’t flush like this.
He continued walking moments after, only not doing something to be polite and reciprocate because he needed to leave and not because the prospect of doing so like this was embarrassing.
He briefly wanted to strangle Aren when he heard his mental chuckle at his denial.
As soon as he had fully crossed through the blanketed doorway, tail and all, Kusuo gathered his energy and teleported to his bedroom, a location so familiar he didn’t even need to conjure the image in his head to travel to it.
And, as soon as all four of his legs landed on his bedroom floor, his television turned on and his brother’s ugly face filled the screen, telepathy canceler adorning his long blonde hair, some of it covering his left eye and the rest of it in a ponytail, despite Kusuo being nowhere close enough to read his mind. He bared his teeth at the image and intentionally raised his hackles.
It took less than a second of being home for his brother to make an entrance.
Fifty six milliseconds, to be precise.
Kuusuke sniffled, feigning sadness as his tinny voice sounded through the speakers, “I can’t believe my own baby brother is so angry at me paying him a pseudo visit. How upsetting, after mom called me so worried about you and everything…”
Kusuo just sat on his floor and glared at the television, making eye contact not with Kuusuke’s image, but with the camera perched very visibly on top of the television.
His brother knew he’d be slaughtered if he had cameras permanently installed in Kusuo’s or their parent’s bedrooms. But he’d been barely spared when he added one to his TV that only activated when he was video calling, and the living and dining rooms got actual full-time cameras.
“Hmph, no response? Not even a rude comment?” His brother paused purposefully and smugly, “Oh, wait, you can’t respond! Without your telepathy, since even with my lovely canceler I’m still far out of range, you can’t speak like that.”
A teasing glint entered his brother’s visible eye as Kusuo continued to glare, unimpressed, “Or can you? Come on, can you speak, Kusuo? Speak? Like a good dog?”
He had to put physical effort into swallowing his growl, because that would have almost given Kuusuke exactly what he wanted. His bedroom sat in silence as they had an impromptu, or really, with his brother, expected competition to see who’s resolve gave first.
Kuusuke didn’t bother to try very hard, giving up with a shrug quickly because as much as he liked to make fun of his brother and attempt to win at every little thing, proper competition or not, they shared the same trait of impatience.
Kusuo’s patience was better overall, though. It had to be, growing up with his powers and all.
“I will say, it is a lot harder to decipher what you want to say like this. I’ve mastered your blank human expression, obviously, but I am very much not a canine person. Maybe I should have made werecats instead…”
Kusuo didn’t even bother to hide his growl that time, narrowing his eyes and translating his words clearly enough that his brother was easily able to garner the meaning when given more information than an empty glare.
“Oh? Am I responsible for you and your friend’s predicament? Obviously. To be completely truthful, though, you were never supposed to find out, and you were especially not supposed get infected yourself.”
Kusuo tilted his head to the side, keeping his eyes narrowed to hopefully keep his skepticism clear.
His brother laughed at first, “Aw, you look adorable like that. It barely looks like you’re angry,” Kusuo snapped his head back up instantly, “But no, I am not lying. That’s why I kidnapped and gave the virus to your brainless friend initially, so you wouldn’t hear any thoughts about it.”
Kuusuke paused to wave a hand dismissively at the question Kusuo didn’t even try to ask, anticipating the obvious.
“I never left London and your friend never left Japan, either. I had robots kidnap and inject him with the serum I had mailed to a private lab I own in the area beforehand. It was easier and I had no risk of getting infected myself. What I failed to realize is that your little pet idiot could break out of a room made of solid steel walls and take off the tracking collar in the process.”
The screen briefly flickered to an image of, presumably, the room Nendou had been held in. There was a large hole in one of the gray, metal walls, opening straight into the outside, and the image barely lasted a few seconds before his brother was back in view.
Ah. Kusuo didn’t think that was possible either, but this was Nendou they were talking about, who has done countless other inhuman feats like his stunt in the school marathon. If Kusuo didn’t know any better, he’d say that Nendou also had psychic abilities.
“Anyways, I’m sure you’re wanting my help with this…issue of yours?” Kuusuke questioned, not leaving room for Kusuo to respond before continuing.
Not that Kusuo would have replied anyways, but the implications were still rude.
“Why don’t you teleport over here right away and let me have a look? I have to admit, much to my shame… I have no way of making a cure without seeing the biological structure of the transformed state first. Otherwise I might be reverting things that are actually a part of your human body.”
That was the biggest pile of bullshit Kusuo had ever heard, and his eye roll only conveyed a tiny fraction of how pissed he was.
“Ah, you’re too smart for that, huh, Kusuo? Yeah, I actually don’t know if I can revert the lycanthropy at all, haha! I never planned to in the first place.”
…Sometimes, the truth hurt significantly more than the lie he had tried to get fed. Kusuo sighed, quite displeased, and stood with a stretch, walking right past his television and heading for the door of his bedroom, which he swung open telekinetically.
He couldn’t see his brother anymore, but he could, unfortunately, still hear him, “Cold shoulder, huh? I never said I wouldn’t try, Kusuo,” He paused mid-step, body halfway out of the door, “Teleport over tomorrow before school, since I really don’t think you’ll get anywhere near me transformed and you’re stuck like this until around six in the morning tomorrow, and I’ll see what I can think of. I won’t keep you anymore, mom’s about to call you down for dinner. Goodbye!”
Kusuo heard his television forcefully shut off with a faint click at the same time his mom’s thoughts grew in volume as they targeted him with ‘Ku-chan, dinner’s ready!’
He’d known dinner was ready. That was why he’d teleported home at this time and had started leaving the conversation when he had. Hmph. Maybe it was a little bit of intentional cold shoulder, sure, but it was mostly dinner.
Or at least that was what he’d tell his mom if Kuusuke whined to her about Kusuo being mean, because he was just being mean for the fun of it. It wasn’t like his brother didn’t deserve it. Sure, he said he was going to genuinely try and fix the whole stupid werewolf thing, but it was his fault in the first place so the effort overall amounted to nothing.
…Did Kuusuke say six in the morning? That probably meant the initial shift had been at six this morning, which added up. That was utterly ridiculous. It was from sunrise to sunrise on the day and night with the fullest moon. How irritating. Kusuo was very good at tuning out Kaidou and Aren’s train of dialogue at this point, helped by his seventeen years of experience tuning out telepathy in general, so much so that he could even forget about them, but their exclamations of horror at that time-frame brought them back into the forefront for a moment.
They’re going to be waiting in that hideout much longer than anticipated… Kusuo sent them a brief condolence. He sent himself a reminder to set an alarm for tomorrow morning so he could shift back promptly.
Abruptly done, Kusuo turned back into his room instead of stepping all the way out, finding and grabbing his dinner telekinetically and bringing it straight to himself, ignoring the silverware for obvious reasons. Upon seeing his plate float away from his table, his mom’s thoughts became rather worried, but he reassured her that he was fine, just still. Having issues.
“…And I’ll be going to see Kuusuke early tomorrow,” He tacked on as well, rolling his eyes at how that statement fully calmed her down in the end.
Setting the plate down on his desk, Kusuo did his best to hop onto his desk chair, grumbling as he landed and the chair teetered precariously before balancing. Doing that was much easier as a cat, considering he weighed around ten pounds as one compared to now in which he was probably a good bit over a hundred.
Mildly annoyed, he huffed again tonight, and started eating (And being a bit disheartened at how dull the normally delicious tonkatsu tasted. He didn’t have anywhere near as many taste buds as a human did, so it was like the flavor was distant and sad), debating on if even trying to sleep when he felt wild awake and irritated was even worth it.
Well, even just lying restfully in his bed would be nice, and Kusuo decided listlessly relaxing was how he’d spend the rest of the night. School tomorrow would probably be a pain after having to deal with his brother, and a mental break would be necessary.
If only he had his germanium ring to truly relax in silence, properly removing both forms of telepathy. As much as he was fond of his nuisances, it was socially draining to always be either in a conversation or hearing one, as the werewolf telepathy was louder than his.
‘Are you telling us to shut up?’
‘Of course not. I’m complaining to myself, not you.’
Back on track, even if he could wear a ring on paws, it was no longer functional. The initial transformation had taken his ring with it, just like his clothes, and it’d been warped and broken beyond repair due to Kusuo’s innate strength. If it hadn’t, he likely would’ve tied it to a string and placed it on his neck.
As it stood, it was one wrong tap from Kusuo away from shattering, which wasn’t good when one weak tap from Kusuo could kill a person.
At least in the fading hours of daylight as dusk transitioned to night, people were settling down; and while most people weren’t going to sleep, they were going from a busy day to a mellow night routine, and their minds quieted as a result.
Finishing his meal and barely stopping himself from zoning out and letting his brain decide to lick the rest of the plate clean, he squinted at the empty dish and activated his clairvoyance to see if he had any coffee jelly of equal value in the fridge.
Fantastically, he did. Thank god his parents didn’t splurge on fancy dishes and silverware. This cheap ceramic plate had the same value of a slightly high in value convenience store coffee jelly, and so he apported the two of them, not caring at all that his empty plate was now in the refrigerator.
Kusuo could put it up later, before his parents noticed. Probably.
The lack of hands was making Kusuo actually appreciative of the full scale of his ESP for once, as ripping the seal off of the cup of jelly was as simple as a flex of his mind.
His tail thumped against the side of chair from where it dangled downwards as he shoved his snout straight into the cup. The taste may be watered down and nowhere close to how divine it was normally, but there was still enough of it present for him to enjoy it blissfully.
When he finished it and licked the entire inside completely clean he apported the empty cup for a significantly cheaper but still good brand of coffee jelly, since eating the contents regrettably lowered the value.
He deserved two for this whole ordeal. Maybe three…
…Perhaps not three, actually, since it wouldn’t do if he ate too much coffee jelly while being unable to truly enjoy its delectable flavor…yeah, two would suffice. That reason was why he had avoided his favorite treat even when dealing with being miserable and shape-shifted against his will, but a whole day stuck as a dog warranted it.
Kusuo should not have eaten any coffee jelly.
His head and stomach burned fiercely but, at the very least, he heard little to no mental voices due to it being the middle of the night. Even Kaidou and Aren were fast asleep, evidently, since there was no trace of them in his mind. So he did get the reprieve of his headache was significantly less than it could have been in this moment.
His mom rubbed his back (Basically petting him but the comfort was something he would have gotten the exact same way in a human form, so whatever), kneeling down on the floor to be next to him as he sat on the same, chilly, bathroom tile, right in front of the toilet.
Caffeine was toxic to canines, as well as most other animals. Technically it was still toxic to humans but that was irrelevant due to humans having the constitution for it.
Wolves did not have the constitution for it. It made them very ill instead.
Yes, he’d known that, but he’s eaten coffee jelly in his cat form with no repercussions despite his biology being just as altered as it was now…but, on retrospect, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever spent the next few hours after those moments remaining in a cat form and letting that body start to digest it, instead turning back before that could happen.
His mom’s mind was frantic with distress which was fair considering she’d found her normally invulnerable son still transformed and heaving the contents of his stomach into the toilet in the middle of the night after waking up from the noise of him teleporting and landing loudly into the bathtub at first because he’d been disoriented and nauseous, but she’d refused to let her mind come up with and ask questions until she was sure Kusuo was going to be alright.
She was a godsend, and so he decided to explain of his own free will so she wouldn’t start crying, which she was far too close to for comfort, flicking his gaze to the side so that it met hers.
“I’m okay. Or getting there. Dogs can’t have coffee or they get sick. I ate two cups of coffee jelly after dinner…I think I forgot to take the plate I apported into the fridge back out as well. Sorry.”
“Kusuo…” The use of his actual name was usually a bad sign, but now it was more out of exasperation and worry than anything of the scolding variety, “Can you still not turn back?”
He just shook his head, not wanting to explain that he wouldn’t be able to until a time frame that was far too specific for what he was still pretending was a power malfunction.
Kurumi just hummed sadly at that, continuing to stroke his back even as his scooted a bit away from the toilet. His stomach was still rolling queasily, but Kusuo was fairly sure that his body was done being absolutely disgusting.
He almost shuddered remembering how it had felt. He was beyond glad his ESP made him neigh immune to disease, because vomiting was the most unpleasant thing he’d ever experienced so far in life.
As he continued to pull himself back together, staring blearily at the white bathroom floor tiles, his mom asked him another question, “Would medicine help?”
“Even if it did, given my powers, I can’t take it like this. Human medication is a very big no-no for animals,” He sighed mentally and slowly raised himself off the ground, taking shaky steps past his mom and towards the open bathroom door. It was dark in the house, and so the hallway outside looked pitch in contrast to the illuminated bathroom, even with his ability to see in the dark.
The bathroom was, fortunately, rather close to his bedroom, so he decided against teleporting and padded slowly back to his room, pausing as his mom rushed ahead to open the door for him, leaving the bathroom light on in the process.
That was sweet of her, even if he probably could have used his telekinesis fine. He sent a quiet thanks to her and closed the gap to his bed agonizingly slowly, as his stomach lurched ominously whenever he tried to speed up more than a tiny bit.
Kusuo had actually managed to drift asleep briefly before this incident, lulled sufficiently by soft mental voices as he laid on his bed, and now he was even sleepier feeling. It seemed like getting sick had actually assisted in granting him some much needed rest.
He didn’t bother to shut his bedroom door, nosing under the covers of his bed until he was completely buried and comfortable, wondering faintly where his mom had gone when he heard her footsteps go downstairs, but overall not that concerned about it.
It was only when he had nearly fallen asleep again that his heightened hearing noticed her approaching his bed, and she called for him as she approached the lump of covers he’d become, “Ku-chan?”
He stuck his head out from under his blankets, the rest of his body curled up tightly behind him, looking curiously at his mom as she held a bowl full of water out at him, setting it down on his end table once she’d confirmed that he knew of its presence.
“If you feel up to it, you should make sure to drink some water, okay? Otherwise you’ll get dehydrated, since you just threw up,” She reached a hand down and stroked his head gently, and Kusuo nodded both to signify that he heard her and to dislodge it politely.
He knew that. He just hadn’t felt like getting himself water when he would have survived the night regardless. But, now that it had been brought to him, he crawled up on his bed until he could stick his muzzle into the bowl and drink as his mom turned to leave, wishing him a good rest of the night that he almost forgot to return.
Drinking from a bowl like this was mildly demeaning, but it was significantly less of a hassle than using telekinesis to drink from a cup was. So, since he was feeling very icky and wanted to exert as little energy as possible right now, he decided he didn’t care, tucking his head right back under his blanket once he’d had enough to satiate his thirst.
Waking up to an alarm at six in the morning when he didn’t have to be at school until closer to nine would usually be a miserable experience, but for once, Kusuo was downright filled with joy when he remembered why he was startled out of a deep sleep so early.
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