effectfsa · 1 year
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Kiwi is known as one of the best fat burning natural sources.
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drdavebiz · 3 months
Benefits of Ask a Dietitian Online Free
Discover the benefits of Ask a Dietitian Online Free for personalized nutrition guidance. Check the infographic for more information. Start your wellness journey today!
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Some random thoughts I can’t get out of my head...TW
While I’m really standing my ground in my boundaries (at least today) and is something I am working very hard to continue with I am struggling so hard with food.  I can’t see food as just food right now. Plus all the germs out in the world are genuinely freaking me out and I won’t go to the grocery store. Logically I know I am compromising my already compromised immune system by treating my body like shit but eating regularly is hard as fuck. After binging over the weekend I am afraid that that will become a pattern, knowing full well that has never been an issue for me. So I choose to not eat rather than maybe eating “too much” or legitimately binging.  If I’m honest seeing the number on the scale go down is still a big motivator for me. After this weekend I gained and in my head that confirms that eating isn’t okay. So I don’t.  I don’t know how meeting with my old dietitian will go. I will no doubt be honest with her because if you’re not honest with where you’re at what's the point of going to the appointment? I want to be able to eat and loose weight, which I know don’t go together. Ugh. I just have a lot of mixed emotions right now.
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bullets · 6 years
with the amount of bath water i accidentally inhale I shouldn't be dehydrated
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ourtenderlies · 4 years
Anxiety and depression fucking sucks. I have struggled with it since at least high school, maybe even earlier, who knows. I feel like I had a handle on it but it's never easy. I have been experiencing it a bit more recently and its tiring. I really want to get help, like see a therapist and/or get some natural meds, like vitamins and supplements to help with my anxiety and depression. I really want to do those but I always talk myself out of it psych myself out or get distracted. I k ow what I need to do, I just get anxious thinking of doing it. So I push it off.
My anxiety and depression have gotten worse, I would say, since everything started with COVID-19. I am struggling keeping up with wedding planning and I keep pushing off school.
My schooling hasn't been an easy road. High school I was average, B Honor Roll. Not bad, but not great. I went to college(for entirely wrong reasons, I realize now. I never wanted to go into Dietetics. I always wanted to be a teacher. I loved my teachers, I loved playing school. I always pictures myself being a teacher. I didn't go into education because at that time everyone was saying "don't go into teaching, you wont find a job. There aren't enough jobs for teachers". And we were told not to go into a field we knew we wouldn't get a job in. So, I turned to the internet to help figure it out. My sister what helping me research careers and I said I wanted to work with people who have eating disorders. Psychology was the route I was looking for but my sister suggested Dietetics for some reason, so I went with it. She was thinking of a Deititian with people suffering from eating disorders not a counselor like I was thinking. But I agreed, and that was how and why I ended up at the school I did.
College started put fine. I went to class, things were good. Until one day, we had to put my dog down, so I told my teachers I wouldn't be there that Friday so I could go home. I missed that Monday also because I didn't want to go back. I wasn't happy. I had separation anxiety, I didn't know who I was. I wasn't doing what I wanted. My mental help was suffering, and I wasn't dealing with it. So I skipped more. I wanted to go back but I was scared of what everyone would say. So my grades suffered.
I always found a way to overcome obstacles but this really set events into place for the future. I am still battling and overcome from the aftermath of that.
I decided to leave HR behind and go back to my original plan: teaching. I have had enough with trying to find something else to do. I keep coming back to teaching. And I feel that is a sign. I found 2 of the 3 classes needed still for the program, then I'm in!
The thing I am struggling with is the motivation to start the classes. I want this so bad. I want to be a teacher and I know it is right for me but I keep holding back from really achieving the goals. I think I am so used to failure, that I am getting scared of trying.
I am tried of holding myself back. I need to do this for me. I need to prove to myself that I can do it and I can do things right. I am not a failure or fuck up and my dreams can come true too. I can do this. It is so hard with my anxiety and depression, especially right now but I know I can overcome it and work to achieve my dream of being a teacher.
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imfemalewarrior · 5 years
Hey! Im a *mostly* recovered anorexic girl who wants to exercise again. I really need to be careful to avoid slipping into old habits and becoming obsessive, but I really enjoy the feeling of exercise and all the happy chemicals it releases in the brain. Also I cant go to a gym and certainly couldnt get a personal trainer. I was just wondering if you had any advice for myself and other anorexics who want to approach exercise in a healthy way.
First, you need to talk with all of your doctors about what you want to do, especially the mental health ones, so they can adjust your treatment (especially the deititian if you are seeing one which I hope you are). 
Other survivors of eating disorders that follow me have found that reframing why they were exercising as well as doing a different exercise helped them remain healthy in their mind. A therapist can help you with this reframing as well, and you can look through this blog for ways to reframe exercise. 
I would also look into Healthy At Every Size (HAES), which is a very body positive/body inclusive approach to fitness. 
-FemaleWarrior, She/They 
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wealllovecobi · 4 years
Over the years of not being online I’ve worked my way up from being a Deititian at the Cancer Treatment Center of America (2015-2019) to going to school for Cyber Security and landing me a great career at NCR Corporations as an IT business analyst.
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70lbstothin · 12 years
Fitblrs make me want to become a personal trainer/dietitian...
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effectfsa · 1 year
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Do you know the importance of fruits in your diet?
Fruits are the SUPER FOODS rich in potassium, carbs, vitamin C and antioxidants.
No single fruit or vegetable provides all of the nutrients you need to be healthy. Eat plenty every day.
Follow @effectfsa for more health tips
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effectfsa · 1 year
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Bananas are super rich in carbs and help restock muscle glycogen level. . . Follow @effectfsa for more health tips
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effectfsa · 1 year
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VEGETABLES FOR MUSCLE GROWTH . SPINACH Spinach is a good source of the amino acid arginine. Arginine stimulates the pituitary gland to produce and secrete human growth hormone, which in turn increases metabolism.
The leafy green is also an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral that's essential to muscle development, energy production and carb metabolism.
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effectfsa · 1 year
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Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet, and variety is as important as quantity.
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits can lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, lower risk of eye and digestive problems, and have a positive effect upon blood sugar, which can help keep appetite in check.
No single fruit or vegetable provides all of the nutrients you need to be healthy. Eat plenty every day.
Follow @effectfsa for more health tips
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effectfsa · 1 year
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Beets and Beet Greens
In conditions of low oxygen availability such as intense exercise, dietary nitrate and antioxidants in beets are converted to nitric oxide, which enhances vascular function.
This increases your tolerance of strenuous exercise and can help you train harder, for greater strength gains Athletes who drank beet juice experienced a 38 % increase in blood flow to muscles.
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My session went well and ended up being helpful. I ended up getting emotional again but it was a good thing. (Lets hope I don't get emotional again when I see my dietitian tonight.) My therapist thinks it would be a really good idea if I wrote a letter to my family talking about how I feel like I am viewed as broken and how I feel like I need to stay in that role. She also asked me about doing a family session with my ENTIRE family!! (Not something I want to do) I am going to write a letter and bring it on Friday for our session and were going to go from there. There are a lot of things that I need to let go of in order to move forward in my life. I won't go into to detail because I don't want to bore you. We can just say that I have some work to do. I am drained physically and emotionally and I have to leave again in 45 minutes to go see my dietitian. Which I'm hoping goes well and that involves no crying. I don't really want to cry again, I've done too much crying the past two days.
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