#dean winchester: girl reiterated
raz-writes-the-thing · 2 months
Polish and Shine (Supernatural One-Shot)
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Sam Winchester x GN!Reader / requests are open
Summary: Sam chews on his nails a lot. Too much. You come up with a plan to break the habit.
Fic type: comfort, fluff
CW: this lil fic contains mentions of Sam wanting to explore his gender : ) not much, just mentions of him enjoying feeling feminine (please be gentle with me, this one has a lil piece of me in it).
SPN: @wereallbrokenangels @nervoussystemss (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It's not something you noticed a lot at first. To be quite honest, your social awareness wasn't the best, and looking at people head-on was something you struggled with even after you got to know someone.
But you did start noticing it. It seemed that he did it more at night when it was just him and his thoughts and the big dark room lit up only by his laptop at the table. On a side note, he was going to ruin his eyesight if he kept that up.
But he also did it in the Impala, or after a disturbing interview, or even just when Dean was late back from some girl or guy's place he picked up at the bar.
Chewing his nails... Sam was always chewing on his nails. You understood why, of course. It was an anxiety thing. A stress thing. You'd be lying if you said you didn't fall victim to the same impulse sometimes, but the amount of nail-chewing was starting to worry you.
It had gotten so bad that Dean had started slapping at Sam's hand if he noticed him raising it towards his mouth, one hand on the wheel and his eyes piercing warning daggers into Sam's soul as he pointed at him accusatorially. A silent "stop it right now before I turn Baby around."
It only stopped him from doing it so much on the road. Less so anywhere else. You'd been keeping a quiet eye on Sam the last few days, watching him chew his nails back to the skin. Irritating the skin and the keratin so much that it was probably hurting him. You weren't even sure what was worrying him so much.
You'd been brainstorming ideas to help him with the impulse for a few days until it finally came to you one morning when you were making a med-kit run- stocking up on all the things you all would definitely need at one point or another.
Nail polish. Of course! You'd picked up a couple different colours- given they were all out of transparent along with your bandages, iodine and Betadine and headed back to the motel of the day.
Sam had looked at the bottles in your hand with a raised brow when you brandished them. He picked one up, twirled it around and set it down on the counter.
"Do you want me to paint your nails for you or something?" He asked. Now, you couldn't say that wasn't appealing and that you weren't keen on that idea, because you were, but that was not the purpose of this little exercise.
"Maybe later, Sam. I got them for you-"
"For me?" He cut you off with one of those little huffy laughs he was so good at. You pulled a chair out and sat down, setting the bag on the counter and grabbing one of the bottles.
"Yes, for you," you reiterated, reaching for one of his hands. Sam allowed you to take it and take a look at the abused fingers. "Look, I- I've noticed you chew your nails a lot- and this looks like it hurts. I know Dean wants you to stop, and I imagine you'd also like to break the habit, yes?"
Sam shifted uncomfortably in his seat, averting his eyes from your warm gaze.
"Yes," was his soft reply. You nodded, giving his hand a squeeze.
"This might help you break the habit. Plus, you'll look super pretty."
Sam snorted. His eyes darted back to look at you, and you really saw how shy and vulnerable he was feeling at that moment. It made you want to wrap him up and keep him safe.
"So, they didn't have clear," you explained, voice soft as if trying not to spook a deer. Or a moose, you supposed, in this case. "But I got you a few colours to choose from. Which one takes your fancy?"
You know exactly what he's going to pick before he does it. The forest-green. He hands you the vial and you let go of his hand to shake it up and unscrew the cap.
Sam sits patiently for you while you work, occasionally clearing his throat or giving you a quick smile. It doesn't take long, only a few minutes. Let it dry, then another coat. Let that dry. Done.
"There, all done," you exclaim, leaning back and stretching your back so it pops nicely. "Very nice, very nice," you approve. Sam fans his fingers out and juts his lower lip out thoughtfully.
"You know- I kinda like it," he blinked as though the discovery shocked him. "Can I do yours next?"
And so began a tradition. Once a fortnight you'd both paint each other's nails. Dean even got into it after a few weeks, getting his own done, too. Sam had been worried at first that Dean would make fun of him for his nails, but the only thing Dean had said after he returned toting beer and Chinese food was "nice choice, Sammy" as he cracked a beer and propped his feet up.
Sam continued to chew on his nails for a bit. It was a learning curve, after all, but he did end up slowing down and eventually stopping completely. You hadn't mentioned to Sam that he'd stopped just in case he hadn't realised, but you and Dean had shared a beer over the silent victory. And when Sam brought the victory to you both a few days after that, all three of you shared a beer then, too.
You and Sam continued to wear different shades and Sam even learned to put the polish on himself, though he vastly preferred you to put it on for him. Considered a bonding moment, which was cute. Dean would participate occasionally, and eventually, Sam admitted that he liked how feminine the polish made him feel.
After that- things sort of migrated from just nail polish to brushing his hair and experimenting with colour in his wardrobe. That was all he was really comfortable with for now, but that wasn't a problem. You were just glad he felt comfortable enough to share such personal information with you.
You both loved each other so much, and one of the best things about found family was that you knew you would be pillars of support for each other.
No matter what.
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sammysmaddy · 6 months
Normal (Winchesters x Reader) - Part Two
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Summary: Growing up as the baby of the Winchester family led you to be constantly guarded. Soon enough, you start to learn what's normal between families and what's not.
Pairing(s): John x Daughter!Innocent!Reader, Sam x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Incest, naive!reader, manipulation, graphic descriptions of porn, fluff, virgin!reader, oral (female receiving), daddy kink *I guess*, praise kink, soft n fluffy, angst (?), light thigh riding, smut implied 
W/C: 5.7k+
A/N: I forgot I was supposed to be posting this story! Happy almost Thanksgiving to my American followers!
Normal Masterlist
Some time ago...
Things started off innocently. Sam and Dean were at school and you were at the motel doing what you usually did- you read, and read, and read, and read until John walked through the doors. 
You were ecstatic to see him. John had been away for a few weeks too wrapped up in the case to even call home. The look of relief in your father's eyes when he saw you was like no other, he loved you more than anything in the world. 
John took you to lunch, saying it was to make up for all the time he missed with you- not bothering to pull Sam and Dean out of school like he usually did. Things seemed normal all throughout lunch, you chose of course, but things changed drastically when he asked you a certain question during the car ride home. 
"Do you know what sex is?" John asked, looking over to you as he kept a firm grip on the steering wheel. 
Your brows furrowed at the question. It sounded familiar, it really did, but you had no idea what it actually meant. 
"I don't think so," You told him calmly and he let out a low chuckle. 
Judging his reaction, it definitely seemed like something you should know about, so you began to feel a little embarrassed at your lack of knowledge. 
"You mean, your brothers never taught you what it was?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and keeping a small smile on his face. 
You shook your head and he didn't seem particularly pleased or displeased. 
"Normally, by your age, you know what it is. You're already legally an adult." John mentioned.
"So then... does Sammy know about this?" You asked, tilting your head, and wondering why your twin had never said anything about sex.
"I'm sure he does, sweetheart. Caught him with one of Dean's not-so-private skin mags," John chuckled and you scrunched your nose. 
"What's a skin mag?" You asked him and he continued to chuckle at your question. 
"It's pictures of sex. We call it porn," John answered and you frowned, still not knowing what the hell he was talking about. 
"Daddy, I don't know what that is," You reminded him and instead of the instant explanation you wanted, he looked over smiling and shaking his head. 
"God, I wish you could stay little forever," He sighed and you continued to frown, wishing that you knew why this conversation was occurring or why it was so important for you to know about. "When you and Sammy shower together, does he ever touch you?" He asked and his face shifted to concern.
"Yeah, he helps me wash my hair sometimes, but mostly he just uses all of the hot water," You huffed out, crossing your arms, and John shook his head. 
"I meant, does he put his hands on your body?" He reiterated and you shrugged your shoulders, not knowing what he was gaining with these questions. 
"Sometimes he helps me wash my back," You answered and John nodded his head. 
"Do you ever wonder why you have different body parts than him?" He asked and you slumped your face, of course, you wondered why, but you knew that it was just because you were of different sexes. 
"I guess, but Sammy says it's just because I'm a girl and he's a boy," You told him all the information you knew and he nodded his head. 
"So, you know that boys can't get pregnant right?" He asked and you nodded your head. "And you know that boys don't get periods?" He asked again. 
"Yeah, because Sam doesn't get them and neither does Dean. Only I do," You crossed your arms, thinking about how unfair it was that they didn't bleed once a month.
"Okay, well at least you know the basics," John sighed, rubbing at his temples with his fingertips. 
"Is this the part where you tell me what and why we're talking about this? You said you didn't want to talk about when I get my periods," You turned your head to look for his reaction, and he just shrugged his shoulders in return. 
"I don't. It's just- It's just important if we're going to talk about sex," He muttered and you rolled your eyes.
"I don't know what that is," You reiterated, growing more and more impatient by the second. 
"I, uh, I never had this conversation with your brothers. They kinda figured it out on their own," He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck with the hand that wasn't holding on tightly to the steering wheel. 
It wasn't even worth responding to, so you decided to stay silent until he said something else. You could tell that he was feeling awkward, but you weren't- you were just impatiently waiting. 
John looked over and gave you a small smile to which you just raised your eyebrow, then his face straightened and he knew you were waiting for something more. 
"You know what, sweetheart? I think it just be better if I showed you."
He dragged himself in and out of her at an excruciatingly slow pace. His eyes were locked into hers as his forehead began to form sweat beads, panting like he was running a marathon. 
Their lips connected and their tongues ran against each other as he continued to move above her. When he pulled his lips back, she had her mouth parted slightly, close to tears falling out as she cried out profanities. 
But she wasn't actually upset and he wasn't actually hurting her, they were enjoying it- John made sure you knew that.
You stared at Sam's computer in awe, they were so in love with one another- so happy to be together like this. You didn't understand what was so awkward about it, you were confused as to why you had never seen anything like this before- confused as to why you had never done it. 
They both looked so pretty like this, so close together and in complete and utter bliss. She was gorgeous, her breasts were perfectly symmetrical- almost like she was handcrafted. Her lips were stained with red and her body was glistening in the bright lighting that infected the room. 
He had the perfect body too, big strong arms that held onto her like she was a breath of fresh air. His chest was chiseled flawlessly and he reminded you of John and your brothers, they were all just as handsome as he was. 
"Remember: You only do this with people you love," John reminded from behind you, watching you closely as you reluctantly peeled your eyes away. 
"I can do this with Sam?" You asked as your eyes reached his. 
John frowned at your question and you grew impatient as your excitement only grew.
"I love him. How come we don't have sex?" You questioned again and John's face fell into the palm of his hand, his fingertips rubbing harshly against his temples.
"Sweetheart, you don't do that kind of stuff with your brothers," John answered with a sigh, picking his head up to look back at your confused stare. 
"Oh, right. That's her Daddy. I almost forgot." You said and his eyes widened.
"I think you've had enough for today," John cleared his throat and his hand reached over you to stop the video playing in the background, but your hand reached his first. 
"Daddy, don't turn it off. I like it," You told him with a small smile, his wide eyes staring at you as you watched his Adam's apple move up and down as he gulped. 
John nodded his head slowly, bringing his hand back to rest at his side, and you turned your head to watch the screen again. 
You stared intently as you began to focus on all of the sex happening right in front of your eyes. She sounded so pretty every time he shoved himself fully inside of her. He was grunting and telling her how much of a slut she was and at first it confused you- it was a bad word and Dean used it negatively when he didn't like someone. So why did she seem so happy to hear the mean name? 
After watching the first few minutes, you discovered she actually liked being called slut. She kept saying yes yes yes, and it only made him go faster, which in return made her cries louder. Her begging was like music to your ears, and for a second you began to imagine yourself in her position. 
What if someone made you feel that good? What if they made you so happy that you were screaming in pleasure? 
Thinking about being her brought out a feeling that you had never felt before. First it gave you the chills and you had goosebumps prickling on your skin. Then you started to feel it in your stomach- almost like period cramps, but in a good way. 
After that, having pants on almost seemed uncomfortable, especially after feeling a new type of wetness in your panties. You watched as he dipped his head down to kiss her again, so passionate and raw, and it made you jealous. 
"Why don't you kiss me like that?" You snapped your head around to look at John. 
His face became flushed and it took a few seconds for him to respond back- which were mostly incoherent mumbles. 
"Don't you love me, Daddy?" You asked and he instantaneously jerked his arm away as you absentmindedly placed a hand on it. 
"I do love you, baby, I do. I just- they're not real. I didn't mean to- uh, they're not related." John managed to muster out, obviously flustered by your comments. 
"She kept calling him Daddy," You frowned, once again thinking about how much you wanted to be in her position. 
"I know, sweetheart. It was just the first video I clicked on. I wanted to get this over with." He sighed and it hurt your heart that he didn't want to do it with you. 
What if he didn't love you enough to do those things? What if Sam or Dean didn't love you enough? 
"Don't be sad, Y/N. It's just a video." John said, picking up on the sudden mood change, and reaching over to cup your cheek. 
Usually, it would make you feel better- it's something that he always did when you were upset- but it was different this time. 
"You don't love me enough for sex," You said, pushing his hand away and looking down. 
John had put you through all of this trouble of telling you about it- even showing it to you, and now he was going to deny the pit you felt in your stomach? 
"Y/N, you didn't even know what it was thirty minutes ago. You're not ready to have sex," John said in a quiet tone and you continued to frown.
Why was he being like this? Why would he show it to you if that's not what he wanted?
"I'm ready. I want to be like her, Daddy. The video made me feel things." You told him honestly, gaining the courage to look back up at him. 
Just as your courage regained, you could tell that his was suddenly gone. He looked as pale as a ghost as he swallowed down whatever liquid was in his throat. 
"What kinds of things, princess?" John asked nervously, almost sounding like he was guilty of something. 
His eyes were locked on yours and you couldn't help but feel like you might be able to break him. A perk of being Daddy's little girl was getting whatever you wanted. 
"I don't know how to explain it," You bit down on your bottom lip, trying to explain the way your core was aching for something. 
"It's called being horny. It's natural," He chuckled nervously, a light sweat breaking out on his forehead. 
"Do you feel it too?" You asked, seeing the way that his pants were tightening around his lower region like a tent. 
"Fuck, sweetheart," He sighed aloud, and your eyes watched as his hand pressed against the crotch of his pants.
"I want to be like her, Daddy," You confessed as your eyes began flickering up and down between his face and his legs, not sure which was a prettier sight.
The sweat and the bulge were both good indicators that he was ready to do things that were in the video, you just knew it. With a sudden whiff of confidence, your hand reached back and landed on his thigh, rubbing circles with your fingers. 
John didn't say anything. He didn't move either. You watched closely as his pants became more restrictive and it was evident that your hand on his thigh was doing something for him. Smiling at the reaction, you looked back up to him and saw an unusual darkness in his eyes. 
It came as a surprise when his hand came to meet yours and you expected him to move it away, but instead, he trailed it higher. Your fingers traced the rough denim material until they landed in between his legs. A small groan left his lips and you grinned at the sound because of how much it resonated with the guy in the video. 
After your hand sat there for a few seconds and you admired how hard he felt underneath you, he stood up without warning. You frowned, wishing that he never moved. 
Sighing aloud, John looked down at you as you looked up at him through your lashes. His hand came up to rest on your cheek as his thumb lightly brushed your bottom lip. 
You held onto his hand, relishing any touch that came to your body, and just as soon as it began, it ended. He pulled his hand back and you watched as he walked towards the opposite side of the room. 
"Come here," John commanded in a low and gruff voice, sitting on the edge of the unmade motel bed. 
You weren't sure whether to be eager or concerned as you stood up from your chair and made your way to him. His arms opened up as an invitation and you straddled his hips, lazily hanging your arms on his shoulders as you began to realize how intimately close the two of you were. 
You looked down, feeling instant relief as you pushed the weight of your core on him. It wasn't much, but even through your jeans and his, you could feel how good he felt pressed against you. His fingers came to the bottom of your chin and motioned your head up so that he could look at you. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" John asked, his eyes begging for you to say yes as his arms wrapped around your waist. 
"Yes, Daddy. I love you," You confirmed, breathlessly waiting for him to do something to relieve the rapidly burning coil in your stomach. 
John's lips connected with yours as soon as he got his answer and you tried your best to copy his movements. It was effortless when your mouth began to move in sync with his. Each time his tongue reached into your mouth you felt like you knew exactly what to do. 
His lips felt like soft pillows every time they ran against yours- he was so perfect, you wanted to make him happy just like the guy was in the video. You chased his mouth as it pulled away, but didn't complain when you felt the wet kisses on your neck. 
John was sure to be careful as he took his time, giving you soft and warm kisses all along the crook of your neck, occasionally stopping to nip at your ear. 
Your fingers raked their way through John's hair and you heard him groan when you shifted your hips in an effort to get more comfortable. His fingers reached down, pulling the fabric on your torso over your head. 
You felt the goosebumps on your skin in reaction to the colder air and you traveled his gaze to your breasts. John brought his hands up, cupping through your bra and marveling at the sight in front of him. You took the initiative to reach around and unclasp your simple cloth covering, letting it slide down your arms and shoulders as your nipples hardened. 
"You are so beautiful, sweetheart," John said breathlessly, his eyes completely focused on the stiff peaks in front of him. 
Your cheeks swelled with his approval and you moaned when he brought his mouth to one of your breasts, tweaking the nipple with his tongue and running small circles around its entirety. Something about the way he was sucking made your core itch for attention, so your hips pressed up as close to him as possible. 
John moaned against your breast, his lips ghosting the skin on your chest and latching around the other nipple, treating it just as well as its predecessor. 
His hands trailed down the sides of your body, reaching the middle, and undoing the button on your jeans before encouraging you to stand up. As you raised, he slowly pulled your jeans down and let his fingertips touch your skin as they moved south. 
When the denim was pooled around your ankles, you held onto his shoulder for support as you kicked them off lightly. 
"Sit back down, Y/N," John told you and you followed directions. 
Straddling his hips once again, feeling much less constricted, he gripped tightly onto your sides. He shifted you slightly so that you rested completely on his thigh, instead of in between, and began to move your body back and forth. 
Small whimpers fled your mouth as you felt the friction rubbing against your aching core, it felt so unfamiliar and foreign to your body- but it felt so good. 
"Feel good, princess?" You heard John chuckle lightly, as his hands continued to move you. 
The wetness from your panties was sure to have made its way out, but you didn't care. Being like this with him like this felt so good. 
"Daddy, I want to make you feel good too," You told him, looking back into his eyes. 
John's hand reached up and brushed a stray hair away from your face, smiling at you. 
"Let Daddy make you feel good first," He answered in return and you nodded your head. 
His lips collided with yours as his grip on your hips tightened, picking you up and laying you flat on your back. He continued to kiss you passionately as he hovered above you, his hand reaching down and dipping into your soaked panties. 
You felt him smile into the kiss as his fingers easily glided through your slick and you moaned every time they would ghost against your clit. 
"You're so wet for me, baby."
"Is that a good thing?" You asked him and he chuckled at the question. 
"A very good thing," He told you and you smiled with the praise. 
Placing a quick peck on your lips, he adjusted himself so that his knees were on the ground. His fingers hooked into the waistband of your soft cotton underwear, pulling them down, and encouraged your thighs to open more. 
John brought his calloused thumb up to work small circles on your bundle of nerves and you moaned at the feeling. Everything that he did made you feel more and more relieved, you could practically feel how much he loved you. When you situated yourself on your elbows so you could see what he was doing, he looked up at you. 
"Can Daddy taste you?" He asked, licking his lips, as he looked directly into your eyes. 
"Please," You squeaked out, feeling hot and bothered and needing as much of him as you could get. 
Watching as his head disappeared in between your legs, you bit your lip as his tongue trailed once up your slit and collected as much wetness in his mouth as possible. You could hear his groaning in approval just before he began to delve into your core again. 
Not bothering to suppress your satisfaction, you moaned as his tongue flicked itself over and over on your clit, bringing out a type of burn that you'd never felt before. 
You could feel your core heat up as he relentlessly attacked you with his tongue, alternating between circling and flicking, perfectly timing when one or the other became too much or dull. He began to suck down lightly, pulling more moans out of your throat, and you felt the uneasiness in your stomach waiting to spill itself. 
Your fingers locked themselves in his short hair, gaining a grunt from him as he began to go faster with his motions. His tongue was hammering your sensitive bud at a furious pace, leaving you a moaning mess as something suddenly snapped inside of you. 
"Daddy," You whined when he didn't stop. 
Your hips buckled and your thighs tried to shut themselves as John's hands wrapped around and held you down. He kept the pace as he helped you get through whatever it was that just happened. Once he was satisfied, he came to the surface, leaving your legs shaking. 
"What was that?" You asked him, panting as you tried to stop your legs from moving on their own. He continued to hover above you.
"That was an orgasm, sweetheart," John told you before placing a tender kiss on your lips. You could taste yourself when his tongue reached into your mouth, moaning at how satisfied and happy he seemed to be. 
Things were never the same after that day. John insisted on not taking your virginity until he was sure it was going to be special. He wanted the whole candle-lit dinner and the rose petals on the bed, but mostly- he wanted it not to occur in a shitty motel. 
John wanted the whole nine yards just for you and as much as you wanted that too, you didn't really care about the fine details. You wanted him as soon as you could get him and you didn't care what the circumstances were, even if that meant losing your virginity in a crappy motel where the beds creaked.
Plans were whisked away from the two of you, a hunt would come up or Sam and Dean would stick around for too long. It almost seemed impossible to find the 'right' time. 
In between, John helped you learn different things that surrounded sex. You could only assume that those acts were just as satisfying as the real thing, but it only made you crave him more. 
You were so eager to please John and he seemed to feel the same way about you, making you feel more special than Sam or Dean ever felt. Everything just made so much sense, everything seemed so perfect. 
It was hard to contain yourself around your brothers, but John wanted to keep your relationship a secret. You didn't understand why. Why wouldn't he want to show Sam and Dean how happy he made you? Was he embarrassed? Were you not good enough to boast about?
Those questions didn't matter in the middle of the night when he would steal you away to his truck. Every bliss-filled night brought a euphoric feeling that lingered for the following days... but then he would leave. Again. 
It became a routine. Things would seem so hopeful that maybe in a few days, he would be able to steal you away for the night- make it special, but those plans seemed almost hopeless as the weeks went on. 
The hunts became more frequent, especially after Sam came home from school, and John wanted both of his boys as strong as possible- so he chose to hunt by himself most of the time. 
John also became a bit hunt-hungry, losing days of sleep and trying his best to find the monster that killed your mother. It was consuming him and John only really ever seemed to be at peace when he was with you- when you helped suck out every ounce of worry from his soul. 
But a strange guilt was burning slowly in your core. Sam was the one person you trusted in your entire life. The one person you could trust with your secrets, the one person you could trust to be on time, the one person you could trust to be there for you. 
When Sam would come home from school and tell you about his day, or come back from a small day hunt with Dean, you would have nothing to say to him. 
You weren't reading like usual, you were too busy with John or learning new things from porn. You weren't supposed to tell Sam and it ate at you every day. 
It hurt to keep something so special and important away from him. You've told him everything since the moment you could talk- the only saving grace was that he was keeping things from you too. 
First, it started off with him not telling you about sex or what it was. Then, it turned into getting girlfriends that he wouldn't tell anybody about. He was hiding things from you for the first time in your life and you didn't understand why. 
Was he upset with you? Did John say anything to him? Or was he just growing apart from you? 
Showers seemed to be less fun for the past three months. Sam barely talked to you. He barely cracked a joke, he didn't even turn the water cold on purpose to make you squeal. It was just a shower now. You got in, you washed your hair, he washed his hair, you washed your body, he washed his body, and then you both got out. 
Sam wasn't the same Sam that you knew and loved, but you tried your best not to notice.
It was another day. Another boring and quiet shower. Sam hogged all of the water while you focused on trying your best to be normal. 
To be honest, you were upset. All of these months, waiting for him to say something. You were waiting for Sam to explain why he was acting so strangely, but he didn't. 
Sam closed himself off from everybody and every shower that remained silent, other than the casual 'pass the shampoo' that seared into your heart. Maybe Sam didn't love you as much as he used to. Maybe he found someone else. 
You couldn't hold it in anymore- you couldn't live without knowing what was going on in Sam's head. 
"Are you okay?" You asked Sam quietly. He just shrugged his shoulders in return. 
Sam muttered 'I'm fine' and nodded his head, turning back to finish washing his hair. You frowned, knowing that he was probably not fine, and continued to pry. 
"Sammy, please. Just talk to me." You frowned, watching the soapy water fall down his back.
"Talk to you about what?" Sam asked in return, bitterness in his voice that shocked you to your core. 
His tone definitely showed you that he was upset about something, and it hurt to know that he was bottling it in himself. You trembled when he snapped, shivers running down your spine that brought you to cross your arms, and you watched the way he glared at you when he turned around. 
It hurt especially because it was the same glare he often gave your father. It was the same hatred in his eyes and you didn't know what you did to deserve it. 
"Y/N, I'm not angry. I promise. I'm sorry for scaring you." Sam must have picked up on your hurt as his face slumped into concern, placing his hand on your arm. 
You immediately pulled away as Sam continued to look at you sympathetically. 
"I just wished you talked to me, that's all," You replied quietly.
"Yeah, well, I wished you talked to me too," Sam muttered in a voice so close to a whisper you almost couldn't hear. You decided to look back up at him. 
"That's what I'm trying to do, Sam," You told him just as softly as before, looking into his soft eyes. 
Sam gave you a small smile out of courtesy, and you could tell it was hurting him just as much as it was hurting you. 
"I just feel like you are avoiding me. Like you don't want to tell me what's going on in your life anymore." You admitted.
"What about you?" Sam scoffed and you raised an eyebrow at him. "I mean, you don't talk to me about your life. Why should I?" He asked, crossing his arms. 
"I don't go to school anymore and I barely leave the motel. There's not much to say," You sighed, frowning at how his aggressive switch was flipping on and off with each comment. 
Sam didn't get upset with you often, but most of the time he was irrational and tended to say things that he didn't mean. 
"Just- just tell me about a book you've read recently," Sam struggled to get out and you shrugged your shoulders. 
"Um, okay. I read The Little Prince recently. The guy in the story crashed in the Sahara desert and-" You were quick to explain. 
"You told me about that book months ago, Y/N," Sam cut you off with hints of a low growl. You furrowed your eyebrows and tried to reach his eyes as they ran away from yours. 
You hadn't read it in a while, but, it was the most recent book you had read- that part was true. The truth about what had been preoccupying your past few months was a secret, a secret that John didn't want anybody to know about. 
For a second, you thought about telling the truth- maybe Sam would be happy to hear about it. Happy that John loved you so much. Happy that you weren't sitting at home miserable every day. 
Ultimately, you decided that you didn't want to upset your father. What if he stopped whatever it was that was going on between the two of you? That, in addition to Sam and Dean, was the only thing that ever made you truly happy around here, and you didn't want to take it for granted. 
"I, uh, I reread it. It's a great book," You lied, this time trying to look away without being too conspicuous. 
It hurt every part of you to lie to Sam like this, especially because you were lying about one of the most important things in your life.
You never lied to Sam, ever. When he didn't say anything back, it ate you completely. The guilt you felt was pounding in the back of your throat. It only took you a few moments of silence to realize that you couldn't take it anymore.
"Sammy, I'm- I'm lying to you." You told him, feeling a rush of relief flood your body as you looked down to the ground.
"I know, Y/N," Sam told you quietly and you nodded your head, the guilt vacuuming back into your body. 
This is why you shouldn't have lied to him in the first place. He knew you so well, too well to let anything slip by. 
"Do you want to tell me the truth?" He asked softly, bringing his fingertips to your chin so that you could look back up at him. 
You nodded your head, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes as he looked at you with so much care- something you missed dearly from him. 
"I- I can't." You told him, jerking your head to look anywhere but at him. 
You loved Sam more than any person in the world, but this was something that you needed to keep from him.
"Because Dad said you can't?" Sam asked you and your eyes shot up to look at him, widened at full capacity. 
He knew. That's why he was so upset. That's why he didn't talk to you, why he closed himself off from everybody. But, why? Why did he seem so upset about it? If Sam knew, why hadn't he brought it up sooner?
"It's okay, Y/N, really. It's okay, you can tell me the truth." Sam told you, pulling you close as you frowned into his chest and began to let your mind run. 
What if John found out you told him? Would he not want anything to do with you anymore? Even though the shower was still running against the both of you, the only wetness you could feel were your tears. 
"He's going to hate me, Sammy," You told him, sniffling as you pulled back to look at him. His arms were lazily hung around your torso as he stared down at you with soft eyes. 
"Y/N, did he hurt you?" Sam asked softly, gripping your waist tightly and gently forcing you to keep focused on him. 
"What?" You asked, furrowing your brows as you noticed that Sam seemed to look sad. "No- no, he didn't hurt me. Why would he hurt me?" You questioned again and his grip loosened around you, looking just as confused as you did. "Are you upset?"
Sam took a few seconds to answer, head shaking a confused expression formed on his face. 
"I, uh, no- I'm not upset. I just thought-" He trailed, seeming to be at a loss for words. "I just thought he was hurting you."
"Daddy would never hurt me," You gave him a small grin, shaking your head at the silly comment. "Sammy, he's made me very happy." You purred, feeling his body tense as your fingers glided up and down his sides. 
It was a small chance that you took- if he wasn't upset... then maybe he was happy. Maybe he was just jealous this entire time.
Next Part
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googledocsdyke · 3 years
in all these musings about jender, has anyone discussed the fact that dean did watch a clip of jensen in days of our lives in canon and thus confronted Jender Itself in its raw unadulterated form?
god you're so right. now i'm going insane thinking about jender and the french mistake because like....... the entire episode premise has sam and dean comparing themselves to the haunting traces of their alternate self. like they never actually MEET jared and jensen which i do think is both fascinating and key to what makes the episode really work — they just have to detangle, half-horrified half-in awe, what kind of impossibly easy life these strange half-famous men live. using like, context clues. the episode mostly focuses on sam in ways that are very funny and iconic as this post outlines but you're right there is also some SUPER fascinating stuff going on w/ dean's masculinity
dean is much more visibly disgusted than sam at everything that points to jensen and jared's "softness" — their actor-indulgences and their lack of hunting skills and their effeminised "male model" career and dumb little rich boy details like the fish tank in jensen's trailer. i feel sick. he's going to be sick! you already pay these two jokers enough money as it is! and like, of COURSE it's dean who notices that he's wearing makeup (it's always, always dean that has these too-eager jokes land — or not land? — at his expense; marcusantonius: how do we know dean is performing masculinity? because sam isn't) he traces his hand down his face and says, in horror, oh crap, i'm a painted whore. and it's funny! laugh track! the man written as the furious antithesis of femininity accidentally slips into it again (see dean manifesto) and theres a whole HOST of deeply complex and largely misogynistic associations bundled up there about dean’s relationships (both canonical and fanonical) with sex workers, but it's also like...... you are a man. you are a man. you are a straight man and you PRESS that embodiment of yourself into the world every day. and then suddenly you fall through a window and someone else has put makeup on your face. who the hell put makeup on your face? is it even still your face? do you look better with makeup on your face? it doesn't matter. you're a painted whore. this is not your life. wipe this life off your body, wipe the makeup off your face. get back home to kansas.
and then the days of our lives scene in the trailer! again this is so Much because if they wanted to poke fun at the actors' pre-spn careers... jared padalecki is RIGHT there. he was in gilmore girls (haha funny) playing a character named dean (haha funny) who was the love interest (fellas is it gay to be in a woman-centric romcom about mother-daughter affection). but there's no POINT in emasculating sam, there's no punchline. so instead we get days of our lives-era Jender
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and he IMMEDIATELY slams the laptop shut. don’t like this universe, sammy. need to get out of this universe. this is the tipping point for both of them, the moment where it all cements. you were a pretty boy on a genre INEXTRICABLY tied up with an audience of women and by god that’s the final straw
IDK MAN like you're dean winchester and you crash into a strange new universe and a man who is not you is wearing your face. or at least you think he’s wearing your face — you never see him, and maybe it’s you who is wearing his face, industrial-strength foundation at all. and people pay you to look... pretty, soap opera lead pretty, male model sons of bitches pretty, network tv good-looking pretty. you’re not just rewarded for this, you’re swaddled in comfort for this. paid in weekly checks, not crumpled twenties. you feel sick. you’re a painted whore. you know you wouldn’t be happy here (you and sam aren’t even BROTHERS) but there’s some strange haunting young version of you living in another world’s computer who looks just past the camera with soulful romantic lead eyes and maybe you don’t know how to hold all that knowledge in you! maybe you just want to get back to where you can kill something clean and simple and not think about catching the right angle while doing it. you will never meet jensen ackles. if you met jensen ackles you would punch his lights out. probably. maybe not! he’s not a hunter, he just plays one on tv. jensen ackles is a man pretending to be a hunter and you hate him for it, but isn’t that all you are, too, at the end of it?
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waynes-multiverse · 3 years
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: After a witch hunt gone wrong, Y/N finds herself cursed and lost in time. Will Dean get his girlfriend back or will she be lost forever?
Warnings: crack (hello, have you met me? 😂), language, a little angst, Protective!Dean, Angry!Dean, mentions of drugs, Nazis, Guillotines & dinosaurs, implied smut, FLUFF
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: Sooooooo, couldn’t sleep last night and in my brain fog I created this delirious masterpiece while listening to Kesha at 3am. That’s all I have to say about that. Oooo, also! Dean vs. a T-Rex! Let me know your thoughts! Love y’all!
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Dean’s boot slammed with full force on the gas pedal, the shiny black Impala racing down the empty roads back to the bunker. He didn’t know what that stupid fucking witch did to her, but he knew that hag did something to Y/N, muttering some bullshit Latin as she blew some green powder at his girlfriend. “Fucking witches, man!”
“Dean, I feel fine, really,” Y/N assured him from the backseat, meeting her boyfriend’s gaze in the rearview mirror. The crinkles around his emerald eyes showed the full extent of the hunter’s fury. No one was allowed to touch, let alone hurt his girl. But Y/N had been cursed before. This wasn’t her first rodeo with witches, after all, ever since she joined the Winchesters years ago. “Whatever that witch did to me, it doesn’t seem like it worked,” she grinned happily.
“Dean, she’s right. It’s been a few hours. If Y/N was really cursed, don’t you think we would’ve noticed by now?” Sam argued calmly, trying to settle Dean’s sour mood.
But the oldest Winchester shook his head stubbornly, “Never trust a witch, Sammy. Whatever it is, I’m sure we’re gonna pay for it.” It never worked out in their favor. How could his two companions be so naive?
“Fine,” Sam huffed in defeat. “I call Rowena, and she can check Y/N out. See if she got hit with some kinda magic, alright?”
“That’s all I’m asking for,” Dean agreed with a stern nod, keeping his glaring eyes focused on the road ahead. If something happened to Y/N, he’d never forgive himself for it. He had promised to look out for her, protect her from anything that would come their way when he met her during a hunt years ago, saving her from some punk-ass vampire. She had wanted to join the brothers then, not having much family left. She wanted to help them fight the good fight. Reluctantly, Dean had agreed, but not without promising himself he’d die for her if push ever came to shove. They grew close, and then even closer, until they landed in bed together one drunken night after a bloody hunt. They had been inseparable since then, finding their little piece of home sweet home in the confines of the bunker.
“Guys, really, I’m awesome,” Y/N reiterated, her nose feeling a little stuffy before a sneeze escaped her.
“Gesundheit,” Sam said mindlessly without looking back.
As Dean’s eyes wandered to the backseat, his foot hit the brakes, the Impala coming to an abrupt halt in the middle of the road, jolting both brothers forward.
“Dean, what the-,” Sam questioned with a furrowed brow, watching Dean’s upper body spin backward to stare at the backseat.
“Where the hell is she?!” the oldest brother shouted at the top of his lungs, finding the back of the car completely empty without a single trace of his girlfriend.
Poof. Just like that, she was gone, the panic rising inside both hunters as they shared a perplexed look.
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Y/N opened her eyes, one by one. Somehow, it didn’t feel like the familiar insides of the Impala anymore. Somehow, it felt like she wasn’t even sitting in the car at all anymore, her butt cheeks missing the comfy black leather. As she removed her hands from her nose after the sneeze of a lifetime, her eyes scanned her surroundings.
She was in a city – that much was clear from the tall, old buildings around her. Her boots stood firmly on cobblestones, masses of people in weird clothing passing her by as she found herself in the middle of some kind of plaza. The sky above her was foggy, dark, and gray. Wherever she was, it wasn’t a nice place. Horses galloped around her, and soon, she noticed that she was the only woman with a pair of jeans, everyone else wearing long dresses with brooches around their necks and weird little hats on top of their heads.
This isn’t Kansas anymore, Dorothy, she thought to herself. Could she click her heels together to get back home? Her eyes then spied a little kiosk, inconspicuously making her way over to it. She was even scared to move around in this world. With her clothing, she stood out like a burning orange ball of flames in a crowd full of gray. Picking up a newspaper, she swallowed thickly when she read the date and location of her new whereabouts – London, September 12, 1666.
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“WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!” Dean yelled loudly, making the whole bunker shake with the impact behind his rough voice.
The library fell silent, three pairs of eyes staring at him, mouths agape. “Dean,” Castiel dared to speak up bravely, watching as the hunter’s shoulders heaved with every heated breath. Y/N had been gone for hours now, and all Rowena had been able to tell him was that they were dealing with some kind of time travel spell. “You need to remain calm. We won’t get Y/N back faster just by yelling.”
“I know that!” he growled, shoving a few opened books off the table with force. They had scoured every single piece of literature they could get their hands on and found zero, zip, zilch, nada, only growing the green-eyed hunter’s frustrations as the clock kept striking. For all he knew, she could be dead by now.
“Dearie, we’re dealing with a very intricate time travel spell here. If we’re not careful, our little Y/N might mess up the timeline and bring the whole world to its knees,” Rowena warned them.
“Then do something about it! Why are you even here? You should’ve cracked the spell hours ago! Who knows if she’s even still alive!” Dean snapped, throwing his hands in the air.
“She’s alive, Dean. I can feel her,” Castiel assured him.
“Then get her back!”
“Dean, it’s not that easy. I can’t just pull her out. I’m not strong enough, and she’s too far back,” Cas stated, dropping his head in shame. The angel always hated when Dean made him feel useless.
“Wait,” Dean’s head shot up at the blue-eyed angel in a trench coat, “You know where she is? Why wouldn’t you say that earlier?”
“Yes,” Cas gave him a nod, “She’s in London. 1666.”
Rowena scoffed, wrinkling her nose, “Uff, poor thing. Bad times. Filthy, too.”
Dean ran a hand over his face and through his sandy-blonde hair, “You guys are not helping.”
Sam cleared his throat, having listened to their conversation quietly while he kept his nose buried in a spell book. “I think I might have found the spell the witch used. Tempori emancipati,” the youngest Winchester read, looking at Rowena hopefully.
The redhead nodded, “Yes, this could be it. Good job, Samuel.”
“What does it mean?” Dean questioned, gazing between the two.
“Enslaved to time,” Sam replied.
The oldest hunter’s head bobbed in a frantic rhythm, contemplating his next move. “Can you reverse it?”
“I suppose I can. There’s just one wee little problem, dearie,” Rowena stated, Dean’s brow furrowing in annoyance. Of course, there was a catch. There was always a catch.
“What is it?” he groaned with an eye roll.
“We need Y/N here in order to cure her, but poor thing can’t control where she’s going. She could be lost in time forever,” Rowena sighed.
“Can’t we just use another spell to get her here?” Dean asked, crossing his arms over his chest, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor.
“I’m afraid that will be hard to achieve. We would need to know her exact date and location, and by the time we get that, she could’ve moved on to the next one,” the redhead explained with a sorrowful look.
“Okay, fine,” Dean scoffed, “Hit me with the curse. I can get her back.”
“Dean, how?” Sam frowned, “You heard Rowena. Y/N can’t control where she’s going. What makes you think you can?”
“I don’t know,” Dean shrugged, irritated. “Can’t we just install a safeguard or something? Something that allows me to choose where I’m going?”
“Well, I suppose it’s not impossible,” Rowena breathed. “But it’s going to take me some time to craft the perfect spell for you.”
“Great. Hurry up,” Dean urged her with a firm look and grabbed a bottle of whiskey, making his way to his room.
Slumping down on the bed, he felt the emptiness already. The memory foam mattress had perfectly shaped to her figure on her side of the bed, her pillow still smelling of her vanilla perfume and her peach shampoo. It had barely been a day, but he missed her. She was his best friend, his beacon of hope, his anchor. He couldn’t do this without her.
Worst of all, he thought about how scared and terrified she must be feeling, all alone, stranded in a strange, foreign world without any friendly or familiar faces around. He had broken his promise to her and failed to keep her safe. Now, he had no idea where she even was or what she was going through. Lost in time and lost for him to find her.
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Third sneeze is the charm, Y/N thought as she looked around her new surroundings. It had been a week of hopping through random time periods. Whatever this curse was, it sure as hell was a pain in her ass.
London had been filthy, not to mention she almost died in a giant fire, the building she had hauled up in collapsing around her. A burning beam was about to crash down on her before all the smoke inhalation made her sneeze again. And poof, just like that, she found herself in the middle of the French Revolution in 1794. Paris wasn’t much better, though. Some locals thought she was a traitor, and soon enough, she found herself strapped into a Guillotine. Sneezing just in time, she escaped the deathly blade that threatened to decapitate her.
Next up was Berlin, 1942. And oh boy, those Nazis were a piece of work. She was quickly made out to be an American, the enemy, and was hunted down the streets until she found shelter in a little bakery, the owner yelling something at her in presumably German. “Junges Fräulein, Sie können hier nicht so einfach rein stürmen!”
“Sorry, dude. No speak German,” she told him with an apologetic shrug.
“Stupid Americans,” he huffed, shaking his head.
“Well, I understand that one,” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. Grabbing a bag of flour, she inhaled the white powder into her nostrils, hoping for another sneeze to get her out of that cursed time period, hearing the barks of the German Shepherds and Rottweilers nearing outside. “C’mon, Y/N, sneeze, sneeze, sneeze, you stupid bitch!” Another sneeze ripped through her, and she was gone again. Luckily. She really didn’t want to spend too much more time there.
The newest location didn’t seem as threatening as the last few. Another massive crowd surrounded her, loud music blasting through a wide field as people moved to the rhythm. The air smelled interesting. Weed, she realized. A lot of it, too.
“Nice outfit,” a woman with round glasses and a torn-up crop top told her with a smile, scanning up and down her body before a man slung his arm around the young woman. The guy had long wavy hair that flowed to his bare chest, only a tattered vest covering his upper body. The couple then smirked at her flirtatiously, and Y/N couldn’t help but feel like they were checking her out.
“Thanks,” she replied with an uncomfortable nod, her eyes wandering around the field. Hippies, she realized as she noticed everyone’s ragged clothing style and the goofy smiles that decorated their faces.
“What’s a Green Day?” the woman then asked her, smiling at her quizzically as she gestured to Y/N’s band shirt.
“Oh, uh, it’s a group… that celebrates our beautiful, green Earth. You know, global warming is a bitch,” Y/N stated.  
“Global warming?” the guy knitted his brow at her statement.
“Oh, right. Not a thing either yet, huh?” she joked, but no one laughed. “So, where are we? What is this place? And oh, uh, could you also tell me the year, please?”
The man chuckled, “Man, how high are you?”
“Oh, so high, bro,” she replied. Yup, she definitely landed in the 60s. But truthfully, she could’ve landed in worse places than this. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves around her for once, and no one tried to kill her. She counted that as a good trip.
“Groovy,” the woman replied with a grin. “And you’re in Bethel, New York. Three days of music and peace, baby.”

Wait, Bethel? It couldn’t be, could it? “Wait, are you telling me I’m at Woodstock?” Y/N felt speechless. Man, she couldn’t wait to tell Dean about this, feeling the giddiness rise in her stomach. Oh, the hunter would be so jealous if he found out! Finally, she was allowed to have some fun with this stupid curse and didn’t just have to run from people that were trying to execute her.
“You are, pretty girl,” the guy smiled widely, “Just in time, too. The Grateful Dead are about to take the stage.”
“Fuck, yeah!” she exclaimed excitedly, her mouth agape as her eyes darted to the stage in front of her with anticipation. This was awesome! “Who else is playing?”
“Uh, well, CCR and Janis Joplin are next. Then The Who and Jefferson Airplane, I think?” the woman turned to her partner.
“Yup,” he replied and pulled out two small zip-lock bags from his jacket. “What’s your poison, little lady? LSD or shrooms?”
“You know what? Gimme both. I had a hard week. I finally deserve to have some fun,” she replied cheerily. As she stretched out her arm, she felt it again – the tingling sensation that tickled her nose. “Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no!”
“Fuck me!” she screamed in frustration when she found herself at a new location once more. This time, no one was around, only an eerie jungle surrounding her, terrifying screeches echoing through the tall trees. Wherever she landed now, she didn’t have a good feeling about this place.
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“Okay, let’s get this thing started,” Dean announced restlessly, rubbing his palms together in anticipation while Rowena prepared the spell in the war room of the bunker. He just needed to see her pretty face again, see for himself that she was okay and not hurt.
It took the team a whole week to find a counter-curse for Y/N and modify the curse in a way so that Dean could get her back, hopefully still unharmed. Castiel had kept tabs on her adventures through time, Dean’s heart skipping every single time the angel informed her she was close to death. Only her last location soothed the green-eyed hunter a bit and also caused a slight pang of jealousy. Woodstock in 1969. Man, did he wish he could be there with her now. But soon enough, he’d be reunited with his beloved, and maybe, just maybe, they could have a little fun there before they had to return to their time.
“You ready, dearie?” Rowena asked, having finished throwing ingredients into a bowl.
“As I’ll ever be. Hit me with it,” Dean urged her.
“Dean, just be careful,” Sam warned him with a worried look in his amber eyes. “You sure he can control it? We don’t need two people lost in time.”
“Trust me, Samuel. The spell is going to work,” the redhead smiled and patted the tall hunter’s cheek lovingly, making him grimace slightly. The witch then turned to Dean, taking a fistful of the green powder from the bowl. “Magister temporis,” she spoke, blowing the dust into the hunter’s face.
Dean coughed slightly as the green fog tickled his nose. Opening his jade-green eyes, he stared at his three companions. “Did it work?”
“You tell us, dearie. All you need to do is think about your sweet, little Y/N, and the spell should take you right to her,” Rowena explained with a smile.
“Alright,” Dean clapped his hands together with a grin. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, thinking about Y/N’s intoxicating laugh and the little snort that escaped her throat every single time she found something hilarious. He thought about her beautiful, twinkling Y/E/C eyes that always gazed at him with love and adoration. He thought about her soft, warm touches that consoled even his most harrowing nightmares, and of course, her peachy, pink lips that flawlessly fit his own. She was perfect in every way, and he would get her back, no matter what.
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Quivering, she hid in a sinister, moist cave, hoping the little shelter she found wasn’t inhabited by something even more awful than the thing she had been running from. She hissed when she moved a little, leaning her back against the wet stone walls, her fingertips gently touching the bleeding wound on her lower calf, the stinging pain almost forcing her to her knees. She had no clue where or better when she was exactly. Judging by the current populace, she might just be the only human alive – a dire thought.
Her hope began to fade away every day a bit more. Would the brothers ever find her and come to her rescue? Or was she doomed to be lost in time forever, dying somewhere, sometime where no one would grieve her, buried in an unmarked grave – or worse, eaten alive by dinosaurs? She knew Dean would never abandon her, never give up fighting for her. But what if he couldn’t save her this time? What if they would never find a counter-spell to free her from this horrible curse?
She missed her boyfriend, missed looking into his mesmerizing pine-green orbs, missed touching the slight stubble on his cheek, missed kissing his plump lips, missed tracing his freckles. She even missed his snoring, his teasing when she wasn’t in the mood, his stale taste in music, and his outbursts. She missed everything. She missed her family, her home, her love.
Her head popped up, her eyes squinting into the darkness further inside the cave. She would recognize that gravelly voice anywhere, no matter where she was. A part of her was thinking she was hallucinating. He couldn’t be here. How?
“Dean?” she called out warily, her voice a shaky breath.
“Sweetheart! There you are!” The tall figure moved out of the shadows, running to her before he wrapped her into his strong arms. “God, I missed you. I’m so glad you’re alive,” he breathed in her scent, the vanilla and peach only faint after all this time but still smelling like his Y/N, and placed frantic kisses all over her head.
“Ouch,” she gasped, tumbling a little at his impact on her body.
Dean pulled away immediately, concern etched into his freckled features as his hands stabilized her hips. “You’re hurt,” he stated worriedly, helping her to take a seat on a stone. Kneeling down in front of her, he inspected her gnashing wound, the blood trickling through a cut in her jeans. “Who did this to you?”
“Not who… what,” she replied with a hiss as he softly touched her leg.
That’s when Dean took in their environment for the first time, noticing the dark cave they were in and the sprawling jungle outside the entrance. His brow crinkled in confusion, “Where are we? Cas’s last intel said you were at Woodstock.”
“I wish,” she panted, contorting her face in pain, “Got pulled before the fun times started.”
“Too bad,” Dean sighed with a small grin.
“Yeah,” Y/N giggled, cupping her boyfriend’s cheek to pull him closer to her face. She brushed her lips tenderly against his, having missed the wet plumpness of them against her skin, and Dean deepened the kiss in no time, the passion overtaking them both as their tongues finally collided. “I love you,” she said with a soft smile.
“I love you, too,” he mirrored her warmth. “How about we get you home, free you from this curse, let Cas fix you up, and then get some you and me time in,” he suggested, wagging his eyebrows with a smirk.
“Sounds like a plan,” she agreed, smiling broadly as she gazed into a sea of green, placing another kiss on his pillowy lips.
Dean helped her back onto her feet, draping her arm around his neck to support her. Suddenly a low growl shattered the little cave, giant steps almost causing an earthquake as pebbles rained down on the two lovers.
“What was that?” Dean cocked an eyebrow at his girlfriend, seeing the frown on her.
“Crap. We need to get out of here now,” she informed him, flinching at the familiar noise.
Before Dean could get his mind working, the steps became closer, a gust of wind blowing through the cave. One large marigold eye gazed through the narrow entrance, followed by a loud huff. The green-eyed hunter had never seen a monster like this before. Its skin was scaled and muddy green, and judging by the size of its eye, it was massive too, making his breath hitch in his throat.
“What the hell is this?” Dean swallowed at the monstrosity before him, slowly backing away from the cave entrance with Y/N in his arms, his green eyes widening in horror and confusion. “Dragon?”
“Well, I’m no paleontologist, honey, but my best guess is a T-Rex,” Y/N replied, a hint of panicked sarcasm audible in her voice as she stared up at her boyfriend.
“Huh. Did that thing do that to your leg?” Dean questioned, his gruff tone full of anger. If that thing hurt her, it would pay, didn’t matter if it was a simple vampire or a fucking dinosaur. No one hurt his girl.
“Nope,” she popped the p. “That would be a velociraptor. A whole horde of them chased me earlier until I managed to climb a freaking tree. One of them got a hold of my leg, though. Hurt like a fucking bitch,” she huffed, aggravated by that fact. “Speaking of, I’m pretty sure those things can smell blood. They’re like land sharks. We really should get a move on. I wanna get out of Jurassic Park.”
“Yeah, uh, just hold on a second, sweetheart. Daddy has some business to attend first,” Dean replied with a sly smirk on his face. She knew that look in the hunter’s eyes only too well – he wanted to take a shot at that thing. Dean Winchester was many things, but coward wasn’t one of them. Of course, he would be hellbent on shooting a fucking dinosaur.
With one swift motion, Dean pulled out his gun from his waistband, aiming it straight at the monster’s eye. “Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker,” Dean beamed, pleased like a little boy on Christmas morning. As the bullet hit the T-Rex, the reptile’s head shot to them, letting out a painful and furious screech, drenching the couple from head to toe in dinosaur spit.
“Ew,” Y/N squealed, grimacing at the hunter while her palm wiped the sticky slime out of her face. “Had to do that, didn’t you?” Dean shrugged with an apologetic grin, making her eyes roll. “C’mon, Bruce. Get us out of here, please.”
“Yup, will do. Just hold on tight, Marty, and we’ll be home in no time,” Dean smiled. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body flush against his, burying her nose in his flannel, his heavenly scent calming her nerves. He squeezed his eyes shut again, thinking about the bunker, Sam, Cas, and Rowena, hoping that little image in his head would do the trick.
Both of them could feel getting teleported, a tumbling feeling in their stomachs, but as they opened their eyes, they realized they weren’t home at all, people with curious stares sitting around them.
Y/N frowned as her eyes wandered around the familiar diner atmosphere, slapping her boyfriend’s arm, “Dean! Biggerson’s, really?”
“I’m sorry! I’m hungry, okay?” Dean defended with an innocent twitch of his shoulders.
She sighed, running a palm over her face, her head shaking, “Just get us home, please. Those people are staring at us.”
“Yup, on it!” Dean declared and put his mind to work again.
Carefully opening their eyes, relief washed over them when the kind eyes of all their family and friends greeted them. “You guys made it back!” Sam went in to hug them while both of them were still trying to catch their breaths, getting used to the feeling of being back home again.
Dean then helped Y/N take a seat on one of the chairs, propping her injured leg up on another. “Cas, Rowena, your turn. Fix her,” Dean ordered them, the witch and angel beginning their work on the young huntress.
With a few words of Latin, some pink powder, and the healing touches of an angel, Y/N was back on her feet, good as new. Rowena then also lifted Dean’s spell, and when everything was back to normal, the oldest Winchester pulled his lover in for a tight embrace, planning on never losing her again.
As another sneeze echoed through the bunker, all heads turned to Y/N as she cautiously blinked her eyes open, feeling Dean’s hand caress her back affectionately. She sighed in relief when she was still there, laughter filling the bunker over the visible shock on her face.
“Gesundheit,” Sam told her with a grin.
“Guess it’s gonna take some time getting used to sneezing again without getting a heart attack,” she giggled. Her lips then found Dean’s, entangling him in a long-overdue and searing kiss that set both their hearts on fire. With a blissful moan, her eyes roamed the bunker, looking into the kind faces of her loved ones. Finally, she was home and she wasn’t planning on ever leaving again, least of all the hunter next to her who fully possessed her heart.
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Tags: Real Heroes (SPN Tag): @deanwanddamons @flamencodiva @panicking-outside-the-disco @deandreamernp @avanatural @eevvvaa @wonder-cole @gshade22 @poptart06294
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Hello. You must be tired of me, no I really like the way you write. Can I ask imagine for Supernatural? Y/n is the sister of the archangels and Chuck's favorite daughter. After being captured and tortured by Asmodeus, y/n is broken, and Chuck tries to support his daughter. Please. I really like the kind Chuck who takes care of his children)
The Broken Archangel
No its fine! I don't mine 😁😊
Summary: Y/n is kidnapped and tortured by Asmodeus for several years. She’s rescued by Arthur Ketch, and is taken to the Winchesters, where God makes the discovery of his youngest Archangel. 
Warnings: Some language, mentions of torture and rape. I apologize in advance. This might be a little bit dark.
Y/n was captured by the Prince of Hell, Asmodeus while she was protecting her older brother Gabriel.
She was taken to Hell where she was tortured and completely drained of her grace. Torturing her in ways, for her to give him the locations of her elder brothers Gabriel and as well as Lucifer either one of them.
She spent 8 years in Hell, being drained of her grace, making her a broken Archangel with little no no powers. 
He was feeding off her grace, keeping her locked up in the deepest parts of Hell. Sewing her mouth shut. 
Locking her in a cage inside a dark room, keeping her in solitary confinement. 
She was basically his “little pet”. He drained her dry of her grace to make himself powerful and be ruler of Hell. Other than him torturing you, taking away your grace, he did other unspeakable acts to you, that you wished to never speak of, or even think of. With him weakening you, he knew you wouldn’t be able to fight back or defeat yourself. 
Making you feel dirty, disgusted and making you want to kill every demon in Hell. Wanting to kill that white suit, KFC dickhole. 
“So Y/n?” he asks, holding a sharp blade in hand wiping it with a hand towel “Where are those two brothers of yours?”. 
You say nothing, sitting on the floor staring down at it, with a metal collar around your neck, attached to a chain on the wall. 
You knew he was asking about Lucifer and Gabriel because Michael and Raphael are dead. He knew your grace wasn’t as strong as theirs.
“I asked you a question doll” he says, kneeling in front of you. You don’t dare to look at his face because you’d want to bitch slap him, and you would. 
He straightens his posture, and grabs you by your hair, pulling it to make you look up at him. 
You cry out, you try to hit him back but the chains around your wrists prevent that. 
“I asked you a question, and you will obey it!” he growls, “I know your grace isn’t as strong as your brothers. I’m nearly done with you, a good 60% done with you. So where is Lucifer, and/or Gabriel?!?”. 
You didn’t know the locations of Lucifer and your “twin”. Even if you did you weren’t gonna give them up. Finally being able to speak. 
“Fuck off” you wince out. Knowing that response wasn’t gonna go well with this demon. 
He clicks his tongue, kneeling in front of you again. “You know I’ll break ya, and when I do I’ll just dump out like the angel trash you are”. 
Fast forward to several years later, and still under the torture of Asmodeus.
You are rescued by the British Men of Letters. Arthur Ketch because him and the Winchesters needed the grace of an Archangel to keep a rift open to go into the Alpocalypse world.
Since Lucifer and Gabriel were nowhere to be found, AU Michael is a douchebag, but Team Free Will weren’t the only ones looking for an Archangel.
Chuck spent the last several years searching for his youngest Archangel, his favorite daughter. Going from one world to another searching for her. Every universe he had created to find her since she left Heaven. 
When Ketch brought her to the bunker, to the Winchesters, Chuck was able to track her down. On Earth in Kansas. 
Him, and along with his two sons went to her location. 
“Wait, wait” Ketch says to the two brothers aiming their pistols at him, he lifts his arms up to show that he means no harm ”I come bearing a gift”. He pulls you from behind the wall by your arm, showing you to Sam and Dean. 
They put their guns down, looking at you and Arthur confused. 
“Uhhh who is that??” Dean asks, pointing to you. 
“This is Y/n” he tells them, sitting you down on a chair in the library, “Archangel Y/n”. 
They look at each other, still confused. “Archangel??” Sam asks him. 
He clears his throat, putting his bag on the table “Yes Archangel”. 
“I thought there were 4 Archangels??” Dean asks, glaring at him. 
Shaking his head, “Nope, there are 5. Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, Gabriel and her” he tells them, pointing to you.  
You sit there, staring off into space. Your lips sewn shut, your all bloody and beaten after years of torture. Zero grace left in you. 
Stammering, and not knowing what to say “I don’t-. Where did you-” Sam not knowing what words to use. 
“Where did you get her??” Dean asks Ketch for Sam. 
He sighs, “From Hell, she’s a feisty, stubborn one. She’s low on grace but enough to open the rift”. 
You’re still in a trance, zoning out when it’s broken by another celestial energy in the room. 
“Y/n!” a familiar voice shouts, Sam and Dean turn around, and see Chuck, a worried and scared look on his face. Seeing you for the first time in several years, possibly centuries. 
You look up, and see your father. Eyes widened, even though you look, and are broken. Can only express one facial reaction, he can tell you wanted to cry.  
You look up and down at him, as he cautiously approaches you. Thinking that this is all some game Asmodeus is playing with you, when he reaches to move your hair away from you face, you wince away from his hand. 
Scared for anyone to even touch you. When Ketch rescued you, you were terrified, you had no idea who this British man was. So you didn’t trust him, even if you couldn’t tell him. He knew you didn’t trust him. 
“I’ve been searching for you” Chuck mutters to you, “For centuries, I’ve been looking for you. I thought I would never find you”. Almost in tears, his voice starts to break, looking at what has become of you. How weak and broken you’ve become. 
Dean clears his throat, getting his attention, “I don’t mean to interrupt. But why didn’t we, or the whole world know about a 5th Archangel??”. 
He turns around to face the two brothers, “Because I never wrote about her in the Bible or in any of my stories. I wrote about the other 4, my 4 boys but her” he motions back to you, still sitting on the chair, “I never wrote about her because she was always my favorite. My favorite daughter, she’s the last of the Archangels and the only girl out of them. I needed to protect her”. 
“Well looks like you did a great job” Dean sarcastically mutters. 
Later that evening, they put you in Sam’s room. You sat on the bed while Sam removed the stitching from your lips. The pinching feeling of the threads being removed hurt more now than when they were put on. 
Castiel enters the room, just as Sam finishes up with removing the stitching on your lips. 
He looks at you in shock, you look up and see your little brother. 
“Sam” he says in a soft voice, “She shouldn’t be here”. He looks at him confused. 
“Why?! What’s wrong?!” he asks. 
He looks over at you and says, “Because she is wanted, not only by Hell, but Heaven as well”.  
He looks at Cas, eyebrows raised, “Why is she wanted by Heaven??”. 
Castiel sighs, “I’m not sure, but if she’s wanted it's not good”. 
“Can’t you heal her?” he asks, “Is there anyway you can do that??”. 
He sighs, approaches you and puts his hand on your forehead. The second he does he hears your voice, in your own mind say. 
“I must reiterate”. 
“It’s not possible for an Angel to heal an Archangel” he tells Sam. 
They both leave the room to give you some privacy, and alone time. Feeling free that you’re no longer chained to the wall or to the floor, and not being tortured every minute of every day. 
The door opens, and Chuck steps in. Making you look away from the open door. Pressing your knees up to your chest, pressing yourself against the headboard. 
“Y/n?” he mutters, slowly sitting down on the edge of the bed, “Y/n, please I want to help you”. 
Being too scared to even look at your father, he sighs in disappointment. 
“Y/n, I want to help you. What happened to you?, please tell me”. While Chuck is talking to you. The bunker gets two more surprise visitors. 
Word got around Heaven that you were there at the Winchester’s bunker, and word got around to Lucifer and Gabriel as well. 
The two Archangels made their way to the bunker even though they weren’t together, arriving at the exact same time. Separately. Startling Sam and Dean, making them have their guard up. 
“What the hell do you want??” Dean asks, pistol ready in hand. 
Lucifer rolls his eyes, “Calm down Deano, I heard a little rumor about a long lost sister” he tells them. 
Gabriel appears right after he says that, “Where’s Y/n?!” he asks, frantically looking for his “twin”. 
“Why are you here?!?” Sam asks him. 
He rolls his eyes in annoyance, “It’s quite obvious! Isn’t it?!”. He goes down the hall towards Sam’s room, where you’re at, Lucifer follows behind him. 
The two brothers follow behind them, and the two Archangels burst into the room. Startling you, making you fall out of bed onto the floor. Trembling out of fear.
Chuck tries to reassure you, “Y/n, Y/n, it’s okay. It’s your brothers”. You look up and see your older brothers. 
“Y/n?!” Gabriel mutters, slowly approaching you. Chuck helps you up, back onto the bed. You look at him wide eyed, seeing your “twin” again. 
“Why are you two here?” Chuck asks the other 2 Archangels in the room. 
“We heard about Y/n” Lucifer finally speaks up. 
Their normal conversation starts to turn into a heated argument between a father and two sons. 
You on the other hand, you feel yourself grow angrier and angrier. Not at your father and brothers, but at the fact that they’re fighting about something that doesn’t even matter anymore. For the first time in several years you finally speak up. Loudly, very loudly that the whole building shakes. 
“Stop!!!!” you scream loudly, causing the entire bunker to shake, making the lights flicker on and off. Making a few light bulbs burst into sparks. 
Sam and Dean cover their ears, shielding their hearing from the ear piercing screech you’re producing, while the other 3 look over at you. You look up at your father and brothers. Slowly standing up from the bed. 
“Asmodeus” you mutter before speaking slightly louder, “I was sold off to Asmodeus by those Pagan fuckers. I was tortured, I was abused, I had my grace stolen from me. He weakened me, he did things to me that should never happen to anyone!”. 
Trying to hold back tears, “He used me for his own little affairs, he abused me. He violated me!” you scream, causing the walls to shake again. Making your lips sting from the stitch wounds around them.
You cry out these words, and they hurt even more explaining to them to your own family. The looks on all these men's faces soften, looks of empathy, looks of despair. Gabriel automatically knowing who did this to his little sister, to his twin. 
“You don’t forgive those who did nothing but put you through constant pain, and torture. What he did to me you don't forget, nor do you ever forgive!. He made me feel vulnerable, live in constant fear. I was betrayed, I was backstabbed. I was protecting you two!”. 
Your older brothers look at you with sadden eyes. “I was protecting you two from that Colonel Sanders demon prick!” you cry out, shouting through the pain. 
Chuck trying to hold back tears. He knew deep down you're broken, and so did your brothers. Feeling horrible that their little sister, their youngest daughter went through a lot of pain and abuse just to protect her family. Knowing that she may not fully recover from the pain she endured for the last 8 years. 
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fictionalabyss · 3 years
Mated : Forgotten.
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Pairings : Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader (onesided), Alpha!Sam x Omega!Jessica Moore, Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader.
Word count : 6,071
Written for : @spnabobingo​
Square : College Au
Warning : Angst ahead! a/b/o dynamics, one sided attraction, best friends to strangers, hurt, depression, feelings of abandonment/being forgotten, mating, struggling with school, canon death, reunion, more people getting hurt emotionally, Sam isn't handling things well.
Prompt that inspired this fic : “When I told you your shirt was inside out I didn’t expect you to take it off right in front of me” - Sent by @sorenmarie87​
Masterlist • Patreon • Ko-fi.
Part 1 of Mated.
SPN A/B/O Bingo Round 5 Masterlist.
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You were sitting on Sam’s bed flipping through one of his philosophy books as you waited for him to be ready to go. Since his class ran later than yours, it left you waiting on him while he headed off to the showers. When he finally returned, you glanced up from the book and chuckled, eyes going back down to barely look at the words on the page before you flipped to the next one.
“Your shirt’s inside out.” you smiled to yourself. You glance up to see him roll his eyes at you before he reaches down and pulls his shirt up and over his head. The smile on your lips fades. Sam is built. You’ve always known he was built to some degree, the muscles in his arms under a t-shirt were no secret. He was an Alpha, he was strong, and god damn, he was built. His stomach flat and hard, muscles showing definition that had you swallowing. Sam was.. You let out a shaky breath before tearing your eyes away. “I uh. I forgot I had to do something.” You scrambled up from his bed, tossing his book aside.
“What? What do you mean-”
“I’ll be like 10 minutes, max, okay. I’ll meet you there.”
“Y/N?” he called after you.
“I’ll meet you there!” You hurried from his room, praying he hadn’t smelt it, that you got out of there quick enough. You needed to get away from him, needed to calm down. You’ve known Sam since you started at Stanford. Your room was just down the hall from his. You partied together, you hung out together. Sometimes he helped you study. But in all that time, you’d never had this reaction to him before. Then again, you’d never seen him take off his shirt before.
You hurried into your room, slamming the door behind you just as someone scented the air and turned towards you. Leaning on the door, you closed your eyes and took deep calming breaths. You couldn’t let him smell you like this. You couldn’t let him know just how he affected you. He was your best friend, nothing more. You weren’t even attracted to him in that way.
Were you?
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It took some time to calm yourself down, then you had to hit a shower to scrub at your skin in a desperate attempt to get rid of the ‘horny Omega’ smell that you felt like you couldn’t shake. Then it was get dressed and rush out to meet Sam. You were a little later than you’d said, but you knew Sam wouldn’t mind too much.
You rushed to the restaurant near campus that you two often frequented together. As you approached, you looked through the window, smiling at first, as Sam was sitting at your favorite table, but he wasn’t alone. Your smile fell fast as you watched the blonde smile at him as they spoke. She tucked her hair behind her ear, looking down as Sam smiled back at her, and you swallowed down pain.
Why did it hurt to see him like this? He was your best friend, you wanted him happy, hell, you’d been his wingman a time or two while drinking, but right here, right now.. It hurt.
Tearing your eyes away, you turned your back to the restaurant. You didn’t know what to do. Did you go in there and interrupt whatever discussion they were having? If you did, would you suddenly become a third wheel? It looked like they were having a good time, maybe he’d invite her to eat with the two of you. Or did you leave, walk away, let him have his moment and pretend you either were never there, or that you are happy for him?
Why did this have to hit now? Why the sudden shift?
Squeezing your eyes shut tight, you tried to picture Sam as he’d been just a few hours ago. Your dorky bff who liked to tease you like you were his little sister. The guy you’d annoy to no end just because you could, because it was fun, because you knew that somewhere he had an older brother and admit it or not, Sam missed him.
But you couldn’t. Picturing him brought back the image of him pulling off his shirt as if it was nothing, because it should have been nothing. Hell, it probably still was to him.
You turned, looking back over your shoulder at the window once more. She was talking to him, and he was looking around outside. He glanced over his shoulder and you whipped around, back to him once again, half hoping he wouldn’t spot you. Praying he hadn’t. You steeled your nerves, glanced back and you knew, he had. He was looking right at you with a confused look on his face.
Taking a deep breath, you turned and headed inside.
“Sorry I’m late.” you mumbled as you got to the table, not making a move to sit anywhere.
“You okay?” He looked worried.
“Fine.” you gave him a forced smile. He didn’t look like he was buying it.
“I’ll leave you two to your dinner.” The blonde gave you a small smile as she got up from her seat. Sam’s eyes went from you, to her, and he looked like he was about to stop her, and that only hurt you more. If he did, you’d excuse yourself and head back to the dorms. “Looks like you two could use some privacy. It was nice meeting you, Sam.”
“Yeah.. you too..” he watched her leave and go to another table, then he was looking at you again, waiting for you to sit, to say something, but you seemed to just stand there awkwardly. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” He motioned to the seat across from him that she just vacated and you sat awkwardly, hands in your lap like you were going to bolt at any moment. “Nothing’s wrong, Sam.” you lied.
He studied you for a moment. “Then why’d you bolt?”
“Told you, I forgot to do something. I’m sorry I’m late, okay, it took longer than expected.”
“You forgot to shower?” Your eyes shot up to meet his with mild fear in them. How’d he know that's what you did? Did he smell just how turned on you’d been before you ran out? “I can smell it. You used so much body wash, too much.” he scrunched up his nose as if it offended him. “What happened?”
“Nothing.” you reiterated, trying to sound annoyed at his prying. You grabbed a menu as if you didn’t already know the damn thing by heart and pretended to look it over, using it as a barrier between the two of you.
“Why were you just standing outside? Why didn’t you come in?”
“Because you looked like you were having a nice time with blondie, so I considered just going back to the dorms. Are we ordering? Or would you rather I leave so you can get back to that? I don’t mind getting food to go.”
“I’ll go.” you stood, ready to leave, but Sam grabbed your wrist to stop you. “What?” you snapped. “And don’t ask me what’s wrong again, I’m fine, so just drop it.”
“Sit.” When you didn’t move, Sam sighed. “Please sit. Come on, it’s our night. I wouldn’t bail on our night for anything. You’re my best friend.” Sam gave you a half smile and you rolled your eyes at him.
“You’re lucky you’re cute.” you muttered, dropping back into your seat and Sam smiled. Sam Winchester and his smile were going to be the death of you.
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A week later you’re practically skipping up the hall to Sam’s room. Figuring he’s showering, as usual, you barely knock before entering. You freeze, however, when you see a familiar blonde sitting on Sam’s bed. “Oh, uh, sorry, I wasn’t aware someone was in here.”
“It’s fine.” she smiled, waving it off. “Sam went to shower, he should be back any minute.”
“Yeah..” you nod, but stand awkwardly in the middle of the room. It doesn’t take long though, for Sam to walk in. He’s wearing jeans and a button down shirt that he’s still buttoning up, and that makes a smile cross your lips as you cock an eyebrow. “Little over dressed there, Sam.” you tease, and he looks up, freezing in his task.  You see something you wish you hadn’t seen. Confusion and then guilt. He forgot.
“Uh-” he looks from you, to the girl on his bed, then back at you.
“Let me guess, you’re bailing.” He opens his mouth, but you cut him off. “It’s fine.”
“I’m sorry.” you can hear her apologetic voice behind you. “I didn’t know you guys had plans.. Sam must have forgotten..”
“Yeah, it’s easy to forget something that happens on the same day every single week for two years.” You gave Sam a tight smile. You weren’t going to hide the hurt this time. “But it’s fine. It’s not like you had any way to let me know at any point today, right?” With that, you started for the door.
“I’ll make it up to you.” He promised.
“Yeah, I know.” you glanced back at him. “You kids go have fun.” You gave them a smile before headed out and hurrying to your room. Once the door shut behind you, you felt the sting of tears. So much for not bailing on your night for anything.
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“Are you mad at me?” Sam stood in your room a few days later while you worked at your desk, your back to him.
“Why would I be mad at you?” you answered, without looking back at him.
“You won’t even look at me.”
“I’m studying.”
Sam sighed, licking his lips before going to sit on your bed. “And usually you let me help you.”
“Usually you let me know if plans change.” you counter, still not looking back at him.
“So you are mad.”
“Not mad, no. Hurt.” this time you do turn. “You said you wouldn’t bail on me for anything, and literally the next week, you bail on me without a word like I don’t mean shit, Sam.”
“I just forgot-”
“Forgot that we had plans? Or forgot to tell me? Because I call bullshit on both.” Sam opened his mouth to respond but you didn’t let him. “Here’s the thing, Sam. Either you asked her, knowing you had plans, or she asked you and you said yes knowing you had plans.” Sam sighed, looking down at the floor. “As for forgetting to tell me, I’m three doors down. You know my schedule, you could have knocked any time. You have my cell number, you could have called or text me.”
“I just forgot, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah.” you turned back to your books. You want to be mad at him, you want to tell him to fuck off just so he realizes just how bad he hurt you, but another part of you, a part of you that realized just how much Sam Winchester means to you, wants him to come over, hug you and tell you that no one else matters to him as much as you do. “You sorry for not talking to me for three days on top of that?” you ask casually. “Must have been a hell of a date to forget that everyone else exists.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry for that too.” He’s quiet for a moment, watching you work. “Are we still on for this week?”
“On if you have plans.” you look over your shoulder at him. “Because apparently my standing appointment is subject to changes without prior notice.”
Sam rolled his eyes. “Don’t get all fine print on me.”
“Then don’t add fine print. If we have plans, and they change, have the balls to tell me.”
“I will. I promise. And I’m sorry.”
“Mhm.” you turn back to your books. “Blondie sticking around?”
“Jess.” he answers and you can hear the smile. “Her name is Jess, and maybe. I mean, it went good.”
“If blondie hurts you, I’ll kill her.” It’s the best friend thing to say, right? But it’s also the truth. The idea of her being around makes your chest ache. But if she hurt him, if she hurt the single most important person in your life, you’d kill her.
Sam laughed. “Yeah, yeah. And I’ll kill any guy who hurts you.”
“Guess I won’t need to be saving up any money for bail. There is no one.” No one but you, you idiot, and you already hurt me, you think to yourself.
“There will be.” Sam smiles behind you. “You’re a catch. Only an idiot wouldn’t see it and jump at the opportunity.” You scoff at that. “What? It’s true! You’re smart, and beautiful. You care about other people, you’re loyal-”
“To a fault.”
“It’s a good thing.”
“Tell that to my constantly breaking heart.” you mutter.
His smile is gone. “Either someone hurt you, or you are mad.”
Rolling your eyes, you toss a book back at him that he easily catches. “Either help me study or get out.”
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That week had been just you and Sam and you were thankful. There was no mention of blondie, just dinner, drinks and a movie, like old times. Smiling and laughing with your best friend. You wondered if maybe it had been a one time deal. As much as you wanted him to be happy no matter what, he was your best friend after all, a part of you was happy at the idea of her being out of the picture again. Now that you knew how you felt about Sam, you could gauge if he felt the same.
So that was your plan for this week. Figure out if Sam could feel the same.
You were smiling as you headed to your usual restaurant, but you were confused to not see Sam at your usual table at the window. The only time he sat somewhere else was if it was occupied, but it sat empty. Maybe you were early.
Opening the door, you smiled at the waitress before scanning the room. The smile fell fast when you spotted him. He wasn’t sitting at the usual table because he was in a booth along the wall and across from him, blondie.
Slowly, you made your way over. “What’s going on? Did you forget me again?”
Sam smiles up at you and chuckles. “No. I thought maybe we could all hang out this week. You and Jess could get to know each other.” You glanced over at her across from him, and she smiled. “Is that okay?”
“A heads up would have been nice.” you answered. Where were you even supposed to sit, next to her? Hell no. And sitting next to Sam while he’d be looking at her like that felt just as weird.
“Come, sit.” Sam scooted over in the bench, giving you room. With a sigh, you sat. “Jess is in the nursing program.” Sam praised, smiling over at her.
“How lovely.” you answered, grabbing for a menu as Sam continued to talk her up. He was telling you everything about her, her shy smile on him as she chimed in a few times to add or correct something. But he just kept smiling at her, talking about her..
You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t sit here.
Getting up, you headed for the counter. Stopping the waitress there to give her your order and tell her it was to go. A moment later, Sam came over. “What’s going on?”
“Being the third wheel is not on my list of things to do today, Sam. Why am I even here?”
“You’re not the third wheel. You guys are getting to know each other-”
“I’ve been here for ten minutes, and you haven’t said a single thing about me.” you looked over at him, and you knew he could see the pain he caused you again. “It’s all about blondie.”
“Jess.” he corrected.
You roll your eyes and turn back to the counter. “Next time you want to have a date on friend night, just fucking tell me.”
“That’s not what I want-”
“It’s what it feels like. It feels like I’m nothing more than an afterthought. You said you’d kill anyone who hurt me, right?” you look at him again. “You’re hurting me, Sam. You want to date blondie, date her. But don’t turn our time into date time. It’s bullshit, it’s unfair and you know it. I had a shit week, okay? A long shitty week, and all I wanted was to relax with my best friend. Instead, I get to unknowingly sit in on date night.”
“I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t think it through..”
“No, you didn’t. You should have at least told me.”
“Come back. Please? We’ll go for drinks after, and-”
Your order was placed on the counter and you smiled at the waitress as you handed over a few bills. “No, I think I’m just going to head back to the dorms.” you picked up your order and turned to him, a glance going over to Jess as she watched you and Sam. “Enjoy your date, Sam. Call me whenever you’re free to hang out again.” and with that, you left.
Once outside, you turned back and looked into the restaurant windows. You could see him crossing the restaurant, his eyes on you and a look on his face that furrowed his brows and turned down his lips. But then his attention was off of you as he disappeared out of sight and towards the table she was waiting in.
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Your relationship with Sam from then on, was strained. Bullshit conversation starters were sent via text, or online messaging. A ‘hey, how are you doing’ but not much beyond that.
It hurt.
You barely saw him. More often than not, when you did, it was in passing. Walking past him in the hall, or out on campus. A lot of the time he was with her, or on his way out, likely going to see her. You were barely even an afterthought these days.
Your mood only plummeted further as the weeks turned to months.
Then one day, coming back from class, you get to the top of the stairs for your floor and you see him, box in hand, and you freeze. “You’re moving.”
That’s when he seems to notice you’re there, his eyes coming up to meet yours and he smiles sheepishly. “Hey! Yeah. Uh- me and jess.. We got a place off campus.”
“Moving a little fast there, don’t you think, Sam.” you try to keep it light and teasing, try to hide some of the pain. But then you notice something. He’s different, his scent, it’s off. Your brow furrows as you lean in and scent at him. “It’s changed..”
“Yeah, about that..” He shifts the weight of the box. “We mated.”
You feel your heart shattering all over again. He mated her? She’s only been around a few months and he mated her?
“The new place, it’s not that far, so we can still hang-”
���We don’t hang out as it is, Sam, so I doubt it.” you shrug and start away.
“Have a nice life, Sam.” you hurry into your room and slam the door just as the tears start to fall. You’re sitting on your bed, head in your hands when the door bursts open and Sam’s storming in. “Get out.”
Ignoring you, he drops his box on your desk. “What the hell is wrong?”
“Get out.”
“Why do you hate me?”
“I don’t hate you.” you sigh, still not looking up. You can’t, you can’t look at him.
“Either you hate me, or you hate her, and you don’t even know her, you refused to get to know her. I thought we were friends!”
“Best friends.” you snap. “At least I thought we were.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? I’ve been there for you, I’ve always been there for you.” You laugh at that, giving your head a shake. “What do you mean, no? Up until you started hating me for being happy-”
“I don’t hate you, you fucking idiot. I love you!” you snapped, glaring at him.
“I love you. How could you not see it? I’m not mad because you found your mate, Sam. I don’t hate her for being with you. I’m hurt. I’m hurt because while you found your whole world, I lost mine to her.” Sam just started at you. “I stopped being a part of your world and that hurt more than anything. I don’t hear from you, Sam. I get a half hearted text once in a while, and that’s it. You were my person, you were the person I talked to every single day, and suddenly I don’t have that. Every time I accept it, you pop up, and you give me false hope just to vanish again. Three fucking doors down, and not once did you stop by.”
Sam looks down, looks ashamed. Like he’s finally realizing just how long it’s been since he’s seen you face to face, spoken directly to you.
“All I wanted was some of your time. It didn’t have to be every single week, Sam. I just wanted my best friend and I lost him. You have no idea what that’s done to me.”
Hearing you sniffle, Sam looks up, watches the tears streaming down your cheeks. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah. Me too.” you wipe at your cheeks and turn away from him, ending this conversation, ending this whole encounter. You want him to hold you, to tell you everything will be okay again, but you don't expect him to. You aren’t that close anymore and haven’t been for a while now. So you hope he’ll leave.
You hear him move to the desk, hear his box shift across the papers there, but he doesn’t leave, not right away. “You’re failing..” Turning, you see him looking at one of your last tests, his eyes scanning the page and then looking up at you with a confused look. “How are you failing?”
You shrug. “Don’t exactly have my study buddy anymore, do I?”
“You could have called, I-”
“I did.” you give him a sad, heartbroken smile. “I did call, a week before I had to take that. You were busy. You said you’d call back and you didn’t.”
“Shit.. I must have forgot..”
“Yeah.” You stand there watching him, he's looking at all the other papers on your desk. Papers and tests all graded and showing the steady decline in your work. “You should go, Sam. Blondie’s probably waiting for you. Wouldn’t want to upset your mate.”
“She’d understand if I’m a little late, she-”
“My heat’s due.” his eyes shoot up to meet yours. “Please leave before you make it worse. It’s been bad enough as it is the last few months.”
Sam’s eyes slide over you before he nods, putting down the papers and picking up his box. He quietly stands there for a minute, like he’s trying to figure out what to say, trying to find some way to make it right. But there isn’t. With a pain filled sigh, Sam slowly makes his way out of the room.
Tears stream down your face as you hurry to close the door behind him. Your body shaking with sobs as you lean against the door and cry out your heartache for what feels like the millionth time.
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It’s been a month since he moved in with Jess, a month since he’s seen you. You blocked him online, you didn’t answer his texts when he tried to reach out. It made him realize how you felt all those months.
After the encounter, he’d been upset. He told Jess a quick version, leaving out a few details, basically just told her how he’d forgotten to maintain the relationship he’d had with you in his excitement of meeting her, and it left you feeling alone and depressed. Jess told him to make it right, make it up to you, but he couldn’t, could he. Not really, you loved him, and he was in love with someone else.
But then he remembered what you’d said. You just wanted his time, just wanted to be in his life.
“Jess?” he called out, before getting up and going to find her in the kitchen.
“Would you mind if every other Saturday I spent with Y/N? Just me and her?” Jess turned and looked at him. “You guys were right, I neglected her and I need to make it up to her. I hate that she’s not talking to me. It hurts, and I know it’s not even close to how bad I hurt her.”
Jess smiled at him. “No, I don’t mind at all. You should go tell her.”
“I will.” Sam smiled before leaning in to kiss her. “I love you.”
“Love you, too.” she smiled back. As Sam was leaving, she called out “Let her know she can come over any time, and there’s an open diner invitation. I’d really like to properly meet her one day.”
“Will do.” Sam called back before the apartment door closed behind him.
It didn’t take too long for Sam to be hurrying up the stairs in his old dorm building. A smile spread over his face, excited to see you. He’d missed you and he couldn’t wait to surprise you. He hoped that the gesture would be enough to start bridging the gap he’d put between you. He didn’t expect for things to be like they had been, he wasn’t sure it could ever be that again, but he hoped that he could have you back in his life.
He barely knocked on the door before opening it, but once inside, his smile fell. It was empty. The bed stripped bare, the desk empty. No more belongings, no more decorations, it was like no one had ever moved in. It was the right room, he knew it was. He moved around the room, looking for some hint, some clue, but other than a layer of dust, nothing.
“Oh, Hey, Sam.”
Sam turned and found John, the RA. “Where is she?”
John shrugged. “Went home, I think. Said she needed a break from school. She was really struggling.”
“About three weeks ago?”
Three weeks? You’ve been gone for three weeks and he hadn’t noticed? Sam dropped onto the bed as his mind raced. You left without a word. But then again, he’d done the same thing, right? Moving out of his dorm without ever once mentioning it to you. It was chance that you’d come up the stairs just as he was about to go down them. It was chance that you’d found out. If you hadn’t would he have ever even mentioned it? Or would he forget that like he’d forgotten everything else.
“I really fucked up.” he muttered to himself. “Hey, John? She leave an address or number or anything?”
John shook his head. “Nope. Just let me know she was going. Figured you knew, being her best friend and all.”
“No.. No, I didn't. We haven’t talked much lately..” Sam mumbled. “Thanks, John.” Sam stood, and started out of the room.
“Take it easy, Sam.” John clapped him on the back as he headed past.
“Yeah.. you too..”
There was an ache in chest as he slowly made his way back home. An ache he knew Jess saw as soon as he was in the door. “Sam?”
“She’s gone.. She left, she went back home.. I can’t fix it, Jess. I lost my best friend for good.”
Sam dropped into one of the kitchen chairs as Jess came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, her head leaning on the back of his. He pulled out his phone and tried one last time. One last time to reach you and then he’d leave you alone.
<< I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you so bad you had to leave. Please, just let me know you’re okay.
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Heading back home to the midwest had been the best thing you could have done for yourself. You blocked Sam on everything, ignored texts and calls. After about three weeks they stopped and you were finally able to heal, finally able to forget all the pain Sam put you through.
You had contact with a few people you’d known in a few classes. Thankfully none of them mentioned  Sam to you.
Not until they told you about the fire. About Jess.
You found yourself back in Palo Alto, dressed in black and standing with people you barely knew for a girl you never bothered to get to know. She might have been nothing to you, but she’d been everything to Sam. Your heart broke for him. Losing a mate was the hardest thing anyone could go through.
Glancing around, you were surprised he wasn’t there. You expected him to be here, to be with her family as they grieved the loss of their daughter, but he was nowhere to be seen. You looked forward again, watching as people took roses and gently placed them on her coffin. You decided to do the same.
Taking one in your hand, you slowly made your way closer, stepping up just as the person before you stepped away. “I’m sorry.” you whispered quietly. “You didn’t deserve this. I’m sorry, Jess.” Placing the rose with the others, you quietly walked away.
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You were sitting in the bar you had frequented in your time at college. Lifting a drink to your lips, you paused about half way before you set it down and pulled out your phone. Licking your lips, you opened a text chain you had long ago ignored. You hoped he hadn’t changed numbers.
<< I’m sorry for your loss, Sam.
Closing your phone, you put it down and picked up your drink again, downing the last of it before motioning for the bartender to bring you another.
It was about twenty minutes later when you heard a surprised voice behind you. “Y/N?” You turned, and there he was, in a dark suit all funeral ready, and so much pain etched into his face. If you didn’t know better, you’d have thought he’d actually gone to the funeral. Maybe he said his goodbyes alone after everyone else left. “What are you doing here?”
“Heard about the fire. I might not have been friends with her, Sam, but she was everything to you. I came to pay my respects to your mate.”
Sam gave you a half smile at that. “You really would have liked her if you’d have given her a chance. I had hoped you two would be friends too.. Eventually.”
“Maybe we would have. But I was too hurt to try.”
“I know.. I know, I’m sorry. I tried to make things right, I showed up at your dorm but.. You were already gone. I think that’s when I fully realized just how bad I ruined our friendship.” he gave you a sad smile. “Jess had wanted you to come over for dinner.”
“I really am sorry, Sam.”
“I’m just glad you’re here.” The look he gave you, you knew he needed a hug. You turned in your seat and opened your arms for him. Sam happily moved in for the hug, holding you tight against him as if he was afraid you’d leave again. “I’m really happy you’re here.”
“You needed me. How could I stay away.”
When you both pulled away, you cupped his cheek for a moment, and he smiled sadly at you. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
“Hey, Sammy!”
You turned to the newcomer who stepped up to you and Sam. Sam glanced back at him, and opened his mouth to say something when you spoke first. “Hey, Dean.” That stunned Sam.
“Hey, princess. What are you doing out here?”
“How do you know my brother?” Sam asked, a confused look on his face as he looked from Dean to you.
“That’s your brother?” Sam nodded, and you glanced to Dean, who smirked with a wink. “I didn’t know he was your brother.. Uh- Couple weeks after I left school, Dean was in town. Helped me through a bad heat.” you shrugged. “We talk, I hear from him every few days at least. Meet up when he’s close by. I didn’t know you were coming here.”
“Been here since the fire. I’m the one who pulled Sammy out of the house.”
You looked to Sam. “You were inside.. You saw-” You swallowed at the look on Sam’s face. “Uh- drinks on me tonight.” you turned to the bartender as he handed you your drink. “Make it three.”
“So.” Dean sat in the stool next to you. “The guy you mentioned who loved someone else-”
“Your brother.” You gave Dean a sad smile with a nod. “Yeah.”
Dean turned and looked at his brother. “Is it bad that I’m glad he did?” he teased with a smile. “I got to enjoy the sweet little Omega he let slip away.” Dean licked his lips with a smirk.
“Fuck you, Dean.” Sam snapped, taking up the seat on your other side with a scowl.
As the bartender put the drinks in front of you, you sighed. “Keep ‘em coming.”
“Will do.” he nodded and wandered off.
“So, princess. How long are you in town for?” Dean lifted his drink to his lips.
“Not sure yet, why?”
“Ruts due next week. Was thinking of heading your way for it anyways.” he smiled. Sam growled next to you. “She ain’t yours, Sammy.”
“She ain’t fucking yours, either.” Sam growled before downing his entire glass. “Why her, Dean? Of all the fucking people you’ve fucked, why her?”
You answered before Dean could. “Because I deserve a bit of happiness too, Sam.” The anger he’d been showing melting away to guilt. “I’m sorry it’s your brother, but I have fun when I’m with him. There’s no bullshit, no heartache. I know where I stand.” Sam licked his lips before looking down into his empty glass, and that’s when you turned to Dean. “I’ll stay as long as you need me to if you’re sticking around. If not, we can meet up in the usual place. Just let me know.”
Dean leaned in and kissed your cheek. Sam stood and stormed his way outside, Dean watching him go. “He’s not taking this well.”
“But now he knows what it feels like.” you muttered, lifting your glass. “Feeling like you’ve been replaced and forgotten. Did you meet her?”
“Once.” Dean answered. “She was nice enough.”
“Was he happy?”
“Yeah, he was happy. Was about to interview for the law school.” you glanced over to Dean. “He didn’t go. He’s taking the fire bad, this.. you and me? Just making things harder for him.”
“If he wants to be in my life, he’s going to have to get used to the idea that you’re a part of it now.” you gave Dean a soft smile. “Just like I had to accept that she became his.”
“Where are you staying tonight?”
You chuckled at that, ducking your head down a touch. “I don’t think tonight is such a good idea, Dean.” you looked up again, but glanced to the door Sam had stormed out of. “But I’ll be there for your rut if you want.”
“Oh, I want.” Dean grinned, but then sighed. “I guess I better go after him, huh.”
“Yeah, probably.”
“I’ll call you later.” this time when Dean leaned in, his lips brushed against yours. “See you around, princess. And don’t worry about him. He’ll come around eventually.”
“Yeah.. I hope so.”
Dean downed the rest of his drink before heading out after his brother. You watched him go and sighed softly to yourself. A part of you felt bad. You never expected to get over Sam using his own brother. But at the same time, Dean was so different from Sam. He’d been exactly what you needed. In fact, despite everything today had thrown at you, you found yourself smiling as you looked forward to helping Dean through a rut.
“Can’t seem to shake the Winchesters..”
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Tagging :  Sam -  @evyiione​
Dean - @akshi8278​  @adoptdontshoppets​   @evyiione @karikatz12481​ @idksupernatural​  @deandreamernp​
SPN -  @sandlee44  @just-another-busy-fangirl  @mrswhozeewhatsis   @deanandsamsbitch  @deans-baby-momma  @thebescht @67-chevy-baby @supraveng   @musiclovinchic93 @holyfuckloueh  @ksgeekgirl   @hobby27 @maddiepants  @roxyspearing @onethirstyunicorn    @fandom-princess-forevermore     @kalesrebellion   @deanwanddamons   @thoughts-and-funnies​
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Love Finds You
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For the square "Arranged Marriage" on @girl-next-door-writes bingo
Mafia (ish) AU. Warnings are cursing, angst, John trying to kill the reader, Dean killing John
Word Count: 5,343
You walked through the quiet halls hearing the echo of your boots reverberate to your own ears. Something big was happening for this place to be this quiet. It was like a tomb where normally there was a solid bustle of movement. You stopped just shy of the entrance to your uncle’s study. You felt an uneasiness but pushed it down before knocking on the heavy door. “Come in” you heard his voice carry out and knew he wasn’t alone.
You straightened your jacket before pushing the door open and wasn’t at all surprised to see none other than John Winchester sitting in front of your uncle Joseph’s desk. Your eyes narrowed at the presence of the other man and you unconsciously reached to touch the gun riding at your hip and saw Joseph give the barest shake of his head “Y/N I believe you know our guest” John held his hand out but you didn’t care about the pretense of politeness you’d earned your reputation and with it had come the right to act as you saw fit so you simply folded your arms “The man whose wife was killed when his kids were young so he’s done everything in his power to stay as far away from those kids and be the poorest excuse for a father even this line of work has ever seen?” 
Joseph looked taken aback but John on the other hand had the nerve to laugh “Yeah I heard she was something and she does not disappoint” you turned your eyes to your uncle “What’s all this cloak and dagger bullshit? Why is the head of the only other family in the world that comes close to your empire sitting in your office?” “As you just said dear. The Winchesters are the only other family that comes close to ours. What better way to solidify our footing than a union between the two?” you laughed harshly, the sound sharp enough to slice through the air “I know you didn’t call me here with the nerve to propose that I have anything to do with him?” “Actually my oldest son Dean has agreed to do whatever necessary to help the family succeed�� John cut in so you spun around on him “So you abandon your kids bad enough to get a reputation for it, then come here to basically plot with Joseph to sell your son off like a prize stud while I’m what? The old mare you’re breeding him to? Make a whole new crop?”
“Y/N that is enough young lady!” Joseph spoke harshly, his voice filling the area as he stood to his full height. You didn’t back down catching the look of amusement John had as you stood your ground “If you expect to marry me off to solidify an empire then I am here to tell you I expect everything to be signed over to me the moment I say I do. If I’m to agree to an arranged marriage then I’m going to fucking profit from it”  Joseph nodded “I’ve been wanting to retire as is” you turned your attention from him to John “I want to meet your son before the week’s end. My future husband and I need to have a long talk. My dear uncle has my number” He nodded “Yes ma’am” you spun around on your heel and marched out the office being sure to slam the door shut behind you.
You held up the pretense until you made it down to your car and only once you were pulling away from the curb did you break tears flowing freely. You knew your life would never truly be your own but now you didn’t even get a chance to try to fall in love, you were being forced to marry someone you’d never meant just to hold onto what your father had built and what you’d bled to keep intact.
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It was three days later before your phone rang with a number you didn’t recognize. When you answered it you groaned inwardly at hearing John’s voice “Y/N? Dean wants to know if you’d like to meet today” “Name a time and place” you responded coldly. He reiterated the location and time so you agreed before hanging up. You stared at the phone then clicked the number you had saved on the speed dial. A woman didn’t get as far as you had without having people she could trust. The Banes twins were your right hand man and woman. You’d take them with you to the meeting along with Abaddon who was a bit of a loose cannon but she was loyal to you.
A few hours later you were riding in the passenger seat of Abaddon’s range rover with Alicia and Max sitting in the backseat going over a weapon’s check. “So let me get this right, you marry Winchester and your uncle’s part of the business is yours?” Max asked and you nodded. “Do we all get promotions?” Abaddon asked, her red hair gleaming in the sunlight and a barely restrained laugh pulling at her bright red lips.   “Oh you all will be my team that stays in the main house with me” you replied with a sharp laugh.
When she pulled the car to a stop at the iron gate you glanced up to look into the security cameras while she spoke to the monitor that she was your security detail. A few seconds later the gate swung open so she pulled in.
The property was nice, sprawling out in front of you. The garage was open and the inside looked like a classic car collection. Just from a glance you spotted a 65 Shelby, a 70 Coronet and a drop down gorgeous 67 impala. “Please tell me those belong to Dean” you muttered without meaning to earning a laugh from the interior of your vehicle.
She drove around to the front entrance and parked where a guy motioned for her to. You clocked the gun at his side before ever getting out. It was fair enough, you were carrying same as Abaddon and Alicia while Max had more blades on him than you would’ve thought possible before meeting him. “You must be Y/N” the guy greeted you the moment your feet stepped outside the range rover.
You extended your hand with a business smile “That I am. Normally I like to know who I’m talking to?” an easy smile slipped onto his face and you got the sense he was getting a feel for you even before he said “Name’s Benjamin Lafitte ma’am. Feel free to call me Benny, Dean does” You nodded and motioned to everyone in your party in turn “This is Abaddon, Alicia and Max” they all greeted each other then Benny motioned to the door “He’s waiting in the back garden. From what we’ve heard about you formal meetings isn’t really your thing” Abaddon cut her eyes at you so you rolled your eyes before saying “I appreciate a good impression being attempted”
You followed Benny through the main house admiring some of the artwork adorning the walls. It was a nice place. When he stepped to the side to open the doors leading into the back garden a redheaded woman was standing on the other side. With a nod to her Benny made the introductions. Her name was Charlie and it earned Dean a point in your book to learn he had a few women on his team. She joined your little group as Benny led the way past two fountains, a large swimming pool and what looked to be a firing range.
Three men were standing looking out over the property at the edge of the garden. Two were clearly John’s sons while the other looked to maybe be an uncle to them. Benny whistled out and the three turned to face all of you. 
While both of the younger men were good looking your eyes were glued to the shorter of the two. He had bright green eyes that were watching you curiously and just the way he held himself was an underlying sense of control to him at all times. He was gorgeous and the smirk that slipped onto his face from your attention told you that he was well aware of that fact “You must be Y/N. I’m Dean” “Nice to meet you considering we’ll be married in a couple months” you replied with a sharp laugh. The smirk on Dean’s face spread into a grin “I’ve heard a few things about you” “Good or bad?” you asked and he shrugged “Depends on the point of view”
He introduced you to the two men standing with him. One was his younger brother Sam, the other was Bobby Singer the man who’d practically taken over raising him and Sam. Once everyone knew each other’s names Dean nodded to Benny “Call inside for some drinks for our guests while me and Y/N speak in private” his eyes had never left yours but you refused to break eye contact first.
He motioned towards a trail you saw cut through the wooded area around the property “Care to take a walk?” you cut your eyes back towards Alicia, Max and Abaddon. “Yeah those three aren’t letting me out of their sight that easily” he nodded then said “Pick someone to walk with us but you’re not in any danger here. That’s why we had no problem letting you keep your weapons” you raised an eyebrow then motioned to Max “Care to take a walk with us?” he nodded and fell in step a few feet behind you and Dean giving the privacy the two of you needed but not being too far that he couldn’t be to your side quickly if needed.
The two of you walked in silence for a few moments before you broke it by asking “Dean do you even want to marry me? I mean you clearly would have plenty of options” he scoffed and cut his eyes at you “Like you’d have trouble warming your bed up there sweetheart?” you didn’t blush easily and times like this you were glad. He continued by saying “This life is all I’ve known. Between our families no one would dare step out of line and we both have morals we stand by. Innocent people don’t get hurt by us. If marrying a beautiful woman with one hell of a reputation is the cross I must bear then I believe I have fared pretty well” You laughed in earnest at that “Dean Winchester are you trying to sweet talk me?” he grinned and christ it made your stomach flip “Maybe, is it working?” you shook your head with a grin.
He stopped walking and turned to face you with all humor gone from his eyes “I just want to say even after we’re married I won’t lay a finger on you unless you want me to. I know this isn’t ideal but I’d like to think of myself as a good man and I’d like to think I could be a good husband even in this circumstance” You tilted your head slightly as you studied him. After a moment of your silence he scratched at the scruff covering his jaw “Are you gonna say anything in return or just stare at me?” you smiled and replied “Just thinking that you really are not what I expected but in the best of ways” he nodded then glanced back where Max was twirling a knife between his fingers “Think our people are playing nice?” you nodded then said “They’ve got to get used to each other”
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John and Joseph alike both had plans for announcing the engagement. Meaning that between them both they had practically planned a damn ball just for a bunch of suits to get together in one room so they could flaunt that their families would be becoming one to the rest of the world. You hated the idea of being trotted around like a show horse.
“Alicia is this damned thing straight?” you asked, turning in front of the mirror. The dress had been designed for you. The color and cut was flattering, it had a slit giving you access to the knife at your thigh not that you’d need it considering Abaddon and Max would both be wearing designer suits decked out with their weapons on display and Alicia like you had a few blades hidden under her dress as well. “Will you stop fidgeting? You look beautiful” she smiled, smoothing the dress under her hands. You spared a smile in the mirror “So you do! I love that red dress” she winked “Thank you”
A knock on the door drew both of your attention so you called out “Yes?” and heard Max ask if the two of you were ready to go downstairs. You took Alicia’s arm then opened the door. Max let out a low whistle “Well you two look amazing” “Thanks Max” you smiled and ran your fingers across the lapel of his suit “You clean up pretty well too” He grinned “Abaddon is already downstairs. Y/N your in-laws were arriving so she sent me up to retrieve you” you rolled your eyes but let him lead the way downstairs.
You stopped at the bottom of the stairs and spotted Dean speaking to Joseph but he trailed off mid sentence when he saw you and that smile slid onto his face. Joseph said something to him so he nodded then made his way through the crowd.
When he got in front of you and Alicia he stopped. She kissed your cheek then grabbed her brother’s arm “Come on Max let’s mingle. Y/N we’ll be close enough” you watched her go then turned to Dean with a smile “So how do I look?” he let his eyes trail over your body and you felt heat rush to your face before he finally said “You look like everyone here is going to be cussing me under their breath when they find out we’re engaged” you laughed and shook your head “There’s that sweet talking streak again” he held his hand out and when you took it he asked “Is it working yet?” you rolled your eyes playfully “No but I’ll be sure to let you know when it does”
For the next few hours you were close to Dean’s side. You danced with him and Sam, even Bobby asked you for a dance. Abaddon was chatting with Charlie and you spotted Max and Alicia talking with Benny and another of Dean’s people. He was a pretty decent guy, easy on the eyes and easy to be around. You could’ve gotten stuck with a lot worse.
When it got close to midnight you watched as John and Joseph walked onto the stage together. Joseph took the mic first “As most of you are aware John and myself are here to announce something” he handed the mic to John who pointed where you and Dean stood so a spotlight followed “My Oldest son Dean is engaged to marry Joseph’s niece Y/N. We couldn’t be happier and wish the kids the best in the world” Dean wrapped his arm around your waist as would be expected and whispered in your ear “Like they didn’t push us into this” you laughed lightly but to anyone else it would appear just lovers whispering sweet nothings.
For the next while you clung to Dean’s arm as group after group stopped to congratulate the two of you. You found an opening and pulled him after you towards the back exit of the hall. He waved off Benny and Abaddon following you step for step. 
When you finally crashed into the cool night air a nervous laugh fell from your lips “Y/N are you ok?” you nodded then said “I guess it’s just I never saw myself getting married even in this life knowing this was a possibility and honestly I don’t know what it is about you but I’m not as mad as I was” “I hope maybe one day we can love each other Y/N. Even if our life starts like this it doesn’t have to stay like this. Our marriage may have been their idea but I plan to wine and dine you even after you say I do” he replied and you raised an eyebrow “Is it a challenge or making the best of the situation?” you asked so he shrugged “Maybe I just like you”
The two of you sat down on a bench just outside watching the night sky. A shooting star went over head so you bumped Dean’s arm “Make a wish Winchester” he turned to face you and the close proximity made your heart flip again as he said “I could think of a wish or two” you smiled and leaned forward to let your lips gently brush against his. He returned the kiss fully and when you pulled away to catch your breath you whispered “Me too” before he pulled you into another kiss.
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Weeks passed after the ball announcing your engagement and during that time a day didn’t go by that you and Dean didn’t speak or spend time together. The more you learned of him the more you started to realize that while you hadn’t picked him it was as if you had he was nearly a perfect match for you. The only thing was he wanted desperately to have his father’s approval but he was twice the man John was. You just wished he’d see it.
You’d also started to spend some time getting to know Sam since he would be your brother-in-law and learned he actually had been enrolled in college to be a lawyer but when his girlfriend had been killed he ended up rejoining the family. He was now seeing a woman named Eileen but didn’t want it to be public knowledge simply because he didn’t want John around her. Knowing John you didn’t blame him and offered any assistance you could in helping him spend time with her.
Time rolled around for your final dress fitting so you, Abaddon, Alicia and Charlie were in the private suite of the bridal shop. The dress had been made for you so it fit perfectly. You stepped up to show them and they all clapped. “You look gorgeous and that’s with just a ponytail in your hair” Charlie offered with a grin. You smiled and twirled “Think Dean will like it?” Abaddon who had wandered off to the lingerie section held up a piece and winked “I think he’d prefer you in this” . You covered your face with both hands and Alicia cracked up laughing “Twenty years! I have known you for twenty years and I have never seen you blush!” 
“Have you slept with him?” Charlie asked bluntly and you nearly choked on the wine you were drinking. “I haven’t done more than kissed him” “Oh my god!” Abaddon groaned, flopping dramatically into the nearest chair “Why?” you shrugged “We’ve been getting to know each other!” Alicia raised an eyebrow “You have real feelings for him” when you didn’t respond she gasped “You’ve actually fallen in love with him haven’t you!” your eyes flew to Charlie who sipped her wine quietly. “Charlie” Abaddon spoke more as a question than as her name.
Charlie looked up from her glass “Ok so maybe he’s fallen for you too?” the three of them piled into one chair then looked back at you expectedly “So are you going to admit it?” Alicia finally asked and you shook your head “Not to either of you three”
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Two weeks before you and Dean were to be married you were at your condo in the city finishing packing up. The plan was for you and him to move into a property that was between Joseph’s  and the Winchesters. It was large enough that you could both have those you wanted close but have privacy also. God help you had gone from horrified at the idea of this marriage to excited for it.
It was around two in the morning but you couldn’t sleep so you had music playing while you went through some of your older clothes and waited for Abaddon to get there. You heard a window break in your bedroom and grabbed your gun off the coffee table. You didn’t expect the pipe bomb that blew the front door off the hinges and threw you across the room.
You were barely conscious when you heard a voice say “With Joseph out the way we need her dead. We need to make Dean believe rivals killed her. That boy is so in love he’ll rip through them all. Grab her and we’ll keep alive long enough he’ll kill anyone when he finally gets her body” you tried to push yourself up but a black boot came into view. You followed that boot up to look into John’s eyes. He shrugged “Nothing personal sweetheart” then kicked you hard across the face.
When news made it to Dean that Joseph was dead and you were missing he felt his blood run cold. “What do you mean she’s missing? I thought you three had her back!” he nearly growled at Abaddon who was standing with Max and Alicia outside of Joseph’s estate where Dean had ended up going with Benny, Charlie and Sam at his side.
“We did! God dammit, I went to get her chinese takeout! I came back and her place was a wreck and these two were calling about the alarm going off at the main house!” Abaddon didn’t back down. She realized that Dean had a right to rage. He was in love with you but you’d been her charge and friend for many years. She’d die for you and wasn’t about to let him act like her and the twins didn’t care. “Well what now?” Benny asked and Charlie raised her hand “Has anyone checked cameras leading from her place?” Sam pointed at her “Good idea. Start there backtrack if possible. Dean we will find her”
How long had it been since you’d been taken? Did Dean think you were dead? Was he mourning you? Was John using him as a blunt instrument in his grief?
You were leaned back against a concrete wall curled into a tight ball. Your left eye was swollen shut, the right side of your head was sore to the touch from a blow that had needed staples but the swelling had finally stopped the bleeding. You were certain you had a few cracked ribs and more than likely some internal damage. 
They’d showed you Joseph’s body and while he hadn’t been your favorite he’d still had taken care of you. John had stupidly expected you to die easily. You refused to stop fighting. You owed it to everyone you cared about to stay alive as long as possible. 
You heard boots coming and forced your head up. John was right outside the small cell they’d shoved you into watching you closely. “Really I hate this because you’re a perfect match for Dean but I can’t have your morals fucking up my business. Right now Dean doesn’t like innocent people getting hurt but after I kill you then track down Sam’s new girl. The two of them? Well my boys will be ready to take down anyone I put in front of them” he smiled cruelly and you laughed despite the pain it caused “What’s so funny?”
You waved your hand showing the large slices they’d cut into your arms “You still think they’re anything like you or your dead wife? Those two? They’re good they’ll never follow your lead you bastard” he smiled humorlessly “We’ll see after your body gets delivered to Dean tomorrow” “So you’re here to kill me?” you asked and he pulled his gun out in response “Sure am”
You forced yourself to your feet biting down on your tongue to squash the noises of pain wanting to creep out of your lips. You refused to die on your knees. If you were going down it would be on your feet “Then do it you son of a bitch”
You held his gaze as a shot rang out but to your surprise you didn’t feel the pain of a gunshot instead John crumpled to the ground. You collapsed to your knees rather from pain or shock you weren’t sure but when you saw Dean standing there with a gun staring at his father’s body you began to sob.
You could hear familiar voices. Abaddon,Benny, Max but blocked them out. Thanks to you, the man you loved had been forced to kill his father.
You were curled into yourself when you felt strong hands on your shoulders “Y/N come on baby” you finally looked up to see Dean kneeling next to you. “I’m sorry” you choked out and he looked confused for a second then glanced back “It’s not your fault. I love you and if I had to kill him ten times over to save you I will” he gently pressed his lips to yours, careful of your wounds, then pulled you into his lap.
When the rest of the rescue team found you Dean barely wanted anyone else to lay a hand on you. He finally let Charlie and Bobby get close enough to look over your wounds “Nothing life threatening but she needs a hospital son. Your girl’s a fighter” Bobby said with a kind smile to you. Dean’s eyes were glued to yours as he said “My soon to be wife if she’ll still have me” you nodded crying again “Of course Dean”
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“It’s taken a lot to get here but I am proud to say I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride” Bobby announced and Dean pulled you into a deep kiss.
The wedding was a lot smaller than anything Joseph or John had planned. There were barely thirty people in the garden of Joseph’s or well now your estate. It suited you and Dean a lot better. When Dean pulled back he smiled down at you “I love you Y/N” “I love you too Dean”
After the reception instead of throwing your bouquet you walked over and handed it to Eileen then winked at Sam “You’re next brother in law” Dean laughed and slid an arm around your waist “You heard my wife Sammy”
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lightheadedmask · 3 years
Dreams Shared 💤 Chapter 9/?
Summary: Dean Winchester has started having peaceful, comforting dreams. Specifically, he’s started dreaming of “the girl in the yellow dress.” But when it turns out that “the girl in the yellow dress” is named Y/N and may be more than she seems, what will they do?
Rating: 18+ (slowburn, smut in the future (will be tagged as such))
Chapter Word Count: 630
Mun Notes: Day 11, Chapter 9. Sorry I missed a couple of days, I was traveling! If you’d liked to be tagged in each chapter, please let me know ✨
Tags: @jbbarnesgirl @anunstablefangirl @drakelover78
Next Chapter
Hearing the quiver in Y/N’s voice, Dean knew he shouldn’t pry. He gave Sam a quick look, both of them silently agreeing on this. They both knew how difficult and painful reliving memories of a possession could be, and neither of them wanted to put her through that. 
“Look, Y/N, sweetheart, you don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, okay? Sam and I, well, we know what possession is like, so if you want to talk about it, we got you, but we get it if you want to stay silent,” he said. 
Sam showed Y/N his own tattoo, “And hey, at least we all have good taste in ink, right?” 
Y/N smiled at Sam, laughing softly and nodding. She appreciated both of the boys' attempts to make sure she felt safe and comfortable with them. After all, they were all still practically strangers. Y/N was sure that the Dean standing in front of her had to be different than the one she’d been talking to in her dreams. Whether he was going to be better in real life or not, she wasn’t sure. She was willing to stick around and find out though. 
Standing, Y/N fidgeted with one of the buttons on her shirt, suddenly very aware of the fact that she was alone, in a bunker, with two very attractive people. She hadn’t thought about what the conversation would be like when she got here or what she would do. So far, things had gone smoothly, but now she wasn’t sure exactly what to do. It felt as if all eyes were on her. 
Sam seemed to notice her discomfort and spoke first. “Hey, listen, we’re just as confused as you are about all this. Hell, Dean just told me about it all a few hours ago. We’re not here to hurt you, and I know my word may not mean much right now, but we’re going to figure out exactly why Rowena sent you here.” The younger Winchester lightly reached for her hand and she took it with a smile. 
“Thank you, Sam,” Y/N said. “And yeah, in a way, you two are total strangers and I should probably have thought through coming here a bit more, but I’m here now. So, I’m onboard with figuring out why exactly I’m here.” 
Watching Sam comfort Y/N, Dean felt slightly annoyed, but he wasn’t sure why. He reached out for Y/N’s other hand, and she grasped onto his arm tightly. Immediately, the older hunter wanted to kiss her forehead and reiterate that everything was going to be okay. He wanted Y/N to know she was safe and that he was there to make sure of it. Instead, he just let her cling to his arm, looking at her with warmth in his green orbs. 
“Hey, it’s getting pretty late,” Dean said. “We have an extra room, bed might be a little dusty though. I mean, you can take my bed if you want and I’ll sleep on the floor. Up to you, sweetheart.” 
Y/N looked at Dean and Sam, not wanting to let go of Sam’s hand or Dean’s arm quite yet. She appreciated their warmth and how both were already trying to take care of her. It wasn’t something she was used to. 
After a few seconds of silence, Y/N sighed, feeling nervous again about her next request. 
“Is there any way we can all sleep in the same room? Just...wanna know you’re not planning my demise in a different room?” she teased. “But seriously, um, as great as this bunker seems, also not totally psyched about being totally alone…” 
And without a second thought, Dean and Sam both responded, ‘Yes.”
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mishastoesies · 3 years
im having a lot of fun imagining jesus as castiel’s shitty ex-boyfriend. like let’s be honest here this is the CW’s Supernatural, if they had put jesus in the story he would’ve been another mediocre white guy. so let’s make him act like one
douchey fratboy jesus, the prince of heaven, resurrected and rebuilt by the architect castiel. who loves castiel not because of how castiel saved him, but because castiel has unquestioning loyalty to him and all of heaven. but eventually, like father like son, jesus gets bored of cas and how cas hangs off of his every word, so he goes to zachariah and is like “listen, i know you need a volunteer to bring the michael sword up from hell, i know it’s probably gonna kill whoever ends up with the job. make castiel do it” and zachariah is like “okay” because what the fuck is he gonna say to the prince of heaven?
and so castiel very excitedly accepts his super special and important mission (which let me reiterate was FULLY intended to kill him, not that he knows that) and brings dean back to heaven!! screams “DEAN WINCHESTER IS SAVED” loud enough to make everyone stare at him, and begins to rebuild him. 
and jesus is like “ugh he survived but like... whatever it’s fine he has his new project to keep him occupied. he’ll be out of my way at least” but surprise!! in remaking dean cas falls in love with dean!! and jesus gets UBER jealous, walks up to michael and demands that he pick a different vessel, but michael is like “umm i dont need to listen to a petulent child, i’m a fucking archangel” so jesus is FUMING.
cue part two of his plan which is to get back into castiel’s good graces (easy, castiel would legit die for him) and convince castiel to abandon his project and just be jesus’ pet angel who doesn’t have to work or fight for the rest of eternity (hard, castiel always genuinely enjoyed his work and is now in love with dean, and his love for dean taught him to stand up for himself).
insert messy breakup here, cas volunteers himself to watch over dean because he can’t bear to be in heaven with jesus constantly glaring daggers at him (and probably arguing for castiel to be killed for being disloyal but again, cas doesnt know this), and the rest is history
potentially this is all done with Hot Girl Castiel whose vessel jesus thought was very sexy, and part of the reason jimmy novak becomes castiel’s new vessel is that he’s the exact opposite of everything jesus found sexy. like cas specifically ASKS for a non-sexy vessel. (dean still thinks he’s hot though because dean is a strange little man and castiel loves him so much)
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blueaura · 4 years
Lost and Found Ch. 7
A/N: I was supposed to finish this chapter the day before yesterday but then the finale happened and I needed time to recover. I loved it - it wasn’t perfect but I still absolutely loved it. It made me cry, which I detest but I still loved it. If anyone wants to talk about the finale, send me an ask or a message!  Thanks to everyone who’s read and re-blogged it this far. As always, any tips and suggestions are welcome. Feedback would be amazing. Thank you and happy reading!
Summary: Sam and Dean meet a young hunter who is a little rough around the edges and they reluctantly take her under their wing. But she might be a little more connected to them that any of them realise.
Word Count: 2.6k
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
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Chapter 7
Y/N didn’t know how to feel when Dean said they were 10 minutes out. She was nervous and anxious at the prospect of entering an unknown environment, but she was also reluctantly looking forward to not sleeping in a motel room anymore. She tried to desperately keep herself calm as they approached the bunker. The car ride had been surprisingly enjoyable. Dean’s music was similar to her tastes and they had a lot of fun annoying Sam, who ended up plugging in his earphones. The tension present in the beginning of the ride had melted away by the third Metallica track, and Y/N had finally relaxed after all the excitement of the previous day. But now she felt all her emotions crowding her, bombarding her senses as the distance between them and her new home continued to shrink. Temporary new home, she reminded herself.
Dean noticed her little freak out session in the backseat but decided against pulling over. He knew that if he gave her the slightest chance, she’d run, even if deep down she wanted this. So, he just continued driving and hoped that she would have an easier time once they arrived and she had a chance to unwind.
The bunker came into view just a few minutes later and Dean winced as he belatedly realised how this abandoned building would look to a stranger like Y/N. He didn’t exactly see any option other than to get her inside the bunker and re-affirm that she’s safe, so he pulled up in front of the huge building as Y/N took in her surroundings.
“This is your home?” she sounded skeptical, but not afraid which Dean took as a good sign.
“It was an old men of letters bunker and since they were all wiped out in the 50s, as legacies, we took over. Our grandfather was a member.” Sam had already jumped into nerd mode and started explaining who the men of letters were, so Dean figured his brother could handle Y/N and busied himself with unlocking the front door.
Y/N walked down the steps still not exactly sure this was as awesome as Dean had described in the car, but then the entirety of the bunker came into view and she looked around in awe. Sam and Dean exchanged looks of barely contained glee as they saw the young hunter excitedly explore the place. This was probably the most animated they had seen her in their short time together. She actually looked and acted like a kid and Dean’s heart ached at the unfamiliar sight.
“This is amazing! You guys have your own freaking bat cave!”
Sam started to explain everything to Y/N and Dean took this opportunity to go in search of their resident angel. With a quick word to his brother, letting him know where he was going, Dean made his way to Cas’s room leaving Y/N and Sam to nerd it out.
He knocked on Cas’s door but heard no response. Worried, he twisted the handle to find it unlocked. He opened the door completely and stopped in his tracks, smiling wryly at the sight that greeted him. Cas had apparently taken Sam’s suggestion to heart. He was lounging in what looked like Dean’s sweatpants and hoodie, with Netflix playing on the TV he had apparently dragged from Sam’s room to his own. Cas himself was sound asleep, the dim light from the TV letting Dean see the drool on his face. He snickered quietly and took out his phone to click a picture.
Although Cas looked better than before, Dean was still worried about his friend. Just the fact that he needed to sleep was enough to tell him that Cas wasn’t at full strength, despite his claim that he was better. He contemplated waking the angel up and introducing him to Y/N but decided against it. He looked relaxed for the first time in days and Dean couldn’t find it in his heart to disturb him just yet.
After taking a couple of more pictures, for blackmail material of course, Dean finally left Cas to rest, closing the door lightly behind him. Instead of joining Sam, he decided to make up a room for Y/N and hunt down some food. He chose the room right in front of his, so that if she had any problem, she could come straight to him. He also realised at that particular moment that he cared more about this girl than he did for his privacy and it was a little jarring for Dean Winchester. He knew Sammy would probably make fun of him for it, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
He made his way back to the war room after making sure Y/N’s room had everything she could need, and realised that Sam had moved on to the library where Y/N was currently exclaiming over all the different books, seemingly over her hesitation of staying with them.
“Well, Cas is asleep and I think your room is missing a TV. And possibly some clothes. He was lounging in sweats which is a first. But at least he looked better,” Dean said to Sam.
“I thought angels didn’t sleep?” Y/N turned to Dean, still at ease, which made him less anxious about having her there. Maybe it would just work after all.
“Usually they don’t. Cas… he already wasn’t at full strength but then this witch Rowena put a rabid dog curse on him – it’s a whole thing, I’ll explain later. But he was pretty wiped out and I guess he’s still recovering. He doesn’t look near death anymore though, which is good.”
“I’m more surprised that he’s actually wearing something other than his usual look,” Sam snorted.
“Yeah, I don’t think we’ve ever seen him wearing normal clothes besides that one time when he was human – it’s a long story,” he said before Y/N could ask.
“You’ll tell me later I presume,” she said wryly, echoing his previous statement, “You guys have a lot of long stories.”
“What can I say? Our lives are interesting,” Dean grinned. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room.”
He walked her through the bunker, showing her the common washrooms, the kitchen and pointing out his and Sam’s rooms.
“And this,” he pushed open the door, “is yours. You can personalise it if you want. I’m right next door and Sam’s is right down the hall so, holler if you need anything.”
Y/N looked inside and suddenly the overwhelming feeling came back. Her own room. For the first time in her life she had a place she could call her own, albeit temporarily, she had to keep reminding herself.
“Thanks,” she said, and if she sounded a little choked up, Dean mercifully didn’t mention it.
“Settle in and get some rest kiddo,” he nodded at her, “Cas will probably be up in an hour or so… you can meet him then.”
He hesitated at the door. “Have you… did you change your mind?” he cleared his throat roughly, “about Cas and the… thing I mean.”
“I… I don’t know Dean. Maybe later. It’s already too much right now.”
She felt awful when he visibly deflated, cursing herself for hurting someone who had been nothing but kind to her.
“Yeah, alright. No problem, kid. Just – let me know if you change your mind.”
He quickly left the room after that.
Y/N was pacing her new room. She couldn’t get over the defeated look on Dean’s face. She knew he wouldn’t show it, but he too really wanted to get it over with. If she was being honest with herself, so did she. She was just scared.
The more Sam reiterated the idea, the stronger it grew in her head. At first, she had laughed at the mere implication that Dean Winchester could be her biological father, but then she started building it up in her head, and now she honestly needed to know. Because now she wasn’t sure it was a joking matter, after all.
But for a person like her to even begin to grasp the idea of family was too much. She wasn’t scared of whatever the results could be. She could do worse in that area. What scared her was whatever came after – after finding out the truth. She once again felt anger rising for her mother. If only she had been honest, this wouldn’t be happening. But then again, Sandra L/N was hardly ever honest.
Could she be happy here? It was safe, she had access to food. It was a home base – everything she had dreamed of having in the last few years since she had been alone. And rationally, she knew Sam and Dean wouldn’t hurt her – at least not intentionally. She usually took much longer to trust someone but there was just something about them that made her feel… safe. Something she hadn’t felt with anyone in a long time.
So maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. She was pretty sure they wouldn’t pressure her to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with – Sam had reassured her of that much already. And maybe she would finally have someone to look out for her and in return she could look out for them.
She started pacing more furiously as she went over multiple scenarios in her head, overthinking every little detail. Family equalled hurt and pain in her head. And for Y/N, it had always been difficult to win against her head. She remembered when she used to believe in her mother, before she had realised that she was just a burden to her – someone she got saddled with and had no choice but to drag around. She hadn’t stopped hunting when Y/N was born, in fact she had thrown herself more into it. Her recklessness was what had finally done her in. Y/N had mostly been left with the neighbours or cheap babysitters when she was younger, before her mother decided that she was old enough to survive without supervision. She had been 6 at the time.
She had figured out how to survive by herself and she was good at it. She didn’t mind being alone, but she also craved affection, which created a weird juxtaposition of want and need inside her, that she mostly tried to bury deep down. The past week had thrown her life into a complete frenzy and all her defence mechanisms seemed useless at that moment.
Before she could spiral further, Sam knocked at her door, to fetch her for dinner. She visibly reigned herself in, but Sam didn’t comment once – just gave her an understanding smile. All these little instances were piling inside her head – how kind the Winchesters were to her and how much they seemed to care about her, making her crave that connection with them that she was too scared to allow herself to form.
“Cas is up. He’s in the kitchen with Dean, so you can meet him now,” Sam said as he started leading the way to the kitchen. Y/N’s steps faltered behind him. He paused and looked back at her,
“Hey, it’s alright. Cas is not gonna hurt you and we’ll be there the entire time,” Sam tried to console her.
“I know… I think I’m just realising that I’m about to meet an actual angel,” she squeaked, forgetting everything else for a minute.
Sam smiled at that. He remembered how overwhelmed he had been when he’d first met Cas, although the meeting hadn’t been a great one. He and Dean sometimes forgot that having an angelic best friend was not common for everyone else.
“You’ll be fine. Cas isn’t like other angels – for one, he isn’t a complete dick,” Sam laughed as he continued with Y/N in tow.
“Easy for you to say. I have never even met an angel before!” This easy camaraderie with the brothers was what was pushing her to get over her fears and Y/N could feel that pull again – the need to find out more.
“Well, you’re about to in a minute. Come on,” Sam gently pushed her in front of him, guiding her to the kitchen.
She saw Dean first, who was handing a cup of coffee to, she presumed, Castiel. Cas wasn’t what she imagined he would be. He didn’t seem intimidating. He had a ridiculous case of bedhead going on and it looked like Dean was in mother-hen mode again, as Cas was wearing a blanket around his shoulders that he didn’t seem too happy about.
Dean turned to her and smiled, gesturing for her to take a seat as he put the final touches to the pasta he’d whipped up.
“Well, looks like it’s introduction time! Y/N, this is our best friend and resident angel – Castiel. Cas, this is Y/N,” Dean grinned as Cas tried to awkwardly shake Y/N’s hand.
“It’s really good to meet you Y/N. I understand that you’re looking for some answers I may be able to provide. I hope I can be of assistance,” Cas’s voice was very deep, which surprised Y/N. She weakly smiled back at him, not entirely comfortable with the subject.
“Ah, yes. We’re gonna take a rain-check on that bud. You’re not at full strength yet and I don’t want you to derail your recovery,” Dean didn’t want to put Y/N on the spot and say she didn’t want to find out yet. The kid had been through enough.
“Dean, I’m fine,” Cas said, annoyance clear in his voice, “It barely requires me to do anything. I just need to look at her soul.”
“My soul?” Y/N squeaked, but no one heard her because Dean was suddenly almost yelling.
“Wait, wait, wait! Look at her soul? Like what you did to that boy, and to Sam when he was soulless? Yeah, that’s not happening.”
“Sam was what?” her voice was even more high-pitched now but again, she was ignored.
“No Dean. I don’t need to touch her soul to recognise it. I merely need to look at it carefully, with her permission of course. I’m very familiar with your soul, I would recognise a piece of it anywhere,” Cas assured in a soothing voice. Dean was now looking away, embarrassed and Y/N wondered what was going on there. She turned to Sam – confusion clear on her face. He just shook his head, exasperated. Clearly, he had been stuck watching this dance for a long time.
“Yeah, alright. As long as there’s no soul touching involved. That isn’t pleasant from what I’ve seen. And look, there’s no rush alright? You need to rest a little more and Y/N needs some time to adjust,” Dean said much more calmly now that he knew he wouldn’t be subjecting Y/N to excruciating pain.
Cas was clearly rearing up to argue with Dean about his ability to perform the task, regardless of his recovery, when Y/N spoke from behind them.
In that split second, she decided that it was no use putting it off until later. She would either drive herself crazy or talk herself out of it entirely and run away from the only safe place she knew.
“Alright. Do it.”
Everyone stopped talking immediately, which unnerved Y/N to no end, but she steeled herself against the scrutiny. This was it. This was her choice.
“Let’s do this,” she repeated, nodding for good measure.
Dean looked at her for a good minute, then nodded to Cas, clenching his fists even as Sam moved to stand beside him and Cas came to stand in front of where Y/N was sitting.
She exhaled sharply as she felt his palm touch her forehead. It was show time.
Chapter 8
TAGS: @vicmc624​ @carisi-sonny​ @zizzlekwum​ @geekqueen5​ @mondefantastique​ @lemondropirwin​ @hamildork​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​
If anyone else would like to be tagged, please send me an ask (: Thanks for reading!
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samwinchestersgf · 3 years
obsession (part three)
prompt: “oh my god! he’s obsessed with you!”
warnings: horror, gore, obsessive weirdo, protective sam. language. nothing worse than what’s in the show, but still unsettling
read part one (here) and part two (here)
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another cold slice of the blade makes me thrash in my seat. i could give up. i could give him what he wants, but that wouldn’t end the pain. besides, external pain in easier to deal with than internal pain.
my head slumps and my chin is almost touching my chest. bryan tilts my chin up with the knife. “you can always just tell me you love me, not sam. this can all stop.”
“it seems like you’re enjoying this too much. i’ll pass.” i glare.
i cry out as he cuts through my jeans for the fourth time. he yells, “say it!”
“go to hell!” i yell back.
he lowers himself, so that he’s eye level to me. “darling, it’s been a day. sam isn’t coming. so, you can either keep wasting both of our time, or admit that you love me.”
“i’m not a liar.” my voice is pure venom.
he grabs me by my cheek. “so say you love me.”
i spit at him. he wipes the spit off of his cheek and walks away, his hands behind his head. “i don’t know what to do with you.”
“you could let me go.” i propose.
“and have to go to the police, no way.” he scoffs.
“you’re really amateur at this.” i remark.
“i’ve never fucking kidnapped someone before.” he pauses. “i’ve never felt this way about someone before.”
i look at him pensively. “i don’t know if you know this or not, but this is not normal.”
“being in love in normal,” he argues.
“it’s beyond that, now. you’re not in love with me; you’re obsessed with me.” i correct.
“is there really that big of a difference?” he rolls his eyes.
“huge difference.” i laugh.
he pulls up a chair. “teach me.”
“teach you?” i raise an eyebrow.
“teach me the difference.” he demands again, sitting down.
“well, first of all, when you love someone, you don’t speak to them like that.” i start, deciding to play along. “because you’d never hurt them on purpose, even if it was for their own good.”
“you’re making things up,” he scoffs.
“i’m not. when you love someone, it hurts you to see them in pain. so, if you love someone, you learn to let them go.” i tell him.
i remember back to the time i had to let someone go. sam liked this other girl, and even though it killed me, i stayed quiet. sure, it was partially because i didn’t have the nerve to do anything else, but even if i did, i wouldn’t have. he was happy. i consider telling bryan this story, but it would only make him mad.
“what does being in love feel like?” he asks.
“calm.” i answer. “you can still get butterflies, but being in love with someone means you’re comfortable enough around them to be yourself.”
bryan raises an eyebrow, “are you in love with sam?”
i laugh darkly. i feel my mental walls breaking. it’s been a day. it’s dark, and cold, and dusty. warm, red liquid is everywhere, and i taste copper. i don’t have the energy to keep fighting.
“sam isnt even my boyfriend.” i blurt. “we’re not in love yet, but i love him.”
“you lied?” he stands up.
“yes, i fucking lied. i’m stupid enough to get into a stranger’s car, but i’m not stupid enough to let him think i’m single.” i laugh again.
he cuts my hand. “that’s for lying.”
“cut my tongue out.” i roll my eyes.
“that’s disgusting.” he drops the knife and walks away.
“what? am i too much for you now?” i call out.
“yes! you’re too fucking much for me right now.” he blows up. “it wasn’t supposed to be like this!”
“love isn’t all roses, bryan.” his name is like belladonna.
“well, it’s gonna be. you’re gonna crack, okay?” he yells.
“can you put up with me that long? i can be more annoying, just wait.” i match his volume.
“i don’t know! will you shut up?” he rubs his temples.
i hum, “you don’t love me.”
he marches over and grabs my face roughly, slamming his lips against mine in the most unpleasant way. i stay still, not breathing, not blinking, not moving, until he pulls away. it doesn’t feel anywhere near the feeling i had when sam kissed me.
“why won’t you kiss me?” he looks offended.
“you fucking cut me.” i scoff.
he pinches his nose. “i’m not patient enough for this.”
“let me go?”
“or i could just leave.”
“further proving my point that you don’t actually love me.” i call out to him.
“i do love you, and i always will. i want you stop saying i don’t, because you don’t know how i’m feeling.” he blows up again.
i shake my head. i can’t even respond to him anymore. i’m tired, and cold. i’m starting lose hope. i’m starting to lose faith in sam.
he picks up the knife again, sighing. he lazily runs in across my left cheek, making the two gashes that are already there sting even more.
suddenly, i can hear sirens. i lift my head up and look at bryan. “think they’re coming here?”
“you better hope they aren’t.” he knicks my jaw.
the sirens grow closer and closer, until it’s evident that they’re right outside. bryan freezes, dropping the knife. he looks around, frantic. there’s a door behind me, but he’s not that stupid. he knows they’ll catch him.
“what are you gonna do, buddy?” i ask, smug.
“shut up!” he shouts, “i can’t think!”
the door is kicked down. a swarm of police officers walk in, catching bryan red handed. “hands up!”
he throws his hands up. “i can explain.”
“step away from the girl!” the police officers shout.
i let myself relax a little bit, until bryan speaks. “i was just coming in here to save her.”
“is that true, ma’am?” they ask.
“no.” i say coldly.
the police whisk him away, and emergency responders rush in, untying me and helping me outside. the bright sun outside makes my eyes sting and water. in the corner of my eye, i see sam stand up and get out of his car. they walk me over to him.
“do you think we need to take her to the hospital, mr. winchester? she’s not in any medical danger.” one emergency responder asks.
“i’ve got her, thank you.” he nods. he slips his arm under my shoulders and helps me into the passenger seat of his car.
he doesn’t speak until the door is shut. his voice is tender, and quiet. “what did he do to you?”
i can’t even look at him. “nothing too bad.”
“you’re exactly like dean...” he shakes his head, huffing gently. i want to respond, but i don’t know what i’d say.
“don’t say your sorry.” he stops me. “just stop.”
i shake my head and sigh. the buzzing of the engine and the low hum of the radio lures me dangerously close to falling asleep. my body dares me to try to stay awake, but i decline. i let my body have what it wants. i sleep.
“ah... damnit.” i hiss, eyes still closed.
“i was hoping you’d stay asleep for this part.” sam remarks quietly.
“i’m fine, i’m fine.” i open my eyes and look down at him. he’s cleaning the cuts on my legs with alcohol, and damn, it hurts. “we... we obviously need to have a conversation.”
“do you really want to do that now?” he raises an eyebrow, not pausing.
“might as well rip off both bandaids at once.” i joke. “go ahead, yell.”
“i’m not gonna yell.” he states calmly.
“you want to.” i insist.
“i don’t want to yell,” he restates. “are you gonna listen if i don’t?”
“i’ll listen.” i nod quietly, taking a sharp inhale when he starts cleaning the next wound.
“i care about you, so, so much. i thought you understood that.” he doesn’t look at me yet. i remember two nights ago when he kissed me.
“i understand it, sam.” i respond.
“then, why would you go out and do something reckless like that? do you have any idea how terrified i was all day?” his voice breaks. “i tracked your phone to his house, and i tracked it to that abandonded place, and the whole time, i was terrified.”
“i’m sorry, sam.” my chest drops.
“why did you do it?” he asks, bandages a cut.
“i wanted to let him know that i wasn’t gonna talk to him anymore,” i swallow.
“you couldn’t have texted him? or, waited for me get home? or, hell, at least have told me where you were going?” he questions.
“i wasn’t thinking,” i admit.
“i know that,” he sighs and finally looks up at me. “i’m not even mad.”
“it would be easier if you were,” my voice breaks in sync with my heart when i see his eyes. his expression is hard, but there’s a hint of softness and worry that makes me want to crumble.
“i already have someone in my life that is stupidly brave, y/n.” he drops his cleaning supplies and grabs my hand.
i squeeze his hand ever so slightly. “yeah?”
“i... i don’t want you to be that person. i want you to be cautious.” he rubs my hand with his thumb.
“that’s just not me.” i swallow.
“i don’t wanna lose you. i just got you; i can’t lose you.” he reiterates.
i sit all the way up. i hesitate, my eyes flicking from his eyes to his lips, and in one swift motion, i close the distance. despite the butterflies in my stomach, i’m calm. i pull back quietly, letting out a slow breath.
he doesn’t say a word. we both already know what he’s thinking. he’s extra gentle when he resumes cleaning my wound. when he’s finished, he just looks at me for a second, and then gets up to go put the supplies away.
nerves course through my. i clear my throat and call out. “sam?”
he turns around. “hm?”
“don’t leave me.” i shake.
he walks back over and wraps me in a tight hug, kissing my forehead. “i won’t.”
thank you guys sooo much for the overwhelming support on this series! if you like what you see, you could go ahead and follow me ;)
here’s my tag list for this series!@patrickfluegers @vicmc624 @vampire7595 @heyyy-hey-babyyy @eternal-maniac
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x15: Gimme Shelter
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Dean used his words to save the world once
At a food bank community center, three teens dole out food while stressing out about one attendant who’s breaking their cleanliness rules. Connor heads over to talk to the woman, but is stopped by the center’s pastor. The pastor challenges Connor’s motivation. ”We have rules, but we also have spirit too, right?” The pastor tells Connor to lead with compassion, so Connor brings the woman food instead of kicking her out of the building. 
Later, Connor walks home. Much like all other cold open walks, this one also involves a solitary alley. He hears someone calling his name. Trying to find the source of the voice, he trips and finds a talking teddy bear, and a metal hook around his neck.
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Dean and Sam discuss research. Sam’s found a non-case, while Dean’s hit the jackpot in Atlantic City. Specifically, an unexplained blackout has him thinking that Amara’s enjoying her new gambling addiction on the East Coast. 
Cas pops up and thinks he should go with the brothers, but they tell him to stay put and babysit Jack. I say TFW is just better together, but I’m not writing this episode. Hrmph. The brothers are packed and ready to go, but Jack stops them in the war room to ask about the case Sam found.
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Sam tells him it’s nothing. Dean encourages Cas and Jack to investigate --to keep Jack busy. Cas seems skeptical, but Dean insists.
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Agents Swift and Lovato meet with the local law enforcement to learn more about the case. Sweet Jesus is it cute that Cas continues to use pop-star names. It’s cute that Jack takes after his father with the upside down badge. It’s cute that Jack recognizes the teddy bear and says he has one (Did Cas buy it for him? He has a history of buying stuffed animals for his quasi-children.) 
The sheriff tells them about the victim, and how the word ‘Liar’ was carved into him. 
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Jack posits that this all seems demonic. 
Cut to Cas digging into the ground at a crossroads. Time to get some information. Cas buries a picture of himself that Dean took when he was wearing a cowboy hat (Don’t worry, Dean still has his copy, and keeps it safe…. for reasons.) and Jack sets up a social media account. He’s WAY under 13 years old, so he needs a parent’s permission. Cas grants it easily. (Also, ALSO!! ALSO, there are NOT too many cats on the internet. This writing is so OOC, smh.) 
A demon appears. 
He’s channeling his inner Crowley, and I suddenly miss the bugger for a moment. Zach, the demon, is very bored and desperately wants something to do. He’s not really British and tells the duo that no one's making demon deals right now. Rowena’s of the philosophy that “people will end up where they belong.” Cas realizes their mistake and moves to leave.  “Sam was right, it’s not a monster,” Jack laments. “He was half right. Sometimes humans can be the worst kind of monsters,” Cas adds. 
At the community center, a woman locks up, and grabs a whole lotta cash from the donation box before she bails. Once outside, she hears a voice call her name. She looks around but sees nothing. She turns back to her car to find a masked individual. A weird editing choice cuts back to her...and commercial. 
Cas checks in with the brothers. Dean tells Cas to be wary of those “Hallelujah types” and I’m like, wha? Cas is an ANGEL OF THE LORD. He’s been around the block, Dean. Lol for looking out for your BFF, tho. Also, second awkward moment of the episode when Dean just hangs up on Cas? I’m…
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Sam voices his reservations about the whole finding Amara --lying to Amara --killing Amara plan. Say it louder for the brother in the seat next to you, Sam! 
(Boris: I’m just going to insert this in the middle of this recap and never mention it again. Can we trust Billie? Is her plan actually something that is GOOD for our TFW 2.0? What is her agenda and does it align with what we want? What if what SHE wants is as equally bad as what Chuck wants? What if we as an audience are getting played right now??) (Natasha: What if the strings she’s pulling are emotional and she’s playing a dangerous game of chicken with Dean’s rage and Chuck’s entitlement?)
Jack joins the community center. He watches Dr. Sexy the pastor in a prayer circle, and talks to a disillusioned young woman who asks him to fill out a form before walking away. 
Cas walks in separately and wanders over to Dr. Sexy the pastor praying with a parishioner, and tells him about the cash stealing Valerie. She never made it home. 
Cut to Valerie tied and gagged. Her hands are in an elaborate guillotine. She wakes. Her screams are muffled. A TV turns on and flashes the word ‘Thief’. And one of her fingers gets chopped off. A timer starts on the TV. AND WE ALL RECOIL. 
Jack finishes the paperwork and tries to talk to the girls working the food line. The one girl storms off, upset. Jack follows her and tells her that he didn’t mean to upset her. 
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She tells him that Connor and her dated. Well, they watched a lot of old movies together.  (AHEM! AHEM! AHEM! “I’m your Huckleberry.” AHEM. Please stop the clowning, it hurts so much.) 
Jack confesses to the girl that he lost his mother. The girl tells Jack that her mom died three years ago, and now it’s just her and her emotionally unavailable father, the pastor. “I have more dads than most, and I’m always just feeling like I’m letting all of them down.” JACK!!!! The girl tells Jack to trust God, not people. 
And we laugh, and laugh, and, guh, laugh. 
Cas, meanwhile, meets with Dr. Sexy the pastor. 
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Cas interrogates Dr. Sexy Pastor about whether anyone else has gone missing recently. Well, there was one guy who used to work for the “faith-based community” but they parted ways. Cas and the pastor enjoy a little god talk. Cas, the weary angel, opines that God just doesn’t care. The pastor has a different take on faith - it’s about the people of his church doing what they can to take care of each other. We learn that this church recently changed from a fundamentalist branch to something more welcoming. Connor was able to come out as gay due to the changes, so some good happened. (Hindsight thoughts: this makes his death and the “Liar” all the more awful.) “A saint is a sinner who keeps trying,” the pastor concludes...and if that ain’t the truth about Cas!
Sam and Dean are on the too-slow train to Atlantic City when Amara drops in during a gas stop and invites them out for pierogi. 
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At Patchwork, the pastor asks Jack to share his journey of faith during a prayer circle. Jack falters, and Cas steps in. “I do know what blind faith is. I used to just follow orders. Without question. And I did some pretty terrible things. I would never look beyond the plan. Then, of course, when it all came crashing down I found myself lost. I didn’t know what my purpose was anymore. And then one day something changed. Something amazing. I guess I found a family. And I became a father. And in that, I rediscovered my faith. I rediscovered who I am.” BRB crying!
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Later in the cafeteria, Jack asks Sexy Pastor, M.D. how he brought together so many people with different ideas of religion. “It’s not about what they believe. It’s what they do,” he reiterates. (I imagine, for a moment, an ending where Jack calls out to the whole world and all living creatures and Heaven and Hell unite to win the final confrontation and make a better world together.)
The tranquil moment is interrupted by the TV turning on to security feed footage of the victim. The timer runs out and she loses another finger and screams and screams. Jack rushes over to the TV and pulls out a USB stick from the back.
Meanwhile, the Winchesters dine with Amara.
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They bring up Chuck’s destruction of the other universes and tell her they have a plan to stop him. They’ve got a nephilim on their side AND he’s super powerful. All they need is for Amara to help them trap Chuck and...WHAMMO. Amara gently refuses to betray her brother. She lays some new mythology on them. She and Chuck are twins - creation and destruction - and their splitting apart first brought life into the world. 
Cas and Jack barge into the church’s ex-AV tech’s room. And by that, I mean, Jack gets hurled through another door? Um. Okay. The part of me that grew up with 3 Stooges is HERE FOR IT, tbh. 
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They discover the guy is dead, chained up in bed with cuffs, with the word “lust” painted above him.
Getting ready to leave town, Sam’s ready to accept Amara’s choice. Dean “Fuck Acceptance” Winchester heads back inside and corners Amara. He asks why she brought back Mary. 
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Amara tells him that she wanted him to see that the apple pie dream life he’s always striving for isn’t real - that Mary was only human - and BETTER because of that. Amara thought that would help him to accept his life. Amara also thought that having Mary back would release Dean from his anger. 
He leans forward and lets her know that he’s furious. Everyone in this universe is trapped, he tells her - including her. And she’s doing nothing. Amara falters in the face of this, and then asks him if she can trust him. “I would never hurt you,” he LIES TO HER FACE. She tells him she’ll think about it.
That evening Sylvia, the pastor’s daughter, listens to her friend gush over the social media attention she’s getting after posting about the torture video. In a flash of rage, Sylvia stabs her friend and races away. Dr. Sexy Pastor finds the current (still alive) victim just as Sylvia catches up to him. She accuses him of laughing at her mother after her mother died from trying to heal by prayer rather than medical science. She accuses him of changing the church that her mother grew up in. Jack jumps into the fray and gets stabbed for his trouble. When Cas arrives, Sylvia is quickly subdued by his Vulcan forehead tap of slumber.
Cas yanks away the restraints from the victim (SOOOO strong) and then heals her fingers back on while the pastor looks on in wonder. 
For So Strong Science:
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Later, they gather outside while Sylvia gets taken away in cuffs. The pastor still cares about his daughter and vows to get her help. The driver of the car is Zach the crossroads demon? Oookay. 
Cas and Jack drive home. In the truck of feelings, Cas asks Jack why he couldn’t share during the prayer circle. Jack confesses that he’s been lying. The spell Billie is doing with him is turning him into a bomb to be used against Chuck and Amara. It’ll work - they’ll cease to exist. But Jack will be obliterated too. “This is the only way they’ll ever forgive me,” he tells Cas. 
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Cas is horrified. He can’t watch Jack die again! Cas refuses to watch Jack die again, but Jack seems to have fully embraced this as his necessary fate.
Back at the bunker, Dean heads for the whiskey bottle late at night when he spots Cas shuffling towards the exit. Jack’s settled in his room, Cas reports. Cas then tells Dean he’s going to look for “another way.” 
Oh AND, “In case something goes wrong and I don’t make it back, there’s something you and Sam need to know…” 
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The Se7en Deadly Quotes:
You guys go Highway to Heaven that bitch
You look greener than Baby Yoda
“Did anyone find any tiny bags with chicken bones inside?” “Did anyone smell sulfur?” “Did anyone feel cold?”
There were too many cats
Where can I find the Kool-Aid?
I wanted you to see that your mother was just a person
It was a gift, Dean. Not a trial
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An Open Letter to Supernatural
[ Spoiler warning for 15x20, obviously ]
I understand that a well-contemplated complaint about this ending cannot be made without first reading the original, pre-COVID, script of 15x20, but in the long run, the initial plan is not what will be remembered. 
What will be remembered is what this show created. What it became beyond two brothers driving around the country, hunting monsters. Characters were introduced and developed, and in that, Sam and Dean Winchester become so much more than two kids living on the road. In the past 15 years, the cast, and thus the family, grew to something that would be unimaginable to those who started this project back in 2005. Not only did the characters and their stories become meaningful, but the show itself grew into, well, a family. The fans who have kept this show alive since Day 1 have come together to form what I believe is the greatest community in pop culture. 
What hurts the most is that this finale did not do any of that development justice. 
The finale (and consequently the episodes leading up to it) reverts back to the story between only Sam and Dean. While some see this as an ode to who they are--their brotherhood and familial bond being the heart of their values and the root of their characters--I cannot help but see this as a rejection of their experiences this past decade and a half. 
What’s worse, episode 15x18 confirmed one of the most pure and powerful and goddamn beautiful romances that television will ever see. This story of an angel who abandoned his family and the only beings he’s known for thousands of years, all for one person. I knew from the instant the screen faded to black on November 5 that the story of Castiel will always be remembered, even if his feelings were unrequited. Castiel will always be remembered. 
And then there’s Destiel. I was genuinely impressed that this show would even grow to include a queer angel, more importantly, a queer character in a leading role. The queer-baiting and the “bury your gays” trope both make this confession and its lack of acknowledgement that much worse (and is worthy of an entirely separate open letter for another night). It matters less if Dean does or doesn’t reciprocate these feelings and more that it’s wrong that he completely ignores it. Cas’s love confession, this beautifully tragic and tragically beautiful emotion coming from a being who wasn’t supposed to feel emotions at all, is something that, unfortunately, will become a secret that dies with Dean Winchester. 
It’s truly a shame that the writers of this show let that happen. 
We haven’t even touched the fact that Castiel’s death was an act of sacrifice to save Dean. Dean’s limited reaction and lack of mourning* tears apart this phrase that has become pivotal to the entire show and fanbase: “Family don’t end in blood.” While it would be a lot to ask that Dean rescue Cas from the Empty and resume their cycle of rescue and resurrection, I think it’s only fair that Dean take the time to fully accept Castiel’s actions and words for what they mean instead of simply moving forward as if they never happened.
What’s more, Misha Collins is one of the greatest and kindest people in this world, and he’s poured his heart and soul into Supernatural, just like everybody else. He’s spent 12 years on this project, and the final two episodes hardly mentioned his character. He didn’t deserve this. It’s heartbreaking that his last credit on this show will be a prank call from someone trying to impersonate him, and not something that pays tribute to such an important character and important actor**
The most devastating part of this ending is what happened in 15x19. Pardon my French when I say that that episode, the ultimate climax of the season and latter half of the series, was a piece of dog shit. It’s incredibly frustrating to invest in 15 years worth of television and look forward to this ultimate battle between two average boys and God the Almighty Himself and to instead watch a 6-minute long fist fight on the beach with the only dialogue being variations of “seriously guys, stay down.” 
My issues with 15x19 lie less in the storyline that was chosen and more in how they were presented. I am completely on board with Jack taking God’s power and eventually becoming the new God, but the episode was far too quick to have any real meaning, and, as stated before, Castiel’s sacrifice, which allows Sam, Dean, and Jack to do what they do in 15x19, is hardly mentioned.
Most fans agree that 15x19 was far too quickly paced. The plot with Michael and Lucifer was questionable to begin with, but should have been an episode on its own if it were to be perused at all. Michael’s story in particular could have been fleshed out to reiterate this theme of overly loyal sons and their fathers, as well as their relationships with less loyal siblings, but was instead reduced to about 20 minutes of screen time. 
Though this is less important, Lucifer’s plan to make a new Death felt like a cheap cop-out just to close the storyline with Death’s book, but we can finish that discussion another day. 
The general fan reaction to this atrocity of an episode was that this was meta, and according to Becky, the ending was supposed to be dog shit. This, along with the untouched storyline started when Cas died, gave fans so much hope that the finale would be this amazing piece of art that puts Supernatural in the history books. 
While it’s obvious that an hour cannot perfectly tie up every single event and arc with a pretty little bow, it can at least...try. Any finale should, at minimum, pay tribute to what the show started as (which 15x20 did well) and what it became (which 15x20 failed to do miserably). 
In addition, a reference to character back in season 1 is incredibly frustrating when recurring characters with actual, well, character go unnoticed. I mostly reference Eileen here, but this also applies to Jody and Donna. Nobody even mentions the other wonderful friends who have helped Sam and Dean along their journey to Heaven. If family doesn’t end in blood, then why doesn’t it extend to include Castiel, Jack, Mary, Rowena, Charlie, Kevin, Jody and her girls, Donna, and so many others?
Dean’s death was sad, I’ll give them that (and honestly, I was expecting it). However, considering that this man has defeated apocalypses, killed Death, and taken down God, his death via nail in the wall was incredibly anticlimactic, and something that could literally have happened at any point over the 15 seasons. While Dean’s death was obviously not my ideal ending, I think it could have worked if it were done properly, and in this case, it was not. That said, I do appreciate that Sam did not try to bring Dean back, as that would indicate literally no growth at all.
Dean’s funeral was...pathetic, to say the least. Sam being the only person there was depressing considering that Dean had lots of other close friends (and you’d think that Jack would pay his respects, but apparently not), however, this is likely a scene that was impacted by COVID and the availability of some of the cast, so I will not dwell on that scene.
Dean’s time in Heaven complicates matters even more. Firstly, Bobby confirms that Castiel is no longer in the Empty and has been in contact with Jack. I would have loved to see this reunion; Cas is essentially Jack’s father, and I would have loved to see how their upgrading/remodeling of Heaven brought them closer together. I understand that the writers were trying to focus this finale story on the brothers, this goes back to my earlier point that you cannot simply ignore everything that that this show has grown to include. Bobby’s explanation also begs the question of why Dean had no intention of seeing Cas (or Jack, for that matter) again now that he has the opportunity.
Secondly, Dean’s instinct to go directly for the Impala was very in-character, however, the editing implied that driving was all Dean did until Sam died. As we know, Sam dies of old age, likely (completely guessing here) upwards of 40-50 years from Dean’s death, and that is a very, very long time for Dean to simply driving around the mountains. It would have been nice to see Dean reunite with other family and friends who are also in Heaven, however, again, COVID restraints.
Sam’s ending was similar to what I and a lot of other fans imagined (not necessarily wanted, but predicted) it to be: kids and a wife, living a normal, monster-free, life. I hate to believe that he doesn’t end up with Eileen (to my recollection, his wife was a blur in the background, and it is unclear if she was meant to be Eileen) however that might just be my bias and appreciation of Shoshannah Stern. While I’m glad that this storyline gave Sam the room to grow and develop without his brother, it also completely ignores everything that he’s been through this past decade and a half, and that is something that should not happen. Sam grew and changed so much since he left Stanford and leaving that life, the life of a hunter, behind feels very counterintuitive.
Let’s not even discuss the wig that Jared wore. It reminded me of the Cain wig that Rob wore in the Hillywood parody.
What shocked me the most at the beginning of this episode was the lack of a “The Road So Far” compilation. I hoped for the full song with a recap of all 15 seasons, or, at minimum, the typical single-season recap. “Carry On My Wayward Son” is such an important part of the show and the culture of the fan base, that it seems almost sacrilegious that the season finale not begin with this song and a memorial to the events in the past season (or series).*** I’m very happy that it was included at all, but I was shocked when Neoni’s cover took over.
No disrespect to Neoni; those girls are incredibly talented and I love their music, however, a series finale of a 15 season long show does not feel like the place for a cover when they already have the rights to the original, and the original is so iconic.
Lastly, I want to acknowledge Jensen Ackles’s reaction to this conclusion. At a con panel about a year ago, he said that he needed to be talked into agreeing to this script by Erik Kripke himself, because the ending just wasn’t sitting right with him. So many fans took this to believe that he was homophobic and afraid that of Destiel becoming fully canon, and he got so much more hate than he deserved, because ultimately, he was right in his first opinion. This isn’t the way this story should have ended. Jensen explained that he had been “too close” to the story, and that it took a more holistic view from a step backwards (the audience’s perspective, as he puts it) to agree on this ending, but honestly, nobody knows Dean Winchester better than Jensen, and he knows what’s best and what would be the best way to finish this character’s arc. I think fans and Jensen alike agree that this wasn’t it.
I sympathize with all of the cast and crew members who disagree with how this show ended but are bounded by contract to support this show no matter what. Especially Misha and Jensen.
Over all, I believe that Supernatural will go down in history (in internet communities, at least) as one of the greatest shows ever. While I do agree that the writing quality in terms of both dialogue and plot declined as years passed, the community, the family, that this show created cannot be ignored because of a poorly written/planned ending. I think that the fandom will collectively let go of this disaster of an ending that we were given and will, just like Sam and Dean, write our own stories. I have full faith and confidence that Supernatural will not be represented by this finale episode, but by the beautiful stories, amazing characters, and the family that this show created and what the fans have chosen to do with it.
A Fiercely Frustrated but Fiercely Loyal Fan
* I do not count that last clip of Dean crying on the floor as mourning. In my mind, that was a reaction, not an emotional healing and overcoming, if that makes sense. I argue that if Dean were to fully mourn and process everything (like Sam did in 15x20) we would have seen at least a bit of that on screen. 
** This is where I would have loved to see some of the original scripts. I hope that the writers initial intentions were to have Misha more involved in these last two episodes than what was likely a voice memo created in 10 minutes tops at Misha’s house.
*** The strange montage at the end of 15x19 makes so much more sense. I still would have preferred that montage at the beginning of 15x20. This also shines light on the video that Misha posted. What would we do without him :)
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apocalypseornaw · 3 years
Any Time
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For *hurt/comfort* square on @girl-next-door-writes make me feel bingo
Warnings: Cursing and mention of blood/injuries
It was normal for you to drop by Bobby’s after a hunt. His place was the closest thing to home you knew, same as with Sam and Dean so when your car pulled up and parked next to the impala neither of the three batted an eye. After a few minutes passed and you hadn’t gotten out the car Dean started to get worried so he stood up from where he’d been sitting across the desk from Bobby “I’m gonna go check on her”  
Dean walked out the door and started to call your name until he realized you were in fact slumped over in the seat “BOBBY, SAM SHE’S HURT!” he hollered jumping off the doorstep to run to your car. When he snatched open the driver’s side door he was met with the sight of you soaked down in blood. He wasn’t sure if it all was yours but he hoped at least some of it belonged to something else. How you’d ever even made it to Bobby’s was beyond him.
Bobby and Sam had made it outside by the time Dean had eased you out the car and into his arms. A small part of his mind had been worried that maybe you were gone until a groan fell from your lips. “Easy sweetheart, I got ya” he assured you, meeting Bobby’s eyes over your still form. “Get her inside, I’ll call someone I know to come give us a hand”
Leave it to Bobby to have a literal surgeon on speed dial who’d be willing to make house calls. Dean and Sam spent the next hour pacing the floor in front of Bobby’s bedroom where you were being put back together. When the door finally opened they both stopped fast enough they nearly collided. “She had no major damage, the severity of the blood loss was from the contusion to her head and the superficial wounds she suffered. She needs to rest for the next week or so. Keep her hydrated and makes sure she takes her antibiotics Bobby”  
Bobby thanked the surgeon then reiterated to the boys just how many stitches you had. “Looks like she ended up tangling with more than one vamp. She’s lucky considering.. that girl’s one hell of a fighter” Dean let out a breath he felt like he’d been holding since the moment he saw you slumped across your car’s front seat “But she’ll be ok right?” “Yeah, it’s a damn good thing she was able to get here or she may have bled out”
You could over vaguely remember making it to Bobby’s. The nest had been slightly bigger than you expected and even though you’d come out on the winning side they hadn’t gone down without a fight. Somewhere along the third set of stitches you’d woke up to Bobby and some guy you didn’t know working to stop the bleeding. From the looks of the set up the guy had to be something in the medical field because you even had blood running into your veins to replace what you lost. When he realized you were awake Bobby quickly moved up to your head “Hey kid, how ya feeling?” “Like I got hit by a truck” you slurred and he glanced back at the doc who nodded “I gave her something so she wouldn’t feel the stitches and staples. She’ll be groggy”
Bobby turned back to you as you gave him a drunken smile “I’m gonna go to sleep Bobby..shh though not dead just sleepy” then closed your eyes. When you fell asleep Bobby moved back to help finish closing your wounds then once the doctor was done he placed a quilt over you considering your shirt had been in tatters they’d had to go ahead and cut it off so he’d helped the doctor drape one of his button up shirts around you but the bandages covered anything. 
He hated seeing any hunter hurt but when it came to you, Sam and Dean it was even worse. After you were completely patched he walked the doctor out then came back in to find Sam and Dean sitting on either side of the door out in the hall. “Ya idjits know you can go in right? I mean she’s out like a light but you can walk in and check on her” Dean was the first to his feet stopping just long enough to help Sam up before walking in to check on you.
When you woke up again you weren’t sure how long had passed but the moon was shining in the window across the room so you knew at least a few hours had passed. Your head felt like you’d drank an entire bottle of whiskey and you wondered just what the hell that doctor had given you. You started to push yourself into a seated position but groaned at the feeling and the moment the noise left your mouth you heard footsteps in the hallway right before the door opened to show Dean. “You’re awake” he said and you nodded because that was the only movement that didn’t hurt “Indeed I am. Help me sit up?” he quickly moved to your side letting you brace against his arm as you pushed up against the headboard. Once you were sitting up you realized you were in a sports bra and an unbuttoned shirt. You looked down to see bandages covering your entire abdomen “Fuck did they use me as a chew toy?” 
He chuckled following your line of sight and you saw a dark look pass across his eyes “You scared the hell out of me Y/N” you glanced up at him curiously so he explained “I got out to the car first and honestly? I thought you were dead” “I’m sorry Dean” you weren’t sure why you were apologizing but the thought of Dean thinking he’d lost yet another person hurt you. He shook his head “You’re still alive, that’s what matters” you yawned and glanced at the window “How long have I been out?” “Long enough that Bobby and Sam both passed out” you grimaced at the thought of worrying them “I do have a way of making an entrance don’t I?” 
He laughed at that “Want something to drink or eat? Doc said you needed to stay hydrated” you licked your lips realizing just how dry your mouth was “Some water would be good” he motioned to the door “I’ll be right back”
Once he walked out you decided to see just how much standing up would hurt so you swung your legs over the side of the bed and slowly got up on your feet which proved to be a bad idea. A wave of dizziness hit you so you held onto the wall until it passed.
You slowly walked over to the window and sat down on the chest right next it. It hurt like a bitch but you’d had worse. Dean walked back in with a glass of water in hand then when he realized you moved he groaned “You do know you’ve got over thirty stitches and just as many staples in different body parts?” he came over to sit next to you and held the glass out. You took it with a slight grimace “You do realize we’ve all had worse than this” he shook his head then turned to watch you drink for a moment before he finally said “Me and Sam were thinking about sticking around here for the next couple weeks. Hunting’s slow at the moment and from the looks of it Bobby is going to need help wrangling you until you’re healed up” You raised your eyebrows with a grin “Oh you think you can wrangle me Winchester?” he shrugged “I’ll try” “What if I want you to wear a nurse uniform?” you teased but he quickly replied “I have no issue with roleplay” you laughed and had to hold a hand to your side against the pull that caused “What if I just asked you to sit up here with me since I’ve been unconscious half the day and don’t feel like sleeping?” “I think I can manage that too sweetheart” he said putting an arm around you so you leaned into his chest “Thanks Dean” “Anytime” 
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The Monster Story
Title: The Monster Story
Pairing: Dean x Reader Drabble
Word Count: 751
Square Filled: Ghoul
Summary: You tell a dramatic story about a mundane hunt you and the Winchester’s went on many years ago to your three-year old daughter. Dean helps…
Warning: Fluff? Crack? Angst if you squint? Scarring a toddler (possibly) for life?
Written for @spndeanbingo​
Disclaimer: Not my gif.
A/N: This was mean’t to be cute and funny, with a pinch of ridiculousness. I’m unsure if my execution was on cue, but I hope you enjoy it anyways! :) Please do let me know what you thought via reblog and a few words of feedback or even a gif! I’d love to know what you guys thought about it! Also, I’d appreciate it a lot! Xx
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Sam sat there in the bunker’s library, occupying his usual seat with an amused smile playing on his lips. His eyes switched back and forth from your animated story-telling to your three-year old daughter’s enraptured expressions and sweet little gasps. There was no doubt in his mind that you were perfect for Dean and that little girl sitting in the middle of the table was his brother’s kid.
“And then I fell into the deep scary dark hole!” you spat with a dramatic tone. Across from Sam sat Castiel and Jack, both of which who was just as enthralled by the story. Cass tilting his head as he tried to keep up with what was happening, most likely piling a bunch of his own questions in his head. “I was all alone,” you droned, using your hands to exaggerate the fact.
“Where was daddy?” Charlie asked, brows tilted in a frown and eyes big with worry.
“Daddy was on his way, but he was too late!” You shouted, jumping for more dramatics, and it seemed to work. Jack had shifted to the edge of his seat while little Charlie gasped, bringing her little hands to her lips.
“Oh no,” Charlie whimpered, looking around the room before crawling across the table and over to Sam, perching herself onto his lap, finding solace in his embrace. Sam smiled, shaking his head at your theatrics.
“The scary Ghoul grabbed my legs,” you slammed your hands on the table, “and he dragged me into his ominous lair deep under the cemetery, rotting dead bodies all over the place!” Charlie snuggled herself closer to Sam, which was already impossible, so Sam wrapped his arms around her tiny figure, giving her the safety she sought out.
“Then what happened?” Jack asked, catching Charlie’s attention.
“Yeah, Momma. Then what happened?” your baby girl reiterated.
“I tried to fight him off! I kicked him, punched him, but he was too strong. He was a big fella, taking the form of a seven-foot muscular butcher! He overpowered me and hit me in the head, knocking me unconscious!” Charlie’s eyes widened while Sam tried to hold in his laugh. He remembered this particular case you were excessively embellishing.
Yes, it was a Ghoul, and you did fall into the hole however, the hole was three feet deep, and you didn’t fall, more like you weren’t looking where you were going and tripped into it. And the big scary Ghoul was a short and petite Chinese lady. Hardly anything impressive, but she was fast. Sam will admit that. Fast and agile. Also, the Ghoul didn’t knock you out, Dean tried to come to save you, tripped on a vine and ended up shoving you to the ground where you hit your head and passed out. Definitely not one of yours or Dean’s finest work, but the story you were telling wasn’t impossible. You’ve all dealt with worse cases.
“Then did Daddy or Uncle Sam come to the rescue?” Charlie asked.
“No…” you said portentously. “The Ghoul…” you paused for dramatic effect before your big punchline. “The Ghoul ate me!” You shouted loudly and suddenly, making Jack jump, Cass tilt his head to the other side, and Charlie scream, before she looked back at you with question in her eyes.
“Wait! If the monster ate you, why are you alive?” She asked, too smart for her own good.
“Because…” you stalked towards her, Charlie sinking back into Sam’s chest. “Me and your father are…” another pause, which made Sam roll his eyes.
“BECAUSE WE’RE MONSTERS NOW!” Dean rushes in wearing a scary zombie costume as you shoved on your own scary zombie mask, making Charlie screech with undeniable fright. Her screams so high pitched that it made Sam’s ears ring. Jack fell off his seat and Cass just sat there, crystal blue eyes squinting, physically stoic, but mentally trying to process everything that was happening.
You and Dean burst into laughter, unfazed by the trembling toddler in Sam’s arms. As the two of you continued to laugh, tears literally dripping down your cheeks, you and Dean failed to see your daughter grab her crayons and start throwing them at the two of you, screaming “Die! Die! Die!”
“Ow!” Dean cried, “she hit me in the eye!”
That was Sam’s turning point, there was no way he could hold in his amusement any longer, falling into step with you and Dean as you all laughed wholeheartedly.
“Serves you right for scaring her,” Sam chuckled.
A/N: Another short one, but I hope you liked it! I love the boys with kids, it’s just so precious! Let me know if you agree! :)
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foreverwayward · 4 years
I Know You Part 1
Dean x Unnamed Female x Sam (no Wincest)
Word Count: 3331
Warnings: downright smutty, fluff, oral, Winchester humor, language, mild dominance
Summary: After two years together, the three had grown more than comfortable with each other. But, it isn’t until an unexpected moment of intimacy that desires are finally spoken. Once the door to honesty is open, there’s no holding back. 
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Sam and Dean walked into the motel room, deep laughter coming from them both. They were still buzzed from the whiskey they had consumed at the bar only a block over.
“I’m telling you, Sam,” Dean somewhat slurred. “The girl was into you. You totally could have hit that tonight.”
Sam chuckled. “Eh. Guess I wasn’t too interested.”
“Not interested?” Dean asked taken aback with an expression that matched. “Sam, she was gorgeous and all over you.”
“Just didn’t do it for me,” he shrugged.
Dean dropped his jacket off his shoulders before tossing it over the bed with a shake of his head. “Ya know, sometimes I don’t get you, man.”
“Well, what about you? You telling me you couldn’t have left with that blonde?”
“Maybe. Guess it’s like you said—just didn’t do it for me.” He turned back to his brother with a laugh of disbelief. “What the fuck is wrong with us?”
Sam laid his own coat over a nearby chair. His hands were resting on top of it as he leaned his weight into it. “I wish I knew.”
Looking around the room, Dean asked “hey…where is she? Didn’t she say she’d be here when we got back?”
“Uh—yeah. I don’t know.”
The sound of water splashing caught their attention as they looked towards the bathroom door. It was cracked open, soft light gleaming through the slit. They shared a curious look with raised brows before walking over to investigate.
As Sam gently pushed at the door, it slowly opened to a dark, candlelit bathroom. She was in the bathtub, her hair up in a messy bun, heat rising from the water and off her skin. Her head was rested back, earbuds in her ears with her eyes shut in relaxation.
The brothers froze at the sight with wide eyes. They both knew they should leave, but it was as if their feet were planted in place, their bodies stiff with building energy.
Her wet skin glistened in the dancing candlelight. She was utter perfection.
Both Sam and Dean had imagined her that way a million times before, but the real thing was like a glimpse into heaven.
As her eyes fluttered open, she caught the two large men practically gaping at her. She immediately went to cover her almost exposed chest as the Winchesters snapped out of their trance.
“Uh, guys…?”
“Oh—“ Dean muttered, embarrassed.
“S—sorry…” Sam barely could utter.
The two clumsily bumped into each other as they tried to get out as fast as they could and Dean quickly shut the door behind them. They stood there in silence both looking like they had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
“Shit…” Sam mumbled.
Dean ran a palm down his face. “Yeah. That, uh—I did not see that coming.”
Letting out an anxious chuckle, Sam nodded. “No kidding.”
Immediately realizing the situation in his jeans, Dean cleared his throat and tried to discreetly cover himself.
“Are you—“ Sam started to ask but stopped feeling uncomfortable.
Trying to not seem bothered by the situation, Dean snarked back, “oh, what? And you’re not?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“So…do we just act like this didn’t happen?”
Sam let out a breathy laugh. “I don’t think I can.”
“Glad it’s not just me,” Dean conceded.
“I mean—god, I’ve imagined her a thousand times but…” he sighed. “Nothing compared to the real thing.”
“I know what you mean.” Dean’s neck snapped in his brother’s direction. “Wait. Are you into her?”
“…are you?”
“Dude—from day one. The first hunt we went on together, the first time she made me laugh, the first time I saw her bend down in front of me…” his voice trailed off as he bit his lip at the thought.
Sam’s knuckles practically went white as he tried to control himself and the urges that threatened to bubble over. “So, what do we do? Because, that woman in there is the woman of my dreams, Dean.”
“Pfft,” Dean replied sarcastically. “No way, dude. If anyone’s getting her…it’s me. We’re perfect for each other.”
“Oh, really?”
“Uh—yeah,” he mocked. “We like the same music, we have the same sense of humor, we both love cars…I could name a million things that we have in common.”
“Interesting. So could I,” Sam replied in a cocky tone.
Dean scrunched his face with a bitchy expression. “Like what?”
“We both love to read, she’s a runner like me, we watch the same shows, we make each other laugh…”
Rolling his eyes, Dean let out an annoyed breath. “Fine.” He put out his hand with his other posed as a fist hovering over it.
“Wait,” Sam chuckled. “You can’t be serious. You wanna rock-paper-scissors this situation?”
“It’s how we solve any other issue. Let’s go.”
“No way.”
“Afraid you’ll lose?”
“What? No. I always beat you anyways.”
Dean dropped his hands. “Well, I don’t see you coming up with any bright ideas.”
A soft and muffled voice pierced through the bathroom door. “You know I can hear you guys, right?”
Again, Sam and Dean’s eyes went wide.
“Fuck…” Dean mouthed before turning to the door and opening it just enough for her to hear him. “Uh—we’re sorry for just walking in on you. I swear, total accident.”
“Definitely an accident,” Sam reiterated.
She scoffed with a small laugh before biting her lip in thought. “…come in.”
“…are—are you sure?”
“Yes. Just get in here.”
The brothers shared a shocked look before they mouthed and muttered a brief argument between them about who would go in first with them both nervous to. Dean finally gave in and took his time taking steps in. Sam was directly in tow, his eyes immediately resting on her. The small motel bathroom felt even smaller with the two large Winchesters taking up most of the space.
They swallowed hard as their eyes couldn’t help but trace over her wet body. She shifted in the tub causing her breasts to emerge from the water, her perky nipples making the tension in their pants only more painful.
“You guys were staring at me, weren’t you?”
“Well, I, uh—“ Dean stammered. “We—“
Realizing he needed to take over the conversation, Sam added, “we just got back and didn’t hear anything but—but there were lights on in here so…”
“So, you came to investigate,” she concluded.
Dean nodded enthusiastically, wondering if he was beginning to sweat. “Yep. Came…to…investigate…”
“Guys…we’ve been on the road together for how long now? Two years?”
“Two years…” Dean agreed as he studied the beads of water on her shoulders, neck, and chest. “Two awesome years.”
She giggled. “Alright, so I guess that means we can speak plainly, right?”
Sam cleared his throat nervously. “Absolutely.”
“Look, I know you both probably better than I’ve ever known anyone, and you know me just the same. I know neither of you are naturally this nervous with women. In fact,” taking her time, she stood up. The water trickled down her wet skin as her naked body was finally fully exposed. “I know that neither of you are timid at all.”
The two stared at her in awe. Every curve of her body was perfection, every small scar, rogue freckle—she was a masterpiece.
Stepping out of the tub, her wet feet met the cold linoleum. She took slow, seductive steps towards the brothers. Both Sam and Dean’s breaths hitched in their chests.
“How well do you know us exactly?” Dean could barely choke out.
She peered up into Sam’s eyes from under her eyelashes. “Well, for one—Sam, I know you’re a pleaser. You get off making a woman feel good, dominating her just enough to make her come undone underneath you. You like it soft and intense until it builds and builds until finally…” her voice went softer. “…you let yourself go and show her no mercy until she screams your name.”
The gulp that Sam tried to swallow was almost audible and she snickered to herself, happily.
As she sidestepped, she looked up at Dean. “And Dean. You know, it took me a while to figure you out. But I did…” Her sly smile made him shiver.
“And…what did you figure out exactly?” he asked.
Her finger traced over his chest, feeling the soft fabric covering him. “You like to take charge. I think you don’t just like to make a woman lose her mind, you like to watch. You, Dean…like to play.”
He smirked as his tongue shot out over his lips. Suddenly, Dean was feeling more confident, more sure of himself. She really did know him and it drove him wild. “Hey, Sammy…” he started, his eyes never moving from her. “She get it right?”
“Oh, yeah,” he chuckled. “She’s got us pinned.”
“Oh…” Dean playfully laughed. “We won’t be the ones getting pinned. So, waddya say, Sam? Should we show her how well we know her?”
Sam couldn’t help the small rumble that came from his chest. “You better fuckin’ believe it.”
“You wanna see what you’ve been missing?” Dean asked her as his large hand went to her jawline, his fingers rubbing against her throat. “Because, I guarantee you, sweetheart…we’ve still got a few surprises left in us.”
Moving behind her, Sam gently removed the tie that held up her hair. He watched it fall, shaking it out with his fingers before they ran down her bare shoulders. Her skin was still wet and calling to his lips.
Sam dipped down, placing a gentle kiss on her shoulder. The wet droplets from her bath touched his lips and his tongue couldn’t help but creep out. He continued to kiss her until he brushed her hair to the opposite side, exposing her neck.
Dean took his time studying her. His hands landed on the sides of her ribcage, slowly moving down to her waist and hips as if he was sculpting her himself.
He looked down at her and caught her gaze as she began to breathe heavily. Dean took her chin in his hand and leaned in to ghost his lips over hers. The sensation made her gasp softly and he took his time enjoying her reaction before giving in to the kiss. It started out soft, meaningful and filling the deep desire in them both that had been building for quite some time.
She fell into it, losing herself in Dean’s lips and tongue as Sam placed wet and hungry kisses over her tingling skin.
“Dean,” Sam mumbled, his lips vibrating and awakening her nerves. “Can we take her to the bedroom now?”
As Dean pulled away from their kiss, he licked his lips, still reveling in her taste. “Yeah, I think we should.”
Without another word, Sam effortlessly scooped her up into his arms. His face was focused and serious as he carried her, following his brother out of the bathroom.
Dean sat in the middle of the bed, his legs spread slightly open. He pat the space between them. “Right here, Sammy.”
Once at the side of the bed, Sam gently laid her down where Dean had wanted her. Her knees bent at the base of the bed with her feet dangling. His eyes still were still obsessing over every inch of her.
She tilted her head back, ever so slightly, to look up at Dean who was hovering above her. His smile was mischievous, as if he was already sure of his plans.
Dean brushed her hair away from her face on both sides. “Wanna make sure I get a good look at ya.”
The growing erection in his jeans throbbed against her head and created an ache in her belly. Knowing that he was enjoying her so deeply made her only want him more.
Sam sat at the edge of the bed, his hands running down her smooth legs. He reached up to finally kiss her, humming into her mouth. Two years of lusting for her and finally paid off. It was perfect—she was perfect.
He took his time pulling away from her before eyeing his brother. “So, Dean…she said I was a pleaser. Should I show her how right she is?”
“Absolutely,” he answered.
The smirk that grew on Sam’s face made a shiver run up her spine. He slowly went to his knees and took his time spreading her legs as he planted kisses on her thighs. Sam smiled against her skin as she trembled.
Keeping eye contact with her, Sam hovered over her sex. She was already glistening wet and it made him lick his lips. He took hot breaths over her, teasing her and leaving her breathless until he finally placed his lips against her. As his tongue delved between her soaking lips, her head fell back with a gasp of pleasure.
While Sam began to tease her clit, Dean ran his fingers through her hair and across her face and lips. “How’s she taste, Sam?”
Sam moaned lightly. “Even better than I imagined.” He chuckled to himself as her peered up at her again. “I’m gonna make you mine.” He immediately began to devour her. She moaned in ecstasy as he ate her like a man starved. Sam was lapping her up, sucking on her clit, running teasing circles with his finger around her pussy.
“I think she likes it,” Dean added as he took his time cupping her breasts. He fondled them, seething through his teeth as he watched her wiggle at their touch. “Keep going, Sam.” Looking down at her, very plainly, he told her, “don’t cum yet. Let Sam have his fun.”
His words were like electricity through her body, only driving her further into insanity. Her back arched and she began to mindlessly grind into Sam’s face. He was so skilled with his tongue and his warm mouth was like heaven.
As the intensity grew and the knot in her stomach began to build, she started to fidget while her legs grew tense. She moaned loudly and Dean put a firm hand on her sternum, holding her in place.
“That’s it. Keep letting it build.”
“I--“ she panted. “Oh, god…Sam…”
Sam stopped to look up at his brother with a wet smile. “Fuck, I love when she says my name like that.” He slowly pushed in a single digit, feeling how tense and tight she was. Sam couldn’t have been more pleased as she squeezed around him. “I’m gonna ruin you,” he told her.
When her hands reached down to rifle in Sam’s hair, Dean grabbed them and held them at her sides. “Don’t distract him.”
It only took a few more seconds before her jaw dropped, profanities dripping from her lips as she climbed an unspeakable high. “Sam, I—I’m almost there.”
“Hold it,” he told her firmly while releasing her clit only momentarily.
“I can’t…” she whimpered. “Please…”
Holding onto her hands with a tighter grasp, Dean reiterated, “he said to hold it.”
She squealed softly and bit her lip as she began to shake, her body ready to explode. “Sam!!” With a deep laugh to himself, Sam stopped, leaving her on the edge. “No…” she whined.
Sam stood to his feet, watching her fight against Dean’s hold as he undressed. His was quick to remove his flannel and his chest was heaving with anticipation. He kicked off his boots and made short work of getting his jeans off. As Sam dropped his boxers, his perfect erection sprang free. It made her moan at the sight and her legs collapsed to the sides, opening herself for him.
“Dean…” Sam started. “Cover her mouth.”
With a bite of his lip, Dean placed his large hand over her mouth. She exhaled sharply through her nose and her chest rose and fell rapidly as her heart raced. She watched as Sam took her legs in his hands and lined himself up with her entrance.
“Look at me,” Sam commanded. And just as she did, he pushed his cock inside of her. He was patient, letting her stretch around him as her eyes rolled back in ecstasy. “Fuck…” he growled as his head fell back. “God, you’re so fucking perfect.”
She cried out in pleasure, the sounds muffled by Dean’s hold.
“You ready?”
With an eager nod, she consented and Sam smiled.
Taking her wrists in one of his hands and keeping his other over her mouth, Dean noticed to Sam. “Do it.”
Sam began to thrust into her, deep until he bottomed out. The sounds coming from her were a mix of cries and moans, whimpers of her body desperate for more.
“Hold on.”
With his teeth gritted, Sam began to fuck her into oblivion. Her once loud moans turned to silent shakes as she began to come undone. She could feel the edge of her first teased orgasm bringing her closer and closer, spasms filling her legs, toes, and hands.
Nearing his own crash, Sam motioned to Dean and his brother removed his hand from her mouth just as it dropped open.
“Fuck…” she whimpered.
Dean leaned down to whisper gruffly in her ear. “Sammy worked hard on you, sweetheart. Now, show him how grateful you are and cum.”
At his words, she lost her mind. Her body was no longer her own and she could have sworn she was going to pass out. She began to contract around him as her orgasm spilled out of her and dripped down his balls.
“Say my name,” Sam demanded as she twisted and contorted underneath him.
With a gasp, she yelled out, “S—Sam!”
That was all he needed to send him over the edge as he spilled deep into her. She could feel him twitching inside of her, his cum filling her and dragging out her own orgasm. Sam groaned at his release.
As the two steadied their breathing, Sam slowly pulled out. The sopping wet space between her legs evidence of Sam’s skilled movements.
Dean let go of his hold to bring her wrists to his lips, kissing where he had been holding her down as Sam went into the bathroom. “You did so good.”
She was still heaving her breaths and was completely spent.
Sam came back with a warm, wet cloth and began to clean her as gently as she could. Though with her nerves so on edge, she seethed and writhed at the slightest touch.
He dropped it to the floor and crashed down on the bed beside her as Dean lovingly touched her. Sam beamed. “You…are…incredible.” Again, he kissed her. “More than worth the wait.”
“I—I’m sorry, Dean…” she uttered out of exhaustion. “I’m so…so tired.”
Dean chuckled, still playing with her soft locks. “That’s okay, sweetheart. I had a feeling. Don’t worry. I can be patient.” He kissed her, holding her chin in place. “But, tomorrow, you’re mine.” Dean took his time getting up, careful not to disturb her. He went to the bathroom and began to snuff out the candles and tend to the mess.
Once they were alone, Sam gently turned her face towards him. He ran a sweet hand across her cheeks, soaking her in again. “God...you’re so beautiful.”
She was enamored with him, with both of them. Whether it was her feelings for the brothers that had been so long denied or the incredible sex she had just had, she wasn’t sure. “You’re amazing…”
“Well, if I was amazing it’s only because I had an amazing partner.” The two smiled happily at each other. “You know, you were right—what you said earlier.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“We should say what we mean. And after tonight, I don’t think we have anything to hide from each other,” he laughed. As his face went more serious, he brushed away her hair. “I love you. I have for I don’t even know how long.”
Leaning in to kiss him, she hummed against his lips. “I love you too.”
“Alright,” Dean said as he emerged from the bathroom. “I’m starved. Who’s up for pizza?”
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