#damn i love your imagination
itskaeee · 2 years
I CAN GO ON AND ON BUT TO SAVE EVERYONES SANITIES I WONT (u can tell i have been thinking abt this a LOT)
Oh this one hurts and you know what, you are so cruel for this. watch me taking mental notes and ✨inspiration✨
i absolutely love this entire thing and agree with everything
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knifearo · 2 months
this year my challenge for everyone is to unlearn the association between love and morality. love is not something that is inherently morally good, and the absence of love is not something that is inherently bad. sex without love isn't morally bankrupt, it's just an action. people without love aren't less kind or less good, they're just people. when we can get past this false (and often unnoticed) dichotomy of good love/evil lovelessness then i think we are going to be able to take leaps and bounds in sex positivity, aro advocacy, certain discussions of mental health...
#and also. not the direct focus. but love doesn't make things good. you can be in love and do terrible terrible things.#people do bad things in the name of love and in despite of love all the time.#but!! imagine a world where people could exist as people and not be demonized.#sex positivity means being cool about All sex. reexamine your internal systems of moral judgement.#this goes for sex workers. for aroallo people. especially aroallo men. for aro people in general who might enjoy sex.#and frankly i think it can easily bleed into discussions about mental health disorders around 'not feeling' certain things#especially demonizing ppl who don't feel as much empathy. i think there's definitely a correlation between that and the emphasis on love.#our support needs to go out to Everybody and i think these things are all structured together in one way or another!!#it might not be immediately obvious but when i tell you it all leads back to amatonormativity..... little bit wild.... large bit wild....#anyway. horror movie psychopath 'oh he can't feel emotions or love' damn alright. well. let's take a closer look at that.#silly that there's an association between lack of love and Murdering. feel like that might affect some stuff.#love is just an emotion/a feeling it doesn't mean anything about you one way or another#same with empathy. you can feel it all you want but it doesn't inherently change the actions you choose to take#anyway. thesis statement. there is a socially constructed link between love and morality. unlearn that.#kiss kiss (<— lovelessly)#aromantic#aromanticism#arospec#talking#aroace#aspec#sex positivity
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Wacky relationship dynamics that I love:
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Edit to add:
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Alchemy of Souls, Doom at Your Service, Extraordinary You, Moon in the Day, Marry My Husband, Guardian: The Lonely and Great God, Oh My Ghost, W: Two Worlds, Lovely Runner
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mayxo-hxh · 2 months
According to shalnark, manipulators are EXTREMELY VULNERABLE without their preferred weapon of choice, as they cannot use their nen abilities at all without it. As I quote, "Losing the preferred weapon is often FATAL"
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bakubunny · 6 months
gentle reminder that you are always welcome to spam like or rb any of my posts at any time. it brings me joy. idgaf about engagement or if it’s considered ‘rude’ by others. you are allowed to enjoy what i post. that’s why it’s there.
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vampirepunks · 4 months
Seeing "proship dni" (or the variety of rude variations that folks think are cute/clever *sigh*) in controversial communities, attached to dead dove content, or on selfship posts makes my head spin every damn time
my brother in christ, who else is gonna stick up for you? the antis? lol. lmao, even.
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kaylinelizabeth4004 · 9 months
(Broadchurch) Alec Hardy x Reader
Synopsis: Alec has no concept of time and barges in Y/N’s house to investigate. Shenanigans ensue.
Tags: smut, fluff, established relationship, face riding/sitting, oral sex (f receiving), slight praise, no beta we die like his heart
She'd just come out of the shower, hair up in a half hearted bun. Y/N was exhausted, the current case was on her mind. A murder, that was evident. The victim was an old woman in her home, a single gunshot to the chest and her house ransacked. But it didn't look right.
As she changed into some comfy short shorts and an oversized Elvis Presley t-shirt, she visualized the scene in her head. It just wasn't right. She remembered a little purple jewelry box up near the dresser, and it didn't appear to be opened. She made a mental note to check that out, along with the neighbors alibi and how sound could transfer in a duplex.
Of course she knew when she agreed to be a Detective Sergeant that it was going to be time consuming, that this career would become you to an extent. And she wanted that. After she accidentally stumbled into this career and saw her first scene, she knew that was what she wanted with her life. But she hadn't realized that that would mean when she does even the most basic functions, her brain would be so wholly preoccupied. She took her hair out, brushed her teeth, pulled the covers down then went to turn out the lights before climbing into them. And all throughout it, she was speculating about silencers and times of death.
Her head had barely hit the pillow before she heard a banging at her front door. She laid there for a moment, contemplating her options. It was either some tragedy has happened or some idiot come to hurt her. And quite frankly she knew she could hold her own. Y/N wasn't a fool, she wasn't going to go answer it without precaution. She quickly went and retrieved a bread knife from the kitchen before going to the door.
The knife was in position when she opened it. Instead of finding some craved criminal, or even some sobbing family member, she found her boyfriend/boss with a box of papers.
"Alec? It's one in the morning."
His eyes narrowed at the sight of her. He looked tired, but he did always look just a little tired. His hair was messed up and his beard just a touch scruffy.
"I don't trust Anderson."
"What?" She asked. He didn't answer as he walked into her house and deposited the box of files on her kitchen table. She didn't mind Alec coming over, hell she loved the chance to see him, but this was all a little unprompted for her.
"Y/N, didya get anything on Imogen Walker? I don't like her. I also don't like this bloke, who does he think he is? Fucking hell," Alec started pulling stuff out to work on.
Y/N wanted to protest, but she also knew that she wasn't going to get much sleep even if she tried. This was at least productive and she got to spend time with him. She grabbed a blanket from the living room, wrapped it around herself, and sat down at the table.
"Imogen has a few misdemeanors but nothing of this caliber, nothing that would suggest murder." She said, "As for Gary, he did have a stay in the hospital back in his twenties for mental illness. I requested the documents for the diagnosis and behavior during the stay but they probably won't come in until later today or tomorrow. I think you need to focus on her niece, her alibi is shaky at best."
If Y/N focused on DI Alec Hardy's face, she might have seen the shadow of a smile on his lips that he quickly hid with other possible motives and questions. He'd never say so, but he loved these moments. The times when he could share what he was truly passionate about with someone that he truly loved ... Those moments were the best. All he would need was Daisy cracking jokes in the corner for this moment to be complete.
It was long after the sun came up before Y/N finally decided to make some tea for the two of them. She told Alec who grumbled a one worded response she didn't bother to try and understand. Maybe it was Alec or the case, but she strangely wasn't tired. Her mind kept whirling with all the possibilities and she enjoyed the time with Alec.
"Y/N! Do you have the SOCO reports from the car in there?" Hardy called to her. "I need to call -"
He stopped, looking at her from above his glasses, his lips still perched out from his words that fell forgotten. She gave him a strange look, placing the two cuppas down on the table then passing him the SOCO report he'd wanted. Yet he still stared, didn't even bother to say a word. "Hardy?"
DI Alec Hardy was not a man of many words, but when he needed to use words he always had the right thing to say. Or at least he believed it to be the right thing to say. But now, in a moment when words would definitely be helpful, he had nothing. He just stared like a man gone wild. Y/N didn't even know what he was staring at, and she shifted awkwardly on her feet. Which drew extra attention.
"Alec? What're you looking at?"
He seemed to snap out of it, shoving his glasses up his nose and glancing back down at the paper. Y/N didn't know what to make of it, but thought perhaps he was exhausted. She pulled the kitchen chair to her, putting a leg on either side so she could rest her chest on the back of it while she read. And yet again, she looked up to see his warm brown eyes trapped on her and her body.
"Alec?" He didn't answer. "Alec! What's going on?"
Alec adjusted in his seat and said calmly, "nothing."
"Nothing is wrong. Can we continue?"
She felt silly for a moment, maybe she was exaggerating. Then she propped a leg on the chair and she saw his eyes wander again. Okay enough was enough. "Alec, what the hell?"
"Oh ho, don't Y/N me to try and get out of answering my question. What's got you looking at me at all weird?"
A pink started to spread on his cheeks and ears, but he looked away. No way, she thought. There's no way 'shitface' just blushed. Yes they'd been dating and she knew he was more than that nickname, but sometimes the occasion calling for it. Like when was blushing early in the morning for no reason, and she'd never seen him blush unless they were making love. Oh. Oh. Her eyes widened, and she felt a little smile on her lips. She stood up slowly, watching the way he tried to fight his gaze from following after.
"Alec, anything you want to tell me?" Y/N went and sat down on the edge of the table in front of him. He swallowed.
"Don't laugh."
"Darling, I would never laugh."
He rolled his eyes and looked away, not having the strength to say it while looking at her. He swiped his glasses off and groaned. "I... those shorts. I really like those shorts."
Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. That was not quite the answer she was expecting. "The shorts?"
"Your thighs, they... I like seeing them."
Her mouth fell open in a little o, adjusting her legs slightly as though thinking about them meant she had to move them. He likes her thighs, enough to distract him from work. Alec saw this reaction and immediately flushed darker, "you think I'm stupid."
"Gosh, no, no, no not at all," she said, "I just didn't know."
He still seemed embarrassed. Alec grabbed his glasses and shoved them back on his face, going to grab his work again. But Y/N felt bad, she certainly hadn't meant it like that, she would never shame him for something in the bedroom. She just wanted to know. And she found it very sweet that he found her so attractive. It made her feel sexy.
With a gentle touch she made him set his paper down. He looked with wide eyes. Y/N moved with slow, deliberate movements so Alec could take the time to digest it all. She carefully climbed onto his chair until her thighs were straddling him in his seat, though she hovered above him. She could see his adam's apple bob up and down as she placed her weight on him, leaning forward to take his glasses off. They were so close she could feel his warm breath on her cheeks. She smiled, "hi."
His large hands came to rest on her thighs almost instinctively, squeezing the flesh there. From under her, she could feel the hard length of his cock pressing against his pants. It made her rock her hips just slightly to meet it. He let out a hiss, grip tightening. She quite liked him holding her there, the way he ran his hands down the length of her thighs with a tight grip. He cherished them.
"Y/N..." he murmured, eyes half shut as he lifted a hand to cup her jaw. She leaned in and captured his lips with her own, exploring the kiss and grinding against his hips as he branded her with his touch. She always loved the feeling of his kisses, the way he fell into her touch like it was instinctual. His jaw was always delightfully scratchy and she loved to run her fingers along his beard.
When they broke and their foreheads fell against each other, each gasping for breath, he spoke softly. "Darling.. I have a request."
Alec didn't often ask for much in the bedroom. Y/N certainly wasn't trying to prevent him, he just tended to stay quiet. So she pressed a soft kiss to his scratchy beard and nodded for him to continue. He swallowed nervously before continuing, "I've this fantasy. I've only had it for you."
Alec got embarrassed sometimes when talking about sex. Oh sure, he was great during the act. But he always treated any fantasies or ideas as something stupid and silly. But Y/N didn't think that, she wanted to make it pleasurable for the both of them. If he was willing to do things for her, then she would be willing to do things for him. In a voice that came out far huskier than she intended, she said, "I want to hear it."
"I, I want you to sit on my face."
Her eyebrows shot up and she pulled away to look at him, to check that was what he wanted. His flush got darker and he tried to turn away, but she grabbed his face before he could. The corner of her mouth quirked up, "Alec Hardy, even in your fantasies you want to go down on me. Are you sure that's what you want?"
He nodded vigorously, his gaze intense. She nodded an affirmation and got off, offering a hand for him to take as she guided him into the bedroom. "Tell me where you want us."
Alec nodded. He began to take off his clothing, tossing them on the chair in the corner. Then he got onto the bed near the headboard and told you to strip as well. Here came the part he got excited about, even if excited for Alec meant a pair of wild eyebrows lifted high.
Now naked, Y/N went from the edge of the bed and crawled up to him, showing off her assets. He took a deep shaking breath. She situated herself so her cunt was right above Alec's head, thighs already shaking slightly but she was determined to stay above. Then she felt his hands grab at the back of her thighs, pulling her down.
"Alec!" She squealed, "I can't! What if I hurt you?"
"Hurt you?" He asked in an incredulous way, as though the thought was the furthest thing from his mind. "How could you hurt me?"
"My weight on you.."
He answered what he believed to be a silly question with a silly answer, and dragged her down squarely on his mouth. She laughed a little as she settled, but his hot tongue on her clit was enough to distract her to silence. Well, not silence, but certainly not laughter.
This was a sensation unlike any she'd had. Alec had gone down on her before and it was bloody fantastic, she always left panting and delirious with pleasure. But this seemed to open a whole new wave of sensations. He came into it with a crazed intensity, yearning to taste every part of her he could. His touch was everywhere, hot as it skimmed over her skin and seared her. His lips were plush as they parted to let his tongue slide along her folds, tasting her. That delightful beard was going to cause a rash tomorrow morning but she didn't care as she rocked her hips to meet his tongue's ministrations.
She tasted like sweat and sex and everything good in the world, if he could bottle it up he would. Though in the back of his mind he knew Y/N worried about crushing him with her weight, it was that sensation of being fully engulfed by her that he was so attracted to. Those burning thighs were right by his head, holding him there and clenching with each stroke of pleasure. He held onto them tightly, letting her know just how much he enjoyed it. It was better than just regular oral, it was deeper and intimate. One look up at her was enough to make him shudder and hold her tighter. She looked like a goddess, head thrown back with those raspy little moans pouring from her. Her breasts heaved on her chest, begging to be touched. If he died then and there, with the image of her above him, he'd die a very happy man.
Y/N gasped his name over and over, rolling her hips and meeting his expert tongue. He was everywhere, scorching all of her. Alec’s touch was making her dizzy with pleasure and if she wasn’t careful she’d never leave her spot here. That coil inside of her started to tighten, twisting as tingles were sent all throughout her body. She could feel her orgasm coming, tightening and tightening until with a sobbing gasp she came on Alec Hardy’s tongue.
He never stopped for one second, just lapping at her oversensitive clit until he could feel her coming down from her high. Then he adjusted, helping guide her down his body so he was sitting and she was straddling him. She melted against his chest, head in the crook between his shoulder and neck, breaths uneven.
“Oh my god,” she said finally.
Alec kissed her forehead and rubbed her back, “thank you, darling.”
She gave him a thumbs up, “you tell me all your fantasies, love, because holy fuck.”
Alec nodded, “duly noted.”
“Shut up,” she said, burying her face deeper into him with a smile.
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valkaryah · 1 year
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The Sopranos S02EP13
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elderwisp · 3 months
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Icarus: What are you auditioning for anyways?
Frances: An internship. Don’t worry though, it shouldn’t interfere with work.
Icarus: That’s great news!
Frances: I haven’t landed it yet.
Icarus: Still, that’s exciting. Are you graduating this year?
Frances: I can confidently say yes all thanks to you. I’m gonna pay you back, I haven’t forgotten. 
Icarus: Ah, don’t worry too much about that. I would much rather you focus on your future.
Frances: [ chimes ] Moddddd-est. 
Icarus: Oh my god. 
Frances: You ready?
Icarus: Mhm.
[ As soon as the bow glides across the string, a sharp vibration pierces the room. This sound is much less kinder than the last. Instead, the shrill produced from the instrument are reminiscent of an anxiety-ridden mind. ]
Frances: What do you think?
Icarus: Well… I certainly felt something.
Frances: It was bad wasn’t it? Fuuuck. No! 
Icarus: Wait! Sorry! It wasn’t bad. I think you could hear the nerves. If that was what you wanted then great!
Frances: Icarus that’s horrible! That’s not what I want them to hear!
Icarus: I mean, life imitates art, right? Is there something going on? 
Frances: Yes. It always feels like there’s something going on though. 
Icarus: And that’s fine, everyone is going through something. Myself included.
Frances: [ scoffs ] Yeah right!
Icarus: What do you mean by that?
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
When they start dating Sanji finds comfort in the assumption that Usopp has never dated anybody else either. Kissed anybody else. Lost his virginity yet. Because Sanji hasn't, and he just assumes Usopp can't possibly know more about relationships than him.
But Usopp grew up with Kaya until he was 17. And he has done all of those things. So now Sanji is even more nervous about all of this, but Usopp doesn't seem to be more relaxed, either? And it's so confusing. So while Sanji panics about all the firsts they have yet to have together, Usopp does the same.
So Sanji is kind of like "Why are YOU nervous?! You're the one who has done all this shit already I- I don't even know where to start!"
"But it's the first time I do them with YOU. "
We often forget they're canonically anxious teenagers who really really really don't know anything about love and they have to experience these things together. And I find that beautiful.
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adastra121 · 7 months
Every once in a while, I think about how MC and Rime’s dynamic is the funniest and saddest thing ever.
Because…MC stole his life. Then his weapon. Then his job. Then his boyfriend. And then, depending how you play it, MC also steals his heart.
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skinnypaleangryperson · 2 months
Try very hard not to be somebody that is so simple that they are a literal walking cliche stereotype of a boring fixation and placing their entire identity around it with multiple projects daydreaming and disorders around it to give them comfort to get through a hell of a pathetic small little life, but it just seems to be in my nature.
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moeblob · 7 days
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And then she threatens to kill him if he doesn't man up and say that while looking her in the eye (and then he apologizes while looking at her in the eye because he cannot be directly rude).
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lucifermeo · 2 years
something about the central theme of shin soukoku being "am i worthy of living?" while for soukoku it's actually "is living worth it for me?" is so funny to me like skk said we gotta out-edge our kouhai's existential crisis
aka what happens when your self-esteem is rock-bottom versus what happens when your sense of self is bigger than god. don't get me wrong there's enough of self-hatred to pass around between skk but while they do blame their own inhumanity for why living is so painful, they also know they're the shit and so they turn to judge the worthiness of living (as a human) itself
which is also why dazai being sskk's mentor is so funny. if you think about it he's literally just their personal "person most worthy of living" mascot who doles out 'you did well's like band-aids for their issues. but there's always this disconnect because dazai can't empathise with them so he does nothing for the root of the problem and they have to fix it themselves through each other. which is hilarious because then
everyone: *comes at dazai for being ass at this mentorship thing*
dazai: have you considered our vibes don't match the central themes of our characters are incompatible?
(also there's no chuuya & sskk interaction in the main manga/LNs but if you consider what asagiri himself wrote for adaptations as canon-ish then his interaction with akutagawa has the exact same disconnect that dazai has. like you would think dazai just naturally has low empathy so chuuya would be better right? no. aku was on his usual 'i need dazai-san's approval to prove my worth' in the onsen drama cd and dead apple stageplay and the whole time chuuya's just '??????' not because he doesn't know aku is like that but he doesn't get it. it's even funnier in the DA stageplay because now chuuya suddenly needed aku to defeat rashoumon and get to dazai/the building but he doesn't know how to motivate him and so decided to just....copy dazai AKDJFJFKSSK like taunting aku by saying he doesn't understand dazai at all, calling him worthless without rashoumon??? i mean by the end he did sorta imply he didn't mean it to akutagawa and say dazai already approved of aku since this is chuuya after all, but it shows when it came down to it chuuya truly gets dazai and not at all akutagawa)
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good-beanswrites · 3 months
"Prisoner @waivyjellyfish ! Milgramblrgram has judged you guilty for your crimes! It is time to meet your judgement. As the wardens' fang, I take that responsibility upon myself!" (Muahaha -- Es angst for you 👊)
Es clutched at their head. Their fingers tore through their hair. It was the middle of the night, so they resisted the urge to shout. They didn’t want to draw any attention to themself. If they remained completely silent, though, they wouldn’t need to refrain from crying.
And so they cried.
You see, there is only one sensation worse than waking up from an awful dream: waking up from a very, very, good one. 
Es had grown accustomed to the nightmares that Milgram produced. In these dreams, Es might take the place of the prisoners. Their stomach would twist with horror at the blood on their hands. Other times, they found themselves in the victim’s shoes. They’d wake in a cold sweat, feeling hands closing around their throat, or weapons swung at their temple. 
But they weren’t prepared for a dream of absolute peace. They were happy. They were laughing. There were people nearby, smiling. It was all emotion and no detail – not a single face, place, or voice, was clear – but they knew for sure what the dream had consisted of.
Es was with their family. 
They choked out another sob. 
For the longest time, they wondered if they even had a past to remember. But that was all foolishness – Milgram was in the business of judging humans, not creating them out of thin air. They’d tried asking Jackalope, once. He turned out just as cryptic as some of the prisoners in their interrogations. Another time, they had considered using the prison’s mysterious machine on themself. There was no way to operate it alone, though. And when it came down to it, they were always alone.
They curled themself tight, dragging the bedsheets with them. Usually when they wondered about their past, mere curiosity washed over them. Now, they were flooded with an entirely new type of longing. It filled their chest. No, that wasn't it. Rather, the feeling left a wide hole through them.
If they did have a family, had Es been stolen away? Could there be someone else out there right now, crying in the middle of the night, just as hard as Es was crying for them? The thought was not comforting.
Or, like Es, had they forgotten all traces of their connection? That possibility also did more harm than good.
Es tried to reassure themself – if this family hadn’t come looking for them, maybe it meant they weren't wanted in the first place. Maybe Es had been willingly turned over to Milgram, their parents glad to be rid of them.
That thought didn't help at all.
Something clattered out in the corridor. That must have been what woke them. They rose from bed, ready to raise hell. How dare one of the prisoners rip them from such a dream. Es could never return. The offender would pay for this. 
It took only a moment to put on their uniform and wipe the tears from their cheeks. They swung the door open to find Haruka stumbling down the hall. 
“Prisoner number one, what the –” they grabbed his arm. Only then did they notice the dazed look in his eyes. His body flinched, waking from what must have been sleepwalking.
“Ah! W-warden!” He blinked, his mind still stuck somewhere else. “I’m s-sorry! What, ah… I was dreaming... She was – she was right here…”
Es took a measured breath. They steeled their expression. There would be no unleashing hell tonight. They had lost sight of their role. They had gotten distracted with childish emotions and silly dreams. They were Milgram’s warden, not some kid like Haruka who wandered around the prison late at night looking for his mama. 
Es adjusted the hat over their hair. It was good, they told themself, that they couldn't remember a thing from the dream. They didn't need any of those people. They were perfectly fine on their own. Such a distraction would not happen again.
“Let’s get you back to bed.”
“But, my p-parents, they were–”
“They’re not here. Nobody is. Back to your cell, prisoner.”
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just-null-cult · 8 months
HI JAY!! i just saw ur post abt giving u ideas as to what costumes to give nori and omg my brain automatically gave me an image
NORITOSHI AS CAT!!!! like with pink paws and white fur like in a onesie 😭😭 omg he would look sooo cuteeeeeeee aldoe he acts like a black cat but he physically he would suit a white cat's costume so much better omg imagine him with a pout complaining abt it like he wanted to be something else but u suggested that idea and he cant say no OWNFKDKDKKDDK
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HI ROSE!! you're so fucking fr for this. i finished this so fast i felt like it wasnt enough so i messed around and doodled some more.. maybe i'll continue doing this with some of the costume ideas? who knows.
all i knows is how cute this cat boy is
[Doodles under the cut!]
hes.. he's so fucking cute as a cat... I see you're on the side that sees Noritoshi as cat like. interesting. I 100% approve.
I couldn't choose between black cat or white so I went with both and a mix... I fucking. I can't with your mind. it's so big. the pouting got me fucked up bro. you're so fucking fr.................
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noritoshi is a very serious and very hard working heir. its why his toe beans are so tantalizing
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