#cw: facism
lonewolfinthetardis · 2 months
My experience reading Respawn of the Dead
So I decided to read a classic piece of TF2 fan fiction, Respawn of the Dead. It has glowing reviews and it seemed like an interesting idea for a fan fiction, albeit one I've read countless times. I enjoyed the first few chapters, until I came upon something that stayed with me the entire time I read the fic. The characterisation of the mercs.
Spoilers below the line
Yes I know that this fic was published only two years after the game came out, therefore we knew basically nothing about the backstories of our beloved mercenaries. But the way these characters were written rubbed me the wrong way. These were not the lovable characters that I've come to know and love (the exception being Pyro). These were characters that I had trouble visualising in my head, I could not see them as the beloved mercenaries of Team Fortress 2 (except Pyro again, and sometimes Heavy).
The author of course went down the route of "Medic and Heavy are German and Russian, let's make them an ex-nazi and a communist!", which is something that has me fuming. Of all the possible backstories for those two, the author had to choose that?! I honestly thought it was a joke at first, but nope, that was the backstories they chose for those two much loved characters.
Don't get me started on Soldier! This man is a raging homophobe and xenophobe (the fic's words, not mine). This fan fiction is also the only time I've read Soldier using racial slurs about Demo. There's other issues with Soldier, but I don't have time for that.
Other issues I found with this fic were the constant outdated terms, derogatory names, racisms, and homophobia. While I understand that this fan fiction was set in the 1960's, and those terms were common then, doesn't mean that readers had to go in without knowing what they were in for. Which brings me to my next point!
The tagging, or the non-existant tagging. This fic contains extremely confronting imagery, scenes, and language. You'd think that there would be at least some tags right? Wrong. The only tag is the Heavy/Medic ship tag. No warning of gore, violence, major character death, or implied non-con. No warnings about the racial slurs, bigotry, or just general tags telling the reader what the fic is about.
I genuinely don't know why no-one else has brought up the horrible mischaracterisation in this fic before (yes I know it's 15 years old), and I don't get why so many are praising how well it's written?! There are no paragraph breaks telling you where one scene ends and another begins, which left me confused until I came across context clues.
All in all, this fan fiction left me fuming. I understand not getting the characterisation right due to how new the game was, but a little imagination would've been nice.
The only good thing about this fic was Pyro. They were a lovely character, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about them. It was definitely a refreshing part of the reading journey.
Respawn of the Dead had an interesting idea, but was executed poorly in some places. While some may love this part of TF2 fan fiction history, I will gladly leave it in my "never read again pile".
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
@ 744442324213530624/new-kin-agony-when-people-take-the-gs-off-words
Hey! Lets not pretend that people kinning from "problematic media" automatically means they support it or its creators! Thats actually really fucking mean! Especially when your wording goes as far as to imply they are invalid as kins!!! Let people have critical thinking skills. And How many times does it have to be said that people do not choose their kins (or fictives, which are also applicable here even though you did not mention them) before people stop acting like this! Its ridiculous! It's annoying!
Your "positivity" toward Eridan is meaningless when Homestuck is ALSO deemed problematic media by many people (and agreed, certainly didnt age well in many aspects) while you condem anyone who touches a different one.
You can choose not to interact with people who kin from things like Hazbin, but I refuse to let you put my fellow kinfolk down because you think Eridan holds exclusive authority over "not using g", or that Eridan's source ISNT full of issues as well.
~An Eridan kin, who also happens to kin Husk. What a funny coincidence. (/s)
p.s. its also just weird to act like not using g in "ing" words is exclusive to only these two characters. My Quirk isnt being basterdized. Many people who dont even kin dont type a g all the fucking time what the fuck.
Anonymous asked:
Hi Im the Eridan that just sent in an ask response and I realized I should include a very clear obvious example of Homestuck also having flaws. Mpc Please add this onto the other ask.
I know fandom widley ignores that because really what the fuck was that, but LETS NOT PRETEND THAT ERIDAN IS A PURE CHARACTER COMPARED TO SOME POOR GUY WITH ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ADDICTIONS.
Anonymous asked:
maybe... DON'T bully people for who they kin? we don't kin for fun, dude. most people can't control it. i hate hazbin hotel, too, but that isn't an excuse to say this shit. ESPECIALLY sending it into a blog where a bunch of hazbin kinfolk have been kinfessing, so you're clearly aware at least one husk kin is going to see it.
party note if anyone wants to continue this converastion plase like reply or reblog this post. no further ask responses will be posted for it. thank you.
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autistic-katara · 9 months
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goyim on this site rlly just say shit
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coulsonlives · 1 year
If you didn't already know: calling certain kinds of art 'degenerate', 'gross', and/or 'sick' is a nazi/fascist dogwhistle, and it's related to their pro-eugenics narrative.
Here's the deets:
From wikipedia:
The Degenerate Art exhibition (German: Die Ausstellung "Entartete Kunst") was an art exhibition organized by Adolf Ziegler and the Nazi Party in Munich from 19 July to 30 November 1937. The exhibition presented 650 works of art, confiscated from German museums, and was staged in counterpoint to the concurrent Great German Art Exhibition.[1] The day before the exhibition started, Hitler delivered a speech declaring "merciless war" on cultural disintegration, attacking "chatterboxes, dilettantes and art swindlers".[1]Degenerate art was defined as works that "insult German feeling, or destroy or confuse natural form or simply reveal an absence of adequate manual and artistic skill".[1]
Hitler's rise to power on 30 January 1933 was quickly followed by actions intended to cleanse the culture of so-called degeneracy: book burnings were organized, artists and musicians were dismissed from teaching positions, and museum curators were replaced by Party members.[2]
From the holocaust encyclopedia:
When the Nazi Party assumed control in 1933, its leaders began a campaign to align German politics, society, and culture with Nazi goals. This process of Nazification was widespread. The effort became known as Gleichschaltung, the German word for “coordination” or “synchronization.”
The Nazi regime disbanded organizations of every kind. It replaced these groups with state-sponsored, Nazi professional associations, student leagues, and sports and music clubs. To qualify for membership, a person had to be a politically reliable citizen and able to prove “Aryan” ancestry. All others were excluded from these groups and increasingly from the rest of German society.
In September 1933, the Nazis created the Reich Chamber of Culture. The Chamber oversaw the production of art, music, film, theater, radio, and writing in Germany. The Nazis sought to shape and control every aspect of German society. They believed that art played a critical role in defining a society’s values. In addition, the Nazis believed art could influence a nation’s development. Several top leaders became involved in official efforts on art. They sought to identify and attack “dangerous” artworks as they struggled to define what “truly German” art looked like.
The Nazis also claimed that the ambiguity of modern art contained Jewish and Communist influences that could “endanger public security and order.” They claimed that modern art conspired to weaken German society with “cultural Bolshevism.” According to Nazi ideology, only criminal minds could be capable of creating such so-called harmful art. The Nazis called this art "degenerate." They used the term to suggest that the artists' mental, physical, and moral capacities must be in decay. At the time, "degenerate" was widely used to describe criminality, immorality, and physical and mental disabilities.
The campaign to define and control art was shaped by disagreements among leaders. Officials competed for influence within the party and government. In this case, chief Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg clashed with Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels led the Reich Chamber of Culture. As a young man, he had admired prominent avant-garde German artists. He even hoped that a form of “Nordic Expressionism” could become an official Nazi style of art. Rosenberg led a more conservative faction called the Combat League for German Culture. This effort was more aligned with Adolf Hitler’s tastes. Hitler prefered more realistic and classical styles of painting, sculpture, and architecture. Goebbels won this clash with Rosenberg by conforming to Hitler's tastes.
The regime attempted to clarify what “truly German art” looked like in summer 1937. The first annual Great German Art Exhibition opened in Munich at that time. Hitler reviewed selected artworks the month before it opened. He furiously ordered the removal of many examples of German avant-garde art. Goebbels witnessed this outburst and began making hasty plans for a separate exhibition. He intended to define and mock the types of art that the regime considered "degenerate." Hitler approved of the plan. The Nazis began confiscating thousands of artworks from German museums.
Roughly one third of the most valuable confiscated artworks were ultimately sold to enrich the Nazi regime. Another third of the artworks disappeared. Some have reemerged over the years. With few exceptions, none of the works were returned to the museums from which they were taken. German museums have not received financial restitution. In rare cases, some art from private collections was returned to its rightful owners. Several European and American museums still possess artworks taken by the Nazis.
Edit: To the pro-censorship antis who are reblogging this, congrats on missing the point COMPLETELY.
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futurebird · 11 months
How many different ways can one say "I'm a fascist." ?
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Here is what we are going to do. It's just as reasonable and fair as the above "idea," but probably would have much better outcomes: If you have a kid your vote passes to someone age 14-30 with no kids (selected at random.)
First the father's vote goes, then, for a second kid, the mother's vote. (For couples that don't have exactly one man it's random.)
(Hilariously, when thinking about what might be 'wrong' with this idea, and many things are very wrong with it... I found myself much more concerned about a state-managed method of identifying parents becoming an invasion of privacy--- than I was about all the other things wrong with it. The second worst thing about it is it might discourage some people from having kids if they are obsessed with voting. So, it should be paired with robust financial support for people with kids, public health care, excellent public schooling, and extended paid leave for new parents.) It's still a terrible idea. It's still better than what the so-called "smartest guy in the room" is thinking about. Can you imagine how stagnant and paranoid a state where only people with kids could vote would be? Death to all human growth an innovation right there.
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stevesbigbazoxngas · 2 years
Listen, I love Steve. But I do not want to see him back in the MCU.
His story is done, unless he's being brought back in the present, and unless Sam is still in the spotlight. I do not want him back.
I don't want Steve in the fucking 50s. I don't want Steve to be complicit with HYDRA. Fuck that.
Steve's story is done. He had a good run in the MCU. I think he had a full story, and even if I didn't agree with his ending, I think he still had a really engaging and interesting story in full.
Please, please, don't make a Hydra-Cap, don't make a 50's Stay at Home Dad sitcom with Peggy. Dear god.
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sometimesraven · 11 months
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had an idea. did the idea. will be available on redbubble as soon as they approve it (hopefully)
the symbol is one i've seen terfs using around
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deadpoppet · 2 years
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Computer, enhance.
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uh oh!
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saturnberry · 2 years
"Millennium's characters are boring and one dimensional."
Yea genius that's because they're all caricatures of stereotypes (two of which are racist) and reused tropes which are in no way original or creative, their whole personality are these various tropes with a name attached to it and a cooky design. not to mention they're all part of a nazi organization who variously show it off like a gucci designer bag and who almost all share some form of beliefs from the roots of their organization.
then again this is found throughout hellsing w stereotypical designs which often tightrope the line of being racist/offensive while some blatantly cross it.
overall i hate this series and all of the characters in it from a critical point, but from a mental illness hyperfixation stand point i love it and all of the characters within the series.
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leaslichoma · 9 months
Canadian parliament applauds nazi veteran
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dannyvantass · 1 year
its actually frustratingly difficult to explain to someone who has "violence is never the answer" as a fundamental truth that punching a nazi is acceptable when it prevents someone who listens to the nazi from getting riled up and shooting a bunch of people later down the line. i literally said this and she literally replied "i'm not so sure about that.." and i said ok
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lime-peaches666 · 1 year
Does anyone else wonder if Felix Cipher kins Fred Jones from Velma and Velma only?
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coulsonlives · 4 months
For self-proclaimed leftists, some of y'all seem weirdly comfortable with telling people to kill themselves
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doctorguilty · 2 years
Cw: facism, politics, etc
Just gonna say it, not that I really want to talk about Twitter but someone has to say it I think. I don't think Elon expected the twitter employees to stay. I think he intentionally set up ridiculous work conditions so he could push them towards willingly resigning, which is what shit employers do when they want to terminate people but not have to jump through hoops to make it not illegal. In their place, he will hire droves of employees more in line with his views (facism), which there will be no shortage of alt right tech fanboys ready to suck him off at Twitter headquarters. Twitter will live, and it's algorithms and moderation will favor the alt right more than ever and grow into a massive misinformation and propaganda machine. Socially, it will become, essentially, /b/ and /pol/ if they were a social media site instead of image boards, except massively populated by normie people who are either already bigots or easy groomed into being bigots as per the social climate of the site. All of the leftists, LGBTQ users, etc willingly leaving en masse is absolutely ideal and part of this vision.
That is my hypothesis anyway, and I can only hope I'm giving Elon too much braincell credit but then again, facism really doesn't need a lot of brainpower to spread when you're rich and famous (see also: trump). Hopefully, in either case, the site just completely goes offline due to Elon getting whacked with more business violations quicker than he can patch them up. I really can't think of a best case scenario other than that. Left the way it is, it's just going to become an uninhabitable political cess pool. 🤷‍♂️
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gibaraltar · 1 year
CW transphobia, facism, american politics --- so like just because they "cant do anything" (bullshit, but whatever), the federal dems are just gonna... what? Not even say shit about the open facism creeping through the states? Because it's happening primarily to/about trans people?
So far the only response I saw from Biden and Co to anything happening over the last few weeks was to fence-sit about trans athletes, which does nothing but kind of legitimize that fear to those feeling it, and meanwhile we're well past "a few states bullying like 12 constituents for the crime of--" (check notes) "--liking to play sport," and well into "not allowing an elected representative to speak on anything for the session because she was kind of passionate when advocating once while being trans". Reeks of a similar unpreparedness they also showed when roe was overturned, like when kamala was completely shocked she was even asked about it in an interview something like a week after the fact. Like you didnt prepare for that??????? you just thought noone would ask, about it at all? Let alone if you had some sort of plan, approach? You don't even have a gut response of "oh, yeah, its fucked up we want to do everything we can"? It is NOT that hard!? like you can't just let the opposition just say whatever they want to absolutely no argument from you. like it just looks like you agree but cant say it. Well... I mean. 👞 if the shoe fits. The trans shit does make repubs look crazy but... propaganda works, and for when it doesn't they're putting laws in place to make sure theres just generally less people around who disagree but who can still vote. Is,,, is that not problematic for the "just vote" party? But then again they've done little to nothing about the rampant gerrymandering, voter suppression.... I just feel like im going insane watching them silent on everything. Your strategy cannot still be "lol well they're clowns so they'll show their own ass!" after trump. apparently many people like that or at least don't actively like you enough to oppose it, certainly too many people sit it out for you to just risk it all by having no other proactive strategies. moreover it's just morally the right thing to do to say "hey this shit sucks"? fucking ghouls.
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I'm scared. CW: Transphobia, murder, genocide, censorship, dehumanization, mental illness, physical illness, nuclear warfare, dystopia, facism, dysphoria, internalized transphobia, religious trauma, CSA/pedophilia, rape, ableism
I'm scared that KOSA is going to pass and I am no longer going to be able to access the internet. I'm scared that, due to my mother having some kind of illness that made her gain weight to such a degree that she could no longer walk, I will inherit that same illness. I'm scared that with all the conflict in the Middle East, World War III will break out and the world will end with a nuclear apocalypse. I'm scared that the entire world is going to turn into a capitalist, corporate run dystopia where people are forced to work 18 hours a day and live in company-owned housing. I'm scared that there is a Hell, and that I'm going to go there. I'm scared that Donald Trump is going to become president again and ban being LGBTQ+ on a federal level, making it impossible for me to live, work, or escape the country. I'm scared that I will never be able to get a job or care for myself, because I have autism. I'm scared that a doctor will refuse me gender-affirming care: because I have autism. Because I have a family history of mental illness. Because I have a family history of diabetes. Because I have a family history of hypothyroidism. I'm scared that I'll never pass as a man. I'm scared that if I transition, I'll regret it. I'm scared that if I transition, I'll never be taken seriously as a writer. I'm scared that I'll never be able to publish anything because I'm not good at writing. I'm scared that I'll never be able to turn my writing into a career. I'm scared that I'll be murdered by transphobes. I'm scared that I'll end up like Nex Benedict. I'm scared that I'll never be treated like a man. I'm scared that I won't live to my thirtieth birthday. I'm scared that I won't live to my twentieth birthday. I'm scared that I won't live to my seventeenth birthday. I'm scared that I'll be forgotten after I die. I'm scared that my writing will be forgotten after I die. I'm scared that I'll lose everyone I care about. I'm scared that I'll have to abandon my long-time best friend in order to get away from my transphobic family and this awful country. I'm scared that I'll never be able to have children, because I might turn into a pedo like my father and my adoptive father. I'm scared of children, because I feel unclean. I'm scared that I'll be forced to marry a man, be raped, and forced to have a child- which will have serious, long lasting effects on my mental health. I'm scared that I'll be forced to be a woman for the rest of my life. I'm scared that I'm a coward and a hypocrite, because I want to flee to a country where LGBTQ+ rights are prominent, instead of staying in America and fighting for those rights. I'm scared that by the time I can leave this country, there won't be anywhere left for me to go. I'm scared.
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