#nazi feminists fuck off
sometimesraven · 11 months
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had an idea. did the idea. will be available on redbubble as soon as they approve it (hopefully)
the symbol is one i've seen terfs using around
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queerasaurus-rexx · 2 years
you cannot meaningfully exclude trans women from womanhood without equating afab people to their ability to have babies.
terfs like to say anyone who could potentially produce eggs is a woman.
but eggs serve no function outside the reproductive process.
if your requirement for entrance to womanhood is the potential to have babies, you are not and never were a feminist.
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strangefable · 1 year
terfs on this site seriously have nothing better to do than go to random posts made months ago and whine and complain that i said they're not welcome on my blog, as if we had anything in common in the first place (we don't).
honey, get a fucking life and maybe then you'll stop being so obsessed with people you don't even know
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snekdood · 1 year
i think ppl need to make more content emphasizing the relationship between white supremacy and the oppression of women. bc maybe. just maybe. all this shit w/ nazis siding with terfs and videos/articles about the connections between white supremacy and their oppression will make them snap out of it.
#i would but im not nearly educated on this stuff enough#i do what i can#ok now @ terfs. think about it for a second. if the white supremacists are siding with terfs. do you reaaallly think they're invested in#protecting women?#the terfs i mean. do you really think terfs are invested in protecting women when its nazis who are the most sympathetic to their message?#are you really gonna sit here and say 'the trans menace' is such a bigger threat and so much more important that you need to link arms#with nazis to eliminate people for *checks notes* wanting to be them fucking selves as they feel on the inside?#what ever happened to 'be whatever you want'#whatever happened to 'women can do everything men can do'#bc if you see me as a woman. why in tf cant i become a man if i can do everything they can do?#and if women can do everything men can do- y'know. the common feminist understanding you terfs seem to fail to remember-#then why in tf are yall so scared about the supposed 'men' in your sports?#aside from the fact that trans girls on e are evenly matched with you already in sports. ignoring that scientific fact for a second to play#around in your reality. how are you gonna call yourself a feminist if you dont think you're actually GENUINELY evenly matched?#even though the science literally says you're evenly matched. how are you a feminist and think women can do 'everything men can do' but#cant actually compete in a few instances actually#like you're not a feminist. you're a conservative. thats a conservative belief. any limiting beliefs about what women can do#is a conservative belief.#'women can do everything men can do except for when i feel specifically weak against them' fuck off
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stealth-liberal · 4 months
Whew, I have a lot to say, and I know for a FACT that not a single non Jewish person on here will give a shit... but I have to vent.
Antisemitism in America is so bad that I honestly don't know if it's safe to send my daughter off to college in 2 years. She doesn't know either. Both of us have discussed her staying home and doing as much of her university education online, so as to keep her safe. She has sensory issues and an anxiety disorder... and already she has been rejected all over the place in her high school campus since 10/7.
The Women's Empowerment Club? The club leader has made it so that no female Jewish student feels safe there, and all of them quit. The little leftist neo nazi in charge of it probably cheered as they left and patted herself on the back for her "praxis". Maybe she can start goose stepping and yelling "Heil Hitler!" while she's at it. But she's not unique. Feminist organizations the world over deny mass rape of Jewish women. Why? Because it's Me Too Unless You're a Jew. They want us all raped and in the grave. Period.
The Pride Club? Forget it. All queer Jewish kids are persona non grata there. Apparently it's cool if Jewish queers are the subject of violence... and I can't say more or I'll start wanting to kill people. I am bisexual, my husband is bisexual, our daughter is lesbian. I have been part of this community since I was 12 as an ally and since I was 15 as a bisexual (took me some time to figure out what I was). My daughter came out in 4th grade for G-d's sake. We've been there, fighting the fight and now... queer organizations all over the world are abandoning us. They honestly hope we will all die, the more violently the better.
I was a proud intersectional feminist and a proud queer woman my whole life. Or at least ever since I could make decisions about that sort of stuff and what I believed. And I have been abandoned, my daughter has been abandoned, for blood sport. Her friends are pulling away from her and we all know why... because she committed the unpardonable sin of being Jewish.
Funny part? The Muslim Student Union has done nothing to her or the other Jewish kids on campus. Ponder that thought leftists if you will.
My son is in 8th grade and for the entirety of his 6th and 7th school years he was relentlessly bullied for being Jewish. We live in a red town and it was right wing antisemitism. It was so bad that I had to remove him for his safety from the school for a while. Now? It's left wing as well, he's catching it from both sides and I don't know how to protect him.
No one cares. Frankly, if my 13 year old son committed suicide to get away from it all... they would throw a party. Another dirty Jew/Zionist down... am I right? None of you give a fuck.
I marched, I protested, I voted, I phone banked. I lived my beliefs in action, and the left betrayed me. They fantasize about me and my children being raped and murdered. The more graphically it could happen, the better for them. Frankly, I think they get off to the videos Hamas released in the privacy of their rooms at night.
There's nowhere to run. Israel isn't an option. I know everyone thinks Jews are dripping in wealth... but I frankly do not have enough money to move my family to the other side of the planet. My husband is in IATSE, the stage hand local. There are no jobs waiting for him there. There are no jobs waiting for me there. I have no family there. Neither does he.
Actually, my husband isn't Jewish. I am, our children are, but he is not. He supports us in our Jewishness 100%, but he is not a Jew and he never wanted to convert. Which is fine with me... but how the hell does that work in a country where there is no civil marriage?
I'm not Orthodox, I don't want to be Orthodox. I want full egalitarianism, so I go to Reform, Renewal, or Conservative synagogues, depending on what is closer to wherever I live. Israel is a VERY Orthodox country, and the options are Orthodox or completely secular. This is a criticism I've been laying at Israel's feet for DECADES.
And Jew Haters better not use this as a way to say how awful Israel is. Not when the countries surrounding Israel are either dictatorships or absolute power, divine right monarchies who kill dissenters constantly.
So... there's really nowhere for my family to go. So I guess I'll stay where I am being a liberal Jew and waiting for the sick marriage of MAGA and Leftists to come to my door and kill me and my family.
None of you care. All of you would cheer. I'll never trust any of you again for the rest of my life. Till the day I die... I'll never trust any of you in any part of my life (online or offline) again.
1 in 5 members of Gen Z think the Holocaust didn't happen. 2/3rds of Gen Z think stories of the Holocaust are exaggerated and that Jews were somewhat complicit in what happened to us. Blame the victim...amirite? The rates amongst Millennials are not as horrific... but they're still bad. You all are going to commit a 2nd Holocaust and pat yourself on the backs. And when history remembers you all as the Nazis part 2... you will babble in your nursing homes that you were "Just trying to save the world from the Zionist/Jewish scourge."
When that happens, I hope you die in a puddle of your own shit.
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drbased · 1 year
A guide on how to be a radfem AND an actual leftist!
So say you see this comic shared by a radfem online:
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OK, so straight off the bat we have a kind of... suspicious portrayal of a trans person. In my experience, if a comic has this kind of overly polished art style, well, it's probably not made by a radfem, and it's probably made by a man. In fact, the comic style this reminds me of the most is stonetoss, a barely covert neo-nazi, whose comics I have seen, once again, shared on radblr!!
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(fyi this isn't the exact comic bc I couldn't find the one i saw on radblr a while ago, but you get the idea)
If you're an actual committed leftist, you probably don't want to be platforming outright neo-nazis.
And unfortunately for us feminists, a lot of neo-nazis are also anti-trans. So if you're about to share something from outside the radfem bubble, you just might wanna check first to see if it's thinly veiled hate speech that this guy MrPumpkinFace (whose name is in the comic, just to make searching easy for you!!) supports and -
oh - oh god -
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Yeah, doesn't take much of a search to find out exactly what kind of politics this guy supports. I repeat:
It doesn't take much of a search to find out exactly what kind of politics this guy supports.
Also, here's a bonus stonetoss comic for ya:
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So that's your definitive guide for not being a
complete fucking moron
In the name of 'owning the transes'!!
All you have to do is use that famous radfem pattern recognition and the equally famous radfem common sense and the equally famous radfem ability to check sources - all of which goes out the window when it comes to this subject apparently!!!
(Sorry, did I say this was a guide on how to be a 'leftist'? Sorry, I mean this was a guide on how to do the BARE. FUCKING. MINIMUM.)
Please, please, please don't leave it to random idiots like me to have to keep doing basic google searches for you all, and good fucking luck getting your average mainstream leftist to have any sympathy for you when you're uncritically sharing literal nazi comics on your supposedly feminist platform!!!
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Regarding radical feminists (specifically transphobic ones) becoming fascists: it's a thing. You let yourself fall into one form of bigoted thinking, it gets easier and easier to adopt others. And that's how we get JK Rowling denying Nazi crimes in the year 2024.
oh my fucking god. someone accused her of „upholding nazi ideology around gender“ which she called a fever dream because gender was not a thing in nazi germany since the distinction between sex and gender was made mid 20th century. all the claims about trans people being targeted by the nazis come from the fact they burned books by magnus hirschfeld and made him close his institut where he did research on transsexuals - his wikipedia states he was targeted for being JEWISH and GAY. not because of his research.
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this article also makes clear that being trans only meant people crossdressing, which mostly - almost exclusively - affected gay men who were indeed targeted by the nazis as emphasised by homosexuals getting their own symbol in the concentration camps. crossdressers were indeed persecuted because they were regarded as homosexuals.
and just my personal opinion? doing experimental research on what we today understand as homosexuals with internalised homophobia and gender dysphoria is not trans friendly. they usually died soon after the surgeries. if hirschfeld had not been jewish and gay but a non-jewish heterosexual german in the nsdap selling it as the medicalisation and castration of homosexuals it was to the nazis, they certainly would have let him do it or even supported it as part of their eugenics politics. seeing as he was racist and sexist too. and one of his doctors went on to work for the nazis, for example (source: the scientist magazine below).
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oh and by the way it is really difficult to find sources that are not tainted by modern gender ideology applied to what went down at that clinic.
this article for instance talks about „transgender“ people getting „gender affirming care“ when - again - gender was introduced as a concept after the fact.
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i wish some more of you would realise this. trans, whether that be transvestite, transsexual or transgender, is not a universal concept like biological sex and homosexuality. it is entirely cultural.
oh and lastly, did you know that the nazis persecuted prostitutes but opened brothels in concentration camps and other places? and did you know that many of the women prostituted by german nazis were jewish, roma and eastern european? and did you know that pro trans groups and parties are supporting the liberal prostitution law in germany that enables and fosters the mass sexual exploitation of eastern european women at the hands of german men in german brothels TODAY? where is the uproar for that huh? you people are deeply unserious when it comes to social justice issues and prefer engaging in manufactured rage online over actually analysing and dismantling systems of oppression. fuck off now
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violet-lavender-fem · 3 months
Don't mind me just dropping receipts of JK Rowling engaging in holocaust denial~ Tee hee! :3
so i’m 1 minute and 16 seconds into the video and this man is saying that the fact jkr is expressing shock in the first tweet is due to the nazis burning books abt sex reassignment / gender
and not due to being basically called a nazi for being a feminist
let’s continue shall we
okay 5 minutes in and he still hasn’t proven that she was denying nazi book burning and not just ,, balking at being called a nazi, which is a serious fucking accusation
no sir (5:30) the “only good faith reading” of this tweet isn’t that she’s ignorant it’s that she’s taking offense to someone saying she follows nazi beliefs
(6:28) being opposed to the medical experimentation being performed on gnc people is not “being aligned with nazis” it’s called a nuanced issue that people come to separate conclusions on for different reasons. feminists are anti-porn bc we see it as rape on tape. conservatives hate porn bc they think women should never have sex. vaguely similar conclusions, completely different motivations and arguments.
(7:12) simply calling lgb alliance an “anti trans lobbying group” is a bit disingenuous lol
(7:59) y’all are abt to downplay eugenics and sexual inversion theory aren’t u
(8:35) yep
(8:52) still haven’t convinced me she said the book burning never happened
(9:45) a quick dig at the guy’s appearance, great, totally normal
(10:16) has this man never heard of paraphrasing as a way of making a statement more concise. jesus fucking christ
(10:30) ok the smallest possible acquiescence to paraphrasing as a concept
(12:00) yea he was definitely racist and a eugenicist :/ we’re not gonna dwell on that tho <3
(12:45) actually we’re actively going to downplay it <3 let’s just call him vaguely “problematic”
(13:32) or because he believed gay people were “born in the wrong body” — that lesbians were secretly part male (hence the searching for sperm), and the opposite for gay men
(14:09) so ur telling us what he ACTUALLY meant. like owowowoow it’s a dog whistle don’t listen i did all the thinking for u type shit
(14:51) is vaginoplasty not a form of sterilization. ur cutting the patient’s balls off aren’t u. so like. ? but i do concede to this one minor point.
(15:27) “yea he was a horrific torturing nazi. but like. not in the way u specifically said so this is all wrong.” so he was the guys coworker and he was a nazi doctor. just not this exact fucking way so it’s all moot??
(15:58) and now he’s directly comparing jkr to a real life nazi again. for making tweets he doesn’t like.
(16:40) STILL not convinced that she was referring to the book burnings as the fever dream
(17:17) THATS NOT SHIFTING THE GOALPOSTS THATS SOMEONE ELSE TRYING TO CONTINUE THE ARGUMENT AND FAILING BRUHHHHH sry someone pulled an argument out of their ass and jkr responded to that nonsense instead of the exact tweet u still seem to wanna talk abt. sorry conversations continue without u. someone ELSE shifted the goalposts FOR u.
quick timeline for ur benefit
> someone: ur basically a nazi
> jkr: what fever dream did u get that from
> someone else: yea trans ppl were literally the first victims of the nazis and every single piece of info on trans ppl was burned
> jkr: what
> someone ELSE: books on transsexuality were burned (something she didn’t deny, just put into historical context that y’all don’t like)
> jkr: are u not gonna mention the person that is doing actual holocaust revisionism here
> malcom: agreed?
(18:37) tweet didn’t say “this book burning was the first act against transsexuals” it said “trans ppl were the FIRST VICTIMS of the nazis” that’s u shifting the goalposts babygirl
(18:50) now ur claiming she said dora never died girl she wasn’t even brought UP in the CONVO
(19:21) but it is the view that this one specific person, whom jkr is specifically rebuking, holds
(19:47) girl this is what i’ve been saying this whole time. normal ppl don’t like when u call them nazis. they may even call ur logic a “fever dream.” weird huh
this is pissing me off fr how dare u call someone an actual nazi holocaust denier based on ur sickeningly bad-faith reading of their fucking TWEETS
(21:05) literally what ur doing right now
also can i point out that the reading of the tweets in such a pissy contemptuous tone of voice is of course going to make someone’s arguments sound stupid. half of ur “proof” here is her tone and what you think she’s saying, not her actual written words.
(21:31) nice actual nazi dog whistle
(21:33) i don’t trust eli erlick bc he is a rapist. he rapes fellow trans people. but carry on i guess.
(21:37) much of what ur referencing is compiled by someone who has raped trans people. great.
(21:50) transvestites are not the same as todays trans people. but carry on i guess.
this is wearing me out man
(24:47) yes absolutely visibly gender nonconforming people were persecuted and tortured and even murdered. a number of them likely experienced dysphoria and may have undergone surgery. does that mean all of those people would identify as transgender if they had that terminology? the citation continues to refer to these people as both transvestites and transgender, as if those are equivalent interchangeable terms. i don’t remember what source this is from. was this passage written by eli erlick, or by an actual holocaust historian?
(26:38) so now we’re actively equating the terms transvestite and transgender. this youtuber simply claimed that the two are the same without proof. i call presentism.
(28:47) gay men were referred to as homosexual. “Homosexuell” (“homosexual”) which is a direct synonym of gay. “transvestite” is not a direct synonym of transgender.
(29:16) miriam ezagui is an orthodox jew who describes her life and her jewishness. she has addressed the role of goblins in jkr’s works, saying that the history of them in folklore may be rooted in antisemitism, but jkr’s characters are goblins. not jews. she describes it better than i do idk find her account.
30 minutes in and we’re defining holocaust revisionism and denial. ok man
(31:32) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(31:43) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(31:46) is that a feminist or just a random dipshit on the internet
(32:27) yep
all done
not convinced. calling someone a holocaust denier is a serious accusation, and this entire video is all either actively choosing to believe she is saying something that she didn’t or taking offense at history being complicated and not fitting into your current worldview.
the nazis targeted jewish people, people of color, the romani, homosexual men, political dissidents, and people who were transvestites. likely more groups of people that i forgot to list. would some of those people identify as trans today? maybe. but you cannot decide that for them.
nazis committed disgusting atrocities at a scale that’s practically unimaginable. and to call a woman a nazi or a holocaust denier because of the way you read her tweets is sick.
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damnfandomproblems · 7 months
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Fandom Problem 4392:
When people try to paint characters who are horrible people who happen to be a woman as some sort of feminist icon. LOL, sure, that lady who's obviously a Nazi allegory is tooootally a feminist girl-boss. And so is that badly written character who made another man's death about her in front of his parents. Uh-huh. Sure. If that's your idea of a role model, kindly fuck off.
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inficetegodwottery · 10 months
So. Werewolf 5th Edition.
Werewolf 5th edition sucks. A lot.
Edit- I made some errors in my initial edit of this post that were fuelled entirely by being underinformed and almost insensible with anger, disappointment, and anxiety.
Some very informative responses have been made that I intend to incorporate into a much better and less rambling post with those updates and corrections. I'll probably delete this one soon as I type that one together, so folks only see the updated version.
Sorry for any mistakes I made on this old version, again, I was in an extremely poor place mentally and thoroughly dispirited by the total butchering of what was supposed to be a less shitty and mean-spirited version of a setting I care deeply for despite its foundational flaws and 30+ year history of exactly this thing happening.
I'm still very, very angry. But it's important to be angry and correct. This post was not made by someone informed of all the facts, and I intend to correct that.
Paradox Interactive has made the brave decision to reboot the controversial Werewolf the Apocalypse setting entirely rather than try and fix it, and have somehow done a worse job than the games studio that released an RPG book titled an ethnic slur.
It's taken me almost a month since this came out to be anywhere near mentally prepared enough to even collect my thoughts on it.
Man, it is rare to see an edition of ANYTHING that pisses off old players, new players, players who want to keep the lore the same, players who want to change the lore, conservative players, radical players, and even powergamers.
How do you set out with the intention of making an infamously dated and poorly researched/outreached setting LESS uncomfortable and racist from a modern perspective.... and end up with something EVEN MORE racist and uncomfortable, but also suffocatingly tonedeaf, insincere, and deeply sinister and corporate in its erasure of existing issues rather than addressing them whatsoever.
We made the Get of Fenris irredeemably evil because some of them in the past were nazis and also nazis like Germanic mythology, so the viking werewolves are all nazis now.
Okay, I understand why you did that from a modern political perspective even if its kind of heavy hand-
The Native American werewolf tribes have been removed entirely and replaced with American Murican werewolf tribes. Renaming and rewriting them to be more respectful was just too much work! Now they're more inclusive. :)
The Irish werewolf tribe is now the Nature Werewolves tribe, like every other tribe of Werewolves also is, but also stripped completely of celtic origins.
The Red Talons are openly genocidal ecofascist malthusians and somehow NOT IRREDEEMABLY EVIL like the Get of Fenris are.
Also the feminist all women werewolves are no longer all women or even feminist. AND ALSO SOME OF THEM ARE SOCIAL DARWINISTS AND THATS SUPPOSED TO BE A GOOD THING!?!
Also we entirely dropped the themes about how forcing children to be a part of a war they barely understand while also lying to them about the crimes their ancestors committed that led to the current crisis is fucked up and evil.
Now its actually awesome to be a child soldier born into a repressive apocalyptic death cult with a siege mentality and everything is cool about that actually, you're the Good Guys, and no amount of covered-up historic genocides or internal/external bigotry will ever change that! :)
Also we solved the way people were uncomfortable with the idea that werewolf society is transitioning messily from being horrible ableist assholes that discriminated for centuries against those they view as deformed, disabled, or sexual deviants to new generations that don't care about that stuff, by removing disabled werewolves entirely! Problem solved! No more discomfort or moral conundrums! We are the liberal-est!
There's just something so unbelievably fucked up and suspicious about erasing entire minorities from a fictional universe because they were handled poorly in the first edition, rather than talking to writers and outreach specialists FROM the real world equivalents to those minorities to try and rewrite them.
Don't worry, we removed the group the setting was bigoted against! Problem solved! Just remove the minority!
I've written my own post on why the Metis/Crinos-born should be renamed and probably rewritten, but as a severely disabled individual with multiple hereditary disabilities that severely impact my QoL, outright removing disabled characters in a work of fiction because the prejudice other characters showed them in-universe made people uncomfortable makes me want to tear out someone's throat with my teeth.
Sure, completely remove my ability to play disabled a character fighting back against prejudice and bigotry, rather than rewrite the most uncomfortable aspects of YOUR FUCKING PORTRAYAL OF THOSE CHARACTERS to make it more clear who the sympathetic one is supposed to be.
It's just so unbelievably cowardly and whinging and wretched.
So fuck it, I guess!
Fuck the deeply applicable themes of being born into a well-intentioned but deeply flawed and bigoted society, and trying to create the better world your parents always told you your ancestors fought for, while dealing with the fact that your world is built on mass graves those ancestors helped fill.
Fuck a game that deals with intergenerational trauma and the ethical hellscape that is a highly religious society devoted to the very same ideals it often violates just to win fights against the enemies it created through its own arrogance and prejudice.
Fuck a game that lets you play someone born different, born strange and sickly, bouncing constantly between people who pity you and people who view you as subhuman, before finally finding the people, the family who love and accept and fight alongside you for a world that has never accepted you, but WILL FUCKING KNOW YOUR NAME.
That's not relevant to the real world at all!
There are no kids born in deeply flawed and hypocritical societies, who grew up on stories of the glorious future their society would create, forced then to reconcile the hopeful dreams of a better world with the comprehensive list of horrific things done in the name of that future.
There are no children born confused and alone in their navigation of the maze that is past atrocities, ethnic conflicts, religious prejudice and dogma, or modern propaganda attempting to erase the histories of all of those things.
There are no disabled teens who spent their lives believing they didn't belong in the world, kept going only by the connections they forged with other outsiders and people who fought back against the kind of wretched bigotry that suffocates children to death, who found homes and families they could trust outside the pissant communities they were born into.
Apparently those people don't need a game! They don't need to explore those feelings!
Just throw some more nazis in, so we can pretend we care about social issues or understand the redeeming threads of a deeply flawed gameline, ostensibly so we market it to leftist youngsters, but while we also erase the entire point of a game WHICH IS ALL ABOUT BEING PUNKASS YOUNGSTERS DESPERATELY TRYING TO FIND THE REDEEMING THREADS OF A DEEPLY FLAWED AND PREJUDICED SOCIETY THAT CONSTRAINS THEM, FINDING A WAY TO REBEL AGAINST BOTH THE EVILS OF THE RACIST BASTARDS WHO RAISED THEM AND THE POMPOUS SHITHEADS WHO WANT TO DESTROY THE WORLD OUT OF GREED.
No! We want a squeaky clean, sterile white game that AmericanTM parents can be proud of their kids for playing! A marketable game, that advertisers will gladly pay Revenue to put their products in! Play the good guys, everyone! You're the good guys! Be a big werewolf UwU!
Don't worry about historical atrocities or the flaws of the society that raised you! That's Pentex propaganda!
Fighting bad guys means you can't do anything bad yourself! The Emperor told me so! Deus Gaia Vult!
A hollow, performative, offensive jizzstain that should've been scrapped in its crib. I have no idea how this edition got past a quality assurance team.
Hell I have no idea how it got past a legal team, given the number of real peoples' likenesses they used without permission.
Devoid of artistic integrity or merit.
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chaos--core · 2 years
POC, Woman, & Queer Punk/Rock/Metal Bands
i’m sick of listening to old cishet white dudes sing all the time, so here are some of my more diverse favs!
links lead to spotify
Cinnamon Babe - A band with Stormi Maya on vocals, I recommend listening to her songs Rock ‘N’ Roll Is Black and Loose.
Dazey and the Scouts - A queer band. Their song Sweet Cis Teen explores gender dysphoria as an AFAB person, I really resonate with it. Groan is another one of my favorites.
Cheap Perfume - A riot grrrl type band, their songs are based around unapologetic feminism. I would recommend starting off with It’s Okay to Punch Nazis and Slut Game Strong.
Kittie - An all female metal band with some really great vocals. I really enjoy their song Choke.
Katja Macabre - A feminist metal artist who only has about 400 listeners monthly on spotify. They really deserve more love, so go listen to their song Compliments.
Doll Skin - A long time fav of mine, the songs I listen to the most are Love Is Dead and We Killed Her and Mark My Words. (they just had their final show unfortunately, linked here is a recording of the full set tho!)
VIAL - An indie punk band which I got into fairly recently. I really enjoy Piss Punk and Ego Death.
Dog Park Dissidents - A queer punk band that I think is really cool. I can’t stop listening to Queer as in Fuck You.
Dream Nails - Another queer punk band! My favs are Corporate Realness and Vagina Police.
Cable Ties - Their vocals are so unique, I’m not even sure how to describe them. My fav songs are Self Made Man and Say What You Mean, as well as Hope (which i found through a game on itch.io)
Witch Fever - I’ve been enjoying their song In Birth recently!
Mannequin Pussy - I just saw them live, and now they’re one of my favorite bands. The energy they created in the room quite literally moved me to tears. I’m in the process of listening to all their music right now but my current favorites are Romantic, Control, and Pigs is Pigs.
i will be adding more to this when i get the time, feel free to give me suggestions (i really appreciate all the recommendations you all are giving me)
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queerasaurus-rexx · 2 years
terfs will say they aren't in bed with the far right but are fucking silent when literal nazis reblog and retweet their transphobic shit
if a nazi agrees with you, you're doing something wrong.
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insectfem · 20 days
i love how tras devalue so many words, it'd be laughable if it didn't have an actual influence on society. disagreements are harassment, and disagreeing with a not-white person means you're racist. calling people out for rewriting the history of the holocaust means that you're a nazi. genocide is not allowing children to make irreversible medical decisions. the word female means a baby making fuckhole and woman means femininity. everyone is who they say they are. are you a gun-totin, beer-drinkin, trump-lovin, red-blooded american that calls yourself a leftist communist? then you are a leftist communist! you can't let other people tell you who you are! unless you're a homosexual, then you have to prove that you're a Pure and Good Homosexual. are you a woman who's been trying for a decade to have children and feel immense amounts of guilt over your infertility? or a woman who's lived through decades of pain and have gotten a hysterectomy? well you two are the exact same as a delusional male that got his penis cut off! those palestians that are being bombed and starved and slowly killed from disease can *almost* understand what american transwomen go through. men who rape and kill transwomen are radical feminists. donald trump and mitch mcconnell are radical feminists. your conservative dad that throws his beer at the tv when he sees AOC is a radical feminist. the nazis were radical feminists. nothing matters anymore. words have no meaning. go fuck yourself
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transmascissues · 8 months
The phrase "MRA" wasn't "ruined" by cis men, it was coined by and for a misogynistic hate movement that believes cis men are being oppressed by feminists. It has only ever referred to this movement (which btw doesn't tend to view trans men as men).
If someone called you a Nazi, I assume you wouldn't respond by saying "yeah I am a Nazi." Why is this phrase any different?
i wasn’t going to respond to this for a million different reasons but actually, i am going to do so just to make a little psa:
stop fucking comparing things to nazis to make a point. (and while you’re at it, don’t compare things to the holocaust either.) antisemitism and white supremacy aren’t rhetorical tools to be thrown around when it’s convenient for you in a debate. they’re actual violence that should be taken incredibly seriously, not an abstract thing to be tossed into a conversation any time you want to emphasize how bad you think a different thing is.
saying “i don’t think that being described as someone who fights for the rights of trans men should be a mark of shame” is not the same as if i proudly called myself a nazi. if you think those are even remotely similar, kindly fuck off. i really shouldn’t have to say that.
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hjellacott · 10 months
To those agreeing with what I say but saying I'm mean and "Let's just be nice" when we're discussing TRA things or feminism or J. K. Rowling... I am DONE being nice.
I was nice the first 100.000 times. Now I've been bombarded with private messages and Tumblr "post" (the envelope thingy) and general comments, plus seeing dozens of posts that I just can't be nice and patient about. Because these MORONS and some of them, actual TERRORISTS, are literary burning books, twisting the Harry Potter stories to justify their unjustifiable extremism, harassing children for being Potterheads, mocking adults for finding solace in Harry Potter, attacking and sending death threats and death wishes to everyone that disagrees with them, manipulating children, autistic, and also all kinds of mentally disabled people to absorb their agenda and mutilate their bodies, targeting the lives of people who disagree with them and attacking them and their loved ones, cyberbullying left and right hiding beneath anonymous names and pink and blue flags, burning and thrashing businesses where feminists go, turning Pride into an event where rapists are being allowed to take the mic and say to kill women (literally) and being applauded, saying homosexuality is transphobic and raping lesbians and gays, applauding men changing in locker rooms in front of little girls, applauding men taking over women's sports and spaces, applauding sending rapists to women's prisons, applauding children being brainwashed into life changing treatments, terrorising the world, imposing their own agenda with violence and threats, silencing and attacking the detrans community, manipulating the media, fucking it all up for all the normal trans people who are now thanks to the TRAS being seen as terrorists, and justifying their hatred and their violence on them having basically no reading comprehension, twisting people's words to have a pity party, and creating a self-imposed narrative to try and convince us that everyone wants them to die so it's all right for them to attack everyone else and be given free reign and justification to do so. Police can't even report that a criminal is trans any more and people are losing their jobs for reporting crimes by trans people, for fuck's sakes.
Do you know how often I've dealt with the same lazy justification to "explain" to me, a mixed race Jewish descent woman, why JK Rowling is anti semitic or racist? Or why she's transphobic? And every time one tries to nicely point out that they're twisting things and decontextualising them and inserting their own racist views, they just tell you to kill yourself. They've taken over press, media, social media, pride, women's spaces, they're going after children, attacking local pubs and restaurants... I'm not going to allow it. I'm done being nice.
I see them bullying the detrans community and shutting them up. I see how they harass and threaten the trans community that doesn't want to occupy women's spaces or that doesn't condone violence and threats and wants children to be left alone. I see how they attack women, lesbians and gays. I have a collection of articles of their rapes and other attacks, mainly to women. And they won't brainwash me.
I'm not afraid. These are a violent, terrorist mob that is taking over the left and making themselves the victims when we haven't faced a more aggressive and dangerous mob since the Nazis. Have you seen the videos of the teens and young adults crying in the US Congress, talking about how afraid they are when they see men changing in their lockers, or talking about how their breasts were chopped off and begging us, adults, to stop this nonsense? I have and I'm listening.
Like Joanne Rowling, like all the women who won't wheesht, I'm going to fight for those kids, for the normal people in the trans community, for detransitioners, gays, lesbians, mentally disabled... I'm not afraid and I'm not nice. Not any more. You want a fight? I'm full of weapons.
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rametarin · 17 days
Angry about something
Please, please, please, let movements be horrible on their own without saying, "The're the [previous thing] of [subject]"
We don't say the Nazis were the modern Napoleonic Imperialists. We don't say the Napoleonic Imperialists were their day's Golden Horde of Genghis Khan. We don't say Muslim pirates and abductors from Tripoli cruising Europe for slaves and conquests were "totally Trans Atlantic Slave Trading it." Muslims were abducting Europeans for slave applications for centuries before Europeans did it for
And when people talk about modern day Intersectional Feminists, capital P Progressives and oldschool TERF-flavor feminists get nasty in accordance with their values all over a pasttime, a hobby, or a group of people that enjoys something and tells them they're doing it wrong thanks to a VERY unreliably narrated assessment of what they are and why they are, they tend to treat their behavior as if it's the same stock mindset of previous experience related to Christian puritainism and religious evangelism.
Don't fucking do this. Their values are not the same. They come from a different place, and you doing this helps them do something they SPECIFICALLY like to do. First, muck around acting like assholes in self-righteous quests to control how people interpret reality and see things, and when called out for it, have their own controlled mea culpa where they apologize because, "that's just the old Christian White Supremacist in me, the feminism part of me isn't like that and can't be like that because feminism is just good and can't be bad. I'm sowwy. :C"
No. Fucking no. Do NOT fucking allow that to happen. Feminism is not a simple act of seeing women as equal, it's an entire dogmatic baggage that necessitates Class Struggle Theory, the willful adoption of the idea the only thing that matters in sexual politics is that "Women Are Oppressed (TM)" even when circumstances and culture are entirely equal and even handed with them, and that society owes them something to compensate for this inherent oppression- at the expense of men. And that Society is the third wheel in their relationship, automatically there to redistribute from the man.
Feminism bills itself as simply a phenomenon of 'equality'... for women.. but it is no more this than Christianity is synonymous with The Good(tm). It certainly is a shitty way to see the world, but it is not the definition of seeing the world. It boils down to making some very very intensely specific logical leaps and shortcuts out of convenience and then dogmatically insisting these values are immutable and unquestionable.
From that position, we come to the other little black box in the equation. The idea that something that exists in culture that represents an icon or concept, oppresses and exploits that icon, object or group, and that it is specifically wrong to objectify that, but only if it's a woman, a group that is "oppressed." (it's however perfectly justifiable to objectify an 'oppressor.' See how that works.) Right before they say some apologetics like, "It's not MY fault cisheterosexual Judeo-Christian Patriarchy is sexually binary! Maybe if you agreed in more options we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
And it's because of this shitty point of view, they argue that even having big booby fictional characters that are female, boobily boobing down the stairs for the appreciation of the audience, they jump to the next facet of their belief system. Male Gaze Theory.
Built off their idea that Classes Struggle (tm) and Women Are the Obligate Oppressed Class(tm), and that any reference or participation by women is inherently an act of an oppressed political group in bondage to and beholden to their oppressive captors, AND that works of fiction and literature are part of culture, these facets of culture give groups their marching orders, programming and ideas on what they are, mean and even their existence. They believe, uncompromisingly, that your very perception and understanding of reality is built solely upon what books written by the state have to say about what is real and what isn't. That if society writes books about a murderer and don't go out of their way to omnipotently, omnipresently dictate with no ambiguity that, "Murder is bad, ackshully," that you endorse a society where murder happens. And, no joke, this is how they imagine murder, theft and antisocial behavior happening. Because it exists in that cultural bubble like evil waves of energy, just going unneutralized to warp the minds of unprepared people who haven't been told what is right and wrong by society, making them rapists, murderers and exploiters of those weaker than them (and they only care when the person exploits someone weaker than them.)
So they see sexy drawn women as depictions of an oppressed minority being reveled over by a slavemaster class, exploiting their image and the idea of that group for profit (which they also despise) and believe the women should also be profitting off their "exploitation" in fiction, and some sort of state council should exist that oversees the expression or interpretation of women in fiction, or else abolish the work from existing for not fitting their moral and social view of how literature and culture are "allowed" to see women. Seeing this very dour, extreme interpretation about how all men depicting women is exploitation, and by default society is meant for a male, oppressor perspective, is called, "Male Gaze Theory."
At no point in this equation did their greviance or conceptual principles cross over with Puritainism or Christians. They are their own totalitarian beasts, and like the Nazis are not Napoleonics are not The Mongol Horde, FUCKING TELL IT LIKE IT IS AND ACCEPT RADICAL FEMINISM IS JUST LIKE THIS.
You can somehow see one radical conservative and condemn the entire conservative or right-wing party as inherently racist, white supremacist and homophobic, but you can't acknowledge that radical feminism has more Ls to its name and more bad ideas and more bad values than rejecting the idea that trans men and women aren't men and women. All their ideological supremacism, all their logical leaps, all of their antagonistic marching into any fandom and demanding the fandom most conform to their ideas of what is mentally, emotionally an socially healthy, are their own. They are not Puritans, they're fucking radical feminists. Do not use the bad behavior of past groups as an ablative shield when you fucking mean what you mean.
"Well complaining about feminism makes me sound like some kind of CHUD..."
That's a you problem. In the past, complaining about the Church when it was synonymous with power would've made you a "pagan" or an "unbeliever." And before the T in LGBT got traction, it was just "anti-feminist" for a biological man to argue with a woman, giving them infinite instant Ls, even if they did identify as a woman. It starts somewhere.
Call it like it is and just realize radical feminism is rotten from the top windows of the attic to the foundations.
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