#cw homophobia mention
disventurecamptakes · 14 days
So is derek's voice actor ACTUALLY hateful of gay ppl, or did he simply say he doesnt like the trevek ship? because if its the latter, then ppl in this fandom need to calm down.
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Okay. Hazbin Theory time.
It seems Lute is like the one in heaven who is homophobic. (adam might be slightly but he's not as open about it. just thinks lesbians are hot and guys coming onto him is weird)
It's unclear if all of heaven is homophobic. All Lucifer says is "they're not as open minded as you think."
Which, could be the case that Gay people aren't allowed in heaven in this universe. But I highly doubt this cus St. Peter exists.
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That's like a 50/40 male to female ratio with one of them really butch coded. And you can't tell me that that Butch and those shirtless men are completely straight cis in this show. Any other show, maybe, but not Hazbin. I don't think that they would be, even if they are just background prop-dressing designs. (well aside from Molly but we're not talking about her atm since we don't know a lot on her)
So I don't think it's just that all of heaven is homophobic. I feel that gay people do exist in heaven just probably closeted.
I think it's Lute who is.
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But Lute is like… Aggressively homophobic. Especially when it comes to Vaggie.
So my thought is that… Vaggie confessed a crush to Lute in confidence. (maybe to her, or maybe to someone else) and Lute took that so personally.
Maybe the two even made out in front of Adam just to make him happy. And then Lute finds out Vaggie is actually into it. Into her. and she's disgusted by Vaggie on a deeply personal level and is determined to make her fall and humiliate her.
Lute is definitely the vibes of a cis straight woman who would tell a gay woman that "sure you can trust me with your crush I like you." and like… kiss a girl in front of her boyfriend to humiliate that person and just make her bf think she's hot as fuck.
So The next extermination… she was looking for an excuse.
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Any excuse to take Vaggie out. It would have happened anyway. Regardless of Vaggie spared the Cannibal Sinner or not as far as Lute is concerned.
As it seems when Lute retreats with Adam, Adam just calls her off and "let's just go" with Lute.
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More akin to just letting Vaggie lie there as a form of mercy on Adam's part. Which we know he's a bit disgusted by her brutality at times.
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"Chill Lute fuck"
Cus I don't doubt she would have kept going if Adam didn't show up and just told Lute to leave her there.
Ironically, it was Adam calling off his Bitch(dog) in this moment that lead to Vaggie showing Mercy to Lute later in their fight. Which also seems to be a deeply personal issue to Vaggie.
I'm not saying Adam is a good guy. Far from it. But Lute is just ruthless with how she sees Vaggie and demonizes her to the point she convinced all of Adam's other forces of Babes to hate her as well.
So it's yet to be determined if heaven is homophobic, or if the issue that Lute has with Vaggie is a very deeply personal one.
It reminds me or Moral Orel's "close face" episode and how that spoke so much to me growing up discovering my sexuality. Especially with how I was bullied then. Hazbin proved they can write adult themes with depth, so I really hope they take it in that direction.
also some additional context I'm sharing the full clip:
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mero7t · 2 years
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kirkshouseplant · 2 years
Abe: Wow, that guy really doesn't like us.
Wilford: Perhaps he's homophobic
Abe: We're not gay, Wil.
Wilford: We're not?
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martyrbat · 7 months
i think its funny how i outted myself irl 3 times (from what i remember) and its been:
1) ranting about our parents with my older sister and it came out because i was so caught up in cursing them out that i momentarily lived in a world where she isnt homophobic
2) getting a comment about wow i sure like fruit because i was eating an apple after have blueberries and i said ‘well you are what you eat’ and took a bite before the realization of what i just said
3) technically didnt out myself but fingering a girl at a cultish religious ‘retreat’ isn't really the straightest thing i could have done so it counts
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hot-take-tournament · 10 months
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Submission 322
OMFD fans are just Hamilton fans in a different font
the same drama, the same unhinged energy (not in a good way), the same white straight girls fetishising gay men, the same absolute terror i feel whenever step into their spaces by accident. and from some of the way some fanartists draw the characters im 75% sure theyre just the same people from 2016 grown up
Pre-preliminaries will be used to determine what qualifies as a hot take. Propaganda is encouraged!
Also, remember to reblog your favourite polls for exposure! (exposure like when your exposed to deadly radiation)
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Kit fic for WIP Wednesday?
Alrighty!!! With this I am finally caught up with all my WIP Wednesday requests so followers can rest assured they won't be spammed with this content for a bit anymore lol. Thank you for the request! I'm happy to have gotten so much done on ALL my WIPs!! (I never include my Nimona Big Bang filename because 1- it's finished and therefore not a WIP lol and 2- I worry if the filename is too revealing of the plot lol) so it's been really nice getting to pay attention to my other projects! Thank you everyone!!
Cw: mentioned homophobia
Ambrosius rubbed his face. “Maybe we should have taught him about homophobia, even if it's not common anymore. I'm glad he grew up seeing us, seeing this, and seeing himself as normal, but I feel like I failed to prepare him for how some people might feel out in the world.” 
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local-thembo · 1 year
I posted a little Suburra thing!! Please please heed the warnings in the tags of the fic and don’t come for me if you don’t lol
Spadino/Aureliano, 300 words, rated M
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buysomecheese · 1 year
This is Terry and Grant talking a bit about their relationship with religion post-s1. They’re still like tweens or young teens at this point. I’m love them <3
“No, Grant, see, it’s- it’s less about the truth of it now, it’s more about the community.”
“Yeah well, dad had to find a whole new church after I came out as gay because they wouldn’t stop saying shit about it, so. It’d be a bit of an understatement if I said the ‘community’ part of religion wasn’t super appealing anymore.”
“… that’s fair. It sucks that you had to deal with people like that, y’know.”
“Yeah. That’s the way it is, sometimes.”
“… you can keep telling me about Judaism, though. I don’t mind.”
“You’re sure? … thank you. Y’know, I didn’t really care much for synagogue before, but it’s been a great thing to lean on now. Like, I know that the way I as a Jew interact with the world is different compared to how we as, uh, traumatized plane-travelers, know the world to be, but as I said the community is great. It’s proven to be a wonderful way to get closer with Ron, using something that’s normal and not scary, and it’s an easy way for my mom to check on us, I guess.”
“That’s really nice, Terry.”
“Yeah, it is! Helping Ron finalize his conversion makes me glad I was born into it, and I’m glad that this was the religion I *was* born into.”
“I’m sure, the conversion process seems intense to say the least.”
“… my rabbi is a lesbian, did you know?”
“Her wife helps out a lot with food services! They’re really sweet together.”
“And I think one of the board members is transgender, actually.”
“I’m pretty sure I overheard him talking about starting testosterone the other day at Shabbat.”
“… sorry.”
“I’m not converting to anything except atheism.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“… it’s okay. I love how excited you get, and I know you’re just trying to help me. I don’t need that, though.”
“… I know. I respect that, I’m sorry I got away from myself.”
“… you’re fine, TJ. It’s all good.”
“… is there anything else you’d rather talk about? You heard my thoughts on something, I wanna hear your thoughts now.”
“Do you have a penny?”
“I can check? There might be one in my bag, let me see…”
“No- TJ, I’m kidding.”
“… have you seen the new big Roblox game? Really? No?? Here, it’s got a crazy map, let me show you…”
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hey hi hello hope you doing great!! 🐿️ may i have four headcanons about chip please 👉🏻👈🏻
Headcanon A: Realistic
Chip's real name is Christopher Hudson Maplewood. "Chip" was a cute nickname his mother gave him, because his tiny nose reminded her of a chocolate chip (and chocolate chip cookies were her favourite food). She only called him Christopher when she was really angry with him, which was a rare event because Chip was a good boy.
The middle name "Hudson" came from the actor Rock Hudson - his parents were both film buffs, and their first date was at a drive-thru cinema.
Headcanon B: While It May Not Be Realistic, It Is Hilarious
Although Chip's favourite genre of music is death metal, his guilty pleasure is Lady Gaga. He doesn't know what it is about her music that vibes with him so much, but sometimes it can really lift his mood and boost his confidence. The Fame is his favourite album.
Headcanon C: Heart-Crushing and Awful, But Fun to Inflict on Friends
When Chip was three years old, his father came out as gay and left the family home. For years, it was just Chip and his mother. When Chip was a teenager, his father got back in touch - to drop the bombshell that he was dying of AIDS.
This tragic experience, combined with his Catholic upbringing, has tainted Chip's perception of his own orientation. He's gay, but only Dale and Monty know it. He would never dare to be openly gay, and he has no intention of coming out to his mother. As far as he's concerned, it was bad enough that she lost her husband; he can't let her lose her son too.
Headcanon D: Unrealistic, But I Will Disregard Canon About It Because I Reject Canon Reality and Substitute My Own
Chip and Dale were secretly dating while filming Rescue Rangers. On the night of the third season wrap party, Chip had hidden an engagement ring in a slice of cake, and was going to Dale's trailer to "propose" to him. Marriage between two men wasn't legal at that time, but Chip was hoping they could still commit to always being together. And then he found out about Double-O Dale and it all went south.
(Original post here.)
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disventurecamptakes · 2 months
I feel bad for Grett but not completely because she did decide to date Yul. Like she saw him being racist, homophobic and wanting to poison someone on national tv and she still decided to date him. What did she expect to happen?
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roostertuftart · 1 year
Who is the most homophobic person in South Park, in your opinion? 👀
Oh god idk. There’s probs obvious answers I’m not thinking of right now… I guess as of modern seasons almost everyone in the show is at least publicly for basic rights like marriage, so we’d have to go off of more subtle things. This would include performative behaviour by say, the Tweaks, engagement with homophobic humour by people like Gerald Broflovski, or even internalized homophobia like we often see (though not so much anymore) in characters like Mr. Garrison.
Except for, now that I think about it, maybe Stephen and Linda? It’s unclear where they stand as of now. I think they’ve had moments of not being outright against Butters being gay (like betting on whether or not he will be) but also, idk, the internalized homophobia is especially real in Stephen and they just seem to be written very much like a Christian conservative family with very “traditional” ideals. So Idk, it’s hard to say but probably they are the most homophobic characters in the show right now (who appear very consistently anyway).
And like, among the kids, none of them are really homophobic. Maybe Butters, a little? From influence from his parents? He’s definitely dealing with toxic masculinity which often coincides heavily with homophobia, but idk, I kinda doubt he is. Plus I think it’s funnier, the idea that Butters is like “fuck dating a girl, what’s the most manly thing you can do? Kiss another man!!”
Either way, we don’t have a lot of reference to go off of with Butters besides him using some homophobic slurs that all of the other kids, ESPECIALLY Cartman who he tends to be very heavily influenced by, so I’m gonna say no, Butters is probably not a very homophobic person if at all.
The other kid who I’d place as probably the most homophobic of them all is the obvious choice: Eric Cartman. Dgmw, Eric has shown to be accepting of gay people and is even written to be very fruity himself, but I think it’s pretty obvious he still holds some bias’ in how he often goes out of his way to bring it up in reference to Tweek and Craig for example, and it makes a lot of sense for his character to hold a lot of internalized homophobia which I think is partly what Cupid Me is meant to be.
So yeah, idk. Out of the kids I think it’s Cartman.
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autistic-katara · 8 months
WHAT'S CATRIONA'S BACKSTORY?? (love her name btw)
tysfm for asking omg
so basically Catriona had a pretty normal childhood until she was 11. she grew up with her mother and father (for now unnamed) and her younger sister Francis in idk some city in Scotland (haven’t decided which). she and her sister were pretty close considering their 4 year age gap and even lowkey shared a few friends (Catriona’s friends considering Francis a cute kid they could let play minecraft with them or smthn and Francis’s friends considering Catriona a cool big kid who was really good at hide and seek or smthn). but when Catriona was 11 and Francis was 7 their parents got in a car accident and both died. it was traumatic as hell for both of them (obviously) but what was worse was due to them having no family able to take care of them (their dad was abandoned at birth and bounced around the foster care system until he was 18 + their mother was an only child who’s dad had died some time before this and her mother being unable to care for 2 kids) and none of their friend’s families being able to take the both of them they ended up getting separated. Catriona doesn’t know where Francis ended up, she hoped one of her friends’ parents had adopted her or something but she (Catriona) ended up in foster care. she went around a couple homes until she was placed long term with this one family. they were a man and woman in their late 40s with 3 bio kids of their own (a boy a few years older than Catriona named Jacob, a girl her age named Erin, and a boy a year younger than Francis named Harris) and a few other foster kids. The other foster kids (along with the boys) mostly ignored her, Erin seemed to have some sort of personal thing against her, and the foster parents were pretty abusive (to all of the kids but particularly the foster ones). as well as all that the foster parents clearly weren’t equipped to take care of her, given that whenever she (or the other autistic kid there bcz yes do u rlly except me to make an allistic character?) would get overwhelmed or have a meltdown they’d treat it as a tantrum and punish her for it. they also didn’t know how to deal with her hair type (like 3c i think) and just pressured her into straightening it so it would be “easier to deal with”. they were also quite religious (protestant christian) and didn’t care that Catriona wasn’t raised religious and “didn’t really believe in it” and forced her to go anyway (they were also pretty homophobic bcz those kinda ppl typically are which was kinda a problem cause Catriona’s lesbian and very much didn’t wanna have to deal with the fallout if they found out).
one time when she was 14, Erin ended up destroying one of the last remaining memories of her family, a photo of them the day Francis started primary school, with Erin’s mother saying that “it was an accident” and “just a photo” and got rlly mad at her for “being dramatic” over it. so that night Catriona as quietly as possible packed everything she owned could fit into her school bag and took all the money in the house she could find that didn’t belong to the other foster kids. (couple hundred pounds) and left. taking a train to somewhere. somewhere that wasn’t there.
and yeah i haven’t figured out exactly how she meets everyone else and finds the place they live and the order everything happens in nd allat but i’ll figure it out soon c:
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distopea · 1 year
META   + family (kaizen)
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Family doesn't ring any bells for Kaizen, and doesn't mean much in the first place. 
For as long as he can remember, he had never been attached to the members of his family. He was a lonely kid with no brother and sister, and his parents and grandparents were awfully bigoted with no other interests than going to church and give themselves an image of good Christians. He had never liked their behavior, nor the fact they were hiding their lack of empathy towards outsiders. They were pretty much very racists and homophobes, something he had never understood as he thought they were truly useless people themselves. 
He was keen to do things on his own, and he had a lot of cruel games that his comrades or neighbors wouldn't like at all. He was the scumbag and big brute of the neighborhood, gaining a bad reputation despite his parents' best efforts to muffle the rumors. He had no real bonds with anyone in his home country, they had never understood each other. 
When he left, Kaizen knew that he wouldn't talk to his parents anymore. He didn't care; he was a delinquent with no other salvation than getting his ass whipped in the army system, and he was the family shame. He had never received any news from them after he had left the country. He had learnt that his mother had died from cancer thanks to Gambit, but it hadn't affected him at all, he didn't care. 
He had never loved them after all. 
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oscarjamesleigh · 2 years
Harry Foy was a notable Sydney drag queen who performed in the historic Ziegsfield's Night Club (now gone) who was murdered in a classic "gay panic" moment and the murderer got away without even a minor manslaughter charge.
Important to respect the long history of queer social life, well before the 60's or 70's. People like this were real pioneers of modern queer clubbing and provided the open social background that made queer activism possible.
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e-m-p-error · 1 year
what's your muse's niche interest that they could talk for hours about? - For val
what's a quote that best describes your muse? --- For Vox
does your muse have any routines or expected behaviors throughout the day? if not, why do they avoid following a routine? - For Dario
[ Valentino ]
As much as I want to say something sex-related, I think it's actually fashion. He can sew, and has made some of his own garments both when he was alive and in Hell. He picked up crossdressing when he was escaping a woman's bedroom he'd been with that wasn't supposed to have extra-curricular visitors. One of her dresses was faster to get into than his clothes, and he still vaulted out the window in that and his briefs. From that moment forward, he really began to care about it.
[ Vox ]
Honestly, I thought about it pretty hard, and I think the thing that fits him the most is something my family's said. "If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have luck at all." My Vox is so ridiculously unlucky that him just being around himself is a bad luck charm. The luckiest thing about him is that he somehow manages to survive (almost) everything. But this man was an albino gay man in WWII Germany, he accidentally OD'd on sleeping pills while trying to sleep literally three hours before he was born, eventually he made a deal with Val in order to become an Overlord... So I think that best describes him.
[ Dario ]
As much as he doesn't stick to routines, there are a few things he always does. He doesn't sleep very much, and he drinks a lot of caffeinated tea. For the most part, he avoids following a routine because he is, first and foremost, an assassin, and his targets having a routine he can follow makes his job a thousand times easier.
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