#connor rhodes x reader fanfiction
callsign-dexter · 8 months
From Exes to Lovers
Request: Hi ☺️ Could i request a Connor Rhodes imagine for my bday tomorrow? Maybe where the reader is his ex and also a nurse at the med. One time you get in a terrible car crash and get to the ER where Connor gets called to save you. You nearly die during the surgery but he saves you and stays with you all the time till you wake up. Then he keeps caring for you during your whole recovery and you slowly start getting your old feelings back, so you decide on a second chance for your love. Hope this is ok ❤️
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Nurse!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, car crash, inaccurate medical talk, implied cheating but not really
A/N: Happy birthday to the anon who sent this request in!
Frist Installment: Exes to Lovers
Second Installment: Lovers Forever
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You don't know how it happened. You had the right of way. The light was green. Some drunk person had run their red light and t-boned you as you were crossing the intersection. They had hit you hard enough that your car flipped 4 times until it landed thankfully upright but in the other lane. Glass was everywhere. You're pretty sure you had a concussion from hitting your head on the steering wheel and the window. You for sure had broken bones. But then the pain came especially around your abdominal area. The other driver had died on impact. How did this happen you ask? Well, this is how.
You had just gotten back from visiting your friend, Hailey Upton, and her husband, Jay Halstead, you were ranting about Connor Rhodes, your now ex-boyfriend, and that you had caught another woman texting. You had dated for 3 years. He was also coming home later than normal. So once you stormed out you went straight to their house crying. It was a huge fight. Luckily for you, you had kept your apartment.
It was getting late and you just wanted to go home and eat a pint of ice cream and watch some cheesy sappy movie. You didn't have to work that night or the next day which was great. That also meant you didn't have to see Connor tonight or tomorrow, you were a nurse at Med. You loved him you really did but you couldn't stand a cheater and weren't going to tolerate it. As you were driving you came to a stop at a red light, while stopped you answered some texts and then put your phone down. As you started to drive you noticed headlights coming to you on your left and they were coming fast. The next thing you knew metal was hitting metal and then your car was flipping. Your head hit the steering wheel and then the window. The airbag deployed hitting you and breaking your nose and throwing your head into the headrest.
Your adrenaline was wearing off and then all the pain hit you and you moaned in pain. There was glass everywhere. You felt blood running down your face and into your eye. You felt the most pain in your abdominal area. You carefully looked down and saw glass puncturing you. You tentatively touched it but knew better than to yank it out. You couldn't hardly breathe. All of sudden you felt another impact and you were being pushed into a telephone pole wrapping your car on the passenger side. You blacked out.
You only came to when you heard your name being called by a voice but didn't open your eyes. It sounded underwater. You wanted to answer but couldn't you just wanted to sleep.
"Y/N it's Kelly. Can you hear me?" Kelly, your other best friend asked but you didn't respond. "Y/N I really need you to open your eyes." He said and you tried oh you tried. You slowly started to crack them open. "There we go." He said once he saw them open.
"Kelly?" You asked slurred.
"Yea it's me. You were in an accident. We're going to get you out and to Med. Ok?" He asked and you groaned and your eyes begin to shut again. "Hey hey no no keep those eyes open." He said but your eyes were already closed. "Y/N, hey. Open those eyes for me, please." You actually complied this time. "There we go. How are you and Connor?" He asked not knowing of the situation.
"'Roke up." You said slurring your words that shocked him.
"Why did you two break up?" Kelly asked as he shouted orders to his team.
"Cheated." You said slurring your words again and then your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your head lulled to the side and Kelly caught you. This freaked Jim out but he had to keep calm.
Everyone worked with ease and carefulness but quickly to get you out. They all saw the damage and knew you would be critical. When they got you out they put you on a backboard and a gurney and loaded you up and you were on your way to Med.
When you got to Med you were unconscious and couldn't hear anything. You were breathing but barely and it was labored. You went to your little paradise where Connor and you never broke up instead you got married and started a family one boy and one girl, it was perfect.
Connor was having a good night, well as good as one can have when one breaks up with another. He had been heartbroken when you pulled away from his kisses and started to pull away from him. The fight kept playing in his head. You had been the one to break up with him. You had seen a text from another girl on his phone but what you didn't know was that the other girl was a married woman jeweler who was setting his grandma's diamond in a set so he could propose to you. The reason why he was coming home early was because he was making details on how to propose and where making sure it was perfect.
Connor was in the ED when the ambulance came rolling in. He didn't look up considering it was a normal part of ED but when Maggie gasped he looked up and his face drained. "Maggie please tell me that is not Y/N." He said almost pleading.
"I'm sorry Connor. Take her to Trauma 2 and make it fast." She yelled and she turned to Connor.
"Let me go." Connor said and Maggie looked hesitant. "There are no other available doctors at the moment. Let me do it." He pleaded.
"Fine." She said and he rushed in and started giving orders.
Connor was supposed to be getting off shift when you rolled around but now he just couldn't make himself leave. Not with knowing you were in major surgery to fix your abdominal aorta that glass had found itself embedded in.
They wheeled you into surgery where he scrubbed in. "Ok guys, she is one of us. We have to save her but we handle it just like every other surgery." Connor said and they nodded. They got to work. Everything was going smoothly until one of the surgery techs noticed a drop in stats.
"Dr. Rhodes. Her O2 is dropping and he looked up.
"Ok start bagging her and get those stats back up." He said and they nodded. Once they got your stats back up. But then your heart rate started to drop. The machine alerted them. He looked up and then looked down. It started lowering when he took the glass out and he started to move faster.
"Heart rate is dropping." The tech said and before anyone could say anything you started to flatline "She's flatlining." The tech said.
"Start compressions. I'm holding this aorta off so she doesn't bleed out." Connor said and that's what they did. "Give me a clamp." He demanded and they did and clamped off the aorta and had his go at compressions he was about to have them shock you but then your heart rate came back up. "Ok let's finish this quickly and get her into recovery." He demanded again and they did just that. "Just hold on, baby. I'm gonna get you out of here." He quietly told you and everybody else pretended not to hear him. "When she gets out of recovery and into a room let me know." He said and they nodded.
4 hrs is how long it took to repair the aorta. He was an absolute wreck. But he had stayed calm while doing the surgery. He had gotten changed and then went to the doctor's lounge and waited when one of the surgery techs came in to let him know you were out of recovery in a room. He asked what number and when they told him he was up and going to you. When he got there he looked at you and regretted everything. He pulled the uncomfortable blue plastic chair by your bedside and sat down. He grabbed your hand and stroked your knuckles, and every now and then kissed them. He just had to wait for you to wake up.
A consistent beeping is what woke you up. You had slowly opened your eyes but quickly slammed them shut when they met with harsh light. You then felt a weight on your hand and looked over to find the black haired, blued eyed man that you once called your boyfriend. He was sleeping and looked so peaceful but you needed to wake him up. "'Onnor." You said sleepily and he stirred until he woke up and at first he looked confused but then saw you were awake.
"Baby." He sighed out in relief. Your scrunched your nose up.
"I'm not your baby anymore, Connor. We broke up." You said and rolled your eyes which hurt. He sighed he wasn't going to fight with you, especially since you just got out of surgery. "What's the damage?" You asked moving due to uncomfortableness. He sighed.
"You have 4 broken ribs, a concussion, your abdominal aorta was torn but I was able to fix it. You have a hairline fracture on your right ankle. A sprained left wrist. Multiple cuts from the glass and a lot of bruising." He listed what was wrong and you stayed silent.
"What about the other driver?" You asked
"He was drunk and died on impact." He told you and you nodded.
"What about my car?" You asked again, you loved your car.
"I'm sorry. It's totaled. You'll have to get a new one." He said and you nodded and let a tear slip. "Are you ok?" He asked truly worried.
"Yea. I'm just going to miss that car." You said and he chuckled and smiled both of which you loved.
"We'll get you a new and better car." He said.
Dr. Goodwin came into your room and you looked up and smiled "Hi, Nurse Y/L/N. How are you feeling?" She asked.
"Sore. Just found out my beloved car was totaled." You said and everyone chuckled and smiled.
"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm came here to let you know you're going to have the next few weeks off to recover with pay and Connor is going to be allowed a few days off." She said and you looked confused.
"Why is that?" You asked her.
"Since you have nobody here he decided to be the one to look after you." She said
"That's not necessary. I can look after myself." You tried to defend yourself.
"You had a major surgery and will need someone to look after you. Connor volunteered." She said and you may not have liked it but agreed.
You spent a week in the hospital making sure everything was then you were released in Connor's care.
When you got to his apartment that night after your release it was slow going but he was ok with that. He was and has always been so patient with you. You hated that you broke up with him but you couldn't stand a cheater. You both got into the apartment and he had to settle down on the couch while he pampered you and got the bed ready and made you something to eat. He truly was the sweetest man ever. "If you need me for anything during the night wake me up, and I mean anything." He said and you nodded.
"You got it." You said. The two of you stayed up and watched some TV and you ate what was allowed. When and if you wanted to get up he was there helping you. You knew now why you first fell in love with this man.
This went on for a few weeks and your old feelings started to come back and you started to fall in love with him again. When he went back to work was the hardest but you managed and if you need something he said to call him, Hailey, Jay, or Kelly. You didn't call anybody because you were perfectly fine. You and Connor had been texted throughout the day. Most of your wounds, sprain, and fracture had healed. You still had stitches but they were due to come out soon.
One thing was on your mind and you couldn't get it off of your mind. That was why did he cheat. When you didn't text him back one day it was when he was finishing his shift and it was worrying him but stayed calm. Once out of the hospital he got into his car and drove home. He found you sitting outside on the terrace. You didn't hear him come in so you jumped when you touched you. "I'm sorry, Baby. I didn't mean to startle you." He said and you hadn't been correcting him when he said it. "What's wrong? You didn't text me back." He said and you sighed as he bent down looking at you.
"Why did you cheat?" You said just coming out and saying it.
"Baby, I didn't cheat on you." He said and you glared at him.
"Don't lie to me." You said and he sighed and hung his head.
"I'm not. Just hold on. Don't move." He said and you did what you were told, to be honest you were still sore and you didn't feel like moving.
"Don't walk away from me. Who the fuck is Samantha?" You yelled out after him but he returned with a black velvet box.
"I didn't cheat on you. Samantha is a married woman-" He started but you cut him off and threw your hands up which pulled on your stitches but you didn't care.
"So you cheated on me with a married woman? Why were you coming home so late? I loved you and still do." You said you hadn't noticed the black velvet box.
"You didn't let me finish. Samantha is married woman jeweler that was helping me set my grandmother's diamond into a ring. I was coming home late because Hailey and Ava were helping me pick out a perfect spot to propose that night you stormed out. Also you still love me?" He asked and you nodded your head.
"Yes. I still love you." You said and he kissed you. You gladly kissed him back.
"I love you too. I was going to make this special but with how you look under these lights and the sunset now is as good time as any. So, here it goes. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N I have loved you since the beginning. I have loved you since I laid my eyes on you. It was love at first sight for me. I knew you were the one right then and there. You are so special to me and when we broke up it broke me and when I saw you come into ED I was petrified. I don't want to lose you again. I want to grow old with you and have a family with you. So, will you make my dreams come true and make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He finished and was already kneeling on one knee as he pulled out the ring, it was a cut cornered princess cut with one diamond on each side, it was perfect. The way it glimmered under the light made it all more beautiful. You were crying and then you nodded your head.
"Absolutely, I will marry you. It'll make me the happiest woman in the world." He smiled and put the ring on your finger and gently grabbed your face and crashed his lips into yours. Everything was perfect.
When you were allowed to back to work you went with Connor and you were holding hands, everyone took notice of that. You both got changed and started your shift. You were told if you needed a break than you take it. The stitches had been removed but you didn't have your normal energy back just yet.
As the two of you walked out he left you at the desk and kissed you. "I'll see you later, fiancé." He said with a smile.
"Yes you will my soon to be husband." You smiled and he left. Everyone came up to you.
"So I take it you're back together." April said and you nodded and showed them the ring.
"More than back together. Engaged." You said and everyone squealed in excitement, the same way Hailey had done when you told her. They asked for details and you gave them. As they were talking to you, you saw Connor walk by with Will and Ethan and he smiled at you and winked which you returned.
Yea, everything was going to be ok. You had the man of your dreams and were about to start a life with him. It was perfect. You were finally in paradise.
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halsteadlover · 6 months
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*Gif and pics not mine credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Fem!Reader.
• Requested: yes by anon.
• Summary: Connor shows his possessive and jealous side and you love every bit of it.
• Warnings: jealousy, few curse words and I don’t know what else, please let me know if I missed any lol.
• Word count: 1930.
• A/N: I’m not sure about this one but here it is anyway since I was too lazy to write it all over again 😭 I hope you’ll like it, looking forward for your opinion. Comment, like and reblog, it’d would mean the world 💕 I love you all xx
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Connor's first case since coming back to Med’s was fairly simple.
He thought that day would go uneventful. He thought.
An elementary school girl was taken to the ER after her teacher called 911 because of an intense abdominal pain and after an ultrasound it turned out to be a case of acute appendicitis.
“She’ll need surgery, where are the parents? We need their consent,” Connor had asked Natalie while they examined the little patient who was still writhing in pain. She was given a small dose of morphine to calm some of her excruciating pain.
At that same moment Maggie entered the room and Connor glanced at her as he tried to calm the little girl, whose name turned out to be Daisy. “Her teacher is here and asked about a doctor.”
“I'll talk to her,” Connor said and Natalie nodded.
Connor and Maggie exited the patient's room and his gaze fell on a figure near the nurses' station who was filling out some forms.
He tried to keep an expression as serious and impassive as possible even though internally a flock of butterflies had just exploded in his stomach.
There was no need to even take a double take, he would’ve recognized that figure even in a crowd of thousands of people. After all, how could he not recognize his own girlfriend?
You were a teacher and taught science in an elementary school but what were the chances that you would’ve been the little girl’s teacher?
You and Connor had been together for about few months them so none of his colleagues knew you existed yet. He had to act like he didn’t know you, like he didn’t want to breathtakingly kiss you right then and there.
He couldn't help but let his eyes wander over your body suppressing the innate desire to approach you and grab your ass like he always did.
He approached the nurses' station, hands shoved in his uniform pocket. “Ma’am.”
Your heart skipped a beat when you heard not a voice but his voice. You immediately tried to suppress the smile that threatened to appear on your face as well as the urge to giggle since he knew how much it annoyed you when he’d call you ‘ma’am’.
“It’s ‘miss’, actually.”
You said when you turned to him, pen still in your fingers as you gave him a polite smile and chuckling to yourself when you saw Connor press his lips together in an attempt not to burst out laughing.
“Nice to meet you miss, I’m doctor Rhodes. I’m treating Daisy.”
Your eyes quickly scanned his body, trying to maintain composure and not blush like a fourteen year old when thoughts about you and him in his bed that morning crept into your mind.
“How is she, doctor?” You asked, failing miserably at not giving him a little mischievou smile.
“Unfortunately I cannot discuss my patient's health status with people outside of her family. I wanted to ask you if you have by any chance notified her parents? We need to talk to them,” he replied in a professional tone although the way his eyes shone as they spoke to you and the way he couldn't help but check you out gave him away.
Maggie and April, who were there at the time and witnessing your conversation, couldn't help but exchange a knowing look.
They had both thought the exact same thing.
There was no way you and Connor didn't know each other.
It was so obvious and even funny how you both tried to maintain a professional and unemotional facade. But the way he looked at you, the way his eyes had never left yours, the way his body was totally turned towards you and in which he seemed to be imperceptibly drawn continuously towards yours had revealed there was no way in hell that he didn't know you.
But it was also how your head was tilted slightly as you spoke to him, how you kept touching your hair, how you batted your eyelashes and the shadow of a smile that never left your lips that had given definitive confirmation that you two knew each other very well.
And not talking about the fact you two were blatantly flirting.
“I came here in a hurry so I didn't have time to call them, but I'll do it right away,” you had said and Connor had nodded, trying to keep himself from following you with his eyes as you walked away to make the call but failing miserably.
“Connor oh my god! What was that?!” April screamed/whispered, approaching Connor with Maggie, a look of pure surprise and amazement on both their faces. “You know her?!”.
Connor shrugged nonchalantly. “N-no of course not.”
“Oh come on we saw the way you looked at each other, you clearly know her and there is definitely something going on!” Maggie retorted.
“She's just a good looking woman, that's all,” Connor remarked even if ‘good looking’ didn’t even come close to how gorgeous you were.
All his attention though had shifted from Maggie and April for a moment, his eyes falling on the two doctors that were talking as they looked through some patients' medical records.
He saw the direction of their gaze, hearing the comments about the object – or rather the person – that had attracted their attention.
“Man if she was a stripper I would’ve spent my whole salary on her, did you see that ass?”. One of them had confessed to one of them while he was pretending to fill out the medical records even though he was watching you like a hawk while you were talking on the phone.
“I would’ve never skipped a class if I had a teacher as hot as her,” the other continued laughing.
“You think she has someone?”.
“Oh I hope not, but if it is he is a damn lucky bastard.”
Connor clenched his hands into two fists, almost having a brain aneurysm.
A wave of jealousy washed over him, every cell of his body exploding with anger at hearing the words directed towards you who unawarely continued to talk on the phone.
His jaw clenched as he struggled to stay calm, but God how much he wanted to beat the shit out of those two sons of bitches. He hated the way they looked at you, the way they made those disgusting comments about your body.
He hated it so much because that was the way he looked at you.
He was the only one who could make those comments about you, the only one who could have those sinful thoughts about you, the only one who could touch and admire you.
Your ass, your legs, your smile, your laugh, that twinkle in your eyes when you looked at him, that body, all of this were his.
It was as if his mind had gone into blackout, as if all his reasoning, judgment and common sense had just flown away because now all he could do was imagine the bastards' heads banging against the wall over and over again.
Drastic? Perhaps. Excessive? Probably. But Connor didn't give a fuck.
And it was in fact at that precise moment that he did something he’d never have thought of doing for anyone.
“Daisy's parents are…-” you announced as you ended the call and walked back to the nurses' station but stopped on your tracks when Connor came towards you, and a confused expression appeared on your face.
Your eyes widened and you almost had a heart attack when he grabbed your face and crushed his lips on yours.
He didn't give a shit.
Neither that you both were keeping your relationship a secret anymore, nor that you were in the middle of the ER, nor that everyone at that moment had stopped to witness that scene.
He wasn’t thinking clearly and in that moment it was that part of him with which he had never come face to face before that controlled him, that primitive and caveman part he was hating so much.
Even though that gesture had taken you completely by surprise, your body reacted before your mind could even understand what was happening, so you kissed him back, feeling your breath stopping in your lungs. Your hands slid up his chest and fisted his uniform as he wrapped his arms around your hips, sliding his hands down to your ass.
He didn't care he’d receive an endless scolding for what he was doing, he didn't care about the voices that commented the scene, he didn't care that everyone saw his hands squeezing your ass.
He didn't care because he wanted them to see, he wanted everyone to know you belonged to him, that he was the only one who could kiss you, fuck you, squeeze that stripper ass, that loved you.
You broke away from the kiss before the situation could escalate, your heart pounding and your legs shaking like jelly. “Babe oh my god…-”.
“You’re mine, you know that right?” He whispered. “Only mine.” His hands moved up from your ass back to your face and his thumbs caressed your cheekbones before placing a small kiss on his lips. “And I love you.”
Woah hold on.
Did he fucking say ‘I love you’? In an ER?
Wait. Connor loves me?
You looked at him in shock but you didn't have time to process and figure out what the hell was going on because he grabbed your hand and led you back towards the nurses' station, where Maggie and April's jaws were now on the floor.
“Meet my girlfriend, Y/n,” he announced, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close as you were about to faint. Your heart was beating so fast you feared you’d need a defibrillator to revive you sooner or later.
You were so shocked you couldn’t elaborate a word, fuck you couldn’t even think about one.
Connor's eyes focused on the two doctors that had been talking about you until recently but who at that moment were looking around embarrassed.
“You wanted to know if she was taken? Yes, she is. I’m the lucky bastard who gets to have her and now let me hear one more thing about my girlfriend, I fucking dare you.”
You looked with confusion at your boyfriend, then at the doctors he was glaring at, and then back at him. You had no idea what he was talking about and you were so dazed and confused that your mind didn't know what to process first.
From the way Connor’s hand was gripping your hip, the way he held you so close to him, and the way he glared at the two doctors, you imagined it was somehow about you. And although the embarrassment of being the center of attention made you want to be swallowed by the floor, you couldn't help but feel… Flattered.
Was this the right word?
You didn’t know.
You couldn't even describe it, but that jealous, protective side of him lit a fire inside you that burned every single fucking cell of your body.
You knew Connor always had this protective instinct towards you but knowing he had ‘marked his territory’ so blatantly, just to stop whatever they were saying, made you giggle to yourself like a teenage girl.
It was so damn hot and sexy, more than you would’ve ever expected.
And instead of thinking about how out of place or inappropriate that gesture was, the only thing you could think about as you looked at Connor was how good he was going to get it that night.
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Connor Rhodes tag list: @rsquared31, @novabckly, @wnbweasley, @thebejeweledwatercat
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sjhhemmings · 5 months
Connor Rhodes x fem!reader
a/n: continuing with my Connor kick. just something for the holiday spirit yk 😉. yay babies!!
warnings: fluffy, pregnancy, established relationship, swearing
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“Baby? You okay?” Connor asks waking you up from your nap on your bathroom floor.
Shit. What time was it? No way Connor was already off his night shift.
“Hi! yes, i’m perfectly fine.” You say hastily and tired with an unconvincing smile. You were sick. You’ve been puking since early morning, unable to stay away from the toilet for 5 minutes. Ever since last night everything you ate came right back up. You were pretty sure you had food poisoning due to the take out Chinese you had, but you weren’t going to make any assumptions until you went to the clinic today.
“Okay…what are you doing then?” He asks with a furrowed brow now kneeling next to you brushing some hairs away from your face.
Sighing you decide to just tell him the truth. You hated telling Connor you were sick because he always treated you like you were one of his patients, but you couldn’t hide this from him.
“I’m sick.” You say starting to tear up. Why? You didn’t know, you just knew that you didn’t want to disappoint him.
“Hey, hey, you’re okay.” He says now sitting and pulling you to lay in his chest. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He asks a little softer now.
“I-I just feel bad!” You say now sobbing into his chest making his heart hurt a little.
“Well, why?” He asks in the same soft tone brushing your hair with his hand. Completely confused also, you hated crying but you were now sobbing over being sick. Something must be wrong.
“B-because you just got off shift from the hospital, and last night I got take out Chinese that made me sick.” You manage to say through broken sobs which took him a few seconds to understand.
“You feel bad because I just got off work, and you had Chinese food last night?” He asks confused.
“Yes! But no!” Taking a deep breath you sit up to look Connor in the eye collecting your thoughts.
“I feel bad, because you just got off shift, and we might have to go back to the clinic because I’m pretty sure I have food poisoning from the food I had last night. I’ve just been so sick all morning.”
“Oh baby. Don’t feel bad, if you’re sick we can go to the clinic. It’s not like I’ll be working when I’m there. Here how about you take a shower, I’ll make you some toast and we can go to the doctor? Sound good?”
“Yes.” You say sniffling and standing up. Connor also stands giving you a hug and kiss on your forehead. You don’t know what you would do without him.
Once you got out of the shower you noticed you felt a lot better, but it’s better to go to the doctor and make sure everything is okay anyway.
You put on a pair of joggers and one of Connor’s sweatshirts that you basically drowned in but you couldn’t care less. Your whole body was achy, especially your boobs and you didn’t want a form fitting shirt.
“Ready to go?” Connor asks you once you’ve finished breakfast.
“Yeah, but I feel a lot better now. That shower really helped.” You say getting up from your spot and yawning.
“That’s good. Let’s just go to the clinic anyway and make sure everything is okay.”
Once you got to the hospital you immediately started to feel uneasy again. Your stomach really started fluttering and you didn’t know why. Probably just cramps signaling your period is on its way again. Great.
“Good news Y/N, you don’t have the flu or any other virus for that matter. Your blood also came back clean so It could just be a mild case of food poisoning or a 24 hour bug, either way you should be good to go. I also saw that you don’t have a flu shot on file for this year yet so would you want to get that out of the way while you’re here too?” Your doctor asks.
“Yes that’s fine.” You say earning a look from Connor. He’s always bugging you to stay up to date with those things.
“Okay, the nurse will be in shortly to administer the shot. Also do you want to start scheduling your O.B. appointments? I know it’s early but It’s better to be on the schedule with those things instead of coming around last minute.” She asks catching both you and Connor completely off guard.
“O.B. appointments?” You both say in unison.
“Yes. Do you have a preferred Obstetrician?” She asks only making you furrow your brow harder.
“Um, no? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You asked now earning a confused look from her.
“Well I suppose if you guys are planning on using a midwife that’s fine too, but it’s highly recommended that you go to monthly check-ups while you’re pregnant to ensure the baby’s safety. Connor your’re a doctor you should know this.” The doctor says chuckling slightly to herself, but her smile quickly fading when she realizes both of you guys still aren’t catching on.
“The baby…?” You mutter quietly to yourself afraid to look a Connor for his reaction, which is him just standing there white as a ghost.
“Y/n, you do know you’re pregnant right?” She finally asks now making you look at Connor,
“Pregnant?” You say finally looking at him.
Connor runs a hand through his hair as he finally takes a few steps to stand next to you.
“We’re having a baby?” He asks quietly grabbing your hand, then looking at the doctor.
“We’re having a baby?” He asks louder now, unsure if he believes it or not.
“Um, yes. You are. I’m surprised you guys don’t know, Y/N, by your blood work it shows you’re about 12-14 weeks along.” She says a little shocked.
This makes you look at Connor absolutely shocked. To which he is giving you the same face.
“I’ll give you guys some privacy, would you like me to order an ultrasound?” She asks getting no response until Connor finally tears his eyes away from you and nods almost frantically at her.
“Yes. Yes please.�� He says as she shuts the door.
Slowly standing up, you walk away from Connor to stand in the middle room putting space between you guys before you turn to him again.
“A baby?” You ask still unsure on whether you believe it or not.
Of course you would want a child with him. You guys were married for Christ’s sake, but you just assumed it was never in the cards for you guys.
Connor closes the space between you guys, cupping your face his in his hands forcing you to look at him.
“What are you feeling right now?” He asks slightly teary eyed, completely unaware if you want this or not. He thought ever since you accepted it wasn’t going to happen, that you might not want this anymore. That you might not want this baby.
“I-I’m shocked.” You whisper feeling like you just got all the air knocked out of you.
“I’m scared.” You finally admit meeting his eyes again.
“Hey, there’s no reason to be scared. We’re in this together. Whatever you want to do, i’m there.” He says reassuringly.
“Do you think I don’t want this?” You ask slightly worried.
“I think we’re both in shock right now. I don’t know what to think…”He admits pursing his lips a little. “What do you want?” He finally asks a little bit afraid of the answer.
“I want a baby.” You finally admit chuckling a little bit. “I want a family. I want a family with you. I want to have mini you’s and me’s running around…I want this.” You say more confidently chuckling a little at Connor’s smile.
“We’re having a baby!” He says excitedly kissing you.
A little while later the doctor comes back with the ultrasound. Your eyes start to swell with tears as you actually heard the heartbeat. It all just became so much more real. You look over to Connor who is so happy. There is no other way to describe the sparkle in his eye. How in love with you he is, and how in love with this baby he already is. You squeeze his hand as you look over to the machine again when your face drops.
Maybe the downside of being a nurse is that you can read an ultrasound machine, because the second you see the picture of your baby you turn to look back at Connor who is making the same face.
“I know it’s a little early, but I can somewhat make out the gender. Would you guys like to know?” You doctor asks looking over at you.
“We know.” You say smiling a little at Connor whose face is almost unreadable.
Connor doesn’t miss a beat before he kisses you more passionately than he ever has before. There was fire behind his lips and that sparked something within you. It’s so real. God you guys are so in love. You cannot wait to bring a baby into this world with him. Giggling against his lips you pull away and rest your foreheads against each other.
You wipe a tear from his eye before you finally whisper, “Its a boy.”
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kiddbegins · 7 months
Good Girl - Connor Rhodes | 18+
Requested: yes
Word count:
Warnings: smut [vaginal sex, brief fingering, dirty talk, orgasm denial kinda, sort of degrading? Like just kinda?]
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Take the other from behind [connor rhodes]
Connor Rhodes. Hot, attractive Dr. Rhodes from the emergency department was in your bed and honestly? You couldn’t be happier. You weren’t looking for anything serious. After a major breakup a few weeks ago with the man that broke your heart you just needed to live a little.
The last four years of your life down the drain so yeah, maybe having sex with someone with no strings attached was the way to go. And it just so happened that the person you bumped into on your way out of Med was looking for the same thing.
So you ended up at his place, more than once. Like right now where he was pushing you up against the wall in his bedroom, hands wandering all over your body. Before it all started you hadn’t even thought about Connor in that light.
He was usually the brooding surgeon that always had his eyebrows knit together. Whose ex-girlfriend was a little crazy. Your coworkers' words, not yours. You happened to know Robin well enough to know that what happened wasn’t horrible.
But now? Now that you’d had your taste of him, all of him, it was all you wanted. This was supposed to be the era of sleeping around but instead it shifted to screwing one person multiple times a week.
No complaints though, cause Connor was good, nay, amazing at what he did. Because of course he was. The man was practically perfect. He squeezed softly at your hip, digging his fingers in to pull you into him as he pressed against your body.
Normally he’d change out of his scrubs before leaving the hospital, but he was in too much of a rush to change out of them, instead deciding to deal with them the entire ride to his house. A lot of what he did was different today.
He’d offered the ride there, for one, knowing you usually would follow behind him. Kept his hand on your thigh the entire time. Teased you while he drove. The whole nine. And to say you were worked up right now was an understatement.
“Connor-” You breathed out, feeling him bite at the skin on the side of your neck, clearly going to leave a mark. His hands slipped under your shirt, the one you actually took the time to change into before being interrupted by one other doctor.
Your hands gravitated to the back of his scrubs, one lowering to grip at any part of him you could get your hands on. “Please, I want you,” You muttered into his ear, not expecting him to pull back, looking down at you.
His hand came up to cup the side of your cheek, “How badly?” He teased, sensually stroking his thumb across your skin, dragging it across your lower lip. Faltering as if he expected you to take it into your mouth.
“So badly.” You muttered, gazing up at him, lust fogging your mind. Slightly you shifted, crossing your legs to get some sort of friction to your core. Connor grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to the bed, nudging you down onto it.
He pushed you back, crawling over on top of you, a dark look in his eyes as he leaned down, kissing at your open skin. “I’m gonna need you to tell me exactly what you want me to do darling,” His gaze found yours as he kissed over your shirt, mouth grazing your covered chest.
A whine left your lips, even his feather light touches burned as you laid there. “I want you, in me, on me, touching me. Anything.” You weren’t a beggar, but today seemed to be one for all the differences. So the word please slipping from your lips when he finally pushed your shirt up, egged him on.
His mouth was on your exposed stomach in seconds, leaving hot, open mouthed kisses up your body until he’d gotten to your breasts. Slowly he reached behind you, skillfully unlatching your bra with one hand to pull it off.
“It’s scary how easy you do that,” You muttered, letting out a light gasp as he responded by latching onto one of your nipples, flicking his tongue across it. “Connor-” His name slid off your tongue professionally at this point.
The amount of times you’d been together he’d learned what gets you worked up pretty quickly and he sure knew how hot and bothered his mouth on your boobs made you. Not that he minded. He already was a boob guy so getting to keep his hands and mouth on them? A win in his book.
Connor moved, kissing at the other nipple, eyes looking up at you as he did so, his hips bucking against yours as you moaned out. He couldn’t help but feel himself going warm with every touch you gave him.
His hands slid up your thighs, stopping when he decided to lean up, finally pulling his top off, throwing it aside. You reached up, pulling him down by the back of his neck, kissing at his collarbone. Sucking hickies into every divet you could get your lips on as he gave way to you.
The surgeon hooked his fingers into the sweatpants you had put in, pulling them down. “I’m going,” He pulled away from your kisses to place his own on your skin, “To have so much fun with you tonight.” His voice was low, hands gripping onto your hips as he rubbed against you, the lack of clothing between you two making your body shudder.
“Shit…” You mumbled under your breath. Everytime felt like the first time, your body knowing how to react to his touch, to how he moved against you. Before you could do anything, he pulled you closer by the hips.
Connor pressed one quick kiss to your jaw before moving off of you. “Hands and knees, facing that way,” He pointed to the head of his bed, smirking as you immediately obeyed his commands. The rustling of his clothes was all you heard as he pulled off what remained of his clothes.
His dick was hard, precum spilling out of it rapidly. “Good girl, I love the way you listen to me,” He spoke, crawling onto the bed behind you. Connor’s hand firmly gripped your ass, pulling you against him, just slightly letting you feel what he was setting you up for.
Roughly he leaned forward, kissing down your back, “You gonna continue to be a good girl for me?” He asked, running his hands over all of your most sensitive areas.
Instantly you nodded, whining when his hand rubbed at your clit through the cloth of your underwear. “I want you to say it.” He spoke, moving his fingers faster, your body trying to press back against him as you nodded again.
“Yes, yes. I am.”
“You are what?” He encouraged you to speak, removing his hand from your heat and instead sliding them up your thighs. The wet spot on the cloth grew, his words doing nothing but making you more wet, more needy.
And Connor knew that. “I’ll be a good girl for you, please Connor,” You wanted to reach out and touch yourself, but being bent up on your elbows made it difficult to do so. And that wouldn’t exactly be good girl behavior would it.
The man slowly pulled your underwear down, his hands reaching down first, grabbing handfuls of you as he pulled you apart. “Oh baby girl, you getting yourself all ready for me?” He spoke in a teasing tone, his thumb pressing slightly against your entrance.
As soon as you tried to move back against him he slapped your ass, shaking his head. “Ah, you only move if and when I tell you to. Understand?” You nodded. “I said, do you understand?” Connor repeated himself more firmly.
You sucked in a breath, “Yes, I understand.” Your mind was so filled with him, his words, his touch. Your need for him to just touch you, fuck you, anything was becoming too much. “Please touch me, Con, please.”
It was nearly impossible for him to say no when your pleads sent vibrations through him, his dick twitching. But he wasn’t going to give in that easily. Rather, drag it out as much as he could. So he did what you asked by slipping a finger inside of you.
Your head dropped, feeling as he hooked it, stroking the golden spot right inside. “More,” You tried to ask, forcing yourself to keep still as he moved, denying your request. Instead he kept moving, feeling every move you made, watching each breath you took.
As soon as you started to clench around him he pulled his hand away, popping his finger into his mouth as he leaned forward. His length slightly brushed against you, teasingly. “You taste so good honey, maybe you can try next time,” He gave you a couple seconds to come down from your near high, this time slipping two fingers inside.
A loud whine came out of you, eyes squeezing shut as you tried not to fuck back onto his fingers. “Good girl still listening to me,” Connor cooed in your ear as if he knew you were trying not to go against his words.
The feeling of him knuckles deep in you was almost too much. Especially as he built you up again, retracting himself right before you finished. Like you ran the marathon but never crossed the finish line. “Connor,” You whined his name out, your insides feeling like mush the more and more times he did it.
Seven times. He brought you right to the cusp of your orgasm seven times with just his fingers, a smirk permanently on his face as he watched you try and control your breathing. “What’s wrong? You seem a little on edge,” He muttered, sucking a mark onto your lower back.
“Please,” Your words were jumbled, pulsating as you tried your hardest to keep a grip on what was happened. “Connor please fuck me, I can’t take it anymore.” You spoke shakily, thighs feeling like jelly as he tried to keep yourself propped up for him.
He wrapped his hands around your hips, “Alright baby,” He slowly guided you back, slipping right into you as he did. There was enough wetness in your folds that he slotted perfectly inside, the stretch of him just enough that it felt amazing.
As he leaned over you, you grabbed your arms, holding them behind your back as he thrust into you. Connor crossed your arms, interlocking his fingers with one of your hands, using that as a grip as his pace picked up.
Your face went straight into the mattress, pushed down as he moved. It wasn’t long until you were built up again, craving to finally be able to release, “Connor, I’m close, please let me,” You turned your head to speak.
He simply rolled his hips into you in a new way in response, his other hand pulling your hair back, “Cum for me.” Connor spoke into your ear, kissing your shoulder as you came undone underneath him.
Your knees gave out, falling against the bed as your body trembled. He shifted slightly, his movements rapid as he slammed in and out of you, your cum adding to the slickness that was already there, covering his length in entirety. “Good, good job,” His muttered, stuttering slightly as he worked you through your orgasm.
He slowed slightly, letting go of your arms and moving so he was on his side with a leg bent up, your legs spread apart in front of him. Connor looped his hand around your leg, lifting it up as he continued to fuck into you, the new angle sending shivers up your body.
“Fuck, y/n, you have no idea what you do to me,” He bit your shoulder gently, pushing his face into your skin. The sound of him slapping into you was horrid, but it played like music to his ears as he let his other hand come over to circle your clit again.
You leaned your back against him, your hand going up to the side of his face, the only part of him you could reach. “Say my name again,” You breathed out, the tone of his voice along with his groan brought you unspeakable pleasure.
He practically pressed his mouth to your ear, “Y/n,” Connor repeated lowly, moving his hand from your clit up your body, teasing its way to your throat.
Of course he remembered how you acted last time. His hand lightly wrapped around your throat, a couple kisses to your shoulder as well, “you tell me if it’s too much,” Connor instructed, applying pressure after you nodded.
The feeling of his hand and his dick inside you had another orgasm rallying up, ready to burst in seconds. “Oh baby, you like what I hold you like this?” He whispered in your ear, jolting his hips up with each thrust, hitting hard against you.
“You like when I have complete control over you? I tell you to do something and you listen, just for me huh?” He egged you on, his words making your heat tingle. “You like when I use you?”
Connor felt you clench around him, a tsk and shake of the head, “Are my words turning you on, y/n? You like when I call you needy? Like when I make you cum three? Four times? Go ahead. Show me, show me how much you like having my hand around your neck.”
His hand clenched just enough that it sent you overboard, your body shaking as he held you against him, keeping his movements up enough as he could, on the brink of his own orgasm.
“So dirty,” He mumbled into the skin of your neck, letting his hand fall from your throat and back to your hips, fucking into you.
Your eyes were rolling to the back of your head, insides still clenching as you came down. Connor was quick to pull out, last second shooting off onto your leg as he let go of the one that was still up in the air.
As you settled onto your side, sure to keep your legs from touching so you didn’t smear anything, Connor get up, grabbing a soft wet rag from the bathroom, cleaning you up as quickly as possible so you could slide under the blankets.
After a couple moments he sighed, “You're so beautiful,” He muttered, admitting something he could never bring himself to say in a pre-sex moment. The man was always more open and clingy after.
His arms always found their way around you, always held you close to his chest. And if you guys hadn’t committed to the friends that had sex bit then maybe, just maybe he’d like himself kiss you.
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Join Connor’s Masterlist here!
Tags: @winchesterszvonecek @everything-fandom @mrspeacem1nusone @thebejeweledwatercat
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winchesterszvonecek · 8 months
could you do a connor piece with these two prompts? theyre not from the same list so i hope thats okay 🩷
"I'm not gonna let you cum no matter how much you want it."
“So, what's going on between you and [name] recently? You guys seem to have gotten close all of a sudden."
and its like the reader is a firefighter at 51 and close to kelly or casey / got closer to one of them and yeah :)
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All Yours - [ Connor Rhodes ] 18+
Prompt: “So, what’s going on between you and [name] recently? You guys seem to have gotten close all of a sudden.” + “I’m not gonna let you cum no matter how much you want it.”
Word Count: 2550 i couldn’t stop myself
Warnings: female!reader, strong language, jealousy, possessiveness, smut - [ vaginal fingering, oral - fem!receiving, edging, dirty talk… so much dirty talk, unprotected sex ]
A/N: i was so nervous to post this cause it feels so goddamn filthy but i did it anyway so hopefully y’all enjoy it and i didn’t go way off the rails lmao
Masterlist | Connor Masterlist
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You knew something was wrong the minute you got into the car and Connor hadn’t immediately kissed your cheek then asked you how your shift was. You could tell simply by the way he stayed silent the whole ride home, his hands gripping the steering wheel with such force that his knuckles had turned white and you were surprised they hadn’t broken through his skin.
It was unlike him to not ask you a hundred questions revolving around your day at work, and even more unlike him not to kiss you, so if you hadn’t been suspicious enough, then his stiff posture and lack of eye contact with you would have been evidence enough. And when he didn’t place his hand on your thigh each time you stopped at a red light, you knew you were in trouble, only you had no idea why.
You didn’t know what was bothering him, what you could have done to make him this way, and in all honesty you were scared to ask which is why you stayed as quiet as he did during the ride home. But the second you stepped foot into your shared apartment, where you’d just about managed to find the courage to ask him what was wrong, Connor beat you to it and he wasn’t at all subtle in hiding his obvious annoyance over what he’d seen when he came to pick you up.
“So, what’s going on between you and Casey recently? You guys seem to have gotten close all of a sudden.” Connor asked, his tone a little bitter as he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back against the couch as you tilted your head a little, ignoring the anger that built inside him when you laughed softly.
“Me and Casey?” You shook your head, glancing briefly around the room before your eyes landed back on him. “Connor, I’ve told you this before, he’s my Lieutenant, that’s it. Nothing more” You added, scoffing a little at the insinuation he was so clearly making as you made your way to the bedroom, deciding you’d heard enough of what he had to say.
You’d had this conversation with him once before when he caught Casey hugging you in the hospital after a rough call and that hadn’t gone well so he could forgive you for not wanting to go down that road again.
“Oh really? Well it seems to me like he thinks differently… Especially if the way he looked at you when I picked you up said anything on the matter.” Connor said with a touch more anger as he followed you into the room, even the sight of the eighty-one shirt covering your torso enough to have his blood boil over the memory of how Casey had looked at you.
“How he looked at me?” You repeated, your tone matching his as you couldn’t believe he was making you go through this again. “Tell me Connor, how was he looking at me? Cause if it was anything less than with drool coming from his mouth then I don’t want to hear it.”
“He might as well have been drooling.” Connor scoffed, pulling his shirt over his head with such haste that he was surprised his head hadn’t come off with it. “The way he watched you… Practically fucking you with his eyes right in front of me.”
“For God sakes, Connor.” You muttered in frustration, pulling your own shirt off and tossing it in the hamper. All you wanted was a quiet morning after work, but it appeared as though your fiancée thought otherwise and little did you know… “How many times do I have to tell you? Casey does not want to fuck me. And even if he did…”
Unaware that Connor had been moving towards you, your words were cut off when you suddenly felt your chest hit hard against the wall, sending a tingle down your front which quickly made its way between your legs when you felt Connor push up against you, lifting your hands to pin them above your head, making you unable to see how he stared at you the very same way he’d accused Casey of.
“What? Would you let him fuck you?” He whispered, his voice so deep he was practically growling as he attached his lips to your neck, the pure heat coursing through your veins making you unable to reply.
You could feel his free hand snake around your waist, his fingertips trailing down your stomach before they delved beneath your trousers, ghosting over your already throbbing pussy and causing a soft moan to escape your lips as you leaned back against him, his hardened bulge pressing firmly against your ass.
“Would you let him pin you down in his office and fuck that tight little pussy of yours?” Connor whispered into your ear, his teeth digging gently into your lobe as he tugged on it, hearing the muttered swear words that left your lips in response. “Answer me baby… If he wanted to… Would you let your Lieutenant fuck you?”
“No.” You gasped softly at the coldness of his fingers as they pushed aside your panties, trailing themselves painfully slowly across your soaking slit as Connor made sure not to touch your clit as he wanted to hear you beg for it. “No I wouldn’t.”
“And why’s that?” Connor asked in intrigue as he always thought you had a little school girl crush on Casey before you met him. He pulled his hand from your panties and flipped you round, once again pinning your hands firmly above your head. The first thing he noticed about you was the lust that had blown wide in your pupils, your breathing heavy as you all but panted which only had him straining that much more against his pants.
“Because…” You breathed out, clenching your legs to try and feel some friction against the raving heat beneath them. “…you’re the only one I want to fuck me… The only one whose cock I want to feel inside me.”
“Hm, good answer.” Connor hummed in satisfaction, pressing his lips hard against you as you all but devoured each other. His hold on your hands faltered, allowing them to fall to your sides before you moved to unbuckled his belt, the only thing he allowed you to do before he took your hands in his, stilling your motions. “Not so fast… I think you deserve a little punishment beforehand, don’t you?”
“Punishment? For what?” You asked, almost finding yourself angry again as you thought you’d made it clear to him that you’d never dream of cheating on him with Casey. That was, until you saw the way he smirked, his eyes darkening as he imagined all the ways he could have you squirming beneath him and that’s when you knew you were done for.
“For being so goddamn hot that every guy who meets you wants to fuck you.” And with that, the words that had you smiling like crazy, Connor lifted you off your feet and threw you down onto the bed, towering over you as his hands roamed across your skin, feeling the hotness of it mix with that of his cold hands.
He gripped the cups of your bra, pulling it down to allow your breasts to spill over the edge, his mouth cupping one of them instantly whilst his hand went to the other, kneading it softly as he flicked and pinched at the hardened bud between his fingers, making you hum softly as your threaded your fingers through his hair.
You were already a soaking mess by the time he moved lower, his fingers hooking around the waistband of both your pants and your panties, which he pulled off you in one quick motion before he got to his knees, spreading you open to see the glistening sight that was your pussy.
“Look at you.” Connor teased, pacing soft kisses up your inner thigh, his stubble scratching you lightly as his arm slid across your stomach, holding you down to stop you from arching your back too high. “Absolutely dripping… And all for me.”
“Only you, baby.” You gasped, followed by a low moan as he slipped one finger inside you, which was enough for you to almost lose your train of thought. “Fuck… Only for you.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Connor chuckled, in a way that told you that you were more than likely about to have to beg for your life. “Now be a good girl and moan for me while I fuck my fingers into your pretty little pussy.”
You did what you were told as he slid a second finger into you, knuckle deep before he pulled back, thrusting them into you once again and keeping a steady rhythm. The noises they made were not at all quiet as you knew how wet you were, how absolutely soaking you got when he took control like this, but then again, neither were you.
Your moans echoed off the walls, probably reaching the neighbours which you’d normally be embarrassed about but right now you didn’t care. You were simply in heaven as he continued to finger fuck you, curling them slightly to hit that sweet spot inside you. It had barely been a minute before you already found yourself clenching tightly around his fingers, about to come harder than you’d ever done before.
That was, until Connor pulled them out, making you whine at the loss of contact and look down at him, just in time to see him suck the glisten of you off his fingers.
“Oh, did you think I was gonna let you give in so quickly?” He asked, moaning softly at the taste of you on his fingers as he licked them once again. “Baby, I’m not gonna let you come no matter how much you want it.”
The second the words left his lips he’d attached them to your pussy, sucking gently on your clit before his tongue worked its way downwards. Eating you out like you were his first meal in days which had you whimpering as you all but levitated off the bed, gripping the sheets for dear life as you’d never felt anything quite like how his tongue felt inside you.
Five times Connor brought you to the edge of your climax, allowing you to see briefly over the edge before he pulled you away, his mouth leaving you as you let out a stifled sob. You couldn’t take another second let alone another minute of him denying you what you wanted. You were desperate. So fucking desperate for him to make you come that you could feel your eyes stinging with tears, your lower abdomen tightening more than ever before as it slowly reached the brink of being painful.
“Connor please.” Your breath hitched as you spoke, your body shaking from the edging he was so thoroughly enjoying. “Please… I can’t… I can’t take it anymore, please let me come.”
“You want to come baby?” Connor said softly, rubbing a slow circle against your swollen clit, making you whimper quietly to yourself as your hips bucked involuntarily. “You want me to make you come?”
“Yes… Yes, please make me come.” You begged, propping yourself up on your shaky elbows to look at him. “Please… I want you to make me come so fucking bad, baby. Want you to make me come so hard I scream your name.”
“Tell me you’re mine.” Connor said seriously, unbuttoning his pants as he readied himself to make good on his promise. “Tell me you’re mine and I’ll fuck you so good you’ll scream my name loud enough that the whole city hears it.”
“I’m yours.” You said instantly, biting down hard on your lip as he pushed down his pants, freeing his already leaking and thick cock from beneath them. “I’m all yours. My heart. My pussy… All of it belongs to you.”
“Good girl.” Connor cooed, tracing his tip down your slick folds, pushing it in just a little as he smeared your arousal down the length of it. “Now get on your hands and knees.”
You moved quicker than before, barely settling yourself down on your knees before you felt him come up behind you, his erection brushing against your inner thigh as he settled himself nicely behind you, the bed the perfect height to allow him to stand which you knew meant he wasn’t going to be gentle at all. And right now, right now you wanted it rough.
“Give it to me, baby… Let me feel that thick cock in my tight little pussy.” You murmured, knowing that you talking dirty always riled him up, which it did as the second the words left your lips he’d pushed into, bottoming out in one quick motion and he was anything but slow as he began to pound mercilessly into you.
Your back arched, your chin pushed deep into the mattress as you bit down onto it, stifling your cries as your body trembled in pure pleasure, the slight pain of Connor’s roughness and lack of allowing you to adjust to his size only adding to the heat that pumped through your veins.
“Fuck… Yes baby, give it to me. Fucking give it to me. Yes.” You cried out, pushing your ass out further before you felt a sharp sting across it, Connor having slapped it before digging his fingers deep into the flesh of it, sure to leave bruises come the next morning.
“Taking it so good, baby.” Connor groaned, his hips moving furiously as he continued to slam into you, the sound of how wet your pussy was like music to his ears, as were your moans which he’d never heard quite as pleasure driven before. He could feel you clamping down around him, about to burst any second now as he gave you exactly what you wanted. “That’s it, sweetheart, come for me.”
As though on command, you clamped down fully, pure ecstasy flowing fast throughout your veins as you came harder than ever before, making good on your word of screaming his name as you couldn’t help but allow it to cross your lips. You couldn’t begin to describe this moment, your head was fuzzy, your eyes were clouded over in white as you felt your very spirit leave your body, and for a second you thought you’d ascended into heaven, that was until your name slipping from Connor’s lips as he came inside you pulled you back to reality.
“Fuck, Connor…” You exhaled, no air left in your burning lungs as he’d fucked it all out of you. “I think… I think… God, I don’t even know what to think.” Your body fell flat against the bed, your thighs sticking together from a mixture of yourself and Connor, whose release was slowly dripping out of you.
Connor chuckled, flipping your now limp body over so you lay on your back, making it easy for him to see your flushed face as he towered over you, gently brushing his thumb across your lips before he spoke.
“You know what I think… I think… You did so well in letting everyone in Chicago know that you're mine… And mine only.”
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Prompt List
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tagging: @kiddbegins @neapolitantoebeans @alexxavicry @wandamaxim0f
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whump-imagines · 4 months
Lunch Date Gone Wrong
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Connor x reader
~1000 words
She walked into the ED and greeted Leah at the admit desk. “Hey. I just wanted to surprise Connor for lunch. Can I go wait in the lounge?”
“Of course. I think he went upstairs but you can check with Maggie.”
“Thanks.” She walked through the sliding doors from the waiting room and stopped at the nurses station. Maggie saw her and walked out from the desk to give her a hug. “Hi, Mags.”
“Hi, sweetie,” Maggie said. “I didn't know you were coming today.”
She laughed. “Neither does Connor. I needed to get out of the house. Figured I'd surprise him for lunch.”
“He just ran upstairs to check on a patient but he should be back pretty soon,” Maggie explained. “You can go wait in the lounge if you want. Do you want me to page him?”
She shook her head. “No, I don't want to bother him. I can wait.” She went into the lounge and made herself comfortable on the couch.
Twenty minutes later, she saw Connor by the nurses station. He was looking at a computer and Maggie was nowhere in sight so she assumed he didn't know she was there.
She smiled and stood from the couch. She swayed slightly, dismissing it as having stood too fast. Walking out of the lounge, she made her way to where he was.
He glanced up and locked eyes with her. He smiled. “Hey! What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to get some fresh air and different scenery. Thought I'd see if you had time for some lunch.”
He pulled her into a hug and kissed her as he pulled away. “I always have time for you. Did you want to go grab something quick or eat here?”
She shrugged, swaying on her feet once again as dizziness made her world spin.
Connor frowned, grasping her shoulders and stepping back half a step to look at her. “You okay?”
She started to nod. “Uh, yeah. I think.”
“You sure?” He moved his hand to caress her cheek.
“Honestly?” she asked. “I was starving when I left the house. Now, I'm a little nauseous and dizzy.”
He pulled her behind the desk to a chair. “Okay, let’s sit down.”
She let him guide her into the chair. She took a deep breath and shook her head trying to clear the feeling, but it only made it worse. “Whoa,” she whispered, closing her eyes tight.
“Just breathe. I'm right here,” Connor reassured. He took her hand in his and she felt him press his fingers into the pulse point at her wrist. Her eyes were still closed so she didn't see the look of surprise on his face. “Hey, Maggie,” he said quietly. “What's open?”
“Uh, treatment three and four are. Why?” She asked.
Connor glanced at Y/N. “I need an EKG. Her heart rate is way too high.”
“Okay. I'll meet you in three,” Maggie said.
“Wait,” said Y/N. Her breathing quickened with her anxiety. “Why? What's wrong with me?”
“Shh, shh,” Connor soothed. “It's okay. Just breathe. We will figure it out. Can you stand up for me?”
She allowed him to pull her up. As soon as she was fully upright she swayed before her knees buckled. Connor caught her before she could hit the ground and lifted her heading straight to treatment three.
“Y/N! Can you hear me, sweetheart?” He asked as he set her on the bed. He ran his knuckle firmly over her sternum and she moaned but didn't wake. “Open your eyes for me.”
Will joined them as Maggie finished hooking up the cardiac monitor. She wrapped a BP cuff around her bicep. “Need a hand in here?”
“Damn it,” Connor cursed as he saw the monitor reading. “She's in SVT.”
“Connor,” Will warned. “You shouldn't be treating her.”
“I'm fine,” Connor argued. “I'm going to try a carotid massage.”
Will stepped closer. “Maggie, CBC, BMP, lytes, cardiac enzymes, and a chest x-ray. Please.”
“On it.” She quickly ordered the x-ray before drawing blood for the lab tests.
“No change.” Will pointed out as Connor stared at the monitor as if trying to Will the rhythm to change. “We need to push adenosine.”
“Just one more second,” Connor said. About thirty seconds later, his head dropped to his chest as he took a step back. “Uh, okay. Will?”
Will squeezed Connor’s shoulder before returning his focus to Y/N. “I got her, buddy.” He then turned to April who had joined them in the room. “Six milligrams of adenosine.”
Seconds later, April announced, “Pushing.” Almost instantly the monitor droned the monotone asystole sound before the fast beep resumed.
Connor’s hand came up to cover his mouth for a moment. His worry was really starting to shine through.
“Okay,” Will started. “Let's try another twelve milligrams of adenosine.”
Once again, April announced when she pushed the meds just before the monotone sound followed by the rapid beeping.
“Damn it,” Connor cursed.
“It's fine. I got her,” Will reassured. “We knew she was stubborn, right? Give me the paddles and charge to 75.”
Maggie handed them to him as April placed the orange gel pads on her chest. Will placed the paddles as Maggie stated, “Charged.”
“Clear!” Will verified everyone's hands were off before pressing the button. Her head shifted with the small jolt. Suddenly, the fast paced beeping slowed. “Back in sinus. Rate 86.”
Connor breathes a heavy sigh of relief. “Oh, thank god.”
A few minutes later, she moaned. “C–Connor?”
He was sitting beside her holding her hand as Will performed an echocardiogram.
Squeezing her hand, he spoke, “I'm right here, honey. Will is here too.”
She pried her eyes open slowly, shying away from the bright lights. “What happened?”
Connor ran his free hand over her head, pushing hair from her face. “You had a bit of an arrhythmia. We had to give you some meds and shock your heart to get it back to normal rhythm. Will is just running some tests now so we can figure out why it happened.”
She blinked slowly. “I'm so tired.”
“Well your heart just ran a mini marathon,” Will said.
“You can go ahead and rest,” Connor suggested. “You're going to be here at least overnight.”
She let her eyes flutter closed. “Mmkay.”
Connor continued to run his hand gently over her head until she was sound asleep. He knew it would be a long few weeks of tests and possible medications but for now, he was just glad she was okay.
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lcvesjj · 9 months
Helloo 😊 can I pleeeeaase ask you for a Connor Rhodes imagine where you're a nurse and dating Connor but recently didn't have much time together so you barely talk and your mood is not the best. So you also don't tell him that you're feeling not well and suffer from chest pain. One time you pass out during your shift and Connor gets called immediately by Maggie and is worried as hell. He stays by your side the whole time till you wake up and first lectures you why you didn't talk to him but as you tell him you didn't want to put more on his plate he feels bad for not being there for you and promises this will change? I craaaave some Connor fluff if that's fine with you 🩷
Title : "Talk to me"
A/n : I loveeeee Connor fluff! thank you for this request and I hope you’ll enjoy reading! :) (sorry it took me so long to write this)
Warnings : passing out, hospitals, tiny bit of angst (if there is anything I should add please lmk!)
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Lately Med was really busy since it was the middle of a hot summer and nearly everyone was on summer break or something. Which meant you and Connor couldn't spend as much time together as you used to. Usually you would at least have the time to eat a meal together or just talk, but now you both barely had the time. Which made your mood a little sour. 
You also started to experience some chest pain and you were feeling sick, but you decided to not tell Connor about it since you knew he had a lot going on. And you didn’t want to burden him with your problems. 
That was until one morning you just felt horrible, but you knew you had to go to work since the ER would be crowded and you just brushed it off thinking it's not that big of a deal. Maggie immediately saw something was wrong as soon as you stepped into the ER.
While heading towards the breakroom you started to feel dizzy and the world began to spin. Before you knew it your legs gave up under you and you nearly collapsed onto the floor. 
Luckily Will was following you and he caught you in time. “MAGGIE!” He yelled, gently placing you onto the ground. Maggie quickly ran over and ordered Will to take you to an empty spare room while she paged Connor.
Connor ran as fast as he could to the ER as soon as Maggie paged him. “How is she?” He panted leaning on the door to your room. “She’s alright, just a little dehydrated and weak. Y/n is currently asleep but you’re welcome to stay here till she wakes up.” Maggie smiled, patting his shoulder and walking out.
Softly walking up to your bed, he sat down next to you, intertwining your fingers together. He was exhausted and he felt guilty since recently he barely spent time with you. It made him feel like the worst boyfriend ever.
Connor simply sat down next to your bed and grabbed you hand, softly tracing small shapes into your palm. Sighing to himself, he kept on asking the same question over and over again in his head. “Why didn’t I notice something was wrong?”
And he sat like that in the uncomfortable hospital chair, holding your hand while waiting for you to wake up. He didn’t plan on leaving anytime soon. Maggie came in to check on you and bring Connor some water, gently saying that he should also stay hydrated.
He was beginning to fall asleep when he felt that you were starting to wake up. Getting up as fast as he could, he yelled for a doctor, while reaching to check if you were alright.
You woke up feeling so confused. The last thing you remembered was walking towards the breakroom and then collapsing and now you were in a hospital bed. “Y/n you scared me so badly. Are you feeling any better?” Connor asked, leaning down to place a small kiss on your forehead. You just nodded in response, feeling to weak to speak. 
After Will finished checking you over, he announced that he would go get your discharge papers ready. Connor just nodded and sat back down, still holding onto your hand. “What happened?” He asked you, looking at you with concern written all over his face. “I started feeling dizzy and then I just collapsed…” You trailed off, not looking Connor in the eyes.
“C’mon sweetheart. Talk to me, what’s wrong?” Connor replied, placing a gentle kiss onto your knuckles. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to bother you with how I’m feeling, since I know you have a lot going on and I just…I just didn’t want to bother you with the random chest pains I’ve been having and stuff.” You mumbled, Connor sighed at your words. 
“Y/n/n you have nothing to apologise for. You didn’t do anything wrong. I should be the one apologising to you. Since I never wanted to make you feel less important to me or something. I promise this will change. I’m really sorry, I never wanted for you to feel like you couldn't talk to me. No matter what, I'm here for you and once again I’m really sorry.” He said sadly. You could see how bad he was now feeling. 
“I love you Connor and I always will. C’mere.” You said, shuffling a little on your hospital bed, so that Connor could sit down next to you. Pulling him into a big hug you simply sat like that holding each other. He pulled away for a second, to place a soft kiss onto your lips. “I love you more Y/n/n. Just please don’t ever scare me like that again.” You nodded in response, while Connor simply buried his face into your neck. 
Nothing else mattered in that moment.
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americaswritings · 1 year
When we fall | Part 3
Warnings (for all parts): Fluff, angst, description of injuries and blood, gun use, cursing, probably unaccurate policing/medicine
Summary: You moved to Chicago to start a new life. Working as a doctor alongside your brother Connor you make new friends and although you swore to yourself not to let any man in your life at least for a while, your promises fail when you lock eyes with a handsome stranger in a bar.
Words: 6k
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Doctor!Rhodes!reader
A/N: And here is the last part of the short series. The events are inspired by a chicago med ep. I really hope you enjoyed it :)
Part 1 | Part 2
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“We’ll take care of you and your daughter.” You smiled at your patient reassuringly, noticing someone moving towards you in corner of your eye. Turning your head you saw a man with tousled hair standing at the threshold, his eyes almost hazy as his gaze skipped around the room.
“Where’s Leah?!”, he barked out, his eyes only focused on your patient. Your gaze flickered towards her, taking in the fear in her eyes and the gasp that left her lips. “Jake? How did you find us here?”, she whispered, oblivion dripping from her voice.
“Did you really think you could just leave and take our daughter with you? She’s my daughter too!” He took a threatening step closer, eyes narrowed. “Now, where is she?!”
Your patient’s breathing had quickened and a look at the heart monitor told you she was about to have a panic attack. “Sir, I need you to calm down and take a step back”, you said forcefully, drawing his attention on you. His eyes jumped to you, anger brimming in them.
“Like hell I will! I’m taking my wife and my kid home now!” Your eyes flickered towards the nurse, giving her a little nod to signal her to call the security service, before you met his again. “I can see you’re upset. But your wife and your daughter are sick. They need treatment and rest-”
“Shut up!” You flinched as he yelled at you, his loud voice alarming multiple people around you. “Everything okay in here?” Will appeared at the door, his eyes scanning the room until they landed at yours, staying there as he waited for an honest answer.
The man shook his head furiously, but he took a step back. You almost exhaled in relief. “I want to see my daughter! Now!”, he demanded, but before anyone could gave him an answer, he turned and ripped open the curtain to the next room.
You heard squeals, alarmed voices mixing with the sound of another curtain being ripped open. “Sir, I need you to leave now!” Will leaned forward to grab the man’s shoulder when suddenly he yanked out a gun, twisting around and pointing it right at Will’s chest.
A gasp escaped you as you watched Will stumble back, his hands raised. “Look man, we’re just trying to help, okay?” But the man, Jake, didn’t seem to hear any of it, his eyes filled with hatred and something that scared you even more; desperation and determination. A dangerous combination.
He wouldn’t leave until he got what he wanted.
“What’s going on here?” You heard Connor’s voice, saw him step out of a patient’s room and move towards the intruder. From his angle he couldn’t see the gun, couldn’t know the severity of the situation.
“Connor, no!” Your legs moved forward at the same time as the man turned around, the gun pointed at your brother. Everything seemed to happen so fast and in slow-motion at once as your body reacted purely on instinct, the fear for your brother carrying you forward.
You didn’t know if he meant to pull the trigger or if it was out of reflex, but you had no time to think about it as a shot rang out.
You would have screamed, but no sound left your mouth as the impact hit you, sending your body tumbling backwards until it hit the wall. Only moments before your feet had carried you forward, but now they suddenly couldn’t take your weight anymore, your body sinking to the ground.
Around you screams were erupting, but they sounded drowned out, as if you were underwater. Your name was being called, but it all seemed to blend into a haze.
You tried to peek at where you felt a sudden pressure in your body, shock mixing with confusion as you saw blood staining your clothes. Just seconds ago you had been standing in a patient’s room and now you were on the ground, your own blood pooling around your feet. It didn’t make sense.
From the periphery of your eye you saw people running. Some moved towards you, but most of them the opposite way. Away. They were running away.
And they were pushing, tripping, falling over each other. “Put down the gun!” You saw one of the security men approach, his own gun drawn at the attacker. Another shot cut through the atmosphere, but to your horror it was the security man that fell, blood splattering from a wound to his front.
“Everyone just back off!”
Jake’s sharp voice snapped you out of your shock and all at once reality hit you. Pain sank in, slowly at first and then in a stream of hot sensations. Tears formed in your eyes at the burning pain and you grit your teeth, trying to will it away, because you knew you needed to be aware of what happened next.
Lifting your head slightly you found the ER had mostly cleared out, only a few people remaining. Among them were Will and Connor, both of their bodies’ turned towards you in a way that suggested they had tried to get to you, their hands raised.
“Just let me get to my sister, okay? I’m a doctor and she needs help.” You stared at Connor, seeing the panic he tried to restrain as he appealed to the man reasonably. Jake’s eyes flickered towards you, hesitance written over his face.
“You didn’t want this to happen, do you?” Connor asked, his voice strained. “So let me make this better. Let me help.” He was pleading now and another wave of panic filled you as you realized he was only mere seconds away from doing something reckless.
For a moment you thought you were going to throw up from the sickness that cursed through your body, but you feared you wouldn’t even be able to move your body in the state you were in.
Jake let out a frustrated breath, gesturing towards you with his gun. “Okay. Okay!” Connor rushed over to you immediately, his concerned eyes meeting yours. “Are you okay? How do you feel? Can you tell me where you’ve been hit?”
You tried to follow his questions, your mind spinning. Instead of an answer you let out a groan as Connor found your wound, pressing down on it. “We need to stop the bleeding.”
Now that he was here by your side a weakness took over your body and you welcomed it. Welcomed the dark, because it felt easier to lean into it than fight it. But it never swallowed you. As much as you wished you could just pass out, the pain didn’t end, keeping you caged in your body.
You didn’t need to ask him how serious your condition was. The urgency in Connor’s movement alone was enough for you to confirm it was bad, the seeping hot pain a further indicator.
You saw Jake still waving his gun around, speaking in an animated tone with Will and Maggie. To your left someone had crouched down next to the security guard and you felt a flicker of relief when you saw it was Ethan.
A cough rose up your throat and your body shook, sending an ache through you. When you wiped your mouth you noticed your skin had turned red.
“No, no, no”, your brother whispered, his eyes frantic. “Connor”, you said, your voice a little hoarse. He paused for a moment, both of you locking eyes in a quiet exchange. “I’m scared”, you whispered, feeling a few tears escape your eyes.
Connor swallowed, his eyes filled with desperation. “I know”, he leaned closer, “But you will be okay. I will fix it, okay?.”
You nodded slowly, needing to cling to his words. To hold onto the reminder that you would be okay. That your life wasn’t over when you hadn’t even started fully living yet.
It didn’t make sense. You had woken up a few minutes before your alarm clock, had been in an oddly good mood as you had gotten ready for work and even your patients had been unusually patient and grateful. Today was a good day. Not a day that could turn into such a catastrophe in the blink of an eye.
This didn’t happen. Maybe in books or on tv. But not here, not to people like you.
“Hey!” Dr. Goodwin appeared in your vision, bending down to Connor and you. “What’s the status?” You hadn’t seen her before, but knowing she was here already gave you a sparkle of hope. As the hospital’s executive director it was her job to find solutions, even in the face of the worst possible events. She would get them out of here, somehow.
“She’s been shot in the abdomen. No exit wound so the bullet is still inside. I believe she’s bleeding internally.”
You saw a shadow cloud Dr. Goodwin’s as she looked at you and it was as if you could see the wheels in her head turning as she assessed the situation.
“What’s going on?”, you asked weakly, needing to know if the others were safe. “Mr. Whitman demands to take his wife and daughter and leave. I was on the phone with the Chicago police department. They told me he’s got a history of domestic abuse and violence. The wife filed a report on him and moved states to get him out of her life.”
“And he found her now.” You gulped, slowly piecing the pieces together. Dr. Goodwin nodded, graveness written over her face. “So what’s the plan?” It was Connor, his voice urgent.
Dr. Goodwin sighed, taking off her glasses and pinching the brick of her nose. You had never seen her like this, so defeated, and it filled you with unease.
“The police is here and a squad team too. But there is no way we can let them inside or get someone outside right now without Mr. Whitman noticing. Right now they are preparing for getting just one person in. Unarmed.”
“What help is that going to be?” Connor let out a scoff and it annoyed you how quick to judge he was, and more so, that you agreed with him. What would another person talking to Jake change?
“It would be a trained officer, who has the experience and skills to deal with these kind of high pressure situations. The plan would be for him to try and talk to Mr. Whitman first and if that’s not effective either, assess the situation and make a move or get back to the team and share valuable information with them.”
You could see Connor still shaking his head, but Dr. Goodwin stood again. “It’s the only thing Mr. Whitman has agreed to. You know I would prefer to get everyone else out, but he has been clear. If one person leaves, he is going to make use of his gun again.”
“And what are we supposed to do now? Just wait?”
“Connor”, you tried to calm him, but his eyes snapped to yours. “We need an OR now! Monique!” The blonde nurse standing next to Ethan looked over. You could see the fear written all over her face. “Can you take over for a moment?”
She gave a nod, her eyes flickering to Jake who didn’t let them out of sight. Crouching down next to you the two quickly exchanged their hands applying pressure onto your wound, the sensation making you let out a groan.
But you pushed away the pain, trying to focus on Connor. “What are you doing?”, you hissed as you watched him get up, wishing you could hold him back.
“Dr. Rhodes, we should wait for the officer to arrive. Right now the situation is stable and I can’t risk-” “Stable? Is that what you call this?” Connor pushed himself fully up now, the movement catching Jake’s eye.
“Sit back down!” But Connor lifted his hands, taking a cautious step forward. “My sister likely suffers from an internal bleeding. We need an OR to-” “No! Nobody goes anywhere!”
Connor’s face fell, his shoulders sinking, but he took another step forward. The grip the fear had around your heart tightened. “Please, I need to stop the bleeding. You don’t want her to die, right?”
Jake stared at you for a moment before his attention was back on your brother. “I just want my daughter and my wife!”
“And we get that. We do. But she-”, he turned halfway towards you, his eyes not leaving Jake for a second, “has nothing to do with this. Let me save her life.”
“I said no one goes anywhere! You save her here or you don’t save her at all. It’s on you!”
You watched Connor open his mouth again, but before he could say another word Jake stepped forward, his gun pointed directly at his chest.
“Do I look like someone who’s joking?!”, he yelled, making everyone around him flinch. Connor made himself a little smaller, taking a small step backwards while shaking his head. “Yeah, so you better listen to what I’m saying! No get your ass back down there!”
You didn’t have the heart to watch Connor when he returned to you, to see the defeat and hopeless on his face. The fear.
He had barely sat down again when another turmoil broke loose, gaining everyone’s attention. It had to be the officer Jake had allowed in, though you didn’t want to know what he would get in return for the favour.
Although you didn’t feel much hope regarding the plan, you trusted the police to make the right choice. This couldn’t be their first hostage situation, so they knew what to do, right?
What you hadn’t anticipated was that the officer coming in could be someone you knew. Someone you knew very well.
You blinked a few times, but it was unmistakably him.
His voice. His physique.
A touch at your hand drew your attention away from him for a moment and you noticed Monique had reached for it. Only now you saw you had balled your hand into a fist, all the tension left in your body visible in that one grip. Slowly she loosened it, taking your hand into hers instead and squeezing it in reassurance.
You didn’t know the young nurse so well- she was a little more on the reserved and quiet side- but the gesture filled you with deep gratitude, giving you the strength to look up again and face this new reality.
Jay hadn’t noticed you yet, his whole focus on calming Jake enough to make an uneventful entrance. When he seemed confident in the situation he scanned the room, assessing the conditions they were dealing with.
He did it with a professional calmness you wished you could have right now, his face only giving away his emotion when they fell on his brother. “Hey, man. You alright?”
He stepped forward, avoiding any rapid movements and Will nodded. “I’m okay. But Mrs. Kaden is in a bad condition. The stress on top of her physical state worries me.”
He said something else, but he had lowered his voice that it was impossible for you to understand anything. Jay nodded. “What about the two victims?”
“The security guard got hit at the shoulder. He’s stable.” “And the other one?” Will shook his head, his eyes filled with sadness. “She’s over there with Connor. It doesn’t look good, Jay.”
It was strange, listening to them and knowing they were talking about you. Waiting for the moment Jay’s eyes fell upon you.
You didn’t know what kind of reaction you were anticipating, but nothing could have prepared you for the utter shock that filled Jay’s face as he looked at you.
You watched him do a double take, every trace of his confidence and expressionlessness gone, replaced by a turmoil of emotions. He almost lunged forward, stopping himself when Jake’s warning voice filled the air.
You could see Connor’s questioning gaze on you, but you were focused fully on Jay as he made his way over to you with careful movements.
When he crouched down in front of you, he was close enough for you to see a hint of fear in his eyes. “What happened?”
Your petty argument, the distance, it all seemed forgotten as you stared at him, not strong enough to hide your own fear. “I got shot.”
Although it was obvious, it was the first time you had said the words out loud, had acknowledged the fact that this was really happening to you. It felt surreal, even with the burning pain spreading through your body, making it impossible to keep your composure.
Jay’s eyes softened as he heard your husky voice, the effort it took you to form the words another sign how bad your current shape was. For a moment his eyes drifted over your body, his face twisting in pain as he stared at your blood, before he looked up again.
“He said he’s going to kill us if he doesn’t walk out of here with his wife and his kid.” Jay nodded, his lips pressed into a thin line. “I know.”
“But- you’re here now…right?”
“Yeah, I am.” Jay tried to force an encouraging smile on his face, but you knew him well enough to know it was strained.
“You’re here”, you repeated relieved, your voice almost giving up at the end and you coughed. Jay stared at you, his eyes a little widened, his pupils dilated in fear.
He was scared. For you. He was scared for you.
“Her pulse is up to 120 and she’s sweating.” It was Monique and you saw her exchange a look with Connor. “What’s her condition?” Jay was talking to Connor now, as if he had only now realized he was there.
Under different circumstances your brother wouldn’t have let go what had just happened right in front of his eyes. He would have teased you until you would have told him the truth about Jay and you. But now he did, just like that, knowing there was no time for it as yours was running out.
The thought sent another wave of fear through your body, but with the hot pain and the growing weakness you felt too overwhelmed to do anything about it. So you tried to focus on the feeling of Monique’s hand holding yours, on Jay’s closeness and your brother’s words.
“The bullet likely caused internal bleeding. She’s losing too much blood.” Connor almost ran a hand over his face like he always did when he was stressed, stopping himself when he saw your blood on his hands.
“What do you need?”
“I need an OR. I need to find the bleeding and stop it.” His voice was a mix of desperation and determination and Jay listened intensely. His mask of professionalism was back in place, the sight having something grounding to it in the midst of this chaos, but you could detect a few flaws where his emotions threatened to pour in.
“I’m here to negotiate”, he began, eyes cast towards Jake, continuing lowly, “but really I think this will take a different ending.”
You wanted to ask him what that meant, but it seemed too difficult and you were forced to watch him get up instead. As Connor tried to get up too you tried to catch his wrist. You failed, but the movement still let him pause.
“Don’t go, please”, you whispered, your body shaking. You wished you could stop it, but you had lost all control over it, and when had it become so cold?
You felt Jay’s eyes on you as Connor leaned down to you, placing his hands on the sides of your face. “You’re sweating and your pulse is way up. Your skin is ice cold and you’re pale. I don’t need to tell you what that means. We need to do something now.”
You felt tears run down your cheeks as you tried to shake your head, silently pleading him to stay. He had already risked it with Jake once. What would he do when Connor tried it again and this time he wouldn’t give up?
“I’m coming back.” Connor stroked your cheek once before pressing a kiss against your forehead. Then he was gone, his touch only a faint memory as your head sank back against the wall.
As the two walked away from you they blurred into nothing more than silhouettes. Muffled voices filled your ears, but they were too drowned out for you to understand anything. Monique was speaking to you too, the level of her tone indicating she was saying something to soothe you, but her words never reached you either.
A part of you wanted to pass out. As much as you wanted to know what happened, with Connor and Jay not by your side any longer all your fight had left you. The pain felt unbearable now, as if someone had lit your body on fire and the flames were eating at you, slowly burning you alive.
Your throat was closing and it was getting hard to breathe. Every once in a while you choked on air, raspy coughs escaping your mouth. And it was so cold. Colder than the winter in Chicago.
The last sound you heard before the darkness finally swallowed you was a gunshot.
The first thing you felt when you woke was the heaviness of your body, as if an invisible weight had been placed upon you.
You could hear the steady beeping of a monitor, the sound having something reassuring to it. You listened to it for a while, too tired to pull yourself out of the haze yet.
But then the events of the day came crashing back to you, the image of Jay and Connor both leaving your side to get Jake to let them save you. The sound of a gun going off.
You blinked your eyes open, your vision only slowly clearing. But eventually it sharpened, revealing the inside of a hospital room.
You weren’t surprised at the sight, but you still paused when you took in the IV you were hooked upon. “Look who’s awake.”
Turning your head you found April at the door, a smile on her lips. But you could see it wasn’t as effortless as usual and you wondered where she had been when all of it had happened.
Had she gotten out, left to wonder about Ethan’s and everyone else’s wellbeing? Or had she been hiding in one of the other patient rooms?
“How are you feeling?” She stepped into the room, beginning her check-up on you. You let her do it, squinting when she shone a bright light in your eyes. “I’ve felt better before”, you answered truthfully, growing slightly more aware or the pressure in your abdomen.
At least it didn’t hurt yet. You didn’t want to think of the moment the pain meds would wear off.
“Where’s my brother?” April had finished her tests, squeezing your hand. “He’s still in the hospital. I told him to go home and get some rest, but he insisted on staying.”
April shook her head, clearly disapproving of your brother’s choices. “But I did get him to take a shower. He should be in the on-call rooms right now. Do you want me to go and get him?”
You thought about it for a moment. “No, let him sleep. It’s been a hell of a day for him too.”
April nodded, a small smile on her lips. “What about detective Halstead? Do you want me to send him home too?”
You stared at her in surprise. “He’s still here? Wait- how much time passed?”
“5 hours. And yes, he’s here. Actually, he just got himself a coffee. I might have forgotten to mention how disgusting the one from the vending machine is.”
“You’re evil.” You narrowed your eyes at her, chuckling. April shrugged. “Can’t have anyone know our secrets. So what is it with you and the other Halstead. Is he the one you’ve been texting this whole time?”
You hesitated, ready to deny her words, because you were used to keeping it a secret. But you weren’t sure that was possible after today, and honestly it all seemed so unimportant know that you had almost lost your life.
“We were. But things are kind of- complicated between us so I’m not sure where we’re standing.”
“Well”, April walked towards the door, a smile on her lips, “whatever it is it can’t be so serious. You should have seen the way he looked at you when you came out of surgery.”
Your chest tightened as a wave of emotions flooded you. “He really stayed for me?”
April grinned. “He might have claimed there to be paperwork at first. And then that he wanted to look after his brother. But Will went home hours ago and guess who spend the whole time of your surgery pacing the waiting room.”
April winked at you. “I’m going to search for Ethan now. I wanted to wait for you to wake up before leaving.”
Warmth filled you and you had to blink away the tears, touched by everyone’s concern for you. But the mention of Ethan’s name had also reminded you that you hadn’t been the only one hurt today.
“Is everyone okay? The security guard, did he make it?”
“Oh yeah, we’re all okay.” Before she could say another word someone else appeared in the doorway and April left, a knowing smile on her lips.
“Hey.” You didn’t think you had ever heard Jay speak so softly. It made you want to pull him close and snuggle up beside him, be safe in his arms and forget everything else.
“Hey”, you said, trying to sit up a little, but realizing it was a pointless mission.
You supressed a grin when you noticed the coffee cup in his hand, but Jay had followed your gaze, lifting it up. “That’s the worst coffee I’ve ever had”, he declared, “and we’ve only got a new machine at the precinct last year.”
You chuckled lightly. “We have the good one hidden in the break room. But don’t tell anyone I’ve told you that.”
Jay grinned. “Your secret’s safe with me.” Pulling a chair to your bedside and setting his cup on the nightstand he sat next to you, his eyes flickering over your face.
“I prefer when I am the one taking the bullet.”
He smiled, but it was a sad smile, the stress from the past hours visible on his face. “What can I say? You made it seem so effortless.”
But Jay didn’t seem amused, his eyes heavy. “When I heard about the hostage situation, I hoped you weren’t on shift. I called you, but you didn’t pick up.” He blew out a breath.
“And my brother didn’t either so-” He ran a hand over his face. “It’s why I needed to be the one going in. I needed to know if you were okay.”
“And they let you?” Although you knew they had, you were surprised Jay had been chosen. You didn’t doubt his capability as a cop, but just like you weren’t allowed to be on a personal case you had believed Jay’s involvement would have been a red flag as well.
“Not at first, no. But I was very convincing. And Voight’s not too strict about the rules anyway.”
You didn’t want to imagine the length Jay might have gone to, to get what he wanted. Especially with Voight, who didn’t appreciate anyone speaking up against him or acting out of line.
You stirred a little, your body beginning to ache. “What happened after I passed out?”
Jay’s brows drew together and you could see the graveness in his eyes. “He wouldn’t let you go.” His jaw hardened. “Like I said, negotiations didn’t work with him.”
“Does that mean…-”, you trailed of, your heart heavy. Jay gritted his teeth. “Our backup plan was for me to lead him somewhere the squat team could take the shot.”
“So he’s dead now?” You didn’t know what to feel when Jay nodded his head once. Certainly not regret, not after what he had done, but there was no relief either. Instead you just felt numb, like the turmoil of emotions you had experienced in the past hours had left you completely empty.
“And the mother and her kid?” “They are okay.” Jay seemed as relieved to deliver those news as you felt and for the first you truly allowed yourself to take a big exhale. “As okay as they can be under these circumstances.”
“How could he even walk in with a gun?” You shook your head in disbelief, wishing for answers you know you would never get. “The hospital’s head launched an investigation”, Jay told you and you imagined the stress Dr. Goodwin must be facing even now that it was over.
“That’s good I guess”, you muttered. “Yeah.” But Jay seemed somewhere else with his thoughts and for a moment you feared he would go back to being distanced towards you.
But to your surprise he leaned forward, his hand almost touching yours on the bed. “What happened?”
You scrunched up your nose in confusion. “To you. What happened to you? How did you get shot?”
You took a deep breath, knowing you would have to face that question again once Connor was up. He would be upset, but as much as you regretted your action, wished things had gone differently, you couldn’t say it had been a mistake. Not if you had prevented something worse, like a bullet hitting your brother.
“It all happened so fast.” You closed your eyes, trying to recall the moment. But your memories were hazy, the images blurry, only in fragments.
“I saw Connor coming out of a patient’s room and he- he couldn’t see the gun. Jake would have shot him. He- I- I had to do something.”
When you opened your eyes again you saw Jay’s green eyes staring intensely at you, his brows furrowed deeply.
A shadow covered his face, but it vanished before you could ask about it.
“So you’d rather get yourself killed?” It sounded a little accusing and your face fell, anger filling you. “Don’t you think I know that now? But you would have done the same for Will. I know you would have.”
Jay shifted. “That’s different”, he said, but you tilted your head at him. “I’m too tired for that conversation.”
Jay looked hurt and disappointed, but you didn’t regret your words. You couldn’t take his arguments now, not now when you were still coming to terms with the reality that you had almost lost your life.
“I didn’t know you were so selfless. I mean-”, Jay rubbed the back of his head, “I knew, because of your job and how you treat your patients, but taking a bullet for someone else? I didn’t know you were a hero.”
He was smiling now, trying to loosen the atmosphere, but this words had the opposite effect on you. “I’m not”, you said quietly. “I didn’t even mean to do that. My body just- reacted. That’s not bravery or selflessness.”
This time Jay touched your hand, the unexpected gesture drawing your attention back to him. “It’s always an instinct. It happens too quickly for anyone to make a conscious decision. It can be a reflex and still be brave. Because you didn’t hesitate.”
You hadn’t thought of it like that before and you started at him, your thoughts swirling in your brain as the desire to be close to him clouded your mind once more.
“Does it ever get easier?” You blinked, a little scared to be so vulnerable in front of him. “On tv they are fine after that. They are so cool about it. But what if I’m not fine? What if that was probably the worst thing that ever happened to me and I’m so scared?”
You bit your lip, forcing back the tears. But the truth was you weren’t ready to die yet. And coming so close to death had left its marks on you. You could feel it everywhere, as you gazed around the room, took in all the sensations you could feel, looked at Jay beside you. It was all so much.
“Hey.” Jay squeezed your hand. “That’s acting. It’s fake. You almost died. You’re not supposed to be fine right now.”
A tear escaped your eye and you wiped at it, trying not to be furious at yourself for losing your composure in front of Jay. “I don’t know how you do it. Getting shot at and still running towards danger and not away.”
Jay seemed sheepish out of a sudden, no hint of his usual confidence and wit. “It’s my job. Just like I could never do what you do.” You felt yourself smile a little, his recognition making you feel a little less small in the hospital bed. “And sometimes there are- things that happen on this job that you don’t just get over. We all have things we’re dealing with. Even I.”
Now you squeezed his hand, trying to show him you were there if he ever needed to talk to someone. Jay looked at you with gratitude in his eyes. He understood, even without words.
Silence settled in, but it didn’t feel uncomfortable. There came no pressure to come up with something to say, no need to say anything at all and you could see it was the same for Jay, his thoughts drifting.
“So Connor huh?”
You hadn’t expected the question, drawing your brows together. “What?”
Jay licked his lips, inhaling. “I saw you two together. And then today-”, he trailed off, gazing to the side as he collected himself.
“I don’t know what you saw-”, you began, but Jay raised a hand. “Don’t deny it. I’m not blind. It’s obvious how much you care for each other.”
You started at him, rendered speechless as you tried to imagine what he could have seen. But it didn’t matter, because Jay was- “You’re jealous!”
He twisted in his chair, pulling his hand away. “I’m not jealous”, he said, but you shook your head, grinning. “Yes, you are.”
Annoyance flashed over his face. “I just don’t like to be played with.” Your smile faded a little, but the relief you felt only grew as your slowly began to piece it all together.
“That’s why you acted so cold towards me out of a sudden. You saw me and Connor and you thought-” You almost let out a laugh, only suppressing it as you took in Jay’s unamused expression.
“Well detective Halstead, Connor is my brother.”
You watched with delight how his face turned into confusion, surprise and then hope. “He’s your brother”, he repeated in disbelief and you nodded. “I told you I came to Chicago, because I have family here.”
Jay let out a groan, the previous tension melting from his body as your words sank in. “But Will-”, he paused, clearly rethinking something his brother had said to him, “that bastard. When I saw you together I asked him about you and he warned me not to try anything, because of Connor. He never thought to mention once that he’s your brother.”
“You asked Will about me?”
Jay narrowed his eyes playfully. “That’s what you’re concerned about?”
You let out a laugh. “Not concerned, no. I just- you asked your brother about me.”
Jay raised his brow. “Why is that so hard to believe? I mean, you asked him about me too.”
Your face flushed. “I did not!”
“Yes, you did!” Jay chuckled, clearly enjoying your embarrassment. “Will told me about it. It’s why he got so suspicious so fast when I brought you up.”
“And then he mentioned Connor and you figured-” “he said that if I tried anything with you I would have to deal with Connor Rhodes. And it’s not like you two have the same last name.”
“Different moms”, you explained and he sighed. “I should have just talked to you, but I got so mad and then I heard you two talk and I just- reacted.”
“You should have”, you agreed, “but I should have been more open with you too.”
“So, let’s try again?”
His voice sounded so soft when he said it you felt yourself melt under the covers. “If you’re ready to deal with Connor Rhodes”, you pointed out playfully and Jay shrugged, his natural confidence back.
“After I helped save your life I’m pretty sure I’m well in with him. Which reminds me, you owe me three times now.”
You rolled your eyes, feeling the tiredness return to your body. Soon enough you would be drifting off again. “It’s twice, considering you cancelled our first date.”
Jay grinned. “Fair enough. But I’m taking you out once you’re out of here.”
You smiled. “I’m counting on it.”
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collecting-stories · 1 year
Lunch - Connor Rhodes
Request: No.
Summary: Kind of some mild flirting...establishing that Connor is interested in something more kind of thing. Might make a second part to it.
A/N: First time writing Connor...literally had this in drafts for like a year.
One Chicago Masterlist
✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎ ✳︎
The ED was practically dead, a typical Sunday morning, especially with the snow outside keeping most of Chicago inside. Your tie-dyed NIH hoodie (not technically regulation but hopefully: what Goodwin didn’t know wouldn’t hurt you) wasn’t doing the job you’d hoped it would to keep you warm and your roommate, stuck on shift with you for the day, was already nearing annoyance levels.  
“Will,” you huffed as your phone dinged, another in a series of memes the doctor had been sending you all morning out of boredom. You left the device face down on the desk of the nurses’ station. “Stop texting me dumb shit.”  
“I’ve had one patient in the last three hours and they had a splinter.” Will complained, leaning over the counter and grabbing your iced coffee, taking a sip, “how do you drink iced coffee in the cold?”  
“I don’t know, you tell me,” you replied, taking the cup from him and putting it back where it’d been before. Just as you did the elevator doors opened, Goodwin stepping out with Connor Rhodes, obviously in deep conversation. Will laughed as you pulled your sweatshirt off, hanging it over the chair behind you and smoothing down your blue scrub top.  
“What’re you more worried about?” He teased, “Goodwin seeing your sweatshirt or Connor seeing you?” 
“Pigs would have to fly to make the second one a reality,” you replied. You deeply regretted telling Halstead that you had a crush on Connor, especially since your roommate took every opportunity to tease you about it.  
It wasn’t like you weren’t proud of yourself for the four years of med school that you’d completed to become an RN but there was no way someone like Connor Rhodes would ever think twice about dating a nurse. You’d heard from April about him and Dr. Zanetti and you were sure that was much closer to what he liked, actual accomplished doctors.  
You had it in your mind, whether it was true or not, that Connor had a type, and that type was doctors. Despite Will’s near incessant bitching about Connor having a stick up his ass and being too egotistical for his own good (as if Will was given the gift of humbleness) he was seemingly always in your corner when it came to your crush on the attending. Will was like your own personal cheerleader, constantly encouraging you to ask Connor out on a date and constantly trying to drop hints around Connor that you weren’t sure exactly panned out the way they were intended.  
“Dr. Halstead,” Goodwin greeted as she passed him, a raised eyebrow as if she was waiting for some new issue with him.  
“Ms. Goodwin,” he smiled, turning as she passed and following her with his eyes until she was out in the waiting area.  
Connor had stopped at the nurses’ station, taking one of the tablets that was docking on the counter.  
“Gracing the ED with your presence?” Will asked, reaching for your ice coffee again.  
You reached for it, fingers missing the foam holder around the plastic cup, as Will stepped a little further away. Connor watched, eyebrow raised in silent judgement as Will took another sip.  
“I’m filling in for Choi,” Connor finally supplied, the exchanging of the coffee cup happening once more as Will handed it back. “I thought you worked last night?” He added, looking over at you.  
The comment took you by surprise. You had worked the night before and knew for a fact that Connor hadn’t. “Uh, yeah, pulling a double. Were you in last night?” You asked, crossing your arms over your chest as the doors to the ED slid open, Will leaving the two of you to pick up the patient.  
“No,” the doors opened again, cutting off whatever Connor was going to say and you followed him over, grabbing the end of the gurney Gabby was pushing as she relayed the patient’s information.  
You were significantly better when there was something that required your attention. Will commented on it once. Your ability to compartmentalize was remarkable. A skill you’d worked on and were ridiculously proud of, you weren’t some nervous idiot around Connor while you were with a patient, you were calm and collected and you knew exactly what to do. It made up for all the awkward staring, hopefully. You didn’t wanna seem like the fourth-year med students trolling around the hospital heaping praises on doctors they were trying to butter up or possibly sleep with. Not that you didn’t get where they were coming from, you felt like your insides turned to jelly whenever Connor so much as offered you a ‘good job’, you could only imagine what a fourth year shadowing him must be going through, but you kept it professional.  
Your patient with Connor ended up being a quick in and out, a broken bone that needed resetting and some bruising. It was nothing serious and you felt a little guilty wishing it had been a little more just so that you could spend extra time with Connor.  
“Lunch?” Will asked, coming up next to you and leaning against the counter of the nurses’ station, phone in hand, interrupting your thoughts. And your slightly obessive staring at Connor’s back while he was talking to one of the med students who had wandered down from Cardiology.  
You turned toward Will, “are you offering me cafeteria food or real food?”  
“What’s the matter with the cafeteria?” He asked, still looking down at his phone.  
“Besides the fact that it’s a cafeteria?” You countered, and then mistakenly looked away. Not that it was your fault really, just that you were actually doing your job, looking over a patient file, and you somehow didn’t have the hindsight to think that Will had caught you embarrassingly staring at Connor. But you really should have known better.  
“You want to grab lunch with us?”  
The question was enough to make you look up, clearly confused because that was Will speaking but who was he talking to and what did he mean us. And then there was Connor, staring between the two of you as if us had some kind of weight to it that he was supposed to know about and didn’t. Not that he would care, your brain reminded you.  
“Sure...” Connor dragged the word out like maybe he wasn’t sure at all.  
“Actually-” Will was already backing up toward the glass doors as they slid open and Gabby came through with Sylvie, transporting a woman on a gurney and you almost wanted to ask if he had somehow timed it. Morbid maybe but you wouldn’t put it passed a Halstead to have that kind of impeccable timing.  
“Do you need-” 
“No, I’ve got April, go have lunch,” Will replied, cutting you off. “Probably be quick anyway.”  
They’d all been quick today. Of the near nonexistent cases that come through the ED doors they had all been discharged within two hours, probably less. There were days when it felt like a revolving door that people just kept coming into but today ‘nothing serious’ seemed to be the motto.  
You stood there clutching onto your tablet as Will disappeared into room 3, unsure what exactly you were waiting for. Maybe another ambulance to pull up or someone else to come along that you could force into lunch with you. Will had abandoned you with Connor. You turned to look at him, surprised to see him already watching you, and reminded yourself once more that this was Connor Rhodes and he definitely had better things to do than get lunch with you.  
“I guess you’re off the hook.” You tried to sound casual, like it was no big deal that he would probably head back to work and you really would be stuck with the cafeteria.  
Connor looked amused for a split second before reaching across the counter and taking the tablet out of your hands, flipping the cover closed, “what are you hungry for?” He asked, then added, “my treat.” As if you weren’t already filled with excited anxiety about just going to lunch with him.  
“Oh well, if it’s your treat.” You joked, trying to play off the butterflies in your stomach as you grabbed your hoodie off the back of the chair so you could slip it on again. “Honestly,” you started to say, pausing as you struggled to pull the neck of your hoodie over your head and wonder why you didn’t just rough it and freeze in the cafeteria to avoid embarrassment, “shit.” 
“Here,” Connor stopped you in your tracks, gently pushing the hood down and freeing you from the confines of the cotton material, smiling briefly as he tugged one of the strings hanging down from the neckline. “Better?” 
“Thanks,” you huffed, “Anyway...I was gonna say honestly, whatever you want is fine. So long as it’s not pizza.”  
Connor quirked an eyebrow as he stepped onto the elevator with you, skepticism written all over his face, “not pizza? Why not pizza?” He asked.  
“Because I’m 100% sure that Will eats pizza every single night.” You replied, “I literally can’t stand the sight of it.”  
The skepticism didn’t fade as he glanced over at you again. He wasn’t entirely positive that you and Will weren’t dating. Maggie had laughed when he asked and sworn that you weren’t but he saw how close the two of you seemed to be and he couldn’t help being skeptical. Not that it had stopped him from trying to get close to you. This was as good an opportunity as any to find out right from the source, “Are you and Will?” He gestured with his hand between the two of you.  
“Are you together?” 
“Oh no,” you shook your head, “we’re roomies but that’s it.”  
He nodded. “Good.” 
Now it was your turn for skepticism, “Good?” You asked. You liked the way he said it, like he was happy to know that Will wasn’t any competition but also like he wouldn’t have been too worried even if there was something going on. And suddenly you wondered why you never thought he looked at you or why you thought he never would.  
“Good.” He confirmed just as the elevator dinged. The doors slid open and he held his arm out against the door jam for you to step out first. After you had, and he stepped out after you, there was the sudden and welcomed presence of his hand on the small of your back. “So, lunch?”  
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sande5098 · 3 months
I was wondering if you could do one where you're Ava Bekkers daughter, and you're around 14, and the episode when there's a shooting at the park you're there and you get shot, so when you get rushed into the hospital they immediately know who you're, unfortunately you're in critical condition and you do flat line but Dr Rhodes gose against code and starts doing chest compressions to save you and you do come back and you call out for your mum and he tells you that they'll get you to her, so when you wake up you're all bandaged up and you see Ava waiting for you to wake up, and she reassures you everything is alright and you scoot over letting her sit beside you in bed before you rest your head on her chest, and she promises to get ice cream and you two joke around before you both fall asleep together, and when Connor comes to check on you both he sees you both cuddled up so he leaves you both alone. Sorry it that's a long request.
Critical Condition
A/N: so sorry this took so long, let’s just say that A-Levels are a bitch and my psychology teacher is very unhelpful. I know that the millennium park shooting does take place on a Saturday but for the minute it’s a Friday
Requested: Yes, By anonymous.
Characters: Reader, Connor Rhodes, Ava Bekker
word count: 1.9K
You hadn’t wanted to go to school that day, most of your friends were either sick or away on a school trip and without them there to keep you company, school would practically be hell. Instead, you headed for Millennium Park at least, you could get some food there or even just chill out and attempt to do your schoolwork which had been emailed to you after you phoned in sick for yourself.
Your mum was going to be at work until 6pm so you had plenty of time to relax for a little. Either way you went to the bean statue and sat at one of the empty park benches, it was till early, almost 9 o’clock meaning that there was hardly anyone there since practically all children were at school and the majority of people there with families with young family’s or children with their babysitters.
As you put your bag on the ground and took out your laptop to open up YouTube on a tab and play some music through your wired earbuds you smiled as some young children ran by you with their slightly unstable legs which struggled to keep up with the rest of their bodies. You looked back at your laptop and quickly opened up your emails to see what work teachers had given you, most of it was easy enough: Biology Chemistry, Geography, English, Maths and Computer science. While you had a lot of your harder subjects today, at least you could do the work outside of a stuffy, noisy classroom.
You settled down into your work, occasionally taking a sip of the coffee you brought with you in a flask. Distraction didn’t come easy to you, and raven after the obnoxious school bell went off at the end of each class, your friends still had to shake you out of your school work trance. You were shocked that after you had made it to 11:35 and had almost completed all your school work that your attention was dragged away from your laptop. Looking up you could see a stampede of people running towards you, many carrying toddlers, and then you heard it. The distinct sound of gun shots you felt your eyes widen and your throat constrict with your heart practically in your mouth as you closed your laptop and started to run with the crowd.
You were shocked that after you had made it to 11:35 and had almost completed all your school work, your attention was dragged away from your laptop. Looking up, you could see a stampede of people running towards you, many carrying toddlers, and then you heard it. The distinct sound of gun shots, you felt your eyes widen and your throat constrict with your heart practically in your mouth as you closed your laptop and started to run with the crowd.
You could feel yourself slowing down, stamina was never your strong suit and the crowds where pushing each other out of the way trying to get to safety. It was at that moment that your footing fell from beneath you and you fell face first onto the ground, smacking your head hard, a sickening crack had brought tears to your eyes as you stumbled to get back onto your feet again; forgetting your laptop that had flown across the ground.
You started running again, tears clouding your vision and blood in your mouth from your heavily bleeding nose. Gun shots were still flying everywhere, the sound of people screaming and falling behind you and in front of you haunting your thoughts as you begged whatever entity who was out there to spare you today, that you would never skip school again, that you could go home and see your mum today. You were too busy in your own thoughts until you felt blood oozing down your back as you fell for the second time. Not having the strength to scream anymore you just lay there, slowly drifting off into the darkness…
The first thing which you remembered was the sirens, all of a sudden it was loud and busy. There were multiple people standing over you in some form of uniform, your eyes wide open and you pulse racing, you could feel it everywhere. Were you… Panicking? As you thought back in your memories, noting was really coming to mind, suddenly there was an agonising sharp pain in your abdomen, crying out in terror and fear, you tried to sit up, only to be unable to. There were shushing sounds all around you, telling you it was all going to be okay. From what little you took in you could see it was red… blood? A shooting. It was all coming back to you now.
You properly looked at the people in front of you, they’re wearing blue and black with white writing, police officers were the most likely, why not paramedics? Was the shooter still there? Your breathing hitched and you could feel yourself starting to panic again. One of them lifted you into their arms and you gripped on tightly to them, trying to speak to him, he stopped, trying to listen to you. Your voice came out ragged and weak, even surprising yourself. "Tell my mum, I’m sorry". He smiled, "You will be able to tell her yourself." He said back… With that you drifted back into a dose, still accompanied by pain, screaming, sirens and beeping.
You recognised the hospital you were being rolled into on the stretcher even from the bleariness of your eyes as they squinted open. 'No no no no no... this was not were you wanted to be.' Although it didn't really matter, your mother would have found you eventually but you knew just how deep a load of shit you would be in for skipping school. As you looked around yourself you could see blood everywhere, the crimson red starting to haunt the insides of your eyelids, even if you didn't think it was there it was.
That was when you looked up at the man overhead of you, you could briefly make out Connor Rhodes, your mother's current off and on partner; although she didn't realise that you knew that. "Don't tell mum please" was all you could whisper out hoarsely before coughing up more blood, a nurse handed you a sick dish which all the blood dripped into. "We'll do what we can, Y/n". You smiled briefly but before you could thank him you felt yourself drifting off into another sleep before you could stop yourself, the shouting for a crash cart didn't even allow you to open your eyes again.
"She's coding! Get me a crash cart!" Connor desperately shouted as he immediately lowered the gurney and threw the pillow to one side before starting chest compressions. Even though Ava and he had their spats he couldn't bring himself to obey protocol in that moment. This child was the light of Ava's life and who knows what would happen if she weren't to make it. He had to blink the tears back from his eyes as he was instructed to stand clear of the defibrillator thankfully, it only took one shock to get her back, and before he have time to think he immediately ordered that they take her to surgery to remove the bullet and sort out the internal bleeding before Dr Lanik even had the chance to berate him for breaking the protocol.
"I want my mum," he heard a faint whisper of the words and looked down at the 14 year old who looked like she was about to cry. He smiled as reassuring as he could at he, "She'll be here with you when you wake up but we've got to remove the bullet for you." The young girl nodded before the anatheisa took hold and she closed her eyes yet again... now the real work started.
Connor watched as the E.D started to get back to normal well, whatever normal meant several hours later. The place was an absolute mess, blood even managed to find its way onto the ceiling, which he had found it hard to believe. Connor had yet to even find Ava, his colleague was so busy that they had been separated to do their own surgeries. Walking into the break room again, which had mostly been cleaned up he saw Ava. The usual happy blonde woman was collecting her stuff, getting ready to leave after getting changed out of her bloody scrubs. She had an extremely tired look on her face. "Ava?" She turned to look at him, "I'm not in the mood Connor, I want to get some sleep. I'm going home." She replied, attempting to walk out past him. He stepped in front of heralding her forearm. "Ava, Y/N is here. She was involved in the shooting."
Ava stopped and looked up at Connor searching his eyes for any type of deception, "No... No you're lying, where is she?" Connor swallowed the saliva building up in his mouth, "She's in the ICU, room 4" Ava felt her heart constrict as she pulled herself from Connors grip and ran for the stairs up to the ICU. She had never ran the four flights of stairs so quickly, the tears were in her eyes, as they ran down her cheeks and dropped onto the floor causing a slipping hazard if others weren't careful enough.
Reaching that room and looking through that window to see a child wearing her daughters features with tubes sticking out from all over. She carefully entered the room setting down her bags and pulling the chair in the room over to her daughters bedside, picking up the girl's limp, cold hand and holding it in her own. She felt like it had been hours she had been sitting there for when her daughter opened her eyes for the first time. "Y/N/N, Honey, shhhh you're okay. I'm here with you. There's no need to be frightened anymore." Ava softly hushed her, wiping away her daughters unshed tears, glistening in the corners of her eyes.
"Mom? I'm so so sorry, all my friends were going to be away and I didn't want to go to school so I went to the park.. I'm so so sorry." Ava hushed her daughter once again. "It's all right, Honey, we'll talk about it later."
You shuffled yourself over on the bed a little, wincing as you done so, looking over at your mom, she gave you a disapproving look which you chose to ignore as patted the bed for her to join you. Ava pushed herself from the chair and settled beside Y/n on the bed, "Sleep my love, we'll talk later over Ice-cream alright?" You nodded and felt yourself drifting back to sleep surrounded by your mothers love. Ava was not long behind her. It had been a very long day after all.
Connor watched in through the window and smiled softly at the mother and child who he was both deeply fond of. Just another day of work and keeping families together, including the woman who he loved.
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poppadom0912 · 2 years
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Characters: Connor Rhodes x Reader, Will Halstead, Maggie Lockwood, Kim Burgess
Warnings: Medial treatment, blood, shootings, and death
Summary: After an accident at your workplace, your husband is faced with the thought of losing his family.
A/N: This is going to be quite long and maybe mess with your feelings. Hope you like it!
So, here's how it went.
It was a normal morning, there was nothing out of the ordinary. You woke up with your husband in bed with you, both of your alarms going off at the same time despite your different jobs. The two of you got ready separately as one showered and the other made breakfast, being out the door in no time.
But, with five minutes to spare, Connor rubbed your belly that was ever so slightly sticking out but with the clothes you wore to work, you couldn't tell you were pregnant. Having a hushed conversation with the life growing in you, Connor whispered for them to not bother you and that he loved the two of you very much.
And with the quickest peck on the lips, another sneaky one on your cheek, your husband was driving away as you made your way down the street towards your friend who drove you to work.
Despite your speed walking, you had been 'late' according to her and that resulted in her speeding down the road towards the high school the two of you taught at.
It was an honest miracle that she didn't crash, that you made it in one piece at the school because at the speed she was driving, you wouldn't be surprised if she crashed.
Fast forward three hours and you’re teaching your third class of the day, a bunch of sixteen-year-olds cramped in a class learning literature was an absolute blast.
Once again, you did this five days a week and had a routine, each class a different one but it was still there. So, when you were mid-way through collecting last lessons homework and you heard that familiar shrill, your heart dropped and so did the papers in your hand. (Don't worry, it all fell onto the table so there was no mess to clean up.)
Chairs scrapped along the floor in sync as all your students stood and made their way to the back of the classroom, you watching as they huddled together, whispering as you shut all the windows, pulling down the blinds and locking the door.
Covering the small window on the door, you did a quick headcount of all your students, whispering the numbers under your breath.
Yes, this could easily be a drill but with all the other shootings happening all over the country, you could never be too sure.
You continued counting in your head as you verbalised reassurances to the students who were shaking, watching as the others tightly gripped phones and hands.
Finishing your headcount, you realised there was a missing student and due to your mom brain, it took a student tugging on the bottom of your dress, you bending down so they could whisper in your ear for you to remember that there was a student missing.
One of the girls started her period in class and you allowed her to leave, going to the toilets to sort herself out but she never came back.
Patting their head lightly, you harshly swallowed and let your eyes sweep over your students sitting on the floor, all crammed together as if each other’s presence provided safety.
In this moment, all your training went out your head and all you could think about was your missing student.
You loved all your students will all your heart, as you taught them over their four years of high school, they practically became your children. You had a relationship with them that not only could you be their teacher, but you could also be a friend, listening to all the drama and maintaining the perfect amount of banter in and out of class.
Just the thought of one of your students being out there, if there was an actual gunman, you couldn't even fathom the thought. What you would do to get that student back, 'safe' in the classroom.
You felt your heart start to palpitate.
Typically, at this point in time, everyone would be notified that this was only a drill and that everyone could go back to their lessons, but nothing had happened. Silence was still enveloping the room and you all you could hear was loud beats echoing in your ear.
Making one of the hardest decisions in your life, you decided to stay put, remembering that your students were smart, even if they were 16, they were smart enough to know what to do when school was put on lockdown.
And, you were pregnant, putting yourself out on the line like that meant putting your baby on the line. If something happened to your baby, you would never forgive yourself.
Remembering the life growing within you, your hands shakily found its way to your stomach, feeling the bump that wasn't as big as it should be for a woman slowly nearing her due date. The fact that you weren't big wasn't a surprise according to your doctor. You were less than a month away but with constant reassurances your size wasn't a problem, your worries, for the most of it, disappeared.
Anyways, back to the current situation, you crouched down, fitting behind a table, back towards the door so you could face all your 16-year-olds.
Once again, you let your eyes skim over your students, letting them become misty as you saw some texting parents and struggling to hold in tears.
Shit. Connor.
Your husband had no idea, absolutely oblivious to your current predicament. He was mindlessly going about his day, saving lives as a trauma surgeon does.
Inhaling a shaky breath, you knew that Connor would flip his shit when he found out but that was a problem for future you, present you was needed here.
Just as you were about to sit down properly, your phone went off, making the entire class jump at the sound of your ringtone that sounded like every other ordinary ringtone.
Wincing, you looked up, pushing yourself on your toes that were starting to ache from sitting in this position for so long, finding your phone vibrating as its screen went from black to blaring in the dark classroom.
With much contemplation, you let it ring out and remained where you sat but when it went off for a second time, you bit your lip and went to grab it, being fast and going back to where you sat with the students.
Making sure you didn't make too much sound, you mindlessly answered the call without checking the number or name, putting it against your ear.
"Please tell me you’re not working today."
The familiar voice of Kim Burgess met your ears, bringing tears to your eyes as you shakily exhaled a breath that you had been holding for far too long.
Ever since you and Connor started dating, he had introduced you to the village otherwise known as the first responders he called family. And, soon enough, they became yours too despite not working in any of their departments.
"Well, I won't say that, but I can tell you that I'm staring at an almost full class of 16-year-olds." Your tone was meant to be light-hearted but came across more sarcastic than humorous. No one could blame you when your coping mechanism was humour.
Kim sighed, making the line go static for a second before you could practically see the frown on her lips, furrowed brows as she pinched the bridge of her nose like the disappointed mother she was.
"Listen Kim, if you’re calling me about work then you gotta be straight with me right now." You whispered into your phone, keeping your eyes trained on your students who were taking note of anything that moved. "This isn't a drill, is it?"
You weren't even whispering, trying to be quieter so the teenager didn't hear. Scaring them would only make the situation much worse than it already was.
"Y/N." Kim said your name with such a force that it felt like she was your mentor in a movie giving a motivational speech that would result in you winning the competition that was the plot of the movie. "Intelligence is outside the school but we're not too sure how long it's gonna take to get inside, so promise me you’re going to stay where you are."
Your jaw ticked, not in frustration but at the fact that there really was a shooter roaming around the halls.
"Navya Patel, she left for the bathroom. The closet toilet that's working is near history which is on a different floor." You let the woman know about your missing student. "Kim, if anything happened to her..."
You could finish the sentence, if you said the words aloud, her peers would hear and that was a recipe for disaster, Kim knew how you were going to finish your sentence.
"Y/N, we got this." She repeated with a good amount of grit that would engrave her words into your mind. "I'll see you soon."
And with that, she hung up, getting back to work getting the shooter out of the school.
Licking your lips, you completely turned off your phone, gently placing it face down on the floor where it wouldn't be in the way.
You could feel several pairs of eyes looking at you desperately for answers, the answers that as a teacher, you always had.
Gosh, you’re so glad that you didn't teach pre-schoolers.
Suddenly, snapping out of your thoughts was the sound of a person walking down the hallway.
At some point, you weren't too sure when, but you could put a name to whoever was walking down the halls. Fast, squeaky meant one of the hyper-active boys, a bunch of small steps meant that one big friend group, clacking of heels meant one of the higher up teachers and the shouting that came along with some steps could literally be anyone.
But these steps, maybe it due to your mom brain and your anxiousness, but you couldn't familiarise yourself with it, never had it ever been so nimble but harsh and quick at the same time.
Sucking in a sharp breath, you let your eyes flicker to the door, looking at the handle and due to the lack of light in the classroom, you couldn't see nor remember if you locked it.
Lightly tapping the student closest to you, you whispered in their ear the question of if you closed the door but when they shrugged, replying with they were too busy getting to the back of the classroom to watch you, you felt your heart rate pick up.
If the steps that were echoing down the hallway was the shooter and your door wasn't closed, you were fucked, your students were fucked. If anyone got hurt today, that was never-ending guilt over your head.
Better to be safe than sorry.
It was a saying that Connor, as a doctor, often found himself working by, going the extra mile, sometimes, just so they never missed anything out. Like, there was several times patients experienced chest pain and there were no reasons why, but he always would go and order an EKG or something like that, you can't remember.
As quietly and swiftly as you could, you got up on your feet, hunched back as you went around the tables to get to the door, your new height meaning no one could see you.
Safely arriving at the door, you rested your back against it and stared down at the lock, breathing a sigh of relief when it was locked.
Just as you were going to go back to your students, you watched as a shadow loomed over you.
The window on the door was a small square and now being at your normal height, your head was visible through it. But you covered it with some students work who graduated and left two years go.
Obviously, the paper wasn't thick enough and with the lights of the corridor, it was now practically see-through meaning that the person now standing behind the door, could see you and if, if you turned around, you would be able to see them.
Your breath hitched.
The figure didn't move, frozen behind the door making you hold your breath so that it would look like you weren't a living thing but fast forward two minutes later and you had to breathe again.
And that's what set him off.
His hand immediately latched to the door handle, shaking it with such vigour that you could feel the movements against your hips.
It was one of the fastest movements in a while, the sound catching your students off guard, all their eyes snapping towards the door handle since they had been watching your every move once you had gotten off the phone.
Trying your best to control your breathing, you kept repeating that everything would be fine over and over, as if it would be.
But fate had other ideas.
The person must've given up, letting go of the handle as it stopped moving against you. Despite this, fear coursed through your veins, not knowing what that meant. You didn't want to get your hopes up.
Just as you thought you were safe, you lurched forward due to the sudden impact of the door pushing against you.
It felt like whiplash, but your thoughts were still perfectly orientated as you pushed yourself with all your weight against the door that he was banging at.
Due to your sudden movements, some of your kids screamed, watching as who you guessed was the shooter, tried to get into the classroom.
Your breathing became frantic, the shooter relentless in his attempts to open the door. He must've had something sharp on him as after several jabs, he created a hole in the wooden door right at your lower back, the cold metal meeting the soft cotton of your dress.
Masking the pain, you turned your head towards your kids, ordering them to hide under tables or in the far cupboards, wherever they could hide, just in case the shooter was successful.
Some with much but others with little hesitance, obeyed to your orders as you watched as they tried their best to hide, the shooter continuing with his efforts, the pain in your back increasing as you were reminded of the growing life within you.
This wasn't fair.
Inhaling deeply, you could hear a masculine voice chuckle under his breath, relishing in his achievement.
Was it too late to say that you hadn't heard any gun shots today?
You let a lone tear slip as you felt the man’s hand squeeze through the hole he made, feeling your back before finding the handle, which he did with struggle due to your body pressed against the door.
Whispering sweet assurances to your baby who was totally oblivious to what was happening in the outside world, you were comforting yourself more than anything.
And Connor. God, Connor had no idea, and this morning could've been the last time he saw you, the last time he talked to you, the last time he kissed you; the last time he said I love you.
It was at the thought of your husband that you let another tear slip, and another and another to the point you were silently crying, sniffling and unable to wipe them away. Your kids didn't need to see you crying because they were looking up at you and if you cried, then what did that show?
Blowing out air, you clenched your jaw hearing the door unlock. There was no way in hell he was laying any hand on your kids.
Watching as his hand turned, pushing the handle so the door opened, you moved forward so you were no longer leaning against the door. You watched as the door creaked open, yellow lights bleeding into the grey classroom, looking for when he stepped forward.
That when you lunged, finding his black shoes that were surprisingly clean, pushing him out your classroom and into the empty hallway.
You caught him off guard, that was for sure but a man that was taller, heavier, and more armed than you, not forgetting the fact that he also wasn't pregnant meant he had the upper hand.
And so, the attacks started rolling in one after the other as you started to comfort yourself, repeating that everything would be fine as you closed the door behind you, not wanting your teenagers to witness the brutal attacks of the shooter.
Your hands immediately went to your abdomen, shielding your baby from any oncoming attacks, your eyes screwed shut as you clocked at your mind screaming at everything to stop.
Gasping in pain, you felt him back away slightly as you moved away from the door, leaning against the brick wall not too far away from the lockers, using it to support yourself as your vision started to blur.
Prying your eyes open, you struggling to focus on anything. Your breathing was shallow and all you could hear was high pitch ringing, making you wince.
Due to your vision that wasn't clearing, you couldn't see as your attacker brought out something from his belt, just bigger than his hand but it could've been anything.
It took you a minute to register what he was going to do, but then you remembered he was the reason the school was on lockdown and your students were inside trembling with fear.
A shooter isn't a shooter without a gun which they shoot with.
By the time you connected all the dots, it was too late.
Two shots resonated through the halls, followed with retreating footsteps and the thud of a body falling on the floor.
And that body just so happened to be yours, falling against the wall, slowly dragging down the bricks, leaving a deep crimson as you lost feeling in your legs.
Everything went numb, your head resting against the bloody wall as your hands shook, struggling to decide where to go, eventually deciding to put pressure on one of your wounds, remembering what Connor had said to you a few years back one night when neither of you could sleep.
The shots must've been pretty loud, catching the attention of people you couldn't name making you think the worst, trying to move yourself as you didn't want to be attacked again.
Ignoring the tingling sensation that started to spread around your body, your eyes dragged to the commotion down the hall, finding blurry figures tackle a couple of dudes dressed in black.
Attempting to blink, when your eyes opened, you found yourself tearing at the sight of familiar figures, despite their blurriness, their voices brought you some level of comfort.
Feeling something cold trail down your lips, you ignored the metallic taste and let yourself smile, or try to at least, your lips perking up since smiling itself was too painful.
The woman had brunette hair, a shiny badge secured on her waist, quick on her feet as she made her way towards your pale figure. Her scent washed over you and it was at that moment you were able to hear anything besides that irritated high pitch ringing.
You were aware of her questions as she moved your hands, putting pressure where you previously were, wincing at how hard she was pushing down.
Kim tried to convince you that everything was fine and that you were okay and for some reason, when you heard that raspy voice that could only belong to one Sergeant, you started to believe her.
But then your eyes suddenly felt too heavy and knowing that you were safe, knowing that your kids were safe, you let go.
Connor smiled. Maggie was standing beside him, one hand on her hip while the other held her almighty phone, talking with Will with that snarky tone of hers.
It had been a good day and that wasn't something he liked to say a lot as a trauma surgeon because as soon as he thought or voiced that it had been a good or slow day, karma immediately hit him in the head, calling him stupid.
Just as he was going to join Maggie as she jokingly criticised Will, her eyes caught sight of texts popping up on the device in her hand and soon enough, they all caught the blaring lights and deafening sirens coming from the ambulance bay.
Looking at the two men standing with her, she jutted her head towards the paramedics pulling out a stretcher. "Doctor Rhodes, Doctor Halstead, baghdad."
Snatching a pair of latex gloves each, the two doctors rounded the nurse’s desk and grabbed onto the stretcher that was being wheeled in.
"Alright, what've we got?"
As soon as Will asked, pulling on his gloves properly as he, on instinct, checked for a pulse.
Before either man was going to ask for any further details on the victim, Connors eyes found a diamond ring that was reflecting in the bright lights of the ED, familiarity washing over him like a wave.
His eyes snapped up to the victims face and his grip loosened on the stretchers side. His legs went on, ignoring as he registered the face.
"Y/N?" Connor barely whispered; it was a miracle Will even heard him
Will's head snapped towards Connor, looking at him incredulously before looking back at the woman lying unconscious before recognising the face of his co-worker’s wife.
And all of a sudden, everything just got much more real.
Keeping his eyes on you, Connor continued pushing the stretcher into the trauma room, ignoring the sympathetic eyes of everyone starting to gather around him.
"Transfer on my count." Connor looked up for a split second at the medical personnel in the room.
Yes, there was a rule that you couldn't treat family but with Connor being the trauma surgeon on call and also the only doctor available, besides Will, no one had a choice but to let him do his job.
As Will started to cut off your dress, he harshly swallowed at the sight of the gunshot wound but when his eyes trailed over your body for any sort of artificial wounds, his eyes locked onto the second wound profusely bleeding despite the mounted layers of gauze.
Shouting out orders, ignoring the fact that this was family, Will was stopped himself as he was telling a nurse what drugs to administer, hearing Connors next words.
"Give me the ultrasound."
Connor held his hand out, his heart hammering in his chest as he pushed the wand against your abdomen, repeating to himself under his breath that you'd be all right.
Watching the black and white appear on the machine, everyone's eyes watched closely, silence consuming the room.
First of all, no one knew of any pregnancy and for the news to be spilled due to your traumatic injury, only furthered everyone's shock.
Maggie approached the open trauma doors, her face unreadable as she too watched the scene unfold.
Refusing to believe his ears, Connor moved the wand around, pushing down just a little harder, blinking several times so the mist in his eyes would go away.
His breath hitched as the room remained in silence.
Just as he was going to move away to address your wounds that he was still unaware of, he heard an echoing thump that resonated through the room.
He must've gotten whiplash from how fast he looked up at the machine. Maggie let her chest fall in relief as Will let his eyes close before ordering for a different drug than what he asked for before.
Ignoring the collecting sweat on his forehead, Connor handed one of the nurses near him the ultrasound wand and moved further up your torso, lifting the several layers of gauze that now looked like one due to the amount blood loss.
There was one lodge in your ribs, no signs of any exit wound while the other was dangerously close to your uterus.
And despite hearing both beating hearts, it dawned on them the inevitable.
Only one of you were going to make it but with both your lives being in the hands on your husband, you both were going to make it, you both had to make it.
With his raised voice, letting everyone around him know of his next actions, he looked at Maggie who had already ordered up for an operating room.
"Let's move!"
Everything passed by in a blur, moving around and out of the ED, into the elevator where he felt the all the eyes on his figure, his hand gripping the gurney's railing with such force that he felt numbness.
The doors opened, allowing everyone to move into the quieter corridor, moving towards the OR already prepared for surgery.
"Thank you everyone, I'll take it from here."
One of the trauma surgeons who had been working at Med longer than Connor suddenly stepped in, lightly grabbing the bottom end of the gurney.
"Excuse me?!" Connor looked at the man with a fury that no one had seen before.
"I've come off my break and you know the rules Rhodes, they're in good hands." The surgeon assured the younger man, watching as Will gently moved him away from you.
"No, no, no, no." Connor mumbled frantically, fighting against Will's restricting arms.
"Connor, Connor." Will looked his friend in the eye, the emotions running so wild that Will felt it too.
"No Will, that's my wife and child!" Connor said through gritted teeth, pointing at your body that was being wheeled away, his voice filled with a fury that made Will falter.
"Y/N and your baby are in good hands, okay?" Will paused, waiting for any more brash actions from Connor but he only let his hands limply fall to his side. "Come on, let's sit down."
Connors eyes were now red from all the tears, now resting on his knuckles as his elbows were leaning on the plastic arms of the waiting room chairs.
Will had left his side once, only for the seat to be filled by Maggie who told April to take her spot until further notice.
Having the charge nurse by his side, Connor let his tears fall, no longer finding it possible to keep in it. No one was watching besides Maggie and the few people passing by but crying relatives was a normal sight for all of Med's employees.
As the surgery went on, Maggie firmly remained at Connors side, forcing him to eat and drink a little once the tears dried.
"The baby, we were going to tell you." Connor whispered; his voice hoarse despite his tears being silent. "But we kept putting it off and then we figured we preferred the privacy, promising we would tell everyone on our anniversary next week."
Maggie's fingers locked with his, holding it firmly. Actions spoke much louder than words. What was she supposed to say to a man who was waiting for the news of his families death, knee jumping up and down impatiently as he, again, combed his hands through his now unkept hair.
Maggie looked up as the doctors and nurses, one by one, exited the OR you were in, Connors head snapping up hearing the soft footsteps leaving the operation room.
The two of them stood up, Maggie rubbing Connors bicep comfortingly as they stepped forward, Connors eyes filled with nothing but desperation and hope.
The surgeon who took over him, surgical cap and scrubs still on as he approached them, monotone expression meaning neither of them could try decipher the news.
"Your wife couldn't handle everything all at once, we're going to give her a bit to rest before we continue." The surgeon paused, looking at Connor with a newfound emotion.
Despite knowing deep down that you could come out completely fine, Connor let his mind wander and think the worst.
Breathing? Heart beating? Working brain? Connor no longer had any of those as reality sunk in.
"But, I'm delighted to inform you that your daughter, even though she's premature, is doing perfectly fine."
A baby girl.
Before Connor could ask anything, the surgeon beat him to it. "You want to come meet her?"
Nodding his head, not trusting his words, Connor and Maggie followed the surgeon to the NICU where they stood in front of glass doors, finding a pink bundle in a cart labelled 'Baby Rhodes'.
With watery eyes and a wobbling smile, Connor was stuck watching your daughters chest rise and fall, not being able to look away from the baby that was yours.
Licking his lips, Connor glanced at Maggie who was reassuringly rubbing his bicep, her smile small but it was just what he needed.
Now all he needed was for you to pull through.
You didn't wake up till another five days later, being put into a medically induced coma that only increased Connor's nerves.
Miss Goodwin had given him time off, both to look after your newborn baby but also start preparing himself for any bad news.
He hoarded any doctor and nurse who was working your case and after many, many tries, he was fully informed and despite everything making sense medically, he was impatient and was starting to lose it.
Five days felt like five months, the wait being so long that slowly, the doctors in the ICU were making your husband aware that he may need to let go.
But he wouldn't, no matter how much the cost was, he would do anything just for you to wake up.
He spoke to you daily, updating you on anything, even the lousy drama the nurses from the ED stirred up. He swore that when he told you the news of your healthy daughter being discharged from the NICU that your fingers twitched.
Currently, Connor was fiddling through a baby guide that you jokingly bought for fathers day while you were pregnant. Your unnamed daughter was taken by Maggie who said Connor needed a break and this was the least she could do.
Suddenly, interrupting the continuous beeps of the monitors, you started coughing around the tube in your throat, eyes screwed shut.
Jumping up from his seat, Connor pressed the nurses button and despite itching to extubate you, he had to wait for your primary doctor, which would've been him if there was no relation between the two of you.
Following the nurses, Will pulled on his gloves, approaching you slowly before he said hello to you, explaining what he was going to do.
Despite the extreme discomfort that came with the extubating, your throat felt dry, eyes heavy as you blinked to get used to the scene in front of you.
The disorientation was painted clear on your face but when your eyes fell on Connor standing behind Will, you felt yourself tearing up.
Everyone was starting to think the worst, maybe you had amnesia which could difficult depending on its severity, or you were in pain somewhere they weren't aware of.
"Connor." Your voice was hoarse and raw, your lip perking up slightly at the sight of your husband.
Swallowing back a sob, Connor nodded, lips drawn into a smile that no one had seen him wear in a very long time. His hand clutched yours, kissing it and keeping it there.
All of his emotions were overwhelming but he would keep it to himself till it was just the two of you.
After a few cognitive tests, ruling out any complications and making sure you weren't suffering from amnesia and so on, Will cleared you, allowing the room to empty before he expressed his own relief in your consciousness.
Your eyes dragged to your husband who was staring at your open eyes, it very so surreal and-
Why was your stomach so flat?
Even though your pregnant belly wasn't as big as it should've been, it was never completely flat. You could remember everything but had yet to be informed of what exactly was your medical state.
Before you could even voice your concern at your discovery, Connor realised where your attention lay and beat you to it.
"Nothing bad happened." He shook his head before smiling. "Your daughter is currently being hoarded by the lovely docs and nurses of the ED."
You felt like crying.
"A little girl?" You felt like crying, smiling up at your husband through your tears. "You named her yet?"
Connor shook his head. "Wasn't going to do it without you." He said, leaving out the fact that he should've when the suggestion was brought up just in case you didn't wake up.
Letting out a breathy sigh, you settled into your pillow, closing your eyes in relief. "I'm still so tired, and I've slept for how long?" You joked, mindlessly fidgeting with Connors fingers.
"Where's all that from?" You opened your eyes, looking over at all the flowers, cards and the occasional balloon sitting in the corner of the room, Connor following your line of sight, huffing out a chuckle.
"You seem to have accumulated a fan club." Your husband proudly stated. "And I'm the head of it."
"Is that so?" You humoured him but before he could reply, you were interrupted by the familiar faces of what looked like half the ED, one of them holding a small bundle, a tuft of dark, dark brown hair standing out from the white blanket.
Your greeting was just about audible as you too notice of the baby, smiling at all of Connors friends who were also yours by now.
Gently, your daughter was placed into your arms by Maggie who helped you hold her, fixing the position of your elbow.
This all felt so surreal but with those blue doe eyes staring up at you with all the curiosity and innocence in the world, your heart soared and you felt a sudden instinct to protect her from any harm in the world.
Ignoring all the harm of the situation, but there was definitely going to be a long conversation about the shooting with you that would consist of scolding from Connor about putting your life on the line while you justified your actions by using your students.
But for now, it would be just you, Connor, your baby and the friendly company of Chicago Med's village.
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callsign-dexter · 8 months
Blazing Hearts
Request: Jeeeez Emergency Love was sooo cute !!! :)
Would you think about a sequel to it where maybe they have their date and all goes perfectly. Then some time later when the firehouse is also at the Med, Kelly is having that brother-boyfriend talk with Connor and you fear the worst, but they really get along quite well ? :)
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Paramedic!Severide!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of being cheated on
Frist Installment: Emergency Love
Second Installment: Blazing Hearts
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After you kissed Connor in the ED and exchanged phone numbers, you both set an official first date. He was picking you up in an hour to take you to a fancy restaurant that you both had been dying to go to. You were getting ready with the help of Sylvie, your roommate, Gabby, and Stella, your brother's fiancée.
When you had gotten back to the firehouse that day your two teammates were nonstop chattering and planning for you while you stood in the back. Stella had noticed and walked up and when they excitedly told her what had happened she was in on the gossip and planning as well. Then the news got to Kelly Severide, your brother, and of course, he acted like he wasn't happy and had gone all protective big brother mode after what happened last time. He was cautious for you and you were ok with that because he dialed it back some.
The hour seemed to go by faster than you knew it because you were interrupted by a knock on the door. You had already gotten dressed in a stunning deep red dress and black heels, your hair was slightly curled and you put on minimal makeup. You walked to the door with three other females behind you and opened it. There stood the Connor Rhodes in a tux looking handsome as ever. He was looking down but when the door opened he looked up and he smiled and love seemed to fill his eyes.
"You look absolutely stunning." He said breathlessly and you looked down and blushed.
"You don't look bad yourself, matter of fact you look handsome." You said while looking up and the three females squealed. He looked behind you and waved at them and they just grinned ear to ear at them then he turned his attention back to you.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked you holding out his arm which you gladly took and smiled but stopped him.
"Oh wait my-" you began but Stella was already handing you the black sequenced purse. She gave it to you smiling and you smiled back and you turned and headed out as Stella closed the door. You got to the elevator and you pressed it.
"You do look absolutely beautiful." Connor said turning to you as you both waited for the elevator. He touched your face lovingly and put away a piece of hair behind your ear.
"Thank you." You said "So where are we going?" You asked him and he smiled.
"Remember that place we talked about that we've never been to?" He asked and you nodded your head "Well I got us reservations." He told you and you gasped in shock.
"You didn't." You said and he smirked and nodded his head.
"But I did." He said and you kissed him and he kissed back. You only broke apart when the elevator dinged. You both stepped in and rode it down to the lobby where he led you out to his car and opened the passenger side for you.
Connor got into the driver's side of the car and turned the engine and took off. It was a comfortable silence. "You don't have to tell me but why did you not want to date anyone here?" He asked and looked at you briefly while stopping at the stoplight.
"It's ok. It's bound to come out eventually. My last boyfriend or should I say fiancée cheated on me with my now ex-best friend. They had the audacity to get married and invite me to the wedding." You said getting mad just thinking about it.
"How long were they hooking up?" He asked sounding equally mad and that surprised you.
"6 months." You said
"Well he doesn't know what he lost. He lost the most beautiful, stunning, perfect, and kind woman." He said and you blushed nobody has ever said that to you or made you feel loved, well besides your brother.
When you arrive at the restaurant he put the car in park and got out. He came around to your side and opened the door and helped you out. He gave the keys to the valet and you both walked into the restaurant and up the podium. There was a young beautiful woman there and when she saw Connor she started to flirt and his grip on your hand tightened slightly. "Reservation for Rhodes." He said and smiled trying to be polite and she looked over the computer and smiled.
"Ah yes. Right here. If you would follow me." She said and grabbed menus and walked you to the table. "A waiter will be with you soon." She said and winked at Connor but he wasn't really paying attention it was all on you. He pulled out your chair and you sat down and then he sat down. A waiter came over and took your drink order and Connor ordered you both a bottle of wine.
They brought the wine over and then you ordered. "So what made you become a paramedic?" He asked you as poured the wine for you and then him.
"Well you know Kelly is a firefighter and I wanted to follow him but didn't want to deal with all that gear. So I went the medical route and honestly enjoyed it so much that I made a career out of it and hadn't looked back." You said and he was smiling at you while you took a drink of your wine. They brought your food out and you continued your conversation throughout dinner.
You both laughed and talked throughout dinner. You both not wanting the night to end so you ended up getting desert. The check came and he paid for it and then you both were heading out of the restaurant to the valet. You stood there waiting for the car. Connor had his arm around your waist and held you close, you were leaning into him and he kissed the side of your head. The car arrived and he helped you get in and then he got in and drove you home. He held your hand over the console and occasionally he would pick it up and kiss it. You both continued to talk and laugh.
He pulled into a parking spot at your apartment building and parked the car and got out and then walked over to you and helped you out. Once the door was shut he locked the door and led you into your apartment complex. As you stepped into the elevator you spoke up. "I had a really nice night, Connor. Thank you." You told him and he smiled.
"Anything for the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on." He said and you blushed. The elevator dinged notifying you were on your floor and you walked out and to your door.
You had unlocked it but before you opened the door he gently grabbed your face which had you turning around and kissed you which you returned. He tasted like the wine you had and peppermint. You broke apart when air was needed and rested your foreheads on each other. "You're amazing." He said and yp8 blushed.
"Thank you for an amazing night and for reassuring me that there are still good men out there. I can't wait to do this again." You told him and he smiled.
"I can't wait to do it again either." He said and you turned around and opened the door. He watched you walk away. You turned just before closing the door.
"Goodnight handsome." You said
"Goodnight beautiful." He replied and you closed the door and turned around smiling. He really was the perfect man and you were definitely falling in love with him. Connor knew he was definitely falling in love with you. The three other women that you had left at your shared apartment with Sylvie turned around the couch.
"So, how'd it go?" They asked and you laughed.
"Let me go change and I'll tell you." And they nodded and you did just that. When you came out they had paused whatever they were watching and you told them everything and they squealed several times.
You and Connor had gone out several times after that. You saw each other when you could and texted and called each other all the time. There was a day that you were texting each other and he had sent the last text back but hadn't heard from you and usually you texted back pretty fast. You thought maybe you were out on a call and understood that but when it came up on the 3 hr mark he was getting worried. Although he didn't have to worry very long about you not texting him back when Sylvie and Gabby came in pushing the gurney with you on it. You were conscious but wincing at the light. He ran to you along with Will Halstead.
"What happened?" Will asked before Connor could as they rolled you into a trauma bay and they helped you get transferred.
"We were on call to an explosion. We thought it was clear but a second explosion went off and it threw her into the side of the ambulance. She was unconscious on the ride over here but woke up as soon as we pulled up." Gabby told them and they nodded "We'll be in the waiting room with the rest of the firehouse." She said and again they nodded. April and Maggie was had walked at some point and Connor looked at Maggie and she understood.
"Will you're treating her. Connor out." She said and he nodded his head and headed out. After a few painstaking minutes, Will walked out and spotted Connor and walked over to him.
"Before I tell the others. She has a mild concussion and a nasty bump on her head. You can see her." Will said and Connor nodded.
"Thank you, Will." He nodded and headed off to tell the others. Connor walked into your area and stood there looking at you. "Hi, baby." He said softly.
"Hi." You said with the same amount of softness. He didn't get a chance to move when your brother came rolling in.
"Sis, you scared the living daylights out of me." Kelly said and you smiled.
"Sorry, bro. Have to keep you on your toes somehow." You said and chuckled but winced and that had both men rushing over to you and making a fuss. Kelly finally noticed that Connor was in the room.
"Are you ok?" Kelly said at the same time as Connor said.
"Are you ok babe?" Connor asked and that made Kelly stop in his tracks.
"Babe?" He asked looking between the two of you "Are you two dating?" He asked and Connor nodded his head for the both of you since it would make your head pulse in pain. But you had to add something to say.
"Kelly, I love him and he's treated so well, better than the last one. He's the one." You said and Connor looked at you, you just said you loved him for the first time.
"You love me?" He asked you and you nodded the best you could.
"Yes." You replied
"I love you too." He said and kissed your forehead and then Kelly cleared his throat.
"If you ever hurt her or I get wind that you broke her heart. I will hunt you down and make you pay. I don't want to pick up the pieces again not like last time. Understood?" Kelly asked Connor and you were worried that this wasn't going to end well and it set your blood pressure up.
"Kelly, I love her with all of my heart. I'm never going to hurt her, not now nor ever. She has my heart. Nothing will make me break her heart ever." Connor told your brother and Kelly nodded.
"Good. Now come here." He said and brought Connor in for a hug and pulled apart they both smiled. They turned back to you and started fussing over you and you just smiled. You thought the worst but everything turned out right in the end. He loved you and you loved him. Nothing could break that love apart.
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halsteadlover · 1 year
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❝ Some stories may be 18+ as they contain smut and/or detailed descriptions of content that may be upsetting, so if you’re underage and see a mark next to a story please do not read. I’ll always try to carefully highlight the warnings before each fic but it can happen I forget some of them, in that case feel free to notify me with an ask. ❞
➪ 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘
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sjhhemmings · 4 months
Connor Rhodes x Fem!Reader
A/N: cutesy little one shot that i dont rlly like but whatever. hope you guys enjoy it. I love Connor, but god I really need to pick a hyper fixation. Guess who’s loving Chicago P.D. rn???
warnings: cussing (i think), not proofread, canon typical medical talk? (i think), kissing, confrontation.
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You always hated driving. Not that you sucked at it or anything, you just never trusted any other driver on the road.
It could be considered an ‘irrational fear’ but you would consider it being cautionary and safe. Nothing wrong with that. Well until you actually had to drive for yourself. Then there was everything wrong with it. The unnecessary anxiety, triple checking your surroundings, not being able to fully be comfortable. Just not your cup of tea. Especially today.
Moments like these make you miss your ex. He always drove you everywhere. It was like a deal you guys had, he would drive and you would cook. It’s not like either of you weren’t capable of doing those tasks, it’s just when you have someone else who would rather do it for you, why not?
Today however there was no avoiding you driving. You had to testify in court for a case you worked awhile back. Perks of being a detective. Well at least the plan was to testify in court. That was until about an hour ago before you got T-boned in the middle of an intersection.
A drunk driver ran a red light hitting your driver side door trapping you in the car. You became unconscious on impact, but luckily for you Firehouse 51 had been the one to respond to your accident.
You woke up in the ambulance shocked of course, but relief came over you as you realized Sylvie Brett had been your EMT.
“What happened?” You asked a little out of breath.
“Hey you’re okay. It was just a car accident. Other driver was completely fine, Burgess and Atwater took him in. You were unconscious when we found you, but we think it was just from shock. You have no major injuries besides what may be a fracture on your left forearm, we’re taking you to med to have them run some more tests.”
Processing the information, you look at your left arm to see that it is definitely broken. Lucky for you, you can’t exactly feel it at the moment so you just sigh. After a few seconds you feel like you’re forgetting something. Wait. Shit.
“Do you think i’ll be able to make it to court in…” checking the time on your now broken watch, “15 minutes.” Fuck.
“I think you’ll be lucky if they don’t keep you overnight for observation,” She says will a wry smile.
“We’re about 3 minutes from med if that helps!” Chout tells from the drivers seat.
No Chout. It doesn’t help.
“Just my luck.” You mutter rolling your eyes.
When you arrived at Med, Will Halstead ended up being your doctor.
“Jeez Y/N, what’d you do this time?” He asks with a joking smile as you’re rolled into the treatment room.
“Oh y’know, the usual.” You joke back wincing a little as he checks your arm.
“Well, as you probably know this arm is definitely broken. April order a portable x-ray and push some pain meds for our dear Y/N here. As for right now since your lucid we can rule out any major injuries, I’m gonna do some more tests to make sure you don’t have a concussion but-”
“Y/N, what the hell happened?!”
Both you and Will look at the man who interrupted him, of course he showed up. Somehow despite you guys being broken up, he still shows up everywhere.
“Connor, what are you doing here?” You ask as he approaches you with more ease.
“Yeah, Connor, Y/N is my patient and I’m pretty sure this would still be considered conflict of interest.” Will adds on earning an eye roll from Dr. Rhodes.
“I’m still your emergency contact.” Connor says holding up your possessions in a matter of fact tone.
“Oh.” Is all your able to say before Will takes a big inhale.
“Well, I’m gonna come back when the x-ray gets here.” Will says a little awkwardly as he shuffles out of the room.
Connor hands sets your things at the foot of your bed earning a muttered thanks from you. Connor turns to leave, but ultimately turns around to stay.
“What happened?” He asks again more worried this time.
“I’m fine-”
“That’s not what I asked. You’re in my ED with a broken forearm and a narly cut on your head, what happened?” He asks folding his arms with a furrowed brow.
“Car accident. I got t-boned at the intersection next to the court house. Guy ran a red light…” You say sheepishly not looking Connor in the eye.
Before you know it Connor had marched his way over to you grabbing your jaw gently to get a better look at your head.
“The cut doesn’t seem too bad. Halstead should be able to close it without stitches.” Connor looked at you with soft eyes, the way he would when you guys were together. Still holding your face, you couldn’t help but melt under his gaze. Subconsciously leaning into his hold you look up at him through your lashes.
“Thanks for being here.”
Connor nods in response and finally lets you go. Sitting in the chair behind him you give him a quizzical look.
“I’m not leaving until you’re all taken care of. You shouldn’t have to sit here alone.” He says resting in the chair kicking one leg over the other.
You chuckle at his response and slightly frown.
“Before I leave I’ll make sure I take you off my emergency contact list,” You say avoiding his gaze.
“What? No? You don’t have to do that.” He says defiantly.
“Yes I do? We broke up remember.” You say finally looking at him again.
“Okay, well,”
“Exactly. There’s no reason you should be getting called when-”
“When you have an emergency? Yeah. Okay.” He interrupts you rolling his eyes.
“Connor, we’re not together anymore. Frankly it’s non of your business what emergencies I have.” You say shrugging. Having this conversation was hurting you more than you let on but it was necessary.
“Well what if we were together? Then what?” He asks making you furrow your brows.
“We’re not though?”
“But what if we were? What if we got back together?”
“We won’t. We wanted different things. We were never meant to work out.”
“But what if we wanted the same things? There’s no reason we should be broken up right now.”
“Connor! What do you want?! You left me!” You say finally snapping with tears coming to your eyes.
“I want you.” He says standing up and grabbing your hand.
“When I got the call that you got hurt, I finally realized that I couldn’t live without you. I’ve been trying for these last few weeks, to make you happy. We had the talk where we wanted different things, and I just made the choice for the both of us. It was wrong. You could’ve died today and I cannot live without you any longer Y/N.”
You deeply exhale as you let his words sink in.
“You just can’t cook on your own can you, Connor?” You asked semi-jokingly but also semi-serious.
Connor scoffs and puts a hand to his chest in disbelief. “Me? Not being able to cook without you? How dare you ever insinuate such a thing!”
Rolling your eyes you pull his hand that you’re still holding closer to you, bringing him down to your level.
Pressing a deep kiss to his lips he holds your face with his other hand. Only pulling away slightly you look into his eyes to try and see what he’s thinking.
“So do you want to try again?” He asks anxiously.
Kissing him again harshly he chuckles in response.
“Does that answer your question?” You ask him to which he smiles.
“Without a doubt.” He says leaning his forehead against yours.
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kiddbegins · 7 months
I'm Sorry - Connor Rhodes
Requested: yes
Word count: 1,199
Warning: not a happy ending, angst i suppose
a/n: again, hugging connor so so tightly
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“What do you want from me? To throw away all I've worked for?" "All I'm asking for is your time." from the ‘Can we fix it?’ prompt list [Connor rhodes]
Deciding to be a teacher after years of flipping between what you wanted to do was difficult. At first it was nursing, which you gave up on when you realized how hard it was to memorize everything. And that maybe a job where you lost people almost daily wasn’t something you wanted. 
And then it was being an artist. Because you painted in your free time. And you took the art classes and it was nice for a bit. But then you realized that it wasn’t a stable enough income. 
Which is how you landed on teaching. Being able to shape the minds of young children, students. It was enticing. So you started working towards it. And you were finally in the home stretch. 
The problem though was that your boyfriend, one Dr. Connor Rhodes barely got the chance to see you. And you barely saw him. Between the classes, shadowing at the school downtown, his shifts and the way he was on call, there was barely enough time for you guys to do anything. 
But you tried. Taking every chance you could to slip to the hospital, grab a small lunch, just pop in to see him. And it worked for a bit, things were fine until he started his fellowship and suddenly he was practically married to the hospital. 
The times you saw him dwindled and you stopped staying up to see him when he got home. He knew it was affecting you two. Knew that you were slowly getting pushed to your wits end but Connor figured you’d work it out when your classes were through. 
And it would have if he hadn’t forgotten about the dinner you had planned that night when he agreed to stay for the night shift. Now, you weren’t the best cook but you had pulled together a nice meal that sat on the kitchen table as the time passed. 
Eight turned into nine. Nine turned into ten. Eleven. And you gave up before it reached 11:30, cleaning things up and changing into pajamas. Not even a text from the surgeon explaining his absence. 
Hey, don’t know if you’ll see this but you missed dinner. 
Shit.. I completely forgot I took a double at the  hospital I’m sorry I’ll make it up to you
Yeah, okay.
To say you were mad was an understatement. Even the small message he sent had rage surging through your body. One that he forgot but also the lack of an I love you. He’d barely said it the past few weeks, only if it was him reciprocating. 
So you shut your phone off and let yourself fall asleep on the couch, not bearing to go to bed, knowing you’d just wish Connor was there with his arms wrapped tightly around you. 
You were woken by the door closing, Connor trying as hard as he could to keep it from slamming but it slipped from his fingers as he tried to keep his duffle bag over his shoulder. 
“What the hell-“
“Sorry, sorry. I’m sorry,” He spoke quickly and softly, dropping the bag by the entrance and creeping into the living room where you were now sitting up, stretching out til you heard the light crack of your back. 
Your eyes fell on Connor, momentarily forgetting that you were considerably pissed at him. The second you remembered your small smile faltered, shifting into a frown, nearly a glare. 
Connor instantly knew why and he sighed, “Princess, I am so sorry. I got wrapped up into a surgery and Dr. Marcel had a family emergency so he couldn’t come in for the night shift-“
“We had that dinner planned for two weeks.” You cut him off, looking over at him. Usually you didn’t mind. But that was when he actually sent a message. At least something telling you the change of plans. But those had slowly dwindled recently. 
“I know I’m-“
You sighed heavily, “Connor I swear to god if you say sorry again,” You snapped, standing up. Your hands raked through your hair as you turned away from him. No part of you expected to have an argument with the man the second you woke up but you just couldn’t help how you reacted.
“We barely have any time together anymore. Last night was supposed to be our chance to actually sit down and have a real meal together. Even right now I’m wasting my time arguing when I have to get ready to shadow at the school soon.” You waved him off, going into the bedroom.
Connor was right on your heels, not willing to let any of this go, “Y/n, I know. I should have remembered and that’s on me. It is. I swear I’ll make it up to you,” He tried to grab your hand but you spun to face him.
“Will you? Or will it just slip your mind again? Cause I have a feeling it’ll be the latter. I obviously don’t matter to you as much as your job and that’s fine. Just be open about it.” You stared him down, eyes focused on his blue ones as he went to speak, nothing coming out.
You pursed your lips, going to grab clothes from the dresser. “So what? You’re just going to storm out of here? What do you want me to do? Throw everything away? Toss it all down the drain?” His arm pointed to the side as he spoke.
“All I want is your time, Connor. That’s all I have ever asked for. I get your job is important. I’d never ask you to choose between me and being a doctor but maybe… maybe you just can’t handle being a surgeon and having a girlfriend.” Your eyes were low, unwilling to raise them to him.
It was taking everything inside of you to keep your cool, eyes burning as you blinked back tears. “I can, I can handle it.” Connor reached for your hand again, this time clasping it between both of his, enveloping them in warmth. “I know you told me not to say it again but I am sorry. So much. But I can handle loving you and my job at the same time.”
Slowly you shook your head, looking up at him finally. He had hope deep in his gaze, that maybe, just maybe you’d forgive him. That he didn’t screw absolutely everything up. That all shattered when the first tear slid down your face.
“I really don’t think you can. I’m sorry but I’m not going to sit around and beg for a smidge of my boyfriend’s time. Not when I have stuff I need to focus on.” You sucked in a breath, pulling your hand from Connor’s and stepping back. “I’ll stop by when I’m done at the school today. Grab what I can and stay at my place.”
You turned and walked away from him, clothes tightly in your hand and a new gaping hole in your chest.
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tags: @winchesterszvonecek @everything-fandom @thebejeweledwatercat @mrspeacem1nusone @katieemazz
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winchesterszvonecek · 7 months
"I…I want to give you my heart. It belongs to… to you. How… how can I give it to you? I don’t want it anymore." "Let’s wait until tomorrow with the surgery”
Drunken Confessions - [ Connor Rhodes ]
Prompt: “I…I want to give you my heart. It belongs to…to you. How…How can I give it to you? I don’t want it anymore.” “Let’s wait until tomorrow with the surgery.”
Word Count: 1171
Warnings: female!reader, drunkenness
Masterlist | Connor Masterlist
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There was a reason you never allowed yourself to get drunk. A perfectly valid explanation as to why you never drank over the three beers a night limit you set for yourself anytime you went to Molly’s.
It wasn’t just because you were a firefighting Lieutenant with a reputation to keep and a handful of men under your command, who did not have a limit to the amount that they drank which meant it usually fell on you to make sure they got home safe and made it into work the next day.
No, it wasn’t because of any of that, not really. The real reason why you couldn’t loosen up fully after a tough day on the job was because of one man and one man only.
Connor Rhodes.
Since the day you met Connor, the day you rolled into the ER with an impalement victim and locked eyes with the new trauma surgeon, you had fallen so head over heels in love with him that you couldn’t bring yourself to think about any other men. Which is the exact reason you couldn’t get drunk otherwise you’d end up spilling your guts out to him.
And sure, you were constantly flirting with him when sober, hoping to God he’d reciprocate and oftentimes he did. He’d flirt back with you. Tell you how nice it was to see your face that day in the hospital. Anything he could think of to make you blush harder than a schoolgirl getting asked to prom by her crush, he would do. But it never usually went any further than that.
As the months went by you were beginning to just give up, to accept that you’d never be anything more than flirty friends. And sure, that hurt but what could you do? You’d never find the courage to ask him out properly, to confess that you loved him so much that it hurt to be around him, and therefore, there wasn’t much else you could do other than allow yourself to get blackout drunk for the first time since you laid eyes on his handsome face.
The only reason you’d been accepting the shots Herrmann kept sliding towards you was because you knew Connor was on call at the hospital that night and wouldn’t be anywhere near you, allowing you the relief of knowing that drunk you wouldn’t blurt out what sober you could never find the courage to say. Only when Connor showed up at Molly’s, beelining straight for you, you were far too wasted to care about the fact that you were probably about to expose yourself in front of him.
“There he is!” You cheered, giggling around a hiccup as you slid off your stool, almost face planting the ground had Connor not caught you. “The famous Dr Rhodes.”
“Famous?” Connor repeated, chuckling to himself as he got you steady on your feet, his hands held out at either side of you as you swayed back and forth, making him think you were about to pass out and almost hit the deck again.
“You’re like what’s his face from that doctor show.” You slurred, lightly poking the tip of his nose which acted like a button as the second you did a smile grew on his face. “The pretty one… You know who I’m talking about.
“Okay, I see someone might have had a little too much to drink… huh?” Connor had never once seen you so open with him as you were now, and even if you hadn’t smelt strongly of alcohol, he’d have probably assumed you were drunk anyway. “Why don’t I take you home?”
“Okay, doctor.” You sighed out, falling forwards a little to lean on him, your cheek smooshed up against his chest which drunk you didn’t even acknowledge was beating rapidly beneath you.
Guiding you out of the bar was easy, making Connor glad he was the one who found you and not some other scumbag who might only have taken advantage of you in your current state. The two of you had barely reached his car before you came to a stop, rounding his body to face him and gripping the front of his shirt so tightly that your knuckles turned white.
“I…I want to give you my heart.” You began, your words more coherent than Connor would have ever expected from you. He raised his hands, taking a gentle hold of yours and carefully prying your fingers from around the softness of his shirt. “It belongs to… to you. How… How can I give it to you? I don’t want it anymore.”
You shook your head, eyes filling with tears as though part of your sober feelings had moved past the alcohol clouding them, allowing for your vulnerability to be fully on display.
“I don’t… I don’t want it.” You whispered, locking eyes with him and seeing the reflection of the streetlight above you shine against them. “Take it from me.”
“I will.” Connor said softly, his hands leaving yours and going staring to cup your face, feeling how you relaxed instantly beneath his touch. “But not right now. Not like this, okay? Let’s wait until tomorrow with the surgery.” He joked, finding warmth over the way you smiled. “Once you sober up, then you can give me your heart. If you still want to.” He added quietly, praying to God or whoever was listening that this wasn’t just drunken nonsense he was hearing from you.
But with the way you’d looked at him, even through the copious amounts of alcohol he’s suspected that you’d drank, there was still a hint of the real you, the quiet, shy you who would have never said this to him sober, still lingering underneath. As though begging him to believe that what you were saying was the truth.
“Surgery?” You babbled, the return of your drunkenness pulling him from his thoughts about whether or not sober you felt the same way about him as drunk you seemed to. “I think you’re confused… I’m the firefighter… You’re the surgeon.”
You poked your finger to his chest, hiccuping quietly as you giggled to yourself, calling him silly under your breath and making him all but die on the spot as even drunk you were utterly adorable. Your hand fell to your side, your body once again falling against him, only this time it felt different, as though it wasn’t just a way for you to take some of the strain off your feet.
Connor’s arms wrapped lightly around your frame, engulfing you with heat of his body, hearing you hum softly to yourself as you slid your arms around his waist, underneath his coat which only had his heart wanting to leap from his chest. He glanced down, smiling over the way you nuzzled your cheek against his chest, as though you were exactly where you wanted to be right now.
Exactly where he wanted you to be. And exactly where he hoped you’d stay once you sobered up.
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