#complaining really
birdsareblooming · 1 year
holy shit my physical disability isnt even counted as a physical disability. ive had days where i dont want to move because my knees hurt so bad, i cant sleep tonight becuase my left knee area is in so much stining pain and has been all day. i cant do things with my arms or legs for too long before they get fatigued and hurt. i cant shower. i cant hold my cat. i cant run. i cant stand for too long. my arm is starting to hurt as a type. i cant play with my dog. i feel like i cant do fucking anything but hurt. and i wont get shit for it. it doesn't technically count. and its getting worse.
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damianito · 9 months
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Collective meow
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wawataka · 2 years
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they fucking did it again they baby-fied mob bones give me the middle schooler id be terrified to run into at the store back
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God my bookshelf is such a mess.
Like I should clean it up, but looking at it makes me tired already
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mroddmod · 2 months
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little scrapped comic bc it felt a bit ooc to me in hindsight
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
"whocares ita just a bug its just a bird its just a fish" ohhhh its just the miracle of life on earth . its just the beauty of biodiversity in my local area. its just millions and millions of years of tiny changes to a bucnh of little strands of amino acids and eventually all these circumstances brought us to this moment.but i only like this one kind of bugs so i want all the other ones to DIE I think their amino acids that took millenia to develop are DUMB AND WORTHLESS and who cares about them who cares I just want to have some stupid plants in my yard that wish they lived somewhere completely different so bad and I have to constantly battle to keep their sickly bodies functioning in this place they were never meant to live. because I saw it in a magazine
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jounosparticles · 6 days
no. maybe i’m in denial but i refuse to believe teruko is truly dead. she’s had an absolutely hellish life. asagiri doesn’t like to kill characters that have not gotten their second chances at life yet. but at the same time asagiri likes killing children so maybe we have lost her. i really hope it is undone somehow
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uselessgaywhovian · 9 months
sorry, saw someone on reddit talking about how they "had" to kill shadowheart because they were playing a "good" character and she was "evil" and i'm like
not to make her too much of a little meow meow, but this little bitch wants to be good so much that Shar had to put a shock collar on her when she was like seven and like 40 years later it's still not working great
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lorephobic · 7 months
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humandisastersquad · 2 years
always funny when someone complains about the special effects on dr who like Sir This Is The Bad Special Effects Show
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otaku553 · 7 months
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Quite frankly still obsessed with the three of them
A little procrastination doodle
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call-me-strega · 5 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #7: Pavlov’s Ghost Would be so Proud
In which Jazz tries to play matchmaker and accidentally classically conditions her new friend, Jason, into liking her brother.
Basically, Jazz is a college student at Gotham U when she shares a Lit class with Jason Peterson and they bond over deeply analyzing the characters. Jazz isn’t looking for a relationship (maybe she has a partner? Maybe she wants to focus on her studies? I’m low key considering aro-spec Jazz but who knows?) but she thinks Jason would get along great with her brother Danny and decides she wants to set them up.
She bribes Jason into coming over to study or hang out with the promise of fudge and take out and incidentally observes him deeply enjoying said food. She decides that since eating food puts Jason in a good mood that’s when it would be best to talk up her brother. So the next time Jason came over she casually steered the conversation toward her brother’s recent endeavors to transfer to Gotham in order to be closer to her because he’s so sweet and protective. She then offers Jason a slice of cheesecake she had leftover from a lunch out with the some friends which he graciously accepts. Then, just as he starts eating Jazz goes “oh here let me show you a picture of Danny!” and shows off her cute younger brother to her friend.
She doesn’t do it every time she and Jason meet because she figures that’s be too obvious but every time he comes over she offers him food knowing it puts him in a good mood so she can talk up her brother. It’s just that she says his name or shows him a picture of whatever Danny’s been up to recently while he’s eating.
Jazz just genuinely believes she’s just doing her best to be a good wing woman. It’s not until Danny actually moves to Gotham and Jazz decides to introduce them that she realizes what she’s done. She invites Jason over to come meet her brother and watches her how when he sees Danny he gives him an actual genuine smile, not a polite smile you give strangers, but one with actual joy. This is followed quickly by a sense of visible confusion in Jason‘s eyes and Jazz starts to connect the dots.
She excuses herself to the kitchen to go get the snacks she was planning to serve as she looks down at the tray she realizes ‘Oh my gosh I’ve been classically conditioning Jason to associate joy with my brother’! She puts together that an unconditioned stimulus = food (specifically served in her apartment) -> unconditoned response = Jason feels happy/good and that by talking about and showing off her brother every time Jason eats she made her brother a conditioned stimulus for Jason to associate with happiness.
She mentally groans realizing what she’s done but then looks back over at Danny and Jason hitting it off and can’t bring herself to fully regret it. This kinda was her goal as a wingwoman after all. She brings that snacks over to see a flush on her brother’s face and the tips of Jason’s ears red and thinks with a big grin ‘Hey! Maybe if this goes really well it’ll be a fun story to tell at their hypothetical wedding!’
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Summer day when you were gone (dp x dc)
Jazz yawned as she watched the road pass by in front of her. It wasn't yet dark, everything being bathed in the last golden rays of the day, but there was something about highways that had a way of lulling her. She cranked up the car radio and readjusted her grip on the wheel.
"Almost halfway," she mumbled to herself as she threw a quick look at her GPS. For the umpteenth time, she questioned her choice to go away for college. Sure, Danny and co were handling the ghosts, and didn't need her, not really, but she hated being so far away.
-want me down on Earth, but I am up in space, the radio sounded.
Jazz started humming as she watched the seemingly endless golden fields on each side of her.
There was something on the horizon, a dark shape. It looked like a bird? No, too large. A plane, maybe, but then again its path didn't seem constant and she couldn't see the usual white trail left behind. The song continued as Jazz absentmindedly sang along.
You're from the 70s, but I'm a 90s bitch
The shape was growing bigger. Jazz frowned as she gently hit the breaks. Even if she was still within the speed limits, it was a good thing there was no one else on the road, because she would for sure have been honked at.
I watched, I let it burn
"What the-" Jazz said as the shape grew and as she could see it better and better, she realized it was moving incredibly fast and heading in her direction.
I crashed my car into a bridge
"Shit!" Jazz yelled as she hit the brakes and violently turned the wheel sideways, just in time for the shape to ram into the road full speed just in front of her.
"Oh my god," Jazz breathed in the car that had miraculously not been damaged.
I don't care, I love it
Jazz's hands were trembling and she let herself take a deep breath before bounding out of the car towards the newly-formed crater. And as she looked down into the rapidly-clearing flyaway dirt, she couldn't discern much but then there was a groan.
Jazz froze, then immediately started crawling down into the crater with thoughts of Danny being wounded, looking for help, looking for her-
She reached the bottom and practically ran towards the centre, where she could vaguely discern a dark-haired figure laid out on his back. She reached him and threw herself to her knees as the figure started stirring. His eyes snapped open, Jazz startled away from him as the boy opened his mouth.
"Who are you?" said the boy who definitely was not her brother.
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redysetdare · 10 months
A character looks straight into the camera and says "I'm not interested in romance" and people will still say "No, it's not confirmed they're aromantic!!!" "They could change their mind!!!" "it's a challenge for them to overcome!!!" "They'll have character development that makes them fall in love"
It's like they are given the most blatant answer to a character romantic orientation and they actively ignore it. all the while all it takes is subtext for people to speak as if it is fact for a character to be any other sexuality.
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 10 months
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Getting to know each other...
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rogueddie · 1 year
El, who learnt through Hopper that if you do something bad then something you like gets taken away, kidnapping Steve whenever someone in the party does or says anything that upsets her
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