#clones deserve pretty things
anstarwar · 11 months
Rare clone suggestions? I got one from the comics if you’re interested. Clone 2242 aka Cooker. He’d give Crosshair a run for his money.
I had to research Cooker for this and I absolutely adore him and you’re right he’d keep up with Crosshair no problem. But the thing that I fixated on was when he told the story of how he got his name: he liked aiming for the droid’s battery packs and watching them explode and burn…
Made me think he was a bit of a mad lad. Also made me think of an “explosion” of marigolds which is how I came to the conclusion that he needed a bouquet of flowers to shniffle at
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On a related to this pic note, I’d just like to shoutout @cobaltbeam for their amazing tutorials and advice on coloring over on their Patreon. They’ve really helped me improve on coloring techniques and style, and I was very inspired by Beam’s flower crown art when I made this, so thank you for that Beam if you’re reading this!
Also thank you @gokyacetakal for sending in Cooker as a request. I’m kind of obsessed now
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cairavende · 9 days
Worm Arc 19 thoughts:
Hopefully this is the only time I have more than a month wait between arc recaps. I was distracted.
Not a long arc really, but god damn did a lot happen.
My daughter is no longer eaten . . . ate . . . aten . . .
My daughter is no longer inside of a creature. That's good. Even though I was obviously 100% fine at the end of arc 18. I'm just more fine now.
Big props to Weld for just going swimming in a giant flesh pool and pulling people (and dogs!) out. He's an ok guy.
Based on the weird "dreams" Skitter was having while inside Echidna I am running on the assumption that the clones are pulled from alternate reality versions of the consumed person where said person had died. Well, not the clones themselves really, but the powers of the clones (and possibly their personalities/memories). Not sure it will end up mattering, with Echidna being dead.
But basically I think the dreams were partially visions of alternate realities.
I've been on the "alternate realities are gonna play a big role and are tied to powers and everything" boat for awhile now, but this arc finally brought that all to the forefront of everything. Just with Scapegoat and Scrub's power, clone Eidolon's powers, the door, and such. So that's cool!
Speaking of Scapegoat, I love his ridiculous little power. I saw it coming the second I saw the name and I was enjoying every second of it.
"She’s fucking blind!?" has gotta be one of the best moments in Worm so far.
Skitter finally realizes that Tattletale has been very clearly taking actions to portray her as the leader to everyone else. Cause bad ass lesbian super villain trio is everything.
Skitter hard carried the second Echidna fight. Everyone would probably be fucked if she wasn't there.
Starting off with taking out the teleporter Grue clone. My girl knows rule number 1. First, GEEK THE MAGE!
And of course she was using her bugs to monitor the entire battlefield, but then she starts giving information and direction to everyone. Kept track of clones, preventing any (hopefully) from escaping). And taking out a fair share of them herself!
Fucking just full on use swarm speech to speak to everyone across the battlefield at once! FUCK YES SHE IS BADASS!
I'm sure Shatterbird won't show up again and isn't going to be an issue at all!
And she's the one that sets up the trap to cut Echidna in half and contain clone Eidolon so Miss Militia can take him out! Clockblocker gets partial credit for helping I guess. But still, Skitter saved all their asses 10 times over.
Also Clockblocker is obsessed with my daughter. Kid has it baaaaaaaad.
I love that in the first few chapters there is some teasing of Cauldron's secrets being spilled a little bit, then Legend completely reveals that Cauldron exists but lies about details, and then suddenly clone Eidolon just dumps everything out there!
Faultline and crew - "We…worked on finding info on Cauldron for a year…and…he just…he shouted it out."
And through all of this Tattletale just out here like "I'm gonna tear a hole in reality!" God I love this reckless chaos child.
Gully deserves to punch a few Cauldron people. As a treat.
Lisa "I took one look at you and instantly knew I would take over the fucking city just to see you smile" Wilbourn over here! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
Real quote: "Maybe- maybe when the interuniversal trade takes off. Can you imagine? With me and you as the top dogs? The whole world will pay attention to us." HOW CAN SHE BE THIS LESBIAN?
(I'm sure Taylor crumpling the papers from Dinah in her fists at the end of the arc isn't ominous at all.)
Blasto Interlude thoughts:
Sucks to be Blasto I guess
Accord is terrible as always, glad to see more of him. Love his minions.
Colin can't do anything right. Seriously dude you cut Bonesaw in half and still lost! You have magic cut through anything and turn it to dust tech and you couldn't kill her! God.
Dragon is hard carrying this SH9 hunting team.
She got Manton! That's crazy! Good job robot daughter!
I 100% do not expect Siberian to stay gone. I mean outright Bonesaw is gonna be cloning people and she can probably get some of his DNA. But even without that, it was just too convenient, happening off screen like that. I dunno. It's not safe.
Also Blasto, I'm really sorry about what happened to you but also you tried to make a half Simmy clone! God damn that was the dumbest thing you could ever have done. You are so lucky it didn't work (probably), cause if it did it would have been because she planned it. God damn.
Time for the Slaughterhouse 99 or whatever. Gonna really suck for people.
Parahumans Online Interlude thoughts:
Timeskip!!! Shortish timeskip but still! It's been so day to day for so long so suddenly jumping ahead was surprising.
Greg from act 1 is back! And also kinda a dick. And probably has a Thinker 1 power. Tattletale light basically. Fits with what Taylor said about him in act 1 too.
GstringGirl is probably Sveta, that feels right.
Glad to see the Case 53s making their own team, that's a good start.
WagTheDog wanting to work for Bitch is super cute! I'm glad it seems like that is going to work out.
Loved seeing some of the stuff of people talking about Skitter. I've been wanting to see what the general public has been saying about her cause from an outside perspective the stuff she has done seems 10 times crazier than it is, and it is already crazy.
Emma Interlude thoughts:
Fuck this bitch
Sure she went through a really hard situation and she has terrible parents and it is easy to see how she got to where she is, but that doesn't excuse her actions. I still don't like her at all.
I don't know how much more I need to say, except that Alan shouldn't have left his traumatized daughter home alone with the instructions "If you feel like doing something bad please call the therapist who's number I put on the fridge" christ dude. You are worse every time you show up.
Like learning that Alan knows everything about Sophia as well? Just makes him even worse! Probably upgraded from a 3 fire asshole to a 4 fire asshole by now.
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Three AI insights for hard-charging, future-oriented smartypantses
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MERE HOURS REMAIN for the Kickstarter for the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There’s also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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Living in the age of AI hype makes demands on all of us to come up with smartypants prognostications about how AI is about to change everything forever, and wow, it's pretty amazing, huh?
AI pitchmen don't make it easy. They like to pile on the cognitive dissonance and demand that we all somehow resolve it. This is a thing cult leaders do, too – tell blatant and obvious lies to their followers. When a cult follower repeats the lie to others, they are demonstrating their loyalty, both to the leader and to themselves.
Over and over, the claims of AI pitchmen turn out to be blatant lies. This has been the case since at least the age of the Mechanical Turk, the 18th chess-playing automaton that was actually just a chess player crammed into the base of an elaborate puppet that was exhibited as an autonomous, intelligent robot.
The most prominent Mechanical Turk huckster is Elon Musk, who habitually, blatantly and repeatedly lies about AI. He's been promising "full self driving" Telsas in "one to two years" for more than a decade. Periodically, he'll "demonstrate" a car that's in full-self driving mode – which then turns out to be canned, recorded demo:
Musk even trotted an autonomous, humanoid robot on-stage at an investor presentation, failing to mention that this mechanical marvel was just a person in a robot suit:
Now, Musk has announced that his junk-science neural interface company, Neuralink, has made the leap to implanting neural interface chips in a human brain. As Joan Westenberg writes, the press have repeated this claim as presumptively true, despite its wild implausibility:
Neuralink, after all, is a company notorious for mutilating primates in pursuit of showy, meaningless demos:
I'm perfectly willing to believe that Musk would risk someone else's life to help him with this nonsense, because he doesn't see other people as real and deserving of compassion or empathy. But he's also profoundly lazy and is accustomed to a world that unquestioningly swallows his most outlandish pronouncements, so Occam's Razor dictates that the most likely explanation here is that he just made it up.
The odds that there's a human being beta-testing Musk's neural interface with the only brain they will ever have aren't zero. But I give it the same odds as the Raelians' claim to have cloned a human being:
The human-in-a-robot-suit gambit is everywhere in AI hype. Cruise, GM's disgraced "robot taxi" company, had 1.5 remote operators for every one of the cars on the road. They used AI to replace a single, low-waged driver with 1.5 high-waged, specialized technicians. Truly, it was a marvel.
Globalization is key to maintaining the guy-in-a-robot-suit phenomenon. Globalization gives AI pitchmen access to millions of low-waged workers who can pretend to be software programs, allowing us to pretend to have transcended the capitalism's exploitation trap. This is also a very old pattern – just a couple decades after the Mechanical Turk toured Europe, Thomas Jefferson returned from the continent with the dumbwaiter. Jefferson refined and installed these marvels, announcing to his dinner guests that they allowed him to replace his "servants" (that is, his slaves). Dumbwaiters don't replace slaves, of course – they just keep them out of sight:
So much AI turns out to be low-waged people in a call center in the Global South pretending to be robots that Indian techies have a joke about it: "AI stands for 'absent Indian'":
A reader wrote to me this week. They're a multi-decade veteran of Amazon who had a fascinating tale about the launch of Amazon Go, the "fully automated" Amazon retail outlets that let you wander around, pick up goods and walk out again, while AI-enabled cameras totted up the goods in your basket and charged your card for them.
According to this reader, the AI cameras didn't work any better than Tesla's full-self driving mode, and had to be backstopped by a minimum of three camera operators in an Indian call center, "so that there could be a quorum system for deciding on a customer's activity – three autopilots good, two autopilots bad."
Amazon got a ton of press from the launch of the Amazon Go stores. A lot of it was very favorable, of course: Mister Market is insatiably horny for firing human beings and replacing them with robots, so any announcement that you've got a human-replacing robot is a surefire way to make Line Go Up. But there was also plenty of critical press about this – pieces that took Amazon to task for replacing human beings with robots.
What was missing from the criticism? Articles that said that Amazon was probably lying about its robots, that it had replaced low-waged clerks in the USA with even-lower-waged camera-jockeys in India.
Which is a shame, because that criticism would have hit Amazon where it hurts, right there in the ole Line Go Up. Amazon's stock price boost off the back of the Amazon Go announcements represented the market's bet that Amazon would evert out of cyberspace and fill all of our physical retail corridors with monopolistic robot stores, moated with IP that prevented other retailers from similarly slashing their wage bills. That unbridgeable moat would guarantee Amazon generations of monopoly rents, which it would share with any shareholders who piled into the stock at that moment.
See the difference? Criticize Amazon for its devastatingly effective automation and you help Amazon sell stock to suckers, which makes Amazon executives richer. Criticize Amazon for lying about its automation, and you clobber the personal net worth of the executives who spun up this lie, because their portfolios are full of Amazon stock:
Amazon Go didn't go. The hundreds of Amazon Go stores we were promised never materialized. There's an embarrassing rump of 25 of these things still around, which will doubtless be quietly shuttered in the years to come. But Amazon Go wasn't a failure. It allowed its architects to pocket massive capital gains on the way to building generational wealth and establishing a new permanent aristocracy of habitual bullshitters dressed up as high-tech wizards.
"Wizard" is the right word for it. The high-tech sector pretends to be science fiction, but it's usually fantasy. For a generation, America's largest tech firms peddled the dream of imminently establishing colonies on distant worlds or even traveling to other solar systems, something that is still so far in our future that it might well never come to pass:
During the Space Age, we got the same kind of performative bullshit. On The Well David Gans mentioned hearing a promo on SiriusXM for a radio show with "the first AI co-host." To this, Craig L Maudlin replied, "Reminds me of fins on automobiles."
Yup, that's exactly it. An AI radio co-host is to artificial intelligence as a Cadillac Eldorado Biaritz tail-fin is to interstellar rocketry.
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Back the Kickstarter for the audiobook of The Bezzle here!
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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somerandomdudelmao · 6 months
CASS! YOUR BRAIN! IT'S SO... HUGE!!!!Okay, okay. So, to recap what you have confirmed to us-
The robot that we see is NOT controlled by Donnie's spirit. We see that Donnie is able to control it via headset, etc.
Also, the reason this "Plan B" did NOT work is because Casey got possessed by Don's Hamato spirit in a memory from the future on accident.
It was going to work. He was literally mid-crawl before Casey swooped in and tried to help him but ended up somehow bringing his spirit into the past and cloning him a new body with plot serum.
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We don't know if this robot would have worked. We don't know if Donnie even had enough equipment to make a robot body like the one he made for Raph. Maybe it would have failed. Maybe everything would've been okay. I just don't know.
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But that's the beauty of this series. You planned this since you first decided how Donnie was going to die. Yes, you've said that you're kind of as clueless as we are at times when it comes to "what's next." But the amount of detail you put into this is ASTOUNDING!
Even with your VERY FIRST COMIC, you used Don's failed experiment with Leo and turned it into another chapter where we found out that Donnie was trying to find a cure for Mikey's peepawed body!!!
The fact that Donnie not only didn't say anything before he died because you knew that it "wasn't the end for him," but he also had a plan B that he didn't tell anybody about hence the guilty faces, the reasurrences, and ignoring Leo's "we don't need to worry" talks. And he couldn't simply tell them that "everything was gonna be okay" because his plan possibly wouldn't even work!!!
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Even since we first met Raph, we got Don's theory about how storing spirits into mechs worked. He probably used the rest of their most valuable resources to even BUILD that thing.
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I don't know if when they all realize that Casey is actually the reason Mikey couldn't sense any of their spirits because he snatched them up and brought them to the past/different timeline that they're either gonna feel angry or like "Oh!....oh." You know?
It seems to me that they still don't know the answer to that question. With all of them back, I thought they would have by now, but I guess we'll see pretty soon.
A lot of things could happen in this chapter. Good things, bad things, it's quite a toss-up. Let's just hope this whole big misunderstanding comes to a big finish soon. Donnie deserves a comeback. Everyone deserves to have a breather where they can all just...talk. Cause' by GOD there is a lot to talk about. I know they had some downtime before Miwa showed up, but Donnie's still working. If Donnie doesn't finally open up to his family by the end of this, I'm bringing out the beach balls, I swear.
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet With The Hantengu Clones
Sekido | Karaku | Aizetsu | Urogi x AFAB reader
Warning: this whole post contains smut
A/N: I am here to provide for y’all. I’m going to try and get as much Hantengu clone content out as I can this week LMAO. I am determined to pioneer and fill the clones’ smut tags
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A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
Sekido: he’s quiet for once, though he won’t necessarily comfort you after everything he put you through. He’s more or less going to offer you a wet cloth to clean yourself but he won’t do it for you. He’ll share the bed after to sleep but that’s it.
Karaku: talkative and teasing, he’s going to push your tangled hair out of your face and comment about how fucked out you look. He’ll clean you up but isn’t exactly gentle. He’ll lay beside you after but not cuddle, more or less lay shoulder to shoulder.
Aizetsu: he needs praise, he’ll tell you how good you were but he needs you to do the same for him. He prefers if you clean each other up opposed to doing it alone. He’s big on spooning after, big or small spoon, it doesn’t matter to him so long as he’s touching you
Urogi: everything is a competition, when it comes to aftercare he’s determined to be the best at it. He’ll give you whatever you need, clean you up, give you water, help you walk and care for the accidental wounds from his claws. He’s also a fan of cuddling.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
Sekido: his hands and his biceps. Your neck, he’s obsessed with biting it and leaving angry looking teeth marks on your skin.
Karaku: his chest and his abs. Your ass, he loves to hit it, squeeze it, scratch it. He loves when it turned bright red after hitting it hard.
Aizetsu: his hands. Your everything. There is not one part of you that he doesn’t adore, he finds all of it attractive
Urogi: his abs and his thighs. To be blunt, he loves your pussy. He’s not ashamed to say that either, he’ll gladly proclaim it to anyone.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
Sekido: prefers to cum inside, finds it the easiest to clean up that way. He’s not very fond of making a mess with his cum
Karaku: loves to cum down your throat or on your face. He likes how pathetic you look covered in his cum
Aizetsu: he cums wherever he feels like it, he likes seeing your ass covered in it but he also likes seeing it seep out of you
Urogi: his goal is always to cum inside rather than on you, that means in your mouth, your cunt or in your ass
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
Sekido: he loves when you have a sharp tongue and degrade him. It doesn’t happen often but he loves how it makes him feel. He’s angry, always in a bad mood, sex is the only thing that is able to calm him for a bit and when you talk back it only fuels is desire to unwind
Karaku: secretly wants you hurt him. He can regenerate, you’d have zero chance at actually causing him real, lasting harm. But he wants you to cut him up, hurt him, make him beg you to stop all the while you’re using his dick like a personal toy
Aizetsu: he wants you to tie him up and use him, leave him there for hours at a time, hard and leaking and waiting for you to satisfy him. He wants you to edge him until he’s crying and begging, just like he does to you. Though he often gets upset with you…
Urogi: he wants to fuck you in the wilderness. Given the fact that he can fly, he can get the two of you to some pretty fascinating places. Want to fuck on the side of a mountain? On top of someone’s house? Up in the trees? You name it, he’s sure he can find it.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
Sekido: he’s had his fair share over the last century but he’s also selfish in bed. He knows what he’s doing but he thinks you need to earn it. Prove to him that you deserve it.
Karaku: he knows what he’s doing but he hasn’t had as much experience as Sekido. He’s more laid back and doesn’t mind his partner taking the lead and showing him a thing or two.
Aizetsu: initially he had no idea, just a lot of fumbling and confusion at first. He excels if he has a partner with experience and would rather you show him what you want to do
Urogi: he has experience from peeping on people, over the last century his appearance has made it harder to actually go out and put his acquired skills to use. Luckily he has you
F= Favorite position
Sekido: mating press
Karaku: cowgirl
Aizetsu: doggy
Urogi: butterfly
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
Sekido: extremely serious. Like no joking, no smart comments, fully serious and fully focused
Karaku: a healthy mix of goofy and serious. He’s more laid back, making slick comments here and there
Aizetsu: fairly serious, he isn’t one to really make jokes in general, more or less he’s too focused and a bit worried to even attempt
Urogi: completely unserious. He’s going to make sly comments, crack jokes at your expense
H= Hair (grooming habits)
Sekido: bald, the hair annoys him
Karaku: trimmed, he keeps up with it
Aizetsu: trims it occasionally but usually he lets it be
Urogi: completely untamed, not one fuck given
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
Sekido: rough, there are a few intimate moments but most of the time he’s focused on blowing off some steam
Karaku: dirty, filthy even. He’s not afraid to be intimate but most of the time he’s doing this to fulfill desires opposed to romance
Aizetsu: romantic unintentionally, his constant need for praise and reassurance definitely helps
Urogi: heathy mix of romantic and rough, he’s smart enough to know what you enjoy. That way you won’t leave
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
Sekido: never… which is probably why he’s so damn mad
Karaku: any chance he gets
Aizetsu: rarely, he’s a bit embarrassed of it
Urogi: he’d find someone to fuck before resorting to it
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
Sekido: he’s a sadist, enjoys BDSM, Dacryphilia all the way
Karaku: he enjoys bondage, Somnophilia, and degrading
Aizetsu: massive praise kink, discipline, impact play
Urogi: breeding kink, asphyxiation, lactation
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
Sekido: private and practical, prefers the bedroom
Karaku: not ashamed of being caught but prefers to keep it inside. Would rather a couch, bed or table
Aizetsu: bedroom or bathroom, too scared of being caught
Urogi: anywhere and everywhere. Wherever you want and wherever he can take you
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
Sekido: when you’re a brat. He wants nothing more than to put you in your place and remind you that he’s superior
Karaku: cute/revealing clothing. Any inch of skin you tease is enough to rile him up
Aizetsu: praising and complimenting him. He’s a bit sensitive and can get easily worked up by the simplest of affirmations
Urogi: trying to run away. He loves a good game of cat and mouse, finding it cute and exciting that you think you can escape him
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
Sekido: slapping, yeah he’s pretty angry most of the time but he refused to intentionally hurt you / touch your face in such a way
Karaku: role play, he doesn’t get it. He’s a fucking demon, either you take him as he is or not at all, he doesn’t get why you’d want him to act like something he isn’t
Aizetsu: bladder patience, if there is a chance he may get embarrassed, he’s not into it all at
Urogi: blindfolds, he needs you to look at him and he needs to see your pretty face. He won’t settle for anything less.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
Sekido: given that he has the most experience, he’s pretty well versed in the world of oral
Karaku: quick learner and quick to please, he’s cocky about his oral skills and even likes to annoy Sekido by saying he’s better
Aizetsu: he needed some guidance at first, but once he got the hang of it, there was no going back. He’s pretty good
Urogi: a bit aggressive but very eager, he knows what he’s doing and won’t stop until he gets his way
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
Sekido: he’s rough and has a lot of stamina, he can last three or four rounds before needing to slow down. Willpower of a god though, he can hold off his own orgasm for a good 10-15 minutes inside of you.
Karaku: he’s a bit more sensitive but tries to act like he’s not, that being said, he can only go about two rounds before getting too sensitive and overheated. Lasts about 2-4 minutes each time he’s inside of you
Aizetsu: not a one and done deal but he definitely needs a minute after coming once, he’s lasting 3 minutes tops once he actually gets inside. He’s a bit shy about it but your reassurance helps
Urogi: fucking feral, he could go on for hours, round after round without needing a break. Each time he’s inside of you he can last about 5 minutes or longer before it’s too much to hold back
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
Sekido: If you've pissed him off enough then absolutely, I don’t think it’s possible for him to go slow/easy even if he wanted to
Karaku: Similar to Sekido, it really depends on if you do something to piss him off. Which is a more impressive feat in the long run. I see him typically not being in a rush
Aizetsu: never, he likes going at his own pace and doesn’t appreciate being put on a time limit nor does he like the feeling of being obligated to do something
Urogi: he’s the most feral of the four imo, therefore any chance he gets… he’s going to take it. Time crunch or not he’s going to snatch that opportunity right up
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
Sekido: rarely, unless he has a very intense desire to try something
Karaku: risky, he's not opposed to trying new things
Aizetsu: not really keen on trying new things, you'll have to persuade him into it.
Urogi: very risky, there are few things he won't try
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
Sekido: 3-4 rounds, starting strong and able to last 10-15 minutes for the first two rounds, round three and four he dwindles to 5-10 minutes
Karaku: 2 rounds before needing a break, he can last about 2-4 minutes each time. Foreplay is more his thing
Aizetsu: 1 round before needing a break, 3 minutes max. He’s sensitive and trying to build up his tolerance. Stamina isn’t an issue, he’s just really fucking sensitive
Urogi: the only way he’s stopping is if he passes the fuck out. He’s feral in every since, stamina lasting him 5 minutes at least once he gets inside. They only time he takes a brief break is if you beg.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
Sekido: he works with what he has, but sometimes that’s simply not enough. He’s more than willing to use toys if it means they can get the job done in a satisfying manner
Karaku: obsessed with vibrators, he loves the way you squirm because of him, the way you tense and flex around his cock.
Aizetsu: hesitant because he doesn’t want them to replace him. He needs to feel that importance, to know he’s the one that brings you that pleasure. Sometimes toys can ruin his confidence
Urogi: never, he has everything you need, he’s sure of it. Toys would just be a useless addition. Though his opinion may change if you sneak one in
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
Sekido: he's rude, teasing you until you're sobbing and pleasuring himself in front of you and leaving you untouched. Super unfair.
Karaku: unfair to an extent, the suspense is fun for him but perhaps not so much for you. He'll give in eventually.
Aizetsu: he's pretty fair, mostly because he can't contain himself from time to time and thinks its just easier to give in
Urogi: he's fair unintentionally, he's too damn horny to bother holding back. Which results in nearly equal amounts of pleasure for both of you
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
Sekido: grunts and groans but rarely talks, even then he tries to keep the noises he makes quiet
Karaku: he’s a moaner and he’s not ashamed of it, he’ll use dirty talk the whole time as well
Aizetsu: he whimpers and whines and even cries, it’s the one thing he’s not embarrassed about either
Urogi: this mother fucker screams, he’s yelling, howling even, not one bit ashamed of how good you make him feel
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
I don't have individual HCs for them at the moment, but I do have a group HC in a modern AU setting. The four of these mother fuckers are stoners and you can't tell me otherwise. Karaku is the dealer who supplies his brothers. The apartment they share often reeks of weed, and one of them always has smoke seeping out from under their closed bedroom door. Stoned sex is a common situation.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
Sekido: 5.7 inches when hard, no curve
Karaku: 5.3 inches when hard, slight curve
Aizetsu: 4.8 inches when hard, curved
Urogi: 5.5 inches when hard, no curve
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
Sekido: moderate
Karaku: moderate-high
Aizetsu: low-moderate
Urogi: very high
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
Sekido: within ten minutes
Karaku: depending on the time, right away or within a few hours
Aizetsu: under five minutes
Urogi: he’s only stopping if he passes out
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pinejayy · 11 months
Hantengu Clones x F!Reader who stands up to Sekido
Separate things for the Clones // Reader is tried of his constant anger so she stands up to him.
Trigger Warnings: curse words, sekido slaps you, yelling, you also slapping sekido because he needs it, sekido also throws you like a ragdoll??
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“YOU GUYS ARE SO FUCKING USELESS, I CAN’T DEAL WITH YOU IDIOTS!” You could hear you boyfriend yelling at the others. Sighing to yourself, you had a headache and his yelling made it worse. As you were in your room you tried ignore his yelling but it was so hard.
Then hearing a loud crash made you snap, growling at yourself. You stood up and went to where the boys were and you saw a very angry boyfriend with the other clones pretty annoyed and upset. Then seeing a broken window, it seemed as Sekido threw something at the window. “What the fuck is going on here?! I have a headache and you’re not helping!”
“This doesn’t involve you stupid Human, now go away...” Sekido said harshly. You walked to him and stand in front of him, placing your hands on your hips.
“Well now it does, what happened.” You say, rubbing your head.
‘LIKE I SAID THIS DOESN’T INVOLVE YOU, NOW LEAVE.” He said more loudly. Usually his yelling would make you cry but not tonight. 
“He’s just angry because we don’t listen to him! He always wants his way and if he doesn’t get his way he starts getting like this..” Karaku said. And this made Sekido mad, his blood was boiling at this point and that’s when he yelled once again. Making you roll your eyes…of course he’s starts throwing a bitch fit if he doesn’t get his way.
The room went silent, you slapped your boyfriend across the face. He looked at you shocked holding his face, did you just slap him? The other clones looked shocked you never stood up and especially towards him. He growled at you.
You turn around and look at the other Clones. “Would you boys give us a minute...now!” 
They couldn’t help but just nod, of he’s definitely gonna kill you. But they just went to the other room, but they still listened though. Waiting for your death.
As you were about to speak up Sekido had pinned you to the nearest wall. You gasped slightly, he was so quick. And he quickly he placed a harsh kiss on your soft lips. You tried to push him off but he was too strong. So you just gave in, kissing him back. 
He pulled away and looked at you. His red eyes were harsh. “You dare slap me? Heh, you have guts that’s for sure.”
“Yes, you deserved it!” You hiss back, he chuckled and gripped your waist and he leaned in. “I like that...” He whispered against your ear, he quickly pinned you down to the floor. “I need to blow off some steam, are you going to help me out? Since you wanted to be apart of this argument.” 
You look at him and roll your eyes. “Bring it..”  And this made him smirk. He leaned and started to kiss you and soon after your clothes came off and so did his. And oof the other clones just heard the whole thing! 
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You were patiently waiting for your boyfriend and his brothers so come back, but they seemed to take longer than usually and of course this made you worry for them. You started to think about negative thoughts, as you were sitting in the living room looking at the front door, as you were about to get stand up the door swung open. And you saw a very angry Sekido... “YOU’RE SO STUIPD! WHY IS EVERYTHING A GAME TO YOU?” 
“AND WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS UP MY ASS!” Karaku yelled back to him. Looking up you saw your boyfriend Karaku being yelled by Sekido. The other two just watched, they seemed tried of their yelling. “WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS LIKE THIS? WHAT’S UP YOUR ASS SEKIDO. OH THAT’S RIGHT NOTHING BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD SUPPORT YOUR GRUMPY ASS ATTITUDE.”
And that’s when Karaku and Sekido were face to face, ready to throw hands at each other and that’s when you decide to to step in. Standing in between them you hold your arms up blocking your boyfriend from Sekido. “OKAY OKAY! What happened!” You say looking at Sekido.
You raised your eyebrow, looking at him. “Excuse me? What did you call me!” You hiss at him. Now you were in his face, Karaku just stood there he just pull you away but he wanted to see what would happen next. 
“A. USED. UP. WHORE.” He said and before he could speak up again his head turned to the side. *SLAP* 
You had slapped him across the face. And you heard Urogi let out a small chuckle and Aizetsu a small whimper. “Why you little bitch-” Sekido said, raising his hand ready to slap you and that’s when both Urogi and Aizetsu stepped in and held him back. 
Your boyfriend picked you up and carried you off. He took you outside and far away from the house. Soon after he set you down. “Wow I didn’t know you would slap him.” He said laughing slightly. 
You crossed your arms and pouted. “He called me a used up whore and he was yelling at you! What else was I gonna do?” You say.
This just made him laugh and he grabbed you and hugged you. “No one has ever stood up for me like that!” He nuzzled his face into your neck. “You’re amazing! And you’re not a used up whore, you know Sekido he just always has a stick up his ass..” 
This made you laugh slightly, you wrap you arms around him and held him. “You think he’s mad at me.”
“Oh no no, he’s not gonna be mad at you. He’s gonna be pissed off. It’s best to stay out of his way.” He said, stilling holding you. “But I think it’s best to give him his space..But in the meantime.” He began saying, soon after he pinned you to the nearest tree. “We can kill some time.” He said winking. “I’ll make you my used up whore.” He said jokingly.
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As you were laying on your bed, you waited for your sweet boyfriend and his brothers to return from their mission. It’s been hours since you seen them and quite frankly you were getting bored. You wished you had Aiztsu here, as you laid on the bed you slowly began to close your eyes that’s until you heard the door open. Quickly getting up, they’re back! You quickly made it to the living room, and that’s when you saw Sekido yelling at your boyfriend. This made you frown instantly.
“YOU’RE SO FUCKING USELESS, WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS CRYING OVER EVERYTHING HUH!” Sekdio was yelling, he had Aizetsu trapped into a corner. Poor Aizetsu had tears in his eyes. Seeing Sekido treat your boyfriend like this made you blood boil, you started to walk towards him but you were stopped. Karaku grabbed your arm and shook his head. “I don’t think that would be a good idea Doll.” You struggled against his grip.
“Let go of me.” You hiss softly. 
He just shook his head, he gave you a sorry look. So that just left you and the two other brothers looking at the argument. “”SO FUCKING USELESS, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING DEMON!” Sekido began saying, and he grabbed a hand full of Aizetsu’s hair pulling it. “USELESS USELESS!” He yelled out.
This made your blood boil even more, your face was turning red. You ripped your arm away from Karaku and running in between Sekido and your boyfriend. Pushing Sekido out of the way. Holding your arms up protecting your boyfriend. The poor thing was whimpering mess, tears streaming down his check. 
“What’s your problem! Leave him alone! He isn’t useless!”
“YOU STUIPD HUMAN! YOU DARE GET IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS! WHY I GOTTA-” He began yelling, slapping you hard across the face Your head turning to the side from the impact. Holding your check, looking at him. 
“You hit like a bitch!” You hiss at him. 
Sekido looked at you as he was about to jump you but both Karaku and Urogi were holding him. And Aizetsu grabbed you and carried you bride style and ran off. Running outside, and once you guys were a good distance away he set you down. “Sweetheart! Why would you do that!” He cried out, holding you. He looked at your cheek and saw redness. Making him even more upset. It’s definitely gonna leave you a bruise.
“No please don’t get upset, I couldn’t just watch him treat you like that..I had to do something..” You say looking down. “You don’t deserve to be treated like that..” 
He sighed and hugged you tight. “I appreciate it Y/N, but if I were you it’s best if we avoid Sekido for awhile let him calm down..” 
You just nodded and then started to cry out. “THAT WAS A PAINFUL SLAP!” Holding your face.  Aizetsu got upset and he held you. “I’ll make it up to you sweetheart.” He whimpered out softly. Holding you close. 
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“WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS PLAYING WITH OUR PREY! THIS ISN’T SOME GAME!” You heard yelling once again Sighing to yourself you walk to where the yelling was and all four demons were there. Sekido of course was yelling at your boyfriend once again. Making you roll your eyes. You just stood there watching. 
“Why does it matter? It’s fun! We got our food. So remove that staff of yours from my ass and fuck oof.” Urogi hissed at him. He began walking away and thats when Sekido grabbed his shoulder and punching him square in the jaw making him fall on his butt. He groaned out holding his jaw. And that’s when you finally stepped in between them looking at the red eyed Demon.
“MOVE AWAY LITTLE GIRL!” He yelled out. But you didn’t move away, you just stood there. “I SAID MOVE! ARE YOU DEAF?”
You snarled at him. “Don’t you dare lay a hand on him! Or else.” And that’s when Sekido began laughing loudly. Urogi was still on the floor holding onto his jaw. “Or what?” He hissed at you, taking a step closer to you.
With that you raised your hand slapping him across the face. This made him upset and before anyone could react he grabbed your shoulder and pushed you to the side quite hard. Falling to the side like a ragdoll. And he was walking towards you, not paying attention to Urogi anymore. “You little bitch.” 
But before he could do anything both Aizetsu and Karaku grabbed him holding him back. And Urogi grabbed you and held you bride style and flew away with you. Taking you to his nest. He placed you down gently. 
“Babey why would you do that? I could have handle it myself.” He said feeling upset. You looked at you and held your hand.
“Because someone needs to stand up for him! And I didn’t appreciate that he was treating you like that!” You say crossing your arms. Pouting.
This made him chuckle slightly. “Ah you’re a feisty one, but you know he’s gonna be pissed off.”
“Yeah so what? Not like he’s always pissed off.” You say.
“Yeah, but more than usual..let’s just give him his space. But for now let me treat you good for standind up for me.” He said winking at you.
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I began thinking about Jaig eyes.
Because they're cool as shit and I have no idea what's behind them and how shriek-hawks look(ed) and I actually really want to know.
Anyway, I also really love magic and weird Force shit and made a sketch of glowing Jaig eyes, and thought about how cool it would be if Jaig eyes were magical in some way and, at least for some, actually hold something like... the spirit of an actual shriek-hawk, but it sort of lives inside the Mandalorian's mind and can occasionally - idk how to explain it, but there's like a shriek-hawk body (or parts of it) connecting with the one of the Mandalorian that has the jaig, but it's sort of made of lines of light instead of actual substance.
It's all about the aesthetic, I made sketches first. Bad sketches maybe, but sketches nonetheless.
The shriek-hawk also has its own will and mind, and it can be a bit of a hassle for the Mandalorian and it to come to an agreement, because they're both inside of the same body, and while the shriek-hawk "sleeps" most of the time and doesn't really interfere, it is able to sort of fight for control of the body.
It's a bit complicated, I think, but I've got it all down. I'm more than 40 pages deep into an AU (but with the clones, because I love the clones).
I just. really like the concept, but literally nobody I know even knows tcw, much less reads fics, so yelling into the void it is. :')
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notthestarwar · 9 months
God I'm legit screaming thinking about my reply to this comment again tho
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Like. Such an interesting aspect of the clones is that they did have their childhoods taken from them. It isn't the same as a species that develops at double the speed of humans! Cause they ARE humans. Which absolutely does not mean that they are adult sized children. They are adults. They think like adults. They are developmentally, physically and psychologically adults: but they are not the people they would have been, people with a whole well adjusted childhood behind them.
Which I think is frankly a fascinating thing to explore. It's a great metaphor. When looking at things like: if anyone bothered to ask, could they have consented to their place in the army? Which. Yes. On an individual basis they absolutely could. They are adults, they deserve the autonomy to make that decision and have it accepted, even if the choice they make isn't necessarily the one that another sentient with a different childhood might have made in their position. They can consent. But is it informed consent? Well no. They've kinda been brainwashed. Ethically, you're on unsteady territory there in asking them to choose when you know what their answer is going to be. Does that mean you shouldn't ask? Hell no! Of course you should ask. Does that mean you shouldn't accept their decision? Of course not! They're adults and it's their life.
The only way to approach this ethically would be to give them all the information beforehand and hope that they're as informed as possible. But really. Whatever you do, it isn't really right. The ethical thing is for noone to be in this position in the first place. This isn't ethical unless the clones did have childhoods and were not programmed to WANT to die for the republic and you don't have to ask them under those circumstances, because you've conscripted your army in a normal way.
Anyway my comment (and the fic) kinda went about this in looking at things from a Jedi perspective. Mace is asking. What the fuck do you do in that circumstance? Army has been raised and created in a horrible way, you had no idea and couldn't stop it and now they're being delivered to you. How do you do right by them? You can't! Certainly not as Jedi. Theyre in a ethical trap. They can only try their best but whatever they do, they are promoting the fucked up system that put these men in that position in the first place. Even if they could walk away from the republic (highly debatable) You either leave them to fend for themselves knowing there will be a huge loss of life, or you go in to war alongside them, hoping that in doing so you can smooth the way for them. Hoping that you'll figure out how to free them soon. Hoping that you can save as many of their lives as possible.
Like wow. Terrible situation to be in for anyone. No way you're getting out of that one without betraying them in some way. But for the jedi? Who rely on a philosophy that promotes the importance of all sentient life, to stop them falling and pretty much losing themselves to a mystic power that's gonna do all it can to turn them in to a time bomb, destroying themselves and hurting as many ppl as possible on the way out. Like I can't think of a less conflicting ethical dilemma for them to find themselves in. The war destroys the Jedi. If Palpatine was patient he wouldn't have needed order 66. They were never getting out of that alive. The war broke them, it was in complete opposition to their philosophy and they were tearing themselves apart from the inside.
Anyway this is my comment:
"It is!!! I think this is such a key way that its really hard for anyone to do right by them and be fair. They are adults, it wouldn't be fair to force them in to the life of a child. Or to patronise them. But in the same hand, they shouldn't be adults, something was taken from them and it's not fair to just ignore the fact that their childhoods were stolen from them. They aren't the people they'd be if they got to live those childhoods, but they aren't children either. They think like adults, they feel like adults; but adults that grew in to adults without the learning potential that a proper childhood provides.
It's an extreme, but it's an extreme of an issue that's unfortunately common irl. As an adult whose childhood didn't give you what what you needed, you are innately aware that you lost something that you can never get back. You can make the most out of who you are now, but without a time machine, you'll never have the childhood you should have had. And that, I think is something that Jaster himself is very aware of. When Mace tells him this, he knows the weight of it and he immediately knows that for the clones, it's so much worse.
Like I don't think it should be understated that the whole situation with the clones and the Jedi being asked to lead them was like perfect Jedi torture. It's a complete moral quandary and every way betrays their philosophy. The clones were slaves. They were born to be soldiers, trained from birth, their entire lives built around this war they didn't choose. But it was all they knew. They were indoctrinated in to that life from birth. Had the Jedi found a way to free them, I honestly think the vast majority of the clones would have been offended. They had been raised to believe their life's meaning was to fight for the jedi. They wanted to. It may not have been an informed decision, but, they did want it.
And that's when you really come in to difficulty with, these are adults that should be children. Because it isn't fair to tell another adult that they are wrong to want what they want and that they only want that because they don't have the experience to realise its a bad option. You can't be like 'I know what's best for you'. They are just as much of an adult as you. They are just as capable of thinking things through as you are. But in the same hand, had the clones been born in to a different life, would they still want to be soldiers? Probably not! But they are already adults by this point, their brains are developed, they can't get that childhood back. So to say 'I know that's what you want but it's only because your lack of childhood made you incapable of seeing what's right for you' would be humongously fucked up. There really isn't a way for the Jedi on the council to approach them that doesn't betray at least a part of what the clones are and I think that's important to address."
I do think it's a really interesting thing to chew on and a lot of the debate I see around it in my eyes misses the point completely. There isn't a right answer. There was never going to be a right answer. This didn't happen accidentally. Palpatine set it up to cause as much damage as possible. The clones were born betrayed and the Jedi, were fated to play a part in that, whatever they did. There was no way out.
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ashtavula · 13 days
HIII can i request some overblots react to their s/o fight with clones like in frieren after the end ????? And after their s/o wins the battle so passed out and the overblots have to take care its injury
Oh, like Land's ability, right? Though, his ability is pretty similar to Cater's...
Also, I'm going with the assumption that the reader isn't actually fighting the boys in this. You're just getting into a random fight.
Overblotters with an s/o that can use clone magic
-During the fight, Riddle does his best to help you, even though he's not the best at it. He's been around Cater for long enough that the clones don't faze him, but he stresses himself out trying to protect all of them since he's not sure which one is the real you. After the fight, Riddle turns to scold you for getting involved, only to see you faint. He immediately starts shrieking for help as he drags you to the infirmary.
-He blames himself for not actually being able to keep you safe as he tends to your injured body. If he was a stronger mage, then this wouldn't have happened. As he carefully reapplies your bandages, Riddle becomes determined to further improve himself, both as a mage and a partner, so that you won't have to suffer for his failures again.
-Leona isn't actually all that worried about you during the fight. He assumes that you're more than capable of keeping yourself safe, so he focuses on ending the fight as soon as possible. He grumbles as he turns his gaze towards you, and the last thing you hear is him yell your name as you collapse.
-Once you wake up, Leona refuses to leave your side. His gaze is intense, and he mutters that you should leave all the fighting to him if you're going to lose, even with your advantage. Despite the fussing, his hand is gentle as he slowly strokes your skin, his brow furrowed. In his mind, he's berating himself for not being good enough to keep you safe.
-Azul isn't the best in a brawl, but he's doing his best, even though he's wishing that he still had his tentacles. He's very concerned about you, even though he can see your clones throwing punches. And in the end, his worst fears are confirmed when he finds you passed out.
-He fusses over you like a worried mother as you recuperate, constantly fluffing your pillows and shooing the twins out of the room so you can rest. However, all he can think about is that he truly is a worthless octopus. If he was better, then he could have saved you. Instead, the only thing he can do is think up ways to hasten your recovery. Because the sooner you're back on your feet, the sooner he'll stop feeling like he doesn't deserve you.
-Jamil is well-trained, and he knows how to protect someone in a fight. However, he runs himself ragged trying to protect all of your clones. He doesn't know where the real you is, until you crumple to the ground. Jamil curses under his breath, and he scoops you up into his arms before rushing back to Scarabia.
-He's also the type of guy who scolds you for being so reckless. Really, he's just mad at himself for letting you get hurt. Jamil clicks his tongue in annoyance as he checks on your injuries, muttering about teaching the idiots who hurt you a lesson. In the end, he's an excellent caretaker, and you make a swift recovery.
-He hates having to get his hands dirty, but Vil doesn't mind "disciplining" a rowdy group of students, especially if you're involved. Vil takes your opponents down with swift, elegant kicks and punches, and the two of you quickly take them down. Unfortunately, you end up crashing into Vil as your vision blurs, and you faint in his arms.
-You love Vil, but you wish he'd stop shoving foul potions down your throat. All of his concoctions are helping you heal, but that doesn't help the taste. He also keeps lecturing you, all with a disapproving frown on his face. However, once the bottles of medicine are empty and he's finished talking, he'll press a gentle kiss to your forehead, and he'll quietly beg you to not scare him like that again.
-Idia's panicking, yelping for Ortho's help while he tries to avoid getting punched. Later, he'll be amazed at your clones, but right now he's trying to survive. Eventually, Ortho comes to the rescue, and the two of you win the battle. As Idia makes his way over to you, you faint, and he begins to panic all over again.
-You're kept on house arrest in his room until you finish recovering, but it's not terrible. Idia keeps you entertained, and Ortho is an excellent helper. However, Idia's brain keeps churning out miserable thoughts. He feels useless, and he worries about your injuries. As you rest, he slowly lays his head down near your shoulder, just shy of touching you. He watches you sleep, silently wishing for you to get better soon. Maybe then, he won't feel like a failure.
-A fight like this is mere child's play to Malleus. Of course, most of your opponents flee the moment he comes close to them. Malleus is fascinated by your clones, and it's his curiosity that makes him fail to realize that you've been injured. When you fall into his embrace, you catch a brief glimpse of gathering storm clouds as your eyes flutter shut.
-You recover quickly, thanks to Malleus' magical prowess. He spends almost all of his time protectively curled around you, murmuring apologies for what happened. Malleus seems to be fine, but it hasn't stopped raining since you got hurt. Internally, his thoughts are spiraling. For a brief moment, he thought he'd lost you. You've brought joy to his lonely world, and the thought of you dying terrifies him. As you drift off to sleep in his arms, you hear him whisper that he'll never allow anyone to harm you again.
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imthursdaysyme · 2 months
While I love Steve having a kid that's a nerd, my favorite is if his kid is just like him. He's popular even at 7, he's extroverted, funny, and charming albeit a little strange. He loves sports and struggles in math and doesn't really get english and gets scolded when he laughs in history—sue him he thought it was funny—and has a tendency to get detention but also is somehow a teachers pet all at once.
He has a tendency for feminine things, makes it his own with earrings and the occasional pink flower print shirt.
He begs steve to not work on the car until he gets home from school, cause even at 5, he would rather climb over the fence and run home by himself then learn his dad worked on the cool car without him.
He loves driving and cooking and dancing and loves swimming—aunt Robbie calls him a variety of aquatic animals instead of his name; minnow, fish, stingray, tigershark. Anything went.
They look alike and act alike to the point robin laughs and claims Steve just cloned himself, Eddie says that the kid is actually just Steve brought to the future through time travel. Steve laughs, he loves it ofc but he's never pushed or forced it, it just happened that way.
But there's also times, where Steve sees his son, so like him with big tears in his eyes trying to be tough. Or when all he wants is to sleep in the bed with Steve when he has a nightmare, wants his dad to kiss everything better, when he so easily seeks affection or struggles with school to the point he's getting stress migraines at 9, sees him try so hard to do his best and do what he does well. Sees him fail.
And when Steve sees this, he wonders if maybe he wasn't a bad kid. Didn't need to be tougher, manlier, smarter—better—to deserve love.
Just. Like. Steve seeing that he didn't need to be anything other than what he was. That he has no idea how his parents didn't love him bc how could he ever not love his kid? Just like its okay for him to be how he is and have a kid that a like him as well bc he's pretty great
And like. Its just that idea that Steve could only “heal his inner child” with a kid that's different then him or a girl is kind of sad that it's only that what if him and his son go to every game and constantly have grease on them what then.
#stranger things#steve harrington#robin buckley#dad steve harrington#i just think it would be so nice#I am going to draw this kid I hope y'all know#his name is going to be Jimeno#bc Steves Cuban and wants to give his son a Cuban name too#his nickname will be meno and that's why robin thought calling him minnow was hilarious#he is now part of my st universe#I have three main ones#the steddie one the stali one and now this one#single dad Steve#I also have a very set past stancy universe that I don't delve into where they're divorced and have a kid and Nancys with robin#that one is fun and I will draw it someday#but anyway#let Steve have a kid that's like him bc why tf can he only have a kid that's different#like what's so wrong about Steve#why can't his kid like all the typical jock stuff#and be sensitive and shit#and Steves like oh my god I wasn't a horrible kid who could never do anything right my parents were assholrs#and Steves like I will give my kid ANYTHING he desires and what are YOU gonna do about it#him and robin living together practically coparenting#jimeno starts calling robin roberto bc Steve does#and imagine robin HAS to learn Spanish fluently bc Steve only speaks Spanish in the house#jimenos first language will be spanish if Steve has anything to say about it#robin learns so fast#but imagine Nancy having a hard time learning it and like every ones so co fused bc Steve and jimeno will talk to her in Spanish and she'll#talk back in English and every ones confused but they understand each other so it's fine
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blarshwritezz · 16 days
Yandere Clone x Reader
Male Yan x gn reader
TW - general yandere behavior, torture, manipulation
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Clone!Yan wasn't even supposed to exist. If only your boyfriend had never agreed to that stupid experiement.
It was sketchy, but paid hella good money, and the two of you were going through hard times. You guys really needed the cash. Especially since he was starting to consider proposing.
You told him it was too risky. You told him there were much better ways to make money. Safer ways. But he was blinded by all those zeros. 10 million sure does motivate someone. Even you were considering joining in too.
The day he left for it, you nearly cried. It's been a long time since you had to spend a night without him.
But finally, he came back a week later! Something was just...different. When he held you, he seemed stronger than usual. He seemed to blink less, and stare at you more. He was getting very jealous very easily. Sure he had some slight jealousy issues before he went off, but it wasn't ever this bad...
At first, you considered it side effects of whatever those awful people did, or that it was just because he missed you. But it only seemed to get worse...
You'd notice him eating less, exercising less, doing everything he usually did less...
He used the money from the experiment to buy the two of you a lovely little home somewhere peaceful. Nothing fancy, the two of you didn't need too much. Just a quaint little home in the suburbs.
In that home, you realized there was always this suspicious locked room. When you asked him about it, he just said, "Oh, that? Yeah, I think it's pretty weird too. I guess the previous owners just locked it and forgot to give us the key."
Lately, he's seemed pretty dismissive when you were worried.
But some nights, you swore you heard strange noises coming from that room. Things like scratching, muffled screams, faint groans, and even whispers of your name.
One night, you had enough. It was one of those rare nights where your boyfriend would get up, presumably to use the restroom or get a glass of water, and not return for over an hour.
Silently, you crept down the hall. The door to that room was slightly ajar, the light of the moon peaking out. You got just close to peak in and what you saw was not only horrifying but confusing as well.
There was your boyfriend, holding a bloody pen, standing above...himself? But a grotesque and mutilated version of himself.
You backed away in horror, only to crash into something behind you, making a loud noise. Nearly instantly, your "boyfriend" was at the door staring at you.
"Oh dear, my lovely [Y/N]...you weren't supposed to see this yet. It was going to be a surprise." The man spoke, a twisted grin on his face. "I guess now I have to tell you early."
He grabbed your arm and dragged you into the room. No matter how much you struggled, no matter how strong you were, he was more powerful. His bruising grip could have broken your bone, but he was being oh so careful with you.
"You see, my dearest, this man you called your boyfriend was just pathetic...he didn't have the balls to give you everything you deserve. But I can. I can be perfect for you. I'm him, but better in every way." He whispered, his cold breath against your neck as he held you tight and forced you to look at the man who could hardly be recognized as your sweet boyfriend.
"I won't ever age, or change, or ever go against you. Why, I was made for you..."
You were so confused, and he could tell. But your words were stuck in your throat. It was a good thing he could read you so well.
"Don't you remember? All those months ago, the experiment? The scientists who created me needed a dumb test monkey down on their luck, and your old boyfriend was perfect for that role. They took his skin, his blood, his hair, every bit of DNA they could to make me. The only thing missing was the transference of subconscious, and well, the only thing he could think of was you. So naturally, the only thing I can think of, is you~"
He wrapped his artificial arms around your waist tightly, making sure you didn't fall over. You felt like you would be sick...
"Unfortunately, I have to keep him alive. If he dies, I will too. But I recently decided to take out his eyes. That way he'll never get to see you again. Only I should have such an honor."
He started kissing your neck, making you feel even more disgusted. Right in front of you was your beloved boyfriend, the very one you hoped to spend your life with, turned to this shell of what he once was. You could hardly even see his skin tone beneath all the blood.
"Don't worry, just rest. You'll never have to see that failure again..." With those last few words, he covered your mouth with a cloth. You were already paralyzed in fear, too terrified to fight back this time.
He watched you for the rest of the night...and the next day...and the next night, and the next day, and the next night. Never once were you free from the thing that claimed to be your boyfriend.
Or rather, husband now. He was so glad you finally agreed! Not that you had much of a choice.
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Yea, feeling this one! Different style than usual, woo!
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suzukiblu · 8 months
excerpt from the one where Clark is trans and Kon isn't, but no one actually knows this:
Cadmus didn't know Superman was a trans man before they stole his dead body, but considering how many total assholes were on staff at the time they were surprisingly respectful of his gender identity. Not so much his bodily autonomy or his DNA or his potential feelings about being cloned against his will, but like, they used his preferred pronouns and whatever. 
So like . . . diversity win, Kon guesses? Or . . . whatever that'd be? 
So when they made . . . him . . . 
Kon got educated and socialized as male, when they made him. They called him "he" and "him", at least when they weren't calling him "it". They couldn't figure out how to synthesize effective hormone treatments for half-Kryptonian genes, but they had plans for surgeries they were gonna do when he was physically mature enough. Like–before the yellow sunlight could really kick in, effects-wise. Apparently they tried just tweaking the sex on a few earlier models, but by the time they got to Experiment Thirteen, they'd figured out that they couldn't work out what an actual AMAB Kryptonian's genes should look like and had just planned for the surgeries. 
Kon's not really sure how to take that. Like . . . is it good that they wanted him to be comfortable in his body? That they cared about what the fuck he'd want to look like? 
Or is it bad that they didn't ask him if he'd even want any of that? 
Kon wears a binder and a packer and acts like he thinks boys are supposed to act, tries to take charge and be tough and be confident and hit on pretty girls and not look at pretty guys, and Kal tells him he doesn't have to try so hard. Tells him to just act natural. Kon doesn't know how to do that, though. 
Acting "natural" would be . . . 
Acting natural would be a problem. 
Cissie has really long hair. Sometimes Kon watches how it moves and pretends to be checking her out when she catches him. Like the same way he pretends that he's perving on her ass when he's actually looking at the swish of her skirt, or that he's making eyes at her tits when he's really just wondering what his own would look like without the binder that he wears . . . more than he's supposed to, to be honest. 
Serling gets on his ass about it when he forgets to take it off every eight hours. She's working on synthesizing actual hybrid hormones for him, she says, but it's technically a backburner project right now because everything is always on fire and the world keeps trying to end in increasingly ludicrous ways. 
Which, well–he appreciates it, really, but that'd all be more helpful if he was actually "forgetting" to take the binder off, and if he wasn't terrified that she's actually gonna manage those hormones someday. Serling's, like, a crazy genius, after all. She might be able to pull that off. 
But Kon doesn't want the hormones. Doesn't want the surgeries he's been told Cadmus will give him as soon as he's physically mature enough. Doesn't want . . . 
Kon doesn't actually hate his body, is the thing. He doesn't feel bad or weird in it. He kind of just . . . he likes it the way it is. He doesn't even want to wear the binder or the packer, honestly. 
Literally every single fucking person who knows he’s trans has been respectful about it and has given him everything he could ever need to present as male and never, ever said anything to belittle or question his gender or his right to consider himself a man or even slipped up with his pronouns or anything. Even fucking Westfield never said anything shitty to him about it, for fuck's sake. Fucking Westfield, of all people! 
Which would all be great and good and very fucking validating, if Kon weren't fucking cis. 
There is something extremely, extremely bullshit about the fact that Kon is getting all the acceptance and support and medical care that every actual trans person deserves without even asking for or needing it. But she has no idea how to tell anyone that she's not what they think she is. Or who. Or . . .
Seriously, who else's life has ever been weird enough that they'd need to come out as cisgender? Like, who else ever?
Young Justice thinks Kon's a cis guy. The public thinks she's a cis guy. The superhero and supervillain communities both think she's a cis guy, except for the handful of people that know about Kal not being one, and even most of Cadmus does, depending on clearance levels and whatever. Tana and Roxy and fucking Knockout all thought she was a cis guy, even. Robin might "know" she's actually a trans one, being a Bat and all, but he's never said anything that's made her think he might.
Hell, the fucking Agenda doesn't even "misgender" her.
So everyone who knows has been absolutely fucking great and respectful about it and otherwise Kon passes fucking perfectly, and no one's ever once looked at her as anything but a guy. Anything but Superboy.
Except all Kon wants is for someone to look at her and see a girl. To see Supergirl.
So she doesn't really like to talk to Kara when she doesn't have to.
Or . . . ever, really.
Unfortunately, right now they kinda do have to talk.
"Well, your evil twin remains evil, no surprise," Kara says with a sigh, eyeing the walls of the containment cell that the Agenda has stuffed them into and is for some inexplicable bullshit reason slowly filling with water, who even fucking knows why. There's gotta be faster ways to kill them, especially considering Kon isn't even sure how much Kara needs to breathe at all. Like, she definitely does? But as for Kara, who knows. "Match is the worst possible version of a Superboy, I swear to Rao."
Kon has the weird urge to snap about how maybe Match isn't a boy and has anyone even asked?
No one ever asked her, for fucking sure. She didn't even know she wasn't a boy for way too long. Everybody'd always told her that she was, after all, and she'd just thought it'd felt weird to get called a boy because she wasn't a fucking little kid, she was Superman, or because she was trans and like, felt fake about her gender because she'd somehow accidentally internalized some stupid bullshit, or because of any number of other reasons that would've all made perfect sense and had all turned out to be perfectly wrong.
So yeah. Kon does kinda identify with the trans experience, ironically enough.
"Yeah, Match is usually a pain in the ass," she says instead of telling Kara how much she fucking hates her for getting to be what she can't, then starts looking for a way out of the stupid containment cell. It's not Kara's fault Kon hates her, for one thing, and also she doesn't wanna die here. Like, she definitely doesn't.
She wonders if Match might have reacted to her differently, if when they'd first met she'd known enough to ask if they were sisters.
Probably not, whether they're sisters or not. Match still seems pretty married to "I don't have free will" as a coping mechanism for all the psychological damage that being cloned and force-grown and told your only value and entire reason for existence lies in replacing someone who doesn't actually need to be replaced, it seems like.
Not that Kon would know anything about that, obviously.
Like, why would she?
She feels along the walls with her TTK and finds a frustrating lack of structural vulnerabilities to exploit. Kara punches them a few times, though they've already tried that. Kon doesn't blame her, at this point. The water keeps steadily pouring in and makes its way up to their thighs.
It is not reassuring. Like, at all.
Kon is gonna be so annoyed if she dies and gets buried as Superboy.
Though she was always going to do that, wasn't she. Best case scenario might've gotten her to Superman, maybe, but . . . yeah.
What else was she ever gonna do?
Cadmus made her to be Superman. Kal told her she could be Superboy, and named her after a boy, and named her like a Kryptonian boy would've been.
Although she guesses to have a femme-style Kryptonian name, she'd have needed to have a father.
She wonders if Kal would've named her at all, if he would've had to give her a name with a father's name attached to it. Maybe he would've just gone with Jor-El's, since technically Jor-El is the paternal donor of her Kryptonian DNA.
Or maybe he would've gone with . . .
Kon stops thinking about stupid shit she knows better than to be thinking about and feels out with her TTK again.
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jedi-enthusiast · 4 months
Genuine question as to why you feel so passionate about being pro-jedi? I definitely wouldn't say I'm anti-jedi, but I think there are some decent criticisms that can be made about them. But overall I'm just interested to understand the dedication to being pro-jedi, cause it is a fictional organisation at the end of the day. Isn't it more fulfilling to look at them from different perspectives so we can get the most out of the story as possible?
Before I answer, I'm going to ask you a question in turn, would you ever ask this question to someone who was anti-Jedi? Would you ever imply that they need to change their view on the Jedi because they're "not getting the most out of the story?"
Now, I'm going to preface this answer by saying that I'm not angry with you, I'm just very passionate about this topic---so don't take any of this personally. You seem like you're genuinely asking, and I appreciate that.
Personally, for me, there aren't really any criticisms that can be made about the Jedi- (keep in mind, I primarily adhere to Lucas Canon, everything else is just an add on depending whether I like it or not). Everything that people criticize the Jedi for or accuse them of falls into one of three categories:
Not true- (the Jedi are a cult, the Jedi repress their emotions, the Jedi were mean to Anakin, etc.)
Done for a reason because the other option would be worse/it was their only real option in a bad situation- (the Jedi shouldn't have fought in the war, the Jedi should've defended Ahsoka, the Jedi are slavers because of the clones, etc.)
Or it's something that's an Eastern concept/practice but people refuse to look at it as such and instead project their Western viewpoint/religious trauma onto them- (literally the entire thing about attachment)
I've never seen any criticism of the Jedi that doesn't fall into one of these categories, so why should I be inclined to "hear people out" or "look at the Jedi from other perspectives" when there's...really nothing else to look at?
Another thing to consider is that, while the Jedi are fictional characters, George Lucas based them heavily on very real religions and groups---particularly Jews and Buddhists.
So when people say things like- "the Jedi weren't allowed to care/love/have emotions because of Attachment™️" -they're spreading harmful misinformation and basically saying that Buddhists can't love/care/have emotions because of their rule against attachment, since the philosophy of non-attachment is literally taken verbatim from Buddhism.
And when people usually pair the above rhetoric with- "-and that's why the Jedi deserved what they got/caused their own downfall" -it's...a very concerning mindset for people to perpetuate---especially when George Lucas based the genocide of the Jedi and the rise of the Empire off of the Holocaust and Nazi Germany.
When you strip away the fictional aspects of it, a lot of what people say about the Jedi is literally Nazi/antisemitic/Holocaust denial rhetoric. To take an example of something that has actually been said on one of my posts:
"The destruction of the Jedi Order was less a genocide and more of a religious conflict that the Jedi lost. The Jedi Order is a sect of the collective religious culture of 'Force Users,' and their destruction cannot really be considered genocide as the cultural group of 'Force Users' still exists albeit heavily restricted and controlled by the Sith during the Empire Era." - @/ironwoodarl01
And, as @zarohk pointed out:
It’s depressing how so many “Jedi critical” talking points are pretty much antisemitism and Holocaust denial/justification: The destruction of the Jedi Order was less a genocide and more of a religious conflict that the Jedi lost. "The Jedi Order religion of Judaism is a sect of the collective religious culture of 'Force Users Abrahamic faiths, and their destruction cannot really be considered genocide as the cultural group of Force Users Abrahamic faiths still exists…" Similar thinly-veiled antisemitism in the Star Wars fandom also frequently includes supersessionism, the Christian idea that during the (Roman) Republic era, the Jedi Jews had become corrupt and lost their way, and and so finally a divinely created person was sent to show them new path. This is why attempts to read Star Wars where Anakin is a Christ figure or correct where the Jedi have failed (ignoring the fact that he wrecked the lives of most people he was involved with, including himself, and the Darth Vader was never happy) are not just incorrect, but generally have a thick underlayer of antisemitism.
So, while Star Wars is fictional, it's important for people to analyze why they feel the way they do about the Jedi and be critical of the ways in which they talk about/criticize the Jedi---because, like it or not, the Jedi and their genocide are based on real people/things and so your reaction to them/what happened to them can be very telling.
Finally, being critical of the good guys or trying to view everything through a morally grey lens doesn't make the story inherently more interesting, nor does it inherently add anything to the story---so I'm not "missing" anything.
If believing that no one can actually just be good, and everyone has to have some agenda, and "the good guys were the REAL bad guys all along" adds something to Star Wars for you...by all means, go ahead and believe what you want.
But my view of Star Wars isn't "lesser" or "missing something" just because I don't share that view and actually like the good guys and believe in what they taught/did.
I'm passionate about being pro-Jedi because of everything I outlined above and because they were truly good people who tried their best to help the galaxy---they were brought down, not because of anything they did, but because of one man's selfish stupid actions.
There might've been a time when I was willing to hear people out when they criticized the Jedi---because hey! maybe I was wrong---but that time has long passed because nothing anyone has ever criticized the Jedi for has held up to scrutiny, and anti-Jedi people won't just keep the fuck off my page and leave me alone.
So, frankly, this is my blog and I'm allowed to be as passionate as I want to be---and I'm not gonna stop, or start viewing the Jedi as "wrong" or "bad" or whatever, just because you- (and other people, I'm sure) -think I'm missing something by being strictly pro-Jedi
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antianakin · 4 months
I'd love more fics where someone asks the clones if they identify as Mandos or something and the clones all go "No, those poeple SUCK, who would ever willingly be a Mandalorian??? All they do is kill each other and destroy their own planet. Even the supposedly peaceful ones are arrogant assholes. I'd literally choose to be anything else before I'd ever choose to be a Mandalorian."
More fics where the clones have spent so much time forced to be at war and enough time connecting with the Jedi that even the CONCEPT of being a Mandalorian sounds like a fucking NIGHTMARE to them. Imagine WANTING to be like the people whose whole core culture is about going to war and hating the Jedi? The clones can't relate.
More fics where the clones just AVOID Mando culture entirely. They don't speak the language because they just have zero interest in it, none of them like the taste of Mando food very much, and none of the little Mando traditions seem that interesting or compelling.
A clone sleeps with a sex worker one night and she tries to be seductive by using a Mando endearment she knows and it's an immediate turn off for the clone.
More fics where giving armor to each other isn't this huge meaningful thing. Armor gets lost and damaged all the time, so even if they gave it to someone as a gift, the chances that it would last very long are pretty minimal. The paint designs are meaningful as one of the few ways they distinguish themselves from each other, but it's not more meaningful than their hair choices or tattoos. They don't technically OWN the armor, but their hair and skin is attached to them, which actually makes armor LESS meaningful than hair choices or tattoos. They certainly don't try to marry each other with armor, armor is the most meaningless gift to give someone else. Giving armor to someone is a practical act, not a romantic gesture.
More fics where clones just... AREN'T MANDOS AT ALL. They're CLONES, they're their own distinct thing with their own distinct experiences that would coalesce into their own distinct traditions and cultures.
And more fics where the clones are actually influenced more by JEDI culture than they are by Mando culture because ffs there is not a single Mando character in canon who gave a flying shit about the clones or ever spent a single ounce of time with them, but there were THOUSANDS of Jedi living and fighting and dying with the clones for THREE YEARS STRAIGHT. There is NO culture they'd be more exposed to in a positive way than Jedi culture, and it is honestly criminally underexplored as an influence on clone culture in fics. Where are the clones exploring non-attachment as a concept and realizing that most of them ALSO have no real interest in marriage or kids? Where are the clones studying Jedi philosophies and finding a lot of comfort in them and passing them along to other clones and Jedi philosophies and sayings end up becoming really common among the clones? Where are fics where the clones become some of the most accepting and tolerant people specifically because they learned that from the Jedi?
The clones deserve to be more like the Jedi and deserve so much better than to end up Mandos. I cannot think of a worse fate for the clones, and they've already been through a lot of bullshit.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Brigitte Helm (Metropolis)—Brigitte is the goddess of Metropolis and she deserves to win this poll. She is absolutely stunning, and was a pioneer of silent film. In Metropolis she plays both the good-hearted heroine Maria and the evil robotic clone trying to tear it all down, and she carries both roles off perfectly. SHE HAS THE RANGE, DARLING.
Lyda Borelli (Satan's Rhapsody, Love Everlasting)— no propaganda submitted
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Brigitte Helm propaganda:
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in the movie metropolis (1927) she plays an evil cyborg *and* a communist. The evil cyborg is hot in a deranged way and the communist is just very pretty.
just rewatched metropolis with my dad and the scene where she (as the brand new mechanical woman) is being revealed to the upperclass men??? all those men are the horniest theyve ever been in their lives and its Palpable. also just every time she looks at the camera its like that thing of eyes in a painting following you around a room, she has such a heavy gaze it feels like shes judging you from outside time and space and i know some of the tumblr girlies would really go for that if they knew about her
[Link: the above referenced Metropolis clip. tw for some unsavory slave imagery, eyeball horror, freaky statues, death references—general just be careful warning]
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She got to play the most beautiful robot in all of cinema. That's got to count for something.
THEE femme fatale of German Expressionist film. Her double performance as sweet and innocent Maria and her evil robot doppelganger in Metropolis is fantastic.
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
Hey vodika!
Congrats on your follower milestone!
Could I request f!Jedi reader x Sev
Autumn evening
Thank you! Love you! Xx
Summary: Of all of the things that Sev hates in the universe, watching his Jedi get hurt tops the list.
Pairing: Clone Commando Sev x Reader
Word Count: 777
Warnings: Reader is seriously injured here, though I didn't detail how she was hurt. Reader is described as formerly having long hair.
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, I tried my best with this, but it's not easy to write when you can't focus for longer than a few minutes at a time. I'm sorry if it's not quite what you wanted. If you don't like it you can send another request and I'll write something when I'm not sick.
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Sev knows that he’s not the gentlest of men. He knows that he’s quick to anger and that he enjoys violence just a little too much for most people to want to put up with. Sure, his own batchmates know that sometimes he says those things simply because it gets reactions.
But most of their brothers don’t.
He doesn’t mind it. He gets along better with his batchmates over anyone else anyway. Well, his batchmates and their jedi.
His Jedi.
She was a surprise addition to Delta Squad shortly after the war began. Someone who was supposed to manage their mission loads and help them so they could take more dangerous missions. 
And she quickly integrated herself into Delta Squad. She was careful to not step on Boss’ toes, listened to Scorch’s jokes, redirected Fixer when he was being his most ornery, and was able to temper the worst of his temper.
How could Sev not fall in love with her?
And Sev has never been the type of man to tiptoe around things like feelings, so he told her as soon as he knew that he loved her. He fully expected her to turn him down, but she surprised him by releasing a musical laugh, and agreeing to go on a date with him to see where this leads.
That was nearly a year ago now, and somehow Sev is still able to claim her as his girlfriend. Somehow, because he thought for sure that she would kick him to the curb months ago.
His gaze drifts from his rifle, which he’s been cleaning, to his Jedi.
They’re holed up in a Jedi Safehouse, and his brothers are out trying to find a way off this planet, while Sev chose to remain behind to look after their barely conscious Jedi. 
It’s a shame she hasn’t been able to enjoy the planet properly. His Jedi loves this type of weather, when it’s cool and the leaves have started to change. Sweater weather, she calls it.
Though, she’s not saying much of anything at the moment.
She’s nearly gray-faced, and her layers of robes have been removed and replaced by bandages. Her hair had been shorn into a much shorter style, due to the sheer amount of matting that they hadn’t been able to fix-
And then she stirs, her fingers flexing against the thick blanket granting her some modesty.
Sev swallows hard and sets his rifle to the side, before he stands and walks over to her carefully settling himself on the floor near her cot. Her pretty eyes flutter open and focus on his face, “Sev-” She mumbles his name, and she lifts her hand, which he catches and threads her fingers with his own.
“Hey there, Pretty Girl.” He replies, “Welcome back to the land of the living.”
“We’re still on the same planet,” He explains as he gently squeezes her hand, “The others are out looking for a way out.”
She tries to sit up, but Sev is quick to push her back prone, “I should be helping them-”
“You need to rest.” Sev insists. 
“But, it’s not safe.” She tries.
“Hey,” He waits until her pretty eyes are locked on him, “No one here is going to hurt them. We’ve already killed anyone who might try.”
She blinks at him.
Sev smiles wryly and he brings his free hand up to rest against her bruised face, “They had you, cyar’ika. They had you and they were hurting you, there was no other option.”
She sighs softly, and she turns her head to kiss the palm of his hand, “I don’t deserve you.” she mumbles.
Sev just laughs, “I think that’s supposed to be my line.” All of the tension has drained from his body now that she’s awake and talking, “You deserve far better than me. It’s a shame that I’m not so good a person to just walk away and let another person have you.”
She lightly squeezes his fingers, “All I want is you, though.”
“You have terrible taste in men.”
“So I’ve been told.”
Slowly, Sev brushes some of her hair out of her face, “No one is ever going to hurt you again, cyar’ika. I promise.”
She smiles at him, soft and warm, and Sev leans in to press his lips lightly against hers, pulling away just as quickly as he leaned in. “Now, get some more rest. As soon as we have a ship, you’re going to take a nap in a bacta tank.”
She just sighs, “Will you stay?”
Sev brings their joined hands to his lips, and presses a light kiss to her knuckles, “Forever.”
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