#clone wars zatt
ezraswr316 · 30 days
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Under da sea
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bo-katan · 8 months
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@giftober 2023 | DAY #10: NEW
➣ Be proud. You've survived an ordeal few your age could. Welcome home, young Jedi.
As the Clone War scorches its destructive path across the galaxy, it is the Jedi who bring order to the chaos. Though as the war progresses, the number of Jedi have declined, and new younglings are harder to find. When a youngling is located, they are brought to the Jedi Temple and learn quickly that their true family is now the Jedi Order.
The trials are hard. Tests must be passed. But none is as important as The Gathering. It is then that a Jedi's path will truly begin….
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testingforgravity · 1 month
Petro: Also, from now on we'll be using code names. You can address me as Kyber One.
Katooni, code name– ‘been there, done that.’
Zatt is– ‘currently doing that.’
Gungi is– ‘it happened once in a dream.’
Byph, code name– ‘if I had to pick a different dude.’
Ganodi is– ‘Kyber Two.’
Ganodi: Oh thank god.
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beasanfi1997 · 7 months
I Hope that there will be Petro, Katooni, Ganodi, Byph, Gungi, Zatt, Korkie Kryze, Lagos, Amis and Soniee in Skeletron Crew when they, Lux Bonteri, Leia Organa, Leida Mothma and Ahsoka Tano are talking about Ezra Bridger that he Is worried about Ben Solo's future
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questforgalas · 1 year
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Zatt and Tech would've been BFFs, two fellow iPad kids
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robotsandramblings · 1 year
we’ve only had Gungi, Katooni, Petro, Byph, Ganodi, and Zatt for four (4) Clone Wars episodes, but if anything bad happens / has happened to them in Bad Batch S2, i would kill everyone in the writers room and then myself
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Finished watching the Jedi youngling arc! so here are my thoughts
-i liked this much more than I was expecting to
-they did a good job getting me to care about these kids, and to make them distinct characters in such a brief period of time
-wooden lightsaber!!
-hondo reaches peak fun in 5x09. he’s a pirate, with all the bad guy and not completely a bad guy characteristics that come along with that
-what happened to Yoda? i must have missed a line because it seems like he just vanished after they left Ilum
-i loved getting to see more of the rituals of the Jedi. with all the war, you can forget that they aren’t just special soldiers.. perhaps that’s the point, but still. i hope we get to see how padawans become knights at some point in this show (there’s almost certainly examples in other media)
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gffa · 9 months
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EVERY SINGLE MOMENT OF THIS WAS SUCH A FUCKING BANGER. Baylan Skoll is reading exactly what Ahsoka fears and sets up this vision for her, that he says her legacy is one of death and destruction--which hurls her into a vision-slash-flashback of the clone wars, where she felt like this is all she learned as a Jedi, because this is what the galaxy was when she was growing up in it. That this is Anakin--or Ahsoka's own mind using Anakin as a proxy, because she STILL emotionally and mentally sees him as the one who teaches her, even if it's not really him, she imagines it to be him, because he's her Master, the one who taught her what she needs to know--but also this is the center of everything she can't let go of, all the hurt and fear and loss, it's all tangled up in Anakin and what he became. That she loves him and fears him in the same breath, that she remembers the good, the charming young man who was teaching her how to survive, who gave everything he had to her, while also remembering what he became, that he was so powerful that he became the worst nightmare the galaxy had ever seen, that neither of these is the whole of who he is, that he is all of this and more. He isn't just Anakin Skywalker, he's also Darth Vader. He isn't just Darth Vader, he's also Anakin Skywalker. He isn't just Anakin and Vader, he's also everything of Obi-Wan, of Qui-Gon, of Dooku, of Yoda--and she has to learn to accept that the same is true of her, too. The potential for tremendous darkness lurks in all their hearts, that's what the Jedi teach. No one is above the dark side. No one is above fear and clinging on and holding too tight. It's a lifelong journey not to give in to those things and you are so much more than just any one moment or even any one aspect. Yes, if she's everything he is, then she does have the potential to become the same kind of nightmare of death and destruction that he did, just as she fears. It's why she's held herself back from the galaxy, from the Ghost crew, from Sabine especially, because she's afraid, and only agreed to train Sabine in the first place because whatever abilities she has, they're so low Sabine can't become another Vader. Grogu does have the potential to become another Vader. Ahsoka does have the potential to become another Vader. She has killed many and destroyed so much. But that's not all she is. She's also saved so many lives. She also gently tucked Roo Roo Page back into her mother's arms. She also taught Petro and Katooni and Gungi and Zatt and Byph about how to get their crystals. She also saved Kaeden's life. She also protected Ezra from Vader. She's all those things, plus more, just as Anakin was all the things he was and more, too. Baylan was right that part of her legacy is death and destruction, but he's a dark sider, he lies and twists the truth, and the truth is--Ahsoka Tano, like every Jedi before her, is more than just one part of her legacy.
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pews-brain · 19 days
In the clone wars episode The Gathering (S5 E6) each of the younglings learns a lesson.
Byph: learns courage
Ganodi: learns hope
Gungi: learns patience
Zatt: learns to trust himself
Katooni: learns confidence
Petro: learns selflessness
I think that the lessons the younglings learned in the temple is connected to their final acts before they died.
Byph learned to be brave so that when Order 66 started, he could stand up and fight against the troopers instead of hiding and letting his friends die for him.
Ganodi learned hope which she gave to the young ones as she told them that help was coming.
Zatt learned to trust himself instead of technology, even when he got an alert on his com from General Skywalker that it was safe to come out.
Katooni was confident enough to lead groups of fighters into battle so that others could escape.
Petro learned selflessness, so that when the time came, he threw himself over youngling to save them from the gunshot.
Gungi learned to be patient, so that he would be okay with waiting. He has to wait to several hundred years to join the Jedi Order again. He had to wait to die, just like his friends did.
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Here's my halfway coherent, shoot-I-wish-I'd-actually-write-all-of-this no-Order-66 universe I've been mulling over for like two or three years:
Dead Palpatine (the hows to determine)
Kit, Agen and Saesee are NOT dead
(Adi probably isn't either tbh bc I love Adi)
People are touchy about Anakin and he's kind of absent (left? is in prison for killing Palps? not killing Palps? for turning? anyway it's a Sensitive Subject) (in the interest of limiting angst he probably helped kill Palps and left to be with Padmé but is kinda bitter about all of it, that way Liberosis fits into this and I don't have to think about it too much. the point is, things are strained and remain that way for a while)
The world is absolutely not all unicorns and sparkles but it's getting somewhere. The Jedi are Very Tired and overworked and stressed but also they get to just sit and watch sunsets and that warms them up inside
A random Senator becomes Chancellor (not Bail, Padmé or Mothma). The Republic is still licking its wounds but at least it's there
The CIS kinda collapsed without Dooku or Grievous so there's a lot of independent systems but they're not united anymore and— boring stuff. The point is: an absolute metric ton of diplomatic missions for the Jedi
Many Clones decide to stick around and get sort of folded into the Order Antarian Rangers style (the others are very happy napping on a warm planet somewhere)
Shaak Ti and Stass Allie are on Kamino helping to raise/relocate all the Clone babies so they can grow up somewhere nicer (tbd - I've written a micro fic about this one so far)
Most Jedi ditch the armor (as do a few Clones) and get the baggiest, gigantest robes they can get away with. A few others keep the armor but like, engraved and decorated
Ahsoka comes back after a lot of thinking and gets knighted
Two Jedi who got stranded on a deserted planet during the war had a baby and the Organas adopt her (very important!!! and half written and lingering in my drafts - since like, two years ago)
Obi-Wan takes Katooni as his Padawan
Ahsoka takes either Petro or Reva as her Padawan a few years later (probably Reva)
Ganodi is either Stass' or Adi's Padawan I think
Zatt is either Kit's Padawan or Jocasta's
Petro is probably Aayla's (or maybe she picks Mari Amithest and Quinlan picks Petro.)
Gungi is Plo's Padawan
Byph is Luminara's (he's a precious little duckling and deserves to be CHERISHED okay)
Barriss gets help and healing
If Dooku isn't dead, then he spends the rest of his life in a cell playing dejarik with Obi-Wan and Yoda and having tea with them and bitterly regretting his choices (while struggling to come to terms with Yoda's forgiveness and love especially - I've got a couple of very short fics toying with the idea on here and Ao3 I think)
Maul probably gets the same kind of treatment? Then I imagine he escapes and goes back to Dathomir and then to some desert to have 274 identity crises about stuff (he might also just be dead sadly - but if not he def gets to have more encounters with Obi-Wan)
Ki-Adi takes O-mer as his Padawan and Mace takes either Jinx or Tai Uzuma, in which case Cin takes Jinx (yeah, Mace and Tai, definitely. That way Caleb gets to hang out with her)
Either Shaak Ti or Bultar Swan takes Ashla
Caleb is still with Depa, Cal with Jaro, and Trilla with Cere
I want to find Masters for Ran Deezy and Farn Klin and their siblings (because they each seem to have a twin which!!! I LOVE!!! okay they could just be from the same species and not be related but idc) but I'm coming up kinda short so Agen for Farn, Rig Nema for Ran, Tiplee for Farn's twin, Eeth (who didn't left, comics can gtfo) for Ran's twin
Korkie is Duke of Mandalore (which is ALL ABOUT PACIFISM, AGAIN, because I want it that way. The Jedi drop by to say hi and help sometimes. It should be noted that he's not Obi-Wan's kid.)
The Jedi keep running into Hondo who loves them and therefore loves to make trouble for them (hey, I actually wrote that one!)
Boba is a precocious mercenary/bounty hunter trying to get noticed by some big clients like the Hutts and every so often he runs into some Clones or Jedi and a little angst ensues
A lot of time and writing is dedicated to how deeply fcked the war was and how tired and sad everybody is
like twice that is about chilling in the gardens, planting things, watching grass grow, sleeping and rebuilding and how happy and lively the children are
Yoda privately cries when he realizes that his vision of a world at peace (the one he had to let go of) did come true - and didn't. The world isn't as perfect as he dreamed but it's infinitely better because it's real
Obi-Wan and Cody get to have buddy comedy solo missions
Same for Obi-Wan and individual Council members. Just hijinks all around
It is very important to me that Cody chaperones a bunch of Jedi babies going to Ilum (probably Clan Bear? but also I want it to be like 10+ years down the line so he can complain about being too old for this shit even tho he's 23 - I WANTED TO SEE CODY WITH THE YOUNGLINGS AND GRIEVOUS ROBBED ME OF THAT)
Oh also Cody was made a General after the war and immediately retired from the army. For no other reason than I think he deserves it
Idk how Qui-Gon fits into all of this so for now his only purpose is to make Dooku angst some more but in a cathartic way
Padmé occasionally drops by with the twins - and vice-versa once Anakin is either free or over himself - and Yoda is their favorite person in the world. They're not being trained as Jedi and they kinda resent it a bit but they're doing fine. They see Uncle Bail and Aunt Breha pretty often, and Aunt Sola and Uncle Darred and Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru regularly, and they're besties with Ryoo, Pooja, and Bail and Breha's adopted Jedi daughter
Some quiet domestic moments where, say, Reva comes up to the slightly older Katooni & friends to get some help with her hair because she wants to do it like Tai's but is too shy to ask directly bc Tai is intimidating, but Katooni is obviously stumped so they try to find some Masters, and the first they come across are like Stass and Shaak Ti who also don't really know how to help, and it's Luminara and Cere who save the day
Quiet Master-Padawan moments in some of the smaller Temples, learning to meditate and be in the moment
A weird period of time before Ahsoka is officially knighted where she just hangs out with Obi-Wan and repairs her relationship with him. In the years after she is knighted but before she takes her own Padawan, she mostly stays with Obi-Wan and Katooni and he's having early days of the war flashbacks with his 'two' Padawans
Animal friendship. 80% of all Jedi missions involve it
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ezraswr316 · 1 month
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I’m back on my grind
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ao3feed-obikin · 9 months
Undying Devotion
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49605493 by Waffleykitty A brave and clever ragtag starship crew stands up against the evil Empire as it tightens its grip on the galaxy and hunts down the last of the Jedi Knights. Words: , Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 11 of A Life of the Jedi Fandoms: Star Wars: Rebels Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Yoda (Star Wars), Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Shaak Ti, Depa Billaba, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Adi Gallia, Stass Allie, Saesee Tiin, Kit Fisto, Luminara Unduli, Quinlan Vos, Sar Labooda, Aayla Secura, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Caleb Dume | Kanan Jarrus, Cal Kestis, O-Mer (Star Wars), Jinx (Star Wars), Petro (Star Wars), Katooni (Star Wars), Ganodi (Star Wars), Zatt (Star Wars), Gungi (Star Wars), Byph (Star Wars), Grogu | Baby Yoda, Sha Koon, CC-4477 | Thire, CC-6454 | Ponds, CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-2224 | Cody, ARC Commander Colt (Star Wars), CC-10/994 | Grey, CC-1138 | Bacara, CC-8826 | Neyo, Clone Commander Faie (Star Wars), CC-5052 | Bly, CT-7567 | Rex, Clone Commander Monnk (Star Wars), CT-0000/1010 | Clone Sergeant Fox, Clone Commander Thorn (Star Wars), Clone Commander Doom (Star Wars) Relationships: Adi Gallia/Mace Windu, Kit Fisto/Plo Koon/Shaak Ti, Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker, Depa Billaba/CC-10/994 | Grey, CC-1138 | Bacara/Ki-Adi-Mundi, Stass Allie/CC-8826 | Neyo, CC-1004 | Gree/Luminara Unduli, Clone Commander Faie/Quinlan Vos, CC-5052 | Bly/Aayla Secura, CC-2224 | Cody/CT-7567 | Rex, Padmé Amidala/Original Male Character(s), Nyx Okami/Ahsoka Tano, Lux Bonteri/Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus/Cal Kestis, Jinx/O-Mer (Star Wars), Katooni/Petro (Star Wars), Ganodi/Zatt (Star Wars), Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch)/Hera Syndulla, Ezra Bridger/Sabine Wren Additional Tags: References to Star Wars: Rebels read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/49605493
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testingforgravity · 28 days
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"It's you and me, remember?"
I'm loosing my mind over this incredible art by @ezraswr316!
It's of Petro & Zatt during the 'shaky & steady' scene from chapter 26 of "We Were Just Kids." This moment between the two of them is one of my favorite moments in the whole fic, and it was so much fun to write. Getting to see it illustrated beautifully like this is so so special!
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beasanfi1997 · 8 months
Imagine in that alternative timeline:
Korkie Kryze, Lagos, Amis and Soniee takes care of Two years Old Sabine Wren on Sundari
Petro, Katooni, Ganodi, Byph, Gungi, Zatt, Bobby, Bene, Rako, Vaash Ti and Caleb Dume takes care of baby Ezra Bridger on Jedi Temple
Is that How should be happened if Anakin Skywalker kills Palpatine while Maul remains prisoner of Ahsoka Tano
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mistergreatbones · 1 year
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