#clone disk
mbishiri · 10 months
Repair Your PC and Access Your Data with Active@ Data Studio
Active@ Data Studio provides you with a useful set of tools for accessing your data and repairing your PC in the event that Windows fails to start up and you cannot find any other way to access your data.
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camping-with-monsters · 6 months
As a PokePark kid, the Synchro Machine will be my everything. I cannot believe that it’s gonna be a real thing. You mean that I’m actually going to be able to live out my dream and play as a Pokémon once again. Is it true you mean every Pokémon. Tell me it’s true. You mean to tell me I can be Golurk. You mean to tell me I can be Sunflora. You mean to tell me I can be anything. Is it true that you can use any Pokémon.
Oh my god. When mom told me I could be anything… I didn’t know it meant I could become God. I’m putting Arceus in the Synchro Machine and playing God. Nothing can stop me.
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biggest-bara-tiddies · 6 months
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New pokepark is looking pretty good
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robotwrangler · 2 years
I am having an absolute shit of a time with one of my new pc components & have been troubleshooting and painstakingly moving shit around for literally 7 and a half hours now but NO progress at all -_-
#don’t bother reading these tags actually they’re long and incomprehensible#my new motherboard is UEFI not BIOS so my usual SSD is apparently not a valid bootable drive. so I had to fucking..#make an installable windows 10 drive out of a usb using my shitass slow half-dead laptop which took 2 hours#then install it on my new M2 to use that for booting instead of the SSD#but I don’t wanna deal with fresh windows 10 and all the messing with settings bullshittery#so I tried cloning my SSD system to my new M2#but it won’t work while I’m currently hosting windows on that M2.. you have to clone a drive to another drive while not using either#so I tried installing windows on one of my hard disk drives so that I could boot from that & deal with the other two#but incredibly. even tho it’s UEFI and therefore the right type of drive for this#it still doesn’t count as bootable and does not show up in the boot priority list#so I was like ok whatever. and formatted the HDD and cloned the SSD to it#but now the partitions are all fucked up and idk what to do with partitions they’re fucked#I hate windows so much I hate it soooo so much#I just wanna play warframe is that so goddamn hard to ask??#I should’ve just manually moved things bit by but & dealt with the sucky experience of personalising windows#bc it almost definitely would’ve taken less time#I feel like this is even less fun but if I do manage it it’ll be better than the alternative#I literally JUST had to do a fresh windows install 4 months ago and I don’t wanna do it again this soon.. I’ve not recovered from it yet..
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flavinbagel · 10 months
Was trying to clone my shitty boot drive SSD to an M.2 stick and might've ended up fucking both drives from booting windows somehow whoops.
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lightasthesun · 5 months
Comprehensive Lexicon Guide for First-Time SW Fic Readers:
Flimsi/Flimsiplast = Paper
Flimsiwork/Datawork = Paperwork
Stylus = Pen
Datapad = Tablet
Comlink/Comm = Communication Device/Phone
Binders = Handcuffs
Chronometer = Clock
Spectacles = Eyeglasses
Chrono = Watch
Conservator = Refrigerator
Caf = Coffee
Nerfburger = Hamburger
Blue milk = Milk (literally blue)
Hubba chips = French Fries
Sweet roll = Doughnut
Flatcakes = Pancakes
Tabac = Tobacco
HoloNet = World Wide Web
Holovision/HoloTV = Television
Holodrama/Holovids = Movie/Videos
Holocamera/Holocam = Camera
Holomap = three-dimensional map
Holojournal = Newspaper
Holocube = Picture frame
Holotable = Projector
Holoscanner = X-ray machine
Holojournalist = Reporter
Flatholo/Holograph = Photograph
Sonic Damper = Active Noise Cancellation
Refresher/Fresher= Bathroom
Sonic Bath = Bath
Sanisteam/Sonic shower = Waterless Shower
Hydrospanner = Wrench
Hydro Flask = Water Bottle
Power Cell/Energy Cell = Batteries
Authorization Chip = Decryption key
Datatape = Disk
Datastick = Flash drive
(Personal) Com Code = Phone number
Datachip = SD Card
Synthflesh = Synthetic skin
Glowrod = Flashlight
Sparkstick = Match
Slugthrower = Gun
Slug = Bullet
Vibroblade = a blade that can vibrate at high frequencies, increasing its cutting power and penetrating ability (tactical knife)
Rangefinder = Rifle scope
Turbolaser = Cannon
Ion pike/Vibropike = Spear
Electro Staff = Stun baton
Blaster = Pistol/Rifle
Stun Blaster = similar to a Taser
Landspeeder/Airspeeder/Speeder = Car
Turbolift = Elevator
Slideramp = Escalator
Starfighter = Fighter jet
Rotorcraft = Helicopter
Hoverpack/Jetpack= Jet pack
Speeder Bike = Motorcycle
Skylane = Traffic lane
Railspeeder/Hovertrain = Train
Power Chair/Hoverchair= Wheelchair
Windscreen = Windshield
Podracing = Car racing
Dejarik = Chess
Sabacc = Poker and Blackjack combined
Galactic Rebels = Combat simulator
B'shingh = Dungeons and dragons
Jizz = Jazz music
Wailer = Singer (ie. Jizz Wailer)
Cantina = Bar or Pup
Para Sailing = Paragliding
Aurebesh = Alphabet
Credits = Money
Sleeping Pallet = Bedroll
Naming Day = Birthday
Youngling = Child
Galactic Basic Standard/ Basic = English
Medkit/Medpac = First aid kit
Hypo = Syringe
Medic/Healer = Doctor
Medcenter = Hospital
Bactapatch = Bandaid
Nanoweave = Fabric
Transparisteel = Glass
Plastifoam = Packing material
Durasteel = Steel
Plasteel = Plastic
Duracrete = Concrete
Slicer = Hacker (slicing = hacking)
Identikit = Passport
Minder = Therapist
Synthleather = Vinyl
Viewport = Window
Cooling Unit = Air-conditioning
Honeydarter = Bee
Slythmonger = Drugdealer
Spice = Drugs
Stimpill = Caffeine pill
Power Socket = Plug
Cutters = Scissors
Cycle = Day
Standard Cycle = 24h
Standard Week = 5 days
Standard Month = 35 standard days
Standard Year = approx. ten months
Tenday = literally ten days
Cigarras/Smokes = Cigarettes
Click = Kilometer or 'a moment'
Parsec = a unit of distance
Tweezers/Clanker/tin head/tinnie = Droid
Separatist = Seppie
Promise Ring = Wedding Ring
Body Glove = Jumpsuit
Slicksuit = Wet suit
Civvies = Civilian clothing
Carbonite = a metal alloy used to freeze a person in a state of hibernation
Hyperdrive = device that allows a starship to travel faster than lightspeed
Moisture vaporator = device that can extract water from the air, commonly used on tatooine
Glareshades = Sunglasses
Gasser = Gas Oven
Repulsorlift = technology that can create an anti-gravity field and is used for levitating heavy objects
Heating unit = Heater
Utility Droid = Roomba
Sunbonnet = a Clone trooper helmet
Bad Batcher = a defective Clone Trooper
Banthabrain = birdbrain/ a stupid person
Bantha fodder = waste of space/nonsense
Blast! = word of exclamation
Blasted! = s.o in anger or annoyance
Blaster-brained = dimwitted
Blaster fodder = cannon fodder
Blast off = Piss off
Brainless = Stupid
Bug/Bugger = used to refer to Geonosians
Forceforsaken = godforsaken
Full of Poodoo = full of shit
Poodoo = Shit
Kriff = Fuck
Jedi scum = derogatory term for jedi
Kark = derogatory expletive
Larty = LAAT/i gunship
Laserbrain = insult
Meat droid = derogatory term for Clone Troopers
Redrobes = Palpatines guard
Rookie/Shinie = newly recruited Trooper
Scum = insult to refer to bounty hunters/rebels
Sharpie = Sharp-witted
Sithspawn/Sithspit/Hellspawn! = expletive
Sleemo = Slimeball
Son of a bantha = insult
Wizard! = Cool
Spaced = dead
Hutt-spawn = Bastard
Karabast = exclamation of dismay
Stang = Crap
Buckethead/Bucketbrain = derogatory term for Stormtroopers
Bucket = Helmet
Nat-born = Natural Born
Roger Roger = affirmative/copy that
Droid poppers = EMP grenade
Sitrep = short for situation report
Backwater Planet = any planet that isn't part of the core system
Holocron = device that can project a three-dimensional image of a person/object and is used for communication or entertainment.
Kessel Run = a risky Operation. Commonly used as a metaphor in impossible situations.
Thermal Detonator= device that can create a powerful explosion like a grenade or bomb
Ray Shield/Energy Shield = creates a (protective) barrier
Rebreather = device that allows a person to breathe underwater or in toxic environments
Wild goose chase = wild bantha chase
That's bantha shit = that's bullshit
As slippery as a greased Dug = untrustworthy
Credit for your thoughts = penny for your thoughts
Cut the poodoo = cut the crap
to get your gills in a twist = get upset about something
Holy mother of meteors = holy mother of god
Oh my skies/ Oh my stars = exclamation of surprise
Stars' end! = exclamation of disbelief
What in the blue blazes = exclamation
When Geonosis freezes over/When it snows on tatooine = extremely unlikely
Who pissed in your power supply = who pissed you off
Blast it = damn it
By the maker = exclamation of surprise
Great karking Dragon = expression of disbelief
Lothcat got your tongue = equivalent of 'cat got your tongue?'
Sod it = expression of frustration
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bifags · 1 year
ii got my puter back
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ineffable-gallimaufry · 6 months
if they made a homestuck movie:
VOICEOVER: it's coming...
*two drum beats*
JOHN EGBERT: *puts the disk for sburb into his computer* i'm in
VOICEOVER: this summer
*two drum beats*
ROSE LALONDE: *rolls eyes* john, stop goofing around
VOICEOVER: prepare to be stuck...
*two drum beats*
JADE HARLEY: *wakes up and looks around*
VOICEOVER: at home
*two drum beats*
DAVE STRIDER: *spins record* woah, this is off the wall, yo
*shitty orchestral cover of sburban jungle plays*
ROXY: but you don't understand! this game is dangerous!
*cut to dave leaving his clone behind at his quest bed*
DAVE: i can't do it... i just can't kill another me...
*bec noir appears next to alt dave*
ALT DAVE: he's right behind me isn't he
*fades to black as bec noir slashes a sword at alt dave's neck*
*text on screen reads "ASCEND"*
*cut to rose in her shed*
JOHN: rose, the meteor's gonna hit!!
ROSE: *grabs computer* *rolls eyes*
*text on screen reads "DESCEND"*
*cut to scenes of the war on the chess field*
*text on screen reads "RISE UP"*
*cut to john, running out of his kitchen*
JOHN: these imps are everywhere!!
*text on screen reads "ABSCOND"*
ROSE: it's all over...
*cut to the various sprites being sprited*
*cut to jake kissing dirk's head*
DIRK STRIDER: *standing nearby* *coughs* awkward...
*cut to terezi and john after game over*
TEREZI: john, 1t's 4ll up to you now...
JOHN: *gasps*
*cut to john and dave hugging*
NEPETA: *grins* :33< i ship ittttt
KARKAT: *facepalm*
*cut to terezi and vriska facing off*
TEREZI: vr1ska, you c4n't do th1s!
VRISKA: watch me!
*montage of vriska doing a bunch of random and cool stuff*
VRISKA: i can do anything!!!!!!!!
*cut to grimdark rose and dave*
ROSE: to win... we're gonna have to blow up the sun
DAVE: awww snap
*text on screen reads "NIC CAGE"*
JOHN: and i mean, of COURSE con air is the best movie ever!! what other movie would you even suggest
*text on screen reads "LIL NAS X"*
DAVE: man, this isn't even the best song in obama's whole rap career
*text on screen reads "AMANDLA STENBERG"*
ROSE: *rolls eyes* whatever, mom! i'm summoning cuthulu!
*text on screen reads "ZENDAYA"*
JADE: *petting bec* oh, who's the best dog! is it you?
*a bunch more celebrity names on screen*
ANDREW HUSSIE: *sitting in chair* wait, am i still in this movie? do i still die?
HUSSIE: oh poop
*text on screen reads "HOMESTUCK: THE MOVIE"*
JOHN: we're gonna save the world... or die trying
*quick montage of every single death scene*
DAVE: i think we're gonna die trying
JOHN: daaaaveeee
*text on screen reads "COMING THIS SUMMER"*
*cut to dave beatboxing*
DAVE: are you gonna make me?
NEPETA: :33< ooooh—
DAVE and KARKAT in unison: DON'T SAY IT
NEPETA: :33< ship it
*they both sigh*
*cut to black*
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lukas-sy · 2 years
Disk management tool for Windows11
What can it do:
Resize/create/delete/format/check & repair/merge/wipe/split/ partition
Clone partition/disk
Convert system/data disk between MBR and GPT without data loss
Migrate OS to another drive/disk without reinstalling
Allocate free space from one partition to another without losing data
Move installed programs without reinstalling
Convert file system between FAT32 and NTFS without formatting …
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stealthetrees · 23 days
Fox somehow found Palpatine’s secret sith lair on Coruscant and broke in to steal all the secret info he stored there only to be caught in the act. Palpatine was pissed and electrocuted him then left him for dead. He shows up at the Guard HQ half dead and holding a data disk. He’s unconscious for three days. During that time the Fives fiasco happens but the Corrie’s follow protocol and now they have another extra ARC trooper. Dogma is exited to have a familiar face around.
Thorn mentions it to Fox, but the details of what went down are unimportant compared to the huge operation they’re trying to get up and running to start rescuing POWs. Because the only people that care about clones are clones (except the Jedi but the chancellor would never let them do something that would give them the upper hand against him).
It’s been a very long week and Fox has not slept once. He’s taking a team to break into a rich persons house to steal their bank info to fund their new operations when he bumps into CC-1010s old batchmates. Who don’t know Fletcher is dead and Fox has stolen his identity.
They’re pissed at him for killing a brother, cussing him out and telling him he’s not one of them, ecetra. The moment is very serious until someone tells Fox he should kill himself, not in those exact words but the message gets across.
Dead silence.
“Your office would be a good private spot”
Muffled snorts and giggles. “Maybe cut your wrists open”
One of them looses it and doubles over laughing. “Maybe don’t sit in the doorway or someone could slip on the blood.”
Fox is the only one holding it together, physically shaking in the effort. All the Corrie’s are laughing so hard. One in the back says something about identity fraud and Fox breaks, laughing so hard he falls over.
Fletchers batch mates are confused and more than a little scared.
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upon-a-starry-night · 4 months
Self Care Natasha One-Shot
Request: " Nat is feeling achy after a mission and uses some fancy Shield tech to clone herself and give herself a back massage. It would get smutty from there"
Natasha Masterlist Main Masterlist
Paring: Natasha Romanoff x Herself
Words: 2k
Request? Yes/ No
Warnings: Smut, selfcest I guess?
Summary: Exhausted after a mission, Nat does what she has to do to release some stress
To say Nat was exhausted would be an understatement. The mission wasn’t that much harder than usual but it took more days than she’d been expecting it to and by the time she was done and on the way home her body was sore in more ways than one.
The uncomfortable quinjet seats weren’t helping either. She was going to yell at Tony as soon as the tension in her back eased up. Stretching her arms above her head, she groaned at the knots she could feel digging into her shoulders. 
At this point, a warm shower wouldn’t even be enough. There had to be something she could do to ease the aching in her spine or the other Avengers were going to be dealing with a very frustrated Nat for the rest of the week.
As soon as the quinjet landed Nat was making her way to her room, eager to find a solution and avoid any trainees who wanted to talk to her. S.H.I.E.L.D. Needed to evaluate their training if newer recruits kept leaving training to come fangirl of her and her other Avengers.
The thought stops her in her tracks. She remembers hearing something about a new training assist gadget Tony helped invent to help the recruit train. Something about cloning them so that they could fight themselves and see where they went wrong and how to improve. She’d never really paid any attention to it when it was brought up but now it might be of use to her.
Changing her course, Nat heads straight for the tech room. The doors slide open easily for her considering her full access to every single room. She sifts through the piles of papers filled with various weapon ideas until she finds the one she’s looking for.
The T.T.A.C. or the Tactical Training Assist Cloner. She rolls her eyes. Obviously, Shield named this weapon, Tony would have come up with something less practical. 
She finds the weapon code and types it into the keypad on the back wall, watching as the wall spins past a few other weapons before landing on the T.T.A.C. 
It’s smaller than she imagined. There’s a small handheld gadget with a needle on the end and a small round mechanical disk with a button next to it. She grabs both items and the paper with the weapon info and takes them both back to her room. 
She doesn’t bother telling anyone or leaving a note, she knows the cameras will see that she took it and she doesn’t plan on using it for long. If anyone had a problem they could take it up with her.
Once inside of her room, she reads the instructions carefully before following them, groaning as she places the metal disk on the floor. She hoped this worked, she needed some instant relief.
She places the disk on the floor and presses the button, stepping back as the disk opens up and transforms into a small raised platform, big enough for one person to stand on.
Next, she pricks her finger with the needle thing and lets the blood drop onto the raised platform. Immediately it begins to glow a light blue and various mechanical sounds are filling up her room as the platform analyzes her DNA.
She doesn’t bother to understand how it works, if she did she’d probably get a headache but she can’t hide her surprise when a minute later an exact clone of her takes shape on the platform. It’s in a standard Shield training uniform and she realizes that must have been programmed in.
The clone just stands there staring blankly, according to the instructions it would remain docile until given instructions. Nat, however, would not be using it for training. It was time to test how well this thing listened and how much of a clone it really was.
“Clone, register command” 
The clone locks eyes with Nat and stands a little straighter, waiting for a command. She resists the urge to shiver, it’s a little eerie but she wasn’t about to complain if it was going to do her a favor.
“I need a massage so that I can be ready to get back into the field as soon as possible, can you do that?” She doesn’t know why she feels the need to justify her actions. Maybe it was something about talking to herself.
The clone gives a small nod and she realizes they must not have the ability to speak yet. She supposed they don’t need to speak when they’re only built for physical training but it’s something for them to look into later.
“Do you know what to do?” The clone gives another short nod and Nat removes her shirt so that she’s just in her sports bra. If this clone was really her, hopefully, it would know all the spots she needed to ease the most tension.
She lies down on her bed on her stomach, moving a pillow under her chin so she’s more comfortable. Her gaze drifts behind her when she hears shuffling and she keeps her eyes glued to her clone as it climbs onto the bed and settles onto her thighs. The pressure is light and for a second she’s worried this will be too soft of a massage but she realizes if they can throw punches in training they can probably give decent massages.
Her head settles back onto the pillow and she closes her eyes the second the hands begin digging into her back. The pressure is incredible and the clone is hitting all the exact spots she was aching in.
The clone presses its hands deeper into her shoulders and she releases a sigh as the pressure gets kneaded out. If she had known it was going to feel this good she would have done this sooner.
She resists the urge to moan as the clone hits a particularly deep knot in her back. Perhaps she could be in for more than just a back massage. The rest of her body could use the release.
Something about the feeling of her own hands digging into her feels uniquely intimate and the deeper they dig into her the more she feels herself getting turned on. 
She’d been so busy on the mission and spending the weeks before that preparing that she hadn’t had the time to relieve some of her stress. Only now was she realizing just how wound up the coil in her body felt
Without her even asking, the clone begins massaging its way down the rest of her body once her back is done. The rough fingers digging into her thighs do nothing to stop the growing heat between her legs.
She’d never thought about this situation before but now that she was here… who would know her body better than herself? All the best spots, all the things that made her come undone.
Feeling herself clench at the idea she decides there’s no harm in it if it helps her relieve some stress. Plus she would be helping the system learn how to read body language better.
Turning herself over, she watches as the clone quickly adapts, massaging up and down her calves and feet. She almost doesn’t want to tell it to stop but the idea of a better release spurs her on.
“Register command” The clone stops its actions and finds her eyes once more. There’s a heady look in its gaze and she wonders if it’s copying her facial expression or just reacting to the situation.
Slowly, Nat slides her hand down her chest, Stopping at her nipples to roll them between her fingers. She throws her head back at the sensation but her eyes stay on the clone whose gaze remains locked on her. The sight of herself just watching turns her on even more and has her hand traveling further down her body.
She slips her pants off her legs as the clone hovers over her.
Sliding her hand between her thighs she lets her fingers drift between her folds, working their way up and down through the wetness that had already begun to form. She noticed the way the clone's eyes drifted down to what was happening between her thighs, despite the fact that the clone was supposed to stay stoic and stare at her until a command was received. Interesting.
Eager to test her own skills, Nat stops her ministrations and gives control over to the clone. She doesn’t bother stating a command, wanting to see if it will act on its own.
The clone reacts immediately, placing its hand over Nat’s unmoving fingers. Instead of moving Nat’s hand out of the way, however, they begin moving Nat’s hand for her, repeating her earlier actions of dragging her fingers through her folds.
They continue at an agonizingly slow pace, trying to draw out and prolong her release. It’s something Nat had done to herself a few nights when she had the time. Trying to savor the feeling of pleasure for as long as she could.
Eventually, the clone drags Nat’s hand to her clit and languidly circles the bud. Shutting her eyes, Nat moans at the feeling, letting the clone set an even pace as it uses her own hand to pleasure her. 
She can already feel the pressure building in her core, however, and she’s desperate for more than what the clone is giving her. She knows her body best so why wasn’t the clone doing more? It’s then she realizes that the clone wasn’t touching her on its own because it hadn’t been permitted to. 
“Touch me” Green eyes snap to meet hers and the clone doesn’t bother nodding to confirm it received the command. Instead, it pushes away her own hands from her heat and replaces them with its own. The hands feel the same, if only a little colder, and the clone wastes no time in touching Nat.
One hand crawls up Nat’s abdomen until she reaches her nipple, rolling it between their fingers. The other decides she’s wet enough for more and slides a finger into her heat, slowly pumping it in and out and watching Nat’s face for a reaction.
Nat throws her head back, moaning in pleasure. This is what she was looking for. This was exactly what she would be doing by herself but now she had the chance to relax and let herself be taken care of.
The clone starts pumping faster, adding another finger when she was ready and moving the hand from Nat’s breast down to her clit, rubbing swift circles as Nat continues to moan. 
Nat can already feel the coil of her release begin to wind up. Her clone reaching her g spot with every thrust of their fingers. She brings her own hands up to her breast, massaging them as she watches her clone lean down towards her core. 
Before she can process it, she’s moaning at the feeling of their tongue lapping at her folds. The long wet strokes mixed with the rapid pace of their fingers have her on the edge of her orgasm already. And when the clone moves to suck on her clit she covers her face as her body spasms in pleasure. The clone slows their movements but doesn’t stop, letting her ride out her orgasm until she finally bats their hand away.
She lays on her bed with her arm over her eyes as she processes what just happened. She was right in her thought that her clone would know the ins and outs of all of her body's pleasure. When she finally removes her arm she sees the clone staring at her with the same heady look as before. These things must be programmed with infinite stamina. 
The thought leaves a smirk on her face. It wouldn't hurt to borrow this thing for a couple more hours
A/n: I hope I made this the way you imagined- it's my first time writing smut! ~ Starry
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waywardsou2 · 23 days
do you have any headcanons for Tech? he’s my favorite ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Why yes I do, I have been thinking about him a lot lately tbh
Tech Head Canons
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I think that Tech often snuck down the holding bay where all the ships were docked to be checked in by the maintenance teams and would help his brothers with repairing the ships. He would sneak down at night when he was supposed to be sleeping. At first the Clones reprimanded him for his being insubordinate but when they realised how helpful he could be they let him stay. Not only did he know more about the ships than all of them combined he could get too harder to reach areas by climbing through the ships internal vent system or could stand on their shoulders.
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Tech's hair was a little bit longer when he was younger but when he got out into the field and had a few incidences with his hair being pulled he decided it was better to keep it shorter.
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Techs CT number is 9902 so depending on which way you look at it that would make him the second oldest under Hunter, but I like to think that he actually shares that title with Crosshair, I like the head canon that him and Crosshair are twins in some capacity.
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I head canon that Tech is autistic (it's more or less canon, he is so autistic coded) and one of his worst issues with being autistic is touch. He hates having to touch foreign things or have people and other things touch him. He prefers touching technology because he knows what that feels like, he can gauge from memory how its going to feel, it's not squishy or wet or itchy.
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I also think that the big disks on the side of his helmet are actually noise cancelling, sometimes he gets over stimulated on the battlefield and he needs to filter out the noise. He personally made and customized his helmet this way, this is so he won't be taken unawares in battles but he can still be useful with the auditory overload.
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That's all for now but I'm sure I'll think of some more in the future. And tell me about your head canons for our beloved Tech in the comments.
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koney-scanlines · 1 year
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IBM pC 5150B On THe LEFT: 512k rAm, with cgA AnD hErcULEs vidEocaRds, 5151 mONitor. oN tHe RiGHt iS: XT turbO (10MHz) CLOnE WitH hERcuLES anD CGA GRAPhics CardS, 640K RAM, AdLib sOUnd, 5153 mONiTor, NEtWorK CARd fOR inteRneT/TeLNet Bbs ACceSs, 20MB ST-225 Mfm haRD DiSk.
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illuminatedquill · 4 months
All Mine
A Sabine Wren & Ezra Bridger Story
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Story Summary: A mission for the Ghost crew takes an unexpected turn when Ezra Bridger reunites with a childhood crush, Shana Tavorri. Sabine Wren, his close friend and partner, must deal with newfound feelings of jealousy - and possibly more - over their relationship.
For Sabezra Day 2024, @sabezraweek
Prompt: Confessing
Bright Jewel System, Mid-Rim Territories
"Look lively," called Hera from the Ghost's cockpit. "Just picked up the Phantom II signal."
Sabine was sitting with Ezra in the Ghost's communal area, playing a game of dejarik. At Hera's call, Ezra sighed and turned the game off. "Well," he said regretfully, "looks like duty calls, Sabine."
She smirked at him and replied, "Lucky for you that it's calling. I was about to bulldoze all over your pathetic defense there at the end." Sabine knew that she had him on the ropes at the game's end. Much as she respected her friend's prowess in battle, Ezra never was much of a tactician.
But, then again, his powers as Jedi certainly did give him options that weren't available to an average combatant. His strategies tended to fall outside the usual box of combat thinking, as Captain Rex - a veteran of the Clone Wars and no stranger to Jedi tactics - put it mildly one time.
It's probably why we work so well together as a team, Sabine reflected. She was one of the only people who could keep up with whatever crazy plan Ezra developed on the fly.
Ezra scowled at her. "My defense was solid, thank you. I was actually about to achieve victory. You're the one who is lucky."
That elicited a laugh from her. "Whatever makes you feel better, goober."
He opened his mouth to further argue the point but was interrupted as Hera emerged from the cockpit followed closely by Chopper. Sighing at the sight of them bickering, she planted both hands on her hips, her expression exasperated.
"Come on, you two," she said. "Let's be good hosts and greet the guest."
Ezra threw Sabine a 'we'll settle this later' look and followed Hera towards the Ghost's stern where the Phantom II had docked. Sabine replied by cheerfully sticking her tongue out at him, as she fell in step behind.
This 'guest', as Hera put it, was a Rebel spy part of the Fulcrum agent network. Three days ago, the Ghost crew had received a transmission from an unexpected source: Princess Leia Organa, the daughter to Senator Bail Organa. She had asked them to rendezvous in the Bright Jewel System where this spy had requested backup to make a trade with an Imperial informant for a data disk containing crucial information to the Rebellion on the nearby planet of Ord Mantell.
Being familiar with the Ghost crew and their capabilities, Princess Leia had requested them specifically for this mission. Once they arrived in system, Kanan and Zeb had then piloted the Phantom II to secret coordinates in deep space to transport the Rebel spy onto the Ghost from an undisclosed location.
As they approached the Phantom II docking bay, Zeb was the first one to disembark, the hatch hissing open to make way for the Ghost crew member. The big Lasat stretched as he emerged, wincing at the crackling noise his joints made. He greeted everyone and, upon seeing Sabine and Ezra, asked with a big grin, "Who won the dejarik game?"
"Me," said Sabine at the same time as Ezra. They turned to each other with bemused looks as Zeb guffawed at their expressions.
"I'll take that to mean that Sabine was about to win it then," Zeb chuckled.
Ezra pouted. Sabine grinned but gave her partner an affectionate pat on the back.
Hera sighed again. "Kids, please behave," she said.
Kanan's voice drifted out from the open hatch, speaking softly to someone. "Watch your step here," he advised, his hand outstretched to the guest.
The Rebel spy stepped through. She was young, around Sabine's age. Lustrous black hair that fell slightly past her shoulders and a beautiful, statuesque face that belonged in holo-dramas. Her eyes were a light gray that shone with a cool intelligence, taking in the Ghost crew with a swift look. The white combat suit she wore was Rebellion standard uniform but, somehow, looked perfectly tailored to her slender body. The holster on her belt had a mean looking blaster tucked inside and judging from the marks on the weapon, it had seen use plenty of times.
Beside her, Sabine heard Ezra take a deep breath in surprise. Frowning, she looked to him - and noted the look of dumbstruck recognition flashing in his piercing blue eyes.
Before she could ask him what was up, Kanan introduced the spy to the crew. "Everyone, this is the Fulcrum agent we've been assigned to escort. Her name is Shana Tavorri."
She nodded in greeting. "Hello, everyone. Pleased to meet you all. I'm grateful for the assistance in this mission. Princess Leia has given you the highest of recommendations."
Shana smiled as her gaze fell upon Ezra. "Especially you, Ezra Bridger."
Sabine narrowed her eyes at Shana. There was an intimate familiarity with how she said Ezra's name . . . and, for some reason, it bothered her.
Ezra took a cautious step forward. "It really is you," he said in amazement. "I can't believe it."
Sabine crossed her arms and leaned against the bulkhead. There was an odd, pinched feeling emanating somewhere inside her chest. Grimacing, she watched her friend practically float towards the new arrival.
Shana's smile widened into an easy-going grin. "Been a while, Ezra. You've certainly grown up from the little street thief I remember back on Lothal."
"You know Ezra?" asked Kanan in surprise.
Shana nodded. "We go way back. Our families were close, and we were childhood friends . . ." Her expression turned sad. "That was before the Empire took over. Ezra - did you ever find out about your parents?"
Ezra went still, a pained expression briefly passing over his face before smoothing into a neutral look. "They died some time ago," he said.
Shana's face fell; she reached out and gripped his hand in sympathy. "Oh, Ezra. I'm so sorry. I was always hoping that they met a better fate than my own family."
Ezra looked down at his feet. "No such luck, I'm afraid," he said. "It's okay. They died helping people."
"It's not okay, Ezra. It'll never be okay. Look - come here," she said and suddenly pulled him into a deep hug. Ezra's face went red in surprise, and he glanced at Sabine with an odd look - like he was caught doing something he wasn't supposed to.
She just frowned at him and felt another uncomfortable twinge in her chest. Sabine rubbed at the spot, wondering why she felt this way looking at Ezra and his old friend embracing - and became aware of Hera, looking directly at her, with an amused look on her face.
I don't like this, Sabine thought. I've got a bad feeling about this.
She coughed loudly, interrupting the tender moment between Ezra and Shana. Stepping forward, she stuck out a hand at the Rebel spy. "I'm Sabine, by the way," she said. "Sabine Wren. Ezra's partner."
Shana released a flustered Ezra from the hug and turned towards Sabine. The Fulcrum agent's gray eyes glinted with amusement as she took in Sabine's blunt manner and colorful appearance.
Shana replied coolly, "I've heard all about you, Sabine Wren. You have quite the reputation." The spy took Sabine's hand and gave it a tight, yet amiable squeeze in acknowledgement. Her grip was firm and steady, Sabine noted; her hands, while looking delicate, were calloused. It meant that Shana was not unaccustomed to hard work, despite her model appearance and elegant demeanor.
Normally, that would have impressed Sabine. But, for some unknown reason, it made her dislike the spy even more.
"Good or bad?" asked Sabine as they shook hands.
Shana gave a polite smile as she responded. "Depends on who you ask."
Hera clapped her hands together. "Right. Well, seems like our guest and Ezra have some catching up to do. Ezra, you'll have the honor of giving Shana the tour. Kanan and Zeb, you can go rest. I'll punch in the coordinates to Ord Mantell and get us on the way. And Sabine . . ."
"Yes, Hera?" She was staring at Shana who had already sidled away to speak with Ezra.
"Go freshen up your room. Shana will bunk with you for the night."
Sabine felt her stomach drop out from her abdomen. "Seriously?" she asked. "She's in my room?"
Hera arched an eyebrow. "Is there a problem?"
Sabine gritted her teeth. "No," she replied. Shana had slipped her arm through Ezra's and was walking with him towards the Ghost's communal area. Ezra said something to her, and the young woman let out a peal of laughter that rang through the corridor.
Sabine felt her heart twist viciously as she watched Ezra give a shy smile at Shana.
"No problem at all," she said and went to clean her room, doing her best to ignore the turbulent feelings buzzing inside that were saying something else entirely.
Hyperspace, Mid-Rim Territories
It had been a long day, despite the relative lack of activities, and Sabine was ready for bed. Ezra had given Shana an in-depth tour of the Ghost at her insistence; at the end of it, Sabine had the amusing thought that their guest now possibly knew the Ghost's interior better than any of them. Once finished, Ezra and Shana had lounged in the Ghost's communal area, chatting about various things that had happened in their lives while they had been apart.
Sabine had spent that time lurking nearby, working at a nearby computer station - or, at least, pretending to be working. She was trying to get a better read on this mysterious Shana Tavorri; a Fulcrum agent, after all, was a notable position within the Rebellion, especially for someone so young. There were many of them, she knew, scattered throughout the galaxy performing various missions of critical importance to the Rebellion. The only other one she knew personally was a Jedi Knight, much like Kanan and Ezra, named Ahsoka Tano.
Shana was clearly no Jedi, but she definitely had exhibited skills that the Rebellion deemed worthy enough to put her in the same position that a Jedi had previously held. That made her dangerous.
But Shana's conversation with Ezra failed to disclose any of those potential skills, despite Sabine's best efforts to listen in. She was, however, embarrassed by her response whenever she did hear her name mentioned by Ezra, which came up more than a handful of times in their discussion; a warm, fuzzy feeling that left her feeling pleased.
After a while, both Ezra and Shana wrapped up their chat with a hug (Sabine felt her jaw clench so hard that she could hear something creaking) and retired to their respective bedrooms for the night. Sabine finished her work at the computer station half an hour later and followed suit.
Checking a nearby chronometer, she registered the lateness of the hour and stepped inside her room, deciding to spend some time maintaining her weapons before sleeping -
Only to find Shana laying in the top bunk, reading something on a data pad. Sabine winced, having forgotten that she wouldn't be alone for the night.
"Don't mind me," said Shana amiably, almost as if reading Sabine's thoughts. "Just pretend I'm not here."
Gladly, Sabine thought. But she said, "Hope I didn't disturb your reading."
Shana chuckled. "You didn't. I was just finishing up, actually." She rolled over in the bed to get a better look at Sabine. Her gray eyes took in Sabine's casual appearance, glittering with an almost feline interest.
Sabine, uncomfortable with her gaze, settled down at her desk and reached for her blasters and maintenance tools. "Anything interesting?"
"Oh, plenty," replied Shana. "I was reading about this superweapon developed by the Empire called 'The Duchess'."
Sabine froze, her hands twitching on the grip of her blaster. Her heart began to hammer away, a thousand beats per second. Slowly, she turned towards Shana, finding her sitting at the bed's edge, her feet dangling. There was a slight, polite smile on her face, but her gray eyes flashed again with that cool intelligence.
"You have led quite the life, Sabine Wren," remarked Shana. "Tragedy after tragedy. Does anyone in this crew know about any of that?" She cocked her head at Sabine. "Does Ezra? What would the gallant Jedi think of his friend if he really knew her?"
It was a thought that had kept Sabine up through the night on several occasions.
She crossed her arms and stared at Shana. "You've been reading up on me."
Shana shrugged. "On everyone, really. Princess Leia recommended you all so highly, so I couldn't help but take a peek at your files and histories. Quite the achievements you've pulled off for a crew so small."
"I've been reading up on you, too," replied Sabine coolly. Shana arched an eyebrow in surprise, eliciting a rush of satisfaction - clearly the spy had not been expecting that. "You ran with Saw Gerrera's crew for five years before working directly under Princess Leia. Did he kick you out, I wonder? What does it mean if you're too extreme even for someone like him?"
Shana dropped down from the top bunk and leaned against the bulkhead; her arms crossed in a similar fashion to Sabine. She wondered briefly if it was intentional, to mimic her. "Those files are available only to the top brass of Rebel Command," she murmured. "You hacked into the Rebellion's encrypted database at that old computer station? I assumed you were just skulking about, trying to listen to mine and Ezra's conversation."
Sabine shrugged, hiding her humiliation at having been clocked so easily by the other girl. And here I was thinking that was discreet, she thought. "I'm clever like that," Sabine retorted.
Shana grinned. "Your reputation precedes you, Sabine. Gifted prowess in combat, especially for a Mandalorian, and notable demolitions expert - but everyone seems to overlook that you are a child prodigy. I suspect your rough, blunt demeanor disguises that fact well. But you are, without a doubt, an enormous threat against anyone that chooses to go against you."
Sabine rocked back mentally at Shana's high praise of her talents. But all she said was, "Thanks, I guess."
Shana nodded in acknowledgment. "I can't say the same for Ezra, however." Shaking her head, she added, "I'm surprised he's survived this long."
"What do you mean?" asked Sabine.
"He's hopeless," said Shana in an exasperated tone. "I mean, yes, he's a Jedi now - or so he claims. I understand they're in short supply of capable students but to recruit him into the fabled Jedi Order? Desperate times, I suppose. He could barely tie his shoelaces together when I left him last."
"Ezra Bridger," said Sabine hotly, "is more than capable in any situation. Not because of his Jedi training, but because of who he is. He's saved all our lives - and many others - countless times over."
Shana eyed her skeptically. "You don't have to pretend to me, Sabine. I was just like you before. He's a loyal pup to be sure and good for a distraction I admit, but it's a stretch to say that he's capable on his own." She sighed. "I understand that this crew needed a mascot, perhaps, to cheer them up during these dark times but I think it's irresponsible to take someone like him - "
Sabine struck her with an open hand so hard that the other girl's head bounced off the bulkhead. Before Shana could recover, she shoved her against the wall, pinning her with a well-placed forearm. Sabine, through the red haze that obscured her vision, dimly noted the cut lip on the girl's face but found that she didn't care.
"Do not insult Ezra Bridger in front of me ever again," she said in a voice that was barely recognizable. It was a harsh rasp that Sabine didn't know she was capable of. "Do you understand?"
Shana tapped on Sabine's arm, gasping for air. It took a few moments for her to realize that the other girl couldn't reply due to the lack of air. Sabine relented, feeling her heartbeat pulsing rhythmically inside her skull; she looked down at her hands and found them shaking from the rush of adrenaline, now subsiding.
Yet on the inside she felt calm, as though a stream of ice water were flowing through her veins. Many things from Shana had unnerved her tonight, but it was her insults toward Ezra that had pushed Sabine past the edge.
Doubled over, wheezing, Shana gave her an amused look to Sabine's surprise. "So, you do care," she said.
"You didn't answer my question," Sabine said quietly.
Shana nodded. "I understand. You've got this emotional wall up, you know that? Hard to see through - except when it comes to Ezra Bridger." She wiped at her lip, noting the blood. "Nice hit," she observed.
Sabine reached into her desk and took out a first-aid kit. "Patch yourself up," she said, offering it to her.
Shana accepted it with a nod of gratitude. "I hope you don't take what I said about Ezra seriously. I just needed to know where you stand with him."
Sabine sat back down at her desk. "You don't actually think that way about him?"
Shana shook her head and leaned back against the wall, opening the kit. "Not at all. I know Ezra. We used to scavenge together back in the old days on Lothal. Hit up Imperial patrols for food and water. He stuck his neck out for me plenty of times, at risk to his life. I know what he can do. And that was before he became a Jedi."
Sabine watched her apply medicinal gel to her lip, thinking over what she said. "You care about him."
Shana blew out a breath. "Deeply. He was the only bright spot in my life during that time. I think I loved him."
Sabine felt her heart stop at Shana's words, hearing the depth and sincerity of emotion within them. Feeling her stare, Shana looked over at her with a knowing gaze. "You know what I mean, don't you?"
Deflecting the question, Sabine asked, "So why did you leave him? How did you two get separated?"
Shana sighed. "One of our little scavenging operations went sideways. An uppity Imperial lieutenant wanted to make an example of us for humiliating him in front of his troops. The chase was exhausting; Ezra led most of them away but the lieutenant caught up to me. I thought I was dead."
She closed her eyes, reliving the memory. "Saw Gerrera was there. Don't ask me why or how; he never explained. He killed the lieutenant and offered me a choice. He was impressed with my skills, you see. So he said that I could come with him and pay back the Empire for what they had done to me."
"And if you didn't?"
The girl smiled grimly at Sabine. "He would kill me. No witnesses. Apparently, he didn't want the Empire knowing about his whereabouts, should they find and interrogate me afterwards."
Sabine snorted. "Not much of a choice."
"Indeed," Shana agreed. "So, I went with him."
"And left Ezra? You never went back for him?" Sabine didn't mean to, but there was an accusatory tone to her questions.
Shana eyes glazed over with sadness. "I couldn't. He was just a kid. I didn't want to pull him into danger. I could tell Saw was dangerous, even if he was fighting for the Rebellion. The moment I had an opportunity to do so, I jumped ship. Princess Leia found me and offered a new path. I took it."
Sabine was silent for a moment, thinking about Shana's story. Finally, she said quietly, "Ezra would have followed, if you had asked. He would have gone with you anywhere."
"I know. He's silly like that."
"Loyal," she corrected. Shana cocked her head and smiled a little sadly at Sabine.
"Just like you are to him. Is it typical Mandalorian stubbornness? Or something more?"
Sabine did not want to have that conversation with Shana. Or with anyone else, for that matter. She stood up abruptly and said, "Good night, Shana."
Shana's smile became, somehow, even more sad. "A word of advice, Sabine?"
Sabine was already standing at the door, about to step out. But something in Shana's tone made her pause.
"Don't wait to tell him how you feel. You won't get a second chance. Especially in this galaxy."
She considered Shana's words for a long moment before replying, "Whatever you think our relationship is . . . it's none of your business. That stays between us."
Sabine left before the other girl could respond. Her mind still buzzing with what happened, she wandered aimlessly through the corridors of the Ghost before running smack dab into someone.
"Sabine? What are you doing?" Sabine blinked at the person speaking - and almost groaned out loud.
It was Ezra. Dressed in his sleep wear, holding a mug of his favorite beverage, hot chocolate. His eyebrows were raised in an expression of concern. "Are you okay?" he asked.
Sabine very desperately wanted to be anywhere else right now. Her face was flushed in embarrassment; her heart was thudding a steady tattoo into her ribs at Ezra's proximity. She felt exposed, like a raw nerve, her inner turmoil and feelings threatening to spill out the longer she stayed in front of him.
Racking her brain to find some last second excuse to get out of there, something caught her attention: Ezra's fingers were bandaged. Her fears momentarily vanished as she asked, "What happened to your hands?"
Ezra fumbled his mug, trying to hide the evidence but it was too late. Sighing, he said, "I was working on something."
Sabine arched an inquisitive eyebrow at him. "Working on what?"
Blushing, Ezra said, "Promise not to laugh?"
A small smile curled on her lips. "Nope."
Ezra groaned but led her to the communal table where his "project" laid. She noted immediately the disarray of colored paper strewn about on the table, half folded in various attempts into a familiar shape -
It clicked. "You're trying to make a flower out of these?" she asked. Ezra sat down and nodded glumly.
"Ezra Bridger," she said, placing a hand on her hip. "You've been holding out on me in terms of artistic abilities? That come with your Jedi training?"
He gave her a despairing glance. "I wish. Been up most of the night trying to figure this out."
Stifling a laugh out of pity, she surveyed his work. "It's not half-bad. What kind of flower are you trying to make?"
Ezra rubbed the back of his head, not looking at her. "It's supposed to be a - well, a Lenora flower."
Sabine's eyes widened in surprise. "A Lenora flower? From the fairytale?" Princess Lenora and the Starboy was an old fairytale that she was familiar with - in fact, it was one of her most treasured stories. Memories of her father reading it to her when she was younger, were still vivid in her mind. The flowers from that fairytale held deep symbolic meaning that marked them as her favorite.
"I see." Sabine studied Ezra's work some more, looking to see where he went wrong - and then felt her stomach sink, as a horrid thought came to her.
"It's for Shana, isn't it." The words tasted rancid in her mouth.
Ezra looked at her, surprised. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, then - oddly enough - a small, relieved smile appeared on his face. He answered in an innocent tone, "Sure. It's for Shana."
There was a part of Sabine, operating from a recent frame of memory, that wanted to sweep the contents of the table onto the floor and stomp on them. She struggled to control her wayward feelings, however, and took a deep breath.
"You want some help?"
Ezra's expression turned amused. "You sure?"
Sabine sighed. "Yeah. I'm sure." He needed her help. Like always.
And she could never turn him down.
He patted the seat next to him. "Thanks, Sabine."
Despite the situation, Sabine managed a smile at her friend. "Anytime, goober."
Ord Mantell City, Ord Mantell
Ord Mantell City was a bustling acropolis, teeming with all manner of people far flung from the distant corners of the galaxy. Tall spires loomed over the city center; a sprawling mass of mis-matched architecture that spread far as the eye could see. Rumor had it that the infamous criminal organization, the Black Sun, operated out of here - a rumor that the Empire was desperate to quash, as it clashed with their image of retaining control over the entire known galaxy. Despite being a haven for ill-gotten gains and profit, it was certainly a far cry from the pits of villainy and scum that other planets were, and the citizens enjoyed a relatively peaceful life despite the tense cold war between the Empire and the criminal organizations that inhabited their city.
The Ghost had arrived mid-morning with time to spare before Shana had to make contact with her Imperial informant. After taking the time to do a quick survey of the locals to ensure that they weren't being watched, Shana revealed her plan to the crew: a simple trade made in the market square and then she would be shuttled off in a separate transport nearby with another Fulcrum agent who was waiting on stand-by. The Ghost crew would act as her escort, in case things got hairy.
It was a reasonable enough plan - except for one, glaring flaw that Sabine immediately noticed.
"Why is Ezra the only one going with you for back-up?" she asked, trying to keep the heat out of her voice. "I thought we were all going with you."
Shana shook her head. "My informant would scamper at the sight of a group approaching. Two is more than sufficient to handle him, I assure you. The rest of you will wait back here, in the Ghost, ready to assist should we need it. The market square isn't far from the landing pad."
Sabine looked to Kanan and Hera. "Please tell me you disagree with this," she said.
Kanan stroked his beard, thinking. "Hera?" he asked. "What's your opinion?"
Hera answered, "She knows the area better than we do. And I know Shana and Ezra can handle themselves in a fight." She glanced at Sabine. "It's her plan, Sabine. And we'll be nearby in case something goes wrong."
"Which it won't," Shana said reassuringly. "I know this informant. He won't be a problem."
Sabine glared at her, then turned towards Kanan. "Kanan?"
Kanan let out a deep breath. "I'm with Hera on this one. We'll leave it to those two. This information is important. We don't want to risk spooking her informant."
Zeb grunted in assent. Chopper whomped his agreement, as well.
Sabine gritted her teeth, preparing to launch an argument -
Ezra interjected before she could open her mouth. "Sabine."
She looked at him. He gave her a serious look and said, "It'll be fine. Trust me."
Sabine blew out a frustrated breath. "Fine. Leave your com-links on, though. I want to hear everything being said. The moment something goes wrong, we'll know."
Shana nodded. "Agreed." Turning to Ezra, she said, "Let's be off, Master Jedi."
Ezra bowed gallantly at her and said, "Lead the way, my lady." They began to make their way down the boarding ramp.
Sabine rolled her eyes. Shana paused at the entrance and turned around to face Sabine.
"What?" asked Sabine.
"He'll be safe with me," said Shana. "I promise."
And she left without another word. Sabine watched her catch up to Ezra, turn a corner on the street ahead, and then vanish into the crowd.
An hour later, they returned triumphant with the data disc in hand. Sabine bounded down the ramp, almost colliding into Ezra. She had been pacing inside the Ghost, listening to the tense conversation exchanged between Shana and her Imperial informant, expecting it to go sideways at any given moment - but it never did.
Shana did her job as expected. Ezra checked in a few minutes later to let them know they were on the way back, and that he hadn't spotted - or sensed - anyone following them.
"Huh," said Kanan. "That's a first for us. A job that didn't have any complications."
Hera glanced at Sabine knowingly. "Well, for most of us, anyway," she remarked.
She bit her lip and double-checked her friend for trackers, despite knowing there were none.
Shana said, "I'm fine, too, in case you were wondering."
Sabine threw her a glare and finished her inspection. "No trackers on you, far as I can tell. All clear."
Ezra raised an eyebrow at her. "That was a very . . . thorough inspection on your part, Sabine."
She punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Shut up, goober."
He grinned briefly at her and then turned to Shana. "I guess this is farewell," he said quietly.
The other girl shook her head. "Don't say it like that, Ezra. I'm sure we'll meet again - "
Ezra interrupted her. "Just say it this once. Please. For me."
Shana looked taken aback for a moment and then smiled sadly. "Good-bye, Ezra Bridger."
And then she leaned forward, giving a soft kiss on his cheek. Sabine looked away.
"Good-bye, Shana," he said softly. He turned back towards the Ghost and walked up the ramp without another word. Which left Sabine alone with Shana.
Sabine gazed at her, not sure what to say. Shana, however, merely smiled and offered her hand. Incredulous, Sabine gripped it and gave a firm shake.
"This has been an . . . experience," she said. "I'm still not sure what to make of it."
"Can I tell you something, Sabine? I'm rather jealous of you. Ezra clearly cares for you deeply."
"And what makes you think that?"
"He didn't say good-bye to you when he left with me. He just asked you to trust him; trust that he would come back." Her smile turned melancholy. "I don't think he'll ever say good-bye to you, Sabine Wren."
Shana's com-link sent out a chirping noise. She checked it and said, "That's my ride. I should be going shortly."
"Well, safe travels. And good hunting," replied Sabine. The Fulcrum agent nodded and turned to go - but paused for a split second and turned back towards her.
"Yes?" asked Sabine, cautiously.
"Remember what I said. About not waiting." She looked thoughtful for a moment and then added with a sincere smile, "And take care of him, will you? He's all yours now."
And then she took a few hurried steps and disappeared into the crowded streets of Ord Mantell City.
Hyperspace, The Way Home
Later that night, getting ready for bed, Sabine came across Ezra sitting alone in the Ghost's communal area. He was studying something gripped in his hand, his expression lost in thought.
Sabine took a step closer and felt her eyes widen in recognition: it was the paper Lenora flower that he had made the night prior.
"You still have that?" she asked.
Ezra jolted slightly in his seat. "Oh, hey. Didn't see you there."
"Shana didn't want it?" Sabine asked. She couldn't imagine the girl refusing Ezra's present. Just the thought of it alone made Sabine wish she had hit Shana harder when she had the chance.
Ezra smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "Well, it wasn't for Shana in the first place."
He abruptly offered it to her. Sabine felt her jaw drop in surprise.
"It's for me?"
He nodded. "Hera told me that you were feeling a little neglected since I was focused on spending time with Shana, so I decided to make this as thanks. I appreciate you giving us the time and space to catch up."
Sabine took the flower gently from Ezra's hand. "How did you know to make this one? It's my favorite."
Ezra smiled at her. "You might have mentioned it a time or two during a conversation. It's from your favorite fairytale."
She arched an eyebrow at him. "Try that again."
He winced. "Okay, I snuck into your room one time and saw the book laying on your bed. It wasn't for weird reasons, I promise! Zeb ate all my snacks, and I knew you had some stashed away, so I went looking while you were out."
Sabine snorted. "I believe you now." She rolled the flower between her fingertips, admiring the work Ezra had put into it.
All for her.
"You know what this flower symbolizes, Ezra?" she asked suddenly.
He thought about it. "Unwavering loyalty and dedication, right? I can't quite remember the whole story."
And love, she thought.
"Anyway," Ezra said quietly, "I just wanted you to know that . . . well, you're the only one for me, Sabine. No one will ever replace you."
Sabine's eyes snapped to Ezra; she could hear her heartbeat, pulsing loudly in her ears.
"As a partner," he added hastily. "I mean - well, you know - "
She smiled. "I know what you mean, goober."
Don't wait to tell him how you feel. You won't get a second chance. Especially in this galaxy.
He's all mine now, she thought. All mine.
"We should probably head to bed now. Separately. But you knew that." Ezra's expression became increasingly mortified at what was coming out of his mouth. He looked like he wanted to very badly disappear in that second.
Sabine just laughed. "True. It's been a long day."
He shook his head, his expression flustered. "Good night, Sabine. See you in the morning." He began to walk down the hallway towards his room.
Don't wait.
"Hey, Ezra," she called. He turned around.
"Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum," she said softly.
Ezra cocked his head in an inquisitive manner. "Is that a Mandalorian saying?"
Sabine nodded.
"What does it mean?"
"A literal translation is 'I will know you forever.'"
Ezra mulled over the significance of what she said. "Nothing's certain in this galaxy, Sabine," he said. "But I hope that's true for us."
"Me, too," Sabine replied. She followed him down the hallway to their rooms.
"Does that phrase have another meaning?" asked Ezra. "I get the feeling it translates to something else."
I love you.
Sabine smiled at him. "It does have another, more famous meaning. I'll tell you about it someday. When this war is over."
"Ah," said Ezra dryly. "Well, that won't be too much of a wait, then. Between you and me, we've got the Empire on the ropes already."
Sabine laughed.
"Promise me you'll really tell me what the other meaning is?" asked Ezra. "You won't leave me hanging, right?"
Sabine looked at him, gazing deeply into his eyes. How blue they looked, she thought. How they shined like sapphire gems under the right lighting.
"I promise, Ezra Bridger," she said. "No matter what. If the galaxy tries to separate us, I'll find you and tell you."
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enigmatist17 · 9 months
He's not sure when it had started following him, but he notices the first time after he's arrested someone. A curious little thing with cascading golden feathers, it's perched on a street lamp, watching as Commander Fox manhandled the perp into the back of his cruiser, and flies off when the clone glances over.
It's back a few weeks later, silently flying alongside the clone as he takes a rarely afforded flight over Coruscant, drifting over just enough for the tips of their wings to touch before eventually the bird fades in the colored haze that plagues the planets surface. Fox enjoyed the company, however short it had been, and is able to see a single star before he heads back to the barracks.
A good sign maybe?
The bird is just outside the Senate building a few days later, uttering a single cry that causes Fox to whirl around, ruby wings narrowing avoiding the slice of a vibroblade of an assassin rushing towards the senators he'd been escorting. They're taken down within a single breath, and Fox shares a gaze with the bird for a moment, a silent thanks that's accepted with a single chirp.
He draws the bird later that night, and pins it in his locker. After that he goes to the library for books dealing with how to identify various birds, and learns it's in fact an owl.
They're not native to Coruscant.
The bird, no, owl is there during one of his rare night shifts, and perches on his shoulder as he quietly makes his rounds. The Senate building is at its most beautiful when all the natborns are asleep and away, so he takes his time more than he'd like to admit.
The subtle glow the owl have dims to nothing when they pass near the Chancellor's office.
The owl is there when Sheev Palpatine, hidden Sith Lord, plummets to his death one early morning. It shining golden feathers could be mistaken for the real thing at a first glance, perching on Fox's shoulder once more as the man flies down to investigate the "mysterious death" among the panic of many civilians. The owl had seen Fox stun the man before throwing him through his office window down to his demise, and flies away when Fox crouches down to inspect. A lightsaber with a blade red as blood is discovered on Palpatine's desk, and an awkwardly dropped data disk reveals the information that begins a cascade of information to the eventual truth.
He was the Sith, and the owl rests beside Fox when he sits on a rooftop to watch the proceeding chaos. Several of the Jedi Masters bow to his owl after Fox's moment of peace, and he shrugs before delving into the role of Commander to calm the panic throughout the Senate and populous. The owl stays this time, sometimes coming and sometimes going, but always a golden beacon beside the fiercest protector within the GAR.
The Daughter smiles.
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babiwritesstuff · 1 year
Don't Be a Baby, Princess
Crosshair x Medic!Reader
Reader gets hurt on a mission and crosshair saves her and takes care of her
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Crosshair is an ass. Its a common fact about the enhanced sniper of Clone Force 99. I've known that ever since I was assigned as their medic, and I've been reminded of that fact everyday since the medic is typically assigned to stay hidden with the sniper, away from the action. For every mission since I joined the batch, he always comments about something that I did. Whether its the wrong clothes for the temperature, not staying low enough behind cover, or even breathing when he is aiming down sights, He never fails to be an asshole.
Today's mission, the batch and I are taking over an abandoned facility on Affa. It should be an easy mission, although they still want me to stay up top with Crosshair, monitoring everyone's conditions and stats. Tech wants me to report the stats to him so he can modify our training regiments so the batch can perform better during missions.
"Not enough air?" Crosshair ruins the perfect silence between us, as usual.
"What do you mean?"
"You're breathing extremely loud, can't even focus on Hunter through my scope."
"Okay, asshat. Sorry I'm actively being a human." I respond to his childish antics. He always does something like this when we are up above the batch, its almost like he can't stand me.
"How are my eyes in the sky?" Hunters rugged voice lights up the comm.
"Annoyed and sweaty." I respond, Crosshair huffs loudly to my left. Wrecker laughs as he heard the exasperation in my voice, as he knows how I can get around the sniper.  " Easy up there Y/N, its a short mission! We can go get grub when we get back to Coruscant!"
The thought of a warm Curried Nuna-Roll makes this situation with Crosshair a lot more bearable.
Tech comes through the comm winded, "Comm silent, I'm getting readings of a strong signal deeper inside the facility." Crosshair glances at me worryingly, anxious for his brothers. He switches to his thermal scope to better see his brothers deep inside the abandoned facility.
I adjust my position as my legs have fallen asleep for sitting on my heels for a long duration of time, and read each of the members stats. Hunter's is calm while Wrecker's and Tech's are slightly spiking, due to the adrenaline from the anxiety filled situation. Crosshairs stats are normal for a clone, although they seemed to be spiking not even 10-15 minutes before. As Crosshair focuses in on the abandoned building, I hear rustling behind me on the path we took to get up to the lookout where we currently are. Thinking its an animal, I ignore it and continue looking at my stats when I begin to see Hunter's heartbeat Spike. "Clankers!! Left Tech" Hunter screams through the comms. Crosshair immediately begins calling out that he seems lifeforms not far from his brothers position.
As he talks his brothers through the tunnels to their escape, the rusting behind me gets louder and louder. As I sit up to glance behind me, I'm yanked upwards by a strong hand on my neck. I yelp out and my attackers other hand stabs a vibroblade through my right thigh. I let out a scream of pain and Crosshair finally turns to me. The attacker switches his blade for a blaster, pointing it at the sniper.
"Tell your friends to leave the tunnel, and they don't get hurt any more" The man calls out to Crosshair. Crosshair slowly stands up, facing the man. Feeling intimidated, my attacker readjusts his hold on my neck, causing me to seize up.
"You don't know what you're doing." Crosshair calmly says the the man as his hand reaches up towards his blaster. The attacker backs us up towards the edge of the cliff, near the mountains pillars where me and Crosshair stayed hidden. Crosshair makes eye Contact with me and slightly moves his head downward, causing me to do the same. He quickly pulls his blaster from its place on his hip and shoots a reflector disk he had put on the mountain pillar when we first set up the lookout. My attacker immediately goes down and backwards, falling over the edge of the cliff. Crosshair runs up to me and grabs my waist, making sure I dont meet the attackers demise. I grunt out in pain as my thigh wound throbs from the blood rushing to it. Crosshair pulls me down with him to a seated position, with my thighs laying over his lap. I blush at the intimate position, "Medkit, where do you have it."
"Uh uhm small kit in my right pocket." He reaches his hand inside my pocket, and I want to moan at the feeling of his hand so near my privates and my wound.
   He pulls out my emergency kit and uses the small scissors to cut my trousers. I wince at the cold metal on my hot skin, he sees this and hums an apology. He quickly pulls out my antiseptic spray to disinfect the wound and I yelp out a cry of fear, not used to being on the receiving end of the painful spray. He shushes me, "Don't be a child. Need to hold my hand, Princess?", he teases. I immediately grab his free hand, and tuck my face into his shoulder. He makes a noise of surprise and pauses before squeezing my hand reassuringly. He sprays my wound directly and his lean shoulder muffles my cry of pain. He shushes me gently and kisses the crown of my head. I open my eyes in shock at the gentleness coming from Cross. He uses the bandages in the kit to wrap up the stab wound as best as he can in our situation. The rest of the batch comes up as he lovingly rubs my thigh and pats it to signal me to move so he can stand.
Hunter looks down at me in shock at my disheveled state, "What the hell did you two do up here?" Wrecker helps me stand as Crosshair explains how an attacker followed us up to our lookout and stabbed me. Hunter holds my arm as he helps down the mountain to the Havoc and Crosshair watches as I limp down in pain. I spare a glance behind me and I see as he frowns to himself. "Now we reallyyy need to go grub Y/N!" Wrecker laughs out.
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