#cloak wearers
korkietism · 6 months
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Can you tell they’re normal
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n4rval · 3 months
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a gentle push and a little bit of patience.
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patchworkmelody · 10 months
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Chicha!!! My beloved little trancha (original species, a kind of arachnid. Not Spiders!!!)
She's tough, adorable, and endlessly energetic. Honestly, a lot of bugs she meets wonder how she's survived this long.
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flhoarder · 11 months
Lucky for 41 channel 8 isn’t televised otherwise news hours you catch a Couprisful of RCM officers carrying guns pulling up to a major crime scene stepping out of the MC like Jamrock Autumn-Winter ‘51 Haute Couture with some rectangles on
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ray-wattson · 9 months
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Now here's the third of the main magnolians I had introduced in my first written story, Ezor, the tallest of those smallest ones.
This one is rather chill, friendly, a little energetic, playful and overall intelligent and sometimes curious. Known as the smartest of his bunch, as well as the only gadgeteer amidst them, he tends to do a lot of researches about anything their kind is not familiar with, especially from humans, including those from other dimensions, with the modern or far advanced technology in some of those. With the knowledge, he managed to craft his own pair of glasses to improve his bad eyesight that he was born with, however, what he has on his neck, to replace the scarf he lost in the raid I explained in my previous post, is not an invention of his own, but one given by Emily's boyfriend called Newton (who I'm yet to introduce here), the Forage Master 3000, a device made for detecting food in the environment, as well as detecting caves, and entities, while also including a GPS. Although he is mainly known for being smart and having a talent with building gadgets, he is also talented with tailoring, playing flute and also painting. In combat, he is no pushover, as he is able to use his wind amulet to fly and cast spells of said element, giving him an advantage while also having some fighting skills.
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hi i can't believe i actually basically ran into someone else that owns and regularly wears a cloak, that's wild. mine is hooded!
Yoooo!! Hell yeah! Mine isn't hooded, though I certainly do want to get myself a hooded one as well. It's just black with a faux fur collar that looks pretty snazzy
It was a matter of being at college and realizing that I could just...order a cloak. And wear it as day wear.
I'll bring them back in fashion if I have to do it myself! nyahaha
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the-punforgiven · 19 days
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DO YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT DAMIAN GAVE TO EACH OF HIS FELLOW BAT SIBLINGS??? Because these are all real established items in DC canon!!
I’m going to work my way back from Dick, because, OMG. 
Damian gave Dick the Sword of Sin. If that sounded vaguely familiar to you, you might be an Azrael fan because that is his preferred blade to use. What is so special about this sword??? It’s ability:  The Sword of Sin can be ignited with the mind of the wielder, if the person is powerful enough. The sword has the ability to conjure in the mind of its victims all of the sins for which they are guilty or have not atoned for.       Golly gee, I wonder who this might be super effective against. You know. Giant bat guy with a guilt complex bigger than Texas. You can bet your butt Dick is going to send Bruce through a series of ‘Nam war flashbacks before this series is over. I can absolutely see why Damian would give Dick this weapon here, as he’s known Bruce the longest. I can easily see what part in this story Dick is going to be playing as he clearly has the most directly effective weapon against Batman. Damian’s favoritism here is both sweet and a little cruel if you think about the context much. 
Now let’s talk about Stephanie’s weapon, and yes she very much is Damian’s older sibling even if she isn’t a Wayne. Damian gave her the Coup-Stick of Black Bison (A DC Super Villain.) What can this staff do???   The mystical power of the coup-stick can animate material objects and in so doing, command these objects to do its bidding. This power cannot affect living biological material, but can affect non-living organic tissue. Black Bison once used the coup-stick to re-animate the stuffed remains of a white stallion (as well as other animals). Black Bison has also used the coup-stick to control the weather, such as summoning a strong wind to deflect attackers.      Guys Damian gave Stephanie a weapon that will allow her to call on back-up, and COMMAND her own creations, a weapon that allows her to be a leader!! Something she has wanted for a long time??? Also, it sounds like it has the power to control the weather??? Damian really said #girlboss and how much he loves her without actually saying it. I cannot stress enough how well DC could do her justice in this series if they at least tried.
Now, wow. Damian really straight up gave Jason’s dramatic ass the actual Trident of Poseidon, which is an unbreakable weapon that that serves as an extension of the wielder’s own power. Damian really gave Jason not only a King’s weapon, but a godly weapon. What other powers it has might not be relevant to whatever power it might awaken with Jason as its wielder.       Damian really cut out the middle man and just said, “Look, you are stupidly strong. I’m going to give you a stupidly strong weapon. Have at ye!” And you know Jason is going to wield that thing like he’s Poseidon, rightful ruler of the sea. I literally cannot wait to see Jason just absolutely power-housing his way through whatever gets in his way.  
Lastly, but not least in the slightest, Damian gave Tim the Cloak of Cagliostro! Which I want to acknowledge right off the bat, 🎶one of these things is not like the others~🎶 And thank Rao for that, because:  The Cloak of Cagliostro is a magical item which allows the wearer to teleport, and to become intangible, and invisible.      That is the *cutest* Easter Egg ever! Gotham Knights acknowledgement of Tim’s teleporting anyone????? Tim was the only one Damian gave a defensive weapon, and not an offensive weapon to. And that makes sense, because Tim is a defensive fighter! Tim never has to be the strongest person in the room. He just needs to be clever enough to use what he knows to win. Instead of giving him a weapon to swing around, Damian gave him something that Tim could use to protect himself, and actively use to make ALL of his skillsets stronger, not just his fighting power!!! This! Is! NOT! Damian looking down on Tim or considering him weaker. He’s playing to Tim’s strengths! He literally gave his big brother a cloak that straight up is like a cheat-code of meta-powers that would suit Tim SO WELL, because he knows Tim will be able to use those abilities to bullshit levels of effectiveness!! 
It genuinely looks like thought went into what weapons each of the Robins were given. I know fanon likes to bash on Damian or bash on his relationship to his siblings, or vice-versa, but in canon it has been clear for some time now that Damian considers all former and current Robins his family. (Including Tim. He refers to Tim as Timothy nowadays, and calls him his brother, that’s not fanon) No matter if Damian is not himself right now, he’s genuinely looking out for all of their best interests, and is ensuring that each one of them is as well-equipped as possible. 
Regardless, genuinely curious to see how each of these weapons will be used by their respective Robins, and how this will all end up. Hopefully, it ends with a giant group hug that will break the internet. (Also, ngl, I hope if Tim gets a new superhero identity soon his new suit will play off of Gotham Knight’s Tim’s abilities or be based off this cloak. Just think that would be neat ✨)
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sol-insidious · 1 month
Bringing my two cents to the (in)famous Luke "Chanel Boots" Skywalker joke because I actually have weird thoughts about Luke and fashion tropes that go beyond haha gay blonde twink like luxury brand.
Thinking about Luke's characterization and fashion as a narrative device. The significance of Luke leaving Tatooine with literally nothing but the clothes on his back and donning Corellian Bloodstripes at the end of A New Hope.
Thinking about Luke's wardrobe gradually transitioning from lighter colors to black throughout Episodes IV-VI.
Thinking about the sheer intentionality of Luke having an all-black wardrobe in Return of The Jedi onwards. Is it to honor his father? To mourn him? To remind himself of who he could be and who he already is? All of the above? Thinking about the deliberate asymmetry of Luke's single black glove. Thinking about the white flap on his chest.
Thinking about Padmé and how she was molded into fashion since birth, the extravagance of her outfits and makeup as an Amidala. Thinking about how Luke seems to mirror her regal anonymity with his cloaked grim reaper fit. Thinking about Luke's disconnected relationship with his late mother and wondering if he ever felt the same level of restrictive empowerment she did when she wore her gowns.
Thinking about the nuances of queer fashion and how it can equally be as empowering and restrictive to the wearer.
Thinking about the white and orange prison uniforms in Andor and the colors of the Rebel Alliance.
Thinking about my old Modernist Literature professor who wrote her thesis on the colors of stockings in D.H. Lawrence's fiction and how women characters chose to wear bright stockings under their long, billowing skirts that no-one else but themselves could see. Thinking about the color pink in Legally Blonde. Thinking about reading dress and fashion as a legitimate pathway to literary analysis. Thinking about the utter significance of Luke's entire outfit. All of his outfits.
Thinking about those damn Chanel Boots.
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danikamariewrites · 7 months
can i please request azriel x reader who is a brilliant inventor, she is groundbreakingly smart and she comes up with solutions quicker than anyone. She is very known and well-respected for her quick mind through all the courts and lords and courts try to recruit her for reader to be in their courts. She invents the best inventions like:
- a magical mirror that allows users to glimpse other courts and realms during the annual Starfall event, providing a unique and enchanting view of the world beyond their own.
- Enchanted gemstones that can regulate temperature and create pleasant, cool microclimates within Summer Court, making the sweltering summer season more bearable.
- Quills imbued with the magic of the Night Court, which write in a language only decipherable by those who have undergone the Night Court’s trials, ensuring secret communication.
- Cloaks made from enchanted materials that can protect wearers from various magical and physical threats in the dangerous world of Prythian.
- Mechanical attachments for Illyrian warriors that temporarily enhance their flying abilities, allowing for greater maneuverability and speed during aerial combat.
she makes personal devices for the ic aswell. like gauntlets to help enhance hand-to-hand combat or magical swords, and so on❤️❤️ i’m a woman in stem so this is just amazing idead fr
Azriel x reader
A/n: omg anon ur brain is insane, like this is such a good idea!
Warnings: none
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Walking in the house Azriel heard you humming from work room. He smiled to himself as he framed the door open. You were sat at your desk working on your latest invention.
Azriel loved your brain. It is a vast, endless sea of ideas and knowledge. Each creation a new unique wave flowing from you. You grew up on the continent and attended a school that encouraged creativity. Once you moved to the Night Court you made a name for yourself.
Every court wanted you to solve their problems or help create something for agriculture or to consult on new medical technology. And of course you’d help. You’d never want anyone to suffer. Once you told Azriel that inventing things to help people, big or small, made you unbelievably happy.
Azriel walked up behind you placing a kiss on the back of your head. You turn to face him and Az jumps, not expecting your giant magnified eyes. Removing your goggles you smile up at your mate. “Hi babe, how was your day?”
“It was good. What are you working?” He asks looking down at what you are currently tinkering on. “Oh, it’s a small light for Nesta. It can attach to her book so she can read in bed without bother Cassian.” You said with a giggle. Azriel rolled his eyes at his brothers childish complaints.
“If this one works I’m going to make ones for Gwyn and Em too. This is the third prototype, I can’t seem to get the button right so fingers crossed it works.” You pick up the small light and click the button.
The small, but bright light illuminates your work space. Your lips break out into a wide grin. As you hold up the light Azriel smiles at you. “That’s amazing my love! Excellent job, Nesta is going to love it.”
Turning it off you set the book light down. “I’m going to get a box for this, will you fly me to the House of Wind so I can give it to Nes?” “Of course love. I’ll wait here for you.” You kissed his cheek and hurried out of your work room.
He looked around in awe of everything hanging or on shelves in the room. Azriel always prided himself on knowing what was knew or what you made improvements on. It was a fun game for him.
Your voice broke him from his thoughts as you tugged him out of the room. Your excitement to deliver something so small to your friend infectious.
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megachiraztfs · 4 months
Story index
Here you can find a list of my transformations series and other stories with a short summary of what they are about. If you’re curious about one and want more details or want to participate in one, just write me! I'll do my best to keep this list up to date!
Single stories
Family: A story about a poor young man living on the streets who was given a new life by fate.
Unworthy: A story about a young man who couldn't fulfill his family's exspectations and had to pay a price.
Stories from the Grave: A story about why you shouldn't listen to every voice on old graveyards.
The heir of Milton: This is a story about a faithful butler of an old English family who had earned a special promotion.
Forever Together: Being with an immortal warlock made Alec think about his own aging and how he could stop that (Fandom: Shadowhunters).
For each other: Sequel to Forever Together. Mag and Alec get a new addition to their new lifes.
Going To Hell: Robin Hood, Kilian Jones and Prince Charming start a life-changing trip to hell with some monstrous changes.
Becoming a family: This is a story about Harry Potter and his four best friends as they actually become his family (Fandom: Harry Potter).
A preference for Bolts: This is a story about a young man in Scandinavia being blessed by a certain northern god (Fandom: Marvel).
Welcom Home: This is a story about grief and the use of magic to ease that pain for Magnus Bane (Fandom: Shadowhunters).
Watch Out: This is a story about two friends who shouldn't have put on the stuff of two missing guys...
Cold As Ice: This is a story about a cloak that makes his wearer non only loose his emotions (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Love Again: This is a story about a young man who lost everything, but find the love he longed for (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Duty: This is a story about a young man getting a little bit too much into his fantasies about his favourite character (Fandom: Guild Wars 2).
Creation of Friendship: This is a story about a misunderstanding that lead to a brand new and quite thick friendship.
Spin Around: A demon's work can be quite... changing (Fandom: Supernatural).
Reuinited Love: This is a story about a forbidden love that even conquers death.
A New Prince: This is a story about Merlin and Arthur Pendragon with a magical twist (Fandom: Merlin).
New Position: For the first Harry cannot play as a seeker - and needs help for getting ready for a entirely new position (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Filling the Gap: This is a story about two best friends who would've better stay away from a magical crime scene (Fandom: Harry Potter).
Deserved: This is a story about an unlucky guy who gets dumped by his boyfriend.
Spicy Pies: This is a story about a man, lending a helping hand to an old neighbour and is rewarded for his kindness.
Twice the Thunder: This is a story about two roommates without a costumes on Halloween - beware: if you're late, you might feel the consequences (Fandom: Marvel).
The Pumpkin Field: Beware of the magical pumpkins, dear friend - they could be after you! (Fandom: Harry Potter)
Tombola: Original props are the best gift for a fan - they always go deep under your skin! (Fandom: Once Upon a Time)
Push the Buttons: Some games are made to be an experience (Fandom: Assassin's Creed)
Wishes, requests, exchanges
Life-Changing Game for soul-controller: A story about a caught-up college experience in the digital age. Let the game begin!
Learning some manners for an anonymous requester: A story about a macho man who has to learn that not everything always goes his way. With a touch of magic. Dimensional travel. And elves!
Beware of the mirror for musclebishop: As you may know, the Magic Mirror is able to grant wishes. Even those you don’t know. But don’t be rude. Sometimes even the changes are changing.
Beer Up for mcbrute: Zoro (One Piece) has lost his way again and has been invited to the jock pirates’ ship. It’s not just the beer that’s special there.
Green On Birthdays for jungwoosong: Carl really leaves no stone unturned to convince his best friend Noah to watch his favourite anime, One Piece. But it’s only with a birthday present that things get moving.
A New Look for a user on Furaffinity: What started as a pity purchase at a festival out of niceness turned out to be extremely life-changing for Nat.
The Found Jacket for a user on Furaffinity: Timothy just wanted to buy a small ball for his brother, but instead of a stall, found only a stray red jacket.
Old Rivalery for thegeneralguy: Despite unwillingness, a visit to the gym began quite differently than expected - with a very special, haunted prize from a bygone era.
The Risk of Curiosity for itsrainingdilfs: Basic rule: Don’t read out funny-sounding words from old books. You might have company sooner than you’d like.
No More Stress for transformee: In the attic of an inherited house, you can probably find some special things when cleaning up. Even a hidden old mirror.
Good old Australia for changingmen: As a reward for a good deed, a young man is given a little something from the homeland of the man he has helped. With the prospect of a beefy future.
Magnissimus for malebodyandshoeswaps: On the way to his graduation ceremony, a young man’s shoes are destroyed in a chemical accident. But with the replacement pair, he takes his first step into his new phase of life.
Happy birthday for writer-ofstuff: Stiles’ (Teen Wolf) birthday preparations for his steady boyfriend Derek are not going really well. But whether the help from his book was really the right thing to do?
Secret Santa Lottery for bizzhideaway (great story exchange 2020): After Brody had taken part in a Christmas lottery and the notification of the winnings failed to arrive, his winnings were able to surprise him in every way.
Through Your Veins for begon1: If Batman only saw that this was a trap.
Confidence for
TF Captions
A New Curse Part One and Part Two
Back to your roots
Ho, ho, ho!
Special Blanket
Himbo Hemispheres
Temple of Amor
Tempting Tapestry
Rental Conditions
What about Green?
Well-minded spirit
Something in the water
The wrong souvenir
Kinda poisoned
The perfect example
Special Edition
New clothes, new man
Shortage of staff
By the lake
Smell Like a Hero
For Transformation series click here!
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tilthedayidice · 26 days
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Welcome back to "Is.... is it raining? No? Huh..."
Today's "Treasure" is: Reverse Rain Cloak!
"The wearer is perpetually just a little bit damp."
Honestly a good item to get people to leave you alone in public spaces
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Weight and Texture of Fabrics
Weather and style aside, Holmes has a strong preference for clothing and outerwear made from thick, heavy materials. His shirtsleeves, waistcoats, and trousers are all well-fitting, made of lightweight sturdy material to allow him nimble movement.
But as soon as a single dimension of a garment exceeds 3 feet, it must be billowy, it must be heavy, and it must have enough material such that the wearer can bundle up around the hands, feet, etc.
The security blanket(s)
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The dressing gown saved from a lifetime of neglect in the back of Mycroft's wardrobe
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The damn near floor length scarf
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His Christmas gift to Watson is a giant cloak
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criminalskies · 7 months
Aaron letting you borrow his spare shirt and/or dresspants on a case cuz your go bag gets stolen by the obsessive unsub you're trying to catch rn cuz Aaron's just so sweet like that 🥺🥺🥺💖💖💖💖
Oh my goooosh he would too.
whether his shirts fit you like a glove or make you look like you've raided your father's wardrobe, sleeves rolled up four times before the tips of your fingers peek out, he looks at you in his clothes with complete awe and adoration. He can't help it.
The team all note how he instantaneously decided to share half his go-bag with you instead of offering to take you to a store or even discuss who on the team may have spare clothes for you. He just swept his bag up into his arms and brought it to you telling you to take out whatever you wanted, just leave him an extra change of clothes and he'll make do.
Morgan and Rossi share a sort of look which is more eyebrows than it is anything else but they know how particular Hotchypoo is about his clothes so this is a real big move for him.
You come out of your hotel room the next morning adorning his clothes and he wonders if he's burst a lung with the way he just cannot catch his breath looking at you. You look so radiant in his clothes. His heart just melts watching you interact with Prentiss but you're wearing his clothes like they're made for you.
He receives quite a gentle shove on his shoulder from Derek who's grinning ear to ear seeing his boss all lovestruck, as Dave rounds Aaron's other shoulder telling him that feeling in his stomach is a good one. It's telling him to just go for it. Be happy.
You feel like you must look a little silly, Hotch makes all of his clothes look so effortlessly sexy and you suppose you're resembling a dolphin with legs right about now, something just looks out of place. You must look like something's missing, normally, the wearer of these clothes carries an authority that's not to be messed with. You figure this just proves that it's the man underneath the suit that causes that effect, it has nothing to do with the material itself.
It isn't until the coldest day yet on the case, a freezing cold wind blowing through the small town you're investigating, when Hotch comes to realise he's only packed one jacket. He offers it to you without a moment's thought, sealing his fate of receiving knowing looks from the entire team all week. That's a move as old as time.
He manages to find an FBI puffer in one of the SUVs to wear and now it's your lungs you fear aren't inflating properly. Seeing his tall figure wear the Michelin Man style coat with nothing short of a runway model's finesse.
When the two of you stand almost shoulder to shoulder before a takedown, the team discussing tactical plans, you try achingly hard to ignore the heat you can feel rising off of the man beside you as his eyes seem to drift to you in his quarter zip at the end of every sentence from Reid.
During the takedown with the unsub, when your gun was kicked from your grasp and the unsub came lunging towards you with a knife, it was Hotch's big strong hands that came to grab you by the back of his quarterzip to pull you out of harm's way as he shot the unsub once, twice for good measure before he pulled you into his arms as EMTs and local deputies flooded the warehouse, buzzing around you as you stood, tightly circled in his embrace. Every layer of warmth cloaking your body as you shook from the adrenaline of it all having come from one man and one man only.
It takes the two of you a while to separate again, and even as you do, as your wound on your arm is checked out by paramedics and you're walking back to the station, Hotch's hand never seems to leave your side. Either guiding your back as you walk or tightly grasping your shoulders to relax you as you continue coming down from the shock of it all, and start to lean into him for comfort and support.
Even as Hotch has to leave to berate the local enforcements for their complete lack of cooperation throughout the investigation hindering your team, he leaves you with a hot cup of tea and his FBI puffer draped over your shoulders in a quiet office while he chews out the officers in charge.
If the two of you return to dinner from your rooms after having caught the unsub, and the two of you seem to have swapped dress shirts, nobody mentions it. It goes without saying that it took only one glimpse of what a life together might be like to make the two of you decide that a life apart is just no longer worth exploring.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
D&D Vampire Lore Dump #4
Weaknesses and Cures Featuring that pesky sunlight problem, and how to get around it. Overview of other limitations and weaknesses of their condition (running water, invitations, etc) and how to get around those, vampires being extremely annoying to kill and how to make them stay dead, and the four ways I know of that can cure vampirism.
OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER FOR FIRST TIME READERS: D&D is decades old, spans five editions, several settings and hundreds of writers. One guy establishes a piece of lore, and then the next picks it up goes "nah" and writes something else. I collected info from four different source books, all from different editions, which naturally don't entirely agree on how vampires work. Lore never stays consistent and may contradict itself. You may see information somewhere else from a source I don't have that contradicts what I wrote here. If you read this and like some of this stuff but not other bits, take the good and ditch the rest. Larian themselves have not written BG3 totally compliant with some established D&D lore or the original games. If you want canon to work a certain way in your headcanons/fanfic, go ahead.
Feeding | "Biology" | Hierarchy | Weaknesses and Cures | Psychology
Sunlight is basically instant death and will kill vampires within moments of touching their bare skin. Even if vampires can walk in sunlight, vampires can't access their abilities while the sun is still in the sky. A sunstone, if left in the sunlight to "charge" take on an energy that will rebuff vampires with an effect much like sunlight exposure (but weaker) if they attack an individual wearing/holding the gemstone. This disorients them, cuts them off from many of their powers and inflicts a small amount of damage.
There are ways that allow vampires to walk in sunlight, although their powers will be disabled during daylight hours.
Liquid Night is a vampire sunscreen that will protect the wearer from sunlight.
Clearly, going off of BG3, the Netherese had magic that could do it. (Netheril, according to one story, was an empire whose initial magical foundation was specifically the school of necromancy, under the guidance of the priests of Jergal/Withers)
Fiends are happy to take/destroy your soul in exchange for the ability to walk in the day, as the Greater Vampire creating succubi can attest.
Vampires grow more powerful with age. One of those ways used to include that they became increasingly resistant to sunlight with age, and by the time they were 1000 years old they were fully immune to it. After almost two centuries of undeath, Astarion may be strong enough to avoid immediate death and this may be why he doesn't burn to a crisp immediately when the netherbrain dies.
Necromancers can create enchanted objects that protect vampires from the sun. One example being the Cloak of Dragomir in BG2.
They can also just keep to the shade or wear clothes that provide enough shelter to keep the sunlight from touching them. A deep hood or a parasol can help.
Vampires don't usually consider such things worthwhile, as they don't see much point if they lose their powers. They generallyhave no desire to be in the sunlight for its own sake as most vampires instinctually hate sunlight.
Vampires instinctually recoil from mirrors and hesitate to step in front of them. This hesitation will typically pass in seconds or moments. In 1e they had reflections, but their reflection turned the hypnotic properties of their gaze back at them or at least, they thought it could. After that they lost the reflections, and it's thought that the absence causes an instinctual distress for the remnants of the vampire's human psyche (reminding them that they're an accursed dead thing who's lost everything).
In a similar manner to their lack of reflection, vampires also do not cast shadows upon their surroundings.
Vampires who don't rest in/on their dirt-bed (usually a grave or coffin, sometimes a bed with a mattress stuffed with the appropriate type of soil) are destroyed. A vampire that can't get to its sanctuary before sunrise is utterly screwed. They tend to have multiple safe havens with prepared resting places, just in case. Vampires who will be traveling sometimes use a bag of holding, essentially taking their grave with them.
Some have suggested that the dirt dependency is actually just superstition and a vampire can sleep wherever it wants, but nobody's successfully convinced a vampire to take the risk of testing that.
As said previously, vampires are healed by negative/necrotic energy and harmed by positive/radiant energy (including heal spells)
Holy symbols can repel them, but the specifics can vary based on source. On the one hand there's one that says that the faith and belief in the holy symbol is what gives it power, and on the other there's one that says that the symbol is only useful in the hands of a priest. Only the symbols of Good and Neutral aligned deities have repelling properties. Evil clerics can still try to Command Undead however (the evil variant of Turn Undead - instead of repelling/destroying the undead you seize control of them.)
In terms of clerics and paladins attempting to Command/Turn Undead, vampires are susceptible to it, but are also the most resistant of undead, so it's difficult and risky.
Vampires are repulsed by garlic - it doesn't harm them and can't keep them at bay forever, but a vampire will hesitate before approaching. Some vampires also randomly develop other "allergies". Salt, rose petals, rice, mistletoe, lilies, small children singing, dove feathers… could be anything, really. It's generally linked to the individual vampire's own personality and beliefs. If they believe it should repel them then it may have warding powers against them.
Vampires will dissolve in bodies of running water like rivers or the ocean, because the running water forces them to turn into mist and washes them away. However, running water's only a problem if they're immersed in it. They can fly over it (be that with the fly spell or by shapeshifting into a bat), be carried over (bodily carried by a person, or in a boat, or by bridge, whatever) or use the water walk spell and just walk across like a basilisk lizard.
They are however, blocked from crossing a body of running water over three feet wide in mist form, for some reason. There's no answer for this, but I'd guess the vampire cloud picks up water particles and grows heavier, eventually sinking onto the water or something...?
At least 3/4 of the vampire's body must be submerged for it to count as immersion - and it must include the entire torso (the heart in particular must be below the water). The vampire must be held under for three minutes. It doesn't exactly kill them, but as their body is now thousands of particles distributed through the waterways, unable to reform, the vampire is effectively gone for good.
Vampires are also extremely annoying to kill. They can only be damaged with enchanted weapons or weapons plated with silver.
Upon death their body turns to mist and they return to their resting place, where they reform their physical body but are rendered vulnerable. A vampire can be paralysed by piercing their heart with a wooden stake... and then, sometimes, you get the unusual ones who need to be staked with a specific wood...! Once they've returned to their coffin the body must be damaged enough to be considered destroyed. Decapitation is a favourite method, but the main point is just to inflict as much damage on them as possible. Vampires begin to regenerate once they return to their coffin, and need to be dealt with quickly, hence the stake to pin them down while you start hacking them apart. Luckily for their would-be-killers they often wake up disoriented.
Vampires can't enter houses, or holy sites of residence like monasteries without permission, and can't enter sanctified graveyards of religious organisations. They can't enter temples, as these count as the residences of the deity worshipped there. A guest cannot invite somebody in, the invitation must come from a permanent resident.
Unless the owner of the house is the one who extends the invite, the invite only counts as a one time offer and the vampire needs to be invited again once it leaves the premise - so you can get invited in by a child, but for the ability to come and go as they please, a vampire needs permission from the parents/guardians in charge of the family and house. An invitation taken through use of enchantment magic or just plain coercion counts as a legitimate invitation.
They can also just take a third option and find a way to kill everyone inside from afar and then just walk through the door once there's nobody left alive to own the property. Also if the building no longer exists, for whatever reason (like if it mysteriously burns down), then they don't need an invite to get to whatever's inside. Or buy the building - if the vampire legally owns the house, and the residents are their tenants, then the vampire does not need an invite.
Public areas, inns, public graveyards and non-residential buildings do not count. Vampires can come and go as they please here.
Other people's graves can also count as privately owned residence upon which the vampire cannot intrude, hilariously. The final resting place of the deceased counts as belonging to them - providing they received burial rites. Vampires can however just animate the corpse and have it leave, at which point it ceases to be a resting place and they can do what they like. It's not stated whether they can also use speak with dead to ask permission.
There are four ways off the top of my head to cure vampirism. Most of them aren't cheap:
Firstly is the wish spell, which can be used to cure vampirism in one of two ways:
Using the spell to rewrite reality. You force reality to bend to your will and turn the vampire into a living being. Using wish this way is extremely taxing on the caster and may harm them permanently. They will basically be bedridden for a given amount of time and there's something around a one in three chance that you'll never be able to cast the spell again.
In its 5e variant, wish can replicate the effect of any spell below 8th level (including resurrection) while ignoring all the requirements of the spell itself.
Next up is divine intervention. Deities can remove vampirism, though the extent and conditions may be limited by their portfolio.
Amaunator (the ancient Netherese sun god, precursor to Lathander) had a temple over in Amn. You have to take the vampire and the heart of the vampire who turned them to the statue of the ancient sun god in an abandoned temple, place the vampire in the arms of the statue with the heart and it completes a ritual that restores them to life. This was part of a quest in Baldur's Gate 2 where your love interest (who may have been Jaheira) was turned into a vampire and needed curing.
Eldath, a minor goddess of peace, has also been known to restore some level of mortal life to unhappy vampires.
And then resurrection spells. The time limit on resurrection exists because when calling a soul back to its body there are numerous obstacles.
The body needs to be in a state fit to go on living. If it's too damaged or decayed putting the soul back is a waste of time.
The soul must be both willing and able to return. It has to still exist, to start with. If the soul has a new life it probably can't be recovered (be that by being sent back to the material plane for reincarnation in another life, or remade as a fiend or celestial). If the soul has been absorbed by their deity or into the fabric of the planes it can't be recovered. If the soul has been destroyed then you're shit out of luck.
The longer the target has been dead, the more likely the above scenarios are true and that the spell will fail. Also restoring a body and calling a soul from across the planes is extremely powerful, taxing magic that's hard to pull off, which makes it harder to succeed. Hence the time limit.
Vampires have the advantage that their body is perfectly preserved and intact and the soul is still on the material plane, and there's an argument to be made that this makes them resurrect-able.
Greater vampires are not resurrect-able as their soul is either annihilated or has been taken to the Lower Planes and tortured until the person has been turned into one of two varieties of barely sentient blobs of rancid flesh trapped in eternal agony. Wish may still work, but it may have a 50/50 chance of failure.
There's also the elven High Magic spell Gift of Life, which as it says on the tin, restores an undead being back to life. The catch with this one is that knowledge of high magic is dying out, so finding an elven archmage who can and will cast it on you is extremely difficult and probably involves a lot of favours and proving yourself.
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Rest In Peace, Technoblade
Deep in the arctic, there is a cottage. It connects to another, smaller cottage. Nearby, there is a house in the mountain. There is a cow farm and a turtle farm. A tiny, man-made stream runs between the two cottages. But you aren’t here for the stream, or the farms, or the house, or the cottages. No, you are here for something else.
You fall through the lava, and now you are in Syndicate Headquarters. There is a huge, strange table, with many seats. Zephyrus, Nemesis, and Harpocrates have been sat in recently. Lethe is gathering dust. “Sic semper tyrannis” is engraved on the wall behind Protesilaus. He is at the clear head of the table. He must be their leader, or something similar. You wander around, looking at the impressive room, then pause. There is another room. You are curious, so you enter it.
In this room, there is a statue. The statue is of a man in battle armor and regal attire, wearing the skull of a hog as a mask. He stands tall and proud, crossbow at his side, sword to the sky. The shading is beautifully done - even without color, you can tell that he is covered in blood, especially his sword. He has just come from a fierce battle. There is only one part of the statue that is colored, and that is the man’s blood red cloak. There is another pop of color, but it’s not an actual part of the statue. It’s a crown of pure gold, inlaid with precious gems, resting on the man’s head. There are scuff marks in places, and one of the gemstones is missing. This crown has been through a lot, just like its wearer. Below the statue is a plaque. It reads:
The great Blood God; a fearsome warrior; a proud brother, son, and friend Like every great warrior, he died in battle Technoblade Never Dies
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