#classes started again so the moments i had to write i now spend studying
wongyuuu · 10 months
I don't have anything finished to post tomorrow and that actually makes me sad
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writerswall26 · 3 months
My Sweet Cairo (Part 8)
Synopsis: The Ravens' Soccer team Captain fell in love for Cairo Sweet
Warning: Slight cursing, Emotions, Mention of death and SH.
Words: 2.4k
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A/N: I was so pumped while writing this. I enjoyed this part so much. We get to know what really happened and flesh out R's father's mind. We also saw Cairo being responsible and using the advices she received to get some help! Happy Reading!
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Y/N tried to avoid being alone the entire day, not wanting to give Cairo the opportunity to have even a minute to talk to her. What Cairo told her a few nights ago is still stuck in her head. She doesn't know if she should be afraid or what.
"Hey, Y/—"
"Will you walk me home?" Cairo cut Jasmine off as soon as Y/N got out of her last class of the day. She was not expecting Cairo to wait for her!
Y/N looked shocked and confused. She gave Jasmine a look. But her friend just stood by and watched the scene unfold. Traitor!
"Y/N, walk me home, please?" Cairo said, sweetly this time, with a smile on her face.
"Uhm, I'm sorry but I have—"
"Uh no, we're not going. I gotta study for a pop quiz tomorrow. Winnie's coming to help me, I'm sorry dude." Jasmine cut the taller girl off.
Y/N glared at her while Cairo smiled widely. "So?" Cairo asked cutely, for fuck's sake!
"Uhm, sure." Y/N said hesitantly.
"Great!" Cairo said happily before she held the taller girl's hand and pulled her.
Y/N didn't say a single word as she turned to Jasmine and gave her a look, mouthing "I'm killing you tomorrow, you traitor!"
On the way home, the two of them did not say a word. They went with Y/N's route instead of Cairo's since Y/N has her bike with her.
"I've talked to Mr. Miller." Cairo started, causing Y/N to stop for a moment.
"Why?" She asked before she followed Cairo again.
"I went to apologise." Cairo started, causing Y/N to furrow her brows. "I'm seeing a therapist now," Cairo said, glancing at Y/N who looked really confused, and cute. "Your mom referred me to a work colleague of hers. Told me it might help with the issues I had."
Y/N is confused, like really confused. "Mum did that? Why?"
Cairo shrugged. "We were together for a few hours before you came when we had dinner. She confronted me about what I did. Told me the same thing you said, how messed up it was. Then she told me about a friend of hers, a therapist, she told me I should check it out, see if it helps. That's why I went to Mr. Miller. I want to sort things out before graduation."
"What did Mr. Miller say?"
"We sat down, talked about what went wrong, what happened. He apologized to me too. He accepted the fact that he was in the wrong too, that he wasn't careful and clear, that he stepped the boundaries and led me on."
Well that's... incredibly surprising. Y/N never thought she'd be hearing a redemption arc between two messed up individuals. Although, she's happy to hear that Mr. Miller's finally seen what he did wrong. That's a huge point. And she's happy that Cairo's seeking out help.
"So, how long would you be going to therapy?" Y/N asked, glancing at Cairo who pursed her lips.
"I don't know. As long as I need, I guess. It's not really that bad." Cairo said, smiling at the thought that Y/N is finally talking to her with anger and resentment in her voice.
"How about when you go to college? You wouldn't know anyone around there."
"My therapist knows a friend where I'm going to go. She said she'd refer me to him and continue therapy there."
Y/N nodded. "That's a good thing."
Cairo looked up at her, a smile on her face, her dimples showing. "How long have you gone to therapy?"
Y/N pursed her lips. "A year and a half, I guess? My therapist told me she was proud of my progress so she adviced that I spend my time being a normal kid. She told me I should come to her whenever I need and so far, it's all good."
Cairo nodded. "That's good. I'm proud of you."
Y/N chuckled, lowering her head. "Alright, mum." She said, which made Cairo laugh as well.
They continued walking silently, comfortable silence this time until they reached Cairo's place.
"Here's you." Y/N said, stopping in front of Cairo's house.
The brunette turned to her and gave her a smile. "Thank you for walking me home."
Y/N nodded. "It's no biggie."
Cairo leaned up and gave her a kiss on the cheek before she walked inside the house, throwing a glance at the tall girl who waved at her.
When Y/N was sure Cairo's finally inside, she rode her bike and went home where she waited for her mum to come home to ask questions.
That night, when Y/M/N came home, she was immediately cornered by Y/N at dinner.
"I was wondering," Y/N started. "What were you talking about with Cairo before I got home that night?"
Y/M/N gave her a smile. "You, Mr. Miller, dad." The older woman answered shortly.
Y/N furrowed her brows. "You talked to her about dad?"
Y/M/N nodded. "Yes, I wanted her to know how terrible of a person she was for doing what she did. But then there's Mr. Miller."
"Who's not entirely at fault."
"But he was indeed the adult in the situation."
"You're defending Cairo, mum."
Y/M/N looked at her daughter, seeing the problem once and for all. "I'm not defending Cairo, what she did was wrong, yes. But don't you think what Mr. Miller did was far worse than that?"
Y/N stayed quiet, thinking.
"Honey, Mr. Miller's case is different from your dad's case. You have to see that." Y/M/N explained, Y/N is being blinded by what happened to her dad.
"I know. I know it's different."
"And?" Y/M/N tried to probe further.
"I'm not defending Mr. Miller either, mum. If that's what you think. Maybe I'm over compensating. Maybe I thought by helping Mr. Miller, I gave justice to what happened to dad. But what if I'm wrong, mum?"
"Are you? Look at it from an outside perspective, honey. Look at it both ways."
Y/N furrowed her brows. She doesn't know where to go from here. It's weird talking about this with her mum but at the same time, the answers are clearer. Her mind wasn't being blocked by her emotions, her father's connection to the case. If there's anyone to blame, it's the both of them, Cairo and Mr. Miller. There's no one to defend, no one to side with.
"There's always a connection, honey." Her mum brought her back to her senses. "But there's a huge difference and that's what I want you to see. Yes, Cairo was in the wrong for seducing Mr. Miller. But is it entirely her fault? Is it really? Why would she act that way if Mr. Miller didn't do anything wrong?"
"Was I wrong for helping Mr. Miller?" Y/N finally asked, looking at her mum with worried eyes.
Y/M/N gave her a smile as she held her hand, squeezing it to assure her. "You did what you thought was right at the time. You saved both of them by doing so. Don't beat yourself up for it."
Y/N stayed up that night thinking of what her mum had told her. She wasn't really thinking when she lent a hand to Mr. Miller. She knew it was wrong, she heard it from Mr. Miller himself. And yet, she still sided with him for what? For her father? No, she thought. It's for personal gain. She had the power to turn the story around, and she did. So what  does that say about her?
She's no different from those students she despises the most. Maybe even worse. Her thoughts are so incriminating, so powerful that she did not blink sleep that night.
So the next day when she got to class, she was noticeably tired. She looked like a walking zombie and anyone who sees her thought so too. Her friends and Cairo saw that too and they were worried.
"What happened to you?" Winnie asked over lunch when Y/N didn't even touch her food, she's usually a foodie.
Y/N gave her a tired look and shook her head. "I'm just tired."
"We can see that, dude. You have dark circles around your eyes." Jasmine said, as worried.
Y/N sighed. "Did you guys think I made the wrong decision? When I stood up for Mr. Miller?"
Winnie and Jasmine turned to one another, giving each other looks.
"I mean, what Cairo did was fucked up. She literally wrote a porn story between her and Mr. Miller." Jasmine said, as a matter of fact.
"However, I don't think Cairo's entirely at fault. I mean, she messed up but not entirely her fault." Winnie said, on the other hand.
Y/N groaned. "Maybe I should've just shut my mouth and let them do whatever to Mr. Miller."
"Hey, woah, hold up." Jasmine started, getting the attention of her friend. "You did what you thought was best, okay? Both of them fucked up, that's a fact. The other one stepped on the fine line, and the other one was led on. There's no winning in this situation."
"Whatever you did, you did it for them both. Struck two birds with one stone, as they say." Winnie said, holding Y/N's hand and squeezing it gently.
Y/N gave them a small smile and nodded. "Maybe I shouldn't really beat myself up with this one."
"Damn right, you shouldn't." Jasmine said, giving her an assuring smile.
After their class, she was already outside Cairo's last class, waiting for the girl to come out. When Cairo saw her, an immediate smile drew her face.
"What are you doing here? You should've gone home and got some sleep. Look at you." Cairo said, holding a gentle hand to Y/N's cheek to look at her face.
"Can I walk you home?" Y/N asked with a sheepish smile.
Cairo was shocked to say the least. She did not expect that. She was expecting Y/N to come around but not this fast. Still, she was happy about it.
"Sure." Cairo smiled, holding out a hand to Y/N to shake her head.
"That's reaching."
"Oh." Cairo said, a bit disappointed but she smiled it away.
"Come on."
The duo walked out of school together. They're all smiles and shit but still, Y/N cannot take her mind off her conversation with her mum. She might as well talk to Cairo now.
So when they got to Cairo's place, the brunette did not expect that Y/N would park her car on the fence and followed her to her front porch. The taller girl sat on the step and patted the space beside her.
"What's going on?" Cairo asked, sitting beside Y/N who gave her a smile.
The taller girl stayed quiet for a moment, contemplating. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened."
Cairo nodded. "What do you want to talk about?" She asked, wanting Y/N to start the conversation.
"I don't know. I just want to have clarity. I had a talk with my mum last night. It was a hard pill to swallow but, I guess it was needed."
""What happened to him? Your dad?" Cairo asked, glancing at Y/N who was looking at the trees ahead.
"My mum didn't tell you?" She asked, confused. She thought they spoke about her dad.
"Not all of it."
Y/N glanced at Cairo, contemplating if she should tell her about it or not. A part of her doesn't want to, because talking about it means relieving it and she hates that. She hates that she's going back to that time. But a huge part of her wants to let it all out, just throw it out there and forget about it all.
She chose the latter.
Y/N took a deep breath.
"I don't know when it started. My dad was really passionate about teaching. He was really good at what he did. He's a great father, you know? He was always present and attentive to my needs." Y/N started, smiling at the memory of her father in every soccer game, every recital, every academic competitions, everything. He was always there, always smiling and looking proud.
"One semester during sophomore year, he came home all happy and giddy, it wasn't unusual really. He was always happy and giddy. But this one's just different. He told us he had met this student in class, he thought she was brilliant." Y/N stopped for a moment, trying to calm herself down before she started crying and shouting.
Cairo noticed how hard it is for Y/N to continue so she held the taller girl's hand in her own and squeezed it. "You don't have to continue. I believe I got the gist of it."
Y/N shook her head and turned to Cairo with a pained smile. "I want to continue."
Cairo looked worried, but she nodded nonetheless. "Okay. But you can stop anytime." She gave out an assuring smile.
Y/N nodded, squeezing Cairo's hand gently. "He told mum and I all about this girl. We were amazed by her. So we told dad to bring her home one time so we could talk. He did. We had a barbeque one saturday, family's all there and she was there. I thought she was brilliant, she was so fascinating with all the things she knew. Little did we know, she would cause the biggest heart break to ever happen to us."
Y/N shook her head. "During the middle of the semester, my father started to act weird. He started getting drunk, not sleeping, he started being absent. One day he came home and told us he was let go of his job. My mum and I asked why, he never answered. The days after that, he became difficult. He would pick a fight with me and mum. He would get angry. He would get drunk, pass out on the couch. I slowly watched my father become a shell of what he used to be. He just stopped functioning."
Cairo could not help it anymore. She stood up and went in front of Y/N, hugging the girl in her arms tightly as she gently brushed Y/N's hair with her fingers, wanting the taller girl to know that she's there, that it's okay. Y/N leaned in Cairo's arms, sighing heavily.
"Then my mum knew about what happened. Turns out the girl orchestrated a plan for my dad to get fired. She invited my dad for coffee one time, asked a friend to take a couple of pictures that looked intimate. The school board didn't like it. Had an entire meeting about it. My dad tried to fight with all his might. Turns out when he started acting weird, that's when he was battling with those accusations. It took only 3 photos and one girl for my dad to lose everything. One day after I won a game, I showed my medal to my dad but he didn't say anything. Next thing I know, I was running to their room. Then I saw him, blood everywhere, his body unmoving. He was gone, Cairo."
This is the most Cairo has seen Y/N vulnerable. Now she understood perfectly why Y/N wanted to help Mr. Miller. What happened to her dad was unjust. So when told the school board that Cairo's accusations were baseless, this is what she meant. What happened to Y/N's father were baseless accusations.
So, she just stood there, holding Y/N in her arms, letting her let out all the frustrations and emotions she's bottled up the entire time.
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nightsmarish · 2 months
Summary: as summer at hogwarts approaches, both you and Regulus build up your walls again, lose sleep, and are warry of saying yes to the offer to go to Potter Manor.
A/n: might write a pt.2? Would we like that? Maybe? Idk, I lost the plot halfway through and u can tell lmao. Also, have not written for this specific ship, so I may not be as good as the queen of this ship
Update!: pt2
Poly!moonwater x gn!reader (Remus lupin x regulus black x reader) | 1.6k words
Tw: allusions to toxic family, losing sleep, snippy bc of losing sleep, negative thoughts, anxiety, a nap dude
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History of Magic is usually an easy subject. Sit down, take notes, look over the assignment, complete it during dinner or before bed, and you're done.
But today everything but that is happening. You managed to get all the way to sitting down and pulling out your parchment and quill before the words Professor Binns says all mesh together. Nothing makes sense.
And you know it's due to the ache behind your eyes, the pounding in your head and the ache in your bones.
The last few nights you haven't slept, not really at least. It's nearing the end of this year at Hogwarts so everyone is preparing to go home. Planning what they will do with one another over break before the new year starts up. Talking about their family traditions, and a feeling of excitement takes the castle.
Despite this, a feeling of dread has been following you like your own personal rain cloud. The knowledge you'll have to return home eating you alive. Knowing you won't be able to contact Remus or Regulus, less your parents find out you're dating them, making you feel like you're choking on your heart.
The memories you've made this year really should weigh out the weeks you will spend with your family. In the stiff place, you're forced to call home with strict rules and expectations. Yet, you feel horrible. And it's been causing you to force yourself into your studies for the upcoming tests. Avoiding sleep due to nightmares that have recently plagued your mind.
Which leads to now, the room spinning slowly on an axis, ans Professor Binns slightly to blurry, even for a ghost. You know you need to zone back in, drink some water, take a vitamin potion or even visit Madam Pomfrey at this rate. Yet you can't make yourself do it.
Continuing to stay in your zoned out state till the end of class. And that's when even you draw the line.
Standing up from your seat as everyone filters out, albeit a little you're moving a little slower than usual, you exit in search of your boyfriends. Either or both. And it's not exactly a very long search, quickly finding yourself face to face with Regulus Black and Remus Lupin.
"Hey, dove." Remus' voice is sweet, per usual, like the comfort of a spoon full of honey on a sore throat.
Regulus doesn't speak for a full moment, analyzing you. To anyone else it would look judgmental, but the softness in his eyes and slight pull at the edge of his lips tell you differently.
"Hi, Rem." The boys look at one another, an unspoken conversation playing out.
"Why don't we go to my dorm?" Remus looks back to you, "haven't had much time for the three of us. James and Sirius have quidditch, and Peter is going to his study group."
"I'm down." Without another word, the three of you walk towards Gryffindor tower.
Remus knows that Regulus tends to be a little quieter the closer to the end of the year, having been around the other Black brother for a while now. Already knowing how closed off Sirius would get when he still lived at the Black Manor, building up the walls early to protect himself when he left.
Even now, Sirius does it. Remus isn't sure if it's a habit or the fact that Regulus has been refusing to take the offer to stay at Potter Manor as well.
But you? You, he's not sure. Remus knows you and Regulus have known one another longer than he's known you, and that's never really bothered him. Remus knows all three of you love one another, and he's never felt left out. But know? Know he wishes you'd talk about your own home life.
Regulus doesn't like talking about his experiences at home; the only thing Remus knows is from old stories from Sirius. And Remus will never pry, not wanting to force either of you to do anything you don't want to.
But Merlin, he feels nearly useless right now, wishing to see the tension in your shoulders calm, wishing to see you and Regulus calm again. Wishing Regulus would take the offer to join them at Potter Manor. He wishes for both your safety more than anything.
The walk to the dorm is quite, but not peaceful. Everyone trying to stay calm and wishing someone else would say something. But no one knowing quite what to say to break the silence.
Once you do get up to the dorm, the Gryffindor's dorm, Regulus sets his bag by Remus' nightstand, you following suit, the emblems on your bags a contrast to the surrounding room. Regulus goes to find clothes he's left in Remus' closet before, while you sit on the lycans bed to slip off your shoes. Remus sits next to you, his hand resting on your lower back.
And finally, after far too long, Remus breaks the silence. "Dove..."
You glance up at him as you slip your shoes under the edge of his bed. "Yes?"
Remus sends a quick glance to Regulus, who's slipping on a long black sleeve shirt, one more comfortable than the previous Slytherin uniform. "I understand if you aren't comfortable with it, but..." He pauses for a moment, glancing back to look into your eyes, his thumb rubbing gentle strokes on your spine. "If you want to, you know you're welcome to stay at James' house."
Under his hand, Remus feels you tense, and from his peripheral, Regulus paused to listen.
"That's- that's okay, Remus. But tell James I appreciate the offer, please." You stand up far too fast for your lack of sleep, causing you to fall right back where you were sitting. Alerting both boys.
One of Remus' hands stay glued to your back, the other on your shoulder, as if your keen over. Regulus is quick to stand infront of you.
"Love, you should stay with them." Regulus' voice is full of worry. "It's better than any other option."
"You're not going." Your eyes shoot up to Regulus', far more defensive than you mean to be. Remus' hand, which was previously on your shoulder, moves down to the bed, the other hand continuing to run against your spine again.
"That's doesn't mean you shouldn't go." Regulus matches your defensiveness out of habit.
"You both should come." Remus talks before you can shoot back, hand on the bed finally moving to Regulus' arm, never seeming to catch a break.
There's a heavy pause. One that goes on for an uncomfortable amount of time.
"I'll think about it if you do." Your voice is more timid as you hold your stare at Regulus' eyes, his boring right back into you. Intense, deep, and so, so, loving.
Regulus sighs, "fine."
"Thank you, both. Seriously, you should come. James and Sirius want you guys there. Not to mention James' parents, they love new people." Remus kisses your hair line, standing up, hand leaving your back, before kissing Regulus on the lips. Both your bodies lossen.
Remus moves to change out of his uniform, and you quickly stand up to join him. Regulus' hand comes out to make sure you're steady as you grab a pair of sweats that no one truly knows who belongs to. They were probably once James, but at some point Lily stole them, and at a different point Sirius stole them back, and now so many of your friends have worn them at some point, it's probably weird.
Grabbing those and a jumper belonging to Regulus, you turn back to see Remus already curled around Regulus' back, who lays with enough room for you to join them. Both trying not to show just how eager they are for an afternoon nap.
You climb onto Remus' bed as well, using your wand to close the curtains, magically dimming the lights in the room before placing it on the bedside table. Curling into Regulus' front, leg thrown over his hip, you tuck your head into his neck. Yet your eyes remain open.
You definitely want to sleep, and you know you should, Remus is likely already asleep, knowing the bastard sleeps like the dead. Yet the knowing you could have another wretched nightmare makes you stay awake, staring over Regulus' shoulder the the golden brown hair tucked into his back, belonging to Remus, and letting the black hair belonging to Regulus slightly tickle your cheek.
"Go to sleep dove. Both of you. Please, you can't function without it." Remus' voice seems to startle both you and Regulus, both believing he was asleep, and believing the same about one another.
You pull back from Regulus neck, facing him, seeing the features of his face barely visible in the dark room. "We will, baby." Your voice is soft, as if you were telling a secret.
Remus merely hums and shift slightly before relaxing back into Regulus' back.
"Get some sleep, darling." Regulus kisses your cheek, "it's going to be okay in the end."
"I know. I know. We both need sleep; Remus is gonna kill us." Softly connecting your lips with his, slow and lazy, both smiling at the hum from Remus, confirming the empty threat you made for him.
You return to your being tucked into Regulus' neck. "'M sorry for being snappy with you." You mumble against his skin.
"You have nothing to apologies for, I understand where you're coming from darling." His hand rests on your hip and lower back, relaxing further into you and Remus, closer and closer to having a lovely nap. Of which, you join with the hopes of no nightmares.
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wandasfifthwife · 25 days
𓍢ִ🍓໋exam season𓍢ִ໋
— lily evans x reader
lily snaps—calling you clingy when you come to her for comfort after failing a test while she’s studying for her upcoming exam
tw ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ established relationship, hurt/comfort, angst with happy ending, r overthinks, love confessions, Lily is mean for a second, not proofread (rushed ending sorry!!)
a/n ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ FIRST FIC IN HP WORLD!! and I know I said I wouldn’t post but I got in a sappy mood and this got written in like 20 mins lol
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Around Lily you feel relaxed, at peace whenever you’re visiting her dorm room or waking around Diagon Alley. You seek her out often, enjoying every moment you get. Lately you feel you’re too close, meeting with her too many times in the day. Usually you meet during free time, a scheduled time—but the past month maybe you’ve been finding each other on your quiet moments. When she’s showering for bed or when you’re writing mail to send.
You fear you’ve become clingy.
Your friends who have partners meet their significant other on dates. This was something you used to do until as of late, finding yourself spending most of your days with her. It makes you question if you should pull back, but Lily’s reaction to you being around her has been positive. Neither of you have talked about the increase in time together, but you’ve both been receptive.
Next week was exams, the second set. Lily has stated before that she feels pressure to do well, stating that this determines how hard she has to work the last semester of your semester here at Hogwarts. You too have exams, but it’s more like exam. You only have one just because you’re taking different classes, easier ones that don’t require tests.
Lily’s different schedule has pulled her every which way, somehow scheduled for the hardest classes. You even feel drained seeing how she’s loosing her glow with each day, growing tired from studying so late. She puts too much pressure on herself. You understand her need to do well, but not the extent she requests of herself—and you tell her that often. Her reaction is to just wave you off, tell you how ‘it’s all okay!’
The time was about 5:24PM when you wondered about into her dorm room, seeing her hunched over her desk. She greeted you but it felt less enthusiastic than normal.
“How’s studying been?”
She sighs, flipping a page filled with her notes, “fine”
She grows quiet after, only humming as a response to everything you ask about. You start to feel guilty, growing quiet too.
There’s nothing but the sound of her flipping a page or a heavy sigh filling the room about every five minutes. You had forgotten why you came after seeing her studying again, leaning over her desk—but now you feel it creeping up again. Lily has her exams on Friday, yours was earlier this week. Today was the day you got back your grades and unfortunately you failed.
With how long Lily’s been studying you fear you should’ve done more, and now you’re paying the cost. After class you had a discussion with your professor where they told you what you needed to do to pass the class by this Spring. It was embarrassing, you felt completely humiliated to have failed such an easy test.
She was right there, pen scraping away at her paper. Being by her should be enough, but there was an ache inside you wishing to be let out. You wish to rant to her, feel her arms wrap around you tight. You hadn’t realized that in your fretting and hesitation you’ve been kicking your leg out, hitting the wooden leg to her chair. A few seconds were fine but after a minute Lily had begun to tick. Neither of you were aware of one another’s feelings when the timer set off.
You had opened your mouth to explain how you felt and she had done the same, but for a different reason.
“Can you not just leave me be for one second? Hell it seems cannot just leave me alone.”
“You’ve not ever told me so.”
“I’ve given you countless opportunities—trying to tell you discreetly so I don’t affect your feelings but it seems you want me to tell you. You’re incredibly clingy, I just wish to have time to myself. So please, leave.”
You felt awkward lying on her bed now, almost like an intruder—a stranger. The once comfortable room now felt empty, void of any peace. The air was still, suffocating you when you tried to breathe. You felt her attention on you as you left even though she’s not turned to look at you.
The door shuts behind you, quietly—a contrast to how you felt inside. It was akin to a hurricane, emotions whirring left and right until it came out as tears. Something about you that both of you knew was that when you started to cry, you cried for a decently long time as you took it as a moment to cry for many things that’s stressed you out.
It wasn’t helpful. Your head begun to ache and your eyes grew puffy. The sleeves of your sweater grew wet as you kept wiping your face with them. You would gather yourself but it never lasted very long. In fear of being too clingy for another you locked yourself in your dorm room, bed sheets pulled up to your chin. Your legs were folded in close to your body, a way of comforting yourself.
You missed dinner for many reasons. One because you didn’t want to run into Lily. Two because you didn’t want to show everyone how much of an emotional mess you were today. And three—because you’re scared of seeing the professor for some reason, feeling embarrassed still.
Hours passed before the door to your dorm room opened. You had fallen asleep, previous headache becoming too much to bear. The sound of the door shutting stirring you half awake. Your bleary eyes settle on the hand placing a bag beside your bed. It confused you for a second, thinking that this person is one of your roommates.
“Oh I’m so sorry,” she says, hand brushing your cheek, tone higher pitched and breathy. You recognize it’s her when her cold hands cup your face, pulling it close so she can pepper kisses over your face.
“You cried—oh my love,” she wipes at your cheeks, “I—“
You have your hands placed over hers and you use it to bring her closer, laying beside you on your bed.
“Don’t cry please, if I see you cry I’m going to start back up again.”
She apologizes profusely, sniffling and reaching behind her for her bag.
“I brought you snacks because I heard you skipped dinner and there’s a blanket because I thought you’d be cold because I didn’t know where you may be—oh my I got so scared when I didn’t know where you went. You’ve never been a nap person so I didn’t think to find you here until your roommate told me where you were and—“
“Lily,” you whine, fingers pulling tighter onto her shirt as you feel your eyes begin to water again somehow. She lets out a choked cry, holding her arms out to draw you close. You melt into her hold, arms coming around her to pull her tighter to you.
“Im so sorry,” she says, repeating it over and over, her thumb rubbing circles onto your back until she feels you’ve both begun to calm down.
“I’m terribly sorry. I should not have been so obvious to how you were feeling. I’ve been in your space so often it’s perfectly understandable to want time alone.”
“I snapped at you and I should’ve have. My delivery was absolutely unreasonable, you were also having a bad day and I just made it worse.”
“I’m better now,” you say into her neck, breathing evening out.
“Me too,” she states, “we’ve learned how to navigate this next time. Better communication.”
You nod, agreeing through your movements as you’ve slowly become too tired to respond to her rambles. She follows suit, long rants becoming tired strings of nothing. Studying late for so long has brought her to sleep easily, knocking her out the second she’s laid down on a cozy bed—especially with the warm embrace. Your roommates came to find you both asleep wrapped up in each other, trying to stay quiet as to not wake you two.
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remlionheart · 2 months
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* ˚ ✦ MDNI ✦ ˚ *
*:・゚✧*:・゚ when i first decided that i wanted to write some yuuji angst, i had a v vague idea in my head of what it might look like, but when i tell you that this fic took me for a ride, i mean it. angel boy yuuji itadori finds himself mourning his 22nd birthday rather than celebrating it. sitting alone at a bar, overwhelmed by grief when he's suddenly greeted by the one part of his past that doesn't hurt to look at. 4.9k words. hurt/comfort, angst, smut, fluff, slice of life, shonen, literally everything and anything going on here. i was crying and smiling and rooting for these characters and i'm not sure that i'll ever emotionally recover from writing this, but i'm really happy w the outcome so lemme know whatcha think, luv you ♡ (also shoutout to my girl @bratbby333 for always being my biggest hype-woman and proofreading for me when i've looked at a fic for too long and start to hate it) *:・゚✧*:・゚
now playing: marinade by dope lemon
Yuuji hadn't seen you since middle school.
He remembered you as the girl who had pretty handwriting and a serious affinity for the color blue. The girl who would leave pastel origami hearts on his desk without ever saying why. The girl who'd hide away in the library during lunch instead of eating with the rest of the class. The girl who he'd watch on the bus ride home with a sinking feeling in his stomach, catching the way your eyes glossed over each time the driver stopped in front of your house.
He learned how much you loved to read and write that year. Glancing at you from across the study hall room, secretly jotting down what number was printed along the spine of your book so that he could get you the next one in the series. He'd leave it on your desk before class started, the same way you did with his origami hearts. Never saying a word about it.
He watched you fill countless journals, your face always so concentrated as you poured your thoughts into them. He’d stop by the shopping plaza near his house after school every time he noticed that you’d reached the last page, spending his allowance to make sure there was a new one waiting for you the next morning. Each one he gave you, a different shade of blue.
But it wasn’t until the last day of eighth grade that he finally mustered up the courage to break the not-so-silent-silence the two of you had been sharing for the last 6 months. He sat down next to you, introducing himself even though it went without saying. His eyebrows furrowed a bit when you wordlessly slipped out an earbud and handed it to him. A rare, but visible smile tugging at the corner of your mouth. He held it in his palm for a moment, his eyes drifting along your face as he brought it to his ear, letting the tangled white cord tether the two of you together.
He’d never heard the song before, but he still remembered thinking how fitting it was. Dreamy and melodic - just like you. The singer's voice was full of raw sincerity, adding another layer of atmospheric haze to the already heady beat while the chorus gradually filled the space between you.
He didn't have the right words to explain it at the time, but he felt lucky as he watched you stare out the window that day. Lucky to know how pretty you looked when the sunlight caught the side of your face. Lucky to know which fantasy novels you liked to spend hours losing yourself in. Lucky to know what type of music you listened to when you were deep in thought. Lucky, just to be sitting next to you.
His heart jumped around in his chest when your eyes met his again. Both of you exchanging the same somber smile as you realized what road you were on.
He handed his half of the headphones back to you, secretly relieved at how calm you still seemed despite the fact that your stop was next.
“That song,” he hesitated, the lyrics still swirling through his mind. “what was it –”
But his question came to an abrupt end as the bus began to brake, a new and overwhelming warmth dancing through his veins when he noticed how close you suddenly were to him.
His pupils doubled in size, his breath catching in his throat while you leaned in carefully, pressing the softest kiss against his boyish cheek.
"Have a good summer, Yuuji." you whispered, grabbing your backpack off the floor.
His hand rested where your lips had been, his gaze following you off of the bus. You made it about halfway up your driveway before pausing to look back at him over your shoulder, two lingering smiles blurring past one another as the driver hurried on with her route.
The next two months were filled with sunshine and soccer practice for him. Bike rides and camping trips and basketball courts. His days were usually full, but no matter what he was doing or where he was going, there was one song that was always on the tip of his tongue:
♫⋆。 ♪ ₊ ゚“Do you want me? Just how I am? Do you need me and where I stand?”
One song that would forever remind him of you:
"Let's go steady, let's make a plan. Marinade on that for a little while." ⋆。 ♪ ₊♬ ゚。
And he did.
He marinaded on the infatuation he felt for you the rest of that entire summer.
When August arrived that year and brought everyone back for high school, he was ready.
There were stories he wanted to tell you, questions he wanted to ask you. Playlists he wanted to make with you. Books he'd found while thrifting that he wanted to give to you. Daydreams he had of roaming the halls and laughing with you. Visions of bringing his lunch into the library so he could eat with you. He couldn't wait to hear about your summer. Couldn't wait to catch up with you. Couldn't wait to see you.
Unfortunately for you both though, life had other, much darker plans in store for the pink-haired boy who just wanted to carry around your books for you and hold your hand during passing period.
He was called out of class early on the first day. Forced to leave the building before he even had the chance to see you as he frantically tracked down the nearest shuttle and rushed across town to get to the hospital. His grandpa’s health had been on a slow decline, but after his most recent fall, it had suddenly started to plummet.
Yuuji missed the majority of that week, dedicating all of his time to the man who had essentially raised him. He would bring him food and sit with him for hours even though he was mostly incoherent. He’d tell him about his day and leave flowers by his bedside. He'd watch reruns of old game shows with him that they used to watch when Yuuji was little, completely ignoring the nurses who would say things like, "You need to give yourself a break.”
The hospital staff tried their best to get him to take a day off. To go back to school and live his own life, but Yuuji just couldn’t. His grandpa was the only family he'd ever really had. There was no way he was going to leave him. He ditched the comfort of his bedroom and began sleeping on the cramped hospital futon next to the grey-haired man, teaching himself what each machine hooked up to him was responsible for and what vitals they monitored. He’d sometimes leave throughout the day, but it was only for a couple of hours at most. He'd return with more flowers and books to read to him. By the third week of school, he'd missed almost every single one of his classes, but he didn’t care. His priorities were firm.
Yuuji stayed by his side - day in and day out, until the very end.
When he woke up to the sound of erratic beeping and codes that he didn't understand being called out by nurses, he knew. He knew in his heart that this was it. Amongst the chaos were two sets of shaking hands reaching for each other, his grandpa's last words hanging heavily in the space between them,
“Yuuji... You're a strong kid, try your best to help others, okay?”
He remembered thinking at that moment that there couldn’t be a worse feeling. That he couldn’t possibly have anything else left to lose. He was only 15 and he was now officially all on his own as he watched the only parental figure he had let out his last breath of air.
He had no family, no future, no chance.
Fate was a cruel and calculating thing though. A few days after the funeral, Yuuji discovered that he did have a future. One that was irreversibly sealed the minute he stepped foot into Jujutsu High. He had to let go of everything he'd known in exchange for the damning task of becoming a vessel for Ryomen Sukuna. He had to trade in his mundane role of being a high school freshman for the daunting responsibility of becoming a first-year sorcerer. And arguably the hardest thing of all, he had to give up the simple pleasure of sharing a set of tangled headphones with you to try and save a world that didn't truly care about him.
There was no room for normalcy anymore. This was his new life and it was ending, one day at a time.
He sat at a nearly vacant bar by himself, staring down the empty glass in front of him, watching the ice melt as he ran a shaky hand along the back of his neck.
It was 4 o'clock and he was only one of two people here this early. The lights and music were still being adjusted by the workers. Cups being stocked and coolers being filled for the inevitable Saturday-night rush that would come in the next few hours. His goal was to be absolutely obliterated by then - to already be on his way back home before the swarm of college students took over.
He paused, noticing the calendar hanging by the craft beer list in front of him. His heart stuttered a bit as he blinked back at the date. No wonder he'd been feeling so reminiscent lately.
He leaned over the counter hoping to find the bartender who'd poured his first drink, but to no avail.
He grabbed his glass, sucking down the very last drop of whiskey it had to offer, trying desperately to drown out the realization that today was his 22nd birthday and the people who should be here with him weren't.
Almost every friend he'd made over the last ten years had been ripped away from him. They were scattered memories. Familiar voices that he did his best to hold onto. Faces, names, deaths that followed him everywhere he went.
Middle school and the innocence of just wanting to hold a pretty girl's hand while she walked down the hallway were long gone. He was an adult now. A very tired and traumatized adult.
He peered around the corner again, half-tempted to jump over the bar and pour himself another drink when the stereo kicked on, an overwhelming wave of pure, deep blue nostalgia flooding over him without warning.
His back straightened, his eyes suddenly darting towards the speaker as the lyrics drifted across his skin, causing every hair on his body to stand up at once.
"She wanted to die by a river. She wanted the tide to come up and drag her away, so that when she's dreamin', she can watch the tree line fall away." ⋆。 ♪
It was the same hazy melody that he'd spent an entire summer listening to on repeat. He still knew every word, every beat. It was muscle memory the way his fingertips began to drum along the counter when a bartender finally emerged from the back.
"Sorry, do you need a –"
Time stilled, the glass nearly slipping from his hand as your gaze caught his.
Despite how much you'd changed since the last time he saw you, your voice was somehow just as soft as he remembered it being.
He stared back at you in quiet disbelief, guilt quickly settling in the pit of his stomach as he thought about how fucking strange and unexpected this all must feel for you too.
From your perspective, he'd spent all of 8th grade trying to befriend you only to up and leave without even saying goodbye. And now, 7 years later - he was at your work, looking back at you like you were an actual angel, and forgetting every word he knew.
Your eyes stayed locked on his for another moment, both of you studying the person in front of you before you finally let out a shaky breath and smiled at him.
"Here," You offered, suddenly feeling the need to soothe your own nerves too. "On the house."
He tried to tell you that he could pay for it, but it was too late. You were already pouring two shots and motioning for him to put his wallet away.
"Okay, fine. But..." There was a glimmer in his eye as he pulled his glass away from yours. "What are we toasting to?"
The smile he gave you felt like a warm hug. One that you didn't realize you needed until you had it again. "Oh," You stammered, trying to ignore the blood that was rushing to your cheeks. "What about... To old friends?"
He nodded, still wearing the same expression as your drinks lightly knocked together. "To old friends."
He couldn't help but grin again at the little shiver that swept across your body as you finished yours.
Your hair was longer, your features a bit more mature, but your mannerisms were all the same. You were still the girl that was made up of mid-day sunlight, handbound books, and shades of blue that were too pretty to exist in this world.
You grabbed a beer out of the cooler and slid it to him, once again ignoring the credit card he tried to hand you. "Yuuji, relax." you leaned against the counter, resting your head in your hands so that you were eye-level with him. "They're not gonna go bankrupt over a $2 IPA, I promise."
"If you say so."  
You both exchanged the same small smile, his finger lightly running along the counter. "So," he cleared his throat, completely unsure of where to start. "How've you been?"
It was a loaded question, maybe even a dumb question considering how much time had passed, but he didn't care. He really did want to know how you'd been. What you'd been up to. What type of things you'd been writing about. What your Spotifty playlists looked like. What you did on your days off. He wanted to know everything. All of it.
"Well," you exhaled, trying to find an easy way to condense the last seven years of your life. "My parents..." your eyebrows furrowed, realizing that you'd never gotten the chance to tell him why you used to dread your old bus route so much. "My parents finally got divorced..."
“Oh shit, I’m sorry -"
“No,” You said swiftly, not wanting him to feel bad for asking. "It was more of a relief than anything. They used to fight, a lot. My mom wasn't always the nicest when she drank... It probably should've happened way sooner to be honest."
His breathing slowed as memories of you with tears in your eyes walking up your driveway smashed through his mind. He'd promised himself that he would ask you about it one day, but he had no idea it'd be this much later on. He'd wanted to talk to you about it as kids. Wanted to know what scared you so much about going home, but he didn't know how. It was the reason why he left journals on your desk. The reason why he never let you go without the next book in your series.
For everything he couldn't say, he tried to show. But he'd failed you on both accounts the day he disappeared.
"My parents separated my -" you paused, eyes dragging to his as you corrected yourself. "our graduation year."
He nodded, doing his best to digest the thought of you walking down the aisle in a cap and gown with the weight of your parents' downfall on your shoulders.
"But, after that," you smiled slightly. “I applied to college and got accepted. Started working here. Got my own apartment. And I don't know...” you shrugged, "I think in a weird way, things happened the way they were supposed to. It was like everything needed to fall apart before it got better, you know?"
He smiled back at you, your last sentence lingering in the space between you as he reached for your hand. He probably wouldn't have understood that sentiment a year ago, but watching your eyes widen while your fingers slowly tangled into his, he knew exactly what you meant now.
"I'm really sorry I wasn't there..." His thumb brushed against the side of your hand, steadying himself as he let 15-year-old him and 22-year-old him come together to say what they had both been holding onto for so long. "I didn't want to leave. I just -"
Your heart swelled in your chest, watching him blink back tears he wasn't prepared to shed. "Life got really hard for a really long time for me too. But, whenever I felt myself drifting... I thought of you. Thought of the way you'd glance at me from over your book during class. Thought of the way you smiled when you thought no one was watching. I thought of you... all the time. And it was like, no matter how dark things got, it reminded me that life could be good, because it was at one point. So..."
Your hand tightened around his, two sets of glossy eyes now staring back at each other as he forced himself to say what he should've years ago. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there, but... I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere."
You were dizzy with emotion. Swimming through feelings that you'd kept buried for nearly the last decade. The thoughts you'd only been brave enough to write down. The overwhelming urge to kiss him again and again and again until neither one of you had any air left in your lungs.
Your mouth opened and then closed, your body saying more than you were capable of with how desperately you were holding onto him.
You weren't sure what you were doing. Didn't have time to think or care about the repercussions of your impulsiveness.
"Hey Mai," You called out, "I'm really not feeling well. Think I'm gonna go home."
Yuuji's head was shaking no, but the surprised smile tugging at the corner of his mouth was saying otherwise. "What're you doing?" he whisper-shouted, watching you run around the bar to grab his hand again.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Mai yelled from the back, but it was too late.
You and Yuuji were already gone, practically sprinting alongside each other, laughing as you booked it across the parking lot.
"First the free beer and now this?"
"They won't go bankrupt over me missing one day." You winked. "C'mon, I wanna show you something."
You may have been leading the way, but he was still the athlete between the two of you, purposefully slowing himself down to not be right on your heels. But when he noticed you starting to pant as the road curved into an upward slope, he reached out for you, gently spinning you around to face him.
"Come here." he knelt down, positioning himself so that you could easily wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck.
He carried you piggy-back style up the hill, the sun fading into an array of pink and orange as you pointed out every bookstore around campus, explaining which ones were your favorites and why. Promising to get matcha with him tomorrow at a local coffee shop you passed. Asking him about his time at Jujutsu High and trying to wrap your mind around what little he was able to tell you as he swore that he'd fill you in on the full story when the time was right. You caught him up on what he'd missed the last three years of high school and how your college classes had been going. You talked about libraries and ghosts and laughed about how in 7th grade he'd joined the occult club just because he thought it'd be an easy after-school credit.
By the time you'd finally reached the spot you'd wanted to show him, the moon had almost completely replaced the sun. Your cheeks hurt from smiling and your hands were full of a mixture of different flowers that he'd picked for you along the way.
"This is..." he trailed off, watching the sky shift into a deep blend of blue and silver. "Beautiful. How'd you even find this place?"
It was an abandoned park surrounded by overgrown trees that overlooked the city, only one rusted swing set left to its name. The hike you had to endure just to find it had more than likely been the cause of its demise, trekking up here with a backpack was hard enough, let alone a stroller.
"I kinda found it by accident." You shrugged. "I was working on an art project and needed a good view of the skyline. I looked up a bunch of different places online, but then I saw this spot and just knew."
Yuuji pulled off his hoodie, sweat trickling down his neck from the late-summer heat as the two of you sat in the grass, his arm gently wrapping around your waist.
There had been so many times you'd sat in this exact same spot by yourself, wondering what the odds were that you were both somehow looking up at the same star.
Your head rested on his shoulder, a warm gust of air swirling around you as you both looked out into the distance, watching the way the stars faded into the Tokyo lights.
"Hey, Yuuji?" You twirled a blade of grass between your fingers, not wanting to ruin the moment, but still needing to be sure.
"You promise, right?"
"Hm?" He could hear the concern in your voice, his grip tightening as he pulled you closer.
"You promise that... you're not leaving again?"
"I swear, I'm not going anywhere. And if I do," His eyes returned to yours, his free hand attentively resting under your chin. "I'm taking you with me."
You nodded, warmth washing over you as he traced along your jawline, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
Your fears were lost to his touch. Your worries dissolving into the sincerity of his voice. Your need for reassurance wholeheartedly met when his hand cupped your cheek and his lips finally caught yours. Seven years' worth of pent-up feelings pouring out between the two of you, hands roaming and little moans slipping out between breaths while you tugged on the collar of his shirt to bring him closer. He was gentle but eager. Soft but secure. Perfect, in every way.
He hovered over you, easing you onto the grass as he made a makeshift pillow out of his hoodie for you to rest your head on.
You smiled as his lips drifted from your mouth to your neck, his palm delicately traveling up your shirt, pulling your bra to the side while he helped slide your tank-top up over your head. He kissed your collarbones, whispering sweet little praises into your skin. "You're gorgeous, you know that?"
He rested a hand under your back, steadying you as his tongue flickered across your chest. He took his time, making sure to give each nipple the same amount of attention, still humming things like, "the prettiest girl I've ever seen" while his hand traced over your hip.
He tugged at the waistline of your shorts, looking up at you through his lashes as he began to leave featherlight kisses along the inside of your thigh, his blood racing at the sounds you were suddenly making.
"Does that feel good, baby?"
You whimpered out a broken "yes", practically dripping when his fingers spread you apart. He watched you writhe beneath him, drawing slow but firm circles around you. Trying not to lose himself to the way your legs were already shaking for him.
"Yuuji," you whined. "I -" his mouth was ghosting your center, his fingers still playing with your clit while he held you in place. "I n - need you." your voice was heady, lost somewhere in the clouds the faster he went. "I wanna f - feel you, so bad."
"Yeah?" He smiled, his breath still fanning across your core as his digits prodded carefully at your entrance. He groaned at how beautifully your walls swallowed him. "I wanna feel you too."
Your head lulled back, eyes pointed at the sky while your hand tangled into his pink hair. His mouth was warm and heavenly, his tongue running uppp and dowwnnn your center, saliva mixing with slick while his fingers plunged into you.
"Oh, fuck."
He only went deeper the louder you got, flattening his tongue against you with just the right pressure to keep you saying his name. His ring and middle finger hitting spots you'd never been able to reach yourself. You were clenching around him, your thighs locking around his head as you rocked against his tongue.
"Yuuji - you're gonna make me -" he thought it was adorable the way you struggled to get more than two words out at a time. "Fuck, I -"
"Mhmm, just like that."
He was in the same daze you were, sliding in and out of you feverishly until he finally felt the blissful release of your walls spasming around him. Your body suddenly unable to hold it in any longer as you gave him the privilege of really tasing you.
"Oh my god," he moaned, faithfully lapping up every bit of you he could get, only pulling away when you started begging for him.
"Yuuji -" It was needy and light-headed. "Come here, come here. Please."
The way he lifted his head up, smiling at you with your cum dripping down his chin made something inside you ache.
You pulled him towards you, desperately wrapping your legs around his waist as he began undoing the buttons on his pants. He kissed you, again and again and again, using it as a pleasant distraction while he wriggled himself free.
He took a breath, both of you watching in blitzed out awe as he lined himself up with you. "I love you." he whispered, your eyes widening from the blend of his words and the feeling of his tip slowly entering you. "Always have."
His hair brushed against your forehead as he parted your lips with his tongue, your nails digging into his neck with his first full thrust. You were so tight and warm around him.
He tried to ease into you, encouraging you while also making sure you were comfortable. His voice sweet as honey as he asked you things like, "Is that okay, baby?" and "Aw, you like when I go deep like that, huh?"
Your gaze locked with his, your eyebrows knitting together the faster his rhythm became.
You'd thought about this moment before. Thought about what it might feel like, but nothing could've prepared you for the way your heart would race at the sound of him moaning, "You're doing so good for me." The way he'd hold you, looking back at you with stars in his eyes as he filled every inch of you.
"Yuuji -"
"Let it out, baby. S'okay." He whispered, his hand reaching for yours. "I've got you."
Your vision was blurred by the feeling of his tip meeting your cervix, warm summer air brushing against your skin as you reached your breaking point.
"I love you." The words left your mouth so fast you barely had time to register them, but then... they wouldn't stop. It was the only phrase you remembered how to say. The only emotion you remembered how to feel. "I love you." you whimpered again, feeling yourself tighten around him as your confession became more frantic. "Oh - mygod, Yuuji. I love you. I love you. I love - you."
His movements were suddenly beyond his control, his body completely succumbing to the grip of yours. "Fuck, baby - I -" He didn't know if he should pull out. Didn't know if he could pull out. His head was everywhere, his mouth dropping open the longer he watched you.
Your legs locked around him in heady reassurance. "Mm'mm, d - don't stop." You panted. "Cum with me."
It was a sentence he'd only ever thought he'd be lucky enough to hear you say in his dreams.
His hips stilled after one more thrust, your walls holding him tight as he began to twitch inside you. His forehead pressed against yours, his arms struggling to keep him propped up.
You exchanged the same exhausted smirk, leaning up to kiss him while he carefully pulled out of you. A blend of fluids spilling out onto the grass beneath you as he laid by your side with his forearm over his face, trying to regain his composure.
There was a calm silence that settled between you, the both of you looking up at the stars before you rolled over to reach for your shorts, letting him catch his breath while you dug something out of the back pocket.
"Here." You said, unraveling a tangled pair of headphones and handing him one.
His eyes widened with the same curiosity they had 7 years ago as he held it to his ear, your head resting on his chest while a song he knew all too well flowed through the small speakers connecting you. A smile splitting across his face as he held you closer.
"You know, I think you were right." he exhaled, running light fingertips along your arm. "Everything did have to fall apart before it got better."
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siriusblackloml · 5 months
just for me - george weasley x reader smut (PART 3)
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: george weasley x fem!reader
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 11.7k
𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩: “i was wondering if you could maybe write anything abt virgin killer!george weasley?? like im sorry hes the finest mf around ik he gets MAD hoes so when he finally acknowledges this preppy, nice and innocent mc he jus knows he has to ruin her"
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: he fucked up. quite horribly, too. george swooped in, made his move, and tried to get on his life like he always does after he's finished with a random hookup. now you were avoiding him and pretty much making him live in agony as a result of his shitty actions. george will soon come to realize you had a much larger impact on his life than he would ever imagine.
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨: swearing, a LOT of angst
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚: i’m still not done with this series but instead of keeping it three parts, i decided to add a fourth :) i hope you all enjoy this and please forgive me for the very long wait. i’ve had so much going on irl. part four is coming soon!
part one ┊ part two ┊part three ┊pt. 4 coming soon!
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George had a funny little hop in his step as he walked through the grass. Not that it was truly intentional. He was just…very, very happy. There was too much adrenaline fogging his brain to really comprehend anything in this moment of time. He was acting as though he hadn’t just fucked you senseless in the field of grass outside the school. 
He felt proud of himself. He thought that this moment was worth all the celebrating in the world. All of his hard work had built up towards this moment and it paid off so much. You were absolutely amazing. Actually, he wondered to himself, was it possible to say that you were perfect? If he had to be honest with himself, you were everything he wanted in a girl. 
Physically, of course. It’s not like he was looking to start a relationship or anything. Sure, he just told you that he would see you around, but he had to use that more as a lie to try and leave the precious moment between you two on a positive note. False hope, deception, bullshit, call it anything you want, George didn’t regret it. He knew that if he just walked away he probably would have left you crying right there on the spot. He’s not sure he would ever be able to forgive himself if he did that. 
At the end of the day, George knew better than to actually see you again. That’s why from here on out, it would be nothing more than talking in class. If he even brought himself to do that. 
George couldn’t shake the smile from his face as he walked into the Gryffindor common room. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, contrasting the chilly breeze outside. Not that he was cold; the boy was still quite feverish from how hard he had just fucked you. Students were chatting amongst one another about their day and what was to come for the rest of the night. George noticed some students who were admirably trying to complete homework in the midst of the constant chatter. He thought of you for a split second. Remembering all the time you spend studying for homework and exams. He literally interrupted you studying earlier, but you didn’t seem to mind. 
Those thoughts of you were immediately discarded once he noticed a familiar duo in the corner of the room arguing with one another. It was George’s younger brother, Ron, and his friend Hermoine. What the two of them were arguing about was unbeknownst to him, but George caught the eye of someone sitting in a chair eating candy, watching the scene unfold like it was a drama. It was Fred, his fiery-red haired twin, who was popping the sweet treats into his mouth like he was eating popcorn at the movie theater. It must have been very entertaining watching Ron and Hermoine argue, as Fred couldn’t seem to pry his eyes off the show in front of him. 
George walks up to Fred and snaps his fingers. He immediately catches the attention of Fred, who boggles at him as if to ask, what the hell do you want? George motions for the boy to follow him. Fred gets up from his seat and follows George up the flight of stairs towards the empty dormitories. George seemingly couldn’t break the smile on his face so Fred immediately knew what was going on.
As soon as they were out of earshot of other people, Fred asked George, “So? Did it finally happen?”
George nods his head excitedly and eagerly answers, “Yes! It did!”
The twin embraces his brother with a cheeky clap of hand that morphed into a side hug. He was obviously very proud of George for his achievement. It’s not every day you take your classmate's virginity in the middle of a grassy field. Not that Fred really needed to know that last small detail. 
“I can’t believe you popped her cherry. I didn’t think she was ever going to budge.” Fred shakes his head in disbelief. The brother was referring to the fact he knew of your innocence. George remembers back to the day his twin told him about how you were positively a virgin. He could have sworn he melted on the spot from the newfound information. It was at that moment he knew he needed to be the one to ruin your innocence. 
And innocent you were. Well, for the most part, anyway. Your mouth depicted otherwise given all the profanity you were throwing at George. He couldn’t get over how mouthy you were during the entire session. The pathetic begging, the whining, the swearing. It was like heaven to his ears. It only made him want to drill his cock inside your pretty pussy even harder. Which he did, of course, and he loved watching the way your face would contort into pleasure at every thrust. 
Fred clapped his brother’s shoulder, pulling George from his daydreaming. He said in a cheerful tone, “Good for you, mate. So when are you seeing her again?” 
Fred’s brother immediately scoffs at the question. George thinks to himself, as if that’s happening. He had a very set rule for himself which was so straightforward it would take an absolute idiot to not understand. This easy rule was simple to follow; he didn’t give any of his hookups a second chance. They were a one and one time only situation. George was afraid that if he were to consistently see the same girl, he would give the impression that he wanted things to develop into something more. Of course he did like the girls, but it was more so for their physical appearance over their personality. Not that yours was bad, he actually quite enjoyed talking to you. 
Maybe even a little more than any other girl. You did leave his heart fluttering every now and then, which was strange for George to understand because it had never happened before. The boy shakes his head. He can’t keep thinking about you. No girl had ever left him so flustered before and he was not about to let that ruin his night of celebration. Celebrating you, of course. Or more so, the dirty act you two shared. 
To avoid giving you any kind of false hope, George plans to keep to himself from here on out. George tells his brother, “No, I don’t want her to think I’m, like, into her, know what I mean?” 
Fred shrugs out of confusion and raises an eyebrow, immediately striking back with, “Well, I kinda figured that’s what you wanted.” 
George’s heart stops beating for just a split second. As if something shocked his entire body. What was Fred implying? Why would he assume that of his brother knowing his reputation? Hell, Fred has encouraged George in the past to avoid being with a girl more than one time to avoid the start of a relationship. Fred must know deep down that you weren’t any different from the rest of the girls George had been with…right? 
George narrows his eyes at Fred and asks, “What do you mean?” 
“Don’t you like her? I thought…well, I guess I was wrong.” Fred trails off as he notices George seemed very tense. 
He was tense, and for good reason. George was nearly offended that his brother would ever assume that of him. He never broke the cycle in the past to see a girl more than once, why would he do it now? 
But then again, why would Fred figure that in the first place? Was George doing something specific that would have implied that idea? Other than frequently talking to Y/N in class, calling her cute, and….no, any guy can do that and it doesn’t mean he wants to drop everything and date the girl right that second. Plus, George only hung out with you to get closer…obviously. Nothing more than just that. Fred was just jumping to conclusions. Conclusions he had no business assuming in the first place.
George stays silent and avoids the lingering gaze of his twin. He turns away from Fred as an indication that he no longer wanted to talk, to which his brother complied almost immediately. Fred left the room without much of anything else to say. Once George heard the door shut close, he walked across the bedroom towards a long floor length mirror to look at his disheveled appearance. 
His clothes were untidy from the aftermath that was you. George rather liked this sight of his unkempt appearance knowing it was because of your bloody sex. He smirked to himself as he adjusted his clothes, tucking his shirt into his trousers and fixing his tie. Just looking at his clothes reminded him of everything with you. 
The sweetness of your moans, the tightness of your wet cunt, the way your face looked underneath his power. In the midst of him reminiscing, he thought back to the first time he ever saw you in class. That pretty girl was so far gone now. The girl he first met was completely different from the girl he just saw in the field. Her innocence was gone, stolen from her, in a way that was rough and possibly even catastrophic. 
The girl George knew first was too sweet for her own good. He almost…missed it. The way you blushed so easily from any of his flirty comments, or the little gasps that escaped your mouth from every tiny brush of his hand. 
These memories started to flash across the boy’s mind before he could even process them all. The countless times he would flirt with you behind Snape’s back, your sneaky giggles to avoid catching attention from the professor, all the times you would have to help him with his homework because he was absolutely clueless. The way he would glance at your hair because you always styled them in the cutest clips…or the way he would stare at your face because you were absolutely beautiful.
Then again, George loved staring at your face when you were underneath him, writhing in pleasure from the force of his cock. He needed to remind himself that whatever innocent girl he first met was far gone now. He destroyed her, deflowered her, anything he could think of, he did it. And shouldn’t he be proud of himself for that? 
At this moment, George heard his stomach start to grumble. He realized that he had not eaten anything since earlier this morning and was quite hungry. George finishes fixing his clothes and grabs his robe, trying to ignore the thoughts flooding his mind of how he tied a robe to a fucking tree just an hour earlier. 
Within minutes, he found himself going downstairs into the common room and finding a group of his friends and brothers already planning to march towards the Great Hall for dinner. George immediately tags along, jumping into conversation as if he had been there the whole time. As the group of boys wandered down hallways and waltzed around cold corridors, they would joke about anything and everything possible. George loves these nights with his friends where nothing else matters but how much fun they’re having. His mind had barely any focus on you anymore.
However, that did not last very long. Once George arrived at the Great Hall, he couldn’t help but steal a glance towards the table you would typically sit for meals. Your seat was vacant, though. Completely empty while the remainder of your friends sat in their own respective spots, chatting as if nothing was wrong. Clearly there was something wrong; you weren’t here for dinner. 
George thought of this as strange. He assumed that enough time had passed that you would have already come back to the school, gotten cleaned up, and would be coming downstairs for your meal. Maybe you were running late, he thought to himself. 
He shrugs his shoulders and turns back towards his friends, cracking joke after joke that erupted the entire group of boys into massive fits of laughter. Even though George was having a good time, his mind couldn’t stay focused on his friends for long. 
Every few minutes he’d get the urge to see if you were walking in the room. He’d frequently look towards the grand doors, walking students flood in and out, but never would he spot your cute hairclips amongst the crowd of people. He would even look back at your spot at the table. Ten minutes had passed, then it was twenty, now it was nearing thirty, George still couldn’t find you. 
Was it possible that you just stayed in the field after George left? He wondered this to himself, biting his lip in frustration because all he wanted to know was that you were okay. Why? He didn’t have the answer for that. But as long as he was able to see you, that’s all that mattered to George. Where on earth had you gone? There were multiple questions scattered across the boy’s mind and he hated not knowing anything. 
Sitting in the Great Hall trying to chase for an answer in his mind was giving George enough frustration to leave the group of friends early. He complained of being tired, to which his friends all chuckled deeply knowing why he would have been so exhausted (Fred’s jaw nearly dropped to the floor when he realized his brother had sex in a field). 
The boy left his group of friends to wander the hallways of Hogwarts. He flew up a flight of stairs to get to the second floor, maneuvering his way through a crowd of people to try and find a very particular window. It was one that overlooked the territory surrounding Hogwarts. It was an important window to him as it was pointed in the direction of the same tree you would have been sitting under. George secretly hoped he would be able to see a tiny, black dot under this tree, indicating that you had never left your spot after all.
Upon arrival at this windowsill that George had been desperately trying to look for, he peered outside only to see nothing. There was not one black speck amongst the green grass that would have implied you were still studying your materials. This meant you left the tree long ago, that you were probably wandering the school now doing Godric knows what. 
Why did this leave George feeling…uneasy? His heart dropped when he realized that you were no longer outside. He hated this feeling because it was completely new to him. It also brought on an array of questions, the most common one that crossed his mind being, why on earth does he care so much about a girl he hooked up with? Why was he so worried? Why did he hope to find you so desperately? It wasn’t like he was planning on talking to you, or anything more than that really.
George went to sleep that night with you on his mind. It was hard to fall asleep in the first place, however. He was tossing and turning for an hour straight trying not to worry about your current whereabouts. Unfortunately, George didn’t sleep long either. 
He’d wake up just a few hours into the night from a nightmare. It was a dream in which he lost you forever. 
The next day…
George felt a massive shift in the atmosphere the moment he woke up. He had a weird gut feeling about today, mostly because he was worried about where you’d gone last night. However, his worries would only worsen upon his first period class. 
You didn’t show up. To be more specific, you didn’t show up to Professor Snape’s class, which is a huge no-no in not only the professor’s book, but your own as well. You’d never missed class before as far as George was aware. Having to miss any kind of class nearly disgusted you, and you were for sure always present in Snape’s class given the consequences that would likely follow. The professor was keen on giving detention just for missing one class period. Not that you would probably earn one since you were his star student.
What on earth would have caused you to miss class? George wondered if there was a sort of emergency that you had to attend to, but his gut told him otherwise. His stomach felt like there was a knot in it the moment he walked into the room and didn’t see you. He had already felt uneasy just during the walk to the classroom. 
George didn’t see you in the hallway like he usually would in the mornings. He silently hoped and wished it was only because you had already arrived to class early, or maybe it was because you happened to be running late. Even if that was the case, he still felt weird about it because you were always to arrive at class at a very particular time. 
The boy started catching on that you would try and time your walk in the hallway so that the two of you would arrive at the doorway nearly at the exact same time. George never made a comment about this to you; he secretly thought it was adorable that you were so head over heels for him that you would go to such lengths to be sure you both arrived at the same time. 
And here he was, reminiscing those memories. They all felt lightyears away now. He took advantage of those days. The ones where he could admire you walking down the hallway in your cute skirt and hairclips, then he got to wink at you during class at random intervals. A million questions raced through his mind. So much so, that he couldn’t focus on a single word that came out of Snape’s mouth. Not that he usually paid much attention anyway. He would always be too distracted by your beauty. 
Amongst the million questions that ran through his head, one question continued to linger on George’s mind while he sat in class; had he ruined things between you two?
He never asked himself this kind of question before because it has never been an issue in the past. He moved on easily every single time he had been with a girl, why couldn’t he let you go? 
What caused this to start? His infatuation with you, that is. Was it just because you guys talked frequently during class? Well that couldn’t be all, there had been times George hooked up with girls he knew for years and never felt this way before. Was it only because he knew you were a virgin? While that factor going into sex with you was very exciting, it wouldn’t be enough for him to be this obsessed with your unknown whereabouts. 
George tried finding something that would have sparked his sudden interest in you, when his heart dropped in the middle of a thought. The realization hits him like a brick and his breath is immediately knocked out of his lungs. The past day has been spent worrying not only about where you were, but just you in general. Absolutely nothing else mattered in the world but you. 
While George wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box, he didn’t need a genius to tell him that he was falling for you. That realization alone was enough to shake him to his core. It was as though everything in his brain had shut off completely, all except that circuit that left his mind running on loop thinking about you and you only. And maybe it wasn’t exactly love that he was feeling, but it was definitely…something. It was the sort of “something” that made George want to drop everything he was doing just to be with you. Because even if it wasn’t love that he was experiencing, the boy knew he was feeling something intense for you and needed to share that with you as soon as possible. 
Given he was in quite possibly the most boring classroom of all, George didn’t even give his plan a second thought. He collected his belongings and shoved them into his bag, got up from his desk, and exited the room without a word. The only thing on his mind was finding you. 
With a rapidly beating heart and sweaty palms, George started to pace the hallways in hopes he would randomly catch sight of you around a corridor. When that plan failed, he stood still for a few minutes to try and pinpoint exactly where you could have been. While it was possible that you were simply hiding in your house dormitory from the rest of the world, George played with the idea that you were possibly hiding in the library. The only reason he could think of such a place was not only because he knew how studious you were, it was the only other location that you two shared. 
It was really only that, the classroom, and that damn field. Having to think about the field burned a massive hole in George’s heart. He knew now, after some reflection, that what he did was awfully wrong. How he didn’t realize it before was beyond him. He was too caught up with his ego and so used to dropping a girl as quick as he saw her, he assumed everything would be the same when it came to you. 
You were different though. George knew that now. And having to think back to the way he used you in that field yesterday made him gulp hard. He wondered, why did he put you through that? He felt like complete shit now. 
All he could think about was you. How you must have felt about all this. Surely enough, you must have felt used. You didn’t deserve that. George stormed down the hallway, ears ringing with anticipation to find you as soon as possible. 
You had been sitting in the library by yourself. Well, obviously you had been. Everyone else was in their respective classes at the time. Not you, though. It was just too much to bear right now with how fresh yesterday’s situation was. 
The fact that you were skipping class made you feel so beyond guilty. For a second, you thought you must have been insane to even consider the idea in the first place. You’d never skipped class before, so going through with the last minute plan was enough to make you bite your nails out of anxiety. However, nothing could compare to the feeling that would have hit you if you had to sit through class next to George Weasley.
Just that thought alone made you sick to your stomach. It would have been a million times worse than what you were feeling now. You knew that you couldn’t skip the next class period with him, however even if you got a chance to skip today, you’d take it. You couldn’t bear looking at his face…as if nothing ever happened between you two. 
Was this what you were made for? To be used by men? That’s all you felt right now; used.
If you had the chance, you would have gone back in time and changed the narrative entirely. You would have stolen that freaking time-turner from Professor McGonagall just to stop yourself from getting hypnotized by his charm. George Weasley was reckless and it affected you too much. 
You were careful before you met the boy. Very cautious, you kept to yourself. Never once did you ever consider lusting after a boy the way you did for George, dreaming up a fantasy where the two of you were happily ever after. And now everything in your life is crashing down all around you. As if you’ve lost complete control. 
You were as reckless as he was. 
He sucked you into this kind of void and it left you unable to breathe, unable to move, unable to think straight. That’s why you were hiding in the library. If the thought of George was making you feel this uneasy, you couldn’t even fathom what would have happened today if you walked into class and sat right next to him.
As if nothing had happened. 
You wondered if you would have been able to contain yourself if you did end up going to class anyway. You’re not sure if you would have cried, screamed at him, or just stayed silent. You were not one to really stand up for yourself, but then again, so much has changed about yourself in the last few weeks you weren’t sure if that was so true anymore. 
The library was dead silent besides your occasional turn of the pages in your book. You busied yourself by catching up on some reading you were meant to read yesterday. While you did your best to read the book last night in bed, it was quite difficult to focus with the amount of tears that welled up in your eyes. Thankfully, you were a bit more composed today and felt confident enough to tackle a couple chapters during this quiet time. 
As you sat silently, taking in the information about an aging potion, you could hear a door open in the distance of the library. The noise was followed by footsteps that increased in volume, indicating that someone was definitely walking in your direction. You can’t help but look up at the noise, half expecting to see either one of your girlfriends or even Snape himself wondering why you weren’t in class.
However, nothing could have prepared you for the boy who was walking towards you. It was George, of course. Because who else would it be at this time of day?
Immediately your eyes widen as your stomach sinks. It felt like the entire world was falling apart around you in an instant. You could have sworn that your heart skipped multiple beats in a row. Just the sight of George was nearly giving you a heart attack. What on earth did he have to say? Better yet, what were you going to say? Was he even worth the talk?
Gulping silently, you just watch as he approaches you in the dead silent room. He seemed to slow down his pace the moment you two made eye contact. As much as you wished it would have been enough to stop him dead in his tracks, he kept walking towards you. He adjusts his tie and clears his throat as casually as possible.
Without asking for permission, George pulls out the chair to your right and seats himself. He jumps right into a sort of interrogation, asking you, “Why weren’t you in class?”
You have to tell yourself to act like you don’t care that he’s here. Obviously he didn’t care about you enough yesterday to stay with you in that field, or even talk to you in general about what you two were. You were just a toy for him to fuck and get over in a matter of minutes. Keeping this in mind, and partially taking notice of the anger that was clearly bubbling inside you, you sneer at George and mutter under your breath, “I didn’t feel like it.”
Not your strongest moment, but it was blunt and rude. You figured it would get the point across that you weren’t very happy with him. So much for not letting it seem like it bothered you. You realized it was a bit harder to hold back your emotion than you originally thought. That doesn’t mean you’re going to beat yourself up over this, though. You would much rather seem angry in front of George than sad or depressed. The last thing you want to do is bawl in front of him.
Did he really deserve to even know that you were angry with him though? You started to regret even talking to him in the first place. Too many questions were swirling around your mind for you to find focus. It made your head pound with pain.
“I need to ask you something.” George tells you while awkwardly biting his lip and shifting uncomfortably in his chair. He starts to pull hair away from his face and run his fingers through his hair. It takes a lot of power to try not to notice how attractive he looked whenever he played with his hair like that.
Your back straightens and you instinctively lean in towards him, eager to hear what he has to say. You respond in a dry tone, “What is it?”
Suddenly, George is leaning forward and grabbing you by the chin with his fingers, forcing your eyes to take in his weary face. You gasp quietly, heart feeling like it was being stabbed, it was throbbing so hard.
He asks you in a frantic voice, “Things feel different for you, too, don’t they?”
You raise an eyebrow, confused. Things? Between the two of you? Well…of course they were different. Before yesterday, you two were just classmates that would flirt. Now, you didn’t even know whatever “this” was. It was disgusting, that’s what you thought to yourself. It left you feeling used.
So what the hell was he implying? You let him hold your chin a while longer and ask softly, “What do you mean?”
George blinks once, twice, three times before he gulps hard.
“I-Well-…I don’t know…” He starts to sputter out anything that comes to mind. He can’t seem to explain himself fast enough, or find the words in general.
You pull away from his grasp, narrowing your eyes as you pick apart his act. This was all fake, wasn’t it? Just another fucking plan to woo you? He would act all pitiful and sad to express how much he didn’t mean it, all just to see you naked again. That’s exactly what this was.
“You’re just trying to get in my pants again, aren’t you?” You snap at George with a nasty tone. You stand up from your chair dramatically, hearing the scrape of wood against stone echo throughout the empty library.
George stands up nearly as quick as you do the moment the words are leaving your mouth. He tries to extend his arms out to grasp you, but misses as you take a step back. Throwing everything in your backpack as fast as you possibly can, you notice George in the corner of your eye starting to inch closer to you again with a nervous voice, “W-What?! No! Y/N, I swear-”
You throw all your books in your bag and slam the chair into the desk, snapping at George with a newfound fury you hadn’t realized was inside you all this time. You tell him, “Do me a favor George; leave me the FUCK alone.”
It was obvious that the sentence alone was enough of a threat to the boy. The anger laced in your tongue hits George like a million knives, putting him in his place immediately. He falls silent immediately, watching you walk away from the scene without another word.
However, what he didn’t see was the tears building up along your lash line. As much as you hated his guts, you were still falling madly in love with the idiot. You hated yourself as much as you hated him.
Two days later…
George knew you couldn’t avoid him forever, but he didn’t realize just how damn sneaky you could really be. After the horrific interaction in the library just days before, the boy wouldn’t see you again until the next session in Professor Snape’s potion class. He no longer saw you in the hallways or the Great Hall. You obviously made a substantial deal to be sure that there would be little to no chance of ever seeing you outside of class again.
Not seeing you for days straight made George feel even worse. He wasn’t sure if he should have looked forward to potions or not, assuming that you would be there of course. Sure enough, you were present in class, but it did not make the situation any better. When George walked into the room, he immediately spotted you at the front of the classroom speaking to Professor Snape in hushed whispers. Whatever was being discussed, Snape looked very concerned.
Such an indication did not stop George from calling out your name. In a loud voice, he said across the room, “Hey, Y/N!”
He wasn’t even quite sure why he said your name, if he had to be honest with himself. It kind of slipped out before he had time to process it all. Maybe his gut thought that trying to talk to you in class was going to go better than how the discussion went down in the library a couple days prior. Perhaps the crowd surrounding you two would force you to act a bit nicer; allow him to get his words out and express his feelings about everything.
Both you and Snape turn to look at George, who is awkwardly waving and sheepishly smiling. But in an instant you shoot him a glare. Even Professor Snape was scowling at him. While this was a normal occurrence for George in front of just about any teacher, it seemed that Snape was going out of his way to make his scowl even deeper and nastier than usual.
Right away, you had seated yourself in a chair closest to the professor’s desk. Keeping your back to George, he was forced to position his gaze back on his professor. Snape’s dirty look did not go away as he gave out instructions. “George, you’ll be sitting in this seat for the rest of the year.”
The teacher walked George to his new spot, which was the furthest point from your new seat at the front of the classroom. He was all the way in the back. This kind of seating chart is a great opportunity for a prankster like George to unleash his full potential on the entire class, but he couldn’t even relish in this once in a lifetime lucky chance he’d been granted. The boy felt everything opposite of that expected feeling.
George’s stomach felt like it had dropped to the floor. He realized very quickly that you had purposely asked for this separation from him. Whatever you told Snape, it was to avoid having any further conversation with George during class.
He was convinced he was going to lose his mind over you. He had to get a hold of you, and soon.
Many weeks later...
You thought you were going to lose your mind having to avoid the boy like this, day in and out. At this point, it was becoming a routine. One that you had to follow religiously in order to avoid any kind of possible conflict with George.
Of course, deep down you want to listen to what he has to say. You know it might be valuable in a sense…but at the same time, he deceived you once, he could easily do it again. How were you supposed to know he wasn’t trying to apologize just to appeal to your sensitive side, only to try and slide into your pants once again? Something like this was too difficult to decipher. Therefore, you were much more comfortable just glancing at George from a far distance. He didn’t deserve to talk to you…as much as you wanted to talk to him.
One night, as you are exiting the Great Hall after eating a delicious meal, you begin to make your way to the dormitories. Your mind is too preoccupied on the immense amount of homework you have later tonight to hear the sound of footsteps following close behind you. It’s not until the fiery-red haired boy is in your peripheral vision that you realize someone was near you.
In a matter of seconds, your heart drops into your stomach without even having to look George directly in the face. He had your full attention now without even having to try, let alone look at him.
While your heart was pounding out of your chest, you tried your best to focus more on how annoying it was becoming that George wasn’t going to let you go so easily. Why did he want to talk to you so badly anyway? Just to have sex again? With an eye roll, you pick up the pace and start to walk faster down the hallway. You had hoped that the silent treatment would work enough to scare him away.
George attaches himself to your side immediately and says, “Y/N, stop, please. I want to talk to you.”
Keeping your head forward, he is only met with silence. Obviously angered by your immature attitude, he scoffs under his breath and reveals a nasty look on his face; as if that was meant to make you feel bad for him.
It was amusing to see him get his knickers in a twist just from not speaking. It was almost hard to hold back from smirking in front of the boy. However, deep down you were still just as scared of talking to George as you were most days since everything occurred. He just had this kind of effect on you where it felt like no matter how angry you acted around him, your heart was still soft for his stupid antics.
You didn’t dare reveal that to him; you were still recovering from the massive damage he had done to your emotional state. You shuffle past George as fast as possible, still refusing to make any sort of eye contact with him.
Eventually, he jumps right in front of you, preventing you from moving anymore. You jump from the action and immediately snap, “What on earth do you want with me, George?”
He takes a step forward to close the gap, his eyes staring deeply into your own. He starts to stumble over his words, “G-Godric, Y/N, I didn’t think you’d ever…I just wanted to…bloody hell, I don’t know what I’m trying to say.”
“Then don’t bother, okay?” You tell him, moving around his figure to get away from the conversation. It’s hard to believe he has anything worthwhile to tell you in the first place. However, there’s still a small sliver of hope that resides in your being, and it’s just enough to tell George, “I’ll see you around.”
You’re not sure what you mean when you say this. You figure that maybe it’s enough to keep you two on good terms. He didn’t really deserve more than that though. He was an ass and literally used you. But your heart ached for him nonetheless. You were always going to miss him, so why bother keeping up this anger front for the rest of the school year? It was killing you just to do it right now.
The boy doesn’t take long to get the hint. He stands still and merely watches you walk away. You can practically feel his eyes bearing a hole through the back of your skull from how hard he was staring.
Later that night, while you are lying in bed struggling to sleep thanks to all that was on your mind, you thought back to earlier. What was it he wanted to say to you? Why was it so urgent?
Curiosity would eventually kill the cat.
It's been months since that day in the field. You would still go out of your way to avoid George, and he has slowly stopped trying to make conversation with you entirely. Your heart ached for him each and every day, though. You missed having those silly conversations in class, waving to him in the Great Hall, and so much more. Part of you was even missing all those times he would desperately try to get your attention only for you to ignore it. You thought of it for the better, but looking back on it all, had that really been the best choice?
You can hear his little friend group whisper among themselves whenever you and George are ever in the same room with one another. There was no doubt they knew about everything that happened. Which only made you feel more like shit; how dare they know you lost your virginity to a classmate you had fallen so deeply for. Not once had you ever felt so humiliated before. This was not how you expected your last year at Hogwarts to go. You anticipated much more out of this year. Laughing, studying, maybe some crying here and there, but not over a boy who used you for sex. That was the last thing you ever considered to happen to you.
In a weird sort of way, George felt much like the yin to your yang. The way the two of you could come together and have so much fun despite your differing personalities always blew you away. He completed the missing pieces within you. It was an act that you didn’t think was possible, especially knowing it was someone you met so recently. That being said, you can’t help but miss those moments of bliss with one another.
Just the thought of him makes you shudder. Not out of disgust, but due to the ache in your heart that desired more from him. If anything, it was likely to be from the immense guilt and shame that clouded your every being since the day everything happened with George. Why on earth would you miss someone like him when he was so mean?
It is winter break now. A large majority of students had left to go home, but you were staying at Hogwarts. The last few days were spent reading books you meant to catch up on ages ago. You had to occasionally flit around the hallways in order to avoid the Weasleys. It was so convenient that they happened to be here during the holidays at the same time as you. But at this point in the year, you had started to grow used to it all. It’s all you could do in order to “cope” with the sadness that hung heavy in your heart.
You were in the library again, turning page after page in your book. You were slowly catching yourself starting to space out. Rightly so, as it had been a couple hours of sitting here and you were slowly growing hungry. You could barely focus when your stomach continuously growls.
As you start to put away your book in your bag, alongside anything else you had pulled out, you could hear footsteps walking past you. You didn’t think much of it until you heard a familiar voice.
“Hello, Y/N.” George says.
A chill runs up your spin, hair standing up on the back of your neck. Goosebumps trail up and down your arms as your throat runs dry. If it wasn’t obvious you were nervous before, it was now. Your eyes shot up towards the boy, watching him stand near you with a soft smile and blushed cheeks. This hadn’t been how you anticipated the night to go at all, but you couldn’t bear to embarrass yourself any longer.
You muster up enough courage to respond back. “Hey, George.”
“How are you doing?” He replies, watching you closely as you continue to put away your belongings into your bag at a slow pace. Your hands were shaking slightly from the anxiety coursing through your veins. If you hadn’t known any better, you’d wager that George was in the exact same boat as you were.
He was clutching a couple books tight to his chest, finger tapping anxiously along the spines. He kept swaying back and forth, biting his lip and avoiding eye contact on occasion.
It had been so long since the two of you last spoke. You knew deep down you had been wanting this for ages, missing these small conversations. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to be civil, at least this once, you wondered to yourself. You had never held a grudge for so long before, and you weren’t about to let it continue. Maybe this was your chance to let bygones be bygones and let George know that you’ve moved on (that’s a big lie, but what he doesn’t have to know won’t hurt him).
So, you decide to interact with him some more. You tell him, “I’ve been doing fine.”
George cracks that gorgeous smile of his and nods his head. He chimes in, “Good, good, I’m happy to hear that.”
You decide not to comment on that. However, there is no denying that little explosion of butterflies in your stomach. Well, that and the loud rumble that follows.
Your stomach growls out of hunger once again, clearly indicating between both parties that you were getting hungrier by the second. Cheeks red from embarrassment, you try to save yourself by saying, “I’m heading to the Great Hall. Just wanted to get in some light reading before supper.”
“Can I walk with you?” George asks as soon as you’re finished speaking.
His voice was soft despite the request filling you with fear in an instant. You did want to walk with him, but what were his intentions? The prospect of having to venture anywhere with George at your side was slightly concerning since you hadn’t done so since…well, before everything.
You shoot him a slight glare, immediately questionable about why he wanted to. He picked up on this, placing his hands in a defensive position and exclaiming, “I’m going there already! I was just about to leave for supper myself. I figured if you were going, maybe we could walk together. That’s all I wanted.”
Maybe it’s the innocence of his request, or those stupid puppy dog eyes, but you’re not entirely opposed to the idea. Perhaps it wasn’t such a bad idea to walk with him if that’s all that would come out of it in the end. Nothing more, nothing less. You knew eventually this would likely happen anyway. You couldn’t avoid him forever.
Simultaneously, you found yourself wondering if you were being foolish to even entertain the possibility of this. Only an idiot would want to walk with the same man who used her for sex; but here you were, being as foolish as ever. Due to his undeniable appeal and practically begging to walk with you, you’re giving him permission to be in your company. While your eyes were darting around anywhere in the room but George, you tell him, “That’s fine, you can join me.”
Walking out of the library with George next to your side feels strange. At the same time, you feel even weirder for thinking that. At some point during the school year, this felt so completely normal to you. Now it was all just an out of body experience. As if the two of you were strangers all over again. Your heart was beating so rapidly out of your chest you thought you were going to have a heart attack.
The hallways leading to the Great Hall were completely empty. It was likely that whatever remaining students that were on campus were eating at the moment. The echo of your and George’s footsteps, alongside the dim lighting, made the situation all the more stressful for you. It was like you were stuck in place despite moving closer and closer to your destination.
After a minute of walking and absolutely no words spoken, George breaks the silence. He asks, “Can I speak to you for just a moment?”
“Is it about all that happened between us?” You wonder, your throat constricts the more you talk. You’re sure you are on the verge of tears just from the thought of it all. However, maybe this was the closure that you needed. Maybe this is what you needed to move forward and get on with your life without worrying about some red-haired boy running amuck in the school hallways and classrooms.
He clears his throat, “Yeah, it’s about that. I have something really important I want to tell you, Y/N.”
You internally go back and forth about whether or not you want to hear it, wondering if what he has to say will truly have any meaning at all. George dislikes the long pause it takes for you to say anything. He steps in front of you and blocks your path. He places his hands on your shoulders to prevent you from being able to walk away.
You huff and puff out of annoyance, sneering at him to say, “Let go of me, George.”
“Y/N, please, I just-” He tightens his grip on your shoulders. This causes you to shake from his hold, just barely escaping and nearly dropping your bag in the process. You’re growing more and more irritated by the way he was acting. Why was he being so handsy with you?
You snap at him out of annoyance, “Why the fuck do you need to touch me to tell me something? Just get on with it already-”
George stomps his foot on the ground, the loud sound echoing the walls of the empty hallway. He yells, “Listen to me!”
For the first time in a while, you finally stare into his eyes. Genuinely taking in his appearance and the emotion that has struck his face. It was at this moment you realized just how…damaged he was. He was on the verge of tears and his frail body was shaking from fighting back the floodgates in his eyes. Your heart feels like it’s breaking in two just from the sight. As much as he frustrates you, seeing this side of him makes your stomach sink.
George frustratingly runs his fingers through his hair as if to try and get a better grip on the reality that was taking place before him. He frowns deeply and tries to find his words. He stumbles over his words multiple times, “I-I just felt like…I didn’t think…you-you have to believe me, Y/N, I-I would never-”
You take this as an opportunity to reverse the roles, softly placing a hand on his shoulder as if to silently offer his support. Obviously his words and frustrations were weighing him down, and if there was anything you could do to encourage him to get his worries off his chest, maybe this was it. Just a small act of kindness. He was so desperately trying to hold you in place before this, he must have not realized he was really the one who needed to be weighed down in the first place. Otherwise his mind was going to run a million miles an hour and he would get nowhere with his speech.
You want him to know you’re willing to listen now, to give him a chance. All he wants is to be heard. In your own way, you wanted that too.
You wished you had been able to go back in time to just take things slower with George, to have been able to say no to his lust and just try to take things slower with him…if that was even possible. You wondered if George would have stopped talking to you if he realized you weren’t so easy to crack. Then again, you always felt that there was a spark between the two of you. Maybe at the time, if you had given yourself a moment to really speak your mind, he would have respected your wishes and things would have remained the same between you two. There is no way of knowing now. All you can do to make up for the horrible experience is to hear what he has to say.
The act gives George a chance to catch his breath. You watch his chest rise and fall multiple times, listening to the way he calms himself with a simple breathing exercise. He sighs and drops his shoulders, and you mimic his actions to try and ease your own anxieties. This was not going to be an easy conversation by any means, but it was about time it happened.
Seeing him slowly grow more comfortable seemed to ease the tension. George found himself breathing properly again and nodding his head, as if slowly trying to get back to the point he was originally trying to make in the first place.
You’re growing anxious to hear what he has to say. You pull your hand away from his shoulder and cross your arms, watching the way he shifts his body weight back and forth on the balls of his feet.
After what feels like a million years, he finally confesses. “I am so, so sorry for the way I treated you earlier this year. You didn’t deserve that at all. I have no excuse for my behavior. I don’t know why, but for such a long time now I have gone through girl after girl and never felt anything quite nearly the same as I do for you. You had such an impact on me…Godric, I sound so cringey saying that, but it’s the truth. I really do like you, Y/N. Everything about you and not just your body. I am so sorry for all that I did.”
The moment he finishes with his speech, your ears start to ring. You feel as though his words have stunned you. He liked you…for you? Then why did he do the things that he did?
You raise an eyebrow and look him up and down, as if you were a predator sizing up your meal. You ask him, “Then why did you do it? You always knew I was a virgin, isn’t that why you started talking to me in the first place?”
The question made your stomach drop. Having to talk to George about this makes you feel extremely queasy. George’s tears start to well even larger than before. He bites his bottom lip and looks down at his feet. He tells you, “At first, I saw you as just another girl. I thought you would be the same as the rest of the girls I have been with. Obviously I came to develop feelings for you, but I thought that if I just went about things like I usually do, the feelings would go away and I’d be on my way. But I realized afterwards that wasn’t the case with you. You were so different from the rest.”
Your heart sank hearing him admit to it all. You knew deep down this had always been his plan, you knew that he literally only saw you as an object from the start. However, there was an odd sense of relief that washed over you when he finally admitted to it all. Even though these were all your suspicions, hearing George confirm it all felt like you were finally coming to terms with everything. If anything, you actually had more respect for him.
You appreciate that he told you all of this. Looking back on the last couple months, you wished that you had allowed him to talk previously. This entire time he had tried desperately to tell you all of this and you just shot him down.
Not that you really regret it, though. At the time, you were very unstable with your emotions and you’re not too sure how the conversation would have gone down if he spoke with you weeks prior to today. Not only are you appreciative of the fact he was so honest, but hearing him say that he liked you back…it was like a dream come true. Never did you think he would ever like you the same way you did him.
You stayed silent, and apparently it was too long. George spoke again out of fear that he had scared you, frantically saying, “Please say something. I know you’re not happy with me, but I just need to hear-”
“I forgive you.” You blurt out.
It’s George's turn to fall silent now. Neither of you spoke for a period of time; how long exactly was unclear to you, but it felt too long. Assuming it’s your chance to try and save the conversation, you continue, “I know I’m probably crazy for this, but I forgive you. It takes a lot of courage to go up to a girl and admit that you screwed her over. I like that you were upfront with me about it all.”
Without missing a beat, George smiles harder and harder hearing you admit to your forgiveness. He takes a step forward with his arms open for a hug, but you immediately shoot him down. Placing a hand on his chest, you halt all movement. His entire face is struck with worry, and his mouth opens to apologize. You cut him off and say, “Just because I forgive, doesn’t mean I forget. You hurt me George. It absolutely crushed my soul when the person I thought was becoming my best friend used me and stole my virginity without a second glance. It sucked. That’s why I couldn’t even stand to look at you in the hallways or the classroom, let alone talk to you.”
Tears are welling in your eyes now. Your throat contracts the more you speak, and you have to stop because you know if you go any further it would just develop in a crying session. George nods his head and chokes back more tears, unable to prevent the shakiness in his voice.
“I-I feel like shit, Y/N. Every single day since I realized I fucked up, all I’ve wanted to do was talk to you about this. Like I said before, you deserve so much better. Thank you for forgiving me, though. I feel…better, now that I’ve talked to you about this.”
You smile and shove George’s shoulder in a playful manner, trying to ignore the burning in your eyes from all the tears. “No problem. Can we go eat now? I’m starving.”
George eyes you carefully as if he couldn’t believe what you had just said to him. If you had to be honest with yourself, you couldn’t either. However, now that the niceties were done and over with, you figured maybe starting over wouldn’t be such a bad idea with George. You can tell he’s genuinely sorry for all that he has done, and that he’s clearly changed drastically as a person (which you thought impossible for both Weasley twins).
Maybe dinner wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all. You definitely weren’t going to do anything else with George. It would be too soon for that. Maybe a quick bite to eat while catching up on one another's lives would be enough for you tonight. Enough closure after this mess of a conversation. After this, you can go back to just being yourself and not have to worry about him anymore.
“W-We? You want to have dinner with me?” George asks you carefully.
You shrug your shoulders and start to slowly walk towards the Great Hall, George trailing behind you like a lost puppy. You tell him, “I don’t think it would hurt. Just for tonight, though. I figure we have a little catching up to do.”
George can’t stop smiling like an idiot, and you can’t either. Your heart was beating rapidly again, but this time it wasn’t out of fear. It was out of happiness. You’re beyond excited that the two of you were talking again. Not that you planned on staying best of friends, but a mutual likeness should be enough to get you through the remainder of the school year. However, that is quite the opposite of what happens.
The rest of the winter, you and George started to say hi to one another in the hallway again. That transitioned into sitting with one another in the Great Hall, maybe only once or twice a week but it happened nonetheless. Eventually, you and George were talking on a daily basis. Your relationship was slowly reversing back to its old ways, except there was minimal flirting and absolutely no touching. You made sure to lay some ground rules with him once you realized you and George were getting close again.
He promised to respect your wishes, and he has listened graciously so far. Your boundaries were quite simple to follow, but given George’s track record, it was surprising to see him listen so well. All that you asked was to keep everything between the two of your friends only and nothing more. You felt that after all that had happened, it would be best for the both of you to strictly keep things “professional” and not try to rush into anything so soon.
There was no denying you still had feelings for him, and knowing that George liked you back made it hard to not flirt with him in any way. But deep down, you knew that this was for the better. You’d rushed into something with him once before and it had a horrible ending, therefore you couldn’t risk that again. However, things were definitely changing to say the least.
It was obvious in the way your conversations started to last longer than just a minute or so. When you and George graduated from the casual “hello” while in passing and began to have full length conversations again, you quickly realized he was just as whimsical as you had known him from the beginning of the year.
You could never lose a sense of wonder while in his presence. He always had something to tell you, or a funny story that kept you on the edge of your seat. It first occurred to you that you were definitely falling for him once again in the midst of watching George play a prank on Professor Snape during class (the poor guy did not expect his pants to catch on fire. For a split second he almost convinced himself it was the doing of Peeves once again, but realized by the smirk on George’s face that it was no other than the evil twin himself).
That prank could have gone so horribly wrong if Professor Snape hadn’t noticed the flame among his dress pants. And even with the understanding that George’s actions were devastatingly brutal and just downright mean, your stomach felt as though it might explode with laughter (that died very quickly thanks to the glare Snape shot at you).
Even when he used magic in wrongful ways, had a track record with girls a mile long, and had even used you for sex, there was something too forgiving in your nature to just let George go entirely. You realized that you wanted him in your life, either as a best friend or something more. There was something about him that brought you to life. The spark that was lit in your heart was only alive when he was around. You never wanted it to go out, and so you soon realized you never wanted to let him go again.
In your eyes, even with all the mistakes he has made, George enclosed you in a space that left you wanting more. It wasn’t like you were trapped; you weren’t drowning in insufferable conversations or anything of the sort, you absolutely loved his company. You didn’t realize just how much you actually missed it until he started coming around again.
On top of all this realization, there was the fact he had changed considerably as a dear friend. He was much more careful in the way he spoke or acted around you. He wanted to respect your boundaries and never put your relationship at risk again. This is what made you appreciate him so much.
However, there was an obvious change in the atmosphere amongst you two during the springtime.
Winter had come and gone, your conversations were still lively as ever though. Just a couple weeks prior, he had begun walking you to your next class after potions together. It was during one particular day that sparked a sudden change in both your demeanors.
After class, you and George were walking down the corridors together just talking about the upcoming assignments and what you thought would be the best strategy for studying (George needed the advice given his history of failing horribly). While walking, a group of first-years were running amuck in the hallways, nearly trampling over you in the process of it all. Loud yells and feet clamoring against the stone floors filled your ears, your eyes barely having time to process how to avoid all the commotion.
George, however, had thought far ahead of you and made sure to wrap his arm around your shoulder and shield you from the upcoming blows of young, immature eleven-year-olds. He pulled your body in towards his own, protecting you for that brief moment of chaos.
Your body felt like it was exploding from his touch, immediately sobering you up and pulling you from your crazy thoughts. You looked up at George as soon as all the commotion had died down, and he looked down at you. Your mouth felt like it was going slack as you stood there completely frozen under his arm. George bores holes in your eyes, staring at you as if silently asking if this kind of action was allowed within your boundaries.
Without having to hear him say anything, you say, “It’s fine.”
The two of you continued walking down the hallway, talking as though nothing had happened. However, something did happen. It was the start of something new.
For the remainder of that walk to your next period, George kept his arm wrapped around your body as though you were his girl. It struck you as an extraordinary situation that left you dumbfounded for days on end.
First, you couldn’t get over the fact that he did it in the first place. Second, you couldn’t get over the fact that you let it happen. Now would not be a great time to fall back into old habits. You weren’t ready for anything explicit with George just yet. However, at the same time, you liked how protective he was being. You enjoyed having his arm around you. In a weird way, you felt safer. You craved…more.
That strange shift in the air between you two never really left. It only lingered, and continued to emphasize the more the two of you hung out. After that fateful day in the beginning of March, the day that really started to change your relationship with George once again, each week there was a designated day where the two of you just spent time with one another.
While you didn’t know for sure if this meant your relationship with George was developing outside of a friendship, you knew in your heart that it was probably a good sign of something heading towards that direction. If you were able to tolerate his conversations in the hallways from time to time, you had enough courage to be with him in a more secluded setting. This is what began the scheduled meetings once every week where the two of you would simply do homework or sit around and read books.
That same feeling of rapid heartbeats and butterflies in your stomach always came back in full swing the moment you two were together. It gave you flashbacks to that day out in the meadow where he swept you off your feet in an instant. While that memory used to leave you frustrated beyond belief, you could now thankfully say that you don’t fully regret doing what you did with George. You could now tell yourself that it was all just a lesson you had to come and learn the hard way.
The lesson in question? Don’t rush.
George’s arm always found its way around you while the two of you hung out, but it never furthered past that. It would happen at any given point. If there was an opportunity that arose, he would do anything to make sure he could place his arm around you in a protective manner. And it would stay there the remainder of the time you two hung out.
No one ever commented on the matter, not even you, which led George to believe that it was okay to continue doing so. It definitely was, in your book.
It’s late April now, months since you and George finally reconnected again and were practically best of friends. The two of you were sitting on a bench in a random hallway somewhere in Hogwarts. Being in different houses meant you could not be in one another’s common rooms. This was the best you could get, but it was comfortable enough.
You sat next to George while his arm was wrapped around your shoulders. You leaned into his touch, reading from your book about fantastic beasts and where to find them. George had just finished making a joke about the appearance of this one animal in the book, and it had you giggling beyond belief. You look up at George, eyes full of happiness and excitement. He looks back down at you, smiling hard.
George enjoys taking you by surprise. He leaves you wanting more from him and fills your chest with warmth. You weren't sure precisely what it was that you wanted more of, but you were certain that you didn't want this moment to stop. The expression caught in his eyes was pure protectiveness. You felt protected not just by his arm enveloping you, but also by the expression on his face as he gazed back at you. You felt comfortable and secure with him because of the way he looked at you. It was as if he was silently telling you that he genuinely wanted you for you.
Suddenly, while taking a glance at your lips, he's asking you, “Can I take you out on a date, Y/N? Like, a proper one. I feel like I owe that to you after all I’ve done.”
In an instant, you’re blushing like mad. Your heart is beating so fast, you’re smiling before you even realize it. You just nod your head, telling him, “Yes, I’d really like that, George. Thank you.”
He doesn’t respond with words, merely gives you a quick squeeze and looks back at the book you were reading, silently encouraging you to finish the chapter you started earlier.
TAGLIST: @calmspencer, @baddiebbarbietngz, @slytherclaw1978, @serendipitous-fernweh, @pandanation24, @rachelreallyroars, @tinafuentes, @chvmpion-jack, @ethereallovr, @godknows-shetried, @waggoth, @ellieswhor3, @wildestdreamers-tv, @faefaes-world, @hahahafucku, @delusional-13s-blog
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luna-writes-stuff · 7 months
I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing, Steve Harrington
Song link
Fanfic, fem! reader
Mutual pining, fluff
Word count: 3494
Tw: As a fellow introvert it pains me to tell you you are now going to prom. Sorry. There’s an f-bomb in here. Light cursing?? Idk have you even watched Stranger Things?
Summary: Steve was convinced he was only able to fall in love once, and that one love was Nancy Wheeler. And when all of that fell apart, he met you. He couldn’t explain how or why, but you were simply it for him. Never before had he been anxious to ask a girl out, so why were you so different? And how come Dustin knows more about flirting than he does?
Buy me a coffee/force me to write more
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“I could stay awake just to hear you breathing. Watch you smile while you are sleeping. While you're far away and dreaming.”
Steve has only been in love once - Nancy Wheeler. He had told himself this over and over again. He knew what it felt like, he knew what it was like. He knew what the difference was between liking and loving. And the only one he had truly loved was Nancy Wheeler. So, when she started dating Jonathan, his heart crumbled into a million little pieces. For once, he finally understood the girls at his high school who would spend their break wallowing away in bathrooms.
After that, he wouldn’t dare even look at others in a specific way. He was convinced he could only love one person his entire life. He’d never find something real after that. It was a terrifying melodramatic thought in his head that simply refused to leave.
He was at his lowest when he met you.
“I could spend my life in this sweet surrender. I could stay lost in this moment forever. Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure.”
How you had never caught his eyes, he couldn’t quite believe. For years, you had been in the same English class. Hell, you used to sit directly next to him for a handful of months. He was so blindly and foolishly in love with Nancy, he refused to see anything else for him out there. And where he had once blamed it on loyalty and fidelity, he could now only consider himself as stupid.
You were forced to work on a project together in your senior year, Steve’s final year of torment. He was too late to pair with familiar faces, and was left with the person behind him - you. A lucky coincidence.
It wasn’t anything special at first. You were simply a classmate. But when he failed to show up on agreed study times, or refused to form a normal conversation with you, you showed up at his doorstep. You barely even know him, yet you took the effort to seek him out - initially in pure anger, as this was supposed to be your grade as well, and he was screwing it up, but you afterwards considered this action to have been out of genuine caring. It wouldn’t take an expert to recognize that he had not been true to his prior years persona.
Reluctantly, he had allowed you in, trying to procrastinate as much as he could. You spent the evening properly introducing yourself. You talked about family, work, school, interests, and friends that would later appear to be somewhat mutual (Steve didn’t necessarily consider Jonathan his friend, but he at least knew him on certain terms.) Where you first appeared to be the stuck-up good grades student, he found that you were actually quite interesting to talk with. Even if your interests weren’t always related, he found himself relaxing around you.
“Don't wanna close my eyes. I don't wanna to fall asleep, 'Cause I'd miss you baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing.”
It took two weeks for him to shift slightly around you. He’d grown more comfortable, and had actually tried to put in some effort in your project. After the study dates, he’d treat you to a drink at a nearby snackbar on his way to your home. During classes - if they were shared -, he started seeking you out more. Sometimes, though rare, he’d sit at your table at lunch, ranting about a teacher or a test he just had.
It took two more weeks before he started changing again. To him, it came out of nothing. You had been at his place, discussing what you would be doing the final three weeks of your project, your voice passionate as you explained your plan, your hands following along with your speech enthusiastically. Then, it all clicked for him. There was no special thing you did that made it happen: no faces too nearby, no flirty laugh, no hesitant hug, no brief kiss on his cheek - it was simply you speaking about something you were excited about. And his heart skipped a beat at it. The feeling you’d get just before you go down a rollercoaster, or when your chair almost falls backwards - but then in a good way.
The last time he felt that was when Nancy winked at him from across the room. And that was last year. He knew the feeling, and it did not take him longer than a second to figure out what it was. He didn’t dare to say it, though. He might say the wrong thing, or do the wrong thing and something about that made him so scared. He’d never felt anxious to walk up to someone and simply confess how he felt. It came easy to him.
Not after that one stupid rant you did.
“'Cause even when I dream of you The sweetest dream would never do, I'd still miss you baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing.”
He wouldn’t speak of it to anyone. He hadn’t even told himself out loud yet. He told himself that if he’d speak it, it might disappear, or bring him bad luck. He cursed himself afterwards and scolded his mind for suddenly picking up superstition.
He’d try so badly to behave somewhat normal around you, and not as if his heart was beating way too quickly whenever you spoke his name or nudged his shoulder with your pen. In his eyes, he was doing a great job at it. He didn’t stutter once, nor did he forget his words. He didn’t sweat, didn’t act on emotion. He was completely nailing this.
He never noticed his staring. You had.
“Lying close to you, feeling your heart beating. And I'm wondering what you're dreaming. Wondering if it's me you're seeing.”
You had noticed it only a day after Steve’s realisation. Sure, he had shown interest in you, but they never included prolonged eye contact, nor the feeling of being watched over during classes. It was uncomfortable when it first started, but when he failed to do anything about the staring in a negative sense, you figured his mind had just been too preoccupied with other things and let it slide.
But every time you’d walk the halls, you swear Steve kept his eyes on you even after you had greeted him at the lockers. During breaks, he would constantly be throwing you looks, and you had to pretend to look at something else to not be creepy as well. He started walking you to your car, helping you carry school books, and saving you lunch.
You might not have been the smartest, but you weren’t oblivious. He didn’t do this for his other friends - which he had known way longer than he had known you. He wouldn’t even walk his ‘children’ friends outside school. And you might have understood him if he had done so. But he didn’t. Not with anyone except you.
But maybe you were thinking too much of it.
“Then I kiss your eyes And thank God we're together. And I just wanna stay with you in this moment forever. Forever and ever.”
“Steve,” Dustin urged. “Earth to Steve.” The boy in question only grunted in annoyance, reluctantly tearing his eyes from you and your friend group. “Dude, this is almost becoming creepy.” Dustin continued. “Just talk to her. You’re friends, right?” “Yes, Dustin,” Steve groaned. “We’re friends.” An aloud confirmation. To himself and to Dustin. You were just friends, sure.
“Friends don’t really stare at each other the entire time.” Rolling his eyes, Steve shook his head at the boy, giving him a pointed look. “I’m not looking at her the entire time.” “Maybe not, but when you’re not looking, she is.” That made his head spin around too fast, his eyes briefly meeting yours before they cast back to your friends.
“That’s totally normal,” Dustin emphasised. “Me and Mike make love-sick eyes at each other the entire time.” “Will you shut it?” Steve hissed, his face warm as he tried to look at the wall behind you. “I would, but all of this staring is making me sick.” “No one asked you to look.” “It’s impossible not to.”
“I don't wanna close my eyes. I don't wanna to fall asleep, 'Cause I'd miss you baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing.”
“She’s totally into you, you know that right?” Dustin prodded. “Shut up.” “No, I’m serious, man. She’s my babysitter and she talks about you all the time.” He exaggerated, a notion Steve was quick to catch onto, giving the younger boy an accusing look. “Okay, so, maybe I am the one who brings you up, but she is the one who starts laughing and talking all about how funny you are.” He defended, holding his hands up as he shrugged. And with those words, Steve was left speechless for just a short second.
“If you ask her out to prom, I can guarantee you, she’ll say yes.” Dustin hinted. “You’ll have the perfect ambiance - lights, music, clothes, and amazing company.” “Dude, you’re twelve.” Steve deadpanned, yet curiously thinking Dustin’s offer over. “I’m thirteen.” “Big difference.”
“If this is what growing up is like, I don’t want any part of it.” “No,” Steve finally agreed. “Trust me; you don’t.”
“Dude, you’re the king of Hawkins High,” Dustin tried to convince. “If you can’t ask a girl out, what are my chances?” Steve formed his lips in a thin line upon the words, shrugging aimlessly. Dustin’s hands found Steve’s biceps, clutching them tightly, taking him by surprise. “Give me hope, Steve.”
“Geez, man,” Steve muttered confused. “It’s not the end of the world.” “You’re right: it isn’t.” Dustin agreed, a sudden smile on his face. “So, talk to her.” Then, he turned the older boy around, forcing his eyes to suddenly fall on yours. Again, his face heated up at the contact, his eyes back on the wall behind you before yours could fall to the floor in a flustered mess.
“'Cause even when I dream of you The sweetest dream will never do, I'd still miss you baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing.”
He wanted to back away, let the weird thirteen-year-old he met last year down and swallow his pride to the depth of his stomach, but one of your friends had already noticed him, sparing him a wave before taking off with the rest of the group, leaving only you there. If he couldn’t even ask you when you were alone, what dignity did he have left?
And thus, with courage he did not know he had to muster up, he walked towards you, his heart wildly beating, screaming at him to turn around and hide while he still could. Stupid. That never happened before. It was scary - he hated it. Weak for a talk.
“You didn’t mention a little brother,” You began, trying to start a conversation as your eyes fell on Dustin, who had - not so casually - started paying a lot of attention to his shoes. Chuckling awkwardly, Steve shook his head. “No, he’s not my brother.” “Cousin?” “Weird kid that started following me around last year.” A quiet ‘ah’ of understanding escaped you as you nodded hesitantly. “Must have been quite the conversation you were having.” “You really don't want to know.” You laughed at this.
Stupid. Stupid heart skipping that stupid beat at your stupid smile.
“I don't wanna miss one smile. And I don't wanna miss one kiss. And I just wanna be with you Right here with you, just like this.”
Then, the silence came. You hadn’t shared those yet. You always had a lot to say, and if not, he would. But this was an uncomfortable silence. Granted, he had known you for five weeks, but he did not like this one bit. He felt as if he had gotten to know you better in five weeks than he had his other friends in four years. He didn’t even know if Tommy had a brother or a sister - or maybe it was both. He knew your entire family, though.
Dustin was right. That wasn’t normal for friends. Or at least - not for his versions of friends. He was interested in them, but not as much as he was in you. And that wasn’t just because you were generally pleasing to look at. It was important to him, though.
“Um, pretty,” Steve mumbled, not even realising what he had said. An unconscious notion of himself as he tried to fill the silence. It even startled him, his heart sinking slightly as he tried to cover it up. “Prom.”
Yes, there was no going back now.
“And I just wanna hold you close. I feel your heart so close to mine. And just stay here in this moment For all the rest of time.”
“Prom.” You nodded at him as he repeated his words. “Next month.” You reminded him, thinking he didn’t know the date. “Right, yes,” Steve agreed, grateful you hadn’t taken up his slip. “Do you plan on going?” You thought of it for a while. In truth, you had meant to be going with a friend, but she cancelled last week, claiming she’d rather take another friend who would be in town that week. You understood her - you might have done the same. But you weren’t going to show up to prom alone. Besides, staying home wouldn’t be the worst idea. Cinemas would likely be very empty that night. You might spend your evening there.
“I don’t think so.” You finally settled on. “Not?” “I was gonna go with a friend, but she cancelled.” “That’s lame, I’m sorry.” Steve tried to offer in sympathy, but you shook him off. “No, I don’t blame her. One of her long-distance friends will be in town, and she’d rather take her.” “Still,” Steve continued. “That must have sucked.” You lightly shook your head at him, a tiny grin on your face. “Yes, but it’s okay. I don’t hate her for it.”
Another silence. This time due to both of you thinking over your words. Stupid. He never had to do that before.
“Why?” You prodded playfully. “Planning to ask me yourself, Harrington?”
Yet again, his heart skipped a beat. Stupid.
“Don't wanna close my eyes. Don't wanna fall asleep, 'Cause I'd miss you baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing.”
“Only out of pity.” He covered up quickly, his eyes not deviating from yours once. “I’m the worst pity party.” You joked, to which he faintly found himself sparing a laugh. “I’d be happy to join it.” “Yeah, you would.” You replied sarcastically, nodding your head in humour.
A third beat of silence. Now, the pounding in his heart was begging for some action. One more silence and he might spontaneously combust. “What if I was?” He mustered out, his eyes falling back on the wall behind you. Looking behind you to see what he was looking at, you frowned lightly, forcing your eyes back to his face. “What if you were what?” “Planning to ask you to prom?” A deep falling of his heart. Stupid.
“I’d ask why you didn’t ask future prom queen Heather.” You replied after a handful of seconds, not sure how to respond to him. You’d be lying if you said your heart wasn’t copying his exact movements. “Because she’s fake.” He stated easily, causing you to gasp lightly, looking around to check if others were around. “Steve,” You scolded. “I’m serious,” He disclosed honestly. “She always pretends to feel bad for others, but she’s as much of a bully as she is narcissistic.”
You could join him and rant about this girl, but in truth, you barely even knew her. Part of it made you feel guilty. Thankfully, Steve caught on quickly: “Besides, I already rejected her.”
“'Cause even when I dream of you The sweetest dream would never do. I'd still miss you baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing.”
Mouth slacked open, you looked at him in surprise. Again, you didn’t really know the girl, but you knew her enough to be aware of her reputation. Or, more importantly, her looks. “You rejected Heather?” You asked confused, a feather light feeling entering your stomach. “Yeah, well, I’m not really one for dances, but I could make an exception.” Steve defended, trying to play it off cool. His exterior was doing a great job at it. Inside, whatsoever, it was pure rampage. His brain was scavenging for the right words or actions. He truly didn’t want to screw this up, but he had never felt this anxious around a person. If this would not be the moment, he didn’t know if it would ever come again.
Luckily, you did not notice the turmoil, and responded to his words before he could make a fool out of himself. “You’d make an exception for your study buddy?” You tested, still unsure whether he was joking or not. If he was, it was a cruel one. “You need those grades, don’t you?” “No.” He denied quickly, almost instantly. “I’d make an exception for a good friend. And all I need is just a little bit of your time.” “For what?” You asked, raising your eyebrows slightly.
Holding you, you idiot. Keeping you close, not tearing my eyes from you if I can help it. Maybe a little kiss here and there, light touches on your waist, repressing those stupid beats of my heart.
Instead, what came out was: “Dancing, duh.”
“I don't wanna close my eyes. I don't wanna fall asleep, 'Cause I'd miss you baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing.”
“I don’t have an outfit.” You avoided, slightly taken aback by his cool behaviour. Sure, you had learned his humour, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t expecting him to show just a little emotion and a positive response to your slightly high hopes. Then, he said something that truly took you aback.
“Wear this. You look beautiful in this too.” It was out before he could even stop it. He hadn’t even realised his brain had been forming these words. They just stumbled out. And when you went slack at them, he wanted nothing more than to dig his head into the nearest wall. “I’m-“ He tried to salvage, desperately stumbling over his words.
Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. This was exactly what he had been avoiding all this time and now his speech was failing him.
“I’m sorry, that was-“ No words managed to follow up that trail of thought, leaving you there, still wide-eyed. “Fuck.” He silently mumbled to himself, before just running with what he had slipped out. “You look perfect just like this.”
“Thank you.” You nearly whispered, your heart surely in your throat now. This was precisely what you wanted to hear, so why did you not know how to respond to it.
“Yeah, no problem.” Steve sighed helplessly.
“'Cause even when I dream of you The sweetest dream would never do, I'd still miss you baby. And I don't wanna miss a thing.”
“So, prom? With me?” He swallowed his dignity, saying his words as he had always meant them. No de-tours now. And at that, your courage began to build up again. “As friends?” You tested. “Maybe,” Steve answered. “Or, maybe, as a date.” A sigh of relief swept through you, the action not going unnoticed by Steve. He did not mention it however.
“It’ll be a hell of a first date.” You muttered, your happiness doing its best containing itself. “It doesn’t have to be.” Steve dismissed. Your hopes fell to the floor at that, afraid you had gotten ahead of yourself. Hadn’t he said it aloud? Hadn’t he proposed it had been a date?
“I heard the cinema is playing Gremlins tonight.” He interrupted your train of thought, a slight smile on his face. You copied it nearly immediately, more relief flooding your senses. And then, a sudden burst of confidence: “You know the purpose of the cinema is watching movies, right? Not me.” Hissing and nodding at your hint, his shoulders fell slightly. “Am I that creepy?” “At first, yes,” You admit honestly. “But it’s cute.”
Cute. Stupid.
“What time?” Having remembered the exact time for this perfect scenario, Steve perked up slightly. “Eight.” “Pick me up at seven-thirty,” You proposed. “You know where I live.” Then, you turned around, ready to head to your next classes. You spared him a light wave, before moving towards the halls. His eyes followed you until you were out of sight.
That stupid smile. Those stupid eyes. Your stupid voice. Your stupid humour.
You were going to be the death of him.
“Don't wanna close my eyes. I don't wanna fall asleep, And I don't wanna miss a thing.”
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eternalbuckley · 10 months
College Sweethearts. — evan buckley
SUMMARY: Buck and Reader used to be college sweethearts until he was kicked out of college. You didn’t stay in contact, nor did he give you an explanation of why he left completely. Years later your ways found back to each other again. And Buck certainly doesn’t want to miss this possible second chance with you.
word count: 3,287
genre: fluff | gn!reader, queer!reader, bipoc!reader and plus-size!reader friendly
warnings: use of y/n a few times, mention of buck dying a few times, nervous buck, mention of some other events from the show (s1-s3), heavy teasing, readers college degree is not specified, mention and description of alcohol use, mention of weed use, mentions of past hook-ups/making out, english is not my first language, hardly proofread — if i forgot something, please let me know!
a/n: I had this idea while watching a documentary about the planet Venus and immediately had to write it. It might be a bit cheesy but who cares? Everyone needs that sometimes, and Buck is currently the only thing that is in my mind (for weeks). Also: I’m currently working on multiple requests, which could slow me down from posting a bit at the moment! Enjoy reading 🫶 edit: i might make a second part to this once here but nothing’s decided yet!
disclaimer: please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work or post this anywhere without my consent. do not translate my work and post it anywhere — i give you no permission to do that. i only post my stories here, so if you find my work anywhere else please let me know! reblogs, likes and comments are appreciated and welcomed!
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Oh dear, love can be such a complicated little and big thing. Especially in your high school or college years. It’s supposed to be something beautiful, right? Well, for you it didn’t start quite easy, nor did it end in a rather beautiful way. In your early college years, you had a few dates with different people. At one point you gave up because no one matched your energy or gave you the vibes that you want to spend more, intimate time with them. You decided to focus more on studying and getting high with your friends a few times but you definitely didn’t plan on finding your (now ex-) fling at one of these stupid college parties.
But there you were, slightly drunk and making out with the infamous Evan Buckley. Maybe you had a small crush on him but did it matter at that point? The both of you started hooking up even after this party and you would lie if you would say it wasn’t amazing. He made you feel good and that’s all you cared about. It was fun while it lasted but at one point, he got kicked out of community college because he spent all his money on his motorcycle. And that was the last time you ever saw him as well. Sure, you were a bit mad because he didn’t say anything to you but you were not his partner. You had no right to say anything about it.
Even months after you last saw him you weren’t ready to hook up or meet other potential future partners. You realized at one point you might have fallen for him but you quickly needed to get rid of those feelings because you were completely sure you would never see him again. Sure, you could have taken a drive to his home but Buck told you a few times that his parents weren’t his favourite people in the world and he’d never want you to meet him. And again: In your opinion, you had no right to do that anyway.
Near the end of graduating your last college year, you decided it would be best for you to move away from your hometown. A fresh start was much needed. Especially after some fucked up friendships over some stupid boys that were in some of your college classes. You needed to get away from there immediately and that’s when you eventually decided to move to Los Angeles. It was always your tiny (big) dream to live there but never imagined you actually would someday. So, taking this opportunity made it even more perfect to start over. With the help of some friends and family members you successfully moved to the big city, it was hard work and saying your goodbyes was still tough for you. But you didn’t want to turn back and focus on the new part of your life even if that meant knowing no one and finding new people that lived in the same city as you.
After some months of living in Los Angeles, you decided to start working in a café until you found a good place to work at. You slowly felt more comfortable and started to feel more at home. You found one friend during this time – Maddie Buckley. You met her in the café you were working at. She came there often to get her a coffee and one day Maddie gave you her number. She told you that you could call her any time you need help or want to talk. Since she knew how it can be to live in a new city without knowing anyone. What you didn’t know was, that Maddie was Bucks sister and she never mentioned him as well, nor did you meet him when you were at her home the few times. Somehow you even missed the pictures that Maddie had of her and Buck in her home. Sure, she mentioned ‘her brother’ a few times and that he was working with Chimney but Bucks name was never mentioned for some reason. You even met Chimney a few times. There were a few times were you almost met Buck whenever he came over to Maddie and Chimney but every time you were already gone.
At one point Chimney invited you to come over to the 118 to meet his colleagues. He planned to set you up with Buck and Maddie helped him, little did they know that you guys already had a shared past. And that there were many details involved between you, including some untold parts. You agreed to visit him the next day since you had a few days off from work and that’s where the little chaos began for you and Buck. You picked out one of your favourite clothing pieces and were on your way to the 118.
Chimney already told the team that you were coming over and slightly begged them, especially Buck, to be nice to you and not make any moves. “Or else you will scare them away, alright?”
Buck was confused about what he meant but decided to ignore it. Once you were there Chimney immediately welcomed you with a hug and a big smile. He showed you the way up to where everyone else was, waiting for you. Buck was currently turned to the stairs with his back but once he heard your voice he quickly turned around since he remembered your voice. He just couldn’t believe that it was you. The moment your eyes met each other your smiles dropped for a moment out of shock.
After a few seconds of silence, you both pointed at each other with big eyes. “You?! Wha-”
“Wait. You both know each other?” Chimney questioned and looked at the both of you, very confused. You never mentioned that you already know Buck.
You slowly nodded your head and turned towards Chimney. You dropped your arm while doing that. “Uhm.. Yeah we know each other from-“
“College,” Buck interrupted you quickly. He was still shocked.
You only nodded your head to Buck’s words; you were shocked as well but not as much as he was.
“Wow. That’s interesting,” Hen mumbled to herself and got up to you. “Welcome to the 118. Chim already told me a lot of stuff about you,” she smiled at you and gave you a quick welcoming hug, which you returned. But your eyes were still glued on Buck.
The rest of the team, excluding Buck, welcomed you as well mostly with a handshake. Buck just nodded and slightly smiled at you. Things were slightly awkward now since there was a lot to explain and to be told between Buck and you. Especially because this had to be done in private, which was the reason why you didn’t really talk with each other. But Buck still made sure to listen to what you were telling and talking about with the others from the team. Even Bobby noticed Bucks staring after the first hour you were there and decided to invite you to stay as long as you want. You even stayed longer for his infamous lasagne, Chimney told you about it already. It tasted amazing but sitting right in front of Buck didn’t help you at all.
Especially because his eyes were still fixed on you. Even Eddie and Hen slightly nudged him to stop staring at you which only helped for like one second until he started staring again. You tried to ignore it but you did catch him a few times. He just couldn’t believe that you were sitting in front of him, here. His thoughts were pure chaos at this point. All he could think about was if you hated him for leaving you without explaining or saying anything. Were you mad at him? He certainly hoped you didn’t but he knew he’d deserve it. Buck wanted to talk to you in private but at work, there was no way it could happen. The one time you were almost alone together, a call for a fire came in. Which resulted in leaving you alone at the station. When the team got back from the fire, you were already back home. But left a little ‘thank you’ note for Chimney inviting you and Bobby for cooking such delicious food.
“You can tell them that they’re always welcome here,” Bobby told Chimney after Buck read out loud the note from you. Buck sighed, how could he talk to you without having to ask Chimney or Maddie for your number? If he wouldn’t find a way, he would do it but he didn’t want them to ask too many questions.
It was already enough to see Chimneys face filled with curiosity. He sure would talk with Maddie about the encounter between you and Buck once he was home. Buck knew he would have a talk with Maddie about you. He talked with her a few times about you already and how much he regretted his decision to leave without saying at least goodbye to you. And especially he needed to ask her how the hell she met you and why Maddie never considered mentioning you at least once.
So, to see a note falling out of his locker surprised Buck a lot. He bent down to pick it up and once he read the words his lips turned into a small and cheeky smile. It was a note from you with your telephone number and a small text added underneath.
“If you want to catch up, just text me whenever you want :) - Y/N/N”
Bucks smile grew even more after he read the nickname you added at the end. He basically gave it to you one evening while you watched your favourite movie and were too distracted with kicking each other out of fun and shared laughs. Despite having started your dynamic with the rule of only making out with each other, you two grew close but never talked about your actual feelings towards each other. Which made it even more sad that you lost contact with each other. But maybe that was what you both exactly needed to grow. Buck was curious to know how you’ve been and what you’re doing now. He would be lying if he would say he never found himself thinking about you over the past years, you never really left his thoughts at all. There were many times where he cursed himself for losing or especially leaving you without saying goodbye. He always imagined the moment where you both see each other again and that you would hate him but after seeing you today, he wasn’t sure if that was real. Now knowing that you gave him your number had to mean something. Buck definitely didn’t want to fuck up a possible second chance with you. He just hoped you would feel the same about him, which you certainly did.
Hen watched Buck go away with such a big smile she hasn’t seen on his face for a while now. She started smiling a bit in slight hopes it had something to do with you after all. Buck was on his way back home and the only thing that was on his mind was you. For the whole drive and even after he was at home for hours. His phone was laying on top of his bed and he walked his room up and down, he needed to decide if he is going to text you. Or well, how he should text you because he wanted to do it. He just didn’t want to embarrass himself. After a while he fell asleep with his phone in his hands, not noticing that he accidentally sent you a selfie while being half asleep. The moment you got his message you chuckled and opened the picture. You replied to him in a flirty but joking manner and closed the messages app afterwards. You fell asleep right after it and woke up to a reply from Buck. He apologized for sending such a picture to you but you admitted to him that you thought it was cute anyways.
And that’s how it ended for both of you. Talking and sending each other many messages. Most of them were filled with teasing and joking. You both were happier than usual and this came with teasing from your co-workers and the 118. Buck was on his phone more than usual and smiling from ear to ear. Obviously, the others noticed that and started teasing him with the worst possible things you can imagine.
“You know who he’s texting with?” Hen asked Chimney while they looked over to the lovebird looking at his phone.
Chimney smirked and nodded, “I guess it must be Y/N, they have been smiling more the last time they were over.”
Hen chuckled, “Of course, it would be them. Who else?”
Eddie joined them, “But don’t ask him about it, he’s quiet like a grave.” Chimney laughed at his comment and focused back on drinking his coffee.
But tonight, was the first time you’d hangout for the first time since you met each other at the station. It has been one week since then and you were nervous to meet him. Of course, it has been fun and nice talking with him over texts but seeing him in person was something else. It was night-time and you were getting ready for the ‘not-‘date with Buck. You were talking with Maddie on your phone, you needed her to help pick out an outfit. After what seemed like an eternity, you finally decided on your outfit, it was elegant but still comfortable for you to wear. It was good enough for staying outside even after the sunset. Maddie wished you good luck and said your goodbyes to each other. With the help of Eddie, Buck was able to choose a perfect outfit as well. He chose one of his white striped shirts, he remembered that you were really fond of one of his shirts that was similar to the one he’s wearing this time. He really hoped you’d like it. Right when you were about to leave Buck texted you, asking if you were on your way. You replied with a selfie, wearing your coat and a smile on your lips. You put your phone into your pockets and left your apartment.
Ten minutes later you got to the place where you were about to meet Buck. He was already standing there, nervously waiting for you. You tapped his shoulder and he immediately turned around.
His lips turned up in a smile. “H-hey,” Buck was immediately calmer.
“Hello there,” you smiled at him. It grew even more after he held a small flower to you. It was your favourite one. You took it and held it happily. “Wait I didn’t get you something.”
Buck shook his head. “It’s fine. You’re here, that’s..” he took a breath to think about his next words. “That’s all I need.”
You smiled at him again and took his arm after he held it out to you as well. You were walking through the park for a few minutes. They were filled with a comfortable silence but you took the turn to break it.
“How long have you been living here now?”
Buck looked at you but your eyes were focused on the flower he gave you. “For a few years now. Since.. You know I got kicked out of college I did many different things and well, ended up here.”
You chuckled and looked up to meet his eyes. “As long as you were happy.”
“Well.. Certainly.”
“Oh, is there something you want to tell me, Buckaroo?” You raised your eyebrows in a teasing manner.
He chuckled at the nickname. You used to call him that a few times back then. “Well.. I almost died. One or two times? My ex-girlfriend left me. Well, she left the whole country and didn’t really break up with me, only that I had to find out she was engaged. Everything while we had to clear out a train crash and I had to save her fiancé. Oh, and let’s not forget that I have a dead brother. Which I only found out a few months ago.”
You stopped walking and your mouth was open. When you asked him if he had to tell you something, you clearly didn’t expect anything of that.
“You.. It’s okay, I’m fine after all. I guess,” he mentioned.
“Damn. I didn’t expect things like that, Buck. I thought maybe you would say something like that you adopted a dog or a cat like you always wanted but… That?” You looked at him with soft eyes. “And you almost died? How can you say this so easily?!”
“I admit, they weren’t my best times but after all everything worked out. Even if I had to file a lawsuit against..” You were already shocked enough, which caused him to stop. “You know, that is something I could tell you later. What about you? Did you almost die once or twice?” He nudged you with his arm and continued to walk with you.
It took you a few moments to gather back your mind after all these news. A lawsuit? You definitely would find the time to ask him about that later.
“Well, I guess I finished college and just decided to move here. And no, I never got the opportunity to experience dying. I think I’ll leave that for you,” you smirked which caused him to chuckle again.
You spent two more hours talking about many different things. Up from Buck slowly finding his way into cooking and photography, that you’re looking for a job in your actual degree, and many more other themes you could spend hours talking about. It was a wonderful and comfortable time. Buck made sure that you felt safe and comfortable the whole time even when you were not looking all he focused on was just you. He missed hearing and seeing your smile and laugh. The way you sometimes moved your head backwards or subtly touched his arm because of his (bad) jokes. You talked about the fact that you knew Maddie and Chimney already but never found out that Maddie was his sister. You both found that hilarious. Overall, nothing had changed between you. Only you both individually, and in those few hours you felt happier than ever. And you got your answer, you truly had grown over the past few years and it was much needed. You felt safer in yourself, were stronger and well and the love you held deep down in your heart for Buck was still there. He walked you home this night and both of you were standing in front of your closed apartment door.
“It was nice, Buck. I haven’t had so much fun for a while now,” you smiled at him which he obviously returned.
“It was beautiful, Y/N. But I have to tell you something else and I.. I don’t know if that c-can wait any longer,” he stuttered. He was nervous you could tell.
You took his hand in a comforting way. “You can tell me anything if you feel the need for it, Buck. It’s okay.”
“You know... Maybe we could go out some time again. But m-maybe... You know as a-“ He stopped himself.
Your smile grew. “As a what? Hm?” You raised your eyebrow with a smirk now.
He looked into your eyes. You could see the hope he had in his own eyes. “As a date? Maybe?”
You stepped one step closer to him and kissed his cheek. “I’d love to.”
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lfghughes · 11 months
Today, Tomorrow, and Forever
a/n: i'm in a sappy mood right now okay guys so i just had to write something kinda cute with Jack
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A small study break was exactly what you needed. A part of you definitely regretted your idea of taking summer classes because not only was it a lot more work than a normal semester but you also had to give up a lot of plans with your friends. You also had to give up plans with Jack who you had kinda sorta been dating for a couple of months before the end of the hockey season and then at the beginning of summer you two had made it official. It was going great except for the fact that most days you couldn’t go out because you had to study.
A bunch of his friends had come to New Jersey and they were all currently down at the shore bar hopping while you were sitting in your bed in comfy sleepwear. You flicked through your phone during your study break and a laugh fell from your lips when a video of Jack trying his best to DJ at the bar came up. You could tell right away he was a few drinks deep but your boyfriend was adorable at least. You quickly sent him the video “hottest thing I’ve seen all night.” You texted him and after a few minutes your phone started buzzing, letting you know Jack was FaceTiming you.
“Baby, you got to come out.” Jacks face popped up on your screen and you could tell he had gone outside to call you. “It’s way too late, it’ll take me too long to get there. I’m sorry. I’ll try to go out tomorrow with you guys.” Your words made a pout grow on his lips. “Is it okay if I come over after? I promise I won’t be out too late, I can start coming over now. I want to see you.” Now that you definitely wouldn’t mind.
“You can come over whenever, don’t leave now if you don’t want to. Hang out with your friends. You have a key to my place so you can just spend the night if you want.” Depending on the time you would probably be asleep but you liked the idea of waking up to him and lately you’ve either been sleeping at his place or he’d be at yours. “I’ll get an uber, I’m ready to come home to you.” Your stomach turned at his words, you knew exactly where your feelings stood for him and you knew you were falling deeply in love with him.
About a hour later you heard Jack come into your place. “Hey handsome.” You told him and a smile grew on his lips as he hopped up on your bed, pulling you right onto his lap. “Mmm, I missed my girl tonight.” He told you as he buried his face into your neck, his arms wrapping around you tightly. You both stayed like that for a couple more minutes before Jack pulled away. His fingers moving to tuck a few strands of your hair behind your ear. “I think I am completely in love with you.”
There was that thumping in your chest as his words slipped out of his lips. “Jack, you’re still drunk.” At your words he quickly shook his head. “I’m buzzed at the most right now but I’ll tell you again in the morning.” He told you as he leaned in, pressing a kiss to your collarbone. “And every day and moment after that too. Because I’m definitely going to marry you one day.” Jack pulled away, his blue eyes looking up at you and you could see just how serious he was. “But for right now I’m going to shower and get changed so we can watch a movie and cuddle.” He told you before leaning in to press a quick peck to your lips.
Jack gently moved your body back onto the bed and got up to go to the drawer that held a bunch of his clothes. “Hey Jack?” You watched as he turned at the sound of your voice. “Just so you know, I love you too.” At your words a wide smile spread on his lips. “Love hearing you say that.”
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wonijinjin · 8 months
(un)lucky charm
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synopsis: choi seungcheol was your sworn enemy in life, until he was not.
word count: 2.2k | genre: angst, hurt/comfort, enemies to lovers? | pairing: seungcheol x gn! reader | warnings: bad mental health, overworking, cursing, injury
it was a wednesday afternoon, you were at the local coffee shop, working part time as a barista so you could have some extra money to spend during your years of university. you had many things to do, one of them being having to pull another all nighter to prepare for an exam; you wished for only one thing, closing and going home as soon as you could, so maybe you could get a wink of sleep before studying, which was rare for you these days. this was almost natural to you by now, having to manage your studies, social relationships and work at the same time with so little time given, honestly to say you were exhausted was an understatement. unfortunately thanks to work you were dancing on thin ice, almost failing one of your classes because you just didn’t have the time to do the essays, now piling up and waiting to be handed in at once. there was much pressure put onto your shoulders, and you kind of felt like going crazy in the middle of all this mess you got yourself into.
while you were cleaning the coffee machine a familiar figure walked in; choi seungcheol. if somebody was to ask you how you felt about him you would’ve had very different answers. although in the beginning when you got to know him he was sweet and made your heart jump whenever you saw him it all changed in a few years; he got arrogant and self-absorbed when you talked to him, not even mentioning the bad things he caused to happen when being within five feet distance. you simply could not understand how a person could cause this much trouble, but surely he did, going far and further beyond; having been best friends with his cousin, mingyu, you saw each other a lot and had a history of awkward and embarrassing moments. this slowly led to bad blood between the two of you; just to mention a few incidents, one time he kicked you with a football and laughed at you after you started crying because it hurt, or the time when he ruined your essay for a class in highschool one day before the deadline so you had to write it again from scratch, of course without any of his help. he wasn’t the type to help, at least not if it was about you, that’s for sure. the biggest hit you took from him was stealing your scholarship spot in your dream university course, leaving you to take up another, less appealing one, and making money at your current job partially to manage to costs of your studies. everything came so easily to him, you despised him for it; his life always seemed to go perfectly, ruining yours in the process. when he was around he made sure you didn’t have an easy way with anything in life, so needless to say you were not thrilled when he walked up to the counter, ready to order; you had a day bad enough, wanting to burst out crying in the corner of a room if you could.
“hello y/n, long time no see, huh?” he greeted with a grin on his face. you were not in the mood for his attitude and perfect smile. “hi seungcheol, what do you want?” you said, gritting your teeth; it was a matter of time before the roof fell over you or something similar happened, him always bringing bad luck to you, so you wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. “wow, talk about nice customer service…” he mumbled, to which you raised an eyebrow, but stayed silent, trying to keep your cool. “i would like to have an iced americano, and a new york cheesecake.” he finally managed to say after a minute of thinking it through. “coming right up.” you said curtly while leaving quikly.
“hey y/n, how is mingyu doing these days? i don’t get to see him often nowadays, you know with classes and everything.” he tried to make small talk with you in the meantime, but your sleep deprived form was not having it. “look seungcheol, you don’t need to try to talk to me. we all know we don’t get along, just wait for your coffee in silence, will you?” you told him, clearly very frustrated. you saw a strange emotion cross his face for a moment, it seemed like he was hurt by your words, but his phone buzzed, making him look down on it and making you get back to work. when his order was ready he took it and left faster than light without saying a word, not even sparing a look in your direction or a ‘thank you’. “…and he is the same asshole he has always been.” you mumbled to yourself while getting back to take another order.
it was almost the end of your schedule, 7pm to be exact, the only thing left to do was cleaning and you could go home. you started moping the floor when you knocked over some chairs, one of them hitting your leg. “of course as if this day couldn’t get worse.” you mumbled. the floor was still wet, which resulted in you falling into the cashier’s desk, wincing in pain as the hard edge dug deep into your side. “oh shit, are you okay?” you heard a voice say from behind you, and before you could even register what happened a pair of strong arms lifted you up onto your feet. you looked up to see who was still in the shop at this hour; seungcheol’s puzzled expression greeted you.
“what are you doing here? seriously, haven’t you done enough damage in my life already, seungcheol? i bet this was because of you coming back here, you are not exactly a lucky charm you know…” you shouted at the man, pushing him away. “i just wanted to help you up, don’t have to be this rude you know.” he groaned, now mad too. “i don’t need any help, especially not from you out of all people!” you were drained emotionally and mentally aswell, all the anger towards him that you had been slowly bottling up ready to be released since you couldn’t keep your usual composure due to being severly overworked. the anger wanished from seungcheol’s face after a moment and he looked at you in confusion. “what do you mean? oh, and you should get that bruise checked since i can tell you now that it is forming on your side in this moment.” you were fuming now. “i can handle this, just like i always do, not like you care. and what do I mean? should i start mentioning all the times you got in my way? the times you hurt me and made fun of me? when you walked over me to get what you wanted? i don’t even know how you can be related to mingyu, because you definitely lack the kindness he has! so before you ruin my day further get the fuck out!” you screamed, tears streaming down you face. it was as clear as day, you couldn’t think rationally, and seungcheol saw this too, he wrapped his arms around you.
“when was the last time you slept 8 hours?” he questioned, trying to find out more about your bad condition; you being this way scared him more than he would confess to. “why does it matter to you?” you spat out bitterly, voice weak from how exhausted you were. “because i care. please tell me. you need to get it out y/n, you cannot do this, bottling every single thing up and never letting them out. i am here.” he shushed you while you cried into him harder, the watering of your eyes never stopping. “i am here, you will be fine y/n. please let me carry your burdens, you are not able to handle everything, i don’t care how strong you think you are.” he said softly, surprising you, but at the same time making you remember why you felt this miserable. you tried hitting him to let you go, however he didn’t budge. “seungcheol let go! i hate you!” you cried, wiggling in his arms, sliding down to the floor. “i hate you. is this another sick prank? why do you always hurt me? why do i have to be the one who suffers?” you sobbed. he crouched down beside you, arms still tight around your form. “i work my ass off, day and night, and it is never enough! i am a failure.” you said hysterically, shoulders shaking from crying. he cupped your cheeks, the betrayed look you saw on his face made you feel strange. “is this how you really think of me? of yourself? you are not a failure, and you know that. i have never met a person as amazing as you.” his eyes held sadness and guilt, him starting to realise only now what is going on in the background of your sudden hatred wave. “why, wouldn’t you know? isn’t this how you look at me? like some loser who you can disrespect? i am so tired of always buildings things up perfectly and you destroying them, seungcheol. you have been doing it for fucking decades already, what more could you possibly want? you got fucking everything!” he seemed bewildered, not knowing how to respond for a while. his eyes widened, almost as if you saw tears in them.
he started rocking you back and forth in his arms, which you didn’t even notice you were in. he took a deep breath to collect his thoughts, then spoke up. “y/n i am so sorry you had to endure all the bad because of me. i never knew this hurt you, fuck, i didn’t even know you despised me this much. when we were younger you were always better than me in everything; the set example for everyone how a person can be perfectly kind and hardworking. i honestly hated how much i couldn’t be that even if i tried, so i didn’t; the only thing i could do to cover my jealousy up was to annoy you. i thought you were just joking when you looked hurt though.” he paused for a split moment, making a very quick decision in his head whether to continue with where this confession was going, or not. “i never got the chance to tell you that i like you, from the moment mingyu introduced you to me. i was only teasing you in the beginning and didn’t think this would cause any harm to you. i knew something was wrong, and i never tried to solve the situation. i hoped i was wrong and this wasn’t the truth; that you hated me. i was too afraid to apologise, but i should’ve. i should have checked up on you, asked you if it hurt you; all the jokes i thought you took lightly. but i didn’t. and i regret it now. but now i am here to tell you, i think i love you. this is why i stayed behind to wait for you, actually. i have always loved you.”
he had crystal clear tears in his eyes now; something changed in him, that smug look and wall he built up for himself crumbling down. he closed his mouth and stayed silent. you looked at him in a daze and before you could say something he hugged you softly, not letting you go even for a moment. you felt something wet on your face, it was a teardrop again, crying into his shoulder. “choi seungcheol i hate you so much! i want to hate you so much…but i don’t think i can, i just can’t…i am tired of hating you…” you sobbed. “then don’t. let me suffer for my sins y/n. i don’t care what i have to do to get you back into a healthy state again, but i will do it. i don’t want to see you suffer anymore. you deserve all the happiness in the world.” after this he didn’t hesitate to kiss you, which you let him, shutting your eyes. when you two broke apart he looked into your eyes. “sorry, i know this was sudden, but i needed to do this one thing before i regret this too, it is enough that i haven’t done it until now. i was a coward for not stepping up sooner. i would bring the stars down just to see you happy, y/n. let me fix this, fix you, alright?” he said while looking into your eyes with so much guilt and sadness. “i know your heart ached many times thanks to me, so i do not expect you to love me back…” a tear rolled down his face. “…but please let me into your world when you struggle, okay? even if you want nothing to do with me, i will always be here for you.” you were speechles, you didn’t know what to say; you had to sort out your own feelings at first. “i forgive you seungcheol.” you said, sighing. your head pounded, and so did your heart. you have never seen him like this; so vulnerable. he moved out of the way to help you stand up from your position on the ground, then you hugged him shyly. “look, firstly let’s try being nicer from now on, that is a good start i think, you can help me close up, how about that?”
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whispering-ways · 10 months
☆・✷ physics problems (pt. 2) ✷・☆
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☆ summary: you have a breakdown over your physics test scores and katsuki overhears you
☆ pairing: kastuki bakugo x (female implied) reader
☆ tags: cursing, fingering, oral sex (female receiving), nicknames like sweetheart and darling
☆ notes: sorry it took so long to write this guys! it's my first week back in college so i've just been a little busy :/ hope you guys like it! :)
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Every hour of the next day seemed to drag on forever; it felt like 3 pm would never come. You spent every hour thinking about Katsuki and spending time with him. Specifically thinking about this dream from last night where you and Katsuki.... never mind. These last couple of hours wouldn’t go by any faster if you kept thinking about how badly you wanted him. You shook your head, trying to clear all thoughts of him from your brain as you stepped into the gym for a quick workout. 
You got on the treadmill and started to get into the groove of a run. It didn’t help though, your mind slowly drifting back to thoughts of Kastuki again. He’d always looked good, but after years of training and maturing into his looks, he was undeniably hot. And of course, you didn’t have a crush on him just for his looks, but they were definitely an added bonus.
You didn’t know whether it was his piercing red eyes, the confidence he always carried himself with, or the physique he’d managed to fill into, but something about him was so alluringly attractive. You were so distracted thinking about him that when the beep of the treadmill echoed out indicating you were done with your workout, it startled you, bringing you back to reality.
You left the gym and took a quick shower, hoping some cold water would flush the thoughts out of your head before you had to see Katsuki. There was only about an hour left now before you had to head to his room and you hurried to your room to choose what to wear. After much deliberation, you set on a white tank top and leggings; simple but perfect for a study session. You only had about 15 minutes left, so you gathered up all the things you needed to study in your backpack and headed to Katsuki’s room.
Walking to his room, you took a deep breath to calm your nerves. You couldn't believe you were actually going to study with him, much less in his room. It seemed like he hated helping anyone or bringing anyone to his personal space so it was a little strange to you that he’d offer to study in his room, but nevertheless, you were happy that he did. 
You hesitated for a moment before knocking at his door. The door swung open almost instantaneously to reveal Kastuki in a black compression tee tucked into a pair of grey sweatpants. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think he looked out right now. Your eyes looked him up and down before returning to look right into his eyes.
“Are you just gonna keep on staring or are you actually coming inside?” Katsuki said with a smirk as he leaned against the door frame. 
“S-sorry, yeah I’ll...uhh...come in,” you said with a blush painting your cheeks. He moved to let you pass and you walked in. You looked around his room, which seemed pretty minimal. It made sense though, he was a no-nonsense type of guy. The only personal touch to his room were two All Might figures on his nightstand near a miniature replica of his gauntlets. 
Katsuki shut the door and then sat at a floor desk he had set up for studying. “Well don’t just fucking stand there, sit down so we can get started dumbass,” he said. You hurriedly sat down, carefully putting your bag to the side. You pulled out a notebook and some notes from class and you both started to get to work. 
“Ok, let’s see how fucked you really are first. I printed out some practice problems from this unit that should cover a little bit of everything. Do the problems and then we can figure out what we need to review so we don’t waste time reviewing bullshit you already know well,” Kastuki explained, pulling out a couple of sheets that he’d stashed into his textbook.
You got to work immediately. You did your best, but you had to admit, you were definitely very clueless. It took you about 30 minutes to finish up all the questions, but after you were done, you handed the sheets back to Katsuki. He started to grade the papers, but as he went through each and every problem, his face looked more and more confused. 
“What the fuck is this? Have you not paid any attention at all in class or something? You’ve got all the formulas right, but you’re using the wrong formulas for the most basic shit! No wonder you’re fucking failing!” he exclaimed. “You know what, let’s start from the basics. Maybe if we can drill those into you and make them second nature, you’ll start getting this shit right.” He pulls out his textbook and starts flipping through the different chapters until he finds the one he was looking for. 
“Okay, so here’s the chapter that we’re reviewing in class, maybe going through this shit will help you see the connection between the formulas and the questions.” You lean over your side of table to see the textbook better before he lets out a frustrated sigh and says “Just get up and sit next to me, no fucking use of leaning over like that, you’re not gonna be able to see shit anyways.”
You shift your stuff near Katsuki and sit near him, trying not to think about how close you were to him. You did your best to concentrate, but it was hard when Katsuki’s face was just a few inches from you. Trying to not think about how nice it’d be to kiss him seemed even harder than physics right now.  You start truly paying attention to the textbook and doing your best to get the concepts. The way Katsuki was explaining them though definitely did help; he broke down everything in a way that was a lot easier to understand than how you’d been reviewing the content. 
Katsuki looked over at you to see how you were doing after about a half over of going through the textbook. Your face had determination written all over it, your eyebrows furrowed together as you paid careful attention to what he said. He hated to say it, but it was pretty endearing to see how focused and in the zone you were. He could tell you were trying your best but with the way things were going it seemed like just reading through the book wasn’t going to help. 
He closed the book with a loud thud, making you jump. “Hold on, let me try to find a video or some shit so you can understand this better. There’s no use reading this fucking book if you’re clearly not fucking getting it,” Katsuki barked, annoyed with the little progress you were making. He honestly thought it’d be a lot easier than this. Trying to find a way for you to grasp the basic was getting to be a pain in the ass, but he was doing his best to not show it.
He got up, grabbed his laptop, and sat on his bed. He typed for a second, before looking up at you to say “Well what are you fucking waiting for? Get on the bed. I’m not sitting on the floor anymore, my fucking back is hurting.”
You scramble up and join him on the bed. He starts playing a video of some Indian tutor explaining kinetic energy, the primary focus of the current unit. But yet again, you just can’t seem to focus on the material; all you could really focus on was Katsuki. You were trying, truly, to pay attention. But it was a little hard to focus when you were so close to him that you can see him breathing in and out. Every breath he took flexed his muscles ever so slightly. It was impossible for you not to sneak a couple of glances at him while watching the videos. 
Katsuki feels your eyes on him. They’re only on him in quick glances, but it still pisses him off. You should be paying attention to the videos, not him. He had to admit though that your glances were definitely making him flustered. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t think you were attractive and judging by the way you were looking at him, he guessed that you thought the same about him. With the way you were so focused on him, he’d be an absolute dumbass not to have picked up on that earlier. Nevertheless, you both were here to study and his main priority for now was getting you to understand at least a little bit of the unit. 
After the video finished, Katsuki flipped through the textbook to find a practice problem based on the concepts you just saw. “Ok listen up, this one shouldn’t be too fucking hard. Do the problem just like they explained in the video and you should get the shit right,” he said, pushing the textbook toward you. 
You worked carefully through the problem, taking careful attention to finish ieach and every step just like mentioned in the video. After about 5 minutes, you had finished all the work for the problem and you handed over your notebook to him to show him your work. Kastuki skimmed his eyes over the page, fully expecting you to get this question right.
To his surprise, although you used the correct steps and formulas, you’d gotten all the constants mixed up. There just seemed to be no way to get you to understand anything. “Are you fucking with me or are you being for real?” Kastuki barked.
You turned towards him, absolutely confused. “W-What do you mean? I did what you asked. Did I do something wrong??
That was all it took to set Katsuki off. “I don’t know, did you do something wrong?! I’ve been giving you the simplest fucking shit from the unit, and you still can’t seem to get it right! I mean come on, a toddler could do this shit! And if it was just formulas, maybe it wouldn’t even be so fucking bad, but once you get formulas right, you start fucking up on the constants. It’s like your brain can’t handle two things at the same fucking time!” 
You flinched, taken aback by the harshness of his words. “I promise I’m trying my best Katsuki! I really am doing my best to study and get them right!” you exclaimed, trying to explain yourself.
“Trying to do to your best my ass! All afternoon you’ve done nothing but ogle me and don’t you dare try and deny it because I’ve seen you. All fucking day you’ve been looking at me!” Katsuki yelled. He was right, you couldn’t even deny it; all you could do was hang your head in shame. 
“Don’t look all sad now, you know what you were fucking doing, “ he said grabbing your chin and tilting your face upwards so you had no choice but look him right in the eye. “Maybe that’s why you’re failing. Every time you’re studying, you’re really just  thinking about me fucking you huh? Don’t try to deny it, I heard you fucking call my name out last night so I know you’re thinking of me.” he asked, the intensity of his eyes piercing right through you,
Although Katsuki was pretty pissed at your progress, or lack thereof, he had to say that looking at you all nervous and embarassed definitely was turning him on.  The cherry red blush on your cheeks coupled with those wide eyes looking up at him? Just too adorable. He wanted to just throw care to the wind and kiss you, but you needed to study. Out of the blue, an idea popped into Katsuki’s head.
A mischievous grin spread across Katsuki’s face. If you weren’t nervous before, you definitely were now. “You know what? Since nothing seems to keep you focused on studying, let’s try a different approach - one that will have you thinking about only me,” he said in a low, suggestive tone that sent shivers down your spine.
Before you could blink, Kastuki grabbed your wrists and pinned you down on the bed. You looked up at him, eyes wide, as he said “Alright here’s what we’re fucking do. I’m gonna ask you a question, and if you get it right, you get a reward, got it? If you don’t want to do this, say something right fucking now and I’ll let go, but if not, I’m going to continue.”
You stayed silent, your heart beating so fast that it felt like it was going to jump out of your chest. “Good. First question, if potential energy is associated with position, kinetic energy is associated with what?” Katsuki asked.
You racked your brain and although you weren’t too sure, you mumbled out an answer, “M-motion?”
“That’s right, good job. Now time for your reward,” he said before leaning down to kiss you. The kiss startled you but gradually eased into it. It was surprisingly gentle, something you didn’t expect from someone who could be so brash. Your head felt like it was spinning: this felt like a dream. Just yesterday, you were thinking about him and now it’s turning into a reality. You couldn’t believe you were actually kissing Kastuki.
 His lips travel past yours to your collarbone, leaving a trail of soft kisses in their wake. As he brought his lips close to yours again, you leaned closer expecting him to kiss you again. “Mm not yet, my impatient girl, you’ve got to answer another question if you want another reward,” he said pulling back with a chuckle.
The pout on your face was absolutely irresistible and made Katsuki want to come back and kiss you, but where’s the fun in that? “Alright sweetheart, next question. What theorem says that an average force acting on an object makes a push or pull, making a change in momentum?” he asked. You knew the answer to this was something to do with impulse, but you wondered what’d happen if you gave him the wrong answer.
“Uhhhh...is it...Newton’s second law?” you said tentatively.
All he says is ‘wrong’ before shifting one of his hands to the small of your back to pull you closer and start making out with you. This time it was far rougher than last time. He took no time to slip in his tongue, making you feel warm all over. You couldn’t even think; your head was overwhelmed with the feelings of his lips and his hands on you.
You could get used to punishment like this. You loved when he treated you soft, but something about him going rough now just set you ablaze. He lets go of your wrists to switch positions, his back now pressed against the headboard of his bed. He pulled you into his lap and continued to kiss you. He looked up at you through his eyelashes, the intensity of his eyes making you squirm.
“You ready for the next question sweetheart? Are displacement and velocity both vectors?” he asked. You spent a moment trying to remember before settling on a guess of yes. Luckily you were right and you waited expectantly for your reward. “Oh sweetheart, you thought you’d get another fucking reward for answering it right? I know you got the last one fucking wrong on purpose. So you know what? You don’t get any more rewards.”
He pulled you close and your arms automatically moved to wrap around his neck. His hand slipped to the back of your head to pull your head back slightly, giving him access to now kiss your neck. He started off gentle and then soon built up to marking your neck up. Your neck was left with multiple little hickeys that stopped right at the neckline of your shirt. 
“Just take my shirt off already please, I can’t take any more teasing,” you pleaded. Katsuki laughed, “Be patient, I got you, sweetheart.” He took your top off, throwing it to the side. Immediately his hands were on your breasts, massaging the soft skin through your bra. You stopped him, gently lifting his hands from your chest. He looked up at you, worried he’d gone too far, but that feeling dissipated as soon as he saw you taking your bra off.
You tossed your bra aside and put his hands back on your breasts. It felt so much better than him feeling you through the fabric of your bra. His hands were the perfect combination of rough and soft. Kastuki leaned down to pepper some kisses on the top of your breasts, trailing down to the center of your chest. He bit down on the side of one of your breast, sending pleasure all through you. You moaned out, the mix of pleasure and pain making your toes curl. Kastuki leaned back to see the pretty marks he’d made all over you, proud of his artwork.
“Now we’ve got something only you and I can see, but extras still know your fucking mine,” he said with a smile. “Lay down for me sweetheart and I’ll make you feel even better.” He lifted you off his lap and you were surprised how easy it was for him to pick you up. You laid down and you felt his eyes looking you up and down.
“I know you know you’re pretty so I’m not gonna fucking tell you that. But you really are fucking gorgeous,” he said leaning down to leave a trail of kisses starting from your breasts and moving down. He got on top of you and went back up to kiss you, massaging your breasts again. His hands slowly moved downwards and ghosted his hands right over your pussy. He looked at you for any sign of discomfort before starting to slowly rub your clit. 
He kept kissing you and gradually worked his way to rub along your slit, but came back again to rub your clit again. He moved down, leaving kisses in his wake and lighting your skin on fire,  stopping only at your pussy. He left soft and gently kisses down your inner thigh and licked a stripe of skin, resting his lips right near your lips. 
He looked up at you for a moment and said, “You have no fucking clue how many nights I’ve imagined what it’d feel like to do this.” You barely had a second to get yourself together before Katsuki dove right into eating you out like it was his last meal. He lapped at your clit, trying to find out what’d make you cum. Judging from your moans though, he’d say he was definitely doing a good job of making you feel good. 
Your back arched and you squirmed from the pleasure you felt and Katsuki took that as a sign to amp it up a notch. He licked along your slit and then started sucking right on your bundle of nerves. 
“K-katsuki ~,” you whined, and somehow hearing you call out his name made him want to please you even more. It was like music to his ears. “Keep fucking moaning like that baby,” he growled out. He kept sucking your clit and slipped two fingers inside your pussy, slowly pumping them in and out of you. You moaned out again, head spinning with pleasure, which just made Katsuki’s attack on your pussy grow even faster. 
He pulled off your clit just to kiss you again. You could taste your juices on his tongue when he slipped it inside of your mouth, continuing to pump his fingers at a relentless pace. WIth every pump, his fingers kept hitting your sweet spot and you felt the pleasure build up inside of you bit by bit. “Are you gonna cum, sweetheart?” Kastuki asked.
“Y-yes, gonna...c-cum soon,” you mewled out, your head too foggy to come up with proper sentences. “Too bad baby, you cum when I fucking tell you to, and if you cum before I say you can I swear to God, you’ll be punished for it,” he replied.
This had to be some sort of cruel punishment; you didn’t know how you were gonna last ny longer but you agreed to not cum. “Good girl. Now I’m gonna countdown from 5, and when I get to 1, then you can cum, alright?” You nodded your head, praying he’d count fast. 
Katsuki loved the desperation on your face. He could tell how badly you wanted to cum but it was just too fun to tease you. “5,” he said, starting the countdown. It took everything in you to not cum as Katsuki just kept going faster and faster.
“F-fuck Katsuki, please, I want to cum so bad,” you cried out. 
“Not yet, you have to wait for me to get to 1. Don’t make me punish you darling. 4.” 
Your pussy was quivering around his fingers as you tried your best not to cum. You were an unraveling moaning mess, eyes rolling back to your head.
“3.” Katsuki counted, bringing his other hand up to now rub your clit. It seemed like 1 would take forever to get to at this point. Your climax just kept building further, the pleasure making you dizzy.
“Thank fuck,” you thought. “Almost there, just have to wait a little longer.” You gripped the sheets, holding on to hear that last number.
You finally cum, squirting all over his hand, the built-up pressure released at long last. “Fuck sweetheart, you really made a mess of these fucking sheets huh?” Kastuki says with a chuckle.
“Fuck I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make such a mess. I can wash the sheets if you’d like.” you offer. 
“Nah, its fine, I like seeing how good I made you feel. Don’t think I’ve ever made anyone cum that fucking much,” he replied. “Stay right there, let me get you a towel so you can get clean and shit.” He left for a moment, bringing back a small hand towel and some water. You wiped away the remains of your juices that painted your stomach and tried your best to dry the bed while you were at it. 
You took a sip of water as he said “You know, its funny that you remembered you more when you were eaten out than when you were studying. Maybe we need to do that more often.”
You blushed “M-maybe. If I’d known you’d be down to do something like that, I would have asked you to tutor me a long time ago,” you say, falling back into the pillows. Katsuki grabbed another towel to cover the wet spot on the bed, lifted your legs and placed the towel right underneath them. 
“If you’re tired or some shit, you can take a nap here; I don’t give a fuck.” he said nonchalantly.
“Really? I might just have to take you up on that offer, I am pretty tired,” you reply, pulling his blankets to your shoulders and getting cozy. He climbs into bed with you, slipping his arm behind your head. 
“Come closer so we can cuddle and shit,” he says pulling you close.
“I never thought you’d be the sorta guy to cuddle, Katsuki. You going all soft on me?” you say with a giggle. 
“Just shut the fuck up and take a nap with me, sweetheart.”  
A smile stretched across your face as you cuddle up close to him, legs wrapping around his. The warmth of his body surrounds you, making you feel utterly cozy. It didn’t take long before you felt your eyes close. You soon drifted off, content and happier than ever before.
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leahsgf · 11 months
omg could u write adult lottie x reader?? maybe w lottie js comforting reader or something? theres such a lack in lottie fics its heartbreaking :((
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an instant cure
pairings. adult!lottie x reader
i actually wrote two different versions of this! the other is a little more heavy so i’ll post this one first, thank you so much for the req! and i agree i wish there was more fics out there for lottie :(
“honey are you coming?” lottie’s voice sounded from the other side of the bathroom door, so soft and full of love that you could almost melt.
“yeah, yeah. just a second!” you shook off the threatening tears as you glanced over your appearance in the mirror. it’d been one of those days that had just been off. nothing particularly out of the ordinary had happened, just the usual jobs and classes around the compound, but since you had woken up you had felt like you had a brick sat on your chest, refusing to shift.
you were desperately clinging to the logical side of your brain, trying to convince yourself that it was all in your head and to not let your thoughts completely overwhelm you. however nothing could quite quell the crummy feeling lingering in your gut.
you’d been delaying leaving the bathroom and joining your wife in bed because you didn’t want to dampen her mood. she was a constant beam of light, and spent her days helping people navigate their feelings purely out of the goodness of her own heart, and the last thing you wanted to do was to taint her high spirit and put her back into work mode when she should be relaxing. maybe, you thought, spending a second longer getting ready would be able to shake that off you - but, you were mistaken. so with a deep breath you opened the door, heading towards your shared bedroom.
your entrance instantly caught lottie’s attention, her eyes softening as she saw you, instantly plastering a smile across your features. “come on.” she demaned lightheartedly, holding up the sheets. “get over here.” you laughed and waltzed over, snuggling down next to her, inhaling her scent and instantly feeling comforted, and lighter.
the fuzzy feeling surrounding you reminded you of the first time you’d had the pleasure of being taken out on a date by her, decades ago, before the thought of nationals, before the crash, before switzerland, before everything. the pair of you had genuinely been through it all, and had always had each-other.
you’d met lottie when you were six. you were the terrified, shy new kid, and had refused to speak to anybody for the entirety of your first day. until she had toddled over, plonking herself down next to you and wordlessly started braiding your hair, beaming at you with her gappy smile.
her playing with your hair had always been a huge comfort to you - from the playground decades ago, to now, wrapped in her embrace from as she pressed kisses to the crook of your neck every now and again.
alongside her ability to love beyond belief, one of the things you loved the most about lottie was how observant she was, the little things that would fall unnoticed to most being the things that she would notice the most. she quite literally knew you inside and out, and was in touch with your emotions just as much, if not more than her own.
her fingers branched out from your hair, feathering over your cheeks ever so slightly, pulling you back into reality.
“what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours?” she quizzed, her eyes studying your expression.
“just thinking about you.” you replied, so softly it was barely audible. “about the first day we met.”
“oh yeah?” she raised an eyebrow, the very same smile from that day spread across her cheeks. “you were so cute. i think i knew i loved you from the second my eyes set on you that day.” your eyes glazed over once more as your cheeks heated in response to her words.
after a moment of silence that fell between you, she nudged you slightly, an expectant look across her features, sighing softly as you met it with confusion.
“i don’t help people navigate their feelings everyday for nothing you know. what’s actually going on?”
“nothing,” you mumbled, “honestly, it was just a weird day.”
“weird?” her eyebrows furrowed as she scolded herself internally for busying herself today to the point of missing that you weren’t a hundred percent.
“yeah. just off. you know those days that just feel wrong, even though you don’t really know why?”
“absolutely baby.” she assured. “please always tell me or just give me a signal when you’re feeling like this. you are my top priority, always.” she pulled you into her arms further, caressing your back as she pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“thank you lot. i’m honestly feeling much better now. it’s quietened down a lot.”
“you sure? i don’t want you feeling icky before bed. i know it can take a while for it to let you relax sometimes. i could make you a smoothie? one of the ones you really like? o-or i could run us a bubble bath? or give you-“ she rambled, her brain scrambling for every possible way to comfort you, not realising that she is comfort enough.
“hey, hey.” you stopped her, a small chuckle slipping past your lips. “all i need is you, right here with me. i promise.”
lottie grinned over at you, pausing her train of very enticing ideas. “as long as you’re sure. i can very much do that. i’m not going anywhere.” she shifted your position so your head lay on her chest, her arms securely around your frame, almost cradling you. butterflies erupted within you, like they always had done at the slightest touch from her. she had had this effect on you for as long as you had known her.
“i love you so much.” you whispered, sleep now fully prepared to overcome you.
“i love you more sweetheart. don’t hesitate to wake me if you need me.” she soothed, gently squeezing you as your lips met hers to say goodnight.
lottie had always been like an instant cure to every negative emotion you had ever experienced. it seemed to again of worked effectively, as you drifted off to sleep happier than you’d been all day, knowing that you could get through anything as long as you had your love.
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agaypanic · 5 months
REQUESTS ARE OPEN!!! Could you write a girl next door kind of thing with Reese? Like reader moves in next door to the Wilkersons and initially they don’t get along but eventually he asks her out 🤭🤭
Being Reese's New Neighbor Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: warning for underage drinking at the end
Reese almost immediately got on your nerves
While moving in, you saw him staring at you through his family’s window
But then again, you were a new neighbor, and his whole family was also watching the moving process
You didn’t think too much of that
It was a different moment that started your irritation
“Oh my god!” You screeched, jumping away from your window. The sound of breaking glass startled you out of the little organizing groove you were in, and you grew both scared and pissed as you realized that the broken glass was from your window.
You picked up the baseball that had rolled on the ground towards you, no doubt the cause of the incident. You looked out your window to see a boy your age, your neighbor, and probably the one who threw the ball. He moved an already broken piece of the fence that divided your properties to the side to get to your side.
“Hey.” He said, now at your window. You gripped the ball tight, angry about his nonchalance. “That’s my ball.”
“I figured.” You did your best not to sneer. You reached out the window to drop the baseball in his hand, quickly pulling back without cutting yourself on the broken glass.
“I’m Reese, by the way.”
He seemed like he was about to say something more, but you wouldn’t know because you shut your curtains and walked away, trying to figure out how to tell your parents that the house already had damages.
Despite trying to avoid him, you ended up having to spend a lot of time with Reese
You both walked to school
You shared a few classes together 
It felt like hell
“Hey, wait up!” You heard Reese yell behind you, and you immediately wanted to break into a sprint. More often than not, Reese would walk to school with you, much to your dismay. The two of you seemed to have a bit of a habit of sleeping in, so occasionally, you’d rush out of your houses at the same time and speedwalk to school. “Y/n, come on!”
“It’s not my fault you’re slow!” You shout back, staying at your brisk pace as you hear his thundering footsteps behind you.
“Oh, shut up!” He said when he finally caught up to you. You gave him a quick glance and snorted at how much of a mess he was. 
“You look like you just rolled out of bed.” It was true. Reese didn’t have time to gel up his hair today, so it was messy and had strands sticking out in every direction. His clothes looked like he had just thrown them on, not bothering to straighten anything out. And his backpack was zipped open, loose pieces of paper threatening to fly out.
“I feel like it.” He muttered, running his hands through his hair to try and make it look more neat. “Did we have any homework today?”
“We have homework every day, Reese.”
“Damn it! Can I copy off of you? Just this once?”
“No way, Reese.” You say, rolling your eyes. “And it’s not just ‘this once.’ You copy me like every other day.”
Having to hang out with Reese all the time makes you eventually warm up to each other
You start coming over to his house every now and then to help him with homework
You tell him it’s so he’ll stop copying your work, but that’s only half true
When you leave the house and forget to grab something for breakfast or lunch, Reese miraculously has some food for you in that mess of a bag of his
He says it’s because your complaints about being hungry annoy him, but that’s only half true
“Okay, now carry the two.” You instruct, watching Reese work on a math problem. You had slowly fallen into a routine of coming over to the Wilkerson’s to study and such. Malcolm was very grateful for you, because now that you would come over, Lois wouldn’t force him to help tutor his brother. “Good job, Reese.”
“Thanks.” He said, ears heating up a bit at the small praise. “Can we take a break now?”
“Yeah, sure.” You laughed at the slight whine in his voice, but you were glad to pause the study session. The two of you had been working for about an hour now, and your eyes needed a rest.
The two of you sat in silence for a bit. Then, feeling the familiar empty feeling in your stomach, you groaned. 
“What?” Reese asked, eyes snapping over to you.
“I’m so hungry.”
Reese rolled his eyes and grabbed his backpack. Wordlessly, he dug around for a bit before pulling out a sandwich and a small bag of chips and placing them on the desk in front of you. You grinned and opened the bag of chips. Instead of saying thanks, you offered him a chip. And instead of saying you’re welcome, he took it.
One night, the two of you were at a house party
The two of you had snuck out together
Looking at the time and seeing how late it was, a slightly drunk Reese stumbled around the house to find you
He found you in the kitchen, carefully pouring yourself another drink
You jolted at the sudden feeling of a hand gently clutching your arm but soon smiled brightly when you saw Reese beside you.
“Hey, Reese!” You squealed. It was safe to say that you were a bit tipsy. He smiled at your excitement before remembering why he was trying to find you in the first place. 
“Y/n, I think it’s time to go.” He almost had to yell over the music. But you heard him.
“Boo!” You pouted, bringing your newly filled cup to your lips. But Reese covered the top with his hand and took it out of your grasp, setting it on the counter. “Hey!”
“I’ll make it up to you later. Now come on.” 
Reese dragged you out of the house, and soon you were walking home together. You shivered a bit as a gust of wind hit you. Noticing, Reese let go of your hand to shrug off his jacket and put it over your shoulders.
“But then you’ll be cold.” You half-heartedly protested, wrapping the jacket tighter around you.
“I’m fine.” Reese shrugged.
You don’t know what came over you, but you grabbed Reese’s hand, interlocking your fingers with his. He looked slightly surprised at the action, but didn’t protest it.
Sooner than you hoped, you reached your houses. The two of you snuck along the fence dividing the properties and got to your window.
“Hey, Y/n?” Reese asked in a whisper as he helped open your bedroom window. “Do you maybe wanna, like, go out?”
You turned to him, confused.
“We are out.”
Even though he was trying to be quiet, Reese couldn’t help but laugh.
“No, I mean like a date.” You perked up at the word, surprised expression soon turning happy.
“Oh my gosh, I’d love to!” Your response was a bit too loud, so Reese shushed you. You giggled and spoke again in a whisper. “I’d love to.”
With dopey, drunk smiles on both of your faces, Reese helped you climb through your window and into your room. He was about to go through the broken fence and into his yard when you quietly called out his name.
“Your jacket.” You said, suddenly remembering that you were wearing the piece of clothing. You started to take it off when Reese stopped you.
“No, no, it’s fine.” He stared at you, eyes a little glassy. “It looks good on you.”
You suddenly yanked him by the collar of his shirt to bring him close enough to plant a kiss on his cheek.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Reese.”
Malcolm in the Middle Taglist: @rattilol
Reese Wilkerson Taglist: @hollymaybank @theogirlovermattheogirl
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screamdream3828 · 1 year
would you be able to do a love triangle trope between tara and sam x reader
both sisters catch feelings for their friend/roommate but reader ends up choosing one of them (you can choose) one would get jealous of the other when they’d flirt with you but eventually they talk it out and are cool about it
Sure! Final request I had left to write in my inbox and was a fun one. Hope you enjoy!
When you answer an anonymous ad seeking a female housemate in a very nice, very affordable flat in New York, you don’t expect to find yourself in the middle of a love triangle.
Not between the two girls you now live with - Sam and Tara. And certainly not between two sisters.
Things start out well at the flat. You aren’t stupid or oblivious, and recognise the girls instantly. New York is a fair way from Woodsborough, but pretty much everyone had heard the ghostface stories.
You resolved to never bring it up, and instead tried to build a friendship with the sisters. 
Tara, like you, was studying at Blackmoore college. Something you both bonded over, and begun to spend time on campus - eating lunch, study sessions - anything really.
She was a sweet person. Funny, despite all of the hardships life had thrown at her. Your phone was full of texts, pleas to come out to some random party she had been invited to you.
You almost always agreed, because even after only knowing her for weeks - you couldn’t say no to Tara Carpenter.  
She’d dance you around the room, hands around your waist. You’d giggle, drunk off whatever wine she’d hand you.
Sometimes you’d catch her looking at you, unreadable expression on her face. She’d shake out of it quick, and distract you with a quick joke.
You couldn’t deny she was attractive. Very much so. But she wasn’t the only Carpenter sister you had bonded with.
Sam was unlike anyone you’d ever met before. She was a few years older, and much more guarded initially.
At first, she’d make polite small talk but keep the conversation brief and never want to hang out.
From Tara, you learnt how she alternated her time between her two jobs, therapy and being home.
She carried a crazy amount of self defence weaponry at all times too, understandable after everything she had been through.
It took time for her to warm to you, to trust that you weren’t some sick person with an ulterior motive. 
When she started to open up, you realised that she was more than the overprotective, sometimes aggressive woman portrayed throughout the media.
One time, you joined her on a grocery run when a group of teens called out insults and jeers. You watched as her knuckle tightened around the trolley handle, whitening instantly and a vein flickering.
You hadn’t intended on doing it, but your hands moved on their own accord to press over hers. “Ignore them. They want a reaction”
And she had looked back at you. Properly seeing you, as if for the first time. Her mouth flickered into a half smile, then set into a determined line and she nodded - continuing to push the trolley and ignore the group.
Something was different with her after that day, gone were the awkward smiles and polite attempts at small talk. She even invited you to her local gym, seeing you make morning commute across the city.
You’d hold the pads up as she laid blows against them, grumbling about how people needed to get a life and mind their own business.
There was little you could do to help. You hadn’t experienced the events firsthand, so didn’t exactly know what it felt like.
But you gave Sam a chance to vent, and listened as she unloaded all of her problems onto the pads - but also to you.
It wasn’t one sided either. When your creepy ex wouldn’t stop showing up at your class, Sam had frowned deep and thought for a moment.
He didn’t show up to your class again, and a rumour circulated that he had a broken nose and jaw. Of course you didn’t know for sure it was Sam, but her satisfied smirk gave it away easily. 
She was the opposite to her sister, more guarded and uptight to Tara’s easygoing nature. To be honest it sometimes gave you whiplash - hanging out with each of them. 
The atmosphere also felt different when you hung out one on one compared to a group setting. 
You caught Sam checking you out too, when you finally convinced her to come to a party - eyes drawn to your tight red dress. 
At first, you tell yourself maybe they both find you attractive. Some innocent flirting doesn’t hurt anyone.
Then one night as you cook dinner together and drink far too much red wine, Sam dances you around the kitchen and presses her mouth to yours.
You don’t kiss back at first. More stunned than anything. But her hands are in your hair, and arms grip your waist. So you clutch her cheek and kiss back hard.
She pulls away, dazed and you can’t help but smile at the look on her face. Your red lipstick is smeared across her mouth and you grab a napkin to wipe it away.
The door swings open though, mid sentence - and Tara walks in. “Hey that smells good! What’s for dinner?” 
You turn to reply, napkin waving loosely from your hand. By the time you turn back, Sam is gone and you’re left to wonder what is happening.
She acts weird around you for the next few days, not meeting your eye and a lot more quiet than usual.
It confuses you, and makes you wonder if she regretted the kiss. Which doesn’t make sense considering she instigated it. 
Tara invites you out to the movies, and you agree - hoping it will be a welcome distraction. She doesn’t seem to notice the difference between the pair of you, and greets you with a smile as you begin to queue for snacks.
She’s dressed a lot less casual than you for a movie trip, white blouse and black skirt showing off an impressive amount of leg.
After grabbing too much candy and drinks, you take a seat at the backrow. It’s some corny action movie Tara wanted to see, and you’re happy just to be there.
Nothing is out of the ordinary as you both watch the movie, until you notice a pair of eyes gazing at you. 
Tara wears that same unreadable expression you see sometimes pop out at parties, and you can’t bring yourself to look away either - to break the eye contact.
She blushes though, and looks away. Maybe you overthought it, you reason and return to the movie. 
“Did you enjoy the movie?” She asks as you try to find the car parked outside the theatre. You hum and nod happily. “Sure”
She nods, cheeks blushing red. “Cool. That’s cool”
You laugh, she’s being out of character - too bumbling and nervous. “I..” her voice fades away and she shakes her head resolutely. “I’ll tell you at home”
The drive is short and it isn’t long before you’re chilling on the couch. “What did you want to tell me?” You murmur, distracted by a movie commercial on the tv.
Tara clears her throat. “I just wanted to say that I’ve always liked you” she bites her lip and you swallow hard. Oh. 
“Tara...” You begin, but she cuts you off - starting to ramble. “I know it’s weird because we’re housemates. And friends. But I’ve always thought you were so cool and...”
”Hey guys” Sam enters the room, expression falling slightly as she realises what you’re talking about. “Oh. Am I interrupting?” Her voice is rough and you feel stuck in the middle.
Tara shakes her head, “no it’s cool. We can hang out in my room. No worries. Right Y/N?” She’s beaming at you, clearly hoping you reciprocate her feelings.
But Sam’s looking at you too, something like hurt in her eyes. “Uhhh” you stammer, hands fidgeting in your lap.
Sam shrugs, leaning against the door frame. “No it’s fine. I can see you’re both busy. I’ll be in my room” she storms off and Tara giggles nervously.
”That was weird. I hope she doesn’t think it’s strange that I like you”
You don’t reply, wondering how you can manage to get out of the situation. You like Tara. She’s funny, and shares some classes with you.
But there isn’t that burning desire, that passion you felt when Sam grabbed your face. Your teeth gnaw at your lip and Tara frowns. “Hey what’s up?”
You don’t know how to say this. To tell her. She clearly likes you. And you like her sister. Who may not even like you back. Who maybe just kissed you as a once off.
What a mess, you think miserably. 
“Tara” You begin, voice gentle. “I..” your eyes are drawn to Sam’s door as you try and articulate your sentence. Tara’s eyes follow yours and her gaze softens as she seems to realise.
”Oh” she murmurs, more to herself. You decide to be honest. “Sam kissed me a few days ago”
Tara nods along, looking a bit surprised. “I didn’t know that” she pauses, biting her lip. ”And you like her?”
You can only nod, hands in your lap. She cracks a smile, soft. “That’s fine. That’s cool. You both deserve to be happy” she takes your hand and squeezes it as you breathe out a sign of relief.
”You still want to be friends?” You ask, and she laughs at this. “Of course I do!” She assures, hand on your shoulder. 
“You’re one of my best friends, I just want you to be happy”
Its like a weight lifted off your shoulders and you smile. Before you can add anything, she grabs you and walks you to Sam’s door.
”Now go get your girl” she teases, not meeting your eyes - giving you a little push.
She’s gone, back to her room, and as much as you hate to hurt her feelings - you’re glad it’s all out in the open now. You knock on Sam’s door and wait.
It takes a few tries until she appears, not meeting your eyes. “Hey look, I get if the other night was a mistake and..”
You step into her personal space, almost knocking the pair of you over as you collide lips hard. She reacts instantly, cupping your jaw and sliding her tongue past your lips.
Not even a moment later she breaks the kiss, and drops her forehead to yours. “What about Tara?” She asks, panting.
You sigh soft. “It’s you that I want Sam” you stroke her hair. “I told Tara. She’s my friend. But it’s you”
She grins at that, pulling you into her room with another kiss.
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fruitywritter · 5 months
Two hearts • | part 2 |
Part 1
Summary: studying with Hermione. That’s fun, right?
Pairing: Hermione Granger x gn!reader
Warnings: None, fluff
Words: 1.6k
A/n: Happy new year everyone! First post of the year 😆 i stayed up so late last night in order to write this and because of my tiredness im sure they’ll be a lot of mistakes there so im sorry for that. (: Enjoy!
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Frustration washed over you as you closed the book sitting in front of you. You’ve been studying for a few hours, it was a tiring day if you were to be honest. Classes ended around lunch time and after that you run immediately to the library for a last study session before Christmas holidays.
Many people would think that was weird, most of the students were already celebrating and packing their bags to go back home, but you. Since you would be staying at Hogwarts, you wanted to get over with your homework so you could enjoy holidays without having to worry about schoolwork. So that’s what you did, after a long 4 hours you finally finished. You packed your things and got ready to leave, already making plans about passing by your dorm to leave your school stuff before going a walk to Hogsmeade.
You begun walking towards the exit but stopped when your eyes found a figure sitting at a table on your left. She had her back facing you so that meant she didn’t even know you were standing there. You took in the girl in front of you, she had her head buried in a book in front of her and more books stacked on her left.
It was only two days since your encounter on the astronomy’s tower. You hadn’t talked since then, sure you’d seen her in the hallways, you would share soft smiles and you’d stare at her during class. But you hadn’t been alone together since that night. You couldn’t help but rethink about that day, how you felt comfortable around her, how it felt right. You’d agreed to spend Christmas together and that made you to look forward to it.
Taking in a breath, your legs brought you closer to her table without your consent. The brunette looked up, clearly aware of you standing there. The moment her eyes found yours she let out a smile, “Y/n.. Hey.” She greeted, before dropping her book back to the table and straightening her back, now having all her attention to you.
That made you more confident so you smiled back, “I didn’t know you were here..” You said and moving closer to sit on a chair across from her.
“I came here about thirty minutes ago, I’m trying to finish schoolwork before holidays start..” She mentioned to the books around her but pushed them further so she could look at you better. “What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?” She gasped dramatically, a small smile playing on her lips.
“Haha, you wish. You know, I had the same thought. Though, I’m already done with my homework.” You teased her, crossing your arms on your chest.
“What? Are you serious?” Hermione asked, clearly shocked. You nodded and she breathed out, looking back down on her books. “Good for you..” She murmured.
After a few seconds of silence you cleared your throat successfully getting her attention. Hermione bobbed her head up, looking at your in question.
“You need any help?” A small smirk played on your lips as you sat there. You watched as she rolled her eyes, “No, thank you.” She said and looked back downwards. But you could see her mouth curved into a small smile from where you sat. That made you smile too, it was the second time you’ve been with her alone, and it still felt just as relaxing as the first time.
A few minutes passed with you just staring at the brown haired girl, she just looked so peaceful just sitting there. Until you heard Hermione’s voice, she didn’t look up again as she knew you were listening. “Don’t you have anything else to do?” She asked, noting something on her notebook. “I mean, you already finished your work. Why don’t you go enjoy the rest of the day? Is it that fun watching me study?”
“If I’m being honest, yes. It’s fun. I enjoy watching you.” You grinned. Hermione bit her lip, staring at you with a face you couldn’t quite understand.
She let out a laugh, going back down on her work. “You’re weird.” She commented, at that you smiled wider.
“Maybe I am. Now, do you want to accept my offer of help or do you want to be here until tomorrow?” You said, raising an eyebrow. She looked up and took a breath. “You know you’re a bit annoying, right?” She asked and you tried to look offended but you quickly laughed.
“Yeah, I know..” You agreed and leaned back in your chair.
“Okay.” She suddenly said and you looked at her in confusion. “Okay, I accept your offer of help.. But only because I want to get it done quickly.” She explained and you moved to sit on the chair beside her. Your shoulders slightly touching hers. You could feel the warmth of her skin even with all those layers you two wore.
Taking a look at her notes you let out a laugh, “Come on, that’s easy.”
“Yes, I know it’s easy, you dumb. I would have finished it if you’d stop talking all the time..” She joked and bumped her shoulder to yours.
“Okay, okay. Let’s solve it together.” You said and picked her pencil to note something on her notebook.
An hour and a half later you let out a breath, pushing the books away from you and leaning backwards. “Wow, that was fast..” Hermione smiled and closed the book in front of her, agreeing with you. “It was.. Thank you for helping me..”
“It was nothing, really. I’m happy to be in your services.” You smiled and stood up, stretching your back. “What are you doing now?” You asked as Hermione stood beside you, putting her books in her bag.
“I’m thinking about going to bed.. It was a tiring day.” She said with tired eyes, and you nodded. “You should go too.” Again all you did again was nod your head and pull your bag over your shoulder waiting for Hermione to get to your side.
Hermione noticed your quietness and looked at you, “What’s going on?” She asked, worry in her eyes.
You shook your head, “Nothing, it’s just that I can’t really sleep the past few days. I mean, I sleep a few hours. But I constantly wake up at night and sometimes I can’t go back to sleep.” You paused as Hermione reached your side and you started walking towards the exit. “I wish that my mind could stop thinking and worrying so I could just sleep for a bit..”
Hermione looked at you with sad eyes, but no the ones with pity. She looked like she was worried about you, like she was feeling your pain. “I can try to find a spell to make you sleep better..?” She offered and you couldn’t help but smile at that. She really was so caring.
You slightly shook your head, “It’s okay, don’t worry about it. I think I’m just gonna take some pills to make me sleepy.” You opened the door for Hermione to get out before getting out yourself. “Even though I’m going to be like a zombie the whole day.” You tried to joke as you walked through the hallways.
“Alright, but if you ever change your mind. I’ll be happy to help you..” She offered and reached for your hand, giving it a soft squeeze. “Thanks, Hermione.” After that you stayed quiet as you walked her towards her common room.
After saying your goodbyes you turned and walked to Slytherins common room, walking straight to your dorm. Throwing your bag down on the floor beside your desk.
One of your roommates was there, Astoria. She was also your friend. Her and Hestia. Those two have always been your best friends.
“Where have you been all day? I’ve been searching you everywhere.” Astoria asked, closing her bag and moving to sit on your bed.
“After classes were over I went to the library to study.” You replied, moving to grab your notebook from your bag. With it in your hands you sat down beside your friend. “Why missed me?” You teased her.
“Yeah, right.” She laughed as Hestia entered the room.
“What’s going on? Why is she laughing?” Hestia asked, completely confused about your other friend.
You shook your head, chuckling as you opened your notebook, looking at the sketches you made not awhile ago. A voice beside your ear scared you and you raised your head looking at the person beside you weirdly.
“Y/n started drawing again! Hestia, come here.” Your annoying friend said as she took the notebook from your hands, walking towards Hestia to show her.
The both of them looked at you, waiting for you to talk. “What?” You asked.
“Don’t ‘what’ us. You haven’t touched that notebook for awhile. It took me by surprise.” Astoria said, walking to you and handing you your sketchbook back.
“Oh, yeah..” You said, awkwardly not knowing what to say.
Hestia was the one to talk now, more calmly than Astoria. “How are you feeling lately, Y/n?” She asked.
“Fine, I guess.. I mean, I still have trouble at sleeping but..” You started, your hands finding your bed seats to fiddle with.
“But?” The girl in front of you pressed.
“I met someone. A few nights ago, when I went on a walk.” You weren’t sure if you wanted to tell your friends about Hermione yet. Did Hermione even told Harry and Ron about you?
“And? That’s it?” Astoria asked, clearly not convinced that this was it.
“Kind of, we’ve only hanged out two times. We don’t really know each other..” You said, not really wanting to continue. You knew that was a big discussion and right now all you wanted to do was sleep.
“Alright.. Well, when you feel ready you can tell us about them, okay?” Hestia said, giving you a soft smile and moving back to her bed. Astoria nodded along and went to her own.
“Thank you, really..” You smiled as you three got ready for bed. After exchanging goodnights you let sleep take over you.
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lynns-cornerr · 7 months
Pronouns : they/them
Genre : fluff
A/n : Little story I wrote during my history class, hope you like it :)
English isn’t my first language, please let me know if there’s any grammar error!!
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he was in the same class as you, and yet you never really noticed him. You only tended to care about those two or three people that you interact daily and did not hate without reasons, the others were just company, and you knew others saw you in the same way.
You met him during lunch. You had finished earlier and you were already directing to the class to prepare and review what you needed for the next lessons, you were sure to not find anyone as usual, but it wasn’t so.
There was a guy sitting in the back row, he had long black hair tied up, and glasses that looked ridiculous. He was writing something, and judging by his facial expression, he wasn’t doing so well, he was probably so busy he didn’t even notice you.
You sat in your usual seat, looking the other way and doing your thing, but as you reread your notes, you started to feel watched. You turned your back to see the boy hastily look down.
you however did not stop watching him, and in the end you decided to go to him, sitting at the table in front of the guy. He immediately looked up nervously, instead you looked at his notebook
"If you need a hand, just ask,"
you just said, turning the notebook in your directions and starting to read what he had written.
"O-h, sorry. I didn’t want to bother you a-"
"don’t worry"
just then you looked up to send him a friendly smile. He looked you in the eye with a shocked expression that soon turned into one of gratitude
"in that case, thank you"
That night, while you were doing your things, you had difficulty concentrating. But it wasn’t like the other times: it was usually related to your worries about things that happened that day or doubts about the future and things like that, but now you couldn’t think about anything but that guy
Even if you were in class together, how come you never noticed? You’ve always been a attentive to detail, so why can’t you remember him? Were your friends right when they said you tended to live in your own little world? I mean, yeah, you remember his face, after all, you’ve been going to school together for years, and yet you don’t remember talking to him or anything, and it just seemed ... strange
the next day, before entering school, you asked a couple of questions to your friends about that boy - Baji Keisuke. They told you that they did not know much about him, they had just heard a few rumors about how bad he was at school and that he was kind of a friend with another boy, Chifuyu, who was a bully a few years ago, but who seemed to have calmed down after getting to know Baji.
You wished you could get more informatio, but the bell rang and you went to class. As you walked, you tried to pay more attention to the things and people around you.
like the day before, you decided to go to class early during your lunch break, and luckily, there was again.
"Hey," you said while sittings straight next to him.
You offered to help him study, and he initially resisted, saying that he did not want to take advantage of his kindness, but you insisted and he had no escape.
this went on for a couple of days, always with the same dynamic. But one day you finally decided to ask.
"Why are you always spending your break here lately?"
He hesitated for a moment, and slightly lowered his head, embarrassed,
"You know the task we have the day after tomorrow?"
"I don’t want to take another deficiency. Not that I care much, but my mother does and I would like to give her a satisfaction"
"... I see"
That said, you kept coming back, but you weren’t as interested as before, because your head was elsewhere. You thought how cute her intentions were, after all, in those days he was trying really hard, and thinking that it was for his mother gave you a strange warmth in your chest.
The bell rang sooner or later and you two stopped repeating, but you felt you wanted to spend more time with him. You didn’t know why, but you felt this wasn’t enough.
to get you out of your thoughts was Baji with a small but simple phrase
"how about tomorrow we repeat together? Maybe my place, if it’s okay"
as you returned to your seat, behind you Baji was literally screaming inside, incredulous that you had accepted (after school he would tell Chifuyu, and he would be completely shocked by how much Baji was behaving since that wasn’t even an official appointment, yet looked like he was in Haeven)
that afternoon, you met his mother. She was immediately kind and welcoming to you, thanking you for agreeing to help her ‘idiot son’
everything went smoothly, until the two of you heard a knock on Baji's bedroom door. You both thought that maybe she was his mother, but instead you found yourself in front of a boy who was more or less the same age as you, with light purple hair and eyes, and a black and white uniform and a familiar face
"Baji we- oh"
He immediately panicked
"Taka , not now"
“I know, I get it, but things have happened with.. well you know."
he hesitated, visibly frustrated by that situation. "Okay, but a quick one"
The two left the room, closing the door behind them, and you stood there, confused, and even worried.
shortly after, the door opened and saw Baji visibly angry
"I’m sorry, but I have things to do, I have to deal with something"
on his face you could clearly see his sorrow but you did not ask any question
"All right, don’t apologize. After all it got pretty late and good or bad we repeated everything, so I’m sure tomorrow will be fine. I go home now"
"Wait, alone? I can give you a lift."
"Didn’t you say you were busy? I don’t want to waste your time. Plus, I’m retry sure is something important"
"Relax, with the bike will take less than five minutes"
"Oh, it’s- umh, fantastic!"
You tried not to point it out, but it was clear that you were nervous (I don’t know about you, but I hate them. Sorry)
He probably understood it, in fact he tried to be as gentle and gentle as possible while trying to settle
"you can hold on me if you’re scared"
You held on as if your life depended on it, trying not to get too attached, and especially not thinking about the fear of falling-
shortly, as he predicted, you arrived at the entrance to your neighbourhood
"Leave me here"
"Are you sure? I don’t have to drive you home"
"No, that’s not it, I just told my parents I was at a friend’s house."
"Why didn’t you tell ‘em?"
"They’re... pretty strict, let’s say that"
you knew what they were like, and if they found out you lied to go to the house of a guy they knew nothing about would be your end
he nodded his head, but as you went down you felt the need to tell him something
"Whatever you’re about to do... be careful, okay?"
“I.. i will. See you tomorrow”
It had been two weeks after that day, you were at school and the teacher had finally brought back the exam for which you and Baji (almost and only Baji actually) had studied days and nights.
Also, he used your notes. You left them in his room, knowing that they would be of more useful to him than to you
While the teacher was handing out the exam you heard her say, "Congratulations. Try to do that on your next time too."
When the bell rang you waited for everyone to go out to Baji, who like you was waiting to talk to you
"so? How did it go?"
"I’m proud of you, Kei,"
You said smiling and pat him on the shoulder
He smiled back, not just for that score, but because it was the first time you called him by name. The mf went straight to the other guys of the toman to show the score, omitting the fact that you had been after him for days
the two of you continued to hang out between one break and sometimes you even organized little evening outings. You learned to know each other more and he trusted you enough to tell you about Toman and the boys, and he’s glade you still talk to him and are not scared of him.
Please ask him out for A REAL date. He’s too embarrassed to do it by himself
+ The Toman boys teased him whenever they can (Chifuyu’s fault). Obviously only his friends, his subordinates were too afraid for their lives
"Will you leave us now to spend all your time with your girlfriend?"
"What?! We’re just friends!"
"Aww, is little Kei embarrassed?"
"What the hell is wrong with y’all?!
he refuses to let you meet them because of this jokes, expect for Chifuyu, Kazutora and maybe Mitsuya since he is more mature than the others.
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