#chestnuts christmas shirt
johnnydany · 1 year
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Funny Chest Nuts Christmas T-Shirt Chestnuts Matching Couple Women  T-Shirt
Get yours: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/37476139-funny-chest-nuts-christmas-t-shirt-chestnuts-match
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thomasdaniel91 · 2 years
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Chest Nuts Matching Chestnuts Christmas Couples T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://viralstyle.com/c/y0v3xK
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luveline · 6 months
jadey would you please mind giving us more of kbd!steve this season? xxxx
kbd dad!steve and mom!reader fight over christmas pyjamas, 1.4k
“I don't know what you want me to say.” 
Steve frowns deeply at you. Another haircut, another day more handsome than before, he pulls off everything, but not… 
“Say you like them,” he demands, hooking his thumbs in his pyjama top and pulling it outwards to properly show you the front. 
Steve is wearing Christmas pyjamas. The Grinch from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas in all his scrooge glory grins at you evilly against a red background. The pants are white, patterned by red and green drawings of the Grinch holding a Christmas present. He looks much happier from your husband's thighs than the long sleeved shirt. 
“Babe, they have cuffs. We're gonna be warm all day,” he says. 
“They don't match,” you say, pointing to the Grinch on his leg, who holds a pink gift wrapped in yellow ribbon. “Maybe it's the pink and red throwing me off.” 
His frown turns to a pout, the almond shape of his warm brown eyes at a downturn as he says, “You really don't like them.” 
You crack like a weak walled chestnut over a flame. “I'm kidding! I'm just messing with you, baby, I love them. They're so Christmas-sy. Did you get some for me?” 
His relief is palpable. “I got some for everyone.” 
Steve got matching pyjamas for himself, you, the kids, and Robin. He shows you them from a bag on the kitchen table, where you ooh and aah reluctantly. You love him, love everything he does, but you're finally on your holidays vacation and you'd wanted to spend as much of it sitting down as possible. Not that sitting down is possible at home, but you digress. 
Steve senses your reluctance with a grumble pressed into the back of your neck, his arms grabbing you from behind. “Alright, I get it! You hate me and your kids and you hate Christmas most of all, whatever. I should've married Tammy Thompson.” 
You laugh and lean forward over his arms. “Tammy Thompson wouldn't have wanted a thing to do with you, H, on account of you being a cruel, know-it-all narcissist who forces his exhausted wife off of the couch at every opportunity he–” 
“Alright, that's enough.” 
Steve squeezes you until you're pleading with him to let you go, a riot of giggles forced from your lungs as he digs his hands into your sides, his fingers practically drilled into your ribs. You call for mercy and he ignores it, muttering about narcissism in your ear. He laughs as you laugh, can't keep up the act. 
“Beg for me to stop,” he says. 
“Stop!” you say, trying to pull his arms off of your stomach. “Steve, stop it!” 
“Say you'll wear the pyjamas.” 
“Steve! I'll wear them! Would you–” 
“Get off of her!” Bethie shouts, barrelling into the room to push at her dad's legs. 
It's so unlike Beth to shout that you both immediately stop fighting. For a split second, you think she's worried that Steve was actually hurting you, but then she laughs as she punches him in the thigh and sticks herself between your breathless bodies, two small arms extended to keep you apart. 
When she's sure Steve is done, she wraps her arms around you, looking up into your face with a big smile. “Saved you, mom.” 
“You saved me,” you agree, bending down to hug her, “thank you, sweetheart, thank you.” You drop tens of kisses into her hair and face, so many that Steve makes a show of huffing.
“Beth, she deserved it,” he says. “She doesn't wanna wear our matching jammies. Don't you wanna do that?” 
She looks at him with those big sorry eyes only young children can master. “Yeah, dad, but…” 
“But what?” 
“But she's my mom.” 
You pull one of the kitchen chairs out and sit down, patting your lap for her to climb up and sit with you. “But I'm her mom,” you sing-song, ever so slightly smug. 
“And I'm, what? Cat food?” 
“Don't listen to him, baby, he's just jealous.” 
Steve turns away from you both, showfully miffed. Bethie giggles and turns into your chest. “He's mad,” she laughs. 
“So mad.” You drop your nose into the side of her cheek. 
“Are we still having a treat tonight?” she asks. 
“Of course we are. It's Christmas! Mom's home, daddy's catching up on his sleep, we're all having cake and ice cream and chocolates until we can't eat anymore,” you promise. 
“Wish you were home all the time.” 
“Me too, baby,” you say, rubbing her cheek with the tip of your nose slowly. “I wish you could come to work with me. That would be so fun. But we have to make the most of our time away, yeah? Let's have lots and lots of fun.” 
“I saved you,” she says, “so maybe I can have extra cake.” 
“Beth. You can have as much as you want tonight, I promise.” 
“I love Christmas,” she decides. 
Steve rushes back into the kitchen with a child under each arm. Dove laughs, her eyes practically sparkling, not a care in the world though she's upside down, and Avery clings to Steve's waist, shouting, “Dad, put me down!” through nervous giggles. 
“Tell mom what I told you,” he says. 
“Dad, I'm slipping!” 
“Avery, you're not slipping. I'm frankly insulted that you think I would drop you. Now tell your mother what we said.” 
“Daddy's not a nar-pasit!” Dove says joyfully. “He's a sweetheart.” 
“He's a huge narcissist,” you correct in a similar tone. 
“He's dropping me!” Avery cries. 
Steve shakes her until she screams. “I am not! For Christ's sake, I can curl you like two pound weight, you delinquent! Now.” He takes a deep, fake breath, pulling the two girls higher into his armpits. “Like we rehearsed.” 
“I did my turn,” Dove says, reaching out for you, her smile hard to miss even if she is upside down..
“Dad didn't even want to marry that lady,” Avery says, her eyes squeezed closed. Steve chuckles and kisses her head, amused by her silly worry. “He's only ever wanted to be in love with you. And to drop me.” 
Steve chokes he laughs so hard, leaning forward and depositing the eldest girl onto two steady feet. “Perfect as always, Ave. And you!” He twists into a shape, Dove's head getting closer and closer to the floor. She couldn't be happier, giggling like she's been tickled the whole while. “You did perfect too, honey.” 
“I didn't even bring up that lady,” you say. 
Steve and Dove return back to the right way round after some careful manoeuvring. “My bad. Babe. Y/N. I'm sorry, okay? I'm a loser and–” He nudges Dove aside gently to take your hands, your knees, ignoring Beth where she's in the way to kneel in front of you. “I just need you to want to wear these pyjamas as bad as I want you to. So pull it together.” 
You put your lips to the shell of Beth's ear. “Should we forgive him?” 
“Mmm…” Beth points at Avery. “He has to say sorry for almost dropping Avey.” 
“Right.” You nod sagely. 
Steve turns to Avery with wide eyes, “You're not actually upset, are you?” he asks, putting out his hand to her. 
“My brains are like cranberry sauce,” she says. 
He raises his eyebrows, delighted. “Yeah? The thick one from the can?” 
Dove climbs under his arm. He pulls her in for a cuddle unthinkingly, but just as quickly she's ducking away from him to walk up to Avery, reaching for her face. Avery leans down obligingly. 
Dove pokes her forehead. 
“I'm not really jelly!” Avery says, giggling. 
“Well, I'm sorry if I scared you almost dropping you,” Steve says, holding his hands together, brown eyes like melting sugar in his pleading. “Can you please forgive me, so mommy will forgive me, and we can put on our new jammies?” 
Avery isn't stubborn. “Yeh, okay. I'll forgive you.” 
He smiles, turning to you now for the final verdict. 
“I already said I'd wear them, Steve,” you say with a grin. 
“Oh. Good. Alright.” He climbs to his feet, split from cheek to cheek. “I'm gonna go get the baby. Aw, shit, and the camera. Practise your poses until I come back, angels!”
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chuuyrr · 6 months
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𐙚₊ CW(s): f! reader, exes to lovers, angst to fluff/comfort, christmas/holiday setting, he still calls you pet names like baby, love, and sweetheart
𐙚₊˚⊹ SYNOPSIS: underneath the twinkling christmas lights, you and osamu embrace the promise of a love rekindled
𐙚₊ NOW PLAYING: santa doesn't know you like i do by sabrina carpenter && new years day by taylor swift ᝰ.ᐟ
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in the heart of yokohama, where the winter winds whispered secrets and the city adorned itself in festive lights, you find yourself wandering around in a deep sigh, clutching yourself with your coat adorning you.
the city exuded warmth, and the scent of roasted chestnuts, gingerbread, and an open fire from christmas markets and stores mingled with the laughter of children and adults enjoying the holidays.
as you strolled through the festive scene, you couldn't escape the echoes of your shared past with dazai.
you then stop in front of a familiar bar which was decorated with bright christmas lights and wreaths, and at that moment, you find yourself lost in a sea of memories, reminiscing about the shared moments with osamu, before the inevitable drift that led to your breakup.
among those recollections, two particular scenes painted themselves vividly in your mind, haunting yet bittersweet.
one memory that lingered like a gentle melody was the night you and osamu ventured into the same dimly lit bar, saying that you two deserve a treat.
the air hummed with the soulful tunes of saxophones and pianos as you two nestled into a corner booth. the ambient glow cast a warm aura, reflecting in dazai's brown sugar eyes as you and him clinked glasses of your high-ball whiskeys, toasting to the beauty of the night.
your laughter resonated with the rhythm of the music, creating a symphony of shared joy. osamu, with his enigmatic smile, leaned in to whisper secrets that only you could understand amidst the jazz-infused atmosphere.
it was a night where time seemed to suspend, and your connection deepened through the language of music, laughter, and stories which lead to a shared kiss that became your first.
another memory that tugged at the corners of your heart was the night you spent at osamu's apartment. the air was thick with familiarity as you found solace in the haven he had crafted, even if it was quite empty and rather mininalist, considering how he didn't have much.
either way, you and osamu talked about everything and nothing, the conversation weaving effortlessly between trivialities and profound truths—some even about his day at work, how annoying working on reports was. you even find yourself dancing with him around his kitchen in the middle of the night.
as that night unfolded, osamu's clothes became a comforting embrace, wrapping you in the scent of familiarity. wearing his oversized shirt, you found a sense of closeness, a tangible reminder of the intimacy you once shared.
the cityscape outside his window faded into the background as you and him reveled in the simplicity of being together in his futon, you in his warm embrace, head tucked beneath his chin as you lay on his chest, and he hummed a peacefully melody with his fingers running through your hair to lull you.
the quiet hum of his apartment became a sanctuary in those stolen hours, and even he thought it became a place he could call home when it was previously simply a scarcely filled space, and now it felt more than that. that is, until the fall arrived.
it was a night where the barriers between you and him melted away, leaving only the echoes of whispered confessions of "i love yous" and sweet nothings, along with the soft rustle of borrowed clothes.
now, you stand alone with the weight of these memories, you couldn't help but wonder if those moments were fragments of a love that had slipped through your fingers.
the bar and the borrowed clothes became artifacts of a time when you and osamu reveled in the magic of each other's company, a magic that time, circumstances, and perhaps your own choices had dimmed.
and still, you held onto those memories, recognizing them as delicate fragments of a past that was, in its own way, a testament to the beauty of what you two once had.
the air was crisp, and the city bustled with the festive energy of the holiday season, and you were about to turn away from the bar only to walk and bump into a familiar figure.
there, in the midst of the bustling crowd, stood dazai, and time seemed to freeze for an instant as your eyes met his ever same, warm brown sugar eyes, and the weight of unspoken words lingered in the air—a moment suspended in the delicate dance between past and present.
"osamu," you murmur softly, the name escaping your lips almost as a reflex. his gaze, once distant, softened with a recognition that mirrored your own.
a tentative smile played on his lips, a silent acknowledgment of the shared history that bounds you both, "hey, fancy meeting you here," he remarks, his voice carrying the hint of a memory you both couldn't escape.
as the crowd flowed around you and dazai, you find yourself standing in a pocket of stillness, a space where the weight of your past lingered.
"what are you doing out here? looking for presents, dear?" dazai strikes a conversation, but you can tell he seemed to be trying to hold himself back. you can tell he was very much ecstatic to see you again despite before.
"no, i was just going for a walk," you respond, rubbing your arm as you blink softly at him.
"just going for a walk this holiday, huh?" he narrows his eyes, a small chuckle escaping his breath, and his gaze soon draws towards the bar where you two would go for a drink, dine, and date.
like a canvas of unread stories, his eyes then hold, a mix of emotions, "funny how memories have a way of catching up with us," he replies, his gaze tracing the invisible threads that connected your past to this chance encounter.
"you know, sometimes, i do wonder if our memories are trying to tell us something," dazai muses, his words resonating with a quiet introspection as you two stood there, grappling with the unspoken question of what these chance encounters meant.
dazai's eyes, once filled with the mischievous sparkle that characterized him, now furrows in a subtle frown as he observed your quiet and somewhat awkward demeanor. the cheerful and festive background chatter of the city around you seemed to fade, leaving only the palpable tension between you and him.
"so," dazai began, a playful lilt in his voice as if attempting to break the uneasy silence, "you've become the epitome of quiet contemplation, i see. is this a new tactic to throw off my deductive skills?" his words were accompanied by a teasing smile, a familiar attempt to coax you into banter.
however, your response remained trapped in the awkwardness that seemed to have enveloped you. reminiscing memories had resurrected emotions that you struggled to articulate, and the weight of unspoken words hung in the air.
his playful demeanor faded slightly, replaced by a genuine concern mirrored in the subtle downturn of his lips. "heh, you're usually more... animated," he mutters, his gaze searching for clues in the quietness that now defined you.
"i guess i've changed, dazai," you mumble, attempting to offer an explanation for the unspoken shift in your dynamic. the words, however, felt inadequate, like leaves carried away by the wind before they could settle.
dazai's eyebrows knit together in a mild frustration, especially when you no longer address him as such, "change, my love, is a curious thing. but this quiet version of you doesn't quite suit the narrative i had in mind," he teases, yet the tease carried an undercurrent of genuine curiosity.
as he continued to speak, the air between you two seemed to thicken with unspoken tension. his attempts at light banter fell against the backdrop of my quiet contemplation, creating a dissonance that neither of you anticipated.
a sigh escapes him, a subtle acknowledgment of the unforeseen awkwardness, "i thought we could maybe reminisce and laugh about old times, but it seems like i've stumbled upon a different scene altogether," his frown deepening.
in that moment, the vulnerability beneath dazai's usual charm became apparent. the frown on his face reflected not just confusion but a genuine longing for the familiarity, the connection that once flowed effortlessly between the two of you.
"hey, since we're already in front of the bar we used to frequent, do you mind sharing a drink with me tonight?" he asked, his tone carrying a mix of nostalgia and vulnerability.
your eyes widen a bit in shock. you know you shouldn't, but it just feels so right to say,
"no, i don't mind at all."
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memories of laughter, music, and stolen glances resurfaced, painting a vivid scene against the backdrop of the night in the bar of cozy glow of christmas lights and laughter and merriment, yet the weight of those moments hanging in the air.
dazai's gaze became more introspective, his words chosen with care as the two of you sat together by the bar on the cushioned stools with your usual high-ball whiskeys.
"you know, i've been doing a lot of thinking lately, about us and everything that happened," he starts quietly after taking a sip from his drink, "there are words left unsaid, and i think it's time to address them."
as dazai spoke, a rare sincerity colored his voice, unraveling the layers of complexity that often shrouded his emotions, and the night now became a stage for a conversation that held the potential for healing.
"i suppose so," you say back quietly as you swirl your drink around, holding it by the rim and making the ice cube clink against the glass.
you turn to look at dazai, and you see him a take a deep breath as he places his hands in the pocket of his sandy brown coat.
"i want to say sorry," dazai continues, his eyes searching yours for a reaction, "sorry for the moments i let slip away, for the words i said and didn't say, and for the distance that grew between us, and i never meant for it to end like that.."
the rare vulnerability in his admission hung in the air, a bridge between the past and the present. the ambiance of the bar now stood witness to a moment of genuine confession.
"and i miss you," dazai confesses, his gaze never leaving yours, and you can hear the sincerity in his voice, "i miss the laughter, the shared silences, and the way you understood the chaos within me, and if i can be completely honest, i still love you."
the weight of those words settled in the air, carrying with them the echoes of a love that had weathered storms and yet lingered in the recesses of the past. the quietness between you two even seemed to amplify the significance of the moment, as if the universe itself conspired to create a space for the honesty that had long been overdue.
your heart, a mosaic of emotions, responded to his words, caught between the scars of the past and the possibility of a future rewritten.
you, too, couldn't deny the resonance between you and him, "i guess, christmas has a way of making even the coldest hearts nostalgic," you say in a quiet giggle, your gaze meeting his.
the chilly night seemed to warm however.
"i'm sorry too. i'm sorry for giving up on us," you sigh, taking sip of your drink for liquid courage as the unspoken words became spoken now, "i just, it felt like there was no other way, and that this is for the best for us, osamu."
"you called me osamu again," a smile now tugs on his lips, his eyes lighting up with hope.
"oh, shut up," a smile, too, breaks on your face but you sigh softly once more as you look at him once more, "but i mean every word, osamu."
"i know you do, sweetheart," dazai says with a nod before he raises his glass to you.
"yeah," you hum softly as your raise the glass in return to his, toasting to him.
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amidst the snowflakes and the soft glow of christmas lights outside, dazai and you find yourselves in the midst of an unexpected reunion, the chilly air echoed with warm memories, and beneath the twinkling stars.
this festive season really had a peculiar way of unraveling emotions, and as you crossed paths with dazai and it was evident that the connection between you two was more than a mere coincidence.
after a heartfelt conversation of unspoken words between you two with a few drinks at the bar, dazai offered to take you back to your place since it was quite late despite the holidays.
however, in a quiet corner just near your place, away from the laughter and merriment, dazai's eyes met yours as he walked right by your side.
"what is it?" you ask, looking up at him.
a subtle smirk plays on his lips as he pauses his tracks, and so do you, "you know, santa doesn't know you like i do."
it was a statement layered with memories of shared secrets and intimate moments.
as you exchanged glances, the familiarity of your history danced between you two, like a delicate snowfall. you genuinely smile nonetheless at his words, "maybe we've been on the naughty list for too long," you teased, a hint of nostalgia in your voice.
dazai took a step closer, his hand reaching for yours, "and santa may not understand us, but perhaps we can rewrite our story," he suggests, his gaze holding a sincerity that transcended the mask of indifference he often wore, "yeah?"
surrounded by the symphony of the season, you can't help but feel a little emotional as a genuine smile tugs on your lips as you nod and whisper, "yeah."
the clock struck midnight, time reaches its crescendo, and the world around you both seemed to pause in reverence to the magic of christmas, and just like that, coincidentally beneath the mistletoe that was hanging on the street light, his arms wrap around you and pulls you to him.
dazai's lips then meets yours in a kiss that spoke in volumes—a reunion of past and present, a bridge between shared memories and the promise of a love rediscovered.
as you two pull away, breathless, the quiet acknowledgment between you two lingered in the cold air of christmas eve. snow falls as he leans in again, and dazai holds you in his embrace like he always does.
"merry christmas, my sweet girl. i love you," dazai softly whispers in your ear before planting a kiss on your cheek this time around.
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𐙚₊ A.N.: advanced merry christmas from yours truly my lovelies ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰ hope ya'll enjoy this christmas dazai fic i cooked in the kitchen—this is also my first time writing an exes to lovers fic, especially with dazai, so yeah !!
𐙚₊ TAGGING: @anqelically (here's ur food <3), && @dazaiyohane @lovedazai @osaemu (my dazai lover moots too ofc hehe, i think you guys will like this- ∩ ⸝⸝ ∩ )
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thebestofoneshots · 1 year
scents | Sirius Black x Reader
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader Word Count: 4.3 k Warnings: Smut, P in V, angst, clingy!Sirius, so. much. fluff Prompt: Inspired by the sense of smell, this fic tells the story of The Marauders' last New Year's Eve together, and the love shared back at home.
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scents is part of The Five Senses: an anthology series where each chapter will be a stand alone story, inspired by the different ways we have of perceiving the world around us.
18+ readers only (smut under the cut)
December, 31st 1980
You placed a drop of your perfume over your wrist, you knew how much Sirius liked it when you wore it, but to be fair, the smell made you relish just as much as it made him. You used your fingers to spread some over your chest and neck, placing a little behind your ears as well. Then you grabbed your lipstick from your vanity and started to softly dab on your lips with it. 
You were getting ready for the New Year’s party with the Potters, Lily and James had arranged it for everyone. Remus would be there, Peter and Mary and Marlene too. 
Baby Harry was turning 5 months, and you were more than excited to see him again, with the war, you couldn’t afford visiting as often as you’d like, especially after you’d all become objectives for openly defying Voldemort and creating the Order of the Phoenix alongside Dumbledore. You all had targets on your back, so you had to be extra careful with your every move, but even then, even with all the pressure on your shoulders, you were eagerly anticipating seeing all your friends together again. 
Sirius came out of the bathroom wearing a burgundy shirt and a patterned vest, his long hair framing his clean-shaven face, looking as beautiful as ever. “You look ravishing,” he said as he saw you sitting in front of your mirror, then walking closer to you and leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek, but he stopped there, relishing on the scent of your perfume. “And you’re wearing that perfume I like,” he said with a raised eyebrow, “intoxicating.”
He leaned into you and placed a soft kiss on your neck, you playfully and gently pushed him back before he started something neither of you’d be able to stop “We’re not going to arrive on time if you do that, Puppy.” 
He pouted and finally stood up straight, “We can always be fashionably late,” he said eccentrically, you gave him a reproaching look and he finally surrendered, allowing you to finish your make-up. 
Once you were done, you stood up, straightening your dress, a satin sheet, strategically sewn on the side and back that seamlessly draped over your body, loose and elegant all at the same time. You felt two strong arms hug you from behind, feeling Sirius’ velvet coat brush over your bare back. He leaned in, enjoying how the scent of your perfume had combined with your own by now. “Can’t we just stay here?,” he said as he hugged you even tighter “I want you all for myself.” 
You turned to him and planted a chaste kiss on his lips, using your thumb to wipe them after, since some of your lipstick had transferred over. He delighted in the feeling of your thumb brushing over his lips, and you almost went for another kiss when you saw the way his lustfully went back to their place, but you restrained yourself yet again, taking your brain away from Sirius and thinking of baby Harry and how much you wanted to play with him, lathering kisses on his soft checks rather than on Sirius’ lascivious lips. 
“We should go,” you told him, resting your hand on his shoulder with a smile. He nodded and the two of you apparated outside of the Potter Household. 
Godric Hollow was buzzing with activity when you arrived, children were playing on the snow, the faint scent of snowflakes still ringing in the air. The lights of the Christmas tree flickered joyously from the city square. The scent of gingerbread, cinnamon-spiced hot chocolate, and roasted chestnuts wafted from the cozy cafes and bakeries, in the area. As you walked with Sirius you decided to stop by one of them and purchase some gingerbread cookies for Harry, who you knew absolutely loved playing with the little gingerbread people before munching on them with his very small, barely coming out teeth. 
When you both arrived at the door, Sirius knocked, being received by Lily, looking beautiful and bright while wearing a royal blue gown. You gave her a tight hug the moment you saw her, not wanting to let go for a while, Sirius hugged her next. 
“Where is my beautiful godson?” You asked after. 
“In the living room, we brought his crib out, so he can be comfortable,” Lily responded. And so you rushed inside, with Sirius and Lily trailing behind, the scent of Christmas times enveloped you. The savoury smell of freshly baked goods, such as buttery mince pies and spiced cinnamon cookies, mingled with hints of mulled cider and aromatic pine from the adorned Christmas tree in the corner flled with stunning ornaments Lily had collected through the years. The one you and Sirius had bought for her as a gift a couple of weeks ago was already hanging from one of the the tall tree’s branches.
Harry was indeed there, and you ran towards him, and carried him “Hello, love!” You told him with a smile, “How’ve you been? Did you like all your Christmas presents?” Harry, being 5 months old, obviously did not reply, but he cooed happily as you pattered kisses all over his cheeks. 
“Hey James, How are you? –Oh, hey (Y/N), I’m great, long time no see,” James mocked from the bar that connected the kitchen with the living room "I've been demoted to second place by a pint-sized tyrant," he grumbled, his ego bruised after you went to greet Harry before you greeted him “And he can’t even respond to you!” 
You laughed and approached him, while still carrying Harry in your arms, giving him a right hug “Sorry James, the cutest boy gets greeting first,” you teased. 
He gave you a playfully offended look, as he turned to complain to Lily, but he spotted Sirius and the two of them pretty much ran to each other for a hug. 
“Love of my life you’re here!” James exclaimed dramatically. 
“Of course I am,” Sirius responded “I wouldn’t dream of depriving myself the opportunity to see you.” 
You turned to Lily and whispered with a mischievous grin on your face “Can you believe they chose to date us over each other?” 
“Hard to believe, I know,” she replied as the two of them walked together towards the sofa. The doorbell rang again and you walked with Lily to open it, Remus was at the door, carrying a carton box with a cake inside. He grinned when he saw the two and after putting down the cake on the foyer table, pulled both of you into a tight hug. There was another ring of the doorbell while he hugged and both Mary and Marlene appeared on the door. Mary with a bag filled with gifts for everyone, since she had been away on Christmas, and Marlene with a small stuffed, and pretty soft quaffle under her arm, yet another gift for Harry, who grabbed it the instant he saw it and started turning it around in his little hands. 
Once the greetings were over, you all walked back into the living room, and while James and Sirius greeted everyone, you went for the packet of gingerbread men you’d bought for Harry and started to play with him on the living room rug, hearing the peaceful crackling fire behind you. 
“Starshine,” you heard Sirius whine from behind “Can’t you leave little Harry alone and come pamper me instead?” You turned to him with a hand still placed on Harry’s back, he had his arms opened up for you “I’m sure Marlene’s dying to get to play with him too.” 
You raised an eyebrow, Sirius was awfully needy today, and you knew how he could get if you ignored him, even more, needy and whiny, so you turned to Marlene, she nodded and extend her hands for you to pass Harry over to her. You did, and as soon as he was out of your hands, Sirius grabbed for your arm and pulled you onto his lap. You giggled once you were comfortably sitting on him. 
Lily came from the kitchen a bit later with a tray filled with sausage rolls and some Yorkshire pudding. You attempted to stand up to help her but Sirius tightened his grip around your waist, pulling you closer to him “Please don’t go Love.” 
You turned to him and grabbed his head in between your arms, pulling him in for a short kiss. 
“Uhhh, Get a room!” You heard James say from the side of the couch. 
“As if you and Lily were any better,” Remus retorted. 
James's eyes flew open, brimming with surprise “Take that back Moony!” he asserted, his accusing finger aimed directly at the werewolf “We’re not like that! Are we love?” He asked turning to Lily, who was gracefully arranging the food on the center table. 
She giggled in response, “James when you’re clingy, you’re even worse than Sirius.” 
“I’m not that bad…” you heard Sirius grumble from behind, feeling his hot breath on your back.
“In fact,” continued Lily, “When we started dating, you literally wouldn’t let me walk anywhere by myself. And you always had to have some sort of contact with me, be it holding hands, hugging me, wrapping your arms around my shoulders, grabbing my–“
“-OK!” James interrupted “I get it, I get it, I can be very clingy too.” 
“But they don’t even know how good you smell,” Sirius mumbled from behind again. 
The doorbell rang one last time and James went to get it, coming back with Peter, holding a box filled with cupcakes his mom had prepared. You used your want to levitate one of the sausage rolls towards your hands and gave it a bit, moaning at the flavour and letting your head fall over Sirius’ shoulder, holding the snack towards Sirius’ mouth who ate the rest. 
“These are absolutely exquisite,” You said to Lily, who was sitting on an armchair next to Mary. 
“James made them, actually,” she responded. 
You rose your eyebrows in surprise “Didn’t know he could cook.” 
“Hey!” James said shoving you gently with his arm “I’m gonna start counting your strikes.” You shrugged and pulled your tongue out. “That’s it, you’re banned from eating any more sausage rolls.” 
“James,” Lily reproached.
“Fine then, not banned but still, Sirius tell your girl to behave.” 
Sirius rose his eyebrows towards James “You expect her to listen to me, or what? She’s not a dog!” 
“Right, we all know who is the dog in the relationship,” teased Remus, which only earned him a scornful look from Sirius. 
“Can we eat?” Asked Peter from his own armchair “I’m kind of starving, Mom didn’t let me have anything from the things she made.” 
“We should, shouldn’t we?” James said and stood up, with a swish of his wand a bunch of plates came from the kitchen and started accommodating themselves carefully on the table. “I’ll go get the Roast Beef,” he stood up and turned to his wife “Lily, Love, would you mind helping me with the mashed potatoes?” She nodded and the two of them left for the kitchen. 
“Come on,” You nudged Sirius, “Let’s get some food in our stomachs.” 
She took one more sniff of you and nodded, loosening his grip and allowing you to stand up. As you walked towards the kitchen Remus approached your boyfriend. Sirius was still staring at you “Mate, I know you love her, but please stop undressing her with your stare, she’s gonna catch a cold.” 
“But she’s so pretty Moony!” Sirius whined “I just want to be beside her all the time. I always do, but when she smells so heavenly, like today, it’s like I can’t–“ 
Remus placed a hand over his shoulder, “Enjoy the dinner mate, you’ll have her all for yourself when you get back home.” 
“Right, I really do feel sometimes I’m more dog than man.” 
Remus chuckled at that and walked with Sirius to the table. He sat on the chair beside yours, as you poured some champagne over your glasses placing his hand over your leg, to keep some kind of contact between the two.
“Friends, as we bid farewell to another year and welcome the promising embrace of a fresh one, I stand before you tonight with a heart full of gratitude and hope. This particular New Year's Eve holds an extraordinary significance for me, as I find myself in the joyous role of a husband and a father. I had the privilege of marrying the love go my life, Lily, and with her, we created a little bundle of mischief named Harry,” he pointed at them “We did that!” He said with a very excited smile. 
“Tonight, as we raise our glasses to toast the arrival of a new year, let us also take a moment to reflect on the power of love and family” he then turned to look at us “Sirius, Remus, Peter, thank you for always being there, for helping us protect our beautiful boy, and the future world he’ll be a part of, Hopefully, a better one. (Y/N), Marlene, Mary, I could not ask for better friends, no–“ he corrected “–I couldn’t have asked for a better family. 
“In a time when darkness may try to cast its shadow, we have the power to ignite the flames of hope, compassion, and unity. Life is a fleeting thing, we’ve lost so many friends the past year, let us cherish the simple joys, the laughter shared, and the bonds that deepen with each passing day. So… as we embark on this new year, hand in hand, let us embrace the future with courage, determination, and mischief. Together, we will make it a year filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities!" 
Finally, he raised his cup “To all of you, dear friends, I raise my glass and say, Cheers to a new year of joy, love, and endless possibilities!" 
You all cheered and chimed your cups together, enjoying the dinner as you chatted. It felt like being back in school, everyone was there, and everyone was happy. Laughter filled the Potter’s house like it hadn’t done in a while, and for a whisper in time, everyone was happy.
When you were done you moved back to the sofa, Sirius walked towards James’ records and sat down, trying to pick one of them to play. You crouched next to him “A day at the races,” you told him, nodding a the black record with the swan and the lions. He raised an eyebrow, you instantly knew he was asking if you were sure and nodded. 
He shrugged and fetched it from the shelf, standing up to put it on the record player. Tie your mother down started to play and you smiled with the first sound of the guitar. Sirius walked over to you and offered you his hand, he wanted to dance, you grabbed it and decided to humour him, saying your hips at the rhythm of the song. James and Lily stood up and started to dance as well, Harry has already fallen asleep and was soundly laying in his crib. 
Soon Mary stood up and pulled Marlene and Remus into the dance floor, Peter stood up shortly after and everyone was dancing on your improvised dance floor. Then the next song came, Freddie’s voice filling the room along with the background choir. You closed the gap between you and Sirius and placed your hands over his shoulders, and leaned in to whisper the lyrics to him, singing along the recorder “You’ve captured my love, stolen my heart, changed my life.” 
Now he whispered into your ears “Every time you make a move, you destroy my mind, And the way you touch, I shiver deep inside and...” 
The two of you pulled back and stared at each other with absolute adoration “You take my breath away,” you both murmured. You blushed and leaned back into his neck to hide your blush, so many years together and he still made you blush like a teenager. 
“It’s time,” said Lily, taking little Harry from the crib and walking outside with everyone behind them. You heard the first chime from the church’s bell, and you smiled. When the twelfth chime came, you all raised your wands, letting sparks fly up into the sky, they looked like fireworks. James’ had drawn his and Lily’s initials inside a heart. Remus’ exploded in thousands of tiny little sparkles, yours was a star, mirroring Sirius. 
“Starshine,” he said looking at the sky with a smile, you pulled his face towards you and finally gave him the kiss you’d been wanting to give him since you saw him come out of the closet. 
You stayed at the party for a couple more hours drinking some wine and spending some quality time with your friends. Mary told you about the trip she’d done for Christmas, Remus about his plans to become a teacher one day, and you talked and talked until everyone was happy. At around 3, Harry started to cry and Lily excused herself to go check on him, you took the moment to signal to Sirius, who was still talking with James and Remus that it was time to go home. You bid your goodbyes to everyone and walked outside the house, grabbing his hands before apparating back into your shared apartment. 
The moment you stepped inside, Sirius hugged you from behind, burrowing his head in your neck "I’ve been waiting for this moment all night," he mumbled.
"Have you? I thought you were having fun with the love of your life," you teased. 
"I wanted to have you all for myself," he responded, his head still borrowed in your neck "and even if James was the love of my life, you would be my life itself."
You blushed, turning around to face him "Sirius, my love, what’s got you so clingy?" 
"I want to spend every moment of my life with my best girl," he said placing a kiss on your cheek "I don’t want to be away from you," another kiss "All I want is for moments like this to last forever,” another kiss, he was now in your neck "is it too much to ask the universe to grant?"
You grabbed his head, turning it towards yours, so you could stare into his eyes, the prettiest eyes in the world "It is not my love, what you ask, will be granted," you reassured, and brought your lips together. 
It started soft, but Sirius’ hunger got in the way, deepening the kiss. You followed along his lead, Sirius had been dying to have you all night, and you’d been dying to take off his coat the moment he showed up with it. You urgently helped him take his jacket off, discarding it somewhere on the floor and moved to unbutton his vest. He stopped kissing you just to give you a teasing grin "And here I thought I was the only needy one."
You ignored his remark and brought his lips back to yours, soft, lustful lips, you wanted to drown in them. Sirius pulled you from the floor and you wrapped your legs around his waist, feeling a familiar hardness in his pants. Now you stopped the kiss to tease him "but all we’ve done is kiss."
He grabbed your chin, forcing your face to the side to gain access to your neck “I’ve been waiting for this moment since I smelled you putting on your sexy little perfume from the bathroom," he said in between kisses. With you still wrapped around his torso he apparated the two of you back in your room, gently dropping you on the bed. You sat back and helped him unbutton his shirt, and when you did, he pushed you back down on the bed, extending your right arm and kissing your wrist "You know how crazy this perfume makes me for you," he kissed the inside of your forearm now, relishing on the smell of sweat and perfume and you. "And you decided to torture me,” more kisses, each time moving further up you arm, his long hair tickling your skin every time he moved "all." kiss "night," another kiss "long." Finally he moved from your shoulder to your neck, placing wet kisses all over you. "How would you feel I did the same to you?"
"I’m sorry," you said, breath sharp, Sirius’ kisses were something else entirely "I just wanted you to want me tonight." 
He chuckled as he placed a few kisses on your chest "Love, I want you every night."
As he kissed you again and again, he placed his hand on one of your thighs, causing the dress to ride up along with his ever-sliding hand, as he continued to kiss, He squeezed and played with your leg until you buckled your hips, a clear signal you wanted more. He grinned, he loved the effect he had on you, as much as you loved the effect you had on him. His bulge only ever growing larger. 
"Help me with this love, please," he said as he pushed the dress up your tights and all the way to your stomach, you arched your back and allowed him to handle you around until he managed to completely lift it off of you, discarding it somewhere on the floor near the bed. As the cool air hit your torso you took in a sharp breath, Sirius, on the other hand, was more than enjoying the view, as he got to see how your nipples perked, just for him. With one hand on your waist, and the other one on your breast, he went back to kissing, trailing down all the way to your free nipple and nibbling on it, he was enjoying himself. 
You buckled your hips against his again, "Please Sirius!" You pleaded.
He gave you that smirk of his again and finally moved the hand on your breast down again, using it to pull your underwear down and spread your legs lightly, sliding a finger through your slit "fuck!" he whispered as he realized how wet you were "you might actually be just as needy as me."
You wanted to laugh, but he quickly found your clit, and the first touch made you gasp. He grinned and started making circular motions with his finger. "Bloody hell, Sirius!" You said as you buckled your hips towards his hand. He used his other hand to hold your hips down. 
"Let me do the work love," he said as he continued playing with your clit. Eventually, he slid one of his fingers inside you and slowly started taking it in and out. "Good girl!" he praised "so ready for me already."
"Come on Puppy, I want you…" you managed to say in between sharp breaths. 
"I can smell you do," he responded and took his finger out of you, you quickly brought your arms towards his pants and helped him finally unbutton them. Bringing his trousers down, finally letting his cock free. It was throbbing and you went straight for it, tightening your hand around it and moving it up and down a couple of times, you moved your hand up and used your thumb to play with the nib, "fuck!” He cursed and allowed his head to fall on your shoulder "You’re gonna be the death of me."
You smiled and pulled on his hair lightly to have him look at you instead, flushed and breaking apart for him. Lending upwards to give him a kiss. Still strocking his cock. 
"Come on Puppy,” you said, "you’re more than ready."
He nodded and guided his hips towards you, your hand still on his cock to guide him to your slit. And he slowly slid in, waiting for a couple of seconds before he started moving. A tiny little moan left your lips and it only fuelled him even more, he started moving faster. But then he stopped "fuck!"
"What’s wrong Puppy?" You asked, concerned. 
"I’m just s- so close, but I- I want you to come first," he stuttered. 
You smiled "Don’t worry about me Puppy," you said, softly placing a hand on his head, pulling back some of his hair behind his ears "Do your thing."
He shook his head feverishly, and planted a small kiss on your neck "I want to see you come first." He said as he brought his hand down in between the two of you, playing with your clit as he resumed his thrusts, which had you panting and moaning, you then started bucking your hips towards his. He brought you over the edge with so much ease. You placed your hands on his shoulder to help yourself with the momentum and he relished in the way you dig your nails onto him. There was something so animal with that particular gesture that made him go absolutely deranged. 
"Puppy, I think I’m gonna-"
"Go ahead," he told you "come for me Starshine." Your head leaned back, your eyes closed tightly as your orgasm washed over you, the way your walls clenched around him had him push you even further, ridding you all the way out of your high. Even after you were back down he continued, pushing himself in and out of you. 
When you got your senses back you brought Sirius down, closer to you and started kissing his neck, right the way he liked it, and after just a few more thrusts, you felt the familiar warmth wash over you. He continued ridding you until he couldn’t and he slowly slid his cock out, Allowing himself fall on top of you, his head on your chest, his weight pushing you into the bed, making you feel giddy with joy, there was nothing like having Sirius cuddle you after making love. You started playing with his hair, and rubbing his back with your free hand, you loved being able to feel his soft skin as you slid your hand up and down "So? Was it worth the wait?"
You felt him smile against your chest "You have to put on that bloody perfume of yours more often," he said placing a soft kiss on your skin. 
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A/N: this is my first ever smut piece, I probably have no clue what I’m doing, hence I’m making The Five Senses as a way to practice writing smut for my upcoming Wolfstar x Reader series. If you have feedback, please leve it in the comment below.
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bradshawssugarbaby · 5 months
All Dressed Up - Capt. Syverson x Reader
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A/N: based on a thought I had while watching Sand Castle earlier and a discussion with @nouis-bum from a couple of days ago. I couldn't help myself, sorry. Also, we decided for the purpose of my writing, his name's Luke.
pairing: Capt. Syverson x fem!reader
warnings/content: oral (m & f receiving), no use of y/n, no real mention of reader's features other than long hair.
word count: 1.8k
“Honey, have you seen my blue shirt?” Luke Syverson called out to his wife, his icy-blue eyes squinting as he tried to think of where his dress shirt could be. He was sure he’d checked every laundry basket, every drawer in the dresser, and both sides of the closet. He bounded down the stairs, heavy footsteps echoing through the house as he headed for the laundry room. His brows knit together as he thought about any stone he may have left unturned in his search. He didn’t dress up often - in fact, the missing dress shirt in question was his only dress shirt. He had always gotten by with an old t-shirt and a pair of jeans when he went out, which wasn’t a regular occurrence until you’d entered his life a few years ago. 
Slowly, you’d begun to introduce new things into his closet, replacing his tattered old Houston Texans jersey was the first step - he’d kept the old one, of course, for nostalgic purposes, but it hardly fit, and the deep navy blue fabric had gained a few holes here and there over the years. The new one had been a birthday gift from you that first year you were together, and he treasured it. The dress shirt was introduced the second Christmas the two of you were together. You had a work Christmas party and he was home from his latest tour for a 6 month break until the next one came around. He’d never met any of your co-workers before, and wanting to make a good impression and keep you happy, he’d reluctantly agreed to go shopping with you to pick out something better suited to wear than a tattered cotton graphic tee he’d had for at least a decade, and a well-worn, faded pair of jeans. 
As he squatted down in front of the dryer, opening the door to look at the contents inside to see if his shirt was somewhere in amongst the clean laundry waiting to be folded, he heard footsteps come up behind him, followed by a wolf whistle. He smirked to himself, closing the dryer door after yet another unsuccessful search. He stood upright, his full 6-foot-something frame straightening up as he turned to face you. His bulking muscular figure was still toned from the years of military service he’d just retired from, although now, he stood a little more solidly, having grown accustomed to more than just black coffee and shitty food while he was away. His arms folded across his chest, muscles bulging as he stood before her. His wife stood in front of him, batting her eyelashes as she donned his blue button up shirt, sitting oversized on her, drooping off her shoulders as grinned at him. His eyes scanned over her, taking in the sight before him. His lips curled up into a smirk, framed by his thick, curly, dark beard, the chestnut coloured hairs recently trimmed to look less wild than they usually did. He noticed that the shirt stopped just above her knee, and it didn’t take more than a split second to realize that the shirt was the only article of clothing she was wearing at the time. 
“Now, darlin’, why exactly have ya got my shirt on?” His voice carried a teasing tone to it as he spoke, the smirk on his face remaining unchanged as his piercing blue eyes continued to gawk at her. 
“Thought it made for a kinda cute shirt dress, don’t you?” She teased, twirling a long strand of hair around her index finger, “Besides, kinda fun watchin’ you run around half naked lookin’ for it.”
“Sugar, don’t get me wrong, it looks great on ya, but I can’t exactly go out for dinner lookin’ like this,” Luke gestured to his naked torso, his hand stopping just above the waist of his dark-washed jeans.
“Fine, but, before I take it off,” She began, her lips curving into a devilish grin as she dragged her fingers lazily over his skin, gently raking through the brown curls that adorned his chest, “I want to make you feel good first.”
“Darlin’, you’re killin’ me here,” He shook his head, laughing as he looked down at her. 
Luke watched as she gently pressed her lips to his collarbone before slowly slinking down to her knees before him. He took his belt in his hand, undoing the metal buckle and sliding the long leather material through the belt loops around his waist. He dropped it to the ground, the sound of the buckle clattering against the hardwood flooring echoing through the room. 
He undid the button on his jeans with urgency, dragging them down just enough to allow his wife the space she’d need to pleasure him. She yanked the elastic waistband of his boxers down with a smirk, his hardened cock springing back as she freed it from its cotton restraints. She pressed her lips to it, leaving a tauntingly delicate kiss to the sensitive, red tip, her hand firmly gripping the base. She licked a long, wet stripe up the underside of his length, beginning at the base and ending in a swirling motion around the tip, giving him a doe-eyed gaze as she looked up at him, watching for his reaction. He tilted his head back, letting out a deep, low growling moan before turning his head back to look down at her, grunting her name as she guided his member past her lips, creating suction on the tip with her mouth. 
She began bobbing her head along his length, her cheeks hollowing as she pushed his erection further into her mouth, saliva beginning to drip down it as she took more of his length past her lips. She pulled her mouth back off his cock with a loud popping noise, smirking up at him as he grunted upon the loss of contact. 
“Fucking Christ, babygirl, you’re killin’ me here,” Luke rasped, shaking his head as he looked down at her.
Luke grabbed a handful of her hair, gripping it as he guided her mouth back onto him, pushing her further down his erection and guiding her back off it at a rhythmic pace, building in speed as she went. Luke was struggling to keep himself composed as she continued working his orgasm out of him with her mouth. Her eyes began to water as his tip brushed the back of her throat and the moment his sensitive cap made contact, he felt his knees buckle, swallowing hard as he tried to hold off his orgasm as long as he could. Her gaze never left his face as he tossed his head back, her name falling from his lips like a prayer as thick, warm ropes of cum shot down her throat. His eyes shut for a brief moment, completely lost in his own pleasure. He looked down at her, watching as she slowly backed herself off of him, dragging her tongue lazily against his underside as she did so. 
“Darlin’, I think it’s only fair I return the favour for ya now,” He gave her a mischievous smirk as he offered his hand out to her, helping her stand to her feet. 
Luke gripped her hips and hoisted her up onto the metal top of the dryer, grinning at her as he took his turn kneeling on the floor. He pulled her forwards by her hips. He tapped the inside of her thigh with his hand, indicating to her that she needed to spread her legs to allow him to fit between them. His blue eyes watched her as he dragged two thick fingers along her wet folds, his voice in a low hum as he spoke, amused at how aroused she was. Luke used his fingers to part her lips gently, letting out a deep exhale as he stared at her, taking in the sight before him.
“Look at you, darlin’, pussy all wet for me, just waitin’ for me to take care a’ya, hmm?” he cooed as he watched her part her lips, allowing a soft moan to escape from her mouth.
“Luke, please, baby,” she mewled, whimpering as he circled the pad of his fingertip against her swollen clit. 
The sound of her whimpering, soft moans were music to Luke’s ears, and he wasted no time in pressing his lips to her sensitive bud, lapping his tongue against it, tasting her sweet arousal as his fingers dug into the soft flesh of her thigh. He dipped two of his fingers into her now dripping core, lazily fucking them into her as he sucked on her nub, waiting for her to beg him to give her more. 
“Luke, fucking hell, stop fucking teasing me, please?” She whined, her voice raising in pitch as she let out another whimper.
Luke pumped his fingers into her faster, pressing into her soft spot as he continued to lick and suck at her clit, his bright blue eyes never leaving once leaving her face as he watched, feeling himself become more aroused by seeing her face contort and hearing her vocalize her pleasure. He felt her leg tremble under his free hand, and he continued to fuck her with his fingers, pulling his mouth off of her clit just enough for her to hear him speak.
“Soak my fingers for me, sugar,” He husked, watching as he continued to thrust them into her wet folds, an animalistic grunt escaping his lips as he felt her clenching around him.
She tossed her head back as her arousal coated him, a loud, passionate scream of his name echoing through the air as she climaxed. Luke pulled his fingers out, licking them clean before ducking back between her thighs, delving his tongue inbetween her folds to clean up the mess he’d made of her. Once finished, he pulled back his head, sitting back on his feet for a moment as he grinned up at her, his bearded chin glistening with her arousal as he looked at her. 
“Now, sweetness, you’re gonna have to take my shirt off of ya now, or else we’re never gonna make it to dinner. They might notice us being missing.” He smirked, shaking his head as he stood up.
Luke reached his hands out to grab her by the hips, nodding as he helped her down off of the dryer. He cocked an eyebrow up at her, watching as she slowly undid the buttons of the shirt before shrugging the blue material back off her shoulders, letting it drop to the floor as she exposed her bare skin to him. Unable to control his impulsive urges, Luke grabbed her by the waist, gripping her body tightly as he pulled her in against his frame. 
“Well…maybe we can be a few minutes late?” 
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Punch me out
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 4
Prompt: Meet-cute at work
Rated: E
CW: Blowjobs, dirty talk, slight degradation kink
Tags: No UD AU; company Christmas party; bathroom sex; blowjobs; dirty talk; Eddie is a disaster and Steve is a slut and they both love it; inappropriate use of vending machine drinks
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Eddie shouldn't have gone to the company Christmas party. The few weeks he's worked here taught him a bunch of stuff. 
The CEO? Asshole. 
The management? Spineless lickspittles.
The corporate culture? A conglomerate of bullshit. Eddie’s position is called Facility Manager - the most ridiculous euphemism for Janitor ever.
He shouldn't have come, but Gareth insisted that was exactly what those tie-wearing douchebags wanted, so they went. 
Only that Gareth has disappeared with the receptionist, leaving Eddie to aimlessly meander while the tie wearers got progressively more drunk. He should probably have gone home.
Only he didn't. 
So he kind of brought this upon himself, he thinks, while a puddle of punch soaks into his crotch and laughter wafts all around him. 
The only one looking equally horrified is the guy the punch belonged to. He’s still holding the empty cup and blushing from his chestnut hair all the way down to his business shirt. 
“Shit, sorry!” he babbles. “Didn’t see you there-” 
“Don’t sweat it, Stevie,” Tommy Hagan guffaws. “I’m sure he brought his mop.” 
Stevie’s face grows stony. “Shut it, Tommy.”
Hagan does. 
Before Eddie can feel confused, one large hand takes him by the shoulder and steers him away. 
“Sorry again.” 
“‘s alright,” Eddie shrugs. “Was just heading home-” 
“Oh, no.” A pair of big, sad eyes fixes him from behind wire-frame glasses. “At least let me make it up to you? Please?” 
How could Eddie say no to that? 
"Fuck, princess," Eddie groans, head thudding against the bathroom wall. "If that's you apologizing, you can spill stuff on me more o-ooooh …" 
Stevie doesn't answer, which … okay. That would be quite the feat with Eddie’s cock down his throat as it is. 
He looks up at Eddie from where he's kneeling, and fuck, the sight of him! Hairdo ruined, lips stretched obscenely wide, eyes glassy with arousal. The picture is almost enough to do Eddie in, so he tangles his fingers in that hair and yanks that warm, wet mouth closer. Stevie's eyes roll back and he moans, and that's all it takes before Eddie is coming down his throat. 
Stevie doesn't so much as whine, just swallows. God, he's perfect. Eddie wants to take him home. Tie him up in bed. Never let him leave. 
"Wow," he murmurs as Stevie pulls off, slack-jawed and starry-eyed. "Are you always such a cockslut, or was that only for me?" 
Stevie smiles up at him. The glint in his eyes is smug. 
"Only if it's such a nice cock," he hums. "What's attached to it isn't bad, either."
Pretty, slutty, and a little bratty to boot? Eddie will just have to keep him. 
"Give me your number?" he mumbles as Stevie staggers to his feet, and leans in for a sloppy kiss. 
Stevie dances out of his reach. 
"No need to," he winks, unlocking the door and skipping his way out. "We work in the same office. I'll find you." 
Stevie does not find him, of fucking course. Eddie tries to put it out of his mind, goes to work as usual and does definitely not scan the crowds for that voluminous shock of hair. 
He's actually relieved when the holidays come. The floors are empty and nobody calls because they need their door oiled or their light bulbs changed. Eddie holes up in his basement and starts working on that new campaign. 
Until the phone rings and a bored receptionist informs him Mr Harrington's height-adjustable desk is broken. 
"The CEO?" Eddie asks dumbly. 
"No," drawls the receptionist, "The son." 
The office is spacious and bright and tastefully decorated. Eddie hates everything about it. The fancy adjustable desk is not plugged in. 
He's just under it on all fours, ass in the air, fingers desperately stretching for the socket, when the door opens. He quickly shuts down his monologue about overpaid dumbasses. 
"Hey, man. I'll be out of your hair in a second." 
"No need to hurry," says someone. "I'll just enjoy the view." 
"What the- ow, motherfucker!" Eddie whirls around so fast he cracks his head on the desk. "Stevie?" 
Stevie kicks the door shut, sips idly on his vending machine drink, and observes how Eddie clambers to his feet. 
"Said I’d find you," he smiles. Before Eddie can form a reply, he's being pushed against the desk and there's a tongue down his throat. 
"I- wha- wait!" He tries to pull away. Stevie keeps nipping at his throat. "Are you crazy? Harrington Junior could be here any second." 
"He already is." 
Eddie yelps and looks around frantically, half expecting to see someone lurking behind a potted plant. There's nobody there. 
"But it's just me and-" 
And then it clicks. 
"Oh my God," he groans. The mouth against his pulse grins. 
"Steve is fine." 
"You're the CEO's son," Eddie babbles. "I called you a cockslut, I-" 
Stevie - no Steve, Steve fucking Harrington, Eddie is so fucked - just shrugs. 
“I am,” he says easily. 
Eddie gapes at him. 
“The CEO’s son or …” 
Steve laughs in his face. It’s bright and cheerful and adorable and so fucking cheeky, Eddie wants to teach him some manners. Long, graceful hands are fiddling with the zipper of his overalls. 
“Listen,” he sighs when Eddie doesn’t react, just keeps gaping at him like a fish out of water. “I’m sorry it took so long. I had an unexpected business trip to go on, but … I’ve been thinking about you the entire time. Let me make it up to you?” 
“I …” Eddie nods dazedly. Their lips brush with the movement. “Yeah, okay.” 
“Brilliant,” Steve says. Then, in one swift movement, he takes his drink and upends it in Eddie’s lap. 
Eddie gawks, heat pooling where the stain is spreading, tight and urgent. 
“Oops,” Steve Harrington deadpans, and gets on his knees. 
Maybe going to the Christmas party wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
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All my holiday drabbles
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starfirewildheart · 4 months
Chapter 17
Summary: Sy and his lady both retire from the army but not before tragedy befalls Sy. He slowly tries to adjust to life again on their ranch.
Pairing: Sy / OFC
Word count: 2,512
Rating: no one under 17. I'm not responsible for what you read. Kindly police yourself.
Chapter 17
August glanced over his shoulder into the back seat. Three weeks and two surgeries later the hospital finally agreed to let Debbie go home. She still had a long road ahead and it still didn't guarantee a full recovery and her anxiety was through the roof at times and at other times was so depressed she was nearly catatonic and a few normal days scattered in between. She was refusing to eat and in general sulking like a brat. Sy hoped getting her home would help.
Mike had been released after a week and a half. Walt had taken custody of him and Napoleon and Will were staying with them as security until everyone was jailed, including the corrupt cops. He was recovering physically but emotionally he was distant and shutting them out.
Geralt turned onto the long, tree lined drive admiring the land and imagining what it looked like in summer. He loved the country and a working ranch brought a warm feeling to his heart. He drove past the barns where a few work trucks sat along with ranch hands tending horses noting a beautiful chestnut mare before turning his attention back to the drive. Finally they pulled up in front of the large ranch style home and parked. Everyone got out, Sy helping Deb out and lifting her into his arms bridal style while Geralt and August got everyone's bags.
Deb took a deep breath of the fresh air ecstatic to smell anything besides anesthetic and medicinal scents that she'd been trapped in for weeks. 
“Where's Aika?” Deb asked, seeking out their furry friend. 
“She's with my sister and the kids. They are bringing her home tomorrow. “ He gently bounced her in his arms. “Where would ya like to get comfy sugar?” Sy asked as they all walked in. All the Christmas stuff was still up even though it was after Christmas now because they hadn't got to celebrate yet.
 “Baby,” he started but was cut off. 
“Bath,” firmer.
“You want to wash off again?” He could see wanting to smell like their soap and not hospital bath in a bag shit so he started toward their ensuite bathroom. He sat her on the edge of the bed with her bad leg up and started gathering clean clothes for her.
“No Sy, a real bath.”
He turned to her. “You know you can't get your leg wet Deb. Your stitches could come apart or you could get an infection.”
She crossed her arms over her chest and scowled.  “I don't care. I've not been in a bath or even a shower in three weeks!” When he arched his brow at her and crossed his arms over his chest she sighed and stood shakily on her good leg. “I'll do it myself!”
“Sit down!” He yelled and stepped forward. She sat down and blinked up at him with wide eyes. He hated yelling at her after all she'd been through but he refused to let her act out like that. “Little girl, you will not hurt yourself or cause any further injury just because you want to get your way.” He gripped her chin in his big hand and forced her to hold eye contact. “I'm gonna try to get you into the bathtub but if it doesn't work I will give you a sponge bath and you won't fight me on it. Got it?”
“Yes sir,” She agrees . “I'm sorry I yelled. I just feel so dirty and I haven't… I know I've been washed but I just
.. I still feel their hands on me and i…I just want to wash it all away.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead. 
Fifteen minutes later she was perched on the vanity in nothing but a shirt and bulky leg brace that went from her upper thigh to her ankle. 
Sy was filling the tub with water when something hit him in the back of the head. “Woman,” he turned to face her, suddenly realizing it was her shirt she'd thrown and she was now sitting on the vanity completely naked. “Fuck,” he rasped all blood flow in his body going straight to his dick. 
“I hope so,” She grinned,  crooking her finger and beckoning him to her. When he was close enough she fisted his shirt and pressed their mouths together in a heated kiss. Sy pressed against her, hooking her good leg over his hip and she felt him pulsing against her through his cargo pants. Tears brimmed in her eyes.
“Are you hurting?” He asked as he wiped a tear away with his thumb.
She shook her head , eyes locked with his while she tried to get her emotions under control enough to speak. Swallowing past the huge lump in her throat she pressed her hand to his bulge rubbing it and relishing in his sharp intake of air. “You still want me.”
“What? Of course I want you Deb. You're my life.” He didn't understand how that could even be a question but he could see the doubt in her eyes. “Debbie?”
“I just,” She didn't know how to express how she felt. Like she couldn't form the words much less say them. “I…”
“Talk to me darlin’, please.”
“Sy, the water,” She pointed to the nearly overflowing tub.
“Fuck!” he ran over and shut the water off just before it spilled over the edge of the tub. He laughed but drained enough of the water that she could get in without it pouring on the floor then went back to her. Cupping her face in his hands he leaned in, pressing their foreheads together. “Please talk to me. Don't shut me out Deb. I know you remember the hell we both went through when I tried to hide my thoughts from you. I was lost in my own hell and putting you through it too. We promised to tell each other everything after that, remember?”
She knew exactly what he was talking about. When he was recovering from his POW time he felt like he was too much, not worth the work, or the love she had for him and he tried everything he could to make her leave him but she refused. It nearly broke them both. “i..I'm not the one for you. Not your soul mate anyway. You're settling for me because I'm safe and comfortable.”
Sy felt like someone punched a fist into his chest and was crushing his heart. “You're my world Debbie, my heart, my everything. I'm sorry if I haven't shown you what you mean to me. Please, give me a chance to….”
“Austin, no! It's not that at all. You treat me like a queen and I know that you love me!” She hugged him tight. “This isn't about anything you've done or not done. It's about me. It's about me not being enough. I mean family is everything to you and your mom hates me. I turned your dream ranch into an animal rescue because I needed to feel like I was doing something helpful. I just latched on to you and didn't even notice that you weren't settling down or or ,” he head was pounding.
“That I haven't given you a ring so you couldn't possibly be what makes me happy? Isn't that what Lindy told you that night at the restaurant?” When he watched her he'd dip down because she couldn't look at him he gritted his teeth. “I haven't given you the ring yet because I wanted to be sure I could be the man you deserve,  that I could overcome the PTSD enough to give you a life, sugar. It has everything to do with you but not how you're thinking. I was so afraid of not being good enough I didn't show you how much I can't live without you.”
She shook her head, “No. It's not your..”
“We both said that but clearly there is a problem, sugar because you are doubting us.”
“Doubting me,” She explained quietly.
Realization washed over him and it all became crystal clear. She'd been his rock for so long he'd forgotten how she was when they first met. The chip she had on her shoulder because she felt like she had to prove she was good enough, that she could be the best at everything. He took it as a woman having to prove herself in a man's military at first but the more he was around her he realized that she was afraid to let anyone close, trusted no one to even have her six. She lived like she herself was the only one in the world she could trust or depend on. It led to a lot of being reprimanded, write ups, push ups, pull ups, and finally a talking to that finally made her see thongs from Sy's point of view about having to trust her team or they were all in danger. That was when he really started trying to get to know her in earnest, when he eventually learned about her abuse and abandonment. She'd come so far and he'd been through so much that he didn't realize she needed reassurance he wasn't giving her. He was a fucking moron. 
She gasped when Sy grabbed her face and kissed her and didn't stop until her tense muscles finally relaxed against him and she was breathless. She didn't even register him removing the leg brace until he was lowering her into the hot water, careful to keep her bad leg resting on the side of the tub. She sighed contentedly as she leaned back. Sy chuckled, “Feel good?”
“So good!” 
They both jumped at the knock on the bathroom door. Sy stood and went to see who it was.
“Your sister is here,” Geralt told him. “She needs to talk to you.”
“I'll be right there,” he sighed. He went back to Deb. “You stay put. If you aren't in the same position you are now when I get back I'm going to spank you until you can't sit and when that ass starts to cool down and feel better then I'm going to do it all over again and again until I feel like you learned your lesson and if I get tired I'll let Gearlt and August takeover.”
She fully intended to protest but what came out of her was more of a strangled whimper. He cleared his throat to hide his chuckle.  “I'll be good, I promise.”
“I know you will, sugar.” 
Sy went to speak to his sister and Debbie soaked in her hot bath. She sat still for a bit but really wanted to wash. Chewing her lip she pondered if grabbing the soap would be against the rules. Stretching her arm out she reached the soap without moving her butt at all and took it as a victory. Lathering up her bath puff she started washing herself. Once she felt squeaky clean she grabbed her razor and started shaving … everywhere. After three weeks she resembled a sasquatch except the leg and arm (shoulder) they'd done surgery on. When that was done she settled for a few minutes but quickly got bored, she was all alone after all. “Oooo jets!” Pressing the button the jacuzzi jets bubbled to life and massaged her sore muscles only with her bad leg up at an awkward angle it exposed her to the full force of the jets causing her to jerk and gasp. The pain that shot though her leg was almost instantly replaced with need as she used her finger to further expose her clit to the jet. Using her other hand she slipped two fingers into her slit working them hard and fast chasing the pleasure she didn't realize she needed so badly. Turning her body a little toward the side of the tub the jet hit the perfect spot and even though she couldn't reach the spot inside due to her awkward positioning the jet was doing the trick. Her hips slowly started to flutter as she threw her head back and whimpered through her release moving her hand away from exposing her clit as the pulse of the jet became uncomfortable. She hadn't noticed Sy come back in or even approach until she felt his fingers pushing into her still quivering hole. “Fuck!” She squealed at the stretch and shock of it.
He lifted her ass up out of the water enough to latch his mouth onto her clit and switch between sucking and licking until he'd made her cum two more times, the last time screaming out his name with a series of loud moans.
Sy got her out of the tub and carried her straight to the bed. It was tall enough that he could just bend her over the edge, carefully resting her bad leg out to the side up on the bed leaving her open to his hungry gaze. “You ready for me sugar? Gonna take my dick like a good girl?”
“Please,” he begged, trying to rub her ass back against him. She gasped when his big hand smacked against her ass leaving a burning ache in its wake.
“Be still, your brace is still off. You're in trouble as it is, little girl.” He grinned when she went still, knowing she was thinking about the spanking he told her she'd get if she moved earlier. He took the distraction to push himself in up to the hilt causing them both to moan at the sensation. “So fuckin tight for me, like your made to fit my dick.”
All she could do was moan incoherently as he railed her from behind, each thrust causing her to gasp as he pounded against her cervix. It was painful but the pull out and push in up to that point was bliss. She was losing the battle of control over her body and clamped down on him as tight as she could, wanting to give him some of the pleasure he'd Given her.
“Son of a bitch,” he growled as she squeezed him so tight he thought his brain was coming out of his cock. Reaching under her he started rubbing her clit. “Cum for me. I want to feel you come apart when I fill you full of cum.” A few more circles to her bundle of nerves and she was rutting between his cock and fingers.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” She cried as she exploded around him and he emptied inside of her, the wet squelching sound of their combined releases echoing in the room as he collapsed breathlessly beside her.
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eleanor-bradstreet · 1 year
Touch: Winter (Benedict Bridgerton x Reader)
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Benedict Bridgerton x fem!Reader Rated: G, fluff and romance Word count: 1.5k Masterpost Next part Summary: A snowy visit at Aubrey Hall with your friend Eloise and her family.
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You are bundled into your carriage, watching the snow-covered fields roll by on your way to Aubrey Hall. Your friend Eloise Bridgerton invited you to visit after the Christmas holiday, and you eagerly accepted. You have been bored out of your skull, trapped in your own country estate for the cold season with just your parents, and Eloise is one of the most interesting young ladies you know. Though some might think it an odd friendship because she is a few years your junior, she is the only lady you have found within the ranks of the ton with whom you can have a conversation that ventures beyond hair styling and gossip. You both love to talk about books and art and politics, to dream of travels you’ll never actually go on, and to just plain have fun. Your mother says your inclinations toward such things are the reason you aren’t married after three seasons.
Aubrey Hall rises into view, looking like an ice palace against the white grounds. You already feel your spirits lifting, even before you and your maid exit the carriage and are greeted by the retinue of Bridgertons. The day passes in a whirlwind as Eloise and her three younger siblings drag you outdoors to march patterns through the snow and pelt each other with snowballs. Eloise is a crack shot and Hyacinth resorts to shoving a handful of frozen powder down the back of her elder sister’s coat for revenge. Though you are having fun, you do wonder if you are perhaps too old for such activities, when you suddenly turn and see your numbers on the field have doubled. Eloise’s three older brothers, all dark-haired and ravishing, have joined in the fray, shooting snowballs at the younger children with deadly speed and accuracy. Beside them, the Duke and Duchess of Hastings, another Bridgerton sibling and in-law, take aim at the eldest brother, the Viscount. Everyone is running and dodging, shouting taunts and encouragements, and crowing with joy.
That evening, when you have all changed out of your freezing, sopping clothes and gathered around the dinner table, the conversation is lively. You still can’t fathom how a family can all be so close with one another - nor how they can all be so attractive. You try to maintain your manners, but you can’t help your eyes wandering from brother to brother. Anthony, Benedict, Colin. All so similar looking, and yet so different in personality. Chestnut hair, piercing eyes, wide smiles. A voice in your head reminds you that they are all currently unattached, but you shake the thought away. You have no interest in searching for a husband right now, especially not amongst your friend’s brothers, even though they may be some of the most eligible bachelors of the ton.
The next day brings a storm, silent but unrelenting curtains of snow billow outside the windows. You have never felt more cozy than in the drawing room, reading on sofas in front of the roaring fire with Eloise. You share passages and thoughts throughout the morning as other siblings file in and out, warming themselves by the fire or plucking at the piano. Gregory and Hyacinth engage in a raucous game of marbles at your feet before wandering off in search of food. At some point, Benedict enters and sets up an easel by the far window, then begins to paint, frowning as he looks out repeatedly at the white blur.
You should keep your eyes on your book, but they keep wandering to him. He has no jacket, and the sleeves of his ruffled shirt are rolled up to his elbows. His red gilded waistcoat is unbuttoned and he wears no tie. You’ve never seen a man dressed so casually who is not related to you. His brow is furrowed in concentration, and he chews on his lips as his hands glide through the air, dipping his brush into the palette on his arm, then floating across the canvas before him. His hands. They look strong, with impossibly long fingers, but they move so delicately as he holds his brush. Something about the way the light is hitting him, the way he is so singularly focused, the way his brow is quirked…
He lets out a frustrated groan, making you jump out of your reverie. You just hope Eloise hasn’t noticed but she keeps her eyes on the page as she calls out lazily.
“Something bothering you, brother?”
Benedict swipes the back of his arm across his forehead. “This is rubbish,” he grumbles. “Why on earth am I trying to paint a landscape inside? I should have finished this yesterday before the weather turned.”
“It can’t be all that bad,” you say, trying to encourage him. You just want to see that crooked smile on his face again.
“That’s very kind of you, Miss y/l/n,” he sighs. “But this one is probably bound for the fire.”
“Oh come now,” and before you know it, you are on your feet and walking across the room toward him. Your boldness surprises you, but you feel magnetized in his direction, so eager to make him feel better. “Let me see.”
You stand beside him in front of the easel and see a snow swept landscape, half-finished on the canvas. White hills under cold shadows, with thin evergreens stretching into the distance.
“It has no life in it,” he says quietly beside you.
You aren’t an expert in art, but you know enough to know that he’s wrong. Even unfinished, and even with so few colors used, it is beautiful. It is perfectly capturing your feelings in this moment, this cold but lovely country visit you are enjoying.
“I wouldn’t say that,” you counter. “It is very evocative. The trees are so lifelike. Truly, Mr. Bridgerton, you have more artistic talent than I could ever hope to possess.” It’s not an exaggeration. You are genuinely impressed.
His brows raise. “Have you tried your hand at painting, Miss y/l/n?”
“For about five minutes,” you smirk. “It was abysmal. I much prefer going to galleries now, and leaving the work to more skilled hands.”
Something lights in his eyes - cheeky and perhaps a bit devilish. A tickling feeling runs down your spine. 
“Not everything is that difficult,” he smiles. “Like these trees you admire. Here,” He presses his brush into your palm, already filled with green paint, and he stands slightly behind you as he points to the canvas. 
“Add another one there. Just feather the brush left and right in layers to make the branches.”
You look at him, nervous to ruin his beautiful artwork, but the warmth in his smile invites you to proceed. Focusing in, perhaps too hard, you swipe the brush left and right and make a fat little blotch of a tree next to his elegant renderings.
He chuckles softly behind you, then suddenly he steps close against your back, and his hand is wrapped around yours, holding the brush between both of your fingers. You exhale shakily, your every nerve set alight at the closeness of him, the heat of him wrapped around you. His hand, streaked with paint, envelops yours, his fingers soft. You can finally appreciate the slender length of them, can see the glint of pale hairs and the veins running from his knuckles up his bare forearm. You feel flushed and hold your breath, trying to stay upright, trying to act normal. 
“Like this,” he says softly, then guides your hand, dancing it around the canvas to make another beautiful tree that blends in perfectly with the rest. As your joined hands move, his free one comes to rest suddenly on your lower back, pressing with gentle but steady pressure, holding you still under his instruction. His grasp is so large, the pads of his fingers pressing through the fabric of your dress, somehow gentle and possessive simultaneously.
You don’t even know what you’re painting anymore. Your mind is growing fuzzy, all of your body is overheating. 
“Very good,” the pitch of his voice drops low, barely above a whisper, rumbling from deep within his chest, and his breath is hot across the bare skin of your neck . You want to lean back into him, to let him orchestrate all of your limbs in whatever way he wants to. You want to be wrapped in his arms. You wonder how he will respond if you ask him for regular art instruction. You are probably going mad…
Then Hyacinth comes barrelling into the room shrieking about Gregory and a ribbon. You snap your eyes toward her and Benedict gently releases you, stepping away and leaving the brush in your hand. Eloise looks over from the sofa, clearly unaware of anything that has transpired. The fire continues to blaze in the fireplace, but it is not the reason you need to retire and fan yourself.
That evening at dinner, the Bridgerton family shenanigans continue, but you are somewhat withdrawn. You smile politely at everyone but your mind is elsewhere, reliving…wondering… And there is only one Bridgerton brother who draws your eye that night.
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steddie-island · 6 months
For A Good Cause
@steddiemas day 19: Steddie as parents | WC: 1562 | Rating: G Read full list of tags on ao3
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It’s for a good cause. It’s for a good cause. Do it for Claudia, it’s for a good cause.
Eddie had been repeating that to himself for two weeks. It was the only thing that got him through not only wearing the stifling red suit and beard but through the parade of kids. Sure, some were well-behaved, but then some were throwing a tantrum and others were terrified– he blamed it on the beard and not on the ring through Santa’s nose.
He was starting to question whether this was worth making Claudia happy, though, as he took a break to untangle a candy cane from his beard– and not for the first time. “They’ll never end, man. One wave leaves, another comes through five minutes later.” Jeff adjusted his prosthetic elf ears and put his hands on his hips. “Why are we doing this again?” “‘Cause Claudia asked us to and we can’t tell her no.” Eddie adjusted the fake belly beneath his shirt. “Because she’s a fucking angel who cooks for us.” Gareth kicked his legs where he sat perched up on the counter. “You mean you can’t tell Claudia no, and you asked us and we can’t tell you no.” Eddie grabbed scissors to cut the piece of candy cane out– he would just have to style around it, there was no untangling the sticky mess from whatever material the beard was made from. “Because you know I’ll kill you,” he said, grinning. 
Gareth flipped him off. “C’mon, Santa. Your adoring crowd awaits.”
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The day only got worse from there. A set of twins threw a fit as their parents made them both see Santa at the same time– Eddie still wasn’t sure if they were mad that they didn’t each get their own turn or if they didn’t want to be there at all. Another kid pulled his beard down to reveal the fact that he wasn’t really Santa, which sent the next several kids in line into meltdowns that Eddie had to try to fix. 
With how busy they were the day should have passed by in a blur, but each kid just seemed to make the seconds drag out longer and longer. When they finally got through the last kid in line, Eddie was sticky and tired and beyond ready to go home. “That’s a wrap, folks,” he said as he stood and flipped the sign around to read “Santa is out” in Christmas red glitter. “Thank god.” Jeff shook his head and moved to remove his ears. “This was the longest fucking day of my life.” “Of your life? Did you have any kids sneeze directly on you?” Eddie asked. “No, I don’t think so. You had it easy. But now we can kick back, relax, and–” “Wait!” Eddie looked towards the voice and groaned softly. A man with chestnut hair was practically sprinting across the mall with a puffy pink bundle in his arms. “Wait, don’t leave–” “Oh, shit.” Jeff snapped his ears back into place as the man got closer. “Listen, buddy, Santa’s already out for the night, you’ll have to come back.” “Please, we’ve been to three other stores and all of the Santas were gone for the night,” he begged. “I promised that we would get to see Santa today. You wouldn’t make me break my promise to a kid, right?” Eddie had to give it to the guy, he knew how to play on the heartstrings. He turned with a sigh and stopped– he hadn’t been able to tell from far away, but the man was fucking beautiful. He had beautiful golden skin dotted with moles that Eddie found himself very much wanting to map like goddamn constellations, the warmest brown eyes made even bigger by the round frame glasses. 
The guy was talking to him. Eddie could see those beautiful lips moving, the guy was looking at him, clearly he was addressing Eddie, who had been so busy staring that he hadn’t processed a single goddamn word in at least the last thirty seconds. “Huh?” he asked. The man smiled a little and gestured to the pink bundle– which had moved and pushed her hood down, revealing those same wide eyes, looking at him with all the hope in the world. “Think you can squeeze one more kid in? I would owe you big time…” God, that crooked smile was like a punch to Eddie’s stomach. He would burn the mall down if he could get another smile like that. Eddie adjusted his hat, turned on his heel, and walked back to the throne. “What kind of Santa would I be if I said no to a request like that? Let them through!” Gareth watched Eddie with confusion and then delight. “Right this way!” he said, and he moved the velvet rope so the little girl could be carried through. 
Her big eyes glowed with wonder as she took in the glittering piles of snow and the decorated trees that were set up behind the throne. “Daddy, so p’etty,” she said. Her gloved hands, which had been clinging to her dad’s shirt, loosened up, and she began squirming in his arms. “Down, Daddy, I wanna see Santa!” “Okay, okay!” He laughed and put her down, so she could do the toddler run the rest of the way to the chair. “Hello, little girl!” Eddie said with his big, booming Santa voice as he helped her up onto his lap. “I’m so glad you made it! I was waiting around just for you!” “You were?” she asked, awed – though her r made more of a w sound. “Yous not the weal Santa, how did you know?” “You bet I was!” Eddie smiled at her, then up at her dad. “Has your dad here explained how mall Santas work?” When she nodded her head, making her little pigtails bounce, he smiled all the wider. “Then you know I’m not the real Santa, but I work for the real Santa. And he told me that a pretty little girl and her handsome daddy were going to be a little late, but that I needed to stick around because that little girl is on the nice list.” She gasped. “I am?” “What’s your name?” Eddie asked her. “Ashwey Hawwington,” she said. “And hims my daddy, Steve.” It sounded more like Steef, the way she said it. “Then yes, I was waiting for you!” Eddie booped her nose with his finger, making her giggle. “The real Santa told me that you’ve been a very good girl this year. Is he right?” “Yes!” Ashley nodded enthusiastically. “I was vewy good.” “Is that right, dad?” Eddie turned to Steve, who looked like he was ready to melt as he watched them. “Yeah.” Steve rested his hands on his hips and gave a warm smile. “She’s been a really good girl this year.” 
“See? I towd you.” Ashley wiggled excitedly. “So Santa’s gonna bwing me a pwesent?” she asked. “It sounds like it!” Eddie smiled at her. “Why don’t you tell me what you want, and I’ll make sure Santa knows about it?”
Her face lit up and she clapped her hands. “I want a kitty!” “A kitty?” Eddie looked towards Steve again for a moment. “Have you been good enough to get a kitty?” “Yeah!” she said. “I only weaved my toys out a few times, an I didn’t cwy when Daddy taked me to school. I was good!” Eddie and Steve laughed together at her insistence. “We’ll make sure Santa knows, okay?” 
“Okay.” She hugged him tight, then made to wriggle out of his arms. “Wait– don’t you have something to say to Santa?” Steve asked. “And don’t you want a picture?” “Oh yeah!” Ashley grinned wide at where Jeff held the camera. Eddie wasn’t sure what was more precious, the gap on the bottom row of her teeth, the way her parka absolutely swallowed her up, or the way Steve watched her with clear adoration on his face. 
Picture taken and candy cane given, Ashley hugged Eddie and gave a rushed “thank you!” before running back to her daddy. Steve scooped her up and smiled at Eddie again. “Uh– thanks. You made her night,” he said. “I was happy to do it.” Eddie smiled at her as she tore into the candy cane wrapper. “It’s not often I get a direct request like that from the big guy up north.” 
Steve grinned and adjusted his grip on Ashley. “I guess me and the big guy both owe you one.” He reached out, offering Eddie his hand to shake. “Maybe I can make it up to you sometime.” Eddie gave his hand a quick shake, and when the handshake broke he was left with a scrap of paper in his palm. “See you around, Santa.” Steve winked, turned, and made his way towards the mall entrance. Eddie was so busy watching Steve leave (and, frankly, having thoughts that would get him put on the naughty list) that he nearly forgot about the paper. When he unfolded it, there was a phone number and Steve. It had clearly been written hastily– Eddie wasn’t even sure when he’d stopped watching Ashley long enough to write it at all. 
“What’s that?” Jeff asked. Eddie tucked the slip of paper away and headed for the backroom. “My Christmas bonus.” 
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Dividers and banner by @cafekitsune ❤️
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johnnydany · 1 year
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Chest Nuts Matching T-Shirt Chestnuts Christmas Couple T-Shirt
Get yours: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/37475811-chest-nuts-matching-t-shirt-chestnuts-christmas-co
=> SHARE & Tag Your Friends Who Would Love & Wear This Shirt.
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thomasdaniel91 · 2 years
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Chest Nuts Matching Chestnuts Christmas Couples T-Shirt
Get yours now: https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/37222319-chest-nuts-matching-chestnuts-christmas-couples-t-
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pickle-nickels · 10 days
Nathan x Charles 🖤
"What's the problem, Nathan, Huh? Use your words."
Nathan didn't want to. It was embarrasing, and stupid, and he knew he was being dramatic but the ill feeling in the pit of his stomach and the thrumming in his chest would not go away. On the surface he seemed "fine", ever stoic, but Charles knew Nathan better than anyone. The way the vocalists body tensed, to the way his jaw was clenched.
Something was wrong.
"If you don't tell me, I'm ah... Kicking you out of my bed tonight." It wasn't true, but Nathan was none the wiser.
Instead of using his words, Nathan only pointed to Charles chest. He looked down, and Charles couldn't believe it.
Last christmas, no one had really been in the mood. It was their first christmas after the events of the doomstar, and everyone was feeling... Less than jolly. Including Toki.
...But excluding Skwisgaar, much to everyone's surprise. They'd been sitting around, watching tv, even Charles stood idly behind them, eyes more focused on the back of Nathans head rather than the television.
Skwisgaar had handed everyone a festive bag, but they didn't open them until Skwisgaar cleared his throat with a hand on his jutted hip.
"Don'ts says I don't do nothings for yous dildos."
The blonde left the room, and after the initial shock everyone had pulled their gifts out of their bags, and...
"You know I was gifted this shirt, Nathan, by your guitarist."
"It was on his body before."
The shirt in question, a wistful wolf shirt, was one from Skwisgaars personal collection. The entire band had gotten one, Skwisgaar couldn't have even been bothered to buy them new, but each wolf was picked out based on which band member it made him think of.
Charles shirt, however, had been altered to have a little, red tie. It felt weirdly personal, and Nathan had sulked to Charles for weeks after. But Charles wore it, only in bed, and Nathan was the only one who ever even got to see him like this.
And he was still jealous.
Charles knew better than to be too upset, he knew how hard Nathans BPD made it on him, how much it'd make him over think things. Not an excuse, but Charles knew he struggled.
Instead of fighting him, Charles cupped his cheeks and pulled the larger man down, a careful kiss to tight pressed lips. He'd linger until he felt Nathan relax, shoulders unhunching, big hands pushing up and underneath the far too long shirt as he finally kissed him back.
Pulling back, Charles looked up at his boyfriend with squinted and bare eyes, a soft smile reserved only for his Nathan.
"I love you. You know that."
The pit in Nathans stomach was replaced by butterflies.
"Yeah. I, uh... Y'know..." Nathan looked away, embarrased. Charles only chuckled.
"I know."
A small pat to Nathans chest, and before Charles could step away, Nathan pulled him back in, a hand fisted into soft chestnut hair while the other sat on Charles hip. Low in his ear, he muttered,
"I love you too."
It gave Charles butterflies.
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calabria-mediterranea · 3 months
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Pietra Cappa: The most famous monolith in Calabria, Italy and the highest in Europe
Pietra Cappa (its name apparently derives from the idea of “inverted cup”, referring to the cavity inside the stone) is a huge boulder, 140 metres high, that stands out as one of the highest monoliths in Europe.
According to recent studies, many geologists believe that its rounded shape was molded by the action of the last ice age which made it very similar to a panettone (Italian Christmas Bread)! The huge rock became the symbol of the Aspromonte Geopark, carrying the charm of an unspoilt landscape and the mystery of the legends about its origins.
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Stories aside, the fascination of this place is indisputable. You find yourself surrounded by dense vegetation, characterized by heather, mastic, myrtle, strawberry tree, chestnut, holm oak, mint and oregano. A dream panorama that frames the monolith, which overlooks the Ionian sea. As if all this were not enough to give an idea of the beauty of the place, you can also admire the centuries-old chestnut trees known as Giants of San Giorgio. No sign of human passage or almost. Only the Byzantine columns and walls of what remains of the Church of San Giorgio located on the path are found.
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"I first met Pietra Cappa by chance in the very early 80s. I must have been 25 or so. As regional manager of the WWF, I was in Gerace.
One morning we reached the road that leads from Montalto to the town of San Luca. We began the long descent towards the town. That's how I saw her in the distance, on the left. An enormous rock head buried on a buttress cloaked in oak woods. We passed by the Rocks of St. Peter, where there is the famous skull-shaped asceterium, now very photographed, which must have been the chapel of a laura or a community of Byzantine hermits.
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There we met Sebastiano Codispoti, the shepherd who owned a flock of goats in a stable under the Rocks. He lived there alone. From time to time he went down to the village of Natile where he had his family, whose friendship I would later be honored by. Sebastiano played a double reed flute that he built himself, carved wood, made cheese, was gentle, hospitable, generous with anyone who passed by. He removed a handkerchief from inside his shirt in which he jealously kept an ancient coin. Looking at her moved, he told a story of kings and queens who lived in Pietra Cappa as if it had happened a few years earlier. And then we climbed along paths on the other side where the stone appeared to us in all its majesty: 829 meters above sea level, according to the maps, on a circular base that runs around 700 metres, for a circumnavigation of just under a kilometre." @Francesco Bevilacqua
Vintage photos by Francesco Bevilacqua
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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jungle-angel · 6 months
Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: A cozy night by the fire is just what you and Miles need after a long day
Warnings: SMUT 18+ warnings apply. Breeding kink, daddy/mommy kink, so many other kinks I've lost count, mentions of pregnancy and birth etc.
Tagging: @sebsxphia @nobody7102
Miles threw another log onto the fire in the cottage living room, the whole house toasty and warm with all the Christmas decorating having been finished. He was a little saddened with the boys being out of the house for a bit, but his parents knew that you and Miles needed the alone time. Yet the fact that you had just crossed the four week threshold after Jesse's birth, making it ok for the two of you to start engaging in your bedroom activities, mad him a little less sad.
"Fire's going?" you asked, sneaking up behind him and wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Roaring like a freight train sweetpea," he answered.
You kissed his shoulder, still concealed beneath the threads of his whit button-down t-shirt. Something needy stirred deep inside of you as you kissed the spot again, your hand sneaking its way between the spaces in his shirt.
"Hmmmm, sweetheart," Miles hummed happily.
"Yes, oh handsome husband of mine?" you chuckled teasingly.
"Feeling a little needy this evening?"
You pressed another kiss to the same spot again. "You don't even know the half of it," you purred.
Miles gently brought you around to face him, gently taking your face in his hands and softly kissing your lips. You couldn't get enough of how warm they always were, soft and warm like your shared bed and like the glowing heat of the fire that burned behind you.
Your arms wrapped around him again, your hand running to his lower back and dipping lower and lower into his jeans. You tugged at Miles's shirt, pulling it out of his jeans little by little until you felt the bare skin beneath. Your gentle little touches drew a soft moan from his mouth, like the first breath of air in spring.
"Baby," he murmured. "Gotta......wanna lay down."
You hummed into the kiss as you both lay on the floor, the living room rug a little uncomfortable and scratchy beneath your bodies. Thank God for Miles's quick thinking, otherwise the two of you would be an itching mess.
One throw pillow became two, two became three and so on and so forth until most of the couch cushions and throw pillows had become an odd, but comfortable floor-bed. Miles even dragged a wool blanket off the back of the couch to cover the both of you and keep the heat in.
"Help......help me out sweetheart?" Miles pleaded in between kisses.
"What Miles?" you asked.
"Help me with my jeans?" he said. "M'so hard for you sweetheart, I can't hold it in anymore."
You laughed a little as you undid his belt and pulled it from the loops of his jeans, tossing it aside where it landed with a loud *CLINK!*. His moaning was music to your ears as you unsnapped the button on his jeans and lowered the zipper. You felt his chest rising and falling rapidly as you helped push his jeans off with one of your feet. Already you could feel his swollen cock still trapped behind his tight grey boxers, rubbing up against the space between your legs.
"Miles?" you whimpered. "Miles baby?"
"Oh momma I'm sorry," he apologized. "Here, move your hips up so I can help."
You couldn't help but moan as he helped you off with your own clothes, the way he called you "momma" and the gentleness in his hands as he ran them along your hips and stomach. Miles quickly slipped out of his boxers before helping you off with your black lace underwear, both of you completely naked and at each other's mercy.
You sat up, gently easing Miles so that he could lay on his back, your pussy aching and wet for him, almost on fire from how badly you needed him at that moment.
"C'mon sweetheart," he murmured. "It's ok.......you're alright......oh......oh honey......oh you're so wet for me. Easy......easy now....good......good girl."
Those words would have sent you right over the edge as he gently guided you down onto his cock, slipping inside you with ease and rubbing you just perfectly so that a sweet moan fell from your lips. You wanted to cum right then and there as his hands caressed your bare ass and ran up and down your sides, desperate for the glorious friction going on between your legs.
"Oh.....oh daddy," you mumbled as your hips rocked back and forth against his own. "Feels so good......wanna make you cum and fill me up."
Miles could feel his breath getting just a little shallower, unable to control the desire that burned through his whole body. "Wanna make you a momma again so bad," he panted. "Maybe.....maybe two little girls......feel'em all curled up in that pretty little tummy of yours....."
You couldn't help yourself any longer. Yours and Miles's kissing grew more fervent, more heated as he reached back to grab a handful of your ass. You both jolted against each other, feeling that familiar explosion between your legs and a lazy smile appearing on Miles's face. The two of you leaned into each other and laughed before you rolled off him and he caught you in his arm.
"You're amazing, you know that?" he chuckled, kissing you sweetly on the lips.
"Hmmmm and so are you," you purred.
You and Miles stayed in front of the fire together, laying against each other in the warm afterglow. You gently explored each others bodies, your hand slipping further and further down to caress his cock and give a few gentle strokes while Miles's fingertips ran up and down your back. You had your hand wrapped firmly around his stiff hardness, his own coming to cover your hand protectively. You stayed like that until you could no longer avoid that blissful spell of sleep that soon fell over you both.
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2nd Day of Christmas
A Sweet Mishap
Summary/Prompt - Spilling hot chocolate/coffee/a hot beverage on the other and insisting on paying for a new drink and new clothes for them.
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader
Christmas Masterlist | Masterlist
The Christmas pay is great, but dealing with the influx of customers – everyone in a rush to get their Christmas shopping and preparations finished – sucks. You’re well into the morning rush having made to your best estimate near a hundred coffees in just a few hours. You’re already exhausted and sick of people; many of whom have short tempers due to needing their daily caffeine hit ASAP. Somewhere around the 30th coffee you burnt your hand on the steamer and it has been in pain since, but you need the money so you ignore it and push on. Not that you’d have time to dwell on the pain even if you wanted to; the orders just keep piling up. 
Peppermint Mocha Latte with extra whipped cream and crushed candy canes.
Gingerbread Latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.
Chestnut Praline Frappuccino with caramel drizzle.
White Chocolate Peppermint Hot Chocolate with marshmallows.
Winter Wonderland White Hot Chocolate with white chocolate syrup.
Almond Joy Latte with coconut and almond flavours.
And so on and so on into oblivion. Maybe it’s your fault for choosing to work in a cafe that prides itself on its range of festive flavours. But despite the exhaustion, you serve every drink with a smile and never-dwindling love for the holidays. 
Your steady pace and rhythm are jolted by your coworker getting into your personal space. “Come on Y/N! It’s time to switch, I can’t keep weaving through these crowds with hot drinks and dishes! I need space! Please!”
You add the finishing touches to the drink you’re currently working on and then nod at her. “Fine. I’ll deliver this one and go from there. Just start from the next hot chocolate there.” 
She nods enthusiastically, pulls out a mug and gets started. You take the fancy hot chocolate out to table 5 as per the order card. You and your coworker, fall into perfect harmony quickly. She makes drinks and you deliver them seamlessly until a tall, well-built guy comes bursting through the doors straight in front of your well-worn causing you to dump an entire Peppermint Mocha Latte on him. The mug and saucer shatter on the tiles by his feet as your hands immediately cover your mouth to hide your embarrassment. But the shock quickly wears off as you jump into action, gathering napkins to wipe the mess while you apologise profusely. You don’t even look up at his face as you continue to attempt to clean out the stain. 
“I am so so sorry! Whatever you want is on the house, I’ll cover it all. New shirt and jacket even. It’s all on me. I am so sorry, sir,” you ramble as you continue dabbing at the mess. 
Noticing everyone’s eyes on the two of you and customers starting to get restless, he wraps his hands around your wrists to make you stop and look at him properly. “It’s no problem, really. It’s all good. I wanted a reason to buy a new shirt anyway.”
“Please, at least let me get you a coffee to go then.”
“To go?” He questions.
“Yeah, so you can go change.”
“But you did such a good job cleaning me up.” A blush sneaks onto your cheeks at his words. You hear your coworker calling you from behind the counter. “Sounds like you need to get back. Just surprise me with something when you get your break. But make sure you’re the one that makes and delivers it,” he says with a wink as he releases his grip on your wrists. 
You quickly compose yourself as you rush over to grab a broom and mop to clean up the mess as your coworker attempts to manage the impatient customers. 
After about half an hour the morning rush finally starts to die down and your other coworkers arrive for handover. You finish adding some whipped cream, chocolate powder and marshmallows on top of the white and milk chocolate peppermint mocha lattes you made and then untie your dirty apron. Thanking your coworkers you take the two festive mugs to the table in the corner where the now dry man is waiting patiently reading a newspaper. You place them down carefully on the table causing him to look up at you.
“I was starting to think you forgot,” he says.
“You kidding me? I still feel so bad, but it gets so busy here during the holidays.”
He takes a sip of the hot chocolate closest to him and then says, “I can see why. I’m used to straight black coffee, but I can get on board with this.”
As you go to take a sip from the other mug you get distracted by a bright flash from outside the window causing you to spill your drink all over yourself. Looking in the direction of the flash, the man jumps into action. He passes you some napkins and stands up.
“That’s my fault. Should’a known word would get out if I stayed here this long. That’s my fault,” he says apologetically.
“You nab at your now stained shirt and say, “I guess now we’re even.”
He slides a coaster across the table to you. “I’m so sorry.”
He shrugs his jacket on and walks away. After a second you go to call out and stop him but the door’s already closing behind him. You look down at the coaster and see a phone number written in neat handwriting. You slip it into your pocket and smile. 
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