#character UNDEATH
Another prompt bc I am greedy: Neteyam dies. Kiri fixes it.
Please stay greedy!
(tw body horror, corpse desecration, death, vomiting)
"Here, bro." Spider passes him a piece of fruit. "You should eat."
Neteyam turns the fruit over carefully in his hands, doing his best not to drop it. It's...strange, operating with five fingers on each hand instead of four, especially with the faint shimmer of webbing where his fingers join.
He slits a nail (longer than he remembers) along the side of the fruit, exposing smooth, round flesh. Like a swollen belly, swollen body. Death-bloated, trembling, rotting, pressing down on him as someone saws away with the knife and hands reaching into stinking guts to pull him out, his sister's blazing form searing the dark away as her fingers dance like a puppeteer's--
There's a soft crunching sound as he bites, chews. He can't really taste it, but maybe it's supposed to be the way. Spider keeps watching him as Neteyam swallows, eyes squeezed shut against the burn in his throat.
There's yelling somewhere, a cacophony of voices dancing on the wind. He can catch fragments: abomination, spirit-sister, son, monster, dead, Tsahìk.
"I saved your stupid son's worthless life," Kiri snarls, voice rising, buzzing through Neteyam's head. "A son for a son, you owe us--"
Rustling, as Spider finishes pulling the curtain over the entranceway. "It's okay, dude," he says, settling back down by Neteyam's side. "They'll figure it all out, they always do."
He puts a hand on Neteyam's shoulder--his hand is cool from the sea, where he'd scrubbed them off on the way back. Lo'ak's off somewhere, still washing. "You're home and that's what matters."
"Yeah," Neteyam agrees, or wants to, but when he opens his mouth something hitches in his stomach and lurches, acid burning up his throat. Spider breathes a curse, hurriedly gathering up Neteyam's hair (longer, too, and tinted red) as he vomits across the marui floor.
"Easy," Spider whispers, rubbing his back. "That's it, man, you're good." Neteyam feels a bark cup being pressed to his lips, the faintest smell of forest still clinging onto the wood, water cool on his tongue.
He drinks mechanically, still staring at the pieces of chewed-up fruit. Damp, ruined pieces spewed across the ground, like intestine drifting through the water, torn wings, lank hair. Water heavy in his nose as the blood slides off his skin, dude, you gotta breathe.
(he breathed back then, for Lo'ak's benefit. He hasn't breathed since. He's not sure whether Spider's noticed or if he just doesn't want to talk about it).
"The tulkun..." Neteyam shakes his head. "They don't eat fruit." They eat living things, little schools wriggling into their big open mouths, all those tiny shiny bodies snuffed out in a single gulp.
He's not sure if he needs to rely on fish the way they do, though. But he doesn't think he's very fond of fruit anymore.
A rustle of wind as the curtain lifts again, just long enough for him to see further down the beach, where everybody else is still gathered. Just long enough for him to see Ronal raise her spear and Mom raise her bow (steel glinting, since when was it reinforced with metal?). Kiri's hair crackling, eyes bright, and Dad stepping into the middle, frantic, placating.
Then the curtain drops and it's quiet again, the yelling muffled (no smell of blood on the air, not yet, he'd know if there was). Neteyam blinks slowly, wonders if he's imagined it, imagined all it.
Maybe there's nothing out beyond the marui at all, nothing in the world except for Spider and the smell of vomit and the cool, dark space behind Neteyam's ribs where his heart used to beat.
"We'll find you something, Teyam," Spider promises, resting a gentle hand on Neteyam's shoulder. "We'll figure it out, like we always do. I promise."
Neteyam nods slowly, eyes still closed. I want to go home, he thinks, but the only thing that comes to mind with "home" is the torn, drifting body of a tulkun once called Roa.
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smallest-turtle · 1 year
Haurchefant in 5.3 trying to figure out how to explain that Halone dug him out of the ground without causing a new schism in the church:
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somewhat-stressed · 7 months
Ghost Dave
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A piece for a fic I'm writing that I may or may not post. Basically the gist is that there was a car accident and all of the Beta kids died. The red on his skin and hair is from the crash that killed him.
I used a different process on this than normal and I have to say I think it looks good. Honestly I could futz around with the opacities more but I don't really care enough.
Total time was 24 hours and 27 minutes and honestly that's insane. I did the sketch in a different way than normal, and I rendered it hells of more than normal.
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raaorqtpbpdy · 2 years
I couldn’t think of anything for Ectober Week day 5’s prompts, so since I’m only doing the week and not the month, I stole a prompt from earlier in the month: Cause of death.
Coroner’s Report
[Warnings for autopsies and death and gratuitous swearing]
[Recording Begins]
"Subject is Daniel J. Fenton, age fourteen. Rushed to the hospital after a supposed accident in his parents' home laboratory. Pronounced dead on arrival at 4:18 PM, September 20th, 2004."
The voice of Amity Park Medical Examiner Dr. Osiris Blanch speaks into his recorder. He does this so he doesn't forget anything when he writes his official reports. He will transcribe the recording into his written report later, as he always does, for the police and insurance company and whoever else to use in their investigation of the boy's parents.
He has a habit of talking to himself while he works anyway, narrating his actions, so recording is the most efficient way to ensure he provides an accurate coroner's report.
"Cause of death appears to be electrocution," he continues.
As he records, he is looking at the state of the corpse, covered in subdermal burns. Even hours after his death, the coroner could still smell ozone in the air, and he could feel the hair on his arms slowly standing on end from the static.
"In addition to electrical burns below the skin, the body appears to have some peculiar burn marks spanning from the left hand to the heart, atypical of electrical burns. Possibly... plasma burns, or some kind of radiation burns? Do I need to get a Geiger counter in here? Christ alive, what kinda lab did this kid get fried in exactly?"
There is a sigh on the recording, the sound of coffee being sipped from a mug, a loud, metallic clack as the recorder is placed on a steel implement stray, and another, quieter clack as Dr. Blanch puts down his coffee cup. The scraping of a scalpel being lifted off the implements tray very near the recorder.
"I will now begin the autopsy by making a Y-incision of the abdomen—AH!" The scalpel clatters against the metal autopsy table. "Ha... static shock."
Dr. Blanch's voice begins to sound uneasy here.
"I'm uh... I'm making the incision now." The quiet squelching of skin being sliced by a sharp blade is almost drowned out by the coroner's shaky breaths. "Shit, keep it steady..." he mutters to himself. "When did it get so goddamn cold in here?"
The scalpel quietly clicks against another tray, away from the sterilized instruments near the recorder.
"I'm opening up the chest now to begin the autopsy."
A sickly squelching of flesh and sinew being pulled apart is heard on the recording, and then a gasp from the coroner.
"The uh... the lights just flickered a little," Dr. Blanch explains. "There's no storm or anything that might cause a blackout, but if some idiot crashes into a telephone pole and knocks out the power, I'm gonna be pissed. This jobs a pain in the ass if the lights go out. Not to mention all the corpses in the drawers'll start to decay if the freezers turn off, and then I'll be up a creek."
An electric buzzing sounds briefly.
"Damn. The lights again," he says. "I can't just leave this kid cut open on my table and check the fuse box. Somebody else had better get it fixed though, or I'll give 'em hell." He sighs and scoffs before resuming the autopsy. "Anyway, I've opened up young Mr. Fenton's chest cavity and christ alive, I've seen a lot of people's entrails but this kid's look like an overcooked stew—"
The electric buzzing returns, louder, but only for a moment before the sound of glass shattering hits the recording, along with the thud caused by Dr. Blanch jumping in surprise and bumping hard against the other autopsy table behind him.
"Ow, fuck!" he shouts. "The fucking bulb just blew, and I hit my hip on... on... uh..."
All that can be heard on the recording for several seconds is an eerie distortion that hadn't been present before, almost melodic in the way it makes one's stomach turn with dread
"The... corpse... it's... shit it's definitely glowing..." the coroner says finally, voice overwritten by the strange distortion. "Fuck. Fuck! Should I be wearing a hazmat suit for this autopsy? There's no way this kid isn't radioa—what that fuck was that?" Dr. Blanch interrupts himself, followed by another thud as he backs desperately into the other table behind him.
"There was just... for a split second there was—there it is again!" he shouts. "Like, a ring of light, around the middle of the kid's body, flickering in the blink of an eye and then vanishing," he describes, voice awed and terrified. "I do not get paid enough for this freaky shit. If this kid sits up, I'm quitting."
His words are drowned out by a scream, the scream of an adolescent boy, quickly joined by the scream of a middle aged man. The screaming continues for a long time, until finally, both run out of breath.
"What... what's happening, where am I?" asks a young voice, alongside the sounds of skin sliding against metal.
"You're... I was... this is..." for once, Mr. Blanch seems to be at a loss for words. He is watching a pale and naked young boy try to hold the Y-incision in his chest cavity closed with his bare hands. "You were dead!" the doctor finally manages to shout.
"I'm not dead!" the boy shouts back.
"I can see that now!"
"Did you cut me open?"
"You were pronounced dead hours ago!" Dr. Blanch defends himself. "I was only doing my job! How the hell was I supposed to know you were still... alive... oh lord am I glad I didn't remove your brain first, christ alive!"
"My brain?!"
"Forget about that now," Dr. Blanch says, and he takes a deep breath. "You're not bleeding. Do you feel pain?" 
"I... no... no I don't why doesn't this hurt?" the young voice asks frantically.
"Lay down, I'll stitch you back up," says the coroner, and the quiet metallic sounds indicate that the boy obeys. "I don't know what's happening, but this kinda thing happening sure as shit isn't normal. I'm gonna start with the stitches now, alright?"
"You're Daniel Fenton, aren't you?"
"Yeah. I go by Danny though."
"Well, Danny, the fact of the matter is, you were definitely dead when they put you on my table earlier," Dr. Blanch explains, sounding resigned, if not actually calm. "Fuck if I know what that makes you now, but I do know that I don't get paid enough to make a fuss about it. Lord knows I'm gonna ask for a raise after this, though."
"So... what now, then?" Danny asks.
"Now, I'm gonna finish stitching you up," the coroners tells him. "I'm gonna give you a sheet to cover yourself with, and I'm gonna call up to the hospital and give them absolute hell for sending me a corpse that wasn't actually dead."
"I thought you said I was dead."
"You were, but I'm sure as shit not gonna try to explain that!" he lets out a brief, hysterical bark of laughter. "I'd be sent to a loony bin before I could blink! No way am I telling 'em that. I have a doctor friend who'll give you discharge papers if I ask without actually checking you over if you want, so you won't have to worry about them finding anything... unnatural. We went to med school together, and he trusts my expertise."
"That... would be for the best, probably," Danny agrees. As he says this, he is looking down at the incision on his chest, halfway stitched up and still not bleeding.
"I'd say so," Dr. Blanch concurs. "I definitely don't wanna get in any trouble for cutting open a living kid, even if you weren't when I did it." He sighs heavily again. "Jesus christ what is my life coming to, today? Anyway, after you're discharged, you can go home to your family, and I'll wipe any and all information about your autopsy from our systems and we can both pretend this never happened, and your quote-unquote 'death' was just a horrible misunderstanding. What do you say, Danny? Sound like a plan?"
"Yeah," the boy's voice sounds even more relived than the coroners. "Sounds like a plan."
There's a quiet click of the needle onto an instrument tray.
"Ah, I forgot..." Dr. Blanch mutters.
His footsteps are heard walking to the other tray, the one of sterile instruments. There are loud thumping and fumbling sounds as Dr. Blanch picks up the recorder to turn it off.
[End Recording]
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harley-style · 2 years
Reading the Homestuck Epilogues 3 (parts 21-30)
Hey guys I'm back on my bullshit! Here's hoping it goes well lol but we all know that's just a pipe dream.
Anyway, here's the previous part!!
Now onto the chaos!
A coffin is still fukcing heavy and you're telling me Jake and John ALONE can carry the fucking thing? omg.
I feel like Roxy is not treating this funeral the rightul respect and somberness it deserves, but is it just me or...?
Aradia and Sollux! and they really don't give a shit about most things dont they. Aradia only came here for the corpse party and honestly, slay
I get heart palpitations when Dave calls Jade babe. also poor karkat he's at the back. noooo
Wait. Is teen dead jade from fucking MEAT??? or is she the one from. uh. the caliborn narrative takeover thing. listen its been a while since i read the later homestuck ok i barely remember what happened in act 6
Jane. Jane you fucking moron.
Karkat literally do not rise to the bait I am begging
"sometimes i wonder what it'd be like if he was still here" FAMOUS LAST WORDS
please god just let john and terezi be together their dynamic is SO GOOD
oh they're 26 now awesome
okay i know it's bad to blame everything on jane but I HAVE A FEELING SHE'S INVOLVED
okay fuck everyone else rebellion leader karkat is my bitch now
why is eridan fuschia is this a typeset error
john you're a moron (affectionate)
:((( what happened to "not taking your shit" roxy :((((
Save Tavros From Evil
yknow what i hate about candy davejade rn is that they keep everything buried and pretend everything's fine. like jade baby at least push dave or pester rose about what's wrong with dave like....?? idk! but not this!!!
okay. what the actual shit jane. yknow what? you're a bitch! you're a full on bitch and i hope you get what's coming to you. what the FUCK am i hearing from you? that is NOT how you treat your friends/datemates!
fuck you guys im reading a bunch of aus to cope wit this mess of an epilogue
okay i love and support whatever john's trying to do but this plan is. not the best.
I just skipped over an entire conversation because i cannot deal with that rn. someone tell me what happened during the time john tries convincing tavros to leave the crocker household
johnrezi/junerezi rights :((((
Huh. That's a less brutal capital punishment than I was expecting. Still horrifying! but I expected more blood. which was kinda dumb of me lol.
Kanaya Is Right Karkat Call Dave That Bitch Is Dumb Enough To Run To Your Side The Instant You Ask For Him
But Bat Your Pretty Eye For Extra Simping
let's kick it karkat lets goooo
That is a whole ass page of words sir
John :(
"epilogue six" what the fuck does this mean
these kids are thirteen w h a t
okay aradia has a point its extremely ironic for karkat to reach the peak of his heroism in a world that objectively *does not fucking matter* and the "meaty" timeline where everything "DOES" matter is where he's... well, we all know.
oh no,,,,the davejade wedding,,,,this hurts.
okay everyone seems to be like, convinced meenah and karkat are a thing but are they REALLY? karkat hasn't come out and said anything specifically.
lock industry?????
Vriska's back everybody say hello
"is it the prince" IM SORRY WHAT
when WHO falls???
jake what the fuck happened to you. oh my god you don't deserve this. leave her. leave jane's stank ass.
ah. i remember karkat talking about how he wasn't to blame for mr. crocker dying, in hs2. guys id apologize for spoiling myself like this but i think you'd understand: this post-canon thing is pain. everything hurts. if i want spoilers im getting spoilers.
oh boy.
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rindecision · 2 years
Ch 2: Intruder - The Devil of Hawkins Fanfiction
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Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
A rustling sound woke Steve. He glanced around his room from the viewpoint of his bed, trying not to lose his fragile grip on sleep.
He listened closely to catch any sounds as he laid back down. After being met with silence, he nestled himself back under the covers and stared up at the ceiling, hoping for sleep to take him again. His blood ran cold as he laid eyes on a creature clinging to his ceiling, he knew it had to be from the Upside Down, what else could manage that? Any hint of sleep had abandoned him. He was trying to reach for the bat he kept by his bed without losing sight of the creature staring at him. The beast was definitely human-esque, but there was something unnatural about it, other than it was on his ceiling.
Could it be a demodog?
Steve didn’t dare speculate for long, and was desperate to find his weapon. It wasn’t propped up against the end table where he kept it. Did it fall? He knew he had to take his eyes off of the beast to find it, but he also knew that’s when the monster would strike.
Why me? He couldn’t help but feel that the world just likes to fuck him over, in particular. Steve swallowed and slowly averted his gaze from the creature, trying not to alert it, even though he knew the thing had its eyes, or sensors, or whatever it used locked on him. A loud thud on the ceiling startled his gaze back to the beast, his attention directed to the silhouette of something in its hand he hadn’t noticed before. His bat.
“Looking for this?” A familiar voice said quietly.
Steve’s heart jumped into his throat, he scrambled to remove the blankets as he called to the owner of the voice. “Eddie!? You’re ali-” He moved to stand, but was pinned back to the bed, the wind knocked out of him with a strained grunt by the force of a body landing on him.
“Sorry, still getting used to this.” Eddie said as he tried to pick up his weight from Steve.
Steve groaned as the weight was lifted, spitting Eddie’s hair out of his mouth. “Getting used to wha-” He stopped short as the moonlight hit Eddie’s face, only inches from his own. It was far paler than he remembered and was covered in dark vein-like streaks. His lower left cheek and chin were covered in deep scars. “-the fuck happened to you?” He continued.
“Same thing that happened to you.” Eddie gently nudged one of Steve’s sides with the heel of his palm. Steve winced at the contact with the still tender bite wounds. “But no one was there to help me.” A smile with a hint of malice spread across his face, contorting the dark streaks near his eyes and mouth.
Steve moved to sit upright. “Hey, we tri-” Eddie’s face relaxed as he cut Steve off by placing a cool hand on his bare chest, pushing him back down to his pillow.
“I’m not blaming anyone.” Eddie took the opportunity to run his hand over Steve’s lush chest before moving his hand back to the sheets beside him. “Honestly, it’s just my luck that the one time I try to do the right thing, it bites me in the ass. Literally, they bit my ass.”
Steve tried to stifle a laugh, redirecting it to a snort. A smile Steve was familiar with came over Eddie. The worry that welled up before settled, and he couldn’t help but smile back.
“I can’t believe you’re alive.” Steve said, looking up at the man he had been mourning only a few hours earlier. “We literally just had a funeral for you.”
“Seriously?” He smirked.
“Yeah, I mean, it was just those of us involved in this whole mess, but even people who haven’t met you were there, like El, the girl with superpowers.”
“Aw, I really want to meet her. Mike makes her sound pretty amazing. I thought he was lying when he was always talking about this mystery girlfriend. Same with Dustin and that Suzie chick he won't shut up about.”
Steve laughed. “I thought Dustin was lying at first, too, but Suzie ended up helping us save the world twice now.”
“Well, I’ll be damned, she does exist.”
“Yeah,” Steve furrowed his brow and looked up at Eddie in disbelief. “How on earth are you alive?”
“If I’m being honest, it feels more like undead than alive.”
“Like a zombie?” Steve asked. “Wait, are you a zombie?” He tensed.
Eddie laughed at Steve’s reaction. He wanted to try to scare him, but decided against it. “Kind of, but less ‘Day of the Dead’ and more ‘Fright Night.’”
“That doesn’t make me feel much better.” He looked at Eddie with apprehension.
Eddie smirked at him. “Relax, I’m still me.” He reassured.
“Do you know how it happened?” He glanced down at Eddie’s messy clothes.
“No, I can’t say I do. The last thing I remember was Dustin crying over me while I died.” Eddie let himself fall to his side, landing on an unused pillow next to Steve. “I don’t know how long I was dead for, either. I just came to in that fucked up place, surrounded by the fucking bats that killed me in the first place.”
“Is that why you were able to cling to my ceiling, which scared the shit out of me, by the way.”
Eddie laughed quietly. “That was part of the plan.”
“What’s the rest of the plan?” Steve asked, concerned.
Eddie thought for a minute. “Haven’t really figured that out yet.” He smiled at Steve with wide eyes. A cloud moved, casting moonlight on Eddie's face, revealing his eyes were solid black. The dark lines were now obviously veins and his pale skin was nearly translucent; even a good bit of capillaries could be seen. The moonlight faded away, hiding many of his features once again.
“Not gonna lie, you look fucked up,” Steve said bluntly.
“I know, right?” Eddie agreed. “It’s pretty badass.”
“That’s one way to look at it.”
“Oh, come on.” Eddie pressed with an offended tone. “You can’t say it’s not at least a little cool.”
An amused smile invaded Steve’s face, “alright, fine, it’s kinda cool.”
“Thank you,” Eddie said, satisfied. He rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling. “So, how long was I gone, anyway?”
“Not that long. I think it’s been maybe a week.” Steve rolled onto his side and looked at Eddie’s profile. It was obviously Eddie, but he looked a bit different. His hair looked rattier, somehow he seemed thinner, and his eyes were more sunken. Steve wanted to be excited to see his lost friend, but something felt wrong, intimidating almost. He remembered how messed up Will was when he returned from the Upside Down, and here’s Eddie, who returned after dying. And after hearing everything that happens with Vecna, he was concerned this was a dream or a hallucination.
Eddie turned his head quickly toward Steve, who suddenly realized he was staring. “Like what you see?” Eddie teased.
Steve looked away quickly, more flustered than he felt he should have been. “Uh… who else knows you’re back?”
Eddie shrugged. “No one, you’re the first.” He flashed a faint smile and turned his attention back to the ceiling.
By his timing, Steve could have guessed that he hadn’t told anyone, but why would he be the first to know? Why not Mike, Lucas, or Dustin? Why him? “I thought for sure you’d tell at least Dustin first.”
“I considered it,” he started, “but I figured, out of everyone, you would be the best at keeping it a secret.”
That only confused Steve further. “Why would you want it a secret?”
“Think about it, Harrington. The whole town wants me dead. If a rumor starts going around that I’m suddenly a demon risen from the grave, there would be a fucking riot, and everyone in the Hellfire club would be in even more danger than they already are.”
Steve sighed and pursed his lips. “You have a point, but I know they would lose their mind if they saw you like this. Plus they adore you, if you tell them to keep it a secret, you know they will.”
“I know they’ll try, but we both know that won’t end well. I want to see them and I want to tell them, but for their own good, I’ll keep my distance for now. I’ll tell them when things settle down a bit.”
“So why even come to me? Why not just stay hidden?”
“Because that’s boring and lonely.”
Steve chuckled. “You did go pretty stir-crazy when you were locked up in that house.”
“No shit, that was awful. Dumbass didn’t have any food.”
“Hadn’t he been in jail for a while?”
Eddie made an indignant rasp in response and roughly turned to his side to face Steve, who was startled by the quick movement. Eddie was lying uncomfortably close. A beam of moonlight crossed his face for a moment. With his solid black eyes, it was hard to make out exactly where he was looking, but Steve felt fairly positive that it was directly into his own eyes. A small twitch and lowering of his lids indicated that his view had shifted lower than Steve’s face.
“I see you still haven’t decided to mow your lawn.”
Steve quickly covered his chest with the sheet. “Dude, what the fuck?!” His heart rate increased with the sudden comment, and he could feel his face get warmer.
Eddie laughed loudly, holding his own chest and rolling onto his back. “Why did you cover your chest like a woman?” he said between breaths.
Steve looked at his hands and released the sheet. “It was reflex,” he defended.
Eddie caught his breath and looked back at a very embarrassed Steve. “Yeah, okay, but seriously you should wax that or something.” He reached forward and scruffed it like you would the hair on someone’s head.
Steve swatted Eddie’s hand away. “I told you, the chicks dig it.”
“You sure about that?”
“Of course.”
“If they like it so much, why are you single?”
Steve stared at him with a look of shock and offense. “That’s not fair. It’s about more than just appearances.”
“Then I guess you’re S.O.L.” Eddie stuck out his tongue.
“I’m about to kick you out.” Steve threatened.
Eddie smirked and, in a flash, he was over Steve once again, hands pressing into the pillow on either side of his head. “I’d like to see you try.” His voice was deeper and raspier and almost sounded like it had an echo.
Steve was frozen in fear. He couldn't do anything except stare up at this warped version of his friend, who was slowly leaning in closer to him. His heart rate sped up. Eddie’s wild hair draped over him like curtains, blocking out the rest of the world. When their noses were at the brink of touching, Eddie redirected his course until his lips were all but resting on Steve’s ear, In his normal voice, he gently and airily whispered into his ear. “I’m just fucking with you.” The slightly warm breath on his ear sent a shiver down Steve’s body. Eddie returned to hovering over Steve with his classic smile.
“Bastard.” Steve swung a punch at Eddie’s chest and was surprised at just how solid he felt. Even though it was a playful punch, he put a small amount of force behind it, enough to at least get him to move a little. But instead, he didn’t even budge, it was like hitting a wall. He may have been intimidated before, but that was when it hit him just how much of a threat Eddie really was. Was this even Eddie anymore? It acts like him, but he was brought back to life from the Upside Down, and nothing good comes out of the Upside Down. He attempted to not show his fear and keep his voice even as he asked, “Can you get off me now?” He failed.
Eddie’s playful smile widened. “I don’t really want to.” By the movement of his eyelids, Steve could assume he was looking down his chest again.
Steve wondered what he was up to. He stiffened when Eddie shot his eyes back to his. “You look pretty hot when you’re scared.”
“I’m not sc-” Steve paused for a second as what Eddie said sunk in. “Wait, what?”
“Man, you’re easy to mess with,” Eddie teased, with a mischievous smile.
Steve had never seen this side of Eddie before. Was it just because they never really had the chance to be alone, or was it the Upside Down talking? Regardless, his heart was racing in a familiar way, and it wasn’t entirely fear. Eddie’s face dropped to a more serious expression as his eyes flit all over Steve’s face. His breathing sped up, making Steve more nervous. Eddie’s eyes seemed to linger around the lower part of Steve’s face. He leaned forward slowly and stopped when their noses just touched. He made hard eye contact and spoke softly, allowing his breath to flow over Steve’s lips. “What if I said I wanted to kiss you right now?”
Steve went pale and could barely speak. “W-what? Why? Since when?” He pressed his head harder into the pillow behind him, putting as much distance as possible between their lips.
Eddie smirked and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Steve let out a faint squeak. Eddie lifted his face away, but remained straddled over him. “Really want to know?” he asked with a gentle, yet oddly intimidating smile.
“Uh, yeah. Why are you suddenly hitting on me?” Steve’s head was pressed so hard into the pillow that it was giving him a double chin.
Eddie snickered. “Oh, Harrington, I’ve been hitting on you since the beginning.” He paused to let out a small laugh. “You’ve just been too dense and caught up with Nancy to notice.”
Steve furrowed his brow. “But you were trying to set me up with Nancy.”
“Yeah...” Eddie looked up at the wall behind Steve. “That kind of sucked. I was just trying to be a good friend. Also, I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. So, that kind of makes me feel like an asshole. But hearing she was taken was great news on my end.” He dropped his head and let his eyes settle back onto Steve’s. If Steve could meld any further with the bed, he tried. “Believe it or not, I don’t condone cheating, so you still being on the market is a relief.” He smiled slyly.
“Not like I haven’t been trying,” Steve said defensively.
“Oh, I know, it’s cute.” Eddie hung his head a little lower, causing his shoulder blades to protrude. His hair tickled Steve’s cheeks. “And are you aware of how much you flirted with me?”
“What?!” Steve nearly shouted and started to lift himself off the pillow, but quickly realized that wasn’t possible without getting dangerously close to Eddie’s face. “I was just being nice.” He settled back to trying to become one with his pillow.
"No, I’ve seen you being nice. You’re nice to Dustin, Robin, Lucas, and Max, you flirt with Nancy and…” He hooded his eyes, locked them on Steve’s, and leaned in ever closer. “...me.”
“There’s no way.” Steve pressed. “I don’t swing that way.” He shook his head, “I don’t care if you do, but it’s just not my scene.”
“Have you ever tried?” Eddie smirked.
“No!” Steve shook his head.
“Then how do you know if it’s not for you?” Eddie tilted his head to the side.
“I’ve never gotten hard from a guy, I think that’s telling enough.”
“Maybe you just haven’t met the right one, I mean, does every girl give you a chub?”
“Well, no. I do have standards.”
“Maybe your standards for men are just higher.” Eddie lifted himself up, allowing Steve to relax a little. Before Steve could protest, Eddie continued, “y’know, when you die, things come into perspective a bit. You regret things. Do you know what was one thing I regretted?” He scanned Steve’s collar and neck before settling his eyes on Steve’s.
Steve lightly shook his head, almost imperceptible.
“Dying a virgin,” Eddie said plainly.
Steve gave him a shocked look. “What? Really?”
Eddie nodded, sighed, and let himself fall off of Steve. He landed on his side and continued to look at Steve’s face. “Looking back, there were at least a few chicks I could have gotten with. I was too dense back then to even notice they were hitting on me, but I was also uninterested. I’d never been interested in any girl to be honest, or any guy for that matter. But then I met you, and my absentminded flirting was being reciprocated.”
Before he could interject, Eddie placed a finger over Steve’s lips.
“That’s when I realized I was gay, and absolutely had a thing for you.”
Steve’s eyes widened. Eddie could feel Steve’s lips twitch under his finger.
“And I’m certain that if you get over yourself and think about it, you’ll feel the same.”
Eddie removed his finger from Steve’s lips with a gentle swipe across them. Steve licked his lips and swallowed. “Um, I-” He couldn’t find the words to follow that.
After waiting a few seconds for him to respond, Eddie continued. “Another thing you realize when you die is that you can’t let opportunities slip by, even if they’re scary or risky.”
Something about those words scared Steve, but also somewhat thrilled him. “I have to be dreaming.” Steve took a deep breath and looked down at Eddie’s torn shirt and leather jacket.
“Let’s say you are.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at him.
Eddie smirked and propped himself up on one arm, leaning over Steve. “If I asked you if you looked at me closer to Robin or Nancy, which would it be?”
Steve stuttered for a second before forming, “I-I guess… Nancy?” Surprised by his own answer, he looked at Eddie with the expression of a dog caught getting into the trash. “But I-” He continued to stutter.
Eddie let out a sigh of relief. “It’s fine.” He said to stop Steve’s panic. “Just relax, why are you so scared of being into a guy?”
“It’s- I just-” He swallowed hard and looked at Eddie, trying to gain composure. “It’s not something I ever considered.”
Eddie smiled softly. “Well, now that you’ve considered it, what do you think?”
“I still don’t know.”
“Heh,” Eddie chuckled, lifting himself higher. “How about we try a little experiment.” His mischievous grin returned. “Y’know, since it’s a dream and all.”
Steve got more nervous as Eddie placed an arm over him, so their faces were aligned, but his body was still to the side of him. “What do you have in mind?” he croaked nervously.
“I guess you could call it a game of chicken.” Eddie’s eyes refused to linger on a single part of Steve and instead were gliding over his entirety as if trying to make an imprint. “You can stop me at any time, and no matter what, I’ll stop.” He placed his hand near Steve’s head and twirled a lock of hair in his fingers. “But if you do,” he looked back at Steve’s eyes. “I won’t return, because if you do, you obviously don’t want me the same way I want you.” Eddie took a deep breath and swallowed. “Do you understand?”
Steve’s eyes were impossibly wide, and he gave a small nod.
“Good.” Eddie shifted his weight, so he could use the hand he was leaning on to cup Steve’s cheek. His rings were cold against Steve’s skin as he slowly leaned in, his breathing was heavy and rapid. Once again, his hair shut out their surroundings. He paused right before their lips touched. “You aren’t stopping me, Harrington” His lips barely grazed over Steve’s as he spoke.
“I know.” Steve squeaked.
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yrlocalghost · 2 months
man i love flowey so much, i don’t think i ever realized just how funny he is when i was a teenager. i love that he save scums. i love that he gets mad when you interrupt his monologue. i love that he talks like an anime villain because he thinks frisk is chara and is playing the world’s longest game of edgy oc playground roleplaying. he has the strongest cain instinct i have ever seen. he projects like crazy. he is an incredibly sore loser. i love him
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minty364 · 2 months
DPXDC Prompt #58 Part 3
Gotham Academy High School was the sort of school where almost everyone was elite in some way or another. Some of them were from old money like Damian who held himself up to a very high standard in his academics and was the top of the class. Others from new money like Dash and the rest of his cohorts became very hateful of somebody like Danny who was given a scholarship by Bruce Wayne, in their eyes Danny was taking advantage of Damian not even knowing that Damian approached Danny for companionship two years ago.
This also meant that everyone including the teachers would compare Danny and Damian to each other even though they weren’t brothers. That didn’t matter though as Danny was associated with them so that was all the reason they needed.
Danny groaned as he sunk into the seat next to Damian. The lunchroom was filled with chatting students and Danny was glad he shared the next class with Damian, which happened to be English. Dash never bothered Danny when Damian was around, probably because Damian had threatened the jock. How he was threatened Danny didn’t know, Damian never told him what happened and he was a little scared to ask. 
The guy hadn’t stopped harassing Danny since he and Jazz transferred a couple years ago. The school year had barely begun and Dash had made Danny his primary target like he was making up for lost time over the summer. Danny sighed as he dropped his paper bagged lunch on the table with a little plop. Jazz had packed for him this morning hopefully before his parents arrived and contaminated the entire kitchen.
“Dash again?” his sister asked across the table, she was seated next to Tim.
“I was paired against him in dodgeball again,” Danny lamented, his head resting on his arms that were crossed on the table.
“Danny, could you just talk to Mr. Lancer or something?” Jazz asked before she took a bite from her sandwich.
Danny sighed again and unpacked his lunch, “I have but no one will listen! They all act like I’m lying or something.” The teachers at this school probably wouldn’t listen to a charity case like him. Dash was a football player and had plans to become captain of the team. Everyone at the school loved Dash and it was precisely why everyone except maybe the four students at the table they were seated looked down and sometimes even bullied Danny.
Danny ignored it all eventually, it was better just to let the jock tire himself out. 
Once Danny and Damian finished eating they made their way to English. Luckily it was easy to carry the material for a class that only required a small binder and whatever book they were reading, in this case it was ‘gone with the wind’. Danny didn’t really care about reading old literature like this but he did what he had to maintain the grades he had. He’d endure anything, even Dash’s bullying, to become an astronaut.
Danny could hardly concentrate today through his afternoon classes. For some reason he had a bad feeling that something was going to happen. He tried his best to ignore it, he was probably just tired or something. Soon the school day was out and Danny packed up whatever homework he had for the day and headed outside to wait with Jazz. Damian and Tim were probably wrapping up their classes. Tim had an AP class that ran an extra 30 minutes and Damian’s last class was art, they were doing a painting and it wasn’t unusual for Damian to finish up what he was working on as he found out over the last few years that he enjoyed painting.
“… Do you think it’ll work?” Jazz asked a hint of hesitation in her voice. Danny knew she was talking about the portal, the both of them had talked about it before. Danny glanced over at his sister, he could tell she was having trouble sleeping lately, her face looked tired and her posture was stiff with her arms crossed in front of her. Both of them had anxiety about the possibilities the portal possessed, and they were especially worried that their parents wouldn’t take it well if the portal didn’t work. 
He was equally concerned that it would work. “I hope not…” he said eventually. It was something that brought the siblings closer as the whole of their family fell apart. How their parents managed to pull off getting the funding in the first place seemed to be a miracle. Everyone called their parents crazy and dismissed all of their science as ludicrous garbage.
Danny wondered how they even managed to stay under Batman's radar, he thought that something like this would be cause for the vigilante to look into it but maybe the thought of ghosts was just that outlandish that even the dark knight himself thought it to be crazy too. Danny himself didn’t believe in anything his parents published, some of the papers even seemed to be biased somehow, even though his parents hadn’t ever actually encountered a ghost. That last part was probably the reason no one bothered to actually investigate his parents, there wasn’t really much to investigate.
The siblings waited in silence and eventually Tim and Damian showed up after their classes and the four headed to Alfred waiting by the car. 
If anyone tried to start a conversation with Danny he wasn’t paying attention. If he was being honest, his parents' portal scared him a lot. He wasn’t sure why he felt so nervous about it, both him and Jazz renounced the thought that ghosts could exist. Something deep down in his guts told him that he should turn and run, that what his parents were attempting was taboo and that his parents were tampering with forces unimaginable. 
No one was going to listen to a fourteen year old though so Danny kept his feelings to himself and ignored them. 
Soon they were pulled in front of their apartment and true to their word, Damian and Tim asked Alfred to park nearby. Danny and Jazz took a hesitant glance at each other as they walked into the house. 
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starlightsylph · 19 days
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Ashara Venaris | Wood Elf Ranger | Doomed by the Narrative
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twiyke · 6 months
i hope fnc never actually becomes canon i want those stupid bitches in homoerotic gay subtext hell forever. anyway do you think since chip is technically divorced now that's why gillion called him pookie or
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varpusvaras · 4 months
Lying on his back and watching the stars above him, on a far away moon he doesn't remember the name of anymore, Commander Cody dies only a few months into the Clone Wars.
He wakes up soon after, and tries again, after receiving a gift he didn't realise he had asked for.
Where suns rise and stars fall, there is light
For @codyday2224! Happy Cody Day!
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evilrat-sabre · 9 months
Welcome to first edition of “I Prefer my Tango Dead” (and undead), where we compile the whole-ass genre of fics that start out by murdering our specialist little boy. :D (That or he’s an entity of some sort piloting around a meat suit, it’s close enough…)
Random Ao3 commenter: Why is there so many fics where the author kills Tango?
Us: yes.
This beautiful list is provided to you by EvilRat and @azzayofchaos, have fun!
In this list we compiled 19 fics(and counting) that "kill" Tango Tek some way or another, he isn't the main character in all the fics(In some he only appears in a single chapter), but he is dead. Have fun!
Random questioner: How do you decide Tango is dead?
Me: Idk man me and Karma(Azzay) just scream in each others DMs
Karma: It's weird, sometimes being a robot counts, sometimes not.
We have some tags for the type of "dead" Tango is.
List of Tags: Robot Tango / Tango is riding a corpse / Other / Ghost Tango / Zombie Tango / Vampire Tango / Skulk Tango / Came-back wrong, Tango.
If you know a fic that Tango is "dead", feel free to dm me or send in a ask. This list is only growing and we will not stop updating it.
TW: This contains spoilers! Tango being dead a lot of times is a twist in the story. And pls read the tags(On AO3), this is for fun and giggles, but the fics here have a great range of differences, some are silly and/or gay as fuck and other are straight dead dove level. Take care!
Now the list!
Name: Cause we are whole 
Author: oooFFFF
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26516443/chapters/64628272 
Tags: Robot Tango
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: Centipede Tango Tek AU - CTT
Author: EvilRat_Sabre(Me!! It’s Me!!)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3513412
Tags: Tango is riding a corpse, Zombie Tango.
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: Death Walks Among Us   
Author: CrazyCatMeow
Tags: Other
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: Little Wing
Author: AstronautBeans
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40400055 
Tags: Ghost Tango???? (More like, angry-temporarily removed from his body spirit Tango!)
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: A Ghost Story
Author: Lemobread
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46499830/chapters/117085444 
Tags: Yuri (Ghost) Tango 
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: The Funeralverse
Author: BaronetCoins
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3448636 
Tags: Ghost Tango
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: The 8th Bureau
Author: sleepyrinas
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35120695/chapters/87490417 
Tags: Ghost Tango (but it’s a secret!) 
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: The Highwayman
Author: EnvelopedByOblivion
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41494137/chapters/104061684 
Tags: Came-back wrong, Tango. 
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: Until you’re in my arms again, remember me.
Author: dextonhuk
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3588244
Tags: Ghost Tango 
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: The Ghost ship
Author: CrazyCatMeow
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42089364/chapters/105669753
Tags: Ghost Tango
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: Ark of Souls
Author: MawoftheMagnetar
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37790677/chapters/94354363
(Beware of the tags in this one, only read if you are in a good mental space, I REPEAT BE SAFE)
Tags: Other
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: It’s All Gone To Rust
Author: EntropicThyme
Tags: Robot Tango
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: You Could’ve Applied Online
Author: Anonymous 
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47834815/chapters/120593158 
Tags: other?? 
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: Lifeline AU
Author: SlashMagpie
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3156309 
Tags: Other
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: The Worst Birthday Present
Author: Fire_Cat
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46149859 
Tags: Vampire Tango
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: Maybe I knew
Author: blueticked
Tags: Vampire Tango
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: Grow Them In The Cracks In The Sidewalk
Author: EntropicThyme
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47157094
Tags: Tango is riding a “corpse,” Robot Tango.
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: Takes Two To Tango
Author: EchoVoyd
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48637576/chapters/122688430
Tags: Robot Tango, Zombie Tango??? Skulk Tango.
o==[]::::::::::::::::> T <::::::::::::::::[]==o
Name: Unwillingly Dancing Thought Life
Author: CrazyCatMeow
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43073664
Tags: “tango’s having a time” other.
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beelzebby666 · 4 months
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Day 4: Heart Have an accompanying song as well. @organsoutsidelovinglydescribed
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I think Vamos and Vaya's whole philosophy surrounding death can be summed up as "Well, at the end of the day someone's always gonna come pick you up, so you might as well spend your life meeting different people and having fun, so that no matter where you end up in the afterlife you'll be surrounded by people you know" which is not bad per se, but it does make them seem severely insensitive whenever someone does die and they simply gloss over it like it doesn't matter
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fox-graves · 9 months
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Fortune, fortune, smiling fate I haven't seen you much of late Need you now, cannot wait But when I look, you're not around
Sinners - Barns Courtney
Session 0 of Asim's story started off with his death/Undeath. His body didn't even hit the ground before he was reawakened to finish his paladin duties.
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lovedbz1 · 10 months
Hi hi! New fic! A fic I promised @mersei47 a long time ago (Like 4 months ago) ((This was ☹️ btw))
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marble Hornets, Slender Man Mythos Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jay Merrick & Brian Thomas | Hoody, Jay Merrick & Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky Characters: Jay Merrick, Timothy "Tim" Wright | Masky, Brian Thomas | Hoody Additional Tags: Alex Kralie mention, Jessica Locke mention, Major Character Undeath, Blood and Injury, Jay still gets shot, Jay Merrick Lives, Brian Thomas | Hoody Lives, ? - Freeform, or do they, Tim is PISSED, POV Brian Thomas, Canon-Typical Violence, No beta we die like Jay, lol, Again maybe he lives, Don't Worry About It, Jam if you squint - Freeform, Bray if you squint harder, Bram if you squint so hard your eyes are practically shut, I couldn't think of a squinting thing for Brim without ruining the flow of it so that's there too Summary:
What can you do when you've barely been conscious the past 7 years and are finally snapped back to reality when your friend is shot practically right in front of you? You have to save his life. You just have to. Or at least you have to try. Try and make up for the hell you caused him.
Brian must save Jay, and in turn, himself.
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