#can be read as platonic <3
aesterblaster · 1 year
Might sound messed up but I headcannon that characters like Rin cry veryy messily. He rarely lets his emotion show, he's literally all those toxic memes about men not needing to cry rolled up into one...but when he does he is absolutely sobbing, i'm talking face red, eyes super puffy, needing to wipe his face a bajillion times, voice cracking. You just gotta hug him when he cries because boy oh boy does he not do it often for a reason.
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automatonknight · 1 year
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id: two digital drawings of a humanoid character and an old, beige desktop computer on a solid, black background. the humanoid creature has a sort of spiky ball of light for a head and its body is covered in wings-they’re on its ankles and arms, as well as two pairs on its back. floating around its head there are smaller, yellow and orange stars. the crature itself is white with light pink and blue accents.
on the first drawing, to the left, the winged creature is holding the computer in its lap, leaning its head close to its monitor, which is displaying a drawing of the sun. its wallpaper shows grassy fields and a blue sky. the computer tower is floating neraby and the computer’s mouse is swung over the creature’s shoulder. one of the wires forms a heart and the computer is shown singing four notes. the characters are slightly turned away from the viewer.
on the other drawing, the creature is upside down, laying on its back with its legs propped up on the monitor. one of its arms is under its head, holding the computer mouse and the other is touching the monitor. this time, the computer’s wallpaper is an abstract drawing showing dark blue waves. there are two windows open-one is playing a song and the other is displaying a photo of a daisy in a grassy field. the computer tower is once again nearby. here, the characters are facing the viewer. end id
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laloward · 7 months
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[Image description: a drawing of Wyll and Karlach from Baldur's Gate 3, posed like they're taking a selfie together and showing off their location, which is in Hell with a skeleton burning behind them. They are both grinning and holding cigars between their teeth. Overlaid text reads "on vacation" followed by a heart emoji. End ID]
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kroosluvr · 2 months
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yusuke kitagawa endeavors to draw the people he loves - the phantom thieves (and company).
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fuumiku · 2 months
Chilcille huh... ngl I was a little suspicious. like why would you do that, huh... hope youre not mischaracterizing anyone in your weird and wacky ship. a little weird. but then you said they both had flat asses and you know what? I salute you and your perfect characterization
The fact you seem to think you managed to not make this ask insulting is baffling. What the hell. Fuck off.
If you actually care to be open minded about the ship, I talk about marchil on my sideblog 24/7. Funnily enough I’m currently 4k words deep into an analysis of their character arc together in canon, but that’ll take some more days to get done. Some notable posts:
Of course without counting the analyses of Chilchuck on his own I’ve made, like my masterpost on his family situation. Or better yet you could also read my fics for them, see how weird and wacky they are here.
Wanna talk about mischaracterisation? They’re literally a comedic duo who interacts 24/7. Marchil is crazy bc ppl are like "did those shipper read with their eyes CLOSED?? They have no chemistry!" Meanwhile canon is like: "She’s obsessed with knowing everything she can about him and she reads him like a book." In her eyes he’s like that extra rare and hard and shiny unlockable dating sim character, that brooding mysterious character trope that’s thrilling to crack open and typically is at the center of the plot. The wife roleplay???? "Hey, did you know his type is blondes. Hey did you know he likes his women pretty and blonde. Hey did you know he likes her hair. Hey did you know that he teases her 24/7 and it’s one of the few things that consistently gets him grinning because he finds her reactions cute." Like a schoolyard bully pulling on the pigtails of the girl he likes.
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It’s not like they have any thematic narratives or relevance. It’s not like she’ll live to 1000 and has existential dread about it while he’s logically gonna be her next friend to die at 50 and wether it’s romantic or platonic it’ll terrify her to lose him. It’s not like it’s fear of death x fear of rejection so they’re both obsessed with the thought of loss looming, past and ongoing. It’s not like it’s half-elf x half-foot and there’s an inherent journey that was and still is to dispel prejudices and truly come to see each other. It’s not like he’s painfully real and raw and flawed but still a good man, that he’s not the figure of prince charming that she’s always dreamed of while still being virtuous and worth fighting for. Or you know, her hair being golden and it being the epitome of beauty to him, and his hair turning silver and it being Marcille’s worst nightmare.
Just a weird wacky ship who means nothing but shallow things to people who have weirdo reasons for liking it. Like can you not. If you’re not imaginative enough to think of reasons why this ship may have an appealing dynamic that’s not my issue. But yes, yes, they’re both flat asses to me, thanks.
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jakearison · 6 months
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Reasons why agent 4 should have been in splat3: a thread (1/278)
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berryless · 6 months
"What, want me to ruffle your feathers?" Tav asked with a smirk when she caught him staring, as if she didn't ruffle enough of his feathers prior to this moment—figuratively speaking, most unfortunately.
The owlbear's cub sprawled on its stomach beside her, head on her lap as it was cooing something. Given how eagerly it butted into her hand, rather obvious what it was after.
He took a step back, arms raised as he refused, "I'll abstain for tonight. Afraid the competition's too fierce for me to win this fight without any losses. Tomorrow, though…"
He let some hope into his voice, tone laced thick with promise.
Astarion looked at Tav, waiting for her answer, and she nodded to him with a smile on her lips.
"Wonderful. I'll be awaiting then. Most eagerly."
So easy.
Too easy.
He should've known better, but perhaps he was momentarily blinded that she'd finally given up keeping her distance.
Tav played with his hair for a good part of the evening, and Astarion tolerated it—the experience was quite enjoyable, if he was to be honest, but those weren't headpats that he was after. Finally the time came to take the heavy weapons against her, those that he was most proficient at using. Those that hardly ever betrayed him. And he needed Tav to not betray him either. To protect him, when hardly anyone in the camp was terribly happy about having a vampire in their midst. If Cazador… When Cazador… Even though Astarion didn't need to breathe anymore, the air staled in lungs when he thought about this. He needed Tav—and everyone else she have eating out of the palm of her adorable little hand—to stay on his side when that happens. Because as convenient as it may've been, out of many advantages the worm gave him, making his master forget about his existence wasn't one of them.
Her fingers raked his hair and scratched his scalp, sending him into shivers as Astarion couldn't help but lower his guard a notch. He wasn't an inexperienced youngling, still wet behind his ears. He wouldn't miss the change in her touch when it was most familiar to him. It would be rather convenient for Tav to hold his neck or slide her fingers under the lacing of his shirt, so Astarion expected that. Ears too were a good starting point… Lips, perhaps, if she was feeling adventurous for a sharp touch of his fangs…
He turned to the side, forehead pressed against Tav's stomach to let her get to the back of his head. Then turned again, face buried in her lap.
As tedious the pointless waiting went, this kind of foreplay was not without its pleasures. If she were to continue fondling the rest of him in same manner, Astarion wouldn't mind much. If anything, the thought was getting him rather excited, albeit weary in a similar way any kind of sex did. But it was familiar kind of wear he was most used to, so Astarion was slipping into it with ease like one would into old boots they've long been donning. Perhaps the heels were stooped a bit from years of use, and the laces were frayed and brittle, but those were the boots he'd worn for as long as he could remember. He didn't have a spare, if there even existed a spare the likes of him could afford.
Finally Tav's hand stopped, resting on his neck as she barely moved her big finger against the edge of his hairline.
He knew it was coming, and yet a part of him was strangely disappointed.
Well, no point dwelling on it.
Finally it was his turn to…
"Think I'm spent for the evening. My hand's cramping. Want to lie down for a little while longer, or you'd prefer to rest on something more comfortable than my lap?"
Her question came most unexpectedly. At first Astarion thought he heard it wrong. But when he raised his head to check Tav's face, there was nothing special on it, like she was asking something mundane, barely worth of notice. And it was a rather mundane thing to ask. If you weren't expecting anything else to follow.
She wasn't.
It stunned him when Astarion realized that.
Thankfully it lasted barely a moment, and then his instincts kicked in.
"Why? I find your lap a rather enjoyable place to rest my head on."
'It would be even better if you were to let me put it between your legs, but I suppose I wouldn't get much rest then,' was supposed to follow, but somehow it got stuck in his throat. He couldn't even say why at first.
Because she wasn't flirting. Because it wasn't foreplay. Because she just offered to ruffle his feathers in a most simple, primitive, childish way possible, and never planned to stretch the invitation to something more salacious and titillating.
Ruffled his feathers she did.
With much too fervor.
Astarion hardly remembered the way he traveled back into his tent and what he said in the process. Surely it was something appropriate for the occasion, he could trust the habits beaten into his skull by years of use.
No wonder she agreed so easily. He must've been blind not to notice.
He laid down, curled into a ball, sulking—for what, Astarion couldn't tell.
Perhaps it irked him that his plans fell through, and the cooked duck flew away from his mouth when he was so close to biting into it. What else could've been the issue otherwise?
But most strangely, a tightness in his stomach loosened as soon as he was left alone. He breathed with ease, warm ticklish touch of Tav's fingers lingering on his skin.
From what..?
He didn't know.
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room-of-lies · 1 year
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It wasn't the first time he had said it. No, not by a long shot.
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moth--blood · 1 year
hc 2012!Casey has the WORST case of cuteness aggression you've ever seen
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half of his energy goes to beating up Purple Dragons and half of it goes to lovingly wishing harm on his friends <3
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hajihiko · 1 year
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you know I had to do it (to em) <- link
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sleepyzukka · 1 day
text posts :3
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had these laying around… i’ll make more one day but i’m sooo tired rn i’m gonna collapse
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daughterofthequeen · 1 year
Incorrect Quote:
(Based after season 3 episode 2 so spoilers in a way)
*Bo-Katan and Din on the ground after she saves him from drowning with Y/n kneeling over Din to make sure he’s ok*
*Grogu staring at Din and Bo-Katan in concern while Y/n runs back over to put her face back into the water*
Bo-Katan: Kid get out of there!
*Y/n with her head finally out of the water staring straight ahead sitting on her knees not moving an inch of her body*
Y/n: Oh. My. Maker.
Din: Y/n are you okay?
Y/n: *Calmly* A beast so large and so long it rivals cities. A species so old they were known as a myth. The original natives of this amazing once beautiful planet, the Mythosaur.
Bo-Katan: *Whispering* Is she okay? Where is she going with this?
Din: *Whispering back* Idk this is the first time this has happened, just roll with it.
Y/n: The species that is only heard of in stories, an amazing creature thought extinct. Right under us in these mystic waters.
Y/n: . . . .
Bo-Katan: 😑
Din: *sighs*
Bo-Katan: She does know that a mythosaur is a predator that would eat her given the chance right?
Din: Unclear.
*Y/n running around*
Din: She loves animals.
Bo-Katan: I see.
Grogu: *Staring and cooing in worry*
Y/n: *Starting to run towards the water* IM GONNA HUG IT
Din: NO!!!
Bo-Katan: NO!!!
*Din carrying Y/n over his shoulder after her almost giving him a heart attack*
Y/n: *😭😭😭* But I want to give it looove.
Din: *😒🙄* It’s a killer.
Din: *sighs* Come on Grogu.
Grogu: *Coos in agreement*
*Bo-Katan talking to Grogu*
Bo-Katan: You have a weird family
Grogu: Tell me about it.
Bo-Katan: *😳*
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phonkscribes · 2 months
The Quiet Part of the Library
In which a little Vergil goes to the library to read as he does, only to find a little Reader there in his spot. Childish shenanigans ensue. Reader is gender neutral, & a little older and taller than baby verge. Headcanons to be released for the Reading Reader...
He usually came by himself to the library, when he wanted to escape his younger brother and find himself alone. The library was peaceful, quiet. The librarian was kind to him, and no one bothered him when he wanted to be left to the words scribed in the texts he’d pick up into his small hands. Opening the old hard covers to press his thumb along the pages, Vergil found comfort in reading the stanzas of the poems he indulged in, a part of him hearing his father’s voice in the back of his mind as he went about it. He was hoping to hear him again while Sparda remained absent from his and his brother’s life. The elder twin just didn’t anticipate seeing someone there in his usual spot. 
And that wouldn’t stand. 
Already he had to fight with his brother over his things since he just loved to steal and take what was his, but now his most cherished space? He wouldn’t be backing down, in fact, he’d make this person leave. This was his, and rightfully he would be fighting for it. You had a book of your own in your lap, held delicately and with care when you heard a whiny voice screech at you from above. A quick glance upwards showed you the source, a boy with silver hair and stark blue eyes. As blue as the sky. 
“Could you leave? This is my spot”, he had proclaimed to you, puffing his little chest out as he looked down at you. He had a sort of princely air to him, arrogant and demanding. So snooty. Who was he, and what right did he have to claim this area as his own? You furrowed your brow before closing your book, already marking where you had last left off. You were here first, and it’s always been first come, first serve. 
“No, I got here before you. You should just find some other place to read”, you replied before lifting your hand to shoo him away, like some kind of stray. 
Vergil couldn’t have been more offended by the gesture. If it were Dante, he could easily throw a punch or start fighting right here and right now, but he respected the library and what this place had become for him. He wouldn’t defile it over some petty little fight… and yet, he didn’t like that he was to be made to let some stranger sit where he liked to sit. One could suppose that it was the little devil in him wanting to protect his territory, or perhaps it’s the stubbornness a child has when they want something they can’t have. Either way, he refuses to budge, shaking his head to further express his point. 
“I’ve been here plenty of times before, and not once have I ever seen you. Leave now or else I’ll make you”, spoke the little prince. You could hardly believe it. You were three years his senior, but he was already pulling rank on you, what if he got the librarian involved? You didn’t want any trouble, especially one that could get you booted out of here, but you also didn’t like the way that he was talking to you. Especially when it felt like he was looking down on you, even when he was standing and you were sitting down. 
“So? I’ve been here plenty of times before too, why do I have to leave just because it’s your spot?”, you argued. Vergil frowned when you weren’t getting up to leave like he had asked you, his frustration visible as he took a step closer to you, threatening to take action directly. If he had to push you out, then he would. He didn’t want to share, but he hadn’t actually wanted to get physical. You could tell the librarian and then he’d get in trouble, and the thought of the librarian getting mad with him put a weight on his shoulders that he didn’t want to experience in full. 
The step that he took makes you tense up a little, pulling your knees into your chest as you glare up at him with all the indignance you could muster. You wanted this little boy to go away, to leave already. Why couldn’t he just leave you alone? Why did he have to be so difficult? 
“...”, noticing the change in your body language, Vergil takes another step, smirking as he goes. 
Boys could be really mean, you knew this, but was he actually going to hurt you? Over staying in his spot? Jerk. Pursing your lips together, your own frustration leads you to standing up finally to leave. Fine, if he wanted this so badly, you’d just go somewhere else. You could always return whenever he’d leave. Vergil looks up at you as he sees just how much taller you are than him, and yet you didn’t think to use your height against him? Seeing you now, the smirk falls from his face as he watches you grit your jaw. 
“Fine, if you want it so bad then you can have it!”, you shove past him, since he was in your way. Walking hurriedly through the shelves, your fleeting form passes him by as he remains where he was, watching you go before huffing. About time… and as he walks over to sit where you once were, the victory doesn’t feel as good as he thought it would. It was warm where you were, not cold like it would’ve been had he arrived first. He had seen the wetness in your eyes just as you left. 
Dante didn’t cry when he would have his bouts with his brother, were you so weak that you couldn’t fight back? Clearly you were larger, and probably stronger too, so why didn’t you? As he looked down at his own book, the thought wouldn’t leave his mind. Why did he care? You were an obstacle in his path, and he simply had to move you to the side so that he could get what he wanted. A frown had formed on his face where a smile should’ve been now that he could finally begin to read. Instead of his father’s voice, he heard his mother’s, chastising him for not playing nice. 
If she had seen the scene unfold, she would’ve made him apologize or something of that sort. She was always telling him how he had to learn to play nice with others, that it would be important for him. Vergil sighed, bringing a hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose before allowing the hand to run up to push back his silvery locks. He couldn’t read when this was sitting on his consciousness, it would bug him, and then his brother would poke at him about it which would lead to him confessing this to his mother at one point or another. How troublesome… what would father do? 
The right thing. 
And that… would be to apologize… but he didn’t do anything wrong! You were some stranger, a no body! What were the chances that he’d even see you again? He came here to read, not to socialize,he got enough of that done with his brother. He was rather tired of having to deal with Dante constantly, especially when his younger brother made it his mission to pester him daily. You weren’t as terrible as Dante, he supposed, you actually left and obeyed him after a bit of pushing. There comes that nagging feeling again as he reflects on it a little more. 
He couldn’t focus anymore, his concentration led astray as he glanced up ahead, annoyed with this predicament he had created for himself. Vergil could scarcely recall what he had read anyway. He’ll come to see you tomorrow, when he can muster up the words to say. As he got up to leave, he remembered your face again, the expression you made when he had successfully managed to chase you out. You were on the verge of tears, he hadn’t ever seen anyone look so upset before in his life, not even in drawings or in paintings around the manor. It only twisted at him some more. 
Where were you right now? Not crying, he’d hoped. That would be pathetic, and he’d rather not see you again while you were doing that. 
But you’d gone home by the time he had left, carrying your book with you and thinking about how much that instance irritated you. Your cheeks bloomed with color, flushed as you fumed about that stupid prince of a boy. Why didn’t you put up more of a fight? Why didn’t you do something? The questions come as you find yourself back home, to be answered when you were likely to see him again back in that place. No matter, you’d come earlier next time, so that he wouldn’t be there to usher you out. Next time, you’d be better prepared. 
And so the next time came for when you arrived back at that library, seated back in that very same spot. 
Another book was picked out, and your knees were pulled into your chest again as you poured over it within your lap, propped up and open by your hands. You enjoyed works of fiction, of derring-do tales with heroes and heroines, monsters slain by a hero with a sword. Currently, you were sitting on the part where the hero meets with the antagonist for the first time, their meeting having been alluded to in the first chapter. Your eyes were blown wide in anticipation, holding onto every word as they began to fight, brushing their swords together… when a shadow draped itself over you again. You hadn’t noticed it– him–, until he had cleared his throat to get your attention. 
How long has it been? You had lost track of time while drifting amongst the pages…
“You again…”, you glanced up as he spoke, letting your eyes sit on him for a moment. 
He seemed lost, unsure of what to say until you relinquished your hold to return back to your book. Were the two of you within the scene right now, you’re sure that the characters of this story would’ve much disliked this interruption as well. Things were just getting good too! The boy gathers himself again before he resumes his train of thought. 
“What are you doing here?”, he asks. In my spot. 
Who ever decided that it was his spot? Did the librarian permit this? 
You ignore him, picking up on the sentence you had last read. Hopefully, he’ll get the hint this time and leave you be. If you could ignore him for long enough, then maybe he’d go away on his own. That’s what you had hoped would happen. The little prince glared as you pointedly ignored him. He didn’t want to say that, he didn’t mean to have asked you that as it was blatantly obvious, but the words had tumbled out before he knew what he was saying. Why had you returned here, knowing that this area belonged to him? 
“I know you heard me”, he says, his brow furrowing as you go on about your story. 
Right now, the hero and the villain were having an intense moment, a speech about ideals being traded amongst the other. The hero was in the right, they always were, but the villain was telling him about how he needed to get stronger. That he could not ever hope to defeat him if he didn’t seek to do the same; that he would never be bested if he didn’t have the strength to do so. The hero had lost in the end, but his fight was far from over. Your gaze softens, the story would be over too soon if the hero had won, but you were looking forward to the antagonist losing the battle. You turn the page to see what happens next, but you don’t get that chance as the book is torn from your hands. 
“Hey!”, you look up to him finally. 
He looks just as smug as he had on that day, where the two of you met. He held it back and away from you, smirking as he went. This was something that he was so used to having happened to him, the feeling of doing it to another was inexplicably rewarding. Holding this over you gave him a sense of power, and as you sit there powerless, he takes a moment to glance at the cover. It’s different from what he would typically read, not that it was any less interesting. 
“Give that back!”, you got up again to reach for it, only for him to take a step back with it still in his reach. Your movements are sluggish, hesitant. Could it be this is your first time ever having to fight for anything? Vergil scoffs. 
“If you want it… then you’ll have to take it”, but you already knew that. 
You make a face, and he expects you to play into his game. 
You just wanted to read in peace, just as he did, but now things have ended up like this. Your height isn’t so daunting as the motivated look behind your eyes. You meet him finally, hands balled up at either side, before you swiftly lift your leg. You didn’t want to have to resort to violence, but it was clear to you that he wouldn’t have listened to parley. Fully expecting him to gasp and fall to the floor in a heap, you’re disturbed to find that he only staggers somewhat, more taken back that you would actually hit him rather than the pain that comes with that delicate area. He looks surprised, but his guard is lowered for just a moment, long enough for you to take your book back. It comes out with ease as you take a step back, away from him with your eyes held wide and alert. 
He looks like he means to stop you, reaching to you as you leave him again, hurriedly at that this time. It isn’t how he had planned for things to go. He was going to apologize, he was, but then you looked at him and he lost it. Vergil grunts as he punches the side of a shelf with his tiny fist. He’ll find you again, upon your next meeting, he won’t be burdened by the guilt he thought he had for you. The library was a place for him to leave that sort of thing behind, so that he might have peace of mind. How is that you’re tearing that a part for him too? 
He’s too curious to drop it, and too curious to leave it be and to find another spot to read. He wants to see you again, to let you have it. He just hopes that he can keep you as a secret from his brother. Sparda knows that he’ll never let him hear the end of it. Vergil glances over his shoulder as he hears someone approach him from behind, thinking it to be you, only to see the librarian appear. At first, he thought that he might be in trouble, but the old man only asks if he’s alright after that little fight with his friend. 
“We aren’t friends..! As if I’d ever be friends with– ugh…”, what is this feeling of nausea that’s hitting him suddenly? Is the thought of being that person’s friend truly so revolting? It couldn’t possibly have been from that kick to his groin. He’s not that weak… but he’ll have to try that move on Dante just to see. 
When Vergil eventually returns to the library within the next week, he happens across you again, just as you’re about to go to the spot that the two of you like. He liked it first, but he insists that you stole it. He can’t fathom you having been here before him. Your eyes met his, and his met yours. He stares longer, and for a second, he’s reminded of the warmth that he stole from you when you two first met. You don’t like having him stare at you so intently, so you’re the first to break eye contact. 
“... You can have it this time”, you state solemnly, not wanting to fight with this boy again. 
“No”, he finally says before he moves his eyes to the floor, “You… can stay this time. I won’t make you leave”, he tells you. 
“What? Why? I thought this was your spot?”, you’re about to argue but he grabs your hand and leads you along, dragging you a bit over to where you would ordinarily find yourself seated at. Why the sudden change of heart? Vergil doesn’t say anything to you as he expects you to sit down after you rightfully yank your hand out of his. He was being weird, not that he wasn’t weird already. But now he was being weirder than before, and twice as annoying. 
“We can read here together, I’m allowing this, since you won’t leave…”, he says, with some indignation. This boy reminds you of the villain of your story… the both of them act similarly in a way that you can’t place. Now you won’t be harassed while trying to read, but you don’t even know his name. You tell him yours first, and he seems confused at first. 
“That’s my name, so tell me yours”
Why would you want to know that? For a moment, he was sure that you would’ve been more satisfied that he was allowing you to take residence within his space, but now you’re inquiring about his name. Like the two of you could be friends… or something like that. 
“Vergil”, he says. 
“Like the poet?”, you ask, and then… right there, the idea strikes him as one that is possible. 
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vasito-de-leche · 4 months
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;R1999 HORROPEDIA - "night terrors"
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Horropedia x Reader. 2.3 words. fluff, comfort Everyone knows better than to intrude on Horropedia's all-nighters and horror film marathons - even so, he doesn't mind interruptions, not if it's you. Maybe these movies can wait.
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writing for Horropedia is the real nightmare bc all I wanna do is expand on little headcanons I have about him, so I end up losing the entire plot and reason I started the oneshot in the first place
EITHER WAY its done <3 another one for the sleepytime saga
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The clock reads 3:00 AM - the witching hour begins now.
The weather outside seems to agree with him. Darkness falls over the wilderness that surrounds the house, with thick, grey clouds above and just the right amount of rain and wind. Enough to set a proper atmosphere for a horror movie marathon, but not as to distract him with the constant banging of windows and doors being closed shut.
Horropedia feels around the table for his snacks, eyes glued to the screen in front of him, the only source of light in his room. He's chosen one of his favorite films to begin with and ease himself into a long list of terrible B-movie slashers.
It's hard to eat popcorn when all he can focus on is reciting the dialogue from memory, in perfect harmony with the characters. Some kernels fall to the ground, entirely forgotten. The title drops with a bright, bloody font and the music swells up. He feels right at home.
But then, he hears it.
Faint steps. A gentle knock on his door.
Is this it? Is this the moment he waited for all these years? To live through some unusual and inexplicable event? Oh, but it's not even his birthday!
Horropedia pauses the movie and clears his throat. "Yes? Who is it?"
The door slowly creaks open. He swears it was locked.
There's no one outside in the empty hallway.
Silence settles in and his mind begins to race. It's too late for any of his usual guests - neither Tooth Fairy nor Blonney would go out of their way to find him at this hour. By now, everyone should be asleep. Even the more rebellious and nocturnal guests preferred to mind their business as soon as the night came.
The smile on Horropedia's face widens at this. He doesn't know who could be out there at this ungodly hour, trying to lure him outside, but he wanted to find out badly.
All he needs to do is follow the script. Oh, but what sort of protagonist could he play? There was a big difference between an innocent question like "Who's out there?" and a demand like "Show yourself!"
Full of giddy energy, Horropedia opens his mouth, ready to deliver his best performance, when a small voice interrupts him.
"Oh, thank fuck, you're actually awake."
A familiar head peeks out from the door frame - it's you, his partner in crime! The disappointment on his face must be visible even in this light, because he hears you huff in immediate protest. Horropedia sighs, long and hard, feeling his soul leave his body.
"Hey, come on. Can I come in or not?"
"You already know the answer to that," Horropedia crawls back onto the sofa, dropping face down onto the pillows and blankets with loud thud. First you make his heart leap in vain, and now you want to ask unnecessary questions?
Perhaps he wasn't clear enough in previous interactions with you - but as his partner in crime and closest confidant, you should know better. This is an exclusive privilege he bestowed upon you and only you: to come and go as you please and treat his room like your own.
When he speaks again, it comes out muffled and defeated. "Mwake fure to cwose the dwoor..."
Horropedia raises his head from the pillow, glasses crooked and hairpins all over his head, doing a poor job at keeping the hair out of his eyes.
"Door!" And then he plops back down.
He knows its silly and irrational to get so worked up over something like this, a small interruption, just a little setback in his carefully scheduled night. All he needs to do is count and breathe.
One, two, three. It's not that bad, he can simply rewind the movie and start from the beginning. Besides, now he has you here! The perfect companion for a marathon. Four, five, six. It's hard to breathe properly when all he's getting is a lungful of couch, but soon, that frustration in his chest dissipates. Seven, eight, nine...Ten.
Horropedia turns his head to look at you, standing in front of him after locking the door.
"So, to what do I owe this visi- OW?!" He yelps in surprise once you pinch his leg, and he recoils and sits up on instinct, rubbing that sore spot. "Hey! That was uncalled for! What happened to our peace treaty?"
"Yeah, but now I get to sit down, so it's a win."
There's something off in the way you speak - it's your tone, lower and raspier than usual. Horropedia leans closer to you, squinting. Something else catches his eye, other than the way you avoid looking at him.
"Why are your eyes red and puffy?"
Even though all he has is the faint light of the TV screen, he sees it. The red marks in your eyes, the dried tears across your cheeks - you should've known by now, it's impossible to hide anything from his watchful and attentive eyes.
Horropedia's initial thoughts are allergies, but it seems unlikely in a closed space like this house. He remains still as a statue as your expression turns into one of shock, the question catching you entirely off-guard. When you fully turn away from him to rub your eyes, he knows something is wrong.
"On second thought, that was a very dumb question. Allow me to rectify - why were you crying?" He receives no response, and so he settles for finding an answer himself.
There's the uneven rise and fall of your chest, as if you were trying very hard to hold in a second wave of tears. Your hands have turned into trembling fists on your lap, and your shoulders are tense. Did you argue with someone? No, there's no one awake at this hour. In the stillness of the night, everyone would've heard it, anyway. For you to be in such a state, seeking him out this late at night...
"Ah," Horropedia's eyes soften as it all clicks into place. "Another dumb question. But third time's the charm, my friend! May I try again?"
He doesn't wait for an answer. His hand slides into your own, gently forcing you to stop clenching your fists and interlocking your fingers and his together with ease. Like this, he can hold you steady and ground you back to reality.
"Was it a very scary nightmare?"
The way Horropedia speaks is often louder than what is commonly expected, rarely changing from that perpetual matter-of-factly, cheeky tone he's known for. But now? He's gentle, endeared by the way you stubbornly continue to hide from him.
There's a nod, and you finally turn to face him. It's a heartbreaking sight, with your face tilted down, looking up at him like you've done something wrong. You allow your hair to fall over your eyes in one last effort to conceal this vulnerable moment, but Horropedia won't allow it.
Now that he's older, Horropedia finds it difficult and, at times, stupid to cry over things he knows aren't real - those nonsensical dreams caused by watching too many horror movies, reading scary stories before bedtime or any lingering events from his daily routine. But when he was just a child waking up in the middle of the night, tears streaming down his eyes, his first instinct was the same: to run as fast as he could into his grandfather's arms, the one person who could chase away all those night terrors.
Tonight is the night he steps up to reverse those roles. Horropedia wants nothing more than to offer you that same feeling of safety.
"There's three things we can do right now. One, we can pretend nothing happened and you can join me to watch movies until the sun rises or until we pass out from exhaustion, whichever comes first. Two, we can go raid the kitchen right now for some comfort food - lucky for you, I know where everyone hides their favorite snacks."
He pauses just enough to pique your interest, giving you one of his mysterious, cheeky smiles. "Three, you lay down with me and tell me all about this nightmare you had, so I can judge and nitpick all the scary elements in it."
That earns a little chuckle from you, a massive improvement from your pitiful expression back then - that's enough to seal your fate.
Horropedia slowly takes off his glasses and sets them on the table, before pulling you into a hug and falling onto the plush cushions. He makes sure to lay by the edge of the couch with you nestled safely inside, his body fully shielding you from the light of the TV screen. There's just enough space to lay down together like this, as long as you remain pressed up against his chest.
This is a first for him, for someone who struggles with this type of contact and rarely initiates it, and yet it feels as natural as breathing when it comes to you. It feels right, and he guesses he must be doing something right when you nuzzle and curl up into him, content and comfortable.
There's no trace of that fear from before. That tense atmosphere is fully gone, replaced with something that feels just like home - it's like he's 13 again, staying up late at night, having fun and doing things that the Foundation would never approve of, those illicit sleepovers under the safety of his blanket. But this time, he has you by his side.
Horropedia is painfully aware of his lack of skill when it comes to romance - he still pets your head the same way one would pet a dog rather than a person - but he can't bring himself to care in the slightest about all these rules and guidelines when he hears you laugh and complain about his cold hands on the small of your back. Then, he feels you poke at his monster slippers with your foot.
"You're still wearing these?" Before he can reply, you kick them off and they fall unceremoniously onto the floor. "They're so lame."
Horropedia deadpans. "You literally have a matching pair."
"Yeah, some nerdy nerd gave them to me."
He realizes you're joking when you avoid his eyes in an attempt to hide that smug grin, choosing to trace the colorful patterns and slasher killers depicted on his shirt instead. Somehow, he feels his heart skip a beat at this.
"Hey! I don't recall giving you the fourth option of making fun of me all night! Now, will you share that nightmare you had, or should we wait until I die from the suspense?"
This time, you're the one who catches him off-guard by cupping his face and planting a gentle kiss on his forehead. Feeling the warmth rise from his neck to the tip of his ears, Horropedia is left momentarily speechless. Perhaps he still needs a little more time to ease into this whole physical touch thing. Nonetheless, he remains docile under your touch, especially when you begin to play with his hair.
"It's funny," you begin speaking, carefully untangling the hairclips out of that mess of brown hair, undoing his ponytail. "I can't even remember what it was about, at least not all of it. It just feels... Like it was something very dumb, even if it made me cry. I guess it's that whole thing you keep saying, about how psychological horror is scarier because there's no actual tangible monster or creature or whatever to blame for everything."
"Thank you! Finally, someone who thinks alike! The whole fear factor is greatly reduced when you can see the origin of all these supernatural or scary, inexplicable events. Humanity's biggest enemy is their own mind, and to us arcanists is our emotions. That's why, to some people, ghosts are scarier than robbers - which makes sense, despite being entirely illogical at the same time..."
It's hard to stop once he gets going, and so Horropedia continues talking, so immersed in his own thoughts and theories that he doesn't even register the way you've wrapped both arms around his torso, nuzzling into his chest and breathing him in.
Every so often, you give him a weak, drowsy reply and he only realizes you've fallen asleep when all he hears is your gentle snoring. The movie continues to play in the background, but all of his senses are focused on you.
Had it been anyone else, Horropedia would've been offended. But it's you we're talking about. One of the very few people who pay attention to what he says, who cares enough to sit through hours of ramblings and to debate him on things he might've missed or overlooked. Who would never think of changing the way he is.
There's stars in his eyes when he looks down at your sleeping form, absolutely mesmerized. Usually, you're the one helping him through the tedious social interactions, to understand when he might be overstepping or acting rudely. In a sea of blank, emotionless and confusing faces, yours is the one he looks for guidance and solace. When nothing makes sense and he's lost in an abundance of unspoken rules of conduct, discipline and etiquette, your voice is the one that rises above all.
He may not know how to show it, he may not even realize it himself, but his appreciation for you runs deeper than his love for horror. Horropedia is honored to know that, just this once, he was able to help you. That he's the first one you sought out at your most vulnerable.
Horropedia presses his lips to the top of your head - a gentle, feathery kiss as to not disturb your sleep. And he remains there, your anchor to reality, as his eyelids feel heavier and heavier. The last thing he remembers before sleep takes over is your voice, not quite awake and not quite asleep, thanking him.
What are you even thanking him for, silly? Have you forgotten already? It's fine, because Horropedia will always be there to remind you: you can always count on him, no matter what.
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demonparmour · 4 months
Sunny and Town of Fobo
At first, Sunny isn’t sure about Shiny Man Foolish. She knows her dad likes him, but she also knows her dad can sometimes be naive. She has seen her dad’s so-called “friends” joke with him in a way that borders on mean one too many times. Plus Foolish is Leo’s dad. Even if he is nice to her sometimes, he will always side with his daughter. 
So when Tubbo starts talking to her about the Town of Fobo he wants to set up in the new world, she secretly hopes he forgets about it. Nothing sounds worse to her than setting up shop with her worst enemy and their father. Of course, Tubbo doesn’t forget. Instead, he leaves her behind with Leo to go adventuring with his new BFF, which is fine. Sunny doesn’t even care.
Then something crazy happens, Sunny and Leo talk. Not about anything important, just toast and their dad’s being dumb for running off. Well, Sunny does most of the talking, but Leo listens and nods along. Something like hope is beginning to bloom in Sunny’s chest by the time her Pa is bounding back up to the house with riches in hand. 
Still, she’s not going to forget everything that happened that fast. Her Pa may forgive and forget easily, but Sunny does not. 
That is until one night when Sunny has a nightmare. She shoots awake, her heart racing as her eyes dart around. Across the room, Leo rolls over in her own bed and cracks her eyes open. “Que pasa?”
“It’s fine,” Sunny whispers. “I just had a bad dream.”
Sunny expects Leo to go back to sleep, but instead, she sits up. She walks over and looks Sunny in the eyes for a second. Sunny isn’t sure what she’s looking for but suddenly Leo grabs her hand and starts dragging her.
“What?” Sunny starts to say but Leo shushes her and keeps pulling her along. It takes Sunny a minute to realize Leo is taking her to her father’s bed.
What Sunny doesn’t expect to find, is not only her own Pa in the bed but Foolish in her dad’s bed too. She hadn’t really thought about the fact that there was only one adult bed in the house before. She tucks the revelation away for later, something to think about when she’s not so tired.
Leo drops Sunny’s hand and climbs into the bed. She gives Foolish a hard shove, and he simply rolls over and makes room without waking up. Leo then looks back up at Sunny and pats the spot next to her, waiting. Sunny hesitates for only a moment before crawling in so she’s between Leo and her Pa. As Sunny drifts on into sleep, she feels herself letting go of the grudge she had been holding onto so tightly.
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thedemises · 5 months
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note!... reader is implied to have an androgynous appearance! sanji hcs when reader is on their period!!! (could be for @ringdabel cuz they're on their period rn but it could be for anyone who's fighting demons rn <3).
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━━ .  JUST RELAX。sanji bulleted hcs!!
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you're not too sure what had just happened but you aren't complaining in the slightest.
one moment, you're fighting demons (the pain from your period) inside your room on the thousand sunny—the next sanji, who was walking by after serving the girls, enters to check up on you as he looks at you for a moment and then asks with hint of concern in his tone: “[name]-san, do you have a uterus?”
for a second—you were baffled, to say the least. who just comes up to someone and asks that question so randomly? but to consider how your appearance is rather androgynous and your voice can't be heard as either male or female (making anyone not guess your gender), without asking things any further, you nod and say that—yes, you do. but why?
the last thing you knew is that sanji walks away for a few minutes and comes back with a delicious chocolate desert, a heating pad (you assume he must've asked nami or robin), some water, and other stuff that would help you during your period.
you were surprised, but also not, that the cook would do something so generously to assist in your pain but you had to accept it nonetheless. you've only known him a few months since you've joined the crew.
he even offered to massage any parts of your body to help soothe the pain, which really did help and make you relax more easily without feeling pain in every position you take.
for the past few days, sanji has been the greatest help throughout the week of your period.
assisting in things you should've done yourself, running any errands for you when the crew has docked at a new island when you can't (even if you can, he'll still do it for you like a gentleman <3), serving you like he always does with chocolate-themed food, fruits, tea (ginger, peppermint, chamomile, cinnamon, red raspberry leaf tea), and etc. that could make you feel better.
you couldn't thank him any more for his assistance, though while you did wonder how he knew all this—you assumed he asked the girls for help or even had experience of this happening, probably with any female relatives or so.
after the week of your period ends, you decide to thank him for all his help by making him his favorite food on an early morning.
when he entered the kitchen to check on what was going on (he thought it was luffy again, trying to get food from the fridge again + with ussop's help), he was incredibly thankful even when he tells you that you shouldn't have.
(just tell him to take it and accept it- he just can't believe that you would do all this to thank him for helping you through your pain <3).
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© thedemises 2024. all rights reserved.  ━━  probably not my best work but not the worst either.
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^^^ my love for anybody willing to accept (or not) <;3333
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