#cactus sunset painting easy
letree · 2 months
Arizona Baby Moon
Feb 20, 2024- Kaine, Jennifer and Cletus the foetus hopped on a plane to Pheonix, AZ. We arrived late at night and went to our room to sleep and noticed ear plugs on both the night stands.. We soon realized that our room backed onto a 24hr train stop, and every time the train pulled up it tooted its horn. I know this because the sliding door to our balcony didn't close properly so we didn't miss one toot. The next morning we hopped in our dented up RAV4 (aka- the ravioli) and drove to a town just outside of Sedona and got lunch at Tortas de Fuego. Kaine had some tacos and baby had churros and ice cream.
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All fuelled up on meat and sugar, we found some hikes nearby and climbed up and around the large red rock until the skies decided opened up and made us turn back. The next day (Kaine's 34h birthday) we had breakfast at the home of the 3lb cinnamon bun. We probably would have considered trying the 3lb bun, but it had raisins in it. bleh.
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Fuel'd up on more meat and sugar, we went on a 10km hike to the Devils Bridge. It was flat desert filled with cactus and lizards most of the way, and close to the end we climbed some rocks to reach the bridge. We had burned off our breakfast and needed more meat and sugar, so we brought along a turkey sandwich and the most neon green muffin you've ever seen. We needed something other than meat and sugar for dinner, so we went to an Italian restaurant called Padres. While waiting for our food, our table neighbour brought to our attention that God had been telling him to talk to us all night. He recited a bible verse to us followed by some words of wisdom, then we indulged in giant bowls of thick & creamy pasta. But what's a birthday without DESSERT?! We stopped at the grocery store and got some chocolate cheesecake to eat in bed and were asleep by 9 PM. Is this what 34 looks like?
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Our next destination was Tusayan, a town right beside the Grand Canyon. After driving there, we went and watched the sunset at a viewpoint in the canyon then had dinner at a Mexican restaurant. Each table at the restaurant had painted animals or scenery on it and the wooden chairs were all a colourful hand painted display of animals characters and flowers.
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We'd been eating too much and needed to burn some calories! We headed to the Grand Canyon and took a shuttle bus to the South Kaibab trailhead, which has an elevation of 7460ft. From there we hiked down into the canyon to Skelton point, which is an elevation of 5200ft.
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Descending is the easy part, signs of a man on all fours vomiting warned you not to try hiking the whole trail in one day or that would be your fate. I was the only pregnant person on the trail but still managed to pass a few people! A lot of the views you can see the red rock, but apparently the rock isn’t actually red, it’s just stained red from the water washing rust down it and staining it that color.
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The canyon is so deep that when you look down it, depending on where you are, you can’t even see the bottom. From the odd corner you can get a glimpse of the bottom where you can see the Colorado river passing through. We hiked out of there just in time to watch another sunset and ate leftovers in the hotel after a nice dip in the hot tub.
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Next, we drove to Page where we saw the Glen Canyon Dam. Just down the from the dam we hiked around the ‘bee hives’ which were tall layered red sandstone in tower formations.
It was getting hot hiking through the desert in jeans and long sleeves, so we drove over to another hike called the hanging garden. They call it the hanging garden because amidst the dry sandy landscape, there’s one random rock in the middle of the desert that has a cool moist overhang which houses moss and hanging greens growing from the lower portion of it. We climbed up the rock and ended up at a cliff where a view into the canyon emerged and you could look out to lake Powell and across the desert.
That evening we went to a local brewery for dinner where I ordered a Mac cheese, but they forgot the macaroni and just gave me a bowl or cheese sauce lol.
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Before leaving Page we stopped at Horse Shoe Bend, which is another extension of the Grand Canyon that wraps around a big rock formation. We then headed out towards Prescott, home of the first ever rodeo in 1888. We stayed in Hotel StMichael, built in 1864, and rode up the original elevator with its sliding accordion doors to our room where the walls still hold the smoke smell from years ago. Unfortunately the time of year we went, pretty much everything was closed, but Kaine still managed to get some brisket!
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sternvonafrika · 2 years
Cactus, sage and aloe vera for the asks? (Ps: good luck with your thesis!)
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
i feel like the answer could be divided into something i am learning about myself and my life & something i am learning because of university. when it comes to myself, i am slowly learning how to prioritize myself; for the entirety of my teen years i never gave myself anything, i never wanted to spend money to buy small things (books, cds, clothes, whatever) that i liked and that could make me happy. i don't know what it says about me - besides the fact that i am stingy and harsh on myself - but i am trying to learn how let myself breathe, sometimes indulging in some small gifts for myself from myself. academically speaking i am currently preparing my sociology exam + my digital humanities exam and i am mesmerized by both topics
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
i would say literature in general: novels, fiction, nonfiction, poetry, short stories and in general written stories in any form. honestly i love literature because reading, analysing, finding patterns, noticing recurring symbols, and thinking about themes is something that i've always found easy and that has always come natural to me. writing, with its immense power, can create and shape new worlds and concepts, give life to characters and potray emotions vividly.
as franz kafka said: "Ich habe kein literarisches Interesse, sondern bestehe aus Literatur, ich bin nichts anderes und kann nichts anderes sein." (I have no literary interests; I am made of literature. I am nothing else and cannot be anything else.)
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
i don't know how mundane it actually is and i'm saying this in a very neutral way but i would love to be myself unapologetically and to be happy, to be able to experience simple things (watching the sunset, touching the grass or the cold water of the river, seeing the seasons change the leaves on the trees in the nearby woods, meeting a stray cat) and experience pure and simple happiness, not a dampened copy of it.
thank you!! 🌿
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doeeyeseddie · 3 years
congrats on 1k, pia!! 🥰❤️ may i request buddie + going to events together like carnivals, festivals etc 🐙
vic! thank you so much 🥰 here's 800 words of me pretending the 2019 griffith park harvest festival will take place this november:
[read on ao3]
“Look at this.”
Buck shoves his phone into Eddie’s hands, and Eddie looks at the website on the screen in confusion.
“What’s this?”
“The Griffith Park Harvest Festival,” Buck says. “We should take Christopher there. I think he’d love it – he’s probably too old for a lot of the kids’ activities, but there’s live music and food trucks and stuff too. And they’re showing Coco after sunset...he still loves that movie, doesn’t he? Or has he seen it too many times now?”
“I think Christopher would argue you can’t watch it too many times,” Eddie grins. It’s been a month since he broke up with Ana, and Christopher was surprisingly fine with it, but Eddie still feels a little guilty about it. Maybe a fun day out with Buck will be exactly what they need. “Okay, I’ll ask him.”
So of course, a week later Buck drives them to Griffith Park for the Harvest Festival. Chris paints a pumpkin while Buck and Eddie try the craft beers at the beer garden (they each get a different one and then share them both), but after that, the three of them stick together.
They eat too much from the many food trucks, spend some time at the petting zoo where Buck is almost as enthusiastic as Christopher is, despite their recent encounter with wild animals, and then go to check out the vendors.
Buck buys a bracelet handmade by single moms in Indonesia for Maddie and Eddie gets a fancy candle for Pepa’s birthday next week, and then they wait patiently while Christopher inspects a stall selling exotic plants.
“Remember that your dad has a black thumb, Christopher,” Buck says, and Eddie elbows him but can’t help but laugh.
Chris just rolls his eyes. “You and I can take care of it, Buck.”
Buck’s shit-eating grin morphs into a softer smile. “Yeah, I guess we can.”
Eddie smiles at him.
“Can we get this one, Dad?” Christopher lifts a small skull shaped planter holding a twisting cactus. “It looks like a brain, it’s soo cool.”
“Oooh,” Buck makes, stepping closer. “It really does!”
“It's a seasonal favorite,” the vendor says. “And very easy to care for.”
“Hear that, Eds?” Buck grins. “Maybe even you can do it.”
Eddie ignores him in favor of leaning down to look Chris in the eye. “Listen, buddy, if we buy this, it’s your responsibility, okay? We can put it in your room, but you have to take care of it on your own.”
“I can do it, Dad,” Christopher promises, and Eddie kisses the top of his head before straightening up again.
“Alright, we’ll take the one, then.”
Chris cheers, but his eyes are already on the next vendor’s stall, and he’s pulling Buck over there before Eddie has even pulled out his wallet.
“You have a beautiful family,” the vendor tells him, and it makes Eddie pause.
But there’s no panic clawing at his chest, not even worry.
“Thank you,” he says absently, eyes on Buck and Christopher one stall over.
Instead of panic, there’s an odd sense of warmth in his chest, like he likes it, people calling these two his family.
He grabs his receipt and the bag with the cactus, slowly following Buck and Chris. He watches as Buck swings a laughing Christopher over his shoulder and runs a few steps before setting him on his own feet again, letting him set the pace, and Eddie’s heart thuds in his chest.
It shouldn’t be news to him that Buck is part of their family. The whole 118 is the family he chose, and Buck most of all – it’s the reason why he changed his will, after all. That Buck is Christopher’s family, too.
But somehow, after everything he went through over the past few months, it feels...different. He can’t help but compare the way he feels now to how he felt when people made this assumption about Ana, and it’s unsettling.
“Come on, old man,” Buck teases when Eddie catches up with them, swinging an arm around Eddie’s shoulders and tugging him along. “Your son’s got enough energy for two.”
Eddie wants to do something utterly stupid, like slipping his hand into Buck’s back pocket, like holding his hand while they stroll through the festival, like kissing the taste of that pumpkin spice cupcake he had earlier off his lips.
That...makes sense, actually. So much sense that Eddie doesn’t understand how he didn’t realize it earlier. Of course it’s Buck.
“You okay?” Buck asks, squeezing his shoulder once before dropping his arm. The back of his hand brushes Eddie’s, and Eddie smiles at him.
“Fine. Thanks for taking us here, Buck.”
Buck nudges their shoulders together with another smile. “Anytime, you know that.”
When Eddie thinks, I’m in love with you, it’s not a scary thought. It feels like something hopeful, like something he might tell Buck soon. Like something he might not be alone with.
“Yeah, I know.”
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reeceait-blog · 3 years
Reece Post 1
What is vector art and why is it used widely in both screen and print? Vector art is a form of computer generated graphic images that are defined in terms of points on a Cartesian plane, which is connected by lines and curves to form polygons and other shapes. Vector art is commonly used in screen and print because of their scalability flexibility allowing them to adjust scale without losing image quality.
What are the benefits of using Adobe Illustrator to create digital images? adobe illustrator provides the ability to create digital art by sketching, drawing and painting with unlimited redos and the benefit of using layers and the multitude of different tools that adobe illustrator provides
Briefly explain the purpose of the Pen tool, the Brush tool and the Pencil tool when creating digital images, and describe when it would be appropriate to use these tools. The pencil tool is used for sketching and creating the basic building blocks of any artwork, The pen tool is used to do the final line work of a piece of art or logo, providing the clean lines required to finalise your art. The brush tool is used for various different aspects of a piece of art as it is a very versatile tool, it allows you to use and create custom brushes that can be used to create several different effects.
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To do this artwork the artist would have used the shape tool to create the cliffs in the background and the sun and the different shades of yellow in the sun to give the image a sense of depth, The brush toll would have been used to create the grainy texture that is over the image. The artist seemingly created the 3 different types of cactus and rather that creating a new shape for every individual caucus they have duplicated the shape made it smaller and changed the colour to give the illusion of a sunset
This image works well because of its simplicity in its construction but it effectively gives the illusion of a sunset by playing with shape and different colours to give the image depth and the appropriate lighting and scale
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The artist behind this piece had almost entirely used the shape tool mainly circles to create the base of the head the nose the eyes and the ears the only part of the image that is another shape is the tufts of hair, the only things that were used outside of the shape tool seems to be the different colours used.
This image works because it conveys to the audience that this is a kola with a very minimal use of shapes an colours. With would work perfectly as a logo that can be easily identifiable and recognisable.
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In this piece of art the tools that the artist would have used would have been the pencil tool to sketch the frame work and initial ideas of the artwork then they would have used the pen tool to do the final line work of the skull. And finally the shape tool would have been used to create the flag on the inside of the glasses, the pipe and the cross bones below the skull.
This piece of art works well due to the way that the colour of the flag come together with the white of the skull and cross bones, the blue of the background, and the red of the pipe and the accents in the hair. The use of line and shape also work well together to create a clean, coherent and easy to understand image that is easily recognisable
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alounuitte · 4 years
cactus blossoms
(or, some can only bloom with water from the desert sky.)
Adam needs some support while he recovers from a surgery, and Shiro volunteers to be his best friend's roommate for the summer after their first year in the Garrison. Somehow, it turns out he's not the only one Adam gets a chance to get closer to, and an operation isn't the only thing he's recovering from. (pre-relationship, but no romance will be in this.)
chapter 8.
Shiro can tell Adam’s worried; all afternoon on Saturday he can barely sit still, nervous energy threaded through him like a live wire. Even while he’s laying on the couch reading, he keeps fidgeting and biting at his nails, his brow furrowed in a frown as his eyes skim the pages of his book.
“You okay?” Shiro asks him, when he sighs and sets down his book for the third time in two hours, climbing to his feet.
“Fine,” he says, but he’s wringing his hands together as he crosses the room to look out the windows at the desert.
“You’re on edge,” Shiro points out, leaning against the counter. “Do you want to do something so you’re not just sitting around?”
“I don’t know,” he says, shaking his head. “Like what?”
Shiro shrugs. “I don’t know - play a video game? Go for a run? Finish unpacking your stuff?”
“I’m not much of a runner,” Adam says, shaking his head. “And the other stuff is melacha.” Shiro’s lack of comprehension must show on his face, because Adam glances over at him and laughs shakily. “Um - work, sort of. Things you don’t - Jews don’t do on Shabbat, we’re supposed to relax.”
“Yeah, you don’t seem like you’re relaxing,” Shiro points out. “And I think if you chew your nails down any farther you’re gonna start bleeding.”
Adam’s eyes go wide and he looks down at his hands, grimacing as he examines his fingers. “Oh,” he replies faintly.
“So if you can’t play video games or unpack, what can you do?” Shiro prompts him. “There’s gotta be something that’ll keep your mind busy so you’re not stressing out so much.”
Adam shrugs. “Read, or spend time with family, or friends. Study, or pray, or sing. Playing games is okay, I guess, if they’re not on the computer, or gambling games.”
“Hm,” he muses, considering this. “Like strategy games? I think Sam’s got a chess set in his office. I’m not very good, though, so you’ll probably beat me pretty easy.”
For the first time all day, a genuine smile crosses Adam’s face. “Is he here today?” he asks. “I wouldn’t mind playing a game or two if you can borrow it. Maybe I’ll give you some tips.”
Shiro retrieves the chess set from Sam’s office, leaving a note on the desk to say that he’s borrowed it for the weekend, and they sit on the floor and play chess for the rest of the afternoon, talking aimlessly between moves, until the sky outside the windows is melting from blue into pale violet and a few stars begin to twinkle into view above the horizon.
“I think that’s a checkmate,” Adam says as he carefully sets down his remaining tower.
Shiro laughs, leaning in to knock over his king for the third time. “I told you I’m no good,” he says, grinning.
“I think you did better that time,” Adam says as he gets to his feet, laughing a little himself. “Thanks for that, I haven’t had anyone to play with since I got here.” He crosses to the kitchen to grab a bottle of juice before heading back towards the divided bedroom.
“Maybe by the end of the summer I’ll be able to beat you,” Shiro jokes, and stretches, pushing himself up off the floor and trying to ignore the stiff protest in his legs. “I’m gonna get some fresh air before bed, I think.”
“Hey, wait a sec,” Adam says, pausing at the edge of the partition separating their rooms. Shiro looks over at him and sees him shift uncertainly, his shoulders hunched. “Um - I know I said I don’t really like running, but…”
“Yeah?” Shiro prompts him when he doesn’t continue.
“If you’d be willing to wait a few minutes so I can do havdalah, it might be nice to go out on a walk, for a little bit?” Adam says, looking down at the ground. “Just around the edges of base, maybe, if you’d wanna come with me.”
Shiro beams at him, bouncing eagerly on his toes. “I’d love to, yeah,” he agrees. “Take your time, I’ll wait for you.”
Adam smiles back and ducks around the corner to his half of the room, and Shiro can hear him singing softly to himself on the other side of the partition. He stretches while he waits, listening to the indistinct murmur of Adam’s voice as he warms up the muscles in his legs. There’s a good chance he’s going to regret going out on a walk when he’s already been running today, but as long as he’s careful he thinks he can manage the trip around the base, and the fatigue will be a problem he can worry about tomorrow. He takes Sundays off, anyways.
A few minutes later, Adam emerges in shorts and a t-shirt, a half-zipped hoodie thrown overtop to keep warm in the evening chill. “Ready?” Shiro asks, grinning, as he goes to pull on his running shoes.
“Yeah,” Adam agrees, nodding. “Let’s go.”
They end up taking one of the trails just outside of base, the dirt track taking them out into the open desert and up along the rocky ridge half a mile east, the red stone painted blue and purple in the fading dusk light.
“Can we stop for a minute?” Adam asks as they reach the top of the rise; he’s panting a little, clearly out of breath from the climb.
“Sure,” Shiro says, shrugging. “I’m following you, man. You okay?”
He nods, sitting down on the edge of a rocky outcropping. “Just need to catch my breath.”
Shiro drops down next to him, stretching his legs out across the path and wrapping his arms around himself, the cool air making him shiver now that they’ve stopped moving. “How are you feeling?” he asks after a long moment of silence.
Adam sighs, leaning back on his hands to look up at the sky. “In general, or about Monday?” he asks with a shaky laugh.
“I mean, both, I guess,” Shiro says. “I know you’re worried, but it’s gotta be exciting, too, right?”
“Well, yeah,” Adam says, and gives him a wry smile. “Maybe once I’m better I’ll start playing sports again. Stuff for fun, I mean, not just training.”
“Maybe you’ll come running with me once in a while,” Shiro teases. “You know, give me some motivation.”
“And get up at four in the morning?” Adam says, laughing. “Keep dreaming, Shirogane.”
“I’m going to do something stupid,” he says Sunday morning, burying his face in his hands. “I’ll say some moronic thing and make a fool of myself and--”
“To who?” Shiro asks, bewildered. “Most of the cadets have already left, and we’re not even living in cadet’s quarters for the summer anyways. Who’s going to hear you say something stupid?”
“You are!” Adam says, looking up again in despair.
Shiro shakes his head slowly, frowning. “What, you think I’m gonna make fun of you?” he asks.
“No - well - I don’t know,” Adam stammers, and sighs, slumping back against the couch. “No, you wouldn’t do that. But I don’t - like that I might say things I won’t even remember.”
“You want me to record it?” Shiro offers.
Adam’s mouth twists up as he looks away. “That’s stupid,” he mumbles, his shoulders hunching.
“Okay,” Shiro says, shrugging. “Sorry, I just thought maybe it’d help to be able to see.”
There’s a long moment of silence before Adam asks, quietly, “You wouldn’t show anyone, right?”
“No!” Shiro says, gaping at him in dismay. “Of course I - why the hell would I do that?”
“I… guess you wouldn’t,” Adam says, fidgeting with his glasses. “I just want to be sure.”
“I can send it to you and delete it right away,” Shiro assures him. “After that you can do whatever you want with it.”
“Hm,” Adam muses, biting his lip as he considers this. “Maybe that’s not a bad idea.” He hesitates, glances over at Shiro with a frown. “You’d really do that?”
“Yeah, of course,” Shiro says. “I wouldn’t offer otherwise.”
“Okay,” Adam says, and sighs. “If you really don’t mind.”
It rains most of the afternoon, but by evening the sky clears, and Shiro can see the sun sinking towards the desert from the open windows of their quarters as he heats up water for tea in the kitchen.
“Is that all you’re gonna eat?” he asks, raising an eyebrow as Adam spreads jam on a slice of toast. “You know you can’t eat anything past eight, right?”
Adam shrugs, leaning against the counter and looking out the window as he nibbles at his toast. “Not really hungry,” he mumbles. “I’ll be okay.”
Shiro frowns, looking over the stiffness of his shoulders, the way his fingers curl and uncurl around the hem of his t-shirt, the way he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, unable to stand still. “If you’re sure,” he says slowly. “Hey, you wanna go up to the roof and see the sunset?”
“What,” Adam says dryly, “you don’t want to run out into the middle of the desert today?”
The corner of his mouth quirks up, and Shiro laughs, shaking his head. “Don’t want you to wear yourself out before your surgery,” he says lightly as he grabs his thermos from the cabinet. He’s been resting all day, but he’s still not sure he’s up for a run after overdoing it yesterday, and he wants to be in top form tomorrow for anything Adam needs.
“I don't think we're really allowed up there," Adam adds, putting his plate in the sink. "Aren't we going to get in trouble?"
"Nah, I go up there all the time," Shiro says. "Anyways, no one really checks until curfew, and that's not for an hour still."
Adam considers this, frowning, and sighs. "I guess I'll come up with you if you're going," he agrees.
“Great,” Shiro says cheerfully. “Hey, hand me your thermos, it’ll be nicer with something warm to drink.”
He drops two teabags in each of their thermoses and fills them up with water while Adam pulls his shoes on, and they leave the quarters together, heading up to the roof to watch the sun sink into the desert.
Shiro is up before dawn to go running like usual, but he ends up thinking better of it today, knowing Adam’s going to need him ready to provide support. Instead he watches out the windows as the sky grows lighter, and is delighted to see splashes of color strewn across the rocky landscape past the outer wall, where the lean, tough plant life has suddenly burst into bloom after the rain.
“Morning,” Adam says as he emerges from his side of the room, his hair still tousled from sleep and his glasses set crookedly on his nose.
“You’re up early,” Shiro says, surprised. “Your procedure’s not for another two hours, is it?”
Adam shakes his head, hunching his shoulders. “Can’t get back to sleep,” he says quietly. “At this point I might as well stay up.”
“Well, on the bright side, you’ll probably sleep plenty from the anaesthesia,” Shiro points out with a wry smile
Adam doesn’t laugh, his shoulders still drawn in tightly, and Shiro’s smile drops from his face.
“Hey,” he says softly, crossing the room to put a hand on Adam’s shoulder, and realizes he’s shaking. “You’re gonna be alright.”
“I know that,” he mutters, looking away. “It’s not like it’s a high risk procedure, or anything, I know I’m just being stupid—“
“Whoa, hold on, I didn’t say that,” Shiro protests. “I don’t think that, it’s okay that you’re still nervous. I mean, this is kind of a big deal!”
“But I,” Adam protests, and breaks off, his hands curled into fists in front of him, his teeth worrying at his lower lip as he looks around the room at anything but Shiro.
“It’s okay,” Shiro repeats, squeezing his shoulder firmly. “I know you’re worried. Just try and breathe, alright?”
He shuts his eyes and focuses on his own breathing, listening as Adam’s slows to match. When he opens his eyes again, Adam is looking up at him, and manages a slight smile when Shiro meets his gaze.
“There you go,” Shiro says, smiling back. “Better?”
“Yeah,” Adam says, and laughs weakly, running a hand through his hair. “Thanks.”
Half an hour before Adam’s appointment, they leave their quarters and walk down to medical together for him to check in. He’s fidgety and restless, his hands shoved into the pockets of his hoodie to keep them still, except when he reaches up to needlessly adjust his glasses again.
“You’re gonna be fine,” Shiro reminds him when he hesitates outside the waiting room door, and reaches to put a hand on his shoulder.
Adam tenses briefly at the touch, then sighs and relaxes slightly, closing his eyes as he swallows hard. “Yeah,” he agrees, and nods, managing a faint smile. “Thanks.”
“Checking in for a procedure?” asks the receptionist as they enter.
“Weismann,” Adam mumbles without looking at her. “E-I-S, not I-S-E.”
“Got it,” she says, tapping at her keyboard. “Any relation to—?”
“Probably,” Adam sighs before she can finish her question. Shiro raises an eyebrow.
“Eight a.m. with Dr Jordan?” the receptionist asks. “Lauren - oh, wait - Commander Montgomery as your contact?”
“Does she let senior staff call her that?” Shiro asks, amused. “She hates when students call her Commander.” The receptionist blinks at him, puzzled, but Adam laughs, ducking his head farther to hide his grin. Shiro beams.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Adam confirms.
“You’re checked in,” the receptionist tells him. “Dr Jordan just got in, he should be with you shortly. Go ahead and have a seat.”
Adam nods and crosses the room to sit down, Shiro trailing after him. “Thanks,” Adam mutters as Shiro takes the seat next to him. “I think she was gonna ask more about my parents if you didn’t jump in.”
“No problem,” Shiro whispers back, and drapes his arm over the back of the chair, not quite touching him. “That sounds like the last thing you need right now.”
Adam smiles wryly and leans back in his seat, resting against Shiro's arm. His hands curl and uncurl in his lap, restless, and he tugs absently at the hem of his sweatshirt as he looks around the room. When the door opens he sits up quickly, needlessly straightening his glasses as he looks over towards the doctor approaching. "Cadet Weismann, right?" the man says, offering a hand.
"I'm Dr Jordan, it's nice to meet you.""Yes, sir," Adam says, and swallows hard as he gets to his feet. "It's a pleasure."
"Come on back," Dr Jordan says, gesturing to the door, and Adam glances back at Shiro, biting his lip.
"Good luck with your procedure," Shiro tells him, standing to clap him on the shoulder and flash him a smile. "Text me when you're out, okay?"
"Yeah," he agrees, smiling back shakily. "I'll see you in a few hours." 
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pixiebane14 · 4 years
I think love must be in the mundane. In the everyday workings of the day. In the five o'clock sunrise that turns the purple sky into tangerine. I think love is held in my mother's kitchen, in the morning alarm and the tupperware she packs for my brother. I think love must be hidden in my father's hands caressing my mother's hair. In the soft mundane movements of comfort. In the easy to miss moments of my life. I think love resides in my small room away from home, in it's bare walls that my roommate wants to decorate. I think love is resounding in the laughter and smoke we have shared in that small room. I think love must be in art. In the paintings hung in sister's room, in the sketchings of my best friend, in the guitar my boyfriend bought on impulse. I think love makes his fingers strum my favorite songs on days when i am feeling blue. Love must be in the centerfold of history. In the sculptor's hands who made Medusa immortal, in Emily's poetry and dickens heartbreak. I think Oscar Wilde thought love was frivolous and it made him lonely, until he found it in the one he insisted to be buried with. It must be on every soldier's blade, in all the blood on the battlefield. On every ugly and beautiful thing that happens. i think love made history and then forgot about it. I think love is deceptively strong. I think it makes its presence known. Strut in the hallways of victorian manors with a peacock feather jutted in it's hair. I think love wears a satin dresses with deep necklines and hosts a strange crowd. I think it likes to flirt with people who have desolate eyes. I think it likes dramatic scarves and lofty hats. I think love and romance are very different things. I think love persists and that's why it's cursed. I think love is on the docks by the sea, in the sailor's drink who wants to forget about home. I think its must be in a pilot's eyes who is tired of sunsets and sunrises. I think it must be on the soles of a tramp always looking for home. Love must be in the rivalry of the evening star and the moon. I think love must be in the odd pair of a lonely cactus and a burrowing snake. I think love likes to be subtle, so you never see it coming. So it can knock out the ground from under your feet and leave you breathless. I think love must be madness simmered down. I think it must be in the wings of a butterfly that causes hurricanes miles away. I think it existed before we knew of it. So, it is everywhere if we care to look for it. 
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
19 Mind Numbing Facts About Cactus Painting Easy | Cactus Painting Easy
When cerebration of embroidery, the abundant ability of my grandmother’s old tablecloths comes to mind. She was angled over in the aphotic for hours at a time, expertly aberrant her aggravate into the fabric. Adornment seemed like a amusement for earlier women who feel an appetite to be craftsy, and not for academy students. But recently, award myself ashore at home for the accountable future, I absitively to accord it a try and I begin myself thoroughly adequate it. Here are some affidavit you should accord it a attempt too!
It’s easy
Embroidery is decidedly easy! All you charge is an adornment hoop, fabric, needle, adornment accessory and a pattern. Back I aboriginal looked at my pattern, I afraid at the cardinal of acutely circuitous stitches involved. But, it turns out that abounding stitches, admitting they attending difficult, are abundantly accessible to learn. Also, there are bags of quick adornment tutorials on YouTube to advice you get started.
It’s relaxing
Similar to added crafts such as knitting that abide of basal repetitive actions, adornment can be a asinine and alike attentive experience. Stitching the aggravate back-and-forth through the bolt to accomplish a bright architecture is a abstracted action that can advice you wind down. Plus, adornment is added ill-fitted for hot acclimate than knitting. No one wants to affiliate a bandage in summer.
It’s productive
It feels like such an ability to accomplish article from blemish with your own hands. And back you’re done, you accept a allotment of art to adhere up on your wall! The best allotment is you can alike do it while you’
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Organ Pipe Cactus with Blooming Brittlebush – cactus painting easy | cactus painting easy
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from WordPress https://www.bleumultimedia.com/19-mind-numbing-facts-about-cactus-painting-easy-cactus-painting-easy/
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🎨  15 Easy Watercolor Painting Ideas for Beginners (2022 Updated) Do you desire to paint with watercolor paints but have no idea where to start? Then, you are in the right place. This article will show you simple watercolor painting ideas for beginners that cover just about anything. 🧑‍🎨  To get started, prepare your essential supplies. It includes watercolors, paintbrushes, and watercolor papers. Then you're ready to practice 15 simple watercolor painting objects (with clear instructions)! We have shapes, cactus, trees, misty mountains, abstract art, free bird, folk art, sunset, and more. Let's find out more details in this article, so you can succeed with your first fantastic watercolor painting projects. Read more at: https://www.kingsframingandartgallery.com/blog/post/watercolor-painting-ideas-for-beginners ❤️  Follow and purchase art supplies on our official website: https://kingsframingandartgallery.com. #kingsframingandartgallery #art #kingsframingandartgallery #ampersand #richeson #derwent #Fibralo #artsupplies #artproduct #pen #pastel #scratchbord #acrylic #painting #artmaking #drawing #mixedmedia"
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 6 years
I’ll Meet You At The Bottom (Part 4)
This chapter went so much better. Probably because my computer didn’t implode this time.
Sokka grumbled to himself. He had screwed up big time and now he was going to have to start all over. He ran his hands through his hair, in his frustration the motion was a tad to rough and had him wincing when he’d managed to pluck a few strands from his head.
The source of all of his pain and woes that morning.
 It was hair that had started his day all wrong. The hair wasn’t real of course, it was…or would have been a painted replica of it. He looked at the figure on the canvas, just as he had left it a few days ago. He was embarrassed to say that he hadn’t yet come up with a work around. He cursed himself for painting the background black, knowing very well that Azula had locks of the same color. His blunder had an upside though, in trying to work around this mistake Sokka’s mind was very far from Suki and the collection of demons that came with thinking about her. Yes, he decided, he had made a good choice in trying to paint the fire princess. Now if only he could figure out how to fix the hair situation.
 “You seem stuck.” Katara looked up from her book.
 “Why would you think that?” Sokka asked.
 “I don’t think I’ve seen you add a drop of paint since you finished layer two.”
 “Yeah well, I want her hair to be black…” he quickly added, “since she’s going to be a firebender.” He tapped the stick end of his brush on the canvas. “But I kind of already painted the whole background black.”
 “That’s an easy fix Sokka, you’re over thinking it.” Katara laughed. “Just add a hint of brown to the black paint.”
 “What is with you and adding brown?” Sokka threw his hands up.
 “Brown is a useful color.” She shrugged.
 “I guess.” He replied. Truth be told he was a little disappointed. He wanted her hair to be a glossy jet black, but he supposed adding a touch of brown—again—would have to do. He supposed it was just as well, at least if he was discovered, the brown hue to her hair would be another deceitful indicator that he wasn’t painting Azula. “Anyways,” he made a point of shuffling back in front of his painting, so to obscure it from Katara’s view. “I’m gonna get back to it.”
 “Why so secretive?”  Katara chuckled.
 “Well I don’t want anyone to see it if it looks awful.” Sokka lied.
 Katara rolled her eyes. “Okay, I can take a hint.” She stood up and collected her book. “I suppose I should see how Aang is doing.
 Sokka was hit with an immediate sense of guilt. He hadn’t meant to drive her away…
Okay so that had been the goal. But he truly hadn’t minded the company. Despite the light-hearted nature of his sister’s departure he was left with a bitter aftertaste. Was he already becoming the cranky hermit artist he always used to joke about.  Rather, was he falling back into that pattern. He wrapped his arms around himself and shivered, he’d already been there once…
 With a new thing to rid his mind of, he put his focus back on the painting with more intensity than ever.
 Azula could barely get out of bed, she was shaky all over and with a dull drumming behind her eyes. She let herself flop back onto her mattress. With a feeling of dread tickling her belly, she realized that she couldn’t even remember actually climbing back into bed. With all of her soul, she pleaded with the spirits that it was she who’d done it on her own. And that she hadn’t been found twitching and screaming by one of the palace guards—or worse, her mother—and carried to bed. Considering no one was pounding at her door nor looming in the corner awaiting for her to achieve full alertness, she felt rather safe in saying she’d managed to get herself to bed.
 Her mouth was terribly dry and calling for her to attain water. She had every intention of listening, but as her hand reached for the glass she hadn’t finished the night before—opting to drink more cactus juice instead—she spied the small pouch. And she was staring at it again, that reddish hued dust. There was a lot she didn’t know about it; its origins, how Chan had gotten ahold of it, how much she could take in one sitting without risking too much, the plant in which it was derived from, and if it came from a plant at all. For all she knew she could be inhaling residue from one of the many war factories. The list of uncertainties went on and on. She knew very well that it was unwise to fight in uncharted territory and to tread carefully if she decided to do so anyhow. She supposed that her newly obtained powder was much the same. The only thing she knew of it was that Chan called it, Dragon’s Breath or sometimes Dragon Dust to throw people off. If he really wanted to muddy the trail he would call it Ruby Tears. All of which were very enticing, pretty names for something so risky. If it were up to Azula she’d refer to it as Dragon’s Eye, she certainly felt like she had been given a new sight—a sight that was to powerful for her body, which now seemed so small, at that.
 She also assessed that it must be a potent drug. Must be? She revaluated, no it was clearly potent, that was for sure. She’d only taken a pinch last night and it had sent her into what may as well have been the dimension over. She was lucky she’d only taken a tester for her first time.
 Azula closed her eyes, trying to remember just what she’d done the night before. Her cheeks flushed as the memories filtered in. She dropped back down onto the mattress and draped an arm over her eyes. No doubt, she’d made an idiot of herself and was thankful that she had been mistaken for a little boy—as degrading as that was. Not that she deserved anything else, she had and was planning on continuing to put herself in a lowly place.
 She sat back up and tossed the pouch from one hand to the other, pondering whether or not she truly wanted to give it a second go. The answer was obvious, of course she didn’t want to; it would be foolish and self-destructive. But Agni, her body, was already yearning for it. And she cursed it for its weakness. But then, her mind was growing meek too and seemed to crave it just as much.
Reluctantly, as if to justify to herself what she was about to do, she deduced that the only reason her trip had been so awful was because she’d downed a good portion of cactus juice to go with it.
 Indeed, she was demeaning herself. As far as she was concerned abuse of this nature was reserved for the peasant class, those who needed an extra kick to get by since they had nothing else. She’d never seen a royal nor noble hooked on what she was. Then again, she hadn’t known another person of high birth to have little as she. She hadn’t known a royal to have all the pieces in place for them and still fail as splendidly as she did.
 Without any further thought, and in a burst of anger, she tore the pouch open and dumped a larger portion onto her dresser. Agni, what a sight she was; hair a mess, robe undone, and hunched over her dresser sniffing up the powder like her life depended on it. She was horrible, truly horrible.
 Sokka beamed from ear to ear. It was going much better than he expected. Despite the dash of brown, she still looked very much like how he’d seen her at the window. In fact, he thought it made more sense. After all, he had told Katara that his painting was set during sundown. It only made sense that the sun would cast a lighter hue on her hair. For once, something he was doing just seemed to have come together for him! Of course, black still probably wasn’t an optimal choice for the background of a room during sunset. But this was a good day so he would cut himself some slack, he was still a beginner, these things would come to him in due time.
 As was becoming a habit, neglected to wash his hand before wiping a bead of sweat off of his cheek. In its place he left a healthy smear of brown. He still hadn’t gotten to painting her face yet… nor her clothing for that matter, which was even more awkward now that he had her hair on there. She was looking more like Azula, but with less clothes. His face grew hot at the thought, he shook his head. He would not think about Azula like that, he could practically feel her reaching through the canvas to slap him.
 He looked towards her window, wondering what the real Azula was up to. Probably something more entertaining and important than some silly painting. He shrugged to himself, at least he had a hobby now. A few months ago he couldn’t even bring himself to pretend to enjoy things like hunting and talking with friends. He smiled wider know that just a few days ago he nearly found himself back there, and prided himself on turning it around this time. With a new spark of energy he decided that he would finish painting her face.
 Invested so heavily in his work he didn’t realize just how long it had been. “Hey, I thought you’d like to join us for dinner.” Zuko invited.
 Sokka started, nearly dropping his paint brush. He whistled out a relieved breath, “you’re lucky I had the brush away from the canvas!”
 “Sounds like you’re the lucky one.” Zuko laughed.
 “Which means you are too, I would have smeared all of this paint,” he motioned to his palette, “on you if you caused me to mess my painting up.”
 “Spoken like a true uppity artisan.” Zuko joked. “That looks nice so far, btw.”
 Sokka jolted again, another bought of pink coming to his cheeks. He really had to start being more careful especially this far into his work. He would invest in a more private area painting spot the next day, he was painting from memory anyhow, since his subject still hadn’t made another appearance.
 “Wow, Katara’s right, you really are defensive of your art. I don’t know why, it looks great.” He repeated.
 At first Sokka couldn’t place where the sinking feeling had come from. He considered for the first time, that Zuko didn’t know about Azula’s haircut. That was probably the only thing that saved him from getting busted. And for the first time, he considered just how lonely Azula might be. If Zuko didn’t know what she was up to, did anyone? It sent pangs through his heart.
He eyed the portrait with a new emotion. He had painted Azula with a gaze as sharp as the woman he’d known long ago and accompanied that stare with a more neutral curve to her lips—firm and serious. He had considered that the real woman might be wearing a look of distress or despair.
 “Thanks.” Sokka said at last.
 He wasn’t particularly listening to what Zuko said after and he may have cut the fire lord off in asking, “hey, how has your sister been, anyways?” He hoped it sounded as nonchalant and unsuspecting as he intended.
 The sudden widening of his eyes, indicated that Sokka had caught him off guard. “Well…she…I’m not quite sure…” he trailed off, confirming Sokka’s suspicions that his friend had no idea. “She’s…”
 “Lonely?” Sokka filled in.
 “Maybe, I guess.” Zuko replied. “I figured that if she wanted to talk to us, she would come and do it. So I just leave her alone, it’s better to keep your distance with her. She doesn’t seem to like the company when we give it to her.”
 You didn’t either, Sokka almost said, but we gave it to you anyways. Instead he replied. “Maybe she’s just bad at asking for it.”
 A sullenness came over him. “Maybe.” Something told Sokka that Zuko, as good hearted as he was, wouldn’t be reaching out any time soon. Not that Sokka could hold it against him; Azula wasn’t the easiest person to get along with. In fact, Sokka was willing to bet that she was one of the hardest.
 She had caused him so much pain before, yet painting her had given him a much needed breath of life. It was strange how the woman who had once been the source of all of his woes, was the one helping to build him back up. Unbeknownst to her, of course. And perhaps that’s why he made a mental note to take a break from his painting and pay her a visit.
 Not that he knew it, but, the woman sobbing and shaking in the corner of her room could use the visit.
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
Ten Latest Tips You Can Learn When Attending Silhouette Painting Easy | Silhouette Painting Easy
Click actuality to apprehend the abounding article.
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Dolphin Silhouette | Painting Party | Pinterest .. | silhouette painting easy
Alessandra Ambrosio has baffled the art of animated summer style.
The Brazilian supermodel was spotted out and about in Los Angeles bygone cutting a accidental ensemble complete with brownish thong sandals. Ambrosio sported a abounding biscuit top over One Teaspoon denim shorts with orange striping bottomward the side. Revolve.com sells the shorts for $114.
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More from Footwear News
On her feet, the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show alum wore Havaianas Slim Close Sandals, uming off her gly white pedicure. The contour boasts attenuate gold straps, with a close book on the footbed and a elastic sole. The shoes were ahead accessible to boutique from the Revolve website but are no best in stock.
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Art on Sketchbook – by Megha Chhatbar: Acrylic Painting on .. | silhouette painting easy
In accession to antic her Havaianas for a arcade excursion, Ambrosio was additionally photographed bygone barefoot while walking forth the beach. The brilliant apart her shirt to acknowledge a red bikini top underneath, and added a wide-brimmed hat to her attending to anticipate sun exposure. It’s ambiguous what cast Ambrosio’s swimsuit was from, but she was acceptable clad in a appearance from her own label, Gal Floripa, which is fabricated in Brazil.
When she’s not cutting flip-flops, Ambrosio can generally be spotted in athleisure apparel complete with sneakers. Her apparel includes pairs from the brand of Nike, New Balance and Under Armour. For red carpets and added events, the A-lister unsurprisingly tends to advancement her attending with aerial heels, extensive for styles from artist brands such as Giuseppe Zanotti and Rene Caovilla.
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
I Will Tell You The Truth About Easy Sunset Painting For Beginners In The Next 23 Seconds | Easy Sunset Painting For Beginners
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30 More Easy And Simple Canvas Painting Ideas For Beginners – easy sunset painting for beginners | easy sunset painting for beginners
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Sunset tree silhouette canvas painting | Sunset canvas painting .. | easy sunset painting for beginners
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Easy Sunset Painting For Beginners / Step by step Tutorial .. | easy sunset painting for beginners
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Easy Watercolor Sunset Tutorial for Beginners – easy sunset painting for beginners | easy sunset painting for beginners
Painter Legend https://i2.wp.com/www.painterlegend.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/sunset-palm-art-painting-gallery-simple-acrylic-easy-sunset-painting-for-beginners.jpg?fit=720%2C582&ssl=1
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sororsam-blog · 7 years
MUSE AESTHETICS //    BOLD any which apply to your muse!    remember to REPOST  !!  feel free to add to the list !!
[ COLORS ]   red. brown.  orange.  yellow.  green.  blue.  purple.  pink.  black.  white.  teal. silver.  gold.  gray.  lilac.  metallic.  matte.  royal blue.  strawberry red.  charcoal gray.  forest green.  pastels.  apple red.  navy blue.  crimson.  cream.  mint green.  lavender.  copper.  turquoise.  amber.  magenta.  midnight.  jade green. neon yellow.  neon green.
[ ELEMENTS ]  fire.  ice.  water.  air.   earth.  metal.  spirit.  rain.   snow.  wind.  moon.  stars.  sun.  heat.   cold.   steam.   frost.   lightning.  sunlight.  moonlight.  dawn.  dusk.  twilight.  midnight.  sunrise.  sunset.  dewdrops.
[ BODY ]  claws. long fingers. fangs.  teeth.  wings.  tails.  lips.  bare feet.  freckles.  bruises.   canine.  acne.  scars.  scratches.  wounds.  burns.  spikes.  fur.  feathers.  scales.  webs.  eyes.  hands.  tongue.  sweat.  tears.  feline.  chubby-faced. curvy.  short.  tall.  busty.  normal height.  muscular.  makeup.  piercing.  tattoos.  dimples.  plastic surgery.  dyed hair.  painted nails.  amputation.
[ WEAPONS ]  fists.  brass knuckles.  sword.  dagger.  spear.  arrow.  hammer.  shield.  poison. guns.  axes.  throwing axes.  whips.  knives.  throwing knives.  pepper sprays.  tasers. machine guns.  slingshots.  katanas.  maces. staffs.  wands.  powers.  magical items.  magic.  rocks.  mud balls.  claws.  razors.  fighting fans.
[ MATERIALS ]  gold.  silver.  platinum.  titanium.  diamonds.  pearls.  rubies.  sapphires.  emeralds.  amethyst.  opal.  topaz.  jade.  agate.  bismuth.  geodes.  metal.  iron.  rust.  steel.  glass.   wood.  porcelain.  paper.   wool.  fur.  faux fur.   lace.  leather.   silk.  satin.  velvet.   cashmere.  denim.  linen.  cotton.  charcoal.  clay.  stone.  asphalt.  brick.  marble.  graphite.  dust.  glitter.  blood.  dirt.  mud.  smoke.  ash.  shadow.  carbonate.  synthetics.  fool’s gold.  fossils.  sea glass.
[ NATURE ]    grass.  leaves.  pine trees.  maple trees.  palm trees. cactus.  bark.   roses.  daisies.  tulips.  lavender.  lilies.  desert flowers.  hibiscus.  petals.  thorns.  seeds.  vines. roots.  hay.  sand.  rocks.  flowers.  ocean.  lake.  river.  meadow.  forest.  desert.  tundra.  savanna.  swamps.  rain-forest.  caves.  underwater. coral reef.  beach.  waves.  space.  clouds.  shooting stars.  rainbows.  auroras.   fjords.  canyons.  floods.  droughts. thunderstorms.  tornadoes.  hurricanes.  tsunamis.  volcanoes.  earthquakes. blizzards. meteors.  constellations.  comets.  planets.   seashells.  driftwood.
[ ANIMALS ]   lions.  tigers.  bears.  wolves.  coyotes.  eagles.   owls.  falcons.  hawks.  swans.  snakes.   turtles.  ducks.  bugs.  spiders.  birds.   whales.  dolphins.  fish.  sharks.  horses.  zebras.  giraffes.  cats.  dogs.  bunnies.  cows.  sheep.   pigs.  goats.  frogs.   snails.  praying mantises.  butterflies.  bees.  wasps.  crows.  ravens.   parrots.   peacocks.  mice.  rats. hamsters.  lizards.  werewolves.  unicorns.  pegasus.  phoenix.  dragons.  foxes.  llamas.  camels.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]     sugar.  salt.  candy.  bubblegum.  wine.  champagne.  hard liquor.  beer.  coffee.  tea.  mate.  kombucha.  spices.  herbs.  apple.  orange.  lemon.  lime.  cherry.  pineapple.  strawberry.  watermelon.  bananas.  mango.  coconut.  pomegranate.  vegetables.  fruits.  meat.  fish.  pies.  cakes.  desserts.  chocolate.  vanilla.  nutmeg.  hazelnut.  peppermint.  cream.  caramel.  berries.  nuts.  cinnamon.  popcorn.  pretzels.  soda.  burgers.  burritos.  pizza.  pasta.  lasagne.  peanut butter.  curry.  bacon.  pancakes.  soup.  cheese.  avocado.  vegan.
[ HOBBIES ]  music.  art.  watercolors.  gardening.  smithing.  sculpting.   pottery.  painting.   sketching .  fighting.  writing.  composing.  cooking.  sewing. cosplay.  training.  dancing.    acting.  singing.  sound editing.  martial arts.  self-defense.  electronics.  technology.  blogging.  vlogging. cameras.  video cameras.  video games.  audio recorders. computer.  phone.  movies.  theater.  libraries.  books.  magazines.  cds.   records.  vinyls.  piano.  violin.  guitar.  electronic guitar. bass guitar.  harmonica.  harp.  woodwinds.  keyboard.  drums.  percussion.  marching band.  drama.  playing cards.  poker chips.  chess.  dice.  motorcycle riding.  eating.  climbing.  running.  partying.  walking.
[ STYLE ]  lingerie.  armor.  cape.  dress.  tunic.  vest.  blazer.  shirt.  boots.  sneakers.  slip-ons. sandals.  heels.  leggings.  trousers.  tights.  jeans.  shorts. skirt.  jewelry . leather jacket.  earrings.  necklace.   bracelet.  ring.  pendant.  hat.  cap.  crown.  circlet.  helmet.  scarf.  brocade.  cloak.  corset.  doublet.  chest plate.  gorget.  bracers.  belt.   sash.  coat.   hoodie.   gloves.  socks.  masks.  cowls.  braces.  tie.  watch.  glasses.  sunglasses.  visor.  contacts.  makeup.  bowties.  canes.  bows.
[ MUSIC ]  rock.  pop.  jazz.  rap.  r&b.  hip-hop.  funk.  alternative.   classical.   trance.  dubstep.  edm.  ebm.  hardstyle.  blues.  cumbia.  reggaeton.   trap.   k-pop.  j-pop.   ambient.  new age.  metal.  world fusion.  dancehall.  reggae.  soca.  punk.  ska.  singer-songwriter.  folk.  country.  bluegrass.  swing.  opera.  show tunes.  acapella.  minimalist.  avant-garde.  new wave.  disco.  baroque.  symphonic metal.  soundtrack.  vaporwave.  glitch.  house.   lounge.  chillout.  psychedelic rock.  post-rock.  cabaret.  trip-hop.  easy listening.  nightcore.  indie.  grunge.  contemporary.  black metal.  metalcore.  emo.  screamo.  rockabilly.  parody.  industrial.  electro pop.  electro swing.
[ MISC ]  balloons.  bubbles.  fireworks.  reflections.   cityscape.  cathedral.  mosque.  light. dark.  candles.  war.  peace.  money.  power.  percussion.  clocks.  photos.  mirrors.  pets.  diary.  fairy lights.  flashing cameras.  madness.   sanity.  sadness.  happiness. optimism.  pessimism.  loneliness.  family.  friends.  lovers.  assistants.  co-workers. partners.  enemies.  loyalty.  smoking.  drugs.  kindness.  love.  hugs.  kisses.  lies.  angels.  demons.  fairies.  elves.  gnomes.  mystery.  body horror. cosmic horror.  hallucinations. TAGGED BY:   @sacrificas TAGGING:  anyone who wants to, say i tagged you!
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stacieconnerty · 5 years
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A list of easy painting ideas of canvas for beginners.Perfect step by step tutorials and videos for kids, for teens and adults. Choose from simple acrylic, galaxy paintings, abstract, and other cute DIY ideas. Some watercolor on paper ideas too! Are aesthetic and can be used to decorate walls for home, for living room, for bedrooms, etc. Cool ideas include: beach, cactus, flowers, on wood, Christmas, creative quotes, landscape, nature themed, sunset, etc. #paintingIdeas #paintings #canvasIdeas https://ift.tt/34NMQMW
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sacrificas-a-blog · 7 years
MUSE AESTHETICS  //    BOLD any which apply to your muse!    remember to REPOST  !!  feel free to add to the list !!
[ COLORS ]   red. brown.  orange.  YELLOW.  GREEN.  blue.  purple.  PINK.  black.   white.  TEAL. silver.  gold.  gray.  lilac.  metallic.  matte. royal blue. strawberry red.  charcoal gray. forest green.  PASTELS.  apple red.  navy blue.  crimson.  cream.  MINT GREEN.  lavender.  copper. turquoise.  amber.  magenta.  midnight.  jade green. neon yellow.  neon green.
[ ELEMENTS ]  fire.  ice.  water.  air.   EARTH.  metal.  SPIRIT.  rain.   snow. wind. MOON.  STARS. sun.  heat.   cold.   steam.   frost.  lightning .  sunlight.  MOONLIGHT.  dawn. dusk.  twilight  MIDNIGHT. sunrise.  sunset.  dewdrops.
[ BODY ]  claws. long fingers. fangs.  teeth.  wings.  tails.  LIPS.  BARE FEET. freckles.  bruises.   canine.  acne.  scars.  scratches.  wounds.  burns.  spikes.  fur.  feathers.  scales.  webs.  EYES.  hands.  tongue.  SWEAT.  tears.  feline.   chubby-faced. curvy.  SHORT. tall.  busty.  normal height. MUSCULAR.  makeup.  piercing.  TATTOOS.  dimples.  plastic surgery.  dyed hair.  painted nails.  amputation.
[ WEAPONS ]  fists.  brass knuckles.  sword.  dagger.  spear.  arrow.  hammer.  shield.  poison. guns.  axes.  throwing axes.  whips.  knives.  throwing knives.  pepper sprays.  tasers. machine guns.  slingshots.  katanas.  maces. staffs.  wands.  powers.  magical items.  magic.  rocks.  mud balls.  claws.  razors.  fighting fans.
[ MATERIALS ]  gold.  silver. platinum.  titanium.  diamonds.  pearls.  rubies. sapphires.  emeralds.  amethyst.  opal.  topaz.  jade.  agate.  bismuth.  geodes.  metal.  iron.  rust.  steel.  glass.   wood.  porcelain.  PAPER.   WOOL.  fur.  faux fur.   lace.  LEATHER.   silk.  satin.  velvet.   cashmere.  DENIM.  LINEN.  COTTON.  charcoal. CLAY.  stone.  asphalt.  brick. marble. graphite.  dust.  glitter.  blood.  DIRT.  mud.  smoke.  ash.  shadow.  carbonate.  synthetics.  fool’s gold.  fossils.  sea glass.
[ NATURE ]    grass.  LEAVES. pine trees.  maple trees.  palm trees.  CACTUS.  bark.   roses. daisies.  tulips.  lavender.  lilies. DESERT FLOWERS.  hibiscus.  petals.  thorns.  seeds.  vines.  ROOTS.  hay. SAND.  ROCKS.  FLOWERS.  ocean.  lake.  river.  meadow.  forest.  DESERT.  tundra.  savanna.  swamps.  rain-forest.  caves.  underwater. coral reef.  beach.  waves.  space.  clouds.  shooting stars.  rainbows.  auroras. fjords.  CANYONS.  floods.  droughts. thunderstorms.  tornadoes.  hurricanes.  tsunamis.  volcanoes.  earthquakes. blizzards. meteors.  CONSTELLATIONS.  comets.  planets. seashells.  driftwood.
[ ANIMALS ]   lions.  tigers. bears.  wolves. COYOTES. eagles. OWLS.  falcons.  hawks.  swans.  snakes.   turtles.  ducks.  bugs.  spiders. birds.   whales.  dolphins.  fish.  sharks.  horses.  zebras.  giraffes.  CATS.  dogs.  bunnies.  cows. sheep. pigs.  goats.  frogs.   snails.  praying mantises.  butterflies. bees. wasps. crows.  ravens. parrots.   peacocks.  mice. rats. hamsters. LIZARDS.  werewolves.  unicorns. pegasus. phoenix.  dragons.  foxes. llamas.  camels.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]     sugar.  SALT.  candy.  bubblegum.  WINE.  champagne.  hard liquor.  beer.  COFFEE.  tea. MATE. KOMBUCHA. SPICES.  HERBS. apple.  orange. lemon .  LIME.  cherry.  pineapple. strawberry.  WATERMELON.  bananas.  MANGO.  coconut.  pomegranate.  VEGETABLES.  FRUITS.  meat.  fish.  pies. cakes.  desserts.  chocolate.  vanilla. nutmeg.  hazelnut. peppermint. cream.  caramel.  berries. nuts.  CINNAMON.  popcorn.  pretzels.  soda.  burgers.  burritos.  pizza.  pasta.  lasagne. peanut butter.  CURRY.  bacon.  pancakes.  soup.  cheese.  AVOCADO. VEGAN.
[ HOBBIES ]  music.  art.  watercolors.  GARDENING.  smithing.  sculpting.   pottery.  painting.   sketching .  fighting.  WRITING.  composing.  COOKING.  sewing. cosplay.  training.  DANCING.    acting.  singing.   SOUND EDITING. martial arts.  self-defense.  electronics.  technology.  BLOGGING.  vlogging.  CAMERAS.  video cameras.  video games.  AUDIO RECORDERS. computer.  phone.  movies.  theater.  LIBRARIES.  BOOKS.  magazines.  cds. records.  vinyls.  piano.  violin.  guitar.  electronic guitar. bass guitar.  harmonica.  harp.  woodwinds.  keyboard.  drums.  percussion.  marching band.  drama. PLAYING CARDS. poker chips.  chess.  dice.  motorcycle riding.  eating.  climbing.  running.  partying. WALKING.
[ STYLE ]  lingerie.  armor.  cape.  dress.  tunic.  vest.  blazer. SHIRT.  boots.  SNEAKERS .  SLIP-ONS. sandals.  heels.  leggings. trousers.   tights.  JEANS.  shorts. skirt. jewellery . LEATHER JACKET. earrings.  necklace.   bracelet.  ring.  pendant.  hat.  CAP.  crown.  circlet.  helmet.  scarf.  brocade.  cloak.  corset.  doublet.  chest plate.  gorget.  bracers.  BELT. sash.  coat.  HOODIE.   gloves .  SOCKS.  masks.  cowls.  braces.  tie.  WATCH.  GLASSES. sunglasses. visor.  contacts.  makeup.  bowties.  canes.  bows.
[ MUSIC ]  ROCK.  POP. jazz.  rap.  r&b.  hip-hop. funk.  alternative. classical.  trance.  dubstep.  edm.  ebm.  hardstyle.  blues.  CUMBIA.  REGGAETON. TRAP. k-pop.  j-pop. ambient.  new age.  metal.  world fusion.  dancehall. reggae.  soca.  punk.  ska. SINGER-SONGWRITER.  folk.  country.  bluegrass.  swing.  opera.  show tunes.  acapella. minimalist.  avant-garde.  new wave. disco.  baroque.  symphonic metal.  soundtrack.  vaporwave.  glitch.  house.   lounge.  chillout.  psychedelic rock.  post-rock.  cabaret.  trip-hop.  easy listening.  trap.  nightcore.  INDIE. grunge.  contemporary.  black metal.  metalcore.  emo.  screamo. rockabilly.  parody.  industrial.  electro pop. electro swing.
[ MISC ]  balloons.  bubbles.  fireworks.  reflections.   cityscale.  cathedral.  mosque. light. DARK.  CANDLES.  war. peace. money.  power.  percussion.  clocks. PHOTOS.  mirrors.  pets.  diary.  fairy LIGHTS.  flashing cameras.  MADNESS. sanity.  SADNESS.  happiness. optimism.  pessimism. LONELINESS.  FAMILY.  friends.  lovers. assistants.  co-workers. partners.  enemies.  loyalty.  SMOKING.  drugs.  KINDNESS.  LOVE.  HUGS.  KISSES. LIES.  angels.  demons.  fairies.  elves. gnomes. MYSTERY. BODY HORROR. COSMIC HORROR. HALLUCINATIONS.  TAGGED:   @tragicloss​ (  !! thanks a lot ) TAGGING:  @overdove​, @cosmicwar​, @kiyote​, @bestvictim​, @ghstsight​, @sunskissed​, @opheliaavery​, @sororsam​, @whcwashe​ idk man anyone who wants to do it. 
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emilysn2019-blog · 5 years
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This provides info on my favorite things to do in Joshua Tree National Park, and tips for accomplishing it all. Since it’s the closest National Park to Los Angeles (see our Ultimate LA City Guide for more on visiting), Joshua Tree is an easy stop on a California road trip.
For me, this is the great thing about Joshua Tree–it is relatively easy to hit the major highlights in a few hours if that’s what you want to do, but it offers enough beyond the highlights that you could spend serious time in the park if you so desire. This means that there’s really something for everyone.
I’ve made a few trips to Joshua Tree National Park, and this post covers my favorite things that I’ve done there. This is basically a ‘best of’ Joshua Tree National Park list, that focuses on the must-do highlights. It’s aimed at a broad audience–National Park enthusiasts or casual visitors, but only those with limited time…
If you’re looking to spend a significant amount of time (say, 2+ days) in Joshua Tree National Park, I’d highly recommend picking up the Joshua Tree: The Complete Guide, which is basically the “deep cuts” look at the park. That’s the only guide you’ll need for a longer trip; if you’re doing a day trip, skip that book and stick with blog posts like this one.
So what are my top picks for Joshua Tree National Park? Well, I hear they have some pretty trees!
Arch Rock
As the name implies, Arch Rock is a rock formation in the shape of an arch. I believe it was built hundreds of years ago in a collaboration between dinosaurs and cavemen, but that’s just what I heard (from the guitar hippies–see below).
It’s really easy to access from White Tank Campground, being less than a half-mile hike from the trailhead within the campground. It’s great for photographing under the night sky, and is really just cool to see in general. Joshua Tree National Park actually has a lot of cool rock formations (Skull Rock being another), and is also rising in popularity among free climbers. I think that’s crazy, buy hey, to each their own!
Cholla Cactus Garden
Also known as the infamous “Outlaw California Attack Cactus,” the Chollas are public enemy of even bears and Scientologists–as far as I’m concerned. Seriously, while these cacti are beautiful, and doing the short looping trail through the Cholla Cactus Garden is neat, be sure to heed the numerous warnings that you need to stay on the trail because they are dangerous and hazardous to human health.
The little cactus balls (for lack of a better term) have some sort of charge or kinetic energy ( causing them to jump and “attack” humans. Four out of the 5 photographers in our group got attacked one evening, and removing those balls from flesh is not fun. I’m not even kidding here. Enjoy the Cholla from the relative safety of the trail.
Joshua Tree is a cheap and easy place to camp, with three easy places to set up a tent. I love White Tank Campground, which is conveniently located and is in what I think is the most beautiful part of Joshua Tree. This is one of my favorite spots to photograph (Arch Rock is located here), anyway, so camping here makes for the perfect Joshua Tree National Park experience–just watch for rattlesnakes.
It’s $15/night for primitive camp sites in an area with a quiet area with a great view of the night sky, and you can stay for up to 30 days…making this the cheapest way to live in California if you don’t need fancy conveniences like “running water” or “electricity.”
Bonus tip: in one of the campsites (sorry, don’t remember the number) near the entrance, there’s a really photogenic Joshua Tree all by itself with rocks surrounding it. This is my pick for the best campsite and most photogenic tree in the entire park.
Leaning Juniper
At another nearby campground, Jumbo Rocks, there’s a unique Juniper tree near a lone, monolithic rock a short hike above the camp sites. This Juniper tree is defiantly growing out of the rocks, and it’s amazing that it exists in the first place, let alone just happens to be growing in such an awesome spot making for cool photos.
This is a popular spot among photographers visiting Joshua Tree National Park, so even if you come up here in the middle of the night when seemingly no one else is in the park, don’t be surprised if you encounter others up here. This is a pretty small spot and is basically a “one at a time” photo spot, so make sure to bring your patience.
Psychedelic Sunset
In the summer, there are some areas of Joshua Tree National Park that feel like veritable hippy communes. If perching on a rock, strumming on a guitar, and recreating the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test isn’t for you, well, you can still perch on a rock and enjoy the psychedelic colors painting the desert at sunset as the sky slowly transitions to night.
Any time of year, but especially in the summer, the sunset is a sight for sore eyes, as it offers respite from the heat and a break from the sun. Joshua Tree National Park has very little shade, making the sunset–even a dull one photogenically–welcome relief.
It probably comes to the surprise of exactly no one that Joshua Tree National Park has a lot of Joshua Trees. The eponymous tree is plentiful here, and simply wandering around marveling at these unique trees is something you can spend a decent amount of time doing.
I’ll admit that this is probably not all that interesting for the native Californians out there. My first experience with Joshua Trees was just outside the Park before my first visit, and I was in awe. I had never seen anything like them. When I got to Joshua Tree National Park itself, I was flat out blown away.
I had seen the desert before, but this was like an alien landscape, with rock formations and Joshua Trees stretching as far as the eye could see. I regaled my California friends with tales of Joshua Tree National Park and its amazing trees upon returning home, and none of them were all that impressed. To each his own, I suppose.
Night Skies
When I’ve visited Joshua Tree National Park, I’ve timed it so I would be there for the full moon and no moon (separate occasions, obviously). The photo immediately above pictures the full moon rise, and on evenings with a full moon, the park is quite bright. On nights with no moon, it’s quite dark.
Unfortunately, despite being (seemingly) in the middle of nowhere, Joshua Tree National Park is not a “dark sky” park on par with Death Valley. The sky is definitely dark, and you can see plenty of stars, but you will notice light pollution on the horizon in some of your shots, which I assume is coming from Palm Springs. On the plus side, this can make some of your night shots almost resemble a sunrise!
That about covers it for my favorite things to do and see in Joshua Tree National Park. I haven’t done a ton of hiking here, mostly because temperatures have been in the 90 to 100 degree range whenever I’ve visited. Nevertheless, Joshua Tree National Park is a great place to spend an afternoon or evening, and it’s a great escape from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles.
Like I stated at the outset, this is one National Park you could experience pretty quickly, which makes it a great day trip from LA. However, you could also spend a good chunk of time camping here, enjoying the surreal landscape, and disconnecting (cell service is very limited in the park) from the rest of the world. No matter which approach you choose, hopefully this list helps you plan for a better visit to Joshua Tree National Park!
If you’re planning a California road trip or vacation, check out my California category of posts for other things to see and do. If you enjoyed this post, please use the sharing buttons above to help spread the word via social media. I greatly appreciate it! 
Your Thoughts…
Where are your favorite places and things to do in Joshua Tree National Park? Are you impressed by the alien look of this landscape and these crazy trees, or do they not do anything for you? Which of these would you most like to photograph? Favorite sunrise or sunset spots in Joshua Tree? Any questions? Share any thoughts you have in the comments!
The post Things To Do In Joshua Tree National Park appeared first on Travel Caffeine.
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superbeitmenotyou · 5 years
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White balance is accomplished into our head as a particularly abstruse factor to regulate in our images and not, in reality, something we will spend creatively beyond, warmer or cooler" however there are such a lot of creative possibilities accessible.
While stability is measured in four.“ instructions” cordial, bloodless, eco-friendly, and amethyst. The latter two are tint while the above two are heat and with these 4 tones, we can actualize all the colourations we need. it all goes lower back to the colour wheel, what all of us should still be aware is that the colour wheel accomplished in paintings school is distinctive than the colour caster we should consume for light in images. no longer plenty diverse, however distinct ample it is going to be outlined. The colour wheel used for painting is called the subtractive colour caster, and when dealing with mild we spend the accretion colour caster — the identify talks about what to do get to white. once we absorb all the colours in an accretion colour wheel we get white, whereas if we add the entire colourings within the subtractive colour caster collectively we get atramentous.
in the above images that you would be able to see the difference between the photographs how you get at atramentous white by using accumulation them collectively. As that you can see, the auto is a little distinctive, as within the subtractive colour caster pink and cyan are opposite, whereas in the additive colour caster red and green are adulatory as a substitute. here is vital to know in things just like the image below the place I used adulatory colours to boost the purples pinks within the heritage and in fact accomplish them pop.
in this image of Toronto musician Danny Dymond, it doesn’t appear too aberrant, shot with a distinct Cactus RF60x firing into a cogitating awning camera correct which turned into eliminated in publishing. This graphic was shot right at sunset, with the sun in the back of the digital camera casting captivating crimson light to assimilate the constructions. Danny desired the photographs to be neon glam so we desired to make them much more pink devoid of making him crazy super saturated which might accept happened if I had simply cranked the saturation slider so hitting him with a gel that became the contrary of the colour I wanted to raise basically made things pop.
as a result of i wanted the background to be pinkish magenta i will look up at our additive color wheel and notice that the opposite of it really is a pleasant eco-friendly color that means that if I bandy a green gel on the easy hitting Danny the leisure of the arena may be capable of shift to that empathy pinkish colour I was attempting to find. in case you seem to be at the.“earlier than” photo beneath that you could see what the appearance without compensating for the gel seems like including a unique look by using a gorgeous photographer, Giancarlo Pawelec, who assisted me on this shoot.
here is an apparent manner to make use of this method but that you can additionally utilize it extra subtly. again, I acclimated a distinct speed mild, this time shooting via an awning. I acclimated a 28mm 1.9 Vivitar sequence one lens again on my X-T1. in its place of an abundant green gel, I used a 12CTO on the model, in order that back the light hit her the historical past could be a little acknowledgement, which I again pushed more eco-friendly just since it acquainted appropriate. If I knew I was an activity to do this, I would have acclimated a 12CTO and a 12 amethyst gel together.
which you can additionally push this thought completely to the excessive the usage of a whole amount of orange gels in order that the solar itself goes a close neon blue or go truly crazy and add a bunch of pink gels to make the solar go eco-friendly. gaining knowledge of about how the colours have interaction can give you limitless alternate options on how to accept diverse light sources interact with each and every different.
As that you can see these seem impossibly blue — however is basically just sunlight giving us that dejected colour and the different mild is so orange that when I pull right down to make it a little more neutral — the sun goes electric powered blue without the usage of a 2nd gentle. holding in the studio which you can additionally utilize this much more cautiously by way of animadversion out your ambient mild a bit of the solar and keeping it simply contained to the caliginosity
As you can see within the aloft picture, I have three key hues. pink from the swimsuit and fill easy, a neutral easy hitting the mannequin’s face, and a teal-ish adumbration on the bank at the back of Silencia. I used the best two lights for this, and the azure adumbration is just from the about colour of the sunlight outdoor bushing in the caliginosity. the key mild had no gel, simply battlefront via a adenoids beeline into their face whereas my ample light became gelled pink and battlefront via an awning to supply the entire image a wash. What’s best enjoyable about this shot is that the bank only looks eco-friendly team, it’s, in reality, an awful lot more impartial coloured however the adjacency to the reds make it appear less warm than it definitely is.
In conclusion, understanding how hues relate to every different and exploiting these relationships for creative twists as opposed to just using them for paintings course or colour alteration can truly supply your work a nice circuit and prevent assignment in publishing and in the reduction of the variety of lights that you actually need. an excellent strategy to practice these options and wrap your arch round how shades interact is to observe. Get a set of gels, bandy them in your gentle and element that light at the bank. colour proper the bank to white and see how it interacts with the ambient — this could let you definitely have in mind, pretty much, how the lights react to each and every other and might be acclimated to alternate the about gentle around them.
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