#but yeah shes not been feeling her best today and apparently she was exhausted
obsidiannebula · 4 months
Last few weeks, L and I have been counting sheep to help her fall asleep. I describe a beautiful pasture on a lush green hill, with a wooden fence at the bottom next to a riverbank. We have one hundred sheep, and they are naughty sheep, you see. They like to hop over our fence and play down by the river. But they usually hop back over soon enough.
Often the sheep hop the fence several times, and she's still awake and wants to recite Backyardigans for a while instead. Sometimes they all come back over to our side of the fence, and she rolls over and drifts off to sleep. Tonight I didn't even make it to 60 sheep before looking over and realizing she was sound asleep.
Counting sheep. Sometimes you just gotta stick to the classics.
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sillyblues · 1 year
𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 | 𝐦𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐨’𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: you overhear a couple of spider-people talking about you and miguel
ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: inspired by a scene of a drama i saw in tiktok at 11:30 pm whoops here’s a small scenario while i work on that hiding pregnancy with miguel fic
part 2
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You hummed to yourself as you walked towards Miguel’s room. You were so excited to talk to him about how your days went and if you were lucky, maybe you’d get to hear how his day went as well. It wasn’t like he doesn’t talk about himself, of course he does, you two were practically the bestest of friends now. It’s just that nowadays, he seemed more stressed and preferred to listen to you talk. Or at least you hoped so. He never really complained each time you rambled his ears off (which was like 83790134 times a day oops).
But a mention of your name in a hushed conversation stops your tracks.
“... [Name] is pretty close to Miguel, huh?” the conversation was actually a bit far from where you stood but thanks to your extreme superhearing, you were able to hear what they were talking about. You tilted your head. I wonder why they’re talking about me…
“Nah, I don’t think so. Miguel doesn’t even seem to like them.” You grumbled under your breath. That’s just what it looked like to others. They didn’t know that you know Miguel’s favourite empanadas are the ones sold by a Mexican granny on a stand right around the corner outside the building. They didn’t know that Miguel actually remembers what you say to him and even reacts to your stories. If that isn’t what you call friends in their natural behaviour, you don’t know what to call it.
“Yeah, it’s probably because they never stop talking. Their mouth just never know how to close for at least 10 minutes.”
“Miguel is probably annoyed at them. I wonder how he manages to keep his patience from running out with them.”
You bit your lip. Yeah, they were right…You admit that you talk a lot and you do feel a bit bad about it. But your friends haven’t told you to stop talking or that you were bothering them yet so you thought it was fine with them. If your friends said something about it, you would definitely stop and try to talk less for them. You were sure your friends would say something if they were uncomfortable, especially Miguel. You believe in them and you believe in him.
“I know right! If I was him, I would…” so you took a step forward and continued to walk towards your destination. Only this time, you weren’t humming.
“Hi, Miguel! Good afternoon! Such a lovely day, isn’t it?” you quirked up immediately as soon as you stepped foot into his office. As usual, he was on top of his floating station. Most of the time, he worked on planning and storing files with Lyla about which planets had been reported with anomalies. Sometimes, he watched videos of his daughter Gabriella and himself despite having already seen them countless times.
Miguel was lonely. You could see that. Sure, he had Jess and Hobie and Peter, but Jess was pregnant, Hobie was busy fighting against the government and being cool, and Peter had Mayday. You try your best to be with him because maybe he would feel less lonely with you around for him. Maybe he would be distracted by whatever you say from his exhaustion and his pain.
You swung yourself and landed on his platform. He was standing with multiple yellow screens hovered almost around him. His hands were on his waist and there was a glare on his face as he stared at it. He gave you a brief glance before turning his attention back to his work. Well, looks like today is a busy work day for him, huh. 
“Hey booo,” Lyla appeared in front of you and waved. You grinned at her. “Hey, Lyla! What’s up?”
“Ugh nothing much, except for Mr. O’hara on his red flood apparently.” She leaned and covered the side of her lips to whisper but it was no use to the said person with his abilities.
“I heard that.” His exasperated response was instant but he didn’t look away from the screen.
“Really? You did?” She asked with a higher and tightened voice with amusement. She then flashed a quick message to you. 
Miguel has been working even after you left three days ago. He wouldn’t take a rest no matter how many times I told him.
What? You looked at the back of his head in alarm. Worry immediately settled in your head and you furrowed your brows. Before you could convince him to stop, Lyla quickly made the message disappear and announced, “Oops, my power is running low. Gotta charge them now, byeeee.”
“I literally just checked your levels yesterday. Come back here—” he was cut off by her disappearing form.
He groaned and in his frustration, he swapped away the nearby items on the table. Most of them were papers but unfortunately, he didn’t notice he also swept away the teddy bear that you gifted him. It was similar to one Gabriella had and you knew this from the videos you watched with him. You thought how nice it would be to have at least a physical reminder of your love and not just ones you can see and hear. 
“I’ll get it, don’t worry!”
From his strength, the bear was flung high and without even thinking you walked backwards as you focused on its direction. You were being stupid because you forgot that you were on top of a floating platform and the floor wasn’t endless. The bear was almost near within your reach and with just one more step, you would be able to get it.
That one more step didn’t step on any solid floor but instead on air and so, you fell but not without the teddy bear in your hands. 
“[Name]!” Miguel shouted and you looked at him and finally, he was looking at you now. He ran at your falling figure with arms reaching out to you and for a second, you thought there was a tinge of panic and desperation laced in his hoarse voice and wide eyes. 
Sticky web was shot at your chest and you were quickly pulled towards him. You were hit against his figure and he caught you in his arms. You stilled and flushed, your ear was pressed against his chest and you could hear his roaring heart that beat so fast. He immediately shook you by your shoulders and yelled at you. “What were you thinking? Why weren’t you looking?”
“I mean, I was trying to catch it—” you flinched.
“Are you stupid? ¿y si te lastimas?” his nails were digging into your skin and his grip was beginning to hurt. You tried to laugh but came it off weakly.
“I just don’t want to see my gift get dirty. Besides, I’m fine—,” you tried to joke, hoping it would ease the tension and calm him down.
“Just shut up! Shut up!” he pushed you away with a growl, “Stop being so fucking reckless. I could have done it by myself. Stop annoying other people by doing stupid shit like this!”
He was breathing heavily, anger so deep in his eyes. Your eyes were wide and tears threatened to fall as you listened until it finally fell once he said his final word. Maybe the realization had finally settled in Miguel’s mind at what he had just said. His eyes widened in panic and reached out to you but you took a step back.
Your head hung low as you let his words sink in. Annoying? You couldn't even laugh bitterly like you usually do in situations like this. They were right. You were annoying him. You bit your lip. Had you been a bother to him all this time? How come Miguel never said anything?
Suddenly, his cold indifference to you was so clear and obvious now. Memories of him visibly annoyed with a frown flashed through your head. The sudden awareness made your head hurt and it burned your heart. It throbbed with a pang and you felt incapable of breathing, the pain overwhelming.
No, Miguel wasn't responsible for telling you this. You should've known better, you called yourself his “bestest friend”. You shouldn't have talked to him. You shouldn't have approached him in the first place.
You were annoying. You were a nuisance. You were a problem.
Stupid. Stupidstupidstupidstupid—
“[Name], I,” he sighed, “I’m sorry. I didn't mean—”
“No, it's fine,” you wiped your tears and pressed the teddy bear you gifted him and wanted to catch for him. You wonder if this bear was also a bother for him. Maybe it was. Everything related to you is irritating. You were tiresome. “I should be the one to say that. I’m sorry.”
“I need to go now. I’m really sorry, again.” With a brief glance at him, you immediately turned around and swung down. You almost ran as you made your exit from his office. You did the know where exactly to go, only anywhere without him and far away from him. Strength had left you once you were outside his office and you walked and walked and walked. 
Maybe if you left, nobody would find you annoying anymore.
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chrissturnsgirlll222 · 4 months
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second, never first
part one | part two | part three | part four
chris x fem!reader
summary - you grew up hating one guy all of high school but suddenly become close friends, but as time goes on feelings develop, only its one sided.
warnings - underage drinking, throwing up, use of y/n, BOYS (no smut… for now lol and yes i am 18) currently not proofread or written with pristine punctuation
word count - 2500+?? (i know its long but i had a bunch of ideas for the beginning)
this is also my first story so pls be kind :) also just wanted to mention that i wouldn’t have the courage to write and post if it werent for other writers on this app so i would just like to tag and thank a few accounts who inspired me to write<3
@lovingmattysposts @flowerxbunnie @strniohoeee @lacysturniolo @strawberrysturniolo @flynnriderishot @stuniolobbg 
for as long as i could remember, being the second option was all i knew. just always being the backup, never the go to.
this constant course of events led to my passion of reading and writing, pretty much consuming myself with content or sources that provided me with a sense of belonging, or just putting myself into a different reality.
i always had been drawn to romance. its a un-comforting comfort for me, if that makes sense. i love reading about it and watching movies about it but love just seemed so out of reach. im sure many people feel this way but i just believe there are certain people in the world that just go through life without any sort of romantic experiences. now while that may be true i also think thats just something i made up in my head to comfort myself from the fact that i have never had a single romantic experience, ever. i mean im 17 years old and havent even had my first kiss. hell i havent even held hands with a boy.
that of course all changed during my senior year.
“oh my god look at what cody sent me” anna says.
anna is my best friend, though at times she felt like my biggest competition. she is everything im not. constantly talking to boys, what people consider ‘boy pretty’, very out going and popular. the fun one.
i look over at her phone to see a text from one of the many boys shes talked to in the past year “i thought you guys were done?” i say
“yeah were not talking like that anymore but i still talk to him here and there” she says
“i dont know if thats the best idea, i mean if you guys keep talking hes probably going to get the wrong impression”
“your such a buzz kill sometimes” she says slightly annoyed. i stay silent. I might sound like a complete bitch here but when your friend is constantly talking or complaining about guy, a, b and c you eventually get bored and exhausted of hearing about it, I try my hardest to be understanding when she brings up guys, but I’m apparently never supportive enough to her standards. I suppose she wants me to be there and give her advice but what do I have to offer to that conversation?
we were driving through the school parking lot to park in our usual spot next to chris.
chris is, well complicated. ive known him since 7th grade and hated him up until about 3 months ago when senior year started. the friendship started off with him just parking next to my car everyday and him just pestering me all the time but the longer we kept parking together, the more we grew to enjoy our casual conversations.
we both roll down our windows.
“morning” i say waving at him, anna does the same “hey, i wanna skip first block if you guys are down” he says “you know i would never say to to that” anna says “ehh i dont know about today i have a bio project i need to work on and didnt getting the planning sheet so i should probably head in” i say
“alright, anna come on i wanna get mcdonalds” chris says tapping on his passenger seat.
“looks like its just us this morning! y/n me and chris can just go get food and ill bring you back something for lunch” anna says turning to me.
“ill see you guys at lunch” i say grabbing my bag and locking my car doors as anna gets in to chris’ car and they drive off.
if you havent caught the weird passive tone from anna, thats how she was. no matter how much i tried she always had to be the centre of attention . i honestly dont even think she does it on purpose. i love her and she is my best friend but i just find her insufferable at times, its just who she is. chris is a great friend to me but i always caught the vibe that chris liked anna or at least thought she was hot. which is also why i think he treats her with more respect than me.
now when i said we grew to like eachother i left out a slight detail.
even though i hated chris for most of high school for the way he treated me and constantly teased me, i couldnt help myself from starring at him from time to time as he talked or even looking at his hands. not only was he visually pleasing he could be really sweet and the conversations we shared were really meaningful at times. was he attractive, yes. was he a complete asshole to me for years and still hasnt apologized, yes. did i completely fall head over heels for him when he began to show me his nice side, sadly yes.
its so cliche but i fell for my “bully” so to speak. i hated myself for it but what i hated even more was how much i let my feelings for him effect how i saw myself even more as the second option. if it came down to it and me anna and him were the only people in the world he would still fuck anna before he even though about kissing me.
i know that i might only feel this way towards him simply because hes the only male thats shown me any attention at all. though it hasnt always been positive or romantic it was still something that i had never experienced from a male before.
like i said, second option.
i finish up my final class and head out to my car and wait for anna who is doing god knows what considering i drive her home everyday after school. while waiting for anna, chris gets into his car and starts it to heat up as it is the beginning of winter. i watch what hes doing through his car window as he scrolls on his phone for a sec and then storms into the backseat of my car, always the backseat.
my head whips around to look at him and he looks annoyed. “why do you look mad” i say. “look at what this bitch said to me” he says leaning up to the middle console shoving his phone in my face and i read texts from a girl hes talking to.
friday 3:14pm
alice: chris i cant keep talking to you
chris: what do you mean
alice: i mean that i cant keep talking to you what were doing is messing with my head and i dont want to be a victim of one of your fuck and dumps
chris: im sure i have many other girls who would kill to be in your position
alice: then go have them i dont want to be apart of your sick and twisted hookups
“ok wow” i say my eyes wide “i didnt even know you were talking to alice”
“well now you do, and im not anymore apparently” he says throwing his arms up as he sinks in to the middle seat. “we have been fucking since the halloween party, remember when i kissed her infront of you?” he says in a duh tone.
ah yes halloween. the night i went home crying after said kiss was shared infront of my face.
“yes i remember” i say blankly.
“we were supposed to hangout tonight but she decided to blow me off, i was ready to get my dick wet but i guess ill just have to be fucking boring alone” he says as i make a disgusted face.
“well i dont know what to te-“ i was cut off by anna coming into the car.
“ok sorry i took so long but i was just getting the details for a party tonight!” she says out of breath. chris sits up at the news, “maybe i will get my dick wet then.” he says smirking and jokingly raising his eyebrows.
“what? alice blew you off already.” anna says turning to chris. i dont bother questioning why anna knew and i didnt because im sure i know answer.
“yep and im scoring tonight.” he says fake punching the air as me and anna giggle.
anna and i finished getting ready at her place, her wearing jeans and a hot pink tank top and me in black jeans and a white long sleeve crop top. i stare at myself in the mirror when i hear annas phone go off with a text from chris.
friday 10:27pm
chris: here
“anna! chris is here!” i yell grabbing my phone and my drinks for the night from my bag and start making my way downstairs as i hear her close behind me. i tie up my shoes as i hear her grab her drinks from her fridge and say bye her parents. i wave goodbye to her parents as well and we make our way out to chris’ car.
upon entering were greeted by matt, chris’ brother in the passenger seat.
“hey matt i didnt know you were coming out tonight!” i say smiling at him as loud music blasts from chris’ speakers.
“yeah nicks also going so i just tagged along, plus i need to drive you guys home since chris is drinking tonight.” he says lightly punching chris in the arm. “oh yeah, speaking of nick where is he?” i say. “nicks already there he came with his friends.” i nod in response and sit back starting to chug down one of my drinks. i may be a buzz kill in annas eyes but i knew how to party and loved drinking with my friends.
matt is chris’ triplet brother along with nick. i never really got to know his brothers all that well, i just know that matt has become a lot more comfortable around me and anna as we have started to spend more time with chris.
once we arrive to the party me and anna walk around to see whos there and we meet up with some of our other friends. i can see chris from across the room laughing and talking to nick and matt.
the night goes on and i finish my fourth cooler of the night and head out to the car to grab another. when i step outside the cool air hits me and i instantly regret the 2 shots of tequila i had on top of the fruity coolers i had throughout the night. shivering and rubbing my arms i continue walking to chris’ car to sit down for a sec and when i reach the backseat i see chris’ naked back and steamy windows. i take a step back once i realize whats happening.
i knew he was going to end up fucking someone tonight since thats what he said his plan was but i did not need to fucking see it. hes not mine for the taking obviously, but seeing him constantly with girls just hurt.
i turn around to walk back into the house but suddenly feel sick to my stomach. i hunch over and throw up in the middle of the road. i cough and collapse to my knees continuing to gag as strings of spit come out of my mouth. i hear a car door shut behind me as i try to stand up wiping my mouth. i feel arms grab my waist and pick me up bridal style and thats the last thing i remember before everything went black.
i wake up in a car with the same clothes on from the party, still drunk, my hair crispy and the smell of cologne. i look around me and realize its chris’ backseat im laying in but its still pitch black out.
i hear faint voices outside and the door my head is resting on swings open and my head flys back.
“holy shit chris are you trying to kill her” i hear matts voice. “shut up, i didn’t know you put her head there.” chris says as he starts pulling me out of the car.
“chris” i say quietly. “holy shit your awake” he says leaving me to sit up. “yeah i am, what happened. i think i- blacked out.” i say slurring my words.
“well i was in the middle of getting with summer-“ he says getting on his knees to talk to me better “and i just heard gagging outside the car and it was bothering me and i looked outside the car and you were bent over on the middle of the road throwing up. i just grabbed you and told summer to fuck off and put you in the car while i grabbed matt and anna.”
“oh my god” i say as i nod off.
“woah woah stay with us here, chris lets get her inside now” matt says placing my head back up.
“where is anna?” i question.
“we had to drop her home and bring you to our house since she said her parents couldn’t see you like this.”
“of course” i say
classic anna.
“what time is it?” i ask rubbing my eyes.
“2:44am” chris grunts taking me out of the car.
“ok lets get you inside” chris says pulling me up to stand. “you think you can walk inside?” he says still holding me up. “ill try.”
he lets go of me and i slowly make it up to the front of their house but start wobbling once i reach the steps and feel both matt and chris grab either side of me and help me up to the front door. matt holds on to my arm as he uses the house key to get inside and i walk in.
they walk me over to the living room couch and i slump over resting my head on the arm rest of the couch.
“where is she going to sleep?” matt says. “my room obviously.” chris says as i smile to myself.
“come on y/n” he says picking me up again and bringing me to his room to lay on his bed. “im gonna give you clothes to change into since yours are covered in vomit.” he says opening drawers. i nod my head as my eyes close.
he tosses me a big white shirt with some graphic designing on it “can you dress yourself or-“ i cut him off “yea- yeah i got it” i say sitting up right and hiccup.
he turns around so i can change into the shirt. i begin taking my long sleeve off and i get one arm off before i get stuck. “chris, help” i say quietly and he turns around to see me with my arms slouched and my eyes closed. he rushes over “lift up your arms” he says pulling my hands up. i hold them up as he grabs the hem of my shirt and slowly pulls up. i admire chris as he pulls off the shirt completely throwing my shirt across the room all while being careful not to look at me.
he grabs his shirt and places it gently over my head and then threading my arms through the shirt. “wait” he says walking over to his closet, grabbing a pair of his sweatpants and walking over to me with them. i sit there with my eyes closed smiling as i had thought about the scenario of him taking my clothes off many times, just not the me being so drunk i cant dress myself part.
he takes my jeans off and helps me in to his sweatpants still being respectful and not starring at my body. “ill be right back just sit here im going to get you water and an advil.” he say as he walks out of the room. i just sit there, my eyes still closed, still smiling and nod at his sentence.
i lay back down on his bed and wait as i hear him rushing upstairs talking to matt and nick before walking back in to the room sitting down at the end of his bed. “sit snd open up.” i obliged to his words before he places two advils on my tongue.
“im going to fill up your mouth with water so don’t breathe.” he says opening up a water bottle and slowly pouring some in to my mouth while my head tilts upwards slightly. he watches me with concern as i swallow the water.
“please never get drunk like this ever again, you really freaked everyone out kid.” he says. i don’t respond and nod at his words.
kid, the all too familiar nickname chris gave me. it always made me feel weird when he called me this as if he was an authority figure or something.
i lay back down on his bed and close my eyes and quickly drift off to sleep. the last thing i remember from that night is him crawling in to his bed next to me and turning off his light.
“goodnight kid”
thank you for reading!!!
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paranormalactivity5 · 6 months
you were right in front of me.
Bestfriend!Eddie Munson x fem!reader      
Notes: looked it up and apparently there is a member of hellfire named doug so he’s in this, y/n has an aunt. The confession is based of a tiktok i saw. As always constructive criticism and feedback is welcomed!
Summary: Eddie realizes hes in love with his best trend and a freudian slip occurs.
WC: 1.2k
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Everyone was sitting at the Hawkins High lunch table in their assigned but, not assigned seats chatting along as usual, but when Eddie sat down he immediately noticed something was wrong. “Wheres y/n?” “oh she's helping her aunt move today, she didn't tell you?” Steve said confused, the two told each other everything. “No….” he replied confused himself, they did tell each other everything; why didn't she tell him? And this was such a small thing, why was it bothering him?
Gareth arrived at the table, sitting down making an upset “oomph” sound when he hit the chair “What up with you?” Robin asked “Bethany totally shot him down when he tried to ask her out.'' Jeff remarked “Yup, I saw it, he barely got past one word, crashed and burned” Doug said making a fake missile fall and explode with his hand for extra salt in the wound. “You love this too much! I mean you're basking in my humiliation!”. Everyone laughed  and then Robin interjected “Hey don't laugh at him, I'm just as bad, I mean Vicky doesn't know I like her and I can barely get a word in.” She continues to pick at the carrots on her plate. Everyone continues ranting about their relationships or, lack thereof when Dustin butts in “you know you've been awfully quiet over there Eddie?”
“What?” he asks confused “surprised he havent started wailing on about y/n.” Gareth says with a chuckle but quickly shuts up when eddie gives him a glare “Seriously what the hell are you guys talking about?” “how you’re so hopelessly in love with her but she dosent seen to notice?” robin states like its obvious, he dosent notice the smirk on her face when she says the last part. the whole table nods “she's so pretty, her style is so cool!” Jeff remarks quoting eddie “she's so smart!” lucas adds, this continues on until eddie relalizes, holy shit are they right? Is he in denial? I mean yeah he’ll admit that what he feels for her is a bit more then friendship but, is he in love?
Youve been helping your aunt move all day and were exhausted but now it was time to get ready for your weekly hangout with eddie and knowing you were going to see him gave you just enough energy to get there, eat some pizza, and watch a movie. As you were getting ready you were overthinking as you always did before you saw him; Should you wear a skirt? Or would that make it to obvious you were trying to impress him? You landed on just some black ripped jean shorts, some spiderweb tights and a metallica shirt with some combat boots. A simple outfit, a little over the top for movie and pizza but, maybe just enough for eddie to finally get the hint
When you arrived at eddies you hugged him like you usually do but he seemed stiff, which was odd because he would always welcome you into a big bear hug, sometimes even picking you up off the ground! He seemed so uncomfortable throughout all of “little shop of horrors” until you finally made the suggestion that you should smoke a joint and order pizza, maybe it would loosen him up and he would say what was so obviously bothering him
He began to rifle through the drawer next to his bed where he kept his own personal stash and pulled out all the things needed and began to grind up a small nug. Most of this happened silently, whatever was bothering him must be really bad, usually he would be talking up a storm.
He was feaking out, the second he saw her smile and felt him hug her he knew he was screwed. Hes definetly in love. As he was preparing the joint he decided he cant keep acting all weird she might catch on. Hopefully a joint can helf him lossen up.
About 10 minutes of smoking later and Eddie and defineitly chilled out some. Just as you were about to ask him what had him so worked up in the first Place the doorbell rang, Eddie got up to get it quite quickly, “That must be the pizza, ill go get it.” guess he was still a little nervous. In Eddie's head he was once again freaking out. Your eyes were heavy, your voice and body relaxed, you looked so pretty…..you always did, but since the realization he loved you it became increasingly hard to not throw himself into you, hopefully you didnt notice.
By the time he had paid the guy, gotten you both a slice and some beer you had picked up and began flipping through it. “You ever think about your wedding?” you asked “sometimes, why?” “there were some wedding dresses in this magazine…..i bet yours would be like, lord of the rings themed or something.” you snarked while chuckling “i meannnn…” he looks at you with a knowing look in his eye. “No you’re right that would be cool as fuck” you admit “expensive as hell tho.” you nod in agreement. “Well who would i be like your best- maid of- best woman..is that a thing?” or i could be the bride, you think to yourself. “Yeah i think thats a thing”
“Shit I mean you could be the bride who knows” he says laughing. Holy shit holy shit does he even realize what he just said? It seems he does when he looks up and you're staring at him “What?”  “you know like.. it's a possibility…like with all the roles you could possibly take its…in the realm. Not like I want you to be the bride” he lets out a small laugh. He's messing with his hands and touching his hair, which he always does when he lies. Hes lying. “You’re lying” you blurt out before you can stop yourself. “Huh?” “you’re playing with your hands and your hair while looking down, you always do that when you're lying….You like me?”  “I love yo-” he begins to admit nervously, but before he can get another word out your lips are on his, youre not sure what caused such confidence to come over you, maybe years of pinning. You could tell he wasn't expecting it but he soon melted into the kiss, years of what was thought to be unrequited love being poured in from both sides. 
Once you pulled apart you spent a moment just staring into each other's eyes. You're the first to speak “Why didn't you tell me?” the answer would've made you fall to your knees if you weren't already half straddling him “Baby I can barely hear my own thoughts when I'm with you.” you smile and giggle, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, he does the same. “Robins gunna freak.” you point out with a laugh and his head slightly turns to look at you quizzically. “She's been trying to set us up forever” you state. He thinks back to the conversation from later today…. he's going to have to thank her.
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palajae · 2 years
tomorrow, again | two.
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PAIRING ▸ school president! jungwon x reader x outcast! niki 
GENRE ▸ high school! au, love triangle!, romance, fluff, angst, humor
SUMMARY ▸ if you were told that two complete polar opposite guys from your school were eventually going to be fighting over you, you would have laughed it off. that is, until it really happens- but certainly not under the conditions you expect.
AKA jungwon is the peak definition of your school’s itboy and niki is just… there (if and when he actually shows up to school). 
NOTES ▸ events/memories in the past are italicized. mentions of death + related jokes, cheating?
masterlist. | previous. | next.
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2 — DAY ONE.
“ah, give it back,” you whine for the controller with grabby hands. you hear his excited giggle, swerving away from you against your wishes. 
“no way!” he grins cutely while clicking to continue on the next round. 
another voice buts in, “come on, let y/n play another round. you’re too good at this game anyways-“
you wake up sweating, the dream? memory? fresh on your mind. you close your eyes in hopes of making it go away and it works when you being to fall asleep again, having gotten an adequate amount of sleep but still exhausted from everything that’s happened at school. 
only for your alarm to go off and you groan.
you thought fridays were supposed to be the best day of the week- not a day filled with more people staring at you in the halls first thing in the morning. you stare at them back, utterly confused as to what happened this time. 
that is, until ryujin basically stomps over when she spots you. 
“you went out with niki yesterday?!” 
you almost collapse on spot. “wha-“
she crosses her arms with a (scary) interrogating stance. “apparently someone saw you at a cafe with him yesterday so everyone’s freaking out now thinking you’re two timing jungwon.” 
you slap a palm over your forehead, almost brought to tears. who, what, when, where, and why? that’s all you wish to know. 
“first off, im not dating that guy. and second, yeah i was with him- because we were working on a chem project!” you practically whimper. 
her hands fall to the side as she cocks her head, “really? that‘s it?” 
you nod aggressively, feeling numb as you trudge through the halls to find your locker.  but the gossip doesn’t escape you- sometimes you hate how drama hungry everyone at school is. 
“how could they cheat on the sweet, smart, and handsome president jungwon with that loner niki who skips school almost everyday?”
“they’re crazy, seriously.” 
and that was just the mild version of things you heard. for once you’re just grateful niki chose not to show up today and can only pray that he will on the day you have to present for your project. judging by his “i don’t give a crap” persona he’s been carrying for a while, you know these baseless rumors without any factual basis won’t affect him. 
and you? 
you gave up the moment jungwon winked at you. how sad, the year was going so good so far- until that one moment messed up everything. 
you continue on with your day as normal, denying all rumors no matter who comes up to you or what you hear. but still, you begin to dread waking up tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after. 
everyday is just waiting for another tomorrow, again. 
but you’re able to confirm that niki knows about it all when you spot him in the halls making his way to chemistry, passing by whispering people who really aren’t trying their hardest to be inconspicuous. you just barely manage to see the slight smirk on his face under the hood and the tiny shake of his shoulders. 
somehow, you know jungwon knows about it too. specifically when he contacts you to meet him on the school rooftop. consequently, you demanded to know how he got your number and he simply replied with president privileges. 
you’re not sure what the relationship between jungwon and niki is like now, but when jungwon gives you a hard stare and asks why you’re hanging out with ‘him’ you think you get it. 
but before that, you let out a huff of exasperation. 
“first of all, it’s none of your business. i’m tired of people making up random stories and spreading false information. and secondly, you’re not making it any better by being up here with me, alone. so goodbye jungwon.” 
you haven’t said his name in so long, it rolls off your tongue foreignly- and leaves you with questionable feelings.  
jungwon’s left there to wonder.  
you could care less about what occurs after that, but you in fact, have come up with a theory. it didn’t help how you could feel the tension in the air when they passed each other in the halls, even without a single glance at the other- including the fact that over the next week, jungwon would approach you literally all day to talk or simply walk next you as you glare at him. 
and niki casually walking into class choosing to sit his butt down in the seat next to yours without a word. to which when other people asked you about it, you blamed it on project stuff, but in reality you were freaking out too. 
or when you two present successfully and he says things like “it’s all because of y/n,” and “i couldn’t have done it without them.” 
-like who says that kind of stuff? 
a boyfriend, that’s who. 
and niki was far from being yours. 
oh no, definitely not when he steals your pencils or draws on your notes without a single word, only a teasing glint in his eyes. 
not to forget the one time you reached over to fight back and he immediately dropped his playful act, stopping you with a lethal, “don’t touch me.” 
it’s sad how you almost flinched at that. 
“it’s like a battle,” chaeryeong murmurs while eying the two guys at opposite sides of the cafeteria (jungwon sitting with his friend happily chatting and niki seemingly sleeping with his head down at an empty table). 
“-a battle as to who can get y/n first.” 
you let out a hideous laugh at that, covering your mouth with a hand and pretending to wipe fake tears from your eyes. “you’re so funny, chaer.”
no but seriously,” wonyoung pipes up, “what did you do y/n? suddenly the two most complete opposite boys of our school are throwing themselves at you…”
“i wouldn’t exactly call it throwing themselves at me,” you grumble while picking at your nails in distress. you throw up your hands helplessly, “i swear on my life i didn’t mean do anything- or want to do anything for goodness sake’s. you don’t know the amount of death threats i get in my locker everyday for-” you make air quotations, “-stealing their wonie.” 
it’s sickening, truly. 
but going back to your theory, it doesn’t take long for your smart brain to realize what’s going on, or at least you think you know. those two are having an indirect fight, by using you- out of all the people in the school, the whole freaking world.  
they turn up the “flirting” with you in front of each other because they think it’s a freaking competition- not because they actually like you.
or so that’s your hypothesis you came up with out of the blue. 
to anyone else at school, it just seems like two boys fighting over one person. but only you know it’s more than that. 
it’s much deeper than that. 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
you really thought it was just a school thing. your home was your place of sanctuary to get away from those two nightmares- one like the sun constantly shining in your eyes and the other like the shadows trying to envelop you into nothingness. 
so you didn’t expect to meet jungwon on one of your late night walks around the neighborhood. then again, you must’ve forgotten that he lived like a street or two down from yours. just great. 
your eyes widen once you realize who it is underneath the streetlights. he seems equally surprised in a comfortable hoodie and jeans. you hate how he looks that good while you were in your pajamas, too lazy to change out of them. 
“what are you doing here?” you stare at him accusingly and he shrugs, hands in his pockets, “i could ask you the same.”
how strange after all so long it’s the first time you’ve encountered him like this.  
you scowl, “whatever, i’m leaving.”
jungwon’s eyes widen as his hand shoots out in desperation to grab yours. you hiss when he effectively stops you. 
“wait! i know you just got out here and now you’re going to go back?” 
“and so you’re being a stalker and watching me?” you counter back.  
he sighs, “i know where you live, y/n. you did not get far from your house, like at all.” you fall silent at his words, he had you at that. 
debating internally, you give up and continue walking, tensing when you realize jungwon follows your pace and walks alongside you. 
“sometimes it’s dangerous at night,” he pretends to muse while looking off into the distance but you scoff.
“i can protect myself.” 
“i know,” he whispers softly and yet you still hear it, growing warmer at his words. 
the walk continues on in silence, and you find yourself at peace strangely, even with jungwon next to you. 
you stop when you reach your neighborhood playground- the one that you know has been there for more than fifteen years and realize it hasn’t changed at all. 
“remember when we-“ jungwon suddenly stops himself, looking almost ashamed of himself, and you turn away. there’s a brief pause before you respond quietly.
“yeah, i do.” 
there isn’t much else to say, so you walk back home together with not much, but still matching tiny smiles. 
“wait! jungwon, please go first,” you beg him with wide eyes. your tiny hands grip the metal bars, unable to move from your spot so high up. he laughs at you, shaking his head fondly. 
“alright, since you’re such a scaredy cat. i’ll go down first and make sure it’s safe.” 
you nod intently and watch with apprehension as he goes down the slide with ease, hopping to the ground with a proud smile. he turns to you, with bright eyes. but when he sees the worried look on your face, he puffs his chest and holds out his small arms at the bottom as if to catch you. 
you take a deep breath, gripping the sides of the plastic slide until your fingers turn white. you glance at jungwon again and he beckons you down with an encouraging smile.
“your turn! but don’t worry, y/n. i’ll protect you.” 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
for some reason the next day at school, you don’t glare at jungwon the moment he approaches you. you do stare at him wearily  though. 
“what do you want now, yang?”
he seems surprised at the usage of his last name, but he shrugs it off coolly. 
“i want to know if you’re free next thursday?” 
if any normal person asked you, you would have been caught off guard, but because it was jungwon, probably the worse tease in the world, you sigh instead. 
“nice try, but i know you have your student council meeting and book club, so you won’t even get home until dinner time and by then it’s no point going out with me so late since we have school the next day,” you rant on listlessly. 
if anything, jungwon’s the one who seems flustered at your accurate knowledge of his schedule, but you don’t seem to notice anything. days continue on like that, and you wonder why at school he acts the same as he usually did around you. but that one night…. he almost seemed like-
like the old him. 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
your mother gives you a grocery list and you comply, eager to get out of the house on a gloomy day. but perhaps you should have been more observant because one, it started to pour soon after you entered the store without realizing it and two, you knock into someone while looking for the pepper in the spices aisle. 
“i’m so sorry-“ 
you stop at the sight of niki. 
“you?” you gasp and he just blinks. 
“what are you doing here?” 
okay, so that was a stupid question. niki raises his eyebrows, “shopping at a grocery store like a normal person? but i guess you’re not a normal person, so…”
you forgot he was like this. whatever, you think bitterly before moving past him. 
“okay, wait, wait!” 
you freeze when you realize this is the loudest he’s ever spoken with you recently. you turn around with crossed arms and he shuffles awkwardly in his spot.
“i’m sorry. that was uncalled for.” 
you can’t hide your shock, nor do you really want to. 
niki? the “don’t touch me” guy apologizing? 
he seems uncomfortable under your gaze so he continues down the aisle. you break out of your daze a few seconds later, only then realizing that he’s gone, 
just to meet up with him again a few aisles down. 
you clear your throat awkwardly as he approaches you, expecting him to do something. but instead, as you reach out for a certain ice cream, niki grabs it right before you can. 
“hey!” you glare at him in protest, “that was mine?” he shrugs nonchalantly, “first come, first serve.” 
“idiot, i was here before you,” you retort. 
“and yet i was still faster,” he smirks and you feel your blood pressure rising. you let out a small humph! and move onto the next aisle as niki watches with amusement. 
you’re able to finish smoothly while waiting at the cashier, finally noting the storm outside and your absolute absence of the one thing you needed the most- an umbrella. 
when you sense motion behind you, you start slightly. but spotting those same teasing eyes make you relax. why, of all days, was there only one cashier open today? 
niki waits patiently in line behind you as you finish up paying and grab all your bags. 
well, you suppose you’re getting soaked this fine evening. 
before you leave, you send one last glance back at niki who quietly gets all his stuff paid for. 
the automatic sliding doors open and yet you can’t seem to move your feet outside. 
“what are you waiting for?” niki suddenly asks and you grimace. 
he takes out a black umbrella and you  must’ve stared at it so longingly to the point where niki sends you a weird look. 
“why do you look like that?” 
you inhale, “hm?” 
he examines you carefully and your apparent lack of an umbrella. he holds up his own as if taunting you, “do you not have one?” 
you shake your head, “i completely forgot. it’s alright, i just gotta make a run for it.”
but you still don’t move, staring up at the dark clouds. 
niki shakes his head, muttering to himself before the black object is thrust into your field of vision. 
you look up at him, surprised.  
he doesn’t say anything and avoids eye contact as you process the situation. quickly, you shake your head- “no way, i don’t-“
“just take it.”
“i’ll be fine. rain doesn’t bother me.”
“then i could say the same.” 
niki sighs, muttering along the lines of ‘as stubborn as ever,’ or something like that but you won’t budge. “then there’s only one solution,” you finally state and he looks at you questioningly while the rain continues its downpour. 
you let out a breath before saying, “we go together.” 
again, you didn’t expect him to agree, you even braced yourself for an obvious rejection. but here he was, walking you home underneath the shared umbrella. 
it’s silent at first, so you take the opportunity to speak up, “thanks for going with me… i guess.” 
niki nods silently. 
you soon grow accustomed to the peaceful sound of rain falling on the umbrella. without any conversation, you look at niki and your breath hitches at the proximity between you two. you didn’t realize how close you were, shoulders grazing, in order to not get soaked.   
unable to handle the silence any longer, you can help but ask curiously, “do you only have black umbrellas?”
“no,” he snorts. 
“do you still have that yellow one?” 
it comes out past your lips without thinking. when niki looks at you with wide eyes, you slap a hand over your mouth. but it doesn’t take long for him to regain composure, his deep voice filling your ears, “no. it stopped working and my parents threw it away.” 
“because you used it too much?” you ask, amused, and he nods with a growing grin.  
it’s strange, how niki drops you off with a small wave and you wave back. a soft smile grows on your face as you watch him leave, a promise that next time you’ll get the ice cream first. 
“why’d you choose yellow?” it was your first time seeing such a bright yellow umbrella held out by such a proud looking boy. you look at your own blue one, having gone with whatever your mother gave you. you glance at him with curiosity brimming in your childlike eyes. 
“is it your favorite color?”
“no, but see? there are suns on the edge of it.” he points up and you open your mouth in awe. 
“that’s pretty cool.” 
he grins, “i know. next time it rains i’ll share it with you!” 
you produce an grin similar to his, “okay, if you remember to bring it.”
“of course i will,” he replies stubbornly, “how could i ever forget whenever it rains? it’s my favorite kind of day.” 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
why are you not even close to surprised that at school, niki is back to his old ways. it was just like jungwon, the two of them were going to be the death of you. you wonder when the last time they spoke to each other was- although, quite obviously, it seemed the last time wasn’t recent at all. as far as you can tell, they stood on opposite sides of the room- if they were even found in the same room (a rare feat). 
but then when you were just with the two of them, alone, it’s like they were their old selves again.
 you didn’t ever realize how much you missed it- being with them.
whilst at school you found jungwon insufferable, you realize that you’re getting used to his antics. you hate to admit it but, you aren’t bothered or annoyed as much seeing his face everyday.   
probably because the more and more you saw him, the more it became evident to you that the old jungwon was still there. behind all the cocky smirks and remarks, the sweet and hilarious jungwon peeked through. 
and you secretly felt elated. 
you couldn’t help but proud of who jungwon was, and who he became. he was still true to himself and he was by your side through  thick and thin, through all the ridiculous rumors surrounding you. you were proud to be his friend- that is, if you even were able to consider yourselves that. 
maybe that’s why you don’t mind the late night walks with him that become a regular, something you actually look forward to. the times you can reminiscing on memories instead of hiding them away. all the good times that you wanted to forget, tried to forget for a good while couldn’t escape you. 
the good times you had together.  
and although jungwon didn’t really like talking about it as much (and you respected that even as much as you wished to know the truth) he had to admit-
the three of you made the best memories.
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
“jungwon,” you give him a piece of your dessert before turning to the other, “and riki.”
“both of you guys get a piece so no more fighting.”
jungwon shakes his head, “you eat too many sweets, riki. you know it’s bad for you.” said person sticks out their tongue, “okay mom. whatever you say.” 
you and jungwon share a look, shaking your heads together in unison before breaking out in laughter. riki has no choice but to join in with confusion, only causing you and jungwon to laugh even harder. 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
“i still don’t get it,” you rub your eyes in frustration. you already knew jungwon was a genius from the start. and your english grade had been on the edge for a while,
so why not take advantage of the best resource you had and ask jungwon to tutor you? 
at first he was shocked when you asked but his expression quickly changed to a cocky one. “now you oh so desperately need me?” 
you drop the pleading puppy dog eyes act and huff. “just whenever you have free time, you can come over to my house and we can study together and stuff.” you mumble the last bit before leaving, embarrassed.  
turns out, jungwon is still as good of a teacher as he was before. you don’t understand how he’s able to explain each concept with such ease. as you stare at him while he explains so seriously and genuinely, you desperately imagine him as your teacher instead.
“-y/n? are you listening?” 
you jolt, “huh? me? yes.”
jungwon can tell how anxious you are by the way your hands begin to fiddle and he suddenly reaches out a hand to grasp your wrist. “stop that,” he scolds gently before releasing you, “that’s never been a good habit.” 
you’re speechless as he eyes you suspiciously before closing the book. “then… good luck on your test tomorrow. just remember what i reviewed today and you should be good.” 
you get up and squeeze his free hand subconsciously. “thank you lots, jungwon. i mean it, i owe you a favor now.” 
his eyes sparkle and you begin to regret saying that. “any favor?” 
the next day, you text jungwon to meet up with you after school. he seems confused and even concerned but you don’t give him much to work with. he arrives straight on the dot, 3pm, while lounging around at the library and tapping his foot anxiously as he waits for your arrival. 
he got stopped twice by a couple of passing girls but he politely excused himself, saying he had some personal business to attend to. 
jungwon certainly doesn’t expect you to burst through the doors, flying into him as he lets out a loud grunt. 
you practically beam at him, “i passed with a 98!!!”
immediately, jungwon lifts you up and spins you around with ease, truly pleased and impressed by you as you laugh. 
“now what did i say, y/n? to trust me and yourself, and you did fine. i’m proud of you!”
you couldn’t hold your excitement back as you laugh happily, agreeing with him. 
he doesn’t even realize what he did until right then, suddenly acting shy and awkwardly apologizing to you. to be honest, you didn’t feel uncomfortable or shocked by it, and you stay wondering if you should’ve felt as awkward as he seemed. 
the sight of him suddenly brings a memory fresh to your mind, and you don’t know whether it’s a good or bad one. 
· • —– ٠ ✄  ٠ —– • ·
“where’s riki?” you ask with a frown. jungwon sits down next to you at the lunch table, opening his lunchbox as you wait patiently. “i think he had to skip school again..” 
the surprise is evident in your tone, “again? but-“
he sighs while shrugging, “you know riki, and how important this is to him.” 
“i know, but missing three days of school already?” you distractedly wipe a piece of food off the corner of jungwon’s mouth while talking and he freezes. 
“boys are so messy,” you murmur with a shake of your head. you’re too focused on your food to see his reaction. 
“w-who knows,” he abruptly swallows, “if he becomes more serious and his skills improve, he might be missing school for a long time.”
you grow sullen at the thought of riki’s absent seat in class and jungwon must notice the upset expression on your face because he pokes your cheek. annoyed, you swat his hand away but he doesn’t stop trying to bother you. 
“hey, don’t forget you still have me!”
you let out a giggle, “yeah, unfortunately.” 
looking back on those days, you figure that specific memory was the start of the end. 
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Lenny throws his arms around midge and cries or something. Idk Jackal I’m in mood today… even if you want to ignore the prompt completely I just love when you write shit bc it’s ALWAYS amazing❤️
Pairing: Lenny Bruce & Midge Maisel Rated T
He rushes into the building.
All he heard from Abe on the phone was Miriam and hospital, and he raced out of his apartment and jumped in a cab. Now he’s here, in a place he didn’t expect to be in unless he pissed someone off at a show or one of his many vices finally caught up with him.
He rushes down the halls, frantically searching for someone he recognizes.
She has to be fine. She has to be.
He turns a corner and spots Abe, gesturing frantically to his wife. He knows she’s named for a flower...Lily or Petunia or -
Right, Rose.
Lenny strides down the hallway toward the couple, and then Abe spots him. “Lenny!” He greets, continuing with his frenetic gestures. “Thank you for coming. You’re the only one who can talk sense into her - ”
“I am perfectly capable of taking care of my daughter, thank you very much,” Rose interrupts.
“Yes, but Rose, if it were two years ago, we would have called Joel. Lenny is obviously the best person to talk some sense into her in the present.”
Lenny’s head is spinning. He’s not too keen on being compared to Midge’s ex, but if it means he gets a call when she winds up in the hospital then he’s not going to think too hard about it. “What happened?” He asks.
Rose huffs out a sigh. “She fainted. At one of her comedy shows.” Lenny doesn’t miss the disdain in her voice “She apparently finished her act, and as soon as she stepped off stage, she collapsed into Susie’s arms.”
“Is she okay?” He asks, still panicked.
“She’s resting, but the doctors say she’s dehydrated and exhausted,” Abe explains. “We’ve seen less and less of her in the last couple of months. She’s only ever home to spend time with the children. She has been working nonstop, and I thought - ”
Lenny doesn’t let him finish the thought before he strides into Midge’s room.
She’s lying there, asleep, various tubes hooked up to her, and Susie is sitting on the other side of the bed, face planted next to Midge’s hip as she snores viciously. Well that isn’t a surprise, he thinks as he moves toward the bed.
She’s thinner than the last time he saw her - a feat since she’s already tiny - and he starts to put the pieces together. Midge is an all-or-nothing kind of broad. She gets hyper focused on the goal. That’s why she stopped taking opening acts. It’s why she’s a constant flurry of energy. Abe said she’s been working constantly.
Lenny feels a twisting in his gut that this is his fault.
He sits gently next to her hip on the opposite side from Susie and takes Midge’s hand in his. Her hands are cold, but that’s not out of the ordinary. That night in his hotel room, he’d twitched the first time her hand found his skin, and he’d teased her about it for a minute before she finally landed on the bed.
Her eyes start to flutter open, and he holds his breath, worried that the slightest movement will stop her from waking up. She finally does, though. Blue eyes open, and she’s looking at him in confusion (and what he hopes is a little joy). “Lenny?”
He huffs a sigh, squeezing her hand. “Abe called,” he explains. “Shit, Midge, what happened?”
“I - ” She swallows as she looks up at him, and her mind is clearly still foggy. “I was doing my set,” she recalls. “And it went great. I went backstage, and...”
“You passed out,” he finishes, stroking her hand with his thumb. “Your mother said Susie stopped you from making out with the floor.”
She laughs a little before pressing the palm of her free hand to her forehead. “I, um...I’ve been working.”
“Yeah, that’s what I hear,” he replies. “Maybe working a little too much?”
Her brows furrow in complete confusion. “You’re the one who told me I needed to work.”
“I know,” he sighs. “But...for fuck’s sake, Midge, when was the last time you ate?”
She averts her gaze. “I had a salad at lunch.”
“And water? When was the last time you hydrated?”
“This...well I think yester - um...” He watches as she tries to remember but comes up empty.
“You’re working too hard, sweetheart,” he tells her gently.
“You’re the one who told me to work,” she repeats, a little angrily this time.
“Yeah, but you’ve still gotta take care of yourself, Midge. Christ, you can’t work from a hospital bed!”
Susie stirs then, grumbling a little as she sits up, “Oh, good. You’re awake.” Then she sees Lenny. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Abe called me,” he answers. “So here I am.”
“I’m okay, Susie,” Midge promises. “Why don’t you go get some coffee?”
“You’re not gonna fuck him while I’m gone, are you?”
Midge’s face turns beet red, and she averts her eyes downward, tugging her hand from Lenny’s grasp so she can fold her arms over her chest, but she hisses as one of her IVs pinches. She folds her hands in her lap instead. “No,” she huffs. “Considering I’m hooked up to a bunch of tubes and my parents are sitting outside and also he doesn’t want to - ”
“I don’t?” He sputters before he can stop himself.
“No, you don’t,” she replies pointedly.
Susie looks between them awkwardly. “Uh...yeah I’m gonna go get some coffee,” she mutters before leaving. Lenny hears her add “And a lobotomy” as she exits the room.
“So...you told Susie,” he comments.
“I told Susie,” she confirms without looking at him.
“Where have you been, Lenny?” She breathes, and he looks at her in surprise. “I’ve been working constantly. I’ve been doing really well. And I’ve heard nothing from you.”
“I...was giving you space,” he tells her.
“Why?” She asks, her brow furrowed.
“Well...I yelled at you,” he replies. “I thought - ”
“You gave me a kick in the ass I desperately needed and then ignored me for two months.”
“I’m sorry,” he says, whinier than he means to. “I fucked up.”
She sighs, her anger deflating a little at his apology. It’s amazing to him that a simple apology seems to melt her so easily, and it makes him think that there haven’t been many people in her life willing to apologize to her. “Yes, you did,” she says softly. Then she surprises him by taking his hand in hers again. “I missed you,” she whispers.
He squeezes her hand gently. “I missed you too, Midge.”
She smiles at him a little weakly, clearly still exhausted. “I’m glad you’re here.”
He nods. “Midge, what you said earlier...about me not wanting to - ” He swallows thickly. “You know that’s not true, right?”
She averts her gaze toward her lap, and he continues his voice low, “If you weren’t severely dehydrated and on the verge of falling asleep any second now, I’d strip down right now.”
She giggles quietly, her eyelids drooping. “Maybe...when I’m back to normal, we could...date?” She asks.
He grins softly and leans in, kissing her forehead sweetly. “I’d like that.”
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vinsmokewife · 8 months
who is this person - chapter two
On a quest to find love on a dating website, Sanji falls head over heels for a woman with an interest in...alternative relationships that sends him down a rabbit hole of completing tasks for a seemingly sadistic mistress. But what happens when she turns out to be more than what she seems?Darkfic with themes of internalised homophobia, bad bdsm practices and lying about your identity to strangers on the internet. Please read with caution. This is NOT how BSDM should be practiced. Always practice Sane, Safe and Consensual practicesboarders on being considered dead dove do not eat material read on ao3 read on ff
authors note: thank you for the positive feedback so far <3 there’s talk of nsfw stuff but the next chapters are where the nsfw stuff tend to happen and it’s going to get worse and worse from there on out lmao.
chapter summery:
Sanji thinks Zoey is ignoring him but instead, she reveals her...interests to him. Zoro lies to Nami again.
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Sanji was furiously baking a chocolate cake. It was nearly 12am and he was trying his best not to find Luffy and give him a piece of his mind, but he would much rather this than Zeff finding out that he let Luffy in the kitchen. He would never hear the end of it and father or not, Zeff would probably fire him. He’s seen Zeff do that to unlucky chefs in the past so he would not put it past him to the same to him. Sanji was so angry that he almost forgot that he was supposed to message Zoey back.  
Grabbing his phone out of his pocket, he looked at her last message again.   
Oh yeah. She asked him what his kinks were.   
The reason he hadn’t replied was because he didn’t really know how kinky they were talking. When it came to kinkier stuff, Sanji was a tad inexperienced. His encounters didn’t stray for from the normal stuff but how kinky were they talking?  
Not that it was a deal breaker for him...but would it be for her if he had no idea. So, he answered with curiosity.  
S: I’ve not given it much thought. My experiences tend to be on the tamer side.   
S: I...am rather curious though. I don’t mind exploring different aspects of kink, but I will be upfront with you and tell you that I have no experience.  
S: Is that...off-putting?  
Sanji replied then remembered he was furious about a cake. He would have to talk to her later because he had something to be getting on with and that was his cake! It took him another hour before he had left the restaurant and finally shut up for the day. When he looked at his phone at the end of it, she hadn’t replied. Which was strange considering that she was the one who instigated the conversation. Now he’s worried that his lack of experience has put her off him. He hoped that wasn’t the case because he was 100% wanting to learn from her.  
His apartment wasn’t that far from the restaurant and was ideal for these night shifts if he was being honest. Once he had gotten home, managed to feed himself something before it was time to get settled for bed. He checked his phone one last time.  
Zoey is now offline.   
Maybe she just got busy. He put his phone to the side of his bed before getting in and getting comfortable for bed. He would catch up with her tomorrow...  
“What do you think about that, Sanji?”   
Nami’s voice barely made it to Sanji’s ears. He was currently lost in a in a daydream. Zoey had not returned online today, and Sanji was being a really shitty friend. After the annoyance that Luffy had caused him, he was absolutely exhausted from having to stay late baking that cake. Zeff apparently hadn’t noticed; or else he would have had a massive rant sent to his phone. Now, he’s sitting in this café just down the road with Nami and Robin...how fortunate he was to be spending it with two of the most beautiful women in his life.  
Yet, he was thinking about his phone.  
Speaking of things not being sent to his phone... Zoey had not responded. Hadn’t even been online and he was starting to feel a little bit anxious about it. Sure, he would probably find someone else, but he was curious if he had scared her off by being unexperienced.  So, Sanji kept checking his phone. Something that he didn’t do in the company of his female friends. He liked to make sure that they had his full attention.  
However, they didn’t. They had been conversing about something and Sanji was still checking that dating app. It still said Zoey is offline. She hadn’t been online since their conversation ended. Maybe she hadn’t seen...maybe something was going on. If only he knew what gym she worked at... maybe he could accidently go to it and...  
“Sanji? Is something wrong?” Robin’s voice came through, clear as day to him and broke him out of that pitiful trance. He snapped out of it and looked at Robin and offered her a smile. A flirtatious one as normal but there was something behind it. He was distracted by something, and it was clear as day.  
“Ah. It’s nothing...I just didn’t sleep very well...Luffy helped himself to one of the restaurants cakes which meant that I had to stay there,” He offered an explanation, but he seemed a bit more than tired. Nami picked up on that...or seemed too at least.  
“Sanji. How’s your online dating going?” Nami asked perhaps a little too enthusiastically. Truth was that Nami wanted to make sure that Zoro had deleted the profile, but she didn’t want to tell Sanji because she promised Zoro that she wouldn’t providing that he removed to profile. Sanji leaned back in his chair and gave her a look.  
“It’s...been okay. I started talking to this girl who I was interested in... but she’s not been talking to me recently. Does this happen in dating websites often?”  
“Pfft. Yeah. It’s called ghosting,” Nami said, casually, “Ghosting is when you stop talking to someone because you aren’t interested in them anymore. Girls...and guys do it all the time. I wouldn’t worry about it, Sanji. It doesn’t reflect on you as it’s very much the nature of these sorts of things,”   
“It’s not always because she’s disinterested though,” Robin interjected. Nami looked to the side. Of course, Robin doesn’t know the full story and is likely trying to offer another insight into the matter. She was always offering alternatives but that’s not what Nami needed right now, “I ghosted Franky first time that we started dating because I wanted to see how he reacted. Not all women want a man who’s going to be distant. Some want the effort,”  
“ But in my experience,” Nami wished she could telepathically explain the situation to Robin because she really didnt’ want to encourage Sanji to pursue this any further, “Most of the time ghosting is lack of interest. The good thing is that there are plenty of women out there on the app. You don’t have to dedicate yourself to one woman. Try talking to multiple and getting a taste of what’s out there. You don’t have to settle immediately,”   
It seemed like Sanji was taking this in... somewhat. His tired and distracted brain was trying to listen, but he couldn’t stop wondering why Zoey stopped talking to him. Was it his lack of experience? Or was it something else? Maybe she found someone else and that was that. His mind was filled with possibilities of what was going on.  
“I...think I understand...” Maybe it wasn’t wise to put all of his eggs into one basket so to speak.  
Robin glanced over at Nami with a questioning look which Nami saw. Maybe it seemed as if she was being harsh, but Robin didn’t know the full story which is probably why it seemed as if she was not encouraging him to speak to this lady. Wouldn’t Nami rather encourage this rather than discourage him?  
“I’m going to head to the restroom,” Sanji announced before getting up. He was probably going to use this as an excuse to check his phone. Which, Nami guessed correctly, was but this left her sitting with Robin who was feeling a little confused. Of course, as soon as Nami was out of earshot, Robin turned to her.  
“You seem a little... against this new relationship?”  
Of course. Robin was always upfront.  
“You don’t know the full story, Robin,” Nami said rather abruptly which caused the raven haired woman’s mouth to curl into a small yet intrigued smile. Although she did not often get into matters of the heart, if helping find their chef friend some love, and in small turn, make him annoy her less then she would help out.  
“Enlighten me then,” she said and Nami shook her head.  
“I can’t, but trust me...I know things you don’t,”  
Oh. What a mystery. Robin was rather intrigued by what was happening before her eyes, and she wanted to know what Nami did not. But Robin didn’t realise just how awful it would be to encourage this little relationship amd that was what Nami was trying to avoid.  
Suddenly, they were both interrupted by Sanji who came back rather quickly. However, instead of sitting down, he reached for his jacket.  
“I’ve got to go...” He said, “Zeff needs help at the restaurant. Apparently, his front of house has stormed out and he’s begging me to come in and he never begs me to do anything,” They could tell in Sanji’s voice that he was telling the truth, and they didn’t mind.  
“Of course,” Robin said with a smile, “Happy hunting. I hope your friend replies,”  
Nami could have swung for Robin. She’s only doing that because she wants in on what is going on, but Nami needed to keep this a secret or else Zoro would probably hate her forever. Sanji gave her a smile before placing cash down.  
“As an apology. Coffee is on me,” he said before turning to leave in a hurry.  
Once Sanji arrived, Zeff was being the front of house for the moment which almost had Sanji laughing. No one wanted to come into a restaurant and see this old man with p rosthetic leg be the one greeting you. IT wasn’t the leg though. It was the grumpy old man attitude that Zeff had. He was a real geezer. He wasn’t warm or friendly at all.  
Before Sanji could laugh, he was barked at to get a proper suit on. So, all the begging had gone away and now Sanji was working on what was supposed to be his day off. Good thing he’d had a strong coffee with the girls because now he was full of energy to keep going.  
Even though he had basically saved Zeff’s life by coming in on his day off, it didn’t mean that Zeff was going to be nice to him today. Less standoffish was more the word but he wasn’t going to be singing Sanji’s praises either. He was still barking orders, insults and arguing with him over the smallest of things. If he didn’t respect and owe Zeff so much, he wouldn’t have come off so harshly.  
The night quickly came and even though Sanji had still come in on his day off, Zeff handed him the keys and told him to lock the restaurant up to which Sanji agreed to do. Zeff mumbled a thanks, but Sanji couldn’t tell if it was because he came in on his day off or if it was because he was locking up. However, Sanji knew Zeff well enough to know that him mumbling a thank you meant that he was really grateful.  
Luffy wouldn’t have known about Sanji being in tonight so he knew he wouldn’t expect him. In that case, Sanji was expecting to get this over and done with quickly so he could go home and relax for the rest of the evening. He was so busy that he had forgotten about Zoey. However, while he was working on paperwork in the back office, Sanji’s phone vibrated which brought Sanji out of his concentration.  
He looked at the screen only to see it was from that dating website. Other women had been talking to him throughout the day which he had been replying to with much enthusiasm but none of them brought the response that this one did.  
Sanji quickly opening the message to see what Zoey was saying.  
Z: Sorry for the suspense.  
Z: I was scared that it was a really weird question to ask someone who you’ve never met. It’s just that I’m only really interested in people who share the same sexual interests in. I’m into some...different stuff than most women on this app and I want to be upfront about that.  
Z: I... like to take charge of my sexual relationships. And that sometimes scares people.  
Z: Does that bother you?  
It took Sanji a moment to understand what she was admitting to him. He didn’t quite understand what she meant by ‘take charge’ if he was honest. Relationships tended to be equal, did they not. Of course, there was the whole thing about tops and bottoms but he did not know how that applied to this kind of relationship to begin with so there was slight confusion on his end but nonetheless he responded regardless.  
S: I’m not sure I follow exactly but I am willing to learn as I said.  
S: Explain to me what you mean.  
He only had to wait a few minutes and she was quick to respond.  
Z: I like to play the dominant role in my sexual relationships. I like to be the top as they say. I’m into BDSM.  
Z: I find it difficult to have vanilla relationships. I don’t feel much attraction to it, but I have attraction to kinkier relationships where I can be the dominant.  
Z: I just want you to know because I don’t want you getting your hopes up about me thinking I’m into the vanilla-y nonsense.  
Ah. He understands now. She’d into BDSM and she’s worried that he’s not into that at all. He’s never considered it to be honest. It’s something that he’s probably willing to try out though. He doesn’t know why but he feels drawn to her and would try out anything to get to know her better. Maybe this was the way of meeting her in real life because these things typically tend to happen in person in a dark room did, they not? It only went to show that Sanji knew very little about these kinds of things and yet he was willing to try it.  
S: I’m open to trying.  
S: I am inexperienced in these manners, but I would try it.  
S: Does that mean we may meet in person?  
He waited a few moments, returning to paper work. It seems that she takes a while to respond to that one as she only responds to that message more than ten minutes later when Sanji is actually away to finish closing down. He’s getting his bag and his coat on when he feels a buzz from his phone which he looks at almost immediately.  
Z: Maybe.  
Z: Not right now though.  
Z: Can we talk about this tomorrow?  
Z: If you want to...try this kind of relationship with me, then we need to talk more seriously about it. You need to think about it more.  
Z: It’s a commitment that you can’t just agree to.  
Z: Will you sleep on it for me?  
She was right. Perhaps he was just being a little bit too rash jumping into agreeing to something like this almost immediately. So, before leaving, Sanji shot back one last final message.  
S: Right. Sounds good to me. I’ll talk to you tomorrow about it then <3  
This was fucked up on all levels.  
Zoro couldn’t believe his own audacity when writing these messages. He sat on the bar stool; bated breath while he reflected on the conversation.  
There was so much wrong with what he was doing, and he knew it.  
He wasn’t lying about the relationship thing. He found normal relationships difficult with people. He couldn’t have a normal relationship with someone. His sexual interests would not allow that. He liked more...complicated things.  
Where Zoro sat right now would certainly be the talk of his friends. There was a hidden bar in their town. It was a bar that just about anyone could go to; it was a special kind of bar for people with particular interests. Particular...kinky interests.  
He frequented at a BDSM bar. The downstairs, where he normally was, was just like any other bar. You could sit and enjoy a beer at the bar, dance, play pool...just about anything that you could do at a normal bar. It was the upstairs that was different. That was the play floor.  
Zoro typically tended to be downstairs, enjoying a beer. It wasn’t his scene to be overly outrageous. He liked to watch and see what other people would do rather than take part in himself. It is not to say that he totally isn’t interested in participating. He has been upstairs before and has watched and even taken part.  
Most of the time, it felt like an excuse to drink. However, Zoro could only wonder if Sanji would ever consider something like this...could he...?  
This was so fucked up.  
Zoro knew that. However, he couldn’t bring himself to drop the account. When he had told Nami, he had truly meant it. He wasn’t lying to her in the moment, but he was certainly lying to her now.  
His feelings about Sanji were complicated by an attraction he had to Sanji. In reality, he did not get on with Sanji and found his personality sometimes to be rather off putting. The way that Sanji throws himself at every woman he sees and the way he almost bashes all of his male friend unapologetically. Although, he was never sure if he could call himself a friend of Sanji’s. Sanji never ever showed any sign that he liked him.  
Things were almost always complicated.  
His thoughts were cut off when he received a text message. Not on the app but from Nami. Her name simply was ‘Nami’ on his phone.  
N: Did you do it?  
A chuckle left his throat. Ever the best friend that Nami was.  
Z: Do what?  
N: You know what you asshole. I’ve had Sanji feeling sorry for himself because he hasn’t heard a response back, so I know you didn’t do it last night. If you haven’t done it already, do it now.  
Z: Sorry. Some of us have busy lives. I did it this evening.  
N: Good. If I hear Sanji talk about it again, I am TELLING him. I don’t care if we are supposed to be best friends. Sanji is my friend too and doesn’t deserve this cruelty.  
Zoro rolled his eyes at that last part before replying.  
Z: Fine. You have my word.  
Zoro took another swig of his beer before placing his phone back in his pocket. He would have to wait until tomorrow when they spoke again but something about starting this relationship was beginning to excite him...even if he knew it was fucked up. If Sanji didn’t know and they kept it strictly online, then...  
God. It was fucked up.  
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miniscrew-anon · 1 year
What do you mean love is real?
So apparently today is aromantic visibility day. Why did no one tell me 😫 I was so unprepared! So here is the best I could do. Happy Aro Day!
“Do you wanna maybe grab a coffee later?”
Four blinks in surprise. His pen stills on the paper and he looks up at the blushing barista who’d come to his table to deliver his refill. She smiles at him, the corner of her eyes crinkling up.
“You seem like a really nice guy,” She says, “And I happened to notice that you always stick around for my whole shift even though you don’t buy anything other than your coffee. So… do you want to grab a bite later?”
Four sticks around because the cafe lets him sit as long as he wants and he gets free refills for just three rupees a day. The place is dry and warm and gives him a space to work on applications. It helps that the staff is nice, but Four didn’t even realize he tended to come in when this woman was here. But he can’t tell her that. He doesn’t want to embarrass her.
Plus, he feels a little flattered that she’s asking him out. No one’s ever done that before. He doesn’t consider himself very attractive and he doesn’t have much to offer. He’s never gotten so much as a second glance before. It makes him feel good. Confident, even.
So he checks her nametag and smiles back. “Yeah, sure. I’d love to get a coffee with you later.”
“Damn - what’s next? Hooking for cash?” Shadow cackles, sticking his hand into Fours paper bag and pulling out a pastry that’s just past its sell by date. “Smart though. I’d never have thought about dating a barista for access to food.”
“I’m not dating her for the perks.” Four speaks around his mouth full of danish.
Shadow unwraps his croissant and moans obnoxiously at the treat. “Oh no? Then why are you dating her? You like her?”
Four only hesitates for second.
“Yeah,” He says. “She’s great. Why wouldn’t I like her?”
Three months later Four’s playing a different tune.
“I thought things were going well. You said you were happy.” Her voice is low and shaky, eyes directed at the floor to hide the tears in them.
Four winces and looks away. He’s holding her hands in his and he squeezes them in comfort. Even while he’s the one doing the hurting.
“I was happy. Am happy.” He fumbles with his words, “It’s not that anything went wrong. It’s just that I’m not… feeling it.”
“What did I do?” She chokes out.
“Nothing! Nothing. You’re great. I just… I’m not…” Four sucks on his tongue in thought. “I’m just not feeling that kind of connection.”
And it’s true. She’s been a great girlfriend. She respects his space and his privacy. She doesn’t mind that he doesn't have any money. She’s even bought him dinners at restaurants and a pair of new shoes.
She’s been so great to him.
But that hasn’t stopped Four from feeling drained just holding her hand. The absolute exhaustion of pretending to like cuddling and bumping knees under the table. The constant need to smile at her and pay attention and be attentive and act like he’s having more fun than he is. It’s more than just his introverted nature that makes him dread having to respond to her texts. More than his general touch aversion that causes the uncomfortable feeling in his gut when he kisses her. He doesn’t know what that is though.
“S-so what? You wanna just be friends?” She asks, finally picking her gaze up. “Is that it? B-because I don’t want that! I really, really like you!”
“You barely know me,” Four says weakly. It’s only been three months. How can anyone really like anyone after just three months? He sure can’t.
“I know you.” She sniffs and wipes her face. “I do. And I love you!”
Four sighs.
“So no more free snacks? Damn. Are you sure you’re not into her?”
“If you’re that into the loaf cakes, she’s single now.” Four says flatly. He pulls his backpack away from Shadows searching hands. “You date her.”
“Nah. She’s too goody two shoes for me.”Shadow waves him off. “If you can’t handle her then I don’t even wanna think about it.”
“It wasn’t like that,” Four can’t help but defend her. She was an amazing girlfriend.
“Oh? Then what was it like? Why dump her if she was so great?”
Four pauses.
“I just,” He says, “I wasn’t feeling it, I guess.”
Shadow quirks a brow. “Incompatible?”
“Yeah. I guess so,” Four says quietly, “Must have been. Yeah.”
“I had a great time. Walk me to the train?”
“Of course.”
She links their arms together and leans into his side, humming happily. Four dutifully lets her cuddle into his side and subtly checks his watch. Her train is leaving in a few minutes. Enough time to hover on the platform for a little while.
He wonders if he should kiss her.
Because they had a great time. She was fun, with just enough wit and charm to keep him engaged. It was nothing like his other girlfriend, who’d been so kind but felt untouchable in her purity; this woman was a firecracker, all tongue and cheek. She kept him on his toes, never meek or wary. It helped that they had so much in common - she was also a down on her luck gig worker. ‘Who’s gotten the most crap from a shit employer’ had been a fun topic over a cheap dinner. It had been unusually enjoyable and Four found himself laughing hard enough to choke on his burger.
So he should kiss her, right? That’s the norm when you have a good date, right? How to affirm you enjoyed your time together and signal that you would like to do it again?
He glances at her from the corner of his eye and wonders if this squirmy feeling in his stomach is the fluttery feeling everyone always talks about. It must be. There’s no reason it wouldn’t be. Sure, it feels a bit like what he used to feel with his ex, but it’s probably different. He had much more fun on this date. So it must be different.
He checks his watch again. The train pulls up, ruffling both their hair. She pulls herself off his arm and turns towards him.
“Thanks for coming out with me,” She says, “We should do this again sometime.”
“Yeah, we should.” Four smiles, stomach-squirming kicking up a gear. Why do they call it the butterflies when it feels more like worms? “I’ll call you.”
“You better.” Her lips quirk into a smirk. “Or I’ll have to call you.”
Four swallows thickly. “Yeah.”
She leans forward slightly. Angles her chin up. Tilts her head just slightly to the left. Stares into his eyes.
“Well,” Four says, “Goodnight.”
He drops her hands and gently guides her onto the train. Waves at her through the window while it pulls away. He sighs in relief.
“So she never texted you back?”
Shadow whistles, earning himself a chastising glance from the librarian. He waves apologetically at her.
“I really thought she’d like you,” He says quietly. “She seemed like your type too. Weird.”
Four shrugged. He wasn’t upset about it. Truthfully he felt kind of relieved. Even though he’d had a good time.
“Were you weird or something? Is that why she’s not interested?” Shadow questions him. Looking for ammunition, as always.
“That’s none of your business.”
“Wrong! I set you two up. So you owe me an explanation.”
Four sighs. “I didn't kiss her at the end of the date. That’s probably why.”
“What?” Shadow groans, dropping his head on the table and keeping Four from turning the page in his book. “Why? She’s so hot. She’s almost out of your league.”
Four shrugged again. He hadn’t actually noticed if she was attractive. He’s never been interested in stuff like that.
He pauses. He’s never been interested in stuff like that.
“Huh.” He says. “I must be gay.”
“- I don’t know. I think the spontaneity to be part of it, ya know? Like, that’s where all the passion comes from!”
“I guess,” Four says, “But I prefer to have a warning before being kissed. I like to be prepared.”
His date groans dramatically. “But it’s so mechanical then!”
“I like mechanical,” Four says. He takes another step forward. They’re waiting on a bus line. He’s going downtown, his date uptown. This is where they part.
“Haha,” His date rolls his eyes with a tiny smirk, “Because you’re a mechanic. Very funny.”
“I thought so.” Four leans to the side to see how long the line is. Not too far now. He glances at his phone and pretends to check his messages.
He wonders if his date is going to kiss him.
Probably. That’s probably why he started talking about why he enjoys the spontaneous kiss more than the asked one. He was probably asking permission, or something. In that strange, avoidant way that all of Four’s dates always like to use. He wishes they’d just come out and say what they wanted.
They’re almost to the front of the line and Four starts fidgeting with his clothes. The squirmy worms are back, writhing around in his guts. He still doesn’t know if these are the butterflies everyone talks about. And he’s getting less sure with every kiss he gets. But maybe this one will be different.
He’s gay and his date is a man. So it’s going to be different this time.
Four holds onto that hope until he gets to the front of the line and his date loops his arm around him to pull him in for a kiss.
His date’s skin is dryer and his chin is scratchy. That’s the only difference.
Four gets on the bus and slumps into the seat.
“So you’re taking a break from dating?” Shadow asks. He swipes Four’s bottle and takes a swig
Four grabs it back and scowls. “Get your own. These aren’t cheap.”
“Oh, I know.” Shadow smiles back, reaching for the iced coffee again. Four slaps his hands away. “Meanie. So what went wrong this time? Still just not feeling it?”
“No, I'm not. But this guy was actually kind of annoying this time. So who knows.”
“Ah, I see. Polluted the experiment.” Shadow nods sagely. “Well, there’s always next time.”
Yeah, Four thinks, Next time.
The next time someone asks Four to grab a cup of coffee, he turns them down.
“Wow, oh my god! Four! It’s so crazy to see you here! How long has it been? Two years?” She laughs, going in for a friendly hug.
“Just about.” Four smiles at his ex girlfriend, returning her embrace. He hadn’t seen her since he broke up with her and he hadn’t expected to see her again. But he ran into her on the street. A welcome surprise since she really is a lovely woman. “I didn’t expect to see you here in Termina. I thought you wanted to go overseas after you got your degree?”
“I did! But my boyfriend got a great job here in the city so we relocated here.”
“You relocated for him? It must be pretty serious then. Congrats,” Four says sincerely, “I’m happy for you.”
She laughs it off. “Thanks! He’s great. He’s going to be a doctor so the move was necessary. After he’s done with his residency we’ll probably move though. But enough about that - how have you been?”
“I can’t complain. I just moved here myself. More job prospects here in the city.”
“I hear that. Did you get your mechanics license?”
“Yeah. I’m certified now.” Four says. “I work for myself when I can and do temp work when things are slow. But it’s picking up so I’m hoping that it’s going to take off soon.”
“That’s so amazing! I’m proud of you!” She beams at him, genuine happiness on her face. It’s enough to make him feel all gooey. “So are you here alone?”
“Uh, yeah. I just came to pick up a few things. Why?”
“I don’t know,” She laughs. “I guess I was just wondering if you had a girlfriend.”
“Oh.” Four blinks. “Uh, no. Turns out I'm gay, actually.”
“Really? Huh. Well, I guess that makes sense,” She laughs. “It explains the blank-faced thing, anyway.”
Four stares at her. He racks his brain but he doesn’t know what she’s talking about. “What do you mean?”
“Oh. I guess I never told you about that.” She bites her lip nervously. “I’m talking about how you’d go expressionless after we said bye after dates. I used to watch you through the window when the car pulled away or when the bus started. I always thought it was a little strange, that you’d lose your smile pretty much instantaneously after I wasn’t in view anymore. Like you finally decided to drop your act. Usually after seeing your girlfriend a smile lingers, you know?”
She puts her hands up apologetically. “I’m not angry or anything! And I’m not trying to insult you. I’m just saying that it makes sense, since you weren’t really into me back then.”
Four is quiet for a while. Chewing on this new information. He’d always known he felt tired after dates, but he didn’t realize it was so weird. In the movies when lovers turned away from each other with big, lovesick smiles on their faces, he thought it was just a fake trope. Like exploding cars. Or moaning during sex. Just something to visualize the budding romance.
He didn’t realize that happened in real life.
Four stared at his book without reading a single word. He turned towards Shadow, who was laying on the hood of the car next to him. Engrossed in his phone.
The blonde cleared his throat. “Did you know that it's normal to feel giddy after a date?”
Shadow snorts. “Yeah right. That’s just a dumb movie thing. That’s not real.”
Four stares at him until Shadow looks up. His friend’s mouth drops open at Four’s expression.
Four comes across the term by accident. He’s reading something about asexuality, someone's private experience with it, and they mention it in passing. One internet search later and Four is texting Shadow in the dead of night.
Aromantic. It’s the lack of romantic attraction.
??? There’s a term for that?
Cool. That you?
Cool. Me too i think
Oh, the stories I could write onto my blorbo~
All of these things actually happened to me while I was still in my discovery phase. They’re a little altered to fit the character but it’s very much based in real events. Including the “oh I guess I’m a lesbian” thing. That was an interesting two years. I told a lot of people I was gay back then 🫠
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eleni-cherie · 2 years
lonely hearts club ✨ || kth au - chapter 1.4
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“lonely hearts club // do you want to be with somebody like me?”
maybe single parents are meant to be members of the lonely hearts club.
masterlist: here
— genre: single parents au, romcom, humour, fluff, angst, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
It was one of those days. One of those days everything seemed pointless and you simply wanted to curl up in your bed and stare at nothing in particular. It was one of those days for Cassandra, too, even if it had started like any other normal day. In fact, she had been feeling good, great even in the beginning. Not even the disgustingly warm weather upsetting her. She was actually thinking of going on a walk later with her daughter. She felt quite productive that day. And all it took to switch her mood was the simple question of where she should go for a walk. And suddenly she lost all interest in going out at all. Instead she was laying on the couch, contemplating her whole life.
Truth was, ever since she had become a mother, these days had become rarer. There was something now that wasn't so pointless in her life. However, they apparently weren't gone forever yet. So she was laying there now. Staring at the clock that told her an hour had already passed. And she had to somehow manage to get her stuff together. Or at least make it appear so, so her friend, who was coming over later, wouldn't notice anything. She saw her phone display on the coffee table lighting up then. Indicating a new text message. To be honest, she didn't feel like talking to anyone and having to pretend she was alright when she rather felt restless and sad for no real reason. But she decided to check nonetheless, curiosity getting the best of her.
Tae (4:45pm): today was the worst day
Cas (4:50pm): why??
Tae (4:51pm): bc doing anything in that heat is a chore :(
Cas (4:52pm): ohh.. true :(
She was about to put the device away when her ringtone startled her. Of course, an incoming call from him. She should've known since he almost always did that. Preferring calls over text messages. And although she still wasn't in the mood for talking, she answered. Because she knew she was in the mood to talk to him. She had accepted her obvious feelings for him. She had done so quite awhile ago and even though she had never expected him to reciprocate them, their festival visit a few weeks ago had sparkled a little hope in her. A hope that seemed more than pointless. And that not only because of her sudden mood swing.
"Hey." Taehyung smiled when seeing her drowsy face. He was never someone to really complain about something. Only if it was a topic which worried or upset him indeed. And yet he found himself venting to Cassandra about smaller things quite a lot. She was a great listener. Or perhaps he just wanted to tell her about his day and that was his excuse. Cassandra forced a small smile onto her lips for his sake and shifted a bit. "Hey.. so was that really the worst day ever or are you exaggerating?" She heard him sigh on the other line. "It was pretty exhausting, trust me." "You know the day isn't over yet?" she smirked. A long groan being heard by him then. "Thanks for the reminder.." "At least they announced some rain for the weekend." He saw her sitting up. Her hair a slight mess. "Did I wake you up from a nap?" "No.. not really.. Was just laying here." His eyes frowned. Sure he wasn't seeing her face to face, but something seemed off. He could tell by her weak voice and her restless eyes. They were avoiding him. "Are you sure everything's okay?" he carefully asked. Earning a half-hearted nod and a small smile. "Yeah, just a bit tired." He pursed his lips, not fully believing her. "Hm okay." Obviously he wished she would tell him what was troubling her, but there was no use in pushing and making her uncomfortable. "I'll let you rest then." "Oh, it's okay." "No, I'm sorry for randomly calling. You're tired," he said. A rueful smile on his features. "Talk to you later." And she didn't object. Even if she wanted to. She didn't have the energy left to do it. So all she said was "okay" and he ended the call. Looking at the display for a moment before exhaling deeply. He heard steps then.
"Did you ask her?" Yoongi was standing at the doorframe with crossed arms and an inquiring look on his face. Pushing himself off when seeing Taehyung looking away and shaking his head quietly. "Why not?" "She seemed.. not in a good mood right now. I'll ask later. Or not at all." The older guy hummed and approached the kitchen table. Taking a seat opposite of him. "You should ask her though. Since none of us can, she might have time." A dry laugh came from Taehyung's lips. "Why her out of all people?" "You seem close. And she seemed like a nice person. At least she did when I met her. And Soyeon liked her as well." Taehyung remained silent. Absent-mindedly staring at the device in his hands. He blinked then, snapping out of it. "Let's say I ask," he said then, "Who says she'd be up for it? You forget she has a child herself. I doubt she'd drop everything just for that. We.. we aren't that close." "What better way to get closer then?" Yoongi shrugged. Folding his arms in front of him. "Either you ask her or you simply go alone. Whichever you prefer." He knew exactly which one Taehyung would prefer. He'd rather bite the bullet and ask for help than having to go through the awkwardness of meeting Ari's grandparents alone. Or so Yoongi assumed at least. The fact Taehyung hadn't even tried to protest making it clear to him that he was right. And he smiled contently to himself. He wasn't mad or judging him. He knew him and the others weren't always better. But he knew Taehyung well enough all those years to know there were only very few occasions this kid would truly open up about his feelings and struggles.
"Did you find what you were looking for?" Taehyung asked in an attempt to change topics. Seeing the older guy nodding. "Yeah, found both films." He held up two dvds before sliding them back into his backpack that was resting on the floor. Taehyung hummed. "Thought you've already watched those before.." "I have," Yoongi explained, "But Soyeon hasn't yet. And since they aren't on Netflix.." "Huh.. didn't know she was into that kind of films." "Well," Yoongi scratched his head and Taehyung noticed his longer becoming waves, "She usually isn't. I don't know why she suddenly wants to watch them. Guess someone recommended them."
And Taehyung could immediately think of someone.
Tae (8:34pm): random question Tae (8:34pm): was it you who recommended some films to soyeon? Cas (8:36pm): yes why? did she mention it? Tae (8:38pm): was just curious Tae (8:39pm): yoongi was here today and borrowed some of them from me Cas (8:40pm): ah I see.. happy to hear she actually listened to my recommendations :) Cas (8:40pm): which ones did he get? Tae (8:42pm): 2 tarantinos Tae (8:43pm): we know each other for half a year and you never mentioned you like his films Cas (8:45pm): djdjdjd same goes for you!! Tae (8:46pm): :D Tae (8:46pm): how are you feeling? still tired? Cas (8:49pm): a little.. it's just one of these days you don't feel like doing anything and everything seems stupid.. Tae (8:50pm): fid smth happen? Tae (8:50pm): *did Cas (8:51pm): no nothing Tae (8:53pm): smth must have happened tho Cas (8:54pm): nothing happened. Cas (8:55pm): just forget it
Taehyung frowned. That wasn't Cassandra. Or at least not her usual self. Something was definitely up with her. Perhaps nothing specific had happened, but something wasn't right for sure. He could tell.
Cas (8:56pm): it's just one of these days Tae (9:00pm): you know if there's anything you can tell me Cas (9:01pm): I know and I appreciate it Tae (9:02pm): you think a small weekend trip would help getting your mind off? Cas (9:04pm): that's quite a random question.. idk it might. but where should I go? Tae (9:05pm): how about you come w me? Tae (9:06pm): i'm bringing ari to her other grandparents Tae (9:06pm): and I'm staying in that town for the weekend Tae (9:07pm): it's pretty boring alone and none of the others have time Tae (9:07pm): if you want you can come along Cas (9:14pm): i'll think about it :)
"Good morning." "'Morning," Cassandra yawned when sliding onto the passenger's seat. The tiredness of the early hour not having washed off yet. Making it hard for her to even keep her eyes open. "Just so you know, 9 o'clock is way too early for a Saturday." Ari, who was playing with her stuffed penguin at the backseat, snarled. Making Cassandra smirk. "See, she thinks the same. Why did I even agree to come with you?" she whined then. "No one forced you to come," Taehyung snorted jokingly. Raising his brows at her as he stopped in front of a red light. A challenging look on his eyes. "Here, you can get off if you want." Cassandra rolled her eyes, giggling. "Fine, fine. I'll stop complaining. But seriously, it's early." "I know," he sighed, ruffling through his waves as the light turned green again. "But what can I do? It's a 3-hour-long drive. So better leave early. Or not?" "I guess.." "Thanks for joining me despite the hour," he briefly smiled at her, "I prefer driving with company and besides, you know.." He paused, peeking at her. She had her arm propped on the crackdown window. Cheek resting on her palm. The airflow was messing with her ponytail but she didn't seem to mind. Only the sun made her eyes flinch. "I get it. I wouldn't feel like driving so long only to stay at a town I don't know anyone either." She leaned over to her backpack then, getting a pair of round sunglasses out. Putting them on her nose before going back to her previous position. He silently nodded.
Truth was, it had only been half the reason. Sure, it was one of the main ones he had asked her to come with him. However, it wasn't the only one. "Are you getting along with her grandparents?" A lump formed in his throat. It was as if she had read his mind. "Y-yes.. but not really." She pursed her lips, giving him a sympathetic look. "Well, if they get mean, call me and I'll fight them," she said with a toothy grin. Causing him snort out, laughing. "Fight them?" She nodded vigorously. "Don't think because I look all cute and friendly I wouldn't be able to fight someone!" She smirked cockily, crossing her arms in front of her chest. He arched a brow at her. "Can't forget you're into gangster films. So I know I shouldn't mess with you," he countered amused. She hummed, getting back to observing the passing trees and fields outside. "You shouldn't, trust me," she smiled then.
They grew quiet, Taehyung musing quietly. He wondered what it'd look like if someone like her got mad. Would she indeed fight someone? He couldn't quite imagine it, but then again you shouldn't underestimate anyone. "So.." He spoke up after awhile. "Are you really getting that angry?" She perked up. Remaining silent for a moment as she contemplated. "As a kid I was a little aggressive and often got physical," she admitted embarrassed, "And I'm afraid Izzy may become like this, too. But now that I grew up I'm obviously not like that anymore. Only my voice raises and I get loud. Though.. if someone gives me a good reason to, I might even end up throwing stuff. But to get me to that point, you'd really need to make me outrageous. Which isn't easy. So don't worry. " She giggled then. "Did I scare you?" "Maybe a little," he nervously chuckled, "It's just that I've never seen you angry. Only a bit upset, but that's normal. I can't imagine you yelling and throwing stuff." A light laugh came from her lips, amused. "Oh really? Is it that hard?" "Of course it is! You're the size of, like, I don't know, a Santa's elf and you have a baby face that makes you look eighteen at best. So how in hell are you aggressive?" He let out a confused laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. And she bursted out laughing at his silliness. "Aren't you exaggarrating a bit?" she laughed, "I'm of average height and I don't look like eighteen. Maybe twenty." He gave her a lopsided grin. "Still, you get what I mean." "Guess so.. but they say not to judge a book by its cover. It honestly doesn't happen often though. And besides.. I haven't seen you angry either. How are you then?" He thought for a moment, unsure how to answer. He eventually shrugged then. "It's rare that I get very upset, so I don't know what to tell you. I guess I stay pretty calm and just list facts. Which upsets others a lot." He paused, before adding, "Maybe I'd also bang a door while leaving the scene, I dunno." She nodded, redirecting her gaze to the scenary. "You don't have to be scared of me, really. Nowadays when someone upsets me, I might yell first but then simply stop talking to them and ignore them completely." "So instead of aggressive you become passive-aggressive." "Pretty much."
They grew quiet for a while. Cassandra dozing off occasionally, only to be woken up by the car driving over a bump or Ari making a noise. To be honest, it wasn't only the time. It had been the fact she hadn't been able to fall asleep the night before. And when she finally did, she would wake up inbetween. So she couldn't really claim having had full night's sleep. And she had to wake up early to bring Isavella to her parents, as she couldn't bring her with her. Or well, she could have. But since Taehyung wouldn't have Ari either, it'd have been weird if she brought her daughter along. Besides, it'd have been tiring to carry all the baby stuff with her. And a bit me time without a baby was sometimes important, too. Even if she started missing her already. "Would you mind some music?" "No, not at all," she smiled at his politeness. It was his car after all, he could do what he wanted. His index finger pressed on a button on the sideboard. 'Under the sea' starting blasting from the speakers, startling both of them as they jumped up in their seats. "Sorry, forgot we were listening to that yesterday," he chuckled and quickly pressed pause before his hand went to the phone laying between them. Fumbling with it when different music started playing softly. Him decreasing the volume.
His playlist played for awhile as they sat there in silence. Cassandra recognizing some songs while never having heard of others. She overall liked it though. Not everything her style, like the ballads. But she definitely liked many of the old ones. Especially the ones she also had on her phone. Her eyes widened when recognizing the melody that began playing then. "Out of all their songs you picked that one?" she laughed out, glancing at him teasingly. He laughed under his breath. "Just be glad I like your fave band," he retorted with a grin. "I'm not complaining," she said holding her hands up in a defensive manner, "Just saying they have better ones." He shrugged, biting down his lip. He could imagine which ones she meant. The ones she knew all the lyrics by heart and had screamed from the top of her lungs. "I like this one though." She smiled softly. Finding the fact he ended up liking her band thanks to her more than thrilling. It was an amazing feeling actually. "It's definitely a good one."
next chapter: 1.5 here
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daehee · 1 year
Chapter 7
Bitch Is Emotional
The next morning I woke up groggy from staying up so late. I went to the kitchen to get some water and maybe a small something for breakfast since I wasn't that hungry.
"Hey, how you holding up?" Yunjin asks as she makes her way into the kitchen.
"I'm good actually. I didn't drink so I'm good."
"Yeah, how are you and Keita?"
"I'm not really sure. We had a heart to heart last night, but I don't know if he'll remember any of it. He was pretty drunk."
"Oh, well... I wish you the best of lucky. That makeout session looked a little... heated."
"Pfft, yeah maybe it was."
"Welp, I'm gonna go get ready for class. We have a big day in dance today. It's evaluations. We get to see who gets what for performances. Aren't you and Keita doing music too?"
"Yeah, we both started singing when our dance teacher recommended it since we both wanna be idols."
"Nice, I'm sure y'all will get really good parts for performance then."
"Well... I hope."
I went back to my room, slipping on my uniform for the day... until dance class, and put on a little bit of makeup. I brushed my teeth and was ready to go.
"Yunjin-ahh! Are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's go."
Yunjin followed me out of the dorms and we headed to the classroom part of the school. We headed to class, letting the day drag on. We finally made it to dance class and I felt like I woke up. Keita was talking to Eric, joking and laughing. I could tell Yunjin was watching me, seeing if I'd go up to him, but I didn't know if I should. I had already changed so I started stretching, and going through the motions of my dance to remind myself.
"Hey!" Keita said, poking my back multiple times.
"Hi." I said, continuing what I was doing, not really paying attention.
"No hug?" He asked, eyes wide and puppy like.
"Didn't realize we had to hug every time we saw each other."
"Well yikes... someone slept in the freezer. Why're you so cold?"
"How drunk were you last night?"
"Pretty drunk... shit did I do something?"
"Oh nothing much, just wondering if our relationship is really based on love or lies."
"Yeah apparently we've been lying to each other all these years, but it's whatever. We solved it, you called me your everything, but I'm struggling to wrap my head around the fact that it's my fault you didn't confess because I lied, yet you lied too. But whatever Keita, forget I said anything."
Keita's eyes turned sad and his lips formed a small pout. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me around.
"Did I really upset you by not telling you? I didn't think it'd be that big of a deal since you don't like me anymore."
"Right... you were drunk, you don't remember my confession."
"I'm not over you Keita and I have no fucking clue how you feel because you wont fucking be honest. Yet here you are telling me to be completely honest with you and tell you all my shit. You should try it, maybe we could actually get somewhere."
"Hey whoa... calm down. I don't know where all this is even coming from, you didn't used to be like this. What happened?"
"Like what Keita?"
"You did not just call me fucking emotional... I'm like this because of you Keita, all fucking you." I turned around and stormed to the other side of the room where Yunjin was silently practicing her part.
"God I fucking hate him."
"Oh well... hello. What'd he do."
"Ugh I don't wanna talk about it."
"Ok... welp, don't let it mess with your head during evaluations."
"I wont... I just... cant believe he called me emotional."
"He called you emotional? In a bad way?"
"Yeah, he said 'You didn't used to be like this, what happened?' I figured he of all people would understand that you don't fucking say that."
"Damn, I thought lover boy was better than that."
"So did I..."
Class went on, evaluations went well. It was the end of the day so I headed back to the dorm with Yunjin. I was exhausted and aggravated. I didn't want to deal with anyone so I went straight to my room and laid down. I was thinking about the fight between me and Keita and before I realized it... tears were flowing from the side of my eyes, down my temples, and onto my pillow. Instead of trying not to cry, I let go. I flipped over, burying my face into my pillow, sobbing loudly. Apparently Yunjin heard me and knocked on my door.
"Hana, I hear you crying, I'm coming in whether you like it or not." Not even a second later, the door opened and shut. I felt my bed dip and the comforting hands of Yunjin running over my back.
"Heyyy, you're gonna be okay. If he makes you cry like this he isn't worth it sweetie."
"I know... but I cant let him go, he's my best friend. He's been with me my whole life."
"I get that sweetie... but you gotta put your mental and emotional state first. Try staying away from him for a little bit and see if it makes you feel better m'kay?"
"O-okay, I will."
"Do you want me to stay here?"
"Yes, if you don't mind."
"Of course." Yunjin laid down next to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me closer. She pushed my head to rest on her chest and she soothingly ran her hands over my back. I felt her calm breathing and it began to calm me down too.
"You ok?"
"Yeah, I'm better." Yunjin stayed with me for the rest of the night. We cuddled together peacefully, enjoying each others heat and comfort.
The intro post for this story has all the chapters listed.
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casspurrjoybell-19 · 1 year
TORN - Chapter 9
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*Warning: Adult Content*   
"Five pairs of shorts, check... Swimming clothes, check..." Berlin Cahill rattled off his packing list for at least the fifth time, making sure that everything was neatly organized and packed in their designated places for his luggage. 
After making sure that everything was set and in place, he sits on top of the overstuffed suitcase in order to zip them closed. 
He looks upon the suitcase he'd conquered with a feeling of victory, patting himself on the back mentally before collapsing onto the bed. 
He heaves out a sigh as he closes his eyes, turning to bury the side of his face into the mattress. 
His eyes are drooping in exhaustion but he fights off sleep, remembering that his friends, ones that he'd miraculously made in the past week, assured him that he'd be able to sleep on the bus ride to the retreat. 
The retreat is supposed to be a bonding trip, announced after the rogue attack. 
Apparently, they thought it would be helpful for the bonding the two packs as well as relieve stress from the attack. 
Berlin sighed as he laid on top of his duvet, allowing his mind to wander for a moment.
‘When is Max going to get here?’ he wonders, silently counting off the days in his head. 
It'd been a week and a half since they met in the Goddess's afterlife and Berlin wonders how long it would take for him to follow through with his plan and come back. 
Berlin had been waking every morning, wracked with anticipation as he hoped that today was the day, only for the sun to set every evening without a trace of his Mate. 
Berlin sighs softly, blowing a strand of blonde hair off of his face before suddenly being abruptly pulled from his thoughts. 
"Berlin," squealed three loud voices as they burst into his room, jumping up and down in excitement and slamming the door loudly behind them. 
Berlin jumps up at the sight of them before smiling timidly and waving as they approached his spot on the bed.
"Hey," he giggled, standing up and hugging each of the girls in front of him who've become his best friends over the past couple of days. 
He was really happy that he'd met them and even happier as they took him under their wing so quickly. 
It had been notoriously hard for Berlin to make friends throughout his life in his previous pack, given his status, so having real friends was a welcome change. 
Hannah, Brook and Callie were their names and all three of them are taller than Berlin and they made sure that he knew it.
"Come on short stuff, we already saved you a seat on the bus," Hannah exclaimed, grabbing his arm and trying to yank him out of the room.
"Also one for the Alpha," Callie added with a frustrated sigh, pulling her red hair over one shoulder before linking arms with Berlin on the opposite side of Brook. 
He blushes at the mention of Oasis, a thin smile stretched across his lips, not quite meeting his eyes. 
He’d tried to avoid him over the past few days but Oasis was having none of it, finding his mate in the pack house whenever he was freed of his Alpha duties. 
Berlin was cordial with him, not wanting him to become suspicious of the fact that he was trying to keep his distance from him romantically. 
‘I don't want him to be hurt when Max came back.’
Berlin giggled as he took in the sight of Hannah struggling with his large suitcase and Brook rolling her eyes at Callie's words while they practically manhandled their young friend towards the door.
"I don't understand why he's so protective of you. Yeah, it's adorable sometimes but like, he's obsessed," she blanched as she finally got the suitcase to cooperate, pulling it up beside them while Berlin laughed softly at her words. 
Although he'd never admit it aloud, Berlin didn't mind the way Oasis was so protective over him. 
He freaks out when he doesn't know where his Mate is, constantly asking him what he can do for him and making sure that Berlin reeks of his scent every moment. 
He says that it's ‘for my own good’ and his friends find it annoying but Berlin doesn't mind too much.
‘It reminds me of Max.’
"It's alright. I'll mostly be sleeping on the drive there, so..." Berlin mutters, staring at his feet as Brook opens the door to his room. 
He felt all three of them jump just as it creaked open. 
‘What the heck... Oh.’
There stood Alpha Oasis Amador in all of his glory, arms crossed against his bare chest, his body covered in a thin sheen of sweat and his eyes cold and hard as he glares at the girls. 
"May I ask what you are doing with my Mate? In his room, alone?" Oasis immediately growls out, reaching to grab Berlin from the girls' grip and cage him to his sweaty chest. 
Berlin yelps out, pressing against him to try to get away from his ridiculously tight grip but it only caused Oasis to tighten his arms even more.
"Oh, h-hi A-alpha..." Hannah stuttered out, not sounding like the confident girl that Berlin knows her to be but more like himself, being the timid person he is. 
"Answer my question or I will tear out your fucking jugular," he growls out once again, pushing Berlin behind him before he could explain the situation fully. 
Berlin is sure Oasis assumes the worst and his Wolf probably made him jump to ridiculous conclusions, as the sight of three girls coming out of a closed bedroom with Berlin probably made his overprotective nature flare, no matter how obvious it is that he is completely and utterly, homosexual.
Either way, Berlin couldn't sit and watch him yell at his new friends. 
He’d just gotten them and he didn't want to lose them right after because they were scared of making his touchy Mate angry.
"Osias?" Berlin asks, tapping Oasis’ back gently with him finger with the hopes of getting his attention. 
He continues to growl at Berlin’s friends, ignoring him completely. 
The young man sighs, deciding it was time to up the ante if he wants Oasis to stop harassing them because of his anger issues.
“Osias." Berlin yells, stepping in front of his Mate with his hands on his slender hips, making his eyes as steely as he can, even though he probably only succeeded in looking like some kind of ferocious puppy. 
‘Goddess, please let this work.’
Oasis still heaved with anger but paused, looking down at his Mate. 
Berlin gave himself a silent pat on the back at his triumph, suppressing his instinct to roll over and show his belly under Oasis’ incredibly intense Alpha gaze. 
The flecks of gold in his eyes told Berlin that his Wolf, York, was close to surfacing.
"Osias... Please, calm down," Berlin spoke, trying to keep his knees from buckling, his voice dripping with honey as he slowly took steps closer to him to place his small hands against his large, tanned pecs. 
Hannah, Callie and Brook are frozen in their spots, staring as Berlin worked his magic. 
Leaning up on his tippy-toes, Berlin put his lips to Oasis’ ear and trails his hands slowly down to trace the hem of his mates shorts. 
"You know I would never..." 
Berlin felt his Mate’s arms slip around his waist and his lips at his neck at the spot where Max's mark used to be, making the young man shiver at the unforeseen attention. 
Just a little further...
"Please don't be mad. I'll be good," he whispers, giving him his best puppy eyes. 
Berlin feels a shiver go down Oasis’ spine and a growl rip through his chest. 
‘Got him.’
"Shit..." Oasis grumbled, his hands forming into fists before giving the girls one final glare and yanking Berlin against him, rushing towards his bedroom with his Mate in his arms. 
Berlin winks at his three friends over his shoulder, motioning for them to scurry away before Oasis decides to come back for them.
Brook shoots him a double thumbs up and Berlin blushes wildly as she stuck her tongue in her cheek and moved her hand, next to it, symbolizing a... blowjob... before they all ran away, leaving his suitcase in the middle of the hallway. 
He wasn't worried though, no one would mess with it even though it was unattended, knowing Alpha Oasis is his Mate.
‘Now, to deal with an extremely angry Alpha. Oh my Goddess.’
It took about 30 minutes of pushing Oasis off, to get the horny Alpha to abandon the idea that Berlin was going to let him Mate, which was apparently his interpretation of the young man saying ‘I'll be good' and finally he walked off and took a shower. 
Oasis’ incessant growls and the fact that his eyes were swirling with gold tells Berlin that his Mate’s Wolf was on the brink of taking over and he bit his lip as he wondered when Max was going to get here. 
Despite the fact that Berlin trusted Max and knew he was going to come for him, he couldn't get over the feeling that he was betraying him in the interim. 
Berlin couldn't deny that he has feelings for Oasis due to the mating bond but his feelings for Max are so much stronger.
"Baby, come here." 
Oasis holds out his hand to Berlin with a smile as they walked out of the front door of the pack house. 
Berlin nods, quietly setting his hand in Oasis’ and drags his suitcase behind him. 
Outside of the pack-house were ten huge coach busses, onto which the entire pack were boarding. 
A smile broke out on Berlin’s face as he sees his gang of three waving frantically at him from their bus, motioning for him to come and claim the seat that they had saved for him.
"Oasis?" Berlin asks, looking up at him through his eyelashes expectantly.
"Can we get on that bus with my friends?" he continues, squeezing Oasis’ hand softly in an effort to persuade him.
"No," he deadpanned, pulling his cell-phone out of his back pocket and looking down at it for a moment. 
Berlin was speechless. 
Was he really not going to let him sit with his friends?
"We're flying," Oasis cut him off. 
"The higher ranks always do. I don't know why your friends thought that there would be some kind of exception," he sneers at the end of his words, leading Berlin to a fancy, black town car that sat waiting in front of all of the busses. 
Berlin felt isolated.
Oasis put their bags into the trunk before he opened the back door and sat, pulling Berlin in beside him, wrapping a strong arm around his slender waist. 
Berlin sighs as he stares out of the window, wondering what his friends were doing without him on the bus.
"To the airport," Oasis instructs to the driver before they pulled away from the pack house.        
Berlin stretches and yawns as his eyes flutter open, meeting with Oasis' handsome face as he looks straight ahead. 
He was pressed against his Mate’s broad chest as he held him bridal style, walking out of the private airport terminal. 
The plane ride was surprisingly comfortable. 
When they arrived at the departure gate, Berlin was taken aback at the sight of a medium sized private jet with Oasis' last name, Amador, written in detailed letters on the sides. 
The plane itself was beautiful, luxurious and Berlin was able to lay in one of the recliner chairs to doze off and sleep the entire flight. 
He slept like a baby.
Ortiz, who Berlin had come to know as the Beta of the Crescent Moon Pack, was also knocked out in the seat across from him, a line of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth and leaving a growing wet mark on his shirt as he slept. 
A woman that Oasis introduced as his assistant, Sam, was on the plane as well. 
She seemed nice enough, if not a little bit quiet as she kept to herself.
"Welcome back, sweetheart," Oasis' voice penetrates Berlin’s sleep as he feels a pressure on his cheek. 
He recognizes the soft contours of his Mate’s lips immediately, subconsciously squirming away from them as he stretches. 
"Hey..." Berlin replies tiredly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a fist. 
"It's time to wake up. We could get you a coffee to wake you up if you'd like." 
Berlin shook his head at the mention of coffee. 
He’d never liked the bitter beverage.
"Or hot chocolate?" Oasis suggests with a smile a moment later as he sees Berlin’s nose scrunch up in distaste. 
His expression brightens at the idea of his favorite drink and he nods with a small smile.
"Yeah," he exclaims as they exit the plane, Oasis taking his hand and calling Beta Ortiz over to the little coffee shop right outside of the airport. 
Berlin casually leans against Oasis' side tiredly as they walk into the cozy little coffee shop with a banner reading 'Welcome to California' overhead.  
The scent of coffee and sugar was almost so overwhelming that it took Berlin a moment before he picked up on a familiar scent. 
He freezes.
He scans the coffee shop frantically, letting go of Oasis' hand as he sniffs, followed the scent to the back of the shop. 
He see the back of his head first and immediately knew that it was him. 
He knew his body like the back of his hand, he'd recognize him anywhere. 
Tears well in his eyes as he smiles, the grin finally reaching his eyes for the first time in months as he breaks into a sprint towards him. 
Berlin knew he'd come.
"Max," he calls out gleefully. 
Berlin couldn't move, breathing in deeply as his scent envelopes him and brings butterflies to life in his stomach. 
He couldn't help the tears that overflowed over his cheeks as Max turns around and lands his gaze directly on Berlin. 
They could've stared at one each other for hours, minutes or even seconds. 
Berlin couldn't tell. 
"Max..." he choked out, not believing his eyes as he smiled through his tears and reached out for him. 
‘He has come back for me. I knew he would... ‘
Berlin is so happy that it takes him a moment to realize that Max wasn't moving, not making one move closer to get to him. 
He had expected to be wrapped up in Max’s arms by now, running off into the sunset to begin their happily-ever-after for the second time.
"Max?..." his tone is hesitant, his tone one of confusion before he freezes, his heart dropping as he takes in his expression. 
Max was looking straight down at Berlin with no emotion present on his face.
All of a sudden he stands up, a cup of coffee in one hand and in the other, the hand of another, petite male. 
Berlin stumbles towards him, his mouth agape as he tries to understand what was going on. 
"Max... Max who is this? What is going on? What..." 
Berlin didn't know where to start, he was too confused. 
Max told him, he would come back, for them to be together. 
If that was the case, why was he standing with another man hanging off of his arm?
Berlin reaches out for him, searching for an answer, for any kind of reaction or sign that this was all a sick joke, that there was an explanation for all of this and he was there for him. 
Berlin wasn't able to touch him however, as the young man hanging off of his shoulder give him a dirty look and shoves him back, causing him to fall back onto his ass. 
Berlin yelps out in pain, looking up at Max to help him but his expression was stone cold. 
The small man steps up to Berlin with his hands on his slender hips, the same dirty look on his face before he sneered down at him.
"Hey. Stay the fuck away from my boyfriend, slut."
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studiojeon · 3 years
use me | jjk
this is part of my troubled outsiders series. i think you can read this by itself though :)
| summary | -   Jungkook was not someone to establish relationships and bonds out of interest, you knew that. Or maybe not, truth be told, he was an authentic enigma, so open yet so closed and shielded from others to see through, and that didn’t exclude you.
warnings: language (?), mentions of hook ups and situationships. mentions of emotional trauma.
contents: a compilation of moments that contributed to the growth of their relationship, jungkook is hard to read, jungkook is hard to read, jungkook is hard to read and sus. oc is kinda whipped and scared af. chaeryeong knows who you are and where you live. jk and oc are scared to let each other in. friends to lovers, idol!jungkook x student!oc.
author’s note: i hate this, but i have to get it off my chest. (the narration is off af but if i keep it in my drafts for longer this will never see the light of the day). p.s. thank u so much for the support on the last drabble <3
playlist: rain by trey songz (feat. swae lee). 
words: 4.75k
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“JK?” as his broad back faces you, you call out his name timidly, not missing the way he swiftly turns around as soon as he hears his name come from your lips. Hair wet and darker than usual, a very big sweat stain at the center of his hoodie. He had just gotten out of practice, you assumed. 
“___?” he replied with the initials of your name as well, one of his tired grins plastered on his face, he must have been exhausted. You had caught on to him just as he walked out of the practice room in front of the elevator on your way to your office, right when you needed him, but now you weren’t so sure if it was a good idea to pester him. Even so, you didn’t know anyone else you could ask for help, aside from Linh who was currently in her own office doing other tasks you had assigned to her.
“Are you busy right now?” your eyes stare at him shyly, in hopes that he was willing to help you out, because you wanted to be around him, so maybe he could share a bit of his positive energy with you, the past week had been hellish.  “Could use some help returning all those heavy stacks of paper in my office”.
“Of course! Why didn’t you give me a call earlier though? It’s pretty late” he walked by your side and you enter the elevator, beginning your adventure around the company.
Jungkook was fun. Always bubbly and reciprocative, constantly trying his best to make you laugh and make the absolute best of your situation, even if he could be a bit stubborn at times. You liked the spontaneity he provided though, the way he would switch from one topic to another and how he would make silly faces at you whenever you locked eyes. 
He didn’t know, but in pure ignorance, he had just made your day ten times better. 
In the past week, you had received a lot of counterarguments, one by one, on how useless your management tactics were. Granted, you hadn’t expected for your ideas to be welcomed with open arms, but at least you had hoped they would take them into consideration. You had also been assigned a team, in charge of social media management, who worked monotonously and with little to no insertion in the actual target audience… your logic was: how can you advertise products to an audience you don’t even have the mere interest to know? You had designed a strategy, presented it, and no one paid any mind to you. 
But for the most part, you felt lonely. Had no one to talk to, nor go to whenever you needed your spirits to be lifted up.
Chaeryeong was busy busy with group projects and work. To the extent where she would get up at seven in the morning and come back at 12 pm. It wasn’t always like that, so you didn’t worry too much, but the fear she would wear herself off like usual still crowded your mind.
You close your office door with a sigh. Tired from everything, but somehow, your heart a little fuller, knowing that maybe you could use Jungkook in the future to give you a lift. Both figuratively and literally because he had offered to drive you home, being the gentleman he was.
“Why do you look like a sad puppy?” he asked you once you were sitting by his side in his very expensive and luxurious mercedes. Tinted windows and jet black shiny paint covered the outside of his car, the smell of air refresher and pinecone filling the inside. Mans was getting hotter by the minute.
“It’s friday night after the longest week of work. How can I not?” you put on your seat belt and lean back against the leather cushions. He pouts in response to you, with a concerned look on his face. 
For a second you wonder if he did this with most coworkers… being nice to them and offering them drives after having met them just a few times before. Kinda risky behviour, considering his position and squeaky clean reputation. You figure this would only last a bit before he realized he had more important things to be focusing on.
“Do you ever get chased home?” you ask randomly. 
With one hand on the wheel and the other leaned against his door he meditated on his response. “It happened once… And then I moved out, got a new car and everything. Shit was wild” he chuckles and you think that was the first time you had heard him curse, like ever. Jungkook, friendly and everything, wasn’t too big of a talker, but with you he found himself spilling, without giving it much thought. It felt refreshing to hear his voice and listen to his stories and the way he expressed himself. He was more interesting than he seemed, apparently. “Aren’t you hungry, by the way? We can have something to eat before i drop you off”
Traffic was hellish in Seoul everyday at every hour, and choosing to drive through Itaewon on a friday night wasn’t the smartest decision on Jungkook’s behalf, but you didn’t have the heart to tell him that. Considering the demands of his job, he probably didn’t know his way around the city that well. You conclude taking a detour wouldn’t hurt. “I’m starving actually.”
He ends up taking you to a restaurant near your neighborhood you had mentioned being good and not crowded at all, the latter catching his attention immediately. It was a modest but nice place owned by a very funny and loud ahjussi. The man had lost count of how many times you had come down from your apartment at 11 pm and asked him to make you vegetarian tteokguk, but they were enough so that he could memorize your five orders by heart and the amount of saewoo mandu you could down by yourself in five minutes. You were making him rich at that point so the least he could do was comply when you gently asked him to shut the place down for you. Jungkook hadn’t asked you, but you knew how things could get awkward and dangerous quickly if too many people found out about him being there. “Ahjussi, you don’t have to” the boy protested as he noticed that the man had shut the blinds for him.
“It’s okay, boy. _____ has been single handedly paying the remnants of my mortgage for over a year now, I don't mind doing this for her.” he joked in his usual nature. already writing down your order and patiently waiting for Jungkook in front of you to voice out what he wanted for a meal. “And well, you and your friends are making our country proud, it’s the least i can do to thank you”
“Ah, thank you.” Jungkook bows to the older man. Your heart softened in your chest, seeing how considerate he was towards other people. He must be great with parents, you think. “Do you really not get that many people around here?” he asked worriedly once he sat back down on the wooden chair.
“We do! But she’s the one who comes the most often” he nods toward you and Jungkook smiles once he found your gaze, a glint of playfulness in his eyes. 
“Can you recommend me anything, miss?”
“Of course, sir. Yeol-ah, double up my order. Drinks are on me today.” You yell at the man’s son in the kitchen, who was still a bit older than you, but also close to enough to let you order him around shamelessly. You knew him quite well, actually. He was Chaeryeong’s boyfriend after all.
The tall boy pokes his head out of the kitchen door with a very confused expression plastered on his face. “Aren’t we supposed to close in like, an hour?” Chanyeol asks his dad in front of you.
“Just go cook, I'll explain later”.
The two men go back into the kitchen and Jungkook looks at you with an amused expression on his face. “What was that?” he laughs.
“I’m very popular, you know?” it probably wasn’t a good idea to go there, but you felt a little drunk on his voice that night, and you also knew your friend didn’t mind. “In fact, Chaereyong from ITZY is my best friend, who would have guessed?”
“Yeah and my son is her boyfriend, who cares?” Byung-ho yells back at you from the cashier, pulling a hiss from your lips. 
Jungkook still continued to stare at the both of you with confusion and intrigue, you guess he thought you were both joking.
“Wait, really?” he utters after a few seconds with big doe eyes and a pout on his lips, a combination that appeared when he was either confused or lying, which wasn’t the case then.
“Yes, my guy.” you laugh. “That juicy legged shortie is indeed my wife”
Jungkook loved the food, to say the least. It was all vegetarian and korean as fuck, a combination he never throught was possible, but downed like thristy camel. He was a loud eater, which was fitting of him and his politeness, something else you had noticed that night. You were the opposite, and actually despised the sounds of other people eating, yet, looking at him enjoying his meal so much made you feel full yourself. He made you feel like a kid in some ways too, brought back the times when being around others wasn’t so hard, and you still could have a sense of security around you. Talking to him was rather easy, maybe because of his welcoming nature, or because in fact he actually was interested in whatever stupid shit you were saying, something most people around you didn’t do. He also, amongst other things, seemed very interested in your job and the likes, always asking questions and absorbing information like a five year old. You had explained to him the five key steps of process design and the psychological effects on marketing in society to which he always responded with wide gentle eyes and attentive nods, not once looking bored or… annoyed in any way. 
Was he like that, with every girl? Because you weren’t anything special, there were many other girls who worked with him everyday and even if you hadn’t seen him in his work space, you could guess by the way most women in your company look at him whenever he passes by that either they were just as captivated as you by his beauty or that he had fucked them. You wouldn’t be surprised if he was just trying to get into your pants either, it wouldn’t be the first time it happened to you nonetheless.
“I can walk from here, JK” you mention once you found yourselves walking towards the parking lot. A bit sad about the expense you had just made on food, it was your fault for trying to seem cool and rich, neither of which you were. 
“Oh no, I’m not letting you do that, girlie” he unlocks the door and gets in, not even letting you finish or allowing you to fight back.
“My apartment is literally a block away” you protest in the car anyways. You fear you had been too much of a bother, and deep down, didn’t want him to feel like you were seeking his presence unnecessarily.
“Well, good for you. But, you paid for the food, which was a lot, and i don’t want my sugar mommy walking by herself at 12 pm on a friday night” you first freeze, and then burst a very loud giggle.
“Whatever” you slap his bicep and roll your eyes. “ Next time you can pay if it bothers you so much.”
“So there will be a next time?” wide eyes stare back at you. “Count me in. I´ll pick where we will be going, just lemme know when so i can plan ahead” he rambles, a little too excited about your suggestion. 
He drops you off with a smile on his face and hopefulness in his eyes, promising to see you around the company. You, on the other hand, feel a tad confused as you enter your apartment building. What was going on? 
You had overthought things so much your entire life that it suddenly became too tiring to do. During the past few years you had to learn how to detach yourself and just ride the wave sometimes. Once you had turned eighteen, everything started moving at a very fast pace, the pressure of adulthood fell upon you like a brick and everything was so overwhelming that you started to simply let the course of your existence take you wherever it needed to.
That’s how you ended up going out with Jungkook at least once a week for dinner or a drive around the city for more than two months. Without even noticing, he became so engraved in your everyday life that whenever he’d cancel plans because of work, you’d find yourself with a void in your heart and a rush of boredom filling your senses. Even if you found yourself in your living room with the company of your best friend whom you had seen at most four times in the past two months, you were still wishing you could share that intimate space with him instead, willing to let him a bit more into your life, in hopes that maybe he would do the same. Sue you, you were curious over the most intricate details about his personality, how his personal sanctuary looked and if the smell of his room is just as good as his car’s. You could bet a thousand dollars (maybe a little less, considering the unconventionalism that characterizes him) that he also had a few plants that only remembered to water three out of seven days of the week. 
Hopefully life would draw you closer to more people like him.
"How's your boyfriend doing?" Chaeryeong asks you from the kitchen counter, sweet popcorn cooking in you popcorn-maker. 
You sigh. "What boyfriend?"
She was a lot of things but oblivious, and you weren't either, just when you chose to be. "Cut the bullshit, you know who i'm talking about". The fake red head waits for your response as she pours the snack into a big bowl, and you on the other hand take this as an advange to search around the room for answers.
"He's just a friend" you say. "And he's fine, i guess… He doesn't really talk much about himself" you mention, matter of factly.
Chaeryeong nods beside you, understanding what you meant. Then, proceeds to tell a tale about her experience meeting the dark haired boy. "He's literally so quiet, but like, so incredibly kind. Once he tripped over and fucked up some of the decoration at an award show" she grabs a popcorn and continues her story. "He looked so panicked I thought his eyes were about to jump out their sockets — His eyes are huge, by the way." 
"I know" you smile.
"My point is, he started to help the staff put everything back in order again. I think he's the only idol I've ever seen do something like that… i decided i liked him then" her beautiful features light up with mischief. "I bet he fucks great too."
You slap her leg. Hard.
"I'm only telling you this now so you don't get caught of guard when he actually manages to fuck you," her soft hands run through your messy hair, motherly touches easing the fluster in your body. "You know he's a big whore, right?" She adds after a while. 
You didn't. According to Chaeryeong, who seemed to keep tabs on every single colleague of hers, Jungkook had quite the body count, not that you didn't have your suspicions before. Frankly, she only knew of two girls inside her company who had had some sort of situationship with him, but for the same reason, she also knew he had some history with other girls from different groups. "Yikes" you laugh nervously, in admiration of their ability to remain calm and collected without giving anything away to the public.
Thanks to your friend, you had heard lots of tea about other singers in the korean industry before, most of which were not as sweet or kind as they portrayed themselves to be, some even using their social status to get their way with girls. But for some reason, Jungkook had never made his way to your gossipping sessions, nor any other of his band mates (except for Jimin, who, if you remember correctly, used to have some sort of beef with one of Chaeryeong's company members). You guess it was because of his unproblematic nature that people chose to give him a pass for his sexual endeavors, not that they were of anyone's concern either. 
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A knock is heard against your office door. "Miss _____?" A girl with a brown bob cut pokes her head through it, the dim lights of your office shining upon her incredibly healthy locks. "Jungkook asked me to deliver this to you" sliding completely into the room, she places a box with a note on it on your desk.
"Thank you so much" you wave her off as she walks right out. 
The package had a strawberry flavored canned tea and a bento box inside. 
"I remember you telling me you'd never tried tofu pancakes before, so I made some for you last night. Hope you enjoy! - JK
P.S. Text me when you're done, maybe we can hang out tonight."
You felt like crying, in all honesty. The pancakes were heavenly, and he even added some slices of avocado and a few scoops of rice for you, despite not being the biggest fan of the fruit himself. With a warm heart and relief washing over your body because you wouldn't have to waste money on lunch that day, you had had half of your meal before said boy gave you a call.
"Did you like them?" He said almost immediately. "My assistant told me she already delivered them to you" he adds in a rush.
"Jesus boy, calm down." You giggle at his excitement. "Let me eat in peace".
"No, tell me right now." he demands with a fake angry voice. Cutie.
"They're alright".
"Figured… you have no sense of taste anyways" the hangs up. A giggle escapes your lips. Boy was something else.
Later that day, the weekend started it's course. Jungkook had offered to drive you to the Han River, careful to mention the fact he prepared a bunch of snacks for you two just about five times during your call. The place was almost empty, given that the rest of the city was doing something else more fun than staring at the night sky while sitting on itchy grass. Yet, you wouldn't change the setting for anything else. Usually, when you and Jungkook were out, he'd be in silent wary of your surroundings and the people who could be watching you. It broke your heart, knowing that most of the time he couldn't frequent places most regular people had the pleasure of enjoying, like the movies, for example, or a food stand in the middle of the street. Still, in that moment, the handsome man in front of you seemed as relaxed as ever, munching on grapes and strawberries as he sat in silence beside you. 
"This blanket is so soft, isn't it?" he commented all of a sudden, caressing the fabric with his hand. The thing was made out of polar fleece, no shit. You just nodded and grabbed a piece of fruit from his container. "One of my friends gifted it to me on my birthday" he adds.
"I know. It was me".
"Well, maybe you do have a sense of taste after all" he complies as he lays down on the surface, eyes facing the night sky above you.
"Says the one who uses toe socks" you say back, poking his weak spot.
Instead of going back and forth with you as he usually would, he just winks and closes his eyes. He looked so peaceful and serene beneath you, features carefully carved on his face and slightly blushed cheeks from the cold wind. Jungkook was like that, randomly over confident and flirty with you, but just as quickly would refrain from even disagreeing with you in the first place, scared that you would snap at him. He hadn't told you this, but the way you saw thoughts hidden in his eyes whenever you made a statement let you know his true intentions, leaving you to wonder where that came from.
"Are you tired?" You ask after a few minutes. Still with his eyes closed, Jungkook denies.
"I just don't want to look at you right now," he turns to the side, back facing you as an offended expression finds its way to your face.
"Yah" you slap his back playfully, not letting him finish.
"Because you look too pretty." he mumbles the remnants of  his statement.
Your breath catches in your throat as a shiver climbs its way down your spine. Why was he like that? He had no right tugging on your heart strings like that (if he was being serious in the first place because you never knew with him). You sigh, the blush his words provoked stinging your cheeks.
"You're supposed to say I'm pretty too" he turns around with a playful smile, expectant.
"You just go around giving compliments so you can get them back?" you hiss. "Why so insecure?"
"I'm not insecure, at all." He sits up again, ready to fight you and anyone who dares question the grandiosity of the confidence he had worked so hard for. "You can ask Linh about that".
To say you looked horrified was an understatement, hopeful that what you thought he meant was not it. "You fucked Linh?"
"Well, that's not for you to know". 
What a gentleman, you think. And at the same time, ouch. He had just slammed a door on your face.
"That would explain the way she looks at you whenever you come by the office" you realize. Frankly, the girl looked a bit too panicked whenever Jungkook decided to barge into your space, usually bored out of his mind during his english lessons, laptop and notebook in hand, or struggling to get the questions right. 
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"Well good afternoon to you too" you ironically greeted once he sat in front of you, frustration written on his face. Linh, who stood by your side, suddenly fidgeting with the papers in her hand.
"Not the time, _____" he slammed both hands on your desk, startling you and your friend beside you. "Why the fuck did you make me enroll into this in the first place?" 
"I did not make you do anything, dude. I just gave you an idea" you excused yourself, eyes back on your computer. You didn't miss the way Jungkook's eyes briefly followed Linh out the room, though. 
His eyes looked back at you, leg bouncing impatiently on the floor as he leaned back with a pissed off expression on his face. You'd never seen him this way, so you took that as a cue to enter under paid therapist mode. "What's wrong?" You questioned gently.
"I feel incredibly incompetent right now." His hands roamed across his face with frustration. A sigh escaped his lips as he held tears back. "School's always been this way for me, always trying my best and constantly underachieving" he explained.
He was obsessed with winning, you’d even go as far to say more than he was with his job (which was a lot). It didn’t root from narcissistic behaviour though, but rather out of external pressure to constantly overachieve and exceed expectations. He was mostly good at doing that, but everyone had an achilles heel, yours was reading for example, his was studying and school.
"Jungkook, you passed most of your classes with more than 90%, what are you talking about?" a fact he had brought up to you randomly when you mentioned absolutely nearly failing most of your literature classes.
"Yeah, except for English." he shook his head in the way he would when he'd feel conflicted or insecure. "I don't know what i'm doing wrong".
"Did you fail something?" you tried to get some more insight into the situation, still unsure of where all his worries came from.
"No, there's just this sentence I can't properly put together" he turned his notebook towards you. "Ah, just look"
There were some words he had to conjugate and properly place in order to form a grammatically correct sentence, more than five attempts written in neat penmanship on the page evidenced the boy's battle with the assignment. He missed one very important aspect of it, though. "There's a fucking word that's missing, dude" you explain, grabbing the pen from his hand and showing him where the mistake was. "It's not your fault, it's the teacher's".
Jungkook's serious expression didn't go away though. "Well, damn".
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You had some sort of emotional trauma with having people ask you for help, it made you think that they didn’t actually care for you as a person but rather just your skills. That was the way you’d grown up and what your position in society seemed to be as well, the one you could butter up and taste when you got bored. Heart had been broken many times too, whenever you’d realize what you thought to be a genuine connection was merely pure interest. Those thoughts clouded your head when Jungkook would randomly enter your office with a frustrated expression on his face, yet, that occurred less often than it didn’t. 
Jungkook was not someone to establish relationships and bonds out of interest, you knew that. Or maybe not, truth be told, he was an authentic enigma, so open yet so closed and shielded from others to see through, and that didn’t exclude you most of the time, hence your wish for him to let you in a bit more before you could allow yourself to free fall into whatever was going on between you both.
You reach for the fabric of his hoodie, tugging his sleeve with your fingers just because you really liked the color of it, and maybe because you wanted to feel closer to him. He doesn’t react to your touch, just looks at your hands briefly as they play with the edges of his clothing. “Where did you get this from?”
“An online store, I think.” he replies softly, reaching for your hand on his arm, caressing the surface of your nails. “It’s a unisex brand, i can send you their link afterwards.”
“Is it too expensive?” you inquire, not only to keep the moment afloat, but because you genuinely liked most of his pieces of clothing, especially his hoodies and shoes. Jungkook laughs at your question and looks at you with a smile.
“I don’t think i would know, ____. I’m rich.” he says, playfully. And he was right, what was expensive for you might just be cheap as fuck for him, you wonder if when a lot of money is in your hands you start to become very tuned out from what’s affordable or not anymore.
“I can buy you one, though. I don’t mind.” he adds. Soft look in his eyes, a pure and genuine offer that you had to deny.
“I didn’t say i wanted one” you lie, only partially, because although you’d not mentioned it, you did actually want it. “I just think it’s pretty” you finally let go of him.
“Or do you think I look pretty in it?” he pushes, a sucker for compliments.
“Yeah, that might be it.” you admit, because there was no point in denying your irrefutable attraction to the man, as much as you hated to be vulnerable, especially in front of him.
“I think it would look prettier on you”.
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Don´t copy or repost please. by studiojeon on tumblr.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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Lenny giving midge a hickey and Joel seeing it
Pairing: Lenny Bruce & Midge Maisel Rated T
He's over it.
He's over it.
He's not over it.
That much becomes very clear when he spots the dark mark on her neck. Clearly she's done her best to cover it, but the makeup seems to have faded, and he can see the faintest trace of darker skin marring her usually perfect complexion.
Jealousy roils in his gut. When Mei left, he thought maybe he and Midge had another shot. He finally realized what a schmuck he'd been, so he showed up to her apartment with flowers, an apology ready.
When she opened the door, though, he took in her mussed appearance, the dressing gown wrapped around her body, the slight flush in her face, and he knew. He knew that she had moved on.
What he didn’t expect was how different she would become over the next few months.
When they were married, Midge was always perfect. Never a hair out of place, always perfect. He’s not as stupid as people think, either. He knew she would get up in the middle of the night and take off her makeup and brush her hair and do it all over again before the alarm the next morning. But he liked that she did that for him. He loved that she loved him enough to want to look her very best for him all the time.
Now, watching her with Lenny fucking Bruce, he realizes how misguided he truly was.
Because she’s lighter now. She’s more relaxed. He’ll show up to pick up the kids and find her dressed in something casual and comfortable, her hair held back by a (still stylish) headband. Sometimes she’s put on makeup. Others, she’s bare-faced.
Today she’s wearing a sweater with some pedal pushers. She has a little makeup on.
“Joel?” She asks, furrowing her brow as she looks back to him. “Are you okay?”
“Yep. I’m fine,” he insists, his voice a little too high.
She narrows her eyes at him, but then Ethan comes running into the foyer. “Hi Daddy!”
“Hey, buddy,” Joel says, and Midge gives Esther a kiss on the cheek before handing her off. “Big plans with Lenny tonight?” He asks in an attempt to sound casual.
“Oh, yeah. He’s picking up takeout and we’re going to be in bed by ten,” she drawls. “We’re both exhausted.”
“Anything...I can do?” He asks, the words feeling foreign to his tongue.
The apparently sound odd to Midge since she raises her eyebrows in surprise. Shit, was he really that terrible of a husband? “Uh, just taking the kids is enough. Gives us a couple of days to relax.”
“Okay, well...bye?”
“Bye, Joel. Bye kids. Be really awful for Daddy,” she coos.
“Bye, Mama!” Ethan calls back. 
Esther squeaks “Mama!” and waves her hand.
The last thing he sees before she closes the door is that fucking hickey on her neck.
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Can’t survive without you
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Summary: Two years after Y/n told Jane she couldn’t love her in the dark anymore she finds herself at Jane’s hospital bedside. Will Jane be able to prove to her ex-girlfriend she’s changed or will Y/n still walk away.
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: Angst with happy ending, injury and a little fluff. 
A/n: Hi everyone! So I wasn’t planning on writing a second part to Love in the Dark as I wanted to test out my writing skills regarding angst as most of my stuff is smut or fluffy at the moment. But I received a few private messages and asks, asking me if I could do a part two so here I am. Hope you all enjoy and as always likes, comments and reblogs are always greatly appreciated. Happy reading :) 
Love in the dark part one , MASTERLIST // Join my Taglist!
Two years have passed since that night, when you walked away from Jane Banner. After you left the apartment you got in a cab and headed to your mom’s house where you let yourself fall apart, leaving Jane was never easy in fact it was the hardest thing you’d ever done. 
You hadn’t taken the decision lightly but instead had been dwelling on it for weeks when you finally decided that you had to end the relationship. It was what was best for you and for Jane, though she’d never admit it. That week you asked your boss to be transferred to a different field office and if anyone came asking where you had transferred he was to tell them nothing. Your boss agreed although he was sad to see you go and you ended up transferring to Boston’s field office and after spending a week at your mom’s you threw yourself into being an agent. 
You dump your stuff at your desk and pick up the case file that has been laid on your desk, rubbing the remaining sleep out of your eyes. You look at the time on your computer and note it showing 8am and yawn once more before deciding to grab a cup of coffee. 
“Hey hey hey, wow you look like death today y/l/n” your friend Mack teases as you slap him playfully over the back of the head. “Yeah well I feel like it too, god I don’t know what it is but I’m so tired today. On top of that I can’t shake this feeling that we are going to get bad news today” you sigh, selecting your chosen coffee type and placing your mug underneath the coffee machine. 
“Come on Y/n, you’re probably just exhausted, try not to overthink so much. How about we head to the bar after work and let loose it’s about time you get laid by some beautiful woman. When’s the last time you even got laid?” Mack tries to cheer you up; he knows about you being into women as do the rest of the field agents and they were all totally cool with it. 
“Uhm two years I think” you mumble trying not to think of Jane, there hasn’t been a day that has passed that you haven’t thought about her. If you were being honest you know full well that you are still in love with Jane Banner everytime you tried to get to know someone else you always compared them to her so, eventually, you stopped trying.
“Two years! Wait, so you haven’t slept with anyone since your ex?” Mack exclaims loudly as you try to tell him to be quiet. Just as Mack is about to enter his whole you need to let her go and sleep with someone speech three field agents come running over holding their phone. 
“Guys you’ll never guess what. Some field agent from Las Vegas got involved in a shoot out on a reservation in Wyoming apparently she got shot and is in hospital on the mainland but it was touch and go for a while. She solved the murder of a teenage girl who had been found dead in the middle of the mountains barefoot. This agent is all the field offices are talking about and many are trying to recruit her, she was the only one left alive from the shoot out along with some local hunter. Crazy right she just came out of nowhere..” Murphy, a field agent you had worked with closely couldn’t stop herself from fawning over the agent. 
As soon as you heard the agent was stationed in Las Vegas you couldn’t help the dread that seeped through your body as your hands got sweaty with worry. It couldn’t be Jane right, I mean what are the chances but you had to know. 
“Who was the agent? What was her name? Her name Murphy. What was it?” you interrupt with a line of panicked questions. Everyone stops and stares at you but Murphy can sense it is important so she scans the information “uhm her name is Jane Banner” she relays. 
In that moment you can’t think, your mind runs into overdrive and everyone around you disappears as the room starts spinning and all you can make out is muffled voices around you. The pang of pain that was present in your chest that night when you left makes its return as your breathing turns shallow and restricted as you struggle to take in any breath at all. Your chest feels like it is being crushed and you claw at your shirt to try and help yourself but it doesn’t work as you feel the sting of your tears forming in your eyes. You feel someone wrap their arms around you and whisper but you can’t make out what they are saying until you make out Mack’s voice. 
“Y/n, hey, stay with me okay? Follow my breathing, we are going to take deep breaths in and out okay?” you nod shakily as he grabs his hand and places it over his heart to give you something else to focus on then he starts his deep breaths and you follow slowly coming back to reality. You look around and your field agents look concerned and ask if you are okay as Murphy comes over and sits you down on a chair and hands you some water. 
“You know her don’t you?” Murphy guesses tentatively. You nod “Yeah I do, she’s very important to me but someone from my past” you confirm. You know then in that moment that you need to see her, need to know if she is alive and recovering so you excuse yourself and head to your supervisor’s office. 
You knock on the door and wait for confirmation to come in and once you do your supervisor gestures to you to sit down. 
“I’d like to request time off sir, the woman, Jane Banner, she is someone very close to me and I would like..no need to see her sir” you state adamantly. 
“Okay agent y/l/n I can grant you leave but I can only grant you three weeks will that be sufficient?” he informs you. “Yes sir, that is more than sufficient. Thank you” you agree to the time off and he sends you home. 
After packing the essentials into a bag you rush to the airport and grab the next flight to Jane. 
You spend the majority of the flight wondering how Jane will react to you visiting her. Will she be angry that you show up now after two years, will she be happy and relieved to see you again or will she be worried in case someone sees the two of you together. On top of that you worry about her condition, how bad is her wound? Where was she shot? You try to calm yourself as all these thoughts race through your head. 
Once you have touched down it is too late to visit Jane so you book into a nearby hotel and decide to try and get some sleep. You contacted some old field agents from your time in Las Vegas and one of them gives you the details of which hospital Jane is being treated in.
You toss and turn all night worrying about the love of your life.
You take a deep breath as you walk into the hospital and head towards the receptionist.
“Hi, I’m here to see Jane Banner. I’m her fiance” you know how difficult it is to visit people if you aren’t their immediate family not to mention Jane will have additional security being an agent shot in the field. 
“Of course, she is in room 504” the receptionist replies with a sympathetic smile as you thank her and head on up to see Jane for the first time in two years. 
You reach her room and you tear up the moment you see her in the hospital bed still as beautiful as the day you left her. You gather your nerve and knock on the open door drawing her attention away from the television in her room. 
Jane’s head turns her head wincing at the pain in her neck to see who entered her room as her chest drops at the woman standing in front of her. 
Jane’s green eyes meet yours in an intense stare as the two of you take each other in never thinking that you would see one another ever again after that night two years ago. 
“Y/n?” Jane gasped as her eyes filled with tears. 
“Yeah Jane, it’s me. Uhm I can go this was a bad idea you probably don’t want to see me..” you ramble as you turn to leave her room. 
“Wait” she panics loudly as you turn back around. “Please stay?” she pleads her eyes showing vulnerability and uncertainty. You nod smiling “of course” as you make your way over and sit on the edge of her bed. 
“You’re all the FBI are talking about Jane, the woman who survived a shoot out and solved the murder of a teenage girl on a reservation. Everyone wants to recruit you to their field offices” you smile at her before you sigh and reveal why you are really here. 
“I had to see you, I know that’s selfish after what I did but I needed to ensure you were okay. The truth is there has not been a single day that has passed since I left that I haven’t thought about you or wondered how you were doing. It took me a long time to be okay and I’m not entirely convinced I am even now. I always questioned my choice and if I made the correct one. I thought about flying back to you and running into your arms and feeling your lips against mine once more” you explain as the tears fall from your eyes. 
Jane takes your hand in hers and strokes it softly with her thumb comforting you “I never stopped thinking about you either Y/n. I am still in love with you, I always have been. It was my fault that you left, I never ever blamed you only myself. I was so wrapped up in what other people would think or say behind my back along with my own internalised homophobia that I completely forgot what was right in front of me. You’re the love of my life Y/n y/l/n and you always will be. 
When I got shot I had so much adrenaline running through my veins I could only comprehend that I’d been shot and everyone else I was working with was dead. Then when I got to cover, holding my wound and waiting for someone to come, all I could think about was you” Jane’s lip trembles as she looks at you with a pained expression. 
“All I could do was replay our moments together like I’d done a thousand times over the past two years and every time I pictured a great one I realised I’d always ruined it somehow by being worried about being caught or hiding our relationship. I hurt you and I know that now. I thought about how after all this was over I’d come find you and apologise for the ways that I hurt you and tell you that I came out around six months after you left and that I did a lot of soul searching. That I am not the same woman I was back then Y/n. I’d tell you that I am so in love with you and I never stopped loving you and I would beg for a second chance because I can’t survive without you. I only stayed alive because of you Y/n, when I closed my eyes I could hear your voice praying for me to stay alive” she finishes sobbing gently so as not to hurt herself. 
My own tears are streaming down my own cheeks as I know she’s changed. I can see it in her eyes and feel it in the way she speaks with such certainty. I reach forward and wipe her tears away with the pad of my thumb and cup her cheek gently on the opposite side of her neck wound. Jane leans against my hand and closes her eyes, reveling in the comfort of having me close again. 
“I am in love with you too Jane, I said when I left that I would never stop and I meant that. I will always be in love with you. I can see you have changed, baby , so yes, I will give you another chance. The thought that I had lost you when I heard them say your name broke me, my love. I had a panic attack and raced here to see you because I knew then that I never want to be apart from you again. It’s not going to be easy to trust you won’t hide us again but I want to try Jane, I want you to prove to me with actions rather than words that you are not ashamed of me or us” you inform her. 
Jane nods her head frantically “yes baby, I will never hide you again. I will love you in the daylight this time and give you the love you deserve” she promises. You giggle wiping both your own tears and Jane’s away holding her head gently still “stop moving you idiot, you’re going to hurt yourself”. Jane laughs “so, can I kiss you?” she implores. 
“Yes, my love, you can kiss me” you confirm leaning towards Jane so she wouldn’t injure herself as you take her bottom lip in between your own lips. Your lips move against hers in a slow rhythm as they fit perfectly with Jane’s, just like you remember as you relish in how soft her lips are. Jane brings her hand to tangle in your hair as she pulls you into her further as she runs her tongue along your bottom lip silently requesting to deepen the kiss which you grant. You both let out soft moans as your tongues meet each other, running over one another sensually. You pull away when you need to catch your breath as Jane groans in protest as you let out a chuckle as you lean your forehead against hers before placing a soft kiss to her forehead. 
“Don’t worry baby, we will have plenty of time to do that for the rest of our lives” you reassure her. 
Just as Jane was about to reply a man knocked on the door. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, I just came to check on you and see how you were doing” he directs at Jane. “I’m okay” she replies then smiles as she looks at you. 
“So, you must be the fiance the receptionist told me about downstairs. I’m Cory nice to meet you” he holds out his hand which you shake. 
“Fiance huh?” Jane smirks nudging you teasingly as you roll your eyes “oh shut up, you and I both know it was the only way they were going to let me see you” you huff. 
Jane presses a kiss to your forehead “Cory this is Y/n my girlfriend and Y/n this is Cory we worked together on the case, he saved my life out there” you feel an overwhelming feeling of pride and love as Jane introduces you as her girlfriend proudly.
You look back at Cory “thank you, for saving her life. I can’t imagine mine without her. I will never be able to repay you” you praise him. “No thanks necessary Jane really is a remarkable woman you’re sure lucky to have her” he points out as you look back at her gazing into her big green orbs once more “yeah, I sure am” you sigh placing another kiss to her lips.
You and Jane took things slow for three weeks as she recovered fully and she made up for her past mistakes by showing you off to everyone in her life along with complete strangers. The two of you headed back to Las Vegas together and the first time you walked in her apartment the painful memories of that night returned. 
“Hey, it’s okay. We’re good baby no more bad thoughts okay?” she comforts you as she walks over to you smiling as she wraps her arms around your neck and places a loving kiss to your lips before moving them to your neck as she nuzzles into your neck silently thanking you for giving her a second chance.
Since then, Jane held your hand in public, placing random kisses against your crown, cheeks or hands whenever the two of you would be walking. The two of you went on many dates of all kinds and you had never felt as happy as you did these past three weeks but unfortunately, your leave was up and now that Jane had made a full recovery the two of you had to return to work. 
You pull out your bag and place it on the bed as Jane places a suitcase on the bed too. You look at her puzzled as Jane just smiles widely at you “I accepted a transfer and position in Boston” she gushes. 
“Are you serious baby?” you exclaim as you jump into Jane’s arms and she spins you around as laughter fills her bedroom. You lean in and pepper kisses all over her face. 
“Welcome to your new home my love” you welcome her into your apartment holding her hand. 
“I love it already but I do have one change to make” she notes before unzipping her suitcase and pulls out a framed photograph of the two of you and sets it on the stand as you come from the front door. 
You smile through your tears to look at your girlfriend’s beaming prideful face which drops when she sees your tears as she rushes to your side and cups your face in her hands. 
“I’m sorry baby, I just wanted to show our relationship in our home this time. I can take it down” she rushes as she pulls away to take it down but you grab her wrist and pull her into your chest “no, it’s perfect my love, I can already tell this time around we’re going to make it. I love you” you say. 
“And I love you baby” Jane states, capturing your lips in hers. 
At that moment Jane couldn’t care less where her career goes or what people will say about her relationship. All she cares about is showing you how in love she is with you for the rest of her life.
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The birth of Lavender Styles
Summary: Y/n gives birth to their new baby girl 
warnings/ disclaimers: child birth, breast feeding, disclaimer (ages) 
Y/n had noticed her contractions about two hours ago, she was sitting with Forest, playing with his ABC blocks when she noticed it. It was familiar- at least familiar to her two other pregnancies. She wasn't scared, she was calm, she just looked over toward Harry and gave him a small nod. She had already done this twice before, going through a particularly rough birth with her first one so she felt like there was nothing she couldn't do at this point- childbirth wise. 
That look was all Harry needed to be well clingy. Ever since he had gotten that look he's been by her side. Her contractions were only lasting around 60 seconds and about 15 minutes apart, but Harry still held her through every single one and praised her for carrying yet another child of theirs, praising her body for being able to grow such beautiful babies. Violet and Forest were a little confused (and scared) as to why their mumma looked like she was in pain or a little frustrated every so often, but they continued to play when she had her little episodes- not wanting to startle her. 
About an hour in, Harry had started to get worried, her contractions were getting worse and she was so uncomfortable. “My love, should I call over the midwife? I can see you are so uncomfortable, it hurts to see you like this.” Harry confesses, sitting behind Y/n, legs on either side of her, his hands rubbing her bump up and down. Y/n shakes her head, of course being stubborn. It was her first at-home birth and water birth, it was a bit of an unusual choice but they wanted to try it out before they were (possibly) done having babies. They have always wanted to welcome one of their little ones into the world all while they were still in the confines of their cottage but Y/n was never confident enough to do it. 
“No, I'm fine.” she says, trying to verbally sway her husband into believing that she really was okay to wait it out a bit longer. Harry shakes his head, pulling her hair into a bun with a hair tie he had cuffed around his inked wrist for times like this in her pregnancy when she wasn't feeling the best. “Honey, you can't just sit in pain.” Harry sighs, trying to compromise with his very pregnant wife. Y/n nods, her head bowing down while she grips his hands. Harry smiles, kissing her shoulder, “Thank you, now let me call the midwife and doula. You relax, please,” Harry stresses, wiping the sweat that has collected on his own forehead from stressing. He pulls his leg up, preparing to stand up and call the little team they had set for the birth but Y/n stops him, resting her hand on his knee. “What? What is it, honeysuckle?” Harry fastly questions, his phone slipping from his hand and dropping on the couch cushion below him. 
“Lets not invite them over just yet. I'm not ready.'' Harry sighs hearing his wife's words, nodding anyway. He just wants her comfortable and happy, he would give her the moon if he could. 
“Please lay down then.” her contractions only getting worse from there, Harry eventually calling his mum over to watch the little ones while he deals with his wife. Anne watches over Violet and Forest, entertaining them with their many toys while their parents deal with their apparent stubborn youngest sibling. 
Harry sighs, helping his pregnant lover up because she claimed she wanted to take a walk in the garden, look at her flowers, give the animals some love before she won't be able to see them for many days due to her being in with the new baby, also being exhausted, she knows her body is gonna be rundown after this. “You don’t have to do this, sweetpea.” Harry sighs for the millionth time today, helping Y/n up and wrapping an arm around her back. “Oh,” she says, her tone catching Harry's attention. “Hm?” Y/n laughs under her breath, catching his eyes with hers. “Maybe you should call them now.” Harry's browns pinch together, releasing an uneven breath. “Why?” 
“Because my water just broke.” 
That brings them to where they are now, Y/n and Harry in the birth pool, Harry once again sitting behind her, comforting her through everything. “I know you want to push but you can't, you're only five centimetres dilated. Halfway there!” The midwife says, only making Y/n groan, her head resting back on Harry's shoulder. Harry rests his cheek on the top of her head, he feels for her- he really does, and if he could have carried all three of their little ones he would have, but sadly he can't so he thanks her every day. “I'm so sorry, honey. God, I wish I could do something.” Harry shakily says, his voice quivering the slightest and his bottom lip jutting out in the slightest, but noticeable pout. “I hate that you're in pain.” Harry whimpers, nosing at the top of her head before kissing over it many times. 
Y/n turns her head, catching her husband's eyes with hers. Y/n softly laughs when she sees her husband, giving him a peck before she rubs his stubbly cheek. “H, I'm okay. I've done this two other times. Everything is going to be okay.” She comforts Harry, the man nodding and quickly pulling himself together, feeling pathetic for having a little break down while his wife is literally about to give birth, she should be the one nearly crying- not him. 
“Yeah,” Harry breathes out through his lips roughly, massaging her hips that are sunk under the warm water. Y/n sinks into his touch, her hands on her bump, rubbing over it almost trying to coax her out of there. The doula rubs at y/ns arm smiling, encouraging her and telling her she's doing great- but she isn't paying much attention, she's more focused on the main in her abdomen and wanting her little one out. “Come on already, baby” Y/n stresses, bringing her wet hand up to wipe at the sweat that has beaded at her hairline. 
The process continues on slowly, the midwife continuing to check- the progress only being a half of a centimetres. Harry and Y/n both know it's only been a few hours but it's already been a long and hard (and stressful) day, their emotions are all over the place and Y/n and Harry's bodys are both going through it, of course mostly Y/n’s. “She will be here soon, sunshine. Dont stress about it, it's not good for her.” Harry whispers in her ear, holding a lemon printed glass up to her lips, periodically helping her drink a bit of water and letting her eat the ice chips that the midwife allowed her since she wasn't too far gone. She sucks from the straw, pulling away after a bit. 
Harry can tell that she is starting to get frustrated, as much as she is trying to conceal it. He knows her like the back of his hand- she might snap soon and start crying and that's the last thing they need. “Hey, do you want the kids in here? Or maybe get in a different position? I know you're not comfortable, I just want you to be okay, honey.” Y/n shakily sighs, pushing a hand through her hair and shrugging. 
Y/n is finally pushing. The midwife between her legs, guiding their new bundle of joy out. Harry is behind her, his arms wrapped around her, his lips over her cheeks and shoulders while he cheers her on. Then the doula outside of the birth pool, on her left, calming her and brushing her hair out of her eyes every time it flies out of her bun Harry had pulled up for her. “My god baby, you are doing amazing. Violet and Forest and going to be so excited to see you two.” Y/n breathes heavily as her head falls against his shoulder, smiling weakly at him. He places a kiss on her forehead letting his lips linger. She pushes again, her head lifting up while she tries to push out their little girl, her cheek read and hand squeezing harrys as hard as she can, growing frustrated with herself at how weak she feels, she just wants her out already. 
“Dont get frustrated, honey. Everything is okay.” Harry coos into her ear, small tears starting to bead down his face. Y/n focuses on his words, closing her eyes and letting herself sink into her husband and relax for two second before she is in her birth haze again and in blinding pain trying to focus on getting their little one out. “Hey, hey, focus on getting her out. Take a minute to breathe. Everything is okay.” Their doula says, brushing her hair back, Y/n nodding and giving another hard push. “Her head is out!” the midwife announces, Harry smiling and looking down to peek at his baby. He lets out a soft silent sob when he sees her face for the first time, and even though she is covered in goo she is still one of the most gorgeous girls he has ever seen, his wife and Violet being the other ones. Y/ns cheeks are red and tears are running down her face, she's exhausted already and wishing she could push her out quicker. 
“Give me a good push!” the midwife urges, making Y/n sob, tired. She gives the best push she can, the midwife maneuvering the shoulders out. Harry caresses her cheek, giving it a peck before the midwife motions for Harry to come down. “Please, comfort her.” Harry says softly to the doula, moving along in the water and meeting the midwife. The midwife directs him on what to do, telling him how to hold the baby and what exactly to do once she is fully out. “Okay, push one more time, sweetpea.” Harry says, looking up at his wife. Y/n nods, pushing one last time while Harry guides the baby out with the assistants of the midwife, their new baby now fully out, crying. 
“Oh, she's beautiful, my love.” Harry smiles, holding his baby girl in his arms, cradling her to his bare chest while the midwife prepares to clean her, quickly pulling her from harry and wiping off the goo, washing off the little hair she had and cleaning out her ear, eyes, and mouth, then setting her bad in Harry's arms. “Isn't she just amazing.” Harry smiles, sitting next to his wife, preparing to cut the umbilical cord. He cuts it quickly, making sure it's cut well before kissing over her head. “Welcome to the word Lavender styles” Y/n coos, counting over her fingers and toes after placing a soft kiss on her foot. 
The chaos of the house has died down, just the five members now in the house after Anne had spent a while visiting. “She's chunky isn't she?” Y/n weakly smiles, harry chuckling and nodding. Violet sitting between his legs and Forest laying on his mummas lap, the styles family tried, but happier than ever. “I was taken aback when i pulled her out, she's a healthy one.'' Harry smiles, his hand rubbing over his newborn's belly, kissing her chubby cheeks. Y/n smiles, giving her fat thigh a squeeze, “our little Lavender.” she coos, her eyes almost fluttering shut. Harry pouts, running a hand over the top of her head. 
“Hey, why dont I make you something you eat, then you can go to sleep.” Y/n smiles, both her hand occupied with lulling Forest to sleep with soft scratches to his back and softly massaging Lavender's chunky thigh. “I've got to feed her.” Y/n reminds, she hast fed her yet- Harry has been a bit of a hog but she didn't mind, she loved seeing him and their babies together. “I'll go make you something sweet pea, you feed her.” Harry smiles, not taking no for an answer because he is already delicately placing her in Y/ns arms and taking Violet along with him to make something yummy. 
Harry and Violet come back not too long after, Harry smiling widely as he carries a smoothie bowl with chia seeds, coconut shreds, honey, and berries over the top. Violet smiles the same smile as her daddy, carrying a big cup of water that Y/n is sure Harry made her carry with both hands and walk slowly back. “Is she eating well?” Harry asks, setting the bowl down on the bedside table before taking the cup from Violet, taking her and helping her on the bed. Y/n nods, Harry peeking at Lavender, watching as she opens her big round eyes making him chuckle, kissing her chubby cheeks. Harry sets on the bed softly so he doesn't disrupt the two or cause Y/n any more discomfort. 
He collects a spoonful of the thick smoothie on the spoon, holding it to Y/ns mouth. “You're spoon feeding me?” Harry nods, nods verbally answering her because he knows if he does it would only open her up to object it even more. Y/n can't even deny it, she's weak, exhausted, emotionally and physically drained, so she of course opens up her mouth and lets him spoon feed her like he does their children. “Thank you for ever-” Harry shakes his head, instantly shushing her. “Thank you. You gave me my three beautiful children, I can never repay you. I dont know how you do it. I love you.” Harry says, smiling and pressing a kiss to her forehead, letting his lips rest there. 
“I love you.” 
Hiii!! sorry for any typos!! i checked over it a thousand times so please let me know if there are any and let me know your thoughts!! There are some more blurbs to come from Y/ns pregnancy so look out for that!! there is only one more part is the cottagecore!harry series but i will still write blurbs and whatnot about cottagecore!harry so he will not be forgotten!!! thank you all for reading and supporting me and being so kind!! i love you all sm<3 
tag list: @iaalien @hopeyoustaythenight @evanjh 
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