#but what if someone else out there comes across literally any of his other videos and doesn’t know this stuff? a kid maybe?
honeymark · 10 months
Every relationship comes with a story. This is ours.
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𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝟎𝟓 ; in which you & Haechan tell your respective sides of your love story.
# 𝑫𝑼𝑹𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵 :: 17 minutes (~3.3k words)
# 𝑾𝑨𝑹𝑵𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺 :: dark thoughts, insecurities
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『 The video opens with a shot of Haechan walking into the studio and holding the door open for Y/N. As she walks into the studio, Haechan takes her hand and leads her to the set. The set is white, with two white chairs seated across from each other, a white table, a set of white earbuds, and a set of white noise-cancelling headphones. Haechan takes a seat in the chair to the right, while Y/N sits in the chair across from him. 』
“Can you introduce yourselves?”
Y/N: “Hi, my name is Y/N, I’m 23 years old, and I'm a grad student studying social work.”
Haechan: “I’m Haechan, also 23 years old, and I make music.”
“How long have you been together?”
Y/N: “For almost 8 years now.”
Haechan: “And we’ve been engaged for 1.” (smiles)
“How did the two of you meet?”
Y/N: “We met our first year of high school, right?”
Haechan: (nods) “In the storage room on the 3rd floor.” (smiles) “Y/N was the class president, and I was the crazy delinquent that always caused her trouble.”
Y/N: (chuckles lightly, then shakes her head) “Stop telling everyone you were a delinquent. Someone’s gonna make up a weird rumor or something. The most you did was show up late to class.” 
『 Haechan shrugs. 』
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“What was your first impression of each other?”
『 The video cuts to Haechan putting in the earbuds, then sliding the noise-cancelling headphones on over his ears. 』
Y/N: “My first impression of Donghyuck...was that he broke a lot of rules.” (chuckles) “Back then, our high school had a really strict dress code; we had to wear our uniforms a certain way, and we weren’t allowed to wear makeup or dye our hair or get any piercings or use any accessories...but he never wore his uniform properly. He got his ears pierced, and he was always dyeing his hair different colors. Red, brown, blonde, silver...doing all of that left a bad impression on the teachers, but he didn’t care, and that was something I really didn’t understand. I also didn’t understand why he showed up late to class every day, or why he disappeared during lunch, or why he never stayed after to help with clean up duty. There were a lot of things that I didn’t know about him.” (pauses) “But I can confidently say that I know him the best, now.” (smiles) “The reality is that Donghyuck is the kindest, funniest, most hardworking and considerate person that I know. I wish I knew that about him sooner.”
『 The video cuts to Y/N putting in the earbuds, then sliding the noise-cancelling headphones on over her ears. 』
Haechan: “Y/N was...like an earthquake. Literally.” (smiles, softly) “Other than the fact that she was our class president, I didn’t know anything about her. We never talked in class, which, like, why would she talk to someone like me in the first place, you know? Like, we're a walking juxtaposition. But anyways, the first time I ever met Y/N was in the storage room on the 3rd floor of our main school building. It wasn’t being used anymore, so it ended up becoming my napping place during our lunch break. I didn’t think anyone else knew about it...so I almost screamed when I woke up to Y/N shaking my shoulders.” (chuckles) “I thought I was in serious trouble, but she didn’t seem fazed at all when I woke up. She just...she said that class had started...and then walked out. Nothing else.” (laughs) “She changed my world after that. Completely.”
Haechan: “What’d you think of me?”
Y/N: “You were an enigma.”
Haechan: (smiles) “How so?”
Y/N: (shrugs) “You just...went out of your way to break the rules, even though you knew it left a bad impression on everyone. I didn’t get why you did those things. Well, I do know, but back then, I didn’t.”
Haechan: “Did it leave a bad impression on you, too?”
Y/N: “No, the opposite, to be honest. I thought you were fascinating.” (smiles) “What did you think about me?”
Haechan: “I thought you were an angel.” (chuckles) 
Y/N: “You did? But you keep telling everyone that you thought you were in an earthquake when we first met.”
Haechan: (laughs) “Because it’s true! You don’t know how scared I was when you woke me up!”
Y/N: “Then why’d you think I was an angel?”
Haechan: “Because you’re that beautiful.”
『 The entire studio falls silent. Y/N stares at Haechan, then turns to the PD. 』
Y/N: “Next question, please.”
『 Haechan laughs. 』
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“How did you become friends?”
Y/N: “On that particular day, when we met for the first time, our teacher had asked me to look for something in one of the unused storage rooms, but the only thing I’d found was Donghyuck taking a nap in the corner. I didn’t think much of it; I just thought that he was tired. I got what I needed and headed back to class, but even after class had started, he still wasn’t back. I thought that he might’ve been asleep, so I went back to wake him up then returned to class.”
Y/N: “I guess he must’ve been really alarmed when I woke him up because he came up to me after class that day, which I thought was weird since he usually didn’t stay around after classes finished. He asked me to keep it a secret ㅡ the fact that he took naps during our lunch break. I didn’t really know why it was a big deal, but I knew it was probably an important secret to keep, so I didn’t tell anyone about it. I just continued waking him up after our lunch break was over.”
Y/N: “One day, when I went back to wake him up, he was already awake. I was going to go back to class, but we ended up talking for a little bit, instead. It wasn’t a real conversation or anything ㅡ it was more like small talk ㅡ but then that became a regular thing. Instead of coming to wake him up, I’d meet him in the storage room, and we’d eat lunch together. Sometimes he’d take a nap afterwards, but I’d just study and then wake him up whenever class was about to start.” (smiles) “It became our little rendezvous.”
Haechan: “I...don’t really know. It just kind of...happened. Ever since she found me in the storage room that day, she’d come by right before our break ended to wake me up. We wouldn’t even really say anything to each other, she’d just come in, shake me awake, tell me that class was starting, then leave. Like, every day.” (laughs) “I guess my body got used to it, because I’d start waking up before she’d even stop by. One time, I was already wide awake by the time she came back, so we just...talked a little bit. I asked her how she was, she said she was good, and that was pretty much it.” (smiles) “It became a regular thing. She started coming earlier and earlier, and eventually we’d just spend the entire lunch break together.” 
Haechan: “She was completely different than how I’d imagined her to be. I expected her to be really boring and straight-laced, since she was our class president, but she wasn’t. At all. She asked me so many questions, almost in a childish way. She asked if my piercings hurt and what color I was going to dye my hair next and why I wore such uncomfortable-looking shoes.” (chuckles) “It was...nice. She didn’t treat me like some sort of problem child, and she didn’t judge me, even though I was so different from her. She listened to me and respected my decisions and even brought an extra lunch for me, since I didn’t have one to bring with me. She was the first person in our entire high school to treat me like a regular human being.”
Haechan: “What made you keep coming back to the storage room after that day?”
Y/N: (shrugs) “You always showed up late to class after our lunch break, and I kind of figured that it was because you were oversleeping, so I felt like I needed to go back and wake you up.”
Haechan: (claps) “Wow, as expected of our class president. What an admirable sense of responsibility.”
Y/N: (smiles) “Of course I took that responsibility seriously. It gave me a reason to see you.”
Haechan: (gasps, exaggeratedly) “You had a crush on me? Oh my god! You had a crush on me!”
Y/N: “We’re literally engaged, Hyuck.”
Haechan: “Still, though! How embarrassiㅡ”
Y/N: “Next question, please.”
『 Laughter can be heard around the studio. 』
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“When did you know that you’d fallen for your partner?”
Y/N: “I didn’t realize my feelings for him until after he stopped talking to me altogether. He didn’t look at me when I greeted him that morning, and he didn’t show up to the storage room, either. It was like I didn’t exist in his world anymore. He just...stopped acknowledging me.” (pauses) “You know, I’m socially aware enough to know not to talk to someone if they stop talking to me first, but there was just something about the whole situation that felt...off. Maybe it was how heartbroken I felt, or maybe it was how heartbroken he looked whenever he ignored me. Either way...I knew that I couldn’t just leave things as they were. I think that’s when I really realized that I’d fallen for him. I wouldn’t have felt so compelled to run after him if I hadn’t fallen for him, right?”
Y/N: “As the class president, I had the privilege of reading the school announcements in front of the entire class in the mornings. So I ㅡ (chuckles) ㅡ I basically brought the class together just to say, ‘Lee Donghyuck, if you don’t come to ‘The Room’ today, I’m going to be mad at you. Personally mad at you.’ And...he showed up.” (smiles) “Looking back on it now, I shouldn’t have put him on the spot like that, but I...wanted things to be okay again.” (pauses) “So we talked about it, cleared up some misunderstandings, said too many embarrassing things...and we’ve been inseparable since then.”
Haechan: “I think I always knew, as cringy as that sounds.” (smiles) “Back then...I was going through a lot. A lot of things happened with the family business, and it ended up falling through, so I ended up having to step up and help support my family.” (pauses) “It took a lot out of me. I was only 15. I was just entering high school. And I already knew that the teachers didn’t like me and that most of my classmates were afraid of talking to me. I mean, I couldn’t blame them, though. My part-time job started after school, so I had to leave right after classes ended. And I’d always have to take my younger siblings to their school, so I usually ended up being late to class.” (pauses, again) “Well, it doesn’t matter what my excuses were; I was never someone who followed the rules. I always wanted to stand out somehow, and I guess the teenage-Donghyuck thought that going against the grain was the best way to get that attention.”
Haechan: “But Y/N saw past all of that. At first, it was...scary. I knew that I liked her, but I also knew that being with her would be bad for her reputation, so I tried to distance myself from her. I ignored her at school, I stopped going to the storage room, I didn’t answer her texts...but no matter how hard I tried to distance myself from her, she always found a way back into my heart.” (pauses) “She said that she didn’t care about what other people thought and only cared about being with me. She asked me not to push her away anymore...so I stopped. Because I knew that I’d completely fallen for her, and that she was going to find some way to end up right by my side, right where I wanted her to be all along.”
『 Haechan smiles, then holds up his left hand. On the fourth finger sits a platinum band. 』
Haechan: “And now she’s going to be by my side forever. Kind of cool, right?”
『 Y/N glances at his elevated hand, then holds up hers as well. On her fourth finger sits a thin platinum band with a beautiful round diamond in the middle. An “aw!” can be heard off-camera. 』
Haechan: “Wasn’t it troubling for you?”
Y/N: “Hm? What do you mean?”
Haechan: “I’m sure that the teachers started to, you know, treat you differently after we started going out.”
Y/N: (shrugs) “They said some really annoying things at first, but my grades didn’t change ㅡ actually, mine stayed the same, yours improved ㅡ so they stopped mentioning it to me.”
Haechan: “But you heard what everyone said about us, right?”
Y/N: “No? What’d they say?”
Haechan: “That I was bullying you into dating me.”
Y/N: “...People actually said that? How’d you know?”
Haechan: “How could you not know? They’d whisper to each other whenever we’d walk by.”
Y/N: (shrugs, again) “I was too focused on you to notice.”
『 Haechan pauses, then buries his face into his hands and lets out a short, high-pitched squeal before looking back up. 』
Haechan: “How’re you able to say something like that with such a straight face?”
Y/N: “Huh?”
『 Laughter can be heard from behind the camera. Haechan smiles, then shakes his head. 』
Haechan: “Nothing, baby. Please don’t ever change, Y/N.”
Y/N: “O-Okay, I’ll try not to.”
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“What’s it been like watching your partner grow up?”
Y/N: “Watching him grow ㅡ and also growing with him ㅡ has been so fun. He’s found the means to pursue what he really loves doing, and watching that side of him grow more and more present has been really rewarding and inspiring. He’s still a troublemaker, and sometimes he drives me crazy, but the way he approaches new challenges and navigates his problems and reaches out to other people for help is so...mature. Thinking about it even now makes me feel so proud...but it also makes me realize how far he’s come. And while I’m so, so happy for him...there’ve been a lot of moments where I had to stop myself from thinking really bad thoughts. Things like, ‘I don’t deserve to be by his side’ or ‘Maybe he’d be happier without me’...I thought about those things a lot. And it didn’t help that I was going through a slump, at the time.” 
Y/N: “Unlike Donghyuck, I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. I did well in school, not because I liked school, but because my parents wanted me to do well. I didn’t have any hobbies, I didn’t have any goals, I didn’t even really have any strong likes or dislikes. I just...this sounds really bad, but I felt like a waste of space. So that, in combination with all of the other insecurities I was feeling, made me feel really scared. I felt like I was being left behind.” (pauses) “But things have gotten better. I’ve switched to a major that I really like, I have a plan for the future, and I’m even engaged now.” (smiles) “I’m confident that things will turn out okay.”
Haechan: “It’s been...crazy, to be completely honest.” (pauses) “I always knew that Y/N would succeed in whatever she wanted to do. Like, there was no space in my mind where I ever doubted that. And I guess it led to...some type of inferiority complex, I guess.” (sighs) “I know that she would never compare me to other people, but I compared myself to others all the time, and I think that insecurity started getting the better of me. I was scared, honestly. I wasn’t in college, I was barely making enough money to pay for my half of our rent, I was literally just making music out of our room all day. I wasn’t like the guys in her department. I couldn’t provide for her or take her anywhere nice. I just...” (sighs, again) “Her loving me meant everything to me. I didn’t need anything else, I just needed her. But the longer we were together, the less confident I felt about whether or not she felt the same way.”
Haechan: “Luckily, things got better after I signed with my agency and started making actual money. I didn’t feel as insecure or jealous about her guy friends, I wasn’t as scared of her leaving me...things became okay again, and I think it’s because I started learning to acknowledge myself first.” (smiles) 
Y/N: “You’ve changed a lot since we were kids.”
Haechan: (smiles) “I hope that’s a good thing.”
Y/N: (nods) “It is. Even just looking at you like this reminds me of how much of a grown-up you’ve become.”
Haechan: “It’s not just me, though. You’ve changed ㅡ well, I think ‘evolved’ is a better word.”
Y/N: “Like a Pokémon?”
Haechan: (laughs) “Yeah, like a Pokémon.” (smiles) “I feel like you’re more confident in your identity now.”
Y/N: (nods) “I think so too. I at least feel like I have some sort of purpose now.”
Haechan: “I haven’t mentioned this to you before, but I think it’s really cool that we’ve gotten to grow together. Because it’s not just you-doing-you and me-doing-me, we’ve grown a lot just by being together.”
Y/N: (smiles) “I think so too. Sometimes it really felt like we only had each other, and I think being able to rely on each other like that really helped us mature into who we are right now.”
Haechan: “It’s not something that’s going to stop, either. You promised you’d stay with me for the rest of my life, remember?”
Y/N: (laughs) “I do remember. Please continue to take care of me.”
Haechan: (laughs) “Likewise.”
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“What’s something that you want to say to your partner?”
Y/N: “Lee Donghyuck. Haechan. My full sun. I...don’t even know where to start.” (chuckles, softly) “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I know that sometimes you worry about what other people think of our relationship, but just knowing that you love me already means more than enough to me.” (smiles) “When we first met, I felt like...I felt like nothing. I felt like a waste of space. But meeting you...my everything changed after meeting you. It’s like...my world became so colorful and beautiful after meeting you. And I can’t thank you enough for that.”
『 Y/N opens her mouth to speak again, but tightens her lips together before using her sleeves to wipe away at the tears flowing down her cheeks. Haechan scoots his chair closer to hers, then reaches over to take her hand in his. He offers a soft but comforting smile, which Y/N returns. 』
Y/N: “Thank you for loving me, Lee Donghyuck. Thank you for supporting me through my toughest days and for listening to my silly stories and for teaching me how to love the worst parts of myself. I love you. More than you’ll ever know.”
『 Haechan takes a moment to watch Y/N as she scrolls through her phone to choose a song. Y/N, realizing that Haechan is watching her, looks up. She sets her phone on top of the table and reaches out to hold his hand. Haechan smiles. 』
Haechan: “Y/N, I don’t think meeting you was a simple coincidence. You came into my life when I needed you the most, and you’ve changed my life in ways that I didn’t know were even possible for someone like me. To you, I must’ve been the biggest loser, but you saw past all of the ugly parts of my personality and accepted me for who I am. That meant everything to the me from back then. It still means everything to me, even now. The fact that you’ve continued to love me and somehow accepted my proposal...it means everything. I love you. I will make you happy for the rest of our lives.”
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『 The interview ends. Y/N stands up first and helps Haechan out of his chair. Haechan pulls Y/N into a hug and nuzzles his face into the crook of Y/N’s neck. Y/N smiles softly and runs her fingers through his hair as she whispers something into his ear. The two share a sweet kiss before pulling away and bowing to the staff. They step off-camera and exit the studio. The video fades to black. 』
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totowlff · 8 months
After seeing that video that you qrted of Lewis and Toto in the paddock I realized I can't focus on anything else when his ARMS are just there. so i was thinking if you could write smth where reader works for merc/a job that puts her close to toto everyday and they often have team meetings but reader can't focus on anything else other than his arms. HANDS. and maybe his big ass watch 🤭 thx nat 🥰
the mind is a very strong thing, huh?
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Dropping the material on the table, you let out a long sigh. You had already lost count of how many times you had sat in that room in the last two years, especially to talk about problems. And they were not few.
Slowly, the seats around the table were occupied, the sound of metal scraping on the floor of the room along with the mumbled greetings without much enthusiasm. There was no reason to be excited, not when another year had been thrown in the trash. Looking at your phone, you no longer remembered the topic you were talking about with your friend, the message you had started typing completely losing its meaning.
Then, a voice made you look up, a shy smile on your lips.
— Good morning, everyone — your boss said, as he went to the chair he usually occupied, near the flat screen on which the silver star shone. His eyes took in the way he greeted one of the employees with a smile and a hand on the shoulder.
However, as he sat down, a hiss escaped his lips.
— Is there a problem, Mr. Wolff? — you asked, almost without realizing it.
— Oh, no, it's just the knee that's still bothering me a little.
— The surgery didn't work?
— Yes, it worked, you just need to move it a little to strengthen it and it's a little painful, actually — he replied, smiling — But I appreciate your concern, Y/N. It's very kind of you.
You felt your face heat up, as you returned the smile.
The meeting began shortly after that short exchange of words between you, but your mind was still at that moment, on the sweet words, on his smile. That was the power Toto Wolff had over you. And you couldn't help but feel that way, especially when he was around.
He had enchanted you since the first time those brown eyes had met yours. His smile lit up any room, almost like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. His playful, almost boyish personality made something warm inside your chest, making you feel something you hadn't felt in a long time.
It was completely wrong, you knew. But, you couldn't help it.
You desired your boss.
— This is our chance to consolidate Lewis and the team in second place in the constructors — Toto said, gesturing with his hands in order to emphasize his own words — We couldn't do much in Japan, but this is the time to fight.
You weren't absorbing anything from that meeting. With one hand on your chin, you only had eyes for him and the way he moved his hands, as well as his serious tone, which made his skin tingle in a delicious way. You would do anything to be touched by those fingers, to feel them slide across your skin, leaving a trail of flames and desire along the way.
— The circuit was resurfaced, we're still not sure about the wear and tear — someone said next to you, but you didn't make a point of looking in its direction. Not when your mind drew a racy, not to say indecent, image involving the man scribbling something on the notepad in front of him.
It could be anywhere, even there. Toto wouldn't need to say much to have you in his hands, literally. Sitting on the conference table, it wouldn't take long for him to realize what you needed. And he would give it willingly, his breath hot against your ear.
His hand would slide up your black dress until it found the spot between your legs, hot and pulsing for attention, for stimulation, for him. Brushing his fingers lightly against your clit, still covered by your panties, making you moan softly.
— So needy — Toto would murmur, before pulling away the fabric and slowly inserting two fingers into your pussy, moving them slowly, as if he was discovering what you liked.
Just by looking in his eyes, you would make it clear that that rhythm was not enough, nor that the position of the fingers was correct. You needed him to bend them slightly, to brush against the spot you couldn't reach when you were alone, but that you were sure he was capable of.
— Toto — his name would escape your lips like a plea.
— More? — he would ask quietly, with a provocative smile. By nodding positively, the smile would grow — Ask me, schatz. Ask me and I'll give it to you.
— Please — you would murmur — Faster.
— Good girl…
The pace would go from something slow and almost torturous to something relentless, the wet sound that escaped your pussy would fill the room, along with your moans. Using the base of his hand, he would massage your clitoris without much delicacy, trying to take you to the place you wanted so much and had already reached so many times with those brown eyes in mind.
— Fuck, yes, yes, yes, yes — you would whimper, your fingers squeezing his shoulders tightly, as if that were possible to keep you there, savoring that pleasure you had waited so long for.
— Yes, let me feel your pussy squeezing my fingers, schatz — Toto would growl, as his hand continued to move against you, causing your legs to shake and your eyes to roll back.
The explosion was so close, so close. There was little left, just a few seconds.
And then…
— Y/N, how are the updated parts for Austin? — Toto asked.
Blinking, you came back to reality, feeling your skin too hot and your cheeks red. You had definitely gone too far.
— Ah, yes, the parts — you stuttered, looking for that information in your notes, feeling like a complete idiot for having let yourself be carried away by your own imagination — Yeah, so, they were...
— You know what, we'll talk about this after the meeting in my office, okay?
Your heart skipped a beat.
— Perfect.
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
After seeing all those stories of Georgia going shopping with David (I'm honestly surprised that David knows how to drive, I don't know why), I think David is fed up with so much video.
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@electronic-chocolate @victorianlonging Okay, so...I have indeed seen all of the stories that are referenced here, and I think a couple of things can be true at the same time. But let's first get the visual up for anyone who hasn't seen it (all in one video, for ease of viewing):
The first thought that I had is how reminiscent this was of what we've seen recently, with Georgia filming David when he seemingly really doesn't want to be filmed (such as at that festival last month).
What also came to mind is something I think at least several of us thought of (if my DMs are any indication), which is that David is clearly, visibly annoyed. There's no real way to not notice it, with him looking incredulous in the car (though I did laugh when he said "I'm not dressed for this," given how adorable he looked without even realizing it), and then when she sets the tone by immediately using the word "content." There's no question that that's what the objective of this was: To have content of/with David that Georgia could post to garner attention.
Once they're in the store, we see him balling up the shopping bags in his hands, which to me came across as a sign of anxiety. And given how non-confrontational we know David is, it's almost amazing to hear him respond to Georgia's "Say hi!" with an immediate "Nope." And the whole thing sort of becomes what you might call a self-narrating zoo exhibit (or "self-paparazzi," as I recently heard someone aptly describe it) where David is literally just trying to shop for groceries while Georgia is sticking a camera in his face.
We also notice that at one point, David is recognized by some fans and stops to take a picture with them, which when you think about it is likely a regular occurrence, since he has one of the most famous faces in the country. But because that is the case, you'd also think he would feel a sense of relief when those interactions are over and he no longer has to be "on"...until he goes back to Georgia and she is filming him. And as good-natured as David is, there's no doubt that it must get a little tiring after a while.
All that said--and in the interest of providing a balanced perspective--it is possible that David was playing things up, to an extent, and perhaps even exaggerating some of the annoyance that we saw. And there was something else about this that stood out to me, and that deserves discussion: His shoes...
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Yes, David was wearing gay pride Doc Martens. GAY PRIDE BOOTS, ladies and gentlemen and those of other gender persuasions. And when we realize this is the case, everything about this vlog/series of stories starts to gets very interesting. Because while the shoes were by no means the focal point of the Insta stories, Georgia had to know that David's eagle-eyed fans would clock them right away. And clock them they did (and I also noticed this pair of Pride-themed Doc Martens, and would not be at all surprised to learn that David owns a pair of those as well).
Leaving aside the fact that no straight man on this Earth--no matter how strong an ally--would wear those boots (I mean...come on), I almost saw this as a callback/follow up to Georgia's story from a few months ago where she appeared to use "their" pronouns when talking about David (rather than he/him). Much discussion was had at the time of this being a way to "test the waters" for David to start being more open about his sexuality/identity, and this almost feels like a continuation of that.
Having heard from queer followers of mine who are not fully out to their families/friends, it seems that it is not uncommon for folks in that position to wear things to drop little "hints" around people they are not ready to disclose to yet. And when you think about the number of "hints" from the last few months--the nonbinary pin, the pronoun Insta story, David getting emotional talking about Pride Month on that podcast, and now these new Insta stories wearing those boots--it makes you wonder if it's all building toward something.
Whatever the case may be, it's still difficult to overlook how uncomfortable David looked at times in those videos today--even if he was playing things up. For my part, I would genuinely rather never have Georgia post anything about David again than see him in her posts knowing that he is uncomfortable with it. I also agree that her hunger for content seems to be increasing, but I would also like to hope that if David did seriously ask Georgia to stop filming--for any reasons--that she would do so.
So I suppose we'll have to see what (if anything) this all leads to, and what will happen if/when she films him again. Happy as always to hear others' thoughts in the comments...
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sugutoad · 8 months
Matchup For @fourtyfourcatss
╰┈➤ Thank you for doing Matchups at Sugutoad
─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─ ship of the day  ─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─
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╰┈➤ Yuuta Okkotsu  ‘ I Want To Be Needed By Someone.’ 
There is no denying that Yuuta is a hopeless romantic, particularly when it comes to you. The way in which his eyes dance across the room as you pass by, yearning that you would glance at him just once.
Once he discovered your love for reading, he pleaded to Maki. Hopelessly asking  to know your favourite books, he was desperate to have a proper conversation with you even if it meant he had to waste hours reading something he had found no interest in.
He never cared for eye contact, he was a timid boy. He couldn’t maintain eye contact for a split second. Not until he met you. The way your lashes fluttered like the wings of a butterfly. The way your eyes sparkled when fascinated by something. The way the sun made your eyes brighter. He couldn’t help but occasionally glance over, hoping you were looking back at him.
Just laying down in bed, arms wrapped around your waist and his nose buried in your black hair. He kept mumbling about problems, which mostly consisted of his missions. The way he felt so relaxed, as if a burden were to be lifted from his shoulders, when you had told him what to do. To speak up to the elders on his problems and get over his anxiety problems.
Late night walks or just any time of the day worked for him. He just wanted to be by your side at all times. You two take a lot of walks together, just walking next to each other silently is everything that Yuuta could ask for
Your eyes are engrossed in your book, occasionally letting out a gasp or a frown. His eyes are fixated on you, the way your expression muscles move when a scene happens made him chuckle under his breath. 
Enough about you and your books, now it is time for your writing. When you stay up late trying to brainstorm some story idea or writing something down, he brings in food or anything else you need or look like you need. When you're done writing, he will reread over your drabbles and make sure they are perfect. He doesn’t want to lie to you and make sure you are the best at what you wish to do. He will be here every step along the way and supporting from the sideline.
Listening to you talk for hours. It’s that one dynamic where one listens and the other talks. But Yuuta is patient and listens to you, even if it’s a rant about a fictional character that he has no idea of.
Flirtatious whispers, little promises and brushing against each other's knuckles is something to expect from Yuuta. He would be those guys from those cheesy movies to brush away stray strands falling loose on your face before kissing you slowly, the way your lips clasped so perfectly against his made him want to never pull away.
Yuuta had to leave Japan for a mission, you were devastated that day. He texts you everyday and has to make sure that your day went perfectly. He won’t call you at night time, he knows you're asleep and doesn’t want to ruin it so he calls in the morning. Calls that last for hours often get you late to class which causes Maki to be pissed at you. It was worth it. ALSO cute presents from where he is staying and says it reminds him of you.  He is those cute people who send videos to their s/o and tell them they remind you of him, Maki once broke out laughing when she saw Yuuta sending you a picture of a koala with the captions ‘ This reminds me of you baby ☺️☺️ so cute and fluffy’. She never stopped bullying you or Yuuta about it ever.
Maki was the first to notice the way Yuuta looked at you and smiled. Cornering Yuuta one day in an empty, she had asked him if he liked her and when he said he did, a smirk was visible on her face. She, alongside Toge and Panda, worked for hours to prepare the perfect date. Nothing could absolutely go wrong. All that was left was Yuuta to ask you out. 
Literally the sweetest and healthiest boyfriend you could have, so you better not say no. He will be so devastated but he will understand and try to avoid you, thinking you don’t like him at all. It’s all fun and games until Rika learns that so… good luck if you reject him I guess
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twopoppies · 8 months
I hope my question does not come across incorrectly due to language barrier because I don’t wanna be blocked by you.. ‘cause i consume your page like daily paper, wish i was kidding.. I’ve been following you for couple of years now, I’ve seen your responses for any of the Harry’s alleged relationships or PRs either it be camille or olivia or xander(that turned out to be not so much of PR) or brad or taylor rusell or Australian model or some WSH model who asked harry for threesome with her boyfriend and he said ‘it’s not a no’ and for all of these you mostly say that why would someone believe these.. so my question is do you believe harry has been in monogamous relationship with louis all these years by being in the profession he is in? I come from a place where monogamous is very common and i found it very plausible when I first joined fandom and was consuming the information and believed that harry was, is &will be with Louis.. also i never thought any of his relationships with his so called lady loves ever to be true from Taylor S to Taylor R..but these days after seeing his infamous tattoo, his videos with other men its just i feel may be i am projecting?? Also his lyrics in falling “there is no one to blame but drink and my wandering hands”.. am sorry if its too much but i just wanted to know what do you think about this?
I don’t generally like to get into answering these kinds of questions because it’s always a can of worms and I find it exhausting to field the follow up questions.
I’ll answer very briefly that my general thought is that the two of them are monogamous when they are together. I don’t think it’s likely that they’ve been together for 13 years without ever having broken up or had time apart. I don’t think they’ve ever broken up with the feeling of, “I don’t love you anymore/there’s someone else”. But, my guess is that they’ve had periods where they struggled and felt they needed time apart. And, I do think they’re together now and have been for some time.
I still stand behind what I’ve said about all the stupid rumors about random models and PR “girlfriends”. I don’t think any of those are believable. Especially not holivia. He could have tattooed her name directly on his dick and I still wouldn’t believe he was ever dating that woman. I also really think that lyric from Falling isn’t worth taking so literally. Harry tends to write so metaphorically and that line is so on the nose. It’s also the only lyric in his entire catalogue I can think of that even alludes to not being faithful. It just doesn’t ring true to me.
At the end of the day, I think it’s important for me to remember that while you might trust my opinion, this isn’t my relationship, so my thoughts are based on my observations. Not facts. 🩷
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moxley · 7 months
Would it be alright to get some recommendations on how to get into wrestling? I'm intrigued by your posting but I also have no idea where to start do I just search "most homoerotic wrestling" and go from there?
i will do my best to provide a baby starter guide … this is kind of how i got into things, but streamlined so that you dear reader can figure out what you want out of life, instead of fucking around consistently like i did
“isn’t wrestling silly and fake?”
yes. however, the unreality of wrestling and the blend between what’s real, what’s staged, and the genuine athleticism of the wrestlers makes for incredible long-term, partly improvised narratives that can happen nowhere else. you’re not watching a sports show — you’re watching a mix of theatre and gymnastics.
“is wrestling for me?”
suggestion: watch supereyepatchwolf’s video , “professional wrestling is stupid and beautiful and i love it”. it’s meant to convey the wonder and fun and joy of this silly silly thing to people who are not into wrestling or don’t understand it. if you’re still curious about wrestling when you’re done, it’s time to start watching for real.
“ok, i’m still curious. now what?”
fuck it, we ball. the beauty of wrestling is that whilst there are long term narratives, all the individual matches need to convey is the struggle of that moment. whether it’s a long term feud coming to a head, friends who have to compete or have turned on each other, someone struggling to the top of a championship mountain, or a challenger coming in to try and dethrone a champion - all that matters will be conveyed to you by the tone of the match and the commentators. so you can just pick up anywhere and dive right in. but across dozens of promotions, where do you start?
well, for you i’ll do what i did, which is pick on all elite wrestling (aew). they’re not better or worse than anyone else, but bluntly for me i think a lot of the wrestlers there are cute and they’re easy for me to find. here are a few matches off the top of my head, not in any particular order. i list their names and then what show you can find the match on. most of these can be found on the internet archive, if not all.
MJF vs CM PUNK (Revolution 2022) — dog collar match. they’re collared and chained to each other. mjf hits cm punk over the back with the chain and it leaves very real, visible marks. extremely sexy if you’re into that sort of thing.
DARBY ALLIN vs JON MOXLEY (Dynamite 08/05/2020) — i’ll be real this one awakened something in me it’s just very. um. it’s just very. umm. uhhh. 😓
DARBY ALLIN & STING vs TEAM TAZ (Revolution 2021) — this is fun because it’s filmed in a warehouse location and more cinematically. it’s goofy, but has some intense stunts too. i love this match. bonus points because sting literally picks darby up and throws him.
BRYAN DANIELSON vs KAZUCHIKA OKADA (Forbidden Door 2023) — so fair warning, bryan breaks his arm for real in this match. you can’t really tell except for how he stops using his right arm for the last 10-15 mins of the match, but i love this match. bryan and okada are just both great and very intense. (btw okada broke bryan’s orbital socket last month, please help)
MJF vs KENNY OMEGA (Collision 28/10/2023) i wanted a kenny match on this list and this one is recent but great, in part because of the respect the two men show each other, rather than being an outright feud. my heart grows three sizes whenever matches end in a cuddle.
i also recommend AEW ALL IN 2023, which was a ppv at wembley and literally every match is incredible and a banger. fucking rules.
“i watched those and they sucked!”
i dunno man try wwe or npjw or gcw idk or maybe you just don’t like wrestling
“i watched those and they RULED!”
congrats! now look into aew’s weekly shows or their numerous PPV shows, and start looking at shows from other promotions like wwe, njpw, and gcw! search the names of wrestlers you enjoyed to find more matches that they’re in! be free, and let the half naked sweaty men consume your brain 💜
i hope this helped 🥹
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vegitoswife-archive · 11 months
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A/N: New indefinite fic project since, based on the last poll, a lot of people liked the idea of it! Certain parts may be chronological (which will be specified if so) but will in general be disconnected. Some parts may be lengthy, others short. It really depends on the prompt of them and what I can think up!
TAGLIST: @carnal-lnstinct / @yeowangies / @enayru (Like this post to be added to my tag list!)
Part 1 - Spending Time Together
CW(s): None.
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-Despite how much he loved to train and exercise, you two actually got a lot of opportunities to hang around one another. Unfortunately, Vegito wasn’t really…used to it that much.
-All of Goku’s past friends very rarely sought him out for his company, his and Vegeta’s children all had their own lives, and he refused to go near Bulma or Chi Chi if he could help it, so he adapted to being alone virtually 24/7. Until you came along into his life, of course.
-He tried to hide it underneath his cocky and playful demeanor, but his fondness of you was incredibly obvious with how he sought out your company almost every day. You found it a little cute, but it additionally took on a different meaning when you learned that the chances of him being truly lonely were incredibly high. Too high. Even if he brushed off the questions, you could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn’t the happiest. Overall, it would likely do you both some good if you spent time getting to know one another better.
If you’re a practicing marital artist or someone who simply likes fighting, bonding with him over either or will be easy. Vegito would even be thrilled to spar with you, and see just how you’d fare against him.
If you have absolutely no combat experience, you could still have some engaging conversations with him over his own love of it. Being a Saiyan, he’s quite literally built for it. Vegito would easily get wrapped up in discussing his techniques and style, whether you understood the terminology or not, that he’d basically ramble with an enthusiastic shine to his eyes. It’s endearing.
-Outside of fighting-related activities, both of you would spend a lot of downtime in the comfort of your home. You have your own hobbies that you could try introducing to Vegito, but there’s a moderate chance depending on what they are that he either won’t understand them much or will think they’re a bit strange. Goku’s hobbies were very construction-based (the Son family’s home needed regular upkeep) and Vegeta…didn’t have hardly any hobbies at all, so Vegito wasn’t exactly dealt a deck of cards that helped him view the world outside the lens of a recluse. He was admittedly technology-inept on top of it.
-Don’t get him wrong, he likes to join you in doing things you find personal enjoyment in regardless of how weird or pointless they might come across as to him, but you’ll have to expect Vegito to be somewhat awkward with them…initially anyway. For example, he’s not going to be the best at playing a video game with you at first, but you’ll be surprised at how fast he can learn the ropes.
-If you’re an avid movie watcher, one activity you can always fall back onto with Vegito is sitting down on the couch and showing him the films you either like or think he’d get a kick out of. Especially those of the horror genre. He would be very amused in getting to see what typical things Earthlings define “horror” as being.
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-If he’s not training, then chances are he’s with you.
-He honestly doesn’t really try to hide how much he likes being around you. He wouldn’t show it much on his face as he’s the stoic type, but if you ask him if he enjoys your company he’ll bluntly answer with something like “Yeah. Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
-He doesn’t talk to Goku’s past friends hardly ever, and he overall is a very reserved person. Being alone frankly doesn’t bother Gogeta much, but with you, the realization that ‘hey having someone else around is actually kind of nice’ lit up like a light switch had been flipped on. On certain days, he might even act like a puppy in a way. Just…following you around or just observing you quietly with a rather soft look.
-He’d like to learn about your hobbies, but if they’re tied to social media, he’ll definitely be staying out of them. He really values his privacy. If you’re into them: the only video games he’d ever be remotely interested in are puzzle games (especially the innovative types), but since those usually aren’t multiplayer you can’t count on him to play anything with you unless you catch him on a real good day & he feels like humoring you.
-Sure, it’s easy to discuss matters related to fighting with him, but you’ll find that he’s surprisingly very introspective; if not philosophical. There’s a lot on Earth and out in the cosmos that’s either barely known or utterly unknown. It’s not an uncommon thing to find the mysteries of life and existence itself engaging, and despite being one of the most powerful beings in the universe who has personally dealt with supernatural things, the same goes for Gogeta. His nature as a fusion already throws what’s accepted as “natural life” into disarray.
-It might be cliché, but he would greatly enjoy settling down with you somewhere quiet at night to stargaze or the like and chat with you about your own feelings about a variety of things. You can be a ‘deep thinker’ too or the sort who maintains a simplistic view of life, it won’t matter. He just wants to put in true effort to understand you, like how you do with him.
-Something else you may find surprising is that Gogeta does like to read. Have any books? You could lend one or more to him (don’t worry he’ll take good care of them) and see if they catch his interest. After he potentially finishes them, you could have discussions with him over them. Maybe he’ll have the same opinions as you, maybe not, or maybe you both could have fun ripping into the terrible story or characters.
-In general, your time with Gogeta will primarily be you both enjoying one another’s presence. Unless he feels up to talking, he’s content to merely sit or lie in silence with you. He doesn’t care for small talk, and definitely doesn’t need it to remain keen on sticking around you if you both aren’t doing anything at the moment. Expect most days to be relatively chill.
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hi yaz 🍊 (<-for u) right now im going through that awkward friendless period of my life and have been for a while. i've been following you for a long time and wondered if you had any words of wisdom for those of us in the thick of it. thank you ❣️
(p.s - from what we see online you've seemed really well lately, and its genuinely very encouraging. thanks 4 spreading the joy)
hi! so sorry for letting this ask sit there for a bit... i wanted to make sure i could answer it thoughtfully! 🌟 i ended up writing more than i expected so i apologize if this comes across as a bit wordy.
first of all, thank you so much! it really means a lot to me to hear this... i am literally just Random Girl Online so i’m truly honored & i think you’re incredibly sweet to say so 😭💝
secondly, i’m sorry you’re feeling this way! it’s a miserable place to be emotionally & difficult to talk about... but i promise promise promise you will not feel this way forever. i was so lonely it hurt for a very long time, i guess if you’ve followed me for a while you probably remember. like it was PAINFUL how unpeopled my life was, and i was really embarrassed by it too because no one else seemed to be going through it quite so badly. but honestly, i think... most people actively are or once were lonelier than they are willing to admit, so it’s not an experience that’s awkward at all, and not something indicative of there being anything wrong with you specifically (which is all too easy a conclusion to come to), and it is definitely, DEFINITELY is not going to be this bad always. there are so many lovely people in this world who are just on the cusp of entering your life without your even realizing it yet... at one point last year i took a second to look around me & it suddenly occurred to me that things had gotten so much better for me in a way i genuinely never imagined during the worst of my loneliness, that completely unexpectedly i had come to know a good number of people i liked and cared about.
mostly all i can encourage you to do is to be around people in whatever way u can even if you don’t currently have a circle of friends to turn to. if your school or a local museum or a similar institution is holding some kind of lecture, attend it even if u don’t know anyone else who’s going! you might strike up a conversation with a stranger u unexpectedly get along with and make plans to get to know each other better, or you might just get to lightly chat with a lot of people who u never see again. both of these things are nice in different ways. if your workplace is holding a little potluck for someone’s birthday, go even if it’s just for the sake of having cake and cooing over photos of your coworker’s new puppy. text friends who live in the area who u haven’t seen in years, spend the afternoon at the park together & see if you want to make room in each other’s lives for these new versions of yourselves you’ve grown into. sign up for art classes where u can struggle through something you’re unfamiliar with alongside others who are struggling through it the same way & bond over this for a few hours each week. be the first person to text in a groupchat of people u only sort of know. tag along to study with someone from your class at the library & see if it becomes a regular thing with other people from the same class. maybe you won’t befriend all the people you go out of your way to interact with, but chances are you can and will befriend a few of them! and even if it doesn’t end up working out, a little camaraderie goes a long way in pulling a person out of the pits of despair.
if literally none of the above is an option for u in any way whatsoever right now, just try your best to keep going anyway. which sounds stupid probably, i’m sorry; i would have been CRAZY irritated if anyone told me this when i was so lonely i could hardly think about anything else. but i read a lot of poetry, i played a lot of video games, i watched a lot of movies, i spent so much time out of doors watching the birds and trees, i talked to my relatives more than ever before, i messaged some mutuals so often they turned into genuine online friendships that meant the world to me then and mean the world to me still. it hurt that i didn’t have people to share any of this with the way i wanted to but i still experienced a lot of really nice moments when i was alone & in some ways i feel more equipped to deal with loneliness after living through so much of it because i know now that i’m capable of enjoying things even in the throes of isolation. resilience isn’t sustainable and i sincerely hope you don’t need to be resilient about this for much longer, but your life is not on hold, and if u just keep going i believe you will still experience lots of meaningful and good things until your social life starts to pick up, at which point u will experience lots of other meaningful and good things!
also i guess i already mentioned this and definitely feel free to ignore this bit if it doesn’t apply to you, but be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking this is somehow your fault or because there is something inherently off-putting about you! this is absolutely not the case… not having enough or even any friends is just something that happens sometimes. it’s a much more common experience than it feels like & there is nothing wrong with you! believing this and giving in to the shame will cause you undue pain and isolate you further when people reach out or enter your life if you feel you aren’t deserving of friendship because whatever shape your insecurities happen to take. so just... try and be kind to yourself. this is something i struggled with a lot & that’s why i bring it up, but again, you can totally disregard it if it doesn’t align with your own experiences.
i guess that’s all for now! i don’t think i’m saying anything new, so i don’t know how helpful any of this was. i mostly just hope it wasn’t pedantic! i was trying to think of things that genuinely worked for me or things i would like to tell me of a couple years ago if i could speak to her somehow, and i ended up writing a lot because this is a topic that means a lot to me. basically i just mean to say u will be okay! with time and effort and a little bit of luck you will be okay & you will find yourself surrounded by the nicest friends and acquaintances who genuinely really like you and who you genuinely really like in return. loneliness is just something that comes and goes... sometimes it is a little harder and more painful to get through than other times but it never lasts forever. i hope you take care of yourself & i hope it all starts to work out really well, really soon ❣️ love u
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imagineanime2022 · 5 months
League Of Villains Get A Mogwai
Tomura Shigaraki X Reader, Dabi X Reader, Mr Compress X Reader, Spinner X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Remember “Gizmo the Mogwai” from the movie “gremlins” what if reader joined the LOV and the little furry guy was part of their quirk and after reader, explained about the rules and responsibility. The little creature came with the LOV just loves and adores little gizmo,🥰
A/N: Sorry it took so long for me to post something I've been playing and still am playing Baldur's Gate 3 and have not been splitting my time very well but thought I would give you guys this. Thank you for being patient.
You told them the three rules and they all looked at you like you were crazy, they looked at the little creature nestled on your shoulder and honestly none of them believed that it could cause any devastation.
Dabi and Shigaraki had every intention of testing theory, you could see it in their eyes and you weren’t going to help them should they do something stupid.
Compress and Spinner didn’t believe you but they weren’t going to mess with someone else's quirk, they might even try to stop the others if they’re around.
Unfortunately the Mogwai himself is drawn to people that really want to test he’s limits, he likes Shigaraki because he sits in darkness for like 90% of the time and he liked Dabi because he just runs warm.
The rules are as follows: - Do not feed the little man after midnight. - Do not get the little guy wet. - Keep them out of bright light.
Tomura Shigaraki
✋Shigaraki definitely didn’t believe you, in fact he was so confident in his choice that he discarded the rules from his mind the moment that you finished talking about them. ✋It only took a couple days for you to realise that he was only going to learn through actions, so you left him alone with the little creature, granted you weren’t far and you could feel the change as it was happening but you let it happen. ✋Shigaraki didn’t actually do it on purpose this time, he was playing video games and not watching the little guy as he stuck his face in a bag of open snacks on the floor and it was definitely way past midnight. ✋The shock of the change caused Shigaraki to knock over his drink and spill it all over the little gremlin and now there was more than one.
“This seems to have gotten out of hand.” You mumbled as you looked at him from where you were leaning against his doorway. “What is that?” He asked. “That is what happens when you break the rules.” You explained. “Fix it.” He ordered. “I can fix it this time, but next time I’ll let it run its course.” You answered as you walked into the room, they all looked at you, eyes widening in recognition as you got closer, you kneeled one of them scampered up your arm sitting on your shoulder, your quirk activating and calming him before the others started to disappear. “That’s what happens?” He asked. “I did tell you that it would be bad.” You reminded him and he looked at you with narrowed eyes. “You better use that in battle.” He muttered. “Yeah, yeah boss man, just pay attention to what he’s doing next time.” You ordered. “Watch your tone, I’m the one that gives the orders.” He reminded you “now get out of my room and take the pet with you.”
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🔥 Dabi absolutely didn’t believe you but instead of an accident, he did it on purpose, the little gremlin was just with him, he was warmer than anyone else. 🔥 He could see you across the bar talking to the boss man, you weren’t watching him and he took the opportunity. 🔥 Literally doesn’t hide what he’s doing and does not feel guilty about it, tipping an entire drink on you little guy's head but the changes were almost instant. 🔥 He’d probably call you over if you don’t notice, because the little guys all love him for his warmth and he is mildly swarmed by them.
“Hey! Come get your pet!” Dabi called from across the bar and you glanced at him and smiled leaning back on the bar as you looked at him. “Looks like someone broke the rules.” You shrugged “I really don’t know if I want to help you.” “Help me or I’ll burn them alive!” He warned and you looked at him and rolled your eyes before walking over and putting your hand out for them to come back to you. “I told you what the rules were.” You mumbled as they all moved towards you “you're the one that didn’t listen.” “I don’t listen to anyone, I do what I want.” Dabi answered, it almost reminded you of a petulant child talking to their younger sibling. “Were you an older brother at some point?” You asked “because you're acting like one.” “Whatever” he waved you off as the little gremling settled on your shoulder. “Just don’t do it again.” You ordered as you turned away from him and walked back to the bar where you had been before tickling and mumbling to your little man as you did. Dabi had to admit it was nice to have something around that wasn’t bothered by his heat.
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Mr Compress
🔮 Compress wholeheartedly believed every word that you said and did nothing that was against the rules, in fact he was a little afraid of the creature given the way you made it sound 🔮 He liked you though so he spent a lot of time around him, he never really acknowledged the little man, figured that they could both just exist in the same space to make you happy. 🔮 You noticed his unease around you little man and so you never really left them alone together. 🔮 There was an incident that changed everything though, he had been sitting with you and you little guy climbed onto his shoulder and settled in for a nap.
You saw the moment he froze slightly waiting to see what would happen next “you can relax, he's just looking for somewhere to sleep.” You explained from you place next to him but when your words didn’t seem to be making a difference you sat up “I can move him if you want.” “No, no he’s fine.” He answered. “Are you sure?” You asked “if he’s bothering you I can move him.” “Bothering me?” Compress asked, turning his eyes to you “why would he be bothering me?” “When I was younger people didn’t like him very much, he only wanted someone to give him a hug.” You explained with a shrug “guess I’m just used to apologising for him.” “You have no need to apologise for him, he’s not bothering me, I was just worried that I would upset him.” He explained and your eyes widened. “Upset him, it’s impossible to do that as long as you follow the rules and don’t step on him.” You shrugged. “Hmm. We’ll see about that.” He mumbled as he shuffled into a more comfortable position.
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🦎 Spinner didn’t really care either way, he just respected the way that you wanted the addition to your quirk to be treated. 🦎 He honestly thought that he scared the little guy, considering he always chose the others, he very rarely came to Spinner. 🦎 You never really addressed it and he just assumed that was the way that he was going to be, he wasn’t too bothered, he liked the little guy but he grown up enough to know that he might want to be somewhere else. 🦎 That is until he wake up one day to you taking pictures of him.
“What are you doing?” He asked, you smiled as you turned the phone screen to him to show him the picture of you little mogwai nestled in his hair above his head. “He loves sleeping in your hair.” You mumbled as you looked at him, swiped the phone screen to show more pictures of different times when he had been napping and the little guy had settled down with him. “Thought he didn’t like me.” He mumbled lifting his hand to rub at his eyes. “Why wouldn’t he like you?” You asked and he shrugged. “I’m probably a little scary and I run colder than he would like.” Spinner answered, you looked at him and smiled. “You aren’t scary to him, I promise you that and as for the cold thing, your hair clearly keeps him warm enough.” You shrugged as you sat on the edge of the sofa he had been laying on, you watched as Spinner reached up and tickled the little guys head before taking in a deep breath. “He likes how calm you are, the others are a bit chaotic.” “Fair.” He answered softly before you both settled into comfortable conversation.
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🎭 Twice forgot everything that you said after you stopped talking and you knew the moment that you got to know him that he didn’t do it on purpose. 🎭 You never left him alone with the little guy because you knew that he’d do something by accident and you didn’t want him to feel bad. 🎭 Twice was easily manipulated, you know that Dabi has tried to get him to break the rules because he thought it would be funny and you're watching him too closely now. 🎭 Your little guy knows that he doesn’t mean anything that he does or says and you can almost always find him clinging to Twice’s ankle.
“He’s so cute, no he’s not.” You giggled as you looked at Twice cradling the little gremling in his arms. “You think?” You asked. “I like him, no I don’t.” Twice answered as he passed the little one back to you. You had just found him sitting in the bar, Dabi was talking to him but abruptly stopped and walked away when you appeared on Twice’s other side. “What were you talking to Dabi about?” You asked. “Nothing, he wants us to bath the creature.” You rolled your eyes at the answer as you leaned on the bar. “You shouldn’t bathe him.” You said. “I remember!” Twice cheered “you told us before.” “You remember?” You asked. “Mhm, Toga helps me remember. Not that I need it.” He answered. “Right and the other two rules?” You asked. “Umm… None of your business.” He answered. “You don’t remember?” You asked. “No. Of course we do!” He mumbled. “Don’t feed him after midnight and keep him out of the bright light.” You supplied. “Right we won’t forget this time! We didn’t need your help.” Twice answered and you looked at the man and nodded. “Of course you didn’t.” You said softly.
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amjustagirl · 2 years
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Chapter 5: Sparks fly
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chapters: 5/15 pairing: miya osamu x f! reader genre: romance, angst, fluff, inarizaki shenanigans wc: 6.5k summary: miya osamu does not dare set fire to his heart. it burns anyway.
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Miya Osamu is not quick to anger except when it comes to his idiot brother. 
But Kaiyo is sorely testing his patience today. 
“What do you mean you invited her along our trip?!” he demands, chasing her around the counter in her store as Atsumu films his antics on his phone. Osamu doesn’t even care that Shin-chan and Sho-chan are both gawking at the spectacle of all the adults in their lives behaving like children, because Kaiyo is interfering with his life in the most infuriating of ways yet again and she’s not even the least bit apologetic about it. 
“Pfft!” she sticks out her tongue to blow raspberries. 
He grabs at her fruitlessly as she hops about his shop, nimbly dodging his attacks. “Come back here, you gremlin - ”
“Why can’t I invite my friend on a trip?” she wheedles, blinking doe-eyed at him. 
He does not buy her act, not when she’s responsible for tossing Ichika almost literally into Kita’s lap, not when she’s responsible for engineering Sakusa’s first meeting with Asami - never mind the fact that the two couples in question are very happily married with children to boot. He does not appreciate such interference, and yet Kaiyo irrepressibly grasps every chance she has to toss him on the tracks of the marriage train. 
“Cos you’re tryin’ to set me up and I don’t appreciate it - don’t think I can’t see what you’re tryin’ to do - ”
“It’s not like I asked her to marry you?!” Kaiyo squawks, using ‘Tsumu as a shield. “Why can’t I have a friend on the trip? She’s friends with all of us, and she mentioned she’s never had much opportunity to leave the city, so why shouldn’t she come along with us?” 
“Because -” 
“It’s not gonna be awkward if that’s what you’re worried about. She’s gonna have her own room and it’s not like I’m asking you to babysit her - she’s a grown adult, and not Sho-chan.”
“ - gonna play with ‘Asami-chan, don’t wan’ Uncle ‘Samu -” 
“Because -” 
“Kaiyo’s right - ‘Samu, you’re complainin’ so much you’re gonna give Kaiyo the wrong idea - ”
“- the right idea you mean -” 
“Uncle ‘Samu, y’know your face is turnin’ purple - wait lemme take a photo and send it to Ma-kun -”
Four pairs of eyes turn to stare at him.  
Seething waves ease into ripples of resignation. There isn’t actually any good reason why you shouldn’t be invited along other than the fact he sees through Kaiyo’s transparent attempt at  trying to set him up with you, and even he wants to stomp his foot and pull out his hair in frustration - very much not helped by the fact that Atsumu is just watching him with that ridiculously cheesy grin - there’s nothing he can do but give in to Kaiyo’s scheming. 
“Fine”, he says, grinding his teeth down. “Have it your way.” 
Kaiyo whoops. He resolves to conveniently sell out of her favourite onigiris for a week at least. 
It’s not that he dislikes your company. Far from it, really. 
Contrary to his protests, he likes spending time with you - who else is he going to debate with about the best way to choose tuna, or the best knife to use in the kitchen (Kaiyo was very pleased when you realised you’d always worked with her family knives). Bad days are better when you smile at you from across the counter, he can’t help but chuckle under his breath when you send him videos of Kombu-chan scaring your other neighbour’s dog away from your door before trotting back to you smugly for some treats. 
You’re his friend. Nothing more, nothing less. 
He’d like to keep it that way.  
Back in his high school days when his teammates would chat idly about their preferences in a partner, he’d share that his type would be someone who’s kind, generous and sweet, preferably someone who’d like food as much as he - ‘Tsumu laughed at him and shouted that what he wants is some  boring, goody-two shoes glutton - Aran and Kita thankfully always stepped in to throttle him and remind him to be respectful before Osamu could even throw the first punch and beat him into the dust.
He’s not blind. He knows you’re what he wants, if only he were looking. 
You’re not the first girl Kaiyo has tried setting him up with. But every single date he begrudgingly goes on inevitably ends with him breaking out the cliched it’s not you, it’s me. His singlehood is probably the only thing his okaa-san is more disappointed in him than Tsumu. 
“‘’Tsumu already spawned two monsters, ‘ka-sannn.”
“The more the merrier, Osamu”, she’d always reply. “Surely you can;t blame me for wantin’ my sweet, sensitive boy to be happy - ”
“I am happy.” he’d insist. “Don’t worry about me.” 
He’s going to rub it in Atsumu’s face on their joint deathbeds at the age of one hundred and eight (because either going to meet their maker first is a scenario too terrible to imagine) that he’s had a happier life. He already has everything that makes him happy - his restaurant, the first sprouting into the second before branching out into the third. He has his crew, he has ‘Tsumu and Kaiyo and the kids practically eatin’ him out of house and home, he has his customers who stream in and out of his store with bellies full of food, hearts full of joy. 
He’s happy. 
“Do you ever miss any of this?” he asked you once, jutting his chin out at the expanse of his restaurant, all forty something wooden seats occupied, orders flying in and out of the kitchen while a hungry line snakes out of the front door. 
“Only sometimes”, you reply, looking as if you’ve bitten something bitter. 
But he’s seen the notes you scribble in the dog-eared notebooks you tote around, on cooking techniques that you learnt from your father and his father before him. He’s seen you record with painstaking care the findings of experiments you two have been conducting in his kitchen to the amusement of his staff.
“Really?” he asks. 
“Hmm…there are little things that I miss about it now”, you reply slowly. “Seeing people smile is…kinda nice.” 
The clouds clear. The sun peeks through. 
But then something sours in your expression when you drop your gaze down to the knife you’re holding. He does not miss the slight tremble of your hands nor the faint lines of scars running up your forearms to your elbows. “What happened?” he’d asked you about it once. 
“I was five and kinda clumsy”, you replied, as if it explains everything. 
It doesn’t. It only makes him want to pound something into the ground. 
He digresses. 
His restaurant makes him happy. It’s all that’s needed to make him happy. 
After all, he has no desire to be like Atsumu, inviting a storm into his life when he’s unprepared to weather it out. Commitment - he doesn’t want to be responsible for another broken heart. It’d be easy to date around or get married, but what’s the point if he’ll just be a terrible partner, with his long hours and demanding career. He won’t even contemplate children. There’s no time for that when he already has three restaurants under his belt, delicate green saplings he’s determined to nurture into grand, old oaks. 
“You are crazy for taking him back”, he tells Kaiyo bluntly the night she begged him to accompany Atsumu for drinks with her brothers, fearful that her newly returned husband might be maimed from the encounter. 
She answers with a wry shrug. 
“He’s already left you. Twice, in fact, unless you broke your head and forgot all about that.”
He’s been there in the wake of her heartbreak at the hands of his twin brother. First, he had to beat ‘Tsumu black and blue until he learnt his responsibility to the daughter he put in her belly. Second, he had to hold her together when ‘Tsumu left until she welded the broken pieces of herself back together. Despite having her heart broken again and again, she still keeps taking Atsumu back. 
“He asked me to jump off a cliff with him” she explained when he remonstrated with her. 
“How romantic.”
“Osamu!” she huffs. “You’ll understand one day when it’s your turn to fall in love.” 
“You wait and see”, she teases. 
He’s about to retort that he’ll never be as ridiculous as she is but he’s interrupted by Atsumu stirring from his drunken stupor from a night out with her brothers, all determined to drink him into alcohol poisoning. 
“I’m here”, she goes to him as Atsumu murmurs her name. He looks away when she takes his brother’s hand. 
Perhaps she’s finally found domestic bliss with Atsumu, who now seems to be the epitome of a family man. But Osamu isn’t convinced that he can do better than his brother. Outwardly, despite their identical faces, they seem like polar opposites. Atsumu is loud mouthed, Osamu is soft spoken. Atsumu is a dick, Osamu tries his best to be polite. But as Shinsuke has always noted, they share the same DNA, the same genetic sequencing, built from the same material. 
How different can he truly be from his twin?
Atsumu’s not the only one with with a fraught marriage. He’s consoled patrons both young and old when they come in with their faces glum, caused by cheating spouses, deadbeats, partners who vanish without a trace. He’s seen what marriage has done to his own friends - Gintama’s in a loveless union with someone who treats him like dirt (just leave already, he says, but his friend only shrugs), and Suna - well, less said about that disaster, the better. Kita has a rock solid marriage, but that’s because he’s practically a god with no faults of his own. 
Osamu, on the other hand, has so many flaws of his own. It’s only prudent that he not gamble with someone else’s happiness. Kaiyo can do so with hers, it’s her life, her prerogative, but he’s not going to subject some innocent third party to the ticking time bomb tucked inside him, hardwired to explode. 
Something twists in his gut when he finds you waiting on the train platform. Your hair is askew and you’re wearing probably the ugliest flannel shirt known to mankind in an attempt to look like a farm girl, but the bright smile on your face when you catch sight of him is contagious, and he can’t keep happiness from spreading like wildfire, greeting you with a smile of his own. 
“I’m so glad you’re here”, you say. “Here, take my suitcase for me. I nearly died lugging it here.”
He stumbles under the weight of said suitcase when loading it into the train and curses aloud. Kaiyo only gives him a thumbs up though Atsumu makes a show of clapping his hands over Shoma’s ears. “What on earth did you pack for this trip, the entire combini?” he demands, when he locates your seats - next to each other, courtesy of Kaiyo, of course. 
“Presents for the kids!” you reply, rifling through the huge container of things you’ve deemed necessary for a week-long trip. “A castella cake for Kita-san’s granny, Kaiyo mentioned she has a fondness for that. And I know it’s customary to bring fruit as presents for our hosts, but I figured they get better produce out in the farmlands so I popped into the department stores to get some expensive mochi and sweet treats, hopefully they’ll like that.” 
“I hope they don’t like it too much or they’ll end up with a mouthful of cavities”, he says drolly, shaking his head at your generosity. 
You roll your eyes at him before admitting sheepishly. “I…didn’t know what to bring for them. I’ve never really gone on a trip like this before. So I may have overdone it.”
“I’ll eat it all if they can’t finish it.”
You smack his shoulder. “That’s your motive for being discouraging, you sneaky bugger”, you accuse him. 
“You’re still gonna give me one anyway”, he says, unrepentant. 
Despite your outrage, you still plop a sweet into his palms and he settles back in his seat, satisfied. The train trundles on, its swaying lulling you to sleep, your head finding a pillow on the shelf of his shoulders. It’s only to be expected, because you stubbornly hung around the restaurant til closing last night despite having a night shift the night before. He wraps his jacket around you because it’s the decent thing to do, and does not even mind when you mumble incoherent nonsense and drool against his sleeve.  
(Okaa-san raised one of ‘em right, at least) 
“Aww”, Kaiyo coos, leaning over the top of the seat like a student on a school trip. “How adorable.” 
He expects her to snap a photo or do something that would set his teeth on edge, but she sticks out her pinky finger at him. “I offer a truce to my favourite brother in law.” 
“I’m your only brother in law.” 
“C’mon! It’s a generous offer! I solemnly swear I won’t try anything on this trip”. She pouts when he only glares at her. “What!” she squawks, indignant. “Why don’t you believe me?!” 
He’d stand up to throttle her, but that’d mean waking you up from your much needed nap so he tucks you against his shoulder securely before settling for a cat-like swat of Kaiyo’s hand. 
“Cos you’re a bundle of trouble”, he states flatly. 
“I forget how stubborn you can be sometimes”, she groans, wiggling her pinky insistently. “C’mon, I won’t push but promise me you’ll be a good friend to her and help her enjoy this trip? She deserves that much at least.” 
“I’m not an asshole. I was gonna do that anyway.” 
Her eyes dance with amusement. “And I promise to behave, if that helps you relax.” 
While he’s inclined not to trust her, he links his pinky with hers. “Don’t push her over the mountaintop in some misguided attempt at matchmaking, that’s all I’m sayin’” he quips.
“C’mon”, she yelps, outraged. “I wasn’t even in Hyogo when Ichika decided to fall off that damned mountain, and I was just tryin’ to give Kita a gentle push in the right direction - ”
She trails off as he gives her a look, knowing that she’s not helping her own case. 
“Promise you’ll be good”, Osamu warns. 
She rolls her eyes. “I’m always good.”  
“No interfering”, Osamu says firmly. 
“No interfering”, Kaiyo parrots, pouting. 
“Swear that you’ll stop your matchmaking attempts on your idiot husband’s life.” 
She snorts. “I swear on my idiot husband’s life.” 
“Hey!” Atsumu protests, but he’s distracted when Shoma wordlessly starts pasting a whole sheet of food stickers on him.
Fortunately, you continue snoring despite the commotion, even as the train pulls away from the city grid, concrete blocks of apartments and shops giving way to sloping green fields and hills that rise out of the earth. He settles back into his seat, careful not to jostle you, going through orders and paperwork on his tablet until the lightbulb shining overhead is overshadowed by dawn’s arrival. 
“I don’t understand why you take so many night shifts”, he grouses as he walks you home. 
You hum. Previously, you might’ve told him to just stop coming by the combini which he does without fail, at least once a week, but he always claims that he needs a breather after the intense mornings he has, rushing to the fish market at the crack of dawn, arranging for rice to be cooked, stocked to be boiled, all before it’s even eight o’clock in the morning. So now you just accept his complaints with equanimity. 
Today though, summer is well and truly dying. Fall takes its place so the mornings are a little lazier, the sun rises a little later. You stop at the end of the road where the sidewalk ends, and morning traffic begins, tilting your face to the sky. 
“I like seeing the sun rise”, you say softly. “I wonder what today brings.”   
As the sun climbs over the horizon, spilling its light across the sky like fire in pink shades and gold hues, he takes hold of your shoulder, shaking you gently awake. “Wake up”, he murmurs, snorting under his breath when you squeeze your eyes shut. “It’s too early”, you grumble, but still, you obediently blink open your eyes. 
“The sun doesn’t seem to think so”, he jokes, offering you a sip of hot tea from his thermos flask as you rub the heels of your hands into your eyes until like the earth, you slowly awake. 
“G’morning ‘Samu”, you murmur. 
The greeting pulls at the knot in his gut, though his heart is light with a feeling he does not recognise yet. “Good morning”, he replies, taking the liberty of brushing the hair out of your eyes, tucking it behind your ear. “Thought you might wanna see the sunrise.” 
“I see it quite a lot these days”, you laugh, but when you turn your head, your mouth forms an adorable o! and he chuckles as he changes seats with you. 
“I thought you see it quite a lot these days?” he teases as you press your cheek against the glass. 
“Shhh. It’s so different out of the city”, you whisper, breath fogging up the cool window, obviously spellbound. 
He wants to steal a bite of your childish delight for himself. “So what do you think of it?”
“Mm? Tis pretty” you murmur, gazing out of the window, eyes aglow.  
“Yeah”, he replies, voice gruff. He doesn’t realise he’s looking at you, not the sun.
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Kita’s waiting for them at the station with a colourful, glittery sign that spells out WELCOME!, the kanji stark against the dull browns and greys of the village parking lot. Clearly the doing of his wife and daughters, but he waves it sportingly over his head, bowing politely when everyone emerges, a little dishevelled from the long train ride. 
“Did Asami make that?” Atsumu chortles gleefully, pointing at the banner. 
“Yes”, Kita responds placidly. “By the way, you have a sticker on your cheek, Atsumu.” 
Between the two former captains of Inarizaki, you snort at how clear it is to see who comes off the worse in that encounter, as Atsumu struggles to peel the bright coloured onigiri sticker from his cheek (Shoma, the perpetrator, holding his mother’s hand, looking as if butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth) and Kita gives one last merry jiggle of the bedazzled poster before setting it down in his van, looking every inch the proud father of three daughters.  
You bow politely when he turns to greet you. “It’s nice to meet you”, he says as Osamu lifts your suitcase into the back of his van. You could’ve sworn his lips quirk up ever so slightly as he adds “you must be Osamu’s friend”, and you wonder if you’re left out of an inside joke when he glances at Kaiyo from the corner of his eyes and Osamu chokes, but you’re too distracted thumping Osamu’s back in an attempt to stop him from hacking his lungs out to pay Kita’s strange behaviour any mind. You promptly forget that strange incident when everyone’s loaded onto the truck and starts the journey towards the farm. 
Autumn in Hyogo is transcendent. 
The maple trees on fire, leaf tips tinted gold. The yellow foliage of gingko trees in the gorge you drive past, the hues of orange and amber of fallen leaves, the rolling hills and vast valleys. You’re almost reluctant to leave the van because you’re still awestruck by the beauty of the Japanese countryside in all its autumn glory, but Osamu bumps your shoulder. 
“I’ll drive you out to see it all again, if you want”, he offers, so you step out of the van to take charge of your suitcase and offer the proper greeting to your hosts who’ve so kindly agreed to put you up in the guest house. 
“It’s so nice to meet you!” Ichika, Kita-san’s wife chirps, her trio of daughters clustered around her legs. “I hope you’ll be happy here.” 
“I already am”, you tell her truthfully, because with views like that, you forget all your troubles, leave your worries behind. Besides, you already feel at ease with Ichika and her family by extension, because her warm manner is welcoming, and she’s clearly someone Kaiyo adores, your friend tossing herself bodily at Ichika, bawling into her shoulder that it’s been too long, I need to kidnap you from your husband, said husband looking both amused and concerned about the imminent disappearance of his wife. 
“I’m glad”, she says, when she finally untangles herself from the octopus-like grip of her best friend with the help of Atsumu, ushering you up a slope where your lodgings for the next week await. Kaiyo’s mentioned her best friend runs a guesthouse that’s comfortable and clean in her multiple attempts to persuade you to tag along, but she’s clearly omitted the fact that the minshuku the Kitas own in their vast rice farm has blossomed into a stately property, twelve sprawling rooms with traditional tatami floors, a communal bathhouse, even barbeque pits on the sides for picnics under the stars. 
Shoma’s already disappeared with the eldest of the Kita brood, while Shino’s already set up shop in the family room, video-calling Meian Makoto as her Atsumu glowers, until he’s dragged into a conversation with Kita and his brother. Kaiyo disappears off to greet and gossip with Granny, leaving you alone with Ichika, who brings you to your room. 
“You have a beautiful place”, you say. “Thank you for letting me stay with you.” 
“A friend of Kaiyo’s is a friend of mine”, she replies, and you find yourself beaming back at her, her cheerfulness contagious. “And thank you for your kind words! I always try to have Kaiyo and her family come over for as long as they can in autumn, though it’s a pity Atsumu has to leave early-”
“You’re just happy to get Kaiyo to yourself”, the man in question interjects. Ichika just turns her nose up at him.
“- And as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, I personally think the minshuku is at its best in autumn when the leaves change colour and the entire valley looks like it’s on fire. Plus, the harvest is over and we can actually relax, but Shinsuke always disagrees and says it’s best in spring for some reason.” 
“The farm is at it’s best in spring when the flowers blossom”, Kita Shinsuke pipes up, warmth evident in his eyes as he gazes at his wife. “You should come back in spring, see the farm transform into a sea of flowers in bloom.” 
Ichika laughs, curling an arm around her husband’s lean waist. “We’re both biased in our own ways. I love the farm in fall because that when I first visited the farm - at Kaiyo’s suggestion, no less - and promptly fell in love with my wonderful husband right here - ” Kita promptly turns so red in embarrassment, you wonder if he’s impersonating a traffic sign though he just pulls his wife closer, shaking his head with exasperation - “Whereas he’s a romantic and loves spring best ‘cos that’s when we got married, right Shin?” 
 Kita sighs but answers stoically - “that’s right, dear heart.”
Even though he’s clearly embarrassed, the look of open affection is clear to see. Then they catch each other’s eye and oh - the magical glimmer of lovelight in their eyes, like fireflies on a summer’s night, makes your heart wrench. 
“Oi! ‘Chika, she’s gonna keel over from the journey, can you stop mooning over your husband -” 
“Miya Osamu, I swear you’re becoming more and more like your idiot brother - ”
You’re ushered into your room, alone yet overcrowded with your thoughts. You should unpack, take a breather and maybe take a shower before offering some help to prepare dinner. Surely with so many people on the farm they’ll definitely need help with food and it’s really the least you can do. But as you’re about to leave your room you hear a clatter of something clearly metallic outside your door. 
“What on earth - Osamu, did you actually bring your own knives? Do you actually think Granny’s gonna let you anywhere near her kitchen, at least tonight - ”
Miya Osamu clearly shares the same thought as you. 
“C’mon, ‘Chika”, you hear Osamu grumble as you emerge from your room. “Let me cook for y’all so I don’t feel so much like a damned parasite - ”
“Absolutely not”, your hostess declares with the manner of an offended kitten. “You’re here for a holiday, which you hardly ever take for yourself, I know that ‘cos Kaiyo always complains that you work too hard.” 
“Then what am I supposed to do?” he says mournfully, arms full of sharp knives but still managing to look like a lost child. You find it absolutely adorable.  
(put that thought on ice) 
Ichika’s mouth stretches wide into a cheshire grin, turning to address you, the unwitting collateral damage in their exchange. “It’s your first time visiting Asago right? That means you’ve not had the chance to see the Takeda castle ruins, and it’s the perfect time to see it in the fall. ‘Samu will bring you, won’t he?” 
Osamu just glares as if she’s mortally insulted him. 
“It’s okay, I can just stay here and explore the farm”, you demur, but Ichika starts chattering a mile a minute about how everyone else is occupied - the children at the duck pond, Kaiyo disappearing with Atsumu to make out somewhere in the fields (it’s like they actively want to be caught by Shinsuke or something), she and her husband busy with some chores - so Osamu’s the best guide for you, since Granny and I’ll be cooking dinner, he’ll have nothing to do. She doesn’t take no for an answer, something she shares with Kaiyo in common, shooing you off in the direction of the truck, tossing the keys at Osamu’s head which he catches with well honed reflexes, grumbling under his breath. 
“Don’t fall off the mountain!” she calls cheerfully. “But if you do - Osamu, you better carry her back home!” 
Osamu just mutters something about how she’s in cahoots with Kaiyo, but gallantly opens the truck door, helping you in. “You wanna see the castle then?”, he asks, revving the engine, reversing out onto the road for the second time today. 
“I don’t need to”, you reply. “I don’t know what’s around here. I mean - we can do anything you want, I really don’t mind.” 
“It’s not about what I want”, he says, patient as ever. “I grew up around here, been dragged up the castle more times than I care to count. It’s kinda nice ‘specially around sunset. We can go there if you want.” 
You imagine Osamu as a young boy, one half of a ragtag duo with Atsumu, dirt smudged on his cheeks, scuffed up knees, more considerate than his loud mouthed brother, the reasonable, responsible Miya twin. 
“Would you bring me around to your favourite places around here?” you ask meekly. 
His forehead puckers in confusion. “My favourite places?” he echoes. “I grew up in Tooyoka, it’s about forty minutes drive away. You sure you wanna visit it? It’s just another sleepy town y’know? Great onsens around the area, but it’s pretty quiet.” 
“I’m just curious” you say without offering any further explanation, expecting him to laugh at your odd request but he glances at you, wordlessly confirming that you’re serious before turning the truck northwards, slicing through the mountains, following the road towards the sea. 
As he drives, he offers you snippets of stories, how impressed he was that Kita Shinsuke used to cycle an hour through the mountains just to get to high school and was not only punctual, but always the first one to arrive for morning practice, almost always before dawn, and how Atsumu, in contrast, could never wake up for anything except for volleyball practice, leaving you in stitches as Osamu mimics his brother yelling at him for letting him oversleep as passes the bus stop where the twins used to wait for the bus to school. 
“Don’t you want to stop to say hi to your parents?” 
“Nah, you asked for my favourite places, right? C’mon, don’t look at me like that”, he chortles, carefully parking the truck before leading you down a row of shophouses, stopping in front of a soba noodle shop. The proprietress bursts into a wrinkled smile when she recognises him through thick glasses and marvels over how handsome he’s grown. 
 (you find yourself agreeing with her) 
“I should’ve known your favourite places would revolve around food.”
“You make me sound like a terrible son. C’mon, food first - I’ll visit them later in the week before ‘Tsumu leaves for practice. We had an early lunch, now it’s time for tea”, Osamu argues, ordering two steaming bowls of soba noodles, topped with freshly grated ginger, crisp spring onions and perfectly golden tempura bits. 
“Plus, it’s life changing. It’ll teach you the meaning of happiness.”
“Life changing, huh?” you tease, but your eyes widen dramatically as you take your first slurp of noodles. Handmade buckwheat noodles, grown in fresh soil and water, piping hot soup laden with savoury comfort. It feels like a warm hug from a doting grandma or the feel of a sweater fresh out of the dryer, and if you have to eat your words for doubting him in the first place - well, Osamu just grins and orders another bowl for sharing and doesn’t rub it in. 
He pronounces the ice cream he drags you to life-changing as well, narrating how he’d stop by without fail after elementary school, leaning his bicycle against the preposterously ugly cow statue they have in front, ordering two scoops of ice cream at least- cycling through all the freshly made flavours. In homage to the season, he orders kuri, jewelled chestnuts in the pale yellow scoop, along with a blend of satsumaimo, the vibrant purple of the sweet potato twirling around swirls of creamy vanilla. In between licks of the ice cream which he so generously let you hold, he tells you about how he’d wander up and down the food street, trying their wares, figuring out what he liked about each and everyone of their offerings, experimenting in his parents’ kitchen on the weekends even though his grandma disapproved. 
“We all hate that all witch”, he says matter of factly, as he leads you down the street. “So it’s karma that I’m doing the exact thing she used to scold my ma for.” He switches to a nasal whine - “How could you let your son be in the kitchen, it’s a woman’s job - “, then he deadpans - “well, my ma and I would make onigiris together anyway to bring over to my grandma - I used to wonder what the odds are of her chokin’ on one, but you know what they say, evil just doesn’t seem to die - ”
“Miya Osamu!” you say severely. 
He just snorts. “She’s alive and kickin’, so don’t get all huffy on me right now.” 
You reach the edge of a park. “So you sell onigiris just to spite your grandma”, you muse as you sit on a swing. 
He takes a seat next to you, kicking up sand as he builds momentum. 
“Nah, it’s cos’ they appeal to a wide segment of society and I’m raking in money from low margins”, he deadpans as you roll your eyes at the nonsense he’s sprouting from his mouth. “Hey! I gotta use the business school jargon I learnt so I don’t waste the term I spent there before droppin’ out.” 
“Sure”, you say. “Not ‘cos you have a soft heart and want to make as many people as happy as possible, with life-changing onigiris -”
“My life mission has been found out”, he replies, drolly twisting his mouth, before you both collapse in mirth, the clear afternoon air ringing with your shared laughter. Your belly aches so much from the combination of too much food and laughter that you’re almost too distracted to hear his next words, whistling in the wind. 
“At least - I hope they make people happy”, he says, staring far away as if he’s able to peer through time and space back into each of his little restaurants if he peers past the horizon. “My onigiris, that is”, he adds, as if there’s any need to clarify what he means. “I think they do. That’s all I set out to do in this life.”
You think of his restaurants, filled to the brim with hungry patrons leaving content at the end of a hearty meal. His onigiris, stuffed with handmade fillings, lovingly made with fresh ingredients, each a palmful of rice squeezed loosely thrice, roughly the size of a heart. Simple yet deeply satisfying, the sort of food one eats regularly both for sustenance and comfort. 
“They do”, you announce to your audience of one who just looks at you, bemused. 
“I’m glad you think so.”
“Well - I mean - ”, you fumble, because you should qualify your statement, stealing a few beats to formulate a response by tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. Suddenly, you’re shy because perhaps you’ve spoken out of turn, you’ve never professed to be the best at reading people so you’re not exactly best placed to make hasty generalisations about his customers. “Your onigiris”, you parrot his own words back at him, as if there were any doubt what you were referring to.  
“They make me happy. They do.”
Then you glance up almost furtively at him, worried that you’ve overstepped. You’re - yes he’s said you’re his friend - but there’s almost something too personal about declaring that the fruit of the craft he’s devoted his entire life to is a source of joy to you. Perhaps it comes off as a little creepy, perhaps he’s going to think you’re rude. 
But he looks at you, gaze steady. “I’m glad”, he says simply. 
The coil of anxiety tightening in your chest loosens. You hesitate but his open expression doesn’t falter, so you allow your mouth to fall open into a smile.  
There’s a gradual build up of children in the park, some even waiting around you - swings are hot property and school just let out for these kids, he explains, as you take his hand, letting him help you out of your seat. He guides you along a well worn path - ‘Tsumu and I used to play tag there, he points to a muddy field as you shudder in sympathy for the state of his parents’ floor, we nearly drowned catching frogs here, he points to a clear stream, water burbling a merry song. 
Tori gates flare scarlet in the distance, framing steps cut into the hill. “C’mon”, he urges when your pace slackens. “We won’t make it to the peak in Takeda, but I think this is a pretty decent substitute. Just in time for sunset too.”
You obediently follow him up the steps even though your thighs burn, unused to the exertion. When you reach the peak, he grabs hold to the back of your top, the fabric tethering you to him. 
“I’m under orders not to let you fall off the edge”, he says in response to your questioning glance, clearing a space for you to sprawl out on the grass. 
You don’t point out that there are barriers ring-fencing you from toppling over. Besides, the peak of this little hill is hardly anything to speak off, barely overlooking the sleepy town stretching into the sea. Instead, you listen to his recounting of how Ichika and Shinsuke’s ill-fated hike up the mountain the ruins of Takeda castle, gasping when Ichika tumbles off the peak (she was too distracted lookin’ at Shinsuke to watch her footing), cooing when Kita Shinsuke carries her on his back to find their way back towards the farm (she sprained her ankle, but I think she still enjoyed that hike). 
“What a nice romance”, you sigh.
“I guess”, Osamu says with a nonchalant shrug.  
He scoffs when you ask him teasingly if he ever brought a sweetheart or two up here in his youth. “They all flocked to ‘Tsumu, not me”, he says, without a hint of resentment. “Not that I had too much interest, t’was too wrapped up in volleyball in high school. And I guess it didn’t make sense for me to date then, my pocket money’s better spent on food for myself.”
“And now?” you ask. For some reason, your heart crawls its way up your throat, leaving a burning sensation behind. 
“Now? I’m busy. Can’t be bothered”, he replies shortly. 
Again, you wonder if you’ve overstepped, if you’ve crossed the boundaries that friendships have in place (you’ve had so few of them, you wouldn’t know what’s right from wrong) but he just cracks a wry smile. “Stop starin’ at me, you’re here to watch the sunset.” 
Obediently, you follow his lead, tilting your face up to watch clouds gust across clear skies. You bear witness to the extinguishing of the sun’s rays, its gradual dip towards the horizon. The sky starts to darken until fiery orange and gold streaks from the sun’s farewell are all that remains of the day.
“Did you enjoy yourself today?” Osamu asks as you make your way down the hill, back through the town where the truck is parked. 
For a split second you close your eyes. You imagine another life where you grew up here in this small town between the sky and the sea. You imagine another life where you were allowed to learn how to kick your legs on the playground swings so you can arc through the air. You imagine being childhood best friends with him, accompanying him as he shyly tells each store owner that their food is oishi! when it deserves praise, following him through tori gates up to the top of the hill where you’d get him to yourself since everyone else would flock to Atsumu. You imagine another life where, on a perfect autumn day like today, you tell him that you like him. You imagine stealing a kiss from him as the sun sets. 
You choke. 
Your heart thunders against your chest, so hard that you have to press your hand against your ribs to keep steady. Blood rushes through frozen ventricles, a sudden inferno blasting your insides, gasoline churning in your gut. Your brain must have turned into ash, you’ve clearly lost all sense of logic to have such thoughts stray into your mind. You’re a walking cliche, forming a crush on the first guy who’s nice enough to befriend you. You should retreat back in your hole, bury yourself deep enough until the earth caves in and no one is around to witness your shame. 
“You ok?” Osamu asks, frowning when he doesn’t get a response from you. 
You have to avert your eyes. In the shadows of dusk, the sun leaves its mark, gold flecks in his dark eyes. You need to take a step back, regroup and figure out what’s your next step. 
“Yeah”, you manage to say, your mouth bone-dry. “I’m fine. I - I enjoyed myself today. Thank you.” 
His lips curve into a smile. “I’m glad”, he replies. 
Sparks fly. Fire burns in the night sky. 
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note: a little early, and i hope you enjoy this chapter too! drop me an ask and let me know what you think!
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hyunsuks-beanie · 2 years
Enhypen Reaction to Another Member Letting Out a Moan When You Accidently Touch Them
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Mellow speaks: Sksksksk enjoy lmao.
Tagging: @ivyvesisi @sweethyuka @yedamology @axartia @enhacolor @hyunsuksmygod
Practicing for long hours can sometimes make you hard in the wrong place. Heeseung if fully aware of that, and he knows it's completely fine to find yourself needing some help after working hard at coming up with the best dance performance. But that does not mean he's okay with anyone, not even Jay, letting out a moan when your hand accidently runs over the tent in his pants.
Really though, all you were trying to do was pull the blanket away from his lap during movie night, annoyed by his hogging tendencies. But of course, your hand just had to slip and land smack against his crotch, rubbing across the fabric as you scrambled to move away. You weren't quick enough, however, a low but audible moan slipping past Jay's lips before he could stop himself.
And it's safe to say that Heeseung's blood is already boiling by then, his eyes trained on your form as his hand gets wrapped around your wrist, pulling you effortlessly into his lap. He stays silent, but his intentions are clear as a crystal to you when he begins slowly grinding his hips against yours, menacing threats making their way over to your ear.
Okay, so maybe Jake had a bit of an issue at hand because of dancing too hard during practice. It's completely normal, and had it been any other instance, Jay would have definitely agreed when the Aussie groaned that it would be nice to have someone lend him some help with his issue. But right now, that's literally the last thing on his mind, his mind reeling at the mere possibility of you being that someone.
You see, you hadn't really meant to cause any trouble. All you were doing was engaging in friendly banter with your boyfriend after he was done working hard for the day. It was just supposed to be a game of push-and-pull, until he accidently went too hard and caused you to almost land your face in Jake's lap while he napped on the couch. Your hand landed right on his hard-on, but since Jay knew it was his bad this time, he wasn't planning on being mad.
But that is until he heard a moan escaping the slightly younger man, his eyes still shut in sleep as his face scrunched up just a little. That was the limit for your boyfriend, your form being pulled away from Jake and out of the room the next thing you knew. Where were you headed? To certain doom, of course.
Sunoo and his porn videos. There's nothing wrong with watching it of course, especially since he's still learning the ropes. Jake used to do it too until he met you. But what's more than problematic is his tendency to cook to the weirdest of fantasies after that, needing help with more things than one after he watches a couple videos. And today was no different, his member visibly hard as he slept rather peacefully on his bed. Jake and you were just trying to wake him up for lunch, but what you didn't notice was the line sock lying on the floor.
Before you can stop yourself, you're slipping freely, finding your balance only when one of your hands comes to rest on his thigh, the other coming in contact with...what else? His crotch, his hard-on right against your palm. And as if that wasn't weird enough to both you and your boyfriend who's looking on, what you get is a moan from him in return, loud and clear.
Lunch then lies forgotten for Jake and you anyway, the other members wondering (not really) where you are as you get the fact that you belong to the Aussie and the Aussie only, drilled into the deepest parts of your mind. And it's not like you mind.
In Heeseung's defense, all he was doing was silently watch porn videos on his phone, the filthy sounds only for him to hear through his headphones. Yeah, he was watching porn in the living room, but he wasn't really disturbing anyone, right? So how is it his fault for getting just a little hard thanks to the graphics, when he wasn't acting on it in the first place? After all, it was you who had wanted to be helpful by taking the empty ramen bowl from his lap and bringing it to Jake who was doing the dishes.
And still, somehow, he's the one in the wrong for letting out a moan when your hand brushes against his member through his PJs, a look of shock on your face as you quickly back away. He's embarrassed as it is, and all that happens next only makes it get even worse, the gulp he takes in easily heard through the silence in the room.
But that's not where it ends, because just at that moment, Sunghoon makes an appearance, having seen everything from the doorframe. He doesn't say a word, instead choosing to just pull you away from the scene, taking you along with him because he doesn't want your "pretty mind to get polluted."
Being a stylist for a group of guys does being with itself some rather awkward moments, especially if all of them are hormonal young adults. And it's no different for you, something you were forced to realize once more while helping the boys get ready for their performance. It was an accident of course, but that doesn't mean you didn't feel weird when your hand ran across Sunghoon's crotch as you were fixing his outfit.
But if that wasn't enough to heat your face up, the soft sound that slipped past his lips when you did that definitely sealed the deal. Looking up to his face, you can't help but feel like you just did something you shouldn't have, and the weird smile on Sunghoon's face as his eyes meet yours don't really help your situation.
And then you hear it. Your boyfriend, Sunoo letting out a gentle cough to attract your attention, the glare that he sends the elder's way enough to scare even you. He doesn't utter a word, but somehow, you just know you're going to have a feast later (not).
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sonorousabyss · 1 year
Hi! Can I get a Star Wars MxM pairing? Here's a bit about me if it helps! I'm 5'10, I have dyed blond hair but the roots are black (my natural colour lol.). I usually wear baggy clothes, graphic tees, beanies, funky sunglasses, denim jackets, and converse- I'm also super interested in streetwear. I always have a messenger bag or tote bag on me- both of which are littered with pin badges. I love writing, especially sci-fi or fantasy scripts for films. I have a massive camera collection and I love filming and taking photos of stuff! I'm an ENFP and an Aquarius. My other hobbies include: Skateboarding, analysing film and books, decorating my room and watching video essays! Thanks! :D
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AN: I know I just did this man for someone else but the idea of you and Tech together just makes me warm and fuzzy inside, Anon! Hope you enjoy!
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I present to you, analysis nights.
No, seriously. If you want to know how you got as close as you both did? It was these, hands down.
You'd sit together in the ship, barracks, mess hall- literally anywhere and just talk- with or without his brothers around.
Tech is a bountiful source of knowledge. If he isn't aware of something, he's a few holopad touches away from finding out. And getting to share this knowledge? With someone who is JUST as passionate as he is? He's in heaven.
Film and story plot analysis? Talking about books? The Bad Batch never allows him to do this. He's chatting with you for hours over just about anything he's come across browsing the holonet. Seeing you just as engaged as he just makes him bubbly inside.
Of course, these sessions don't just consist of him talking. He's sitting next to or across from you, nodding intently as he processes everything you're telling him for minutes to hours at a time.
If you aren't just info dumping to each other over stuff that one of you has heard about and the other hasn't? It's a seemingly endless back-and-forth exchange of ideas and opinions.
As much as you enjoy this time together... the boys know to stay away. Wrecker, Crosshair, Echo, and Hunter know it's time to give you both some privacy as soon as one of you starts piping up about one of your special interests. It's not intentionally spiteful, per se, it's just that when both of you pick up and get going? Getting a word in edgewise is difficult. Especially considering they can't always follow along.
While they're walking away after the first few discussions, they place bets on how long it'll take for you both to realize you have chemistry- if you haven't already, that is.
You can thank Crosshair and Wrecker for this. It wasn't long before everyone committed credits to the pot, though.
Tech finds your style of dress both endearing and interesting- especially when it comes to streetwear and such. There was one occasion where he just sat there analyzing your tote bag, pointing at the individual pins and asking what each of them mean. He makes sure to keep up with any new ones he discovers, and has even brought you some between missions.
I present to you Tech and yourself sitting on his bunk, watching films and video essays on your holopad.
Tech watching you skateboard so easily back at base, a look of mild distrust on his face as he eyes your board- the likes of which you happen to be offering to him with an audible offer to "teach" him how to use it.
Seeing videos of how to do it and doing it yourself are two very different things, he finds that day, as he sits on his ass with Crosshair and the rest of the batch unceremoniously laughing their asses off by the ship.
They wish they could've caught that wipeout on camera, and I'm not convinced at least one of them secretly has.
Tech helping bleach your hair in the washroom as you write scripts on your holopad or scroll through the photos you've taken on your camera, occasionally lifting it up for him to analyze when you find a picture you particularly like.
Tech helping you write by acting as an editor/beta reader for any pieces you're willing to share with him.
Tech seeming particularly shifty one week as he goes about business elsewhere, deliberately avoiding contact with you because it's a well-known fact that he's horrible at lying.
You go about your day mildly concerned at seeing him scurry away into his ship or random rooms to avoid you, only to head back to your room to crash for the night, utterly exhausted.
When you get there, you find a red and black beanie with a skull and holopad emblazoned on the rim resting on your bed with an apology note from Tech, explaining that he'd been attempting to get this as a gift and didn't want to spoil the surprise.
Turns out he wasn't upset he was just being a sappy lover.
Oh- Crosshair won that bet by the way. The others groaned as they paid up while you walked into the ship hand in hand, and Tech looked rather perturbed as they did so. Crosshair just smirked.
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AN: Sorry this was a bit on the shorter side, but honestly this is one of the cutest things I've mulled over in a hot minute. Hope you enjoyed! May the force be with you, and may your day be as pleasant as the ocean's abyss is deep.
For those who are new here, I take requests. You can find my rules here.
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years
a little hookhausen prompt for you: i’ve seen a lot of talk about hook being the one to save danhausen now that he’s extra evil…but what if danhausen lures hook to the other side, instead? what would evil hook be like? :-)
(this one was hard because i literally have the image in my head and i can't do it justice but let's pretend this is as good as seeing it LOL)
Listen, the guy had always been weird. He'd always been a little off, a little sideways, and they had always just let it go, gone with it, because it seemed so harmless. He seemed so harmless. Until, very suddenly, he wasn't.
And sometimes Trent feels bad about that, feels guilty about the way everything went down. Danhausen just...went too far, you know? And even if Orange kept insisting he wasn't evil, there really wasn't any other way to take the spikes and the teeth.
Ugh, especially the teeth.
Of course there was going to be fallback. Of course, Danhausen was going to want to get revenge. The guy was essentially living off revenge at this point: he'd systematically made his way through every person that had ever wronged him. Trent knew their number would be coming. They'd cut the cords of friendship, it was only a matter of time.
Danhausen sends one of those videos, those montages in black and white, the ones with static overlaying everything else. Challenges the Best Friends to a tag match.
There's not really any way to say no, and Chuck points out that Danhausen is pretty much acting alone, nowadays. He doesn't have a partner. Likely the only way he could get both of them was the tag match, and he'll just bust in alone with his spikes and teeth and ghoulish music, and they'll have to deal with it.
Trent doesn't like it, but what else is new?
So they go out. They hype up. They get ready to face someone that used to be a friend, and Trent tells himself that it's not their fault. Danhausen was the one who went all creepy, all wrong.
Two against one. They'll be fine.
And Danhausen does just what Trent expected: walks in with that new black coat, the new menacing face paint. Carries the spike, the teeth--his shoulders straighter than Trent can ever remember seeing them. It feels a little bad. Trent feels a little guilty. Still, he's not going to lose. They aren't going to lose, not against Danhausen alone.
Actually, they do pretty well at first. Even with his new darkness, it's hard to get a handle on two opponents at the same time. And Trent and Chuck have worked together for so long they can largely guess what the other will do, read each other's movements easily. They move quicker because they don't waste time with questions or gestures, they just go.
Chuck crowds Danhausen against the ropes, slams him with a few good shots, gets his arms wrapped and thunders him over backwards. It knocks Danhausen loopy enough that he drops the spike; a relief.
Trent's halfway across the ring before he realizes there's someone else on there with them. He hadn't noticed, or maybe it had been so quick? Doesn't matter. He spins, and his fist gets grabbed wholesale. He stops, momentum abruptly devoured. Looks up. Gapes.
Hook, sporting black diamonds painted around his eyes like some kind of fallen angel. Shit.
On the other side of the ring, Chuck cries out. A thud, then...quiet.
Trent's knuckles burn as Hook squeezes.
"Should change your name," Hook says, leaning in a bit.
"What?" Trent gasps.
"To the Worst Friends." Hook grins. It's fucking terrifying.
Then Trent has about one second to inhale sharply, fill his lungs halfway, before Hook raises his other fist, and--
Lights out.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Do you think sometimes people take the ‘jealous!harry’ ‘jealouslouis!’ A bit too literally? Like I’m sure in the grand scheme of things a 17 year old boy knows Liam play fighting with a Louis or joking around/putting his arm around him isn’t the end of the world, especially when it was still early enough Harry and Louis could still publicly interact. He’s not actually plotting to shoot Liam with his laser beam eyes lol. I think I just mean more like people will see Harry glance at Louis talking to Liam and look away and it’s like ‘omggg he’s so jealous’ incorporated into a slow mo ‘evidence’ video so sometimes it makes us come across like 13 year old naive fangirls. Maybe I’m just being a cyanic I know some people do just like to play it up for fun but I do wonder if some people really think anything like that =jealousy at it’s finest
But then again this is 2 lovestruck teens in love and everything was such a big deal and end of the world back then so they probably were and just are jealous little bfs
I personally think Harry and Louis are indeed quite jealous or can at least show annoyance when the other is affectionate with someone else in public (when it can’t be them) or they might even do it on purpose. Let me give you examples.
Harry’s face watching Zouis vibing practically says “it’s not that funny Zayn”. He looks like he’s moping. Maybe not jealous but feeling left out.
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Or here, you can see Louis catch Harry rubbing Liam’s ear lobe and he can’t even stop his “Do me a favor?!?!??” on TV. Harry knows what’s up. There’s tension. Is it jealousy? General annoyance about Harry getting cheeky with Liam? Not sure. But it’s there.
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On the other hand, I agree that people blow moments out of proportion to produce their Jealous!Louis or Jealous!Harry meme and then suddenly it turns into a fact.
For instance, when Harry death stares at James it started as a joke that Harry was jealous. It was just a funny meme. Because obviously Harry just tries to compose himself here for the “scene” but also tries holding back a smile. There’s no jealousy involved. I think Harry was very proud actually and tried to contain his fond.
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So my general stance is that their situation is extremely unique and everything you and I find to be an appropriate reaction, an appropriate feeling towards a partner, doesn’t necessarily apply to them.
Louis and Harry have displayed great possessiveness towards each other very early on. Yes, they cuddled with everyone in the band, but these two were… intense. They constantly tried to reassure each other when in public, knowing they have to pretend they are just friends.
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And when they were restrained from doing that these two went as far as to get complimentary tattoos amidst of Haylor. Was it driven by jealousy? Heartache? Yearning? Insecurity? Who knows, but they did it. And they did it again. And again.
So what I’m saying is, I wouldn’t have gotten a couple’s tattoo with my boyfriend at 19. My mother would have shaken me. I wouldn’t get all flustered when my boyfriend got cuddly with the other lads who I know are like brothers to him. I wouldn’t get weird because my boyfriend held the hand of said bro during an interview.
But then again, I wasn’t closeted. I wasn’t deeply in love with someone in a band that I was also part of. Whose hand I wasn’t allowed to grab anytime. I wasn’t asked to fake date older people to keep the tabloids interested. I didn’t have to watch my boyfriend hold hands with another woman and say that’s his girlfriend when it was actually me. I didn’t have to watch my boyfriend deny any rumors of us being in love when he told me exactly that just backstage.
So hell, what do I know if we read into things too much and we are looking stupid or if Louis and Harry are indeed overly dramatic in every aspect to cope with the overly dramatic situation their hearts were put through since they were teenagers. I do think they’ve gotten better in reassuring one another over the years, else a long distance relationship wouldn’t survive.
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nocturne-side-blog · 1 year
I am going to start by saying I apologize for the rant I am about to go on, but I don't want Ganon to be redeemed in Tears of the Kingdom
As we slowly get closer to May 12, a surprising amount of people really want Ganondorf to have a change of heart and fight by the hero's side in ToTK. This genuinely surprises me. Here are my thoughts on the matter (despite the fact no one asked):
Let's get the elephant in the room out of the way. His tear, which replaced the gem on his forehead. We know he does not have this initially, so it somehow had to have ended up there. The bigger stretch of an explanation is that someone else put it there as an attempt to remove his dark power from him. But the more likely explanation? He stole it. Perhaps as an attempt to take control of its power. It will be the last year that must be gathered, but he snatches it first; and it may just be the mistake that later comes back to bite him. We've seen Ganondorf use weapons of "good" before, such as the sword of the Sages that he steals after his failed execution in Twilight Princess.
I love the idea that they show the human side of Ganondorf. It would give him so much more depth to see that perhaps he's grown tired of the cycle, but what would make it hurt more for the audience is seeing him force the cycle on by his own actions of revenge anyway. It would be much more interesting to watch Ganondorf break himself down, claiming to be a suffering man at the hands of fate, when in truth he is the one keeping it going. He was quite literally a walking corpse when Link and Zelda found him. Even if he were to realize it at the end, it seems more in character for him to only do one "good" deed, and it's to free himself.
Taking another route, perhaps Ganondorf would rather be driven insane by embracing his role in Demise's Curse. His Phantom, Calamity Ganon, is bent only on making Hyrule suffer. I wouldn't be surprised if, at this rate, all he wants is for the world to suffer. Especially now that he knows that, tragically, it's his destiny (even though Twinrova would've raised him to be kinda messed up even without the curse in play).
He doesn't deserve it. Look, I am all for redemption arcs. They're one of my favorite tropes ever. But saying Ganondorf deserves a full on redemption arc; as in, him getting to be forgiven or let off without consequences just because he's "good now"? It's unfair to every incarnation of the spirit of the Hero and the blood of the goddess that we've seen. More than that, it's unfair to Hyrule across time. It is no question that Ganondorf has killed hundreds of people. It could be even more. I hate to say it, but in the storyline of a video game, a "redemption" for that just won't work. I kind of see it how I see the redemptions of the Diamonds in Steven Universe. Besides, if Ganondorf at this point could be redeemed, then what about other villains who did less? Take Vaati, who was more than likely a child in The Minish Cap and felt like he could never live up to Ezlo? Or Ghirahim, who- like Fi- was created to be a servant with no other choice or knowledge of another route. Neither can simply walk away from their actions, but they certainly have a better blueprint for a slow redemption arc.
Nintendo probably wouldn't go that direction anyway. Let's face it, Nintendo is kind of obsessed with keeping their storylines (if they even have any) under a specific formula. While TLoZ always gives interesting spins and twists on traditional fantasy, they also are usually operating by a good vs evil formula. If they intend for a character to change, such as Byrne, it's usually not until the last second of screentime. You know, when they can't be used for a boss fight anymore.
Ganondorf as a villain is SO COOL in the context for ToTK. Even if you're tired of Ganondorf being the villain in general, you got to admit that in concept he's already a fantastic starting point for a villain. Think about it: he has been sealed away for 10,000 years. Ganondorf no longer even has the Triforce of Power, and he's still holding on to the point of being a corpse that releases it's fury in the shape of kingdom-destroying monsters. After thousands of years (even before the first Calamity) of rising again and again to fight the same battle with no end, the embodiment of Demise's Curse finally revitalizes itself when it seems that the long war is over. No matter how tired he may be, or who has to suffer, he will destroy Hyrule in honor of himself. He will leave no survivors.
tl;dr just because he looks awesome doesn't mean he's gonna start fighting demise
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charleslebatman · 1 year
So as it turns out, I forgot to add some things into the first list, so you can say I saved the best for the last (hopefully). So buckle up besties, the funniest and most mind boggling stuff is about to be listed!
After the Thursday Monaco GP soft launch, Alexa appears to be checking out her fan pages, even without being tagged
Anthoine appears to be doing the same
People that were in the Monaco GP paddock (questionable) appeared on some insta gossip pages claiming she said she “can’t take pictures with them” BUT then she proceeded to pose for a photographer that doesn’t usually post wags (I will send links when I find them besties)
Apropos photographers: can’t not include creepy Kym. In his Monaco GP video he put in a picture of Alexa but blacked out, and it is clear that she appears to be posing
Creepy Kym vol. 2: later this week people realised he is following her PRIVATE account and she is following him back. Now besties, a little thing that you might come across regarding this, as the Alexa fan crew is working almost as hard as the KP army (they are smaller in numbers but they make up for it with viciousness on anonymous asks on instagram I guess):
Not allowing Kym to follow would not mean she is angering someone in Charles’ workplace. His workplace is literally Ferrari and the track and car, and Kym is by no means any offendable part of it.
The fact that she met him doesn’t mean she has to allow him to follow her obviously private personal account and
IF she wanted to stay so private, she could just ignore his follow request as he is known social leech that uses wags to get engagement on his content (question for people who enjoy critical thinking: what if she followed him first?)
And once again, later this week and once again, the creepy Kym made appearances with no other than Alexa on pictures from Monaco GP where they appear to be deep in conversation. Definitely not weird at all…
6. The brand that created the white dress (still not over the whole day wearing eeeew nasty) is now apparently using the video of her walking in the paddock/somewhere else on their social media (probably TikTok, I don’t have it and won’t make it just to be check out the gossip) - is she already collaborating with a brand? (Fun fact, today on LeMans she seems to be wearing the same brand but other dress, and I understand having a fave brand but again, this is a bit suspicious)
So now, what do you all think? 👀
With love (and anger at tumblr for deleting the prev ask), 🦁
You've made it once again, bestie! 🦁❤️ God, blessing her right now 😭🙏
Tumblr media
3. People that were in the Monaco
GP paddock (questionable) appeared on some insta gossip pages claiming she said she "can't take pictures with them" BUT then she proceeded to pose for a photographer that doesn't usually post wags (I will send links when I find them besties)
-> this bestie I never realised that 👀
6. The brand that created the white dress (still not over the whole day wearing eeeew nasty) is now apparently using the video of her walking in the paddock/somewhere else on their social media (probably TikTok, I don't have it and won't make it just to be check out the gossip) - is she already collaborating with a brand?
(Fun fact, today on LeMans she seems to be wearing the same brand but other dress, and I understand having a fave brand but again, this is a bit suspicious)
-> If what you’re saying is true, I would appreciate that a bestie find a link.
For the following drama, real question: precisely because her account is private, for the follow to be seen, she's not supposed to have accepted the invitation?
It seems to me that without having accepted the invitation, with a private account, others can't see the follow. Maybe I'm wrong, please correct me directly if I'm wrong.
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