#but thank you for the kind words!! Im always genuinely surprised if someone says they enjoy my work!!
milksnake-tea · 2 months
Hi hi hii!
May I have 2, 4, and 7 with Aventurine for the ask game? Have a nice day!
This man has a strong chokehold on me-
- 🪽
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nah bro i totally get you that damn blonde im telling you .... him and his little >:3 are permanently etched into my brain .... THANKS FOR THE ASK !!! <3
2. What do you think their love language is?
My first thought was initially words of affirmation or acts of service, but now that I'm thinking about it, I think Aventurine would be a sucker for physical touch. The thing is, I personally believe that Aventurine is heavily touched starved, and a huge part of it is self-inflicted. There have been many times where he wanted to hold your hand, or lean onto your shoulder, or just have his hair played with, but he holds himself back because 1.) it's unprofessional and 2.) does he really want to deal with the implications of his actions? Even with friends (or the closest things he has to friends), he wants to be physically close to them, but he doesn't let himself be. The first time you held his hand, he stiffened like a block of wood. When you hugged him, and held him in his arms, he didn't know how to react - but it wasn't long until he closed his eyes and let himself slump against you.
4. What's an unpopular opinion you have?
i cant believe i have to say this BUT HE IS NOT A WHORE !!!!! Can he be clingy? Yes !! Can he be intentionally irritating and annoying? Yes !!! Can he come across as flirty? ABSOLUTELY. But what he isn't is someone who gives himself away at the drop of a hat. Intimacy and companionship, whether platonic or romantic, is something he desires, absolutely. But that doesn't mean he'll give it to just anyone. He has to respect you, he has to like you, he has to know you inside and out to ensure that you won't take advantage of his vulnerability.
I acknowledge that Aventurine often invites people to stab him in the back, but he does it with the prior knowledge that they'd likely do it, so he isn't surprised about it. But when it comes to true companions, not the "friends" he collects like chips, he needs to be able to trust you in all of your entirety. Yes, he has a very low view of himself, but it's not to the degree where he'd willingly use his body in that way to get what he wants.
7. What kind of person do you think Aventurine wants in a relationship?
The real question is whether or not he'll allow himself the liberty of getting into a relationship in the first place. But if I'm going to be honest, I see Aventurine as someone who values honesty and self-reliance, and admires those who are true to themselves and their ideals despite it all (example: Topaz and Dr. Ratio, both of whom he respects and admires as colleagues). So when it comes to being in a relationship, he doesn't want to stress himself out with the mind games; banter, sure, but he doesn't need another person to tip toe around.
Aventurine would want someone who isn't afraid to ask for what they want, or tell him off when he needs to be, yet is genuine, kind and earnest. He also would want someone who could at least take care of themself - as harsh as it sounds, he can't always be there to protect you, and he needs to know that you'll be okay even if he isn't there (also because he finds strength, both intellectual and physical, to be pretty attractive).
It's kind of sad, though. The kind of people Aventurine finds himself attracted to are often the type who end up disliking him.
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2k follower event if you want to participate !!!
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dontyouworrydaddy · 11 months
Can you please do 141 where the reader and them are talking about there Highschool years and like “I would have dated you in high school “ type thing THEN they see a pic of reader in high school (prom,first day,or any thing for that time) SHES FINE FINE like imagine 90s type vibe, then they remember what they looked like in that same year and they say back “ IM glad u didn’t meet me then cause u would have no interest “ AND SHES STILL FINE FINE where they think it’s a recent photo!
idk know what I’m doing I just got an idea and your my favorite writer so I wanted to let you know!!!!
YOU ARE LOVED!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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thᥱ most bᥱᥲᥙtιfᥙᥣ ᥕomᥲᥒ ιᥒ thᥱ ᥕorᥣd
Task Force 141 + fem! reader
I ABSOLUTELY love this idea!!!! Like as soon as they see your pictures they‘re like "damn. I‘m glad we didn’t meet back then because she would definitely reject me and on top of that probably make fun of me." I‘m sorry but especially with Soap😭 This dude probably had the craziest hair back then (he still has but we love him for it).
Also I‘m so thankful for your kind words🥺🥺 They really mean so much to me and you just lighten up my entire day<33 I wish I could hug you right now☹️ Remember that you’re also always loved by someone and MEEE🫶🏻🫶🏻💘💘
Thank you really so so much 🌸💕💕
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
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Simon Riley
It was a quiet evening at the your apartment . Simon found himself reminiscing about your high school years. As the conversation flowed, nostalgia filled the air.
"You know, Y/N, if we had met in high school, I would have totally dated you." Simon said with a playful smirk, leaning back against the wall.
You chuckled, a blush creeping onto your cheeks. "Oh, really? And why is that?"
Simon's gaze turned thoughtful as he recalled those distant memories. "Well, you are always confident and stunning. I would have been a nervous wreck around you."
Grinning, you teased, "Are you saying you weren't attractive back then?"
Simon chuckled, running a hand through his dark hair. "Let's just say my teenage years weren't my finest hour. I had an awkward sense of fashion, let’s not talk about my hair... Definitely not the smooth operator you see in front of you today."
Curiosity piqued, you both began reminiscing about those high school days. Simon had a mischievous idea and suggested pulling out old photo albums to see just how different you both were.
Rummaging through the dusty boxes, you stumbled upon a photo of your younger self. It was a picture from prom, in your beautiful dress. You were radiant, your smile lighting up the frame. Simon's eyes widened as he took in the sight.
"Damn, Y/N, you were fine then, and you're still fine now!" he exclaimed, feigning surprise.
You laughed, not realizing his little trick. "Well, thank you, Simon. I try my best."
Simon's expression shifted, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "You know, seeing this picture reminds me of why I'm glad we didn't meet back then. I don't think I would have stood a chance with you. You would've rejected me in a heartbeat."
Your smile softened as you leaned in closer. "Simon, you underestimate yourself. I would have seen the incredible person you were, braces and all. It's the person you are inside that truly matters."
Simon's eyes locked with yours, and a genuine smile graced his face. The air was filled with a sense of camaraderie as you both laughed at the absurdity of it all.
As the evening came to a close, Simon made a decision. He carefully tucked the photo of your younger self into his pocket, a keepsake of a moment he cherished. You remained unaware of this little secret, but somehow, deep down, you felt that this memory would always be a part of your bond.
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John MacTavish
It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and John and you were lounging on the couch, flipping through old photo albums. The nostalgic memories flooded your minds as you reminisced about your high school years. The room was filled with laughter and teasing as you playfully pointed out your younger selves in various snapshots.
John looked at a picture of you, radiating confidence in a stunning prom dress. He couldn't help but stare in awe, captivated by your beauty and timeless charm. With a grin, you turned to him and said "You know, John, I would have totally dated you in high school."
John's eyes widened in surprise, his heart skipping a beat at your words. He never expected you to make such a bold statement. "Really?" he asked, a mix of curiosity and disbelief in his voice.
You nodded, a mischievous glint in your eyes. "Oh, absolutely. You are the mysterious and brooding type. I was drawn to that kind of intensity back then."
A flicker of doubt crossed John's face as he remembered his own high school years. "I'm glad you didn't meet me then" he said, his voice tinged with self-deprecation. "I had this crazy hair phase, and trust me, you would have immediately rejected me."
You chuckled, playfully swatting his arm. "Come on, John. Show me that picture. I'm sure it couldn't have been that bad."
John hesitated for a moment, then reached for another album. He turned to a page and revealed a photograph of himself, his hair styled in an over-the-top, eccentric manner that seemed to defy gravity. His expression was a mixture of embarrassment and amusement as he looked at his younger self.
You burst into uncontrollable laughter, clutching your stomach. Tears formed at the corners of your eyes as you struggled to compose yourself. John couldn't help but join in, the embarrassment fading as he found joy in sharing this memory with you.
Once the laughter subsided, you looked at him with a smile. "John, you have no idea how much I would have loved to meet that version of you. That hairstyle is absolutely cute!"
John's face softened, his heart swelling with affection for you. "You're incredible, you know that?" he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "Even if I looked like a total goofball, you would still find a way to make me feel special."
You reached out and took his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. "That's because I've always seen the amazing person you are, regardless of how you looked or what hairstyle you had."
John leaned in and gently kissed your forehead, his love for you evident in his eyes. "I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you by my side," he whispered and kissed you on the lips.
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John Price
You and John sat side by side on the couch, flipping through an old photo album filled with memories from your high school years. The two of you had decided to take a nostalgic trip down memory lane. You couldn't help but smile as you stumbled upon a particular photograph that brought back a flood of memories.
"Oh my gosh, John, look at this!" you exclaimed, pointing to a picture of yourself at the high school prom. You were dressed in a stunning vintage dress.
John's eyes widened as he gazed at the photograph, taking in your breathtaking beauty. "Wow, you were absolutely stunning" he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "If I had known you back then, I would've also been head over heels for you."
A playful grin spread across your face. "Oh, really? So you're saying you would've dated me in high school?"
John chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "Well, I probably would've been too intimidated to ask you out. Plus, I had a weird sense of style back then. Trust me, you wouldn't have been interested."
Curiosity piqued, you leaned closer, showing him the photograph of yourself. "Well, let's see if that's true" you challenged him.
John's eyes widened even further as he looked at the picture. "Wait a minute, is this recent? You look exactly the same!"
You burst into laughter, your heart warming at his genuine surprise. "No, John, this is me in high school. That's why I said I would've dated you back then."
He let out a low whistle. "Well, damn. I definitely lucked out then."
You playfully nudged his shoulder. "Come on, John, you can't be that bad. Let me see your high school days."
John reluctantly handed you another photograph from the album, showing his younger self with a mischievous grin. He sported a rather peculiar outfit that seemed to be a mixture of different styles. It was elegant and had a touch of cowboy style, mixed…
You burst into laughter once again, unable to contain yourself. "Oh, John! I can't believe this was your fashion sense back then."
He smirked, looking slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, I had a bit of a weird phase. Trust me, if we had met during those years, I would've been instantly rejected."
You shook your head, still laughing. "Oh, John, you have no idea. Even with that fashion sense, I would've been all over you."
His eyes sparkled with affection as he pulled you into a tight embrace. "Well, I'm glad we met when we did, then. I wouldn't change a thing about how we found each other."
You smiled, savoring the warmth of his embrace. "Me neither, John. We're perfect for each other, weird fashion choices and all."
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Kyle Garrick
Kyle and you sat side by side on the couch, surrounded by photo albums from your high school days. You decided to take a trip down memories from back then together. As you flipped through the pages, looking at the good old times, you stumbled upon a photo of yourself from prom night.
"Oh, wow!" You exclaimed, holding up the photo for Kyle to see. "Look at me back then. I can't believe how much has changed."
Kyle's eyes widened as he took in the sight of you in your beautiful prom dress, radiating a timeless beauty. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret as he thought back to his own high school days.
"I would have dated you in high school" you mused, oblivious to the effect the photo had on Kyle. "You're such a great guy, I would have definitely dated you."
A small smile played at the corners of Kyle's lips as he stared at you, captivated by your words. "Thank you love, but believe me, you're better off not having met me back then. I was a total nerd."
You furrowed your brows in confusion. "What are you talking about? I‘m sure you were cute."
Kyle's expression turned pensive as he reached for another photo album and opened it to a picture of himself from the same year as your prom. His hair was a mess, his glasses too big for his face, and his clothes screamed "geek."
"See?" Kyle pointed to his photo, his voice laced with self-deprecating humor. "I was a freak. If we had met in high school, I would've been immediately rejected. You would've never given me a second glance."
Your eyes widened in surprise, and then you burst into laughter, shaking your head. "Baby stop. You look adorable!!"
He blinked, unable to comprehend your words. "Wait, what?"
"I'm serious!" You continued to laugh, your heart swelling with affection for the man beside you. "You're looking at this picture like it's some embarrassing relic, but all I see is the person I fell in love with. Baby Kyle looks so so cute here"
Kyle's gaze softened as he absorbed your words. The weight of his insecurities began to lift, replaced by a newfound confidence in your unwavering love. "I‘m 17 here love… not 6…"
Placing the photo album aside, you leaned in closer to Kyle, intertwining your fingers with his. "High school was just a phase, but what we have now, this incredible relationship, is what matters. I love you, Kyle Garrick, then, now, and always."
Kyle smiled, his heart overflowing with love for you. "I love you too, more than words can express."
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bbyblair · 9 months
small touches, pink cheeks pt.2
charles leclerc x f!reader 
a/n: right pt.2! hope you guys like it, this is a sloooow burn so you are all into a wild ride! thank you for all the support on part one!
summary: the start of the 2023 season, Bahrain in early march. you'd recently joined the sky team, working as a news reporter and interviewer for your beloved sport.it's your first week and a mix of nerves and anticipation swirl together in your stomach. you're giddy to finally meet who you’d be working with for the next few months… but what happens when an instant connection sparks up between the new girl and Ferrari's golden boy? 
warnings: cursing, charles being a cocky bastard. charles obsessed with reader! reader isn't sure how to feel abt him. pretty much a whirlwind of emotions and events ngl. probs non accurate f1 talk, I apologise!
word count: 2.0k
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friday, march 3rd 2023.
you were stumped, emotions swirling in your mind and you didn't know how to properly react. on one hand you were flattered that the handsome man was paying attention to you that way, but the rational side of your brain quickly shut down those thoughts and you went back to feeling angry. slightly less angry, but angry nevertheless.you watched over the video another few times, okay so maybe charles actions were not as obvious as you initially thought. this could be seen as a friendly admiration, right? 
you sigh and lean your head down onto the table, letting out a small huff of annoyance, but you could still feel the heat on your cheeks after this morning. deciding to take a break from the editing, you got up and informed your coworkers that you wanted to look a bit more around the paddock and try to familiarise yourself with the copious amount of people who worked in the ten different teams. 
it was around two hours before the free practice would start and you assumed that all of the drivers would be already discussing strategies and looking over the track details. the circuit itself was huge and swarming with fans and workers. your sky f1 id hanging from your neck proudly, and allowed you to go all around the paddock with no questions asked. 
walking past the mercedes area you had spotted toto wolff, and internally fangirled a little to yourself, having a small crush and also lots of respect for the mercedes team principal. continuing around the paddock you passed the red bull area, you couldn't say that you had a team you were vouching for per se, but the dominance of red bull did annoy you slightly, you did always love a bit of competition. 
after looking around the red bull hospitality area, your eyes landed on an extremely familiar face. Well you hadnt actually seen him in real life but you certainly had seen him on tv. none other than max verstappen. he was already wearing his fireproofs and was gripping his helmet in his hand while having a conversation with who you assumed was one of the mechanics. you were staring a little, he looked different in real life. not like the mad max the media made him out to be. 
his conversation ended and he must've felt someones eyes on him, as while the mechanic turned and left inside, max's eyes landed on yours. he quickly looked over you and you could almost see something align on his face. he shot you a wide smile and then beckoned you over. shocked, you stood there for a moment and looked around meaninglessly to see if he was motioning for someone else. sure enough there was no one else around. 
slow steps moved you over to the man and you sent him a polite smile. 
“hi, im Max. you must be the new reporter for this season. I thought i better introduce myself seeing as we will be seeing each other a lot this season.” he sent you a playful wink and chuckled a little. 
you laughed a genuine laugh and a smile spread across your face, and you were surprised by his kind attitude. 
“y/n. Its lovely to meet you max.” 
“so tell me, have you been introduced to any of the other drivers yet?.” his eyes never left yours as he spoke, his tone was sweet like honey.  “yes, this morning i actually did an interview with the ferrari boys!” you replied back eagerly. 
“ah, well I hope they were accommodating to the new girl.” he said as he pinched your shoulder lightly. “of course.” you replied curtly. 
he looked around for a moment, and in his eyes looked as if he wanted to say more, but seemingly decided against it. 
“well i best go prepare for free practice but it was a pleasure meeting you.” his dutch accent lacing his words. you smiled up at him again and nodded. “you too!” 
.┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
after your interaction with max you wandered down across the rest of the team's areas and luckily for you didn't bump into anyone else. you heard the roar of fans and assumed that free practice had begun and the drivers would be making their ways out onto the track to test their new cars for the season. you decided you better get back to work before your co workers notice your prolonged absence. 
swiftly you began walking back to the sky hq, and once you were firmly sat back at your desk you opened your laptop and began the tedious process of editing whatever the hell the interview this morning was. well hopefully the fans will enjoy it, you thought. Your co worker amilie made her way over to you with two coffees in hand and sat down next to you. she was a sweet girl, you'd only met her yesterday but she clearly took a liking to you. you were both around the same age, her being a few years older, and had some similar interests. 
“do you mind if i take a look at todays interview, the boss wants me to look over some stuff to make sure they didn't let slip anything a little too personal.” she said warmly. 
“yeah of course.. here.” you handed her the laptop, and sat there while she pressed play. heat began to rise up on your cheeks but you hoped she wouldn't notice the tension between you and charles. a few minutes into the extended clip she turned to look at you, your expression tried to be as neutral as possible, but you never did have the best poker face. 
“whats all this about then?” her words were not rude, she spoke with a girlish interest and smiled at you. 
“what?’ you replied dumbly, trying to avoid the question. 
“between you and leclerc!” 
even more blush threatened to explode on your cheeks as you sighed. shaking your head lightly. 
“I dont know what your talking about.” you tried to reply in a tone that indicated you wanted this conversation to end but she continued. 
“oh come on! he is so into you! even i am jealous. leclerc has the hots for you!” her french accent peaked through her words and how she spoke with such excitement and interest made a small smile grace your lips.
“like i said, i dont know what your talking about.” your tone this time was playful and you rolled your eyes and nudged your new friend. the conversation died there as she knew you wouldn't say anything more.
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
you two stayed there for a matter of hours. editing the interview and getting it ready to be posted online. once you were done it was already the evening and most had packed up to leave. 
you began packing your bag and said goodbye to the few people still in the small office space. heading out of the building you began making your way through the paddock. to get to the exit you had to pass along all of the different teams' areas. mostly the building were dark, some motor homes lit up with people inside. 
passing by the ferrari section, you let curiosity get the best of you and peeked into the window. your eyes instantly fell on a familiar face. charles. he was sitting alone, watching over some footage of what you assumed was his free practice one today. headphones were wrapped around his neck and he was dressed in different clothes to this morning. just a comfortable sweat seat.you had to admit he was a very attractive guy. 
clearly you had been looking at him for longer than you realised, because his head suddenly snapped toward the window and eyes instantly locking with yours. blush erupted all over your face as you didn't know what to do. shit. he had just caught you staring at him. god you were mortified. a smirk spread across his handsome face quicker than you could blink and he sent you a small wave. his eyes had that same dark expression as they did earlier. 
its like you were frozen in place, legs refusing to move. you sent him  a shy wave and immediately  turned to leave. when you looked back behind to see charles, he had gone from his space in the small room. your stomach dropped. you didn't want to face him again, his cocky attitude annoyed you, and his stupid smirk, and his stupid unreadable expression! charles leclerc annoyed you. 
you heard some steps behind you and then a masculine voice saying your name. fuck. you didn't want to face him, but you didn't risk pissing him off and him then reporting you to your boss. you could loose your job! you stopped in your tracks, rolled your yes then turned around.
“mr leclerc.” you spoke sweetly and the way you addressed him clearly sat well with him when he chuckled a little. 
“so, how was your first day? did you enjoy your first interview?” there was that mischievous glint in his eye again, and the way he spoke just instantly made you blush. there was something about him that you couldn't quite place. 
“yes. i had fun.” you tried to keep your responses short and snappy. to try and send a signal that you wanted to leave. clearly charles was not a man who gave up very easily, when he responded. “good, i'm glad. did you meet anyone else today? any of the other drivers.” in his mind charles had thought that you and his teammate were the only ones who had seen the pretty new interviewer. he liked knowing he had you all to himself. so your next words clearly shocked him.
“yes actually, max. he was very welcoming.” you spoke softly. his gaze darkened and his jaw clenched. he didn't respond for a few moments. you took in his reaction, and it made you laugh internally. you could definitely use this against him.to annoy him the same way he annoys you! so before he could reply you spoke up again. 
“i'm so excited to work with him! i'm a big fan of redbull and it was such an honour to meet the best driver in the world!” now, most of what you were saying was a total lie, but charles didn't know. your tone was sickly sweet and as you spoke you batted your eyelashes up at him so innocently, that he did not question your words for a second. 
you didn't think his eyes could get any darker, but he proved you wrong. you could tell he was trying to control his breathing, his eyes piercing into yours so deeply that you got intimidated. he then let out a chuckle. not an amused chuckle. the kind of chuckle that you do when you are very fucking pissed off. he nodded. 
“hm. well we will just have to see who is really the best driver on the track this sunday no?” his words had a bite to them, and when he got angry his accent thickened in a way that is so delicious. he smiled at you. eyes never leaving your face as if he was trying to memorise every small detail about your face. 
you smiled and nodded again. then without even granting him a verbal response you turned on your heel and began walking back through the paddock to the exit. charles was stunned. and your heart was racing, never did you actually expect yourself to make such a ballsy move. your actually quite shocked at what the hell you just did. 
charles was also stunned. a girl had never ever dismissed him before. he was used to them falling to his feet. you shocked him. but if there's one thing charles enjoyed, it's a challenge. 
┊┊┊┊ ➶ ❁۪ 。˚ ✧
wow. hope you guys enjoyed reading this part and it lived up to your expectations lmao! lmk if anyone wants to be tagged in the next parts <3
tagged: @buendiabebeta @summerslike11
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grippingbeskar · 1 year
bad shoulder
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frank castle x fem!reader
warnings: adult content minors dni! (mxf, f receiving, nothing crazy) swearing, mentions of canon typical violence
a/n: this is dedicated to and requested by @lemon-world1​ who’s birthday it was a few days ago IM SO SORRY THIS IS LATE but it is here! i hope you had an amazing day, and i really hope this is what you wanted!!!! sending so much love to you. its been a while since i just wrote a lil frank thing and damn i missed it okay bye.
     ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You got a second?” Frank Castle’s familiar head pokes around the corner of your tent, traces of dried blood still caked in his short hair.
“Always for you.” You sing out, and he smiles, the sight sending warmth all the way through you. You turn to face him, and he isn’t shy about the way he looks you up and down, brown eyes trailing down your body before he remembers himself and focuses elsewhere. You always manage to get at least a little flustered when he comes in— especially when he’s all happy and smiling. He’s impossible not to want, and living on a base in the middle of a battlefield, there’s not a whole lot to do around here but sit and wait for him to show up.
It had been a long day, like it always was. You hadn’t even seen the sun rise before you were called in, soldiers that were never fully recovered still nursing old, aggravated injuries from whatever they’d been doing for the past 12 hours. From bad knees to wasted tendons and shattered bones, sometimes there wasn’t a lot you could do but make them as comfortable as possible and take away some of the pain, even if it was temporary.
Frank could come in and stand in the corner without saying a word and it’d make your day. It was stupid, but it was the truth. He just had that effect on you. It didn’t matter what time of the day it was, he just managed to surge adrenaline through you at the sight of him— you’d nearly forgotten your work the second he stepped in.
“Make yourself comfortable. I’ve got a few things to finish up and then I can help you out.” He nods and thanks you again, and you busy yourself with papers you don’t remember pulling out, trying your hardest to slow your racing heart down to an acceptable rate.
When you turn back to him, he’s already taken his shirt off, sitting with his legs over the side of the table. He’s so tall his boots still plant firmly on the ground, and you know it’s ridiculous— you know, but there’s something about the way he’s just so big—
“Your shoulder still bothering you?” Your brain manages to form words that make sense, while your heart rate is still flying uncomfortably close to a heart attack as he shrugs his shoulders. He rolls them out, each muscle defined and contracting with the movement, and your hands clench at your sides.
“Yeah. Gotta carry some of the packs for the medic on our squad, but it’s fucking killing me.” He rolls his neck next, but with the movement he winces. His eyes squeeze shut and his whole body shudders— the sight switching you from a fumbling mess to a professional in an instance. You know Frank— if he’s coming to you for help, he must be in some serious pain.
“Can’t someone else take the weight? I could write a report, let the sargent know?” You move behind him, the definition of each muscle practically shimmering under the full light of your tent. You peek over his shoulder, and he angles his head just so you can see the genuine surprise in his face.
“You can do that?”
“I’m not just here to hang out with you, you know. I do have a job here.” You laugh, and you can see his body slump a little as he joins you.
“I didn’t mean it like that— but nah. It’s okay. Coopers still got that bug leg, so I just gotta get this fixed.” Typical of Frank, but you’d probably write the report up anyways. It wouldn’t hurt, and Frank would never admit to anyone but you that the pain was genuinely bothering him.
You were the only person he seemed to let himself be vulnerable with, show any kind of weakness with. You’d seen him around base, and knowing what a pissing contest it is out there, it didn’t surprise you that when he found a moment of peace, it didn’t take a a lot for him to open up. You try to tell yourself it’s because he doesn’t have to worry about showing you up like he does everyone else around here, but you can’t help the part of your mind that wanders to the possibility that he might just like your company. Finds it easy to trust you and let his guard down.
“I’m gonna touch you now, okay? Work the same place as last time?” Once you get confirmation, your hands drift over the familiar position, but as soon as you apply pressure he sucks in a sharp breath. “That hurts?”
“It’s fine.” He says through his teeth.
“You have to tell me if it hurts, Castle. Job, remember?” He laughs again, but you can tell he’s still pulling away from you. “It’s okay. We can work up to that. Tell me what happened today.”
“Same old. You know how it— oh, fuck.” He grunts when you dig your fingertips into a spot that you know is connected to his old injury. “How it is.”
“Lay down.” He moves slowly— too slow to be in any kind of working order. You try to take the pressure off his shoulder as he turns to lay face down, but he’s still holding himself up and favouring one side. When he’s finally flat, you start softly, kneading your hands in slow circles around the connecting muscles. You listen to the sounds he makes— low grunts of either pain or pleasure, but both of them send butterflies fluttering in your stomach like no one else.
You start to span your hands down his back, letting the palm of your hand apply more pressure the further away from his shoulder you get. He sighs deeply, and after a few minutes he’s gone pliant under your touch. His head rolls to one side when you drift your hands up to his neck, another low groan escaping from somewhere in his chest.
When he’s finally relaxed, you press further. You check in as your hands slide along the base of his shoulder blade, and you’re only met with a gruff keep goin’ before you return to your original spot. He sighs, shifting closer to your side of the table, and the warmth of his skin touching you in all kinds of places has you blinking rapidly, your vision starting to go fuzzy.
Keeping your mind on the task at hand, you manage to kill a few more minutes like this; gentle circles and soft touches before you decide he’s ready to move.
“You still with me?” You break the silence, and he just huffs like you’ve woken him up. He still moves slowly when he gets up, but there’s no pain there. No— he was just relaxed. Tired, probably, but relaxed. “It’s feeling better than last time. You’ve been doing those stretches I told you about?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Your hands return to his shoulder and apply more pressure. He leans into the touch, head falling forward and sighing again. You ignore how much the response made your head swim.
“Yes, ma’am.” God— he was gonna kill you.
“And no more of those sandbag throws, yeah? Or those weighted pull ups?” When you don’t get an answer, you shake him with your hands. “Hey. Don’t fall asleep.”
“M’not. I’m ignoring the question.” You laugh, your hands stilling on his shoulder as you feel the muscle movement ease entirely. “I gotta keep my reputation up, or the new guys get cocky.”
“God forbid— because you are the picture of humble.”
“Damn right.” He leans back slightly, his back brushing against your chest. He doesn’t move when he feels how close you are, and though your hands aren’t on him anymore and the session is clearly over, you don’t move either. “Missed seein’ you.”
“You don’t have to rip your shoulder out of its socket to come see me, you know.” He’s facing straight forward, but every word you say has him shuffling further and further back into you.
“You sayin’ you wanna see me outside here?” He says softly, his head turning ever so slightly towards your own.
“Maybe.” You want to take the words back as soon as you’ve said then, but then he surprises you by turning suddenly, looking you right in the eye.
Your heart stops. Time stops, practically. You know you shouldn’t do this. You need to draw a line in the sand, tell him to move back. To look forward. To leave, even. You were at work, and he was just a… well. He wasn’t just another client— and that was the fucking problem.
He was so close to you, every short breath he took was loud in your ear. You didn’t have to bend to be face to face with him, not with how straight he’s sitting and how fucking close he is. You were at the perfect height to indulge all those fantasies you shouldn’t have, should never act on but God did you want to.
He turns even more, rotating so his chest facing you and his nose brushes against your own. You can’t help the way your eyes flutter closed in anticipation— it was too late to pull away. He was too tempting and he was right there. So close to you, no longer at arms length, and so when he brings one gentle hand to the side of your face, you don’t even think about pulling away.
Your heartbeat was in your ears, sounds of the outside floating away until all you could hear was the pounding of your anxious heart and Franks low, shuddering inhale. Your eyes dare to flutter open for just half a second, and you can see his own flitting over your face— searching for something. Rejection, anticipation, something that he was looking for, but he either finds it or he doesn’t, because whatever it was is enough to have him leaning just a slight inch forward and pressing his mouth to yours.
It’s so slow you nearly faint. Adrenaline is coursing through your veins, and his other hand comes to your hip, drawing you in to press against his warm skin. His tongue glides along your bottom lip, and your mouth opens, wanting to drink him and this moment in as much as possible.
He tastes like dirt and blood, and it’s so fucking addicting that your tongue tangles with his for another taste. He kisses you softer than you imagined, like he’s waiting for you to pull away. You try to bend closer, your hands sliding up into his cropped hair and sealing his mouth to yours. The groan of approval you get is enough for him to lose a little bit of that control. He groans your name into your mouth, and you squeeze your eyes shut tighter. When he groans again your feet leave the ground, Frank hauling you up onto the small table in one swift movement, putting you on your knees next to him.
His mouth never leaves yours in the shuffle, hand tangled in your hair as he gets a little rougher— hungrier for a deeper kiss. The need makes your head spin, and his free hand hooks under your legs to pull you across him, your legs naturally falling to either side of his muscles thighs.
You moan instantly at the feeling, Frank pushing your hips down to connect with his own. Your arms hook lazily around his neck, his own roaming from your hips up and down your sides. He’s languid with the movements, content to take his time to feel your body, fingers slipping under your shirt where goosebumps follow in his wake wherever he touches you.
“Fuck, baby.” He groans into you, and you shudder when his hips buck upwards. It’s almost like he’s encouraging it, wanting you to use him like this, hearing the way your breathless moans get higher and higher every-time he does it. “You like that?”
You can’t form a reply, just nodding as your head rolls to the side. His lips drop down, scorching heat under your jaw and down your neck. You can feel the cool kiss of his teeth as they drag lightly against your pulse point, and at the same time Frank grinds his hips up again. The sensation hits you like a truck, and you’re sighing out his name like a song in the next second.
“Oh, Frank.” You bury your head in the crook of his neck, and he hums in response and repeats the movement. He knows just where to roll your hips, the rough fabric of his pants creating the perfect friction, and a few more minutes like this and you’d be cu—
Three loud knocks on the door nearly make you scream in surprise and frustration.
“Hey, you in there? Any chance you got a couple minutes before rollcall? Need you to work your magic on this knee.” Fucking hell. You knew that voice, and it wasn’t one you could dismiss.
You were panting so hard you couldn’t reply right away, and Frank was just staring at you. His eyes were blown wide— not even blinking as he gripped the side of the table, knuckles white with restraint.
“Y-yep! Just a sec!” You scramble, trying to put yourself back together while Frank sits there, unmoving. You manage to get behind him, throwing Franks shirt at him just before the officer walks in and gets an eyeful of Franks painfully obvious boner. “Colonel Fields! I’m just finishing up with Castle, then I can help you out.”
“Sounds good.” The older man walks into the room, taking a seat in your office chair and nodding at Frank. “Lieutenant.”
You seem to have found your footing a little quicker than Frank, jabbing him in the back to prompt a fucking reply.
“C-Colonel. Ow.” He sucks in a breath as you dig your hands into his lower back pretending to do something productive, but then he sighs and drops his head when you ease up.
He’s as taut as ever, but you go easy on him considering what just happened. What… what did just happen? One second you were joking with him, laughing like friends, and the next you were kissing him. More than that— fuck, you probably would have let him have you right here on the table if he had kept going.
There’s another low, drawn out groan from Frank, and the sound has you pressing your thighs together. It’s the same one he breathed through your kiss when you were on top of him— and from the pained grunt that follows it, he’s remembering it too.
“You alright there, Lieutenant?” Colonel Fields calls to Frank, and you don’t know what his face looks like right now, but clearly it’s not hiding anything very well.
“Fine. Good. I’m gonna— I think I’m good.” He’s off the table in a second, slipping out from your practically outstretched arms.
“I’ll only be a second, if you need to—“ He was already shaking his head before you finished your sentence. Did he not want… Jesus, did he not want to finish what you started as badly as you do? He was walking straight for the door.
“All good. Thanks. I’m— good. I’m good.” He says, not looking you in the eye, and then he’s gone, leaving both you and Colonel Fields confused, and you a little cold.
     ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When you finally drag your body to your room, you feel like you’ve been hit by a freight train. You’ve had long days before, but this one is so much more draining. It’s like your heart has been wrung out and shoved back into your chest, and now you just have to walk around with this squished thing in your body that refuses to work properly.
Yes, you were dramatic. But you had a right to be! Frank had— well, he’d done all that, only to run out of the tent and disappear for the entire day. It’s not like you expected flowers and a proposal, but he was outright ignoring you.
Not so much as a text— no looks in the hallway, nothing. Even when he’d usually catch you for lunch, something that would have been ordinary and in his schedule, he wasn’t there. He could just be caught up with something, but your mind couldn’t help but wander to the possibility that you’d jumped the gun or read the room wrong.
You fell backwards onto your bed, the air rushing out of your lungs in a giant whoosh. You’d been harbouring feelings for Frank for so long, and you’d done so well at keeping them in check and at bay, no matter how many flirty smiles and sweet comments he made. But one moment of weakness— one look too long and too close was all it took for you to crack and have your entire heart and career shatter in one go.
Then you hear it— three soft but sure knocks on your door. When you swing it open, you don’t know if your surprised or expectant.
“Hey, sweetheart. You gonna let me in?” You hesitate for just a moment, worried what he’s going to say. “I’m freezing my ass off out here. Please.”
You watch him shiver in front of you, and it’s only then you look down and see he’s just wearing boxers and the same shirt from this morning, as well as his combat boots, untied with no socks. You just step out of his way and hurry him inside, noting the snow piled up at your door and how late it must be considering the sun had long disappeared.
“Fucking hell. Its fuckin’ cold.” He says through gritted teeth, and you still haven’t said a word, but hand him a towel so he can dry off the fallen snow resting in his short hair. “Thanks.”
“Why aren’t you wearing more clothes?” The question slips out. Not that you were…complaining. But it was snowing outside.
“Yeah… kinda got caught in the barracks. Didn’t wanna waste time and walk all the way… are you alright?”
“You’re freezing— here.” You hand him one of his old jackets he’d given you months ago, and he takes it quickly, shrugging it over his shoulders. “You dissipated kind of fast. I just… sorry. This is weird. I don’t know what to say?”
“You don’t wanna talk, we don’t have to. I’ll…” He steps forward, a hand hooking under your chin to force your eyes up to him, “I’ll do whatever you want me to.”
“Wanted you to talk to me today.” You mumble and he grunts, shaking his head. “You were avoiding me. I thought you—“
“No, baby. No. Fuckin’ Fields has been on me since I deployed. He’d take any chance to send me home, and anyone I gave a shit about, too.” His hand hasn’t left you, though the other one stays pinned to his side.
“Oh. You— no, that makes total sense. You should definitely of— Of course! Yeah.” You make a complete dick of yourself trying to find a sentence that doesn’t make you sound insecure, and he steps into you, his body like a warm blanket.
“Doesn’t mean I wasn’t thinkin’ about you all damn day.” His breath his hot against your skin, and he presses a kiss under your ear before he continues. “Were you thinkin’ about me?”
“Mhmm.” Your eyes are closed, but you can feel him. Feel his proximity— how his other hand leaves his side and rests on your hip, tugging you into him. There isn’t an inch of him you can’t feel, and the hard lines of his toned stomach tighten as he bends down further.
“You wanna pick up where we left off, sweetheart? Let me show you what I been meaning to do to you since I fuckin’ met you?” Your jaw falls open and you nod again. He takes his chance, groaning your name once more before devouring you into a searing kiss.
He’s unbelievably big, dwarfing your size under neath him as he moves his hands lower and starts to tug at your sweatpants. You shuffle as best you can to help him, but you’re too occupied with the way he’s kissing you to do anything but squirm against him. He’s kissing you like he’s hungry for it, like there’s something desperate and sweet inside of you he’s never had before. It makes your head spin to think he might want this just as bad as you do.
He walks backwards, falling with a grunt onto your bed, tugging you on top of him. It’s the same as this morning, expect now there’s even less between you. Just the thin fabric of your underwear and his boxers seperate you from each other, but he’s no less intense with the way he moves you in slow circles while he licks into your mouth.
“Fuck.” He mutters and pulls himself away, mumbling as he rips your shirt over your head. He kisses you everywhere he can reach— craning his head to press his mouth to your collarbones, down your chest, feeling his hands run up to touch you where his mouth can’t.
He flips you over, your back hitting the soft covers of your bed and crawls over you. His arms cage you in, mouth repeating the motions and tasting your skin further down. He’s so slow about it— hardly even doing this for you. His mouth is as warm as his skin, trailing his way down until his short hair tickles the skin of your inner thighs. You can’t take your eyes off him, how easy he fits himself between your legs, shoulders spreading you open.
He breathes out, setting himself down between your legs, toying with the soft fabric of your underwear. His fingertips are rough, but his touch gentle, tracing the lines of your hips and sending zaps of pleasure up your body.
“So pretty, baby.” The words hit your skin, and you squirm under his hands when they hook under your underwear. He drags them down quickly, your hands toying with the short strands of his hair. Franks eyes meet yours, and you swear he gives you a cocky little smile before he sinks lower and your eyes squeeze shut.
His mouth is on you in the next second, burying himself between you. You feel the warm touch of his mouth swirl around you, arms hooking around your lower half and holding you down. You don’t want to move, don’t want to interrupt the intensity of his touch but you can’t help it— it’s all too much and you want to dive into it. Everything hot and sparkling sizzles up your spine, and you arch off the bed in such surprise when you feel his mouth seal over your clit.
You squeeze your eyes shut harder, a near painful grip on his hair yanking him both into you and away. He’s too strong, too overpowering to even notice your efforts, and you thank God he doesn’t fucking stop. You were whining pathetically now— his name echoing in high pitched in the small room. You feel him smile, your jaw going slack just thinking about what he looks like.
“Keep sayin’ my name— fuckin’ sounds good when you say it.” He leans back only slightly, and you gasp when you feel him lean his head against your thigh. The feeling of him— his mouth fucking wet with the taste of you, feeling the soft puff of his breath against your skin as he catches himself. Then he wraps his arms around your thighs and tugs you down the bed. “You okay, sweetheart?”
“Keep going, fuck—“ You whimper, trying to smooth your hands through his hair in an attempt to be nicer. He grins lazily, and then stares right into your eyes as he spits into your pussy and buried his face into you again.
Everything burns red hot, and your legs clamp around his head as he speeds up. One arm is enough to hold you down, the other snaking up our side and interlocking with your hand. You can’t keep your eyes open— everything going blurry as your eyes roll back and you feel yourself spinning in all directions.
You must say something— his name, maybe, because he groans and flattens his tongue, letting you grind your hips up and into him. If you could manage to open your eyes you’d stare back at him— let him watch as you fall apart in a way only he can break you.
Frank keeps a pace— fucking you with his tongue and swirling around the bud of nerves in such a messy but fiery way that you can’t hold it. Everything gets white hot and your back arches again, fingertips digging into his scalp and hand, and you know it’s cliche but you swear you can see stars.
Frank doesn’t stop, just slows down and works you through the shocks of pleasure that jolt up your core, feeling the way you shudder as you cum in his mouth. When your squirming too much for him to hold you still, he drags his mouth up your body. Again, he kisses his way up, but this time it’s messy. He’s not just kissing— he drags teeth and tongue along your hip bones, marking his way up to your chest and neck. You’ll be covered in the evidence, and you only lean closer, wanting more.
“Fucking hell, Frank.” His hands slide up your sides while yours palm him through his boxers, and he shudders your name. “Fuck, I want you so bad.”
“Do you, pretty girl?” He groans in your ear, and your stomach flips at the name. You bite your lip and nod, staring up at him and he grins. “You liked that, huh?”
“I know something I’d like more.” Blinking innocently, you slip your hand under his boxers and wrap your hand around his hard length. He cuts himself off with a choked gasp, leaning back down and kissing you messily.
You let him take what he wants, pressing his hips into the slow, teasing movement of your hand as you slowly slide his boxers off. The feeling of his skin on yours lights something on fire inside you, and while he’s nearly drunk on the taste of your mouth, you shove him easily onto his back. You’re quick about it, not giving him a second to breathe when you’re sinking down on his cock, earning another long, low groan.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck.” He gasps out, hands gripping your hips tightly. You roll forward slightly, feeling him hit something that makes you shiver, and he helps you chase the feeling. He moves you with no effort, bucking his hips and grinding you in out of rhythm thrusts, his eyes screwed tightly shut like he was in pain. “Oh god, baby don’t stop.”
“Feels good, Frankie.” His jaw goes slack with another stuttered moan of your name, while his hands touch you wherever they can reach. He glides up your stomach, over your ribs, your breasts, until he reaches your face where he hauls you downwards into another bruising kiss.
“Fucking… so perfect. Thought about this… fuck, that’s it. God that’s fuckin’ it.” He slurs between kisses, and he moves faster, rougher as he fucks you dizzy. It’s numbing and electrifying all at once, the grip of his hands on your face forcing you to stare into his half lidded eyes. “Such a pretty girl. Just keep lookin’ at me. Just like that.”
His free hand wraps around your lower back, his name coming out high pitched and drawn out as you call it over and over again. He kisses you, words mumbled into your mouth but the pleasure is too overwhelming— you couldn’t hear anything but the snap of his hips against yours and both of you chasing your high.
He bites your lower lip, drawing you back to him when he feels you tighten around him. He knows you well— he’d know you’re close, and his eyes burn so brightly in front of you that even though he’s got that cocky smirk on his face you still want to tell him how fucking good he is at this. He presses his forehead to yours, holding you against him as he brings you to the edge with a few more strewing, devastating thrusts and you’re gone— screaming his name so loud you know your neighbours will hear.
“Fr-Frank!” Your body shakes as pleasure overwhelms you, and he watches every fucking second of it. He’s right there with you, the look on your face when you cum for him sending him toppling over with you. He’s so warm and he’s everywhere— arms wrapping around you, mouth sealed to yours swallowing every little whimper and moan, cock buried so deep inside you, you know you’re gonna feel him for days.
The room is suddenly quiet, except for yours and Franks in sync breathing. You tuck your face into his neck and he buries you there, strong arms wrapping around your torso and keeping you as close as possible. When you feel his heart beat start to slow, you look up at him to find he’s already staring at you.
“You got no idea how long I’ve been waitin’ to do that.” He confesses, kissing you again. It’s lazy, indulgent and somehow he still tastes so good. It’s addicting, and you find yourself chasing his mouth until you’re breathless again. When he pulls away, he’s panting, shaking his head. “You keep kissing me like that and you’re in for a long fucking night.”
“Just one night?” You want to look away in case it’s not the answer you want, but he laughs, moving you to the side and tucking you to his chest.
“Fuck no.” He groans as he finally slips out of you. You sigh, content for now, and wriggle back towards him, pressing your ass against his hips. He freezes and his breathing changes, sounding very, very controlled. “Baby. Please don’t mess with me right now.”
“Oh, poor Frank. Stuck in bed with a girl. A naked girl. How’s he gonna make it?” Before you can be proud of yourself for the short silence you are awarded, he’s flipping you over and kissing his way down your chest and stomach. When he disappears between your thighs, you cry out his name, and fuck— you don’t think you’d ever get enough of this.
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Hello there!! Idk if I have already sent something in, but if I haven’t, I would love to request! May I please have the LS members’ (separate) reactions to a new member with “soulless” or “dead” eyes (basically like the anime eyes that have no shine in them), who always seems rather closed off, but at some point the members do something nice to them, and the reader blushes and their eyes just light up like the brightest stars? Sorry if this request is a lot! If it is you can ignore! But thank you so much! (I loved the housewife s/o HCs you wrote btw, they were lovely!) ❤️❤️
Ghiaccio pfp twinsies...woag- also i like this idea a lot!! this reader sounds absolutely wonderful <33 fair warning I wrote most of these while incredibly sleepy so if they're ooc that's probably why im so sorry-
La Squadra with a reader who has soulless eyes (that light up when they're happy/flustered)
When he first saw you, he wasn't sure exactly how alive you were.
I mean, those empty eyes and the way you barely talked to anyone definitely had him raising an eyebrow at first.
But he quickly got used to it. Nothing was wrong with responding to a joke with a tiny smile instead of a hearty laugh.
In fact, with enough time, he grows rather comfortable around that blank stare of yours. He gives you your space, but whenever you do talk to him, he's more than happy to get the chance to hear your voice and chat.
One day, before you went out for a mission, Formaggio noticed you nearly forgot to bring something vital. He managed to catch up to you and give you the item before you left, but before he could say anything, he noticed your expression.
The color spread across your cheeks, and your eyes -Oh god, your EYES. It was like someone finally flipped on a light switch in them. They were full of life for once, and the sight had him speechless.
But- shit, right, you had to leave. With an absent-minded nod and pat on the shoulder, he began to walk away.
"No need to thank me," he shouted to you before he was out of sight - and it was true. The look on your face had been thanks enough.
Definitely made fun of your empty eyes often. Like Formaggio he probably compares you to a zombie, but he is willing to say it out loud.
He tries to guess what your thinking and feeling all the time if you tend to not show emotion. Like he'd say things like "I bet you're pissed about that too, you just don't wanna show it."
But like. In an annoying way if that makes sense.
I'll be honest I can't think of what kind of nice thing he would do for you. This dude's section has haunted me for days, y'all.
But in the event of him doing nice for you, he notices your expression right away. boy is he surprised by it. and boy is he LOUD about it.
"Holy SHIT! You're actually alive! I managed to break that moody façade of yours?"
You might wanna walk away or hide your face before he calls the rest of the gang over to look.
Afterwards he's weirdly a bit nicer to you? He obviously wants to see your adorable expression again, but his exact intentions are unknown...
Doesn't care in much of a usual way. If anything I think he would comment on how your hard to read expressions and closed off nature makes you good for the job.
So he never really bothers to think you may be any other way.
The two of you were set to go on a mission together, and he insisted you work on a concrete plan beforehand. It turns out his idea for the plan relies VERY heavily on your abilities/stand.
When you ask about it, he begins to talk about how strong your abilities are, and how perfect you would be for the job, how he has faith that you can pull it all off.
Your heart flutters at his words and with every compliment you feel heat rush to your face.
When he stops talking and notices how your eyes lit up, he's....genuinely unsure what to think.
It was all true, you were strong and the right person for the job, but we all know how he gets when he's working with someone he feels is a bit too vulnerable cough cough pesci
He doesn't worry about it for the time being - it's a one time thing after all - but he keeps an eye out for if it happens again.
I think he is used to people thinking he looks strange/creepy, so even it might creep him out a bit, he tries to be nice about your soulless face.
Gives you your space, but this boy is sweet, it won't take long for him to do something that makes the darkness in your eyes fade away.
idk why my first thought for the moment is him baking something new and asking you to try it. You have a taste and quickly nod in approval, it's delicious.
Relieved, Pesci proceeds to let you know he made it because he remembered you mentioning [insert flavor here] was your favorite flavor. Yep, that'll do it.
He's incredibly caught off guard, seeing your eyes twinkle with appreciation - for a second he thinks you're about to cry! He stands there, unsure what to do, until either the interaction ends or you say something to him.
Is so overwhelmed afterwards no matter what happens - was that really the real you? That sweet face was really yours?
It literally doesn't matter to him - he can see right through your dead look. It's uncanny.
You could be completely stone-faced and he would find some way to be able to tell exactly how you feel about something. He'll tell you his predictions too to see if their right.
I imagine it's one of these moments that actually leads to him seeing that cute expression of yours.
It started with "you found that hilarious, didn't you?"
He was playing his guessing game again, and like every time before, he was right. You didn't even have to answer.
"You know, you're so interesting to read. You have all these little tells for every small thought, and I think you subconsciously change them a bit every time I take notice of them!" He suddenly began explaining to you.
But it didn't stop there, he began to tell you all about how he picked apart your body language, how he noticed changes in your emotions over the entire time he's known you. "You're.... fascinating to watch."
It's not until he finishes talking that you both realize you've been staring at him with a completely uncharacteristically bright look of wonder. Then it's his turn for his face to light up, pointing at the blush on your cheeks.
"So you do like how I watch you! I knew it."
"The hell are you giving me that look for!?"
Of COURSE he takes it personally a lot - especially if you're supposed to be listening to his rambling. He isn't exactly thinking straight, so he just thinks your blank stare is some kind of insult.
But beyond that, it's rare he'll get on your ass about it.
Over time, I think he might even find you a reliable person to spew all his ranting at, if you don't complain at him or cause a fuss.
Maybe even at some point, perhaps if you've been getting picked on especially hard by Illuso, he'll ask if you have any ranting to do.
"What!? That prick has got to be getting on your nerves, doesn't that make you- WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GIVING ME THAT FACE FOR!?"
You're gonna have to end up explaining yourself or else he won't stop asking you. When you do, he'll scoff, saying he barely did anything. At least you won't have him blabbing about it to the others, you both know it would get real annoying real quick.
If you specifically ask him to keep it secret, he'll nod, and you swear you see him smile at you.
This man also looks pretty damn unapproachable (love him tho <3). He has the least amount of problems with how you are.
Like Prosciutto, he thinks your closed off nature is good for the job. But he never brings up that sometimes he wishes you were a little more open.
One day you return from a mission. It went smoothly. Enough. Okay, you had managed to get the deed done, but you had gotten injured in the process. In order to not endure lecturing from any of your teammates, you quickly dismissed everyone's questions about the mission and looked for things to treat your wound with, hiding it from everyone else.
In the middle of hastily wrapping up the bloody injury, you felt a hand on your shoulder, and soon after you head Risotto's voice. He warned you that you weren't treating the wound carefully enough.
He didn't scold you- a scolding wasn't going to help the sting and the crimson staining your skin. No, he asked if he could take care of the wound for you.
You felt your face heat up as he helped you, but although you were sure he noticed the look on your face, he made no mention of it. Just tended to your wound, and told you to tell him about any issues with a mission next time.
Afterwards you two agreed you would give him specifics later. You thanked him and that was that.
Walking away from you, Risotto replayed your expression in his mind....how cute.
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writermask-0807 · 11 days
hitoshi shinso x reader {“and could you find it in your heart to love me again?”}
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a/n: @nunezs-stuff im so so sorry for the delay, but thank you again for requesting! I hope i did manage to get her characteristics right this time :,) but ANYWAYS. hope you enjoy!!
warnings: omg where to start?? crappy ass title istg- this lowkey sounds terrible and Cringe omfggg 😭 long af for some damn hcs (im sorry 😭), ooc shinso, probably, possessiveness, toxic behavior, him using his quirk to force kianna to eat/love (?) him (realized the all possibilities halfway through so (might do a yandere on him later) that's why it sounds weird ig)
word count: 856
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now this is certainly an interesting dynamic
hitoshi shinso isn’t someone that’s generally liked by people, what with his quirk being ‘villainous’ and all
(and as a child, it had stung at first, the way he strove so desperately for something he’d never truly be in their eyes
but as he grew out of stuffed toys and forgotten summer dreams, shinso decides he doesn’t like them right back either, and oh boy, he’s not quiet about it)
and so it genuinely makes no sense to him that you’d choose to sit next to him at lunch, this literal stranger, finishing your food in relative silence before you casually offer a piece to him, like you’re friends
except hitoshi shinso doesn’t do friends, he’s perfectly fine on his own, thank you very much, and you’re probably here to bother him as some sick prank-
but for all of that, he finds himself cautiously accepting the piece anyway, quietly offering you a bite of his own lunch; testing the waters, feeling for how deep it is, if there are any sharks lurking in wait
but then you’re there the next day too, much to his surprise (you must know about his quirk, right? but then why would you sit next to him again?), and the next, and the next, and the next, and whoa, if this is a joke you’re committing a little too faithfully it-
and before he knows it, you’ve got him wrapped around your little finger
and it’s funny, really, because hitoshi’s never been one to trust easily, but-
you offer him your lunch and greet him in the hallways; you track him down during breaks and drag him out with you to the gardens or the library, you walk home with him and schedule study sessions, and you call him stupid and cuss him out and you tug on his hair (and is that-... fondness in your eyes?), and you return his sneers and lazy drawls with leers and barbs of your own and and and-
and he just doesn’t get it, at first
you stick around, even with your sharp eyes and blunt words, and hitoshi can’t compute why
he’s not good company, to be sure, he’s far too bitter and angry, angry at himself, angry at the world, angry at the unfairness of it all
and- don’t you know that he could so easily turn this against you? he could so, so easily use his quirk and-
and you don’t care. you shrug when he finally gathers the courage to ask, tell him, it doesn’t really matter because that’s what they think of you, isn’t it? it doesn’t mean you are. i know you, and that’s enough
you say this casually, without even looking up from your calculus assignment, like this really, actually doesn’t matter, like this isn’t what he’s been agonizing over for the better part of your friendship, like you don’t notice his wide eyes - reverent like you’ve just handed him the whole damn world - the absent tears falling down his cheeks
(and if you do- you do him the kindness of not mentioning it)
but the thing is, right- the thing is that hitoshi doesn’t trust easily, but once he does, it’s easy for him to get attached - maybe even dangerously so
and that’s where it all starts, you guess, and it never really ends
and it’s Interesting because hitoshi doesn’t necessarily believe himself good enough for you, not really
he’s not good for you, yeah, but he’s always been selfish, guarding things Precious to him in some tender, soft part of him that the world isn’t allowed to see, guarding them furiously and desperately and with all he has because he’s Nothing without them, without You
he’s selfish, so he is utterly, helplessly yours
or rather- you are utterly, helplessly his
and this is what he’s thinking, this is what his mind is screaming when he sees you with that idiot midoriya, your mouth twitching with something warm, something that looks like a Smile, a smile that’s only meant for him
and it’s a split second decision, really; a moment of anger and hurt and impulse, and he’s told himself, over and over again that he’s never gonna do this, not to you, never to you, he’s never going to prove them right, but-
it’s you
and he loves you, so, so much
and he’s doing this all for you, don’t you see? you weren’t able to love yourself like he did, weren’t able to see what he sees in you, so he makes you
you don’t even have the slightest chance of fighting back; your will from that point on is nothing but clay in his hands, molding and shaping into thoughts and words that would have never been there otherwise
but that’s okay, that’s good, you’re happy now, aren’t you?
you can eat well now, you can look at yourself in the mirror without hating what you see, you can smile without the hurt now, you can love him now
and you do, don’t you? yes, yes, you do, and he loves you too
it’s all such a happy ending to such a happy love story, isn’t it?
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seariii · 5 months
Hi Seari 😭 sorry to flood your ask box again lol, but I just wanted to let you know how I appreciate how appreciative you are if that makes sense? You always take the time to thank everyone frequently, you’re eloquent with your words, and you just have this air of gratitude with you where ever you go. And I really admire that about you <3 I want to strive to personally work on that because it’s difficult for my brain to comprehend those kinds of things for myself, so I wanted to let you know how you’ve inspired me to work towards that <3 ilu and thank you so much for being you
aw rose.... this made me really soft.... i love you a lot, really. and dont apologize, you can flood my ask box with more than 20 questions/messages a day and i'll be extremely happy
serious talk for a little bit hahaha... ill put it under the cut because i started rambling and got a bit long.... YOU DONT HAVE TO READ ALL THAT OKAY???? just the last paragraph, thats a message for you
tldr of the serious talk under the cut: Unknown Mother Goose by Wowaka (i also really liked this adaptation) "Even if the world were to reject me today, would i still be able to sing a song of love?"
i never really thought about that, you know? i enjoy telling people how i feel about them, especially to people i love. and im thinking for how long have i done this... when did i start... im not entirely sure... i can go far back when i barely did it, but did it every once in a while like a birthday or when i started to notice the people around me werent giving up on me... and i can go back relatively recently where this feelings landed me in a kind community during covid...
in all honesty, i believe this feelings of gratefulness, of having to express them come from being scared of losing people... come from a lonely place... when you feel cold or have felt cold for so long that you dont remember much warmth, when you find that warmth its soft, gentle, and a little overwhelming... i have many problems connecting with people, and in my own brain, sometimes i feel like im all alone in the world... but... people are warm... people are kind... you, them, make it feel like maybe the entities around me arent just faceless shadows...
i joke with my bestie about how we are that meme of "nothing in life matters" but im the happy one and hes the existential one, but a lot of time i truly feel like that. and from that, makes it easier to enjoy the little sweet stuff, the sweetness of the people around me... and its impressive when i notice that sometimes it doesnt have any reason behind it, or that the reason is just love... its like my brain cant comprehend others doing stuff out of love for the world, so i always get surprised when someone does it for me (and oh boy have i been surprised to tears with you all pretty people)... i think life is a little silly and there isnt much meaning, but that gives us freedom... and that makes everything a person does beautiful...
... you know rose? thank you. i feel like im about to cry hahahahaha /pos ... thank you for always being so kind, so sweet to me, you make me feel like things are okay, and it genuinely makes me happy to see you or interact or talk with you. it made me really happy that you wanted to include me in the conversation, in the group. im someone who feels lonely easily, and the kindness you've shown me has really made me happy and... i really appreciate it... sometimes i say i dont have the words and still try to express myself, because i want to make my message get across... like right now in this paragraph hahaha.... you are someone who i really really appreciate and i just wish to see you happy and achieve everything you want. just know that no matter what, ill be rooting for you, you truly deserve everything in this world, thats how i feel.... im thankful and moved that i inspired you... i never thought id have that effect on people... thank you
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noaltbruh · 1 year
Hello! Im not sure if your doing requests for this still, but if you are could I request 🍨 ❗️ 💤 🌺 💍 for Risotto? Thank you!
Managed to temporarily free myself from the octopath traveler rabbit hole to write this 😎
And of course! I hope you like it 😊
🍨 Are they more chill about their relationship or a bit more possessive towards their S/O?
I wouldn't say "possessive" is the right word in this case. Risotto has put a lot of faith in your relationship and genuinely thinks the two of you are going to last together, if he's decided to commit himself to become your partner.
Moreover, he knows that being the capo of La squadra, he won't always be there, and would be more than glad to know your have other important people in your life to make you happy when he's away.
But. But he's very protective of you and your relationship. He knows that just letting you be in his life means you're always going to face some sort of threat, so when he actually is around, he will be very careful and won't let you get too far away from him.
❗️How would they surprise their S/O?
I like to think that Risotto is not very good at surprising people unless you count him murdering them a surprise. So he'll be kind of lost when the rest of the team suggests him to catch you off guard with something unexpected.
After some thought, he decides that the best way he has to surprise you, is to come home one day to you without you knowing anything about it. Maybe he told you he was going to be away all week, yet there he is waiting on your front door for you to open.
At this point, after greeting you with a kiss and a smile, possibly some flowers too, Risotto will be willing to spend all your time together as you prefer, anything is okay for him and he just wants to make you happy, especially if it had been a while since you two got to he together like this.
💤How often do they fantasize about their S/O? Is the latter constantly on their mind?
Risotto is a very busy and down the earth man. Sadly, I don't think he has much time to daydream about you, to he honest. If he's on a murder mission or investigating about... A certain person he has a problem with, he'll be far too focused on his job to think about his partner.
Aside from that, however, I can actually see him thinking back about little sweet moments the two of you shared, wishing to always make new memories with you and perhaps thinking about what he could do to improve your relationship.
With that being said, considering you'd probably move him with him after some time, especially since he's an adult, he'd much rather make those thoughts become reality instead of fantasizing. He prefers concrete facts.
🌺 Do they believe they deserve their S/O or sometimes feel like the latter is too good for them?
(Can I just say I'm surprised this wasn't requested more? I was expecting it to be one of the most asked, guess I was wrong lol)
Mh...Like I said, Risotto has a lot of trust in you and your bond. He knows he can be quite attractive considering his look and wouldn't be too surprised if you were to fall for him at first.
On the other hand, he will he very surprised and won't really...Understand at first, when you decide to remain with him even after finding out about his job. Doesn't he disgust you? Aren't you afraid of him? Of a literal assassin?
These thoughts sometimes cross his mind and makes him wonder if you're too good of a person to be with a cruel mafioso like him. Wouldn't you rather find someone a bit less... Dangerous? That can actually give you a stable life?
At the end of the day, however, your sole presence is more than enough to take those ideas off his mind very often, and he's gunshot happy with you and hopes you're happy with him.
💍How would they propose to their S/O?
Risotto would think thought proposing you a lot before actually taking this step. Is it too early? Maybe even too late? Do you have everything that you need for a demi-stable marriage? It's one of the most important decisions in his life and he wants to take it with his head, not just his heart.
When these two sides eventually come to an agreement, it's time to actually put the idea into action. I think he'd rather propose to you in a very quiet and intimate place, with nothing nor to distract you from each other and the special moment the two of you will be sharing.
It would probably be at night, after a carefully crafted evening spent together, he'd get down on his knee and propose to you only illuminated by the stars and the small sparkle in his red eyes.
"I have to admit, amore mio, I hadn't planned for someone to have such a deep impact on my life after the loss I've experienced long ago. Yet, you never felt hesitation in being with me, despite knowing the uncertainty of what the future may have in mind for people like me. And while I cannot give you safety, I can give you my love, a treasure you helped me discover, and it is only fair that I share...No, that I gift to you, if you'll let me. So, will you marry me?"
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craqueluring · 1 year
Hi!!! <33333 Love your blog as someone who sometimes has difficulty grasping metaphors in hannibal because they all talk so weirdly and english is not my first language and sometimes im genuinely dumb </33 anyway i wanted to ask you what do you think was going inside hannibals when he took mason verger to will’s house, abondoning will even though he was unconcious in enemy grounds, and fed his dogs mason’s face?? Like what is he thinking “hi honey welcome home hope you like my surprise you wanted to punish him right tee hee <3” and will just gets turned on by this? LIKE WHATS GOING ON?😭😭😭😭😭 its one of my fav scenes and i dont even get… like the meaning of it, or their motivations, or what it worked as a metaphor? Like if could you maybe share your opinions on that scene or maybe an analysis would be nice? want to hear your thoughs 🥰 thank you so muchh hope u have a nice day!!
(there is a tldr at the end of this!)
okay first of all thank you for all your kind words they absolutely made my day <3333333 i so appreciate people asking me for my thoughts on specific scenes like u dont even know. and LOL yes that scene is really weird and when i first saw this i had to talk it through with my friend bc i was like…. yeah wait what WAS he thinking? LMAO but here is my best answer:
this whole episode is basically will taunting hannibal (telling mason hannibal wants to kill him, putting a "snare around [his] neck", asking hannibal if hannibal can tell what will's intention are, telling hannibal he did this because he was "curious what would happen," etc). i could even go so far as to say hes giving hannibal a taste of his own medicine. i find the decision to make a hannibal lecter-esque scene of will preparing his homemade dog food (which ive always assumed was randall tier's remains) directly before he gets picked up by mason a curious parallel, maybe even making a point that will is starting to act like hannibal? or just foreshadowing that will's dogs are gonna be fed some weird shit later lol, or both.
anyways, the scene of mason being high on whatever hannibal gave him, and cutting his face off and feeding it to the dogs before getting his neck broken, is directly taken from the actual book. i think theres a few different things that are significant about hannibal deciding to do this specifically in will's house, though:
first is theatricality, obviously. hannibal loves shock value. 
second, it could be a symbol of hannibal's unending and pervasive presence in will's life and mind — this is the first time we've seen will and hannibal in will's own home at the same time. hannibal’s presence in will’s life extends to will’s home. i think the only other time we see them together in will's home is when hannibal saves will from the verger estate, and will rejects hannibal.
third, alana has always said that will's dogs represent the best of will. by hannibal making mason feed his face to will's dogs, this could be like hannibal "tainting" the best parts of will. soaking into every corner of his mind, his life, his soul. also to my point, hannibal says that he "broadened [will's dogs] palates, as [he] broadened [will's]." — there is no corner of will's life that hannibal doesn't touch. 
however, just as that scene could be representative of hannibal having a very large amount of power over will's life, the rest of the episode could be representative of will having just as much power over hannibal. hannibal was quite literally helpless in that straitjacket, a direct result of will's actions (unless hannibal is a magician too and knows how to escape one… which i honestly wouldn't be surprised by). and only escaped because will cut him free. similar to how will was helpless in prison, and only got out because hannibal let him go. will can be a puppet master just like hannibal. they are in equilibrium, to a point. before, will was always on the short end, being manipulated by hannibal, being in prison, etc, but in this half of the season we see them (almost) being equals. as hannibals says earlier in the episode, they understand each others minds, and so hannibal has "the capacity to deceive [will], just as [will] has the capacity to deceive [hannibal]."
as for their motivations:
multiple times in this episode, hannibal is trying to gauge how willing will would be to kill with hannibal. "would you join me at the table?" when talking about eating mason verger, and killing him being a "savage pleasure [they] can share." each time, will avoids the obvious propositions. hannibal taking mason to will's house could also be him trying to gauge how will would react when they are in the same room with a potential victim (if will would share the 'savage pleasure' with him?). at this point, i dont think that had ever happened before. will killed randall tier alone, lied about killing freddie alone, shot hobbs alone. they've never been together in this situation. and aren’t in this situation again until the dragon fight. hannibal probably brought mason to will's house knowing this would happen, and so he could really gauge how will feels about killing together, or at least in hannibal's presence.
not to mention will obviously wants mason dead. will likes doing bad things to bad people because it makes him feel good. thats why he makes that face in 2x07 when he has a gun to hannibal's head in hannibal's kitchen, and why he makes that same face when he has a knife to hannibal's throat earlier in this episode. i could maybe go so far as to call him a sadist. he likes having that feeling of power, as he tells abigail in 1x12. 
i think this is why he looks "turned on" (lol) as you said. he enjoys seeing bad people in vulnerable positions, especially when he holds the power. i think hannibal knows this, too. maybe this was some kind of gift from hannibal? maybe he didn't want to kill mason without will present; giving will the chance to kill the man he knows will hates so much. but also because hannibal, of course, was curious what will would do.
but now will is curious what hannibal will do as well, so he tells hannibal to "do what [he] thinks is best for [mason]," and hannibal obliges easily. he doesn't choose murder or mercy for mason, though, and breaks his neck and leaves him alive in that terrible state. will looks… pleased? by this, i think. (again, sadist). he and hannibal smile at each other as hannibal walks to mason to break his neck. hannibal seems pleased as well at will's reaction and the outcome of the situation.
as i said before, they are, in a way, equals for the first time in this part of the season (which is also symbolized by them being happy little cannibals together at the end of 2x10). this episode is partly them getting to fuck with each other and will reciprocating the fuckery that hannibal was disproportionately doing to will before this point, to be crass. will is, as alana says in 2x06 "playing a game, and he's not scared. not anymore." hannibal bringing mason to will’s house was part of the game they’re playing with each other.
TLDR: hannibal taking mason to will's house could be for theatricality, a symbol of hannibal's presence in will's life (even invading his home), and tainting the "best parts of will" (his dogs). as for hannibal's more personal motivations, hannibal is gauging how will would act while they are in the same room with a potential victim (first time this ever happens, and last until dolarhyde), and possibly be a gift from hannibal because he knows will wants mason dead? as for will's feelings in this moment, he was definitely feeling good because a "bad thing" was being done to a "bad person" and he likes being in that position of power. will putting hannibal in the position (straitjacket in the verger estate) where will has that power over hannibal is will fucking with hannibal, and yet again lets himself get so close to killing hannibal, because he enjoys the feeling. hannibal reciprocates this fuckery by bringing mason to will's house. they are both orchestrating these situations because they are both curious about what will happen, and they are doing this as equals.
edit: not the first time theyve been together with a potential victim, i forgot about clark ingram, but it is the first time theyve been together with a potential victim which ended up harmed/dead by either of their hands! unless im forgetting someone else lol
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
hello! o/ im a queer teenager from canada! i lead my highschool's gsa and am very active in the queer community around us. we raised $800 for the Trevor Project last year, raised $500 towards a chest binder breakroom at our school and are officially putting on the school's first all-age queer prom this may!
however, im very confused at the moment. i grew up in an atheist household and have never really found myself believing in God or anything religious. while i still dont think i believe ALL of it, lately ive been doing a lot of thinking after finding an old pocket bible that belonged to my great grandmother (she practically raised me but i never knew she was religious, she never mentioned it at all) and flipping through it and reading her flagged scriptures (i believe thats what theyre called, forgive me if im wrong), etc.
i then resorted to the internet and have been doing a bit of research and am now very conflicted about my feelings and beliefs. i now have moments where i genuinely believe there is something/someone divine out there. i find myself... almost talking to it, sometimes? i dont really know how to describe it. i even tried praying the other day for the first time in my life. (i probably didnt do it right if theres a proper way, but the point is i did it and i surprised myself.)
even though i have these moments, i still have times where i doubt it all. aside from the occasional joke, ive always done my best to be respectful of people's faith, but never saw myself believing until now. and when i say believe, like i said before, it isnt all of it. (like the creation of the world, etc)
i feel sort of fake in a way i dont know how to describe because of my conflicted feelings and how i dont believe everything. there are a lot of things i want to say about it but i really cant pull words from the emotions and i keep trying to. i also dont really have anyone in my life who i can talk to about this stuff. my family will not take me seriously and none of my friends and teachers are religious.
i dont know if you take asks like this, and its totally fine if you dont, but if you have any kind of advice it would be greatly appreciated.
sorry for the long ask, but thanks so much! hope youre having a wonderful day my friend 🤍
Congratulations for all you accomplish for queer students at your school! That's amazing!!!
That you find some aspects with religion resonates with you shouldn't be surprising or upsetting. Humans have been creating and practicing religions since before there was recorded history. There seems to be a need that is satisfied by religion.
In a broad sense, religion does 3 thing:
1. It provides an explanation for natural phenomena. Why is the ground shaking? Why did the sun go dark temporarily? Why is there a drought? Why is dad sick? Why did a hurricane pummel New Orleans?
2. Religions provide meaning to life. Religion provides answers for what is the purpose of life and what happens when we die. Religions are a vehicle for passing along the wisdom from past generations from hundreds and thousands of years ago.
3. Religion helps humans build community and encourages cooperation among those who believe. Religious belief also helps people develop self-discipline. Unfortunately, religions also have been used to define who is in a community and who is not, and this has led to a lot of harm and even wars
Beyond all these macro reasons, religion is experienced at the individual level. An individual prays and receive comfort and answers and feels a larger entity cares about them. Their faith gives them a purpose. They have a community that is meaningful in their lives. This is part of the truth of their lived experience and can't be easily quantified. It's what makes religion still relevant in the lives of many people today
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imvriix · 2 years
Hi!I was the one who requested the Donald fic and I was wondering if I can have the same concept with Grey and his friends??thank you♡♡♡
𝔄𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩 𝔉𝔞𝔠𝔢
summary ;; — them with someone who is naturally sweet and kind, yet they don't know how to act due to their oblivious nature.
featuring + contains ;; — gray yeon, alex go, ben park, gerard jin, teddy jin x sweetheart/ selfless gn! reader, ( unestablished relationship ).
a/n : tumblr is so ass, ill be writing fics or whatever and when i wanna take a break and i press to put it in drafts and save, it just fucking dissapears. im literally redoing this because tumblr didnt put my work in my drafts. + because theres a lot of characters, ill be sticking to the overall relationship rather than full oneshots.
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                 ⋆*・゚:     :✧*⋆   ・゚
— gray yeon
gray naturally appreciates polite people who mind their business, so its not surprising if he's fond of you.
i think he likes how real and true you are to yourself and others, your smiles always full of meaning and care instead of fear or disgust.
something else he'd like is how you're able to keep up with him, your mindsets click together perfectly.
all of this is foreign to him, so he doesn't know anything about what he's feeling for the longest time until big ben points it out and goes absolute matchmaker mode.
if he does eventually realise, i think he'd be a bit shy and avoid your gaze that little bit more out of worry he'd get lost in it.
gray can be seen as cold at times, even when he's just being normal, so when your able to talk to him normally and without thinking twice like normal friends should, he finds himself enjoying your company so much.
listening to the words and conversation starters spilling from your pretty lips, he forgets to keep his guard up. he even slips in a sarcastic comment or sly smirk of amusement every now and then.
he doesn't feel like he needs to overthink what to do or say as your conversations flow so easily.
whenever you guys are meant to have a group hangout or meet up or whatever, he ends up constantly searching for you and not relaxing his shoulders until he does. he starts staring without realising.
he can and will hog you to himself, he can't help but be a bit selfish.
it'd also take him an eternity to confess, telling himself ( and also a agitated ben ) that he's fine with the way things are at the moment.
yet you remain clueless.
— alex go
hes such a sweetheart
i feel like he would like you the second the two of you met, i think he'd get flustered and overthink a lot around you, so he'd probably hide behind ben.
he'd also avoid being alone with you or talking to you pike his life depends on it, he can't handle actually having a conversation with you just yet.
he'd be worried about messing up or weirding you out by making things too awkward, especially because its extremely noticeable with how he looses his cool and avoids your eyes.
you'd end up forcing him to talk with you and he finds that it isn't as awkward as he thought he'd end up making it.
he actually enjoys it a lot and gets more comfortable, constantly thinking about what to talk to you about next and what to do with you.
one of the things he'd like most is how you see him for him, not as a mindless minion or fake.
i think he'd end up confessing but he'd just end up a stammering mess, but he does get his point across in one way or another through his jumble of words.
you dont even have to say much, just smile and give him a kiss and he'll be okay.
— ben park
he'd think he made it so secret and so unknown but everyone and their mother knows that his feelings aren't only platonic.
its so obvious that it genuinely hurts, he seems to laugh more and become even louder somehow.
big bear hugs whenever you say something sweet or innocent, him giving you constant lectures on how to protect yourself — because we all know he's a gym freak —, and he's protective of you when it comes to anyone outside the friendgroup.
he's just worried you'll get roped into the union and delinquents, he can't afford to lose a friend because some power obsessed freaks couldn't mind their business.
of course, at first he wouldn't have noticed his feelings, and if he did he'd be in slight denial, " i just care about them. we have a mutual caring friendship. yeah, we just care for eachother. yeah. " he'd think, feeling smart.
but when he does sit down and thinks it out, acting like this is the hardest thing he'll ever have to think about in his life, totally concentrated and all, he just admits it to himself pretty easily.
and he makes it everyones business.
sits everyone down, — excluding you —acting all serious, " guys, i have an announcement. i like y/n. "
" wow, really? ", " never would've guessed. ", " oh god i didn't expect that. ", " ya think? " and other sarcastic comments are said.
he seems genuinely surprised everyone knew.
— gerard jin
we all know gerards a pretty straightforward guy, so i think he'd be even more straightforward to himself.
he'd be the only one who was able to actually hide it pretty damn well, so if anyone in the group finds out, they're all actually surprised.
there isn't really a big reason he likes you, he just thinks your really cute so he kind of sticks to you.
free tarot sessions all the way
he's always worried about you, he thinks that someone may try and take advantage of you and your sweetness.
would play guitar for you and even has a few drafts/ secret songs he made about you.
he'll never show you them of course, but they're so beautiful.
he literally just lingers around you. he isnt very friendly with anyone in his class, which is why he visits yours a lot.
but anytime you look over your shoulder, he's just standing over you.
hell, you dont even have to look and you can just sense him looking over you.
personal bodyguard basically
sucker for your praise
— teddy jin
absolutely cannot keep up a conversation with you unless you give it some prodding.
hes kind of like alex in this sense.
he's so tense and awkward because he isn't used to anyone being kind to him without it just being fake and only for their own benefit.
gives you atleast one can of coke whenever you guys see eachother.
i think you would have bonded over sprite and co, he'd fall for you much more harder if you liked cats, especially the two he cared for.
you found it so cute for someone as stubborn and mischievous as teddy to be a diehard cat lover.
you guys basically adopted all the cats in the area together, feeding and caring for literally any cat you see.
can't handle you and cute cats at the same time
he really cant
you'd be like the first person he calls if co is sick, because hes lowkey panicking and running around everywhere in a frenzy since he has no clue about what to do
he recovers eventually and he repays you with coke
you ask for a kiss instead
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mvalentine · 2 years
Fandom Appreciation
@choicesfandomappreciation thank you so so much for hosting this event <3 we all appreciate you & your efforts so so much!
as per usual, i'm late to this but literally who's even surprised at this point? there are so so many people in this fandom who have my entire heart, & i will always be grateful to this fandom for allowing me to meet people i love & adore so so much 💘 so lets get this show on the road:
@utterlyinevitable : dom! i literally love you so fucking much you have no idea. i am so so glad we grew so much closer this year, because no one understands my brainworms better than you: from bridgerton to open heart to the royal romance i am so so glad i have you to rant and scream at <3 you're one of the most talented people i've had the pleasure of knowing, & im so incredibly lucky to call you my friend.
@maurine07 : the way this girl has my entire fucking heart. maurine i'm literally never lying when i say that you're one of my favorite people on this hellsite. you've been so incredibly supportive of me since day one, and i genuinely cannot thank you enough. the way you genuinely care about me & allow me to rant about my ocs? it means the world to me. i love ranting & talking to you so so much, & i hope we stay friends for a very very long time (also please rant about your ocs to me at any time i need to know what's going in that brilliant head of yours <3)
@mysticalgalaxysstuff : m! gosh i cannot believe we only met this year because it genuinely feels like i've known you forever. you are one of the friendliest, funniest & most supportive person i've met. the way you just get me & my humor, the way your reblogs make my entire day, just you - i hope you know just how much of an integral part you play in this fandom. also i will rant more about this in my upcoming (& lengthy) writer's appreciation post but i absolutely adore you & your writing. also miss marissa & you both have my entire heart.
@the-pale-goddess : sis! you're literally one of first people i interacted with on here, an og if you will. you also happen to be one of my favorite people ever. i am in forever in awe of your talent (as if you didn't already know this) but i am way more in awe of the kindness and poise you hold. you're always so incredibly welcoming to everyone here, and i know i can always count on you to make me laugh & feel better whenever i interact with you. i know you're not as active in the fandom as you once more, but i really hope we stay friends for a long long time because you are genuinely one of my favorite people <3
@ofmischiefandmedicine : lin, my brain twin - i literally love you so so much. i can't believe we became friends over someone sending me a hate anon and you coming to my defence, maybe they aren't so bad after all lol <3 i know you're taking a break from the fandom at the moment but i selfishly await for you to come back. but even if that doesn't happen, i know it doesn't mean our friendship is gonna end because you're stuck with me forever, obviously. you are one of the kindest, sweetest, most supportive people i have ever had the pleasure of meeting. the way you always go out of your way to stand up for what is right & for what you believe in is genuinely so inspiring to me. also let's not forget about your immense talent! the way we share all of the same thoughts and opinions is my favorite thing ever, apart from miss laura levchenko who has my whole entire fucking heart. also! petty lin is my fav <3 in conclusion i love you, so so much.
@starrystarrytrouble : ruby <3 the way i literally love you so fucking much. ma'am how are you so fucking talented? so fucking kind? so fucking funny? like genuinely, teach me your ways. i am so incredibly lucky to call you my friend. you have always been there for me, always so incredibly supportive & i appreciate that more than words can say. i will obviously rant more about your talent when i post my writer's appreciation post but i hope you know that e&e have my entire heart <3 also i can't wait to move to the uk & hopefully meet with you irl because how fucking cool would that be?!
@takemyopenheart : avy my beloved <3 you were one of the first writers who's works i read on here, and i have been obsessed with you since then. you are so incredibly talented, not to mention so fucking funny. i love love love that we are fellow bridgerton whores <3 i am so so glad that you're here & am forever grateful for your friendship & support. i love you!!
@openheartforeverinmyheart : lizzie!! again one of the people who i've only known for a short period of time yet it feels way longer. you are such a positive ray of light in this fandom, & i am so so happy to call you my friend. thank you for being so incredibly supportive of me since day one, it means the world to me <3 i love all your takes & ethan & adelina!! i am so so glad you decided to join our fandom because it genuinely wouldn't be the same without you.
@lsvdw-blog : l! my bestie! i literally love you and your big brain so fucking much <3 i love how i can always count on you to be my rant buddy like bitch how are you so fucking funny while having the best takes at all times? i am so incredibly grateful to you for always being so supportive of both me & my writing, it means so much to me. and bitch you already know i love serena & ethan & that angsty mind of yours, like yes please give me more break my heart to smithereens.
@cariantha : cari! my fellow brooks sister <3 since day one, you have been such a staple in our fandom, and i am so incredibly happy that you're here. i am absolutely obsessed with your edits & your talent, not to mention the immense support you show everyone here! i'm grateful to call you my friend & i love you mwah <3!!
@anotherbeingsworld : alya bestie i know you're not super active in the choices fandom anymore but it is how we met so thank fucking god for that because you are literally one of my favorite people ever. you're so fucking kind & talented like hellaur how do you do it? i am obsessed with you and all your ocs like is mastermind by twsizzle about you? also i love love love our calls so so much, we gotta do it again soon! also queen of moodboards & edits hello? i'm gonna stop now before i start ranting but i can't wait for you to visit sg so that we can finally meet irl & i can show you around the sights and be your local tour guide <3
@ariondevereux : nikka! again, i know that you aren't super active in the choices fandom anymore but it is how we met and i am so so thankful for that. your talent is fucking insane!! i am so so incredibly excited for the ethan & lana song like that little snippet i already saw? fucking out of this world. i absolutely love that brilliant brain of yours, your hcs and your characters and your pinterest boards like you don't understand, i'm obsessed. also you're literally so fucking kind?! like yes you have the voice of an angel but you're also literally just an angel in general, like i love you so fucking much <3
@burnsoslow : burns! the way i've been obsessed with you since day one. literally one of my favorite creators & human beings on this hellsite. the way you were so kind to me since day one? it meant & continues to mean so fucking much to me. i love you & your big brain so fucking much - let's have that wine & gossip day soon yeah?
@joachimtriers : tagging you because i know you're the biggest ethan stan ever <3 okay anyways you know how much i fucking adore you but this ain't about you so adios mwah <3
@katkart122 : the way you won't even see this because you fucking suck <3 but anyways of course you have to be on this fucking list because without this inane app i wouldn't have met one of my best friends (ew, that felt gross to type </3) -- you already know how much i adore you (not really) & your big brain (yeah really) won't get too sappy because that's disgusting but i can't wait to move in together and tell people we met because we simped over a 2d man's dick.
special shoutout to my og ethanbrook girlies <3 i know ya'll aren't active in the oph fandom anymore but i hope you know how much i fucking love y'all you guys made this fandom such an amazing place & you guys will always have a special place in my heart: @cryinginthebackseat @drethanramslay @thefeminineurge @openheartthot @sleepingdea @mortifying-macaroni
also shoutout to one of my favorite people ever- @terrm9 terr i know you aren’t active in the fandom anymore but if you see this just know that i love you so so much, you have the biggest heart and i will forever be grateful for your friendship. also i am obsessed with your mind & ocs and i still think about lina & tatum to this day <3 i love you my friend i hope life is treating you and your family well because you deserve that and more & oh tell my favorite human zuz that i said hi MWAH 💘💘
this post is getting egregiously long so i will shut up now, but i can't end this post without mentioning a few more of my favorite people, people i am so so grateful are in this fandom & make the fandom what it is: @blossomanarchy @lem-20 @a-crepusculo @jamespotterthefirst @mydemonsdrivealimo @alwaysmychoices @gryffindordaughterofathena @headoverheelsforramsey @bryceslahela @kcnnarys @potionsprefect @txemrn @quixoticdreamer16 @peonierose @annfg8 @trappedinfanfiction i love ya'll <333
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elialys · 2 months
OMG im so 🥺
That i have to talk...I'm in shock !
How can someone like Torv and not follow her teachings? Love others as they are!Yes she always said quote Helen is Anna Torv "I love you just the way you are"it should always be people's motto!
And another quote she left this year EMPATY...OK you Dont like the person but you have to respect.Then its ok leave...why criticize something if we have no comparison?
You don't do anything so so wrong unforgivable to a human and everyone sometimes make mistakes!
I am sometimes surprised and outrageous by people pointing the finger só easily at small things that they perceive differently and be silent or quiet at big problems around them or even looking at themselves! I'm just saying one thing.  Of all of us.... ALL of us, YOU were the one who dedicated the most time YEARS -DECADES, had the most patience (countdown the minutes of the 2 years without premieres? ) and fought for each series, each Anna Torv's work(things like uniting fans, posting videos, talking about her, supporting her unconditionally... Fauxlivia is still your protégé, right?🤭and fighting Helen Dale dont stop )... and for me it is extremely commendable and I admire you immensely for never stopping fighting and share Anna Torv!
Your neurodivergent brain may have flaws...but What brain don't have sometimes a little's error ?
NOBODY is Perfect right? And qualities as a fan fic writer, fan, woman, friend, caring, and empathetic you have and they are huge And guess what...people who prefer to criticize SHES A REALLY TREASURE !
I could list about more than 100 things you did that were important! And if you wanna i can make a list...my nerd brain remembers all good gestures 🥰
And this is for all there fans no fans humans that read...
When they criticize you...choose the other path...which Anna Torv has also advised...
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Thank you so much for your kind words, Maria ❤️❤️❤️
Honestly, I am genuinely at a lost as to why some people get so mad and unforgiving over honest mistakes, especially when I mean it when I say I never meant any harm, and will listen and change my behavior if it's not appropriate. I have been in this fandom for a very long time, and I've always tried my best to be nice, and to do better when I can do better. And anyone who takes the time to actually get to know me at all, unlike those people who have honestly been very closed-off from the start, knows that I'm the opposite of an asshole, and that my life motto literally is 'let's be kind and show empathy'.
I swear twitter puts a negativity filter on everyone's brain, they expect the worst of everyone. The fact that they thought I'd sent people after them to 'harass' them, when I wasn't even aware of what was going on until my friend reached out to me to tell me about it, at which point said friend had already gotten involved, just baffles me. I'm a 36 year old adult with bad social anxiety, I live my life hoping to avoid drama or situations in which people will get angry at me in any way. The last thing I would ever think to do is have that kind of vindictive behavior, especially about something I knew I could have handled better. But you can't have conversations with the twitter crowd, you just can't. They will assume the worst of you and that's it.
I haven't been on twitter for a couple weeks now, except to post fic links for my followers who care about them, and honestly, I don't know if I'll be back, not when there are a few people who seem to enjoy scrutinizing the things I do or say.
I still want to do the Anna project because I want her to receive love from her fans, but my anxiety about this is too high at the moment, and my brain a bit too unkind.
I'm very thankful for fellow fans like you, Maria, I mean that 😘😘😘
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darkangel0410 · 1 year
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 14
sorry so many its only bc im obsessed with you and love your brain! and really genuinely interested in how it works!
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Don't apologize, I love talking writing stuff with you!!! This did get super long, tho, so I'm putting it under a cut:
2) What is your favorite fic of yours?
I mean, the real answer is all of them, lbr, but I'm really proud of trouble at my door (the necromancer au!!) because I love the worldbuilding I did, and it's basically the first case fic I ever wrote, and fight scenes that don't lead to sex!!! And a really good sex scene, too, if I do say so myself
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
Hmmm, there's a couple answers for this, one of which is trouble at my door again, lol, but probably (this one) to the grave - it's an ultra rarepair (Chris Kreider/John Tavares), but I love the werewolf worldbuilding I dit, and sometimes I think about revisiting it
4) What fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was?
Oh, probably any Tkachuks or Hughes (or Fantilis now, I guess lol) fic that gets over like 20 kudos or more than a couple comments, tbh. I get so much pushback from fandom (anon and otherwise) about writing it that it's always weird to me if they do well in that way
6) Do you outline your fics? If so, how?
I do not usually - for a series, I'll make notes as I go so I don't Joss myself, and if there's a case (so basically, necromancer au and in death au lmaoo) I make notes about it, but usually I just have an idea - what if Thom Bordelau was a necromancer? What if Jack Eichel was a crime lord? What if Trevor Zegras was a werewolf? and on and on forever - and then I sit down and start writing it to see what happens. After a few hundred words I mostly know how I want it to end, and what happens to get there. But I don't outline it the way plotters generally do - I tried before, when I was still figuring out my process for writing, but when I do write done everything like that first I don't want to write it anymore because the story feels told to me then, and my brain's satisfied.
8) Do you take inspiration from real life? If so how do you incorporate it into your fics?
Yeah, some - I think to a certain extent every writer does, we can't help it. As for how it ends up in fics...I think it's mostly little things, like. Someone's favorite song or drink - large iced mocha, extra chocolate from DD baybee (Turcs fave btw) - the way they tilt their head to the side when they ask questions, how impatient they are with people sometimes.
I do bring a lot of sex/kink/bdsm experience to my fic, too, I think - not necessarily in the sense that I write everyone having the same kinks as me, but I've been around kink and dungeons almost my whole adult life so there's stuff I know how to write that I'm not always into, and it makes it easier to have seen it done irl, or know someone who's into whatever I'm writing.
It also means I get a lot of people poking at me, through their own fic or in my inbox, about stuff that I've written, but at least there's hardly any death threats any more, unlike when I first started writing bdsm AUs/fics 😂😂😂
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
Oh this is such a good question - there's a couple, really, one of which is in (take this) to your grave by the end of that fic John's a very specific kind of crazy, and I love when readers picked up on that ❤️❤️❤️ there's also a part in the godlings verse where it's explained why Auston always looks so cranky when he's in Toronto (it's because he's the son of Apollo and he loathes cold weather lol) and I love the couple people who picked up on it 💕💕💕
Thank you for asking!!!! It was alot of fun!! ❤️❤️❤️ (fic writers ask meme)
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grippingbeskar · 1 year
goodbye 2022– a love letter
okay, so i am not one for long, sappy posts. in fact i think i can count on one hand the amount of times i’ve written about personal stuff on this blog, because i wanted it to be a space for me to just escape life and write for the first time.
i just wanted to make this post to say thank-you. i think i have written that word out about 1,000 times since making this account, but it will truely never be enough to express how greatful i am to have this space, and that all of you have been so fucking welcoming and kind to me.
when i started this account nine months ago, i genuinely had no idea what it would turn into. i’d been reading fanfic for most of my life, and the last few years i’ve been obsessed with the punisher and the mandalorian (not much has changed). i’ve always been the type of person to make stories in my head, especially with how much i read, it’s almost like i can’t help it. i also have taken a very big interest in writing recently, so i thought why not have a bit of fun with it and write a few chapters of a story and see where it goes.
my first official post on this account was the first chapter of the element of surprise series, and i remember getting my first few notes, and even a comment, and i nearly jumped out of my skin. every single one since then has been so special, and i still get all giddy and excited when i see someone interacting with my stories. after that i posted my first frank castle story, looking to tomorrow. i was so insecure about it, but at that point i think i had literally 0 followers, so i had NOTHING to lose.
after a few more chapters and frank one shots i started to get a little more inspired, and that is all thanks to the lovely people who cared enough to encourage me. i would have 100% stopped writing if you all hadn’t been so welcoming and amazing, and my life trajectory has seriously changed for the better. not even exaggerating.
now i’m here nine months later. i’ve finished my first series and nearly completed my second, both of which are over 85,000 words in length, which is fucking WILD. i have also written 30ish (im counting my drafts in this lmao) stand alone fics, and did my first ever celebration, writing out a bunch of requests (which i still actually have three or four in my drafts. trust me they are coming i’m just slow pls).
i am just so so greatful to have this space where i have so many encouraging, kind people that share the same interests, and find genuine enjoyment in the shit that i write. i’ll never be able to type out in words how much it means. every time someone reads my fics, i just want them to know how much it means to me. even if you don’t interact (i’d love to reply personally if you do!) i just love that people are reading my writing. so thank you. THANK YOU.
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now. i have a few ppl i wanna mention who have made this experience all the more incredible.
@everybirdfellsilent for being my first tumblr friend and my longest. you are so, so incredible, and i genuinely don’t know where i would be if i hadn’t found you on here. thank you for your constant support, editing help, beta reading, screaming about sexy fan art, obi-wan thirsting and everything in between. i appreciate you more than you know and i love u for it.
@buckymcbuckbarnes BITCH you know i love you. do i even have to SAY!!!! thank you for everything— you are such a special person to me, and i literally can’t tell u how glad i am to have found you. watch out 2023 bc we have big things COMING. and they will be cumming if you know what i mean. thank you for your incredible playlists and every single fic and tik tok you send me. i love every single one. i love you. we say it all the time and i mean it.
@tea-and-wine for all our chats, even though sometimes they are few and far between, i always appreciate your messages and kind words. i hope you make 2023 your bitch!!
@marvelswh0re for your thirsty frank and matt thoughts and all your kind words. i still think about that convo we had about how frank is receiving a bj. it’s just always in my mind. i need him to **** ** ***. sorry got off track. THANKYOU!!!
@lemon-world1 for being SO lovely, and for all the amazing words you’ve left on my frank series and everything in between. it means so so much to me. i can’t explain it. also congrats for sharing your frank fic, it was incredible and i can’t wait to see what else you have in store!
@castlesnchurches i will never be able to express how much i love reading your comments on my fics. probably one of my fave things ever. you motivate me so much just by being so lovely. thank you thank you. xx
@dinahmadanimybeloved for your amazing messages and supportive words, i hope 2023 is a good one for you xx
@hellskitchenswhore FOR GENERAL KINDNESS!!! thankyou so so much. it means the world ❤️
and to every single person who has interacted, liked or read a fic of mine/ followed along for the journey— and reading this right now!!! i’ll never be able to tell you how happy you have made me. thank you for making a pretty shitty year that much better ❤️
get ready for more fics, more series, and more SEX in 2023. YEHAW.
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wc-confessions · 1 year
I don’t want so say I don’t want discussion about my comic (the comic is literally meant to start discussion, thats what its for) and imply that I think I’m like, above criticism or anything because I’m certainly not. I wont ask you to delete the old stuff and I don’t really want you to because there’s good discussion there!
But like, in future cases, like you said in your tags it’d probably be best to keep talk about specific people vague or nonexistent, unless there’s genuine evidence of them doing something nasty (alla sagutoyas) because it can be kind of jarring coming to a tumblr blog and seeing people talk about you like you’re a display at a museum instead of a person, y’know? I don’t think you or even most of the people that sent in asks meant ill and I don’t hold anything against you!!! It was just kind of weird and gross feeling.
Again I deeply appreciate your thoughtful and kind responses, it was a very pleasant surprise, esp after og anon basically indirectly accused me of zoophilia. That’s an absolutely awful thing to say about someone with no basis other than “they talk about sex and that makes me uncomfortable.” Thank you so much again for being responsible, respectful and kind about all this!!! I have a lot of respect for you for doing so, with both this and other situations I’ve skimmed through here.
King Mystrie put my intentions w the comic into words very well; tiptoeing around the topic of sexual abuse doesn’t do anything good for anybody except for predators themselves.
If anyone has concerns about the way I write my story I’m happy to discuss that, just come to me on my deviantART and talk to me instead of accusing me of horrible things on tumblr. (Directed at og anon, not you, blog owner)
Sorry it took a second to respond, I have Symptoms Syndrome so I’ve like reread my own ask like ten times to try and make sure it comes across how I want it to lol
i already have a rule that states id rather people vauge and ive been ignoring talk about creators (with the exception of their work unless the ask is inciting harassment or bullying). ive had people tell me its weird in the past so im doing my best to try to detect when asks cross a boundary but its also hard because im easy to react and often dont really understand what people mean when they say certain things. dont wanna say mainly bc of autism but perhaps people on the internet dont always get their feelings or point across well through text, like sometimes you cant get the same benefits from irl convo than text. but yea i think its my fault for even entertaining the anon before anything. i feel im not the best at handling that kind of stuff but i am open to criticism it helps me immensely bc i dont want this blog to be like negative i want people to have fun and talk about stuff they like too. thank you for this and you seem like a really nice person!
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