yes-wincest · 4 days
early supernatural is actually so funny because sam n dean were dumbass twenty year olds burning gas in a classic car rolling up to crime scenes in five layers of plaid, a carhartt jacket, and their chippewa boots pretending to be fbi agents. all while frantically flipping thru their notebooks as that weeks monster attacks them
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yes-wincest · 7 days
Constantly think about Dean and Sam being alone in a motel room while John is out on a hunt... Dean feeding Sam, making sure he's okay, then when they get bored they make out. but it's all 'practice' for when Sammy gets older! (it isn't)
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yes-wincest · 7 days
Throughout the show Sam and Dean are repeatedly confronted with people telling them their relationship is unusual, but this never seems to sink in for them. The canon compliant interpretation is repression and that they have never acted on their more than brotherly feelings for each other, but I have another theory: they started acting on these feelings way too young and can never acknowledge that they act on them because of this. I’m putting it under a cut for containing severely underage sex but I’ve been thinking about this for days and just have to get it out of my system.
You see, when some kinds of relationships start so young that the people in them don’t know what to call it, it can either never be given a name or it can end. I don’t know if there is any relationship in the world that can survive saying out loud “we started having sex when both of our ages were in the single digits and that was really fucked up but do you want to keep doing it.” But Sam and Dean’s relationship cannot end - they are soulmates after all - so they can never say it out loud. It started before there was a word for it so now there never will be a word for it.
It starts when Sam is two or three and Dean is six or seven. They sleep in the same bed - they have practically ever since either of them can remember. Legs wrapped around each other maybe one of them grinds against the other just the wrong way and it feels good and they don’t stop. Maybe it starts with Sam maybe it starts with Dean, it doesn’t matter - it happens. Maybe Dean already has some idea of what’s going on, maybe he’s done this before on his own, but he doesn’t fully grasp that it’s wrong for him to be doing it with another person. Maybe he has the vague feeling that it would be Bad if John found out about this but he can’t put his finger on why - just an internalization of societal norms that he doesn’t understand and never will. It stays this way all through childhood. Humping turns to touching themselves next to each other turns to touching one another directly. When Dean is in middle school there’s some kind of sex ed class and he finds it intriguing - he’s always been interested in sex - but never puts together that what he’s doing with his little brother is sexual. They’re both boys after all and sex is something you do with a woman. When Sam reaches middle school teenage Dean figures it’s his job to teach his little brother about sex. He never stops to consider that it’s something they’ve already been doing. Dean loses his virginity to some girl in high school. As far as he’s concerned it’s the first time he’s had sex with another person - sex requires a pussy, after all. Some time in their teen years they start going farther. It would seem impossible for the denial to continue at this point but it does. They’re just doing this because they’re brothers, because they need to be closer to each other.
Then maybe Sam realizes. Or maybe he doesn’t. If he does, maybe that’s part of why he leaves. It would be impossible for their relationship to continue once one of them accepted that the start of it at least had been messed up. But then Dean shows up and drags Sam away from his normal life. Was Sam ever really capable of normal, of enjoying normal things in normal ways after everything? Maybe Sam never did realize anything. Maybe he was living in his normal life like a dream, never understanding why it never quite felt right. Then he’s back with Dean. Their relationship is so, so much more than just sex-that-isn’t-sex - that’s just what I’m talking about here - so this doesn’t pick back up immediately. There are so many more things to sort out. But then one night they’re just both horny at the same time and they do find themselves exactly where they left off. It still isn’t sex. Sex is something you do with women. Sex isn’t something you do as a kid. They did this as kids, so it isn’t sex.
When the siren says it wants to be their brother because it wants to fall in love, neither of them bats an eye. When Ash tells them they’re soulmates they’re relieved to spend eternity together but not much else. When countless people assume them to be a couple they’re genuinely confused - they’ve just always been this way so they can’t be a couple because couples are people who haven’t always been that way.
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yes-wincest · 7 days
i completely forgot how awkward the ‘soulmates’ exchange was in dsotm?
so we have ash explaining how heaven works to samdean (again, apparently)
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then you have him do this ‘fuck it i have to do this again don’t i maybe this time i can be nonchalantly vague and they’ll let me get away with it’ thing with his head
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then dean asks him what he means and then there’s that awkward pause while ash mentally resigns himself to giving them the Talk again:
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and the camera cuts it out so you can’t see it completely but he’s sort of pointing/gesturing towards them when he says the ‘soulmates’ line (also just look at his face ADKSHDKS)
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and then of course you have the awkward pause again while they register that and the camera makes sure to capture both their reactions
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and ash is just standing there like ‘i should give them a minute not everyday a man finds out the brother he is unhealthily obsessed with is also his actual fucking soulmate’
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anyway 10/10 interaction late seasons spn could never
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yes-wincest · 7 days
The thing is, Sam is a freak, Dean has every diagnosable issue ever, and Cas is a war criminal. Hopes this helps someone.
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yes-wincest · 7 days
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yes-wincest · 8 days
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yes-wincest · 8 days
fourteen year old sammy who wants his big brother so so so bad x eighteen year old dean who doesn’t want to hurt him but never learned how to deny his baby brother anything. yeah.
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yes-wincest · 8 days
dean being model-beautiful as a teenager, like stop in your tracks and stare on the street, while sam is just an awkward looking kid is sooo important to me. because dean would one hundred percent not see it. he thinks sam is just shy (or maybe gay??) when he hasn’t been kissed by fifteen, because clearly girls must be fawning over him.
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yes-wincest · 8 days
guys I know we have a mental breakdown over sex and violence twice a week but I just watched it again and. I still can't believe they shot and aired this. it's insane
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yes-wincest · 8 days
samdean having the same blood type is so important to me like icb we never saw them giving each other blood transfusions.
it would’ve been john’s idea at first… sam gets a serious injury on one of his first hunts and he’s losing blood but they’re in the woods and john— calm, ignoring the obvious horror and self-blame on dean’s face— orders dean to the car, go get the first aid kit. dean’s out of breath when he gets back, silently taking over putting pressure on sam’s wound, entire focus on keeping him awake, you’re okay sammy, just look at me. he barely takes notice of john until he’s pulling dean’s left hand off sam, pushing up his sleeve. dean doesn’t even glance at him until he feels something stick in his forearm. that’s when he looks, seeing plastic tubing and needles. he makes brief eye contact with his father, understanding despite never going to a doctor before, and turns back to sam. sam barely reacts to the needle in his arm, just a weak flutter of eyelids, and dean sits there in shock until john smacks him on the side of the head, ordering him to stand up. dean obeys, already a good soldier at 17. he stands over sam like a guardian angel, watching his blood travel down the tube into sam’s veins as john sews the hole in his abdomen shut.
john knows from looking at him that he must be lightheaded, but dean still insists on helping sammy back to the car, sticking close to him like he’ll die if he lets go.
both boys in the backseat, pale from blood loss, but alive. sam’s head is on dean’s shoulder, and deans arm is around him, blood-stained fingers dragging up and down his arm slowly, soothing.
john doesn’t even argue about them sharing a bed that night; he’s too tired. dean refuses to leave sam’s side for a moment, washing the blood and grime off sam’s face, hands and stomach without doing the same for himself. they fall asleep with sam’s face almost against dean’s chest and dean’s arms tight around him, feeling him breathing.
once they know they can, they do it a lot. dean offering when it’s really not necessary, and sam letting him, both pretending they don’t just enjoy sharing everything about themselves.
and Maybe when they get a drop of blood on their hands they just lick it off instead of dirtying their clothes and Maybe that’s where sam got his taste for blood from but who am i to say
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yes-wincest · 8 days
unfriendly reminder that this is what sam and dean looked like when sam left for stanford
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yes-wincest · 8 days
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Supernatural S2E02 Everybody Loves a Clown
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yes-wincest · 10 days
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dad’s back
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yes-wincest · 10 days
"I don't want therapy. What if I lose my sparkle??" meme, but it's Sam and Dean about each other. The therapist is like, "Okay, you two are codependent. Let's work on making your relationship healthier," and they're just like, "No thanks! :))"
Boundaries?? Nah, they'll pass. Forming other relationships?? They don't need 'em, they have each other. I can imagine them not understanding why codependency is bad. Like how dare you tell them that there's a wrong way for them to love each other??
"I don't want therapy," they'll say. "What if I lose my sparkle? My brother? My other half? The love of my life? My soulmate?"
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yes-wincest · 10 days
idea i just had: psychic sam (or witch sam) accidentally projecting his feelings & dreams to dean. accidentally sharing his brotherkissing wet dreams, and it pushing them apart because dean feels like a piece of shit for dreaming about sam and Liking it, and sam thinks he musta made noise or something in his sleep, and now dean thinks he’s a freak
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yes-wincest · 16 days
there’s something about wincest in the pre-slash era (whenever that is) where i think the dynamic is: one of them does not have sex with men. doesn’t think of them that way, because it feels too dangerous, too easy to slip into those fantasies he keeps locked away. and the other one fucks guys, but only ones who are eerily similar, carbon copies to his brother. the type of resemblance that would turn most siblings off. and the roles could go either way, for either of them. just… the dynamics of the different types of desperate “unrequited” feelings and the way they try to get away from them.
like. dean getting drunk and making out with some tall, long haired guy at a bar. nasty desperate hands down the back of the guys jeans, stifling a sigh that his ass isn’t quite round enough to be sam’s. he has blue eyes, not brown, but dean isn’t looking at his face anyway. fucking not-sam rough in the back of the impala, moaning baby and cutting off before brother, saying sam’s name when he cums, trying not to stare at the army figure in the ashtray. hating himself for it, swearing off it, but always crawling back, chasing the high like an addict. feeling deep in his soul that sam was right to leave, that he’s better off without his sick freak of a brother.
sam being into girls with short hair, accidentally hitting on lesbians because he struggles to be attracted to anything not wearing a crew cut, flannel and work boots. he’s sick, he knows, that’s part of why he had to leave. frosh week drunk, he lets a guy flirt with him, because he’s just tall enough, just different enough, that sam can give himself plausible deniability. his lips are too thin, he’s too gentle, he smells like axe and fake leather, but sam needs something, and this is all he can get. it’s going fine, until the guy— too late now to ask his name— goes for sam’s belt and sam feels like he’s going to puke. the wrongness of it comes over him all at once, like a hex. clarity piercing his drunken state: not dean’s hands, not dean’s voice, not dean, wrong. at least it gives him an excuse to back out, a good reason to lock himself in the bathroom and sit on the floor, trying to determine if the dry heaving is cheap beer or grief.
girls are— safe. long hair, soft hands, sweet and gentle and nowhere close to 6’1. this way, there’s nothing reminding sam of the absence, nothing pushing against the barrier he’s made around what he really wants. he can be normal.
he knows it’s dean after the first strike, knows his footsteps and his breath and the outline of his shoulders, even in the dark. but sam doesn’t stop fighting, because he’ll have to stop touching dean, and sam can allow himself this one thing, after so long. dean’s leather jacket on sam’s bare arms is making him dizzy, and sam lets dean take him down, the beginning and end of sam’s understanding of desire. a reminder, familiar like dean’s rough palms on his wrists, his weight pinning sam, his shit-eating grin and drawled easy, tiger; sam has never been normal.
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