#but oooooo he was pissing me OFF
neeerd · 5 months
Ok I know I’m late to the game on Fellow Travelers but episode 4 and 5 were giving me WHIPLASH with Marcus’ behavior! Literally during episode four I thought to myself “I need to find a man who treats me like that” but while he was standing outside the alley in episode 5, I couldn’t care less whether he lived or died I really hated him in that moment. Thank god for the 80s flash forward keeping him in my good books bc I really do love him <3
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
Lando Norris HC's
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I'm burnt out and exhausted and I just want someone to love me haha
Where to begin?
He's... something else
Don't get me wrong, he's amazing
What's not to love?
High performance athlete who also streams on Twitch
Every bit the golden retriever boyfriend everybody wanted
Every bit the golden retriever boyfriend Y/N got
This man? Attention WHORE
He doesn't stop
Comes out with the weirdest stuff
It's so much fun
Wants his girlfriend with him for race weekends
Because he hates going a long time without pissing her off
Very important that his girlfriend gets along with Carlos
She's there when they're pissing about
During their McLaren days?
You kind of have a love every minute of it if you're dating Lando
Sitting in while he streams sometimes
Not every time
But being in the room, doing something while he streamed
Y/N could be doing her own work while Lando gamed and streamed
Chief cuddler
But can't sit still long enough for them to properly cuddle
Loves getting his hair played with
Oooooo running your fingers through Lando Norris' hair? Literally can't imagine anything better
Stealing hats and hoodies purely because they smell like him
Lando loves snogging
Kissing by lamp light, hands on her hips, grip almost bruising
Or his hands would be on her face, pushing away her hair
Man loves marking up
Marking up his girl and being marked up
Aka, hand prints, hickies, scratches down his back
Lando loved that the most
Feeling her nails raking down the skin of his back
Plus, it was easy to hide
Unless he was participating in an ice bath
Then he'd mark her up twice as good, since she couldn't leave marks on him
Out in the club, Lando is very touchy
Aka, doesn't let go of her
Holding her hand
Holding her hips or her ass as they danced
Y/N becoming one of the more photographed WAG's
Simply because she didn't want to stay hidden
She wanted the world to see her with Lando
She wanted the world to know how much she loved her man
After a race, when Lando was in the top three, he'd climb of the car, wave to the crowd, run over to the McLaren team at the barriers to celebrate
And then he'd pull Y/N against the barrier and she'd kiss his helmet, where she'd think his lips would be
Holidays with Lando!!
Oh my god, literally the best
Fancy hotels and Yachts
Adventuring together
Holidaying with other drivers
There was one particular holiday
It was very spontaneous, they hadn't booked anything
Just hopped off a plane and off they went
To the Canary Islands
It was difficult to get a hotel
When they landed, they could only get one
It was... hell
Kids everywhere, booming music like baby shark playing around the pool all day
It was all inclusive, with drunk, neglectful parents spending every minute getting burnt on the sun loungers or around the buffet
Y/N and Lando found themselves as far away from the pool and buffet as they possibly could
Y/N would be reading her book as Lando did... something
When parents came and took their kids for dinner, they got a break from it
They could go in the pool without kids swimming into them
The hotel had crazy golf
Happy Lando
Happy Lando dragging Y/N around the crazy golf course, giggling like a child
Driving with Lando
Ugh, simply the best
Driving around Monaco in the Fiat Jolly (before he sold it) with his hand on her thigh
Driving in any vehicle with Lando's hand on her thigh
Hitting every red light
Kissing at the stop signs (darling)
Lando belting out the lyrics to any song that comes on
Having a car playlist so that the both of them could sing along
Going to Lando's parents for Christmas
Traditional British Christmas
Aka, roast dinner, pulling crackers, drinking, playing board games and ending the night with a cheese board
Taking his girlfriend around Guildford while they're in the UK
(I'm pretty sure it's Guildford - a youtube video from five years ago just popped up which said Guildford)
(Guildford is the halfway point between where I live now and where I actually live)
After a year and a half, Lando asks her to move in with him
Six months after that, they get a dog
A Doberman, collie, or golden retriever, I think
The name? Badger
Why? Daniel
Aka, Daniel knew the couple were going to adopt a dog
He had to get himself involved somehow and
He placed a wager - if Lando finished below P5 he'd get to name the dog
Y/N readily accepted
Lando DNFed that race
And so, the dog was named after the honey badger himself
To this day, Lando doesn't know
Lando is such a good dog dad
The dog doesn't come to the race weekends like Roscoe does with Lewis
Either Y/N stays home or the dog stays with a trusted friend if they had both gone
Lando's social media becomes a fan account for the dog
Having oh so many pregnancy scares with this man
Who doesn't love a late night run to the shop to get a pregnancy test or two?
They do eventually get pregnant
Y/N finds out on a race weekend
She was at home with Badger when she saw the pregnancy test in her bathroom cabinet
Video calling her best friend, Y/N took it
She waited the mandatory couple of minutes before she checked the little stick
She had to hang up on her friend
It was just meant to be for fun
Nothing serious
But then it turned serious
What the fuck was she going to do?
When the fuck would she tell Lando?
Should she tell him now, before he's about to go and race?
Yeah no, not a chance
Not with how much she was currently freaking out
She waits until he gets home from the race weekend
The test (and all of the others she'd done) had been thrown in the bin
All she had was herself
This was fine
She wasn't freaking out
(she was freaking out big time)
Y/N stayed up, waiting with Badger for Lando to come home
As soon as the door opened, she jumped up and faced him
Lando dropped his things when he saw her
He'd assumed she'd been asleep when he got in
But no, she was still awake
And he'd been waiting for him
Warmth spread through him
Normally, when Y/N waited up for Lando, she'd jump into his arms
But not this time
She just stood there, staring at him
"I've got something to tell you"
Anxiety spread through Lando
Y/N told him
He dropped to his knees
Well, his one knee
For the longest time Lando had been looking for a sign that he should propose
He wanted to, he desperately wanted to
He was just looking for some sort of sign
This wasn't a sign, it was a slap in the face
With all of the racing, Lando hadn't yet managed to buy her a ring
He'd really meant to
When he got down onto one knee, it was at the very back of his mind
"Marry me?"
Yeah, that was how he asked
Of course, Y/N said yes
Lando began running around, looking for some rope or yarn or twine that he could wrap around her finger until he got a proper ring
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randomgurl2326 · 11 months
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Summary: the one where Carl almost gets his ass beat
It was a sweltering hot day in Alexandria; which means everyone is wearing revealing clothes. Including my dad…not the best sight to see.
For those who don’t know, my dad is Daryl motherfucking Dixon. I know, the redneck of the apocalypse. Clearly the overprotective daddy he is, he does not approve of me wearing revealing clothes, but oh well too bad dear father of mine.
Yes, the leaders son with the right hand-man’s daughter. Some people say meant to be, some say what the fuck. The ‘what the fuck’ one being my dad, my protector, my best friend. But in all honesty he loves me with Carl and that puts a nice smile on my face.
But today everyone was going to hang out by the pond closer to Alexandria. Everyone being my Dad, Rick(who I insist on calling Mr. Grimes), Michonne, Maggie, Glenn, and of course my oh so handsome boyfriend: Carl Grimes.
As I said before, to my father’s chagrin I was wearing revealing shorts, sort of, kinda, totally showing off a little bit of my ass, which my boyfriend was definitely enjoying a little bit too much for my father’s liking, which brings us to now…
“Hey kid, stop starin’ at my daughter’s ass,” this response from my dad to Car staring at my butt caused a lot of ‘oooooo’s from the group. My mouth fell open a little bit and I looked back at daddy and Carl and yell out, “Dad!”
My sudden scream of disapproval from me got a few laughs. Glenn looked over to me and said, “Oh my sweet little Y/N, when will you learn that this will not end.” He trailed off a little at the end with slight laugh, turning back to Maggie.
Carl puts his arm around my waist, and looks down at me with a smile, “Hey, darlin’, he’s right you know, I won’t get over this ass.” At the and of his sentence he grabbed at my ass and I swatted his hand away, grabbing his hat. “You’ll get this back when you learn how to behave, darlin’,” I said mocking his lil’ pet name he had for me since the start.
He pouted a little and said, “you know you love me.” I shook my head with a little laugh and looked down, then looking up into his eye a second later. “I know I do, but if you keep doin’ that my daddy is gonna beat your ass.” He smirked before licking his lips and looking around, “I thought I was your daddy.”
His response must’ve been a little too loud because everyone started laughing, my mouth was open with a dumbfounded expression, and my dad looked at Carl pissed. My dad started coming toward us and I looked to my scared boyfriend and kissed him quickly. “Run, Carl. RUN,” I said while pushing him, encouraging him to book it.
Carl finally ran with my dad trailing close behind him, everyone else laughing. I though Carl was actually gonna make it…until he tripped over a stick and daddy picked him up by the collar and pushing him against the tree.
“Boy, I’m gonna give you two seconds to convince me you should live…”
A/N: I believe this was my first real work I have ever published on Tumblr and please, please, please give me some constructive criticism. Or just feedback in general, that would be greatly appreciated. Also if you want to be added to any taglists for fandoms and/or characters or ask what fandoms or characters I wrote for, or just need to talk in general; I am almost always up, so please feel free to reach out. I love ya’ll.
Taglist: none yet
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
Oooooo just found your blog and I’m in love!! I was wondering if you could do an Aegon Targaryen x innocent sister wife!reader and in the scene where they find him to take him back to the castle to be king she’s brought along to entice him out but she’s just crying and pleading with everyone not to hurt him and let him go but she’s being held back because she’s the leverage to make him compliant. Maybe she’s trying to get him to take care of him!! 💕💕💕
Hello! My first request woohoo! I got more angsty than I expected with this but ‘twas fun. Hope you like it✨ I had fun!!
Til’ Death Do Us Part 
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The king, your father, was dead. This you knew. You knew Aegon was to be crowned king, something he wholeheartedly despised. Down in your heart you also knew your brother-husband was not meant for it. Gods know he hadn’t made an effort but the family saw that Aemond, or even Rhaenyra would be better as the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.
Now Aegon was missing and Alicent had sent Aemond and Ser Criston to find him. He was most likely in Flea Bottom or dead to the world in a pillow house along the Street of Silk. You worried at your lip as Alicent raved to the men. You turned a blind eye to Aegon’s revels, trying to change his ways in a more gentle manner. Your brother responded to those better than slapping or screaming. Seldom he would stay with you and lay off the strong wine.
But when he did it was enjoyable. The conqueror’s namesake needed love at the end of the day, whether he was aware or not. You jumped when your mother raised her tone. Aemond frowned and bit out, “Let me take her. He’d be like to come along if I bring our darling sister.”
You gasped, “What? Me? I don’t want to be where Aegon has his…excursions.”
Helaena’s lilac eyes jumped between her husband and you. She enigmatically sighed, “Put out the flames.” Aemond muttered something to Ser Criston and the Dornish Kingsguard called to you, “C’mon then, I will keep you safe my princess.”
Alicent frowned at your scared expression and pulled you into a hug. She whispered, “Just bring him home darling.”
They stuck you in some hideous brown garb, hiding your pale hair under a hood. Aemond and Criston suited up underneath their disguises. Deliriously you stifled a giggle at Criston’s silly hat. The three of you hustled through the bowels of the castle, passing maze-like hallways and Balerion’s skull.
Your eyes watched the shadows of the Black Dread’s teeth against the stone of the walls. You remembered Helaena’s words about putting out fires and shivered. Her strange words always came true in a sense. Aemond’s hand at the small of your waist ushered you along.
You felt a growing dread in your stomach as your party exited on the streets of Flea Bottom. Beggars, whores, and the worst of small folk did their usual thing while you stared on in horror. Aegon always teased you about being clueless outside of castle walls.
Aemond and Criston shadowed you when they knocked on a house’s door. A whore came out and leered at Aemond. Apparently this was a spot for Aegon in his younger days. You learning needle work with Helaena and he was exploring the pleasures of the flesh. You frowned and averted your gaze when the lady laughed at you.
Off your party went again, a tip given by the woman. Crowds busied themselves around you. Eventually Ser Criston’s face grew pinched at your next destination. Aemond hissed, “C’mon then we must go.” You tried to keep your hands from clinging to his robes. Criston squeezed your shoulder and closed your body to his. You sighed in slight relief at the white knight.
Inside was horrid. It was dank and smelled of piss and the iron smell of blood. Children swung and hissed at eachother down in a pit. Your stomach roiled and your hand closed over your mouth. You cried, “Ser Criston, I- I cannot.” You clenched your eyes shut at the children fighting each other. Aemond’s eye turned to you, a steely look coming over his angular features.
“This is no place for a lady. I’ll meet you two outside.”
Cole nodded and half-carried your struck frame out of the sordid establishment— if one could call it that. Your fingers clenched into his garments roughly, tears welling up. He frowned at you, a hand rubbing your back as you held back sobs.
“W-why would he be in there? What went so wrong?”
“I don’t know princess, I’m sorry you were exposed to such…abomination.”
Your brain tried to wrap around Aegon reveling in somewhere like that. Anger burned lowly in your belly, but overwhelming feelings of disappointment and sadness smashed that. Aemond stalked out with his lips pursed. He eyed you and huffed.
“Fucking deviant. He’s not there. C’mon.”
Criston gently pulled you away and ushered you along. He commented, “Where do you suppose the prince is?”
Aemond hummed and stalked forwards before stopping. He nodded silently at the heads of the Cargyll twins moving in the direction of the Grand Sept. Your heart sunk and lifted simultaneously. The party moved on to the sept. Aemond and Criston argued about Aegon and the crown, you silently following.
On the steps you saw the familiar curled platinum hair of Aegon. You gasped at his disheveled state— lank hair, bruises, and a cut adorning his cheek. You could tell he was drunk from your spot. He stood between the Cargylls, staring glassily. Criston announced their intent and held his sword up.
Your voice quavered as you pled, “Don’t hurt him, please!” Aemond’s stern gaze whipped to you and your jaw clamped shut. You knew what he meant, leave this to the men silly girl. In a flash, Aegon shouldered off one of the twins and ran for it. Criston engaged the other kingsguard and Aemond ran after your brother. You cried out at the flurry of violence and screaming.
You stumbled to Aegon and Aemond wrestling on the ground. Aemond growled, “You’re embarrassing all of us! Look at your wife brother!” Your own Valyrian eyes met his and a pitiful whine exited your throat. His gaze softened for a fraction before he went back to shouting.
Aemond brutally shoved your love down, the other thrashing. You wept, “Don’t hurt him Aemond please stop! Aegon, Aegon,” you grabbed your other siblings shoulders, “Just stop it now!” Your teary eyes tried to find Ser Criston and shoved off by the brothers at the same instant. Aegon grabbed Aemond’s face and pleaded, “I will sail away on a ship with her and you’ll never see us again!”
You cried softly as Criston walked up and said coolly, “Your lady mother awaits.”
Aegon’s face schooled into a look of defeat, tears welling in his eyes. Aemond thrust him towards you with a curse. Your hands found his soiled clothes and gripped at the fabric, eyes searching his own for a semblance of sanity. He pulled himself away and grabbed your hands. Aegon’s eyes were downcast as he muttured, “We must go. I’ve done all I can.”
You whimpered and followed along.
“I just want you to be okay,” you weeped.
He sighed, “M’sorry, so sorry.”
Aegon’s heat drew closer to you through the streets. You started to repeat yourself, “I just- you can’t do this anymore. I’m so scared.” His throat bobbed and he croaked, “I’m sorry.” That’s all he could manage on the way back, not responding to your begging. Your eyes were red from the salty tears and the corners of your mouth ached.
You were rushed into your chambers to get ready for the coronation, your Mother promising Aegon’s presence to join yours before the procession. You continued to weep for your brother while the handmaidens readied you. Once the never ending tears began to dry you sat on a chaise overlooking the window into the city. You felt empty, shivering even in the muggy air.
Your door opened and Aegon entered softly. He looked handsome in his black garb bearing the sigil of your family. The red cut on his cheek told the real story of today. He looked down still, swaying ever-so-slightly.
“Come here,” you said.
He walked to you and fell to his knees at your feet, his arms wrapping around you. You instinctively pet at his pale locks, fingers combing through the waves. Aegon’s head laid on your lap, his tired eyes gazing up at you. He asked, “Do you still love me?” Hot tears seemed to come back with a vengeance.
You sighed, “Yes of course I love you, you fool. I wish you’d love yourself,” you frowned, “It…pains me to see you like that Aegon. Hurts my heart.”
You sobbed again, cursing yourself for these weak emotions. He grasped at your dress, his mouth pulling into a pout, eyes watering over again. You gripped at his hair and spat, “You’re still drunk too! Aegon why?”
He trembled under your fingers and weakly replied, “I’m fucked up— you don’t deserve this. I’m so sorry, I don’t know? I’m not meant for all of this. I love you so much and I can’t control myself.”
You gestured for the unhappy prince to sit by you. The pair of you clung to each other like when you were children. You kissed him gently, the man returning the favor. You said against his lips, “Well. We can’t change our outcome dear. I’ll be here always until the Stranger calls.” He nodded and pressed his forehead to yours and sighed, “I know. Seven cursed me to be blessed with you.” He kissed you again, holding onto your frame like the last shred of good in his life— which it was.
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ideas-4-stories · 6 months
So- a Cross Guild Au idea: Buggy (who is TransFem because why not-) and Mihawk meet each other the first time when Roger was executed, they meet each other and are instantly atracted. Mihawk think the girl has a very interesting blue hair and red nose who look like one from a clown, while Buggy finds him handsome and recognize him as the one intenting to be the new Greatest Swordman (I have a Au where Buggy is Raylegh's kid - biologycal or not you can decide).
When they meet, Buggy was running from all what happen between her and Shanks and crying, but she found a place safe from the rain, where Mihawk also was. For a while, they just... look at each other, before they start a quiet talk.
They talk during hours, and when they have to go each to their way, Buggy and Mihawk decide to send letters between them. And they start to talk constantly this way.
But, none of them notice they're falling in love during the time, and it's just when they're 23 and 27 years that them notice this and end up chosing to start a secret relatonship, going on dates when they can.
They date during more-or-less 6 years, and Mihawk propose the idea of them marrying, what Buggy accept full of joy. Buggy is 29 and Mihawk is 33 years when they finally marry, but this all is still a secret, only some of the Buggy Pirates knowing.
And then we go to the present, when the Cross Guild is formed, and they're married and so much in love. Crocodile is pissed and want to beat Buggy, but before he can do that, Mihawk step between and protect Buggy, saying "Don't ever intent to hurt my wife".
Crocodile is TOTALLY chocked, like, why this man so serious is married with a fucking clown?! But he just ignore this and keep going, knowing that ever intent to hit her will end very bad for the Cross Guild.
At all, just Buggy and Mihawk a happy married couple who are the totally opposit of one another <3
PS: will be so funny if Crocodile start to fall in love with Buggy & Mihawk but not accepting it because they're married (Buggy and Mihawk are falling in love with him too)
Crocodile be like: 'That Pikachu shocked face'
Also same why not on TransFem Buggy, I think Buggy more of a GNC character. Because of the genderfuckery the clown is doing there. But I love this idea, because Mihawk saying hands off my wife!!!
I love thinking that Mihawk and Crocodile met Buggy even for the brief feeding moment. That they all might of forgotten about. So this! Oooooo me likes! Me likes!
Silent moment before talking, just getting lost into each other's eyes! Is what I'm thinking they were doing before small talking. What are they talking about? I want to know, there are too many options for what they are talking about.
Them being a secret couple! I wonder in this AU being in a relationship with Buggy, made Mihawk want to beat the shit out of Shanks? 🤔 It would make sense for that to happened, right?
You know that Cabaji, Mohji, and Richie knows. Now all I'm thinking is that Richie was the Flower Girl Lion and Mohji was the Ring-bearer. Or maybe their marriage was not done in the way the law wants people to do marriage? Not sure yet
Ooooooo them all married is interesting, pretty sure this time. Everyone will know and it will be a grand old thing. With a lot of people coming and anyone trying to crash it will pay dearly by the grooms and bride, as well as the Buggy Followers being pissed off. Because how dare they to that.
Anyway, the AU... are you gonna tell more? Now I'm intrigued, plz tell me you are gonna say more. I love to think almost all the Rogers Pirates were like parental-figure to Buggy and Shanks. With Roger, Rayleigh, and Gaban were the ones that were basically their parents. Like that Anime 'Daddy Buddies'
Plz tell more
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minipisi-is-dumb · 1 year
idk y'all but the whole "saiki does not fall in love because of his powers if you take them away he would be normal" and similar variations of those arguments against aroace saiki headcanons (which. why do you feel so attacked for a hc that you need to bend canon in weird ways to justify ships that make no sense) make me so uncomfortable bc they feel just like when people say that ppl who are aspec wouldn't be aspec if they weren't ND or traumatized or mentally ill or whatever similar.
like ok nobody knows if me being ND is what makes me aspec or trans or what but i know i AM regardless. also you can't fucking separate my neurodivergency from me that's not how it works i am not a separated person from it IT LITERALLY CHANGES NY BRAIN STRUCTURE but whatever
wether you see saiki as autistic, gifted (i know i do lmao), both or any other type of ND you cannot deny the man's got HEAVY coding, and that coding comes along with his powers
like if you have watched the show you would 100% get it but the guy is so ND is actually pathetic (affectionate) and part of the feeling of separation is enhanced by him being a literal psychic whose powers work as an extension of his symptoms (the whole "i can hear every thought in a 200km ratio and it physically exhausts me to not be able to filter thoughts" is such a latent inhibition deficit MOOD okay)
so what if he's aspec because of his power/neurodivergency? does that mean he's less aspec? that his experiences in the show are less real? nah they're not
and I'm not saying this all because ooooo having a pink hair anime guy aroace in fan communities is so important oooooo but more like. the entire reasoning of people invalidating it all. like the mentality and the obsession with shipping him just bc he's the protagonist. that type of invalidation can pass onto real life stuff
like ive lived good ol aphobia and dismissal of me being ND going together, not always but truly a handful so that this entire thought process pisses me off but ugh whatever works are stupid everything is stupid is not like anyone who ships saiki in generic romcom style while hating on any and all aspec hc of him are even gonna care that a lot of their arguments instead of being "nah i just don't personally interpret him like that death of the author or whatever" go to "he is actually NOT because his POWERS ARE TO BLAME that he doesn't see people he just sees their bones because of XRAY and he doesn't like kokomi because he READS HER THOUGHTS!!!!!" like have anyone in this app heard what a metaphor is
eh whatever im tired i just wanted to get it off my chest i need to cook my dinner n rewatch the show
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ashascoven · 19 days
Request time~.
What if you try to hide your witchy side to your close friend but you saved them with it ?
Cass, Hanzo, Sombra, Lifeweaver and/or Baptiste ?
oooooo!! wait you're kind of onto something..
(for the other readers, esp new ones, we're talking about my venture x witch! reader fanfic!! :D)
anywho, i raise... another option..
mauga ?!???? :D hear me out...
i really really really like the idea of mauga flirting with the reader just to piss venture off.. flaunting his muscles, commenting about reader's body, things about her being able to work magic on him? without knowing she actually could do that ofc...
reader doesnt care for mauga and just sees him as a knuckle-headed friend trying to flirt with any pretty woman he sees, UNTIL ?!?? he gets himself in trouble !!! THIS could be where the reader saves him with her witchcraft (somehow, ill write it, trust), and he doesnt know how it happens ?!?!? reader could even let venture take the credit of saving him, making mauga back away from lil ol' venture while theyre all smug like "yah, i did that, reader's my girl, scram!!"
on a side note, since you mentioned lifeweaver..
i think i definitely want lifeweaver and the reader to be close enough friends that they basically practice witchcraft together..
since niran's already been to the reader's house multiple times for tarot readings and tea, he's seen how decked out her house is (with crystals, jars, plants, witch themed decor, etc.), so he knows that she's a witch~
HOWEVER!!!!! out of that list, and as a lowkey weaver x bap shipper, you gave me some ideas!!! i think it'd be nice to write about niran coming to the reader for tarot / crystal ball readings on his bf!!!
imagine that the reader could also give niran tips and tricks on kitchen magic to impress his bf with his cooking.. maybee even baked goods ANDD love spells for him too?
im not too sure about cassidy or hanzo since ive never really written or read much about them outside of stuff in game, but sombra definitely sounds like another great canidate for being one of reader's friends :O
considering she's a techie.... well, she also seems to know like everything when it comes to snooping on people, so she COULD just be another friend who DOES know about reader's witchy skills.... not sure yet mmm..
BUT YOUVE GIVEN ME GREAT IDEAS!!! thank you for being my first ask ever !!! ill definitely write for your request, i hope u enjoy ur day/night!! <33
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bbqhooligan · 14 days
you know another annoying thing about this? okay so a commendable act from macklemore, big ups to him for talking about palestine and every stream of his song goes to UNRWA - that being said, what the fuck does this have to do with kendrick? why are people putting a white man on a pedestal, who although made a good song, is still not a great rapper? oh and people who were YUCK drake and kendrick need to get a room stop writing poems about each other oOoOoO at least macklemore talks about real issues IT'S LIKE HUH??? HAVE YOU LISTENED TO ANY OF KENDRICK'S SONGS OR ALBUMS OR WHO HE IS (SPOILERS THEY HAVENT). TELL ME YOU DON'T KNOW KENDRICK WITHOUT TELLING ME. THAT SHIT WAS FUCKING STUPID THIS IS NOT A SIMPLE BEEF THIS IS EXPOSING A DANGEROUS PREDATOR IN POWER, AND THIS TIME HE WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH IT. HELLO. also i still remember 10 years ago macklemore was crying and texting kendrick oh sowwyyy 🥺 you deserved to win the grammy big brooo 🥺🥺 the damage is already done asshole idk what to tell you. shit damn i'm still pissed off that kendrick got snubbed.
first of all anon actually lets be friends, second of all youre right. Macklemore and Kendrick are separately fighting two good fights. theres 0 reason to be CONDEMNING (??? like fr??) Kendrick here right now. Its legit just racism cuz hes literally making "conscious rap" for years, hes BEEN progressive and BEEN an artist that gives back for years. save the anger for taylor swift or bts or smth.
a famous, respected black man takes the loudest stance against the women exploiting, predator enabling industry and one of its biggest tyrants and to me any stance that isnt celebrating that is insidious or motivated by racism theres no way out.
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lunarfied · 1 year
19. WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP ME ? ; oops
scaramouche x gn! reader smau
both pov;
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"welcome to the stream everyone!" you waved to the webcam as soon as venti switched over to the right screen. soon enough he pushed his chair into frame (and almost knocking you over in the process) and waved to the cam as well.
"what's up guys, your fav is here!" venti did a little spin in his chair as the viewers started rolling in. this would be the first stream you did since you face revealed last week and you expected to be swarmed with viewers but were still a bit surprised to see the surge in numbers only five minutes into the stream.
lunafied: omg my silly little pickles hiiiii machiroll: IS THAT MY FAV STREAMER VENTI !!111!!1111!!!!! ynventishipper: my fav couple streaming again awww creep: toe reveal?
"alright, alright - today we're going to do a fun little stream." you began, reading over the chat. at least you weren't alone and venti could also read the influx of messages.
"yeah! we're reading viewer's confessions~!" venti brought his knees up to his chest, "it's anonymous so you all could've gotten away with saying anything... anyways!" they turned to you, "since it's your stream, y/n, you should read the first one! here, i'll even pick, hehe."
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"what the fuck are you making me read-" you cringed, running your hands down your face, watching venti laugh at the weird confession. and here you thought the stream wouldn't start off bad.
"there's no way that's even real- everyone knows i'm with xiao!" venti wiped a tear from the side of her eye. streaming with your friends was fun, but the downside of that always came with the fans who obsessed over your relationship with them. misconstruing every platonic relationship you had.
"gods, anyways, your turn." you gestured for venti to continue reading.
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"can't even be upset with that one because it sounds just like me-"
"venti! stop!"
"i bet more than half of these confessions are people coming out to us."
"yeah, our fanbases combined are like, 90% fruity."
you both turned to each other in disbelief at what you just read. you didn't even know what to say.
"some things... you should keep to yourself..." venti stifled his laughter behind his energy drink.
you just kept staring.
"how do you accidentally... what were you even looking up!?"
"hey, don't question them."
you turned to venti with a raised brow, "did you send rule 34 to some by accident too?"
"i refrain from speaking at this time..." venti made a face and looked the other way.
"you pissed on your teacher!?"
"it wasn't on the teacher- they said in front! anyways i really hope that was fake or you were like, five-"
"why does that sound like something childe would do-"
"you're kinda right about that..."
"okay! i think this was a really fun stream, and even more fun that venti was here with me." you clapped your hands together, beginning to end the stream.
"aww, ending already?" venti pouted, moving closer to the mointors on your desk, scrolling through the google form. "let's just read one more, hm? here do a random number generator." they grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to the screens.
"oh wow, number 69, how nice." you rolled you eyes as venti cackled, pulling up the confessions form.
"alright, read away, my dear~"
"okay, okay ― let's see here; i broke up with my ex, and haven't spoken to them in years until recently due to hanging out since we have mutual friends. and then i kis- venti, is this a joke??" you turned to your best friend, confusion and annoyance mixed in your expression. whoever confessed this was oddly spot on with what was going on in your own life. venti stared at you with wide eyes, shaking his head quickly.
"no, this wasn't me ― promise! maybe childe? i don't know... who else knows about you and scara??"
"i don't kno ― venti! you didn't mute the stream!" you placed a hand over your mouth in shock.
lunafied: oooooo venti's in TROUBLEEE scarasleftnut: y/n and scara are dating?? since when?? akiangelenjoyer: you're out of touch im out of time angelfire69: THAT SHOULD BE ME!!!11!! markiplier: Hello everybody my name is Markiplier
"okay, uh, fuck ― just end the stream we can deal with this later." venti reached over to press the end stream button. you rubbed the side of your head in annoyance, already over the whole day.
"uh oh..." venti's mouth formed a thin line as she glanced over her shoulder at you.
"i may have accidentally... raided scara's stream instead..."
masterlist | playlist | <- prev | next ->
-> notes: pls don’t come at me for my editing skills i have the oldest laptop known to MAN and the most cracked iphone ever ALSO!! i am well aware of the fact that when you raid someone on twitch, you have to type a command but i don't care it's my smau and i make the rules
-> 🏷️ (1/2): @machiroll @raideneiari @mariusvonhangme @inlustris-is-slowly-dying @sakiimeo @ferumie @plinkuro @scaraapologist @baelloraa @bubblesmei @lovelyiez @isa-solasun @lazy-sanns @thenightsflower @divinechicha @rxd-iant @elysiasgf @cerisearan @alwaysmentallyill @kaoyamamegami @richxelle @monochromaticelliot @kunikuzushiit @thedumboneforsomereason @lordbugs @osamusswife @useless-potatho @tsuyumbrella @orionicchaos @lxry-chxn @twistedrxses @akagism2 @kxr0mi @angryhope @ivylibrary-00 @makilovescofi @mechanicalbeat1 @erosdevil @ghostsaysno @anotherdayanotherobsession @garlicforthewin @oliver-s-worlds @lunavixia @arizzu @meigalaxy @hydration-is-for-weenies @yuyan @soleillunne @xiaossocksniffer
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
it took me all 40 pulls to finally get Mammon (and everyone else too), and ohmygoddd
Mammon in boxing gloves has me... unhinged. Mammon boxer AU and maybe an MC who's the ref, and they always see him every night, and sometimes he loses sometimes he doesn't. It's all for the money and show
And one night Mammon can't wrap his hand and MC comes across him and helps him and akwkfj sorry I'm. brainrotting and going crazy, I just want to patch up a beat up Mammon BECAUSE THERE'S SOMETHING SO INTIMATE ABOUT THAT. I still remember reading a Mammon boxer and MC ballerina one shot (it was smut) and it lives rent free in my brain)
I wish the devilgram had been about boxing but it was still really cute and we got no 2 and Mammon content, that's my son right there. I'll never get over him calling Mammon Papa
- ✨ anon
I feel like this is so mild compared to what it could be, like omg steamy shower scenes oooooo lol. But we're so starved for any suggestive content that it's making us all go crazy!
Ahh, I love the boxer!Mammon thing, too. There is something intimate about patching up someone who's hurt. It's because you have to touch them to do it, but it's also tender because you clearly care about their well being which is why you're doing it at all. So it's a nice combination of taking care of someone when they're hurt and soft touches and possibly an opportunity to scold them if they were doing something reckless and that's how they got hurt to begin with ahhh I just really love all of it lol!!
There's also something about both of you being hurt and then you taking care of each other~
But yeah, you know Mammon would get into boxing for the money aspect of it. I kinda like the idea that he's somehow involved with the rigged betting, like he's losing on purpose because he knows it'll make someone win and then he gets a big cut of those winnings for it. Gets involved with some shady characters. Then for some reason he wins when he's supposed to lose (maybe his opponent insulted MC and actually pissed him off??). Then he's in trouble with the shady characters who come after him and he has to fight them and gets away but not without getting hurt... then MC is like what happened?!?! And he's all blushing as he stammers out that he had to defend your honor!! And all that while you're sitting there holding an ice pack to his black eye or something adlkfkdf
OOPS I got a little carried away but listen I love this scenario.
Anyway, I also love lil D no 2 what an absolute cutie! I love the lil Ds on these cards, they're adorable and they should be included more. I know they gave Simeon a wrath lil D because Simeon's sin is supposed to be wrath. Does this mean there are multiple little Ds of each sin? Because I was kinda under the impression that there was just the one and that's why we had to go find each of them when the brothers went crazy. And if that's the case, I kinda love the idea of Simeon just hanging out with Satan's little D. Like I find that very funny lol.
Never apologize for rambling! And I'm so glad your concert was good woooo!
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ch1l1cheesefr1es · 3 months
Jealousy, plain ol' Jealousy
Merle Dixon x Trans masculine reader
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Context: you and Merle reunite, the governor assigns the two of you on a mission to find Michonne. First try you couldn't find her, so Merle told the governor, he came back seeming a bit off and you both go looking for her again, he tells you whats wrong and you put matters in your hands ;)
Warnings: +18, nudity, hard sex,age gap, flirting, violence, slurs (f!ggot, Tranny, etc. This is my first time making a book like this so I hope I don't offend anyone, i might make a part 2 of this)
Merle and you have been frenemies since the two of you were kids, but had been sepearated later after Merle's mother had died. Later on, Merle found you, andrea and Michonne. He took the three of you to a place called Woodbury, a large and well-protected community. You didn't trust it, but it was nice to see a familiar face even though you both HATED eachother back then, nowadays he calls you "Fruitcake" and it pisses you off "you're not funny, you know that big boy?" you said in a firm tone, Merle backed away with his signature smirk "OooOoo did I hit a nerve Fruitcake?" he said in playful tone, and his accent, oh how you hated it, everytime you heard it you just wanted to punch him in the face you were about to but the governor had called the two of you "Boys! Come 'ere!" he yelled, you and Merle looked at eachother and walked to his place, he told you that Michonne had left the camp, he assigned the two you to go look for her with the others, the entire time you and Merle picked on eachother. Even after being attacked by Michonne you couldn't help but laugh after Merle got punched in the nuts, even though you had been punched aswell. She escaped and Merle killed some kid...whatever his name was.
. . .
After Merle had killed the kid, I looked at him. He hasn't changed, we both walked beside eachother and I barely said anything on the way back, Merle's the first to break the silence "I'm gonna go tell the governor 'bout this, and if you tell 'em that I killed that kid, I'll slit your throat." he told me in a firm tone as his finger pressed against my chest, I didn't flinch. Almost everyone was afraid "Big bad ol' Merle" but not me. I just saw him as an old friend, not a monster. He walked away and i sat down in a bench, a minute turned into 10 minutes, and 10 minutes turned into hours, it had been midnight already and no one was outside. Until finally, Merle came back, I looked up at him waited for him to tell me about the mission, but he seemed...off. He looked like he was spacing out and had no emotion in his face "Uh....Merle?" I asked, he had snapped back into reality "W-what Fruitcake?" he asked, he was back to his old self again "what'd the boss say?" I look up at him, he looked at me with his blue eyes and said "The Governor wants us to look for her again." he then walked to the entrance of Woodbury "R....right now?" I asked as he walked away "YES!" he yelled, I got up and followed him "he wants us to go far out" He had told me "to go look for her? didn't you say the walkers'll get to her before we do?" I asked with a smirk, Merle then slapped me hard in the face "Shut the fuck up you fucking f!ggot." he said, I wanted to punch him so badly but I couldnt...I stayed quiet as me and him got in a car, he seemed stressed while he was driving, so I gathered up some courage and asked "what's up with you?" he looked at me and sighed "you really think im gonna tell you about my life problems Girlie?" he told me, that moment, I had snapped.
"You know what? Fuck you Merle. It's not my fault you had a sad childhood, and that your dad was a dickhead, I never did shit to you and you always treat me like this! I am not a girl! I'm a boy. And if you can't get that through that thick skull of yours i'll shoot a bullet into it." you told him, Merle looked at you with shock, he had never seen you this mad, or even snap at him. He sighed "Alright, fine. I ain't feelin' myself today... My joints are hurting like a bitch from yesterday's brawl and I haven't had no sleep worth speakin' of, and the governor had sex with that blondie. But we gotta find that son-of-a-bitch before it hits mornin', so suck it up and help me out." he told you, you were shocked at how easy it was to get him to talk "is that it? That you were just jealous because someone else had sex with Andrea?" you asked with a little laugh, he scoffed "It ain't got nuthin' to do with her... I just can't stand the way he goes around, thinkin' he can take whatever he wants." he mumbled, you knew what Merle had gone through, Especially Daryl. And all you wanted to do, was to make all the stress go away. You then had an idea, it was risky but you couldn't help it, you slowly slid your hand to Merle's thigh, he was in deep thought and didn't think anything of it at first, so you took things a bit more further. You then slid your hand under his pants, he had snapped back into reality and looked at you "what the fuck do ya think you're doing D/N!?" he had called you by your deadname, which made you grip his member on accident, he groaned and almost crashed, he let out a groan as he tried to keep himself focused on the road. You couldn't help but grin at this, you started to stroke him at a slow pace, his grip on the steering wheel tightened and his breathing got heavy "I swear to god D/N don't do something you'll later regret..." you frowned and corrected him "My name isn't D/N, It's Y/N." you stroked him faster he bit his bottom lip, you Remembered him doing that when you had seen him talking with Andrea, you felt him thrust his hips up, begging for more. You couldn't help but rub your thumb against the slit of his dick, Merle bit his lip so hard that blood started dripping from his lip. He then snapped "ALRIGHT MOTHERFUCKER YOU ASKED FOR IT." he parked the car somewhere safe and pushed you to the back seat "what about the mission Merle?" you asked him "Fuck the mission, we'll just tell the governor we couldn't find her, won't we boy?" he said, your eyes widened when he called you boy, even Merle noticed and smirked, you nodded as he climbed to the backseat with you, you couldn't help but blush as he was above you. He laughed and held your cheek, slowly leaning in and finally pressing his lips against yours, he started gentle but deepened the kiss as you wrapped his arms around him, feeling his tongue trying to slide its way between your teeth, asking for more. You couldn't help but give in to his desires, his tongue dancing with yours, he tasted so weird but you weren't complaining. He pulled away, a string of saliva coming from your mouths, he then grabbed your shirt and pulled it off, seeing the scars under your pecs "well ain't that a sight." he traced the scars with his fingers, you felt happy for some reason, it wasn't because you were feeling horny, but because Merle finally accepted you being Trans. He kissed the scars under your pecs, going all the way down to your waist, he pulled down your pants and saw how wet you were for him "still got a pussy Fruitcake?" he said in a playful tone, you frowned and told him "Fuck you Merle..." you mumbled, you then gasped when you felt him trace your folds, he held your hips and laughed "you're a virgin aren't ya? Go on Fruitcake...dont be shy, are ya?" he asked, you couldn't help but nod "well don't worry boy, just leave it to good ol' Merle and I'll just fix that." he flipped and placed you on all fours and held your inner thighs. You looked back hesitantly "Merle?...what are you doi-" just then, you had felt his tongue licking in between your folds, tasting you.
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thefandom-casserole · 4 months
Episode 50 Notes-
Very very excitedddddd
Eeeeeeeeeeee abhhhha ahhansnsnsnsnsndg
This intro 😭 
The dolphinsssssss 
I have no idea what just happened in that intro omg
Taylor is a demon!!!! Taylor hasn’t hit demon puberty yet — how did Nicky get it then???
Taylor Teen Fact: Taylor used to do the chocolate for his baseball team going door to door. But, his mom just bought them all instead
:> he did all the last names!!
Linc Teen Fact: Linc cleans up for his parents every single morning (both of them think the other one did it). Linc wakes up really early in the morning 
Normal Teen Fact: Normal also sold chocolates and offered to sell way too much of them, couldn’t do it (and because it’s not vegan chocolate his family can’t even buy it!) and now is in debt
Scary Larry Fact: Larry is based off of a tweet on a reply to Elon Musk (Larry is not from the school) 
Scary Teen Fact: Before the release of her album she was going to release a musical (a soft boy musical, but then she realized it was just Dear Evans Hansen)
Larry Fact pt.2: Larry’s favorite show is the Big Bang Theory because it deals with an important scientific principle
Anthony Fact: He should’ve come up with a different name than Daddy Master - Like chaperone or whatever (The rest of the cast disagreees)
They’re all still separated!!!!
Of course Normal thinks Larry’s cool 😭 
Omg all the Linc shippers are eating so far
Linc’s adamants towards Taylor, him wanting to find Scary, him actually being with Normal
Chester and Julia gave Linc therapy!!!
“Linc are you happy?” “No of course not, that’s a silly question nobody’s happy” SOBBING SOBJNG OKG OMG GRANT YOU FUCKWD THIS KNE UP SO BAD
(Obviously it was more than just that and that was a gross oversimplification but you understand what I’m getting at)
Lincccc :cccc
“I’m definitely broken” OMG LINC 
That glass analogy was so fucking good holy shit “And probably they’ll just throw it away because who wants to fix a glass” 
Linc likes stickers!!!!!!!!
Matt Arnold is bringing it this episode
He wasn’t joking when he said that he was gonna get through it all
In a sense
Into the papersssss into the papers (to the tune of into the thick of it)
Initiative to fight the Angel!!!!
This whole thing with the paper is reminding me of the fight with book castle when Ron disappeared into the books against Well Actually
I just paused the episode and listened to the trailer because I just realized I never listened to it 
Ahahahahahahahahah the background music in it though it’s lovely
Omg dude I never realized that Lark doesn’t mention Scary in the video because she wasn’t there!!!! Ayyyyy
Okay done with that back to the episode
Beth playing Larry is my new favorite thing now
She should just play Larry season three
I beg
Oooooo the throne’s empty!!!!
Larry should be king of hell
Larry reminds me of if Paeden was evil and annoying
What is it with Linc and Taylor and the sweet prince thing 😭 
I love them so much
The Swiftli shippers are eating this episodeeeee
Fancy Anthony voice
He was a pissomancer 
That’s insane
Piss boy Wilson’s again!!!!!
Heaven photoshopppp
A 22 😭 
Lincccccc linccccc
Angst episode :cccccc
Oooo Angel’s are yummy??
Taylorrrr nooooo
Taylor and his carts 😭I love him so much
Sisyphus just pushing a meatball up the hill 😭 😭 😭 
Nooooo this is one of my favorite bits
Linc loves his friends so much
God I fucking hate Willy
god god god he’s so gross
If they got Willy in the paper sea I wonder what would happen
“I tried to kill my son”
“I will do anything to not be submerged in water ever again”
“I did not have sex with Marilyn Monroe, I could not get it up so I stood there and had her sing things to me for a couple hours so I jerked off”
“I’m scared”
Dood babyyyyyy
Dood babyyyyy nooooooo
“This isn’t your fault Dood”
“No I think it is”
I cannot believe Taylor convinced Vince to change his name
Taylor Swift the piss genius
Freddie’s voice as Taylor was backtracking made me laugh way way too hard way to much that’s insane
It always was gonna be piss between them all
Of course
Of course
She’s a JO crystal witch!!!!
She pulls out a gunnnn
Wowwww they found each other!!!
Wow that was such a good fucking episode 
If Willy isn’t taking girls seeiouslyyyyyyy
I don’t say it enough but On Our Way makes me want to violently sob every time I hear it
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avionvadion · 2 months
Oooooo, if Lucifer doesn’t know she died, what if Adam used that fact to taunt him during their battle? Blaming Lucifer for “turning her against me”, while Lucifer is just stunned to learn she’s been dead all this time
He’s actually gonna learn it way sooner than that, lol.
Adam kinda spills the beans when El meets him at the Heaven’s Embassy with Charlie, and El ends up calling and asking Lucifer who Iliana is and telling him that Adam called her by that name. Also mentions that for some reason Adam just… terrifies her. She doesn’t know why, but he does.
Lucifer is already starting to suspect something since Eleanora reminds him so much of Iliana, and if Adam- the one who spent the most time with her, as her ward- recognizes her, then surely it must be so? The question is… how did Iliana die, and why was she reincarnated as a human?
*insert really sad HTTYD quote here* “You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you.”
But nah, Lucifer is gonna be using that to his advantage in the battle, lol. He’s going to be pissing off Adam all the way!!! He stole both Adam’s wives AND his Guardian Angel!!! Get wreckt, dude, haha. Iliana is Eleanora now, and she is Lucifer’s wife.
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baconcolacan · 1 year
Okay so soulmate au. One where Tom and Tord are soulmates and they have a red thread connecting them. Then one where their red thread connects to a different person. This an ask for both AUs. I want to know how that would go. (Don’t ask me where these asks come from)
It’s my country’s independence day today so might as well answer some asks! Lol
Awrighty sooo. Lets start with the bastard child: Regimen.
Thread to each other: Tom would DEFINITELY not like it and will keep denying that Tord is his soulmate. While our local roachrat won’t be much different I think? More aggressive in his approach maybe.
Thread to another: I’m ngl, I think Tom’s thread would be linked to Edd in this universe, but they would dance around it a lot, maybe they aren’t ready.
Tord, well, I think he’d be pissed knowing his thread doesn’t connect to Tom. The only saving grace is that neither Tom nor Edd ever reveal that they’re linked.
Stay AU below:
Thread to each other: OOOOOO This is gonna be so cute! I’m also a sucker for the childhood friends to lovers trope, so teeny weeny Tom and Tord would have been SOOO EXCITED to find out that they were each others’ soulmates and would be inseparable.
But…uh oh, looks like they don’t always click. And that upsets and frustrates both of them.
It’ll pretty much be like in Stay’s normal verse but they don’t break up as much and try REALLY hard to make things work, cause they’re soulmates right?? This SHOULD be easy.
But it’s not….they fight, they disagree on a lot of things, sometimes the fights get really nasty….
Was the universe……wrong?
There’s a lot of heartbreak that happens, lots of expectations about each other unmet. Maybe, for the first time in history, their thread was the first fluke, cause everything just ISNT working….
When they’re older, they realize, they were unfair to each other, the expectation that they were soulmates made them look at each other a certain way.
Soulmates or not, a relationship takes WORK and realistic expectations of each other, true and honest, things wont just click automatically like magic…
It gets better when they’re older.
Threads to another:
I think, Tord would be the first one to yearn. He really likes Tom, he thinks he’s fun, he thinks he’s funny, he’s good for him when he needs to be brought back down to reality. He’s always been a dreamer, and Tom was always the realist, he helps him keep his feet on the ground.
He thinks that whoever his soulmate might be, they’re going to be the luckiest person out there.
He feels guilt for wanting to be with someone who isn’t meant to be his….but, he’s a dreamer right? There’s no harm in dreaming….
Tom might notice how much Tord looks after him. He sees the lingering gazes, the almost apologetic way he draws back when they make contact, the way he talks to him like he’s always saying a goodbye.
It’s irritating….but he wonders.
Tord has always felt like he was bigger than himself. He’s always looking for something more, pushing himself for a goal that seems impossible, running off to god knows where, but that life, that excitement in his eyes has always been infectious. Tom doesn’t know how someone could have that much energy about living….
And maybe someday, Tord will wander away to somewhere Tom can’t be.
And somehow? That thought….is scary….
When he looks down at his thread, and sees that it doesn’t lead back to Tord….
If one day, he wanders away…..
….would Tom ever see him again?
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mintmortician · 7 months
Who is your top three angels, destroyers and kais?
Oooooo that one’s hard. BUT, if I had to pick three of each:
Martinu’s always been my top angel. I wish that they developed her even just a little in the series, but at the same time I get why they didn’t. I’ve always been interested in who she could be, and I definitely plan to keep exploring those headcanons, as well as my ship of her and Giin.
Closely behind her is Vados. I’ve loved Vados’s character since she first debuted, she is so ruthlessly funny. The way she causally disses Champa is easily one of my favorite things about her character. I also find the dialect she speaks in to be very interesting. I like how they developed her character a lot, and I can’t wait to see more of her.
Goootta go with Awamo. Like Martinu, I wish they explored his character more, but I do understand why they didn’t. I’ve always envisioned him to be the quiet type that’s not afraid to deal with someone who fucked around and found out. I feel like overall, he’s a major sweetheart to everyone around him.
Gods of Destruction
My top pick would definitely be Heles. She's always fascinated me, from being the only female goddess to her entire personality. Plus, I feel like she's extremely compatible with most of the Destroyers and can otherwise get along with anyone, mortal or divine. She's cool like that.
Belmod is definitely number 2. There's so much I wanna learn about this sneaky bastard, man. His entire character's extremely fascinating to headcanon and think about, I can't wait for him to get more screentime so we can hopefully get his backstory.
Quitela's character used to piss me off a lot, mainly because I saw him as a cowardly asshole. But as I started to explore his character and the possibility of him having a more vulnerable side, I grew to like how he could be. I give him probably the most headcanons out of everyone, because I like to explore character development within him. Gives me motivation when writing the Cat and Mouse series.
Supreme Kais
Shin will gladly take number one, because my dude lowkey got shat on a lot. I really like his character, and I feel like he's the "small dude who never knows what's going on but always wants to make sure things don't go to hell". I really like Shin, though, definitely wanna see more of him in the future.
This one is a tie between Khai and Ogma. One, love them both to bits, both separately and as a couple. Two, Khai is a rational, reasonable person who tries to maintain order and Ogma tries her hardest to keep disasters from happening (often with funny results). Three, I just really like their characters, I could never really explain in depth. But they're getting a fanfic out of me one way or another.
Anat, only because I headcanon him as Ogma's overprotective, well-meaning, and uptight older brother. Why? No idea. Does it work? In my head, yes. With Ogma being the way that she is and Anat being the in-show narrator, he's quite observant of her actions and life as a whole, and has an entire backup plan for anything that could possibly go wrong for her. Because of that, he dislikes Khai (and really any male that Ogma interacts with) to some degree. That headcanon will probably never leave.
But those are my answers! Sorry this took a while to respond to!
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tillthelandslide · 9 months
saw your post about your dream, please tell us what it was about🙏
oooooo, i love that you want to know. before i do... i need to stress that although i said it was same for you coded... that doesn't mean this is going to reflect what is going to happen in the upcoming chapters.... but without further ado:
so i remember i was out with some friends of mine (not going to mention names bc thats personal haha) and Matty (no ross to be seen so booooo brain) and we were all laughing and i think it was like a quiz night? not sure, that bits fuzzy. ANYWAY, matty was all "fancy a fag?" so me, my friend that smokes, matty and this other people (cant remember who) went outside into this little smoking area.
i pulled out a fag and matty gave me this lighter like it was the most natural thing ever, like i remember we weren't even looking at each other, we were listening to something my friend was saying, and anyway i lit up using his lighter (its weird that i remember this but it was like a chunky orangey red one... weird) and then handed it back to him whatever.
then the next thing i remember was everyone was taking the piss out of how small i am and matty like hooked his arm around my shoulder and like nuzzled into my neck and was all like "awww cute little smol lou" and i pushed him away and (lovingly) was like fuck off lol.
i then (with my cigarette in hand like a fucking idiot) hooked my hand into my hair like where mattys hand rested. and i like burnt my head again like a fucking idiot... and i panicked and asked matty to check if my hair was caught (like wtf? of course its not stop being dramatic)
matty put his hands through my hair and omg i actually could feel how amazing it felt and then dream me fucking moan again like an absolute idiot.... i remember feeling like "wtf i cant do that... i cant like him" (same for you coded right?) (i also remember dream me was like... but ross?)
anyway i then made some excuse why i had to leave bc i was so embarrassed matty disappeared but little did i know he was waiting in some random corner somewhere? dont know where.. and then for some reason i was walking that way in my dream and he took me by surprised and pulled me into this little corner and we were flushed against each other and he kissed me AND THEN THIS FUCKING BITCH WOKE UP
anyway i managed to go back to sleep and i actually went back into my dream and it was a bit steamyyyy 👀👀 bc like.... matty was doing certain things with his fingers....
a very good dream tbf...
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