#but like seriously how am i supposed to play against an anonymous guy
baconpal · 5 months
Hey can I play you in yugioh???
if you find a "Duelist B" on master duel, that's me
11 notes · View notes
miraculouscontent · 3 years
It’s heeeeere! Another summasalt, this time with nearly twice the length of the first one!
(Turns out that not having caffeine doesn’t help me talk any slower.)
Script below:
Anonymous asked:
Thoughts on Rocketear?
Can you Rocketear the newest episode apart with your salt, my beloved Salt Queen?
Penny for your thoughts on Rocketear?
Aw, anon! You can have that for free! I'm a generous goddess.
"Rocketear" begins with Chat Noir and Carapace - just Carapace, really - holding back a pack of what I presume to be the physical manifestation of the writing staff's age, or at least a representation of how behind the times the writing seems.
Just as the dinosaurs break through Shellter. Ladybug shows up with the scientist who revived the dinosaurs in the first place and said scientist uses a whistle to calm the dinosaurs down. There's also a line from Bob Roth about putting the dinosaurs in a theme park to make money and I know what it's referencing but it's so incredibly random that it doesn't really come off as a proper joke.
Carapace was notably sad right after battle, but insisted that he was fine when Ladybug asked. Rena, sporting a... - I would like to say "new design" but it's a recolor in every sense of the word - is hiding behind part of a building and smiles after the heroes before walking off. Ladybug takes Nino's miraculous back but sees that he's still upset and asks him again what's wrong. Nino asks where Alya was and Ladybug claims that she only needed Carapace for the job, which cheers him up but only until Ladybug is already gone.
Mm, I guess Nino and Adrien relate in heroism not being enough for them unless they have their respective love interest to flirt with.
Also, I know this is an obvious set-up, but the show can't tell me that Ladybug just always brought Nino and Alya whenever she needed one of them. Season 3 required her to go to Master Fu to get the miraculouses, and unless she already knew that Nino and Alya would be in the same location - which, okay, the show does basically shove the two of them together whenever Nino is onscreen, fair, if two characters are in a relationship in this show then it's weird for them to NOT be with that person - but it just seems like a gamble, not to mention proof to Shadow Moth that the two are close if Ladybug constantly brings both of them.
Anyway, Ladybug goes into the sewer and asks Rena if she's seen any sign of Shadow Moth or his traps. Rena didn't see anything and they de-transform. Marinette is about to leave when she thinks of something, but Alya assumes it's about her new look, which was apparently not voluntary on her part and the suit automatically adapted to Alya's new role as Rena Furtive, which she has now named it as.
Marinette reminds her that this is supposed to be a secret and that they agreed that the fox has no owner. When Alya is evasive about whether she told Nino that she won't be Rena anymore, Marinette stresses that everyone needs to believe that Alya won't be using a miraculous anymore so that she can remain an undercover spy.
What's the point in changing the look if you're not going to show yourself anyway? I mean, insurance, I guess, but still.
Alya, exasperated, parrots what Marinette has apparently told her before: that she helps Ladybug with Mirage in case Shadow Moth tries to follow her so Rena can follow him instead. Marinette stresses the situation again and Alya tries to get Marinette to agree on her telling Nino that she's Rena Furtive, but Marinette refuses.
At Marinette's house, Alya talks further and explains that she doesn't know if she can lie to Nino since they don't keep any secrets--Alya, babe, you kept Rena Rouge from him and didn't tell him that you knew he was Carapace until Ladybug was forced to give you your miraculouses at the same time. I don't wanna hear it.
Marinette states that it's too late for that and also not technically a lie, but Alya gets upset and says that Nino will never trust her again if he finds out that she kept something from him. Marinette brings up how she had to keep secrets from Alya too, but they're interrupted by Tom appearing and wanting to play games with them. Marinette makes an excuse about homework that she's repeated many times, as Tom comments that the teachers give her too much. After Tom is kicked out - hang on, lemme just... - Marinette uses the moment to show Alya that she's lied to her family a lot and hasn't played games with her father in months. She states that there's no other option as they have to protect their identities, and Alya agrees to talk to Nino.
In Alya's room - I just presume at this point that Nino's house doesn't exist and Chris is an illusion - Alya tells Nino that they need to talk, but stammers and states that it's hard to talk about. Nino thinks that she wants to break up with him, but Alya assures that she loves him. She finally gets to the cover story that Rena herself made up in "Sentibubbler" and Nino understands, sad that she won't be around anymore but agreeing if it's what Ladybug thinks is best.
Is it weird that Nino respects Ladybug's wishes more than Alya does?
Nino hugs her and is confused by why Alya was nervous to tell him, as she can tell him anything and nothing will change their relationship. Alya feels guilty and hugs back, murmuring about how they don't have any secrets; that's not what Nino said, but sure, push this plot to its already predictable conclusion. I mean, I thought it was vaguely sweet that Nino switched to seriousness immediately when Alya said that she wanted to talk, but how am I supposed to be invested in this couple when their dynamic boils down to "STRONG, INDEPENDANT WOMAN who wears the pants in the relationship because her boyfriend is portrayed as a wimpy coward"? Like, the show constantly dragged Nino down to make Alya look "powerful" by comparison, and then when it comes to characters like Marinette, we get a girl who works very well outside of her relationship with her endgame love interest.
It's the fakest form of "girl power," dragging guys down to raise girls up or actually making a strong girl character but having her love interest be a weakness that creates flaws in her that weren't there originally and having that love interest be who she's "destined for."
I'm rambling, sorry.
In class, Marinette assures Alya that she did the right thing and Alya agrees. As they're leaving school, Marinette talks about how their "night walks" start soon, and Alya non-subtly talks about how Rena Furtive will be on the lookout while Ladybug and Chat Noir patrol. She stops, however, as gets excited about some pictures she took of herself as Rena Furtive, which has a lot of details that Marinette hasn't seen. I don't know whether to groan at what I just heard or remind everyone that Rena Furtive is literally just a recolor and therefore this is the writers patting themselves on the back for this design, so let's just move on.
Alya then shows Marinette her phone--AUGH, MY EYES--and suggests making a poll on her Ladyblog so people can vote for their favorite Rena design. Marinette has to stress again that Rena Furtive is supposed to be a spy and thus invisible, which Alya admits that she forgot about.
Okay, I've been holding off on talking about this, but now seems like the best time to bring it up. Alya has been a trash friend as well as a trash confidant, and her role as Rena Rouge boiled down to, "it was convenient for her to be the fox at the time it was needed." She's not particularly stealthy like one would expect of a fox, and she was easily one of the worst candidates to be told Marinette's big secret. I'll get more into this later, but I have to stress that Alya has treated Marinette no differently since learning of Marinette's identity and has already gone against Marinette's orders once before at the time of this episode airing. Episodes are constantly torn between validating their decision to have Marinette tell Alya, having Marinette be worried about the decision while the show considers her to be ridiculous for it, and then having Alya either consider or make choices that clearly don't gel well with what's good for her role. Much like Marinette, she lacks a sense of self-control and--wow, a female character who's impulsive, never seen that stereotype before.
Point being, "Sentibubbler" stressed over and over that Alya was the right choice and deserved to be both the permanent fox and the understudy for guardian, but then we have "Rocketear" here where Alya is making basic emotionally-driven errors that I'm not even remotely sympathetic to when Marinette has gone through so much worse over the course of three+ seasons.
Alya laments that it's hard to find new content for the Ladyblog - ah, yes, tell me more about your struggles, Alya - but figures that at least she can post stuff about Chat Noir instead of--I don't know--making fake Ladybug theories to lead people off Marinette's trail. Marinette says that it's a great idea, though Alya still doesn't look too happy. The scene then rewinds to a little bit to show a different point of view, this time with Adrien and Nino. Wait, this feels familiar, wasn't there another episode that did something like--ohhhh no, this is going to hurt.
After saying good-bye to Adrien - something I wish I could do every time he's mentioned or on-screen - Nino catches the bit of conversation where Alya talks about the Ladyblog. Nino talks as if Marinette isn't there and asks Alya out to the movies because Marinette is chopped liver and this is about Alya and how sad she is, guys.
Wow, she's turning into Adrien faster and faster.
Alya hesitates, but Marinette assures her that there's still time. Alya excitedly runs off with Nino and they watch what I presume are previews given the narrator, featuring recycled footage from the Ladybug PV. Nino is upset because Rena is mentioned but not Carapace, and the preview features Rena telling Chat Noir to forget Ladybug because it's Chat and Rena herself who are trulu made for each other.
I don't know what's funnier; the complete lack of self-awareness or the suggestion that a biracial couple would exist in this show outside of a special that gives them maybe a minute of screentime and acts more like suggestive canon anyway. I think I might've been too generous with that line about dinosaurs.
Nino is offended by the preview and Alya brushes off his comments, stating that it's just a cartoon and it's made to entertain people, though Nino himself is certainly not entertained. Can't say I entirely blame him considering that Alya doesn't really try to say anything substantial or even agree with him. No cuddling or reassuring kisses, she just gets slightly sad and turns to her phone for a bit.
After the movie, Nino is cheered back up again until he catches Alya on her phone once more. He offers to take her home, but she's distracted, and he comments that what she showed to Marinette looked pretty nice; I don't know because they didn't show it. Nino asks what it was and Alya evades the question, stating that her battery is running out. Nino is suspicious, but spots Andre's ice cream cart and the two head over there. Andre calls them his favorite couple and asks what they want, but Alya sees Ladybug gesturing for her and has to run off, giving Nino a cheek kiss as she goes which feels like too little too late at this point.
Nino catches some conveniently-placed kids arguing over who Chat Noir loves, but they settle on the fact that girls in general love Chat Noir. Nino is then seen at the Seine watching the Ladyblog's latest video, where Alya is talking up how amazing Chat Noir is. I hate to stop every five seconds to complain - okay, actually I don't - but I presume this video must've been made after the movie since Nino seems like the type who would actively follow his girlfriend's blog, yet not only is this video perfectly set up to echo the kids and the movie preview, but Alya - despite apparently caring about her boyfriend soooo much that she kept trying to convince Marinette to bend the rules - didn't even try to warn Nino or text him so he doesn't take it too seriously. It's like "Sentibubbler" with the conflicting messages about identity rules; Alya cares about her boyfriend but both isn't thinking about how he'll take the things she says and apparently doesn't know him well enough to realize that he wouldn't be mad over her keeping a secret that she was told to keep. I already talked about how they play up Nino to be the emotionally weaker one of the relationship, but then they don't have Alya try to cover or make up for that. She's been acting very much not like Alya - you know, the one who in "Sapotis" practically bragged about how great she'd be at covering for Ladybug - with her stutters and weak excuses, so I can't completely blame Nino for being upset after everything that's happened when he sees the writers projecting onto Alya as she talks about how Chat Noir is brave and funny and cute and showing all these images of him as well. I don't agree with all of his actions, but--oh yeah, speaking of which--
Nino calls Adrien and is talking to him about how Alya must be in love with someone else. Adrien dismisses the idea, as Alya and Nino are together basically all the time, and asks who she could possibly be in love with. When Nino suggests that it's Chat Noir, Adrien laughs and jokes about it being Fang instead. Nino points out the video but Adrien did see it but is overall unphased and convinced that it means nothing. Nino says that he'll find proof and hangs up, but Adrien is certain he'll find nothing. Plagg comments that Nino will find someone because Plagg's charisma has definitely contaminated Adrien.
Adrien expresses concern that he put on the cat's charm too much and accidentally made Alya fall for him, and decides to visit Alya as Chat Noir to be sure.
Meanwhile, we get a reference to film noirs as Nino narrates. That's the second blatant reference this episode and now I feel like they wrote this script while doing a movie marathon.
Chat Noir arrives at Alya's house and Trixx hides before Alya opens the curtains to reveal her surprise guest. Nino is nearby watching the scene with his phone as Alya wonders aloud if something's wrong. Chat assures that everything's fine, but brings up the video she posted. He insists that it made him happy, but points out that she's been following him and Ladybug since the beginning and that they know each other much better due to everything that's happened. He has some conveniently-worded dialog as he starts to say that he hopes something's just an illusion and Alya gets worried that he's about to bring up Rena. Chat continues and clarifies that he wonders if she started to feel something for him, though adds that he understands because just look at him.
Chat clarifies by making a heart with his hands, which Nino sees. Alya laughs at this gesture and states that she has a boyfriend, doing the same heart gesture and suggesting that her love for Nino is even more than that. Chat Noir apologizes - hm, I didn't know he had the capacity to do that - and hugs Alya, saying that he was just confused.
An absolutely unnecessary hug for two people who, at least in terms of their current selves, have had very little screentime together, but this is also the show where making eye contact basically means your friends and it's all just to push the plot along so Nino inteprets that Alya is in love with Chat Noir, so whatever I guess.
Alya states that Nino is far more irresistable than Chat, then adds that she doesn't even know his secret identity, and she'd never fall in love with someone she doesn't know. Nino then runs away upset and the scene cuts away to the next day where--
Wait, wait, wait, hang on a second. Two things right off the bat there.
First off, we're just gonna sidle past that "wouldn't fall in love with someone you don't know the identity of" while ignoring the existence of the love square? Not even Chat thinking about how he doesn't know Ladybug's identity and trying to excuse that he doesn't have to? This guy is that certain of their relationship?
Secondly, Nino is practically sobbing and Shadow Moth doesn't take this as his opportunity? Same guy who akumatized Mr. Pigeon 72 times and has akumatized Gigantitan more than once? What is this pacing???
But--alright, so Adrien comes into school and sees Nino, still dressed up in his detective gear, which gets ignored completely as Adrien goes to tell him about Chat Noir and Alya. Because the show doesn't know how Adrien would convey this within reason, Nino interrupts him, taking him down into the lower part of the school where he has a desk and chairs set up. Adrien goes to ask when Nino had time to do this, but Nino slams his hand on the desk to cut him off. Nino presents the evidence he took and they go back and forth, likewise with Adrien turning off the background music while Nino turns it back on. Adrien insists that it's a misunderstanding, but pleads innocent when Nino asks how he knows. Adrien states that Alya is just a superhero fan and that she and Chat Noir have nothing in common.
Again, the complete lack of self-awareness is astonishing.
Adrien repeats what Alya said about secret identities and how she wouldn't fall for someone she doesn't know - they're really ignoring this, aren't they? - and continues hitting Nino's soft spots about how unlikely it is until Nino decides to tell Adrien something he's not supposed to.
He tells Adrien, not only that Alya is Rena Rouge, but that he's Carapace. Adrien goes through a range of emotions beyond sAD for once, shocked at the fact that they know each other's identities. Nino states that they don't keep secrets from each other, except now Alya is with Chat Noir. Adrien still doesn't understand and brings up how secret identities have to be protected, or else Nino wouldn't have told him because Ladybug wouldn't agree to it.
Oh, here we go. So that's why they waited.
Nino states that it was Ladybug herself who gave them their miraculouses at the same time; not giving the reason why, of course, nor pointing out that they're temporary heroes so there's understandably some leeway. Adrien is having a moment, but manages to bring the subject back to Alya and Chat Noir, who he still doesn't think are a thing. Nino argues that it's because Adrien doesn't know Chat Noir, but he does because he's Carapace and knows how Chat Noir acts. He says that it's all flowers and confessions when Ladybug appears, but he gets rejected because Ladybug thinks that he's annoying, and she's right. He adds that Chat flirts with Rena Rouge and that's all that needs to happen, with Chat stepping in on the first mission Carapace lost in. Nino laments the loss of the love of his life and wishes to shut Chat Noir up forever; we all do, Nino, we all do. Shadow Moth finally steps in with - oh, less than eight minutes left in the episode, yikes - and Nino is akumatized into Rocketear.
Rocketear rejects Adrien's pleas to stop, insisting that Chat Noir is who he's after, not Adrien, and Adrien transforms in sad fashion despite Plagg's reminder of who Rocketear is after. Alya, meanwhile, is in the art club with Marinette - wait, since when was Alya in the art club - telling Marinette about how Chat Noir thought she was into him due to the video, which Marinette groans at. There's an earthquake and they peek outside to see Rocketear firing his tears at Chat Noir, shouting that he stole Alya from him. Chat Noir tries to tell him otherwise, but Rocketear won't listen.
Alya groans at Nino doing this, then she and Marinette set off to find a place to transform. They conveniently go to the same place Adrien and Nino were, so they see the desk that Nino had set up.
Genuine question, how seriously does this episode want me to take itself, because now when I recount all the unnecessary love square drama in my head - because you know that's where this is going - I'm going to have to think, "Nino, dressed in a detective outfit, ripped off his fake mustache and told Adrien both his and Rena's identities, and also that Ladybug was totally cool with it and thinks that Chat Noir is annoying."
Gettin' two completely different vibes here. The episode clearly wants to be important but it doesn't take itself seriously either, which it totally could while including enough jokes to keep things light. Instead, I'm just left scratching my head and wondering what tone they're going for.
Marinette finds Nino's phone on the desk - I'm calling continuity error on that one because he at no point put it on the desk, at least not on-screen - and she questions Alya on the video she sees. Alya insists that nothing happened, apparently completely unphased by her boyfriend having spied on her, and says that he wouldn't have misunderstood if he'd heard the actual conversation.
The two transform and Ladybug immediately uses Lucky Charm, receiving a projector. Ladybug is clueless and Rena Furtive suggests creating an imaginary movie like Nino. Ladybug gets an idea, remembering Alya's earlier comments, and Rena confirms that she remembers every word of it.
Aaaaand, just like that, all of the tension has been completely sucked away. You know, "Backwarder" was a trash episode, but at least when Ladybug was showing every step of her plan, she didn't tell us what it was.
Meanwhile, Rocketear and Chat Noir are still arguing--I started zoning out at hearing the same thing over and over again at this point, so I just presume they were fighting over who does stuff behind their love interest's backs better; I don't think they came to an agreement but they're both losers anyway.
Chat Noir says that he'll prove his innocence, tossing his baton aside to show him giving up, but Rocketear points out that it proves nothing and strikes Chat Noir with his tears.
Our endgame love interest, everyone. Straight As yet about as smart as a sack of bricks, and that at least won't flirt with anyone non-consensually.
Chat Noir makes a point that he doesn't want to hurt Rocketear, and Shadow Moth tells Rocketear to take his miraculous before finishing him. Chat Noir can only weakly tell him not to before Ladybug snags Rocketear's wrist and diverts the shot. Ladybug explains to Rocketear about the projector and how it'll let him hear the audio of the recording he took. She adds that she doesn't know what Chat said, but she trusts him.
Marinette, I'm sorry, I feel so bad for you.
Ladybug turns on the projector and Rocketear relaxes at actually hearing what was going on. Rena then de-transforms and hurries out to meet with Rocketear, hugging him as Rocketear apologizes for doubting her. Alya also kinda sorta apologizes in a way I don't understand and Rocketear then breaks his akumatization, very casually, all on his own.
Yeah, just--casually, in a matter of seconds in fact. You know, it's really sad when people resisting akumatizations are more tense and emotionally compelling than them breaking them. This is twice in one season now and has zero impact considering that Nino's reason for being akumatized was already taken care of so he had no reason to stay akumatized anyway. Him breaking his own object to release the akuma would've at least been different, but instead it's just a repeat of what Alya went through with even less tension considering that Alya's wasn't even that good in the first place, relying on her relationship to Ladybug rather than who she knew to be her best friend.
Moving on, Ladybug captures the akuma and uses Miraculous Ladybug to bring everything back to normal. Shadow Moth monologues about how love and secrets don't go well together and he's sure that she has a lot and I'll talk about this later.
Ladybug hands over the magical charm, which Nino takes but insists that he won't need it, as he'll never let Shadow Moth use his love to manipulate him again. Plenty of other things to get akumatized over, but they gave the supposedly ace character a robot to help him stick out and also gave the supposedly aro character a miraculous back in season one to give her more importance. If characters aren't in love then they need something to ceompensate for it.
Nino apologizes to Chat Noir for being wrong and Chat Noir assures him that everyone has doubts, even him. He gets sad and Ladybug asks him what's wrong, but he insists that he's fine - officially throwing away his right to be upset at her later as far as I'm concerned - and they do their usual fist buuuuu--
Everyone then splits up and Chat Noir sulks by himself instead of--you know, talking to Ladybug, or asking her anything, or making any sort of excuse for her because that would mean he actually has faith in her and understands that their partnership is different from temporary heroes, even if the excuse was as basic as her wanting to protect him more than the others because he would be that egotistical if they didn't want to stretch out this unnecessary drama.
Later on, Adrien is staring at a picture on the Ladyblog that might be a metaphor for the show considering how "in the foreground" Chat Noir and Rena are.
Adrien vents about Ladybug giving miraculouses to Alya and Nino, but Plagg states that she's the guardian. Adrien clarifies that he's referring to Alya and Nino knowing each other's identities, but Plagg doesn't see the issue. Adrien gets huffy and asks why the rule exists for LadyNoir but not Ninya, but Plagg again points out that she's the guardian, so she makes the rules, though obviously he uses cheese metaphors to convey it.
Okay, Plagg is only, like--half-right because he doesn't have all the information. If you don't mind me rambling for a bit, I'm on the fence here because, on one hand--yes, I agree that Marinette should be allowed to make her own rules, and I often do that in my writing because I think she should be permitted leeway in order to let herself be happy, but on the other hand, it's not technically her rule, as she had to let Alya and Nino in on their identities back in the Season 2 finale, so Fu was still around for a season. She wasn't even guardian yet!
Now, presumably so the fandom could blame Marinette if anything happened, Marinette never discussed this with Fu on-screen, so I can't say whether or not Fu knew, but I feel like he must've since Marinette had to have told him the heroes' identities off-screen, given "Party Crasher," and thus I imagine that Marinette would tell Fu everything that happened, which is consistent with what she does on-screen even if she'd keep things from him for a little while.
"Furious Fu" had also established that not even Master Fu followed rules completely, meaning that Marinette is in this awkward spot of mostly following what Fu taught her, which aren't all guardian rules anyway, and having to break the rules on occasion for various purposes. I can't say what Fu approved of and what he didn't, because episodes spend so much time on the love square that they forget about Marinette as a person and how she interacts with everyone else. From an emotional standpoint, I can't blame Marinette for not revoking the miraculouses of people whose identities get discovered because of her, as I imagine she feels guilty and it probably doesn't seem fair to force them into another miraculous or have them be entirely without one because of a mistake that she made, meaning that someone needs to be throwing a lot of red flags for Marinette to be through with them.
Though obviously, from the show's standpoint, it's just an excuse to not make new models, but I complained about that enough in "Sentibubbler" and this episode even went out of its way to design a detective model for Nino while spraypainting Alya's bodysuit in the same breath, so this is the world we live in.
Anyway, Marinette is essentially in this position where she still has Fu's rules hovering over her, but she's also trying to step out on her own and make her own decisions to varying degrees of success or failure depending on your point of view. Tikki--wait, no, bad idea--Su-Han then, could easily give input on these things, perhaps with Marinette discussing a modern day set of rules for someone her age and going back and forth with Su-Han on what the right choices to make are, finding something that's comfortable but within a realm of predictable control. Su-Han was okay with some rules being broken after seeing how Ladybug handled them and they could've easily made this episode about that instead, but instead, we get rules being set and then being broken on a writer's whim.
Which now brings us to the end of the episode, where Marinette is on the phone with Alya and apologizes for causing trouble between her and Nino. Alya tells her not to worry and she'll fix things - you know, those things that, to Marinette's knowledge, have already been fixed - and asks if Marinette trusts her. Marinette does, and Alya hangs up in order to face Nino.
Yeah, that feeling of dread in your stomach? That means you know how predictable the writing is and what's about to happen, good for you.
Alya explains that she has to tell Nino something and he's worried, this time trying to sheepishly break the tension. She explains that she's still Rena Rouge, much to Nino's shock, and adds that she's in hiding, which is why Ladybug didn't want her to tell anyone. Nino asks why she's telling him if she's not supposed to tell anyone - proving my point from a while back that he wouldn't have been upset had she kept it a secret - then asks if Ladybug agreed with it.
I want to give him a pat on the back for considering Ladybug, but he didn't even tell her when he had the chance that Adrien knows his identity now, so I'm just beaten down at this point.
Instead of answering the question directly, Alya says that she can't hide her identity from him because she loves him and they don't have secrets.
You know, like Nino telling Adrien about Rena's identity, or Alya saying specifically that she's a permanent holder, which I'm sure both of them will confess to since they said that they don't have--aaaaand the episode ends on happy triumphant music, okay.
I mean, I guess Alya at least didn't tell him that Marinette was Ladybug, but that is such a low bar and not even remotely worthy of congratulations when Alya told Nino the specific thing that Marinette told Alya not to tell; the thing that they had agreed on.
Nino wasn't upset anymore. He won't be getting akumatized either. Alya endured the supposed hardship of being a permanent fox holder for four episodes before breaking down and telling her boyfriend. Even her excuse doesn't hold any water because, again, they're both still technically keeping a secret, particularly Alya who knows Marinette's identity as Ladybug. The episode also apparently forgets that Alya and Marinette's friendship must not be as strong by her logic of telling Nino specifically everything, as Alya kept Rena Rouge a secret from Marinette for all of Season 3, but tells Nino about continuing to be Rena Rouge in Season 4. Boyfriends before BFFs without explicitly saying it, or to be more specific, whatever screws Marinette over the most, because that's what this comes down to, made worse by "Optigami" where Marinette told Alya that she'd tell her everything and I guess that doesn't go both ways.
"Sentibubbler" had Alya stress that no one would ever know. She promised Marinette and told Marinette to trust her, and the episode spent its entire running time talking her up and assuring Marinette that she was the right choice, even considering Marinette ridiculous for worrying when Alya had done something without Marinette's permission the episode right before it. Then, three episodes after "Sentibubbler," when Marinette is finally comfortable and trusts Alya completely, Alya betrays that trust. Nino betrayed that trust, knowing he wasn't supposed to do so but telling Adrien his and Rena's identity anyway, because he was losing an argument and needed to PROVE something.
Marinette gives them an inch and they take a mile. Marinette bent the rules so that they could continue to have the miraculous they'd started with and they disrespected her because it was hard for like a day.
And if this bites them back, it won't reflect poorly on them, it'll reflect poorly on Marinette.
It's not like Alya just overrode Marinette. She didn't go, "Hey, I'm telling Nino, I'm sorry," or tried her hardest to go back and forth with Marinette until they both agreed. No, she did what she told Marinette she wouldn't do without saying a word to her, because LOVE and SEEEECRETS.
And this only applies to her, of course, because don't think I didn't notice the parallels between this episode and "Truth," because WOW.
Episode begins with Marinette hoping for something and it blows up in her face? A date at the cinema that ends on a sour note? Plot-centric couple trying to get Andre's ice cream and the female with a secret needing to leave in a hurry? Boyfriend character getting akumatized over their girlfriend's secret? Boyfriend assumes/suggests that the girlfriend's secret involves Aaaaaadrien - or his alter-ego in "Rocketear"'s case - and the episode hints as much to him even though he's completely wrong? Akuma's colors are blue and black? THE BRIDGE?
But, ahhh, little difference, here and there, y'know, like how Marinette was forced to break up with her boyfriend while Alya got to keep hers, and Nino got to have long talks with Alya while Luka got little to nothing with Marinette.
Because do note that Alya, while trying to convince Marinette and talk to Nino about not keeping secrets, at no point suggests that Marinette deserves to be happy and deserves to have a boyfriend and that Marinette should be allowed to tell Luka her secret so they can get back together, so you have Alya here selfishly prioritizing her relationship with Nino while making no comment about Marinette's relationship, essentially asking Marinette to allow her what Marinette herself didn't have the luxury of, and Alya knows this because Marinette told her. It is both incredibly insensitive of Alya and incredibly insulting of the show to make so many parallels between this episode and "Truth" just to have everything crash down for Marinette because she's Marinette while everything goes well for Alya and Nino because they're not Marinette.
We've talked before about the formulas that are literally baked into the show, and one of those is how Marinette makes a mistake in every episode and has to learn from it. What that mistake is in this episode, I don't know, but considering that she apologizes for Alya and Nino's problems, I guess the show blames her for what they themselves had taught her.
Point being, there's a clear karma system in place, but it only applies to Marinette, and forcing her to mess up in every episode means that she is literally not allowed to be with Luka because had she been able to clear things up between them, he would've eagerly accepted her and they could've been happy. It'd be too difficult for her to mess up when Luka doesn't put mountains of pressure and expectations on her like everyone else. Factor that in with how she can be herself around him and it leads to situation that are too difficult for her to screw up in because her mistakes - more often than not - center around Adrien or her role as guardian.
And because another rule in the show is to bring up Adrien so they don't "lose him for too long," she can't avoid bringing him up either. If he's not in the plot, he has to be mentioned, leaving Marinette in a lose-lose situation that she'll never be free from.
So, let me just get this straight then:
The guy who spied on his girlfriend instead of talking to her about his assumptions gets to keep his girlfriend, not because he realized it was wrong regardless of whether he was correct or not, but because the situation had been cleared up for him, yet the guy who actively resisted his akumatization, saddened by his girlfriend's secrets but wanting her to share them when she was ready, gets broken up with and tossed to the wayside because he's not a rich blond boy who got a miraculous because he happened to be within the twenty meters of space where Fu was searching for new holders?
Meanwhile, the girlfriend who has gone against the wishes and insistence of her best friend - guardian of the miraculouses, by the way, so she calls the shots, something that Alya herself said in "Optigami" BEFORE GOING ON TO DO HER OWN THING IN THE SAME EPISODE AND BEING REWARDED FOR IT - is allowed to go against the wishes and insistence of her best friend again for the sake of "all love, no secrets" with her boyfriend and so she can have the happy ending she wants, yet the girl who was chosen for a miraculous without her consent, forced to screw up and talk about a random boy who doesn't even go out of his way to spend time with her, treated like absolute trash by writers who find humor in her misery, and is the only one to receive overly harsh and long-lasting consequences for her actions while also covering up and forgiving the actions of others within the episode where they do it...
doesn't get her happy ending, and won't ever get her happy ending. That thing Shadow Moth said about love and secrets not going well together? Yeah, only goes as far as the writers want it to, because both Nino and Alya still have secrets, and some of the ones they did tell each other were forced by someone else and kept until that very moment. This idea that people in love have to tell each other everything and that it makes a relationship stronger makes me immensely uncomfortable, and that lesson is also in "Guiltrip."
People should be allowed their secrets, and obviously there are exceptions for things that are being hidden with malicious intent, but being essentially forced to share everything or risk not having a "full and complete" relationship is stifling and sounds like it'd only cause stress.
This episode sucks. It furthers and confirms everything I've already thought about the show, Nino's screentime continues to be dependent on Adrien, Alya, or both, there are pointless references that completely take me out of the experience, and the utter betrayal from Alya and supposed message of the episode just reminds me that Marinette is inevitably going to be stuck with a guy who didn't even DO anything in this episode and is going to let himself stew instead of asking for any sort of clarifications from someone he apparently trusts so much.
So the takeaway is that Marinette's life is awful, she'll be forced to apologize for rules that she didn't even come up with herself, her best friend will walk all over her for the sake of her relationship with a guy - not even for the sake, really, they were going to be fine, it was more for HER personal comfort if anything - and the guy who actually makes Marinette happy and could've known her identity instead BECAUSE HE AT LEAST DIDN'T HAVE A TRACK RECORD OF SPILLING HER SECRETS gets treated in the exact same way that she does; like nothing, just something to abuse unfairly.
What a waste of an episode.
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paintball169 · 3 years
Commissioner Gordon to the Rescue!
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Paris, Eiffel Tower, 4:34 AM
" Ladybug we can't keep this going! We need help! " a bee -striped heroine's voice is heard from a distance. Abeille .
" While that is true, who is going to help us? The justice league already called us a joke." someone says followed by a sharpening sound. Tatsu .
" Why don't don't we ask Batman? He's the most reasonable one" a calm voice reasons supporting his girlfriend's idea. Serpent .
" Yes, but how are we going to call Batman without ending up in asylum? Bailing ya outta there is hard work ya know?" the spotted armoured heroin asks. Ladybug.
" She's right guys" the quick witted fox hero chimes in. Reynard.
"Why don't we broadcast worldwide news that if Justice League doesn't show up in Paris within 24 hours we'll destroy the world" the usually quiet turtle cladded hero asks. Shellder.
"Yeah right! That way we'll have even more charges." Serpent says glaring at Shellder.
"Hey LB don't you know a police officer there? Afterall you are from there." Abeille asks the once street kid.
"Yes, Bug. You know the old guy. Maybe we can ask for his help." Tatsu asks her girlfriend.
"That's a nice idea. The Commissioner does have contact with Batman! Oooh then we might get to use the Bat Signal! Oh my Kwami, what if he doesn't recognise me?" Ladybug asks.
"He will recognise you Bug!" Shellder chimes in.
"The Bat Signal is real!" Reynard exclaims.
"That's out of the point. Don't get distracted!" Tatsu scolds.
"Ladybug, do you trust him enough to reveal your identity? Cause if you don't he won't believe you either." Serpent reasons.
"I guess. After all he saved my life multiple times." Ladybug answers unsurely.
"Ladybug there's no 'I guess' it's either Yes or No." Serpent says sternly.
"Then I do. I trust him." Ladybug answers firmly.
"Alright then, Yes it is." Abeille says.
"To Gotham we go!" and Reynard jumps off. Returns a minute later. "So, when exactly are we going and where?" he then asks.
"Now, Luks call Jagged and inform him. I'm sure he'll cover for us. Kalki if you may?" Ladybug asks.
"Of course Great guardian, but till Serpent finishes the call can you tell how and when have you been to Gotham?"
"Oh that, I was a street kid with my brother back then. We used to steal for a living. Jason took care of both of us. I was just three when we started living on the streets. Jay was eight. There were a few warehouses where all the street kids lived together. Commissioner Gordon came disguised as an old man and gave the kids blankets. He also anonymously left food for kids. When I figured out that was him I asked him why he didn't report us to the CPS. He answered Kid I know the CPS gives you Pipsqueaks shitty homes. Don't think about it. When I was seven I was kidnapped by Scarecrow. For testing some toxins. He threw me out saying I wasn't good enough. So somehow I found myself in Paris. Without my brother." Ladybug says with tears in her eyes.
"I called Dad and he said Okay because the Sandboy akuma was hard. Five hours particularly, all of your guardians think we're having a sleepover." Serpent says breaking everyone out of their stupor.
"LB, Can I use Kalki this time? Please?" Reynard asks.
"Fine, Here." She says giggling.
Gotham, Police station, 10:52 PM
Gordon POV
The shift is almost over yet I can't help but feel something interesting is about to happen.
Suddenly a blue portal appears. I take out my gun for defence.
"Woah, Woah no need for a gun. We come in peace." The one dressed like a fox answers.
"Who are you? Clarify your purpose!"
"We're heroes of Paris. We come to ask for your help." The one with a katana answers.
"Heroes? In Paris? Since when? I'd say it was a joke, But the portal proves it. Why wasn't the Justice league informed?"
"Slow down a bit, 3 years, Justice league laughed on us, to specify Green Lantern." Striped one? Answers.
"A...Alright, But how can I trust you, For all you could be joker's goons."
"You can trust us, If you don't, you know her you can trust us." The one with harp points to a spotted Ladybug?..
"Okaay, What're your names?"
"Official Introduction Time!" The flute one answers.
"The name's Reynard, Paris's Residential Fox Hero! Fox to meet you!"
"Or Nathaniel Kutzberg"
"The name's Abeille, Bow down Peasants!"
"AKA Chloe Bourgeois"
"I am Serpent, The most Responsible one."
"Or Luka Stone."
"I'm Shellder, Pleasure to meet you."
"Or Marc Anciel"
"Tatsu, Nice to meet you Commissioner, Kagami Trusugi"
"I... I'm Marinette Todd, Hi Commissioner"
"Dear Lord Mari is that really you? What do need my help for?"
"We need to come in Contact with the bats, And can you help me find my brother?"
"Sure Mari, But about your brother you see, He's a Bat too..."
"What?! Seriously?"
Bat Signal, Gotham, 11:13 PM
Red Hood's POV
"Alright we're here Gordon, What's the problem?" Big B asks in his Batman voice.
"We have visitors Batman, They're looking for you." Commiss says. Who in the world would look for Batman?
One by one Teens dressed as animals come out from dark. Drat everyone's just as confused as me.
"Alright who're you playing dress up? Ya know that's dangerous." I ask voicing everyone's curiosity. Suddenly a blue blob attaches to me and starts Giggling.
"Jay-Jay it's me" My eyes start to sting. Only one person calls me that.
"P-Pixie?" I ask unsurely. Pixie nods her head.
"Pixie-Pop it's really you!" I say once i register what's going on.
"I'm never leaving you again Squirt. You're alright! Remind me not to let you alone on streets again, Leave it to Mari for a recipe for trouble!" I tighten my hold on her.
"Hood who's this? Why are they all dressed up?" B. Yeah I forgot he was there as well.
"B, This is Marinette, my little sister. Although I do not know why she and those kids are dressed up."
"Allow me to explain, There's been a super villian in Paris for three years now. These kids are the Heroes there. They came to me First cause they didn't want to get arrested. Green Lantern called them a joke. I know you'd shoo them off, but Bats I saw a Portal open. They came through it. And Jason, Your sister's the team leader!" Gordon explains.
"What! That bitch let me at him! troubling my sister for no good !I, Jason Todd will Skin him"
"Hood! No names at the Field!" Demon Spawn says.
"Relax, She knows."
"Elaborate" B says.
Batcave, Gotham, 8:56 AM
"Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth!" Red robin exclaims.
"Ha! Take that Chat! I was right!" Ladybug says.
"Red robin can you do research on one Lila Rossi? She's probably working for him." Abeille says.
Batcave, Gotham, 11:12 AM
"Guys! Emergency meeting!" Red Robin Shouts.
"Lila Rossi wanted psycopath in 3 different countries!"
College Dupont, Paris, 11: 34 AM (Next Day)
"You bitch why did you file a fake report against Lila!" Alya barks out at Marinette.
"My daughter did no such thing." That wasn't Tom Dupain. There stood in all Glory Bruce Wayne himself.
"Yo-Your Daughter?" Alya asks
"Yes, my adoptive daughter, Jason todd-wayne's biological sister."
"Hey Alya don't shoot the messenger, I filed the evidence on behalf of ladybug and her team!"
"What do you mean? Multimouse isn't supposed to be active!" Agreste says.
"Oh, I didn't know that! I mean how do you think your miraculous was taken Chat Noir?"
Gasps were heard.
"It was you!"
"Yes. Now son of a bitch outta my way!"
"What do you mean?"
"Haven't you heard Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth."
Andre's Ice Cream, Paris, 12:13 PM
"Well that went better than we thought, right Babe?" Kagami asks her girlfriend.
"Sure did Gami!" Marinette repies.
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jimlingss · 3 years
ooo exciting !!! jungkook + romance/fluff + "kiss me" + e2l
Anonymous said: Can I request a fluffy jungkook fic with a touch of angst. Any AU you want and maybe a friends to lovers? Feel free to decline :)
Anonymous said: a fluffy “oh! you’re jealous” prompt with Jungkook pls? any au is fine☺️
Anonymous said: jungkook, prompt list 1 - #27: “Are you blushing?” :> i hope you have a lovely holiday season!!
Anonymous said: Friends to lovers!! Or enemies to lovers pls!! I love that shit
This is the most ambitious crossover of requests since Avengers lol jk.
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↳ Suspended, Seduced, Surprised!
1.9k || 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst || Jeon Jungkook || E2L, Huddle For Warmth!AU (sort of)
It started off with Jungkook coming out of nowhere and nearly scaring the living daylights out of you.
He laughed — that noisy sound that makes his nose scrunch — and you rolled your eyes, turning back around in the line. When the ski lift chair arrived, he asked if he could come too. You told him to kindly fuck off, but in the next second, he slid next to you, smiling widely.
It was too late for him to get off. Not when your feet was already lifted off the ground.
You don’t know why he’s so adamant about bothering you. If Taehyung didn’t tell you at the last minute that Jungkook was coming along, you would’ve just not come on this trip and ruin your winter break like this.
“Why didn’t you go with Sana?”
The ski lift is ascending upwards at an incline, moving past the coniferous trees and those skiing down the mountain beneath you. Luckily, it wasn’t too sunny or snowy out. But the air was still sharp with frost that’s long made your cheeks numb. Every exhale past your parted lips creates a cloud of condensation.
Jungkook’s thick brow lifts and he pushes his ski goggles up onto his head, on top of his blue beanie like yours. His doe eyes look at you. “Why would I go with her?”
You shoot him an incredulous expression. You don’t know why he’s playing dumb. “I thought you were trying to get cozy with her.”
The corner of Jungkook’s mouth slyly curls and he leans in. “Oh. You’re jealous.”
Instantly, your face contorts into a disgusted expression and a boyish laugh bubbles out of him. 
“I would,” he says, “but she already has a boyfriend.”
“She does?”
Jungkook hums. “Some guy two years older than us, majoring in finance.”
Oh. You didn’t know that.
Suddenly it sinks in that you’re having an actual conversation with Jungkook. One where he’s being a cocky asshole only a tiny amount and you can actually bear through it. It almost feels like you’re….friends.
But right as the thought comes to mind, the ski lift chair halts and momentarily swings. You jolt, looking at the chair ahead of you that’s frozen as well before turning around. “What happened?”
“I don’t know.” Everyone is seemingly as confused as you are. “It looks like we’re stuck.”
You groan. “Oh shit.”
Five minutes later, Taehyung comes wandering underneath you. He stands by a tree on the sidelines and cups his gloved hands around his mouth. “Oh my god!” he screams at the top of his lungs. “I finally found you guys!”
“Taehyung!” You shout back at him. “What’s going on?!”
“Well, I was looking around for ages and Jimin wanted to give up since he thought you went down to the lodge and I told him no way—”
“Dude!” Jungkook shrieks and you wince at the sheer volume of his voice. “We get it!”
You remember why he grinds on your nerves so badly. Everything Jeon Jungkook does just irritates you. Including the fact that he was currently trying to burst your eardrums.
“Right! Sorry! They said it would be fixed in half an hour! Hang in there!” Taehyung fist pumps the air with a rectangular grin as if it’s enough to encourage the two of you and you sigh loudly. 
“Whelp.” Jungkook settles back into his seat. “Looks like we won’t die.”
“Are you cold?”
You turn to the boy, surprised that he’s actually considerate enough to—
“We could always get naked, you know,” he adds, shattering the image of him that had curated in your mind for point two seconds and it flees as quickly as it came. “To converse heat.”
Your mouth opens, speechless. You shake your head. “Right when I thought you were being nice to me for once.”
Jungkook grins unabashedly. “I am being nice. Contrary to popular belief, I don’t flirt like this with anyone else and if you ask me, I think it’s working too.” The bastard leans in and you lean backwards to keep more distance. He bats his pretty lashes. “Are you blushing?”
You deadpan, “It’s literally negative thirty degrees out.”
He laughs again.
The both of you get comfortable, laying your ski poles across your laps, and looking out at the snowy mountain landscape that’s all too peaceful. Or at least until you feel a poke through your puffed jacket.
You look down to find Jungkook handing you a heat pack from his pocket. “It’s not much but it might help.”
Strangely, the guy doesn’t brag about how kind he is or how much you should appreciate the gesture. He simply starts to hum to kill time. It’s soothing. Kind of nice to listen to even.
You enjoy it until he abruptly stops and asks— “Why do you hate me so much?”
You look at him. “Seriously?”
Jungkook smiles and it’s somehow reminiscent of a rabbit. “What? Nothing like confronting people when they’re trapped in a spot with nowhere to run, right? Plus, this is a good opportunity to be reflective, don’t you think?”
You scoff, not sure where to begin. But there’s no reason why you should spare him from the truth of why you grew to have such a strong distaste for him. If he wants to know, you’ll happily let him know. 
“How about for never calling me back after you slept with me? Is that a good enough reason for you?”
Jungkook’s head whirls over. The bomb’s been dropped.
You feel his stare on your profile. It goes deathly quiet. 
It’s the biggest resentment you held against him, what made his cocky attitude even uglier to you. Maybe you shouldn’t be so angry. It wasn’t like he vowed anything would happen afterwards. Maybe he thought it was supposed to be a no-strings attachment thing. But it wasn’t like that for you.
Jungkook acted interested when you first met. He sweet-talked you. He led you to believe there would be something more. And when there wasn’t— well, the rest is history.
You wonder if Jungkook’s shriveling up and cringing for asking in the first place or if he’s remotely ashamed. You hope he is. It serves him right. The audacity he has to talk to you casually after ghosting you so brutally like that is insulting. You wonder how he’ll respond, if he’ll regret bringing the subject up, if he’ll try to conjure some kind of half ass apology—
“Because you never gave me your number.”
This time, your neck snaps towards him. Jungkook’s gaze is unwavering.
“You’re the one who ditched me,” he says. “You were gone when I woke up.”
“I wrote you a note. On a napkin on the dresser.”
The man, in the blue snowboard jacket and black ski pants, frowns. “No, you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did. Do you think I would lie about this?”
“Then I never saw it.”
It’s easy for Jungkook to lie. One of his many talents is his pretty lips that has easy words rolling off his tongue like butter. But by his expression, the slight pout of his mouth, the furrow of his brows, you can tell he’s being genuine. There isn’t any facade, any flirtation.
“I would’ve remembered if I saw it cause that morning Taehyung woke me up and he never wakes up before me. But he was whining because of his allergies and needed me to run to the pharmacy—”
The pair of you go silent.
It dawns on you both.
Kim Taehyung.
Knowing Taehyung and his godforsaken allergies, he must’ve taken the napkin and sneezed right into it. He probably threw it in the trash or took it with him and crumpled it into his hand. God fucking dammit. 
“It wasn’t my fault,” Jungkook murmurs, his eyes rounded at the realization.
You shift uncomfortably. The possibilities of what-if storm your mind. What if Jungkook saw it, what if he texted you or called you afterwards like he promised. What if you didn’t meet again on accident through Taehyung but continued the communication yourselves. Could he be sitting here next to you as someone more in your life?
But you brush the thoughts away as it overwhelms you.
“That’s funny,” you pipe up, mustering some stiff laughter, breaking the silence. “At least we solved one mystery.”
“It’s cold.” You wrap your arms around you. “We should stop talking and conserve heat.”
Jungkook nods and the pair of you quiet down. But without conversation, time drags on slower.
You peek a look at him and instead of being deep in thought like you thought he’d be, Jeon Jungkook is looking around, blinking with his doe eyes, the black strands from his bangs nearly pricking into them. He’s completely nonchalant and you internally sigh to yourself.
You’re not sure what you were expecting. 
Jungkook is Jungkook.
That note on the dresser probably wouldn’t have changed anything.
“Y/N.” He speaks up a minute later.
“You know how we could keep warm?”
“Kiss me.”
You could not roll your eyes harder.
An enormous grin spreads into Jungkook’s cheeks, irises twinkling from the snow’s refraction. The little shit has too much fun annoying you and he jumps at the chance to continue to egg you on, “Why? Too scared to? Think you might fall in love with me now that we cleared the air and you don’t hate me anymore?”
He bats his lashes exaggeratedly.
You scoff. “Yeah right. As if.”
“Then why not?”
Your head spins around to face him, momentarily taken aback at how he’s a few inches away but you conceal your expression just as quick. You don’t know why he’s so insistent on this terrible joke. “Why? Do you want me to kiss you?”
Jeon Jungkook’s grin taunts you.
You loll your head to the side, eyes narrowing into slits. “You think I won’t do it.”
“I’m just trying to improve the mood.” He sits back and shrugs, having too much fun watching your explosive reactions. “It doesn’t matter what I say to you. You’re a dog with all bark but no bite, Y/N. I know you too well.”
Your jaw clenches at the challenge. At his mocking tone. At the bastard’s audacity.
And just to prove him wrong, you grab Jungkook’s face in your hands and turn him towards you. In one breath, you aggressively slam your mouth against his. It almost hurts. Your teeth nearly clash. But you barely feel anything with your numb lips except for how chapped his lips are.
It’s a brief kiss, but enough to prove yourself.
You pull away with a cocked brow and small smirk, relishing in his wholly stunned expression.
At that same moment, the ski lift jolts and starts to move again. Someone behind you cheers. 
“You don’t know me at all, Jeon Jungkook,” you murmur softly, seductively and with the smirk still plastered on your features. The unloading zone approaches, so you move the safety bar, stand up from the ski lift chair and glide away.
Jungkook’s delayed, but follows after you helplessly a second later. You turn around while you still have the chance and he stares at you, blinking owlishly. 
“If you want to make me blush or get jealous, you’re going to have to try a lot harder than you have been, Jeon. You should probably work on your kissing skills too. Staying like a dead fish isn’t appealing to me.”
You glide away on your skis before he can get another word in. In the meanwhile, a grin slowly spreads into Jungkook’s cheeks and he decides to accept your challenge.
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spookysmujer · 4 years
Amor Prohibido, O. Diaz
Summary: Oscar Diaz use to get a kick out of making fun about you back in high school, but what is he like all these years later and after serving time in prison?
warnings: teasing, teenager!Spooky, cute s h e t 😚
word count: 1.5K
anonymously requested!
A/N: Me and @youare-mysonshine​ always bounce ideas off each other about teenage Oscar so getting this request made me do a little happy dance. Thank you for requesting, anon! I am loving all the requests I am getting! Please consider: following my blog, heart/comment/reblog my content as well as turning on the notifs for when I post new content!
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(Gif belongs to @leelakoiwolff​ 💫)
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There are many things in your life that you want to forget and one of them is high school. You weren’t a lone wolf or some kind of loser, not at all. But to a certain to someone you were a easy target to mess around with, the one and only, Oscar “Spooky” Diaz.
Whenever he got the chance to make fun of you, he did. And by some sick twist of fate, you had majority of your class with him during senior year. It’s like it fueled him, the teasing. As you jog pass Freeridge high as a part of your daily exercise, the memories flood you.
It’s finals week and all you can think of is finishing these exams so you can stop the constant stressing and excessive studying. As you swap out textbooks for your AP Chemistry class in your locker, you hear someone clear their throat from behind you, though it’s no question to who it is.
Without even turning to look, “To what do I own the pleasure this time?”
“Just wondering how the weather is down there? I know it’s sunny up here, but what about down there, hm?” Oscar leans against the lockers besides you and give you his famous smirk. 
You roll your eyes and give your best fake smile, turning your head you look at him, “Do you ever think of anything new to say or are the four brain cells up there all juiced out from the coke you snort in the bathroom during study hall?”
Oscar stares at you and pushes himself off the locker, walking away without another word. You look over shoulder and see him exit the school. A scoff comes out of your mouth as you roll your eyes. It’s a cat and mouse game with him, most of the time he is the one chasing but there are a few occasions where you get to be the mighty feline.
When your fit bit vibrates to alert you that you’ve reached you goal, you come to an abrupt stop. Hunching over with your hands on your knees trying to catch your breath. A few students walk past you, laughing away and in a heavy conversation about the homecoming dance.
You start to walk back to your place, remembering the night of your homecoming dance, senior year.
“Wow, it wears dresses. I wasn’t sure that you knew how to be a full functioning girl. I mean, considering no one’s tapped that yet, sad really.” Oscar’s voice sounds from beside you as sat at your designated table to take a break from dancing.
He pulls a chair out and flips it around so his chest is leaning against the back rest. You look over and nearly spit out your drink, “What the hell happened to you? Oh are you... oh no, are you sick? Are you dying? Jesus really is coming back.”
Oscar laughs and runs his hand over his now shaved head. He looks completely different than he did yesterday in AP Bio. You continue to sip on your punch, he reaches over and pours what smells like vodka into your cup from a metal flask. “What the fuck, seriously?” 
“What? Maybe it’ll loosen you up. Always got a fuckin’ stick up your ass. Ay, maybe then someone will wanna blow your back out tonight, I mean trust me we ain’t got much standards. Not a single fuck given about your new straight hair you went and spent all that money you don’t got.” He ruffles with you hair, you swat his hand away and he laughs, getting up to leave. “Could never be me though.”
Once you get on your street you mentally damn yourself for thinking of those days. It use to take a lot out of you to stand up to Oscar. Those days far behind you for a reason. You make your way up the driveway and stop in your trek, it couldn’t be. 
The shiny exterior of cherry red shines back at you. You’re staring at it making sure it’s not your mind playing tricks on you. Oscar’s car is parked in your driveway. Right?
“As I live and breath. Sup, Y/N.” Your thoughts are disturbed as you hear his voice sound, he stands on your porch, leaning aside the post. He looks the same but a little different as well. Sporting some ink on his face and neck. 
You look around and hope when you turn back it’ll be just a hallucination or something. But as God permits, there he is. His physique definitely changed, his biceps bulging a lot more than the last time you saw him.
“Uh, hey, Oscar.” He smiles and licks his lips, stepping down and walking to stand in front of you. Well one things for sure, he still towers over you. He looks down at you and chuckles, taking his hand ontop your head and measuring it to his chest.
A snicker erupts from him as you push him back, trying to hide your smile, “Still the fucking same I see. Shame, all these years and you still haven’t grown up. Where’ve you been anyways?”
“Corcoran. Got out this morning.” He tells you as he walks over to his car to lean against. You wait it out a few secods before he nods his head for you to join him.
“Shoulda known you’d end up in Prison. Kill someone?”
He shoves his hands in his pockets and shrugs, “Drug possession, but ain’t no surprise I was slinging then. I got this while I was inside, ran the whole operation.”
“Yeah, well a part of me isn’t surprised you ended up there and the other part is surprised.” He looks over at you with a quirked eyebrow, “You’re smart, Diaz. You think people didn’t know but we all knew. Just no one questioned you since you hung around the gang, then you joined it. Or how is it? Jumped in?”
He nods his head in agreement with a smirk on his face, you study him for a moment before moving your gaze to in front of you when he looks at you, “Sad you didn’t take the college route. Could’ve been a head chef at some fancy restaurant I bet. My little brother would hang with Cesar. He’d tell me that you’d make such a bomb grilled cheese that he’d refuse anything I’d make. Said you really had knack for being in the kitchen.”
It felt strange to be sitting and talking to Oscar like normal people would. He would tease you any chance he got til the end of summer when you up and left for college in Arizona. Suppose prison truly does change people.
“Yeah, well at the time college wasn’t going to take care of my brother so sacrifices had to be made. Just how life goes.” He sniffs and pulls a cigarette from behind hid ear. You snatch it from him and break it with you heel. “You may have survived prison, but I promise you this will kill you, dummy.”
Oscar wouldn’t normally stand for people acting that way with him.
“What? Not gonna call me names and remind me I’m the most unattractive girl ever?” You turn to him and he turns his body towards yours. He peers down to your lips and brings his hand up to your chin.
You’re confused with what’s happening right now. Oscar not retorting with a comeback and nearly pressed against you, “Never said you unattractive once in my life. Actually thought the opposite since 7th grade.”
“What? You thought I was attractive since we were 13 years old?” Oscar nods and drops his hand from your face.You scoff and step back, walking a few feet away from him. 
He clears his throat, feeling like everything is caving in. He digs for his keys from his pockets. The sounds catches your attention and you turn back, “Wait. I’m just trying to process it all. If you thought I was cute or something, why didn’t you ever tell me? All you would do is tease me and always annoy me.”
Oscar stops fiddling with his keys and steps closer to you, cocking his head to the side, a smile cracking from his serious face, “You never heard that when a guy likes you he is mean to you?”
You roll your eyes and smack his head, “For someone who is smart, that was really stupid to think. I mean.. I would say mean things to you too and you kept comin-... oh. Ooooh, I see it now. Fuck, uh.” 
He sees your calming up with the realization, “Let me take you out.”
“Oh, okay. Um, what are you doing tonight?” You ask him, feeling your heart racing.
“Got some shit to handle tonight, but I’m free right now.” 
Before you can say anything, he dips down and pulls you over his shoulder, you squeal and protest for him to put you down. He only laughs carrying you into your place. 
So by some weird twist of fate, high school wasn’t the worst after all.
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sweetjekyll · 4 years
Under The Same Roof, part 1 — BBH
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pairing: Byun Baekhyun x Reader
genre: Roommate / Flatmate AU, one-shot, friends to lovers rating: teen and up warnings: none! tiny bit of fluff if you squint your eyes really hard word count: 1.2k 
summary: Baekhyun and Y/N have been flatmates for a while and romance is in the air.
Requested by anonymous: keyword “roof” + sentence “Oh my God. You’re in love with her.” from this writing game post.
Masterlist — PART 2
A/N: this was supposed to be a drabble, but I told you I couldn’t contain myself once I reached the 600 words I went over lol. this may as well have a part 2 if many people request it, but for now I left it as it is cause I like the suspense. I edited the pic for this but I didn’t add a watermark, it took me a while to find something that sparked my imagination.
⟶ To my dear readers: feedback is highly encouraged and important! as it gives me motivation to write with more passion, knowing that you like what you are reading. Please LIKE and REBLOG so more people can find this and read it. ❤ My askbox is always open for questions or to chat ❤
Enjoy! ❤
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You and Baekhyun have been flatmates for about a year now, he needed someone to help him pay rent after his previous flatmate moved in with his girlfriend last minute and you needed a roof over your head since you didn’t want to live in the dorms at your university… Too expensive. The apartment on the other hand wasn’t anything luxurious either, just a two bedroom, one bathroom and a combined kitchen and living space area, enough to house 2 people, even if it wasn’t exactly that cheap yet quite affordable.
Baekhyun was trying to save money from his full-time job as a barista and bartender in the local university cafe, serving coffee by day and alcohol bar by night, meanwhile you were a majoring student who was mostly focusing on her studies but worked part-time at the same cafe Baekhyun did. It had its perks choosing you as flatmate, Baekhyun already knew you were a good person and that you were in need of a place to stay, plus you got along well on the job too. It’s not like you could exactly sleep over at one of your friend’s places forever so when he offered to take you in you accepted without second thought.
But boy, oh boy, was Baekhyun ever the loud type; some days you thought you were going to march out of your room and smack him on the head cause you could not concentrate on your textbooks while he was playing games with his friends, others you actually joined him when you two were alone. As loud as he was, he was also a sweet introverted guy with a tendency to be a social butterfly despite his reserved nature, in fact, you were surprised to meet so many of his friends you could barely remember all of their names. Two hands weren’t enough to count them all.
You considered him a close friend, after all, you were living together under the same roof, Baekhyun was there for you when you needed a friend and you were there when he wasn’t feeling like going outside to meet with anyone else. He wasn’t sure when or how it happened, but at some point he started liking you more than just a friend. He liked everything about you, from the way you bickered about the smallest of things in the apartment such as not leaving dirty mugs in the sink after breakfast, the way your voice was barely above a whisper in the mornings with pouting lips and sleepy eyes, the way you smiled at him after a long tiring day of classes and work, the way you sometimes managed to keep up with his high energy, your friendly and caring personality… Only a few times has he truly seen you mad like a beast, but thankfully it was never directed at him.
Baekhyun was sitting crosslegged on the brown two-seater in the living room, playing some shooter multiplayer game on the PlayStation with some friends of his you’ve met before plenty of times, Chanyeol and Sehun. You let out a quick sigh as you hurried across the living area from your bedroom to the front door, dressed in your work attire, you scurried to put on your shoes. “Okay, I’ll be at the bar the whole night,” you said as you grabbed your coat, ready to walk out before you were late. “Have fun, don’t wait up for me.”
Baekhyun’s eyes quickly moved from the television screen as he paused the game, earning groans and scowls from his friends sitting on the rug with each their back pressed to the sofa. “I’ll come pick you up, just call me when you close down.”
You smiled at Baekhyun’s offer and pointed a finger at him playfully. “I swear if you fall asleep, Byun Baekhyun—“
“Promise I won’t.” He held out his right pinky finger for you and you moved closer to close your pinky around his, a small gesture of friendship you came up with when you once came home a bit tipsy from a night out with all your friends.
“Alright, good night. Bye Sehun, bye Chanyeol!” And just like that you closed the front door after yourself as you went to work.
Chanyeol exchanged a silent yet teasing look with Sehun but it didn’t last long as Baekhyun unpaused the game to resume from where they left. “Dude,” Chanyeol begun after a few minute of resuming the game, he wanted to make sure that you weren’t going to come back for something you forgot, “are you two like… Together?”
“What!?” Baekhyun exclaimed, but he got distracted from the question and barely safe one of his opponent taking down his character. “Me and Y/N? No, we’re just friends.”
Sehun put down his controller and turned his torse to look up at his older friend. “But you like her, right?”
Baekhyun had to pause the game again quite annoyed and this time looked at the two guys sitting on the floor. “We’re just friends.” He stressed on the last two words. He couldn’t really hide it, they could hear the disappointment in his tone even if he was trying to not give it away. “Nothing more.”
“Oh my god.” Chanyeol’s eyes widened, he too discarded the controller on the coffee table and turned his whole body to face Baekhyun from his spot. “You’re in love with her.”
“I’m not!” Baekhyun scoffed as he tried to resume the game but Sehun snatched the controller from his hands, holding it away while his friend protested with a whine. “Okay! Fine! I am head over heels for her.” He confessed as his body slumped against the backrest. “I just don’t want to ruin the friendship we have if I ask her out on a date.”
“You’ve been grocery shopping together, buying clothes and furniture, all of our friends think you’re together.” Sehun pointed out as he got up from the floor and sat on the two-seater next to Baekhyun. “You act like a couple any time you’re in the same room.”
“So why didn’t you guys say anything?” He asked seriously confused. Yes, you and him got along very well, but he didn’t think you were getting along too well in the eyes of your group of friends.
Chanyeol shrugged. “Cause we thought you wanted to keep it private until you felt like telling us.”
Sehun laughed softly, earning a glare from Baekhyun since he didn’t know what was going on in the head of the younger guy. “So that’s why you haven’t shown any PDA! I was almost beginning to admire your self restraint from kissing her or holding her hand when you’re in public.”
“Hey!” Baekhyun slapped him on his chest, earning a pained chuckled from Sehun. “Look, it’s just that I don’t know how to tell her…”
“Just ask her on a date,” Chanyeol said while giving one of Baekhyun’s knees a soft slap. “If you don’t I’ll ask her for you. Who knows, maybe she reciprocates your feelings?”
“That’s a strong maybe.” Baekhyun shook his head as he reached forward to grab his controller from the coffee table.
“I’m pretty sure she reciprocates.” Sehun added as he too turned his attention back on the game, meanwhile Chanyeol just smirked as his brain devised a plan. It would work out, Baekhyun and you just needed a little help from Cupid.
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Meeting and Dating Mitch Kramer
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(If the story ain’t broke why fix it?)
- You first met Mitch at the Emporium. You and a few of your older friends were busy playing a game of pool when he and Pink came over.
- The soon-to-be senior introduced the two of you and you chatted for a while, hitting it off straight away. You thought he was awkwardly adorable and he thought you were absolutely amazing.
- After a short conversation, the two of you said goodbye and went about your separate nights... at least for a little while. Soon enough you’d find yourselves running into each other again at the beer bust, both a little tipsy but happy to see each other.
- The two of you sober up a bit while you talk and you wind up spending half the night getting to know each other. You share a kiss in the early hours of the morning and give him a ride home, making plans to hang out later that day if he wasn’t completely grounded.
- Your first date is at the arcade. You give him a peck on the lips everytime he wins a game and he “pays you back” with a gift from the prize counter. Well it’s safe to say he won more than a stuffed animal that day since the two of you have been together ever since.
- Lots of pda. He has no shame, especially when it comes to you. He want’s people to know that you’re together; he’s very proud. 
- He tends to just call you some form of your own name, he feels sort of awkward calling you anything else. It just never sounds right coming out of his mouth, at least to him. 
- Lot’s of making out. It’s one of his favorite hobbies. 
- Going to his baseball games. 
- Walking each other to class.
- Bowling dates. 
- Convincing him to let you braid his hair and do other weird shit to it. 
- Brushing hair from each others faces. 
- Hanging out with Jodi every once and a while. She thinks you’re adorable and teases the two of you constantly. 
- Laying side by side on his bed, listening to his music together.
- He likes to make different mixtapes for the two of you. You spend a lot of time jumping around his room and singing along. 
- Hanging out on the moon tower. You like going up there at night and stargazing.
- Sitting alone together during parties. 
- He doesn’t mind just talking to you all night, he never gets tired of your conversations. 
- Helping him and his friends evade O’Bannion or occasionally get their revenge. 
- Giving each other pecks on the lips. 
- Wearing his baseball cap and playing dress up with his different patterned shirts. The two of you may or may not have matching outfits courtesy of his mom. 
- Making sure he’s alright at parties and isn’t going to get himself killed while stumbling around drunk. 
- His friends like to tease him whenever you’re around, telling embarrassing stories or roasting him. They’re all very impressed, and slightly jealous, that he managed to snag a babe like you. 
- He’s pretty much willing to do whatever you ask mainly because he loves you and wants you to be happy but also because he wants you to think he’s cool and reliable. 
- He likes being able to impress you. He tends to try and act all nonchalant about the stuff he manages to do even though he often surprises himself, once again: he wants you to think he’s cool. 
- A lot of boys his age (and older) are immature but he’s often an exception. Having an older sister has definitely helped to desensitize him to girly things and given him more experience when it comes to understanding women. 
- Mitch is constantly putting people before himself, it’s one of the reasons you love him so much but it’s also something you try to help him with. You don’t want him being used and manipulated so you keep a bit of an eye out for assholes. 
- There’s been at least a few instances of him going to Jodi or his mom for advice. He doesn’t trust his friends directions and women know women best, right? 
- Picnic dates. 
- Arcade dates. 
- Getting to hear all of the crazy stories he has from hanging out with the seniors. 
“So he says to me ‘throw it’ and what am I gonna say? No? And so I throw it, and I kid you not, the thing goes through someone’s windshield.” 
- It’s pretty easy to convince him to do something with you. Late night convenience store runs, weird adventures, whatever you have in mind. 
- Ignoring his older friends innuendos and dirty jokes. They like embarrassing him in any way they can.
“Hey, have fun kids. And you watch out cause this kids a wild child, man!”
- He likes to keep his arm around your waist so that people know you’re dating. He doesn’t think anyone would immediately assume you were together “because, well, he’s him and you’re you”.
- He definitely has his jealous moments. Most guys don’t take him seriously since he’s “just a freshman” (especially the more persistent drunks and assholes) which leads to a bit of insecurity when it comes to your relationship. You’re beautiful, he’s sure a ton of guys are lined up waiting for him to mess up or for you to get tired of him. 
- A lot of the time he’ll ask his friends about the guys who are talking to you, trying to seem nonchalant which isn’t too much of a feat since his friends are usually a bit drunk. If he doesn’t like their response he’ll come over and join the conversation, making sure nothing fishy is going on.
- Wondering how he meets some of the people he knows. 
- He leans his chin on your shoulder or presses his face against the side of your head whenever he hugs you from behind. 
- He’s got a framed photo of you next to his bed that he likes to look at when he’s going to bed. 
- Nose kisses. 
- You both follow each other around like lost puppies depending on what kind of situation you’re in. 
- Walking home from school together or driving him home. A lot of the time you’ll grab a bite to eat together once classes are over. 
- Staying at each other’s houses for dinner. You’re always invited over to his place since his mom adores you. 
- You cuddle snuggled into his side while laying your head on his arm/chest and holding his hand. 
- Little snide remarks and teasing, the two of you like to banter. 
- You rarely ever fight but when you do he acts rather passive aggressive, Not quite addressing the problem just making cryptic comments that you’re supposed to understand. It’s annoying but he’ll usually come to his senses pretty quickly, sigh and apologize while trying his best to actually explain how he feels. 
- He’s a good bullshitter, making up little stories on the spot whenever he needs, He often entertains you with little characters that he’s created whenever you’re both bored. 
- He’s a slut for handholding.
- Bowling dates.
- Study dates. 
- He’s always the first person to tell you you’ll do great on a test or anything you’re worried about.
- Shy “I love you’s” every now and again. 
- You plan to spend not just your high school days together, but the rest of your days as well. 
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we-are-inevitable · 3 years
not moving on, not looking back // javid (ch. 10)
A/N: y’all know the drill
TW: discussion of abuse (physical and substance related)
Read On AO3!
And that’s how it starts.
They stop at David’s beforehand so he can change out of his slacks, shirt, and tie, and if David purposefully wears an outfit to elicit a certain response from Jack, he plays it off pretty well. He had changed into a tight white t-shirt and a pair of jeans that fit in all the right places, hidden under a baggy hoodie that he didn't take off until he was safe within the walls of Jack’s home. It feels… empty, now that Katherine isn’t there to fill the space with her voice, her presence.
It’ll be an adjustment, but as long as Katherine and Jack are okay with it, then David will follow their lead.
David sits alone on his phone while Jack goes upstairs and changes. He scrolls through twitter for a while, until he hears footsteps and-- oh, holy shit. Jack walks into view wearing a black sleeveless muscle shirt and gray sweats, and his hair looks so deliciously messy from combing the gel out. He’d clearly gone for the more comfortable look, and David has to stop himself from staring.
“You want anything to drink?” Jack asks as he walks into the kitchen, which prompts David to stand and follow him. Jack grabs a beer from the fridge, offering a second to David.
“Hey, I know we kind of talked already, but… How are you? Like, really?” David asks as Jack takes a drink.
Jack takes in a deep breath and shrugs as he hops onto the island in the middle of the kitchen, swinging his feet. He looks up at David, who has positioned himself to lean against the counter about two feet in front of Jack. “It… It tore me up for a while last night, after she told me, but honestly? I feel a lot better. Like a weight’s been lifted. I had a bad panic attack, but we talked more last night than we’ve talked to each other in ages, and I… I feel like I got my best friend back, y’know? I didn’t get a lot of sleep, though, just… because it’s makin’ me think about stuff I ain’t never thought about before.”
“Like what?” David asks softly, tilting his head before taking a sip of the beer. “Not that- I mean, you don’t have to tell me, but maybe I can help a little. I don’t mind.”
“It’s just… Family stuff,” Jack admits, then rubs his forehead. “We told my Ma last night and she was, y’know, a bit disappointed, but she understood. I just… The whole divorce thing makes me feel like my dad,” Jack explains softly, crossing his arms over his chest. For someone who is nearing thirty, Jack looks like a vulnerable teenager right then. He slowly looks up into David’s eyes, gulping. “He always said he regretted not getting a divorce. He wasn’t a good guy at all. Homophobic, real republican, but my mom married him because he had a good job and a good family. He was the one to kinda push the whole football thing on me, but I was never good at playin’, y’know? Loved the game, but I didn’t have any skill, trust me," Jack says with a chuckle, shaking his head.
“Did they get a divorce? Your parents?”
“No, my, uh… My mama died before anything was finalized, and everything kinda took a turn. I got… I don’t know. I was really fucked up for a long time. The school counselor suggested that I start drawing my feelings or starting a journal or something, and it worked. Really well, actually. I loved it.”
“Is that what got you into art? Kath mentioned that you wanted to go to art school,” David murmurs, moving to lean against the island, right next to Jack’s leg.
“Yeah, actually,” Jack says with a laugh, then gulps. “My dad wasn’t a fan of me doing the art stuff. I took an art class in middle school, and we had a showcase at the end of the year. I invited him to it, and he-- Do you, uh, do you mind if I talk about this? I don’t wanna force, like, heavy shit on you if you aren’t comfortable,” Jack cuts himself off, looking at David with a gulp. “I’ve only ever told my ma and Kath about this. My dad just… wasn’t a nice guy.”
“Thanks for checking in, but I don’t mind, okay? I’ll tell you if I’m ever not in the right headspace, but, Jack, you’re going through a lot. Just let it out,” David encourages with a sad grin.
Jack nods, then takes in a deep breath. “So-- Art show. Dad said he wasn’t gonna come. Told me he wasn’t gonna support me doing something ‘queer’, even though I’m- even though I told him I wasn’t,” Jack explains, taking a long drink from his bottle with a blank expression on his face. “But, uh, he didn’t believe me when I told him I wasn’t, and he… slapped me. That was when I was eleven. The physical stuff continued, ‘specially when football season started up again and he saw that I was on the bench every game, ‘cause I really wasn’t good at it. It got… rough. It only stopped when my coach noticed a bruise when we were practicing and I- I guess I was real stiff and limping real hard, so he told me to sit out, and when I took my pads off, my shirt lifted up, and… My dad was in police custody the next morning.”
“Fuck, Jack,” David says in an apologetic voice, staring at him with a lump in his throat. “I’m so sorry you went through that… Did he go to prison, or--”
“Yeah, there was a bunch of evidence, so- so he went to prison. Really easy case against him. He was supposed to get, um, ten years, I think. The last time I saw him, he told me that he was glad my mom was dead so she didn’t have to see me 'turn gay’- like I said, he was a shitty guy. That… I don’t know. I used to be like that, too, but then one of my friends, a coworker of mine, came out, like… eight years ago?” Jack bites his lip, looking down at his hands after putting his bottle down. “I’ve changed. I realized that I was just actin’ like him. I never realized he was so… bad, until I became an adult.”
“Are you still…” David gulps. “You haven’t talked to your father?”
Jack looks up at David, and smiles sadly. “He had a heart attack in prison, about five years in. So… yeah. I’m all that’s left.”
David is at a loss for words. He doesn’t know what to say. This is not how he thought the night would go, but at least Jack was getting to vent and David was getting to know him on an even more personal level but, good God, Jack had been through so much.
And adding being adopted, losing his daughter, and divorcing his wife into the mix…
Jack has hurt more in his life than he ever let on.
“Jack, I… I don’t know what to say,” David admits with a frown, but slowly reaches out, placing a hand on Jack’s shoulder. “Thank you for telling me all of that. You… You’re so strong, y’know? You’ve been through so much, yet you’re successful and smart and… I know we haven’t known each other long, but I am so, so proud of you. But- but you shouldn't have had to be so strong. You didn't deserve any of that. Not the… Not the abuse, or the homophobia, or the pressure. If you ever need to talk about it again, I’m just a phone call away.”
“Thank you, Davey, that means a lot,” Jack says with a tight-lipped grin, then gulps. “What about you? You got any skeletons in your closet? 'S only fair that you tell me somethin' sad now, y'know.”
David stares at him for a moment. He then holds up one finger and downs the rest of the beer in his bottle, taking in a deep breath once he is done. His eyes close and he tilts his head back, then begins speaking. “From the age of twenty-two to about a month and a half ago, I was addicted to cocaine. I had a brief stint in which heroin was a daily thing, but that stopped after a few months. Too expensive. I regularly had sex with drug dealers in exchange for pills, I’ve been kicked out of gay bars for showing up high out of my mind, I now go to Narcotics Anonymous meetings, and I have to spend, like, ten minutes every morning trying to convince myself not to call in sick just because I’m having bad withdrawals. Bad as in, like, shaking in the shower and crying because I feel like I need to shoot up.” He slowly opens one eye, shooting a sad grin toward Jack. “I guess we’re even, huh?”
Jack stares at him for a few moments, then lets out a laugh as he nods along. “I- I guess you can say that, yeah,” He murmurs, then looks at David with a gulp. “If you ever need anything, just let me know, ‘kay? I don’t… I don’t really have experience with that kind of stuff, but if you ever need anything, I’m here, whether you need to talk, or you… need somewhere to stay,” Jack says slowly, seriously, and David nods. “I’m right here, Dave. Just like you're here for me.”
“Thank you, Jack. I’ve been getting better, I think- the, uh, withdrawals are starting to mellow out, at least a little bit, but it’s just… getting used to sobriety that’s throwing me for a loop,” David admits. He watches Jack’s eyes shift from his face to the empty bottle in his hand, and David shakes his head. “I know what you’re thinking-- I never had an alcohol problem, it was just the drugs. I, uh, don’t drink often, though. Just to make sure.”
David doesn’t drink often because David has an addictive personality. David doesn’t drink often because David knows he’s susceptible to alcoholism if he goes down the wrong path.
It makes him feel better to know that Jack is watching out for him in that way, though.
“If you’re sure,” Jack responds with a kind smile. The two of them fall into a comfortable silence. Jack finishes his beer, David watches him, and everything is… calm.
But not for long.
“Dave? Can I ask you a kind of weird question?”
“How’d ya know you were gay?”
David’s eyes widen a bit. He wasn’t expecting... that. He looks up, but Jack refuses to meet his eyes. He’s instead staring at the cabinet above the sink, sitting eerily still, and David isn’t sure how to respond for a few moments. Slowly, David shrugs, and looks down at his hands. “I just never really found an interest in women. Plus, I used to be really into this guy in one of my classes… I don’t know, it was just kind of natural for me. My parents were religious, but they never really said anything about it if I brought guys home for dinner, or if I wore makeup to school. I never really had that… epiphany, I just… I was just gay. Never questioned it,” He explains, holding his breath in the heavy silence that follows. He slowly glances back up toward Jack, expecting to see him staring off into space, but to his surprise Jack is staring right back at him. “Can I ask why you’re asking?”
Jack gulps. There’s a long moment of silence, before he sits up a little straighter. “Kath has been talking about 'self exploration' ever since yesterday. Mentioned she’s, uh… curious.”
Jack meets David’s eyes. He stares for a few moments before locking his lips, straightening his posture, and saying, “I think I might be, too.”
There’s a beat of silence. David holds his breath. Holds Jack’s gaze. He waits for a few moments, waiting for Jack to back down, but it never comes. Finally, David gives in.
He asks, breathless, “Wanna find out?”
There’s no more speaking after that.
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
I’m More Than My Scars (Carli Lloyd x Reader)
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Anonymous Request: Would you write one where R has some gnarly face scars and the uswnt have been helping her get over here fear of going out because people would treat her bad. Then one day a reporter says something to her and her gf carli completely just shuts them down.
You stared into the locker room’s mirror, tracing the deep scar that ran from the corner of your right eye, across your cheek before cutting across your lips, stopping just at your chin.  
You’d kept your head down in the NWSL, doing everything you could not to draw attention to the ridged scar across your face that you’d gotten in a car accident when you were a teenager.  
Now though...  
Now you were at the national level, and there was absolutely no way you could hide it, from anyone.  
You jump at the sound of Mallory’s voice, turning to your NWSL Sky Blue teammate with a smile.  
“Hey.” You murmur, glancing back at the mirror and Mallory frowns, watching as you stare at the scar on your face.  
“Y/N.” Mallory places a hand on your cheek and you turn to her with a small smile that in no way meets your eyes.  
Mallory glances around the locker room, in search of her NWSL teammate and your girlfriend, Carli Lloyd.  
“Carli!” Mallory calls out, the veteran’s eyes locking with Mal’s before she realizes you’re in distress.  
“Is everything okay...?” She asks and you shrug, glancing away again staring at your scarred face.  
“Everyone is going to stare...” You mumble as you trace your scar, tears welling up in your eyes.  
“Y/N, we’re here for you every step of the way.” Carli wraps her arms around you from behind and you nod, leaning back against her.  
“I know...”  
It’s then that the rest of the team notices the tears in your eyes and Kelley is immediately by your side, followed by Sonnett and Alex, the two reaching you at the same time.  
Carli keeps her arms wrapped around you as your teammates surround you in worry, each and every one of them offering comfort.  
“Listen, we’ve all got your back and if anyone says anything about your scar, we’ll take care of it.” Ashlyn nods, and you sniffle, nodding in return.  
“Okay?” The goalie grins and you nod.  
“I’ve got you.” Carli whispers in your ear, her arms still wrapped tightly around you.  
Ever since your tears started to fall in the locker room, she’d refused to let you go, even in the tunnel where you and your opponents were gathered, a number of them glancing your way in confusion, not just confusion at the fact Carli Lloyd was closer to you than the jersey on your back, but at the scar running across your face.  
“Alright, stop staring guys.” You smile at Kailen Sheridan’s, your Sky Blue teammate’s, voice, the goal keeper sending you a wink on her way by, reaching over to pat Carli’s back.  
“I’ll keep them off your back.” She smiles and you grin.  
“Thanks Kailen.”  
“Anytime Y/N.”  
Carli still keeps a hold of you, glaring at anyone who so much as glances your way.  
“It’s alright Carli, just me.” Kelley holds her palms up in surrender, waiting for the forward’s nod before she wraps her arms around the both of you.
“It’s not only Carli who’s got your back, we do too.”  
You nod, lips splitting in a grin.  
“I know you do, thanks Kel.”  
The defender ruffles your hair before taking her place back in line.  
You tilt your head back, looking at your girlfriend with a pout, your best puppy dog eyes on display.  
Carli laughs, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.  
“Come on, let me fix your hair, you know your puppy dog eyes are my weakness.”  
Carli is quick to fix your ruffled hair, kissing the nape of your neck when she finishes.  
The line’s about to head out when she presses a kiss to your cheek.  
“Good luck babe, remember, we’ve got you.”  
Carli jogs to the front of the line and you take a deep breath, nodding.  
“Show time.”  
No matter how much the team was there for you, or how much they had you, that still didn’t stop the staring, from fans, reporters, staff, everyone was staring and you were painfully aware of it.  
The whistle blows, signaling the end of the first half and almost immediately Carli is at your side, slipping an arm around your middle.  
“You okay?” She asks and you nod, though you can’t help but turn, hiding your face against her sweaty jersey.  
“They keep staring...” You mumble, and Carli pulls you closer, sending a narrowed eyed glare to everyone around you, including your teammates.  
“Heel Lloyd.” Megan smiles as she slips an arm around you, leading you and Carli towards the locker room, your teammates following close behind, glaring at anyone who looks your way.  
“We’ve got you.” Kelley pats your back and you sniffle, nodding, your face still buried in Carli’s shirt.  
Eventually you’re guided back to the locker room, Carli holding you close as the two of you sit down on a bench, your teammates all gathering around you, leaning close to you or touching you in some way.  
Tactic talks were half-hearted, Canada hadn’t been putting up as much of a fight as usual, leaving the team to provide you comfort during the halftime break.  
Carli had been whispering softly in your ear since you’d gotten into her arms, the woman calming you down in a way she didn’t even realize, your teammates caressing your legs, your sides, your back, Christen holding one hand while Alex holds the other.  
You jump, picking your head up for the first time since you’d entered the locker-room.  
“Yeah?” You clear your throat and Vlatko smiles.  
“You okay for the 2nd half?” He asks and you glance around, your teammates staring your way worried.  
You nod.  
“I am.”  
Thanks to your teammate’s comfort, you’d entered the second half a bit more rejuvenated, tearing up the field and delivering a cross to your girlfriend that ended up in the back of the net, the forward running to you, catching you as you jump into her arms.  
It isn’t until after the game that things change.  
The second the whistle blows Carli makes her way towards you, but she doesn’t have time to get to you before a reporter makes his way over, a cameraman in tow. 
“Excuse me, Y/N? Mind if we get a word?” He asks with a smile and you clear you throat, hating the fact that you’re on camera, but you nod.  
“Now Y/N, you played an amazing game today, but like everyone else, there’s only one question I have and that’s about your sca-
It takes mere moments for Carli to get to you, her eyes narrowed, and nostrils flaring.  
“How dare you...” She snarls, stepping closer to the man. “Y/N had an amazing game, assisted on a goal and all you have to ask her is about her scar? Whoever your employer is, I’d seriously be questioning their judgement on hiring someone like you who doesn’t respect someone and comments on their appearance instead of their talent.”  
The man swallows hard.  
“Ms. Lloyd I’m-
She holds up a hand, scoffing.  
“Save it, you don’t speak to me, or Y/N again.”  
Carli turns to you, with a small, sad frown.  
“I’m sorry Y/N, I tried to get to you in time but I just-
You cut her off with a kiss, your lips pressing tenderly against hers.  
The two of you reluctantly part, grins stretched across both your faces.  
Carli smiles as you cup her cheeks, leaning back in to press another kiss to her lips.  
“I love you.”  
Not only do your eyes double in size, but Carli’s as well considering that was the first time you’d ever told her, I love you.  
The veteran grins, leaning in to press another kiss to your lips.  
“I love you too.”  
You’re about to kiss again when you hear a shout, turning abruptly to see Kelley struggling in Alyssa’s hold, the woman snarling at the reporter from earlier.  
Instead of feeling sadness, you let out a snort, shaking your head as you turn to Carli.  
“We better stop her before she kills him.”  
Carli shrugs.  
“I mean, what’s the rush.” She smirks watching as your other teammates swarm on the reporter, angrily snarling at the shorter man who visibly falters at the site of Ashlyn.  
You slip an arm around her middle, leaning your head on her shoulder.  
“I suppose we could wait a bit longer.”  
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Chapter Three: If We Have Each Other.
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~When the world's not perfect When the world's not kind If we have each other then we'll both be fine. I will be your brother and I'll hold your hand. You should know I'll be there for you. I will always be there for you~
"Dude, we are in some serious jelly," I proclaimed as I paced around the small perimeter of the tree house.
"And that jam!" Isaac added from where he remained sitting at the table.
"Tight spot."
"Up a tree!" I supplied.
"Lost in the grass!" He offered. I swung around, shaking my finger at him.
"I'll tell ya what's grass, our- AAH FRACKLES!"  I had stepped on a stray nail in one of the floorboards. Hobbling my way back into my chair, I thunked my head against the table.
"But look at the bright side." Isaac leaned back in his chair. "Seeing as how our grand-theft-hairbrush is going viral and all, there is still a chance that me flipping the camera off could become a meme!" He pointed out. Slowly, I raised my head to stare at him.
"Are you kidding me right now?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.
"Consider it, Marty! All it took was five years being dead and now I'm finally fulfilling my life-long dream! If I'd known it was this easy, I would have killed myself a long time ago and spared me all that drama and emotional damage," Isaac smirked. I shook my head, my gaze drifted back to the Vader figure and snow globe sitting side-by-side on the shelf.
"Please don't talk like that Isaac," I sighed. Isaac's face fell.
"Sorry, I-I wasn't thinking," He apologized. I nodded.
"It's okay." It wasn't, but what more could be said when you didn't want to speak?
"Hey," Isaac spoke softly, ducking his head to get me to look at him, "Even if things go sour, I'm gonna be here for you. Just like I promised. Through thick and thin, remember?"
"Through thick and thin."
Smiling weakly, I repeated our life long mantra. I took a deep breath and focused back in on the problem.
"Alright, man. We gotta figure out a game plan. That video is gonna bring every hunter and their mom up here to ice our, or my, gluteus maximus. And if they know about the minimart then they know about the hospital. So, what's our play?"
"Well, I say you use your Sweet-Talkin' thing and talk any o'those alcoholic weirdos out of it," Isaac suggested. I shook my head.
"Isaac, you know how much I hate doing that."
Although it was a tempting idea, that wasn't something I wanted to mess with. If you start playing with the dark things, the dark things start playing with you. That wasn't a concept I liked, but Isaac would never understand that.
"I'm just saying it’s an option! And an easy one at that," Isaac pushed. I glared at him.
"I'm not doing that."
"It might come to it, Marty. I'm just saying as a plan C it-"
"The answer is no! Moving on." My tone killed and buried the subject. Isaac raised his hands in surrender.
"Fine. But misinformation is still our strongest tool. We should use it. Tell anybody who asks that it was all done on a computer," He conceded.
"Alright, that's plan A. What's plan B?"  Isaac's face twisted in thought. I let him do any and all planning when it came to telling a lie because he was so much better at making it convincing than I was. Isaac was the king of spouting believable bull crap. In fact, he would have made and excellent demon. That guy could probably get an angel to sell its soul for a box of holy doughnuts. When the idea hit Isaac's brain, I could almost see a light bulb light up above his head. He leaned forward, exited.
"Okay, I got it. We make up some BS story about a gay black dude who got chopped up by the ferry or something and the hospital wouldn't help him because all the doctors were racist homophobes, and it was the 50's." He nodded at me very seriously. Like I said, Isaac was king.
"That's is the worst, most ridiculous and stupid story I have ever heard," I told him. Isaac's nodding grew more excited. "It's perfect. They'll buy every word. Just one thing though, what about the mini-mart?" I pointed out.
Isaac opened his mouth before closing it again. Then he opened it. Then he closed it. Open. Closed. Open. Closed. This happened several more times before he finally came up with something good.
"So, our gay black guy was also a nice hobo dude and after he died he started stealing crap to give to his hobo buddies." Isaac gave me a thumbs up. I nodded.
"Okay, sounds good, sounds good. How do we explain me?" I splayed my hands. Isaac huffed and rolled his eyes, leaning back again and tucking his hands behind his head.
"Well, that’s easy. The camera never even caught a glimpse of your face, so you're his anonymous theft buddy slash item distributer!" He explained. I grinned at my fantastic phantasmal co-conspirator.
"Excellent, and of course nobody knows who the thief is. Especially not, innocent little me!" I chuckled at his brilliance.
"Exactly!" Isaac smirked.
"It's perfect! Except one last thing. We're gonna need some eyes and ears in on this. Someone to alert us when someone fishy comes lurking about," I said. Isaac nodded seriously.
"You're right. But who can we trust around here?" He asked. I could feel the smile split across my face.
"I can think of only one man for this job. A man as trustworthy as he is slimy. A man scrubbed clean by his own filth. A man so wonderful, words do him no justice!" I declared dramatically. Isaac was confused for a moment before realization dawned. His face fell.
"Please tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking."
"I think I am." I grinned. Isaac just sighed.
"Marty, no."
"Marty, yes!"
- 45 minutes later-
"Yo! Danny, my man! How's life?" I called out. Dan-the-Dope-Man looked up from...whatever it was he was doing outside Copper Harbor's one and only pharmacy. The pharmacy which he, in fact, owned. Honestly, I didn't want to know exactly what he had been doing behind the pile of cardboard boxes that were stacked up against the moldy brick. I figured it was better if I didn't. Dan smiled a grin that was missing two teeth.
"Marty! My worst customer and only friend! Life's good!" He greeted me, kicking a few of the boxes over to hide whatever suspicious activity it was that he had been up to. He winked and walked over to me, pushing his absolutely disgusting blond hair out of his face. "But, you know, business is betta'," He concluded.
I could never tell how tall Dan was, in this form especially. See, Dan-the-Dope-Man was a shapeshifter, though of course, no one else in the town knew that. That's how he was the owner of the pharmacy as well as a drug dealer. His other form, Jonathan De’ Santos, was the tall, 40-year-old, honest-looking Hawaiian man that ran the pharmacy. In this form, however, Dan was a somewhere-in-the-upper-five-foot-range Caucasian guy from Brooklyn with a thing against bathing. He said that the grungy, sewer-rat look was better for his side business. I wasn't sure how much of that I bought, but then again, who's gonna buy drugs from the guy who's supposed to make sure you don't destroy yourself with them.
"I bet it is!" I said, taking a step back when he reached me because, like I said, the guy had a thing against hygiene.
"This is a terrible, terrible idea," Isaac muttered, leaning on the wall to my left. I couldn't reply to him because although Dan knew what I was he didn't know about Isaac. So all I could do was give him a rude gesture behind my back. He saw it and stuck his tongue out at me.
"What can I do fo' ya, Marty?" Dan always pronounced my name as 'Mawty' at least in this form as it had a Brooklyn accent.
"Well, o' Danny boy, I have some rather bad news to deliver," I continued, "There might be some hunters coming to town soon."
Dan frowned; his eyes narrowed at me as he folded his arms over his chest.
"Well, that ain't good. Whatt'id ya do, Marty?" He asked. Sometimes Dan could be like my older brother, even if he didn't realize it.
"Woah, woah, woah! Who said I did anything?!" I defended. Dan just raised an eyebrow.
"You're always showin' off and ya know it," He said simply.
"He's right, you know," Isaac interjected. I wished I could tell him to shut his eidolic cake hole. It wouldn't have made much of a difference if I could, as he would still have continued talking, but the principle remained the same. Isaac was annoying. He needed to shut his mouth now and again. But I couldn't say that right now because he was a flipping ghost and ghosts are invisible. Mostly.
Ignoring Isaac, I opened my mouth to try to argue with Dan but quickly closed it again when found that I couldn't, because he was absolutely right. Now, I couldn’t admit that to him because Isaac was right here and that would be saying that he was right about something, and that was a thing I would never hear the end of.
"In regards," I started again.
"You'd just say 'regardless'," Isaac chimed in. I had to physically bite my tongue to keep from screaming at him to shut up.
"Regardless," I corrected. Isaac chuckled. I really needed to get myself some iron gauntlets or something so I could give his apparitional arse an involuntary appendectomy. Or just an iron ring so I could punch him in the face.
"Regardless, it wasn't me. This time. It was some attention seeking moron with a computer. That combined with my little hospital trips and you get something fishy looking." I finally managed to finish my sentence without Isaac chiming in.
"Well then ya betta' keep ya head down, Marty. I don' wan' ya gettin hurt." A dark look crossed over Dan's usually upbeat face. "Or worse," He finished.
"I know Danny, which is why I need you to do something for me," I said. Isaac sighed and face palmed but I ignored it.
"What?" Dan asked.
"I need you to watch out for any newcomers asking weird questions. I've got a plan if any hunters get too close to us, I just need to know who and where they are," I told him.
See, the pharmacy, the mini-mart, the bar, and the barber shop all sat across from each other at a four way intersection. Thus, Dan would have an excellent view of any hunter's first two targets. The origin of the supernatural activity, in this case the mini-mart, and the bar. He would be the perfect spy. Dan looked at me strangely.
"Say, Marty, you ain't plannin' on gankin' any a' dose' suckas' now are ya?" He asked, caution evident in his voice. I sighed, shaking my head internally. This was just another downside of being what I was. Everybody thinks you're a murderer. Though I knew I was far from innocent, I had never killed anyone. At least, anyone who didn't deserve it.
"Come on, Danny. In all the time you've known me, have I ever, er, ganked anyone?" I asked him, spreading my hands as if to catch the obvious answer.
"Well, no. But people can change," Dan pointed out. I rolled my eyes.
"Dan, I'm not gonna kill anyone. There, ya happy?" I said, only mildly aggravated. Isaac decided it was time to speak up again.
"You may not. But I will. If it comes to that. I won't let anybody hurt you, Marty. Not again. Not when I can do something about it."
I knew he was saying this now so I wouldn't be able to argue with him. Then I would forget and if he did kill someone Isaac would say he'd said he would. I ground my teeth together and reminded myself that it wasn't going to come to that. I wouldn't let it.
Meanwhile, Dan thought about what I'd spoken aloud.
"Yeah okay, but if anybody comes sniffin' I'm skippin', kay?" He agreed. I nodded.
"Okay, take care of yourself, Danny."
"You too, Marty." I smiled at him and began to walk away. Isaac pushed himself off the wall and trudged behind me, complaining loudly.
"Make sure you take care of yourself too, Issac! I'd hate myself if anything happened to you, Isaac! I wouldn't be able to survive without you, Isaac! Thanks Marty, your friendship means everything to me!" He said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Ugh! Why do I even bother?"
I smirked giving him the sign for 'I love you' behind my back.
"Aw shut up!"
But I knew he was smiling.
~So, I'm thankful for my sister even though sometimes we fight When high school wasn't easy, she's the reason I survived. I know she'd never leave me and I hate to see her cry. I just wanna tell her that I'm always by her side. I just wanna tell her that...
The worlds not perfect, but it’s not that bad. If we've got each other and that’s all we have I will be your brother and I'll hold your hand You should know I'll be there for you When the world's not perfect When the world's not kind If we have each other then we'll both be fine I will be your brother and I'll hold your hand You should know I'll be there for you.
I will always be there for you.~
Lyrics from: If We Have Each Other by Alec Benjamin
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Something New (Javier x Reader) [smut]
Title: Something New Rating: Explicit  Length: 3800 Warnings: Family feels and Smut (male recieving oral, male recieving anal play, dildos, disucssion of pegging, and all that fun, also regular old sex) Notes: You can find the Maybe Today, Maybe Forever Timeline here. October 1997.
Just remember, if you intend to try pegging PREP IS KEY. This is part 2/3 of  Reader & Javier’s venture into pegging. 
If you’ve been following all of the drama that’s been going on, and have something you want to say anonymously to me you should read this post.
Summary: The family spends some time by the pool and Reader and Javier try something new.
Taglist:  @grapemama  @seawhisperer @huliabitch @pedropascalito @rogrsnbarnes @thewallpapergoesorido @twomoonstwosuns @gooddaykate @livasaurasrex @ham4arrow @hiscyarika @plexflexico @readsalot73 @hdlynn @lokiaddicted @randomness501 @fioccodineveautunnale  @roxypeanut @just-add-butter @snivellusim @amarvelousmandalorian @lukesrighthand @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @exrebelshocktrooper @awesomefandomsunited @ah-callie @swhiskeys @lady-tano @beskar-droids @space-floozy @cable-kenobi​ @longitud-de-onda @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes @findhimfives @pedrosdoll @seeking-a-great--perhaps @frietiemeloen @arrowswithwifi @random066 @uncomicalhumour @heather-lynn @domino-oh-damn (more tags in the replies)
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“Here,” Monica said as she adjusted the large umbrella stand, positioning it over the rather uncomfortable plastic chaise lounge pool chair you were reclined back on. 
“Thank you.” You offered as you adjusted the floppy little hat you had on Sofía. She was out cold against your breast. “You should go swim.” You urged Monica as she wrapped a towel around her middle and moved to lay down on the chaise lounge beside you.
“I’m good here,” Monica assured you as she grabbed a pair of sunglasses from the tote beside her chair. 
“What? You don’t want to go under the water buckets again?” You teased, looking across the pool towards the children’s area where Josie had Javier standing right under the spot where she could pull a lever and dump water on his head. 
She was having a blast and that was all that mattered to you.
Monica laughed softly, tucking her arms under her head. “You caught me.” She tilted her head to look at you, smiling a little. “Thank you for all of this.”
“Josie was convinced you’d enjoy coming to the splash park with us.” You shrugged. “And of course. You need to have fun sometimes. 
“I don’t mean just today.” Monica insisted. “I was talking to Nadia about everything the other day and it just made me realize how lucky I am.”
“How is her situation?”
“She lives with her mother and grandmother. Her mother is accepting, but definitely thinks it’s just a phase.” She shrugged. “And her grandmother chooses to ignore it. They have big dreams for her.”
You frowned, “At least they’re accepting.” You couldn't imagine parents like Monica’s just cutting their daughter off. All you wanted for Josie and Sofía was happiness, however they saw fit. 
“It’s just a little awkward.” Monica admitted. “I was over there the other day after our date and her mother kept calling me her study buddy.” She readjusted her towel, rolling onto her stomach and resting her cheek against her folded arms. “At least I have you guys.”
“Speaking of us.” You said, glancing down at Sofía as she made a little sound like she might wake up, instead she just sniffled and pressed her face against your chest. “We’re going to Laredo for Thanksgiving.”
“No. No ‘oh’.” You shook your head. “We’d love to have you come with us. “Chucho was impressed with you when Sofía was born and asked if you’d be joining us.”
“I really don’t want to impose.” Monica rubbed her lips together nervously. “It’s just Thanksgiving.” 
“Yes, the holiday you’re supposed to spend with family.” You gave her a pointed look. “You’re one of us, Monica. It’s a month out, you don’t have to decide right now.”
She blinked. “You’re serious?”
You arched a brow, “Why would I be lying? I don’t know what Javier has told the class, but I’m not a bitch.”
Monica laughed loudly at that, covering her mouth to stifle the noise. “First off, Javier acts like you can walk on water in class. I think everyone in that class wants a love like yours. Second off, I don't know! I’m just an interloper.”
“And yesterday I told someone that I have three daughters, so.” You gave her a pointed look. “Thanksgiving in Laredo and then Chucho is coming here for Christmas.”
“You guys are way too nice.” Monica smiled at you. “What are the Murphys doing for Thanksgiving?”
“Last I heard, Connie’s parents are coming down and Steve wants to hide in our trunk.”
“They haven’t forgiven Steve for dragging their daughter to Colombia.” You rolled your eyes. “All I know is that things are always tense. Javi and I were over there a couple years back when they came to visit. Things were… Tense.”
“I can only imagine.” 
Your eyes flickered back towards the splash pad, smiling as you spotted Javier and Josie heading back towards you. You kept Sofía cradled against your chest as you sat up and reached for a towel for Josie. 
“Mommy! Did you see me?” Josie questioned, twirling around as you wrapped the towel around her. She pressed her wet little head against your chest, looking at her sister. “Sofía you have to get bigger!”
You kissed the top of her head, “She will. And then both of you will be out there dousing daddy in water.”
Josie giggled, letting go of you and shuffling towards Monica. Monica let her onto the chaise lounge with her, much to Josie's delight. 
You lowered your sunglasses, raking your eyes over Javier as he toweled off. You bit down on your bottom lip, smirking at him. “Hey handsome, you come here often?” You teased, shifting so you could nudge your foot against his knee. “I’d let you swim in my pool.” 
Javier casually flipped you off as he lifted his towel to dry his hair. “I thought I’d make it through the whole day without being leered at by some pool mom.” He teased, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips before he took Sofía from you. 
“I am so much more than a pool mom.” You shot back, shielding your eyes as you looked up at him. “Here, sit down so she doesn’t get too much sun.”
You traded seats with him, moving to sit on the side of the chaise lounge as he reclined. You watched as she pressed her cheek to his chest and sprawled out as she let herself fall back to sleep. “She’s getting so big.” Javier remarked, rubbing her back. 
“I know. It’s crazy.” You shook your head. It didn’t help that those first three months had been spent in a daze. Even her birth remained hazy for you. “I talked to Monica about Thanksgiving.”
Javi looked towards Monica, “You coming with us?”
She nodded and smiled, “Thank you. Seriously. This might be the best Thanksgiving yet.”
“Pops is a pretty damn good host.” Javier explained. “Day before we’ll probably go down to the party hall and visit with some of my extended family.” 
“His cousin Danny just had his first son.” You added, resting your hand on Javi’s leg. “You can stay at the ranch if you want to. We’re not going to force you to go with us.” 
“You don’t think they’ll think it’s weird?” Monica questioned, pulling a Kool-Aid out of the cooler for Josie. 
Javier shook his head, “Nah.” 
“They’re used to us showing up with new daughters.” You teased, looking back at Javier with a grin. “They’re good people. I’m sure they’ll love you as much as we do.”
Javier pressed a kiss to the top of Sofía’s head as she started fussing. And you recognized that brand of fussing. He looked towards you with a furrowed brow, “Do you want to try?” 
You made a face, but nodded. “Yeah, I’ll give it a try.” 
He carefully got up with Sofía cradled in his arms, letting you lay back down on the chair. Once he swapped the baby back to you, he helped you adjust the chair so it was sitting up straighter. Javier grabbed the baby bag, pulling out the nursing blanket that was tucked into it. 
You draped the blanket across your chest, making sure you were completely covered before you pulled the top of your swimsuit down. Javier pulled the cooler over, closer to your chair and perched on the top of it. “You’ve got it, baby.” 
“She’s trying.” You bit down on your bottom lip as you waited with bated breath to see whether Sofía was going to latch on. It was always a 50-50 shot. You readjusted her beneath the blanket, silently begging her to just— “She’s on.” 
“That’s my girl.” Javier grinned, leaning over to press a kiss to your cheek. He brushed his thumb over the bottom of Sofía’s foot where it was sticking out from under the blanket. 
“She’s getting better at it,” You said with a sigh of relief as you felt suckingly more insistently. “I was worried she’d start refusing me again, now that we’ve been trying baby food.” 
“She might love her sweet potatoes, but she’s not going to miss out on this.” He gestured to you with a smirk. 
Your lips parted as you started to respond to him, but you were cut off by a man passing by, “Come on, lady. There are kids here.” 
Javier’s head snapped towards him, “Fuck off.” He gritted out, his gaze flickering towards the woman who was walking ahead of him, “Take your sanctimonious bullshit and tell your wife no one needs to see that much of her ass. Think of the children.” 
You snorted, reaching over to squeeze his hand. “It’s fine, babe.” 
Monica wasn’t ready to drop it however, “Funny you’d bring up kids.” She sat up, wrapping her towel around her tightly. “When she’s literally feeding a child. Quit looking, perv.” 
“Are we going to have a problem?” Javier questioned, staring the man down. 
“Nope.” He held up his hands, taking a step backwards. “No problem.” 
“Then keep walking.” Javier ushered him on. 
“God, I hate men.” Monica mumbled, with a roll of her eyes. Javier gave her a look. “You’re an exception.” 
“I thought so.” He turned back to you then. “You good?”
“I put up with how many months of Chris’ bullshit? I’m fine.” You assured him, beckoning him closer so you could kiss him. “I love you.” 
“Love you too, baby.” 
 You trailed your fingertips along his jaw, sliding them down to curl around the column of his throat, as your lips slanted over his. Your lust was tempered by the knot of anxiety coiling low in your belly. You talked a good game, but you had never done anything like this before. At least there was comfort in the fact that Javier had never done it either. You could both be nervous together. 
His hand snaked up your back, slipping under your shirt. Javier pulled you closer as his tongue delved between your lips, twisting against yours as he deepened the kiss. You moaned against his mouth, arching against him. 
You broke away from the kiss, breathing raggedly as you pressed a row of kisses down his throat, your tongue dipping out against his Adam’s apple as he swallowed thickly. “We can stop whenever you want.” You reminded him, as he sank back against the mattress. 
“I know my safe word.” Javier dragged his hands over his face, exhaling heavily. 
“Three squeezes if I can’t get the word out.” He answered, reaching out and brushing his knuckles over your cheek. “Think you’re going to render me speechless?” Javier smirked at you.
You shrugged, “Never know.” You sat back on your knees then, looking towards the bedside table at the neon blue toy and the bottle of lube sitting next to it. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” You admitted.
He snorted, “You and me both.” 
Javier scooted up on the pillows, his eyes following yours towards the nightstand. You wish you knew what was going through his head. He kept everything so close to the chest, but that wasn’t really something that worked in this situation. You were both going to have to communicate with each other. And listen. 
You bit down on your bottom lip, “You’re certain?”
“We’ve got this far.” He retorted, swallowing thickly. “Just go easy on me.” 
“This is the easy part, Javi.” You told him, brushing your hand over his chest. “Just you wait until I have the whole harness.” You gestured around your pelvis. “There will be no stopping me. Unless you tell me to.” 
He crooked a finger and you leaned down to kiss him. “I trust you.” Javier reminded you, bumping his nose against yours. 
You reached for the toy and lube and laid them on the bed, before you moved downwards. Hooking your fingers in the waistband of his boxers, you peeled them down his hips and tossed them off the bed. “I think the key is making sure you’re relaxed.” You told him, curling your legs beneath you as you sat beside his hips. 
Javier tucked his arm beneath his head, “I’m as relaxed as you’re going to get me.” 
“We’ll see about that.” You grinned, reaching out to rub your hand over his lower stomach, fingertips grazing through the dark hair that led downwards. You lazily curled your fingers around his cock, watching his face as you stroked him. 
You leaned down, pressing a kiss to the head of his cock, sweeping your tongue out to tease over the tip. 
“That’s one way to relax me,” Javier quipped, reaching down to play his fingers through your hair, his eyes drawn to your mouth as you took the head of him between your lips. You were just teasing, trying to get him ready. 
It was something new and different for both of you, but this part of it was all about him. You wanted him to feel good, otherwise the next part of this wasn’t going to happen.
You flattened your tongue as you swept it down the underside of his cock. You leaned forward, taking the full length of him into your mouth, before you released him with a wet pop, moving to sit between his legs. 
Javier lifted his head, his eyes meeting yours with a glimmer of uncertainty. 
“You good?”
He nodded. “Yeah.” 
You leaned down and pressed a kiss to the spots just above his hip bones before you moved lower, resting on your forearms between thighs. You ran your hands over his inner thighs, grazing your fingernails lightly over the skin as you nudged his legs apart wider. 
“Say the word and I stop, okay?” You reminded him as you pressed your lips to his inner thigh. 
“I’m good, baby.” He assured you, reaching down to stroke the top of your head. 
You reached over and grabbed the bottle of lube, squirting some onto your fingers. “I was assured that this was warming.” You told him, rubbing your fingers together to ensure it wasn’t cold. 
With a gentle brush of your thumb, you smeared the lube over him, your eyes never leaving his face. You pressed another kiss to his thigh, reaching for the toy.  
“Just relax,” You whispered as you applied lube to the toy, stroking your finger down the length of it. You smeared the excess lube across him, readying him for what came next. “You ready, Javi?” 
“Yeah.” He said as he exhaled, shifting his legs apart wider to give you better access. 
You reached up with your free hand and curled your fingers around his cock, stroking him slowly as you circled the tip of the toy against his puckered hole. His leg twitched and you glanced back up at him. “Javi⁠—”
“Keep going.” He assured you, tilting his head up to meet your eyes. “I’m good.” 
You applied a little more pressure, letting just the tip of it start to press into him. You loosely pumped your fist over the length of his cock as you kept working the toy against him. “You’re doing so good, babe.” You told him, turning your head to press a kiss to his thigh. “Don’t tense up.” 
“It’s fucking weird.” Javier hissed out through clenched teeth as more of the dildo started to press into him. “Don’t stop.” 
You drew the toy out a fraction, before pressing it forward again, sinking more of it into him. He shifted beneath your touch, his back arching. “You want more?” You questioned, releasing your hold on his cock as your fingers curled around his thigh. Your gaze flickered between his face and where you were working him, enjoying the look of unabashed desire on his face. 
“Baby.” He panted out as you withdrew the toy almost entirely, before sinking it into him further. “Shit. Fuck.” 
You rubbed at his hip. “Good?” 
“Good.” He grunted. Javier lifted his hands to cover his face, letting out another string of swears as you started working the toy in and out of him more earnestly. The sounds he made had fire burning between your own thighs.  
“You have no idea how hot this is, Javi.” You told him, pressing another kiss to his inner thigh as you shifted the angle of your thrusts ⁠— which was apparently the right choice. 
Javier’s hips arched up off the bed, a low keening sound escaping him as you apparently struck that sweet spot within him. You kept working the toy into that spot, sliding it out and pressing it back into him. 
You were enraptured with the way his stomach muscles tensed, the way his thighs trembled, and the way his knuckles went white as he gripped at the bedsheets beneath him.
And the sounds he made.
“Just let go, Javi.” You urged, curling your fingers around his cock as you worked the full length of the toy into him, before you gripped the flared base and slid it out. “Fuck. Look at you.” 
You could tell that Javier was right on the brink. The sounds coming out of his mouth and the look on his face as his eyes rolled back in his head told you everything you needed to know. He was about to come for you.
Another strained sound escaped him as his thigh muscles twitched, his feet trying to get purchase on the bed. “St⁠— stop.” Javier grunted out, grabbing your wrist tightly and squeezing three times. 
You stopped immediately, sliding the toy out of him slowly. Your brows furrowed together as you looked up at him, “Are you okay, Javi?” Had you done something wrong? 
Javier dragged his hand over his face, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he breathed heavily. He was quiet for a long minute as he worked on steadying his breathing, his palm resting over his heart as a breathy chuckle escaped him. “Sorry baby.”
“Don’t apologize.” You ran your hand over the side of his leg, looking up at him nervously. “Are you okay?”
“I, uh…” He raked his fingers through his hair. “Didn’t want to come get.” Javier admitted to you, tilting his head to look at you. “Jesus Christ. That was a fucking lot.”
“Do you want to stop entirely?” You questioned. 
His tongue darted out over his bottom lip as he stared at you. “Yeah.” 
“Alright.” You nodded your head slowly. “Whatever you want.” And you meant it. If he just wanted to roll over and pretend the night didn’t happen — you wouldn’t hold it again still him. 
You moved out from between his thighs, leaning over the side of the bed to grab the washcloth you had prepared before embarking on this adventure. You used it to gingerly clean him off, wiping the cloth off his skin with great care.  
“C’mere.” Javier gestured to you and you climbed back up the bed to lay down beside him. He curled his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into side. 
You brushed your fingers over his jawline, tilting your head as he leaned in to kiss you. You smiled against his lips, ruffling his hair. “So?”
“So.” He ran his hand down your side as he pulled back to meet your eyes, rocking his jaw slowly as he found his words. “It was overwhelming.”
“Good or bad overwhelming?”
Your brows rose upwards. “Really?” Well, that was a relief. You had worried you had done something wrong. “Why did you want to stop?”
Javier pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek. “I don’t know how to explain it. Felt like I could feel it everywhere.” He gave your hip a squeeze. “And call me old fashioned baby, but I wanted you.”
You brushed your fingers over his cheek. “Yeah?” 
He rolled you over onto your back, his mouth trailing down your throat. You ran your hand up his back, fingers finding their way into his hair as he kissed lower 
Javier worked to remove your clothes, letting them land somewhere on the floor beside the bed forgotten. His hand wandered down your stomach, slipping down between your thighs. 
You moaned softly as his fingers played over your slick folds. You curled your fingers around the back of his neck, looking up at him as he leaned over you. “Javi.”
“Is this all for me, baby?” He questioned.
“I told you it was hot.” You breathed out, arching your back as you rocked into his touch. “The sounds you made…”
Javier brushed his nose against yours, his breath playing over your lips as he tilted his head and leaned in to kiss you. You protested quietly as he pulled his hand away, but your complaints were short lived as he settled between your thighs ⁠— his cock sliding into you. 
You hooked your leg around his hips as he started moving within you. “Fuck.” You breathed out as you grabbed at his biceps, his shoulders, trying to touch him everywhere you could as you rolled your hips in time with his thrusts. “Javi.” 
He gripped at your hip tightly, picking up the pace of his movements, driving into you again and again. “You feel so fucking good, baby.” Javier rasped out, dragging his lips along your jaw, leaving open-mouthed kisses down your throat. 
His hand snaked down in between you, his finger seeking out your clit as he coaxed you over the edge. Your back bowed up off the bed as your release washed through you, your inner walls clenching around him — dragging him down with you. 
Javier groaned out your name as he bucked into you, his pace stuttering as he came apart, his release spilling into you. 
You laughed breathlessly, running your hand up and down the length of his spine as he sank down atop you. “Why be adventurous when we’re that good already?” You teased, earning a snort from him. 
“Too late. We’re being adventurous, baby.” He mumbled, kissing your throat. 
You ruffled your fingers through his hair. “Did you enjoy yourself?” 
Javier hummed approvingly as you pressed a kiss to his shoulder, and you couldn’t help but grin. You definitely understood the appeal — there was something very exciting about trying something completely new with him. Not that you hadn’t already tried the new and exciting venture called a committed long term relationship and parenthood. This was exciting and new and really hot. 
“Won’t Rocky be surprised when I show up later this week to get the harness.” You slid your fingers into his hair and tugged lightly. “You really did enjoy it, right?”
Javier pressed his palms against the mattress on either side of your head, pulling up just enough to look down at you. “It was good.” He assured you, leaning down to brush his lips over yours. “And I look forward to seeing what you can do.” 
You grinned up at him, “Me too.” 
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kafka-ish · 4 years
how to be a heartbreaker | b.d.
y/n wants to get her crush to notice her but she has no idea how. luckily, beverly comes to her with some valuable advice.
word count: 2,845
warnings: fem!reader
request: (from anonymous) “hiii! could i request a fic for bill denbrough where the reader is very flirty with everyone in the losers club and bill is flustered whenever she flirts with him? i was thinking that w/n could be like the female richie just more tame haha. ty!”
a/n: i was so excited to receive this request as it was my first one !! i hope i did it justice. 
y/n didn’t always wear tight tops and make cheeky comments. 
That’s why Bill was so surprised when she arrived at the quarry in a skirt so short, he could the lace peeking from her underwear when she bent down, and a smart mouth almost identical to Richie’s. But Bev smirked to herself as she watched the scene unfold, remembering how y/n had come to her last weekend, asking for help. 
“Who do you like?” Beverly’s question was innocent, yet somehow it managed to make y/n’s skin crawl and her throat turn to cotton. 
“What makes you think I like anyone?” y/n’s fingers absentmindedly began to pick at the purple comforter neatly draped across the twin sized bed she was perched on. 
“Can I guess?” Beverly ignored y/n’s previous statement and eagerly began listing names. “Is it Matt from gym? Or Cameron from chemistry? If you like Cameron I can see why... That blond hair and smirk can really do things to a girl.” 
“No.” y/n laughed at her friend’s guesses; more so at how far off she was. “It’s neither of them.”
“Then who is it?” Beverly turned around in the vanity chair she was sitting in, in order to get a better read on y/n’s features. That’s when y/n knew her friend was persistent on learning her crush. 
“It’s Bill.” The words left y/n’s mouth in a whisper, but Beverly didn’t need her friend to repeat herself to pick up on what she was saying. 
“Bill Denbrough?” Bev’s voice raised an octave. “Why haven’t you made a move yet? You see him practically everyday!”
“Well, I...” y/n took a moment to readjust herself. She stretched out on Beverly’s bed; each limb reaching each corner of the mattress. She stared at the ceiling which was covered in glow in the dark sticky stars. They’d been there since Beverly was five. She had intentions of removing them, but the adhesive stuck horribly. Beverly also didn’t want to risk ruining part of the building’s architecture since her family was renting it out. And if she did, her dad would do more things than just yell at her. 
“You what?” 
“How am I supposed to make a move?” y/n groaned. Beverly could tell this was something that upset her. “I freak out whenever I’m left alone with him. Hell, even when I’m just sitting next to him. I can’t find the right words to say... Or any words for that matter.”
“You and Bill have that in common,” Beverly said. It was a cheap shot at Bill’s stutter. But she should’ve known y/n was above laughing at something her crush couldn’t control. “Why don’t you just feign confidence?” Beverly’s helpful for once suggestion became of interest to y/n. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Richie does it all the time.” y/n heard a snort coming from the other side of the room. “Just... You know, pretend.” 
“How am I supposed to conjure up some alter ego if I can’t even conjure up some simple hello.” Of course y/n was a skeptic to the idea. But it wouldn’t hurt to try, right?
“That’s exactly why you need to do this!” Beverly countered. She couldn’t seem to contain her excitement at the thought of playing matchmaker with her friends. “We can start with a new wardrobe.” Beverly jumped into bed with y/n and her eyes trailed down to the girl’s figure. She was silently judging her friend’s outfit and y/n didn’t know if she should feel offended or uncomfortable. “We’ll go shopping tomorrow.” 
Their shopping haul consisted of mainly crop tops, skinny jeans, and some of the shortest skirts y/n’s ever seen. Beverly picked out a blue ruffled skirt that barely covered her butt when she leaned over and a plain white crop top to match. 
“You have to wear that when we all go to the quarry!” Beverly said over the phone (it was more of an order than a friendly opinion). 
Nonetheless, she did.
y/n was the last to show up at the quarry; wanting to make a big entrance. It was big alright. She greeted every one of the boys with a kiss on the cheek and a grin wide enough to stick an orange slice in.
“It’s been so long, you guys!” Only enthusiasm could be detected from her voice. y/n sat down on a rock next to Eddie and ruffled his hair which he quickly patted down afterwards. 
“It’s only been a day,” Stan deadpanned. But who was he to burst the bubble of newfound elation coming from his usually reserved friend? 
“A day that’s been far too long!” Her eyes playfully rolled to the back of her head and she leaned forward to boop Stan on the nose. “So, are we getting in the water or what?” She stood up, allowing for a showcase of her long legs and started to strip. 
“You got that right, doll.” Richie whistled as y/n’s shirt hit the ground. Off came his shirt, too; the rest of the Losers following suit. 
y/n was the first to make a splash. She cannon-balled into the water, giving the boys a full view. A second whistle was about to reach Richie’s lips, but Bill stopped him. 
“Yo-you know, in uh-other places th-that’d be illegal.” His tongue stuck on the “L” sound in illegal for a while. 
“Good zing we arrren’t in other places.” Richie had been trying out his new “comrade” accent for the past week but no one else in the group except him was impressed. Bill, especially, was not impressed and shoved Richie into the water. “I’ll get you for this!” He yelled immediately after being able to come up for air. Though Bill couldn’t hear him. He was already already making his debut into the water. 
“Hey cutie,” y/n said, swimming up from behind him as he landed. He was taken aback at the words that had left her mouth and frankly so was she. 
“H-hi, y/n.” Goosebumps materialized on his arms, legs, and chest, and Bill didn’t know if it was because of how cold the water felt, or the recent effect y/n had on him. 
y/n giggled at the sound of her name coming from his mouth. “Be my chicken partner? You’re the only one strong enough I can think of.” She purposely avoided his gaze. In fact, she looked everywhere but at him. 
“I-if yo-you wuh-want.” Bill’s stutter had gotten notably worse and he wanted to curse himself for it. Would he seriously let almost four years of speech therapy go to waste just because of a pretty girl?
“Oh, I definitely want.” y/n’s eyes thoughtfully roamed Bill’s bare chest which he suddenly grew conscious of. Her fingers traced his collarbone and traveled down to his bicep. “I just remembered.” Her hand pulled away and she met his eyes. His blue eyes that she could get lost in for all eternity if she weren’t careful. “I need to go.” y/n didn’t honestly have to go—rather, the advice Bev had given her earlier parroted itself in her head:
Don’t be afraid to go all in. But always leave him wanting more. 
Leave him wanting more. 
y/n gave him a half smile before making her way towards the rocks. 
Bill watched as she did. The sun’s light reflected against her slicked hair in the most alluring manner. She somehow managed to make walking through water graceful. Bill’s eyes stuck to her figure until it disappeared. His trance soon broken by the sound of Eddie’s cries and the feeling of cold water dousing his back. 
“You were great today!” y/n smiled at Beverly’s voice from over the phone. She was sitting on her bed. One hand was holding the phone to her ear while the other was twirling a finger around the cord connecting the receiver piece to the landline. 
“You really think so?” A new feeling had begun to rise in her chest. Cockiness? Pride? Accomplishment? Whatever it was, it felt good. 
“Well, Bill couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off you, could he?” And y/n didn’t have to see Beverly’s face to know she was raising her eyebrows because the tone of her voice already gave it away. 
“I guess not..” 
“Why don’t we all meet for dinner tomorrow?” Bev suggested. It wasn’t really a suggestion, though. It was more like an ‘I’m-telling-you-this-now-and-I’ll-tell-the-losers-after-we’re-done-talking’ sort of thing. 
“Sure,” y/n agreed, because she knew it was useless to try and stop Beverly—she was too far ahead of herself.
“Great!” The busy tone then rung in y/n’s ear, indicating that Bev had hung up. 
Thus, allowing her to be the blame when y/n showed up to Derry’s local diner in a strappy plaid dress and enough attitude for the whole table. 
“Oh, baby!” Richie grinned at the sight of their friend finally coming out of her shell. “You didn’t get all purty for me, did ya?” 
“You wish, trashmouth,” y/n said, taking a seat next to a now shuddering Bill. “Hey, Billy!” Unexpectedly, the girl threw her arms around the boy, wrapping him in an embrace tighter than she was willing to admit. 
Bill opened his mouth, about to say something, only to close it again. The words were caught in the back of his throat and it didn’t help when the sweet scent of her floral perfume reached his nose, leaving him lost in any contagious thoughts of her that he’d unconsciously dreamed of before. 
She withdrew from him, prompting a harsh swallow from Bill. 
“Cat got your tongue?” No matter how much she wanted to, she didn’t let herself  wait long enough for an answer. Abruptly, she broke eye contact and settled on Ben for the time being. 
In a voice higher than normal, y/n had told him he was the best writer in their grade—something Bill found himself strangely jealous hearing. “My parents said I need an English tutor...” In one hand, she swirled her root beer with a straw. Her other hand was holding up her head that rested on it. “I was wondering if you’d be mine?” 
“Wow. Yeah, y/n, I’d love to help!” Ben said with a little too much pep in his step. 
“That’s awesome!” They'd settled on the library to meet up at the next day, but oddly enough Ben wasn’t there. 
Bill was. 
“What-what are you doing here?” It was hard for y/n to try and keep her cool. Especially when the boy whom she was harboring a crush for was standing right in front of her in place of her supposed-to-be English tutor. 
“I’m tuh-tutoring yo-you in En-engl-hish. Of cour-course.” He seriously needed to get a grip on that stutter of his. It was no use, as he could even feel his thoughts stammering against each other. 
“No, Ben’s my tutor,” y/n corrected as she sat her book bag down on the library desk. She riffled through the mess of folders stacked in her bag; an ‘aha’ noise inadvertently leaving her mouth once she found the red one marked ‘English’. “Where is Ben?” It became increasingly harder to keep up the act Beverly had helped her come up with. It grew much more apparent to y/n that it was easier to flirt with friends—not someone she had a full blown crush on. 
“He, uh, he cou-couldn’t mm-muh-make it.” So what if Bill had lied? So what if Bill had told Ben that he didn’t need to go to the library anymore as he took his place instead? 
“Hey Bill!” Ben had just gotten done trading out his History book for his Pre-Calculus one.
Bill was standing right next to his friend’s locker—how Ben hadn’t seen him walking up remained a mystery. 
“What’s up?” 
“y/n tuh-told me that she-she didn’t need an English tutor an-any...anymore.” 
“Huh.” Ben chewed the dead skin on his lip before he continued. “y/n told you this?” 
“Ye-yeah.” Bill nodded his head in order to seem convincing. “Since sh-she doesn’t have any class-classes with you, she wuh-wanted mm-me to tell you.” 
It was a dirty trick and even Bill didn’t know what came over him when he decided to play the lying game. 
y/n didn’t say anything. She only sat down and begun to organize her pencils. 
“Is-s th-that okay?” A surge of nervousness pumped through his veins while he posed the question. He looked down at y/n who was still quiet. 
“Oh, so you think you’re good at English?” y/n raised her eyebrow. She’d finally plucked up enough courage to put on her alter ego and face Bill. 
“I nuh-know I’m guh-good at English. A-according to mm-my tuh-teachers. Str-straight A’s.” He eventually took a seat next to her. It gave y/n a case of the jitters she’d force herself to get over. 
“Well, if that’s the case...” y/n leaned closer into Bill’s side. Her shoulder brushed against his in a feather light touch. “Teach me everything you know.” 
Bill felt himself beginning to choke on his spit. Ever since that day at the quarry, y/n had started acting different.  For one, she actually talked to him. She also traded her regular mom jeans for skirts and graphic tees for tank tops; clothes that showed the most skin. It took him a solid minute before he could clear his throat and begin to explain the differences between a run-on sentence and a comma splice. 
“I have to ask you something.” y/n stopped him in the middle of his explanation of different clauses. 
Bill looked up from the paper he was using to demonstrate. His eyes dwelled into hers. He knew where this conversation was leading to, and for the record, he didn’t necessarily want to go there. “Wuh-what is i-it?” 
“Did Ben really call this off?” He knew at least some variation of those words were going to come out of her mouth. “It just seems unlike him. And we see each other at lunch—”
“Act-actually...” Bill heaved a sigh, unwilling to reveal what had really happened. But it would be for the best, right?
Bill missed how the perpetual softness of her features had developed into a sort of smug look that y/n wouldn’t usually sport. “Bill...” Her hand reached up to cup his face. “If you had something to do with it, I wouldn’t be mad.” He didn’t realize her delicate fingers were carding through his auburn hair up until she pulled away. 
At this point, so many sensations swept through his insides. If a butterfly had flown out rather than actual words, Bill would only try to find out what species it was. 
“What.” He stopped to exhale. “Wha-what muh-makes you thi-think I had... had something to-to do with—” 
“Just a girl’s intuition.” y/n seemed serious for a second and Bill couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “I’m kidding, duh. I got a text halfway through our study sesh.” She took out her Nokia to show him. 
Bill told me about cancelling our sessiom. Good luck in engkish. 
A chuckle tumbled from his lips, noting the obvious typos. “Fo-for a guh-guy wh-who was goin-gonna tu-tutor you.. he ca-can’t spell for sh-sh-shit.” 
y/n’s head fell back and she lost control of her body momentarily as laughter consumed her. Bill could tell she gained control again when she turned to him once more. Silently, she waited for an answer. 
“So... so wuh-what i-if I de-did.” 
“If you did, then, I’d think you conned Haystack out of an opportunity to teach me,” she said, her voice all sing-songy. She instantly noticed Bill’s frown—how he looked down in a sort of shameful way. “I’d also say you were pretty good company.” 
“Really?” Bill’s incredulous mood had egged y/n on even further. 
“Obviously. Who wouldn’t want to hang out with a total dreamboat like you?” She jabbed at his stomach. Bill would normally flinch at this, but his mind was too busy analyzing what she just said. 
“Dr-dreamboat?” His thick eyebrows drew together. Suspect crossed his face. 
“You heard me, Denbrough.” y/n cocked her head to the side. She shifted closer to him- that is, if she could be any closer. 
He tried to speak but all that came out were a bunch of incoherent stutters.
“Shut up.” She thought of pressing her finger to his mouth, but an idea even better sparked in her mind. 
y/n forced a quick kiss onto his lips. She didn’t stay that long; not giving him the chance to kiss back. She was met with his eyes closed and his lips left in a gathered state after parting. 
“Wowo-woah.” Bill sighed, opening his eyes. His already pink lips were stained a slight red from the lipstick that colored y/n’s own. 
“Was I good?” y/n’s alter ego had completely left her body at this point. Her previously shy and hesitant self was now fleshed out perfectly for Bill to see. 
Bill shrugged before pulling her in for another kiss. This time it was long and slow. This time Bill had the chance to kiss back. 
“Ye-yeah.” His expression was kind. “Amazing.” 
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Askplosion #12 2/4:
.:New Miraculous Asks:.
Anonymous said:
Can people just STOP calling Marinette a "stalker"? Like, seriously? Especially TV Tropes. They have her listed under the trope for "Stalker With A Crush" and even have a video source of her(from Copycat) which was taken WAY out of context. They also listed her under "Stalking Is Funny If It Is Female After Male", which IS an existing double standard, but Marinette is still not an example and wouldn't be even if she WERE a stalker, because Wayhem's stalking actually WAS played for laughs!
Granted he was stalking another male and we don't know if he has a crush on him(but if he did it would be...unfortunate), but it's still an example. Plus, they claim that Volpina is about her learning her lesson regarding her stalker tendencies, but that no matter how many times she learns it, it never seems to stick. Yes, because everything is Marinette's fault and she's the stubborn shallow bitch who needs a kick in the ovaries, it's not, you know, the writers making her look bad/OOC!!!
Oh my god, I cannot tell you how infuriating it is to see “stalker” get thrown around like that. I would need two hands to count the amount of words that have lost meaning to me because people throw them out wildly and without any self-control. Stalkers engage in far more aggressive and obsessive behavior than Marinette, and usually also feature them harrassing whoever they’re stalking (such as calling them a lot), and they also never stop when they’re asked to. Marinette doesn’t fit the description of harrassment at all; Chat Noir does more than her and I don’t even call his behavior “harrassment” because that’s another word that’s lost all meaning by now and I wouldn’t use it in the first place.
Anyway, I think the Wayhem example is valid because Marinette’s crush on Adrien is written very much like a celebrity crush, so it’s similar territory.
On the note of “Volpina,” I do not understand it considering that Tikki was all on board with Marinette following Lila for the sake of getting the book back; that was one of the cases where there was an alternative motive out of just “follow Adrien” (which is not really something we see Marinette frequently doing; usually when we see her watching Adrien, it’s because she wants to approach but can’t bring herself to).
And yeah, most of the time, it’s just the narrative. The show basically puts it all on Marinette to solve all her personal problems (while constantly piling more stuff onto her) instead of getting active encouragement (no, eye rolls, verbal jabs, and groans do not count) from her friends and Tikki.
Like, what am I supposed to expect from Marinette when her friends still actively support Adrienette? By supporting Adrienette, regardless of the comments they make, they’re supporting Marinette’s behavior. Same with Tikki.
Anonymous said:
Have you noticed that with love interests of Marinette and Adrien, it's always the girls who like Adrien who are shallow, mean bitches and competition to Marinette(like Lila, Chloe, Kagami at first), while the boys who like Marinette are nice, friendly, and have no competition between each other whatsoever, sometimes not even knowing there IS competition(Adrien, Luka, Nathaniel). It's just really unfair and sexist because it's like girls can't be civil/friends and must fight over a guy.
That’s been a common topic of salt for a long while, yeah, I just don’t talk about it much.
It’s a difficult subject because I’m the type who can’t hold it against the guy characters (so I won’t dislike Kagami for “being similar to Chloe/Lila in terms of aggressiveness,” for example) because it feels wrong to, but I can hate the trend itself.
It’s also doubly unfair because Marinette’s crushes blip away quickly (like Nathaniel and Nino) while Adrien’s crushes stick around specifically to upset Marinette, so it’s like the show is saying, “if there’s a character who loves/supports Marinette, they gotta either stop or leave” (I’m pretty sure I got a “Didn’t Need Burrow” about the narrative sending Luka away and I don’t doubt it).
Anonymous said:
Personal Heacanon: Marinette and Chloé used to be friends until Marinette found out what Chloé (and Sabrina) has been using her commisions (mostly elaborate traps "to guard off thieves") for. This is why Chloé has it out for Marinette specifically. This is why everyone stood by as it happened. This is why she hates liars. This is why her "friends" are so casual at making jabs at her self-stem (they never believed she never knew what Chloé was truly up to). And also why Lila had it so easy at gaslighting everyone againts her (she's "relapsing" and it's easy to think she "deserves it").
Dang. That’s intense.
Yeah, Punch has given quite a few ideas about Marinette and Chloe previously being friends if I recall correctly. I like the idea even if I never use that kind of idea myself.
Anonymous said:
I feel like Adrien could be a really cool character if they focused less on romance? If that wasn’t his only motivation, and they developed his friendships more, and they didn’t have this entitlement. I also would like more actual friendship in regards to adrien & marinette? And him actually having interest in her but denying it bc he thinks he can only like ladybug. I feel like the sexism of the creators/writers are seeping into the character a lot and ruining it, too... It makes me really sad.
I’m hoping Adrigami will help adrien sort out a lot of his stuff bc Kagami doesn’t take any crap, and I actually really like their relationships, but I don’t have much hope. I would love for the show to use her and this relationship as a way to call out and develop adrien, but I doubt that will happen bc that would mean acknowledging his flaws. It’s just disappointing, really....
Yeah, Adrien could’ve been interesting, especially if they used Adrimi to its full potential, but they don’t. The show also has a history of letting Chat Noir get away with things and not punishing him so I wouldn’t be surprised.
Anonymous said:
Honestly, I don't even ship the love square anymore, but Fanon Adrienette is a thousand times better than canon Adrienette(the same goes for every other side of the love square, obvs). It's what the canon should be but we fans can only wish. Take, for example, the whole "she's just a friend" statement. In canon Adrien makes it because he genuinely sees Marinette as that and nothing more(which of course isn't bad, it's just sad when Marinette's always humiliated for the sake of getting his love).
In fanon, he makes it because he's actually in denial about his feelings for Marinette(which reminds me of a definition for "just a friend" on Urban Dictionary, which had Adrien drawing her name with hearts and flowers around it, and yet, when Nino asked if he had a crush, he STILL insists she's just a friend!), but realizes his mistake later.
In canon, Adrien thinks Marinette is Ladybug only because it's convenient for him since she's in love with him. In fanon, he actually does notice things about her that make her similar to Ladybug, and falls for her BEFORE knowing their identities because he sees the same qualities of bravery, strength, and femininity that he sees in Ladybug(I remember one fanfic where Marinette stood up to GABRIEL'S overprotectiveness, and Adrien could only admire how much she resembled Ladybug in that moment).
In canon, Chat is ignorant of Ladybug's feelings and agency and doesn't comfort Marinette when she's sad; instead, she has to comfort him. In fanon, Chat Noir cares about how Ladybug feels and values her agency, his jokes are genuinely funny(although canon Chat can be funny too, it's just the where and when), and he backs off when Ladybug is uncomfortable. In fanon, Chat Noir genuinely helps Marinette when she's sad and sometimes comes to see her just because, not out of plot convenience(and calls her "Purrincess" a lot more, why did the English dub just change it to "little lady"?).
It makes me think, maybe, just maybe, if these things were canon and the world was fair to Marinette, I might actually ship it; it might actually have a fighting chance against Lukanette and Adrimi. But while all these things are cute, it only makes canon more disappointing. Fanon is doing what canon should be doing. Fanon is supposed to build off of what canon gave us and expand on it. Fanon shouldn't create its own alternative because canon isn't giving us enough to chew on, it shouldn't have to.
Sadly, I think most of the fans, including the Adriennette-shipping ones, should be on some level in charge of the show; things would be SO MUCH better for the main ship(which isn't even progressing that far) and SO MUCH fairer to Marinette if that were so.
I feel this very much so. The show has been around for a long time and fandom can shape a lot of things. I think the love square wouldn’t be as beloved as it is if not for the fandom expanding on it and making it better (obviously, in some cases, they don’t make it better, but the love square is plentiful so there has to be some good takes out there).
Some shows do in fact let the fandom build off the foundation it makes and then you have things like Astruc outright lying and saying that Chat apologized in “Frozer” when he, in fact, did not, which makes everything more muddled.
maxwaspace said:
What is your opinion of the Scarlet Lady webcomic by Z.O.E?
I’m not into the love square no matter how better one might do it (it’s been soured too much for me in the show), but I do get happy seeing Zoe’s art and wondering how she’ll change/expand on the plotpoints in certain episodes.
Anonymous said:
Not sure it anyone's already said this but-
Canon Audrey: you're fired!
MC Audrey: you're hired!
Okay but hear me out.
Canon Audrey being put in charge of dealing with Miraculous’ writers, MC Audrey put in charge of hiring new ones.
Anonymous said:
Something the genuinely scares me is how close some people’s predictions where for miraculous I just saw predictions people made for season 3 and it’s worrying that the worst possible scenario for them ended up happening beat for beat.
The show can be very, very predictable that way. The way I’d describe it is that I do expect these bad things to happen in really convoluted and dumb ways, but it still surprises me by exactly how predictable it ends up being. I mean, I catch certain things really easily and the phrase, “the whole episode just flashed before my eyes,” is something I commonly say.
Predictability isn’t entirely bad, but when the prediction is unwanted? Yeah, there’s a problem.
Anonymous said:
You could basically summarize the difference between what Miraculous fans want and what the Miraculous writers want by using the John Mulaney "Delta Airlines" bit as a template.
I had to get said bit explained to me since I haven’t seen that one, but yes, now I can confirm.
Anonymous said:
How do you think Chat Blanc would play out if Marinette and/or Adrien were already dating other people? Like if Marinette had already moved on, do you think the narrative would punish her for it?
I imagine it would have Adrien still be crushing on Ladybug and he’d break it off with this other person when he realized that Ladybug is Marinette, which the narrative would then promote as “the correct decision” because they’re soulmates and such. If Marinette has moved on, she probably won’t care about his advances, which would lead to Adrien getting upset and maybe being convinced that an identity reveal would solve the problem and/or speeding up getting Hawk Moth defeated/arrested.
Marinette would probably be blaming herself for not being “sensitive enough” to Adrien/Chat’s feelings, which is what led to him being akumatized.
I could also see the girl squad forcing Marinette to give Adrien the present similar to canon, but maybe the beret doesn’t have a heart and Marinette isn’t actually interested, but rolls with it because the girl squad insists on it (probably convinced that she’s denying her own feelings).
Anonymous said:
What do you think constitutes as a "strong female character"? Do you think the girls and women in Miraculous Ladybug are "strong female characters"? Why or why not(I'm sorry if this sounded like a school assignment, by the way!)? Because to me I feel like a lot of them are given depth and focus, but they're often forced into stereotypes, and let's not forget how the show derail's Marinette's character for a joke. But lots of people think a strong girl has to be boyish or else she's weak somehow.
“I'm sorry if this sounded like a school assignment“ dfhgkfdgfg
I guess it depends on what you consider a strong female character. Like, can a shy female character be “strong” if maybe she holds firm to her morals or can fight people off?
I think Marinette has the potential to be a “strong female character” but the show nerfs her using her crush on Adrien (which raises so many red flags that I can’t cover here) and all it’s really done for her is get her laughed at and humiliated. If her life didn’t revolve and get ruined so badly due to her crush on Adrien, I think she’d be a strong female character (I know what the Season 3 finale did but I’m not buying any of it until we see proper results in Season 4).
That’s not to say that characters with crushes can’t be “strong” but it has to not control their life. I mean... okay...
Would Sabrina be considered a “strong female character” if she recognized Chloe’s treatment of her and worked hard to get out of it? Is the want and attempt to move on from something what constitutes “strength,” or do they have to succeed?
My conflict is always... I want to give Marinette credit for trying to move on from Adrien, but I know that it’s just the writing trying to make things seem tense/strained just to make it feel “better” when they actually get together. You see it all the time in anime/manga where a misunderstanding/self-doubt ends up hurting the relationship of the main ship; it’s to force conflict and separation, giving the ship something to overcome so they can get together.
I will say though that shy characters can be strong, physically strong characters can be weak, and so on. What defines a “strong” character may be vague to me, but I take it as I go. I would like to say that Marinette is a strong character on her own because she wants to improve even if she fails, but I also don’t want to give the writing credit for something that ultimately means nothing. I want to say that she’s strong but the narrative seems to do everything in its power to tell me that she’s weak.
Let me give a non-Miraculous example: say that you have a pacifist character, but there’s a villain who has done terrible things, cannot be redeemed (plz do not swarm my inbox with “anyone can be redeemed” comments, this is a hypothetical), and any method besides killing them right there and now would lead to more destruction/lives lost.
You might say that that the pacifist character would be “strong” in sticking by their morals and trying to find another way even if they ultimately would fail and the villain would get away, but an argument can also be made that the pacifist is being stubborn and letting people die because they are unwilling to rethink the morality they’ve chosen. Is a pacifist a pacifist if they’re letting the blood of other people spill because they themselves aren’t willing to have the blood be on their own hands? Are they “strong” because they stuck by what they believe in or are they “weak” because they refused to expand what they believed was “right”?
You could apply that to Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender (I know he’s not female but stick with me here). He was faced with having to murder the Fire Lord to the point where a past reincarnation who was raised on the same values as him didn’t agree with him. I think it was acceptable for him to try and stick to his morals and find another way, but he came up empty and the show had to give him a way of taking away the Fire Lord’s power so Aang didn’t have to make that choice in the end (there’s also that thing with the rock to his back and having to give up Katara but we’re not getting into that).
People could argue that, “oh, he admitted to himself that he’d have to kill the Fire Lord and then he got the Deus Ex Machina so it’s okay!” but the problem there is that the narrative basically gave two options: Murder or Take Away the Guy’s Bending, but there was incredible risk involved in the latter option. Aang almost lost himself against the Fire Lord and risked everything so that he would not have to kill him.
I would argue it makes him weak. I would argue that needing the narrative to favor him makes him weak (which is one plus for Marinette I guess the narrative is usually against her???). The lack of ability to understand his past lives and see things from their perspective made him weak for me, as him holding so stiffly to his values made it appear that he felt his ways were “better” than everyone else’s (which had been a long-standing problem for me and I never forgave him for “The Southern Raiders”).
Anonymous said:
What do you think of adriens mom Emilie. Like what do you how do you feel she wound up using the peacock miraculous personally I’m leaning into her being a villain due to the fact that there aren’t any stories of a peacock hero (unless they retcon that) and that her husband is well freaking Gabriel who has no real form of morals. Also I can’t help but think of how they got the miraculous in the first place. Anyways overall what do you think they will do with her or think of her right now.
I see her like I see any dead mom in media (I know she’s comatose, not the point); a tool for angst. Her reasons for using the peacock could be anything (might even be that she was given it and simply wearing it was damaging to her, or she transformed once to try it out and that was that), but I just don’t feel strongly about her because I’m not invested in the Agreste plot.
Me personally, I headcanon that she’s kind of like Bustier where she appears good but is actually very damaging. Instead of the generic “good mom who tried to do good things for her son but folded to angry dad’s demands,” I would like to imagine that she’s selfish in her own right and was part of the reason for Adrien never going to public school; she’s possessive herself (a contributor to why the Agrestes are so wealthy) and wants her son to remain close to her even if she genuinely cares about him and should want him to be able to go and learn from the world.
But I imagine they’ll probably make her either “pure good mom” or “villain like Gabriel where she’s ‘sympathetic’ but also evil.” The show has never been good at doing gray morality (see my MC Audrey for example) and usually messes things up if they try.
Anonymous said:
Honestly, I don't like Mme. Bustier, but if they DARE pull the pregnancy jokes with her--and I don't mean "pregnancy puns", like those would be ACTUALLY funny without offending anybody, but "ooh, she's pregnant so now she's moody and has wacky cravings and screams at everybody and is a nightmare to be around" and other things that just scream "male writer who mocks female biology and doesn't understand women", I'm going to cry. We already don't like Bridezilla, and this isn't any better.
Ugh. I don’t even like pregnancy plots in general or anything related to pregnancy (my followers who have been around forever and know of my hatred towards babies: wow what a shock!!), so adding on “jokes” like that?
Hard pass. I already don’t like Bustier so the mere idea of her potentially getting any focus there--
Anonymous said:
What do you think of the Alyanette ship? Personally, I'm ambivalent to it, but I can sorta see Alya being bi and having a crush on Marinette but Marinette doesn't like her back. Or she could have a crush on Ladybug. But I don't like the idea of it being mutual, considering how pushy and invasive Alya is. It also doesn't make sense for her to so insistently push the love square if she likes Marinette. But perhaps that's where some of her sarcastic quips come from: jealousy(cliche I know).
I’m always here for bi representation (no one can take my bi disaster headcanon’d Nino and Kagami away from me), but I actively dislike the Alyanette ship. I was okay with it back in Season 1 but it started to fall off in Season 2 and officially die in Season 3.
I don’t judge people by what they ship (...much; there’s obviously that little part of me that can’t help giving the side eye) but yeah, not for me.
Anonymous said:
As a different flavor of angst: Can you imagine Marinette’s class going to Riverside park in NYC and Tikki spotting the Jeanne D’Arc statue? I always wondered what it would have been like for Tikki to see Jeanne burned alive by the people she swore to protect. I think Nobody briefly touched on this for Witch Hunter, but not many people I have seen (probably missed something) talk about it. What do you think?
I’m indifferent to past holders getting mentioned and acknowledged; not sure how I feel about them given specific names and such (I kinda like seeing their designs and such but making them actual people from the real world? mmmm not here for that as much).
I like the idea though of addressing those real world things and having the kwami reacting to them. Like, it did make me genuinely sad in the New York special to see Liiri come out and call out Gilbert’s name, only to see this other guy standing there and we know that this Gilbert guy is very much dead by now.
On a related note, I’d be all for a special getting into a kwami’s problem and not making everything Marinette’s fault, so having Marinette maybe helping a kwami through theri issues and it leads into getting more lore on the kwami.
Anonymous said:
I just had an epiphany today: People who hate on Marinette for being "mean" to Lila/teachers telling Marinette to ignore Chloe and Lila and treat them nicely are the equivalent of real adults telling girls who are being bullied by boys that "he does it because he likes you." Ladies, raise your hands if something like this has ever happened: "Jamal tried to cut my cheek open with a razor!" "Oh, Aaliyah, he's only doing it because he likes you." Now that I've seen it I can't unsee it. Disgusting.
“Marinette, they’re just jealous of you, that’s all! Can you really get angry at them for that??”
us: yes
Anonymous said:
Thinking about Puppeteer 2 and how Marinette's identity could have been blown if she had talked to Tikki because of Plagg's incompetence angers me beyond belief because I know, just KNOW, if that had actually happened, Marinette would take ALL THE BLAME for it like there's no tomorrow. It would never occur to anyone that she normally talks to Tikki while she's alone and had no idea that the "statue" in front of her was a real boy AND her partner, or that Plagg should have said something. Ugh.
That was such a big annoyance to me in that episode. They literally neglected the actual reality of what would happen (”Oh, Tikki! No one’s here, I could practice on this Adrien statue!”) for the sake of humiliating Marinette... again.
Anonymous said:
Your comment about how Ladybug always says she's "in love with someone else", as if that should matter diddly squat when the problem is with Chat not respecting her feelings on their own without another guy in the picture reminds me of a #YesAllWomen post I saw on Twitter. It read: "'I have a boyfriend' is the easiest way to get a man to leave you alone. Because he respects another man more than you." It's just like this except without the dating and the fact that Chat DOESN'T leave her alone.
And then you remember that the “someone else” she’s in love with is the exact person who’s disrespecting her feelings and you proceed to hate everything.
Anonymous said:
The statue scene in Puppeteer 2 could've easily kept its humor by having Adrien fall over when Marinette puts her weight on him and almost kisses him, then Marinette goes "Gasp! You're not a statue!" Marinette is always being forced to humiliate herself in the name of "love", even when she doesn't deserve it, so for once, let Adrien be the one utterly humiliated of his own doing. Then they could have a sad scene where Adrien ACTUALLY comforts her and...wait for it...LEARNS A LESSON.
Alternatively, someone who works on the statues comes in and, also mistaking Adrien for a statue, tries to do some sort of work on him.
Anonymous said:
Since we can all agree that this show is sadly not very good at girl power/inclusivity, how would you tweak the show to make it more genuinely female-empowering/inclusive(can include racial/sexual inclusivity)? Besides the obvious(including more female and/or POC writers on board).
Orientation-related inclusivity isn’t even that hard. Have a character get a call from someone and just be like, “oh, it’s my boyfriend/girlfriend,” and then other companies can just dub it if they’re so afraid of characters who like the same gender.
Firstly, I’d have Marinette learn and become more of a mentor character to other characters (male and female), lean more into more “females in power” (like Mylene showing genuine interest in being the next mayor), either less focus on the “girl antagonists are evil/unredeemable” plots or at least make them legitimate threats that don’t need the narrative to cater to them to make them threatening.
Secondly, Adrien needs to STOP being the one to keep telling Marinette/Ladybug what’s right or the way to do things. I can’t stress this one enough.
Thirdly, maybe not having a season dedicated to three guys getting miraculouses while all the girls are either questioned, self-reveal, or get their miraculous revoked. That might help. :P
Anonymous said:
The saddest thing is that I can see ML going through a "Fate: The Winx Saga" in the future and having an awful, edgy reboot to appeal more to adults.
Different writers probably but at what cost.
+ more sexualization obviously since that’s usually what “more adult” means; Audrey gets the cleavage that her design clearly calls for at least, but again, at what cost
Anonymous said:
I hate what TheOnesWhoMustNotBeNamed have done to the Love Square but I also don't like Lukanette and Adrigami (nothing against the characters themselves). This is going to be one of those shows that regardless what ship wins is going to disappoint around 90% of the fans.
No hate for not liking Lukanette/Adrimi, I understand that.
And yeah, there’s a <1% chance that they can pull out anything satisfying.
Anonymous said:
Off topic, but I realized why I don’t like Clara Nightingale’s design, there’s no light to her eyes, makes her look kinda dead, kinda evil.
DQ tend to do that when they’re the ones animating. I remember “Christmaster” doing particularly well with the eye highlights.
Anonymous said:
What do you think about the future Miraculous specials (Africa, Japan, Rio, Shanghai, London)?
Will be happy to see a new setting because it shows different cultures (though there’s always the chance that the culture is poorly-represented) but that’s basically it. Specials are usually just a cash grab that are just there and any expansion on lore and such is shunted to the side for the sake of love square drama, judging by the New York special.
Anonymous said:
I haven't watched the New York Special yet, don't think I can bring myself to tbh, but this whole time I thought Aeon was the name of the superhero persona, and that the fandom was collectively calling her civilian identity Uncanny Valley bc her model was that bad.
I was genuinely shocked to find out that her civilian identity is named Aeon and that her hero name is Uncanny Valley bc that is not only a stupid name, but kind of insulting since she's an android character of color. (Well, she's a character of color except for when shes running around as a pale naked superhero. Majestia, give your kid some pants!)
Yeah, the Uncanny Valley thing threw me off too. “Aeon” really does sound like a superhero name.
I can’t believe they made her a robot and were like, “mannequin robot design.” I question so many things about the decisions made around Aeon fdkjgjfdg.
Anonymous said:
Do you think they’ll ever leave DuPont college, since it’s a middle school (essentially) and go to a lycee (high school)? I think they’re in their second year of four at DuPont, judging by the previous class picture.
I doubt it, unless we get more seasons? It would mean having to model a whole new school.
Anonymous said:
So I was reading again tikki brand boyfriend and this come to my mind and I have to share it with you.... Tikki is the mother in law of marinette in the future lol (sorry if this isn't the right blog to ask this) (I love yours au, you are amazing!)
(this is the wrong blog, yes, you’re looking for mc-lukanette, not miraculouscontent)
Thank you though! i agree, that’s cute, ahaha~
Anonymous said:
Did you know that there's a TV Tropes page for LadyBugOut?! And someone even left a review there saying they liked it and that they were sick of the Marinette embarrassing and wanted some Lukanette. They say your au is their favorite au in the fandom! Isn't that just swell?
Yes! And the TV Tropes page is fantastic! Thank you!
Anonymous said:
OMG IVE FIGURED OUT WHY MARINETTE IS UNABLE TO GET OVER ADRIEN!!! She’s under the influence of a love potion called Amortentia, which causes a powerful obsession from the drinker (it’s from Harry Potter). That’s why she’s so obsessed, and that’s why she can’t get over Adrien! She literally can’t while under the influence of the potion! She just needs to drink the antidote, and then she can finally be free!
Oh no!! Someone get this poor girl an antidote, STAT!
Anonymous said:
I was just reading your review of Silencer(which I totally agree with by the way), and when I got to the part about how Ladybug lost her voice and her powers are voice-activated, it got me thinking about how annoying Chat was being(as another anon noted, which I also agree with), and then it hit me. While it may just come off as his usual flirtatious banter that's innocent, the fact that he doesn't even seem to mind Ladybug not being able to detransform because then he gets to "be with her" forever and ever and ever amen just proves your point about Chat Blanc. He cares more about being with Ladybug than Ladybug herself, so long as she gets to keep being Ladybug "for him", that's what matters. Remember that the girl he fell in love with was the superhero persona and not the girl under the mask. He couldn't care less about who that actual girl is so long as she's his "lady" and loves him back. He just wants her to uphold the image of his strong and powerful "lady" that he admires.
(Glad you enjoyed the “Silencer” review! Thanks!)
Full agreement here! Chat isn’t really in love with Ladybug; he’s in love with the image he’s made of her and wants to keep it that way, no matter how much he may suggest otherwise.
Anonymous said:
Luka is soooo much more interesting with Marinette like, why isn't he the love interest? Same with Kagami for Adrien. To be honest it would be cool if the show set up the love square at first but then slowly started to change to Lukanette and Adrimi once Marinette and Adrien realized their crushes were just not working out. They can still have an identity reveal, but they'll refreshingly stay friends. But the writers don't have the ovaries to do that, I get it. -_- Such wasted potential.
They could’ve done a really interesting bait-and-switch but they decided not to. The love square is full of holes and flaws that they’re very likely never going to address (outside of anything used for that “gAsP maybe they won’t get together???” drama), so having it actually be addressed and be like, “okay, we’re better as friends,” would’ve gone over so much better.
Anonymous said:
I hear people complain all the time that Lukanette is toxic because Luka is merely the "second choice" for Marinette, and that she just uses him as a rebound when she fails to get Adrien's attention. But the truth is, that's not how it is at all. Luka's not anywhere near her "second choice". He gives her tranquility and stability, and she helps him loosen up and have someone to express his creativity towards. Plus, it's totally normal for teens to have two crushes whom they can't choose between.
I am so tired of people saying that Marinette is “using” Luka in someway as if it��s a conscious decision on her part to take advantage him.
Luka makes her happy. That’s it. Luka is aware of how she feels and respects her space, but I guess that makes him a “pushover” and “he lets Marinette walk all over him” because he didn’t get upset with her and embarrass her in “Desperada” by calling her out over her Adrien blindness.
Anonymous said:
People who say "I like Marinette but she's getting to be pretty embarrassing sometimes" really don't get that the show constantly forces her into situations where she's embarrassed and made out to be incompetent. Like, it's not her that's embarrassing, it's the show that's always embarrassing her. Kind of like Serena/Usagi in the (shitty)DiC English dub of Sailor Moon. It's getting irritating to hear people continually rag on Marinette as if SHE'S the clueless idiot, rather than the writers.
There are some things that happen to her that she literally could not have predicted. Like, just saying, if I had someone claiming to be my friend, I would expect them to know I’m anxiety-prone and not pretend to be a statue just
Anonymous said:
Remarried Empress Anon: I can see Felix as the Duke and maybe Jagged Stone as Kosair (but an uncle and not her brother).
I agree with both of those! Jagged Stone as Kosair/Koshar, omg.
Plus, the idea of Luka and Felix being “friends” amuses me.
Anonymous said:
You know, I find Felix/Marinette content to be really funny. Because, Felix in fanfiction is a completely different character than his canon self- with a different personality, background, and maybe even last name. So, the entire Marinette/Felix fandom is literally just Marinette/oc except it's always the same oc
I struggle to get fully behind Felinette because so much of it does rely on fandom interpretation and playing with fanon in general (plus, having to clarify “I ship fanon Felinette” is weird).
I do however agree that it’s interesting that it ultimately comes to a character built on fanon grounds, and how much more acceptance characters get when they’re based on “canon”/originally canon characters.
Anonymous said:
How would you write the Miraculous PV version? Just wondering.
I don’t think I could without drastically changing characters and at that point it’s not really the PV anymore. “Bridgette“ and Felix’s relationship is the exact opposite of what I like to watch/read about so yeah, changing both of them to what I like would either be too severe of a rewrite or me working too far within the restrictions set out for me.
Anonymous said:
There's a YouTube video claiming that someone will figure out that Marinette is Ladybug and that she will suffer...I mean, yeah? Isn't that what we've already been getting? I mean, not the first part, obviously(and when we have, it's been undone), but the second? Have we been watching the same show? No, have we? Because Marinette suffering, sadly, is not anything new.
lol “Marinette will suffer!” and us like “did you seriously use future tense as if Marinette isn’t already suffering??”
Anonymous said:
Am I the only one who feels like Miraculous Ladybug is feeling less like a magical girl show and more like just another superhero show? This isn't even because of "girl power" or anything like that, or the fact that there are male Miraculous wielders like Chat and Carapace and(long dreamy sigh) Viperion. This is because the outfits don't really resemble magical girl outfits at all and, after watching various magical girl shows both in and out of Japan, Miraculous is starting to feel like its genre is shifting from magical girl to that of "superhero" in its broadest term. And I know I said I wouldn't bring up "girl power", but the fact that so many of the girls aren't treated respectfully by the narrative and are pitted against each other, to the point where they're more likely to lose their Miraculouses or reveal their identities(which often culminates in losing their Miraculouses), only adds to this because the Magical Girl genre is about female empowerment and solidarity.
It's sad because I really don't want this show to become one of those shows where "there might be one or two girls, and she might even be the lead, but it's still mostly guys who are front and center doing the heavy lifting" that we get all the time. Things are starting to change for the better and I want Miraculous to capitalize on that emergence of female empowerment as much as possible. Plus, with the New York Special, the magical girl aspects of the show have been toned down if not obliterated entirely: the transformations for the superheroes only last one minute, and they feel more like the Avengers than Sailor Senshi(which I don't mean in the most literal sense, of course, I am in no way saying that none of them can be male.). Plus they pulled the whole "Samus is a Girl" thing TWICE! TWICE! Come on, if you're show is really about girl power, it shouldn't come as a surprise when girls are, well...powerful! And especially not in Magical Girl for obvious reasons.
So while I'm not saying it's bad for a show to shift from the original genre it was meant to be in(although it must be done carefully, otherwise it looks like you don't know what you're doing), and there is of course no wrong way to do Magical Girl(except for Madoka Magica and Yuki Yuna, do NOT go there!), it does make me wonder. And it's kind of disappointing, because I really love Magical Girl and I feel like shows like these could introduce the genre to a wider audience and could renovate it as well. But unfortunately they're going a different direction, and that makes me sad. If not for the transformation phrases/sequences and the fact that they have animal companions, I imagine most people would be totally clueless as to how on Earth this show counts as Magical Girl. It still counts as such for me, but it's deviating farther and farther away from the genre to the point where it becomes nigh unrecognizable, or like even the show writers forgot what genre it's supposed to be. Sadly.
Yeah, I can’t imagine how seeing this show must be like for people that are more savvy with magical girl shows. Me personally, I had to be told that it was a magical girl show because it honestly just gave off the “superhero show” vibes even with the magical girl-esque transformations.
Plus, with magical girls, you usually expect a group of girls? Here, we have Ladybug and Chat Noir, who the writers keep being like “they’re equals” which... yeah, that’s fine but it doesn’t really work with the idea that this is a magical girl show? I mean, “Party Crasher” was basically Ladybug and her reverse harem of superhero guys who just got out of a “males-only” party.
I dunno, coming from someone who doesn’t have a lot of experience with magical girl shows, it just doesn’t have what I would expect when I think “magical girl show featuring a healthy dose of girl power.”
Anonymous said:
I was once reading this review of Miraculous Ladybug called "Miraculous Ladybug is a Hot Mess: A Rant", and while it's a good video and you should watch it and I totally agree with everything she said(plus, it made me laugh a few times!), I had a huge issue with the way she made Marinette's stammering around Adrien to be ALL HER FAULT since he's never mean to her and is always patient with her(yeah, more like oblivious), but that "she's incompetent" and "cockblocks herself", which annoys me because Marinette on her own is not the incompetent one here(I also don't like the term "cockblock", like, can we not? But anyway...), rather, it's the writers who make her incompetent for cheap laughs and don't allow her to improve or let anyone(but Luka, bless his kind soul!) truly be on her side. She then had the nerve to say "Marinette needs to learn to define herself outside of who she's crushing on", when, NO, once again, the WRITERS are the ones who define her by her crush on Adrien.
It's one thing to blame a character for something even when she's clearly written by a writer, because characters are supposed to be consistent yet flexible and have free will in-universe. But when she's written this inconsistently/it's obvious the writers have it out for her(to the point where they even say it) it is nigh impossible to pretend it's an aspect of the character herself and not the writers at fault. THAT'S where you draw the line between blaming the character vs the writer.
In fact, speaking of Luka, she also said that she wants the show to get rid of Luka because he's just a "plot device" and has no reason to like her beyond the fact that she's a "funny girl". She also said that Luka is a stereotype of the "cute bad boys who are emo", when that's blatantly untrue. She's allowed to not like Lukanette but all the things she's saying really ignore the point of his character and that his life DOESN'T revolve around Marinette; the writers simply don't respect him.
Even worse, she contradicted herself by saying that Lukanette is pointless because "we all know that Marinette is going to get with Adrien; it's endgame so why does the show even bother with Luka?" Then right after that says that Kagami's okay and that it's okay for Adrien to move onto Kagami because Ladybug has rejected him as Chat so many times(which is apparently not the case for Adriennette because "MaRiNeTtE's JuSt InCoMpEtEnT" right?). So teenage girls aren't allowed to like other boys or date more than one boy, yet teenage boys can date as many chicks as they like. Nice.
And apparently, any problem in a relationship or potential relationship is the girl's fault no matter what. She can't approach him because Goddess forbid girls not always be perfect and capable? She's incompetent and it's all her fault she can't properly talk to a perfectly nice, cute, FAMOUS boy. She rejects him every time he confesses despite him knowing it will fail. Her fault for being mean and not giving him a chance. She gets tired of chasing him and decides to look at someone else since it's not like she's legally married to Boy #1? She should stick with the original boy since they're gonna get together anyway. He gets tired of chasing her and decides to look at someone else since it's not like he's legally married to Girl #1? She should've realized his feelings for her and returned them since they're gonna be endgame anyway. Has this lady ever even been a teenage girl?
Plenty of teenage girls get tongue-tied around the one they love even if he or she is a perfectly nice, sweet person, it doesn't mean they're incompetent(especially when the girls are fictional characters in a world set out to punish them for not making progress and for trying to make progress at the same time, and the fact that the boy is a celebrity who is always made oblivious and kept distant enough from the girl so she can keep putting him on a pedestal and never truly get to know him). Plenty of teenage girls lose interest in one boy and so fall for another. Yet it's somehow only okay for boys to do it? Seriously?
And then for the episode "Ladybug", the reviewer continues to rag on Marinette, blaming her for the fact that her reaction to getting expelled was "I can't let that nasty Hawkmoth win", claiming she wasn't reacting like a normal teen or human in general would react in that scenario, completely ignoring the fact that it's TIKKI who doesn't comfort Marinette and forces her to focus on her duties as Ladybug and almost getting akumatized. She's right about the plot moving too fast, but she doesn't take into account WHY it's moving too fast, because the show doesn't focus on Marinette's inner struggle and what she has to go through. Instead of giving her time to process her thoughts after all that goes on and providing Tikki as a source of comfort and support(which she's, you know, SUPPOSED to be), they make Tikki berate her and force Marinette to push it to the side.
She's never allowed to feel. And that's why it hurts all the more when this woman insults Marinette for her perceived ineptitude, and she's fully allowed to dislike Marinette, critique her behaviors, dislike Luka, critique his role in the story etc., just don't reinforce a double standard as you do so and look closer: ultimately most of Marinette's problems are due to her not being permitted to FEEL. She's not allowed to be nervously in love, or be calm, or be offended, or be just not ready.
The writers keep pushing her in one direction, to be emotionless, to be selfless, to be nice, to be honest, to be "the mature/responsible one" to be a perfect little "Purrincess", to not push for or want anything for herself, even though the show is supposed to be about girl power! She does somewhat touch on that by saying that Ladybug never gets to "take a hit" and that the Marichat scene in Glaciator was too short, but she never goes into why everything is too-fast paced. And if she did, she wouldn't be saying everything she does about Marinette and Luka. Because Luka is more than just the "plot device" she dismisses him as.
He's like a calm oasis, the apple of the hurricane who keeps Marinette calm and just lets. her. breathe. He's possibly the only person who doesn't berate her, who doesn't mimic her, who doesn't insult her, who doesn't ignore her. And the one time he does, he apologizes RIGHT AWAY when he sees how sad she looks. And the funny thing is, I used to hate that scene, because when I first saw it, I thought "Oh man! Luka did the same thing as everyone else did once!" But now I see that it serves as a contrast, whether intentionally or unintentionally, to the other characters in the show. Whereas they never apologize for how they treat Marinette(and often she somehow ends up apologizing instead, sadly) and in fact seem oblivious to it at times or just don't care, Luka notices, Luka cares, and Luka apologizes. That shows that he cares about her and her feelings, unlike the rest of the characters in the show.
And while they do care about her, they're never held accountable for how they treat her. Anarka and Plagg are probably the only exceptions that I can think of(who contribute to the plot of course), but they're obviously not love interests, and the video doesn't talk about them, so I won't talk about them either. But my point is that this review, while good in other ways, is still problematic in this regard, for how it completely ignores Marinette's struggles and how they affect her, as well as the value of Luka's character(even if the show doesn't recognize it at times) and the POSITIVE effect they have on each other(especially since he actually, genuinely, wholeheartedly loves her and is patient with her, since Adrien is barely even her friend and Chat is pushy and entitled. And he has a life outside of her too, which this video chooses to ignore.)! So yeah, I'm sorry this took so long, but I just had to protect my favorite characters because that video did them so dirty. Thank you for coming to my Lukanette Ted Talk! Have a miraculous day! ;3
Can I just say wow??
Firstly, kudos to you for having the patience to not only write all of that, but simultaneous deal within Tumblr’s limitations while doing so? I almost wish I had a video detailing all of these topics (not exactly a video response to that person, but just detailing all of this without explicitly calling people out).
Secondly, I absolutely, 100% feel you on the double standards. I have seen so much hypocrisy in my experiences and it’s insane how people will bash Marinette relentlessly and then let Adrien off with a bunch of excuses, or hate Luka for essentially existing and then accept Kagami.
I also hate the idea of disliking Luka because he’s there to make Marinette feel better, and then liking Kagami because she causes conflict, like the implication is that conflict equals good and things that make Marinette feel loved and cared for are bad because love square endgame, I guess.
It’s exhausting, especially when Marinette is fourteen, clearly tries, but is getting no support. Like, have you ever thought how weird it was that Tom and Sabine seemingly knew back in “Gamer” that Marinette was crushing on Adrien, but in “Weredad,” they don’t worry about the fact that Marinette is into someone else or wonder what might’ve happened with Adrien, like if he might’ve hurt her in some way? If the assumption is, “oh, they just think that’s a teenage thing, flip-flopping between love interests,” well... Tom clearly takes what he thinks to be her current crush very seriously, and even if it was true that they presume she’s just flip-flopping, that really doesn’t show them to see Marinette as more than just a clumsy teenager-in-love stereotype.
So yeah, the characters who are meant to be there to support her ask no questions, but here’s Luka with his sweet “you can tell me everything or nothing, you can be yourself around me,” line, and yet... Luka is the problem???
Sure, how dare this sweet boy NOT cause Marinette more stress. He makes Marinette feel better about herself and therefore he’s “pointless” (which, really, is the true mark of someone who doesn’t care about Marinette).
But yeah, in conclusion, people can have insane double standards when it comes to Luka and Marinette, and thank you for the Lukanette Ted Talk, this was a really good piece! You have a nice day too! ;3
(note: the below ask seems to cut short at the end and I didn’t get a message back about it but I at least wanted to have it here so the anon has (most of?) their story heard even if I can’t properly comment on it:)
Anonymous said:
Relating to the ask about Marinette imagining the events of the series. For me it would be realistic as I sort of see myself in her position for some parts, especially how her friends are represent (mainly Alya) and I can see myself picturing the events of the story (surrounding them) to some extent.
I'm continuing on to explain and rant about how I relate to Marinette. So about Alya's pushiness with Marinette's crush and how she won't let her move on. I used to be sort of friends with this person and one day we hanging out at school and she started badgering me to tell her who my crush was, even though I told her I didn't have one (I didn't have one but even if I did it wasn't her business, especially because we hadn't really interacted for a couple years).
She pressured me enough that I felt the need to make up a person, then she called me out just after I did it because she knew I was lying but didn't realise how uncomfortable I was lucky we were by ourselves so no one could hear how embarrassing it was. It still is but I sort have gotten over it (that's why I'm hear complaining). For her being made to sit by herself because everyone else paired of, I can relate.
I have never been the person who is really close with the friend group (probably because I'm quiet and struggle to interact with others), but I still I hang out during class time, but there have been times when two of the friends sat together and the other friend chose not to sit with me but just in front of me (the tables can fit two people at them) until one friend I went to primary school asked "what about [me]", so them she sat next to me.
The person I went to primary school with also has chosen to sit with the person who was not to sit with me so she could sit closer to the other two friends diagonally across from me on the table next to mine. I can understand Marinette in The Chameleon for how she would of felt when her friends turned in because I am left wondering if my friends even like me, although primary school friend sometimes tried to get to wait with them when we were waiting for the teacher to show up.
As I mentioned earlier I anxious when trying to interact with people who are even considered my friends so I wait for them to invite me to hangout with them. And for the ending of The Chameleon when everything went back to normal, in primary school we had this task we were told research a person and write a biography on them so as the teacher told us we were writing a good copy and the work in our books was a rough draft.
I wrote the information down as I would the good copy to make sure I was happy with it. When we were writing the good copy, I started to worry I had done something wrong as I had seen my friends work and they bith had just written down the facts. So as my friends and I kept having arguments and fights so I told them that I hoped I remembered to spell all the names correctly because they were not names I was knew how to spell which was true so they didn't question it as I could tell they did
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thejustmaiden · 4 years
Just bcos u PERCEIVE SessRin as something that promotes pedophilia and grooming doesn't mean that's how the author portrayed it. It's disappointing to see that antis force such idea, as if they know what's inside Rumiko's mind. It is fine if u find sessrin cringey. Just don't force your idea of pedophilia and grooming as THE CORRECT PORTRAYAL OF SESSRIN.
Hello there, nonnie! You had quite the party in my ask box, I see. Breaking it up in parts may actually help me get to the point and address your concerns swiftly and accordingly. Here goes nothing. 😉
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This answer is for your first two asks by the way. Firstly, you're putting words in my mouth because I do not view Rumiko as an author who promotes pedophilia and child grooming and never have. She never once placed an ounce of romance into their scenes. Rin was essentially introduced to serve as a catalyst for Sesshomaru's character growth. That's major in and of itself, which is why I'm not sure why she needs to be the mom on top of all that she's already done for him. It was you, Sessrin shippers, who had to go and make it romantic, not us. It was you who took every innocent scene and turned it into a romantic one. You'll even use some of their scenes as proof they will end up together, then back-pedal later and say those very same scenes weren't romantic in order to protect the sanctity of your ship. I mean, which is it? It can't be both, it's either one or the other.
I repeat, NO we don’t actually think Rumiko wanted to portray this relationship with pedophillic or grooming tendencies. It's you shippers who insist there is no other way for their relationship to evolve, as if you speak on behalf of Rumiko. Your interpretation of Rumiko's work is what implies child grooming; she may not be condoning it but your perspective sure is. You talk down to antis who disagree, because in your opinion, your interpretation is not only superior but already canon in your eyes. You're doing a disservice to this fandom by spreading false information like that when you try to pass it off as official. So if it's anyone that assumes they know what goes on inside Rumiko's head, it's YOU. Somewhere down the road in the (un)foreseeable future, it's you who changes course since remember we were all in agreement at the beginning that their relationship wasn't romantic. So what did I miss? Please break it down for me and explain what exactly influenced you to change your mind, then describe in detail how again this transition in their relationship magically came to be. It's you who came to that decision on your own- nobody helped you get there, and certainly not Rumiko (as you said yourself). The user boycottyashahime put it better than I did, so here is the link to their post. I highly recommend you read it if you haven't already. I urge you to keep an open mind about it while reading, too. You may not like what they have to say, but there's no denying they make excellent points all the same.
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I'm pretty sure I catch your drift, but can you clarify if you're referring to historical context or cultural context? I suppose both can be applied here. haha Anyway, from what I gather, you believe that fans should be on board with the idea of Sessrin and at the very least tolerate the pairing. Whether they ship it or not, you believe this simply for the fact that the story takes place in the feudal era and couples with a similar relationship back then were more than acceptable. The thing is, we may be transported to Feudal Japan in this story but we're still taking our modern day morals with us for the trip. I have a whole ass blog dedicated to the significance of fiction in real life (convienently pinned on my page) if you wanna check it out. I also discuss what age-appropriate content is and isn't for Inuyasha viewers in this recent ask here that I find is also pretty relevant to the convo.
Alrighty, moving onto your next point. I can't stress enough to you guys that this isn't a mere Caucasian vs. Non-Caucasian dilemma. I'm a POC, so I ask that you please not presume to know things about me you couldn't possibly know unless we met or I shared it with you. In fact, many of the other antis I frequently chat with are POCs like myself. So for all that's good and holy, please stop ignoring us when we say: THERE ARE FANS IN JAPAN WHO HATE THIS SHIP TOO. THIS ISN'T A DIFFERENCE OF CULTURE, THIS IS A DIFFERENCE OF OPINION (& FACT). It may have not been called child grooming during that time, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't; it just went under a different name, that's literally it.
Let me give you another example. So if I'm watching a movie about WWII in Nazi Germany, am I supposed to sympathize with an SS officer if the story is being narrated from his point of view? Because in his mind and during that time period, his ideology is right. Like a lot of Germany during that war, I rally to support his leader for what is in my opinion a just cause. Tell me, how does context matter in this instance? Does it matter so much so that you would adopt the same ideals just because it was "historically accurate" and you don't see anything wrong with it when you put yourself in their shoes? Does the "it's just fiction" defense come into play here, too?
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The illustration I believe you are referring to is the calendar with that one official illustrator for Inuyasha, right? The thing is, an official illustrator doesn’t equal the creator of Inuyasha. They may support the Sessrin ship, but their work has no connection to the Inuyasha series in any way besides the name affiliation. I've heard that the illustrator also included Kagome x Koga art, so should we take that seriously then too? Rumiko never once alluded to a future romance between Sesshomaru and Rin, to which you even (kinda) agreed. She described their relationship as neither parental or romantic, and she added that she even contemplated making Rin a boy at first. Fun facts, y'all!
I've heard about those magazines but they sound fishy to me. Would you mind sending me a link to a reliable source that comes with an English translation? I'd like to emphasize again that illustrators or VAs can do and say as they please, but their opinions are still only opinions at the end of the day. Nothing is set in stone until Rumiko says it is.
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For one, I never said my interpretation was the only correct portrayal. That's you putting words in my mouth again. What I did say, however, was that my interpretation was more logical and reasonable than yours based on popular and widely-accepted story patterns found in real life and in fiction. Look this isn't about who's more "correct" or not. You can perceive Sesshomaru and Rin's relationship any damn way you want, BUT what you cannot do is dictate how we react to your depiction of this ship. You can't demand us to view your ship a certain way to fit your preferences. I'm sure all the hate on your ship can be unbearable at times, but that's just the cross you'll have to bear for supporting such a problematic couple. If a large part of any fandom is strongly against a pairing and what it represents, then there's usually a very legitimate reason for that. You may not want to hear this, but certainly you must realize there's some truth to it all. A couple of your fellow shippers have even admitted to me that Sessrin would be wrong IRL. You see what I mean? Even if we find the ship gross, antis don't care if you choose to ship Sessrin. All we care about is you acknowledging that, like IRL, Sessrin potentially poses a lot of problems for young viewers and how they come to make sense of and view similar situations that are borderline grooming or the very thing itself. Teens watching this show are more vulnerable and impressionable, which is why it's crucial to not show relationships like Sessrin in a favorable light. If they're ever put in a situation IRL that resembles Sessrin, they need to be aware and understand that it's not at all normal or healthy for that adult to make a move on them. Let's say Sessrin does go canon, then that would mean Rin had to get pregnant around 14 or 15. Sending that kind of message to an audience made up of mostly teenagers isn't exactly wise if you ask me. Please really think about that and sit with it if you need to.
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I'm positive I'm following the same story, thank you very much. Also, how can you be so confident making a statement like that when I have actual Sessrin shippers praising me for making valid points? Sorry to break it to you, but I don't think I'm as lost as you claim me to be or wish that I was.
That's a wrap, peeps!
Read over what I had to say again later and then get back to me if want, but only write me back if you plan to be respectful. Otherwise I will decline to answer. Just keep that in mind. And may I suggest only sending 1 or 2 asks at a time? Please and thank you!
I think I may know exactly who are, nonnie, but I can't say for sure. Besides, it doesn't really matter, as you have a right to stay anonymous if you so wish to. Listen, don't forget you are also more than welcome to interact (but appropriately) on my blogs/asks/etc. If you are who I think you are, then you recently did make a comment on one of them but didn't stick around when I replied back (and for good reason). Finally, if you hope to ever have a real discussion about this topic someday, first put your ego aside and refrain from throwing insults and then I'll hear you out. I have never once put you down in all of our interactions, so there's no need to show up here all riled up and aggravated in the first place. There's also no need to laugh at or mock other's opinions. Don't take jabs and assume I must not know something about Inuyasha just because I don't support your point of view. I may not agree with your opinion, but you don't see me having a condescending air about it.
Apologies if you're not the member I believe you to be, but no offense, you probably still needed to hear all of that too. It's not included here since I answered it immediately, but that final ask you sent me where you got angry and assumed I wasn't going to answer you was totally uncalled for. If you ever hope someday to participate in real discourse with me or any other antis, you should take my advice and seriously chill and learn how to be patient.
Hope this finds you well, nonnie!
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yodawgiherd · 3 years
Red flag pt.3
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Soon brothers.
Just not yet.  :D
In the following week, Mikasa learned more about sex than she ever did before. While the internet itself was a fickle teacher, giving facts and hundred and more opinions from anonymous users, Eren was an endless well of knowledge. It was her who asked first too, he didn’t even try to talk about it before Mikasa brought it up. And how could she help herself, with such an insane bomb being dropped on her!
First things first – she googled the name of the agency he worked at, just to be sure that he was not bulshitting her, but everything he said seemed to be true. The website was there, displaying the “ wide variety of services done by long-term professionals”. Although Eren’s name was not there, he told her that he is listed as Master E, a thing she immediately questioned. Over messenger, of course.
Master E? Damn that’s lame.
You wound me :(
I mean seriously, couldn’t you be something cooler?
Such as?
I don’t know! Master Evil. Dungeon Master. Lord of the Night?
Yea, I’m sure that dungeon master would be turning heads
….. Orgasminator?
Mikasa pls
Lord horsecock
Stoooooop I beg you!
Fine fine, you’re just jealous I’m that much better at naming than you
Sure am.
When he didn’t continue, Mikasa took the initiative.
Sooooooooooo, gonna tell me where the Master E came from?
Simple. Annie wanted to be Mistress A so I just latched onto her vibe
Uh-hu. So you are just that much unoriginal
:( sadly
Just imagining Eren pouting at his phone made Mikasa’s evening that much brighter. She wanted to see more of it.
Latching on Annie, you do that a lot don’t you?
Why is that?
Well, she’s the one who introduced you to this whole thing and even today she is the best at your agency, most advertised one too. Playing catch up your whole life? Maaaaaaster E? :P
Hey, it’s not my fault that men are bigger pervs than women.
To be honest, I don’t mind being behind Annie, she’s good at this. Also, don’t tell her this, but she scares me sometimes
Scares you how :O
Annie can be really brutal when she gets into it. Nothing the clients don’t ask for, mind you, but still. If you’d see her victims….. the wounds……
Mikasa’s breath caught in her throat.
Are you serious?
I don’t know…. Am I?
She frowned at her phone, but still looked when the answer pinged in.
I am partly serious though. She can be a nightmare, sometimes I feel like she’s on a one-woman crusade against the male population. And she’s getting paid for it too!
She sounds like a hell of a woman.
You bet :)
Master E also had several scenes online, to be bought and watched, and a few times Mikasa almost clicked the button and spent her hard-earned cash on kinky porn. It was the promise of a live show that stopped her from doing so. She didn’t know if she’s going to go yet but buying a video of something she could watch happening in real time was a waste of money. No, she wouldn’t spoil that surprise.
She learned much anyway, way too much even, things that made her blush and hide her face, things that made her quickly hide her phone. In moments like these, she was grateful that the communication was being done over the internet, as Eren was way too intense of a person to be talked about this face to face. Here, hidden behind her screen, she could pester him for ages, joking and making fun of whatever he gave her. And, during these conversations, she learned another important thing.
For a guy who was more or less a professional perv, Eren used a lot of emojis in his messages.
It caught her off guard, how normal and easy to talk to he was. She didn’t think that he was a monster or something, but Eren was right when he said that her opinion of him changed fundamentally once she found out about his job. Mikasa found herself texting to him, a lot, and he texted back, snapped photos until she started doing it too, and overall just had a great time. Levi was giving her sidelong glares when he kept catching her while she stared at her phone, grinning like a maniac, but she simply ignored him. How was she supposed to not laugh when Eren just sent her a photo of his cup from a coffee shop with a crying emoji. Apparently, they spelled his name wrong again and kept calling him Aaron.
What’s the most common thing they ask you to do?
She half hid her face in the pillow, already dreading the answer. The three dots that appeared in the corner indicated that he was typing an answer, and soon enough there was a ping.
I feel like I’ll disappoint you here.
Most of my clients are easily satisfied  - basic bondage/dominance stuff works wonders
They could do that with literally anyone else
Like their boyfriends and stuff
Mikasa frowned, typing an answer.
Why don’t they then?
Sometimes it’s the professionalism I bring to the table, and then I understand them.
But often it's just a lack of communication
You’d be surprised how many things can be solved if two parties talk to each other.
I usually advise it too, tell them that they could be doing this with someone they love and not me
You undermine your own clientele like this? Mikasa wrote Why would you do that?
A few dollars ain't worth if they could be happier. Then again, not every one of them takes my advice, it's difficult to open up about things like these.
That gave Mikasa a perfect chance to poke at him.
Not for you, apparently :p
:D true, but I work in the business
The range of things they discussed was wide. Save for her past, which she did not want to talk about, and made it crystal clear too, Mikasa shared a lot. She told him all about her brother and the gym, sent him snaps from her workouts and then typed back angry emojis when he called her sweaty tryhard. His overall ignorance towards something that was a big part of her life did raise a question. Grabbing her phone more firmly, she quickly typed it out.
Haven’t you thought about doing any martial art yourself?
You deff got the figure for it.
A ping later there was an answer.
Bold of you to say that when you never saw me shirtless :P
But nah
I’m a lover, not a fighter
Plus, you’re just trying to recruit me to your gym, aren’t you?
Levi promised you a bonus?
Spill your beans, Ackerman
Damn spammer. Yet Mikasa was smiling again, which made Levi, who just happened to be passing by, groan.
“Don’t you have a client coming?”, he asked.
She shook her head.
“In an hour, I’ve got plenty of time to get cleaned up.”, she made a gesture with her hand, “Now shoo, I’m having a conversation.”
“With Sasha?”
“Huh?”, she looked up, puzzled, “Why would it be Sasha?”
“Cause I never saw you smiling this much before.”
One week turned to two, and suddenly the day of Eren’s show was here. He remained true to his word, never bringing that event up, keeping it completely in her hands, if she wanted to show up or not. Mikasa was uncertain. The mystery pulled her in, she wanted to see these things for herself. Watching it on the internet is one thing, but live show….
All the stories Eren told her only fueled such a flame. He always omitted names and such, for the discretion of his clients, but he didn’t hold back on the details. To be fair, Mikasa did ask for those.
Sasha wasn’t much help in her decision process either, because Mikasa didn’t want to share all the details about Eren yet. She told her friend that the guy from the bar invited her to a strange-looking place, and wanted to know if she should go.
“Did you two fuck?”
Mikasa frowned, realizing that Sasha can’t see her over the phone.
“No Sash, we didn’t. He’s a friend.”
“Oh, okay.”, there was a crack on the other side as she probably munched on another potato chip, “And is he a friend-friend, or friend-you-would-like-to-fuck?”
“Why is that the question?”
Sasha giggled.
“Dunno just wanted to ask.”
“You’re not helping at all….”
“Because it's easy! You either trust that guy and go or don’t trust him, block his number and never see him again. Boom, solved!”
If only it was so simple.
Yet when the day rolled around, Mikasa woke up with a decision in her mind. She’s going to go there. Eren was a great friend, and she was curious about this whole thing. She will be masked, anonymous, and if there is something she won’t like, the door will be there. This raised another question, however, of what does one wear to a BDSM club.
Mikasa, in her vanilla life, did not feel the need to buy anything made of leather or latex and wasn’t about to start now. There was one pair of leather paints she used to own until one day a completely random guy on the street told her that her ass looks really good in them. Mikasa threw those pants right out that evening. Public exposure was something she was NOT looking for. So, she had a small variety to choose from anyway. Mostly jeans, one or two skirts and a single dress that she wore to prom and that probably wouldn’t fit her anymore. Standing in front of the wardrobe, she contemplated calling Sasha again but ultimately decided against it. Mikasa Ackerman is a grown woman. She can choose her own clothes, damn it.
In the end, it was just a simple shirt and jeans combo. She reasoned that it added to her secretiveness, as anyone could wear what she was wearing. Satisfied with her completely basic appearance, she headed for the door, grabbing the keys and popping her head into the kitchen.
“I’m heading out.”, she announced, “Borrowing the car too.”
“Oh? And you tell me now?”, Levi tsked, shaking his head, “Damn brat, you really have no manners. When will you be back?”
“Later, maybe tomorrow. Don’t wait up.”
The words were already forming in Levi’s mouth, but Mikasa spoke faster.
“I’m an adult, so please. Just don’t.”
And, to her surprise, he didn’t.
“Fine. But if there is even a single scratch on the car, I’m taking it out of your paycheck.”
“That’s fair. I’ll see you later then.”
“Later.”, he was already half-turned back towards the Tv, before he added, “Drive safely.”
And that’s how, an hour and a half later, she was standing in front of a completely unassuming building. The door was just like any other, with a small sign and everything, not strange in the slightest. The security guard might have been a bit of a giveaway. He was tall, wide and dressed in a tailored suit that fit him perfectly. When Mikasa approached, he sized her up and down.
“I’m afraid that this is a members only club.”, he spoke in low barytone, “Do you have a card?”
“I uhh... I was told that I can come in. I’m a friend of Eren, my name is Mi-…”
The guard raised a hand before she could finish.
“No names, please. We pride ourselves on anonymity.”
Seeing Mikasa nod, he continued.
“Mr. Yeager did tell me that someone might be coming and that I should let them straight in. So I will do just that.”, he stepped aside, “Once you enter, the masks will be to your right, and after choosing one please don’t forget to return it. Enjoy your stay.”
Mumbling her thanks, Mikasa dipped inside, finding herself in a small room. There were the masks, just as the guard said, and another door that led to the club itself. She could hear muted music coming through. First things first, she stepped closer to the selection, casting an inspecting eye over it. There were several types, all possible shapes and sizes form full hoods to tiny eye-masks. After a bit of healthy consideration, she grabbed a black one that covered the upper half of her face, more than enough to remain anonymous. It was not likely that she would meet anyone that knew her anyway, let’s be honest. Masked, ready as ever, curious and wanting to see more, Mikasa took a deep breath and entered the door, stepping right into Eren’s world.
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
My Beliefs-Aziraphale x Reader x Crowley
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(GIF credit to @uuuhshiny​)
Anonymous requested: ‘Hi, can i request an imagine with Crowley and Aziraphale with an Ex-Jehovas witness that’s now atheist as their s/o? And like their s/o freaks out a bit because did they really Get disowned just to find out that god is real? Preferably Poly but write whatever you’re comfortable with!’
Characters: Aziraphale x Reader (platonic), Crowley x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Mentions of religion/faiths, disbelief/atheist, some swearing
(A/N: I didn’t write them as a relationship and also I try not to mention beliefs within these religions, as I myself am not religious and do not know enough to write about them)
“Aziraphale?” (Y/N) called out in the book shop, seeing as there were no customers.
“Yes?” his voice was muffled, due to being stuck behind a pile of books in his hands.
(Y/N) walked out from behind the bookshelf, seeing her friend in need of some assistance. She quickly took half of the books before they could topple out of his hands. He smiled, thanking her with a sigh of relief before going back to what he was doing.
“I don’t want to sound too...well, forward when I ask this. But how are you so amendment that God is real?” 
Aziraphale was surprised by his friend’s question, especially since they had not spoken for a half hour.“I suppose I believe in His mysterious ways. There have been times where I feel as if God has been by my side, He has guided me through hard times.”
“Hm.” (Y/N) hummed, thinking over his answer.
“And why would you ask that?”
“I saw my friends the other day. I haven’t really spoken to them since I stopped believing in my faith, which isn’t right, I know. And it just got me thinking...I used to be such a strong believer, and then suddenly someone I love dies...all those things they tell you, it didn’t happen. I didn’t feel anything, I didn’t feel that God was beside me, or at least watching me.”
Aziraphale felt his body stiffen, a slight tension rising in the room; not because she didn’t believe in a religion, but he knew it had been a difficult time when she expressed her true feelings. She wanted it all to be true, however, death was too much, it was cruel. Why hadn’t God (or anyone up there) helped her through the grief? Aziraphale had seen this too many times, and it saddened him that his Lord was no longer inspiring the people on Earth, He made them question everything.  
“I’m sorry.” (Y/N) waved her free hand, dismissing the conversation.“It was a very sudden and topical question, I shouldn’t have asked you that.”
“No, no, no.” Aziraphale kindly smiled at her, placing down his books and removing the pile from hers.“My dear, I understand how you feel, and you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it either.”
“I’ve spent my whole life like that. Then last year it all changed. I don’t know why I’ve been thinking about it recently.”
“You’ve settled into a routine, you’re mind is at ease to think about whatever it wants. And at this moment, it wants to gain knowledge as to why you left that part of your life.”
“It would be nice to have a sign, from a religious side or not, to see if it is real you know? Finally bring peace to my thoughts.”
Aziraphale shared one last smile as (Y/N) walked away, going back to organising the books. It quickly disappeared as he thought about his friend’s words. He was an angel, he was full proof that there was a God. Yet cruel irony forbid him to reveal himself. What if she took it the wrong way? Perhaps (Y/N) would think it was all a joke, or she would freak out, accuse him of keeping such a secret. Religion was a huge thing, it had started wars for God’s sake. But (Y/N) wasn’t herself, and the fact that Aziraphale could help her (though shouldn’t) gave him a headache thinking about it.
As he tried to come up with a plan, the door was loudly opened, a striking Crowley sauntering in. He lowered his glasses, revealing the yellow snake eyes for just a few seconds before he pushed them back up his nose. No one was here, but best not risk it. 
“Angel! Business does not seem to be booming.” He loudly announced himself.
Aziraphale jumped at the sound of his voice, frantically looking around for (Y/N) as he made his way to the front of the shop. He shushed his demon friend as he scurried towards him.
“This isn’t a library Aziraphale, people can make noise in here.”
“It’s not that, there’s someone else here.”
“Ah, right. Woops.”
“It’s (Y/N). I need to speak to you about her.”
“Didn’t tale you as one for having crushes.”
Aziraphale fluttered his hands about.“No! Nothing like that. It’s about her religion.”
“Ooo, that could be a touchy subject. Haven’t had a serious conversation in a while.”
He gestured for Crowley to follow him, tucked away at the back of the bookshop. Crowley wasn’t nearly as skittish as his angel companion, enjoying the shenanigans that was about to pursue.
“Did she catch you speaking with upstairs then?” Crowley smirked, knowing he would get under Aziraphale’s feathers.
“(Y/N) asked me why I think God is real.”
“How did you go about that then?”
“I told her how I felt.”
“You don’t mean-”
“No, I didn’t tell her who I am, who we are! But-”
“Ah, there’s a but.”
“But,” Aziraphale clenched his hands together, almost in a prayer-like fashion,“would it be so bad just to tell her?”
“Why would you do that?”
“She’s lost her way Crowley, (Y/N) is different than she used to be.”
“I suppose she has been sadder as of late.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen her smile for two weeks.”
They both glanced at their friend, who hadn’t noticed them yet. Her shoulders slumped, eyes not as bright as they used to be, and although she still dressed nicely, it wasn’t as immaculate as her usual outfit; small signs others wouldn’t notice, but Aziraphale and Crowley did. Crowley quietly groaned, knowing that neither of them should be doing this, though at the same time he wanted to. Not only to piss off those down below, he had a soft spot for (Y/N). She had never questioned them when they rushed off suddenly, she never asked questions as to where they had been, or when they had returned tried and stressed. All she had done was be there for them. It was only right they do the same.
“Right, come on, let’s do this.” Crowley stated, already making his way towards (Y/N).
“W-wait, Crowley! We need to come up with a plan.” Aziraphale attempted to pull him back, huffing when that failed.
(Y/N) felt someone watching her, and she flinched back when she saw Crowley storming towards her. She smiled, relieved some creep hadn’t just walked in (it was surprising how many of those you got in a book shop, like the man who announced he was buying pornography to everyone), greeting her friend. He looked mischievous, he was at his best that way. It still baffled her how two different people such as themselves were friends. You know what they say, opposites attract.
“(Y/N), we would like to have a word with you, a serious one.” Crowley said, leaning against the bookshelf beside her.
“Good morning Crowley, that was a very abrupt statement. What would you like to speak about?”
“Aziraphale just informed me that leaving your faith has been bothering you.”
Aziraphale held up a finger, butting in.“Ah, I did not mean that in vain, it was just a concern of mine.”
(Y/N) sighed.“It’s alright. It’s actually sweet.” 
“Well, we want to help.”
“That’s really OK guys. It would be nice to get back into believing again, I just don’t know what will convince me to do so.”
Crowley looked at Aziraphale, smiling at his worried expression. The angel could see that he was going to do this without a plan, without discussing how they were going to go about it. Before Aziraphale could even open his mouth to object, Crowley had dived into the deep end.
“Aziraphale and I want to tell you something.”
“I am a demon and he is an angel.”
Aziraphale’s eyes widened, nerves building as he watched for (Y/N)’s reaction. She chuckled, unsure of the game Crowley was playing. Were they just trying to cheer her up? It was an odd way to go about it, but so were these gentlemen she called her friends.
“Um...OK. Is this supposed to be a joke, cause I’m not getting it?”
“Ignore him (Y/N),” Aziraphale pushed Crowley back, standing where he just was,“he thinks he’s funnier than he really is.”
“Excuse you-”
“Not now Crowley!”
“Why are you so worked up over this? Did you guys argue before this?” (Y/N) asked, wondering why Aziraphale was so tense.
“No, we’re being serious, it’s a serious situation, that’s why he’s so....seriously tense.” Crowley explained, though it made no sense to (Y/N).
“Right....I still don’t see the point of this.”
“Come on,” Crowley briskly picked up his friend’s coats from the rack, carelessly throwing it at them,“it’s much easier to show her than tell her.”
“You’re going to show me that you’re an angel and a demon?” (Y/N) scoffed.
“Precisely. Chop chop.”
They scrambled after Crowley, Aziraphale having to lock up with lightening speed. Crowley was already in his Bentley, (Y/N) being shoved in the back as the men were in the front. She noticed Aziraphale’s worrisome glances at Crowley, who seemed perfectly relaxed as he drove like a crazy man. With her fingers gripping into the seats, (Y/N) thought about what had been said. Neither one of them would joke about religion, especially to her. So what was this all about? Where were they taking her? She had never had any bad or threatened thoughts about them, but they seemed to be getting deeper into the forest, and for some reason it unnerved her.
Crowley slammed on the brakes, nearly giving Aziraphale and (Y/N) a heart attack. He casually got out the car, already walking away, off the road and into the forest. (Y/N) shrugged at Aziraphale, following after them. Nothing was said as they caught up with each other, both of them staring at Crowley when he stopped walking. Still in silence, they waited for someone to say something, though it seemed no one knew where to go from there. 
“Well?” Crowley spread him arms out.
“Well what? You’re the one who drove us out here.” (Y/N) said.
“Stand here Aziraphale.” 
The angel sighed, reluctantly doing as he said. (Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest, she couldn’t wait to see what they had up their sleeves. They had stood quite far back, arguing with each other under their breaths. She laughed, thinking that this might be a surprise they planned to cheer her up; she wouldn’t get her hopes up too soon. Just as (Y/N) was about to yell out to them, telling them to ‘hurry up’, the men stood slightly further apart, their eyes on her.
“OK, let’s see it then.” She called out, starting to get cold.
She waited to see what they were going to do, not having any as to what it could be. The breeze was picking up, rustling the leaves that were hanging onto the tree as winter arrived, it was almost as if an atmosphere was building; (Y/N) scoffed at that idea.
“Just...prepare yourself, my dear. It may be a shock.” Aziraphale shouted.
(Y/N) held out a thumbs up, nodding her head.“Don’t worry, I think I’m ready for this.”
Whatever the hell this might be.
Her eyes were glued on them, waiting to see what was about to happen. The men glanced one last time at each other, seeming focused, in their own zone for a few seconds. Emerging elegantly from their shoulder blades were a pair of wings, your stereotypical angel wings, feathers and everything. (Y/N) gasped loudly, stumbling back and tripping over her own feet. With a thud to the ground, she laid there for a moment, staring up at the sky peeking through the trees.
What. The. Fuck.
No. No this wasn’t happening. She didn’t believe in any of this. This couldn’t be true. Even if she did still believe, would she be seeing things like this? But what if this was the sign? The sign she had been waiting for, to let religion back into her life. Hold on, back to the two men she thought she knew.
Sitting up, she held up a finger before either could talk.“Guys, what...wh-what....I actually don’t know what to say.”
They slowly approached her, Crowley speaking first.“We did tell you.”
“OK, you know how crazy ‘I’m a demon, he’s an angel’ sounds right?”
“Yeah well...it’s true isn’t it?”
“Yes...I can see that.”
Aziraphale helped her stand, wings still spread.“I’m sorry that we couldn’t tell you sooner. But we aren’t really supposed to.”
“Yeah the people upstairs and downstairs probably won’t like it.”
“Upstairs and down...like, heaven and hell?”
“I know it’s a lot to take in,” Aziraphale had a calm tone to his voice,“but I thought it would help you with your faith. You seemed like you wanted to believe again, but don’t feel that this should be your reason why.”
“Plus, it was time for you to know.” Crowley added.
“That’s so kind of you. I mean, it’s a lot to get my head around.”
“Yes, the wings are a bit much.”
“No, they’re beautiful. It explains quite a bit actually.”
“I have an idea!” Crowley announced.“Let’s put the wings away, everyone can collect themselves, and we choose a fancy place for lunch.”
“That seems to be your solution for everything.” Aziraphale smiled.
“And it works every time!”
“Wait,” (Y/N) interrupted,“is that where you two disappear off to all the time.”
They shared a look before sighing, Crowley patting (Y/N)’s shoulder.“Oh, the things we have to tell you.”
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