#but it's a YA book so that probably won't happen
imineffible · 3 days
Blitzo had probably stayed outside of Stolas' palace for about a couple hours. He screamed, begging to be let back in, and tried every window and door, but they were all locked.
He didn't mean it. He never thought lowly of Stolas - it's Stolas for fuck's sake! He's a Goetia, he's powerful, he's gorgeous, he's charming - Blitzo just never thought that Stolas could ever actually care about him like that, nobody ever has.
Once it was clear Stolas wasn't going to let him back inside, Blitzo yelled, "You know what? I don't even need you!"
He stormed off with no destination in mind. Eventually, he found himself at a bar.
He spent the rest of the night numbing himself with alcohol, sex, and he might've been slipped some drugs too.
Only when morning came did he think about going back to the I.M.P. office. Blitzo managed to stumble his way back unharmed.
Everyone else wouldn't even know anything was wrong. Loona was used to him not coming home on full moons and all of them were used to him coming in late the next day.
Blitzo opened the door and trudged in.
"Good morning, sir," Moxxie said with too much enthusiasm. "How did it go? Do we still have the grimmoire?"
Blitzo gritted his teeth. He ripped the Asmodian crystal off his glove and slammed it on the table. "We don't need the stupid book anymore."
"Is that-"
"Yeah. Sto-" Blitzo's voice cracked. "He gave it to me."
Moxxie and Millie exchanged confused looks.
"Why did he do that?" Millie asked.
Blitzo ignored her question and went into his office, letting the door slam behind him. He sat with his head on his desk and tried not to think about anything.
The first one to try finding out what happened was Moxxie, slowly opening the door as if Blitzo was some wild animal that would run if spooked.
"Sir?" he said softly after closing the door. "What happened last night?"
Moxxie looked surprised to see the tears in Blitzo's eyes when he lifted his head.
"Nothing," Blitzo said. "Go choose a client for us today or something."
"Blitzo... If you're this upset, I don't think that will help."
Blitzo groaned. "I don't care. If you won't pick a client, then go find something else to do that isn't in THIS FUCKING ROOM!"
Moxxie had never been one for confrontation, so it was no surprise that he left after that. Not long after, Millie was the next one to come in.
"Heya, boss," she tried to be casual. "How ya doin'?"
"I'm fine," Blitzo growled. "But if we're not killing anybody, then get out."
She appeared annoyingly sympathetic and said, "I just think you'd feel better if you talked about it instead of sittin' around and mopin'."
Blitzo slammed both fists on the desk. "What do you want me to say, huh? You think I'm just gonna pour my soul out to you?"
Millie gave him a look of pity - which didn't make him feel any better - and left. He grumbled and hid his face in his hands.
It wasn't until a few hours after Millie tried that Loona finally gave it shot.
"Hey so... You've seemed a little... off today," Loona stated the obvious. "I didn't really believe it, but was I right when I said he was getting bored of you?"
Blitzo glanced up at his daughter. She looked uncomfortable and worried at the same time. He guessed he owed it to her as her father to tell her a little bit.
"No. No, it was... the opposite, basically, and I fucked it up, like I do with everything," he explained.
"Well, not everything. You didn't fuck up with me, right? ...Dad?" she added after a moment.
"Oh, Loony," he said, ready to start crying again. She let him give her a big hug.
After awkwardly patting him on the back a few times, Loona slowly extracted herself from the hug.
"Umm. So..." Loona said. "Are you feeling any better?"
Blitzo nodded and Loona smiled at him before leaving.
It was nice to know that he had people who cared about him, who will stay even when he pushes them away.
Maybe even Stolas wasn't fully out of his life yet. Maybe he could try talking to him again later.
It was unlikely, but maybe, just maybe, it could happen.
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otakusapien · 2 years
For real, I would love if this book dropped lines about some of the leads being attracted to each other and then never developed any romances with any of them
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bluesey-182 · 7 months
this book im reading is giving every indication that it takes place in the 1920/30s and yet. and fucking yet the main character starts singing a taylor swift song. get out of my face. please just fucking decide what time period your book takes place in instead of doing this. it also has some of the dumbest takes and brings too much dumb internet discourse straight onto the pages. the main character actually said the line "or maybe he's gaslighting me?" shut up
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angelbowerz · 7 months
Bowers gang asking you out/you asking them out
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-if you asked him out...it would be a no, he would be inlove with you and still say no
"Hey Henry"
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go out some time?"
*gives you a blank stare* "...no"
-he'd wanna say yes but if he said yes to a someone asking him out...his ego would be down a notch
-I mean come on...how DARE you ask the MAN out 🙄
-but a few hours later you're getting books out of your locker and here he comes
"Wanna be my girlfriend or something"
"But I just-"
"I'M ASKING NOW! yes or no"
"Okay sure, I'll be your girlfriend"
"After school we're going to the woods to bang, see ya"
*before you could respond he walks away*
-let's face it..Henry doesn't do dates, he finds them too romantic and cheesy
-you'll obviously hang together but he wouldn't class it as 'dates'...just 'hanging time'
-romantic rating 2/10 😭
-he would be WAY too scared to ask you out.. poor reggie
-buuut..if you asked him out....
"Hey reggie, I was wondering if-"
-you just made him the happiest person alive
-but on the actual day of the date he is PANICKING
-he is so nervous...what If you aren't enjoying it? What if something bad happens?
-he has blankets...food..drink...everything
-when he drives to pick you up...omg he is a sweetheart
-waits outside with a bouquet of roses
-treats you like the only person in the world
-drives you to a secluded place and stargazes with you
-the perfect date..literally something out of a movie
-drives you home then calls you later tonight and checks in on you
-romantic rating 100/10!!!!
-he wouldn't exactly ask you out but...
-he'll stalk you, wait for the right moment and then just walks alongside you all day
-you won't realise it's a date until he mentions that halfway through
"This date is going great right?"
"Wait wha-"
-he'll walk you home...well follow you home expecting you to invite him inside
-if you don't? That's fine, he'll just climb in while you're sleeping
-he'll either walk through the door or climb through your window
-he'll get in the bed with you...to watch you, not to sleep
-when he notices you start slowly waking up..he'll wait until you look at him then he very slowly turns his head...with the most scary smile you have ever seen
-when you scream..he just laughs...so much
-if you ask him out though...oh god...you're in for a night of torture
"Hey Patrick...I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime"
*does THAT smile* "oh I would love to..."
-it won't be cute...oh no no no
-he'll take you out to the movies, not to watch a romantic movie
-Patrick will do his research to find the most scary horror movie playing right now
-if you think he's taking you there so you'd cuddle into him....ahahaha aren't you delusional
-he'll laugh his head off when he sees you scared, pure happiness
-if you try covering your face, he'll take his hands, place them on your head and will force you to watch that movie
-After it ends..he'll still scare you in ways (making you jump etc)
-if you're in the right state of mind, you wouldn't go near him again...but if you're THAT crazy over him...goodluck
-romantic rating -10/10
-if you ask him out infront of the gang, he'd say no just because he wants to act 'cool' in front of the guys
-but when he's alone he'll come upto you and say he actually will go out with you and apologises
-probably had no clue where to take you so you two just end up in a park talking all night
-I feel like he would be very awkward at first but after awhile he'll loosen up and be really cool
-when you two get tired of talking, you'll just end up making out lol
-he'll walk you home of course
-romantic rating 6/10
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steddieas-shegoes · 5 months
fairy porn crisis
for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt 'bookstore au' wc: 964 rated m cw: dirty talk, implied sexual content tags: bookshop owner eddie, steve is having a sexuality crisis but subtly, flirting, getting together, modern au
"Thanks for covering for me, Wayne," Eddie said as he set his bag down behind the front desk, slightly out of breath from running from the bus. "Won't happen again."
"'S alright, son. Everything go okay with the counselor?" Wayne sipped from his mug, probably his fourth or fifth cup of coffee since he opened the shop that morning.
"Yep. Still on track to graduate in May."
Wayne's stipulation when he "sold" the bookshop to Eddie was that he still get his degree as backup. "Bookselling is a dangerous game and I won't have ya strugglin' if somethin' fails."
"Thatta boy," Wayne clapped him on the shoulder. "Been a slow morning. But your favorite customer is in the back."
Eddie felt his face heat up.
"He's not my favorite."
"Sure he isn't." Wayne rolled his eyes. "I'm off to get a beer with Dave. Call if you need me."
Eddie gave him a thumbs up as he checked over his emails, the one thing Wayne was terrible about doing when he was covering the store. There weren't many, never really were on Tuesdays.
He waited for Wayne to leave, the door chiming with his exit.
He jumped up and made his way around the counter, walking towards the back room hastily.
He found Steve sitting on the beanbag placed in the corner, book in his lap, face bright red.
Eddie squinted until he could see what book he was reading and nearly passed out.
His Ring was the first book in a series focused entirely on a group of queer mythical creatures. It was the only book of the series Eddie had read, and he'd only admit it under risk of death.
It wasn't that it wasn't good. It's just that it was basically porn.
And this one in particular focused on two male fairies, one who was gay and one who spent the entire first half of the book having a bisexuality crisis.
Steve was reading it with the prettiest blush on his face.
Steve, who up until this moment, passed as the straightest human being Eddie had ever met.
"Have you gotten to the part where Ereldi has to sit on Brelend's lap for an entire dinner?" Eddie asked.
Steve jumped and slammed the book closed, pushing it under his legs as if Eddie hadn't already called him out. "What are you talking about?"
"Stevie, I'm the last person to judge your reading habits. But I do have to ask why the sudden interest in queer fairy porn? You're usually reading sports memoirs and doing word searches."
In other words, 'are you interested in testing out your sexuality with me? I can pretend to be a mythical being if needed.'
"Just needed a change of scenery?"
"Are you asking me or telling me?"
Steve's blush deepened, and fuck, Eddie was about to be so unprofessional. Hopefully he wouldn't lose a customer over it, but it was a risk he had to take.
It's just that sometimes Eddie could swear Steve was watching him while he shelved books or swept the front room floors. And sometimes he caught him staring at him during his weekly storytime for kids where he gave out free books and cookies.
And Eddie always wanted to have Steve in his lap.
"I." Steve refused to make eye contact, a sure sign that something was going on. "I just got curious. Heard someone talking about it and wanted to see if they were telling the truth."
"And were they?"
Steve didn't answer, so Eddie decided it was now or never.
"You know," he took a few steps closer to Steve. "I'm not usually one for those books. But there's something about the way they paint a very clear picture of how Ereldi rides Brelend in the forest that just draws me in." Another few steps. "Actually, Ereldi reminds me a bit of you."
Steve visibly gulped.
"But you wouldn't be interested in riding someone would you, Stevie? Prefer women to hop onto your lap and go for a ride?" Eddie's heart was racing.
And then it stopped completely when Steve gave the most unexpected answer he could have possibly given.
"I'd be interested in riding you."
Steve's wide eyes stared back at Eddie, daring him to make a joke, daring him to laugh.
Eddie wouldn't joke or laugh about this. He wasn't wasting this chance.
"Is the forest a requirement or could I go lock the front door and take you upstairs?"
Okay, so he couldn't not make a little joke.
"Forest sounds messy. Upstairs."
"Oh, I plan to make a mess of you regardless of location, sweetheart," Eddie leaned over Steve, foreheads touching, smirk growing as Steve's eyes closed. "Won't even have to get you hard, huh? The book did all the work for me."
Steve tilted his head back, lips puckering, searching for contact from Eddie's.
Eddie pulled away. "I close up in ten. You know the way upstairs?"
Steve's eyes blinked open as he nodded.
God, he was gonna be fun.
"You wanna be a good boy and wait for me up there?" Steve nodded and stood from the chair, wobbling slightly as he tried to gain his balance. "I want you naked in bed when I get up there, got it?"
"Um, I've never-" Steve started.
"Oh, sweetheart. I know. It's written all over you. I'm gonna take real good care of you, though. Better than anything you would read in that book."
"Yeah, sugar?"
"I really like you."
Eddie heard what he wasn't saying, knew without a doubt that he had to do this right or risk scaring him away from more than just the store.
"I really like you, too, Stevie." Eddie kissed his cheek. "You're in good hands."
"I know."
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evilminji · 6 months
Thinking About Ghost Writer's Library ( o.o)
Yeah, that's right folks! It's ya girl! Back on her bullshit, with PONDERING TIME. But like? GW? Is AT BEST? Somewhere around Victorian or Edwardian, given his aesthetic, right? And? Granted! It COULD be, he just vibes SUPER HARD with this Hot New Look(tm).
But like?
He is Baby.
They basically ALL are Baby. It's the... no, A(!) Baby area of the Zone. A place where sentient life is JUST sort of beginning to happen. On the COSMIC, INTERDIMENSIONAL, scale of things. What, after all, is a MERE few millenia? When the average is counting things by Eons? And even WORSE? When your ENTIRE COUNTRY and HISTORY is? What... CENTURIES?
Zygote. You are not but an infant. Back to daycare with you.
Which of course, leads the baby sitters. Even the occasional Adult. SOMEONES got to watch them. But it's not like THEY want to volunteer their eternity. They have Obsessions to follow. And there are A LOT of Baby Zone's to watch! More forming every day! The great dance of Life And Death etc etc, Yada yada!
Who's being punished? Make them do it! *Clockworks in long term plan*
But! Not the point here! Though fascinating to consider! The POINT? GW->Baby. His Library? Larger then then any Earth libraries, yes. But! Still SMALL. A BABY'S collection of books! Still growing. And for all his bragging and posturing? FAR from the Zone's BEST Library.
It likely doesn't even get to make the LONG FORM list.
Which Danny? Who is STILL banned? Quickly figures out. Because? Amity Library is... DECENT. It's working with the funding It's gotten dispite the damage ghost fights have done. Danny loves that library. He does. But... he also? Kinda has run out of things to READ.
And like HELL is he gonna BEG to enter GHOST WRITER'S Lair. Mister "Love Christmas or I'll torture you with it" can SUCK [REDACTED] and shove it up his [REDACTED BUT WITH VIOLENCE THIS TIME]. So? He asks, vaguely of course, Mr. Ho the librarian what he should do.
The man practically froths at the mouth at the thought that there is some BASTARD denying children books over PETTY PERSONAL BULLSHIT. Wants to meet this guy out back. "Talk books". Mr. Ho is like a bazillion years old and a tiny grandpa, he's amazing and Danny STILL kinda wants to be him when he grows up.
But since Danny won't let him deck Ghost Writer. He shows him how too look up other libraries in the area. Which... sparks An Idea(tm). He thanks his favorite librarian and races home. Makes a Bee Line for the Far Frozen.
Can he LOOK at the Infinity Map, Frostbite? He knows taking it is only for Important Events, but... why, you ask? Well...*explains*
Which is how he ends up, with a pen and paper, watching Trained Yeti Map Makers(tm) quickly sprawling out Map after Map, as Frostbite (who is apparently the only one AUTHORIZED to do this, who knew?) formally asks the Map in? Weirdly specific and oddly phrased ways, for the best libraries? Huh?
Ooooh! Frostbite is authorized because he's the only one TRAINED in the exact workings of the Map. Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. When Danny was using it, it dragged him at like Mach bajillion all over the place and he had to keep rephrasing things.
So? He can go now, right? Since he has the directions?
What do you mean "not quite"?
Danny finds out he needs an "Adult Escort". Because he is Baby. And much like children can not fly to Peru alone from halfway across the globe, so too, they can not LEAVE the baby zones to travel through Adult Territories where they could get Ended by accident, WITHOUT Adult supervision. Safety first!
D:< He just wants BOOKS!
Fine! Clockwork is old as BALLS! Older probably! He's LITERALLY TIME! How's THAT for OLD, huh?! Can he GO NOW!? He just wants to check out their ghostly sci-fi section! He's curious AF! He bets they have ALIEN Sci-fi! Come oooooooon!
Clockwork, of course, let's himself be dragged along. Because this is hilarious. AND going to terrify so, SO many assholes. Which is Funny :)
Danny gets his library card to *Unpronouncable without several neck bones humans do not have*, which is the size of Jupiter's BIGGER BROTHER. It isn't even the "Best" library. Just the closest. Danny has a manic... everything, the Fenton blood is strong with this one. So Many Booooooooks~!
And yeah, school books or whatever, probably a great learning resource.
BUT THE SCI-FI AND COMICS SECTION! It goes on for MILES! LITERAL MILES! *incoherent noises of joy*
Needless to say, the Librarians think he's ADORABLE. Such an eager reader! And so SMALL! A BABY! Look at his lil hands~! Be careful with the books, okay sweetie? Oh heck yeah! He WILL be!
And obviously? He gaurds those books with his LIFE. That's his Premium VIP Celebrity Gucci Bespoke Comics of The Multiverse Access! You'll have to pry it from his multi-dead, still smoking, Ended 5Ever hands!
The problem with THIS is?
Even with careful book covers? Those are CLEARLY glowing books. Like... day glow. Unnaturally glowing. The OTHER problem, is UNLIKE that baby GW? Adults can make their books multilingual. OMNILINGUAL. Is this book in French? Or Ainu? Yes. If it's YOUR language, then that's what you're reading in. Is it a bit clunky at times? With things that don't translate well, having to be explained in side notes? Yes. But better then not being able to read them at all!
And of course, comfort and repetition breed mistakes. You get too used to doing something. Forget you're supposed to be HIDING it. Maybe you go to college. Maybe the world moves on. You bring down a government agency with your friends. Become an infant king, much to the unspeakable alarm of the adults who SHOULD have been watching and protecting you. Maybe you have WORDS with them. Who's to say.
You're tired. It's been a long month.
You just want your coffee and a snacky lil treat. Something yummy for the you. Surely you've earned it, right? You've been good. So you take your sweet new alien sci-fi epic, your scrunkly feral Racoon lookin self, and you crawl like the half dying man you are. Towards the sweet relief of sugar and caffeine. Pride? You don't know her. Gib the coffee or you bite.
Unfortunately! There is some shitty "the Youth Today blah blah blah, let try and catch them of gaurd with loaded questions to prove my point and make a whole generation look dumb" reporter on campus. You see them out of the corner of your eye. They clearly think you are the weak link.
They are making their way towards you, mic raised.
Ah. Tragic, they have chosen death.
Before they can reach you, you raise your voice and not so much throw them under a bus, as drive the bus over THEM. Because THIS Coffee shop is the Punk hangout spot. And you've made casual friendly acquaintances with the six foot something, Sam clone from Scotland, whose life goal seems to be "Fight God".
And THESE fine folk DEFINITELY want an interview :) Have Fun, Thorn!
Needless to say, the clips go viral. With Danny sitting in the background, coffee and muffin achieved. Minding his business. Reading his glowing book. Which everyone ignores, on campus. Because EVERYONE knows Danny can make things glow! It's his weird minor power. Some lab accident in his teen years. NBD
But like... no body ELSE "knows" that. So it attracts attention.
Which would be FINE.... if he was reading an EARTH book.
But he's NOT.
And someone recognizes it.
Maybe it's Martian. Kryptonian. Could be Asgardian. Depends on the crossover you want! Because it could be ANY crossover! Lost books. Not just the Great Classics(tm) that people like to save. But the silly ones. The small ones. The equivalent of dime store novels and cheap drug store comics. Children's books. Banned books. The things Powerful People tried to erase from history itself. The things TIME tried to erase, with the fall of nations and the coming of war.
The destruction of worlds.
All of it there.
Imagine it. Standing on a planet, far from the world that was once your home, KNOWING in your heart that everything is gone. Everyone. That NOTHING but what you carry with you remains. And looking up one day to see, in the background of some average and silly video? Not "War and Peace" or "Great Expectations" or some other likely exported peice... but? Some youth reading that overly dramatic trashy sci-fi book that your cousins wouldn't stop raving about. The ones all the adults were SICK of hearing about.
It would NEVER have passed the bar for export.
It was silly and embarrassing but culturally significant.
It's... it's right there.
Wouldn't the desperation that fills you be suffocating? Are there others? Is that an original? How is it here? How can he READ it? Who taught him? Who IS he? Is he one of us? Where? How? HOW?! Please. PLEASE!
And Danny? Would have no idea! :)c it's great~
@hdgnj @hypewinter @the-witchhunter @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe
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taylormarieee · 9 months
~Girl, you don't know what you do to me~
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Request: I have a TWD request. Rosita gives the reader a dress she found while out on a run and the reader wears it for rick and he fucks her in it. Maybe a bit of degrading if you're into that
Word count: 1.3k
Pairing: Rick Grimes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Degrading kink, Smut, PiV sex, Unprotected sex, Sex with plot, Sub/Dom Dynamic, that's it! Enjoy!
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Rosita was a good friend of yours. Like the best. She always gave you tips on how to tease and impress a fellow member of the group that you were interested in.
Today was just like any other day. A group was going out on a run and Rosita happened to be in that group. You quickly ran down the street to go ask her about it.
"Where are y'all goin?" You ask, your cute southern accent coming out.
"On a run. Might go to a shop, market, or store. We'll probably be back in an hour or so because we don't have a lot of sunlight left." She responds.
"Oh ok, well if you do go to a shop, can you see if you can find me a cute sundress? A couple of girls 'ere are having a house party and I Don't have any more dresses left." You ask, squinting at the sunlight.
"Yea, sor sure. I got you girl!" She says patting your shoulder. You smile and smack her ass on the way out causing you both to laugh.
You walk down the street and notice a tall, dark, handsome brunette standing on the porch of your shared house.
You smile and wave at Rick, and he smirks and waves you over. You walk up the steps and meet him on the porch.
"Hey, sweetheart. Whatcha doin' hmm?" He asks in his deep southern accent that you always find attractive.
"Nun much! I just finished talkin' to Ro before she went on a run." You answer, with a small smile on your face.
He hums in approval and you nervously start playing with your gun holster on your thigh.
"So... What are you up to, officer!?" You ask with a chuckle. In return, you earn a laugh from the man in front of you.
"Oh sweetheart, ya always make me laugh. I was just looking around, just put Jude to sleep." He says.
"Ohhhh! Can I see her? Pretty please?!" You ask, holding your hands together and begging.
He chuckles and motions his head to the door. You squeal and run straight to the door and into Judith's room. You open the door and quietly make your way inside. You see her cute, tiny little body sleeping in the crib.
"Awww she's so cute!" You whisper.
"Just like you," Rick says. A little taken back you turn around to see Rick standing in the doorway staring at you with a big goofy smile plastered on his handsome face.
"Hmm. I'm not cute! Far from It actually." You say turning around to hold her hand.
"Well, I think you are cute, so you're cute." He says walking up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist.
You hum and melt. into his warm, loving touch. Oh, did I forget to mention? You're already dating? Thanks to Rosita? Oh well now you know.
You hold his arms and you both sway back and forth. You were about to turn and kiss him but were briefly interrupted by Michonne.
"Uh, Rick? OH... Sorry, am I interrupting something?" She asks.
You laugh a little, "No, no Michonne, Your not! Please take him, he's won't let me go!" You say laughing.
Michonne chuckles a bit and Rick bites your neck, signaling that he'll get you back later.
You laugh and kiss his hand as he walks away with Michonne to do his important duties.
About 20 minutes later, your in your room reading a book when Rosita comes knocking on your door.
"Come in!" You yell out.
"Look what I got!" She says holding up two sun dresses, your guessing one is for her and the other for you.
You jump up squealing as you go to hug her yelling out 'Thank you's'.
One is this really pretty yellow one with roses on it and the other is a really pretty green with sunflowers on it.
"I already called dibs on the green one so the yellow one is all yours!" She says with a smirk on her face.
"Thank you so much Ro! I love you!" You say grabbing the dress and hugging her one more time.
You both try them on and look in the mirror. "We look so hot!" She says.
You laugh at her comment and twirl.
You both walk out and grab the attention from almost every guy in Alexandria.
"I've gotta go. I have garden work I need to do!" You say walking towards the tool shed. "Oh ok, thats fine, I've got a class to teach anyway." She shouts from across the street.
You hold up a peace sign and she holds up a heart sign and you both part ways.
As you walk towards the tool shed you feel a pair of eyes on you but you don't bother to see who it is. Probably another boy or guy in Alexandria staring at you.
When you walk in and close the door behind you, you look for the supplies needed for gardening. You find the gloves and put them on the table.
Just as you are about to grab the hedge shears, the door opens and closes, locking behind whoever came in.
"I'll be out soon, just grabbing the last of my to-" You turn around to see a very angry Rick.
"Oh hi hunny! Are you ok? What happened?"You asked innocently.
You were messing. with him. You knew exactly why he was mad and why. he was in here. It's because of the dress. your wearing. Its showing off a little too much skin for his liking.
"You know why sweetheart." He says walking closer to you. His hands itching at his sides to reach out and grab you.
"I-I really don't Ricky." You say trying to hide your smirk. God what an actor you were. Acting like you didn't know what you were doing to him.
"Girl, you don't know what you do to me." He says lowly, his eyes darker than before.
He grabs you by you hips and kisses you. You instantly wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back passionately.
Rick flips you over and lifts up your drees.
"Bend over for me sweetheart. Wanna see that pretty little ass of yours mama." He says rubbing you ass through the dress.
You moan out and bend over for him. He groans as he pressed his erection on your ass, slowly grinding on you.
You hear the clink of his belt buckle and his pants hitting the floor. You feel his cock rubbing through your folds.
"Fuck princess, you feel so good. Can't wait to fuck you in this pretty little dress. Give you my babies." He whispers lustfully in you ear.
He shoves his cock inside you filling you up. You clench hard around his length. He doesn't even give you time to adjust before he's already slamming into you.
"Fuck mama, you keep squeezing me like that and I might not last!" He groans shoving his length further inside you with every deep thrust.
"ohhhh fuckk! Rick, please cum inside me! I want to carry y-your babies please!" You moan out. Drunk off his cock.
"Yea? You fucking slut. Look at you in this dress walking around, flaunting and showing off like a little whore." He says.
You clench around him at his dirty words and moan. His hips begin to get sloppier and his breathing starts to get heavier.
"C-Cum with me please! Please Rick, please!" You cry out feeling your orgasm approach.
"Ah- hah- Fuck! Ok sweetheart!" He breathes out.
Soon you both are drawing out moans and whining as you both cum. You both ride out your highs feeling euphoric and dizzy.
"You should wear this dress more often... especially if it's gonna end up with your legs shaking and my cum dripping down your thighs." He says with a smirk on his face.
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Taglist: @rickswh0r3 @sinsandsweetness @murdadixon @daryldixmedown@darylscvmdumpster@darylspersonalwhore @carlsdarling @carlgrimesenthusiast @catt-leya @loveforcarl
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remderance · 1 year
so...few days ago I've created a hermitcraft mermaid au. and here ya go, some of my thoughts about it and also my drawings.
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first of all, cub, grian, zedaph, tango, joehills, xisuma and impulse are humans, when scar, doc, pearl, skizz, cleo are mermaids(I didn't think of other hermits yet)
here's also a bit of lore happening, so let's talk little bit about every hermit.
- he is an owner of this whole circus oceanarium and ocean research center.
- he is a strange guy, once he even stole a bone from rendog to chew on! but nonetheless, he is a hard working man and he does all the managing work better than anyone else possibly could
- cub and grian were the first to find alive mermaid, which happened to be scar. scar, as the most kind and innocent soul, of course, most of the time spent saving sea creatures from fishing nets, plastic junk and etc, though got a lot of injuries himself. he had been in an accident just before he was caught, so he didn't have a chance to escape due to movement issues, because his tail and fins were badly injured
- scar is an orca! but he won't eat you, don't worry. he might try, though
- most of the time there is only one scientist watching him, and it is cub. even though at first cub was too serious about his job, depicting scar more like an object other than a living creature with thoughts and feelings, it was gone in a little while when two of them had a chance to actually know each other more. you could say, scar softened cub's heart
- he is a silly boy, trying to escape his aquarium probably every day at first, thinking of place as a prison. none of his attempts were successful, to be honest, but he never stopped trying
- also, once he even got in a physical fight with grian, being mad that he was in the team who catched him. who won? for some reason it was grian, who is smaller twice in size and not so good underwater
- grian got in trouble many times because of his experiments and especially testing human food on scar. once he had serious food poisoning because of it, and cub never let grian be alone near scar's aquarium again
- scar once asked for human meat and got a "cubfan live reaction". canniballism is pretty common between mermaids, so he was expecting the same from humans
- doc is a giant moray eel.
- you could say he is the most intelligent and smart fish you've seen! not just by mermaid standards, but by human too. before the oceanarium he was living in an old warship, where he found a room with books that were not touched by water. that's where from he knows chemistry, physics, engineering and other, that's also where he learned english better, as he is originally from german waters(scientists where really impressed that mermaid could have an accent).
- but this ship happened to be in a military zone, where people one time were testing a bomb and underwater explosion happened. doc nearly made it out alive, though got almost incompatible with life injuries. he couldn't be healed by wrapping wounds with seaweed, so he decided to go to humans to the research center by himself, making a deal: he agreed to be studied for science purposes but got a proper treatment for his injuries in return.
- by that point, he was second one to be "caught"
- he is really smart and he will not be missing an opportunity to squeeze out everything from people working there. he got the best aquarium with the best accessories, rocks, corals and filters. it took almost over a year to figure all of this out and a lot of pressure on workers, but doc is not feeling guilty
- he really likes to eat tomatoes
- he also really likes to get out of his tank and go on an adventure to other mermaids. scar is living nearest to him, so you could often see these two hang out
- he created the word "scitties" and scar likes to use it (especially in situations when he is suggested to wear clothes. he says his scitties are too precious to hide them)
- after some time doc became the first mermaid scientist. his high intelligence just couldn't be ignored
- doc helped to create prosthetic fins and tail for scar
- eventually there was created a special gadget just for doc, so he could easily speak with other scientists even being under the water
- scientist connected to him is grian. they are in good terms and grian totally acknowledges his cleverness. gridoc nation rise up
- oh sweet, sweet rendog! you just couldn't guess what he is. he is... a dog, simple as that. but a smart one!
- although, he doesn't like meat. he is a vegetarian dog!
- his duty mostly is to deliver food to mermaids. he doesn't like to deliver food to scar as it's mostly chocolate chip cookies and lots of raw meat, and he totally adores to visit doc because of his love for tomatoes
- doc likes to escape, and ren likes doc, so he always goes after him with a mop in his teeth to hide water paddles he is creating
- ren is well-trained and all of the staff knows him, so he has access to almost every room in both oceanarium and research center
- he likes to sleep near doc's aquarium. sometimes doc goes out of water at night, waits for his hand to dry and gently pets him
- oh. and ren also has a very specific addiction. this little fur boy always steals people's sunglasses. why does he do that? why does a dog even need sunglasses? nobody knows. but that is such a common thing, that nobody even cares anymore. yep, there's a dog running around in sunglasses, what is wrong with that?
•here's the fun part. beloved zits!!!
- impulse is the only one true ocean scientist in their group
- zedaph lived most of his life on a farm and knows pretty much everything about farm animals. he is a crazy zoologist and has basically zero idea how to deal with fish
"that's a weird looking chicken", - he says, looking at any mermaid
- tango is an engineer and a drummer in his own band. he slays and also he has a lot of tattoos
- although tango's band isn't zit band, they were playing together in college! they all had their rock phase, zedaph even has scars from piercings made in that time
- the star of our show... skizzleman!! skizz for short, he is a manta ray, and he is going mental. he screams, he bites, he fights, he likes to bother others and especially impulse
- skizz made impulse fall in his tank for countless amount of times
- skizz and impulse often fight, verbally and physically, but also for some reason their bond is very strong. they like each other, just in a different way, but their way to this was very hard
- and yep, he is the reason why all of the zit are here. he's just too strong and uncontrollable for one human to handle, so impulse had to get his friends
- skizz is very clumsy and can't exist out of water due to being a manta ray, so trying to escape he makes just one step and then is found right outside the aquarium angry and waiting for someone to come and put him back
•pearl and gem
- pearl is a blue-ringed octopus!
- she spent a lot of time near the shore at the port and most of the time was listening to people, trying to guess meaning of unknown words and adoring strange human stories. it happened in australia, that is the place where she got an accent. it is an exceptional case too, but unlike doc, this accent is not natural, but a learned one
- pearl's only and favourite piece of clothing is a hoodie with oceanarium logo
- as a natural enemy, doc fears to go near pearl. when he is asking her if she's safe, she never gets him a clear answer
- gem is doing mermaid shows! yes, she is not a real one, she just has her costume and adorable coral horns
- oceanarium got gem a tank to exercise and to rehearse her shows. it appeared that pearl was basically living alongside. they liked each other at first sight, but for months weren't able to communicate well, it was only through body language
- pearl sees gem as a goddess for her elegant, exquisite and beautiful movements. no real mermaid moves like that, so that's just something so exotic and unreal in pearl's eyes, it makes her stare without blinking every time
- once impulse was in charge of caring for pearl and he saw what happened between two. he got a permission for gem to visit pearl's aquarium, and that was the first time they got to really know each other. it was the happiest day!!!
- gem is the only one who can calm down skizz and make him feel fear. nobody understands how, but sometimes impulse asks her when skizz is getting unbearable
- impulse, gem and pearl are often seen hanging out together. they created a trio called "soup group". the name was created because of pearl's unexplainable love for soups of any kind
• cleo and joe
- cleo is a sea snake
- she has fish hooks and spear parts in her on places where in canon she usually would get stitches
- she is basically a nature miracle, because she is a zombie, literally dead creature, but for some reason she keeps on going
- half of her organs are not working properly or are not working at all
- because of doc and cleo scientists guess that mermaids are far stronger and tougher than people, as they tend tο survive even in the most dangerous and unreal situations
- also doc and cleo are extremely big
- not to mention these two are really fond of each other. their tanks are located far away, but doc sometimes gets to cleo and they have the best time in the whole world
- joe is an ocean geek who once won an excursion behind the scenes of oceanarium and research center. that's where he met cleo, and for some reason she caught his eye
- he was very persistent and got a permission to sometimes meet cleo under supervision. it was said, that it is good for experience in interspecies communication, so scientists didn't mind
- though, he didn't do anything inappropriate. he was basically just finding a friend in a strange zombie mermaid! he showed her his favourite shows, comic books, was teaching cleo how to read, they were drawing and scrapbooking with her. just a couple of ocean besties!
- although joe cooks and brings mostly exotic or strange foods, cleo likes it a lot
- cleo likes to scare people and mermaids, but when she tried to scare joe she saw only pure excitement in his eyes
•honorable mention, mumbo, who is a plumber and engineer. everyone keeps calling him mario. he even got a big m on his head!
also: it is canon that all of the mermaids are kind of buffed
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homicidal-slvt · 19 days
[Monsters Walk On Land]
Shark Merman!Kyle Garrick x F!Reader
Warnings: MDNI, Abusive Husband {Not Kyle}, Angst, Attempted Murder
Summary: Thrown into the depths of the ocean you expect to die... Only the be rescued by the monster many warn about.
Your body sinks into the darkness, no attempt to open your eyes or fight back against the pull of the deep, cold and bitter as it crawls through your veins... No different than your husband, unforgiving and all consuming, taking until there is nothing but a bed of graves.
You were sick of his abuse - the condescending words - the control... You mistakenly thought it'd never get physical, so you bravely told him you were leaving... Oh, what good that did you.
'I'll tell them how ya run away from me... They'll believe me, y'know? Fuckin' whore.'
Blood leaks from your cut up legs, drifting into the darkness, like bait you lure anything closer. He had dragged you to the rocky coast line, your begging and screaming had fallen on deaf ears, tossed over and discarded like mere trash. Something to be forgotten because it no longer was useful.
Something brushes against your leg but you don't have the will to fight it... You can't swim. You always feared the water. There's no point in trying to fight.
Kyle drifts through the water - big brown eyes searching for the scent of blood he picked up on... Webbed hands immediately grasp onto the floating body of a woman without much thought at first, then he processes it.
"The hell...?"
For a moment he thinks she's dead - given the fact she didn't instantly start kicking and flailing... And if she was already dead then a bite wouldn't hurt right- but no... There's certainly a pulse. Soft but there.
He couldn't just kill an innocent woman like this, could he? Even as a shark style monster in the deep, he still has that heart of gold under the surface. So, he drags her towards the dim light of the moon above, moving her to the shore...
It concerns him... The fact she didn't fight... It made it easier to save her but - why didn't she fight?
"C'mon now..."
Settling her against the sand he assists her, watching her cough and sputter, small rocks digging into her skin.
"Who did this to you...?"
He didn't much expect an answer to the question, especially not when she finally got a good look at her savior... He suspected the usual fearful screams would tear through the air - that was how it'd usually go anyway.
You certainly were a bit startled to look over and see the very thing many warn of. People often claimed a monster lurked the waters by this shore but... He saved you...? He could've easily chewed the meat off your bones, especially with those freakishly sharp shark-like teeth of his...
He's honestly kind of beautiful, unique patterns of dark spots and strips across the gray scales on his lower half, his tail built exactly how a shark would be - aside from the whole scaliness of it.
"Thank you..."
You sputter out the words and those big brown eyes of his widen, lifting himself up a bit while he looks at you... He's definitely stunned from what you can tell by his expression, his slightly pointed ears twitching.
"You're not scared of me?"
"Well, I am a little bit but... If you wanted to hurt me - you would have."
A soft chuckle emits from his chest, amusement bubbling and spilling over. You're a very strange human in his books but he likes you...
However, it nags in the back of his head as to what happened to you. How you ended up injured in the water to begin with - the look on your face and your body language... It all reeks of humans doing.
After all - those who walk on land are often much more frightening monsters than the creatures of the deep ever could be...
{I'm fuckin' exhausted so it took forever to write this and it's shit. And yeah it has a cliffhanger ending - I gave up. I didn't know where to go from there. I probably won't make a part 2 because I'm losing mind.}
{@sofasoap @soupbinsoup @sarraa-26 @gothgirl6-6-6 @caramlizedtomatoes-deactivated2 }
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pssyinboots · 1 year
The Dance- Wally Clark
ok this is my first time writing a full fic so i’m sorry if it’s bad,but please tell me what you think (also i didn’t know how to end this so it ends kinda abruptly)
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you and wally have almost started dating about 100 times (it's actually 102 you've been keeping track). you guys even kissed on new years last year, but somehow someway you guys have never actually made it official. and then a new ghost appeared, maddie nears. and suddenly it felt like wally forgot about you and his only focus was maddie. you love maddie you really do,you're not the kind of girl to hate another girl just because you're almost boyfriend (of 102 times) decided to become fascinated with helping her live her death and solve her own murder.you’re trying to help her too.plus you guys have gotten super close, connecting over having crappy home lifes. you've seen how she helps the ghost and shows empathy towards all of them while also trying to figure out what happened to herself.
honestly you can understand why wally has become so enamored with her.it’s just been really hard to see wally spending all his time with her instead of you. he just wanted to help and make her feel welcomed and you knew that his intentions were pure. yet you still couldn’t help but envy her, especially when he chose to spend field day with her instead of with you breaking the tradition you guys have had for the past 5 years. but it's fine it's totally fine atleast y'all still have homecoming ,"so i asked maddie to go to homecoming", you swear you could of cried. your attention quickly transfer from the book you were reading to him. you look up to already see wally’s eyes on you trying to anticipate your reaction while gnawing on his lip."you asked maddie but we always go together, we've been going together for the last 5 years". you can tell wally is starting to get nervous, he's doing that thing where he slightly scrunches up his eyebrows and refuses to look at you."yeah i know but look it's only one night i just want to help her start living her death ya know and plus it's not like we won't be able to hangout too"
you're really trying to understand his point of view, but from where you're standing it just looks like he's leaving you behind and replacing you with funny, beautiful, kind, mysterious maddie nears. you quickly grab your book from the table, and hastily pushing your chair back causing it to make that horrendous scraping sound now you could stand up. "yeah ok i get it, you know what i actually have this thing i forgot about with rhonda so i have to go". before you can make a break for it wally grabs your arm, "hey are you sure you're ok", "yeah wally have fun with maddie i'll talk to you later".
you find rhonda in the teachers lounge with charlie, you probably looked like you got ran over by a car (again). as soon as you enter the room their attention falls onto you charlie is the first one to actually say something, “what’s wrong babes you look like you’ve seen a ghost”. rhonda rolls her eyes at his attempted joke before joining in “yeah cherry pop what’s up”. you try so hard not to look upset but you just couldn’t help it the guy you are in love with was replacing you with the new girl.“wally is taking maddie to the dance”. you tried so hard to keep you’re voice calm and level but you could hear it crack. “oh” they say in unison all you can do is flop down on the couch across from them.“yeah i think it’s actually over i lost him” you move your arm to cover your eyes now you can avoid their pity stares. “cherry pop you cant lose him, that boy is in love with you” charlie nods his head with that cute pity smile creeping onto his face. “yeah babes he is just trying to help maddie live her death and stuff you know he likes you and always has”. you peak at them over your arm,you really try to believe them, but there’s a part of you that been slowly growing over the past couple weeks that tells you that he’s done with the game that y’all are playing and he’s moving on. “yeah thanks guys i think im just going to go outside for a minute” you get up from the couch trying to avoid their stares and sympathy smiles and start your trek to the football field.
you lay down in the middle of the field and just stare up at the stars getting lost in your thoughts. you and wally used to always come out here when something was bothering one of you. it was your one true comfort, which meant a lot to you since there really aren’t too many comforting things about being dead and trapped in your high school. you were so far in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice wally laying down next to you. “heyy what’s up? rhonda came yelling at me to check up on you”, jumping slightly you turn your head to see wally already staring at you with that stupid cute concerned expression on his face .looking away from him you kneel up on your elbows sighing heavily hoping he’ll just drop it,but you can feel his stare burning into you. “ok so i know you’re just trying to help maddie, and i think that’s really sweet of you but i’m feeling sort of left behind”. you refuse to look at him scared of his reaction. you close your eyes tightly waiting for him to say something, “ohhh…… honestly i didn’t think the dance would be that big of a deal i mean we’ve been together for the past year and have been going to that dance together since you’ve got here and maddie’s never been so i thought it would be nice if i took her as friends ”.
your eyes pop open and you look at wally in shock “we’re together???”he cocks his head a bit raising his eyebrows “aren’t we?? we’ve been spending everyday together since you got here, im pretty sure you know more about me than my own mom.” he turns to his side now he can fully look at you.“yeah but wally you’ve never actually asked me to be your girlfriend ”. you look up at him with a confused expression trying hard to keep your head from exploding. “oh-i thought it was kind of just implied,remember new years when i said you were the best thing to ever happen to me and we kissed??” your face heats up reliving the memory. that was the best night of your life or well death. “of course i do but we never really talked about it since then”. “…oh ok that’s my bad. so then will you be my girlfriend??”. you swear your heart stopped. wally just looked at you smiling waiting patiently for a answer. “yes wally of course i’ll be your girlfriend” you swear you here him whisper thank god before he leans down now you guys were at eye level. your lips are about a centimeter apart, if either of you leans in anymore they would be touching. you watch wally’s eyes move between your lips and your eyes. “can i kiss you” he says softly while looking at your lips. you don’t bother responding just pulling him in by his gold chain. it was the best kiss either of you guys have ever had. it was way diffrent from the shy soft kiss you had on new years, this one was full of passion from the past 5 years.
you finally pulled away when you ran out of air and rested your forehead against his. he kisses your nose causing you to let out a soft chuckle and he slowly pulled away from you. “so should i tell maddie that she’s going to be third wheeling us at the dance ??” he questions while holding your hand running his thumb up and down your skin. you look up at him and quirk your eyebrow “you want me to go with y’all?? it’s ok wally i understand you can go with her as friends i just felt a little jealous”.he smiles at you and looks at you with adoration. “well technically she will be going with us.but yes there’s no way i’ll be hitting the dance without my girl.plus i can’t have you be jealous now can i ”.you just laugh and lean your head against his shoulder and he rests his head ontop of yours. “yes wally i’ll go to the dance with you.” “yes ok cool let’s go tell maddie” wally gets up aroubtly causing you to fall down into the grass “oof sorry babe” he gives you his hand to pull you up which you take and he leads you to go find maddie.
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calliesmemes · 3 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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   “   Uh, would you gentlemen please excuse me for a moment?   ”
   “   If I ever hear the word "Atlantis" again, I'll step in front of a bus!   ”
   “   You have a lot of potential.   ”
   “   Who... who are you? How did you get in here?   ”
   “   I'm acting on behalf of my employer, who has a most intriguing proposition for you.   ”
   “   Relax. He doesn’t bite … often.   ”
   “   Did you really know my grandfather?   ”
   “   We stayed close friends ‘till the end of his days.   ”
   “   He spoke of you often.   ”
   “   I've spent my whole life studying dead languages.   ”
   “   I will stake everything I own, everything that I believe in... that this is the genuine Shepherd's Journal.   ”
   “   I'll show them! I will make them believe.   ”
   “   For years your granddad bent my ear with stories about that old book.   ”
   “   Your grandpa was a great man. You probably don't realize how great.   ”
   “   Don't let her age fool you.   ”
   “   Our lives are remembered by the gifts we leave our children.   ”
   “   Atlantis is waiting. What do you say?   ”
   “   Boy, I’m so excited, l-l-l-I can't even hold it in.   ”
   “   Excuse me? I need to, uh, report in?   ”
   “   Blondie, I got a bone to pick with you.   ”
   “   If you're lookin' for the pony rides, they're back there.   ”
   “   You can’t put a price on the pursuit of knowledge.   ”
   “   This should be enriching for all of us.   ”
   “   Now tell me your story, my little friend.   ”
   “   This is an outrage! You must leave at once! Out, out, out, out, out!   ”
   “   Now, what have I told you about playing nice with the other kids?   ”
   “   Back to the pit from which you came!   ”
   “   OK, everybody. I want you to give Mr. Thatch your undivided attention.  ”
   “   Cartographer, linguist, plumber. Hard to believe he's still single.   ”
   “   Captain, you'd better come look at this, sir.   ”
   “   Do you want to do my job? Be my guest.   ”
   “   How much time do we have?   ”
   “   I don't think he's comin' back.   ”
   “   Move it, people! Sometime today would be nice!   ”
   “   I won't sugar-coat it, gentlemen. We have a crisis on our hands.   ”
   “   Looks like all our chances for survival rest with you, Mr. Thatch.   ”
   “   We’re all gonna die.   ”
   “   Looks like we have a little roadblock.   ”
   “   That thing is going to keep me up all night, I know it.   ”
   “   You know, we've been pretty tough on the kid. What do you say we cut him some slack?   ”
   “   Hey, Milo! Why don't you come sit with us?   ”
   “   Hey, Milo, don't you ever close that book?   ”
   “   I know, I know. Sometimes I get a little carried away.   ”
   “   You know, that's what this is all about, right? I mean – discovery, teamwork, adventure. Unless, maybe, you're just in it for the money.   ”
   “   Hey, how’d you learn how to do that?   ”
   “   I never got to meet your grandfather. What was he like?   ”
   “   He was like a father to me, really.   ”
   “   My parents died when I was a little kid, and he took me in.   ”
   “   That is so cute!   ”
   “   Uh, no... no offense.. but how does a teenager become the chief mechanic of a multimillion dollar expedition?   ”
   “   So, what... what happened to your sister?   ”
   “   I just like to blow things up.   ”
   “   All right, who's not dead? Sound off.   ”
   “   Maybe that's our ticket outta here.   ”
   “   I gotta hand it to you. You really came through.   ”
   “   They can smell fear just by looking at ya.   ”
   “   We are explorers from the surface world. We come in peace.   ”
   “   Come. You must speak with my father now.   ”
   “   Someone's having a good time.   ”
   “   Commander, there were not supposed to be people down here. This changes everything.   ”
   “   This changes nothing.   ”
   “   You presume much to think that you would be welcome here.   ”
   “   I know what you seek and you will not find it here.   ”
   “   Your journey has been in vain.   ”
   “   May I respectfully request that we stay one night, sir?   ”
   “   Your heart has softened, Kida.   ”
   “   A thousand years ago, you would have slain them on sight.   ”
   “   We were once a great people. Now we live in ruins.   ”
   “   The kings of our past would weep if they could see how far we have fallen.   ”
   “   Our way of life is dying.   ”
   “   When you take the throne, you will understand.   ”
   “   Well, the King and his daughter don't exactly see eye to eye.   ”
   “   Well, if he's hiding something, I want to know what it is.   ”
   “   Look, I have some questions for you, and I'm not leaving this city until they're answered!   ”
   “   Oh, there is so much to ask about your world.   ”
   “   You are a scholar, are you not?   ”
   “   I got a few questions for you, too. So let's do this, OK? You ask one, then I'll ask one, then you, then me, then...well, you get it.   ”
   “   how did you get here? Well, I mean, not you personally... but your... your culture. I mean, how did all of this end up down here?   ”
   “   Wh... what... what … are you telling me… that you remember what happened because you were there? No, that... that's impossible...   ”
   “   How was my accent?   ”
   “   You know, you deserve credit for even... even gettin' this far.   ”
   “   By the way, we were never properly introduced. My name's Milo.   ”
   “   Uh, hey, you got a nickname?   ”
   “   You know, my grandpa used to tell me stories about this place as far back as I can remember.   ”
   “   I just wish that he could be standing here with me.   ”
   “   We are not thriving. True, our people live. but our culture is dying.   ”
  “   I wish there was something I could do.   ”
   “   Why don't you lead the way, because I have no idea where we're going.   ”
   “   This is amazing! A complete history of Atlantis!   ”
   “   I am such an idiot.   ”
   “   This is just another treasure hunt for you.   ”
   “   I would've told you sooner, but it was strictly on a need-to-know basis.   ”
   “   Welcome to the club, son.   ”
   “   Mercenary? I prefer the term "adventure capitalist."   ”
   “   You don't know what you're tampering with, Rourke.   ”
   “   Academics. You never want to get your hands dirty.   ”
   “   I got to admit, I'm disappointed.   ”
   “   You're an idealist, just like your grandfather.   ”
   “   For once, do the smart thing.   ”
   “   I really hate it when negotiations go sour.   ”
   “   Well, as usual, diplomacy has failed us.   ”
   “   You've got to listen to me. You don't have the slightest idea what this power is capable of.   ”
   “   Let’s get this over with. I don’t like this place.  
   “   Doesn’t anything surprise you?   ”
   “   Talk to me, Thatch. What's happening?   ”
   “   So I guess this is how it ends, huh?   ”
   “   You've read Darwin. It's called natural selection. We're just helping it along.   ”
   “   Be serious. This is wrong, and you know it.   ”
   “    You pick now of all times to grow a conscience?   ”
   “   She has been chosen... like her mother before her.   ”
   “   I followed you in, and I'll follow you out.   ”
   “   it's been my experience that when you hit bottom, the only place left to go is up.   ”
   “   What do you think that you are doing?   ”
   “   We're going to save Atlantis, or we're going to die trying.   ”
   “   Well, I have to hand it to you. You're a bigger pain in the neck than I would have ever thought possible.   ”
   “   Tired? Aw, that's a darn shame, because I'm just getting warmed up.   ”
   “   There's a hero's welcome waiting for the man who discovered Atlantis.   ”
   “   I don't think the world needs another hero.   ”
   “   I'm going to miss that boy. At least he's in a better place now.   ”
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btnclmrttn · 1 year
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I didn't proofread shit (drabble)
N/SFW warning: vague sexual mentions, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, hinted oral
Gently(Saitama x Reader NSFW)
It weird to think how, sometimes, couples and partners have some sort of sixth sense for each other. Could be just from being around long enough to be able to read your special one like a book.
From the smallest things like knowing your partner probably forgot to grab something, or how they're definitely going to need their favorite snack with the way their acting, to even more of intimate needs.
It just happens. No questions are hardly asked, you just know. But you don't know when or how your clothes and his clothes started coming off, but you both just knew. That weird sixth sense. Played out like it's rehearsed with the way your bodies move in sync to each other's responses and touches.
Then there's just some things you can't predict, even for yourself. Like today. How much more his touch affected you. How little effort it was taking to get you riled up.
Almost too much. His lips, his hands, down your stomach, between your legs. His fingers slipping inside, so needily sucking him in and coating them in your creamy juices.
"S-Sai, please be gentle."
His concentrated gaze breaks when he hears your pleading whine, shifting to a different gaze of focus beneath him.
"Gentle? I thought I was..."
With a firmer curling thrust of his fingers, a cry escapes your throat as your back arches by reflex. A stunned look takes over his soft face.
"What's with you?" He asks, "Sensitive or something today?"
"I guess..."
He tilts his head in thought, keeping eye contact, "I dunno ___, you looking like that doesn't make me wanna be more gentle."
His fingers circle deeply inside of you, drawing a lip-bitten moan from your chest. He raises your leg and pins it to your chest, his intentions clear he wants more of you.
"Sai!" You huff, "Chill!"
"Alright alright, don't whine at me. Geez." He groans, letting your leg down.
"Be nice to me."
As he lowers himself between your legs, he plants tender kisses on your tummy, then on your thighs, "You know I won't hurt you. I'll take good care of you."
You almost believe it. He'd never bring you pain, but definitely to tears. And by the way he has himself propped up, it's in a way you can't close your legs or squirm away...he's trapped you like this before.
"Saitama, I swear!"
He's got a grin on his face as his fingers start working again, very little difference from before, "Hey, I said I'd take good care of you! Relax."
"I know what you're...planning."
"Nahhh no ya don't."
Oh, but you do. Just one of those things you know, without second thought.
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Playing Dress Up
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summary: 5 times Mammon saw his human wearing his things.
And the time he saw them wearing nothing at all.
[Fic on AO3]
The first time it happens, it barely registered. There had been so much else going on. Mammon had hardly noticed the sliver of it unfolding in the back of his mind.
"So you're telling me," they paced, "you were okay with the corset, the harnesses, the heels and that," they wave their free hand in his general direction, "that bow tie collar thing but you're drawing the line at the ears and tail!?"
"This," he leans against the railing, letting the Devildom's brightly lit expanse act as a backdrop. He knows his angles. He gestures at himself, "makes me look good. That'll just make me look stupid," and that's just it, isn't it. Even he's self-aware enough to know his main aversion to it comes from not wanting to give his brothers another reason to label him as stupid. "I may not be Lucifer, but even I've gotta bit of pride, ya know," he finishes with a huff.
They've stopped pacing now and are instead considering him with eyes that he knows for a fact can see through all his bullshit. He swallows.
"I don't think you'll look stupid," they say evenly, "I think you'll look good. Like you always do."
Mammon feels the heat creeping up his neck to his cheeks as he splutters, trying desperately to save face, "Y-yeah, well if ya think it'll look so good why don't you put it on!"
They shrug as if them wearing bunny ears will have no world shattering consequences. As if the image of them in bunny ears won't sear itself into his brain for the rest of his life.
They put it on.
His world shatters.
And even then, even as he deals with the staggering realisation that this is what his arousal threshold has been lowered to -who even was he now!? Levi!?-, even as the others finally arrive to drag him back to the club, it blossoms.
Seeing them wearing something that was technically his. Its little tendril uncoiling and latching on to the back of his mind.
The second time it happens is on an especially magical kind of day.
It's midday, and the sky is just a bit lighter than usual. The glow of the plants and surrounding wildlife, however, eclipses this with its stunning brightness.
What makes it all the more magical a day is this. The brothers are getting along, opting to play a game that's a violent mix between human basketball, football and dodgeball rather than trying to seriously kill each other.
Mammon, performing what was probably his first miracle since Falling, had even managed to convince Asmo and Belphie that this was a good use of their time.
His - THE! the human had opted to sit this one out and minimise the risk of getting hit in the head by what was essentially a bowling ball that they had been tossing around at breakneck speeds.
He jumps away with a yelp, narrowly missing a particularly vicious throw by a cackling Asmo. Swearing when his glasses finally give up their battle and slide down his nose, subsequently clattering to the ground. Picking them up, he trots over to where they are sitting next to Lucifer, who had deemed the whole affair too immature for his tastes.
"Here ya go. Keep these safe for me."
They take the glasses easily, without a word of protest, and he jogs back, catching a pass by Satan and lugging it at Beel.
Little later, after successfully getting the ball through the branches of a tall tree and scoring a goal, Mammon turns around, hoping they'd noticed. Instead, he finds them talking to Lucifer, who has finally put down his book. His glasses are planted firmly on their nose.
Everything goes dark.
Levi had scored a headshot.
The third time he doesn't notice it until Asmo leans over and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
"Oh, Dear Big Brother, did you really think I wouldn't notice it. I'm a little surprised and a little more than a little disappointed," Asmo says with a playful pout, but his eyes are shrewd and calculating as they scan Mammon's face.
"What the fuck are ya talkin' 'bout!" he snaps pushing Asmo back into his seat.
Asmo tilts his head towards where the human is sitting next to the angels and sorcerer during RAD's lunch. "Your little mark of possession." Asmo's eyes are still hard, "Humans aren't just more of your little toys you can just pick up and claim, then toss aside because you got greedy," he says lightly, popping a little berry into his mouth. His sharp canines pierce the tart flesh of it, and he hums sweetly. "This humans of ours is a little more special, don't you think?"
Mammon's frown deepens, turning once more towards them he says, "I have no idea whatya-" he catches a glimpse of yellow around their neck.
His whole face is a flush of red as he jumps off his seat, legs catching on it, "Nothin' happened!" he shrieks at Asmo over his shoulder as he marches up to them. Deaf to the protests of the Chihuahua and blind to the knowing smiles of the other angel and Asmo's sorcerer, he grabs the human by the arm and jerks them off their seat, herding them towards the nearest bathroom.
"What are you wearing!" he hisses once the door slams shut behind them.
They stare down at themself. "...RAD's uniform?" They ask slowly.
"Not that! That!" Is his voice getting higher with each word? He couldn't say. He gestures frantically at the yellow fabric wrapped around their neck. His tie.
"Oh? This?" They grab onto the ends of their -his- tie. "I was late, and it was the first one I grabbed," they say with a shrug as Mammon reaches the edges of hyperventilation, "A lot of your things are just in my room. It was an easy mistake."
"EASY MIS-" deep breaths "Do you know what people will say!"
"...about me wearing a tie?"
"About you wearing my tie!"
"Mammon, you barely wear a tie. It shouldn't matter what colour mine is."
"No, you idiot! They'll think we're sleeping together!"
"So I don't want anyone to think The Great Mammon would go anywhere near a weak human."
The balled up tie hits his face with a smack, and the door slams shut behind them.
The camera flashes, and for those few seconds, he's a whole different person.
Someone cool, collected, aloof, charming.
Someone stoic with a soft heart that only love could thaw out.
The mysterious stranger the protagonist of the story would fall for.
Someone way too like Lucifer for his own comfort.
Then the flashing stops, and he walks off the set, and he's back to being Mammon. The goofy screw up of the family. The one who isn't even in the running to be the love interest.
They're watching him from the edge of the set.
He doesn't think they ever took their eyes off him.
They're wrapped up comfortably in his jacket.
They are beaming at him. Bright and proud.
They're Proud. Of him.
He thinks. Maybe. Just maybe.
This protagonist is falling for him.
In the year, that had felt more like an eternity, he had spent with them, Mammon slept most nights entwined with them under their sheets. A fact that would have probably raised a few eyebrows and caused more than a few lecherous thoughts if the others had known.
Mammon knew, and they knew, however, that the real reason behind it was a lot more innocent and a lot more, potentially embarrassing. To him at least, the idea that only the presence of a very specific human could soothe a very specific demon's nightmares and overactive brain enough, for said demon to catch even half a night's sleep was a little bit absurd.
And yet.
That is to say, with Mammon's slow move into his human's room a number of his personal items found their home within the walls of the room as well.
And when they eventually left, like they were always meant to and like he forgot they had to, and when he curled up alone on their bed, alone in a room that was bare but for his own possessions he knew he wouldn't be able to empty it. He knew he would never be able to take back what was rightfully his.
So, he thought defensively, it would make perfect sense for him to not notice that something had been missing.
But he did notice it now. A whole year later, when they fell ass first on to Satan.
He noticed it during dinner as his brothers threw away any last shreds of their pride and vied for their attention.
He noticed it in his room, when the burning, itching need for them got too much and he closed his eyes and pulled out all the recent -new- memories of them.
He noticed it when they ordered him to kiss them.
He noticed it when his fingers clung on to the soft, well-worn fabric of his black T-shirt as they pulled him closer.
He stared after their back, at his shirt, as they left. And they had ordered him, hadn't they? The effect of the potion should have been nullified, right?
Then why did he still feel like this.
He snuggles in further into the softness that enveloped him. For the first time in a long time, he felt warm and satiated. Had he slept through the night for once?
He moans and burrows deeper into the covers when he feels fingers brush through his fringe. When the fingers continued, seeming to have no plans of stopping anytime soon, he opens an eye to glare at the person next to him. The only reaction he gets in response is his human's dumb smile.
He reaches out a hand from his blanket cocoon to flick at their forehead all the while maintaining an equally dumb smile.
"What's with the look, Dummy."
"You've got the same look, Mammon."
They snuggle in closer, their entwined legs brushing over each other. Running their fingers over his knuckles, they lean forward to brush a light kiss over his lips.
His face flamed even as his smile grows wider.
"Ya know if you wanna go again-"
"You're wearing my hoodie."
They lean up on their elbow and use their other hand to tug at his collar. Their smile stretched into something that could only be described as shit eating.
"You're wearing my hoodie."
They move away just as he jolts upright, tugging at the offending article of clothing to get a better look and sure enough. It's the same over sized purple hoodie they'd been wearing backstage yesterday before the play had started. It slips off one of his bare shoulders, because it is over sized, it's over sized on them, it's over sized on him and it would probably be a comfortable fit on Beel, as he remembers last night.
After the play, and after the festival and after the dance and after...After.
He had climbed off the bed in a giddy daze and grabbed the hoodie from the floor. Because he was greedy and he wanted more, more, more. Even with them in his room, dozing in his bed, even with a whole night of them, even with their scent on his sheets, on his body, he still needed more of them. So he'd slipped the hoodie on and curled back into bed, surrounded by them.
And now.
And now he feels the telltale heat of embarrassment flood his cheeks.
"Was cold," he goes to say, "it was the first thing I could find! Nothin' else."
But before he can, they throw a bare leg over his waist and straddle him. Intertwining their fingers, they pin his hands down by his head, regarding him with a wicked smile.
Who the hell was the demon here anyway.
"Don't," they say with a roll of their hips that has him whining, "I like it." They lean down, their lips brushing his ear before they nip at it.
"You're not the only one who gets a little possessive."
[First Posted: 7th August 2020]
[Fic on AO3]
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aipilosse · 10 months
Why Pengolodh of all people is able to stoke such rage within me on his behalf is so bizarre. Like, he's a non-character, a name and some facts Tolkien came up with in his carousel of in-universe authors to keep the layers of narration he loved, but the way he is maligned in this fandom is tragic.
I've touched on before that treating the Silmarillion as if it were written and relayed by a single author is entirely incorrect so I won't go into that here, and honestly I'm sure I've said this all before BUT
The idea that Penny is for some reason *least* suited to write most of the events of the Silmarillion is PATENTLY ridiculous, and I would challenge anyone who says that to a duel, either intellectual or physical (even in my current weakened state... Tulkas is on my side I cannot fail). First of all, the one place where nobody else knows anything about what happened is GONDOLIN, so I think if anyone is going to be writing about most of the events of the Silm, they either need to be from Gondolin or need to live in Sirion with survivors.
Yeah, Sirion! The place where not only are there survivors of Gondolin, but there are survivors of Doriath and Nargothrond AND any remnants of the Beorians, Hadorian, and Haladin. Like, I can think of no other place where the Mannish legends would be able to be recounted, and put on the same level, as the Elvish ones.
"But the Feanorians," you squall. "He's so *unfair* to them, and how could he know ANYTHING about them? That's why we know sooo little about the Feanorians and why they are soooo unjustly maligned."
Ok, first of all, ya basic. Second of all, HE HAS ACCESS TO FEANORIAN SOURCES TOO.
There is Celebrimbor, and all the other former followers of Curufin and Celegorm that could of course tell Penny what was up in Himlad and afterwards while he was in Gondolin. Also, there were probably Feanorians who lived after turning on Maedhros and Maglor during the sack of the Havens who could fill in what happened after The Luthien Incident. So, actually, Pengolodh had multiple sources to literally all of the essential events of the Silmarillion.
OH YEAH THE SACK OF THE HAVENS. Despite living through what is described as the worst atrocity of elf v elf, despite having people we KNOW were friends with him KILLED during that fight, despite having his home destroyed by fellow Noldor, he *really* gives Maglor and Maedhros every excuse. "they felt bad, they're so tired, love grew between them and their victims" etc etc. The Silm is sympathetic to the Feanorians and you can't convince me otherwise (you're not some crazy rebel because you like them!) (They are also Doomed by the narrative, but attributing that to an in-universe author requires getting into the territory of events that occurred not actually occurring and... what's the point if you're going to say that the things that the book is about didn't happen? why are you even here?)
I see people say that the bias is against the 3 Cs, Caranthir especially, which is an ABSURD statement to make in conjunction with the 'Pengolodh, sole conveyer of the Silm' theory. Like, Pengolodh most likely never met any of the 3 Cs or if he did he was very young -- why would he dislike them more than the brothers that massacred his friends? I think the theory here is that he's just such a huge Turgon fan and just absorbed Turgon's opinions on the 3 Cs, which is just conjecture on top of conjecture with no solid footing.
I think there is more credence to him being biased against Maeglin on account of the Fall of Gondolin. But, I ask you, is it really *bias* when the guy is partially responsible for the sack of the city you spent most of your life in and likely the deaths of most of your friends and relatives? And Maeglin too in the published Silm is not without his good qualities! If you hate someone, it can be very hard to admit they're handsome and smart, but Penny does not have that issue.
Anyway, justice for Pengolodh. You didn't write the whole thing, Penny, but what you did write was I'm sure fucking fantastic.
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obae-me · 1 year
i have a suggestion!
obey me brothers reacting to "would you still love me if I was worm?"
The age old question. I'd be glad to do some little headcanons for you! These should be cute!
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What kind of question is that?...
He's going to take it way too literally. He can't help it, he's an overthinker. "Why would you be a worm? Is it due to a curse? Then I would simply break the curse for you."
He can't quite seem to wrap his head around the scenario. Because...you are simply not a worm. Yes, he loves you, and if you were unfortunately turned into such a little creature, he would do anything in his power to turn you back.
If somehow, in some other timeline, you were once and always a worm, why would he fall in love with you then? How does one go about loving a worm?
Please help him, he's so confused.
Eventually, even if he doesn't quite get it, he'll go the gentlemanly route. "No matter what form you happen to take, I will always love you."
Eh? Why are you asking him such gushy things? But...yeah...obviously.
"I could fit ya around in my pocket then! Do you think worms would be good at stealing stuff? Eh, probably not, you'd be smaller than a Grimm. And I would hate to see ya get smushed."
He doesn't overthink it, which this time around is the right answer. Good boy, Mammon!
Of course, as much as he would continue to love you as a worm, boy, does he sure love you just as you are now.
"Just don't go plannin' on getting turned into a worm anytime soon, please. I'd have to bail ya out, and that can be costly. I'd never let you leave my side again."
Aha! He knows this one! He's been on the internet, he knows what this question is all about!
So, of course, he can say with mild confidence, that he would! "Always! No matter what shape you take, I'll always l-l-lo-love you!" Perfect! Said just like a cheesy anime line. "Just...stay away from Henry 2.0 if you become a worm, okay?"
Maybe he could keep you on his desk, so you could watch him play games and share shows together...wait...do worms even have eyes?
They don't?! Then that would be sad...but he won't go back on his answer!
But seriously, his heart probably couldn't take it if you were a worm forever. Satan might be more of a fan of those sad-ending stories, but he's not!
What a curious question...
If you were a cat, he'd obviously still love you. "Out of all the world's creatures, why a worm? Is there something about them I don't know about? No? Why don't you turn into a little kitty instead?"
He doesn't fully get the question. You'll have to explain to him that it's not about turning into a worm, but if you would still be taken care of!
Well, if that's all it's about, of course he would still care for you. Just don't eat his books please if you happen to become a bookworm.
"If you're oh-so-curious, I could probably find a spell to turn you into a worm right now."
He's just joking, but he did enjoy the look of mild panic on your face.
Of course he would!
Surprisingly enough, he answered that easily, and maybe not quite the answer you expected. "I could keep you in the garden! Oh, or maybe not, what if you got eaten?! Oh, I know! I'd get a little plant for my room and keep you there!"
He simply knows he would find you adorable no matter what!
He doesn't really know what a worm needs, but he would be willing to learn.
He'd get a special fancy plant mister and make sure even as a worm that you'd be moisturized and hydrated! Maybe he'd even make a special Devilgram for you!
"Aw, but then I wouldn't be able to kiss your cute face! Try not to become a worm if you could help it, m'kay?"
A worm?
He'd be sad if that happened and you couldn't return to normal... "Do worms eat a lot? They do? So you wouldn't go hungry? Good. Could I feed you leftovers?"
Of course he would love you no matter what you were. And he promises that he wouldn't eat you.
Don't ask why he would potentially eat a worm in the first place.
Just thinking about it all makes him seem to love you more while you remain not a worm.
He's got to make sure he can hug you and eat plenty of meals with you while you're still human.
You're such a weirdo...but sure, why not?
That's what you want to hear, right? "I bet it would be peaceful under all that dirt. Like a huge blanket. Oh...but then I wouldn't be able to sleep with you anymore. Then no, I take it back, I wouldn't love you if you were a worm."
He acts like he falls asleep right after his answer, but really, he's thinking about it further.
Worms are pretty low maintenance, right? He'd just have to make sure no one ate you or crushed you...maybe too much work then.
"If you were a worm, maybe I'd just find a way to be a worm too. Then I wouldn't have Lucifer bother me so much. Then we could just be lazy worms together."
A surprisingly sweet outcome.
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groupiewhoreee · 1 year
Can you write if it’s possible Guns N’ Roses headcons ? <33
hii! yes, i can. i was thinking of writing headcanons for them, and writing headcanons for characters are quicker to write other than fics! thnx for ur req <3
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Guns N' Roses Head-canons (NSFW ADDITION!)
Warnings: Smut, y'know the kinky stuff. (Minors DNI! 18+ people only. I cant force ya, but it's highly recommended you leave.)
Y'know, Axl is willing to do it anywhere at this point. Anytime, too. But, depends on how he's feeling at the moment. He can do it backstage, dressing room(s), restaurants, in the studio, practically anywhere if you two get the chance. You guys tried doing it in a family restroom. Duff accidentally walked in on you both at one time.
He's pretty rough during sex I would say. He degrades you, calls you names, (Dumb, Slut, Whore, etc) But he can be assuring and sweet at times only if he's in a good mood. If he isn't, he's choking you and smacking ur ass making red hand prints.
He cums anywhere between ur ass, tits, and stomach. Unless you want to get pregnant, its in you. Which is what happens rarely. He's somewhat iffy about having kids with you, although he tries being sweet about it. He loves you n all, but having mini Axl's will be a bit weird.
Axl doesn't haven't many kinks, but we all saw the 'Its So Easy' music video. He likes BDSM, And that's basically it. He's willingly able to try any kink you'd want. Shit and Piss crosses the line with him though.
I think Axl is willing to share you with one of his bandmates, he would share you with Slash most likely or Duff.
Seeing you in red lingerie is what gets him going usually, but if ur talking or looking at other dudes other than him and his bandmates then he'll probably pull u aside and y'know…
Y'know, Sex with Slash is very like chill. You and him have very soft, sensual sex unless he's in a bad mood. When hes in a bad mood he goes wilddd. Tugging ur hair, choking you. All that dirty shit.
Breeding kink. Nuff said.
if, you don't want him inside of you, and you want it somewhere else, then its on ur ass or stomach most likely, or in ur mouth/face. He likes seeing his cum anywhere on you.
Doggy style usually or however you two end up. He doesn't mind trying new positions if ur getting bored. He's chill and open with trying new things!
He also would share you with someone like his band mates. I think he'd share you with Axl most likely. If not, Duff.
Slash is like - chill after sex. He usually apologizes a ton, and then has a smoke. He will occasionally cuddle with you.
Duff during sex, he can occasionally be rough and demanding with you, but usually he is sweet and caring for you during sex, but it's mostly the first one unless thats not what ur feeling.
Duff is very hesitant on trying new things with you sorta. He sometimes doesn't really wanna try anything and at other times its, 'Yeah, lets try that!' No in-between.
He is somewhat like Slash and Axl combined. Its chill at times, like he gets a boner and thats the go to, and other times he's like an animal like Axl. His mood has a big part in everything.
He either gets up really early and stays up super late, or Gets up super late and goes to bed early. Morning sex tends to occur occasionally and before concerts and everything. If he's on tour, phone sex bound to happen. Or he just looks thru the picture book he has of you.
He has a habit of choking you during sex to where it almost cuts ur airway off. And of course, you like it. (If you don't then he won't choke you like that, obviously.) He just can't help it.
I think Duff can be that type of dude to just casually be smoking during sex like its nothing.
Y'know, I think Izzy is very laid back after and somewhat during sex. He always gets a smoke before and after. He will usually help you clean up, but he will also cuddle afterwards with you. He spoons you, practically burying you. Or he just quickly passes out afterwards and snores like there's no tomorrow. But its either, if you want to cuddle just ask him, I'm sure he'll agree to it unless something is going on or he isn't in the mood at the moment.
He is a legend, practically a god at dirty talking to you, omg. He just lets off when he starts dirty talking to you its just crazy. And he sometimes whispers sweet nothingness into ur ear and publicly flirts with you just to get you turned on the slightest by it, so when you two get home, your all ready for him.
Izzy isn't as serious during sex. He like— can crack a few smiles, and he'll laugh and joke with you at times if you fall off the bed, make weird sounds, and all that junk. But he can get really into the mood depending on his own mood. Like, he gets really into it.
He remains eye contact during sex all the time, he looks at you while ur mascara runs down ur cheeks, while you roll ur eyes back and throw ur head backwards in such pleasure that he's allowing you to experience. He love seeing ur face during sex. It reminds him of how well he treats you in a way.
He likes when you wear black, or white lingerie. It just makes him legit go nuts. Seeing the black bow peek from ur white button down gets him turned on. Seeing the white straps when he sees you.. omg.
He won't go far with whips and everything, he only uses his hand to spank you. He isn't interested in heavy bdsm like Axl, but he will pull ur hair, spit on you, call you names and everything, but he won't go far with gags, and all that. Just no.
Steven Is so sweet, I cannot. During sex he is so assuring and caring. He makes sure everything is okay for you and that what he is doing is alright with you. He kisses ur cheeks and lets you know that it's fine. He's very sensual too during. He holds ur hands, place lightly pink colored love marks on ur neck. But other times he's pulling ur hair, teasing you, and degrading you only the slightest.
He is cuddly after sex. He helps you of course, but other times he quickly passes out like theres no tomorrow. He loves you and wants to make sure ur okay afterwards. He is very helpful and caring, thats for sure.
Although, Steven can get a bit rough. He can start degrading you, pulling ur hair and tugging it. He'll start teasing you and messing with you. But he can get a bit submissive. He'll let you top him definitely. He'll call you mommy, and he loves when u call him good boy. He loves when u edge him.
He has a breeding kink like Slash. Nuff said there. No need to elaborate.
Steven loves public sex. He adores car sex and how people can see the car windows fog up and see you two fucking. He likes to let people know and see how he treats you most likely.
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