#but it HURTS because they/them and it/its are literally my pronouns because i speak this language!!!!!!!!!
cepheusgalaxy · 3 months
Nex Benedict was murdered in a stupid bathroom because of a stupid fucking bill and Palestine and Sudan and I don't know how many more places are under tons of shit and now the fucking KOSA and Im frraking out
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spicerackofblorbos · 4 months
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Chapter 1: November
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☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x fem!mute!Reader (she/her pronouns), set in a modern semi-fictional world
☾ Summary ➼ Due to childhood trauma, you find yourself an adult without the ability to speak. After years of working on it, you have found ways to live without a voice. Now here in your late 20s, you are 5 months in getting used to a new town. On a fateful day in late November, you and your adopted sister visit a local bookstore-café, unaware of the friendships about to blossom. Throughout the months, one friendship in particular develops into something more.
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, oblivious feelings, angst, mention of minor character deaths, trauma, illness, adoption, mentions of fire, disabilities, alcohol use, very light nsfw mentions, eventual smut (these update with every chapter)
☾ Author's note ➼ Hey guys! This is my first time writing fanfiction in a loooooong time, like the last time I wrote was probably in 2011. So with that said please be kind with any feedback or comments. I hope you enjoy! (also I made Hange's pronouns she/her/them/they)
Edit (11/27/2023): Hey guys, welcome to my little world of Unspoken Words. I have quite literally used this story as a way to better myself as a writer. As you read on, you may find that I've progressed (ofc I have a long way to go) but because of that, my first few chapters might be rough. With your patience, you may find a liking to this story as I know I've loved writing every word of it.
☾ word count ➼ ~7.1k
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20-something years ago 
You’re not sure how, but you find yourself sitting in the back of a big, white van. Red and blue lights danced in your eyes, and it felt like a thousand people surrounded you. Something plastic is placed on your face then you are instructed to breathe in deeply. You thought it was funny to be told to breathe, like you don’t just do it naturally, but you follow instructions regardless. It’s hard though, every part of your body hurts, chest included. Every breath you take feels like your insides are on fire.  
‘Fire’, you think.  
Everything is on fire.
Present Day
Levi stood blank faced as he meticulously cleaned the blender station for what felt like the 100th time today. The late afternoon rush had just tapered down so he took advantage of the next to empty café to clean as much as he could before closing for the evening.  
“It’s 20 degrees outside, how are people still wanting frozen drinks.” he murmurs to himself, placing the blender back in its spot. Levi turns to the front counter and slings the towel he was using to dry things onto his shoulder.  
His best friend, roommate, and business partner could be seen restocking some books on tall shelves, a gentle smile lighting up his boyish features. It’s been about a year and a half since they started this business venture together and they had no idea at the time how successful their bookstore-café combo would be in this small town.  
Erwin’s thirst for knowledge kept their shelves as variable as ever while Levi’s love for perfecting the art of tea kept the drinks flowing. The problem, however, was Levi’s lack of people skills. He was seldom seen at the register, nor would you ever see him smile or talk to the customers. He often would leave you with a grunt and a swift turn after handing off the drinks.  
No, for that, they had hired a couple of local highschoolers to do the facing work.  
“Mr. Smith, Levi?” a soft voice rang out to the left of him. Levi shifted his attention to a taller girl with shoulder length raven hair standing next to him. Being as Mikasa is his cousin, they found early on how weird it was to be called ‘Mr. Ackerman’ as they shared the same surname. It was this connection too that got them to where they are today.  
“Would it be okay if Eren and I take off a little early tonight? We have some big tests coming up and we’d like to take some extra time to study.” Mikasa shifted her dark eyes to the darkening windows as the sun set just over the horizon. Pinks and oranges flooded the partially clouded skies.  
”Tch.” Levi could not help but roll his eyes. He raised a brow at her and leaned back against the counter behind him for support. “Sure, I guess,” he continues. “But do you really need it or is it for that blockhead?”  
As if summoned by his words, Eren comes up from behind Mikasa and wraps a red scarf around his girlfriend’s neck, both of their jackets hanging off one of his arms. Eren is a good kid, always on time and followed directions, but the amount of sass he held in his body was something else. Levi and Erwin did not mind though, as he added a certain energy in the café that the customers seemed to enjoy. The two men wouldn’t say it out loud, but they really appreciated having them both on the team.  
“Hey, I heard that. And yes, I need to study desperately. Econ is so hard and for what?!” Eren’s teal eyes widened for emphasis. To add to it he even put on a fake pout.  
“Just take the trash with you on the way out and you’re good to go.” Erwin piped up from behind a bookshelf.  
Mikasa nodded in acknowledgement towards the voice, a silent thank you. Like Levi, she was not one for many words. He once thought it was an Ackerman thing but then he thought back to his annoying uncle and changed his mind quickly.  
With that, she and Eren both untangled the aprons from their bodies, grabbed their belongings, and picked up the trash bags that were already taken out of the cans. They opted to leave through the back since the dumpsters were located that way. Again, Levi wouldn’t say it to anyone out loud, but he really did like those kids.  
Erwin could be heard stacking more books into the shelves which left Levi to polish the counters again. It was the last hour before they closed so it stayed quiet for the most part, only interrupted by the sounds of scuffling shoes and books being placed on hard surfaces. Light jazz filled the rest of the silence. Then the bell signifying new customers rang from the front.  
“Levi, can you grab that?”  
The raven-haired man just huffed in response then stepped over to the register. His eyes fell on two figures right in front of him. A frazzled brunette and... you.  
Due to the season, you are bundled up in a thick parka and knitted beanie. A big scarf wraps around your neck and face so that all Levi could see is your flushed cheeks and thick lashed eyes. Truthfully, you reminded him of a marshmallow.  
“What’ll it be?” he asks, deadpan. The brunette is the one to respond, the voice loud enough to make him wince.  
“Hmmm... well one English breakfast tea latte with lots of room for sugar aaaaand I’ll take a peppermint hot chocolate. Oh, and extra whip! We’ll drink it here.” She fished out a card with a dramatic thwip and handed it to Levi’s outstretched hand.  Their café is one of those where if you were to stay, they offered washable cup ware as to keep the prices down on disposable cups. Not to mention the lessened ‘environmental impact’ as Erwin would say.  
Levi glances at you before turning to make both orders. You give a small wave and smile a little, but he was already working quickly on the drinks. 
He went into autopilot as he steeped the tea and steamed the milk. He really appreciated customers that ordered anything outside of coffee, especially when it came to tea. It’s not that he hated coffee, though it’s not like he liked it either, but it just wasn’t his thing. Coffee offered a different kind of bitterness that he wasn’t very fond of. With extra whipped cream in one and extra space in the other, he whirled around to place the drinks on the counter.  
The one with glasses is the one that picks them up and they promptly walk in the direction of where you currently sit, one of the tables in the back corner by the window. You were stripped of your big parka and scarf, though the beanie stayed. Your eyes were wandering around the café in wonder, and Levi was pretty sure this had to be your first time here. But truthfully, he wouldn’t know, he didn’t make it his business to know his customers. That was Erwin’s and the kids’ job. 
“The shelves are full and I’m exhausted.” Erwin came around the counter with a couple of empty boxes in his arms, heading straight for the back to the dumpster. Levi stepped back and leaned against the counter once again, his own black tea that had steeped while making yours cradled in his fingertips. He kept looking at his only customers while he sipped the black liquid. The teacup almost slipped out of his grip as he saw you dumping a large amount of sugar into your cup.  
 There you sit, extremely focused on the cup in front of you and lips pressed together tightly, almost as if you were afraid you’d put in too much. The sight would have been funny if you hadn’t just ruined your entire tea, he thinks to himself. You smile to yourself in satisfaction and put the sugar jar back where it came from. While you stir the sweetener in gently, the brunette in front of you talks animatedly. Hands were flying everywhere, and Levi could practically feel the energy radiating from the corner of the room.  You were doing the same, silently laughing. 
Suddenly the front door flew open, the bell ringing loudly with it. Levi grits his teeth, steeling himself for yet another customer interaction. But his shoulders dropped in relief at the sight of only Carly, Erwin’s girlfriend. She saunters up to the counter with a big smile aimed towards Levi and without even asking she slid behind the bar. Erwin had already made it from the back and was in the process of putting away the leftover ingredients from the day. Carly wraps her arms around her boyfriend and plants a big kiss on his face, to which Levi quickly looks away. It wasn’t weird for her to come in right as they were about to close.  
What was weird, he thought, was the shock that flooded your face as you eyed the very public display of affection. Levi knit his brows in confusion as the brunette pivoted in her seat to see what you were staring at. Their face fell, any evidence of a good time completely erased.  
The person in question whipped around so fast at the voice and the panic that exuded from her was palpable. She quickly unwrapped herself from Erwin’s embrace.  
If it wasn’t for the jazz in the background, the lengthy silence that followed would have been deathly.  
Carly clears her throat and laughs awkwardly.  
“Uh, why are you here?”  
The person named Hange just lifts their hot chocolate cup awkwardly, not really saying anything. Their eyes shift between Carly and Erwin, clearly understanding what had happened.  
“I-I’m sorry, you guys know each other?” Erwin sounds cautious, like he already knew the answer. Of course, he would, he isn’t dumb. His piercing blue eyes survey the situation, going back and forth between the two.  
“Well, uh. I-” Carly stutters, clearly at a loss of what to say in the predicament she found herself in.  
“She’s my girlfriend.” Hange claims calmly.  
This admission makes Erwin sigh heavily, confirming what he had pieced together. Levi stared at him in bewilderment as the man just chuckled quietly.  
“Well. I suppose that’s it then.” And with that he turns on his heel and stalks off to the back room. 
“Wait, Erwin I can explain!” She follows right on his heels and disappears into the back room as well. A minute later you can hear hysterical crying and calm retorts reverberating from the back. If Levi could shrink into the cabinets to get out of this situation, he would. Instead, he focuses on the other party who were having a very quiet and rushed discussion. Well, a one-sided discussion, as he only heard one voice.  
Levi, realizing it was almost time to close anyways, rushes to close the distance between him and the front door. He really did not want to have to deal with other customers while the drama unfurled. So, he flips the door sign to ‘Closed’ and unplugs the ‘Open’ neon sign hanging in the window. A couple walks by about to open the door, probably out for a café date from the looks of it. But they were only met with a dead stare from the sharpest eyes they’d ever seen. With that, they briskly turned around and left down the sidewalk.  
Levi spins around and from here he gets a better look at the two trapped customers. You were moving your hands all over the place like you were earlier. But with an even closer look he realizes you weren’t just talking animatedly with your hands; you were talking with them. You were signing. 
You reacted to your partner’s conversation just fine, so it was clear you had some sort of hearing. Your scarf now hung loose around your shoulders, and it looked like you had tears brimming in your eyes. Levi swiftly walks back to the counter; this is obviously not a conversation he needed to be a part of.
“Hey, don’t worry about me. It’s only been a couple of months. Really, it’s better to find out now than 3 years from now.” They laughed without humor. You know when Hange was saving face for your sake, she was never as sly as she thought she was.  
‘You don’t need to be strong right now.’ You sign then reach your hand out to touch her cheek softly. Physical touch had become your second language early on, if only to emphasize. Fortunately, Hange was okay with that and often embraced it with open arms.  
“I know, my little strawberry. I just need some time to process everything.” They pat you on the head lightly with a small grin. You swat their hands, blushing at the nickname you were so graciously given so many years ago.  But you nod back, knowing they would not change their mind.  
The tall blonde glides through the back door, alone. His face was grim as he tugged loose the tie around his neck.  
“Hange, was it?” He started walking towards you and your very startled sister.  
“U-uh yeah. That’s my name! Listen I had no idea, I’m so sorry. I would have said something obviously but-”, they take a deep breath. “I’m sorry. What’s your name again?”  
“Erwin Smith. There is nothing to apologize for as I can only assume there’s only one blame to be given. I hate that we must meet under such a circumstance, but it is truly nice to meet you.” He raises a hand waiting for a handshake.  
Hange takes it after a second of processing, shaking the hand vigorously with both hands.  
“Well, unfortunately it is what it is. I’m sure Carly and I will be speaking soon. I’m assuming she’s not just hiding back there.” They flick their gaze to the back door he had just come through.  
“Ah well, yes. Long gone... how long were you two...?”  
“Only like, 3 months or so. You?” 
He flinched at that and murmured, “3 Years.” 
Thinking back to her comment not 10 minutes ago, Hange bit their cheek.  
“Oh man I’m so sorry.”  
“No, please. It’s alright. None of this is yours or my fault. We couldn’t have known, but now we do.” Erwin chuckled to himself. You wonder if he’s trying to save face the way your sister did. His gaze now shifts to you. He is a very handsome man. To your extreme surprise, he starts signing to you. 
‘I'm sorry, who might you be? I noticed you signing earlier. I know a little from the books I have read.’ His crystal blue eyes sparkle at you as he signs. You can’t help but break out into a huge grin. You sign your name back and compliment him on his raw signing form.  
‘I am of hearing, though. So please feel free to talk, and I will sign back.’ You clarify to Erwin, the smile not falling from your face.  
“That sounds like a plan. Levi, stop hiding behind the counter and come say hi.” Erwin calls out, not bothering to look over his shoulder. You hear a grunt in response and not 10 seconds later, the barista stands cross armed next Erwin. He nods a hello to each of you.  
You knew he was shorter than you, at least a couple inches, based off the interaction at the counter earlier. But seeing him side by side with his friend was almost comical. But as short stature as he was, it did not keep him from holding himself with such authority. It made you nervous.  
‘Thank you for the tea, it was very good.’ You sign, your sister translating in real time for you.  
“Tch, are you sure? I saw you dump enough sugar in it to make it syrup.” Levi retorts dryly.  
That makes you smile sheepishly. His fixated stare unnerved you a little, but you stare back regardless. Now that he was closer, a glass case no longer between the both of you, your eyes traveled along his face in close inspection. 
He’s beautiful, you think to yourself. His features are sharp and angled. Steely gray eyes pronounced a permanent exhausted look. It was a shade of gray you’ve never seen before, and they were mesmerizing. As if he could feel you staring holes in his face, he flicks his eyes to the side, clearly uncomfortable. But you can’t help it, because really the most intriguing thing about him was not his metallic eyes. It was the scars that marred his porcelain skin.  
A couple of scars ran down the right side of his face. The prominent of the two trailed from the top right of his forehead all the way down to his chin, cutting into his right eye and both lips. You’re pretty sure his eye was quite damaged due to the slight muted discoloration of the eye color.  
He’s beautiful, you repeat to yourself. You glance over to Hange, and they just look over at you with a knowing look. You know she was just begging to ask Levi too, but she just shakes her head. So, you fold your hands together and pinch your lips together.  
“Well!” Hange yells out, breaking the silence. “This human really needs a drink. Let’s all go! Erwin, I demand you let me treat you to a couple drinks!” She wraps an arm around your shoulders and laughs.  
“A drink sounds fantastic; I will gladly take you up on that offer. Let me just close up rea-” He’s cut off by Levi raising both of his hands up in protest. You notice the two missing fingers on his right hand. The pointer and middle were gone. Whatever this man went through, you just had to know. But you toss those questions onto an ever-growing pile and bite your cheek.  
“Erwin, I can close up. You go ahead.” Your sister just smiles widely and practically jumped up and down. The blonde man just clapped his hand Levi’s shoulder and smiled at him.  
“Thank you. You’ll join us after? The usual place?” Levi just shrugs his shoulders in response.  
Part of you hoped he would. You couldn’t place a singular reason why though.  
Fifteen minutes later, the three of you found yourselves in a well-lit and very crowded bar. Somehow Erwin had snagged a table near the back wall. Heavy rock blares loudly from a live band maybe 20 feet away. Overwhelming was an understatement, but you grit your teeth and sit down on one of the stools.  
“Whatcha want, my darlings?!” Hange yells over the music, slapping both hands down on the table and staring at the both of you.  
“Whiskey neat, whatever they offer is fine.”  
You sign the words ‘apple’ and ‘juice’ followed by a ‘thank you’. You’ve never been one for a drink. While it was tolerable to be around, you’d rather not have to taste it if you could help it.  
Looking around, you see all manners of people surrounding you. Something about it makes your stomach turn but you shift in your seat to quell it down. You’re sure it’s only so crowded because of the prospect of a Friday night and the promise of no plans the following day. The town of Jinae was not anything special, but it was quaint. You and your sister found out quickly it was a place where everyone knew mostly everyone. After only settling down here from your hometown 5 months ago, you were still learning of all the local spots.  
From the looks of it, this bar was one of those. “The Scouts” was an inviting place, decorated with dark greens and wood tones. The walls were littered with many frames of a lot of different people. You imagine it might have been local residents in various locations of the town. All of the wood was worn down, so it was clear this place has been in business for a while. A neon sign hangs above the stage where the live band played, something that resembled blue and white wings. It makes you wonder what the significance is.  
Your thoughts are disturbed as a glass is placed in front of you. Realizing the dryness in your throat, you pick up the glass and take a big swig of the amber liquid. You’re met with a burning sensation, and you gag. This alerts Hange of the unfortunate mistake.  
“Ah I’m sorry my little strawberry!! They do look quite similar though, don’t they?” They switch the glasses quickly and laugh. You notice the very noticeable cup size differences between the two and you stare at her quizzically. “I may have taken a shot while at the bar, sorry.” she adds on. It makes you shake your head, but you grab her hand reassuringly and chuckle.  
‘I’m sorry.’ You sign at Erwin, and he just smiles back.  
“Not a problem. But I have to ask, how was it?” A bushy eyebrow raises at you in amusement.  
You just stick your tongue out and make a gagging gesture at him. You laugh though, not really upset.  
Two apple juices in, the live band ends. Hange and Erwin are very deep in conversation, which you suspect might be about Carly. You can’t really hear what’s being said though. With the absence of music, chatter quickly fills the air. Honestly it was really starting to get to you. So, after tapping on the pair’s shoulders and signing where you were going, you find yourself leaning over the guard rail just outside the bar’s door.  
The sun was already far gone. A crescent moon sits high in the sky and a smatter of stars surrounds it. The cold air felt very welcome on your very flushed face. You exhale a big sigh, which garners a puff of steam. It makes you laugh so you do it again. Then you start to wonder how long you might be able to last out here before getting frostbite when suddenly a body starts leaning against the rail next to you.  
With a start, you whip your head to face the newcomer. Instantly you relax at the sight of Erwin’s friend. He was adorned in a big peacoat and his casual slacks. A tan turtleneck sweater peaks out from the jacket’s collar. His face was flushed as well, no doubt from the cold.  
He wasn’t paying you any mind though, instead his gaze laid upon the sky above, at the stars. You wave at him anyways and offer a small smile. He glances at you with a side eye and returns a curt nod.  
Not one for words. 
So, you both stand there in silence, staring up at the twinkling lights above. It wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest. Something about his presence radiated a sort of calm, and you were happy to bask in it.  
After a few minutes, he shifts his weight in your direction, so you face him. He’s staring up at you and it makes you swallow hard. His eyes glowed silver from the moonlight. Truly you have never been this fascinated with a person until now.  
“You like the stars.” It wasn’t a question, more like a statement.  
You nod in agreement, smiling to emphasize your love for them. He purses his lips at that. It seemed as if he wanted to say something else to that, but nothing came out. It just makes you frown a bit. You just have more questions that keep piling up. Everything about him just emanated mystery and it made you want to know all about him.  
‘Are you okay?’ You sign to him, exaggerating your frown to show your concern. You’re only met with a look of confusion. You forget that he does not know much if any sign. And you kick yourself for leaving your communication tools at home. To be fair though, this is not where you expected to be tonight.  
You then get an idea to use your phone to type to him but before you even reach into your pocket, you’re interrupted by a sudden blast of warm air as a couple stumbles out of the bar, both in a giggling fit as they cling to each other. They take off down the road, laughing even harder. The brief warm air makes you shiver, reminding you of the cold outside.  
As if thinking the same thing, Levi catches the door before it closes and holds it open for the both of you. You’re suddenly well aware of the very loud singing happening from within and your eyes widen at the familiarity of one of the voices. You and Levi make your way to the voices and are greeted with the sight of Erwin and Hange duetting a Backstreet Boys song.  
What a sight it was. The tall brunette, face flushed and glasses askew, had their arm around Erwin. He his blonde hair was quite tousled, and he looked like he was having the time of his life. They both swayed together as they belted out the lyrics. As if their smiles were contagious, you felt yourself grin. It was kind of cute. So, you pull out your phone and snap a quick picture, sure to show Hange in the morning. It was a good thing too, because the song ends right as you put your phone away in your bag. Levi clicks his tongue and huffs. You glance over at the noise and notice a small upturn to the corner of his scarred mouth. Noticing your gaze, his face vacates itself from any emotion as he stares back ahead.  
“Oi! Eyebrows!” He calls out to his friend. Levi starts making his way to the stage, walking with a slight limp. Yet another question to add onto the pile. “I’m gone for 45 minutes and you’re already singing.”  
“I’m fine! Just a couple drinks in.”  
You all make your way to the table you had laid claim to earlier. You survey the table and count at least 6 more glasses, not counting your two. It was hard to see who drank what.  
‘Are you okay?’ You sign to your sister, concern etched on your face. They just nod lazily and give a thumbs up with both hands. Levi is regarding you with a look of understanding, and it seems he realized that you had asked him outside.  Music starts playing over the speakers again, and people start making their way to the dance floor. Hange squeals and downs the rest of her drink quickly.  
“Erwin let’s go!” She grabs his arm, not waiting for a response. He gives a mock salute to the two of you and follows without question. Levi just clicks his tongue again and heads to the bar to get himself something. So, you plop yourself down on the stool and stare out into the room. Out of nervous habit you start fidgeting with the napkins in front of you. A moment later, Levi’s hobbling over with a tray of drinks. 
“I got the idiots some water, they look like they need it.” He places the glasses down with a thud, including one of his own housing some sort of caramel liquid. Then he’s sliding something over to you and you’re about to protest that you don’t drink but you realize it’s not a glass. It’s a notepad and pen.  
“If you need something, this might come in handy.” is all he says.  
You’re quick to show your appreciation with a bright smile. You also note to yourself that you could have very well have used your phone to communicate but you were not one to disregard someone’s thoughtfulness. It makes something bloom in your chest, warm and comforting.  
Your many years of not having a phone of course meant writing – a lot. Your handwriting evolved plenty with time so that meant it was extremely neat. It had to have been so that the reader would be able to read it without an issue. 
First you write your name, as you realize no one had really said it out loud while at the teashop. Following that you add ‘I think your shop is wonderful, and I really did enjoy the tea you made.’ You also want to jot down the questions from earlier that were still swimming in your mind, but you hold yourself back. You tell yourself maybe later, granted if there would even be a later.   
When angling the paper so he could see it, his eyes flit across the words quickly and you’re given a grunt in acknowledgement. Pulling back the notepad, you bite the inside of your cheek. While it wasn’t awkward being next to him, he sure made it hard to talk to. His cold demeanor gave you the feeling he wasn’t the type to talk about himself, especially with someone he just met. So, asking questions about him or his life was out the window. Likewise, he did not really seem interested in hearing your life story, not like you were planning to spill it anyways for fear of being met with disdain. You had plenty of experiences with that growing up.  
Tapping the pen against your chin, your eyes drift around the bar room. There a multitude of people lingering about, shouting over each other to be heard. A couple sits in a corner, whispering who knows what to each other. Both of their cheeks are flushed and eyes heavy with lust. A handful of people are on the dance floor grinding away, your sister and new friend sticking out like a sore thumb as they dance with reckless abandon. All of this gave you an idea, remembering something you’ve read before many moons ago. You start scrawling on the paper again.  
‘Are you a gambling man, Levi?’ 
You shift the pad back over to him and he glances down again after taking another sip of his spirit. He was holding his glass in a way you’d never seen before and honestly it was a little weird.  
“Tch, hardly. Why do you ask?” He looks hard at you as you scratch something else down.  
‘I propose a game to pass the time. Let’s make some bets about the random people in this room.’ 
He looks at you incredulously. You stand your ground, not averting your gaze even a little. When you don’t back down, he just scoffs and shakes his head at you.  
“I literally could not care less about these people,” he clicks his tongue. “But I suppose there’s not much else to do so I’ll bite.” Knocking back the rest of his drink, he moves around you to lean back against the wall so that he is facing the rest of the crowd. You shift so that you are doing the same. You don’t overlook the proximity to the shorter man, nor the fact that your arms are almost touching. You start to scribble once more.  
‘Winner gets to ask the loser one question.’ As his eyes fall on your words, he seems a little taken aback. Levi seems to think for a moment, like he’s weighing his pros and cons.  
“One non-personal question.” He amends. You both nod in agreement. So, your eyes travel around the room, looking for your first target. It falls on a group not so far away.  
‘I bet that gaggle of young girls over there are here for a bridal party.’
You point in the direction of the said group. Currently they were taking tequila shots, lime and all. All of them sparkled and were dressed up to the nines, save for the silly little hats adorning their heads. And they were having so much fun.  
“No way,” Levi scoffs, “That has to be a 21st birthday. They all look like babies.”  
Suddenly someone comes through a parting in the crowd with a tray of assorted colorful drinks garnished with cute little accessories. They all yell in excitement at the sight. One of the girls raises her glass and starts shouting.  
“To Estelle! May your married life be full of infinite love, happiness, and orgasms!” They all cheer and take big gulps of their drinks, followed by more giggling.  
Levi glances art you, his gray eyes dull in the dim bar light. An eyebrow lifts at you as well.  
“How did you know?” 
You do a sweeping gesture starting from one shoulder down to the opposite hip. He looks back over to the women and conveniently the soon-to-be-bride had faced your direction. She was indeed wearing a white sash sporting the word ‘BRIDE’ in bright pink letters. He huffs as he rolls his eyes, and you smirk at him in return. You press the pad over to him, already equipped with your question.  
Levi scoffs at your question. As promised, it wasn’t very personal. You figured ice breaker like questions were a good start. But his pause made you question if this was a good idea, you didn’t want to run him off or make him uncomfortable. Then he clicks his tongue, and his face softens ever so slightly.  
“My favorite hobby, huh? It would have to be cleaning.” He simply states. 
‘Like mopping, dusting, all that jazz?’  
“Yeah, it brings me peace. I like the control. Plus, I can't stand filthy things, people, or places. It’s repugnant.” He scrunches his nose at the last statement. A laugh bubbles up and you can’t help but let it loose. You’re shot with a glare and a sharp tone.  
You shake your head no and smile lightly while your hands move adeptly on the pad.  
‘Not funny, just amusing because it’s not something I would have expected. It’s different. If it makes you happy then it is an admirable hobby.’ 
Levi’s looking away from you now. If it wasn’t so dim, you would have seen there was a light dusting of pink color his cheeks and ears. He clears his throat and scans the room for his victim. His eyes land on the couple in the back corner whispering to each other. He notices their not-so-subtle hand movements as they felt each other up. Nodding in their direction, he looks back over to you, leaning close so you can hear.  
“I bet that couple will get up in the next 3 minutes and excuse themselves to somewhere private.” Your eyes travel in that direction, only to look away hastily at such an intimate scene. You’re not able to think of a counter-bet because honestly, you’re thinking the same thing. Your eyes settle back to his face, but he’s already looking back at the couple. If he noticed you staring, he didn’t say. Suddenly his face is filled with a satisfied look, only to be replaced quickly with a look of horror. You follow his gaze again, afraid of what you might see.
Fortunately, it’s nothing risqué, as you catch the tail end of the couple slipping into one of the public, unmarked restrooms. But the thought of their future actions was enough to gross you out. Looking back at Levi, you scrunch your face up in disgust. He nods in understanding.  
“This is why we don’t use public restrooms, especially in a bar.” He pinches the bridge of his nose with his good hand. “When I said somewhere private, I meant like a residence or something. Filthy animals, unbelievable. They better scrub that bathroom down. Maybe I should tell the bartender when they’re done. Maybe I should help clean.” 
His retorts crack you up, your shoulders bouncing from silent laughter. He just stares at you impassively as he runs his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face.  
“Well, it’s not like we should ruin their fun. Anyways I suppose I won. Let’s see... what’s your favorite color?” 
You part your lips, dumbfounded. This was never an easy question, as you found joy in a lot of different colors. You bite your lip and start writing, but after a couple minutes Levi rips the pad from your hands out of impatience.  
canary yellow! 
dark forest gre- 
He just looks at you in alarm.  
“Just pick one.” he scolds. 
You snatch the pad back and scribble down, ‘It’s not that simple!’  
“It is to me. White, easy.” You just stare right back at him, not believing what you just heard. Out of all the many shades and hues out there, this man decides the color white.  
“It’s clean.” is the only response you get.  
It makes sense, you think. But seriously, this man was so weird. But like you said earlier, it was different and that made it refreshing to you. You start searching for your next bet.  
As if in a scene from a movie you’ve seen a dozen times came to life, your eyes snap to a lone woman sitting at the bar, nursing a drink and playing on her phone. A couple seats down, you spot a few men chatting. One of the men is staring hard at the very oblivious woman. You nudge Levi with your elbow, not unnoticing the slight flinch from your touch. You point to the scene, and he is quick to understand.  
“I bet when he walks over to her, she’ll get up and leave.” He says confidently.  
Trusting your instincts, you scrawl back quickly as you notice the man started making his way towards the woman. Sticking your tongue out at him, you angle the pad to him so he could see.  
‘Absolutely not. She’ll tell him off right away.’  
To both yours and his surprise, not one moment later she throws the rest of her drink contents onto the man’s head. She gathers her belongings, throws a wad of bills on to the bar, then stomps out of the establishment. The rejected man staggers back to his friends, and they applaud him for his supposed gall. This event left you both stunned. There’s a moment of pause where you and Levi just stare at each other before all hell breaks loose as he starts talking and you start scribbling furiously.  
“She walked away, I win.”  
‘She threw that drink on him, that’s practically telling him off. And that happened before any walking off.’  
“That hardly counts, no words were used.” He scoffs and folds his arms across his chest as he stares hard at you. You weren’t sure if the indignation was real or not, but it was evident in his face.   
‘Words are not always needed to convey intent.’ You shoot back at him, shifting your weight to tap your foot defiantly. You would know this of course.  
This makes Levi pause. He opens his mouth to say something but then Erwin and Hange came crashing into the little bubble you two had made. Suddenly the sounds of clinking glasses and mindless chatter came rushing in and you took a step back.  
“Um, I think Hange might have had a little too much tonight.” Erwin says, to which your attention is drawn to a very drunk Hange. They were a blubbering, sobbing mess. Whining about things that ranged from Carly to her work stress and everything in between. Your sister rarely got this drunk, but you imagine the events from earlier might have been her breaking point. This was a sign to get her home.  
You hastily round the table to wrap her arm around you and prop her up. Then after whipping a $20 out of your purse and throwing it on the table in front of the boys, you give them a grateful smile and sign to Erwin.  
‘Thank you both for tonight. She and I had a lot of fun. But I need to get her home before she gets worse.’ As if on cue, they let out a loud wail and start sobbing into your shoulder. You shift your body to hold them closer so that you don’t drop them. Erwin grabs your $20 and shoves it back in your purse before zipping it up. He had left you no time to protest as he places a large hand on your shoulder and stares intensely at you.  
“Please, let me take care of this. Tell them this was an exceptional time. And to please stop by the café again, we owe each a good, sober talk.” His bright blue eyes crinkled in the corners as he smiled at you warmly. “It was a pleasure meeting you too. I hope you join Hange on the café visits as well. I think Levi has warmed up to you just nicely.” He wiggles an eyebrow at his friend. Levi just shoves him back and rolls his eyes.  
“Tch, fuck off. She’s alright, I guess.” He’s staring at you now, not as cold as before. “You owe me an answer next time we meet.”  
You purse your lips at him and shake your head in disagreement. 
‘I totally won that, don’t even think otherwise.’ You jot down lazily on the notepad still on the table. It wasn’t as neat, but you were propping up a whole human, you couldn’t help it.   
“Are you sure you’re safe to get home okay? We can he-” You cut Erwin off with a wave of the hand. Their spot of choice was actually very lucky, as you only live a few minutes away. And to be honest, you needed the cold air. So, you sign a quick goodbye to your new friends and make your way out. 
Walking down the snowy sidewalk, you pat Hange’s head as she grumbles about random things. She opted to walk herself, but you kept your hand in theirs to lead them in the right direction. She only stumbled a few times but overall, you were able to keep a steady pace. You note that before you left, her glass of water had been untouched, so you make a mental reminder to hydrate her before throwing her in bed.  
‘Alcohol was not kind to those in their 30s’ you heard their voice say in the back of your mind.  
As your steps left crunching noises in their wake, you peer up at the moon and glittering stars. A certain raven-haired and silver-eyed man etched in your brain. You wonder how soon it will be before seeing him again.  
‘Levi’ you sign to yourself with a free hand. A smile cemented to your face the whole way home.
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☾ Next Chapter: December
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gojoidyll · 8 months
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Yandere ! Gojo Satoru x Female ! Reader
Part 3 | my world
Warnings | death , depictions of blood , jealousy , executions
Notes | this fic will be using she/her pronouns for y/n. Also this is a reincarnation fic, so Gojo's name will not be "Satoru" in this part. And please let me know if you want to be in a taglist for this series !! ^-^
Summary | And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.
Infinity Masterlist
year 1102 AD
GOJO SHIRO got to meet y/n's friends that day. And to say the least, he wasn't impressed. He came to meet with them almost everyday after that for four months straight. But no matter how much he hung with them... he didn't care for them a single bit. And to be honest, they seemed to like bullying y/n more than actually playing fun games. Hell, during a simple game of hide-n-seek where y/n was the seeker her so called friends tried to get him to ditch her while she counted.
"Come on, come on! We have a lot of cool stuff to show you, Shiro!"
"What about y/n? She's still counting."
One of the girls snickered unto her palm, "that dummy can't even count to two. Last time she was the seeker, she was literally there counting for a whole five minutes!"
Gojo frowned, "its not her fault she can't count as good as you or me-"
"Duh, that's because she's stupid and poor! We only let her play with us cause her mom bakes us sweets from time to time, but even that is starting to not even be worth it," a boy of the group piped up this time.
And the others joined in.
And Gojo had enough of it, "be quiet already. Who gave you all permission to cut me off?"
The laughter was quick to die down and one of the girls was quick to speak up, hurt laced in her voice.
"Come on, Shiro. We're just having fun, and we didn't mean to cut you off while you were talking. So how about we go and-"
"I said to be quiet, or are you peasants too stupid to understand an order from your future lord?"
The girl said nothing else as Gojo crossed his arms over his chest, "also, you all will refer to me as Lord Gojo from now on because last time I checked I only ever gave Y/n permission to call me Shiro. The only reason why I let you all call me Shiro when we first met four months ago was because you all seemed to be friends with y/n. Though, it looks like I was wrong."
Gojo looked away from the other children and focused his piercing blue eyes onto y/n's figure. She was covering her eyes with her arms, head pressed into the tree's trunk as she hunched over a little and still continued to count. The sight made him smile a little before his face hardened when he turned a glare back onto the group.
"Now that I made that clear, I don't want any of you to speak to me or to y/n again. Understand?"
No one spoke up so he activated his cursed technique. A blue wave seeming to coat around him as he took a step towards them.
"Do. You. Understand?"
"Y- yes, Lord Gojo!"
They seemed to yell in unison as they scurried off to who knows where and frankly, he didn't care. All that mattered to him now was that he would get to be with y/n without the extra tagalongs. Honeslty, he wished he did that four months ago right at the moment he met those other kids. But alas, he didn't want to scare y/n away.
So, smiling happily and skipping over to the still counting girl. He had tackled her into a hug from behind. His arms gently wrapping around her waist as he roughly pulled her against him. Her back pressing snuggly into his chest.
Goodness he wished they were older. He wished they were married. He wished they were already together and living happily in his big estate.
But that would have to wait. For now, he was content with being a very touchy and huggy friend.
"Wha- hey! S- Shiro! What are you doing?! You're supposed to be hiding!"
She whined and pouted and hit at his arms as he spun her around in his embrace.
"No way! Hiding is so boring! Hugging you seems way more fun!"
She whined again and turned in his grasp. Her face tilting up as she tried to glare at him, but to Gojo she just looked too cute while trying to be angry. It made him want to pinch her cheeks which was exactly what he did when he let her go.
"Uwahhh! Shiroooo!"
He couldn't help but to laugh and when he finally let go of her chubby cheeks, she started to laugh too. The both of them shoving and pushing at each other until they were falling to the ground and having fun.
Gojo feverishly wished he had this back in his first life. Wished he found her sooner back then. But this would do. He could be content with this.
And as night fell, the two would wander around the city until they came upon a lake. Gojo childishly pushing her as she would fall to the ground on her back and he would follow. The two smiling at one another as the dark sky and stars and moon hung above them.
"You know Shiro.."
He turned on his side and propped up on his elbow. His cheek resting in his hand.
"You remind me of the moon!"
"The moon," he questioned, "but what of the sun! Thats much brighter!"
She shook her head, "mm, at first you were the sun.. someone I couldn't even look at without getting blinded, but..," she grinned and lunged for him. Her arms wrapping around his neck as she tackled him into a hug, "but when I got to know you over these past few months I realized you were more like the moon! Still untouchable and impossible to reach, but someone I can look at and admire without getting blinded!"
He was surprised by the hug, her explanation, and the heat creeping up onto his face. His arms were quick to encircle her waist as he hugged her back.
"Well.. if I'm the moon then you can be the earth!"
"Huh?! Why am I the earth all the sudden?!"
She pouted as she looked at him and he couldn't stop his grin from forming, "cause i want you to be the world i revolve around forever and ever!"
She let his words sink in before giggling, the two resuming their playful pushing, shoving, and tickling as they rolled on the ground like two kids rough-housing.
"Ok! You can be my moon and I can your world! Deal?"
Yeah, Gojo wanted this to last.
However, he realized his mistake a bit too late. Because in the next few days. She would be gone.
Well, he didn't realize she was gone at first. In fact, that next morning he woke up on the good side of the bed. He was smiling and thinking of yesterday where it was just him and y/n and no other kids ruining their moments together.
"Are you going out again young lord?"
Urumei asked him like she always did, she was, of course, his retainer. When she first took on the job, she thought it would be hard watching over the young lord since he had the six eyes and the biggest ego to boot. However, overtime she noticed that once you leave the young lord alone and let him go on about his business - he is actually quite easy to handle.
Urumei smiled politely, "are you going to see y/n again?"
"As always."
Urumei bowed, "with all due respect, young lord, but why don't you bring her to the estate?"
Gojo seemed to pause as his eyes flicked over to Urumei. The retainer internally panicking as she wondered if she overstepped her bounds.
But her panic was soon eased away as Gojo clapped his hands together. A bright smile overtaking his features, "thats a great idea! I could bring her here, let her bathe properly, get her dressed in a fine kimono too, and maybe she could even stay the night!"
Gojo was estactic as he rushed out of the compound, "see you later, Urumei!"
As he ran along the streets, he easily spotted the girl he was looking for.
Turning to the sound of her name, she immediately dropped what she was doing and ran to him. Her arm coming up high into the air as she waved to him, "hiiiiii Shiiiiiirrroooooo!"
She drawled out his name, a habit she started to do everytime she would greet him in the mornings when they were still far from each other. And it was a habit Shiro cherished greatly.
Coming up fast, he immediately engulfed her into his arms. Honestly, holding her so close was starting to get addictive.
And when he brought her in, she was already laughing when he spun them around. Many of the onlookers could only chuckle at the cute display before going on about their business. I mean, the twelve year old was still the next head of the Gojo clan and the next lord of the land. Of course no one would dare interrupt them.
After a for more seconds, he had finally set her down. Her smile to on her face as she seemed to get shy all of a sudden. His six eyes quickly catching on to the change in demeanor.
"Oh? Getting shy again?"
He pouted, "and here i thought we were past all that.."
She panicked for a moment as she waved her hands in front of her, "its not that! It's just .. well ..," she kicked her bare foot against the ground. Ever since he met her, he took notice how she never worn any shoes and that she only had three kimonos that she went through on a cycle. He hated seeing her live in such a way, but he needed to become a lord first in and the clan's head if he hopped to marry her and give her the life and luxury she deserved.
"Well," he urged politely as they moved over to the side more so they weren't blocking the street.
"Today is my .. twelfth birthday and I was wondering .. if you would like to come to my house? Its ok if you don't want to of course, I tried to ask our other friends, but they all declined."
She looked at him for a response but froze internally when he had a blank look on his face. Ah- was i not supposed to ask him?! Were we not on a close enough friend level that I could ask him to come to my brithday?!
"Y/n," he pouted again, "why didn't you tell me today was going to be your birthday?! I would of gotten you something!"
She was quick to shake her head from side to side, "n- no! No way! You're my friend, i could never ask you to get me anything! Besides, I..I didn't befriend you cause I wanted you to get me things.. I- I befriended you cause I," she paused and smiled, "cause you looked lonely and needed a friend!"
An invisible arrow was aimed and shot precisely through his heart.
"Uwah, you're so sweet!"
He immediately glomped her and started to pinch her cheeks.
"Wha-?! Shiiiiroooo! Not in front of everyone!"
And just the like, bringing y/n to the estate was thrown out the window as he let her take control of the day and basically let her tug him around the whole city. Her eyes wide as she pointed at a various of things. Her laughter like music to his ears.
He even got to meet her mother at the end. She was a kind woman though she looked just as tired as her daughter on some days. Though, she still managed to smile and present them both with a cake from the shop she managed to run on her own.
And when the day came to an end, Gojo promised to see her tomorrow.
Though, tomorrow for y/n, he would soon learn, would never come.
The next day, he held a box in hand. In it was a perfectly crafted wooden comb with a pretty blue flower design etched onto it which he had bought last night on the way home in hopes of gifting it to y/n today. Granted, he knows she said she didn't want him to buy anything, but he couldn't help himself. He truly couldn't. He wanted to gift her the whole city (which he technically could one day once he becomes the lord of the land..).
"Young lord, off to see y/n again?"
"As always," Gojo replied as per usual.
Urumei grinned and nodded, "I was under the impression that you would bring her to the estate yesterday, why the change of heart, young lord?"
Gojo stopped and turned to the retainer, "well, yesterday was her birthday, so I decided to let her choose what she wanted to do today instead if dragging her to a place she's never been before."
Urumei chuckled and noted the small wooden box in his hands, "is that why you're gifting her that present?"
"Yep! She said she didn't want anything, but I couldn't help myself. Anyway, I'll see you later Urumei!"
"Of course, young lord. Be sure to have fun!"
"I will!"
Now as he walked the streets, box in hand, he noticed that she wasn't in their usual waiting spot. Which was odd. And as impatient as he is, Shiro decided to just head straight for her house which he had memorized the day prior.
Coming up to the house, he couldn't help but to get a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach as he saw a crowd of people gathered in front of the place. His eyes narrowed, his lips pressed into a tight line. He threw the feeling away and told himself y/n will be just fine. Ill see her smiling at me like any other day.
Though as he ordered the throngs of people to move out of his way, he was instead met with a gruesome sight instead.
Four children, y/n's bullies, were being held tightly by two jujutsu sorcerers and in front of them was y/n. Stab wounds littering her body as she laid dead in a pool of her own blood. Her mother was crying loud as she cradled y/n's limp hand in her own grasp. Her tears flowing like a river.
The blood on the ground started to seep closer to him as if reaching out to him.
His shoes got stained red when he moved forward to get closer and as reality set in the same silent rage from his first life finally took over.
"What happened."
It was a question, but a demand.
One of the jujutsu sorcerers spoke first, "we got a report saying that a little girl was screaming and being attacked. We originally thought it was a cursed spirit, but found these four having killed the girl."
Gojo turned to y/n's mother who was still weeping. She must of heard the news and came rushing from work because from what he understood, y/n's mother always left early for work to start cooking at the bakery in the city. Which meant that y/n would be all alone. Perfect to be ambushed by these four.
His six eyes, brilliant, dangerous, and a heavy blue was finally directed at the four children.
He didn't need to ask, because he already knew. They most likely saw y/n as filth. Trash that shouldn't be anywhere near him. When were people going to learn to never cross him?
"Silence. I changed my mind, I don't want to hear the excuses you four come up with. You two, let go of them."
The two sorcerers bowed and listened to Gojo immediately. The four twelve year old before him gaining a sort of hope in their eyes. But he wasn't having it as he raised his hands.
"Be grateful, your deaths will be quick."
And that was when realization dawned on them, but it was too late for them to run.
"Hollow purple."
It wasn't everyday the Gojo clan carried out public executions, but even so, no one dared ask why four twelve years died because of the murder of some no name girl.
And that night, after he and y/n's mother gave y/n a proper burial, Gojo Shiro promised to see her in the next life. He clutched the comb close to his chest.
He and y/n just had to be reincarnated again, right?
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
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Chapter 1: November
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☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x fem!mute!Reader (she/her pronouns), set in a modern semi-fictional world
☾ Summary ➼ Due to childhood trauma, you find yourself an adult without the ability to speak. After years of working on it, you have found ways to live without a voice. Now here in your late 20s, you are 5 months in getting used to a new town. On a fateful day in late November, you and your adopted sister visit a local bookstore-café, unaware of the friendships about to blossom. Throughout the months, one friendship in particular develops into something more.
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fluff, slowburn, oblivious feelings, angst, mention of minor character deaths, trauma, illness, adoption, mentions of fire, disabilities, alcohol use, very light nsfw mentions, eventual smut (these update with every chapter)
☾ Author's note ➼ Hey guys! This is my first time writing fanfiction in a loooooong time, like the last time I wrote was probably in 2011. So with that said please be kind with any feedback or comments. I hope you enjoy! (also I made Hange's pronouns she/her/them/they)
Edit (11/27/2023): Hey guys, welcome to my little world of Unspoken Words. I have quite literally used this story as a way to better myself as a writer. As you read on, you may find that I've progressed (ofc I have a long way to go) but because of that, my first few chapters might be rough. With your patience, you may find a liking to this story as I know I've loved writing every word of it.
☾ word count ➼ ~7.1k
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20-something years ago 
You’re not sure how, but you find yourself sitting in the back of a big, white van. Red and blue lights danced in your eyes, and it felt like a thousand people surrounded you. Something plastic is placed on your face then you are instructed to breathe in deeply. You thought it was funny to be told to breathe, like you don’t just do it naturally, but you follow instructions regardless. It’s hard though, every part of your body hurts, chest included. Every breath you take feels like your insides are on fire.  
‘Fire’, you think.  
Everything is on fire.
 ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Present Day
Levi stood blank faced as he meticulously cleaned the blender station for what felt like the 100th time today. The late afternoon rush had just tapered down so he took advantage of the next to empty café to clean as much as he could before closing for the evening.  
“It’s 20 degrees outside, how are people still wanting frozen drinks.” he murmurs to himself, placing the blender back in its spot. Levi turns to the front counter and slings the towel he was using to dry things onto his shoulder.  
His best friend, roommate, and business partner could be seen restocking some books on tall shelves, a gentle smile lighting up his boyish features. It’s been about a year and a half since they started this business venture together and they had no idea at the time how successful their bookstore-café combo would be in this small town.  
Erwin’s thirst for knowledge kept their shelves as variable as ever while Levi’s love for perfecting the art of tea kept the drinks flowing. The problem, however, was Levi’s lack of people skills. He was seldom seen at the register, nor would you ever see him smile or talk to the customers. He often would leave you with a grunt and a swift turn after handing off the drinks.  
No, for that, they had hired a couple of local highschoolers to do the facing work.  
“Mr. Smith, Levi?” a soft voice rang out to the left of him. Levi shifted his attention to a taller girl with shoulder length raven hair standing next to him. Being as Mikasa is his cousin, they found early on how weird it was to be called ‘Mr. Ackerman’ as they shared the same surname. It was this connection too that got them to where they are today.  
“Would it be okay if Eren and I take off a little early tonight? We have some big tests coming up and we’d like to take some extra time to study.” Mikasa shifted her dark eyes to the darkening windows as the sun set just over the horizon. Pinks and oranges flooded the partially clouded skies.  
”Tch.” Levi could not help but roll his eyes. He raised a brow at her and leaned back against the counter behind him for support. “Sure, I guess,” he continues. “But do you really need it or is it for that blockhead?”  
As if summoned by his words, Eren comes up from behind Mikasa and wraps a red scarf around his girlfriend’s neck, both of their jackets hanging off one of his arms. Eren is a good kid, always on time and followed directions, but the amount of sass he held in his body was something else. Levi and Erwin did not mind though, as he added a certain energy in the café that the customers seemed to enjoy. The two men wouldn’t say it out loud, but they really appreciated having them both on the team.  
“Hey, I heard that. And yes, I need to study desperately. Econ is so hard and for what?!” Eren’s teal eyes widened for emphasis. To add to it he even put on a fake pout.  
“Just take the trash with you on the way out and you’re good to go.” Erwin piped up from behind a bookshelf.  
Mikasa nodded in acknowledgement towards the voice, a silent thank you. Like Levi, she was not one for many words. He once thought it was an Ackerman thing but then he thought back to his annoying uncle and changed his mind quickly.  
With that, she and Eren both untangled the aprons from their bodies, grabbed their belongings, and picked up the trash bags that were already taken out of the cans. They opted to leave through the back since the dumpsters were located that way. Again, Levi wouldn’t say it to anyone out loud, but he really did like those kids.  
Erwin could be heard stacking more books into the shelves which left Levi to polish the counters again. It was the last hour before they closed so it stayed quiet for the most part, only interrupted by the sounds of scuffling shoes and books being placed on hard surfaces. Light jazz filled the rest of the silence. Then the bell signifying new customers rang from the front.  
“Levi, can you grab that?”  
The raven-haired man just huffed in response then stepped over to the register. His eyes fell on two figures right in front of him. A frazzled brunette and... you.  
Due to the season, you are bundled up in a thick parka and knitted beanie. A big scarf wraps around your neck and face so that all Levi could see is your flushed cheeks and thick lashed eyes. Truthfully, you reminded him of a marshmallow.  
“What’ll it be?” he asks, deadpan. The brunette is the one to respond, the voice loud enough to make him wince.  
“Hmmm... well one English breakfast tea latte with lots of room for sugar aaaaand I’ll take a peppermint hot chocolate. Oh, and extra whip! We’ll drink it here.” She fished out a card with a dramatic thwip and handed it to Levi’s outstretched hand.  Their café is one of those where if you were to stay, they offered washable cup ware as to keep the prices down on disposable cups. Not to mention the lessened ‘environmental impact’ as Erwin would say.  
Levi glances at you before turning to make both orders. You give a small wave and smile a little, but he was already working quickly on the drinks. 
He went into autopilot as he steeped the tea and steamed the milk. He really appreciated customers that ordered anything outside of coffee, especially when it came to tea. It’s not that he hated coffee, though it’s not like he liked it either, but it just wasn’t his thing. Coffee offered a different kind of bitterness that he wasn’t very fond of. With extra whipped cream in one and extra space in the other, he whirled around to place the drinks on the counter.  
The one with glasses is the one that picks them up and they promptly walk in the direction of where you currently sit, one of the tables in the back corner by the window. You were stripped of your big parka and scarf, though the beanie stayed. Your eyes were wandering around the café in wonder, and Levi was pretty sure this had to be your first time here. But truthfully, he wouldn’t know, he didn’t make it his business to know his customers. That was Erwin’s and the kids’ job. 
“The shelves are full and I’m exhausted.” Erwin came around the counter with a couple of empty boxes in his arms, heading straight for the back to the dumpster. Levi stepped back and leaned against the counter once again, his own black tea that had steeped while making yours cradled in his fingertips. He kept looking at his only customers while he sipped the black liquid. The teacup almost slipped out of his grip as he saw you dumping a large amount of sugar into your cup.  
 There you sit, extremely focused on the cup in front of you and lips pressed together tightly, almost as if you were afraid you’d put in too much. The sight would have been funny if you hadn’t just ruined your entire tea, he thinks to himself. You smile to yourself in satisfaction and put the sugar jar back where it came from. While you stir the sweetener in gently, the brunette in front of you talks animatedly. Hands were flying everywhere, and Levi could practically feel the energy radiating from the corner of the room.  You were doing the same, silently laughing. 
Suddenly the front door flew open, the bell ringing loudly with it. Levi grits his teeth, steeling himself for yet another customer interaction. But his shoulders dropped in relief at the sight of only Carly, Erwin’s girlfriend. She saunters up to the counter with a big smile aimed towards Levi and without even asking she slid behind the bar. Erwin had already made it from the back and was in the process of putting away the leftover ingredients from the day. Carly wraps her arms around her boyfriend and plants a big kiss on his face, to which Levi quickly looks away. It wasn’t weird for her to come in right as they were about to close.  
What was weird, he thought, was the shock that flooded your face as you eyed the very public display of affection. Levi knit his brows in confusion as the brunette pivoted in her seat to see what you were staring at. Their face fell, any evidence of a good time completely erased.  
The person in question whipped around so fast at the voice and the panic that exuded from her was palpable. She quickly unwrapped herself from Erwin’s embrace.  
If it wasn’t for the jazz in the background, the lengthy silence that followed would have been deathly.  
Carly clears her throat and laughs awkwardly.  
“Uh, why are you here?”  
The person named Hange just lifts their hot chocolate cup awkwardly, not really saying anything. Their eyes shift between Carly and Erwin, clearly understanding what had happened.  
“I-I’m sorry, you guys know each other?” Erwin sounds cautious, like he already knew the answer. Of course, he would, he isn’t dumb. His piercing blue eyes survey the situation, going back and forth between the two.  
“Well, uh. I-” Carly stutters, clearly at a loss of what to say in the predicament she found herself in.  
“She’s my girlfriend.” Hange claims calmly.  
This admission makes Erwin sigh heavily, confirming what he had pieced together. Levi stared at him in bewilderment as the man just chuckled quietly.  
“Well. I suppose that’s it then.” And with that he turns on his heel and stalks off to the back room. 
“Wait, Erwin I can explain!” She follows right on his heels and disappears into the back room as well. A minute later you can hear hysterical crying and calm retorts reverberating from the back. If Levi could shrink into the cabinets to get out of this situation, he would. Instead, he focuses on the other party who were having a very quiet and rushed discussion. Well, a one-sided discussion, as he only heard one voice.  
Levi, realizing it was almost time to close anyways, rushes to close the distance between him and the front door. He really did not want to have to deal with other customers while the drama unfurled. So, he flips the door sign to ‘Closed’ and unplugs the ‘Open’ neon sign hanging in the window. A couple walks by about to open the door, probably out for a café date from the looks of it. But they were only met with a dead stare from the sharpest eyes they’d ever seen. With that, they briskly turned around and left down the sidewalk.  
Levi spins around and from here he gets a better look at the two trapped customers. You were moving your hands all over the place like you were earlier. But with an even closer look he realizes you weren’t just talking animatedly with your hands; you were talking with them. You were signing. 
You reacted to your partner’s conversation just fine, so it was clear you had some sort of hearing. Your scarf now hung loose around your shoulders, and it looked like you had tears brimming in your eyes. Levi swiftly walks back to the counter; this is obviously not a conversation he needed to be a part of.
“Hey, don’t worry about me. It’s only been a couple of months. Really, it’s better to find out now than 3 years from now.” They laughed without humor. You know when Hange was saving face for your sake, she was never as sly as she thought she was.  
‘You don’t need to be strong right now.’ You sign then reach your hand out to touch her cheek softly. Physical touch had become your second language early on, if only to emphasize. Fortunately, Hange was okay with that and often embraced it with open arms.  
“I know, my little strawberry. I just need some time to process everything.” They pat you on the head lightly with a small grin. You swat their hands, blushing at the nickname you were so graciously given so many years ago.  But you nod back, knowing they would not change their mind.  
The tall blonde glides through the back door, alone. His face was grim as he tugged loose the tie around his neck.  
“Hange, was it?” He started walking towards you and your very startled sister.  
“U-uh yeah. That’s my name! Listen I had no idea, I’m so sorry. I would have said something obviously but-”, they take a deep breath. “I’m sorry. What’s your name again?”  
“Erwin Smith. There is nothing to apologize for as I can only assume there’s only one blame to be given. I hate that we must meet under such a circumstance, but it is truly nice to meet you.” He raises a hand waiting for a handshake.  
Hange takes it after a second of processing, shaking the hand vigorously with both hands.  
“Well, unfortunately it is what it is. I’m sure Carly and I will be speaking soon. I’m assuming she’s not just hiding back there.” They flick their gaze to the back door he had just come through.  
“Ah well, yes. Long gone... how long were you two...?”  
“Only like, 3 months or so. You?” 
He flinched at that and murmured, “3 Years.” 
Thinking back to her comment not 10 minutes ago, Hange bit their cheek.  
“Oh man I’m so sorry.”  
“No, please. It’s alright. None of this is yours or my fault. We couldn’t have known, but now we do.” Erwin chuckled to himself. You wonder if he’s trying to save face the way your sister did. His gaze now shifts to you. He is a very handsome man. To your extreme surprise, he starts signing to you. 
‘I'm sorry, who might you be? I noticed you signing earlier. I know a little from the books I have read.’ His crystal blue eyes sparkle at you as he signs. You can’t help but break out into a huge grin. You sign your name back and compliment him on his raw signing form.  
‘I am of hearing, though. So please feel free to talk, and I will sign back.’ You clarify to Erwin, the smile not falling from your face.  
“That sounds like a plan. Levi, stop hiding behind the counter and come say hi.” Erwin calls out, not bothering to look over his shoulder. You hear a grunt in response and not 10 seconds later, the barista stands cross armed next Erwin. He nods a hello to each of you.  
You knew he was shorter than you, at least a couple inches, based off the interaction at the counter earlier. But seeing him side by side with his friend was almost comical. But as short stature as he was, it did not keep him from holding himself with such authority. It made you nervous.  
‘Thank you for the tea, it was very good.’ You sign, your sister translating in real time for you.  
“Tch, are you sure? I saw you dump enough sugar in it to make it syrup.” Levi retorts dryly.  
That makes you smile sheepishly. His fixated stare unnerved you a little, but you stare back regardless. Now that he was closer, a glass case no longer between the both of you, your eyes traveled along his face in close inspection. 
He’s beautiful, you think to yourself. His features are sharp and angled. Steely gray eyes pronounced a permanent exhausted look. It was a shade of gray you’ve never seen before, and they were mesmerizing. As if he could feel you staring holes in his face, he flicks his eyes to the side, clearly uncomfortable. But you can’t help it, because really the most intriguing thing about him was not his metallic eyes. It was the scars that marred his porcelain skin.  
A couple of scars ran down the right side of his face. The prominent of the two trailed from the top right of his forehead all the way down to his chin, cutting into his right eye and both lips. You’re pretty sure his eye was quite damaged due to the slight muted discoloration of the eye color.  
He’s beautiful, you repeat to yourself. You glance over to Hange, and they just look over at you with a knowing look. You know she was just begging to ask Levi too, but she just shakes her head. So, you fold your hands together and pinch your lips together.  
“Well!” Hange yells out, breaking the silence. “This human really needs a drink. Let’s all go! Erwin, I demand you let me treat you to a couple drinks!” She wraps an arm around your shoulders and laughs.  
“A drink sounds fantastic; I will gladly take you up on that offer. Let me just close up rea-” He’s cut off by Levi raising both of his hands up in protest. You notice the two missing fingers on his right hand. The pointer and middle were gone. Whatever this man went through, you just had to know. But you toss those questions onto an ever-growing pile and bite your cheek.  
“Erwin, I can close up. You go ahead.” Your sister just smiles widely and practically jumped up and down. The blonde man just clapped his hand Levi’s shoulder and smiled at him.  
“Thank you. You’ll join us after? The usual place?” Levi just shrugs his shoulders in response.  
Part of you hoped he would. You couldn’t place a singular reason why though.  
Fifteen minutes later, the three of you found yourselves in a well-lit and very crowded bar. Somehow Erwin had snagged a table near the back wall. Heavy rock blares loudly from a live band maybe 20 feet away. Overwhelming was an understatement, but you grit your teeth and sit down on one of the stools.  
“Whatcha want, my darlings?!” Hange yells over the music, slapping both hands down on the table and staring at the both of you.  
“Whiskey neat, whatever they offer is fine.”  
You sign the words ‘apple’ and ‘juice’ followed by a ‘thank you’. You’ve never been one for a drink. While it was tolerable to be around, you’d rather not have to taste it if you could help it.  
Looking around, you see all manners of people surrounding you. Something about it makes your stomach turn but you shift in your seat to quell it down. You’re sure it’s only so crowded because of the prospect of a Friday night and the promise of no plans the following day. The town of Jinae was not anything special, but it was quaint. You and your sister found out quickly it was a place where everyone knew mostly everyone. After only settling down here from your hometown 5 months ago, you were still learning of all the local spots.  
From the looks of it, this bar was one of those. “The Scouts” was an inviting place, decorated with dark greens and wood tones. The walls were littered with many frames of a lot of different people. You imagine it might have been local residents in various locations of the town. All of the wood was worn down, so it was clear this place has been in business for a while. A neon sign hangs above the stage where the live band played, something that resembled blue and white wings. It makes you wonder what the significance is.  
Your thoughts are disturbed as a glass is placed in front of you. Realizing the dryness in your throat, you pick up the glass and take a big swig of the amber liquid. You’re met with a burning sensation, and you gag. This alerts Hange of the unfortunate mistake.  
“Ah I’m sorry my little strawberry!! They do look quite similar though, don’t they?” They switch the glasses quickly and laugh. You notice the very noticeable cup size differences between the two and you stare at her quizzically. “I may have taken a shot while at the bar, sorry.” she adds on. It makes you shake your head, but you grab her hand reassuringly and chuckle.  
‘I’m sorry.’ You sign at Erwin, and he just smiles back.  
“Not a problem. But I have to ask, how was it?” A bushy eyebrow raises at you in amusement.  
You just stick your tongue out and make a gagging gesture at him. You laugh though, not really upset.  
Two apple juices in, the live band ends. Hange and Erwin are very deep in conversation, which you suspect might be about Carly. You can’t really hear what’s being said though. With the absence of music, chatter quickly fills the air. Honestly it was really starting to get to you. So, after tapping on the pair’s shoulders and signing where you were going, you find yourself leaning over the guard rail just outside the bar’s door.  
The sun was already far gone. A crescent moon sits high in the sky and a smatter of stars surrounds it. The cold air felt very welcome on your very flushed face. You exhale a big sigh, which garners a puff of steam. It makes you laugh so you do it again. Then you start to wonder how long you might be able to last out here before getting frostbite when suddenly a body starts leaning against the rail next to you.  
With a start, you whip your head to face the newcomer. Instantly you relax at the sight of Erwin’s friend. He was adorned in a big peacoat and his casual slacks. A tan turtleneck sweater peaks out from the jacket’s collar. His face was flushed as well, no doubt from the cold.  
He wasn’t paying you any mind though, instead his gaze laid upon the sky above, at the stars. You wave at him anyways and offer a small smile. He glances at you with a side eye and returns a curt nod.  
Not one for words. 
So, you both stand there in silence, staring up at the twinkling lights above. It wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest. Something about his presence radiated a sort of calm, and you were happy to bask in it.  
After a few minutes, he shifts his weight in your direction, so you face him. He’s staring up at you and it makes you swallow hard. His eyes glowed silver from the moonlight. Truly you have never been this fascinated with a person until now.  
“You like the stars.” It wasn’t a question, more like a statement.  
You nod in agreement, smiling to emphasize your love for them. He purses his lips at that. It seemed as if he wanted to say something else to that, but nothing came out. It just makes you frown a bit. You just have more questions that keep piling up. Everything about him just emanated mystery and it made you want to know all about him.  
‘Are you okay?’ You sign to him, exaggerating your frown to show your concern. You’re only met with a look of confusion. You forget that he does not know much if any sign. And you kick yourself for leaving your communication tools at home. To be fair though, this is not where you expected to be tonight.  
You then get an idea to use your phone to type to him but before you even reach into your pocket, you’re interrupted by a sudden blast of warm air as a couple stumbles out of the bar, both in a giggling fit as they cling to each other. They take off down the road, laughing even harder. The brief warm air makes you shiver, reminding you of the cold outside.  
As if thinking the same thing, Levi catches the door before it closes and holds it open for the both of you. You’re suddenly well aware of the very loud singing happening from within and your eyes widen at the familiarity of one of the voices. You and Levi make your way to the voices and are greeted with the sight of Erwin and Hange duetting a Backstreet Boys song.  
What a sight it was. The tall brunette, face flushed and glasses askew, had their arm around Erwin. He his blonde hair was quite tousled, and he looked like he was having the time of his life. They both swayed together as they belted out the lyrics. As if their smiles were contagious, you felt yourself grin. It was kind of cute. So, you pull out your phone and snap a quick picture, sure to show Hange in the morning. It was a good thing too, because the song ends right as you put your phone away in your bag. Levi clicks his tongue and huffs. You glance over at the noise and notice a small upturn to the corner of his scarred mouth. Noticing your gaze, his face vacates itself from any emotion as he stares back ahead.  
“Oi! Eyebrows!” He calls out to his friend. Levi starts making his way to the stage, walking with a slight limp. Yet another question to add onto the pile. “I’m gone for 45 minutes and you’re already singing.”  
“I’m fine! Just a couple drinks in.”  
You all make your way to the table you had laid claim to earlier. You survey the table and count at least 6 more glasses, not counting your two. It was hard to see who drank what.  
‘Are you okay?’ You sign to your sister, concern etched on your face. They just nod lazily and give a thumbs up with both hands. Levi is regarding you with a look of understanding, and it seems he realized that you had asked him outside.  Music starts playing over the speakers again, and people start making their way to the dance floor. Hange squeals and downs the rest of her drink quickly.  
“Erwin let’s go!” She grabs his arm, not waiting for a response. He gives a mock salute to the two of you and follows without question. Levi just clicks his tongue again and heads to the bar to get himself something. So, you plop yourself down on the stool and stare out into the room. Out of nervous habit you start fidgeting with the napkins in front of you. A moment later, Levi’s hobbling over with a tray of drinks. 
“I got the idiots some water, they look like they need it.” He places the glasses down with a thud, including one of his own housing some sort of caramel liquid. Then he’s sliding something over to you and you’re about to protest that you don’t drink but you realize it’s not a glass. It’s a notepad and pen.  
“If you need something, this might come in handy.” is all he says.  
You’re quick to show your appreciation with a bright smile. You also note to yourself that you could have very well have used your phone to communicate but you were not one to disregard someone’s thoughtfulness. It makes something bloom in your chest, warm and comforting.  
Your many years of not having a phone of course meant writing – a lot. Your handwriting evolved plenty with time so that meant it was extremely neat. It had to have been so that the reader would be able to read it without an issue. 
First you write your name, as you realize no one had really said it out loud while at the teashop. Following that you add ‘I think your shop is wonderful, and I really did enjoy the tea you made.’ You also want to jot down the questions from earlier that were still swimming in your mind, but you hold yourself back. You tell yourself maybe later, granted if there would even be a later.   
When angling the paper so he could see it, his eyes flit across the words quickly and you’re given a grunt in acknowledgement. Pulling back the notepad, you bite the inside of your cheek. While it wasn’t awkward being next to him, he sure made it hard to talk to. His cold demeanor gave you the feeling he wasn’t the type to talk about himself, especially with someone he just met. So, asking questions about him or his life was out the window. Likewise, he did not really seem interested in hearing your life story, not like you were planning to spill it anyways for fear of being met with disdain. You had plenty of experiences with that growing up.  
Tapping the pen against your chin, your eyes drift around the bar room. There a multitude of people lingering about, shouting over each other to be heard. A couple sits in a corner, whispering who knows what to each other. Both of their cheeks are flushed and eyes heavy with lust. A handful of people are on the dance floor grinding away, your sister and new friend sticking out like a sore thumb as they dance with reckless abandon. All of this gave you an idea, remembering something you’ve read before many moons ago. You start scrawling on the paper again.  
‘Are you a gambling man, Levi?’ 
You shift the pad back over to him and he glances down again after taking another sip of his spirit. He was holding his glass in a way you’d never seen before and honestly it was a little weird.  
“Tch, hardly. Why do you ask?” He looks hard at you as you scratch something else down.  
‘I propose a game to pass the time. Let’s make some bets about the random people in this room.’ 
He looks at you incredulously. You stand your ground, not averting your gaze even a little. When you don’t back down, he just scoffs and shakes his head at you.  
“I literally could not care less about these people,” he clicks his tongue. “But I suppose there’s not much else to do so I’ll bite.” Knocking back the rest of his drink, he moves around you to lean back against the wall so that he is facing the rest of the crowd. You shift so that you are doing the same. You don’t overlook the proximity to the shorter man, nor the fact that your arms are almost touching. You start to scribble once more.  
‘Winner gets to ask the loser one question.’ As his eyes fall on your words, he seems a little taken aback. Levi seems to think for a moment, like he’s weighing his pros and cons.  
“One non-personal question.” He amends. You both nod in agreement. So, your eyes travel around the room, looking for your first target. It falls on a group not so far away.  
‘I bet that gaggle of young girls over there are here for a bridal party.’
You point in the direction of the said group. Currently they were taking tequila shots, lime and all. All of them sparkled and were dressed up to the nines, save for the silly little hats adorning their heads. And they were having so much fun.  
“No way,” Levi scoffs, “That has to be a 21st birthday. They all look like babies.”  
Suddenly someone comes through a parting in the crowd with a tray of assorted colorful drinks garnished with cute little accessories. They all yell in excitement at the sight. One of the girls raises her glass and starts shouting.  
“To Estelle! May your married life be full of infinite love, happiness, and orgasms!” They all cheer and take big gulps of their drinks, followed by more giggling.  
Levi glances art you, his gray eyes dull in the dim bar light. An eyebrow lifts at you as well.  
“How did you know?” 
You do a sweeping gesture starting from one shoulder down to the opposite hip. He looks back over to the women and conveniently the soon-to-be-bride had faced your direction. She was indeed wearing a white sash sporting the word ‘BRIDE’ in bright pink letters. He huffs as he rolls his eyes, and you smirk at him in return. You press the pad over to him, already equipped with your question.  
Levi scoffs at your question. As promised, it wasn’t very personal. You figured ice breaker like questions were a good start. But his pause made you question if this was a good idea, you didn’t want to run him off or make him uncomfortable. Then he clicks his tongue, and his face softens ever so slightly.  
“My favorite hobby, huh? It would have to be cleaning.” He simply states. 
‘Like mopping, dusting, all that jazz?’  
“Yeah, it brings me peace. I like the control. Plus, I can't stand filthy things, people, or places. It’s repugnant.” He scrunches his nose at the last statement. A laugh bubbles up and you can’t help but let it loose. You’re shot with a glare and a sharp tone.  
You shake your head no and smile lightly while your hands move adeptly on the pad.  
‘Not funny, just amusing because it’s not something I would have expected. It’s different. If it makes you happy then it is an admirable hobby.’ 
Levi’s looking away from you now. If it wasn’t so dim, you would have seen there was a light dusting of pink color his cheeks and ears. He clears his throat and scans the room for his victim. His eyes land on the couple in the back corner whispering to each other. He notices their not-so-subtle hand movements as they felt each other up. Nodding in their direction, he looks back over to you, leaning close so you can hear.  
“I bet that couple will get up in the next 3 minutes and excuse themselves to somewhere private.” Your eyes travel in that direction, only to look away hastily at such an intimate scene. You’re not able to think of a counter-bet because honestly, you’re thinking the same thing. Your eyes settle back to his face, but he’s already looking back at the couple. If he noticed you staring, he didn’t say. Suddenly his face is filled with a satisfied look, only to be replaced quickly with a look of horror. You follow his gaze again, afraid of what you might see.
Fortunately, it’s nothing risqué, as you catch the tail end of the couple slipping into one of the public, unmarked restrooms. But the thought of their future actions was enough to gross you out. Looking back at Levi, you scrunch your face up in disgust. He nods in understanding.  
“This is why we don’t use public restrooms, especially in a bar.” He pinches the bridge of his nose with his good hand. “When I said somewhere private, I meant like a residence or something. Filthy animals, unbelievable. They better scrub that bathroom down. Maybe I should tell the bartender when they’re done. Maybe I should help clean.” 
His retorts crack you up, your shoulders bouncing from silent laughter. He just stares at you impassively as he runs his fingers through his hair to get it out of his face.  
“Well, it’s not like we should ruin their fun. Anyways I suppose I won. Let’s see... what’s your favorite color?” 
You part your lips, dumbfounded. This was never an easy question, as you found joy in a lot of different colors. You bite your lip and start writing, but after a couple minutes Levi rips the pad from your hands out of impatience.  
canary yellow! 
dark forest gre- 
He just looks at you in alarm.  
“Just pick one.” he scolds. 
You snatch the pad back and scribble down, ‘It’s not that simple!’  
“It is to me. White, easy.” You just stare right back at him, not believing what you just heard. Out of all the many shades and hues out there, this man decides the color white.  
“It’s clean.” is the only response you get.  
It makes sense, you think. But seriously, this man was so weird. But like you said earlier, it was different and that made it refreshing to you. You start searching for your next bet.  
As if in a scene from a movie you’ve seen a dozen times came to life, your eyes snap to a lone woman sitting at the bar, nursing a drink and playing on her phone. A couple seats down, you spot a few men chatting. One of the men is staring hard at the very oblivious woman. You nudge Levi with your elbow, not unnoticing the slight flinch from your touch. You point to the scene, and he is quick to understand.  
“I bet when he walks over to her, she’ll get up and leave.” He says confidently.  
Trusting your instincts, you scrawl back quickly as you notice the man started making his way towards the woman. Sticking your tongue out at him, you angle the pad to him so he could see.  
‘Absolutely not. She’ll tell him off right away.’  
To both yours and his surprise, not one moment later she throws the rest of her drink contents onto the man’s head. She gathers her belongings, throws a wad of bills on to the bar, then stomps out of the establishment. The rejected man staggers back to his friends, and they applaud him for his supposed gall. This event left you both stunned. There’s a moment of pause where you and Levi just stare at each other before all hell breaks loose as he starts talking and you start scribbling furiously.  
“She walked away, I win.”  
‘She threw that drink on him, that’s practically telling him off. And that happened before any walking off.’  
“That hardly counts, no words were used.” He scoffs and folds his arms across his chest as he stares hard at you. You weren’t sure if the indignation was real or not, but it was evident in his face.   
‘Words are not always needed to convey intent.’ You shoot back at him, shifting your weight to tap your foot defiantly. You would know this of course.  
This makes Levi pause. He opens his mouth to say something but then Erwin and Hange came crashing into the little bubble you two had made. Suddenly the sounds of clinking glasses and mindless chatter came rushing in and you took a step back.  
“Um, I think Hange might have had a little too much tonight.” Erwin says, to which your attention is drawn to a very drunk Hange. They were a blubbering, sobbing mess. Whining about things that ranged from Carly to her work stress and everything in between. Your sister rarely got this drunk, but you imagine the events from earlier might have been her breaking point. This was a sign to get her home.  
You hastily round the table to wrap her arm around you and prop her up. Then after whipping a $20 out of your purse and throwing it on the table in front of the boys, you give them a grateful smile and sign to Erwin.  
‘Thank you both for tonight. She and I had a lot of fun. But I need to get her home before she gets worse.’ As if on cue, they let out a loud wail and start sobbing into your shoulder. You shift your body to hold them closer so that you don’t drop them. Erwin grabs your $20 and shoves it back in your purse before zipping it up. He had left you no time to protest as he places a large hand on your shoulder and stares intensely at you.  
“Please, let me take care of this. Tell them this was an exceptional time. And to please stop by the café again, we owe each a good, sober talk.” His bright blue eyes crinkled in the corners as he smiled at you warmly. “It was a pleasure meeting you too. I hope you join Hange on the café visits as well. I think Levi has warmed up to you just nicely.” He wiggles an eyebrow at his friend. Levi just shoves him back and rolls his eyes.  
“Tch, fuck off. She’s alright, I guess.” He’s staring at you now, not as cold as before. “You owe me an answer next time we meet.”  
You purse your lips at him and shake your head in disagreement. 
‘I totally won that, don’t even think otherwise.’ You jot down lazily on the notepad still on the table. It wasn’t as neat, but you were propping up a whole human, you couldn’t help it.   
“Are you sure you’re safe to get home okay? We can he-” You cut Erwin off with a wave of the hand. Their spot of choice was actually very lucky, as you only live a few minutes away. And to be honest, you needed the cold air. So, you sign a quick goodbye to your new friends and make your way out. 
Walking down the snowy sidewalk, you pat Hange’s head as she grumbles about random things. She opted to walk herself, but you kept your hand in theirs to lead them in the right direction. She only stumbled a few times but overall, you were able to keep a steady pace. You note that before you left, her glass of water had been untouched, so you make a mental reminder to hydrate her before throwing her in bed.  
‘Alcohol was not kind to those in their 30s’ you heard their voice say in the back of your mind.  
As your steps left crunching noises in their wake, you peer up at the moon and glittering stars. A certain raven-haired and silver-eyed man etched in your brain. You wonder how soon it will be before seeing him again.  
‘Levi’ you sign to yourself with a free hand. A smile cemented to your face the whole way home.
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☾ Next Chapter: December
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mxanigel · 5 months
fic update: Cut to the Feeling
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an Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) fanfic
[Read on AO3]
An in-progress longfic that asks the question, What if they lived?
Chapter 25: Kiss My Scars
With assistance from Orvud's Garrison, Survey Corps forces defeat the massive Titan that was once Rod Reiss. Yet a rift remains between Shion and Levi. With Hange still hospitalized, Shion expects to face the night alone. To her surprise, she doesn't.
Rating: M
Relationships: Levi Ackerman/OC, Levi Ackerman & Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë & OC, eventual Levi/Hange/OC
Additional Tags: They/Them Pronouns for Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë Being Hange Zoë, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Death, Friendship, Banter, Swearing, Lots of Cursing, Angst, Love and Loss, Asexuality Spectrum, Levi Ackerman Is Obsessed With Cleaning, Falling In Love, Literal Sleeping Together, First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Eventual Canon Divergence, Nightmares, Torture, Blood and Injury, Demisexual Levi Ackerman, Bisexual Hange Zoë, I'm writing this because it's taken over my brain, I have spent so many hours on the wiki lol, Eventual Romance
----- preview snippet below -----
Shion throws herself into her duties for the next few hours—such as dismantling the unused set of explosives and interviewing soldiers for her report to Hange—stopping only when ordered to eat dinner. After the meal, she visits Hange’s hospital room to find them sound asleep. She leaves a scribbled summary of today’s battle with a personal note at their bedside before navigating a maze of halls and stairs to reach her assigned quarters.
Fuck, this room is excessive. Granted, this is one of the fanciest buildings in Orvud, but it’s surreal to experience that opulence, to think about how much money was wasted here instead of rebuilding Stohess or supporting refugees fleeing Titan activity.
Over a dozen candles burn in wall sconces, most of which she blows out to conserve them. A four-poster bed more than double the size of a captain’s bunk sits against one wall, far too many pillows piled on top of it. The oak dresser is as wide as she is tall; Zane would probably admire its construction. Situated on its polished surface is a washbasin, the softest linen cloths she’s ever touched, and an ornately gilded mirror.
Oh, she’s a terrible sight. She diligently brushes knots from her hair before braiding it again so it’s out of the way while she reviews her notes and begins drawing the grotesque not-face of the Titan per Hange’s request. When she can’t stare at her third sketch attempt any longer, she wearily flops backward onto the bed, exhaling as she drapes both arms over her face. She’s running out of distractions. Perhaps the best course of action would be to try to sleep, nightmares be damned—
Knuckles rap against her door. Who’d swing by at this hour? Hange wouldn’t knock. Historia’s a possibility, though her movements are likely restricted now, or it might be Sasha. “It’s open.”
Shion barely swallows a gasp when Levi steps inside. He slumps against the closing door, his head bowed, looking as exhausted as she feels. But he doesn’t speak. When she can’t stand the dead air any longer, she murmurs, “Hi.”
He merely grunts.
Distance yawns between them as silence returns. She doesn’t know why he’s here. She isn’t sure whether she wants him to be here. But it’s the first time he’s sought her out since their disastrous reunion after the Stohess ambush. This heavy atmosphere is better than being alone. Right?
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smirnoffswitchblade · 3 months
♡⸝⸝ about me .ᐟ
includes: introduction, dni/byf, etc . . .
— Finally im making an introduction after putting it off for a bit out of shyness (and laziness..+ being nervous, but i need to push myself to do things sometimes.) but i thought its time you guys know a little bit more about me! ^^
𓈒⠀𓂃⠀⠀˖⠀𓇬⠀˖⠀⠀𓂃⠀𓈒𓈒⠀. 𓂃⠀⠀˖⠀𓇬⠀˖⠀⠀𓂃⠀𓈒
‼️ • MDNI • ‼️
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♡ ····· introduction
• Hello there!! im Sammy, but i prefer to be called Sakura if we aren’t extremely close. <3
• Im 20 years old! Im also a biracial lady, Bisexual, and my pronouns are She/Her! Please refer to me as so when talking to/about me.
• Some of my hobbies include : Cosplay, editing, drawing, photography (beginner), dancing, gaming, writing, reading, and baking!
• I like to associate myself with certain animals, specifically raccoons/deer/rag-doll cats/lambs/bats! Personally i think they fit me very well..so thats why you may see me repost those specific animals from time to time. (cause i think they’re me! ^^)
Tagged with: #irlsaku
• My few of my interests are cosplay, video games, anime, manga, flowers, greek mythology, herbology, nymphology, gloomy coquette and lolita fashion. among others too!
• i love many little men right now..but mainly ive been very lovey dovey over ren hana/fox, strade, lawrence oleander, sano kojima and vincent metzger! their just my favorites at the moment and i tend to self indulge in a bunch of selfshipping with them (persona x canon and oc x canon too!..maybe i will post my btd/tpof ocs here someday.)
♡ ····· DNI / BYF
• DNI: Minors, ageless blogs, zoos/maps, ableist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-xeno/neopronouns, i dont really have a big dni but these are my mains. I block freely.
• BYF: This account is my primary blog and it’s mostly just for me posting/spamming my brainrot of 18+ medias! (also made for self indulgence and other things but i wont speak on that too much) So please please if you are under the age of 18 or do not have an age stating that you are an adult in your bio you will be blocked! This blog and content is not made for your eyes to see and you can get others and the creators in legal trouble and yourself. Please stay safe and take care of yourself, Thank you.
• If you are not a minor but cant handle the topics/media that will be posted on my blog please don’t follow me, this blog again is simply for my hyper-fixations of 18+ medias, my own enjoyment, and more. Don’t hurt/trigger yourself intentionally by looking at the things i put here, and please look out for your wellbeing because you are special! <3 Thank you!
My sfw blog is @crunchysugarr so i wont mix my other medias with this one!
• I have ADHD/PTSD/anxiety and depression, please be mindful of these things when choosing to interact with me whether its in dms or my ask box!
• You can send anything (quite literally anything..) in my asks! I don’t mind it, but ill ignore it if i don’t feel comfortable answering it or if it makes me feel some type of way. Please remember i may take time to reply to them if you ever do send anything to my inbox. (I also ask that you don’t send me irl gore/animal gore/cp/etc in my ask box.)
- I tag my posts with my own hashtags, heres a few of them so you wont be confused about what I’m specifically trying to post!
- aesthetic: #sakuaesth
- rambling: #sakubabbles
- regular blogging: #sakuposting🌸
(This could change overtime but i don’t know if they will but if they do I’ll let you all know! I hate confusing others on accident, hope this helps somewhat!)
• Im still pretty new to the Boyfriend to Death fandom and other fandoms on here too, I’m always learning something new about these pieces of media every single day! so please don’t get upset if i say anything not really lore accurate (?) i guess.
• You can always dm me or reply in my posts freely! But please ask to dm me in my ask box if you do want to talk to me in private, i usually only chat on tumblr and not discord because only people i’m closest to have my discord. But feel free to ask to dm me and we can talk here on tumblr if thats fine with you <3
• Please be patient when it comes to me replying to messages/asks. Sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming knowing i have to reply to so many people so i may take some time to get back to you all depending on whats going on with me that day, i do have a life outside of tumblr thats way different from how i appear online! But just know i have no intentions of ignoring anybody, i just wanna try and talk to new people for once.
Note: i tend to use emoticons only because i just think they’re adorable simply and i like to use them when texting! (i dont know why i feel the need to specify this so much, or anything else for that matter..but i did!)
♡ ····· other / extra things
ill try and make this as short as possible so you wont have to do too much more reading.. sorry about that!! ^_^’
• on this account the specific content i intend to post is boyfriend to death (1&2), the price of flesh, ykmet, degrees of lewdity, lovers trophy, courtin’ cowboys, this is not romance, and Saw (2004)!
• i can give out some of my other socials below so feel free to follow them if you’d like to, or don’t! i would never force anything upon you or anyone. <3
Twitter: @/crunchysugarr
Pinterest: (the same as my twitter user)
• and i think thats really pretty much everything! i hope you enjoy my company and my blog, if theres any other questions you wanna ask to know other things about me that aren’t listed here then you are free to shoot me an ask anytime! (no pressure of course <3.) Im sure we will become good friends someday! take care ♡
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queensectonia · 8 months
is it this one? i'm sorry to have... offended (?) you? i wasn't specifically thinking of you when i made it though, i don't think. i wrote that a while ago.
the intention was not to discourage people from calling elfilis/elfilin they/them though or to insult they/them (and be extension it/its) characters though. it was to say that i don't see a problem with calling them something other than they/them and respecting other people's interps too. kinda like if someone hc'd a male character as a tgirl. i might not agree, but i would respect it. gender hcs should for fictional characters should be a pretty chill thing imo.
again, i'm sorry if you didn't like it or if i hurt you. if you spotted some legitimate issues with it, do tell me! but for now i stand by my points. i really hope we can sort things out since i don't quite like being called a horrible person.
hey man, nowhere in my post did i call you a horrible person. i said some of your reasoning was transphobic, which is a trap anyone can fall into, because unwittingly repeating unfortunate rhetoric is very much not a moral judgement.
and i wasn't offended by your post, because it's a sentiment i pretty much agree entirely with, just couched in some kind of silly reasoning and a broad misunderstanding of what people are actually complaining about.
most of the folk saying things like this aren't complaining about people using different pronouns for established characters (elfilis, in this case) in their own headcanon. as it was stated in my post, we're frustrated about people straight up misgendering elfilis on a universal basis.
this is an extremely widespread and specific problem with characters whose pronouns are they/them, or god forbid it/its. look at any given character whose pronouns are they/them and you will see countless people in the english-speaking sphere flat-out refusing to gender them correctly. for just a couple examples, look no further than frisk undertale + kris deltarune, the gems from houseki no kuni, and yes, indeed, elfilis. this is such an ingrained and common problem where people just innately reject the possibility of a character using they/them pronouns, let alone the idea that they might be nonbinary in any way, and because of it, you get people constantly misgendering these characters and bending over backwards to justify themselves: "oh, well, you know, this character just doesn't seem like a they/them... it was never stated directly... i'm just more comfortable using he or she..."
it's a longstanding, observable issue. elfilis, predictably, doesn't escape it either, and thus you have rafts of the english-speaking fanbase ignoring this character's proper form of address.
and elfilis' pronouns are in fact canonically they/them and it/its, by the way. this is part of the transphobic reasoning i was referring to: in both real life and regarding fictional characters, it is transphobe standby number one to insist and insist and insist and sealion into infinity that there's ~plausible deniability~ on they/them pronouns. it's used because we haven't met this character! we were never told for certain that this character uses they/them! it's for literary ambiguity! they/them are plural pronouns so it's the text referring to multiple people!
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i mean this in the kindest possible way: you are just incorrect here, on multiple points. there is absolutely nothing ambiguous about elfilis' pronouns. multiple times, elfilis is strictly, directly referred to with they/it, where elfilin is referred to with he/him. the game is not being ~vague~ here, it is presenting you with plain information. the game not telling us elfilis' precise, discrete gender identity is not the same as the game not telling us elfilis' pronouns. elfilis is referred to with neutral pronouns in every language except for the ones that literally don't have neutral pronouns.
(even french has a well-known and accepted neuter pronoun these days, but our good friends (derogatory) l'Académie française refuse to ratify it so NoE didn't use it in the localisation.)
additionally, kirby is not referred to with gender-neutral pronouns. i assume you're referring to japanese here, in which case you've been misinformed by a common misconception spread by people who don't speak japanese. kirby is never gendered at all in japanese. it's not "kirby is canonically non-binary in japan!" or "kirby is canonically they/them in japan!", kirby is canonically nothing in japan. they go out of their way to not mention it. depending on your translation standards, japanese doesn't even have "they/them" as a singular pronoun. i explained this in my post here, and there's an additional post i made on the topic regarding a slightly different version of this fandom misconception here.
anyway, tl;dr, no-one is complaining about people giving elfilis different pronouns in headcanons and AUs. we're complaining about the exhaustingly common phenomenon of people forgetting how to be normal about gender when a character uses they/them.
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d*ying on the inside - Steve Harrington x fem!reader
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This material may not be copied, reproduced, displayed, modified. This is my work, do not steal it, do not republish it.
summary:  Steve's grief has been on the same stage for months : denial. He just can't do it. Living without her is just impossible.
warning: /NSFW/ dead!fem!reader, use of she/her pronouns, no use of Y/n, use of strong alcohol, talk about death, grief, tears (a lot), blood (a lot), very small indications of past sexual intercourse (NO smut!), grave, graphic and lethal injuries, pure hurt and trauma (what is comfort? what is fluff? what is happiness?) (minors, do not interact, i'm not responsible for the content you consume)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader (she/her pronouns used, no physical description of the reader so anyone can identify)
word count: 2.3k
a/n: I had to repost this because Tumblr likes to fuck with me and flag the things I write even though it had all the community label.
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The light of the day was a godsend, it announced warmth, light, life.
On days like those Steve would try to enjoy them as much as he could, even if he had his job at Family Video, he would probably arrange an impromptu date with his girlfriend.
A picnic on the hills of Hawkins, where, at this time of the year, was blossoming with flowers, the sun set low and late. Birds chirping on the edge of the forest. 
He could almost hear her laughter as he was lying in his bed, facing the night. Cold, dark, unwelcoming. 
Nights had become a nightmare, quite literally and metaphorically. 
An opened door to nightmares, waking in tears, sweat and out of breath. Or it was the cold embrace of insomnia, lulling him awake to see the short hours of the night. The sunrise peeking through his curtains.
When his bed felt uncomfortable he would throw a cardigan around his shoulders and sit by his pool, watching as the night transformed into the day, the sky first taking a purple colour then moving into pink, bits of orange, finally blue.
It seemed peaceful, and it kinda was, sometimes, but mostly, it was a river of unstoppable thoughts, and voices. And it happened a lot more than he would like to admit.
He didn't get nightmares until the Soviets, but it didn't last long, when Vecna/Henry/One came around, the atrocities they saw, the loss they experienced, it began to be too much. 
"You look lonely," her voice said, he closed his eyes at the sensation of her presence. It almost brought tears to its tired features.
"Without you, I am," he opened his eyes to turn his head towards the sound of her voice. 
He had an oversized hoodie on, the hood lazily resting behind his neck, red and sleepless eyes, exhaustion written on his face. 
Lied on a sun lounger by his pool, wrapped in a thin and fuzzy blanket. His house was deadly silent as he was alone, as always.
She was imitating his position on the sun lounger, her eyes looking so deeply into his tired ones. A soft smile on her face.
There was a comfortable silence, as they looked at eachother, Steve let his mouth speak before thinking, he was way too tired for that anyway.
"I've missed you. A crazy lot." 
“I know. But you know I had to do it, we’ve been through this already.” 
“Yeah, I know, but in the most desperate time... like right now… I still wish you hadn’t.” 
Her eyes moved from his to something near and she winced, he followed her gaze and realised she had seen his glass of whiskey sitting by a footrest he used as a coffee table and he grimaced. The ice was almost completely melted, its remaining clinking softly against the edge of the glass. 
“I haven’t seen you with a glass of whiskey since senior year, three years ago.” 
Escaping from his blanket, bending on the side he reached for his glass, two small pieces of ice remained on the surface, it looked like an iceberg ripped apart. 
Since Vecna, the invasion in Hawkins, memories from that night were the source of his nightmares and his unfinished grief. Some nights finished in a few glasses of his father’s favourite bottle of whiskey, it seemed to either appease or fuel his demons. It was a solution, a very poor one at that, but the only one that gave him comfort. 
“It's just a couple glasses here and there," his voice was so low he didn't even know if he could be heard but she did.
"Whiskey is your sad drink. Just like beer is your party drink. Steve.." 
He took another sip from his glass, lying back on the sun lounger, holding his glass with only two fingers, he closed his eyes as he savoured the burning taste of the alcohol on his tongue.
"You're not really here, so.. I don't see why you care," his tone became harsher as he drank, he had opened his eyes to take a better look at her face. 
"What makes you so certain I'm not really here ? We live in a crazy world." 
Offended by her question, he took yet again another sip of his drink, he furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes fixated on the pool in front of them. 
"Because your coffin is resting in Hawkins' cemetery six feet underground," he started, not looking at her, but he continued, "and like you said, this crazy world killed you. This is some trick, hallucination, I don't know, something my brain has made up because I miss you, and I can't believe you're dead." 
"You just said it. You must believe it somehow."
"No. Saying it doesn't mean I believe it. I know it because I saw it happen before my eyes, but I can't wrap my head around it because it's you. And it's not right for you to be dead." 
He paused, his hair falling in front of his eyes, his chest rising and falling a bit quickly as he talked rapidly. Nervously. His eyes searching in front of him a reason to be nervous, agitated. His brown irises fell upon her. 
"It's not fair and it's not normal, and-... Jesus Christ it's hell without you here." 
It felt like two orbs were piercing through his skull as she looked at him, all ears for him.
"I don't get to see you smile, laugh, sleep, sunbathe, I can't see the stars in your eyes anymore, I can't hear your lame jokes, I can't hear your laugh, I can't hear the sound of your voice. I can't touch you, whether it's getting to hug you, feel your touch, or even just intimacy with you. I can't pleasure you anymore, hear you moan my name when you were on the edge, I can't feel the goosebumps when you were close, or even just kiss your skin. Taste you. Feel your warmth in bed. We can't do anything we had planned because you're not here anymore. And it's like living in hell," his voice broke more and more as he kept ranting on, until his watery eyes couldn't hold on the tears anymore and he started sobbing. 
Shaky breaths left Steve's mouth as his breathing became erratic, his hands in his hair, some handful of hair falling in front his eyes.
She wasn't sure if he would accept her touch, so she preferred staying on her lounger. She knew Steve would never be violent, but it felt out of place to impose herself in such a way.
She waited for him to calm down slowly, the silence comfortable as his tired eyes looked at the sky changing colors, it was rising, deep purple to a mix of lilac, orange and pink.
He let out another shaky breath, closing his eyes to inhale deeply, trying to calm his heart beating crazily in his ribcage.
When he was calmer and comfortable enough to speak, he turned his head, crossed his legs against his chest and his arms crossed, elbows against his knees, his eyes towards her. He cleared his throat. 
"The most horrific thing, apart from your absence and how difficult it is to live with it, is how it happened. And how graphic it was," his voice was soft.
She felt his eyes on her so she turned her face towards him, mimicking his position on the lounger she rested her head in her crossed arms.
"It's like I can relive this moment non-stop. There was so much blood, you were choking on it, barely able to make a syllable. The smell of blood was.. suffocating, heaving. You were in pain and I couldn't do anything to save you. I couldn't stop the bleeding, couldn't get you to a gate to take you to the hospital. And I think it was when the clock rang the four chimes and the portals started opening from the gates.. you..," he paused, he could see the scene happening in his brain as he swallowed up his saliva.
He exhaled loudly, he knew his voice would be shaky, but he continued, "I wasn't fast enough to take you away with me, and the portal completely burned away your legs, your thighs.. your lower body was just.. gone. And the pain was so much worse, you were sobbing, suffocating in your own blood. I couldn't do anything." 
His voice was as a whisper, but very audibly perceptible as they were in complete silence, only the birds awaking above them could be heard.
"I just held you, sobbing, in complete despair. Telling you 'I love you' on repeat. Until eventually, I realised you weren't breathing anymore, my tears mixing in your blood as I realised, terrified, mortified, that you were dead," he paused once again, his eyes zoning on one point by his pool.
"And I wept even more, because you couldn't- can't be dead. Even if I closed your eyes myself,  even if I had to leave you there and God I absolutely hate myself for it. Robin and Nancy had to drag me away from you, because I wouldn't- couldn't move. We had a funeral, but with an empty coffin so it's not real. And I think I even feel worse because your parents don't know they buried it empty, now I understand the way Nancy felt about Barbara. It's unfair. And I'm.. exhausted from all of it. It doesn't even make sense now… to live without you I mean, it's.. bland." 
He finally zoned out of his trance, and directed his eyes towards her, where she was patiently listening to him. 
Even though he had experienced her.. 'presence' since she was gone, he hadn't been so sincere and profound with his feelings, his suffering.
"I don't remember much, except from the cold, and the taste of blood, your tears, the excruciating pain. The suffocating part, that I definitely did not forget. But I also remember the 'I love yous' . They lulled me away to the darkness. To Death." 
The scene was truly just so heart wrenching to witness. Holding her so tightly on his lap, crying his heart out, his hands on both sides of her torso to tentatively stop the bleeding. 
The particles of the Upside Down would sometimes temporarily cloud his vision, the air thick, toxic, and smelled of iron with the quantity of blood around them.
She had her eyes focused on him, remembering his own and their colour, choking on her own blood, her chest kept tightening at the lack of oxygen, the pain was in wave, each time she inhaled it felt like knives were digging deeper into her flesh, and with her lower body gone, she felt it burn, it was horrendous, and the smell was enough to make her nauseous.
Tears clouded both their visions, hot cries of salty water running down their cheeks. 
There was so much he wanted to say, but his shaky voice could only repeatedly tell her he loved her.
And she wanted to say she didn't want to die, she wanted to do so much with him, but she couldn't even breathe correctly, let alone speak. 
Then she started feeling cold, no, she realised she was cold, and exhausted. Her eyes were just shutting off on their own, everything was blurry and she tried to resist, she tried so hard. The sounds were different, she could recognise a bit of Steve's voice trying to keep her awake but she felt herself leaving.. leaving.. and then.. nothing.
When he realised she was gone his hands left her sides to capture her cheeks, trying to wake her. 
His cries were louder, gut-wrencher.
Her eyes were glazed, empty. And he kept saying her name, and he wept so much.
He felt a hand on his shoulder. 
Robin came to his level, in a delicate voice she whispered, "Steve, we have to go, we need to get back to Hawkins. I'm sorry." 
He was so exhausted, so done with all the shit that kept happening. He nodded mechanically.
He let out a shaky breath. He closed her eyes with his thumbs, leaving blood on her cheeks and her eyes. He kissed her forehead, and shortly after that he followed Robin and Nancy. Silent. Empty. 
"I don't know how I can keep going on without you," he whispered, his voice a mess as he was on the edge of tears.
She handed him her hand, inviting him near her, he looked at it then her eyes, he didn't know if he could touch her. But he wanted to feel her so bad.
Getting up from his lounger he made his way toward her's, and sat down right next to her.
She laid her legs and indicated to him to rest against her. 
"Let me hold you, Steve," that's all he needed to be convinced and lay on the lounger with her, in between her thighs as she held him. Head against her chest. Her hands in his hair.
He didn't know if he was dreaming or totally losing his mind, but he cried a few tears of happiness in a comfortable silence.
Until he woke up. Alone. Curled up on the lounger. 
A new wave of despair escalated through him, watery eyes on his whiskey brown irises. 
Running a hand through his hair he let out a shaky breath, holding back the tears as much as he could.
"I love you," he whispered, his eyes closed, letting it overflow, hoping he would feel some warmth to prove her presence, somehow. But nothing. 
"I'll always love you." 
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squid-ink-symphony · 1 year
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Finally working on my agents?????
Idk what 8 is going to end up like, but I'm going to play octo expansion in the next couple months which should help with that. But for now here's what we have!
I named them all after citrus stuff cuz.. its cute <3 Anyway, if you want a playlist sort of inspired by these 4 and just Splatoon/Splatoon characters in general check this out!
More info under the cut! And of course anything here is subject to change. Feel free to ask me or the agents any questions!
Lime/Captain 3
I mixed the male and female base inkling hairstyles to get the one i use for Lime.
They/Them :)
I changed the cloak they got from cuttlefish to a cape(easier to draw.)
Gave them back their old hero suit/jacket thing and shortened their pants.
This is Lime as of splatoon 3, i dont really know if anything is different about them in one and two that varies from the canon designs other than the hair.
Lime is very much the silent type who tends to worry too much and tries to make sure everything gets handled. This means they can end up taking on a lot more than is healthy for them, but they figure it's better that they do it than anyone else so no one else gets hurt.
has a lot of scars that i didnt include becuz this pic isnt colored.
The exact same height as Yuzu, but Lime wears high heels when in casual clothes so they end up being taller.
Has one older sibling.
Uses roller.
Clementine/Agent 4
Is used to being the smartest there is, and she still is really talented. But when she got into a really fancy school she was suddenly surrounded by other people on her level and she actually had to work. Had never built up good study habits and had just coasted by on natural talent until now, so she dropped out about 3/4 through the school year. A couple weeks later she was scouted by Marie.
She only really went along with Marie due to the low point she was in, and she figured following some random woman into the sewers couldn't be any worse than what she had already done. Saving Callie really helped bring her emotions and confidence back up.
She might still be dealing with feeling like she needs to be perfect and smart for her to have any worth, but she's working to get better and allow herself to make mistakes.
He/Him, She/Her and They/Them!
Their hair is just a shorter version of the "straight" inkling girl hair
The logo on her tank top is supposed to be the cuttlegear logo, but i never drew it lol
Wears her hero jacket around her waist after rescuing Callie.
The wheels help her skate and work well while riding on inkrails. It was her first actual project she let herself work on after dropping out. At first it didnt work, but she eventually tried again and again until it did.
Worlds number one salmon runner.
Was so used to being "the smart kid" until he was surrounded by tons of smart kids. And suddenly, that trait didn't make her stand out any more.
Starts off very self loathing, and Marie doesn't notice because 4 is getting results and all Marie cared about was getting Callie back. But slowly 4 grew to break down and then build herself back up again with Marie's help.
Only child
Uses Dualies mostly, but is also pretty proficient with a charger. Is sort of a jack of all trades and can really play any weapon.
Pomelo/Agent 8
She/Her and He/Him???
E liter user??
Yuzu/Agent Neo 3
Was originally going to be called Lemon to match with Lime, but i thought Yuzu was cuter
It/It, They/Them, She/Her, and honestly anything else you want to use. Hoards pronouns and names like a dragon.
Lives with Little Buddy and their mom. Their mom(not biological) is a Goldie.
Does actually speak salmonid, and refuses to work for Grizz Co. Will fight their employees on sight. (this causes some slight issues with 4 when they first meet)
Stringer user!
Finds treasure in the splatlands and sells it in splatsville for cash. WILL fight you on sight if you try to take their stuff.
Hair is a mix between the male ponytail and the canon braid style.
Loves to collect shiny bits and bobs, and can sniff out anything like it from a mile away.
Yuzu will do anything for money. It needs money to help support her family!!!
Was sort of conflicted fighting Deep Cut. On one hand, Yuzu respects them a lot for what they do for Splatsville. But on the other hand, Yuzu is not backing down from a challenge OR treasure. So Yuzu chose to at least do Deep Cut the honor of keeping it a clean fight with no tricks.
Speaking of, it WILL play dirty to get what they want.
Very curious and loves to poke around where they don't belong. Will find every little thing hidden in every level.
Absolutely horrible sense of direction, Honey has to help them out a lot.
Is somehow the most naive and most distrusting of the group.
When they celebrate, they go all out! Splatfests, something good happened with the NSS, birthdays, pretty much anything is an excuse to party like tomorrow won't come.
Honey/Little Buddy/Agent Neo 3 Also?
Has a full proper salmonid name, and so does Honey and Yuzu's mom. I just havent decided what they are yet. But Honey was the name Yuzu gave it, and so they wear it with pride!
He/Him, It/Its, They/Them
Has a braid in their hair just like Yuzu!!
Is growing in some of his goldie scales! But not all of them are their yet! Got his first one after the Hugefry transformation. During the transformation he turned into a massive goldie, but returned to normal with no other side effects. But whats this! There was a single golden scale! Honey was so proud!!
Very brave, unafraid to do anything to help Yuzu out! He will help his big sib!!
Likes to cook!
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obscureashe · 1 year
Heylo here! I came here for the valentine special (HELPP)
I’m Joey, he/him pronouns, transgender lithromantic, leo, adhd (self-diagnosed but for a good reason)
PERSONALITY: im a pretty chill and easygoing person, i like to rant about my interests a lot and I’m pretty good achiever im very focused but im also pretty lazy person when i feel burnt out, i prefer to be alone when working but then i would really want to work with others, i don’t talk a lot and im very bad at communicating and I’m scared that Ill say something wrong and get weird looks, im more like a person who has a Ena Shinonome Personality but anyways I also like to make sexual jokes when im completely comfortable when im with a person, at first I am a very Awkward person so I would probably have to get to know the person a little more before I can be myself around them
I have severe anxiety so it’s hard for me to feel like im normal because I feel like people judge me for being me. I’m afraid of what they think about me when they see me or talk to me. I do not like rude people at ALL. I am a very kind person and when someone starts being rude to me I throw hurtful insults that I don’t mean because they made me snap so I don’t know how to control myself afterwards. Also I don’t know how to comfort people. I just don’t know how and I’m afraid I’ll mess up and make them feel worse.
I love the color black a lot. Including with other darker colors. And I do like lighter colors like blue, green, red, yellow, etc, I like romance and dark genre’s, i love reading manga/books and watching stuff too, and I absolutely love music i wouldn’t know what to do with my life if there wasn’t music, i also like theater and musicals, i also love gaming a lot bc I have a lot of games, i like rhythm games the most, i also love lemon demon/neil cicierega in general, i love being with my online/irl friends a lot, i love hotels too and I like eating bread and my favorite animal is a shark, im also a goth/medalhead! and i play the electric guitar everyday
negitive mentions of my voice, comparing me to people/saying stuff like "you remind me of ____", also spiders like good god no. i dislike very rude people, hot weather, talking on the phone and I think that’s it.
also im on with pretty much anyone romantically and platonically as well, so just have fun with this request :) thank you!
I honestly love your request ♡ so thanks for sending me one! + you're the first one without a preference too!
For your platonic match up, I'm pairing you with. . .
Gyomei Himejima »
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There's nothing wrong you can say to him, and its fine if you're bad at communication or talking. He's fine with silence while you hang out, and he always seems to know what you mean anyway
not an ounce of judgement in his body
like if you don't want to, he'll just talk about anything until you're comfortable, or do the opposite and listen to you if you needed to vent to him
for someone who's 7'2 and intimidating to look at, he's the complete opposite and so understanding
he's always genuine, honest and kind
he doesn't compliment much, so when he does you can be sure he means it, especially your taste and talent in music
he loves listening to you're interests and day by the way. hearing you speak so passionately about the things you love makes him smile
And for your romantic match up, I'm pairing you with. . .
Mitsuri Kanroji »
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would also be a great friend first, and she's friendly to everyone
she's honest and very open about how she feels, so there's literally nothing she can hide from you
(if you wanted or worried about what she thought of you she'd tell you, regardless)
she loves everyone. and your preference not to talk is nothing short of p e r f e c t i o n to her. she thinks its adorable beyond belief.
honestly, in a relationship with you she's always giddy and smiling about everything
mitsuri and sexual jokes would have her crying with laughter + red with embarrassment
she compliments everyone in her head, and being her partner isn't an exception
she can't lie either, so every single compliment she gives you she means with her whole heart
adores your art and goth music
gushes at you when you're drawing or playing your electric guitar (she loves western things, and it would be so new and exciting!)
borrowing her romance books
and seeing a musical with her would be such a lovely date idea
she'd ask you out to dinner, either afterwards or for a first date
and she's a great cook! would probably sneak in snacks to you while you were busy or playing games
its never boring with her around either, with her bubbly personality and clumsiness, i'm sure you'd always have something to do
she loves planting little butterfly kisses to the tip of your nose + especially your lips
hugs and hand holding too ♡ (will squish you pretty hard so be warned)
you'll probably hear 'i love you' from her everyday
imagining the two of you dancing together is ♡
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there you go! thank you again and i hope you liked your match up! + i think mitsuri would hate spiders too (same), so i'm pretty sure between you and mitsuri, a spider would win
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… may I ask you about Nap?
// @cryptid-s-wips
OKAY this has been marinating in my askbox for too long sorry here is the lore-
Nap uses it/its pronouns, speaks in creature noises because its creator was busy learning how to die when making it so they kind of just. Forgot to add parts. Including a mouth, nose or any hair. Also it looks like it's made of patchwork for the aforementioned reason.
They're 6'5 (about 2 meters) tall, grey-ish, with multiple pinks wings and heart-shaped pupils. They love pastel colors and usually wear soft, fluffy things if possible. Very much autistic-coded.
They're an angel, no, I mean literally - a non-human being made by a god (there are many gods in this setting, which are giant primordial whales floating in space creating more space in the process. Also they're like super poisonous to humans. Don't worry about it) - but the problem is that the very unusual god that made Nap learned to die before they told Nap what they made it for, which is kind of the whole deal with angels, them being made for some purpose.
Also at this point in the Starcrumbs universe humans have been hunting angels for divinity (the stuff gods make angels out of) for over a century now because it can override laws of physics and can be used as oil++, but also extracting it from an angel requires making said angels very much not alive. And the god put all of their divinity into Nap, so now it's a walking oil deposit ready to be cut up and used, on top of having an ongoing existential crisis. I love this little guy I am putting it through all the trauma always-
Oh, and angels are poisonous, too. Less than gods but crude divinity either fucks up humans very badly or miracles them into other forms of existence, usually unorganic, so Nap is also always concerned with accidentally hurting/killing its human friends :))
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37q · 1 year
i think the thing that broke me out of the online self-perpetuating minority vigilance paranoia fear shit was reconciling my capacity for resilience with my deep seated love for interrogation.
i hate the "gay trans friendly doctor pls? :3c" quest because i dont trust people to call themselves that and i dont trust others to have my standards for sensitivity (and because i have so many more issues than just trans?) and i dont trust the medicine to back up the sensitivity and i dont trust online searches to give me the full list anyway.
these standards derived pretty rationally from minority stressors and the evaluation of various gateways to information or access but they make me so selective that at this point i just wanna skip the forest of facade friendliness and bulldoze right into the vaguely insensitive normie housing development. i can convince anybody to respect trans people. im capable of persuasion the likes of which you couldnt even fathom. and im relentless in my constructive confrontations, my self-advocacy and compassionate critique, and my desire to address underlying issues in order to design a loving future for everyone involved!
and i have to say, its easy af! its not even about resilience or having thick skin for me, its just a willingness to live with each moment and a commitment to make the next one even better! this isnt for just anybody, but im using my strengths for good over here!
if someone slips up with my pronouns i imagine their guilt and hope it doesnt turn to shame, because that makes them fear the consequences of accepting change! if someone says something to me out of malice i reconnect them with my humanity and remind them that they're speaking to themselves. i prolong the interaction, in the end offering a beautiful, complex way of responding to confusion in their everyday lives. if someone gives me antiquated medical advice i ask them to solve problems with me, then we come up with solutions cooperatively as new information develops in the back and forth.
these interactions are uncomfortable! theyre kinda touch and go, and theres no way to know whether i helped someone develop a healthier view of and relationship with trans people or if they walked away after stereotyping all my remarks and throwing them out. but i try! i literally cant let things rest, and my ceaseless positivity, thoughtfulness, and candidness makes it hard for people to put up walls! i value myself too much to dismiss little things, i value future trans people too much to let it slide, and i value the person in question's personal wellbeing too much to let them use these tactics to hurt or imprison themselves in the future!
im so sick of worrying if someones trans friendly! i will make you trans friendly whether your like it or not! for your good, for my good, for their good!
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abyssmalice · 10 months
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(im done with fontaine aq)
(ok so overall impression: actually really entertaining, i really enjoyed both acts and also the ace attorney vibes are immaculate
my most important takeaways tho from the fontaine story so far tho:
CHILDE LORE CHILDE LORE CHILDE LORE that's still occupying my brain, especially in light of the whole "hydro sensitivity allows you to connect with presumedly the waters of the primordial sea which is connected to the waters of fontaine somewhere" and the oratrice being sentient and sentencing him to a guility verdict + his vision being hydro...... there is SOMETHING about these three bits in particular that i feel are very important and connected now but BITES BITE BITES
the traveler is well in their rights to not trust lyney and co. but i and, most importantly, the tonitoni in my brain are VERY MUCH TRUSTING OF HIM AND HIS FAMILY. excluding arlecchino but I CARE HIM AND HIS SISTER V MUCH.............. the part where they explained their backstory was so so soooo dark, tonitoni in my brain was practically biting the metaphorical cage bars wanting blood. if arl didn't kill someone toni would have gladly offered to do it if she heard such a story ww (TONITONI AND LYNEY AND LYNETTE FRIENDSHIP..... HAND IT OVER!!!!! please i want them to be friends even more now....!!!!! PLEEEAAASE)
SPEAKING OF TONI............ i will still need to see act 3 and in general the inevitable fatui scheme in the works, and especially see if they reveal why the oratrice gave a guilty verdict to childe - because if it's a very childe-specific reason, that may pose problems for toni in her AU as in that case, she might Not have the same verdict in her canon, which could easily snowball into other major major maaaaaajor divergences depending on what act 3 reveals. (tho i can still see her kicking up a VERY LOUD AND CRYING FUSS about a guilty verdict and getting ceremoniously jailed for it. she hates cages of any kind, after all).
also the end of act 2 with vacher basically getting. you know. tonitoni vc: Karma. aka satisfying, and i think narrative-wise very fitting while being chillingly sinister, which fontaine sure has been good at so far.
other important details while i was trekking around fontaine ignoring the aq:
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i climbed this STUPID FUCKING TOWER to get a luxurious chest that was up here, but also one of the hydroculus is up here too for everyone's attention. rip. enjoy fucking climbing hell i guess (ty wanderer and zhongli pillar, my saviors.....)
also i checked that easter egg about a "furina's voice under the fountain of lucine at night" and ITS LEGIT!!!! I CHECKED IT!!!!!!!!!! the npc voices kept interrupting so i had to do a couple of listens to really make sure i heard something properly but it's real........
i also want to note that i play with jp voices on, and with my wonderful n5 level of jlpt fluency (please hear the sarcasm), i would roughly translate what i heard as:
"I(?) can't see the end*... Lonely... It hurts... When can I(?) return..."
*(literal translation; a more sensible one is, "It never ends.")
the question marks are there bc pronouns weren't in the dialogue itself, so i can only infer who the speaker is or who the speaker is even talking about, so for now im assuming it's themselves. and assuming i heard correctly to begin with, the phrases are VERY interesting - especially the last one. bc i dont think the other languages mention any sort of 'returning', tho i could be wrong.........)
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gildinbainas · 1 year
name: dani, the mfkn og pharaoh and dragon queen 💞
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pronouns: she/her or they/them idc really
preference of communication: asks or tumblr IM. i have discord, but honestly, I've had way too many experiences of people wanting to chat until they get a hard no from me on something they want to explore in RP and I don't. so disc is reserved for mostly friends now :/
experience / how many years: i'm not really sure. i'm sure i've been here about 10 years? or 10+ years but i've been kinda off and on so idk. we'll say 10+ for tumblr. as far as RPing goes, its been longer because i started in high school. a girl introduced me to chat style RP and then para RPing in forums and then later facebo/ok. so i've got plenty of experience all around.
rp pet peeves: people who roll up on my blog waxing poetics and everything is fine until they propose something that i don't want to do? usually it involves smut, or forcing my muse into a role they're not comfortable in or pushing for storylines that don't really connect with me or my character. --- stalking. --- getting mad because i ship with only one version of certain characters --- trying to make me jealous because i may not have time or the inspiration to give you my undivided attention all the time --- BIG GIFS --- smut blogs that only want to bottom
fluff, angst, or smut: i LOVE fluff. too much angst bores me. i like action. smut IF there's a strong chemistry between our characters in canon and in writing. but im a whore for fluffy / slice of life shit
long or short replies: i tend to write long ass novella stuff with my mains and can get bored easily with short things if the conversation isn't good if we're threading. i do try to keep some short stuff in the mix but my threads tend to be pretty long and im liable to ignore people who only do short things. its just not my thing
time to write: none. i literally have zero time to fucking write these days. i pop on when i can and cater to those who continuously show interest.
are you like your muses: LOLOLOLOLOLOL weeeeeeell i guess if i had to say im like one of my muses, its probably atem. we're both sus af of people. don't like being touched without permission. no time for stupid people. no time for endless drama. we are quick tempered. hold grudges ( working on that though ). um... he has more girly habits than i do though.---and i guess you could say like charles, im probably too nice at times? and a pacifist at heart. dont think i could ever hurt someone. its just not in me to hurt people unless im like atem and verbally annihilating them from a to z when mad. or beating them senseless in a children's card game --- oh and at home im pretty quiet like atem / gaara. i speak only when necessary in large gatherings so there you go.
tagged by: @sanguinelupus
tagging: anyone who wants to
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naninadz · 1 year
wait to clarify when i said pneumagate brook characters i didn't mean that i just mean your ocs in general sorry </3 btw sorry if i spell names wrong it is 6:25 in the morning.
anyways i feel like im going to explode sorry for my bug autism beam
i feel like Luca is a house centipede, specifically allothereua maculata since i think they are typically larger than the variety you find in north america (this also makes Eman a house centipede since. yea). house centipedes really feel like a her trait since they look like that yknow, but also because of how stealthy, quiet and overall dangerous they are (- to other invertebrates that is; they are not harmful to humans unlike Luca lol). she feels like a house centipede with the mannerisms of a mantis (but not quite the bloodthirst).
i know Adriel is already based off of the scolopendridae family of centipedes but i don't think itd hurt to say that luca is also a centipede since house centipedes and scolopendra are very different, so it wouldn't be to repetitive (btw idk if you had a specific centipede in mind when you were designing adriel but i feel like they are a chinese red-headed centipede :])
ok enough of centipedes i like those guys he he, so anyways Brayden is a kissing bug because of obvious reason. but also he just kinda looks like one, imo. he gives bowie chagas parasite for fun <3 though his flesh vampire form kind of reminds me of repipta taurus.
speaking of bowie i can't decide between her being a beetle because of how bulky she is or a scorpion (bc shes a reaper. lol). i don't wanna be generic and just say shes a stag/rhinoceros beetle bc thats the Classic beetle everyone thinks of but she really is like both of those. BUT scorpion wise she'd def be a tityus obscurus
little bowie baby guy bowie is a weevil of some sort and adam is a flatid planthopper nymph
is this too long??? is tumblr gonna cut off my bugtism?? that would be kind of ableist ngl. so if you respond to this and its cut off lemme know if you want me to send the rest of this ask sorry its so long and hard to read
anyways, Regan is definitely either an asian longhorn beetle or an earwig. idk she is very earwig to me but asian longhorn beetle kinda fits her appearance more? theyre both silly and weird
Harper is a click beetle, idk man calling her a roach seemed mean but like she(? you never post them idk their pronouns :sob:) seems like just a nondescript brown beetle to me. oh not that roaches are bad theyre just sorta the staple bug yknow. you see them and ur like "oh man.. bug"
actually dillards a roach that fits more
Lotte is a harlequin bug can you tell why? can you tell why? can y jk that doesnt really fit her actually, panacanthus intensus seems more like her
blue kinda seems like a tailless whip scorpion but like i literally cant think of anything else
i kinda dont really know too much about the rest of ur characters and i am very tired but my last thought is that dian is a solifuge bc they both look kinda funny thank you for listening *burrows into the mud and tar and becomes unconscious for 13 to 17 years*
This is so fascinating, thank u, autism be damned my boy can GRILL
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mxanigel · 9 months
Fic update: Cut to the Feeling
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an Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) fanfic
[Read on AO3]
An in-progress longfic that asks the question, What if they lived?
Chapter 17: Evasive Maneuvers
Squad Levi and Squad Hange's efforts with the Eren experiments are cut short when the Military Police discover their location. So they devise a new plan to get the information they desperately need.
Chapter 18: Justified
Squad Levi captures two Military Police members to interrogate because the Survey Corps must learn why Historia matters. But Hange and Levi aren't asking questions as they begin torturing their first captive. Shion wrestles with the violence they inflict and her own role in that brutality.
Rating: M
Relationships: Levi Ackerman/OC, Levi Ackerman & Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë & OC, eventual Levi/Hange/OC
Additional Tags: They/Them Pronouns for Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë Being Hange Zoë, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Death, Canon Character Deaths, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Spoilers, Friendship, Banter, Swearing, Angst, Love and Loss, Asexuality Spectrum, Levi Ackerman Is Obsessed With Cleaning, Falling In Love, I'm writing this because it's taken over my brain, Literal Sleeping Together, First Kiss, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, I have spent so many hours on the wiki lol, Largely Canon Compliant, Nightmares, Torture
----- brief chapter snippets below -----
From Chapter 17
“Thanks for using some of your rest time to work with me,” she says.
“Honestly, it’s a little scary to think about what I’d do in the field without this training,” Nifa replies. “The more of us who have first aid knowledge, the better off we all are.”
Shion nods. “My thinking exactly. Hange’s quite skilled with a needle. But they should be far from the only one who can stitch up a wound.”
Nifa grimaces. “I might pick Sasha before Captain Hange if I needed that kind of treatment.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
The three of them glance at the door. Hange’s leaning against its frame, a half-grin on their face.
“Unlike Titans, we can feel pain, you know,” Nifa replies.
“Hey! I’m careful.”
Shion arches an eyebrow.
“… When I need to be.”
From Chapter 18
Shion can’t stand by any longer. She grabs Hange’s arm. “That's enough for now.”
“Take a break. Clear your head.”
Focus returns to their gaze, and they slowly nod. Levi’s face is inscrutable.
“Oh, these rabid dogs do listen to someone? Didn’t expect it to be you. You’re not even a captain. No wonder the Survey Corps is a joke.”
It’s like her mother is tied to that chair. The rage she’s suppressed flares through her chest. “Choose to stop speaking before I make that choice for you.”
Sannes scoffs. “As if you have the guts to—”
Shion shoves a gag into his mouth. “Choice made. Next time, I may not use cloth.”
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