#and now the education system is being actively boycotted AND my parents are still not speaking to each other
cepheusgalaxy · 3 months
Nex Benedict was murdered in a stupid bathroom because of a stupid fucking bill and Palestine and Sudan and I don't know how many more places are under tons of shit and now the fucking KOSA and Im frraking out
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thelittlepalmtree · 4 months
I cannot deal with the conversations around voting. Because every election, It's a bunch of people being like "I don't wanna vote!" At 1 point I was talking to someone and he said, "I don't vote because voting is the least you can do." And I was like. "Yes it is the least you can do so you should do it." And we just went back and forth like that.
And maybe it's just because I'm a teacher. And I am literally waiting through rivers of bullshit Every single fucking day to try to help these children have a fucking future. But I just don't understand how people are ignoring the reality so hard. I am not voting for democrats because I am like super enthusiastic about the democratic party. I like some democrats. But the system is broken. And we know it's broken. I am literally a public servant. And I am so deeply frustrated about the fact that whenever we talk about education. We're talking about bathrooms and fucking book burnings, I'm not the fact that we are in a national teacher shortage and have been for like ten years. Like I guarantee you, Every single family in america would be benefited right now by an infusion of funding into our education system. Education reform is the most kitchen table of kitchen table issues. What are most parents talking about with their children?
But we're not talking about that. Because politics these days is all about trying to keep a small group of people from fucking burning the whole country down. And you know what, It's fucking exhausting. But you don't just say ok i'm walking away let him burn it down. Cause then, Everything is burned down.
Like I really and truly and deeply understand the exhaustion. I am so exhausted. I do not like the way things are. And I do not think my vote is gonna make anything better. But y'all, I'm still gonna fucking vote. And i'm probably gonna fucking campaign. Not out of joy, Not out of excitement, But out of Pure anxiety and fear. And there is not a single issue, On which voting for a third party candidate Or not voting Will cause any improvement.
Everything that you do not like about joe biden, Will be worse if you choose not to vote. And the people who are talking to you about this, Are not people who can name the key, senators and key people in the house of representatives who are actually causing a lot of the problems. And please do not fucking talk to me about gaza. Because I am Egyptian. And I gave a shit about gaza way before most of you even heard about it. I have been pro palestine since I was a fucking child. And I am incensed and enraged an upset about everything that is happening. But there is nothing that I can do. There is nothing that you can do. And you can tell yourself that not drinking starbucks and being A fucking toddler about voting is gonna make you better than everybody else and somehow making not complicit. But you are complicit. Because if biden does not win, Say goodbye to gaza. Not only will it be that america did not stand up to israel. Not only will america be giving israel aid. You will not be safe, I will not be safe, In america. And everything that is happening in gaza, Will be expedited. Netanyahu is rooting for Trump. Your little self righteous Act of boycotting an election will do nothing. It will actively harm the people living in gaza. And that will be on you. Although I'm guessing that when that shit does happen. You're just gonna act like you're not responsible.
It's time to wake up. Being an adult is about making hard choices. And just because someone doesn't have a fucking gun to your head, Doesn't mean that there's not guns to other people's heads. The person most likely to vote for a democrat is a black woman. Do you think that black women vote for democrats at such a high rate? Because they just absolutely love grandpa Joe over there? No. They show up and they do it because they know there's no other choice. Everyone who is voting democrat knows, That there are people in the margins. And now life is not gonna get better anytime soon, That is just a fact. But, There is work we can do to make it not be as bad as quickly. An in that space is human lives. And if you decide to opt out, To just not participate, To decide that you're smarter than every other person, And take a little ego trip. That is your privilege talking, Or maybe just your stupidity. The person I see who talks the most about not voting and opting out, Is a white queer person. And this isn't anecdotal evidence we literally take a study every four years. More than that every year. So if you wanna stay home stay home. But think about who you're listening to.
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