#but if you read through the whole timeline linked here
palms-upturned · 7 months
Israeli drone missile hits front gate of al-Shifa Hospital
Nov 3rd, 15:10 GMT
Youmna ElSayed, reporting from Gaza City
A drone missile [hit] in front of al-Shifa Hospital. Of course, there are casualties from that strike, but we still don’t know the exact figure.
Let’s note that the al-Shifa Hospital has over 5,000 patients and tens of thousands of displaced people in the front and back yards.
It is the largest hospital in Gaza City and the Gaza Strip, but this is not the only attack.
In a press conference at al-Shifa Hospital, they said that they demand international protection for ambulances as they have been targeted on al-Rashid Street.
[In] the past few days, they were asking on air for the Red Cross to escort them on their trip to the Rafah crossing, but an ambulance was hit.
We still don’t have any news about the ambulance that got targeted, but we know from local sources at al-Shifa Hospital that it happened just after the strike at the front gate.
‘This was a medical convoy,’ Health Ministry spokesman
Nov 3rd, 15:18 GMT
Ashraf al-Qudra, the Palestinian Health Ministry spokesman in Gaza, says critically wounded patients were being moved to Rafah crossing with Egypt when the Israeli attack hit just outside al-Shifa Hospital.
“We informed the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, we informed the whole world, that those victims were lined up in those ambulances,” he said.
“This was a medical convoy.”
More from Palestinian health ministry spokesman
Nov 3rd, 15:25 GMT
Al-Qudra has provided more information about the medical convoy that was attacked:
The ambulances were carrying about 15 to 20 critically wounded patients.
The patients were going to Rafah crossing with Egypt to seek treatment abroad.
“These were critically wounded victims we cannot attend [to] at the hospital.”
Israeli military looking into report of attack on ambulance convoy
Nov 3rd, 15:30 GMT
Israel’s military says it is looking into the report by the Gaza health ministry that the ambulance convoy in front of al-Shifa Hospital was struck.
Many casualties are feared in the attack.
Dozens feared dead in attacks on Gaza road, al-Shifa Hospital gate: Ministry
Nov 3rd, 15:50 GMT
Al-Qudra, the Palestinian health ministry spokesman, says dozens of people are feared dead in today’s attacks on al-Shifa Hospital and a coastal road in Gaza.
Hundreds are believed to be injured, he added.
“If no safe passage is provided for the delivery of fuel and medical supplies and the departure of victims, we will continue to lose more lives. We are helpless here,” al-Qudra said.
We’ll bring you more information on the casualties from these two attacks when we can.
New attack near Indonesian Hospital
Nov 3rd, 16:04 GMT
We’re getting reports of a new attack in the vicinity of the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza.
Al Jazeera footage from the scene showed people frantically combing through the rubble using their phone lights.
Large plumes of smoke could be seen in the evening sky as small fires had broken out amid the mounds of debris.
We’ll bring you more details shortly.
‘If you wish to kill what’s left of us, let us know’: Al-Shifa Hospital director
Nov 3rd, 16:10 GMT
Speaking to Al Jazeera, Director Muhammad Abu Silmeyeh said the situation in the Gaza City hospital is beyond dire.
“We ran out of medical supplies, we cannot accommodate with the high number of victims and in a few hours time, the generators will come to a stop,” he said. “The morgue of the hospital is totally packed. We are keeping the dead in our freezer trucks.
“We have been sending SOS messages to the whole world,” said Abu Silmeyeh, adding that the hospital has the largest newborn incubator department, the largest operation facilities, and the largest intensive care unit in the enclave.
“The building behind me is [housing] thousands of patients and victims. It is now standing without electric power,” he said from the hospital compound. “If you wish to kill what is left of us, just let us know. If this hospital collapses, the entire health sector will snap.”
Palestine Red Crescent shares images of ambulance damaged in Gaza coastal road attack
Nov 3rd, 16:16 GMT
The Palestine Red Crescent (PRCS) has shared a short video showing a damaged ambulance splattered with what appears to be blood.
It said the vehicle was attacked by Israeli forces on Gaza’s al-Rashid Street earlier today.
The target of the attack “was a group of ambulance vehicles returning from a mission to transport injured individuals to the Rafah border”, including a vehicle affiliated with PRCS, it said.
Area where ambulance was struck is ‘extremely crowded’ with civilians, PRCS spokesman says
Nov 3rd, 16:30 GMT
Palestinian Red Crescent spokesman Mohamed Abu Musbah says the entrance of al-Shifa Hospital, where one of their ambulances was struck in an Israeli attack a short while ago, is “extremely crowded”.
The front yard near the entrance of the hospital is “filled with civilians” and until now, there is no confirmation on the number of potential casualties, Abu Musbah told Al Jazeera.
The ambulance driver and a PRCS staff member who was escorting the wounded have both “survived”, but one of them suffered from shrapnel wounds in his leg, Abu Musbah said.
With them inside the vehicle was a female patient who is now in “serious condition and has been taken back inside al-Shifa Hospital”, he added.
‘What we’ve seen today, we’ve seen many times’
Nov 3rd, 16:40
Mads Gilbert, a doctor who has previously worked at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, says there are “quite sophisticated communication channels” meant to coordinate and protect medical convoys.
He spoke to Al Jazeera after health workers and Gaza officials said an ambulance convoy leaving al-Shifa Hospital was attacked by Israeli forces.
“I’ve been in convoys going from al-Shifa down to Rafah [crossing] to go to Egypt with wounded and I have experienced that, despite being coordinated with International Red Cross and having escort cars in front and back, we were shot at and had to return,” said Gilbert, who was in Gaza during Israeli bombardments in 2006, 2009, 2012 and 2014.
“So it’s a very scary experience to have the responsibility of a patient maybe intubated, maybe on a ventilator, severely wounded and you go there and you feel quite naked and you hope that the international decency and regulations will protect you,” he said. “Not so in Gaza, not so with Palestinian ambulances. We’ve seen this many times,” he added.
“This is the last in a long line of extremely, extremely cynical and brutal attacks by the Israeli army on patients, on health personnel, on ambulances and on hospitals,” he said.
More on the situation at the Indonesian Hospital
Nov 3rd, 16:45
We have some more details on the situation at the Indonesian Hospital, after an attack struck near the facility.
Atef al-Kahlout, the facility’s director, has spoken to Al Jazeera. Here’s what he said:
The hospital’s main generator stopped 48 hours ago.
We suffer from a severe shortage of medical personnel.
I appeal to the international community to provide protection to the medical convoy scheduled to leave tomorrow for the Rafah crossing.
‘No healthcare facility should ever be targeted’: Doctor
Tarek Loubani, an emergency physician based in Canada who has volunteered at al-Shifa Hospital for more than a decade, says Israel has been “laying the groundwork” for attacks on Gaza health facilities.
“The claims by the Israelis over the past two decades about Palestinian misuse of medical resources for the resistance have been thoroughly debunked. It was really concerning when the exact same accusations were raised again recently, most notably against Shifa,” Loubani said.
“What it felt like to me was that they were creating the pretext; that pretext has predictable consequences,” he told Al Jazeera.
“The Israeli forces know that people do not accept attacks on health facilities, and for some reason, the Israeli forces are trying to legitimise attacking healthcare workers, healthcare infrastructure and … hospitals.”
Loubani added that he was “absolutely horrified” to see today’s attacks on hospitals and healthcare workers.
“No healthcare facility should ever be targeted directly or indirectly, and no healthcare infrastructure should ever be targeted directly or indirectly. Healthcare workers are dying, paramedics are dying, hospitals are getting bombed,” he said.
“My demand and what I think we should all demand is that the Israelis honour the sanctity of hospitals, the sanctity of the healthcare system, so that whatever else happens, there’s at least one place that remains safe.”
Some 20,000 people ‘residing’ in al-Shifa complex, where ambulance was struck
Nov 3rd, 17:20
Tareq Abu Azzoum, reporting from Khan Younis, southern Gaza
The surrounding areas of al-Shifa Hospital are overwhelmed and [overflowing] with people who are residing there. We’re talking about more than 20,000 Palestinians residing in the complex itself.
[They are] running low on fuel, food, and even medical supplies.
This is not the … first attack. These kinds of attacks have been repeated since the early beginning of this round of fighting.
Dozens of ambulances have been targeted before by the [Israeli] occupation forces. Also, medical teams have been hit … [while] doing their job.
What we know about Israeli attacks near Gaza hospitals
Nov 3rd, 17:40 GMT
As we’ve been reporting throughout the day, hospital areas and medical teams in different locations of the Gaza Strip have been targeted in Israeli attacks over the past few hours.
Here’s what we know:
Al-Shifa Hospital
An Israeli attack struck the front gate of the largest hospital in Gaza, the Health Ministry said, hitting a convoy of ambulances.
Ashraf al-Qudra, the Health Ministry spokesman, said about 15 to 20 critically wounded patients were being moved to Rafah crossing with Egypt. Initial reports said at least 13 people were killed.
Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) spokesman Mohamed Abu Musbah said the entrance to the hospital was “filled with civilians” when the attack took place.
An ambulance driver and PRCS staff member survived but one suffered shrapnel wounds in the leg, Abu Musbah said; A female patient being transported in an ambulance was also wounded and in “serious condition”.
The Israeli military says it is looking into the reports of the attack.
Indonesian Hospital
Al Jazeera footage from the scene showed people frantically combing through the rubble, using their phones as torches.
Large plumes of smoke could be seen in the evening sky as small fires had broken out amid the mounds of debris.
The hospital’s main generator stopped 48 hours ago, the facility’s director, Atef al-Kahlout said.
Al-Quds Hospital
The Palestine Red Crescent said Israeli air raid took place in the vicinity of the facility, in the Tel al-Hawa area of Gaza City.
Some 14,000 people, mainly women and children, are seeking shelter at the hospital.
‘Impossible to evacuate,’ says Gaza hospital director
Nov 3rd, 17:55 GMT
Hassan Khalaf, director of al-Wafa Hospital in Gaza, has spoken to Al Jazeera shortly after separate attacks targeted the vicinity of several other medical facilities in the enclave.
He said there had also been “many bombardments” around his hospital but no damage so far. Still, he warned that the severe shortage of fuel was a major problem affecting both the running of the hospital and the transportation of patients and staff.
“It is impossible to evacuate the hospital; there are no places to go anyway, no safe place in Gaza. They are bombarding many hospitals, they are bombarding ambulances, they are even bombarding children’s schools under the flag of the United Nations,” said Khalaf.
“My plan is to continue with the minimum available services hoping that there will be an international intervention to provide the health sector with the fuel, the medical supplies and whatever else we need because we have now reached a very critical situation.”
Hamas chief says latest attacks reflect Israel’s ‘predicament’ on the ground
Nov 3rd, 18:00 GMT
Hamas’s political bureau chief Ismail Haniyeh has issued a statement decrying the latest Israeli attacks on ambulances and medical facilities in the Gaza Strip.
“These massacres are a reflection of the predicament the occupation and its ground forces find themselves in as they are combated by our resistance fighters, who are defending our land and avenging thousands of martyrs,” Haniyeh said.
He said the “resistance will continue to defend our people with all its might”.
Haniyeh also called on neighbouring Egypt to fully open the Rafah border crossing and called on people in the region and the world to “continue expressing their anger” in response to Israel and its allies.
Haniyeh also urged the international community to uphold its “humanitarian, moral and political responsibilities” and implement UN resolutions that call for an end to the “genocide being committed against our people in Gaza”.
WHO chief ‘utterly shocked’ by attacks on ambulances near al-Shifa Hospital
Nov 3rd, 18:10 GMT
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus renewed his call for a ceasefire in light of the attack.
“We reiterate: patients, health workers, facilities and ambulances must be protected at all times. Always,” he wrote on social media.
Israeli army confirms it hit ambulance, says it was being used by Hamas
Nov 3rd, 18:28 GMT
The Israeli military has confirmed its “aircraft struck an ambulance” in Gaza.
The army claims it was being used by Hamas fighters.
The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza said a convoy of ambulances was transporting injured patients to the Rafah border crossing with Egypt.
A ministry spokesman also said earlier that the Red Cross had been informed the medical convoy was leaving al-Shifa Hospital before it was attacked.
Gaza health ministry told Israel rejecting humanitarian coordination: Spokesperson
Nov 3rd, 18:40
Al-Qudra, the Palestinian Health Ministry spokesperson, gave comments shortly after Israel confirmed it had struck an ambulance in front of al-Shifa Hospital.
Israel claimed the ambulance was being used by Hamas fighters. Palestinian health officials have said it was carrying patients to the south.
“The Red Cross told us and informed us in a very frank way that Israel is rejecting [forms of] coordination for all the humanitarian missions,” al-Qudra said at a news conference outside al-Shifa.
Nevertheless, with hospitals overrun with patients they are unable to treat and some patients approved to cross into Egypt for treatment, the spokesperson said it was decided “to send those ambulance vehicles that would leave or depart from the medical complex from the south at 4pm [14:00 GMT]”.
“Before the vehicles departed, we have informed everyone through a press conference and we have also been in touch with … the Red Cross and also the United Nations agencies to inform them,” al-Qudra said.
‘Burden of proof is on the Israelis’: AJ analyst
Nov 3rd, 18:45 GMT
Commenting on the Israeli military’s statement saying it carried out the ambulance attack, Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara says “the burden of proof is on the Israelis” to prove what it has claimed.
“If indeed they suspect that an entire hospital staff is complicit in the smuggling of – to use Israel’s word – ‘terrorists’ into the southern part of Gaza, then Israel should show some proof of that,” Bishara said.
Bishara also questioned what this Israeli attack means moving forward in Gaza.
“Does this really mean that Israel now is going to bomb every possible ambulance because it suspects there are Hamas fighters in it?” he asked. “So it’s going to be bombing, what? More hospitals? More ambulances? More schools? More churches?”
‘A massacre’: More from Gaza health ministry spokesman
Nov 3rd, 18:50 GMT
In the news conference outside al-Shifa Hospital, al-Qudra again called the attack “a massacre against more victims, civilians and wounded people”.
“The international community should stop those massacres that are committed against our people and our paramedics and our injured and our victims,” the Health Ministry spokesperson said.
“We call on everyone to help us create a humanitarian corridor to ensure the transportation of victims and patients and to allow humanitarian aid to be funnelled to the Gaza Strip.”
Israel needs to prove its claim that ‘civilian objects’ used by Hamas: Professor
Nov 3rd, 18:55 GMT
Ardi Imseis, an international law professor at Queen’s University in Canada, says Israel needs to provide “evidence” for its claim that the ambulances it struck were being used by Hamas.
“What we know [is] … this ambulance was marked very clearly as civilian … and therefore enjoys protection against being targeted,” Imseis told Al Jazeera.
“The burden of proof that there has been an alleged change in the character of an object, from civilian to military, rests on the attacking party,” he explained.
Israel is once again suggesting that it is a “general policy of Hamas to abuse civilian objects” like ambulances to carry out operations, however, this is not enough, Imseis said.
“The attacking party needs to demonstrate on the specifics of each and every target that it engages and deploys ammunitions against that those targets, at that time, had been converted from civilian to military objects.”
‘If hospitals are not protected, then there truly is no safe place in Gaza’
Nov 3rd, 20:25 GMT
The head of charity Medical Aid for Palestinians, Melanie Ward, made the comments just hours after Israeli attacks struck near three Gaza hospitals, including the largest in the enclave, al-Shifa.
“Attacks on hospitals and ambulances must end,” Ward said.
“They are sanctuaries for the wounded, places where lives are saved and suffering is alleviated. If even hospitals are not protected, then there truly is no safe place anywhere in Gaza.”
Health Ministry spokesman rejects Israeli claim targeted ambulance was being used by Hamas
Nov 3rd, 20:44 GMT
Ashraf al-Qudra, the Health Ministry spokesperson in Gaza, is holding a news conference outside al-Shifa Hospital.
He has rejected the Israeli military’s claim that Hamas was using an ambulance, which the army bombed earlier today.
We’ll bring you more from the news conference shortly.
More from the Palestinian health ministry spokesman
Nov 3rd, 20:52 GMT
Al-Qudra told reporters that two ambulance vehicles were targeted today.
The first vehicle was targeted at Ansar Roundabout in Gaza City, he said. The driver of this ambulance was injured and a paramedic also suffered critical injuries and is still in the operating room, al-Qudra said.
The medical convoy then turned back, the spokesperson said, and a second ambulance was targeted when it arrived at the gate of the al-Shifa Hospital complex.
Fifteen people were killed in the attack on the second ambulance, al-Qudra said. Sixteen others were injured.
Israel trying to kill ‘as many Palestinians as possible’ as pressure mounts, analyst says
Nov 3rd, 21:10 GMT
Ali Harb
Tariq Kenney-Shawa, a US policy fellow at Palestinian think tank Al-Shabaka, says Israel is intensifying its atrocities against Palestinians as international pressure to end the war mounts.
“Israel is getting the message that with each passing day and as the Palestinian death toll rises they continue to lose international support,” Kenney-Shawa told Al Jazeera in an email.
“What minuscule pressure the Biden Administration is putting on them is proof that unconditional support cannot go on forever. I think they’re trying to kill as many Palestinians as possible in this window of opportunity they have where they’re confident that the US is going to go to bat for them no matter what they do.”
The Israeli military bombed ambulances and areas around several Gaza hospitals today as Blinken was visiting Israel for meetings with officials.
Editor’s analysis: Blinken may have been in town, but Israel makes no effort to stop attacks on civilians
Nov 3rd, 21:30
Abubakr Al-Shamahi (Al Jazeera editor)
Optimists had hoped that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s trip to Israel on Friday would bring some kind of respite for Palestinians. Perhaps an agreement to allow fuel into Gaza, or a reduction in air attacks that lead to civilian casualties – maybe even one of the “humanitarian pauses” that the US administration has pushed over the last week.
Indeed, after his meeting with Netanyahu, Blinken said that more needed to be done to protect Palestinian civilians and that they should not “suffer the consequences for [Hamas’s] inhumanity”.
Blinken even appeared to hint at a more robust tone being adopted with the Israelis, and that more pressure had been put on them.
If Israel’s actions in Gaza today were a response to Blinken’s visit, then the message is obvious.
Israel hit an ambulance convoy outside a hospital – at least 15 were reported killed, amid horrific scenes. At least 14 were killed in an attack on Palestinians fleeing south on what the Israelis have termed ‘safe routes’, according to the Gaza Ministry of Health. And at least 20 died in an attack on a school providing shelter for the displaced, also according to the ministry.
Whether Blinken is in town or not, the Israelis have made it clear: Their tactics aren’t changing, no matter how many civilians are killed.
Israel might be targeting UNRWA facilities, former UN official says
Nov 3rd, 21:50 GMT
Former UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness pointed to the fact that more than 70 UNRWA staff have been killed and more than 40 facilities have been hit by Israeli strikes.
“Whether or not UNRWA is being targeted, I can’t answer that, but the fact is UNRWA staff are being killed, [and] UNRWA facilities are being hit,” he said.
“They [the Israeli military] know the GPS coordinates. Draw your own conclusions.”
(Note from OP: I included this bulletin because “they know the GPS coordinates” applies to hospitals as well…)
Palestine Red Crescent condemns Israel’s targeting of the Al-Shifa medical convoy
Nov 3rd, 23:07 GMT
The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has released a statement on today’s attack on the medical convoy in Gaza City.
Here’s what it said:
Around 4:05pm local time, a convoy of ambulances left the Al-Shifa Hospital in a decision that was coordinated with the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza.
The convoy, which was headed towards the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, included five ambulance vehicles: four belonged to the Health Ministry and one belonged to PRCS.
The convoy travelled about four kilometres from the hospital to the al-Rashid coastal road, but found it was impassible due to rubble and rocks resulting from shelling in the area.
The vehicles returned towards the Al-Shifa Hospital; When they were about one kilometre from the facility, the first ambulance at the head of the convoy – which belonged to the Health Ministry – was “directly targeted by a missile”.
The other vehicles continued towards the hospital. When the PRCS ambulance reached the gate of the Al-Shifa Hospital, it was “struck by a missile fired by the Israeli forces”.
This attack on the PRCS ambulance killed 15 people and injured more than 60 others at the hospital’s entrance.
Eight Red Crescent ambulances have been “rendered inoperable due to Israeli targeting” since the war in Gaza began, the statement said.
“PRCS emphasizes that the deliberate targeting of medical teams constitutes a grave violation of the Geneva Conventions, a war crime,” it said.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
raider masterlist
dark!Joel x f!reader | updated: April 11, 2024: tired
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moodboard by @milla-frenchy 🖤 a rb will not stay up-to-date.
SUMMARY: He's a bad guy, and you're his good girl. Joel saves you from bad men, but claims you for himself. His persona starts to crack, but he gets even more possessive. You're his world, and he'll do anything to keep you. Emotional slow burn but smut the whole time. WARNINGS: 18+ canon-typical violence, noncon via implicit threat, evolving to enthusiastic dubious consent (stockholm syndrome), depraved use of praise and pet names (sweet pea, baby), unsafe P in V, exhibitionism, extreme possessiveness, dark fluff (🖤), angst, and more. NO USE of Y/N, No physical description of reader.
main fic
Spotify: raider, sweet pea (smut) Optional reference: trailer floor plan
Note, non-bold links in this section were written out of order and may contain spoilers or references to future events. their placement in this list is based on timeline.
Raider: (Mar 24, 2023) - He "saves" you, then has his way with you but is kinda sweet about it. Joel POV (Oct 3, 1k)
Failed Rescue (Apr 8 - 1.9k) Your bf tries to save you. Joel makes him watch then keeps you.
Stash House (Apr 11 - 850)- Joel takes you to the stash house and shows everyone you're his. Wash Bin 🖤 (Aug 27, 1k) Shooting Practice Drabble(Jul 28, 1.6k)
Failed Escape (Apr 23, 4k)- Joel saves you from FEDRA, bathes you, amd edges you.
J. Miller (May 19, 2k) - Joel labels you with his switchblade and claims all your holes. dark.
Home (May 29, 1.3k) - Joel makes dinner at home, cleans your chest, and tucks you in. 🖤
Company (Jun 9, 2.2k) - Joel brings home a girl to distract his men. dark. Extra Scene - angst.
Close (Jul 3, 2.7k) - close call with other raiders. You-almost-died sex, and later, tender sex 🖤
Gun Hug (Jul 31, 3.7k) - Joel traps 2 bad guys with some help and kills them while you. . .🖤 If you want him (1.5k) - he holds out to see🖤
Night Air (Aug 30, 3.5k) - Joel is brutal with a bad guy and his POV reveals some feelings. 🖤 Bonus blurb, wakeup pwp drabble
Hunger (Sep 29, 7k) - Joel takes you on a trek, comforts you, kills a guy, and gives you head. 🖤 He's only human (1.1k) - 👱‍♂️Carter POV, overlaps w/ hunger.
Bodies (Dec 3, 7.8k) - Strangers show up and cause a shitstorm, but Joel takes a big step. 🖤 Raider POV
No cliffhangers if you read through Bodies.
more smut, dark fluff, etc ⬇️
Carter masterlist
drabbles, imagines, hypotheticals
🔥 explicit smut
Trying to use him (800) (riding) 🔥
House meeting drabble 🖤
You get sick at night drabble 🖤
He goes down on you (oral f) 🔥
sweet pea by herself
Apple picking 🖤
If you touched his scar
if men had hurt you in the past
if you got your period 🖤
magazine and makeup 🖤
yoga pwp drabble piv 1k 🔥
boots drabble (oral f receiving) 🔥
graveyard blurb (spice)
if you bit his arm drabble (p in v) 🔥
If you snapped (emotional spice) 🖤
face sitting on sofa 🔥
If you sketched Joel and Jack
being bad, looking good (2.8k, smut) 🔥
Van ride drabble (800) 🖤
sleeping beast (<1k), PWP 🔥
If Joel was sick 🖤
If you were annoying
cutting his hair 🖤
waking up on top 🔥
Note: not all content is linked here. Asks can lead to lore and previews or hints of future plot points, etc.
✨tired 🖤
Headcanons (not written like fic)
If another man has his way (Q&A)
dacryphilia - evolved update (Q&A)
if you had scars or tattoos (Q&A)
👱‍♂️raider carter Qs, face claim (Q&A)
Analysis (#raider!analysis)
why does he keep her
why did he snap (in Company extra scene)
his eye contact
his affection / feelings, trajectory 🖤
falling for sweet pea
his self hate and her feelings
the dog and joel's concern for you
✨awareness of growth / why keep her
Raider Tommy
Birds of prey (2.6k)
Art, etc.
Mattress by esquire magazine
Stitches by @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
collage by @milla-frenchy
lose control edit by @survivingandenduring
🌸 sweet pea mood boards by various
6 month collage by milla-frenchy
6 month cake by not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
🌸 sweet pea cosplay from night air
👱‍♂️carter mood board by @romana-after-dark
pts. 1-3 rb mood boards by @iamasaddie
night air gif by not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
raider/sweet pea collage by milla
sweet pea's pup by @dark-scape
want it that bad gif by @dark-scape
Bodies gif by not-a-unique-snowflake-blog
👱‍♂️carter mood board by milla-frenchy
Then and now drawing by @romana-after-dark
Raider/sweet pea drawings by @lumoverheaven
our stars moodboard by milla
raiding edits by gasolinerainbowpuddles
under the anger by iamasaddie
🎥 Trailer (video) by @carminepoison
birthday sketch by @lumoverheaven
✨In love w raider by @milla-frenchy
If I've left yours off please lmk I prob tagged improperly
Back to MAIN Masterlist
🖤 If mine or another writer's work has inspired yours, it's always better late than never to share / shout-out 🖤
3K notes · View notes
factual-fantasy · 1 year
FNAF Recap/Repair project Update: (Moon Malfunction is stinky now) :’}
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Okay, so I have a pretty bummer update about my fnaf recap project. So in my Recap/Repair Project explanation post, I commented this, 👇
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This post was basically going to say “The next part in the timeline is this comic that I already made months ago called “Moon Malfunction”. I went through the comic and only 1 bubble of dialogue needs to be corrected. Other than this one text bubble, the entire comic fits into the canon. Here’s a link to Moon Malfunction so you can go read it! :DDD”
I worked so hard on this comic, and it took me weeks to complete. I thought it was beautiful and I was so proud of it when I made it. So I was very glad I was able to reuse this comic for my timeline, and not let any of that hard work go to waste..
..But I cant reuse it.
I wanted to salvage this comic so much, that I brushed past most of the inconsistency's and said “good enough”. But the truth is, its not good enough. Not to me.
This comic is majorly outdated. As much as I love it, DJ and Moon aren’t acting quite right. DJ would respond to this situation differently now that I have re-written his character. And now that the nature of the virus has been thought out properly, Moon would be acting different too.
Also the comic as a whole is just, not how I would make a comic nowadays. My artwork has improved since then, and my ability to make coherent comics even more so. I can see where I would have drawn scenes differently. Where I would and would not have done close ups. AND this comic was shortened quite a bit. Because of how much drawing I had to do, I trimmed it down, so the pacing is kind’a rushed. Nowadays I’m not afraid to take some time and let the comic drag on to get the story across better.
Basically. Because I completely re-wrote this AU. This comic just doesn’t fit quite right anymore. Which sucks that I have to scrap it.. but its worth it. I love FNAF. And I really care about the quality of my storytelling in my AU. I want to make it good. I want my love for FNAF to be seen in how much effort I put into making my AU as great as I can possibly make it.
Which means I’m going to take the time to sit down and re-make this comic. The next part of the recap project will not be a short post. Its going to be a giant comic called “Moon Malfunction 2.0″ (probably). And once its done, THEN I can get to game night and the rest of the au.
Also during this time. A lot of other time sensitive projects I have are becoming.. well. A problem. I’m running out of time to get them done-
So while I’m writing Moon Malfunction 2.0, I’m going to be working on some time sensitive IRL projects, amongst other beloved projects that I refuse to abandon, 
BUT! Not to worry! I plan to not leave ya’ll without any content. I’m gonna do my best to drop a sketch or meme here and there, whether it be FNAF, TF2, OCs or otherwise. So just sit tight, for now, I’m gonna try to get through these projects 1 by 1 and get Moon Malfunction 2.0 out as fast as I can. See ya’ll soon!
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drchucktingle · 10 months
here we are again talkin on camp damascus and unwrapping every little secret and hidden layer of this book. think of this time together like an old time ENGLISH CLASS where the dang teacher says 'well by THIS SYMBOLISM the author was actually commenting on how good chocolate milk is' only this time we get to talk on TINGLERS and your teacher is the buckaroo himself, chuck tingle.
as man name of chuck i have a lot of easter eggs in my books, and this post is just ONE OF MANY where we pull apart every layer. if you have a reading club for this book it might be a fun companion to trot through once you are all finished. if that is the case you should start with the first deconstructing damascus post. i will leave links to them all here IN ORDER
HOWEVER these deconstructing damascus posts SHOULD NOT BE READ UNLESS YOU ARE DONE WITH THE BOOK. there are heckin spoilers EVERYWHERE in these posts so do not peek at them until you are ready.
alright below this line the dang spoilers begin. BIG TIME SPOILER WARNING. lets trot
we have taken lots of time to discuss the various layers of symbolism in this book, but for FINAL POST of deconstructing damascus i would like to talk about the literal layer, specifically ONE BIG THEME that weaves throughout the story of rose, saul, willow and kingdom of the pine.
that theme is CAPITALISM.
kingdom of the pine, the church in this story, is intentionally NOT THAT STRANGE in their beliefs. it would be very easy for me to write a book where the christian sect are revealed as some twisted monsters performing all kinds of dark rituals in the name of evil itself, but when the big reveal comes it is something much more HORRIFIC and unexpected.
kindgom of the pine members are not snarling, oozing, otherworldly, creatures. the members are just people, and their beliefs are horrifically STANDARD. kingdom of the pine worships CAPITALISM.
these church members believe in the traditional tenants of CHRISTIANITY along with the traditional tenants of BUSINESS. what makes them scary is that they whole heartedly believe that 'the ends justify the means'
lets start with prophet cobel, the founder of the church. his visions came during THE INDUSTREAL REVOLUTION, occuring when he was injured by a manufacturing machine and lost his hand. the coma from prophet cobels accident is where he received his message from god. he realized that, for a church to succeed, it needed to act like a BUSINESS.
many buckaroos have asked 'WHY is the church called kingdom of the pine?' and this is EXACTLY WHY. many churches are named for spiritual aspects. this sect could have easily been 'kingdom of the holy word' 'kingdom of the spirit' 'kingdom of HIS name' EXCEPT prophet cobel knew the importance of MATERIAL and CURRENCY and GOODS. he is not just worshipping JESUS, he is worshipping THE CROSS ITSELF. so 'the pine' in kingdom of the pine is symbolic of worshipping through a PRODUCT, in this case the little wooden cross that you might sell during a fundraiser. not kingdom of the son, the father, or the holy spirit, but kingdom of the PINE. THE WOOD ITSELF. THE PRODUCT.
by combining christianity and capitalism, prophet cobel created a monster, but not one that creeps through a dark swamp with sharp teeth and red eyes. he created something much more existentially dangerous AND not all that unheard of in reality. this isnt an imaginary monster that lurks under your bed. IT IS A MONSTER THAT IS ALREADY HERE.
capitalism is the answer for ANOTHER big question regarding camp damascus: why are the demons wearing red polos?
demons in this story are dressed like minimum wave workers at a big box story because THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE. yes they spend their time torturing unfortunate folks in their dungeon, but NOBODY IS FREE FROM THE CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM NOT EVEN ON OTHER TIMELINES LIKE HECK ITSELF. the demons are AT WORK. some buckaroos do not notice that kingdom of the pine counselors are always in green and white (the pine material GREEN and the holy spirit WHITE, like we talked on earlier). meanwhile demons are in RED because they are contracted out. THEY HAVE BEEN HIRED IN THEIR OWN WAY and when you consider the collars around their necks, THEY ARE NOT TREATED FAIRLY BY THEIR EMPLOYERS. THEY ARE CONTROLLED IN A SYSTEM OF THEIR OWN AND COMPELLED TO WORK.
this is why they have name tags. THEY ARE AT WORK.
this is why they are constantly smiling until the collars come off. THEY HAVE CUSTOMER SERVICE SMILES.
okay buds. thank you for reading the deconstructing damascus series it was very fun for me to go deep on this book for anyone who enjoys this kind of analysis. i hope it puts a little more joy into your trot, and now if someone says 'this part of camp damascus didnt make sense to me' you can said 'LETS TALK BUD'. i am very much looking forward to doing this again when my next horror novel BURY YOUR GAYS comes out. keep a dang eye out for that one.
i will end with one more thing that did not really fit into the other catagories.
question of: is there any meaning behind willow being a big wu tang fan?
you mean besides her being the crocodile (which has ticking clock in mouth in peter pan) so rhythm itself is a very important part of her character? (as shown in her steady clicking camera shutter and the steady beat of her musical preferences?)
well now that we've discussed the theme of INFANTILIZATION in deconstructing damascus part one, and how all the young people in kingdom of the pine are kept childlike as long as possible as the FOREVER CHILDREN of never never land, i will point you towards this iconic quote from the wu tang clans ODB at the 1998 grammy awards:
LOVE IS REAL thank you for reading buckaroos - chuck
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burntheedges · 8 months
Over Again - main post & chapter list
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note: I'm moving things to a new blog! I set up a full blog instead of a side blog, so please follow me here. The old blog is now @burntheedges-updates.
Joel Miller x f!reader
summary: you fell in love with Joel Miller in Austin, Texas, in 2001, but you thought you lost him and your whole family in 2003 when the world turned upside down. now it's 2024, and you find the surprise of your life waiting for you in Jackson, Wyoming.
or, five times you and Joel fell deeper in love, on both sides of the apocalypse (and one time you did something about it)
18+ minors DNI
key themes: alternating timeline (2000-2003 / 2023-2024), 90s/00s country and latin music and dancing, romance, family vibes series tags/warnings: fluff, flirting, banter, romance, light angst (plus the angst of thinking the other person is dead for 20 years, aka the TLOU norm), pet names (darlin’, baby, honey, pretty girl), small age difference (reader is 26, Joel is 32/almost 33 when they meet in 2000), no use of y/n, teacher!reader (with vague details), smut (I'll update specific warnings for each chapter, but just FYI for later chapters: Joel calls reader a good girl, neck grabbing (no breath play), a bit of manhandling and spitting, a lot of sex) (feel free to dm any specific questions) a/n about reader: I've paid a lot of attention to how the reader is described in this fic. I've avoided skin color, hair type, body shape/size descriptions, and even clothing (except for one or two spots where you are specifically wearing jeans and boots). You are vaguely shorter than Joel. He does not run his fingers through your hair, and you feel the blood rush to your face or your face heat, but you don't turn red or pink. Please tell me if you notice anything I missed - I want this to be as inclusive as possible. a/n: this is the first fic I've written in almost 20 years. this man, I swear. wordcount: 42.6k
This fic is completely finished and posted! Chapter links under the cut.
Read it on ao3
Bonus: Mix CD (plot related) & series playlist, with headcanons: here.
Chapter List
Five times you and Joel fell deeper in love…
Chapter 1 - Meet Cute - Jackson, Early Winter 2023 | Austin, Summer 2000
Chapter 2 - Breaking the Ice - Jackson, Spring 2024 | Austin, Spring 2001
Chapter 3 - Dinner - Jackson, Spring 2024 | Austin, Spring 2001
Chapter 4 - First Date - Jackson, Spring 2024 | Austin, Spring 2001
Chapter 5 - Staying Over - Boston, September 26, 2003 | Jackson, Spring 2024
… and one time you did something about it.
Epilogue: Together - Austin, December 2002 | Jackson, Early Fall 2024
Outtakes and Snippets
Canned Heat (Austin, October, 2001)
Preview/sneak peeks: fic preview | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5
153 notes · View notes
burntheedges-updates · 11 months
Over Again - main post & chapter list
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This is my updates-only blog! Follow me at @burntheedges
Joel Miller x f!reader
summary: you fell in love with Joel Miller in Austin, Texas, in 2001, but you thought you lost him and your whole family in 2003 when the world turned upside down. now it's 2024, and you find the surprise of your life waiting for you in Jackson, Wyoming.
or, five times you and Joel fell deeper in love, on both sides of the apocalypse (and one time you did something about it)
18+ minors DNI
key themes: alternating timeline (2000-2003 / 2023-2024), 90s/00s country and latin music and dancing, romance, family vibes series tags/warnings: fluff, flirting, banter, romance, light angst (plus the angst of thinking the other person is dead for 20 years, aka the TLOU norm), pet names (darlin’, baby, honey, pretty girl), small age difference (reader is 26, Joel is 32/almost 33 when they meet in 2000), no use of y/n, teacher!reader (with vague details), smut (I'll update specific warnings for each chapter, but just FYI for later chapters: Joel calls reader a good girl, neck grabbing (no breath play), a bit of manhandling and spitting, a lot of sex) (feel free to dm any specific questions) a/n about reader: I've paid a lot of attention to how the reader is described in this fic. I've avoided skin color, hair type, body shape/size descriptions, and even clothing (except for one or two spots where you are specifically wearing jeans and boots). You are vaguely shorter than Joel. He does not run his fingers through your hair, and you feel the blood rush to your face or your face heat, but you don't turn red or pink. Please tell me if you notice anything I missed - I want this to be as inclusive as possible. a/n: this is the first fic I've written in almost 20 years. this man, I swear. wordcount: 42.6k
This fic is completely finished and posted! Chapter links under the cut.
Read it on ao3
Bonus: Mix CD (plot related) & series playlist, with headcanons: here.
Chapter List
Five times you and Joel fell deeper in love…
Chapter 1 - Meet Cute - Jackson, Early Winter 2023 | Austin, Summer 2000
Chapter 2 - Breaking the Ice - Jackson, Spring 2024 | Austin, Spring 2001
Chapter 3 - Dinner - Jackson, Spring 2024 | Austin, Spring 2001
Chapter 4 - First Date - Jackson, Spring 2024 | Austin, Spring 2001
Chapter 5 - Staying Over - Boston, September 26, 2003 | Jackson, Spring 2024
… and one time you did something about it.
Epilogue: Together - Austin, December 2002 | Jackson, Early Fall 2024
Outtakes and Snippets
Canned Heat (Austin, October, 2001)
Preview/sneak peeks: fic preview | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5
214 notes · View notes
ourloveisforthelovely · 4 months
Bad Ideas (Part 16)
Regulus Black au
Summary:  It started as nothing now it’s something. Voldemort has been defeated but that doesn’t mean the wizarding world is still a good place to be.
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Rating : M
Link to Part 15
“I know you hate me but you better go check on your wife. She looks as freaked out as you are.”
Regulus ran a hand through his hair.
“I mean, yeah, neither one of us was expecting this. We talked about kids but there wasn’t any timeline on it. You’re right. I do need to talk to her. Do me a favor and keep that trap that you call a mouth shut.”
Sirius dramatically put a hand on his chest.
“Me? Trap? How rude.”
Regulus shook his head and started for the steps.
“Sirius, it's me. I have known you longer than anyone else in my life. You are a big mouth.”
Sirius frowned as Remus walked in.
“Moony, am I a big mouth?”
Remus looked up from the mail that he was reading. He obviously hadn’t heard anything that was going on. The fact that he wasn’t laid out on the floor told Regulus that Remus didn’t hear the whole “baby” conversation.
“Yes, Sirius. You are a big mouth.”
Sirius looked offended as Regulus turned to leave the room. He stopped before turning back to his brother and making the motion to “keep his mouth shut.”
Sirius blinked after him while Remus raised an eyebrow.
“I mean it, Sirius.”
Regulus commented before leaving the room. Remus, meanwhile, turned back to his boyfriend.
“Do I want to know? Is it really that good?”
Sirius just stared at him blankly before faking a laugh.
“Well…yes…but I can’t tell you…don’t make me.”
Remus was silent a moment before speaking in his normally calm reserved tone.
“Does it affect me?”
Sirius looked thoughtful. Would he be able to keep his mouth shut? This bit of information was too good not to share with someone. Even if Regulus did threaten to slit his throat. Given Regulus’ current mood, Sirius could see that happening too.
This is why Regulus is always mad at me!
Sirius thought before groaning.
“Yes, but I can’t tell you. Don’t make me.”
“You lied. Now tell me.”
Remus replied. If something was going on with you, he needed to know. You were the closest thing that he would ever have to a daughter and if something was wrong Remus wanted to fix it.
“I can’t, Remus. Stop.”
“Sirius, you know that I won’t say anything.”
Remus added.
“Okay, Y/n is pregnant with twins.”
As soon as Sirius uttered that sentence, he looked around as if waiting for Regulus to appear out of nowhere to kick his ass. Remus, meanwhile, stood quietly himself.
“Did you say what I thought you said?”
Sirius nodded wildly.
“Sure did. Look, Y/n seems nervous about it and Regulus…well, you know him. Please don’t say anything or they will never talk to me again.”
Remus held a hand up.
“I won’t say anything. Wow, I was not expecting that news. It isn’t a bad thing. I only expected Y/n to not rush into…”
“I guess my brother isn’t as good at pulling out as he thought.”
Sirius added with a smirk. Remus gave him a frown.
“I did not want to think about that. Thank you. I suggest not making that joke to James when he finds out.”
Sirius’ mouth dropped even more. He did not even think about James! His best friend was about to have his already complicated life rattled even more. Sirius knew that James was having a hard enough time coming back to life to find his children adults. The last thing James knew he had twin one-year-olds. Now here he sat with twin adults who were busy with lives of their own.
“Fuck, what am I going to do?”
Sirius questioned. Remus sat down and scratched his head.
“My suggestion is to not look at him like you are looking at me. You look like you are in pain and guilty about something. Dead giveaway, mate.”
Before Sirius could say anything else, James came into the room. He noticed Sirius’ guilty expression while Remus was just busy being Remus.
“So…what’s going on?”
James questioned. Sirius made a few random squeaking noises before taking off out of the room.
“What’s with him?”
James questioned, looking after his best friend. Remus looked up from his book.
“No idea.”
Regulus walked into the bedroom where you sat on the bed with wide eyes. He closed the door behind you before coming to join you on the bed.
“So, this is really happening?”
You groaned.
“Looks like it.”
Regulus was quiet for a moment before taking a breath. He wasn’t sure how you were so calm. Regulus was ready to start pacing the room while having the biggest panic attack known to man.
“Am I a big jerk because I’m about to panic?”
You shook your head.
“No, because I’m about to panic too. Regulus we are in trouble. We aren’t just having one baby like most normal people…no, we go for the gold and have two.”
“Sirius said that we had to make a litter. I nearly punched him in his face.”
You turned to your husband and blinked a few times.
“And you didn’t? I admire your self-control. What are we going to do? We haven’t even talked about kids?”
Regulus was quiet again for a moment before taking your hand in his.
“We’ll figure it out. We aren’t having to worry about that stupid Voldemort situation anymore. Lucky for us, you are a healer and will know when the kids are sick. I’m sure they make some kind of book that I can read on what to expect. I do hope there is no pictures of the whole being born part…please don’t make me look when it comes time for that.”
You giggled at the sheer panic in Regulus’ voice.
“There are plenty of books and no, I won’t make you look. I actually prefer that you don’t. I would like to preserve what good memories you have of that part of my anatomy. It’s going to be a lot of work, love. We will have the kids and be working through your furry little problem now and haven’t gotten that mastered yet. I’m afraid adding twins into the mix may be extremely difficult.”
Regulus groaned and laid back on the bed. For once, he wasn’t hyper-fixating on his newest condition. His worry instead was on you.
“Fuck. It will be fine. If Remus can function then so can I. Neither of us has been really healthy lately.”
He grumbled as you turned to look at him.
“That’s how I didn’t realize that I was pregnant. Neither of us have been sleeping normally. I have been eating a ton of shit food. We have both been stressed and that causes issues with a woman’s cycle.”
Regulus stared at the ceiling for a moment. He absolutely hated the realization of what he was putting you and the babies to be through. None of you deserved going through all of this hell right along with him.
“Whatever you are thinking, stop.”
Your voice pulled Regulus from his thoughts. You had turned to look at him sadly.
“It's kind of hard not to. You shouldn’t have to be dealing…”
“It's just the way things are. I love you and I don’t care what you are.”
Regulus reached out and pulled your body down against his.
“You are one in a million, sweetheart. Look, I know you’re nervous and I’m about to freak the fuck out but it will be fine. We will figure this out. I think my worry is what if I end up being like my father?”
Your eyes rolled up to Regulus’ face. His grey eyes were focused on the ceiling. While you had never met Orion Black, you wanted nothing more than to kick the man in the ass. There was nothing good that you could say about him.
He never treated Regulus right.
You frowned at the thought. While Orion never really treated Sirius right either, Regulus had it worse. Regulus was the second son. He was the son that Orion didn’t exactly want. Orion wanted a daughter for the second child. When Regulus came along, Orion really had no use for him until Sirius said a big “Fuck you” to the Black family and peaced out.
Thinking of your in-laws was enough to make you want to bring them back from the dead, kick their asses, then put them back in the ground. It was their own stupid fault that they didn’t see how wonderful Regulus truly was. They didn’t see him for anything other than being an heir. They didn’t see how much he truly strived to please them.
“It's their loss.”
You thought before stroking your finger over Regulus’ perfect jawline.
“You will never be your father. The fact that you are even worrying about it tells me that you won’t be like him. Too bad they can’t come back. I would sure love to kick both of their asses.”
Regulus immediately shook his head.
“As tempting and as entertaining as that sounds, I don’t want my pregnant wife kicking my horrible parent’s asses. Granted, it would be fun to see but they know a lot of dark magic.”
You rolled your eyes.
“I know a lot too. I’ve gone up against Voldemort. Walburga and Orion Black would be a day in the park.”
Regulus was quiet a moment.
“Okay, fair. Good god woman, you are cocky.”
“That's why you love me.”
You replied before laying your head back on Regulus’ chest to simply enjoy the silence. What you didn’t see was the dark frown coming back to Regulus’ face. He wanted to make damn sure that you didn’t see his brooding.
Was he happy that you were pregnant? Maybe? Possibly? Regulus was positive his feelings would change after the first healer appointment but for now, he was wrecked. Regulus never planned on having children. At 18, he was too focused on being a death eater and living up to his crazy family’s expectations.
Isn’t this nice? They get what they want after all.
The dark thought made Regulus frown. He remembered telling his mother years ago that he wanted nothing to do with children or a family when Walburga went on a rant about preserving the Black family name/legacy. Walburga had laughed at his response. She assumed that her son was just being an angsty teenager. After all, that was what Regulus was. He was the angsty quiet teenager while Sirius was the one spreading the “eternal joy” of his presence around.
Regulus tried to keep repeating your words in his head. Orion probably cared less when Walburga was pregnant. He probably responded with an “okay” when she told him the news. Orion probably didn’t feel the panic that Regulus was feeling. He probably didn’t worry about how his children would turn out or if he would be a good father. Instead, Orion’s thoughts were…
“She’s pregnant. I did my job.”
Regulus couldn’t exactly understand that line of thinking. Even though he wasn’t excited about what was about to happen to the two of you, he wasn’t dreading it either. Regulus didn’t see it as some sense of duty.
Once I calm down, this will be just fine. I’m sure I will be happy about it.”
Regulus took a breath as you wrapped your arms a bit more tightly around him.
“We might as well tell everyone. You know, get it over with.”
You commented before sitting up and stretching. Regulus moved to stand up and fix his now disheveled hair.
“Sirius took it well…I guess. I threatened to slit his throat if he said anything else to anyone. How did Harry and Ron take it?”
You chuckled.
“We were all on the shocked side. No one was really upset, only shocked. If they were upset, I would tell them to shove it as they are having kids too.”
“Yeah, we were all having sex at the same time. That is an uncomfortable thought. I wish I didn’t think of that.”
Regulus muttered, looking grossed out. You laughed and wrapped your hand through his.
“Well, you can go ruin my father’s day and tell him. That will bring you some joy.”
Regulus immediately looked thrilled by the aspect of totally shutting James Potter up.
“What are we waiting for?”
Walking downstairs, it took all of the control that you had to not laugh at the thrilled expression on Regulus’ face. Everyone sat in the kitchen when the two of you walked in. Your attention instantly went to Sirius who was drinking water to keep himself quiet. Raising an eyebrow, you knew exactly what your god father was up to. He was trying to keep his big mouth shut.
“Love, you need to check him out. I am concerned that he has some kind of disease or something. This is his 13th glass of water in less than an hour.”
James said while giving his best friend a confused glance. Lily meanwhile, stood up with a smile.
“Did you hear Harry’s good news?”
You pressed your lips together.
“I was the one that took the pictures so, yes. How does it feel knowing that you are going to be a grandma?”
Lily blinked a few times.
“I didn’t expect it at my age but here we are.”
You moved to get a drink of water before shooting Regulus a smirk.
“Ginny isn’t the only one having a baby, you know.”
James decided to join the conversation.
“Hermione is too.”
“She also isn’t the only one having a baby.”
James and Lily looked at each other clearly confused.
“Who else is there?”
James questioned. Remus put a hand on his face as if muttering “Merlin help me.”
“Me. I’m having twins.”
It took all that you had to not choke with laughter at the stunned expression on your parent's faces. Sirius took a deep breath.
“Thank Merlin! I mean…that you told them. Twins are nice too. I’m going to stop talking. You two can carry on.”
James and Lily kept looking between Regulus and yourself unable to get words out. Ginny perked up from her seat.
“I took the picture!”
James blinked rapidly clearly taking the information in while Lily smiled.
“What a surprise! Are you okay? How are you feeling? Twins? I love twins… obviously, because Harry and yourself are twins…how exciting!”
James turned to Regulus who was smirking.
“Are you two fucking with me? You both are good at that.”
Regulus looked up from the whiskey that he was sipping.
“We were all apparently having sex at the same time. Surprise, grandpa.”
@geeksareunique @jessyballet @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @fific7 @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @siriuslyceleste @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @rubyroscoe1 @dumbbunnys-safes @i-love-scott-mccall @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @s-we-e-t-t-ea @readtomeregulus @iluvthe-marauders @woohoney @abaker74 @regulus-black-223048 @saramaple @missgorldafirst @millies0bsimp @dumybitch @stelleduarte @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @bennyberry @f4iryluvy @panpride @haroldpotterson @mentally-unstable-hoe @goldensunshineshit @padf00ts-l0ver @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @authoressskr @emiwrites3reads @knight-of-gleefulness @summer-novak @rogue-nyx88 @shaylybaby2032 @coffeeaddictednymph @livshifts @ell0ra-br3kk3r @ad-astra-again @regulusblackswhorecrux
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Good Omens, staying skeptical, and the mystery and the lie at the heart of Gravity Falls
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-Neil Gaiman, 29 June 2023
I recently came across this post by @apathetic-revenant, which goes into extensive detail about a whole secret meta lie generated by Alex Hirsch, creator and head writer of Gravity Falls, midway through the show.
It went like this: the show was very focused on mysteries, codes, ciphers, etc, and early on a character discovered a mysterious journal with an unknown author, and this drove the plot. There were clues placed in the show so that people could solve the journal author's identity, or more probably so that it would all make sense in hindsight after the big reveal. However, the show ended up with a larger-than-expected fandom who started organizing online in a way the creators hadn't expected or planned for, and they were worried everyone would collectively solve the mystery too easily, too soon, and the suspense and appeal of the story gradually unfolding would be lost.
So they took a fake BTS photo that appeared to reveal the journal's author and "leaked" it online. To give it credibility, the show's creator posted "Fuming right now" and then deleted the post soon after, once they were certain it had been seen and screenshots taken. The Gravity Falls fandom then stopped trying to solve the mystery, as they believed the answer had already been revealed. It was a solution "targeted toward delaying that group problem-solving, without actually affecting the experience of any individual person watching the show."
Ok, Good Omens fandom. Are we Gravity Falls all over again? Are we also experiencing meta lies?
Is it possible that Amazon's marketing department has just released a new promotional video about Aziraphale & Crowley's "timeline of interconnectedness" (discussions here and here ) where they honestly:
got several of those timeline dates wrong, including labeling the entirety of seasons 1 and 2 as belonging to the same year?
mixed all the season 1 and 2 clips together so they're completely interconnected and out of the order they were presented to us so far?
didn't consult with Neil Gaiman for even a moment to be sure they had their facts straight? (Or literally anyone else who's spent years working on it? Or even someone who has just watched it once while paying attention?)
didn't understand the way most series tell a story by moving through time in a realistic linear fashion?
When Neil said today that "time is fine" in response to questions about the timeline of interconnectedness video, was he trying to misdirect the fandom away from the mystery that's clearly hidden throughout both seasons (and especially season 2)?
The Good Place seems suddenly more relevant than I'd imagined:
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Neil has told us that his Tumblr posts aren't canon. He's also said:
"Never trust the storyteller. Only trust the story."
"Writers are liars, my dear, surely you know that by now? And yet, things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot." -Both quotes are from The Sandman [link]
So here's my plea to whichever part of the fandom might read this: Stay Skeptical. It's wonderful to talk to Neil about his characters, the worlds he's created, his writing process, his views on world events, his sense of humor, his kindness, his compassion and empathy, and his good advice & encouragement for the entire range of the human experience. I respect him very much, and I'm thrilled he's here on social media talking to all of us. (Except he doesn't have social media, obviously. He's like Schrödinger's Social Media Neil-cat.)
I'm looking forward to all the surprises I'm certain are in store for us (and Aziraphale and Crowley) in Good Omens season 3. I trust Neil (and Terry!) to deliver our beloved characters to a very satisfying ending. But I don't trust Neil to honestly answer all of our questions on social media - and neither should you.
Especially not when he's already blamed obvious season 2 changes to the Bentley on the "lighting" (as just one example).
With lots of thanks to the members of the @ineffable-detective-agency - including @bbbitchvibbbez, @kimberleyjean, @maufungi, @noneorother, @theastrophysicistnextdoor, and @thebluestgreen for all their excellent fact-checking, ideas, and discussions!
Interested in diving further into all the Good Omens mysteries? I have more posts plus Clues and metas from all over the fandom, here.
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9w1ft · 17 days
i wanna be LSK but… //
I’m so sorry anon, but I personally find it really funny when people hear the songs where taylor is working through her feelings of being betrayed by Scott B and attribute them to karlie instead.
It’s like finding a man holding a gun standing over a dead body and saying, hang on a minute… what if the real murderer is the victim’s gf… because two of her friends liked a gossipy tweet written by a known shit-stirrer!
that is to say, we know for a fact that taylor felt deeply betrayed by scott b, seeing as he’s verifiably the actual person who sold her masters to scooter, after treating taylor like family since she was very young. it’s pretty self-evident he deserves the level of vitriol in the smallest man who ever lived (besides the other descriptive details that link him to tsmwel, mtr etc).
as for taylor and karlie suddenly never being seen together again (seemingly drifting apart a whole year before the heist even happened, remember?), well she hasn’t spoken on that, so naturally we read between the lines in the songs to find out. some people have taken the masters heist songs to be about karlie, and ran with that. but others see karlie and taylor’s retreat into privacy reflected in songs under the ‘love blackout’ theme (especially around here, you’re on a longtime kaylor blog 🙈)
love blackout = the hints taylor has put out again and again that she intentionally distanced her public image from karlie’s because it was too dangerous to carry on as openly as they had at first. 2016 election sadness themes, secret love themes, all consistent over the years. all while writing new love songs that use callbacks to the rep muse, to yail even 🥺. as if taylor’s been using all the confusion and her masterful quill of misdirection to achieve her priority of protecting karlie. not protecting karlie’s public image and clout with swifties, which she doesn’t need to maintain her success because she was always successful in her own right! no, it’s all for Karlie The Person in their secret bubble of reality. all this showmanship, you know. the great war, hello!!!! too many songs to name where the kaylor chandelier is safely out of sight, but you can still see flickers through the boarded up windows ❣️
so forgive me for having a chuckle. to any anons who sincerely🛸want to believe, I’m just throwing it out there that there are plenty of us that never found the karlie-betrayer theory convincing at all. if you take a closer look at everything, the timeline of events and all the songs since, does it really make sense? (especially when there are so many shitty men in the mix who are more obviously to blame lol)
~ if you post, thank you for facilitating this rant 9wing, I’ll get off my soapbox now xxx
yup yup
i think a lot of people are predisposed to blaming karlie and so everything becomes a sort of confirmation bias.. which partially, i would argue, was by design.. so in a sense i do not fault gaylors or others for falling into this hole. but i do sometimes feel like faulting them a tiny bit for those who never climb out of it. there’s plenty of information and clues needed to figure it out and climb out of it.
one thing i don’t like about the whole “let’s not talk about muses” discourse is while the spirit of it is supposed to be “let’s study why these songs sound gay instead of commenting taylor lyrics on these people’s instagram pages,” in practice the phrasing almost is like giving yourself permission to pass judgement on the people in taylor’s story and then never reevaluate them. people often say ~lets not talk muses that’s invasive and gross~ and conveniently refuse to adjust their perception of karlie (for example) based on what taylor is putting out there, while making convenient exceptions for any interpretation they find that works to reinforce their already negative perception of her. and then after bitching about her they’ll cover their timeline in lisa frank dolphins because apparently that’s what paradise is. i dunno. it all feels dystopian to me atp 😆
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beyoursbb · 1 year
€uro Tra$h Series: Dipped in $ugar (Part 3 - final)
Pairing: Billy Butcher x You (Reader) || Rating: Explicit || Word Count: 1.9k || Link to Part 1 and Link to Part 2 (Not necessary to read to understand Part 3, but here if you want more! Timeline for this work is Season 1 btw).
Summary: Just morning sex with Butcher lol.
Author’s Note: Wrote this shorter cuz I meant to get this out a long while ago, whoops! You can let me know how it was! Likes, dislikes, etc. I love and appreciate feedback in the comments. This 3-part scenario is now complete. @a-rogue-tiddy-bot thought you might want to be tagged!
Warnings: swearing, teasing, vaginal fingering, implied p in v sex, sugar daddy / daddy kink (the name daddy is used 1 time, and a lil talk of those dynamics), age gap (implied, not specified), little bit of praise, begging
You woke up gradually, each of your senses gathering intel on your surroundings to remind you of where you were. Sunlight streamed through the tiny crack in the motel’s curtains, glinting off the weapon on the table. The bed sheets by your nose still had the scent of laundry detergent despite last night’s action. The faint snoring of the man behind you matched the warm body cuddled up to your backside, and the arm under your neck that you were using as a pillow. You could feel the heat radiating off Billy’s chest and the weight of his other arm hanging over your midsection, as well as something not-so-soft pressing against your butt. 
You stretched your hand back to stroke his neck. “Billy?” you whispered. 
No response. 
“Billy,” you said louder, lightly tugging on his hair. 
He hummed, keeping his eyes closed. 
You took a breath, then gave an experimental shift backwards into his crotch.
“Oi. Morning sunshine,” he mumbled into your hair, his hand already cupping between your legs.
You giggled at how that got his attention. “Morning, Billy.”
“When’d you put these on?” he complained softly, playing with the waistband of your bottoms.
“When I got up in the middle of the night.”
If you thought Butcher’s regular deep voice was sexy, you were wholly unprepared to face this gravelly tone as he woke up. Especially when it was demanding your naked body again. 
“Well fucking take ‘em off, will ya?” 
Billy hardly gave you a moment to comply before shoving his hand in your underwear. He immediately found your clit, but his touch was gentle, and worked tantalizingly slow, tracing lazy circles. Your legs didn’t need much coaxing to open up as Billy eagerly pushed his own thigh between them and hooked yours around it while planting soft kisses to your neck. His beard tickled your jawline, and you sighed contentedly, melting into the sensation with a slight turn of your head toward him. You closed your eyes.
If this was how snug morning sex with Billy could be, you hoped he would let you linger more frequently. You guessed being half asleep was why his demeanor had taken a sharp left turn and a whole 180 flip to be so…calm. Not that you ever minded his roughness. But this right now was a different experience, and it was nice. You were used to trying to help Butcher relax as much as possible during your visits, but there is only so many times a guy can fuck the stress out of his system before needing to face his stressors head-on, like a well-adjusted adult. You knew an unstable, emotionally unavailable man when you saw one; Butcher didn’t have time for that. His mind was always preoccupied, his actions always in a hustle to return to whatever was demanding his attention before you arrived. Hence, why you were surprised he wasn’t already fucking you into the mattress and sending you on your way. 
Instead, Billy’s fingers continued to tease your slick entrance delicately; it was almost unbelievable they were the same fingers that brought you to a searing climax some hours ago. 
“Even first thing in the morning, so wet and ready,” Billy whispered in your ear.
You could hear the smirk in his voice, driving you to push your hips against him to address your growing need for more friction. But Billy seemed satisfied taking his time playing with you, his breathing even as his lips ghosted across the smooth skin of your shoulder. 
A cross between a groan and a whimper slipped off your tongue. You were getting impatient already. “I need more, Daddy.”
“Need more what, luv?” Billy took hardly a second to push your underwear farther down your legs until it was off, and run his hand back up your bare skin.
“More of you,” you answered, reaching behind to grab his increasingly hard length. Hot and heavy in your palm, you started to touch him too, rubbing slowly from base to tip. 
“Oh, you’ll get more, baby.”
You inhaled sharply. Billy rarely called you baby. Shit, you thought. Since when had he picked up on the effect that word had on you when it was uttered by him? You could give less of a shit when your other sugar daddies called you the pet name. But Billy dropping it so casually right now while he toyed with your arousal? You were in for it this morning.
“My baby can be such a greedy girl,” he chuckled.
My baby. My. Baby. My.
This time you visibly shivered, your shoulders rattling against his chest, but you tried to cover it up by twisting your head back at the same time to steal a kiss from his lips. He allowed it, nipping at your lower lip, then removed his arm from under you and propped himself up on it. Butcher was at the perfect level now to hover right above your ear. 
“Did ya know that’s why I say you’re my favorite?” 
His fingers were back on your clit, the pressure still light, but he quickened his pace. 
“Why?” you asked, dumbly, his teasing clearly too distracting for your mind to keep up with the conversation, as well as provide any stimulation for him. Your hand on his length had already slowed to a pathetic, arrhythmic rate. You blushed at the realization when he — rather politely — removed your useless hand from his crotch and placed it under his own to touch yourself with as he continued his ministrations on your wetting pussy. 
“Because you’re greedy, luv. And I know it’s not for my money.” 
A pitifully needy noise slipped out from deep in your throat as Billy’s mouth connected to the soft spot under your ear, tongue flicking at the lobe, before he bit it — harder than you anticipated. 
“You get that everywhere, with however many daddies you have.” 
You drew in a deep breath in an attempt to steady your loudly beating heart. Was there a tinge of spite in his voice? You didn’t have time to analyze. Billy flipped you around to face him, swiftly replacing the hands on your core with his length dragging through your folds. You gasped, gripping at his shoulders, trying not to stare down at the delicious sight of his big hand around his even bigger member, its head leaking precum into your slit. 
“Nah, I know,” Billy growled. Your eyes snapped up to meet his dark, lust-filled gaze. “You’re just greedy for my cock.”
You shrieked at the sudden intrusion, then swore at him. Finally he had dipped into your dripping cunt. Except this fucker switched back to using his fingers.
“Billy— Billy, please,” you cried out, not even sure what you were begging for. You were greedy for his cock, yes. You were just as desperate for your fucking release. Also, you wanted to wipe that smug smile off his handsome face. 
“Let me hear you,” he insisted, two digits pushing in and out of your center. “Tell me, why are you my favorite fuck?”
You willed your mind and mouth to cooperate in forming sentences. “Because I’m greedy.”
The quick response earned you a third digit stretching you out, causing you to bite down on your lip.
Again, you forced yourself to concentrate, despite the lewd noises echoing below you and the feeling of climax in the pit of your stomach hungry to break free. 
“For your cock,” you breathed out. “I’m so greedy for your cock.”
Billy curled his fingers to hit that spot you loved, and you felt your tether to reality loosen. 
“So sweet of you to say, darlin’.” The stillness in his tone matched the precision of his palm now rubbing tight circles on your clit. "Is that what you want now? You want my cock in your tight little pussy?"
Your head drooped forward, thudding against his firm chest, your hands still clawing at his arms for some sense of stability while you grinded down on him, desperately chasing your high. He was stringing you out for all you were worth and you were so, so close, you didn’t care how pathetic you sounded. "Yes, yes! Please— I want it so bad,” you panted.
“Next time, baby, look at me when you speak. Maybe then you'll get exactly what you want.”
With one last stroke of his hand, your orgasm hit hard, much more intense than the two last night combined, and twice as pleasurable. You saw stars with your eyes sealed shut while your pussy clenched with a vice grip around Billy, as strong as your nails dug into his skin. He made you the most writhing, sweaty mess you’d been in months, yet you didn’t — couldn’t — even make a sound, sans the quiet gushing of your juices thoroughly coating him.
You had no idea how many minutes passed before you came back down to Earth in Butcher’s arms and opened your eyes to see him peering down at you gingerly. He pecked your forehead, and you did the same to his neck, collarbone, and chest.
“Fuck, I’m glad you stayed last night, luv.”
“Me too,” you squeaked out.
“You alrigh’?” Billy asked, wiping the tears that had formed at the corners of your eyes.
You nodded, then laughed. “Pretty sure I blacked out.”
“Thought so, too,” he replied, a small, satisfied grin appearing. 
You rolled your eyes and playfully pushed him away. Then for the first time all morning, you got a good look at him. His thick, dark brown hair could definitely be characterized as a bed head, and you aimlessly combed through it a few times. Your gaze drifted downwards to the red scratches you had just gifted him, and you gently brushed over them with the pad of your thumb. A little farther down you carefully studied the still-fresh bruises and past-lingering scars across his broad torso. 
Your turn to inquire. “Are you alright?”
“Never better,” Billy said, a little too quickly.
“I mean from last night.” You traced an imaginary line connecting the marks on his body, to make your point clear. “What happened?”
Butcher shifted his body, but his face remained hardened. “Even MM needs a reminder every once in a while. Captain’s gotta run a tight ship,” he said matter-of-factly. “Job’s stressful, night didn’t go as planned, he took it out on me, but he knows when I’m right.”
You nodded, as if deliberately sidestepping the question about his injuries to explain the one part of his night you were present for was an acceptable enough answer. However, after a restful night’s sleep and an active morning that left you plenty clear-headed, you felt a bit more bold. You didn’t care if it wasn’t a sugar baby’s place to know his job. If he wasn’t ready to discuss the elephant in the room this second, you were at least going to let him know he wouldn’t get away with avoiding it for long.
“Fine, if you want to dance around it. You don’t have to tell me right now why you were gone four hours longer than you expected, or came back with this,” you nudged his taped up hand, “or that,” you gestured toward the semi-automatic on the table, “but at the very least, you should introduce me to your colleagues.”
The flashback of you laying on the bed, thankfully fully clothed, when they stormed in last night flashed through your memory. “You know, the guys who weren’t sure that this is legal,” you added. “Want them to know it’s all good.”
There was a beat of silence, until Billy relented, and you were genuinely surprised at the lack of pushback. “Fine.” 
With his hand on your hip, he rolled you over onto your other side, back into a spooning position, with your ass pulled against him. 
“You’ll meet the boys with my cum dripping down your thighs.”
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Who Is Edward Creel? If You’re Confused About Him, Read This Post
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So, I’ve been seeing a lot of people asking about Edward Creel and who he is and what the hell people are talking about with him, so I figured I’d make a big general post about Edward. You can skip to the end for a bulletpoint TLDR summary.
Where Did Edward Come From?
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I originally noticed him here, in the Indianapolis Gazette article about the Creel murders, and made an initial post about his name just being a reference to the idea of Vecna using Eddie/Edward Munson as a corpse puppet.
However, as I went through more of the Indianapolis Gazette, I realized that this goes WAY, WAY beyond “corpse puppet Eddie,” references, and rather than “Edward Creel being a reference to Edward Munson,” it’s actually the other way around, and Edward Munson is a reference to Edward Creel and has multiple lines that reinforce the idea of Edward being Vecna rather than Henry.
Here is a large post about some of the timeline differences, and it’s a post that’s been sitting in my drafts for a LONG time and is what initially prompted me to look further into the multiple timeline stuff/the concrete differences between Edward’s timeline and Henry’s timeline.
As far as “where did Edward come from in-universe?” goes though, THAT is a much more complicated question, one that I’m still trying to answer.
Who Is Edward Creel?
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So, who IS Edward? Well, I very much think that Edward is Vecna, and here’s why:
1.) I talked in this post about the parallels between ST and Jekyll and Hyde, specifically regarding Henry Creel and Edward Creel versus Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde, and how Jekyll and Hyde and ST tie into Carl Jung’s theory of the shadow. I would recommend reading that post for a solid intro into the idea that Edward is Vecna and the relationship between Edward and Henry and Edward being Henry’s “shadow self”.
2.) Eddie/Edward Munson is literally Vecna in the DND game- just like how Edward Creel is actually Vecna, they’re meant to parallel eachother.
3.) All of the name weirdness where there’s that whole scene with Robin and the Hawkins gang being uncle to figure out what to call Vecna (Vecna or Henry or 001), and how even though the supposed plot twist was that Henry was Vecna, it’s actually that 001 was Vecna, and we don’t know for sure if Henry is 001 due to the Edward weirdness, and all of the continued debate about names after the supposed plot twist/reveal tells me that we still aren’t done learning about who Vecna actually is. Especially since at the end of S4, Will just talks about “him,” and how he can still feel him, and doesn’t name him. You’d think if Vecna was Henry, they’d throw in a reference to Henry there, and that in general, they’d draw a stronger link between Henry and Vecna rather than drawing that link between 001 and Vecna, which is what they’ve done.
4.) There's some other reasons too, but I'm still finishing up the analysis posts for those.
How Is Edward Creel Connected To Henry Creel?
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So, this is a question that ties into the question of “where did Edward Creel come from in-universe?”, and as such, is also a difficult question to answer. However, right now, these are the main theories about where Edward came from and how he’s connected to Henry (none of these are in any particular order, like 1.) isn’t the top theory or anything):
1.) Edward was split off or cloned from Henry in Hawkins Lab as part of Brenner’s attempts to recreate Henry, and then something happened with timeline and time travel weirdness, and Edward ended up with his whole own timeline where he grew up in the Creel house instead of being cloned/born in a lab.
2.) Edward and Henry are eachother’s naturally-occurring equivalents from different timelines, and one or both of them and/or the lab were messing with time and ended up swapping timelines/temporal displacement stuff.
3.) Henry and Edward were born as actual brothers in the same timeline but something happened with timelines splitting and they ended up in different timelines.
How Is Edward Connected To Timeline and Time Travel Weirdness?
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So, I already talked about this post where I compare Edward’s timeline with Henry’s timeline and all of the drastic differences, but it goes beyond just different timelines, because we have all that imagery of Henry/Edward turning back a clock with his mind, and all of the general timeline weirdness/time travel imagery in ST, in addition to Vecna’s clock imagery.
I’m still figuring out exactly what happened and how he’s connected to Henry and timeline weirdness, but there’s definitely a big connection there, especially considering birthdaygate and the fact that in Edward’s timeline, the Creel murders happened on Will’s birthday.
Transcription of The Indianapolis Gazette Article Involving Edward
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So, this is just a transcription of the article relating to the Creels, not all of the articles in the page (although I AM finishing up analysis posts of those articles).
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Paper Title: Indianapolis Gazette
Publication Date: Thursday, March 26th, 1959. (MIGHT say 1958, but most likely 1959)
Article Title: 3 Dead as Police Probe Grisly Scene
Subtitle: Bodies Left Mutilated, Eyeless, Creel Defiant
Column 1:
"Local family man, Victor Creel, murdered his wife and two small children Saturday night.
The bodies were discovered early Sunday morning after Creel was found wandering aimlessly along the side of Highway 49, South of Hawkins.
Deputy John Snow from Hawkins Police Department intercepted Creel and made the discovery upon returning him home. The bodies of three persons have been found inside the home of a 35-year-old Town of Hawkins Roane County family man. Law enforcement officers searching Sundary Morning for signs of foul play found the bodies of Virginia Creel, Edward Creel, and Alice Creel strewn about the foyer of the house, six miles from downtown Hawkins.
Sherif fJack Kaulfield of Roane County and Director Larry Peacefield of the State of Indiana Crime Laboratory kept newsmen from the site Sunday.
Roane County Dist. Atty. ParkerJones said today that Creel had broken his silence that he "might of" killed the victims and admitted to being present when the victims died. Shortly after 11 o'clock, this morning, Creel was taken from the jails at Hawkins by Jack-" (article cuts off)
Column 2
"Officers who had been at the scene said these things were among those found at the Creels' home: The eyeless, mutilated body of Mrs Creel, "butchered, like you would clean a deer," according to one law enforcement officer. The mangled and eyeless bodies of the two young children- Virginia and Edward- laid deflated and bent on the floor of the foyer. Creel at first told authorities he knew nothing about the things that occurred at his house. He is decribed as 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing about 158 (?) pounds, with light skin, light brown hair, and "appearing slight and unable to perform basic motor functions"- a condition likely brought on as a result of the psychological consequences of committing the murders, said head psychiatrist at Pennhurst Asylum, Alexis McMurry. Creel was known around town for his generosity and the Creel Family was regularly seen at Sunday Mass at St. Phillip's Catholic Church on Sundays. Which has led many locals to wonder what led Creel to commit such ghastly acts. A veteran from the second world war, VIctor Creel served two tours of duty in Europe and returned home a hero. After moving to-" (article cuts off)
Caption Under Photo
House of Horror
Here is the house in which the Creels lived for the last two years where authorities found the remains of Alice, Edward, and Virginia Creel- Victor Creel's wife, son, and daugther- Early SUnday in what police are calling "the most grisly set of murders the town of Hawkins has ever seen"
What Is Edward’s Timeline/Thw Indianapolis Gazette Timeline?
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Here’s the key events and info that you should know if you’re interested in Edward’s timeline/the Indianapolis Gazette timeline:
Edward moved to Hawkins in 1957 and lived there for two years.
Edward’s father is Victor Creel, and his Victor is 35 years old as of 1958.
Edward’s mother is Alice Creel, and her age is not listed.
Edward’s sister is Virginia Creel, and her age is not listed.
The Creel Murders happened on March 21st, 1959 in Edward’s timeline.
How are Connie Frazier and Alice Creel and Mike Wheeler and Eleven Connected To The Edward Timeline?
Remember how I mentioned that Edward’s mother is named Alice, NOT Virginia (unlike Henry, whose mother is Virginia)? Well, that’s who “Mother Alice,” is (if you’ve seen me using that name on my blog), and I also think that she’s Connie Frazier.
I originally posted here about Connie being Henry’s sister, Alice, prior to the realization of how she connected to the Edward timeline, but then that turned into the realization that Connie is more likely Edward’s mother, Alice, rather than Henry’s sister, Alice. I’d recommend reading that post, so I’m not going to retype it all here, but the name “Alice,” plays repeatedly in the song “White Rabbit,” when Connie is on screen. I’ve got more Connie posts here and here. Mother Alice’s death in the Hawkins Middle School hallway in S1 even parallels Daughter/Sister Alice’s death at the Creel house in 1959.
In this post, I talk further about Connie being Mother Alice, but I also talk about something/someone else in that post- Karen Wheeler.
I think that Karen Wheeler is Sister Virginia/Virginia Creel from another timeline (the Edward timeline). I’ve got more posts about Karen being Daughter Virginia and Virginia-Karen parallels here, here, here, and here.
As well, @henrysglock has a bunch of great posts about how Eleven ties into this, as Eleven is likely Edward’s daughter in one timeline (daughter in the sense that he’s her biological father due to Brenner trying to recreate Henry/Edward).
However, if Eleven is Edward’s daughter in the Edward timeline, and Karen Wheeler is Edward’s sister in the Edward timeline, then doesn’t that make Mike and Eleven blood cousins? Yes.
I posted here, here, here, and here, about Edward Timeline Victor being Karen/Daughter Virginia’s father and therefore being Nancy, Holly, and Mike’s grandfather.
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So, here’s the current main thoughts to know about Edward Creel:
He was originally found here, in the Indianapolis Gazette.
He is very, very likely Vecna, rather than Henry Creel being Vecna.
He has a timeline that is different from Henry Creel’s timeline.
Even in the definition of a timeline as “a series of dates,” and setting time travel/multiple timeline weirdness aside (even though he IS very much involved with that) his series of dates is canonically, indisputably, different from Henry’s, thus, literally different timelines even in the most basic sense.
His mother is Alice Creel and his sister is Virginia Creel, the opposite of Henry’s mother and sister.
The Indianapolis Gazette DOES NOT mention Henry Creel at ALL. ONLY Edward and mentions him repeatedly as being Victor Creel’s son.
Edward’s father is still Victor Creel, but his Victor is younger than Henry’s Victor, as Edward’s Victor was 35 in 1959 and Henry’s Victor was 40 in 1959.
Edward Creel lived in Hawkins for two years, and moved there in 1957.
In Edward’s timeline, the Creel murders happened on the night of March 21st and were discovered on the morning of the 22nd (Will’s birthday), whereas the murders happened on the night of March 25th in Henry’s timeline.
Edward Creel’s body was supposedly found with his eyes gouged out (whereas Henry slipped into a coma after 7 days and did not lose his eyes), however, in both Henry and Edward’s case, there is ALWAYS the possibility of the lab creating fake bodies, which is what I think happened, especially since we see the same State Troopers involved with Will’s fake body arresting Victor.
Edward’s sister and mother also likely survived, which is where we get into more speculation, because I have the initial post here about Connie Frazier being Alice Creel and then a post here about Connie Frazier being Edward’s Mother/Mother Alice/Alice Creel from another timeline and about Karen Wheeler being Edward’s sisters/Sister Virginia/Virginia Creel from another timeline.
I’m still figuring out exactly how Edward and Henry are related, if they’re a.) just eachother from naturally-occurring alternate timelines, if they’re b.) twin brothers from the same timeline but separated into different timelines scientifically or supernaturally or c.) Edward being Henry’s clone as a result of Brenner trying to recreate Henry in a lab or split off from Henry, or vice versa, and then Edward getting to live at the Creel house/experience the Creel murders via timeline weirdness even though he was “born” in the lab.
There’s also a solid chance that there’s multiple Henries (possibly even three or four, for example) and one Edward, or multiple Edwards and multiple Henries etc etc, because there seems to be multiple timelines happening, and also there’s multiple different Henries/Edwards during NINA, all with different blood splatters on their jumpsuits, and all with completely different, changing child corpses during their massacre sequences.
There is a “Richard Brenner”, listed in the S1 final episode article about Will’s vanishing, and Edward and his timeline is likely connected to Richard Brenner rather than Martin Brenner, or Henry is connected to Richard and Edward to Martin, I’m still figuring that out.
Some of the S1 scenes, specifically the ones involving Connie Frazier, seem to be occurring in the Edward Timeline (or one of the Edward timelines/the Indianapolis Gazette timeline), because if Connie Frazier is Mother Alice Creel, then she exists in the Edward timeline, so when we see her, we’re seeing Edward’s timeline. Unless, of course, she got mixed up into another timeline, which is always an option.
I’m suspicious that Edward was watching the Creel family from the void or from another timeline (see: Will’s “True Sight”/however he was able to see the alphabet on the Byers’ wall from the UD in s1 and was “trapped in the walls”/in the Byers’ house) and that Edward is what Victor was “sensing,” in the attic, much like Billy sensing/seeing El in the void in s3 and Mike seemingly sensing El in the void in s2. Will being “trapped in the walls,” of the Byers’ house is likely going to come back with Edward and Henry in S5 and Edward being “in the walls,”/watching the Creels from the void or from another timeline.
One of the “Henries” monologuing to El during the massacre is very very likely Edward
Regarding what I said about Mother Alice being Connie Frazier and Daughter Virginia being Karen Wheeler in the Edward timeline, that would make Victor Creel the grandfather of Mike, Holly, and Nancy, and would make Connie Frazier their grandmother.
And if El is Edward’s daughter from the lab and Brenner trying to recreate him, then that would mean that Mike and El are blood cousins in the Edward timeline.
List of My Posts About Edward
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Here’s a current list of my posts about Edward, and I’m finish up a new pinned post/directory that’ll have a continuously updating list of links to my posts about him! (here is the link to the edward pinned post section)
Who The Fuck Is Edward Creel? Original Discovery of Edward Creel Post (x)
Edward Creel is Vecna and Henry Creel is Innocent: The First Shadow, Edward Creel, Henry Jekyll and Edward Hyde, and Carl Jung’s Theory of the Shadow (x)
Initial Post About The Creel Murders Happening On Will’s Birthday In The Edward Timeline (x)
NOTE: I use “Henry” in this post because this was before I connected it to Edward being a separate person, so just swap “Henry” for Vecna, but the Indianapolis Gazette IS the Edward timeline.
Confirming That The Creel Murders Happened On Will’s Birthday In The Edward Timeline (x)
NOTE: Same as the other post, use “Henry” in this post because this was before I connected it to Edward being a separate person, so just swap “Henry” for Vecna, but the Indianapolis Gazette IS the Edward timeline.
The Creels’ Disappearing Door and Magic, Colour-Changing Wallpaper (x)
Birthdaygate and When Did The Henry-Edward Split Happen And Was Edward Watching The Creel Family From The Void Or Via True Sight From Another Timeline? (x)
Edward Creel and the Lost Brother (x)
Edward Creel is Totally Vecna- Eddie’s DND Scene (x)
Edward Munson and Henry Creel and Being Blamed For Murder (x)
Revisiting The “If We Just Go Based On Henry’s Monologue, We Would Have No Clue Alice Even Existed Until The End And He Never Mentions Her By Name” Post With The Context Of Edward (x)
The First Shadow: Shadow(s) of The Past and LOTR (x)
The Shadows of The Past Have a Very Long Reach (x)
The First Shadow: Demons In Your Past (x)
Edward Being Bolded On The S4 Movie Board (x)
You’re Not A Child vs I’m Not A Dog And Henry Or Edward Being “Not A Child” (x)
Edward and Henry and 001 vs 000 (x)
Henry’s Colour-Changing Socks (x)
I Don’t Know What That Thing Is But It’s Not My Son- Victor, Henry, Edward, and Vecna (x)
Why Are We Seeing Through The Eyes of Someone The Same Height As Henry So Often? And Why Did Henry Look Up At The Camera? (x)
How Does Timeline Theory Stuff Tie Into Other Events In ST and How Does It Tie Into The Themes of ST and How Are The Duffers Going To Pull It Off Without Blindsiding the GA? (x)
Something Was Wrong With Me Vs What Is Wrong With My Boy (x)
Lost In The Darkness vs Hiding In The Darkness vs Hiding In The Shadows vs Good At Hiding (x)
Is Sam Owens Edward’s Father/Victor Creel From Another Timeline? (x)
“Well, my hair was buzzed and i didnt have these sweet old tatties yet”- Another Eddie Munson vs Edward Creel Parallel (x)
Just Move Your Date This One Time: Edward and Moving Dates (x)
All Your Theories About It Are Wrong, Because I’ve Seen One and Fought One: Edward Creel is Vecna/001 (ft Which One Is It?) (x)
The Lab IDs That Kali Dumped Out Vs Edward and Henry (x)
Edward Creel and the Criticism of Eddie Munson Being a Pointless Character (x)
Henward’s Plinko Reflection (x)
Henward Standing Like Alice Vs Standing Like Young Henward (x)
That’s The One: Will and 001 and Edward Creel (x)
I’m Eleven, You Long Haired Freak (x)
Edward, Eddie, and Straitjackets (x)
Joseph Quinn and Jamie Bower Doing Press Together, ST5, and Edward Creel/Vecna Using Eddie Munson as a Flesh Puppet So That Jamie Is Freed Up To Play Henry Creel (x)
Reblog of Stav’s Post Regarding Edward Creel, Eddie Munson, Reefer Rick, Richard Brenner, and Will’s Vanishing vs Eddie Hiding Parallels and Eddie Being Mistaken For Rick (x)
Eddie The Banished vs Edward Creel and Eddie’s Death Scene vs Edward Creel/001 Getting Sent To Superhell (x)
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pearwaldorf · 1 year
Have you heard about what's happening on dreamwidth/FFA and volunteers talking about the dysfunction happening in the OTW and the CSEM incident?
I have! It's real fucked up!
(Blanket warning for discussion of CSAM/CSEM, as well as exposure to such in a volunteer context, in text and links below.)
For those who are unaware, failfandomanon (FFA) is an anonymous meme community on Dreamwidth for people to discuss all things fandom, serious or not. I think it tends towards kneejerk anti-purity wank, but it is one of the few places where people can talk openly about fandom things without it being traced back to a publicly identifiable handle. This context will become important later on.
You may remember last year AO3 got hit with emails containing CSAM and they had to lock everything down while they dealt with it.
A few days ago somebody on FFA asked about what happened re: the AO3 volunteers working through that period. Here is the tweet chain where I found out about it, with screencaps from FFA. Basically, said volunteers got a list of links to mental health hotlines and the names of people who volunteered themselves as resources for dealing with this stuff. Yeah. (As a tangent, the OTW has an estimated ~$2mm cash reserve. At no point did they decide to hire a counselor or any other sort of professional help to assist their volunteers in dealing with this.)
Impertinence has a good rundown of the timeline of events.
azarias, the person who became the defacto CSAM resource person (a truly horrifying statement), was traumatized dealing with this. The OTW used this opportunity to force her out because people on the Board didn't like her, realized they wouldn't have a defacto CSAM person, and reinstated her, expecting that she would go back to doing what she did previously. This goes beyond benign neglect into real actual harm inflicted upon volunteers.
Then! Then! THEN!! This message (FFA original) was sent out to everybody in the OTW volunteer Slack. Which basically says to volunteers "If we don't like you we'll come down on you like a ton of bricks if you talk about how we abused you."
I don't know who's keeping up on this on Twitter, but somebody started a Dreamwidth aggregating most of what you see above.
I know this is a lot of information to throw at people. I encourage you to read it and process at your own pace because this is important to understand. And while I believe this is trustworthy information (as far as I can tell), I'm not a substitute for your own personal judgment and brain.
It is clear to me the Organization of Transformative Works has abrogated its responsibility to its volunteers as people and as laborers on behalf of the organization. There is no formal mechanism for us as AO3 users or as people the organization claims to represent (members of fandom) to demand remediation on behalf of azarias or other volunteers who have been traumatized by this.
I expect there will be a lot more people than usual at the next board meeting (I do not see one scheduled currently), but they still don't really answer to us. If you donated at least $10 during the last pledge drive you're eligible to vote in the board elections, but that does not fix the current situation or the culture that lead to it.
As somebody who has been in fandom longer than some of you have been alive, and as somebody who's had an AO3 account since 2009, it grieves me to come to terms with the rot in the OTW culture, which is deeper than I could have imagined. It's one thing to see an organization drag its feet on things it promised to do years ago or misread the room regarding new technology. It is a whole other thing to have evidence it harmed people through active malice because they didn't like them and refused to make amends when confronted. That is not something I can support, regardless of what it may have done for fandom in the past.
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lucascsinclairs · 1 year
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I got an ask about my gif making process, and my reply started getting way too long so I figured I'd make an updated gif tutorial/a rundown of what my giffing process looks like today. I hope this is helpful!
The anon mentioned how they really want to start making gif posts but they don't know how to, and I really was in that same spot three years ago, seeing all the pretty gifs people were making and wanting to do the same thing but just not knowing how.
I taught myself to make gifs from many different tutorials I found on here, and now years later my method is a mix-match of all of them. In this post I’ll go through my personal process but first I will link some great resource blogs that have more in-depth tutorials and resources on all different aspects of gif-making.
Both @usergif and @completeresources have great organized tutorial pages that I check all the time for different techniques. They’re so helpful! For beginners I’d recommend *these * *tutorials* for example.
For a walkthrough of my giffing process, keep reading!
First steps
Alright, let's start with the basics: I make my gifs on Photoshop and I currently have the 2023 version, so keep that in mind when looking at the screenshots I included, since there can me small differences between versions.
There are really two main ways to start out the giffing process on Photoshop. You can take consequent screenshots of the scene you want to gif and then use ‘Scripts’ and ‘Load Files into Stack’ to load them into Photoshop. I used to use this method before, and my previous giffing tutorial explains all the steps for it, as do the gif tutorials I linked. 
But these days I use the other method, which involves making a shorter clip of the scene you want to gif and then using 'File' > ‘Import’ > ‘Video Frames to Layers’ to import the clip into Photoshop.
The difference between the two methods isn’t really that big, just up to personal preference and what fits your workflow best. I think the reason why I switched over was just cause I found it annoying dealing with all the screenshots.
My current process starts with opening a clip I want to gif with ‘Video Frames to Layers’. In the window that opens, I use the little arrows to select the exact shot I want to use. Here it's good to include a couple frames from before and after the exact shot you want to gif. That way you can make sure to get the whole shot included.
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When the frames load up, this is what my set up view looks like. It might look different depending on the version of Photoshop, and also depending on your personal customizations, but this is what my workspace looks like. In order to get this view, make sure you have 'Timeline' selected from the 'Window' menu from the top bar.  
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Real quick to help make the tutorial more clear even if you’re not that familiar with Photoshop yet, the three main views I’ll be talking about are the frames, the layers and then the adjustments. Frames are the little film-reel-looking horizontal row on the bottom, and the layers are the vertical stacked row on the right. I have the adjustments on the right above the layers.
To start off, we’ll be working with frames. Since I selected some extra buffer frames from the clip in the import phase, now I'll first delete those frames that I don’t need by selecting a frame and then clicking the little trash can icon under the row of frames. When you are left with the shots you want to use, go to the menu of the three little lines on the top right of the frames view and pick ‘Select All Frames’.
Now that they’re all selected, you can set the frame delay. This basically just means how “quick” your gif will be. There are different preferences to this, but generally you’d want to pick a delay from 0.05 to maybe 0.1 for really short gifs that you need to be slower. My go-to is a frame delay of 0.07.
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Whichever number you go with, you’ll chance it by clicking the tiny downward arrow on one of the frames (with all the frames selected). From the window, pick ‘Other’ and then type in your number.
Resizing and cropping
After this it’s time to resize and crop your gif. Here there are again some different methods you can use, in my previous tutorial I used the Crop tool and then resized the image. But these days I do this in a different way. Again, what way you use is all up to preference.
So what I do is make sure that all the frames are selected, and then from the menu I pick ‘Copy Frames’. After copying the frames, I make a whole new file from ‘File’ and ‘New’. This will be the canvas where I’ll make the final product of the gif, making it the exact size I want the gif to be. I prefer this method because with it you can alter the cropped area easier to see what looks best. Also this way if you’ve initially loaded a lot of unnecessary frames that you deleted previously, this way only the layers that are left transfer over and it’s less bloated in the layers panel.
In the "New Document' window pick your gif size (keep in mind the Tumblr dimensions of 540 pixels wide for big, all-across gifs, and 268 pixels wide for side-by-side gifs). With today’s gif I went with the dimensions of 540x450.
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When the new file opens up, select ‘Create Video Timeline’, then from the bottom left corner click ‘Convert to Frame Animation’ and then from the three-line menu select ‘Paste Frames’. After your frames load in, you can delete the first blank frame.
Now you will resize and crop your gif. Make sure to select all frames again and then press CTRL/Command + T to activate the Transform tool. Use the guide lines that appeared to drag and resize the gif to fit your canvas. Play the gif by clicking the play button under the frame row to test how it moves within the canvas and move it around until it looks right. You can also go and change the canvas size from ‘Image’ and ‘Canvas Size’ if you want to.
At this point my gif looks like this:
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When you’re happy with the cropping, it’s time to start adjusting the gif!
For coloring and lighting the gif, we’ll move over to the right to the Layers panel. Make sure you have the top layer selected. We will be using Adjustment Layers to change the appearance of the gif, and they will change the layers below them, so this way we make sure the changes apply to all layers. 
There really are so many ways you can edit and adjust your gifs, these are just the methods I use the most. So, open up the Adjustments view and let’s get started!
(side note: Lighting dark scenes is a whole different topic, so for this basic tutorial I picked a well-lit shot so we won’t have to worry about all of that when lighting it.)
I usually start with the Curves layer. Pick the bottom eyedropper tool on the left, with the white tip. With this, click on the brightest part of the gif to set the white point. This is especially useful with gifs that have some kind of a color tint (for example the green hue in the Hawkins Lab flashback scenes). By picking the white point, it will adjust not only the lighting but also the hues of the gif.
After picking the initial white point, you can go in and adjust. From the RGB dropdown menu, pick the individual color channel (Red, Green, Blue) and drag and adjust the curve until the colors and lighting look good to you. Here again, it’s all up to your personal preference. I personally prefer coloring that is more on the warmer side, so in this phase I usually strengthen the reds in the gif and tone down the greens. Remember, this is just the first phase of coloring, it doesn’t have to look perfect right away. 
Next, go back to Adjustments and make another Curves layer on top of the first one. This time pick the top eyedropper tool with the black tip. Then click on the darkest part of the gif to set the black point. I don’t always do this, especially with dark scenes, but in neutral lighting like this, it can help with the contrast and make the coloring more vivid. Here you can once again adjust the RGB curves individually until you’re happy with the result. Oh but don’t think we’re done with the Curves layers just yet! After the white point and black point layers, I usually open a third Curves adjustment layer for lighting the gif. Here I usually stick to the overall curve, not going into the individual color channel ones. I drag and adjust the curve to make the lighting of the gif look good. And here’s what my gif looks like with all the Curves layers:
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The brightness is starting to look pretty good now, but I’ll just add a couple more adjustment layers that I usually use. Again, this is just my process, all the layers aren't always essential and their usefulness really varies depending on the specific shot you’re working with. My advice, especially when starting out with adjustment layers, is to try out different adjustments to see what they do and how they make the gif look. If it looks bad, no worries, just CTRL/Command+Z it away!
So at this point I usually apply a Levels layer to brighten a little and then to deepen the shadows a bit to up the contrast. Then a Brightness/Contrast layer and maybe an Exposure layer to help do the same thing. I find that by using the different tools and making small adjustments in each one, it makes the lighting look nice. After these layers, here’s what the gif looks like:
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Now it’s time for the actual coloring! My favorite part! There are a billion different ways to color a gif and a billion different styles to go for. Here I’ll be doing a pretty neutral, natural coloring, but I also love my exaggerated, color-themed sets. Let me know if you’d like to hear my tips for those in another post!
With my workflow, I usually begin coloring with a Selective Color adjustment layer. And on there, I tend to always go straight for the Yellow view. There my go-to is to drag down the Cyan slider, since like I mentioned, I usually go for a warm-toned look. Here again my advice is to just mess around with the different sliders, see what they do, test them out to find a coloring you like. You can do the same thing with the Hue and Saturation layer, picking different colors in the gif and adjusting them to how you want them to look. The shot we’re working with doesn’t need a ton of color manipulation, so I won’t be doing too much with these layers, but they allow you to make some really cool colorful stuff! 
The Color Balance adjustment is up next, and it’s great at unifying the colors and also making the color shades look nicer after lighting. Especially with dark gifs, brightening a scene can make the darks look a bit muddy, so editing the Shadows of Color Balance can help with that. 
And lastly when I’m done with all the coloring layers, I apply a Vibrance layer on top, usually to up the Vibrance and Saturation, since I love my bright saturated colors. This shot is pretty bright on its own so I won’t have to tweak it a lot. 
Once I’ve got all the adjustment layers in place, I’ll usually group all of them together. You can do this by selecting all the adjustment layers and then pressing CTRL/Command+G to put them into a group folder. I like to have it organized like that and it also makes it easier to look between the original gif and the adjusted one by toggling the little eye icon on the left of the folder. This way you can check if there’s something you still want to change, or if you want to tone down some adjustments. With today’s gif I went and lightened the shadows a little. But after that I was happy with the coloring, and the gif looked like this:
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It’s almost time to export the final product! But before that I'll sharpen the gif. I know many people like to sharpen their gifs before coloring them, that’s a pretty common way to do it. This is just the order I learned to do this in. I think it’s fun to sharpen last so that it’s kind of like a final polish to the gif! 
To prep the gif for sharpening, go to the bottom left of the frames and select ‘Convert to video timeline’. Now go back to the right and select all the layers in the layers view, the adjustment layers and all. Then with all of them selected, right-click to open a menu and from it, pick ‘Convert to Smart Object’. Now your layers are all in one object.
From the top row menu, pick ‘Filter’ then ‘Sharpen’ and ‘Smart Sharpen’. In the window that opens, pick these settings:
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Then repeat the same thing, with the Smart Object still selected but now apply these settings:
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(I have made these steps into an action, so I can do it with a simple click)
With the sharpening done, our gif is ready!
To export it, go to ‘File’ and ‘Export’ and ‘Save for Web (Legacy).
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A window opens up showing you the export settings. The first thing I do in this window is check the size of the gif, which can be found in the bottom left under the preview image. The Tumblr gif size limit is 10MB, so you need to stay below that. If the gif is bigger, I go back and make it shorter by deleting frames from the start or end of the gif. There are other ways to reduce the file size, but this is usually what I do. With today’s gif the size is around 5MB so we’re all good!
If you want to preview the gif in a moving form, click ‘Preview’ from under the file size, and it will open in your browser.
On the right of the preview image in the Export window you can see a bunch of different settings. In the screenshot you can see the settings I use, you can test them out and then tweak them to your liking. I usually keep them the same, though sometimes if there’s some pixelation in areas of the gif I test switching out ‘Adaptive’ to ‘Selective’ or ‘Diffusion’ to ‘Pattern’. But these are the settings I use in 99% of my gifs, and what I have found give the nicest end result for me.
When you’re all set with the settings you can save your gif into its folder and then you’re all done!
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So there we have it! A basic rundown of my giffing process. I tried to keep it as clear and informative as possible, but I know I can get rambly so I hope this was helpful! For more details and tips, please refer to the tutorials I linked. There really are so many useful tutorials on here to learn from.
Lastly I'll add that making gifs is a creative art form and a skill like any other. You aren't going to be perfect at it on your first try, it takes practice and trial and error. When I look back on my first gifs I can see a hundred things that I would fix now that I have more experience. And the same will for sure be the case if I look at my current posts a couple years from now.
Figuring things out, learning what you like to gif and developing your style is what I find the most fun about the whole gif making process. I've been making them for three years now and I can say that I've developed a style that feels my own. And I swear, every time I see someone leave a tag to my post saying that they like my coloring and the style of my gifs, it always makes me so happy.
If you're thinking of starting to make gifs, I say go for it, give it a go, and have fun with it! 💛
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meadow-roses · 4 days
ooo your characters look reeeaaallllyy interesting. Tho I'd like to know a little bit more about keepers. Have you written much? If so, where can I read it in order?
Thank you so much! I am SO glad to hear that!!! :D The keepers have pretty much consumed my brain for the last four years hahaha
Basically this story happened because my sister said one day "what if instead of goofing around making crossovers/aus of stories we like, we made up brand new stories and then made them crossover." Then we started the hard work of creating a whole bunch of co-universal plots so we could send the main characters on crossover adventures together and have it be 100% canon 😂
To enhance this crossover aspect, we're trying to make each of the main stories a different genre- Ketsler is from a second-world fantasy, Skylar from an intrusive fantasy/fairytale setting, Betty mystery thriller, and Felix sci-fi superheroes!
@wednesday-chicken is a great resource if you're looking to learn more, it's a blog specifically for the keepers wip containing all the posts made both by me and @masterfuldoodler (of course you can always send an ask or dm!)
Since the keepers is a collection of stories that all come together to tell a single narrative, (for example "Dauntless" is a four season long show but it's the first installment in the keepers series) it's kinda messy and all over the place lol We're still trying to come up with the perfect publishing order, but here's a timeline August put together that covers each of the separate storylines and how they line up chronologically:
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I'm hoping to get things organized better once I've got a website up, but I have no idea when that will be lol
I use my personal blog as a place to share art, but also to make it easy for me to reference past drawings without having to dig through a heap of paper, so the tagging system should help if you're willing to hunt around a little lol
#keepers written will take you to all of the writing I've posted for the wip, but uh. I'm really bad at actually posting my writing lol
#keepers universe is for ALL posts for the keepers wip (a recent addition to the system so it doesn't Actually include everything right now, sorry 😂)
#dauntless wip will take you to JUST posts for Felix's backstory.
#keepers will take you to the posts for the keepers plotline, except for the posts exclusively for the dauntless wip
For anything else all I've got for you is character tags 😅
Here's direct links to the main cast on the keepers blog:
#ketsler . #rhyin . #felix . #skylar . #gigi . #betty . #haru
There are quite a few other characters. They will all have their names tagged as well, so feel absolutely free to poke around!
If you have any questions, or are curious about something specific, feel free to send an ask to here, to @masterfuldoodler or @wednesday-chicken! :D
(also, just a tip. the search bar on blogs will search the blog for posts with the phrase in the post, if you click a tag that will bring up all posts tagged that sorted newest to oldest)
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alienssstufff · 11 months
thoughts on q!dapduo ? (i’ve been thinking about their interactions during the wedding but it can be from any time period on the qsmp)
bro i fucking love dapduo. EVERY universe.
I've already spoken about them before and most definitely after the QSMPdinner event today my dapduo brainrot grows evermore >< You can probs dig for them through either the #dapduo or #stufff rambles tags yourself but here some of the links I'll be looking back on for this: >q!dapduo grieving > the guapoduo wedding arc >q!Slime's identity with Slime and Gegg >q!Quackity's identity and values
Summary of the 28/07/2023 QSMP Election Dinner: Gegg shows up to the venue (removes his armour AND his totems like a fucking idiot sorry im still heartbroken over this) and the remaining candidate members are ambushed by codes pretending to be eggs and Gegg loses his last presidential life. Slime returns as Slime and comes clean to everyone that he was Gegg all along but ElQuackity isn't so sure about this. ElQuackity and Slime have a conversation and (in chat) Slime secretly agrees to help ElQ win the election.
Out of pure impulse, I went and transcribed their whole interaction you can read it HERE
[ ramblings undercut ]
ANYWAY SO very important to know that roles and how they are perceived by others is an integral value to both Quackities' motivations whilst Slime's values are introspective, focusing more on his own identity (Slime/Gegg) rather than the outside. Throughout the entirety of the qsmp timeline, the both of them suffer near the same struggles yet respond to them differently because of their motivations which is why they compliment each other so well.
Q!Dapduo are able to sympathise and find comfort in eachother's pain simply because no one else on the island could ever experience what they're going through... Even if their way of comfort is not healthy.
Even if ElQuackity was m.i.a for a bit, before then he still considers himself close with Slime. ElQuackity learnt the assignment that Quackity was Gegg's father and went with it and most definetly caught feelings (platonic) that resonated when caring for Tilin and the other eggs. They were suffering together.
Cut to the QSMP Dinner where Gegg dies. The sadness ElQuackity felt was genuine yet bittersweet. His best friend, is finally learning to accept all parts of himself - but this is also a big turning point that the relationship dapduo have will never be the same. ElQuackity can no longer use Slime as a support structure (IN the manner that he used to at least) because he's broken free from the role that he's been given while ElQuackity has yet to do the same.
Q: No nononono you're viewing it the wrong way I think there's more to Gegg.
THIS LINE HAS SO MANY FUCKING LAYERS LIKE on one hand ElQuackity obviously is doing copium rn, but in retrospect he does have a point that Slime hasn't fully come to terms that Gegg and Slime are one in the same. They are parts of him and both sides are starting to mesh together and it's Slime's mission to better understand himself.
AND THEN ON A DIFFERENT LAYER, IF WE PIT THIS WITH THE CONVERSATION ELQUACKITY WHISPERS TO SLIME it's also really scary. Yeah he's going to use Slime to win the election, but it's also unconsciously ElQuackity's way in keeping Slime as this emotional support, and whatever this deal insinuates I am SO scared. This idea is also reinforced visually by Slime's body language as he physically backs himself into a corner by ElQuackity as he accepts the deal -- Which makes me think Slime is definitely aware of ElQuackity is trying to do and makes me wonder the reasoning as to why Slime accepts this deal.
One wants to leave but the other doesn't even know they're trapped in this together.
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dnpbeats · 4 months
omg PLS share any other philslion tweets that sound like dan. after reading the one about flooding in australia it’s impossible to not read them in his voice afsjdkdkj
I KNOW!! tbh that was the nail in the coffin for me, it was just such a dan thing to do 😭 okay!! here's loads more, none of them really prove anything on their own but certainly all together I think it supports that dan could've run the acc
this tweet, not sure what it's "answering" as the tweet before it doesn't have any questions. but we all know how scared dan is of spiders:
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tweet mentioning being a dinosaur I think we all know how that relates to dan. the link is a screenshot of a subscribe button, tbh idk how it's relevant to the tweet but lol:
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tweet which just has a lot to unpack tbh. a little bit nonsensical (☑️ dan), about "finding a new lion [companion]" (☑️ dan), ends up just being an emo tweet (☑️ dan), plus bonus bc we literally just had Phil tell us that he and dan are pretty much the same person!! like looking in a mirror in other words! (also peep the typo lol, dan has a whole vid on them. I also swear there's a vid where Phil makes fun of dan for a typo "you did a typo" but idr which it is):
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tweet that quotes lyrics from the sound of music. this would've been around 1am on nov 11 for d&p. they were together nov 6-9 and again starting nov 29 (lmk if you want screenshots of the timeline, this is when they both posted a bunch of sad tweets about missing each other lol) so the lyrics fit with dan missing phil but knowing he was gonna see him again:
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also this tweet about missing someone during the same break (first line is a beach boys lyric):
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then there's this tweet. the "break" is just referencing the fact that the acc hadn't been used in a few months. but Imo "I had a little trouble with my insides" sounds like some sort of mental health thing:
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there might be more I missed bc I kind of went through the account out of order lol. I'll post if I find any more :)
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