#but i do love a continuous narrative. idk. we’ll see
arttheclown · 1 year
i should be in bed but what if i wrote a multi-chaptered fic for my really niche interest. i absolutely shouldn’t because i have too many WIPs sitting around as it is and i’m terrible at finishing things but what if.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 6 months
What’s your opinion on cross guild? I’m sending this on anon because I kinda hate them while everybody loves them. I think it’s because Buggy is my favourite character and I just can’t see it as anything other than abuse😭 Do you think their dynamic will change? Is my opinion based on unconditional clown love?
i think the fanon toxic polycule concept is kinda funny? like, the idea of buggy continuing to fail upward in life into a triad with two very powerful people who started out hating him? hysterical. does it have a strong basis in canon? no. just about every buggy ship has to be taken with a grain of “let’s ignore the reality of the situation here” salt. my own buggy ship is not immune to this! but cross guild… really needs that seasoning.
in canon it’s more a hostage situation than a relationship—albeit a pretty slapstick hostage situation, as despite their best efforts mihawk and crocodile cannot control buggy or his followers at all, and the injuries buggy takes are treated pretty lightly by the narrative.
in that context, it makes sense that sexual interpretations of cross guild would have strong vibes of either bdsm or ipv. i’m not surprised it’s upsetting for you.
in the end, it’s something i could be convinced to read a mundane au about, where dynamics are always softened to better fit the setting, but that’s about it for me re: the trio. i don’t expect their dynamic to change much, even if buggy manages to rope them into going along with his one piece questing, and i don’t much care.
now, the pairs within the trio?
crocodile and buggy is just “give me my money” -> flight response -> threats of violence -> fawn response -> actual violence -> desperate fawn response. good god. i get why it brings out certain impulses in certain readers—buggy begs to lick the man’s boots, ffs—but it does not really do anything for me, and i don’t expect that to change. crocodile wants money and power, which buggy respects because same, but as he has less of both he can’t really offer crocodile much of anything, and crocodile seems very aware and disdainful of that.
buggy and mihawk is theoretically very fun for the same reason luffy interacting with either of them is fun: they all have a connection to shanks that makes their interactions with anyone else who knows shanks so weird. they cannot be normal about that guy. in practice, none of that has shown up, we’ve just seen mihawk offended by buggy’s personality/reputation/aesthetic and buggy flinching away from his glares. (i can’t imagine mihawk punching someone, so i suspect all of buggy’s injuries came from crocodile… probably because the only way mihawk could actually hurt buggy would be with lethal force.) i’m hopeful, as has been indicated in previous mihawk posts, that we’ll get something more here eventually.
mihawk and crocodile legitimately made me go oh, hm in that first cross guild chapter. crocodile calls this guy up out of nowhere to say, “hey, i notice your job security kinda sucks right now, want to join my company? we have a lot in common… we both hate other people…” is there a history between these two, or did crocodile just get good vibes off him the one time they both bothered to show up for a warlord meeting? i want to know more. if these two ever get rid of buggy, would they actually be any good at managing baroque works 2: crossy guild? idk. i suspect without a scapegoat to redirect their anger onto they’d start having unavoidable personality conflicts, regardless of their managerial competencies, but even that could be fun to watch fall apart.
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gizkasparadise · 1 year
drama update!
the glory (kdrama)
a great watch from beginning to end and i was shocked-- shocked!! -- at how idk risque? things got (we saw BOOB? in a KDRAMA??). i loved how it ended on a “the adventure continues” note because im big on open endings that narratively fit the tone (like this one does). i do think i enjoyed part 1 more than 2, just because it felt more tense while the back half was everything sort of unraveling? it was such a weird decision by netflix to split the airing for this show. eventually i want to rewatch this one without the big gap in the middle. anyway, really solid drama 9.5/10! only things that felt weird to me were the OST in some spaces, the pot scenes (potlines, if you will), and that i got no closure on what happened to louis.
the starry love (cdrama)
i think im dropping this one. im on ep 13 and just not super engaged yet / i find myself playing pokemon battles the whole time while it’s on :’D i really like the heavenly male lead because i love that introverted awkwardness, but as a whole it’s feeling a little too generic to me. i might come back to this one day, but for now i want to find something that holds my attention more
next up?
idk im craving something messy, trashy, dark, dysfunctional, or maybe all of the above. we’ll spin The Gizka To-Watch List Wheel and see what happens.
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rhaenyradelights · 2 years
do you think rhaenyra has been softened by the show? people talk about how she and alicent have less initiative than in f&b (alicent not scheming, rhaenyra not killing vaemond herself, etc) and have been whitewashed in a way. i personally was expecting more crimes but also i didn't read it so idk. in my mind you are a rhaenyra expert so i wanted to hear your thoughts ❤️
okay here’s where i’m at. i think it is by and large not useful especially from a character perspective to continually judge the show against the book. we have established that this is not a traditional adaptation, that f&b is a textbook full of propaganda, and that the show is more than happy to diverge and expand as necessary. and i don’t know why this is SO difficult for people to do, but these are not people whose True Selves are recorded in f&b and then the show is mutating or taking away their feminism or whatever. the rhaenyra onscreen is not the rhaenyra in the book, and we have to find a way to engage with what we’re watching without using fidelity to the book.
people are currently OBSESSED with saying that the show is “taking away” alicent and rhaenyra’s “agency” but these are not real women!!!!!!! why is the only power some fans are capable of recognizing the power of being the one saying “yes kill them”. it’s utterly strange to me that humanizing these characters and placing them in a larger narrative context is making so many people regress into middle schoolers. the show is about gendered power and ruination, and the different forms battle and control pressed upon women based on station and circumstance, and the tragedy of looking for love in places where it cannot be given. showing rhaenyra and alicent strive for peace while amongst men who are thirsting for war isn’t whitewashing them, it’s giving added pathos and context so that when things change and they DO call for violence, there’s an understanding that there were other choices that could’ve been made, and other paths that weren’t taken. it’s storytelling 101. did people want rhaenyra to go from a young girl to a bloodthirsty killer at the first opportunity????? we’ve set the stage for future crimes and like….. a good narrative…. by showing how these women got to be where they are and how they feel about it… and they’re already complicit and responsible for so much wrongdoing, just bc we don’t see rhaenyra screaming “GO DOG GO” at daemon in the throne room doesn’t mean the show didn’t communicate that she approved of his actions (and maybe did so beforehand).
like not to be a cunt (and this isn’t directed at you) but grounding action in a story by expanding character motivation and having them work within an existing patriarchal framework in order to make a cohesive narrative and communicate the core themes of the story…… is just basic television storytelling. people complaining about “weakness” being “antifeminist” because these two women are clinging to the love they share DURING SEASON ONE OF THE STORY instead of jumping directly into a war they will be leading for the next three seasons…. is. stupid. just absolutely braindead and really hard to critique justly bc i have so much contempt for 90% of the fan engagement 😭
i’m looking forward to way more expansion of nyra’s character next episode and next season, i do think she’s had less to work with because the majority of the focus has been on the necessary work of centering alicent so the next three years aren’t just people cheering for violence with no thought. she’s definitely had weaker development so far but that’s not because she’s Weak. there are just far more subtle things going on with rhaenyra, who is a very internal character, and i think we’ll be laughing at having this conversation when she snaps and the war starts.
tldr crime is coming, it will be numerous, and in the meantime we’ve been given a season of character development and worldbuilding that will allow us to sympathize and empathize with these women, who DO exist in a reality where men control everything. that’s the point. it doesn’t make them weak or mean that they won’t show traditional power during the war.
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I am really asking this as a fan of the show, do you really have any expectations from S5? I think the duffers are very repetitive in how they portray things, and the mistakes they did before continued to appear in s3-s4. The byers family getting ignored has been a theme on the show bc they just dont care. Jonathan and Will have been largely ignored within the narrative. They just keep pushing the love triangle drama instead of focusing on the characters arcs and make them justice. They give characters like Steve or Dustin an unnecessary amount of screentime meanwhile refusing to actually develop them, other multiple main characters are ignored/sidelined. Like.. what should i really expect here in terms fo writing? Are we jut gonna watch same drama and relationships appear without any development with the romances. The supernatural plot has been all tied to this one guy (Vecna) and El's just gonna defeat him at the end whereas the other characters will help to a degree. What's to watch and see there in terms of interest?
I think Will will actually have a big central plotline. I’m worried Joyce and Jonathan will be ignored in it so it won’t be a full Byers fam plot, or Jonathan will be cut out of it, and there won’t be a lot of Byers-Hopper fam :( I’m hoping they figure out a way to give all the OGs arcs, but they have their faves so idk that they actually will. I feel like Dustin mourning Eddie will take a lot of time in part thanks to fan feedback :/ I don’t know if we’ll get good small scale subtle character writing back bc they forgot that long ago.
I think in terms of expectations I mean what’s exciting is to see a resolution of the supernatural plot and why the UD is frozen, see Will get a plot again that ties into s1, hopefully see maybe the teens work together (altho watch them somehow manage to exclude Jonathan from both the Byers plot and the teen plot smh). I’m still hoping for Byers fam interactions; I really hope we get it. They will do something with the love triangle and we know there will be jancy scenes and I hope they really talk.
And in terms of expectations: we will see endings for these characters and that will be v cool to have tbh no matter what they are; like it is time and I want to know what happens to them. I’m also just here for any spoilers/hints lol.
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mettywiththenotes · 3 years
Izuku’s Emotional Neglect
Hi so I’m not okay because I keep thinking about Izuku
This kid has been emotionally neglected since he was little. Izuku has had NOBODY to rely on emotionally
He didn’t have Inko, or his classmates, or All Might. Actually, All Might is borderline the only one he’s confided in [since they talk briefly about their connection of being quirkless], but he still holds back
Inko is trying her best and no parent is perfect, I see that, but what she said to Izuku that fateful night damaged that boy and the way he saw himself.
He asks her if he can be a hero, and she cries and says she’s sorry. Not only does this imply that Izuku’s quirklessness is bad, it also implies that she was lying.
And by the way, I don’t mean that Inko ACTUALLY lied that Izuku could be a hero, nor do I think that she meant to mean his quirklessness was bad.
But I need, NEED, to stress that this is how Izuku sees it. This is how he would perceive it, subconciously.
If you’re a child and you think that you can be a hero, your parent encourages it because it makes you happy. But then suddenly you can’t be a hero, and you ask them one more time if it’s possible, hoping that those little wishes you made weren’t fruitless, that maybe somehow this is some kind of dream and she’ll wake you up from it with her smile and her warmth, promising that even with this newfound “disability” you can still be a hero, but instead she cries and apologises to you? That’s going to make you think. It’s going to make you think “Was she lying? if she truly believed in me, why would she cry and say she’s sorry? why isn’t she encouraging me, like she always does? what is happening?”
It’s not the truth, and Inko DIDN’T lie, but subconsciously I feel like it’s something that betrayed Izuku a great deal.
And with the quirklessness. He hates it, he hates feeling useless, and he saw himself as useless when he was quirkless, therefore -> quirkless is something weak and awful.
Time and time again, we see this evidence of the emotional neglect he was subjected to. It’s like actively ongoing and the effects of it are seen even now
We’ll start with the Inko one. I just mentioned it, but here are the panels. It’s really just the language that she uses
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“You mean there’s something wrong?”
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Apologizing over and over again, like not being normal was a bad thing. Moreso, I think this just meant that she knew how hard Izuku’s life was going to be as a quirkless person, but the way she says it makes it sound like what happened to Izuku was wrong and bad and incredibly awful
Then we have All Might disregarding his feelings and telling him straight up that he couldn’t be a hero
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Which then leads to this commentary
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“Don’t cry! Let it sink in!!” “Just block it out, just block it all out, just-”
*pats Izuku on head* You Can Fit So Much Denial And Repression Into This Kid!
Then further along, Izuku is seen, and he gets the quirk. He is then surrounded by people that love him, that want to help him, but it’s almost like even the narrative won’t let him have emotional closure.
In most emotional closure scenes (Tsuyu crying, Kirishima vs Rappa, Iieda in the hospital with Shouto and Izuku, Kacchan vs Deku 2), there is an end to it. The character is emotional, crying or upset, and thinking back on their regrets, spilling their guts as they scream, sob, or give solemn expressions. The other characters then cheer/hype them up, reaching some sort of conclusion to the character’s pain, and the situation is more or less resolved.
But that’s not the case with Izuku. He’s always left sorta hanging there, or his hurt and anger get sidetracked by something else. One example of this is the Running With All Might scene in the UA grounds
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Izuku is incredibly upset that All Might chose to withhold information on Sir Nighteye and Mirio, and he speaks about how he can’t make sense of it. He’s voicing all his worries to All Might as they run, because he can’t stand the thought of All Might keeping something like this a secret from him.
And then All Might tells him why he kept it a secret, that he didn’t feel it was necessary to let Izuku know about Nighteye’s bias, and then it divulges into him telling Izuku he’s gonna die, and Izuku focuses on that instead.
I am NOT saying that All Might did this purposefully. He didn’t try and steer Izuku’s anger away from him, it was just that it all got revealed so suddenly, so the subject changed.
The narrative tosses Izuku’s feelings of anger aside, and instead Izuku gets emotional over All Might’s potential death. Idk man, to go from angry and upset about withheld information and then immediately shoved into the knowledge that your mentor-father figure is gonna die? That’s the narrative playing with Izuku’s feelings.
Obviously, All Might’s communication skills are awful and he just kinda unloaded all this stuff on Izuku cuz he didn’t think to tell him in the first place, but I still think Izuku’s feelings got pushed around here. He had no time to process any of it
Another example is the cafeteria scene with Shouto and Iieda
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The scene goes that Izuku is visibly depressed by the Eri situation and Iieda and Shouto notice. They tell him that he can talk to them when everything gets too much [a parallel to the Stain fight], and Izuku cries. Izuku insists he shouldn’t cry, and Shouto tells him that, actually, Heroes cry too sometimes, and they offer him their food in an attempt to comfort him.
But the thing is, this scene doesn’t offer closure. Closure would be Izuku seeing that he could rely on his friends and telling them how he feels [he wouldn’t have to necessarily tell them about Eri - maybe just phrase it in another way that doesn’t reveal the mission]. Closure would be Izuku accepting that Heroes can cry too, and admitting he’s not okay. Instead, we have this
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The scene feels... incomplete? Like there’s no knot at the end of the rope. Izuku is being comforted, but he’s not acknowledging his own feelings of sadness.
In fact, he’s shoveling food into his mouth to stop himself from crying, to shut himself up, to try and move forward and get past his little outburst.
I would go as far as to say this is self hatred eating, trying to quell that vulnerable part inside
I wouldn’t say Izuku HATES himself now. Rather, he just makes connections to his past quirkless self in his mind. It’s the negative emotion connection
Feeling weak? Well, you’re still like your quirkless self before! You’re still not good enough and useless!
Not strong enough? Sounds like back when you were quirkless! All weak and helpless! You can’t help anyone, which is why you need to get stronger, so you can move on from your past self!
Crying? Just like when you were quirkless! You always cried back then, like a helpless kid! You can’t be like that anymore, since you are now All Might’s Successor and A Hero, so stop crying! You’re not allowed to cry anymore!
Do you see what I’m getting at here? Izuku continuously represses these emotions as he gets stronger because he connects them to when he was quirkless. If you associate certain behaviors and emotions with how you were during a vulnerable and traumatic time in your life, you’re going to want to shove those emotions down so you don’t repeat what happened back then [in this case, Izuku sees himself being vulnerable as weak, and he saw himself as weak when he was quirkless, so he’s trying not to be vulnerable anymore].
And the scary thing is, now, we can even see the hatred in real time. I’m sure there are other examples in the manga, but one scene is very prominent in my mind, and it’s this one
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Izuku is so incredibly strong now, he has saved many people, but he still can’t view himself as anything other than “useless” or “helpless” unless he powers through death itself just to break himself more. He almost feels like he HAS to do that in order to be seen as worthy, for himself and others. When he’s struggling, bleeding and heavily injured, he yells at himself as if it’s all his fault.
It’s not about whether he’s aware he’s actively dying or not. To him, being worthless and useless is infinitely worse than dying.
Actually, the way Izuku practically yells at himself in this panel reminds me of when he was walking home in chapter 1 after his chat with All Might [shown above when talking about All Might’s impact]
There are two translated versions of this actually that ring alarm bells in my head. There is the panel already pictured above, but I chose this panel too because I simply think it hits harder
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“Don’t cry! You knew already, right?! This is reality...”
In either translation, he’s chiding himself. For crying. For being emotional.
And once again, I totally think this stems from emotional neglect. Trying not to get too personal here, but I know what this feels like, and I know the effect it has had on me. I can’t be vulnerable or spill my feelings in front of people, it just feels illegal or smthg. Like it shouldn’t be done. And like... if you’re taught from an early age that, one way or another, your feelings don’t matter and that nobody is going to pay attention to you, why try, right?
Then you just begin to Not Feel Properly, and you become incapable of expressing your feelings in a healthy manner
Current examples of this?
Izuku literally not giving himself time to process anything, like worry, grief, sadness. If anything, the only emotion he gives time for is anger. And he specifically directs it at All For One, cause that’s his target. [we saw little bits of this in War Arc but it also applies to the current arc]
He can’t cry. He feels emotional, sure. But he never lets his tears shed.
And one last bit of evidence
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I’d say most if not all of these sound about right
In conclusion I wanna hug Izuku
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shouta-aizawow · 3 years
Hello I just want to list bnha characters that would have such interesting plots if they were main characters:
(These aren’t in any specific order)
Bakugou, obviously.
The actual underdog story with a twist; gifted kid syndrome. He’s relatable, he has no strong support system besides Kiri, no overpowered mentor (no mentor at all, really), most people regard him as a villain and treat him as such
His character development
His story could revolve around said character development. It could deal with trauma and address how society fails its children. He can learn how to let others in and trust others to have his back. It could also be a great story on staying true to yourself yet still being able to grow. I could go on and on but I’ll stop there.
Maybe we’ll finally get information on his life
Her reason for becoming the hero is the most unique; its selfless yet selfish. She wants to make money to help her family
Her story could start off with her feeling jaded about hero society, seeing them flaunt their wealth yet there’s still so many people struggling. It’s the fastest way for her to make money, though, and she hates it but she loves her family more. Throughout the story, her goal shifts from just making money to help her family to helping those in need, and she tries to use her status to make a difference no matter how small.
He’s a part of a hero family
The entire story could be about him finding his own identity and not feeling obligated by blood. He could even choose not to be a hero at the end! A lesson on self discovery and familial pressures
His quirk is copying others
Like Iida, his story could focus on finding his own identity and he could have to deal with imposter syndrome. I’m thinking lots of mental illness in this one that he hides behind false bravado. It could also deal with how society looks at you for your quirk, but when his quirk is just taking others’ quirks, what does that say about him?
Ignoring his tragic backstory that could make a good plot in and of itself
Like monoma, his quirk relates to other peoples’ quirks. Instead of “I take others’ so who am I?” It could be “I take away something that makes people who they are. What does that say about me?”
It’d probably have to take place in middle school/high school bc I can’t see adult Aizawa having this hang up
Or if you wanna use current Aizawa, then you could go the “repressed trauma” route that’s related to his quirk, his tragic backstory, and the things he’s had to witness as an underground hero
Acab but he’s a detective so I’m still doing this. Watch out for cop propaganda
His story could deal with morality and corruption. Morality in using his quirk on people, corruption in the general sense of the government/police. Also about things he’s had to witness while doing his job
She’s the eldest out of her siblings
Could focus on that. The fact that she had to grow up early. Learning that she can’t be a hero for everybody, having to address the trauma of being a parent to her siblings and having to be responsible 24/7. Learning how to let others help her
Her “bluntness” (yall she would be considered rude if she said what she said in a voice that wasn’t monotone but I digress) could be her repressing emotions bc she has to focus on her siblings
Idk where the hero aspect would come into her story though. Maybe with her learning to trust others to take the reigns once in a while
Dealing with not being unique bc there are many others with quirks like them. Identity themes. Learning how to accept yourself and not compare yourself to others. Working together and thinking that you’re all the same but learning that you’re different. That stuff
Mental illness. He literally has another person living in side of him. He’s not 100% okay.
He could focus on being scared of himself, having others be scared of him. Not being able to trust his control. Never being able to truly be alone.
Making peace with the darkness inside and all that
Okay speed run time! (Bc I don’t have as much to say abt these characters):
Everyone with a mutant quirk/Shinsou/the LOV -> discrimination/self-acceptance/problems with society
Todoroki Family -> trauma, abuse, things not being all black and white
Hagakure -> being invisible, self-acceptance, self-esteem, etc
Kaminari -> mental disabilities, not being cookie-cutter smart, proving ppl wrong not for them but for yourself
Vlad King -> morality given the fact that he could control the blood of both himself and others
All Might -> hero complex, not being able to save everyone, problems with hero society and the fact that the weight of the world rests on one man’s shoulders, being a good person at heart but hurting others, loneliness
Wash -> They’re a washing machine. That’s enough of a reason.
Inko -> single mother, not wanting to be the reason why your kid can’t achieve his dreams after so long but also being extremely worried for his life, how the people meant to keep others safe can’t always do that (both in relation to her and the heroes)
The most interesting plots would be the ones revealing how terrible hero society actually is. A nice dystopian plot but it’s not revealed to be dystopian until the characters find out more (or bc they were exposed to it from the start but they’re powerless to do anything and have to watch others continue to see with rose-colored lenses). Bakugou is the one I’d be most invested in because he’s my favorite character, obviously. Tokoyami’s would also be rad. All Might’s, too.
Deku’s story would be interesting if he actually faced real consequences, didn’t think lesser of others (in his own deku way), had actual character development, didn’t have all his powers handed to him, and was just more interesting. He’s not annoying but the way he’s written and the way the narrative is written to always make him right is annoying. Hopefully this gets better in the manga, but I’m not gonna hold my breath. I don’t like the direction the story has taken right now, so I’m just gonna look at spoilers when they come and wait to read when Bakugou comes back XD
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
i don't know if i'm the only one but i've often wondered exactly how hard it was to convince julian mcmahon to stick around for season five. they took his character, a feared powerful half demon and made him into the butt of the joke and the whole joke was basically ha ha look at this lovestruck fool obsessing and suicidal because he's got nothing to live with but can't die. ain't that funny? like how the fuck did the writers sell that to julian is my question
i find the entirety of season five just so goddamn insulting to cole's character. hell the fact that he got possessed by the source and this was treated as him turning evil instead of a shitty situation that got out of hand. like it wasn't bad enough he was villified for something that he wasn't even in control of half the time they couldn't even just vanquish the dude, they dragged it on and ridiculed him. i hate it here
lol. i mean. yeah. i really. like. it's like. like okay we all know cole was a fan favorite right and he & phoebe were really meant to like. be the sex appeal to the show no one else was really filling that role they were charmed's Sexy Couple tm. so like. in a sense i get the notion ab wanting to keep him around. because everyone loves him! he's bad boy! he adds this dangerous edge love balancing on a knife's point stuff like that. so like. that being said. u wanna keep him around. i just like Do Not Get how you opt to keep him around Like That. tbh. as w all things. i am blaming brad kern. i think it all really started to tank s4 (well, with mortal cole, but like) with source cole. that was bad, but i know it was part of the push to have like long form season drama character driven plots conflict between the sisters themselves it just like. sucked ass and balls imo. like i mean the fact they had to do the source as a possession just so they could get demon cole and lover cole,,, i mean it speaks to how stupid it was. the fact that u wanted cole to be a villain So Bad but the only way to do it was like. possession? sign that u should not do that like. like. like. i don't know how we're supposed to feel ab that.
and then. the vanquish. not sticking. i think like. i think they probably had the vague idea that cole having a mortal soul would not be able to be vanquished properly right? like. demons get destroyed into nothingness, but the human part of him lives, so i think they probably knew that was what they were going to do, that's what they sold to jmm and like. we sowed those seeds in the s4 finale w his ghost whispers and materialization. so i think like. they knew they wanted to Not Kill Him because he was such a fan favorite. maybe there was an intention to do a will they won't they variant of phole? and then. of course. there was the whole idea of paige cole, which, as the rumor goes, was meant to kick of in the s5 pilot, but both julian and rose shut it down. but i feel like. assuming that's true (which i 100% do assume that's true absolutely and i'm not endorsing it i don't think it would have been good or well written or whatever but like. 👀. you know?) but yeah. assuming that's true, i feel like that piece really speaks to what their designs for cole were: man meat. he was meant to be their male sex appeal and they weren't going to be picky about the narrative itself as long as he was still kicking.
but like honestly? i mean i shouldn't have to say this it's a given: it's not enough to just put your sexy man in front of a camera and call it a day like imo even a man who is not sexy can be made appealing through the power of the narrative. like, to level with you, i never really ever shipped phole nor found cole attractive at all like ever, but i can see like the fucking support beams you know i can see the infrastructure on which this whole thing can you know take on a life of its own in the earlier seasons because they very consciously put it there!! people shipped it for a reason n not just because they were two people standing next to each other on a tv screen i mean hello almost sinking a dagger in her heart but can't do it sends her away back to her sisters because he can't act out on his evil plan!! that's something!!!! that's so very something and they gave us Nothing they gave us nothing in the later seasons. and still expected it to fly. like. tbh julian was probably just like unwittingly duped like dragged along for the ride s5 which is likely why he was vanquished halfway through because i'd imagine roughly three episode in he went okay! um. what's this? guys? what's this? and then they said cole<3 you know he like knew he had to get the hell outta dodge.
anyways. if i were to resuscitate phole in s5. which like. to level w u. i wouldn’t. because they would need a lot of one-on-one screentime and we already spent so much of s4 splitting up the sisterhood in the name of phole i wouldn’t really want to continue with that per se But. if i were. this ask is getting long it’s under a cut 
something something demon of the week something something realms the point is cole is there when he very much shouldn’t be and like. he and phoebe get knocked into a different plane. so their bodies are fine and at the manor, but their minds are elsewhere and they need to solve whatever it is in order to get back. and we’ll say there’s a fuckin deadline because the girls need the power of three and right now they are sealed off from accessing it. and you know phoebe’s pretty fuckin pissed with cole because you know. he dragged her down to hell and she almost gave birth to the antichrist. actually source’s heir might be fun to keep around in this au idk. the point is phoebe’s pissed at cole and cole’s pissed at phoebe because phoebe’s pissed at him but he literally didn’t have control over himself in that era and he’s not getting the space he needs to justify himself because phoebe keeps stepping over him. but they gotta work together to get out of here. and were kinda doing enemies to lover 2.0 but like now they have History. of course we’ve gotta do a moment where cole has idk done something normal and phoebe’s so riled up that she does something rash and almost dies cole saves her like catches her bridal style or something faces inches apart breathing heavy and there’s a moment. like a we’re back in early s4 moment. which phoebe immediately breaks from and like walls going flying up but just for a moment there we see it it’s obvious: she’s still in love with cole. which then segues into an argument because like. cole wasn’t sure. right? he wasn’t sure if phoebe now just genuinely hated him. but now he knows right he knows better now so why are you acting like this? why are you taking every opportunity to shut me down to shut me out? why are you acting like you hate me when you know that’s not true right that whole thing to phoebe who gets the Classic because i do hate you. i hate you for what you did to me for what you did to my family and i hate you because i loved you so much and you destroyed me and i hate you because no matter how hard i try that love is still there and i know that for a second if i stop hating you i’m going to love you just like before and you can destroy me again and i hate myself because i’d let you because i love you. you know? big speech. big reveal. i have No Idea what piper and paige are up to right now. the point is. after this big confession we get the lull the cards are on the table what the fuck do we do now which is when cole Finally gets to opportunity to say he was actually possessed by the source and manipulated by the seer and the only thing that kept him holding on was his love for her and after she became queen of hell after he saw what the source had done to her he knew it had to end he doesn’t hold it against her for vanquishing him right this is where we exonerate all wrongs we’re just saying anything bad that has happened ever? scrub it. it’s the source’s fault. cole has no resentment against phoebe. he loves her a healthy, normal, non-possessive amount, so much so He Loves Her So Much he let her kill him and like honestly would probably do it again. idk and then they make out or something. and then they’re out of whatever plane they were in by the end of the episode. And Then we get a buddy cop episode with paige and cole where they bond and also sort through everything that happened there. slowly but surely. and then we do a real phole wedding a super small affair in the manor lowkey bc i hated their wedding episode it blowed we give them a good one. wallah <3
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season three is where star trek discovery claims to have found its stride, and i must admit that with the season’s premiere, i was more than inclined to agree. however, now that s3 is complete and we’re able to take a holistic view of all of the resolved and unresolved arcs, i’m still pretty unsatisfied
with the s3 finale, it became clear that the season’s mission in terms of its protagonist was a concise one: to fully prepare michael burnham for the captain’s seat
i was thrilled when michael finally was promoted to captain, but it’s really worth examining the ways that the show went about its final preparations for such a promotion. there were a few major tenants to michael’s character arc across these thirteen episodes, and the following two themes are the ones i think are most worth unpacking in terms of what they do in service of michael’s promotion:
1. michael’s ongoing and complex relationship with isolation
2. michael’s inclination to subvert authority and protocol in service of what is right
i’ll try and unpack these a little bit below the cut
michael and isolation
ever since the very first episode of the very first season, michael burnham has been a character entrenched in her own isolation. in season one, michael found friendship and community on the discovery by forging bonds with sylvia tilly, ash tyler, and paul stamets and by redefining previously broken bonds with saru and the alternate philippa georgiou. one of the main reasons why s1 is kinda still my favorite season is this very aspect of it: michael’s success and the federation’s survival depended on the creation and strength of these bonds
season two continued michael’s experience of isolation by introducing her estranged and tortured relationship with spock. the major theme of michael’s character in this season was her instinct to “reach” for the people who always seemed furthest from her despite everything (i.e., she “reached” for her parents, spock, tilly, etc.). this was the final message she imparted to spock: the act of reaching for others will always be the most worthwhile thing, even if you are unable to ever touch them. michael was finally able to connect with spock only to be launched into the future
season three picks up on this theme in what i think is the most conceivably devastating way possible. michael is isolated for a whole year from the crew of the discovery, and when she returns into the fold, nobody reaches for her.
now, a huge part of why the first and third episodes hit me so hard is because i really thought they were going somewhere meaningful with this. she loses so much, and the gratitude directed towards her in the third episode is directly acknowledged as NOT ENOUGH. michael stands among her found family in the halls of the discovery, a family she has mourned for a year, and tilly says, “you let us go, didn’t you?” and there seems to be purpose to it
the first half of season three sees michael feeling lost, struggling to find a single reason why she should feel like she should belong with these people on this ship anymore. tilly and saru both clearly understand this, and instead of seeing any efforts on their part to welcome her back into their family, they further contribute to her feelings of isolation and make HER apologize for keeping THEM out of the loop (and yeah i understand that these apologies have to do with breaches in starfleet protocol but rn i’m only focusing on the interpersonal implications). the only meaningful connections that michael is able to maintain this season are with book and georgiou. and while i adore them both, georgiou leaves before the season ends and book is from the future and isn’t a discovery crew member, which makes it feel like when michael says she doesn’t think she belongs on the discovery, she’s RIGHT
this first half of development would’ve been all well and good if it had been carried out to its logical conclusion, which would have been the discovery crew fighting to make michael feel like she belongs, but that never happened. instead, we get unification iii, which is a great episode on its own, but it only resolves michael’s internal feelings regarding her place in starfleet, not the interpersonal tension that’s made her feel more isolated than she’s been since, like, maybe even early season one.
this is all to say that i don’t understand how this unfulfilled arc generates michael’s preparedness to stay on the discovery as captain, unless we’re going with the “the captain defines themself as separate from the crew because they’re the captain” narrative that star trek does admittedly love. i would be more into it if i was sure that discovery would actually explore that isolation with the care it deserves
it could be cool to potentially explore a discussion or resolution of this arc next season by bringing commander nhan back as michael’s first officer, another character who felt disconnected enough from the discovery’s crew to actually decide to leave, but idk i guess we’ll see
michael and authority
i’ve talked about how michael’s s1 character arc was a journey to learn how to subvert authority before. she starts the show as “the mutineer,” and this is a signifier we can’t forget
my roommate and i have also talked a lot about how the command structure of the discovery is so fucking weird, and i think a large part of it is because it naturally organizes itself around its heart, which is a position that michael instinctively and effortlessly occupies (though that is not to say that this effortlessness is not without its own suffering---michael being the heart of the discovery is what leads to the reinforcement of her martyr complex, though that’s not the focus of this post so i won’t dwell there)
season three’s essential question that it sets up with michael centers around doing the right thing her way or doing the right thing starfleet’s way. in her year alone, michael is finally able to define herself outside of starfleet, and she likes who she finds. this is one of the main reasons she struggles to reinsert herself into the crew of the discovery, this is the reason she rejects the idea of being the crew’s captain outright, and this is the reason saru gives for demoting her. this is the eventual reason that michael sends paul in an escape pod to the federation hq instead of immediately trying to jump for hugh, saru, and adira. this is the reason that she is eventually promoted to captain
tbh i would have had less issue with this storyline if not for a couple key details: (1) michael was punished for subverting starfleet protocol when other characters (like keyla or tilly) were encouraged or rewarded for it. (2) idk i feel like we’ve exceeded the bounds of the whole “needs of the many/needs of the few” ideological tenant, which was (i think) something that the ni’var president even SAID.
when it comes down to it, i just think that michael’s complicated relationship with subverting authority deserves a much more complicated storyline. i do think that this is something we’ll see more of in s4 because it’s always going to be one of the greatest tenants of her character, but that doesn’t change the fact that it seems to have fallen rather flat in s3 for me. i’d argue that this is because discovery doesn’t seem to want to commit to its serialized style as much anymore, but maybe that’s for another post lmao
i don’t think i’ve quite found a way to properly articulate it yet, but michael taking the captain’s seat was supposed to be the culmination of three seasons of buildup. however, the buildup that the show suggested in the s3 finale seemed to be based on things that michael had already earned by the s3 premiere. her relationship with authority this season felt. idk. maybe it’s because this was kinda the first time the show attempted to show michael as a subordinate on the discovery instead of as the heart of the discovery, but it felt like it just wasn’t the natural place to take that particular element of her characterization. i’m hoping that s4 will deliver on this front, but the main thing is that i don’t think s3 did
tl;dr s3 was not what i was hoping for in terms of furthering michael’s character, and now that she’s captain i would love for these two elements of her characterization to be explored to their full and complicated conclusions
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burningdarkfire · 3 years
hmm i’ve been ruminating on the idea that my cleric in my friday campaign is ready to retire from adventuring. this is the longest post because i’ve been thinking about it all week and now it’s friday again somehow and i still haven’t decided
i think this latest arc has really driven home that she has certain ideals she wants to live up to and agreeing to go to hell to help two of her friends is like, noble in theory, but seeing so many other doomed souls on the way to the only one they have apparently decided is worth rescuing maybe just doesn’t sit right.
she originally ran away from home to find her sister, who had in turn supposedly run away/been banished years before her after being a troubled child all her life. although she pretended for a while that she had a divine dream/holy purpose in seeking out her sister, eventually she admitted to herself that she made the choice to abandon her parents and sect and maybe lose the favour of her god all to try and find her sister again
she grew up in the faith, and she loved it, and she genuinely believed. and she still does, but she’s realized that even though theirs is not a god of mercy, he is a god of responsibility, and that includes all of the flock, even the difficult ones, and to turn everyone but the most righteous away is in fact a failure of that responsibility
she’s fixed up a temple in the city now to her god, and is for better or worse unofficially the high priestess of it (this was a WEIRD moment for her, to be told this, after spending her entire life listening to her parents and elders until the one time she really didn’t), and i guess she is just trying to be a slightly more? accepting?? branch of the sect she grew up in? her sister is in the city serving her sentence of indentured labour (after getting swept up in a cult), and she spends a lot of her time trying to look after the other cult survivors.
this cult is entirely tied into why she’s in hell again right now, because 90% of the overarching plot of this campaign has been about one of the party member’s really sus warlock pact that trickled down to the creation of this cult in a roundabout way. and i think she does feel like she’s fulfilling a responsibility, in a way, to this party who took her in and taught her so much when she first arrived to the city and ultimately did help rescue her sister, and the npc they are going to rescue now very specifically sacrificed herself so that they could get out of hell the first time, so yes of course she was always going to come
honestly i’m not sure she would retire because if the fucking world needs saving (again) and she can do it, then shouldn’t she? even if it means long periods of time away from home, away from her sister, away from the temple, always risking her life, often doing very dubious things (though she has a certain amount of faith that the universe will always stay balanced the way it was meant to be). but i think it weighs heavier on her when she knows there are now people waiting for her to return and waiting for her to help them, and she hates the sort of feeling that she is “too important” now to see to the struggles of common people
ftr i am perfectly aware that she is massively flawed still (her next character arc would be about learning that you can’t save everyone/not everyone wants to be saved/your idea of salvation is not everyone’s) and she is not at all someone i would ever like to meet in real life lmao but i really do think it is such a functional YA-style narrative. she pulled back the curtain and finally saw the world and is now deciding how she wants to stand in it. i’ve seen her grow from level 4 to 15 and i’ve seen myself grow so much as a player in the time too
idk it’s just weird because i think the end of this arc would be a really nice fade to black campaign end for her except that y’know the campaign is still continuing. we are taking a break after this arc to flip back over to our other ongoing campaign but i think we intend to return to this one eventually?
also this party is, uh. slightly low on healing in general and she is a life cleric 💀 though i wouldn’t mind making another cleric to replace her
anyway. big boss battle tonight so we’ll see if we even live to retire 🤪
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uncuentofriki · 4 years
Coco or “How to pretend to be woke because of a fandom” and other ghosts.
After hearing the posibility that Parasite could get a remake, I heard that it wasn’t necessary -and ultimately, useless- because the director wanted to show how, despite the localization and the theme of the story everyone could resonate with the story and its themes. I saw it and yes, despite that the working-class family eats ramedon while I do wonders with tortillas to survive, the struggles of making ends met whatever it takes are mostly the same. And I don’t want a Parasite mexican remake either, as they did a years ago with indian movie 3 idiots. The movie is perfect on their location and you just need some empathy to understand what the other is feeling or living, even if your language or uprising wasn’t the same. 
A while ago I did a post explaining the feeling of exclusion in the fandom of Coco. Despite that it’s a movie that occurs in some part of Mexico, the mexican creators were displaced by people that just had the movie and some cartoons like Mucha Lucha or El Tigre as a reference for our culture. We tried to reach to “the other side of the bridge” by translating songs, fanfiction, comics and whatever we made, out lof love and excitement for sharing our culture for the first time masively on this media. I even translated historical documents and cursing words. And it was fun and interesting to see people engaged on our culture... only to soon be displaced or unheard of. Come to think about it some time later, it was cultural appropiation. It was “woke” at the moment to say you liked Coco, it was a way to say “oh, yes I like diversity” but  the actual people represented on that story were massively ignored (I wonder if in less divisive time for inmigration it would be as beloved as it was). I like the story... but whatever the people that live that culture explain about it, I don’t care.  I’ll take for example Rossanna Pansino (Nerdy Numies) with her Pan de Muerto. She said that the decoration of the bread is a marigold flower, which isn’t true (It’s boooooone! -read this in Captain Holt’s voice, please-). The recipe was mostly correct (Orange blossom water isn’t that easy to find, I know, plus it’s expensive), but that part made me lost any interest on her channel forever (haven’t seen her channel since). Rossanna could had done a research, see photos of the bread, watch other channels on Youtube (there’s a recipe on english on youtube), whatever. Yet she disrespected a beloved tradition and dish. No, we don’t do different versions of it. It has bones on top. End of the story. You don’t move ANYTHING from it, period, because it’s symbolic of the legend of the creation of the men, the four cardinal points and our own mortality as human beings, and it’s one of the most important elements on the Altar.  (Also I’m a baker’s daughter and if you recall how strict the Rivera’s are about their traditions, that’s how strict we are with recipes -the only ones allowed to move something from them are other mexicans and it’s only to make it tastier, like the shrimp pozole, not whatever Barefoot Contessa did to it).
The fandom felt... colonialist. The questions, which I answered with all the love and patience first, got more and more tiredsome to answer because people wanted reasons and ways to adapt the story to occur on their country or on a situation that doesn’t happen here... despite that seeing another culture was what supposedly made them fall in love with the story. One of those was wanting the lake on Santa Cecilia to freeze. While certainly it snows on the north states of Mexico, if we take in account some hints of the location, Santa Cecilia is nowhere near the north. And even when it has snowed on Guadalajara -where I live-, it’s not cold enough to freeze the Santiago River or the Chapala lake. But for some reason fuck geography (and if the lake freezes then we’ll be damned because that’s how bad global warming is to give a such a cold winter to a valleythat’sabove 25 grades Celsius almost all the year).  We explained over and over how some social situations aren’t the same, how incomes on certain profesions doesn’t translate. It’s more frustrating as an EFL teacher to see that I can perfectly explain social situations to my students and they get it, yet I explained over and over and over and my time investigating, translating and answering those same questions about my culture was basically, ignored or glossed over like “yes yes, you live it, you were born into it, buuuuut my idea of how your society and culture works is better”. IT’S NOT. It’s just different. I won’t try to mexicanize something from an american -or in my time as a hardcore otaku, japanese- culture. I won’t make, IDK, Chihiro from Spirited Away to serve Pozole to Kaonashi just because it’s easier for me to do so. (And also that’s why I hate lots Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, it shits over martial arts... and I tried hard to see the story as a parody but no). That’s also why I left the Rock AU incomplete and most of my fics are untranslated (and why a lot of mexicans ran away from the social media created around the movie). Why translate it, why continue it if the apparent love for my country and its music and traditions didn’t translated when I took time to craft a story that shows more about the modern musical scene here (along with other social issues). Why keep helping people that asked and yet ignored what I said or tried to make me justify stuff that DOES NOT (AT ALL) happen or happened here. Why even bother if someone who isn’t even from my country is the one that they prefer to get the information, as wrong as it can be. 
It’s amazing also that I got silenced and dismissed over my last rant about this feeling. It’s not jealousy, it’s a wake up call to fandoms in general. You can’t call yourself woke or culturally aware or whatever if you consume media from or based on foreing cultures and silence the people who live it or try to adapt it into your culture just because it’s easier or if you like characters that are people of color. Fandom it’s not absent of colonialism or racism, even on this kind of works. And we should be aware and learn of the mistakes we made along the way, because it’s disheartening for future media creators from other cultures (me included) to see that while we’re trying to adapt our culture and what we love -and hate- the most of it (even if it’s a fantasy counterpart, like it’s the case of the novel I’m working on), it’s going to be ignored over or tried to got converted over to whatever they want (creative fan freedom has a limit and that’s the societal and geographic rules of the setting). Because that’s the actual point of diversity in narrative, not trying to make everything more uniform like most american/european series that have a two-three whites and two-three people of color (if feeling lucky) but they’re barely different from each other in culture (except if there’s an asian on the cast, most of the time). The point of stories like Coco or parasite to show how despite the differences, we all can live similar situations, we all love and laugh and lose and keep going, in our own unique way, even if we’re miles away.
So please, if you’re aproximation to any work set in another culture is just that you thought it’s pretty and forget about the people that live it everyday... stay away from it. Or decolonize yourself first and don’t use the work to make yourself seem more socially aware. You will just contribute to systematic exclution of other creators.
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wendibird · 4 years
SPN 15X17 Observations
Well, watching this week went pretty smoothly (and I was actually able to get my little bluetooth keyboard thing to talk to my tablet so I was able to watch on my big TV screen and type up notes fairly easily. :) 
And just to clarify, sometimes my notes as I took them were VERY brief, and in some cases I’ve gone back and added in a few details or explanations to make clear what I meant by what at the time. 
I’ve also come to the conclusion that I don’t always remember to take notes, especially if Important Things are happening. (Do people even like the notes section? Or would you just prefer reading my odd takes on everything after the fact?) 
Anyway, here’s what I have for 15X17 “Unity”. Well, I do have more thoughts drifting around, but I’m always concerned that I’m going on too long as it is. *LOL*  (Under the cut for length and spoiler aversion)
Okay, going in I’ve heard rumors that this is a “Sam Heavy” episode, so we’ll see. *fingers crossed* 
- wow, is Chuck starting in on this world already?
- Silent treatment.
- I wonder if she’s guessed.
- fuck you Dean!
(but I’m not surprised. it just confirms what I’d already suspected about how Dean really feels about Jack.)
Commercial Thoughts:
Yeah, so, I’m firmly in Sam and Cas’ camp here. Jack may not be family to Dean, but he is to them. He’s their Son. 
I also think that though he hasn’t talked about it, Sam regrets his part in the Drama Coffin plan involving Jack last season. Think it’s one of those cases where he realized too late he was on the wrong side, and he doesn’t want to be there again.
As for Dean… I get that he wants to see the people he cares most about make it out of this. (Sam and Cas.) And I get he’s doing the tunnel vision thing. I think he knows that Sam’s right but he won’t let himself admit it.
- Wow….. The fanangels are kinda creepy.
- They’ve lost all their nuance with Chuck. Or my theory is right and Chuck has actually shifted darkside.
- Oh wow…. Amara is really going to bat here.
Commercial Thoughts:
Still not sure how much she’s (Amara) really guessed. She’s acting as though the whole “trapping him” idea is still a go, but what she’d said to Dean, as pointedly as she did, it seemed like maybe she suspected what was really going on and was still trying to give him the option to go a different way.
And even if this is Chuck having shifted dark, it could still be written with more nuance than this crappy villain schtick.
I mean, even in S11 when he’s all but given up on humanity and existence and was going to let Amara win, it was written with there being a depth to him about it.
- Don’t know if Dean’s trying to convince himself that he doesn’t care as deeply to make this easier or what.
- HOw is ADAM still alive?! And she’s an angel?
- Interesting behavior for an angel. *LOL*
- “Then he moved on to our sons.” Hints of Cain and Abel?
- Okay, so the angel kept him alive. (Sure, I can buy that.) 
- Pretty Crystals!
- He’s (Dean) heard those lines before. And Dean’s feeling uneasy about it.
- Amethyst! (Sorry, always had a thing for Amethyst and it’s my birthstone)
- (oh, okay, all of them)
- Ewww….. Open heart surgery
- Rib!
- Dean doesn’t like being rail-roaded.
- Talk time.
- I don’t like this…… (Jack using the rib and starting the suicide-bomb process.) 
Commercial Thoughts:
Okay, so, what Dean said, I’m glad he said it. And I have been getting hints of that feeling from him the whole season, about feeling disconnected because of what they found out about Chuck and their lives. I just… I still think he’s willfully blinding himself to what’s really going on. That even this version of “Free Will” is a script that he’s following. (Well, I think he’s starting to have misgivings about that.)
- Uh-oh! Ideas! 
- I love two researching nerds!
- Were we supposed to understand the Latin? *LOL* I caught “Mortem” in there a few times.
- Yey door!
- “your internal compass is functioning perfectly”
- Who dat?
- Dead someone or other
- W section.
- Reapers maybe?
- Who’s thinning the ranks?
- Empty!Meg!
- Sam is good! (At bluffing the hell out of an ancient cosmic being.) 
Commercial Thoughts:
Jack already started it! OG!Adam said that once started the reaction couldn’t be stopped.
Okay, deeper thoughts. Everyone’s playing chess. Still. The game is just bigger.
OG!Adam wants God dead because of stuff that happened. And Billy is following his plan? (Did I get that right?) The plan will make Billy the next God. (Not surprised there honestly.) Her world will be a lot more “orderly” no doubt.
The Empty just wants to sleep. (Honestly, can relate.) 
But everyone’s just using them all as gamepieces again. Dean’s getting that feel from things OG!Adam and Whatserfaceangel said. Sam knows now too. They’re still stuck in someone else’s story. They’re still not gaining true “Free Will”. I’m hoping that the route they take will actually get them off this train track.
- DUDE - WHAT (was in reference to Dean pulling a gun on Sam)
- Go Sam! He’s not letting this one go. (Referring to my feelings on Sam feeling bad about Jack and the Drama Coffin thing from way before, and him NOT settling for Dean’s plan this time, him sticking to his guns and saying what he feels and taking action.) 
- Chuck played her (Amara) too.
- Not again! (Oh Jack, will this forever be your fate?)
Holy shit! That episode!
Okay, it actually did a good job of wrapping up a lot of ideas. Like, big-picture ideas that have been themes throughout the run of the show. 
Also, apparently this was the only world where Cas and the Winchesters broke the mold? Didn’t play by their roles?
Also, minor point but it made me happy: Chuck pointed out how it’s Sam who needed to find things out. Sam who kept digging. I made mention of it last episode how Billy kept going to Dean, because he was easier for her to manipulate. But Sam asks more questions. I think part of it is what Cas said about his internal compass. I think another part is his experiences. He’s been the brunt of the cosmic plot-lines a LOT of the time. So he does keep asking questions because of all the times he hadn’t and things went badly. (Like end of S4 with killing Lilith.) 
And let me be clear, it’s not that I think Dean is dumb. He isn’t. And he and Sam both make decisions a lot based on their feelings. (Sometimes it’s all you have to go on.) But he’s shown a tendency in the past several years especially to be more likely to make them based on anger. And he doesn’t get called on it often. And I don’t know if this is TOO meta (is that even a thing with this show anymore? *LMAO*) but I feel like part of that is written into the script. Of their world. Even when Dean’s wrong he’s often proven “right” by the narrative. He very rarely is made to face up to his mistakes. (Not saying he never is. But it definitely doesn’t seem to happen as often.) And I’m wondering, is that because up till now, he was Chuck’s favorite? We saw that Chuck can manipulate a LOT of things. And events, and even some people. 
How often have we noticed and commented on how the Narrative backs Dean up so much of the time, even when he might be in the wrong? Or even just questionable? Or morally grey? How much of that is possibly now supposed to be due to Chuck’s meddling? Because I’ve also seen it mentioned (and have also noticed) that although Sam winds up the “wrong one” a lot via the narrative, he’s actually HAD to learn and grow because of that. But because Dean is rarely shown as wrong, he hasn’t had to, and his character has stagnated a lot in the last several seasons. Of course, in reality, that’s due to the writing/show-running/powers-that-be making those decisions, but in-show could it possibly be something to do with Chuck? Maybe at first because he liked Dean more? But as time grew on, and he kept trying to set up his Cain and Abel plot with them, maybe it was to reinforce Dean’s self-image that he’s Right? 
And also by contrast, we had the end of last season where so many of Sam’s decisions which had been made with best intentions and best information/resources at the time wound up blowing-up in his face. As if to say "Ha-HAH! That's what you get for thinking you could lead people! That's what you get for thinking you could save Jack! That's what you get for thinking someone like Nick could be redeemed! That's what you get for talking your brother out of the Drama-Coffin plan!" It felt like it was specifically intended to make him severely doubt his own judgement. And it worked. After all that shit went down, one thing after another, culminating with their mother's death, he didn't trust himself. He didn't believe in himself. So he put all his trust in Dean. And Dean was full of RAGE. (I don't blame him. His Mom has been a keystone of his life, even when she wasn't there.) But Sam didn't give the objections he normally would have to Dean's plan to box-up Jack. Even though it was CLEAR how much he didn't like it. How wrong it felt to him.
Basically, what I’m trying to say is, I think Chuck has been nudging and manipulating a LOT of things in order to get the Winchesters to behave how he wants them to. 
IDK. My head is hurting from some of these meta thoughts. *LOL*
SO! Back to what happened in the actual episode.
I thought the format was interesting, focusing in on the different POV characters for their spans of the story until it all came together. (Wondering if this is going to continue into the next episode…) 
I liked that we got a lot of reveals about what is (possibly) really going on, in regards to the grand schemas. Because there are several at play here. But now we're at least getting glimpses of them. 
Even though we didn't see Billy, I thought the reveal about her plans were interesting, but definitely fit with her character as established so far. I know a lot of people are saying she's gotten drunk with her power or she's "turning evil" but I don't think that's the case. It's true that she hasn't told them everything about her plans, but that's because she's also using them as pieces in her game. But her goal is the same as it's always been since we first met her. She has ALWAYS been about the Natural Order. She never liked how the Winchesters (or anyone else) flaunted death again and again. So once she's in charge? Everyone and everything goes where they belong. The demons stay in hell, the angels stay in heaven, souls go where they're meant to, people from other universes go back (even if there's no universe to go back TO. Tough shit, they'd be dead anyway according to her) and those who have already died and been resurrected? They go back to wherever they should be. (At least, I THINK that was the implication made, with Sam asking Dean if he'd be willing to trade HIM to take-out Chuck. Sam was definitely realizing a LOT when Empty!Meg told him what Billy's plan was.) 
This isn't her turning Evil like has been done with Chuck. It's more, her becoming a more extreme version of what she already was. When she got her promotion, she found out a LOT more things. Including this option of events for taking Chuck out and putting things back to how they belong. And it even started with Dean's aborted Drama Coffin plan. Which eventually fails, because Sam, but it then leads to Jack sacrificing his soul to take out AU Michael, which eventually leads to Mary's Death and Chuck's opportunity to manipulate things more and so on and so forth until we wind up here. 
(Also, just wanna say, absolutely LOVED Rachel as the Empty again!) 
And also, having just watched that scene again, can I just say again how awesome Sam is? He straight-up told the Empty that even if he WAS lying, their best bet is to let him go with the book. And it couldn't really argue with that because he was right! (Well, if it had killed him then and there, Dean probably wouldn't have known right away and probably would have been able to carry out the plan. So there is that. Buuuuut none of them knew that either at the time.) 
And in general, I love how Sam just would NOT give up. This is the Sam Winchester I've come to love. He could feel in his bones that this plan was wrong so he was doing everything he could to not only stop it, but to find some other way to get what they truly wanted. 
I also loved his and Cas' interactions. They were supportive of each other and both were trying to find a way to save their son. (Dean has officially forfeited his Dad-Card in my book. Hell, in his book too.) Also, I remember hearing someone from production, or who was maybe on set or something mentioning something about the Holy Grail in this episode? Well, in that scene where Sam and Cas are looking through those old crates and trunks and boxes, when Cas finds the key Sam is holding this really old looking chalice. Wonder if that's supposed to be what that is. *LOL* I mean, the Spear of Destiny (or at least, the head of the spear) was there in the Bunker, so why not I guess? *LOL*
We didn't get a lot of Sam and Jack interaction, but I liked what little we had. Sam made it clear to Jack that he wants to save him. (I'm really hoping we get SOMETHING more of them in the next episode or two but... yeah. Not a lot of time left.) 
I could go on for some length about my feelings on Dean and how he's been this season. But I don't want this to turn into a fully anti-Dean rant. I will say though that I'd definitely gotten the impression before this that Dean has different categories of people he cares about, and in his mind, he also has them ranked according to how expendable they are. And I'm not just talking about Jack here, though he is a major part of it. But at the end of the episode when he and Sam are having it out, Dean says he's basically willing to sacrifice EVERYONE to get what he wants. 
(I don't think he's actually willing to sacrifice Sam for it though. And yes, I know, he was waving a gun in Sam's face. But I don't believe for a moment he had any intention of killing his brother. Not when Sam asking point blanc if Dean is willing to trade him for killing Chuck, and that seems to be what causes Dean to start listening to what Sam's saying. Also, in the past, Dean hasn't been above threatening people to get what he wants. Like with Kaia. Also in S8's "Trail and Error" when he and Sam were talking about taking out the hellhound, Dean pretty much said if Sam even tries to get close to it, Dean would shoot him in the leg. Now, we never got to see if he actually would have or not, but regardless, it was a case of Dean being willing to hurt Sam a little in order to protect him from something he saw as a bigger threat. In that case it had been taking on the trials. In this case, it would have been to win their shot at freedom. At least in Dean's mind. Not saying I approve! Just, I think that's where his mindset was.) 
And this is a far cry from the Dean who, just a few years ago was willing to be a kamikaze bomb in order to save the world. And yes, Dean has mentioned "Saving the world" this season too. And I'm sure he means that too. But when he was at his most emotional, what he was talking about wasn't saving the world and everyone in it. It was freeing him and Sam from being Chuck's entertainment. And he's willing to sacrifice nearly anyone to accomplish that. At least, he was up til now. I hope that they're going to give him a change of heart before the end because I really REALLY would like the show to end with me not despising Dean and what he's become. Yes, I'm a Sam-girl, but I do care about Dean too. 
Also, I feel bad for Amara and what wound up happening with her. Like many other characters, she fell victim to Chuck's manipulations, and now I'm guessing he's even stronger than before. But also, Chuck wasn't the only one manipulating her. And maybe if they, (Dean especially, since she had a soft-spot for him) had actually been trying to find another way earlier, she wouldn't have fallen to despair when finding out the truth. 
Aaaaaanyway, I think I've rambled enough about this episode as it is. Thank you to whoever actually bothers to read all of this. *LOL*
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jpegjade · 4 years
Mr. Loverman (pt. 4) - Spencer
okay i may or may not have gotten sad about my own ending. but i promised you guys a special chapter. it will come after this. idk if i’ll make a part 5. 4 (almost 5) google docs pages later, it’s a little bit to think about. (i didn’t include any spoilers. but if you’ve seen the cat storyline, it’ll make sense. if you haven’t seen the cat storyline, then it will be perfectly fine). 
anyway, if we get enough interest for a part 5, i’ll give you guys another part. i kinda know what i want to write for it but you’ll just have to wait for the special chapter to see whether or not you’re satisfied or want a part 5. 
not gonna lie, kinda actually nervous about this one. tell me what you guys think!
enjoy part 1: Bloop
enjoy part 2: bloop bloop
enjoy part 3: bloop bloop bloop
“Let’s play a game.” Cat said, walking around the table. 
You felt more scared for Spencer than yourself because Cat never pointed the gun at you. It was always Spencer. She made you nervous. You couldn’t watch Spencer die in front of you. You wouldn’t be able to handle that. 
“I’m thinking Russian Roulette but that would go by too quickly. See that terror in your eyes? I want that to last.” She smiled like this was funny as she looked directly at you.
Spencer was internally freaking out but he had to stay calm and collected. He couldn’t let you see him scared and he couldn’t let Cat think she won already. Spencer’s mind was going, trying to think about the answer to all of this madness. Why would she be doing all of this? To scare him? To make him know what it felt like to lose someone? No. Then she would be pointing the gun at y/n. 
“So, we’ll play a game.” Cat kept walking and talking. 
“We always play games. Don’t you ever get tired of twenty questions?” Spencer said. 
You wanted to ask him to explain everything. You wanted to find out why he was talking to her so freely. You wanted to know what was the dynamic here but you couldn’t say a thing. You couldn’t speak. 
“I play games to win. I’ve always won. Except for when I was with you. I will admit, losing hurt. A lot. But I’ve had time and patience to think about this all up in my head.” Cat waved the gun in a small circle around Spencer’s temple. 
You didn’t realize the tears were streaming down your face until you felt them begin to drip onto your cardigan. 
“Y/n, you should know that men will leave you. They will build you up, make you feel special, wanted, desired, and then they will leave you worse than they met you. And you, dear y/n, are a fragile and broken little girl. Wait… That’s what he calls you, right? His little girl. Because he cares so much about you that he hasn’t told you about us, our connection.” 
“What?” Your voice was hoarse. You strictly remember him saying that you were the only connection he had. 
“Did he tell you he likes it rough?” Cat smiled, sitting on Spencer’s lap.
You noticed that he didn’t push her away. He wasn’t making eye contact with you. He wasn’t doing anything or fighting her. You noticed he didn’t look like fighting at all. He just looked blank. 
“Spencer, what’s she talking about?” You said, trying to make sense of what was happening. 
Spencer was calculating. He was trying to figure out where Cat could possibly be going with this. He couldn’t talk to you because if he sent you any kind of signal, Cat would catch on and kill him without hesitation. Or worse, he would kill you. So he kept quiet, trying not to show any emotion. 
“Oh that’s right. Darling Spencie’s little girl wasn’t here for that. Too busy hiding along in that pathetic excuse of an apartment. You left him. Talk about commitment issues. You couldn’t even commit to that friend of yours who tried to kiss you after your only date for 2 years. Just hearing about that sob story made me want to cry of boredom.” Cat Yawned. 
“How did you know about that? How do you know about me?” You were barely able to talk. 
Spencer was thinking about how to get you out of this room at least but this wasn’t making sense to him. What was Cat’s fixation with you?
“You should ask how I know he likes it rough. He couldn’t keep his hands off of me. That hidden dominant side of his took over and it was like he was a different person completely. Of course, he initiated and I just went with it. He’s truly something else when you make a real connection with him. Something different than the one you used to have.”
“Why are you telling me this? What’s the point of all of this?” You pleaded with the two of them. 
Spencer wanted so badly to look at you, tell you everything was going to be okay, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t see you so broken because of this. This was the exact thing he didn’t want to happen. This is the exact reason why you left him in the first place, because this was bound to happen. His chest felt tight. 
“It’s truly a shame I lost the baby.” Can ran one hand through Spencer’s hair with the gun propped under his chin in her other hand. 
The silence that fell on the room was incredible. No one said anything. Cat was smiling to herself, knowing how easy it was to break you. She was enjoying this more than you could ever imagine. Spencer was trying to keep up, knowing that most of this was being twisted into something that tells a different narrative than what it really is. You were beyond broken. All you wanted was to get out of the room, away from the two of them. 
“The what?” You finally whispered. 
“He hasn’t told you everything? Great way to start off a marriage. But that doesn’t matter. I think this little reunion of ours has gone on long enough. It needs something special to set it off with a bang!” Cat cocked the gun, finger on the trigger, as it rested at the base of his neck under Spencer’s chin, pointed up at the perfect angle. 
“Please.” You begged, barely getting the words out. 
You didn’t care about the baby. You didn’t care about whatever relationship they had. You didn’t care about anything but Spencer’s life right now.
“Isn’t this original?” Cat continued. “You’re coming full circle to where you were just a few years ago. Maeve’s murder-suicide of a death and now you? That has to be an exciting feeling.” Cat smiled again. 
“You said we were going to play a game.” Spencer said, “This isn’t one of your games.” 
“Oh, but it is.” Cat turned to whisper in his ear. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest. You couldn’t believe what was happening right now. You and Spencer were being held hostage in the bullpen and there was nothing you could do about it. 
“I’ve spent this whole time playing with your darling little girl’s head. It’s been a fun game, showing her everything you’ve been up to these past two years. It’s your turn now. What are you going to do when your darling little girl has to live without you? She can never change her mind and suddenly want you again after this.” 
“I’m not scared of you.” Spencer said. He felt the pressure of the gun under his chin grow as Cat pressed it harder. 
“Good. How are we supposed to get our happily ever after if you’re scared of your wife?” Cat smiled before everything got out of hand. 
Everything happened in slow motion. Cat went to kiss him and then Spencer heard the gunshot but he could still feel everything. He didn’t realize his eyes were closed until he opened them and saw you holding your heart. 
“I don’t miss.” Cat whispered before Spencer wrestled the gun away from her. 
He took her by surprise and suddenly, she was on the ground, hands behind her head. Spencer stood over her, gun aimed at Cat’s head. Finger on the trigger and emotions clouding his mind, he was ready to do it. He could do it. He could put an end to this right now. 
“Can’t you see it? We belong together. She was just a bump in the road in our journey. You even saw how similar we are in prison. You enjoyed your stay from what I heard. Just thought your little girl should know who you really are. You’re not the innocent brainiac you were before, the one she loved. You’re like me. I can see the real me. All you have to do is admit it.” Cat smiled. 
Spencer pulled the trigger. Cat screamed in pain as the bullet went through her leg. Spencer wasn’t a murderer, he knew that it would hurt much more if she went back where she belonged in one piece. 
The doors burst open, Prentiss and Garcia hurriedly stepping into the room, Prentiss’ gun drawn. They took a glance at everything that was going on. You were moaning on the ground, laying in a pool of blood. Spencer was standing over Cat who went from screaming to laughing. Spencer barely recognized that the two of them were in the room. 
“Spence.” You barely said. 
Spencer snapped out of it, putting the gun in his holster and rushing over to you on the opposite side of the table. You had tear stains streaming down your cheeks and he could see you looked more tired. His heart broke. 
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” He repeated over and over. Garcia was calling for a medic but Spencer knew. By the way you looked and the way Cat aimed? You weren’t going to make it that far. 
“Spencer. We don’t have a lot of time.” Every word took so much energy to say. You could feel it draining from you. 
“I know.” The tears fell from his face onto the ground. 
“I wanted to tell you before i fell asleep.” You took a shallow breath, “I loved you since the day I got to know you, your heart. I love you now and I will love you until my heart stops beating. And every day after that.” 
“I said that to you when…” A broken sob made him stop talking. 
“I wrote it down and kept it with me every day. I still love you. I never stopped. I will never stop. But you have to promise you’ll move on. You have to promise that you won’t forget me but you’ll honor my memory by giving all of that Reid love in your heart to someone who deserves it. Someone who loves you, all of you, just like I do and always will.” You were so tired and getting so heavy. 
“I promise. But you can’t leave me, y/n. You said you would never leave me.” He sobbed. 
“It’s not goodbye. Just a ‘see you soon.’” You started closing your eyes but fought to keep them open. 
“One more kiss.” You whispered. 
The world stopped around you in that moment. Cat’s laughter faded away, Prentis’ rights reading faded away, Garcia’s sobbing faded away. It was just the two of you for one last time. 
“I love you.” Spencer said as soon as it ended. 
“And I will love you forever.” You whispered, finally fading.  _____________________
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zenosanalytic · 4 years
what makes u think muir won't kill gideon off? in various interviews/AMAs she's seemed to imply that it's her plan (talking about the burying of gays, 'not promising' gideon will appear in alecto even!). I also feel narratively like gs full permadeath is not an inevitability but possibly ud be able to articulate that better
Well I intentionally don’t read interviews and AMAs, but I appreciate the Confidence ^v^
Obvsl I could be wrong on all this but here are my reasons for thinking 1)we’ll see Gideon again 2)Gideon’ll make it through the end of the story in some sense
1)As with her death in Gideon the Ninth, I don’t think the last scene we see her in in Harrow is a particularly “good” or “satisfying” end for the character. That doesnt guarantee anything, obvsl, but so far Muir’s sense of what makes a good story has meshed pretty well with my own, so I’m narcissisticly betting that agreement continues u_u Of course, I made the same bet with Homestuck and it didn’t pan out so...(I’ll address this later)
2)I feel like Muir likes Gideon too much as a character? Like: I believe Muir likes writing Gideon’s voice, and likes having Gideon’s pov in and on her story, and based on that assessment I think she’ll keep her around
3)similar to 1), I don’t think Gideon’s final scene in Harrow is a particularly satisfying conclusion to Gideon’s plot. Her Deal was REVEALED in the (hilarious)confrontation scene with the Emperor, but that was merely ESTABLISHING what was going on, it wasn’t resolving any of it; I feel like Muir’s the type of writer who would want to play that all out and resolve it satisfyingly, so I don’t think she’s going to end Gideon here.
4)This Post. Specifically the lines: “Alecto will be about girls being annoyed that it is legal for their exes to talk to each other.  The tomb is open. The get-along shirt is empty.” There are only so many viable “central” characters in the story, only so many romantic interests, and Gideon is the primary one who is both, so I think a narrative humorously described in the manner would likely have Gideon in it in some capacity.
5)This one’s a bit meta. Obvsl I dont know Muir personally, and I Do Not Profess To Be A Mind Reader but, judging from her HS fic and what I’ve read of her writing, and what exceedingly little I know of her life from sharing a fandom half a decade ago, I think something that really interests her is Relationships and the wide variety of how they are expressed and, specifically, the wildly vast and often seeming-contradictory collection of emotions and connections which the english language laughingly collapses within the single word of “Love”. I feel like this (idk?)“theme”(I guess??) is PARTICULARLY relevant in The Locked Tomb Series. And I also feel the various formations of “Love” presented in Homestuck via Troll Romance are equally interesting/important to her as a framework for engaging with the idea of “Love”. To an old Homestuck like myself, it is Clear As Day that Harrow/Gideon is a Textbook rendering of a healthy Kismessitude(Gideon hates Harrow but she’s HER person to hate, and vice versa; No One Will Kick Their Asses but Themselves :p). It is also the ONLY extant kismessitude(the other being the extremely unhealthy Mercy/Augustine obvsl) in the series. Therefore, I don’t think she’d write Gideon(or Harrow) out of the story just yet cuz I don’t think she’s done exploring that idea of “romantic hate”(or, more accurately, “love complicated by mutual trauma, need, resentment, and opposition”) through their relationship.
6)As Others Have Eloquently Written, I believe Harrow the Ninth can be read as a response to post-Hiatus Homestuck. Yes this reason is fanwank :| :| I cannot remember Muir ever expressing disappointment with how Homestuck shook out in Act 6 and beyond, BUT, while she remained active in the fandom during that period, her writing always remained firmly in the Pre-Hiatus and Hiatus era milieu. There are plenty of explanations for that OTHER THAN not liking where canon went, but these facts --combined with how easily it is to read HtN as intentionally avoiding/responding to what are often identified as the “mistakes” and “bad choices” of post-hiatus HS-- leads me to the assumption that what appears to be happening is happening. SO: I dont think she’d unceremoniously write out a beloved character because unceremoniously writing out beloved characters was one of the big sources of angst post-Hiatus. If she WAS going to nix Gideon from the storyline, I feel like she’d do it in a narratively satisfying way. WHICH ISN’T TO SAY that last sequence with her in Harrow wasn’t good, it was VERY good, but it felt less satisfying as an End for a character than as a mid-point cliffhanger for a character(and espcl for Gideon what with all the unresolved Stuff).
For obvious reasons I would have liked to have 8, or possibly even Nine!, reasons for my position, but this is all I can come up with right now. Maybe later I’ll edit them in and erase this apology along with my shameful numerological failure :p :p :p Anyway, Dear Readers: I hope you find these Logics both “Articulate” and Pristine :> :>
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thedeviljudges · 3 years
hi i’m the devil judge anon person thing that has chosen you for whatever reason to continue to talk about my related thoughts that i would otherwise just keep to myself—but i would like to second your tag about shipping goan and his cop bestie??? i saw that on twitter and i was just wondering like... even where people are coming from w that. but anyways. also seconding your pain in relation to these lil episode 5 bits. i feel nauseous with anticipation good god
fJDLSKF HI BABE. it is a wonder you've chosen me, too. i'm afraid my uglie blog does not offer much, but i love conversing fandom things, and hearing everyone's thoughts. i'm always so open, so i'm glad you're not keeping them to yourself this time!!! i'd love to hear them all.
with that said, LISTEN, it's always a guarantee ppl are gonna go for the heteronormative couple. however, my issue is the fact that.... there is no basis for it thus far. it's one-sided. it's clear gaon is not interested, and i feel like if that was going to be end game, they'd already need to start introducing gaon's feelings. instead.... INSTEAD they've found him a chaotic house husband to go live with even after he's all healed up!!!! like!!!!!!!!! tell me where is the romance for the hets?
and i'm not even trying to be gay-biased here either. literally if you look at the plot and what we have so far, the only points for a relationship between cop bestie and gaon is the fact that they've been friends since childhood; she likes him, and he's told her multiple times he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. (i do realize there's a scene of gaon and her in the past in ep 5 since i saw screenshots, so idk how much more that's adding to the backstory, but even still). please tell me how that's romantic bc i guarantee you if that narrative was switched, it'd be a little bit too much bc dude should leave her alone for pushing boundaries, lmao.
let's also keep in mind that her character description is... like lbr, slightly misogynistic? she's a cop, which cool. but if one of her character plot points is to pine after her bff, that's kinda shitty to reduce her down to that, isn't it? like yes, be worried about your friend and what he's getting into, but it's also annoying that women are still written with the sole purpose to support a man, to wait for a man, etc, etc. that's what makes me nervous going forward with her character. imagine if they'd left the attempt at romance aside with her storyline thus far? it'd read so very different and not forced, and then i could see that being a huge benefactor for gaon without the addled personal-interested she has.
i hope i'm wrong tbh. i really hope they keep her worried for gaon and nothing more, and not fall into tropes, but she's one of the only characters that shows up in relation to gaon and really, only him, so. idk we'll see how this goes ig. 😣
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vlindervin7 · 4 years
I saw your post about the bracelet and tbh I agree. druck will ofc continue to have viewers if it's kieu my season because it'll probably explore a wlw storyline, but from a narrative standpoint they have done nothing to develop them? I don't think the last ep is enough for that either. what would make the most amount of sense to me is, fatou having a season where they can explore kieu my and by extension the instas and THEN have someone from the squad as a season main.
Hi anon! That’s what I’m thinking.
Even though kieu my and Finn have been painted in a much better light than Ismail and constantin, we still know so little about them and have so little attachment to them that it would seem so out of the blue. Especially bc we just got to know this new set of characters and it wouldn’t make sense to not further develop them and their storylines from up close imo.
At the same time, there’s been so much attention on Zoe’s squad since the beginning that I’m convinced we’ll get one of them as main at some point, because I really don’t see the point otherwise.
So yes! If fatou’s next and falls in love with kieu my that could be a way to transition to having one of them as main, or maybe they’ll do an ava season first and THEN a fatou season... Idk we’ll see, but for now I think the chances of a main outside of the ca$hqueens are slim.
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