#tw eating disorder mention
Today I thank Help Wanted 2 for confirming all my Glamrock Chica headcanons.
Friendly, cute but that just hides her ravenous appetite beneath the serface. And she gets angry and pushy when not given what she wants
The way she hovers over employees for food, even before her shattering is much like an addict.
The "I need to be fit" coupled with the "IM STARVING"
Actually parallels a bit of eating disorder with metaphors for real life addiction.
Much like all the glamrocks draw parallels to the "Glamrock life"
Roxy being so desperate for attention to the point of getting angry if it's not about her or if your not paying attention to her.
Monty the jerk of the band. Trashing hotel rooms, not showing up to practices and being hard to work with by staff/roadie standards.
(Glamrock Freddy the one who is genuinely in it for his friends and maybe the one who founded the band with his friends. Just cares they're having a good time together)
Now they give us Glamrock Chica which completes the Glamrock flaws. Addiction.
What makes it worse is she is a robot.
She can't eat food.
She can't taste it.
It's merely a compulsion her programing drives her to as a robot meant to advertise food and fitness.
Leading to this conflict nearly borderline personality she shows the player.
All my headcanons for her were confirmed in the worst way and I love her for that.
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kar-mamin · 2 months
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Here’s a sketch dump of fanart I made for @chiconisroc ‘s fic: Hope in Hell!!! GO READ IT!!! ZIR WRITING IS SO FUCKING AWESOME YOU SHOULD GO READ IT RN
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nwarrior777 · 7 months
my personal top 10 fav "I Beat Anorexia And Happy With My Body" things:
thinking "ohhohoooo who is that sexy bitch of a man here with yaaammmmmmmmmmmy hips mhhmhmhmhm" while looking in a mirror before going to shower
"that would be so rad renaissance painting" in same situation
getting over "yeah i love myself as i am but if i gain more i will feel sad again" thought to "i love my body in every way, body where you going i am going too, leeets gooooo biiitch wroom wroom" as the last milestone to completely loving yourself and opening-
-the biggest energy source world ever known - loooove! to yourself to others yaaaaassss
understanding that the difference in the smallest clothes size and the biggest is like 10 cm is fucked up shit and problem is not in me here
checking weight because i worry that i loose weight [and thinking that maybe i got sick or smth] not otherwise (it's fine, i didn't! :) i am about like. 80+ kg, feeling fine! heheeee!!!!)
eating! fucking! taaaaaaaaaaasty food!
loving all my photoes, concept of "i am ugly on that photo" doesn't exist anymore because there is no "ugly" in my system of coordinates
talking with my girl friends with dialogs like "biiiitch you are beautiful fashion goddeeees" and constantly giving each over compliments, and we are all really mean it, and a lot of my girl friends are 80+ kg and they fucking beautiful and they know they are beautiful and we love how we look and know that we are absolutely slaying [i am not a girl, but i am afab and have a lot of fems in friends youunderstood the pointt]
the feeling of endless energy of love and confidence in general, for yourself and people who you love, after you understand that beauty standarts sucks
igewoh i love my body so much yaaaaaaaaaaahahahaaaaa
feel free to reblog and add your fav things in loving yourself, it doesn't have to be 10, write more or less, just spread the looove if you waaant but don't forget to # twwwww yahaahhehehrir i am going to sleeep bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee love ya alllllllll
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pettyontheside · 5 days
As someone who's actively going through health changes that is making me have huge issues with eating daily and not giving in to slipping back into my old eating disorder habits, dungeon meshi has done so much for me I could cry.
Especially with today's episode at the end of laios and shiros fight when laios says how obvious it is that he's stronger because he's been eating three meals a day
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Like of course I'm not doing well because I haven't been able to eat! Seriously hit me like a slap in the face to get my shit together and eat some breakfast
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wishful-seeker · 1 month
So uh, I cry, a lot, when I have to eat bc I hate it so much. And not because of bad body image or anything, but I simply hate eating. It makes me feel nauseous everytime due to an undiagnosed illness. Nothing tastes good, it's like im trying to make myself eat smelly cardboard or something... does anyone have any coping skills they'd like to share?
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Hot take but doctors (and the vast majority of healthcare professionals) show their fatphobic asses virtually 100% of the time. You're supposedly so concerned about your patient's weight that you feel the need to do something about it regardless of the nature of the appointment and regardless of whether you're really their doctor. Thus, do you A) refer them out to/even just suggest a specialist, B) attempt to ascertain any real information about their diet which--when you get right down to it--you actually know fuck-all about because you are not them and you do not watch them eat, or C) give them a smug, condescending lecture about losing weight without attempting to ascertain any real information about their diet/exercise habits, including asking them to record those things and bring them up for a follow-up appointment?
(not saying doctors should do any of those things, btw)
This is all ignoring the eating disorders these unhelpful, unkind, unethical lectures may be exacerbating. The psychological problems. The issues with self-image.
I see this shit on YouTube now like "Dr. Wayne addresses accusations of FATPHOBIA!" and it's some shitty white plastic surgeon who was born with a six-pack bitching about what a health hazard being chubby is and how fat people need to "lIStEn To ThEir dOcTOrs" with no research to back himself up, no sincere attempt to see fat peoples' side, nothing. Just regurgitations of the tired, hateful rhetoric he was taught by the barbie-faced, sili-boned piece of shit he did his residency under. No critical thought. No personal research. Nothing.
Like you're a healthcare professional? Yes? Okay then yeah there's an incredibly high chance you're fatphobic. In healthcare, fatphobia is a torch passed from one jerk to another, and you're all too privileged and overworked to question that or do better, apparently. The least you could do is find enough honor to be honest about that fact, seeing as that's considerably less than the bare minimum.
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pluralcultureis · 4 months
((Vague ed mention))
plural culture is yeah got triggered to front by my source!
and also being an ED symptom holder so now we’re miserable
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bisexual-cryptid · 1 year
we all talk about how much eddie loves steve’s waist and i absolutely agree, however- i think eddie also LOVES steve’s stomach.
after vecna when things finally settle down steve starts putting on a little weight, no longer having the vigorous workout of fighting inter dimensional monsters to keep him in shape. steve is a little self conscious about it at first, his mother’s words ringing in his ears about how it’s “unattractive” and how he “needs to eat healthier or he’ll get fat.”
eddie is very quick to dispel any and all of those ideas his parents implanted in him. eddie loved stave’s toned abs don’t get him wrong, but there is something about his soft stomach that drives him wild. the proof that steve is safe and healthy enough to be putting on that weight. it’s oddly domestic, and it makes him so so happy that steve is healthier now more than ever.
when they first got together steve barely ate anything, always claiming he wasn’t hungry despite the fact his stomach would rumble. but now he eats three meals a day with some snacks in between and eddie couldn’t be more proud. he makes sure to tell steve how proud of him he is at every chance he gets.
it also helps that steve’s stomach is really hot. maybe it’s just because eddie finds steve unfairly sexy all the time, but eddie especially finds his stomach attractive. it’s one of his favorite parts of him. he almost always spends extra time marking his stomach up, leaving as many little marks as he can to show that this beautiful man is his and only he gets to touch him like this.
he loves wrapping his arms around his middle from behind and slipping his hands under steve’s shirt so he can rest his hands on his stomach. he loves resting his head on his stomach when they lay together. he just loves everything about steve so much and he wants to be touching him as often as possible.
it takes some time but eventually steve learns to love his stomach and body. after all if eddie finds it so amazing it must be something worth loving.
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midnight-in-eden · 7 months
Saw a photo of one of my extended relatives on Facebook today, a young teen girl. She had “daily repentance is the pathway to purity” written in pen on her arm with cute flowers drawn around it. It’s a Russell Nelson quote from April 2019 general conference, and it made me sad. I know how intensely I pressured myself, and got pressured by teachers and leaders, when it came to repentance and purity as a teenager. I don’t think it’s healthy for a kid to be so focused on it that she needed to write it onto her own body :(
For fucks’ sake can the church stop relentlessly reminding children of the “importance” and “necessity” of repentance? It’s like those parents who relentlessly nag their teen about healthy eating and watching their weight and the kid ends up with an eating disorder. The point of childhood is not constant self-improvement and worrying about things like repenting and being “pure.” Let them be kids.
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bpd culture is my fav blog deleting when they reblogged me bc they thought i was pr0 ana and jt rujned my day so i changed my blog name and put so mant tags sayjbg jm not and now i canr eat bc jm upser and want to r1p mt eyes out
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poisonousquinzel · 2 months
twitter putting a "hot take" about eating disorders on my timeline is really truly not how I needed to start my morning.
but some of y'all really think ED's are boiled down to strictly anorexia or bulimia and refuse to ever educate yourselves about the huge middle ground that are Still Eating Disorders. this is exactly why there's fuck all research and resources for people who can't be directly diagnosed with ana or mia because those are the two the medical and mental health systems are somewhat educated on. Most folks just seem to think ed's are a Thing people do, an extreme version of diet culture ig, and not a literal mental disorder that ruins lives and can be all consuming, because ya know, it's fucking mental illness.
It has nothing to do with you. people's disorders don't revolve around you because the world doesn't fucking revolve around you. shut up.
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kakushigotofanclub · 18 hours
God I fuckin hate when people write fics about Obanai's eating issues and then they give him anorexia like ARGHH NOOOO THAT'S THE WRONG THING !!! He's literally the most perfect character ever to give ARFID to it's practically canon please please write him with ARFID write about ARFID nobody ever writes about ARFID
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cheolism · 2 months
NOTE: if your blog has a username/theme/content that includes the promotion or advertisement of ANY EATING DISORDER, you will be BLOCKED FROM THIS BLOG. I do not want anyone who makes or reblog posts that glamorizes eating disorders interacting with me. This isn’t me being a dick, this is me drawing boundaries for my own good.
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wishful-seeker · 6 months
"Do you ever wish you were born in a different era?"
Im disabled as fuck, have an eating disorder that means i can only eat like 10 different things, i need a wheelchair, i need this ages medical technology, i need MEDS, i need hot baths, i need ice, i need-
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Monty: Did he brainwash you or something?
Eclipse, who’s just thankful to be bundled in a blanket eating actual food being held by Lunar: No? I’m just bad and father knew I was bad and punished me accordingly.
Monty: I think he was brainwashed.
Moon: No, just severely traumatized, Monty. Trauma rewires brains, Monty, you idiot.
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pluralcultureis · 6 months
Tw eating disorder mention
plural culture is having one alter who restricts as a way to cope and another who over eats as a coping mechanism so the body always feels like shit :(
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