#but god forbid you include context lol
grimmshood · 2 years
So your completely fine with ace but they decided that just because you were uncomfortable with a single headcanon that you’re all of a sudden this ace exclusion isn’t?!?
now to clarify i would be considered ace exclusionist. i will be honest with you because people are uncomfy with that! but i dont care about the situation enough to obsess over it. if i meet lgbt ppl irl them including aces has nothing to do with me and is fine. asexuals including themselves is fine. if you arent hurting anyone, i dont care if you call yourself lgbt no matter how much i dont agree with you. in the past ive been more of an ass about it but these days i really so not care unless you are using aphobia to spread harmful rhetoric, like saying that cishet aces aren't lgbt is terf rhetoric or things like that, because people do say that and im not ok with that! but otherwise if youre ace and call yourself lgbt FINE i do not want to argue with people over it bc its 2022 im about to be 21 i have so many bigger problems than worrying about ace discourse. because asexuals themselves inherently i have no problem with them!!!!!! if u are proud of being ace awesome good for you!!!!
the problem is being framed like a dangerous horrible individual for having genuine criticism towards headcanons that can be harmful! i think ace claudette is awesome even if i hc her differently, but as someone who's struggled with sexuality for a long time especially as an autistic person and with trauma, ntm being and percieved as a woc, knowing that autistic people are frequently infantilized abd desexualized, and that this is even worse towards black women, seeing a specific person make headcanons that imply white autistics are allowed to be sexual beings but a black autistic girl isn't made me EXTREMELY uncomfortable and felt racially charged at the time that i said that abt ace claudette. and thw response i got was GETTING YELLED AT BY A WHITE PERSON FOR REBLOGGING ART OF THE HEADCANON BY AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PERSON.
like if you dont like me because you think im aphobic for not thinking cishet aces are lgbt fine! whatever! your comfort is your own! but calling me aphobic bc i had genuine criticism about a headcanon being racially charged is not a good look especially not if youre a white person lecturing a person of color!!!!!!!!!
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gerardpilled · 1 year
literally stop being an mcr fan then! why can you forgive gerard but not lynz? everyone will pretend they support the idea of allowing someone to learn and grow and change but then they'll see a woman and go oh no not her she's irredeemable like? the double standards are ridiculous
It’s so crazy… I’ve seen countless people say that she needs to explicitly apologize for her actions and yeah I guess that would be nice. I just think it's a more complicated and nuanced situation than it might seem. Her apologizing for being in msi and participating in complicit racism would implement a lot of people and make them guilty by association. It would imply everyone including the sound guys who worked shows would then be connected to "having worked for a racist band" and could seriously complicate relationships - both working and not.
Also, I sometimes really don't understand why this is a discussion worthy of so much time other than reflecting on the atmosphere that allowed such a band to rise within the scene? (I think there's a real meaningful conversation to be had about the excusing of racism from a lot of people within the alt music scene even today.)The band hasn’t toured since 2014? Acts like Marilyn Manson - who among all his other crimes also used racial slurs as shock value - is actively touring. And for the double standards - Frank fucking toured with msi in 2013 like why not cancel him for that LOL!!! Or god forbid, Gerard for working with Jimmy Urine in 2018.
Even forgiving Gerard for saying he’s Japanese while dogpiling Lindsey for saying she’s partially Indian when she doesn’t even know her birth dad is wild to me. The tweets are very similar to each other - and neither of them have apologized? I've seen people start excusing Gerard's tweet, extrapolating info like "he must have taken a DNA test" well, there's no proof of that, and why not extend that benefit of the doubt to Lindsey? Like yes, she shouldn’t have said it but Gerard shouldn’t have either! I also just can't help but think there are more important issues oh my god!!! I've seen people - both Indian and East Asian alike - express discomfort with both Lindsey's and Gerard's actions, and I completely understand that! I just only ever see Lindsey's held to such irredeemable levels, and that's usually by white people who I personally feel are overstepping their role. I just can't help but think some white people do not have meaningful, real life, conversations with the demographics they are supposedly advocating for.
I am definitely not the person to absolve her of her sins or excuse anything she’s done and people she’s hurt, but do people (and I mean primarily other white people who - from my experience - are mainly the ones posting hate about her) realize she has probably been the most clear and explicit about her anti-racist learning curve? Out of anyone even remotely connected to mcr, she has posted and done more direct funding and outreach for Black organizations than anyone. Yes, that’s Twitter activism and doesn’t exactly amount to much in the grand scheme of things, but if people who hate her judge her off of her internet footprint, why not use the same to realize maybe she has learned?
I recently tried to see if she had acknowledged any of her faults publicly- and to my shock - she has!
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I’m not saying this is the best response to every thing but I also never saw this mentioned ever before.
I truly think some of the worst stuff she’s done is publicly support Jimmy Urine after the allegations came out but again everyone who just spreads that as a fact completely misses the context of her ex friend spreading unhinged rumors about her for like a year before those allegations came out. Jessicka Adams accused Gerard of sexual misconduct and started claiming that Lindsey was in cahoots with a man who accused Jessicka of sleeping with him when he was underage. Truly unhinged stuff.
If I was Lindsey and my ex-friend was doing that, purposefully targeting people close to me, I also might immediately assume she was behind those against the lead singer of my old band! She should NOT have voiced her suspicions publicly, and I do think that was wrong, but it’s not like she doubled down on it since? I know a lot of people would like to think they would act differently if they were in her shoes, but really think about it! If allegations that arose online came out against a man you called a friend - who you let watch your daughter - would you immediately publicly turn against him? She should have apologized when it became clear the allegations were not unfounded, but even when the news first broke she was liking tweets which better explained her mindset. Also last I heard, they are no longer friends at all.
Again with the double standards though. I've seen no noise around Mikey’s wife publicly defending wife abuser Johnny Depp (a person she does not even know) when he won his trial? Or the fact that Gerard was also very good friend with Jimmy and most likely shares a similar opinion as his wife?
I've also seen people say things like "well she should have known because of all the signs" I think this a dangerous oversimplification. What about the band No Devotion? Everyone loves them here. They formed after their old lead singer was exposed as rapist with multiple situations of him sleeping with young girls on tour. Why didn't those guys know about it?
I also just feel like using this case a justification to hate her alongside stuff like "she made a mikey hate blog!!" (she didn't) just feels so wrong to me. It’s like people are happy this happened to a woman because it gives justification to hate Lindsey. I see no attempts to support this Jane Doe with tweets of support or some kind of fundraiser. It's always just rooted in hatred of another woman.
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butterflydm · 1 year
wot reread: the gathering storm (chapters 7-16)
spoilers for the gathering storm
1. So, the themes of the previous PoV chapters centered around duty, and what you need to be willing to sacrifice for your duty. I’m kinda curious if this theme continues!
2. Nynaeve is worried about the approaching storm and being reminded of Moiraine by the Aes Sedai who is currently with her (because the woman is wearing a kesiera). Ah-HA. We learn here that Cadsuane DID steal the male Choden Kal and is still keeping it herself. I wondered at the end of Winter’s Heart if she was planning on keeping it after she stole it from Rand, and am not surprised at the answer. Anyway, Nynaeve is practicing for the Aes Sedai test and she’s doing her best not to worry about Lan - she’s done everything that she can to help him on his self-imposed task, and there’s no good in dwelling.
3. Corele was the one who essentially talked Nynaeve into doing this (by arguing that it would be a favor for Daigan, the Aes Sedai teaching her, who is grieving over Eben dying during the cleansing) -- Corele has been doing ALL the heavy lifting in terms of actually being able to get through to Two Rivers’ people so far in this book. Literally has been SO much more useful than Cadsuane at this point (she’s one of Aes Sedai who Healed Rand after the Fain attack too) - at this point in the story, bringing Corele into Rand’s narrative is the most useful thing that Cadsuane has done.
4. Oh! Nynaeve is thinking about the wrongness of the Might Equals Right system of the White Tower hierarchy. Haha, I love her comparison here -- “She herself was so strong in the Power - one of the strongest alive - that she often took little thought for her ability. It was much as a very tall man rarely paid attention to other people’s heights; everyone else was shorter than he, and so their different heights didn’t matter” (lol, mildly shading her boy Rand). I love this because Nynaeve is, Power-wise, at the TOP of the hierarchy (or will be once she’s accepted as a full Sister by everyone) and she’s looking at Daigan and thinking, it’s not right that she has to show deference to everyone else simply because she’s so much weaker in the Power. So true! It’s a BAD system, Nynaeve. Okay, Nynaeve is feeling invested in Tower Reform. That’s good! I will tuck that information away.
5. Nynaeve thinks of Mat as “Matrim” here but I will allow it, because it’s in the context of remembering him as a youthful prankster. This “Matrim” is in character. Haha, though, Nynaeve remembering Mat and Rand pulling pranks together. Sorry, Third Friend Perrin, lol. But Nynaeve thinking here about how SHE will always think of Rand as the village boy that she once knew and not of the fearsome Dragon Reborn is very sweet (though this thought is heavily tested during the upcoming conversation). That said, worry about Mat! You left him behind in Ebou Dar, Nynaeve, and then NEVER TOLD RAND ABOUT IT. grumble, grumble. Technically, I think Rand vaguely implied last book in a big group of people that included Nynaeve that HE knew Mat was alive and well, but I’m still annoyed that NO ONE EVER actually TOLD Rand that Mat got abandoned at the end of A Crown of Swords. Communicate using words, people! (hilariously, not thinking of communicating with people using words is explicitly one of the things that Nynaeve is annoyed with Rand about in this section; Healer, heal thyself)
6. Anyway, the Aiel have officially arrived at the manor. lol, “Min was in the tent [with Rand], of course” yes, god forbid the umbilical cord be stretched too far, lol. Honestly, it was such a relief to get Rand without Min glommed onto him in his last chapter, but I guess it couldn’t last forever. Though, as is tradition, she is just here to be Rand’s therapy plushie and doesn’t actually contribute to the discussion. It’s so weird here that Nynaeve thinks about how Rand is being silly for refusing to marry Min and yet DOESN’T think about the love confession that she literally witnessed between Elayne, Aviendha, and Min towards Rand back in Winter’s Heart. ??? (tongue-in-cheek theory: Nynaeve used SO MUCH of the Power during the cleansing that it impacted her memory and she no longer remembers that Mat was left behind in Ebou Dar, that Aviendha, Elayne, & Min confessed their love to Rand in front of her, and has lost all knowledge of the sul’dam secret)
7. Nynaeve thinks that Semirhage should have been stilled as soon as she was captured. YES. Great way around Rand’s stupid “we don’t kill women even when they are among the most dangerous people in the world and we would have absolutely have killed a man if he’d done the same things that she’s done” policy and would have been a good way to try to create some HARM REDUCTION. And they can even heal stilling... if they want to... so it wouldn’t even be as permanent as Rand losing his hand, if they didn’t want it to be.
8. Rand is trying to figure out how to bring peace to Arad Doman. That is exactly the thing that Moridin has tasked Graendal with preventing him from doing. Ironically, this is actually the thing she was ALREADY doing before Moridin pulled her away to tell her that he’s her boss now. She was already creating chaos in Arad Doman.
9. *resigned sigh* honestly, so sad that Rand is approaching this situation in terms of “how can I STOP Ituralde from defending his homeland so that I can make nice with the invaders?”. Depressing! Ituralde is literally working WITH Dragonsworn right now! I wish that Rand had been able to approach him from a “let me help you defeat the Seanchan so that you can help me in the Last Battle” stance. And Rand is just so... idk, weirdly certain that the Daughter of the Nine Moons is a person that is open to compromise, given that his latest intel on the Seanchan is that his OFFICIAL ENVOY to their ‘capitol’ to request an official meeting ending up being answered by one of the Forsaken. Why would he assume that the Daughter of the Nine Moons is even still alive at this point?
10. Ah, Siuan. I do have complicated feelings about Siuan. Or, I guess they aren’t that complicated -- I dislike the romance with Gareth Bryne, and wish I could have the rest of Siuan’s storyline but have the romance snipped out. I am hoping that the show will grant my wish. *fingers crossed*
11. Siuan is very proud & pleased of Egwene’s progress as Amrylin (even as she worries over Egwene in captivity), particularly of all the novices that Egwene has brought into the Tower with her policy changes. Over a thousand! Another thing that will inevitably have an impact on the shape of the White Tower to come, no matter what. All that fresh blood, all those new ideas. Siuan thinks here about how the world & the White Tower needs Egwene to be Amrylin. Also: important world-building note here, I think, is that though many Aes Sedai WORRY that the ability to use the One Power is being culled out of the species, we can see that this is straight-up untrue as the series progressed. It was never that fewer people can channel; it’s that fewer channelers are ending up at the White Tower as Aes Sedai. As soon as Egwene relaxes the parameters of recruiting, the numbers step WAY up even just in this swatch of space in-between Salidar and Murandy before they Traveled to Tar Valon (the same with Taim being able to locate men with the potential).
12. Anyway, though I don’t like the Siuan and Gareth relationship overall, I appreciate this conversation here where they actually talk to each other like grownups. That’s something of a breath of fresh air. Sanderson often approaches romances as... things that sensible people work out in conversation, lol, which is also not always to my personal tastes (...I like messiness), but it’s much less frustrating than Jordan’s Women And Men Just Can’t Understand Each Other approach (I don’t like stubborn miscommunication and silence). Which tends to mean, overall, that I feel less passionately about Sanderson’s romances that I do like, but I also have a much lower amount of annoyed frustration with his romances. NEITHER of them are what I’d call romance writers though. (my favorite fictional romance in a non-romance book for me is probably... ah, I am fond of Aral and Cordelia’s romance from the Vorkosigan Saga.)
13. Hmm. Perrin. When last we spent time with Perrin, he’d decided that slavers were okay as long as they helped him get what he wanted. I wonder if he’ll decide he has time for morals again now that Faile is back in his life. Ah, Perrin is trying to focus on simple, straight-forward work not to think about ~unreliable men~ like himself. Okay, let’s see where this train of thought goes. The question I have now is what, exactly, Perrin is blaming himself for. Is it what I would be blaming him for or will be it something out of left field? Hmm. Perrin thinks about how he should be thrilled to have Faile back, since she’s literally EVERYTHING to him, but something still feels wrong.
14. Did I know before now that Berelain’s main commander was named Bertain? It’s almost the exact same name, this is so distracting. Is there a law in Mayene that everyone must be name Ber_ain? Apparently he was first mentioned back in A Crown of Swords, per the wiki.
15. Balwer tries to point out to Perrin his flaws in selling the Shaido Wise Ones into slavery, a decision that pissed off all the Aiel traveling with him. He points out that even in this brief time, he’s already learned that the Wise Ones had been at odds with each other in the Shaido camp and that they’d been in contact with a mysterious figure who’d offered them objects of Power from the Age of Legends, which might be information useful to people, such as, idk, the Dragon Reborn. Perrin... does not care. He thinks of the Wise Ones as “given over to the Seanchan while unconscious, to do with as they pleased”. Yikes, Perrin. Yikes. Sadly, in character per Knife of Dreams, but big yikes. Yeah, so Perrin has completely written off the, you know, two hundred women that he sold into slavery. So... that’s a ‘no’ on getting his morals back.
16. “He wasn’t stupid, he just liked to think about things.” Perrin Aybara, you have spent this entire chapter doing makework to AVOID thinking about things. “liked to think about things”. HA!
17. Anyway, Faile has returned from murdering Masema scouting. Perrin just kinda watches her from afar for a moment. Then Tam arrives to talk to him. Perrin was kinda a total asshole to him last book so, uh, let’s see how this conversation goes. lol, wow, Perrin is still a complete ASS to Tam when talking to him about his son. “[Rand] seems to like scooping up kingdoms. Like a child playing a game of wobbles”. wtf, Perrin. That’s his DAD. First he doesn’t ever bother to tell Tam that his son is the Dragon Reborn and then once Tam finds out from someone else, Perrin just uses him as a dumping ground to whine about Rand.
18. Ah, Perrin has finally figured out that he’s a bad leader (not in the “oh no please don’t call me lord” way but in the “abandoning everything else and throwing away his people to chase after a selfish goal” way). ...and immediately tries to distract himself from the thought by throwing himself into more carpentry work. lol.
19. ...Perrin is under the belief that his wolf nose can sniff out ~noble heritage~. lol, okay, bro. If I recall correctly, you didn’t pick up on Faile being noble until she flat-out told you, but okay. You still haven’t figured out that Morgase is a former queen, but, sure. You can sniff out nobility. That’s definitely something that you can smell. Anyway, he figures that it’s finally time to head to Rand. He doesn’t think about Masema, his actual reason for coming out here, a single time (except to note that Aram’s ~heart~ was poisoned by him, but he doesn’t think about him in the context of Masema being the WHOLE REASON that he’s in this country to begin with). He managed to distract himself so much from his purpose that he has completely forgotten it. Amazing. Good thing Faile was there to actually do something useful, I guess.
20. Rand makes Ituralde give up his noble fight against the slavers invading his homeland. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Honestly, Ituralde was one of the very few high points for me during CoT & KoD, so this is extremely upsetting. Yes, Ituralde is working with very few resources and is stretched way too thin and every battle had the chance to be his last, but it just PAINS me to think of what he could have accomplished against the Seanchan if Rand were coming here to help him instead of divert him. Even now, he’s being clever by hiding in a stedding to blunt the possible attacks of damane against him. “The young Ituralde had often dreams of wars, of glory in battle. The old Ituralde knew there was no such thing as glory to be found in battle. But there was honor.” I’m feeling an emotion. Feeling kinda choked up tbh. I don’t blame Ituralde for taking Rand’s deal, but I wish that Rand were offering him a different one. Ituralde DOES get Rand’s guarantee that he won’t let the Seanchan have Arad Doman.
21. Oh, no, it’s so cute that Aviendha decides that complaining MUST actually be honorable among wetlanders because Elayne does it too, that’s adorable. This whole ‘doing make work for the Wise Ones and not having enough honor to even talk to the guy that she literally is mind-bonded to’ remains such a silly silly thing though. It makes Aviendha being in Arad Doman feel as pointless as the ‘useless’ work that she’s doing for the Wise Ones. Literally they have a one-sentence exchange here and then separate again. This is the first time Aviendha has so much as said ‘boo’ to Rand since she arrived, so I also find it very out of character that he just walks off (she was literally JUST IN DANGER from the literal Dark One’s touch turning someone into a lump of tar that radiates unnatural heat so “I have to stay away from her to protect her” seems like a very stupid excuse right now, especially if he’s stalking off to go have sex with Min, who he constantly puts in danger despite her actually being much more helpless than either Aviendha or Elayne). Just... I am enjoying Aviendha’s narrative voice here but am so frustrated at Aviendha and Rand being kept separate for literally zero reason or point. But Aviendha calling him “Rand” and not “Rand al’Thor” does affect my heart.
22. Merise flirts with Aviendha. Or hits her up for the Aes Sedai. I’m going go with ‘flirts with’, because that’s more fun. She eyes Aviendha ~appreciatively~ and admires how Aviendha ~handles~ her ~weaves~. I actually do really like Melaine and Aviendha’s conversation afterwards, where Melaine is trying to get Aviendha to realize that she IS thinking like a Wise One and needs to be able to admit this to herself, but I think the Aiel’s teaching methods here are somewhat counterproductive. But honestly, I’m annoyed at this random roadblock of “Aviendha has decided she can’t sleep with Rand again Honor Reasons”. It just feels arbitrary.
23. A month has now passed, as we go back to Egwene’s PoV. A WHOLE MONTH? That seems like... way too much time. I feel like it’s about logistics, maybe? Anyway. A Whole Month Later. One minor thing that is interesting to me is that Egwene shows here that she has learned how to channel THROUGH having mild doses of forkroot, so it’s not something that can be used to permanently incapacitate channelers even if they keep being forced to drink it. Did we already know that?
24. Fast-forwarding a month does mean that we can see that the seeds of Egwene’s planting have taken root, and more and more of the Sisters are treating her as an authority instead of a prisoner. Meidani (after having been taught Traveling) is able to lead Egwene to the room where the Black Ajah Hunters meet (since her Oath to them prevents her from telling Egwene what happened), and Egwene has a frank conversation with them which leads to a tentative alliance of sorts (once she gets them to admit that since Siuan was deposed by the bare minimum of Sitters and they know for a fact that at least one of them was Black Ajah, then Siuan was unlawfully deposed).
25. Hmm, the way Gawyn talks about the world ‘compressing’ during fights reminds me of Galad in the KoD prologue & reminds me of Rand... reminds me of men who are in a pre-channeling state, basically. Gawyn as a potential channeler? I also like this conversation between Gawyn and Sleete, getting a different perspective on the split in the Tower, from the Warder of an Aes Sedai who isn’t one of the big dogs. “Nobody made any good decisions that day. There weren’t any good decisions to be made.” Oh! We also learn here that Hattori (his Warder) is the one who reported back to the Greens about Elaida’s secret true orders about Rand (so that’s likely how the rumors got into the Tower), because she disapproved.
26. Gawyn giving me Trakand family feels: “Gawyn’s mother had always taught that the workers were the spine of a kingdom; break them, and you’d soon find that you could no longer move. This city’s people might not be his sister’s subjects, but he would not see them taken advantage of by his troops”. Gawyn continues to question where his loyalty lies -- he’d never actually CHOSEN to follow Elaida, he just hadn’t trusted Siuan or the way she’d treated Elayne or Egwene. And Gawyn finally finds out here that a. Egwene is the rebels’ Amrylin; b. she’s currently a captive in the White Tower; c. she’s being tortured daily; and d. the rebel Aes Sedai have Traveling. This is what finally breaks him from wanting to try to stand on both sides -- the knowledge that Egwene is potentially going to be executed (he has no way of knowing that this isn’t in Elaida’s plan) -- and he packs up and abandons the Younglings on the hour, heading off to find the rebel army and Gareth Bryne.
27. Genuinely still do not care even in the slightest about Semirhage’s interrogation. Gonna skim to see if there are any mentions of Merise and Narishma’s relationship tho. ...nah, no mention of them at all this time. It does sound like Team Jordan genuinely forgot about all the copies of the black a’dam that were mentioned at the end of Knife of Dreams tho, because there’s only one here in Cadsuane’s box of Shit She Stole From Rand.
28. I can’t believe that Rand seriously just passively allowed a whole month to pass where Aviendha was avoiding him while they were living in the same place and he was just... sleeping with Min every night when one of the other women he loves was sleeping outside and that he never actively sought her out.
29. Anyway, he’s in a dreamshard and has a conversation with Moridin/Ishamael. Knowing that Ishamael has been brought back to life as Moridin makes Rand wonder if any of the other Forsaken that have been killed were brought back as well. Moridin mentions (a deliberate slip?) that only those killed by balefire are beyond the Dark One’s ability to revive in a new body. So if Rand wants to ensure that a Forsaken STAYS dead, he needs to use balefire.
30. Rand notices that he feels more emotionally stable here in this dreamshard than he has in the waking world recently -- he talks of Lews Therin as “I” without getting the intrusive screaming and memories. “The pieces of himself fit together better”. This conversation between old friends who are also old enemies... I am liking this a lot as well. Moridin-Ishamael-Elan is just so TIRED during this talk. He is EXHAUSTED and just wants everything to stop. And that makes so much sense -- he’s the Forsaken who was closer to the surface of the world than the others. The other Forsaken are ‘technically’ thousands of years old but he’s the only one who actually LIVED for a significant portion of that time period. I am imagining this conversation happening with Rand in the show and just... if we get there, this conversation would just have so much great old friend-enemies vibes, kinda similar to Charles & Erik from X-Men.
31. Rand is having his nightmare and Min just holds her breath and watches from a chair. Man, the thing that gets to me the most about Min being Rand’s emotional support plushie is that she isn’t even good at it. But she doesn’t do anything else! She sucks at the one job that she has assigned herself! She then thinks about how she -- the person who has been selfishly hoarding Rand’s time for MONTHS -- is uncomfortable with sharing. Then don’t get involved with a man that you KNOW is also in love with other people. YOU are the one who chased after Rand, even knowing that he already loved Elayne and Aviendha! YOU are the one who seduced him when he was vulnerable. That was you! Making a choice and blaming it on prophecy! Mat and Min, with that hands shaking meme, and the agreement they’re shaking on is “creating their own romantic misery while blaming it on prophecy and constantly whining about the inevitable consequences of their own actions”.
32. “She wasn’t Aes Sedai -- Thank the Light.” Um. WTF, Min. Literally ALL THREE of the people that you are in a sorta relationship with can all channel. Yikes, girl. “somehow she had bonded him”. Min has edited Elayne’s SELFLESS ACT OF ROMANTIC GENEROSITY entirely out of her memory and is pretending that her bond with Rand ~appeared from the ether~. SOMEHOW. It was ELAYNE, you selfish and jealous child. It was ELAYNE who bonded you to Rand, you ungrateful pain in my ass. I note that Min is happy to reap the rewards of ‘sharing’ Rand, despite her ‘discomfort’ with the idea. Min is the oldest of Rand’s girlfriends, but ~somehow~ also the least mature.
33. SOMEHOW. 😠😠😠😠😠
34. “She’d never thought that she, of all people, would become a fool for some man.” Literally your entire plotline in this book series has been about being a fool for a man. That’s your entire plotline. That’s your entire character. lol, she ‘of all people’. omg, I think that @markantonys mentioned this line when she got to it in her first read of the books, but I literally did just double over laughing - “that didn’t mean she was his pet, regardless of what some of the people in the camp said”. I was wondering last book or so what Rand’s other allies (who know about his and Elayne’s romance) thought about Min and, um, I guess that’s our answer. lol, Min thinks again about how she will ~suffer~ sharing him with others because she just loves him oh! so much! Comedy hours with Min, the ~long-suffering martyr~ who has caused all of her own problems.  At least the sex is good, I guess.
35. The contrast between Aviendha firmly thinking that it was HER choice to love Rand, not Min’s viewing, and Min’s thought here that it WASN’T her choice to love him, that was it literally anything BUT her choice (her ‘heart’, the Creator, the Pattern, etc).
36. Anyway, Rand wakes up and he and Min talk, and Min shares the ~news~ that Rand needs to break the seals on the Dark One’s prison. She’s figured out that’s what Herid Fel’s note meant! It’s also... literally what Rand himself said at the start of Lord of Chaos, before Min ever returned to his life. lol. I feel like this is an artifact of the series getting stretched out so long -- that we have to re-introduce this idea that Rand had back in book six.
37. I can’t believe that we cut from ever-jealous Min snuggling Rand in bed, like she’s gotten to do for MONTHS, to Aviendha standing outside the manor alone, and yet MIN is the one whining about her ~constant suffering~ over how she has to share Rand. The contrast is so glaring! Aviendha has to mute the bond so that she can avoid feeling Rand have sex with Min while she feels honor-bound to avoid him, but MIN is the one whining.
38. Man, I feel so much sympathy with Corana here: “These Seanchan have given [Rand] reason to declare a blood feud, but he simpers and panders to them. I feel like a trained dog, sent to lick the feet of a stranger.” That has been the EXACT mood I’ve had since the start of Crossroads of Twilight. She tells them that the Seanchan have leashed Wise Ones in their camp as damane. Aviendha and Amys agree that, for now, peace must be sought in order to fight the greater enemy, but that their spears should be turned on the Seanchan after the Last Battle.
39. Egwene has a conversation with three White Ajah Sisters over the issue of Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn, and lays out what she would have done differently -- mostly pointing out Elaida and the Tower’s mistakes:
Trying to force someone who is both powerful and stubborn instead of trying to persuade him (aka the abduction)
Raising a Red Sister as their replacement Amyrlin, even though that seems very likely to come across as a threat to a man who can channel
Attempting to pretend that they had any high ground to tell him that they knew best when they were dealing with a divided White Tower themselves. “Can a cracked stone be a good foundation for a building?”
40. After Egwene gets assigned to permanent work detail (no more lessons with Sisters) to try to break her spirit, Laras tries to help her escape the White Tower but Egwene refuses to go, saying that her fight is inside the Tower.
41. Egwene is ordered to serve Elaida at dinner again, but this time there are several Sisters of various Ajahs there, including Sitters, and during the dinner, it feels to Egwene as if Elaida is deliberately insulting them and attempting to bully them to her will. “Prying the Ajahs even further apart”. When the subject of the Seanchan comes up, Elaida tells Egwene to tell the Sisters there that she has been spreading lies about them and that the Seanchan are working for “al’Thor”. Instead, after considering her options, Egwene tells the truth. She tells them that she has Dreamed that the Seanchan will attack the White Tower and that they are incredibly dangerous and their threat should not be ignored. Elaida really does set up an impossible situation for Egwene here -- back down, and she loses the respect that she’s built. Stand up, and she may get locked in a cell (or even executed) unable to continue her fight.
But, of course, pushed to the limit, Egwene does stand up for herself and for the White Tower against Elaida’s demands. “I dare the truth, Elaida.” Oh, I actually love this confrontation, exposing what Elaida has become in such full detail that none of the Sisters witnessing it can deny it (though I feel a pang of sorrow for who Elaida once was, before she was corrupted by Fain & the paranoia of Aridhol, which is on full display here as well). 100% want to see Madeleine give this speech.
Okay, that’s a good place to end. Very satisfying chapter!
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sabik-sphinx · 1 year
Ermm just another callout post
scroll past if you don’t want drama teehee
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Callout on Amore_Torre aka Isnezzed a popular NSR/Overwatch artist well known for his Ramyatta artwork. Is accusing me of general abuse and animal abuse. Making this callout because he is practically dragging my name thru the mud and hurting my reputation. So I want clear up the accusations and explain his narcissistic behavior.
accusation #1 - I abuse animals including his rabbit
Just want to start out on the animal abuse accusation. Claiming that I abuse his rabbit and kick it for fun. Getting this out of the way, it is false, shocker. 
He gets irrationally angry if I even touch his rabbit. He would catch me doing this and physically attack me, and say shit like ‘how would you like it if i kicked your cat?’ or ‘i’m going to kill your cat!’. One instance he sprayed me with cleaning chemicals and my skin had a burning sensation for the rest of the day.
For context, he lets his rabbit roam around our house unsupervised. I’ve seen this rabbit hop onto my bed, which I find unsanitary. As well as my cats litterbox. It even used to hop onto the kitchen countertop and knock over the trashcan, yuck. which he doesn’t care if it gets into these things. I take it upon myself to keep the rabbit out of places it’s not supposed to be. I gently nudge it with a stick or rod. This does not hurt the animal at all. I guide it out of these areas, like the litterbox or my bed. You can’t just tell it to get out. Reason why he claims I kick it because sometimes when I don’t have an object to guide the rabbit, I use my feet.
Ironically, I was the one spending a good chunk of my day with this rabbit, teaching it tricks when we brought it home. Because it was in another room and wasn’t receiving attention from him. Also, accusing me of abusing animals when THIS is how he houses the rabbit now.
EDIT: this is another argument he uses to convince people that I abuse animals, is that I collect animal hides and skulls. While yes, I do collect these things, they're done ethically. Most of the skulls I have are natural finds or waste from hunters. The hides I just buy online. Sometimes I do hunt and process my own animals. God forbid, I know. Say what you want about hunting. As long as it's within the law and the kill is ethical, it is not animal abuse. I am against trophy hunting and poaching.
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she’s even in the photo for proof lol. But yeah, guess i’m the one who’s abusing animals...
Note: the rabbit isn’t spayed nor does he plan to spay her. He wants to buy another rabbit to breed with his, HELLLL NO. I got kicked from his lil friend group when he brought this up. I told him ‘no more animals’. Bro already abandoned 2 dogs and a cat because he got bored of them after a year. Not to mention his previous dog was sent to a rescue for animal neglect.
Accusation #2- I physically and verbally abuse him.
Uno reverse on this accusation as well. I only hit him if he throws the first punch, I go by eye for an eye. lol anyways, he would start physical fights with me over minor inconveniences, like me being in the kitchen for too long or taking too long in the bathroom. He is physically weak so I hit him back and tell him to knock it off. This works for getting him to stop attacking me. He’ll go back to his room, cry to his friends, and tell them that I abused him. Average child behavior. he’s an adult 
That is how this rumor started.
On verbal abuse, i don’t know how this one came to be since I haven’t spoken or texted him in months aside from a couple short sentences here and there. Yeah Uno reverse on this too, he’s been EXTREMLY verbally abusive towards me. Whenever he sees me he calls me a ‘nasty bitch’ or ‘retarded’ etc etc. And it’s every. single day. Again, I don’t speak to him in person. Although I used to stream on discord and he would come in when no-one else is there and say shit like ‘nobody in the server likes you or wants you there’ ‘you’re an animal abuser and everybody knows it!’. Very passive aggressive in real life as well.
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Generic spamming me in DM’s. I have nothing to add here.
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Again flooding my DM’s. For context, I don’t have him blocked on discord because he’s not able to use his phone anymore so discord is the only communication he has with me incase of an emergency. 
‘and you weren’t banned from the server you left on your own they already told me, so why you gotta be mad bout it’ OKay, I left one server because he was abusing his mod power on me. (Average discord mod) And the admin didn’t give a shit. BUT I was banned from another server he was in. And i’m not mad about it.
‘stop dragging people into drama’ This is the only time i’m bringing this up. How tf am I supposed to stay silent when there’s a smear campaign against me.
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He posted this yesterday for sympathy for i’m going to break it down. He’s the type of person who likes to play victim for everything. Like I stated before, he starts a fight, you hit him back, you’re the abuser, he’s the victim. 
I can explain the ‘low blood sugar moment’ because I was there, wow. It was 4am and everyone’s trying to sleep, he starts complaining that he has low blood sugar and didn’t grab anything while he was in the kitchen. He woke my mother up and begged her to give him something to eat, she refused and told him to get food himself since his room is right outside the kitchen. And so, he started complaining that we didn’t care if he died and whatnot.
‘they want to get rid of me’ He’s insufferable to be around. Honestly, you could just breath and he would call you names. tho i wouldn’t breath around him since he only ever showers once a month.
‘my rabbit being harmed, being physically hurt’ already went over this so I have nothing to add here.
‘fam knows my socials’ No they don’t, only I do. He got upset when he found out our mother made a twitter account because she finds the memes on there to be funnier than facebook. He complained to her that she only made an account to ‘stalk him’. He begged that she’d give him her account name so he can block her. Of course, she refused. So now he thinks his family is stalking him lol
That’s my side of the story since he went around to all his friends who also used to friends with me to mass unfollow and accuse me of doing all these horrible things. No one questioned him and just went along with it. ‘A narcissist will show you who your true friends are’, and clearly these people were not my friends.
the rest is for sympathy. 
I also want to add one more thing. He received 3 gifts during Christmas. 2 sweatpants and a hoodie from his mother. I received one more gift than he did. He got extremely upset by this, that he returned both sweatpants to his mother and remained in his room for the rest of the holiday. Just a couple days ago he took the hoodie mother gifted him and tore it up in front of her and threw it in the trash. I don’t know what prompted this or why he did it, but it goes to show how ungrateful he truly is. 
That is all i’m going to put. There is much much more like him stalking minor for 4 years- that I won’t write down otherwise this would end up being a novel. I’ll save that for another day, who knows.
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
okay i wasnt gonna do it but while i take a break from drawing lemme just. break down a few things i personally find really interesting about the countdown to all out video tho
- he never says hes talking about himself and/or kip sabian specifically. i find this oddly eerie tbh, hes talking about himself in the third person during all of this, but also. he has done this before. its been happening in previous social media posts (including the previous pinned tweet of “have you take a photo of this fine gentleman [a photo of kip]” which ive always found very odd)
- the way he clearly addresses fans here. like. in almost a scolding or belittling sense. “the company you love so dearly. -- you know more about this business than anyone. you live for it, you fight for it, you hate for it.” you see what i mean? its not even subtle tbh lol, but the way he delivers these lines is so at ease and steady, it doesnt even feel like a dig until you actually take note what hes saying (manipulative mastermind, anyone?)
- the spite in his voice when he says “supported to the top”. that just hurts fam
- “the eraser was taken out and our story’s narrative changed” OUR story. what is the implication here, is what im honestly very intrigued about. at this point its not in third person, he could have said ‘their’ or even ‘his’ but no. this is a plural. on purpose. and while i want to think this is in relation to not only him but also the fans and people that actually supported him and stood by his side. while watching this and the vibes im getting from this overall, i cant help but to think theres something more going on here, you know?
- “im sure you’d want all the answers right now. and god forbid that you’d have to wait for something” im just gonna leave this other, beautiful dig here cause this line is just so fucking good
- also what are all these references to art? i mean, i understand the take of wrestling as an art form, but at the same time even now and after everything, i find it hard to think of kip as that kind of an artistic person, if you know what i mean. then again. this whole boxman thing has been one huge one person art installation and performance so. i guess that makes sense
- “who am i? i am... inevitable” i could drop you like five different theories on this one alone cause. who is he? he literally never in this or the previous one say his name. only the commentary team and pac has been calling him kip sabian. that name never exists his own mouth (and while i dont think this is a name change thing cause that makes no sense tbh, i want to believe this is relevant on some level in this overall story arch. like something feels amiss here, hence why he doesnt say his own name. its especially meaningful i think, if youve ever seen a kip sabian promo - that man loves to talk about himself and say his own name from what i recall lol). also, inevitable? with what, exactly? i mean presumably with getting the title and whatnot, but, again, it feels like theres more to this within the entire context of this promo. this is also the only part where hes directly talking about himself. not that it makes much of a difference but yeah. the one time he says 'i am'
anyways im having fun while my brain burns trying to make everything make sense, but honestly this? this is what i live for in wrestling. even tho things dont necessarily make sense or there is no answers and i might be digging so much deeper than necessary like ever, this is the thing that makes me love these kind of storylines and characters. doing this and getting excited and becoming an overthinker is what makes this whole thing for me. like i genuinely enjoy this (or why do you think i take half an hour to write up a thing about a video that lasts like a two and a half minutes lol)
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 2 years
At the risk of swinging the bat into the hornets nest for you, what is IDW missing that makes Archie the better comic to you?
The fact Sega wasn't breathing down their throat constantly so they could do whatever the hell they wanted no matter how crazy or problematic? The romance plots? The family drama plots?
(Context that Izzy knows but might be important for anyone else seeing this: I like IDW a lot, but I also missed the boat on Archie. Never read it, intimidated by the idea of trying to catch up now, but I know crazy shit went down in it.)
i think the quickest way for me to explain it is that idw just feels very sterile and low stakes for me. the ocs are cute and all but they're concepts to me, not insanely fleshed out or *real* feeling (which has nothing to do with age btw)
i understand why a lot of people hate archie for having too many ocs or for having penders involved but like... that doesn't negate how crazy insane and fun and dark and elaborate the content was. i have so much to work with when i think of archie as a whole because they gave so much for me to fix or modernize or even just fantastic characters (imo) like mina and fiona and their version of the hooligan characters like 💕💕💕
here's the other thing though: i LOVED metal virus. a lot. it gave me espio back, made silver a character again, got as close as it supposedly could when making sonic traumatized, gave amy a fuckton of responsibility and maturity like she deserves, but also added a lot of depth and newfound appeal and appreciation of characters like cream and charmy and the babylon rogues. tangle and whisper naturally weaved themselves into this arc by having touching and angsty moments without blatantly trying to steal panel time or fan appeal from the secondary cast
my main criticism of metal virus? it takes the older dark robotisizing arc mainly known from archie and underground but takes away one significant thing: eggman being a competent and threatening villain. i LOVE evil eggman i think he deserves to be in control of something like the metal virus, but god forbid he have a skillfull bone in his body these days because now he's running from the virus just like the main cast! urgh,,, i think tinker was a fascinating moment but god i just can't stand idw eggman most of the time they make him way too pathetic so starline can make jokes about him and try to escalate things 💀
oh that's another thing, i think there's a lot of hypocrisy about the penders ocs in archie vs all the new idw characters because my initial response included a segment on how i feel like idw forces fans to love and worship every new addition to the cast even when there's little to no character development, but that feels like something everyone says about archie. i'll never forget when the preview of surge and kit came out and the fandom EXPLODED but like... i barely had anything to say? ME? SPEECHLESS BUT JUST OUT OF NEUTRALITY?!? yeah lol surge is mid to me and i can fairly but probably cruelly attribute almost all of her appeal to how everyone hates penders. oh and big pant cool. but her strength as a character is a result of the uproar caused by scourge and archie, not her own inherent value, which isn't fair in general but also not fair to her idk lol it feels like cheating.
anyways, i'd 1000% prefer messy and concerning/nauseating archie and its army of echidna ocs over the "mandate-restricted" idw which basically does the exact same thing as archie but watered down (including the ocs).
oh okay one more thing— the comics are meant to flesh out the secondary cast from the games because surprise! after 06 we don't get ensemble casts or playable characters other that sonic, so this is a compromise. SIKE! idw ocs are gonna hog panel time, and as much as i love characters like lanolin and belle (and obviously team sapphire) i literally gave up on reading idw regularly because there wasn't anything in it for me and if there was i'd hear it on tumblr and pirate the recent issue lol.
OKAY FINALLY, idgaf about comic beef i think people should enjoy whatever they want even if that means anti archie because like,,, i don't blame you. i just think that we've joked so much about "haha archie RANDOM and also PENDERS make archie BAD" but like... just because penders sucks ass it doesn't mean archie or even his work on archie is as bad as he is. archie actually has a lot of good stuff, and even the bad stuff is elaborate and interesting enough to warrant a rewrite or reinterpretation credit.
tldr; i just think idw is mid and peaked with metal arc which still had some fundamental flaws even if i loved it. i miss my funky archie cast tho
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strawberrybabydog · 2 years
what do you think about society's use of the word "delusional" as an insult, in general? is that bad to do? or is it ok depending on context?
it's never okay because there is only 1 context you can say it in. using delusional as an insult or in an otherwise non-medical, non-literal way as a self-identifier/diagnosis is anti-psychotic sanism.
i recently saw someone try to defend their use of the word by saying, "but look, it has a second definition which means mistaken. thats how im using it, to mean mistaken. it has nothing to do with psychiatrics." and thats just not true?
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[ID: a screenshot of google/oxford's definitions of "lead". the definitions are separated by numbers. end ID] (this ID is short but the actual definitions are not important to what i'm trying to say)
here's lead, which is a heteronym. this means it's actually 2 different words which are spelled the same but have different meanings. when you look up to define lead the tertiary definition i was looking for actually didnt come up, but this screenshot nonetheless proves my point lol. anyways, i was looking for "lead - to guide" and "lead - a chemical element/metal" either way, doesnt matter now :0]
see how the definitions are sorted with numbers? that's because lead has secondary and tertiary definitions
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[ID: one specific definition of lead, which shows a definition numbered, and a bulleted definition below the original one. end ID]
and what does that bullet point under one of the definitions mean? it's derivative. the bulleted definition comes from the definition it's listed under. it's the same definition and use of the word but re-branded. if the original definition was red, the derived definition is pink.
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[ID: a screenshot of looking up "define delusional" on google. the definition reads "characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of a mental disorder." the derived definition below the original reads "based on or having fauly judgement, mistaken." on the right of the screen says "see results about: delusion as a medical condition, and delusional disorder as an illness." end ID]
and here's delusional's definition. the ONLY definition is psychiatric illness lol. the bulletted point underneath is a use which is derived from the only other meaning (which again, is psychiatric illness.) which means... it means the exact same thing and is just in insult-form. i included the side bar here also which links to 2 medical conditions, wow i wonder why? /s
delusional isn't a heteronym which has secondary or tertiary definitions. it's 1 word which is a symptom of a medical illness. a symptom that is life-ruining and traumatizing to the people who live with it.
want to say "delusional" to mean "mistaken"? just say mistaken. severely mistaken will do just fine too.
"but it's in the dictionary, and the dictionary doesnt mark it as offensive, which means it's fine to use that way!" dictionaries are not holy texts which can never ever be wrong or outdated. and lest i remind you that anti-psychotic sanism and sanism against other stigmatized disorders is not something nonpsychotic and nonmentally ill people care about at all. people who advocate against sanism - which are people who live with the disorder - are not listened to the same way other minorities are - so of course the dictionary isn't going to say that these are offensive ways to use the word? but this is something that delusional people have been saying for a long fucking time, and god forbid that you have to say "mistaken" instead of "delusional" to make a hostile world safer for delusional people to live in. we really are asking for far too much here /s.
the f-slur means bundle of sticks though right? and the r-slur is a medical term which means it also isn't offensive? so of course delusional means "mistaken!" /s
maybe the problem is that you (general "you" directed towards nonpsychotics, not you anon) arent listening to delusional people. maybe thats literally the entire problem! it SUCKS that i have to write out this big ass post begging and explaining to non-psychotics why they should stop doing this, but for some reason yall demand that we bend over backwards to CONVINCE you to RESPECT US.
listen to delusional and psychotic people. stop using delusional, schizo, psychotic, whatever else as insults. our disorders, our trauma are not words you are allowed to throw around when instead you mean "bad, crazy, stupid, dangerous, liar." because you're saying that WE are those things, which farthers stigma, mistreatment, and violence towards psychotics. we're not stupid, we both know why you chose "delusional" instead of "mistaken." face your sanism. remove yourself from the law of holes.
if you reblog this post, tag as "on sanism" or "about sanism" instead of "sanism." if you tag it simply as "sanism," mentally ill people will not be able to see this post.
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hurricanes-art · 3 years
i am interested in your hades au, would you mind giving some details about it? 👁 it looks really interesting
[This AU is from these drawings!]
*cracks knuckles* Ok! I actually got enough sleep last night so I'm finally feeling up to explaining this au lmao
Also I hope that by “some details” you meant “way way too many” because I am nothing if not long winded. Also @hades-hellsite asked for context too, here you go
The central premise is that, after he dies, Achilles manages to make an arrangement with Hades that allows both him and Patroclus to stay in Elysium together. He's not employed to work at the house and he never becomes Zagreus's combat trainer.
Hades makes a few attempts to find Zagreus a different teacher among the shades of great warriors, but being skilled does not make someone able to teach. And being able to teach one way doesn't mean someone will be good for every student. When Zagreus doesn't learn well with the few mentors Hades tries, which he barely gives a chance to breathe anyway, he's quick to decide that he must have no martial ability and declares Zagreus a failure in that as he has about so many things.
This has two major effects on Zagreus before his escape attempts begin. One, without any chance to actually grow into aptitude in combat, he's left without anything substantial to put his energy into and, more importantly, he's left without anything he feels good at and that gives value to his efforts. Two is that, in Achilles' absence, very few people in the house give him any care and support untwisted by the politics of the house and the judgment of his father. There is Orpheus, kind to him before Hades locks him away for refusing to sing, Hypnos, willing to put the house to sleep so he can find the truth though jumbled up in his own problems, and Nyx.
Nyx is the only one to aid Zagreus when he decides to try to escape. She contacts Olympus and weaves careful lies to win their support and blesses his departure. She's also the only one who believes that Zagreus has the slightest chance of escaping. Already in canon, most everyone tells him there no way he'll make it out, but here, it's so much worse. He doesn't know how to fight, his initial attempts are pitiful and his progress negligible, and near everyone lashes out at him to get back in line and stop making things worse.
He doesn't even have the Infernal Arms. Achilles is the one who brings them to him in canon; here Zagreus takes a simple bronze sword from one of the house's many displays of weapons from wars long past. He thanks the Fates that the Styx restores it the same way it does his body when he dies because he nicks and dulls the edges every time.
Despite all the disadvantages, Zagreus throws himself into escaping with unshakable determination, bone deep stubbornness. He picks up his sword and will figure out how to use it himself. Experience will be his teacher. He dies over and over and he watches his enemies and learns how they move and how he must react, mimicking their attacks for his own use and adjusting and adjusting after each failure. And contrary to Hades' adamant belief, Zagreus is very intelligent and learns brilliantly when allowed to and he grows stronger and stronger.
There's no teacher more savage than experience in something like this, though. The pursuit is agonizing and the cost is enormous and adjusting to this ceaseless violence feels impossible.
Much of my interest in this idea is how the added strain on his circumstances and relationships affects Zagreus and his mental state. At his best, Zag looks a lot like he does in canon, with his laurels unfurled and vibrant, and his feet glowing hot, but he rarely feels his best here. His laurel leaves curl in dry and crisp, muted like the leaves of autumn. Flakes of ash and soot build up over his legs and encase more and more as he suffers. So deep is his feeling of failure and being trapped that it affects him physically.
Not always, though. His flames respond to his emotions, burn brighter in his passion. Enthusiasm, love, fervor, bliss, anger set him glowing.
After a brutally drawn out span of time, Zagreus meets Achilles and Patroclus in Elysium and tbh, the rest of my interest is really in how the altered circumstances change the evolution of their relationships with each other. The pair of warriors were never separated for an extended time and Achilles is less downtrodden and resigned and Patroclus is less bitter and abrasive when Zagreus stumbles upon them.
They don't fight him, which Zagreus counts among his greatest blessings, although Achilles still seems to have an interest. It makes him twitchy and he jumps when Achilles finally lifts his spear and swings it around in his third time in their little glade only to bump the flat of the blade against elbow and tell him to keep it in more towards his body. Zagreus blinks rapidly at him before adjusting his arm.
Achilles helps him here and there, tips and tricks and valuable advice, but he never gives anything near the thorough instruction he did in canon. On one hand, he doesn't need to. Zagreus is a self made fighter and it leaves him with weaknesses but it is also a powerful thing. He is unpredictable and incredibly adaptable and he only continues to improve.
On the other hand, there's no room for it. Achilles is gentle with his guidance, but Zagreus is rubbed raw by all the fighting he's done and all that still depends on it. He doesn't want to always focus on the weapon in his hands. Patroclus notices and curbs Achilles' input when it exceeds its bounds. He sits aside and observers carefully when they spar. Zagreus doesn't need another's direction which is fine by him, who's lost all desire for combat. He gives his aid through his assortment of trinkets that carry Zagreus further to the surface.
Zagreus barely knows what to do with himself in the face of their care. He's so unaccustomed to such generous and genuine support, interest devoid of expectation or blame. As familiarity between the three of them grows, their interactions grow warmer, more tender and comfortable. Their care lays on a foundation, not a hinge, and Zagreus grapples with understanding that he really can lean on it. It all leaves him so uncertain yet so desperate because he wants more than anything to have joy and conversation and company with others where he doesn't shoulder heavy guilt from unspoken accusations over his escaping the house and to have a place he feels he belongs without being an intrusion.
He does at first believe he's intruding, though. Intruding on their time together in the peace of Elysium. It takes them time to convince him that they value his presence immeasurably. The opportunity to stay together in the Underworld has been invaluable for Achilles and Patroclus, but the peace of Elysium is a deceptive thing. It wears away and prickles at them, pressing down in odd warping ways. Patroclus is beyond pleased to have the war behind him and that it can never force him to fight again, and despite Achilles retaining an interest in competition and combat, he does feel the same way. Having a cause though, something to believe in and worth devoting their efforts towards... They didn't realize how deeply they missed it until Zagreus. It is revitalizing. They thrive in his genuine, boundless kindness and long to support him.
The drawings of Orpheus arguing with Hades and Zagreus fighting with Nyx is from one of my plot point ideas. Later down the line, together, Hades, Persephone, and Nyx agree to forbid Zagreus from seeing Achilles and Patroclus at Nyx's behest. Similarly to how she talks about Dusa in canon, she sees mortal shades as beneath his station and that it's highly unbecoming for the prince to be consorting with them. Zagreus fights against the idea ferociously and is only smothered by the threat that, if he seeks them out anyway, Hades will void Achilles' agreement and have Patroclus moved to the proper plane of the Underworld.
It crushes Zagreus. He loves them and cares about them so much and being torn apart from them is a wound that cuts so deep. But even more than that, what breaks him open most, is the fact that it came from someone he cared for and trusted most. Nyx was the one person in the House he could depend on most and this betrayal at her hand is devastating. And for such a worthless reason as propriety and godly vanity. It's not her place to force those upon him. It hurts Zagreus to the core.
Orpheus is the only one willing to stick up for him in this, deeply empathetic to the grief of being separated from loved ones and well acquainted with the fact that such punishments will only damage, never correct. After all, his stint of punishment in Erebus didn't revive his desire to sing, it was Zagreus's dedication and vibrancy that did that. One of the many invaluable gifts Zagreus gave him, including reuniting him with Eurydice, making him happier than he'd been since her death. Orpheus can't keep biting his tongue when all these gods refuse to see any of this.
It all comes to a head dramatically and painfully and I've thought of a few variations on how it would play out. I'll leave it for now though, I might draw it or write it later >:3c  Also this got really long lol. Hopefully the idea is at least somewhat interesting!
And here, have the lines from these two drawings because I like the way they look
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Ugh, okay, so there's so many questions from the meta writers question thing that I want to ask, so you don't have to answer all of them lol but 1, 3, 4, 20, and/or 25?
I will say though, I'm very very interested in that band AU that I think you keep referencing working on, tbh idk what the acronym means, but I'm very excited about it 👀
writing asks!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
I have a few so let me just chat about them all! one is, ofc, something bigger than the sky that I'm working on with Hali (@phantasmagoric-acquaintance)
it's a collaborative work between the two of us that is the content of balance from her perspective in the umbra staff! it's progressing well, we're nearly done and i can't believe it! i just love getting to work with my best friend on something tbh :3
the next one is RHAPAW, my beloved band au. (it stands for rode hard and put away wet and i promise there's a reason for that lsdkfjsdlf). Progress is pretty good! I've got about 5k words of it right now, I know some of the most major plot points, and I have a pretty clear idea of how it's going to end!! Honestly i love Barry in this more than life itself (but I do just love the idea of Lup, Kravitz, and Johann all in a band together too so don't make me choose <3)
(also extra bonus, I am working on extending about three prompt fills I did a while ago so keep an eye out for those)
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
OKAY I GOT IT i have been thinking about this for like. months. Basically i do have this au idea wherein Taako dies in Wonderland. A version of Arms Outstretched still happens but basically Taako is dead and in the Astral Plane, Magnus is in the mannequin body still, and Merle is still Merle. Barry is there as the red robe, of course. Edward still gets eaten by staff and Merle goes to grab it and tries to cast something and it just Doesn't work. And at this point, Merle is just over it. like "You magic piece of shit, you couldn't save my friend, you won't let me cast, what the hell is the use?" and he just SNAPS it. and it's like a bomb goes off. And Merle's head feels like it's going to explode because there's another red robe? but he can't hear it or see its face and the original red robe is...crying? And Magnus is trying to hug it? and he keeps saying "Merle, holy shit it's [redacted] how could Lucretia just [redacted] like that?"
and it obviously continues but that is the barest bones shit of it.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
this is so hard because i feel like my content is better than the actual writing itself!! but i guess if i have to pick one i do love the ridiculously unhinged monologue Taako goes on in like, chapter two of flours? (part of it below)
And then your wonderful twin sister might annoyingly keep changing her mind on what flowers she wants on her cake. Mind you, your twin sister might also specifically request that the flowers on the cake be fresh, not made of pulled sugar or gum paste or fondant or frosting, no they just have to be fresh because gods forbid I ever get to do sugar work. And not that there’s anything wrong with fresh flowers, mind you, but it might happen to be something that is just out of your comfort zone. And while you would normally go to Fantasy Costco, you can’t anymore because they hired a really weird cashier who keeps offering to make you deals even though it’s fucking Fantasy Costco and the prices are literally marked so you have to begin to wonder to yourself if that cashier even actually works there.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
i just really like exploring friendships between characters that either just Wouldn't/Didn't/Couldn't happen in the show (AM Radio, Flours, and like, a million prompt fills have been examples of this)
also. I know I referenced this in the tags BUT both vampire twins pieces and the werewolf magnus piece all take place in the same universe (the magnus piece takes place a year or two prior to the vampire twins pieces)
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
okay i already answered this one BUT another really fun part is just finding inspiration in the weirdest of places. like actually now that i think about it, like five of my fics/wips have been inspired by me innocuously listening to music lskdfjsld
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 6/?
Word Count: 2.6-2.7k idk exact
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your name, A/N - Any name (your best friend’s name)
MUSIC IS INCLUDED THIS TIME! Please enjoy my personal music playlist, or at least a snippet of it.
TO THE PERSON WHO REBLOGGED AND SAID THIS WAS CUTE (at least the first part) you straight up made me cry omfg
Warnings: Swearing, gets really fucking heated at the end (no sex, yet), no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Outfit Context:
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(Cause I finally found an outfit I liked on the boy, men’s fashion isn’t my strong suit,,, heh :) )
“Sorry, is my mouth hung open?” he asked.
“Yes, sir. Very much so,” she mocked.
Jason closed his mouth and outstretched his hand for Y/N’s, cupping it with both hands and kissing the top of it.
“You just look so lovely, Y/N.”
“And you’re chivalrous, Jay. Now, should we get going?” she asked, putting her free hand on top of his two.
“Yes, let’s go,” he let one of his hands go of hers and lead her to the Porsche he brought with him, not intertwining his fingers with hers.
He opened the passenger’s side door and let Y/N get in, not letting go of her hand til the last moment he could hold it. He got in an turned on the radio,
It felt like a good night, for dancing in the moonlight,
In empty streets, well, everybody's got a reason why,
If we could only just get it right,
Maybe it will all work out like in the movies,
But I know Romeo must die before the ending,
With a final poison kiss delivered gently,
Because you don't get lucky twice, and that's the truth,
“Sing to me sweet just like my memory, 
If New York City Still moves me then I’ve found something real,
I’ll be okay, I could go on for days,
But I just don’t have the courage that it takes to be real,
And even if it’s dark at least we’ll be together,
Slowly sinking in the Earth to lay forever,
You better grab a hold and hold on for your life,
Because you don’t get lucky twice,
No, you don’t get lucky twice,” She sung with the tune.
Without the Bitter the Sweet Isn’t as Sweet - Mayday Parade
“You, you have the voice of an angel,” he said.
“It’s not that hard to mimic works of art with my voice.”
“Did you ever take singing lessons?”
“I did when I was younger, so I could sing French lullabies to my cousins.”
He placed a hand on her thigh as he drove them through the countryside of Gotham to Metropolis, taking the long way on what seemed like purpose. So he could encapsulate the moment in his memory for as long as he knew her and what she was to him. She was an adventure waiting to happen, a love story not yet written to tell for ages, a rock ‘n’ roll song written to please the masses in hidden corners of the world.
And to her, he was a masterwork of intertwining memories of pain, sadness, luck and beauty. A mind of complexity she was just waiting to dive into and see how it functioned. A story behind the white tuff of hair he had, why he was jacked to the masses if he was a book nerd. A story of his favourite book and his favourite sibling, his favourite trope, his love, his pain, him.
The moments where she stuck her hand out the window and traced symbols into the Autumn air swirling past the two as they cruised down the empty back roads. When he laughed as she sang Reste by GIMS and Sting. He didn’t understand the lyrics, but she did, and she called it a love song. Well, he got the parts Sting sung, but French wasn’t a language he knew like she did.
“I guess being Bilingual helped you out massively with that one, huh?”
“It’s a talent I never knew I needed, apparently.”
“Well, you did know you needed.”
“That’s fair,” she laughed, “ I guess I did always need it as a skill.”
“Do your cousins speak English too?” he asked.
“Yeah, a bit? It’s better English than my father.”
“Can he not speak English?”
“Well, he can, just not well. But my mother is also Bilingual in English and French so they never had to worry about my father being bad at English. My twin sister and I grew up knowing both languages,” she rambled, still playing with the wind, “I guess it’s a one-up I have on a lot of people, being able to just talk and talk in another language, travelling advantage,” she kept going, Jason intently listening to her as she went on and on, he liked the silence being filled by her voice, “You know? You might know, I don’t know how you were raised to a T,” she finished.
“Well, I can assure you I only know English so you have that theoretical one-up on me, too. But I choose to see that one-up as something you can teach me as time goes on and we progress,” he paused, “If you’re down to get serious eventually, that is,” he panicked.
“Well, maybe we’re at that point where we can say we’re casually seeing each other and exclusive, but not serious. Hopeful, but not pressuring ourselves into something that’s going to be put under a lot of pressure as we go on,” she said, still playing with the wind.
“We’ll see about that after dinner.”
“Where are we even going?”
“Fancy little restaurant with a balcony facing over the city,” he assured.
“Really out here living for the moments?”
“Well, most girls crack under the pressure of the paparazzi, you, however, flipped them off, and that’s being rewarded for showing that you can’t give a fuck about those dingy ass tabloids and how they treat you, by taking you out to nice places,” he said.
She laughed, “I’m glad I’m never going to live that one down, it was really fun to do.”
“I hope it continues as we go along, I would hate to see that behavior change when it brings a smile to everyone who’s ever been harassed by paparazzi” when they pulled over for a second, Jason quickly loosened his tie a tad, “Honestly, I want to ditch this fucking tie,”
“It’s not you,” she said, “It’s just not.”
“And you know me that well to take that guess?”
“I could see you struggling with it from a mile away, Jason. Maybe the fancy restaurant isn’t us,” she laughs, “But we aren’t going to not take that dinner date.”
“Oh we’re so going to take that date, but I’m thinking from here on out we do whatever the fuck we want, no fancy dates. Thoughts?” he asked.
“Done deal,” she said.
In the restaurant, the two of them were basically the worst people to be there, it was levels of fancy that neither of them actually wanted, they both wanted simplicity, but they both thought the presence of the other person was enough of a takeaway from the completely wrong choice of restaurant. They had Dick to blame for this one, and Jason made that clear to Dick in a joking text while Y/N snuck off to the bathroom to ‘fix her hair, she was actually checking her breath.
Dick, this fucking restaurant is a god damn bust, man. We aren’t you and Barbara, that’s what we’ve discovered today. lol.
Bummer! We really like that place.
I can see why it screams Dick and Barbs.
You kissed her yet though?
Wuss! Cat got your tongue? Just do it, man.
And at the same time, Y/N was texting A/N about Jason and what to do,
Girl! Thank you so much for reminding me to bring mints, my god, food ruins your breath so much.
You really want the pretty boy kiss huh?
No, I’m eating the mints to not kiss him, YES I WANT THE KISS.
Ha! Honesty is key, just go for it.
She laughed as she packed her phone into her dress pockets (Yeah there’s fucking pockets :) ) and went to leave the restroom to meet up with Jason again. To which, Jason had already paid and tipped the waiter.
“I could have at least helped on the tip, Jay.”
“I tipped him 200%, but if you want to drop more cash, go for it.”
“You tipped that much?” she asked while slipping in a 50$ she had on her.
“Of course, food service workers deserve a lot more than what they get, especially when they have to deal with terrible customers,” he said as he went and grabbed her hand again, not intertwining fingers again, “And my best friend, Will, he complains about people who don’t tip and praises people who quote ‘over tip’ but I think that he deserves 200% each bill for the shit he puts up with.”
“Did you tip him when we went there?”
“No, I called in a ‘No questions asked’ favour. And before you say anything, he did the same to make me babysit his daughter-”
“Your best friend has a daughter?”
“Well, he’s older than me, but yeah, he’s a single dad because her mum kind of sucks, lovely little girl, I’m her godfather.”
“Does she call you Uncle Jason?”
“Well, Uncle Jay, it’s like one of the only works she knows how to say properly, and Dada,” he laughed, “Great little girl,” he said, nervously, “This doesn’t change anything, does it? ‘Cause if he, knock on fucking wood, lord forbids, dies that will be my daughter.”
“Well, he’s not dead and you’re not worrying that he’s going to die, so nothing has to change. God kids are god kids, noble that you took on your best friend’s kid if, lord forbid, anything happens to the man, really,” she assured.
He sighed and kissed the back of her hand, “Then that is just a gift on top of what I did,” he smiled and lead her back to the Porsche once again, opening the car door for her and she slightly turned on the radio, he let out a small laugh to himself, he got the pretty girl. He got into the Porsche again and began backing out.
“There’s something about ditching a really expensive dinner date that leaves you wanting more,” she said, absent-mindedly.
“What kind of more?” he asked.
“The kind you see in the movies, fully exposed and adventurous, you know?”
“Well, we could always sneak into the Wayne Manor Gardens and dance the night away under the stars like lovers do,” he half-joked, placing a hand on her thigh again and pretending like he did it subconsciously, but he was hyper-aware, especially when he caught her smile as she laughed.
“Wayne Manor? With your brothers, sisters, dad, and grandfather?” she paused, “If you’re serious, then no, not tonight. If you’re pulling my leg then, hell fucking no,” she joked.
“Maybe one day, then, huh?”
“One day, for sure. When it isn’t scary to accidentally run into your family on their property running around with you,” she said.
“Well, we can always go into the Wayne Enterprises Ballroom and dance the night away, no one should be in the office for a while and even then since there are no classes in the entire school tomorrow you can just hide out in my office if we stay too long,” he paused to make sure she was still listening, “Security can’t question me because I’m Bruce Wayne’s son, and security is tight as fuck so paparazzi can’t get to us,” he paused to put a little bit of pressure on her thigh, “What do you say? Can I have this dance, Milady?” he half-joked.
“You want to know something Jason?
“Always, Y/N.”
“I took dance lessons when I was younger, can you Waltz?” she asked.
“Yes ma’am, I can.”
“Then I’m in, let’s go.”
She loved the feeling of being back in her new hometown, Gotham. So when they pulled into the massive black building, she felt even more welcomed, security at the gates did ask ‘Who’s the girl?’ but Jason just explained it very easily,
“You know that date of mine that flipped off the press and you lot loved it?” he asked.
“Yes, sir,” the man responded.
“You can call me Jason, you know that. But this is that girl.”
And they were let through the parking gates and into the underground parking system, they had to travel surprisingly far to Jason’s reserved spot in the lot, but the did get there before it hit AM. Once out of the car, Jason grabbed her hand and they ran into the building’s employees doors. It was a tight squeeze, but the feeling of Jason pressed so close to her sent chills down her spine. They went through many halls and reached the Ballroom, and entering it was like a dream for her.
Walls lined with intricate shapes and colours, but the colours never brought away from the stage at the far end from the door, the curtains seemed to redden with each step towards them, the 3, maybe 4 chandeliers hung above her like crystals in the ocean, it was amazing and beautiful. Checkered floorboards to give it a little bit of dimension, but it was the same colour as the main wall so your brain and eyes wouldn’t hurt after looking at it. It was stunningly beautiful and that’s what drew her in.
When he grabbed her hand and put on Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machine, pulling her close to his chest and slowly Waltzing her around the room, spinning her when it felt right for him to do. Neither of them worried about the sloppiness or how it looked to the naked eye because it was for them. no one got satisfaction like they did at that moment. And grabbing her for one last dip was Jason’s goal when the ending of the song hit, although out of breath and his face stuffed in her chest as they both panted, he did pull her up so they were face-to-face on the dancefloor that they wiped clean.
“Did I tell you that you look stunning, Y/N?”
“I think you mentioned it a few times, Jay,” she said, staring directly into his eyes.
“Well, I mean it.”
“And I’m going to mean this,” she paused, taking her hand and placing it on his cheek, “ The way your eyes are a green-blue tint makes me lost in them, they’re like a sea of this mind I find myself liking more and more every day,” she paused to put her other hand on his other cheek, “And the way your nose and cheek freckles frame them is amazing.”
And he went for it. Somehow when he pressed his lips into hers, it felt like they were meant to match, and they both opened their mouths to play the coveted game of tongue-war, but they didn’t play by the rules, it was soft and sweet but full of passion and love, not lust. His hands would travel to her waist and lightly grip her, while her hands would travel to his neck and drape around the back of it.
They pulled away at the same moment to take in air, something they had clearly been missing as they were connected, they both let out a small chuckle before she put her hands in his hair and went in for round 2.
This time it was hungrier, and they both played with the shapes of the other so much more as time went on, he would grab her ass and she would pull on his hair slightly before he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and moved one of her hands to the nape of his neck, this time, they would break for seconds only to start moving towards his office, which, conveniently, had a couch.
To say he threw her on that couch would be an understatement, he fucking thrust her on that couch and climbed on top of her, it was like 3 days of passion and lust combined themselves in a matter of minutes from their first kiss to them meeting on the couch. They both knew deep down that it couldn’t escalate further than this, especially at 1 in the morning, but time moves fast when you’re connecting in this way.
They finally broke after their passionate exchange and he fell to her side and began to spoon her, “Worth it,” he whispered.
“Worth what?” she asked.
“It was worth it to take a chance and defy my anxieties to ask you on that first date.”
“I don’t like a reality where you didn’t ask me on that date.”
“Neither do I, and I’m positive of that.”
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dylanxmin · 3 years
nobody does it like you do∣ k.nj
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this work made for valentine’s day and there is a masterlist where a couple of writers came together to write for the sprit of the valentin’s day. please check the masterlist, and give lots of love to each work !  ♡ ♡
bangtan pastries ; valentine’s mlist
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you didn’t fall in love with kim namjoon at the first sight, or he didn’t look anything sweet in the metal cage, but out of the ring, he was the sweetest, kindest one you can meet. Day by day, you fell in love and after two years, he decided to be the cheesy lover. 
OR to cringe you in and out on the valentine days.
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pairing; fighter!namjoon x female!reader
genre; cheesy romance, smut, light angst(very very light dark atmosphere,oops:), established relationship, valentine au, pwp?,,
rating; m +18
warnings; mention of blood(as nj is a fighter:), mention of sex, kinda toxic but not toxic relationship(they just way too in love:), cage fighting, mention of yoonmin(and they have daddy issues:), mention of crossdressing, namjoon is totally an exhibitionist(but not gonna happen), a couple of curse words, Valentine's Day cliches(of course, duhh!), master - pet kink, bdsm motives, bondage, shibari(?), dom namjoon, sub reader, oral (f), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, begging, dirty talk, pain kink, humiliation kink, degradation, choking, biting, marking, hair pulling, rough sex, messy sex, unprotected sex(u know what not to do:), ig reader has a thing for namjoon’s hands but yeah,,,
word count; 11.4k 
a/n; heyyy, happy late valentine’s???,,, well, i have lots of complicated thoughts on this one ‘cuz my mind and my muse had a big fight on this fic. One of them wanted it to be very, very dark while the other decide it would be too much(you should guess which one wanted it to be dark and which didn’t)... so ion know if this come out as dark or light? maybe in between? hopefully? Plus, smut took me ages to write, as it clear, I can’t write smut now. Yeah, tea is out ! lol. a n y w a y s.... hope you will enjoy reading it? PLS mind the warnings guys, ion want you to feel uncomfortable,, soo, enjoy it xx  ♡
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             ‘‘Listen to your heart when he's calling for you
                 Listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do’’
The question starts with a wrong turn at the top. Not ‘why?’. It should be ‘how?’. Would be more fitting, more understandable. 
How did you fall in love with him? 
Yes, you. How exactly did you fall in love with the man you called the love of your life?
Because he was a fine looking man? He was tall? Got a sense of fashion? He was hot, maybe? 
No. You fall in love because he has everything you want. Everything you need. And also more. Even more. 
It was the way the dark pupils lost behind the curl of his eyelids in a good laugh. Sugar skin dips down to force out the cute little holes, the dimples. Or the apricots, you called them mostly. 
Maybe you fell in love because you were jealous of the way he loved, cared for his plants and simply wanted to take their place in his heart. Or, he was so caring that he could still love watering his plants, talking to them while loving you crazy. Sending you to the moon before you can understand the lackness of your weights, the easiness of your heart, he would take you back. Land you gently as ever.  
Not knowing for sure, but you may also have fallen in love with him when he rented the second bike for you, so you could go to the mountains with him. Or when he had read the book you mention out of the context, without even paying attention that you couldn’t even remember when he said he read it in three days. 
Maybe it had happened because he gave you a soda when he took it for himself, or the one time he had chosen to stay with you rather than going out with his friend because you weren’t feeling well enough. Maybe-
When the killer hands for his opponent tangled above your skin so carefully that it felt like a feather, it may be the reason. The same hands that bloomed scarlet stains bake the most beautiful, heavenly pastries for you to lose in the taste, you may or may not fall in love. 
You could say countless examples and it wouldn’t be enough as it didn’t happen in one night, or because of a thing. Just simply as ever, you, fell in love with the most dangerous - as well as the softest - man in Korea. 
The ruthless, mellow, the raptorial, thoughtful, destructive fighter one can ever see in a lifetime. 
Brightest man in the fighting industry. The idol of the young ones. 
The Chopper. 
Your lover. Everything you want. And more. 
Kim Namjoon. 
The darkest night and the brightest star at the same time. Every nightmare, every heavenly dream he was able to be at the same time but now, inside the metal cage, he chose to be the first one. To be his opponent’s nightmare as the constant strikes didn’t stop, continued to smash on the skin of the man who was looking almost at the same age as your lover, something was cracking. 
Stage surrounded by the crowd, acclaimings, a chain of the name of your lover’s attached to the lips of the audience, he was feeding by it. As it was obvious by the curl of his mouth, back muscles going lack and strains again with every syllable of his name. 
Opposite to the others, you were silent. Tongue-tied, mostly. 
Not because you are afraid of the crimson on his hand, or the light of something inhuman deep inside of his eyes. You were muted against the glory he held around himself. The way he owned everything and everyone in there, you as well. Sun-kissed skin glowing with victory sweats, and more, the bell ringed. 
Once, twice, and three times. 
Bell of the Chopper’s victory call. And everyone going crazy behind you, beside you, in front of you, you continued to watch your lover. Muted. Frozen. Swollen with pride. Couldn’t even take your phone to stick this moment into eternity, even though you want to have this moment in your pocket. Your lover’s arm on the air, fist tight enough to break a neck, smile of his proud beamed on his face. Daunting glares melt the moment they land on yours, melting into something you may call affection. 
Maybe a bit of bashfulness, as well. 
But then, the familiar sweet apricots come to light, and the ice that holds you still breaks into million pieces. And you smile back, eyes heavy with unshed tears. Chest fluttering as the effect of seeing his dimples never, ever fades away. Starting to clap one palm to the other, ease takes over. Relief gives your air back in your lungs after you realize there is nothing to be afraid of. He, your lover, the Chopper, Kim Namjoon won the fight and he is safe now. There is no harm he could get. 
So, that means you can turn your back, and leave the crowd behind to wait for him in the locker room for him to get done with all the things he has to. Such as taking photos, talking with his boss, and filling his pocket with money. Shortly, the thing you don’t want to be included, so you pushed the iron door to get inside the to-be-empty room but clearly it wasn’t and you stop at the entrance like a deer in the headlights. 
Obviously, you weren’t expecting two shirtless men to eat each other’s face, but the loud thug of the door broke their sessions while two pairs of eyes turned over you. Shallow breaths, pink glowing cheeks, you must say that they looked adorable. 
‘‘Happy Valentine’s Day, I guess?’’ biting your lips to prevent any sort of voice from coming out, the face eaters’ smiles burned bright, like the pink horizon on their cheeks. One of them waved at you from afar, and you returned the act.  
The one with mint neon hair sat on the bench, brushing his hair back before greeting you. ‘‘I assume Namjoon won as you are not crying or screaming your lungs out?’’ 
‘‘Maybe you can be a little lighter than that, hyung.’’ even though the other tried to hide away the bluntless of the older, you snorted. He didn’t say anything wrong, though. 
Waving a hand, you open the locker of Namjoon to get his things to leave here quicker. ‘‘It’s okay Jimin-ah. I know Yoongi enough not to be bothered by him, and he is kinda right. I did cry and scream a lot when Namjoon lost a fight, so..’’ your smile and shake of your shoulder gave the younger boy relief as he moved further to settle beside you. Eyes beaming bright, he was up to say something. 
Probably something he shouldn’t. 
‘‘You gonna beat his ass, don’t you?’’ to-be whisper words coming out of the orange haired boy right beside, the older’s scoff towered behind you two. ‘‘As he took you to his match on Valentine’s Day. You must be angry.’’ 
Placing the big bag on the bench, beside Yoongi, you shake your head with a smile stuck on your mouth. While placing the cloths and couple of wires in the bag, you began. ‘‘Well, this is not the best way to be in on such a day but I’m not mad. I would be if he hadn’t won the match, but I’m not right now. Plus, are you mad at him because he took you to his match?’’ 
Before answering, Jimin leaned and put a not so light kiss to his boyfriend’s lip. Or his kinda boyfriend’s lips? You didn’t know, they were kind of weird about the whole relationship thing they had. For the last two years of your life, they were in an on-again, off-again relationship and this mainly caused Yoongi's fear of coming out by his closet. The very oh so famous businessman father of course wouldn’t let his son go all around the city with a man who had the most beautiful face that his highly known friends could see around his son’s arms, and god forbid Jimin sometimes wears so mini shorts and skirts that could get the said man have ultimate heart attacks. Mr. Min’s fear was probably beyond what you could think, and that’s why Yoongi never was able to come out and act the way his heart wanted. His father holds so much power in his palms. And Jimin sometimes was okay with this, and sometimes it was the opposite. So that’s why you weren’t so sure if this was a relationship right now. It was something, something cute, funny, deadly and very, very destructive. But something. 
‘‘He’ll watch mine after his so, it’s okay.’’ his giggle alarming yours, you both voiced out soft laughs to the air of the room. After a couple of words exchanging, the iron door opened without a crack or a force like it weighing nothing, and you know, who was behind it. And the idea flapped your stomach before even seeing his face. Even after two years, you still haven’t built up immunity to seeing him with bruises. 
Probably he had very few, but still. It played with your stomach. 
Though, it wasn’t easier being far away from him only to not see his bruises, marks that were left behind after the momentarily act of violence. The need was immediate after the ring bell. The need where you only want to hold him between your arms, protect him as much as you can from any kind of danger, and even though you weren’t built for that, he would let you to cover him for protection. Let you play your little game in your mind if that means you were happy. But the cruel pain would still affect you as seeing his skin blooming purples and reds never been an easy thing. Of course, only on him. 
Of course, the man that you had no idea about the name he had or the age he’s in, didn’t bother you. Not in the past, or the moments ago. It only fascinated you. A grand sample of the power Kim Namjoon has had in him. A staggering but not a bad reminder of your lover’s impact. 
‘‘Ready to see me, Moonlight?’’ the honey sound coming from deep in his throat, it’s enough to shake your breath. Torturing the skin above your bottom lip, you made the choice of turning your face to him, and the ache was rapid to crawl and sit heavy on your chest. 
He opened his arms to guard you from the acidic pain you will have all around your skin, you run right into the giant embrace. But, acid still manages to boil the poor skin. Whether in his embrace or not. It was just a tiny bit more comfortable way to burn in agony. Even though knowing the man who lost the fight was probably too damaged to get another strike, you just wanted to land a punch to his rival. 
Again, again, again, again, and yes, again-
‘‘Shh… you know I’m okay, right? I won. We won, Moonlight. Look at me.’’ swelled fingers lifting the chin, glossy eyes reflected from his. Every muscle working so hard not to cry, almost purple ish, slightly open wound on the corner of his lips didn’t help much. Cheekbone throbbing below the fingertips you covered on his face, you stand on your fingertips to smack a kiss. No word would be enough for you to soothe you both, more likely yourself. 
Or maybe, your voice would crack so hard that you wouldn’t be able to hold the persistent tears anymore and would cry out loud. Which you weren’t sure if that was a bad thing. 
‘‘Does… Does it hurt?’’ voice coming out raucously, you sniffed. Croons of his pupils curl so caringly as Namjoon’s heart is way too soft for your red buttoned nose. Too much for the image he holds. Smile creeping up with a morning sun swiftness, the warmness it spread is fast. Almost sweet as the first light of the first summer day, it heals you from inside a bit. Then, Namjoon shakes his head, leans a bit to capture you in a world lifting kiss like there is no one. Open-mouthed, saliva mixing under the sweet taste, your heart purrs as you receive the source of your addiction. His kiss, and the chubby lips were indeed addicting. 
Behind the fake coughs, you pull away as the last piece of air left your lungs. Space full of loud panting, staring continued. 
‘‘You see, I am great. Nothing hurts, unless you start to cry and leave me aching.’’ snort drawn out by you, Namjoon frowns as he is offended. You open your mouth to say something, but the older of the room forestalls. 
‘‘Okay, love birds. Shall we give you some privacy or can you lead this sticky sickness somewhere else?’’ Both of you focus on the man who speaks by turning your heads at him. He still stands half naked in the room, his body looks a bit red as he warmed his muscles before his fight. And they still hang broad and visible. 
But the reply won’t come from you or Namjoon-
‘‘Sickness? You were humping my leg minutes ago.’’ Jimin spats, vein throbbing ferociously on the side of his neck. 
‘‘That was different, they-’’ 
‘‘Different my ass!’’ orange hair sways from one way to the other, Jimin knits his brow. ‘‘You are only disgusted because they are in a committed relationship and your feckless ass can’t do that.’’ 
The mood change was so sudden that the smile on the corner of your lips faded so late. No one, especially Yoongi wasn’t waiting for this as his mouth parts, voiced breath drawn out. He just blinks and watches as Jimin throws a tee over his naked body, and furiously leaves the room by your side as murmuring a faint ‘sorry’. It has Yoongi stand stock-still for a couple of minutes before he goes after Jimin, running and yelling his name. 
As you said before, they were something. Something your mind couldn’t catch the mood swings. Happy for one minute, a total disaster the next. 
‘‘He’s gonna have his ass sore in the night.’’ against Namjoon’s bluntless, you punch his shoulder out of reflex. And he laughs. 
‘‘Okay, okay. Not saying anything.’’ his hand hangs on the air, a dark shade washes over his eyes as his smile turns wicked from sweet. And you know what just possessed him. Both because the familiar smirk, and being captured between him and the cold lockers. ‘‘Or, would you want your ass sore instead?’’ 
His light brown locks messed with the darker ones, forehead covered by a couple of them, he hovered over you. Breath hitching around the throat, him jamming you to the locked with his huge, muscled fighter body has you warm. A little bit too hot as you gulp loudly, nasty grin grows more. And you want it. Want him to smash you right on the cold metal and make you sore everywhere but someone could walk in. Just the same as you did to your friends. 
‘‘What’s wrong, Moonlight? Don’t you want to celebrate?’’ index finger on your cheek wondrously shakes you inside and out. Each draw of the slender skin has you gasping because that’s all you can over him. ‘‘Not so happy over our win?’’ 
A smile comes out in your breath, you shake your head while his leg finds a way between your legs. ‘‘Not- not because of that. Someone… someone might come-’’ 
‘‘And that would be a bad thing?’’ 
Lips parts, closes and parts again. Brush of his fat thigh on your skin feels too much, you blurt out a moan before you get your head together. The moment you saw him without any cover over his upper half on the cage, you wanted to have his way with you. The need was burning by the start of the night, every punch, every loud growl had been making it grow bigger and bigger and you were pulsing on the down below. If he had his way with you, you could even forget the fact that he had a fight on Valentine’s Day, but the side of your brain, the consciousness place was screaming otherwise. Not that you ever listened to it.  
Namjoon kissed again. 
It was only understandable of you to give in. As he is the Kim Namjoon, the one who knew so well about taking whatever he wanted. It didn’t matter if it’s a fight, a place he wanted to get in, or you. He will get whatever he wants, and whenever. The taste on his tongue dancing sweet and thick down yours, you’d gladly stand defenceless. What can one do? He wanted it, and he got it. 
Kiss longs enough to choke you both, though he looks way unfazed comparing you, it broke apart. ‘‘This- this is not how I imagined spending Valentine’s with you.’’ chest heaving, you put your hands on his broad chest in case he tries to lean in. Not that it’ll affect him much, but… 
Namjoon’s brow knits while the ghost of his smirk wanders wide around his mouth. ‘‘Exactly. We need to do it, it’s Valentine’s Day-’’ he exclaims but you cut him immediately. 
‘‘Not in an ugly basement of some cage fighting thing going on!’’ 
He rolls his eyes with curled lips. ‘‘Like it would be the first time.’’ and you punch him this time. Hard enough to hurt because he deserved it. He laughs, claiming it’s only a joke and lands another but quick kiss. ‘‘Let me get clean and we can get out of here, okay? I may or may not have some plans.’’ then he won’t speak for feeling like eternity to you. No matter how many times you ask or whine what his plans are, he continues to hum the same song. He showers, the same hum on his lips, he changes into clean clothes while it still lingers. 
It is true that waiting sucks. It even more when the man you love so much keeps you waiting. You play with your phone until he is done with whatever he is doing, give some breaks only to huff and puff occasionally as both missing and curiosity fills too much of you. You know it’s not much as you both don’t like to be so fancy over anything, and don’t have so much to spend too. But whatever it is, it’ll make you so happy and thrilled because spending time with him always has you ecstatic. You were ecstatic the first time you saw him and have been till today. 
All the previous protests you held against your friend’s request of going to a cage fighting night had died the moment your eyes landed on him. Opposite to what Jungkook thought about you being petrified because of fear of all the bone crashing sounds, blood and violence, you weren’t. 
It was epiphany.  
Coming to a realization of the evil indeed could look beautiful, mesmerizing. Shouldn’t have been surprised so much as the evil itself is an angel, fallen or not. And it looked glorious in the cage, hiding under the skin of pink haired - brown locks were once pink and had undercut. - man who was beating the shit out of his rival in the cage. If he had that face when he lurked in the blood of the first one’s, you wouldn’t blame them for getting kicked out of the gates of heaven. It’s only natural to obey him, fooled by him. 
Even that moment, you knew he was everything. You knew you had to be with him, somehow. You craved his sweat covered body, his sinful fingers, parted lips to close them sweetly. 
His rage, his laser eyes, his flames-
The lust came before love, but they got along well. Falling in love felt like falling from the sky, and you were glad that you could understand how he felt years ago. The obscurity of it was terrifying, yet the thrill still beamed high. 
You were intoxicated by him, soothed by the tasty nectar of his apple. You were in love with him. And you were more than ready to be dismissed. 
‘‘Daydreaming again?’’ the man in his not so tight black jeans, matching boots and nothing more is now standing an arm length away, remains of shower still alive as his muscles and tattoos gleaming with the water drops. Air hitching around your throat, his smile beamed while he was busy drying his hair by a towel. ‘‘Bet you were thinking about me and what my plans are.’’ 
‘‘Cocky aren’t we?’’ a throaty laugh was his answer at your eye roll, a kiss you barely felt licked against your temple before he disappeared again to get fully clothed. A little bit of lying wouldn’t hurt him, but the truth about you thinking him twenty-four-seven would damage your pride so it was okay. Namjoon would not mind it, anyway. 
                                                                                                       ⋅*⋆ ♥ ⋅*⋰*⋅ ♥ ⋅*⋆ ⋅
The ride back home was a bit tough both for you two. Maybe more for him but if he wanted he could easily ease down your endless questions, but fortunately for both he didn’t. He hummed every question with a completely blank face, and chose to drive you wild. 
‘‘This is our way back home. We are going home?’’ 
A hum.
‘‘Are we going to the pub in the corner of our street? What was it, Bailey’s?’’ 
Another hum. 
‘‘You are not gonna tell me aren't’ you? This sucks, waiting sucks, you suck!’’ 
And there is the fucking hum and the laugh. He laughed at you like you were the one who acts hilarious. For the whole ride - and it was nothing more than twenty minutes but it felt like it - he hummed and laughed. Most of the questions were welcomed by silence, and the others died around your throat before even voiced out as well as your enthusiasm. Knowing he was doing this on purpose didn’t stop you from falling right into his game. Rather, you stuck in the middle of it and the struggle for going out pulled you even more. 
As they said, once you’re in the spider web, you fucked up. 
Well, you didn’t know who said it but it was true as you couldn’t get out of the bog of question and unknown. A nature you could call it, your curse. Being the absolute form full of curiosity and undying grudge you hold when you wouldn’t be able to get what you want. Maybe a bit spoiled as the other always called you, it never bothered you. What’s wrong with being a bit spoiled as long as you have what you wanted and didn’t hurt anyone? Well, at least the damages were not bad.
‘‘Home sweet home, huh? Hop off now.’’ it was direct when he stopped the engine of the car. Though, not rude. Namjoon could never be rude, and you know it better than anyone. Maybe he is in the cage, but that’s only natural. Cage was for animals, and he was one inside of the worn out metal. 
And again, you were angry. ‘‘Why didn’t you tell me I guessed it right at the head of the ride. I could have suffered less, you know.’’ and you had all right to feel your blood raging inside your veins, jumping right and left. Slamming the ages old car’s door without having mercy on it, you act before him and hurried your steps into your apartment. One hand searching the bag for the now lost keys. Of course, you weren’t just angry because you were going to spend the night in your house, you loved being at home with him. You were half-serious, half-acting your rage as a revenge. 
‘‘Woah, now don’t take our anger out of my girl, huh. What do you say?’’ he was coming back at you, grin hide away. Namjoon always adored how you were the literal ball of anger. Looking from out, everyone could easily misperceive who was in the charge in this relationship, but when you were all alone with your demons lurking free, he was always too eager to bend the knee. 
Maybe he didn’t have to work hard to get you at first, as you were already too deep in him. Yet, he knew. He knew that he'd chase you until the end of the world and beyond only to be with you more. To be close to you. To be yours. 
He shamelessly eyed the shape of your hips while you were climbing the stairs, as it’d be dumb not to. Outraged echoes of your mud covered boots beaming all around the walls, he bite his lip hard. It was a shame not to just have you right here, right now, where everyone could easily see. Maybe another time-
Now, your reaction is more important for him, so he waits while you fight with your purse to find the key, opening the door of your shared apartment, and then stopping instantly. 
As the night only allows you to see so little thanks to the light that echoed by the street, your body leans on the other sense you had. The smell that you shouldn’t smell tangles around your nostrils, magically the taste finds a way to bloom above your tongue, watering all over your mouth and you turn your head at Namjoon who is not sharing the same confusion with you. Rather, he was smiling with brows lifted high. And it only lead you to think-
‘‘What did you do?’’ he laughed at you as waiting this reaction, pushing you inside to close the door behind you and him. 
When the lights on he whispers behind your ear, way too delighted. ‘‘What does it look like?’’ 
And then, they were the things that shouldn’t be in your living room. The not so big clothed table, having lots of ornate belongings that didn't belong to you. Black covering above the white table cloth, there were so many forks, spoons that you would never use. The combination of red roses and black candles made you sick on the stomach as you stood there, mouth hanging open, literal disgust in your feature. 
Turning your head once again, you faced the man who was biting his smile, hiding it behind a thin line. ‘‘What do you think?’’ he asks, although knowing the answer very well, Namjoon needs to hear it from your lips. The delight was shrouded under it. And before you can utter an answer, you give one look to the table, and then your lover’s expecting face. Words loading to your closed mouth, you pushed them to the air rather than swallowing down. 
‘‘It’s hideous, I loved it!’’ 
Running in the middle of the room to examine the table better, Namjoon follows from behind, a laughter on his throat. From up close, it looked even worse. The absolute cliche you never grew liking. But you loved it because it was also not fitting with the man who Namjoon was and it made all these things amusing. Yes, he was kind, caring and a romantic without acknowledging it but never like this. More likely, he would do things without any romantic motive in them and that's exactly the reason you fell in love with him. He never bought you roses, but you were growing so many plants that one can call it a garden. He never took you out to a fancy place for dinner or never, ever made a table like that but he did cook the best food you ever had in your life. 
As the room filled with the tasty smell of something, you were going to turn back to ask what was the cause of it but the broad weight capturing you between the fat arms, your question melted away. 
Small, semi-wet touch of kisses painting your neck, you grabbed the head of some chair. Lashes flutter shut, you lean a bit back and bare your neck for more. ‘‘It smells so good. What is it?’’ barely whispered words coming out of you, Namjoon kissed the crook in the back of your neck, creating a deep purple before popping the skin off and clearing his throat. 
‘‘It’s something you would love to eat, but before-’’ the sound of his pocket continued after his word died, fingertips occupying you by the play on your stomach, the barrier of your shirt already passed. Flutter of your lashes, you lean back and wait rather than asking him what he was up to, or when he gathered these cheesy atmospheres. Namjoon chose to not rush anything, taking his phone from his pocket, steadily, unrushed. As he had already prepared it, he only had to touch the play button and the music filled the room. 
‘‘Oh- NO!’’ the flip of your stomach was funny as the laugh popped out as a reflex. Familiar melody echoing through the ice blue walls, your body moves with the man behind you, simultaneously. Following his steps while taking little right and left, tiny touches of his lips continued as he giggled with you. 
She's a little pirate in my mind.
‘‘You gotta be kidding me, right?’’ things have you surprised as they were highly odd, not expected from the man who never does anything this obvious. And plus, this isn’t being romantic in your language, this was being cheesy for both of you and you have had no idea why he was doing these all of a sudden. 
Give her all the love she gives to me. Rather than replying to you, he go alongs with the song. 
‘‘Never felt this love from anyone’’ Namjoon nudges at the side of your neck with the tip of his nose before talking - not mimicking the song this time -. ‘‘Remember the song, yet? It’s from the time where we first gathered on the bar, you were there with your friend, staring deep into my soul?’’ 
A man can never dream these kind of things
Especially when she came and spread her wings
Whispered in my ear the things I'd like
Surely you remembered the day he was talking about, how could you forget it while you did wait for that moment to come for feeling like a lifetime after you first saw him inside the cage. All that sweaty caramel skin had glowed in your dreams, the image of his tightened muscles left you leaking for so many nights. Therefore, you obviously remembered the day when Jungkook stalked him to find his favorite place so you two could act like you were always hanging there - which it worked -. There was no use pretending you weren’t captivated by him, so you did stare at him too much. Until he had noticed you, asked for your number, and fucked you on your bed, wall, kitchen… Poor Jungkook for hearing all of them, though, you learned that he used them for his own pleasure, so you guessed it was a win - win situation. 
‘‘Well, you know I get what I want, so…’’ the laugh coming rough, almost reminding a growl on your neck, he turned you over so you can meet him in the eye. Now, back rubbing one of the chairs, his long bony fingers already wrapped above your cheeks, you did the exact thing from the day. Stare deep in him. 
Side of his lips curled high, he wets his lips. ‘‘Hope you will have the same courage later in the night.’’ the eyes of him digs in you cold and greedy, your gulp sounds loud. It has him laughing, not so loud ‘hah’ presents his pearly teeth. ‘‘Before you, we have other things to eat.’’ 
                                             ⋅*⋆ ♥ ⋅*⋰*⋅ ♥ ⋅*⋆ ⋅
As Namjoon told you the details that you were very oblivious to, you learned that he got Jungkook’s help to decorate your apartment, all the cheesy atmosphere related to your sweet valentine just because you grumble behind his back that he wasn’t romantic enough, - even though you couldn’t remember when - and obviously, he wanted to punish you by doing this. Well, he didn’t call this as punishment but for you, it was because the romantic words, the whole decoration was too sweet for the souls you two had. 
‘‘It’s good that Jungkook helped you out while we were at your fight, but you know that he won’t help you with the cleaning, right?’’ like a lightning just struck on him, the pastry fell on the plate. His puppy digits grow wide, you find it beyond cute. 
‘‘Then it’s good news that I have the most caring girlfriend by my side?’’ the shake of your head wears his smile off, as he betrayed. He will think better next time before covering the whole floor with rose petals, now. And you hide your giggle behind the delicious pastry that he baked by filling your mouth with it, as his whines loud. ‘‘After all of these, I guess it’s too much to wait for a thank you in return.’’ 
Nodding, you take another bite. ‘‘Cream cheese mixes with the apricots way better than I thought.’’ he watches your struggle to lick the remains of the cream, so he leans and cleans the corner of your lips with his thumb. Brain freezes for a couple of minutes as his tongue curls around the thumb, leaving nothing behind. ‘‘Why- erm- why the apricot danish, though?’’ 
He leans closer, elbows rest on the table as the voluptuous eyes lure in you, stomach makes a funny flip at the way his stare goes between your eyes and the now chewed lips. Voice low and rough, it’s enough to have you clenching your walls. 
‘‘I wanted you to experience how it feels to eat me, as I always do the eating out.’’ unnecessarily bold words has you gasping, crumbles of the pastry goes to the wrong pipe and you almost choke. 
Wine nearly dries off when you clash the glass to your mouth, drinking it to ease the coughing. Namjoon watches all of these very calm, grin sneaky on his mouth. The back of his head was busy with what he prepared for later that night, in your bedroom. 
While you were still dizzy with the image of tonight's fighting, the duality he was showing was whirling your head, tongue feels lull, eyes burning from behind. And you loved how he makes you weak in and out. A toy at the end of his words. You pressed your thighs together to reduce the ache, and it barely helped. All you can think of is now his sweat glistening muscled back, your nails adding sweet crimsons to the palette, tongues ferociously devouring each other, breaths loud enough for your neighbour to hear as he takes you down-
‘‘S-so, you are the desert itself?’’ 
As the images flashing behind your head having you too hot, you had to cut it with blurting out the first thing that related to the topic but away enough to get you cold, again. Though, your voice did come out weird, high and distracted. 
Amusement tangled on the line of your boyfriend, his smirk only adds gasoline to your fire. And you visibly could see the reflection of the sharp edged flames by his eyes. To your liking, he didn’t force more and nods while explaining.
‘‘Well, you always refer to my dimples as apricots and we can agree that my personality kind of bittersweet as the cheese cream and when you mix them-’’ he abruptly stops and opens his hands in front of his face, resembling a blooming flower. ‘‘Voila! A complete pastry that you can enjoy.’’ Suspicious enough, his features change. As innocent as he can, he looks at you with wide, shining orbs and the man who teases you, almost chokes you down with his words now nowhere to be seen. Like he was never there at first. And this was exactly what was fucking you up every time his duality slips. Like he wasn’t the one who was breaking bones as they were chips, washing the scarlet down from his flesh, mounting behind you like he was the animal. Would growl, bite the thin skin over your neck so severely that it would bloom purple and yellow for the whole week and maybe more- 
This time, to capture your slipped attention, Namjoon had to wave his hand inches away from your blushed face. You had to swallow down hard as the cock of his brow openly, showing that he knew exactly what your dirty mind was busy with. And the tongue poking his cheek from inside always enough to have you drooling, as the air is getting thick and bothering you have to drink another sip of wine. 
‘‘Clear as glass, your mind can’t stop thinking what I can and will do to you. So, I want to make it obvious that at least one of us tried to be kind today.’’ the index finger pointing himself, he smiled one more time before his eyes went deep black. Shaking you in and out. And your mind wandered around the thought of you getting under the table just so you could hump on his leg as long as he lets you. But the tone of his coming words warned you before you can lose on the thought. ‘‘Now, I want you to go in there, and wait for me. That’s something you can do?’’ 
Behind your fluttering eyelids, your eyes trailed where his finger pointed, the mutual bedroom, and back his face. As the tone and the words enough for you to understand who was sitting in front of you now wasn’t just Namjoon. 
He was the Chopper. 
Merciless, brutal, bruising. 
The Chopper and his killer hands, choker fingers, cutting teeth. 
Everything you wanted and more. Everything you can’t even dream of. 
‘‘Y-yes. Yes, I can do that, Master.’’ the name enjoys the man, he feels proud that you can go into submissiveness even before he says much. In the end, he did train you for that, and he did it well because now, you are on your feet, walking further to the room he pointed by tripping over your shoe just once. 
It’s another whiplash for you to go into your room and find a black hook, secured to your ceiling after you turn the lights on. It wasn’t there before, was it? You’d have known if you had something like that on your ceiling because weird as ever, you stare there too much. Whether when you were overthinking or just dazed upon. Shaking your thoughts away, you forced yourself to focus on the hook again. Because obviously, it wasn’t the best time to think what you were doing in your seperate time as you had a fucking hook over your head, and a Master inside. 
‘‘That’s right.’’ well, he wasn’t sitting on the table inside like you guessed as his breath is tickling behind your ear. ‘‘I will hang you there, in the middle of our room, all tied up, helpless, and then-’’ with the connection of his skin on your sides, not so high from your hips, you shut your eyes and leaned back. He grabs your skin hard enough to draw a whimper, before continuing. ‘‘Eat your pretty cunt until you cry, overwhelmed. Then, gonna fuck you again, again and again, for you to cry even more. How that sounds, pet?’’ 
The last part putting chills all over your skin, you tremble under his embrace. Voice so controlled, husky, dizzying that your knees ready to give up just from that. Years after, the impact of his words never faded. 
‘‘Sounds… s-sounds good, Master. Sounds so good.’’ even though knowing you shouldn’t, your hands at your side, burns with the need of holding him close so you can brush your ass over his crotch to get a friction. It feels so empty, and that can push you into a stage where it drives you mad. ‘‘Please-’’
‘‘As a pet, don’t you think you talk too much even though no one asks you anything?’’ 
It hits as sharp as a whip to the gut, with the shame of making your Master angry, you feel like crying. But you only nod and utter certain words. ‘‘Yes, Master. I’m sorry.’’ 
Then, everything starts and goes so smoothly. The acts are unrushed, familiar, thrilling in a way that your stomach feels like a cheerleader and doing some flips over and over again. It even causes another rush of dizziness to you more. You’ve got used to feeling his hands on you, on the skin, so elegant yet enough to break, but against his smooth touch, the rope now covering your body, restrains your arms on your back in a very aesthetic way, has your heart fluttering its wings.  
His silent grunt reaches your ears weakly when he finishes with the last knot, and now you are bare as ever, helpless, and in his mercy. 
Before he talks, his kiss on the neck is full of lusciousness. ‘‘Just one last step, and then you will be my dessert for tonight.’’ nothing higher than a whisper, his words have you gasping. Nowhere on your body left unaffected by the sinister’s great word play. Behind your back, Namjoon’s eyes are going deeper and darker, stars glowing with lust in them, and you don’t need to see them to know it. Witnessing and memorizing the reactions, the actions of his body came at the same time with the hasty need you had for him, and it goes for both of you. 
So, when he finally finishes with you tied and hanged, you know his tongue rolled over his sharky-white teeth. 
‘‘Does anything bother you, baby? Something too tight, or loose maybe?’’ 
Safety is the thing Namjoon values much, even though you love it when he loses control and attacks you like an animal in bloodlust, you still stop and check yourself. Floor is a ghost for your toes, barely there for you to hold on to, everything seems fine when you try to escape, writhing in the trap of him, purposely trying to hurt yourself by the ropes but nothing hurts. At least nothing hurts that much because you like it when things hurt. Especially the thing standing behind your back, hovering over you, touch of his lips wet and affectionate on the flushed skin.  
Finally, Namjoon gets his answer. ‘‘Nothing hurts, Master. Thank you.’’ 
And he laughs at that. Not too much but enough to draw a sound between his teeth. ‘‘Always so good, so grateful to his Master, aren’t you little pet?’’ a tiny slap on your bare asscheek and you answer him with a breathy yes, master. 
Namjoon’s fingers move slowly, like in an exploration. First on your shoulders, nail drawing red where it touches, a thin line of tiny bruises. It goes all the way down from your shoulders to your hips, plays around the rope where it slightly covers your breast, capturing them in their own triangle shaped ropes. When he stops to draw circles inches high between your legs, you jerk your hips and that causes you to lose your balance. 
‘‘We are so responsive today.’’ he chuckles but it dies with the bite of his nails on the same spot as he positions you back. ‘‘So out of manners, can’t even stay still for Master. You are being useless like this, and I don’t like to play with a pet that has an empty skull. But you already know it, don’t you?’’ 
His nails are still digging your skin, it brings tears to your eyes and you nod. ‘‘I-I know, I’m sorry.’’ 
‘‘Apologizing won’t work if you continue to act like a ill-behaved toy.’’ to underline his anger, he lands another slap on your ass but this time it burns. And it takes all your effort to not writhe under it. 
‘‘I won’t do it again-’’ 
Another hit encourages your first tear to roll over to leave a wet trail on your face. Skin burning, itching, but all you feel is ecstasy to have more. To him, you shouldn’t enjoy it when he tries to punish you for not behaving right, but you can’t help it. Every strike, every killing hit brings shameless joy in you and you just can’t get enough. 
His octopus tattooed hand grabs over the bruised skin. ‘‘Are you enjoying this? Did I corrupt you that much, Puppy?’’ he snickers, teeth biting the flesh of your neck and you let your head rest on his shoulder. A similar smile tugs on your mouth, another tear goes down. 
‘‘I love it when Master hurts me. It feels too good.’’ 
Sounds sick, but there is no use of hiding the truth. Licking over the bite he gave you, Namjoon replies with the remain of his smile appearing on his words. ‘‘Oh, I know that baby. I know how you look stunning in red. All smiley with tears.’’ 
You giggle as his fingers go lower, playing with the skin of your slit. Though, you stay still. No matter how much it tickles when your blood rushes over there, even when his finger finds your needy clit. Already throbbing in bliss, you stay still. Though, even when he says you shouldn’t move, he likes to make a trembling mess out of you. Maybe it’s wrong to feel, but your tears give him unbearable joy. If the cry was caused by him, though. Otherwise, he could fuck up if someone even cause your lip to tremble which he proved that, many times. 
With hands tied up behind, you have too little mobility. Plus, your toes barely touch the floor, so even when he starts to rub your clit, you can only thrash as a response. Moaning after every rude circle, the heat was building fast and heavy in your stomach. Soft kisses on your neck turn into wet ones, and include his teeth. Available other hand goes up to hang around your breasts, toying around the now hardened buds, pulling when you least expect, and earning another choked moan. 
His very clothed body against your naked one creates a big contrast, a visible sample to show who is in charge, but you can feel how ready he is behind his clothes, his groin hard and furious as he rubs it on your hips with controlled movements. And every rub remanding how empty you are, his fingers above your clit making it even worse as it builds the sweet coil inside, inches high from your stomach. 
Pushing your hips back, you pleaded, voice all broken. ‘‘Feels.. feels so empty. P-please fill me, Master.’’ 
His fingers at your entrance, plays with your mind to believe he would push them in. You gasp as he just pushes his thick digits inches, mocks you with a laugh as he takes them back right away. 
‘‘Asking so cute and docile, yet you will feel that a bit more.’’ 
And you whine loud, not in a rebellious way but much like in need. Which, that is what you are, a needy mess as you were dreaming of him from the start of this day, seeing him half naked, angry, in an act of violence, drenched in sweat. Today was a torture, and Namjoon contunied the ruthless game. Rubbing, pulling, twisting every tender spot, your nipples, clit, inside your thighs, over your stomach. Every inch of you tortured, played by him, and it was going to continue as you heard a rustle behind you. His hands stopping on your thighs, he sighs. 
‘‘Fuck, my pet looks so tasty, all wet and ready.’’ your walls dripping, Namjoon licks his lips as the sight has him hungry. The pink skin nearly drooling in front of his sight, he was beyond ready to eat you, drink everything you give.
Like a starved man, on his knees, he takes a lick from you. The taste whirling his head, he growls, holding you tighter in his palms while you try to chase his tongue. Sob so agonized as it leaves your lips. 
But when his tongue finally finds the throbbing core, in relief and heat you let your head fall back. Wanting to clench your palms but the robes won’t let it as he tied some of your fingers, too, only to leave you more desperate. So you whine even more when his tongue pokes your insides, not entering but enough to shake your legs, swirl your head and to lose your breath into the room. Humiliating as ever, every swirl of his tongue pulls another cry, another tear, and his name the only thing that spills from your lips. 
Mind blinded by one thing. And it’s just The Chopper. 
His hot tongue. 
Tickling hair. 
Bruising hold.
Bite over your skin, here and there had you whimper repedately. The rich ardor boiling high, ready to explode as he circles, and circles, and circles his tongue over your clit- 
His lips lock around the frantic nub- 
And it causes you to lose yourself in the consuming delight, coming on his face as he starts to suck your clit. Toes curling, thighs trembling as the sharp euphoria boils in your veins, blood pumping faster as your eyes go behind your head. 
But Namjoon won’t stop until he catches every drip, sucking the spent bud, pushes you to the edge of overstimulation and your cries won’t work, either. 
‘‘Please, please, Master please,’’ is all you can say without even knowing what you were begging for. 
Which this is all you losing control more and more, limbs going weak, head dibs into the thick, blurry stage where the only thing you want is Namjoon. The only thing you need, the only thing you feel covered by him and you fell into the substage where he has you in his palm. To use it on behalf of both you and himself. To bring joy in your submissive brain with his domineering talks, touches, attacks. You were coming down from your first high, but already lost on the sensation where everything just started. The Chopper’s tongue cleaning the remains of your climax off your inner thighs, he gets on his feet after leaving two specific bruises, red and purple, by sucking the flesh hard and deep. 
‘‘I made you come but you still beg for more? One high isn’t enough for a slut like you, hm?’’ next, his fingers shove into your hair, pulling by the roots rough. ‘‘Nothing enough unless you have my cock in you, you greedy bitch.’’ 
Words nothing but like slaps landing on your face, your breath hitches under your moan. It should feel wrong to get off on hearing these, but the words throbs where you need the most. 
Fist to the gut, but the pain that comes with it is a bliss. 
Vulgar, yet caring your needs like a feather on the skin. 
Shady, vehement, maybe even tainted but you can’t stop loving that it cuts your heart and brings wings out of the wounds. It may be bleeding, but bandages have flowers on them. 
On your toes, it has all your effort but you manage to push your ass high, right on his crotch to tease, touches nothing more than a wind on the hair, you still giggle as he grunts and pulls your head back. The angle wicked as your neck looks like it’s going to give up, you whimper low by the pain. 
Sick smile still tugged on your mouth. ‘‘Yes, yes that’s true. Your pet is all empty, needy. Need you to mark her like you would mark your territory, Master. Your pet needs your cum on her.’’ maybe it is because of the words you just said, or the pout on your lips, Namjoon growls like an animal, hands grabbing every available flesh, pulling, clawing as he wants to tore your skin off and reach your soul to corrupt it visibly like he didn’t break you already. 
Then he bites down the skin between your neck and shoulder, enough to draw blood. 
‘‘My territory?’’ he spits. He sounds outraged, and even though you said things enough to get him angry, the shade of joy is still in his tone so you know he also likes how you provocate him. ‘‘Well, after all a pet should be treated the way it deserves.’’ 
Humiliation burns hot red, you squirms at the words. A need of holding on to something is increasing in you as after coming down by your high never stopped being tiring. With him, it’s like you feel everything ten times harder, deeper, and undoubtedly better. However, it only causes you to want more, never having enough of the things he gives. And you had a whole night to consume one another. 
When he talks, you see his reflection on your dressing mirror by the corner of your eyes. His hand ready above his belt, lewdness lingers on his smirk. And he looks gorgeous, hovering behind you, huge and sturdy. If you weren’t held by these ropes, your knees would give up many minutes ago. 
‘‘As we are animals tonight, shall we continue our hunt?’’ shaking you from head to toe, he truly looks like a predator with the gaze of a wolf, ready to eat you whole, make a feast out of you. Remains of your ecstasy shines when the light hits his face. A very graphic proof that he is out for hunting. Already captured his prey, and now there is only one thing left to do. 
To devour. 
As he finally releases his dick, it hangs angry and gigantic. The head in a deep red, shows how much he needs to come, it’s already wet, nearly dripping. In awe, and hunger, you watch him kicking his pants aside, taking everything off and leaving himself naked as you. With that, more of his tattoos reach your eyes as they go up and down. Sizing him up like you never see him, truly naked, looking like a partly completed palette with his body covered with so many colors. So many figures, numbers, blacks, reds, blues… 
Having so many things, he creates his noble singularity. Becoming a very special piece of his own. 
A mouth watering sight. All those muscles, buffy chest, eyes that have a hold of your soul, you leak even more. Though, he stays there, enjoys the way you watch him hungrily, as he strokes himself with slow moves. Eyes crossing each other’s paths on the mirror and he cocks a brow before letting his head fall back as he continues to stroke himself. 
His dimples out but from biting his lower, thinned lip and the taste of the pastry he baked blooms at once, covering all over your tongue as you want to dive it in his dimples, cover them wet with sloppy kisses. The thirst distinguishes itself once again. Murky and strong that you have to clench your walls, emptiness drives you mad more as he just continues to pleasuring himself while you literally hang from your ceiling, dirtying all over your carpet with how much you leak desperately. 
As expected, one low keen whimper by him is all it takes for you to let everything aside and submit to his merciless game. Fluttering like a fish on a net, you beg without holding nothing, tears streaming hot and fast. 
‘‘Namjoon, Master, please-... just please can you please fuck me? Please I need this, I need you, please?’’ 
‘‘Oh, was I too intense, maybe?’’ even though he asks as he worries, he still has that goddamn smile while placing himself behind you. Brush of his red skin to your damp pussy has you choke on your breath immediately. The loss of the contact affected you more than you realised and now having him so close feels just like heaven. Or hell. You didn’t care as long as he was there with you, to hold you close, kiss you sloppy, and fuck you like he hates you. 
Nothing mattered as long as you had him. 
Lips over your earlobe, you drip more right on his shaft between your legs. Pulse drums right over the skin where he touches you, teases you, like it’s all your body is waiting for. 
‘‘As you wished, now I will fuck you, darling.’’ teeth licking the skin with a faint press, his fingers go down to adjust himself. He fixes his bulge between the pink lips, not entering but it’s enough for him to rub his dick with what you were leaking, wetting himself to ease the act. 
But after every slow grind, your insides clenches with anticipation, waiting for the damaging push and the frustration grows more and more as you wiggle in his hold. It’s not a surprise how delirious you are just from not having him inside, as the need always wins with its whole glory over every other sense you have. Leaving you completely brainless when things come to the point where you are so desperate to have him in you that you would go on your knees and beg your lungs out for it. Of course, the sex is good, but with Namjoon it’s never only because of it. It’s the way you feel complete, leaving the worries behind and letting yourself completely at his hands. It’s always much better when you have nothing to decide because Namjoon will do that for you, like you couldn’t handle it, like your mind was too useless that he has to deal with everything, and will bring unbelievably severe pleasure with that- 
A sudden pull of his arms tears you away from your thinking. Your back hits his chest, hands settling on your hips as he starts to move further. Filling you full with one move, steady and unrushed. It takes him a couple minutes to fill you wholly as the length meets with your clenching walls inches and inches deeper. 
With every inch, he stretches you more, moans spilling as a mantra by your lips mixed with thank’s and broken Namjoon’s. Eyes rolled back, your heart goes insane in it’s cage, as the feeling of being finally full is the best thing that happens to you, tears of happiness go down one by one. 
Every nerve goes into a very brief shock after meeting with him, muscles strains and eases for a couple of times before he stops fully deep in you. 
‘‘Fuck! You feel so good, so soft, baby.’’ Namjoon hisses, waits only to feel you clenching and unclenching around him. Gives you a minute for you to adjust his length, not wanting to hurt you more than you need. Yet, you barely have a limit for that shit. Like a parrot who doesn’t know what to say other than ‘more’, you always end up repeating it. 
Without spending more time, when he convinces himself that you are ready and on edge from waiting as you cry nonstop for him to move, have his way with you, he does. A long, impelling push steals the breath you had in your lungs, pulling a croaked moan as he doubles his move. Slow rhythm of his stomach meeting with the swell of your ass, the sound of your soaked pussy reacting every push with a desperate squelch, you shut your eyes. 
Nails digging in your skin, it won’t take long for him to fasten. Unrushed grindings turn into famished jams as he shoves himself deep. Burning breath right behind your neck, he sucks the skin until it blooms red from the torment of his teeth, licks the throbbing flesh but not with intention to soothe. 
‘‘Look at you in the mirror, pet.’’ behind his clenched teeth, he commands. ‘‘See how spent...you... look. Just like a dirty cockslut you are,’’ every word coming after a rough pound, they are also as remorseless as his movements. Not giving you a minute to actually look at your reflection, and as much as you see, drool dripping by your lips, makeup ruined by tears, body all red and tormented, you really do look spent. Feel also as your limbs are still lazy after the first orgasm you had. But the rude push only excites you more, delicious high builds once more as every nerve wracking slam gets you wetter. 
Then, his hands leave your hips. One of them finds your throat, the other goes over your mouth, fingers dipping inside without permission. ‘‘Suck.’’ is all he says, harsh and demanding. And you do. 
Tongue curling around the two thick digits as it was his dick instead. Lips sucks hard while you circling your starved muscles around them. More you suck it, lapping your tongue around it, you drool more. Wet patch goes all over your chest from your throat, passing his hand around it. His pace not coming down even for a bit, digits leave your mouth and find your swollen nipple. 
Damp wrap brings chill over your torso, he pinches the poor skin as harsh as his slams. You howl, wiggle in his hold but he stops you with one wild squeeze on your throat. Cutting your breath as he continues assaulting your walls. 
‘‘This is what you’ve been waiting for the whole night, right pet?’’ you try to look at his face but all you see is a blurry sight as the tears won’t let more from that. Though, you are still able to see the way he moves fast. Fast and brutal. The sound of skin hitting skin smacks on the walls, deafens you. ‘‘Hanging around my cock because that’s the only thing you are good at. Being fucked by me, until you stand boneless, brainless, hm?’’ 
You open your mouth to give him an answer but fingers tightening around the darkening skin, only a strangled grunt leaves the lips. 
‘‘Sorry, couldn’t hear it.’’ he says with a wicked smile, biting his bottom lip as he quickens his moves. Hand only loosens when your face turns purple and coughs follow one another. When he lets you breathe, you cough even more as the air burns acidic in your lungs. His fingers pinching, pulling the aching nipples, hand heavy around your throat has you on alert, slams getting more and more deep, angled hitting right on the soft pooled nerves. You found yourself on the edge of another maddening rhapsody. 
Thighs trembling furiously, you try to close your palms mindlessly, clenching your walls around him as he growls low. 
‘‘’M gonna c-cum… S-shit, I-’’ 
Throat trapped in his palm once again, his fingers finds your swollen clit, his impale focused on your sweet spot, he pinches your clit, ‘‘Then cum. Drip all over my cock, slut.’’ he says, pushing you from the edge of the luscious high. 
And you find yourself thrashing, tears filling your mouth, yes, yes, yes’s irritating your own ears as the seventh heaven welcomes you from it’s door. It takes long for you to come from your high as Namjoon continues his brutal actions. Cutting your breath, fucking you merciless, biting down every spot he finds available. Your nerves locked, mind foggy and body tender to any kind of interaction, with three deep, hurtful smack after Namjoon spills white. 
Grunts by his lungs, he fucks his cum into you. Until overstimulation feels too much for himself, he doesn’t mind how loud you cry for him to stop. Because now, everything is beyond feeling sensitive. Every poke of his dick just puts hundred needles on your skin, as you hiccup, saying it’s too much. 
Then with one light smack, he stops. Panthing behind, he stays inside of you, arms covering your body tight in an affectionate embrace. He kisses your neck, down your shoulders, over every mark he left by biting. And with every contact, your body reacts to it by shaking in his hold. Mouth lull, mind too dizzy to voice anything, he grabs your chin to turn your head. 
A soft smile is all you can see behind your tears as he leans to capture your lips in his, ‘‘Happy Valentine’s, my sweet Moonlight.’’ then he pulls you into a sloppy kiss. Tongues curl around one another, drool mixing, lips smacking repeatedly, you whimper as the sensation comes too much. 
After a rough fuck, your mind - and of course your body - finds this affection bizarre and reacts by melting under it. And it goes so long that his lips never leave yours while he sets you free from the hook, torso still tied by the rope but now you sit on his lap, losing yourself into a rousing kiss session. His fingers go up and down on your stomach, sometimes lingers around your nipples to hitch your breath. And it goes on like this until you two burn with need once again. Hard and ready for another all-consuming bliss as he helps you to ride him. 
Holds you by the waist, circles your hips on him as his head rests on the pillow. 
‘‘H-harder. Master please, I need m-more…’’ sobs won’t let you talk more, Namjoon smirks at that. Fingers grabbing you tighter, as he holds you high. 
‘‘Can’t even talk but still cries for more. Tch, always starving for Master’s cock.’’ 
Answering him by nodding, he won’t wait long to fuck you ruthless. Bouncing you on his cock, you mewl, mewl and mewl until he changes the positions to push himself deeper in you. Knees hitting your shoulder, he goes so deep that your eyes roll back until he stops his movements. Your cunt clenched around him to hold him inside, it has him coming thick and lot. Brushing his finger around your clit, rubbing and pulling the wasted bud, you come around him before he goes soft. Panting loud, desperate as everything feels too much, too strong, too surreal. 
So, when Namjoon finally lays beside you, hand patting your hair while he adjusts his breathing, you try to stop crying. 
‘‘Are you okay, baby girl?’’ he asks, a kiss to your temple. Freeing your face from your tears, you see the concern buried deep in his eyes. ‘‘Let me untie you, okay?’’ 
Nodding, you let him pull you on your ass. ‘‘I’m okay… It was just intense.’’ smile wandering on your lips, you continued. ‘‘And amazing. Don’t worry okay? I really do love when you go harsh on me. It was… fascinating.’’ 
Namjoon laughs at your face, all flushed and dreamy like you were still in the heat of your sex. Setting you free from the last knot, he kisses every mark that rope left behind, helps you to move your muscles, clench and unclench your palms to fasten your blood circulation. 
‘‘It’s like you want me to tie you like this all the time, love.’’ Namjoon cocks his brow high, as the smile still lingers on your mouth. 
‘‘Would you?’’ answer coming so fast and full of hope, he has to laugh at your eagerness. You, indeed, would love him to hang you from your ceiling all the time. As you said to him, it was intense, mind-blowing, and you did like it so much. 
Shaking his head, he laughs once again. ‘‘You need to eat some sugar, then we can talk about… this. Okay?’’ he points the hook, you nod at him with a pout on your lips, But he leans and kisses it, massaging your arms. Then he stops abruptly, eyes go wide. 
‘‘Shit. I forgot to water my plants.’’ he then jumps from the bed and rushes to the corner where he kept his plants. 
Rolling your eyes, you let yourself fall on to bed. ‘‘Of course you did.’’ you mumble, watching your boyfriend spraying water at his plants, humming to himself with a heart melting smile tugged on his face. Duality causes you to giggle on your own. There the man who made you choke on your spit moments ago, now with all the care he has, he waters his plants. All naked, and happy. 
Tiny jealousy in your heart, you close your eyes to listen to him humming a song that comes familiar but you are so tired that you can’t find the name. Stretching your arms with all the power you had, as Namjoon talks to his plants with a soft voice. 
‘‘I know it took so long…’’
‘‘Look how grown you are…’’
‘‘Oh, guess we need to change your place, huh?’’ 
You sigh deep, a tiny giddy sense blooms in your chest while your boyfriend’s voice licks behind your ears. A warm smile grows on your face, you think,
Happy Valentine’s, indeed. 
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nuk-terrible · 3 years
How To Bait Yourselves: A Guide By Blorkes
blorkes really see 2 characters in the same frame and go “omg Clarke is carrying her gf Josephine’s books to class #otp they’re SO in love”
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and then are SHOCKED when what they saw in gifs isn’t actually what’s going on in the show (almost like you need to watch things in their original context for them to make sense 🤡).
My personal fav example of this is blorkes thinking Bellamy holding Clarke over the spike pit in s1 shows how much “he’s obviously in love with her” - when in reality he was contemplating letting her die right then and there so he could get her wristband off. And then Finn and Wells immediately run up behind him to pull her up because BELLAMY WAS GOING TO MURDER HER YOU IDIOTS SKSKSKSK)
More under the cut because I feel like I finally understand what went wrong with the blorke fandom. (All fandoms are the same and time is a flat circle)
Don’t you just love how people think that by watching random gifs they can understand the various relationship dynamics of a show? Nevermind that it completely disregards what’s actually happening on the show and conveniently strips characters of their motivations and complexity - but they shared eye contact!! Endgame!!1 🙄
Taking random gifs and screenshots out of context and presenting them as “truth” ignores storylines, various competing and/or similar character dynamics, and what’s being presented in a larger context (all of which you would get from actually watching the show and would contradict or disprove what the gif/screenshot is trying to show). By isolating scenes so that they are divorced from their original context, they become entirely devoid of meaning. And Bellarke shippers are guilty of doing this to every single shared moment between Bellamy and Clarke. 
In doing so, bellarke shippers can conveniently project whatever meaning and feelings they want onto a “scene” because now Bellamy and Clarke have been isolated from every other character (including Bellamy’s long-time girlfriend - who he is in a happy, loving, and committed relationship with) as well their own personal, individual character motivations; the scene has been distilled down to two characters glancing at each other with all of the actual context and narrative importance stripped away.
(And then they have the nerve to claim they were “baited” 🙄🙄🙄)
Like idk how to tell yall that Bellamy hugs everyone from skaikru, Clarke isn’t special. She only runs to hug him in s2 because she thought she killed him when she closed the dropship door on him, leaving him and everyone else outside the door to be BBQ’ed. Raven waited outside Clarke’s tent all night to make sure she was okay and that’s 9986798964 times more romantic than a hug. Clarke then hugs his sister immediately after too so *eyeroll* yea so romantic. And their hug in s4 in the lab (after Clarke fires a gun at Bellamy’s head in the previous ep... god forbid Bellamy have any self-worth or be allowed to stand up for himself...) is only because the radio to the bunker dies and Clarke doesn’t get a chance to say goodbye to her mom - they both just realized that they wouldn’t be able to speak to their family for YEARS so they hug in grief over their shared loss (similarly, Clarke hugs Bellamy at the end of s6 too because she just lost her mom for real that time). Bellamy and Clarke hug each other once a season lol like normal friends would. Do blorkes just not have friends? Clarke also hugs Monty just as much as she hugs Bellamy (and she’s pointed to Monty’s forehead too)... I wonder why those moments between Clarke and Monty are ignored yet those same moments between B&C are irrefutable proof that they’re romantic?
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What it really comes down to is intentionally, blatantly misreading the show - because they absolutely have selective memory and hypocritical arguments where canon events are concerned. Basically the blorke mindset can aptly be summed up as “If not romantic, why man and woman?”
Maybe if yall didn’t invalidate the real romantic couples on the show (clexa and becho - die mad about it) you wouldn’t have been so blind-sided when *not shockingly* Bellamy and Clarke didn’t get together or become “endgame”. Those 2 characters were never in love with each other or being set up as a romance. It’s fine to ship them, you can ship whatever you want, but you can’t go around baselessly claiming that they were a slow-burn-canon-endgame romance while in the same breath completely disregarding, misconstruing and invalidating the actual romantic relationships. Simply put, if you can’t acknowledge the reality of the show, nothing you say can be true.
You can’t selectively infer meaning through gifs and ignore the actual show... This way of viewing a piece of media by cherry-picking moments out of context is definitely a symptom of the whole reaction video community that’s become popular in fandom (especially around CW shows). But specific scenes and competing dynamics are purposefully omitted and ignored if they don’t match the narrative the reactors are trying to spin. Instead they just pretend like half the show doesn’t exist...and in the end they only end up playing themselves and their followers.
Sidenote: can we talk about the idiocy of emphasizing shipping as THE sole reason for watching a show while simultaneously being completely uninterested in (or unwilling to buy into) the plot - which dictates why we even get to watch these characters on our screens in the first place. The 100 is a post-apocalyptical sci-fi show; genre matters!!! And the amount of shippers/reactors who stick with a show they claim to hate is truly baffling...why are you making yourself miserable? Just stop watching if the show isn’t giving you what you want... you have no right to get mad at the show/showrunner/writers for not doing what you personally want to happen 🙄. Newsflash: the plot will always be more important than who’s dating who on a sci-fi show... the plot/premise of the show is why the network decided to pick it up in the first place. It’s quite literally the reason the show exists (and why the network decided to invest in it). Within the world of the show too, the plot will always dictate everything that happens - who goes where, who’s working with who, what challenges the characters will face, etc. You can watch a show for whatever reason you want, but you can’t get mad at a cow for not giving you orange juice. You were never promised orange juice - nor should you have expected it! 
The show never baited you (at least no more than it “baited” OctaviaxJasper shippers - who actually had Jasper express romantic interest in Octavia on screen and shared a kiss with her, which never went anywhere, or JasperxRaven shippers since Jasper whispered “I was great in chemistry” in Raven’s ear and that went nowhere, or RavenxKayleePrime shippers - since Diyoza had that one line telling Raven “let’s go meet your new wife” - or RavenxBellamy fans who got a sex scene and then no mention of anything for 2 whole seasons only for ALIE!Raven to bring it up as an offhand comment to insult Bellamy and then it’s never addressed or spoken about again, or even ClarkexMurphy shippers - who had Josephine flirt with Murphy and call him cute while in Clarke’s body...) - if you want to blame someone for feeling baited and used, blame your delusional fandom who refused to accept reality for years and knowingly strung you along, giving you false hope when there was none and turning on anyone who dared to express doubt. This level of mass delusion reminds me so much of TJLC (The John Lock Conspiracy - here’s a great video explaining the whole thing) and it is in large part due to the irresponsible behavior of popular, big-name fandom members and the complete dismissal of canon and direct words from the creator.
Choosing to ignore the actual show in favor of fringe fandom conspiracies and out-of-context screencaps is how you get the extreme delusion rampant in the blorke fandom.
Like, Becho happening in s5 was not being setup or used as an obstacle to make blarke happen. Nothing in the text of the show supports that. Did you notice how Bellamy was never even conflicted between the two girls? Or that he never even thought about NOT being with Echo? That man was ready to abandon his sister, who he just reunited with after 6 years (and Clarke!), to go defect and be with Echo. He was happily in love with Echo - and Clarke didn’t give two shits about their relationship. Clarke also had to constantly be reminded by Madi that she should care about Bellamy’s life so.... Becho being used to further Bellarke WHERE?? 
Becho was, in fact, the payoff from the entire story and relationship that has been building between Bellamy and Echo for multiple SEASONS since they first met in Mount Weather and stared longingly at each other through the cages in s2. And in case you weren’t paying attention, Echo has always been a character who’s been deeply connected to both Blake siblings (Echo led both Bellamy AND Octavia out of Mount Weather in 3x03, and then in s4 she fought with Octavia on the cliff and had to deliver the news to Bellamy that his sister was “dead”, and then Echo worked with Bellamy in the gorge to stop Riley from killing Roan, and then in the conclave Echo was trying to snipe Octavia and killed Illian (who was personally connected to Octavia) and then when Echo got caught by Roan and banished, Octavia was right there to witness the whole thing, and once Skaikru took the bunker Echo was the one who found out and threatened to tell but then made a deal with Octavia to keep quiet, and then once the bunker is opened Octavia doesn’t let Echo in and casts her out, which Bellamy is there to see, and then later when Echo is going to kill herself Bellamy comes in and saves her. Echo has always been involved with both Bellamy and Octavia and that continues to be her trajectory throughout the show -  but blorkes black out every time she’s on screen so it’s no wonder they have no idea what’s actually going on with her character). 
Anyway, there was also no love triangle between Bellamy/Clarke/Echo in s5 (or ever lol). Blorkes really think they can take a scene ALL about Octavia’s reaction to Becho and twist it to be about Clarke and her imaginary ~jealousy~ just because her and Madi were in the same shot as Becho. Clarke glances at them to take in the new info and then goes right back to smiling at Madi (Jealousy WHERE?? If they used just an ounce of critical thinking they would notice that putting both pairs together in a single shot like this is to establish who the new familial groups are - 2 vs 2 - Clarke and her most important person vs Bellamy and his most important person)
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Meanwhile we cut to Octavia’s face and the music dramatically changes as she glares right at Bellamy and Echo, then the camera cuts back to Becho’s faces as they look back at Octavia. That scene, taken for what it is, is not about Clarke’s nonexistent ~jealousy~ or her being “framed” as part of some nonexistent love triangle - it’s about Octavia and her feelings towards Echo being with her brother. (which, ya know, is basically a major plot thread in s5 do you guys even watch the show? Clarke’s glance at Bellamy and Echo never leads to ANYTHING so clearly it doesn’t mean what you think it means lol. And let’s not ignore the fact that in 5x01 Echo explicitly expresses doubt and apprehension about Octavia accepting her and the fact that she’s still banished to Bellamy, and here we have that plot line progressing and playing out on screen - Octavia is clearly not happy about them being together and now their relationship might be in jeopardy (not because of Clarke - who is a nonfactor - but because of Octavia who has a very strained relationship with Echo).
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And because blorkes loves to twist that “nothing will change on the ground” line to be about blorke - even though it’s clearly not because at that point everyone on the ring thinks Clarke’s been dead for 6 years so there’s absolutely no way anybody is talking about her or referencing her in that scene - let’s also remember that that scene ends by Bellamy saying “Octavia will be the least of our worries” and then cutting right to Octavia and her fighting pits as she watches from her bloody throne. That’s called dramatic irony where the audience knows something the characters don’t. In this case it’s that actually Octavia seems to have changed very much and might very well be a big problem - both for their little group’s survival and for Bellamy and Echo’s relationship. Again, it’s not about Clarke. At all.
If Clarke (and Madi) standing behind Becho means bellarke fans were baited, then I was baited with my Miller/Clarke/Bellamy love triangle
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and my Bellamy/Octavia/Clarke love triangle
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and this Abby/Kane/Diyoza love triangle
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and this Indra/Bellamy/Clarke triangle
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(lol the director of 5x05 really likes his triangle shots). Nice try blorkes but you can’t just pick and choose scenes out of context to mean whatever you want them to mean, and then claim you were baited when you’ve been doing this to yourselves the whole time.
You can’t think blorke is happening if you actually payed attention to clexa and becho and were honest about what those relationships meant to the characters (and overall story). You invalidated and misconstrued Clexa’s relationship so hard that you thought Eliza speaking positively of it at a con was “validating antis” (in what world are Clexa shippers antis??? That was a real, canon, romantic relationship where Clarke was in love...the fuck?). Sorry you chose to believe your little echo chamber online over what the canon of the show is.
The “Radio Calls” is another huge example of this - yall took a story device meant to convey exposition to the audience to inform about Clarke and what she’s been doing during the 6 year time jump to (incorrectly) mean she was writing Love Letters to Bellamy, when it’s stated in the show (multiple times btw - once in s5 and again in s6 in case you missed it the first time) that she was talking on the radio to keep herself sane (wow so romantic... *eyeroll*). Let’s not forget that Clarke addresses Monty by name (”no offense, Monty”) and herself (“positive thoughts, Clarke”) during what we hear of the calls - it’s literally just used to give exposition in a clever way that wouldn’t just be Clarke talking to herself.
People were so deluded with the radio calls that they legit thought when Clarke was in MCAP they would be ~revealed~ as if they were love confessions instead of Clarke keeping a verbal log of her day-to-day activities???? Did they really think that hearing about how Clarke ate radioactive fish in the valley was going to snap Bellamy out of his cult behavior. NEVERMIND THAT BELLAMY HAD ALREADY BEEN TOLD ABOUT THE RADIO CALLS TWICE NOW AND THEY DONT MEAN ANYTHING TO HIM (because, again, they’re not about him. They’re about Clarke).
Now let’s take a quick look at this “article” published in 2020 by a big name Blorke who writes incredibly biased and extremely anti-Echo “reviews” of the show.
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“sometimes it is about an example of a domestic couple: Clarke looking out for Bellamy while he has fun in a cobweb“. what the fuck does having fun in a cobweb even mean??? How is this a real article published by anyone? HOW??? You know you’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel when you think a 2 second background shot of them walking is an example of your endgame ship being a “domestic couple” in the 7th and final season of the show. You really had nothing better than THAT? (I personally think it’s wayyyyyy more domestic when Murphy spoon-feeds Clarke some of his home-cooked food in Becca’s mansion in the same season but what do I know 🤪 I’d be seriously remiss not to mention Murphy’s flirty little “Yeah, I know what you're thinking, Clarke. Why are all the good ones taken, right? ”, explicitly bringing up the idea of them together romantically to Clarke and insinuating that if he wasn’t already taken, Clurphy might be a thing... again blorkes, where did you ever get a scene even remotely CLOSE to this????)
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And even using that cobweb “scene” so clearly out of context as it is - it doesn’t even show what the author claims 🤣🤣🤣 Let’s all take a moment to acknowledge that in the gif expertly selected to showcase this “intimate moment“ of Clarke looking out for Bellamy, Bellamy is in front of Clarke and has already walked through that cobweb and Clarke is obviously moving it out of the way for herself (meaning Bellamy decidedly did not move it away for Clarke to walk through as she’s following behind him lmao). This is exactly what I’m talking about. And after Bellamy had fun in the cobweb, Clarke walked her gf Josie to her first period class as only a domestic couple could, carrying her books like the devoted gf she is <3 
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GOD bellarke shippers are delusional. I just - I don’t even care if this offends anyone. I’m sick of their nonsense clogging up every tag and polluting people’s enjoyment of the show. Their lack of critical thinking is mind-numbing and they deserve to be called out and clowned on for all eternity.
Anyway, Montarke endgame
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(and technically speaking, given the definition of the word, you were never “baited” because everyone always told you for years it was never happening)
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the boys but they’re idols
ft. bakugou katsuki. midoriya izuku & todoroki shouto
Note: yes, I missed prime pun opportunity to write ‘the boyz’ in the title. Anyway, I’ll be general enough to not include any real-life names and music, but I’ll get specific about other details. (Besides, if you squint real close you can see where I got my references from.) I’m thinking of a follow-up part, but we’ll see. Hope you enjoy!
* These headcanons are detailing each of the boys as a member in a hypothetical idol group, and not that they’re all in the same group.
** For context: the difference between main and lead positions is that main is the position that gets majority of the activity e.g. song, dance, rap, etc. Lead is more of a supporting role, but still important nonetheless. 
Tags: idol!au, no x reader for this one, unless??, as you can see from the word length I think you’ll know who I’m partial to
Word count: 3.3k
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Obviously an all-rounder. He can sing, dance, and rap, though his forte is definitely dancing.
Bakugou obviously has some mad hand-eye coordination if he can play the drums, and I haven’t even brought in his utilizing it through his quirk and fighting talent. He’s also very flexible when twisting through the air and extremely precise with his explosions
Thus, I’d say that his moves are the most on-beat and precise. He’s got very solid moves when dancing; imagine his limbs cutting the air in sharp, refined movements, and his flexibility leads him to be an overall powerful dancer.
Bakugou is a HUGE stickler for technique. Sure, he’s not above improvisation, but technique’s where he excels the most. He’s looking far ahead enough to not want to jeopardize his health by doing some dangerous moves that could potentially hurt his body, so he always takes extra care when going about them, such as taking advanced dance classes.
He works wonderfully as a center, because not only does he have this charisma that makes people unable to look away from him, his perfected balance between his fierce dancing and his emphasis on technique lead him to be a picture of refined strength, and an absolute delight to watch on stage
His facial expressions are definitely the best when he’s performing powerful songs, probably because he’s naturally angry lol. His worst concept has got to be cute, but while he dreads doing it, it’s not like he can’t pull it off. He’s an idol, dammit.
Bakugou’s that one member who wears a headband or bandanna during cutesy performances and sticks with it, because that’s the closest the stylists are ever gonna get to his hair
God forbid if he ever has curly or straight hair
He’s not against dying it though, but he still cares about the repercussions it has on his body, so he tries to refrain from dying it too often. (Which could be inevitable if his managers require him to, I know that. But I’m going to give the boys a little more leeway here to showcase their personalities.)
Anyway, a bandanna suits him just fine, and now he’s the trademark member with the bandanna haha
Some things that don’t change from canon are obviously his schedule. Boy still wakes up at the crack of dawn, probably goes for runs or do sets in the gym, make himself a healthy breakfast, then get down to work
Now I’m conflicted as to what position he would take in a group; I’m leaning towards main dancer
Then again, he IS an all-rounder, so really you could get him to do anything and he’ll be just fine
It’s not in his nature to fail, after all
He can sing, but since his voice is kind of gravelly he’s not the first choice for a main vocal. Strong lead vocal material, I’ll bet, because his voice adds a lot of color and diversity. It’s not something you’d usually hear in a song, that’s why.
He can rap, but again, his voice is gravelly and hard to hear, so I don’t think it would be too good a fit for fast-paced raps. Though, throw him one or two iconic rap lines in his natural ‘I’ll punch you in the face’ tone and you’ve got yourself an icon (and a meme) for days.
I can also see Bakugou being leader of the group, since in canon he’s actually the oldest in class 1-A. One thing though is his outward persona isn’t all that pristine; he has trouble switching gears into idol mode. As we know Bakugou doesn’t lie, regardless of circumstances, and he’s not about to start doing that just to be liked better. If any of these extras are going to be his fans, they’re going to have to recognize real talent, without all the fake smiles.
But because he knows what it could do to the group’s reputation if he came out to look like a big bad bully, he usually keeps his mouth shut during publicity events
He’s probably one of the first idols to have a not-so-sunny media persona, but fans mostly see him as this brooding, sulky kid that’s prepared to put 100% into everything he does
Which is why they still like him
Suffice to say, his fan-base is very similar to the BNHA fandom lmao
Cue all the memes on him being a jerk and everyone liking him anyway, but they know he’s fully committed to the group and wouldn’t want to do anything to risk its image
But over the years, and with the amount of events he’s been involved in, Bakugou’s learnt to let out his true personality one step at a time
He’s considering things carefully because he doesn’t want his fans to be jarred by his personality change all of a sudden, and also because he’s tired keeping up appearances
Jokes on him because the fans already know how he is and are just waiting for him to be more comfortable around the group to showcase his true feelings
And you know what? It sells!
His members also see him as some inspirational figure because his determination and commitment is truly unparalleled
And while he isn’t the easiest to get along with, they know that he’ll do anything within his abilities to push the group to greater heights
While that’s cute and all, it also means they have to suffer at the hands of Bakugou’s tough love. Tough luck
Besides being leader, I could also see him having a hand in producing as well
Remember when I said he was a stickler for technicality? Well, yeah, exactly this
If he feels something isn’t up to par he’d rather do it himself. I think he’d dabble in mixing for a bit and realize he actually has an ear for it, to which he’d then go on to producing whole songs that just awe his members and they’d be like ‘yeah let’s go with this’
And one more thing. Bakugou’s actually got an eye for fashion
Yeah, gripe all you want because all this boy ever wears in the dorms is skull shirts and black tanks but seriously, when he gets down to it, he knows what looks perfect on each member and can make little adjustments to change up a whole style
Courtesy of having designer parents lmao
Overall Bakugou is nothing if not capable. While it means he could definitely go solo at some point, he’s formed bonds with his members and knows he’s grown as a person as a result. And at this point he can only get better
In a leader position, he’s got the charisma, and is not afraid to push for changes if he thinks the status quo isn’t doing enough to ensure the members’ well-being
His weaknesses are obviously teamwork and perfectionism, but he’s been learning how to get along with others better, that it’s not all just a rat race for fame and influence, and he’s able to form some pretty lasting relationships (see: Kirishima)
Not perfectionism, though. He sees it as a strength and not for one second will he compromise. He wants nothing but the best quality, not just for himself, but for the fans
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Looks like the maknae but isn’t. That’s it, that’s the post
He has a really sweet voice so I can see him going for vocals. So imagine when he turns around, holds a mic in his hand and starts RAPPING
You got it, he’s a rapper. Look at the speed that kid goes when he’s mumbling and muttering to himself all the time
Cue Deku’s origin story where he’s mumbling to himself on the street and a talent scout hands him his business card asbfajgfsa
His enunciation is also clear, and his sweet voice makes for a very refreshing rap. That and he also writes his own rap, because if he’s going to be saying anything on that stage, he’s going to want it to mean something.
His raps are always soulful, with hard-hitting lyrics that serve to encourage and motivate anyone who hears and vibes with them.
Basically, his gap moe game is STRONG. Dude be spitting fire up there on stage but once he’s come down, he’s a timid, sweet, shy boi, with overreactions and exaggerations that just make him all the more endearing
He’s also a big fan favorite because he nails every concept well, and has a very down-to-earth personality which he doesn’t hide from the cameras
You want him to act cute and youthful? You’ve got it. You want him to go for something sexy? Um yeah, he’ll have his reservations, but he’ll still do well. You want him to be angry and powerful? The strength in his gaze has got you trembling from the pit.
He’s not just a fan favorite but also that of the staff. Seriously Deku deserves all the love in the world and in this world, he’s going to get it
He’s in the position for main rapper, but I could see him going for lead vocals as well. He’s got a sweet, clear voice that immediately tugs on anyone’s heartstrings the moment they hear it, and he’s usually given more lines in ballads. His vocal range isn’t bad, he can reach moderately high notes, but sometimes his voice undergoes strain. He’s training for that, though!
As for his dance style, Deku probably goes for freestyle! He’s got this easy-going, totally relaxed style going for him that’s full of swag (omg outdated word alert) that makes his movements very smooth. He’s also reasonably flexible, though not as flexible as Bakugou or Todoroki, so he still can pull off certain dance moves.
Unpopular opinion, but it’s Deku, not Todoroki, who looks good in EVERYTHING. Literally his stylist is squealing backstage because they can go ham on dressing him. You could put him in a gold chain and ripped jeans OR an oversized hoodie and rompers, and it’d just go. The only thing is his hair though; he’s thinking of selling it as his charm point (not his freckles!) so he’d prefer if it could stay green. He doesn’t mind if they style it different ways though
The fans would go ballistic if they saw Deku with an undercut, and chances are they’re going to get to see it
He’s definitely one for improvisation! He’s very flexible with these changes, much like how he considers his growth in canon. He’s always looking to try out new styles or moves and see if it fits for him
Besides, I also see him producing! It’s because he’s so immersed in his idol career that he’s always studying new trends on the scene and making them into formulas for the group. He’s also thinking of marketing strategies in his free time
Everyone better be afraid of businessman Deku because he’ll be stealing those bucks from right under your nose
He’s also got mean leadership skills, but I don’t see him in a leader position
Rather, he’s like the second-eldest-but-co-leader kind of guy! He assists the leader in any way he can, and always serves to inspire and motivate the younger ones to work harder together as a team
Deku’s still got that shounen-protagonist charm, even in this world
But for all his good points, Deku still worries he isn’t enough
He knows how cut-throat the industry can be, having studied it inside and out, and he doesn’t want to lag behind
Cue him getting up at odd hours of the morning to use the practice studio (without waking up the others, of course) and other instances
Whenever his members realize he’s been overworking, literally everyone turns on him
He used to be the mom figure, but the moment he’s ushered into bed, a cooling pad on his forehead and thermos at his bedside desk, and the members even station one person to be in the living room so if he tries to leave his room to practice by himself they’ll see him
Jokes on them because Deku practices in his room
He practically moves in his sleep as if trying to get the muscle memory down
Precious boy must protecc!
In sum, Deku’s a great teammate to have and a valuable asset to the team
He’s also the best of friends and is never one to let a fellow member down
Probably the first to burst into tears if the group ever disbands
With his talent and fan-base, he could definitely go solo. But more than that, he wants to cherish the time he has with his members and achieve greater milestones with them every day
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High-key a visual. I mean, everyone wants to look like him!
Like. Everyone stops to look at him whenever he enters the room. Staff, producers, backstage crew, everyone. Even his members, sometimes.
Man’s just too pretty not to stare at
That's not to say he isn't talented, oh no. He's much like Bakugou, an all-rounder, but he's gone through rigorous training from when he was young to get there
Definitely not because of genes, no offense to Rei
As much as Enji is a major shareholder in the industry, anyone who sees Todoroki strut his stuff and still says he got in because of his father has got to be blind. Or deaf. Or plain stupid.
Sure, he had all that training courtesy of his dad. But the moment he enters as a trainee, it's all him from there and no one else.
He's a lot withdrawn at first, still is, but he's improved a lot from when he first joined. It's because of the support he's gained from both his members and fans that he's able to push himself to be the best version of himself everyday
He definitely doesn't come out and say it, but he's probably the most grateful for his fans. As in his family isn't the only lifeline left for him anymore
Todoroki has an amazing voice; while his speaking voice is low, he can reach higher notes without much difficulty. His tone is deep, somber and perfect for ballads, but the training he's undergone has made his technique immaculate. He's got excellent control, he can do runs and riffs effortlessly and he's even perfected his growl. Fans won't even see it coming
His dancing on the other hand is a lot about technique; but unlike Bakugou, Todoroki probably did classical and contemporary dance training as opposed to hip-hop or popping. Because of that, his movements are smooth and elegant, and he always carries himself with the grace of a dancer
That's not to say he cannot be an absolute beast on stage, of course. He's just more in his element when it comes to melancholic ballads, and he's had a hand in choreographing contemporary routines before
That experience and knowledge easily make him a capable choreographer for the group
After all those years of not being able to properly express himself, Todoroki learnt to let his dance tell a story in itself
He's also a fast learner, so any hip-hop techniques he easily picks up and incorporates into the routine
This makes me think he’s going to be a main dancer and a lead vocal, maybe even main vocal
I don’t see him in a leader position because while he has the charisma for it, I think he’d lack in communication, like Bakugou. They’re both a bit too used to doing things on their own that they 1) can’t trust anyone else to do it right and 2) as a result have never consulted other people about how they do things
The difference is Bakugou is a little more observant and far-thinking enough to be a leader, but it doesn’t make Todoroki any less important
If anything, he’s the mom friend, and always makes sure that the members stay in line and out of trouble
Also, for some reason, he's got exceptional charisma on stage and he doesn't even know it
Like, a sexy song comes on and then there’s Todoroki's smoldering heterochromatic gaze
Fans: omgomgomg how is he so hot what the—
Him: ??? This is my normal face tho
It's a strange feeling. One moment, he can be humping the floor and another moment he's got dimples in his cheeks from smiling. It makes him look like a totally different person, even though he's the same guy
His fans don't know why either
As much as he has a creative outlet in dance, Todoroki thinks he has no talent for songwriting or producing. He doesn't consider them his areas of expertise and if he was asked to write lyrics he'd have a hard time because he rarely expresses himself with words. He'd fret on it and eventually not get much done, so why try?
He does help out though, in offering suggestions on how to proceed, but he won't take the lead for any of these. Only dancing
That and his growing up with a businessman father leads him to also know the industry rather well, so he can offer some insights as to what image they could go for and how to market their discography
When it comes to styling, Todoroki is an absolute Mess. The things he likes and wants to wear doesn't suit him all that much, and the stylists usually have a hard time picking out clothes that really accentuate his look and figure. The myriad of colors in his hair and face lead to color clashes, but they find that red and blue are usually the go-to colors.
Did I mention that Todoroki doesn't mind dying his hair as long as they don't dye the white part? Enough said
They've done rainbow on him before!
He also doesn't cover up his scar, and over the years he's learnt to make it his charm point
It serves to make him a noticeable figure in the industry (as if his heterochromia weren’t enough) but it also makes him easily recognisable to fans
It’s not like he doesn’t like interacting with his fans, but sometimes some of them get a little too close, or ask questions that are way too personal
During those times, he’s at least got his members to relate and support him through it
The cutest thing about this man has got to be when he interacts with fans
Like, he’s pretty expressionless most of the time, but he always makes sure that his fans know that he’s extremely happy to have them here, and that he’ll continue doing the best he can for them
If you’re lucky and catch a small smile from him when you’re at a fan sign, I guess you could die peacefully
To summarize, Todoroki is a sweet bean but hardly ever shows it
When people praise his looks, he’s humble about them (though it’s more because he doesn’t know or think he’s attractive… baby just doesn’t see it)
And to top it all off, he’s a charmer on and off stage  with his quiet, sensitive nature and calm demeanor
He’s also the one that’s most likely to have a modeling career outside of his idol work
He can’t act for the life of him even though he’s got the expressions right on stage
Like Deku and Bakugou, he could always go solo, but his reason for not doing so is mainly because he’s found a new family, here with his members, and he doesn’t want to lose it
He doesn’t even mind if they don’t produce music anymore. As long as everyone sticks together and has a good time, he’s willing
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A/N: Thank you for reading! If you haven’t checked out my other pieces, you can find them on my masterlist; if you have, thank you for your support! I’m trying to post something new every week, so stay tuned :)
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kunoichihatake · 4 years
I'm the JD X V E R anon and fluff would be great and thank you
Jealousy: Do they get jealous?
Sasuke absolutely gets jealous. You’ll be talking to another guy for too long and he’ll just come up and say something like “we have to go now” with no context, shooting the guy a dirty look as he pulls you away. Whether the guy is hitting on you or not, Sasuke doesn’t like when other men take up that much of your attention -- or women, if you’re into girls. He’s not gonna make a big show of it, but he wants everyone to know you’re his (including the dollar store clerk, who you were just making small talk with, Sasuke I swear...)
Dates: What are dates with them like?
I feel like at first, Sasuke is a little awkward when it comes to dates, because he doesn’t know quite what to do. He just kinda copies dates he sees on TV or sees other people on (because god forbid he ask anyone for advice, lol). On your first couple of dates, he’ll take you to a fancy restaurant and pull out all the stops, but he’ll seem really rigid -- and you both realize later that none of you really enjoyed that type of date much. As time goes on, he starts learning more about your actual interests and what you like, and your dates become more comfortable and catered to what you both enjoy most (: I think Sasuke would be a fan of any sort of date where the two of you get to be alone and unbothered, such as a home movie night or having dinner on the roof while you look at the stars; but if you want to do something different, he’ll definitely try it out!
Xylophone: What’s their song?
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
Vaunt: What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
Sasuke definitely likes to show off his fighting skills (though he’ll never admit it). He’s worked hard his entire life to become a strong fighter, and likes to show people how talented he’s become -- and maybe intimidate them a bit, too.
Everything: You are my______.
He calls you his world, or his reason to live (if he’s feeling particularly emotional)
Rainy day: What do they like to do on rainy days?
I feel like Sasuke is kind of restless -- he doesn’t like sitting around all day and doing nothing productive. So if it’s raining outside, he’ll probably try to train indoors, or at least read up on some jutsu he wants to learn. (You just might be able to convince him to take a couple hours off to watch a movie or relax with you, though (:)
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hopeswriting · 3 years
Modern AU (Adult!)Arcobaleno on socials media though. While Flames and mafia are definitely still a thing.
Now I’m by no means well acquainted to all the different popular socials media, but here’s my humble take:
Reborn on Instagram.
He only has pictures of Leon first and foremost, with him in the background in one of his ridiculous but very well-made cosplay. Leon of course also wears the same cosplay as him.
He never shows his full face in any of the pictures, but just enough his followers know he’s handsome as fuck.
The artists/photoshoppers among them regularly put the pieces together to see how he could look like, but in a funny-and-obviously-purposefully-wrong way only.
Reborn loves them and saves them all.
Once in a blue moon he does post a picture of himself where you can see him clearly all dressed up and fancy, and then immediately deletes it.
But only after he’s sure it has been seen, so he can watch his followers lose their shit while drinking a nice espresso.
They try hard, but so far none of them managed to save any of the pictures before he deletes them.
Often there’s what suspiciously looks like blood stains on their clothes and straight up dead bodies lying in the background, but Reborn went so passive-aggressive with the few who dared to ask, everyone is too afraid to ask now.
Anyone who badmouths Leon in any way is instantly blocked. But only after Reborn ripped them a new one AND let his followers do it too.
Skull on Twitter and Snapchat.
He tweets the most random, out of nowhere, highly worrying things, that always sent his followers in a frenzy trying to figure out why the fuck he would think of any of this in the first place??
“aren’t you ever tried of your solid, rigid, restrictive bones? don’t you want to just be Luffy from One Piece, a rubber being that can shape themself in whatever way they wish?”
“nobody ever tells you this, but the stress of picking apart melted leather from your burnt skin before it heals is VERY worth the adrenaline of making fire your BITCH”
“is it REALLY illegal if you break in and eat the food but leave money behind??”
That’s just his Twitter only followers though.
The ones on Snapchat have the privilege to watch him stumble head first step by step to his tweets, and are actually very involved and active spectators that keep him out of jail, or killing himself, or killing someone else.
Skull, recording a video, halfway stuck in between two buildings: What’s up guys, there're these guys following me and trying to kill me, quick tell me what bones to break so I can fit in there.
see also:
Skull, riding his bike, both of them suspiciously wet, holding a lighter in his hand: You guys ready for this sick fire stunt I came up with?? If everything goes well I should only get second to third degree burns, let’s do this!!!
see also:
A picture of Skull lying on a roof, his arms full of snacks and his mouth stuffed with food, with police cars in the background, that says: send tips to make sure there’s always food in your fridge for when you need it the most. #midnightsnack #snitchesgetstitches #justsaying
see also:
A picture of Skull crouched in front of a body, posing, that says: don’t worry guys we’re just faking, but hypothetically, if you were to hide a body as quick as possible from here without being seen, what would you do? #hypotheticallyseriousanswersonly #hypotheticallythecopsaremaybeontheirway #quickanswersappreciated
Verde on Facebook.
He creates a public group with only him as member that’s basically his scientific diary.
It’s not really to invite intellectual challenging debates (though he’d be all for it if someone smart enough showed up), but he figures it’s in his best interest to make the world a less dumb place if he can.
It finds his public, though there’s only a few comments because god forbid you say something dumb or inaccurate and Verde fucking annihilates you in the comment section.
But like, in a teacher way. Like he’s genuinely trying to make you know better but he’s just ruthless at it lmao.
Verde uses a fake name and a fake everything so there’s quickly a running joke along the lines of “Imagine if it’s really the genius scientist Verde running the group and you just outed yourself as a flat earther lol”.
But what gets the group really popular is the in depth flames theory involving weather of all things they have to assume he came up with it all on his own because they can’t figure out to save their lives what the hell he’s talking about?
And it makes them question their sanity sometimes because Verde talks about it like it’s the most obvious thing and in the context of just about every basic aspects of life.
Cue the conspirators and their hot new take of “the aliens were among us all along and hid themselves as the WEATHER!!!” that instantly turns into the new popular meme.
That, and the transcripts posts of Verde trying his theories that nine out of ten apparently involves very unwilling participants whose life are threatened and sometimes they straight up DIE???
They think both of these is just him fucking with them and it’s all fictional. They want to think it is anyway.
They’re not so sure, but everyone is too afraid to ask.
Colonnello on Snapchat.
70% of his content is about Lal because this man is so in love and it’s like he’s a guest on his own account lol.
There’s the “Pining Hard” content where it’s just him trying to seduce Lal, to romance her and asking her out, and Lal brushing all of it off more often than not.
His followers are very invested in this “old bickering married couple type of best friends in oblivious mutual pining” real live action slow burn fic, and cheers him hard whenever Lal reciprocates the tiniest bit.
They don’t know the two are already together.
They think Lal brushing him off or flirting back but in an unmistakably joking/”platonic” way is just her being oblivious and not taking Colonnello seriously.
When she would just rather flirt back off camera because it’s her private life thank you very much.
Colonnello never tells them because he assumes they all know and just choose to be in on the joke.
Lal finds it hilarious whenever she goes through his Snapchat (with his permission of course) to find numerous messages of encouragement, so she never says either.
But one day she kind of just steals a kiss from him while he’s recording because she wanted to, and his followers lose their shit.
Lal laughs herself to tears and laughs for days.
The other Lal’s related content is the “Lal’s loving hours”, where he just takes pictures of her/records her doing random shit---whether it's her making a disaster out of the kitchen, or wearing three pairs of socks because her feet are cold, or beating the shit out of someone---and him doing heart eyes at the camera.
Otherwise it’s just him living his life and letting them in on what happens.
There’s a lot of pictures because he’s handsome and he knows it and he likes the compliments aqsdfghj.
Or videos of him going on and on about how energy drinks are really the best drink ever while doing grocery.
Or ranting videos about how bullets wounds are such a pain to deal with and showing himself patching himself up to show how it’s done (thanks??!!??).
Or him watching series and roasting the characters for their dumb decisions.
Or him commenting in real time an assassination attempt on him in the middle of the night in his own fucking home because the fucker sure is ballsy (????!!!!!!???).
It’s very popular too because of how relatable it is.
Well, most of the time anyway.
Viper on Youtube.
They have a DIY type of channel, mostly about fashion---what they think about the new products/clothes they bought from their favorite brand, their thoughts on the new fashion trend, their makeup/skin care routine and favorite outfits for various circumstances, or they’re often on live while going shopping.
(I just really like Fashionista!Viper okay.)
They play videos games too, thinking they’re being very good while being very average to not say they straight up suck asdfghj.
Occasionally do reaction videos too.
Like Reborn they hardly ever show their face. Actually they don’t show it at all lol. They wear masks to do their videos because a hood is not very reliable.
How do they do their makeup videos then you ask?
They use "volunteer" as models of course.
And by volunteers I mean the Varia qsdftgyhjkl.
They also have another very peculiar brand of videos that is the most popular one on their channel. The titles of these videos include but are not limited to:
“A Due Payment Of Yours Is Late? How To Hunt Them For Sport”
“A Little Bitch Doesn’t Respect Your Pronouns/Chosen Name? Step By Step On How To Make Them Shut The Fuck Up Forever”
“How To Efficiently Remove Blood And Various Others Human Residue From Your Clothes”
“Faking Your Death And Taking On A New Identity: Step By Step Tutorial”
“How To Take Over Your Friends Brains And Watch Them Prank Themselves ft. The Varia”
Fon on Tumblr.
His blog becomes known as a shitpost blog or a blog run by a bot when really, everything he posts is about actual, very real events that happened in his life.
Except he vague posts every time because he really wants to keep his anonymity.
He posts about the hardships of learning more and more martial arts and staying at the top of the art, and sounds like some dangerous psychopath.
“The body is such a fragile thing, isn’t it? It tends to break quite easily unfortunately. You’d think I’d know that by then, but I really need to remember it more often so I can keep enjoying myself.”
He’s talking about how he always pushes himself too much in training and ends up injuring himself.
“Everyday I dispose of them and reasserts my superiority, and everyday they come back and it’s really hard to not hurt them beyond repair.”
He’s talking about how he’s often challenged by other martial artists who don’t like him being the best and how he always has to beat them up bloody for them to give up.
He also posts about his family's live except it’s the Hibari’s family live, and he doesn’t sound more sane of mind at all.
“I made the mistake of taking Kyo with me on my grocery trip and picked on his tell-tale signs of going through a bad day too late.
But fortunately the shop is still standing and no one was heavily injured.”
“It’s so heartwarming to see Kyo make friends. The brown haired kid didn’t put much of a fight but the one with the pineapple haircut has potential.
He almost managed to stab him that one time, and I can’t wait to tease Kyo about it. He’s very cute when annoyed and embarrassed.”
“Often I look back to the day Kyo got his tonfa and I am always infinitely grateful for this not-so-easy-to-kill-with weapon.
I would like for him to at least finish high school first.”
Yeah it’s very often about Kyoya lmao. And no one knows for sure what in the world a “Kyo” is supposed to be???
An actual human being is NOT the most popular theory qsdfghn.
Lal on TikTok.
I guess?? I’m kind of running out of ideas lol, and I know very little about TikTok.
But I’m thinking she makes a series of videos where she looks straight into the camera like she’s on The Office while some bullshit or the other happens in the background.
And it’s not even always her friends or coworkers or Colonnello (yeah he has a category of his own lmao).
As far as she is concerned everyone who chooses to be a fucking dumbass in her vicinity is asking for it aqsdfghj.
Also has a “Doing paperwork” series, and the later at night she’s doing it, the more she’s absolutely fucking done with people not being able to do their job properly without collateral damage.
She dryly reads out loud the highlights of the reports and goes straight for their lives lol.
But as funny as it is, everyone is more interested in the very questionable out of context content of these reports???
Also does workout videos, as in she demonstrates how to do this one or other exercise, and if these do particularly well it has nothing to do with how people want to look respectfully at her body, of course not.
ALSO has a “Colonnello’s Loving Hours” series because you better believe this woman is also so much in love.
She records him when he’s simply existing---whether he’s snuggling besides her while they’re watching TV, or dancing in the kitchen while cooking, or cleaning his guns---while looking at the camera with this tender, content expression on her face.
They become known as the Weather Lovers because boy, do these people like to go on about their favorite weather. Some shipping might even be involved??
It’s how their community introduces them to each other.
Cue even more chaos on their respective socials medias.
Viper’s video of their first meeting is the most popular one on their channel.
Yeah I know, I didn’t add the Sky Arco ladies, but I have no idea what they could do. Pinterest maybe? Or Vine? Dunno, they’re all yours guys lol.
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lockawayknight · 3 years
(12. and (14. for our lad Creighton!
from Vanilla Sunday Meme [acceptinggg]
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12. Is your muse easily flustered? Do they blush, swear, etc.?
oh my god creighton is the most easily flustered sonofabitch you ever goddamn met gehgnfn it’s a little embarrassing tbh. i mean in general he’s a remarkably expressive person behind that dumb mask of his, but if someone he’s crushin on (or god forbid his actual partner) does something flirty or sweet he’s gonna just go feral monkey brain and start smashing things. blushing and bitching and cussing and mumbling all embarrassed, but also he gets immediately snuggly, but also also he wants to pretend he ISN’T so he fights it off, which just means he gets physically awkward too LIKE LISTEN... THE MAN’S A MESS LOL but yeah he is super easily flustered, at least by people he’s romantically interested in ahaha
14. Is your muse more submissive or dominant in a relationship?
okay. breath in. boi. idk how to explain this succinctly. it’s complicated so forgive me for rambles.
so creighton like... he has two internal instincts that are constantly at war with each other. one half is that super dominant & aggressive side that says Take No Shit, and the other is the super submissive knight side that wants to and WILL bow at the snap of its liege’s fingers. they’re ALWAYS fighting inside him when it comes to relationships (outside of sexual contexts, but also including friendships). so that’s the foundation of the issue
now in ROMANTIC relationships, he WANTS the submissive side to be forward. he WANTS his partner to be his king. he wants to keep violence and aggression out of romance and sex, because romance and sex are very sacred things to him. and he wants them to be safe and happy things for both himself and his partner. so he does his best to be the submissive one. but my FUCKING god is that aggressive internal instinct strong, so he tends to snap and yell and punch walls and get demanding and scary sometimes (more often than he’d like hhh). he’ll like cry and apologise and get really REALLY self-loathsome afterwards cus he Doesn’t Want To Be Like That, but it’s still a tough act to beat. so it’s Hard.
i guess the tl;dr way to put it is: he wants to be submissive, but he’s such a naturally dominant person that it’s nearly impossible :( he DOES eventually figure it out with pate but uh. glances at the game events. grimaces. needless to say, it took a while to get the domineering Do What I Say And Don’t Fuck With Me side to calm tf down. hhh :,)
sooo yeah! soz these got long but ty ty~!!
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