#tentatively positive 3
barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
Can I get a 14 with taakitz please? :3 I love reading your work with characters dealing with chronic pain
14. I gotta say I was in love with your outfit already but when you smacked that asshole with your cane it was head over heels baby are you. Free later. 
Kravitz's whole vibe with the dating scene was... weird. Like, he hadn't dated since college weird. Not many men wanted to spend time with a guy who worked at a funeral home (understandable, really). The dark clothing he wore didn't help- his mother once described him as the physical manifestation of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven". He took that as a positive, but he could have easily fit into something much more dreary, like "The Tell-Tale Heart".
It's not as if he talked to many people outside of work. And he certainly wasn't going up to a widower to be like "hey, you're super hot, you wanna date?"
That being said: He was not at work. Against his better judgement, Sloane had dragged him out to the mall to third-wheel her date again. She and Hurley had lifted him behind in Hot Topic and he had wanted to be offended, but he took ten minutes to notice they were missing, so he really couldn't be.
He bought a chain for his wallet and got himself a pretzel and lemonade. He felt like a depressed clown. Kravitz tried not to think about this too much, for the sake of trying to believe his mental health was not going down the drain, but dead people were much easier to talk to and keep track of than the living were.
With no friends to make him uncomfortable by flirting directly in his face, Kravitz moved on to the next best thing: Watching people. He leaned back a little on the bench, scanning through the crowd.
There was a woman in front of a phone kiosk with two little children hanging onto her as she talked to a, frankly, way too enthusiastic employee. There was a person hanging out in front of the bathrooms and attempting to vape, but their pen didn't seem to be working. A man was sobbing on the bench across the corridor, a pile of roses next to him. Maybe his date had died? Nope, don't think that. Kravitz could not go up to a crying man and advertise for the funeral home he worked at.
A distraction. He needed a distraction. He picked through the crowd again until he found someone who was absolutely seeping of drama- a man who looked like a punk rainbow had thrown up on him. He had on a bright red leather jacket with spikes on the shoulders. It was sleeveless, but he wore a long sleeve deep sea green shirt under it. His pants were a sparkly sort of black and his shoes had entirely too many latches and laces.
He was leaning his body weight on two forearm canes, looking bored as a man in front of him yelled. Kravitz couldn't hear it over the hustle and bustle of the mall, but punk-man didn't seem to care for him much. Neither of them seemed to notice the wide berth the crowd around them was giving them.
Punk-man said something. Angry Man responded. Punk-man shifted his stance slightly, now actually looking somewhat upset. Angry Man shouted some more and, in the blink of an eye, Punk-man leaned solely against his left cane and brought the right one into the air and right on down into Angry Man's skull.
A mall security guard got between them and Punk-man's annoyed, downright upset expression shifted into the most people-pleasing smile Kravitz had ever seen. He spoke to the security guard quickly, before Angry Man had the chance to recover, and then turned tail and headed straight towards Kravitz.
Fuck. Kravitz looked away, hoping his staring hadn't been too obvious. Punk-man sat on the opposite side of the bench with a sigh, unclasping the cane from one arm and stretching his wrist. The crowd swept around the security guard and Angry Man and they disappeared, just like that. Kravitz looked at Punk-man out of the corner of his eye.
He was... so attractive, is the thing. Like, Kravitz didn't do dating very much, ever, but fuck. His skin itself seemed to be shimmering. Now that he was closer, Kravitz could read a few of his patches and he was enjoying the vibe. He was really enjoying the vibe.
How do you talk to people again? Gods, he wished Sloane was here. If she could woo Hurley then she'd be able to help him, right? Right?? What would Sloane do?
"I gotta say," Kravitz started, "I was in love with your outfit already but when you smacked that asshole with your cane it was head over heels, baby. are you... free later?"
The baby was a bit much. Actually, all of that was a bit much, but it was already out of his mouth. Fuck. That was it. Kravitz didn't know how to talk to living people anymore. He had officially cracked.
Punk-man laughed. At him? No, with him, maybe. But it was bright and cheerful and he was smiling, which only made him a hundred times more attractive.
"I might be," Punk-man said. "Depends on who's asking, hot shot."
"Uhm, Kravitz," Kravitz said. "Me. I'm Kravitz."
"Taako," Punk-man said. "Y'know, from TV?"
Kravitz didn't have cable. Fuck. He needed to get cable. But Taako seemed to expect his silence a waved a hand to dismiss the thought.
"It's aspirational," Taako said. "But, uhhh, yeah, I could be free later. Hopefully, I will be free later if my dumbass sister actually makes a move on our dumbass friend. D'you know how hard it is to third wheel every single day of your life, Krav? Be honest."
"I, uh." He thought of Hurley and Sloane. "I get the vibe sometimes, yeah."
"You get the vibe," Taako repeated, his grin all teeth. "Well, I'll fill in the rest. Maybe they won't listen to me but if I get a total stranger to say they're in love, they physically cannot keep playing this game."
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But if you want to do either blupjeans or taakitz, that's cool lol because I feel like those lyrics specifically is good for blupjeans, but the song in general is very taakitz and aaaahhhhhh
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day lol <3
"So you're the Grim Reaper." It's not a question, rather a statement of fact.
"That's a name some people call me, yes."
"Like, The Grim Reaper, tee em tee em tee em?"
"The very same."
"Huh." He pauses for a moment. Sits back on his hands as the breeze beckons the tall grass to dance in the wind. It tickles his forearms, bare from where he's rolled up his sleeves. "Are you here to kill me?"
He shakes his head and laughs. Gently, no hint of malice for ten country miles. "No, not at all."
He squints. "Then what're you here for?"
A shrug. "I was wrapping up another job—"
"You killed someone else?
"I shepherded his soul to the Astral Plane, yes."
He nods before motioning for him to continue.
"I was in the area and I saw advertisements for your show. It looked entertaining so I decided to stop by."
"Didya like it?"
A nod. "I did. I haven't cooked in so many years. It was nice to see someone so skilled and passionate."
"So were you alive then? At one point?"
"Awfully forward aren't we?"
"Sorry. Just curious."
"Don't be, I would do the same thing in your position. Yes, once upon a time, I was alive. I was a performer like you. Not cooking though. Music."
He softens. Clearly he wasn't expecting such an honest answer. "What'd you play?"
"Anything I could get my hands on. I had a real soft spot for strings though. The violin was my favorite."
"Can you not play anymore?" He chews his lip before snapping, a brilliant epiphany having come over him. "Ah, I get it, you're one of those ghosts so you can't touch anything from the living world."
He reaches out a cold hand, making gentle connection with an impossibly warm wrist. "Nope. I just so rarely have the time."
He looks at the connection but doesn't move to terminate it. "I'd like to hear sometime." He smiles something small and a little self conscious. "If I'm not being too forward again, that it."
"I don't think you are. What's your name, handsome?"
"Taako. And yours?"
"Kravitz. It's a pleasure to meet you, Taako."
They laze around in the grass for what feels like moments but the arc of the sun in the sky suggests has been hours. They lie in the soft sunbeams, talking about nothing and everything. As the day goes on, they inch closer and closer until they're hardly any distance apart. Their fingers intertwine until their hands reach a temperature equilibrium.
Truly, Kravitz is content to stay like that forever, though the feather the length of his forearm that lands in his lap, materializing from seemingly nowhere, seems intent on not letting him fall victim to such displays of sloth.
He groans and sits up, idly twirling the feather in the fingers of his unoccupied hand.
Taako gazes up at him. "Duty calls?"
"It does, I'm sorry to say." Kravitz squeezes his hand as though Taako is a kite threatening to fly away into the vast blue expanse. "I'll be back soon. I promise. Wait for me?"
A smile. "I will."
To say that time doesn't flow exactly the same for Kravitz now than it used to is an understatement, though it's hardly been a problem in the past few years. The Raven Queen moves on an even slower cosmological time scale than he does so it's become hard to notice these incremental changes. Seconds turn to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days; the sand in his hourglass moves more akin to molasses these days.
Of course, Kravitz doesn't know this. What reason would he have to know this? Not many mortals he spends time with these days. So when he tells Taako he'll be back soon, he believes is.
He just has a few jobs to deal with.
Circle of necromancers, spooky death cult, nothing he can't dispatch with ease.
The paperwork, on the other hand? Kravitz is certain that the paperwork is a special cosmic punishment for him.
But in what feels like only a few hours' time and he's—
And he's being debriefed for another quick case. Nothing special, just the murder of a quarter of a little frontier town. A quick stop in to investigate and he'll be able to drop back in on—
"Taako?" He asks the moment he steps through the rift he's sliced for himself.
He looks haggard. Horrified. With 40 bodies around him, how could he not be?
Taako looks at him, a slurry of emotions pulsing across his face. "This isn’t... I-I didn't..." He stammers out. Anger takes the stage on his face. "Where the fuck were you?"
Kravitz tries to take stock of the situation. "I was summoned by my Lady. Taako, what happened? Did you do this?"
"That was four years ago," he spits. Another evaluation of the surroundings. "I don't know what happened," he says, voice barely above a whisper, laboring under about six layers of emotion.
Kravitz blinks at him. "I-I never meant to be gone so long. I'm sorry. I'm sure you thought I forgot about you. But doing this to attract my attention?"
"I would never," Taako’s ears twitch more the more incensed he becomes. He shakes his head and looks like he's about to start dry-heaving. "This wasn't me. I don't think it was me, anyway."
"You don't know?"
"I think maybe a spell went wrong but I don't know and my one witness just turned tail on me and ran and I think he's going to report me to the militia and who could blame him? I'm th-this monster!" He says, his voice climbing several decibel hills. And then it clicks. "Even you're here to kill me!"
"Taako. Taako. Listen to me. I'm not here to kill anyone. This is an unusual event. A tragedy. I intend on finding out what happened here after I assist these individuals in making it home." He hesitates in saying home but it appears as though Taako catches his meaning well enough. "I'd like to talk to you about what happened here. I promise i will work more swiftly now than I did. I want to get to the bottom of this. And I'm going to need your help doing it. So, will you wait for me?"
Taako chews his lip, pointedly avoiding looking at the scene around him. And then, at long last, a small nod. "I will."
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scrosciare - the action of rain pouring down or of waves hitting rocks and cliffs and Lucretia? :3
There's never a day that isn't nice this year. Even the rainy ones are perfect, because then they all play games in what's become their living room, where Merle is never playing the right game, Taako is always trying to cheat, Lup is calling him out on his bullshit, Magnus is sneakily doing what he can to delay Taako and help himself, Barry is arguing with Davenport about the specifics in the rules, and Davenport is trying to keep them focused on the game and stopping an all-out brawl between the twins.
Yeah, rainy days are good days. Today isn't a rainy day, though - it's bright and sunny, and the absolute perfect temperature as the sun rises over the ocean. Lucretia takes a moment to appreciate it, the sound of the waves crashing against the cliff she's chosen to paint on today a grounding force for her. A reminder that she's here, she's real, and so is her family.
Smiling to herself, she turns back to her canvas, letting the scrosciare become a steady base to the sounds of the plane around her, weaving itself into a sort of song. She takes stock of where she left off in her painting, then starts mixing some paints to resume the figure of Davenport.
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strawbebby-boy · 2 years
Hmmm I'm gonna say the food poisoning one is the lie because it would be *extremely* funny if you took ap French and still didn't know how to count to 10, and the stranger's car thing could be because of a number of reasons I think lol
sldkfsd you got it right!! i didn't get food poisoning but I did suffer the entire time bc I love strawberries but I'm allergic to them 😔 and there were strawberries everywhere!!
in my defense about the french thing: I did pay attention, I'm just horrible at numbers in English, let alone in french slkdfksd
in defense of the "getting into strangers cars" thing: I have no defense skdfsd i did not grasp the concept of stranger danger as a kid and i was very lucky nothing awful happened
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starry--skies · 2 years
I just realized I replied to you in the comments and didn't send in a ship lol
So for the ship ask game: magnulia? :)
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I love them so much and honestly the fanon one is a little bit of a stretch! Mostly did that because they get to be more fleshed out in fanon :>
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sysig · 9 months
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Stop bringing your own couch just so you can crash here (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Emperor Awesome#Invited himself over and is making a nuisance of himself lol#I guess in a timeline where he and Peepers are at least tentative friends - specific-context friends only-once-work-is-done friends lol#I guess it could also be considered Eyesome lol very lightly#He's not done with his work Awesome! Leave him be!#No he's bored for real and he wants attention lol#Peepers is soldering something - I do love how he refuses to take off his helmet for anything work-related lol#Awesome only intended to bother him enough to get attention but Peepers is Not in the mood try again later#He got him talking and thought that was enough! Nope!#It's really that kind of thing of their mismatch that gets me about their dynamic ah ♪#Awesome's ''Any attention is good attention'' and Peepers' need for things to be done a certain way without compromise#Even if he overall would have positive feelings towards Awesome by this point getting in his way to his ends is unforgivable!#He's not gentle with Anyone not even Hater on that front :D Awesome gets to learn that up close and personal!#He doesn't get his way just 'cause anymore! He can't sway Peeps just by flaunting and he doesn't want to (? :3c) intimidate him into play#Peepers on the other hand not at all shy about voicing his displeasure and it's surprising because?? Awesome not getting what he wants??#He is still only as effectual as he is impressive haha - I love him but he's not exactly a formidable form#Tippy toes <3#Get this man some heels stat
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iwilltranscend · 2 years
*bounces up and down* I wanna know about your OCs!! :D But tomorrow. You should sleep first because you are sleepy and it's late lol
hi hello this is several tomorrows later ! but I'm gonna talk abt the blorbos from my head under the cut <3
So my girl vapor is a current dnd pc of mine! she's a water genasi rogue and has had a Rough Life. classic rogue stuff, super melodramatic background, and she's just like. not very good at being a rogue but the campaign she's in is actually wrapping up this week and i'm very excited to give her a gentle retirement <3
I'm also using sterling kestrel in another campaign! he's a human monk, he's the greasiest short king ever and he's dumb as a rock <3 he had a pretty good family life, he owes his life to a wizard, and has been tasked with protecting this wizard's son (and maybe the wizard's son had to do death saving throws last session but he's fine !)
Nox Eastmoore is the pc i'm using in a campaign that's starting soon !!! they are a drow wizard (necromancer now but originally enchantment) so Nox had a nice family life, no siblings but nice parents and a lot of friends growing up! they went to an arcane school when they were about 100 or so? there they met Eden, an elven divine soul sorcerer. He and Nox became fast friends and then More (ofc) but while they were planning their future, a heinous plague ravaged the world. Eden, fearing for the safety of his family, did leave the school with a promise to Nox that he'd be back soon. the pair actually did exchange lockets with locks of each other's hair in it, they weren't quite ready for rings.
Eden wasn't back soon. Nox received a letter from Eden's family saying that he succumbed to the plague. He reportedly had a closed casket funeral. Nox was unable to attend. Once the plague subsided, Nox returned home, burned their spellbooks, and swore off magic. but time went by and they couldn't give up on Eden. they returned to orenda island, to the arcane school they had previously attended, and began their studies as a necromancer.
i do also have ideas for clemency jones, a tiefling death domain cleric who's loyal to the raven queen, and then oliver whimbley, a mild-mannered high school biology teacher who does unethical experiments on the weekends <3
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neutronian · 1 year
i love you small discord servers consisting of grown up queers
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sm-baby · 5 months
I want to see all the carnival AU bios again, but finding Zooble's is too hard, even when using the search. I hope there's a more organized way to view them.
(Trying to come up with nicknames that said characters would give my characters.)
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Augh... I never know how to organize stuff! But here is a mini master post of the TADC Info Cards (edited):
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The Main Cast (Minus Zooble :C)
Zooble ( Plus Zooble!!! :3)
Shiny Cards ✨
Lesser AI
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Level layout
Your best friend!
Jesterly duties
The hallway
First clue
Special event!
Foul language
The Tent
The Funhouse
Pomni expressions
Character design
Meet Pomni
ALT character skins
Neck pieces
Neck pieces (prt 2)
Neck pieces (prt 3)
Silly Frilly
Toxic Positivity Duo
Quick Ragatha Doodle
The Rabbit
Non-sentient Pomni
Pity Laugh
First look
Meet Jax
Meet Ragatha!
Meet Kinger
Meet Able
Zooble's room
Theatre shinanigans
Thanks for listening
Jax Doodles
Final boss Pomni Theory
Ofcourse you would
Shoulder Pads
Ribbun real!?!?!?
omg showtime teeheeh ehehehe
Carnival AU meets Original
its ok she's not drowning
The Amazing Digital... Circus???
A Christmas Carol Play!
Carnival Freakshow AU Merge!! (Freakshow AU by @hootbon)
Whore Pomni Inside joke
shitpost doodles
SCANDAL!! (alt)
Flirty non-sentient pomni Inside joke (TW For suggestive themes): NON-CANON
Flirty non-sentient pomni (shitpost)
Memory storage restart
the silly!!
no you're not.
oh god
someone paid me 10 bucks
╔══ ❀•°❀BOUNDERIES/FAQ❀°•❀ ══╗
"Can I make OCs In Carnival?" - Yess!! Multiple people already have and they make me so happy! do whatever, as long as you're happy and having fun!! " Can I make NSFW?" - Yas and slay, just be sure to warn and spoiler it, etc. etc. be responsible when posting NSFW! " Can I make Fanfics?" - Yes and please show me!! that would be lovely!! " Can I dub/voice your stuff?" - Yes but, I have only one rule... show me pleaaasseeee pls pls pls 🥺🙏 " Can I ship the characters/self ships/ OC x Canon?" - Aughh.. this is gonna suck to explain cuz its a lot to ask.. You're allowed to ship any ship! My only boundary is that it doesn't include either Pomni or Caine being with others who are not eachother! For example: Ragatha x Jax ✅ Pomni x Jax❌ Kinger x Queenie✅ Kinger x Caine❌ As long as the ship does not include Pomni or Caine individually, I'm all aboard!! I respect Jax x Pomni shippers, as well as Kinger x caine shippers, I just don't like them myself and don't want to accidentally stumble upon them in the tag! I do apologize if that's a lot, it just makes me uncomfy! Bounderies can be very tight! :')
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Modern library science has five key tenets that would also guide a future library economy. Developed by S. R. Ranganathan in his 1931 book, “Five Laws of Library Science,” these concepts are some of the most influential in today’s library economy. Let’s discuss these laws and how they would apply to the broader library economy. 1. Books are for use While preservation of certain original works is important, the purpose of a book is to be read. More broadly, a hammer’s purpose is to hammer, a tent to shelter, a children’s toy to be played with. Americans buy a lot of stuff, much of which spends more time idle in storage than in productive use. This law guides libraries to prioritize access, equality of service, and focus on the little things that prevent people from active use of the library’s collection. 2. Every person has their book This law guides libraries to serve a wide range of patrons and to develop a broad collection to serve a wide variety of needs and wants. The librarian should not be judgmental or prejudiced regarding what specific patrons choose to borrow. This extends to aesthetics of products, ergonomics, accessibility, topics, and the types of products themselves. 3. Every book has its reader This law states that everything has its place in the library, and guides libraries to keep pieces of the collection, even if only a very small demographic might choose to read them. This prevents a tyranny of the majority in access to resources. 4. Save the time of the reader This law guides libraries to focus on making resources easy to locate quickly and efficiently. This involves employing systems of categorization that save the time of patrons and library employees. 5. The library is a growing organism This law posits that libraries should always be growing in the quantity of items in the library and in the collection’s overall quality through gradual replacement and updating as materials are worn down. Growth today can also mean adoption of digital access tools.
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hobies-gf · 10 months
ugh just imagine
show-off hobie! who just loves to show you off whenever he can, so when he sees you in that cute little bunny lingerie set he got you, he coaxes you into a little photoshoot so he can post pretty pictures of you.
show-off hobie! who has you in his lap and his hand on your ass when he snaps the selfie. The angle of the photo shows the little bunny tail you have at the back of your underwear and it drives him crazy how innocent you look in his lap while he looks like a smug asshole.
show-off hobie! who takes a million photos of you in every pose possible. on the coffee table, on the ground on your pretty little knees with your cute lips wrapped around his cock, everything!
show-off hobie! who eventually takes you into his room because better props and he has this standing mirror right across his bed, so he forces you on his lap right in front of the mirror, and the picture comes out perfectly. You’re there sitting all pretty and small on his lap, body (mostly your ass) all for show.
show-off hobie! who has you kneeling in front of the mirror, tongue lolled out while his one hand draws circles over your clit. He won’t miss a good opportunity for a sweet picture though.
show-off hobie! who after some time makes you touch yourself since you’re so desperate while his hand is wrapped around your throat. Another beautiful picture.
show-off hobie! who has you begging for his cock and how could he resist his cute little pet?
show-off hobie! who sets up your phone for a video while he keeps onto his phone.
show-off hobie! who’s fucking into you so deep and rough that you have mascara running down your cheeks so prettily that he can’t help but take more pictures of you.
show-off hobie! who you makes you cum in that position before he flips you on your hands and knees and demands you to fuck yourself on him, his camera app already prepared.
show-off hobie! who feels like he finally took enough pictures (and videos) that he tosses his phone aside, hands gripping your hips to pull you back on his fat cock eagerly.
show-off hobie! who leans over your arched back, pulling your head back by your hair while he mutters all these dirty things in your ear that brings you closer to the edge.
show-off hobie! who finally lets you rest after 3 more orgasms because you’re shaking too much.
but caring hobie! who strips you of the lingerie and wipes you down nicely before dressing you in comfortable panties and his softest band tee.
caring hobie! who’s cuddling you now with his laptop on his nightstand so you can watch your little youtube videos and snack a little.
caring hobie! who helps you fall asleep into a quick nap, caressing your hair and waist.
but pervert hobie! who’s snatching his phone immediately from the edge of the bed to swipe through all the pictures and videos, a tent already forming in his boxers.
pervert hobie! who’s a little too excited for you to wake so you can decide what he can post for all of his friends to see.
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
9 and the twins? :O
In the mood for some domestic sibling shenanigans ghslshdkajdla
9. “You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.”
Lup woke up on the floor. More accurately, Lup woke up on a pile of blankets in the middle of the floor. Overnight, the blankets had spread out and there were gaps in the little circle they had made where Lup could see the hardwood flooring. On her edge, the barrier she had made with the only two pillows she had had been destroyed. On Taako's edge, a whole four pillows were piled up around him. A bit of sunlight made its way through the curtains- the second sun was just rising and it spilled light onto the floor around them.
It took a few seconds to remember where she was and what exactly was going on. But it came back slowly as she blinked up at the ceiling.
To be honest, this was the last attempt she and Taako were willing to take with any more relatives. They had originally supposed to go with their Grandpa Tostaada this time, but once again, no one had been able to locate him. Lup was beginning to think he never actually existed in the first place. The last cousin had all but abandoned them on the doorstep of this house, the only aunt from their dad's side. It had been late, then, so Tía Chaalupa had hurried them off to bed.
She seemed nice. She was willing to teach them Spanish, mainly because neither Lup nor Taako knew what the title of tía meant before she explained. But the cousin two moves ago had seemed nice too until he left them in a field and they never heard from him again.
Tía didn't seem upset when they shied away from her, though. And Lup had laughed pretty loud last night after she had "put them to bed", but she never came up and told them off. At the very least, she didn't seem to thrown when Taako told her that she was taking in a niece and a nephew, not just two nephews.
Lup sighed, rolling over in the blanket pile. It was pretty cold in here and she was shivering slightly. She turned and propped her head up against Taako's stomach, which was a little warmer. He made a little snort and after a second, his breathing changed slightly from the deep breaths he had been taking before. He was awake.
"What're you doing?" Taako mumbled, pushing at her head. Lup flopped over, now half laying on Taako.
"You took all the pillows so I'm using you as one," she said. She saw Taako blink a few times and then he sighed, rubbing one of his eyes.
"Yeah, okay," he said. "If you suffocate me in my sleep, I'm gonna haunt you."
"I'm not gonna suffocate you on accident," Lup said. "I'd do it on purpose."
"You're awful," Taako said, but he didn't try to push her away again. He tugged the blanket out from under her head and through it half over her. Her legs were still exposed, but it was a lot warmer under here. "Better?"
"Yeah," Lup said.
Taako made a little sound of acknowledgment and the blanket shifted above her. She assumed Taako had put it over his head. Between the new warmth and Taako's slow, steady breathing, it was a lot easier to get back to sleep. Lup curled up so almost all of her was under the blanket and shut her eyes. Tía might not be a good person, Lup didn't know yet. But if they had to leave, she was definitely gonna bring this blanket with her.
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[send a flower, get a sentence from a WIP!]
“Right! Okay, so something you gotta know is that you gotta treat your horses well.”
“My…horses? Johann, is this a euphemism for something?”
He shakes his head emphatically. “No, dude, horses! So, horses are these fucking bastard creatures, really they are just God’s mistake. But they have some really fucking weird physiology as a result. You know they sweat?”
Kravitz frowns. “Ew.”
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15 and Lup? :D
15. you must be pretty down if me juggling your oranges doesn't even get a laugh out of you :( should I light them on fire?
OK I gotta borrow from the clown Lup idea here cause it's honestly the first thing that came to mind so -
Taako has been closed off lately, and like, that's not new, really, but he's deffo not okay. He performs fine in their act, of course, and he claims nothing is wrong, but Lup may or may not have accidentally been listening to the breakup he had with the lion tamer out by the performance tent that she definitely and totally was supposed to be near at the time. The breakup didn't sound good.
So here they are, at practice, and he's throwing the oranges half-heartedly to her for the juggling bit, and she's pretending to fumble with them while juggling - and that's not usually part of the bit; she's throwing it in because it usually gets him to crack a smile, at least. But now, there's just boredom.
Lup catches the oranges deftly as she frowns at her brother. "C'mon, T, usually the fumbling gets you to smile," she says.
He shrugs defensively. "It's just not funny today, Lulu."
"What if I set them on fire?" she suggests, holding out an orange to do just that.
Taako snorts. "Don't burn your hands, dingus. That's not gonna make it funnier."
Lup puts the hand holding the orange on her hip. Maybe it's time she just tear off the band-aid. "Taako, I know that guy broke up with you. You don't have to act like nothing's wrong."
"I'm fine," he says automatically. After being met with The Look, he sighs. "It's nothing, okay? Like, sure, he thinks he's so much better than us because he's dealing with animals instead of like, squirting flowers and juggling and shit, but he's not that big a deal to the T double-A KO." He waves a hand.
"You're not even laughing at me juggling the oranges though," Lup insists. "And I'm serious about the setting them on fire thing, T."
"And it's not gonna help, Lup," Taako says stubbornly. She purses her lips.
"What if I tossed them in the lake nearby?"
"And waste perfectly good oranges?" Taako feigns horror.
"It wouldn't be wasting them," Lup objects.
"How so? What's gonna eat lake oranges?" he challenges.
"We would."
"You're kidding, right? Did you see that thing? I swear that not even, like, mosquitoes would wanna live there."
"It wasn't that bad." Lup rolls her eyes.
"Okay, fine, maybe there'd be one crocodile," he relents. "But I'm pretty sure they don't eat oranges."
"Okay, what about his lions?"
"They're probably allergic to oranges. They're 'pedigree', after all." He makes air quotes with an eye roll. "Like, here's the thing, Lup, listen - he clearly thinks he's part of a zoo and therefore 'above us', but it's like - you're in a fucking circus, my man, you're not."
"Sounds like all the more reason to feed them the oranges," she says.
"You're gonna get us kicked out of the circus, Lulu," he snorts. "They don't even belong to him, he's just the trainer guy."
"So... Circling back to eating them ourselves," she suggests.
"I'm not gonna eat an orange that's been in that lake, goofus, that's gross!"
"I doubt they'd even be that bad."
"You're disgusting."
"Lake oranges. Yum yum," she deadpans.
Taako finally cracks, his held back snorts turning to giggles. Lup grins, triumphant.
"I can't fucking believe I'm related to you," he manages, punching her arm.
"What would you do without me, your hilarious and perfect sister?" She punches him back.
"I'd be in a mansion instead of a circus."
"Nah, you'd be part of the monkey troupe."
"Lup!" he complains, cackling.
She just grins and tosses an orange at his head that he catches as easily as she had. "Come on, let's go steal that asshole's shoes."
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cupcakeinat0r · 3 months
<3 Valentine’s Breakfast w/ DadBod!Miguel <3
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With the sun rays flowing in through the curtains, your eyes flutter open, your blurred vision focusing in on the gorgeous man lying on top of you. This is usually how it is. You start the night laying on his hairy and soft chest, but after tossing and turning through the night, you two never failed to end up in this position. It sort of just happens. You believe it’s Miguel’s need to protect you in every sense of the word, so he just absentmindedly engulfs you in his sleep.
Miguel was a big man. In every way. It was sort of hard to breathe when he was on you like this.
But that was more than ok. In fact, you thrived on the feeling of all his body weight on yours, his face snuggled deep into the crook of your neck and his Herculean arms wrapped around you, not too tight, but just enough so that you weren’t going anywhere. And yes, his snoring was loud, but you learned to love it, it becoming the music to your ears on mornings like this.
It only takes you a few seconds for it to click.
It’s Valentine’s Day.
You smile to yourself, excited about all things you have planned for Miguel. But first… to figure out how the hell you were gonna get Gigantor off of you.
Unable to move, your head isolated, you look around for ideas. With your free hand, you reach for the blanket, slowly pulling it off of him in hopes he’ll move off of you to wrap himself in it again. Your idea succeeds, and he frees you just enough for you to sneak off the bed.
In the most cautious way humanely possible, you sneak out of the room (not before you softly kiss his forehead) and into the kitchen. You weren’t too worried, though. Miguel didn’t get to sleep in a lot like this due to his work, but when he did, not even a geographical disaster could wake him. You were safe.
You start listing in your head all the things you remembered you wanted to make him.
Your hands were ace in the kitchen. Everything you made, Miguel loved. One of his favorite parts of the day was coming home after a long day of work and into the arms of his cute sweet little housewife, a plate of delicious warm food already ready for him on the table. It’s kinda funny; it’s you he blames for his weight gain, but you always reply with how much you absolutely love him that way, accompanied by a kiss and a playful smack to his juicy butt (which has also gotten larger, props to you).
You slave away in the kitchen, making sure everything was perfect, even down to exacting the edges of your heart-shaped pancakes, which matched the heart-shaped strawberry slices.
You go to check on the sleeping giant. He’s still knocked out thankfully, except he’s on his back now, hugging a pillow (thinking it’s you no doubt). Aw.
You notice that the blanket wasn’t on him anymore, which allowed you a beautiful view.
His dark wavy hair sprinkled with hints of gray tussled from his sleep. His 5 o'clock shadow framing his perfect, dark, plump lips. His thick neck, chest and arms, peppered with dark hair as well, resting beautifully. His soft midsection, rising and falling with each dad snore. Near his happy trail was a prominent tent, the print of his huge cock tightening his briefs. You bit your bottom lip at his morning wood. God, this man was too perfect for his own good. You could feel yourself salivate as you remind yourself of all the other things you had to get to like decorations or lighting the candles or the rose petals…
It doesn’t take much for you to give into your urges. He won’t miss the candles or any decorations anyways…
He’ll appreciate what you’re about to do way more.
You silently climb onto the foot of the bed, your face dangerously close to the bulge. You give it a small caress, your hands gently molding around the shaft on top of the fabric of his boxers. You look up when you evoke a barely audible groan from Miguel, who’s still asleep.
You apply just a little more pressure in your next caress, this time making his dick twitch and his hips faintly buck up into your hand, his instinctive neediness signaling you to proceed with your lustful endeavor.
You then lift the band of his boxers, his completely hardened cock immediately springing up. You have to literally suck in your lips to muffle a moan.
Your eyes drink in his perfectly shaped bush at the end of his delicious happy trail, the pumped veins going up his shaft, the singular drop of pre-cum already running down, and finally his fat tip. He was perfect.
You use the juice already there as lubricant, slowly stroking his dick, the other hand on his thick, hairy thigh for support.
You start to feel Miguel‘s thighs contract and hips slightly bucking up some more, little grunts escaping his lips. His arms tense up as well, his muscles clenching around the poor pillow.
His small, slow thrusts drove you crazy, not able to wait any longer to put your mouth to use. You test the waters by giving his tip soft licks, swirling your tongue on it in lazy, annoyingly slow circles.
This grants you a few quiet hums from him, his belly and round pecs rising and falling faster, his body telling you to keep going for him.
Faint ‘Ffuuuckkk’s and ‘Mmm’s were sighed in his sleep, brows furrowed, lips in a pout; signs that you were doing amazing.
You then take him in completely, hollowing out your mouth for him as much as you possibly can, because as mentioned before, this man is big.
You bob your head slowly a few times. It’s when you pull him out with a pop! and start treating it like your own popsicle does his eyes finally slowly open, his lips curling when he looks down at his now very cock drunk girlfriend with a satisfied smirk. His chuckle is low and silk-like, his morning voice making your cunt clench around nothing.
“Well,” his breathing remains labored, his jaw hanging open, “Good morning to you too, Mamita… Mmfuck.”
He says as you maintain eye contact, your lips wrapped around his long and thick member, tongue tracing along a vein. You pull away with a wet smack before saying, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Daddy”, in the most sing song tone of voice.
Miguel tuts at your adorable yet seductive response, “ay, beba, so thoughtful n’ good to me…do that again...” he pleads.
“Like this, Daddy?” You ask, lapping your tongue over his tip just the way he likes it.
“Oh-oh fuck… si, just like that, mamita, así, goood girllll.” his head falls back against the headboard for a moment to sigh before looking back down at you again, seeing his balls in your mouth as your thumb works on his sensitive tip almost making him instantly burst.
You know he’s getting close when he starts panting, propping himself on his elbows and reaching a hand out to your scalp (it practically covers your entire head), gently applying pressure now that he’s in your mouth again. “Aw shit…. I’m close, mama, almost there… fuck, takin’ my fat cock so well, princesa…” He mutters apologies and thank you’s as he relentlessly rams into your mouth, his bush managing to meet the tip of your nose almost every time. He growls as he starts greedily thrusting his hips, face fucking his release into you.
You take your sweet time pulling him out of lips, making sure to get every single drop, your eyes on his the entire time. Once he’s out of your mouth, he sees you swallow, “Open,” and you do as he asks, “diablo, mami, eres tan sucia.” You begin to sit up, wiping your mouth, “Only for you, baby… C'mon, there’s some things in the kitchen for yo-“
“Oye, whoa whoa whoa,” He grabs your hand as you’re about to leave the bed and pulls you toward himself, “I didn’t say we were finished, did I?”
You fall into the bed again, Miguel guiding your hips onto his lap as he sloppily makes out with you, his tongue practically down your throat. “I’m not done with you yet, nena,” he mumbles against your lips.
He lays back down on the bed, “C’mere. Sientate.” He brings his hands up to his face motioning for you to sit on your throne.
You wince, now realizing you forgot that you had meant to shave last night.
“Babe, noooo wait... I haven’t shaved…”
Miguel furrows his brows, a confused scowl on his face.
“Mama. Look me in the face and tell me if I look like I care.” You begin to smile seeing how Miguel was starting to look genuinely mad at you for saying such a ridiculous thing.
“Now, I said sientate. I’m hungry.” He says sternly.
“You sureee? You really don't have to-”
“I don’t like repeating myself.” He commands. This man wasn’t playing any games. He was starving.
Your smile widens at his insistence. Your boyfriend was a real man.
Placing your hands on his hairy, thick body for support, you scoot your way up to his face, Miguel’s grin getting wider as your wet cunt comes into full view.
“So perfect for me, fuck,” His voice is sweet and tender now, planting a few equally tender kisses on your inner thighs, making sure to show them some love before you squeeze his head between them like a melon. “Te amo mucho, you know that, mama? Wanna make you feel good, beba.”
“Mhm,” You nod, biting your lip as the breath of his voice tickles your womanhood.
If Miguel could, he would just live in between your thighs just like this for all of eternity. His absolute favorite place in the whole world. “N' when I tell you to sit on my face, yo nunca quiero ir ese porqueria, understood?”
His stern tone made both your heart and pussy flutter. “Yessir.”
Your hands use the edge of the headboard as support, tentatively hovering your hips over his face as he showers your inner thighs with loving pecks and nibbles, the smack of his lips making your pussy clench again.
One of his big hands steadies your hips with a tight grip, the other moving your panties aside to reveal your unshaven lips.
“Prettiest pussy ever…. y todo es mio. Fuck, you’re so wet, mamita, did I do that?” He speaks mockingly.
You sigh when his lips kiss your clit, his tongue following shortly after by flicking it a couple times. You hear him grunt beneath you after having to lift his head off the bed to reach your hole.
"Baby, sit down. All of your body weight." He's short with his words. It sounds more like an order than a request.
"But Miguel-"
He breathes out, "You're really testing my patience, mama." And with that, his massive hands wrap firmly around your waist and pull you down, a yelp falling from your mouth as he feasts on your sensitive pussy.
Miguel is the definition of a munch. His head movement adds to the stimulation, moving it up and down, side to side; any effort to submerge his face deeper into your folds. His nose, the perfect size and shape that brushes against your clit while he simultaneously slurps and tongue fucks your cunt. The vibrations of his ‘Mmmph’s, the scruff of his face rubbing against your inner thighs, and softly pressing your clit between his tongue and front teeth were the cherry on top.
Your sounds are pornographic as he eats you out. When you're unable to sit up straight anymore due to the immense pleasure, you lean back, hands landing behind you on his soft pecs, pushing into them in an effort to get some kind of break, but Miguel wasn't having it. Plus, he was way stronger than you. There was no escaping him. A small part of you wondered how he was going so long without coming up for air, but you quickly answer your own question when you remember that your man loves to eat, and when he does, he’s like a starved man. Each time you pushed, his grasp only got stronger, but as much as you pushed, you truthfully didn't want him to stop. Ever.
"B-baby, baby… I- I- c-can't," you cry, unable to speak without stopping mid-sentence to let out a whine, "I'm so close, Daddy, don't stop, please, don't stop, don't stop!" You became a broken record, all sense leaving your body. The only thing on your mind was Miguel's mouth ravishing your weeping cunt. You sat forward again, now tugging on his hair, making him hum further and fueling his hunger. "Mmmph fuck! I won't mama, I won't, don't worry... I'll give you whatever you want," You began to literally ride his face, desperately chasing your climax with his hands slapping against your ass. Miguel was in heaven with this view, bucking his own hips into the air from how perfect you looked like this.
“Mmm… such a dirty fuckin’ girl you are,” smack, “wakin' me up like this… ay, que ricoooo, sabe tan dulce,” smack, “puta madre, Puedo vivir de este coño y nada más…” both his voice, an octave lower, and the wet, sucking sounds of his mouth helped uncoil the knot in your stomach, bursting on his handsome face.
Your hips stutter and your jaw falls open when you cum, Miguel drinking in your juices as if he’s been stranded on the Sahara for weeks. You could’ve split his skull into two, that’s how hard you pressed your thighs together, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Miguel finally lets you go, allowing you to sit on his chest now, both of you catching your breaths. He smirks back up at you, and you roll your eyes, blushing. "awww, mi princesita gets all shy when I make her cum, eh?"
"Leave me aloooneeee." With Miguel’s big hands as support and guidance, he rolls over, so he’s still in between your legs, but you’re now the bottom, and him the top. With your legs now around his waist, He chuckles at you and goes to kiss your flushed cheeks.
Then he goes in for a sweet, romantic kiss on the lips. You feel safe and taken care of while feeling his body weight on you again, his soft tummy against yours and his big muscly arms wrapped securely around you. You can feel his cock twitch against your overstimulated cunt, completely soaked from his second climax from simply eating you out, no doubt. He moves any hair on your face aside, caressing your cheek when he does.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, princesita. Have I told you how much I love you?” He coos, pure adoration in his eyes.
You manage a soft, tired smile, “Every day. I love you, too.” you chuckle, “Oh! I made you breakfast! You must be hungry, baby…” you say, as you start getting up.
He gently stops you, and you lay back down.
“I am… but not for food.”
Safe to say the feast you prepared was cold by the time y’all got to the kitchen<3
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Hope u liked it <3 It's a bit longer but I've been thinking alottttt about this tee hee!!!
This is a culmination of my thots and the thots of some of my hot moots, so Tysm @mybvalentine @gltzpzy for the ideas <3
Happy Valentine’s season, my loves!!! Wishing everyone not only a day but a whole new year of love. Not just romantic love, but also the love of your friends, family, and above all, the love for yourself <3
Speak to yourself kindly, treat your heart nicely, and consume all the chocolate!!!! You deserve ittt!!!
P.s. n if u don’t have a Valentine’s, I’ll happily be urs 🤭 MWAH!
- Cupcake xoxo
Want more DadBod!Miguel ? Here’s my master list, bae!!
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starry--skies · 2 years
Sage, lavender, peach, sky! :D
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Aw gab 🥺
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