#but funny af
icanbeyourgenie · 5 months
[ Achilles singing a moving ballad about a forgotten love ]
From the moment Achilles walked into the room, Nathaniel had not been able to focus on anything else. But when he started singing the song... It was something else entirely.
Nate was vaguely aware that he was in the middle of a conversation with Calypso, and that his sister was still talking to him, but he was unable to shift back his focus on her. He had never been good at controlling where his attention was headed, but for once he didn't care.
His mind was racing - and going nowhere - with thoughts on how to proceed. This time, he knew what was happening. Achilles didn't remember him. Not yet. It was a good thing, because it meant they had time. But it was also a bad thing because it meant the love of his life had no idea who he was. And an even more terrible thing because Nate had to make a good first impression - and judging by the previous times, it was not his forte.
The siren was still debating his strategy when he noticed something that immediately put him in movement: the minute Achilles stopped singing, Aeron went to him. And even from across the room, Nathaniel could clearly see him flirting.
He should probably take some time to breathe and to think. He did not. Instead, he raced to them.
"Prince Aeron, I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation" (he was not) "but my sister is requesting your presence."
Nathaniel was fully aware that Calypso had no desire to talk to Aeron more than necessary, and that he brutally cut her mid-sentence to come deal with the situation, but he could deal with an angry Calypso. What he couldn't deal with, however, was Aeron flirting with his man.
The same Aeron who, at the present moment, looked at him like he grew another head.
"I doubt that very much."
"And yet it is the truth." Nathaniel turned his head to look at Achilles. He tried not to let his heart rhythm quickens too much, and he failed. "Good evening. Your song was mesmerizing. Did you write it yourself?"
"I did, actually. It came to me in a dream."
Nathaniel smiled at that. "What a beautiful dream it must have been-"
"Yes, actually..." Aeron cut, and just from the look on his face, Nate understood that he revealed too much of his game, and that Aeron would be more than happy to tease him a little bit. "I invited our new bard to sing more of his mesmerizing songs in the afterwards party I'll be organizing in my private chambers. I would invite you, but I know how you princes of the Sea feel about such parties. Such a shame you'll miss out."
"Oh, are you a prince too?" Achilles asked. "I'm sorry for not greeting you properly, your Highness."
Nate would have found it cute if he didn't see red. Aeron 'innocently' put his arm around Achilles' shoulders and Nathaniel felt a violent urge to detach this arm from Aeron's body.
"I don't find this appropriate considering your engagements towards my sister. You know, your wife."
"Well, what a curious thing for you to say. It's the first time I see you advocate that I should spend more time with her. What seem to be the problem?"
"Maybe I'm just not in a mood to let you disrespect her again tonight."
Nate's anger was fueled by Aeron's nonchalance. The bastard even had the audacity to smile, like he was enjoying himself - which he probably was.
"Now, now. No need to be this hostile. We're all allies here, remember?" He smirked as he got a bit closer to Achilles, making Nate's blood boil. "If you're feeling left out, I'm sure my brother will be more than happy to welcome you in his chamber again. You want me to get him for you?"
Nathaniel couldn't tell what it was exactly that made the urge to wipe Aeron's smile. from his face so strong, but the next thing he knew, he was pushing the fae prince in the extravagant cake the High Queen ordered for the night.
The brutal silence that followed is what brought him back to reality. Silence only broken by Aeron's laugh (that little shit). But a silence that reminded him that he was still in enemy territory, and that he just disrespected the favorite son of the High Queen.
He was in for a big serment from Malachai. His brother was already walking in his direction. Which is why he quickly turned to Achilles, who seemed to have no idea how to react.
"How rude of me, I didn't even properly introduce myself. Hi, I'm Nathaniel. Please stay in the castle. I promise I'm not crazy, and I'd love to discuss about your songs."
As he was dragged away by Malachai, watching the guards try to control the chaotic mess he created and looked at Calypso's shocked expression, he realized one thing: After all these times, after all his meetings with Achilles, he was still terrible at first impressions...
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nico-the-overlord · 10 months
Hey, different anon here, you shared your username on your gimmick account so maybe that's why?
Ok so
I have two, I am well aware I shared it on that one
I did not share my main on the other one and that’s the one I saw someone follow me on so I’m just 😭
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xno-chill-memesx · 9 months
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theoverboardgaygirl · 3 months
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rosietherivendell · 2 months
"Christopher would absolutely have something to say about that. That kid cannot shut up about you." Oh I bet. Tommy rolls up to the Diaz house expecting a chill time with Eddie and gets met with a teenager who brings Buck up in every sentence. That's usually Buck's seat. Buck never forgets to use a coaster. Oh yeah you fly helicopters cool did you know Buck saved someone from a helicopter crash? We already watched this movie with Buck. That's not what we order when Buck is here why aren't there extra crab rangoons? etc etc etc Christopher only told Buck about Tommy agreeing with his Star Wars opinions because his bullshit radar is so fine tuned that the second Tommy patronized him the tiniest bit (as most adults do talking to teenagers it's not Tommy's fault my dude is fighting for his life) he was like my father will hear about this and Buck is so jealous he has no idea Chris is complaining
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spkyart · 16 days
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camilleflyingrotten · 9 months
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There's a universe where Aziraphale was the one who fell because he thought the suggestions box was a great idea and Lucifer encouraged him doing so... Angel!Crowley, seeing the cherub's fall, decided to never question God (at least not in front of her)
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bi-hop · 6 days
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They’re literally such a fun little duo it drives me normal
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 167
Honestly, Danny is having such a good time right now. He gets to travel with Ellie, explore space, just have fun. Plus his secondary protector-instincts are having soothed despite him not technically doing any hero-ing anymore. Really his sister had the right idea when she decided she wanted to become a doctor, this is honestly a blast.
And if someone does end up passing away, well, Ellie is always happy to help soothe their spirit and guide them to the Realms where they can reach their respective afterlife. Or become a ghost. 
They are completely oblivious to the fact that there are now legends and entire temples dedicated to them now. Apparently accidental ascension is in fact a thing, as Dan later laughs at them about. 
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dapper-lil-arts · 1 month
Another version of this banger lol
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vermss · 1 year
phoenix is so funny conceptually as a character because hes so silly and goofy (especially in court) but then hes also the bitchiest little middle schooler you have ever seen like. im not even through the second game but
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all this coming from the same guy who is Like This in courts of law:
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jjadmanii · 1 year
not having katniss’s mental dialogue in the movies was a miss bc in that scene of gale and peeta talking about who she loves more, all she’s thinking is “well one thing is for sure atm i could do without both of ur losers asses gn”
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sofacrust · 9 months
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kabukiaku · 1 month
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the goobers just smacked lips!!! will they hit it off? or it will be just a casual fling?
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