#busy buy good 😌
v-tired-queer · 10 months
I'm claiming it now: August is going to be a good month! â˜€ïžđŸŒ»đŸŒŸâœšïž
It's packed for me, at least this year. I've got:
đŸŒ» Lammas, which is also on a full moon
đŸŒ» Church picnics for both congregations that I'm a part of
đŸŒ» Movies that I want to watch coming out
đŸŒ» Council meetings for my home church
đŸŒ» Back to school season, which isn't really as busy for me as it is for my teacher friends (who happen to be married; one teaches high school, the other elementary), but I promised to help with classroom set ups and open houses if they need a hand
đŸŒ» Studying for my ACCUPLACER test
đŸŒ» My birthday, which happens to fall on a super blue moon!!
đŸŒ» Start prep for the colder seasons coming in (towards the end of August I pull out my autumn and winter clothing to see what I have, what I need, what fits me and what doesn't. I double checks my Cozy Stuff supply too and start getting things to help with my depression, which I have year round but gets worse in the winter)
đŸŒ» Getting test results back for things related to my reproductive organs and their overall functioning and health
đŸŒ» A couple of birthdays for people in my church families
Busy, busy, busy!! Gonna try to make it all count, though 💛
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
Did you lose her? (Lando Norris)
Maybe it was never a change of heart
Note: english is not my first language. It's angsty with a happy ending, and it's also the first piece that's I've written that's based of a song, Stick Season by Noah Kahan. I hope I did it well enough! đŸ«¶ also, it has smut, and if you have followed me for long enough, you know I don't usually do it, but I think it's these AUS pics đŸ˜źâ€đŸ’šđŸ˜ŒđŸ„”
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated đŸ€ and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Cw: curse words, previous break-up and themes related to that, smut (mentions protected sex, hormonal contraception, praise kink if you squint at the whole thing)
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
And I saw your mom, she forgot that I existed
Doing the food shop was one one of the mundane adult life tasks you actually enjoyed doing. You had some music on your ears and walked along the supermarket, making sure you weren't buying too much outside of your list.
Tomato sauce and two packets of the instant noodles for when you didn't feel like cooking or were in a rush, you told yourself as you browsed through the aisle.
The scent should've been the first give away, but lots of people wore the same perfume. However, not all of them had the characteristic underlying scent that to this day meant comfort.
"Y/N! I wasn't expecting to see you", Cisca said as he placed the item she took from the shelf on her shopping cart, "goodness, how long has it been since we've seen you?", she smiled sadly.
Five months, you thought. One hundred and fifty two days since you and Lando parted ways and you shipped your belongings back to England. You told yourselves it was amicable and that you'd still be there for eachother, but you had published your first article and he had started his season without the other by your side.
"It's been some time, yes. How are you?", you wondered, "we've been good, you know how busy it gets around this time of year. But Savannah had their little girl, Athena - let me show you a picture!", she scrambled her phone out of her bag.
"Oh, how cute!", you cooed at the little baby bundled up in a pink blanket, "Mila is such a good big sister, too!", she showed you a picture with the two of them in Lando's lap, the baby tucked safely into his chest as Mila seemed to be showing him one of her toys.
Gulping and swallowing the tears that threatened to fall, you looked up at her and smiled, "I'm glad everyone is doing good - send Oliver and Sav my congratulations!", you nodded, hoping she would get the hint.
Storing her phone back in her bag, Cisca smiled, resembling the smile that you woke up many times to, "I will, darling. All the best for you, hopefully we'll see you around", she said before rubbing your back soothingly.
You found an aisle without people and allowed yourself to cry. Just for a little bit before you had to go back to pretend it didn't hurt still.
And I'll dream each night of some version of you
That I might not have, but I did not lose
"I'm on the podium, dad!", Lando yelled as he hugged Adam, cackling in excitement as he hugged the team who were there to celebrate and congratulate him.
"Congratulations, baby!", you yelled as Lando turned to hug you, arms going around your waist and pulling you as close as the safety barriers allowed, clicking open his visor so you could look at your favourite eyes in the world.
"I love you so much, Y/N!", he yelled back, winking before he went up to get weighed in.
On the podium, he looked at you like you two were the only people there, smiling up at him as he blew you a kiss.
"I knew you'd be on the podium, baby", you smiled once you were back in his driver's room, "How are you so sure?", he wondered, kissing your neck soflty.
"The development they're doing, your talent, Lando, I knew it was going to happen, and from now on, you better get used to being up there every single weekend", you smirked, kissing from his throat to his jaw and up to his lips, humming when his tongue poked at your lips begging for entrance.
It was hot and he was sweaty. His phone read 4:30am as he stood up against the headboard, finding the light switch so he wouldn't walk around the hotel room in complete darkness.
It was the third night in a row you showed up in his dreams. The first time, it was subtle as he dreamed about flying on plane and he was sure you were there. The past two, however, had you in there as a main character. He dreamed of walking in the paddock with you, of having you there to comfort him and knock some sense in his head when his P4 in qualifying didn't feel enough, and now you were celebrating his podium.
It's weird how his brain went there, how his arms and face felt like they had truly been holding you despite not having done it in months. Muscle memory betrayed, he thought as he poured himself some water and took little sips of it as he looked outside the window.
Fuck, he missed you. And not just for these big moments where he was on a high and wanted to share it with you or when he was do low you were the only person that could make him crawl out of the dark hole he snuck himself into. It's when he's making his bed back home and the other pillow remains fluffed because no one's using it, it's the mug you left behind and he doesn't have the courage to send back to you or give to someone else or when he sees something that reminds him of you and he gets it, hoping one day he can get them to you.
You once called me forever, now you still can't call me back
Lando sighed again as the call went to voicemail. It was the third time it happened in the last couple of hours. It was media day at Suzuka and they were having lunch.
"You know it's 3 am back in England, right?", Oscar asked bluntly, "when we were having breakfast, sure, you might have got hold of her if she was doing a late night, but I think you should wait", he reasoned.
Oscar was right. He didn't want to risk it waking you up even though he was sure your phone was on silent since you loved your sleep dearly.
"I hate this", Lando muttered, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. Oscar was aware of some of what had happened between Lando and you. The start of the season always came with new gossip and this one's was filled with rumours and conspiracy theories about the paddock's sweetheart and young couple.
Lando started driving in Formula One when he was nineteen, so they had seen his grow up through the years along with your relationship. At first, you were pinned down as his sister, then a best friend when they realised you didn't share genetics, and then you were his girlfriend. The lingering touches and big smiles they caught never rushed you to admit your feelings or put a label on your relationship, but everyone was there when you walked hand in hand on the paddock and confirmed the suspicions they had for months. Lando Norris and his best friend were in love and they all felt like proud parents as they watched you support him unconditionally every time you could.
"Did you lose her?", Oscar quesioned his team-mate as he picked on the food on his plate.
"I don't have her with me, have I?", Lando snapped and regretted it almost immediately.
Oscar put it down to tiredness, jet lag and the fact that he seemed a bit lost on how he was navigating the situation, "What I'm saying is, did you lose her? Did you do your absolute best to keep her with you?", he said sternly, "Used all of the options and possibilities and it still didn't work out? You don't lose someone because things fell apart in a stressful situation", he reasoned.
He was young but not dumb, truly.
"Feels like I have though", Lando added.
"What I'm saying is if you really want to know how she is and if you want to have an honest conversation with her, you have to make an effort. Not just calling and asking your mother to see if she's spotted her lately, or your sisters to check in your circle of friends whether or not she has moved on", Oscar lectured.
"Do you think I can do it? Do I have what it takes?", Lando confessed his doubts out loud. One of the reasons he had yet to act on it was because having a second chance wasn't for everyone and he needed to make sure it went perfect. You deserved that.
"You're a Formula One driver with deep pockets and a massive heart that still belongs to someone. What can't you do?", the young australian driver mused before he got up, taking his plate with him and leaving Lando pondering about what to do next.
I hope this pain's just passin' through
You sang loudly as you dusted the living room shelves, windows open to let the autumn air in. While cleaning wasn't your favourite thing to do, you had woken up with an urge to clean and given that it happened very rarely, you were taking it in stride.
So far, you found a receipt of a pair of jeans you were meant to return but gave your friends instead, a concert ticket and a bigger amount of dust than you'd like to admit. When you pulled the fabric strap, though, you knew that you wouldn't want to get rid of it. The lanyard belonged to one of the passes for one of the Grand Prix weekend you went to see Lando. Inspecting it closer, you realised it was his second home race, the Polaroid picture attached to it confirming the date.
It started with you joking about the fact that the pass was not the prettiest, so Lando hunted down the paddock to find a Polaroid camera, snapping a picture of you two and pinching a hole on it so you could carry it around and cover the supposed ugly pass. The photo was still intact, just a little dusty as you wiped it with your sleeve. Lando was kissing your cheek as you smiled impossibly big, eyes squinty and smile beaming because of the guy whose lips were on your cheek.
A single teardrop fell on the plastic covered paper before a few more followed as you sat down, looking at what you had once been and how things were right now. The missed calls on your phone led you to believe that maybe he still felt something too, but the potential heartache of trying again and it not working would hurt more than it already does.
The vibration from watch caught your attention as you read the two notifications. One from your e-mail with Qatar Airways written in bold and a text from Lando.
Qatar Airways
Thank you for choosing to fly with Qatar Airways!
Lando ✚
I need you here with me, Y/N, please
I made the flight reservation for you, they will hold the ticket until two hours before the flight leaves, you just have to confirm with your passport ❀
You promised me that I was more than all the miles combined
Heathrow Airport, 7th October 2023, 6:30 am.
You couldn't back out now, that would mean Lando would lose the money he spent to get you here in the first place. It wasn't by all means quiet, but your thoughts were loud enough.
You shouldn't be here. Why were you here? Why did you accept this, Y/N?
Because Lando needed you there.
Simple as that.
Boarding the flight, you smiled and thanked as the flight attendant pointed to the area where your seat was and where you would spend the next six hours and a half.
"I'm sorry, our seats are by the window", a woman in her thirties said as she bounced a little girl on her hip, making you get up so she could get to it, "thank you", she smiled, sitting down and buclking herself and her daughter to her body.
"Lyla, you can't go pulling on other people's clothes - I'm so sorry", she apoligised as the little girl pulled on your shirt's detailed button buckle.
"No worries, I know how restless they can get. You do the best for your baby. You're only responsible for yours and her emotions, no one else's on this plane", you offered her, remembering the times you would take flights and fully grown adults would go up to a stressed parent to let them know they could hear their crying child as if the parents themselves didn't know.
"My husband is somewhere in there, too", she chuckled, sometimes I feel I'm responsible for his too - accountantable in a way at least", she chuckled.
"You weren't able to sit together?", you wondered.
"My husband planned the weekend to go watch a race and come back, but we found some holiday days and we decided on a spontaneous trip. This was the only seat left they had", she explained.
"I can change seats if you want", you offered, "I'm flying on my own and I'll get to the destination all the same", you giggled.
"You wouldn't mind?", she asked, relief settling over her as she tried to see her husband, waving at him to come closer as you touched the button to call the flight attendant as the passengers were all sat down on your section.
"This lovely young woman says she doesn't mind switching seats with you", she said to her husband as you spoke to the flight attendant.
"No, there's no problem with that if you both agree", the flight attendant smiled as you got up, ignoring the frown on the man next to you who had to get up so you could swap, "bye bye, Lyla!", you waved at the little girl before her parents thanked you once again.
Finding your new seat, you put your bag under the seat in front and sat down, excusing yourself to the older couple next to you, "I just swapped seats with the gentleman that was here, I'm sorry", you smiled, hoping they wouldn't be too mad.
"Oh, he was able to sit with his family after all - I told you, Harold!", the lady winked at her husband, "I'm Francesca, you can call me Fran", she said sweetly.
Despite the early flight, they both seemed to be full of energy as they started telling you stories of their life and family, showing pictures of their kids and grandkids.
"One day you'll have all of that with the person you love, darling - if that's something you want, of course!", Harold peeped in, "our granddaughters are always telling me not everyone wants the same things!", he chuckled softly.
"It's okay - I would like that, actually", you smiled sadly as Francesca landed her hand on top of yours.
"Why does that sound like a confused heart, dear?", she commented, reading you like a book. The flight was closer to be three quarters of the way to the destination, so you still had some time to kill.
"A little bit; I'm actually flying over to see the person who still has this confused heart", you mumbled.
"Your eyes sparkle when you talk about him, dear - something tells me he's going to 'unconfuse' your heart", she smiled, "tell me about him".
"Godness", you chuckled, "He's kind, respectful, honest, goofy, cute, charming, loving, he's all that is good. We just lost our way, I think", you recalled, smiling at the thought of him.
"You'll find it back, dear. Life has mysterious ways but it has the right ways - I like to believe it does, anyway", the older lady assured, squeezing your hand in hers.
Waving goodbye to Harold and Francesca when you found the taxi bay, you requested to be taken to the paddock.
When you got there, you payed the kind driver before he helped you take your suitcase from the boot, "enjoy the race!", he smiled.
You were thankful all eyes were on the track already, making you cross the whole paddock and step into McLaren's hospitality quickly after collecting your pass.
"Y/N!", Zak said as he was the first person to spot you, "you're here, you came!", he smiled, hugging you tightly, "we're all very happy you're here", he said as he asked one of the team members to store your suitcases somewhere appropriate before leading you to the corridor to the drivers' rooms.
"Lando is inside, and the race starts in less than ninety minutes, so you won't talk all you need to, but it's a good start", he said, knocking on the door before he left.
When Lando heard the knock, he hoped it was you. Sophie and Oscar were great people, but in the last hour, everytime he opened the door, theirs were the faces he saw instead of yours.
"Y/N", he welcomed you into his room before closing the door, "I hope it's okay that I flew you here, thank you for coming", he said as he hesitated on giving you a hug.
Taking a step forward, you laced your arms around his waist as he did the same around your shoulders, inhaling eachother's scent and feeling like a weight was lifted off both of you, "I missed you so much, Y/N", he whispered before you pulled apart.
"It's not the first time you've done that for me", you fumbled with your hands, "although I was very surprised. We haven't spoken to eachother in some time, Lando", you sterned.
"Not because I didn't try", he bit bat with an ironic chuckle, "Why did you come here then?", he defended, taking your words as immediate offense and not taking a second to process them properly.
"Because even though we're not together anymore, you matter to me. I care about you! I'm not sure what monster you depict me as or that you imagine I've turned into, but I wouldn't dream of wishing you misery! If you call me and tell me you need me here, I'll be here because I care about you!", you snapped, "you have no idea how many times I wanted to give up and cancel this! Why am I here, Lando?", you asked.
You didn't expect him to react that way, not that you had a much better reaction anyway.
"Fuck, this is not how we do this", you took a deep breath as Lando held your hands in his, mimicking your movements as he did the same. Three long deep breaths, in and out, in and out, in and out.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that", Lando began, hands laced on yours still, "thank you for bring here, I needed you here because there's no one else in the world that can make me feel comfortable like you do, and I need that. I need to feel like myself - and I know it's a selfish ask to make you get up and drop your things to be here with me but-", you interrupted him.
"It's okay, Lando, you're okay", you cooed, searching for his eyes and hoping you'd get the message your mouth was failing to say through.
You pulled him to sit in front of you in the massage table, "I've been seeing all the podiums you've been getting - the team have done such a great job developing, and your talent and skills have brought it to the podium", you tried a lighter subject even though you were 99% sure of his worries.
"Oscar still qualified above me", he began, "He's a rookie and he's managed to do in months what I haven't done in five years", he allowed himself to express his feelings. After all, it was you.
"Oscar is not driving a tractor like you were", you shrugged your shoulders as Lando laughed.
"For someone who was invited last minute and got a pretty good pass, I'm not sure how the team would feel about you talking like that", he smirked, hand finding your own as he rubbed his thumb on your palm.
"I'm only telling the truth", you smiled, "and I mean it. I know how this sport works, but you shouldn't compare yourself to your teammate when the circumstances are so different", you mused.
"The team have been great and they still haven't said anything", he reasoned.
"Of course they haven't because it's something that happens, Lando. I was watching the highlights and so many drivers went over the limits because that's how this track goes", you stated, "there's only so much you can do and you shouldn't put all that pressure on yourself", you tsked, "I know you do, but you shouldn't", you smiled.
"You always know what to say, don't you?", he chuckled, "I have an inkling on how this here works", you winked and tapped his head with your free hand.
A knock on the door interrupted your moment as Jon opened it right after, "Lando, we need to start prepping for the sprint", he said before he turned to you, "Hi Y/N, good to have you back!", he smiled before he let you finish what you were doing.
"I should go, then", Lando trailed off, "are you going to browse around the paddock? I bet a lot of people miss you and your face here", he nudged.
"I came here for you, I don't care about anyone else", you smiled as you leaned over to press a kiss on his cheek for a few seconds, smiling against his warm skin before grabbing your bag and walking out.
Most of the team must've known you were coming since not many of them took a second look whenever you greeted them or entered a different area.
One of the media girls got you a set of headphones as she stood next to you, Oscar and Lando getting ready to go to the track.
His routine hadn't changed as your eyes followed him while he got dressed appropriately and safely for the race.
Before Lando put his helmet on he looked back at you, winking and smiling when you winked back.
When the gap wasn't closing in, you knew Lando would be disappointed with P3, not because of the place itself but because his team-mate had done better.
As you moved to a better spot to watch the interviews on the media pen, your heart felt like someone was using it like a trampoline, jumping and stomping on it as Lando spoke about himself with such a negative tone.
Surely, the interviewers were fishing for answers with biased questions and his mind took him there.
As you waited for him to be back to the hospitality, you got yourself something to eat, realising you hadn't done it since the plane.
Lando was beating himself up and he couldn't shake the bad mood he was in even when he thought you had travelled to see him and be there for him.
As Sophie gave him a quick debrief about his interviews, he stepped into his driver's room so he could have a quick shower and then head to the team debrief.
"It wouldn't hurt going up to her, you know?", Jon told him, ready to take any harsh words first if it meant you didn't hear them.
"I know it wouldn't, I'm just going to eat something and then I'll join the debrief with the rest of the team", Lando mumbled as he walked up to you.
"Hey", he said sitting down on the sofa next to you.
"Hey, Lando", you said, testing the waters and approaching his body until you rested your head on his shoulder.
"You are going to get your win, Lando. It's going to be an amazing weekend and it's going to be your first. Surely important, but you'll be a race winner and go on to the next race", you said as he seemed to be unsure of the tone you were going for, "as that will be a big moment in a long career - because it won't define it - this doesn't define you either, as a person and as a driver", you concluded, hoping to bring a little bit of his confidence and self-esteem back up a little.
"And you're going to be there?", he asked. He was feeling like shit and needed to know. It wasn't fair, but he needed to know.
"I can't make promises like that, not before we speak properly", you remarked, looking up at him from where you were, kissing his cheek and squeezing his hand in yours, "do you want me to stay here or should I go back to the hotel?", you asked. It wasn't the right time or the right place to talk about it.
"Could you stay here, please?", he said as you took your book out of your bag, knowing it would run long and you'd need some entertainment as there was only so much catching up you could do with the team when they're suppose to be working.
"I will, then", you said as Lando took the plunge and kissed the top of your head.
Ten chapters and a tea later, Lando tapped your shoulders, "I'm finished, are we ready to go?", he asked as you got up accepting his hand to hold as you walked out of the hospitality, grabbing your suitcase from the storage room and bidding goodbye to the team.
"I couldn't get a separate room for you, but the room I'm staying in has this living room area and the sofa opens into a bed, they said it's really comfy and they also left an extra mattress topper and some blankets", Lando said as he drove, "in case you didn't feel comfortable, I- I just want you to feel comfortable", he emphasised nervously.
"Lando, you don't need to walk on eggshells, okay? It's me", you smiled reassuringly as he stole a quick look at you before focusing back on the road, "sounds like a nice solution, fine by me", you reassured him.
Leaving the car to the valet and taking the lift up with you, you stayed silent until you were inside the hotel room, "That's the bedroom area, bathroom's here - and it has a double sink - and then the living room", Lando patted the extra linen folded on the sofa.
"Thank you", you assented, "would you like to talk now or is it bad timing? You must be tired f,-".
"Yes, please", he agreed immediately sitting on the sofa and making room for you to sit in front of him.
"I don't know where to begin", you observed after a while, "it's been tough being without you - I have been so used to having you there for me and to be there for you that nothing quite has the same meaning. I can live without you - barely, but I can -, that's not the question, but I don't want to", you manifested.
"We ended things because we had to, and it did us both well to see from another perspective - that's what it felt for me anyway -, but I want to be with you and to have you with me", he elaborated, "I don't care if you have to spend more time back home because of the distance, or come with me to the races because of the distance, too, I-".
"It was never about the distance, Lando", you interjected. You both used that excuse way too many times but deep down you knew it wasn't because of it.
"We'll work it out then", Lando suggested, "we'll work on us because knowing eachother doesn't mean we don't have to put ourselves first and keep investing on our relationship. I value you so much Y/N, I love you so much and I want to do this right", he whispered as if he spoke any louder would disturb the moment.
"I love you too", you smiled as you laced your hands together, "we'll work on it, together".
It was already late so Lando offered you the bathroom so you could shower and do your night routine first and then make the sofa bed to your liking while he did his night routine.
"Good night, angel", Lando said after you hugged him goodnight, kissing the top of your head before letting you lie down first since the light on his bedside table was the only one illuminating the room.
After you cocooned yourself in the sheets comfortably, you spoke up, "Lando, I'm sorry I didn't answer back sooner", you apoligised.
"It's okay, love, you don't have to worry about that", he cooed softly and you could hear the smile on his voice.
"I know it's not, but thank you for making me feel better about it, goodnight", you smiled, feeling hopeful about it.
The next morning, you were woken up by the noise coming from the bathroom, assuming Lando was showering inside as you stretched, surprised at how well you slept. Maybe the bedding was genuinely nice, the sofa bed wasn't bad to begin with, especially considering the hotel you were staying in, or maybe it was the fact that for the first time in months, you fell asleep knowing the person who your heart belonged to was more than happy to let you keep his, too, and he was in the same space as you.
"Good morning, beautiful", Lando smiled as he noticed you were awake already, "did you sleep well?".
"Good morning, Lan", you yawned, "I did, really well, actually. At what time do we have to be at the track?", you wondered. It was a night race, so the call up was later than usual.
"I'm leaving after breakfast, but you can stay and head there later if you want", Lando declared as you walked up to him, "I just need to freshen up and get ready", you smiled, kissing his cheek and heading for the bathroom with your clothes.
As soon as you arrived at the track, you took one of the back entrances as you knew Lando would spend some time with the fans and other drivers he bumped into, finding a nice spot on the lounge and going back to your book.
"I'm going to start race prep", Lando stopped by you in the lounge after a quick meeting, "I probably won't talk to you much until afterwards so I just came to check on you", he reasoned.
Getting up, you moved to one of the corridors, leaning up to kiss his forehead softly, "Good luck, my love, you're going to do so well, I know it", you smiled against his skin.
"I have my lucky charm with me", he smirked, kissing the top of your head before he got back to Jon.
From P10 to P3, Lando had an eventful race. Fortunately, and compared to the rest of the grid, he seemed to be doing fairly well as he stood in front of AC Units while replenishing the water he lost during the fifty-seven laps.
"I'm so proud of you!", you cooed as he got back to the garage, shaking hands with all the mechanics and engineers before he got to you. You hugged his sweaty body, not caring about it as long as you felt his close to you.
"They're postponing race debrief so I'm going to shower quickly and then we can get going, beautiful", he smiled, kissing a spot on your cheek very close to your lips.
Smiling giddily, you went to the bar area to get a bottle of water for yourself as Sophie walked last you, "seems like we will be seeing a lot more of you again soon - maybe Zak can also hire you as our lucky charm!", she winked as you shook your head, blood rushing to your cheeks at her words.
Back in the hotel room, it was your turn to freshen up and get ready to sleep. The spirits were high and you were feeling like the wait time was over. Your heart was healed enough as you sat on Lando's bed, "I'm so proud of you, you had an incredible drive tonight", you smiled as you moved closer to him as he sat on the edge, back against the headboard and one leg on the mattress while the other hung beside the mattress.
"It felt so good", he smiled, "thank you for supporting me", he cupped your cheek as he silently asked you for permission to kiss your lips. Lando couldn't waste anymore time as he pulled you to him so he could kiss you properly, your legs on either side of his as you straddled him, revelling in the feeling of being in eachother's hold as your hands played with his hair while his held your waist.
"As much as I'd love to continue this, I'm exhausted, baby", he rubbed your thighs, "it's okay, my love, I wasn't thinking of letting you do anything else anyway", you smiled, kissing his nose softly before you got on one knee so you could flop to the side and land on the mattress.
"Sleep here, yes?", he mused and you nodded, undoing the bed and getting under the sheets, his arm holding you to him and making sure he didn't let go.
As if you'd leave anyway.
4.30am and Lando woke up again. This time however, the sight he longed to see was right there. The you he had and had got back, cuddled up to his chest as your leg was hoisted up on top of his own and very close to his aching cock.
As he tried to change the angle so every time you moved, your smooth skin wouldn't pratically tease him, you stirred in your sleep, eyes opening as he tried to adjust your knee.
"Is everything alright, baby? Am I hurting you?", you said as you recoiled from his body.
"No, angel, no!", he quickly guaranteed, "I'm sorry I woke you up, it's just that your knee was very close to me and I was having a hard time dealing with it".
"A hard time indeed", you snickered as you felt his hard-on strained on his Calvin Kleins. Dating after being friends for so long brought an easy joking side to your relationship so much easier and funnier as you wouldn't get offended with most of what you said to eachother, "need help with that?", you smirked.
"But I wanted to treat you", Lando pouted, "Can I, gorgeous girl?", he whispered as he kissed up your neck once you whispered "yes", hands roaming on your body as he pulled up your nightshirt, finding your nipples and twisting them slightly to work your body up the way you did with his.
Your sighs and whimpers let him know he was doing a good job as undressed your torso, littering small kissed from your throat to your tummy, "you're so gorgeous, Y/N, I can't believe you're mine", he said as he blew a raspberry on your tummy, earning giggles from you before he licked up a stripe near your panties line.
"You know how much I like it when you wear your pink panties", he voiced as he touched you over the cotton fabric, feeling you pulsate already, "Do you like it when I tease you over your pink panties, baby?".
"Yes", you scrambled out betwen moans and deep breaths, "Oh my Goodness, princess", he cooed as you squirmed, "You want me to fill this pussy up?", he wondered as you let out a yes followed but a deep mewling sound.
"Let me take a little peek, then", as his fingers pushed the fabric down, a string of wetness caught in the material as he smiled, "Oh my Goodness, look at this pretty little pink pussy", he kisses your clit, "all of you, you're se beautiful, baby".
Rubbing the inside of your thighs with his thumbs, pressing the soft skin as he got rid of your underwear, "Are you going to let me fill you up?", he asked as he wouldn't do it without consent.
"Yes, please do it, Lan", you moaned, hand looking for his own to hold.
"You don't need to say please, my love - here", he whispered as he laced your hands together, "you'll always have me, you hear me? I'm yours, sweet girl", he smiled.
His hand that wasn't securely laced in yours helped you take his underwear off before he came back up to kiss your lips softly.
"Does it feel good when I tease your clit like that, gorgeous?", he smirked as he ran the tip of his cock in your sensitive bud, "Yes - uhg, baby", you gasped, looking into his eyes and swearing you could get lost in them had you not been in such a state of arousal as you were.
"You look so pretty like this, my beautiful, sweet girl", he praised as he saw your twitches and heard your moans at his words, "we need protection, though", he stated.
"I'm good, didn't see anyone else - you?", you wondered as he shook his head, "didn't see anyone else either - condom?", he asked, making you nod and separate so he could get it from his toiletries bag. Hormonal contraception left you feeling worse that it made your life easier, so you and Lando always used condoms.
Rolling it down his shaft, Lando climbed back in the bed and kissed your lips, adjusting himself before he entered you.
You whimpered as Lando slid inside you, a low groan escaping from his throat as he gently slid, taking your hand back in his and resting them next to your head on the pillow.
"You feel so good for me, sweet girl, so wet so warm, so good - aah", he breathed out, "so tight, my sweet sweet girl", he squeezed his eyes shut at the feeling of your walls squeezing him.
You stretched your arm out enough to pull his face closer to yours, kissing his jaw and then his lips before whispering "you can move, love".
Lando pulled back slowly, thrusting in gently to begin with and savouring how you felt around him.
"I love you", you muttered into his neck between moans as he picked up the pace, thrusting into you faster, harder and deeper.
"I'm close", Lando groaned as he felt your walls clench around him, his hand crawling between your bodies and drawing lazy circles on your clit to get you to your release.
"Me too, feels so good, I feel so good", you moaned out, a high pitch one particularly when you felt the band was about to snap.
“My sweet girl, my beautiful sweet girl, are you going to come for me?”, Lando worked you up as your body started to show signs of it, "let go, my love, I'm here, I've got you”, he soothed, still gently rubbing your clit with one hand and keeping hold of the other.
Your back arched, sensitive nipples rubbing against his skin, as you came with a high-pitched whine, nuzzling your face on his thick neck as you came undone around him. Lando came soon after, his hand that was not holding yours groping your waist as he groaned.
“Good, sweet girl, that was good, you did so well for me. I’ve got you, it's okay", he assured as he felt you flutter around him, probably from overstimulation considering neither of you had been with anyone else and you hadn't slept a full night yet, the tiredness he felt also a cause for how quickly he finished.
Lando kissed your forehead sweetly before he pulled out, getting up and throwing out the condom on the bathroom bin before he cane back to you on the bed.
"Let's put this on, yeah?", he whispered soflty as he helped you put on his linen shirt, buttoning it enough to let you breathe but still feel hugged by the fabric, and then a clean pair of underwear he got from your suitcase.
Before he laid in bed with you again, he put on his own underwear, pulling you to his arms and then pulling the crisp white covers over you.
"Do you feel good, baby?", he asked once you were cuddled up to him, "yes, I do", you smiled, a mixture of post sex glow and being back in his arms.
"Thank you for not giving up on us, I love you, sweet girl", Lando said as he played with your fingers, bringing them up to his mouth so he could kiss every single one of them, "you're the best thing in my life", he mumbled, letting you drift off to sleep.
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Charles Leclerc x Vettel!Reader - Social Media AU
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Liked by sebastianvettel, mickschumacher, and 185,263 others
y/nvettel pretty sure i’m being bribed
View all 1,194 comments
redbullracing we would never try to bribe you 
 but hypothetically is it working?
y/nvettel hypothetically i’m on a caffeine cleanse but the flowers are lovely đŸ«Ł
mercedesamgf1 “bribed” is so harsh, we much prefer “gifted”
mickschumacher what they said
y/nvettel i know you put them up to this, micky mouse
astonmartinf1 what could possibly beat our cupcakes?
mercedesamgf1 our chocolates
tipsytifosi nothing from ferrari?
scuderiaferrari keep an eye out 🔜
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Liked by charles_leclerc, scuderiaferrari, and 197,615 others
y/nvettel many teams have tried to buy my love but only one succeeded by sending along a cute monégasque
View all 1,832 comments
charles_leclerc all in a day’s work
arthur_leclerc has charles happened to mention that he’s had a massive crush on you since he was teammates with your brother?
charles_leclerc shut it, arty
y/nvettel did he really?
y/nvettel it’s just funny because i’ve had a massive crush on him since then too
charles_leclerc we were pretty oblivious
scuderiaferrari should we add “matchmaker” to our resume now?
forzafiona charles is called il predestinato for a reason 😌
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Liked by y/nvettel, scuderiaferrari, and 968,352 others
charles_leclerc back in red where she belongs
View all 3,147 comments
y/nvettel you made a good selling point 😘
scuderiaferrari is it too early to sign any future leclerc-vettel children to lifetime contracts?
feralferrari you guys are taking this whole matchmaker thing really seriously 😳
tifositalking it’s smart business trying to secure the next generation
sebastianvettel I may not be around the paddock anymore but I still know where you live and I take my big brother duties very seriously
y/nvettel halfway around the world and you still find ways to embarrass me
sebastianvettel I only do it because I love you, schwesterchen
*translated from german: little sister*
y/nvettel i love you too. even when you annoy me
charles_leclerc i promise to do everything in my power to treat y/n like a princess
y/nvettel you are the sweetest, schatz
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babygorewhore · 3 months
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Dirty girl
Rafe Cameron is your favorite porn star and you’re determined to make your fantasies come true. Even if that means sneaking into one of his parties.
Thank you to @xxbimbobunnyxx for helping me with this one!!! And the divider! Also idk what happened to me but the horny demon decided to show up and possess me. So enjoy this filth 😌
Warnings! Male and female masturbation! One mention of breeding kink! Daddy kink! Oral! Fem recieving! Unprotected sex! Not proofread
Your crush on Rafe Cameron led you to do crazy things. Follow him around school, graduation and now you look at his posts like a puppy following their master on his only fans every single time he streamed. It wasn’t a secret that he was a porn star, everyone knew but it wasn’t openly discussed. When you saw him there weeks ago, your panties got damp from how hot he looked jerking himself off while he wore that SnapBack of his. His creamy fluid coating his large hand, fingers slick as he continued pumping.
“That’s my fucking girl,” He moaned and rolled his hips to the pace of his strokes. Your own fingers were buried inside your cunt, curling them upward as you wished they were his while your vibrator was glued to your clit mercilessly.
“Fuck, baby girl. You’re so good at this,” And then

His said your name.
You immediately stopped for a second. Gasping for air but then he said another girls name. It wasn’t directed at you, another girl with the same name who requested the praise. You laid back down from leaning on your elbows, returning to your motions as your digits found their way inside your pussy, vibrations pressing tightly against your swollen center.
You bucked your hips as Rafe started grinding on his bed, his thighs caging the pillow while his dick slapped against the material. “Fuck, you feel so fucking tight. Baby, let me cum in you. Wanna fuck a baby in you.”
You whimpered at his dirty words as you continued fingering yourself, drawing close to the edge when Rafe let out a throaty moan and that made your orgasm hit you like a crashing wave and you threw your head back, covering your mouth with your other hand to stop yourself from waking up your roommate in the next room.
As the seconds went by, you pulled out your fingers and wiped them on your bare hip. Rafe was breathing heavily, just like you were and it made your hole tighten when you saw his naked chest heaving as he recovered from spilling on the sheets. You needed him so badly it hurt but more than that.
You wanted him to fuck you. You didn’t want anyone else. You wanted him and you were determined to get him.
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Every weekend, Rafe threw a party at his house. Your friend Barry usually provided him coke for the entertainment and that could be your opportunity to get an invite. Which is what you were currently trying to convince him the next day.
“Come on. Let me give it to him.” You pleaded and he gave you a condescending look.
“For what? So you can fuck him? Nah. He’s the one who pays me. It’s my business.” You huffed and crossed your arms. Your sneakers were sticking to the floor of his house.
“Barry. Come on. I’ll owe you if you do this. I won’t bother you for a whole week.” You offered and he snorted, running a hand through his dark hair.
“Yeah, right. Make it a month. No favors. No ‘borrowing’ my shit without giving it back. And you buy your own stuff. A whole ass month.” He replied and you stuck out your hand.
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And that’s when you snuck into the party, booming music, laughter, fucking disguised your lack of invitation as you tried to find your target. You were surprised he wasn’t at the center since he loved attention but instead, when you went up the stairs, he was sitting down counting cash. You swallowed your nerves away before approaching him. You wondered if the money was cashed out from his Only fans. Which in turn made you clench at the memory.
You walked over, your heels clacking against the wood floor and Rafe’s head snapped up. But instead of criticizing you as a stranger, he stood up with a smirk.
“Hey, haven’t seen you before, baby.”
You swallow your nervousness and give him a little smile. “I’m here to give you the goods. Barry wasn’t able to come.”
Rafe furrows his brows slightly. “Doesn’t sound like him. Maybe you should tell me why you’re here, baby girl.” He says and wraps his hand on your hip, tugging you close until you’re pressed against him.
You shrugged but put your hands on his chest, rising up a little so you can press your lips to his ear. “Maybe I want you to fuck me like you do in your little videos, baby.”
Rafe quirks his eyebrow before gesturing with his head to the right. “Hmm, maybe I can give it to you. But first you have to ask me nicely, baby. Use good manners.” He teases.
“Please fuck me, Rafey. I want it so bad. I want you to stuff me with your cum.” You press your hands together in contrition. “I promise I’ll be good and take it.” You pout slightly.
Rafe gently takes your arm and starts walking to the right, taking you down a dimly lit hallway and passing people who are grinding against each other. He finds the last door, opening the wooden entrance and you see a modern style bedroom. With sleek furniture and a wide bed to accommodate his large frame.
He turned and smashed his lips to yours, sucking your lower lip and sliding his hands to your ass. He squeezed and pulled you against him, grinding against you, you felt his hard cock and you reached down, palming him and he groaned. “Did you just come here to be a cum slut?” He asked and you nodded as you slipped your tongue in his mouth.
“Mhm, just wanna fuck you daddy. Maybe make our own video.” You smirked against his mouth and he chuckled darkly, pulling away.
“I’m gonna fucking ruin you,” Rafe growled and pulled out his phone, turning on the record button. “You won’t be able to touch yourself without thinking of it right now. With my cock inside you. Without my tongue and fingers inside that pretty little pussy.”
He reached forward and grabbed your hair, yanking you to the bed on your back. He wasted no time, pulling off your panties and lifting your short skirt. Rafe moaned at the sight of your sticky cunt. “Mmm, so wet for me, aren’t you baby girl?” He said before sinking to his knees.
He shoved his face against your pussy, licking you with a flattened tongue on your clit and you gripped his hair. Rafe bobbed his head up and down before pushing his tongue inside you, fucking you with it as he made you whimper and grip harder.
“Fuck, daddy, it feels so good.” You whined as he sped up, bobbing his head up and down as the flash of the camera was on in his free hand, his other holding you down by your left hip.
“Who’s pussy is this?” He grunted, lapping his tongue and you breathed harder, feeling your stomach coil.
“Yours daddy!” You cried out and he smirked against it.
“Fucking right. One more time?”
“My pussy is yours, Rafe.” You said against and he smacked your ass before lifting up, crawling on top of you and unbuckling his past. His chin dripping with your slick as he shoved his boxers down his thighs and off, throwing them to the side.
Your eyes widened at his size, his red tip leaking with precum as rubbed it against your clit before sinking inside you, “Fuckkk.” He moaned and leaned down, his face in the crook of your neck. “Such a tight little cunt. Sucking me in like a fucking slut.”
Your legs wrapped around his waist and his hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing lightly while he kissed your skin, sucking in to leave a mark. “Everyone will know I fucked you. No one will touch you. You. Are. Mine.” He said as he thrust, deep in you hitting the good spots. You huffed out pornographic noises and humped him animalistically.
He continued his pace for minutes before speeding up as he saw your eyes roll back as your belly tightened and you spilled all over his dick, giving him more slick as he pounded into you and he slammed his lips to yours, teeth and tongue and you tasted yourself.
He came in you, dripping and ropes of cum leaked onto the bed and he moaned loudly. You matched his volume as you clawed at his back.
He stayed there for seconds before pulling out and scooping you in his arms, laying down. “I’ll clean you up in a minute
fucking hell baby girl.” He chuckled and you nuzzled against his chest.
“I think you did ruin me now.” You whispered with a sly grin.
“Give me fucking five minutes. And I’m gonna turn that camera off. You’re really going to cream over me.”
Tagging! @rafescurtainbangz @drewstarkeyslut @rafesthroatbaby @slvt4jamesmarch @marchsfreakshow @take-everything-you-can @emsgoodthinkin @oceandriveab @voyeurmunson @impmunson @redhead1180
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done-with-the-shit · 1 year
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->Relationship Headcanons<-
Chuuya x Reader
This is the first time I write headcanons so it may not be very good.. Also English is not my first language, please keep that in mind while reading! Ty and enjoy♡
Anime: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Chuuya Nakahara
Note: GN!Reader
I imagine that after an eternity of denying his feelings, he angrily confessed to you without even realising he did😃
Like you'd be minding your own business and he just randomly comes to you screaming in your face about how he hates the fact that he loves you or something...
After that he will most likely lock himself in his office and regret his life decisions😕
But you will go to him and also confess your undying obsession love for him so it's all fine!
Anyways as for when you two start actually dating he would be such a lovely boyfriend♡
Very romantic for sure~
Like definitely buys you flowers 'cause why not?
He'd also spoil the hell out of you.
He works for the mafia after all so money isn't a problem for him😉
If you are taller than him please don't tease him!! (my man's only 5'3đŸ€­)
After all he is still growing!
Lots of PDA.. that's all I'm gonna say
He enjoys taking you out to fancy dinners, but he also loves spending nights in, just watching TV and maybe drinking some wine with you~
You are the only person who can wear his hat and coat^-^
He secretly likes to see you in his clothing but you didn't hear that from me~
Chuuya is very good at cooking😌 so if you can't cook he will do it for you... he may even teach you if you want!
He also loves all the affection you give him!!
Even if you just hug or kiss him he will be melting in your hands literally
Being his usual self fucking tsundere he won't admit that he likes cuddling with you, but don't be fooled, he very much enjoys being spooned and loved by you!
Chuuya needs to be the little spoon! My boy deserves all the love you can give him!! (Just don't tell Dazai 'cause he won't stop bothering our chibi about it😔)
He's also secretly scared of hurting you with his ability, so he's super careful around you.
All in all he is such a softy with usđŸ„ș
Anyways.. let's get to the interesting stuff~~
Let's be honest this boy is a fucking switchđŸ˜€
So I imagine him as a soft dom and a braty sub (don't ask why though👀)
And he is definitely open to trying all your kinks you nasty whore😒
But who am I kidding I have no right to judge..
Anyways.. I bet he has a knife and bandage kink
I mean just imagine yourself all tied up with this small man on top of you!!
Or the other way around😏
He enjoy biting you.. (that's all I'm gonna say)
I personally think that he only dom's in two occasions..
First being if you had a rough day and he just wants to make you feel better~
Another reason for you to let him dom is when he is angry at something or someone.. yk to help him relieve stress (if he doesn't ask you to fuck him instead😉)
All the other times?
Oh this boy will be begging you to fuck him while explaining how he is still the one in control denial
I mean as a said earlier he is pretty much a tsundere so..
Because of that you'd have to be someone he really, really trusts for him to let you take control
But once you get his trust? Oh boy you are in for it I'm telling youđŸ˜©đŸ˜©
He is going to be such a brat and would love to push you to your limit~
But don't worry he is actually pretty easy to handle
Just pin him beneath you and he will shut up..
And if he doesn't just tug at his choker! What else would he wear it for!?
Oh boy do not forget that beautiful hair of his😍
It's just made for pulling~
Do I really need to say more??
Loud? Yes..
His moans are so incredibly loud like he doesn't hold backđŸ˜©đŸ˜«
Edging and overstimulation?
He loves hates it.. And will not tell you otherwise
But his favourite part is the aftercare~
Baby is so tired he needs your help!!
Take him to the bathroom and give him a nice warm bath (he deserves it for being such a good boy for you😖)
Loves it when you give him a lots of kisses and cuddles afterwards~
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mildlyanxiousverge · 1 year
The Slytherin trio(Barty, Evan, Reg) after running away from their rich families and living together at an apartment Reg got under his name not used to not having moneys so they made a plan and use their expertises to hustle in Hogwarts:
Reg being a god at potions and herbology, money maker, with a businessman's mind, with good manipulation tactics to make his products the 'it' factor😌 selling anti-sleeping potions (ravenclaws are his no.1 costumer with this), anti-nighmare(Slytherins, this is also why no one at the greenhouse messes with them), prank goos and other pranksy stuff(surprisedly this is a hit at the Huplepuffs), and anti-talking(the Gryffindors adored him for this one, I wonder why?👀) and other good stuff and convinces you to buy and agree to shit like he's Ursula and Dr. Facilier at the same time.
Barty selling his notes (he's got 12 owls, this bitch is smart), making his assignment duplicates and altering them with and altering spell he somehow knows, tutoring shit, making his mind open with answers at the exam and letting people enter, matchmaking king, he's Hogwarts cupid, he also does extra background checks for your crushes to see if they have red flags😌
Evan master at conviction and charm, he is rented for breakups because he can somehow make bad things sound like a dream, master at reasoning people need him when they want to win a fight, the messenger god, here to bring message from people are too cowardly to tell someone, sometimes people go to him to help the confess and barty is bitter because 'that's supposed to be his costumers Ev'.
They also have other deals, and can deal with your shit, so if you have a problem go to the trio for help, need to humiliate ur ex cuz he cheated? they've got you!!! Need your parents to never know the shit you do at school??? they'll cover!!!Need to kill someone but torture them brutally first???well...*looks to cannon* sorry not today
They also sell tea about people, they know shit, they know her ex's boyfriend's secret mistress, AND BLACKMAIL!!! Don't forget that they'll sell it at a high price!!! but if you need it, you know where to go!!! They can also get you out of trouble, no one knows how they'll do it but whatever they do works!!! They can prank someone you hate at a reasonable price (and they don't get caught unlike some people 🙄)
Regulus also got their business legalized(idk how he did it he's just that awesome) and have documents and does all thing legally (loopholes baby) with processes of contracts before agreeing with a client so something can't go wrong (and the teacher can't do about it) HAHSHSHAH
Pandora and Dorcas fully support them They're the managers and handles a lot of shit we don't talk about😌😏
Imagine Sirius' reaction when he finds out not only his brother run away but he also runs a sketchy yet legal(?) business with his friends and they're thriving JAjsjajajaHAJAHAHAH Remus at the background impressed about the whole thing and James drooling at Regulus' business suit atire AHAHSHAHAGHAAH Peter is a honorary member for being an investor with secrets, blackmails, and gossip that he adds
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marchiekana · 1 year
Sunset lover.
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What they'd be like as you lover.
Tingyun x f! reader
Jing Yuan x f! reader
✹ fluff, slightly suggestive, established relationships,
Not proofread.
Requests are open!
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As your lover Tingyun would also be your best friend. Her favourite pastime would be spilling all the tea she heard around the loufu while you both are out shopping for dresses or trinkets.
She would also take you on her trips outside the loufu sometimes. She'd buy you little souvenirs when she's out of the xianzhou, thinking about how good it would look on you or how happy you'd look when she gives it to you.
Tingyun is quite clingy, and a lot curious too. She'd ask you what you're doing and why you're doing it. If you have a hobby like painting,carving or anything like that she'd already be by your side, admiring your work and asking how you started it and why you did. She's like a curious child who just learned about something new.
She loves cuddling with you. A lot. Be it night or the middle of the day. If she wants cuddles. She gets cuddles. End of story.
Your dates with her would be so cute too. She'd take you to newly opened cafes or shops and buy you anything you want. She'd take you to watch the sunset near the starskiff harbours and give you tiny pecks all over your face. And of course you kiss her more in return (you better.)
She also loves seeing you in dresses. She can't explain it but she just loves it. She thinks you look so pretty with a cute fluffy dress and loves seeing you in lingerie too. She might buy you some for.....just cause.
In the end of the day the both of you have a really healthy relationship and live happily ever after. The end😌
Jing Yuan
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Jing Yuan is a busy man. But he makes sure he has lots of time to spend with you!
Just like Tingyun, this man is clingy too (more so than Tingyun) always sticking to you like gum whenever he can.
He absolutely loves spending time with you by playing Mahjong or checkers while you both have some good tea. He also loves teasing you and annoying you too when he gets too bored(which is never when he's with you)
This man is a sucker for cuddles. He'd drag you to bed when he's tired, totally ignoring your soft protests of how you still have some work that needs to be finished. They dont call him to dozing general for nothing.
Yanqing would drag you and him to do some training in your free time. The way Jing Yuan would look while he's slightly sweating, his hair a bit disheveled and his skin glowing. You couldn't help but let your thoughts wander back to those moonlit nights when he'd- ahem. You get it .
He'd just accompany you to wherever you were going. While you'd be buying basic necessities for the house, he'd be near a tea stall, checking out what flavour of tea he should buy or he'd be by some ceramic store, buying a new set of teacups.
Dates with Jing Yuan would be the sweetest. He'd take you out to a fancy restaurant or a street food cart. He'd also take you to a high place to watch the sunset as you just sit with eachother, hand in hand.
All in all you both are hopelessly in love. The end(2)😌
Methinks Tingyun is really pretty (⁠灏⁠Âș⁠‿⁠Âș⁠灏⁠)⁠♡
I lost my motivation near the end lol.
© marchiekana do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize my work.
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catindabag · 6 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (52)
*Mizzen’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Night* Read [this] first.
Mizzen: *is singing to himself* đŸŽ¶C’mon, Percy Price, C’mon~. I need my bacon pizzas~. I need them now~. I need my bacon-đŸŽ¶
Dill: Hey, gremlin, what are you doing? And why are you singing about pizzas in the middle of the night?
Mizzen: WTH, Dill?! Don’t sneak up on me like that! My heart might explode!
Dill: Shouldn’t you be sleeping right now?
Mizzen: Shouldn’t you?!
Dill: Maybe~. But who are you waiting for at this hour?
Mizzen: Nobody.
Dill: I don’t believe you.
Mizzen: Go back to sleep, Dill.
Dill: No.
Mizzen: Then leave me alone-
Dill: I’ll wake up the others if you won’t tell me the truth.
Mizzen: Dill, just go to sleep-
Dill: Reaper! Tanner! Coral-
Mizzen: Shhhhh!!! What are you doing?! Don’t wake them up-
Lucy Gray: Wake who up?😀
Mizzen: Nobody, Baird! Now shoo-
Jessup: Mizzen, stop shouting-
Mizzen: Close your eyes, Jessie!
Jessup: The name’s Jessup!
Mizzen: Tomato, potato!
Coral: Yo, brat, shut your mouth-
Mizzen: Why are you even awake, Coral?! Can’t you leave poor Mizzen alone for the next 3 hours?!
Coral: Why? You gonna cry?
Mizzen: You guys are so mean to poor Mizzen!đŸ˜«
Tanner: Says the little gremlin who ate Wovey’s last cookie.😒
Mizzen: She gave it to me!
Bobbin: No, she didn’t, you monster!
Wovey: Is it morning already?
Velvereen: No, sweetie. Go back to sleep.
Wovey: Okay~. *goes back to sleep*
Lucy Gray: Hey, guys, look at that!
Velvereen: Look at what?
Lucy Gray: *points at the upcoming pizza truck* It’s a pizza truck! A pizza truck!
Jessup: A pizza truck? At this hour?
Treech: A real phantom pizza truck?! Where?!
Lucy Gray: There! Right there!
Dill: That’s weird. It’s coming right towards us.
Tanner: The pizza guy sucks at driving though.
Lucy Gray: Lol. It’s now swerving in every direction.
Facet: Is drunk driving even legal in Panem?
Velvereen: Maybe it’s just a Capitol thing.
Tanner: That checks out. Capitol people are weird AF.
Treech: Or maybe it must be another one of Reaper’s fever dreams.
Reaper: Why the f*ck would I dream about swerving trucks and pizzas in the middle of the night, lumberjack?!😡
Treech: Why not, farmer~?😏
Reaper: Who you calling farmer?!
Treech: Farmer Reaper busy kissing his hoe-
Reaper: Do you want me to punch you to the moon and back, Tree Boy?!
Lamina: Treech, shut the f*ck up or I’ll cry!😭
Treech: You’re already crying, Lamina.
Lamina: No, I’m not!😭
Persephone: *suddenly jumps out of the pizza truck* Hi, Mizzen!
Mizzen: Oh, thank Panem! Percy, you’re finally here-
Coryo: *is being princess carried out of the pizza truck by Sejanus* Hi, Birdy! How you doing?
Lucy Gray: Oh, Coryo, you look so cute in those matching pajama onesies with your fiancĂ©!đŸ€­
Coryo: Thanks. My soon to be husband bought it for me.
Lucy Gray: Can I have one too?đŸ„ș
Coryo: Sure. We’ll buy you a sparkly one.
Lucy Gray: Yey!
Sejanus: *is still carrying Coryo* Hi, Marcus! How are you-
Marcus: Go away, Plinth! Marcus is still asleep!
Sejanus: But-
Vipsania: Yo, bro, you good?
Treech: I’m good, bro.
Vipsania: Bro, I brought you a box of tiramisu flavored energy bars to devour.
Treech: Nice one, bro!
Vipsania: You’re welcome, bro.
Livia: Hi, ✹bestie✹~! How do I look in my pajama onesie?
Facet: Girl, you look ✹fabulous✹ as always!❀
Livia: Thanks, ✹bestie✹! You’re the best!
Facet: ✹Girlie✹, I know.😌💅
Juno: Hello again, Peasant Bobby Corn Poppy.
Bobbin: It’s Bobbin.
Juno: Corn Poppy.
Hilarius: Where’s Wovey?
Velvereen: She’s asleep.
Hilarius: But I brought her a box of apple berry pie-
Wovey: I’m awake.
Hilarius: That’s great!
Wovey: Now give me my pie, rich clown.
Hilarius: But Wovey-
Wovey: Pie. Now.
Hilarius: Okay.😞
Felix: Hi, Dill!
Dill: Don’t talk to me, you filthy Ravinstill.
Felix: But-
Reaper: F*ck off and die, Ravinstill!
Felix: Andie, hug me! I’m sad again!😭
Androcles: *hugs Felix* Hey, Panlo, where’s Sheaf?
Panlo: She’s busy sleepwalking with the rabid raccoons.
Androcles: Oh, okay. That’s cool.
Panlo: And Gaius?
Androcles: He’s busy fixing the pizza boxes with Clemensia, Dennis, and Palmyra!
Mizzen: WTH, Percy! Why did you bring the other Mentors with you?! I thought this super secret plan was only between you and me?!
Persephone: It was! Well, it was until we had this super secret ✹slumber party✹ at the Presidential Palace!
Mizzen: You had a super secret slumber party without me?!
Persephone: To be fair, it was a last minute thing. But anyway, here we are!
Mizzen: That doesn’t make sense.😑
Festus: *pops out from the back of the truck* You should be grateful, gremlin! We even had to steal the pizza guy’s truck in order to get here.
Lucy Gray: Nice. But what happened to the pizza guy?
Coryo: Gaius and Dennis knocked him out and tied him up in front of the Presidential Palace.
Jessup: But he’ll be fine, right?
Coryo: Maybe.
Mizzen: So where’s my pizzas and my 10 gallons of milk?
Persephone: At the back of the truck. However, Palmyra chugged all the milk down her throat. So-
Mizzen: That walking anomaly drank 10 gallons of milk without me?!
Persephone: Yeah.😑
Velvereen: I’m not even surprised anymore.
Coral: Yo, Percy Price, how many boxes of pizza did our gremlin ordered anyway?
Persephone: 20 boxes.
Coral: 20 boxes?!
Jessup: For all of us?
Mizzen: No! Not for you! They’re only for me, Jessie!
Jessup: This freaking gremlin-
Mizzen: *screeches like a dinosaur* Only for me!!
Coral: Sharing is caring, brat!
Mizzen: Never, you evil sea witch!
Coral: What did you just call me?!
Mizzen: Sh*t! *tries to climb out of the enclosure*
Persephone: Mizzen, what are you doing?! You could get hurt-
Mizzen: The evil sea witch and her evil minions are bullying me!
Coral: Come down and fight me, gremlin!
Treech: Lamina, fetch!
Lamina: Do I look like a freaking dog to you?!😭
Treech: No.
Lamina: Oh, okay.
Treech: Go get him, girl!
Lamina: I’m going back to sleep!😭
Mizzen: Get me out of here, Price! I need to eat those bacon pizzas before they do!
Persephone: Mizzen, get down from there!đŸ˜«
Coryo: Felix, do something!
Felix: *is still crying* Don’t talk to me. I’m still sad!😭
Coryo: Get it together, Class Pres!
Felix: No-
Coryo: How are we going to tell them about your brilliant plan to stop the Hunger Games if you keep on crying?!
Felix: What brilliant plan?
Coryo: ✹Operation Restore Felix Ravinstill’s Good Name✹!!
Festus: No! We are not calling it that!
Coryo: Fine! ✹Operation No More Hunger Games✹ it is!
Festus: Bestie, I’m cringing.
Coryo: Ugh! I give up. Call it what you want. I don’t care.
Felix: Then can we stick with ✹Operation Felix✹?đŸ„ș
Everyone: No.
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angelisverba · 7 months
jealous mafia h 😌😌😌
oh boy đŸ€“ this one will be fun i think
y/n is just a woman in the same way that harry is just a man. so she’s going to look, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to act.
however, harry doesn’t know that.
there’s a very beautiful man that harry’s doing business with. he’s not the most beautiful, because to her that will always be harry. but he was very interesting and pleasing to look at. they’re at dinner, y/n seated next to her lover across from Matthias- the thick, brawny, sun-bronzed, Sicilian Mafia leader- when harry tenses.
they’re dressed to the nines in this fancy ass restaurant, y/n in a silky dress with a back so low if she moves incorrectly her unmentionables show. it’s not happening however, because her spine is ramrod straight and her hands are in her lap, legs crossed. she looks perky, pretty.
harry has drifted out of the conversation because he can’t stop looking at his beautiful girl, and also because something isn’t sitting right with him. she’s
 paying too much attention. normally she’s pinching his thighs or huffing in her seat, her foot kicking in it’s crossed position to show her impatience. but now right now.
she’s paying rapt attention to matthias. her eyes a little doe like with interest and it makes him so fucking mad because normally y/n is giving him that look. his blood boils and his fingers dig into the arms of his chair, itching to dig into something. so he puts his hand on her thigh and squeezes, but she doesn’t even fucking look at him.
“darling,” he mumbles quietly. giving her thigh another squeeze to get her attention. he says it quietly enough that no one else hears him. the new york mafia godfather and the italian conversing about their motherland.
y/n leans microscopically in his direction with a distracted, “hmm?”
and it does it for him.
“y/n, what the fuck. are you doing?”
and this gets her attention.
she snaps to attention, giving him those mooney eyes and an innocent smile that wobbles in the corners because she knows what she’s done and she knows what she’s in for when they get home.
“nothing, daddy,” she whispers, placing her hand over the one that is now digging into her flesh almost painfully. it makes her clit throb and heat and the seam of her pussy clench with anticipation.
he’s incredibly hard in his pants because he can't stop imagining what he's going to do with her when they get home. how he's going to stuff her so full of his cock it will be the only thing she can think about, and how y/n will be fucked so stupid buy him, that the only thing that will leave her mouth is his name in varying volumes. how fucking dare she look at another man? did he not fuck her good enough?
"don't fucking lie-"
"m'not," y/n's eyes are round, filled with a little panic.
"brat," he spits, jaw clenched. his appetite gone. they're only in the middle of the second course, and he was wondering how he could leave the lunch without angering the other king pin's and accidentally starting a crime war. "want your eyes on me or on your plate until we're done here, understood?"
"yes, daddy."
"and when we get home i'm going to fuck you so hard you wont ever look at another man like that again."
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
and so the bottled joy cpn saga continues
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started from them using suspiciously similar bottles from the brand and both with lemon water on it. then it continued onto other things that made turtles đŸ€š. apparently it doesn’t end there and they have no chill. i’m still 50/50 on these but i won’t say that i don’t appreciate it.
so it all started up with a post done by the brand that featured some of their products last 5/23 ( ai zhan ). two of those are color red & green — which is the combined fan colors of xz and wyb + what looks like a yellow one? some turtles were clowning lightly ( joking — why are you posting our family picture? ) but apparently, these upset a few so/os to the point that one complained and the brand ( through customer service most likely ) apologized. which is pretty standard tbh. it doesn’t prove any “loyalty” to a fan group or what. tho i’m pretty sure the brand appreciates so/os — it’s kinda expected that they will apologize for any “inconvenience” they caused a customer no matter how ridiculous it is.
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anyway, going back. people discovered that the day before the video, they posted an article of their collab with li-ning ( which zz endorses ) at 18:23 ( yibo ai zhan ) — then as if that wasn’t enough, a collab with loreal with a blue bottle ( which is the sort of the color of the container in loreal pro ads ). i doubt the endorsers get much say in this kind of business of collabs but the fact that it’s both theirs is a nice coincidence.
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you would think that they will stop with anything that would associate wyb with xz or cpfs but they didn’t.
5/29, they posted on Weibo, specifically about putting fruits in drinks. “fruits” is a term that cpfs call themselves. So is this an acknowledgement? What’s hilarious are the comments on the post. It’s all BXGs showing support and sharing photos of their purchases.
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5/31, they decided to play it up with what WYB said on his Chunzhen live event. So they posted a video featuring a drink with frozen lychees ( which wyb said he enjoys ). all good right??? not really. the bgm they used is titled you who love heartily 105 degrees. It is a lot of people’s favorite song but why that? 105. 10/5. plus later, they showed another drink, this time with frozen bayberry which is another popular bjyx cpn. I mean. Are these all coincidences?
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and well this ( painting of xzwyb) — i’m justâ€ŠđŸ€Šâ€â™€ïžđŸ˜‚
they are clearly not helping themselves here

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most recently, they shared another video using the same filter as ybo’s douyin post. which a lot of cpfs were happy about because of the colors ( which is a cpn i’m not buying cause it’s a popular filter & totally yibo’s style ) — so this is taken again as being in cpf’s favor. 😌😌😌
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-END. â€ïžđŸ’›đŸ’š
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ze-ppe-li · 2 months
hi there dear bestfriend 😌 i love your writing skills like really đŸ€­đŸ€­ can you write about the fem reader who is a college student and want to be a doctor but she so broke and poor so like she was let's have sugermomy (irene .red velvet) and like when they met for the first time the reader was shocked because irene is so short and same for irene because she didn't expect the reader to be so tall
(top fem reader x bottom irene) +18
sorry English is not my first language
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...đŸ‡Șâ€‹đŸ‡łâ€‹đŸ‡Źâ€‹đŸ‡±â€‹đŸ‡źâ€‹đŸ‡žâ€‹đŸ‡­â€‹ đŸ‡źâ€‹đŸ‡žâ€‹đŸ‡łâ€‹Â·đŸ‡č​ đŸ‡Čâ€‹đŸ‡Ÿâ€‹ đŸ‡«â€‹đŸ‡źâ€‹đŸ‡·â€‹đŸ‡žâ€‹đŸ‡č​ đŸ‡±â€‹đŸ‡Šâ€‹đŸ‡łâ€‹đŸ‡Źâ€‹đŸ‡ș​🇩​🇬​đŸ‡Ș​ đŸ‡Šâ€‹đŸ‡łâ€‹đŸ‡Ÿâ€‹đŸ‡Œâ€‹đŸ‡Šâ€‹đŸ‡Ÿâ€‹
áŽŹá”˜á”—Ê°á”’Êł'Ëą ᶰᔒᔗᔉ: WʀÉȘᮛÉȘÉŽÉą ᎛ʜÉȘs ᮡᮀs ᮀ ʟÉȘ᎛᎛ʟᎇ ᮅÉȘғғÉȘᎄ᎜ʟ᎛ïč sÉȘɮᮄᮇ I ÉȘᮍᮀɱÉȘɮᮇ IʀᎇɎᎇ ᮀs ᮀ ʜᎀʀᎅ ᮛᮏᮘ. IÉŽ ᎅᎇғᎇɎsᮇ ᎏғ ᎛ʜᎇ ᮀɮᮏɮïč áŽÊ ʀ᎜ʟᎇs ʜᎀᎅɎ·᎛ ʙᎇᎇɎ ᮘᮏsᮛᮇᮅ ʏᎇ᎛ïč sᎏ ʜᎇʀᎇ ʏᎏ᎜ ɱᮏïč—
Bottom Irene, Sugarmommy Irene, oral (both), brief facesitting (r. receiving), fingering (i. receiving) brief size kink.
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Life was easier when you were still in high school. All you had to do was go to class, take notes, attend meetings, and study. Then come graduation, it all changed. You’d graduated high school with top honors, and everyone expected that you would pursue a scholarship to study. That would be your perfect life, of course, but... it didn't happen.
Now, you were in a situation where you could barely pay your pension.
And the strict social rules and pressure on students in South Korea didn't help at all.
The most exhaustive thing about the case is that the career that you had carefully chosen lasted a long time, it wouldn't be long in which it would be difficult for you to pay for it, unless you went into debt, it's a possibility, but it will put you under more pressure, right?
That was until you decided to take a break and go to one of Red Velvet's concerts. You thought that, this time, it would be your last time that you would spend something moderately expensive during these last years.
After the concert, perhaps because fate really smiled on you, you ended up meeting the group's leader in person: Joohyun.
She was, in fact, what attracted you in her, and led you to talk to her.
It was not difficult to talk to her. She seemed to enjoy listening to you, as much as you enjoyed talking.
The height difference between you was also noticeable, in the music videos in which she appeared, she didn't look so short.
Somehow, you ended up telling her about your current situation, hoping that at least she would give you some cursory advice.
But instead, she got serious and asked you to see her the next day on a small place of Wangsimni-ro, near SM Entertainment Building Headquarter.
You hesitated, but it seemed that she was waiting for your answer, or at least she made you feel that way. So you agreed.
On the next day, she told you that, while she couldn't offer you a job, she could give you a chance to give you some money, in exchange for staying with her... keeping her company both romantically and... carnally. It is a secret that would be kept between you two, clearly.
But you did not hesitate any longer: it was too good an opportunity. And besides, she was hot.
The next day, you visited her place and stayed with her until early evening, while you did several errands, buying food, paying bills, etc.
Before going back home, you kissed each other goodnight and she promised you that, after you finish your studies, you'll return to her place.
The next day, you returned to visit her again, doing your usual things, before she surprised you by saying that, if you wanted, you could stay there for the rest of the week.
Of course, you immediately said yes. So the days passed, some of them had sexual encounters, where she evidently dominated you, until she left you completely overstimulated, it was her way of letting you know how much she appreciated you.
Until for a while, the two of you couldn't see each other often due to her busy schedule, so you just hung around her house, waiting for her to arrive, it didn't matter if she arrived in the early morning.
It also didn't help that, even texting, she seemed to have no time for you at times, simply replying with a cold "I'm busy.", this made you start to believe that she had already lost interest in you, or her company had discovered your secret.
It wasn't when one weekend, you were in her apartment watching TV in her bed, when she came over. She looked quite tired, probably from the hard training she went through lately.
But even tired, she managed to get into bed with you and start to play with you. This excited you a lot, as she pressed against you, making you incredibly horny.
You started playing with her breasts while you were fondling her lips. Since she was tired, you thought this was the perfect time to switch roles, at least for once. Surprisingly, she let you do that, since she was incredibly tired at the time, but still, she really wanted you.
See her small body below yours, while her tongue played inside you, lapping at your clit, the only sounds that you heard was her breathing.
So, being satisfied, you grabbed her shoulders and threw her onto her back, where you proceeded to insert your fingers into her pussy, which felt very wet. You loved how hot she felt, you pulled out your fingers and plunged your tongue deep inside her. She moaned softly.
Your face became covered in her juices, which tasted absolutely delicious. The taste of her aroused you so much that you didn't care that she came all over your face.
After that, you fell asleep together, wrapped in each others arms. You woke up feeling incredibly happy.
And so it happened, every weekend, you were together with her. Every single weekend. Her words turned you on so much that you'd lose your mind sometimes.
A few years passed and you were able to complete your degree, no one would have thought that you could have achieved that because of Joohyun, who financed you from the beginning that you met, even with the money she gave you, you could buy all kinds of luxuries and clothing.
At first, you thought it was weird, thinking that maybe she was looking for someone to fuck. But soon enough, you accepted it. Besides, you liked spending time with her, it was actually fun. Sometimes, after getting home from work, you would find her ironing your clothes or making your bed, neither of us could help it, it wasn't serious at all, but, the fact that you spent time together always made you happy.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
"Can I interest you in some cookies?" with a loving husband and father of two, Min Yoongi. please and thank you Foxy😌
Characters: Dad Yoongi x Reader Words: 4963 CW: references to sex, some swearing, otherwise just fluff
[Sugie]: need anything from store on my way home?
[Y/N]: onion diapers sz 4 wipes (NO scent!) kid toothpaste stwbry cucumber cheese sticks 
[Y/N]: bananas bandaids rice blueberries if on sale
[Y/N]: apple juice for kids 
[Y/N]: 8*stwbry flavor toothpaste
Yoongi reads between the lines of your disorganized list, no doubt dashed together as you whirl through the house to see what’s low or missing. You’re thinking about what to cook for dinner and seeing no onion. Size 4 diapers means Joo, who’s been leaking through the legs of her old kind since she started walking, a little on the late side but she’s really a power house now, especially when she runs headfirst into immovable objects; maybe she’s out of diapers or maybe you’ve had a day of cleaning the leaks and have made the call the toss the remaining ones. He’ll get the ‘active baby’ kind that Jungkook says work well because if it works for a kid of Jungkook’s it must work for Joo. The toothpaste will be for Kija and he disagrees they’re completely out because he’s still able to squeeze a little tiny bit but fine, he’ll give you this victory and go ahead and buy a new tube; maybe you’re hoping he’ll forget the argument that had seemed so important for some reason when you sent him the list the other day. He’s a little offended you don’t expect he’ll know the toothpaste has to be strawberry, not mint, but he’s learned his lesson that Kija will scream and cry and scrape at his mouth like it’s on fire. Three tubes of mint kids toothpaste wait in the cabinet for him to grow out of that someday.
Most of the food items are obvious but the bandaids could mean someone got hurt or that someone got into the box unsupervised. Kija is big on bandaids suddenly after two years of shrieking if you even tried to put one on and now suddenly every imagined bump needs a bandaid. 
But the rice

[Sugie]: rice? I just bought some its in the bottom of the pantry
[Y/N]: bad storage place, got dump out all over kitchen
He sighs. 
Your typos gives him the image of you chasing children and dog through the house, texting distractedly while trying to get them corralled safely so you can make their early dinner. In the old days you texted as articulately as you spoke. He’ll cook something better for the two of you, he decides, and remembers to tell you that so you don’t just heat up extra dumplings for yourself too.
[Sugie]: i’ll cook so stay hungry
[Y/N]: k
Definitely busy. 
He makes quick work of the shopping trip, double checking he has everything on your list even though he had expected you’d only have one or two things for him because he was at the store two days ago. They don’t have strawberry kids toothpaste but hopefully watermelon will do –the bubblegum flavor he almost grabs has sparkles in it and Kija will decide that means it’s “spicy.” Yoongi is proud of himself for predicting this.
But now that he’s thinking about it, he feels bad about such a stupid argument about the toothpaste. Did it matter if you threw the tube away while there was still a squeeze or two left? You weren’t that cash-strapped right now. He didn’t know why he’d felt so strongly about his way being right. What a waste of energy, fighting with you over something stupid, when energy was already hard to come by.
So he grabs a box of cookies too, for you, the maple flavor ones that aren’t usually available outside of this time of year and sell out fast. They aren’t anything expensive, and definitely not as good as what you could bake on your own. But with two small children at home, him working full time and you still working part time as a compromise for juggling your careers and family, sometimes you have to take the shortcut to a treat. Boxed cookies instead of homemade. At least it was something.
The house is in chaos by the time Yoongi gets home and your stress level isn’t helping it. Knowing he was out busy but childless all day, you had hoped to have the kids settled, obedient, and clean when he walks through the door, to show what a good grip you have on things. He doesn’t expect it, but still you feel the need to prove that you can handle the kids all day just fine on your own and have it look tidy and have dinner on the table. The woman who does it all! After all, you’re the one who wanted to have the first kid. After all, you’re the one who suggested a second even though you had agreed on only one. Kija was too easy of a baby. He tricked you. And yes Yoongi had agreed, but when things didn’t go well, sometimes you felt like you’d tricked him too.
It is not a perfectly ordered and quiet household Yoongi walks into. You’ve made an appropriate snack for the kids to eat while waiting for Yoongi to get home with the ingredients for you to make the rest of dinner (or hopefully he will take over that part), but Joo choked on a piece of cracker and threw up a little, which scared you; Kija took advantage of your distraction to climb onto the back of the couch and throw his food onto the floor for Holy to gobble up; because Holy is there, you aren’t prepared for the puddle of pee in the hallway, which you step in as you’re dragging Joo to the nursery to clean up. When you yell at the unexpected warm puddle and jump to the side, you hit your shoulder on a picture frame, which crashes to the floor and shatters, making Joo cry. Kija and Holy come running to see what happened and you shriek at them to stay so they don’t walk through the glass, and Kija starts wailing at being shouted at.
This is what Yoongi walks into. You are on the verge of tears. One look at your husband’s surprised face is enough to nearly pitch you over the edge into your own meltdown. His lifted eyes feel like a lecture –but you should know better. He won’t lecture about something like this. Instead he scoops up Kija and takes Holy by the collar, guiding his dog son to the crate and his human son back to the TV. He returns a moment later with the broom, and you feel confident in picking your clear path the rest of the way to the nursery.
By the time you come back, Joo is clean and Yoongi is on his hands and knees cleaning up the dog pee and any small shards of glass. You suspect he’ll be out here again later tonight for one more wipe of the floor just to make sure there’s no glass left. You haven’t even said hello yet but you’re embarrassed he had to walk in and go right to problem-solving.
When he looks up at you, you start to apologize, “I’m sorry that–”
“Your leg is bleeding,” he points out. You hadn’t even noticed. The corner of the frame must have cut you on the way down.
So you settle Joo on the couch with Kija and go to clean yourself up this time. You finish around the same time Yoongi is bagging up the last of the dirty paper towels.
“Sorry about–” you start again, but this time he interrupts you with narrowed eyes, realizing, “Kids are too quiet.”
The two of you share a look and step quickly to the living room where bright flashy cartoons are lighting up an empty room. A toddler’s laugh is followed by the urgent hush of a child. And Holy is no longer in his crate.
“Kija,” Yoongi murmurs as you both follow the sound of nails scrabbling excitedly against tile –Holy, but that good pup never operates alone. You both dart to the kitchen to just stare in awe for a moment at the scene of chaos.
The grocery bags Yoongi set onto the counter have been upended. Holy has turned from the onions but the cucumbers are being shredded before your eyes. Joo has a fistfull as well that has no doubt gone through Holy’s mouth prior, but her other hand delicately holds a single cookie, still intact despite the fountain of crumbs around her. 
Kija is the cause of the waterfall, of course. He’s perched innocently on the counter, feet dangling, a box of cookies you weren’t even aware was on its way into the house ripped open like a fucking bear got to it and the cookies are mangled, pieces strewn across the counter, across Kija’s lap, and cascading down to Joo.
“Holy likes cookies,” Kija informs you and Yoongi with a crumby smile. You dart forward to knock the dog-masticated cucumber from Joo’s hand but it means she takes another bite of cookie before you can wrestle that from her too. The tantrum is instant as you pull her up, kicking and screaming, the whole bit because she’s clearly hoping her appa will insist you give the cookie back to her.
“You got into the bags,” Yoongi says, voice serious but steady. He scoops Kija off the counter, sending the cookies falling from his lap. Holy goes wild at the sound of more falling food and you’re the one to grab him, dragging him straight backwards as he scrabbles to try and stay. By the time he’s back in his crate, Yoongi has Kija and Joo both on the counter, feet in the sink as he rinses their toes and hands off. 
Only then do you recognize the smell of the maple cookies you enjoy so much; it’s almost enough to tip you truly into tears to realize Yoongi brought home your favorite cookies and not only did you not have a clean, orderly house for him to enter but now the cookies have been destroyed while he was cleaning up another mess that happened on your watch.
He’s mumbling to the kids and shaking his head; when you come over to offer to take over, he has a smile for you and finally a greeting,
“Seems like it’s been a crazy day, huh?”
“Yes,” is all you can manage as you collapse briefly against his arm, just for the comfort his his solid body. His energy immediately resets you. 
Yoongi’s home. The evening will be better now.
He lifts Joo from the sink first, settling her into your arms to hold as he towels off her toes with the dish towel, then he twists Kija.
“Ah, you were a naughty boy not helping your eomma,” he scolds Kija lightly as he works the towel. “If it’s a crazy day, it’s even more important for you to be a big brother.”
“I do help,” Kija defends. “I feed Joo! She is so hungry and I am so hungry too. It is past our dinner! And you’re late! Why did you go away all day today? It’s not the right thing to do.” He points at the digital readout on the fridge magnet to punctuate his reverse lecture, except not only can Kija not tell time, it’s not a clock, it’s an egg timer. The time right now is definitely not 02:17, that’s just how long was left when Yoongi cooked yesterday and decided the meat was ready before the timer went off and paused it so the beeping wouldn’t wake Joo up from an impromptu nap.
But now that he’s given his defense, Kija’s mouth widens out in that line Yoongi knows appears on his own face, and he gives his father a serious look, trying to gauge how in trouble he actually is.
“No one was bad,” you offer. “Just
 busy. Today was a busy day.”
“It was a very busy day,” Kija agrees. He sounds like such a little man, sometimes you have to remind yourself that barely-four is still a very little kid. He watches Yoongi another second but then decides he’s not in trouble and launches into, “Eomma took us to the library for story time and it was about robots! I want to be the blue robot and Joo can be the green robot and you can be the white robot and–”
“Why are the kid books and shows all about robots?” Yoongi sighs, even though he knows that’s not totally true. 
Kija insists hotly, “There are buses and cars too! And airplanes and–”
“Don’t you like animals?” Yoongi presses. “What about mountains and the sea?”
You can’t stop yourself from snickering under your breath, “Yes I married such a nature-boy
“I like natural things! Didn’t I make that table and chairs for us?” He had, the very ones nestled in the corner of the kitchen where the four of you would gather to eat what was looking more and more like a dinner of takeout. With a self-aware smile, Yoongi adds, “I like nature as long as I have my computer and electricity and a fan. Then it’s ok. But robots
 I want our children to appreciate the natural beauty in life.”
“I want to play with your phone,” Kija counters, a perfectly timed response, on theme even without him understanding how.
Yoongi gives you a look and laughs at his son as he sets him on the ground, “No. Go sit in silence and be alone with your thoughts.”
“I hate silence! I hate my thoughts!”
Now Yoongi is laughing; he’s never lost patiences when Kija gets mouthy, which he seems to do more now, though the obstinacy started as a toddler. He sounds like you, Yoongi had once insisted when you’d worried, but the truth is he sounds like Yoongi more often than you; you’re convinced he already has a sharp wit and a dry sense of humor, just like his dad. But he does happen to be going through a robot and race car phase, which Yoongi can’t identify with, and Kija does not seem to enjoy music in any particular way despite it being Yoongi’s life’s blood. 
But Joo does, soothed nightly by the soft melodies of lullabies her appa has composed for her. She giggles now as he leans in to kiss her toes, only to suddenly scowl and scold in her little chirpy voice, 
“No! My toes!”
Abruptly Yoongi stops and mutters playfully, “Already telling her old dad to back off
” A second later though she’s sticking her foot towards him again, trying to tempt him into more tickles expressly so she can tell him off again. She has no problem demanding what she wants, or defending what’s hers, or making it clear when she’s had enough of people and wants some quiet time. As soon as she could crawl, she was trying to break into Yoongi’s studio to get to his keyboard, where she’d jab at a few keys and then call for Appa, her desire for music developing earlier than her ability to verbally communicate it. But Yoongi understood and played for her, improvising melodies around the random keys she’d push. Just like Yoongi understood Kija’s need for praise when he’d make something cool, or more recently, for his dad to be engaged in the things he liked, even if Yoongi didn’t really care about race cars or robots. 
You were not surprised to have learned in the last four years that Yoongi is better as a father than you had ever dreamed. Not perfect. Your years of entering parenthood hadn’t been without friction and frustration. But his love for his children is always first and foremost and watching the way he listens to the children rattling off nearly incoherently about their day under his attention now warms you again. And fans the flame of your own feeling of failure.
Suddenly Yoongi stops them with a hand on each child’s head; they are confused and silenced by the odd behavior as Yoongi says to you, “Go sit and relax with them. I’ll make dinner.”
“It’s late. I didn’t even start rice–”
“I bought microwaveable,” he says –not just a compromise, but a reference to an argument you had in fact won, or at least the realities of parenting small children had. Yoongi had sworn to never have a microwave because of the “horrors” they did to food. But that was before the two of you became connoisseurs of meals that had gone cold while you tended to unfortunately timed diaper explosions, or sleepless nights of teething, of not wanting to turn the oven on to reheat the dino nuggets Kija refused at dinner but Yoongi loving himself a little more than just eating them cold like you do. 
“I wanted to have it ready when you got home,” you sigh. 
He can sense your frustration, though he doesn’t share any of your disappointment. He’s simply moved by understanding; today you were the one with the day busier than expected under the direction of small children. Other days it’s him. His fingers are light on your lower back as he nudges.
“You had the kids by yourself all day,” he shrugs. “It’s enough. Go sit and I’ll get food for everyone. And you will eat more than just cookie crumbs for dinner,” he adds, giving Joo a serious look that only makes the toddler smile. When Yoongi holds the look, eyes slowly narrowing, Joo starts to giggle. 
Yoongi, a fire-spitting underground rapper in his younger days with hard lyrics and rivalries with other artists? It’s impossible for his toddler daughter to imagine. She just performs an incredible feat of agility possibly only for toddlers and presses her foot into his mouth even though she’s still on your hip.
“Ah, kids these days
” he grumbles to make you laugh because he sounds like his own dad. You take the life raft he has offered you and go to watch cartoons with the children. They are deliciously quiet.
For better or worse, Yoongi’s arrival does not actually settle the day down, it simply gives you an extra pair of hands and a calmer mind. The kids eat next to nothing but then complain about being hungry. They cry when the TV is turned off to eat together. They cry when Yoongi won’t give them more cookies even though Kija claims they’re his favorite. Bathtime happens, to be left at that, and with obvious proof by the destruction of the bathroom. Joo has an accident before they even get a diaper onto her so technically bathtime happens again. Kija can’t find his special monkey he sleeps with –the one Yoongi brought back from the weeklong trip he took before Kija was old enough to remember and yet racked him with guilt for months– and then finds it in Holy’s crate which leads to a loud standoff between the two and then an emergency trip through the washing machine and dryer’s quick cycle, which delays bedtime but you both know it won’t happen without Raps the monkey anyway. Kija throws a fit about the different flavor of toothpaste, and the kids can’t agree on a story so it’s settled there will be two, and then there’s a fight for Yoongi’s lap until he shifts and shuffles in the rocking chair until they’re both snuggled down. 
You, the one who worked so hard to care for the children all day, are left with an empty lap on the ground, but other days these roles are reversed so you try not to be hurt by it. Instead you just admire the way Yoongi reads to the kids, so very different than your own attempts to sound like the characters. He just sounds like himself, his smooth voice gliding around the words as he tells the story of Olivia’s trip to the museum like it’s a conversation. In a way it is: every two pages Kija interrupts him to tell him something totally unrelated –a fact he learned about shrimp in a book at the library, that they saw a dog in a backpack on the train, that there were ants on the sidewalk in the park– and Yoongi’s eyebrow raise and he nods in acknowledgement of this precious fact Kija needed to share, and then he continues to story, his voice steady and slow.
Honestly, it’s putting you to sleep too. Yoongi’s way of speaking has always been soothing to you. It was one of the first things you loved about him, that no matter how worked up you were, however bad your day, he could speak about literally anything and his calming words and rhythm would rock you to a place of peace. 
It’s no surprise Joo is almost asleep when he finishes and Kija’s facts have petered out. You carry Joo to her crib and Yoongi tucks Kija into the little boy bed he’s only recently transitioned to; Yoongi and Kija built it together one afternoon from a kit as Yoongi tried to lecture Kija about the importance of building furniture with your own two hands and you tried not to giggle too loudly in the background about how cute your boys are. It took twice as long to build but afterwards Kija announce “Me and Appa are a superteam!” and Yoongi’s smile made clear he didn’t mind the delays.
You trade places, so each child gets a kiss or hair ruffle and whispered I love you from you both, and then meet at the door of the bedroom for one final glance before you shut it.
Except Yoongi has already gone down the hall, calling over his shoulder, “The pork wasn’t very good, I’lll make something else.”
“What? No, the pork was great and I ate enough.”
“Will you eat it if I make something else?”
“No,” you insist, knowing he won’t believe you. He doesn’t. He’s disappointed that he rushed the veggies and left the pork a little too long. It's not the meal he wanted you to have after an obviously tiring day with the kids. But you say again, “I don’t want anything else to eat. I just want
“Hm?” He freezes at the kitchen doorway, looking casually back at you as if everything in him doesn’t pause to see what you’ll say. You could say pretty much anything right now and he’d find a way to give it to you as thanks for the day focused on his work, as an apology that he wasn’t here to help, to express his regret that the dinner was not what you deserved.
“Just sit with me and watch a show. Do you have time or are you needing to go right to bed–”
“I have time for you,” he quickly assures you. “Do you want tea? Beer?”
“No, nothing.”
He brings you ice water anyways because he knows you forget to hydrate any when you’re chasing children. 
And he brings a plate, holding it out to you, the mangled remains of the maple cookies displayed.
“Can I interest you in some cookies?” he asked. 
The laughter bubbles out of you, followed by tears he predicted. He sets the water and plate of cookies on the table –with a stern “No” to Holy whose head lifts curiously from his bed by the TV. Then Yoongi bundles you into his arms, and stretches out into the corner of the couch and lifts the remote, silent and casual in his comfort of your minor breakdown. As soon as the show is selected –the next episode of something you two have been gradually making your way through, slowly since you each tend to fall asleep– he wraps both arms around you.
“Seems like it was a long day,” he says, hand stroking gently down your back. You nod under his chin. 
“Sorry,” you mumble. “I wanted to make it look easy and have everything nice when you came home after working all day–”
“Cut it with that bullshit,” he snorts. “I know it’s not easy. I just feel bad I was away all day–”
“You shouldn’t feel bad about it. It’s good! You deserve to go and it’s for your career
 I know you keep passing on things to be at home.”
He shrugs again, voice low as he points out, “So do you.”
“Yeah, well
” It’s true. It’s true for both of you, and maybe, you consider, Yoongi feels that same blend of relief and regret that you do when you leave the house. The same blend you feel when you come home too. “It’s hard to want to be two places at once,” you sigh.
“Yeah,” he agrees. “So we’re doing the best we can, I think.”
You nod. It’s true. The rest of the world makes it look so easy, like as soon as you have children your interests become singular, your patience and energy unlimited, your bond with your partner unshakeable. The last four years have tested all of those things –and yet you don’t regret it, not really, even after a day like today.
“I don’t regret any of this,” he says, as if he’s read your mind. “Except the dinner.”
“I thought it was good.”
“That’s because you’ll eat cold dino-nuggets. Your taste has always been terrible.”
“Yoongi!” you cry, laughter lacing his name on your lips. “I chose you, didn’t I?”
“Proving my point.”
“No, disproving it. You made very good little kids, even if they were little stinkers today.”
“I didn’t make those, you made them. I just gave you some of the materials. Maybe I’ll give you some more materials tonight.”
It earns a giggle against his chest. You both know you’ll fall asleep too quickly to get that far, even if you try to rally right now. You also know the materials won’t be true; a small procedure months ago has made sure that Kija and Joo will be the only two offspring for Min Yoongi. Two felt right to you both. Two felt like the maximum. Sometimes two felt like too much but you pushed through those moments, and once the glass and pee and cookie crumbs were cleaned up, two felt right again. 
“What, you don’t think I can?”
“I’m not sure I’ll be awake for it,” you admit.
“Ah, it’s like that, huh? I’ve lost my touch.”
“Your touch is good, my energy meter is just low.”
“Have some cookies, maybe the sugar will help you rally.”
 wait, you really want to? Tonight?”
“I don’t know
 you were so busy all day, I won’t bother you
“It’s not a bother, I just figured you were working all day
” You’re flattered now by the sudden bashfulness as he refuses to meet your eye when you push up against his chest. How many years have you been together now? And he still gets shy sometimes. You adore him, there’s no need to be shy, but it’s a core part of him and you treasure it, just as much as you melt at the times he is very much not shy about his wants.
So you reach over and grab a handful of cookies from the plate. They crumble in your hand, but still you sit up to eat the remains. It helps that he looks horrified by the crumbs escaping your cupped palm. You can’t stop giggling. He starts laughing too as Holy comes over to inspect this windfall.
“I just wanted to bring you your favorite cookies,” he sighs.
“I just wanted the house to be nice for you,” you point out. “Anyway, I’m still eating the cookies.”
“In crumbs.”
“They still taste good.”
“I’m so glad you have bad taste,” he sighs. You hold out a hand and he opens his mouth but doesn’t seem to expect you’ll actually dump some small pieces into it. Now he’s laughing and you’re both missing the show but you don’t care. He slings his arm around your shoulder and pulls you close. 
“I’m so glad I had good taste when it mattered,” you argue, poking his side. 
You don’t have to see it to feel his gummy grin as he says, “Come on, I’m not that great–”
“I mean about this flavor of cookies, they’re really good.”
“You brat.”
The giggles are the final balm you needed, and maybe for him too. He seems happy when he drags you back in his arms and he doesn’t have to say it for you to know he’s glad to be home, and glad to be here with you. Even when it’s hard, you’re happy together. Even when your dinners aren’t perfect and your cookies get crumbled. Even when you both are interested at the suggestion of sex but then fail to make it to the end of the episode despite your best intentions.
It’s ok. There will be many more nights. You’re both learning, like how he should have just taken you right to the bedroom instead of watching the episode. But maybe the snuggles on the couch were all you each wanted or needed anyway. 
It’s ok. You still feel Yoongi’s love because in the morning he takes the kids and lets you sleep, and pulls the blanket back over you before he leaves the bed, and that really is love. And because of that, tonight you will make sure you have energy. 
Probably. Maybe. Hopefully.
It’s ok. Waking up to the sound of your husband's low chuckles and the high giggles of your children is worth it all. And unlike that business about the toothpaste, Yoongi couldn’t agree with you more.
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airborneice · 11 months
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gonna just d r o p some extremely rough sketches here bc my sketchbook I’ve had on the go since 2020 is almost filled up and once it is I probably won’t go revisiting any of the sketches in it, so I may as well share some of them here
I’m incapable of shutting up abt my art so ramblings under the cut
1-3 - mattie sketches :) the last ones are recent and the 1st is one of the first drawings I did of her, back in 2021. idk I just think it’s important y’all know she’s been on her tide mouse shenanigans since the beginning
4 - I think I drew this back in last march and meant to move it to digital and clean it up there but things got busy and I never did :( they’re based on @randomwords247’s wonderful mermaid designs bc I love them
5 - unrelated to the last one, but while I was working on one of my little mermaid au drawings I tried to think how I’d approach the sequel if I got that far & ended up w. this. something something mermaids having human familiars being frowned upon
6 - I think. this is a drawing of @blaithnne’s pony!lauren that I never finished oops
7 - forgot I had this!! year before last me and @bubblekidaesthetics were planning to cosplay these two at comic con, and I got super hyped and doodled this. we did do this cosplay and it was awesome <3
8 - slightly more recent design stuff for freyja, still based on hilda-fanblog/rhombus’ design ofc but figuring out if I wanted my take on her to change anything like how many legs she has lol. also some pony!mountain king doodles on the next page
9-10- something something centaur au. somewhere in my notes app is a whole list of hilda chars and horse types/colours bc I started researching them and got so carried away. johanna’s supposed to be a bay and hilda was gonna be a shetland I think
? (the hilda one is a lot more recent and I think it shows lol). rip to dee who had to watch me talk abt this au so much and barely actually draw it
anyway tumblr won’t let me add any more pics which is probably a good thing đŸ€·â€â™€ïž I hope literally everyone feels better as an artist for seeing what an absolute mess my drawings start out as 😌 now I gotta buy a new sketchbook
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mountsmase · 3 months
Omg yes
Imagine being in a new relationship, like a few months and you are moving into a house alone since you still lived with your parents.
And it's Sunday afternoon, you had planned to go alone to IKEA for some furniture shopping and casually Mason text you to ask you how's your day going since you weren't planning to see each other that day. So you decide to call him and ask him if he is home. And when he says yes, you're like, "Good, I’ll pick you up in 10. I need someone strong to help me put what I'll buy in my car."
When you arrive at his he tells you that it's better to go with his care since its bigger and you're a bit sad cause you wanted to drive so he gives you the keys and tells you taht he wasn’t planning to drive, he is going to be the passenger Princess todayđŸ€­đŸ˜Œ
So you go there and buy a lot of things always asking for his opinion, cause yes it's for your home but he'll be there often so you want it to be a bit his too.
And he would want to pay but you won't let him to.
You go home and start building everything then at dinner time decid to order some food and you decide to spend the first night there, but there nit a bed yet so you sleep all cuddled up on the sofa.
But he would be so happy cause you decided to share your first night ij your new safe place with himđŸ€­đŸ˜Œ
Mase as passenger princess I love it 😭
Maybe you’ve only got your mattress and TV so you set it up in the lounge and order take away since you’ve got no food and haven’t stocked up the kitchen yet, then you have a cozy movie night and you’re just so happy because you’ve finally got a place that you can call your own and him being there with you makes it so much more special
maybe Mase wasn’t even planning on staying, not wanting to intrude on your first night in your new home but you’re so exhausted from your busy day of moving boxes and shopping that you’re asleep on him not even 30 minutes into the movie đŸ„ș and he doesn’t want to wake you up because you look so so peaceful so he just watches the rest of the movie before settling down with you and letting himself fall asleep too
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
People to whom Dream has loaned his boyfriend, aka Hob, because he’s a very busy man and Hob is an insatiable slut: a non exhaustive list.
Calliope - his ex wife. Got the holiday home in the divorce. Takes Hob on long leashed walks on the beach
Lucienne - his best friend/assistant. Strict disciplinarian, makes sure that Hob works to be a good boy. Praise kink activated.
Corinthian - his business partner. Sadist. Makes Hob cry on the regular - Hob adores him.
Olethros - his (not so little) brother. Finally satisfies Hob’s raging size kink.
Joanna Constantine - his business associate. Bisexual chaos. Hob comes back with a bad attitude, even more horny than before.
Lucifer Morningstar - local nightclub owner. Hob just wants them to step on him, and Dream can kind of sympathise.
Dee - his big sister. Everyone's favourite soft domme. Occasionally tag teams Hob with Lucienne. Buys him cute outfits, sends him back home wrapped like a pretty present for Dream.
Something something it takes a village to satisfy a slut 😌
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ao3 discourse about people being evil demons who deserve to die for donating to the site and not supporting Palestine is sick on so many levels. are you guys going to every person who has a patreon and DEMANDING they stop asking their patrons for money? also, as someone living in a third-world country, this whataboutism FUCKING STINKS. because there are conflicts and crises that're happening in every fucking country but supporting palestine is what magically keeps you in a morally sound path, immune from judgement? okay well have any of you been doing this for fucking north korea? china? india? philippines? at this point everyone who has a netflix subscription deserves to die for giving money to a cause that apparently doesn't deserve it.
it's giving brainless behavior. it's giving i'm only aware of international conflicts that i see on social media, because i do zero reading whatsoever and all international crises fall in one neat line and the only thing that's happening right now is the israel-palestine conflict and if you're spending money that isn't supporting palestine, you deserve to die.
the logic is all over the place. if you're gonna point a gun on people's heads best make sure that ALL your spare money is going to every single country facing a crisis right now. don't you even fucking dare buy a burger from mcdonald's. At this point if you watch a single video on yt from a channel that's making money from ads, you deserve to die 😌.
The site is making money from donations freely given. There are so many businesses right now who depend on their patrons are you about to go ahead and demand they stop it? I mean if you're this fixated on a nonprofit site, why aren't you guys advocating for the moral and ethical judgement of small businesses who ask for donations???
It's giving: i want to feel good about myself by being publicly angry about something.
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