#black bamboo seeds
wealthypioneers · 2 years
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Rare Tropical Timor Black Bamboo Tree seeds B10 Seeds of the rare and exotic Black Bamboo to Plant and Grow Visually interesting, canes turn green to black during the growing season. The hardiest of all black bamboo species. Slower to expand with minimal control efforts needed. Count: ~10 Scientific Name: Phyllostachys Nigra 'Black' Plant Name: Bambusa Lako Cold Hardy To 30 F Common Name: Timor Black Bamboo Plant Height: 60 Feet Plant Spread: 6 Feet Soil Moisture: Constantly moist Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light Design: Suits contemporary, oriental & tropical designs Garden Type: clumping bamboo Plant Seasonality: Evergreen Phyllostachys nigra, commonly known as black bamboo, is a species of bamboo, native to Hunan Province of China, and is widely cultivated elsewhere. Growing up to 25 m tall by 30 cm broad, it forms clumps of slender arching canes which turn black after two or three seasons Black bamboo is a striking and exotic choice for your garden or landscaping project. Known as the diet of choice for panda bears, bamboo is part of the Poaceae family—making it a grass, despite its height and tree-like stability. Phyllostachys nigra, commonly referred to as black bamboo, is famous for its ebony-colored stalks, or culms. It is a running bamboo, which means it spreads and grows rapidly through underground rhizomes. This can cause black bamboo to be very invasive if not controlled. FAST GROWING: The fastest-growing Bamboo, get privacy or windbreak fast! GROW TIPS: Run your sink hot water and get it as warm as possible. Fill a cup halfway up. Place the seeds in the hot water and then let them soak for 24 hours. Planting Instructions: Boil a cup of water and then let it cool to room temperature. Take a Ziploc bag and fold a paper towel to fit in the bottom. Take your water and add it to your ziploc bag on the paper towel. Just enough water to get the paper towel good and wet. Put 10-15 seeds in there and blow up the bag and seal it Just leave them in there until they sprout. You can just set the bag on top the refrigerator. After they sprout, once a week blow fresh air into the bag and reseal it. When they are about 2-3 inches tall their roots will be growing into the paper towel. Don't pull the plant and roots out of the paper towel; you will want to cut the paper towel so the roots stay in the paper towel. Transplant into vermiculite and peat moss mix with the roots still in the paper towel. How to Care for Black Bamboo Plants Running bamboo types, such as black bamboo plants, are ideal for creating a dense hedge or privacy screen. Your plants should be placed 3 to 5 feet (1-1.5 m.) apart for this purpose. However, you will probably only want to consider growing black bamboo if you have a very sizable area for it spread out. There are many strategies you could employ to contain the size of a bamboo grove, such as root pruning or even a root barrier. If you’re opting for a root barrier, install the barrier at least 36 inches (91 cm.) deep between the bamboo grove and the rest of your property using materials in the trench that are impenetrable, such as rolls of fiberglass or 60 mil polypropylene. The barrier itself should protrude 2 inches (5 cm.) above the ground to discourage any wayward rhizomes. If all of this seems too daunting or if you have minimal garden space, then remember this black bamboo information: black bamboo, like other types, can also be enjoyed as a container plant. Like anything that stands out with beauty and uniqueness, this bamboo does not come without a few "torns". Black bamboo can be a tad more on the needy side when it comes to location and attention needed; it requires at least 6 hours of sunlight a day, is not an option for indoor planting, it does not tolerate wind well, and the foliage has been damaged at temperatures below 10° Fahrenheit. If a dry wind is present, plant in a protected area. Foliage loss occurs at 0° to -5° with a complete top kill of canes at around -10° to -15°. Due to this, we recommend this species for USDA Climate Zones 7 and 8. It is being grown in climate zone 6 with moderate top damage during the harsh winter months. The culms are not as erect in shaded sides as some other species and tend to weep or arch over; Pruning can correct this behavior. Those who grow ‘Black Bamboo’ in western gardens love its graceful habits. The sharp contrast of color provided by the dark culms and green foliage is very desirable. New canes emerge green and turn ebony black within two years with sunlight exposure. This is reported to be the only species the culm turns true ebony in color. The culm sheath has wavy blades with prominent oral setae, auricles, and ligules. The wood is of high quality and used by many craftsmen. This bamboo species is a gregarious flowering bamboo, which means that every black bamboo plant around the world will bloom around the same time. This only happens every 40 to 60 years, and that generation of bamboo dies shortly after. The seeds can be collected and planted to start a new stand of bamboo growth. Fertilizer To promote healthy growth, you might choose to fertilize black bamboo for a boost of additional nutrients. Choose a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen for the best results; this type of fertilizer is typically best for grasses. Apply fertilizer in the late spring and again in the middle of the growing season. Harvesting Bamboo shoots make an interesting and fun addition to vegetable stir-fries and are often used in Asian cuisine. To harvest the young sprouts, wait until they are a few inches tall. Try to harvest while they are 6 inches or less for the best flavor. Using a sharp knife, cut the shoot at ground level. Be sure to harvest plants sustainably and responsibly, making sure not to strip the plant of all of its new growth. When you are ready to prepare your harvest, cut the shoots in half length-wise and remove the hard outer sheath. Then, cut them to the desired thickness and boil or fry them. Pruning Bamboo is known to be a fast-growing plant, which adds to its appeal as a natural privacy barrier. However, to keep the height of your bamboo in check, you should plan to occasionally prune the plant to your desired height. Pruning bamboo to control growth should be done in the spring. The nodes of the plant provide an easy visual cue on where to cut back the height of each stalk. Cut each stalk just above a node. In addition, curb unwanted growth of in-ground black bamboo plants by cutting new shoots that sprout from the rhizomes to ground level. Keep in mind that this will check the growth of this plant, but it is a prolific spreader once planted directly in the ground and you may not be able to control its growth simply by cutting back new growth. Propagating Black Bamboo Propagating bamboo is simple and best done by division. It is ideal to divide bamboo plants in the late winter or early spring. Water the bamboo well the day before you plan to divide it. Before dividing, cut off the top 2/3 of the culm. Using a sharp spade, dig up the section you would like to divide. You may need a saw to cut through the thick roots. From here, you can keep the clump large or divide it into smaller sections of 3 or 4 culms each. Plant each section in a hole twice as wide as the root ball. Mix in compost or other fertilizer and fill in the area. Water thoroughly. Potting and Repotting Black Bamboo Black bamboo can easily be grown in containers, which is a perfect choice for those with smaller yards or who want to keep it inside. When choosing a container, try to find one that is short, wide, and bottom-heavy. Adding rocks to the bottom of the container can help with this. Because bamboo grows to be so tall, a lighter, taller pot can easily get blown over. Since black bamboo is a running bamboo and a rapid grower, it may outgrow its pot quicker than other species. You will need to repot once your bamboo is root-bound. Potted bamboo will need more water than plants in the ground, so be sure to keep tabs on your soil moisture. Place your pot in a sunny, wind-sheltered area and enjoy it's striking looks and green foliage. WARNING Black bamboo uses runners to propagate, rather than forming clumps like many other grass varieties. As a result, its growth is considered fast and aggressive. The underground rhizomes easily lead to this plant popping up in unexpected places around your garden and yard. Eradicating it requires removing every piece of rhizome, which can prove to be a real challenge if left unchecked. Tags: giant bamboo seeds, clumping bamboo seeds, bamboo plant, Moso bamboo seeds, running bamboo seeds, black bamboo seeds, phyllostachys edulis, bamboo tree seeds, rare plant seeds, rare plant seeds, Tropical Fruit Seeds, Organic Seeds, Timor Black Bamboo, Black Bamboo, bamboo seed, Bambusa Lako Phyllostachys Nigra, giant bamboo seeds, bamboo plant http://springsofeden.myshopify.com/products/rare-tropical-timor-black-bamboo-tree-seeds-b10
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corvidaescreations · 1 year
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Some grass orchids with a stray bamboo growing in the middle, symbolizing both feminine and masculine grace.
Part of my ongoing digital restoration of the Kaishien Gaden/Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting, a 400 year old book on Chinese ink painting that was later adapted by and added to by the Japanese. It's one of the earliest examples we have of mass produced color printing, and as such, lends itself perfectly to vector.
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headspace-hotel · 2 months
Chemically sterilized...or mechanically sterilized?
It is clear that applying chemicals to your yard and landscape, be it fertilizers, weed killers, or pesticides, has devastating effects to the community of life that is present in every place.
But is the terrifying decline in insects explainable by chemicals alone?
When i am in mowed environments, even those that I know have no lawn chemicals, they are almost entirely empty of life. There are a few bees and other insects on the dandelions, but not many, and the only birds I see are American robins, Grackles, and European starlings.
Even without any weed killers at all, regular mowing of a lawn type area eliminates all but a few specially adapted weeds.
The plants of a lawn where I live include: Mouse ear chickweed, Birds-eye Speedwell, Common blue violet, Dandelion, Wild Garlic, Creeping charlie, White Clover, Black Medick, Broad-leaved plantain, Mock Strawberry, Crabgrass, Small-flowered Buttercup, Ribwort Plantain, Daisy Fleabane, a few common sedges, Red Deadnettle...That sounds like a lot of plants, but the problem is, almost all of them are non-native species (Only Violets, Daisy Fleabane, and the sedges are native!) and it's. The Same. Species. Everywhere. In. Every. Place.
How come...? Because mowed turf is a really specific environment that is really specifically beneficial to a number of almost entirely European plants, and presents stressors that most plants (including almost all native north american plants) simply can't cope with.
The plants mentioned above are just the flowering weeds. The grasses themselves, the dominant component of the lawn, are essentially 100% invasive in North America, many of them virulently and destructively invasive.
Can you believe that Kentucky bluegrass isn't even native to Kentucky? Nope, it's European! The rich pasture of the Bluegrass region of Kentucky was predominantly a mix of clover, other legumes, and bamboo. The clovers—Kentucky clover, Running buffalo clover, and buffalo clover—are highly endangered now (hell, kentucky clover wasn't even DISCOVERED until 2013) and the bamboo—Giant rivercane, Arundinaria gigantea—has declined in its extent by 98%. Do European white and red clovers fulfill the niches that native clovers once did? Dunno, probably not entirely.
One of the biggest troubles with "going native" is that North America legitimately does not have native grass species that really fill the niche of lawn. Most small, underfoot grassy plants are sedges and they are made for shady environments, and they form tufts and fancy sprays, not creeping turf. Then there's prairie grasses which are 10 feet tall.
What this means, though, is that lawns don't even remotely resemble environments that our insects and birds evolved for. Forget invasive species, lawns are an invasive BIOME.
It's a terrible thing, then, that this is just what we do to whatever random land we don't cover in concrete: back yards, road margins, land outside of churches and businesses, spaces at the edges of fields, verges at bypasses and gas stations...
Mowing, in the north american biomes, selects for invasive species and promotes them while eliminating native species. There's no nice way to put it. The species that thrive under this treatment are invasive.
And unfortunately mowing is basically the only well-known and popular tool even for managing meadow and prairie type "natural" environments. If you want to prevent it from succeeding to forest, just mow it every couple of years.
This has awful results, because invasive species like Festuca arundinacea (a plant invented by actual Satan) love it and are promoted, and the native species are harmed.
Festuca arundinacea, aka Tall Fescue, btw is the main grass that you'll find in cheap seed mixes in Kentucky, but it's a horrific invasive species that chokes everything and keeps killing my native meadow plants. It has leaves like razor blades (it's cut me so deeply that it scarred) and has an endosymbiont in it that makes horses that eat it miscarry their foals.
And this stuff is ALL OVER the "prairie" areas where I work, like it's the most dominant plant by far, because it thrives on being mowed while the poor milkweeds, Rattlesnake Master and big bluestems slowly decline and suffer.
It's wild how hard it is to explain that mowing is a very specific type of stressor that many plants will respond very very negatively to. North American plants did not evolve under pressures that involved being squished, crushed, snipped to 8 inches tall uniformly and covered in a suffocating blanket of shredded plant matter. That is actually extremely bad for many of the prairie plants that are vital keystone species. Furthermore it does not control invasive species but rather promotes them.
Native insects need native plant cover. Many of them co-evolved intimately with particular host plants. Many others evolved to eat those guys. And Lord don't get me started on leaf removal, AKA the greatest folly of all humankind.
So wherever there is a mowed environment, regardless of the use of chemicals or not, the bugs don't have the structural or physical habitat characteristics they evolved for and they don't have the plant species they evolved to be dependent on.
Now let's think about three-dimensional space.
This post was inspired when I saw several red winged blackbirds in the unmowed part of a field perching on old stems of Ironweed and goldenrod. The red-winged blackbirds congregated in the unmowed part of the field, but the mowed part was empty. The space in a habitat is not just the area of the land viewed from above as though on a map. Imagine a forest, think of all the squirrels and birds nesting and sitting on branches and mosses and lichens covering the trunks and logs. The trees extend the habitat space into 3 dimensions.
Any type of plant cover is the same. A meadow where the plants grow to 3 feet tall, compared with a lawn of 6 inches tall, not only increases the quality of the habitat, it really multiplies the total available space in the habitat, because there is such a great area of stems and leaves for bugs and birds to be on. A little dandelion might form a cute little corner store for bugs, A six foot tall goldenrod? That's a bug skyscraper! It fits way more bugs.
It's not just the plants themselves, it's the fallen leaves that get trapped underneath them—tall meadow plants seem to gather and hoard fallen leaves underneath. More tall plants is also more total biomass, which is the foundation of the whole food chain!
Now consider light and shade. Even a meadow of 3ft tall plants actually shades the ground. Mosses grow enthusiastically even forming thick mats where none at all could grow in the mowed portions. And consider also amphibians. They are very sensitive to UV light, so even a frog that lives in what you see as a more "open" environment, can be protected by some tall flowers and rushes but unable to survive in mowed back yard
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breelandwalker · 8 months
Simple Spell - Full Moon Wish Jar
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Intent: To harness the power of the lunar cycle for the manifestation and fulfillment of wishes.
Small Jar with tight-fitting lid
Chime candle & fire source
Oil for sealing
Herbs and Items representing your wish
Ideal Timing: Waxing or Full Moon
Find a clear space to work. Make sure it’s free of fire hazards. If possible, try to work near a window through which you can see the moon. (If you don’t have one, that’s all right too, since you’ll be setting the jar out for the moonlight when finished.) Light your candle, focus your intentions, and get to work.
Select herbs and trinkets which fit inside the jar to represent your wish. For example, if your wish is for money or prosperity, you might include coins or small craft gems. If your wish is for health, you might include vitamin pills or a charm representing medicine. Check your books for herbs or crystals that correspond to your wish as well. This is your wish - make the spell your own. The contents of the jar can be whatever you want.
Use the materials that resonate best with you, but remember that your focused intention is the most important component of all. If desired, you can write your wish on a dried leaf or a piece of paper to give the spell a clear direction to work in.
Some common plants associated with wish-making include:
Bay Leaf
Blue Violet
Dandelion Seeds
Dogwood Petals
Sage Leaf (any color)
Sunflower Petals or Seeds
Once your jar is complete, drip three drops of wax from the candle into the jar and circle the mouth of the jar three times with the oil to seal the charm. Then cap the jar and seal it with wax. Leave your thumbprint in wax on top of the lid. Place the jar somewhere that it will be touched by the light of the full moon and leave it overnight.
The jar should work for about a month, or slightly longer if you’re working with a supermoon. When the next full moon rolls around, you can recharge the jar by leaving it out overnight again, or make a new jar with a new wish.
Recipe suggestions under the cut. (And if you like this spell, you'll love my books!)
Happy Witching! 🌕💜
Health, Wealth, & Happiness
Bay Leaf
Juniper Berries
Apple Wood Chip or Apple Seeds
Seal with Breath
Sea Salt or Table Salt
Holly Leaf
Juniper Berries
Seal with Sage or Dragon's Blood Oil
Seal with Basil Oil
Luck & Success
Clover Blossom
Galangal Root
Allspice Berries
Seal with Amber Oil
Orange Peel
Juniper Berries
Seal with Orange Oil
Rose Petals
Apple Wood Chip
Cherry Blossoms or Cherry Stones
Seal with Rose Oil
Jinx Remover
Sea Salt or Table Salt
Coffee Grounds
Sage (any type)
Black Peppercorns
Seal with Vinegar
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wildspringday · 1 year
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enbeeanon · 8 months
Masterlist of herbs and plants!
This is a list that I have in my Book of Shadows, typed up so that you can use it, too!
Do not consume those with an asterisk (*) next to them. Some are edible in certain forms, but consult a qualified herbalist before you use them
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Healing, maintained good health, fighting off disease
Good luck, fertility, spiritual growth, prosperity
Prosperity, money, success, love, psychic powers
African Violet*
Protection, healing, spiritual growth
Happiness, love, friendship, comfort, reassurance
Protection, removing negative energy and bad vibes, helping to remove hexes
Aletris root*
Feminine magick, protection, prosperity
Prosperity, wisdom, success
Spiritual growth, luck, success, protection, love, barrier against unwelcome things
Angelica root
Protection, exorcism, removes negative energy, boosts feminine energy
Spiritual growth, dreams, sleep, protection
Love, luck, longevity
Arrow root
Purification, cleansing, healing
Divination, luck, prosperity, protection
House and item protection, healing, psychic growth
Youth, beauty, love, lust, healing
Happiness, uplifting, full of life
Wish magick, luck, protection
Fertility, passion, success
Home and business protection and blessings, warding off negative energy, purification, cleansing, divination, exorcism, prosperity, love
Bay leaves
Warning: if burned, ensure the area has ventilation!
Protection, psychic power, divination, success, money, wish magick
Wish magick, happiness, divination, spiritual growth
Astral projection, psychic powers, boosts spell's power, healing, helps to forget past loves, protection
Success, psychic powers, fertility, mental clarity, sleep, protection, prosperity
Protection, purification, cleansing, removing negative energy and hexes
Protection, healing, prosperity
Black pepper
Banish negativity, warding off bad energy, protection
House protection, home blessing, legal matters, luck, prosperity, protection
Brazil nut
Protection, prosperity, love
Brimstone powder*
Used to remove hexes
Burdock root
Protection, purification, healing, cleansing, self acceptance
Buckthorn bark*
Exorcism, wards off negative energy, removing hexes, aids legal matters
Fertility, luck, prosperity
Calendula (Marigold)
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, happiness, protection
Love, protection, healing, prosperity
Sleep, calms nerves, prosperity, luck, purification
Caraway seeds
Helps children stay safe from illness and general harm, protection, clarity of mind, passion, healing
Courage, love, passion
Protection, inner strength, healing, creativity
Lust, fertility
Courage, beauty, love, used in magick surrounding cats
Aids separation (such as divorce), emotional heartache, a traditional offering in Wicca (I'm not wiccan but that may be helpful for any of you who are)
Protection, purification, removes negative energy and hexes, prosperity
Mental clarity, psychic powers, aids sleep, lust, passion
Psychic powers, protection
Cherry bark*
Love, romance, passion, divination, clarity of which path to take
Helps to contact spirits, used to help people find deities
Love and peace
Healing and protection
Protection, used in dieting spells
Promotes dreaming, business success, healing, psychic powers, love, purification, protection, spiritual growth, adds power to any spell
Adds power to spells, speed up spells effects and manifestation
Mental clarity, protection, love
Prosperity, peace, calms nerves, love, psychic powers, dreams
Love, healing, passion
Fertility and healing
Cumin seeds
House protection, home blessings, general protection, exorcism, wards off negative energy
Luck, love, fertility
Innocence, spells for children
Contacting spirits, dreams, healing, purification, clairvoyance
Deadly Nightshade*
Astral projection, psychic powers, adds a boost of power to spells, healing, protection, helps to forget past loves
Protection against hexes and curses, mental clarity, luck, love, wisdom, enhances magickal knowledge
Dock leaf*
Prosperity, success in business, fertility, healing
Dragon's blood*
Increases power and boosts spells, banishments, exorcism, strong protection, love, energy, purification
Inner strength, physical strength, healing, prosperity
Exorcism, protection, house protection/blessings, healing, love
Healing, purification, cleansing, protection
Evening primrose
Healing, purification, creativity, protection
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, mental clarity
Protection, purification, healing, passion, courage, strength
Protection against accidents, clumsiness and illness, helps with colds and fevers
Protection, purification, healing, cleansing
Protection, purification, cleansing, consecrating tools
Galangal root*
Protection, prosperity, psychic powers, lust, passion, legal matters
Protection, healing, exorcism, inner strength, family bonding, home and business blessings
Healing, protection, love, meditation
Protection, prosperity, healing, luck, love
Aids healing from heartache, love, friendship
Dreams, divination, love, lust
Protection, love dreams, good marriage
Prosperity, luck, peace, inspiration
Purification, protection, exorcism
Protection, purification, cleansing, consecration, positive blessings
Love, dreams, spiritual growth
Juniper berries
Protection, exorcism, healing, calming nerves, love
Ladies Mantle*
Aids sleep, love, purification, beauty, inner calm, fertility, luck, protection, happiness
Purification, healing, cleansing, home blessings, protection, calming, sleep, love
Uplifting, mental clarity, healing, psychic powers, friendship, contacting spirits
Lemon balm
Healing, psychic powers, spiritual growth, divination, love, success
Mental clarity, psychic powers, love, lust
Lemon Mint
Healing, love
Lemon Verbena
Purification, protection, cleansing, love, passion, adds a boost to other herb mixtures
Divination, sleep, protection
Past life regression, protection, love, luck, exorcism
Removing love spells/enchantments, protection
Lily of the Valley*
Healing, uplifting, happiness, inner calm
Protection, healing, love
Liquorice root
Love, romance, fidelity
Liquorice stick
Good marriage, love, passion
Protection, exorcism, home and business blessings, divination, luck, prosperity
Luck, prosperity, love
Inner balance, psychic powers, spiritual growth, happiness, love, prosperity, protection
Marshmallow root
Love, protection, removing negative energy
Happiness, love, divination, inner calm, peace
Prosperity, psychic powers, spiritual growth, travelling, exorcisms, healing, protection
Youth, beauty, love, healing, prosperity, protection, fertility
Warning: can cause drowsiness and vivid dreams. Do not consume if pregnant.
Dreams, astral projection, psychic powers, healing, inner strength, visions, protection
Protection, purification, cleansing, exorcism, spiritual growth, helping relieve sorrow after tragedy, healing
Inner calm, sleep, peace, meditation, inner confidence
Protection, healing, removing negative energy, exorcism
Prosperity, divination, love, luck, mental clarity, protection, uplifting, healing
Protection, purification, healing
Peace, calm, love, luck, lust
Calming, dissolving anger, beauty, love, peace
Happiness, protection, prosperity, healing, love
Psychic powers, spiritual growth, luck, uplifting, healing
Home blessings, friendships, sleep, inner peace, emotional balance, love, family bonds
Natural lucky charm, healing, prosperity, protection, exorcism, removes hexes
Used to break a spell, exorcisms, removes hexes, mental clarity, passion, prosperity, contacting spirits, divination
Purification, protection, home blessings, inner calm, aids calm in arguements, helps prevent travel sickness
Psychic powers, calming, healing, aids rest, mental clarity, dreams, love, purification
Good marriage, mental clarity, purification, protection, love
Protection, purification, cleansing, prosperity, inner strength, grounding, healing, fertility, success, home and business blessings
Prosperity, luck
Pink rosebuds/petals
Friendships, love, romance, self acceptance
Healing, love, peace, inner calm
Divination, wish magick, protection, prosperity
Poppy/Poppy seeds
Happiness, love, lust, luck, sleep, prosperity, fertility
Healing, luck, prosperity
Love, luck
Pumpkin/ pumpkin seeds
Healing, divination, honours the moon
Raspberry leaf
Protection, sleep, dreams, healing
Red rosebuds/ petals
Passion, love, romance, psychic powers, healing, protection, divination
Red sandalwood*
Trance work, divination, meditation, consecration, purification
Love, luck, healing, invoking positive spirits
Purification, healing, sleep, mental clarity, psychic powers, spiritual growth
Rowan/ Rowan berries*
Protection, home and business blessings, success, psychic powers, healing
Exorcism, protection, luck, removes hexes, love, mental clarity, healing, home and business blessings
Psychic powers, healing, love, lust
Purification, cleansing, mental clarity, psychic power, spiritual growth, home/general protection, wisdom, knowledge
Cleansing, purification, protection, removes negative energy, protects against psychic attacks
Sea salt
Purification, cleansing, casting circles
Slippery elm*
Protection, stops gossip and rumours
Protection, protection during sleep, clarity of mind, healing, love
St. John's wort*
Protection, healing, love, happiness, divination
Tea tree*
Healing, peace, harmony, mental clarity
Psychic power, spiritual growth, love, stopping nightmares, divination, courage, purification, restful sleep, healing, inner calm, balance
Valerian root
Sleep, purification, cleansing, protection, dreams, love
Inner calm, harmony, peace, protection, purification, divination, consecration, prosperity, love, creativity
Healing, mental clarity, wish magick, fertility
Divination, protection, love, healing, relieve sorrow
White willow bark*
Protection, love, healing, divination, luck, inspiration, psychic power
Witch hazel*
Protection, healing, charm
Exorcism, protection, love, removing hexes, dispels fear, promotes calm, inner strength, psychic powers, courage
Removes negative energy/hexes, protection
Ylang Ylang*
Inner calm, brings peace to situations, love, happiness, tranquility
This took me two hours to write up, but hey! Hope this helps!
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fouryearsofshades · 1 year
hi! do you have any information on how hanfu were traditionally washed and stored? thank you :)
First, sorry that it has been so long. Then, sorry that it is a short answer. Hope it is alright.
Expensive clothes were not washed. In the old days they used a lot of plant dyes and those things discoloured when they came in contact with water. Modern plant dyes are slightly better due to the fixative used in dying but the colour still faded with every wash. Hence, people in the old days used to wear layers to avoid dirtied their fancy clothes with sweat.
Clothes can be scented with something called 熏笼/Xūnlóng (lit. "smoke cage").
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It is usually made from bamboo, but rich people could have them made from porcelain, like this one from the Three Kingdoms period.
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A book on incense from the Song dynasty, 洪氏香谱/Hóng shì xiāngpǔ (Hong's Book of Fragrance), recorded the method of scenting clothes: first placed a bowl of hot water to moisturize the clothes, then smoke the clothes with incense.
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Sometimes clothes could be washed separately.
护领/Hùlǐng (lit. "Collar protector". They are usually white in colour) were often detachable so people only needed to wash that instead of the whole clothes. It could also be made from paper.
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Those type of embroidered/painted collars from Song dynasty were attached separately, so it was possible that they were removed while the body of the clothes were washed separately.
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People usually washed clothes in water with the aid of a 捣衣杵/dǎoyī chǔ or 洗衣杵/xǐyī chǔ 搓衣板/cuō yī bǎn wash stick and/or a washboard.
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The earliest type of of soap recorded being used was 草木灰/cǎomù huī (wood ash). Other plant based soaps were also used, such as 皂荚/zàojiá (Gleditsia sinensis, black locust), 无患子/wúhuànzi (Sapindus saponaria, soapberries), 茶箍/chágū(the dregs from pressing oil from camellia seeds plus hay) etc.
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There were also records of potassium soap. Those soaps however were usually in liquid form and often used in fabric manufacture [我国古代的洗涤剂].
猪胰子/Zhū yízi Pig pancreas was also used. 白国斌/Bái Guóbīn (in 2021) wrote how they made pig pancreas soap when he was young - pasted the pig pancreas, then dried and powdered it. Later mix with alkaline water and made into ball to air dry.
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澡豆/Zǎodòu was made from the combination of powdered pig pancreas, bean powder and other herbs. There are many recipes, such as a recipe by 孙思邈/Sūn Sīmiǎo from Tang dynasty includes 16 materials. They were also known as 胰子/Yízi.
Aromatic herbs and other xiang (fragrant things) could also be added into the water in the end to add pleasant fragrance to the clothes, such as a book in Ming dynasty《多能鄙事》/Duō néng bǐ shì ("I can do a lot of humble things") by 刘基/Liú jī recorded: Tree Peony Bark 31.25g and Spikenard 3.125g, powdered.
857 notes · View notes
Xenofiction (& similar) Media Masterpost
PS. This list is for keeping track only. This is not a recommendation list and I won't be advocating for any Work, Author or Company listed. There will be footnotes about a work/author for undesirable behaviour or themes if necessary.
This is a WIP and will be updated whenever I have the time to. Feel free to recommend works or inform me about an author so I can update the post. Be Aware works on this list might have been cancelled or on indifinitive Hiatus and not all works are available on English.
Comic Books & Graphics Novels
Picture Books
Indie Written Works
Animated Series
Live-Action & Hybrid shows
Short Films
Animated Films
Live Action & CGI Assisted Movies
Online Browser Games
Table Top Games
Other Online Projects
Gen. Videos
To search is Ctrl + F (Windows) or Command-F (MacOS), on phone browser you have "Find in page" (Drop menu at top right)
Age of Fire - E. E. Knight
Adventure Lit their Star - Kenneth Allsop
Alien in a Small Town - Jim Cleaveland
Alien Chronicles (Literature) - Deborah Chester
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Animorphs - K. A. Applegate
Am an Owl - Martin Hocke
At Winters End - Robert Silverberg
Avonoa - H.R.B. Collotzi
Astrid and Cerulean: A Parrot Fantasy - Parasol Marshall-Crowley
A Wolf for a Spell - Karah Sutton
The African Painted Wolf Novels - Alexander Kendziorski
The Alchemist's Cat - Robin Jarvis
The Amazing Maurice and his educated rodents - Terry Pratchet
The Amity Incident - C. M. Weller
The Ancient Solitary Reign - Martin Hocke
The Animals of Farthing Wood series - Colin Dann
The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein
The Author of Acacia Seeds and Other Extracts from the Journal of Therolinguistics - Ursula K. Le Guin
A Magical Cat Named Kayla: Whiskers of Enchantment -Carlos Juárez [AI Cover]*
The Animal Story Book - Various Authors [Editor: Andrew Lang]
Abenteuer im Korallenriff - Antonia Michaelis [DE]
Bambi: A life in the forest & Bambi Children - Felix Salten
Bamboo Kingdom series - Erin Hunter
Bazil Broketail - Christopher Rowley
Beak of the Moon & Dark of the Moon - Philip Temple
Bears of the Ice series - Kathryn Lasky
Beasts of New York - Jon Evans
Beautiful Joe - Margaret Marshall Saunders
Beyond Acacia Ridge - Amy Clare Fontaine
Birddom - Clive Woodall
Black Beauty - Anna Sewell
Blitzcat - Robert Westall
Blizzard Winds - Paul Koch
Books of the Raksura - Martha Wells
Bravelands series- Erin Hunter
Broken Fang - Rutherford Montgomery
Bunnicula series - Deborah Howe & James Howe
Burning Stars - Rurik Redwolf
A Black Fox Running - Brian Carter
A Blue So Loud - Tuesday
The Ballard of The Belstone Fox - David Rook
The Bear - James Curwood
The Bees - Laline Paull
The Biography of a Silver Fox - Ernest Thompson Seton
The Blue Cat of Castle Town - Catherine Cate Coblentz
The Book Of Chameleons - José Eduardo Agualusa
The Book of the Dun Cow - Walter Wangerin Jr.
The Book of Night with Moon - Diane Duane
The Books of the Named series - Clare Bell
The Bug Wars - Robert Asprin
Call of the wild - Jack London
Callanish - William Horwood
Catwings - Ursula K. Le Guin
Cat Diaries: Secret Writings of the MEOW Society - Betsy Byars, Betsy Duffey & Laurie Myers
Cat House - Michael Peak
Cat Pack - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Cats in the city of Plague - A.L Marlow
Celestial Heir series - Chester Young
Charlotte's Web - E. B. White
Chet and Bernie mysteries - Spencer Quinn
Chia The Wildcat - Joyce stranger
Child of the Wolves - Elizabeth Hall
Clarice the Brave - Lisa McMann
Cry of the Wild - Charles Foster
Coyote's Wild Home - Barbara Kingsolver; Lily Kingsolver & Paul Mirocha
Crocuta - Katelyn Rushe
Cujo - Steven King
The Calatians Series - Tim Susman
The Cats of Roxville station - Jean Craighead Georde
The Chanur Novels - C. J. Cherryh
The Cold Moons - Aeron Clement
The Color of Distance || Through Alien Eyes - Amy Thomson
The Conquerors - Timothy Zahn
The Council of Cats - R. J. F.
The Cricket in Times Square - George Selden
The Crimson Torch - Angela Holder
The Crossbreed - Allan Eckert
The Crucible of Time - John Brunner
Darkeye series - Lydia West
Deadlands: The Hunted - Skye Melki-Wegner
Demon of Undoing - Andrea I. Alton
Desert Dog - Jim Kjelgaard
Dinotopia - James Gurney, Alan Dean Foster
Doglands - Tim Willocks
Dimwood Forest series - Avi
A Dog's Life: The Autobiography of a Stray - Ann M. Martin
A Dog's Porpoise Duology - M. C. Ross
Dogs of the Drowned City - Dayna Lorentz
A Dog's Purpose series - W. Bruce Cameron
Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians - Mark Caney
Domino - Kia Heavey
DragonFire series - Lewis Jones Davies
Dragon Fires Rising - Marc Secchia
Dragon Hoard and Other Tales of Faerie - Cathleen Townsend
Dragons and Skylines series - Rowan Silver
Dragon Prayers - M.J. McPike
Dragons of Mother Stone series - Melissa McShane
Dragon Girls Series - Maddy Mara
The Deptford Mice series - Robin Jarvis
The Dogs of the Spires series - Ethan Summers
The Dragons of Solunas series - H. Leighton Dickson
The Duncton Chronicles - William Horwood
The Destiny of Dragons - J.F.R. Coates
The Diary Of A House Cat - Ileana Dorobantu
Dogtown - Katherine Applegate & Gennifer Choldenko
Die schwarze Tigerin - Peer Martin [DE]
Die weiße Wölfin - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Die Wilden Hunde Von Pompeii - Helmut Krausser [DE]
Das wilde Mäh - Vanessa Walder [DE]
The Eyes and the Impossible - Dave Eggers
Eclosión - Arturo Balseiro [ES]
Ein Seehund findet nach Hause - Antonia Michaelis [DE]
Fantastic Mr. Fox - Roald Dahl
Faithful Ruslan - Georgi Vladimov
Feather and Bone: The Crow Chronicles - Clem Martini
Feathers & Flames series - John Bailey
Felidae series (1) - Akif Pirinçci
Fifteen Rabbits - Felix Salten
Fire, Bed & Bone - Henrietta Branford
Fire of the Phoenix - Azariah Jade
Fluke - James Herbert
Firefall series - Peter Watts
Firebringer - David Clement-Davies
Flush: A Biography Book - Virginia Woolf
Fox - Glyn Frewer
Foxcraft series - Inbali Iserles
Frightful’s Mountain - Jeanie Craighead George
Frost dancers: A story of hares - Garry Kilworth
The Familiars series - Adam Jay Epstein
The Fifth - Saylor Ferguson
The Firebringer series - Meredith Ann Pierce
The Fox and The Hound - Daniel P. Mannix
Freundschaft im Regenwald - Peer Martin [DE]
(1) Felidae's Author - Akif Pirinçci - is known to be a Xenophobic, Anti-muslim, Anti-Lgbt and Extreme Right-Wing guy (A N4zi by his on words). Won't be going onto details just know he has a non-fiction work called "Germany Gone Mad: The Crazy Cult around Women, Homosexuals and Immigrants." His works has been out of print ever since.
Guardian Cats and the lost books of Alexandria - Rahma Krambo
Guardians of Ga'Hoole series - Kathryn Lasky
Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Griffin Quest - Sophie Torro
Gryphon Insurrection series - K. Vale Nagle
The Ghost and It's Shadow - Shaun Hick
The Golden Eagle - Robert Murphy
The Golem and the Jinni - Helene Wecker
The Good Dog - Newbery Medalist
The Guardian Herd series - Jennifer Lynn Alvarez
The Goodbye Cat - Hiro Arikawa
Haunt Fox - Jim Kjelgaard
Haven: A Small Cat's Big Adventure - Megan Wagner Lloyd
Heavenly Horse series - Mary Stanton
Hive - Ischade Bradean
Horses of Dawn series - Kathryn Lasky
House of Tribes - Garry Kilworth
Hunter's Moon/Foxes of First dark - Garry Kilworth
Hunters Universe series - Abigail Hilton
A Hare at Dark Hollow - Joyce Stranger
The Hundred and One Dalmatians & The Starlight Barking - Dodie Smith
The Hunt for Elsewhere - Beatrice Vine
Hollow Kingdom Duology - Kira Jane Buxton
I am a Cat - Natsume Sōseki
I, Scheherezade: Memoirs of a Siamese Cat - Douglass Parhirst
In the Long Dark - Brian Carter
The Incredible Journey - Sheila Burnford
Im Reich der Geparde - Kira Gembri [DE]
Joe Grey series - Shirley Rousseau Murphy
Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach & Russell Munson
Julie of the Wolves - Jeanie Craighead George
The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling
Journey to the West - Wu Cheng'en
Kävik the Wolf Dog - Walt Morey
Kazan duology - James Curwood
Kine - Alan Lloyd
Kona's Song - Louise Searl
The Killers - Daniel P. Mannix
Kindred of the Wild - Charles G.D Roberts
König der Bären - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Lassie Come-Home - Eric Knight
Last of the Curlews - Fred Bodsworth
Lazy Scales - D.M. Gilmore
Legends of Blood series - Ethan Summers
A Legend of Wolf Song - George Stone
Luna the Lone Wolf - Forest Wells
Lupus Rex - John Carter Cash
Lutapolii: White Dragon of the South - Deryn Pittar
The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Beagle
The Labrador Pact & The Last Family in England - Matt Haig
The Last Dogs - Christopher Holt
The Last Eagle - Daniel P. Mannix
The Last Great Auk - Allan Eckert
The Last Monster on Earth - L.J. Davies
The Life Story of a Fox - J. C. Tregarthen
The Lost Rainforest series - Eliot Schrefer & Emilia Dziubak
The Lost Domain - Martin Hocke
The Last Whales: A Novel - Lloyd Abbey
Mammoth Trilogy - Stephen Baxter
Manxmouse: The Mouse Who Knew No Fear - Paul Gallico
Marney the Fox - Scott Goodall & John Stokes
Mattie: The story of a hedgehog - Norman Adams, & G.D. Griffiths
Matriarch: Elephant vs. T-Rex - Roz Gibson
Migon - P.C. Keeler
Monkey Wars - Richard Kurti
The Mistmantle chronicles - M.I. McAllister
The Mountain Lion - Robert Murphy
The Mouse Butcher - Dick King-Smith
The Mouse Protectors Series - Olly Barrett
Maru - Die Reise der Elefanten - Kira Gembri [DE]
New Springtime series - Robert Silverberg
Nightshade Chronicles - Hilary Wagner
Nugly - M. C. Ross
Nuru und Lela - Das Wunder der Wildnis - Kira Gembri [DE]
Old One-Toe - Michel-Aimé Baudouy
Of Birds and Branches - Frances Pauli
Outlaw Red - Jim Kjelgaard
The Old Stag - Henry Williamson
The One and Only Ivan - Katherine Applegate
Painted Flowers - Caitlin Grizzle
Pax & Pax: Journey Home - Sara Pennypacker
Petrichor - C.E. Wright
The Plague Dogs - Richard Adams
The Pit - Elaine Ramsay
Pride Wars - Matt Laney
A Pup Called Trouble - Bobbie Pyron
The Peregryne Falcon - Robert Murphy
Pork and Others - Cris Freddi
Queen in the Mud - Maari
Quill and Claw series - Kathryn Brown
Rak: The story of an Urban Fox - Jonathon Guy
Rats of Nimh series - Robert C. O'Brien
Raven Quest - Sharon Stewart
Raptor Red - Robert T. Bakker
Red Fox - Charles G. D. Roberts
Redwall series - Brian Jacques
Rose in a Storm - Jon Katz
Rufus - Rutherford Montgomery
Run With the Wind series - Tom McCaughren
Runt - Marion Dane Baeur
Rustle in the Grass - Robin Hawdon
Rusty - Joyce Stranger
The Remembered War series - Robert Vane
The Rescuers series - Margery Sharp
The Red Stranger - David Stephen
The River Singers & The Rising - Tom Moorhouse
The Road Not Taken - Harry Turtledove,
The Running Foxes - Joyce Stranger
Revier der Raben - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Salar the Salmon - Henry Williamson
Scary Stories for Young Foxes Duology - Christian McKay Heidicker
Scaleshifter series - Shelby Hailstone Law
Scream of the White Bears - David Clement-Davies
Seekers saga - Erin Hunter
Serpentia Series - Frances Pauli
Shadows in the Sky - Pete Cross
Shark Wars Series - EJ Altbacker
Silverwing series - Kenneth Oppel
Silver Brumby series - Elyne Mitchell
Sirius - Olaf Stapledon
Solo's Journey - Joy Aiken Smith
Sky Hawk - Gill Lewis
Snow Dog - Jim Kjelgaard
Song of the River - Soinbhe Lally
Spirit of the West series - Kathleen Duey
Survivors series - Erin Hunter
Stray - A.N Wilson
String Lug the Fox - David Stephen
Swashbuckling Cats: Nine Lives on the Seven Seas - Rhonda Parrish & Co.
Swordbird series - Nancy Yi Fan
The Sheep-Pig - Dick King-Smith
The Sight & Fell - David Clement-Davies
The Silent Sky - Allan Eckert
The Silver Claw - Garry Kilworth
The Stoner Eagles - William Horwood
The Stink Files - Jennifer L. Holm & Jonathan Hamel
The Snowcat Prince - Dina Norlund
The Story Of A Seagull And The Cat Who Taught Her To Fly - Luis Sepúlveda
The Story of a Snail Who Discovered the Importance of Being Slow - Luis Sepúlveda
The Story of a dog called Leal - Luis Sepúlveda
The Story of a Red Deer - John Fortescue
The Summer King Chronicles - Jess E. Owen
Schogul, Rächer der Tiere - Birgit Laqua [DE]
Stadt der Füchse - Vanessa Walder [DE]
Tailchaser's Song - Tad Williams
Tarka the Otter - Henry Williamson
Three Bags Full - Leonnie Swann
Thy Servant a Dog - Rudyard Kipling
Tomorrow's Sphinx - Clare Bell
Torn Ear - Geoffrey Malone
Thor - Wayne Smith
Trickster -  Tom Moorhouse
Two Dogs and a Horse - Jim Kjelgaard
The Travelling Cat Chronicles - Hiro Arikawa
The Trilogy of the Ants - Bernard Werber
The Trumpet of the Swan - E. B. White
The Tusk That Did the Damage - Tania James
The Tygrine cat - Inbali Iserles
Ultimate Dragon Saga - Graham Edwards
Under the Skin - Michel Faber
Varjak Paw duology - S.F Said
Vainqueur the Dragon series - Maxime J. Durand
War Bunny series - Christopher St. Jhon
War Horse - Michael Morpurgo
War Queen - Illthylian
Warrior Cats series - Erin Hunter
Watership Down/Tales of Watership Down - Richard Adams
Ways of Wood Folk - William J. Long
Welkin Weasels series - Garry Kilworth
West of Eden - Harry Harrison
Whalesong Trilogy - Robert Siegel
Whale - Jeremy Lucas
Whispers in the Forest - Barbara Coultry
White Wolf - Henrietta Branford
White Fang - Jack London
White Fox Series - Jiatong Chen
Wild Lone - Denys Watkins-Pitchford
Wild Animals I Have Known - Ernest Thompson Seton
Willow Tree Wood Series - J. S. Betts
Wings of Fire series - Tui T. Sutherland
Winterset Hollow - Jonathan Edward Durham
Wolf: The Journey Home | Hungry for Home: A Wolf Odyssey - Asta Bowen
Wolf Brother series - Michelle Paver
Wolf Chronicles - Dorothy Hearst
Wolves of the Beyond series - Kathryn Lasky
Woodstock Saga - Michael Tod
A Whale of the Wild - Rosanne Parry
A Wolf Called Wander - Rosanne Parry
The Waters of Nyra - Kelly Michelle Baker
The Wolves of Elementa series - Sophie Torro
The Wolves of Time - William Horwood
The Wolf Chronicles Series - Teng Rong
The Way of Kings - Louise Searl
The White Bone - Barbara Gowdy
The White Fox/Singing Tree - Brian Parvin
The White Puma - Ronald Lawrence
The Wild Road & The Golden Cat - Gabriel King
The Wildings & The Thousand names of darkness - Nilanjana Roy
The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Grahame
The Wind Protect You - Pat Murphy
The Wolves of Paris - Daniel P. Mannix
Yellow eyes - Rutherford Montgomery
The Year Of The Dinosaur - Edwin H. Colbert
Zones of Thought series - Vernor Vinge
Z-Verse series by R.H
Comic Books/Graphic Novels
Animosity - Marguerite Bennett
Age of Reptiles - Ricardo Delgado
Legend - Samuel Sattin Koehler
Mouse Guard - David Petersen
Pride of Baghdad - Brian K. Vaughan & Niko Henrichon
Rover Red Charlie - Garth Ennis & Michael Dipascale
Stray Dogs - Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner
We3 - Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely
Beasts of Burden - Evan Dorkin & Jill Thompson
LOBO: Canine Crusader of the Metal Wasteland - Macs-World-Ent
The Sandman: Dream of a Thousand Cats - Neil Gaiman
Animal Castle - Xavier Dorison & Felix Delep
Blacksad Series - Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido
Scurry - Mac Smith
The Snowcat Prince - Dina Norlund
Rankless - Maggie Lightheart
Animal Pound - Tom King & Peter Gross
Animal Castle - Xavier Dorison & Felix Delep
BlackSad - Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido
Picture Books
Steve the Dung Beetle: On a Roll - Susan R. Stoltz & Melissa Bailey
Hot Dog - Doug Salati
The Rock from the Sky - Jon Klassen
Whoever Heard of a Flying Bird? - David Cunliffe & Ivan Barrera
A Cat Named Whiskers - Shana Gorian
Ocean Tales Children's Books Series - Sarah Cullen & Zuzana Sbodová
Jake the Growling Dog - Samantha Shannon
Indie Written Works
Fins Above Series - MIROYMON
Journey of Atlas - Journey of Atlas
Africa - Arven92
After Honour - genstaelens
Awka - Nothofagus-obliqua
Arax - Azany
Amarith - Eredhys
The Apple's Echo - Helianthanas
Alone - Magpeyes
The Blackblood Alliance - KayFedewa
The Betrothed - Kibisca
Black Tyrant - Zapp-BEAST
Blue - HunterBeingHunted
Beast Tags - TheRoomPet
Spy - Utahraptor93
Be Reflected in my Eyes - Aquene-lupetta
Carry your voice - TacoBella
Caelum Sky - ALRadeck
Crescent Wing - Mikaley
Crescent Moonlight - AnimalCrispy
City of Trees - SanjanaIndica
Corpse - doeprince/ratt
Darbi - Sherard Jackson
The Devils Demons - Therbis
Doe of Deadwood - Songdogx
Dyten - Therbis
Desperation - PracticelImagination
Equus Siderae - Dalgeor
Empyrean - Leonine-Skies
Enchantment - FeralWolf1234
Fox Fires - Pipilia
Forget me Not - Nitteh
Fjeld - Dachiia
Felinia - Rainy-bleu
Golden Shrike - doeprince/ratt
Ghost of the Gulag - David Derrick Jr.
Horse Age - BUGHS-22
Hiraeth - AFlameThatNeverDies
Half-Blood - majkaria
Horns of Light - ThatMoonySky
I Hope So - Detective Calico
The Ivory Walk - TacoBella
I'm not Ready - Wolfkingdom372
Jet and Harley - doeprince
Kestrel Island - Silverphoenix
Kin - Fienduredraws
KuroMonody - IrisBdz
Krystal - Nitteh
The King of Eyes - CloverTailedFox09
Legend of Murk - Azany
LouptaOmbra - Loupta Ombra (OngakuK, MlleNugget & joeypony)
Leopards bring rain - Kyriuar
Mazes of Filth - petitecanine
Minimal All You Are - mike-princeofstars
Nine Riders - SpiriMuse
No Man's Land - TacoBella
Never seen the Day - R3dk3y
Norra - shadowmirku
Obsidian Fire - SolinaBright
Oren's Forge - teagangavet
Off-White - Akreon
Out Of Time - IndiWolf
Rabbit on the Moon - Songdogx & Nitteh
The Rabbit Hole - Detrah
RunningWolf Mirari - Mirella Menciassi
Raptor - ElenPanter
Redriver - FireTheWolf777
Repeat - Songdogx
The Rabbit's Foot - riri_arts
Scurry - Mac Smith
Simbol - Zoba22
Spirit Lock - Animal Crispy
The Sylcoe - Denece-the-sylcoe
Sunder - Aurosoul
Tainted Hearts - Therbis
Taxicat - owlburrow
That's Freedom Guyra - Nothofagus-obliqua
Three Corners: A Kitten's Story - Lara Frizzell
Tofauti Sawa - TheCynicalHound
Two of a Kind - ProjectNao
To Catch a Star - SleepySundae
Under the Ash Tree - ChevreLune
Uninvited - Nothofagus-obliqua
Water Wolves - LuckyStarhun
What Lurks Beneath - ArualMeow
Water Wolves - LuckyStarhun
Wild Wolves - Lombarsi
White Tail - SleepySundae
What's your damage? - FrostedCanid
The Wolves of Chena - Yamis-Art
Waves Always Crash - Hellhunde
The Whale's Heart - Possumteeeth [Warriors Fancomic]
A Centaur's Life - Murayama Kei
Beastars - Paru Itagaki
Chi's Sweet Home - Kanata Konami
Ginga Series [Silverfang] - Yoshihiro Takahashi
Gon - Masashi Tanaka
Houseki no Kuni | Land of the Lustrous - Haruko Ichikawa
Inugami-Kai - Masaya Hokazono
The Jungle Emperor - Osamu Tezuka
My roommate is a cat - Minatsuki & Asu Futatsuya
Crimsons – The Scarlet Navigators of the Ocean - Kanno Takanori
Rooster Fighter - Shū Sakuratani
Simoun - Shō Aikawa
The Fox & Little Tanuki - Mi Tagawa
Yuria 100 Shiki - Nobuto Hagio
Massugu ni Ikou - Kira
Cat Soup
The Amazing 3
Cat + Gamer - Wataru Nadatani
Animated Series
101 Dalmatians: The series & 101 Dalmatian Street
A Polar Bear in Love
Baja no Studio
Bagi: Monster of Mighty Nature
Bannertail: The Story of Gray Squirrel
Centaurworld (2021)
Chirin's Bell
Chironup no Kitsune
Dokkun Dokkun
Gamba no Bouken
Hazbin Hotel
Invader ZIM
Inu to Neko Docchi mo Katteru to Mainichi Tanoshii
King Fang
Koisuru Shirokuma
Kemushi no Boro
Kewang Lantian
Konglong Baobei: Shiluo De Wenming
Little Polar Bear
Manxmouse's Great Activity
Mitsubachi Maya no Bouken
Mikan Enikki
Massugu ni Ikou -
My Life as a Teenage Robot
Mikan Enikki
Ore, Tsushima
Okashi na Sabaku no Suna to Manu
Polar Bear Cafe
Robotboy (2005)
Seton Doubutsuki: Risu no Banner
The Amazing 3
Tottoko Hamtarou
The Adventure of Qiqi and Keke
Tama & Friends: Third Street Story
Watership Down (2018) & Watership Down (1999)
What's Michael?
Wolf's Rain
Wonder Pets
Live-Action/Hybrid show
Fantasy High
A Crown of Candy 
Burrow's End
Good Omens
Dinosauria - Dead Sound
My Pride - tribbleofdoom
Whitefall - Chylk
The Stolen Hope - Galemtido
Dragon's Blood - FluffyGinger
Helluva Boss -
Murder Drones -
Short Films
Alone a wolf's winter
Baja's Studio
Beautiful Name
Cat Piano
Cat Soup
Chicken Little
Far From the Tree
Ferdinand the Bull
Frypan Jiisan
Genji Fantasy: The Cat Fell in Love With Hikaru Genji
Gaitou to Neko
Hao Mao Mimi
Houzi Dian Bianpao
Je T'aime
Lambert the sheepish lion
Laoshu Jia Nu
Mahoutsukai no Melody
Monmon the Water Spider
Mushroom - Nakagawa Sawako
Of Mice and Clockworks
Osaru no Tairyou
Robin Robin
Sauria - Dead Sound
Smash and Grab
Street of Crocodiles
She and Her Cat
Space Neko Theater
Shiroi Zou | White Elephant
Shi | Food
Sugar, With a Story
Straw-saurus NEO
The Chair
The Blue Umbrella
The Shell Shocked Egg
The Dog Door
The Dog In The Alley
That's Why They Were Made
With a Dog AND a Cat, Every Day is Fun
Zhui Shu
Animated Films
101 Dalmatians duology
A Monkey's Tale (1999)
All Dogs go to Heaven
The Adventures of Lolo the Penguin
Alpha and Omega saga
An American Tail
The Aristocats
Animals United
Annabelle's Wish (1997)
Alakazam the great (1960)
Back Outback
Bambi / Bambi II
Brother Bear / Brother Bear II
A Bug's Life
The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales
Bee Movie
The Brave Little Toaster
Birds of a Feather
Back to the Forest
Chicken Run
Speckles: The Tarbosaurus || Dino King: Journey to Fire Mountain
DC League of Super-Pets
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Fantastic Planet
The Fox and the Hound
Finding Nemo/Finding Dory
Free Birds
The Fearless Four
The Good Dinosaur
Ghost in the Shell
Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio
Happy Feet/Happy Feet Two
Help! I'm a Fish
Home on the Range
Hoero! Bun Bun Movie
Hokkyoku no Muushika Miishika
Ice Age Franchise
Isle of Dogs
I Am T-Rex
Jungledyret Hugo
The King of Tibetan Antelope
Kuma no Gakkou trilogy
Lady and the Tramp
The Land Before time Franchise
The Last Unicorn
Leafy, A Hen in the wild
Little Big Panda
The Lion King Franchise
Lucky and Zorba
Lilo & Stitch
Last Day of the Dinosaurs
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
Marona's Fantastic Tale
Millionaire Dogs
My Friend Tyranno
Minuscule: Valley of the Lost Ants || Minuscule - Mandibles from Far Away
Mouse and His Child
Nezumi Monogatari: George to Gerald no Bouken
Oliver & Company
One Stormy Night
Over the Edge
The Plague Dogs
Pinocchio by Guillermo del Toro
Pipi Tobenai Hotaru
Raggedy Ann & Andy: A Musical Adventure
Raven the Little Rascal
Reynard the Fox (1989)
Rock a Doodle
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1998)
The Rabbi’s Cat
Samson and Sally
The Secret of Nihm
The Secret Life of Pets/The Secret Life of Pets II
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Sheep & Wolves
The Seventh Brother
A Stork's Journey
Stowaways on the Ark
A Turtle's Tale
The One and Only Ivan
Toy Story
Twilight of the Cockroaches (1987)
The Trumpet of the Swan
The Enchanted Journey
Vuk the Little Fox
Watership Down (1978)
White Fang
The Wild
Wolf Children
You Are Umasou
Live Action/CGI Assisted Movies
Au Hasard Balthazar
Beverly Hills Chihuahua franchise
Cats & Dogs franchise
Charlotte's Web
Fluke (1995) - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Homeward Bound duology (1963 & 1996) - Disney
The Legend of Lobo (1962) - Disney
Strays (2023) - Universal Pictures
Pride (2024) - BBC
101 Dalmatians duology (1996 & 2000)
March of the Penguins
Meerkat Manor
Lemur Street
Gangs of Lemur Island
Orangutan Island
Prairie Dog Dynasty
Chimp Empire
Monkey Thieves
Monkey Kingdom
Animalia Survival - High Brazil Studio
Cattails - Falcon Development
Endling: Extinction is Forever
Gibbon: Beyond the trees - Broken Rules
The Lonesome Fog - Might and Delight
Meadow - Might and Delight
Niche - Stray Fawn Studio
Shelter / Shelter 2/ Shelter 3 - Might and Delight
Paws - Might and Delight
Stray - BlueTwelve Studio
The WILDS - Gluten Free Games
Wolf Quest - eduweb
Golden Treasure: The Great Green - Dreaming Door Studios
Spirit of the North - Infuse Studio
Ōkami - Clover Studio
Rain World - Videocult
Feather - Samurai Punk
Eagle Flight - Ubisoft Montreal Studio
Copoka - Inaccurate Interactive
Untitled Goose Game - House House
PaRappa - NanaOn-Sha
Night in the Woods - Infinite Fall & Secret Lab
Monster Prom - Beautiful Glitch
Them's Fightin' Herds - Mane6
E.V.O.: Search for Eden - Givro Corporation
(Pretty much most of Might and Delight games)
Online Browser Games
Flight Rising
Table Top Games
Bunnies & Burrows
Chronicles of Darkness
Mage: The Awakening
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Three Raccoons in a Trench Coat
World Tree (RPG)
Heckin' Good Doggos
Dungeons & Dragons (Depends on the GM)
In My Eyes You're a Giant - Sonata Arctica
It Won't Fade - Unia
The Cage - Winterheart's Guild
Other Online Projects
Cardinal West
Xenofiction Reviews
Gen. Videos
Trope Talk: Small Mammal on a Big Adventure by Overly Sarcastic Productions
Mirolapye - Varverine
Sonic the Hedgehog
My little pony
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Monter High
Tom & Jerry
Baldur’s Gate
Maya the Bee
The Little Polar Bear
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rarepears · 1 year
Plants on the Burial Mound
Honestly, there has to be some plants that can thrive even in the Burial Mound. Wei Wuxian just hasn't found the right plants.
Cause I mean there's even carnivore palnts! Come on! Are you telling me mother nature can't adapt to resentful energy??? Beyond just to scant little patch of black bamboo, surely there's more?
Maybe it's some sort of invasive type of plant like mint that grows nearly anywhere and tolerates various conditions; it grows a bit too well that gardeners recommend to grow this plant in a pot. So why not have it terrorize Burial Mound too?
Succulents are pretty sturdy fellows as long as there's no frost. They are currently super trendy in China due to how they look like lotuses and thus have gained some religious/spiritual connotations (or so I've been told by random weibo articles). Wei Wuxian and the Wen Remnants wouldn't be able to eat it, but they sure can sell it as long as they pose as monks or religious figures. Plus succulents are so incredibly easy to propagate.
Heck, even fungus! Edible fungus that very much enjoys the decomposition of dead bodies as their source of nutrients. And certain types of mushrooms would net Wei Wuxian a heavy pouch of gold coins due to their medicinal properties.
Another possibility is microgreens. The seeds don't grow long enough in the soil for resentful energy to containment the plants and microgreens are very rich in nutrients.
Surely there's something other than radish that can be grown quickly...
[More in #surely there's some sort of plant that can be grown on the burial mound other than radishes au]
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anxious-anura · 8 months
Fae Farm; A Basic Guide
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Friend-able Characters
Wisp Mother
The Marquis
Romance-able Characters
Gifts: Blob Globs, Bug Juice, Bullfrog, Common Toad, Ecto Dew, Fae Dust, Flutter Dust, Frog Sweat, Nectar, Rainbow Frog
Gifts: Berry Jam, Cheese, Clay Brick, Cotton Fabric, Fish Jerky, Flour, Fruit Preserves, Mushroom Jerky, Nut Butter, Pickled Greens, Pickled Roots, Pickled Shellfish, Pickled Veggies, Stone Brick, Wool Fabric
Gifts: Azure Spud, Baked Mac and Cheese, Charred Fish, Chili Pepper, Crystal Pepper, Deep-sea Delight, Flame Heart, Frost Beet, Grilled Mushroom, Magic Bean, Mystic Macarons, Scrambled Eggs with Fruit Salsa, Seafood Spaghetti, Twilight Salad
Gifts: Brown Snail, Candied Fruit, Deluxe Fruit Tart, Fruit Pies, Fruit Salad, Flutterwood Lumber, Grilled Fruit, Oak Lumber, Sporewood Lumber
Gifts: Copper Ingot, Feyrite Ingot, Iron Ingot, Polished Amethyst, Polished Aquamarine, Polished Citrine, Polished Emerald, Polished Peridot, Polished Rose Quartz, Polished Sapphire, Polished Topaz, Silver Ingot
Gifts: Berry Tea, Black Hyacinth, Black Lily, Black Rose, Black Zinnia, Blossom Brew, Fae Fairy, Gloom Shade, Milk Tea, Myst Fairy, Willow Wisp
Backpack Upgrades (Skye, Supplies and Sundry)
500 Florins
2,500 Florins
8,000 Florins
Home Upgrades
Starting Home
2,00 Florins , 25 Copper Ore, 25 Beech Log
4,000 Florins, 25 Iron Ore, 25 Oak Log
6,000 Florins, 3 Copper Ingot, 3 Beech Lumber
8,000 Florins, 3 Iron Ingot, 3 Oak Lumber
10,000 Florins, 15 Feyrite Ore, 15 Flutterwood Log
Hazy Haven
4,000 Florins, 3 Copper Ingot, 3 Beech Lumber
6,000 Florins, 3 Iron Ingot, 3 Oak Lumber
8,000 Florins, 2 Feyrite Ingot, 2 Flutterwood Lumber
10,000 Florins, 15 Silver Ore, 15 Sporewood Log
15,000 Florins, 3 Silver Ingot, 3 Sporewood Lumber
Fae Acres
Produce Stand
2,000 Florins
7,000 Florins
Tool Upgrades (All Tools)
Copper: 200 Florins, 1 Ingot
Iron: 500 Florins, 2 Ingot
Feyrite: 1,500 Florins, 3 Ingot
Silver: 2,500 Florins, 4 Ingot
Orichalcum: 3,500 Florins, 5 Ignot
Critter Net
Sturdy Critter Net: 1,000 Florins, Critter Catching Level 3, Critter Net
Advanced Critter Net: 2,500 Florins, Critter Catching Level 5, Sturdy Net
Master Critter Net: 5,000 Florins, Critter Catching Level 7, Advanced Net
Fishing Rod
Sturdy Rod: 1,000 Florins, Fishing Level 3, Basic Rod
Advanced Rod: 2,500 Florins, Fishing Level 5, Sturdy Rod
Master Rod: 5,000 Florins, Fishing Level 7, Advanced Rod
Animals (Coop and Barn must be unlocked before you can buy.)
Chickoo: 200 Florins
Cottontail: 200 Florins
Coop Trough Upgrade: 1,500 Florins
Mamoo: 300 Florins
Woolyhorn: 300 Florins
Barn Trough Upgrade: 1,500 Florins
Fresh Out Of The Oven (Dominic)
Flour: 85 Florins
Butter: 35 Florins
Holly’s Seed Shop (Holly)
Turnip Seeds: 5 Florins
Cauliflower Seeds: 6 Florins
Bean Seeds: 12 Florins
Potato Seeds: 10 Florins, Farming Level 10
Corn Seeds: 15 Florins, Farming Level 15
Pepper Seeds: 20 Florins, Farming Level 20
Bounteous Fertilizer: 35 Florins, Farming Level 3
Zippy Fertilizer: 35 Florins, Farming Level 3
Magic Crop Swap Fertilizer: 50 Florins, Farming Level 3
Daisy Print Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 1 Beech Lumber
Caramel Checkered Flooring: 100 Florins, 10 Clay, 1 Polished Topaz
Dry Bamboo Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sugarcane
Treemendous Trees (Willow)
All Fruit Saplings: 450 Florins
Beech Sapling: 20 Florins
Oak Sapling: 30 Florins
Fruit Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 10 Chopped Fruit
Grass Flooring: 100 Florins, 50 Plant Fibers
Fresh Bamboo Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sugarcane
Supplies and Sundry (Skye)
Backpack Upgrades: ^^^^
Masonry Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 10 Clay Brick
Cream Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Beech Lumber
Orange Brick Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Clay Brick
Deep Azure Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Oak Lumber
Smokey Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Oak Lumber
Robin’s Egg Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Frostwood Lumber
Vermilion Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Ancient Lumber
Nautical Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sporewood Lumber
Fish Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Tea Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Pantry Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Bag Hook: 100 Florins
Wall Clock: 300 Florins, 1 Copper Ingot, 1 Beech Lumber
Fishing Gear: 100 Florins, 5 Rope
Glass Bulbs: 100 Florins, 1 Rope, 1 Glass
Simple Ladder: 100 Florins, 1 Rope, 6 Oak Log
Wall Scroll: 100 Florin, 1 Paper, 1 Oak Log
Wonderful Wearables (Millie)
Charles’ Comfy Creations (Charles)
Emily’s Eccentric Extras (Emily)
Rose and Shine Flower Seeds (Rosalind)
House of Healing (Vera)
Millions of Bees (Mel)
Merchants’ Guild Shop (Pearl)
Comfy Critter Inn (Kasper)
Haute Cuisine (August)
Job Quests (You can only have ONE job quest active at a time)
Growing Goals - Holly (10 Total)
Harvest 30 Vegetables in one day.
Make florins selling 40 vegetables in one day.
Harvest 12 seasonal vegetables.
Use Zippy Fertilizer 12 times.
Harvest 12 potatoes.
Craft 12 pickled vegetables.
Harvest 12 Fae Crops.
Craft 12 Fae Seeds.
Make florins selling 48 Fae vegetables in one day.
Harvest 12 seasonal grains.
Reward: Farmer Outfit
Mystic Wings: 1 Polished Garnet, 10 Magenta Trillium, 10 Flutter Dust
Violet Wings: 1 Polished Amethyst, 10 Magenta Zinnia, 10 Flutter Dust
Butterfly Wings: 1 Polished Aquamarine, 10 ???, 10 Flutter Dust
Dragonfly Wings: 1 Polished Peridot, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Fae Wings: 1 Polished Rose Quarts, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Dark Wings: 1???, 10 Black Tulip, 10 Flutter Dust
Feathered Wings: 1???, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Violet Wings: 1 Polished Amethyst, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Silver Wings – 1???, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Color Palletes
Soft Yellow: 100 Florins, 30 Sand Dollar, 30 Yellow Tulip
Soft Orange: 100 Florins, 30 Ammonite, 15 Orange Rose
Soft Pink: 100 Florins, 30 Coral, 15 Pink Lily
Soft Teal: 100 Florins, 30 Oyster, 15 White Tulip
Vibrant Sepia: 500 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Yellow: 1,000 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Ochre: 500 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Azure: 5,000 Florins, ???, 30 Blue Hyacinth
Vibrant Pink: 5k gold, 3 Polished Rose Quartz, 30 Pink Hyacinth
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wealthypioneers · 2 years
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Rare Tropical Giant Phyllostachys Pubescens Moso-Bamboo Tree Seeds for Planting B10 FUN AND EASY: Seeds of the rare and exotic Giant Bamboo, Moso FAST GROWING: The fastest growing Bamboo, get privacy or windbreak fast! GROW TIPS: Run your sink hot water and get it as warm as possible. Fill a cup halfway up. Place the seeds in the hot water and then let them soak for 24 hours. Bamboo loves heat to germinate. Over 80 degrees is optimal for germination. Count: ~10 Phyllostachys Pubescens Moso-Bamboo Cold Hardy To 30 F Scientific name: Phyllostachys heterocycla (Carr.) Mitford cv. Pubescens Tree height: 10-20m / 33-66ft Plant Spread: 6 Feet Soil Moisture: Constantly moist Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light Design: Suits contemporary, oriental & tropical designs Garden Type: clumping bamboo Plant Seasonality: Evergreen Sowing time: autumn or spring Visually interesting, canes turn green to black during the growing season. The hardiest of all black bamboo species. Slower to expand with minimal control efforts needed. Planting Instructions: Boil a cup of water and then let it cool to room temperature. Take a Ziploc bag and fold a paper towel to fit in the bottom. Take your water and add it to your ziploc bag on the paper towel. Just enough water to get the paper towel good and wet. Put 10-15 seeds in there and blow up the bag and seal it Just leave them in there until they sprout. You can just set the bag on top of the refrigerator. After they sprout, once a week blow fresh air into the bag and reseal it. When they are about 2-3 inches tall their roots will be growing into the paper towel. Don't pull the plant and roots out of the paper towel; you will want to cut the paper towel so the roots stay in the paper towel. Transplant into vermiculite and peat moss mix with the roots still in the paper towel. Sowing Way: 1. Soak the seed with water for half hour, then disinfect the seed with 0.3% potassium permanganate for 2 to 4 hours 2. Clean the seed with water and soak them for 24 hours 3. Take out the seed and dry them for 1 to 2 hours 4. Dig a few small holes in the soil, then sow 3 to 4 seeds in each hole, cover with soil about 0.75in 5. Cover with straw and sprinkle profoundly water 6. Keep the soil wet and weed during germination. 7. It can be transplanted after the seedling grows up 10 to 15cm (4 to 6"). http://springsofeden.myshopify.com/products/rare-tropical-giant-phyllostachys-pubescens-moso-bamboo-tree-seeds-for-planting-b10
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corvidaescreations · 7 months
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A bamboo painting done in the style of Gui Wenxiu, digitally restored in vector.
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najia-cooks · 1 year
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[ID: First photo shows a shallow bowl with six dumplings garnished with cilantro. The dumplings are round, with circular pleats surrounding a small hole at the top of each one. The bowl is filled with a bright red sauce freckled with spices. Second photo is a close-up of one dumpling covered in sauce; another dumpling, cut open to show a ground beef filling, is resting on the first dumpling. End ID.]
Vegan "beef" momos (Nepali dumplings in tomato achar)
Tender wrappers encase flavorful, juicy filling and swim in a spicy, tangy tomato sauce in this Nepali-style steamed dumpling recipe. Momos originate in Tibet, but are commonly served as a street food or snack in Nepal. Many restaurants in Nepal are known for their unique or distinctive achar recipes--mine is flavored with sesame, ginger, and a spice blend of timir peppercorns, coriander, cumin, turmeric, and chaat masala, but feel free to play around until you get something you like.
Recipe under the cut!
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Makes 10-12
A bamboo or metal steamer, or a wok / large, deep pan / large pot, with a closely fitting lid
Parchment paper
For the dough:
1 cup (120g) AP flour
enough water to create a soft dough (about 1/4 cup / 60mL)
For the filling:
2/3 cup (65g) TVP
1/4 cup (60mL) vegetarian 'beef' stock from concentrate (or substitute vegetable stock + 1 Tbsp soy sauce)*
1/2 small yellow onion, grated
1/2 Tbsp grated garlic
1/2 Tbsp grated ginger
2 1/2 tsp momo masala
1/2 Tbsp vegetable oil or vegan ghee
1 tsp salt, or to taste
2 green onions, minced (optional)
*I like TVP because its flavor is so customizable, but if you don't have any you may substitute any other vegetarian ground beef substitute for the TVP and stock.
For the achar:
4 roma tomatoes (300g), chopped
2 tsp sesame seeds
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp coriander seeds, toasted and ground
6 timir or Sichuan peppercorns, toasted and ground
large pinch turmeric
pinch chaat masala (optional)
2 dried bird's eye chilis, crushed, or 2 tsp chili paste
1 Tsbp neutral oil
1 tsp grated ginger
1 tsp grated garlic
1 tsp salt
3/4 cup (180mL) water
squeeze of lime or lemon juice (optional)
For the momo masala:
Nepali momo masala is available commercially from brands such as Century; you can also make it at home by adjusting the following recipe according to your taste or what you have on hand. This spice blend will make about as much masala as needed for this recipe.
1 small bit Ceylon cinnamon (or substitute cassia cinnamon)
3 black peppercorns
1 clove
1 strand mace
3/4 tsp coriander seeds
3/4 tsp cumin seeds
1 small dried chili, or 1/4 tsp Kashmiri chili powder
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/8 tsp fenugreek seeds
1/8 tsp black mustard seeds
large pinch of grated Indian black cardamom pod (or substitute 1 green cardamom pod)
pinch nutmeg
pinch turmeric
pinch ground cassia cinnamon
For the dough:
1. Measure your flour into a large bowl by weight, or by spooning it gently into a dry measuring cup and levelling it off. Slowly add water (you may need more or less than 1/4 cup / 60mL) until a cohesive, non-sticky dough forms.
2. Knead your dough for 5-10 minutes until it is smooth and elastic. Cover and set aside to rest while you prepare the filling and achar.
For the filling:
1. Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl and mix or knead until well combined. Allow at least 10 minutes for the TVP to hydrate.
For the achar:
1. If using whole spices, toast coriander and Sichuan peppercorns in a small skillet on medium heat for a few minutes until fragrant, and grind them in a mortar and pestle.
2. Heat oil in a large pan on medium. Add sesame seeds and fry 5-7 minutes, agitating often, until they are fragrant and a shade darker.
3. Add cumin seeds and fry until fragrant. Add remaining spices (coriander, peppercorns, and turmeric) and allow to bloom in the oil for 30 seconds.
4. Add ginger and garlic and fry for 30 seconds until fragrant. Add chilis or chili paste and cook for a minute or two.
5. Add tomatoes and salt and cook until tomatoes are slightly softened.
6. Add water and cook, covered, 5-10 minutes until dried chilis (if using) and tomatoes are soft.
7. Blend all ingredients (including cooking water) using a countertop or immersion blender. Add lime and more chili paste as desired.
For the momo masala:
1. Toast whole spices in a dry skillet on medium heat for a few minutes until fragrant and a shade darker. Toast larger whole spices and smaller seeds separately to prevent the seeds from burning.
2. Remove the skillet from heat and toast ground spices for 30 seconds, agitating constantly.
3. Grind all spices together in a spice grinder or mortal and pestle.
To assemble:
1. Divide the dough into balls of about 1” (2.5cm) in diameter (mine weighed about 14g each) and roll each ball out into a 4” (10cm) wide circle. (If you're inexperienced with rolling out circles of dough, you may also divide the dough in two pieces, roll each out into a sheet 1/4" thick, and use a 4" cookie cutter to cut out circles. Allow scraps to rest before rolling them back out.)
2. Hold a wrapper in the palm of your non-dominant hand and add about 2 Tbsp of filling (if you're not experienced with making dumplings, it may be easier to add less). While pressing the filling down with your non-dominant thumb, use your other hand to pinch pleated folds in the dough all the way around the circle of the wrapper. (You may shape your momos to be completely closed at the top, or leave a small hole in the center where your thumb has been--it's up to your preference.)
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Place completed dumplings on a plate and cover with a kitchen towel to prevent drying out. 3. Steam your dumplings. Place a parchment-paper-lined bamboo steamer in the bottom of a wok or large pot, and fill the wok with enough cool water to cover the bottom rim of the steamer by ½". If you’re using a metal steamer, tie a kitchen towel around its lid to prevent condensation from dipping back down onto the dumplings; line the metal steamer with parchment paper, or oil it, to prevent the dumplings from sticking. If you don’t have a steamer, place a small bowl in the bottom of a wok or large, deep pan or pot. Place the dumplings on a parchment paper-lined plate and place the plate on top of the bowl–the plate should fit inside your pot. Make sure that you can cover the plate and dumplings with a lid. If your lid is domed, there is no need for a kitchen towel, since the condensation will run down towards the outer rim. If your lid is flat, tie a tea towel around it just as you would with a metal steamer. Fill your cooking vessel with 2 or so centimeters of cool water.
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4. Raise the heat to high and allow the water to come to a boil. Once boiling, lower the heat to medium-low and cover your steamer or pot. Steam the dumplings for 6-10 minutes, until the dough is tender and cooked. Serve warm drizzled with achar, or with achar to the side. You may also mix the achar with a bit more water or stock to thin it out, and serve momos in a bowl filled with achar; this "momo soup" is known as momo jhol achar.
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birdstudies · 8 months
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August 29, 2023 - Vieillot's Black Weaver (Ploceus nigerrimus) Found in a spotty range in parts of western and central Africa, these weavers live in clearings in forests, wooded areas, and tall-grass savannas, often near humans. They eat mostly insects and probably also seeds, berries, and nectar, frequently joining mixed-species flocks. Nesting in colonies, males breed with up to five females and weave oval nests with entrances on the bottoms from palm leaf strips or grass in tall grass, palms, bamboo, or trees. Females line the nests with grass seed heads and incubate clutches of two eggs. They mostly feed the chicks alone, though males may help late in the breeding season.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
Eofringillirostrum vs Heliothraupis
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Eofringillirostrum boudreauxi, E. parvulum 
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Artwork by @otussketching, written by @zygodactylus
Name Meaning: Dawn Finch-Beak (Boudreaux’s or Small) 
Time: 54 to 48 million years ago, in the Ypresian of the Eocene 
Location: Sandwich Beds, Fossil Butte Member, Green River Formation, Wyoming; and the Messel Formation near Darmstadt, Germany 
Today, over half of the birds known in the world are passerines, or “perching birds”. Unfortunately, these birds on average are small and delicate, leading to their not having the most robust fossil record compared to other birds. However, the fossils of passerines we do have tell us an interesting story about their evolution. Eofringillirostrum, despite being a very early member of the total-passeriform group (ie, it isn’t a true passerine, but close), shows how many of the traits we see in modern representatives occurred fairly early on in their evolution. Eofringillirostrum had a finch-like beak, similar to living species, that would have been helpful in eating small hard seeds - a niche not easily exploited. While we often think of birds as “seed-eaters”, this is not common and only exploitable by certain species - and, apparently, some early passerine relatives like Eofringillirostrum. This indicates that different early relatives of passerines were already doing very similar ecological jobs to their living relatives, even while many other bird types were exploiting passerine-like niches (such as the many types of stem-mouse birds that lived at the time). Both the Messel Pit and the Fossil Butte environments were tropical forests, emerging right after the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum; both were associated with fossil lakes, which allowed for rapid preservation of a variety of early animals that show how “modern” life first diversified in the Paleogene period. As such, Eofringillirostrum just has too many neighbors to list - including so many kinds of birds its a little overwhelming. Eofringillirostrum, in this environment, would have been one of many different species of birds, and weirdly modern looking among them! 
Heliothraupis oneilli 
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Photograph by John C. Mittermeier, written by @zygodactylus 
Name Meaning: O’Neill’s Tanager of the Sun God Inti 
Time: Unknown to the present, Holocene, Quaternary 
Location: Western Bolivia and Southern Peru, South America  Rarely do we get to talk about a newly discovered living species of bird, but this is one of those excellent times! This bird, a bright yellow tanager with a distinctive black stripe across its eye, was found in the Neotropics - specifically in the Yungas region. Given that Latin America has the largest number of bird species in the world, it makes a certain amount of sense that we may have missed some! First spotted in the nineties, it was properly identified and described over the course of the 2010s. The distinctive appearance of this tanager lead to it being nicknamed the “Kill Bill Tanager”, in reference to its similarity to Uma Thurman’s yellow jumpsuit outfit. Distinct in appearance and population from other tanagers, it was deemed not only a separate species, but an entirely separate genus. It is migratory, breeding in the northern Machariapo Valley and going down to the eastern Andes for the nonbreeding season. It lives in deciduous forests, and breeds in bamboo grasses. It is a loud and vocal bird, making distinctive songs and choruses that happen long after the dawn chorus of most other birds. As it lives in a fairly isolated region of these countries, its habitat is not particularly threatened at this time.
DMM Round One Masterpost
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violettadecalda · 1 year
Elements: Air Edition
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About the air element: The air element is linked to things such as divination, concentration, visualization, and prophecy. Air teaches us how to hone our scattered energy and focus it toward what we want. It teaches us to use our intention. Air can be a big cleanser and also a big charger. Just stand outside for a few momenrs on a windy day, letting it blow around you and play through your hair, and you will feel renewed.
Air in magic: The air element is often used in combination with smoke, feathers, trees, flowers, and plants. It is common to use the air element in both spells that require letting go, and in spells that bring you new information. After all, rumors can travel on the wind. Aromatherapy, hanging objects up, playing the flute or other woodwind instruments, and tossing things to the wind are all examples of using the air element in magic.
Forms of air include: wind, still air, breath, vibrations
Some air spirits include: Sylphs, zephyrs, faeries
Color: Yellow
Direction: East
Tools: Censer, athame, sword, wand
Tarot suit: Swords
Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
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Air in daily life: The most obvious form of air in our daily lives is the air that we breathe. Everyone does it, everyone needs it. Speaking requires the element of air as well, as it carries the vibrations of our voices. We use air to cool off, and every time we look up at the clouds in the sky, we are interacting with the air element.
Air in the home: Similarly to how fire is used to keep our homes warm, air is used to keep them cool. Whether you are opening a window, turning on a fan, using an air conditioner, or fanning yourself with the playbill for your little brother's school performance of Legally Blonde in the stuffy auditorium, you are using air to cool yourself down. Air can also be very healing. How many times have you stepped outside to get some fresh air and take in the breeze while you were feeling sick?
Air in the kitchen: Though it may not be obvious at first, there are some cooking methods that utilize the air element. Perhaps the most common is drying, whether you are drying meat for jerkey or herbs for tea. Then there is cooking with convection heat, which is growing more popular, or cooking with microwaves. Also popular, as seen by the amount of fizzy beverages and whipped toppings available, is carbonation and aeration. There are several foods and ingredients associated with the air element, including~
Almond, anise, bamboo, brazil nut, caraway, chicory, dandelion, endive, hazel, hops, lavender, lime, mace, maple, marjoram, mint, mulberry, parsley, pecan, sage, acorn squash, artichoke, bitter melon, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, fennel, okra, rhubarb, spaghetti squash, alfalfa, cannelini beans, lima beans, mung beans, celery seed, chamomile, rosemary, scallions, amaranth, puffed rice, rye, apple, apricot, blackberry, currants, lingonberry, pear, pineapple, tamarind, pomegranate, black tea, chocolate, coffee, white vinegar, cabbage, celery, grape leaves, mustard greens, daikon, sunchoke, parsnip, hibiscus, macadamia nuts, walnuts, stevia
Herbs associated with air: Frankincense*, myrrh*, pansy, primrose, vervain, violet, yarrow, dill, clove, acacia, aspen, beech, benzoin*, bodhi, bracken, bromeliad, clover, fern, goldenrod, horehound, houseleek, mistletoe*, papyrus, pine, slippery elm, tobacco, rose petals
Stones associated with air: Fluorite, moonstone, turquoise, amethyst, rhodochrosite, topaz, pumice, alexandrite
Animals associated with air: Doves, hawks, eagles, foxes, turtles, ravens, spiders
Incense: Lavender, lemon balm, linden, frankincense, myrrh, violet, anise, chicory, mace, pine
Air on the altar ideas: yellow feathers, feathers in general, bird imagery, incense, censer, bells, flute, objects hanging above the altar
Divination with the air element: Nephomancy, austromancy, alveromancy, feather divination
Air work for spoonies:
Open up the window to watch the sky
Collect feathers or scatter them to the breeze
Keep a handheld fan nearby for when you need to create a breeze of your own
If you dont have your own windchimes, ring bells or listen to recordings of chimes on your phone
Use yellow pillowcases, blankets, sheets, curtains, or wall decorations
Hang beads or ribbons in your window
*Some herbs are unsafe or even deadly to ingest and can be dangerous to use. ALWAYS do research.
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