#giant bamboo seeds
wealthypioneers · 2 years
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Rare Tropical Timor Black Bamboo Tree seeds B10 Seeds of the rare and exotic Black Bamboo to Plant and Grow Visually interesting, canes turn green to black during the growing season. The hardiest of all black bamboo species. Slower to expand with minimal control efforts needed. Count: ~10 Scientific Name: Phyllostachys Nigra 'Black' Plant Name: Bambusa Lako Cold Hardy To 30 F Common Name: Timor Black Bamboo Plant Height: 60 Feet Plant Spread: 6 Feet Soil Moisture: Constantly moist Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light Design: Suits contemporary, oriental & tropical designs Garden Type: clumping bamboo Plant Seasonality: Evergreen Phyllostachys nigra, commonly known as black bamboo, is a species of bamboo, native to Hunan Province of China, and is widely cultivated elsewhere. Growing up to 25 m tall by 30 cm broad, it forms clumps of slender arching canes which turn black after two or three seasons Black bamboo is a striking and exotic choice for your garden or landscaping project. Known as the diet of choice for panda bears, bamboo is part of the Poaceae family—making it a grass, despite its height and tree-like stability. Phyllostachys nigra, commonly referred to as black bamboo, is famous for its ebony-colored stalks, or culms. It is a running bamboo, which means it spreads and grows rapidly through underground rhizomes. This can cause black bamboo to be very invasive if not controlled. FAST GROWING: The fastest-growing Bamboo, get privacy or windbreak fast! GROW TIPS: Run your sink hot water and get it as warm as possible. Fill a cup halfway up. Place the seeds in the hot water and then let them soak for 24 hours. Planting Instructions: Boil a cup of water and then let it cool to room temperature. Take a Ziploc bag and fold a paper towel to fit in the bottom. Take your water and add it to your ziploc bag on the paper towel. Just enough water to get the paper towel good and wet. Put 10-15 seeds in there and blow up the bag and seal it Just leave them in there until they sprout. You can just set the bag on top the refrigerator. After they sprout, once a week blow fresh air into the bag and reseal it. When they are about 2-3 inches tall their roots will be growing into the paper towel. Don't pull the plant and roots out of the paper towel; you will want to cut the paper towel so the roots stay in the paper towel. Transplant into vermiculite and peat moss mix with the roots still in the paper towel. How to Care for Black Bamboo Plants Running bamboo types, such as black bamboo plants, are ideal for creating a dense hedge or privacy screen. Your plants should be placed 3 to 5 feet (1-1.5 m.) apart for this purpose. However, you will probably only want to consider growing black bamboo if you have a very sizable area for it spread out. There are many strategies you could employ to contain the size of a bamboo grove, such as root pruning or even a root barrier. If you’re opting for a root barrier, install the barrier at least 36 inches (91 cm.) deep between the bamboo grove and the rest of your property using materials in the trench that are impenetrable, such as rolls of fiberglass or 60 mil polypropylene. The barrier itself should protrude 2 inches (5 cm.) above the ground to discourage any wayward rhizomes. If all of this seems too daunting or if you have minimal garden space, then remember this black bamboo information: black bamboo, like other types, can also be enjoyed as a container plant. Like anything that stands out with beauty and uniqueness, this bamboo does not come without a few "torns". Black bamboo can be a tad more on the needy side when it comes to location and attention needed; it requires at least 6 hours of sunlight a day, is not an option for indoor planting, it does not tolerate wind well, and the foliage has been damaged at temperatures below 10° Fahrenheit. If a dry wind is present, plant in a protected area. Foliage loss occurs at 0° to -5° with a complete top kill of canes at around -10° to -15°. Due to this, we recommend this species for USDA Climate Zones 7 and 8. It is being grown in climate zone 6 with moderate top damage during the harsh winter months. The culms are not as erect in shaded sides as some other species and tend to weep or arch over; Pruning can correct this behavior. Those who grow ‘Black Bamboo’ in western gardens love its graceful habits. The sharp contrast of color provided by the dark culms and green foliage is very desirable. New canes emerge green and turn ebony black within two years with sunlight exposure. This is reported to be the only species the culm turns true ebony in color. The culm sheath has wavy blades with prominent oral setae, auricles, and ligules. The wood is of high quality and used by many craftsmen. This bamboo species is a gregarious flowering bamboo, which means that every black bamboo plant around the world will bloom around the same time. This only happens every 40 to 60 years, and that generation of bamboo dies shortly after. The seeds can be collected and planted to start a new stand of bamboo growth. Fertilizer To promote healthy growth, you might choose to fertilize black bamboo for a boost of additional nutrients. Choose a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen for the best results; this type of fertilizer is typically best for grasses. Apply fertilizer in the late spring and again in the middle of the growing season. Harvesting Bamboo shoots make an interesting and fun addition to vegetable stir-fries and are often used in Asian cuisine. To harvest the young sprouts, wait until they are a few inches tall. Try to harvest while they are 6 inches or less for the best flavor. Using a sharp knife, cut the shoot at ground level. Be sure to harvest plants sustainably and responsibly, making sure not to strip the plant of all of its new growth. When you are ready to prepare your harvest, cut the shoots in half length-wise and remove the hard outer sheath. Then, cut them to the desired thickness and boil or fry them. Pruning Bamboo is known to be a fast-growing plant, which adds to its appeal as a natural privacy barrier. However, to keep the height of your bamboo in check, you should plan to occasionally prune the plant to your desired height. Pruning bamboo to control growth should be done in the spring. The nodes of the plant provide an easy visual cue on where to cut back the height of each stalk. Cut each stalk just above a node. In addition, curb unwanted growth of in-ground black bamboo plants by cutting new shoots that sprout from the rhizomes to ground level. Keep in mind that this will check the growth of this plant, but it is a prolific spreader once planted directly in the ground and you may not be able to control its growth simply by cutting back new growth. Propagating Black Bamboo Propagating bamboo is simple and best done by division. It is ideal to divide bamboo plants in the late winter or early spring. Water the bamboo well the day before you plan to divide it. Before dividing, cut off the top 2/3 of the culm. Using a sharp spade, dig up the section you would like to divide. You may need a saw to cut through the thick roots. From here, you can keep the clump large or divide it into smaller sections of 3 or 4 culms each. Plant each section in a hole twice as wide as the root ball. Mix in compost or other fertilizer and fill in the area. Water thoroughly. Potting and Repotting Black Bamboo Black bamboo can easily be grown in containers, which is a perfect choice for those with smaller yards or who want to keep it inside. When choosing a container, try to find one that is short, wide, and bottom-heavy. Adding rocks to the bottom of the container can help with this. Because bamboo grows to be so tall, a lighter, taller pot can easily get blown over. Since black bamboo is a running bamboo and a rapid grower, it may outgrow its pot quicker than other species. You will need to repot once your bamboo is root-bound. Potted bamboo will need more water than plants in the ground, so be sure to keep tabs on your soil moisture. Place your pot in a sunny, wind-sheltered area and enjoy it's striking looks and green foliage. WARNING Black bamboo uses runners to propagate, rather than forming clumps like many other grass varieties. As a result, its growth is considered fast and aggressive. The underground rhizomes easily lead to this plant popping up in unexpected places around your garden and yard. Eradicating it requires removing every piece of rhizome, which can prove to be a real challenge if left unchecked. Tags: giant bamboo seeds, clumping bamboo seeds, bamboo plant, Moso bamboo seeds, running bamboo seeds, black bamboo seeds, phyllostachys edulis, bamboo tree seeds, rare plant seeds, rare plant seeds, Tropical Fruit Seeds, Organic Seeds, Timor Black Bamboo, Black Bamboo, bamboo seed, Bambusa Lako Phyllostachys Nigra, giant bamboo seeds, bamboo plant http://springsofeden.myshopify.com/products/rare-tropical-timor-black-bamboo-tree-seeds-b10
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headspace-hotel · 2 months
Chemically sterilized...or mechanically sterilized?
It is clear that applying chemicals to your yard and landscape, be it fertilizers, weed killers, or pesticides, has devastating effects to the community of life that is present in every place.
But is the terrifying decline in insects explainable by chemicals alone?
When i am in mowed environments, even those that I know have no lawn chemicals, they are almost entirely empty of life. There are a few bees and other insects on the dandelions, but not many, and the only birds I see are American robins, Grackles, and European starlings.
Even without any weed killers at all, regular mowing of a lawn type area eliminates all but a few specially adapted weeds.
The plants of a lawn where I live include: Mouse ear chickweed, Birds-eye Speedwell, Common blue violet, Dandelion, Wild Garlic, Creeping charlie, White Clover, Black Medick, Broad-leaved plantain, Mock Strawberry, Crabgrass, Small-flowered Buttercup, Ribwort Plantain, Daisy Fleabane, a few common sedges, Red Deadnettle...That sounds like a lot of plants, but the problem is, almost all of them are non-native species (Only Violets, Daisy Fleabane, and the sedges are native!) and it's. The Same. Species. Everywhere. In. Every. Place.
How come...? Because mowed turf is a really specific environment that is really specifically beneficial to a number of almost entirely European plants, and presents stressors that most plants (including almost all native north american plants) simply can't cope with.
The plants mentioned above are just the flowering weeds. The grasses themselves, the dominant component of the lawn, are essentially 100% invasive in North America, many of them virulently and destructively invasive.
Can you believe that Kentucky bluegrass isn't even native to Kentucky? Nope, it's European! The rich pasture of the Bluegrass region of Kentucky was predominantly a mix of clover, other legumes, and bamboo. The clovers—Kentucky clover, Running buffalo clover, and buffalo clover—are highly endangered now (hell, kentucky clover wasn't even DISCOVERED until 2013) and the bamboo—Giant rivercane, Arundinaria gigantea—has declined in its extent by 98%. Do European white and red clovers fulfill the niches that native clovers once did? Dunno, probably not entirely.
One of the biggest troubles with "going native" is that North America legitimately does not have native grass species that really fill the niche of lawn. Most small, underfoot grassy plants are sedges and they are made for shady environments, and they form tufts and fancy sprays, not creeping turf. Then there's prairie grasses which are 10 feet tall.
What this means, though, is that lawns don't even remotely resemble environments that our insects and birds evolved for. Forget invasive species, lawns are an invasive BIOME.
It's a terrible thing, then, that this is just what we do to whatever random land we don't cover in concrete: back yards, road margins, land outside of churches and businesses, spaces at the edges of fields, verges at bypasses and gas stations...
Mowing, in the north american biomes, selects for invasive species and promotes them while eliminating native species. There's no nice way to put it. The species that thrive under this treatment are invasive.
And unfortunately mowing is basically the only well-known and popular tool even for managing meadow and prairie type "natural" environments. If you want to prevent it from succeeding to forest, just mow it every couple of years.
This has awful results, because invasive species like Festuca arundinacea (a plant invented by actual Satan) love it and are promoted, and the native species are harmed.
Festuca arundinacea, aka Tall Fescue, btw is the main grass that you'll find in cheap seed mixes in Kentucky, but it's a horrific invasive species that chokes everything and keeps killing my native meadow plants. It has leaves like razor blades (it's cut me so deeply that it scarred) and has an endosymbiont in it that makes horses that eat it miscarry their foals.
And this stuff is ALL OVER the "prairie" areas where I work, like it's the most dominant plant by far, because it thrives on being mowed while the poor milkweeds, Rattlesnake Master and big bluestems slowly decline and suffer.
It's wild how hard it is to explain that mowing is a very specific type of stressor that many plants will respond very very negatively to. North American plants did not evolve under pressures that involved being squished, crushed, snipped to 8 inches tall uniformly and covered in a suffocating blanket of shredded plant matter. That is actually extremely bad for many of the prairie plants that are vital keystone species. Furthermore it does not control invasive species but rather promotes them.
Native insects need native plant cover. Many of them co-evolved intimately with particular host plants. Many others evolved to eat those guys. And Lord don't get me started on leaf removal, AKA the greatest folly of all humankind.
So wherever there is a mowed environment, regardless of the use of chemicals or not, the bugs don't have the structural or physical habitat characteristics they evolved for and they don't have the plant species they evolved to be dependent on.
Now let's think about three-dimensional space.
This post was inspired when I saw several red winged blackbirds in the unmowed part of a field perching on old stems of Ironweed and goldenrod. The red-winged blackbirds congregated in the unmowed part of the field, but the mowed part was empty. The space in a habitat is not just the area of the land viewed from above as though on a map. Imagine a forest, think of all the squirrels and birds nesting and sitting on branches and mosses and lichens covering the trunks and logs. The trees extend the habitat space into 3 dimensions.
Any type of plant cover is the same. A meadow where the plants grow to 3 feet tall, compared with a lawn of 6 inches tall, not only increases the quality of the habitat, it really multiplies the total available space in the habitat, because there is such a great area of stems and leaves for bugs and birds to be on. A little dandelion might form a cute little corner store for bugs, A six foot tall goldenrod? That's a bug skyscraper! It fits way more bugs.
It's not just the plants themselves, it's the fallen leaves that get trapped underneath them—tall meadow plants seem to gather and hoard fallen leaves underneath. More tall plants is also more total biomass, which is the foundation of the whole food chain!
Now consider light and shade. Even a meadow of 3ft tall plants actually shades the ground. Mosses grow enthusiastically even forming thick mats where none at all could grow in the mowed portions. And consider also amphibians. They are very sensitive to UV light, so even a frog that lives in what you see as a more "open" environment, can be protected by some tall flowers and rushes but unable to survive in mowed back yard
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cool-plants-daily · 11 months
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Cool Plant: Arundinaria gigantea
Giant River Cane
This plant is extra special! Not only is it one of three members of the genus Arundinaria, which together are North America's only native bamboo, it also once formed extensive bamboo forests in the American Southeast known as canebrakes, where the bamboo stalks could exceed 30 feet tall! The bamboo forests are thought to have covered 10 million acres of the southeastern United States.
River cane grows in damp areas such as low-lying woods and the edges of creeks, and has incredible abilities for resisting erosion and filtering contaminants from groundwater. It is a fire dependent species, and canebrakes were maintained by Native Americans using controlled burns. Native American peoples such as the Cherokee and the Choctaw used the river cane as a super tough all purpose crafting material for everything from flutes and blowguns to baskets, backpacks, mats and bed frames.
Nowadays, it mostly only exists in small patches along fences and in ditches, where it usually grows no taller than 10 feet or so. Since it grows in large clonal colonies and only produces seeds once before the entire patch dies, it is hard for it to reproduce these days. The destruction of the canebrakes by colonists' cattle, plowing, and neglect of the caretaking practices are thought to have helped drive the Carolina parakeet and passenger pigeon to extinction.
Many other species depend on the Arundinaria bamboos to live: there are at least 9 butterfly and moth species that use it as a host plant, and some of the rarest plants in the Southeast, including the Venus flytrap, are often found in remaining fragments of canebrakes.
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silverskull · 10 months
Chenford Week 2023
Day 2: TV Tropes Day
I spun the wheel, and this bitch is what I got, okay?
CW: Major Character Death
Full fic below the cut and also here, on AO3.
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A caveat: I do not want or wish this to happen. I do not think this is reflective of our canon Tim (or at least, I hope not). However, I do want you to cry.
For backing music, I recommend ‘Kevin & Casey’ by West Dylan Thordsen from the ‘Glass’ soundtrack. Put it on…now.
Green was the colour of peace.
Peace. Wealth. Health. 
He loved her in green.
(He loved her in any colour, but especially in green.)
She’d worn a green belt around her wedding dress, and he hadn’t even noticed until Angela sidled up to him, champagne softened, and pointed it out. They’d shopped together for it, searched high and low to find exactly what she was looking for, checked every store from Rodeo Drive to the Santee Alley. It was Lyla who’d found the perfect piece of material, recycling thrifted garments into trendy fashion and disassembling an eighties bridesmaid dress into threads and ribbons.
She’d worn it in her hair the next day, weaving it through a braid that crowned her head - more exquisite than diamonds; queen of his heart.
He’d brought her fresh flowers, as often as he remembered, and she’d moved the vases from surface to surface, pointedly remarking how bright the colours were in the clean but sterile surrounds of his house. 
Of course he’d let her paint.
Anywhere she wanted, any colours she wished. Bright yellow and deep blue and forest green. Masking tape evolving into golden streaks of sunshine, splitting the colours into a rioting kaleidoscope on carefully chosen feature walls.
It quickly became ‘their house’.
Their home.
An extension for Tamara. A crate for their yoga mats. Little Buddhas and succulents and candles - candles everywhere. Tealights and pillars and votives; organic or scented or tapered or wood-wicked. He was forever chasing flickering flames, dutifully blowing out the sparks in hurried puffs before following her laughter into their bedroom.
Then, one day, there were no more flames.
A week - less - awash with unwanted candles and bouquets of flowers, and then…
He’d placed himself beside one tall candle (a year’s worth of wax in the normal run of things - more like a couple of months if she’d had access to it) and behind a small avalanche of wreaths, and he hadn’t moved for hours.
The mourners poured through the room like an endless river of despair. 
It was Nolan, of all people, that had kept him upright. Fending off the few sympathisers who tried to breach his floral barricade with an unassuming nod and a handshake, and guiding them past the casket and down the line of friends and family. Rounding the barrier and steadying his shoulder with a quiet hand when his breath started to shake or his body started to tilt. Passing him cups of water throughout the day without ever making eye-contact.
He didn’t remember the service.
Grey spoke for him. Genny too.
He never said a word.
What was there left to say?
The end of the world had come - the end of his world - and despite everything in his life up until that point, he still hadn’t been prepared.
The burial was burned into his mind, flashbulb moments in a misty cemetery.
A black-clad crowd, huddled together like a murder of crows.
The minister sheltered beneath a dark umbrella. 
One giant, gaping hole in the clay at his feet. Far too big. Far too long.
Her casket - bamboo woven and speckled with mushroom spores. Her choice. She would sink into the soil and it would embrace her, tenderly entwining her molecules with seeds and roots until she dissolved beyond her mortal limits and became one with the earth.
Beyond his reach.
The others had taken turns staying over with him. With Tamara. She’d wept and wept in his arms, and he’d had nothing to say to console her. Bailey had taken the lead on finding something to send them to sleep, dosing them methodically and packing them off to bed. Instructions listed and left for whoever was to guard them the next night, and the next.
James played smooth hip-hop low on the living room speaker all night long.
Wesley read, a pile of thick books gathering in the corner beside Kojo’s bed.
Nyla had a games console, the whirrs and ticks of the sound effects punctuating the dark.
Genny brought the boys, all three camping out on the floor in front of the TV screen, her hands looped tenderly into the hair of one and the elbow of the other.
Angela sat in silence, staring into space. Occasionally lifting her phone and scrolling through her photos. Sniffing quietly into a tissue as the reels went on.
Nolan had eventually offered to take Kojo; given him the run of his spacious backyard.
Tamara had gathered her things and folded herself into the embrace of her friends, whittering and fluttering around her like a flock of protective doves as they packed her up and drove her back to college.
And he was alone.
He’d tried to go back to the station, managed three whole days of re-immersive Patrol before it was all too much.
She was everywhere, there.
Her coffee mug clinking in the breakroom. Her fingers clattering over keys in the bullpen. Her pen scratching on paper at the intake desk. Her keys rattling in the locks of the cells.
Her voice, her laughter, her breath, her scent all over his office and the briefing room and in every single god damn shop they offered him.
Pine had agreed to a transfer. ‘Compassionate grounds’. Offered him Hollywood, and when he’d baulked, swapped him out with a willing officer from Central Division.
It was busy there. Probably even more so than Mid-Wilshire. Train lines and homeless camps and tourist traps. Celebrities and low-lifes constantly shoulder to shoulder. He clocked up enough overtime to worry the Captain, and grimly pleaded his case when she’d suggested therapy instead. She’d given in and let him have his way.
Angela visited, routing her cases out of her grid to check in on him from time to time. He could see the calculating look in her eyes, her thoughts flashing back to his years after Isabel.
This was different, though.
He knew it, and she could see it too, and he knew it frightened her more than his past rage.
He was cold now. Removed. Closed-off and stiff and monosyllabic, at best.
Something in him sparked a new fear in his suspects, their defiance withering away at his silent stoicism. Arrests were quick and clean, for the most part, and he never engaged in verbal sparring or articulate arguments anymore.
His team respected him, but kept their distance. Greeted him in the mornings, saluted him at night. Offered perfunctory invitations to social gatherings that he would never attend.
His locker and office were grey. Bare surfaces and the rudiments of his supplies. No notes, no stickers, no photos.
No boots - only his own.
Objects were one thing - easy to cut out and discard and ignore. People were more difficult. Angela and Genny were persistent, sending Nolan and Nyla to Good Cop/Bad Cop him when he refused their approaches. Tamara sent voice notes or video calls at college-kid hours, which, predictably, lined up with his own. Wesley and James tried to badger him into guy’s nights out. Grey cornered him at work and sat him down for a stern talking-to.
But, eventually, his detachment wore them out, and they stopped calling. Stopped messaging. Stopped dropping by.
Bailey stopped sending clips and pictures of Kojo.
Tamara stopped spending weekends at the house.
Genny and, finally, Angela gave up and stopped appearing on his beat or in his office or at his door.
And he was alone.
Completely alone.
Lost, without her.
Their house grew dim, dust gathering in the corners and on the statues. The plants died out, withered bouquets first, then his fern, and at last, her tiny little succulents. The air grew stale, the rooms unlived in and unloved. No candles lit to drive away the small ghosts that clung to the furniture and the dark recesses of the hallway.
It was a tomb, a mausoleum to her memory, haunted each day by his living shadow.
But there was nothing alive here now.
Only on her grave, where he knelt in the soft earth and dug his fingers into the clay below him, was there any life.
Jasmine and lavender.
Warmed in the sunlight and sparkling with moonstone-bright droplets from the sprinklers.
This was the only place he could breath, could feel his heart trip into tangible rhythm.
And he breathed deep.
Jasmine and lavender.
Lush and vital and thriving over her final resting place. Petals smiling up at him with gleaming white teeth.
They know.
Tim is the one who died that day, his soul ripped out and buried there in the ground with her.
But Lucy…
Lucy is evergreen.
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folatefangirl · 11 months
Haven't seen one of these floating around for the recent MTAP tag but here's some gameplay tips I've picked up as a newbie who picked this up while it was 80% off on steam. I was mega stressed early on due to not knowing things and would be happy to pass on advice to save others the stress:
1. Reddit is good for advice and tumblr is penalizing me for links so yeah. Use the reddit community and/or wiki when stuck. Link to a decent set of advice is in the replies to this post.
2. Repair your workshop as soon as possible bc you'll wake up with low stamina daily until that gets done. Doesn't take more than like 30ish or so pieces of wood.
3. Yep the advice to make more than one machine is correct. Even for the blender. Maybe not the cooking setup or basic skiver per se. Yes, this will use up resources and space. Use the For Sale sign to expand space (or be like me and try to cram a level 2 house into a space too small for it 😅).
4. In the small planter boxes, grow lettuce, cotton, and wheat as much as possible if you can. You can also grow other things, but these seem to be the most helpful for feeding mounts and skiver crafting. Large boxes are for the special giant seeds and you can get the box from the church store and seeds from the Mysterious Man. Fertilize often to have the best shot at winning the Autumn Festival!
5. No, you can't have a rival romance with Higgins, tragically. But you can spar and body block him and chat to him until 9 AM to prevent him from taking commissions, especially the fancy valuable ones. I'm currently chill with being at rank 2 in my first year so I don't bother yet. I still think we should be allowed to woo him. As a treat. And mechanic to make him nicer 😅. Btw once he scams you (you'll know when) talk to him as soon as possible after and you can at least guilt him into giving you money.
6. No seriously do use Gust's shop in A&G to swap for 999 wood and keep furnaces running. You'll get wayyy too much stone from mining and the first quarry only gives so much marble for stone tables to sell en masse when the market is up. Other quarries are annoying to get to in the early game. Use the excess for wood first, then making stone bricks or stone tools etc to sell or whatever. Go wild. I make excess glass to sell since it's more profitable than raw resource selling, yep even with the wood cost. Still haven't figured out how to make excess soil more profitable besides planter boxes.
7. If you don't wanna feel like a monster for killing llamas for their worn fur, you can totally kill panbats. I like all the critters so I feel like a monster regardless 🥴. Kinda has to be done for certain quests and quest items tho.
8. Make allll the Dee-Dee Stops you can for the spots marked on the map. You can also have your mount follow you to the next stop.
9. Bring or make stamina repletion food when mining, esp if you have the game speed slowed down and don't run to the Round Table to replete (you have a limited number of things you can eat and can only eat once daily... Or you could try sitting for an hour if you aren't like me and it won't drive you crazy to sit and do nothing).
10. Annoying timed storyline quest needed items that you can collect earlier while the main story has no time limit for progression per se: pretty much all ores/ore products and special mining items like valves and engines, wild cocoons, ironwood (more than you think), bat wings, bamboo papaya, information discs (I keep the extra beyond the ones I give Petra for research in general for the storyline quest diagrams; I can complete the relics later), knight badges from the Round Table (minimum 250 of them), old parts, crystal necklace x1, dog food x1, soap x1, wildflower bouquet from Alice x1, tempering fluid, copper and steel wire, steel planks, welding rods. Can't think of the other ones that were super urgent and non-commission board rn as of Winter 1st (my latest stopping point) but yeah this is totally a hoarding game.
11. P.S. To get into the hazardous ruins area as a lower level, literally just dodge and run for 60 seconds. Do a hit if you feel brave. Yes, it's cowardly but it totally works and unlocks neat stuff you really need for certain quests. You can kick their asses later.
12. The worst that can happen if you die is that you get warped back home. Same for passing out at 3 AM but without the health depletion. Use that knowledge for what you will. I've noticed in boss battles it just bumps me back to the start of the battle with full health and stamina so I only get warped back further in other situations.
That's all I have for now but I may add more as I play. Hope this helps!
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audible-smiles · 8 months
the main logistical problem of this yard rehabilitation project I've embarked upon is the sheer amount of biomass I need to remove. I have Himalayan blackberry, Japanese knotweed, English ivy, Boston ivy, and a bunch of excess P. nigra bamboo trimmings slowly piling up. some of the invasives can't safely be composted. I could really use one of those rentable dumpsters, but the cost is exorbitant. which means I’m probably going to end up shredding everything into smaller pieces, piling them into bags, and hauling them to the dump in a rental truck. and then sheet mulch the hell out of the place to kill as many weed seeds as possible. fortunately, I have a giant pile of inexpensive wood chips to work with. god help me.
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viejonardo · 1 month
What typa drinks you planning on getting btw? I'm curious to see what kinda stuff they sell at yokai bars.
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first of all: yokai get experimental as all get out. they can metabolize shit you wouldn't believe. there's this giant panda who makes drinks with apple seeds and raw bamboo (not at the same time (i think)). i don't see the appeal personally but who am i to yuck her yum
anyway i'm man enough to admit i like my drinks fruity. especially after the torture that was apocalypse booze. our tastebuds were in the TRENCHES. i don't think they'll ever be the same again
TLDR daiquiris. they're booze slushies! literally perfect, how do you improve on that? you don't.
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primate-tournament · 1 year
Round 1, part 2, match 8: even more miscellaneous monkeys
Bale mountains vervet (Chlorocebus djamdjamensis)
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This shy monkey is incredibly unusual, even by the standards of Old World monkeys: it’s an African bamboo specialist. Found only in a small area of Ethiopia known as the Bale Mountains, it lives in bamboo forests. It is however more adaptable than other bamboo specialists like the giant panda, and also eats fruits, small animals, and the leaves of other trees.
De brazza’s monkey (Cercopithecus neglectus)
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This monkey is good at hiding from predators and humans despite its size and adornments. It lives in the canopy of Central African forests, never found far from rivers, and eats leaves, fruits, seeds, and insects. Bizarrely, this and many other Old World monkeys have rodent-like cheek pouches to store food!
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Hey, what was your favorite things about Skyward Sword? (btw I am playing through it rn and i have BIRBBRAIN, i am getting the seed for the Thunder Dragon lol)
Also, if you named your (link's) loftwing what did you name it?
(Mine is named Harp <3)
I actually never gave mine a name but I go with the general HC that Link calls him Crimson. I also made my own HC that Groose teased Link for the name and so to spite him, Zelda named hers Indigo. I also once saw a HC that Link named his Apple and I think that is absolutely adorable. But anyway, I usually just called mine Baby but I never really named him. I wish we had the option to do so in the game like with Epona in TP!! (I named her Peanut)
Now to the big question: my favorite things about Skyward Sword!! Eek so many, I’ll limit it to a few:
Skye’s/Lofty’s List of What is Awesome about Skyward Sword
The art style! The pastel colors are so pretty, the visuals are just so pleasing to the eyes, and they really pop in places like the ancient cistern or Faron woods when it’s flooded or Skyloft.
LINK. MY. BABY. He is just the sweetest iteration, and he was my third Link if ever met after BotW Link and OoT Link so he was definitely the most expressive. I think I fell in love with him as soon as he did that ADORABLE head tilt while reading Zelda’s letter akfucsjehgixhwufoc I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I was laughing SO HARD when everyone kept saying they were surprised he was awake like breakfast wasn’t even being served anymore this kid straight up sleeps until noon probably and it just made me think of me and every family trip we ever took that my family would bring me the hotel breakfast to the room because I’d sleep through breakfast and wake up at like 11 and I instantly related to him. Between that, his dry wit, his daydreaming nature, I literally was just checking boxes in how many ways I saw myself in him, and his relationship with Zelda is adorable and he lives in the sky with GIANT BIRDIES I love everything about this boy. Also that he came from a happy life with a support system because I’ve seen so many stories where the Hero has a Tragic Backstory (and I ain’t against those, Anakin Skywalker is my favorite Star Wars character and his backstory is definitely tragic and angsty lol), and I was blessed with a happy childhood and a family that loves me so I liked those characters but never really related but now here’s sleepyhead who is a normal zoned out kid like I was at his age who gets thrown into this insanity and just YES. Love him. Love love love him.
The music!! Skyward Sword sounds like it’s fully orchestrated and it’s just so pretty. Definitely my favorite rendition of both Zelda’s Lullaby and Fairy Fountain. It’s so whimsical and magical, the music really elevates this game. Koloktos theme!! Bamboo island!! Island in the Sky!! Faron Woods!! Fi!! So many great themes.
THE LORE! I made a whole post about this alone. The story is the mythology of Legend of Zelda and I absolutely adore that.
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what’s your favorite flower?
You know, that is a difficult question to answer, because so many different flowers (and plants in general!) evoke different responses in me that I can't rank them, really.
I really like the blue honeysuckle, but the leaves are bad and don't survive the winter. (My favorite plants are the ones that just keep going even when you try to kill them, like the bamboo in my apartment.)
I also like orchids, but they are incredibly difficult to cultivate from seed and it has never worked out well with them for me. My mom once tried to convince me I was "supposed" to like orchids, but I'd just gotten really into one orchid a few months earlier and didn't want to abandon it -- so I guess my mom had to let me be in charge of plants for a while.
I really like poppies, but my mom used to kill them because the flower petals were poisonous and could cause allergic reactions. I like the white and purple ones that have pretty flowers, not the black ones.
I've really only just started to get used to things like rosemary, datura, and giant hogweed that people are generally really worried about, so I'm curious to see if I come to like them over time. They're all plants my mom loves.
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2broschlininahotub · 2 years
Meet the fairy tail.
They all have a copy of their story on their tails. They were all taught magic by Selene and Rilliona was the one that unlocked their magic. Their magic is all based on stories. There power is tied to the book. They all have powers that are tied to said stories. They all have a specific nation they would love to visit to. They are used to live in a ginormous library but they are now living with the witchcrafters.
Meet Fairy tail Rochka.
Her name comes from Snegurochka or snow maiden. Snegurochka work as the helper for Russian Santa. She is his granddaughter. She is a Sable a type of weasel.
Powers She has the power to magically have a gift in front of someones door. She knocks then places the gift then runs away. The gift usually depends on the person who is the gift for but the contents are anything. It can be a giant sword, a diamond ring, a cure for a disease but she does not have control of what the gift is. She also has the power to freeze or flash freeze anything. In theory she can instantly freeze someone's blood stream.
Personality She is described to be shy to most people. She has a very generous heart. She is known to give gifts to children or people who are in pain. I am talking if your poor or depressed. She would give a gift. She wants to help even though you might not understand what she is saying. Rochka cannot be understood by humans unless they can understand what animal language. Most of the people in the magical Citadel understand her with a translation spell and an illusion spell for subtitles if the person is deaf. She wants to go to snezhnaya to get the feeling of playing in the snow.
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Meet Luna
Luna comes from the tale of the bamboo cutter or the tale of princess Kaguya. Luna is also a fox.
Powers She has a small sash that she can use as a rope and also has the ability to steal memories, The sash has the ability can steal a person's s memory, give someone memories they have lost or force them to say the truth. The length of the sash is as long as the lasso of truth or 150 feet or 45.72 meters long. The sash has the flexibility and weight of silk and the toughness of Damascus steal.
Personality She puts on aa very noble front but is the total opposite when she does not need to put on a respectful act. She is very carefree and relaxed. She is quiet and smart. She is also very observant to the point that people think she can see the future. She does this so that she knows who can she trust. She likes people who are genuine. She would probably like Itto, Ayaka, Thoma, Shinobu or Yoimiya. She likes them cause they are not putting up a front in front of her. She would probably dislike people like Ayato or Yae cause she feels like they are manipulative. The clothes she wears can repair themselves in case they get damaged. Rilliona made them so that it is durable and flexible despite its appearance. She wants to visit inazuma cause she feels at home there.
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Meet Snow
Snow is a squirrel combined with Snow White.
Powers She has the power to send someone to an eternal sleep. Depending on the person It could be something that can only be described as something that came out of silent hill or resident evil or something out of a child's imagination. The only way to wake up said person is a true love's kiss or being splashed on the face with a boiling hot caffeinated drink (Coffee or Caffeinated tea).
Personality She is described to be somewhat prim and proper yet has a habit of pulling pranks that are just tiny inconveniences for most people. She loves apples. She loves them to the point she eats the seeds. Surprisingly, She has an immunity to natural poisons meaning if she can eat deadly nightshade without feeling anything. She also easily bribed by apples or apple flavored items.
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This part will be a part two of the Sumeru stuff.
Meet Vara, Seidhr of the generaider bosses
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Vara itself seems to be a Germanic/Nordic word for ‘heed’ or ‘be aware of’. It could also be a feminized spelling of Var, a goddess of Oaths.
Seidhr itself is a form of pre-Christian Nordic magic associated with both seeing/telling the future as well as shaping the future, and while both men and women practiced it, it has an association with the feminine.
She is also Agrboda Loki or Loptr's first wife and the mother of Hel or Hela, Jormungandr and fenrir.
Vara is described to be as a mysterious hermit that lives alone in the woods. She has a personality of a loyal and motherly kind of woman. She is nine feet and six inches barefoot but she wears heals so she is ten feet and six inches. Vara was kept secret for a long time to the other generaider bosses except Hela. Loptr was worried how would they react to her. She has the power to see the future and has access to a lot of knowledge. She also knows things that should not be known. She can overload someone's brain with so much knowledge that it literally makes their brain shut down. She also has something that Liyue wished they had. She has the ability to make any vow, oath, promise or contract to never be broken. If someone were to intentionally break said promise, they would suffer from a lot of plagues from maggots growing inside their body or coughing up their organs. Loptr genuinely loves her and cares for her. She gets to meet the other generaiders. She met them and told them that She is Loptr's wife. Most of them were shocked on how Loptr got an amazing wife like you. She told that she liked him back and even got married. They liked her back and Loptr came back ready to fight the others but he was shocked from how well liked she was. They asked her one thing is to make sure Loptr does not do anything that could get them in trouble or to make sure to keep Loptr on a leash to make sure that he doesn't do anything to crazy. You know the green gem with blue fluff on a string on well that is her equivalent of an engagement ring with Loptr.
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Meet Jormungandr generaider boss of eternity.
Jormungandr is very long to the point that he can encircle earth. Jormungandr is currently with Vara cause he trusts her and also as protection. She is probably going to be hounded by the akedemiya for knowledge so she threatens them that they will be his dinner if you keep pestering her. Vara rides on her own son as transportation. He doesn't mind as long as he trusts them. He has a poison from his breath that kill most things but the poison is natural. He those spines can retract and shoot out like homing needles. Those spines are also dangerous. Jormungandr currently in a small form but still has the weight.
@nomorefstogive sorry for not posting about this for a while I was just focused on other stuff.
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wealthypioneers · 2 years
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Rare Tropical Giant Phyllostachys Pubescens Moso-Bamboo Tree Seeds for Planting B10 FUN AND EASY: Seeds of the rare and exotic Giant Bamboo, Moso FAST GROWING: The fastest growing Bamboo, get privacy or windbreak fast! GROW TIPS: Run your sink hot water and get it as warm as possible. Fill a cup halfway up. Place the seeds in the hot water and then let them soak for 24 hours. Bamboo loves heat to germinate. Over 80 degrees is optimal for germination. Count: ~10 Phyllostachys Pubescens Moso-Bamboo Cold Hardy To 30 F Scientific name: Phyllostachys heterocycla (Carr.) Mitford cv. Pubescens Tree height: 10-20m / 33-66ft Plant Spread: 6 Feet Soil Moisture: Constantly moist Sunlight: hot overhead sun to dappled light Design: Suits contemporary, oriental & tropical designs Garden Type: clumping bamboo Plant Seasonality: Evergreen Sowing time: autumn or spring Visually interesting, canes turn green to black during the growing season. The hardiest of all black bamboo species. Slower to expand with minimal control efforts needed. Planting Instructions: Boil a cup of water and then let it cool to room temperature. Take a Ziploc bag and fold a paper towel to fit in the bottom. Take your water and add it to your ziploc bag on the paper towel. Just enough water to get the paper towel good and wet. Put 10-15 seeds in there and blow up the bag and seal it Just leave them in there until they sprout. You can just set the bag on top of the refrigerator. After they sprout, once a week blow fresh air into the bag and reseal it. When they are about 2-3 inches tall their roots will be growing into the paper towel. Don't pull the plant and roots out of the paper towel; you will want to cut the paper towel so the roots stay in the paper towel. Transplant into vermiculite and peat moss mix with the roots still in the paper towel. Sowing Way: 1. Soak the seed with water for half hour, then disinfect the seed with 0.3% potassium permanganate for 2 to 4 hours 2. Clean the seed with water and soak them for 24 hours 3. Take out the seed and dry them for 1 to 2 hours 4. Dig a few small holes in the soil, then sow 3 to 4 seeds in each hole, cover with soil about 0.75in 5. Cover with straw and sprinkle profoundly water 6. Keep the soil wet and weed during germination. 7. It can be transplanted after the seedling grows up 10 to 15cm (4 to 6"). http://springsofeden.myshopify.com/products/rare-tropical-giant-phyllostachys-pubescens-moso-bamboo-tree-seeds-for-planting-b10
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dollsonmain · 1 year
My game is corrupted.
There are more villagers than beds (which makes them angry because they can’t sleep) and if I add beds for those bedless villagers they claim them but don’t use them and then start breeding.
My mending librarian also keeps rejecting his lectern, doing the “inaccessible” thunder clouds emoji on it regardless of where it is.
I went back through some previous saves to try to find out how far back that happened and I don’t know.
I’m sad because I’ve put a lot of work into it and it’s MINE, but I might have to abandon it. I can’t imagine it getting better.
Maybe too many big game updates happened to it. Or something.
Good a time as any to switch to the PS5, though. I just need a controller, and I bet if I unplug the PS4 I can get my PS4 controller to work on the 5.
I hate to say it, but That Guy spawned a new world on his account and it’s an excellent spawn. On the water (I like to fish), trees, one stalk of bamboo, sugar cane, a giant hole to jump into, a village nearby.
I am sad.
(I can always dupe his seed onto my own account, though.)
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tsukikoayanosuke · 2 years
"The Not So Little Sharp Boy." - Twisted Wonderland OC
Adhiarja Bumiayu, twisted from Timun Mas from the Indonesia folklore Timun Mas. Adhiarja is placed in Savanaclaw as part of the Night Raven College’s exchange student program.
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Adhiarja is known to have a sharp tongue and takes no shit with others, not willing to back down until all the fact is laid out in front of him. He doesn't let anyone bully him or treat him like some charity case. Coming from a poor family who has a lot of depts, he works his ass off to get a scholarship into a good school, studying day and night to even compete with the rest of his peers. He's always at the top of his class and has even won a couple of competitions. While he has a small body (and will fight anyone who is taller than him), he's pretty athletic, quick on his feet, and quite strong which sometimes clashed with his feminine looks.
About Timun Mas:
Timun Mas (roughly translated to 'Golden Cucumber') is a famous Indonesian folklore from Java Island. It tells the story of a little girl named Timun Mas who escaped from a giant.
The story starts with Mbok Randa, a widow who doesn't have a child. One day, when she prayed, a giant heard her and said that he would give her a child as long as she gave the child back to him when they are seventeen years old. Mbok Randa agreed and the giant gave her some cucumber seeds. Once the cucumber grew and Mbok Randa cut it, a girl was found in it. Mbok Randa named her 'Timus Mas' because she came out from the giant golden cucumber.
Seventeen years later, the giant returned for the fee. Mbk Randa gave Timun Mas a bag with enchanted stuff (cucumber seeds, needles, salt, and shrimp paste) and told her to run away.
Timus Mas kept being chased by the giant and she used the stuff to protect herself: cucumber seeds grew into the huge cucumber fields, needles turned into thorny bamboo trees, salt turned into a very deep sea, and shrimp paste turned into a swamp.
The giant finally drowned in the mud and Timun Mas can return to her mother.
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I saw a reblog about how people in fantasy worlds could see the magic they can do as science and what we have as magic the same way as we do the reverse, and then one of my mutuals used the phrase ‘domesticated lightning’ in their reblog and I can’t stop thinking about it. I want to see a story of a guy with a pet Lightning Bolt that follows its owner through lots of lightning rods scattered around the house. It’s like a cat that doesn’t like to be on the ground so the owner put a bunch of platforms/lightning rods around the upper half of the rooms so it can still hang out with you, but just coincidentally.
Imagine it being a psuedo Science Fantasy modern story where you can adopt elementals. Your neighbor has a pet Undyne (a semi translucent fish or something) that helps her water the plants that her pet Driad (a wooden ferret like critter) scatters around when they prance around. The flowers are very pretty and she’s experimenting on making different breeds by giving her driad different seeds in their feed. The Undyne will only eat(?) sparkling water. It’s very picky but still a cutie.
Your mom has a lazy pet Salamander that almost never leaves the oven. It likes to eat the leftovers she won’t eat and anything the salamander accidentally burns, but it prefers Bamboo charcoal. Dad however has a pet Snail that grows tasty mushrooms on its back. It Can eat basically anything wet but prefers certain cat foods. If it’s not fed a food it wants that day it will produce less delicious mushrooms. Food it actively dislikes will make it produce poisonous mushrooms. It doesn’t stop eating the food, but this is how your father has learned to take care of it. The snail is even a long living species that’s been passed down by three generations of the family and he is proud that his snail hasn’t produced any poisonous mushrooms in the past thirty years.
There’s all sorts of magical creatures in this world, and yet when the protagonist gets isekaied to another world with his pet Bolt and sees goblins and giant bears still thinks that it’s totally a fantasy world.
Subjective views of science and magic are awesome to me and yes I will probably hyperfixate ln this idea.
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phoolofficial · 3 months
Breathe Green: The Environmental Impact of Bambooless Incense Sticks
In the realm of aromatic indulgence, where scents transport us to different realms, the focus is shifting towards sustainable alternatives that not only soothe the soul but also tread lightly on the planet. One such eco-friendly marvel making waves in the market is Bambooless Incense Sticks offered by Phool, promising a breath of fresh air for both consumers and the environment. 
Let's delve into the green credentials of Bambooless Incense Sticks and understand how they contribute to a more sustainable and harmonious planet.
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1. Material Innovation: The Essence of Bamboo-Lessness
Traditional incense sticks often rely on bamboo as a core component, contributing to deforestation and habitat degradation. Bambooless Incense Sticks, however, are crafted from alternative materials such as recycled paper or other plant-based fibers. This innovative shift not only preserves bamboo forests but also minimizes the carbon footprint associated with the entire production process.
Preserving Forests, One Stick at a Time; by steering clear of bamboo, Phool contributes to the preservation of bamboo forests, curbing deforestation and protecting vital habitats.
2. Reduced Carbon Footprint: A Breath of Fresh Air
Bambooless Incense Sticks take a giant leap towards sustainability by drastically reducing their carbon footprint. The absence of bamboo cultivation, harvesting, and transportation means fewer emissions associated with these processes. Phool's sustainable practices in incense production align with global efforts to combat climate change, making it a conscientious choice for environmentally conscious consumers. This reduction in greenhouse gases aligns with global efforts to combat climate change.
3. Eco-friendly Packaging: A Complete Green Experience
The environmental commitment of Bambooless Incense Sticks extends beyond the sticks themselves. Often packaged in recycled or biodegradable materials, these incense sticks prioritize sustainability from production to presentation. The conscious choice of packaging materials complements the overall eco-friendly ethos, ensuring that every aspect of the product aligns with green principles.
4. Renewable Resources: Sowing Seeds for a Greener Tomorrow
Unlike traditional incense sticks that may contribute to the depletion of finite resources, Bambooless Incense Sticks often harness the power of renewable resources. Utilizing plant-based fibers ensures a constant and sustainable supply, eliminating the need for over-exploitation and promoting responsible consumption.
5. Biodegradability: Returning to Nature Gracefully
One of the most remarkable features of Bambooless Incense Sticks is their biodegradability. Once the sticks have served their aromatic purpose, they gracefully return to nature, leaving minimal impact on the environment. This contrasts sharply with conventional incense sticks, which may linger in landfills for extended periods, contributing to pollution.
6. Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting Nature's Rhythms
The shift towards Bambooless Incense Sticks also reflects a cultural sensitivity to the importance of preserving natural resources. By opting for alternatives that respect the rhythm of nature, consumers send a powerful message about the interconnectedness of cultural practices and environmental stewardship. Phool strikes a harmonious balance between cultural practices and ecological responsibility, setting an example for a new era of sustainability.
7. Supporting Sustainable Practices: Nurturing a Greener Supply Chain
Choosing Bambooless Incense Sticks encourages the adoption of sustainable practices throughout the supply chain. From manufacturers to retailers, the conscious decision to embrace eco-friendly alternatives fosters a culture of environmental responsibility. This ripple effect can lead to a broader shift in industry norms, promoting sustainable practices as the new standard.
8. Empowering Consumer Choices: The Green Revolution
By opting for Bambooless Incense Sticks, consumers actively participate in the green revolution. Every purchase becomes a vote for sustainable alternatives, signaling to producers that eco-friendly practices are not only appreciated but expected. This empowerment of consumer choice is a vital catalyst for positive change in the market.
In conclusion, Bambooless Incense Sticks emerge as a beacon of environmental responsibility in the realm of aromatics. Their journey from innovative materials to biodegradability embodies a commitment to sustainability, offering consumers a green alternative that aligns with the urgent need to protect our planet. Choosing Bambooless Incense Sticks becomes more than a simple act of relaxation; it becomes a conscious decision to breathe green and contribute to a healthier, more harmonious world. Choosing Phool becomes a conscious decision to breathe green, contributing to a healthier planet while indulging in the delightful world of aromatics. 
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