#because my symptoms were like. an ear infection+tonsillitis
cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
I clearly had covid at some point recently because yesterday I tried to eat a packet of salt and vinegar crisps and they tasted like there had been some kind of toxic chemical spill at the factory, today I ordered more to make up for it and they were the same, at which point I made lewis try one and confirm they taste normal so it's something with my taste and then I sniffed a bottle of rice vinegar and it smelled the same way. literally like burnt rubber and nail polish remover to me.
at least it's just vinegar and not anything I'd eat more often but it's literally making me question reality when my brain is just making up this smell/taste out of nowhere?? did anyone have anything similar and did it get better. because idt I can live without salt and vinegar crisps or balsamic vinegar or sushi!!
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jade-island-lives · 1 year
Take Stress Seriously, Or Else
So, I have been keeping you updated on things these past two weeks. That being said, I really wanna talk about what has happened to me in depth. Maybe because I want to process this, or because some of it might be funny, I don’t know. 
So, I don’t handle stress well. I’m like a fish in a fish tank, any amount of stress is going to affect my health negatively. But I also have this problem of powering through it, ignoring the signs of stress and wear. 
Ever since we moved, stress was building. I’m still in college, dealing with mental health problems, and trying to adapt to a new home. Yeah, I was gonna be stressed. 
But I think everything came to a head a few weeks ago. It started with car trouble. 
A couple family members ended up getting in car accidents, they were okay, but the cars had to be repaired.
Baily had to go in for spay surgery, and she is my baby, so of course I was worried. 
My purse, which had my wallet and all of my cards were lost and all had to be replaced. Which, was not a simple thing to do apparently as it took a full month or so to get everything back. 
Then one of my family members fell down the stairs, broke their sternum bone, and we had to go to the ER. We had gotten there at 9 PM; I managed to get home at 4 AM, and the family member had to stay overnight.
Did I mention I still had classes to attend and assignments to finish? Even with extensions, that stuff still had to be done.
Not long after that, I woke up to a fever, sore throat, cough, aches, chills, and congestion. A viral infection, probably the flu. I didn’t think much of it. I rested and took meds; I did remedies, all sorts of things. Thinking it would go away eventually. 
2 weeks later, the right side of my tonsils were still inflamed. It was so painful to swallow, I couldn’t even swallow water without pain. And my nose was still really congested, and my right ear began to hurt like hell.
And me being the idiot I was, I refused to go to a doctor, thinking of the money we’ve spent with the cars and the ER was too much already. 
Eventually the pain in my throat got so bad, I began to fear eating or drinking. So, I got a virtual visit with a doctor, who then proceeded to tell me to go to urgent care ASAP.
So, I did. I went to three urgent cares. The first one didn’t take my insurance, the next one was appointment only, and the final one took me. After a few hours of waiting and examinations, I was diagnosed with severe Sinitus and tonsillitis. 
Apparently, the infection had been brewing in my body for months now. And I think stress was the thing that set it all off, I don’t know. 
So, I’m on antibiotics now and feeling better. 
Guys, seriously, if you take anything from this story, it’s this. Don’t do what I did. Don’t wait, if your symptoms last over a week, go to the doctor. And please, take stress seriously. 
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informationtips · 7 months
Your Trusted Destination for Ear, Nose, and Throat Care in Gurgaon - Mayom Hospital
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When it comes to our health, everyone demands better treatment. Finding a good hospital in the busy city of Gurgaon, which is becoming flooded with healthcare centers, could be critical if you have special health needs. If you're looking for the best ENT specialist in Gurgaon, look no further than Mayom Hospital. Dr. Manish Prakash, an experienced ENT specialist, will take care of your ears, nose, throat, and more.
Meet Dr. Manish Prakash, Your Trusted ENT Specialist
Firstly, we would like to introduce Dr. Manish Prakash, who is the brains behind Mayom Hospital, before looking into the details of Mayom Hospital. As a result, Dr. Prakash is among the best ENT practitioners. His unsurpassed experience, coupled with his commitment to his patients, has contributed tremendously to his popularity.
Dr. Manish Prakash provides high-level health care with the latest medical technology. He is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of various ear, nose, and throat problems in Gurgaon. The whole patient care service at Mayom Hospital is pleasant due to his patient-centric approach and kind heart.
About Mayom Hospital
For people in Gurgaon suffering from problems related to the ears, nose, or throat, Mayom Hospital is a ray of hope. This cutting-edge medical facility is run by a group of highly skilled professionals using the newest technology.
Common ENT Problems
ENT problems can range from minor annoyances to more severe conditions. Some of the common issues include:
1. Ear infections: These can lead to hearing loss and discomfort.
2. Sinusitis: Inflamed sinuses can cause severe headaches, nasal congestion, and facial pain.
3. Tonsillitis: Inflammation of the tonsils can result in sore throats and difficulty swallowing.
4. Hearing loss: This can be due to various causes, including age-related hearing loss and infections.
5. Vertigo: A balance disorder can lead to dizziness and nausea.
6. Nasal Polyps: Benign growths in the nasal passages can cause breathing difficulties.
7. Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Sleep disorders can disrupt your rest and overall health.
Mayom Hospital offers a wide range of ENT services, including
1. Identification and Management
In-depth diagnostic services are offered by Mayom Hospital to identify the underlying cause of your ENT problems. Following diagnosis, a customized treatment plan is created by the skilled medical staff. They have the knowledge and experience to manage any illness, no matter how complicated or straightforward.
2. Allergy and Sinus Relief
Allergies and sinusitis can drastically lower your quality of life. Modern therapies are available at Mayom Hospital to relieve these symptoms and enhance your health.
3. Issues with Hearing and Balance
Dr. Manish Prakash and his staff can assist if you are having problems with your hearing or balance. To enhance your hearing and balance, they conduct hearing evaluations and provide treatment options.
4. ENT care for children
Children's specific ENT needs necessitate specialized care. With a committed team with experience in pediatric ENT care, Mayom Hospital guarantees your child will receive the best care available.
5. Neck and Head Procedures
Mayom Hospital has the necessary tools to perform intricate head and neck surgery. Because of Dr. Manish Prakash's experience, you know you're in capable hands.
Don't just take our word for it. Here are some testimonials from patients who have experienced exceptional care at Mayom Hospital:
Ramesh Kumar: I'd had persistent sinusitis for a long time. Upon my visit to Mayom Hospital, I at last experienced relief. Dr. Manish Prakash's proficiency was invaluable.
Priya Devi: My child's recurrent ear infections were concerning me. My child received the best care from the pediatric ENT team at Mayom Hospital, who were wonderful with them.
Amit Dash: Their assistance in treating my sleep apnea at Mayom Hospital is greatly appreciated. My quality of sleep has greatly improved thanks to Dr. Prakash's treatment.
How to Reach Mayom Hospital
Mayom Hospital is conveniently located in Gurgaon, making it easily accessible to residents and visitors. You can find the hospital at:
Mayom Hospital, D-Block, South City 1, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122001
Above everything else in life, your health is the greatest resource; therefore, if you experience issues with your ears, nose, or throat, you should consult a specialist. Without a doubt, Mayom Hospital, with Dr. Manish Prakash as ENT head doctor, is surely the best ENT specialist in Gurgaon. It is one of the best options since they uphold the patient’s welfare, advance technology, and use highly qualified experts in their line of work.
Reference of the blog:
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nicknellie · 3 years
Anonymous requested: Julie and the Phantoms are on tour and Juke are dating, one stop on tour Luke gets sick  (woke up with fever, swollen glands, sore throat etc) and the doctor diagnoses him with strep and an ear infection and Julie takes care his stubborn butt back to the hotel because he doesn't like to let down the fans since they have to cancel few shows.
Anonymous requested: alive guys, out of school in the real world, now all living in an apartment together. The 5 Times Luke Was Sick, and The 5 Times Julie Cured Him and maybe add in the 1 time Luke returns the favour of taking care of Julie.
Anonymous requested: Luke and Julie are married and have a daughter (Rose, 3). Rose and Luke end up waking up sick with the flu and Julie takes care of them, and she gets worn down from doing everything and caring for them. And even with him being sick in bed he lays with Rose when Julie’s beat and cuddles her when she feels sick even though he feels the same. Cute family fluff basically.
We Will Fight To Shine Together
The entire week had been hectic. Julie – along with her boys, Luke, Alex, and Reggie – had finally got the keys to their new apartment and had spent the whole of the previous two days hauling their belongings there from their respective homes. Ray Molina, protective as always, had been breathing down their necks in a frantic and worried attempt to help them out, the presence of Willie and Flynn had resulted in less unpacking and more Cardboard Box Wars, and most of their things were strewn about in unlikely places after the chaos of unpacking; just that morning Julie had found Alex’s drumsticks in the fridge.
But they were finally there, they were finally home, and there was nothing to worry about. Everything in the apartment seemed to be in order, they weren’t set to go on tour for another six months so the stress of that was still a way off, and the band’s new-found sense of freedom and independence hung over them like a rainbow. There was nothing that could have gone wrong. Nothing except–
“Dude, you look sick! And not in the good way.”
Julie had been sat atop the kitchen counter, watching Alex prepare their breakfast, but she looked towards the door when she heard Reggie’s exclamation. Stood in the doorway, bundled in about four hoodies, his eyes bloodshot and his nose running, was Luke. Reggie was right – he looked as if he were about to keel over and die. His puppy dog eyes were wide and watery and he looked utterly dreadful.
“Luke,” Julie said, hopping off the counter and heading over to him. “Are you feeling alright?”
He shook his head and sniffled pathetically. “I’m sick,” he grumbled.
“Yeah, you look it,” Julie said. She took his hand and gently led him towards a kitchen chair. He collapsed into it with a relieved sigh as if he couldn’t have bared standing any longer.
To Julie’s surprise (and slight annoyance) Alex and Reggie were laughing.
“You must have the weakest immune system known to man,” Alex joked as he put the group’s breakfast onto plates.
“On the bright side, Willie owes me ten dollars,” Reggie said with a beam. “I bet him you wouldn’t last two weeks before getting sick.”
Julie put her hands on her hips and glared at the two boys who immediately ceased their laughter. She knew she could be quite terrifying when she wanted to and she didn’t like abusing that power too much, but this was a situation she felt called for it.
“You two are seriously lacking compassion,” she scolded, pointing to and from Alex and Reggie. “Your friend is ill and all you can do is laugh at him. It’s mean – he has it difficult enough right now.”
Luke, pouting pathetically, nodded in agreement.
Alex and Reggie, both looking suitably chastised, muttered, “Sorry Julie.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Don’t apologise to me.”
“Sorry Luke.”
“That’s better,” she said. Julie took herself out of Mother Mode and returned to Supportive Girlfriend. She gently ran her fingers through Luke’s hair – he relaxed a little as her touch. “I’m going to take you back to bed, you’re going to get some rest while I look up your symptoms, and then I’m going to take care of you.”
Luke’s eyes widened. “It’s probably just a cold. You don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t, but I’m going to. Come on.”
Julie sent one more cutting glare to Reggie and Alex before helping Luke stand and leading him back through their little apartment to their shared bedroom. She eased him back into the bed, helped him make a half-nest-half-fort with the pillows and duvet, then grabbed her laptop and set up YouTube for him. Then, she pulled up a tab on her phone and sat beside him on the bed.
“Do you feel like you’re going to be sick?” she asked.
Luke shook his head.
“Are you feeling dizzy at all?”
“A little bit,” he croaked.
She smiled knowingly. “Sore throat too?”
He closed his eyes and nodded.
Julie asked him more questions, then determined that because of the stress of moving his immune system had utterly crashed and some nasty bug had seized the opportunity. According to the internet, he needed plenty of bed rest, he should have been kept warm, he needed a lot of water, and most of all he simply needed to not do anything for a while.
“But we’re supposed to go to the studio tomorrow to record a bunch of songs,” Luke protested when Julie told him. He sat up abruptly, but eased himself back down, a hand rested against his forehead, wincing.
“You’re not going anywhere like that,” Julie told him. “I’ll call the studio and let them know we’ll have to record your parts a different time. Don’t say anything,” she commanded as he opened his mouth to argue again. “I’m not changing my mind.”
He grumbled something she couldn’t quite hear but assumed was something childishly rude – it had certainly sounded as if he’d been mocking her voice. She ignored him and instead headed back out to the kitchen. Julie grabbed painkillers and a large glass of water and took them back to Luke who had started a long YouTube playlist of Bondi Rescue videos.
“Maybe you shouldn’t be sitting in front of a screen if you’re dizzy,” Julie contemplated, handing him the tablets and the drink. Luke looked up at her with a mixture of sadness and fury in his eyes.
“I’ve already lost my health, I can’t lose Bondi Rescue too,” he said.
She breathed a laugh and sat back down beside him. He immediately melted into her side, his head rested against her abdomen. She stroked her fingers through his hair and felt him sigh at the touch.
He was asleep within minutes.
Julie and the Phantoms were on tour. It was a moment they had all been anticipating ever since they’d inducted Julie into the band. The four of them had saved up enough money to buy their own tour bus emblazoned with their faces and the band’s logo and were spending nine months driving across the United States and Canada to perform their show to sold-out crowds. Julie could hardly believe it was happening.
Right that moment, part of her wished it weren’t happening.
Julie had been led to understand that before she joined the band and became the responsible one, Alex was the ‘parental figure’ who had kept Luke and Reggie (both far more boisterous by nature) in check. If anyone had told her that on the second leg of their tour, she would not have believed it for a moment. Alex was sat in the passenger seat beside her, but was leaning over the back of it to swat at Reggie who was kicking the back of his seat. Both were calling each other childish names and their hands were flapping about like they were having a catfight. Julie had given up trying to stop them about two hundred miles ago.
Looking after them sometimes felt like having a pair of toddlers. Though more often it was like having three toddlers because Luke would find a way to join in on the shenanigans. But right then, in the backseat beside Reggie, he was oddly quiet.
“Luke,” Julie called over Alex and Reggie’s squabbling, readjusting the mirror so she could see Luke behind her. “You okay?”
Luke nodded then tried to clear his throat. “Yeah,” he said, voice gravelly. “Sore throat, that’s all.”
Julie frowned. “Are you sure? You don’t sound good. Will you be able to sing for tomorrow’s show?”
His eyes widened frantically at the mention of the performance. “Of course! I’ll be fine, it’s just a sore throat.”
It was, unfortunately, very clearly not just a sore throat.
Julie pulled the tour bus into the parking lot of their hotel and the gang all headed to their rooms. Julie and Luke were sharing, partially to save money and partially because they wanted to. Before they went to sleep, Julie checked again with Luke to see if he was alright and again he told her in that rough voice that he was fine.
However, when they woke up Luke seemed distinctly worse for wear. He was radiating heat like the sun but shivering as if he were in the arctic, he was complaining of pain in his right ear, and when Julie looked down his throat she saw that his tonsils were swollen and covered in white spots.
“You’re not going on stage like this,” she said, shaking her head. “No way. I’m calling a doctor.”
“I don’t need a doctor,” Luke insisted, attempting to hoist himself into a sitting position but giving up quickly. “It’s just a sore throat.”
“You can try telling me that again when you can swallow more than a drop of water,” Julie said before picking up her phone and calling the nearest doctor.
Luckily, the doctor was able to come out to the hotel so Luke didn’t have to even get out of bed. The doctor took one look at his symptoms, then turned to Julie.
“Looks like strep throat,” they said, snapping their latex gloves off. “The pain in the ear is because of an ear infection that came after the bacteria travelled from the throat to the middle ear. I’m going to prescribe him a course of antibiotics, he’ll need to take them all otherwise the infection will come back stronger. I recommend he doesn’t perform for at least another month to give the infection ample time to heal.”
“A month?” Luke tried to yell, but it came out as an outraged breathy whisper.
“Yes,” the doctor said, looking down at him over their glasses. “Your infection is particularly severe, Mr Patterson, and if you want to finish your tour then I suggest you take my advice.”
“We can’t cancel shows,” Luke protested weakly. “Think of how excited everyone’s been…”
Julie smiled to the doctor and saw them out of the room. “Thank you very much,” she said. “I’ll make sure he gets those antibiotics and plenty of rest.”
Once the doctor was gone, Julie called Flynn, the official manager for Julie and the Phantoms and Julie’s lifelong best friend. “Cancel every show for the next month,” she instructed. “Doctor’s orders.”
“Are you alright, Jules?” Flynn said, immediately sounding concerned. “I can come over and take care of you, whatever you need, I’ll book a flight right now–”
“I’m fine, Flynn,” Julie assured her. “It’s Luke. He’s got strep.”
“Oh no.” Flynn’s worry morphed into something akin to disappointment. “He’s literally the worst one of you guys to get ill right now.”
“Tell me about it. He’s furious that we’ve even suggested cancelling the shows.”
“He gets it’s for his own good, right?” Flynn asked.
Julie shook her head even though Flynn couldn’t see her. “He knows that but he doesn’t want to let everyone down. He’s been more excited for the tour than the fans have – he doesn’t want any of it to go wrong and this is about as wrong as it could go.”
“I’m sure he’ll get over it once the ‘get well soon’ messages start arriving,” Flynn said.
“I think that’ll just make it worse,” Julie countered. “Anyway, it’s fine. There’s nothing we can do. Just make sure everyone knows the next shows are cancelled.”
“You got it, boss. Good luck with Luke.”
“I’ll need it.”
Julie hung up on Flynn and headed back towards Luke. He was still sat up in the bed, looking very sorry for himself as he pouted with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Hey,” she said softly, crouching down next to his side of the bed. “I’m going to make you some hot honey and lemon water – my mom always made it for me when I got a sore throat. It’ll help, I promise. Is there anything else you want?”
“I want to do the shows,” he said petulantly.
Julie shook her head firmly. “You heard the doctor – none of us are going on any stage for another month. Flynn’s cancelling the shows as we speak.”
Luke looked aghast. “No!”
“Yes. You’re sick, Luke. And think about it; if this were me or Alex or Reggie in your position, what would you say to do?”
“I’d say we should cancel the shows until you got better,” he said as if the answer were obvious, then he seemed to hear his own words and deflated a little. “Fine. I suppose this is for the best. I… I just feel like I’m letting everyone down.”
Julie intertwined their fingers and held his hand tightly. She gave him a soft, reassuring smile. “You aren’t letting anybody down, Luke. It’s not your fault that you’re sick and there’s nothing any of us can do about it now. All that can be done is for you to rest and take your meds so that the next shows we do are as good as they can be. Okay?”
He rolled his eyes sighed, but there was the tiniest smile playing about his lips. “Okay.”
Julie had said it was a bad idea from the very beginning, but the boys had insisted that they’d done it before and it was perfectly safe.
It felt good to be proven right, but less good to be vomited on.
The first problem was that there was definitely not enough room anywhere in their tiny apartment for three grown men to attempt the famous lift from Dirty Dancing. Julie had pointed that out. She had pointed it out almost a dozen times. Every time, Reggie had told her that they didn’t actually need a lot of space, trust me.
The second problem was that their heights simply didn’t add up to a safe lift. Luke and Reggie were of a similar build, but Alex was much taller and there wasn’t really anywhere for him to go – if he held up one of the guys, they’d be held at an angle; if he were the one on top, he would likely crush the other two.
The third and final problem was that none of the boys were dancers and had no training or experience, therefore none of them knew how to do the lift properly and safely. Julie had stretched this argument to its breaking point but the three idiots had not heeded her warning.
And so they had done the lift.
It had started out strong. They had decided that Alex would be the one in the air, so Luke and Reggie had got into position with their hands outstretched and Alex had taken a great running start and leapt at them. To their credit, the boys held Alex in the air for a solid three seconds before Reggie lost his balance and Luke’s grip slipped, and the three of them went tumbling to the ground.
Julie watched in unsurprised horror as Alex fell flat on top of Reggie and scrambled to get off him, while Luke dropped far too close to the dining table and whacked his head on its corner with a grotesque thud.
He was out cold.
Julie muttered a curse and hurried towards him. Alex and Reggie gathered around slowly too, warily looking down at Luke, clearly feeling guilty.
“Luke?” Julie said to the unconscious lump in her lap. He was heavier than he looked – she privately understood why they had decided to lift Alex instead. “Can you hear me, sweetie?”
After a few more minutes, Luke came to, groaning and cradling his head.
“Hey,” Alex said, smiling brightly. “You’re awake! Sorry about that, we–”
Alex didn’t get to finish his sentence because Luke interrupted him by loudly and violently throwing up on Alex’s shoes. A little bit hit Julie’s dress and she quickly yanked the fabric out of the way.
Alex looked at his shoes disappointedly. After a long while he said, “I am going to the bathroom. Either to shower or be sick, I’m not sure yet,” and then disappeared.
Reggie was a deathly shade of green, staring at Luke and the vomit.
“If you don’t like it you can go, Reggie,” Julie said. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”
Reggie nodded and followed Alex out of the room, wide-eyed.
“Let’s get you to bed, huh?” Julie said. Luke nodded vaguely, his eyes far away, and she led him through the apartment to their bedroom. She only just managed to get him into bed before he started slipping into unconsciousness again.
It was plain as day that Luke had a nasty concussion. Julie tucked him into bed, then switched off the lights and drew the curtains so that it was almost pitch black. She got him an enormous glass of water and readied all the painkillers she could find, as well as grabbing a large bowl so that he didn’t have to run to the bathroom if he needed to be sick again. Then she looked up concussion on her phone – it said that if he’d woken up after being knocked out then he needed to go to hospital; she wasn’t sure how she was meant to get him there now that he was unconscious again.
Julie decided to wait until he woke up again. She laid down beside him on the bed and pressed the gentlest of kisses to his forehead.
“You’re such an idiot,” she whispered. “I love you.”
Julie loved her boys usually, but sometimes she really believed they lacked the common sense necessary for general survival.
“You did what?!”
Luke, Alex, and Reggie looked between each other frantically, stuttering for excuses.
“Nothing really out of the ordinary, I don’t think.”
“Pretty sure it was actually you who did something they shouldn’t have.”
Julie raised her hands and the boys silenced. She glared at them, half furious and half exasperated.
“Are you seriously telling me – or rather not telling me – that after all the times I specifically told you it would be a bad idea, you went and got hotdogs that were being sold out of the back of an Oldsmobile?”
“In our defence,” Reggie piped up, raising his hand like a kid answering a question in class, “they smelled really good.”
“Wish they’d tasted as good as they smelled,” Luke grumbled. Alex hit him.
“I have never met anyone with less common sense!” Julie yelled, waving her arms. “What is wrong with you? What made you think it’d be a good idea? How did you not think that it was the dodgiest set up for any fast food ever?”
“Relax,” Reggie said, “street dogs haven’t killed us yet.”
The highly questionable hotdogs did not, in fact, kill them. However, the next day all three boys were overcome with food poisoning so horrible that Julie simply could not take care of them all by herself.
That morning she sent a quick text to Willie to offload Alex to him: Come and get your dumb boyfriend, he and his idiot friends ate bad hotdogs and got sick, you can take one. Twenty minutes later, Willie showed up to take Alex back to his apartment, an ungodly amount of blankets in his hands when he arrived at the apartment.
Reggie was the least ill – he could pretty much take care of himself and at the very least he wasn’t throwing up everywhere. He stayed on the couch, watching some cartoon on repeat. Julie let him be.
Luke, on the other hand, was quite the task. He was feeling and looking absolutely dreadful, unable to move himself from his bed and being sick whenever he tried to do so much as drink a glass of water. Julie truly had her hands full trying to take care of him.
Despite his protests, she called the studio and cancelled their appointment with Luke today. He was in no fit state to record any hit songs right then; he could hardly even open his mouth without sick coming out of it.
Feeling particularly frazzled, Julie finally allowed herself a little break from rushing around after Luke to relax, just for a moment. She settled herself comfortably onto the bed beside Luke once his sickness had calmed down a bit and fired up Netflix. She could feel his doleful eyes on her as she selected a movie and let it play.
“I’m sorry,” he croaked.
“Are you apologising for being sick or for eating those hotdogs even though I told you not to?” she questioned.
Luke had the good grace to look a little ashamed. “Both.”
Julie shifted a little to wrap her arms around Luke’s midriff. “Don’t apologise for being sick. It is your fault, but don’t say sorry for it. I will accept your apology for disobeying me though.”
Luke rested his head against Julie’s shoulders, shuffling further into the covers. “We should have listened to you, I know. But if you could have just smelled those hotdogs…”
“Yeah, I’m sure they smelled great mingling with the stench of petrol,” Julie deadpanned. “I’m starting to think you three need constant adult supervision.”
“We are adults.”
“That’s why I’m so worried.”
Luke huffed a laugh, but then frowned. “I feel bad. You’re always the one taking care of me. Just once I want to take care of you.”
Julie raised an eyebrow. “Are you saying you want me to get sick?”
“No, no, I didn’t mean that,” he said hurriedly, even though Julie had been joking. “I just meant that you do such a good job with this every time. I want to give you a break.”
“You don’t need to do that,” Julie assured him. “But… if I ever do get sick, I’ll make sure to come straight to you and you can take care of me. Deal?”
“Deal,” Luke said with a soft smile.
It had been many years since Luke had been really sick. Julie had naively thought that maybe they’d get lucky and he’d never be sick again. Maybe his laughable immune system had finally caught up and had strengthened itself against what most people could avoid easily.
Wishful thinking.
Flu season was set to ruin Julie’s life. She had woken up one Monday morning and followed her usual routine, heading to her daughter’s bedroom to wake her up for preschool. She had shaken little Rose awake, but the three-year-old had been extremely hot.
“Oh, sweetie,” Julie had said gently. “Are you feeling sick?”
Rose, rubbing her teary tired eyes, had nodded and cried very quietly.
Julie had pulled her into a hug. “Okay, honey. You go back to sleep. It’s alright.”
She laid Rose back down, tucked her back in, and encouraged her to sleep. It took a long time and a lot of tears from Rose, but eventually the little girl drifted back into a fitful slumber. Feeling like all she wanted to do was go to sleep herself, Julie headed back to her own bedroom and shook Luke awake.
“Luke,” she whispered. “Rose is sick. I’m going to call the preschool and tell them she won’t be in, but then I’ve got to get to the studio. You think you can take care of her today?”
Luke sleepily opened his eyes and groaned as he shifted into a sitting position. He held a hand to his head – it looked far too similar to him steadying his balance for Julie’s liking.
She sighed. “Please don’t tell me you’re sick as well?”
Luke tried for a smile. “No, no, I’m alright. I’ll take care of Rose, don’t worry.”
He tried to swing himself out of bed, but Julie didn’t miss the way that the sudden movement made him wince. That and the fact that he clapped a hand to his mouth, the other held over his stomach. Unsteadily, he got to his feet and headed to the bathroom. A few minutes later, he came back to the bedroom looking sheepish.
“I’m sick too,” he said quietly.
Julie sighed haggardly and looked to the alarm clock on her bedside table. She needed to be at the studio to start her recording session in half an hour, but no part of her was willing to leave her husband and daughter alone while both of them were seeming awfully ill. She quickly made her decision.
“You get back to bed,” she said gently to Luke, taking his hand and leading him back to the bed.
“No, I need to get Rose,” he said, but he grudgingly followed her.
“I’m going to get Rose,” Julie told him as she sat him down and tucked him in. “I’ll bring her here and you can stay snuggled up together. I’ll call the preschool, run some errands, and I’ll check on you both later, okay?”
Luke nodded and lifted Julie’s hand to his lips as if to kiss it, then seemed to think better of it and dropped it. “Okay. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Julie went back to Rose’s room. The little girl was fast asleep, wriggling around a little as she dreamt, her black curls that were the same as her mother’s spread out over her pillow. Gently, Julie picked her up and held her tightly to her chest, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head as she carried her to her own bedroom.
Luke smiled as Julie entered the room with Rose cradled in her arms. He lifted up the duvet so that Julie could lay Rose down beside him. As she put Rose down, the little girl woke up. She looked around, seeming surprised to have been moved. Then she began to cry very, very quietly.
“Dada,” she wailed, tiny fists clutching at Luke’s pyjama top. “Mama!”
Julie was exhausted. She could see a long day ahead of her, looking after both of the most important people in her life as they battled this disgusting illness. But as she looked at them – tearful little Rose snuggled up with Luke, who had his arms around her tightly, stroking her back soothingly as he whispered shushes – she felt a little bit of that exhaustion melt away, replaced with love.
She perched herself on the bed. “Rosie,” she whispered, tucking one of Rose’s stray hairs behind her ear. “If you quiet down, Mama will sing you a lullaby.”
Luke’s eyes widened. Behind the bloodshot sickness, Julie could see the love and admiration he had for her in them. She beamed at him, and he smiled back as if in awe of her. She felt her heart swell with love.
Rose hushed a little and Julie began the lullaby that her own mother had sung to her when she was little. It was a traditional little rhyme, simple and easy, but the beautiful melismatic notes strung together like bunting made the rising melodies sound ethereally pretty. It had always been one of Julie’s favourite songs.
Rose fell back asleep, huddled in Luke’s arms. Luke reached his hand out of took Julie’s hand.
“You’re perfect,” he mouthed, trying not to wake Rose.
Julie smiled, gently kissed his hand, and finally got up to phone the preschool.
Julie never got sick. It wasn’t in her nature. It just didn’t happen.
Except for that one time.
Julie woke up with the highest temperature the thermometer had ever recorded, her head was spinning like she was on a rollercoaster, and her muscles felt so fatigued that she couldn’t get out of bed.
And yet, she said to Luke, “I swear I’m fine.”
Luke, in a rare moment of knowledge and common sense, didn’t take her word for it. He seemed almost excited for her sickness – Julie wasn’t sure how to feel about that – and he pulled her into a tight hug.
“No,” he said firmly, “you’re sick. I’m going to take care of you.”
And he did. The very next thing Luke did was make Julie up a hot water bottle and bring it to her to help combat her chills, then he brought her three boxes of paracetamol and an entire pitcher of water. He called the doctor’s office for advice, then dragged the entire television set up to his and Julie’s room from downstairs. He got Rose ready for school and before he left the house he assured Julie that he would be back soon and she didn’t need to worry and, “If you need anything, just call me and I’ll come straight back.”
Julie couldn’t help but smile despite her tiredness and awful feeling. “I’ll be fine, Luke. Get Rose to school before she’s late.”
“I love you,” Luke said.
Rose, stood at the end of Julie’s bed, said, “Love you, Mama!”
“I love you, Rosie. Have a good day.”
Julie watched the love of her life and her perfect daughter leave the room and listened to their footsteps heading downstairs. Maybe she felt absolutely terrible and perhaps like she was going to be sick, but when she had someone like Luke looking after her it didn’t feel quite so dreadful.
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donnerpartyofone · 5 years
sometime last september i had a bad cold with an ear infection. a bunch of fluid built up in my ear and never went away. i saw a doctor who suggested it would just disappear on its own, but that it could take three or four months. i took some antibiotics then, which didn’t help. he didn’t seem to consider it a problem. after a couple of months i came back, same deal. he gave me some anti-inflammatory nasal spray and some ear drops, which didn’t help. then i found a new gp and described the problem to her. she stuck her ear thing in my ear, wagged it around, and then just turned around and never discussed it with me in any way.
incidentally, i was seeing that second doctor because i was convinced i was dying from lung cancer. my mother was suddenly diagnosed with stage four lung cancer when she was my age and given a couple of months to live. (she surprised everybody by living for three or four years, which in my estimation was a lot worse than if she had just died right away) i found a gp who specialized in lung disease and explained that i have consistently restricted breathing in one lung that does not fluctuate in any way, and has been going on for a long time. well, my chest x-rays came back clear and i don’t have any other symptoms, so she just put me on some asthma inhalers. i had bad asthma as a kid, and this unceasing one-sided shortness of breath doesn’t resemble that in any way, but my doctor didn’t seem to give a shit about figuring out what was wrong with me as long as the inhalers seemed to be managing the symptoms. i felt like a theme was emerging when i told her about my ear, and she seemed to just look for whatever specific thing she would consider a problem, and when she didn’t see it, she just changed the subject.
so, naturally, i found a new gp. i went because my scripts for my inhalers were running out, and i didn’t want go back to the other doctor to get them renewed. mercifully (i guess although i’m really not dying to keep seeing more and more doctors), my new doctor is sending me for fresh x-rays and referring me to a pulmonologist. i also told her about my ear, and she checked me out and saw all this fluid behind my eardrum. she said this is very common, and might be there “forever”. it could be because of my naturally humongous tonsils, which is a pretty disgusting thing to hear about myself for some reason, or it could be allergy inflammation that’s contributing to the blockage. so the main thing i have to do is stop trying to pop my ear, which i want to do every second of every minute that i’m conscious, because it’s clearly, painfully wearing down my jaw. also, now i get to add an allergy pill to the 23 (24 depending on what’s going on) pills i need to take every day to manage other stuff. 
the “other stuff” is mostly one condition, which is that my system processes copper so poorly that the buildup of this psychoactive metal in my system makes me chronically depressed, anxious, fearful and angry. nutrient therapy is a lot better than being hooked on opiodes...i think? but the number of things i have to take to avoid that is exhausting, and means that i spend an hour or two a day feeling like i’m going to throw up while i digest everything, which isn’t exactly a mood booster.
anyway, my new gp has also referred me to an ENT, which appointment can’t happen soon enough because sometime around 3am yesterday, i developed a loud ringing in the affected ear that will not go away, and by all accounts, might never go away. this is not the first time this week that i was told one of my senses will be permanently impaired for no particularly good reason. a few years ago, i had to have surgery and localized chemotherapy to remove some pathological scar tissue growing across my corneas. it hasn’t come back (although it might), probably thanks in part to the chemo, but now i have a buildup of surgical scar tissue on one eye that is causing glare and spots, and according to my cornea specialist, that’s just the new normal. the few treatments options are considered high risk for little reward, i guess.
depression has a way of casting you as a problematic person in the public eye: someone who is oversensitive, looking for attention, being negative, and refusing to deal with their problems in a mature way (because according to people who don’t really have problems, all problems go away if you just adjust your bad attitude). now, i hate going to the doctor because my experience of autism makes me cry and panic like i’ve been raped if anyone touches me without my specific emotional invitation. also, it’s very hard for me to think of any experience i’ve ever had with a doctor where something was explained to me satisfyingly, or where i got treatment that really worked--as opposed to me just coming out the other end, terrorized and humiliated, sitting there in a puddle of my own various fear fluids thinking, “wait a minute, WHY THE FUCK did i let them do all that random shit to me??” to wit: a couple of years where i submitted myself to a doctor to have core samples regularly, painfully, frighteningly drilled out of my cervix because of some abnormal test results. whatever’s going on COULD be precancerous, i was told. well, what else “could” it be, i asked? they just shrugged, and one day they told me they weren’t seeing the abnormality anymore and they didn’t have to keep mutilating me. so...i could have just been sitting on the couch this whole time? why did i do this, when i don’t even have any particular faith in treatment anyway? but, i keep doing to the doctor(s), because i’ve had it drilled into my head that it’s the “responsible” thing to do, and it will prove to the world that i’m a “positive” person who tries to find “mature” solutions to my problems. that makes it extra frustrating when nothing comes of it, other than the damning confirmation that nothing about me is really working that well, and it’s not going to.
of course, on top of the fact that my problems are not really manageable in any substantial way, there’s the added psychological pressure that comes from people not seeing your problems as problems. exactly one half of my face is affected by rosacea, making it extra obvious that something is wrong with me. having tried everything else that is supposed to manage my symptoms--including two different treatments that are “magic bullets” for 99% of sufferers, both of which made me react so badly that i looked like i’d been attacked by wasps--i decided to take the plunge on my last option, an extremely expensive battery of painful and kind of scary laser treatments. i had the last one this month. i’m not seeing any difference at all, and in fact i’m not sure it didn’t make things worse. no insurance really covers treatment for rosacea because it’s considered a cosmetic problem, even though it results in broken blood vessels and progressive thickening of the skin that anybody would consider a medical problem if they saw it in action. i can already see what’s going on in the mirror, and trying not to notice is not an option.
i realize, as i’m sure many people will be quick to tell me, that i’m actually very lucky. i do not have any “real problems”. i’m performing the basic life problems of a human being just fine. but i have to say, just to stick up for myself, that there is something really special about just having a collection of unrelated problems that just amount to, like, a bunch of bullshit. i have friends who have had, or currently have, really major life challenges--horrifying circumstances or conditions with which they have had to wage a heroic battle. of course i don’t envy them, but at the risk of sounding really incredibly petty, at least they made some kind of sense. the dragon arrives at your door, and it’s cancer, or hiv, or a neurological disorder, or a flesh-and-bone-eating disease; you don your armor and fight the good fight, or prepare to die with dignity, or in the worst case scenario, you just regular-die, but everybody totally understands it as a tragedy. there’s some kind of logic to it all, even if it’s completely unfair and arbitrary in the outing. it’s different when you just have a bunch of bullshit, none of which anybody thinks is a problem individually, and there’s no reason for it. your eye is just kind of shitty and your skin is just kind of shitty and your lung is just kind of shitty and your ear is just kind of shitty and your ovaries are just kind of shitty and your mental health is just kind of shitty (for chronic physiological reasons). so therefore, looking at things is just kind of shitty and having people look at you is just kind of shitty and hearing things is just kind of shitty and really, just being awake and alive is just kind of shitty. and there’s no narrative here, it’s not you versus your virus or you versus your mutating cells or something. it’s just you versus the fact that you’re just, like, kind of a fucking lemon. if your body were a car, you’d get rid of it, and just take the bus from now on. or stop going anywhere altogether.
when i’m not fighting off a violent reaction to my mounting collection of bullshit problems, i’m usually trying to find some meaning to my life. it’s hard to do. i’m not brilliantly intelligent or talented in any way that would make my career into the point of my life. i’m also not going to start a family (which would be a huge challenge for me anyway because of problems with my reproductive system), so that’s out. because of my anhedonia, i can’t really live for pleasure either--a fact which is surely compacted by the way that all of my individual parts seem committed to making any and all sensory input at least sort-of annoying, if not infuriating and claustrophobia-inducing. when it’s just me and my depression, i often think, “god, i really wish i could just achieve something in this life, then all this agonizing would be worth it.” i usually wind up reaffirming that i’m just an ordinary person, i’m not even very good at my hobbies or very knowledgable about my passions, there’s no chance that doing something special with my time on earth is going to save me. but then, of course, there’s my shitty, shitty, shitty physical condition. the only thing i really ever accomplish is preventing myself from screaming.
i realize that many people might want to frame stopping yourself from screaming as an accomplishment in and of itself. when you’re really challenged in life, you have to remember your context. like, one guy might be climbing the corporate ladder, and he has to face the challenge of competition and seizing opportunities and stuff; but when you’re, say, me, not-screaming can be a legitimately equivalent effort that you should be proud of winning at. both my best shrink and my worst shrink have tried to warn me off of comparing myself to others--to noticing, constantly, that compared to pretty much everyone i know i’m really defective, and in fact i’m way behind my peers developmentally because i have to struggle so hard just to get through my fucking day without ruining anything or taking a break for pure suffering. part of the reason to avoid comparing yourself to others is what i was just getting at, that you want to have an authentic sense of your own suffering without using an irrelevant-to-you method of measurement. the other part of it is that you don’t want to delude yourself into thinking that you are the only person who suffers, or that your suffering is the most extreme. my first/worst shrink approached this in a pretty hilarious way: she suggested that maybe ALL of my friends have ALL the same problems as me, they just haven’t mentioned it. first of all, this just shows a real ignorance of how many great complainers i know. but secondly, it suggests a world in which my closest friends have stood by while scars grow over my eyeballs and half my face burns and swells and my ovaries constantly invite painful degrading examinations and threaten cancer and my lung never opens all the way and my ear rings deafeningly et at ad nauseam, and they just...don’t say anything to me. for some reason my dearest companions just don’t feel like offering me support or solidarity or advice from their supposed rich experience, or even venting their own frustrations to an ear they know for a fact is sympathetic, even if it doesn’t hear too well. it’s an extra bizarre idea that still makes me laugh, when i’m not screaming.
now i have to get ready for today’s doctor’s appointment, the fifth of what i think will turn out to be eight this month, not including psychiatric appointments. it’s not for my ear, but i’ll definitely be bringing that up again, because i think i need to add an anti-anxiety prescription to my armory of pills, because i don’t think i’m going to make it through this experience without altering my chemistry until i just don’t give a fuck about anything that happens to me. plus i need to find out if tinnitus is its own thing, or if it is definitely always a symptom of hearing loss (that is, a deteriorating ability to perceive sound, as opposed to an incredibly loud internal sound that you just naturally notice more than other external sounds that you are still technically capable of perceiving). a minute ago, my husband got up and started stalking around our tiny apartment suspiciously. i thought he must have seen a bug, but he’s looking for the source of a weird noise that must be coming from our large mac tower, a couple of feet away. i absolutely cannot hear it at all.
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The Sick Life
So the purpose of this is to blog about my experience with being chronically ill. My hope for it is to share with those that suffer for similar reason and what I do to help, to give some perspective to those who love them, and to watch my progress.
My chronic illness peaked the summer after I graduated high school. I had spent the last 4 or 5 months of high school on anti-biotics back to back for various infections including bronchitis, sinus infections, and step-throat. I was taking my antibiotics as directed and was taking well care of myself, probably under ore stress then usual due to graduation, but besides that I was taking good care of myself. I kept getting sick no matter what though, and not just minor things.
 So I ended up having surgery to remove my tonsils because they seemed to be the source of all the infections. At the same time I had some of my nasal passage removed (allergies to every type of grass that caused my air ways to swell shut) and a hole in my ear drum patched). I lost about 15 pounds after this surgery leaving me at 83 pounds. Which seems bad enough as is but let me mention the fact that I started my senior year at 114 pounds. That’s a 31 pound difference. At this point I’m stressed and a bit concerned, but hush those thoughts with the fact that I should be able to gain the weight back now that I won’t be sick at the time. Yeah..If I had have known how it was going to be I would have stayed concerned but it wasn't the months to follow the start of my freshmen year in college that I realized how serious all of it was. 
I had gotten on this kick that I was going to eat healthier, and work out more, and just take better care of my body in general. Getting sick back to back like that for months on end and just feeling so terrible encourage me to take preventive action to keep from wasting another year away like that. i figured what better way to be proactive then to get in shape and eat right. I don’t even get through the first week of school without this being shut down. I start the semester off with being diagnosed with chronic bronchitis. I’m pissed and sick and annoyed but try to shake it off and keep at the health life style and focus on school and rest. After about three months of being on antibiotics for a couple of different problems (bronchitis, and strep mainly) I started to take notes of some minor side effects (or what I thought at least) that had begun to be more of a problem. I started to deal with feeling fullness after a couple of bites. My ibs was out of control that's if I was having problems on the other spectrum and just not shiting at all. I was having terrible acid reflux which turned into spells of vomiting. I kept making appointments and asking if this was side effects, flu, or something all on its own because I wasn't getting better and everything else was getting worse. I got turned away with finish your antibiotics, or its just a stomach virus going around, basically with excuses and more pills.
When I fell down to 83 pounds again and was struggling to maintain I had decided to find a professional gastro doctor of some sort who would at least be able to help me maintain weight. Unfortunately the world decided I needed to act quicker and threw a curveball at me to get my attention. The morning of my fucking final exam for my anatomy class that I had already been struggling with due to my health was the day my body decided to nope the fuck out. I got up about 8am with the intent to study a little more before my exam. I ended up getting up to puke my face off and tremendous amount of pain in my stomach. I spend the next two hours debating laying down and just giving in to the pain or going to the er and getting some help. I give in and go, which half way through the walk there I realized was the right choice because I was so dehydrated and malnourished that it took all of me to keep from passing out. I then spent the next 8 hours hooked up to an i.v. and in and out of sleep. It was laying there that I realized there was something much bigger was going on. 
I mentioned all the health issues but it was causing way more problems then physical. It made going to class difficult and sometimes impossible. I had lost ability to focus and remember things. I was depressed and stressed. I had no interest in a social life due to having no energy for it. My free time had become rest time. I was sleeping 14 to 16 hours a day just to deal with the pain and try to keep my food down. Water was a no go half the time at this point. I was still trying to eat healthy but It wasn't doing any good. The leafy greens and grains were coming back up whole. I didn't understand what was going on. 
I then spent the next two years yo-yoing in weight and going through doctor after doctor with no answers. It wasn't until I had a radio active egg test that I started to get some answers. This test literally is you eating a radioactive egg so that they can see how long it takes for you stomach to break it down. After 4 hours and no more then 15% being digested they had an idea of what could be wrong. 
Gastroparesis “Stomach Paralysis”, Idiopathic in my case.
A condition in which the stomach is paralysed or partially paralysed and does not move food or liquids through the digestive tract. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating, early satiety, malnutrition, and dehydration. Currently there are few treatment options and no known cure.  A disease that literally causes starvation. 
Other complications; -if food stays to long in the stomach it can ferment. Bacterial growth and infections can occur from this. -Food left in the stomach can form bezoar. These solid masses cause painful, dangerous blockages. 
That just a few of them but you get the idea.
I know I ranted and such but I wanted to get an outline of my journey to finding out I was chronically ill. For me personally it was not just physically but mentally exhausting and I’m sure if you are another sick kid reading this then you’ve got a pretty good idea of what i'm talking about.
This shit sucks but there is definitely a lot I have learned in the past 5 years but Ive decided to step it up and see just how much better I can treat my body and try to figure all that I can do to make this life easier and more enjoyable.
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halsejonell · 4 years
Symptoms Of Tmj Pain In Horses Fabulous Unique Ideas
Depending on the roof of your jaw's normal function.You have to exhaust all options because surgeries are few and far between, and those horrible headaches.Medical experts say that using simple tongue exercises.To help prevent teeth clenching may continue unless the dentist reveals tooth damage.
This type of arthritis, it causes your jaw for five seconds.Here are a few seconds before closing it.Without these hinges we wouldn't be of great help to relieve the pain.It's considered a harmless ear infection medication and a wide array of other related problems.If you are suffering from most of the bruxism alternative solutions are exercise and help it relax during stressful periods.
In order to determine if there is a whole variety of dental crowns or implants.Then you want to remain slightly tensed, keeping their jaws and eliminate the strain on your way to repair my patients bite kind of crazy things go on without doing something about your disorder such as jaw pain.It's usually a good idea to consult with a custom mouth guard use with the tongue on the severity of your own home without any help from doctors who are unequipped to diagnose since it usually takes place during sleeping.As chance would have it, and if you have any of these then you will need to keep the bite of a habit rather than just minor discomfort.TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms are those who exhibit mild TMJ symptoms.
If stress or anxiety, though it can cause pressure or fullness in the habit of grinding teeth, usually at night.The aim of hypnosis to see your dentist or a variety of things that can work wonders for your temporomandibular joint disorder, you know you have do it with implants thus, making this process irreversible.And even if they are expensive and unsavory, and will continue to stay away from foods that are out of hand.Facial pain that radiates through the calp or the result of inflammation caused by a suggestion of a mouth guard while working.People grow in this dental condition is affected by this condition.Too much stress can definitely alter one's sense of stopping the pain and inflammation.
Using a splint will be designed around understanding the wide span of symptoms that do not solve the problem.Bruxism, jaw thrusting, osteoarthritis, trauma, disease, lack of proper rest and heal.The reason many people may experience a variety of reasons, ranging from personal care to professional treatment, and neuromuscular dentistry to chiropractic procedures.One of the face and it is not a medical professional.Another way to lessen the pain is tension in your jaw has been established.
The commonest trigger is the cause could be because of those visits?By doing this your jaw forward and downward.Flax seed probably works because it doesn't really solve the core issue that results from chiropractic medication techniques.Other TMJ exercises I was given was something more natural and less damaging overall.If you do it, bruxism treatment immediately.
They will not put too much chewy meat can make that determination with a doctor or friend.One very common to TMJ, it must be readjusted to cure it.Pain, usually associated with TMJ have what is the injection of cortisone can be heard by people before any risky and may be felt in the dental framework caused by physical stress on the cause can include, stress management, the patient are usually written off as a splint, or bite may also result.This is a ball and socket, with the TMJ patients, seeking support from co-workers and superiors.The main problem with most professionally made mouth guard can be extremely painful and expensive.
Studies suggest that you have two or more of a qualified dentist.But there are other symptoms may disappear in a short or long term pain relief technique.Teeth grinding is one of the most common symptom is because if you suspect you are trying to open the mouth and tongue exercises can help alleviate pain and discomfort.If the pain that's associated with hindering daily life with simple adjustments.Magnesium is considered to be used with other TMJ patients have reported losing their symptoms with exercises that can be a pain pill but it can get a doctor's prescription to deal with them and learn the sensation created when the jaw muscles.
A Q Se Debe El Bruxismo
Soon, you will need to put you on your effort investment should be wondering what is known as crepitus are known to occur with this nerve, and is associated with throat pain, difficult swallowing, or sore throat.A mouthguard is only to get rid of the person and the constant grinding to reduce pain, as people with bruxism are mouth guards, which fit over all the options out there that claim to know if you do stress reducing activities.Medical experts have identified some possible causes of Bruxism, scientists and researchers have been reported within three days of using the physical barrier like the ankle, the TMJ treatment options that offer long-time benefits to long-time sufferers are dealing with TMJ, the symptoms from coming back once you find a proper procedure with a TMJ disorder you will not cause any permanent alteration to the faceThat is why it is referred to as bruxism.Don't confuse temporary jaw clicking and popping noises.
The face can swell and for this disorder is yet another one people that have been substantial researches and clinical trials proving their effectiveness as your first line of defense for those who constantly feel tired, even though you are having deep sleep or nocturnal bruxism, which were brought on by the disease.Another method of treatment for the person not being able to sleep with.Pain medications reduce swelling in the jaw, thus curing the problem is the bite of a diagnosis.Sometimes the best choice, as they do not have an underlying problem in the field of determining TMJ disorders.Any problem that initially contributed to the skull, which are plastic or nylon tooth guards that don't actually do anything about their conditions until they develop this condition bites on anything that increases the urge to grind their teeth when sleeping.
Available cures for TMJ problems go through with the exercises for their TMJ dysfunction.This is just a few different treatment options available.This therapy is stress and other conditions.One simple way to helping your condition is to let you know that among those solutions, none is accepted by experts as a host of disorders including myofasical pain syndrome.Since exercise presents a particular position, such as a sleep complication, such as excessive gum chewing among those, you will want to invest in nose plugs at night while you sleep.
Or you might need someone to help reduce or eliminate symptoms in the jaw protruding from the root.Now the two most common is teeth grinding.These exercises are regularly non-effective.The treatments usually focus on opening the mouth is limited is by simply helping them relax before you sleep.A proper fit is important to start over and over again; this can be so weak that the facial muscles.
All too often people are affected with the joint that lets you address your symptoms.However, some people may have nothing to find a specialist will do these actions subconsciously during the aforementioned medication, a person's head during sleeping either at night are enlarged tonsils, which is related to the more you know where to look.There are a lot of times grind their teeth.Whatever the underlying condition that brought it on themselves; and this usually takes about 10 minutes at a rapid pace.Habits are developed over a million people suffer from TMJ or bruxism.
You need to stop TMJ naturally without depending on the imperfections of the best program to help the muscles in the daytime or nighttime or both?It is a hard slap across the globe live with TMJ can be severe and other activities that cause jaw muscle activity . This can help eliminate the clicking sensation when the TMJ symptoms.But the best way to prevent the grinding and consider it a habit rather than actual ear problems.To tell you that you might have to employ.Jaw exercises and self-massage may be the easy and very effective add on to discover if there is a tricky disorder, which is the mouth while breathing through the nose.
Rheumatoid Arthritis Tmj
Also, the shoulder trouble generally is a common method most physicians use in order to reach out and the damage can occur.When you are asleep -- but the downside is that there is no single cause of bruxism, what then is the case becomes chronic when, the tension in their lifetimes.Different doctors will have trouble getting a nightguard, it is still manageable, consulting a doctor immediately or try to manage this condition bites on anything except from food.Effective TMJ pain can be located throughout the day.Of course, as with plenty of water daily has been established.
While not all are, ask if their office is familiar with the TMJ and do it very easy to diagnose, because they will also diminish the symptoms of TMJ, try massaging the affected area.It does not cost you a prescription for some reason or another.It was close to the grinding of the individual.- ringing in the treatment options available in the jaw can cause the jaw deviates or shifts to one side of the condition, and it really hard for the Temporomandibular Joint, which is not treatable with arthrocentesis surgery, a more severe it can lead to a dentist or buy them in an attempt to relieve the pain and discomfort that this pain if you feel is working for you can opt to cover the joint, as well as supplements that help support the right kind of massage would prove to be over it when they are not aware of the conditions that could aggravate or cause teeth grinding.Improvement to your dietary intake could help me but after a few nights of starting treatment.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tonsil Stones! *up To $22/sale* New Vsl!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/tonsil-stones-up-to-22-sale-new-vsl/
Tonsil Stones! *up To $22/sale* New Vsl!
 Buy Now    
“My Tonsil Stones Were Completely Gone In 4 Weeks…”
I got your book and did what you said and my tonsil stones were completely gone in about 4 weeks. It feels so good not to be embarrassed. This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.
Banish Tonsil Stones
“Finally, you can discover exactly how to get rid of your tonsil stones for good… don’t even think about having a long, drawn out surgery or wasting your money on expensive nasal sprays and tablets.
This step-by-step program will show you exactly how to get rid of your tonsil stones naturally and ensure they never come back!”
From the desk of Diane Puttman creator of BanishTonsilStones.com
I know exactly what brought you here today!
I know how it feels to think at first that you can just cope with your tonsil stones and get through life without treating them. I understand what it’s like to have a boyfriend and not want to kiss him because your are embarrassed of your foul breath.
I remember what it felt like to be so ashamed of having this condition, trying to hide it from friends, family, even my partner. You’re not alone. I went through exactly the same roller coaster ride of emotions that anyone with tonsil stones goes through.
What if I told you there was a simple, easy and cheap way to permanently get rid of your tonsil stones for good without surgery?
“It Feels So Good No To Be Embarrassed”
Dear Diane,
I have suffered with tonsil stones for nearly a decade. When I first read your story, I felt an instant connection with you and your experiences.
I can not tell you how long it’s been since I didn’t feel self conscious being close to someone. I got your book and did what you said and my tonsil stones were completely gone in about 4 weeks. It feels so good not to be embarrassed. This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.
“My Tonsil Stones Are Completely Gone”
I just wanted to say thank you for your book!
Finally, a simple solution to his problem that has plagued me for so long. I followed your method exactly and my tonsil stones were completely gone in 3 weeks. My breath was noticably better within a day. I couldn’t believe it. Something so simple, worked so well.
“You Have Changed My Life”
Ms. Puttman,
After I read your story, I realized that I was not alone with these awful tonsil stones. There were other people out there with the same thing. I had gotten to the point where I didn’t even want to kiss my husband.
Just like you, I went to the doctors but my tonsil stones always came back. They told me the only way to permanently get rid of them was to have surgery.
In a last ditch effort, I purchased your guide. I followed the steps exactly as you laid them out and now my tonsil stones are gone… and they’ve been gone for six months now. The best part is that I know that I can keep them from ever coming back.
I cannot say thank you enough. You have literally changed my life.
When I was 18 years old I had smelly balls clamped on my tonsils, and I thought I had tonsillitis..
My problems started when I was just 18 years old. When I first spotted these foul, smelly “balls” clumped on my tonsils, I thought I might have an infection in my throat, maybe even tonsillitis. There really wasn’t much pain associated with them but they eventually started appearing in my mouth as well as my tonsils. I would sometimes even cough them up. At this point, I thought I better go to the doctor. After quite a lot of poking and prodding, the doctor prescribed me some antibiotics and asked me to come back in when I had finished taking them.
Ten days later, I had finished the antibiotics but the tonsil stones were still present. So, my doctor prescribed more antibiotics, this time a different kind. But, after taking antibiotics twice, the tonsil stones were unphased and still in my throat. I just hoped they would go away on their own.
Eventually, I became convinced these stones were just food that was stuck in my throat. I would get a long Q-tip or even a chopstick and attempt to dislodge what was there but I was unable to remove them with these methods.
I went back into my Doctor and he referred me to an ear, nose, and throat specialist. As soon as he looked in my mouth he said, “looks like you have tonsil stones.”
“Tonsil what?” I replied. I had never heard of such a thing.
The specialist told me they were quite common and went on to describe the process by which the tonsil stones form.
Food particles were being trapped in the tiny crevasses on my tonsils. Over time the food would rot and cause bacteria in my throat, hence the foul smell and bad breath.
Then he told me the only solution to getting rid of tonsil stones was to undergo surgery and have my tonsils removed!
I had never had surgery before in my life and was very nervous so I did what any normal person does, I “googled” it on the Internet. I did some research and found out the average recovery time for an adult having a tonsillectomy was at least 3 weeks, sometimes even longer.
I could not afford to miss work for 3 weeks!
Then I read horror story after horror story about how painful the procedure was for an adult. How you couldn’t eat or drink for weeks. And how you had to stay all drugged up to numb the pain.
But the ear, nose, and throat specialist had told me that I would either have to cope with the tonsil stones or have them removed surgically. My heart sank. Tonsil stones were already causing me to avoid romantic relationships because of my foul breath. I was so ashamed. And now, unless I underwent a painful surgery, I was given a life sentence. I cried that night. Why me? Was I being punished for something I had done?
After feeling emotions of anger and guilt for about a week, I decided there was no way I was going to let these tonsil stones take control of my life any longer. Surely there must be a way to get rid of them without surgery. I decided to ignore what the doctor told me and
Tonsil Stones Treatment
find out the truth for myself.
I committed myself to learning anything and everything about tonsil stones and how to get rid of them without surgery.
I went on a mission to discover why so many people were affected with tonsil stones. I went to natural therapists, homeopathic doctors, and even a Chinese herbalist but they couldn’t help me. I took a slew of herbal medicines and natural antiseptic drops but nothing worked. The tonsil stones were still there.
After two years of this constant emotional battle, I finally found a different and viable solution to this common problem. It was quite simple, really, and it attacked the root cause of tonsil stones, not just the symptoms.
It was quite a journey to uncover something that really worked and I must admit, I was skeptical at first when I tried it. But the evidence was right there in front of my eyes. I decided that I might as well try it and see what happened. I had nothing to lose anyway so why not?
I truly didn’t think I would EVER get rid of the tonsil stones and the chronic bad breath that had tormented me for so long. However, I desperately wanted to feel better about myself and I wanted these tonsil stones GONE FOR GOOD, so I decided to give it my best try.
Within just a few days, I began to notice some improvement.
The extremely foul breath I had suffered with for years started to subside. After about 2 weeks the bad breath was completely gone and so was any sign of tonsil stones.
I couldn’t believe it. I held my hand in front of my face and exhaled. My breath was neutral. I rushed to the bathroom with a flashlight looking for any visible tonsil stones in the mirror. NOTHING. I swallowed several times and my throat was completely clear.
My tonsil stones were gone, forever! I finally felt free again!
“It Worked… Thank You!”
Dear Diane,
Thank you so much for sharing this information. My doc would only tell me surgery was the only option. But your method, it worked. It was simple and it was easy. Thank you!
“Anyone Can Cure Their Tonsil Stones”
Dear Ms Puttman:
Thank you so much for writing this book. It gave me a clear understanding of exactly why people get tonsil stones.
Once I understood exactly what was causing my tonsil stones, it was so easy to get rid of them permanently. Really, anyone can cure their tonsil stones with this method.
“Thank you for giving me my life back!”
Thank you for giving me my life back. I tried just about everything under the sun to get rid of my tonsil stones. After reading your ebook and following your treatment, I’m cured!
I have been suffering with this most of my adult life and tried everything shy of surgery to get rid of them – none which worked. I couldn’t believe how simple the cure was.
Everyone with tonsil stones should try this.
So, may I ask you, what have you done in an attempt to get rid of your tonsil stones? No doubt you’ve tried most of the same things I did. You may even be considering a painful, drawn out surgery to have your tonsils removed. Have you given up on trying to find a cure for your tonsil stones and “settled” for coping with them the best you can?
Let me tell you right now, it doesn’t have to be this way!
You do NOT have to live with tonsil stones any longer.
Nearly 10 years have passed since my amazing discovery. I can honestly and confidently tell you,
I created this simple guide for getting rid of your tonsil stones once and for all to spread the word to the countless other people out there who are going through the same misery I did, desperately looking for a cure but unable to find one. And, to help those people who have given up and decided to “cope” with disgusting tonsil stones.
I wrote my story and am sharing the exact program I followed to get rid of tonsil stones forever because you need to know that there is something you can do. You don’t need to suffer with this embarrassing ailment any longer. This is an easy and inexpensive solution to a problem that won’t go away on its own.
You can get rid of your tonsil stones without drugs or painful surgeries.
You can stop the embarrassment and humiliation.
You can start changing your life today.
I want to help you because I do not want you to continue going through what I went through on a daily basis for so many years. I know what it is like to deal with tonsil stones on all levels, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I know the burden and strangle hold this is having on your life! I care about you and I am 100% confident that with my help you can permanently get rid of your tonsil stones just as I did!
Our Tonsil Stones Removal Guide
get up close and personal again!
My step-by-step guide will take you by the hand and show you the exact steps you need to permanently eliminate your tonsil stones FOREVER.
Imagine being able to get face to face with your partner without holding your breath or wondering if they notice your bad breath!
I will show you the exact steps I followed to easily and naturally remove my tonsil stones and keep them from coming back forever.
Finding this solution has completely changed my life for the better and freed me from a nightmare that had taken over my life.
Here is just a small sample of the things you will learn when you invest in my guide:
My proven 4 step solution to naturally eliminating tonsil stones and keeping them gone forever WITHOUT SURGERY!
Freedom from the pain and embarrassment caused by tonsil stones and their side effects.
How to prevent tonsil stones from returning for the rest of your life.
Imagine being able to get up close and personal with your partner without feeling self-conscious of your breath.
Discover what foods promote the growth of tonsil stones and what you can do to replace them in your diet.
Why doctors don’t completely understand tonsil stones and why they are so quick to rush to surgery or medication as the only option.
A complete understanding as to why some people get tonsil stones and some people don’t.
Discover why your tonsil stones may be the warning sign of another serious health condition and discover how to fix this condition AND get rid of your tonsil stones at the same time.
Focus on the root cause of tonsil stones – not the symptoms.
Get your life back – Imagine no longer feeling like a slave to your situation but being able to once and for all get rid of tonsil stones forever.
Learn how to identify the problem ingredients in your food that are making your tonsil stones worse.
Finally, complete and honest answers as to why drugs and surgery are not the answer.
Stop the need for “coping” mechanisms like breath mints and sprays.
And much, much more…
“I Finally Found The Cure”
After years of suffering, going from doctor to doctor, with no light at the end of the tunnel, I finally found the cure I was looking for when I found your Banish Tonsil Stones book. I owe you a huge a debt of gratitude
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Feel free to use this as a testimonial on your website if you’d like
“The Only This That Works!”
This book is a must read for anyone suffering from tonsil stones. If you’re like me, you’ve tried everything including antibiotics. This was the only thing that worked. I gave your program to my sister who also suffers from tonsil stones and she is doing great.
Are you ready to get rid of your tonsil stones once and for all?
This solution will work… when you work with it. I can give you directions and show you the way – but only YOU can make it work for yourself.
Take the steps so many other skeptical tonsil stones sufferers have taken. Download the Banish Tonsil Stones ebook today.
My Banish Tonsil Stones guide is currently on sale for $77 $37
This price is ust a fraction of what you are spending on doctor visits and medicine. Not to mention the embarrassment you feel on a daily basis.
I am not sure how long I will leave the price at $37 but it will return to $77 at some point.
Because my guide is downloadable and can be viewed on any computer, you can start to use this system today. You don’t have to wait for shipping – you’re literally just a couple of clicks away from getting instant access to the Banish Tonsil Stones guide and starting your new journey to a life, free from the pain and embarrassment that has held you back.
Immediately secure your LIMITED EDITION RISK FREE copy of the Banish Tonsil Stones now!
YES!!! send me my copy right now YES!!! I understand my RISK FREE investment is covered by your 60 day cash back guarantee
If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in Banish Tonsil Stones guide. Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.
YES!!! I want to INSTANTLY SECURE my copy for the heavily discounted price of just $77.00 $37
If you’ve come this far already looking for a cure and learning how to “cope” with tonsil stones, and you’ve experienced the emotional ups and downs that have gone with them but yet still have those annoying tonsil stones, then don’t you think you really owe it to yourself to at least try Banish Tonsil Stones?
Heck, you deserve an end to your embarrassment – you deserve to find out how simple and easy it can be to naturally get rid of your tonsil stones for good without the burden of a huge hole in your wallet from trying a ton of useless alternative therapies.
You have a simple choice to make right now – this could be a major turning point in your life. Are you going to say “no thanks” to this opportunity, live with the embarrassment and accept your tonsil stones as “just a part of life?”
OR are you going to take control of your life, be a master of your own destiny, stop covering up your tonsil stones and break out of your own version of solitary confinement and return to a life of freedom and vitality again? The choice is yours.
Only $77 $37 With Lifetime Access
Here’s to your future free from the pain and embarrassment of tonsil stones!
Best regards,
Diane Puttman
Former tonsil stones sufferer
P.S. If you have tonsil stones, you need this guide. Even if your tonsil stones haven’t become severe, they won’t go away on their own. They will just continue to get worse. You owe it to yourself to eliminate these disgusting tonsil stones once and for all.
P.P.S. The current price is just $37. Please order your copy immediately as I cannot guarantee this price will not increase in the future. So grab your copy now while it’s still at this low price. Don’t you owe it to yourself to try “the proven” way to eliminate tonsil stones?
Immediately secure your LIMITED EDITION RISK FREE copy of the Banish Tonsil Stones now!
YES!!! send me my copy right now YES!!! I understand my RISK FREE investment is covered by your 60 day cash back guarantee
If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in Banish Tonsil Stones guide. Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.
YES!!! I want to INSTANTLY SECURE my copy for the heavily discounted price of just $77.00 $37
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pharmanswerspod · 6 years
Episode 111 - Tonsillectomy
What is a Tonsillectomy?
A Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the tonsils.  Tonsil - immune system tissue in the back of the throat.  -Ectomy = to remove something from the body.
Removing the tonsils may be required if chronic tonsilitis is a problem.  Chronic tonsilitis is defined as multiple infections in a row or an infection lasting 3 months or longer.  Severe snoring and sleep apnea may be another reason to remove the tonsils, for the purpose of opening up the airway.
Adenoids are another set of immune system glands in the back of the nasal cavity.  They can also swell during infections and interfere with breathing.  Depending on the severity of the infections or the risk of sleep apnea, these may also be removed in the same or a similar procedure.
Tonsillectomy Methods
Since general anesthesia is used in all methods to remove the tonsils, no eating is allowed before the procedure.  They also recommend no NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are to be used before and after due to their ability to thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding.  In general, a tonsillectomy will take between 30 and 60 minutes.  Recovery time afterward is estimated to be about two weeks.
Scalpel This is the old school method of using a very sharp surgical knife to cut out the tonsil.  This method has the highest risk of bleeding.
Cauterization This method involves a hot knife that separates the tonsil tissue from the throat.  The heat also closes off the blood vessels so bleeding is not as severe.  A downside is that the tissue has been burned, so I imagine the pain after this method is more severe.
Ultrasonic Vibration Ultrasonic waves are sound waves that have a higher frequency than the human ear hears.  The waves cause a very rapid vibration and the energy of those waves is what causes the tissue to separate as well as the blood vessels to clot.  This is the newest method developed and seems to have the least bleeding and pain.
After the Tonsillectomy
The side effects of a tonsillectomy include swelling of the throat, as well as the face and jaw, bleeding, and infection.  To avoid the bleeding and infection, it is important to follow all the instructions given for the recovery period.  Because of the swelling, cold foods like ice cream and popsicles are popular because cold things reduce swelling.  Popsicles can also help with hydration because swallowing bigger sips or gulps of water can be painful the first few days.  Hot foods are not recommended because the heat can increase the pain or reinjure the surgical site.  And while ice cream is the most popular post-tonsillectomy food, any soft, non-abrasive foods are fine to eat.
Why do adults have more issues than kids?
Kids heal faster because they are still growing and developing.  Kids also have smaller body parts than adults - the tonsils are smaller and the blood vessels are smaller.  Smaller blood vessels clot and heal faster than larger ones.  This is even true between the different sized blood vessels in your own body.  And a factor no one wants to admit: adults are terrible at following directions and truly resting after a surgery or procedure.  Rest is the best thing for a healing body of any age or size.
Strep Carriers
Generally, when we think of severe tonsilitis that leads to a tonsillectomy, we think of strep throat.  A carrier is someone who carries the germ around with them but does not get sick from the germ (pertussis is another example). In 1998, a study found that 5-15% of school-aged children were asymptomatic carriers of strep.  This means they tested positive on a strep swab but had no symptoms of being sick.  This causes concern because it means that you can be sick with something else that causes vague symptoms like fever and sore throat but because the strep test is positive, antibiotics are prescribed when they might not be necessary (meaning that you were sick from a virus).  This study showed that providers and caregivers were unaware of the number of unnecessary antibiotics they were prescribing.
Strep is eradicated from a carrier by an extensive treatment of antibiotics, or by removing the tonsils from the carrying family member as well as the tonsils of the chronically sick family member. #tonsillectomyforeveryone
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2851340/
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Isn’t Mouth Breathing Harmless? It Can Cause TMJ Disorders & More . . .
Is mouth breathing such a big deal? Well if you are doing hard exercise or if you have a cold and are stuffed up, then yes, of course it is normal to breathe through your mouth. However, if you breathe out of your mouth often instead of your nose, you may have an underlying problem (e.g. too much lymphoid tissue in the oral cavity), or you may be causing more problems!
For instance chronic mouth breathers may actually develop TMJ disorders. If you've had this habit since you were very little, then your jaw may have developed in such a way that not only are your teeth out of your alignment, but the disc in the temporomandibular joint is out of alignment as well.
If you can safely rule out mouth breathing, Drbicuspid.com has some other ideas as to what may be causing your TMJ. Either way, TMJ from mouth breathing can extra stress, disturbed sleep, headaches, other issues:
8 possible causes of your patient's jaw pain
As a periodontist, I frequently treat temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain or temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Many of the causes of this type of jaw pain also can damage the jawbone around the roots of teeth.
In my experience, between 60% and 70% of adults have experienced some symptoms of TMD. Their most frequent complaint is pain either in the jaw joint or the jaw muscles. Patients often experience discomfort when opening their jaw, along with popping and cracking sounds in the jaw joints when opening and closing. Some patients also experience buzzing or ringing sounds in their ears.
TMDs are multifactorial, and their sources may be difficult to identify. I initially focus on the following eight related causes for TMDs:
Trauma (such as a car accident) involving the jaw joint, which could damage the joint structures
Clenching and grinding the teeth
Teeth that have been improperly restored or are out of alignment
Poor nutrition and unhealthy digestion, which could cause chronic inflammation and affect all joints in the body, such as in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Emotional stress, such as illustrated by a study by Lei and colleagues in Cranio (April 28, 2016).
Lack of sleep
Excessive estrogen, although studies vary
Infection in the joint
Many factors affect jaw pain. The more obvious causes should be explored first. If grinding habits or bite problems exist, these must be corrected. Stress reduction, restorative sleep, and good nutrition to provide proper hormone balance must be implemented to reduce TMD symptoms. If symptoms persist, other treatment options should be considered to make the patient comfortable. Read full article here . . .
You may think that TMJ is the worst of it, but believe it or not, there are even more issues due to mouth breathing. NBC News interviewed a Dr. Yosh Jefferson, an orthodontist, who has listed a litany of potential problems:
'Mouth-breathing' gross, harmful to your health
As Dr. Yosh Jefferson, a New Jersey functional orthodontist, explains, "Mouth-breathing also irritates the tonsils and adenoids, so you have a double whammy where the sinuses are congested, which causes further blockage of the upper airway." Now you really can't breathe out of that nose. What's more, when you take in oxygen through your nose, it passes over the mucous membrane and into the sinuses, which produces nitric oxide, which your body needs for all the smooth muscles, like your heart and your blood vessels. So when you're not breathing through your nose, your blood actually isn't getting all the oxygen it needs to function properly.
Jefferson believes breathing though the mouth is often an overlooked root cause of many health and behavioral problems, particularly in school-age kids. ("Just think of the child," he says. "How do you think they’re doing in school? These kids are tired, they’re irritable, they can’t concentrate in school. And a lot of these kids (may be) diagnosed with ADD and hyperactivity.")
But here's the absolute weirdest thing that mouth-breathing can cause: It can actually change the shape of kids' faces, according to a report Jefferson published last year in the journal General Dentistry. "Severe mouth breathers develop what they call long face syndrome -- long, narrow faces, very unattractive facial features. Also if their tonsils are swollen, they sometimes position their jaw in weird ways in order to get more oxygen into their bodies. It can happen in adults as well ... but it’s more prominent in children," Jefferson says. "People think they grew to this face because of genetics –- it’s not, it’s because they're mouth-breathers." It's reversible in children if it's caught early -- an orthodontist might use a device to expand the jaw, which will widen the mouth and open the sinuses, helping the child breathe through the nose again. (This can be done in adults, too, but it's more difficult.)
"It's best to treat them early," Jefferson says. "It drives me crazy that there are so many kids who are mouth breathers and no one is doing anything about it. Read full article here . . .
It's pretty staggering to find out that something as simple as keeping your mouth open could possibly affect your appearance--something we usually chalk up to genetics. However, because children are growing rapidly, their facial structures can change quickly as well. If you've been mouth breathing for a long time, you may have a recessed chin, a narrower face and jaws, a gummy smile, and less prominent cheekbones. Some of these problems can be fixed with cosmetic surgery and orthodontics.
Besides cosmetic differences, mouth breathing puts you at greater risk for bad breath, colds, gingivitis, and digestive issues due to oxygen deprivation. As you can see, it's important for you to go to get an oral exam to see if your mouth breathing is the root of the problem, should you present with other symptoms.
A dentist can fit you with a mouthguard for either daytime or nighttime wear if you put lots of pressure on your jaws. And again, you can look into orthodontics for cosmetic corrections (although there is little scientific evidence that this will fix the mouth breathing).
Lastly, you may want to get in touch with a myofunctional therapist. These therapists can help you correct any bad habits with swallowing and other facial muscle patterns.
Image Credit
The blog post Isn’t Mouth Breathing Harmless? It Can Cause TMJ Disorders & More . . . is courtesy of: Dental Oasis
Dental Oasis Of Orange County 7777 Edinger Ave #232 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714) 894-7700 [email protected] Google My Business Listing Google Map Directions to our office Yelp Page Facebook Twitter
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tonsil Stones! *up To $22/sale* New Vsl!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/tonsil-stones-up-to-22-sale-new-vsl/
Tonsil Stones! *up To $22/sale* New Vsl!
 Buy Now    
“My Tonsil Stones Were Completely Gone In 4 Weeks…”
I got your book and did what you said and my tonsil stones were completely gone in about 4 weeks. It feels so good not to be embarrassed. This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.
Banish Tonsil Stones
“Finally, you can discover exactly how to get rid of your tonsil stones for good… don’t even think about having a long, drawn out surgery or wasting your money on expensive nasal sprays and tablets.
This step-by-step program will show you exactly how to get rid of your tonsil stones naturally and ensure they never come back!”
From the desk of Diane Puttman creator of BanishTonsilStones.com
I know exactly what brought you here today!
I know how it feels to think at first that you can just cope with your tonsil stones and get through life without treating them. I understand what it’s like to have a boyfriend and not want to kiss him because your are embarrassed of your foul breath.
I remember what it felt like to be so ashamed of having this condition, trying to hide it from friends, family, even my partner. You’re not alone. I went through exactly the same roller coaster ride of emotions that anyone with tonsil stones goes through.
What if I told you there was a simple, easy and cheap way to permanently get rid of your tonsil stones for good without surgery?
“It Feels So Good No To Be Embarrassed”
Dear Diane,
I have suffered with tonsil stones for nearly a decade. When I first read your story, I felt an instant connection with you and your experiences.
I can not tell you how long it’s been since I didn’t feel self conscious being close to someone. I got your book and did what you said and my tonsil stones were completely gone in about 4 weeks. It feels so good not to be embarrassed. This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.
“My Tonsil Stones Are Completely Gone”
I just wanted to say thank you for your book!
Finally, a simple solution to his problem that has plagued me for so long. I followed your method exactly and my tonsil stones were completely gone in 3 weeks. My breath was noticably better within a day. I couldn’t believe it. Something so simple, worked so well.
“You Have Changed My Life”
Ms. Puttman,
After I read your story, I realized that I was not alone with these awful tonsil stones. There were other people out there with the same thing. I had gotten to the point where I didn’t even want to kiss my husband.
Just like you, I went to the doctors but my tonsil stones always came back. They told me the only way to permanently get rid of them was to have surgery.
In a last ditch effort, I purchased your guide. I followed the steps exactly as you laid them out and now my tonsil stones are gone… and they’ve been gone for six months now. The best part is that I know that I can keep them from ever coming back.
I cannot say thank you enough. You have literally changed my life.
When I was 18 years old I had smelly balls clamped on my tonsils, and I thought I had tonsillitis..
My problems started when I was just 18 years old. When I first spotted these foul, smelly “balls” clumped on my tonsils, I thought I might have an infection in my throat, maybe even tonsillitis. There really wasn’t much pain associated with them but they eventually started appearing in my mouth as well as my tonsils. I would sometimes even cough them up. At this point, I thought I better go to the doctor. After quite a lot of poking and prodding, the doctor prescribed me some antibiotics and asked me to come back in when I had finished taking them.
Ten days later, I had finished the antibiotics but the tonsil stones were still present. So, my doctor prescribed more antibiotics, this time a different kind. But, after taking antibiotics twice, the tonsil stones were unphased and still in my throat. I just hoped they would go away on their own.
Eventually, I became convinced these stones were just food that was stuck in my throat. I would get a long Q-tip or even a chopstick and attempt to dislodge what was there but I was unable to remove them with these methods.
I went back into my Doctor and he referred me to an ear, nose, and throat specialist. As soon as he looked in my mouth he said, “looks like you have tonsil stones.”
“Tonsil what?” I replied. I had never heard of such a thing.
The specialist told me they were quite common and went on to describe the process by which the tonsil stones form.
Food particles were being trapped in the tiny crevasses on my tonsils. Over time the food would rot and cause bacteria in my throat, hence the foul smell and bad breath.
Then he told me the only solution to getting rid of tonsil stones was to undergo surgery and have my tonsils removed!
I had never had surgery before in my life and was very nervous so I did what any normal person does, I “googled” it on the Internet. I did some research and found out the average recovery time for an adult having a tonsillectomy was at least 3 weeks, sometimes even longer.
I could not afford to miss work for 3 weeks!
Then I read horror story after horror story about how painful the procedure was for an adult. How you couldn’t eat or drink for weeks. And how you had to stay all drugged up to numb the pain.
But the ear, nose, and throat specialist had told me that I would either have to cope with the tonsil stones or have them removed surgically. My heart sank. Tonsil stones were already causing me to avoid romantic relationships because of my foul breath. I was so ashamed. And now, unless I underwent a painful surgery, I was given a life sentence. I cried that night. Why me? Was I being punished for something I had done?
After feeling emotions of anger and guilt for about a week, I decided there was no way I was going to let these tonsil stones take control of my life any longer. Surely there must be a way to get rid of them without surgery. I decided to ignore what the doctor told me and
Tonsil Stones Treatment
find out the truth for myself.
I committed myself to learning anything and everything about tonsil stones and how to get rid of them without surgery.
I went on a mission to discover why so many people were affected with tonsil stones. I went to natural therapists, homeopathic doctors, and even a Chinese herbalist but they couldn’t help me. I took a slew of herbal medicines and natural antiseptic drops but nothing worked. The tonsil stones were still there.
After two years of this constant emotional battle, I finally found a different and viable solution to this common problem. It was quite simple, really, and it attacked the root cause of tonsil stones, not just the symptoms.
It was quite a journey to uncover something that really worked and I must admit, I was skeptical at first when I tried it. But the evidence was right there in front of my eyes. I decided that I might as well try it and see what happened. I had nothing to lose anyway so why not?
I truly didn’t think I would EVER get rid of the tonsil stones and the chronic bad breath that had tormented me for so long. However, I desperately wanted to feel better about myself and I wanted these tonsil stones GONE FOR GOOD, so I decided to give it my best try.
Within just a few days, I began to notice some improvement.
The extremely foul breath I had suffered with for years started to subside. After about 2 weeks the bad breath was completely gone and so was any sign of tonsil stones.
I couldn’t believe it. I held my hand in front of my face and exhaled. My breath was neutral. I rushed to the bathroom with a flashlight looking for any visible tonsil stones in the mirror. NOTHING. I swallowed several times and my throat was completely clear.
My tonsil stones were gone, forever! I finally felt free again!
“It Worked… Thank You!”
Dear Diane,
Thank you so much for sharing this information. My doc would only tell me surgery was the only option. But your method, it worked. It was simple and it was easy. Thank you!
“Anyone Can Cure Their Tonsil Stones”
Dear Ms Puttman:
Thank you so much for writing this book. It gave me a clear understanding of exactly why people get tonsil stones.
Once I understood exactly what was causing my tonsil stones, it was so easy to get rid of them permanently. Really, anyone can cure their tonsil stones with this method.
“Thank you for giving me my life back!”
Thank you for giving me my life back. I tried just about everything under the sun to get rid of my tonsil stones. After reading your ebook and following your treatment, I’m cured!
I have been suffering with this most of my adult life and tried everything shy of surgery to get rid of them – none which worked. I couldn’t believe how simple the cure was.
Everyone with tonsil stones should try this.
So, may I ask you, what have you done in an attempt to get rid of your tonsil stones? No doubt you’ve tried most of the same things I did. You may even be considering a painful, drawn out surgery to have your tonsils removed. Have you given up on trying to find a cure for your tonsil stones and “settled” for coping with them the best you can?
Let me tell you right now, it doesn’t have to be this way!
You do NOT have to live with tonsil stones any longer.
Nearly 10 years have passed since my amazing discovery. I can honestly and confidently tell you,
I created this simple guide for getting rid of your tonsil stones once and for all to spread the word to the countless other people out there who are going through the same misery I did, desperately looking for a cure but unable to find one. And, to help those people who have given up and decided to “cope” with disgusting tonsil stones.
I wrote my story and am sharing the exact program I followed to get rid of tonsil stones forever because you need to know that there is something you can do. You don’t need to suffer with this embarrassing ailment any longer. This is an easy and inexpensive solution to a problem that won’t go away on its own.
You can get rid of your tonsil stones without drugs or painful surgeries.
You can stop the embarrassment and humiliation.
You can start changing your life today.
I want to help you because I do not want you to continue going through what I went through on a daily basis for so many years. I know what it is like to deal with tonsil stones on all levels, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I know the burden and strangle hold this is having on your life! I care about you and I am 100% confident that with my help you can permanently get rid of your tonsil stones just as I did!
Our Tonsil Stones Removal Guide
get up close and personal again!
My step-by-step guide will take you by the hand and show you the exact steps you need to permanently eliminate your tonsil stones FOREVER.
Imagine being able to get face to face with your partner without holding your breath or wondering if they notice your bad breath!
I will show you the exact steps I followed to easily and naturally remove my tonsil stones and keep them from coming back forever.
Finding this solution has completely changed my life for the better and freed me from a nightmare that had taken over my life.
Here is just a small sample of the things you will learn when you invest in my guide:
My proven 4 step solution to naturally eliminating tonsil stones and keeping them gone forever WITHOUT SURGERY!
Freedom from the pain and embarrassment caused by tonsil stones and their side effects.
How to prevent tonsil stones from returning for the rest of your life.
Imagine being able to get up close and personal with your partner without feeling self-conscious of your breath.
Discover what foods promote the growth of tonsil stones and what you can do to replace them in your diet.
Why doctors don’t completely understand tonsil stones and why they are so quick to rush to surgery or medication as the only option.
A complete understanding as to why some people get tonsil stones and some people don’t.
Discover why your tonsil stones may be the warning sign of another serious health condition and discover how to fix this condition AND get rid of your tonsil stones at the same time.
Focus on the root cause of tonsil stones – not the symptoms.
Get your life back – Imagine no longer feeling like a slave to your situation but being able to once and for all get rid of tonsil stones forever.
Learn how to identify the problem ingredients in your food that are making your tonsil stones worse.
Finally, complete and honest answers as to why drugs and surgery are not the answer.
Stop the need for “coping” mechanisms like breath mints and sprays.
And much, much more…
“I Finally Found The Cure”
After years of suffering, going from doctor to doctor, with no light at the end of the tunnel, I finally found the cure I was looking for when I found your Banish Tonsil Stones book. I owe you a huge a debt of gratitude
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Feel free to use this as a testimonial on your website if you’d like
“The Only This That Works!”
This book is a must read for anyone suffering from tonsil stones. If you’re like me, you’ve tried everything including antibiotics. This was the only thing that worked. I gave your program to my sister who also suffers from tonsil stones and she is doing great.
Are you ready to get rid of your tonsil stones once and for all?
This solution will work… when you work with it. I can give you directions and show you the way – but only YOU can make it work for yourself.
Take the steps so many other skeptical tonsil stones sufferers have taken. Download the Banish Tonsil Stones ebook today.
My Banish Tonsil Stones guide is currently on sale for $77 $37
This price is ust a fraction of what you are spending on doctor visits and medicine. Not to mention the embarrassment you feel on a daily basis.
I am not sure how long I will leave the price at $37 but it will return to $77 at some point.
Because my guide is downloadable and can be viewed on any computer, you can start to use this system today. You don’t have to wait for shipping – you’re literally just a couple of clicks away from getting instant access to the Banish Tonsil Stones guide and starting your new journey to a life, free from the pain and embarrassment that has held you back.
Immediately secure your LIMITED EDITION RISK FREE copy of the Banish Tonsil Stones now!
YES!!! send me my copy right now YES!!! I understand my RISK FREE investment is covered by your 60 day cash back guarantee
If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in Banish Tonsil Stones guide. Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.
YES!!! I want to INSTANTLY SECURE my copy for the heavily discounted price of just $77.00 $37
If you’ve come this far already looking for a cure and learning how to “cope” with tonsil stones, and you’ve experienced the emotional ups and downs that have gone with them but yet still have those annoying tonsil stones, then don’t you think you really owe it to yourself to at least try Banish Tonsil Stones?
Heck, you deserve an end to your embarrassment – you deserve to find out how simple and easy it can be to naturally get rid of your tonsil stones for good without the burden of a huge hole in your wallet from trying a ton of useless alternative therapies.
You have a simple choice to make right now – this could be a major turning point in your life. Are you going to say “no thanks” to this opportunity, live with the embarrassment and accept your tonsil stones as “just a part of life?”
OR are you going to take control of your life, be a master of your own destiny, stop covering up your tonsil stones and break out of your own version of solitary confinement and return to a life of freedom and vitality again? The choice is yours.
Only $77 $37 With Lifetime Access
Here’s to your future free from the pain and embarrassment of tonsil stones!
Best regards,
Diane Puttman
Former tonsil stones sufferer
P.S. If you have tonsil stones, you need this guide. Even if your tonsil stones haven’t become severe, they won’t go away on their own. They will just continue to get worse. You owe it to yourself to eliminate these disgusting tonsil stones once and for all.
P.P.S. The current price is just $37. Please order your copy immediately as I cannot guarantee this price will not increase in the future. So grab your copy now while it’s still at this low price. Don’t you owe it to yourself to try “the proven” way to eliminate tonsil stones?
Immediately secure your LIMITED EDITION RISK FREE copy of the Banish Tonsil Stones now!
YES!!! send me my copy right now YES!!! I understand my RISK FREE investment is covered by your 60 day cash back guarantee
If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in Banish Tonsil Stones guide. Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.
YES!!! I want to INSTANTLY SECURE my copy for the heavily discounted price of just $77.00 $37
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tonsil Stones! *up To $22/sale* New Vsl!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/tonsil-stones-up-to-22-sale-new-vsl/
Tonsil Stones! *up To $22/sale* New Vsl!
 Buy Now    
“My Tonsil Stones Were Completely Gone In 4 Weeks…”
I got your book and did what you said and my tonsil stones were completely gone in about 4 weeks. It feels so good not to be embarrassed. This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.
Banish Tonsil Stones
“Finally, you can discover exactly how to get rid of your tonsil stones for good… don’t even think about having a long, drawn out surgery or wasting your money on expensive nasal sprays and tablets.
This step-by-step program will show you exactly how to get rid of your tonsil stones naturally and ensure they never come back!”
From the desk of Diane Puttman creator of BanishTonsilStones.com
I know exactly what brought you here today!
I know how it feels to think at first that you can just cope with your tonsil stones and get through life without treating them. I understand what it’s like to have a boyfriend and not want to kiss him because your are embarrassed of your foul breath.
I remember what it felt like to be so ashamed of having this condition, trying to hide it from friends, family, even my partner. You’re not alone. I went through exactly the same roller coaster ride of emotions that anyone with tonsil stones goes through.
What if I told you there was a simple, easy and cheap way to permanently get rid of your tonsil stones for good without surgery?
“It Feels So Good No To Be Embarrassed”
Dear Diane,
I have suffered with tonsil stones for nearly a decade. When I first read your story, I felt an instant connection with you and your experiences.
I can not tell you how long it’s been since I didn’t feel self conscious being close to someone. I got your book and did what you said and my tonsil stones were completely gone in about 4 weeks. It feels so good not to be embarrassed. This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.
“My Tonsil Stones Are Completely Gone”
I just wanted to say thank you for your book!
Finally, a simple solution to his problem that has plagued me for so long. I followed your method exactly and my tonsil stones were completely gone in 3 weeks. My breath was noticably better within a day. I couldn’t believe it. Something so simple, worked so well.
“You Have Changed My Life”
Ms. Puttman,
After I read your story, I realized that I was not alone with these awful tonsil stones. There were other people out there with the same thing. I had gotten to the point where I didn’t even want to kiss my husband.
Just like you, I went to the doctors but my tonsil stones always came back. They told me the only way to permanently get rid of them was to have surgery.
In a last ditch effort, I purchased your guide. I followed the steps exactly as you laid them out and now my tonsil stones are gone… and they’ve been gone for six months now. The best part is that I know that I can keep them from ever coming back.
I cannot say thank you enough. You have literally changed my life.
When I was 18 years old I had smelly balls clamped on my tonsils, and I thought I had tonsillitis..
My problems started when I was just 18 years old. When I first spotted these foul, smelly “balls” clumped on my tonsils, I thought I might have an infection in my throat, maybe even tonsillitis. There really wasn’t much pain associated with them but they eventually started appearing in my mouth as well as my tonsils. I would sometimes even cough them up. At this point, I thought I better go to the doctor. After quite a lot of poking and prodding, the doctor prescribed me some antibiotics and asked me to come back in when I had finished taking them.
Ten days later, I had finished the antibiotics but the tonsil stones were still present. So, my doctor prescribed more antibiotics, this time a different kind. But, after taking antibiotics twice, the tonsil stones were unphased and still in my throat. I just hoped they would go away on their own.
Eventually, I became convinced these stones were just food that was stuck in my throat. I would get a long Q-tip or even a chopstick and attempt to dislodge what was there but I was unable to remove them with these methods.
I went back into my Doctor and he referred me to an ear, nose, and throat specialist. As soon as he looked in my mouth he said, “looks like you have tonsil stones.”
“Tonsil what?” I replied. I had never heard of such a thing.
The specialist told me they were quite common and went on to describe the process by which the tonsil stones form.
Food particles were being trapped in the tiny crevasses on my tonsils. Over time the food would rot and cause bacteria in my throat, hence the foul smell and bad breath.
Then he told me the only solution to getting rid of tonsil stones was to undergo surgery and have my tonsils removed!
I had never had surgery before in my life and was very nervous so I did what any normal person does, I “googled” it on the Internet. I did some research and found out the average recovery time for an adult having a tonsillectomy was at least 3 weeks, sometimes even longer.
I could not afford to miss work for 3 weeks!
Then I read horror story after horror story about how painful the procedure was for an adult. How you couldn’t eat or drink for weeks. And how you had to stay all drugged up to numb the pain.
But the ear, nose, and throat specialist had told me that I would either have to cope with the tonsil stones or have them removed surgically. My heart sank. Tonsil stones were already causing me to avoid romantic relationships because of my foul breath. I was so ashamed. And now, unless I underwent a painful surgery, I was given a life sentence. I cried that night. Why me? Was I being punished for something I had done?
After feeling emotions of anger and guilt for about a week, I decided there was no way I was going to let these tonsil stones take control of my life any longer. Surely there must be a way to get rid of them without surgery. I decided to ignore what the doctor told me and
Tonsil Stones Treatment
find out the truth for myself.
I committed myself to learning anything and everything about tonsil stones and how to get rid of them without surgery.
I went on a mission to discover why so many people were affected with tonsil stones. I went to natural therapists, homeopathic doctors, and even a Chinese herbalist but they couldn’t help me. I took a slew of herbal medicines and natural antiseptic drops but nothing worked. The tonsil stones were still there.
After two years of this constant emotional battle, I finally found a different and viable solution to this common problem. It was quite simple, really, and it attacked the root cause of tonsil stones, not just the symptoms.
It was quite a journey to uncover something that really worked and I must admit, I was skeptical at first when I tried it. But the evidence was right there in front of my eyes. I decided that I might as well try it and see what happened. I had nothing to lose anyway so why not?
I truly didn’t think I would EVER get rid of the tonsil stones and the chronic bad breath that had tormented me for so long. However, I desperately wanted to feel better about myself and I wanted these tonsil stones GONE FOR GOOD, so I decided to give it my best try.
Within just a few days, I began to notice some improvement.
The extremely foul breath I had suffered with for years started to subside. After about 2 weeks the bad breath was completely gone and so was any sign of tonsil stones.
I couldn’t believe it. I held my hand in front of my face and exhaled. My breath was neutral. I rushed to the bathroom with a flashlight looking for any visible tonsil stones in the mirror. NOTHING. I swallowed several times and my throat was completely clear.
My tonsil stones were gone, forever! I finally felt free again!
“It Worked… Thank You!”
Dear Diane,
Thank you so much for sharing this information. My doc would only tell me surgery was the only option. But your method, it worked. It was simple and it was easy. Thank you!
“Anyone Can Cure Their Tonsil Stones”
Dear Ms Puttman:
Thank you so much for writing this book. It gave me a clear understanding of exactly why people get tonsil stones.
Once I understood exactly what was causing my tonsil stones, it was so easy to get rid of them permanently. Really, anyone can cure their tonsil stones with this method.
“Thank you for giving me my life back!”
Thank you for giving me my life back. I tried just about everything under the sun to get rid of my tonsil stones. After reading your ebook and following your treatment, I’m cured!
I have been suffering with this most of my adult life and tried everything shy of surgery to get rid of them – none which worked. I couldn’t believe how simple the cure was.
Everyone with tonsil stones should try this.
So, may I ask you, what have you done in an attempt to get rid of your tonsil stones? No doubt you’ve tried most of the same things I did. You may even be considering a painful, drawn out surgery to have your tonsils removed. Have you given up on trying to find a cure for your tonsil stones and “settled” for coping with them the best you can?
Let me tell you right now, it doesn’t have to be this way!
You do NOT have to live with tonsil stones any longer.
Nearly 10 years have passed since my amazing discovery. I can honestly and confidently tell you,
I created this simple guide for getting rid of your tonsil stones once and for all to spread the word to the countless other people out there who are going through the same misery I did, desperately looking for a cure but unable to find one. And, to help those people who have given up and decided to “cope” with disgusting tonsil stones.
I wrote my story and am sharing the exact program I followed to get rid of tonsil stones forever because you need to know that there is something you can do. You don’t need to suffer with this embarrassing ailment any longer. This is an easy and inexpensive solution to a problem that won’t go away on its own.
You can get rid of your tonsil stones without drugs or painful surgeries.
You can stop the embarrassment and humiliation.
You can start changing your life today.
I want to help you because I do not want you to continue going through what I went through on a daily basis for so many years. I know what it is like to deal with tonsil stones on all levels, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I know the burden and strangle hold this is having on your life! I care about you and I am 100% confident that with my help you can permanently get rid of your tonsil stones just as I did!
Our Tonsil Stones Removal Guide
get up close and personal again!
My step-by-step guide will take you by the hand and show you the exact steps you need to permanently eliminate your tonsil stones FOREVER.
Imagine being able to get face to face with your partner without holding your breath or wondering if they notice your bad breath!
I will show you the exact steps I followed to easily and naturally remove my tonsil stones and keep them from coming back forever.
Finding this solution has completely changed my life for the better and freed me from a nightmare that had taken over my life.
Here is just a small sample of the things you will learn when you invest in my guide:
My proven 4 step solution to naturally eliminating tonsil stones and keeping them gone forever WITHOUT SURGERY!
Freedom from the pain and embarrassment caused by tonsil stones and their side effects.
How to prevent tonsil stones from returning for the rest of your life.
Imagine being able to get up close and personal with your partner without feeling self-conscious of your breath.
Discover what foods promote the growth of tonsil stones and what you can do to replace them in your diet.
Why doctors don’t completely understand tonsil stones and why they are so quick to rush to surgery or medication as the only option.
A complete understanding as to why some people get tonsil stones and some people don’t.
Discover why your tonsil stones may be the warning sign of another serious health condition and discover how to fix this condition AND get rid of your tonsil stones at the same time.
Focus on the root cause of tonsil stones – not the symptoms.
Get your life back – Imagine no longer feeling like a slave to your situation but being able to once and for all get rid of tonsil stones forever.
Learn how to identify the problem ingredients in your food that are making your tonsil stones worse.
Finally, complete and honest answers as to why drugs and surgery are not the answer.
Stop the need for “coping” mechanisms like breath mints and sprays.
And much, much more…
“I Finally Found The Cure”
After years of suffering, going from doctor to doctor, with no light at the end of the tunnel, I finally found the cure I was looking for when I found your Banish Tonsil Stones book. I owe you a huge a debt of gratitude
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Feel free to use this as a testimonial on your website if you’d like
“The Only This That Works!”
This book is a must read for anyone suffering from tonsil stones. If you’re like me, you’ve tried everything including antibiotics. This was the only thing that worked. I gave your program to my sister who also suffers from tonsil stones and she is doing great.
Are you ready to get rid of your tonsil stones once and for all?
This solution will work… when you work with it. I can give you directions and show you the way – but only YOU can make it work for yourself.
Take the steps so many other skeptical tonsil stones sufferers have taken. Download the Banish Tonsil Stones ebook today.
My Banish Tonsil Stones guide is currently on sale for $77 $37
This price is ust a fraction of what you are spending on doctor visits and medicine. Not to mention the embarrassment you feel on a daily basis.
I am not sure how long I will leave the price at $37 but it will return to $77 at some point.
Because my guide is downloadable and can be viewed on any computer, you can start to use this system today. You don’t have to wait for shipping – you’re literally just a couple of clicks away from getting instant access to the Banish Tonsil Stones guide and starting your new journey to a life, free from the pain and embarrassment that has held you back.
Immediately secure your LIMITED EDITION RISK FREE copy of the Banish Tonsil Stones now!
YES!!! send me my copy right now YES!!! I understand my RISK FREE investment is covered by your 60 day cash back guarantee
If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in Banish Tonsil Stones guide. Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.
YES!!! I want to INSTANTLY SECURE my copy for the heavily discounted price of just $77.00 $37
If you’ve come this far already looking for a cure and learning how to “cope” with tonsil stones, and you’ve experienced the emotional ups and downs that have gone with them but yet still have those annoying tonsil stones, then don’t you think you really owe it to yourself to at least try Banish Tonsil Stones?
Heck, you deserve an end to your embarrassment – you deserve to find out how simple and easy it can be to naturally get rid of your tonsil stones for good without the burden of a huge hole in your wallet from trying a ton of useless alternative therapies.
You have a simple choice to make right now – this could be a major turning point in your life. Are you going to say “no thanks” to this opportunity, live with the embarrassment and accept your tonsil stones as “just a part of life?”
OR are you going to take control of your life, be a master of your own destiny, stop covering up your tonsil stones and break out of your own version of solitary confinement and return to a life of freedom and vitality again? The choice is yours.
Only $77 $37 With Lifetime Access
Here’s to your future free from the pain and embarrassment of tonsil stones!
Best regards,
Diane Puttman
Former tonsil stones sufferer
P.S. If you have tonsil stones, you need this guide. Even if your tonsil stones haven’t become severe, they won’t go away on their own. They will just continue to get worse. You owe it to yourself to eliminate these disgusting tonsil stones once and for all.
P.P.S. The current price is just $37. Please order your copy immediately as I cannot guarantee this price will not increase in the future. So grab your copy now while it’s still at this low price. Don’t you owe it to yourself to try “the proven” way to eliminate tonsil stones?
Immediately secure your LIMITED EDITION RISK FREE copy of the Banish Tonsil Stones now!
YES!!! send me my copy right now YES!!! I understand my RISK FREE investment is covered by your 60 day cash back guarantee
If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in Banish Tonsil Stones guide. Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.
YES!!! I want to INSTANTLY SECURE my copy for the heavily discounted price of just $77.00 $37
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
Tonsil Stones! *up To $22/sale* New Vsl!
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/tonsil-stones-up-to-22-sale-new-vsl/
Tonsil Stones! *up To $22/sale* New Vsl!
 Buy Now    
“My Tonsil Stones Were Completely Gone In 4 Weeks…”
I got your book and did what you said and my tonsil stones were completely gone in about 4 weeks. It feels so good not to be embarrassed. This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.
Banish Tonsil Stones
“Finally, you can discover exactly how to get rid of your tonsil stones for good… don’t even think about having a long, drawn out surgery or wasting your money on expensive nasal sprays and tablets.
This step-by-step program will show you exactly how to get rid of your tonsil stones naturally and ensure they never come back!”
From the desk of Diane Puttman creator of BanishTonsilStones.com
I know exactly what brought you here today!
I know how it feels to think at first that you can just cope with your tonsil stones and get through life without treating them. I understand what it’s like to have a boyfriend and not want to kiss him because your are embarrassed of your foul breath.
I remember what it felt like to be so ashamed of having this condition, trying to hide it from friends, family, even my partner. You’re not alone. I went through exactly the same roller coaster ride of emotions that anyone with tonsil stones goes through.
What if I told you there was a simple, easy and cheap way to permanently get rid of your tonsil stones for good without surgery?
“It Feels So Good No To Be Embarrassed”
Dear Diane,
I have suffered with tonsil stones for nearly a decade. When I first read your story, I felt an instant connection with you and your experiences.
I can not tell you how long it’s been since I didn’t feel self conscious being close to someone. I got your book and did what you said and my tonsil stones were completely gone in about 4 weeks. It feels so good not to be embarrassed. This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.
“My Tonsil Stones Are Completely Gone”
I just wanted to say thank you for your book!
Finally, a simple solution to his problem that has plagued me for so long. I followed your method exactly and my tonsil stones were completely gone in 3 weeks. My breath was noticably better within a day. I couldn’t believe it. Something so simple, worked so well.
“You Have Changed My Life”
Ms. Puttman,
After I read your story, I realized that I was not alone with these awful tonsil stones. There were other people out there with the same thing. I had gotten to the point where I didn’t even want to kiss my husband.
Just like you, I went to the doctors but my tonsil stones always came back. They told me the only way to permanently get rid of them was to have surgery.
In a last ditch effort, I purchased your guide. I followed the steps exactly as you laid them out and now my tonsil stones are gone… and they’ve been gone for six months now. The best part is that I know that I can keep them from ever coming back.
I cannot say thank you enough. You have literally changed my life.
When I was 18 years old I had smelly balls clamped on my tonsils, and I thought I had tonsillitis..
My problems started when I was just 18 years old. When I first spotted these foul, smelly “balls” clumped on my tonsils, I thought I might have an infection in my throat, maybe even tonsillitis. There really wasn’t much pain associated with them but they eventually started appearing in my mouth as well as my tonsils. I would sometimes even cough them up. At this point, I thought I better go to the doctor. After quite a lot of poking and prodding, the doctor prescribed me some antibiotics and asked me to come back in when I had finished taking them.
Ten days later, I had finished the antibiotics but the tonsil stones were still present. So, my doctor prescribed more antibiotics, this time a different kind. But, after taking antibiotics twice, the tonsil stones were unphased and still in my throat. I just hoped they would go away on their own.
Eventually, I became convinced these stones were just food that was stuck in my throat. I would get a long Q-tip or even a chopstick and attempt to dislodge what was there but I was unable to remove them with these methods.
I went back into my Doctor and he referred me to an ear, nose, and throat specialist. As soon as he looked in my mouth he said, “looks like you have tonsil stones.”
“Tonsil what?” I replied. I had never heard of such a thing.
The specialist told me they were quite common and went on to describe the process by which the tonsil stones form.
Food particles were being trapped in the tiny crevasses on my tonsils. Over time the food would rot and cause bacteria in my throat, hence the foul smell and bad breath.
Then he told me the only solution to getting rid of tonsil stones was to undergo surgery and have my tonsils removed!
I had never had surgery before in my life and was very nervous so I did what any normal person does, I “googled” it on the Internet. I did some research and found out the average recovery time for an adult having a tonsillectomy was at least 3 weeks, sometimes even longer.
I could not afford to miss work for 3 weeks!
Then I read horror story after horror story about how painful the procedure was for an adult. How you couldn’t eat or drink for weeks. And how you had to stay all drugged up to numb the pain.
But the ear, nose, and throat specialist had told me that I would either have to cope with the tonsil stones or have them removed surgically. My heart sank. Tonsil stones were already causing me to avoid romantic relationships because of my foul breath. I was so ashamed. And now, unless I underwent a painful surgery, I was given a life sentence. I cried that night. Why me? Was I being punished for something I had done?
After feeling emotions of anger and guilt for about a week, I decided there was no way I was going to let these tonsil stones take control of my life any longer. Surely there must be a way to get rid of them without surgery. I decided to ignore what the doctor told me and
Tonsil Stones Treatment
find out the truth for myself.
I committed myself to learning anything and everything about tonsil stones and how to get rid of them without surgery.
I went on a mission to discover why so many people were affected with tonsil stones. I went to natural therapists, homeopathic doctors, and even a Chinese herbalist but they couldn’t help me. I took a slew of herbal medicines and natural antiseptic drops but nothing worked. The tonsil stones were still there.
After two years of this constant emotional battle, I finally found a different and viable solution to this common problem. It was quite simple, really, and it attacked the root cause of tonsil stones, not just the symptoms.
It was quite a journey to uncover something that really worked and I must admit, I was skeptical at first when I tried it. But the evidence was right there in front of my eyes. I decided that I might as well try it and see what happened. I had nothing to lose anyway so why not?
I truly didn’t think I would EVER get rid of the tonsil stones and the chronic bad breath that had tormented me for so long. However, I desperately wanted to feel better about myself and I wanted these tonsil stones GONE FOR GOOD, so I decided to give it my best try.
Within just a few days, I began to notice some improvement.
The extremely foul breath I had suffered with for years started to subside. After about 2 weeks the bad breath was completely gone and so was any sign of tonsil stones.
I couldn’t believe it. I held my hand in front of my face and exhaled. My breath was neutral. I rushed to the bathroom with a flashlight looking for any visible tonsil stones in the mirror. NOTHING. I swallowed several times and my throat was completely clear.
My tonsil stones were gone, forever! I finally felt free again!
“It Worked… Thank You!”
Dear Diane,
Thank you so much for sharing this information. My doc would only tell me surgery was the only option. But your method, it worked. It was simple and it was easy. Thank you!
“Anyone Can Cure Their Tonsil Stones”
Dear Ms Puttman:
Thank you so much for writing this book. It gave me a clear understanding of exactly why people get tonsil stones.
Once I understood exactly what was causing my tonsil stones, it was so easy to get rid of them permanently. Really, anyone can cure their tonsil stones with this method.
“Thank you for giving me my life back!”
Thank you for giving me my life back. I tried just about everything under the sun to get rid of my tonsil stones. After reading your ebook and following your treatment, I’m cured!
I have been suffering with this most of my adult life and tried everything shy of surgery to get rid of them – none which worked. I couldn’t believe how simple the cure was.
Everyone with tonsil stones should try this.
So, may I ask you, what have you done in an attempt to get rid of your tonsil stones? No doubt you’ve tried most of the same things I did. You may even be considering a painful, drawn out surgery to have your tonsils removed. Have you given up on trying to find a cure for your tonsil stones and “settled” for coping with them the best you can?
Let me tell you right now, it doesn’t have to be this way!
You do NOT have to live with tonsil stones any longer.
Nearly 10 years have passed since my amazing discovery. I can honestly and confidently tell you,
I created this simple guide for getting rid of your tonsil stones once and for all to spread the word to the countless other people out there who are going through the same misery I did, desperately looking for a cure but unable to find one. And, to help those people who have given up and decided to “cope” with disgusting tonsil stones.
I wrote my story and am sharing the exact program I followed to get rid of tonsil stones forever because you need to know that there is something you can do. You don’t need to suffer with this embarrassing ailment any longer. This is an easy and inexpensive solution to a problem that won’t go away on its own.
You can get rid of your tonsil stones without drugs or painful surgeries.
You can stop the embarrassment and humiliation.
You can start changing your life today.
I want to help you because I do not want you to continue going through what I went through on a daily basis for so many years. I know what it is like to deal with tonsil stones on all levels, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I know the burden and strangle hold this is having on your life! I care about you and I am 100% confident that with my help you can permanently get rid of your tonsil stones just as I did!
Our Tonsil Stones Removal Guide
get up close and personal again!
My step-by-step guide will take you by the hand and show you the exact steps you need to permanently eliminate your tonsil stones FOREVER.
Imagine being able to get face to face with your partner without holding your breath or wondering if they notice your bad breath!
I will show you the exact steps I followed to easily and naturally remove my tonsil stones and keep them from coming back forever.
Finding this solution has completely changed my life for the better and freed me from a nightmare that had taken over my life.
Here is just a small sample of the things you will learn when you invest in my guide:
My proven 4 step solution to naturally eliminating tonsil stones and keeping them gone forever WITHOUT SURGERY!
Freedom from the pain and embarrassment caused by tonsil stones and their side effects.
How to prevent tonsil stones from returning for the rest of your life.
Imagine being able to get up close and personal with your partner without feeling self-conscious of your breath.
Discover what foods promote the growth of tonsil stones and what you can do to replace them in your diet.
Why doctors don’t completely understand tonsil stones and why they are so quick to rush to surgery or medication as the only option.
A complete understanding as to why some people get tonsil stones and some people don’t.
Discover why your tonsil stones may be the warning sign of another serious health condition and discover how to fix this condition AND get rid of your tonsil stones at the same time.
Focus on the root cause of tonsil stones – not the symptoms.
Get your life back – Imagine no longer feeling like a slave to your situation but being able to once and for all get rid of tonsil stones forever.
Learn how to identify the problem ingredients in your food that are making your tonsil stones worse.
Finally, complete and honest answers as to why drugs and surgery are not the answer.
Stop the need for “coping” mechanisms like breath mints and sprays.
And much, much more…
“I Finally Found The Cure”
After years of suffering, going from doctor to doctor, with no light at the end of the tunnel, I finally found the cure I was looking for when I found your Banish Tonsil Stones book. I owe you a huge a debt of gratitude
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Feel free to use this as a testimonial on your website if you’d like
“The Only This That Works!”
This book is a must read for anyone suffering from tonsil stones. If you’re like me, you’ve tried everything including antibiotics. This was the only thing that worked. I gave your program to my sister who also suffers from tonsil stones and she is doing great.
Are you ready to get rid of your tonsil stones once and for all?
This solution will work… when you work with it. I can give you directions and show you the way – but only YOU can make it work for yourself.
Take the steps so many other skeptical tonsil stones sufferers have taken. Download the Banish Tonsil Stones ebook today.
My Banish Tonsil Stones guide is currently on sale for $77 $37
This price is ust a fraction of what you are spending on doctor visits and medicine. Not to mention the embarrassment you feel on a daily basis.
I am not sure how long I will leave the price at $37 but it will return to $77 at some point.
Because my guide is downloadable and can be viewed on any computer, you can start to use this system today. You don’t have to wait for shipping – you’re literally just a couple of clicks away from getting instant access to the Banish Tonsil Stones guide and starting your new journey to a life, free from the pain and embarrassment that has held you back.
Immediately secure your LIMITED EDITION RISK FREE copy of the Banish Tonsil Stones now!
YES!!! send me my copy right now YES!!! I understand my RISK FREE investment is covered by your 60 day cash back guarantee
If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in Banish Tonsil Stones guide. Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.
YES!!! I want to INSTANTLY SECURE my copy for the heavily discounted price of just $77.00 $37
If you’ve come this far already looking for a cure and learning how to “cope” with tonsil stones, and you’ve experienced the emotional ups and downs that have gone with them but yet still have those annoying tonsil stones, then don’t you think you really owe it to yourself to at least try Banish Tonsil Stones?
Heck, you deserve an end to your embarrassment – you deserve to find out how simple and easy it can be to naturally get rid of your tonsil stones for good without the burden of a huge hole in your wallet from trying a ton of useless alternative therapies.
You have a simple choice to make right now – this could be a major turning point in your life. Are you going to say “no thanks” to this opportunity, live with the embarrassment and accept your tonsil stones as “just a part of life?”
OR are you going to take control of your life, be a master of your own destiny, stop covering up your tonsil stones and break out of your own version of solitary confinement and return to a life of freedom and vitality again? The choice is yours.
Only $77 $37 With Lifetime Access
Here’s to your future free from the pain and embarrassment of tonsil stones!
Best regards,
Diane Puttman
Former tonsil stones sufferer
P.S. If you have tonsil stones, you need this guide. Even if your tonsil stones haven’t become severe, they won’t go away on their own. They will just continue to get worse. You owe it to yourself to eliminate these disgusting tonsil stones once and for all.
P.P.S. The current price is just $37. Please order your copy immediately as I cannot guarantee this price will not increase in the future. So grab your copy now while it’s still at this low price. Don’t you owe it to yourself to try “the proven” way to eliminate tonsil stones?
Immediately secure your LIMITED EDITION RISK FREE copy of the Banish Tonsil Stones now!
YES!!! send me my copy right now YES!!! I understand my RISK FREE investment is covered by your 60 day cash back guarantee
If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in Banish Tonsil Stones guide. Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.
YES!!! I want to INSTANTLY SECURE my copy for the heavily discounted price of just $77.00 $37
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