#because how they're percieved is so much more important to them than how much they might have hurt other people
clown-bug · 4 months
@photomatt I have been on this site for nearly a decade, and was confident I was here to stay until they pulled the plug on it. But, this little stunt of yours has really made this site feel like its no longer a safe space to stay. I don't want a whiny dm from you, asking what you did wrong or trying to call predstrogen a liar. The trans comminity has spoken to you many times before now about what the problem with you is. This site wasn't even a completley safe space for trans people before this all started, because you and the rest of tumblr staff have never done anything but shrug off people who exist on this site literally just to plan harassment campains against random trans bloggers.
but now that you've gone and made a whole show out of this, those same people much more proudly and voilently transphobic than you are have come out of the woodwork to start spewing more garbage than ever because your actions are making them feel safe to do so.
Saying 'i belive in trans rights' or whatever else is not a get out of jail free card. You need to reflect it with your actions as well.
right now, you're actions are causing a disporportionate ammount of harm to trans people, intentional or not. You can belive whatever the hell you want in your head, but all we have to go off of here in the real world is that you are going around deleting the blogs of trans women that are criticising you. Trans women are allowed to dislike and criticise you, like anyone else. If you are deleting the blogs of trans women that have talked about you in any negetive light, while leaving others alone, that means that trans women are not being treated equally by you. Therefore, you are being transphobicly discriminatory.
thats not even touching on how a lot of the users who's blogs you deleted depended on the comunities they had built for financhial support and have been put in harms way directly because you decided to be petty and delete them without commiting any violations. You are infringing on their financhial stability as well as their free speech.
and instead of acknowledging these complaints and concerns you have continued to double down on the idea that you've done nothing wrong. You've even gone as far as following predstrogen on other platforms to continue harassing and defaming her for something that is YOUR fault. Quit calling her a liar while you change your reasoning for why she was terminated almost every time you talk about it.
This is an unaccepable abuse of your power. This won't be soon forgotten by anyone.
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knifvd · 8 months
SHIPPING INFO — ♥ answer the following for your muses so people know how shipping works on your blog !!
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i write a lot of original characters , so any of the ships i have with my writing partners ( katarina/mirage w/spookyhubby , aiko/eiji w/solivcgant , jay/django w/puckish-rogue , aiko/el w/cupid ) . i have a lot of original characters that i don't write anymore , but i love their old ships too , but the main reason i don't write them is because people wouldn't be interested in them :( as ppl r barely interested in my ocs rn a;lskjdfa;lskjdf
but in terms of canon characters i don't have any really big ships that are canon , i have preferred ships that i have for them even though i don't write them necessarily , but the others would be ( sage/yoru w/galaxythixf , sage/reyna , sage/viper , neon/fade , soraka/voli w/valhiir , soraka/therapy , soraka/sett , soraka/pantheon , lux/jinx , lux/caitlyn w/ferinehuntress , soraka/vayne , uhh ... i just be rattling this shit off give me a moment ... viktor/jayce , mc/eiji w/solivcgant , mc/seven , ethan/therapy , chara/therapy ... sage/jett ) although the list isn't extensive , and doesn't cover everything : i think chemistry is the most important in a ship and if two characters have it then i'm always gonna consider them an otp LMAO !
it very much depends on where those muses are in life ; generally for younger muses i don't really believe or like age gaps more than 2 - 3 years , esp with muses that are ... at the very least below the age of 20 , but i base it very much off what i think and find comfortable in relationships in my life . like , katarina is around 28? 29 and one of her main ships is around 39 , but i find that more appropriate since they're both well and full adults .
i think a lot of it borders on suggestive when you're mentioning arousal , but any touching of things that necessarily would be covered by underwear is enough to call it nsfw in my book .
um . yeah . i think a lot of shipping comes from the muses chemistry , obviously , but a lot of it also comes from how much chemistry i have with the mun outside of it . a lot of times if i don't feel comfortable with a mun it'll be a lot harder to ship with me .
see question 1 . but also , therapy .
yes . generally , yes , especially if you want to pursue something outside of flirty based chemistry threads or asks . but also , if you want to ship with one of my characters based on what you've seen on the dash , i'm a dm away . i'm not as scary as you guys might percieve me as .
... no ? to both ? i think all relationships ( romantic , kinship , friendship , familial , etc ) to muses are an integral part of developing the muse you have , obviously , but your entire muse shouldn't revolve around one ship / ships , they're more than just the people they're connected to .
i'm a multifandom blog . pls don't ask me that . for valorant i guess it'd be sage/reyna , sage/yoru , sage/omen and sage/jett , for league it'd be ... lux/jinx? i guess? or aphelios/sett or ezreal/ekko and ... a lot of others ; there's like 130+ champs in league BAHA . i don't have many fandoms outside of that .
ask . unless you're cupid or ori then we're forceshipping already /lh but yeah ! i love shipping , and i suck at responding , so please , if you want to ship , please just ask me , and if i say no , that just means i can't see it for the two you mentioned , but that doesn't mean no to shipping with you in GENERAL ! so please , feel free to ask me / dm me or add me on discord ( as of 26/10 , it's soworakas ) !
tagged by : stolen ! tagging : @spookyhubby , @dhmpire , @daemonry , @toxichem , @galaxythixf , @ferinehuntress , @vonerde , @puckish-rogue , @bitterseadrop and you , the person reading this !
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 1 month
Hello! I was thinking that companion!Étoile would, with some familiarity, want to ask Majexatli about their solitary worship of Malar, since so many Malarites live in nomadic bands of werebeasts, and whether they felt that: because it was alone that they found their god's favor that it was alone they must stay, or whether it was because they felt that they would not be accepted by lyncathropes, not being one of them — though this could be remedied with combat or ritual if it was truly a divide (and Étoile would speculate that the way Majexatli's blessing manifests would be awe-inspiring to those with deeper understandings of these things), or if it was because Majexatli felt better than their peers and that how they were living was a true devotion or expression of bloody chaos, or if Majexatli had been living in their happiest circumstances before the nautiloid, giving their solitude no thought or de-prioritizing finding other ways to live because of joy or comfort?
They would be thinking of how their mother, saved by Auril, had never felt compelled to seek out cultures that worshipped the same (she feels her worship is right for her (generally) and more correct than others (often but not always)). And they would be thinking of themself, othered in most circumstances, but wanting to understand their own relationship to their god through a better understanding of people and the world.
If this ask makes you uncomfortable for any reason, please feel free to ignore!
Ohohohoho, this is a great question!
I think Majexatli has remained solitary for a few reasons.
One is that it's reflective of the fact that they themselves feel like they don't belong anywhere. There's many things influencing this, yeah? For one, they've never themselves had any sort of support system or family or community. As a young child they were passed around foster care, when they ran away they lived on their own for years, and once they became a druid, even though they were surrounded by others, they never were truly seen as part of the community, they were forever an outsider. For better or for worse (though mostly for worse), solitude has become the most familiar to them. While they could have tried to seek out other Malarites, they spent so much of their young life learning that they're on their own in the world and can only rely on themselves.
And to your point about worrying of not being accepted, I think there is the worry that if they weren't accepted, then there truly was no place for them in the world, perhaps in avoiding other Malarites, they can avoid that fear. But also, in avoiding other Malarites, they can live in the not knowing. The way one might put off going to a doctor for a concerning symptom, because the not knowing might be easier to deal with than the potential answer.
And I think in general they do worry that they might not be accepted, because Majexatli tends to deal with imposter syndrome in feeling like they're a fraud somehow. With Malar, there's a few things that fuel that feeling, the fact that they were a worshiper of Silvanus, they were a druid and faithwarden, the fact that they have some compassion and kindness that might not be always in line with Malar, and the fact that they aren't a true lycanthrope but their shapeshifting comes from their druidic powers that they're reluctent to give up.
Another part of it I think comes from their Silvanus background, strangely enough. In leaving Silvanus, they've almost over corrected and tried to distance themselves as much as they can from him. Being in a community and worshipping together was something they did with Silvanus, so they instinctually avoided it with their Malar worship. Another point in regard to Silvanus is that their issue with Silvanus was more or less Silvanus' neutrality and what they percieved as inaction and centrism. Given that, they hold very high importance with their personal connection to Malar
I think if Étoile shared about their mother, Majexatli might relate a bit to her. They were saved by Malar, they think Malar worship is the right path for them, but they don't necessarily see their way of worship as being correct. Their focus on their own solitary worship of Malar is because they think that's the right way for them, and that they need the personal-ness that they never got with Silvanus.
I also think that Étoile's view of wanting to understand their own relationship to their god through a better understanding of people and the world would be interesting to Majexatli, right? It's kinda novel concept and I think Majexatli would think that it's interesting. I think Majexatli would benefit from looking a bit more at other people and the world, they just have never truly done that because as mentioned they only ever had themselves for most of their entire life.
(As a tangent, just something that I thought of in lines with Majexatli only ever having themselves, I think that while Majexatli is in general optimistic, I do think they are slightly jaded and disillusioned but they don't quite realize. They've been alone nearly their whole life and faced isolation and being othered everywhere they went, and as much as they would like to think that it didn't have a negative effect on them, it did. They tend to assume the worst of people and believe that the world is a terrible and unkind place. It's just harder to notice them being bitter because they push themselves to help people in spite of it. Perhaps though it's in part fueled by their hatred of the balance, much like Minthara said, the balance is an excuse for stagnation. Majexatli believes the world to be terrible and people terrible, but to accept that is too close to the neutrality of the balance and upholding the status quo.)
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raydays-swap-au · 11 days
Alright, so right now I'm making a sketch for my swap!Eve design, but while doing so I sort of realized some color stuff in relation to demons/sinners, angels, exorcists, Adam, Vox, etc.
[ Ramble under the cut if you're interested in design nerd stuff, which may or may not have already been noticed by others online, and sorta goes into speculation/theorizing territory ]
Alright, so while it's sort of obvious at first glance, heaven and hell are very red- and blue-aligned respectively. And if you take a look at how this type of general coloring is used in Adam, Lute, and Vaggie, it's actually pretty interesting if you ask me ( mainly when it comes to Adam though. )
Now, first and foremost I should mention this isn't a catch-all thing. I'm sure there's some characters this doesn't apply to, but I'm not gonna check every character to see if my theory runs true with every character. Not to mention accents colors likely don't have a significance every time in every design lol.
Anyway, take Charlie, Lucifer, and a few sinners like Alastor, Rosie, Husk, Mimzy, and Velvette as examples. They're all mainly red in their color schemes. On the other hand, Emily and Sarah are both very much blue and are both angels. While we don't exactly see how Lucifer looked before he fell, nor have we seen any other angels ( not counting winners, ) there is a chance Lucifer was mainly blue before The Incident similarly to some of his pre-fall fanart.
Now, if we take a look at Vaggie and Lute, both of them have yellow, purple, and red in their designs. Vaggie mainly looks to have a magenta-ish red and dark purple in her design, but her irises are actually a very pale yellow. Lute, on the other hand, is mainly gray, having purple-ish undertones, with yellow accents and irises, but her scleras are actually a very faint red too.
This is obviously pretty interesting already, but if we combine this to look at Adam, he is actually mainly wearing blue and yellow. Taking a look at the previous ( general ) colors assigned, he wears the main colors of both the angels and the exorcists.
If we go with the theory that he's actually human and somehow got into heaven without dying first or something, this could actually be a nod to how he's pretending to be an angel and exorcist, quite literally wearing a mask to pass as one. Like, it's literally pointed out on his fan wiki that he wears the mask even in casual settings.
On top of that, it's interesting he chooses yellow to be his face color. While the majority of his "body" aka clothing is blue, the more important parts of his designs are yellow. This not only is shown in his face- as in the first thing most people look at on a person- but his arms and wings are also yellow. While the wings are part of his body and therefore more significant, his arms is what he uses to do stuff ( like kill. ) This shows- in my opinion- that not only does he want to be percieved as an exorcist more than an angel, but he also acts as one mostly. Similarly, his actual eye-color is a yellow-greenish color.
It could also be noted that exorcists have that red in their design because they should be demons/hellborn/sinners/whatever, but were made to be angels/exorcists, and therefore aren't. Why doesn't Adam have any red in his design then? Cuz why would he add red in his performative mask, if red is what demons are "supposed" to be/represent. Like, it'd make more sense to just use the colors accociated purely with exorcists with angels and exorcists, without "showing" the bad. Obviously he's terrible at this when it comes to his personality, but still.
And to add onto that: Vox is sort of the exact same way to some extent. He wants to appear good and have a good image, but he's actually a horrible fucking person ( I still love you Vox dw <3, ) which is why he's mainly blue, but has red accents that's his real self. It also follows how he's sort of bad at keeping his actual self hidden ( at least when Alastor is involved lol )
Also, if you follow this logic that the color used on you can reference your morality/what you are, it actually goes to show why Charlie is right in the sense not all sinners are bad. Why? Cuz sinners and winners all have an aray of hues on them. Sure, they usually fall into the same category ( fx. Winners have pastel colors usually, ) sinners aren't all completely red- some not having any red on them, fx. Angel Dust who's pretty much just pink. Some sinners are also blue+red ( Vox, ) pink+yellow ( Niffty, ) green ( some background sinners, ) and so on. Either way, my point is that morality is far more nuanced ( in some cases, ) and isn't just black and white ( or in this case: blue and red )
Idk I just thought it was neat, and while I could be reaching, it's still a fun thing to notice and theorize about. I'll go back to drawing now :3
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theonetrueyeet · 1 month
spider ramble... particularly about false widows
in a Mood™ abt spiders currently, ESPECIALLY false widows. been going back over my arachnid section of the invertebrate module bc i have exams soon and its late and im frustrated abt how false widows get portrayed by the media and percieved by the british public... this is gonna be long and rambly and probably not make much sense and go off in a million and one diff directions sorry i just feel like talking abt spiders. this also came about bc of the big fuckoff house spider that was in my room last night on the top of my door frame but since it was late (like. midnight) and also out of my reach i went eh. ill deal with it in the morning. and then i woke up in the morning and no more spider to deal with! which i should be more stressed about i feel but im so exhausted from the run up to exams and other life stuff that im just like ok cool thats Around somewhere now ig. im guessing it was a female from the size but i cant be sure... anyway without further ado onto the main show.
so here in the uk we arent exactly known for our venomous animals. we have some but they're nothing really that dangerous (to us as humans at least. im not going into venom-prey specificity rn ive had ENOUGH of that recently). we have the european adder (which is also percieved as terrifying bc its a venomous snake but it poses very little risk to us as humans bc they are very shy and i have a lot to say abt adders but thats for another day), wasps, bees, some venomous fish (didnt know this until i found one rockpooling they r pretty neat), even some stinging jellyfish and siphonophores like the portuguese man o war. and then we have the spiders. all species of spider are venomous (minus the uloboridae family, aka the cribellate orb weavers which im not too sure off the top of my head if we have those in the uk... we might have one or two species?? idk but they arent venomous and i think theres another family that has some non venomous spiders BUT THE POINT IM MAKING IS PRETTY MUCH ALL SPIDERS ARE VENOMOUS). there are 650ish spp of spider in the uk and of those VERY FEW are at all medically significant. of these few are the rabbit hutch spider, the cupboard spider, and... the noble false widow. these 3 spiders are all known as false widow spiders. we also occasionally get the meditterreanean false widow, but to my knowledge these only arrive on imports and dont have a population within the uk.
belonging to the genus steatoda, false widows are usually seen as these terrifying death spiders that will kill you just for looking at them when really... they arent actually that dangerous. most cases of bites being severe are either a) a result of an allergy or b) it was actually caused by something other than the bite itself (such as a bacterial infection in the bite, or the "bite" not actually being a bite) or even c) greatly exaggerated by the tabloids (shocker)... like ok we dont have many scary animals in the uk but. we dont need to overexaggerate the ones that really arent as bad as people think! badgers probably pose more of a threat to you than a false widow does. have you seen a badger?! they look so cute but they are VICIOUS those things will FUCK YOU UP and give you TB on top of getting absolutely mauled. a false widow will, at most, just make you feel a bit ill for a couple of days. me personally i would take a falsie over the badger. false widows also only bite in defense! most of the time they bite because you didn't see them and happened to be a very big thing up in their personal space! tbh i would bite too
false widow bites are, to most people, no more harmful than a wasp sting. so its not exactly a fun time but its not exactly the limb destroying death bite that the british media loves to make it out to be. most bites are probably dry bites or have near neglible amounts of venom, so won't cause anything more than a bit of pain. when venom does get involved it gets a bit more complicated bc it depends on how ur body reacts to it. as i said before, most ppl its not much worse than a wasp sting but it can cause things like muscle spasms, sweating, and a raised temperature. it rarely gets worse than that. of course you can be allergic to it which will cause anaphylaxis which is a medical emergency, but this is an exceptional circumstance. most ppl bitten by a false widow will not experience that. the panic over false widows in the uk is a mixture of media-driven mass hysteria and arachnophobia.
anyway in conclusion shoutout brandon collier who did an amazing talk abt false widows during the bhs venom day both at the 2022 and 2023 events both of which i was lucky enough to attend. if i cant go to venom day this year you will see me on the news.
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freckliedan · 2 months
just u mentioned it in one of ur recent ask replies, whats a fagdyke /genq and how is it different to . a dyke (i am also a dyke LMAO)
quite earnestly i have no way of answering this for everyone who IDs as a fagdyke but i can answer for myself! for me (& many others, to my knowledge) it's a gender thing. the very short version is that my gender is both fag and dyke, the way some people's gender is dyke.
i first started both ID'ing as a nonbinary lesbian whose gender was just dyke & using they/them pronouns in 2018 (the same year i made this blog). for me the main part of my identity at that time was the lesbianism? being othered from womanhood was a result of my sexuality.
because like. a lot of cishet womanhood is shaped by being attracted to men and performing gender in a way that's attractive to men. i embodied neither of those things, which automatically disqualified me from many people's definition of womanhood. so i was nonbinary not because i identified away from my assigned gender but because the consensus definition no longer included me.
i embraced dyke as gender, it's something i did very intentionally, but being nonbinary was still a secondary part of my identity. it wasn't until 2019 that i more fully interrogated my gender and started viewing transness as a more central part of my identity?
i started doing that interrogation when i started questioning whether lesbian was the best fit for me. my then-recently-nonbinary-partner was just beginning to explore gender more and i knew that if they someday realized they were a man & felt misgendered by me being a lesbian that lesbian would stop being the right fit for me.
which. that came fully from me? i worry about phrasing this in a way that'd somehow paint my husband in a negative light but it genuinely was just a point at which i started thinking directly about my gender rather than bypassing it by focusing on my sexuality. (and yes, they're my husband now, he's since figured out they're a nonbinary trans guy).
i stopped being nonbinary as an afterthought of lesbianism and started just being nonbinary which was! quite honestly a lot to process because i'd been ignoring it for a long time. but it's been half a decade and i've done my processing?
i realized that what's true for me is that my gender is both fluid and not singular. i label myself as queer and genderqueer when talking to cishet people, maybe as genderfluid/bigender/multigender if getting into the specifics. but that's not how i label myself to me or to my community? (well. queer is).
what i've realized is that like. my attraction is always queer. in a relationship with a woman or dyke aligned nonbinary person, my gender would be more dyke than anything else. in my relationship with my husband my gender is more fag, & the same would be true in a relationship with anyone whose gender is more aligned with man/fag.
(i say more in both of those examples because like. my gender still fluctuates for other reasons. i have days where i feel very little internal sense of gender. i have days where i experience both fag as a gender and dyke as a gender at the same time. the list goes on).
my gender is contextual in a lot of ways—the way i experience gender is different in the more rural red state used to live in vs the big city in a blue state i now call home. but the context of relationships is one of the biggest ones, because it's one of the biggest impacts on how other people percieve me.
like, to strangers and aquaintences i am my husband's husband or spouse, because it's most important to me to be understood as queer. but in much more personal circles i also sometimes call myself his wife, because that's sometimes a more accurate reflection of my gender and the people who i'm comfortable calling myself that around already are familiar with how i experience gender & with the fact that our relationship is queer.
i know that a lot of people likely view fag and dyke as two mutually exclusive identities, as an extension of the binary of man and woman. but even when i was just IDing as a nonbinary dyke i had more in common with nonbinary fags than with cis women. and the fact that i am a dyke has not gone away now that i've also realized i am a fag.
in full i'd describe myself as a fairy fagdyke femme. fag goes first because it's how i more often present myself to the world.
i know i'm not the only person with seemingly contradictory identities like this, but it's not something i talk the most about? a LOT of the queer community constantly regurgitates subtly bioessentialist & transphobic ideas that make it like.. uncomfortable (at best) to be present in both lesbian and gay men's spaces as a bigender/multigender person.
so i primarily connect with other trans people, especially genderfreaks like me.
ummm my last note here is. for many other fagdykes or dykefags their definition of the label and personal experience is completely different from mine! it can be the same thing as being a dyke. some dykes are transmasc but still have dyke as their main gender and identity. i'm barely scratching the surface on this.
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celestite-caroline · 4 months
Droid Village - randomly assorted thoughts once more
The extinction of humans happened in 2734, while phantom crystals were discovered in 2411.
Robots nowadays don't have distinct countries anymore, but the ones built before the humans went extinct were, obviously, built in specific countries. Colonel was built by a Polish man, Tadeusz Żuk, while 56-18 Plasma and 94-48 Sparkbot were made by a Chinese company. Seweryn was also Polish, but built moreso by a company as well, and MedTech-376 was built in a German factory.
When it comes to serial numbers, despite robots from a series being referred to by the series' title (like PITs or AGUARDs), it's also correct to use the series' "template" (such as PIT-0000 or AGUARD 0000) to refer to them.
PIT-5102 is helpful, friendly, and selfless... a bit too selfless. Being one of the many, many PITs produced, they don't percieve themself as important, not as an individual unit. They tend to dislike it when they mess up in any way, and are therefore very dedicated to doing their job well. They don't notice flaws in others as often, though.
Their relationship with FLO-R4 makes them realize there's more to them in the optics of their friends, and it matters that these friends see them as unique - they don't see it right away, certainly, but FLO-R4 always liked them for being, well, themself, either way. PIT-5102 is still learning to accept it.
Sometimes, they bring FLO-R4 random little organisms they find in the caves, like mushrooms or moss, although FLO-R4 also doesn't mind hearing about the interesting stones they find either.
As overall helpful as FLO-R4 is to others, they consider themself more important than the other villagers because of their job. That's why they can come off as slightly arrogant, or percieve their contributions to the village to be greater than they actually are. Generally, looking down on others subtly.
Their relationship with PIT-5102 and TerraSO-4's friendship with AGUARD 1997 make them realize that their talents and rareness shouldn't be making them feel they're above others, or at least it shouldn't make them treat them worse. They slowly learn to pay more attention to others' talents, even if they seem mediocre in comparison.
56-18 Plasma built Lampi as a learning unit, which means Lampi's a robot that learns skills from experience instead of having a ready database. While they mostly keep track of how Lampi develops, especially around the lab, Plasma is just glad to have a friend around. Lampi was around for only 15 years, so they have much to learn.
Despite what could be expected, they met Colonel only once they moved into Droid Village. Their friendship bloomed rather quickly due to them being older robots from before humans went extinct, certainly, but they just generally like interacting together. It helps that 56-18 Plasma often gives repairs to Colonel.
There was an occassion when it turned out that 56-18 Plasma forgot to register Lampi as an existing robot, which resulted in them having to go with Drifter X31 to Commastok on the nearest occassion. To their and Lampi's relief, they didn't need to change Lampi's name.
Having been built as a factory error specimen meant that AGUARD 1996 lacked many characteristics Lopen AGUARDs need to control their alien herds properly, such as the usual unit's height or strength. Even if they used other advantages they may have, such as their speed or their claw's sharpness, they still think of themself as flawed. They tend to turn to violent options because of how they learned to deal with the Lopen, and they have a short temper - as short as a robot could have, at least. Still, they do want to help others in the village, and they are glad when they do succeed in their job - they hate failing in their purpose even more than PIT-5102.
They have a hard time with meeting other Lopen-oriented AGUARDs, and have cancelled an order to transport a new batch of Lopen to them on at least one occassion. Drifter X31 didn't exactly like being notified about it this late.
AGUARD 1997, being built to care for the Bijou, is a generally calm robot. They love helping others and want to make sure others feel pleasant, and they often percieve things positively. They don't feel upset with others too often, but when they do, they have trouble making others aware of it.
They like visiting TerraSO-4, as the two like sharing topics together, such as about what they find beautiful, or general village stories. FLO-R4 is just glad TerraSO-4 has a friend, especially one who matches the AI's enthusiasm about aesthetically pleasing things.
TerraSO-4 is quite the pleasant AI, and appreciates when they get to interact with more robots. Just like FLO-R4, they are incredibly proud of their work, though the desire to be recognized for their importance can make them jealous of their robotic sibling.
Both AGUARD units have an option to play the same sounds their alien pets make, which helps with luring them in a bit more.
Colonel has trouble with remembering things on an inconsistent scale, which means sometimes they forget specific events or facts, and other times they remember them just right.
FLO-R4 keeps in contact with FLO-R2 the most out of all the other FLO-R units, same going for their AI companions. FLO-R2 doesn't always appreciate it, but she doesn't mind talking to them on a videocall from time to time.
FLO-R2 is one of the few still existing robots to be referred to by gendered terms, which is because she's gotten so used to feeling connected to the organic life she works with that she adopted that characteristic in particular.
Due to her job, she can filter the water she collects in her hatch without hurting the organisms inside, even using a mechanism in one of her arms to throw out the resulting dross.
Despite damaging PIT-5102 for not much reason, ARES 1410 didn't suffer much consequences. Colonel called their parent company, Arsenal Inc., about the incident, but the company never did much about 1410 specifically. As far as everyone knows, they're still doing their usual patrols.
There was one time where ARES 1410 crashed in Droid Village due to their rotors failing, ungraciously landing on AGUARD 1996's part of the alien barn. You could imagine neither AGUARD 1996 nor anyone else was happy with that happening. 56-18 Plasma fixed them up after they were brought to their lab, but 1410 specifically was sent away as quickly as possible. PIT-5102 thankfully didn't meet them directly this time.
Interestingly, ARES units, as a concept, are heavily repurposed from a former war-oriented series of robots called TalonACE, down to the transformation ability - although TalonACEs could also transform into jets and tanks, depending on type. ARES units are essentially the post-human version of them. They keep in being overall combat-oriented instead, and some units don't even resort to violence as often as others, just moreso strictness instead.
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burning-sol · 1 year
I feel like I have to restate for y'all that Exandroth is not an entity that blindly hurts others like some of you people think he is. Exandroth's violence is directed with more care than you may realise, and when I see this mischaracterisation it gets on my nerves. The only people Exandroth has hurt with intention has always been Peter and combatants.
Exandroth is in step with Thanatos when it comes to where they decide to be violent, the only difference being that Exandroth enjoys tormenting the enemy whereas Thanatos doesn't. You're not going to find a point in the series where Exandroth just ATTACKED an npc that wasn't an enemy or a percieved threat (<- referring to when Peter's friend jumped them).
Exandroth did hurt Rumi/Thanatos on two occasions in battle, but that was directed out of utility rather than malicious intent (when Elotl was shrouding the room in darkness and Exandroth used a spell to attempt to make them visible, when Exandroth launched Aona at Thanatos to stop him from getting grappled). Which ANOTHER thing I think is important to consider; Rumi was covering up as many of their injuries as possible in battle and Thanatos is built like a tank <- you can see how Exandroth may have possibly overestimated how much damage they could actually take. But it's not like Exandroth just left them hanging though, I distinctly remember Exandroth healing Thanatos though I can't remember if they have healed Rumi? You get my point anyways, Exandroth wasn't just hurting them she was supporting them in combat too.
Also fun trivia, episode 2 of the campaign Exandroth actually heals an npc of her own accord. At the very start. Which would be a very weird note to start on if Exandroth's intention is to maximise pain towards the people around it.
So the next time you suggest that Exandroth would torment someone without reason I WILL snap your neck. Exandroth hurts Peter because they have no respect towards him and Exandroth hurts combatants because no duh they're the enemy, but Exandroth has not hurt anyone else with a direct intention to.
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seerofmike · 11 months
ask meme: 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 20
5. Share one of your strengths.
everyone has always told me that i write invidiual character voices very well. i try to make narration and dialogue distinct and i think i do a great job!
my vantage is completely different from my crypto who is completely different from my octane, and on the surface octane may look like he'd share the same narrative voice as leo from rise but my leo rise voice is different from octane's and ohg i just love writing how different characters would describe things or percieve situations.
i do want to give a special shout out to my vantage from my mad science fic. i don't care for her character that much but writing her was so fun and judging by the reception i got from it when posted people really enjoyed her character voice too.
6. Share one of your weaknesses.
scene-setting, environmental description, action. god this problem plagues me when reading, writing, AND drawing. i simply cannot picture where characters are or what they're doing or how they're having this conversation, sitting down or standing up. in my brain, everything takes place with characters standing around in a white void until something happens in the environment. visually it looks like that one scene in coraline. you know the one
here's how my fic writing process goes. dialogue, emotion and feelings and shit, basic plot action like going to the next necessary location, or maybe a super important event, or the set-up and punchline to a non-verbal joke. then i go back and add like 1k-2k words of just...setting. description. action. response. reaction. physical action. THEN i go over it again for like actual editing and proofreading
i can give you an example right now of what i mean
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everything highlighted here was not what was originally written and was added later so the scene would be more than just "he said/he said" and maybe it's because i'm the one who wrote it but like...you can tell it was tacked on.
i'm trying to get better at this and started drawing a storyboard for my current rottmnt fic because that one relies on action more than introspection and dialogue, but if u ever ask me to describe a location...girl i would need 30 minutes to think about it
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
umm...this one is kind of hard actually i don't really remember specific pieces of prose i write outside of dialogue!! if i had to pick it would be maybe this specific bit from chapter five of my simulacrum Crypto AU, Four Oh Three:
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this is way more than a snippet lmao but writing this entire chapter was super satisfying with everything i'd set up so far. crypto not knowing if he actually felt attraction to octane or if his feelings were just the lingering result of his programming, trying to figure out what he could feel, IF he could feel, octane touching him and inviting him to touch him in turn, all the conflicting emotions that came with that.
i really felt at the time that it all really came together in a very drawn-out but deserved scene of intimacy (nearly the whole chapter?) after the result of like uhhh 30,000+ words of tension that i don't think i've ever really written before or since. i usually like to get straight into the dick in hole action lmfao but i was very satisfied and proud of myself for this one
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
so this isn't even writing advice it's programming advice LOL but several years ago i heard of rubber duck debugging in which programmers tell a rubber duck their code line by line until they realize what's causing them a problem. and ever since, for lengthy fics or things outside my comfort zone, i've described overarching plot details and invidiual chapters to either stuffed animals or my cat and if it sounds stupid being said out-loud then i usually decide it'd be stupid and nonsensical in a fic too and i change it up LOL
14. What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
controversial opinion maybe but i think telling people that every scene in a book should only serve the narrative/plot is STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!! books aren't movies, you don't have a runtime limit!!! i think you lose out on so much character and introspection and world-building by forcing every scene in your book to only be plot-relevant stuff. sometimes characters interacting with each other and doimg stuff in their world is just fun or interesting and that's all it has to be
20.) Describe your perfect writing conditions.
i have my headphones plugged in and am listening to my music. the chair is comfy and i can lean back but my laptop is on a solid surface. i am supplied endlessly with coffee and fizzy drinks. all is well
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mxrtified777 · 1 year
I know my own zodiac sign and that is about it
okay ive got a 20 minute free period so lets see what i can word vomit
So, to start off, you have your sun sign. your sun sign represents your personality to put it simply. (also known as your star sign or zodiac sign.) this is one of your more important signs since your personality obviously makes up a large part of you. this is the first placement in your big 3/big 6.
Next, you have your moon sign. this represents your inner thoughts and emotions. pretty simple and straigh forward, another important part. (note that you must know your time and place of birth to calculate your moon sign.) this is the second placement in your big 3/big 6.
Then theres the last of your big 3, your ascendant or rising sign. this is your physical appearance, the general impression you make, and your public face. a lot of people can easily get tripped up when guessing your zodiac sign because theyre simply looking at you, which is perceiving your rising sign lol. (note, you also need to know your time and place of birth to calculate your ascendant.)
Now getting into your big 6, your mercury sign! this represents your communication style and the way you percieve information. pretty straightforward.
Next big 6 is your mars sign. your mars shows how you take action, when you act, your motivation and drive for doing things, as well as your sexuality; venus is about love and romance, so naturally youd assume that sex also fits in there as well, (and to some degree it does,) but i like to picture it as the difference between physical sexuality (mars) and mental love/romance (venus.) mars can also play a little into your appearance.
And the final placement in your big 6, your venus sign. your venus sign mostly covers romantic love, general love, and money. your type, how you persue people, and more of your sexuality is covered here.
Thats the very basics for placements, so now lets move onto elements.
Air (gemini, libra, aquarius)
air signs are typically seen as very mentally active, each in their own ways. they also tend to come off across as charming, with gemini and aquarius being a little more unconventional than libra placements. these signs are stimulated through conversation and other people.
Water (cancer, scorpio, pisces)
water signs are seen as the most sensitive and emotional elements. their sensitivity can give them a warm, trusting touch. scorpio placements tend to be very emotionally intense in a darker way compared to pisces and cancer, though they're all a little strange in their own way.
Fire (aries, leo, sagittarius)
fire signs are seen as the leaders of the elements with their confidence and social skills. these signs are typically the most social of the elements, each because of their own reason. these guys can typically be spotted from a mile away.
Earth (capricorn, taurus, virgo)
the most stable signs of all of the elements, earth signs. known for being grounded (and a bit stubborn on occasion, especially with taurus), these signs are typically seen as reliable and dependable. these signs have been blessed with logic and common sense.
i could do a whole other post on sign compatibility like there is so much with astrology. i have barely scratched the surface
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chemicalarospec · 2 years
hi im a terf misandrist following you . just letting you know i will be spreading your posts to radblr and everyone will know youre one of us :)
On the off chance you take a look at this response (let's be honest, who's really gonna follow-up on a hate anon, but you did say you're my follower), let's start with the important thoughts I have for you: what is it that makes the men evil? The testostrone? Why, then all women are evil too, because that's a universal hormone! The Y chromosome? I'm not famaliar with TERF ideology but what about intersex women, who were raised as women and live as women and might not even know? Do TERFs reject these poor, innocent women, victim to biological diversity? Is it the fact that men occupy the privileged position in society? Well, then if you enact your dream society and subjugate men and institute a matriarchy, wouldn't all women become evil?
And spend a moment thinking about how much it hurts to be known as someone you're not -- something I assume you understand since you appear to be attempting to threaten me with it. Think about hating your body, and how horrible that would be if you felt that way about the place in society you take. Why do you inflict such pain upon people, for such little benefit? You try to protect the norms of society or the division of men and women, yet both of those things have been very different across cultures and times.
From your attitude, I may be talking to the King TERF themself here, but, hey, it's worth a shot. Consider these things.
Okay now on to the normal response (if you want to get in a catfight and not debate, start here) because, despite how much I try, I am a person of very little patience and sometimes I just want to let it out.
I love how you started out so frightening and then just gave the least impactful threat of all time. I guess that would be scary to people who TERFwatch all the time and are terrified as being percieved as bigoted idiots? But, believe it or not, I actually have more than one active brain area and didn't even think to feel fear at that. And I instantly took "everyone" to mean "all FARTs" (usually I don't deal in useless insults but now really seems like the time) because most of this website already has yall blocked and nobody likes TERFs but TERFs. Hey, maybe that's a hint that your ideology doesn't make any sense in the real world when you take a step back!
If "everyone knowing [I'm] a [person completely lacking empathy and intelligence]" is your goal I don't see how you will succeed because I have both those traits and share none of your views. But if you're offering to give me some free notes, I do have some other unpopular opinions, and I'd love to strike a deal, whip up a few posts, and convert all TERFs to being anti- magic crystals, witchcraft, astrology belief, and pseudoscience/anti-science attitudes in general! Just like your beliefs, these ones are not popular with feminism at large, which is a sign you should adopt them! (However, unlike your beliefs, mine do not involve making the world unsafe for for people who believe differently (not that I respect them, but I can let them live freely), so maybe they're not cruel enough for you.)
In any case, as I love blocking people and investigating things, you've made me look forward to carefully examining my followers to root you out :)
A threat for a threat is only a fair trade, so here's my threat to you: One day, you're going to mature. You'll realize that if your beliefs are shared by people who don't "believe" in evolution and climate change and tell people to "go back to where you came from" -- and believed for the same reasons --, they aren't the most measured and sensible convictions. You're going to realize that hating any one group of people and calling them evil, especially for something they cannot change, is worse than offensive and bigoted: it's illogical.
(And make friends IRL. I think that would help you get a sense of reality.)
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haughty-ojousama · 1 year
Anyways, gotta keep in mind abt materialist class conditions, before I get muddled again...
the world rn is divided into proletariat and bourgeoise, this is because our economy is based on production of commodities as opposed to production of food as it has been for most of human history.
the proletariat can only obtain value from what their bosses allow them because they own no capital (instruments of production), and so basically they're at the mercy of their betters.
bourgeoise are subdivided into 2 groups, the workers who own their own labor (petit bourgeoise) who are going to get disintergrated as capitalism ages and have pretences of becoming full bourgeoise so they act as if their economic interests are aligned, and the full on bourgeoise, who own capital and cannot make livlihood without the proletariat.
it is in both classes' interests to extract as much value from the other as is possible, and by the normal rules of capitalism, the bourgeoise are winning because they have a lot of workers to extract value from, and that aggregate makes them far more powerful by operating within the rules of a capitalist system
ironically though, the bourgeoise are at the mercy of the proletariat because they DO NOT CREATE THEIR OWN VALUE, so if they were to be deserted, they would be completely helpless.
tho prevent this, they seek to divide up the proletariat. an easy way to do this is to value some jobs significantly higher than others, (remember the burgerflipper vs doctor discourse), not just in wages, but percieved importance, so lower workers are spat upon as being entitled. intra work competetiveness and hostility distract from organizational efforts
another method of control is via identity politics, by supposing men better than women, and whites better than colored, (and other things) economic anxieties can be pinned on underprivileged identities, and furthermore, because of there being several underprivileged identities, underprivileged groups can be pitted against each other (white women vs colored ppl, colored men vs colored women, etc, etc)
this is a really rough MO of capitalist systems, but let's see how they intersect with states.
essentially, electoralism is kinda a sham, nevermind the fact that only bourgeoise candidates would be able to run a campaign, we also gotta consider parties and campaign contributions
basically, because government ppl already get money from constituents no matter what, extra money from outside corporate interests has swaying power, meaning a politician as a rule, will listen to their donors first and foremost. the second part of this control scheme is the existence of parties: democracies are essentially beholden to people to some extent, the idea is to centralize votes, keep them away from actual radical actors and towards a handful of options who are funded and made prominent. parties serve as the main avenue for political power because independants never win anyways, and as such, serve to suppress reformists and the like.
basically, each politician you elect has been screened by corporate entities and selected for maximum preservation of status quo, with addendums added to keep the scam running.
this has the curious side effect of promoting imperialism: because proletarians will end up organizing under bad enough conditions, labor laws are forced in to placate them, but this reduces extractive power of the bourgeoise, so they need new and complacent workers. here's where imperialism comes in: to ensure a nation is ripe to be plundered, it needs to be made economically unstable, and outright repressive, this is achieved by exporting bigotry, destroying infrastructure, sanctioning domestic industries into bankrupcy, etc, once presented with a nation in utter poverty teeming with intrapersonal strife, a corporation can easily buy out domestic industries and make themselves the economic backbone of a country while leveraging a puppet govt to massacre labor organizers
basically, every western govt is an evil puppet of numerous corporations that exists to cause mass death overseas for the sake of profits, it is a unified and powerful threat that as far as I can tell, requires a centralized group to combat it.
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monstrsball · 2 years
ok ok ok you asked for ppl to talk w you and i am in an oikawa Mood so i am here to share some headcanons that are making me kind of insane rn:
firstly. i have talked abt this before but biracial oikawa is living in my head fully rent free atm
thinking abt him being underestimated and belittled b/c of it, thinking abt him feeling outcast his whole life, thinking abt him and all the insecurities he might have
but also thinking abt all the pride he might have in being half latino, all the love he has for the little bits of culture his mother has kept safe for him, him speaking spanish and no one knowing what he's saying but that allowing him to get away with a thousand little love confessions that no one has to know how honest he is being in saying them
anyways i digress from all of my emotional projecting. no one percieve me.
so oikawa has an older sister, who i think is probably much older than him-- she was kind of a second mother to him while growing up, and they got distant when she moved out and started living w her boyfriend/fiance/husband. when takeru was born, oikawa was SO excited to be an uncle, and that's part of what drew him and his sister together again
i think he's absolutely terrible with change, which is something that comes to bite him every time he moves up a school year and the volleyball team members change
he believes in his team with his full heart, always always always, but he also gets scared at the beginning of each school year that this team isn't going to work/bond in the way that prev teams have
it always ends up ok, but a big part of that is because of all the work he does to cultivate the atmosphere he wants/needs
(iwaizumi, on the other hand, is pretty good with change and can adapt to huge life events with a lot more grace than oikawa can)
this is a pretty common take, but he has both ears in ALL of the gossip at aoba johsai. he knows everything that's happening with and to everyone, no matter how minor the story. he doesn't do anything malicious w/ it and he doesn't necessarily spread the rumors, but oh, he KNOWS them
in general, people tend to trust him with their secrets (something abt the smile) and he has a reputation of being able to keep quiet about ppl's secrets-- when they confide in him, it doesn't get out (or, it doesn't ever come from him at least. but as a rule, all gossip at aoba johsai spreads quickly..... yahaba and watari's gossip sessions at lunch are loud)
though with oikawa's quality secret keeping skills being said.... iwaizumi knows absolutely everything oikawa knows. he just also knows how to keep his mouth shut.
he's the KING of hype up speeches, always knowing exactly which buttons to push to get someone to smile and get energized
iwaizumi says the way he does it is a little manipulative; oikawa says it's just good people skills, iwa, you should learn them
i know everyone is like oh iwaizumi excels at every sport and oikawa is too focused on volleyball to do anything else, but i think that oikawa, while he doesn't excel at any other sport and he doesn't particularly care to try, knows the rules to all of them
this is mostly because he wants to understand what's happening when iwaizumi plays soccer/baseball/whatever. he will not be admitting this to iwaizumi any time soon.
ok this got real long real quick so i'm gonna stop lmfao but i hope you enjoy these because i am vibrating over them
thank you so much i love all of these you are literally so right about all of these. especially oikawa not being good with change like that actually makes so much sense to me? and it adds another layer to his move to argentina. like it's such a big decision and he's not good with change but he does it anyway because it's his dream and he gets to work with one of his biggest role models.
also the bit about watari and yahaba's gossip sessions... excellent. i love the seijoh second years <3 they're seijoh's middle children but they're so important TO ME
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shannaraisles · 2 years
Rant incoming - body image negativity warning
So I'm a big girl, right? Fat, that's the word. I am fat.
Not only am I fat, I am unattractively fat. I am not an hourglass, or a pear. I have no shape. I have big tits, no waist, and no arse. So naturally clothes shopping is a fucking nightmare.
I gave up on shopping in actual shops more than a decade ago. The "plus sized" shops back then only provided clothing that was designed to make you feel fatter, OR was in black to "hide" your shape. Shopping for clothing was something to be done in shameful silence, and gods forbid you ever had to try something on. I was always certain the girls manning the changing rooms - who could have chosen anything in that shop to wear and found it in their size - I was always certain they were laughing at me, the fat woman who thought she might possible be able to fit more than one thigh into the dress she was holding.
I never could fit more than one thigh in. I always returned what I had tried on to the shelf or rack myself, rather than face the sheer mortification of allowing those girls to know I admitted defeat in the face of so-called fashion standards.
I wore mens clothing for years. I lived in hoodies and jeans. I hid away everything about myself.
Then I fell in love, and thanks to this amazing woman, I am coming out of my shell. I have started to wear dresses and colours again. I dare to take up the space that my body demands of me, and most of the time, I'm getting good at ignoring the judginess I percieve in others around me.
And then comes a day like today.
I need to find a dress for a wedding. I am going to be in the company of hundreds of people I have never met before, at a summer function, in the middle of fucking nowhere. The only person I will know is my girlfriend - I'm only really passing acquaintances with the bride and groom. So I NEED to be able to fit in. I cannot stand out in this crowd. I cannot let myself have a panic attack in a fancy mansion house surrounded by strangers, I cannot do that to my girlfriend. I need to go into this feeling like I have gathered the best armour I can to face my own anxieties and my perception of how others see me.
But I have spent two hours looking through dresses on the internet. I have seen several I like, but there are problems ... I'm too big, or they don't stock the size I am, or their measurements don't match the conventional sizing they're claiming to use, or they're made out of fabric that will turn me into a sweaty monster, or they're just too fucking expensive because obviously the stores have to charge a quarter or more above the standard rate for a plus sized product.
I am close to tears, and my girlfriend is aware of this. She has set out food for an early supper, and I am not touching it. She knows how I work, she knows I am now struggling with my own self image and if I'm not caught up on it, I will just not eat for the next however many hours until I physically HAVE to in order to prevent myself getting ill.
How the fuck has the fashion industry been allowed to get away with this? Is their fucking profit margin really so much more important than the mental health of more than half the population? (Yes, I am including men's fashion in this, because I'm damned sure there are many men out there who experience the same insecurities and terrors and push back when they attempt to buy clothing that flatters them.)
Oh, wait ... fucking capitalism.
Fuck off.
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psalmsofpsychosis · 2 years
you dont quite know how much trust issues you've got until you sit to write and you understand exactly how much of the process is just. You trusting your audience and their inner world and like, not only trusting it but actively giving it ground to play out
Like, for all the ideas people have around writing being a solitary affair, it really is a massive collaboration of humanity, and it's not even bound to time and space. Say, when carpenters work together to fix a roof, they're working with the version of each others' physical and psychological ability that exists at this very moment. No the coworker's body from two weeks before, not the future, not their grandparents' body, but the exact body that exists right now.
Writing is not like that.
When you sit to write, you're subconsciously and consciously leaving empty spaces in what you portray and your audience's inner and outer life will fill it, whether you intend it or not. Your story will always be an unimaginably singular and unique experience not necessarily because you wrote something unique, but because there will always be a chemical merge between your story and the person who reads it; your ideas being combined with another person's ideas, their worldviews, their personal life experiences, their emotions at the time, things they know and have seen and things they dont know and have not seen before, their beliefs, their current life situation, the space they're in, their culture. And it's not bound the present state of your audience either: you could write a story that a woman reads and feels scandalized by not because they dont feel comfortable with it, but because this story clashes with what her grandmother firmly believed as a life philosophy and now you're not up against that woman's imagination, but her grandmother's.
And i dont think writers quite... realise this, how much of our writing is really just us left out so we can make space for others to exist in the piece. And how beautifully others can exist in our work and enrich it in ways that we never could. The negative space in writing is as important as the words used to fill up the piece– we make masterpieces but they're not masterpieces on their own, they're masterpieces by the addition of the people who read them and engage with them. They're masterpieces because we trust someone to read them and put a part of themselves in it.
Recently i went back to read a beloved story, and it would be the 3rd or 4th read, by which point i usually grow less sentimental and more analytical towards a piece of work.
And i was surprised (and very disappointed) to find that i dont find it so spectacular anymore. In fact, i find it quite an ordinary read, with more than a few structural faults here and there. The story didn't impress me like it did the first time i read it, until i suddenly realised that it's not about the story– it's about me.
The story had not changed, it was the exact same narrative with the exact same structure as the first time i read. But i had changed, i wasn't the same person with the same inner experience and mental framework. It was me who gave value to the writing the first round, and now it was me who was taking it away. I was a defining point in how good this story was, or was not, because i am the ever-evolving, ever-changing element in it, the element that is alive.
And understanding this in my art consumption has greatly shifted the way i percieve the goodness of a work, or whether there are good art and literature pieces at all. I no longer say "a piece of writing is good" or "a piece of writing is bad", i say "i like this work" and "i dont like that one", because it's me who's shaping the experience here.
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lunieloon · 2 days
Happy Pride Month from the Lunieverse main characters!!
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Rambles on Each character's sexualities/genders below!! (Be warned: it's another long infodump)
Growing up as a kid in the early-mid 2000's there wasn't much (if any) representation in the shows I would watch, and so I never had characters I could fully relate to. That’s why now that I'm making my own shows and characters, I think it's important to have them reflect everything I was missing as a kid.
It's taken me a long while to figure out my identity, and in turn, it's also taken me a while to figure out my character's identities, so this may change in the future. But for now, I'm confident that this is what my characters are!
Starting from left to right...
Regio Corona:
Any pronouns
Regio is part of what I like to call the "Self Insert Trio!" He's a character based more off of myself in appearance and also reflects more of my own internal struggles than some other characters.
They are very indifferent about their gender, as far as they're concerned, it doesn't matter. She thinks it's a waste of time worrying about it and would rather focus on being alive than how they're percieved. He also doesn't get how people can fall in love with the first person that crosses their path. The only person they've ever liked is Lyall-Dean. Everyone else is just another person. That she wishes would stay away from them.
Velvet Estrella:
Velvet is another member of the Self Insert Trio! They're the epitome of "I'm probably nonbinary but i have a job, so i don't care about that now." Through they are fully aware that people see them as a girl, and it bothers them a LOT. But saving the world has to come first, sadly.
They're also bisexual! And though they don't get crushes easy, sometimes it's hard to deny someone's attractive when you need to see them every day (especially at their job)
Mea Mine:
Okay okay, last member of the Self Insert Trio I promise XD. Mea is an avid hater of love trianges- so her solution to those is date everyone involved! She has 3 partners, and though it was a learning curve for them all at the start, it sure beat whatever complicated love square situation their lives were before XD
Bea Lex:
Bea is an immortal teenager. She will watch planets rise and fall, and people explore all of the universe. And throughout it all, she will know one thing for certain: Girls are pretty. Luckily there is no doomed yuri here! Because her gf is also an immortal teenager!
Stephenson Ken Royden:
Stephenson is the prince of a medieval-style planet. He grew up listening to stories about knights saving princesses and princes slaying dragons. But he would always wonder why knights couldn't save princes instead? After all, slaying a dragon seems like dangerous work, and he would much rather get saved by a knight instead. (And the women in his family proved to be much better equipped to slay a dragon if needed)
Spacey Cosmos:
Spacey is the son of interplanetary diplomats Astro and Nebula Cosmos, and though his planet is currently going through a population decline crisis, he's managed to avoid knowing anything about it since he's been travelling between planets his whole life, so he's completely chill with being gay. (This may be the only aspect of his identity that he is chill with.)
March Calendar:
Despite all the other shit he's had to deal with, the one silver lining March had in his life was how easy it was to transition when he discovered he was trans. His parents were rich and spent most of their time travelling while under the impression their kid was at boarding school (something March unenrolled himself from as soon as he could use a computer) He then used the money that would have gone to boarding school on HRT and junk food. It worked so well his parents didn't even realize he wasn't a boy to begin with.
Oh Yeah, he's also bisexual, but he's had zero luck with anybody. (at least until he meets Ener)
Blu Ponds:
In a wild combination of tragedies and life-changing events, Blu is trans but doesn't even know how big of a deal it is. His parents died when he was 6. Since he was part of the lowest class of Pigmentian society he never had an official birth certificate until Petal's mom was applying to get legal guardianship over him. BUT since that was more Petal's idea, she had Blu fill out the paperwork himself. Blu was 8 years old at this point, and so he filled out the form to say he was born a boy. And no one ever corrected him on that. As far as the law was concerned he was a cis male. As a teenager, the only regret Blu has over filling out that form himself is that his name is legally Bob and now he can't change it.
Perplex Jones:
Somehow, being asexual is one of the most controversial aspects of Perplex's life. (And not the conspiracy theories or being haunted by ghosts??? Bro?!) Perplex never thought people would be mad that he didn't want to fuck them, but sadly, living in a 24/7 livestreamed content house means people are going to sexualize him. (A fact that he is very uncomfortable with!!) And to make matters worse, no one seems to take him seriously when he brings it up. (Something that he won't let slide. Trust me.) He wishes he didn't have to be here, but in order to prevent the end of humanity he does his best to ignore the adverse effects of his internet fame.
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