#batman/officer martinez
babygirlcowboy · 2 years
Wrote some Batman/Officer Martinez smut that has been sitting in my drafts for months, hope you like it.
inspired by this art by @allgremlinart 👀👀
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mikeluciraphgabe · 7 months
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Part 11 master-post
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bruciemilf · 10 months
Matt Reeves has the potential to give us the funniest comedic duo with Martinez and Bruce.
Martinez, bored out of his mind, sipping on his Barbie ice coffee: Gun to your head, would you rather kiss Joker or Riddler?
Bruce, who wanted a barbie drink too but was too awkward to order: Gun to my head? Pull the trigger
Martinez: wh E E Z E
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frownyalfred · 4 months
I just want a fic where Officer Martinez realizes his vaguely goth nepo baby crush (Bruce Wayne) is the same leathered-up freak walking around his crime scenes and punching his coworkers. Someone tell me that exists, please.
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emo-batboy · 1 year
Me: Please let me sleep. I am begging you.
Also Me, shining a light into my face: no Listen LISTEN listen. okay so a cop, a cat burglar, and a vigilante walk into a bar. They’re a crime-fighting polycule made entirely of bisexual disasters. JUST TRUST ME
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grayisblogging · 1 month
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love how martinez was kinda the polar opposite of edward at the beginning of the movie: hating on batman but being bruce wayne’s biggest fan. meanwhile edward is running the batman fan club but despises bruce 😭 love that. and i suspect martinez and batman will gradually become friends, whereas batman and riddler hate eachother LOL
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crovoroh · 2 years
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He has velcro shoes but Alfred made him wear proper dress shoes and wouldnt help with his laces cause "bruce, your 32 years old"
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nat111love · 2 years
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Robert Pattinson as Batman in 
THE BATMAN (2022) | dir. Matt Reeves
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darlingandmreames · 11 months
Obsessed with the idea of Martinez becoming so good at interacting/managing both of Gotham's resident cryptids (Bruce Wayne and Batman) that he becomes a bit of a cryptid himself
Bruce Wayne has emerged into the public eye more but hasn't become any less awkward and uncomfortable in it, and he seems borderline physically pained by any interaction he's in. Except with Martinez. Martinez has always been friendly towards Mr. Wayne the few times he ventured into public and has probably had the most contact with him out of everyone in GCPD by this point. And clearly it's paid off. Mr. Wayne never quite seems comfortable around Martinez, but he at least seems not uncomfortable either. Martinez jokes with him and fills the air with comments and aimless chatting and no one really understands what about that seems to put Mr. Wayne at ease but it does. Like, visibly. Mr. Wayne visibly relaxes when Martinez is around and even occasionally smiles? It's bizarre and literally no one understands how this happened or what Martinez did to get there but goddamn if it isn't impressive.
And then there are his interactions with Batman. Everyone is afraid of Batman. Even Lt. Gordon is appropriately cautious around him. Not Martinez though. If his interactions with Mr. Wayne were puzzling, his interactions with the Bat are downright bizarre. He jokes. He continues to talk almost incessantly. He translates the Bat's grunts and monotone hmms better than literally anyone else. A couple officers even swear they've seen Batman smile in response to a few of Martinez's comments. There's a debate as to whether Martinez is absolutely fearless or simply an oblivious idiot, but either way everyone agrees it's impressive and more than a little frightening.
Eventually everyone just agrees that Martinez is his own kind of Gotham cryptid. That's the only way he could be able to manage both Mr. Wayne and Batman so well. If Bruce Wayne is Gotham's awkward, Eternal Mood(tm) cryptid and Batman is Gotham's shadowy, frightening cryptid, then Officer Martinez is Gotham's friendly, perpetually sunny cryptid and absolutely none of his co-workers have any idea how to handle this
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br-uwu-cewayne · 2 years
I truly believe that Martinez keeps a mug of fun colored sharpies on his desk. I know this in my heart. And every time he has to sign a legal document he yearns to be able to use one, so since technically only the signatures have to be in legal black or blue ink ink, maybe...
He starts filling out his reports in regular old black sharpie first... then once Lt. Gordon seems used to that, dark blue... the light blue... then purples and pinks and greens and-
And maybe Jim grumbles about it, something about it being immature and childish and barely skirting regulation which is so unusual for such a by-the-book officer, but needing to pick his battles as he focuses more on the corruption in the department and needs all the steadfast allies he can get...
But Batman sees the little grins that sneak across Gordon's face when he pulls out a page and see the bright colors. Clocks the difference in the way the lieutenant holds his other papers up close to his face, squinting through his lenses, but Martinez's thicker, fatter sharpied script gets held a comfortable arms length away.
A day or two later, as Martinez hesitantly lets the vigilante into a crime scene (they've definitely had a better rapport since solving the Riddler's whole scheme together, but it's still fucking weird, and with a few days left of Gordon restricted to light duty... letting the man past the crime tape without his usual superior officer's escort feels a bit shadier than usual) the man wordlessly hands over a small package before brushing through the tight hallway and striding on toward the body.
Martinez stares blankly down at the little carton of pastel sharpies, brain pinwheeling around as he reads the attached post-it, printed letters tight and precise in thick strokes with a touch of left-handed lean.
light colors are fine but the metallics seem to-
Martinez squints a little, the specific shade lost to the darkness of the hall but there's definitely a clear shift here.
-bother him. you're out of purple.
"H... HEY! Did you use up my lavender sharpie?!"
"...i got you new ones."
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moider-time · 1 year
Don't be shy tell the public abt our Romeo and Juliet bruharvey au 👀👀👀
👀👀 oh y'all ain't ready lol tbh I doubt I'm gonna do this justice (and bestie I am so stealing some of your lines cause your writing?? so good)
Let's set the scene. We have the Dents (Montagues) and the Waynes (Capulets) who are at war in the streets of Gotham. Christopher Dent thinks he can try and step to Martha and her empire despite so many other people telling him otherwise.
Gilda and Harvey recently split and he's not really in the best mental space. Well he thought focusing on work was a perfectly good distraction but according to Ivy "trying to burn out your retinas by reading legal mumbo jumbo is not fucking healthy, Dent!" So Ivy and Martinez decide that he needs a night out so they drag him to a fancy dress party to de-stress. And that's where he sees him and knows he'll never be the same.
Now Bruce hasn't been on speaking terms with his parents for a while. Not since he saw his mama Martha shoot someone. He still remembers how their blood soaked the pavement, their chest stuttering as if not sure what to do. What hurt even more was seeing Martha blank-faced, not touched by the wriggling of the man in front of her. (This couldn't be the same woman who played Princes & Princesses with him - that dressed him up and made him feel loved. It couldn't be. Why is it her?)
So he leaves, gets a small apartment in well, not the best part of Gotham but it could be worse. He focuses on his passion for art and he's not struggling but his job doesn't lend itself to financial stability. Especially not when he has his babies to think about. He still keeps in touch with Harley and when she invites him for a night out with her and Selina and rightfully brings up him rarely leaving his apartment, he can't exactly say no.
So he makes sure Dick, Cass, Jason and Tim are tucked in, kisses them on the forehead, triple locks the door and heads out. He doesn't think he'll spend that long, just enough time to relax and spend time with his sister and friend. And of course it's at this party that he sees him.
Both Harvey and Bruce can agree that they never expected to see someone so pretty at this party. They see each other across the room but find it hard to push past the ever shifting masses so they can satisfy the attraction between them.
Harvey can feel the heat of eyes across his skin, his scars. He doesn't mind when people stare after all, there's no point in caring about something you can't change. He'll always be him, and people will always be people. And anyway, he'd rather have them judge the ones on the surface. The other ones; the scars he and Jessica shared from the tip of their spine to the belt of their waists, those were worse. Those were personal. Those you kept in the house.
When they finally meet, their eyes lock and their bodies graze against each other. Bruce acknowledged him with fascination instead of disgust. As if his scars were a physical trait out of the ordinary, like purple eyes or blue hair, but not inherently disturbing.
"I like your rings," he said, dropping his doe eyes to Harvey's hands. He hated them because they were silver. He started loving them again.
"Do you want one?"
Bruce smiled with his whole mouth, "Only if you take some of mine"
The music shifts so something soft and slow and as they swap rings, their bodies begin to sway and dance. Harvey carries Bruce's sapphire blue ring on a chain right above his heart. A silent promise of sorts. Bruce wears a small coiling snake with a white diamond as one eye and a black one as the other on his thumb and even then it's a bit loose. And doesn't that sight just leave Harvey breathless?
Neither of them know when they start to lean in, when their breath starts to mingle. Bruce, standing on his toes and asking if Harvey's ok with this. Saying it's alright if he isn't, that he shouldn't feel pressur- And Harvey leans down to connect their lips while they're moving to their own music.
Kissing Harvey felt like nothing else he could've imagined. Bruce had kissed a total of 3 people by his age of 29. Selina in middle school, bored and grumpy with having to act the damsel in distress in their school play. Oliver, when they were 16 and curious, scrubbing their lips until they bled and Khoa. The last lover, the love who outlived all Bruce was.
Harvey kissing him now undid 4 years of pain. It awoke romance from its graveyard sleep and spread something lovely and gentle but aggressive and savage in Bruce still. They floated through the music, not noticing or maybe uncaring of the footsteps approaching them. Bruce floated when Thomas dragged him out the door, a snake on his finger and whiskey on his lips. He hoped Harvey floated when Jessica did the same.
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craftartz67 · 1 year
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A comfortable and relaxing date together :)
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mikeluciraphgabe · 2 years
Fic Idea I will sell my emotional support hoodie for
Batman & Superman need a team up.
But not just any team up
The GCPD and MCPD need to work together as well
(This is Battinson btw)
Batman and all the MCPD officers are hitting it oddly really well. (Superman is not jealous at both sides. He’s not.)
This causes Martinez to get all possessive/protective/jealous/etc over Batman but in a really awkward way that makes everyone think Batman and this random cop are fucking
Like, Daniel (fanon name) is always glaring at the MCPD officers when they have full convos with Batman. (Batman answers with his signature grunts. But, still.)
Bruce, oddly, finds it cute/comforting
Daniel, this little Hispanic officer with little to no regard of his own safety, is all “this is my wet kitten emo bitch boy. Go get your own” despite calling him “freak” (more affection after the flood, Bruce will admit quietly to himself)
Eventually, Superman and Daniel conspire against the MCPD (god I want that team up) for a mutual “they are stealing the wet kitten from us.” And than immediately after argue about who Batman “belongs” to (in a “he works in my city!” “He brings me sandwiches at random!” Kinda way)
After the whole thing is over and done with, Batman sneaks into Daniel’s house and makes him a, very bad, coffee and literally beems at him. Like full on smiling
It freaks Daniel out cause “Batman is smiling a genuine smile????!!!”
Batman says, “Don’t worry officer, I’m still your awkward little kitten.” In the most innocent way that definitely doesn’t get Daniel’s dick interested. no stop
“Oh uh… you heard that?”
Humming, Batman only twirls his fingers around. “And the other stuff.” While shrugging
“I’m never living this down, am I?”
Batman gives him a small smile this time
(still creepy af that Batman is smiling but Martinez thinks it’s kinda cute and loves it because, ya, he did that to Batman.)
Gordon was watching the whole thing while doing the actual work like, “when will my suffering end?” And than immediately yell at the officers from both GCPD and MCPD like “I don’t care about the sunshines vs nights. Please just stop terrorizing Superman and Batman. Mostly Batman. No offense Superman sir, but Bats over there is my boy first and foremost.” (Bruce preens at it.)
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bruciemilf · 2 years
Bruce, dressed as Batman: Your lighting blue eyes can't convince me you're not dangerous, Superman
Clark, in Superman gear, just got done assisting Bruce in saving Gotham: If I'm so dangerous, why isn't your heart scared? It usually beats faster when you are
Officer Martinez, who ships the HELL out of them:
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theriddeerler · 1 year
>> Hello Gotham, this is the Riddeerler speaking.
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>> There are two very silly men in The Batman.
>> The first being the Riddler.
>> The second being Officer Martinez.
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>> Get Riddeerler’ed, Officer.
>> Goodbye .
< ? >
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roxineedstosleep · 2 years
Battison loses Kid!Dick Grayson at the Mall.
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(the gif is not mine, is from Invertedneil)
They only went for one thing, one simple thing: Richard wanted some pijamas, how could he say no to that?
Now he's got all the Mall guards searching every corner of the building, along with a very stressed Jim Gordon and a very desperate him trying to hack into every security camera in Gotham.
Damn Officer Gordon and his damn rules, didn't he see that his precious son was missing, how could he deny him his amber alert? Seems like the only one who understood him there was Officer Martinez, who was calling other of his colleagues in the nearby areas of the Mall.
"Bruce, why are there so many uniforms, what's going on?
Oh God, Dick's little voice, was he freaking out about the loss already?
But that all changed when he felt his son's hand tugging at his coat trying to get his attention.
It was Officer Martinez and Gordon who took it upon themselves to calm things down. He was only concerned with carrying his son and getting him back home, safe and sound.
And they would absolutely buy Richard's clothes online. They would take no more risks... and some embarrassment. Now all over social media they are calling him "Papa Scaredy Bear".
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