#basically she retains a lot of info from what she's reading but also is a boar woman
azusawrites · 2 years
She wasn’t sure what drove her to learn such a skill, but it had become for a while almost a passion. She’d devoured every book in Theo’s library as it talked about the subject, and before long she’d started to have dreams full of shiny crystals and pickaxes and mining songs which she understood from some of the books, were a favourite of the dwarfs who worked into those places. It was almost too easy to imagine them with their little colourful caps, as they were said to wear back in the day, working tirelessly from dawn to dusk in the mine, with only themselves and their songs as company. It almost seemed merry had it not been for the thought that in many ways, them being forced underground for such long periods of time was more akin to imprisonment than anything. It was definitely reinforced when she found out that the reason the Dwarf’s Mine had closed long ago was because of a cave-in that took the lives of the workers who had the misfortune of being inside at that time. 
wip: mirror marchen
fandom: twisted wonderland
wc: 1470
next chapter sneak peek
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sleepymccoy · 2 months
Please choose your favourite of my (imo) niche star trek headcanons
Now that I'm writing these, I wonder if any of them are straight up canon that I've forgotten lol
I'm gonna further defend my headcanons under a readmore, but it's up to you if you want to read that or just vote on the summary 😘
Scotty's actor is Canadian. Also he's so Scottish? Like, he's called Scotty, he drinks scotch, he is Scottish, so on. Too much. I think he has Scottish heritage, maybe his mum is Scottish, so he knows the phrases and his accent work is comedic but solid. But he himself was born in like Quebec
I have a whole post on McCoy's ex wife being Vulcan, it rules, give it a read here
The way America crumbles in trek history I think opens them up to invasion. I don't think Russia is still in charge, I think they've moved on from that and country borders are less political more cultural in TOS times. But I think briefly Russia had everything and Chekhov is joking about that when he says shit like that saying is Russian. We know, Chekhov, everything was Russian once, get over it. His joke is less about things being Russian and more like someone making the same joke about how everything was Roman once
TOS writers had a little cheat sheet of characterisation rules I saw here once and one said that Sulu has many varying interests, so if you need an info dump that's not one of the other main guys things, use him. So I've taken that and gone with he isn't actually into plants, it was just a six month project to better learn how to take care of them. He spent a lot of time complaining about them to Chekhov. Basically a hyper fixation and once he figured it out he lost interest, but retained all the knowledge
Cos Rand has that trick of heating up the coffee with a phaser on low. That's resourceful with ship technology that uses batteries, not mainframe power. I think she knows what matters when a ship breaks, and food and comfort need prioritising cos she grew up on a ship that was always broken. Broken ships are easier to tolerate if the coffee is served hot
I think Chapel's fiance kinda sucks in that ep, even if it was just a robot copy, and I think she loves being in space. I think she feels both relieved and guilty about it all, it's bad
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
i wanna ramble about my view on JC but i'm so bad at words
so like, i see posts where people talk about these things JC does or WWX holds back from, i don't wanna go searching but also want to leave these details out cuz i don't want to accidentally call people out cuz that is not my intention (not that i have the audience to do something like that) so i'm just gonna go from my memory and kinda summarize what i think abt him...
gonna add a read more line bc this gets long!
Uh, btw please no hostility i'm not trying to start arguments, these are just my thoughts i really wanted to get out there. i'm definitely no therapist or psychologist so take this with a grain of salt, this is the view of just an average reader who retains a lot of info [tho still manages to miss details at times]. Anyway if you have info you think i should have addressed, reply and i'll make additions if i agree/want to expand on the info presented to me!
So, WWX and JC have a weird thing going on, it's not exactly brothers but they definitely wanted that, the reason why i say they aren't solidly brothers is because i'm pretty sure Madam Yu has influenced JC from the start of his arrival which is why he doesn't call wwx a-xian or Wei Ying or A-Ying- Why he doesn't allow himself to let loose properly around anyone even in private, why he constantly scolds wwx, etc. i believe firmly he's been quite influenced by his parents due to him being the next sect heir and the pressure that comes from it, as well as what he feels like madam yu is correct on- wwx is uncle jiang's favorite.
Madam Yu still chides Yanli for doing domestic acts for WWX but not on the same level as JC, who is constantly under pressure by her to be the perfect heir to the sect. She wants him to be better than WWX, which of course affects all of the family but Yanli gets left out of the fire a bit, which i think is what gives her such a strength to do these supportive acts for the brothers [and why she's also both the brother's favorite. She's basically the mom they wish for. Supportive, understanding, and helps mediate them]. Though this is a burden she has to bear, it's not that big of a burden to her because she loves the two so much.
Jiang Fengmian... i might be spelling his name wrong, so i'll call him Uncle Jiang cuz it will be faster for me to type with no mistakes haha. Anyway, I have complicated feelings about him.
At first i thought he was great and did no wrong, but that was on my first pass and when i had just watched the donghua only. My opinion of him since i read the novel isn't bad, but it's not super good. He's in a complicated position! There's only so much he can do about his wife, they argue super often and while its not usually crazy loud, it's pretty intense. [also, i'm not sure if separation is really a thing that happened back then, i think that's really a modern thing.] I feel like we're likely seeing Uncle Jiang's will to fight dimmed down by the wear of time.
Consider: you have a family member who won't ever listen to what you say, regardless how sound your argument is- you can be completely in the right and have all the facts, but no matter how long you press on, the result never changes. Do you put in the same amount of effort for the rest of your life? No! You understand that no matter how much you argue that their answer will remain the same. I personally have a family member like this, and while i defend myself regularly, it does not go anywhere. That is the nature of some people, no matter what they may not treat your view with the respect it deserves.
anyway back to the main line here, i dont think wwx is wrong about what he said regarding JF to JC. "he's just hard on you cuz you're going to be sect leader" or whatever it was along those lines- WWX does not seem like the type to lie to make someone feel better and i think this is why JC appreciates that conversation so much (besides the heartfelt twin prides which is obviously something that stuck to him for a long time). And i agree, JF is definitely trying to prepare Jiang Cheng for his position as sect leader one day.
do i think Uncle Jiang is completely guilt free of favoritism? No absolutely not, he canonically holds wwx more as a child, which i think is hard to argue against- but i do think the context of that is missed in part by most. WWX may have been a bright kid with sun shining out his ass but he was also a scared kid that just got rescued off the streets after his parents never came home. A kid that was fighting for food from dogs and likely starving and scared because he was on the street for like 5 years [if i remember it was from age 4 to 9 in the novel]. Of course he got held a bit more- i can't imagine he would be completely unphased immediately upon arrival, at least with his Uncle Jiang who was totally willing to provide him comfort- which wwx probably desperately missed from his now dead parents. We know canonically that the memory of those parents, however small, is unreplaceable and dear to wwx- but having JF treat him dearly is truly a balm to what has happened to him.
I'm not gonna say JC didn't go through things that made him cry and want to be held, in fact if WWX came into the house and suddenly got a lot of attention, it's going to feel pretty shitty for JC! Of course this combined with abruptly losing his privacy and puppies was what initially had him pushing the other away, but as you could see, after WY breaks his leg after running off and they make up, they get really close and despite this looming responsibility and family troubles, the two are very bonded. imo making them look like 6 year olds in the donghua is an injustice to their relationship, because 9 year olds tend tend to have more emotional intelligence (?) at that age. I'm not sure how to phrase that, but basically making them look younger and act like giggling children took away from the scene a bit for me lol. Jc is old enough to realize he doesn't dislike wwx! This isn't a child quickly getting over his anger, he's young here yes, but he's decided in this moment that he cares about this new member of the family, despite being called the son of a servant. [which yes madam yu is once again influencing his view of this segregation but i think he is much better at ignoring this particular in his youth]
I am rambling more than i thought i would lmao- i have a lot of feelings about their relationship and i think it's skipped over so much
um, i'm not sure which direction i was going in before i went onto the parents. Let's skip forward.
lotus pier fell and not only did JC see wwx get humiliated and whipped and nearly disfigured, his mother who he was about to lose blamed wwx for so much. When you lose a family member you have an attachment to, whether it bad or good, this influences your thoughts about them and with no way to resolve said thoughts. i find this hard to explain, so i'm just going to hope you understand what i'm referring to here. Especially in ancient china though, i believe it's a big thing to hold such a high regard for your parents, but especially if they have passed? i can't say this is fact but i believe that is the case i just am sticking to my memory here. So these things in combination with Trauma, i believe starts this heavy, negative emotion in JC that is hard to unstick.
JC and WWX may get into a one-sided scuffle but soon after they cry together like children. They just experienced hundreds of lives lost- people they grew up with and trained with and cared for as well as the people who provided and cared for them- their family was unstable, but still was a family and support system- now they had only two people and one of them was far away, the one that was typically their pillar. I feel like a lot of people hold JC to an impossible standard in his situation- having a bad day and taking it out on someone is one thing, going through a traumatic massacre i think allows someone to get a bit unreasonable [though of course nearly choking him was quite far, remember, he's extremely unstable emotionally at this point].
"WWX didn't do that though!" of course not. WWX is a different person with a different personality, is older (though i don't know by how much), and is extremely resilient, but he does process his trauma just differently. As you see over and over in the novel, wwx goes through many things others wouldn't dream of, but he starts acting differently even before the golden core removal, not only after. He's going through the same things, but i'm pretty sure no one reacts to trauma the same way to the T. JC's just happens to be misplaced anger, which is probably way too simple a way to put it, but anyway...wwx also gets angry. very angry. The two both have the correct target of anger in the end, despite Jc's breakdown. He still harbors his mother's words, but at this point they're still in the background of his mind.
Now again we go forward- JC willingly sacrifices himself for WWX. Look, if he doesn't like wwx at all i think this is extremely contradictory. even if he was s*icidal, he could have chose other ways to get to that end if that was the case. and a gentle reminder that JC perks back up and is ready to fight once he believes WWX knows how to fix his core! i don't think he was truly wanting to die or anything like that until he thought he had lost everything except wwx and jyl. He believes in wwx's strength despite his constant fear of inferiority, so if he was gone, what would it matter if wwx was there to continue to protect yanli?
Essentially he was like 'well what are we going to do if i can't lead the sect? We would be in a homeless situation and there is a war.' aka there's not a lot of hope all around, i don't think he was only upset about the core, but it was definitely the main force because if he didn't have a core, how would he survive what was happening anyway? he's like 'if i'm gonna die let it be on my terms' yk? He also doesn't feel like he's strong enough before he lost his core to protect anyone. Without it? fat chance.
whew... this is a lot already, so maybe i'll post this and do a part two later addressing YLLZ arc, then the "present" one. i just have a lot of feelings about their relationship and i'm sad to see so much negativity around him...JC is quite flawed, but a lot of the characters are flawed! that doesn't make them bad characters, it makes them interesting and human.
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defilerwyrm · 2 years
heyo! i’m trans neutral but have reaaally been wanting to get a hysterectomy at some point in the near future (like <10yrs preferably), do you have posts from the past talking about what yours was like or got any general info to share? somehow it’s easier for me to read about peoples’ personal experiences on tumblr than it is to look up the procedure itself (major major squicking) so really i’ll take anything and everything you got. how much of That Organ Situation you managed to throw in the garbage can (i personally would like as much of that as possible out of my own carcass), how long recovery was after the surgery, sort of what the process looked like to get it done (like who you had to go through or any tests like seeing a g*no), etc etc etc. i’m on mobile so tumblr is kicking my paragraph break like halfway down the screen rn which is why this is a thick blob of words but thank you in advance for any advice you have or even just for reading this message :>
Happy to help!
Prep work
I did some internet searching to find a trans friendly OB/GYN in my area. It was actually pretty easy since I was living in Austin at the time, but ymmv. If you, too, are anywhere near Austin, I highly recommend Dr. Jenna Mushtaler. I told her what I wanted done and she basically went Cool, let's do it. It sounds like this won't apply to you, but I needed a total hysterectomy (removal of the uterus, cervix, and both ovaries) to get phalloplasty, and also my mom & her sister have both had tumors and/or cancers in those parts, so there was plenty of medical justification for it. If you're not transitioning and don't have other extenuating circumstances like PCOS or teratomas, you'll probably be given a standard hysto, which does not remove the ovaries; otherwise you'll be on HRT for the rest of your life (which isn't such a bad thing, it's just an extra thing).
I had to get I think two letters from mental health professionals, but that's a gatekeeping step non-transitioning folk aren't forced to endure.
Note that if you're under 35 and in the US, you may get pushback, but that's where going to a trans-friendly doctor comes in handy because they're less likely to piss and moan about children.
I asked the doctor if I could get one of my ovaries in a specimen jar, but that was a no go.
I'm pretty sure they made me take a piss test for pregnancy right before surgery, which was just lip service really in my case since I hadn't done anything that could conceivably lead to that in almost a year.
Right after surgery
I was kept overnight in the hospital. I woke up about once an hour to piss like a racehorse—they kept me pumped full of fluids all night, so that was the intention—while being gently made fun of by two jovial nurses who disconnected and reconnected my IV lines for me as needed.
I went home the next morning. My doctor gave me photos of my insides from the surgery and of the uterus & cervix on the little tray after removal. I still need to get those framed. In my opinion I have a cute liver.
I was out of work for I think 4 weeks; I work an office job so that was sufficient, but if you lift things at work you might be out 6-8 weeks.
The first two weeks I was absolutely useless, sleeping in a recliner most of the time and only waking up to pee and take more Vicodin. Some friends gave me a freezer buddy, which is a stuffed toy filled with temperature-retaining pellets (mine's a penguin!), which I kept on my lower belly most of the time. I didn't have a lot of soreness, I think largely because I was taking pain meds on a timer, but standing up was not particularly fun. The second two weeks I was more cogent and mobile; by the fourth week I was fully ready to be a living person again.
One week after I had a follow-up appointment. My doctor comfirmed what I had suspected for a very, very long time: both ovaries were riddled with cysts.
One thing that kinda sucked was I could only take sponge baths and use dry shampoo for the first two weeks. Get you some wet wipes.
Every so often for the first year, I'd get a little bit of pain in one of the voids where an ovary used to be. Nothing serious, just a short-lived little ache. I haven't had one of those for a few years now. I also had a few hot flashes here and there because my estrogen level had fully flatlined.
Overall it was a pretty easy recovery—but a big part of that is I had someone there with me pretty much at all times.
There has been exactly one downside to life without my puppy box and cyst factories: I have to pee ALL THE TIME. Usually once every 1-2 hours, sometimes more often than that when I'm drinking a lot of water. I talked to my mom and a friend who've both had hysterectomies and they confirmed it happened to them too. I drink 3-5 liters of water a day, though, so that's a factor. But I could definitely not make it in an Amazon warehouse or as a youtuber now, not that I could before. 1000000000% worth it.
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rutadales · 1 year
I want to hear abt what superpowers everyone has so bad I loove superhero aus
Info abt everyone's powers under the cut hehehe I am having so much fun
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Dream is a psychic with the ability to travel into someone's mind, essentially creating a pocket dimension. This lets him read their thoughts, see their memories, and teleport anywhere in their field of vision. This also translates to him being empathetic. He mostly uses his powers to keep himself mobile, and is actually pretty hesitant to dig around in someone's head after an incident with Tommy a few years ago that left a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
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Sapnap has physical powers that let him heat his body up at will and manipulate fire. As long as he's in an oxygen rich environment, he can set the air around him on fire. He can't cool his body down, however, and he can't put fires out- just move them around. He's pretty hotheaded (ha) and tends to rush into things guns blazing (extra ha).
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George is another psychic who can put people to sleep, manipulate their dreams (to an extent, he can control the mood of them), and make those dreams a reality. So if someone's dreaming about the stay puff marshmallow man, he can make the stay puff marshmallow man terrorize the city block or if they're dreaming about a gun, he can use that gun and so on. Anything construct he creates does disappear when the person wakes up. Almost everyone gets him and Dream's powers confused with each other, to both of their annoyance (Sapnap does it on purpose).
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Punz is a psychic with the ability to conjure any object he's seen before, so he usually uses it to make weapons and he's big into knifes. I don't have much more to say about his powers so a little backstory, he split off from Dream when they were all 18-19 years old after Punz's entire hometown was wiped off the map, killing his family. (This is a superhero au so everyone gets tragic superhero backstories god damn it)
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Foolish is basically a waterbender on steroids, he can control any liquid and also 'sense' it. He can feel the water in sewers or in people, which does let him do some recon, with varying degrees of success, of course. The more viscous a liquid is, the harder it is for him to control and he can't change it's temperature, so if it's ice he's out of luck. And though he can feel the water in humans, he can't move someone around like a meat puppet. If they're bleeding he can use that blood, though. Along with this he can also breathe underwater.
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Tina!!! Along with being a cat (having faster reflexes, better balance, and retractable claws) she can make anything she draws 3D. She's not psychic though, since she is manipulating the physical world. She uses mostly chalk and spray paint because those are the easiest to use on the go, and anything she creates retains the look of the materials used to create it. It also stays the size she painted it. Her art isn't alive, however, so she can't create a doodle bob (much to the chagrin of Foolish).
AND THATS EVERYONE I HAVE SO FAR!! I have plans for Tommy, Wilbur, and Tubbo who are all part of a team/agency that Wilbur founded. There were more people but a lot left after the incident that happened between them and Dream. (Unfortunately I am a C!dream stan through and through even in AUs so lmanberg gang was mostly in the wrong during that 😔✊) The syndicate is another hero team but they operate in another city so we won't see them much. Though rivals are still very much close friends who I have Plans™️ for
OH ALSO I need to draw them but Karl and Quackity are both psychics who work under the same agency as dteam with different teams as needed. Karl can move himself forward and backwards in time by a few seconds to a minute (he can push it more but the further he gets from the present the harder it is to get back. At one point he did get lost in the past until Dream was able to rescue him, which resulted in Karl forgetting a lot of really important things in his personal life). Quackity can control his own luck, so things tend to just sort of go right for him. It's not infallible, of course, but the really bad shit tends to happen to everyone else (operative word there being tends).
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time to declutter my brain by making some LISTS!!!! 
time available to me in the immediate future:
had amazing weekend in pittsburgh! am flying home tonight so will have about 5-6 hours of airport and flight time where i can work on whatever
i have only one meeting & one tiny work task on the agenda for tomorrow so i will have that entire day
wednesday morning is packed with meetings but i’ll be finished by 12 and then will have the rest of the day to run errands, pack, and do other last-minute trip stuff
thursday morning will be a bit of a mad scramble but then i will have 10-11 hours of sustained work time on the plane to use however i want
things i need to get done: 
pre-trip errands. i ordered a shitload of travel clothes & other stuff that all arrived this weekend, so i need to try everything on, decide what i’m taking with me, and drop off all returns before i leave. i also need to buy dog food, water plants, and pay some medical bills.
campus visit. i’ve gotten too far in the weeds with all the prep work and research, which is fine, like i needed to do that reading and thinking, but also now it’s time to step back from it a little bit and start thinking about the pieces i’m going to pull out for the actual talk. the sooner i can get a detailed outline together the less stressed i’ll feel, so i think i may spend tonight’s plane ride outlining by hand (since writing things out instead of typing helps me organize my thinking more efficiently). i want to think about several possible configurations for that hour, and then i also want to create a to-do list so i have a clearer sense of the stuff i need to prep or script in the next couple weeks.
i know i am going to put a lot of pressure on myself to do this “perfectly” or whatever, but i want to try to gently push back against that impulse. i am so prepared for this interview. the presentation doesn’t have to convey absolutely everything because i will have the entire day to answer questions and bring up things i want to mention. my goal is to not get lost into the details but to keep my messaging simple, direct, and compelling. i also read a bunch of articles in the chronicle this morning about how hard it is for universities to recruit and retain talented admin staff right now, and that made me feel a bit better about going into the interview. interviews are two-way evaluations and if they are interested enough in me for this role to invite me to campus, they are also going to be feeling some pressure to make this a positive experience and to convince me that this is the place i want to be.
IUI planning. i test tomorrow but kind of have a gut feeling this cycle didn’t work! i know i’ll be disappointed if the test is negative but i also think i’m so busy with other stuff that i’ll move on pretty fast and be ready to try again. i just need to reach out to my doctor before my trip to see what she thinks about squeezing something in around the travel and the campus visit - the timing will get a little hairy so it might not be worth it to try this month. we’ll see! but i have to do that before i leave as i need to know if i should take the meds with me & i also will need to set up my sister with the info to call the donor bank for me.
fic comments. lol my goal for this last cycle was to do 14 comments in 14 days and i only managed to do 4!! i will cut myself some slack here as when i set the goal i didn’t know about the job interview yet and didn’t anticipate that other stuff would fill all that open time. but i might try to do a few more on the plane tonight - maybe i can get to 7 at least. 
okay! there’s a lot ahead of me but honestly i think i did a ton of good work in march and that has prepared me to roll into a very busy april in a reasonably calm state of mind. i can handle everything that lies ahead. and wow i’m about to have a very cool travel experience too!! and basically two full weeks where  don’t have to think about my current job for even a second! i know i’ll probably be tired at the end of the trip but i hope it’s also a good brain break for me.
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bloededhoine · 3 years
world building cause twn doesn't pt. 2: nilfgaard!
pt. 1 on the northern realms here
okay i'm making this because 1 witcher netflix is the most convoluted and confusing thing i've ever seen and does literally no world building and 2 special interest make autism brain go brr.
about this series
this is gonna be a multi part series about the witcher universe but this is all about nilfgaard!
ciri's timeline in twn encompasses the entirety of the first northern war, beginning with the attack on cintra and ending with the battle at sodden
the show ended in 1264 when we saw geralt meet ciri
this is just covering the human portions of nilfgaard. i'll talk about elven allied groups like the scoiatael later.
colour code cause i fucking love colour codes - already happened/introduced, probably s2, important background info, stuff that might be in the prequel, extras
the witcher takes place on the continent, which is mainly divided between south and north
the north is a collection of many kingdoms while the south is basically just nilfgaard and its many territories, dependencies, provences, and vassal states.
some of these conquered areas include toussaint, vicovaro, nazair, and mettina
nilfgaard loves invading the north. a lot. like this is the driving force of most of the plot in the witcher.
basic info
nilfgaard an insanely powerful absolutist monarchy, ruled by an emperor who has a huge collection of talented mages, spies, commanders, and advisors
as of ciri's timeline in twn, the emperor is emhyr var emreis, or, to those on more intimate terms with him: the white flame dancing on the graves of his foes
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[ID: middle aged white man with slicked back shoulder length greying black hair. he is wearing a black dress with a red and black embroidered shirt underneath. he is wearing a gold medallion around his neck, has black leather boots, and is holding a silver goblet. end ID]
emhyr is crazy important, both as a character and to the politics of the witcher. he's also a member of the house of emreis, which i'll go into detail on in a bit.
he is also a major walking spoiler, so i won't talk about him in the context of twn or the books
nilfgaard is divided between the "heart" of the empire, also known as lower alba or simply nilfgaard, and the conquered territories, dependencies, provinces, etc
for all of nilfgaard's imperialism, it does allow these areas to retain a lot of their original cultural identity, to the point where someone from vicovaro would not really consider themself nilfgaardian
this works out because nilfgaard would not consider a vicovarian nilfgaardian either
lower alba
lower alba is the home of "real" nilfgaardians, and is also where the capital city is located
theres a bit of racism and racial purity here: lower albans consider themselves superior to the rest of humans due to their elven ancestry
this elven ancestry is also why nilfgaard is far more sympathetic to nonhumans than the north and uses a language similar to hen llinge (elder speech)
there are a LOT of notable albans, so i'll just keep it to the important ones and my favourites: carthia van canten aka cantarella, morvran voorhis, stefan skellen, the house of emreis, and vattier de rideaux
the capital, known as the city of golden towers or simply nilfgaard, is home to the imperial palace, where the emperor spends most of his time
i say most because there is also a summer residence at loc grim palace
now that we know the basics of the core empire, let's visit the other territories!
the duchy of toussaint is one of the most important nilfgaardian states, and definitely the most beautiful. it's main economy is in wine
toussaint actually has no secret service or military, something quite rare on the continent. it does however, have a large system of knights errant that love chivalry
the capital is beauclaire, which is where the duke/duchess live
as of twn, its ruler is the duchess anna henrietta. i'll let you all make your own assumptions about the lovely annarietta
also for some reason in toussaint, people have 2 names that are smushed together. so anna henrietta becomes annarietta, sylvia anna becomes syanna, carolina roberta becomes caroberta etc
annarietta is also distantly related to emhyr, her great grandfather is the half brother of emhyr's father
the most notable toussaintois are the mages fringilla and artorius vigo
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here's fringilla in twn. [ID: young black woman in a long sleeve grey-blue cloak. her hair is pulled back and she is looking slightly up and to the right with a blank expression. end ID]
okay vicovaro is vassal state near the southernmost part of the empire, but we know it more for the people from it than what it actually is
there is an actual ruler, but the state is largely controlled by two key houses: the var anahid family and the dyffryn family
the capital is vicovaro, but the houses have their own land. we don't really hear about the var anahids, but the dyffyn house controls dyffra
notable vicovarians include assire var anahid and cahir mawr dyffryn aep ceallach. cahir in twn is right there.
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[ID: young white man in black armour. he has an angular face and brown slicked back hair. he is scowling]
okay mettina is a bit confusing since it is the shared name for three different places. the first is the administrative unit mettina, which includes the provence mettina (2) and the provence maecht. in the provence there is also the capital city mettina (3).
tor lara aka the tower of the swallow is in mettina, and not much else tbh
maecht was the home of duny (that little man) for an unspecified number of years
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[ID: young white man with dark curly hair. his face is dirty and sweaty and he is frowning slightly]
"wait! i thought duny was the urcheon of erlenwald, and that's in cintra!" don't... don't think too hard about duny. he lived in mettina for a while and took a trip to cintra where he met pavetta.
for all intents and purposes, ebbing is an autonomous state, although nilfgaardians do have a hand on the wheel
includes salm, a technically sovereign provence, but is de facto dependent on ebbing
ebbing is most notably home to stygga castle, the one time fortress for the school of the cat, and bounty hunter leo bonhart
also, roegner of ebbing, pavetta's father, is from here
nazair is kinda the least important of the more important nilfgaardian dependencies
it was independent for a while but was conquered by cintra under queen calanthe and then nilfgaard under emperor emhyr
its main industries are cinnabrite and silver, both luxury goods
the only mildly important nazairi is becca of nazair, ciri's 6 times great grandmother
other minor areas
alba, toussaint, ebbing, and vicovaro are really the only important nilfgaardian areas, although mettina and nazair are mentioned quite a bit. borders change a lot, especially with an imperialist power, but this is the general list of nilfgaardian areas as of the first northern war
regions - daerlan (notable for military), eiddon (owned and ruled by alban spy vattier de rideaux), liddertall, magne, rowan, ruach, slopes (home to haern caduch, the bear school fortress), tarnhann, winneburg, and ymlac
provences - angren provence (contains dol angra, a profitable trade route), cintra (1264-1268), etolia, gemmera, geso, mag turga, mettina (contains kingdoms mettina and maecht), and nazair
vassals - cintra (after 1268), ebbing, toussaint, and vicovaro
tl;dr: the most important part of nilfgaard is lower alba, which is surrounded by many dependencies including toussaint, vicovaro, nazair, and mettina.
thank you for reading! i'm definitely gonna make more parts and will link them here when i do!
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jfks-phat-cheeks · 4 years
THANK YOU FOR THIS ACCOUNT!!!!!!! i’ve been s e a r c h i n g the web for ANY and ALL clone high fan fiction content (in which i’ve found a vore fic. why?) if you could write headcanons for jfk with a smart nerdy gf? and if you have found any more fics that could be cool
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A vore fic oh goodness that’s concerning! Well here are some other lovely writers/artists/people who post content for clone high as well!!! @clonefathers @clone-high-imagines @filthyjfkkinnie and @clonehighfanart!! Also thank you both for the request, i love a good nerd/jock and nerd/Queen B troupe 🥰 I kept this gender neutral
Jfk With A Nerd Reader
Jfk only has 3 braincells and 2 of them go to loving you. The other one is used only when talking to himself.
Please help this boy.
He has the potential to be able to actually do work he just doesn’t know how. He’s smart, but he just needs a little push. The easiest way to put it is that he is basically a burnt out gifted kid.
He loves when you start to ramble off into your interest or just whatever you are trying to help him with.
When you are helping him with his work you’ll have to snap him back into focus others wise he wouldn’t retain any info. He likes zoning out to your voice, he finds it quite soothing.
If you wear glasses you can bet your ass that he has taken them and put them on his face when he’s imitating you. He does it with pure intentions though, not to make fun of you. (Just making that clear)
Eventually with your help he would do from a d/c student to a/b student which makes him super happy!!
Oh and please tell him that you’re proud of him and doing good. It will make his day 🥺
If someone ever tries to make fun of you for nerding out you can bet that he is already squared up and ready to throw hands with the idiot that said that.
If you read a lot please read to him, again, he finds your voice soothing so it really calms him down. Like, say he has had a frustrating conversation with his dads, he would sneak out and over to your house just for you to read to him.
Eventually he comes to learn that his favorite class (that you actually retain information from) is physics.
He found it easier because he didn’t need to know any crazy math and he understood the concept as to what it was and how it relates into normal life.
*Cue him ranting to you about how cool physics is*
Also if you ever try to pull an all nighter to research this boy will either a. Pull you away and tell you to get some well deserved rest or b. Sit right there next to you and learn along your side.
He loves watching you correct people btw. He finds it so funky when you are just like “mmmm no. This is actually what it is...”
He’ll be silently cheering you on.
If you tutor then expect him to come with you. He says it’s to learn but he also gets a wee bit jealous that you’re teaching someone else. (Just a tad. Not too much)
So, what I’m trying to say is that this boy appreciates how smart you are and if you help him he would appreciate it even more!
Cleo With A Nerd Reader
Oh goodness okay hun.
Listen, Cleo is actually pretty smart. But she has gotten so caught up in the whole “play dumb to get the guy” act that she has managed to fool pretty much everyone.
She also just doesn’t like doing work so there is that.
Heads up she might abuse your knowledge so that she can understand more information.
Although she does find it quite adorable when you help her and start to just ramble off. She enjoys your company even if she doesn’t say it.
Going back to the fact that she is actually smart but doesn’t show it. I also feel like she feels that somehow if everyone knows she gets straight a’s people are going to think she is uncool.
To which you have to explain to her that “no, babe that’s not how it works.”
You might have to help her with her grades. Not in a teaching way, she already understands the material. But more of a telling her that she needs to get good grades on tests.
I headcanon that her favorite class is psychology.
This is because she will constantly use the little tips a tricks she learns on other people. So watch out, she might trick you into doing her homework for the 5th time this week.
She really does appreciate you though. I also feel like if you ever stood your ground with her and was like “no I’m not doing your hw” she will appreciate you even more. Because not many people will put their foot down when it comes to her.
Although she will be whining about it for the next 3 days that you had shut her down. She’s not used to not getting her way, bare with her though she still loves you.
Dont feel too sorry, she eventually will understand
Please lay in bed with her and tell her about what you have recently learned about/your favorite subject.
Cleo finds it adorable. She finds you adorable.
If you have a bit of outdated fashion do expect a makeover from her. You do so much for her, she wants to give back to you for once.
When she does get annoyed with you rambling she will just kiss you to shut you up. She doesn’t want to shut you down verbally but still wants you to be quiet for a hot second.
She appreciates and loves you though. And will constantly remind you of it 🥰
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siren-virus · 3 years
You know what? Just because you’d be able to talk my ears off with LuckyBoy!AU, I’m gonna keep asking you about it with long asks so I can get long answers (I love reading long answers since they give out so much info and speculation, while leaving room for discussion as well). So let's have a chat through asks so neither of us have anxiety(?) while talking to each other in messages.
Who would be some of the regulars when Ben is working at the cooffe shop? (I also love this au XD) Would Cooper, Rook, Gwen, Max and/or anyone else go at the same time as a group and have a casual conversation with the barista? Would Ben accidently gain confidential information about the Plumbers this way? I wonder if he would be famous between the aliens and humans near Undertown as one of the few humans that's actually chill with every alien regardless of appearances thanks to knowing Gwen with the Omnitrix from before?
I feel like Ben purposefully avoiding Cooper as his vigilante persona would start as a measure to avoid his identity being exposed (I belive it was Cooper who exposed him in UAF, right?), but later would develop into a troll play, waiting for him to finally find him and play a prank there.
Would Ben play pranks on Will Harangue for giving him bad publicity to the humans? I mean, it's not like he can just appear in front of a camera and tell his side of the story, he would be captured instantly, or interrupted at the very least; and he having his own social media wouldn't work too well since he isn't a tech genius and the Plumbers could track him down.
Also, what has Gwen done that they think they need Ben to protect them from her? Like yeah, in OV there's a lot of property damage, but they don't believe they need protection from him (at least I don't think so), so she must've done something big in order for that to happen.
And now an ask that isn't directly related to Ben XD Who would be some of the people leading an investigation against the vigilante, trying to discover his identity as well as species? Like I imagine Rook would be more of an addon to said investigation, being on the lookout but not actively investigating everything that Ben has been involved with, and Gwen has a lot on her plate, so let's not let her join said investigation.
Oh oh oh, I just thought about it, if Ben could be considered an Anodite in this AU, what happened when Verdona appeared in that one episode of AF? Did she manage to find Ben in the first place and almost but not quite take him away? Does the rest of the family know he's an Anodite and what are their thoughts about it? If they don't then how would Ben explain some of the magic things that he does and someone witness?
Ohohoh, buttering me up are ya? Well you're in for a brain dump.
Ok, first I gotta say: The alien cafe is separate to the plumbers (the plumbers have their on cafeteria, but like to indulge in other food sometimes, and non-instant coffee.)
So I was thinking, one of Ben's regular coworkers is Alan Albright. Reason for this is because Alan is not allowed to go on missions often. He's too young. I mean I know they definitely have child soldiers in OS- buuuut Max's influence has put a stop to that. He's seen how it affected Gwen. So, Alan is put on easy patrols in low crime area, in the city.
Alan, however wants in on the action, so Max had suggested the cafe. Ben and Alan have a very brotherly bond, and Ben (outside of his vigilante life) has been swaying Alan's opinion on both, the plumbers and his alter ego.
Manny, Alan, Helen and Cooper- When not busying himself with the tech lounge- (sorry, Pierce is still dead in this), will often come by the cafe, they sit in a booth and discuss things. Most occasions Ben is invited to sit with them.
When Gwen pops by their interactions are brief, Ben would try to tease her about anything and everything under the sun. "See Kevin lately?" "Oh, got beat by the walking glow stick again, huh?" "Geez, another jail break? 3rd time this week!"
Normally he gets a fiery reaction and a nasty retort.
Of course Ben would take every opportunity he can to get info. At first it wasn't intentional, he'd just eaves drop on a few conversations that interested him. As time goes by though, he's found that a lot of people, plumber, criminal and just outer space travelers, are more than happy to unload some gossip. Ben is very much delighted by that.
He's not exactly famous, he's well known for being a friendly person, yes. But not all throughout Undertown.
ain't cooper the blond dude with some kinda telekenetic power that ended up turning into an almost Kevin duplicate? (i'll fix that) NGL I forgot he grew up in UAF.
Pretty sure the one that exposed Ben was the nerd who was voiced by the VA of Robin (TeenTitans/Go). Now that you bring it up though, that guy... Jimmy, is someone to be avoided, cause he's a snoopy guy. Who also hangs out at the cafe a lot to get details. Always ends up harassing Ben cause he knows Ben has all the juicy gossip.
And yeah Ben would totally take advantage of it to mess with the poor kid.
Definitely. Ben would mess with Will Harangue as much as possible. Especially when he goes live. Ben won't confront him personally, or do anything that could possibly reveal his indentity. He's got a lot of unique mannerisms that his family could quickly pick up on, there's also his voice, although muffled by the mask, if it's recorded enough- it's another identifier.
So that leaves Ben with his sticker trail. They're very bright, almost blinding, so Ben's stickers are an annoying inconvenience. He could also use a weak spell that causes it's victims to yawn/sneeze. Maybe he'll hang in the background briefly and wave. Just some of things he does to get under Harangue's skin basically.
So, you picked up on what I've hinted at. Good.
Before I go into Gwen, I'll say this: The plumbers are stationed on Earth to protect humanity. That means the aliens who have immigrated are less of a priority. That doesn't mean that they're completely unsafe, the plumbers still patrol Undertown and look after the people- just less so.
Aliens that leave Undertown especially- Normally they're ushered back by a few Plumbers standing guard- those that pose a threat or seem to pose a threat are dealt with by the plumbers. Which isn't too bad, just a slap on the back, a fine, maybe jail time.
Unless you run into Gwen. Who is much more intimidating, much more brutish, she won't exactly hold back. So- she hasn't got the best rep with Undertown. She's still a hero. Known throughout the universe. Just not a kind one.
On several occassions, Ben(vigilante) has had to step in to get her to back down from dealing with criminals.
The plumbers don't have a lot to go on with the investigating. Ben doesn't leave any DNA trails, cause anodites have no DNA. No hair strands, no finger prints, no blood. Even his stickers. They got nothing, nada.
That doesn't mean it's completely hopeless. A clean hit to Ben has on more than one occasion shocked him out of his anodite form, reverting him back to human (which is why he has the glasses and face mask, as a just incase scenario.) Sometimes even spooking/shocking him can make him human again. If his focus is messed with he's human, kinda deal.
So the plumbers are aware of this. They do their best to be as violent and destructive when they see Ben. They're attempts usually fail unless they have someone competent enough with them, Ie; Gwen, Rook.
Villains are also aware of this. So risky buiz am I right?
In regards to Verdona; honestly, I feel like having her know about Ben's existence as an anodite would kinda nerf this whole thing completely. Verdona, I bet, would be a massive gossip. Although her contact with Max is limited, he'd hear about it eventually. Game over. There's also Sunny, who would take advantage of this information and spread it across the universe.
So instead maybe Verdona pays a visit later rather than now.
She'd also be less inclined to take Ben back home, I like how Verdona is indifferent to Ben but loves Gwen, I wanna keep that aspect.
To explain any magic happenings that his family or friends have spotted, he just says he's practicing to be an illusionist. Or he broke a glow stick, or his has glitter in his pocket. (He always has something retaining to magenta hidden up his sleeve.)
Hopefully that got all your questions answered for now!
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luvdetroit · 3 years
Hey! I 've just read the first chapter of the dbh series you wanted to start, and I really like the plot 🥺 Do you plan on continuing it? 👉🏻👈🏻
hey, sorry for the late reply! i actually do have it planned out a bit differently than i originally wrote it in the first chapter. i think this planned version is better than the one i posted. there are many other ideas that i have in my drafts, i just haven’t released them yet.
thank you for reading it! i'm happy you enjoyed it and i'm sorry for saying this but i think i'll just scrap this idea and go with my new one (VOW). it will be somewhat similar, just more complex? and hopefully interesting!
not sure if you are even interested in hearing about them but i’ll drop them here! maybe if you or anyone is interested, i will follow through with posting them (have been feeling very bad about my writing recently).
for anyone who does read my ideas, please do not steal! i really worked hard on thinking about these and would be really hurt if anyone took them. they aren’t super original or anything, but i still created them 😩
these are really roughly written so please don’t judge 🚶🏼‍♀️🚶🏼‍♀️
please do comment or send me a message in my inbox about which idea you like more, if i should do a specific one or all of them even! 💞💞💞
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pairings: various! x fem!reader
genre: meta (?), angst, fluff, etc
plot: metafiction. mc surfs the web to buy d:bh and finds a seller who is willing to sell the game for cheap (suspiciously). mc contacts the user and a deal has been made.
we will flesh out the seller later, he ain’t all that important rn. so mc gets the game after maybe two days? and in the packaging the seller wrote a letter to her, it is pretty cryptic. we can get into detail on the letter and stuff later.
so mc starts the game up right away because she is excited to play it. on her first play though everything is pretty normal. there are a few differences/odd occurrences but mc doesn’t bat an eye because it’s her first time playing so she wouldn’t know.
gradually as she plays, the characters (connor and markus) are more aware of them being in a game. (sense they are in the same series and are prototypes it only makes sense for them to be able to sync themselves/go beyond their coding).
connor and markus have broken the fourth wall/have become aware with other players. they grow a deep hatred for the player. sense they can’t throw their anger at the creators of the game, they can do so with the player.
at first, connor and markus only did minor things that didn’t really stand out to the player. when connor/markus breaks the fourth wall and directly talks about the player, the player thinks it’s apart of the game.
but when connor/markus mentions the player’s name that is when they freak out a bit, but assumes the characters got their names from their playstation.
it’s only when connor/markus states some personal stuff about them do they feel fear. (connor/markus can sync with the smart tv that also contains all their info).
connor/markus have tried to sync with the game/tv enough to transport the player in the game so the player can experience first hand what it’s like to live in their world. but their connection weakens each time the player resets. their memories are also wiped out.
over time connor/markus are able to retain their memories a lot faster but forget the previous players of the game. even if they don’t remember the previous players they still think of one goal. transport the player into their world, let them suffer, seeing first hand how THEY feel.
connor/markus will be slightly oc. they will have somewhat of a dark side.
i didn’t explain this in the summary bcus i’m dumb but the game can’t be destroyed (it’s like a possessed object). even if you throw it out or something it will still go back to you bcus you own it. the only way to get rid of it is selling it.
ik some wack logic but sjakwkw
sam is the seller of the game. (his username is GAMER BOY 69). the game is sold for $10 with free shipping and no tax.
mc: does this really only cost $10? why is this so cheap?
sam: i’m just being generous
sam: are you willing to buy it?
mc: can you show proof that you actually have it and it isn’t broken?
sam: sure, hold on a second
[sam sends a video of him filming the game packaging and saying his username (in a bit of embarrassment) and mc’s. he reassured her that it isn’t broken and works perfectly fine. he tells her he didn’t like the game so that’s why he’s selling it.]
sam’s letter is in a white envelope, his writing is slightly messy, almost jittery (from nerves). he feared he was being watched by, ‘them’ so he wrote cryptically.
sam’s note: i’m sorry i did this to you. i really am. i just didn’t have any other choice. don’t play the game, please.
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pairings: various! x fem! reader
genre: dark au, cult au, angst, fluff, etc
plot: in this au kamski doesn’t publicly make androids n stuff
so amanda stern is still kamski’s mentor in this au
she, ‘disappears’ at some point and is listed as a missing person
kamski knows she isn’t gone though bcus she told him her plan
basically amanda is very manipulative and warped kamski’s young mind into thinking humans being lesser beings and that kamski can really create something even more superior, androids.
kamski and amanda are humans but they are excused because of them being intelligent and having that sort of mindset- humans being filth on this planet
instead of kamski making cyberlife public
he instead also disappears after a few years later (once he’s done w college)
it’s a gap between amanda and his disappearance to not completely draw suspicion
cyberlife is created in secret, hidden from the public
belief: humans are disgusting and should be replaced by something far superior, androids.
rules: only those who have the same mindset as kamski and amanda can join the cause and contribute. (so human co workers of amanda and such help gather material and thirium (blue blood) to create more androids in secret).
practices: a member has to willingly be able to sacrifice any body part kamski chooses to replace for an android part or partake in any experiment kamski may have. if not, they aren’t fully in the cause and should be ridden of.
kamski wants to take a oblivious civilian in for a secret test of his
he wants to test out how human his androids can be and if it can blend in with humans in normal day to day life.
so he releases one of his androids, connor (rk800) out into the world. his mission is to find a human he can initiate a relationship with. once he finds that human, he slowly grows a relationship with them over time- kamski is studying all of this through connor’s eyes.
kamski is amazed by this new discovery- his androids do blend in with humans well.
the last secret test for mc is connor telling her his true nature. (telling her he isn’t human, he’s an android). connor breaks this to mc at his, ‘house’ which is connected to their secret compound/underground base.
kamski wants to know how mc will react to this news because her actions depends on whether she’s just another piece of human scum or not. this will validate whether she can join their, ‘organization’ or not.
mc will be confused by connor’s sudden news at first. she won’t believe him until he pulls back his skin to show his porcelain interior.
she’ll be surprised then and question whether their relationship was all real or not.
connor reassures her that he does share her feelings. he admits that at first this was a mission but he truly does feel for her. he asks her if she still has feelings for him even after knowing he isn’t human and mc (after a bit of thinking) says that she does.
this makes connor happy as well as kamski bcus mc got through the test. this is the first android-human relationship too.
a few days pass just to really make sure mc doesn’t act any different and really is telling the truth about having feelings for connor still- when connor informs mc that his creator wants to meet her in person one day.
connor and mc go to his place and he leads her downstairs to his normal looking basement- and there is this really intricate hidden puzzle/door that opens to their underground compound.
connor leads mc to a room and meets kamski. kamski comments on mc- on how he was surprised that mc quickly took a liking to connor and how she still has feelings for connor even after finding out the truth. he’s impressed and approves of the relationship.
he tells her he hopes she keeps her word about this organization being a secret because he wouldn’t want anything bad happening to her so soon.
after that connor and mc go about their relationship like normal. although, connor has been experiencing these odd feelings lately. he’s also been oddly wanting to act out violently towards the most smallest things. like mc talking to someone else, smiling at someone else, touching someone else, even if it was platonic.
it didn’t sit right with him. he never voiced these new feelings to kamski though. he was too afraid kamski might tell him he has something wrong with his software. he doesn’t want kamski to call him defective and replace him for another connor. he doesn’t want to be seen as not good enough for mc.
connor doesn’t act on any of his thoughts. he doesn’t let his emotions control him.
after about two weeks kamski calls connor and tells him he wants him to meet someone (rk900) and that he should bring mc.
so connor visits the compound and meets kamski in a lounge area with mc. they both enter the room with kamski casually laying on a lush couch. a small smile is brought on his face when he noticed connor and mc’s presence. he greets them both and tells them that he’s happy they could make it.
connor opens his mouth, about to ask who the person kamski wants him to meet when rk900 walks in with two cups of tea + thirium in his hands.
rk900 places a tea down in front of kamski, the other tea and thirium on the opposite side of kamski’s before returning his attention to connor and mc. his eyes scrutinizing connor and mc.
kamski’s smile widens at connor’s reaction and stands up, clasping rk900’s shoulder with one hand. he prompts rk900 to introduce himself.
rk900 introduces himself somewhat stiffly in a monotone voice.
rk900: my name is conan.
it was short and to the point. he offers an open hand for a handshake.
connor looks over conan, completely ignoring the hand offered to him, then at kamski with all sorts of emotions. the main ones being confusion and fear. at this point connor is wondering if conan is going to replace him for a reason connor does not know.
kamski breaks the awkward silence/tension in the room.
kamski: “well, connor? aren’t you going to greet your brother?”
connor takes a few moments to process this information and absentmindedly inquires, “brother?” in a small voice. his brows furrow slightly and his gaze draws towards his look alike. from up close, conan looks exactly like connor with a few differences. he was slightly taller than connor and had cool greyish blue eyes. why would kamski decide to make me a brother? i didn’t ask for one.
kamski: “yes, brother. i just thought it might be lonely to live alone in that big house of yours so i have gifted you with your own brother.”
at this point connor is having a mental breakdown. kamski doesn’t do things without a logical reason. he’s not telling me the full truth.
connor finally breaks out of his thoughts, his eyes darting back to kamski and he nods shortly, ignoring conan’s still outstretched hand and his presence altogether.
connor: [in a stony voice] okay, is that all?
conan drops his hand.
the corners of kamski’s lips twitch, threatening to split into a menacing smirk at connor’s cold reaction. kamski clicks his tongue mockingly and sits back down, grabbing his tea.
kamski: “that’s not how you should treat your brother. [sighs] that will be all, but you have to teach conan how things work around here. that’s what a big brother should do, after all.”
connor bites back a disgruntled sigh of his own and settles for a slight frown.
connor: “why wasn’t he informed before meeting me? didn’t he go through the same test runs as me?”
it took everything in connor to not let his irritation show through his tone.
kamski pins connor with an annoyed glare, a small bit of amusement shining through.
kamski: “why are you testing my patience connor? are you not happy with my gift?”
kamski’s words were light mockery, with a dark undertone to them. connor knew better than to irritate his creator further. he bows his head slightly to him.
connor: “i apologize for causing you further inconvenience. i..am just surprised by the new addition, that’s all.”
kamski simply nods lazily. waving a hand, he tells them they are dismissed.
connor turns away from his creator and him to the exit with you following right beside him silently. he places his hand on the small of your back and presses you close to him possessively. the slight tapping of a pair of shoes follow behind connor and you. connor ignores it.
connor walks through the maze of hallways without pause, part of him hoping his, ‘brother’ would get lost and never return.
he knew better though. without even looking, he knew conan wasn’t even a step behind and it irritated connor to no end.
once the three enter the, ‘main area’ which was basically the center of the compound, connor turns around to face conan.
connor: [monotonously] “give me your hand, i’ll transfer the data so this all can be over with.”
connor outstretches his hand. part of him wants to pull it back because he doesn’t want to touch him.
conan looks at connor’s outstretched hand to connor’s face.
conan: “no, i can’t do that. kamski specifically told me to get the information from you the, ‘human’ way. he wishes for us to talk to each other like brothers.”
connor looks even more bewildered at that bit of information..why would kamski do this without his consent? this..has to be some sort of test. maybe conan is just playing the role as his brother to spy on him and catch him doing something that may incriminate him? does kamski know about his odd..’glitches’? did he make rk900 just to dispose of him and replace him?
no, he couldn’t have known..the cameras in his opticals were shut off weeks ago. so why was rk900 here? what is kamski getting at?
connor also took notice of how..machine like conan is. conan walks stiffly and has a rigid stance. in that sentence he brings up what kamski wants rather than his. he follows kamski’s orders as if they were law without question.
connor still has his hand in front of him and ignores what conan says
he’s like, “it would be easier if we just did this.” (he’s irritated and is insistent)
and conan refuses, again repeating, “we have to follow kamski’s orders.”
and connor taunts conan
he’s like, “can you not think for yourself? i thought you were supposed to be alive.”
at that, mc finally speaks, telling connor off, “that’s enough, connor. i think you should just follow what kamski says. conan is just as alive as you and needs some of your guidance.”
connor’s eyes slightly widen as well as conan’s. connor’s frown deepens at your words. you’re defending him. why? you should be on his side, not him.
conan still has a blank face but his eyes are now trained on mc, curiosity being one of the emotions flickering in his eyes.
connor notices conan looking at mc and narrows his eyes in disgust.
connor: fine..we can discuss everything at my place.
connor turns and places his hand back on mc’s lower back, pressing her as close to him and far from conan as possible.
conan follows on without question.
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pairings: various! x fem! reader
genre: dark au, angst, fluff, etc
plot: the main plot is androids taking over and humans as pets
so mc is obviously gonna be a human, she is like in one of those sort of adoption places but it’s more like a buy your pet thing
and mc is gonna be 18 y/o because yes
- mc and her parents live in a house that is located in a rather secluded area in the woods
- when word gets out about androids dominating humans and turning them into slaves- mc’s parents decide to live underground. mc is 3 y/o during this time. (the father is an artist/architect, this was originally just a project for himself). years pass with them being undetected. (it was 2038 when androids dominated humans)
- 15 years passed without them being detected and mc is 18 y/o (year is 2053)
- mc’s father scavenges for food and such once a month
- underground they still have a tv, tablet, and phones to keep up with how everything is going in detroit
- mc feels trapped after living underground for basically her entire life and learning second hand about androids, the revolution, etc
- mc starts doubting her parents and their reasons. she questions whether if there are bad androids out there who will snatch her up.
- mc asks her father if she can help him scavenge one day but he along with her mother are against that (this is on her birthday when she turns 18 y/o bcus she thinks she’s mature enough to)
- this causes a big argument between her parents and her and she voices her doubts to them- this ends with mc locking herself in her room. after awhile when it’s night time, her father visits her and apologizes for yelling but tells her she still can’t go up there because it’s too dangerous.
- mc hides her anger and lies to her father about her understanding. when it’s about midnight mc decides to sneak out and go above ground.
- mc is wandering in the woods mindlessly basking in everything- she kind of becomes careless (she doesn’t act cautious when wandering around). she maybe follows a bird she sees (owl) out of curiosity and nears markus and his crew (simon, north, and josh). they were having a picnic or just stargazing.
- simon hears rustling and light footsteps coming towards them so he alerts the others, he’s like, ‘do you guys hear that?’
- the others listen and do hear the footsteps and rustling coming rather close and quickly. all of them are tense (because they have experienced a lot of..attacks in the past so obviously they got their bars raised)
- so mc bumps into markus and everyone is surprised by mc’s sudden appearance
- mc stops in her tracks and looks at markus, it takes her a minute to really look at him bcus it’s dark and her human eyes are very poor at catching details
- she recognizes markus and is frozen. she also faintly recognizes his friends because they are also a big part of the android revolution (or so she’s been told by her parents).
- after a beat of silence north says, ‘a human?’ in a rather disgusted tone.
- josh observes you and asks out loud, ‘how can a human be this far out of the city?’
- north: ‘maybe it escaped from it’s owner or something.’
- after observing you, markus reaches out to you (you are still frozen and too scared to move) and places his hand on the nape of your neck. he realizes you don’t have a chip installed there to tell him who your owner is. (let’s say every human at birth has a chip installed to their nape to identify them and their owner)
- markus informs the others that mc doesn’t have a chip which startles them.
- north: ‘wait..it’s a fucking wild?’
- josh: ‘how could it live this long on it’s own if it is a wild?’
- (markus had his eyes on you the whole time) he asks you if there are more of you in the forest and you slowly shake your head no. they all know you are lying though.
- north: ‘there are more like it in the forest..how come we didn’t know about this?’
- josh: ‘this is pretty bad..if there are more wilds out here hiding this could damage the trust we built with the others. everyone will be outraged if they find out we let wilds slip under our noses.’
- simon approaches you slowly and asks again if there are more people like you out there
- when you shake your head again markus holds your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head up so that you can look at him in the eyes.
- with a dark look in his eyes markus says, ‘don’t lie to us again kitten because i’m not in the mood to play nice. now, tell us the truth. are there more of you out there?’
- you are scared now and regret ever leaving the hideout. knowing it would be futile to lie again, you nod. (you are unable to say anything because your throat feels constricted).
- north: ‘where are they?’
- you don’t say anything because you don’t want to give your parents away. you continue to berate yourself for your stupid decisions.
- north sighs (clearly irritated by you not answering their questions immediately), ‘well? aren’t you going to speak? or can you not speak?’
- josh tries to calm north down, ‘intimidating it isn’t going to make it talk’
- north: why are you defending it? have you gone soft now?
- josh: [sighs] are we really going to do this? i’m just trying to tell you that yelling at it won’t get us anywhere-
- north: babying it isn’t getting us anywhere and i don’t see /you/ doing anything.
- simon steps in before the argument could get even more heated and pushes the two away from each other, “that’s enough. can you both not argue for once? now is not the time.”
- a little bit of pressure on your chin directs your attention from the two arguing to markus.
- markus: show us and i promise we won’t hurt you.
- mc thinks about this, ‘deal’ and realizes at that moment she doesn’t know what the hideout even looks like from the outside bcus she was so caught up on other things.
- mc makes a half baked plan to pretend to know where her hide out is, lead them, then find an opening to escape
- mc responds after a bit of pondering, (in a feeble voice), “okay.”
- north: [annoyed and slightly surprised] that’s it? that’s all it took?
- markus lets go of mc’s chin and gives mc a slight nod, telling her to show them the way
- before mc could take any step north butts in
- north: shouldn’t we restrain it first? tie it’s hands so it doesn’t do anything stupid?
- mc really dislikes north and is pretty scared of north out of all of them.
- markus notices your discomfort and shakes his head at north, “no. we don’t need to."
- north: [irritated] but she is a fucking wild- she’s dangerous-
- markus: [interrupts north + raises one of his hands up] i said, we don’t need to.
- north huffs in annoyance but doesn’t say anything else. part of you is satisfied by seeing north being put in her place.
- markus returns his attention to you and silently tells you w his eyes to lead the way.
- you turn your back towards markus and observe the vast amount of trees before you and walk in the direction you remember vaguely running from.
39 notes · View notes
masterhandss · 4 years
Hamefura♪ Idol AU! (part 3)
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Thank you so much to the people who have voiced their interest for this AU! I honestly wouldn’t have planned on writing any of this and just planned to keep it all in my head if no one asked :’’DD Special thanks to @ineedglassesalways​​ for the song reqs for this one! please check her out she has amazing art!
Please bare in mind that my thoughts are an absolute mess and that what i’m talking about switches between Fortune Lover and Hamefura at the snap of a finger. Most info is the same, so just try to understand which i’m talking about while reading fjhgsdjhfg
(Also i’m gonna start calling this “My Next Life as an Idol?! All Routes lead to Doom!!!” or HameFura♪ now hgfjsdgf)
Directory: Hamefura♪ Part 1 - Fortune Lover ||  Hamefura♪ Part 2 - hamefura
Edit: I added a cut bc i’m starting to sympathize with the people who has to scroll passed all this gjshgf
Random Plot and World-building stuff
Sorcier Entertainment is the biggest entertainment business for the past 2 decades, bringing out and producing the best quality of idols, actors, models, composers, musicians, DJs etc. It is a parent company to a lot of branches and agencies. 
Sorcier Pro. is the main sub-branch of SorEn, being the most popular agency for producing the current hit in the market, which are idols. There a few other agencies within SorEn, but they wont be important until later. Geoffrey Stuart is the president of Sorcier Entertainment, and is the overseer of the main idol branch (no one knows why though, probably bc his lil bros are there). Entertainment is such an important and prevalent part of Society that the combination of the Stuarts holding power of the the entertainment industry, as well as Mr. Stuart being the prime minister, they are truly considered to be the most influential family in the country, which is added by the fact that every member of the family is an outstanding and well-respect individual. 
Sorcier Pro. has a variety of high quality facilities for their idols, and even had a dormitory where they can stay in. This was done for the sake of maximizing the idol’s work hours while giving them a comfortable and accessible place of rest. Not all idols are living in the dormitories, and is usually just housing the popular ones at the time. 
All of the main characters (except Sirius, and Villainess!Katarina) are living in the dormitory during the events of the “game”. Nicol and Sophia has rooms there, but they usually return to their home because they are more comfortable there. Katarina and Keith also regularly visit their parents whenever they are free, so their stay is a 50/50. Maria doesn’t visit her mother often (as her house is too far from her private school and work) so she’s always at the dorms. 
A lot of the well known powerful, political and celebrity families (that are the equivalent to “nobles” in this world) are collaborators and sponsors of the company, one of the main sponsors being the Claes Family.
I thought of just making the setting an “Idol Academy” like in Aikatsu! and EnStars!, but I though nah, that’s just too easy. Industry idols are much more interesting to me, and that plot works better for a “idol rhythm game/producer simulator”, specifically for what M.C. gets to do in the game (plus I was listening to IM@S when writing the first part so hgfsdjhfdgsj)
Most prestigious families has their kids be home-schooled, especially ones that are involved in the entertainment industry. This is so that they can focus on their career while they are still young. The exception to this was Maria, until she became an idol and had to take a hiatus from school as Sorcier Pro. expects her to focus on expanding her career. She takes supplementary classes on the weekends.
Katarina’s solo unit name in Fortune Lover is Nobelia (a combination of “nobilis or noble” and “lobelia”, the blue flower of malevolence or evil). She sometimes gets temporary teammates to join for tournaments and projects, but she is a solo idol. 
So the units are Fortuna (Gerald, Keith, Alan and Nicol), Amour (Maria, Sophia, and Mary), Nobelia (Katarina solo), Picotee (Sophia solo), Marigold (Mary solo), Alcea (Maria solo), Regalis (Gerald and Alan), Edel Herz (Keith and Nicol). 
The name’s origins being: Fortuna as the greek of ‘Fortune’, Amour as the french of ‘Love’, Picotee as the dual colored flower (that can be white and red), Marigold (bc obviously) as the flower of passion, Alcea from alcea rosea (the pink hollyhock, which almost means strength and healing), Regalis as a root word/synonym to royal/royalty, Edel Herz being just a google translate of “noble heart” in german teehee (pls appreciate all the googling I had to do dhfgsjhfdg yes it’s mostly flower names bc I have no originality)
yes i changed the names form my original post, don’t call me out asdfgh
Idols don’t really need a stage name if they are a solo idol, but most popular idols are associated with one so it just became a trend to have both stage names and unit names. 
In the original game, Maria’s default stage name is “Cinderella”, which you can then change into the username or player name. This is so that Maria can keep her name while still giving the players a custom name. 
Maria’s original stage name is a nod to a lot of things: the “Cindrella syndrome” that her character is based on, The name of Fortuna’s fans/fanbase (as most players really are a fan of the boys), and is also a reference to how you are the main love interest for the boys (as you are their true Cinderella)
Katarina doesn’t retain the same stage name “Nobelia” as Villainess!Katarina does, in fear that it might her more similar to her, leading her to a doom end. She doesn’t have a stage name, unlike her friends. Her fans would call her “Bakarina” online though, but she never finds out about it jhagjsfg
Fortuna is an all-around male idol unit, one that can take on different images and genres with ease. The image of the unit changes depending on which boy is the center/lead of the song:
With Gerald, the music focuses on the instrumentals or the orchestra, giving a royal or heavenly vibe. The songs have an emphasis on righteousness, the beauty of life and a prosperous future. The songs for the fans usually has a theme of “reminiscent love” or “looking forward to a future with their partner”. A good example of a unit center song for his is Genuine Revelation from EnStars, and Flower as a solo song from his VA
With Keith, the music becomes more mature. The songs have more seductive lyrics, and has an emphasis on “forbidden love” or “having a secret relationship” with the fans. The lyrics are usually innocent in nature, until you read in-between the lines. Sometimes, his center songs throw a curveball and becomes about a “pure and innocent love” or “longing to be loved”. A good example for his solo song is Gekkoujou no Aria from A3 (please listen to it, it’s by Keith’s VA and the lyrics screams “Keith”)
With Alan, the guitar, violin and piano take the center stage.The music usually has more instrumentals than lyrics. The songs are primarily about being one’s true self, loving who you are and looking back at the past. Friendship and Identity are common themes in his songs. Sometimes, his center songs would throw a curve ball and be about something like “not acknowledging one’s feelings until it is too late”. A good song that represents his usually themes is Bokura no Kizuna from A3
With Nicol, the music is more slow and deep. The songs are usually about self-conflict, self-development and change. His songs sometimes have a theme of having an extreme adoration for the fans, a love so strong that time nor age can make it falter. “Being the only one for him” is the theme of his more popular songs. A good example for his solo song is Sword and Soul from his very own VA!
Yeah, basically the image of the center idol is reflected in the performance.
I don’t have a full list of idol song recommendations yet, but my friend who i mentioned above already recommended a bunch of good duo songs for the boys!: (feel free to suggest stuff if you guys have any :DD)
Gerald/Keith - Es No Yutsu from A3
Keith/Nicol- Plastic Poker from A3
Alan/Nicol - Don't Cry from A3
In the original game, all four boys we’re scouted while the girls all auditioned to become idols. Now, since they are all close friends, Gerald was able to market the talents of his friends and was able to get them all scouted into Sorcier Production. 
Fortuna has a producer before Maria, but by the beginning of the game, he had to leave due to health reasons, leading to the sudden application for a new producer. While many producers offered to take care of the boys alongside their other idols, Fortuna insisted that they want a new producer who would focus solely on them. 
Mary and Sophia also have their own producers, but they are barely present because they are busy handing other idols (and eventually, will let go of Mary and Sophia once they decide that they want Maria to produce them)
While Fortuna, Mary and Sophia’s careers were able to skyrocket quickly do to their appeals and talents, Katarina’s career grew slowly compared to her friends. This is because, despite to protests of her Producer Anne, she usually takes smaller gigs in far away towns, malls and small live houses. This is because Katarina wanted to perform in front of people who can’t easily access or attend live performances outside of the internet, just like her own small town in her previous life. She knew how happy she’d feel if there was an idol performance near her area, so she wanted to share that joy to other people. 
Katarina doesn’t join her friends in doing acting and modeling jobs until much later, when Maria joins their group. 
Anne Shelley acts as Katarina’s fitness instructor, personal health manager, and producer. She was brought into Katarina’s life even before she regained her memories, only exclusively as a health manager recommended to the Claes Family. She ended up taking on more jobs that involves watching over Katarina as the years pass by, as the young girl started gaining more and more interests and hobbies. Katarina wonders how Anne is able to be qualified for so many jobs, but she just sums it up as Anne being amazing! (Katarina: I guess she’s kind of like a maid!... or a babysitter...) Anne was (somehow) able to become a producer in Sorcier Productions and was easily recommended for Katarina due to their history. Anne cares a lot about Katarina in her happiness, and will do anything to support her (both version of her, in fact), so much that she is willing to juggle so many careers in order to stay by her side. 
Katarina has a small farm that she tends to in her free time (since she doesn’t get a lot of job offers in the first place) that is located in the garden grounds near the main office of Sorcier Pro. Her visitors/helpers differ each day, depending on who is available (and who intentionally made themselves available to make sure they can spend as much time as they can with Katarina)
While her friends constantly get fan mail, the delivery man is always wondering why Katarina always specifically gets a small light box. In reality, it’s packages sent by Tom the gardener, from the Claes Mansion, showing her all his new prototypes for the snake toy. While Katarina first started out as making them out of paper before deciding on buying them online, she knew her family would be suspicious and question why she’s making such a purchase, so she was surprised when Tom started joining her in making fake snakes, until the snakes started to look even more realistic than the plastic ones online!
Maria Campbell: A Girl Chosen by Destiny
Since “Maria” is an involved protagonist, she gets to keep her name in the game, with her idol alias being the “username”of the player
Just like in HameFura, the game doesn’t give much on Maria’s actual history. 
The game does have an implied personality for her, being a kind and hardworking girl who puts all her focus on the task at hand. The game implies that she is also a bit introverted, with her personality becoming more open and outgoing as the game progresses (implied through the slight changes in dialogue choices).
She’s a bit of a country bumpkin who moved into the big city in order to experience the world outside her town. She was able to gain a scholarship to a school in the city, and moved alone to stay with her aunt from her father’s side.
Due to her father leaving the family when she was young to due to rumors that she might be the daughter of a different man, Maria’s relationship with her mother is still very strayed. Thanks to these rumors, her father left her and her mother when she was young, and her town heavily criticized the two for the adultery that her mother apparently committed. These rumors stemmed form the fact that even as a child, Maria was beautiful (with clear blue eyes and bright blonde hair, that are in contrast to her mother’s dull eyes and dull hair). While her mother was fare-faced, the appearance that Maria had was usually associated with celebrities or artists, making people believe that Maria didn’t come from her father. Despite Maria’s mother claiming that none of it was true, the rumors got so out of hand that Maria’s father became ashamed of his family, leading him to leave without a word.
In the beginning of the game, she stayed with an Aunt from her father’s side, on the condition that she somehow pays the bills by herself, leading her to want to get a job. 
Maria saw the announcement of Sorcier Production being in need of new staff, so she applied quickly in order to start saving money. Thanks to a set of misunderstandings, she accidentally got the role as a producer, despite her lack of credentials (not knowing that she was the beginning of a big project of SorEn)
Maria is an extremely hardworking person, believing that if she worked hard enough, she will be one day rewarded with the love that she’s always dreamed of receiving.  Fortune Lover makes you think that Maria is naturally able to produce 7 idols, but in reality, it’s at the expense of Maria overworking herself to the bone, with almost no time for herself at all. Sometimes she sleeps in her small desk office instead of the household that she’s paying the bills of, in order to maximize her work hours. She dedicates every second that she has on the four boys, so when they shower her with love and attention, she was able to easily fall in love with them as well (and sadly becomes dependent on their validation as a personal reward for her efforts). 
A month before one of Fortuna’s biggest live performance (or a little bit after Maria joins them as their producer), Maria oversaw the training of another idol who came to her and ask for help (not knowing that she was just trying to get close to Maria to get close with the Fortuna boys). Maria helped her train her dancing and singing, and even memorized her choreography in order to critique her steps. She became too dedicated in helping that idol improve, thinking that the girl wanted to be friends with her. When the event happened, the female idol was hit with bad karma and injured her leg just as the live started, leaving her unable to perform. This causes an uproar among the staff, as the set list was too complicated to change in such short notice. Gerald, who is aware that Maria has been helping their colleague, encourages Maria to take her place since she knew the lyrics and the dance. Thanks to the encouragement of the boys, Maria debuts in front of a huge crowd, gaining instant popularity as the cinderella idol that saved the live event. 
Most of Maria’s job as a producer in arranging the schedules of the boys, staying in contact with their costume designer, staying in contact with their personal composers and lyricists, sorting through job offers, keeping watch of their health, watching them while they practice and accompanying them in their jobs. When she isn’t there to accompany any of them, another producer temporarily takes her place. 
As Maria’s popularity increases, she is given job offers that prevents her from focusing on being a producer. Since the boys are very fond of Maria, they are very encouraging of her desire to become an idol too, and offers to help support her and themselves moving forward. 
The game itself doesn’t make the changes in Maria’s occupation obvious, since Maria’s idol life is only prevalent in the Idol Rhythm Game Mode, but in reality the increase in workload is slowly eating her up (not that she’d let anyone know that)
Maria, as an idol, gets constantly harassed by her peers (especially Katarina) for being a nobody idol who took the spotlight away from them, as well as for being a close ally to Fortuna. A lot of scenes in the story mode is the boys saving her from the harassment (leading to a lot of good CG art that are sold as posters :P)
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Depending on whose romance route you are on, Mary and Sophia start out as very hostile towards Maria, as her existence takes away the attention that their loved ones were supposed to give to them. Sophia warms up the fastest, as Maria’s lack of hostility towards her makes both her and Nicol easily attached. Even after the three starts as unit as Amour, Mary’s relationship with maria is mostly professional, before she slowly warms up to her somewhere near the end of the Alan Romance Route. The three can be considered friends, but they still seemed more like colleagues in the eyes of other people. 
When Katarina meets Maria, she was very surprised to know that the Maria she played as in the game was a more humane person than the game shows up (somehow who isn’t perfect in every way, and works hard and long to be able to provide for both herself and the four boys)
Their meeting and friendship bloomed in the same way as the Otome Game version (because i’m too lazy to jot down every minor difference hgfjsdgf), surprising Katarina that baking hobby that was just mentioned in text or used as a plot device is actually real and flourishing, and is something she actively supported Maria. 
Due to Katarina’s slow popularity gain, and Maria being a novice idol, they usually took and accepted jobs together since they both needed a boost. Instead of the quick burst of popularity that Maria has in the game, this time she wants to take each step slowly with Katarina, with the desire for them to grow at the same time.
Since Katarina is now aware of the hardships that Maria must be facing as both a producer and an idol, this time Katarina and Anne often help Maria with her paperwork and organization. Whenever Maria isn’t there to follow Gerald, Keith, Alan or Nicol, Anne now takes over if she’s available or she’d recommend a colleague that she knows would assist the boys like a pro. 
Katarina insists that Maria doesn’t have to shoulder all her burden alone, and that she has all their friends around to help her and support her as they do with each other. Katarina tells her that it’s okay to ask for help and even offers her hand constantly (wow, Katarina can easily carry all these boxes of documents? My hero~) and Maria takes this lesson to heart.
Even though Maria felt nervous about joining Katarina’s friend group so suddenly, which even includes the very idols that she’s meant to watch over, Katarina was very insistent that Maria’s wonderful and warming presence would let her blend in so easily (Katarina isn’t aware of how the relationships of the characters were like in the original game since she never finished). Maria is eventually able to become friends with everyone, and is easily able to hold conversations with Mary and Sophia without Katarina around. Maria is there to act as a straight man to Mary’s exaggerated attempts at hindering the boy’s time with Katarina, and Maria often acts as an ear to Mary’s gossips about other idols. Maria, while not an avid fan of novels as Sophia and Katarina, can still join conversations about books by asking details, recommendations and insights on books she’s already read. Maria can easily get along with the boys as well, since they are in each other’s presence most of the time due to her role. They don’t hesitate to help Maria whenever they can (despite her resistance), and she’s usually the one who stops the arguments between Gerald and Keith whenever they are in the middle of a job. 
Since Katarina ended p being so attached to Maria, the boys sometimes takes advantage of Maria’s role as a producer to have her work instead of attending to the woman of their affections (of course they feel somewhat bad about it, but it’s better than watching them look so love-struck with each other!) but it ends up backfiring when Katarina lets go of all her activities in favor of assisting Maria with her job as a producer.
Whenever Maria is free, she insists on borrowing the small kitchen in the Office in order to use the small over to bake some pastries and treats for her friends. Katarina constantly endorses the amazingness of Maria’s sweets, and they are both happy whenever their friends compliments the results of Maria’s hard work.
Compared to her work schedule in the game, Maria can now work comfortably as both an idol and a producer, thanks to the support and help of her friends. 
Sirius Dieke: The 5th Love Interest
Sirius Dieke is a non-payable character in Fortune Lover, who usually appears in Gerald and Nicol’s stories and side story events to explain things about the world and the past relationship of the characters.
He is another idol in Sorcier Pro, and is an old friend to Nicol.
In reality, he’s actually a hidden character within the game that can only be playable if you get a Friendship Ending in the first playthrough. Getting a neural ending is already super hard, so Sirius being playable wasn’t revealed until two months after the game initial release. The game is so good at hiding this fact that not even the dataminers were able to find evidence of his existence outside of being an NPC. 
Getting a Sirius Route is only possible in the New Game+ Mode, with story events and side story events dedicated to him alone. He only comes with only one new song though, so people in forums usually don’t recommend going to the Sirius Route in the second playthrough (unless you’re a completionist dgjfd)
There’s also the fact that Sirius’ Route has a completely different tone than the rest of the game. The developers of the game planned on removing his route in their game update, but due to the outcry of his fans, they kept it in, and even included a payed DLC where you can instantly unlock his route on your first playthrough. 
In Sirius’ Route, it’s revealed that he was the son of a former celebrity and one of his maids, and that his real name is Raphael Wolt. His mother quited her job just before he was born. They were ultimately hunted down by Mrs. Dieke, who refused to believe that her husband had a mistress.
Raphael and his mother were kidnapped by people payed by Mrs. Dieke, and as his mother begged for her to spare their lives, Mrs. Dieke’s plans were revealed: Her own son is ill and was slowly dying from an illness, and in her jealousy of Raphael’s strong physique and health, she has decided to take Raphael as her own son, as both him and her original son both looked like their fathers more than their mothers. 
In front of his eyes, Raphael’s mother was murdered in cold blood and Raphael was left to suffer from various degrees of shock therapy and blunt forces to the head in order to forcefully induce amnesia without killing him. He wakes up in the hospital bed with no memories of who he is, and Mrs. Dieke graciously plays the part of a concerned mother who is visiting her own son in order to sell the idea that Raphael is her own. 
In the background, a news headline states that a mother and son was found dead in an abandoned warehouse.
The doctor tells Mrs. Dieke that her son “Sirius” might not recover his memories, and despite the glee in her voice, Mrs. Dieke acts and pretends to be devastated by the news. Unbeknownst to both of them, Sirius did eventually regain his lost memories over time and realizes that the woman claiming to be his mother is in fact the very person who had killed his only family. 
Sirius learns that the reason Mrs. Dieke is so insistent on having a son was to be able to nurture and create a new star that would dazzle the entertainment world, with hopes of being able to live vicariously through her son’s career and success. Feeling disgust and hatred towards the woman that he is now forced to call “mother”, he plans to enact his revenge by destroying the entertainment world from the inside, exposing its ugliness to the world.
Sirius ends up becoming an idol because of the encouragement of his “mother”, leading him to be affiliated with Nicol and Gerald. He had already met them when they were all young, and he even planned to have them as allies in his quest to destroy the entertainment industry, only to find them as disappointingly bright eyed teens when they reunited.  
When Sirius finds out that it was the effect of Maria Campbell, their new producer, he decided to wage war against her for acting as a thorn to his perfect plans. It’s revealed that a lot of the bullying scenarios in the story mode was orchestrated by Sirius himself, in an attempt to get maria to lose her reputation and her job. 
Maria was able to trace back all the incidents to him, and confront him alone in the Office at night, before he left to go home. Sirius laughed and admitted to all of his past and crimes, and mocked Maria for having no proof against him. Instead of condemning him, Maria hugs him while telling him to change his ways. Despite the violent ways that he tries to get Maria off him, she doesn’t let go, trying to convince him that his way of acting in correspondence to his grief is wrong. Sirius cries as Maria spoke sense into him and dissected the flaws in his grand plan, until only the sound of his crying is left in the cold and empty office that day. 
In Hamefura, When Sirius finds out that this was the effect of the “saint” Katarina Claes, he had orchestrated various events that could lead Katarina to being condemned by the public through her supposed “bullying” of the public darling Maria. This plans fails, so he plans on using Maria as a form of blackmail to get Katarina to leave the entertainment world in exchange for her friend’s safety. Maria disappears for a few days, causing her friends to be very worried for her, especially Katarina who is somewhat aware of the events that were occurring. During the search, she was able to find Sirius and tried to engage in some small talk, until she remembered a detail that her old friend Acchan said about a dark and secret love interest. Without any thought, Katarina questioned Sirius about Maria’s disappearance, surprising him with her sudden awareness.
Sirius admits to his crimes, and before Katarina can escape, Sirius hit her on the head so she can lose consciousness, but not before screaming about how he hates her ignorant enthusiasm, how she changed his pawns and made them better people, and how he wont let her take his heart and change him as well before he could enact his revenge, with tears in his eyes. This act leads to Katarina going unconscious for a few days. In this come state, Katarina was able to gain information from her old friend Acchan that she can use to save Sirius and Maria. 
In the abandoned warehouse where “he” and his mother supposedly died, Sirius has Maria locked up, with no plans of letting her escape until he can guarantee that Katarina is out of the picture. He is shocked to find out that Katarina and her friends were able to find both of them; he goes on a rampage about how he wants to destroy the Dieke family and everyone associated with them and the cruel world they have created, before the feeling of despair and fear for his future leads him to almost taking his own life as a final escape. 
Katarina stops him, and tells him that both of them has no future, as a secret love interest and as a villainess, and how she can’t save him the way Maria can. But that if anything else, she can a least stay by his side and take some of the weight off his shoulders, like what her friends have been doing for her since the beginning. Katarina calls him by his real name, Raphael Wolt, leading him to unlocking the final memory that he had lost from his temporary amnesia:
A memory of his mother, in her final moments, telling Raphael that she will always be by his side, and that she wishes for him to have a happy future, even if it wouldn’t have her in it. Katarina’s words made him realize that this wasn’t what his mother would wanted for him, leading him to see the error of his ways. 
In both versions, it ends with Sirius turning himself in and confessing to the crimes of both him and Mrs. Dieke, leading to both of their arrest and the return/resurface of the Wolt Family murder case investigation. Sirius’ contract with Sorcier Entertainment gets terminated, and heavy manipulation of the media was used in order to prevent the story from coming into light. 
Since Raphael lacked any crimes that would have him arrested, he was set free and left the Dieke family as it slowly fell apart from the controversy. He announced that he wants to spend his freedom as himself, but will one day come back to all of them as a better person. 
Without Katarina realizing it, Raphael confesses that his rampage was caused by his fear of his desires for her and her company, and that he was scared that if she continued to open her arms to him in such an easy-going and warm fashion, he would lose all his will to have his revenge on the entertainment industry. Much to the annoyance of Katarina and Raphael’s friends, he takes her hand and promises to come back, to stay by her side, like she had promised to him. 
In the Raphael Ending, Maria and Raphael meets again years later as both were on the way to work. Maria has already left the entertainment business and had no plans of returning, while Raphael became a changed man with a good heart and a steady job. Eventually, Maria was able to fall in love with the good man that Raphael was always meant to be/has become, and Raphael was able to rekindle the love and affection that he felt for Maria when they were still idols together.
Raphael had declared that he will back, better than ever! As an idol? who knows :3c But where will he go from here...?
Fortune Lover 2/Fortune Lover Re:Dive
Spoilers for Volume 3 of Hamefura and beyond, since this is about FL2
I’ve had a bunch of ideas that I’d like for Fortune Lover 2, but I’m not really sure if I want to put it out there because it seems too fanfiction-y in a way?
I feel like my ideas are straying far away from the original version, which disappoints me in a way, but then again, My Idol Game version of Fortune Lover is nothing like the Otome Game counterpart, so I’ll still write about it. 
If you like the premise for an Idol Game style Fortune Lover, then feel free to just absorb the content above because for (my version of) Fortune Lover 2 to happen, Katarina will still get her bad end: Public Humiliation and Self-Banishment. I’ll save how it happens in part 4 
In Fortune Lover 2, there would be 3 new produce-able idols, but in My Next Life as an Idol, there will be 5 new idols:
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this is what i meant when I said the plot is gonna feel like a fanfiction :DD
Fortune Lover 2 isn’t really a sequel, as it is like a bulkier and softly rewritten version of FL, like how Persona 3/4/5 remakes are to their original games.
FL2 introduces a new Idol Agency that is affiliated with Sorcier Entertainment: Mahouka Production (also known as MahoPro), a recently established talent agency created by a mysterious Director. Despite being new, they were able to quickly gain a following through the eccentric idols in their line-up.
With a longer story, halfway through the game you start being introduced to three new male idols: Sora Smith, Cyrus Lanchester and Dewey Percy. They are idols that are under MahoPro, who dislikes the idols of SorPro and claims to be their rivals.
They start out as rival characters in the game, taunting you (Maria) and the idols of Fortuna constantly for a few chapters. Some time after your initial introduction, you slowly get to know the boys, until you’re finally able to gain their trust. You can then start to secretly “produce” them without their Director knowing (just like Shika from IM@S Stella Stage), which leads to gaining events, scenes, idol clothes, songs and CGs of the three new boys.
As the new character gets introduced later into the story mode, they are more of an optional route, as the game still prioritizes the original 4 boys over the new cast. You can still “romance” the 3 new characters, but since they are introduced late, it can only be done at the expense of focusing on them almost exclusively during story events and side stories so that you can quickly gain Relationship Points for them.
So basically, halfway through the game, you have the option to produce 11 idols: Yourself (Maria), Gerald, Alan, Keith, Nicol, Mary, Sophia, Raphael, Sora, Dewey and Cyrus. The first 5 being obligatory, while the last 6 are optional
Rufus Smith (or “Sora”, as he reveals to you his real name during the story) is new idol in MahoPro who was able to quickly gain a female following due to his attractive figure and maxed-out sex appeal. Many compare him to Nicol Ascart due to the fact that he is slowly taking a lot of his jobs (or works alongside him at times) due to his handsome face. While both of them are handsome models, the public is aware that there is no point in pining the two against each other since their beauty works in different ways.
In the story (and as hinted in a few side story events), he was a slum rat who didn’t have much for himself. One day, he met a man who had join him and his fellow slum dwellers into their territory, a man by the name of David. The man was able to give Sora a new perspective on life, his new name, as well as how to sing. After David died, he wandered around the country, doing dirty jobs for shady adults for money. A few years later, we was caught singing in the streets by a man who offered to take care of him and cultivate him as an idol at the age of 13, complimenting him for his beauty and his singing. While Sora rejected the offer, the man’s words never left his mind. He started out by singing in the street for change, then getting singing jobs at cafes/live houses/restaurants for money, until he suddenly got a small following as an underground idol. The Director of MahoPro offers a place for Sora, alongside with giving him jobs as a full-fledged idol that can help him provide for himself, leading him to be affiliated with Sorcier Entertainment. 
Sora starts out having a rather sarcastic relationship with Maria, thinking that she is one of the many women who throws themselves at him to get his attention. He always gives her back handed compliments as always has a vicious tone when speaking. As the story progresses, Sora realizes that Maria isn’t disgusted by his history, and realized that Maria is truly a good and kind person. Sora starts to unconsciously seek her out, trying to reverse the bad impression that he must have left on her and to be with someone who doesn’t look at him lowly, like the other adults and idols of SorEn who dislikes people that aren’t of celebrity-upbringing.
Dewey Percy is a young idol that auditioned for Sorcier Pro. and won, but was rejected at the last minute in favor of a less talented wannabe-idol who was related to a famous actor. The Director of MahoPro came to Dewey with an offer as an idol, acknowledging his talents in music and dancing that he evidently have been polishing for years. In his town, Dewey was known as a Music Prodigy, as he was talented in singing, dancing, acting and playing instruments, though that’s not to say that those weren’t the effects of his own hard work. Because his family wasn’t the absolute best financially, he decided to audition as an idol in order to get jobs despite being young.
Dewey is revealed to be somewhat of a childhood friend to Maria, as he lived in the same town as her. Despite this, he is very wary of her due to the bad impressions left on his by Sorcier Pro. after he almost lost his chance at becoming an idol. Dewey absolutely hated asking for help, even when it was draining him down. He is very desperate to keep his title as a music prodigy, even though he knows it’ll be drowned once he’s in a battlefield of idols. (Also he tries very desperately to be seen as a mature and hot idol, despite his youth and appearance giving him a cute one instead lol) 
Maria realizes how hard Dewey is pushing himself, and convinces him over multiple instances that he doesn’t need to be hard on himself and suffer alone. Maria offers herself as a shoulder to lean on, making Dewey embarrassed but happy at the idea that he can finally have someone to rely on, and that he doesn’t need to be alone anymore. They were also able to bond about their similar upbringing, making Dewey feel at home in the arms of Maria despite being miles away from their town. 
Cyrus Lanchester is an idol from a different agency, who was transferred to MahoPro by the time the events of the game began. He has a very strict personality, and is an overall perfectionist as an idol. He was let go from his original Agency because his strictness and tendency to scold his fellow idols caused his peers (who are a bunch of lazy and stuck up children of celebrities) to take him out because they didn’t vibe with his attitude. Before his original producer was able to tell him that he was done as an idol, the Director of MahoPro offered a place for him in their new agency. 
While being grateful to the Director for taking him in, he does not hold back in letting everyone know about his distaste for their odd Director. While is he very talented as an idol, he is just using it as a chance to learn more about the industry and gain connections that he can use to be a part of it in the near future. 
While he doesn’t start as wary of Maria as his fellow male idols, he insist on keeping distance with her due to the fact that they are of different agencies, as well as the fact that he is not good at dealing with women.
(I’ll have to rewrite Cyrus and Dewey’s descriptions after Volume 7 comes out, since I don’t have much to work with. I’ll add the Sora, Cyrus and Dewey endings in the edit as well.)
I know some part of Maria and Sirius’ backstory doesn’t make any sense but just use your imagination lol hgjgfjsfgd
More about Katarina, the silhouettes, the Director, and how it affects the story on the next part :DD my fingers really hurt from all this typing hgjsdgfjs
If ever i’m dissatisfied with what I have here and end up changing things, don’t be surprised jhfjshdgfs
Next Part is gonna be plot points that I want for this AU and a bit of FL2, so sorry if the next one might not be that exciting fsjhgfjsd
feedback and suggestions are very much appreciated! Thank you to the few people who are interested in this AU :DD
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atiny-ahgase · 4 years
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Author’s Note: Guess who couldn’t sleep because they had this idea stuck in their head but also couldn’t write because they wanted to sleep? If you guessed Me then you would be correct *Gold Star*.
Side Note: Currently I’m not sure if i’ll be able to continue writing because I recently hurt my wrist. I hope that its nothing serious and of course i’ll keep you  all posted if or when anything changes. I hope that its nothing serious and that the pain will go away but i’m really unsure right now so I thought that I should let you all know- Gabby.
Extra Info: This is for some context when references about the Anemone flower are made. This is also known as the ‘Wind flower’ because it blooms during Spring time when the winds are strong. The flower welcomes Spring by blooming but its petals are fragile and are often blown away by the same winds that they have opened up to welcome.- (aren’t I poetic lol).
Summary: Y/n is an introverted flower enthusiast, to say the least. Only knowledgeable in communicating through ‘flower language’ she rejects the idea of vocal communication with others. But what will she do when she finally meets someone that she wants to talk to? Will she be able to get her message across or will love be her Anemone flower; welcoming the same strong winds that ultimately threaten to destroy her.
Pairing: San x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Romance, School AU
Contains: Fluff, Angst, Female Reader, Flower Symbolism
Working at your parents’ flower shop wasn’t just a job to you, it was the highlight of your day; you loved it there. You’d spend your entire summer break helping arrange flowers for anything from centerpieces to bouquets. You hated the time you spent away from the enchanting corner shop which you often referred to as your home. Walking through the emerald green doors only to be greeted by a plethora of flowers in an array of colours and species was one of the best parts of your day. This moment was second only to the feeling you got when you walked through your home garden and greenhouse. That was truly where all of the magic happened. It was the place that provided your family with the paint you needed to colour art pieces which spoke straight to the human soul, also known to others as ‘Flower Arrangements’. 
To say that you liked flowers would be an understatement, you couldn’t even say that you loved them because that word couldn’t even communicate the strong feeling you had towards those colourful sprouts of life. And that was the problem with words; they just weren’t strong enough. They could never express sincere emotions the same way that flowers did. It was this very notion that cultivated your current belief that flower language was the superior language in every state, shape and form; and anyone who couldn’t understand that wasn’t worth your time. 
This was the very reason that you spent the majority of your time outside of the flower shop alone. No one understood your deeply rooted love for flowers and you honestly couldn’t be bothered to explain it to them. That was until now. Why was it that after all of this time do you now feel the need to communicate with someone? And it wasn’t just the simple “Good mornings” and “How have you beens” that you’ve programmed yourself to say just so your parents could stop pestering you about your ‘antisocial tendencies’ or whatever they called it. You actually wanted to sit down and have a real conversation. You wanted to tell him that his smile brightens your day more than any Sunflower could and that the joy of his laugh reminded you of the Lilac flower which represented ‘The joy of Youth’.
You’ve never felt like this about another person before, everything about him was like a flower to you; an arrangement carefully created by the heavens. The rosy colour of his cheeks mimicked the hue of the Pink Carnations that framed the windowpane of your home, the golden glint in his eyes while he spoke about the things that he enjoyed was like that of the Freesia petals; bright and filled with innocence. You could write a book about every floral feature he had, honestly you could write a series about him; one book for every mesmerizing quality he possessed. The more you studied him the more his personality bloomed, opening up to reveal even more beauty like a flower opening up its petals to greet the light of a new day.
You had met San one rainy evening while you were closing your parents’ shop. The store didn’t regularly close that early but sales were slow that day so your mother said that you should just close up and head home for the day. You turned the “Open” sign so it would display the words “Closed” to the outside then headed to the back room to grab your bag and turn off the lights. You reached for your backpack only to be startled by a thunderous roaring from the sky. It was as though the heavens had opened up, striking the world below with bolts of furry and piercing bullets in the form of rainfall. The weatherman did say that there was going to be a storm but you had never imagined that it would have been of that magnitude.
Searching for your phone you dug into your back pocket. You texted your parents to let them know that you were basically stranded until the rain lightens up; not wanting to drive in torrential showers. You then headed back to the front of the store to wait out the weather. Sitting behind the counter you couldn’t help but see the outline of a figure attempting to take shelter outside of the shop. The strong winds were making this action incredibly difficult as they crashed into the front door and windows. If he wasn’t already soaked, he would be soon.
You released a loud sigh before walking to the door and allowing the stranger to enter the shop. Even though you weren’t incredibly fond of conversations you couldn’t just sit back and leave someone to endure that type of weather. He quickly ran into the store, clutching his sides to retain some level of heat in his body. Now that he was in front of you you could clearly see his features. His raven black hair was soaked to the touch, wet and wavy the gentle curls framed his face like the petals of a Carnation. He had a slit on his eyebrow right above his dark brown eyes. For some reason the more you looked that them the more they reminded you of the brown centre of the Anemone flower, beautiful yet fragile.
“I’m not gonna lie y/n; I didn’t expect you to open the door”, he spoke before chuckling to himself.
The look of confusion was eminent on your face which only made him laugh even more. He clutched his stomach as he toppled over laughing; water droplets from his hair dripping unto the white tile floor beneath him. “Great, I just let a lunatic into the store,” you thought.
“Sorry about that,” he said while whipping the tears which built up in his eyes “,it’s just that we’ve been in the same class since we were eight and you still don’t even know my name.”
You tilted your head to the side studying the person in question. You were positive that you’d never seen that man in your life.
“I’m Choi San” he stated with a smile “, we’re the same age, I sit behind you in Biology class and my locker is LITERALLY right next to yours”.
“Hi,” you simply state before walking past him to once again sit behind the counter. “Wow, I guess the rummers were true, you really are just as coldhearted as they claim you to be,” he says, his eyes never once leaving yours. “Like the Hydrangea flower right?” he directs the question to you, his head tilted to the left. He had caught you off guard, you’ve never expected him to even know what a Hydrangea was, much less what it symbolized.
Reaching down you grabbed a towel from beneath the counter before tossing it in his direction. “Although there are a lot of negative connotations connected to the Hydrangea such as Coldheartedness; it also symbolizes gratitude and thanksgiving,” you scuff before returning your attention to your phone.
“You really know your stuff huh?” you hear from across the counter. “So what does this flower mean?” he asks while pointing at a vase of tulips sitting on the counter. “Its a declaration of love,” you simply state. “And what about this one,” he asks while studying a painting of Orange “Lilies on the wall. “I hate you,” you replied. “What did I do?” he exclaims; eyes looking both confused and hurt.
You couldn’t control the burst of laughter that exploded from your body, you placed your hands on the counter in a futile attempt to balance yourself. “I didn’t mean I hate you, dummy. That’s what Orange Lilies mean,” you explained, amusement prevalent in your eyes. You hear him softly chuckle before he returns to interrogating you on some of the remaining flowers in the store. To your surprise, you actually didn’t mind the company, apart from your parents you’ve never really gotten the chance to talk to anyone else about flowers. You didn’t know that it would be as fun as it was, but at that moment you didn’t mind getting close to someone if it was San.
Walking into your morning Biology class you’re greeted by the most unexpected sight; on top of your desk was a bouquet of light blue hydrangeas. Surely they couldn’t be for you unless they were some sort of sick joke from your classmates; ‘let’s get the coldhearted girl Hydrangeas cause they both represent the same thing’. You scuffed at the thought before sitting at your desk and inspecting the flowers. Tied to the stem was a small note which read: “The Hydrangea is one of the most misunderstood flowers of the world not unlike you. Thank you for helping me out- Sanflower’. You didn’t know whether you should smile at the fact that he actually remembered or laugh at the comparison he made between him and a Sunflower. If anything he was more like a buttercup; bright, childish and joyous.
You carefully plucked off a single bud of the Hydrangea before gently placing it on the table behind you remembering that he said he often sat there. “You’re welcome,” you hear him whisper behind you, you could practically hear the grin on his face. 
That was the moment that you realized that you’d give anything to spend even one second more with him. Just talking; it didn’t even have to be about flowers. He was the first person whose life you actually cared to know about. Did he have any siblings, what was his favourite food, did he have any pets? All of those questions swarmed around in your head all day.
You could go up and talk to him if you actually knew how to have a conversation but you were completely hopeless. San was the first person outside of your family that you actually conversed with for more than 5 minutes. The fact that you were completely aware of your lack of communication skills only fueled your overgrowing anxiety.
After multiple failed attempts at socializing with him; apart from the basic “Hi” when you see each other; you decided that maybe it was better to just not even try talking to him. Quit while you’re ahead right? So could someone please explain why you were standing in front of San’s locker at the early hours of the morning with a small bunch of Pear Blossoms in your hand. Well, according to the girls you found gossiping in the bathroom, San had a Taekwondo tournament and Pear Blossoms meant ‘good luck’ so it just made sense to give them to him. Placing the flowers on his locker you hastily left, feeling your face heat up in embarrassment. You could have just handed him the flowers dummy... 
This action continued for months, you’d leave flowers all around him at least twice a week. You knew that it was weird but what else could you do? Just the thought of confessing to him filled your body with so much anxiety that you couldn’t breathe. You were cursed to only be able to express yourself through flowers so you did just that. You left White Camellias (Symbolizes Lovable/Adorable) on his desk, Yellow Tulips (Symbolizes Happiness of Love) on his locker, even Red Chrysanthemums (Symbolizes Love) near his gym clothes. 
With every flower, that you placed you hoped that their message would reach him. “I like you”, “You’re Cute”, “Please think of me”, “I love you”. You felt as though your words where being screamed into deaf ears but you couldn’t give up. You couldn’t give him up. You never understood how focusing only on the colours of flowers had made you blind to the colours of the world. He painted your world in the brightest colours that you’ve thought only existed in flower petals. How could one person be so beautiful inside and out? The most stunning flower in the garden.
As the school term was coming to a close you began seeing less and less of San plus you started taking more hours at the flower shop; as if that was even possible, you already basically live there. You sat behind the counter remembering how your life was before you had ever met San; things were less…..confusing. He filled your head with thoughts that you’ve never considered before and even though you hated the bubbly feeling in your stomach you couldn’t deny the love he made you feel. You cherished every emotion he had given you, from the butterflies in your stomach to the hurricane in your heart, they were all precious to you; he was precious to you.
The chiming of the bell at the front door knocks you out of your thoughts, the sight that comes into view knocks the air out of your lungs. San had entered, he stood beside an older man. The similarities in their facial structure had caused you to deduce that it was his father. They slowly walked through the store examining the flowers with a commendable amount of detail. You take a deep breath before speaking.
“Looking for anything in particular sir?” you ask from across the counter. The elder man smiles widely at you before walking to greet you at the counter. “I’m looking for a gift for my wife. She recently got promoted to be the supervisor of a company in Seoul,” he explained. You couldn’t hold back the sinking feeling in your heart. Seoul? That’s really far away. Will they all move there? Will San move there? All those thoughts just kept on swimming through your head, spiraling like a tornado; demolishing your hopes.
“People usually give roses don’t they?” San’s voice being the only thing that could pull you out of your thoughts. “Red roses are perfect for a loved one,” you state “, I can prepare a bouquet now if you’d like.” The man thanked you before taking a seat on one of the benches inside the store. The bouquet was simple enough so you didn’t take too long. Before you walked out you picked up a single Myosotis flower; holding it behind your back. You had just finished receiving your payment when you hear San call out to you. “Hey Y/n, Sunflowers are a symbol of loyalty right?”
You laughed to yourself, he sounded so proud of himself, it was cute. “Yeah they are,” you reply “, but what about this flower?” you say while revealing the flower from behind your back, head tilted to the side. San walked up to you, taking the flower from your hand to inspect it. You took a deep breath, it was now or never. “I’m not too sure about it. Can I ask an expert opinion?” he asks while looking at you, eyebrow cocked and a lopsided grin on his face. “They’re called ‘The Myosotis Flower’ but they’re better known as ‘Forget me not’. Can you guess what they mean now?” you responded.
The longer he took to respond the hotter your face got, you felt as though all of your emotions were boiling up inside you ready to erupt at any moment. “How could I forget you Y/n?” he asks, his eyes looking deep into your soul. “Don’t forget me when you go to live in Seoul with your Mom,” you whispered looking down at the floor. The more you looked at him the more your heartache. He whispered something to the elderly man before you heard the store door open and close. Shuffling was heard the store; too afraid to look up at San you instead kept your head down, finding a new interest in the tiles on the counter top.
A soft banging sound on the counter forces you to jump up. “Can I have these please?” he asks gesturing to a vase of Red Tulips. You blinked a few times to ensure that you were seeing correctly. Was he really not gonna acknowledge anything that you said? “Pink Tulips represent care wouldn’t you rather-”. “Id like these please,” he interrupted you. Red Tulips really weren’t appropriate to give to a relative but if that’s what he wants.. “I’ll go wrap them up then,” you reply unable to keep the exhaustion from dripping off your lips. Love was exhausting but San somehow managed to make all the pain worth it. “You don’t need to do that, they’re staying right here,” he says. 
“What are you talking-”. “They’re for you,” he interrupted you again. “Do you even know what Red Tulips mean?” you questioned rather harshly. He’s moving to Seoul and now this? You’re not sure how much more pain you can take. “They mean ‘Believe me when I say that I love you’,” he shouts the golden spark in his eyes were replaced with a look of determination. “I love you Y/n. I have since the first time we met so many years ago. Do you know how many times I’ve looked at you and prayed that you’d look at me with the same care that you look at these flowers? I came to class early every day so that I can sit behind you, I traded lockers with one of the guys on the Football team just so I could see you between classes. Heck, I take the long way home from practice just so I could pass by this shop every evening so please don’t pull that ‘Don’t forget me’ line when you’re the one who couldn’t remember me.” He stood there, panting. You’ve never realized how exhausted he looked, was all of that because of you?
How did he do that? Depict the meaning of Red Tulips better than Red Tulips themselves. You felt a tightness in your chest. What were you supposed to do when the one thing you’ve wished for for so many months finally comes through? How were you supposed to react when the guy you’ve been in love with for months says that he’s loved you for years? What were you supposed to say to the only person that actually saw you? But you were too distracted to notice them. Your thoughts went a mile a minute; you raked your brain to think of what to say. What flower was there to show him how much you really did care for him. To tell him that you felt the same love that he’s had for so many years in the mere months of him entering the shop. To tell him that you don’t want him to go.
There wasn’t one. You couldn’t express those feelings with flowers but you also couldn’t express them with words, only with actions. Extending your hands you pull him into a hug; the counter still separating you but that didn’t seem to bother San as he cradled your head in his hands. “I’m so sorry San,” you whisper; your voice breaking in the process. “I love you too. So much,” you continued, gripping him in your arms even tighter. “It’s okay Princess. Your the strong winds to my Anemone flower; I know that I can’t withstand you but I welcome you anyway,” he responds before kissing your cheek. You could hold unto each other forever but the chiming of the front doorbell forces you two apart. 
“Sorry to interrupt Sannie but we need to get going,” states the man who had previously entered with San. You could see the faint blush on San’s cheeks as he looked at the man. “Sorry for the wait uncle I’ll be right there,” replied San before he glances at you with a smug smirk on this face. It only took you a moment to connect the dots. If that man was his uncle then that meant that his Aunt was moving. You released a loud groan before resting your head on the counter. This is so embarrassing. You feel gentle fingers begin the glide across the skin of your arm before a chaste kiss was left on your head. You raise your head upon hearing footsteps beginning to fade.
“Orange Lilies (I hate you),” you jokingly yell at San while pouting, arms crossed over your chest. “Red Roses (I love you),” he smiles back at you trying his best to hold back his laughter before departing. You looked at the Red Tulips that he had left for you on the counter, his words replaying in your head, “Please believe me when I say that I love you”.
Hope you all liked it. I really like flowers so I had a lot of fun writing it. 
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(未定事件簿) EVENT!「致斯卡提的情诗」 [Tears of Themis] EVENT: A Love Poem to SKADI Translation (The Manor of Hermes: Mo Yi Route)
*Tears of Themis Masterlist / Mobile Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *The tracking tag for ALL Event Stories will go under: #Tears of an Event
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News Notebook:
MC: Dr. Mo, do you see that thing that's being sandwiched between two books?
Mo Yi: Well, I've already taken it down. It's a notebook, with lots of newspaper excerpts pasted inside it.
MC: Newspaper excerpts? What about?
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Mo Yi: They're all reports detailing about the treatment of mental illnesses, with no exception.
He instructed me to take note of the contents written within as he flipped through the notebook.
There was a string of numbers annotated above the newspaper snippet pasted on the last page of the notebook; "No. 0012".
Mo Yi: Additionally, there are also comments written beside each and every article here that says "tried", "not tried", "not effective", and so on.
MC: "Tried" and "not tried"...? Does this mean that someone was being treated with all the methods that had been in the news?
MC: Also, just who's collecting all this information?
Mo Yi: ……
He smiled, but never answered my question.
Mo Yi: Okay, let's not mull over such a complicated topic right now. I have something for you to see.
He gently took my hand, placing the thing he had been polishing off into my palm.
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MC: This is… A fragment of "Allie's Winter"!
Mo Yi: That's right. This one fell out of the notebook when I was retrieving it.
Mo Yi: I have to say, we're pretty… Lucky.
☆ Obtained: News Notebook! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[News Notebook Info]
A notebook filled with a large number of newspaper excerpts. A series of numbers is written on the last page, "No. 0012"; this set of numbers seem to have a special connection to the code case in the same room where this notebook was found. These snippets of news are mostly reporting about how mental illnesses were being treated through Electroconvulsive Therapy, and Hydrotherapy, etc. It's worth noting that there are also comments beside the reports; there was someone who was paying particular attention to the contents of the reports.
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Burnt Medical Equipment:
MC: These are all really badly damaged…
MC: Can you tell what they are, Dr. Mo?
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Mo Yi: ……
He remained silent for a while, for some unbeknownst reason.
MC: ???
Mo Yi: These are all… Mostly equipment that are used to treat mental illnesses, physically.
MC: Treating mental illnesses… Physically?
Mo Yi: That's right. If I'm not wrong, these destroyed equipment should be…
Mo Yi: An electrical shocking device to assist in the application of Electroconvulsive Therapy.
MC: Electroconvulsive Therapy!?
The words that he had just uttered gave me a fright.
Mo Yi: Yes. Various physical forms of therapy that are similar to Electroconvulsive Therapy have always been…
Mo Yi: The go-to of treating mental illnesses in the past, before the successful development of Chlorpromazine.
Mo Yi: And it looks like there was at least one such patient within the Manor.
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MC: Do you know the specific circumstances surrounding the person being treated here?
Mo Yi: I'm afraid we'll have to find other leads if I am to do that.
He scrutinized the things in front of him for a while.
Mo Yi: Wait… The green shards in this corner here look like… Jewel fragments?
MC: Fragments… From "Allie's Winter"!
☆ Obtained: Burnt Medical Equipment! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
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[Burnt Medical Equipment Info]
The Electric Shock Device used in Electroconvulsive Therapy has serious scorch marks on it. Before the successful development of Chlorpromazine, various types of physical therapy similar to Electroconvulsive Therapy were widely used in clinical treatments of mental illnesses. Perhaps, those methods may have saved a couple of lives, but the most unfortunate thing of it all, is that it has only made a greater number of people fall into the throes of another type of “despair”. 
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Surgical Instruction Manual:
Mo Yi stopped in front of the bookshelf.
MC: What's wrong, Dr. Mo? Did you find something?
Mo Yi: There are lots of instruction manuals on how to perform physical therapy on patients with mental illnesses on this shelf.
Mo Yi: Just like this book here…
He took the book down from the shelf, handing it to me.
Mo Yi: The method that's mainly explained in this book is Hydrotherapy.
Mo Yi: Its therapeutic effect is attained by letting the patient recline in the bathtub, and then subjecting them to the continued simulation of icy cold water and boiling hot water over and over again.
Mo Yi: In addition to that, there are also books here about torture, interrogation, and exorcism methods.
Mo Yi: They're all once-famous methods of physical therapy that were commonly used.
MC: But it's absolutely impossible to cure the patients using such methods, I'm sure…
Mo Yi: That's right. Not only will they not be cured, but some of their conditions might also be further aggravated in the process.
Mo Yi: However…
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Mo Yi: Needing to read an Instruction Manual of this calibre? Is the person living here really a doctor?
MC: ???
Mo Yi: It's nothing.
Mo Yi: Right, how about you look into the depths of the bookshelf? Is there still anything in there?
MC: Oh? There's something sparkling brightly in there… It kinda looks like…
I attempted to retrieve the shiny thing.
MC: A Jewel Fragment!
Mo Yi: Looks like it's just the thing we're looking for.
☆ Obtained: Surgical Instruction Manual! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
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[Surgical Instruction Manual Info]
A Surgical Instruction Manual found on a bookshelf. The contents of this book cover almost all of the more popular physical therapies used to treat mental illnesses back then, such as Hydrotherapy, Torture, Interrogation, Exorcism, etc. However, there are a lot of myths and exaggerated descriptions being written in it; clearly not a professional medical book, and obviously not for professional doctors to pursue.
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Special Surgical Equipment:
There were some oddly shaped tools inside the cabinet.
▷Choice: Open the cabinet's door
MC: What are these used for?
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Mo Yi: Don't touch those.
I attempted to get a closer look at them when he suddenly quipped.
MC: Dr. Mo!?
Mo Yi: I apologise for scaring you, but it's best if you don't touch those.
MC: Why? Is there something special about them?
Mo Yi: These tools are used for Lobotomies, and Ice-picking.
MC: ???
Mo Yi: Both of which are methods used to treat mental illnesses.
MC: But from the shape of these tools… Like this one, for example. It looks like an Awl; wouldn't it damage a person's brain?
Mo Yi: ……
He lapsed into a moment of silence.
Mo Yi: ...Lobotomy and Ice-pick Lobotomy; Ice-picking, in particular...
Mo Yi: They're both essentially methods to cut the very brain itself.
Mo Yi: Take Ice-picking for example. First, the patient will be paralyzed by an electric shock.
Mo Yi: Then, the doctor inserts a tool, shaped like an ice-pick, into the upper end of the patient's eyeball, through the orbit of the eye.
Mo Yi: After that, all the doctor needs to do is to continuously tap on the other end of the tool with a hammer, to cut off the cortex of the prefrontal lobe of the brain to achieve the desired effect.
MC: But this method will never…
Mo Yi: That's right. This form of treatment is basically self-mutilation.
Mo Yi: Many patients in the past suffered from severe post-op side effects and complications that arose, becoming what's essentially a "walking dead".
MC: So… You're saying that someone here, in this Mansion, has been, or was going to, be subjected to this sort of surgery?
Mo Yi: ...Yes.
MC: ……
For some reason, what he'd said made me feel deeply disturbed and upset.
Mo Yi: (Y/n), look deeper into the cabinet. Do you see anything else?
He pointed to something in the depths of the cabinet where a faintly discernible light flickered.
After that, following the light, he stretched out his hand.
Mo Yi: ...Looks like we're pretty lucky.
Mo Yi: It's a Jewel Fragment of "Allie's Winter".
MC: !!!
☆ Obtained: Special Surgical Equipment! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment
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[Special Surgical Equipment Info]
A special equipment used in extracting white matter.
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Allie's Medical Record Ⅰ:
Some documents were laid out on the desk.
Mo Yi frowned as he looked at them.
MC: What's wrong, Dr. Mo?
Mo Yi: Look at this.
MC: A Medical Record?
Mo Yi: That's right. The attending physician is Geraldi, and the patient is Allie Modro.
MC: Mr. Lasture's daughter? What illness was she down with?
Mo Yi: Based on her manifested symptoms, I'd say that some of them correspond with that of mania.
MC: Did Miss Allie get better?
Mo Yi: Not only did she fail to get better, based on this report, it seems like her condition only went downhill from that time onwards.
Mo Yi: Miss Allie was still able to maintain stability and retain her sanity for a short period of time throughout the day.
Mo Yi: In the end, she became unable to maintain her sanity, and could only be forcibly locked in the house.
MC: I see… That's such a pity… But back during the era when the Mansion was erected, illnesses like mania were…
MC: Practically incurable.
Mo Yi: While that may certainly be one of the main factors at play, I believe that Allie's attending physician also had a part in attributing to how she ended up in this state.
Mo Yi: This Geraldi person is not a doctor at all.
MC: How do you know that for sure, Dr. Mo?
Mo Yi: Although this medical record looks like something written by an actual doctor, the way the illness is described is confusing, and nowhere near accurate enough for it to matter.
Mo Yi: And on the topic of applied treatment methods, all he did was to declare that he'd tried several well-known physical therapy methods on Allie's person.
Mo Yi: This far-fetched approach only served to further aggravate her condition and tarnish her health.
Mo Yi: Perhaps it was because he approached the matter with the wrong method, because based on her early symptoms…
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Mo Yi: She'd never have fallen this far down, to completely lose her mind, if she had received proper treatment.
MC: So, in the end, Miss Allie…
Mo Yi: The last treatment record is missing. We'll have to look for other leads.
MC: Okay.
Mo Yi: Oh, yes. I found something else on the desk other than this Medical Record.
MC: What else did you find?
Mo Yi: The Jewel Fragment that we're searching for.
Mo Yi: Be sure to keep it tucked away safely.
☆ Obtained: Allie's Medical Record Ⅰ! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
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[Allie's Medical Record Ⅰ Info]
Allie Modro's Medical Record. Her attending physician is Geraldi, but the Medical Record isn't complete, for it is missing the report on her last treatment. From the contents of the Record, Allie Modro seems to be suffering from Mania; but as her treatment continued, get condition only continued to deteriorate, before she finally ended up completely losing her mind. Additionally, based on the content being written in the report along with the treatment methods that Allie's doctor used, there's a possibility that her doctor may have forged his identity.
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Allie's Medical Record Ⅱ:
MC: Dr. Mo, look at this, beneath the bed!
MC: Wouldn't you say that this is a Medical Record?
Mo Yi: It is; but it isn't complete. It's missing the contents that come before it.
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MC: What's written on this one though?
Mo Yi: "Patient Allie Modro's mental state has plunged into complete mania…"
Mo Yi: "...Lobotomy, or more conveniently, Ice-picking, is recommended."
Mo Yi: …...
MC: Dr. Mo…
Mo Yi: I'm fine. Let's see if there are any more leads lying around here.
MC: Yeah.
After that, Mo Yi and I thoroughly checked the objects and marks that were around the bed several times over; but unfortunately…
Other than the Green Jewel Fragment that we found in a corner…
We failed to find any other records detailing the treatment that Allie received.
☆ Obtained: Allie's Medical Record Ⅱ! ☆ Obtained: Green Jewel Fragment!
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[Allie's Medical Record Ⅱ Info]
Allie Modro’s Medical Record. The front part is missing; all that’s left is the last and final treatment that has been recorded. It is stated in the Record that Allie's doctor had suggested performing a Lobotomy or, more conveniently, Ice-picking, due to the fact that Allie had already fallen into a complete maniacal state.
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Treatment Case Records:
MC: (All the Jewel Fragments have been collected.)
MC: (The notch of the lock on this door resembles that of the sword segment on Allie's Winter…)
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MC: (I'll just have to piece the fragments I collected together and place them into it and see what happens…)
MC: (Johnny did say that the Jewels were able to open doors, after all.)
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MC: Dr. Mo? I found this in the cabinet.
I passed the few documents I had on hand to him, and he quickly flipped through them.
MC: How is it, Dr. Mo? Find anything?
Mo Yi: These documents are Treatment Case Reports. Most of the patients detailed in these suffer from mental illnesses.
Mo Yi: There was a doctor who performed Lobotomy, or Ice-picking on them, and then paid close attention to how they reacted to it post-op.
Mo Yi: They hoped to find out whether either of these two methods were effective through these.
MC: And how did these people fare after the operation…?
Mo Yi: Very badly. Most of them faced severe complications and post-op side effects.
☆⋅ Obtained: Treatment Case Records!
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
[Treatment Case Records Info]
A large amount of Treatment Records for patients stricken with mental illnesses. All of these patients either went through Lobotomy or Ice-picking, and the person who wrote these records had kept a close eye on how they reacted post-op. But what's unfortunate is that many of these patients faced severe complications and post-op side effects.
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Treatment Room's Code Case: Geraldi's Account Book
MC: It's open!
MC: Let's see what's inside…
MC: An Account Book!?
I scanned through the contents of the Ledger, shocked at what I was seeing.
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MC: What an astounding amount of money and artworks… Is the owner of this Account Book someone rich?
MC: (Let's see who wrote this Account Book…)
I flipped to the first page.
MC: "Geraldi…?"
☆ Obtained: Geraldi's Account Book!
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[Geraldi's Account Book Info]
An old personal Account Book owned by Geraldi. According to it, Geraldi managed to attain a large amount of wealth, including gold and artworks, in a certain period. However, there is no record written in this Account Book as to where all this money came from, nor is there any pertaining to where it all went to in the end.
☆⋅⋆…⋅───── ⋆⋅A Love Poem to SKADI⋅⋆ ────⋅…⋆⋅☆
17 notes · View notes
jellysharkbat · 4 years
Okay, I have to butt in with this. Because I don’t think I’ve really seen it discussed or explored in any great detail. What is it, you ask?
Cullen’s family. Specifically how they (and Cullen) would react to meeting each other again after spending 17 years apart. The most I’ve seen is something along the lines of Mia basically (aggressively) mothering him. Which isn’t bad, but I don’t think it’s realistic. And I’ve seen next to nothing about Branson and Rosalie. Not to mention that all 3 of them could have families (well, we definitively know that Branson does). I don’t think I’ve seen anything that even comes close to a realistic representation of their relationship with Cullen.
So I kind of want to break this down a bit as I discuss it. Buckle up, because this might be really long.
Edit: This got super long, so if you actually read it all, kudos to you. I’m surprised you stuck around for this insanely long ramble.
Okay. So let’s talk about Mia first, since she seems to be the most popular about of Cullen’s siblings. What do we know about her? Not much. Of course, I’m no expert and I don’t own any texts relating to Dragon Age so I could be wrong, but it seems to me that we only really know two things about Mia: she’s the eldest of the Rutherford brood and that she’s the one who’s been keeping contact with Cullen.
Well, she tries anyways. She always seems to know where Cullen is and I’m assuming that Cullen has informed her about his whereabouts, to an extent. Knowing how reluctant Cullen seems to be to write to his siblings, he probably doesn’t go further than “I’m currently residing in Kirkwall” or “Send your letters to an Inquisition post; it’ll find me.” I don’t believe anyone other than Cullen would tell her that kind of info. I don’t see the Order being particularly helpful, since she’s not a part of it. Likely they’d just send her on her way. And there’s no way she’d think to send a letter to the Inquisition, of all things. She might be able to find a post of theirs on her own, but she wouldn’t be able to assume that her little brother helped form the damn thing. So, Cullen must have informed her of how to contact him. But beyond that, there doesn’t seem to be much interaction. Their relationship exists through letters, and for the most part it appears to be fairly one-sided. I mean, Mia does write to him, sort of scolding him for not even telling her that’s he’s alive and doing alright!
(side note: I think it would be a lot easier to be the ‘big sister’ via letters, but face to face will be very different)
Don’t get me wrong; I don’t think Cullen dislikes his family or anything like that. I’m positive he cares about them a great deal, and I can see him having someone keep an eye on them in South Reach just in case. But he keeps his distance. And we can infer based on Mia’s letters that Cullen rarely writes back to her. As for Branson and Rosalie, we have no evidence that there is any sort of contact between them and Cullen. It seems like anything regarding his younger brother and sister is all relayed through Mia. Cullen himself never writes to them individually, and they don’t seem to write to him. Actually, I don’t think there’s any mention of Rosalie at all? I could be wrong, but I don’t recall seeing anything like that. As far as a sibling bond and relationship....it’s barely there. Cullen is related to Mia, Branson, and Rosalie by blood. But that’s really it. There’s no actual relationship. As far as we know, they haven’t met in 17 years. Since they were children. And young ones, in the case of Branson and Rosalie. Hell, it’s possible that Rosalie barely remembers anything about Cullen! We don’t have an exact date of their age gaps, but it’s possible that Rosalie was too young to actually retain any solid memories of Cullen. After all, I certainly don’t remember most things from when I was a kid. I’m sure you don’t either. It’s a bit of a blur. There’s no reason to assume that it’s any different for Rosalie, in particular. Memories of him are likely to be pretty hazy with maybe a handful of instances that she remembers (mostly) clearly. It’s been a long, long time since Cullen was actually their brother. He’s like that relative that you know exists, but you don’t know anything about and don’t really see any reason to make an effort to form some sort of bond with them.
They are strangers. All three of them are basically strangers to Cullen. They’ve spent more time apart than together. Cullen grew up with them for 13 years. And then he grew up another 17 without them. They were children when they were last together. How you were as a child, and how you are as an adult are pretty different.
Like I said, a lot of people seem to like the idea of Mia barging in and mothering Cullen pretty heavily (ie ordering him around or being able to kick his ass at chess). Irl, I don’t believe she would do that. It’s fun to think about, but I can’t imagine Mia would actually behave in such a manner towards Cullen. Branson and Rosalie? Definitely, after all she’s their older sister. She grew up with them. But not Cullen. And actually being face to face with him would be pretty intimidating. They are effectively meeting a total stranger. You don’t just start bossing a stranger around. And I mean, meeting. They aren’t getting together with Cullen, or reconnecting with him. They are meeting Cullen, the adult for the first time. They know next to nothing about him (and he knows only what Mia told him in her letters).
The more Mia searches for him, the more likely it is that she’ll hear things about him. Rumors about the Ferelden Circle, or his time in Kirkwall. I doubt it very much if she stumbled upon someone who had something kind to say about Cullen Rutherford (which is a big reason why Cullen never contacts his family, I think. He’s far too ashamed of his past actions and doesn’t want to involve his family in the ugliness he helped create. In his mind, he’s not the good person he tried so hard to be, or what his family probably assumes he’d be). So yeah, they’d probably would’ve heard at least a couple of things about Cullen Rutherford by the time they met him. And then there’s the fact that he’s Commander of the fastest growing army in Thedas. He helped create and holds incredibly important positions within the Inquisition. It’s not like any random Joe-Schmo can walk up to Cullen and talk to him like a normal person. His authority alone would be intimidating.
And then there’s Cullen himself. He’s a private person. He’s done his best to keep his family at an arm’s length (otherwise why wait so long to meet them?). I think he’d be pretty damn nervous to have them around, but he’s got enough of a poker face to seem like he’s not bothered. But I can definitely see him wanting to run for the hills just to avoid this whole thing.
The first time they see each other is going to be horribly awkward. They’re family, but they’re not family with Cullen. He’s just a man they’re related to (I really can’t stress that enough, fam). And Cullen is going to see 3 adults who don’t know anything about...anything. As far as we know, aside from the destruction of Honnleath during the Blight, they’d all led relatively peaceful and unimportant lives. They aren’t exactly going to treat him like the long-lost brother he is like they do in the movies. No giant hugs or tears or anything like that.
And I think that with Cullen being who he is, as he;s struggling with his family being in front of him, he might unintentionally give them a bit of a cold reception. Definitely no “OMG HI how are you?? I missed you so much!” from his end!
So yeah, those first few meetings? Super awkward and uncomfortable and quiet (probably) for everyone as they struggle to find a topic of conversation. I’d like to see more of that. I’d like to see how an actual relationship forms between the four of them over time; assuming everyone is willing to put in that effort. I mean, as far as we know, Branson and Rosalie could be totally content with never having Cullen in their lives (again, it’s Mia who has been seeking out and writing to Cullen). They’re used to his absence, after all. He’s more like a distant memory than anything substantial. I don’t think that’d actually be the case, but you know. It’s possible. I also want to see their frustration about how Cullen is so tight-lipped about himself. I think Cullen would be frustrated with himself too, but he’s got good arguments to not share anything (or so he argues with himself). He’s going to be reluctant, if not downright obstinate, about sharing anything about his life thus far. If anything, that Vow of Silence he took when he became a Templar seems to cover his entire life at the Chantry and while he’s no longer a Templar, he has no intention of breaking his Vows. At least not willy-nilly like. I’d like to see how they deal with Cullen’s trauma; if they are able to witness it. After all, he’s a warrior. He’s led a very different life from them and he’ll see the world very differently. For instance, Cullen can run a sword through someone with ease, and kill them. I seriously doubt his siblings would be able to do the same if they were in a position to do so. Think about it: can you actually kill a living, breathing human being? I can’t. Most people can’t actually kill someone. I seriously doubt they would be willing or able to either. While I think that Cullen is inherently a kind and polite man (refer back to how he was before Kinloch Hold fell), he was trained to be a fighter from a young age and he’s very much desensitized to the violence that comes with his lifestyle.
I also want to know how they react to Cullen’s lyrium withdrawal and what it actually means to be addicted to the stuff. And what could happen when someone stops cold turkey. I don’t think the Chantry tells the masses about lyrium. It’s known that Templars take it, but other than that they know nothing about it. They don’t know what happens when you take it and how fatal it is when you stop. I’d also like to see Cullen react to their own families, if he ever gets the chance to. Being in the military for so long, I imagine he didn’t spend a lot of time with kids aside from when he was a recruit himself. Personally, I like to think he’d be a great uncle (and if he had a child he’d certainly be wrapped around their little finger) but again, a bit awkward at first. But at least kids (especially young ones) don’t know or care about the past so. That’s a plus at least.
By the way, I mentioned how people do seem to have Mia kick Cullen’s ass at chess. And I don’t actually think that’s going to happen. At least, maybe it’d be a rare occasion. They were kids the last time they played. We don’t know anything about Mia, or how sharp she’s kept her skills. We have no idea if she improved on them or not. We do know she’s teaching Branson’s son to play, but that doesn’t really mean anything.
Cullen grew up in an elite military organization. He went through the ranks and earned some high positions in it. He’s among the best of the best. He’s led hundreds of Templars and Inquisition soldiers. He’s intelligent. And we know that he does like chess enough to play often. He seems to have played it regularly whenever he could.
Hell, it’s literally his job to come up with all sorts of strategies (he’s almost certainly done that in the mess that is Kirkwall, and now within the Inquisition).
And chess is a game of strategy. So I think it’d be pretty damn hard to win a game against him. He’s going to be thinking several steps ahead and calculating both of their moves to win in his favor. I’m not saying Mia couldn’t do the same, but she hasn’t made a career out of it.
If she wins against Cullen, it’s either because he allowed it, or she got very lucky. He’s not a little boy who can have the wool pulled over his eyes anymore.
So yeah, long story short, I don’t think people actually think about how Cullen and his family are literal strangers. They spent more years apart than together, and with very limited contact between. Being related by blood doesn’t change that. I’d like to see more of that, please. And you know, if I’ve been looking in all the wrong places, let me know that too. XD
99 notes · View notes
Go ahead and info dump about literally anything, its almost guaranteed to be more interesting than school
ok so i had to finish some notes for school but the school day has ended so strap on your seatbelts and get ready to hear about some of the cultural/literary effects of tuberculosis because these facts live in my head rent free. i’m hoping these are all correct but if anything isn’t then plz tell me
So tuberculosis has been in and out throughout history. The difference when it came in the Victorian era is that people Did Not Know How To Act. the mid-1800s in Europe and the U.S. was real bad for tb (for background on tb: it’s an infectious disease that goes ham on the lungs and messes with the organs and sometimes the spinal cord and has literally been around since the Neolithic period). It’s treatable and stuff now but it wasn’t really back then. 
So the Victorians looked at this disease that caused people to basically just waste away and, for some reason, decided “wow! romantic!” Tuberculosis was thought as a romantic way to die (one of the names for tb is “consumption”; this’ll come up later particularly because of Lord Byron). Tb was also called “the white plague”. Was it to compare it to other serious diseases, or was it to also give a nod to the fact that it was associated with youth and innocence (many younger people would die from the disease which also gave it the name “the robber of youth”), going so far as to even be associated with holiness? Yes.
So starting in the late 1700s (like... 1780 i think) through the 1800s people looked at tb and they looked at women and they were like “here are your beauty standards, you’re welcome”. One of the symptoms of tb is lack of appetite, so victims would get real skinny. Therefore, being skinny became a majour beauty standard. Fashion also changed to “consumptive chic” where skirts were made bigger and corsets became more pointed so that thin waists became really emphasised (look up some drawings of rich women in dresses and you’ll see what i mean). This actually changed later when they stopped romanticising tb, and corsets were changed to be stretchier because people thought that the pressure put on the ribs and lungs by the stiff corsets of the Victorian era would exacerbate tuberculosis. 
Tb victims also got really pale, but they would have very red lips and cheeks (y’know that funny little disease you see in a lot of period movies when a character has a fever and dramatically coughs blood into a handkerchief before tragically dying? welcome to tuberculosis). So women would use makeup (sometimes arsenic i think but dont quote me on that) to make themselves pale and then colour their lips and cheeks red. It would be an interesting look, can’t say I’m gonna go for it. 
The effects of tuberculosis on culture also are still around today. Suprise! Hemlines rose a few inches because people were like “damn, you see that long skirt?? it is touching the floor. obviously, it is now infested with tuberculosis”. Much smart, very intelligence. You know, the same way they thought it was spread by miasma (pockets of bad air) (they technically weren’t totally wrong but they were definitely not right). A similar reasoning to the skirt was behind facial hair going out of style. Sunbathing?? Started by doctors who would recommend sunlight as a cure for tb.
Now we’re gonna move onto literature and a fun little game I like to call “Did your Victorian fave romanticise tuberculosis?” Do you like John Keats? Lord Byron? Edgar Allen Poe? Robert Louis Stevenson? Emily Brontë? If so, your Victorian fave has, indeed, romanticised tuberculosis (and also maybe died from it like these guys did not have the greatest luck but it could have also been the universe looking at their work and saying “well here you go then ig”). This practice was known as “graveyard poetry”, and I guess it is *technically* a very odd form of coping. Should we bring it back? Perhaps.
Lord Byron is known as having remarked to his friend “I should like, I think, to die of consumption” (a quote that lives in my head rent free because ????). His reason? He thought he could get a lot of chicks because they would obviously pity him and think his dying process was “interesting” (sir are you ok wtf that is not how you get a da-).
Edgar Allen Poe again retains his title as the weirdest motherfucker in the book. So apparently he saw his (first) wife, who eventually died of tuberculosis, cough up blood at the dinner table one day, and his response to this event was saying that all the, yknow, hacking up blood made her look “even more ethereal”. I would just like to say: what the actual fuck. Everyone else kinda paints it as very sad but with a strange beauty to it (understandable ig). Poe has missed that pitch, and has instead chosen to swing at his overall theme that I like to call “unfortunate, but sexy!” 
Emily Brontë did romanticise tuberculosis a little bit, but I think she gets a pass because the majority of her family (her, her brother, her four sisters, and their mother) all died of tuberculosis so I think she just had trauma and dealt with it the best she could.
Also bonus: did tuberculosis give us vampires? I read this somewhere so I’m just gonna add this in. Some people think that vampires are just kinda,,, funky tuberculosis victims I think?? The venn diagram between vampires and tuberculosis victims having red lips, an association with blood, being pale, and just kinda wasting away is a perfect circle. 
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akathecentimetre · 4 years
Hey there, so I really like history as a subject, and I'm pretty good at it. The thing is, I don't know what my career options would be if I studied it, or if I would be able to make money. My parents are heavily discouraging me from taking it as a major. As a 'historian' in training' what's your take? Thank you
Hi there! Sorry for the delay, ‘tis the hectic season…
Oh man, I have so many thoughts for you. Full disclosure: this is something I have worked on a LOT over the course of my graduate career both at my uni and on a national level; most of my advice, however, comes from a PhD candidate’s perspective and may not be directly helpful to an undergraduate, and I should also emphasize that everything I can say on this is very firmly based on the U.S. market only. That being said, a lot of what I can say can be universally applied, so here we go - 
The number of history undergraduates in the U.S. has plummeted in the last decade or so, from it previously being one of the most popular majors. There are many interacting reasons for this: a changeover from older to younger, better-trained, energetic professors who draw in and retain students has been very slow to occur, partly because of a lack of a mandatory retirement age; the humanities have been systematically demonized and minimized in favor of the development of STEM subjects, to the occasional benefit of students of color and women but to the detriment of critical public discourse and historical perspective on current events; with many liberal arts colleges going under financially and the enormous expansion of academic bureaucracy everywhere, resources are definitely being diverted away from social and human studies towards fields which are perceived to pay better or perceived, as mentioned in the article above, as being more ‘practical.’ (We do need a ton more healthcare workers/specialists, but that’s a different conversation to have.) But now I feel like quoting a certain Jedi Master: everything your parents say is wrong. Let’s dive into why being a historian is a positive thing for you both as a person and as a professional - 
You will be a good reader. As you learn to decipher documents and efficiently and thoroughly read secondary literature, you will develop a particular talent for understanding what is important about any piece of writing or evidence (and this can go for visual and aural evidence as well). This will serve you well in any position in which you are collecting/collating information and reporting to colleagues or superiors, and evaluating the worth of resources. Specific example - editorial staff at publishing houses either private or academic, magazines, etc. 
You will be a good writer. This will get you a good job at tons of places; don’t underestimate it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been astonished (not in a punitive way, of course, but definitely with a sense of befuddlement) by how badly some of my Ivy-league students can write. Good writing is hard, good writing is rare, and good writing is a breath of fresh air to any employer who puts a high premium upon it in their staff. History in principle is the study of change; history in practice is presenting information in a logical, interesting, and persuasive manner. Any sort of institution which asks you to write reports, summaries, copy, etc. etc. will appreciate your skills. 
You will be a good researcher. This sounds like a given, but it’s an underappreciated and vital skill. Historians work as consultants. Historians work in government - almost every department has an Office of the Historian - and in companies, writing company histories and maintaining institutional archives. A strong research profile will also serve you well if you want to go on to work in museum studies and in libraries public or private/academic. As a historian, you will know not just where to find information, but what questions you have to ask to get to the answer of how to tackle, deconstruct, and solve a problem. This is relevant to almost any career path. 
You will provide perspective. Historians react to current events in newspapers and online - not just on politics, but culture as well (my favorite article of this week is about the historicity of The Aeronauts). Historians act as expert witnesses in court proceedings. Historians write books, good books, not just meant for academic audiences but for millions upon millions of readers who need thoughtful, intelligent respite from the present. Historians work for thinktanks, providing policy analysis and development (a colleague of mine is an expert on current events of war in Mali and works for multiple thinktanks and organizations because of it). Historians work for nonprofits or lobbying groups on issues of poverty, environmental safety, climate change, and minority and indigenous rights. In a world when Texas school textbooks push the states’ rights narrative, historians remind us that the Civil War was about slavery. Historians remind us that women and people of color have always existed. In this time and world where STEM subjects are (supposedly) flooding the job market, we need careful historical perspective more than ever. We need useful reactions to the 2016 election, to the immigration travesties on display at the southern border, to the strengthening of right-wing parties in Europe - and history classes, or thoughtfully historical classes on philosophy and political science, are one of the few places STEM and business students gain the basic ability to participate in those conversations. [One of my brightest and most wonderful students from last year, just to provide an anecdote, is an astrophysics major who complained to me in a friendly conversation this semester that she never got the chance to talk about ‘deep’ things anymore once she had passed through our uni’s centralized general curriculum, which has a heavy focus on humanities subjects.]
You will be an educator. Teaching is a profession which has myriad challenges in and of itself, but in my experience of working with educators there is a desperate need for secondary-school teachers in particular to have actual content training in history as opposed to simply being pushed into classrooms with degrees which focus only on pedagogical technique. If teaching is a vocation you are actually interested in, getting a history degree is not a bad place to start at all. And elementary/high schools aside, you will be teaching someone something in every interaction you have concerning your subject of choice. Social media is a really important venue now for historians to get their work out into the world and correct misconceptions in the public sphere, and is a place where you can hone a public and instructive voice. You could also be involved in educational policy, assessment/test development (my husband’s field, with a PhD in History from NYU), or educational activism. 
If some of this sounds kind of woolly and abstract, that’s because it is. Putting yourself out there on the job market is literally a marketing game, and it can feel really silly to take your experience of 'Two years of being a Teaching Assistant for European History 1500-1750’ and mutate it to 'Facilitated group discussions, evaluated written work from students [clients], and ran content training sessions on complex subjects.’ But this sort of translation is just another skill - one that can be learned, improved, and manipulated to whatever situation you need it to fit.
Will you make money? That’s a question only you can answer, because only you know what you think is enough money. That being said, many of the types of careers I’ve mentioned already are not low-paying; in my experience expertise is, if you find the right workplace and the rewarding path, usually pretty well-remunerated. 
Specific advice? Hone your craft. Curate an active public presence as a historian, an expert, a patient teacher, and as as person enthusiastic about your subject. Read everything and anything. Acknowledge and insist upon complexity, and celebrate it when you can. 
And finally - will any of what I’ve said here make it easy? No, because no job search and no university experience is easy these days. It’s a crazy world and there are a lot of awful companies, bosses, and projects out there. But I do very firmly believe that you can find something, somewhere, that will suit your skills, and, hopefully, your passions too. 
Resources for you: the American Historical Association has a breakdown of their skills-based approach to the job market, reports on the job market(s) for history PhDs collectively called ‘Where Historians Work,’ and a mentorship program, Career Contacts, which could connect you with professional historians in various workplaces. There is a very active community of historians on Twitter; search for #twitterstorians. For historians who identify as female, Women Also Know History is a newer site which collates #herstorian bios and publications to make it easier for journalists to contact them for expert opinions. ImaginePhD provides career development tools and exercises for graduate students, but could probably be applied to undergrads as well. The Gilder Lehrman Institute is one of the premier nonprofits which develops and promotes historical training for secondary school teachers and classroom resources (U.S. history only). Job listings are available via the AHA, the National Council on Public History, and the IHE, as well as the usual job sites. And there’s an awful lot more out there, of course - anyone who reads or reblogs this post is welcome to add field-specific or resource-specific info. 
I hope this helps, Anon, or at least provides you with a way to argue in favor of it to your parents if it comes to that. Chin up!
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