#back with fresh eyes. that usually works but i want to work on it rn bc i've already abandoned this idea for far too long and am itching to
kenobihater · 4 months
keep opening my docs, re reading the partial chapters i have written up, and closing my docs, ad infinitum. i want to finish and post ch 1 but like. that means i'll have to write it. sometimes i'll get on a roll when writing something only to stop at a certain point, but then jumping back in is akin to pulling teeth bc it feels like i've quite literally lost the plot and things have no flow, especially wrt to dialogue. hate and malice and agony and suffering on planet earth
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theostrophywife · 10 months
Can I get a FIC abt the reader being Theodore’s gf and best friend and she’s embarrassed and alone in her dorm bc of cramps and they are REALLY REALLY bad and he just comforts her and they snuggle and he gives her his hoodie and fluffy!! (I’m dying from my cramps in my bed rn 🙏 I need comfort from my book bf)
heart shaped bruises.
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pairing: theodore nott x reader.
song inspiration: toothpaste kisses by the maccabees.
author's note: i'm so sorry you're in pain, love. hope this makes you feel better 💗
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Bloody fucking hell. 
You clutched your stomach, doubling over in pain as another wave of cramps crashed into you at full force. An anti period pain potion. That would be your first invention after finishing your education at Hogwarts. For now, you were forced to endure the pain and misery sans magic. 
The clock on your nightstand rang obnoxiously, rattling the various barrettes and books stacked atop the table. The alarm meant that Charms would be starting soon. With a rather hard smack, you silenced the clock and buried yourself underneath the covers. 
There was no way in hell that you were going to make it to class today.
You couldn’t even get out of bed, let alone walk to the other side of the castle. No, you were staying right here. Cocooned in the safety of your blankets so you could wallow in self pity in peace. 
Apparently, suffering in silence was too much to ask for because the minute the alarm finally stopped, there was a knock on your door. 
“Go away,” you yelled, the words slightly muffled by your goose down comforter. 
“Y/N?” A familiar voice called from the other side of the door. “Are you alright, love?”
Tears pricked the back of your eyes. No, you were definitely not alright. Your uterus was an active war zone, your emotions were a poorly assembled rollercoaster in an abandoned theme park, and to top it all off, you had a raging headache like someone had taken a bludger to your skull. 
But you couldn’t say all of that. You didn’t want to freak your boyfriend out. 
“I’m fine, Theo. Just feeling under the weather.” You clamped your eyes shut, trying to block out the migraine. “Go to class without me.”
There was shuffling from the hallway before your door swung open, revealing a very concerned Theo. He took in the sight of you in bed, your cheeks flushed and your eyes red from crying all morning. Theo was by your side in three strides. 
“What’s wrong, dolcezza?”
“Nothing, I’m just not feeling well.” A fresh set of cramps chose that exact moment to pummel your lower abdomen, making you wince in pain. 
“That’s not nothing, darling.” He knelt beside you, taking your hand. “Tell me what’s wrong, Y/N. I hate seeing you in pain.”
Your eyes watered again. “Promise you won’t laugh?”
“Of course not, love.”
“It’s these cramps,” you said slowly, shifting to face him. “I’m on my period and it’s just really bad today. Usually I take a pain relieving potion, but even that’s not working this time around.”
Theo’s face softened. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You averted his gaze, flushing. “I guess I was embarrassed. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.”
“It is a big deal,” said Theo. “Everything that has to do with you is a big deal to me. I hate thinking that you’ve been suffering through this all alone.”
“I just didn’t want to bother you with something so silly.”
“You could never bother me, Y/N.” Theo gently pulled back the covers. “If anything I’m the one bothering you right now. Scoot over, darling. Make room for your Teddy.”
“But you’ll miss Charms.”
“I’ve skipped for less. This time it’s actually important. You need me. I’m not leaving you.”
You smiled softly and made room for Theo. He instantly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a snuggle. The familiar scent of sea salt and smoke felt like a warm hug in itself. Theo stroked your hair and kissed your temple. 
The cold air seeped in through your frosted glass windows, chilling you to the core. As much as you loved the ominous charm of living in the dungeons, this was one of its disadvantages. You shivered in Theo’s arms, cuddling closer for warmth. 
Your boyfriend radiated heat. You had no idea how when it was near freezing in your dorm. Theo liked to say he was hot blooded. You were just grateful to have your own personal heater. 
“Are you cold, darling?” 
You nodded, resting your head in the crook of his neck. “A little.”
Theo shifted beside you. He tugged at the hem of his hoodie and pulled it off in one swift move. “Arms up, love.”
You sat upright and did what you were told. Theo slipped his hoodie over you, smiling as the plush fabric swallowed you whole. It was warm and smelled like him. You wanted to drown in it. 
He kissed the tip of your nose. “It looks good on you, but don’t think that it gets you out of cuddling.” 
Theo pulled you to him, snuggling you from behind. He twined your legs together, making you giggle as his leg hair tickled the back of your thighs. You intertwined your fingers and kissed the back of his palm. 
The cramps may still be wreaking havoc on your body, but at least now you had Theo to comfort you. 
“How are you feeling, babe?” 
You turned, smiling. “Better now that you’re here, Teddy.”
Theo grinned and pressed a gentle kiss against your lips. “Get some rest, love. I’m not going anywhere.”
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blingblong55 · 6 months
His pretty girl -Vladimir Makarov
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Based on a request:
I looved ur makarov fic n im here to request smth else w him, there's barely anything w him its sad How would makarov treat his dear wife when she's sick? I'm kinda sick rn so.. : 3 ---- F!Reader, wife!reader, husband!Makarov, nothing but fluff ----
A/N: short but good…I hope…
Vladimir was gone for some weeks. He couldn't come in contact with you so when you didn't show up to greet him he was worried. The drive home was usually calm but this time, he rushed it. Avoided all cars and soon, ran inside. The image he saw before his eyes, oh did it melt him. You were curled on the couch. The blanket slowly falls off your body. Used tissues all over the coffee table and floor. The tea was cold and your soft breathing gave him even more reason to clean the area as quietly as possible. Your shared bedroom was cleaned, all dishes washed and then he carried you to bed. The medication you took to sleep was so strong you didn't know he even carried you to bed. That entire night, he checked your temperature, kissed your forehead and held you against his chest.
When you got sick, the first time, he panicked, called a doctor and yelled at him when he said that all you needed to do was drink tea and take it easy. Now, knowing his pretty little wife too well, he knows all he needs to do. 8 am, have breakfast ready, with tea on the side and orange juice just in case you want that one more and it must be room temperature, not cold. He must put on some video as you eat because you like to catch up on some show as you eat. You like wearing his shirts more because you swear it makes you feel better, which is bullshit because he knows you like to just have a reason to wear his clothes.
He must wash all dishes, not complain about being tired because how dare he. Makarov knows this well mainly because it worked the first 4 times and this time it is the same. After breakfast, washing dishes, he has to take you on a walk, the air, the way you smile, oh he knows the fresh air helps that stuff nose and he also gets even more private time with you.
Lunch for a day or two is chicken soup, his grandmothers since he knows you loved it any time you were sick. Kisses on your forehead all day is a must, you know that. If you groan and push him away, he gives you a little frown and moves closer. "You know kisses are a part of the remedy, my pretty girl." He grins when you give him your lazy smile. Your face is hot from both the fever and from his lips. Once he and you eat lunch, he cleans the home and don't you dare walk to the bedroom, he has made it clear he needs to clean and sanitise the bed.
If he has a meeting, he doesn't go to it, it's over the phone as he is in bed and has you cuddled to him. You can't argue against it. Your husband must give cuddles while on the phone. It's a rule at this point.
At night, he makes dinner, makes sure it all tastes wonderful and then feeds it to you since wrapping you in a burrito can't let your hands move. It's a funny but cute image. You, sat on the couch, blanket wrapped around you which makes you look like a cute little bug as your husband feeds you dinner. Oh, the frowns and pouts you give to his giggle and laughter won't help, he just adores you this way.
After dinner, more cuddles and kisses come by. He calls it 'kiss the sick away.' When you lean on him he knows this is to sleep but he can't allow over 3 naps per day when you're sick. So, he carries you to the bathroom. Gives you your medicine, and takes the blankets, clothes and anything in between off you. The bath was set to a very comfortable temperature.
He undresses too and once he has both of you in the bath, he kisses your shoulders. Your warm back on his chest as he cleans your body with so much gentleness it has you leaning on him and smiling. "That's what you needed huh, pretty girl," he kisses your wet shoulder again and wraps his arms around you. You kiss his bicep and he chuckles. "Don't start, my love," he whispers. The lights dimmed, him and you…this is the perfect way to get better. He hums a song, the same one he married you to and the same one he hums when he is far from home.
"I love you, pretty girl," he whispers and kisses the nape of your neck. "I love you more," you whisper back. "We both know who wins this, so do you want to start this game?" He kisses your neck again and chuckles. In moments like this, in which the world is kind and calm, he appreciates life like any normal person would. "You always win, i want to win this time." You pout and know damn well he can't say no to his pretty wife. "Fine, you win this time but we both know I have a long winning streak in this game." He grabs your hand and kisses it. In his head, he already won. And in this life, he truly did.
A/N: Makarov and Ghost are the kind of man to give me a Hozier song kind of vibe and that is what feeds my fluff brain
@makarovsbbg @sans-chara @selarus @liyanahelena @hilmiponken @personwhosucksassatmath @undercover-smutlover @ontopofyourceiling @kielsegur @johfamm0 @goldenmclaren @moonsua1 @rivivienner @saoirse06 @vampsquerade @alxexhearts @baldwinhearts @strangepuppynightmare
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boydepartment · 7 months
enhypen texts + scenario - when you ask them to call
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a/n: i am procrastinating on eng 102 hw. that’s not due until sunday but STILL. i just don’t wanna do it rn 🫶
warnings: cursing
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when jungwon finally called and you answered you perked up...
"hey my baby! are you feeling any better? i know this cold has been messing with you..." his voice sounded worried. you sneezed and hummed softly. "i've been trying to get better so i can see you again, i dont wanna get you sick or anything!" you whined, you missed him dearly but you could not get him sick. especially with a comeback around the corner. "do you want to play a game or something? that always cheers you up!" you smiled at jungwon's kindness, "i'd really love that."
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when heeseung answered he set his phone up his phone at his desk so you could see him...
"hey my favorite person! i missed you..." heeseung mumbled as he clicked away at the computer. "i thought i asked you to stop playing league!" you teased him, joking of course. he started giggling and pushed up his glasses. "after this game, i'm in the middle and leaving would make me a shitty friend!" he was focused. you really didn't mind when he played games while you called him. you got to see the eye candy in front of you, and you got to listen to him talk to himself, cursing under his breath. so safe to say you were not complaining <3
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when you finally got a call it felt like a breath of fresh air to you...
"i am so stressed right now..." you leaned you head down on you pillow, you resorted to studying in bed. "i know my love, do you want to teach me what youre learning? i heard that can help..." he suggested, jay's voice was soft. you smiled to yourself, "i think that will help, but can you tell me about your day first?" "of course darling..."
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when jake finally answered you, you kicked your feet a little, not that he needed to know that...
"hiiiiii!" jake said, in his usual cheery tone, he was always happy to hear your voice, so you didnt answer, you hummed. "y/nnnnnnn!!!!! i want to hear your voice please!" he started acting overdramatic, whining, being loud, the whole thing. you started to laugh and snort. "that works for me too, your laugh is my second favorite noise!" your brows furrowed, "what the hell is your favorite?" "YOUR VOICE ITSELF?????" jake sounded offended, "I AM NOT SOME PERV? I DONT KNOW WHY PEOPLE THINK THAT!" you started laughing again, jake never failing to making your mood lighter.
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you did not think sunghoon was actually sprinting, so when you answered the face time call and saw the phone looking like it was being thrown, you started laughing.
"AH! I AM FINALLY IN MY HOTEL ROOM!" you heard his door shut and saw him flop on the bed, "hi my love!" you were still giggling, "you didn't have to run!" "i did have to run! i missed you! and you missed me!" sunghoon spoke like it was the most simple thing on earth. "i love you." you spoke softly, sunghoon put his face in the blanket. mumbling out a weak, "i love you too."
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you jumped back from your phone, sunoo was LOUD. "i didnt want you to think i was clingy!" you cringed out. sunoo let out an appalled noise. "y/n l/n i love you more than anything in the world! do not be afraid to say you miss me! in fact i miss you ALL the time!" you heard him huff at the end, solidifying his statement in a very sunoo way. he never failed to make you smile. "okay okay! i miss you everyday too! now talk to me please!" you said in between laughs. "THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!"
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you read over his lasts texts trying to comprehend them until he called you
"you okay? you seemed mad." riki spoke, you head him rustle around a bit so you assumed that he was in bed, you were too. "no, i am just really tired of human interaction right now." riki chuckled slightly, "that's ironic." "shut up i thought we already established you are something else." you spoke quickly and defensively, this made him laugh and accidentally drop his phone. "FUCK!" you started laughing, "what the hell just happened!?" you didn't know this, but the fact riki made you laugh by purposely dropping his phone made his heart warm. you also didn't need to know that risking shattering his phone was on purpose either just to hear you laugh again. "I ACCIDENTALLY DROPPED MY PHONE AND I CANT FIND IT BECAUSE IT IS DARK IN MY ROOM!"
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ihavemanyhusbands · 1 year
Sneaky Link (18+ ONLY)
DBF!Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
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WC: 3.5k words
Warnings: SMUT (MINORS DNI 18+ ONLY), DBF!Hotch, Age gap (still placing reader at mid-twenties), oral (m and f receiving), face sitting, dirty talk, cursing, unprotected sex (WRAP IT IRL!!), creampie, exhibitionism-ish? (it's poolside), anddddd lmk if anything else I missed!
The summer was off to a great start.
Your parents decided to go sailing in Greece for three weeks, so you had been tasked with house-sitting. 
Well, to call it a house was inaccurate, really. It was more like a mansion. They had much more space than they needed, but your parents loved flaunting their wealth.
For your part, you didn’t care much about extravagance, even if you acknowledged your privilege. You’d rather accept their money for things like education, for instance.
 Still, it was nice to have a pool and a large garden for yourself. You were in desperate need of some unwinding, and you knew some sunshine and fresh air would do wonders for you.
You’d just moved out of your apartment, deciding to come back home for some time to hunker down and focus on sending out applications for a postgraduate degree. 
But that didn’t mean you wouldn’t procrastinate a little first. You had all summer, after all.
It was a nice, sunny day, perfect for lounging by the pool. Your parents had just left the previous night, so you filled in the silence with music blasting from your speakers. You brought a book and your laptop down to the pool area, and you were on your way back in for some lemonade when the doorbell rang. 
You hesitated for a moment, considering running up to your room to get a t-shirt. You were only wearing a turquoise bikini and a measly beach cover tied around your waist, and you weren’t sure if that was appropriate enough to greet someone at the door.
But then you figured fuck it, it was hot outside and this was technically your house, so you could do whatever the hell you pleased.
You opened the door to reveal someone you only knew from pictures and anecdotes — your dad’s best friend and next-door neighbor, the famous Aaron Hotchner.
Based on the pictures you’d seen, you already knew he was very handsome… but good lord, nothing could compare to the real thing. You couldn’t help blushing, suddenly feeling very exposed, but you tried to maintain your composure.
His dark eyes were drawn downwards before quickly returning to your face, a friendly smile on his lips.
“Hi, you must be Y/N,” he greeted, extending his large hand toward you. “I’m Aaron. Your father has told me so much about you. He’s having me keep an eye on you while they’re gone, make sure you’re good.”
“Oh, man, I hope he didn’t tell you any embarrassing stories.” You rolled your eyes playfully, returning the smile and shaking his hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you, too. It’s nice to meet you in person, finally.”
“Nice to meet you, too. You know, they’re both very proud of you, I can’t blame them for talking my ear off,” he said. “Sorry to show up unannounced, just thought I’d introduce myself.”
“Oh, no worries at all. I was just going to tan for a bit,” you said, gesturing to your swimsuit. “Do you want some lemonade or anything?”
“Sure, thank you, sweetheart.”
Your blush deepened a little at this. You stepped aside to let him in, his arm just barely brushing yours as he passed. In the kitchen, you poured him a glass and handed it to him. Covertly, you watched his throat work as he drank it all down, licking his lips when he finished.
You took a sip of your own, averting your gaze demurely. You weren’t usually very shy, but you were unsure of what to say to him. He was very close to your family, but to you, he was still virtually a stranger. A really, really attractive stranger.
And you just happened to be home alone with him.
He crossed his strong arms over his broad chest, his gaze wandering despite his best attempts at being respectful. He exhaled slowly.
“I have to say, your dad showed me an older picture of you. I almost didn’t recognize you when you opened the door.”
You shook your head in amusement. “I know he keeps one or two in his wallet. I’m surprised my mom never brought out the photo albums.”
He smirked. “I think she was waiting for you to be home for that. She probably wants you to get all flustered.”
You already were a bit flustered then, but you weren’t going to admit it to him. You fanned yourself a little with your hand, the expansive room suddenly feeling warmer.
“You’re welcome to join me at the pool, by the way. If you don’t have anything else going on, that is,” you offered. “Though you might need a swimsuit.”
“Oh, I don’t mean to intrude…”
“Not at all! Maybe that way we can get to know each other better.”
The truth was you were curious to see what was underneath that white polo and jeans, which hugged his lean muscles oh-so-deliciously. His thick eyebrows raised just slightly, and there was a certain glimmer in his eyes you wanted to decipher. Your eyes scanned his features, lingering on his lips for a long moment before moving on downwards.
You had the strangest urge to get your lips on that sharp jaw of his, just to hear what sound he would make. He had a pleasantly deep voice already, so you could only imagine…
You swallowed hard, trying to bat those thoughts out of your head. You needed to get a grip. Nothing could happen between the two of you, of course. That was impossible. Your parents would literally kill both of you.
But there was no harm in looking, right?
After a charged moment of silence, he shifted in his seat a little, but then nodded and got up.
“I’ll go get changed and come right back.”
“I’ll leave the door open.”
You brought an extra towel outside for him and settled onto one of the lounge chairs. Undoing your beach wrap, you began applying sunscreen to your legs. Then you moved onto your arms, humming along to your music.
“Here, let me get some on your back,” you heard Aaron’s deep voice behind you.
You looked back at him, eyes snagging on his bare chest and the smattering of dark hair across it. You couldn’t help it, your eyes betrayed you by sinking further down, right to the happy trail that ended at the hem of his swim trunks. 
You nodded quickly, handing him the bottle and moving your hair out of the way. Boldly, he sat behind you, rubbing sunscreen between his hands. Your body jerked slightly as he started tenderly spreading it on your back, and your eyes fell closed at his mere touch.
“So, do you have a boyfriend?” He asked casually.
You shook your head in response.
“How come?”
“I’m not really interested in guys my age,” you said with a small shrug. “They play too many games, and I’m not with that.”
“But you must have an army of admirers, surely.”
You huffed in amusement. “Not really. Boys ignore me because they know they can’t have me.”
He chuckled, his fingers grazing the top of your shoulders. “That’s surprising to me. You’re such a beautiful girl, I don’t see how anyone could ignore you.”
Butterflies burst in your stomach at his words. “Better to be alone than in bad company, right?”
“Yeah. You don’t need some silly boy, anyway. You need a gentleman.”
You glanced at him over your shoulder. “Well, let me know if you know any.”
All too soon, he was done with your back, but you offered to do the same to him. Okay, maybe you were a little too eager to get your hands on him, but this was innocent enough. You didn’t want him to get sunburned, either. 
“What about you?” You asked, trying not to sound too curious. “Where’s Mrs. Hotchner?”
He chuckled as if he’d been expecting this question.
“There’s no Mrs. Hotchner. At least for the time being.”
“Ah, I see. So you don’t need to be running home any time soon.”
“Not at all, sweetheart,” he smiled. “You’ve booked me for the entire day. Who knows what you’d get up to if I didn’t keep my eye on you.”
In a small moment of bravery, you smirked. “No good, of course.”
“Just as I thought. We can’t have that, now can we?”
You shrugged flirtatiously and batted your lashes prettily, not promising you were going to behave even if he was there.
Both of you lay in your respective lounge chairs, parallel to each other as you soaked up the sun. For a couple of minutes, neither of you said anything, but you surreptitiously snuck glances at one another.
Behind the cover of his sunglasses, his eyes trailed the thin rivulets of sweat trickling down your sternum. His fingers flexed as he suppressed the need to reach out. You glanced down at the movement of his hips as he readjusted his position, clearing his throat. You weren’t sure what sort of game you two were playing, but it was entirely too riveting. 
You sat up, hesitantly reaching for the straps holding up your bikini top.  
“Do you mind if I undo these? I’m not gonna take it off, but I have this cute strapless dress I want to wear, and I don’t want the tan lines.”
“Uh, um, sure, no problem,” he said, a little taken aback. “Let’s just keep that between us, okay?”
“My lips are sealed, Mr. Hotchner,” you said, keeping eye contact as you undid the straps, holding the top up with one hand as you lay back down. 
“Let me get you some more lemonade,” he muttered, getting up and quickly padding inside. 
You bit down a mischievous grin, knowing you were getting to him. If looking was all you could do, might as well make it more interesting. There was no harm in a little flirtation, either.
When he came back, you switched hands in order to get your glass from him. You smiled at him in appreciation, tilting your head back to look up at him. God, he was so tall. What the hell were you to do with so much man?
“Isn’t it crazy that we knew of each other from so many stories but never met before today?” You said as he sat back down.
“Well, I’ve heard you’re a busy girl. This is your first time home in a while, isn’t it?”
You nodded. “Gonna be spending some more time here, for sure.”
“That’ll be really nice. Hopefully, we’ll get to spend some of it together.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What’s that now? You like me already?”
“It’s hard not to.”
“I think I like you, too, Aaron.”
You smiled at each other for a moment, the tension between you on the brink of snapping. Your eyes kept being drawn to his lips. A spark of heat ignited low in your belly, and it was becoming harder not to pounce on him.
“I should probably shift onto my stomach, I need to even out my tan,” you said quickly, shifting over as gracefully as you could. Hopefully that way, you’d have a moment to collect yourself.
“Here, let me help you undo the back,” he offered, and you shot him a look that was both startled and exhilarated. “You said you wanted to even out your tan, right?”
You nodded, suppressing a gasp as you felt the last string holding up your top slide off.
“T-thank you,” you said.
“Anytime, sweetness. I’m gonna cool off in the pool if you wanna join me at any moment.”
You heard the water splashing and the small groan of relief that followed, which made you shiver. Of course, he knew what he was doing. He was not ignorant to the fact you were teasing him, and he figured two can play that game.
You were hyper-aware of his presence as you lay there, trying to keep still. Only a few minutes passed before you finally caved, your body’s instincts taking over.
He was swimming from one end of the pool to the other, fully submerged, so he didn’t see you sit at the edge and dip your legs in. Your arms were crossed over your chest, covering your breasts. You languidly kicked your legs in the water, watching his movements.
When he surfaced, he pushed his mop of dark hair back, blinking drops of water off his lashes. His movements ceased when his eyes fell on you.
“I was getting a little too hot,” you said, voice breathy and low.
“Well, no need to hide from me, darling girl,” he purred, wading just a little closer. “I promise I’m very well-behaved.”
You slowly uncrossed your arms, arching your back slightly and pushing out your chest. The coquettish smile on your face nearly unmade him then and there, but he held himself back. Letting you take control of the situation was quite titillating, and he wanted to see just how far you would take things.
He licked his lips. “There we go. What a gorgeous sight you are.”
You could basically feel your heartbeat in your pussy at that point.  You feared you might combust if he didn’t touch you soon.
“Don’t you want to come closer? I don’t bite.”
“I do,” he said, his smile taking on a lupine quality.
“Then I insist.”
He swam over, and you parted your legs so he could situate himself between them. Your hands landed on his broad shoulders, and you shuddered a little at the cool touch of his skin. 
Your nipples hardened, attracting his attention momentarily, and once more he licked his lips. 
“Are you sure?” He whispered. “You know we can’t tell another soul about this, right?”
You nodded eagerly. “You’ll find I’m very good at keeping secrets.”
“I’ll hold you to it.”
Without further warning, he dove forward and captured one of your nipples in his mouth. His tongue rolled around it as his fingers came up to tweak your other nipple. You couldn’t help the needy mewl that escaped you, back arching further.
“Kiss me,” you breathed, taking his face in your hands and bringing your lips to his.
The kiss was hungry, almost desperate, and he was still palming your breasts as his tongue tangled with yours. You moaned into his mouth, and the next thing you knew, he was pulling you in with him. You let out a little yelp of surprise, wrapping your legs around his waist.
He chuckled, moving to kiss your jaw. “Said you needed to cool off, right?”
“Jerk,” you teased, swatting his arm playfully.
His arms encircled you as he trailed open-mouthed kisses down your neck and chest. His tongue lavished attention on your breasts once more, and soon enough you could feel an insistent bulge prodding at your clothed center.
“Oh, I’d really like to give you a hand with that,” you said, raking your fingers through his hair with one hand, the other reaching down to caress him through his swim trunks.
He sucked in a breath at the small touch, pulling back in order to nip at your bottom lip. 
“Then I guess we should take this outside, right away.”
He sat you back on the edge and pulled himself out of the pool. You wasted no time in discarding your bikini bottoms, toweling yourself off under his scrutinizing gaze. He did the same, and you pushed him onto a sunbed under the shade of an umbrella.
And since you were already not wasting time, you bent down to lick a long stripe up the underside of his cock, which lay hard against his abdomen. His hips bucked as you kissed the tip, looking up at him through your lashes. 
“Fuck, you’re breathtaking,” he groaned, fingers grazing your cheek adoringly. “Simply irresistible. You could see the effect you had on me, hmm?”
You nodded, slightly rubbing your cheek against his hand in a silent plea. 
He smirked at this, twisting your ponytail around one hand and using the other one to feed his cock into your mouth. You hummed around him. He was so thick that you weren’t sure how much you’d be able to take, but you’d never been a quitter. 
The sounds he was making as you bobbed your head proved to be very efficient motivation, as well. You felt the head hit the back of your throat, but still, you kept going. His grip tightened each time he heard you gagging, but he kept relative control of his jutting hips.  
You reached between your legs to touch yourself, fingers easily slipping through your soaked folds. At the sight, something in him snapped.
“Come here, I want to taste you,” he urged, and you released him with a loud, obscene pop. “I need you to sit on my face right now.”
He pulled you up and you maneuvered to situate yourself atop his face, legs straddling his head. You hesitated, momentarily fearing you would suffocate him, but he pulled you down eagerly.
He devoured you like you were his last meal on earth. Your entire body tensed at the feeling of his tongue flicking and circling your clit. Your hips bucked, but his large hands were holding you down by your thighs. 
You reached back, palming his length as best as you could, stroking the head with the tips of your fingers. He thrusted into your grip, his deep moan vibrating against your cunt.
Pleasure was like a cresting wave, threatening to break. It made your body feel red hot as you neared the peak, but you wanted to hold off a little longer.
“A-Aaron… I’m-I’m gonna…” you trailed off, unable to finish your sentence.
At this, he only doubled his efforts instead of releasing you. He sucked on your clit before his tongue dipped inside you, and you ground against his face desperately.
Your orgasm seized you, rippling throughout your entire being. You cried out, head thrown back and eyes fluttering shut. He let you ride it out, prolonging it a little with languid strokes of his tongue.
You were still trembling a little when he placed a kiss on your inner thigh, beaming up at you, eyes glazed over with desire and pride.
“You taste like absolute heaven,” he panted. “Such a sweet pussy.”
“Were you able to breathe?” You asked sheepishly, biting your lower lip.
“Oh, honey, even if I couldn’t, I would’ve died the happiest man on Earth,” he kissed your thigh once more, making you sigh. “Think you can take my cock, pretty girl? Or do you need a break?”
You nodded frantically, moving back so he could sit up and kiss you. You tasted yourself on his lips, instantly hooked. There was something about him that was making you feel wild and unrestrained, almost animalistic.
Had you ever wanted someone so badly before? No, not like this.
“Are you on birth control?” He asked between kisses.
“Yes! Please, just fuck me already. I can’t wait any longer.”
He flipped you onto your back, pushing your legs up to put you in a mating press. Breath escaped you as he slowly sank into you, letting you feel the entirety of his length. He kissed you slowly as he bottomed out, overwhelmingly deep inside you in the best way possible.
“That’s it, good girl,” he groaned into your mouth. “You take me so well.”
His strokes were long and deep, making you see stars. All coherence flew out the window as you lost yourself to the all-consuming feeling of him. 
He continued to murmur praises into your ear, kissing a spot right behind it that made you shudder. You sighed his name, gasping as he ground his pelvis against you.
“You keep sucking me back in, honey,” he grunted. “Are you close again?”
You whimpered in response, eyes heavy-lidded as you looked up at him. He kissed the tip of your nose, smiling fondly.
“Good, because I want you to come with me. Can you do that, sweet girl?”
“Fuck yes! Come inside me, please,” you begged as he picked up the pace, hips snapping against yours. “Oh, fuck… give it to me. Please, please, please.”
You tumbled over the edge a second time, clenching him hard. Your nails dug into his biceps as you cried out. He hissed through his teeth, muscles seizing up as he spilled inside of you. His last few strokes were sloppy and shallow as you both rode out your highs.
He leaned his sweaty forehead against yours as you both breathed hard. You looked at each other and chuckled, flush with endorphins and utter satisfaction. He kissed you once more and you knew it was a feeling you would never tire of.
“I’m really glad I stayed to keep an eye on you,” he said, bringing your legs down to a more comfortable position, still sheathed inside you. “If this was you being a good girl, I have to wonder how you are when you’re bad.”
You smirked deviously. “I guess you’ll have to find out.”
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awearywritersworld · 1 year
A misunderstanding makes you feel insecure.
Haikyu x Reader w/c: 1.4k // 1.1k warnings: just a lil angst, but fluffy endings. a/n: back on my haikyu bullshit bc life is tough rn and i needed something pure and wholesome. post!timeskip, hurt/comfort, gender neutral reader characters: Tsukishima Kei // Kuroo Tetsuro
Tsukishima Kei
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When Tsukishima first met you in university, he had taken notice of you, though you didn’t really start talking until you were paired for a research assignment. While he was just a tad nervous when you invited him to your apartment to work on it, he didn’t mind as you lived nearby.
An observant person, Tsukishima soon took note of your little quirks, many of which he silently regards as endearing. Your eyes would widen, sparkling with interest as you stumbled upon new articles and discoveries during your research. You always brewed a fresh pot of tea and grabbed something extra at the bakery when you knew he was coming over.
When he told you he plays volleyball for the Sendai Frogs, he was taken aback by how interested you seemed. He informed you about his position and that he started playing because of his older brother. Pink dusted his cheeks when you asked if you could attend his next match, which he agreed to. During the match, a few of his teammates gave him nudges and sly smirks. "You just seem really into the game today, Tsukishima-kun."
Your friendship persisted even after your project had been turned in, and while Tsukki was surprised, he also found that he was relieved. He enjoyed your company, after all. The thought of parting ways with you made his heart skip a beat like some lovesick teenager.
Toward the end of the semester, you're approaching the lecture hall you share with Tsukishima when you spot him talking to one of your classmates, a girl. The sight makes your stomach flip and you freeze, watching their interaction from afar.
"I just wanted to give you this, Tsukishima-kun," she begins nervously, handing him a box of sweets wrapped in pink paper.
"Oh, thanks." His tone is unexpressive as ever.
"You play volleyball, right? Maybe I could come to watch you sometime!"
She's barely finished speaking before he responds, "sorry, but I don't really like having people come to my games. You know, focus and all..."
He trails off and she tries her best to recover. "O-Okay! No problem! I'll see you around."
She scurries away and you can just barely hear him grumble something about annoying admirers and wanting to be left alone. You realize you stopped breathing at some point and all you can think while you harshly exhale is 'oh, god.'
Over the past few months, you had certainly developed a crush on Tsukishima. You feel awful about having gone to quite a few of his games when, evidently, he must have found it irritating. You're staring into nothing with wide eyes when you hear your name being called.
Your head snaps in the direction it came from and your gaze meets Tsukishima's as he approaches you. He greets you as he usually does and you stutter out a reply. Walking into the classroom together, he's squinting at you out of the corner of his eye. It's clear to him that something is up.
"You okay?" he asks as you both slide into your usual seat beside one another.
"Of course!"
That's how the next few days pass--- he knows something is wrong and you pretend that everything is fine. You're quieter than usual and you haven't invited him to hang out at all. Since you're typically the one to take initiative, Tsukishima is left feeling a little lost.
When you don't come to his next game, he finally decides he's going to have to figure out how to resolve whatever is going on. It's already dark outside by the time the team finishes, but he still heads in the direction of your apartment.
With each step, he wracks his mind trying to figure out what the hell he's even going to even say. Did he do something wrong? Have you grown tired of him and his cynicism?
Standing in front of your apartment door, it occurs to him that you might not even be home. He knocks apprehensively and the door swings open a few moments later.
"Tsukki!" you squeak out.
You're in your pajamas, a sight he's never seen before, and it makes his mind go blank. He tries desperately to keep his eyes from trailing down to your thin top and flannel shorts.
"Can I come in?" he finally asks.
"S-sure!" you step aside. "I'll go get some tea started."
He can't help but smile as you hurry off, thinking you might be the cutest person he's ever met. Instead of making his way to the couch, he leans against the doorframe to the kitchen. "Do you need a hand?"
"That's alright, it'll just be a few minutes," you say, reaching up to a high shelf for a tin of tea leaves.
He's behind you in an instant, his body pressed to your back as he grabs the one he knows is your favorite. "This one, right?"
"Yeah, thanks!"
Shocked your voice doesn't betray you, your heart is now hammering in your chest with impossible force. He's still close behind you as he sets it down on the counter. Scratching the back of his neck nervously, he takes a step back.
Once you finish filling the kettle, he speaks up. "Is it okay if I ask you something?"
Setting it down on the stove and turning on the burner, you turn to give him your full attention. "Always."
The way you look up at him expectantly makes him swallow and clear his throat. "I was wondering if everything is okay?"
"What do you mean, Tsukki?"
"Um, you just haven't seemed like yourself the past few days."
He hopes his vague answer is enough, but you tilt your head to the side. "How so?"
If he didn't know any better, he'd think you were trying to torture him.
"Well, you've been less talkative," he nearly winces at how pitiful he sounds. "And then when you didn't come to my game tonight..."
He can't think of what else to say, cursing the way his cheeks heat up. You hardly notice though, too caught up in your own embarrassment and avoiding his eye.
"Oh, that!" you laugh nervously. "You see, I may have... overheard you talking to our one classmates the other day..."
The look on his face tells you he has no idea what you're referring to.
"She gave you a gift a-and asked to come to see you play, but you told her you didn't like when people came to your games." You're talking very quickly by this point. "I-I didn't want to annoy you-"
Tsukishima's eyes nearly pop out of his head in disbelief and he starts to laugh at the situation, but you think he's laughing at you. At first, he fails to notice that tears have begun to slip down your cheeks.
"I'm sorry Tsukki," you apologize, lip quivering.
That gets his attention right away, a look of horror taking over his features.
"No, no, no! I wasn't- I didn't mean to laugh!" His words are jumbled and he tries his best to slow them. "It's just that you're not people, you're... you."
"Oh," you say while wiping at your eyes, not quite yet processing the meaning behind his words.
You still seem so sad and it tugs at Tsukishima's chest, making him panic.
"I like you!" he blurts out and your watery eyes dart up toward his face. "I'm sorry, I thought I was more obvious about it than I was. I-I missed seeing you in the stands tonight and talking to you in class and coming over afterward and-"
He keeps rambling on and you think it might be the longest you'd ever heard the usually very matter-of-fact man speak for. He only stops when you start to giggle, your hand covering your mouth in an attempt to hide it.
The kettle suddenly whistles, breaking any sort of tension that might have lingered between the two of you. You swiftly remove it from the heat before turning back to him.
"I like you, too, Tsukki."
He breathes a sigh of relief, eyes flicking between each of your own. His honesty just moments ago has him surprised and while he'd usually be uncomfortable in a situation like this, oddly enough, he's not.
There's a ghost of a smile adorning his face and he spends a second just looking at you. 'You're... you,' he considers his words from earlier and knows that this is what he meant. You're different from most people. You make him feel at ease.
"You should call me Kei," he states simply, before moving to prepare the tea just the way he knows you like it.
Kuroo Tetsuro
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One afternoon, Kuroo stopped by the coffee shop across from his office building downtown. Pulling the door open, he caught the reflection of a person around his age in the glass. As he moved so that he could hold it open for you, you thanked him with a small smile.
You caught his attention, dressed for some seemingly important job, your hair just a touch messy, but in a way that looked good. While you waited in line, he asked you about your day and his charming small talk left you a blushing mess.
You were in front of him in line, but once you finished telling the barista what you wanted, he stepped up to add his own drink to the order. "On me, of course."
Two years later, you're living together in a cozy apartment and you couldn't be happier. Kuroo is everything you could ever ask for--- charismatic, reliable, thoughtful. It was even his idea that the two of you go out for dinner after work every Thursday.
So when that day of the week finally rolls around, you finish your tasks for the day and head over to his nearby office to meet up. You get off the elevator on his floor and make your way down the hallway, noticing his door is open a few inches. You stop once you hear voices inside.
“Isn’t it hard having a partner, though? I mean, always having someone around, not being able to relax and do your own thing.”
The voice is unfamiliar and your head tilts to the side as you listen.
Your boyfriend chuckles, hand reaching to scratch the back of his neck. “I suppose they can be a lot sometimes.” 
Inwardly, Kuroo reflects on your late-night bouts of energy when he’s half asleep, your ramblings about the newest show you’ve been watching (he truly does try his hardest to keep up), your habit of constantly asking him for reassurance even though you’re so far out of his league it’s unreal. 
You can’t see the fond smile that bashfully plays on his lips or hear the thoughts running through his mind. Left with just his words alone, you deflate as you’re overcome by embarrassment. 'Well, he's not wrong,' you think.
“Then what’s the point?” the other person wonders.
You can’t bear to hear Kuroo's answer, so you move away from the door and attempt to swallow the lump in your throat. The fact that you’re about to burst into tears at his work, of all places, is probably why he thinks the way he does. A humorless laugh passes your lips as you berate yourself. You dip into the bathroom and force yourself to take a few deep breaths before anyone can see you.
If only you had waited a few moments longer, you would have heard Kuroo's response. "I figured out pretty quickly they could be a handful sometimes, but it's part of what made me love them, you know?"
"No, gross. Don't go all sappy on me, senpai," the young intern rolls his eyes.
It just makes Kuroo laugh, "you asked! Now get out of my office and go tell them you'd love to get dinner with them tonight."
The intern grumbles as he leaves, but Kuroo doesn't miss the grin tugging at his lips. "After you finish your work for the day, of course," the older man hollers from his seat.
Finally having composed yourself, you exit the bathroom, passing the intern and greeting him politely.
You knock once you reach the door to Kuroo's office and his eyes light up, "hey, sweetheart!"
His tie has already been loosened for the evening and his hair is a bit disheveled.
"Hey, Tetsu," you say sheepishly. Even now, he still makes your stomach flutter.
"I just need a few minutes to finish this up," he informs.
"Sure, take your time!"
You try your best to make your voice sound bright and move to take a seat on the couch that's tucked against the wall. Kuroo returns his attention to the computer, but he quickly realizes you're quiet. Weirdly quiet. He peeks over at you and you're just sitting there on your phone with a blank expression.
The soft clicking of his keyboard stops. He says your name and you hum in acknowledgment. "What's on your mind?"
You glance over to find that he's looking at you, his body leaning over his desk in your direction. The expression he wears is a gentle one. His obvious concern and the fact he's already picked up on your vexation are enough to arouse the emotions you'd hopelessly tried to bury earlier. In an attempt to hide your tears, you avert your eyes. The action immediately has Kuroo rising from his seat.
"Hey, hey, hey," he frets, sitting beside you and putting a hand on your knee. "Look at me, what happened?"
The sight of you like this makes his heart squeeze tightly in his chest and when you finally turn to him, his eyes are burning with worry.
"It's nothing, it's dumb," you dismiss, waving your hand.
"Sweetheart, don't say that. Something's got you all worked up." He brushes your hair behind your ear. "Talk to me."
"I-I'm sorry" you choke out.
"There's no reason to be-"
"I know I can be a lot sometimes," you add, wiping at your nose with your sleeve.
Realization and guilt descend upon him in tandem. "You heard-"
"Only some of it!" you clarify before he finishes, "I-I didn't mean to listen in on you, I just-"
He boops your nose, making your words stop in your throat. "You just didn't stay and listen to the part where I told him you it's what makes me love you so much."
He's got a little grin on his face, refraining (with some difficulty) from calling you a dork.
"You said that?"
He hums, "of course I did."
A moment passes and he can sense you're still feeling unsure of yourself, so he continues. "I can be passive and a bit... emotionally closed off at times. It makes me admire how expressive you are and how strongly you react to things, both good and bad."
Touched by his words, you feel all your anxiety ebb away, replaced by a warm feeling in the center of your chest. "Then you'll be happy to know that is perhaps the sweetest thing anyone has ever said and it makes my heart want to explode."
"Ah, see! There it is!" he beams and stands up, offering you his hand.
Once you rise to your feet, he places a kiss firmly on your temple.
"Alright, the rest of this can wait," he decides as he grabs his bag, turns off his computer, and slips his fingers through your own. "I'm all yours."
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carcarcraziiv2 · 6 months
The Woman with the Pink Hair (P. 1, 2, 3)
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Hello my friends! I bring to you The Woman with the Pink Hair! This is a Vi x Fem! Reader fanfiction.
I will post this gradually, maybe once or twice a week until it is fully out! (If you are impatient, you can view it on my Wattpad-> @DatBishCar)
Please note that this is the first piece I wrote after a HEFTY (I mean years long) hiatus from writing.
P.S. Lowkey I KNOW there's a bunch of shit I could fix in here to make it better due to my practice over the past year or so, but I just... I'm so lazy rn LOL. Anyhoooooo....
ALSO- here are the TW for you lovelies! (This is for the WHOLE SERIES)-
Violence, mental illness, oral sex, dominant tendencies, torture, kidnapping, plotting?... lowkey there's probably more but you should get the gist here, AS ALWAYS ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK ILY<3
Staring at the wall. You often found yourself staring at the wall while you were bored, zoning out thinking about things. How lonely your life had gotten, while at the same time it is better than it has been in a while. You had your freedoms to go do what you wanted - walk, paint, draw, listen to music. As you did those things you constantly seeked inspiration from the little bits and pieces that showed themselves to you in every crack and crevice. 
    You enjoyed finding the positives in things that didn't always seem positive. Hell, you were living in an old shack you rented from a grungy man who you weren't sure even actually owned the place. He did, however, have the keys.
    Deciding you needed some fresh air, as fresh as it can be in the undercity, you gather yourself to head out for a stroll through the dark streets and into the markets and shops. You enjoyed people watching, perhaps you would run into someone interesting. You grabbed your jacket, a purple and black lots of pockets kind of deal, and your beanie and put them on. Your medium length hair was in a bun on the lower part of your head, and you had pieces of hair flowing down in front of your face on either side. You liked the wispy look of it.
    You quickly found yourself in the center of the town after a few turns and blocks that you had memorized by heart. The place was always semi crowded. People doing grungy things, illegal things - but in your eyes, you saw beauty. You saw people smiling, laughing with their friends. Even as there were people who looked at you with an evil glint in their eye as you walked past, you were not afraid. You knew this place like the back of your hand, you grew up here after all. 
    After reaching one of your favorite places to eat, you walked to the counter and ordered some soup. Honestly, there was no telling what ingredients were in it but you trusted the chef as they always made delicious things. A few minutes pass, and you grabbed your brown, watery looking stew and headed over to a table nearby. There was no one sitting there, and the furniture was mostly clean unlike some of the surrounding options which were covered in trash, dirt and spilled food. As you sat, you looked over to the large red headed woman who cooked and served the food.
    "Thank you!"
    "You're welcome, honey," she replied with a warm smile. She was kind of like family to you, since you didn't really have any of your own. In fact, a lot of the shopkeepers and people who constanted the area were as such. You rarely saw people you didn't know or hadn't at least met once. 
    The soup was warm, salty, and amazing as usual. You finished every last bite and took the common decency to return the silverware and bowl to the counter, rather than having them come grab it from the table. You liked helping them out whenever you could, as they would do the same for you. Turning around, you looked about. Still seeking inspiration, you were torn as to whether or not to just go home. You did have to work in the morning but were unsure as to how much you actually cared about getting rest beforehand. Scanning your surroundings from right to left, you looked at all the people, until you saw someone unfamiliar leaning against a wall, hood down, with bits of pink hair peeking out from beneath it. 
   You were intrigued.
   Gazing at the person standing there, your creative curiosity and interest peaked. You wanted to know what they looked like, and luckily right as the thought crossed your mind someone approached the woman, and she took her hood down.
   She looked tired, worn, beaten and bruised. Your heart hurt thinking about anyone going through the things that would result in looking such a way. Behind all of that surface area, you saw beautiful features, however, and felt your heart race a little bit as the woman scanned the area while chatting. You were nervous she would catch you staring, so you pretended to look down quickly.
   The woman was becoming more agitated speaking with the person in front of her, and suddenly pushed them away. She started walking quickly away from you.
    Oh no... you thought. You did not want to lose this person, as creepy as that sounds. You decided to follow them only for a few minutes. Sometimes strangers led you to streets and places you would have never gone to yourself. You weren't only following her to be creepy. 
   You jumped up and started walking in the same direction as the woman. She was fast, so you had to speed walk a little bit. You took a few turns and short stops, all at places you had been before and studied before. Although you were interested in her, you decided that you would turn around and head home. 
    Right before you turned heel, the woman turned down a narrow dark alleyway. Ok... you thought. Now what is she doing? You waited a few moments before turning, too. You didn't want her to see you and recognize you. She looked like she might get a little angry about that. 
    Very quickly, you realized you had made a mistake. Three large men appeared from the shadows in front of the woman. And she stopped, looked up to the sky, and sighed loudly. You took the opportunity to hide behind a stack of boxes that were next to a dumpster on the left side of the alleyway. You peeked out from behind them and watched the confrontation ensue.
    "What do you need, boys?" The woman said, stepping over to lean on the wall next to her, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it.
    "We saw a pretty girl like you, and decided we needed to have you. What'ya say, sweets?" One man said. His voice was gravely, low, and you swore you could smell him from where you were. The other two men were sneering behind him, adjusting their waste bands. 
    The woman laughed. And she laughed loudly. Your eyes widened at the sound, it was like a sweet music, even in this scenario.
   "You don't know what you're about to do, dirtbag," the woman said while laughing. The man's expression quickly changed to one of anger, and he started approaching her. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you," She warned. The man laughed slightly and kept approaching, to which the woman responded-
 ---- Vi's POV ----
    Vi sneered at the man coming at her. She had a rush of adrenaline from the argument she had with the junky at the markets earlier already and needed to get rid of the urges she had to punch something. She decided these guys would do the trick.
    As the man approached, Vi took the cigarette out of her mouth and flicked it at him. He jerked back. Really? Afraid to get burned? That should be the least of your worries. As he jerked back, she grabbed him by the front of his coat and head butted him, wasting no time while he was in shock to bring her right fist up and slam it into his face.
    "By the way, the name is Vi."
    The other two men started to approach her, and she gave them a look that said "really?". They came to her from opposite sides, and she easily grabbed both of their backs, took a step backward and slammed their heads into each other. The men both collapsed to the ground rubbing their heads and yelling at one another. 
    The first man was starting to get up off the ground, but this time he looked afraid. Vi gave him a look that made him tremble and told him "Get the fuck out of here. You and these two dumbasses. I don't want to see you causing trouble to anyone again. Got it?" They hesitated, "I said get the FUCK out of here!" She yelled this time. The men got up and ran away like little children. Pathetic. 
    Vi turned around and saw someone staring at her from behind a dumpster. It was that girl from the market, the one that caught her eye. She had noticed her following her but didn't think she still was at this point. Vi grew angry, her adrenaline still running high through her veins.
 ---- Your POV ---- 
    As the fight finished up, you were holey prepared to turn tail and book it out of here. You decided you were following someone really dangerous and became scared. That is right about the moment when the woman turned around and looked right at you, rage in her eyes.
    You stumbled backwards, turning and trying to run away. "Fuck" you muttered as you slipped immediately after trying to start running. You looked backward for a brief moment as you stood, and realized she was right behind you. The woman shoved you roughly into the wall behind you. Her hand on your neck.
    "WHO are you? WHY are you following me? WHO are you working for?" The woman yelled in your face. Although you were afraid, short of breath and absolutely dreading what was to come you were enamored by her beauty. "Hello?!" She broke you out of your trance, "I asked you a question!"
    "N- n- no one! I'm not working for anyone" you stammered, your voice weak from the vice like grip she had on your neck.
    "Liar," she said calmly, her grip tightening ever so slightly on your neck. You felt pressure in your cheeks and above your eyes, and you became truly afraid that you may die. 
   "I- I'm no- not lying," you struggled to say. "I just tho- thought you looked go- good so I followed you to get inspi- inspiration for my art."
    Her grip loosened ever so slightly. You sensed she could tell you were afraid. Maybe she could tell you were not lying, but you were unsure. You really couldn't trust strangers down here. She shoved her finger in your face, and bit her teeth together. Through this, she said -
    "Don't fucking follow me again. That is creepy as hell." She released you and you fell to the ground, rubbing your neck. 
    "I- I won't!" you promised, looking up. But realization quickly hit that she was already gone, as you saw her walking the rest of the alleyway past where she beat those men, with her hood up and hands in her pockets.
    You took the opportunity, got up, and ran your ass all the way home. You heart was beating very quickly, and you were still terrified. Hyper aware of everything around you. The wind making the tendrils of your hair fly next to your face as you ran.
 Finally, you got home and got inside, collapsing on the ground from exhaustion.
PART TWO: Ubiquity
  The next few weeks, you continued on with your life. Going on walks, working, eating, and drawing. Drawing someone who you could not get out of your head. The woman with the pink hair. After your encounter, you swore you saw her everywhere. Places you had never seen her before. 
    One day, she was at the market getting food from your favorite place. She looked like she liked the woman who had previously given you your soup. She was smiling, and you noticed her put down a gracious tip onto the counter before collecting her food. You stayed very far back before cowering and going back home. 
    Another day, she came into your work. You didn't think she was looking for anything in particular, she was just browsing, probably bored. You watched from the back-room door as she fumbled with some of the little figurines you had placed out and watched her put them back down as if they were so fragile, she might break them by breathing on them.
    On this particular day, you headed to work. You were tired and worn out from the last weeks' worth of work already but still had today before you finally got a day off. You worked in a small nick-nack shop that a lot of people who created gadgets frequented. You decided to stop and grab some coffee at the warn down coffee stand out front of the shop you worked. The stand was musty, creaky, and downright shouldn't even exist anymore. But what are you to do when you are so limited to recourses as you are down here?
    "Hi, can I have a coffee, something sweet?" You smiled at the barista. They did not smile back.
    "2 dollars." They stated. They were tall, skinny and looked as if they were addicted to... something. You handed them the money and they gave you your coffee, immediately turning away to attend to the next customer. You started taking a sip, it was bitter, and you let out a hiss. Slowly turning to your left, you jumped and let out a little yelp.
    It was the woman. She was standing beside you against the wall, staring at you as if she was pondering something. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and she took a drag off her cigarette. 
    "You still following me?" She smirked. Your eyes widened and you felt your heart beating a thousand beats per minute. She was wearing the same getup. A red jacket that looked warn. Her tired look was no longer, but she did look wary and had a few scratches, including one on her lips.
   Her beautiful pink lips. 
   "Hey, my eyes are up here," she snorted. You gasped.
   "Oh, shit. Sorry... No, I am not following you. Trust me I don't want to get strangled again." You said way too quickly. A few people glanced over at the two of you, and you lowered your head. You could feel your cheeks becoming red.
   "Then why are you everywhere I go? I have seen you at least 3 places besides the first time we encountered one another. Who are you?"
    "Well like I said, I am not following you," you stated. You felt a little frustrated that it wasn't getting through her head. "And I don't appreciate you accusing me of such!"
   She laughed. That same beautiful laugh she had right before she beat the shit out of three huge men.
    "It wouldn't be the first time, weirdo. Now, I am not going to hurt you again. Trust me. I was in a fit of rage and... yeah. Just can you trust me on that?" She looked genuine. You felt yourself loosen up a bit. "What is your name? I'm Vi," she reached her hand out towards you.
    "I'm (y/n). And I guess I can," you stated hesitantly. You reached your hand out and grasped hers. It was calloused and hard against your soft one.
    "So, you're really an artist?" She asked, sitting down on a bench across the walkway. You followed, and sat next to her, looking at your wristwatch. You had about 30 minutes until you had to go in to work behind the coffee shop.
    "Um... yes. It's a hobby," you said shyly. You brushed a loose piece of hair back behind your ear and looked over at her. "And you're a street fighter?" You said raising your eyebrow.
   She laughed again. You couldn't help but smile too.
   "Well, technically, I guess you could call it that. I really only fight when I have to, or if I am in the mood to do so. I am the kind of person who just goes with the flow, I guess. I have no real goal right now...". You noticed that she was becoming saddened, but not enough to fully show it through her tough face. She stretched her legs out and laid back against the back of the bench and looked up at the sky. You noticed a few features you hadn't previously. She had a tattoo on her cheek that read VI and a gear tattoo on the side of her neck. She had scars, a lot of them. You wondered where she got them but put the pieces together and assumed they were probably from fights.
    "Do you fight a lot?" You blurted out, unsure if the question would offend, anger or sadden her. She looked at you dead in the eyes with her sky-blue ones, serious as can be.
    She was so mysterious. You wondered about her life, her story. You wanted to know more about her but there was still and underlying fear and feeling of uneasiness around her simply because of how the two of you first interacted. You rubbed your neck as you remembered the happening. 
    "I am sorry for what I did to you before. It was out of line. I shouldn't have assumed you were some person who was hired to go after me." Vi reached up and put her hand on your shoulder for a split second. You felt yourself get warm all over and blushed.
    "Um, I guess it's okay?" You shrugged. You weren't actually okay with it, but you didn't want it to be the reason why you two wouldn't talk again. You wanted to talk to her again, so you gathered yourself and in a brief confidence asked, "Do you want to hangout sometime? Like we can get coffee or food or something?"
    She looked taken aback, and you immediately began trying to remedy the situation. You were embarrassed. "I- I'm sorry it's okay if you don't want to I totally under-"
    "(y/n), Its okay. I would like that." She stopped you and stated. You smiled coyly and looked down at your coffee, then back up at her.
    "Okay, cool. Meet me here tomorrow, same time?" You got up. "I have to go to work, actually. Like right there. I am a few minutes late..." You couldn't believe that 35 minutes had already passed by and knew the boss man was not going to be happy that you were late. You said your goodbyes and headed into the shop. 
    You were right, the man was not happy.
PART THREE: Awkward Encounters
 You and Vi had plans to meet the next day. On one hand you were giddy with excitement. On the other, you were nervous. Very nervous. You weren't entirely sure you could trust the temperament of this woman. As you laid in bed, you had thoughts of what the day ahead would look like. What kind of interest did Vi have with you? You were certain you had interest in her, but you didn't know what kind of interest it was. You imagined the two of you in different scenarios, such as friendship, or as lovers. Friendship seemed amazing, but lovers felt even better. You smiled at yourself and rolled over. Either way, you decided you were going to have a good time.
    Waking up energized, you decided since it was your day off, you would try to do as much as possible. If Vi was up to it, perhaps she could tag along. You got up in the morning from your bed and comfortable plaid duvet to go shower. In the shower, you washed your hair as well as wash and shaved your body. The water was warm as it caressed your figure. You imagined it was Vi.
    What am I thinking? You contemplated. You two had only just met and it was a strange encounter to say the least. You shook your head in dismay, blushing at the thoughts you were dismissing. You hopped out of the shower and grabbed one of the towels right outside the curtain. You always laid the towel on the toilet seat so it would be easier to get to. Stepping out of the shower, you stood in front of the mirror above the sink. You were a tidy person, but today it was a little bit messy in there.
    Taking a small hand towel, you swiped the glass on the mirror so you could see your reflection. Although you looked tired, you still felt energetic. You were too giddy to feel tired. You decided today you were going to put on a little bit of makeup, just mascara and eyeshadow. Walking out of your bathroom and back into your room, the towel draped across your midriff, you looked in the closet to pick out an outfit. 
   Deciding on black jeans, a baggy brown knit sweater, and your warn old brown boots you tossed them on. The sweater was warm, which was perfect for this time of year in the Undercity. You got everything on, tossed on a few rings on your fingers, and headed to the door. beside the door was a coat rack, which you grabbed your oversized black leather jacket off of and threw on. You smiled as you walked outside and took a deep breath of air.
    Your heart was racing, but this time it was from excitement. Never had you thought you would be so brave as to ask someone you had just met (who admittedly had almost killed you) to hangout. You rolled your eyes at yourself and dismissed the thoughts from coming back. You refused to let that ruin your day or come back up ever again. 
    You made your way down the street and your usual route to the coffee shop in front of your work. As you approached, you had hoped Vi would be there early, but she was nowhere to be seen. It was 5 minutes before your set meeting time, but you were not worried. You ordered yourself and Vi a coffee at the stand and sat at the bench you both had your first meaningful conversation at. Taking a sip, you looked around and took in the area, hoping to remember every last detail that you may not have already memorized. 
    You looked down at your watch and realized time had already passed. 10 minutes, actually. You were getting worried that she wouldn't show up. After another 5 minutes, you decided to get up and walk into the shop you were employed at. The shop keep looked confused why you were there, but you said-
    "Don't worry, I am just visiting. I rarely get to come in here as a customer."
    "Oh, okay." he smiled slightly. He seemed to be in a better mood, but then you bumped into a shelf beside you. You jerked yourself to the right to correct it and ensure nothing fell off. "Just don't break anything," he sighed, rolling his eyes. He was a big man, not fat but muscular. He seemed like he could handle himself in a bar fight if he had to.
    "I promise I will not break anything," you laughed slightly. You turned your back to the man and back towards the window out front, and you saw her.
    She was beautiful, sitting there on the bench on the same side she had last. Her fingers were tapping the back of it and she was looking around nervously. You decided to set down the figurine you had in your hand and rushed outside. You were relieved she actually came.
    "Vi!" you smiled, rushing over to her. She smiled back and began to stand, when you felt someone run into you, knocking you to the ground. You were shaken, and looked up towards the direction the person was going. "S-Sorry!" you hollered to the person, but they kept going.
    "Watch it, Asshole!" Vi yelled in their direction, coming over to you to help you get up. Luckily, you had already gotten rid of the coffees as they had gotten cold. You stood and brushed yourself off, thanking the world silently for the ground not being wet today. Sighing, you turned to Vi and embraced her in a hug.
   "I am so glad you made it," you smiled, releasing her. She had not returned the embrace, but you were okay with that. Not everyone is a hugger and she appeared shocked.
    "Oh, uh yeah. Sorry about that. I had some things I had to take care of," she muttered, appearing to blush and took her hand through her hair. As she did this, you couldn't help but watch the muscles in her arm flex, as she was only wearing a t-shirt. She cleared her throat, and your eyes darted back over to her face. 
    "So, um, are you hungry?" you quickly changed the subject. She nodded, and you started walking. She followed.
    The two of you walked side by side for quite some ways and decided amongst yourselves to go to one of Vi's favorite places. You had never been there before, but you had walked by it many times. You were in awe at the fact that you had not ever seen Vi before. You walked inside the establishment with her. It was large and smelled of drink. You noticed a decrepit old bar towards the back, and wooden tables all around. There were a few people in there, but not many. Vi walked to the back and sat at the bar. Sighing, as she looked around.
    "You know," she started, "My dad used to own this place. He died trying to protect my family." A pained expression crossed her face. You frowned.
    "Oh, I am so sorry..." you weren't the best at comforting people and looked down at your hands. Luckily, Vi decided she wanted to change the subject and called the bartender over, ordering you both a drink. You didn't normally drink, but today you were willing to allow it. After all, you did decide you wanted to have fun.
    After a few rounds, you both and really let loose a lot. You were laughing with each other and had gotten to know more about each other's lives and interests. 
    "...And then!" Vi laughed as she was finishing her story, "He fell on his ass into the puddle, right beside us!" You grimaced and laughed with her. She had just told you about a fight she had gotten into. It seemed to be a lot of the talking points she had, but you didn't mind. Actually, it impressed you how confident she was in herself. 
    In your tipsy state, you leaned forward, putting your hand on her thigh to keep your balance. She looked down at your hand, and back up at you.
    "I am sorry for following you," you slurred. "I thought you were so beautiful... I wanted to see what you were about..." blushing, you turned away, but your hand still laid on her thigh. You felt a warmth over your hand and looked back over. Vi had placed hers there, on top of yours. Butterflies fluttered throughout your stomach.
    "(Y/N), it's okay. Really." The two of you had gotten closer, without even realizing it. "To be honest, I saw you at the market before I even started walking. You were looking down at your hands, but I could tell you were pretty. I almost came over to you, but I chickened out."
    Your eyes widened, and you blushed profusely. You leaned towards her slightly. You weren't even sure she was interested in women, but you didn't care. You were really really hoping she was. Suddenly, Vi removed her hand from on top of yours, and lightly placed it on the back of your neck. She looked you in the eyes, and you tilted your head ever so slightly looking back into hers. She leaned in, pulling you closer gently, and pressed her lips against yours. You leaned into the kiss and melted. Her lips felt like heaven against yours. They were soft, supple, and warm. 
   As she pulled away, you felt your hand absent-mindedly reach up and caress your mouth. You were blushing even harder than before and looked at her. She was smiling a huge face splitting smile. She looked proud.
    "Wow," she stated.
    "Wow," you repeated back. 
    "Bet ya weren't expecting that, were you?"
    "No, but I liked it. Did... did you?" you asked nervously.
    "I wouldn't have done it if I didn't want to." She giggled. You smiled and turned back towards the bar, twirling your finger around the straw in the glass. You wanted another, and so did she. You knew because soon there were two new drinks in front of you both. 
    You looked over at Vi. She was just finishing a sip of her drink and looked over at you as she set it down. 
     "Do you want to come to my house tomorrow and see some of my art? I already saw you fight, so I figured it would be fair if I showed you some of the things I have done," you asked sheepishly. She smiled, but this time it was sly. Like someone looking at something they wanted to eat, to devour. 
    The two of you finished your drinks. The day was nearly over, and you hadn't done any of the things that you had planned. You were okay with it. In fact, you wouldn't trade how this day went for anything. Before leaving the establishment, Vi offered to walk you home. You had a feeling she wanted to keep you safe, and you appreciated it even though were not afraid. This also made it easier for her to find your home the next day, so she could come look at your art.
    You continued talking to one another as you walked back to your house. She had her hands in her pockets, and you had yours in your own. The streets were dark and there were hardly any people out, as most of the shops had closed. 
    Approaching the old shack of a house you called home, Vi let out a whistle and turned to you.
    "Quite the place you got here, huh?" She grinned, teasing you.
    "Hey, its home to me alright? Can only do so much down here." You reached up and lightly smacked her arm. Before you could lower your hand, she grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to her. So close, both of you were touching bodies. Vi was taller than you, and looked down at you slightly, as you looked up at her. She smiled and planted another kiss on you. This one more passionate, inviting. You could feel her warmth enveloping you as her arms held you. 
    Releasing from the kiss, you tried to stammer out a goodbye, but Vi had already started walking away. 
     "See you tomorrow, sweet stuff!" She said, waving as she walked backwards. She had a huge grin on her face.
    "O-Okay! See you tomorrow!" You smiled back. You turned around and got inside, shut the door and leaned against it. You did a little happy dance in your spot. 
    Wow... you thought. That was amazing. 
PLEASE LIKE AND COMMENT IF YOU ENJOY :D Drop a follow if you wanna stay updated on these! There are TEN more parts in the series! Oml...... lol <3 I hope you enjoyed so far!
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anasweetlywrites · 7 months
“ The Project ” Tony Stark x Female!Reader
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► ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ɴᴀᴠɪɢᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ◄
Warnings :
Good news! I'm able to write again! Bad news : I'm feeling horrible for multiple reasons but at least writing helps...
Angst cuz it's a little based on something I've been through these 5-6? weeks…but hey! You can hope for more parts cuz I can still write fics that are better than the shitty reality I'm living rn
Edits also by me
Tony's rudeness
Tiny amount of fluff (compared to my other fics)
One or two sexual thoughts from reader
Reader likes/drinks coffee
I already warned you about the angst so idk what else to warn you about
Feedback it's appreciated like usually~
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Words without warnings : 1324
“Of all the famous people in this world I have to work with!It really has to be Tony!” I could swear my mad thoughts were so loud that the entire building could hear them while I was making my way down to Tony’s lap…I meant lab! I certainly wanted to say lab…
I greeted a few agents and pretended I had to be at Tony’s lab early when one of them wanted to keep the conversation going, keeping my camera and my agenda close to my chest, my purse brushed against my side.
I was surprised this opportunity came to me, whenever someone tried to get closer to the billionaire and his projects they were shut down and kicked out until he was finished.
There were plenty of men and women who tried to do the same “Two weeks with Tony Stark - life and habits of one of the richest man alive” project but none of them resisted as much as I did…already eight days which may not seem much but it’s better than just twenty minutes…
My way to “live with him” so far it’s simple: I sit at my place , usually close to him , watch him work while he listens to rock on full volume while he drinks between 3 and 8 cups of coffee per day and usually I don’t ask any questions.
From time to time I help his robot grab whatever he asked for and can’t find it and I greet him once I arrive and when I go home.
As usual , I asked the A.I for permission to enter his lab, then I sat down on my little seat not too far away from his workplace. Surprisingly today he wasn’t already in his lab and I wanted to ask the A.I where he was but before I could, I was informed he was at a meeting and I had fresh coffee next to his cup on his work table.
“Thank you…” I said barely above a whisper and started walking with my camera towards the table. I took a picture as a memory and started sipping from my cup.
I couldn’t believe the incredible taste. It was more fancier than I expected and it explained why he never got tired of it.
While sipping ,I started looking at his tools and different buttons. The floating blue screens were turned off so I assumed he had a password or some protection for that too…however surprisingly the sketches for another armor were wide open and on display. So I started getting closer and tried to understand it.
“I thought you might be curious and based on the fact that your cup it’s already almost empty, I assume you enjoyed the coffee too.” I felt his hot breath against my neck as he whispered the words.
“Woah!” I said after I jumped away from his table after I heard Tony’s voice and the cup almost fell from my hand,“Sorry!You scared me!” I moved my free hand on my chest and took a few deep breaths.
“That wasn’t the reaction I expected but it was a possibility. Anyway-” Tony made a gesture with his hands to signal me to move away and I moved back on my seat.
Realizing he's going to do his usual stuff and still nothing new I moved to a better corner of the room and opened my phone. Same shit,different day. I rolled my eyes and started answering the amount of texts and then I started working on editing the pictures I took a few days ago and copied in my phone as well.
“What are you doing there?” Tony asked but I thought he was talking with one of his robots, too busy answering stuff to even look up at him. He called my name a little louder than I expected and I startled looking up at him. “I didn't mean to scare you again…you're on your phone and I could ask the A.I to check it and hack it in less than 30 seconds or you can tell me what you're doing.”
I locked my phone and placed it on my lap,“Answer texts and edit pictures pretty much. You're doing your usual routine so I thought I should take pictures today a little later.” I said and heard and felt my phone buzzing on my lap which made me roll my eyes again.
“Whoever texts you, it seems that he or she annoys you a lot.” Tony chuckled and pointed at the plans on his table with a toll, I couldn't remember what he called it right then.“How about you tell them to leave you alone and help me here for a while?”
“You…you need my help?” I lifted my eyebrows in surprise.
“I need you to pay attention here.”
“Mr. Stark , I enjoy paying attention to your work but it seems like today isn't one of the days where I can actually do more than a few observations and I'm pretty sure you don't want me to come there and chit chat with you while watching you work.To be completely honest,it's a little lonely to only be here as an observer but if that's how's comfortable to you I do it since there are less than 8 days until I have to finish my project and show it to my professors. ” I said it all in one go and let out a big sigh after I finished speaking.
“How the fuck do you feel lonely?” Tony furrowed his eyebrows and stared at a random point in his plans deep in thought,“You know what?I actually don't care.It's a fact that there are 6 days until you leave and you're free to observe and ignore whatever you want for your project. Just stop the annoying notifications will you?” He rolled his eyes , suddenly pissed and started increasing the volume of the music until I could put my phone on silent.
It was weird. For a moment I thought I could see the humanity I was looking for in the billionaire, only for the sole purpose of the project, of course…ok not just for my project but enough with this bullshit!It's not like he can have feelings or whatever. And why did he have to be so rude?
But maybe he just enjoys my presence or maybe he's just annoyed by my notifications like I am… I was so deep in thought staring at him while he worked that I started ignoring my phone again.
“Hot and cold? I'm just living the same story as always. I just try to find their warmth only to be hit with their coldness…and I couldn't even say someone so full of himself could be attractive!”
I was hurt by his behavior and I had nothing notable to add for today except what I saw in the plans and how delicious that coffee tasted and his eyes…
“But his brown eyes are so pretty when they focus on fixing that helmet…yeah maybe just his eyes are pretty and that's it. That's it! From now on that's it.Besides this he's just another narcissist I'm forced to write about!”
I finally managed to stand up after a few minutes of standing there with a numb expression while my thoughts were running inside my head like on a fucking marathon.
I left without saying anything more than a low mumble that I wasn't even sure I parted my lips to say it or it was just in my head, “See you tomorrow, Mr Stark….”
Late at night, after I managed to forget about today's events while watching a movie,I heard my phone's double beeps. While I mentally prepared myself to read that I'm kicked out from this project tooI checked my phone.
Sorry.You would tell me if you felt sad, right? I'm right here,sweetheart…
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lillylvjy · 7 months
Lonely girl (you are my world)
a/n// hello!!!! So this is a two part fic… ahh so exciting! Part two will be out tomorrow for sure! I grinned it out today and I love it. This is another Wilma fic, enemies to lovers to be specific. So have fun, please read the warnings! And enjoy!
warnings// kissing, making out, neck kissing, very suggestive! Wilma is a cocky asshole I love her, reader and Wilma are secretly in love, Wilma is very possessive, readers kinda a brat in a way, dominant Wilma….. um if I missed anything please tell me! Also no this is not smut! It’s just very suggestive!
For this fic I recommend 16+ please! that’s all I ask.
wc// 1.4K
wilma gold x reader, wilma gold x afab!reader, (can be gn!reader but mentions of reader being afab!)
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(p.s this song that the titles from is my favorite song rn so- please go listen to it! It’s the song linked up above! Also thank Charlie for getting me into it!!)
You had enough.
It was the same thing every other week. Go to the market, set up your booth where you were assigned, which was usually the same place right beside her, and have a fun time bickering with your next door booth neighbor. It also happened in each others shops when the other felt bored and had the itch to go annoy the other working person.
The her in question is none other than Wilma Gold. The infamous local artist, whose shop is right across from yours. Always cocky about her pieces and how people admire them and take them home with them as decoration. You always hated it.
That smile she’d give them as she’d explain what every piece meant, how she’d get so excited when someone asked about a certain class she has at her shop that they wanted to take. How her stupid, deep brown eyes sparkled as someone with interest in her drawings started complimenting her. How her laugh could fill a room and warm your heart in seconds and how random art facts rolled off her sweet tongue like honey and how you wanted to just take it all in and-
Ok. No you don’t absolutely hate her. But she definitely isn’t your favorite person.
Right now you were currently trying to bake as much as you could before closing the shop. It wasn’t busy today since there was a big snow storm on the way that started mid afternoon, so you thought it was a good opportunity to start baking.
Until the power went out.
That’s when you knew you were fucked. You started to put all your dough and pastries in containers so they didn’t go bad and they were still decently fresh for the next time you opened, whenever that may be.
As you began to clean your counters, and tables even if they barley were used, you heard banging coming from the front door. You frowned as you popped your head up and looked around the corner, not expecting anyone to be out, then immediately rolled your eyes as you saw who was there.
Lovely Wilma from across the street.
Now if there were butterflies floating around in your stomach, and your head was fuzzy with want, you wouldn’t tell anyone. That was only your knowledge.
Walking up to the door you quickly unlocked it and before you could push it open, the woman on the other side flung it open and rushed inside, rubbing her hands up and down her arms as she did.
“What do you want?” You asked her as you flung the towel over your shoulder and went to grab the broom.
“Why is it so warm in here?” Wilma asked as she walked up to the counter and lifted herself into it. You scoffed as you hit her with the broom.
“Off, you’re making it dirty again. And also why did you come stomping up in here like you own this place? You have your own shop for a reason, you know.” You sassed back as you continued sweeping up the place and making it as clean as possible.
“Shit sweetheart, what’s got your panties in a twist? I know for a fact it’s not me, but I bet you’d like it if it was me-“
“Shut up.” You quickly said as you stood straight up, back facing her to hide your blush that crept up your neck and took over your face, suddenly making you hotter than you liked.
“Hmm… I just came in here to seek warmth, I saw your windows were a bit foggy and I know you wouldn’t have any other reason for them to be foggy so. I invited myself, and fuck am I glad. Why is it warm in here? If your hiding someone you can tell them to come ou-“
You cut her off by placing the broom on the counter next to her and leaning against it. “So what if I had someone in here? What would it be to you?”
Wilma’s brows lifted as she closed her eyes and poked her cheek with her tongue and scoffed as she smiled. Shaking her head, she let out an amused hum. Crossing her arms she lifted herself off the counter and turned towards you. “It wouldn’t mean shit to me. Just wanna know who you’ve been seeing.”
You laughed as you turned your body so your forearms were resting against the counter, the front of your body facing the cash register with your head hung low. “I have a back up generator in the back of the store. Goes all the way up to my apartment. Maybe you should get one, darling.” You said as you pushed off the counter and pulled yourself up to sit on it, smiling at her as you did.
Wilma scoffed as she wet her lips, looking you up and down. “Cute. But I think I’m good. I’ll just come here next time and annoy you, yeah?”
“Hmm better watch out though. Might have someone over. You might walk into something you don’t want to see.” You said as you watched her walk over to the door, preparing herself for the freezing weather outside to take over.
“Bullshit. The only thing I’ll be walking in on is you closing your shop up for good.” She said as she turned to you.
“Fuck you. I’ll find someone, and they’ll be in here all the time, so when you do see the windows foggy again, it won’t be from the heater, it’ll be from-“
“Don’t you dare finish that fucking sentence.” Wilma said harshly as she walked up to you and took your chin in her hand as she gently pushed your head up to look at her. Even with you sitting on the counter, she loomed over you quite a bit. “If I see you with anyone, let alone anyone touching you, it won’t be so peaceful anymore, understand?”
You opened and closed your mouth multiple times, words not coming out and your mind fuzzy. Your eyes wide and full of want, love, hunger, and lust. This has to be a dream, right? Another one of your stupid, unrealistic dreams that you had. She hated you, she can’t be serious. Right? All that was heard was your small squeaks coming from you and the running of the generator.
“Come on love, if you go brain dead just from this then…” Wilma slowly cut herself off as you nodded up at her, smiling up at her. “Words.”
“Yes. Yes, I understand.” As you spoke, her thumb lightly brushed against your lips, making your lip tingle as they moved. You quickly kissed her thumb as you ended your sentence, looking up at her yet again, waiting for her next move.
“Oh fuck this.” Wilma said as she gripped your chin yet again and placed her lips roughly against yours. As the kiss went on, they messier it got. Both of you pulling at each other to get the other closer, Wilma between your legs pulling you by your hips, wrapping your legs around her waist.
“You sure you wanna do this?” You said, as her lips moved down to your neck and started to suck and kiss and bite any area that was available.
“Of course I am, what better opportunity to claim you and get some warmth for the night.” Wilma said as she smirked up at you, pulling you off the counter as you locked the store up and led her up the stairs to your loft apartment above the store.
“You better be thanking god right now for your luck.” You said to the woman behind you as you unlocked the door and stepped inside.
Wilma quickly closed the door and pushed you up against the wall beside it, cupping your neck in her hands as gently as she could, almost surprising you with the completely change in touch she was using with you 10 seconds ago.
“You bet your pretty little ass I am.”
taglist: @maxx-is-dumb12 @mysticalsoot @saccharinesunset (if you wanna be added, go ahead and ask or my dms are wide open!)
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thekinkyleopard · 6 months
Snzfire of Hostility
Part 2 of a Non-Canon AlxKoxNai Fic Series
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Snz Fet, Bullying, Sexual Harassment, Smut, Sneaky Public oral, coercion
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Description: Draeko is the fresh meat at College, new in town, and at first the jocks Alistar and Kanai, don’t find much interest in him. Until they find out he’s rather a little factory of entertainment and fetish gold. What will become of them all?
Author’s Notes: EEEEE I am like living for this series rn I have so many ideasss!!! Please enjoy this next steamy chapter as Al ups the Ante >:) art, Drae and Kanai all by @aller-geez !
Draeko was less than enthused to walk into Culinary class after having had creative writing prior. It seemed everything was more or less normal. Al hadn’t been there for last period and Kanai was never usually a problem by himself. Yet, he worried. Worried he would have to sit with that strange emotionless man and work together on their meal for the day in awkward silence. It was his second week in, and now classes were starting to feel more like work and less like cocktail hour.
The pastel colored male walked carefully into culinary and much to his dismay, both the Navy haired man and red head sat at the table. He sighed. Walked forward, avoiding eye contact with either, he sat in the seat to the right of Kanai furthest from Al. He did notice, however, that their other partner, Sloan, was missing. She must be out sick, Draeko assumed. This wasn’t good news, she was usually his go to when it came to avoiding conversation with the two intimidating men. Today, was incredibly different without her. What was he to do now that he couldn’t use her as a crutch?
“Now class today we are going to cook Lemongrass Chicken…learning how to use herbs and spices to our advantages we will….” As she droned on, the red head slowly creeped over, leaning enough over Kanai to see the pastel colored pup.
“Hey…pst…kid…” he cupped his hand around his mouth to hopefully draw out a louder sound than he was really making.
“What?” The younger tried to avoid eye contact still, not really wanting to get too involved with whatever shenanigans the other had in store.
“Good to see you…how you feelin’?” Waggling his eyebrows with a cheeky aura radiating off his person. Drae sat back and rolled his eyes now, blatantly ignoring the red head to avoid talking about the incident. Alistar hadn’t stopped thinking about it, and he was going to find some way to get the sensation to come back. Infact he had been mulling over ideas the other day with Kanai. Ever since that class, the demon was more than obsessed with the little freshman. He wouldn’t need them on this day though. As their instructor went on to first show them how their meal would be made, the fresh scent of cooking lemongrass was already starting to tickle and prick at Draeko’s sensitive nostrils. But he held strong. Tweaking his nose side to side to fight off the insistent urge.
“Now remember, you need to make sure your chicken is thoroughly cooked, or else risk giving someone illness, do we think we can handle it?” She asked as she finished up the meal, plated it and cut open the main dish to show off her perfectly cooked chicken. “Alright everyone get to it!” Draeko flung himself from the table to get away from the two demons, not that he really ever had an issue with the more navy themed one. He tended to mind himself when the red head wasn’t around, but he egged him on and aided regardless. The two were in cahoots and that meant Drae trusted neither of them. As he was gathering the ingredients and everyone was bustling about, the professor deeply invested in her computer screen, Al pressed up against the other’s back.
“Think you can handle it?” He repeated the professor’s words, purring into the mutt’s ear, causing the younger to tremble beneath him.
“E-excuse me?” Draeko turned his head to the side, his eyes trying to find him in his peripherals at the very least, face dusted in light pink, was he flirting with him?
“Cutting up the chicken and stuff do you think you can handle it? Me and Kanai just sort of burn things so like…if you could do the most of it….?” Suddenly he asked very nonchalantly, almost like there hadn’t been a seductive purr at the edge of his tone.
“Why bother taking the class if you’re not gonna learn the skill…?” Drae rolled his eyes trying to focus away from how close the man was standing up against him.
“Easy A? Gets elective credits out the way? Many reasons kiddo, but get to cookin’,” he slapped the smaller across his ass and Draeko’s cheeks burned bright red. He looked around to see had anyone noticed the assault but they hadn’t and he almost felt upset over it. It was weird, the more he acted like he didn’t like it, the more his brain started to rewire itself, like he couldn’t deny himself how hot the two men were.
Kanai at the other end of their kitchen was doing his best to chop and mince the garlic but found himself snipping the tip of his index, not enough to gush blood everyone but enough for the man to furrow his brows and let go of the knife. “Alistar, I can’t seem to get the right grip I have now cut myself several times, is there no other way to do this effectively and efficiently?” Looking over at his two partners now. Al backed up off the mutt and came by to look at his friend’s hand.
“Tch tch….see what I mean pup? We’re practically useless over here,” he clicked his tongue in disapproval at his friend’s wounds, looking over at the mutt raising Kanai’s hand up in the air to draw attention to the incident.
“Ok but can you at least cut the lemongrass yourselves? I can’t stand the smell of it,” he sighed, rolling his eyes and taking over the spot to which Kanai had just been cutting garlic, not before rinsing his knife off though.
“Oh? You can’t stand the smell of it?” Alistar’s brow raised curiously as he looked over at the serving of ingredient that was on the counter awaiting its time.
“Yeah, I don’t and there’s so much around…” the sizzle of several other pans started to make Draeko nervous. It was different when it was across the room and just one pan going but now it’s at least three and they hadn’t even started theirs yet. He could feel it sliding down his sinuses and grasping him by the throat, he set the knife down and brought his hands swiftly upward in an attempt to stifle it “H-hnn…GXNT!” Draeko’s body shook and lurched forward as he tried his best to conceal himself. It was of no use. Alistar leaned up against the counter, elbow propped and his chin on top of a closed fist.
“Marvelous, see Kanai? When you ask, thou shall receive…I’m tellin’ you I’m grandpa’s favorite….” Kanai rolled his eyes at the comment but watched none the less, still tapping at his nicked finger. Draeko’s legs shook and his lips quivered while he tried his best to fight the sensations building inside of his nostrils.
“Please….” He pleaded with himself more than anyone else. Why? Why can’t he just keep it down?? The lemongrass filling the air around the entire classroom was making the mutt sweat, trying to focus on chopping the garlic, then the chicken but with everyone already at the point of sizzling their pans, the younger couldn’t hold out any longer.
“Here it comes,” Alistar nudged and elbowed his best friend as they both stared down the other who set down the knife once again to try and catch himself before he could contaminate the food.
“K’GNSH’iiew!!” Into the palms of his hands now, his brows furrowed and his nose crinkled. “H’iish’ue!!” He backed up but only found himself bumping straight into Alistar’s chest. “I- need-…h’H…” cut off by a sharp gasp that caught in his throat.
“Help? A hand?” The demon guessing as he snickered and placed his hand under the younger’s nose and wiped it clean for him. Rubbing off the ick and wet onto his crusty black patched up jeans.
“tch’ISSH!!” The small kitten sneeze escaped him as he was trying to find his way FROM the red head, and to ground himself against the counter again. However, Al took hold of the small hybrid’s hip and gripped it, grinding his hard length into the other so he can feel as he sneezed against his large body.
“God you have no idea what that does to me…” He growled, his voice excited like a rock n roll artist announcing his entrance to the city, but it was only the group of them that could hear it. He took a deep inhale of the other’s messy different colored hair. It was sweet, but that was behind the larger scent of citrus in the air. Draeko bit his lower lip, his watering eyes scanned the room around him and as he realized not a single soul was there to pay attention, all fixated on their own tasks, he almost felt excited. Were they aware of this too? No one was watching them?
“Stop…we’re gonna get in trouble…” he whimpered trying to shuffle innocently away but Al kept him tight in his grasp. Draeko’s nose tweaked and twitched, reaching up as he tried to scratch it by rubbing it in circles in loud clicks.
“Doubtful, Miss H is too busy sexting her foreign online boyfriend and the rest of the class is trying not to burn their chicken….as far as we are concerned, no one gives a shit, but what would be great….is if you could make yourself useful under the counter….” Pointing downward. It’s true, if he did go below the counter, no one would spot him but in what world does the red head think he was that easy???
“Hey! Asshole! What makes you….” He started but was swiftly cut off by the other’s quick index placed at his lips.
“You may put on a real brave face here kiddo but,” reaching around he gripped the front of Drae’s pants, the crotch specifically feeling in his grip the young hybrid was indeed throbbing.
“Okay…fine…you caught me! Doesn’t mean I’ll just do as you say!” He grumbled with embarrassment, face fully flushed as he realized the compromising situation he was being put into was leaving him with not many choices.
“Won’t it though? Not even for Kanai?” The Navy haired man blinked looking almost lost between them all.
“Are we not cooking the meal, Donnie?” Asking curiously, seeing as that was the only real task that was asked of him in the last hour, from what he could recall. He was a tad bit concerned how they got here so fast but stepped closer nonetheless when he was beckoned by Al’s index.
“No, Nai, we will, we’re just going to get a helping hand as well,” Alistar shoved the mutt to his knees hiding him under the counter top, as he stepped closer to reach the station in order to finish the preparation. Regardless of what was expected, the shorter of the three still found himself rubbing and twitching his nose in irritated circles. “Stand closer,” he grabbed Kanai by the collar of his shirt and swiftly pulled him in.
At first and second glance, it looks like Alistar is cooking and prepping while the other of the visible two, is watching carefully. “Get to it,” the red head commanded, and though he had plenty of room to say no, and felt comfortable enough to do so…the excitement that built within Drae’s core seemed to sing louder than his pride. Slowly he unbuckled and unzipped both the men in front and beside him, careful to not make too many unnecessary noises that may seen out of the ordinary. Though, unlikely they’d be heard with a class full of chatting students and sizzling cookware.
The red head paid no mind and slapped in the chicken, along with the mass amounts of lemon grass he chopped. “That may be too much Donnie,” Nai tried to engage forgetting that regardless, the idea was not to actually care about today’s meal, but today’s opportunity.
“Shhhh I know what I’m doing,” he turned up the heat and suddenly as the lemongrass began to sizzle in the oil of the heating pan, the aroma poisoned the air, and Drae from below, already struggling to pull the men out of their pants, felt the painful and prickling sensations of doom coming back to haunt him.
“B-ut…I-…” Draeko managed to pull the red head from the confines of his boxer briefs and stared his length down before his eyes slowly began to struggle and even cross. They squinted and pinched, a small line of tears, dripped down his cheek and he knew, it was a complete waste of his energy to fight it. “iit’shHIEW! hdt’ishhhh!! TCH’iSh!” He soiled Alistar’s length that twitched with excitement, only making the older student groan and involuntarily push his hips forward.
“Fuck that is awesome….” He looked over at Kanai who, in turn looks rather bored, yet to see the appeal while Drae struggled below them. “You’ll see…” he snickered continuing to try and remain focus on not burning the food.
Draeko nervously was able to have both lengths released and waiting on him, he snuffled and pushed the back of his hand against his nose to sniffle down whatever ick build up he had from his consistently allergic face. He looked over and gripped the Navy haired man’s length in his palm, nervously looking up with glossy eyes, Kanai looked back. His heterochromiatic gaze lidding as there was contact made with his slowly lengthening cock. Not nearly as ready to go as Al was, and Drae takes a moment to drag the flattened end of his tongue under the other’s shaft. Stopping at the tip of his head to suck gingerly, and tease the tall, stoic one. This seemed to bring the man to life as well as his length before he swallowed it fully and allowed it to hit the back of his throat. Al looked down to see the display and smirked reaching to grab Draeko’s free hand and bring it up to his cock.
“Don’t forget about me over here,” he grumbled playfully as he tried to keep his voice low. The sound of loud sizzling knocked him back to reality before long and he went back to pushing and flipping the meat around carefully. The mutt gripped Al’s cock in his palm slowly stroking with purpose and his mouth worked to fluff the other’s slowly growing length as well.
“Shit….” Kanai groaned gripping tightly to the counter as he fought between wanting to watch the small hybrid give him brain, and also follow along watching to make sure Alistar didn’t fail them. Drae’s eyes slid to a close while his tongue and mouth continued to swallow and devour, he was just starting to get himself together when the redhead turned up the heat and poured a shot of wine into the pan. Flames roared upward as he torched the lemongrass to squeeze every last tormenting cell out of its aroma. “D-Donnie…the recipe doesn’t call for w-wine….” Trying to guide his best friend back to the basics, who simply laughed with his own hooded gaze.
“Don’t question me just wait and see…” and it didn’t take long, the burning scent of lemongrass wafted even stronger in the air with it having been freshly scorched under the wine flambé. Draeko’s nostrils twitched, his eyelids fought, open and closed, open and closed….his throat tightened up around Kanai who’s nails dug into the wooden counter and nearly split a huge chunk completely off the surface entirely but managed to stop at cracking it.
“Shit….” He hissed between gritting teeth and a clenched jaw. Drae, trying to keep himself from exploding all over the demon’s length, finding himself unable to do so when it finally struck him, his throat closing up and he immediately pulled back on it.
“hih’iiiSSHHHuu! hhh’ISCHih! ” He sprayed across Kanai’s dick the man grunting and looking over at his red headed counter part.
“You’re right….does feel great…” he looked back down and could see the mutt’s brightly blushing and flushed face, embarrassed, as he tried to fix up and wipe off his face.
“Stop that,” Alistar started swatting at Draeko’s hands. “I wanna see you get messy….i want your own liquids dripping down your face while you please us…” he had leaned down at an angle to whisper seductively at Drae who blinked slowly, trying to capture every syllable before he…
“hh'IETSH’UE!” Another one, his eyes reddened and leaking, same as his poor nose, the irritation of rubbing at him had almost made it feel raw. Alistar reached down, took a fistful of Draeko’s hair and dragged his mouth over to his cock and shoved his way down the mutt’s throat, slowly fucking his face hole while he remained pushing the chicken about, it was starting to look a little….done. Yet Al couldn’t stop here.
“Don’t stop…” he growled , his hips snapping with every hard swallow. Draeko’s fist twisted Kanai’s length, pumping at the same rhythm he was sucking on the red head. His eyes leaked, his nose and the sides of his mouth also dripped while he kept himself stuffed full. A soft snuffle heard every 3rd suck as he was not a fan of how his snot kept threatening to leak down his lips. “I’m close….” Alistar grunted through, turning off the heat he gripped the counter in both his hands and like a wild animal began to face fuck the absolute dog shit out of Draeko’s mouth, causing a uncontrollable mass of drool to start leaking from the corners of his lips. “Here it comes…..” he warned before blowing his load completely down Draeko’s tight throat. At this moment, the mutt wasn’t ceasing his motions upon Kanai’s length, still pumping and squeezing the tip to encourage the taller to follow behind but he just couldn’t quite get there yet.
Alistar’s nails dug into the counter as his orgasm rocked through him and his vision turned to stars, rolling into the back of his skull as he jerked himself forward in repetition. Drae gagged, and choked trying to keep the mess to a minimum as the seed slid down his throat, lifting himself off he quickly turned his advances to Kanai, his mouth switching cocks like it was suddenly his day job.
The wet warmth surrounding Kanai was just what he needed to silently reach over and clench Alistar’s shoulder, the red head sucking air between his teeth in pain. “F……uck….” Red eyes wide as he tried to keep his volume to a minimum while his best friend practically clawed him. The navy haired male didn’t care, his eyes rolled back and he rocked as his length spilled down the mutt’s throat, who expertly swallowed each load without a fight to put up. Once he was satisfied with his clean up, Drae quickly collapsed rubbing at his nose, bringing the back of his shirt across his incredibly wet face.
“Nah nah don’t do that yet….” Alistar stopped him by gripping the shirt and keeping it from reaching his face.
“Wh-…” Drae looked up at the man almost flabbergasted by the request. What did he mean he couldn’t clean himself up?
“Let me take a picture first you look fucking crazy,” Grinning with a side smirk plastered across his smug face, the hybrid rolled his eyes, stuck out his tongue and folded his arms across his chest.
“No! You can’t….” Looking up and away from Al’s gaze to emphasize he wasn’t going to crack.
“Want me to announce to everyone you sucked our cocks in class instead? Hm?” Draeko’s eyes widened and blushed, looking away he shook his head slowly and then back up at the red headed demon. This was humiliating. He couldn’t believe he allowed himself to be seduced by these two….CLOWNS. They don’t even respect him!
Yet as Alistar snapped his photos, and the class started to question what was taking them so long, Kanai had managed to zip himself up and scramble the food from the pan….looking less than perfect. Bringing the plates to the table, everyone’s eyes were more or less on their meals or on Kanai. No one noticed when Draeko managed to pop up, wiping his face and rushing to grab a few paper towels. He crinkled them, wet them with warm water and placed it on his aching bridge. The scent still lingered in the air but at least with the towels on his face, it soothed his poor aching sinuses. “Good work, pup,” he smirked watching the poor mutt do his best to soothe his reddened and swollen face.
Ruffling the other’s messy duo-colored hair before he sauntered off confidently as if he didn’t just face fuck the life out of him. Draeko stood there in the kitchenette as everyone talked amongst themselves and ate their food. He looked up, pinching the bridge of his nose and toward the ceiling light of the classroom ceiling. What the fuck was he doing? He came to college to change his life and he’s back to his whore behavior, seriously? Sucking the dicks of the two dudes that have been the most disrespectful to him since he started coming here? There has to be a word for this. This takes the cake. He was never going to change. He couldn’t handle a life without chaos.
He sniffled loudly, and used the now cooling rag to wipe and clear his nose before tossing it away in the trash, wiping his nose dry with the back of his shirt. It wasn’t an entirely good look but the kid was exhausted, disappointed in himself, still incredibly attracted to the two obnoxious jocks, and again, disappointed in himself. He slowly dragged his feet to the table, sitting down to see chunks of burnt chicken on his plate with a side of half crunchy rice. “What….the fuck is this?” He asked with a squeamish look across his face.
“Lemongrass chicken,” Al replied with a monotoned voice, mid chew as he and Kanai both seemed relatively unphased, whilst crunching their over/under done entrees.
“This is burnt….and the rice isn’t….done?” Drae had picked up a fork to push around the food looking between it and his classmates. They both stayed silent. “Guys! I thought you said you had this???” He suddenly furrowed at them, his voice exasperated when Kanai finally turned to look at him.
“It seems that yes, Alistar did not cook the meal to complete perfection, however, sustenance is still sustenance, I see this as an edible B+ at the least,” shrugging his shoulders, Al pointing his fork in the other’s direction and nodded in agreement.
“That part,” shoveling another fork full of garbage into his mouth. Draeko shook his head back and forth and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“You’re gonna be the reason I fail a damn elective class aren’t you?” Sighing deeply with irritation, sliding back into his chair.
“Me? I recall choices being made on your end, all I did was urge the desire,” licking his teeth as his gaze finally shot up to take a good look at the mutt in his own stubborn orbs.
As they glared daggers at one another the instructor wound up coming around to check on everyone, coming to a screeching halt at their table. “Oh my, I’d really suggest you three go home tonight, together and practice this recipe….this looks….terrible,” she clicked her tongue in disappointment.
“Hey, to each their own teach! I’d say it’s exactly how I like it,” Alistar chuckled flashing her a charming side smile that didn’t seem to sway her opinion any.
“I’m….sure….PRACTICE! I want to see a video next week of you three redoing this meal,” Draeko sighed slumping and sliding further into his chair as he knew this would mean only one terrible thing. He would have to be exposed to that damn herb near those damn hooligans again and that’s honestly going to be the death of him.
“Ma’am I can do it, it would have been fine, I just had an allergic reaction from all the pans going at once….so I had Al take charge but do I really have to redo it?” Looking up at her sheepishly with an unconvincing half smile, she looked at him, a flat expression written across her face before she responded.
“That’s not an excuse, yes you really have to redo it,” rolling her eyes at the pathetic attempt Drae had even made to get out of it.
“Fuck dude….” He groaned slamming his forehead straight onto the table with an expressive thud. Alistar snickered, leaning over to wrap his arms around the sulking mutt.
“Guess we’ll see you tonight huh? Our place?” More than prepared for all the ways he was going to make this video his own special home movie. He’d do the homework part too sure, sure.
“I’m not coming,” Draeko narrowed his eyes before rolling them in the opposite direction. Alistar only inched closer.
“You’ll fail the assignment,” reminding the other of the importance to pass each meal as if their entire grades depended on it.
“I don’t care,” shrugging his shoulders. Was he bluffing? Entirely, but he wasn’t positive that the demon could figure that out if he sounded confident enough.
“You sure about that?” Raising a thin red brow. He didn’t believe him. Even for a second.
“Positive,” Huffing out his nostrils now to indicate he wasn’t going to teeter or sway, there would be no meet up. He wasn’t to be left alone with those two heathens or so help him he go back to his old ways.
“See you at 9pm tonight then,” Alistar chuckled confidently, backing off the mutt before grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. Kanai doing the same as they anticipated the end of class.
“…..” the bell rung and Draeko could feel himself practically jump out of his seat. Would he go? He knew what would happen if he was left alone with those two, without a bunch of students around to witness. Put him in a room with those two assholes and he’s gonna make it stank. He shook his head. “Why am I like this?” the logical side of his brain finally kicking in as he unclogged himself of the “what ifs”. Clutching his backpack to his person tightly, he considered what he was to do for the rest of the day, but what was he to choose?
To be Continued…
Author’s Notes: Little intense I know I know but like 🤤 I love public stuff~ little bit shorter than the last one? I think? Idk anyway I have some good ideas for the next few chapters~ I love Al bullying Drae into doing nasty shit 🥰😍 and Kanai just going along for the ride cause why not 😍 ugh using Draeko like a snzy fuck Toy. So hot. 🥵
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doubledyke · 5 months
hey, i’ve read some of your writing and i really like it. do you have any tips?
aw dude that's really sweet. i'm really self conscious about everything i write so i appreciate hearing that. i'm still learning myself, so my advice is probably gonna be kind of obvious yet nebulous (much like my writing). oh and im not great at following my own advice, but we can ignore that.
first and foremost i'd say try to have fun. get weird with it. don't stress too much about it. it's supposed to be an enjoyable pastime, so write what YOU like, how you like. the "rules" of grammar and composition are helpful, but you're allowed to be a lot more lax with creative writing. i know i am 👀
in my humble opinion, you can never have too many details, even- or especially- oddly specific ones. personal experiences are a great way to inject some minutiae, and i enjoy the insight they provide into the author's perspective, background, thought process, etc.. there are infinite other tools at your disposal too. like the number of times i've found myself browsing ancient, niche forums just to confirm one insignificant bit of information is ridiculous.
don't be afraid to take your story as seriously or unseriously as you want. sometimes i'll be snapped out of focus with the thought of "am i really writing this rn" 😂 but i just try to remind myself that i'm (usually) having fun, i'm not hurting anyone and someone might even enjoy the final product.
for eene, try to listen to the voice acting as much as you watch the animation. and don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone when writing a character. i'm neither comfortable, nor very good at writing for ed, but i nutted up and gave it a shot recently and yeah it's nuclear level cringe but i suppose it can't get any worse, right? RIGHT???.... i love learning new words, so when i'm writing for edd (and in general) you know i keep that thesaurus tab open. with eddy, there's always room for more irreverence. i'm also one of those people that cannot help but drop almost every g when i write eddy. and it's just as important to get their idiolects down, which can be tricky. BUT that's mostly if your goal is to stay close to the source material, which is definitely not necessary. i'm just not a very creative person 😂
if you're in a rut, skip to another section, or hell even another chapter. the fic i'm working on rn was hatched from a simple premise several months ago, so i started at the end and have been building on that. an unconventional starting point can be really helpful when you're struggling to start at all. because i'm me, it's turned into a nightmare beast that i can't seem to contain, but i still have a general idea of where we're going and we'll get there eventually lmfao. to that point, outlines, bullet points, notes, etc. are all very useful.
take breaks, let her sit for a while. i'll write a whole bunch, leave, come back to review and be like girl what the hell is this. fresh eyes make a big difference! however, don't be like me and get too caught up in the weeds. i make compulsive little tweaks of my shit up to the point and even after i hit post. more often than not, it's more stress than it's worth. i just can't help it 🥴
and then of course, read other people's stuff. i'm not much of a fiction reader but i make exceptions for the sake of my hyper-fixation. it truly does help to see different perspectives and styles of writing. everyone has a unique voice that really comes through in creative writing, which i love. i've gleaned a lot from reading other people's work as well. i frequently come across new and creative ideas for changing up sentence structure, dialogue tags and narration by reading stuff from fellow fans.
aaaaaand yeah idk what else really. like i said, i'm not the best at writing but i think as long as you're getting your ideas across in the way that you want to, you're golden. anyone who makes shitty remarks about someone else's writing can sit and spin honestly.
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
The word count for the Spiderman Au so far (Chapter 1)!
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Chapter one is FINISHED and should be posted soonish (Waiting on my account on ao3 to be approved). Definitely by Sunday. I’m working through chapter two slowly rn. This is my first fanfiction and definitely my biggest public writing project yet. I’m super excited. Here is a little snippet.
WC: 1418
Not thinking about Wednesday Addams had lasted an hour. Now, it was all Enid could think about, tapping her nails against the desk until she finally caved and her hand shot up. “Can I use the bathroom?” Once the teacher nodded, Enid quickly excused herself and then immediately began her journey towards the infirmary wing. The gray clouds that rested atop Nevermore like a crown had finally decided to overflow onto the grounds, rain steadily poured down onto Enid as she stepped outside, groaning in irritation. She hated wet clothes. Part of Enid wanted to go back inside, and another, more heroic part of her, reminded Enid that she couldn’t call herself a hero if she just let her roommate sit there without checking on her.
The werewolf swallowed her irritation and shoved down the urge to shake all the water off her body because that’s embarrassing, and sped towards the infirmary with quick steps. It was at moments like these Enid wishes she could be Spider-Wolf all the time, what she wouldn’t kill to swing across campus instead of walk.
Luckily, Enid didn’t have to walk far, she spotted Wednesday trudging along with her umbrella. Enid takes a moment to access. No blood, she’s walking, she looks as stabby as usual, a sniff lets Enid know she’s not bleeding profusely, but there is a bandage on her forehead that smells faintly of blood and medical alcohol. Wednesday is fine. A quiet sigh of relief left Enid’s lip, prepared to turn around without saying a word until her spidey-sense went off like a siren. The gargoyle above where Wednesday was walking had begun to tip, rattling and shaking as it slid towards the ledge. Enid sprang forth in an instant, she can’t use her webs in public, acting on pure instinct (saving people is what she does!). Wednesday looks up and Enid swears she sees the psychic’s lips twitch upwards. There isn’t any time to think about that though, Wednesday’s body tumbles out the way with Enid landing next to her. The shattering of the stone figure next to the spot the Addams once stood splinters debris everywhere.
Enid sits up fast, wrenching away from her roommate once she realized they were making contact Wednesday hadn’t consented to. The taller girl was honestly surprised she hadn’t ended up with a knife in her stomach for touching Wednesday. “Are you trying to die?” the werewolf snaps, only to realize Wednesday isn’t responding or moving, or opening her eyes!
This revelation unloaded a fresh wave of panic onto Enid. “Oh fuck I killed her!” Enid hopped to her feet, scooping a limp Wednesday up in her arms and speeding off to the infirmary. Figures she had come here to check up on Wednesday and ended up knocking her out! Way to fucking go End, some hero you are. “Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead.”
Wednesday isn’t dead. The nurse delivers the news just in time to keep Enid from bursting into tears. She cannot handle that kind of stress and guilt! The nurse thankfully calls her teacher to let them know she is staying in the infirmary with a hurt ‘friend’ (Enid would hardly call them that). One of the perks about living in the education building is that the teachers are pretty lenient with certain things.
So, the colorful girl sits in the infirmary, watching Wednesday sleep with her arms crossed from a chair she had pulled up. It was entirely quiet, Enid doesn’t like it. She tapped at her thighs, made rhythmic noises with her shoes against the floor, and squirmed in place until eventually boredom turned into exhaustion. Enid had just begun nodding off when Wednesday suddenly sat up, which made Enid jerk and open her eyes wide. They meet each other’s gaze, Enid was learning Wednesday wasn’t the type to shy away from eye contact, Neither was Enid, usually. But Wednesday’s eyes were particularly…Enid isn’t sure. She just knows she looks at her lap after five seconds. Wednesday doesn’t say anything. Enid hates the quiet. “You’re okay.” Enid chirps eventually. Now, she wasn’t sure what to say. When she made plans to come here, she was going to just ask the nurse if Wednesday was okay.
Now she’s here. How the hell did she get here?
“The nurse said you don’t have a concussion.” The hybrid speaks with her hands, “But you’ll probably want to ice that bump. I’m sorry...” Nervous and awkward laughter followed. “Do you remember what happened?” The nurse says Wednesday doesn’t have a concussion but what about amnesia. Oh gods, she’d never forgive herself!
“The last thing I remember,” Wednesday starts, and her words draw Enid in. Wednesday spoke so little that Enid felt like everything she should be heard. The shorter girl’s body turned stiffly, facing the blonde and she didn't look away. Enid reasons that there is nothing else for her to look at. “I was walking outside, feeling a mixture of rage, pity, and self disgust. I’ve never felt that way before.”
Enid has to clench her fists to keep her face straight. She wants to laugh at that, because Wednesday’s delivery was perfect. Whatever Enid had been expecting to come out Wednesday’s mouth before it had opened, the goth always surprised her with something completely different. Enid didn’t want to seem rude, nor did she want to dissuade Wednesday from…whatever this was. Their civil conversation. So, she settles for smiling. “Yeah,” Enid mutters, thinking of the poe cup, thinking of Bianca’s name posted at the top of the class last year and the year before that. “Losing to Bianca does that. Trust me.” Enid can feel herself frown, but she shrugs it off. “Nothing a little ice cream and laughing at Riverdale can’t fix.”
Wednesday narrows her eyes, as if to say ‘That is the worst thing you could have said.’ “I don’t know what that is.” Enid opens her mouth. “And I don’t want to find out.” Enid closes her mouth. This almost felt playful. Enid wasn’t sure. Just this morning she was so sure her roommate didn’t want to ever speak to her, hell, just yesterday she wanted to scream at Wednesday, now she found the girl’s antics amusing.
Wednesday Addams is so confusing.
“Then,” Wednesday continues, “I looked up and saw that gargoyle coming down and I thought, at least I’ll have an imaginative death.” The slightest spark of delight that crosses her face, before she looks at Enid through her eyebrows, displeased, Enid assumes. “Then you tackled me out of the way.”
“Is that why you were fucking smiling?” The mutant hisses, throwing her hands up. She wants to say she’s surprised, but she’s not. “You are so weird.”
Wednesday’s face doesn’t change. “I feel the same way about you. Why?”
“Why?” Enid repeats, frowning.
“Why did you save me?” Enid stiffens.
It’s a good question. Why did Enid save her? Especially when all Enid had done last night was complain about Wednesday to Yoko.
The fact is, Enid can’t help it. Enid hates that Wednesday ruined the window, she hates how rude Wednesday is, and she hates that the other girl doesn’t seem to consider anyone else before acting. But Enid hates fighting with someone even more, Enid hates making enemies (surprising as a superhero, she knows), Enid hates being alone. “Because…we’re roommates. Instinct.” It wasn’t a lie, Enid’s instinct was to save Wednesday. She didn’t need to think about it, not their fight, not her distaste for the girl. When someone is in trouble, Enid wants to help. It’s that simple. If she can help, she will help.
“So you have attachment issues and chose to inflict them onto me?”
Enid’s face burns. Wednesday Addams is impossible. “Is everything you say an insult?” she grunts.
Wednesday looks her over once. “I don’t need to insult you.”
And like that, Enid wants to throw a gargoyle at Wednesday herself. “Oh my god, I save your life–”
Wednesday cuts her off. “I didn’t want to be rescued.”
Enid stands up fast, staring down at Wednesday with fire in her eyes. “So I should’ve just let that thing flatten you?”
“I would have rather saved myself.”
Stubborn. Enid thought to herself angrily, rolling her eyes and taking a deep breath. “The nurse says I have to walk you–” But Wednesday is already up, her feet carrying her towards the door and leaving a gaping Enid to scramble behind. “I’m fine. Leave me alone.” Enid stops. She watches Wednesday walk away with a frown fixed on her face.
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faorism · 7 months
niche crossover of the day that im too lazy rn to clean up and post to ao3 but may in the future: alec hardison (leverage) plays bg3
hardison balances playtime with hacker hours well, which means he moves through hyperfixations but has learned through working with the crew how to prioritize when there's a friend's life on the line. (there will be no more repeats of his crew sitting on a bomb without him right next to them.) sometimes though his partners lose him for a week after a new release, but now that they live together at least parker can drag him to bed for cuddles (and to sleep) and eliot will kept him fed.
it should go without saying that hardison loves baulder's gate 3. he heard such good things about it during early access from his dnd buddies, but hardison refuses to play EA because he will end up encountering bugs and basically writing the code that the devs will end up doing anyway, so why waste his time.
he plays without any prior knowledge, doesn't even know the characters really except from glimpses at their promo pics. but he's excited. he downloads the game, kisses his partners """goodbye""" for the foreseeable future (as long as a job doesnt spring up, but even then it would be a quick one because eliot sprained his ankle and needed to rest it no matter how much he complained he was good).
he decides to play his chaotic good halfling wizard mendula from two campaigns back - fresh enough in his mind to remember the character, but not too recent so that he wont feel conflicted if the tav storyline doesnt allow for precise oc characterizations. hardison gets super into it, but he doesnt linger on side quests, not yet: he wants to get a feel of the game without mods and follow its arc. hardison doesnt usually romance on a first playthrough, but wyll!!!!! wyll was right there being perfect and beautiful and righteous and black and bi and yeah, hardison had to fan himself off during the dance sequence
his party is wizard tav, shadowheart, wyll, and lae'zel, and barely switches them out. when astarion drains him dry and kills him, hardison is so annoyed he kills astarion. he feels very proud of himself when he sniped wyll's devil karlach without much fuss. then he skips a lot of the companion sidequests because he just wants to rush to the end. he gets married to wyll, then starts right over and plays wyll origin, now able to take his time and understanding the mechanics of the game. he also downloads QOL mods that have already come out for EA, and he has notes about ones he will make if no one else does when he's ready for playthrough #3. he purposefully avoids any major ones (so no Polyam Mod for him, though he does eye it, but he wants to see how multiple romances play himself).
he plays will as accurately as possible, which means engaging heavily with the very companions hardison spent ignoring because wyll? wyll cares (and fuck, hardison loves him for that because yes yes, that's him too!). and......
ah. okay so. maybe hardison shouldn't have ignored the companions so much since they do add a lot to the game! and..... maybe, just maybe, hardison was too hasty killing astarion and karlach the first go around. maybe a lot. he thought they would be companions for evil tavs/origins only! he played kotor and [insert game references here, i dont play games like this usually...], so he thought he knew what was up.
anyway, he is drawn so much to these two out of the novelty of them that he puts them into his party (the fourth spot he switches around, thought once hardison gets him, halsin is a fun mainstay because BEAR. hardison gets up romancing both astarion and karlach (and a little halsin, HALSIN IS SO EASY TO FLIRT WITH, larian WANTS you to fuck him)
and....... okay. okay. maybe romancing them both at the same time was a mistake because. because he loves them both. so much. for very different reasons. hardison feels so deeply and then he's forced to make a decision, and hardison crumples a bit. considers downloading the polyam mod but opts out of it to suffer vanilla game logic to its very end.
when he breaks up with astarion, who plays it so damn cool, hardison had to walk away from the computer to mourn by burying himself in his nearest partner's arms (eliot, this time).
he finishes the game, makes wyll go to avernus with karlach (as he made them do during this tav playthrough) and... thinks about astarion.
hardison had carried over the breakup scene save this whole time, and he decides fuck it, and goes back and tries it the other way this time.
he didnt know karlach will just... die on the pier. wtf. wtf. or wyll will go and there wont be any interaction with astarion?? hardison is Distraught. he downloads the polyam mod and while it doesnt force the issue, he can just feel at the edges that nope, this isnt authentic
finds partner's arms again. parker this time. she asks whats wrong with his make believe people, and he pauses for so long that parker thinks he fell asleep or didnt hear her, and then he quietly says that wyll has a heart big enough for two, a romance can be fairytale when made for three, dont they know there's nothing more beautiful than being held between by both the people you love?
parker kisses his temple as tears legit well in his eyes (and he feels embarrassed) and she yells for eliot for emergency group hugs.
eliot, with hardison squished between his two partners, usually doesnt get involved with hardison's gaming but this time he's just like, okay what is it about these characters that's getting to you like this? and why them together? who are they?
and hardison had already talked about wyll a little because disney prince. so he reiterates some of that with a major case of projection. and then when he turns to talk about the companions, hardison stops. and just.
a black man who was forced to make impossible desperate choices when he was still a teen, which got him into trouble as a consequence, and then being alone and wandering for years until he ran into a pack of different people come together for a common purpose. trying to be good, the best he could be, and hiding behind a flashy name to hide some of the more raw parts underneath. ravenguard and nana have strikingly similar cheekbones.
then theres a rogue with a deeply traumatic past who can be selfish and kinda insensitive and likes shiny things. a pale thief who likes a little bit of chaos even when running good alignment, and who can't help sticky fingers reaching for unsuspecting belts and also... well, also is a top, through and through. a top who likes to bite. vicious when upset. also... also touch adverse and who at first laughs at sincerity and then basks in it but only once your commitment is fully and well established. the only bit of code hardison wrote as he played his wyll origin was to remove astarion saying dont touch me when you switch to him; hardison flinched every time, hearing the cadence of parker's voice scratching at him when she's triggered.
then, a barbarian who handed from one handler (who ended up being a totalitarian dick) down the road until being owned by the literal devil. body put through hell, scars littering a body that spells strength at a distance. once escaped from the nightmare, only wanted their own perseverance. their own life. wanting so desperately for a touch, to be loved, to be held in a way that didn't spell murder. "heartless" after years of working for, again, literal devils, but so full of life and kindness and (also eliot is more coy about it) a deep sense of joy for the world. kind to children. protective of children. wary of deals too good to be true. willing to die than return to a life they once lived. death feels imminent, despite the protestations of everyone around them. really good bedroom eyes.
maybe... maybe
hardison couldnt get the words out to say all of that. all he says is, they're a lot like us. (like with astarion, if hardison spelled out the exact overlaps of the characters.)
the games dumb then, parker says. or at least broken. if the game isnt right, just go fix it?
and hardison has protests about the limits of what is possible within someone else's game and...
parker is like, you made a guy hold up a bank in like, 10 min? on a laptop with spotty internet and without a mouse or any preparation?
and this takes some time between other projects he really has to get to, but.... he does it. codes like a motherfucker and bribes eliot & parker into mocap and also genuinely pays the VAs to voice lines for him. shit hardison does for the love of his ot3:
script out unique banter for karlach and astarion in your party that hints of their attraction to one another
code in an extra option when astarion or karlach confront you for to prompt them to consider their own feelings for the other (different from the current but i want to be with you both! line)
a short nighttime cutscene that with dialogue that implies the three have just finished talking and have agreed to be together. they are all holding hands
include astarion and karlach in each other's act iii scenes (they arent the most chatty, admittedly, but they are there and integrated)
outside of camp, if you three are standing near each other, you can cast a spell that cuts to astarion and karlach kissing either of wyll's checks (this is admittedly somewhat buggy but!
edits out astarion cowering on the pier from the sun, just rushes the three to avernus which hardison doesnt have to edit; just uses astarion origin version for wyll.
nexusmods community begs desperately for him to do this for some other ot3s and he is willing to hear them out for shadowheart/lae'zel/tav, he absolutely refuses to break up karwyllstarion and only offers wyll pov. will not even allow for edits being made for a tav/karlach/astarion mod. he deeply pisses off some people, but overall this mod is downloaded a fuckton as the only truly viable polyam romance option in the game. people start writing fanfic specifically for this one mod and eventually it is just integrated into canon lore that karwyllstarion exists as an option
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catgirlforkaeya · 2 years
my kaeya brain rot is strong rn he's revolving in my mind like a rotisserie chicken at this point. Anyways, spare reverse comfort for our boy? in those fics it's often the character comforting us rather than the other way around. I wanna tenderly hold kaeya as he cries I want to kiss him and wipe his tears <3 I want to take care of him I wanna make him feel better <3333 why did god have to make him fictional?
it’s going to be okay.
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kaeya x gn!reader
hurt/comfort + little bit of fluff at the end
1.7k words
warnings: all lowercase + not proofread + mentions of blood and injury + small spoilers for kaeya’s backstory + mental health struggles
a/n: aaahhsjkjslaak i love this idea sm anon :,) the kaeya brainrot has been severe lately and the thought of comforting him just makes me honestly happy because the poor guy needs it :( i haven’t written something this long in a really long time so i hope it pleases your wishes!
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you were woken up abruptly in the middle of the night by a knocking at your door. looking at the small clock beside your bed stand you read the time: “2:36am”
“who on earth is at my door at this hour??” you muttered quietly, slipping out from under the covers and making your way to the front door. you knew you should’ve probably put on a robe since all you had on was a long t-shirt and shorts that looked nonexistent under the shirt, but you were too tired to care.
upon opening the door you were beyond shocked at what you saw.
in front of you stood kaeya, your lifelong friend and also boyfriend, covered in cuts and bruises leaning against your doorframe. you also noted that he was soaking wet and most likely freezing from the torrential rain that mondstadt had been having lately.
“i didn’t- i didn’t know where else to go,” he muttered out between breaths. you looked down and noticed he was holding the left side of his abdomen, blood spilling between his fingers caught your eye. you quickly pulled him inside, closing the door with your foot.
you ushered kaeya over to your couch, grabbing a random dish towel to try and stop the bleeding while you went to grab some supplies. you told your boyfriend to apply pressure onto the wound the best he could with the towel. after that you jogged to your bathroom, pulling a first aid kit out from under the sink. you knew this kit would come in handy someday.
returning to the living room, you kneeled down in front of kaeya and slowly removed the towel from the wound to try and see what you were working with. the cloth was already soaked in blood, which was never a good sign. you told him to keep holding it there for another minute. it was hard to do anything with all the layers of clothing he had on, so you quickly but carefully stripped off his jacket and undershirt. usually in a situation like this kaeya would make a scandalous joke, but he remained silent which told you he was seriously in pain.
once kaeya no longer had a top on you focused back onto the stab wound. reaching for the pack of gauze on the ground next to your legs, you quickly replaced the blood soaked towel with a fresh bunch of gauze. kaeya winced under your touch as you applied more pressure, causing your heart to ache. you hated seeing him like this so you were doing your best to get the bleeding to stop as fast as possible. moments like this you wished you’d been blessed by healing powers like barbara and not this blasted hydro vision.
looking up at the rest of his bare torso you noticed multiple other slices on his body, but those all looked like they were barely flesh wounds and weren’t bleeding as badly as the one to his abdomen. you had so many questions running through your brain— what the hell had happened??
after a few minutes along with slight prayers to the gods under your breath, the bleeding finally calmed down and you were able to remove the gauze. next you grabbed a bottle of disinfectant and poured it onto a new gauze.
“this is going to hurt like hell but i’ve gotta clean the wound, okay?” your gaze flicked up towards kaeya. he had his forearm resting across his eyes, head leaned back up towards the ceiling.
“okay,” kaeya sighed in response. you could hear the exhaustion and pain in his voice. once you found out what happened you were going to hunt down the bastard who did it and give them a beating they’d never forget.
with a small countdown as a warning, you ran the disinfectant-soaked gauze across the wound. kaeya sucked in a quick breath through his teeth, before exhaling slowly. you whispered about half a dozen apologizes as you continued to flush the wound out, making sure there was no way for any infection to form.
once that was all finished you got another wad of gauze, putting it back onto the wound. then, you grabbed a bundle of medical wrap to use to secure the packing. after you spun the wrap around his torso a few times you checked to make sure it wasn’t too awfully tight before securing it completely.
afterwards you quickly walked to your kitchen, washing your hands before grabbing a few painkillers and a glass of water. you brought it back to the living room with you as you sat down next to kaeya.
“here, these will hopefully help take the pain away for a little bit. they’re not the strongest in the world but y’know,” you handed him the pills and glass, watching as he popped them into his mouth and flushed them down with water.
you two sat there in silence for what felt like hours. many questions hung in the air and it was making the air almost suffocating. you had no clue how kaeya would have ever ended up in a situation like this— the last and only other time he showed up at your doorstep like this was the night that crepus died. he’d came to you that night after the fight with his brother, tears spilling from his eyes as you helped patch those wounds. for a moment your eyes flicked down to the burn marks on his ribcage, wrapping around to his back.
gently, you intertwined your fingers with kaeya’s. he looked down at your connected hands, then looked up at you.
“tell me what happened,” you spoke softly, afraid if you were too loud he’d break. you could see just in his one visible eye that he was on the verge of breaking. “please.”
with a long pause, kaeya finally began explaining.
“treasure hoarders. i was supposed to be doing a mission, but i accidentally pissed some off at the tavern and didn’t realize they’d followed me out. next thing i know i’m getting ambushed, didn’t even realize the knife through my abdomen until they’d left,” he stopped for a brief moment before continuing again, “i know i should’ve went to the cathedral and got checked out by the nurses there, but i just couldn’t. i didn’t feel like getting scolded by jean for getting drunk on a mission and possibly even get in worse trouble. i knew you’d also scold me. i also knew that i could trust you with this, since…”
“… we’ve been here before,” you finished his sentence as he began to trail off.
“yeah..” he gulped, looking down at the floor. “i’m- sorry for disturbing you tonight. it’s ok if you’re frustrated i just-“
“i’m not upset with you,” you cut him off, squeezing his hand gently so he’d look back up at you. “i’m just glad you’re alright. i couldn’t even bring myself to be mad at you over this, you know i’d do anything for you. even if that meant becoming a doctor at almost 3 in the morning. just please know i’m here for you, i can tell you’re struggling with something and i’m willing to listen whenever you’re willing to talk.”
with those last few words kaeya completely broke down. you were quick to wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a warm hug. you rubbed small comforting circles into his back as he cried into your shoulder. your heart broke while listening to the cries that came from his mouth. as much as you wanted to say something, you figured it was best to just let him cry it out for now.
“i’m just so fucking tired with everything right now,” kaeya mumbled into the crook of your neck between cries.
“what do you mean?“ you knew damn well what he meant, but this was your way of getting him to talk instead of bottling it up and tossing it away. playing dumb so that he’d have to explain was one of the only ways to get him to actually open up.
“i- i have no motivation for anything anymore.. going to work and doing my duties there feels more like a chore than anything now. i’m sick of having to put on a façade every single day and pretend that i’m happy in order to please the public when in reality i’m being pulled back under by an anchor,” kaeya’s voice cracked once again, more tears threatening to spill from his eyes. although everything was muffled since he had his head buried, you could hear it all clear enough. “… i get no sleep anymore because every time i close my eyes i see demons of my past lurking everywhere. i’ve went back to drinking because that’s the only way for me to not feel all of this— and that’s why i ended up bleeding at your doorstep.”
you felt tears of your own threatening to spill at his words. although you and kaeya have both dealt with a majority of each other’s issues together, every time he opens up to you you can’t help but want to cry for him.
“kaeya- look at me,” you whispered softly, hoping it was loud enough to hear. he slowly pulled back and faced you, his one exposed eye all puffy and red from crying. “you’re going to get through this, okay? i’m so terribly sorry that all of this is happening and i should’ve caught on sooner but i’m here for you. i promise. you know i don’t break promises, especially to you. i love you so, so much and i won’t leave your side at all,” you reached up to cup his wet cheeks, brushing away tears with your thumbs.
“thank you,” kaeya leaned into your touch, giving you a sad smile. “i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
“you don’t have to tha-“ you were cut off by kaeya leaning in and igniting a soft kiss between the two of you. you moved your hands from his cheeks to running your fingers through his hair. you felt as his hands slowly wandered down until they found your hips, stopping there and squeezing then gently.
“i love you so much,” he whispered between kisses.
“i love you more,” you responded, pulling away from the kiss and wiped more tears off of his face. you leaned in again and gave a few kisses to his cheeks, almost like you were “kissing the tears away.”
“it’s going to be okay,” you reassured, pulling your boyfriend back into another hug. he tightened his grip on you this time, like if he were to let go you were going to slip away.
“it’s going to be okay.”
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lightofthemoonglow · 9 months
running up that hill: part four
summary: finally reunited, but it's still not easy
series masterlist
contains: smut
note: it feels obvious, but i'm going to say it. they're speaking spanish for the most part during the Peru segments unless otherwise noted.
cowritten with @deviantdrkate
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i. good god, let me give you my life (June 2000)
It’s nearly summer, the time of year when modest cardigans and thick pantyhose are discarded in favor of short sleeves and bare legs. Elena had been feeling bold that morning, so she had chosen to wear short sleeves and a skirt that showed off a bit more leg than usual, though her legs are still clad in thigh-highs, which she knows Herbert will appreciate. Less fumbling, they could get down to business quicker.
Though it seems like there isn’t going to be any ‘business’ today.
“Vee, what’s going on? I get to the chapel and apparently West has been reassigned?”
“The new doctor requested him specifically.” Vanessa offers Elena a mint, which she declines. “He’s kind of cute. Fresh out of med school, apparently. I guess he was highly recommended, so they’re giving him whatever he wants.”
Elena sighs and her hand goes to run through her hair, but her fingers meet the cloth of her veil instead. “I don’t care how cute he is. He can’t just poach my assistant and expect me to be fine with it. And not that it matters, but if he’s just out of med school, he’s a bit too young for my tastes. If I had any.”
The way Vanessa’s eyes twinkle make it clear what she’s thinking, because Vanessa has hinted that she knows something more is going on. She’s not a threat and maybe she’d be a safe person to tell. But Elena knows she needs to be careful and that means not telling a soul, not even her friend. By now, she’s become an expert liar. At least in one area. It just rolls off her tongue and the bitter aftertaste that used to follow isn’t even there anymore.
“Let’s set aside the subject of eye candy. Tell me about school,” Elena says as they near the part of the infirmary where Herbert is.
“It’s going great. Honestly, it’s a lot easier than I thought it would be. By this time next year, I’ll be…somewhere else.” Once she was an RN, rather than the LPN she was now, so many more doors would be open. Classes and work at the prison made for a full plate, but Vanessa had proved she could handle it. And with an actual doctor installed at the prison, things should only be easier. Assistant poaching aside, it’s a cause for celebration.
“That’s great!”
“Are you still going to throw a party to celebrate when you take your final vows?”
“That’s a few months away.” There’s a pause and Elena quickly fills the silence. “But probably, yes.”
Whenever she thinks about that day, it feels like the countdown to some unspecified disaster. Taking her final vows is supposed to be a good thing, she’s been working towards this for a long time. But deep down, it feels wrong. She knows why and she knows that she needs to back out.
But for what? A cruel voice in the back of her mind asks, taunting her with the truth. They don’t have a future, not for a long time. Such a long time away that it might as well not exist. What’s she supposed to do? Just wait for the next decade and a half, at the very least. For all she knew, the warden would find some reason to keep Herbert locked up for longer, and then their best years would be behind them. Or maybe he’d never get out and she would have wasted her entire life on waiting.
The sounds of chaos from down the hall jolts Elena out of her thoughts. There’s yelling, the guards are being whipped into a frenzy even before they open the door just as Elena and Vanessa arrive.
Moses isn’t himself. He’s practically snarling, trying to attack anyone who gets near him. Elena steps in front of Vanessa as the chaos gets too close to them, willing to shield her friend with her body if she had to.
It’s a whirlwind of madness and in the middle of it, her eyes meet Herbert’s and she just knows why this is happening.
Instead of going back to his cell, Herbert goes to the chapel, where he knows she will be waiting.
Elena just stares at him for a moment or two, the silence almost smothering them. She speaks first, crossing her arms over her chest.
“What did you do?”
“It wasn’t my fault.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“Moses died. Dr. Phillips had some of my reagent.”
Herbert explains the why and how, Elena’s expression going from curiosity to horror to understanding during his tale. It’s mostly things she’s heard before but something about having someone else who was actually there back then makes it feel so much more real.
“So you’re going to get back to your work, aren’t you?”
Though she’s not even sure why she’s asking, because she knows the answer. The work is a part of him, she knows that too. He’s a scientist, no matter what, above everything else. Even a man. And she will be at his side, even if only metaphorically, every step of the way. It’s what she had promised when she had told him that they would part and never be parted, that they would live lifetimes.
“Of course.” Herbert’s tone makes it clear what he thinks of her question. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this?”
“I know, I know. And I want you to but it’s just-“
“Don’t you trust me?”
“Of course.”
They’re nearly nose to nose, getting defensive over what would seem like nothing to an outsider. But there’s so much running under the surface, tension and fear coming forth to meet the very real possibility that all of this could change.
“I just…don’t want anything bad to happen.” Elena’s voice is tinged with the raw emotion that’s threatening take over.
“What could happen?”
“A lot of things! Like being thrown into super max for the rest of your life. And then I’d never see you again and that would be-“
Herbert doesn’t want to think about that. Or anything but the best possible outcome. So he kisses her instead, sealing his mouth over Elena’s, his tongue shoving its way into her mouth. Now is not the time to think of how it could all go wrong. His hands reach under her skirt, delighting in the feeling of her bare upper thighs, his fingers slipping into her underwear, unable to stop once he started.
“You have no idea what this means, but that’s alright,” he murmurs in her ear as he slips two fingers inside of her, slowly moving them, teasing her as his other hand undoes the first few buttons of her blouse. “This is an extraordinary thing, mein Liebling.” His teeth sink into her neck, breaking skin that would thankfully be hidden by her clothing once it was properly back on.
Seeing the reagent again, after so many years, makes him feel that fire that had burned so brightly when he had been at Miskatonic. That ideal future is closer than it had been this morning. But what matters most is having his work back, the prospect of being back in a lab after so many years making him go into a frenzy. His hands are working quickly, sloppily as the euphoria over finally getting the missing piece of himself back is channeled into the current activity.
It's lucky that Elena brought a bag in today because in Herbert’s frenzy to get her underwear off, he rips them to the point of ruin, tossing the fabric aside as if it were nothing. She’s never seen him like this before. He almost seems possessed, his movements frantic as he maneuvers her onto the floor, nearly tearing her skirt in his eagerness to be inside of her.
“It shouldn’t take long for me to produce a new batch. Once that happens, I’ll begin to integrate it with the new ideas I’ve come up with during my time here and after that…” The shifting of her hips cuts off what he’s about to say next, though Herbert doesn’t stop his movements, which are rough enough that there is going to be carpet burn all over her rear and the back of her thighs, which will pair nicely with the soreness she’ll be feeling later and the bruises in the shape of his fingers all over her thighs and hips.
“Are you sure?” Elena asks, lust nearly slurring her words.
“Yes. And when my work is complete, I want you to be the first.” The thrusts are slowing down, though his grip doesn’t loosen. “You deserve it.” He wants her to be the first recipient of what he sees as a gift. It’s the only way he can tell her just how much she means to him without actually saying those three words.
After all, you would only make someone you love immortal.
“What if I wind up like Moses?” Seeing what could happen makes the bottom of her stomach drop out and she looks at him, eyes wide with concern.
“Do you trust me?”
The rutting begins again, one of his hands moving up her body, stopping at the spot between her collarbones. “Nothing like that will ever happen to you. You will remain perfect.” The merciless rhythm is robbing her of words, but the way she’s looking at him says more than enough.
Those strong, rough fingers wrap around her throat, though there is no pressure. Not yet. Her hands are free, she can push him away. But instead, she reaches up and puts her hand on his, pressing down ever so slightly.
She trusts him more than he thought, and he nods, lightly applying pressure as he continues fucking her into the floor, nearly slamming her head into the pew they had somehow wound up near. “We’ll live lifetimes, you and I. It may take some time, but we will.”
The determination to live up to his promise makes him somehow go even faster, the hand not on her neck going to her clitoris, so she could find her pleasure before he does. Herbert is thinking of the future as his end nears, of more promises he can make. He pictures them outside of these walls, somewhere lush and vibrant, a place for them and no one else. As always, he must pull out and finish himself on her, rather than inside.
As his hands works his cock furiously, he thinks about being able to finish in her, of what could result from that. He knows what could happen, he’s seen the results in nearly every context possible. And yet, the mere idea of doing that to her, of giving her a piece of himself in a way, brings him over the edge, his spend splashing onto her skin as he thinks of her carrying his child.
It's an impulsive thought, brought on by the excitement over new possibilities in life.
But it manages to stick.
ii. can’t say i'm not alive (September 2003)
The sound of her fists slamming against the front door startles Herbert out of the daze he had been in ever since he had looked into the eyes that have haunted him awake and asleep for over three years. It hits him that he’d had her for a fraction of the time he’s been mourning her, but he’s quickly brought back to reality when she yells, demanding he hand over the child.
Herbert can’t deny it’s her. He memorized her face so long ago, spent so long dedicating himself to the act, that it’s engrained in his mind. He knows her face as well as his own, maybe even better. Her voice has been slipping away recently, but he still remembers enough to recognize it anywhere. It’s not logical, but it must be her.
“Open the door!” Elena is louder now, the rage building in her voice. So he opens the door.
This is not the reunion he had imagined, when he had indulged in fantasies of seeing her again. Herbert would never admit to how much he had wanted the previously impossible. He had thought about opening a door and her being on the other side. She would smile and say that she was home now. He wouldn’t ask where she had been, or why she had been gone, because there would be lifetimes left for questions.
But instead of a gentle embrace, Elena charges through the door the moment it opens, slamming her body into his. There’s barely any time for him to think about how he’d never thought of her being capable of such fury before she stills, staring down at the space between their bodies. In all the chaos, Herbert had forgotten about the needle in his pocket. It was a mild steroid, part of his work. He had been about to inject it into one of the iguanas in the basement, having found a moment to work while Johanna napped upstairs. The baby monitor on his workstation would have alerted him to her waking, but he’s not thinking about the child right now.
“What was in the needle?” Elena asks, her voice rather steady, considering the situation. It’s then that he realizes that she had been injected. The fact that it had been in the shoulder is of little comfort
“Just a mild steroid. It’s nothing dangerous.” Herbert forces himself to be composed as he steps back, inspecting her in a more clinical sense than he had ever had before. Her t-shirt’s thin fabric had allowed the needle to penetrate her skin, but the contents had been so mild that she has nothing to worry about in the long run.
“Why do you have that?” Elena asks, her hand going to her shoulder. It may be sore, he realizes and then she wobbles, suddenly unsteady on her feet. “And where is my daughter?”
“Johanna is upstairs. She was taking a nap, but the racket likely woke her up. I can go get her right now, if that is what you would like.” Herbert speaks carefully, every word measured, despite being on the verge of screaming one of his many questions into her face. “Mrs. Vidal, I insist that you have a seat. You may start to experience side effects of the injection soon.” It’s an intentional error on his part, he needs to find certain things out without asking directly.
“Miss. Not Mrs. I’m not married,” Elena says as she follows him into the kitchen, not taking the assistance he offers, even after she practically lurches across the floor to get into one of the chairs. “It’s just the two of us.”
A part of Herbert feels pleased at her statement. That is until the full implications of everything hit him all at once. The familiar elements in the toddler’s face had not been a product of his imagination. He had not been projecting his own musings about the daughter he had been trying to not think about for so long. There was no psychological issue. The girl is his offspring.
“I feel nauseous. Is this normal?” Elena asks, bringing Herbert out of his thoughts.
“That depends. Have you eaten recently?” The quick shake of her head gets a nod from him in return. “That is to be expected. And what medications are you on?” It’s a logical question, he would ask any other patient this. Though the next one is not, but he needs to truly know if he’s been replaced. “Are you on birth control?”
“Yes, to all of those. I take a birth control pill, it’s a generic monophasic one. As for my other meds, I take Zoloft daily and Xanax as needed. I don’t remember the exact dosages off the top of my head but if you really need to know, I can go get them.”
“That won’t be necessary,” Herbert says. “May I ask why you’re on the Zoloft and Xanax?”
“There was some…trouble a few months after my daughter was born. And honestly before. It’s a long story, and there are a lot of gaps in my memory, but to sum it all up, I came all the way from Massachusetts for a reason.” She tried to laugh, but the brief sound was hollow. It wasn’t funny, not to any of them. “And that is probably why I got so upset.”
Herbert was putting it together, his mind racing as it always did when he was finding an answer to a question that had been plaguing him. “It’s alright,” he said, forcing himself to stay calm. “You have every right to your feelings,” he adds, borrowing a phrase he’s heard Dan use several times. Before Elena can respond, she bends over, arms wrapped around her stomach. Herbert moves quickly, grabbing a bowl from under the sink. Nothing should come up, but he’s learned the value of keeping a bowl nearby for things like this. “Thank you,” Elena mumbles, setting the bowl on her lap.
Moving quickly, Herbert gets one of Dan’s granola bars out of the cabinet and hands it to her. “Eat this. Slowly. You need it.” Elena nods and unwraps it, which brings some sort of sensation to the pit of Herbert’s stomach. Even right now, with her slowly eating the granola bar and her expression one of her nervousness tinged with nausea, Herbert is entranced by her. He wants to push her hair behind her ears and rest his hand on her shoulder. The memories of the small intimacies they had shared start seeping back and he’s grateful for the sound of footsteps on the stairs.
“What’s going on?” Dan asks, yawning as he walks into the kitchen. Herbert has no time to react before Dan sees Elena, stopping halfway into the room. “Herbert….who is this?”
“This is Elena Vidal, Johanna’s mother.” Herbert does his best to use his face to tell Dan to remain calm. This is a fragile moment, even he realizes this. It’s her, he knows this. And she’s right here, looking at the two of them questioningly. “Miss. Vidal, this is my colleague, Daniel Cain.”
There is not a flicker of recognition in her eyes as she stands to greet Dan, who thankfully looks more tired than anything else. Herbert knows that Dan will be bombarding him with questions once they’re alone, so he takes his time packing up Johanna’s things, though he leaves the stuffed bear that the girl loves so much. Dr. Mac will have to be separated from its owner for a while. He needs a reason to see them again. It’s the first step in his still forming plan.
Johanna eagerly runs to her mother when Herbert brings her downstairs. Elena refuses any help to carry her things back, and Herbert has to watch them go, staring at them from the window until they vanish from sight.
iii. maybe someday, I’ll be lucky (April 2000)
“I don’t see the point in engaging in this discussion.”
Elena just giggles at Herbert’s statement, wrinkling her nose a little. “That’s the idea. There is no point. It’s just for fun.” She lovingly runs a finger along his jaw, teasing him. Her legs are slung across his lap, it’s as close as they dare. The guard on duty is the one that often sleeps on the job, and it is lunchtime for most of the other inmates. They can be a little reckless, they can sit this closely. Her veil is on the floor, her hair is loose. For a moment, they feel almost…normal.
“I still fail to the see point in picking names for a child yet to be born.”
“It’s not set in stone. Come on, you never thought about it?”
“I never even considered having one until-.” He stops, realizing what he’s about to say. They try not to talk about the thing that hangs between them. Their lack of a real future. The look on her face makes him change course, hopefully distracting her. “I would not name a child after my parents. Their lack of any sort of impact on my life disqualifies them.”
Elena smiles sadly for a moment, cupping his jaw in her hand. “Then we’ll name none of our children after our parents. My parents already have enough children named after them.” She’s gained several new nieces and nephews since they had met and two had been named after her parents in some way. They would be fine if these hypothetical children didn’t bear their names.
A part of her needs to believe that there’s another world somewhere, a universe where this discussion isn’t so painful. There must be a place where they’re talking about this in their own home, the yellow house from her dreams, and they’re agreeing to wait several years before they start planning, but it would happen one day. There would be time.
The idea that they’re doomed no matter what is something she can’t take, not right now.
“The only person that I would bestow that honor on is Dr. Gruber.”
Upon hearing that, the smile on her face isn’t quite so sad anymore.
iv. come up to meet you (September 2003)
“Herbert, no. Let me do it.”
Of course, Dan’s protests are ignored, and Herbert continues his journey up the walkway. The bear is in hand, and he’s approaching the little house at the edge of town where his wife and child are residing. The fact that he had been able to wait several hours before going to return the stolen toy was a sign of his improved impulse control. Though stealing the bear in the first place basically negated that.
“I have to talk to her, Dan. You don’t-“
“If you say that I don’t understand…. dammit Herbert.” Dan drags his hand down his face, letting out a deep sigh. It would be hypocritical of him to stop his friend, not after what he had done to get Meg back. But there must be a better way to go about this than what Herbert is planning. He’s planning on the long game, it seems. Becoming a part of her life, waiting for her to remember. And if she doesn’t…. Dan doesn’t want to think about that. It feels wrong for Herbert to play this half-false role.
But all Herbert cares about is getting what he’s been wanting for years. He knows it would work, because it worked before. They had worked before, and they would work again. They had made vows and neither of them were the sort to take that sort of thing lightly. For once, answers could wait.
Maybe, as long as he has her back, Herbert would be content without answers. That’s the best Dan can hope for, and even that feels impossible.
Herbert knocks on the door, Dan hanging back a few feet, as if to stay out of a blast zone. Every worst-case scenario runs through his head in 90 or so seconds that it takes for Elena to come to the door. “Hey, I was just about to call you. I think my daughter left her…”
“Her bear.” Herbert holds up the stuffed animal, forcing his face to stay neutral as he takes in the sight of her. She’s changed her clothes, swapping the jeans and a t-shirt for a pair of shorts and a cutoff shirt that is high enough to reveal the scar on her abdomen. It’s raised, a tad crooked. The work of a butcher and in his anger, it takes Herbert a moment to realize that it’s a cesarean scar and that the same incompetents had delivered her daughter. His daughter.
Their daughter
“Thank you,” Elena says, taking the toy from him, their fingers brushing together. It brings him back to before, having to make do with brief touches because there were often eyes on them. “Do you have time to have some coffee? I just put on a pot.”
“We should-.” Dan starts to speak, but Herbert cuts him off, not even bothering to shoot him a glare.
“We have plenty of time.”
Nothing else matters, not right now. As he walks through the front door of her home, not even the work is relevant. Herbert’s eyes are fixed on Elena, taking in everything. He walks a little too close to her, watching the way her body moves from behind, silently marveling over the sight of her bare legs. It’s one of the small things that had been denied to them, among many other things. The sunlight catches in her hair and it’s another thing that’s new to him.
“Again, I have to apologize for my cousin. I think she just…panicked and did what she thought was best.” Elena glances at them over her shoulder, and Herbert shakes his head in response.
“Our goal here does include community outreach. And it was for the greater good. We thought that it would be best to allow your grandparents time to rest and recover without having to worry about taking care of a child. At their age, the flu is far more dangerous for them than it is for us.” Behind Herbert, Dan makes a face, as if he’s disagreeing with it. In his mind, there had been no ‘we’, this had been one of Herbert’s ideas and his idea alone. What was he supposed to do? Throw a toddler out on the streets?
But Elena doesn’t notice the look on Dan’s face, she’s only looking at Herbert. Dan wonders if they would even notice if he left.
“So where are you two from?” Elena asks as she pours out the coffee, Herbert noting that she takes it with cream and sugar, while he takes it black.
“Dan is from Washington, DC and I’m from Canada. But both of us attended medical school in Massachusetts-“ Herbert is cut off by the sound of Elena suddenly setting her mug on the table, her hands trembling in excitement.
“Really? Because that’s where I’m from! Born and raised!” Elena’s face lights up and she switches to English, her accent stronger as she speaks in her native tongue. “Did you go to Miskatonic?”
“No. Harvard.” Dan kicks Herbert under the table, knowing that he needed to lie. It makes him part of the whole…thing that is surely going to come from this, but he can’t let Herbert blow up their lives here. It’s been fine over the last few years, he’s content. But he can’t let Herbert take control of the situation, not when there’s a child involved.
“Still a great school. I’m biased, because I grew up in Arkham. But it’s not far, so we were probably practically neighbors.” Elena’s eyes are on Herbert and he feels that warmth that came with being in her orbit for the first time in a long time.
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castle-dominion · 11 months
5x5 probable cause
plot heavy one, idk if I want to watch it rn. Maybe I'll use the extra 20 minutes I won, even tho the dvd set is due soon.
(also just remembered a song: hey dom hey what show me how you buffalo I'll show you how I buffalo with my hands up high & my feet down low, this is how I buffalo buff-alo bu buff-alo, buff-alo, buf buff alo hey next person)
Ok so I did indeed spend some of my minutes reading a fic idea to my brother for his opinion bc he's smart but he gave no thoughts.
Why wouldn't tess pick up the mail? She's dead that's why Oh no blood oh it's still dripping Oh yo that is gross af
lmao castle comes out with a sword Oh yeah. College. Laundry. Oh yeah. College. Visiting home & eating food. RC: what abt your laundry? My lil bro: What about your lung water? love how the guitar sound plays while he toys with the orange juice
Lanie won't sleep for weeks? doctor parish? who works with the dead? who has been to countless murder scenes? probs more than a hundred even Would you need a second person to help you put up the body
it WAS the roommate!
Why is ryan standing facing more to castle than the murder board? ig bc castle is speaking but... Make a copy of the symbol & run it through the internet
saturday, what day is it today? I like how the body is not super fresh like it usually is drugged? yep I was right!
ryan's outfit ooh so so nice. It is nicely woven & I might grab a pic. surgically wiped?
RC: Jewelry. I never would've thought of that. [for the crime finger prints] KB: I guess I'll have to remind you when my birthday's coming up. [telling rick to think of that in a different context] Esposito looks nice & all but he is just wearing a tshirt
Yeah, ok, tons of ppl forget to wipe their fingerprints off the outside of the apartment they just murdered in.
Lol he IS in the system, he has been arrested too much
Interesting editing & stuff. v nice. oh right, dun dun dun it's castle & all that csu got them first? I mean good... they always mess up the crime scenes
I had smth to say but forgot it bc I am not pausing the ep as much as I have in the past. espt has his gun
Not that you KNOW of first name? JE: Contaminated crime scene is not a joke. I'll square this away with CSU. You watch your hands next time, okay?
Looks enough like Someone We Know... Ok but isn't the juvvie file sealed until they actually commit a crime as an adult? This guy has not been proven to have done any crimes yet
Hm. Man has curlier hair than I expected. friday morning, friday evening... Hm I like his shirt. Kind of pink but faint squares patterned on it.
True, he would probably not be flustered
Ah good, they have a diagram of the sigil thing
KB: A diamond earring? KR: We found it in the couch. CSU couldn't pull a print off it, but you see the design? That's custom - Erica Courtney. JE: And you know this how? KR: I recognized it from when Jenny and I went ring shopping. [Esposito gives Ryan a teasingly dubious look.] KR: Anyway,
Looks like Someone We Know you can't see the hair colour there bro. Also othe nose is too long
first names & stuff.
*closes the door after becks leaves but before espt can, right in front of his face* Javi, there's something you need to know
Cut to the shock at finding out abt their relationship He looks ahocked af lmao Normally I'd be happy for them! Also neat to see his financials. Mostly car & cab stuff. A radio donation tho which sounds fun. So many first names this episode
Did I throw a party & forget again? XD At least he is seeing the warrant The way he waited for her to say who bought it for her implies he didn't know LT holding him back THE MUSIC WHEN HER EYES GO TO HIM DANG
If the killer was THAT meticulous, then he would not have left evidence like that in his own apartment
Find evidence. That is your job
When you look through castle's phone records we know well you only learned of it this day my dude reminds me of the "we're detectives" 'called your dad' scene
Yeah. Gates is probs the best for this interrogation His scalp moved lol RC: I'm flattered but it wasn't me! castle it is not best to point fingers away from yourself for the sake of getting them away from you. I mean it is, it is important that they investigate all avenues, but still. How does a burner cell send a messag efrom tess's phone? Paid companion is a nice way to put it
Girl you can check his word count, teachers use that technology to check how students are doing tests. It shows when the changed were made.
love martha's gloves the music is great saying "nobody could have gotten in" is not helpful
Remember back in like s2 or smth when becks said "don't worry castle I'd break you out" it was the galaxy of greg episode, the prison break episode yeah 3x5
the same way as tessa's? But the affair? Seriously? That was included in the details? Oof the music
sitting on the floor hhhh crying hhhhhhhhhhhh maybe he was already writing the dry run & killed her in strangling passion & then he used the written murder (which he as not planning on committing) to hide it & deleted the file to hide that fact
like a little boy so scared sdjdskhfjsh sad sad sad "fun?"
Oooh nice angle babes!
FREAKIN J ROOK? I DID NOT GET A CHANCE TO SEE THAT THE FIRST TIME HOLY CROWS 3XK??? but i don't think human noses can tho... do you legit prefer to go by 3xk? not the triple killer not jerry tyson not any other names you had? (btw, marcus gates killed two women & attempted killing another, NOT jerry tyson. I don't think we have actually seen 3xk kill anyone on the show yet. (I noticed that she was strangled with a scarf or rope when dr parish mentioned it earlier this episode but I didn't want to spoil it)
Yeah he really is thorough isn't he He's right, I did think that while he strangled her she is not blonde. Yeah was the writing style castle's? He already said that he prefers 3xk, ricky four years in prison. He was going to pin it on marcus gates, give his brother the surgery, & marcus would go to prison & then he could go killing again. That was his vanishing act. I thought u said u could smell fear not taste it I can see that. Destroy.. ..you,, better than kill not the daughter, not the making love, this is freaking horrifying, & I kind of love it lies of a desperate man, esp one who writes fiction Wait so you WILL kill him? or get him killed? Look into the guys he hired then! Look into the hitmen! lil bro: Scratch him! Get his DNA under your nails!
I wonder how ryan is reacting to this. castle's blue eyes are colourless in this lighting, I love it.
3xk targeted women to kill, he is not killing castle tho Ooh I always like ryan's square patterned shirts
"not at this time" is a great response
Been to central as a cop or as a prisoner esposito? & I like beckett's turtleneck too
I think Dever's acting is the only thing here,
who the heck is "jav"? That's like if a "P.J." was to go by "Peej" or "P" when PJ is already a nickname for peter jacob or paul james or whatever. lil bro: jav you found any evidence yet?
Oh wait... she is not thinking of holding's security for keeping him, she is thinking of it for breaking him out!! WHO got out of holding? Tyson? No, when? Wasn't it the CIA guy who also took a body? gates was like "how did he walk out the front door?" When was tyson ever in holding? He appeared in 3x6, then his gun in 4x14, & now in 5x5, but he was never in holding. 4x15 pandora thomas gage left holding. OH WAIT TYSON DID IT NOW, TODAY I love him too <3 <3 <3
castle still making jokes That flashback <3 Velasquez & LT! We know both their names! Oof he's just walking thry there, everyone sees him, look at that, also look at those boobs on that man. OH NO WHO TOOK HIM!?!?!?
OH NO 3XK KILLED HIM He IS well connected, he is well connected, has resources, & knows procedure, you're correct So what's our next *turns & becks is gone* ...Move?
Like ryan pretending to be a kid in the library in kick the ballistics man still needs to change his look the less you know DEFINITELY the better
Right! He really is the son of a broadway star
Wow lol weirdos there
wow it IS richard castle See? I said the nose is not right
I have not paused enough & I keep not writing things down but I am running out of my allotted time. Anyway I remember what I forgot: ryan doesn't get a lot of screen time, he is wading thru paperwork, he is messed up with this case, he is hurt & angry & doing everything he can to help castle & get 3xk.
looks "a bit" like the show's producer? yeah no
becks maybe don't reveal that you're with a fugitive...
lmao french serial killer Most ppl don't use initials. Calls them "kev" & "espo" & a little earlier "jav" <3
It is not going to be a person it will be a rotating fan or smth wearing their vests but not castle lol remember when ben conrad who wasn't ben conrad shot someone & then disappeared into the closet or smth? What if 3xk did that & he's still here?
Why is castle still here?
He should become a murder mystery writer then, if he likes the pageantry of killing but death only takes a moment.
VG: For this, at least. There's still the matter of your escape from custody. I like gates' looks right now. rly pretty, nice hair, nice red coat girl he escaped before, I'm sure he can do it again.
This is NOT just a place for a stationary conversation for the point of an interesting director's/writer's choice
running em off the bridge? Haven't we seen that already?
He fell back & she kept shooting, which, good, double tap, but she has decently good aim Is that blood on his face? WHERE did he throw away the gun? don't telegraph your location idiot
that is a lot of bubbling water
just like james gillies. He is NOT that careless you are correct. But then why was he meticulous enough in other places? Because either way he would win? either castle dies & beckett lives knowing he was innocent, or castle escapes but 3xk fakes his death?
Just like derrick storm! It has to be public & it has to be final
For now
Ooh interesting outro music! I freaking love it! I should grab my fiddle! Holy moly! They wree right when they wrote this, it can be groovy spy music, it can be sexy 40s music, it can be silly little silly guy music, it can be tragic romantic music... It is a good little riff
Ok now that was incredible. I also wish we got more ryan time in this ep but they couldn't include it bc if they did they would have to include more of him to explain & resolve it. Or you know, maybe I'll be forced to write an episode tag fanfic.
I got off at 15.30, perfect timing!
but now I've spent a whole hour working on a fanfic with my little bro. a casefic dw.
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